Gartner Customer 360
Gartner Customer 360
Gartner Customer 360
CRM Strategies and Technologies to Understand, Grow and Manage Customer Experiences
Within the next five years, customer-centric organizations will gain tremendous advantages through customer experience strategies, marketing integration, social media and leveraging customer data and information.
Building more profitable customer relationships
Tapping the full potential of todays customer-empowered marketplace requires a complete view of the customer across the organization and across every touchpoint in every medium. Understanding what customers want, need and expectand having the right people, processes, cultures and technologies in place to respond in real timewill be critical to how successful your organization can be.
By 2020, customers will manage 85% of their relationship with the enterprise without interacting with a human.
Gartner Predicts
Table of contents
2 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 14 15 Overview Keynote Sessions Agenda Programs Summit Highlights Benefits of Attending Meet the Analysts Marketing Program Excellence Awards Agenda at a Glance Solution Showcase Registration
Keynote Sessions
Guest keynotes Rebooting Business and the World
Don Tapscott Author, MacroWikinomics: Rebooting Business and the World, Chairman, nGenera Insight, and Adjunct Professor of Management, University of Toronto
Agenda Programs
Two comprehensive agenda programs in 2011
The Gartner Customer 360 Summit 2011 includes two agenda programs across five in-depth content tracks, each packed with new research, case studies and more.
The global economic crisis of 2009 was a wake-up call. Economic and social pillars of the Industrial Age have come to the end of their life cycle and are being rebuilt around a new collaborative model. The advent of new media and a new economy, generation and age of networked intelligence will require dramatic change and lead to breakthroughs in performance, customer engagement and marketing. Don Tapscott, arguably the worlds leading thinker on new technologies and media, will share insights from his new book, Macrowikinomics, including how social media and collaboration are transforming the way firms perform and compete, from innovation to business analytics, knowledge management and the customer experience.
Agenda tracks
Customer 360 Main Program:
Growth Through Strategic Vision Serving the customer is most effective when individual projects are linked to an overarching strategy. This track will explore how to grow profitable customer relationships by placing the customer at the center of your business and IT strategies, processes, and organizational culture. Understand Your Customer Enterprise customer data is increasing at an exponential rate. This track will examine the dynamics of capturing, organizing, analyzing and acting upon this data, as well as the key challenges and rewards. Customer Experience Management Customer service excellence has proven to be the only defensible long-term business strategy. This track will uncover the five top obstacles to success, examine the key technologies for customer service organizations and look at the people and skills issues faced by leaders focused on customer strategy.
Experience Marketing
Bernd Schmitt, Ph.D. Author and Robert D. Calkins Professor of International Business at Columbia Business School
The customer experience has emerged as a key differentiator for todays marketers. Using numerous case examples, Bernd Schmitt will provide the key concepts and tools of experience marketing and customer experience management. He will show how a great experience contributes to customer lifetime value and how important technology and people are for providing great service, attractive customer interfaces and innovative solutions.
Your customers expect you to change at their pace. Your organization would prefer to set the pace of change. Competitors, regulators, social media, mobile technologies and any number of other factors also drive change. The key to being successful at both organizational change and Val Sribar Group Vice President, keeping pace with customers expectations is being able to recognize Gartner Research the different paces of change and use a pace-layered approach to designing your processes, information, systems and behaviors to deal with different rates of change.
What to Do on Monday?
After two-and-a-half days of listening to and exchanging your opportunities and challenges with Gartner analysts, sponsoring solution providers and fellow conference peers, you may still be wondering how youre going to apply what youve learned to your business. In this interactive session, Gartner analysts share best practices to consider upon returning to the office on Monday.
Summit Highlights
C360 Power Networking Forum
Join us Tuesday evening for a special preconference Power Networking Forum, where youll get to meet your peers through facilitated, structured and fun networking activities before the event begins.
Benefits of Attending
What you can do with what you learn
Make the customer the center of your business and IT strategy, processes and culture of the organization. Create an integrated strategic plan to unite the efforts of sales, marketing and customer service. each more customers and prospects using R new digital marketing capabilities and social media. evelop effective digital and social marketing D strategies that deliver business results. Use social, Web and predictive analytics to understand customer needs and improve the customer experience. Gain a better understanding of customers by improving customer data quality and integration and moving toward a single, coherent view of customer interactions. Create a customer-centric strategy for your enterprise. Communicate CRM business value and justification for the investment. Build a world-class e-commerce environment. arness the potential of social media to radically H change customer engagement. Align marketing and sales for effective lead management.
Focus on
CRM strategy: CRM vision and strategy CRM change management Social media strategies Sales technologies Customer analytics: Social, Web and predictive analytics Business intelligence and data quality Mining social networks Customer experience: Self service Feedback management Service metrics/reporting Social networking and media Marketing: Marketing resource management Performance measurement Mobile CRM Lead management Campaign management Social marketing, tools and techniques
Agenda navigation
Choose online from a variety of suggested agendas: Business and IT Maturity level Tactical and strategic Visit
This has been a very insightful experience. I will be able to report back to my employer all the valuable information I have learned.
Gene Alvarez
Vice President
Tiffani Bova
Vice President
Kimberly Collins
Managing Vice President
Johan Jacobs
Michael Maoz
Scott Nelson
Focus areas: B2B and B2C e-commerce; e-commerce context-aware user experience and mobile commerce; Web customer experience management
Focus areas: Indirect sales strategies and channel program development; channel marketing and partner relationship management
Focus areas: Integrated marketing management; marketing resource management; marketing performance management
Focus areas: Web self service; Web customer service; co-browse; ERMS; virtual assistants; knowledge management; Web chat; multichannel
Jim Davies
Alexander Drobik
Managing Vice President
Michael Dunne
Vice President
John Radcliffe
Vice President
Carol Rozwell
Adam Sarner
Focus areas: Customer service; workforce optimization; enterprise feedback management; customer experience management, voice of the customer
Focus areas: Evolution of business applications; e-business and e-commerce trends; social media strategy; emerging business models
Focus areas: Sales automation; sales operations; sales and marketing alignment; social selling; sales analytics; price optimization; CPQ processes
Focus areas: Single view of customer; customer data integration; master data management; data quality
Focus areas: Marketing automation; digital marketing; multichannel campaign management; lead management; Social CRM
Christopher Fletcher
Andrew Frank
Vice President
Bill Gassman
Val Sribar
Ed Thompson
Ray Valdes
Vice President
Focus areas: CRM; e-commerce; lead management; payment service providers; partner relationship management; social CRM
Focus areas: Advertising; metrics; social media marketing; targeting and privacy; emerging channels; demand- and supply-side platforms
Focus areas: Web analytics; social media metrics; business intelligence; cross-channel analysis; Web A/B testing
Focus areas: Pace-layered application strategy; application portfolio management; Pattern-Based Strategy; application governance and organizational issues
Focus areas: Web and user experience design; social media strategy and implementation; portal technology; mobile application development
Kimberly HarrisFerrante
Matthew Goldman
Vice President
Gareth Herschel
By 2020, marketing to virtual personas will overtake B2C spending on known customers.
Gartner Predicts
Why Gartner?
This was my first Gartner conference and it was fantastic. Great mix of vendors, customer success stories doloborper sum dia 4 lines/20 words and variety of content. 4 lines/20 words doloborper sum dia
Gartner produces the worlds leading technology conferences for senior IT and business leaders. Gartner events equip you with the knowledge, insight and trusted advice you need to create the most effective technology strategy and become more successful in your role.
Agenda at a Glance
Customer 360 Main Program
Track A
4:00 p.m. Preregistration
Track B
Track C
Track D
Track E
Wednesday, March 30
7:00 a.m. Registration 8:00 a.m. Networking Breakfast: Meet the Gartner Analysts 8:00 a.m. Fast Forward: CRM Solutions in 60 Seconds or Less... 9:00 a.m. K1. Gartner Opening Keynote 10:00 a.m. K2. Guest Keynote: Don Tapscott, Author, MacroWikinomics: Rebooting Business and the World 11:20 a.m. A1. CRM Vision and Strategy: Putting the CRM Pieces Together to Generate Success Scott D. Nelson 12:20 p.m. A2. The Next Innovation Wave for Modernizing Sales Michael Dunne 12:00 p.m. Attendee Meals and Solution Showcase Reception 2:50 p.m. A3. How Customer Trends Impact CRM Technologies and the Vendor Landscape Alex Drobik 2:50 p.m. Workshop #1: Great Customer Experience Secrets 3:00 p.m. Solution Provider Sessions 4:25 p.m. K3. Gartner Keynote: Matching the Pace of Your Customers Val Sribar, Group Vice President, Gartner Research 5:25 p.m. Solution Showcase Reception B3. Predictive Analytics: Now More Than Ever Bill Gassman and John Radcliffe C3. Customer Service Harnesses the Potential of Social to Radically Change Customer Engagement Michael Maoz D3. Flying in Formation: How to Align Marketing, Sales and Indirect Channels Chris Fletcher E3. Social CRM: The Next Generation of Customer Innovation Adam Sarner B1. Planning a Customer Analytics Strategy Gareth Herschel B2. Thinking-as-a-Service: Using Managed Analytics to Fuel Customer Strategies Matt Goldman C1. The Customer Experience Management Scenario Ed Thompson C2. Web Customer Service Applications and Technologies Johan Jacobs D1. Integrating Marketing Processes to Drive ROMI Kimberly Collins D2. Optimizing the Media Mix in Todays Fragmented World Andrew Frank E1. Mobile CRM: Marketing and Sales Gene Alvarez E2. Case Study: How to Use Social CRM to Drive Additional Business Value
Workshop #2: Engaging With Your Customers Through Social Channels: Tips for Success Adam Sarner
Thursday, March 31
7:00 a.m. Registration 7:15 a.m. Networking Breakfast: Meet the Gartner Analysts 8:10 a.m. A4. CRM Change Management: The Intersection of People, Process and Change Chris Fletcher B4. How Marketing Benefits From Business Intelligence and Data Quality Skills Bill Gassman C4. Best Practices and Technologies for a WorldClass Customer Service Contact Center Michael Maoz D4. MRM: Integrating Operational Processes via Marketing Resource Management Kimberly Collins E4. How to Develop a Rational and Realistic Social Strategy Carol Rozwell
9:30 a.m. K4. Keynote: Gartner & 1to1 Media CRM Excellence Awards: Customer Experience, Enterprise Efficiency, Customer Analytics, Integrated Marketing and Social Engagement 10:35 a.m. Workshop #3: Change Management: Creating a Customer-Centric Culture 10:50 a.m. Solution Provider Sessions 12:05 p.m. A5. Case Study: How to Create a Customer-Centric Organization 12:35 p.m. Attendee Meals and Solution Showcase Reception 2:35 p.m. Solution Provider Sessions 2:35 p.m. Workshop #5: Customer Experience MetricsIs Effectiveness a Realistic Goal? Michael Maoz 3:50 p.m. A6. The Building Blocks of Social CRM Scott D. Nelson B6. How Many Single Views of the Customer Can You Afford? John Radcliffe C6. Voice of the Customer: Listen, Analyze and Act to Improve the Customer Experience Jim Davies Workshop #6: Marketing Performance Management: Measuring Results and Calculating ROMI Kimberly Collins D6. Insurance Marketing: Blending Direct Marketing With Intermediary-Based Business Models Kimberly Harris-Ferrante E6. Lead Management in a Digital World Chris Fletcher B5. Case Study: Using Customer Analytics to Build Stronger Customer Relationships C5. Case Study: Can the Service Organization Operate 100% in the Cloud? D5. Gartner Panel: How to Integrate Social Marketing Into Your Marketing Strategy Kimberly Collins, Carol Rozwell, Adam Sarner E5. End-User Panel: Social/Digital Marketing Andrew Frank Workshop #4: Tips for Turning Vague Cross-Channel Leads Into $$ Chris Fletcher
5:00 p.m. K5. Guest Keynote: Experience Marketing Bernd Schmitt, Author, and Robert D. Calkins Professor of International Business, Columbia Business School 6:00 p.m. Sponsored Hospitality Suites
Friday, April 1
7:00 a.m. Registration 7:00 a.m. Networking Breakfast: Meet the Gartner Analysts 8:00 a.m. A7. Innovation Lives: Emerging Marketing, Sales and Service Processes to Watch Michael Maoz B7/E7. Desperately Seeking Insight? Mining Value From Social Media! Bill Gassman and Carol Rozwell C7. Customer Self-Service: Bringing the Processes Together Johan Jacobs D7. Integrating Channel Partners in Marketing and Sales Initiatives Tiffani Bova E7/B7. Desperately Seeking Insight? Mining Value From Social Media! Bill Gassman and Carol Rozwell
8:00 a.m. Workshop #7: Customer Analytics for Financial Services and Insurance Kimberly Harris-Ferrante 9:15 a.m. Solution Provider Sessions 10:00 a.m. A8. Getting to Grips With Customer KPIs and Metrics That Focus on Business Outcomes B8. Your Online Channel Needs Analytical Help Bill Gassman C8. Designing Delightful (or Dreadful) Digital User Experiences Ray Valdes
Workshop #8: Mastering Your Customer Data and Creating a Single Source of Truth John Radcliffe D8. Digital Marketing: The Critical Trek for Multichannel Campaign Management Adam Sarner E8. Managing Social Software Maturity: Supporting Pioneers and Settlers Carol Rozwell
11:25 a.m. K6. Gartner Closing Keynote: What to Do on Monday? Gartner Research Panel: Gene Alvarez, Moderator
Solution Showcase
Todays leading CRM solutions, all in one place
The solution showcase is the place to connect with todays leading providers and top innovators in the CRM space. Access relevant research, streamline the vetting process and walk away with a shortlist you can act on immediately.
3 easy ways to register
Web: E-mail: Phone: 1 866 405 2511
Conference registration fee includes conference attendance, documentation and planned functions. Standard price: $2,150 Public sector price: $1,750
Premier Sponsors
Autonomy Corporation, a global leader in infrastructure software for the enterprise, spearheads the Meaning Based Computing movement. Autonomys technology allows computers to harness the full richness of human information, forming a conceptual and contextual understanding of all electronic data, including text, email, web pages, voice, or video. Autonomys multichannel customer interaction analytics solution consolidates all customer interactions from contact center, website, storefront and social media, to identify patterns in customer behavior and improve the customer experience. Jive Software is the largest and fastest growing independent Social Business Software company in the world. Jives vision is to change the way work gets done, by extending the innovation from consumer social to the enterprise. The company was founded in 2001, with its headquarters in Palo Alto, CA. Learn more at
Platinum Sponsors
IBM Business Analytics software delivers complete, consistent and accurate information that decisionmakers trust to improve business performance. A comprehensive portfolio of business intelligence, advanced analytics, financial performance and strategy management, and analytic applications gives you clear, immediate and actionable insights into current performance and the ability to predict future outcomes. For more information, visit Microsoft Dynamics CRM offers businesses of all sizes the ability to create and grow profitable customer relationships via a complete sales, service and marketing suite. Based on the familiar Microsoft Office Outlook user experience, Microsoft Dynamics CRM provides the easiest and most natural way to deliver powerful CRM capabilities from the applications that employees use every day. Oracle (NASDAQ: ORCL) is the worlds most complete, open, and integrated business software and hardware systems company. A leader in CRM with over 5,000 CRM customers, and more than 4.6 Million CRM and 125 million self service users, customers rely on Oracles On Demand and On Premise CRM solutions. Pegasystems is the recognized industry leader in business process management (BPM) and a leading provider of customer relationship management (CRM) solutions. We help some of the worlds largest companies achieve new levels of agility, enhance customer loyalty, generate new business and improve productivity. To learn more visit As the global leader in data warehousing and analytic technologies, Teradata solutions make smart companies smarter. Teradata gives companies the people, technology, innovation and a world-class network of customers and partners enabling them to gain competitive advantage to master their markets. With Teradata, the smartest wins. Learn more at
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Silver Sponsors
Adobe Systems Aplicor, LLC Aspect CDC Software D&B DocuSign, Inc. EffectiveUI Hoovers, a D&B Company Interactive Intelligence Jigsaw Lithium MarketTools, Inc. Neolane, Inc. Sword Ciboodle Voxeo
New! Colocated with Gartner Portals, Content & Collaboration Summit, March 28 30 With two Gartner summits happening in Los Angeles, youll experience a full week of insight for success around your hottest CRM and PCC related topics. Visit for full conference details. Gartner event tickets We accept one Gartner conference ticket as full payment. If you are a client with questions about tickets, please contact your sales representative. Interested in becoming a Gartner client? Phone: +1 203 316 1111 E-mail:
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