(Đi Đúng Hư NG) (Làm Nhòe Ranh Gi I) : /KƏN Strɪktɪd/ /ɪ Rəʊd

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Listening 2

myth (n): something that many people believe but that does not exist or is false (chuyện hoang đường)

on the rise: becoming more successful

(put something) on track (idiom): going in the right direction again after a mistake, failure, etc.
(đi đúng hướng)

blur (the line) (v.): make it become difficult to recognize a clear difference between things
(làm nhòe ranh giới)

affirmation (n): a definite or public statement that something is true or that you support something strongly;

inflate (the idea): to make something appear to be more important or impressive than it really is
thổi phồng (ý tưởng)

constricted /kənˈstrɪktɪd/ (adj): limited in amount, extent, range, etc. (bị bó hẹp)

erode /ɪˈrəʊd/ (v): gradually destroy something or make it weaker over a period of time
(phá hủy dần, làm xói mòn)

overtly (adj): in a way that is open and not secret (không úp mở, công khai)

Pete Hammet

dictate (v): to control or influence how something happens (ra lệnh, điều khiển)

distort (v):  to change facts, ideas, etc. so that they are no longer correct or true (bóp méo, xuyên tạc)

disenfranchise somebody /ˌdɪsɪnˈfræntʃaɪz/ (v): to take away somebody’s rights, especially their right
to vote (tước quyền bỏ phiếu)

calibrate /ˈkælɪbreɪt/ (v): to mark units of measurement on an instrument such as a thermometer so that it
can be used for measuring something accurately
calibrate (sphere): định cỡ, xác định (phạm vi quyền lực)

proceed /prəˈsiːd/ (v): to continue doing something that has already been started; to continue being done

sparring partner /ˈspɑːrɪŋ pɑːtnə(r)/ (n):  a person that you regularly have friendly arguments or
discussions with

malcontent /ˈmælkəntent/ (n): a person who is not satisfied with a situation and who complains about it, or
causes trouble in order to change it

tackle (a discussion): to make a determined effort to deal with a difficult problem or situation

penalize /ˈpiːnəlaɪz/(v): to punish somebody for breaking a rule or law by making them suffer a disadvantage

cultivate /ˈkʌltɪveɪt/ (v): to develop an attitude, a way of talking or behaving, etc. (trau dồi, tu dưỡng)

make a point of doing something (idiom): to be or make sure you do something because it is important or

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