LUBCON Printing Services

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LUBCON Printing Services

From the very first printed bible, by Chain Lubrication: Carriage Chain in Delivery Section
Johannes Gutenberg in the year Turmofluid GV 460
1450, up to modern printing
machines the industrial develop- Turmofluid GV 460 is a high viscosity lubricant,
ment has gone through tremendous suitable for gears, worm gears, control and conveyor
improvements in terms of quality, chains and linear guides.
speed, appearance and printing
media. Modern printing machinery
has improved the productivity Oil Lubrication of Gears and Bearings:
continuously with increasing printing Turmofluid GV 220
speed and accuracy by optimizing
the performance of all mechanical Turmofluid GV 220 is a synthetic oil for long term
components. In a piece of complex lubrication of gears, roller and journal bearings. It is
machinery like a four color daily superior to mineral oils with outstanding stability
against oxidation.
news paper printer as well as in a
sheet-fed printing press, hundreds
of gears, rolling bearings, joints, bushings and guided elements have to Gear Box/Transmission Lubrication:
operate partly independently and still match perfectly in time to produce Turmofluid GV 100 KBA
reliably over many years.
Turmofluid GV 100 KBA is a regular long life oil for
gears and transmission lubrication. It is superior to
mineral oils it and is fully compatible with standard
To enable such a complex system, the highest demands have been set mineral oils.
by each individual component in terms of precision and reliability. The
control of friction and wear in all moving parts was the only way to Schmitzring Lubrication:
maintain the narrow tolerances and thus to enable long term
performance. This was the main driver for the development of modern Turmofluid OM 3
highly sophisticated lubricants. LUBCON carries a full range of This product offers optimum friction and wear
lubricants to support high performance levels in printing industry. Gear protection at a wide temperature range. Low energy
oils with well balanced additive package as well as cleaning and consumption and excellent high temperature stability.
preservation fluids and various greases in combination with LUBCON’s Easy to clean off the machines parts. Miscible with
new series of lubrication devices are available to serve all lubrication mineral oils.
requirements of printing industry. LUBCON’s technical services are Gripper Bars:
provided to the OEM’s as well as to the end users, the operators and
maintenance personnel. Turmogrease NBI
Turmogrease NBI is a complex soap grease resistant
LUBCON’s lubricants are used widely in the printing industry and have to water and alkali. It has excellent protection against
significantly contributed to long term reliability of printing machinery. wear under high loads and low speeds, as well as
fretting corrosion.

High Quality Greases for Bearing Lubricants

Chains, Liners, Gripper Bars:
Turmogrease L 802 EP plus Turmofluid 300 OM
We offer a bearing lubricating grease with best Turmofluid 300 OM is odorless and has excellent
load carrying performance in rolling bearings for creep and spreading properties due to its low surface
the operating requirements in printing machines. tension. Due to excellent adhesion to metallic
This product holds a high stability of the special surfaces and outstanding thermal stability it results in
Lithium thickener that maintains the lubricant optimum friction and wear protection of sliding or
availability and protects the bearing raceways oscillating contacts.
against contamination and corrosion. The
Turmogrease L 802 EP Plus is used for the Corrosion Protection of Rollers and Pins:
main shaft bearings of printing presses. Korroquick
Korroquick holds a low viscosity with synergetic
Turmogrease L 802 EP Plus is suitable to be additive properties. It separates corroded metal
used in central lubrication systems for automatic parts, screws, bolts, joints and eliminates corrosion
lubricant supply or in any type of manual films. Korroquick repels water on metallic surfaces
lubrication pumps. and generates a protective layer against corrosion.
LUBCON Printing Services

Genius 52, 74 Karat, Rapida 74 G LUBCON’s Complete Grease and Bearing Failure Analysis

Rapida 105, Rapida 105 U, Years of experience in bearing performance as well as lubricant
behaviors and strong involvement in daily industrial practices have
Rapida 130 to 162a, Rapida 205 contributed to a huge knowledge base concerning bearing failure
and bearing failure analysis methods. Equipped with all knowledge
and tools to identify the root cause of bearing malfunction LUBCON
helps the customer to identify possible areas of improvement and
supports all the way up to implementation of the solutions.

The bearing failure analysis covers all components involved:

Grease analysis
Seal inspection
Cage, cage pockets
Bearing visual inspection
Raceway analysis with Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)

LUBCON Lubrication Systems

Printing Presses KBA - Rapida TLB 2000 - The automatic pin chain lubricator supplies
accurate lubricant quantities with precise timing to
conveyor chains. Optimum lubrication with Lubcon
chain oils and accurate minimum oil quantities extends
the chain life up to factor 3.
LUBCON’s Support Goes Beyond Lubricants Only
Advanced calculation methods have been developed to help the EasyMatic - The smart automatic lubricator for oils and
customer selecting the right lubricant in terms of optimum operating greases for up to 22 lubrication positions (44 with two
condition and grease service life. Training seminars for better pump elements). This is designed for automatic long
understanding of bearing operation and lubrication technology have term lubrication of machinery in industrial environments.
been composed and made available for maintenance personnel,
engineering staff, designers etc.

Where required, automatic lubrication devices are available to extend

maintenance free operation. To enable better handling and MicroMax 120 - Single point lubricator for automatic
disassembly of bearings, fittings and any clamping devices during lubrication up to a maximum of 3 years. It can be used
overhaul assembly pastes have been developed and are available in for any individual bearing, ball screws, gears, etc with a
a various range of packaging as well as aerosols. large variety of long life greases.

Grease service life program
Relubrication quantity and interval calculation tool
Training seminars DuoMax 160 - Double point lubricator for maintenance
Assembly pastes free operation of e.g. electrical motors up to a maximum
Cleaning spray LC 500 of 3 years. This also can be used for fan shaft bearings
Automatic lubrication devices from a single point lubricator to and many others with a large variety of long life
central lubrication systems with a maximum of 44 lubrication greases.

Various Types of Packaging QuattroMax 30 - The minimum quantity lubricator for

high speed spindle lubrication is the only unit that can
All LUBCON products are OEM approved and available from stock in a supply grease to grease lubricated spindles during
large variety of packaging solutions, from 50 ml (1.76 oz) tubes, 400 ml operation. Lubrication of linear guides, high precision
(14 oz) cartridge up to 200l (55 gal) drums. ball screws etc.
Release date: 2010-12-30
USA-crd Flyer-2008-08-26

LUBCON Turmo®Lubrication, Inc.

Lubricants . Lubrication Engineering
5460 33rd Street SE . Grand Rapids, MI 49512 . USA . Tel.: 616-575-6034 . Fax: 616-575-6062
Toll Free: 877-887-6658 . .
This brochure only contains product information. For specific information please refer to our technical data and safety data sheets. The indications made represent the present state of development and knowledge of
LUBCON Turmo Lubrication, Inc., which is subject to change without notification. The products are subject to severe controls of manufacture and comply in full with the specifications set forth by our company, but
due to the multitude of different influencing factors, we cannot assume any warranty for the successful application in each individual case. Therefore, we recommend to perform field tests. We strictly refuse any liability.

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