Internship Diary: Students' Academic Cell

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Internship Diary

Students’ Academic Cell

Table of Contents

Varsha Singhania……………………………………………………………….……..2
Nayan Nilesh……………………………………………………………………….…..4
Bhagyam Gupta……………………………………………………………………......7
Gaurav Patel……………………………………………………………………….…...9

Vishal Mittal…………………………………………………………………………….12
Kunal Mehta……………………………………………………………………………14
Amisha Kothari…………………………………………………………………………17

Anirudh Krishna S……………………………………………………………………..19
Bhagyesh Trivedi………………………………………………………………………21

4. Analytical Consulting
Rahul Bhagtani………………………………………………………………………...23

Varsha Singhania - (2017A8PS0563P)
Company - Google Hardware
Profile - Hardware Engineer

Q.1. What are the topics that one would need to prepare for an internship in the domain?

Ans: Verilog, Digital Design, Electrical Sciences, Electronic Devices (basics),

Microelectronics(basics), Microprocessors(basics), one coding language (basics), digital VLSI
design (basics)

Q2. What resources should we refer to?

Ans: Morris Mano, Samir Palnitkar, Online websites (, etc.) - for DD, Verilog,
digital VLSI design. Class notes for the rest.

Q3. What are some topics and subjects that should be revised during the last few weeks before
the internship season?

Ans: Going through class notes should be sufficient during the last few weeks. Checking online
GATE questions also helps sometimes.

Q4. What college courses helped you to prepare for the internship, and what are the
alternatives for it?

Ans: DD, ED, MuE, MuP, ES. Alternatives - a lot of online courses and material on these
subjects exist, which can be gone through.

Q5. What kind of timeline did you follow for preparation before the internship season?

Ans: No specific timeline. I just kept revising my concepts on the basics of whatever was taught
in the second-year courses.

Q6. How should resumes be modified for different companies?

Ans: Some companies only look for Digital profiles while some look for both. However, being
third-year undergrad students, I think companies generally expect students to have some basic
knowledge of both irrespective of the profile. So nothing would change on the technical front in
resumes, in my opinion.

Q7. Did the company have any CG cutoff? If yes, what was it?

Ans: Google did not have a formal CGPA cutoff. Other ET companies had some cutoffs ranging
from 7-7.5 (I am not sure about this, please check the chronicles)

Q8. Did the previous projects help in the process?

Ans: Not specifically. My project at IGCAR gave me something to talk about in one of my
interviews, but that was about it.

Q9. Tips for the day before interview rounds?

Ans: I think having a calm mind before interviews immensely helped me tacking questions
thrown my way. It's my personal opinion that interviewers look for a logical thought process
rather than the final answer. A calm head largely helps in that I believe.

Q10. Share your Interview and other rounds of experience?

Ans: I had two rounds of technical interviews. The first was based on Verilog and Digital design
with some basics of electrical sciences. The second Interview was based on the same topics as
first. In addition, there was some topics covering system design.

Q11. Your internship project and experience.

Ans: I did two projects in my three months at the internship. The first was a scripting project
(python) for timing reports that were generated from various PNR and STA tools. The second
was on I/O budgeting for hierarchical designs.
I had a great experience at Google, despite the lockdown and everything being done in a virtual
setup. My mentors, there were really helpful. There was a lot to learn from them and everyone
on the team!

Nayan Nilesh(2017A3PS0190P)
Company - Western Digital- SanDisk
Profile - Analog

Q1. What are the topics that one would need to prepare for an internship in the domain?

Ans: For an internship/job in the Electronics sector, there are two broad domains, namely
Analog and Digital.
So it depends on one's interest, which one to go for, and preparations change accordingly. But
for both of them, the primary source for prep will be college textbooks
(Morris Mano for Digital, B. Razavi for Analog) & lectures along with class notes. These
will be enough for anyone to grab the offer. But the critical thing will be clarity of concepts.
How well can you apply the basic concepts taught to a circuit or related problem and
solve them will ultimately be the deciding factor.

Digital -
• Digital Design (most important)
• Verilog (Important)
• Microprocessors
• Control System (basics)
• Signals (basics)
• Digital part of ADVD (basics, till covered in the lectures), STA must if it's covered
• Analog -
• MuE (most important)
• Control System (important)
• Signals (important)
• ADVD (till taught)
• Analog Electronics (till taught)

Q2. What resources should we refer to?

Ans: Apart from the college materials, as mentioned before, there are good resources
available online like GATE lectures,, Glassdoor, or
other sites where you can see what are the typical interview questions asked. But these
should be referred after being thorough with the concepts.
For the CS part, only the basics of DSA (complexity, etc.) & OOP (access modifiers,
inheritance, etc.) is sufficient which can be covered within a week (or even a day or

Two!). Plenty of resources are available online such as G4G, InterviewBit, etc. (If
someone is not confident in CP; it is advised to revise the basic C syntax also). This may
also help you during the internship. (This is only related to WDC - SanDisk test
procedure, may not be asked in other tests)

Q3. What are some topics and subjects that should be revised during the last few weeks
before the internship season?

Ans: For the one's targeting Digital roles, I would say revise Verilog and Sequential Logic (till

FSM and ASM if possible or at least state tables of Flip-Flops and their advantages at
different places)
For Analog roles, MuE and ConSys concepts should be the focus.

Q4. What college courses helped you to prepare for the internship and what are the
alternatives for it?

Ans: Already mentioned the relevant courses for the prep before. Putting here again:
Digital -
• Digital Design (most important)
• Verilog (Important)
• Microprocessors
• Control System (basics)
• Signals (basics)
• Digital part of ADVD (basics, till covered in the lectures), STA must if it's covered
• Analog -
• MuE (most important)
• Control System (important)
• Signals (important)
• ADVD (till taught)
• Analog Electronics (till taught)

Some alternatives are there online, as listed above, but I wouldn't recommend them over
college courses. If someone is stuck or has a doubt, then they could see some GATE
related or NPTEL lectures.

Q5. What kind of timeline did you follow for preparation before the internship season?

Ans: Since I had most of the concepts cleared by the end of 2nd year itself before PS,
therefore most of the work was revision related. Also, some of the concepts were revised
in my PS-1 due to my project requirements, so that gave me added advantage.
I would recommend the same to others that revise the things that you are confident
about first and then go for the rest. There's no fixed timeline; everyone has a different
need, but revision of college courses and seeing some questions online before appearing
for the test or Interview will most probably solve all problems. Also, do refer to the
Chronicles, as it contains useful information about the selection process.
One last thing I would add is that please refer to the company's history and its profile,
what are their market products, etc. before going to an interview as you are expected to
know some things about the company you'll be joining.

Q6. How should resumes be modified for different companies?

Ans: It will mostly be the same for Electronic companies. The only difference in resumes will be
whether you are applying for a digital or analog profile. You'll have to tune it according to
the role.

Q7. Did the company have any CG cutoff? If yes, what was it?

Ans: The CG cutoff was 7 for first-degree students for our year (1st Sem, 2019-20).

Q8. Did the previous projects help in the process?

Ans: Yes definitely. For me, PS-1 served as a major project to showcase in the Resume. Also,
if you have taken SOP or other projects related to a club activity or competition then you
can put them in the Resume according to the profile (like Arduino, other microcontrollers,
etc. are related to the Digital profile. If you've designed some filters, etc. they will come
under Analog Profile).

Q9. Tips for the day before interview rounds?

Ans: Be relaxed and confident. Keep your mind blank before the Interview (don't overthink).
It's easier to say than to do, but this is the thing which will help to calm your nerves. The
study part is already done, and since you've cleared the test, you know stuff. It will come
to your mind at the right moment, so no need for creating a panic situation. Also, you can
revise only a few things if you want to, but I won't recommend doing so just before the

Q10. Share your Interview and other rounds experience?

Ans: Online Test:

The online test has two sections: Aptitude & Technical. There were 40 questions in total to
be answered in 45 minutes.
Marking scheme: +1/-0.25 (No. of Qs section-wise denoted in (_) below)
Aptitude section (10) contains basic mental ability questions. No preparations required
as such since most of you've had prior experience in various Olympiads/NTSE.
Technical section (30) consists of 2 subparts; the Electronics part will be comprised of Digital
(majorly) as well as the Analog domain. CS part may contain questions from basic CP
knowledge as well as some of the basics of DSA & OOP.
The online test is the obstacle in which most of the students are screened out. In my
experience, many of them fail to manage the time given that there's quite a shortage of
it. Time management becomes crucial for this round. So, plan accordingly & attempt the
test. (A score of around 30+ mostly will land you in the safe zone).
Interview Round:

Technical Interview: Majorly from the class notes and textbooks. I also glanced through
the previously asked questions a day before my online test & Interview for getting better
clarity on Glassdoor, etc.
Some sites were useful in quick revision such as

Round 1: Technical interviews of all the shortlisted candidates were different in

nature. But in general, the Interview could be divided into two broad sections:
Technical aptitude: You can expect questions related to Electronics from these
topics: Digital Design (most important), MuE (for analog circuits), ADVD (no need
to worry, they'll ask only basics since it'll be an ongoing course for you) & Control
Systems (basics). For the CS part, basic knowledge of CP is expected. Mostly
pseudocode will do as they want to test your logic rather than programming skills.
Mental aptitude: You'll be given mental ability questions in the form of a
riddle/puzzle. The point of interest for the interviewer is your thinking process &
NOT the final answer. So, you'll need to effectively communicate your thought
process. Sitting blank & saying the final answer without reasoning won't do any

good in this case & may leave a bad impression. Therefore, you should be
confident in answering but at the same time be friendly & respectful towards the
interviewer. Try to make your interview interactive throughout.

HR Interview: HR round was just a basic interview with the HR from Western
Digital. It's generally a non-elimination round because almost all the elimination
process is already done in the previous rounds. But it's a MUST for students
appearing for HR round to be thorough with some key company information (like
recent acquisitions, CEO, etc.), history (you'll find a surprise in one of the
founders' history!), etc. You can also ask HR to elaborate on your role during the
intern and related things. The only concern in this round may be for HIGH CG
students. They might be asked a tricky question - Job or MS?! So be prepared to
answer these kinds of questions (You can find many suitable answers online!!).

Q11. Your internship project and experience.

Ans: Due to company regulations, I can't reveal the exact project details but I can give a brief
overview of my work experience at WD.
On the first day of internship, an induction meeting was conducted where interns were
introduced to HR and then later with the Director of your concerned department. The
meeting with the Director was crucial as it will decide what will be your project area for
the 2 months of internship. I was allotted in ASIC Division, Physical Layer group. My
project was in Analog Domain.
Then I was assigned a mentor to whom I'll communicate frequently about the project
work progress, any discussion or doubt-clearing, etc.
A typical day at internship begins from 9 in the morning and ends at 5 in the evening. It
may extend sometimes depending on the work. Also, there will be a few talks arranged
with higher officials which will excite and motivate you by showing some of the latest
innovations going around.
Try to communicate with many people and grow your network as much as possible. It
will help you in the long run.

My project work was done on the Cadence tool which is a high-end professional tool for
chip design it was exciting to use and learn sophisticated stuff that goes around in
designing an electronic product. I was quite delighted that even the interns (I and my
teammate) were given access to use Cadence since generally, that's not the case. With
the virtual desktop and remote connection, my laptop was easily set up for the work.
Overall, it was a wonderful experience (although virtual) and that too in these difficult
times. For that, I'm grateful to WDC for conducting the WFH internship since it's
particularly difficult for an Electronics Company to go virtual in comparison to an IT firm.
Kudos to their team!

Bhagyam Gupta - (2017A8PS0525P)
Company - Samsung Semiconductor India Research, Bangalore
Profile - Student Trainee (Digital Domain)

Q1. What are the topics that one would need to prepare for an internship in the domain?

Ans: Number System, Boolean's Algebra, Combinational Circuits, Sequential Circuits, Finite
state machines (FSM), Static timing analysis (STA), Programmable logic device (PLD),
CMOS/PTL/TG logic implementation, Operational Amplifiers, Circuit analysis(RLC circuits,
Resistance ladder, Norton/Thevenin, etc.), Verilog HDL, Basic C programming.

Q2. What resources should we refer to?

Ans: Mainly Course textbooks and class notes, NPTEL videos can be referred for some topics,
previously asked questions in GATE, Internship, and Placement Chronicles.

Q3. What are some topics and subjects that should be revised during the last few weeks before
the internship season?

Ans: Combinational Circuits, Sequential Circuits, Finite state machines (FSM), Static timing
analysis (STA), Operational Amplifiers, Circuit analysis, Verilog.

Q4. What college courses helped you to prepare for the internship and what are the alternatives
for it?

Ans: Digital Design, Electrical Sciences, ADVD, MuP, Control Systems.

Q5. What kind of timeline did you follow for preparation before the internship season?

Ans: Started preparing during summer break itself. First revised the concepts in 3/4 weeks
through textbooks/notes, later practiced some questions. After getting shortlisted for an
interview, I went through my Resume and prepared answers for commonly asked technical and
HR questions.

Q6. How should resumes be modified for different companies?

Ans: For ET companies, keep only relevant courses (Mostly CDCs) in Subject/Elective section
and in an order such that courses you are most comfortable in are mentioned earlier. The same
goes for the Skills section. Check the profiled company is offering, courses/skills related to the
profile, and modify the order accordingly.

Q7. Did the previous projects help in the process?

Ans. Not for me, but generally, they do.

Q8.Tips for the day before interview rounds?

Ans: Check Chronicles to get the general idea of the process for such companies, go through
your Resume, try to prepare answers for commonly asked questions, keep calm, and be

Q9. Share your Interview and other rounds experience?

Ans: Technical: Questions from DD and ADVD were asked. No questions on projects. I did not
know the answer to each and every question, but I tried and explained my thought process to
the interviewer, and he helped me in reaching the answers.

HR: General HR questions like Intro, hobbies, about family and company, were asked. Just
answered them honestly.

Q11. Your internship project and experience.

Ans: It happened virtually and was fun. I worked in the System LSI team of Samsung in the
Multimedia domain, and my project was related to Display Compression. My task was to design
an Entropy Coder used in Display Compression Encoder in a Display IP, I had to write the RTL
code for the design and had to verify it. My mentor was really helpful, and I had a very learning

Gaurav Patel - (2016B2A30745P)
Company - Western Digital (WDC) - Sandisk
Profile - Intern

Q1. What are the topics that one would need to prepare for an internship in the domain?

Ans: In the ET domain, it is necessary to have a good grasp on subjects like Electronic Design,
Micro-Electronics, Analog Electronics, and Digital Design. Many of the companies also require
you to have knowledge about Verilog and Data Structures and Algorithms. Revising these topics
and doing competitive coding is really helpful.

Q2. What resources should we refer to?

Ans: Resources are endless. For the Electronics portion, revision of college courses is more
than sufficient, whereas, for the coding part, GeeksforGeeks and Leetcode are the way to go.
Also, for quick electronics revision, is a very good website.

Q3. What are some topics and subjects that should be revised during the last few weeks before
the internship season?

Ans: Electronics Design, Digital Design, and Microelectronics are the most important.
Knowledge about semiconductors and their working is necessary. Knowledge about flip-flops,
gates, etc. is crucial. For the coding part, practicing DSA is very important.

Q4. What kind of timeline did you follow for preparation before the internship season?

Ans: There is no need to devote the entire day for internship preparation. Revising notes for
electronics and practicing coding on Leetcode was more than enough for me. Most of my time
went into competitive coding. I spent only a few hours a week revising electronics.

Q5. How should resumes be modified for different companies?

Ans: Different companies come for different profiles. For ET domain companies, mention your
electronics courses, and especially your projects are done in college (for e.g., in MuP) on the
top. Also, mention your personal projects. For software-based companies, put your CS-related
electives and courses on the top and mention your projects, both personal and college-based.

If you have done any courses, attach the proofs like certificates, etc. They will act as bonus
points. Mention all your skills that you might have picked up while doing different projects and/or

Q6. Did the company have any CG cutoff? If yes, what was it?

Ans: In general, all the companies had a CG cutoff of 7.0, though some companies had a CG
cutoff of 7.5. So it is necessary to maintain a good CGPA, preferably over 7.

Q7. Did the previous projects help in the process?

Ans: Yes. Previous projects did help in the whole process. In my case, during the technical
interview rounds, the interviewer emphasized mostly on my projects. It is not necessary that the

projects should only be your college projects. Any personal projects, too, were counted. Thus, it
is necessary to have deep-level knowledge of the technical details of the projects that one did.

Q8. Tips for the day before interview rounds?

Ans: A day before interview rounds have a good night's sleep. No need for last-minute
revisions. Before the Interview, take a good bath and keep a check on your personal hygiene. It
is necessary to look good and fresh before the Interview.

Q9. Share your Interview and other rounds experience?

Ans: The first round for most of the companies is the coding round. In my case, for Western
Digital – Sandisk, the first round was Online Test as follows:
• Aptitude section (10) contains basic mental ability questions.
• Technical section (30) consists of 2 subparts; Digital Design and Analog electronics
questions; questions on programming, which included OOP and DSA.

The second round was Interview:

The Interview in my case, was focussed more on my projects and my PS-1 work, than
electronics. In electronics, one can expect questions related to Electronics from these topics:
Digital Design (most important), MuE (for analog circuits), ADVD (no need to worry, they'll ask
only basics since it'll be an ongoing course for you).

In case you don't know the answer to any question, explain your approach to the interviewer
instead of sitting quiet. The interviewers are very helpful and will give the necessary hints to
help you.

Q10. Your internship project and experience.

Ans: I secured an internship at Western Digital – Sandisk and was allotted the 'HDD FW R&D
Department', which deals in research and development of Hard-disk drive firmware. My project
involved the development of a hard disk simulator that can be used as a virtual device for faster
development and testing of firmware code, thereby reducing the time to market for the product.
It involved heavy usage of C++ and a deep understanding of the hard disk and its codebase,
and thus we used to have multiple training sessions on the technologies involved. Since the
work was purely R&D, we had teams from multiple countries working together. This involved
having meetings and constant talks with employees from the US, Japan, etc.

Working with people from different countries, having constant meetings, talking about new
research papers, and technologies in the area of storage was an enjoyable experience, and it
definitely presented a lot of new things to learn and discuss about.

The employees were very friendly, and they would go out of their way to help you in case you
have stuck anywhere.

Vishal Mittal - (2017A7PS0080P)
Company - Goldman Sachs
Profile - Summer Analyst

Q1. What are the topics that one would need to prepare for an internship in the domain?

Ans: DSA, Maths, Probability, Puzzles

Q2. What resources should we refer to?

Ans: GS is famous for asking puzzle based questions. There is a collection of some 88 quant
puzzles with solutions: ( If you solve all of them, there would
be hardly any difficulty in this section, since they hardly go beyond these.

Q3. What are some topics and subjects that should be revised during the last few weeks before
the internship season?

Ans: Focus a lot on probability and Dynamic Programming (DP)

Q4. What college courses helped you to prepare for the internship, and what are the
alternatives for it?

Ans: OOP, DSA, DBS. Alternatives: CLRS book for DSA

Q5. What kind of timeline did you follow for preparation before the internship season?

Ans: I started solving questions on Leetcode and Hackerrank 6 months before the season
started and participated in contests.

Q6. How should resumes be modified for different companies?

Ans: Since GS offers the role of Summer Analyst, projects in the domain of ML, Deep Learning,
and Big Data can be helpful.

Q7. Did the previous projects help in the process?

Ans: No.

Q8. Tips for the day before interview rounds?

Ans: Look at GS previous interview experiences on Geeksforeeks.If you are asked to prove a
probability question, just don't say NO - at least try proving it, make a diagram and explain your
thought process, the interviewer will help you at every step and take you to the final solution.

Q9. Share your Interview and other rounds experience?

Ans: Online Round: 3 coding questions and 10 MCQs in 2 hours. MCQs were based on OOP,
DBMS, Prob & Stats and Basic ML

Details of Round 1
- Resume and project discussion (They go deep into the project if you have mentioned ML)
- Some simple algorithmic problems
- A probability question (Asked to prove it, not an intuitive guess)

- Details of Round 2
- Algorithmic problems (involving DP)
- Some probability formulas: Pearson Coefficient of Correlation, etc.

- GS holds variable No. of interview rounds for each candidate. Some had even five while some
had only 2

Q10: Your internship project and experience.

Ans: I worked in the ML and Analytics team under the Technology division, and the project was
to build a model to predict real-time anomaly in time-series data leveraging deep learning
techniques like LSTM.

Kunal Mehta - (2017A7PS0148P)
Company - Samsung R&D Bengaluru
Profile - Student Trainee (Research)

Q1. What are the topics that one would need to prepare for an internship in the domain?

Ans: The most important topic for an internship in the IT domain is Data Structures and
Algorithms. Some companies also ask questions from Object-oriented programming and
Database systems, but these should be secondary topics on your list. Day 0 companies might
also ask System Design, but it is rare and should be last on your list.

Q2.What resources should we refer to?

Ans: If you have time on your hand, say more than four months, then I would suggest practicing
as many questions as possible on Leetcode ( If you are short on time,
then InterviewBit ( is a good place to familiarise yourself with all the
required topics in DSA and the typical questions that are asked.
Also, keep referring to geeks for geeks, as a source for solution articles. There are some great
lists of questions on it as well, for example,

Q3.What are some topics and subjects that should be revised during the last few weeks before
the internship season?

Ans: In the last few weeks before the Internship season, you should revise the common
interview questions, like the ones in this list on Leetcode -
interview-questions/. Also, revise the theory topics (OOP, DBMS) during this time so that it is
easier to recall them during the assessments or interviews.

Q4.What college courses helped you to prepare for the internship, and what are the alternatives
for it?

Ans: DSA, OOP, DBMS provided on campus give a good foundation; however, you would need
a lot more problem-solving practice for DSA.
An alternative for a DSA course is to get a list of topics, i.e., important data structures and
algorithms, which is easily attainable. For each topic, go through the GFG articles, youtube
videos to get the theory and then try to implement from scratch (going to be a tedious process).
An alternative for DBMS -
For OOP, try acquiring and going through slides provided in the college course.

Q5.What kind of timeline did you follow for preparation before the internship season?

Ans: Personally, I wasn't very familiar with the Internship season process, so I didn't start proper
preparation until the last few weeks of summer vacation. So that gave me only around two
months to prepare. That is a very short amount of time to get good at solving DSA or
competitive programming problems.

The timeline I would instead suggest for good preparation is to devote at least 4-5 months just
for solving problems on sites like Leetcode. That is excluding the time you would need to learn
the basics of DSA and the programming language of your choice.

Q6.How should resumes be modified for different companies?

Ans: For the on-campus internship season, making separate resumes for different companies
isn't that necessary, in my opinion. But if you really want to, then go through the job description
that companies provide and tailor your Resume accordingly by adding projects that match the
description. But you would need to add all your projects, experiences, and skills beforehand on
the Superset website because you will only be allowed to change the description of them once
your profile gets verified on the website.

Q7. Did the company have any CG cutoff? If yes, what was it?

Ans: Yes, most companies have a CG cutoff of 7 or 7.5. Samsung R&D Bangalore had a cutoff
of 7.5

Q8.Did the previous projects help in the process?

Ans: Yes, previous projects help a lot in interviews. Interviewers would generally pick one of
them and expect you to explain it thoroughly and also to answer any follow-up questions. They
would evaluate you on the basis of how you present the project, so better rehearse each project

Q9.Tips for the day before interview rounds?

Ans: For the day before interviews, go through the interview experiences of other people for that
company - use GFG archives, PU Internship chronicles, and Glassdoor for this. Go through
each point of your Resume and make sure you know your projects well. Also, go through the
common HR questions and mentally prepare an answer for them so that you don't have to think
a lot during the interviews. Here is a shortlist of common HR questions -

Q10.Share your Interview and other rounds experience?

Ans: For Samsung R&D Bangalore, there was an online coding round and 2 Technical rounds.

Online Round:
Three coding questions (one of 3 marks, other two of 5 marks) in 75 minutes - different sets of
questions picked from a common pool. Only C, C++, Java, C# allowed. External DS libraries
(like STL) are not allowed.
• Given a number in string representation, find the next larger number, which is a
• Given a binary search tree, find the kth largest number.
• Given a binary tree, find the sum of all leaf nodes present at the lowest level. => All
leaves you are considering should be on the same level, and this level should be the
minimum of all other levels that have leaf nodes.

Technical Round 1:

This was a Group fly round - candidates were called in groups of 5 and were given the same
question to solve individually and were later required to explain to the interviewer one after
another. Question asked to my group:- Design a text editor with following functions
insert(char str[], int len) - insert given string at the point where the cursor is delete(int len) -
delete in the forward direction from the cursor's position for the given length
move(int pos) - moving the cursor to the given position
Again, not allowed to use STL methods. char arrays to be used for strings. The pseudo-code
was fine. Time complexity was given more preference over space complexity.
The answer expected involved the use of linked lists. The main focus was on the approach. I
wrote an unoptimized solution but explained an optimized approach, and the interviewer was
fine with it.
CG became an important factor here. If you have a very good CG but perform mediocre here,
you still can get through to the second round.
Different groups were asked different questions.

Technical Round 2:
This was a one-on-one interview. The difficulty of this round depends on your performance in
the group fly plus you CG. I did well in Round 1 and the interviewer in that round seemed
impressed by my resume/CG, so this round was a breeze. I was asked to explain my PS1
Some other candidates were asked theoretical questions related to machine learning.

Q11.Your internship project and experience.

Ans: Due to COVID, the internship was done remotely. The remote workstation set up was done
very smoothly by Samsung.
The project I was assigned was a very new one. The objective of the project was to use
accelerometer and gyroscope readings from a mobile's IMU and use it to determine the
occurrence of the mobile being dropped and features of the drop - like height from which it fell.
Since it was a new project, progress was slow, and the work got repetitive after a month. We
couldn't reach a point where machine learning could be incorporated.
Each intern project had a manager and mentor(s) assigned to guide the interns. The ones
assigned to my project were very nice, helpful, and engaging. It was fun interacting and working
with them. Overall, being part of a team with great people in it made my experience positive.

Amisha Kothari – (2017A3PS0194P)
Company- Microsoft
Profile- SDE

Q1. What are the topics that one would need to prepare for an internship in the domain?

Ans: Data Structures and Algorithms, Basic concepts of Object-Oriented Programming.

Q2. What resources should we refer to?

Ans: There are multiple resources available online. Geeks for Geeks, InterviewBit, LeetCode
are some of the good ones among them. Also, books like Data Structures and Algorithms Made
Easy and Cracking the Coding Interview are really good.

Q3.What are some topics and subjects that should be revised during the last few weeks before
the internship season?

Ans: With the intern season approaching, try revising some standard algorithms like sorting
techniques, traversals, etc. Also, must do coding questions present on Geeks for Geeks helps
to cover some broad patterns of questions from each topic.

Q4.What college courses helped you to prepare for the internship and what are the alternatives
for it?

Ans: As I’m a EEE student, there was no specific course till 2-2 that could help me prepare for
an IT intern. Although, Computer Programming(CP) did create a basic understanding of data
structures and coding languages. Students from non-CS branches should refer to online
platforms and books for preparation.

Q5.What kind of timeline did you follow for preparation before the internship season?

Ans: I started off my preparation with an understanding of data structures by reading about them
from Geeks for Geeks. I used to code some questions on GFG itself for getting the idea of the
topic. I parallelly referred to the book “Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy” by
Narashima Karumanchi. The book covers almost all types of questions of a data structure with
multiple solutions. I started practicing from InterviewBit one month before the internship

Q6.How should resumes be modified for different companies?

Ans: In my opinion, it’s not necessary to have multiple resumes for IT companies. You can keep
a single resume with only relevant projects and skills. It’s advisable to stick to a one-page
resume. The project descriptions should be clearly written in the form of bullet points with
keywords in bold.

Q7.Did the company have any CG cutoff? If yes, what was it?

Ans: The internship season cutoff was 7 CGPA. All students meeting the criteria were allowed
to sit for the company.

Q8. Did the previous projects help in the process?

Ans: Yes, during one of the interview rounds, there was a short discussion about my PS-1
project including its approach and application. Though major focus during the interview remains
on coding questions, the project discussion depends purely upon the interviewer.

Q9. Tips for the day before interview rounds?

Ans: On the day before the interview, just go through the company experiences on Geeks for
Geeks. Try to look for common questions in company-specific questions. This helps a lot to
understand the general trend of topics of a particular company. Also, try to read about the
company and it’s latest projects and stuff. Prepare some key points for questions like “Tell me
about yourself”, “What’s the biggest challenge you faced till now”, “Do you want to ask
anything”, etc. Apart from these, take a sound sleep and just be confident about whatever you
know :)

Q10. Share your interview and other rounds of experience?

Ans: Refer to internship chronicles.

Q11.Your internship project and experience.

Ans: I worked with the Edge East team during my internship. My project involved developing a
feature to enhance user PDF experience in the Edge browser. From learning to deal with large
codebases to writing production-level code, it’s been a wonderful closure to the entire
development life cycle. Apart from these, I enjoyed the virtual chit-chat sessions with other
interns and developers.

Anirudh Krishna S - (2017A4PS0406P)
Company - HUL
Profile - Supply Chain Intern

Q1. What are the topics that one would need to prepare for an internship in the domain?

Ans: Although they recruit interns for the Supply Chain profile, the interviews test the
candidates' understanding of the fundamentals of core subjects (as they understand that
second-year undergraduate students may not have had the chance to study Supply Chain
Management). Questions on CDCs help the interviewer(s) to test the students' problem-solving
skills and abilities to apply their theoretical knowledge to real-world problems.
The interviewers were considerate enough to ask questions from the candidates' favorite
subjects. Hence, the choice of courses and relevant topics to be studied lies with the student.
Fundamental courses of mechanical engineering like thermodynamics, applied
thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and mechanics of solids and relevant topics in those courses
are good starting points.

Q2. What resources should we refer to?

Ans: Course material (books and/or notes) of CDCs should be more than sufficient. Refer to
newspapers and online articles to stay updated with the organization and the market.

Q3. What are some topics and subjects that should be revised during the last few weeks before
the internship season?

Ans: It really depends on what courses each candidate is comfortable with and confident about.
So, if it is Thermodynamics/Applied Thermodynamics, revise all thermodynamic cycles, working
of two-stroke and four-stroke engines, thermodynamic charts and graphs, and so on. If it is Fluid
Mechanics, revise the Navier-Stokes equation, Bernoulli equation, Lagrangian and Eulerian
specification of fluid fields, and so on. There is no one 'must-do' course/topic to revise as
different students are interested in different fields of mechanical engineering. However,
whatever be the course/topic one is preparing oneself in, understand the applications of the
concepts in real life and how they affect a layman. Questions from the interviewers will
eventually head towards how a candidate's solutions/ideas would affect an end-user or
customer of a product that incorporates their solutions/ideas.

Q4. What college courses helped you to prepare for the internship, and what are the
alternatives for it?

Ans: CDCs. No alternatives. At the end of my second year, all the courses that I had done
outside my CDC requirement were humanities electives.

Q5. What kind of timeline did you follow for preparation before the internship season?

Ans: None. Irrelevant to my case as we had no idea HUL was coming.

Q6. How should resumes be modified for different companies?

Ans: Mention only courses and projects that are relevant to the profile you are applying for.
Be very, very thorough with whatever is mentioned on the résumé—courses to projects, PoRs
to certifications.

Q7. Did the company have any CG cutoff? If yes, what was it?

Ans: Yes. 7.00.

Q8. Did the previous projects help in the process?

Ans: Yes, technical interviews covered core courses and projects (including PS–1) equally.
Again, they were more interested in knowing the effect of the projects on the end-user and the
experience they will have.

Q9. Tips for the day before interview rounds?

Ans: Revise the fundamentals of core subjects. Read up about the organization and the FMCG

Q10. Share your Interview and other rounds experience?

Ans: Group Discussion: Instead of an open-ended discussion on a generic topic, the task was to
solve a well-defined problem statement and answer questions on the feasibility and
implementability of the solution.
Technical Interviews: Questions on projects and core courses. Knowledge of fundamentals and
understanding of how an idea or solution would translate into user experience were tested.
HR Interview: HR interview and second technical Interview were taken at one go. Usual HR
questions followed by questions on résumé with emphasis on PoRs. Finally, the real-world
operational problem was to be solved (open-ended; no right/wrong answer, they just test your
presence of mind and problem-solving skill).

Q11. Your internship project and experience.

Ans: I worked with the Distribution Planning of HUL during my tenure. My project was to
optimize the distribution network of HUL for the ice cream category—Kwality Walls and
Bismarck. Six manufacturing units across India served around 200 towns. The objective was to
find the optimum number of depots or distribution centers and their locations such that the total
distribution cost (primary distribution cost + warehousing cost + secondary distribution cost) is
The project was very challenging and interesting. The internship offered a lot of opportunities to
learn and provided great exposure to ground reality and day-to-day operations of such a huge
organization. The people who worked with me were also very helpful and keen on making this a
fascinating experience for me.

Bhagyesh Trivedi - (2017A4PS0529P)
Company - Bajaj Auto
Profile - Research and Development

Q1. What are the topics that one would need to prepare for an internship in the domain?
Ans: Thermo/Applied Thermo (revise all the cycles), IC engines, Fluid Mechanics, Solid
Mechanics/MDD (Stress-strain concepts, failure theories, deflection formulas).

Q2. What resources should we refer to?

Ans: Class notes/lecture slides for concept revision (if available), Indiabix website for practice
(question bank and mock tests).

Q3. What are some topics and subjects that should be revised during the last few weeks before
the internship season?
Ans: Same as question 1.

Q4. What college courses helped you to prepare for the internship, and what are the
alternatives for it?
Ans: No specific course was required.

Q5. What kind of timeline did you follow for preparation before the internship season?
Ans: None (During my time, Bajaj came at very short notice - even before sem registration)

Q6. How should resumes be modified for different companies?

Ans: Go through the Job Description and try understanding the company's requirements, then
highlight those projects/PORs/courses that align with the JD

Q7. Did the company have any CG cutoff? If yes, what was it?
Ans: 7 CGPA.

Q8. Did the previous projects help in the process?

Ans: Yes, the interview rounds will be based on your Resume. So good projects help in steering
the Interview in your favor.

Q9. Tips for the day before interview rounds?

Ans: Keep 2-3 printouts of your Resume with you, go through your project reports, and be
thorough with your Resume.

Q10. Share your Interview and other rounds experience?
Ans: There were a total of 3 rounds: First, an online test (MCQ questions on verbal reasoning,
logical reasoning, aptitude, and core subjects) followed by a technical interview and an HR
interview. For the interview rounds, questions were based on my Resume (projects from
Formula-Student) and a few concepts related to those projects (Stress-strain curve). The HR
round consisted of general questions like what are your hobbies? Why do you want to work in
the automotive sector? Etc...

Q11. Your internship project and experience.

Ans: My project was with the Materials Department at Bajaj Auto. I worked on CNC
programming and cycle-time reduction for various components of KTM bikes. Although the
internship was conducted virtually, the project was well-planned. The mentors were quite
helpful, and I got to learn a lot.

Analytical Consulting
Rahul Bhagtani - (2017A4PS0364P)
Company – ExxonMobil
Profile - Analytical Consulting

Q1. What are the topics that one would need to prepare for an internship in the domain?
Ans: The internship project depends on the role you end up getting (randomly allotted). There
were primarily three roles, Sales, Marketing, and Technology. For Sales and Marketing role,
having a prior knowledge of market analysis and the business would be of help. For tech role,
you would have to work on tableau or related software, so no prior knowledge required

Q2. What resources should we refer to?

Ans: The Interview was a fit based interview, i.e., they check how well you will "fit" with the
company's policies and ethics. To prepare for this, you just need to be open with the interviewer
and know your Resume well

Q3. What are some topics and subjects that should be revised during the last few weeks before
the internship season?
Ans: Since the role offered was in business development, going through tips and tricks for a GD
should suffice and be through with your Resume

Q4. What college courses helped you to prepare for the internship, and what are the
alternatives for it?
Ans: None in particular

Q5. What kind of timeline did you follow for preparation before the internship season?
Ans: Since Exxon was the second company coming on campus within two days of reopening,
there was not enough time to prepare anything specific for the same.

Q6. How should resumes be modified for different companies?

Ans: For a company like Exxon, having projects and leadership skills in your Resume would be
definitely good showing your capability to take initiatives, For other core companies, suitable
electives and in course projects and being a part of tech teams might help

Q7. Did the company have any CG cutoff? If yes, what was it?
Ans: I am not sure of the CG cut off, but having a CG above 7 is safe

Q8. Did the previous projects help in the process?
Ans: I had no projects on my Resume while sitting for the internship. So my Interview was
driven by one of my POR asking more about the challenges I faced in it and how to overcome

Q9. Tips for the day before interview rounds?

Ans: Stay cool and be confident in your Interview. Don't fake stuff on your Resume and be
prepared to defend any point which you have written. Your attitude and composure would be
things that would be judged

Q10. Share your Interview and other rounds experience?

Ans: There were two rounds, a GD, and then an interview. The topic for GD was automation
and its effect on the manufacturing sector. Knowing the names of the people in the GD group
and pointing them out while agreeing/disagreeing with them would be good instead of saying
this person or pointing out their number. For the interview experience, I suppose the above
questions summarise well.

Q11. Your internship project and experience.

Ans: The internship project was to analyze the upcoming sector of reclaim rubber and how it
would affect the butyl business of the company. The research process involved going through
multiple market reports and taking interviews with industry experts. The project in itself was
challenging as reclaim rubber is a very niche industry, and data on it was not easily available, so
asking the right questions in the Interview was crucial as it was first hand, and the crudest
information on could get. The team I was working on was very helpful and supportive. The
experience would have definitely been better if it were not a remote internship as it would have
also involved site exploration and actually witnessing how these rubbers are made and gaining
more technical knowledge and pinpointing which questions should give the required answer.


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