Old Mutual Balanced Fund
Old Mutual Balanced Fund
Old Mutual Balanced Fund
Funds are also available via Old Mutual Wealth and MAX Investments.
500 4%
0 0%
Feb 94 Nov 99 Aug 05 May 11 Feb 17 Nov 22 Dec 12 Dec 14 Dec 16 Dec 18 Dec 20 Dec 22
Despite action taken during the year to reduce Within equities we remain cautiously positioned relative valuations and where the US and
the degree of cyclicality in the portfolio, the given our expectation of earnings pressure this China find themselves in their respective
low returns experienced at an asset class level year. We adopted a more defensive positioning economic cycles.
translated into a disappointing return for the within local equity during 2022 through
2023 will likely test the resolve of many investors.
fund for the year. reducing exposure to companies such as
Poor returns in 2022, rates still rising, the
Sasol, MTN, banks and clothing retailers. More
increased likelihood of a recession and a
We have consistently expressed a clear recently we have been buyers of resources,
continuation of load shedding locally make
preference for local bonds over local cash. Naspers and Anheuser-Busch in the fund
it increasingly important to have a long-term
While this detracted from performance in on the expectation of China reopening its
plan in place and to stick to it. What we know
2022, we believe local bonds remain one of the economy.
from analysing decades of market returns is
most attractive asset classes globally. We are
This view has been further expressed in the that the best returns are often achieved when
of the view that Government’s commitment to
portfolio as we shifted our global equity focus the sentiment is the poorest.
fiscal consolidation reflects a positive change.
away from the expensive US equity market
While we would expect a greater emphasis
towards emerging markets and specifically Asia
on reform given the outcome of the ANC in 2022. This positioning came under pressure
Elective Conference, we recognise that the during the year, as US equity continued to
challenges remain, especially when it comes outperform through to end of October and
to energy security. That said, longer-term bond China maintained its very strict zero-Covid
yields north of 10% remain very attractive in strategy until late in the year. However, we
a relative context. remain committed to this positioning given
36 Months 12 Months
Total Expenses (Incl. Annual Service Fee) (30/09/2022) Class A Class B1 Class R Class A Class B1 Class R
Total Expense Ratio (TER) Incl. VAT 1.62% 1.22% 1.28% 1.61% 1.20% 1.26%
Transaction Cost (TC) 0.10% 0.10% 0.10% 0.09% 0.09% 0.09%
Total Investment Charge 1.72% 1.32% 1.38% 1.70% 1.29% 1.35%
Please note: Class B1 is available through investment platforms such as Old Mutual Wealth.
Class R is closed to new business.
TER is a historic measure of the impact the deduction of management and operating costs has on a fund’s value. A higher TER does not necessarily imply a poor return, nor
does a low TER imply a good return. The current TER, which includes the annual service fee, may not necessarily be an accurate indication of future TERs. Transaction Cost (TC)
is a necessary cost in administering the fund and impacts fund returns. It should not be considered in isolation as returns may be impacted by many other factors over time
including market returns, the type of fund, the investment decisions of the investment manager and the TER.
We aim to treat our clients fairly by giving you the information you need in as simple a way as possible, to enable you to make informed
decisions about your investments.
• We believe in the value of sound advice and so recommend that you consult a financial planner before buying or selling unit trusts. You may,
however, buy and sell without the help of a financial planner. If you do use a planner, we remind you that they are entitled to certain negotiable
planner fees or commissions.
• You should ideally see unit trusts as a medium- to long-term investment. The fluctuations of particular investment strategies affect how a
fund performs. Your fund value may go up or down. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the investment capital or return of your investment. How
a fund has performed in the past does not necessarily indicate how it will perform in the future.
• The fund fees and costs that we charge for managing your investment are disclosed in this Minimum Disclosure Document (MDD) and in the
table of fees and charges, both of which are available on our public website or from our contact centre.
• Additional information of the proposed investment, including brochures, application forms and annual or quarterly reports, can be obtained,
free of charge, from Old Mutual Unit Trust Managers (RF) (Pty) Ltd, from our public website at www.oldmutualinvest.com or our contact centre
on 0860 234 234.
• Our cut-off time for client instructions (e.g. buying and selling) is at 15:00 each working day for all our funds, except for our money market
funds, where the cut-off is at 12:30.
• The valuation time is set at 15:00 each working day for all our funds, excluding our money market funds which is at 13:00, to determine the daily
ruling price (other than at month-end when we value the Old Mutual Index Funds and Old Mutual Multi-Managers Fund of Funds range at
17:00 close). Daily prices are available on the public website and in the media.
• Unit trusts are traded at ruling prices, may borrow to fund client disinvestments and may engage in scrip lending. The daily ruling price is based
on the current market value of the fund’s assets plus income minus expenses (NAV of the portfolio) divided by the number of units on issue.
• This fund holds assets in foreign countries and therefore it may have risks regarding liquidity, the repatriation of funds, political and macroeconomic
situations, foreign exchange, tax, settlement, and the availability of information.
• The Net Asset Value to Net Asset Value figures are used for the performance calculations. The performance quoted is for a lump sum investment.
The performance calculation includes income distributions prior to the deduction of taxes and distributions are reinvested on the ex-dividend
date. Performances may differ as a result of actual initial fees, the actual investment date, the date of reinvestment and dividend withholding
tax. Annualised returns are the weighted average compound growth rates over the performance period measured. Performances are in ZAR
and as at 31 December 2022. Sources: Morningstar and Old Mutual Investment Group (FSP no. 604).
• MSCI ESG Research LLC’s (“MSCI ESG”) Fund Metrics and Ratings (“the information”) provide environmental, social and governance data with
respect to underlying securities within more than 31 000 multi-asset class mutual funds and ETFs globally. MSCI ESG is a registered investment
adviser under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. MSCI ESG materials have not been submitted to, nor received approval from the US SEC or
any other regulatory body. None of the information constitutes an offer to buy or sell, or a promotion or recommendation of any security, financial
instrument or product or trading strategy, nor should it be taken as an indication or guarantee of any future performance, analysis, forecast
or prediction. None of the information can be used to determine which securities to buy or sell or when to buy or sell them. The information
is provided “as is” and the user of the information assumes the entire risk of any use it may make or permit to be made of the information.
Old Mutual Unit Trust Managers (RF) (Pty) Ltd, registration number 1965 008 47107, is a registered manager in terms of the Collective Investment
Schemes Control Act 45 of 2002. Old Mutual is a member of the Association for Savings and Investment South Africa (ASISA). Old Mutual Unit
Trust Managers has the right to close the portfolio to new investors in order to manage it more efficiently in accordance with its mandate.
Trustee: Standard Bank, PO Box 54, Cape Town 8000. Tel: +27 21 401 2002, Fax: +27 21 401 3887
Funds are also available via Old Mutual Wealth and MAX Investments.