Pande 5 Semanas - 15-16 - 1 X 60 Mins
Pande 5 Semanas - 15-16 - 1 X 60 Mins
Pande 5 Semanas - 15-16 - 1 X 60 Mins
2 5
Week 2 - Regaining Possession Week 5 - Attacking Centrally
Organisation Key Coaching Points Organisation Key Coaching Points Organisation Key Coaching Points
• Tactical - Link practice to movement and • Tactical - Link practice to movement and • This practice focuses on our team being 1. Encourage players to be calm in • This practice is focused on the 1321 • Angle Creation to get on the ball
combinations made in an 11 v 11 game combinations made in an 11 v 11 game able to play out through the GK, CB and CM possession. formation analysis discussed previously. • Play on the back foot to allow to play forward
(transfer knowledge) (transfer knowledge) players in central zone C up against 2 and 2. Recognise when to play quick or stay on • This is also linked closely to the 343 • Look to move forward and penetrate as the
• Social - Develop an understanding of • Social - Develop an understanding of then 3 pressing players with progressions. the ball. formation as the video shows. 2 opposition first thought - positive
teammates needs (stronger foot, teammates needs (stronger foot, • This has been developed to include 3. When do we retain good possession or players must be working during this activity • Decision making on how to penetrate
movement to receive, possible movement to receive, possible supporting challenges for individuals and play a penetrative pass. on the outside, whilst our 4 (Sweeper) and 9 depending on defenders decision to press
combinations) combinations) the combining unit. (Striker) play as end players that the 4
• Technical - Focus on the weight and • Technical - Focus on the weight and • Think about possible conditions to break possession players must work the ball to.
accuracy of their passes accuracy of their passes down this paired pressing 2 players, with • We move between 6 v 4 and 6 v 6 when 2
possible rotation between our 3 outfield players return for 30 seconds, as we change
players in the build up. the balance of challenge depending on
player success.
• Challenge players by introducing another • How can you speed up your passing 1. Players certain amount of touches based 1. When do we need to play quickly or stay on 1. Introduce goals for players to finish into 1. Where are defenders pressing and how
ball, increasing their need to be aware of combinations? on ability of the group. the ball? why? after the 1 touch connection with the striker can you break this in the first instance?
both balls. • What intelligent combinations can you 2. Add additional goal for team in possession. 2. How do we create space? How do we pull target player 2. How can you draw pressure one side to
• Encourage individuals to be creative in their produce with 3 players? 3. Add floater player at the end of the practice, or move opponents? 2. Change overload situations and alter risk exploit the other?
combinations, introducing jacks, passes • What aspects of your passing and player who can be a bounce a player. 3. How can we help a team mate once we and reward for players with outside
around the corner, 1-2s and more. relationships can you improve, and how? 4. Add area where you want players to be to have passed the ball? support? secure to exercises
• These constraints show the impact on score. defend (what if opposition win the ball).
players in this passing practice.
Area Size Duration Sets Area Size Duration Sets Area Size Duration Sets
Work to Rest Ratio Intensity Energy Work to Rest Ratio Intensity Energy Work to Rest Ratio Intensity Energy
© Touchtight Coaching
Club Age Group Coach Session Title Date Start Time Duration No. of Players
Detail any individuals, pairs, trios and units to work on in the group and specify what detail you will be developing within each session element.
Organisation Key Coaching Points Organisation Key Coaching Points Organisation Key Coaching Points
This Skill practice is centred around winning 1. Understanding of when to press the ball • This opposed practice is focused on • Tactical - Recognise pressing triggers as a This practice encourages players to regain 1. Body shape of first defender to lock the
possession in Midfield areas to develop (trigger) midfield players regaining possession and unit and counter effectively possession in a 25 x 25 yard area, initiating a ball into one area
possession on the transition, focusing 2. Body shape and approach of defender developing and finishing attacks In the counter into 3 attacking players against 2 2. Cover and support of second and third
specifically on dispersal. Area is set up as a 30 (can they restrict passing opportunities) attacking transition phase. In a 40 x 25 Yard • Technical - Defending technique and ability defenders. defender, can he react to partners
x 30 yd square, with a 10 x 10 yard area in 3. On regain, pass quality to maintain area, we had 3 zones as shown. Reds play in to penetrate with forward passes defensive shape
central area. possession a 231 against Gold in a 122. Once possession is won, they can counter 3. Trigger of when to press the ball
4. Movement of players when in possession • Social - Defensive pressure as a defending into 3 attacking players in a 3 v 2 overload to 4. Positive forward pass on regain
Possession team begins with a 3 v 1 in smaller of the ball • Objective is for Reds to regain possession unit - press and cover finish. 5. Ability to keep possession and be patient
area attempting to make 10 passes, if single with their overload and counter into the if forward pass is not possible
defender wins possession, 4 teammates striker to finish in a 1 v 1 or 2 v 1.
come into play to create a 5 v 3 in larger area.
Area Size Duration Sets Area Size Duration Sets Area Size Duration Sets
Work to Rest Ratio Intensity Energy Work to Rest Ratio Intensity Energy Work to Rest Ratio Intensity Energy
© Touchtight Coaching
Club Age Group Coach Session Title Date Start Time Duration No. of Players
Detail any individuals, pairs, trios and units to work on in the group and specify what detail you will be developing within each session element.
Organisation Key Coaching Points Organisation Key Coaching Points Organisation Key Coaching Points
• Practice is based around a 343 diamond • Tactical - Use Overloads to break lines • This technical Y passing drill encourages 1. Timing of runs and movement, when to • This practice focuses on our deep 1. Encourage the 6 to play off the shoulder of
formation with 7 players in possession • Technical - Passing and control quality to one twos around the corner and well timed move and how? midfielder in the 433. the 9 (screening player)
(including a floater) against 4 midfielders build play movement to receive passes on the front 2. Movement off the ball and body shape to • We begin with our central defenders in 2. Receiving and decision making of the 6
and 2 strikers. • Social - Short and long supportive foot to finish. take the ball. possession, faced with pressure with an (where do they receive, how, do they
• Objective is to play through or around the movement • We begin with 2 simple 1-2 passes between 3. Checking shoulders and scanning, quality opposition striker. penetrate centrally or pass to 8 or 10?)
opposition bank of midfield 4 and attacking 3 players resulting in a through ball for our of set for team mate. • Objective is for them to find the CDM (6) off 3. Movement of 8 & 10 to create space and
pair, to connect the striker who will then runner to finish in a mini goal. Each player 4. Focus on pass detail - type of pass, the striker’s shoulder who will then be receive the ball
rebuild. must follow their pass, working both sides weights accuracy. pressed on their first touch by one of two 4. Defensive shape (discipline to screen
• If defenders win the ball, they can keep alternatively. midfielders, before looking to connect with passes)
possession with the single floating player teammates (8 & 10) to finish on one touch in
who plays for the team with the ball. mini goal
Area Size Duration Sets Area Size Duration Sets Area Size Duration Sets
Work to Rest Ratio Intensity Energy Work to Rest Ratio Intensity Energy Work to Rest Ratio Intensity Energy
© Touchtight Coaching
Club Age Group Coach Session Title Date Start Time Duration No. of Players
Detail any individuals, pairs, trios and units to work on in the group and specify what detail you will be developing within each session element.
Organisation Key Coaching Points Organisation Key Coaching Points Organisation Key Coaching Points
• This defending session is a technical • Paired Defending | Focus on distance of • 4 players managed to defend against 4 • Recycle their attacks consistently • The playing area is 302 yards, with a • Focus on team shape to ensure all
practice that works paired defenders in clearance and covering positions of coached opposition, with 1 main goal & through the floating player with supply of goal at each end, 2 Goalkeepers to players are working within the
developing their individual and paired teammate and GK. GK, & 2 mini goals available for Greens balls. This allows you to observe and protect, and a 4 v 4. defensive framework.
defending technique. • Press & Defend | After each clearance, to attack quickly when they regain identify first key coaching point to get • The pitch is split into 3 thirds for you to • 1 v 1 Defending ability - do not get
• With 1 goal protected by a Goalkeeper players must squeeze and drop ready possession. out. recognise areas where players can beaten easily and recovery runs if
and 2 Defenders, position 3 other for next delivery. • Coach 4 defenders against 4 attacking • Defenders may begin to sit & protect. defend, encouraging pressing and beaten.
players on each of the cones as shown players, focusing on final third defending The focus on triggers to press & delay delaying in certain areas of the pitch. • Recognise when to press as a group to
with a supply of 3/4 balls. with 1 v 1 & unit cohesiveness being the are important. It is easy for defenders to Coach Reds to defend and manage regain, and when to delay to protect
• Each player must take it in turns to main focus. This Lead session focuses be lazy in defending, condition press on Gold to attack in order to provide a goal.
deliver a lofted pass or cross into the on the fine art of defending with specific trigger of your choice. challenge, testing defenders ability to
box for players to clear. Work through all detail on spaces, communication and protect their goal.
balls and rotate defensive players to organisation of the defensive unit.
repeat practice.
Area Size Duration Sets Area Size Duration Sets Area Size Duration Sets
Work to Rest Ratio Intensity Energy Work to Rest Ratio Intensity Energy Work to Rest Ratio Intensity Energy
© Touchtight Coaching
Club Age Group Coach Session Title Date Start Time Duration No. of Players
Detail any individuals, pairs, trios and units to work on in the group and specify what detail you will be developing within each session element.
Organisation Key Coaching Points Organisation Key Coaching Points Organisation Key Coaching Points
• This Wave Practice takes place in a 50 by Focus on the following key points: • This practice is played in a 50 x 40 area with • Angles and Distances between players to • This is a Medium Sided Game based on • Identify spaces where you have overload
40 yard area and begins with 2 deeper 1. Disperse to create space and stretch an end goal to finish at the end of the exploit space attacking in a 352 against a familiar 433. advantage
players playing to 2 attacking players before defenders attacking phase. 5 defenders in a 212 • Recognise when to overload and commit in • We remove 2 central defenders for • Look to penetrate gaps where possible
supporting in a 4 v 2 overload to finish. 2. Decision making to penetrate (possible defending 442 diamond) against the attacking phase attackers and 2 wingers from the defending • Be forward thinking with your overload in
• After the initial attack is complete, the 3. Positive on the ball to play forward and attackers coached to attack in a 212 • Clinical in final third play with the magic pass team to leave a 9 v 9. advanced areas, driving at pace to lessen
defending team must then become drive (possible attacking 442 diamond). and finishing crucial • We look to play wide moving the opposition chance of defender recovery
attackers, creating a 4 v 2 overload in the 4. Clinical in the box to finish • Defenders must attempt to link with 1 of 2 to create space in central areas, drawing
opposite direction. attacking floaters at the opposite end to midfielders out of position higher up the
• If defenders win possession, they must score in central mini goal, whilst attacks as pitch to play through our 2 strikers in the final
counter attack against 2 opposition players, normal. third.
as a support player drops in to connect
avoiding offside.
Area Size Duration Sets Area Size Duration Sets Area Size Duration Sets
Work to Rest Ratio Intensity Energy Work to Rest Ratio Intensity Energy Work to Rest Ratio Intensity Energy
© Touchtight Coaching
Club Age Group Coach Session Title Date Start Time Duration No. of Players
Detail any individuals, pairs, trios and units to work on in the group and specify what detail you will be developing within each session element.
Organisation Key Coaching Points
• Multi Directional Practice | This practice focuses on developing players ability to 1. Ensure Possession and movement between passing players challenges
press possession players to regain possession quickly, through forcing defensive pairings.
direction and limiting gaps for opposition to play through. 2. Speed of press, with a particular focus on triggers for pressing as a pair (i.e.
• Work with 3 balls between 6 players, giving the 2 defenders chance to win each Slow pass, bad touch, lofted pass).
ball as quickly as possible. When possession one they can score in any one of 4 3. Limiting gaps in between, trying to isolate 1 or 2 passing players..
mini goals as shown, before pressing the group to win second ball and third.
Once all balls won, rotate defending players.
1. Increase or decrease number of passers or defenders depending on ability of 1. Effective communication for both defending and passing players throughout
each group (e.g. 7 v 2, or 5 v 3). (e.g. time, man on, press).
2. Time each pair to win 6 balls, work 3 balls and then another 3 once they are
Organisation Key Coaching Points
This Skill practice is centred around winning possession in Midfield areas to develop 1. Understanding of when to press the ball (trigger)
possession on the transition, focusing specifically on dispersal. Area is set up as a 30 2. Body shape and approach of defender (can they restrict passing opportunities)
x 30 yd square, with a 10 x 10 yard area in central area. 3. On regain, pass quality to maintain possession
Possession team begins with a 3 v 1 in smaller area attempting to make 10 passes, if 4. Movement of players when in possession of the ball
single defender wins possession, 4 teammates come into play to create a 5 v 3 in
larger area. If single player can't win the ball after 10 passes a teammate can create a
3 v 2 to support. Rotate player roles and encourage speed of pass and transition
between attack and defence.
1. Add 4 mini goals- 10 passes and team of 3 can break out to score 1. How do you press to regain possession?
2. Allow one outside player into central area to make it a 3v2 2. On regaining possession- How do you make the pitch big?
3. On regain, outside players must play through player in central zone before they
can score in mini goals (no pass restriction)
© Touchtight Coaching
Club Age Group Coach Session Title Date Start Time Duration No. of Players
Organisation Key Coaching Points
This practice encourages players to regain possession in a 25 x 25 yard area, initiating 1. Body shape of first defender to lock the ball into one area
a counter into 3 attacking players against 2 defenders. 2. Cover and support of second and third defender, can he react to partners
Once possession is won, they can counter into 3 attacking players in a 3 v 2 overload defensive shape
to finish. 3. Trigger of when to press the ball
We work both ways with teams counter attacking into their own 3 v 2 overload on the 4. Positive forward pass on regain
regain. 5. Ability to keep possession and be patient if forward pass is not possible
1. Allow one midfield player to join in to make a 4v2 1. How do you press to regain possession
2. Allow one defending midfielder to track back to make it a 4v3 2. Awareness of team mates outside of the midfield zone- what might happen next?
3. Minimum of 5 passes before midfielders can break out, but they may use players 3. How do you take advantage of the overload?
outside the box to bounce/ combine with
Organisation Key Coaching Points
• This 50 by 30 Yard Practice is focused on winning possession in the middle third 1. Collective Unit Pressure
and requires 10 players. We have 6 outfield reds building out in a 42 (resembling a 2. Read play and identify when as a front 3 you can apply pressure based on specific
442 or 4231) and GK behind, against 3 forwards who are protecting 2 mini goals, pressure.
ready to press to win possession and attack goal in a 3 v 2.
• The front 3 must work together to limit space and press on triggers, before
expanding to use space to counter.
• If defenders win the ball, they can initiate a realistic 4 player counter to finish in one of
two mini goals, with attackers recovering to regain..
Progressions Player Questions
1. Set challenges for individuals, units and teams 1. How are the build team using space to avoid your press and how will you get
2. Possession team can recycle possession through the goalkeeper after 10 passes around this?
to maintain overload, with front 3 able to press in front zone. 2. How are you using your 3 v 2 counter attack effectively to finish.
© Touchtight Coaching
Club Age Group Coach Session Title Date Start Time Duration No. of Players
Detail any individuals, pairs, trios and units to work on in the group and specify what detail you will be developing within each session element.