Installation, Operation: Horizontal Electric Steam Boiler
Installation, Operation: Horizontal Electric Steam Boiler
Installation, Operation: Horizontal Electric Steam Boiler
(Supersedes PQ404-5) PQ404-6
CHS-180* 18.4 180 6 50A 60A 30 1 300 250 217 3 30 543
3 60
CHS-210* 21.4 210 7 50A 60A 30 1 600 600 253 633
1 30
CHS-240* 24.5 240 8 50A 60A 30 1 600 400 290 4 60 723
4 60
CHS-270* 27.6 270 9 50A 60A 30 1 600 600 326 814
1 30
CHS-300* 30.6 300 10 50A 60A 30 1 600 600 362 5 60 904
2 90
CHS-360 36.7 360 12 50A 60A 30 2 300 250 217 1085
3 60
4 90
CHS-420 42.9 420 14 50A 60A 30 2 600 350 254 1266
1 60
3 135
CHS-495 50.5 495 11 60A 100A 45 2 600 500 297 1492
1 90
CHS-540 55.1 540 12 60A 100A 45 2 600 600 324 4 135 1628
4 135
CHS-630 64.3 630 14 60A 100A 45 2 600 700 378 1889
1 90
5 135
CHS-720 73.5 720 16 60A 100A 45 3 600 400 324 2170
1 45
CHS-810 82.7 810 18 60A 100A 45 3 600 600 324 6 135 2441
CHS-945 96.4 945 21 60A 100A 45 3 600 700 378 7 135 2848
CHS-1080 110.0 1080 24 60A 100A 45 4 600 500 324 8 135 3255
CHS-360 Steam Boiler
CHS-1215 124.0 1215 27 60A 100A 45 4 600 700 378 9 135 3662
CHS-1350 138.0 1350 30 60A 100A 45 5 600 600 324 10 135 4069
CHS-1485 152.0 1485 3 60A 100A 45 5 600 700 378 11 135 4476
CHS-1620 165.0 1620 36 60A 100A 45 6 600 600 324 12 135 4883
*150 kW Thru 300 kW Boilers available in 280V and 240V. Check Factory
CAUTION: To avoid electrical shock hazard, boilers 3. When any type of feed other than a pump feed is used – the exist-
must be suitably grounded to earth. ing water supply must be 10 pounds greater than the boiler operat-
NOTE: Chromalox boilers are pre-tested before shipment; no internal ing pressure to assure water supply maintains proper water level in
piping or wiring is necessary. WARNING: Substitution of compo- boiler. Otherwise, lack of water can cause heater failure. Keep feed
nents or modification of wiring without prior consent of Chromalox, water line valves open at all times.
Inc. voids warranty. 4. All water feed systems are connected to supplied water inlet check
1. Locate unit on level floor or platform. NOTE: A minimum dis- valve.
tance of 60 inches from wall, other equipment, etc. must be 5. Connect steam line (with Globe valve) to boiler steam outlet. Valve
allowed for removal of the elements. should be placed as close as possible to boiler outlet.
2. Complete all piping to boiler. Connect water line to tagged fitting 6. To insure maximum efficiency of supplied kw, all piping from out-
on the motor and pump assembly, if used, or to tagged fitting on let should be insulated.
water control feeder. 7. Drain and relief valve piping should be in accordance with state
and local codes.
© 2010 Chromalox, Inc.
(Typical Load)
Pitch Down 5˚
Drain Vent Cold Water
Boiler Make-Up
Inlet Condensate
Cold Water
(for Initial Fill)
Drain Strainer
Turbine Pump
1. Check the voltage of the motor before making the wiring connec- 1” Condensate 1” Vent
tion. Some Chromalox boilers are supplied with dual voltage sys- Return
tems. The motor should always match the voltage of the control
2. The motor circuit should be wired into the pump control as shown
in wiring diagram. 1/2”
3. A heavy-duty vacuum breaker is required when condensate system Line
is used. (part number ES-89369) Strainers H
1. Wiring to boiler should be as per appropriate wiring diagram sup- water cutoff to energize the shunt mechanism on the safety switch.
plied with boiler and in accordance with Local and National This is an additional safety feature that prevents a dangerous situ-
Electrical Codes. ation should a contactor or relay stick. Activation of the shunt trip
2. SAFETY SWITCHES - Purchaser should use a safety switch device will completely disconnect the boiler from the power sup-
between his main power source and the boiler. The safety switch ply. (See Figure 7).
should use circuit breakers or fuses and be in accordance with 3. Since boiler heating elements are susceptible to lightning damage,
NEC and local codes. plants not having lightning arresters that have above-ground elec-
Serious thought should be given to the advisability of using a shunt trical cable supply sources should install lightning arresters in the
trip safety switch of the circuit breaker type as an additional safe- proper size to meet the boiler kw load.
ty precaution. It is possible to utilize the spare contacts in the low
To Main
Switch L.W.C.O. &
Pump Control
To Motor Starter
*Standard on CHS-150 to CHS-300 units in lieu of step To Aux.
sequencer and operating pressuretrol shown in Figure 8 L.W.C.O.
WIRING (cont’d.)
Power Circuit
Terminal Block
Electronic Resistance
Sensing Amplifier for
Auxiliary Low Water Cutoff
To To Other
Power Heater
Curcuit Groups
120 Volt
To Control Voltage Hi Limit
Other Control
Sequencer Heater
Low Water
Typical 3 Phase Heater Group
Figure 9 – Power Circuit Detail Figure 10 – Auxiliary Low Water Cutoff
Cut-Off and
Pump Alarm Switch 1. Chromalox boilers are supplied with operating and high limit pres-
Low Water sure controls. One is used for controlling the operating pressure of
Cut-Off the boiler while the other is used as a high limit control. To deter-
Terminals mine the difference in the controls, the high limit has a manual
Adjusting reset lever on top of the case. Also, there is no differential scale
Screws present.
Terminals 2. On all controls, the pressure adjusting screw on the top of the case
sets the desired pressure. Turning the screw counterclockwise
reduces the pressure setting (see Figure 12). High limit control
Circuit should be set at 10 psig above the operating pressure of the boiler.
Terminals 3. The differential adjusting screw on the operating control is set in
Pump the same manner as the pressure adjusting screw. This scale set-
Line ting, plus the main scale setting, equals cutout pressure of the oper-
Figure 11 – Automatic Reset Low Water Cutoff Junction Box ating control. (Scale A thru F equals 3 psi per letter. L9l B only)
L404A Differential is indicated on Scale Plate.
1. Motor, Solenoid Valve and Dotted Control Wiring are included if Pressure
Adjusting Mercury
Motor and Pump package is supplied. Solenoid Valve only is sup- Screw Switch
plied with 99117 Water feed. Differential
2. 1/3 HP Motor is controlled directly without use of Motor Starter. Screw
After proper wiring and piping of boiler system is complete, testing of Setting
controls can start. Before testing controls, it is recommended that all Indicator
contactor fusing be removed. This is to prevent possible element fail- Pressure
ure under test conditions. Indicator
CAUTION: Be sure all electrical connections are tight
before energizing boiler. Reset all manual reset con- Operating Lever Index Mark
trols by pushing reset buttons on: (1) high limit control Diaphragm Assembly Leveling
located on top of boiler and (2) McDonnell-Miller locat- Indicator Pointer
ed on side of boiler.
A. McDONNELL & MILLER LOW WATER CUTOFF CON- Figure 12 – Pressure Control
1. Be sure all valves from incoming water supply are fully open. Turn To check operation of the controls, close steam outlet valve and
boiler switch to “ON” position, pump or solenoid valve will ener- adjust operating pressure control to a low pressure setting. Also,
gize, allowing boiler to fill with water. Proper water level is auto- set high limit control at 10 psig above operating pressure control.
matically reached with level control supplied. Pump or solenoid Turn on boiler and allow pressure to build up. When pressure
feed will shut off at proper water level. Contactor(s) will energize, gauge reading approaches set point of pressure control, the switch
supplying power voltage to elements. will trip and shut off boiler. Turn boiler main switch to “OFF".
2. Checking operation of pump switch. (Figure 11) With water level To reset pressure control, bleed off enough pressure in the boiler
visible in sight glass, partially open drain valve at bottom of boil- by opening steam outlet drain, or blowdown valve to allow the
er. If automatic blowdown supplied, push manual blowdown operating control to reset.
switch until valve open light is on, hold for few seconds. Water 4. HIGH LIMlT PRESSURE CONTROL OPERATION. The
level will fall, allowing float to trip pump switch to “ON” position. high limit is tested in the same manner but with the operating con-
Close drain valve or release manual blowdown switch. Pump trol set above the pressure setting of the high limit. (Figure 13)
motor or solenoid valve will energize and water level will resume CAUTION: THIS IS FOR TEST PURPOSES ONLY!
to normal level in sight glass. When the high limit trips turn off boiler and reset high limit to
3. Checking low water cutout switch operation, open drain valve proper setting, the manual reset level must be pushed to resume
completely. If automatic blowdown supplied, push in and hold operation upon startup.
manual blowdown switch until water level falls enough to trip
cutout switch. Close drain valve or release manual blowdown
switch. If low water cutout is automatic reset, pump or solenoid
will return water level to normal. If low water cutout is manual Pressure Manual
Adjusting Reset
reset, then manual reset button on McDonnell & Miller low water Screw Lever
cutoff control must be pushed to complete circuit. Turn off boiler.
Reinstall contactor fuses. Scaleplate
Pump Pressure
Wiring Diagram – McDonnell & Miller Low Water Cutoff and Pump Control
Wiring Diagram – McDonnell & Miller Low Water Cutoff and Pump Control
1. Close globe valve on outlet side of boiler. (Customer Supplied)
2. Turn on boiler and allow pressure to build up to operating
3. Only open globe valve by quarter turns at first, introducing small-
er amounts of steam into process. Avoid opening globe valve all at
once. This will eliminate the possibility of evacuating the boiler of
water caused by the suddenly increased boiling of the water in the
vessel as the pressure is reduced. On boilers where constant pres-
sure is not maintained, globe valve should be kept partially closed.
This will maintain a constant head on the boiler and stabilize any
fluctuation in boiler water level.
NOTE: For best boiler performance, a steam valve 1/4” smaller
than size of safety valve should be plumbed as close as practicable
to steam outlet. Timer
MANUAL BLOWDOWN INSTRUCTIONS Figure 14 – Automatic Blowdown Control Cabinet
Blowdown is an essential part of boiler operation. It is the best pre-
ventive maintenance you can give your boiler and will add years of life
The unit may also be used to blow down boilers which run continu-
to the unit. Make sure a blowdown schedule is established and fol-
ously, day and night.
lowed regularly.
INITIAL TESTING - Set the switch marked “Boiler Normal/24-
In extremely hard water areas blowdown is necessary once a day.
hour duty” located on the panel box to the “Boiler Normal” position.
In soft water areas, once each week. If there is a particular problem
which applies to your own local water condition other than mineral On the large timer set the “ON” tab to 8 AM and the “OFF” tab to
content, take this into consideration in determining which schedule is 8 PM. Set the small, time delay relay to “0".
to be followed.
Turn the larger timer by hand until the “ON” tab passes the “TIME
1. At the end of the working day, while boiler is still operating, turn
NOW” indicator so that the “TIME NOW” arrow indicates 10AM.
switch to the OFF position and close water supply valve. De-ener-
gize wall mounted safety switch. Energize the main feed to the “line terminals” of the unit. The
“boiler normal” pilot light as well as the “drain valve closed” light
2. If blowing-down into a receptacle, allow pressure to decrease to
should glow.
15-20 psi before opening blowdown valve.
Hold down the “drain” button for about six seconds. The “boiler
3. It is preferable to connect the blowdown valve directly into a
normal” light should go out immediately as well as the “drain valve
drainage system. If this is done, the boiler can be discharged at
closed” light. It takes about 4 seconds for the drain valve to open fully
operating pressure.
at which time the “drain valve open” light should light. As soon as the
4. When discharge is complete and boiler is drained – “drain” button is released, the valve begins to close. When it reaches
a. close the blowdown valve; the closed position, the “drain valve closed” light and the “boiler nor-
b. open water supply valve; mal” light should light up again.
c. put boiler switch to the “ON” position; and, (d) close wall
mounted safety switch.
Pilot Lights and Switches
5. When refilling is complete turn off the boiler switch unless further
operation is desirable.
6. If you have been supplied with a Manual Reset Low Water control Boiler Normal
as required in some states, the reset button on the control must be
pushed before boiler will begin developing pressure. (Do not push
reset until boiler has filled with water.) The use of chemical boiler Valve Open
cleaning compounds in these boilers voids all warranties unless
approved by manufacturer. Some compounds will damage copper- Valve Closed
sheathed heating elements, thereby shortening their life.
(IF FURNISHED) (See Figures 14 and 15)
The Automatic Blowdown is a device which automatically starts Manual Drain Push Button
up your boiler in the morning; shuts it down at night and blows down
(partially drains) the main boiler drain and the low water cut-off col- Valve Actuator
umn for a predetermined time interval each working day.
The heart of the unit is an electrically operated straight through
type ball valve. It is specially designed to handle dirty, corrosive fluids
and particles without requiring cleaning or the use of a strainer.
Both the valve and the boiler are controlled by an electric control unit
which indicates with pilot lights when the drain valve is in the opened
or closed position and when the boiler is ON or OFF. In addition to the
automatic control function, the unit has a push button which momen-
tarily de-energizes the boiler and opens the drain valve regardless of Motor Drain
the time of day. Ball Valve
OPERATION (cont’d.)
Now turn the wheel on the large timer until the “off” tab passes the Set the tabs on the large timer for the ON and OFF times desired
“time now” arrow. The “boiler normal” light should go out and the for the boiler, screw in the small black day-skip tabs if the boiler is to
valve should begin to open. Once the “valve open” light goes on, the remain off for the weekend, etc.
valve should remain open for a few seconds and then automatically
If the boiler is on 24-hour duty set the OFF tab for the time that is
close. The “drain valve closed” light should light and the “boiler nor-
desired for blowdown. The ON tab can be ignored, but must remain on
mal” light should remain off.
NORMAL OPERATION – Set the “Boiler Normal/24-hour duty”
The small time delay relay controls the time that the drain valve
switch located on the inside of the control panel to “boiler normal” if
remains open. Counterclockwise decreases, clockwise increases blow-
the boiler is to be shut down each night. Set it to “24-hour duty” if the
down time. Time must be adjusted by trial.
boiler is to remain on continuously 24 hours per day (except during
AUXILIARY LOW WATER CUT-OFF “min” to “F”. The value of each division varies with the scale range of
(See page 4 for Wiring Diagram) the instrument.
Operation of this control is accomplished by sensing a minute AC Pressure Value Each
current flowing between submerged contact probe in the boiler shell. Scale Rating Division on Scale
0-15 psi 2.2 psi
When this minute AC current is conducted through an external cir- 5-150 psi 3.6 psi
cuit resistance up to 100,000 ohms or less, a signal of sufficient mag-
nitude is present to trigger the SCR and, in turn, energize the control Pressure scale rating will vary depending on pressure control supplied.
As the water level in the boiler drops below the level of the probe. After the controller has been installed, wired, and set, it should be
the AC circuit is broken and the control relay is de-energized. The con- tested with the system in operation. First allow the system to stabilize.
trol will not energize until sufficient water is present in the boiler. Then observe the operation of the controller while raising and lower-
ing its set point. Pressure should increase when the set point is raised
Specifications and decrease when the set point is lowered. Use accurate pressure test-
Input supply ....................120 vac/50-60 hz ing equipment when checking out the controller. Do not rely on inex-
Delectable Range............100.000 ohms pensive gauges. The controllers are carefully calibrated at the factory.
Probe Voltage..................24 vac
Probe Current..................10 milliamps If the motor or actuator runs in the proper direction when the set
Control Relay ................Single pole double throw point is adjusted, it can be assumed that the controller is operating
properly. If it runs in the wrong direction, reverse the B and W wires.
CAUTION: Control will not work with de-ionized or Observe the action of the motor to see if it stabilizes. If the motor is
demineralized water. moving constantly, widen the proportioning range a little at a time,
PROPORTIONING PRESSURE CONTROL (See Figure 17) until the system is stable.
Typical Operation
Pressure variations cause the bellows to expand or contract.
Linkage between the bellows and the potentiometer wiper causes the Differential
Adjusting Screw Adjusting Screw
wiper to move across the windings on the potentiometer. This varies
the resistance between R and B, and between R and W, causing an
imbalance in the circuit connected to the controller.
A proportioning pressure control is used to regulate a motor driven
or solid state sequencer. The controller potentiometer, the feedback
potentiometer in the motor and a balancing relay in the motor form an
electric bridge circuit. As long as the pressure of the controlled medi-
um remains at the set point of the controller, the circuit is balanced;
i.e., equal currents flow through both sides of the balancing relay and
the relay contacts are open. When the circuit is balanced, the motor
does not run. R
If the pressure of the controlled medium rises, the wiper in the con-
troller moves toward W. This unbalances the circuit, so a larger current
flows through one side of the balancing relay. The “close” contacts in B
the relay make, causing the motor to drive toward its closed position.
As the motor runs, the wiper on the feedback potentiometer moves in
a direction balance, the balancing relay contacts open and the motor
Similarly, if the pressure of the controlled medium falls, the wiper
on the controller potentiometer moves toward B, and the “open” con-
tacts in the balancing relay make. The motor drives toward its open
position until circuit balance is achieved. Figure 17
(L91B) Proportioning Pressure Control Used with Sequencer Control
The slightest change in the pressure of the controlled medium will
cause a change in the number of elements energized to compensate for IF A CONTROLLER SEEMS
it, thus keeping the pressure constant. This process is called modula- TO OPERATE IMPROPERLY (See Figure 18)
tion. If the controller is suspected of operating improperly, it may be further
checked as follows.
SUPPLIED WITH SEQUENCER 1. Leave the controller installed where it is, but disconnect all power
Main Setting - Turn the adjustment screw until the indicator is to the controlled motor.
opposite the low point of the desired throttling range. That is, if the 2. Loosen the cover screw below the main scaleplate and remove the
pressure is to be held to a minimum of 50 psi, set the indicator at 50 cover.
psi. The pressure will then be maintained between 50 psi and a higher
pressure equal to the 50 psi plus the throttling range. 3. Disconnect the wires from the controller.
THROTTLING RANGE SETTING L918 4. Connect an ohmmeter between controller terminals 8 and W to
After setting the indicator for the minimum pressure, turn the throt- measure the resistance of the potentiometer in the controller. The
tling range adjustment screw until the throttling range indicator points ohmmeter should read about 135 ohms on an L91B.
to the desired throttling range on the scale. This scale is graduated from
5. Connect the ohmmeter between controller terminals W and R and TESTING OPERATION OF SEQUENCER (See Figure 20)
raise the set point of the controller above the actual pressure being 1. With boiler off, remove wiring from pressure control on sequencer
measured. The ohmmeter should read the full value of the poten- low voltage terminal board.
tiometer measured in step 4 (135 ohms for an L91B). 2. Turn on boiler to supply the voltage to sequencer. Short terminal R
6. Slowly lower the set point of the controller while observing the and B for counter-clockwise rotation and terminal R and W for
ohmmeter reading. The resistance should drop to zero at some set clockwise rotation.
point below the actual pressure. 3. If sequencer operates under this test procedure, but when rewired
7. An approximation of the proportioning range can be made by to pressure controller, does not function, check pressure control.
observing the change in set point required for a resistance change Note that wiring is W-B and B-W-R-R between sequencer and
from zero to full value. pressure control.
8. When the controller is operating properly, reconnect the wires,
replace the cover. tighten the cover screw, and reset the controller
to the desired value.
9. Reconnect power to the controlled motor.
Main Scale
Adjusting Screw Proportioning Range
Adjusting Screw
Main Scale R
Setting W
Indicator B
Ohmmeter Setpoint
to 15 Ohms
The Sequence Reverser accomplishes its tasks and shows the rela- Solid State Progressive Sequencer (See Figure 22)
tive use of each of ten beat stages during the first four days of the The solid state progressive sequencer provides accurate electronic
cycle. This is how the work load would be distributed on a boiler with- control of multi-stage loads of the type used in Chromalox steam boil-
out Sequence Reverser. It can be seen the early stages are ON most of ers. It features progressive sequencing (first on-first off) which equal-
the time and the later stages are OFF most of the time, since they are izes the operating time of each load. This control gives visual indica-
used only during heat load peaks. (This analysis assumes hours of use tion of each energized stage by means of integral solid state light emit-
directly affecting component life. Frequency of on/off operations has ting diodes. In the event of power interruption all heating elements are
been ignored because of the limited in-rush associated with beating immediately de-energized for safety. When power resumes, the control
elements and because of the relative independence of contactor life on will re-stage the loads one at a time. Refer to the diagram for visual
number of operations in the resistive load situations.) description of progressive sequencing.
It is clear, without sequence reversing, the early stages would tend PROGRESSIVE SEQUENCING
to fail long before the later stages. The sequence reverser essentially
equalizes the relative usages of heating stages. It can be seen, without
the sequence reverser the first heat stage is used approximately twice
as much as it is with the sequence reverser. This means the boiler will
be likely to have its first element failure in half the time without
CAUTION: Hazard of electric shock. Disconnect all 4. A check for water or steam leaks should also be made and any
power before working on boiler. loose fittings immediately tightened.
Chromalox Electric Steam Boilers are designed for years of trou- 5. If boiler is equipped with a Solid State Auxiliary Low Water
ble-free performance. To establish a good preventative maintenance Cutoff, every four months the probe should be checked for
program, we suggest the building maintenance man or engineer famil- deposits and cleaned, if necessary. This is accomplished by remov-
iarize himself with these simple rules: ing the inspection plate, removing the probe (with a standard
1. The use of specific boiler cleaning compounds cannot be recom- sparkplug wrench) cleaning and replacing.
mended. We do recommend that a reputable firm of water treat- Note: The system will not operate if the boiler is using distilled,
ment engineers be consulted regarding conditioning boiler water. demineralized or deionized water.
Proper selection must be made of a compound to prevent damage At the same time, one of the bottom heating elements should be
to copper sheath heating elements. removed. If scale has begun to form, all elements should be
2. The sight glass should be checked daily to ensure the boiler has cleaned and boiler drained and flushed.
adequate water. 6. IMPORTANT: The Manufacturers' Data Report enclosed within
3. A monthly inspection should be made of the internal wiring. All the instruction sheet is very important and must be put in a safe
electrical connections should be checked for lightness. place. You may be called upon to produce it by a State agency.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR ELEMENT REPLACEMENT 2. On automatic feed units, close valve on incoming water line. Drain
CAUTION: Before installing your new elements, be sure the boiler completely of water.
McDonnell-Miller low-water cut-off is operating perfectly and the 3. Open boiler door to expose heating element.
float chamber and lower equalizer column are completely clear of
sludge or other foreign matter. (See Figure 23) 4. Disconnect wire (electric) leads connecting element to main power
system of boiler. Again note wire connections to facilitate re-
Failure to do this may cause the immediate burnout of the new ele- assembly. Proceed to remove (6) 5/16-18 bolts from flange.
5. Thoroughly clean boiler flange of all foreign material. Be certain
All elements are thoroughly checked before shipment. The manu- no part of old gasket remains on boiler flange.
facturer cannot be responsible for burnouts caused by a faulty low-
water cut-off. 6. Apply “Slic-Tite” Gasket Compound (or equal) to both surfaces of
new gasket supplied with replacement element. Proceed to install
element flange assembly with gasket between boiler flange and
1” Steam Equalizing Pipe clement flange. In doing this, be careful to align flange holes so
wire connection terminals on element assembly are in line with
Pump and low water control previously disconnected wire leads to facilitate easy connections.
7. When all (6) flange bolts are tight, connect all wires to terminals.
Normal Boiler
Water Line Make certain wires are clean and bright to assure good electrical
contact and nuts on screws are firmly secured.
CAUTION: Bolts should be lightened 10 a torque of 22 ftlbs.
Cut-off Level is
arrow mark 8. Open water valve so water supply can reach boiler feed mecha-
Valve 9. Put main safety switch to “on” position.
10. Turn boiler switch to “on” position.
1” Water equalizing pipe
11. As boiler automatically refills, observe the new flange assembly
Figure 23 for possible leaks. If water is noticed, the bolts must be retightened.
Before doing this, turn the boiler off at the main fuse safety switch.
The lower equalizer column can best be examined by breaking the 12. As boiler is heated to working pressure, check flange assembly
unions on either side and then visually and manually examining the again for leaks.
piping with your fingers or probes to see if it is clear and clean. CAUTION - Avoid use of chemical cleaning compounds.
READ COMPLETELY BEFORE STARTING WORK Follow maintenance instructions.
1. Disconnect boiler from electric power supply at main safety switch
or fuse panel. Then turn boiler switch to “off” position.
Bellows Base
Clamp Assembly
Junction Panel 2 Wire
3 Wire
Bellows Assembly
with Gasket
Limited Warranty:
Please refer to the Chromalox limited warranty applicable to this product at