Forests: Our Lifeline Class 7 Science Notes - Chapter 17: Deforestation
Forests: Our Lifeline Class 7 Science Notes - Chapter 17: Deforestation
Forests: Our Lifeline Class 7 Science Notes - Chapter 17: Deforestation
Clearing of forests and trees eventually using that land for other purposes like
agriculture and other human activities. The main causes for deforestation are:
(i) agricultural expansion
(ii) livestock grazing
(iii) Illegal logging, which is cutting, processing of trees in prohibited land.
(iv) human infrastructure expansion
(v) overpopulation
Consequences of Deforestation
(i) The source of conversion of carbon dioxide to oxygen is reduced. Plants use
photosynthesis to convert carbon dioxide to oxygen. This process leads to Global
(ii) Pollution increases as there is a decrease of plants, which give out fresh air to
(ii) Ground water level also gets lowered. Desertification and droughts are the results of
Wildlife Conservation
Many NGO’s are working towards creating public awareness for conserving
depleting forest cover and vanishing wildlife.
Central and state governments in India have set up national parks and wildlife
sanctuaries to protect forests and endangered species in wildlife.
Species is a group of populations, which are capable of interbreeding (reproducing
fertile offspring).
Flora and fauna
The plants and animals observed in a specific region are referred to as flora and fauna
of that region.
Biosphere Reserves
Biosphere is that part of the earth in which living organisms exist and is a sum of
all the ecosystems.
Biodiversity, refers to the variety of organisms existing on the earth, their
interrelationships and their relationship with the environment.
Endemic species
Endemic species are species of plants and animals that are exclusively found only in a
particular region or area.
Recycling of Paper
Paper is recycled so that more trees do not have to be cut down to create more paper. It
is important that we conserve trees and reduce the use of paper as much as possible.
Reforestation is restoring of the cleared or destroyed forests by planting new trees.
Tiger Project
Endangered animals
Animals whose count is reducing to an extent that they might face extinction are known
as the endangered animals. Eg: Giant panda, tiger. Red Data Book is a
source(reference) book, keeping a record of all the plant and animals that are
Ecosystem is the region consisting of all the living plants, animals and microorganisms
in an area along with non-living components such as climate, soil, river deltas, etc.
Migration is defined as the movement of organisms in large numbers from one place to