Dynamic Vibration Absorber

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Dynamic Vibration Absorber

Dynamic vibration absorbers (DVAs) are devices used to reduce the vibration amplitudes of a primary system at
certain frequencies, especially close to the resonant frequency

Some practical examples of dynamic vibration absorber showed

Dynamic vibration absorber PCB

Dynamic vibration absorber in steel stack
• DVAs are generally of three types

• Vibration Neutralizer : Here, a secondary mass is connected to the

primary using a spring element.

• Auxiliary Mass Damper : Here the secondary mass is connected to

the primary by a damper/dashpot.

• Dynamic Vibration Absorber: A general case where both spring and

damper are used to connect the secondary mass, with the primary
Material used in vibration dampers:
Metal, polymers, cement and their composites. Metal and polymer are dominant due
to their viscoelasticity.

Undamped Absorber is extremely effective at one speed only and thus is suitable only for
constant speed machines.

Damped Dynamic Absorber can take care of the entire frequency range of excitation but
at the cost of reduced effectiveness.
Damped Dynamic Vibration Absorbers
Used to eliminate vibration of an object

Vibration Absorber

Choose these to
eliminate motion of

(that vibrates too
Tuned mass dampers are mainly used in the following applications:
The vibration absorber has been used in many application since it was invented in 1909.

Tall and slender free-standing giant structures

TV towers
Pedestrian bridges
Large moving structures
Control of noise in aircraft cabin
Control of rolling motion of ships
TMD for Skyscraper

Largest Tuned Massed Damper (TMD) in the world-730 tons and 5.5 m
TMD on Different Structures

Other Skyscrapers with TMD’s

• Citicorp Centre, New York

• John Hancock Tower, Boston
• CN Tower, Toronto
• Chiba Port Tower, Japan
• The worlds largest building in present the BURJ KHALIFA is equipped
with 11 different TMD’S to control the vibrations.

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