Marketing Plan: A Case Study of Pizza King Restaurant: Anu Ghimire

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Marketing plan: A Case study of Pizza King


Anu Ghimire

Degree Thesis
Förnamn Efternamn
Degree Programme in International Business

Degree Programme: International Business

Identification number: 6243

Author: Ghimire Anu
Title: Marketing Plan: A case study of Pizza King Restaurant

Supervisor (Arcada): Susanna Fabricius

Commissioned by:

It is widely recognized and acknowledged that marketing plan is an integral aspect of a
business. This thesis was written to develop a practical marketing plan for Pizza King, a
fast food restaurant. The aim of this study is to formulate a well-structured digital marketing
plan for Pizza King Restaurant to expand its reach to global audience.
The theoretical part of this research is based on the fundamental concepts of digital
marketing. SOSTAC planning framework is the foundation of this study. To accomplish
the research aim, Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Influencer
Marketing, SWOT analysis and competitor analysis are also used as the conceptual basis.
This research opted for a case study approach. Qualitative research method was applied to
collect and interpret data. The empirical part of this study consisted of a semi-structured
interview with the owner of the case company and data obtained from the case company
and its competitors’ social media platforms. The collected data sets provided significant
insights to formulate the marketing plan. The findings indicated that digital approach of
marketing is the best way to enhance the success of the case company. It was also found
that Facebook and Instagram are the most popular social media platforms to reach out to
the target customers of Pizza King.

As a result of theoretical framework in combination with empirical findings, a practical

marketing plan that has incorporated all the substantial aspects of digital marketing relevant
to the case company was generated. Although the study achieved a significant milestone,
marketers at Pizza King must be vigilant of trending marketing techniques and act

Keywords: Marketing Plan, Pizza King, SWOT, Digital Marketing;

SOSTAC planning, Social Media Marketing, Influencer
Marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Number of pages: 53
Language: English
Date of acceptance:


1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 6

1.1 Research Background .................................................................................................... 6

1.2 Company Background .................................................................................................... 7
1.3 Research Aim ................................................................................................................. 8
1.4 Research Questions ....................................................................................................... 9
1.5 Limitations ...................................................................................................................... 9
1.6 Structure of thesis ........................................................................................................ 10

2 Theoretical framework .......................................................................................... 12

2.1 Marketing ...................................................................................................................... 12

2.2 Digital marketing........................................................................................................... 13
2.3 Social Media Marketing ................................................................................................ 14
2.3.1 Facebook .............................................................................................................. 15
2.3.2 Instagram ............................................................................................................. 16
2.3.3 TripAdvisor ........................................................................................................... 16
2.3.4 Social Media Optimization .................................................................................... 17
2.4 Influencer Marketing ..................................................................................................... 18
2.5 Search Engine Optimization......................................................................................... 19
2.6 SOSTAC planning model ............................................................................................. 19
2.6.1 Situational analysis............................................................................................... 20
2.6.2 Objectives ............................................................................................................. 21
2.6.3 Strategy ................................................................................................................ 21
2.6.4 Tactics .................................................................................................................. 23
2.6.5 Action.................................................................................................................... 24
2.6.6 Control .................................................................................................................. 24

3 Method .................................................................................................................... 25

3.1 Methodology ................................................................................................................. 25

3.2 Data collection .............................................................................................................. 26
3.3 Ethical Considerations ................................................................................................. 27

4 Results and analysis ............................................................................................. 28

4.1 Data interpretation ........................................................................................................ 28

4.2 Findings and analysis ................................................................................................... 28
4.2.1 Situational Analysis .............................................................................................. 29
4.2.2 Objectives ............................................................................................................. 29
4.2.3 Strategies ............................................................................................................. 30
4.2.4 Tactics .................................................................................................................. 30
4.2.5 Action.................................................................................................................... 30
4.2.6 Control .................................................................................................................. 30
4.3 Marketing Plan for Pizza King ...................................................................................... 31
4.3.1 Situational analysis (Where are we now?) ........................................................... 31
4.3.2 Objectives (Where do we want to go?) ................................................................ 34
4.3.3 Strategy (How do we get there?) ......................................................................... 35
4.3.4 Tactics (How exactly do we get there?) ............................................................... 37
4.3.5 Actions (What is our plan?) .................................................................................. 41
4.3.6 Control (Did we get there?) .................................................................................. 42

5 Discussion ............................................................................................................. 43

6 Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 45

List of references .......................................................................................................... 47

Appendices ................................................................................................................... 51


Figure 1: Pizza King’s Pictures (Pizza King Facebook, 2018) ........................................ 8

Figure 2: Thesis Structure............................................................................................... 11
Figure 3: Social Media Marketing Radar (Smart Insights, 2012) .................................. 14
Figure 4: Most popular social networks worldwide (Statista, 2018). ............................. 18
Figure 5: Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (Kotler & Armstrong, 2004). ........ 22
Figure 6: Bar graph representing Pizza King’s social media popularity. ....................... 29
Figure 7: Market segmentation of Pizza King. ............................................................... 35
Figure 8: Targeting via Facebook. .................................................................................. 36
Figure 9: Google Analytics (Hey, 2016). ....................................................................... 43


Table 1: SWOT analysis of Pizza King. ......................................................................... 32

Table 2: Social media integration of Pizza King and its competitors. ........................... 33
Table 3: Facebook Marketing tactics for Pizza King. .................................................... 38
Table 4: Instagram Marketing tactics for Pizza King. .................................................... 39
Table 5: TripAdvisor Optimization tactics for Pizza king. ............................................ 40
Table 6: Influencer Marketing tactics for Pizza King. ................................................... 40
Table 7: Search Engine Optimization for Pizza King. ................................................... 41


1.1 Research Background

Marketing as a rational approach to business has been around since the early 1920s
(Baines, Fill and Page, 2008). Despite the fact that abundant theories and ideas have been
put forward in the field of marketing since many years, creating and implementing a
successful marketing plan remains a challenge for every new company. Every company
has its own set of rules and approaches to follow based on their target customers, financial
position, competitors, stakeholders and so on.

This research’s goal is to create a practical marketing plan for case company named Pizza
King Restaurant in order to reach out to global audience. Pizza King Restaurant provides
quality foods to its customers at a reasonable price. Since its establishment, the company
has been marketing the customers traditionally. Even though fair amount of resources has
been invested in conventional marketing, the company is failing to reach out to potential
customers. The company is active on social media and has reasonable number of
followers but there is always more that can be done to increase this number. It is about
time to take advantage of social media and optimize these platforms in order to attract
more customers. In order to increase the company’s social media reach and extend the
maximum potential of social media optimization, there is an immediate need for an
actionable digital marketing plan. The inability of the company to reach out to possible
customers lies in the fact that the company has not yet designed a well-functioning digital
marketing plan that will increase the visibility of the business to a wide range of
customers. This research is solely fixated on addressing the digital marketing issues of
the case company. Throughout the research, the company’s target market, various digital
marketing channels and social media platforms will be examined thoroughly.

The theoretical part of the research provides overview of the main aspects that are crucial
to designing a marketing plan. The empirical part, which gives further continuity to the
theoretical findings gets profound into details about the case company, its competitors’
marketing policies and its consumers’ feedbacks. Based on all the data gathered during
the process, the case company will be recommended with an effective digital marketing
plan for the successful operation of their business.

1.2 Company Background

Pizza King is a private company established in 2017 that serves pizzas and fast food to a
wide range of customers from students to businessmen, from locals to foreigners, from
young customers to elderly ones. It is located in Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal and the
owner of the company is Mr. Satyadeep KC. As the restaurant is located in the tourist hub
of Kathmandu, it has a wide customer base including locals and tourists. So, the company
must cater to the needs of customers from different countries, religions and ethnic
backgrounds. The company has applied various traditional marketing strategies so far.
Word-of-mouth marketing has been the most prominent technique so far. The company
is also active on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram with 655 followers
on the former and 291 followers on the latter (Pizza King Facebook and Instagram, 2018).

Conventional marketing is a good way to target the locals but as far as tourists are
concerned, going digital is the best approach. Upon realizing the fact that a thorough
digital marketing approach is required in order to get the job done, the owner is willing
to take a different approach to marketing and the author has been assigned the task of
suggesting a functional marketing plan for the company.

Figure 1: Pizza King’s Pictures (Pizza King Facebook, 2018)

1.3 Research Aim

Constructing marketing strategies that maximize profitability of the business and make
the business shine amongst the competitors have always been a tough task for the
marketers. This task is even more challenging for small restaurant owners who have
financial limitations. The aim of this research is to create a practical and actionable
marketing plan for Pizza King, a small take away restaurant.

Since the company has not formulated any digital marketing plan yet, the company will
benefit immensely from this research that is solely aimed at providing a credible digital
marketing solution for the company. The focus of this study is to choose the digital
marketing method that is best suited for the company at this point of time. There are
numerous techniques available, but the author’s mission is to apply only those that lead

to favorable results. The author’s focus is to propose a well-structured digital approach
of marketing that can pave a pathway for the company’s future marketing decisions.

1.4 Research Questions

Each research demands a certain set of questions that needs to be answered to extract
relevant information. In the light of the above discussion, this work aims to contribute to
the process of formulating a credible and realistic marketing plan for the company that
takes into consideration the size, resources, existing marketing tactics, marketing
channels and aim of the company. In order to do so, the following questions need to be

1) What are the best marketing strategies for Pizza King Restaurant?
2) What are the best online platforms to reach the target audience of Pizza King?

1.5 Limitations

The scope of the research is to collect enough information through primary and secondary
sources to diagnose suitable marketing plan for the restaurant. The collected data is
focused entirely upon the case company. The research does not provide deeper insights
on company’s history and its financial aspect but the marketing plan. As the company has
already applied some conventional marketing techniques such as handing out brochures,
product tasting with the locals, word-of-mouth marketing and so on, this research is
focused merely on formulating a digital marketing plan with the mission of reaching out
to global audience. Hence, the theoretical and empirical findings are dedicated towards
formulating a well-functioning marketing strategy for the company and any data that does
not contribute in framing the marketing plan for the company is ignored.

Pizza King, being a relatively new restaurant does not have a long history of
experimenting with marketing strategies. The data relevant to the research can be
extracted from the year 2017 only as the company did not exist before that. Hence, the
author does not have option of comparing the long-run strategies over the years and
suggest a marketing plan based on the past performances and achievements. Likewise,
there is no proof that a certain marketing plan would work in the future or has worked in
the past. Nonetheless, the lack of past record is compensated by the willingness of the
owner to provide appropriate and genuine information based on the current year.

This research’s empirical part is based on owner’s interview and TripAdvisor reviews.
There are altogether 84 reviews of the company so far in TripAdvisor. Although the
sample size is not so big yet, it is still sufficient for the author to establish a significant
relationship from the data.

1.6 Structure of thesis

The thesis follows IMRaD structure. The thesis consists of 6 chapters. The first chapter
is introduction. It starts with a brief introduction of the research background followed by
that of case company. The chapter also provides a brief overview of the research method,
its aim, research questions, limitations and the overall layout.

The second chapter comprises of the entire theoretical framework that act as a guidance
in the research process. Highlighted in this chapter are the existing marketing theories
that act as the conceptual guideline to come up with solution for the research problem.
This chapter is sub-divided into 6 sub-chapters that shed light into the theory behind the

The third chapter gives an insight into the methodology employed. This chapter is
categorized into 3 sub-chapters that explains the research methodology and ethical
considerations in greater depth.

The fourth chapter comprises of details about data collection methods and analysis. The
research findings and Marketing Plan for Pizza King based on SOSTAC planning
framework are also found under this chapter.

The fifth chapter sheds light into the findings of the research. The final chapter brings
into attention the overall conclusion based on the aforementioned theories and collected
data. The author’s suggestions and recommendations for further research are also
integrated in this chapter. The structure of the thesis is shown in the figure below.


Theoretical Framework


Result and Analysis

Discussion and Conclusion

Figure 2: Thesis Structure


2.1 Marketing

“Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating,
delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and
society at large.” (American Marketing Association AMA, 2014)

“The central idea of marketing is to match the organization’s capabilities with the needs
of customers in order to achieve the objectives of both parties.” (Frow, Payne and
McDonald, 2011)

Marketing is one of the most important aspects in determining the success of a company.
Different authors have defined marketing in various ways. However, one common thing
about all the marketing definitions is that all of them highlight the customers. Marketing
is all about addressing and satisfying the needs of the customers. In today’s vastly
competitive market environment, it is fundamental to act smart and address all needs of
the customers in order to acquire customer loyalty towards the business. A company
always have the option to choose how and to whom the product or service should be

Marketing is a complex phenomenon that includes the act of selling and promoting
products or services, advertising them to the correct audience in appropriate way and
conducting proper market research in order to make sure that the marketing process is
moving towards a proper direction. Marketing also involves identifying the correct
distribution channel and applying marketing strategies well-suited to the company. Even
though there are abundant theories and researches on developing effective marketing
strategies, eventually it relies on the company to tailor its own marketing strategy based
on its resources and capabilities.
In today’s competitive age with the proliferation of multiple suppliers dedicated in
offering every kind of products and services, a marketing plan is an imperative element
in deciding whether the company will be profitable. As the role of marketing in
determining the success of business is vital, entrepreneurs must always know the
importance of an effective marketing plan. Unlike a business plan, a marketing plan
prioritizes the customers and aims on speaking to the customers and making them happy.
As stated by Duermyer (2017), a business document usually focuses on set time period
that outlines your marketing strategies and tactics and comprises of a variety of
marketing-oriented details like costs, goals and steps of action, and therefore, can be
referred to as a marketing plan. A good marketing plan consists of all the necessary tools
and techniques that are required to achieve the sales goals.

2.2 Digital marketing

As stated by Gargan in an interview for American Fitness “Online, you get about 2
seconds-or 10 words-to make a first impression” (American Fitness, 2018). As marketing
in the digital world is highly competitive, a smart marketer should be able to enter the
unchartered territory and explore the best approaches that can overcome all the challenges
and transformations involved in managing digital marketing. In order to do so, new digital
marketing opportunities should be constantly reviewed (Chaffey and Smith, 2013, p. 475-

Digital marketing is a paradigm shift from conventional one. As the time changes, the
needs and demands of customers change. Digital marketing is the platform that makes it
all possible. In today’s age of digitalization, marketing approaches have been too
aggressive. People are constantly flooded with advertisements all over internet.
Considering the fact that customers are seeking to be heard, marketers must consider the
needs of customers to be able to market their product or service effectively. By listening

to the customers before talking, digital marketing can be less aggressive and more humane
(Kerpen, 2015).

2.3 Social Media Marketing

“Social media are digital media which encourage audience participation, interaction and
sharing.” (Chaffey and Smith, 2013, p. 214)

The rise of social media has revolutionized the field of modern marketing. Social media
marketing facilitates marketers to expand a message through comments and sharing of
social networks, word-of-mouth marketing or viral marketing (Chaffey and Smith, 2013,
p. 37). The figure below shows the social media marketing radar.

Figure 3: Social Media Marketing Radar (Smart Insights, 2012)

As presented by Chaffey and Smith (2013 p. 220), Social media marketing is based on
how consumer-to-consumer (C2C) interactions can be useful in increasing awareness of
the brand while minimizing negative statements. For businesses, the advantage of having

various social media platforms is that they can be more customer-centric. The authors
believe that with the help of skillful leaders, defined vision and supporting resources,
businesses can take full advantage of these platforms and become more customer-centric.
In order to market successfully in social media platforms, the marketers need to know
their audience and value their participation. Without audience participation, social media
marketing is incomplete. Social media has made marketing feasible. The world is full of
possibilities when you have access to social media. Social media is also an excellent
podium to run viral marketing campaigns and gather customer feedbacks.

Social media is the perfect medium for people to share opinions about the products or
services they like or dislike. As stated by Kerpen (2015), the beauty of social media is
that people can see what their friends or relatives like and make purchases based on what
their mutual friends buy. This action demonstrates the power of word-of-mouth marketing
in social media. Online word-of-mouth marketing is highly prevalent in present context.

2.3.1 Facebook

Facebook is a social media network built to help people connect with each other and the
things that matter to them. Facebook has 2.20 billion monthly active users (Facebook,
2018). Since its foundation in 4 February 2004, the face of social media marketing has
changed completely. The service provided by Facebook is relative to its mission "Give
people the power to build community and bring the world closer together." (Facebook,
2018). Facebook is one of the most prominent social media marketing channels.
Considering the sheer volume of customer profiles, Facebook has proven to be a boon to
the marketers. The analogy of ‘Facebook’ and ‘a cocktail party’ made by Kerpen (2015,
p. 6-7) reveals how Facebook is like a giant cocktail party where people can interact with
each other and there is a mix of likeable and not so likeable people.

Facebook is a game changer for marketers as they can precisely know who, how and why
they are marketing to. As Facebook allows marketers to keep track of online
performances such as post reach, post engagements, new page likes, engagements per
post and many more, it is an economical and convenient way of evaluating the company’s
marketing success. Moreover, marketers have the possibility to manage promotions on
Facebook by boosting posts and promoting the page locally and globally.

2.3.2 Instagram

Instagram is an online photo/video sharing social networking service. ¨Capture and share
the world’s moments¨ is the slogan of Instagram (Instagram, 2018). Instagram is a perfect
medium for marketers for visually storytelling their ideas to the customers. Instagram is
a great medium to introduce new products and raise brand awareness. (HubSpot, 2018).
Creating an Instagram profile is free and easy. Instagram is a valuable marketing tool as
there are numerous possibilities of creating significant content in it. With the use of
hashtag feature of Instagram, users can search photos and videos of their hobbies and

2.3.3 TripAdvisor

TripAdvisor is the world’s largest travel sites that provide travelers with the wisdom of
the crowds to help them plan their trip. With the help of TripAdvisor, travelers can easily
decide where to stay, how to fly, where to eat and what to do (TripAdvisor, 2018).
TripAdvisor allows travelers to search for hotels, restaurants, accommodations and
attractions, make comparisons, read reviews and choose freely whichever suits them best.
The TripAdvisor Popularity Ranking is centered on the quality, quantity and recency of
reviews that a company receives from its users.

An effective way to attract the customers with the help of TripAdvisor is by making the
profile attractive and informative with the use of captivating photos and detailed
information of the business. Another simple strategy that a company can use to gain
customers’ trust and loyalty through TripAdvisor is by acknowledging the comments
posted by the customers. In case of negative feedback, marketers must respond promptly
so as to make the customers happy. Negative feedback is not the end of the world. Those
comments can be rectified immediately by apologizing and answering the customer’s
queries in polite manner. Ultimately, the consistency of those reviews over time
determines the popularity ranking of a business (TripAdvisor, 2018).

2.3.4 Social Media Optimization

With the progression of time, people are not watching and listening to commercials
anymore. This creates a challenge for marketers to deliver their message effectively. In
the present competitive era, marketers need to move past commercials and find suitable
ways to get the word out about their products.

‘Thanks to Social Media, word can spread faster than ever before.’ (Kerpen, 2015).
Marketers actively use social media optimization as a tool to grow their company’s online
presence. SMO facilitates marketers to strengthen their brand, acquire maximum
visibility online and connect with their target market. The figure below showcases the
most popular social media networks worldwide.

Figure 4: Most popular social networks worldwide (Statista, 2018).

2.4 Influencer Marketing

The purpose of influencer marketing is promotion. Influencer marketing must be

authentic and truthful. The use of influencer marketing can strengthen a company’s social
status immensely. Some pros of influencer marketing are mentioned below:

1) It helps build relationships and trust with the customers.

2) It improves brand awareness.
3) It is an effective way to reach the target audience.
4) It provides an easy access to millennials.
5) It is versatile and shareable across the most prevalent social platforms.
6) It helps to pass on authentic messages and endorsements.
7) It creates effective marketing campaign.

While influencer marketing has many pros, there are some cons too. It can be a costly
method but marketers with limited financial capabilities can always choose influencers
who do not charge a lot. Some of the influencers like food bloggers might even pass on a
company’s message free of charge.

2.5 Search Engine Optimization

Jones (2013) defines Search-engine optimization (SEO) as the practice of setting up a

website in such a way that it is ranked well for certain keywords within the organic search
results of major search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo. The author emphasizes
that SEO is a lengthy process that requires a combination of skills and patience. Hence,
Jones suggest that marketers should consider SEO as a long-term process that is crucial
in maintaining and optimizing their profits in the organic search results. Ledford (2008)
highlights the complexity of SEO by expressing that achieving good SEO is a difficult
task and creating great SEO may seem fairly impossible at times. Both authors consider
SEO as a significant tool for achieving online marketing success.

2.6 SOSTAC planning model

SOSTAC is one of the leading planning models used by several companies as their
marketing planning guide. SOSTAC acronym stands for Situation, Objectives, Tactics,
Action and Control (Chaffey and Smith, 2013).

S Situation Analysis - Where are we now?

O Objectives - Where do we want to go?

S Strategy - How do we get there?
T Tactics - How exactly do we get there?
A Actions - What is our plan?
C Control - Did we get there?

2.6.1 Situational analysis

Situational analysis is the first stage of the aforesaid digital marketing planning
framework. At this stage, the marketers should paint an overall picture of the company.
The situational analysis provides marketers an insight of the company i.e. who you are,
what you do and how you interact in the online context. SWOT analysis is one of the
most popular way to evaluate the current position of the company.

Marketing planning can never be successful without a working SWOT analysis. SWOT
facilitates marketers to ascertain what makes the business stand out and to capitalize on
these findings. The use of SWOT analysis in fashioning a practical marketing policy is a
common trend. The purpose of SWOT analysis is to create an awareness of the forces that
create an impact in the business in the foreseeable future. With a better understanding of
these forces, a company can enhance its strategic decisions (Andersen, 2007 p. 19). These
four forces are explained in detail by Wood (2014, p. 31) as:
Strengths are internal capabilities that can be helpful in achieving the goals and objectives
of a company.

Weaknesses are the internal factors which can prevent the company to achieve the goals
and objectives set to be acquired.

Opportunities refer to external circumstances that can be useful as a tool to enhance


Threats are external circumstances which are not precisely under the company’s control
and may cause harm to a company’s performance now or in the future.

Situational analysis can also be done using other ways such as investigating market
trends, undertaking PEST analysis, conducting competitor analysis, using key
performance indicators (KPIs) and acquiring customer insights (Chaffey and Smith, 2013,
p. 541). Regardless of the method chosen, the focus of the initial step of SOSTAC
planning is to ascertain the situation of the company in present context so that future
strategies can be built accordingly.

2.6.2 Objectives

The second stage of SOSTAC planning is to set out realistic objectives. Chaffey and
Smith (2013) state that objectives must be SMART. According to Swan (2018), SMART
stands for:

Specific – Are you focusing enough on a specific issue or challenge within the company?
Measurable – How do you plan to assess the performance? Will it be supervised through
quantitative or qualitative analysis?
Actionable – Will it assist in improving performance if achieved?
Relevant – Is the issue to be addressed within the domain of the digital marketing team?
Time-related – Have you set a specific time period?

2.6.3 Strategy

Strategy is the third stage of SOSTAC planning method. Strategy refers to the way of
planning in order to fulfill the objectives set. The strategy part should also recognize
which segments of the market you aim to target in accord to your plan.

Companies are aware of the fact that it is not possible to appeal to all the buyers in the
market. There are numerous consumers in the marketplace who possess different needs,
values and buying behavior. It is in the best interest of the company to be choosy about
the customers, recognize the suitable part of the market and build relationship with the
market that the company can serve in the best way possible. As stated by Kotler and
Armstrong (2004), there are three steps in building right relationship with right customers.
Figure 6 shows the three major steps in marketing the target customers.

Market Target
Segmentation Marketing
1. Identify bases 1. Develop
positioning for
for segmenting measures of
target segments
the market segment
2. Develop a
2. Develop attractiveness.
marketing mix
profiles for each 2. Select target
for each
segment segments

Figure 5: Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (Kotler & Armstrong, 2004). Market Segmentation

Market segmentation is a process where all potential and existing customers are examined
clearly. Market segmentation can directly help the company to identify the profits
gathered from each segment. As a result, the company can concentrate on the particular
segment that provides the highest profit to the company and that segment can thus be
identified as target segment. Market segmentation is a complex process as it can be based
on opinion or experience.

22 Target Marketing

Target marketing is the process of evaluating the attractiveness of each segment of the
market and choosing one or more segments to enter (Kotler and Armstrong, 2004, p. 239).
A company must always be able to identify the target market so that it can market its
product or service in such a way that all the needs and wants of the target market is
fulfilled. After successful completion of market segmentation process, a company can
easily ascertain whether a particular segment is beneficial for the company. A target
market is a set of individuals who share similar needs or traits which the company is
committed to serve. It is always a good idea for a company to know for whom they are
dedicating their marketing resources. A business may fail if it has no idea whom they are
going to talk to about their product or service.

The significance of creating a successful marketing campaign that sends out a message
that resonates with the target market is accentuated in an online article by Thangavelu
(2015) which highlights how Patagonia, a manufacturer of upscale outdoor clothing
exceled at creating marketing strategies dedicated towards their target market. There are
several strategies to be noticeable in a target market, some of which are undifferentiated
marketing, differentiated marketing, niche marketing and micro marketing. Social media
platform such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter have eased out the
possibilities of targeting users based on segments of market. Facebook is one of the most
effective social media to execute target marketing. Pinpointing a company’s key audience
with precision is one of the characteristics of Facebook.

2.6.4 Tactics

Tactics cover certain tools of the digital marketing mix that you plan to utilize to
comprehend the objectives of your digital marketing plan. In simple words, detailed
strategies are called tactics (Chaffey and Smith, 2013, p. 559). The authors also explain

that tactics are short term and reasonable whereas strategy is more engaging and long
term. 7Ps of Marketing Mix is one of the most useful methods in managing tactics.

2.6.5 Action

Action is the fifth step of this planning framework. Actions are the implementation of
strategies and tactics. Action brings life to a company’s plan making it realistic and
practical. Action also entails a sense of what can go wrong while you are executing it. In
this phase of planning, strong leadership and planning skills are needed. It is crucial to
allocate time, resources and manpower strategically in order to meet the required goal.
Tasks need to be properly assigned taking into consideration the expertise and skills of
the manpower available.

2.6.6 Control

The final step of the method is control. Without control mechanisms, digital marketing is
pointless. The control process validates the success of all the aforesaid steps. Control also
includes monitoring competitor’s activities. Sales, leads, ROI, awareness, and attitude are
the most usual metrics to control the business (Chaffey and Smith, 2013, p. 570).

Google analytics is one of the most popular methods used for the purpose of turning
insights into actions. It provides tactical insights to the companies in such a way that they
can keep track of their actions. Google analytics offer marketing analytics for companies
of all sizes. It is easy to use, and users can sign it up for free without paying monthly
charge unless the users want more advanced features. There is a recurring fee if
companies use their advance features. By integrating Google analytics into website and
social media platforms, marketers can easily gather valuable insights of their ongoing
progress. The use of Google Analytics facilitates marketers to keep track of various
categories of online performance such as audience, acquisition, behaviour and conversion
(Hey, 2016). It provides tactical insights so that the marketer can keep track of online
performances, return on investment (ROI), sales and website traffic.


3.1 Methodology

According to Adcock, Halborg and Ross (2001), data consists of the facts and other
collected facts from which deduction of things can be done. Qualitative method was used
in this research to collect data. Primary data was collected via semi-structured interview
with the owner of the company. The data acquired from the interview is the foundation
for the empirical part of this research. As the objective of the study is create a suitable
marketing plan for the case company, it is important to have as much data as possible
related to the company. Hence, the date collected from the interview was not enough. To
explore other marketing potentials of the business, the author also collected data from the
company and its competitors’ social media platforms. Therefore, the empirical part is
based on the responses from the interview as well as Facebook, Instagram and
TripAdvisor ratings and reviews.

Qualitative research is comparable to quantitative research in the process of following

clear fundamental principles of logic generally and scientific reasoning specifically (Lee
and Hubona, 2009). This research opted for a case study approach. A case study approach
is based on one or more cases that are selected from a broader sample. In this research,
the author chose a particular restaurant as a sample and the research is designed around
the context. As a researcher, the goal was to minimize bias in the research process. The
use of qualitative approach in this case study assisted the author to explore the marketing
possibilities of the case company in greater depth.

Secondary data was gathered from various books and electronic sources to develop the
theoretical part. Pre-existing marketing theories extracted from different sources were
analyzed and used as a theoretical basis.

3.2 Data collection

Data collection is the process by which the researcher gathers the information required to
address the research problem. In collecting the data, the researcher must carefully decide
which data to collect, how the collection is done, who will collect the data and when will
it be collected. The selection of data collection method is based on the research problem
and the research design. Data collection can be either primary or secondary.

There are various types of research instruments available for the researchers such as
checklist, questionnaire, interview, observation, records, surveys, experimental approach
and many more. In this research, the author used interview as data collection tool. One of
the main advantage of conducting a semi-structured interview is that the author has the
freedom to experiment with structure and flexibility. The aforementioned interview
consisted of a questionnaire with 15 open-ended questions. The interview with the owner
of the restaurant provided crucial perceptions about personal opinions, product and
service quality, target customers, existing marketing strategies, overview of actions and
tactics to execute the strategies.

As emphasized by Ellram and Tate (2016), secondary data has some limitations such as
bias in collection, struggle to pinpoint and retrieve applicable sources of secondary data
and difficulty in coping with its primarily unstructured nature. Hence, secondary data
collection was conducted carefully so that the retrieved data facilitated the author to make
primary data more specific. Validity and reliability of the research is also crucial in the
process of data collection.

For this research, purposive sampling method was used. Purposive sampling is the
process of selecting most productive sample to answer the research question. Hence, the
author chose to interview the most prominent individual who runs and controls the
company and has answers to required questions. The choice of using this sampling
method enabled the author to gain deeper understanding of the company and acquire
different insights shared by the owner in a clear and honest way.

3.3 Ethical Considerations

Bryman and Bell (2007) have emphasized the utmost importance of ethical considerations
by outlining the most important principles concerning ethical considerations on a
dissertation. In order to address ethical considerations of the study effectively, careful
measures have been adopted. Full consent was obtained from the interviewee prior to the
study. It was clearly stated to the interviewee that the research is being conducted as a
part of bachelor’s degree thesis. The participation of respondent was voluntary and
sufficient information regarding the research project was provided prior to the interview.
The participant was full aware of the purpose of the research and permission was granted
to use the findings from the interview for the research project.

As a researcher, the author is morally obliged to conduct the study using approaches that
minimize potential harm to participants of the study (Bloomberg and Volpe, 2008). While
formulating the interview questionnaire, extra considerations were made to avoid the use
of offensive or discriminatory language. The research design and methodology are in
compliance with the principles of qualitative research ethics. The study is independent as
the author has not received any funding from the case company or any financial sources.
Therefore, the study has met the criteria of ethical consent.


4.1 Data interpretation

The empirical findings in combination with the theoretical was the basis for data
interpretation. As the main study object of this research is the case company, the two
research questions provided a significant analytical framework for studying the collected
data for Pizza King. The data interpretation for the study entailed exploring and analyzing
the implications of interview material. The data gathered from interview was thoroughly
examined and taken into consideration before proposing a conclusion. The interview was
formulated in such a way that the interviewee could provide honest and credible answers.

4.2 Findings and analysis

Based on literature review, the author found out that SOSTAC planning model is suitable
and convenient way to fashion marketing plan for the case company. After carefully
investigating the company’s background and Facebook and Instagram pages, the need for
a digital marketing plan was established.

It was also established that Facebook and Instagram were the most popular social media
platforms of Pizza King Restaurant. A total of 84 reviews were found in TripAdvisor and
the rating was found to be a perfect 5. It was also found that Pizza King’s Facebook and
Instagram accounts have 655 and 291 followers respectively. The figure below
demonstrates the popularity of Pizza King on social media platforms.

TripAdvisor reviews

Instagram Followers

Facebook Followers

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Figure 6: Bar graph representing Pizza King’s social media popularity.

Mr. KC ‘s responses to the interview questions provided useful insights for the study. As
the questionnaire was formulated in line with SOSTAC planning framework, the
interview result is summarized into following topics.

4.2.1 Situational Analysis

Mr. KC’s responses to the interview questions has facilitated the author to know about
strengths and weaknesses of the company. It has been established that there is a fierce
competition in this market and the fact that the competitors have higher investments in
marketing brings challenges to the company. Nonetheless, Mr. KC has been trying
various methods to overcome these challenges.

4.2.2 Objectives

Mr. KC expressed that the company’s objectives are to build a powerful brand in the field
of Fast Food Industry. He also stated that the company has the objective of creating Pizza
outlets all over Nepal.

4.2.3 Strategies

Based on the interview and TripAdvisor reviews, it was found that the target market of
Pizza King is locals and foreigners, teenage and young adults, both male and female. It
was also derived that Mr. KC is open to innovative marketing ideas and looking forward
to integrating new marketing ideas into his business. His opinion was that social media is
the best way to market their products to the target audience.

4.2.4 Tactics

At the moment, the company has been active on Facebook and Instagram. Mr. KC states
that they do live pizza making to attract more customers. According to Mr. KC, traditional
marketing approaches are the current marketing tactics of Pizza King.

4.2.5 Action

Online performances have not been monitored regularly due to the lack of staffs. Mr. KC
is keen to try marketing methods such as influencer marketing, use of hashtags, creation
of online campaigns and so on.

4.2.6 Control

Currently, there is no control method for measuring performances. Mr. KC has expressed
that the reason for not having the control measure is the lack of staff as he has to do most
of the work and there is not enough time for him to keep track of online performances.

4.3 Marketing Plan for Pizza King

The logical step in the process of designing marketing strategy for Pizza King is to focus
on digital marketing aspects. The Marketing plan is formulated on the basis of SOSTAC
planning framework. The final marketing plan investigates the six aspects of SOSTAC
planning suitable for case company.

4.3.1 Situational analysis (Where are we now?)

There are various ways to investigate the current situation of case company. As the
company is in its first phase of marketing planning, the most logical way to do the
situational analysis is SWOT. Another approach that will immensely influence the
company’s existing position is to do the competitor analysis.

With the help of these two analyses, a clear picture of the company’s strengths and
shortcomings can be obtained which is crucial in formulating the required marketing plan. SWOT Analysis

Firstly, a SWOT analysis is done to pinpoint the strengths (internal, positive attributes),
weaknesses (internal, negative factors), opportunities (external, positive attributes) and
threats (external, negative factors) of the company. This is one of the most recognized
technique in evaluating a company’s competitive position. The SWOT analysis of Pizza
King is demonstrated in the figure below.

1. Reasonable price. 1. Lack of Marketing expertise.
2. Quick service. 2. Lack of brand power.
3. Consistent quality 3. Financial limitations.
4. Loyal customer. 4. New to the market.
5. Good customer satisfaction.
6. Relationship selling.
7. Personalized care.
1. High scope of expansion due to the 1. High competition.
demand of fast food chain. 2. New competitor entry.
2. Acquisition of market share. 3. High fluctuation in prices of supply.
3. Innovation and technology 4. Change in technology.
development. 5. Seasonality
4. Launch of marketing campaigns.
5. Hiring of marketing expertise to the

Table 1: SWOT analysis of Pizza King. Competitor Analysis

Secondly, competitor analysis is done to ascertain the present position of Pizza King. A
competitor analysis based on social media integration is done to investigate the current
situation of Pizza King’s competitors in digital marketing context. The table below
demonstrates the social media integration of the company’s competitors as compared to
Pizza King. The comparison is done based on the number of followers on Facebook and
Instagram and Facebook rating scale.

Pizza King Fire and Ice Road House Alchemy Black Water
Pizzeria Cafe Pizzeria Bestro and

Number of 655 17,953 4,161 264 7,982

FB followers

Number of 291 255 - - 115


Facebook 5.0 4.1 4.3 4.6 4.6


TripAdvisor 84 2,133 1,301 100 129


TripAdvisor 5.0 4.0 4.0 4.5 5.0


Table 2: Social media integration of Pizza King and its competitors.

Comparison based on Facebook followers and rating

Fire and Ice Pizzeria, Road House Café and Black water Bestro and bar have more
followers than Pizza King. However, Pizza King tops the chart in terms of Facebook
rating scale with a perfect score of 5. This proves that even though the competitors have
higher number of followers, Pizza King still holds a strong lead in terms of gaining good
ratings from the followers.

Comparison based on Instagram followers

Pizza King has the highest number of followers on Instagram as compared to its
competitors. This is the social media where Pizza King has the greatest potential to
acquire the desired market share.

Comparison based on TripAdvisor reviews and ratings

Pizza King has the least number of reviews on TripAdvisor which might be because of
the fact that the company is new compared to other companies. Fire and Ice Pizzeria are
way ahead in terms of quantity of TripAdvisor reviews. Nevertheless, Pizza King has the
best rating with a score of perfect 5. Black Water Bestro and Bar is also on the leading
position with a rating of 5.

With the help of competitor analysis, it has been ascertained that Pizza King has an
immediate need to increase the number of followers on Facebook. However, the excellent
rating scales imply that customers are fond of Pizza King’s service. It is a good position
to be at considering that the company is the youngest in the market.

4.3.2 Objectives (Where do we want to go?)

The objectives of Pizza King are listed below.

• To reach both locals and tourists using various social media platforms.
• To build powerful brand online by raising brand awareness.
• To improve social media performance.
• To Build Instagram and Facebook community.
• To increase the number of Facebook and Instagram followers.

• To create quality contents on social media.
• To increase the quality and quantity of TripAdvisor reviews.
• To build a website and increase traffic to the website.
• To be visible on search engines.
• To stand out from the competitors.
• To enhance customers’ experience and increase customer loyalty.
• Ultimately to open more Pizza King’s outlets in Nepal and increase sales.

4.3.3 Strategy (How do we get there?) Market Segmentation

The first step in designing strategy for Pizza King is segmentation of market. The figure
below illustrates the company’s market segment.


Teens and young

Segmentation of
Pizza King
Tourists Older adults

Figure 7: Market segmentation of Pizza King. Target Marketing

After the segmentation, the next step to be applied is targeting. The target audience of
Pizza King consists of locals and tourists, mostly teens and young adults. After the target
market is identified, social media platform such as Facebook and Instagram can be used

for reaching out to the target market. Facebook is designed in such a way that it is
convenient to target based on various characteristics. Targeting via Facebook can be done
by following few simple steps. The figure below recommends few simple ways of
targeting with the help of Facebook.

Targeting by Age, Gender and Targeting by interests and

Location workplaces

• By feeding FB the exact • By entering relevant keywords

attributes of customer. in the 'Interests' category.

Figure 8: Targeting via Facebook. Social Media Strategies

It has been established that the key to Pizza King’s marketing success lies in optimization
of social media. Some of the strategies that Pizza King can apply in order to reach their
goal are listed below.

• Interact with followers and remain active on social media.

• Post quality content frequently and consistently.

• Implement hashtag strategy for Facebook and Instagram.

• Use Facebook’s local advertisements.

• Increase Facebook page reviews and ratings.

• Increase TripAdvisor review and ratings.

36 Influencer Marketing

Pizza King can make promotions successful with the help of influencer marketing.
Influencer marketing is one of the most efficient ways to reach out to the Nepalese
customers. The local customers of Pizza King have the tendency to listen to influencers
such as bloggers and food critics. Influencer marketing has been proven successful in the
past for Nepalese customers. Nepalese customers are easily persuaded by messages
conveyed by influencers. So, it is efficient medium to speak to locals. This method of
marketing is a perfect way to deliver authentic and honest messages. Hence, it is also vital
in reaching out to customers globally. With influencer marketing approach, Pizza King
has the potential to be highly profitable while creating a brand identity. Search Engine Optimization

Pizza King does not have a website yet, but it will be ready soon. As soon as the website
will be ready, the next step would be to optimize it and the best way to do so is by creating
an SEO strategy. SEO is not a one-time event and it is a long process. It requires training
and patience. As this is the first marketing plan for Pizza King, setting basic strategies for
SEO is a rational step. Some of the basic strategies at this point in time are finding
appropriate keywords that can generate traffic to the company’s website and making
Pizza King’s website friendly to search engines.

4.3.4 Tactics (How exactly do we get there?)

Tactics phase is where the strategies come to life. With the help of Facebook, Instagram
and TripAdvisor, Pizza King can carry out their marketing strategies in effective way.
Integrating influencer marketing to the social media marketing can be beneficial in
reaching out to potential customers. The use of SEO can bring traffic to the website and

social media platforms and facilitate Pizza king to create brand awareness and ultimately
generate more sales. Marketing tactics for Pizza King are described in detail below. Facebook Marketing


FACEBOOK 1) Run promotional campaigns targeting potential customers.

2) Reply to post comments on a regular basis to make the customers
feel valued.
3) Encourage online word-of-mouth marketing with the help of
likes, comments, shares and surveys.
4) Create fun contents such as quiz and games and enhance audience
5) Encourage the use of hashtags on Facebook. Some possible
hashtags could be #PizzaKing, #Livepizzamaking,
6) Enhance customer loyalty by starting loyalty schemes and
discount codes.
7) Share discounts and offers with people who have liked the page
by creating offer ad.
8) Take advantage of Facebook promotions by promoting the FB
page, promoting the business locally, boosting post and setting up
ongoing promotion.
9) Keep track of performances such as new page likes, post
engagements and post reach.

Table 3: Facebook Marketing tactics for Pizza King.

38 Instagram Marketing


INSTAGRAM 1) Optimize Instagram Bio (150 characters maximum) by using direct

and concise message and by featuring clickable website and Facebook
2) Post a variety of photos depicting the culture of Pizza King’s brand.
3) Upload behind the scenes posts and videos and influencer posts.
4) Share educational posts and videos. For instance: Live video
demonstrating how pizza is made at Pizza King.
5) Include call-to-action in caption and encourage audience to like,
comment and share photos.
6) Make the account public and use hashtags to connect to more
7) Build consistent brand on Instagram because random contents
might confuse the audience. For instance, Upload posts related to the
brand, use colour palette that matches the brand.
8) Be customer-centric and create posts that attract the target

Table 4: Instagram Marketing tactics for Pizza King.

39 TripAdvisor Optimization


TRIPADVISOR 1) Respond to TripAdvisor reviews frequently.

2) Acknowledge negative reviews by addressing at right time in right
3) Thank the reviewers personally and encourage them to tell others and
bring friends and family on their next visit.
4) Use ‘Review’ tab in the menu to manage, measure and respond to
new reviews.

Table 5: TripAdvisor Optimization tactics for Pizza king. Influencer Marketing

INFLUENCER 1) Integrate influencer marketing on social media platforms by
MARKETING inviting popular food bloggers to the restaurant.
2) Research social media influencers and reach out to the ones
who can create positive impact on target customers.
3) Encourage influencers to write blog posts depicting pictures
of delicious menu offered by Pizza King.
4) Measure Influencer Marketing return on investment (ROI).
5) Instead of advertising directly, create quality content to
invoke some level emotions from the audience.

Table 6: Influencer Marketing tactics for Pizza King.

40 Search Engine Optimization


SEO 1) Use SEO to generate traffic to the website.

2) Use catchy keywords for SEO.
3) Display physical address on the website so that customers
can track the location.
4) Register on Restaurant Directories such as Yelp, Foursquare.
5) Integrate influencer marketing in SEO. This will bring
traffic to the website while creating brand awareness and
customer loyalty.
6) Produce quality content to create positive user experiences.

Table 7: Search Engine Optimization for Pizza King.

4.3.5 Actions (What is our plan?)

In terms of executing action, the problem seems to be the lack of manpower and expertise
in the field of marketing. As the owner is solely responsible to take care of the entire
business while accomplishing the role as Head Chef, there is not enough time for him to
handle the marketing aspect of the business. An addition of a marketing expert in the
company’s team can be the first logical step to achieve the company’s marketing
objectives. By doing so, the owner can invest his skills in what he is good at.

At this point of time, the marketing plan proposed by the author as a result of this research
process may be used as the actual marketing plan of the company. This will ascertain that
the company has a proper marketing plan that can be implemented and monitored. As
time progresses, the marketing plan might need updates. In order to ensure that the

marketing plan is up-to-date, marketing staff is needed for the company and the addition
of the new manpower may seem costly but eventually, this action will bring more sales
to the company. All the necessary resources required to achieve the marketing goal should
be managed carefully. Manpower, expertise, financial resources and technical resources
need to be utilized properly. Time management is also crucial in this stage. It is
recommended that Pizza King create a time-based action plan keeping in consideration
their available manpower, financial resources and other capabilities. Gantt’s chart can be
an easy tool to manage a project or a task. It is recommended that Pizza King use this tool
to execute their action.

4.3.6 Control (Did we get there?)

Google analytics is the recommended tool for Pizza King to ensure that the tactics are
under control. Google analytics is easy to integrate in social media platforms as well as
website. As depicted in the figure below, the online performance can be measured on
Google Analytics using different categories such as audience, acquisition, behavior, and
conversion (Hey, 2018). Pizza King can take keep track of their progress under each
category with the help Google Analytics tool.

Figure 9: Google Analytics (Hey, 2016).


Despite the fact that a great deal of research has been conducted to formulate the
fundamental techniques of marketing and various marketing strategies are available for
businesses to choose from, the rise of digital era places new challenges to the marketers.
It is not a logical step for company to generate a conventional marketing plan that ignores
the digital aspects of marketing. The digital age demands innovative and practical
marketing solutions so that the business can reach out to its potential customers and
remain competitive. To cope with ever-growing marketing challenges, it is a rational
move for a company to articulate digital marketing plan that is best-suited for their target

This research was initiated with the aim of finding suitable marketing plan for Pizza King
Restaurant. After carefully investigating various models to create marketing plans, a
practical and convenient marketing model was chosen. The chosen model was well-

renowned SOSTAC model. The fundamental concepts of digital marketing were the
basics of this research. To accomplish the research aim, Social media marketing, Social
Media Optimization, Search Engine Optimization, Influencer Marketing and SOSTAC
marketing planning method were used as the conceptual framework in designing a digital
marketing plan for the chosen company. SWOT analysis, competitor analysis, market
segmentation, target marketing and google analytics were also discussed to get deeper
understanding of the study.

After carefully selecting the SOSTAC model, all the phases were formulated in detail.
The situational analysis of Pizza King was conducted using SWOT analysis and
competitor analysis. The external and internal environments of the company studied with
the help of SWOT analysis provided a clear picture of the current position of the
company. The competitor analysis based on social media presence offered significant
insights which was a radical understanding in the process of formulating the marketing
plan. The objectives of the case company were clearly defined in the second step of
SOSTAC planning followed by third step which shed light into recommended strategies.
The formulation of strategies was primarily based on market segmentation and targeting.
Appropriate tactics for Pizza King were suggested in the fourth phase of the aforesaid
planning. An action plan centered on utilizing the available manpower and financial
resources was generated on the fifth step. The final phase suggested appropriate control
measure for Pizza King. In this step, the use of Google Analytics tool to keep track of the
company’s performance was proposed.

The empirical part consisted of a semi-structured interview with the owner of Pizza King.
The response obtained from the interview provided answers to customer needs,
competition in the market, current marketing strategies and market trends. During the
interview, interesting facts and personal opinions of the owner were also received which
were integrated in the process of framing the marketing plan. Data obtained from the
company and its social media platforms were also analyzed to support the study.

With the help of theoretical framework and qualitative research method, the goal of the
research was achieved. The research questions were answered, and significant findings
were obtained. At the end of the research, an effective marketing plan that has
incorporated all the necessary aspects of digital marketing relevant to the case company
was generated.


After careful analysis of the study, it was found that the case company is in need of a
digital marketing plan that helps to increase its visibility to its potential customers. It was
found that Facebook and Instagram are the most popular social media platforms. As a
result of this finding, the need for optimization of social media was established. The
company’s Facebook page has the highest number of followers as compared to other
media. Hence, it was found that marketing with the help of Facebook is suitable strategy
for Pizza King. Pizza King also has followers on Instagram and 84 reviews on
TripAdvisor so far. Based on the stated finding, the need for Instagram marketing and
TripAdvisor optimization was also recognized.

The findings also depicted that control measures have not been applied by the company
to keep track of online performances. Thus, monitoring online performances using
Google Analytics tool is proposed to the company. Considering the touch competition of
Pizza King in the market, social media marketing does not seem enough to reach out to
potential customers. Hence, the use of influential marketing and SEO to generate traffic
and raise brand awareness was recommended.

Even though the research process provided detailed insights of the marketing strategies
required for the case company, continual updates need to be made in the field of digital
marketing. The horizon of digital world is expanding every day and so must the marketing

techniques. To keep up the demand of the market, marketers at Pizza King must think
outside the box and keep applying innovative techniques.

Although the study achieved a significant milestone, future studies need to use a bigger
sample base. Over time, the company will get more reviews on TripAdvisor which should
be monitored carefully and analyzed effectively by the company. As the business
expands, it might be profitable if the business tries other digital marketing strategies. As
the competition in the market is tough, it is recommended that marketers keep track of
competitor’s marketing approaches and also anticipate the entry of new competitors in
the market. To sum up, the company needs to be vigilant of the trending marketing
techniques and act accordingly.


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Appendix 1: Pizza King’s CEO Interview Transcription.

Anu: Can you please state your position and responsibilities in the company?
Mr. KC: Yes, Anu. I am the Head Chef and owner of Pizza King.

Anu: What are the mission, vision and core values of your company?
Mr. KC: My Mission is to build a powerful brand for the Pizza King making it a winner
in Fast food industry here, by meeting with all the expectations of our customers.

My vision is to dominate the fast food industry making our Pizza “a Favorite Pizza” in
Nepal and to establish Pizza Kings outlet all over Nepal.

My core values are maintaining high standards, being innovative and creative, connecting
with customers by sharing happiness with our products and team work.

Anu: Who are Pizza King’s main competitors?

Mr. KC: Pizza king´s main competitors are Fire and Ice, Road house, Alchemy and Black
Water Pizza.

Anu: What differentiates your company from your competitors?

Mr. KC: We do our live pizza making, people can see how their food is being prepared
that creates fun for them and our pizza price is very reasonable comparing with our

Anu: In what areas do your competitors have an edge?

Mr. KC: Most of my competitors are old existing business and they have made a huge
investment in marketing while we have not made huge investments in marketing.

Anu: Can you please describe your current target market? (age, gender, nationality etc.)
Mr. KC: My current target market is locals and foreigners, teenage both male and female.

Anu: In your opinion, what are the best ways to reach out to your company’s target
Mr. KC: Best ways to reach out to the company’s target market is to do the social media

Anu: What are your current marketing strategies?

Mr. KC: Currently I am using the traditional approach distributing flyers in the streets
and sticking them in the notice boards in hotels and supermarket and word to mouth

Anu: What kind of challenges have you faced in executing your current marketing
Mr. KC: Difficulty in reaching out to all the people who would like our service.

Anu: Which social media platforms do you find most useful for digital marketing?
(Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest etc.)
Mr. KC: Facebook, Instagram and Trip advisor are the most useful social media
marketing platforms.

Anu: How do you keep track of your company’s online performance?

Mr. KC: I haven’t got enough time myself to track the online of our company and I
haven’t yet actively used the social media platform till now.

Anu: Have you run any online marketing campaigns? If yes, can you please explain in
few sentences.
Mr. KC: I haven’t yet run any online marketing campaigns till now, but I am definitely
looking forward to it in future.

Anu: Does your company have a unique hashtag? If yes, in which social media platform
is it used the most?
Mr. KC: My company doesn’t have any unique hashtag till now.

Anu: What do you think of influencer marketing?

Mr. KC: Influencer Marketing is great way to divert costumers to the business and it is
getting so popular all around the world these days. I am aware of it and certainly I am
looking forward to taking the benefit of it in near future.

Anu: What tactics would you recommend considering when creating a digital marketing
plan for Pizza King?
Mr. KC: To create a digital marketing, I would like to pay for the Facebook, Instagram
and Trip advisor and create story boards and short videos to let us reach more people in
Nepal as possible.


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