Manage and Maintain SmallMedium Business Operations
Manage and Maintain SmallMedium Business Operations
Manage and Maintain SmallMedium Business Operations
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the operation of day-to-day business activities in a
micro or small business. The strategies involve developing, monitoring
and managing work activities and financial information, developing
effective work habits, and adjusting work schedules as needed.
1. Identify daily 1.1 Work requirements are identified for a given time period by
work taking into consideration resources and constraints
1.2 Work activities are prioritized based on business needs,
requirements and deadlines
1.3 If appropriate, work is allocated to relevant staff or contractors to
optimize efficiency
2. Monitor and 2.1 People, resources and/or equipment are coordinated to provide
manage work optimum results
2.2 Staff, clients and/or contractors are communicated within a clear
and regular manner, to monitor work in relation to business
goals or timelines
2.3 Problem solving techniques are applied to work situations to
overcome difficulties and achieve positive outcomes
3. Develop 3.1 Work and personal priorities are identified and a balance is
effective work achieved between competing priorities using appropriate time
habits management strategies
3.2 Input from internal and external sources is sought and used to
develop and refine new ideas and approaches
3.3 Business or inquiries is/are responded to promptly and effectively
3.4 Information is presented in a format appropriate to the industry
and audience
4. Interpret 4.1 Relevant documents and reports are identified
information 4.2 Documents and reports are read and understood and any
implications discussed with appropriate persons
4.3 Data and numerical calculations are analyzed, checked,
evaluated, organized and reconciled
4.4 Daily financial records and cash flow are maintained correctly and
in accordance with legal and accounting requirements
4.5 Invoices and payments are prepared and distributed in a timely
manner and in accordance with legal requirements
4.6 Outstanding accounts are collected or followed-up on
5. Evaluate work 5.1 Opportunities for improvements are monitored according to
performance business demands
5.2 Work schedules are adjusted to incorporate necessary
modifications to existing work and routines or changing needs
and requirements
5.3 Proposed changes are clearly communicated and recorded to aid
in future planning and evaluation
5.4 Relevant codes of practice are used to guide an ethical approach
to workplace practices and decisions
Variable Range
Business goals May include but is not limited to:
sales targets
budgetary targets
team and individual goals
production targets
reporting deadlines
Problem solving May include but is not limited to:
gaining additional research and information to make better informed
looking for patterns
considering related problems or those from the past and how they
were handled
eliminating possibilities
identifying and attempting sub-tasks
collaborating and asking for advice or help from additional sources
Time management May include but is not limited to:
Evidence Guide
It enables you to determine whether the resources you have available are sufficient and are being
well used, whether the capacity you have is sufficient and appropriate, and whether you are
doing what you planned to do. To monitor the implementation of the action plan we need the set
of outspoken monitoring indicators, which will help us to measure the gradual progress of the
strategy implementation. Indicators are measurable variables or characteristics or tangible signs
that something has been done or that something has been achieved. Indicators can be both
quantitative and qualitative variables. Indicators should be: SMART.
In Summary Monitoring:
• on-going process
• more or less a routine or continuous/day-to-day
• quite structured
• movement towards the objective or away from it
• focuses on inputs and outputs
• means of checking on progress
• alerts managers to problems
• tool for improvement/internal management activity to ensure that
project/program implementations, and ongoing operation, are on track.
In Summary Evaluation:
in-depth analysis of achievements
provides managers with strategy and policy options
provides feedback for analysis of impacts, outcomes, results of activities
M&E is important to recognize that monitoring and evaluation are not magic wands that can be
waved to make problems disappear, or to cure them, or to amazingly make changes without a lot
of hard work being put in by the project or organization. In themselves, they are not a solution,
but they are valuable tools. Monitoring and evaluation can: