MT I-IV Cot Rating Sheet 2 2021-2022
MT I-IV Cot Rating Sheet 2 2021-2022
MT I-IV Cot Rating Sheet 2 2021-2022
1. The ratee applied knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching areas by
integrating the different learning areas in the lesson.
2. The ratee developed and applied teaching strategies to effectively address the needs of
learners from indigenous groups.
3. The ratee displayed proficient use of Mother Tongue, Filipino and English to facilitate
teaching and learning through asynchronous activities.
4. The ratee maintained learning environments that nurture and inspire learners to
participate, cooperate and collaborate in continued learning by giving opportunities to
all learners to share their insights on the lesson.
5. The rate showed effective practices to foster learning environments that promote
fairness, respect, and care to encourage learning.
6. The teachers ensured that child protection is observed at home by giving instructions
and obtaining feedback from the parents. 82% of the pupils obtained 80% level of
Signature over Printed Name of the Observer
INDICATORS 4 5 6 7 8 No*
1. Apply knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching
areas. /
2. Use a range of teaching strategies that enhance learner achievement
in literacy and numeracy skills. /
3. Use effective verbal and non-verbal classroom communication
strategies to support learner understanding, participation,
engagement, and achievement /
4. Establish safe and secure learning environments to enhance
learning through the consistent implementation of policies, /
guidelines, and procedures
5. Maintain learning environments that promote fairness, respect, and /
care to encourage learning
Engage all learners to participate in modular class; please aim for 100% attendance/number of
pupils will submit their work.
INDICATORS 4 5 6 7 8 No*
6. Design, adapt and implement teaching strategies that are responsive
to learners with disabilities, giftedness, and talents***
7. Adapt and use culturally appropriate teaching strategies to address
the needs of learners from indigenous groups*** /
Continue to collaborate with the parents in engaging the learners to do their assigned tasks.
Discuss with the other observers your reason/s for rating in each indicator. In case of different ratings, come up with a final
rating. The final rating is NOT an average; it is a rating based on a reasoned and consensual judgment. Indicate this rating
on the column for Final Rating.
Note that if the Ratee gets NO (Not Observed) in an indicator, write 3 as the Final Rating. Further, Indicators 6, 7, 8, and/or
9 will only be accomplished if the ratee opted to have the Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet or inter-observer
agreement form as Means of Verification (MOV) of its respective RPMS Objective.
1. Apply knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching areas.
2. Use a range of teaching strategies that enhance learner achievement in literacy and
numeracy skills. 7
3. Use effective verbal and non-verbal classroom communication strategies to support
learner understanding, participation, engagement, and achievement 8
4. Establish safe and secure learning environments to enhance learning through the
consistent implementation of policies, guidelines, and procedures 7
5. Maintain learning environments that promote fairness, respect, and care to encourage 8
*No stands for Not Observed which automatically gets a rating of 3.
7. Adapt and use culturally appropriate teaching strategies to address the needs of 7
learners from indigenous groups***
Signature over Printed Name
of Observer 1
Signature over Printed Name
of Observer 2
Signature over Printed Name
of Observer 3