The PILOT - July 2022
The PILOT - July 2022
The PILOT - July 2022
Tournament director Bob Evans (left) and men’s second place winner
Sundar Venkateswaran (right).
When the results were tallied, Daniel Gabioud was once again
the men’s champion, with 19 games won. Sundar Venkateswaran
was the runner up, with 16 games. Among the women, the top
player was Mel Mendoza, who racked up 17 games, followed
closely by Sarah Ehler and Amanda Chen, who tied for second
place with 16 games each.
Upcoming events are the July 16th open play and the tournament
on July 23rd. For more info, or to join, go to
Let’s play tennis!
Desert Cottontail
defense mechanism is their
excellent hearing thanks to
by Niharika Prachanda, a resident of Redwood Shores, student at their long ears, and wind
Carlmont High School, and part of Carlmont’s Media Arts Program interferes with that.
erefore, they tend to lay
e Desert Cottontail (Sylvilagus audubonii) is a species of rabbit. low when it’s blustery.
ey possess narrow, rounded, translucent ears, gray-brown fur
with white edges, and a white tummy. Males and females are near-
indistinguishable, although female rabbits do tend to be slightly
bigger. As desert cottontails often live in, well, deserts, they by
necessity are very good at thermoregulation in order to not lose too
113℉. ese lagomorphs (fun fact: rabbits, hares, and pikas are
not considered rodents; they’re a whole distinct order) often utilize
their ears and panting in order to minimize water loss.
As far as rabbit sociability goes, desert cottontails are pretty middle-
of-the-road. Although they don’t engage in social burrowing like Library Materials Donation Event
their cousin, the European rabbit, they also often feed in small
groups and are quite accepting of having other rabbits near them. On the third Saturday of the month, (nexT evenT: JuLy 16Th)
is species does have a hierarchy. Breeding season is from January from 10am to Noon, Friends of the Library is holding a material
to late summertime, and kittens are considered altricial, as they are donation event at the Redwood Shores Library.
born naked and blind. However, they do grow quickly; eyes are WAnTed ITemS: Books, CDs, DVDs in Very Good Condition.
open by day 10, fully weaned by day 14, and one week later they’re Friends especially needs donations of children's books.
independent and ready to go off on their own. Gestation is about
a month, and litters contain up to 6 kittens. dO nOT BRIng: Anything more than slightly worn. No Magazines,
Encyclopedias, Hard Back Adult Fiction if older than 3 years.
ese rabbits tend to be very skittish, and will run at the slightest
hint of a threat. Coupled with their incredible speed, as they can Donors can just drive up and drop off their books in bags or boxes.
move at a pace of up to 20 mph, they aren’t easy to photograph, Sale of the donations are used to fund library programming.
and I’d put them next to hummingbirds in difficulty. Of course, WhO ARe The FRIendS OF The RedWOOd CITy LIBRARy?
this skittishness is justified, as desert cottontails have many
50 dedicated volunteers that dedicate 6,000 hours per year sorting,
predators, and very few kits make it to adulthood because of this.
scanning and pricing thousands of books, managing online book
Local predators include hawks, mountain lions, and squirrels,
sales and staffing our book store and other sales every month.
although note that they typically only go after sick, injured, or
juvenile bunnies. Humans have also historically hunted these Learn more at:
rabbits for their meat and hides.
Page 8 July 2022 e PILOT
e PILOT July 2022 Page 9
Page 10 July 2022 e PILOT
Construction on our RESCU projects continues with significant work being completed every day. All three projects
(Front of Plant, Gravity Pipeline, and Pump Stations Improvements) have our full attention and are proceeding along as
scheduled. It’s a particularly interesting time in the life of a construction project – doing the planning for commissioning
a new facility even while construction is ongoing.
At the Front of Plant site, construction work progresses at the Surge and Flow Splitter
(SFS) shaft. SVCW’s contractor partner, Shea Parsons Joint Venture (SPJV), has
completed installation of pipe penetrations on the north and south sides of the shaft,
with the curing of concrete in progress for pipe supports. With the structural work
at the SFS shaft walls ending, preparations for architectural work on the interior of
the shaft have begun. SPJV is performing sweep blasting on the shaft walls and floor,
a cleaning method used to remove loose material and roughen surfaces prior to
applying a coating. Simultaneously, SPJV completed installing rebar and placing
concrete for the precast SFS roof sections within the forms which were set up onsite
near the SFS shaft. ese roof sections will be placed over the SFS opening after
interior wall coating is complete.
SFS Shaft Work
e Gravity Pipeline project is in its last phase of work! Following the completion of fiberglass reinforced polymer (FRP)
pipe install inside the gravity tunnel, SVCW’s contractor partner for the Gravity Pipeline project, Barnard Bessac Joint
Venture (BBJV), is making headway towards conclusion of the gravity pipeline construction. Final construction inspections
of the tunnel have been completed in the last two months as BBJV prepares to complete the final steps in construction and
demobilization. All of the restoration and quality control work is being performed with a high level of coordination with
Quality Assurance inspectors. With the Gravity Pipeline project in its last phase of work, SVCW and BBJV are working
together with the other RESCU project teams to coordinate the startup activities for the entire rehabilitated SVCW
wastewater conveyance system.
Construction continues on the Belmont Gravity Pipeline (BGP) along Shoreway Road in Belmont and San Carlos. SVCW’s
contractor partner, Shea Parsons Joint Venture (SPJV), and SPJV’s subcontractor Power Engineering Construction (PEC),
continues to make progress with Phase 3 of the construction work. Construction of Jacking Shaft 3 (JS-3) is underway,
with PEC completing sheet piles for support of the shaft excavation during upcoming microtunneling activities. ese
sheet piles are interlocking sheets which provide temporary excavation support and help with soil support and keeping the
excavation free of the surrounding groundwater. After completing the sheet piling driving operation, PEC began excavation
of the shaft. SPJV continues to ensure consistent coordination with the SVCW public outreach team and neighboring
businesses to limit impacts to traffic and construction noise. ank you for pardoning our dust!
Read more detailed updates, as well as learn more about the RESCU project by visiting
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Redwood City, CA 94065
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Bret is a native of the SF Peninsula and has a wealth of knowledge of the neighborhood. Call Bret if you are thinking of buying or selling today!
Calling All
Redwood Shores
CERT Members!
Please join us for a CERT potluck and neighborhood
meeting, the main topic of discussion is how we will begin
organizing the Redwood Shores CERT community!
WhAT: CERT Meeting and Potluck
dATe: ursday, July 21st
TIme: 6:00 to 7:45 PM
WheRe: Redwood Shores Library at 399 Marine Parkway,
Meeting Room A
WhO: Redwood Shores CERT Members
BRIng: A dish to share, serving utensils & a refillable water
bottle. (Plates, forks, knives and napkins will be provided.)
RSvP: Contact Lee Bach at
by Monday, July 18th if you plan to attend, or, if you are
unable to attend, please email her to indicate how you’d like
to be involved with CERT in Redwood Shores in the future.
ThAnk yOu!
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