Glacier Global Stock Feeder Fund
Glacier Global Stock Feeder Fund
Glacier Global Stock Feeder Fund
31 May 2022
Fund Objective
A feeder fund is a portfolio that, apart from assets in liquid form, consists solely of participatory
The Fund is a feeder fund that invests in the FSB-approved Dodge & Cox Global
interest in a single portfolio of a collective investment scheme. The portfolio manager may borrow
Stock Fund, managed by Dodge & Cox Worldwide Investments. The objective of up to 10% of the market value of the portfolio to bridge insufficient liquidity. The fund is also
the fund is to provide long-term growth of capital and income through exposure to available via certain LISP's (Linked Investment Service Providers), which levy their own fees.
global equity markets. Fluctuations or movements in exchange rates may cause the value of underlying international
investments to go up or down.
Fund Strategy Top 10 Holdings
The underlying fund seeks to achieve its objective by investing primarily in a
Securities % of Portfolio
diversified portfolio of equity securities from at least three countries anywhere in the
world, including emerging markets. The underlying fund will invest at least 40% of Glaxosmithkline Plc /GBP/ 3.73
its net asset value in securities of non-US companies.
Occidental Petroleum 3.43
Why choose this fund?
Sanofi 3.42
• Seek exposure to global stock markets to provide long term capital growth. Alphabet Inc 2.99
• Have an investment horizon of 5 years or longer.
• Are comfortable with the global stock market and currency movements, as well as Comcast Corp-CL A 2.78
the possibility of losing your capital.
• Wish to invest offshore without having to expatriate rand. Novartis AG Reg 2.71
Ovintiv Inc 2.40
Fund Information
Sunco Energy Inc 2.30
ASISA Fund Classification Global - Equity - General
Charter Communication Inc 2.20
Risk Profile Aggressive
Banco Santander SA 2.13
Benchmark MSCI World
Fee Class Launch date 01 March 2017 Performance (Annualised) as at 31 May 2022 on a rolling monthly basis*
Portfolio Launch date 09 February 2017 Retail-Class Fund (%) Benchmark (%)
Portfolio Size R 1104 million 1 Year 12.64 8.11
Opening Price 1000 cents per unit 3 Year 14.49 15.24
Annual Distributions 31/12/21: 0.00 cents per unit 5 Year 11.11 13.47
Income decl. dates 31 Dec Since inception 11.25 13.93
Income price dates 1st working day of the following month
An annualised rate of return is the average rate of return per year, measured over a period either
Portfolio valuation time 17:00 longer or shorter than one year, such as a month, or two years, annualised for comparison with a
one-year return.
Transaction cut off time 17:00
Performance (Cumulative) as at 31 May 2022 on a rolling monthly basis*
Daily price information Local newspaper and
Retail-Class Fund (%) Benchmark (%)
Repurchase period 3 working days
1 Year 12.64 8.11
Fees (Incl. VAT) Retail-Class (%) 3 Year 50.09 53.03
Total Expense Ratio (TER) 1.20 Cumulative return is the aggregate return of the portfolio for a specified period.
Total Expense Ratio (TER) 1 year rolling 1.22 Risk statistics: 3 years to 31 May 2022
Advice fee | Any advice fee is negotiable between the client and their financial advisor. An annual Std Deviation (Ann) 16.55
advice fee negotiated is paid via a repurchase of units from the investor.
Sharpe Ratio (Ann) 0.57
PERIOD: 01 April 2019 to 31 March 2022
Total Expense Ratio (TER) | 1.20% of the value of the Financial Product was incurred as Actual highest and lowest annual returns*
expenses relating to the administration of the Financial Product. A higher TER does not
necessarily imply a poor return, nor does a low TER imply a good return. The current TER may
not necessarily be an accurate indication of future TER’s. Highest Annual % 39.05
Lowest Annual % -4.20
Transaction Cost (TC) | 0.02% of the value of the Financial Product was incurred as costs relating
to the buying and selling of the assets underlying the Financial Product. Transaction Costs are a
necessary cost in administering the Financial Product and impacts Financial Product returns. It
should not be considered in isolation as returns may be impacted by many other factors over time
including market returns, the type of Financial Product, the investment decisions of the investment
manager and the TER.
Total Investment Charges (TER + TC) | 1.22% of the value of the Financial Product was incurred
as costs relating to the investment of the Financial Product.
This monthly Minimum Disclosure Document should be viewed in conjunction with the Glossary of Terms sheet, which can be viewed on the website.
31 May 2022
All reasonable steps have been taken to ensure the information on this MDD is
accurate. The information to follow does not constitute financial advice as
contemplated in terms of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act. Use
or rely on this information at your own risk. Independent professional financial
advice should always be sought before making an investment decision.
The Sanlam Group is a full member of the Association for Savings and Investment
SA. Glacier Management Company (RF) (Pty) Ltd forms part of the Sanlam Group
of companies. Collective investment schemes are generally medium- to long-term
investments. Please note that past performances are not necessarily an accurate
determination of future performances, and that the value of investments / units / unit
trusts may go down as well as up. A schedule of fees and charges and maximum
commissions is available from the Manager, Glacier Management Company (RF)
Pty Ltd, a registered and approved Manager in Collective Investment Schemes in
Securities. Additional information of the proposed investment, including brochures,
application forms and annual or quarterly reports, can be obtained from the
Manager, free of charge.
Risk Profile (Aggressive) Collective investments are traded at ruling prices and can engage in borrowing and
scrip lending. Collective investments are calculated on a net asset value basis,
This is an aggressively managed global equity portfolio that aims to deliver capital which is the total market value of all assets in the portfolio including any income
growth over the long term (5 years or longer). The risk profile of the fund is high, accruals and less any deductible expenses such as audit fees, brokerage and
given exposure to foreign stock markets and foreign currency. Over the short term, service fees. Actual investment performance of the portfolio and the investor will
the capital volatility of the fund may increase but over the longer term, investors differ depending on the initial fees applicable, the actual investment date, and the
may be rewarded with relatively higher returns compared to other less risky asset date of reinvestment of income as well as dividend withholding tax. Forward pricing
classes. is used. The Manager does not provide any guarantee either with respect to the
capital or the return of a portfolio. The performance of the portfolio depends on the
Portfolio Manager underlying assets and variable market factors. Performance is based on NAV to
NAV calculations with income reinvestments done on the ex-div date. Lump sum
Paul Wilson
investment performances are quoted. The portfolio may invest in other unit trust
Sanlam Multi Manager International (SMMI) portfolios which levy their own fees, and may result is a higher fee structure for our
portfolio. All the portfolio options presented are approved collective investment
Manager of the Underlying schemes in terms of Collective Investment Schemes Control Act, No. 45 of 2002
(“CISCA”). The fund may from time to time invest in foreign instruments which could
Dodge & Cox Worldwide Investments Ltd be accompanied by additional risks.
is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the United
Kingdom. The Manager has the right to close any portfolios to new investors to manage them
more efficiently in accordance with their mandates. A feeder fund is a portfolio that
About Dodge & Cox invests in a single portfolio of collective investment schemes, which levies its own
charges and which could result in a higher fee structure for the feeder fund.
• Established in 1930 in San Francisco, Dodge & Cox is one of the most Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd is the appointed trustee of the Glacier Collective
experienced and largest money management firms in the world. Investments Scheme.
• Ownership of Dodge & Cox is limited to active employees of the firm.
• Currently there are 76 shareholders and 250 total employees.
• The Global Stock Fund is managed by the Global Stock Investment Policy
Committee, whose eight members’ average tenure at Dodge&Cox is 21 years.
Trustee Information
Manager information: Glacier Management Company (RF) (Pty) Ltd Private Bag X5 Tyger Valley 7536
Tel +27 21 917 9002 Fax +27 21 947 9210 Web: Email:
This monthly Minimum Disclosure Document should be viewed in conjunction with the Glossary of Terms sheet, which can be viewed on the website.