Conservation of Plants and Animals
Conservation of Plants and Animals
Conservation of Plants and Animals
Natural resource
Anything in the environment which can be used is called natural
resource. These natural resource are used by time to time.
The human population has been increasing at a high rate, the natural
resources are also being used in greater quantities.
Utilisation and exploitation of resources at such a fast rate is
definitely causing their depletion because nature has only a limited
amount of them in reserve.
Thus, the wise use of earth resources by human beings is called
conservation of natural resources.
It is a branch of science which deals with management & development of forest trees.
Importance of forest :
Forests are a valuable natural resource of following significances :
1. Forests are an important component of the environment to maintain ecological
2. Forests provide habitat to a large number of plants.
3. Forests also maintain CO2 & O2 concentration in the atmosphere.
4. They are also helpful in prevention of soil erosion and landslides.
5. Dead plants & plant parts are decomposed and form the humus which enrich the soil.
6. Forests are also helpful in the formation of fossil fuel.
7. They provide us some useful products such as gum, paper, timber, medicines etc.
The loss or continual degradation of forest habitat due to natural or
human intervention is called deforestation.
Causes of Deforestation
1. Intensive agriculture
2. Construction of dam
3. Overgrazing of animals and farmlands
4. Urbanization
5. Commercial logging (It means harvest of timber from forest with the
intention to sell the product.
Effects of Deforestation
Effect on soil : Roots of trees help in binding the soil particles together.
When this protective cover of vegetation is destroyed, soil is left loose, and
hence, more soil is lost due to erosion by wind and moving water.
Loss of topsoil, which is rich in humus and nutrients, results in reduction in
fertility of soil.
Effect on wildlife :
Forests which are the natural habitat of many species of plants, animals, and
Cutting down trees will destroy the homes of these species, which in turn
may become endanger.
Effects on recycling of materials:
Plants intake CO2 and give out O2 during photosynthesis. This O2 is
necessary for human beings to survive.
An increase in the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere causes green
house effect or global warming.
O2 level in atmosphere
become low due to
Trees draw ground water
up through their roots
and release water vapour
into the atmosphere by
transpiration. If a large
number of trees are cut
down, transpiration rate
will be greatly reduced.
This in turn will effect the
water cycle.
Carbon cycle
Water cycle
Climatic changes :
Increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere
may lead to an increase in the temperature of the earth as carbon dioxide
is a greenhouse gas, i.e. it allows the sun's infrared radiations to enter the
earth but stops them from going out of the atmosphere. Hence, it results
in an increase in temperature which makes the atmosphere drier.
This can lead to reduced rainfall. This could cause droughts.
Landslides and floods :
Vegetation helps to absorb the rainwater that falls on the earth.
Excessive falling of trees would mean that a greater proportion of the rain
may reach the ground, which could give rise to floods.
Loss of vegetation may lead to reduction in binding capacity of soil
particles during rainy season which in turn lead to landslides in
mountainous regions.
Desertification :
Deforestation is a major cause which leads to the change in soil properties.
Physical properties of the soil get affected by plantation and vegetation. Due to soil
erosion the top fertile layer of soil is removed.Gradually the fertile land gets converted
into deserts. It is called desertification.
Conservation of forest
Trees should be planted on large scale.
Planting of saplings is called afforestation.
When this is done on deforested lands, it is called as reforestation.
Establishment of forest reserves and botanical gardens.
Animals should not be allowed to graze on the same patch of land for a long period.
Minimizing over grazing by animals will prevent farmlands from turning barren.
Forest fires, whether due to natural or human-made causes, should be brought under
control as fast as possible.
Awareness programmes should be conducted by school children, organizations, and
also through print and television advertisements to promote the need to use our
forest resources judiciously.
Chipko movement
Forests are one of the main sources of livelihood in rural
This is specially true for hilly and mountain areas.
The name of the movement comes from the hindi word
chipko which means ‘to embrace’ or ‘to hug’, as the villagers
hugged the trees to prevent them from falling by the
The first movement against falling of trees was launched by
Amrita Devi of village of Khejari (Jodhpur) 363 releatives and
other sacrified their lives still clasping the trees.
Chipko movement took place in the village of Mandal in the
upper Alakananda valley of Uttar Pradesh in April 1973.
Sunderlal Bahuguna, a Gandhian activist and philosopher,
played an important role in success of this movement.
Bahuguna gave the Chipko slogan ‘Ecology is permanent
Biodiversity is derived from Greek word bias means life and diversity means forms.
The presence of different kinds of living organisms i.e., microorganisms, plants and
animals, their ecological habit and the habitat in which they occur is known as
biodivers ity.
The diversity can be in the form of size, structure, habits, behaviour and genetic
constitution in fact, if we compare the organisms present in two different habitats or
regions we may find a vast range of differences between them.Thus, biodiversity
differs from place to place. Therefore, biodiversity is the biological wealth of world .
Biodiversity comprises three types of diversities.
1. Genetic Diversity : The genetic variation is found amongst members of the same
population and geographically separated population of the same species.
2. Species Diversity : The diversity include the whole range of organisation found in the
total number of species.
3. Community Diversity : The range and variety of biological communities and
ecosystems in which the communities operates.
Forests are ‘biodiversity hotspots’.
These streategies deal with the conservation of living resources through their
maintenance with in their natural habitat. These include an extensive system of
protected areas such as national parks, sanctuaries, biosphere, reserve and forest
(A) National Parks : These are the protected areas which are strictly reserved for the
betterment of the wildlife and in these areas all the activities like forestry, grazing or
cultivation are not permitted.
(B) Sanctuaries : It is a protected area which is reserved for the conservation of
animals only and human activities up to a certain extent are allowed in these areas.
(C) Biosphere reservers : It is a specified area in which multiple use of the land is
permitted by dividing it in particular zones specified for particular activity.
In India, the biosphere reserves were created firstly in 1986 to protect and propagate
our natural resources.
It consists of core, buffer and transition zones.
In the core zone no human activity is permitted.
In the buffer zone limited human activity is allowed whereas in the transition zone (or
Manipulation zone) a large number of human activities would go on.
Some important biosphere reserves are Sundar bans, Nilgiri, Nanda Devi, Great Nicobar,
Nokrek, Agasthyamali.
Types of Migration
(i) Seasonal Migration :
The animals leave their original homes in particular season and return back. This occurs for
food, breeding, favourable climatic conditions and variation in day time, e.g. Siberian
cranes, salmons and sea lions. Salmon fishes are marine animals but they migrate to fresh
water for laying eggs. But fresh water eels move from fresh water to saline water to lay their
eggs. Arctic tern show biggest migration of about 71,000 kilometers from Arctic circles to
Antarctica. Humpback whale show migration of about 22,000 kilometers from polar to
(ii) Permanent Migration :
Due to unfavourable climatic factors or scarcity of water, shelter and food, animals
permanently migrate to other parts where conditions are favourable, e.g some species of
Important dates
21st March - World Forest Day
5th June - World Environment Day
First week of October -Wildlife Week
3rd December - World Conservation Day.
29th December - Biological Diversity Day.
Deforestation leads to
(a) an increase in the temperature of the earth
(b) imbalance of O2 and CO2
(c) increase in rainfall
(d) both (a) and (b)