Sapatilha Peep Toe Com Laço
Sapatilha Peep Toe Com Laço
Sapatilha Peep Toe Com Laço
Two complimentary cotton prints. Two fat quarters would make about 2 pair.
Fusible interface
1/4 inch elastic
Cutting Instructions:
Knot: cut 8
Before beginning, mark the heel marks (from pattern) onto your sole pieces.
1. Place two knot pieces right sides together and sew them together using 1/4 inch
seam allowance. Repeat for remaining knot pieces. Turn and press.
Two upper
with Left and right
fusible sole with fusible
interface interface
2. Start with your two upper fabric pieces (without the fusible interface). Place a
matching upper piece with the fusible interface right sides together over each.
3. Using 1/4 inch seam allowance, sew along the inside edge and also along
the upper indent as shown.
4. Turn and press. It will seem tricky to turn these, but they end up popping
right side out fairly easy. Pressing is a must.
5. Match heel seam (right sides together) and sew along the heel using 1/4 inch
seam allowance. Turn and press well.
6. Pin a knot on one side of one shoe as shown. Pin another knot on the other
side. Sew the knots in place using 1/8 inch seam allowance.
8. Fold the knot in and pin it up. This is so the knot pieces will not get sewn into
the sole as you complete the next few steps.
This will
wrinkle the
knots. You
will press
them later.
9. Place a fabric sole piece WITH the fusible interface under a shoe with the
right side of the fabric facing up. Match the heel with the heel marks indicated
on the pattern and pin the sole to the upper piece.
Top view
You may want
to mark Left and
Bottom view
10. Using 1/8 inch seam allowance, sew the sole to the upper by sewing around
the entire upper.
You now have something beginning to look like a shoe.
11. Place the outer sole pieces flat with the right side of the fabric facing down.
12. Place the matching shoe on top of the outer fabric sole piece. Now pull the
outer fabric sole piece to the top of the shoe.
14. Sew the outer sole piece on by sewing 3/4 the way round the shoe using 1/4 inch
seam allowance. This will hide the seam allowance you used while sewing the inner
sole piece on and also the seam left after sewing the knots on.
15. Flip the shoe right side out. You will have a small opening that needs to be hand
sewn closed. I like to use the drawing stitch so I don’t see any thread.
The drawing stitch invisibly joins two layers of fabric with folded edges from the right
side. Take a short stitch through one folded edge, then in the other folded edge.
16. Press the knots out and also press the edges of the shoe.
17. Cut a 1 inch strip of 1/4 inch wide elastic. Measure one inch over from the heel on
each side of the heel seam.
18. Sew an elastic to each heel. Make sure you stretch the elastic well. The one
inch piece of elastic needs to stretch the entire two inches you have measured.
Tie the knots up to tighten the shoe on the baby’s foot and enjoy!
Open Toe Knotted
baby Booties
Open Toe Knotted size 2T
Baby Booties
size 2T right sole
cut 2
left sole (cut 1 inverse)
cut 2
(cut 1 inverse)
Sole cutting tip:
the inside pieces
get cut with the
right side of the
fabric up. The
outer pieces
should be cut
inverse (wrong
side of the
fabric up)
open toe knotted baby booties
size 2T sole interface piece
cut 2
from Fusible Interface
(cut one inverse)
open toe
baby booties
size 2T
interface piece
cut 2
Open Toe Knotted Baby Booties
Size 2T
cut 4 from cotton print
Cut 8
inside edge
open toe knotted baby booties
size 18 months
left Sole
cut 2 from cotton print
(cut 1 inverse)
fabric up)
side of the
outer pieces
should be cut
inverse (wrong
fabric up. The
Sole cutting tip:
the inside pieces
get cut with the
right side of the
open toe knotted baby booties
18 months
right Sole
cut 2 from cotton print
(cut 1 inverse)
ab y
t e p iece
t e
e kno ties erfac
o o t
18 MONTH KNOT e n t bo ole in e
o p
h s s 2 e r fac
m ont cut le Int erse)
18 v
usib ne in
Cut 8
m o
fro (cut
inside edge
open toe knotted baby booties
left Sole 12 Months
cut 2 from cotton print
(cut 1 inverse)
Cut 8 winterpeach
open toe knotted baby booties
left Sole 6 Months
cut 2 from cotton print
(cut 1 inverse)
inside edge
6 months
cut 4 from cotton print
open toe knotted baby booties
open toe knotted baby booties
right Sole 6 Months
cut 2 from cotton print
(cut 1 inverse)
open toe knotted baby booties
inside edge
3 months
open toe knotted baby booties
right Sole 3 Months
inside edge
open toe knotted baby booties
right Sole newborn