Sist en Iso 7346 2 1998
Sist en Iso 7346 2 1998
Sist en Iso 7346 2 1998
SIST ISO 7346-2:1997
13.060.70 Preiskava bioloških lastnosti Examination of biological
vode properties of water
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
SIST EN ISO 7346-2:1998
Second edition
1996-06-I 5
Reference number
IS0 7346-Z: 1996(E)
SIST EN ISO 7346-2:1998
Annexes A, B and C of this part of IS0 7346 are for information only.
0 IS0 1996
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced
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lnternationa I Organization for Standardization
Case Postal e 56 l CH-121 1 Geneve 20 l Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland
SIST EN ISO 7346-2:1998
The three parts of IS0 7346 describe methods of determining the acute
lethal toxicity of substances to the zebra fish (Brachydanio rerio
Hamilton-Buchanan) but it must be emphasized that the recommended
use of the zebra fish does not preclude the use of other species. The
methodologies presented here may also be used for other species of
freshwater, marine or brackish water fish, with appropriate modifications
of, for example, dilution water quality and the temperature conditions of
the test.
Within the three parts of IS0 7346, a choice can be made between static,
semi-static and flow-through methods” The static test, described in
IS0 7346-1, in which the solution is not renewed, has the advantage of
requiring simple apparatus, although the substances in the test vessel may
become depleted during the course of the test and the general quality of
the water may deteriorate. The flow-through method, described in
IS0 7346-3, in which the test solution is replenished continuously, over-
comes such problems but requires the use of more complex apparatus.
In the semi-static procedure, described in this part of IS0 7346, the test
solutions ISOrenewed
7346-2:1998 every 24 h or 48 h, this method being a compro-
mise between the other two.
The flow-through method can be used for most types of substances, in-
cluding those unstable in water, but the concentrations of the test sub-
stance are determined wherever possible. The static method is limited to
the study of substances whose tested concentrations remain relatively
constant during the test period. The semi-static method can be used for
testing those substances whose concentrations can be maintained satis-
factorily throughout the test by renewal of the solutions every 24 h or
48 h. Special arrangements may be necessary for substances which are
highly volatile.
To assist in the preparation and maintenance of concentrations of sub-
stances which may be lethal at concentrations close to that of their
aqueous solubility, a small volume of solvent may be used, as specified in
the methods.
SIST EN ISO 7346-2:1998
iTeh This
page intentionally leftPREVIEW
SIST EN ISO 7346-2:1998
SIST EN ISO 7346-2:1998
Part 2:
Semi-static method
The results are insufficient by themselves to define The test is carried out in two stages:
water quality standards for environmental protection.
a) a preliminary test which gives an approximate in-
The method is also applicable when using certain dication of the acute median lethal concentrations
other species of freshwater fish as the test and serves to determine the range of concen-
organisml). trations for the final test;
The method may be adapted for use with other b) a final test, the results of which alone are re-
freshwater fish and marine and brackish water fish ported.
I) The following species of freshwater fish can be used, in addition to Brachydanio rerio, without modification to this part of
IS0 7346.