كريزويل ويل ويل
كريزويل ويل ويل
كريزويل ويل ويل
Author(s): R. D. McChesney
Source: Muqarnas, Vol. 8, K. A. C. Creswell and His Legacy (1991), pp. 137-138
Published by: BRILL
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/1523162
Accessed: 21-03-2015 02:43 UTC
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j o~4L44?L41ol
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The texthere suggeststhat the maydanconstruction
workof Shah (Abbas took place near the Harun Wi-
L.) y
L5W11 I layatshrine,i.e., besidetheSeljuq Masjid-iJum(a.But
in Junabadi's elaborationof the above (ff.314a-314b)
j.jL;_I) he leavesno doubtthatit was nottheMaydan-iHarun
Wilayatthat (Abbas turnedinto a polo grounds,but
thesquare in frontofthepalace complex.
This passage modifiesmy assertionon p. 115 that
"neither [Iskandar Beg nor Junabadi] makes what
could be consideredan unambiguousreference to the
firstphase ofthedevelopmentofthe area [as a sports
and parade ground]." ObviouslyJunabadi seems to
have been aware that the maydan was originallyin-
f.291a: 'At thatmoment,2 since theddral-mulk,Is- tendedto be used forsports.He may not have been
fahan, on account of its abundant supplyofwater aware,however,thatthecommercialuse ofthemaydan
and thetalentsand numbersofitspeople,had come as he knewit was nota partof (Abbas's originalplan.
to bear thestampofa paradisicalplace and [to be]
theplace fora sovereignofheavenlyauthority, the R. D. McChesney
fullattentionof thepddshdh was directedtowards New YorkUniversity
thedesignand construction (tartib ofthis
Paradise-likecity (baladah).First,he decreed the
expansionofa square (mayddn) whichstoodin front
of (darpzshgdh-i)
the shrine(imdmzddah) of theone 1. The foursourcescited were: (1) Mahmid b. Hidayat Allah,
worthyof exaltation,HarfinWilayat. In a short Afiushtah-i
Natanzi,Nuq-watal-dthdrfi dhikr ed. Ihsan
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Ishriqi (Tehran, 1350 [1971]); (2) Jalil al-Din Muhammad 2. The nextprecedingdate givenis 996 [1587-88],buttheauthor,
Yazdi, munajjim-bdshi, (Abbdis,BritishMuseum, ms. no. writingmorethan thirtyyearsafterthe date, probablyhad a
Or. Add. 27,241;(3) IskandarBeg Munshi,Tdrikh-i (adlam-drd-yi somewhatlater timein mind. Natanzi dates the workon the
(Abbdsi,ed. Iraj Afshar2 vols. Isfahan,1334 [1956]); (4) Mirzai maydanto thefourthaccessionyearof (Abbas (21 March 1590-
Beg b. Hasan Junibidi, Rawdatal-safaw-yah, BritishMuseum, 20 March 1591).
ms. no. Or. 3388.
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