Fluidic Paper 11-16 - XFZ For Cavitation
Fluidic Paper 11-16 - XFZ For Cavitation
Fluidic Paper 11-16 - XFZ For Cavitation
Fighting cavitation in
butterfly control valves
By Hans D. Baumann, PhD, PE
avitation is the implosion of tiny vapor
bubbles in a liquid when the static pressure
reaches the vapor pressure of the specific
liquid. This happens when, due to a high pressure
differential across a valve, the resultant high veloci-
ty lowers the static pressure. Cavitation is a bane for
the valve designer and valve user alike. It not only
causes severe damage to valve trim, but also creates
sound levels that can exceed 110 decibels.
The damage is caused when the imploding va-
por bubbles create pressure waves that accelerate
at values of 1.5 × 1011 m/s2 and reach velocities of
500 m/s. Even hardened steel cannot resist such an
impact, even though the bubble size has a diam-
Figure 1. A butterfly valve reduces cavitation by utilizing air sucked in by the eter of only about 200 micrometers.
liquid vapor through a series of holes. A check valve prevents the escape of There have been methods to eliminate, or at
liquid in case there is no vacuum downstream of the vane. least reduce, cavitation in throttling valves. The
simplest way is to reduce the pressure drop by
changing the altitude of a valve or installing two
valves in series. However, these approaches are
usually not doable because of system restrictions.
If possible, one should limit the valve’s pressure
drop below the pressure level indicated by the cav-
itation index Xfz, where Xfz is the allowable delta
P divided by inlet pressure minus vapor pressure
(pressures in absolute terms). Xfz values may be
gleaned from figure 7.
Cv is an industrywide flow coefficient defined as
Cv = 1.17 × [ Q / (P1 – P2)0.5], where Q = m3/hr of
cold water and P is in bar(abs) = (1 × 105 Pascal). For
example, a DN 100 conventional globe valve with a
required Cv of 50 has an Xfz factor of 0.34.
Other known ways of fighting cavitation is inject-
ing air into the fluid or using the vacuum pressure
Figure 2. A low noise
and anticavitation created by the cavitating fluid. Figure 1 shows how
butterfly valve using this can be done. A butterfly valve has a hollow
opposed rows of teeth, stem conducting outside air into a number of small
splitting up the fluid holes and dispersing the air into the water. This can
stream, changing fre-
only be done if the vapor pressure is in a vacuum
quency, and increasing
the Xfz factor. and if the particular fluid tolerates air inclusion.
Another quite effective way of reducing cavita-
Source: Tomoe Company tion is by utilizing drilled cages inside globe valves,
Reducing cavitation
First a little theory: Most of us are by now familiar theoretical number, since the velocity head can-
with the fluid resistant (FL) factor, denoting pres- not exceed the vapor pressure. But what it means
sure recovery in a valve. This factor has been an is that an energy equivalent of 2 bar is used to
invaluable aid in proper valve sizing, even though evaporate the liquid, and cavitation will occur.
the concept of pressure recovery in valves has only On the other hand, if another valve with an FL of
been known since 1963. 0.84 were used, the velocity head will only be 7.8
What most people may not know is that the FL bar, and the bottom will stay well above the vapor
factor tells us how much of the kinetic energy (ve- pressure, hence, no cavitation.
locity head) in a valve is converted into turbulence Having realized the importance of head loss,
and heat. There is a correlation between FL and the it was found that the configuration of the Yeary
head loss coefficient Κ or ∑; here Κ = FL2. Inciden- valve indeed produced sufficient hydraulic fric-
tally, FL works for all Newtonian fluids, whether tion to yield high FL numbers. The graph in fig-
liquids or gases. ure 5 shows the results of a water test on a DN
Assume a valve has an FL of 1. Here all kinetic 150 (6-inch) valve at 60 degrees open (a large
energy is converted into heat (turbulence), and opening for a valve having high pressure drops)
therefore, the valve cannot experience cavitation. and an FL factor of 0.8. Here the inlet pressure
On the other hand, consider a conventional but- was 7.7 bar absolute with pressure drops down
terfly valve with a typical FL of 0.65. Here the K fac- to just below 1 bar absolute.
tor is 0.422, meaning only 42 percent of the kinetic It is perhaps astonishing how closely the cal-
energy is converted, and the rest is used to evapo- culated levels correspond with the microphone
rate some of the liquid; the vapors then implode readings. Note that the blue line corresponds to
in the pressure recovery zone of the valve to cause the 30 log(10X) relationship predicted for tur-
damage and noise. bulent water. Cavitation occurs at 5 bar pres-
Figure 4 shows a pressure diagram using 10 sure drop (64 percent of the inlet pressure).
bar absolute as inlet pressure and 4.5 bar as out- The cavitation amplitude was calculated as 5.6
let pressure. Using the typical butterfly valve FL of dB, which matches the test data. Note that the
0.65, we notice a velocity head of 13 bar. This is a increase in slope terminates when X is equal to
Inlet pipe Valve Outlet pipe DN 150 (6-inch) Sharktooth butterfly valve, Cv = 340, FL = 0.8, P1 = 7.7 bar (abs).
10.55 Xfz = 0.64 valve opening 60 degrees
10 Calculated estimate Cavitation amplitude 5.6 dB
6 0.55
4.5 60
4 Hydraulic grade
2 40
Pressure recovery 30
[(P1 – P2) / FL2] – (P1 – P2)
Vapor pressure 20
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure 4. Graphic presentation of pressure 12.5 times X, X = (P1 – P2) / (P1 – Pv)
gradients inside a valve at 5.5 bar pressure
drop Figure 5. Results of a water test on a DN 150 (6”) valve at 60 degrees open
and an FL factor of 0.8
outlet pressure dips into vacuum, water
saturates with vapor, and there is a sud- 60 Slope of turbulent water
proportional to 30 log (10X)
den drop in sound.
These tests have been duplicated at 20
and 30 degrees opening, yielding almost 40
identical results. At 20 degrees open, for
example, the 0.150 valve only started cav- 30
to static energy, thus avoiding cavitation Xfz factors for various rotary control valve types
in all but the very high pressure drop re- Sharktooth
Xfz factors
ing an FL of perhaps 0.6, implying an 0.5