TIK - MATH - g7 - CH6 - The Triangle and Its Properties
TIK - MATH - g7 - CH6 - The Triangle and Its Properties
TIK - MATH - g7 - CH6 - The Triangle and Its Properties
By the end of the lesson, the student will be able to:
● Define, describe and construct medians, altitudes and angle bisectors
● List and describe the properties of medians, altitudes and angle bisectors
(including naming the points of intersections of multiple medians, altitudes and
angle bisectors)
● Define and describe the properties of general triangles, namely the angle sum
property, side length sum property, and exterior angle property.
● Solve problems
Prerequisite Concept
● Angles and triangles
TIK_MATH_G6_CH4_Basic Geometrical Ideas
● Triangles and their properties
● Angles- measuring and drawing
TIK_MATH_G6_CH5_Understanding Elementary Shapes
● Pairs of angles- complementary, supplementary and vertically opposite angles,
corresponding angles, alternate interior angles, alternate exterior angles
TIK_MATH_G7_CH5_Lines and Angles
Content Index
Kindly Note: Activities marked with * are mandatory
1. 2. LEARN
a. Triangle
b. Medians
c. Altitudes
d. Angle bisectors
e. Interior angle
f. Exterior angle
2. 3. ENGAGE
Sorting shapes
Activity 1: Sorting shapes
Activity 2: Introduction
Medians of a triangle
Activity 3: Medians of a triangle
Altitudes of a triangle
Activity 4: Altitudes of a triangle
Exterior angle of a triangle and its property
Activity 5: Exterior angle of a triangle and its property
Angle sum property of a triangle
Activity 6: Angle sum property of a triangle
Two special triangles- Equilateral and Isosceles
Activity 7: Two special triangles- Equilateral and Isosceles
Sum of the lengths of two sides of a triangle
Activity 8: Sum of the lengths of two sides of a triangle
Right angled triangles and Pythagoras property
Activity 9: Right angled triangles and Pythagoras property
Practice and Recall
Activity 10: Exercise problems
Exercise Reading
Perform Textbook Activity
Provide Homework
name : The triangle and its properties
run : 2019
org : VisionEmpower
number: VE_TIK_M_G7-06
user: anitha@visionempowertrust.org
● Triangle
● Medians
● Altitudes
● Angle bisectors
● Interior angle
● Exterior angle
Sorting shapes
Activity 1: Sorting shapes
Materials Required: Tactile diagrams of acute angled triangle, right angled triangle, obtuse
angled triangle, equilateral triangle, isosceles triangle, and scalene triangle, quadrilaterals,
polygons (square, rectangles, generic quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, octagons
Prerequisites: Identifying shapes
Activity Flow
Ask the student to list (verbally) a few objects that have 3 corners.
Give the student tactile diagrams of triangles as well as other polygons. Have about 6 tactile
diagrams of triangles (one of each type, namely acute angled, right angled, obtuse angled,
equilateral, isosceles, and scalene triangles) and 6 other polygons (square, rectangles, generic
quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, octagons, including multiple types of each, and these
need not be regular).
Make the student pick out one polygon at a time, count the number of corners, and ask them
to keep all polygons on the right side and triangles of different types on the left side. After the
first few polygons, ask them to describe each triangle that they pick.
Activity 2: Introduction
Materials required: Geometry kit, parchment paper
Prerequisites: Construction of triangles
Activity Flow
Ask the students to draw different types of triangles based on length of sides such as scalene,
isosceles and equilateral triangles and based on angles such as acute angled, obtuse angled
and right angled triangles. Then let them write the length of sides and measure angles, then
vertices of each triangle.
Medians of a triangle
Activity 3: Medians of a triangle
Materials required: Tactile diagram of medians of triangle, geometry kit, parchment paper
Prerequisites: Construction of triangle
Activity Flow
First show them the tactile diagram of the median drawn for a triangle then let students draw
a triangle ABC and then the median from point (vertex) A to the midpoint of segment BC, first
mark out the midpoint of segment BC.
This can also be done by aligning the point BC, and making sure that the edge BC is being
folded so that the edge stays together, and pinch the midpoint, calling this midpoint point D.
Take a triangular sheet of paper and fold the median, make a crease passing through points A
and D.
Now the line from vertex A to the midpoint D is the median for the triangle ABC.
Altitudes of a triangle
Activity 4: Altitudes of a triangle
Materials required: Tactile diagram of altitudes of triangle, geometry kit, parchment paper
Prerequisites: Construction of triangle
Activity Flow
Show them the tactile diagram of altitude of a triangle then ask them to draw a triangle PQR.
How ‘tall’ is the triangle? The height is the distance from vertex P to the base QR. From P to
QR, you can think of many line segments. Which among them will represent its height? The
height is given by the line segment that starts from P, comes straight down to QR, and is
perpendicular to QR. This line segment PL is an altitude of the triangle. An altitude has one
endpoint at a vertex of the triangle and the other end point is on the line on the opposite side
of the vertex. Through each vertex, an altitude can be drawn.
Take a triangular sheet of paper and fold an altitude from point P to segment QR, fold a
crease from point P, and at the same time make sure that the segment QR stays overlapped
when you fold.
Activity Flow
Start by revising the concept of supplementary angles and defining the exterior angle. Give the
student tactile triangles examples with the exterior angles drawn out. Then you can ask the
student to measure all interior and exterior angles and have a discussion on what they have
observed. State and describe the property, and verify the property by making the student
draw triangles, draw exterior angles to a given triangle (drawings to be made on parchment
paper) and measure all the relevant angles.
Hence, observe that an exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of its interior opposite
Activity Flow
Ask them to draw a triangle and measure all three angles then add them up and see. Similarly,
let them draw 3 to 4 types of triangles and ask them to measure all three angles for all the
triangles and find the sum of angles for each triangle. Ask them what they observed and what
conclusion they can draw from this activity.
Hence, observe that the total measure of the three angles of any triangle will be 180 degrees.
Follow this exercise up by making the students measure all three angles of several (tactile)
triangles. (The triangles whose angles have to be measured should be big and drawn on
parchment paper to make the measuring easy).
2. One of the angles of a triangle is 80 and the other two angles are equal. Find the
measure of each of the equal angles.
Answer: 50º
3. The three angles of a triangle are in the ratio 1: 2 :1 . Find all the angles of the triangle.
Answer: 45º , 90º , 45º
Activity Flow
● A triangle in which all the three sides are of equal lengths is called an equilateral
Ask the students to construct two equilateral triangles and cut them out.
Keep one of them fixed. Place the second triangle on it. It fits exactly into the first. Turn it
round in any way and still they fit with one another exactly. tell them that when the three
sides of a triangle have equal lengths then the three angles are also of the same size.
Conclusion- in an equilateral triangle:
(i) All sides have the same length.
(ii) Each angle measures 60 degrees.
● A triangle in which two sides are of equal lengths is called an isosceles triangle.
Similarly, ask the students to draw two isosceles triangles. Ask the students what they observe
and conclude. Observe that in an isosceles triangle:
(i) Two sides have the same length.
(ii) Base angles opposite to the equal sides are equal.
Give the students tactile diagrams of equilateral, isosceles triangles and ask them to describe
the difference between the given triangles by measuring the sides of triangles and also their
angles. Also, ask them to calculate the 3rd angle if two angles are given in an equilateral and
isosceles triangle.
Activity Flow
To explain this property, make a triangle using ice cream sticks or craft wires or even pencils.
If required use temporary adhesives like BluTack (available at any stationery or craft store).
State the side length sum property, that the sum of length of two sides is always greater than
the length of the third side. Ask the student to pick out any two sides, measure their lengths,
place the sides back correctly, and then measure the length of the third side and verify the
property by comparing the sum of lengths of the initially measured two sides with the length
of the third side. Follow this exercise up by making the students measure the length of all
three sides of several (tactile) triangles and verify the property.
Activity Flow
● When discussing the Pythagorean Theorem discuss other specific properties of the
right angle which is that in a right-angled triangle the sides have some special
names. The side opposite to the right angle is called the hypotenuse; the other two
sides are known as the legs of the right-angled triangle. Give them a model/tactile
right angled triangle to refer to as required. The theory of this special triangle is to
be explained to a student with visual impairment the same way you would explain
it to a sighted student. The theorem states that, for any right-angled triangle, the
area of the square on the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the areas of the squares
on the legs.
● Show them the tactile diagram of squares drawn on the sides of the right angled
triangle. Later ask them to construct a right angled triangle and draw a square on
all three sides whose length willbe the same as the sides of the triangle. And verify
that the square on the hypotenuse = sum of the squares on the legs. That is, the
area of a square drawn on a hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the areas drawn on
the legs of the right angled triangle.
● Draw squares with sides 3 cm, 4 cm, 5 cm long. Have cut-outs and arrange to get a
triangular shape by placing the corners of the squares suitably, trace out the
triangle formed. Measure each angle of the triangle.
Activity Flow
Note: Teachers should provide the required materials to solve the problems.
1. Take several cut-outs of (i) an equilateral triangle (ii) an isosceles triangle and (iii) a
scalene triangle. Find their altitudes and medians. Do you find anything special about
2. Verify by drawing a diagram if the median and altitude of an isosceles triangle can be
3. An exterior angle of a triangle is of measure 70º and one of its interior opposite angles
is of measure 25º . Find the measure of the other interior opposite angle.
4. The two interior opposite angles of an exterior angle of a triangle are 60º and 80º .
Find the measure of the exterior angle.
5. Can you have a triangle with two right angles?
6. Can you have a triangle with two obtuse angles?
7. Can you have a triangle with two acute angles?
8. Can you have a triangle with all the three angles greater than 60º ?
9. Can you have a triangle with all the three angles equal to 60º ?
10. Can you have a triangle with the entire three angles less than 60º ?
11. Is the sum of any two angles of a triangle always greater than the third angle?
12. Which of the following can be the sides of a right triangle?
a) 2.5 cm , 6.5 cm , 6 cm
b) 2 cm, 2 cm, 5 cm.
c) 1.5 cm , 2cm, 2.5 cm
13. A 15 m long ladder reached a window 12 m high from the ground on placing it against
a wall at a distance a. Find the distance of the foot of the ladder from the wall
Exercise Reading
It is very important that the children practice their learnings as well as their reading. Hence
have the children read out the newly learned concepts from their textbooks or other
available resources.
Provide Homework
To evaluate their understanding and to help the student revise and implement the new
learnt concept ensure to provide them with homework. Students should perform one or
two of the questions mentioned above or from the textbook exercises with the teacher in
Class and the remaining may be given for homework. Also, ensure that the student knows
their special skills linked to independently using their accessible books as it will be critical
to doing homework independently
End of Document