The PILOT - July 2022

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Summer Fire Dangers!

Calendar of RSCA Events

As this edition was finalized, alerts went out about a large fire in
the hills between San Carlos and Woodside. You may have first
noticed fire suppression helicopters, or detected smoke in the air.
e Edgewood Fire closed Cañada Road for a while, as the quickly

Two More Sounds of the Shores Events

spreading grassfire spread to the east of Cañada, between Jefferson
and I-280. Fire department response was swift and extensive, but
after 7 hours, the 20-acre fire Plan to attend these summer concerts scheduled
was only 5% contained and to take place in Marlin Park on:
20% contained in 24 hours. Sunday, July 24th at 5-7pm — Cocktail Monkeys
An Evacuation Center was set Sunday, August 21st at 5-7pm — The Deep Fake
National Night Out — Tuesday, August 2nd
up at Veterans Memorial Senior
Center, and closed up once
You’re invited to participate in National Night Out
Photo credit: NBC
orders and warnings were lifted.
right here in Redwood Shores! Meet your
neighbors, discuss community safety, and support
Hot, dry and breezy conditions that occur in summer can lend

local police officers and our fire department.

themselves to scary and dangerous outcomes in all areas of
California. It is incredibly important that residents take
precautions and prepare themselves for worst case scenarios.
RSCA’s Annual Levee Cleanup — August 27th
• Have water or an extinguisher on hand when Save the date for our annual Clean Up Event!
handling anything that could spark or ignite. Contact to help with the
• Know how to extinguish a small fire before it’s event. Stay tuned for additional details.
You can always find more information about these
out of control.
• ink about what steps you would take if you and other community events on our web site at:
needed to evacuate and where you would go.
Have your essentials ready in a “go bag”.
• Plan for power outages. (Flashlights ready!)
Extensive emergency preparedness information is available at Hopefully you’ll never need it, but it’s
best to be ready.
Hopefully too, you will spend lots of your summer days filled
with bike rides, walks along the waterways, playing tennis, and
listening to Sounds of the Shores — sure signs of summertime!
And, even in summertime, Shores residents should pay attention
to city council, San Mateo County, and local situations that will
affect the future of the Shores. (Note, Redwood LIFE submitted
their application for redevelopment. For details, review page 16.)

RSCA wishes you a safe & happy summer!

Page 2 July 2022 e PILOT
Cocktail Monkeys perform July 24th! (photo from their 2018 performance)

e Cocktail Monkeys (pictured above) are up next on Sunday,

July 24th from 5-7pm in Marlin Park, and e Deep Fake will
be there on Sunday, August 21st!
RSCA hopes you enjoy the summer concert series, and
accompanying food trucks! Bring a blanket or chairs, cash for
the food truck, and enjoy the music in Marlin Park this summer!
If you enjoy community events like these concerts in the Shores,
Sounds of the Shores is a wonderful, long-standing summer and want to see them continue or expand, please consider
tradition! It would not have been possible without the on-going volunteering your time and talent as a board member for RSCA.
requests and effort made by the Redwood Shores Community Contact for details.
Association (RSCA) in partnership with Redwood City’s Parks,
Recreation and Community Services (PRCS) Department.
Have a rockin’ summer!
is summer, Sounds of the Shores kicked off with classic rock
music by e Shanks, on Sunday, June 26th at Marlin Park.
(Photo is from their 2019 concert in the Shores.) You may also enjoy this film festival in Redwood City this month!

Brave Maker Film Fest — Four days of parties, panels, workshops

and film screenings July 7-10th in Redwood City, California.

Page 4 July 2022 e PILOT

274 Redwood Shores Pkwy, PMB #603
Redwood Shores, CA 94065 - 1173 |
Board of Directors
Nina Boire Connie Munevar
Martha Cullimore Sue Nix
Carol Ford Ben Ploshay National Night Out culminates annually on the first
Tuesday in August — this year that’s August 2nd, 2022.
Rona Gundrum Bob Slusser National Night Out enhances the relationship between
Shannon Guzzetta Aaron Susman neighbors and law enforcement while bringing back a
true sense of community. Furthermore, it provides a
Anne Hagan Steven Tsujisaka great opportunity to bring police and neighbors together
Don Long Shawn White under positive circumstances.
Several neighborhoods within Redwood Shores will gather
(Email us if you would like to become a board member to during National Night Out — hopefully you will enjoy
serve on a committee, or volunteer to plan upcoming events.) meeting your neighbors & strengthening our community.
For more information, visit
RSCA’s Board of Directors meet on the 2nd ursday
of each month, at the Sandpiper Community Center,
or online via Zoom, depending on conditions.
Our next Board Meeting will be at 6:30pm on:
July 14th, 2022 • Summer Fire Dangers ................................................Page 1
• RSCA Events Calendar..............................................Page 1
ArchitecturAl Design BoArD (non-HOA areas): • Sounds of the Shores & RWC Film Fest ....................Page 4
• National Night Out Information...............................Page 5
For CC&R copies & information, email <>
• Redwood Shores Library Information........................Page 6
• Redwood Shores Tennis Club ....................................Page 6
DEADLINES for e PILOT • Redwood Shores Nature Spotlight .............................Page 8
Space reservations are due at the end of the first week of each • Friends of the Library Donation Event ........................Page 8
month, with articles and artwork due by the end of the second • Pizza Party for a Cause (Save the Shores)....................Page 10
week of each month, for the following month’s issue. • Silicon Valley Clean Water Updates .........................Page 12
Please email <> for a precise schedule.
• From the Mayor .....................................................Page 14
PUBLISHER: Redwood Shores Community Association • Development of Redwood Shores (an excerpt) ...........Page 14
e PILOT is the official monthly publication of • People’s Budget Projects...........................................Page 15
the Redwood Shores Community Association.
• Calling All Redwood Shores CERT members ............Page 15
CIRCULATION: 6,000 Shores Households & Businesses • Astrophotography in the Shores...............................Page 16
Opinions published in e PILOT are solely those of the • Save e Shores / Redwood LIFE Development ........Page 16
authors and not the expressions of RSCA unless so officially and
• Belmont Water Dog Run.........................................Page 17
expressly designated.
• Shores Business Classified Ads .................................Page 18
• RSCA Seeks a New PILOT Editor...........................Page 19 e PILOT July 2022 Page 5

by Monique Seibel
To kick off the summer season, RSTC’s May tournament was
themed Red, White and Blue. e format was men’s, women’s
and mixed, all doubles, but there was a smaller than usual
turnout, just eight players. As a result, there were no byes and
everyone got to play four rounds of eight-game, no-ad sets.
Karen Broderson did the math for setting up the draw and
Bob Evans was on hand all day to smooth out the wrinkles, of
which there were a few—not all registered players arrived on time
and one didn’t show up.
Some of the players stayed for the bag-lunch social in the park
immediately after the tournament, and other members who
hadn’t played that day joined them as well. Barb Urrutia baked
Ghirardelli brownies for all to enjoy.

Tournament director Bob Evans (left) and men’s second place winner
Sundar Venkateswaran (right).

When the results were tallied, Daniel Gabioud was once again
the men’s champion, with 19 games won. Sundar Venkateswaran
was the runner up, with 16 games. Among the women, the top
player was Mel Mendoza, who racked up 17 games, followed
closely by Sarah Ehler and Amanda Chen, who tied for second
place with 16 games each.
Upcoming events are the July 16th open play and the tournament
on July 23rd. For more info, or to join, go to
Let’s play tennis!

If you have information of interest to share with Shores residents, submit

content to for inclusion as space allows. e PILOT
is mailed monthly to all RWS addresses, and available at

Page 6 July 2022 e PILOT

As far as what these creatures eat, desert cottontails are strict
herbivores, and are also considered gramnivores, or grass eaters, as
grass comprises 90% of their diet, supplemented by leaves, bark,
fruits, and twigs. ey are also coprohagic, meaning that they enjoy
dining upon their own fecal matter, in order to maximize
nutritional intake. Fun fact: they don’t often need to drink, as they
can effectively extract all the hydration they require from plants and
morning dew.
If you’re wondering where
you can find these resourceful
rabbits, the grassy area right
behind the Bay Trail is your
best bet, and they’re most
active at dawn or dusk.
However, you’ll have less luck
Redwood Shores Nature Spotlight: on windy days. is is due to
the fact that their primary

Desert Cottontail
defense mechanism is their
excellent hearing thanks to
by Niharika Prachanda, a resident of Redwood Shores, student at their long ears, and wind
Carlmont High School, and part of Carlmont’s Media Arts Program interferes with that.
erefore, they tend to lay
e Desert Cottontail (Sylvilagus audubonii) is a species of rabbit. low when it’s blustery.
ey possess narrow, rounded, translucent ears, gray-brown fur
with white edges, and a white tummy. Males and females are near-
indistinguishable, although female rabbits do tend to be slightly
bigger. As desert cottontails often live in, well, deserts, they by
necessity are very good at thermoregulation in order to not lose too

are capable of tolerating temperatures of around 45℃, or about

much water. In fact, for a very short period of time their bodies

113℉. ese lagomorphs (fun fact: rabbits, hares, and pikas are
not considered rodents; they’re a whole distinct order) often utilize
their ears and panting in order to minimize water loss.
As far as rabbit sociability goes, desert cottontails are pretty middle-
of-the-road. Although they don’t engage in social burrowing like Library Materials Donation Event
their cousin, the European rabbit, they also often feed in small
groups and are quite accepting of having other rabbits near them. On the third Saturday of the month, (nexT evenT: JuLy 16Th)
is species does have a hierarchy. Breeding season is from January from 10am to Noon, Friends of the Library is holding a material
to late summertime, and kittens are considered altricial, as they are donation event at the Redwood Shores Library.
born naked and blind. However, they do grow quickly; eyes are WAnTed ITemS: Books, CDs, DVDs in Very Good Condition.
open by day 10, fully weaned by day 14, and one week later they’re Friends especially needs donations of children's books.
independent and ready to go off on their own. Gestation is about
a month, and litters contain up to 6 kittens. dO nOT BRIng: Anything more than slightly worn. No Magazines,
Encyclopedias, Hard Back Adult Fiction if older than 3 years.
ese rabbits tend to be very skittish, and will run at the slightest
hint of a threat. Coupled with their incredible speed, as they can Donors can just drive up and drop off their books in bags or boxes.
move at a pace of up to 20 mph, they aren’t easy to photograph, Sale of the donations are used to fund library programming.
and I’d put them next to hummingbirds in difficulty. Of course, WhO ARe The FRIendS OF The RedWOOd CITy LIBRARy?
this skittishness is justified, as desert cottontails have many
50 dedicated volunteers that dedicate 6,000 hours per year sorting,
predators, and very few kits make it to adulthood because of this.
scanning and pricing thousands of books, managing online book
Local predators include hawks, mountain lions, and squirrels,
sales and staffing our book store and other sales every month.
although note that they typically only go after sick, injured, or
juvenile bunnies. Humans have also historically hunted these Learn more at:
rabbits for their meat and hides.
Page 8 July 2022 e PILOT
e PILOT July 2022 Page 9
Page 10 July 2022 e PILOT
Construction on our RESCU projects continues with significant work being completed every day. All three projects
(Front of Plant, Gravity Pipeline, and Pump Stations Improvements) have our full attention and are proceeding along as
scheduled. It’s a particularly interesting time in the life of a construction project – doing the planning for commissioning
a new facility even while construction is ongoing.
At the Front of Plant site, construction work progresses at the Surge and Flow Splitter
(SFS) shaft. SVCW’s contractor partner, Shea Parsons Joint Venture (SPJV), has
completed installation of pipe penetrations on the north and south sides of the shaft,
with the curing of concrete in progress for pipe supports. With the structural work
at the SFS shaft walls ending, preparations for architectural work on the interior of
the shaft have begun. SPJV is performing sweep blasting on the shaft walls and floor,
a cleaning method used to remove loose material and roughen surfaces prior to
applying a coating. Simultaneously, SPJV completed installing rebar and placing
concrete for the precast SFS roof sections within the forms which were set up onsite
near the SFS shaft. ese roof sections will be placed over the SFS opening after
interior wall coating is complete.
SFS Shaft Work
e Gravity Pipeline project is in its last phase of work! Following the completion of fiberglass reinforced polymer (FRP)
pipe install inside the gravity tunnel, SVCW’s contractor partner for the Gravity Pipeline project, Barnard Bessac Joint
Venture (BBJV), is making headway towards conclusion of the gravity pipeline construction. Final construction inspections
of the tunnel have been completed in the last two months as BBJV prepares to complete the final steps in construction and
demobilization. All of the restoration and quality control work is being performed with a high level of coordination with
Quality Assurance inspectors. With the Gravity Pipeline project in its last phase of work, SVCW and BBJV are working
together with the other RESCU project teams to coordinate the startup activities for the entire rehabilitated SVCW
wastewater conveyance system.
Construction continues on the Belmont Gravity Pipeline (BGP) along Shoreway Road in Belmont and San Carlos. SVCW’s
contractor partner, Shea Parsons Joint Venture (SPJV), and SPJV’s subcontractor Power Engineering Construction (PEC),
continues to make progress with Phase 3 of the construction work. Construction of Jacking Shaft 3 (JS-3) is underway,
with PEC completing sheet piles for support of the shaft excavation during upcoming microtunneling activities. ese
sheet piles are interlocking sheets which provide temporary excavation support and help with soil support and keeping the
excavation free of the surrounding groundwater. After completing the sheet piling driving operation, PEC began excavation
of the shaft. SPJV continues to ensure consistent coordination with the SVCW public outreach team and neighboring
businesses to limit impacts to traffic and construction noise. ank you for pardoning our dust!

Read more detailed updates, as well as learn more about the RESCU project by visiting

Page 12 July 2022 e PILOT

e PILOT July 2022 Page 13
from the mAyor
gISeLLe hALe
Key messages from this month’s article:
An Excerpt from:
• We continue to take action to ensure a safe & inviting downtown
amid recent disruptive youth activities & use of illegal fireworks THE DEVELOPMENT OF REDWOOD SHORES
• We worked with urgency to develop a multi-faceted strategy BY JEANNE THIVIERGE
centered in the City’s priorities related to children and youth, e area now referred to as Redwood Shores is a 1,500-acre estate
public safety, economic vitality, and community for all surrounded by Highway 101 on the west, San Francisco Bay on
• Balancing these objectives requires creativity, collaboration & time the east, Belmont Slough on the north, and Steinberger Slough on
the south. e site was originally part of an extensive marshland
Recently, there have been incidents of large crowds of juvenile system that bordered the Bay along what is now San Mateo County.
bicyclists visiting downtown, primarily near Courthouse Square. Historically, oysters and clams were plentiful in the area, and there
While many are obeying the law, there have been episodes of traffic is evidence that the local Native Americans living on the Peninsula
violations, property damage, and the use of illegal fireworks. gathered much of their food from the surrounding tidal waterways.
We know safety is job #1, and we are working with our police and From 1795 into the 1850’s, Redwood Peninsula as the area became
fire departments to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all who visit known, was part of the Rancho de las Pulgas owned by the
our downtown and the businesses who make it thrive. We’re also Arguello family. e site was used primarily for cattle grazing.
working to address the youth behavioral issues manifesting in this After California became part of the United States in 1848, this
behavior to keep kids out of trouble. We worked with urgency to land as well as the rest became of the Pulgas Ranch, was sold off in
develop a multi-faceted strategy centered in the City’s priorities sections to various individuals and commercial interests of the
related to children and youth, public safety, economic vitality, and rapidly increasing Anglo population.
community for all. Balancing all of these objectives requires In the late 1870’s, the Morgan Oyster Company began importing
creativity, collaboration and time. But, rest assured, we are doing and transplanting live Eastern oysters to the bay waters off of the
everything we can to ensure a safe and inviting downtown, and Redwood Peninsula. Two oyster watch houses were constructed
providing resources to youth focused on more positive outlets. on the south side of the Belmont Slough in 1877 and 1884.
rough partnerships with community-based organizations like Morgan’s headquarters were located on Steinberger Slough.
Redwood City Police Activities League (PAL) and Redwood City Because of an increase in hay pollution, however, oyster harvests
Together, school districts, and parents, we are making progress dropped dramatically after 1900 and the industry collapsed.
in developing youth activities and programming for our youth. According to official San Mateo County maps, by 1877 about half
rough that engagement, we continue to explore alternatives of the land was owned by San Francisco jeweler John W. Tucker
for youth to develop and display bike skills safely while focusing and the rest by millionaire and U.S. Senator George Hearst. e
their energy on more positive outcomes. maps indicated that Hearst had purchased all of the acreage by
We also understand that the use of illegal fireworks is a frustrating 1894. A partnership between three local individuals – Hall,
problem. Fireworks are dangerous and can result in fires and Dungan, & Allard – had purchased 1,200 acres of the site by 1909,
injuries that are easily preventable. ey also cause unnecessary and a private company owned the remaining 335 acres. Sometime
anxiety and fear in our community. When reporting illegal firework in the early 1920’s, a group of entrepreneurs formed the San
use, call the Redwood City Police Department non-emergency line Francisco Bay Terminal Company. e syndicate bought several
at (650) 780-7118 at the time of the incident and provide specific thousand acres of bay front property, including all of Redwood
addresses or identifying information to assist responding officers. Peninsula, with the idea of building several deep-water docking
Tracking down instances of illegal use is difficult, but by doing so, wharves for ships. Public protest caused the investors to abandon
this helps our officers enforce the City’s Social Host Ordinance by the harbor project, however, and in 1928, the Leslie Salt Company
tying a specific property to the illegal activity. acquired the land. Leslie was originally located in San Mateo, but
To exasperate the issue, maintaining staffing is an ongoing (then) moved its center of operations adjacent to the Port of
challenge; this is particularly acute in the Police Department as Redwood City. Leslie built a series of earthen dikes that protected
has been seen nationally. While recruitment continues for open the land from the tidal action of the Bay. e salt conglomerate
Police Officer positions, our current staffing levels remain stressed. also owned Bair Island, the area to the south of the Redwood
We value the safety of our community, the vitality of our Peninsula between Steinberger Slough and the Port of Redwood
downtown, local businesses, and the needs of children and youth. City, and for many years the two land masses were referred to as
We’ll continue our proactive work to address this immediate need Redwood Shores and used by Leslie as salt brine evaporation areas.
through collaboration, responsiveness and excellence. (An additional excerpt will be provided in a future edition of e PILOT.)
Page 14 July 2022 e PILOT
55 vasilakos Way menlo Park, CA 94025
5 Bedroom, 5.5 Bathrooms
3,693 Sq Ft., 10,177 Lot Size
LIST PRICe $6,345,000

B R e T e vA n S
282 Redwood Shores Pkwy
Redwood City, CA 94065
Licensed Broker 25 Years
CalDRE# 01223530
(650) 722-6555

Bret is a native of the SF Peninsula and has a wealth of knowledge of the neighborhood. Call Bret if you are thinking of buying or selling today!

Calling All
Redwood Shores
CERT Members!
Please join us for a CERT potluck and neighborhood
meeting, the main topic of discussion is how we will begin
organizing the Redwood Shores CERT community!
WhAT: CERT Meeting and Potluck
dATe: ursday, July 21st
TIme: 6:00 to 7:45 PM
WheRe: Redwood Shores Library at 399 Marine Parkway,
Meeting Room A
WhO: Redwood Shores CERT Members
BRIng: A dish to share, serving utensils & a refillable water
bottle. (Plates, forks, knives and napkins will be provided.)
RSvP: Contact Lee Bach at
by Monday, July 18th if you plan to attend, or, if you are
unable to attend, please email her to indicate how you’d like
to be involved with CERT in Redwood Shores in the future.
ThAnk yOu!

e PILOT July 2022 Page 15

As you may have heard from Save the Shores or local news
outlets, Redwood LIFE’s property owner, Longfellow Real Estate
Partners, submitted their long-awaited redevelopment planning
application to the City of Redwood City a few weeks ago.
Save the Shores (STS) is an established 501(c)(3) non-profit
organization fighting issues of all sizes that benefit the environment,
wildlife, and community well-being around Redwood Shores. STS
is the only group with Redwood Shores Community Association’s
(RSCA) endorsement and partnership. Our organization is not
affiliated with the small, neighbor-led group solely focused on
Astrophotography in the Shores stopping the Redwood LIFE development project.
by Kumar Srinivasan As an established organization, STS has a strict conflict of interest
policy prohibiting personal and financial gains from our group’s
Seeing (or capturing) a galaxy or two through an eyepiece (or camera actions. Our group also does not oppose all development projects.
lens) attached to a moderately sized consumer telescope can be a We understand that in some situations, development is necessary.
thrilling experience, but what about when a single frame captures And, if done properly, with the consultation of environmental
dozens of galaxies? It will be awe-inspiring, to say the least! One such
groups like STS, some projects may benefit the environment and
patch of our local Universe called the Virgo Supercluster is making its
preserve or enhance our community’s well-being.
way across the skies this time of the year. e photo accompanying
this column is a much narrower frame of this region, called Markarian’s e development proposals STS opposes are those we believe are
Chain and is ~2 deg wide (four full-moon widths). ere are at least unnecessary or could harm our environment, wildlife, or
30 galaxies that my camera recorded in this frame (an annotated community well-being. Our organization opposes such plans
version is posted on my website)! is description is from NASA: until the developer and regulatory bodies adequately mitigate all
raised concerns and include lifelong commitments to preserving
“Near the heart of the Virgo Galaxy Cluster the string of galaxies known
and improving our local environment, including the community’s
as Markarian’s Chain stretches across this deep telescopic field of view.
When viewed from Earth, the galaxies lie along a smoothly curved line. accessibility to public-designated areas, affiliated trails, parks,
Anchored in the frame at top right corner by prominent lenticular facilities, and recreational amenities.
galaxies, M84 and M86, you can follow the chain down and to the left. Community members have been told by the neighbor-led group
Near center you’ll spot the pair of interacting galaxies NGC 4438 and that their petition could stop Longfellow from submitting their
NGC 4435, known to some as Markarian’s Eyes. Its center an estimated application and stop the entire project. Our experienced team
50 million light-years distant, the Virgo Cluster itself is the nearest galaxy is familiar with the development application process and knows
cluster. With up to about 2,000 member galaxies, it has a noticeable that a petition alone does not and cannot prevent or delay a city
gravitational influence on our own Local Group of Galaxies. Within the from carrying out its duty of receiving a proposal.
Virgo Cluster at least seven galaxies in Markarian’s Chain appear to move As STS has stated numerous times, the City of Redwood City
coherently, although others may appear to be part of the chain by chance. cannot reject a development proposal simply because neighbors
It was named after the Armenian astrophysicist, Benjamin Markarian, don’t like the plan or raise unsubstantiated claims, such as
who discovered their common motion in the early 1960s.” concern for the volatility of neighboring property values. Like
I took this image of Markarian’s Chain from my deck in Redwood any property owner, commercial land owners have the right to
Shores, with a CMOS color astronomy camera fitted with an redevelop their property as long as the development and use
UV/IR-cut filter and attached to a 4” diameter refractor telescope. comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
e whole setup was mounted on an equatorial mount that can track You may be asking, “if a petition doesn’t work, then what does?”
the motion of the stars as the sky rotates. More information on these STS’ action plan for the Redwood LIFE proposal is to dismantle
and other photos are on my website the application to identify laws and regulations this plan would
Clear skies, and peace on Earth! violate if approved as currently proposed. In case you missed our
Kumar Srinivasan is a cutting-edge Materials Scientist by day June community meeting, where we went into detail about STS’
and ancient photon hunter by night. While he was peripatetic action plan and the influx of local life science redevelopment
during his youthful years, he is happy to report back to the proposals, we encourage you to watch the recording at
Galactic Federation that his cosmic address is now firmly, where you can also sign up for our email
entrenched in Redwood Shores on Planet Earth. newsletter toMonday, May 30, on
stay informed 2022how you can help Save the Shores.
Page 16 July 2022 e PILOT
e PILOT July 2022 Page 17
BilinguAl montessori chilD cAre The Rotary Club of Belmont and Redwood
650-888-7301 Shores invites all interested Shorebirds to our
High Quality Licensed Child Care & Preschool in Redwood Shores. weekly luncheons at noon every Monday at
Chinese Immersion & Montessori Program. Enrichment Curriculum.
Divino in Belmont (in person or on Zoom).
Safe Clean Comfort. Experienced Teachers. Convenient Location.
Serving the Shores for Decades. Interesting speakers and new friendships! To learn more, just email:

Mathematics Teacher/Tutor
Matthew T. Lazar, Ph.D.
Resident of Redwood Shores for over 20 years!
Call or text Matt at 650-208-5303

Redwood Shores
Certified Public Accountant
Providing tax preparation and planning,
accounting and bookkeeping services
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Redwood Shores Handyman

No job too small, can do almost anything.
Redwood Shores Resident
Call Scott 650-464-3276
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Winery Tour Available, Maximum 6 People
(Van Available)
Page 18 July 2022 e PILOT
e PILOT July 2022 Page 19
PERMIT No. 469

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