4 Spec For Int Sanitary Plumbing Services
4 Spec For Int Sanitary Plumbing Services
4 Spec For Int Sanitary Plumbing Services
3.1.10 ANTI-SIPHONAGE...............................................................................................................................4
3.1.12 TRAPE......................................................................................................................................................5
3.1.26 HYDRAULIC PERFORMANCE ........................................................................................................9
l. This section sets out the required standard of workmanship and materials for the supply
delivery. installation, testing and accessories, soil and water pipes, ventilation pipes,
anti -spyhonage pipes, floor traps, gully traps, manholes (where indicated on the
drawings). grease traps- pumps and electrical motors to complete the Sanitary
Plumbing System as shown on the accompanying drawings and as specified hereafter
to the satisfaction of the local Authority, the Ministry of' Health, Superintending ,
Officer and other relevant authorities.
2. This Contractor shall provide all labour, materials, tools and equipment required to
complete this Sanitary Plumbing Installation. All materials, fittings and fixtures,
apparatus and all other items shall be new and unused, be of best quality of their
respective kinds, sound, free from defects and approved for use by the respective
authority. All underground drainage connecting the vertical stacks of the manholes
shall be by this Contractor. Where indicated on the drawings, manholes shall be
provided by this Contractor. On completion of all the drainage work all surplus soil
shall be spread and levelled off, or removed from the site as directed by the
Superintending Officer.
1. All work performed under this Contract shall comply in every respect with the Local
Authority By-Laws and Drainage, Sanitation and Sanitary By-Laws of the proposed
Street Drainage and Building Act. 1974. This Contractor shall be responsible to apply
for and obtain Local Authority approval of all works before covering up. Any work
'not approved by the Local Authority shall be rectified to meet their requirements at the
expense of this Contractor.
3.1.3 Appliances
1. All sanitary appliances, except traps shall be supplied under separate section of the
contract but fixing and installation shall be under this section of the contract, unless
otherwise indicated in the drawings. This Contractor shall connect all soil and waste
pipes to these appliances which include the furnishing of the necessary connector
where required. It is the responsibility of this Contractor to ensure that proper
installations and connections are made.
Item B.S
3.1.4 By-Laws
I. All Sanitary Plumbing Installation shall comply with the Following By-Laws:
I. All main and branch soil pipe and fittings shall he cast iron to B. S. 416: 1767. Heavy
grade coated with and approved tarbased composition or vitrified clay pipes to B.S.
65:1981 For below ground installation, UPVC to B.S.4514:1969 and B.S.5255:1976
for above ground installation.
2. Main and Branch soil pipe and fittings shall be cast iron to B.S. 416: 1976, Heavy
grade coated with and approved tarbased composition or UPVC. to B.S.4514: 1969
and B.S. 5255:1976.
3. Branch vent pipe of 2" (50 mm) diameter shall be galvanized to B.S. 1387: 1967
medium or UPVC to B.S. 4514: 1696 and B.S.5255: 1976
4. Waste pipe from Sink or Wash Basin shall be G.l to B.S. 1387 medium or UPVC to
B.S. 4514: 1969 AND B.S. 5255: 1976.
5. All materials not specically mentioned above shall conform to the latest editio n of
their respective British Standard Specification and shall be to the approval of the
1. Soil pipes shall be provided from water closets. urinals, and/or other equipment
where the effluent may contain faecal matter, urine and other contamination of
similar nature.
12 A separate waste pipe shall he provided for the following except where a one pipe
system is used.
(a) Dirty water from baths,wash basins throughs and other waste containing a small
proportion of soap and/or dirt
(b) Greasy water from kitchen. sinks and equipment where grease traps or interceptors
are required.
3.1.8 One Pipe System
I. In this system all the sanitary fittings are connected to one vertical stack. each fitting
being properly trapped. The stack is directly connected to the manhole.
2. Where more than one fittings are connected to thel stack. each branch shall be
ventilated with an anti-syphonage stack.
3.1.9 Vents
I All sanitary pipe systems and fixtures must be vented with the exception of basins
which are provided with anti-siphonage arrangement.
2 Where there is more than one fixtures or the water seal is reduced, a vent pipe shall be
supplied to the fixture trap or traps.
3 Soil pipe or one pipe system shall in all cases be vented by the upward extension or the
soil or combined pipe.
4 4. The upward vent pipe shall be straight and free from any bends or angles except
where unavaidable. It shall be extended through the roof to the required height, with
the ,open end protected by means of copper wire globe. No vent piping shall be less
than 1 '/a " (32 mm) in diameter.
5 All vent and branch vent pipes shall be graded '/2" per foot (38 mm per m) so as to drip
back to the soil or waste pipe by gravity. A branch vent must rise vertically or at and
angle of not more than 450 ,to a point six (6) inches (150 mm) above the fixture it is
venting before running horizontally.
3.1.10 Anti-Siphonage
1 An anti-siphonage pipe shall be carried up from each fixture to the branch or main vent
pipe above the level of the fixture to prevent the loss of the water seal in traps.
2. No fixture shall be connected to the soil, waste or combined pipe at any point between
the trap and the anti-siphonage pipe which it serves.
3. In special cases and with the appoval of the Authority. anti -siphonage vent pipe could
be connected to the waste, combined pipe or soil pipe on the opposite site of the water
seal to (lie fixture al a point which should be between 0’ – 3” to 1’ – 0” (75mm to
300mm) from the crown of the trap. In the case of bath and closet pan. the vent pile
shall not exceed 4"-0” (1.2m) from the crown of the trap.
I. All offsets shall be at agrade of not less than 45° to the horizontal.
2. The lower end all vertical line,., Of vent pipes shall connect full size at not less than 45°
to the horizontal with a soil, waste or combined pipe
3. Except with the written permission of the Authority, vent pipe shall not be use as
waste; combined or soil pipes.
3.1.12 Trape
l. Each sanitary appliance shall be provided with a proper trap placed as close to the
appliance outlet as possible and capable of maintaining a water seal. Such traps shall
,have proper access for cleaning and if not forming and integral part of the appliance
shall be subject to approval of the Authority.
2. Traps shall be of cast iron, free from holes, sand cores, cracks or any other defect and
completely lines internally with glass enamel.
I. Floor traps in ablution areas shall be 4" (100 mm) diameter cast iron P or S traps
complete with chromium plated cast iron grating and self tapping screw.
2. Gully traps to external areas shall be 12" (300 mm) diameter cast iron complete with
hinged cast iron grating.
l. Testing tees shall be located on the vertical stacks between floors to enable each floor
to be tested independently as specified hereafter. Upon completion of testing, the tees
shall be sealed up with lead joint.
1. Grease Interceptor shall be fitted with and approved tight fitting cover designed to
prevent the. emission of odours.
1. Wherever reduction in pipe sizes takes place, reducing fittings must be used. Bushings
will not be permitted.
1. To provide access for the proper inspection. cleaning and testing of the entire length of
pipe. inspection openings and Cleaning eyes shall be provide all soil, waste and
combined pipes at
iii The points where the house drains leave the building.
2. Rectangular access openings shall be equal in width to the full diameter of the pipe and
in length to at least one and a half-times the width.
3. Oval access openings shall have a area of not less than the cross-sectional area of the
pipe to which they are fitted.
4. It shall be fitted with an airtight and water tight cover. Inspection openings to soil.
waste and combined pipes shall be provided with and insertion cloth, or approved
equal washer.
5. Where vertical stack of soil or combined pipe provides for closets, 4’-0” (1.2 m) or
more above ground level, an inspection opening 6” (150mm) in length fitted with a
cover fixed to a flanged with non corrodible bolts and nuts shall be provided near the
foot of the stacks.
1. Cast iron pipes shall generally be jointed by means of the spigot and socket joint. The
spigot shall be centred in the adjoining socket by tightly caulking in sufficient turns of
tarred yarn or lead strip to leave unfilled about 1 3/4” (45mm) and 2” (50mm) for 4”
(100mm) and 6" (150mm) pipe respectively for lead joint. A jointing ring shall then be
placed round the barrel and against. the face of the socket. Molten pig lead shall then be
poured in to fill the remainder of the socket and the lead solidly caulked right round the
joint. Care shall be taken to ensure that pipes are perfectly dry before running lead
joints are made. Lead fibre may also be used instead of molted lead. Cement mortar
joints shall not be permitted.
1. As soon as pipes have been installed, all openings shall be capped or plugged to
prevent the entrance of materials that would obstruct or choke the pipes. It is the
responsibility of this Contractor to ensure that caps and plugs are left in place until
removal is necessary for completion of installation
1. The cisterns flush pipe shall be connected to the closet pan in a manner approved by
the Consulting Engineer.
2. Flush pipe shall he connected to the cistern by a brass or PVC union soldered to drawn
steel pipe.
3. Vent pipe shall be Connected to pan; with a lead cap Piece and copper pipe.
5. Soil. waste combined and vent pipe; shall he clamped. fixed or supported at a
maximum of 6’ – 0” (1.8m) apart.
6. Clips or clamps on Cast Iron pipes shall be fixed tight Up against tile bead or
Underside of the collar.
7. Where it is necessary to run the pipe clear of the wall extension clips shall be used.
8. Pipe hooks, hanger, clamps and clips shall be of the same material as that of the pipe.
No pipes shall be supported by any wire. rope. wood. plumbers tape perforated band
iron or other make shift devices.
9. All. hanger, clamps, clips etc. shall be submitted to the Consulting Engineer for
10. Pipe fixings shall be set in lead. with “T” beaded bolts or an approved menthod.
Wooden materialist are not permitted.
11. Buried pipes shall be laid with concrete supports al a maximum of 6’-0” (1.8m) apart.
Pipes shall adequately protected by concrete covering slabs and/or trenches whenever
3.1.21 Manholes
1. This Contractor shall be responsible for the construction of all manholes as shown on
the accompanying drawings.
2. Every manhole shall be of ample size to accommodate all sewers and to sizes specified
in plan.
3. Every manhole shall be with 9" (225 mm) brick walls supported with a minimum of 6"
(150mm) thick concrete base. Brick shall be of vitrified type and shall be laid in
English bonds. The mortar shall be I :J and the joints, especially the perpends must be
completely full or mortar.
4. Every manhole shall rendered from inside and outside with 1:2 rendering. The interior
shall be of high alumina cement rendering to the local authorities requirement.
5. A cast iron frame shall be set on top of every manhole or inspection chamber such as to
be flush and level with the finished ground level. A cast iron cover shall be fitted to the
iron frame which shall be securely bedded and fixed. An airtight gasket shall be
provided between the Frame and cover. .A coal of the cover and frame both before and
after fixing in position, where manholes are located in areas of traffic, heavy duty
covers shall be provide.
6. All inverts shall he formed with glazed pipes or approved equivalent. with proper vent
7. Where the manhole is located within a building, the cover shall be of double sealed
type and shall have copper or stainless steel l lines runs on both frame and cover for
floor finishing.
2’ – 6” x 2’ – 0” Exceeding 2’ – 0” up to 3’ – 0”
(750mm x 600mm) (0.60m up to 0.9m)
2’ – 6” x 2’ – 6” Exceeding 3’ – 0” up to 5’ – 0”
(720mm x 750mm) (0.9 m up to 1.5m)
3’ - 0” x 3’ – 9” Exceeding 5’ – 0” up to 8’ - 0”
(900 mm x 1125 mm) (1.5 111 up 2.4 m)
3.1.22 Testing
l. The Superintending Officer reserves the right to request for water or air or smoke
tests as well as for hydraulic performance to be performed by this Contractor at his
expense including the furnishing of the necessary equipment.
1. Water test shall be performed before the appliance are connected and may be carried
out in sectioned so as to limit the static head to I S feet (4.6m)
2. All openings affected by the test shall be hermetically sealed and the system shall be
filled with water.
3. The water level shall be maintained by the at its filled height for a period of fifteen
(I5) minutes by the addition of water.
4. The quantity of water added to maintain the water lever must not exceed three (3)
imperial gallons (13.6 litres ) for every fifty (50) joints or in that proportion.
5. Every joint shall be carefully examined for leaks while the system is tilled with
I. Air test may be performed by inserting expanding rubber testing plugs in the lower
and upper ends of the main soil pipe and main ventilating pipes and sealing the plugs
with necessary water
2. The testing- plug at the upper ventilation pipe should be fitted with a tee-piece with a
cock on each branch. A flexible tube manometer should be fixed to one branch while
air pressure is being introduced into the system through the other branch until the
desired pressure is indicated on the manometer scale
The applied pressure should be equal to 1 ½ water gauge and should remain at that
pressure for a minimum of three (3) minutes to prove the soundness of the
I. Smoke can be introduced into the system by a small machine under a pressure of not
less that 1” (25mm) water gauge.
2. The whole system shall filled with smoke before the openings are sealed with plugs.
3. The pressure on the smoke shall be maintained for five (5) minutes alter the last
opening has been sealed.
3.1.26 Hydraulic Performance
l. Hydraulic performance discharge tests shall be made from all appliance, singly and
collectively obstruction in any of the pipe lines shall be traced and the whole system
examined for proper hydraulic performances, including the retention of an adequate
water seal in each.
1. Should, in the process of site inspection, tests or later use during warranty period, the
Superintending Officer and/or Inspector of the appliance authority deem any
material, equipment, installation workmanship, etc. Defective, this Contractor shall
immediately replace the condemned material or rectify the fault at his own expense.
The ruling of the Superintending Officer and/or the Authority is final.
3.1.28 Painting
l. All pipework shall be painted with one layer of protective paint immediately after
installation. Prior to painting, all surfaces shall be brushed, wiped, sandpapered or
cleaned of concrete. On completion of testing, a Final coat of paint shall be applied
and all parts touched up where necessary. Paints shall be to the approval of the
authorities and Superintending Officer. Paints not be thinned.