Serial Number 1943/160: The Electrical Supply Regulations Amendment No. 5

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Serial Number 1943/160



C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General
At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 6th day
of October, 1943
PURSUANT to the Public Works Act, 1928, His Excellency the Governor-
General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the
advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth
hereby make the following regulations.

1. These regulations may be cited as the Electrical Supply
Regulations 1935, Amendment No. 5.
2. These regulations shall be read together with and deemed to
form part of the Electrical Supply Regulations 1935* (hereinafter
called the principal regulations).
3. These regulations shall come into force on the seventh day
following the date of notification hereof in the Gazette.
4. The principal regulations are amended by inserting, next following
Regulation 51-06 thereof, the following additional regulations :-


"51-07. (1) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in Regula-
tioll 51-02 hereof, so long as this regUlation remains in force it shall
be deemed sufficient compliance with the said regulation if all earthing-
leads and earth-connections to which the said regulation applies, other
than those referred to in clause (2) of this regulation, are tested at
intervals of not more than two years.
" (2) Nevertheless, earthing-leads and earth-connections to which
Regulations 31-34, 32-02, and 42-51 hereof apply shall be tested every
six months, and earth-connections known to or believed by the licensee
to be of less satisfactory standard than normal shall be tested at
intervals of not more than twelve months .
• Gazette, 6th September, 1935, Vol. Ill, page 2496. ..
Amendment No. 1: Gazette, 13th February, 1936, Vol, I, page 266.
Amendment No. 2: Statutory Regulations 1938, Serial number 1938/2, page 6.
Amendment No. 3: Statutory Regulations 1942, Serial number 1942/237, page 588.
Amendment No. 4: Statutory Regulations 1942, Serial number 1942/258, page 628.
2 Electr'ical Supply Regulations 1935, Amendment No. 5 [1943/160

"51-08. (1) So long as this regulation remains in force the licensee

may, instead of the certified copie::; of records required by Regulation
51-04 hereof, furnish---c
"(a) To the Chief Electrical Engineer a certificate stating how
many earth tests have been made during the year to which
the certificate refers, giving details of all ullsatisfactory
earthing-leads and earth-connections, and certifying that all
other such leads and connections tested were satisfactory:
"(b) To the Telegraph Engineer a certificate stating how Illany
tests have been made during the year to which the certifi-
cate referR on guards erected over telegraph-wires and on
earthed metal at telegraph crossings, and giving details of
all cases where the results of such tests were not satis-
factory and certifying that the results of all other such
tests were satisfactory:
"(c) To the Signal and Electrical Engineer a certificate stating
how mallY tests have been made during the year to which
the certificate refers on guardR and earthe<l metal at
railway crossings, and giving detuils of all casm; where the
results of such tests were not satisfactory amI certifying
that the results of all other such tests were satisfactory.
" (2) Every sllch certificate shall he furnished not later than the
30th day of June in each year in resppet, of the twelve mOllths ellded
on the 31st clay of March then last past.
"(3) Every sllch certificate shall be signed by the licellsee if an
individual, or by some Town Clerk, County Clerk, Secretary, or other
responsible officer of a licensee being a local or public authority, or
by some director or manager, secretary, or other like officer of a
licensee lleing all incorporated body.
" (4) Regulation 51-05 hereof shall apply to the erclrtificates
aforesaid. "
Clerk of the Executive Council.

Issued under the authority of the Regulations Act, 193(;'

Dltte of notification in Gazette: 14th day of October, 194:3.
These regulations are administered in the Public Work" Department.

By Authority: E. V. PAUL, Government Printer, Wellington.-1943.

Price 2d.]

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