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USG40 V4.70 Ed1

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User’s Guide


Default Login Details Version 4.70 Edition 1, 11/2021
LAN Port IP Address
User Name admin
Password 1234

Copyright © 2021 Zyxel and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.




This is a User’s Guide for a series of products. Not all products support all firmware features. Screenshots
and graphics in this book may differ slightly from your product due to differences in product features or
Web Configurator brand style. Most screen shots in this guide come from the USG110 and USG60W.
Screen shots for other models may vary. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in
this manual is accurate.

Note: The version number on the cover page refers to the Zyxel Device’s latest firmware
version to which this User’s Guide applies.

Related Documentation
• Quick Start Guide
The Quick Start Guide shows how to connect the Zyxel Device and access the Web Configurator
wizards. (See the wizard real time help for information on configuring each screen.) It also contains a
connection diagram and package contents list.
• CLI Reference Guide
The CLI Reference Guide explains how to use the Command-Line Interface (CLI) to configure the
Zyxel Device.

Note: It is recommended you use the Web Configurator to configure the Zyxel Device.

• Web Configurator Online Help

Click the help icon in any screen for help in configuring that screen and supplementary information.
• More Information
Go to https://businessforum.zyxel.com for product discussions.
• Go to support.zyxel.com to find other information on the Zyxel Device.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Document Conventions

Warnings and Notes

These are how warnings and notes are shown in this guide.

Warnings tell you about things that could harm you or your device.

Note: Notes tell you other important information (for example, other things you may need to
configure or helpful tips) or recommendations.

Syntax Conventions
• All models in this series may be referred to as the “Zyxel Device” in this guide.
• Product labels, screen names, field labels and field choices are all in bold font.
• A right angle bracket ( > ) within a screen name denotes a mouse click. For example, Configuration >
Network > Interface > Ethernet means you first click Configuration in the navigation panel, then
Network, then the Interface sub menu and finally the Ethernet tab to get to that screen.

Icons Used in Figures

Figures in this user guide may use the following generic icons. The Zyxel Device icon is not an exact
representation of your device.

Zyxel Device Generic Router Wireless Router / Access Point

Switch Firewall Server

Internet Network Cloud Smartphone

USB Dongle

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Contents Overview

Contents Overview

Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 29
Initial Setup Wizard ............................................................................................................................... 54
Hardware, Interfaces and Zones ........................................................................................................ 69
Easy Mode ............................................................................................................................................. 84
Quick Setup Wizards ........................................................................................................................... 151
Dashboard .......................................................................................................................................... 194
Monitor ................................................................................................................................................. 209
Licensing .............................................................................................................................................. 285
Wireless ................................................................................................................................................. 292
Interfaces ............................................................................................................................................. 319
Routing ................................................................................................................................................. 429
DDNS .................................................................................................................................................... 456
NAT ....................................................................................................................................................... 462
Redirect Service .................................................................................................................................. 481
ALG ....................................................................................................................................................... 487
UPnP ..................................................................................................................................................... 495
IP/MAC Binding ................................................................................................................................... 510
Layer 2 Isolation .................................................................................................................................. 515
DNS Inbound LB .................................................................................................................................. 519
Web Authentication .......................................................................................................................... 525
Hotspot ................................................................................................................................................ 559
Printer Manager .................................................................................................................................. 577
Free Time ............................................................................................................................................. 589
IPnP ....................................................................................................................................................... 594
Walled Garden ................................................................................................................................... 597
Advertisement Screen ....................................................................................................................... 603
Security Policy ..................................................................................................................................... 606
Cloud CNM ......................................................................................................................................... 634
Amazon VPC ...................................................................................................................................... 642
IPSec VPN ............................................................................................................................................ 644
SSL VPN ................................................................................................................................................ 680
SSL User Screens ................................................................................................................................. 688
Zyxel Device SecuExtender (Windows) ............................................................................................ 701
L2TP VPN .............................................................................................................................................. 705
BWM (Bandwidth Management) .................................................................................................. 710
Application Patrol ............................................................................................................................... 725
Content Filtering ................................................................................................................................. 731
IDP ........................................................................................................................................................ 757
Anti-Virus .............................................................................................................................................. 782

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Contents Overview

Anti-Spam ............................................................................................................................................ 794

SSL Inspection ...................................................................................................................................... 811
Device HA ........................................................................................................................................... 821
Object .................................................................................................................................................. 837
System .................................................................................................................................................. 962
Log and Report ................................................................................................................................. 1023
File Manager ..................................................................................................................................... 1041
Diagnostics ....................................................................................................................................... 1057
Packet Flow Explore ........................................................................................................................ 1078
Shutdown/Reboot ............................................................................................................................ 1086
Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................................ 1089

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Document Conventions ......................................................................................................................3

Contents Overview .............................................................................................................................4

Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................6

Part I: User’s Guide.......................................................................................... 28

Chapter 1
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................29

1.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 29

1.2 Registration at myZyxel .................................................................................................................. 31
1.2.1 Grace Period ......................................................................................................................... 31
1.3 Applications .................................................................................................................................... 32
1.4 Management Overview ................................................................................................................ 34
1.5 Web Configurator ........................................................................................................................... 36
1.5.1 Web Configurator Access .................................................................................................... 37
1.5.2 Web Configurator Screens Overview ................................................................................. 40
1.5.3 Navigation Panel .................................................................................................................. 43
1.5.4 Tables and Lists ...................................................................................................................... 51

Chapter 2
Initial Setup Wizard.............................................................................................................................54

2.1 Initial Setup Wizard Screens ........................................................................................................... 54

2.1.1 Internet Access Setup – WAN Interface ............................................................................. 55
2.1.2 Internet Access: Ethernet ..................................................................................................... 55
2.1.3 Internet Access: PPPoE ......................................................................................................... 57
2.1.4 Internet Access: PPTP ............................................................................................................ 58
2.1.5 Internet Access: L2TP ............................................................................................................ 60
2.1.6 Internet Access Setup – Second WAN Interface .............................................................. 61
2.1.7 Internet Access: Congratulations ........................................................................................ 62
2.1.8 Date and Time Settings ........................................................................................................ 62
2.1.9 Register Device ..................................................................................................................... 63
2.1.10 Activate Service .................................................................................................................. 64
2.1.11 Wireless Settings: AP Controller .......................................................................................... 65
2.1.12 Wireless Settings: SSID & Security ....................................................................................... 66
2.1.13 Remote Management ....................................................................................................... 67

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Table of Contents

Chapter 3
Hardware, Interfaces and Zones ......................................................................................................69

3.1 Hardware Overview ....................................................................................................................... 69

3.1.1 Front Panels ............................................................................................................................ 69
3.1.2 Rear Panels ............................................................................................................................ 73
3.2 Installation Scenarios ...................................................................................................................... 74
3.2.1 Desk-mounting ...................................................................................................................... 75
3.2.2 Rack-mounting ...................................................................................................................... 75
3.2.3 USG2200 Rack Mounting ...................................................................................................... 76
3.2.4 Wall-mounting ....................................................................................................................... 80
3.3 Default Zones, Interfaces, and Ports ............................................................................................ 81
3.4 Stopping the Zyxel Device ............................................................................................................. 83

Chapter 4
Easy Mode ..........................................................................................................................................84

4.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 84

4.1.1 Objects and Rules ................................................................................................................. 84
4.1.2 Wizards and Links .................................................................................................................. 85
4.1.3 Easy Mode Settings ............................................................................................................... 86
4.1.4 Easy Mode Dashboard ......................................................................................................... 87
4.2 Initial Setup Wizard – Language and Overview .......................................................................... 89
4.2.1 Initial Setup Wizard – Internet ............................................................................................... 91
4.2.2 Initial Setup Wizard – Internet Access Errors ....................................................................... 92
4.2.3 Initial Setup Wizard – Date and Time .................................................................................. 93
4.2.4 Initial Setup Wizard – Register Device ................................................................................. 94
4.2.5 Initial Setup Wizard – Activate Services .............................................................................. 96
4.2.6 Initial Setup Wizard – Wi-Fi .................................................................................................... 97
4.2.7 Initial Setup Wizard – Remote Management ..................................................................... 98
4.2.8 Initial Setup Wizard – Congratulations ................................................................................ 99
4.3 Initial Setup Wizard – Security Service ........................................................................................ 100
4.4 Initial Setup Wizard – Port Forwarding ........................................................................................ 102
4.5 Initial Setup Wizard – Guest LAN ................................................................................................. 103
4.5.1 Connecting AP Scenarios .................................................................................................. 105
4.6 Initial Setup Wizard – VPN ............................................................................................................ 107
4.6.1 VPN Setup Wizard: Wizard Type ........................................................................................ 108
4.6.2 VPN Express Wizard – Scenario .......................................................................................... 108
4.6.3 VPN Express Wizard – Configuration ................................................................................. 111
4.6.4 VPN Express Wizard – Summary ......................................................................................... 111
4.6.5 VPN Express Wizard – Finish ................................................................................................ 112
4.6.6 VPN Advanced Wizard – Scenario ................................................................................... 113
4.6.7 VPN Advanced Wizard – Phase 1 Settings ....................................................................... 114
4.6.8 VPN Advanced Wizard – Phase 2 ..................................................................................... 115
4.6.9 VPN Advanced Wizard – Summary .................................................................................. 116

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Table of Contents

4.6.10 VPN Advanced Wizard – Finish ........................................................................................ 117

4.7 VPN Settings for Configuration Provisioning Wizard: Wizard Type ........................................... 118
4.7.1 Configuration Provisioning Express Wizard – VPN Settings ............................................. 119
4.7.2 Configuration Provisioning VPN Express Wizard – Configuration ................................... 120
4.7.3 VPN Settings for Configuration Provisioning Express Wizard – Summary ....................... 121
4.7.4 VPN Settings for Configuration Provisioning Express Wizard – Finish .............................. 122
4.7.5 VPN Settings for Configuration Provisioning Advanced Wizard – Scenario ................. 123
4.7.6 VPN Settings for Configuration Provisioning Advanced Wizard – Phase 1 Settings ... 124
4.7.7 VPN Settings for Configuration Provisioning Advanced Wizard – Phase 2 ................... 125
4.7.8 VPN Settings for Configuration Provisioning Advanced Wizard – Summary ................ 126
4.7.9 VPN Settings for Configuration Provisioning Advanced Wizard – Finish ....................... 129
4.8 VPN Settings for L2TP VPN Settings Wizard ................................................................................. 130
4.8.1 L2TP VPN Settings ................................................................................................................ 131
4.8.2 L2TP VPN Settings 2 ............................................................................................................. 132
4.8.3 VPN Settings for L2TP VPN Setting Wizard – Summary ..................................................... 132
4.8.4 VPN Settings for L2TP VPN Setting Wizard Completed .................................................... 134
4.9 Port Forwarding ............................................................................................................................. 135
4.9.1 Port Forwarding > Add Client ............................................................................................ 136
4.9.2 Port Forwarding > Add Service .......................................................................................... 136
4.9.3 Port Forwarding > UPnP ...................................................................................................... 136
4.10 Wi-Fi and Guest Network Wizard .............................................................................................. 137
4.10.1 Guest LAN (Wired Network) ............................................................................................. 138
4.10.2 Connecting AP Scenarios ................................................................................................ 140
4.11 Security Service Wizard .............................................................................................................. 141
4.11.1 Security Service Wizard 2 – Content Filter Categories .................................................. 143
4.11.2 Security Service Wizard 3 – Websites .............................................................................. 145
4.11.3 Security Service Wizard 4 – Exemptions .......................................................................... 146
4.11.4 Security Service Wizard 5 – IDP/AV ................................................................................. 147
4.12 MyZyxel Portal ............................................................................................................................. 148
4.13 One Security Portal ..................................................................................................................... 149

Chapter 5
Quick Setup Wizards........................................................................................................................151

5.1 Quick Setup Overview ................................................................................................................. 151

5.2 WAN Interface Quick Setup ........................................................................................................ 152
5.2.1 Choose an Ethernet Interface ........................................................................................... 152
5.2.2 Select WAN Type ................................................................................................................. 153
5.2.3 Configure WAN IP Settings ................................................................................................. 154
5.2.4 ISP and WAN and ISP Connection Settings ...................................................................... 155
5.2.5 Quick Setup Interface Wizard: Summary ......................................................................... 157
5.3 Remote Access VPN Setup Wizard ............................................................................................. 158
5.4 Remote Access VPN Setup – Scenario ...................................................................................... 159
5.4.1 Zyxel VPN Client – VPN Configuration .............................................................................. 159

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Table of Contents

5.4.2 Zyxel VPN Client – User Authentication ............................................................................ 161

5.4.3 Zyxel VPN Client – Summary .............................................................................................. 162
5.4.4 L2TP over IPSec Client – VPN Configuration ..................................................................... 163
5.4.5 L2TP over IPSec Client – User Authentication ................................................................... 165
5.4.6 L2TP over IPSec Client – Summary ..................................................................................... 166
5.4.7 L2TP over IPSec Client – Config Provision ......................................................................... 167
5.5 VPN Setup ...................................................................................................................................... 168
5.5.1 VPN Setup Wizard: Wizard Type ........................................................................................ 169
5.5.2 VPN Express Wizard – Scenario .......................................................................................... 170
5.5.3 VPN Express Wizard – Configuration ................................................................................. 171
5.5.4 VPN Express Wizard – Summary ......................................................................................... 171
5.5.5 VPN Express Wizard – Finish ................................................................................................ 172
5.5.6 VPN Advanced Wizard – Scenario ................................................................................... 173
5.5.7 VPN Advanced Wizard – Phase 1 Settings ....................................................................... 174
5.5.8 VPN Advanced Wizard – Phase 2 ..................................................................................... 175
5.5.9 VPN Advanced Wizard – Summary .................................................................................. 176
5.5.10 VPN Advanced Wizard – Finish ....................................................................................... 178
5.6 VPN Settings for Configuration Provisioning Wizard: Wizard Type ........................................... 179
5.6.1 Configuration Provisioning Express Wizard – VPN Settings ............................................. 179
5.6.2 Configuration Provisioning VPN Express Wizard – Configuration ................................... 180
5.6.3 VPN Settings for Configuration Provisioning Express Wizard – Summary ....................... 181
5.6.4 VPN Settings for Configuration Provisioning Express Wizard – Finish .............................. 182
5.6.5 VPN Settings for Configuration Provisioning Advanced Wizard – Scenario ................. 183
5.6.6 VPN Settings for Configuration Provisioning Advanced Wizard – Phase 1 Settings .... 184
5.6.7 VPN Settings for Configuration Provisioning Advanced Wizard – Phase 2 .................. 185
5.6.8 VPN Settings for Configuration Provisioning Advanced Wizard – Summary ................ 186
5.6.9 VPN Settings for Configuration Provisioning Advanced Wizard – Finish ....................... 188
5.7 VPN Settings for L2TP VPN Settings Wizard ................................................................................. 189
5.7.1 L2TP VPN Settings ................................................................................................................ 190
5.7.2 L2TP VPN Settings ................................................................................................................ 191
5.7.3 VPN Settings for L2TP VPN Setting Wizard – Summary ..................................................... 192
5.7.4 VPN Settings for L2TP VPN Setting Wizard Completed .................................................... 193

Chapter 6
Dashboard ........................................................................................................................................194

6.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 194

6.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter ..................................................................................... 194
6.2 Main Dashboard Screen .............................................................................................................. 194
6.2.1 Device Information Screen ................................................................................................ 196
6.2.2 System Status Screen .......................................................................................................... 197
6.2.3 DHCP Table Screen ............................................................................................................. 198
6.2.4 Number of Login Users Screen ........................................................................................... 199
6.2.5 System Resources Screen ................................................................................................... 200

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Table of Contents

6.2.6 Extension Slot Screen .......................................................................................................... 201

6.2.7 Interface Status Summary Screen ..................................................................................... 202
6.2.8 Secured Service Status Screen .......................................................................................... 203
6.2.9 Content Filter Statistics Screen ........................................................................................... 204
6.2.10 Top 5 Viruses Screen ......................................................................................................... 204
6.2.11 Top 5 Intrusions Screen ..................................................................................................... 205
6.2.12 Top 5 IPv4/IPv6 Security Policy Rules that Blocked Traffic Screen ............................... 205
6.2.13 The Latest Alert Logs Screen ............................................................................................ 206
6.3 VPN Screen .................................................................................................................................... 206

Part II: Technical Reference......................................................................... 208

Chapter 7
Monitor ..............................................................................................................................................209

7.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 209

7.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter ..................................................................................... 209
7.2 Port Statistics Screen ..................................................................................................................... 211
7.2.1 The Port Statistics Graph Screen ....................................................................................... 212
7.3 Interface Status Screen ................................................................................................................ 213
7.4 The Traffic Statistics Screen .......................................................................................................... 217
7.5 The Session Monitor Screen ........................................................................................................ 220
7.6 IGMP Statistics ............................................................................................................................... 222
7.7 The DDNS Status Screen ............................................................................................................... 223
7.8 IP/MAC Binding ............................................................................................................................. 223
7.9 The Login Users Screen ................................................................................................................ 224
7.10 The Dynamic Guest Screen ...................................................................................................... 225
7.11 Cellular Status Screen ................................................................................................................ 227
7.11.1 More Information .............................................................................................................. 229
7.12 The UPnP Port Status Screen ..................................................................................................... 230
7.13 USB Storage Screen .................................................................................................................... 231
7.14 Ethernet Neighbor Screen ........................................................................................................ 232
7.15 FQDN Object Screen ................................................................................................................ 233
7.16 Virtual Server Load Balancing .................................................................................................. 235
7.17 AP Information: AP List ............................................................................................................... 236
7.17.1 AP List: More Information ................................................................................................. 240
7.17.2 AP List: Config AP ............................................................................................................. 243
7.18 AP Information: Radio List .......................................................................................................... 246
7.18.1 Radio List: More Information ............................................................................................ 248
7.19 AP Information: Top N APs ........................................................................................................ 249
7.20 AP Information: Single AP .......................................................................................................... 251
7.21 ZyMesh ......................................................................................................................................... 252

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Table of Contents

7.22 SSID Info ....................................................................................................................................... 253

7.23 Station Info: Station List .............................................................................................................. 253
7.24 Station Info: Top N Stations ........................................................................................................ 255
7.25 Station Info: Single Station ......................................................................................................... 256
7.26 Detected Device ....................................................................................................................... 257
7.27 The Printer Status Screen ........................................................................................................... 258
7.28 The SecuDeployer Monitor Screen ........................................................................................... 259
7.28.1 Device Information (for Zyxel Device Server) ............................................................... 260
7.28.2 Device Information (for Zyxel Device Client) ................................................................ 262
7.29 The IPSec Screen ........................................................................................................................ 263
7.30 The SSL Screen ............................................................................................................................. 265
7.31 The L2TP over IPSec Screen ....................................................................................................... 265
7.32 The App Patrol Screen ............................................................................................................... 266
7.33 The Content Filter Screen .......................................................................................................... 267
7.34 The IDP Screen ............................................................................................................................ 269
7.35 The Anti-Virus Screen .................................................................................................................. 271
7.36 The Anti-Spam Screens .............................................................................................................. 273
7.36.1 Anti-Spam Summary ......................................................................................................... 273
7.36.2 The Anti-Spam Status Screen ........................................................................................... 275
7.37 The SSL Inspection Screens ........................................................................................................ 276
7.37.1 Certificate Cache List ....................................................................................................... 278
7.38 Log Screens ................................................................................................................................. 279
7.38.1 View Log ............................................................................................................................ 279
7.38.2 View AP Log ....................................................................................................................... 281
7.38.3 Dynamic Users Log ............................................................................................................ 283

Chapter 8
Licensing ...........................................................................................................................................285

8.1 Registration Overview .................................................................................................................. 285

8.1.1 What you Need to Know .................................................................................................... 285
8.1.2 Registration Screen ............................................................................................................. 285
8.1.3 Service Screen ..................................................................................................................... 286
8.2 Signature Update ......................................................................................................................... 288
8.2.1 What you Need to Know .................................................................................................... 288
8.2.2 The Anti-Virus Update Screen ............................................................................................ 288
8.2.3 The IDP/AppPatrol Update Screen ................................................................................... 289

Chapter 9
Wireless .............................................................................................................................................292

9.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 292

9.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter ..................................................................................... 292
9.2 Controller Screen ......................................................................................................................... 292
9.3 AP Management Screens ........................................................................................................... 293

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Table of Contents

9.3.1 Mgnt. AP List ....................................................................................................................... 293

9.3.2 AP Policy .............................................................................................................................. 301
9.3.3 AP Group ............................................................................................................................. 303
9.3.4 Firmware ............................................................................................................................... 309
9.4 Rogue AP ....................................................................................................................................... 311
9.4.1 Add/Edit Rogue/Friendly List .............................................................................................. 313
9.5 Auto Healing ................................................................................................................................. 314
9.6 RTLS Overview ............................................................................................................................... 315
9.6.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter ..................................................................................... 315
9.6.2 Before You Begin ................................................................................................................. 315
9.6.3 Configuring RTLS .................................................................................................................. 316
9.7 Technical Reference .................................................................................................................... 317
9.7.1 Dynamic Channel Selection .............................................................................................. 317
9.7.2 Load Balancing ................................................................................................................... 318

Chapter 10

10.1 Interface Overview .................................................................................................................... 319

10.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter ................................................................................... 319
10.1.2 What You Need to Know ................................................................................................. 320
10.1.3 What You Need to Do First ............................................................................................... 324
10.2 Port Role ....................................................................................................................................... 324
10.3 Port Configuration ...................................................................................................................... 325
10.4 Ethernet Summary Screen ......................................................................................................... 326
10.4.1 Ethernet Edit ...................................................................................................................... 328
10.4.2 Proxy ARP ........................................................................................................................... 347
10.4.3 Virtual Interfaces .............................................................................................................. 349
10.4.4 References ......................................................................................................................... 350
10.4.5 Add/Edit DHCPv6 Request/Release Options ................................................................. 351
10.4.6 Add/Edit DHCP Extended Options ................................................................................. 351
10.5 PPP Interfaces ............................................................................................................................. 353
10.5.1 PPP Interface Summary .................................................................................................... 353
10.5.2 PPP Interface Add or Edit ................................................................................................ 355
10.6 Cellular Configuration Screen ................................................................................................... 359
10.6.1 Cellular Choose Slot ......................................................................................................... 363
10.6.2 Add / Edit Cellular Configuration .................................................................................... 363
10.7 Tunnel Interfaces ........................................................................................................................ 369
10.7.1 Configuring a Tunnel ........................................................................................................ 371
10.7.2 Tunnel Add or Edit Screen ................................................................................................ 372
10.8 VLAN Interfaces ......................................................................................................................... 376
10.8.1 VLAN Summary Screen ..................................................................................................... 377
10.8.2 VLAN Add/Edit ................................................................................................................. 379
10.9 Bridge Interfaces ........................................................................................................................ 391

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Table of Contents

10.9.1 Bridge Summary ................................................................................................................ 393

10.9.2 Bridge Add/Edit ................................................................................................................ 394
10.10 LAG ............................................................................................................................................ 405
10.10.1 LAG Summary Screen ..................................................................................................... 405
10.10.2 LAG Add/Edit ................................................................................................................. 407
10.11 VTI ............................................................................................................................................... 412
10.11.1 Restrictions for IPSec Virtual Tunnel Interface .............................................................. 412
10.11.2 VTI Screen ........................................................................................................................ 412
10.11.3 VTI Add/Edit ..................................................................................................................... 413
10.12 Trunk Overview ......................................................................................................................... 417
10.12.1 What You Need to Know ............................................................................................... 417
10.13 The Trunk Summary Screen ...................................................................................................... 420
10.13.1 Configuring a User-Defined Trunk ................................................................................. 421
10.13.2 Configuring the System Default Trunk .......................................................................... 423
10.14 Interface Technical Reference ............................................................................................... 424

Chapter 11
Routing ..............................................................................................................................................429

11.1 Policy and Static Routes Overview ........................................................................................... 429

11.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter ................................................................................... 429
11.1.2 What You Need to Know ................................................................................................. 430
11.2 Policy Route Screen ................................................................................................................... 431
11.2.1 Policy Route Edit Screen .................................................................................................. 433
11.3 IP Static Route Screen ................................................................................................................ 438
11.3.1 Static Route Add/Edit Screen .......................................................................................... 438
11.4 Policy Routing Technical Reference ........................................................................................ 440
11.5 Routing Protocols Overview ...................................................................................................... 440
11.5.1 What You Need to Know ................................................................................................. 441
11.6 RIP Screen .................................................................................................................................... 441
11.7 OSPF Screen ................................................................................................................................ 443
11.7.1 Configuring the OSPF Screen .......................................................................................... 446
11.7.2 OSPF Area Add/Edit Screen ............................................................................................ 447
11.7.3 Virtual Link Add/Edit Screen ............................................................................................ 449
11.8 BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) .............................................................................................. 450
11.8.1 Allow BGP Packets to Enter the Zyxel Device ................................................................ 451
11.8.2 Configuring the BGP Screen ............................................................................................ 451
11.8.3 BGP Neighbors Screen ..................................................................................................... 453
11.8.4 Example Scenario ............................................................................................................. 454

Chapter 12
DDNS .................................................................................................................................................456

12.1 DDNS Overview ........................................................................................................................... 456

12.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter ................................................................................... 456

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Table of Contents

12.1.2 What You Need to Know ................................................................................................. 456

12.2 The DDNS Screen ........................................................................................................................ 457
12.2.1 The Dynamic DNS Add/Edit Screen ................................................................................ 458

Chapter 13
NAT ....................................................................................................................................................462

13.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 462

13.2 NAT Overview ............................................................................................................................. 462
13.2.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter ................................................................................... 462
13.2.2 What You Need to Know ................................................................................................. 463
13.3 The NAT Screen ........................................................................................................................... 464
13.3.1 The NAT Add/Edit Screen ................................................................................................. 465
13.4 NAT Technical Reference .......................................................................................................... 468
13.5 Virtual Server Load Balancing ................................................................................................... 470
13.5.1 Load Balancing Example 1 .............................................................................................. 470
13.5.2 Load Balancing Example 2 .............................................................................................. 471
13.5.3 Virtual Server Load Balancing Process ........................................................................... 472
13.5.4 Load Balancing Rules ....................................................................................................... 473
13.5.5 Virtual Server Load Balancing Algorithms ...................................................................... 474
13.6 The Virtual Server Load Balancer Screen ................................................................................. 475
13.6.1 Adding/Editing a Virtual Server Load Balancing Rule .................................................. 476

Chapter 14
Redirect Service ...............................................................................................................................481

14.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 481

14.1.1 HTTP Redirect ..................................................................................................................... 481
14.1.2 SMTP Redirect .................................................................................................................... 481
14.1.3 What You Can Do in this Chapter ................................................................................... 482
14.1.4 What You Need to Know ................................................................................................. 482
14.2 The Redirect Service Screen ..................................................................................................... 484
14.2.1 The Redirect Service Edit Screen ..................................................................................... 485

Chapter 15

15.1 ALG Overview ............................................................................................................................. 487

15.1.1 What You Need to Know ................................................................................................. 487
15.1.2 Before You Begin ............................................................................................................... 490
15.2 The ALG Screen .......................................................................................................................... 490
15.3 ALG Technical Reference ......................................................................................................... 493

Chapter 16

16.1 UPnP and NAT-PMP Overview ................................................................................................... 495

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Table of Contents

16.2 What You Need to Know ........................................................................................................... 495

16.2.1 NAT Traversal ..................................................................................................................... 495
16.2.2 Cautions with UPnP and NAT-PMP .................................................................................. 496
16.3 UPnP Screen ................................................................................................................................ 496
16.4 Technical Reference .................................................................................................................. 497
16.4.1 Turning on UPnP in Windows 7 Example ......................................................................... 497
16.4.2 Turn on UPnP in Windows 10 Example ............................................................................ 501
16.4.3 Auto-discover Your UPnP-enabled Network Device .................................................... 503
16.4.4 Web Configurator Easy Access in Windows 7 ............................................................... 506
16.4.5 Web Configurator Easy Access in Windows 10 ............................................................. 508

Chapter 17
IP/MAC Binding ................................................................................................................................510

17.1 IP/MAC Binding Overview ......................................................................................................... 510

17.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter ................................................................................... 510
17.1.2 What You Need to Know ................................................................................................. 510
17.2 IP/MAC Binding Summary ......................................................................................................... 511
17.2.1 IP/MAC Binding Edit .......................................................................................................... 511
17.2.2 Static DHCP Edit ................................................................................................................ 513
17.3 IP/MAC Binding Exempt List ....................................................................................................... 513

Chapter 18
Layer 2 Isolation ...............................................................................................................................515

18.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 515

18.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter ................................................................................... 515
18.2 Layer-2 Isolation General Screen ............................................................................................. 515
18.3 White List Screen ......................................................................................................................... 516
18.3.1 Add/Edit White List Rule ................................................................................................... 517

Chapter 19
DNS Inbound LB ................................................................................................................................519

19.1 DNS Inbound Load Balancing Overview ................................................................................. 519

19.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter ................................................................................... 519
19.2 The DNS Inbound LB Screen ...................................................................................................... 520
19.2.1 The DNS Inbound LB Add/Edit Screen ............................................................................ 521
19.2.2 The DNS Inbound LB Add/Edit Member Screen ............................................................ 524

Chapter 20
Web Authentication ........................................................................................................................525

20.1 Web Auth Overview ................................................................................................................... 525

20.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter ................................................................................... 525
20.1.2 What You Need to Know ................................................................................................. 526
20.2 Web Authentication General Screen ...................................................................................... 526

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20.2.1 User-aware Access Control Example ............................................................................. 531

20.2.2 Authentication Type Screen ............................................................................................ 537
20.2.3 Custom Web Portal / User Agreement File Screen ....................................................... 541
20.2.4 Facebook Wi-Fi Screen ..................................................................................................... 542
20.3 SSO Overview .............................................................................................................................. 546
20.4 SSO – Zyxel Device Configuration ............................................................................................. 548
20.4.1 Configuration Overview ................................................................................................... 548
20.4.2 Configure the Zyxel Device to Communicate with SSO .............................................. 548
20.4.3 Enable Web Authentication ............................................................................................ 549
20.4.4 Create a Security Policy ................................................................................................... 551
20.4.5 Configure User Information .............................................................................................. 552
20.4.6 Configure an Authentication Method ........................................................................... 553
20.4.7 Configure Active Directory .............................................................................................. 554
20.5 SSO Agent Configuration .......................................................................................................... 555

Chapter 21
Hotspot ..............................................................................................................................................559

21.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 559

21.2 Billing Overview ........................................................................................................................... 559
21.2.1 What You Need to Know ................................................................................................. 559
21.3 The Billing > General Screen ...................................................................................................... 560
21.4 The Billing > Billing Profile Screen ............................................................................................... 562
21.4.1 The Account Generator Screen ...................................................................................... 563
21.4.2 The Account Redeem Screen ......................................................................................... 566
21.4.3 The Billing Profile Add/Edit Screen ................................................................................... 568
21.5 The Billing > Discount Screen ..................................................................................................... 569
21.5.1 The Discount Add/Edit Screen ......................................................................................... 571
21.6 The Billing > Payment Service Screen ....................................................................................... 571
21.6.1 The Payment Service > Desktop / Mobile View Screen ............................................... 573

Chapter 22
Printer Manager ...............................................................................................................................577

22.1 Printer Manager Overview ........................................................................................................ 577

22.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter ................................................................................... 577
22.2 The Printer Manager > General Screen ................................................................................... 577
22.2.1 Add Printer Rule ................................................................................................................. 580
22.2.2 Edit Printer Rule .................................................................................................................. 580
22.2.3 Discover Printer ................................................................................................................. 581
22.2.4 Edit Printer Manager (Discover Printer) .......................................................................... 583
22.3 The Printout Configuration Screen ............................................................................................ 584
22.4 Printer Reports Overview ........................................................................................................... 585
22.4.1 Key Combinations ............................................................................................................. 585
22.4.2 Daily Account Summary .................................................................................................. 585

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22.4.3 Monthly Account Summary ............................................................................................. 586

22.4.4 Account Report Notes ..................................................................................................... 586
22.4.5 System Status ..................................................................................................................... 587

Chapter 23
Free Time...........................................................................................................................................589

23.1 Free Time Overview .................................................................................................................... 589

23.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter ................................................................................... 589
23.2 The Free Time Screen ................................................................................................................. 589

Chapter 24

24.1 IPnP Overview ............................................................................................................................ 594

24.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter ................................................................................... 595
24.1.2 IPnP Screen ........................................................................................................................ 595

Chapter 25
Walled Garden.................................................................................................................................597

25.1 Walled Garden Overview ........................................................................................................ 597

25.2 Walled Garden > General Screen ........................................................................................... 597
25.3 Walled Garden > URL Base Screen .......................................................................................... 598
25.3.1 Adding/Editing a Walled Garden URL ........................................................................... 599
25.4 Walled Garden > Domain/IP Base Screen .............................................................................. 600
25.4.1 Adding/Editing a Walled Garden Domain or IP ........................................................... 601
25.4.2 Walled Garden Login Example ....................................................................................... 601

Chapter 26
Advertisement Screen .....................................................................................................................603

26.1 Advertisement Overview ........................................................................................................... 603

26.1.1 Adding/Editing an Advertisement URL .......................................................................... 604

Chapter 27
Security Policy ..................................................................................................................................606

27.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 606

27.2 One Security ................................................................................................................................ 607
27.3 What You Can Do in this Chapter ............................................................................................ 610
27.3.1 What You Need to Know ................................................................................................. 611
27.4 Security Policy Screen ................................................................................................................ 612
27.4.1 Configuring the Security Policy Control Screen ............................................................ 613
27.4.2 Security Check for Web Interface Screen ..................................................................... 616
27.4.3 Security Policy Control Add/Edit Screen ........................................................................ 618
27.5 Anomaly Detection and Prevention Overview ...................................................................... 620
27.5.1 Anomaly Detection and Prevention General Screen .................................................. 620

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27.5.2 Creating New ADP Profiles ............................................................................................... 622

27.5.3 Traffic Anomaly Profiles .................................................................................................... 623
27.5.4 Protocol Anomaly Profiles ................................................................................................ 626
27.6 Session Control Screen ............................................................................................................... 629
27.6.1 Session Control Add/Edit Screen ..................................................................................... 630
27.7 Security Policy Example Applications ...................................................................................... 631

Chapter 28
Cloud CNM .......................................................................................................................................634

28.1 Cloud CNM Overview ................................................................................................................ 634

28.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter ................................................................................... 634
28.2 Cloud CNM SecuManager ....................................................................................................... 634
28.3 Cloud CNM SecuReporter ......................................................................................................... 637

Chapter 29
Amazon VPC ...................................................................................................................................642

29.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 642

29.2 Amazon VPC Configuration Process ........................................................................................ 642

Chapter 30
IPSec VPN .........................................................................................................................................644

30.1 Virtual Private Networks (VPN) Overview ................................................................................. 644

30.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter ................................................................................... 646
30.1.2 What You Need to Know ................................................................................................. 646
30.1.3 Before You Begin ............................................................................................................... 649
30.2 VPN Connection Screen ............................................................................................................ 649
30.2.1 VPN Connection Add/Edit Screen .................................................................................. 651
30.3 VPN Gateway Screen ................................................................................................................ 658
30.3.1 VPN Gateway Add/Edit Screen ...................................................................................... 659
30.4 VPN Concentrator ...................................................................................................................... 666
30.4.1 VPN Concentrator Requirements and Suggestions ...................................................... 666
30.4.2 VPN Concentrator Screen ............................................................................................... 667
30.4.3 VPN Concentrator Add/Edit Screen ............................................................................... 667
30.5 Zyxel Device IPSec VPN Client Configuration Provisioning .................................................... 668
30.6 IPSec VPN Background Information ......................................................................................... 671

Chapter 31
SSL VPN..............................................................................................................................................680

31.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 680

31.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter ................................................................................... 680
31.1.2 What You Need to Know ................................................................................................. 680
31.2 The SSL Access Privilege Screen ................................................................................................ 681
31.2.1 The SSL Access Privilege Policy Add/Edit Screen ......................................................... 682

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31.3 The SSL Global Setting Screen ................................................................................................... 685

31.3.1 How to Upload a Custom Logo ...................................................................................... 686

Chapter 32
SSL User Screens..............................................................................................................................688

32.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 688

32.1.1 What You Need to Know ................................................................................................. 688
32.2 Remote SSL User Login ............................................................................................................... 689
32.3 The SSL VPN User Screens ........................................................................................................... 691
32.4 Bookmarking the Zyxel Device .................................................................................................. 691
32.5 Logging Out of the SSL VPN User Screens ................................................................................ 692
32.6 SSL User Application Screen ...................................................................................................... 692
32.7 SSL User File Sharing .................................................................................................................... 693
32.7.1 The Main File Sharing Screen ........................................................................................... 693
32.7.2 Opening a File or Folder ................................................................................................... 694
32.7.3 Downloading a File ........................................................................................................... 695
32.7.4 Saving a File ....................................................................................................................... 695
32.7.5 Creating a New Folder ..................................................................................................... 696
32.7.6 Renaming a File or Folder ................................................................................................ 696
32.7.7 Deleting a File or Folder .................................................................................................... 697
32.7.8 Uploading a File ................................................................................................................ 697
32.8 SecuExtender Screen ................................................................................................................ 698
32.8.1 Installing the SecuExtender Client ................................................................................... 698

Chapter 33
Zyxel Device SecuExtender (Windows) .........................................................................................701

33.1 The Zyxel Device SecuExtender Icon ....................................................................................... 701

33.2 Status ............................................................................................................................................ 701
33.3 View Log ...................................................................................................................................... 702
33.4 Suspend and Resume the Connection ................................................................................... 703
33.5 Stop the Connection ................................................................................................................. 703
33.6 Uninstalling the Zyxel Device SecuExtender ............................................................................ 703

Chapter 34
L2TP VPN............................................................................................................................................705

34.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 705

34.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter ................................................................................... 705
34.1.2 What You Need to Know ................................................................................................. 705
34.2 L2TP VPN Screen ......................................................................................................................... 706
34.2.1 Example: L2TP and Zyxel Device Behind a NAT Router ................................................ 708

Chapter 35
BWM (Bandwidth Management) .................................................................................................710

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35.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 710

35.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter ................................................................................... 710
35.1.2 What You Need to Know ................................................................................................. 710
35.2 The Bandwidth Management Configuration .......................................................................... 714
35.2.1 The Bandwidth Management Add/Edit Screen ............................................................ 717

Chapter 36
Application Patrol ............................................................................................................................725

36.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 725

36.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter ................................................................................... 725
36.1.2 What You Need to Know ................................................................................................. 725
36.2 Application Patrol Profile ........................................................................................................... 726
36.2.1 The Application Patrol Profile Add/Edit Screen ............................................................. 728
36.2.2 The Application Patrol Profile Rule Add Application Screen ....................................... 729

Chapter 37
Content Filtering ...............................................................................................................................731

37.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 731

37.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter ................................................................................... 731
37.1.2 What You Need to Know ................................................................................................. 731
37.1.3 Before You Begin ............................................................................................................... 733
37.2 Content Filter Profile Screen ...................................................................................................... 733
37.2.1 Content Filter Add Profile Category Service .................................................................. 735
37.2.2 Content Filter Add Filter Profile Custom Service ........................................................... 750
37.3 Content Filter Trusted Web Sites Screen ................................................................................. 753
37.4 Content Filter Forbidden Web Sites Screen ............................................................................ 754
37.5 Content Filter Technical Reference ......................................................................................... 755

Chapter 38
IDP .....................................................................................................................................................757

38.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 757

38.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter ................................................................................... 757
38.1.2 What You Need To Know ................................................................................................. 757
38.1.3 Before You Begin ............................................................................................................... 757
38.2 The IDP Profile Screen ................................................................................................................. 758
38.2.1 Base Profiles ....................................................................................................................... 759
38.2.2 Adding / Editing Profiles .................................................................................................. 760
38.2.3 Profile > Group View Screen ............................................................................................ 761
38.2.4 Add Profile > Query View ................................................................................................ 764
38.2.5 Query Example .................................................................................................................. 768
38.3 IDP Custom Signatures .............................................................................................................. 769
38.3.1 Add / Edit Custom Signatures ......................................................................................... 772
38.3.2 Custom Signature Example ............................................................................................. 776

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38.3.3 Applying Custom Signatures ............................................................................................ 778

38.3.4 Verifying Custom Signatures ............................................................................................ 778
38.4 IDP Technical Reference ........................................................................................................... 779

Chapter 39

39.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 782

39.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter ................................................................................... 784
39.2 Anti-Virus Profile Screen ............................................................................................................. 784
39.2.1 Anti-Virus Profile Add or Edit ............................................................................................. 786
39.3 Anti-Virus Black List ...................................................................................................................... 788
39.3.1 Anti-Virus Black List or White List Add/Edit ...................................................................... 789
39.3.2 Anti-Virus Black/White List ................................................................................................. 790
39.4 AV Signature Searching ............................................................................................................. 791
39.5 Anti-Virus Technical Reference ................................................................................................. 792

Chapter 40

40.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 794

40.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter ................................................................................... 794
40.1.2 What You Need to Know ................................................................................................. 794
40.2 Before You Begin ........................................................................................................................ 795
40.3 The Anti-Spam Profile Screen .................................................................................................... 796
40.3.1 The Anti-Spam Profile Add or Edit Screen ...................................................................... 797
40.4 The Mail Scan Screen ................................................................................................................. 799
40.5 The Anti-Spam Black List Screen ............................................................................................... 800
40.5.1 The Anti-Spam Black or White List Add/Edit Screen ...................................................... 802
40.5.2 Regular Expressions in Black or White List Entries ........................................................... 803
40.6 The Anti-Spam White List Screen ............................................................................................... 803
40.7 The DNSBL Screen ....................................................................................................................... 805
40.8 Anti-Spam Technical Reference ............................................................................................... 807

Chapter 41
SSL Inspection...................................................................................................................................811

41.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 811

41.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter ................................................................................... 811
41.1.2 What You Need To Know ................................................................................................. 811
41.1.3 Before You Begin ............................................................................................................... 812
41.2 The SSL Inspection Profile Screen .............................................................................................. 812
41.2.1 Add / Edit SSL Inspection Profiles .................................................................................... 813
41.3 Exclude List Screen .................................................................................................................... 816
41.4 Certificate Update Screen ....................................................................................................... 817
41.5 Install a CA Certificate in a Browser ......................................................................................... 818

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Chapter 42
Device HA.........................................................................................................................................821

42.1 Device HA Overview .................................................................................................................. 821

42.1.1 Device HA and Device HA Pro Differences ................................................................... 821
42.1.2 What You Can Do in These Screens ................................................................................ 822
42.2 Device HA General .................................................................................................................... 822
42.2.1 Before You Begin ............................................................................................................... 823
42.3 The Device HA Screen ............................................................................................................... 825
42.3.1 Configuring Device HA .................................................................................................... 826
42.3.2 Device HA Edit Monitored Interface ............................................................................... 829
42.3.3 Device HA Technical Reference ..................................................................................... 831
42.4 Device HA > Device HA Pro ...................................................................................................... 834
42.4.1 Deploying Device HA Pro ................................................................................................ 834
42.4.2 Configuring Device HA Pro .............................................................................................. 835

Chapter 43
Object ...............................................................................................................................................837

43.1 Zones Overview .......................................................................................................................... 837

43.1.1 What You Need to Know ................................................................................................. 837
43.1.2 The Zone Screen ................................................................................................................ 838
43.2 User/Group Overview ................................................................................................................ 840
43.2.1 What You Need To Know ................................................................................................. 840
43.2.2 User/Group User Summary Screen .................................................................................. 842
43.2.3 User Add/Edit General Screen ....................................................................................... 843
43.2.4 User Add/Edit Two-factor Authentication Screen ........................................................ 846
43.2.5 User/Group Group Summary Screen .............................................................................. 848
43.2.6 User/Group Setting Screen ............................................................................................. 850
43.2.7 User/Group MAC Address Summary Screen ................................................................ 854
43.2.8 User /Group Technical Reference .................................................................................. 856
43.3 AP Profile Overview .................................................................................................................... 856
43.3.1 Radio Screen ..................................................................................................................... 857
43.3.2 SSID Screen ....................................................................................................................... 863
43.4 MON Profile ................................................................................................................................ 883
43.4.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 883
43.4.2 Configuring MON Profile .................................................................................................. 883
43.4.3 Add/Edit MON Profile ....................................................................................................... 884
43.4.4 Technical Reference ........................................................................................................ 886
43.5 ZyMesh Overview ....................................................................................................................... 887
43.5.1 ZyMesh Profile .................................................................................................................... 889
43.5.2 Add/Edit ZyMesh Profile ................................................................................................... 890
43.6 Application .................................................................................................................................. 890
43.6.1 Add Application Rule ....................................................................................................... 893
43.6.2 Application Group Screen .............................................................................................. 895

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43.7 Address/Geo IP Overview ......................................................................................................... 897

43.7.1 What You Need To Know ................................................................................................. 897
43.7.2 Address Summary Screen ................................................................................................ 897
43.7.3 Address Group Summary Screen .................................................................................... 901
43.7.4 Geo IP Summary Screen .................................................................................................. 903
43.8 Service Overview ........................................................................................................................ 906
43.8.1 What You Need to Know ................................................................................................. 906
43.8.2 The Service Summary Screen .......................................................................................... 907
43.8.3 The Service Group Summary Screen ............................................................................. 909
43.9 Schedule Overview ................................................................................................................... 911
43.9.1 What You Need to Know ................................................................................................. 911
43.9.2 The Schedule Screen ........................................................................................................ 911
43.9.3 The Schedule Group Screen ............................................................................................ 914
43.10 AAA Server Overview .............................................................................................................. 916
43.10.1 Directory Service (AD/LDAP) ......................................................................................... 917
43.10.2 RADIUS Server .................................................................................................................. 917
43.10.3 ASAS .................................................................................................................................. 917
43.10.4 What You Need To Know ............................................................................................... 918
43.10.5 Active Directory or LDAP Server Summary ................................................................... 919
43.10.6 RADIUS Server Summary ................................................................................................. 923
43.11 Auth. Method Overview ......................................................................................................... 925
43.11.1 Before You Begin ............................................................................................................. 925
43.11.2 Example: Selecting a VPN Authentication Method ................................................... 925
43.11.3 Authentication Method Objects ................................................................................... 926
43.11.4 Two-Factor Authentication ............................................................................................ 928
43.11.5 Two-Factor Authentication Admin Access .................................................................. 932
43.12 Certificate Overview ................................................................................................................ 934
43.12.1 What You Need to Know ............................................................................................... 934
43.12.2 Verifying a Certificate .................................................................................................... 935
43.12.3 The My Certificates Screen ............................................................................................ 936
43.12.4 The Trusted Certificates Screen .................................................................................... 945
43.12.5 Certificates Technical Reference ................................................................................. 950
43.13 ISP Account Overview ............................................................................................................. 950
43.13.1 ISP Account Summary .................................................................................................... 950
43.14 SSL Application Overview ........................................................................................................ 953
43.14.1 What You Need to Know ............................................................................................... 953
43.14.2 The SSL Application Screen ............................................................................................ 955
43.15 DHCPv6 Overview .................................................................................................................... 958
43.15.1 The DHCPv6 Request Screen ......................................................................................... 958
43.15.2 The DHCPv6 Lease Screen ............................................................................................. 960

Chapter 44

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Table of Contents

44.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 962

44.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter ................................................................................... 962
44.2 Host Name ................................................................................................................................... 963
44.3 USB Storage ................................................................................................................................. 963
44.4 Date and Time ............................................................................................................................ 964
44.4.1 Pre-defined NTP Time Servers List ..................................................................................... 967
44.4.2 Time Server Synchronization ............................................................................................ 967
44.5 Console Port Speed ................................................................................................................... 968
44.6 DNS Overview ............................................................................................................................. 969
44.6.1 DNS Server Address Assignment ...................................................................................... 969
44.6.2 Configuring the DNS Screen ............................................................................................ 969
44.6.3 (IPv6) Address Record ...................................................................................................... 972
44.6.4 PTR Record ......................................................................................................................... 973
44.6.5 Adding an (IPv6) Address/PTR Record .......................................................................... 973
44.6.6 CNAME Record ................................................................................................................. 973
44.6.7 Adding a CNAME Record ................................................................................................ 974
44.6.8 Domain Zone Forwarder ................................................................................................. 974
44.6.9 Adding a Domain Zone Forwarder ................................................................................. 974
44.6.10 MX Record ...................................................................................................................... 975
44.6.11 Adding a MX Record ...................................................................................................... 976
44.6.12 Security Option Control .................................................................................................. 976
44.6.13 Editing a Security Option Control .................................................................................. 976
44.6.14 Adding a DNS Service Control Rule .............................................................................. 977
44.7 WWW Overview .......................................................................................................................... 978
44.7.1 Service Access Limitations ............................................................................................... 978
44.7.2 System Timeout .................................................................................................................. 979
44.7.3 HTTPS ................................................................................................................................... 979
44.7.4 Configuring WWW Service Control ................................................................................. 980
44.7.5 Service Control Rules ........................................................................................................ 983
44.7.6 Customizing the WWW Login Page ................................................................................ 984
44.7.7 HTTPS Example ................................................................................................................... 989
44.8 SSH ............................................................................................................................................. 996
44.8.1 How SSH Works .................................................................................................................. 997
44.8.2 SSH Implementation on the Zyxel Device ...................................................................... 998
44.8.3 Requirements for Using SSH .............................................................................................. 998
44.8.4 Configuring SSH ................................................................................................................. 998
44.8.5 Secure Telnet Using SSH Examples .................................................................................. 999
44.9 Telnet ......................................................................................................................................... 1001
44.9.1 Configuring Telnet ........................................................................................................... 1001
44.10 FTP ............................................................................................................................................ 1002
44.10.1 Configuring FTP .............................................................................................................. 1002
44.11 SNMP ....................................................................................................................................... 1003
44.11.1 SNMPv3 and Security .................................................................................................... 1004

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44.11.2 Supported MIBs ............................................................................................................. 1005

44.11.3 SNMP Traps ..................................................................................................................... 1005
44.11.4 Configuring SNMP ......................................................................................................... 1005
44.11.5 Add SNMPv3 User .......................................................................................................... 1007
44.12 Authentication Server ............................................................................................................ 1008
44.12.1 Add/Edit Trusted RADIUS Client .................................................................................. 1010
44.13 Notification > Mail Server ....................................................................................................... 1010
44.14 Notification > SMS ................................................................................................................... 1012
44.15 Notification > Response Message ........................................................................................ 1013
44.16 Language Screen ................................................................................................................... 1015
44.17 IPv6 Screen .............................................................................................................................. 1015
44.18 Zyxel One Network (ZON) Utility ........................................................................................... 1016
44.18.1 Requirements ................................................................................................................. 1016
44.18.2 Run the ZON Utility ......................................................................................................... 1017
44.18.3 Zyxel One Network (ZON) System Screen .................................................................. 1020
44.19 Advanced Screen .................................................................................................................. 1021
44.19.1 Fast Forwarding Technical Reference ........................................................................ 1021

Chapter 45
Log and Report...............................................................................................................................1023

45.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 1023

45.1.1 What You Can Do In this Chapter ................................................................................ 1023
45.2 Email Daily Report ..................................................................................................................... 1023
45.3 Log Setting Screens ................................................................................................................. 1025
45.3.1 Log Setting Summary ...................................................................................................... 1025
45.3.2 Edit System Log Settings ................................................................................................ 1026
45.3.3 Edit Log on USB Storage Setting ................................................................................... 1031
45.3.4 Edit Remote Server Log Settings ................................................................................... 1033
45.3.5 Log Category Settings Screen ....................................................................................... 1036

Chapter 46
File Manager ..................................................................................................................................1041

46.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 1041

46.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter ................................................................................. 1041
46.1.2 What you Need to Know ................................................................................................ 1041
46.2 The Configuration Screen ........................................................................................................ 1043
46.2.1 The Configuration Schedule Backup Screen .............................................................. 1048
46.3 Firmware Management ........................................................................................................... 1049
46.3.1 Firmware Upload and Device HA Pro .......................................................................... 1050
46.3.2 Cloud Helper ................................................................................................................... 1050
46.3.3 The Firmware Management Screen ............................................................................. 1052
46.3.4 Firmware Upgrade via USB Stick .................................................................................... 1054
46.4 The Shell Script Screen ............................................................................................................ 1054

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Chapter 47
Diagnostics ....................................................................................................................................1057

47.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 1057

47.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter ................................................................................. 1057
47.2 The Diagnostics Screens .......................................................................................................... 1057
47.2.1 Scripts ............................................................................................................................... 1057
47.2.2 The Diagnostics Controller Screen ................................................................................ 1058
47.2.3 The Diagnostics AP Screen ............................................................................................. 1060
47.2.4 The Diagnostics Files Screen .......................................................................................... 1061
47.3 The Packet Capture Screen .................................................................................................... 1062
47.3.1 The Packet Capture on AP Screen ............................................................................... 1065
47.3.2 The Packet Capture Files Screen .................................................................................. 1068
47.4 The CPU / Memory Status Screen ........................................................................................... 1069
47.5 The System Log Screen ............................................................................................................ 1071
47.6 The Network Tool Screen ......................................................................................................... 1072
47.7 The Routing Traces Screen ...................................................................................................... 1074
47.8 The Wireless Frame Capture Screen ...................................................................................... 1075
47.8.1 The Wireless Frame Capture Files Screen .................................................................... 1077

Chapter 48
Packet Flow Explore .....................................................................................................................1078

48.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 1078

48.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter ................................................................................. 1078
48.2 The Routing Status Screen ....................................................................................................... 1078
48.3 The SNAT Status Screen ............................................................................................................ 1083

Chapter 49
Shutdown/Reboot ..........................................................................................................................1086

49.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 1086

49.1.1 What You Need To Know ............................................................................................... 1086
49.2 The Shutdown Screen .............................................................................................................. 1086

Part III: Appendices and Troubleshooting................................................ 1088

Chapter 50

50.1 Resetting the Zyxel Device ...................................................................................................... 1101

50.2 Getting More Troubleshooting Help ....................................................................................... 1102

Appendix A Customer Support ................................................................................................... 1103

Appendix B Common Services .................................................................................................... 1108

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Appendix C Product Features ..................................................................................................... 1111

Appendix D Legal Information .................................................................................................... 1117

Index ...............................................................................................................................................1131

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

User’s Guide


1.1 Overview
Zyxel Device refers to these models as outlined below.

• ZyWALL USG (Unified Security Gateway)
Table 1 Zyxel Device Models
ZyWALL 110 USG40
ZyWALL 1100 USG60

The next table shows the key feature differences between the models besides performance variance.
Note that your Zyxel Device may not support all UTM features.

Table 2 ZyWALL USG Key Feature Comparison Table

110 310 1100 40 60 40W 60W 110 210 310 1100 1900 2200

Web Configurator) Only Only Only Only Only Only Only Only Only Only Only Only Only

Anomaly Detection
& Prevention

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 1 Introduction

Table 2 ZyWALL USG Key Feature Comparison Table (continued)

110 310 1100 40 60 40W 60W 110 210 310 1100 1900 2200

Reputation Filter (IP
and DNS)
SSL Encrypted Traffic
UTM feature License- after after after after after after after after after after
YES YES YES 1yr 1yr 1yr 1yr 1yr 1yr 1yr 1yr 1yr 1yr
need to buy
WiFi functionality

• Not all models support all UTM (Unified Threat Management) features. See Table 2 on page 29 for the
specific UTM features that your model supports.
Table 3 UTM Feature List
• Application Patrol (AP) • Intrusion Detection & Prevention (IDP)
• Anomaly Detection & Prevention (ADP) • Content Filtering (CF)
• Anti-Virus (AV) • Anti-Spam (AS)
• Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encrypted traffic

The following UTM features work without a UTM license:

• Configuration > Content Filter > Trusted Web Sites

• Configuration > IDP > Custom Signatures
• Configuration > Anti-Virus > Black/White List
• Configuration > Anti-Spam > Black/White List
• Models that came with firmware versions 4.10 to 4.25 support both Device HA and Device HA Pro
even after upgrading to versions 4.30 and later:

• ZyWALL 110 • ZyWALL 310 • ZyWALL 1100

• USG110 • USG210 • USG310
• USG1100 • USG1900 • USG2200

Some interface names vary by model - see Table 19 on page 81 and Table 20 on page 82 for default
port / interface name mapping. See Table 21 on page 82 and Table 22 on page 83 for default interface
/ zone mapping.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 1 Introduction

See the product’s datasheet for detailed information on a specific model.

1.2 Registration at myZyxel

myZyxel is Zyxel’s online services center where you can register your Zyxel Device and manage
subscription services available for your Zyxel Device (see Configuration > Licensing > Registration >
Service for services available for your Zyxel Device).

• For Zyxel Devices that already have firmware version 4.25 or later, you have to register your Zyxel
Device and activate the corresponding service at myZyxel (through your Zyxel Device).
• For Zyxel Devices upgrading to firmware version 4.25 or later, you may skip registering your Zyxel
Device and activating the corresponding service at myZyxel (through your Zyxel Device). However, it
is highly recommended to at least register your Zyxel Device. At the time of writing, the Firmware
Upgrade license providing Cloud Helper new firmware notifications, is free when you register your
Zyxel Device.

Note: You need to create a myZyxel account at http://portal.myZyxel.com before you can
register your device and activate the services at myZyxel.

You may need your Zyxel Device’s serial number and LAN MAC address to register it at
myZyxel. See the label at the back of the Zyxel Device’s for details.

Figure 1 myZyxel Login

1.2.1 Grace Period

UTM licenses have a 15-day grace period after a license expires. Services will continue to work in this
period during which you will receive notifications to renew your license(s). New license(s) are valid for 1
year from the date of purchase.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.3 Applications
These are some Zyxel Device application scenarios.

Security Router
Security includes a Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI) firewall, and UTM (Unified Threat Management). All
models need a license to use UTM (Unified Threat Management) features.

Figure 2 Applications: Security Router Applications: Security Router

IPv6 Routing
The Zyxel Device supports IPv6 Ethernet, PPP, VLAN, and bridge routing. You may also create IPv6 policy
routes and IPv6 objects. The Zyxel Device can also route IPv6 packets through IPv4 networks using
different tunneling methods.

Figure 3 Applications: IPv6 Routing

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 1 Introduction

VPN Connectivity
Set up VPN tunnels with other companies, branch offices, telecommuters, and business travelers to
provide secure access to your network. AS is an Authentication Server in the below figure.

Figure 4 Applications: VPN Connectivity

SSL VPN Network Access

SSL VPN lets remote users use their web browsers for a very easy-to-use VPN solution. A user just browses
to the Zyxel Device’s web address and enters his user name and password to securely connect to the
Zyxel Device’s network. Here full tunnel mode creates a virtual connection for a remote user and gives
him a private IP address in the same subnet as the local network so he can access network resources in
the same way as if he were part of the internal network.

Figure 5 SSL VPN With Full Tunnel Mode

LAN (192.168.1.X)

https:// Web Mail File Share Non-Web

Web-based Application Application Server

User-Aware Access Control

Set up security policies to restrict access to sensitive information and shared resources based on the user
who is trying to access it. In the following figure user A can access both the Internet and an internal file
server. User B has a lower level of access and can only access the Internet. User C is not even logged in,
so and cannot access either the Internet or the file server.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 1 Introduction

Figure 6 Applications: User-Aware Access Control

Load Balancing
Set up multiple connections to the Internet on the same port, or different ports, including cellular
interfaces. In either case, you can balance the traffic loads between them.

Figure 7 Applications: Multiple WAN Interfaces

1.4 Management Overview

You can manage the Zyxel Device in the following ways.

Web Configurator
If you log into the Zyxel Device for the first time, the Choose A Mode To Start screen appears. See
Chapter 4 on page 84 for the differences between Easy Mode and Expert Mode.

Select Easy Moder to go to the Initial Setup Wizard in Easy Mode, and enter Easy Mode every time you
log in. Choose Expert Mode to go to the Initial Setup Wizard in Expert Mode, and enter Expert Mode
every time you log in.

Note: This screen is only available for models that support Easy Mode and Expert Mode. See
Chapter 1 on page 28 to see which models support Easy Mode.

Note: You can still switch between modes after selecting a mode in this screen.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 1 Introduction

Figure 8 Choose a Mode

The Web Configurator allows easy Zyxel Device setup and management using an Internet browser. This
User’s Guide provides information about the Web Configurator.

Figure 9 Managing the Zyxel Device: Web Configurator

Command-Line Interface (CLI)

The CLI allows you to use text-based commands to configure the Zyxel Device. Access it using remote
management (for example, SSH or Telnet) or via the physical or Web Configurator console port. See the
Command Reference Guide for CLI details. The default settings for the console port are:

Table 4 Console Port Default Settings

Speed 115200 bps
Data Bits 8
Parity None

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 1 Introduction

Table 4 Console Port Default Settings

Stop Bit 1
Flow Control Off

Use File Transfer Protocol for firmware upgrades and configuration backup/restore.

The device can be monitored and/or managed by an SNMP manager. See Section 44.11 on page 1003.

Cloud CNM
Use the Cloud CNM screen (see Section 44.16 on page 1015) to enable and configure management of
the Zyxel Device by a Central Network Management system.

Management Authentication
Managers must be authenticated with a user name and password, using one of:

• Local Zyxel Device authentication

• An external RADIUS server
• An external LDAP server
• Certificates

1.5 Web Configurator

In order to use the Web Configurator, you must:

• Use one of the following web browser versions or later:

• Internet Explorer 10.x, 11.x
• Chrome latest version (45 or above)
• Firefox latest version (45 or above)
• Safari latest version (9.0 or above)
• Allow pop-up windows (blocked by default in some browsers)
• Enable JavaScripts, Java permissions, and cookies

The recommended screen resolution is 1024 x 768 pixels.

Note: Screenshots and graphics in this book may differ slightly from your product due to
differences in product features or Web Configurator brand style. Most screen shots in
this guide come from the USG110 and USG60W.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.5.1 Web Configurator Access

1 Make sure your Zyxel Device hardware is properly connected. See the Quick Start Guide.

2 In your browser go to By default, the Zyxel Device automatically routes this request to
its HTTPS server, and it is recommended to keep this setting. The Login screen appears.

3 Type the user name (default: “admin”) and password (default: “1234”).
If you have a OTP (One-Time Password) token generate a number and enter it in the One-Time
Password field. The number is only good for one login. You must use the token to generate a new
number the next time you log in.

4 Click Login. After you log in for the first time using the default user name and password, you must
change the default admin password in the Update Admin Info screen. Enter a new password of from 1
to 64 characters.
In Configuration > Object > User/Group > Setting, you can enable Password Complexity to require a
new password to consist of at least 8 characters and at most 64, where at least 1 character must be a
number, at least 1 a lower case letter, at least 1 an upper case letter and at least 1 a special character
from the keyboard, such as !@#$%^&*()_+. You can also require periodic changing of the password in
that screen by configuring Password must changed every (days).
Make a note of your new password, enter it in the following screen, then click Apply.

5 A Terms of Use screen displays. Read the statement, select the checkbox, and then click Acknowledge
to proceed.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 1 Introduction

6 The Network Risk Warning screen displays any unregistered or disabled security services. If your Zyxel
Device is not registered, you will see a prompt to register it. Select how often to display the screen and
click OK.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 1 Introduction

If you select Never and you later want to bring this screen back, use these commands (note the space
before the underscore).

Router> enable
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# service-register _setremind
Router(config)# service-register _setremind every-time

See the Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference Guide (RG) for details on all supported commands.

7 Follow the directions in the Update Admin Info screen. If you change the default password, the Login
screen appears after you click Apply. If you click Ignore, the Installation Setup Wizard opens if the
ZyWALL is using its default configuration; otherwise the dashboard appears.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.5.2 Web Configurator Screens Overview

The Web Configurator screen is divided into these parts (as illustrated on page 39):

• A – title bar
• B – navigation panel
• C – main window

Title Bar
Figure 10 Title Bar

The title bar icons in the upper right corner provide the following functions.

Table 5 Title Bar: Web Configurator Icons

SecuReporter Click this to open the SecuReporter portal page.

This icon shows when the Zyxel Device is added to an organization.

Web Console Click this to open one or multiple console windows from which you can run command line
interface (CLI) commands. You will be prompted to enter your user name and password. See
the Command Reference Guide for information about the commands.

Logging in to the Zyxel Device with HTTPS, so you can open one or multiple console windows.
CLI Click this to open a popup window that displays the CLI commands sent by the Web
Configurator to the Zyxel Device.
Reference Click this to check which configuration items reference an object.
Site Map Click this to see an overview of links to the Web Configurator screens.
Forum Go to https://businessforum.zyxel.com for product discussions.
Help Click this to open the help page for the current screen.
About Click this to display basic information about the Zyxel Device.
Easy Mode Click this to go to a mode that contains wizards that help you configure the Zyxel Device, and
links to portals. Not all models have this mode.
Logout Click this to log out of the Web Configurator.

CLI Messages
Click CLI to look at the CLI commands sent by the Web Configurator. Open the pop-up window and
then click some menus in the Web Configurator to display the corresponding commands.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 1 Introduction

Figure 11 CLI Messages

Click Reference to open the Reference screen. Select the type of object and the individual object and
click Refresh to show which configuration settings reference the object.

Figure 12 Reference

The fields vary with the type of object. This table describes labels that can appear in this screen.

Table 6 References
Type Select the type of reference from the drop-down list box.
Name Select the specific reference for the type selected. The settings then display in the table below.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any entry.
Service This is the type of setting that references the selected object. Click a service’s name to display the
service’s configuration screen in the main window.
Priority If it is applicable, this field lists the referencing configuration item’s position in its list, otherwise N/A
Name This field identifies the configuration item that references the object.
Description If the referencing configuration item has a description configured, it displays here.
Refresh Click this to update the information in this screen.
Cancel Click Cancel to close the screen.

Web Console
Click Web Console to open one or multiple console windows from which you can run CLI commands.
You will be prompted to enter your user name and password. See the Command Reference Guide for
information about the commands. Logging in to the Zyxel Device with HTTPS, so you can open one or
multiple console windows.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 1 Introduction

Figure 13 Web Console Window

Site Map
Click Site MAP to see an overview of links to the Web Configurator screens. Click a screen’s link to go to
that screen.

Figure 14 Site Map

Click About to display basic information about the Zyxel Device.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 1 Introduction

Figure 15 About

1.5.3 Navigation Panel

Table 7 About
Current Version This shows the firmware version of the Zyxel Device.
Released Date This shows the date (yyyy-mm-dd) and time (hh:mm:ss) when the firmware is
OK Click this to close the screen.

Use the navigation panel menu items to open status and configuration screens. Click the arrow in the
middle of the right edge of the navigation panel to hide the panel or drag to resize it. The following
sections introduce the Zyxel Device’s navigation panel menus and their screens.

Figure 16 Navigation Panel

The dashboard displays general device information, system status, system resource usage, licensed
service status, and interface status in widgets that you can re-arrange to suit your needs. See the Web
Help for details on the dashboard.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 1 Introduction

Monitor Menu
The monitor menu screens display status and statistics information.

Table 8 Monitor Menu Screens Summary

System Status
Port Statistics Port Statistics Displays packet statistics for each physical port.
Interface Status Interface Displays general interface information and packet statistics.
Traffic Statistics Traffic Collect and display traffic statistics.
Session Monitor Session Displays the status of all current sessions.
IGMP Statistics IGMP Collect and display IGMP statistics.
DDNS Status DDNS Status Displays the status of the Zyxel Device’s DDNS domain names.
IP/MAC Binding IP/MAC Lists the devices that have received an IP address from Zyxel Device
Binding interfaces using IP/MAC binding.
Login Users Login Users Lists the users currently logged into the Zyxel Device.
Dynamic Guest Dynamic List the dynamic guest accounts in the Zyxel Device’s local database.
Cellular Status Cellular Displays details about the Zyxel Device’s mobile broadband connection
Status status.
UPnP Port Status Port Statistics Displays details about UPnP connections going through the Zyxel Device.
USB Storage Storage Displays details about USB device connected to the Zyxel Device.
Ethernet Ethernet View and manage the Zyxel Device’s neighboring devices via Smart
Neighbor Neighbor Connect (Layer Link Discovery Protocol (LLDP)). Use the Zyxel One Network
(ZON) utility to view and manage the Zyxel Device’s neighboring devices via
the Zyxel Discovery Protocol (ZDP).
FQDN Object FQDN Displays FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) object cache lists used in DNS
Object queries.
AP Information AP List Lists APs managed by the Zyxel Device.
Radio List Lists wireless details of APs managed by the Zyxel Device.
Top N APs Lists managed APs with the most wireless traffic usage and most associated
wireless stations.
Single AP Lists APs wireless traffic usage and associated wireless stations for a managed
ZyMesh ZyMesh Link Display statistics about ZyMesh wireless connections between managed APs.
SSID Info SSID Info Display information about the SSID’s wireless clients.
Station Info Station List Lists wireless clients associated with the APs managed by the Zyxel Device.
Top N Lists wireless stations with the most wireless traffic usage.
Single Lists wireless traffic usage for an associated wireless station.
Detected Detected Display information about suspected rogue APs.
Device Device

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 1 Introduction

Table 8 Monitor Menu Screens Summary (continued)

Printer Status Printer Status Display information about the connected statement printers.
VPN Monitor
IPSec IPSec Displays and manages the active IPSec SAs.
SSL SSL Lists users currently logged into the VPN SSL client portal. You can also log out
individual users and delete related session information.
L2TP over IPSec L2TP over Displays details about current L2TP sessions.
UTM Statistics
App Patrol Summary Displays application patrol statistics.
Content Filter Summary Collect and display content filter statistics
IDP Summary Collect and display statistics on the intrusions that the Zyxel Device has
Anti-Virus Summary Collect and display statistics on the viruses that the Zyxel Device has
Anti-Spam Summary Collect and display spam statistics.
Status Displays how many mail sessions the ZyWALL is currently checking and DNSBL
(Domain Name Service-based spam Black List) statistics.
SSL Inspection Summary Collect and display SSL Inspection statistics.
Certificate Displays traffic to destination servers using certificates.
Cache List
Log View Log Lists log entries.
View AP Log Lists AP log entries.
Dynamic Display the Zyxel Device’s dynamic guest account log messages.
Users Log

Configuration Menu
Use the configuration menu screens to configure the Zyxel Device’s features.

Table 9 Configuration Menu Screens Summary

Quick Setup Quickly configure WAN interfaces or VPN connections.
Registration Registration Register the device and activate trial services.
Service View the licensed service status and upgrade licensed services.
Signature Anti-Virus Update anti-virus signatures immediately or by a schedule.
IDP/AppPatrol Update IDP signatures immediately or by a schedule.
Controller Configuration Configure manual or automatic controller registration.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 1 Introduction

Table 9 Configuration Menu Screens Summary (continued)

AP Mgnt AP List Edit or remove entries in the lists of APs managed by the Zyxel Device.
AP Policy Configure the AP controller’s IP address on the managed APs and
determine the action the managed APs take if the current AP
controller fails.
AP Group Create groups of APs, define their radio, VLAN, port and load
balancing settings.
Firmware Update the firmware on APs connected to your Zyxel Device.
Rogue AP Rogue/Friendly AP Configure how the Zyxel Device monitors rogue APs.
Load Balancing Load Balancing Configure load balancing for traffic moving to and from wireless
DCS DCS Configure dynamic wireless channel selection.
Auto Healing Auto Healing Enable auto healing to extend the wireless service coverage area of
the managed APs when one of the APs fails.
RTLS Real Time Location Use the managed APs as part of an Ekahau RTLS to track the location
System of Ekahau WiFi tags.
Interface Port Use the Port Role screen to set the Zyxel Device’s flexible ports such as
Port Role/Port
Configuration Use the Port Configuration screen to configure settings for individual
Zyxel Device ports.
Ethernet Manage Ethernet interfaces and virtual Ethernet interfaces.
PPP Create and manage PPPoE and PPTP interfaces.
Cellular Configure a cellular Internet connection for an installed mobile
broadband card.
Tunnel Configure tunneling between IPv4 and IPv6 networks.
VLAN Create and manage VLAN interfaces and virtual VLAN interfaces.
Bridge Create and manage bridges and virtual bridge interfaces.
VTI Configure IP address assignment and interface parameters for VTI
(Virtual Tunnel Interface).
Trunk Create and manage trunks (groups of interfaces) for load balancing.
Routing Policy Route Create and manage routing policies.
Static Route Create and manage IP static routing information.
RIP Configure device-level RIP settings.
OSPF Configure device-level OSPF settings, including areas and virtual links.
BGP Configure exchange of Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) information
over an IPSec tunnel.
DDNS DDNS Define and manage the Zyxel Device’s DDNS domain names.
NAT NAT Set up and manage port forwarding rules.
Redirect Redirect Service Set up and manage HTTP and SMTP redirection rules.
ALG ALG Configure SIP, H.323, and FTP pass-through settings.
UPnP UPnP Configure interfaces that allow UPnP and NAT-PMP connections.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 1 Introduction

Table 9 Configuration Menu Screens Summary (continued)

IP/MAC Binding Summary Configure IP to MAC address bindings for devices connected to each
supported interface.
Exempt List Configure ranges of IP addresses to which the Zyxel Device does not
apply IP/MAC binding.
Layer 2 Isolation General Enable layer-2 isolation on the Zyxel Device and the internal
White List Enable and configure the white list.
DNS Inbound LB DNS Load Balancing Configure DNS Load Balancing.
Web Web Authentication Define a web portal and exempt services from authentication.
Type/Custom Web
Portal File/Custom
User Agreement
File/Facebook Wi-Fi
SSO Configure the Zyxel Device to work with a Single Sign On agent.
Billing General Configure the general billing settings, such as the accounting
Billing Profile Configure the billing profiles for the web-based account generator
and each button on the connected statement printer.
Discount Configure discount price plans.
Payment Service Enable online payment service and configure the service pages.
Printer General Configure the printer list, enable printer management and customize
Manager the account printout.
Printout Detect the connected statement printers, change their IP addresses
Configuration and/or add them to the managed printer list.
Free Time Free Time Allow users to get a free account for Internet surfing during the
specified time period.
IPnP IPnP Enable IPnP on the Zyxel Device and the internal interface(s).
Walled Garden Walled Garden Create walled garden links that display in the login screen.

General/URL Base/
Domain/IP Base
Advertisement Advertisement Enable and set advertisement links.
Security Policy
Policy Control Policy Create and manage level-3 traffic rules and apply UTM profiles.
ADP General Display and manage ADP bindings.
Profile Create and manage ADP profiles.
Session Control Session Control Limit the number of concurrent client NAT/security policy sessions.
Cloud CNM SecuManager Enable and configure management of the Zyxel Device by a Central
Network Management system.
SecuReporter Enable SecuReporter logging and access the SecuReporter security
analytics portal that collects and analyzes logs from your Zyxel Device
in order to identify anomalies, alert on potential internal / external
threats, and report on network usage.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 1 Introduction

Table 9 Configuration Menu Screens Summary (continued)

IPSec VPN VPN Connection Configure IPSec tunnels.
VPN Gateway Configure IKE tunnels.
Concentrator Combine IPSec VPN connections into a single secure network
Configuration Set who can retrieve VPN rule settings from the Zyxel Device using the
Provisioning Zyxel Device IPSec VPN Client.
SSL VPN Access Privilege Configure SSL VPN access rights for users and groups.
Global Setting Configure the Zyxel Device’s SSL VPN settings that apply to all
L2TP VPN L2TP VPN Configure L2TP over IPSec tunnels.
BWM BWM Enable and configure bandwidth management rules.
UTM Profile
AppPatrol Profile Manage different types of traffic in this screen. Create App Patrol
template(s) of settings to apply to a traffic flow using a security policy.
Content Filter Profile Create and manage the detailed filtering rules for content filtering
profiles and then apply to a traffic flow using a security policy.
Trusted Web Sites Create a list of allowed web sites that bypass content filtering policies.
Forbidden Web Sites Create a list of web sites to block regardless of content filtering
IDP Profile Create IDP template(s) of settings to apply to a traffic flow using a
security policy.
Custom Signatures Create, import, or export custom signatures.
Anti-Virus Profile Create anti-virus template(s) of settings to apply to a traffic flow using
a security policy.
Black/White List Set up a black list to identify files with virus file patterns and a white list
to identify files that should not be checked for AV.
Signature Search for signatures by signature name or attributes and configure
how the Zyxel Device uses them.
Anti-Spam Profile Turn anti-spam on or off and manage anti-spam policies. Create anti-
spam template(s) of settings to apply to a traffic flow using a security
Mail Scan Configure e-mail scanning details.
Black/White List Set up a black list to identify spam and a white list to identify
legitimate e-mail.
DNSBL Have the ZyWALL check e-mail against DNS Black Lists.
SSL Inspection Profile Decrypt HTTPS traffic for UTM inspection. Create SSL Inspection
template(s) of settings to apply to a traffic flow using a security policy.
Exclude List Configure services to be excluded from SSL Inspection.
Certificate Update Use this screen to update the latest certificates of servers using SSL
connections to the Zyxel Device network.
Device HA General Configure Device HA global settings, and see the status of each
interface monitored by Device HA.

View Device HA Pro license information.

Device HA Pro Configure Device HA Pro global, monitored interfaces and
synchronization settings.
Device HA Configure active-passive mode Device HA.

See Device HA Pro logs.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 1 Introduction

Table 9 Configuration Menu Screens Summary (continued)

Zone Zone Configure zone template(s) used to define various policies.
User/Group User Create and manage users.
Group Create and manage groups of users.
Setting Manage default settings for all users, general settings for user sessions,
and rules to force user authentication.
MAC Address Configure the MAC addresses of wireless clients for MAC
authentication using the local user database.
AP Profile Radio Create template(s) of radio settings to apply to policies as an object.
SSID Create template(s) of wireless settings to apply to radio profiles or
policies as an object.
SSID List/Security List/
MAC Filter List
MON Profile MON Profile Create and manage rogue AP monitoring files that can be
associated with different APs.
ZyMesh Profile ZyMesh Profile Create and manage ZyMesh files that can be associated with
different APs.
Application Application Create template(s) of services to apply to policies as an object.
Application Group Create and manage groups of applications to apply to policies as a
single object.
Address/Geo IP Address Create and manage host, range, and network (subnet) addresses.
Address Group Create and manage groups of addresses to apply to policies as a
single objects.
Geo IP Update the database of country-to-IP address mappings and
manually configure country-to-IP address mappings for geographic
address objects that can be used in security policies.
Service Service Create and manage TCP and UDP services.
Service Group Create and manage groups of services to apply to policies as a single
Schedule Schedule Create one-time and recurring schedules.
Schedule Group Create and manage groups of schedules to apply to policies as a
single object.
AAA Server Active Directory Configure the Active Directory settings.
LDAP Configure the LDAP settings.
RADIUS Configure the RADIUS settings.
Auth. Method Authentication Create and manage ways of authenticating users.
Two-factor Configure SMS/email authentication to access a secured network
Authentication behind the Zyxel Device via a VPN tunnel.
Certificate My Certificates Create and manage the Zyxel Device’s certificates.
Trusted Certificates Import and manage certificates from trusted sources.
ISP Account ISP Account Create and manage ISP account information for PPPoE/PPTP
SSL Application SSL Application Create SSL web application or file sharing objects to apply to policies.
Host Name Host Name Configure the system and domain name for the Zyxel Device.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 1 Introduction

Table 9 Configuration Menu Screens Summary (continued)

USB Storage Settings Configure the settings for the connected USB devices.
Date/Time Date/Time Configure the current date, time, and time zone in the Zyxel Device.
Console Speed Console Speed Set the console speed.
DNS DNS Configure the DNS server and address records for the Zyxel Device.
WWW Service Control Configure HTTP, HTTPS, and general authentication.
Login Page Configure how the login and access user screens look.

Desktop View/
Mobile View
SSH SSH Configure SSH server and SSH service settings.
TELNET TELNET Configure telnet server settings for the Zyxel Device.
FTP FTP Configure FTP server settings.
SNMP SNMP Configure SNMP communities and services.
Auth. Server Auth. Server Configure the Zyxel Device to act as a RADIUS server.
Notification Mail Server Configure a mail server with authentication to send reports and
password expiration notification emails.
SMS Enable the SMS service to send dynamic guest account information in
text messages and authorization for VPN tunnel access to a secured
Language Language Select the Web Configurator language.
IPv6 IPv6 Enable IPv6 globally on the Zyxel Device here.
ZON ZON Use the Zyxel One Network (ZON) utility to view and manage the Zyxel
Device’s neighboring devices via the Zyxel Discovery Protocol (ZDP).
Log & Report
Email Daily Email Daily Report Configure where and how to send daily reports and what reports to
Report send.
Log Settings Log Settings Configure the system log, e-mail logs, and remote syslog servers.

Maintenance Menu
Use the maintenance menu screens to manage configuration and firmware files, run diagnostics, and
reboot or shut down the Zyxel Device.

Table 10 Maintenance Menu Screens Summary

File Configuration File Manage and upload configuration files for the Zyxel Device.
Firmware View the current firmware version and upload firmware. Reboot with your
Management choice of firmware.
Shell Script Manage and run shell script files for the Zyxel Device.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 1 Introduction

Table 10 Maintenance Menu Screens Summary (continued)

Diagnostics Diagnostics Collect diagnostic information.


Collect on AP

Packet Capture Capture packets for analysis.

on AP/Files
CPU/Memory View CPU and memory usage statistics.
System Log Connect a USB device to the Zyxel Device and archive the Zyxel Device system
logs to it here.
Network Tool Identify problems with the connections. You can use Ping or Traceroute to help
you identify problems.
Routing Traces Configure traceroute to identify where packets are dropped for
Packet Routing Status Check how the Zyxel Device determines where to route a packet.
SNAT Status View a clear picture on how the Zyxel Device converts a packet’s source IP
address and check the related settings.
Shutdown Shutdown Turn off the Zyxel Device.

1.5.4 Tables and Lists

Web Configurator tables and lists are flexible with several options for how to display their entries.

Click a column heading to sort the table’s entries according to that column’s criteria.

Figure 17 Sorting Table Entries by a Column’s Criteria

Click the down arrow next to a column heading for more options about how to display the entries. The
options available vary depending on the type of fields in the column. Here are some examples of what
you can do:

• Sort in ascending or descending (reverse) alphabetical order

• Select which columns to display
• Group entries by field
• Show entries in groups
• Filter by mathematical operators (<, >, or =) or searching for text

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 1 Introduction

Figure 18 Common Table Column Options

Select a column heading cell’s right border and drag to re-size the column.

Figure 19 Resizing a Table Column

Select a column heading and drag and drop it to change the column order. A green check mark
displays next to the column’s title when you drag the column to a valid new location.

Figure 20 Moving Columns

Use the icons and fields at the bottom of the table to navigate to different pages of entries and control
how many entries display at a time.

Figure 21 Navigating Pages of Table Entries

The tables have icons for working with table entries. You can often use the [Shift] or [Ctrl] key to select
multiple entries to remove, activate, or deactivate.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 1 Introduction

Figure 22 Common Table Icons

Here are descriptions for the most common table icons.

Table 11 Common Table Icons

Add Click this to create a new entry. For features where the entry’s position in the numbered list is
important (features where the Zyxel Device applies the table’s entries in order like the security policy
for example), you can select an entry and click Add to create a new entry after the selected entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify the entry’s
settings. In some tables you can just click a table entry and edit it directly in the table. For those types
of tables small red triangles display for table entries with changes that you have not yet applied.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove it
before doing so.
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
Connect To connect an entry, select it and click Connect.
Disconnect To disconnect an entry, select it and click Disconnect.
References Select an entry and click References to check which settings use the entry.
Move To change an entry’s position in a numbered list, select it and click Move to display a field to type a
number for where you want to put that entry and press [ENTER] to move the entry to the number that
you typed. For example, if you type 6, the entry you are moving becomes number 6 and the previous
entry 6 (if there is one) gets pushed up (or down) one.

Working with Lists

When a list of available entries displays next to a list of selected entries, you can often just double-click
an entry to move it from one list to the other. In some lists you can also use the [Shift] or [Ctrl] key to
select multiple entries, and then use the arrow button to move them to the other list.

Figure 23 Working with Lists

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Initial Setup Wizard

2.1 Initial Setup Wizard Screens

When you log into the Web Configurator for the first time or when you reset the Zyxel Device to its
default configuration, the Initial Setup Wizard screen displays. This wizard helps you configure Internet
connection settings and activate subscription services.

Some models (see Chapter 1 on page 29 to see which models have them) have Easy Mode wizards.
Initial setup wizards in models with Easy Mode wizards have a different style to the other models.

Note: For Zyxel Devices that already have firmware version 4.25 or later, you have to register
your Zyxel Device and activate the corresponding service at myZyxel (through your
Zyxel Device).

This chapter provides information on configuring the Web Configurator's Initial Setup Wizard. See the
feature-specific chapters in this User’s Guide for background information.

• Click the double arrow in the upper right corner to display or hide the help.
• Click Logout to exit the Initial Setup Wizard or click Next to continue the wizard. Click Finish at the end
of the wizard to complete the wizard.
Figure 24 Initial Setup Wizard

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 2 Initial Setup Wizard

2.1.1 Internet Access Setup – WAN Interface

Use this screen to set how many WAN interfaces to configure and the first WAN interface’s type of
encapsulation and method of IP address assignment.

The screens vary depending on the encapsulation type. Refer to information provided by your ISP to
know what to enter in each field.

Note: Enter the Internet access information exactly as your ISP gave it to you. Leave a field
blank if you do not have that information.

• I have two ISPs: Select this option to configure two Internet connections. Leave it cleared to configure
just one. This option appears when you are configuring the first WAN interface.
• Encapsulation: Choose the Ethernet option when the WAN port is used as a regular Ethernet. Choose
PPPoE, PPTP or L2TP for a dial-up connection according to the information from your ISP.
• WAN Interface: This is the interface you are configuring for Internet access.
• Zone: This is the security zone to which this interface and Internet connection belong.
• IP Address Assignment: Select Auto if your ISP did not assign you a fixed IP address.
Select Static if the ISP assigned a fixed IP address.
Figure 25 Internet Access

2.1.2 Internet Access: Ethernet

This screen is read-only if you set the previous screen’s IP Address Assignment field to Auto. If you set the
previous screen’s IP Address Assignment field to Static, use this screen to configure your IP address

• Encapsulation: This displays the type of Internet connection you are configuring.
• First WAN Interface: This is the number of the interface that will connect with your ISP.
• Zone: This is the security zone to which this interface and Internet connection will belong.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 2 Initial Setup Wizard

• IP Address: Enter your (static) public IP address. Auto displays if you selected Auto as the IP Address
Assignment in the previous screen.

The following fields display if you selected static IP address assignment.

• IP Subnet Mask: Enter the subnet mask for this WAN connection's IP address.
• Gateway IP Address: Enter the IP address of the router through which this WAN connection will send
traffic (the default gateway).
• First / Second DNS Server: These fields display if you selected static IP address assignment. The Domain
Name System (DNS) maps a domain name to an IP address and vice versa. Enter a DNS server's IP
address(es). The DNS server is extremely important because without it, you must know the IP address
of a computer before you can access it. The Zyxel Device uses these (in the order you specify here) to
resolve domain names for VPN, DDNS and the time server. Leave the field as if you do not want
to configure DNS servers. Possible Errors

• Check that your cable connection is coming from the correct interface you are using for the WAN
connection on the Zyxel Device.
• Check that the interface is connected to the device you are using for Internet access such as a
broadband router and that the router is turned on. The LED of the interface you are using for the WAN
connection on the Zyxel Device should be orange.
• If your Zyxel Device was not able to obtain an IP address, check that your Internet access information
uses DHCP as the WAN connection type. If it fails again, check with your Internet service provider or
administrator for correct WAN settings.
• If your Zyxel Device was not able to use the IP address entered, check that you were given an IP
address, subnet mask and gateway address as part of your Internet access information. Re-enter your
IP address, subnet mask and gateway IP address exactly as given. If it fails again, check with your
Internet service provider or administrator for correct IP address, subnet mask and gateway address
and other WAN settings.
Figure 26 Internet Access: Ethernet Encapsulation

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 2 Initial Setup Wizard

2.1.3 Internet Access: PPPoE ISP Parameters
• Type the PPPoE Service Name from your service provider. PPPoE uses a service name to identify and
reach the PPPoE server. You can use alphanumeric and –_@$./ characters, and it can be up to 64
characters long.
• Authentication Type – Select an authentication protocol for outgoing connection requests. Options
• Chap/PAP – Your Zyxel Device accepts either CHAP or PAP when requested by the remote node.
• Chap – Your Zyxel Device accepts CHAP only.
• PAP – Your Zyxel Device accepts PAP only.
• MSCHAP – Your Zyxel Device accepts MSCHAP only.
• MSCHAP-V2 – Your Zyxel Device accepts MSCHAP-V2 only.
• Type the User Name given to you by your ISP. You can use alphanumeric and –_@$./ characters, and
it can be up to 31 characters long.
• Type the Password associated with the user name. Use up to 64 ASCII characters except the [] and ?.
This field can be blank.
• Select Nailed-Up if you do not want the connection to time out. Otherwise, type the Idle Timeout in
seconds that elapses before the router automatically disconnects from the PPPoE server. WAN IP Address Assignments

• WAN Interface: This is the name of the interface that will connect with your ISP.
• Zone: This is the security zone to which this interface and Internet connection will belong.
• IP Address: Enter your (static) public IP address. Auto displays if you selected Auto as the IP Address
Assignment in the previous screen.
• First / Second DNS Server: These fields display if you selected static IP address assignment. The Domain
Name System (DNS) maps a domain name to an IP address and vice versa. Enter a DNS server's IP
address(es). The DNS server is extremely important because without it, you must know the IP address
of a computer before you can access it. The Zyxel Device uses these (in the order you specify here) to
resolve domain names for VPN, DDNS and the time server. Leave the field as if you do not want
to configure DNS servers. If you do not configure a DNS server, you must know the IP address of a
machine in order to access it. Possible Errors

• Check that you are using the correct PPPoE Service Name and Authentication Type.
• Make sure that your Internet access information uses PPPoE as the WAN connection type. Re-enter
your PPPoE user name and password exactly as given. If it fails again, check with your Internet service
provider or administrator for correct WAN settings and user credentials.
• If you were given an IP address and DNS server information as part of your Internet access
information, re-enter them exactly as given. If it fails again, check with your Internet service provider
or administrator for correct IP address, subnet mask and gateway address and other WAN settings.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 2 Initial Setup Wizard

Figure 27 Internet Access: PPPoE Encapsulation

2.1.4 Internet Access: PPTP ISP Parameters
• Authentication Type – Select an authentication protocol for outgoing calls. Options are:
• Chap/PAP – Your Zyxel Device accepts either CHAP or PAP when requested by the remote node.
• Chap – Your Zyxel Device accepts CHAP only.
• PAP – Your Zyxel Device accepts PAP only.
• MSCHAP – Your Zyxel Device accepts MSCHAP only.
• MSCHAP-V2 – Your Zyxel Device accepts MSCHAP-V2 only.
• Type the User Name given to you by your ISP. You can use alphanumeric and –_@$./ characters, and
it can be up to 31 characters long.
• Type the Password associated with the user name. Use up to 64 ASCII characters except the [] and ?.
This field can be blank. Re-type your password in the next field to confirm it.
• Select Nailed-Up if you do not want the connection to time out. Otherwise, type the Idle Timeout in
seconds that elapses before the router automatically disconnects from the PPTP server. PPTP Configuration

• Base Interface: This identifies the Ethernet interface you configure to connect with a modem or router.
• Type a Base IP Address (static) assigned to you by your ISP.
• Type the IP Subnet Mask assigned to you by your ISP (if given).
• Server IP: Type the IP address of the PPTP server.
• Type a Connection ID or connection name. It must follow the “c:id” and “n:name” format. For
example, C:12 or N:My ISP. This field is optional and depends on the requirements of your broadband
modem or router. You can use alphanumeric and –_: characters, and it can be up to 31 characters

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 2 Initial Setup Wizard WAN IP Address Assignments

• First WAN Interface: This is the connection type on the interface you are configuring to connect with
your ISP.
• Zone This is the security zone to which this interface and Internet connection will belong.
• IP Address: Enter your (static) public IP address. Auto displays if you selected Auto as the IP Address
Assignment in the previous screen.
• First / Second DNS Server: These fields display if you selected static IP address assignment. The Domain
Name System (DNS) maps a domain name to an IP address and vice versa. Enter a DNS server's IP
address(es). The DNS server is extremely important because without it, you must know the IP address
of a computer before you can access it. The Zyxel Device uses these (in the order you specify here) to
resolve domain names for VPN, DDNS and the time server. Leave the field as if you do not want
to configure DNS servers. Possible Errors

• Check that you’re using the correct PPPT Service IP, Base IP Address, IP Subnet Mask, Gateway IP
Address, Connection ID and Authentication Type.
• Make sure that your Internet access information uses PPTP as the WAN connection type. Re-enter your
PPTP user name and password exactly as given. If it fails again, check with your Internet service
provider or administrator for correct WAN settings and user credentials.
• If you were given an IP address and DNS server information as part of your Internet access
information, re-enter them exactly as given. If it fails again, check with your Internet service provider
or administrator for correct IP address, subnet mask and gateway address and other WAN settings.
Figure 28 Internet Access: PPTP Encapsulation

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 2 Initial Setup Wizard

2.1.5 Internet Access: L2TP ISP Parameters
• Authentication Type – Select an authentication protocol for outgoing connection requests. Options
• Chap/PAP – Your Zyxel Device accepts either CHAP or PAP when requested by the remote node.
• Chap – Your Zyxel Device accepts CHAP only.
• PAP – Your Zyxel Device accepts PAP only.
• MSCHAP – Your Zyxel Device accepts MSCHAP only.
• MSCHAP-V2 – Your Zyxel Device accepts MSCHAP-V2 only.
• Type the User Name given to you by your ISP. You can use alphanumeric and –_@$./ characters, and
it can be up to 31 characters long.
• Type the Password associated with the user name. Use up to 64 ASCII characters except the [] and ?.
This field can be blank.
• Select Nailed-Up if you do not want the connection to time out. Otherwise, type the Idle Timeout in
seconds that elapses before the router automatically disconnects from the PPPoE server. L2TP Configuration

• Base Interface: This identifies the Ethernet interface you configure to connect with a modem or router.
• Type a Base IP Address (static) assigned to you by your ISP.
• IP Subnet Mask: Enter the subnet mask for this WAN connection's IP address.
• Gateway IP Address: Enter the IP address of the router through which this WAN connection will send
traffic (the default gateway).
• Server IP: Type the IP address of the L2TP server. WAN IP Address Assignments

• WAN Interface: This is the name of the interface that will connect with your ISP.
• Zone: This is the security zone to which this interface and Internet connection will belong.
• IP Address: Enter your (static) public IP address. Auto displays if you selected Auto as the IP Address
Assignment in the previous screen.
• First / Second DNS Server: These fields display if you selected static IP address assignment. The Domain
Name System (DNS) maps a domain name to an IP address and vice versa. Enter a DNS server's IP
address(es). The DNS server is extremely important because without it, you must know the IP address
of a computer before you can access it. The Zyxel Device uses these (in the order you specify here) to
resolve domain names for VPN, DDNS and the time server. Leave the field as if you do not want
to configure DNS servers. Possible Errors

• Check that you’re using the correct L2PT Server IP, Subnet Mask, Gateway IP Address, IP Subnet Mask
and Authentication Type.
• Make sure that your Internet access information uses L2TP as the WAN connection type. Re-enter your
L2TP user name and password exactly as given. If it fails again, check with your Internet service
provider or administrator for correct WAN settings and user credentials.
• If you were given an IP address and DNS server information as part of your Internet access
information, re-enter them exactly as given. If it fails again, check with your Internet service provider
or administrator for correct IP address, subnet mask and gateway address and other WAN settings.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 2 Initial Setup Wizard

Figure 29 Internet Access: L2TP Encapsulation

2.1.6 Internet Access Setup – Second WAN Interface

If you selected I have two ISPs, after you configure the First WAN Interface, you can configure the
Second WAN Interface. The screens for configuring the second WAN interface are similar to the first (see
Section 2.1.1 on page 55).

Figure 30 Internet Access: Step 3: Second WAN Interface

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 2 Initial Setup Wizard

2.1.7 Internet Access: Congratulations

You have set up your Zyxel Device to access the Internet. A screen displays with your settings. Click
Connection Test to check that you can access the Internet. If you cannot, click Back and confirm that
you entered the settings correctly. If you have, check that you got the correct settings from your ISP or
network administrator.

Figure 31 Internet Access: Summary

2.1.8 Date and Time Settings

It’s important to have correct date and time values in the logs. The Zyxel Device can automatically
update the time and date by detecting your time zone and whether Daylight Savings is in effect in that
time zone.

If your Zyxel Device cannot get the correct date and time, it may not able to connect to a time server.
Check that the Zyxel Device has Internet access, then click Sync. Now.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 2 Initial Setup Wizard

Figure 32 Date and Time Settings

2.1.9 Register Device

Click the Register button in this screen to register your device at portal.myzyxel.com.

Note: The Zyxel Device must be connected to the Internet in order to register.

Figure 33 Register Device

You may need the Zyxel Device’s serial number and LAN MAC address to register it at myZyxel if you
have not already done so. Refer to the label at the back of the Zyxel Device’s for details.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 2 Initial Setup Wizard

Figure 34 myZyxel Login

Click Refresh or use the Configuration > Licensing > Registration screen to update your Zyxel Device
registration status.

Figure 35 Registered Device

2.1.10 Activate Service

After you register your Zyxel Device, you can register for the services supported by your model. Examples
of services are:

• Content Filter (to block websites by category, such as Gambling)

• IDP (to recognize and drop traffic with Intrusion, Detection & Protection attack patterns)
• Anti-Virus (to detect virus patterns in files)
• Anti-Spam (to mark or discard unsolicited commercial or junk e-mail suspect of being sent by

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 2 Initial Setup Wizard

Click Refresh and wait a few moments for the registration information to update in this screen. If the
page does not refresh, make sure the Internet connection is working and click Refresh again. To check
your Internet connection, try to access the Internet from a computer connected to a LAN port on the
Zyxel Device. If you cannot, then check your Internet access settings on the Zyxel Device.

Figure 36 Activate Service

Figure 37 Activated Service

2.1.11 Wireless Settings: AP Controller

The Zyxel Device can act as an AP Controller that can manage APs in the same network as the Zyxel
Device. Select Yes if you want your Zyxel Device to manage APs in your network; otherwise select No.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 2 Initial Setup Wizard

Figure 38 Wireless Settings: AP Controller

2.1.12 Wireless Settings: SSID & Security

Configure SSID and wireless security in this screen.

SSID Setting
• SSID – Enter a descriptive name of up to 32 printable characters for the wireless LAN.
• Security Mode – Select Pre-Shared Key to add security on this wireless network. Otherwise, select
None to allow any wireless client to associate this network without authentication.
• Pre-Shared Key – Enter a pre-shared key of between 8 and 63 case-sensitive ASCII characters
(including spaces and symbols) or 64 hexadecimal characters.
• Hidden SSID – Select this option if you want to hide the SSID in the outgoing beacon frame. A wireless
client then cannot obtain the SSID through scanning using a site survey tool.
• Enable Intra-BSS Traffic Blocking – Select this option if you want to prevent crossover traffic from within
the same SSID. Wireless clients can still access the wired network but cannot communicate with each

For Built-in Wireless AP Only

Bridged to: Zyxel Devices with W in the model name have a built-in AP. Select an interface to bridge with
the built-in AP wireless network. Devices connected to this interface will then be in the same broadcast
domain as devices in the AP wireless network.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 2 Initial Setup Wizard

Figure 39 Wireless Settings: SSID & Security

2.1.13 Remote Management

Configure settings in this screen to add a rule that has priority over other rules in Policy Control. It restricts
access to the Web Configurator and SSL VPN service from the Internet.

Figure 40 Remote Management

• Enable Allow secure remote management from WAN to create a rule in the Policy Control screen. It
allows you to access the Zyxel Device from the WAN using HTTPS.
• Enable Restrict access only to trusted host to have the Zyxel Device allow access only from the IP
addresses or FQDNs specified in the fields below.
• Enable Allow SSL VPN access from WAN to allow access to the Zyxel Device remotely through the SSL
VPN tunnel.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 2 Initial Setup Wizard

• Enable Restrict access by GeoIP to have the Zyxel Device allow access only from countries specified
in the fields below.
Figure 41 Object > Service > Service Group – HTTPS

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Hardware, Interfaces and

3.1 Hardware Overview

This section describes the front and rear panels for each model.

3.1.1 Front Panels

The LED indicators are located on the front panel.

Figure 42 ZyWALL 110 / USG110 / USG210 Front Panel

Figure 43 ZyWALL 310 / ZyWALL 1100 / USG310 / USG1100 / USG1900 Front Panel

Figure 44 USG40 Front Panel

Figure 45 USG40W Front Panel

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 3 Hardware, Interfaces and Zones

Figure 46 USG60 Front Panel

Figure 47 USG60W Front Panel

Figure 48 USG2200 Front Panel

The following table describes the front panel LEDs.

Table 12 LED Descriptions

PWR Off The Zyxel Device is turned off.
Green On The Zyxel Device is turned on.
Red On There is a hardware component failure. Shut down the device, wait for a few
minutes and then restart the device. If the LED turns red again, then please
contact your vendor.
SYS Green Off The Zyxel Device is not ready or has failed.
On The Zyxel Device is ready and running.
Blinking The Zyxel Device is booting.
Red On The Zyxel Device has an error or has failed.
USB Green Off No device is connected to the Zyxel Device’s USB port or the connected device
is not supported by the Zyxel Device.
On A mobile broadband USB card or USB storage device is connected to the USB
Orange On Connected to a mobile broadband network through the connected mobile
broadband USB card.
P1, P2... Green Off There is no traffic on this port.
Blinking The Zyxel Device is sending or receiving packets on this port.
Orange Off There is no connection on this port.
On This port has a successful link.
Blinking The Zyxel Device is sending or receiving packets on this port.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 3 Hardware, Interfaces and Zones

The following table describes the USG2200 LEDs.

Table 13 USG2200-VPN/USG2200 LED Descriptions

PWR1, 2 Off The Zyxel Device is turned off.
Green On The Zyxel Device is turned on.
Red On There is a hardware component failure. Shut down the device, wait for a few
minutes and then restart the device. If the LED turns red again, then please
contact your vendor.
SYS Green Off The Zyxel Device is not ready or has failed.
On The Zyxel Device is ready and running.
Blinking The Zyxel Device is booting.
Red On The Zyxel Device has an error or has failed.
P1 – P4 Green Off There is no connection on this port.
(SFP) Link
On This port has a successful 100Mbps link.
Orange Off There is no connection on this port.
On This port has a successful 1000Mbps link.
P1 – P4 Green Off There is no traffic on this port.
On The Zyxel Device is sending or receiving packets on this port.
P5 – P16 Green Off There is no connection on this port.
On This port has a successful 10/100Mbps link.
Blinking The Zyxel Device is sending or receiving packets on this port.
Orange Off There is no connection on this port.
On This port has a successful 1000Mbps link.
Blinking The Zyxel Device is sending or receiving packets on this port.
P17 – P18 Blue Off There is no connection on this port.
On This port has a successful 10Gbps link.
P17 – P18 Green Off There is no traffic on this port.
Blinking The Zyxel Device is sending or receiving packets on this port.
P17 – P18 Blue Off There is no connection on this port.
On This port has a successful 10Gbps link.
P17 – P18 Green Off There is no traffic on this port.
Blinking The Zyxel Device is sending or receiving packets on this port.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 3 Hardware, Interfaces and Zones

The following table describes the ports on the front panel.

Table 14 Front Panel Ports

RESET Press the button in for about 5 seconds (or until the SYS LED starts to blink), then release it to
return the Zyxel Device to the factory defaults (password is 1234, LAN IP address
CONSOLE You can use the console port to manage the Zyxel Device using CLI commands. You will be
prompted to enter your user name and password. See the Command Reference Guide for
more information about the CLI.

When configuring using the console port, you need a computer equipped with
communications software configured to the following parameters:

• Speed 115200 bps

• Data Bits 8
• Parity None
• Stop Bit 1
• Flow Control Off
USB Connect a storage device for system logs (see Maintenance > Diagnostics > System Log) and
storage (see Configuration > System > USB Storage).
P1 – P6 These are 1G RJ-45 Ethernet ports.

The following table describes the ports on the USG2200 front panel.

Table 15 USG2200 Front Panel Ports

RESET Press the button in for about 5 seconds (or until the SYS LED starts to blink), then release it to
return the Zyxel Device to the factory defaults (password is 1234, LAN IP address,
and so on.)
BUZZER RESET The buzzer alarms when a power module fails. Use this to mute the buzzer alarm.
CONSOLE You can use the console port to manage the Zyxel Device using CLI commands. You will be
prompted to enter your user name and password. See the Command Reference Guide for
more information about the CLI.

When configuring using the console port, you need a computer equipped with
communications software configured to the following parameters:

• Speed 115200 bps

• Data Bits 8
• Parity None
• Stop Bit 1
• Flow Control Off
USB Connect a storage device for system logs (see Maintenance > Diagnostics > System Log) and
storage (see Configuration > System > USB Storage).
P1 – P4 These are SFP (1G) ports. These are compatible 1G transceiver modules (at the time of writing):

• SFP-1000T
• SFP-LX-10-D
• SFP-BX1310-10-D
• SFP-BX1490-10-D
• SFP-LHX1310-40-D
• SFP-ZX-80-D

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 3 Hardware, Interfaces and Zones

Table 15 USG2200 Front Panel Ports (continued)

P5 – P16 These are 1G RJ-45 Ethernet ports.
P17 – P18 These are 10G combo (SFP+ & RJ-45) ports. These are compatible 10G transceiver modules (at
the time of writing:)


3.1.2 Rear Panels

The connection ports are located on the rear panel.

Figure 49 ZyWALL 110 / USG110 / USG210 Rear Panel

Figure 50 ZyWALL 310 / ZyWALL 1100 / USG310 / USG1100 / USG1900 Rear Panel

Figure 51 USG40 / USG40W Rear Panel

Figure 52 USG60 / USG60W Rear Panel

Figure 53 USG2200 Rear Panel

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 3 Hardware, Interfaces and Zones

The following table describes the items on the rear panel.

Table 16 Rear Panel Items

Console You can use the console port to manage the Zyxel Device using CLI commands. You will be
prompted to enter your user name and password. See the Command Reference Guide for
more information about the CLI.

When configuring using the console port, you need a computer equipped with
communications software configured to the following parameters:

• Speed 115200 bps

• Data Bits 8
• Parity None
• Stop Bit 1
• Flow Control Off
Power Use the included power cord to connect the power socket to a power outlet. Turn the power
switch on if your Zyxel Device has a power switch.
Lock Attach a lock-and-cable from the Kensington lock (the small, metal-reinforced, oval hole) to a
permanent object, such as a pole, to secure the Zyxel Device in place.
Fan The fans are for cooling the Zyxel Device. Make sure they are not obstructed to allow maximum

Note: Use an 8-wire Ethernet cable to run your Gigabit Ethernet connection at 1000 Mbps.
Using a 4-wire Ethernet cable limits your connection to 100 Mbps. Note that the
connection speed also depends on what the Ethernet device at the other end can

3.2 Installation Scenarios

The Zyxel Device can be:

• Placed on a desk.
• Wall-mounted on a wall.
• Rack-mounted on a standard EIA rack.

The following table summarizes the installation scenarios of the Zyxel Device by mounting method.

Table 17 Mounting Method

• USG60 • ZyWALL 110 • USG40
• USG60W • ZyWALL 310 • USG40W
• USG110 • ZyWALL 1100 • USG60
• USG210 • USG110 • USG60W
• ZyWALL 110 • USG210
• USG310
• USG1100
• USG1900

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 3 Hardware, Interfaces and Zones

WARNING! Do NOT block the ventilation holes on the Zyxel Device.

Allow 100 mm clearance for the ventilation holes to prevent your Zyxel
Device from overheating. Do not store things on the Zyxel Device. Do
not place a Zyxel Device on another high temperature device.
Overheating could affect the performance of your Zyxel Device, or
even damage it.

3.2.1 Desk-mounting

1 Make sure the Zyxel Device is clean and dry.

2 Remove the adhesive backing from the rubber feet.

3 Attach the rubber feet to each corner on the bottom of the Zyxel Device. These rubber feet help
protect the Zyxel Device from shock or vibration, and allow air circulation.
Figure 54 Attaching Rubber Feet

3.2.2 Rack-mounting
Use the following steps to mount the Zyxel Device on an EIA standard size, 19-inch rack or in a wiring
closet with other equipment using a rack-mounting kit. Make sure the rack will safely support the
combined weight of all the equipment it contains and that the position of the ZyWALL does not make
the rack unstable or top-heavy. Take all necessary precautions to anchor the rack securely before
installing the unit.

Note: Leave 10 cm of clearance at the sides and 20 cm in the rear.

Use a #2 Phillips screwdriver to install the screws.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 3 Hardware, Interfaces and Zones

Note: Failure to use the proper screws may damage the unit.

1 Align one bracket with the holes on one side of the Zyxel Device and secure it with the included bracket
screws (smaller than the rack-mounting screws).

2 Attach the other bracket in a similar fashion.

3 After attaching both mounting brackets, position the Zyxel Device in the rack and match up the bracket
holes with the rack holes. Secure the Zyxel Device to the rack with the rack-mounting screws.

3.2.3 USG2200 Rack Mounting Installation Requirements
• Two front mounting brackets (short) and two rear mounting brackets (long).
• Two railings (inner and outer)

• Front Brackets & M3 Screws

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 3 Hardware, Interfaces and Zones

• Rack M6 Screws and Nuts

Note: Failure to use the proper screws may damage the unit. Procedure

1 Connect the front brackets to the USG2200 using the M3 bracket screws.

2 To separate the inner and outer railings, press tab B (white) and slide out the outer railing.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 3 Hardware, Interfaces and Zones

3 Connect the inner railing to the USG2200 as shown. Align the holes on the inner rail with the screws on
the side of the USG2200 and slide until it clicks in place. Do the same for the other inner rail on the other
side of the USG2200. (Use tab C to remove the inner rail from the USG2200.)

4 Connect the front of an outer railing to the front of the rack using the M6 rack screws. Similarly, connect
the rear of an outer railing to the back of the rack using the rack screws. Repeat for the second outer rail
on the other side of the rack.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 3 Hardware, Interfaces and Zones

5 Carefully lift the USG2200 with the inner rails attached and slide it onto the outer rails of the rack. Use the
blue tab (A in step 2 above) to slide the USG2200 along the inner rail. Secure the USG2200 in the rack
using the front bracket screws.

• Make sure the rack will safely support the combined weight of all the equipment it contains.
• Make sure the position of the USG2200 does not make the rack unstable or top-heavy. Take all
necessary precautions to anchor the rack securely before installing the unit.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 3 Hardware, Interfaces and Zones

3.2.4 Wall-mounting
Do the following to attach the Zyxel Device to a wall.

The following table lists the distance “X” between mounting holes for each model:

Table 18 Distance “X” between mounting holes

USG40 174 mm (6.85”)
USG40W 174 mm (6.85”)
USG60 206 mm (8.11”)
USG60W 206 mm (8.11”)

1 Drill into a wall two holes 3 mm – 4 mm (0.12" – 0.16") wide, 20 mm – 30 mm (0.79” – 1.18”) deep, and a
distance X (see the preceding table) apart. Place two screw anchors in the holes.
Figure 55 Wall Mounting Screw Specifications

Figure 56 Wall Mounting

2 Screw two screws with 6 mm – 8 mm (0.24" – 0.31") wide heads into the screw anchors. Do not screw the
screws all the way in to the wall; leave a small gap of between 1 – 1.5 mm (0.04” – 0.06”) between the
head of the screw and the wall.
The gap must be big enough for the screw heads to slide into the screw slots and the connection cables
to run down the back of the Zyxel Device.

Note: Make sure the screws are securely fixed to the wall and strong enough to hold the
weight of the Zyxel Device with the connection cables.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 3 Hardware, Interfaces and Zones

Figure 57 Gap for Cables

3 Use the holes on the Zyxel Device to hang the Zyxel Device on the screws.

Wall-mount the Zyxel Device horizontally. The Zyxel Device's side

panels with ventilation slots should not be facing up or down as this
position is less safe.

3.3 Default Zones, Interfaces, and Ports

The default configurations for zones, interfaces, and ports are as follows. References to interfaces may
be generic rather than the specific name used in your model. For example, this guide may use “the
WAN interface” rather than “wan1” or “wan2”, “ge2” or” ge3” (USG2200 is “ge5” or “ge6”).

An OPT (optional) Ethernet port can be configured as an additional WAN port, LAN, WLAN, or DMZ port.

The following table shows the default physical port and interface mapping for each model at the time
of writing.

Table 19 Default Physical Port - Interface Mapping

• USG40 wan1 lan1 lan1 lan1 opt
• USG40W wan1 lan1 lan1 lan1 opt
• USG60 wan1 wan2 lan1 lan1 lan1 lan1
• USG60W wan1 wan2 lan1 lan1 lan1 lan1

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 3 Hardware, Interfaces and Zones

Table 19 Default Physical Port - Interface Mapping (continued)

• ZyWALL 110 wan1 wan2 opt lan1 lan1 lan1 dmz
• USG110
• USG210
• ZyWALL 310 ge1 ge2 ge3 ge4 ge5 ge6 ge7 ge8
• ZyWALL 1100
• USG310
• USG1100
• USG1900

Table 20 Default Physical Port - Interface Mapping – USG2200

INTERFACE P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 P16 P17 P18

USG2200 ge1 ge2 ge3 ge4 ge5 ge6 ge7 ge8 ge9 ge10 ge11 ge12 ge13 ge14 ge15 ge16 te1 te2

The following table shows the default interface and zone mapping for each model at the time of

Table 21 Default Zone – Interface Mapping









• USG210 WAN2

• ZyWALL 310 GE1 GE3 GE4 GE5 GE3_PPP

• USG310 GE2 GE5_PPP
• USG1100 GE2_PPP GE6
• USG1900

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 3 Hardware, Interfaces and Zones

Table 22 Default Zone – Interface Mapping USG2200

• USG2200 GE5, GE5_PPP GE7 GE8 GE9, GE10 TE1, TE1_PPP GE1, GE1_PPP

3.4 Stopping the Zyxel Device

Always use Maintenance > Shutdown > Shutdown or the shutdown command before you turn off the
Zyxel Device or remove the power. Not doing so can cause the firmware to become corrupt.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Easy Mode

4.1 Overview
Easy Mode contains wizards that help you configure the Zyxel Device, links to portals and the advanced
menus in Expert Mode.

Note: See Section 1.1 on page 29 to see which models support Easy Mode wizards.

Use the Easy Mode screens if you have a relatively simple network environment with one WAN (WAN1)
and one LAN (LAN1) connections. If your Zyxel Device has two WAN ports, use WAN1 as the WAN
connection. If you use WAN2 as the WAN connection or want to use both WAN ports, then please use
the Expert Mode screens.

If you prefer to start directly with the advanced screens, then simply click Expert Mode and select
the Expert Mode option.

Figure 58 Switch Modes

Note: Enabling guest network renames the OPT or P6 port to "guest". Go to the Configuration >
Network > Interface > Port Role screen in Expert Mode to check. A guest interface is
created. The OPT port or the highest-numbered copper Ethernet port in the Zyxel
Device will be bound with the guest interface. If Device HA is used, then the second-
highest numbered port will be used instead.

4.1.1 Objects and Rules

The Zyxel Device automatically creates EZ_ objects and rules in Expert Mode for settings configured in
Easy Mode. The following table shows whether you can edit or delete the EZ_ objects and rules in the
listed screens. When creating objects and rules in Expert Mode, you cannot use "EZ_" at the beginning of
the name.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

Go back to Easy Mode to edit your settings on EZ_ rules. If you edit an EZ_ rule in Expert Mode, the
corresponding policies created in Easy Mode may work differently.

You cannot delete EZ_ objects or rules if they are used in a policy. To delete an EZ_ object or rule, you
need to delete all corresponding policies. If you delete an EZ_ object or rule in Expert Mode, the
corresponding policies created in Easy Mode may not work.

Table 23 Editing & Deleting EZ_ Objects

X: The action is not allowed.

V: The action is allowed.

guest Configuration > Network > Interface > Ethernet X X
Content Configuration > UTM Profile V V
Anti-Virus V V
Static DHCP Configuration > Network > IP/MAC Binding X V
Address X V
Connection Configuration > VPN > IPSec VPN X V
Gateway X V
AP group Configuration > Wireless X V
Radio X V
NAT Configuration > Network > NAT X V
Security policy Configuration > Security Policy X V
Zone Configuration > Object X V
AP profile X V
Security X V
Address/Geo X V
Service X V

4.1.2 Wizards and Links

In the wizards, click the question mark on the right to display or hide the help. Click Next > to continue
to the following screen, < Back to return to the previous screen and Exit or X (top right) to close the
wizard screen without saving any changes.

The following are the Easy Mode wizards and links.

Figure 59 Easy Mode Wizards and Links

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

• Initial Setup Wizard for Internet access – you should have your Internet access account information at
• VPN Wizard for a site-to-site tunnel between Zyxel Device networks, a tunnel from a remote client
using the Zyxel client VPN software to the Zyxel Device network, or a tunnel from a remote client using
other VPN software to the Zyxel Device network
• Port Forwarding Wizard to set up a server, such as a NAS in your network that you or other people can
access from outside the network
• Wi-Fi and Guest Wizard to set up a wireless name and security for normal and guest (Internet only)
wireless access to the Zyxel Device
• Security Service Wizard to configure subscriptions for content filtering, IDP, and anti-virus services.

There are also links to:

• MyZyxel Portal where you can subscribe for security services such as content filtering, IDP, and anti-
• One Security Portal where you can get configuration walkthroughs, troubleshooting help and other
help on security services and VPN
• Expert Mode which contains all the advanced menus.

4.1.3 Easy Mode Settings

Click to display the Easy Mode Settings menu.

Figure 60 Easy Mode Settings

• Create Recovery Point – a recovery point is a point to which all the Zyxel Device’s configuration can
be reset to after you click Create Recovery Point. Choose this when you have some configurations
done and everything is working correctly.
• Restore Last Recovery Point – choose this if you have problems with recent configurations done on the
Zyxel Device and you want to return to a previous configuration point where everything was working
correctly. You will lose all configurations done after the restore point.
• Restart – reboot the Zyxel Device after upgrading new firmware. It may also be useful when
troubleshooting. Changes in the Web Configurator are saved automatically and do not change
when you reboot. If you made changes in the CLI, however, you have to use the write command to
save the configuration before you reboot.
• Shutdown – use this to safely turn off the Zyxel Device in preparation for disconnecting the power.
Shutdown writes all cached data to the local storage and stops the system processes. It does not turn
off the power. Wait for the device to shut down before you manually turn off or remove the power.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

4.1.4 Easy Mode Dashboard

Cloud Helper
Click the Cloud Helper icon to check if there is new firmware available at myZyxel.

If there is new firmware available at myZyxel, then the icon displays a red N . Click the icon with
the red N to display a What’s New pop-up screen. You need a Firmware Upgrade license to upgrade
the firmware. If you do not have a license, Upgrade Now is grayed out. If you have a license, click
Upgrade Now to directly upgrade firmware. The Zyxel Device will reboot automatically.

Figure 61 Cloud Helper – What’s New

The Easy Mode dashboard is shown next.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

Figure 62 Easy Mode Dashboard

The Easy Mode dashboard contains the following.

• System information, such as firmware version, the length of time the Zyxel Device has been on, date
and time.
• Internet information such as Internet connection type, WAN IP address and a button to test the
• VPN tunnel information and a button to monitor and create VPN tunnels.
• Security information such as if the firewall is enabled and if supported security services are licensed.
You will be prompted to create a secure policy when a service is licensed and you turn it on in order
for the service to be used.
• Network Client

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

Click the settings icon to manage clients. Click + to add a new network client. In the pop-up
screen, you can add a new client by entering its interface (LAN1 or Guest), IP Address, MAC Address
and Name.

This is the information you see under Network Client:

• LAN information on wired and wireless connections to the Zyxel Device

• Guest Network information on guest wired and wireless connections to the Zyxel Device
• Wi-Fi button to change Wi-Fi channel
• Guest button turn the guest wireless network off or on.

4.2 Initial Setup Wizard – Language and Overview

Figure 63 Initial Setup Wizard Language

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

Choose the language for the Easy Mode and Expert Mode screens.

The initial wizard helps you set up basic options as shown in the screen. At the end, you will have the
choice of finishing the wizard or continuing the wizard to configure the optional features as listed. If you
choose to finish the wizard, you can configure the optional features later using their own separate links in
the Easy Mode main screen.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

4.2.1 Initial Setup Wizard – Internet

Figure 64 Initial Setup Wizard Connect to Internet

This screen displays the Internet settings if the Zyxel Device can detect them automatically.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

If the Zyxel Device cannot detect the Internet settings automatically, then you have to enter them

• Choose DHCP if you were not given a specific IP address for the Zyxel Device. This allows the Zyxel
Device to be able to get one automatically.
• Choose Ethernet Fixed IP if you were given a specific IP address for the Zyxel Device.
• Choose PPPoE if you were given a PPPoE user name and password.

Note: Enter the Internet access information exactly as your ISP gave you.

4.2.2 Initial Setup Wizard – Internet Access Errors

These are some things you can do if you see Internet access error messages.

WAN 1 Down
Check that your cable connection from the WAN1 interface on the Zyxel Device is connected to the
device you’re using for Internet access such as a broadband router and that the router is turned on. The
LED of the WAN1 interface on the Zyxel Device should be orange.

PPPoE Error
Your Zyxel Device was not able to obtain an IP address. Check that your Internet access information
uses PPPoE as the WAN connection type. Re-enter your PPPoE user name and password exactly as
given. If it fails again, check with your Internet service provider for correct WAN settings and user

DHCP Error
Your Zyxel Device was not able to obtain an IP address. Check that your Internet access information
uses DHCP as the WAN connection type. If it fails again, check with your Internet service provider for
correct WAN settings and user credentials.

Ethernet Fixed IP Error

Your Zyxel Device was not able to use the IP address entered. Check that you were given an IP address,
subnet mask and gateway address as part of your Internet access information. Re-enter your IP address,

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

subnet mask and gateway address exactly as given. If it fails again, check with your Internet service
provider for correct IP address, subnet mask and gateway address and other WAN settings.

4.2.3 Initial Setup Wizard – Date and Time

Figure 65 Initial Setup Wizard Date and Time

It’s important to have correct date and time values in the logs. The Zyxel Device can automatically
update the time and date by detecting your time zone and whether Daylight Savings is in effect in that
time zone.

If your Zyxel Device cannot get the correct date and time, it may not able to connect to a time server.
Check that the Zyxel Device has Internet access, then click Synch Now.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

4.2.4 Initial Setup Wizard – Register Device

Figure 66 Initial Setup Wizard Non-Registered Device

Figure 67 Initial Setup Wizard Registered Device

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

• For Zyxel Devices that already have firmware version 4.25 or later, you have to register your Zyxel
Device and activate the corresponding service at myZyxel (through your Zyxel Device).
• For Zyxel Devices upgrading to firmware version 4.25, you may skip registering your Zyxel Device and
activating the corresponding service at myZyxel. However, it is highly recommended to at least
register your Zyxel Device.

You will see the following prompt if your Zyxel Device is not registered.

Click the Register button in this screen to register your device at portal.myzyxel.com. You need to create
a myZyxel account at portal.myzyxel.com before you can register your device and activate the services
at myZyxel.

When registering the Zyxel Device at myZyxel, if you are prompted for the Zyxel Device’s serial number
and LAN MAC address, see the label at the back of the Zyxel Device’s.

Note: The Zyxel Device must be connected to the Internet in order to register.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

4.2.5 Initial Setup Wizard – Activate Services

Figure 68 Initial Setup Wizard Non-Activated Services

Figure 69 Initial Setup Wizard Activated Services

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

After you register your Zyxel Device, you can activate the services supported by your model if you have
service licenses. Examples of services are:

• Content Filter (to block websites by category, such as Gambling)

• IDP (to recognize and drop traffic with Intrusion, Detection & Protection attack patterns)
• Anti-Virus (to detect virus patterns in files)
• Anti-Spam (to mark or discard unsolicited commercial or junk e-mail suspect of being sent by

Click Refresh and wait a few moments for the service information to update in this screen. If the page
does not refresh, make sure the Internet connection is working and click Refresh again. To check your
Internet connection, try to access the Internet from a computer connected to a LAN port on the Zyxel
Device. If you cannot, then check your Internet access settings on the Zyxel Device.

4.2.6 Initial Setup Wizard – Wi-Fi

Figure 70 Initial Setup Wizard Wi-Fi

Select Enable Wi-Fi Network if you want wireless devices to be able to wirelessly access the Zyxel Device
and all resources connected to the Zyxel Device. Configure a descriptive name of from 1 to 32 alpha-
numeric characters, hyphens or underscores (a–z A–Z 0–9 –_) for the wireless network name (Wi-Fi). Set a
Password of between 8 and 63 printable ASCII characters (including spaces and symbols) or 64
hexadecimal characters (0–9 a–f) that wireless users will have to enter for access to the Zyxel Device
wireless network.

Note: You must change the Password to continue.

Select Enable Guest Wi-Fi Network if you want wireless devices to only be able to wirelessly access the
Internet through the Zyxel Device for up to 4 hours. Configure a descriptive name of from 1 to 32 alpha-
numeric characters, hyphens or underscores (a–z A–Z 0–9 –_) for the wireless network name (Wi-Fi). Set a

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

Password of between 8 and 63 printable ASCII characters (including spaces and symbols) or 64
hexadecimal characters (0–9 a–f) that wireless users will have to enter for access to the Zyxel Device
Guest wireless network.

The Guest Wi-Fi Network allows Internet access only for up to 4 hours by default. Log in again if the time
has elapsed. You can change the default time for Guest Wi-Fi access in the Wi-Fi and Guest Wizard.

The Zyxel Device uses WPA2-PSK with AES encryption so wireless clients must be able to support AES
encryption to wirelessly connect to the Zyxel Device using WPA2-PSK.

4.2.7 Initial Setup Wizard – Remote Management

Select this to allow access to the Zyxel Device using HTTP or HTTPS from the Internet.

Figure 71 Remote Management

HTTPS is added to the Default_Allow_WAN_to_ZyWALL rule in Object > Service > Service Group screen
when you enable Remote Management.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

Figure 72 Object > Service > Service Group – HTTPS

4.2.8 Initial Setup Wizard – Congratulations

Figure 73 Initial Setup Wizard Congratulations

This screen shows if your Internet access is successfully configured. You can save changes and exit the
Initial Wizard here by clearing Security Service, Port Forwarding, Guest LAN and VPN service selections
and clicking Finish. Alternatively, select desired security services to continue configuring them as part of
the Initial Wizard (Finish becomes Continue). If you want to configure these services later you can
access them from the tabs in the dashboard.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

Select from the following to continue configuring in this screen:

• Security Service (Content Filter, IDP, Anti Virus) to configure subscriptions for these services
• Port Forwarding to set up a server in your network that people outside the network can access
• Guest LAN (Wired Network) to set up a guest network where users can access the Internet only from a
wired connection to the OPT port for a limited time
• VPN for a site-to-site tunnel between Zyxel Device networks, a tunnel from a remote client using the
Zyxel client VPN software to the Zyxel Device network, or a tunnel from a remote client using other
VPN software to the Zyxel Device network.

A restore point is a recovery point where you can reset the Zyxel Device’s configuration to if you have
problems later.

4.3 Initial Setup Wizard – Security Service

Figure 74 Initial Setup Wizard Security Service

Configure licensed (non-grayed-out) services in this screen. After you buy a license for a service, you
must activate it at myZyxel. Make sure the Zyxel Device Internet connection is working correctly.

Select Enable Content Filter to block websites by category, such as Chat websites. Note that if you select
Chat, the Content Filter blocks chat websites and not chat apps. Therefore, the Skype app can still be
used although the Skype website would be blocked. Select the categories you want to block.

• Chat: Sites that enable web-based exchange of real time messages through chat services or chat
rooms. For example, me.sohu.com, blufiles.storage.live.com.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

• Dating & Personals: Sites that promote networking for interpersonal relationships such as dating and
marriage. Includes sites for match-making, online dating, spousal introduction. For example, www.i-
part.com.tw, www.imatchi.com.
• Gambling: Sites that offer or are related to online gambling, lottery, casinos and betting agencies
involving chance. For example, www.taiwanlottery.com.tw, www.i-win.com.tw, www.hkjc.com.
• Games: Sites relating to computer or other games, information about game producers, or how to
obtain cheat codes. Game-related publication sites. For example, www.gamer.com.tw,
www.wowtaiwan.com.tw, tw.lineage.gamania.com.
• Hacking: Sites that promote or give advice about how to gain unauthorized access to proprietary
computer systems, for the purpose of stealing information, perpetrating fraud, creating viruses, or
committing other illegal activity related to theft of digital information. For example,
www.hackbase.com, www.chinahacker.com.
• Illegal Software: Sites that illegally distribute software or copyrighted materials such as movies or
music, software cracks, illicit serial numbers, illegal license key generators. For example,
www.zhaokey.com.cn, www.tiansha.net.
• Instant Messaging: Sites that enable logging in to instant messaging services such as ICQ, AOL Instant
Messenger, IRC, MSN, Jabber, Yahoo Messenger, and the like. For example, www.meebo.com,
www.aim.com, www. ebuddy.com.
• Job Search: Sites containing job listings, career information, assistance with job searches (such as
resume writing, interviewing tips, etc.), employment agencies or head hunters. For example,
www.104.com.tw, www.1111.com.tw, www.yes123.com.tw.
• Pornography/Sexually Explicit: Sites that contain explicit sexual content. Includes adult products such
as sex toys, CD-ROMs, and videos, adult services such as videoconferencing, escort services, and strip
clubs, erotic stories and textual descriptions of sexual acts. For example, www.dvd888.com,
www.18center.com, blog.sina.com.tw.
• Social Networking: Sites that enable social networking for online communities of various topics, for
friendship, dating, or professional reasons. For example, www.facebook.com, www.flickr.com,
• Streaming Media & Downloads: Sites that deliver streaming content, such as Internet radio, Internet TV
or MP3 and live or archived media download sites. Includes fan sites, or official sites run by musicians,
bands, or record labels. For example, www.youtube.com, pfp.sina.com.cn, my.xunlei.com.
• Tasteless: Sites with offensive or tasteless content such as bathroom humor or profanity. For example,
comedycentral.com, dilbert.com.
• Violence: Sites that contain images or text depicting or advocating physical assault against humans,
animals, or institutions. Sites of a particularly gruesome nature such as shocking depictions of blood or
wounds, or cruel animal treatment. For example, crimescene.com, deathnet.com,

Select Enable IDP to drop traffic with recognized Intrusion, Detection & Protection attack patterns.

Select Enable Anti-Virus to detect virus patterns in files.

Use the Security Service Wizard if you need more detailed settings. Grayed-out services are not licensed
yet. Please go to portal.myzyxel.com to register and manage your services.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

4.4 Initial Setup Wizard – Port Forwarding

Figure 75 Initial Setup Wizard Port Forwarding

NAT port forwarding allows the Zyxel Device to direct incoming traffic from the Internet to the correct
virtual server in your network. For example, if you have a NAS server in your network that you or other
people need access to from outside your network, select the IP address of the NAS from Client. Then,
select the service(s) that your NAS provides (for example FTP, HTTP, HTTPS) from the Available box and
use the right arrow to move each service to the Member box.

Even though the NAS is in your local network receiving the protection of the Zyxel Device, you can still
access that NAS using these services from anywhere outside your network.

Run the main Port Forwarding Wizard if you cannot see service you need in the list. In that wizard you
can define other services.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

A client or device in your network acting as a server for forwarded services (for example, the NAS) needs
to have a static address. If the client selected does not have a static IP address, the IP address may
change when the client reboots, so the Zyxel Device may not be able to find it. If this happens, check
for the new IP address of the client. Then add the new IP address by clicking Add here and entering it in
the pop-up screen.

4.5 Initial Setup Wizard – Guest LAN

Figure 76 Initial Setup Wizard Guest LAN

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

Select Enable Guest Network (for wired clients) to convert the OPT or P6 port (depending on your model)
to be a guest port and isolate it from the LAN/DMZ ports. Devices connected to the guest port are
allowed Internet access only and do not have access to networks connected to the other ports.

When the OPT or P6 port is not a guest port, then guest devices connected to that port can
communicate with all networks, including devices connected to the LAN/DMZ ports. If that is not your
intention, make sure Enable Guest Network (for wired clients) is selected and that guest devices are only
connected to the OPT or P6 port on the Zyxel Device.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

4.5.1 Connecting AP Scenarios

If you connect an AP to a LAN port, then users can use the AP’s SSID to wirelessly access all wired
resources connected to the LAN ports and Internet access.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

If you connect an AP to the Guest port, then users can use the AP’s SSID to wirelessly access all wired
resources connected to the Guest port (only) and Internet access. You must select both Enable Guest
Wi-Fi Network and Guest LAN (Wired Network).

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

4.6 Initial Setup Wizard – VPN

Figure 77 Initial Setup Wizard VPN

A VPN is a secure, private connection between two end points. An end point could be a VPN gateway
like the Zyxel Device itself or a computer with VPN software installed. Select a VPN wizard type and click
Launch to begin that wizard and end the Initial Setup Wizard with changes saved. Click Exit to leave the
wizard with changes unsaved.

• Select IPSec VPN Settings to create a secure, private connection between two Zyxel Devices. Two
networks (sites) behind the Zyxel Devices can then communicate securely with each other.
Make sure that the settings on both Zyxel Devices are correct and reciprocal. What is a local setting
for one should be the equivalent remote setting on the other. Make sure the pre-shared key,
negotiation mode, encryption, authentication settings, DH key group and so on are the same on both
Zyxel Devices.
Make sure that both Zyxel Devices are able to communicate with each other. Try pinging one
gateway from a computer behind the other.
Make sure that there is not a firewall blocking VPN traffic in front of one of the Zyxel Devices.
• Select IPSec VPN Settings for Configuration Provisioning to create a secure, private connection
between a Zyxel Device and a computer with Zyxel client VPN software installed. See the client VPN
software’s help to see how to configure it. The computer with client VPN software installed and the
Zyxel Device can then communicate securely with each other.
Make sure the client VPN software is installed and configured correctly on the computer. See the
client VPN software’s help if anything is unclear.
Make sure the VPN settings such as the pre-shared key (or certificate), negotiation mode, encryption,
authentication settings, DH key group on the computer and the Zyxel Device are correct. Make sure
that the client is able to communicate with the Zyxel Device. Try pinging the Zyxel Device from the

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

• Select VPN Settings for L2TP VPN Settings to create a secure, private connection between the Zyxel
Device and a computer with L2TP VPN software installed. Many computer operating systems come
with L2TP installed. See your computer’s help to see how to configure it. The L2TP computer and the
Zyxel Device will then communicate securely with each other.
Make sure that the computer with L2TP is able to communicate with the Zyxel Device. Try pinging the
Zyxel Device from the computer. Make sure that L2TP traffic is allowed through the WAN on the Zyxel

4.6.1 VPN Setup Wizard: Wizard Type

Choose Express to create a VPN rule with the default phase 1 and phase 2 settings to connect to
another ZLD-based Zyxel Device using a pre-shared key.

Choose Advanced to change the default settings and/or use certificates instead of a pre-shared key to
create a VPN rule to connect to another IPSec device.

Figure 78 VPN Setup Wizard: Wizard Type

4.6.2 VPN Express Wizard – Scenario

Click the Express radio button as shown in the previous figure to display the following screen.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

Figure 79 VPN Express Wizard: Scenario

IKE (Internet Key Exchange) Version: IKE is a protocol used in security associations to send data securely.
IKE uses certificates or pre-shared keys for authentication and a Diffie–Hellman key exchange to set up
a shared session secret from which encryption keys are derived.

IKEv2 supports Extended Authentication Protocol (EAP) authentication, and IKEv1 supports X-Auth. EAP is
important when connecting to existing enterprise authentication systems.

Rule Name: Type the name used to identify this VPN connection (and VPN gateway). You may use 1 –
31 alphanumeric characters, underscores (_), or dashes (–), but the first character cannot be a number.
This value is case-sensitive.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

Select the scenario that best describes your intended VPN connection. The figure on the left of the
screen changes to match the scenario you select.



• Site-to-site – choose this if the remote IPSec router has a static IP address or a domain name. This Zyxel
Device can initiate the VPN tunnel. The remote IPSec router can also initiate the VPN tunnel if this Zyxel
Device has a static IP address or a domain name.
• Site-to-site with Dynamic Peer – choose this if the remote IPSec router has a dynamic IP address. You
don’t specify the remote IPSec router’s address, but you specify the remote policy (the addresses of
the devices behind the remote IPSec router). This Zyxel Device must have a static IP address or a
domain name. Only the remote IPSec router can initiate the VPN tunnel.
• Remote Access (Server Role) – choose this to allow incoming connections from IPSec VPN clients. The
clients have dynamic IP addresses and are also known as dial-in users. You don’t specify the
addresses of the client IPSec routers or the remote policy. This creates a dynamic IPSec VPN rule that
can let multiple clients connect. Only the clients can initiate the VPN tunnel.
• Remote Access (Client Role) – choose this to connect to an IPSec server. This Zyxel Device is the client
(dial-in user). Client role Zyxel Devices initiate IPSec VPN connections to a server role Zyxel Device. This
Zyxel Device can have a dynamic IP address. The IPSec server does not configure this Zyxel Device’s
IP address or the addresses of the devices behind it. Only this Zyxel Device can initiate the VPN tunnel.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

4.6.3 VPN Express Wizard – Configuration

Figure 80 VPN Express Wizard: Configuration

• My Address (interface): Select an interface from the drop-down list box to use on your Zyxel Device.
• Secure Gateway: Any displays in this field if it is not configurable for the chosen scenario. Otherwise,
enter the WAN IP address or domain name of the remote IPSec device (secure gateway) to identify
the remote IPSec router by its IP address or a domain name. Use if the remote IPSec router has
a dynamic WAN IP address.
• Pre-Shared Key: Type the password. Both ends of the VPN tunnel must use the same password. Use up
to 128 case-sensitive ASCII characters or up to 128 pairs of hexadecimal (“0–9”, “A–F”) characters.
Proceed a hexadecimal key with “0x”. You will receive a PYLD_MALFORMED (payload malformed)
packet if the same pre-shared key is not used on both ends.
• Local Policy (IP/Mask): Type the IP address of a computer on your network that can use the tunnel.
You can also specify a subnet. This must match the remote IP address configured on the remote IPSec
• Remote Policy (IP/Mask): Any displays in this field if it is not configurable for the chosen scenario.
Otherwise, type the IP address of a computer behind the remote IPSec device. You can also specify
a subnet. This must match the local IP address configured on the remote IPSec device.

4.6.4 VPN Express Wizard – Summary

This screen provides a read-only summary of the VPN tunnel’s configuration and commands that you
can copy and paste into another ZLD-based Zyxel Device’s command line interface to configure it.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

Figure 81 VPN Express Wizard: Summary

• Rule Name: Identifies the VPN gateway policy.

• Secure Gateway: IP address or domain name of the remote IPSec device. If this field displays Any,
only the remote IPSec device can initiate the VPN connection.
• Pre-Shared Key: VPN tunnel password. It identifies a communicating party during a phase 1 IKE
• Local Policy: IP address and subnet mask of the computers on the network behind your Zyxel Device
that can use the tunnel.
• Remote Policy: IP address and subnet mask of the computers on the network behind the remote
IPSec device that can use the tunnel. If this field displays Any, only the remote IPSec device can
initiate the VPN connection.
• Copy and paste the Configuration for Secure Gateway commands into another ZLD-based Zyxel
Device’s command line interface to configure it to serve as the other end of this VPN tunnel. You can
also use a text editor to save these commands as a shell script file with a “.zysh” filename extension.
Use the file manager to run the script in order to configure the VPN connection. See the commands
reference guide for details on the commands displayed in this list.

4.6.5 VPN Express Wizard – Finish

Now the rule is configured on the Zyxel Device. The Phase 1 rule settings appear in the VPN > IPSec VPN
> VPN Gateway screen and the Phase 2 rule settings appear in the VPN > IPSec VPN > VPN Connection

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

Figure 82 VPN Express Wizard: Finish

Click Close to exit the wizard.

4.6.6 VPN Advanced Wizard – Scenario

Click the Advanced radio button as shown in Figure 78 on page 108 to display the following screen.

Figure 83 VPN Advanced Wizard: Scenario

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

IKE (Internet Key Exchange) Version: IKE is a protocol used in security associations to send data securely.
IKE uses certificates or pre-shared keys for authentication and a Diffie–Hellman key exchange to set up
a shared session secret from which encryption keys are derived.

IKEv2 supports Extended Authentication Protocol (EAP) authentication, and IKEv1 supports X-Auth. EAP is
important when connecting to existing enterprise authentication systems.

Rule Name: Type the name used to identify this VPN connection (and VPN gateway). You may use 1-31
alphanumeric characters, underscores (_), or dashes (–), but the first character cannot be a number.
This value is case-sensitive.

Select the scenario that best describes your intended VPN connection. The figure on the left of the
screen changes to match the scenario you select.

• Site-to-site – The remote IPSec device has a static IP address or a domain name. This Zyxel Device can
initiate the VPN tunnel.
• Site-to-site with Dynamic Peer – The remote IPSec device has a dynamic IP address. Only the remote
IPSec device can initiate the VPN tunnel.
• Remote Access (Server Role) – Allow incoming connections from IPSec VPN clients. The clients have
dynamic IP addresses and are also known as dial-in users. Only the clients can initiate the VPN tunnel.
• Remote Access (Client Role) – Connect to an IPSec server. This Zyxel Device is the client (dial-in user)
and can initiate the VPN tunnel.

4.6.7 VPN Advanced Wizard – Phase 1 Settings

There are two phases to every IKE (Internet Key Exchange) negotiation – phase 1 (Authentication) and
phase 2 (Key Exchange). A phase 1 exchange establishes an IKE SA (Security Association).

Figure 84 VPN Advanced Wizard: Phase 1 Settings

• Secure Gateway: Any displays in this field if it is not configurable for the chosen scenario. Otherwise,
enter the WAN IP address or domain name of the remote IPSec device (secure gateway) to identify
the remote IPSec device by its IP address or a domain name. Use if the remote IPSec device
has a dynamic WAN IP address.
• My Address (interface): Select an interface from the drop-down list box to use on your Zyxel Device.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

• Negotiation Mode: This displays Main or Aggressive:

• Main encrypts the ZyWALL/USG’s and remote IPSec router’s identities but takes more time to
establish the IKE SA
• Aggressive is faster but does not encrypt the identities.

The ZyWALL/USG and the remote IPSec router must use the same negotiation mode. Multiple SAs
connecting through a secure gateway must have the same negotiation mode.

• Encryption Algorithm: 3DES and AES use encryption. The longer the key, the higher the security (this
may affect throughput). Both sender and receiver must use the same secret key, which can be used
to encrypt and decrypt the message or to generate and verify a message authentication code. The
DES encryption algorithm uses a 56-bit key. Triple DES (3DES) is a variation on DES that uses a 168-bit
key. As a result, 3DES is more secure than DES. It also requires more processing power, resulting in
increased latency and decreased throughput. AES128 uses a 128-bit key and is faster than 3DES.
AES192 uses a 192-bit key, and AES256 uses a 256-bit key.
• Authentication Algorithm: MD5 gives minimal security and SHA512 gives the highest security. MD5
(Message Digest 5) and SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm) are hash algorithms used to authenticate
packet data. The stronger the algorithm the slower it is.
• Key Group: DH5 is more secure than DH1 or DH2 (although it may affect throughput). DH1 (default)
refers to Diffie-Hellman Group 1 a 768 bit random number. DH2 refers to Diffie-Hellman Group 2 a 1024
bit (1Kb) random number. DH5 refers to Diffie-Hellman Group 5 a 1536 bit random number.
• SA Life Time: Set how often the Zyxel Device renegotiates the IKE SA. A short SA life time increases
security, but renegotiation temporarily disconnects the VPN tunnel.
• NAT Traversal: Select this if the VPN tunnel must pass through NAT (there is a NAT router between the
IPSec devices).

Note: The remote IPSec device must also have NAT traversal enabled. See the help in the
main IPSec VPN screens for more information.

• Dead Peer Detection (DPD) has the Zyxel Device make sure the remote IPSec device is there before
transmitting data through the IKE SA. If there has been no traffic for at least 15 seconds, the Zyxel
Device sends a message to the remote IPSec device. If it responds, the Zyxel Device transmits the
data. If it does not respond, the Zyxel Device shuts down the IKE SA.
• Authentication Method: Select Pre-Shared Key to use a password or Certificate to use one of the Zyxel
Device’s certificates.

4.6.8 VPN Advanced Wizard – Phase 2

Phase 2 in an IKE uses the SA that was established in phase 1 to negotiate SAs for IPSec.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

Figure 85 VPN Advanced Wizard: Phase 2 Settings

• Active Protocol: ESP is compatible with NAT, AH is not.

• Encapsulation: Tunnel is compatible with NAT, Transport is not.
• Encryption Algorithm: 3DES and AES use encryption. The longer the AES key, the higher the security
(this may affect throughput). Null uses no encryption.
• Authentication Algorithm: MD5 gives minimal security and SHA512 gives the highest security. MD5
(Message Digest 5) and SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm) are hash algorithms used to authenticate
packet data. The stronger the algorithm the slower it is.
• SA Life Time: Set how often the Zyxel Device renegotiates the IKE SA. A short SA life time increases
security, but renegotiation temporarily disconnects the VPN tunnel.
• Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS): Disabling PFS allows faster IPSec setup, but is less secure. Select DH1,
DH2 or DH5 to enable PFS. DH5 is more secure than DH1 or DH2 (although it may affect throughput).
DH1 refers to Diffie-Hellman Group 1 a 768 bit random number. DH2 refers to Diffie-Hellman Group 2 a
1024 bit (1Kb) random number. DH5 refers to Diffie-Hellman Group 5 a 1536 bit random number (more
secure, yet slower).
• Local Policy (IP/Mask): Type the IP address of a computer on your network. You can also specify a
subnet. This must match the remote IP address configured on the remote IPSec device.
• Remote Policy (IP/Mask): Type the IP address of a computer behind the remote IPSec device. You
can also specify a subnet. This must match the local IP address configured on the remote IPSec
• Nailed-Up: This displays for the site-to-site and remote access client role scenarios. Select this to have
the Zyxel Device automatically renegotiate the IPSec SA when the SA life time expires.

4.6.9 VPN Advanced Wizard – Summary

This is a read-only summary of the VPN tunnel settings.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

Figure 86 VPN Advanced Wizard: Summary

• Rule Name: Identifies the VPN connection (and the VPN gateway).
• Secure Gateway: IP address or domain name of the remote IPSec device.
• Pre-Shared Key: VPN tunnel password.
• Local Policy: IP address and subnet mask of the computers on the network behind your Zyxel Device
that can use the tunnel.
• Remote Policy: IP address and subnet mask of the computers on the network behind the remote
IPSec device that can use the tunnel.
• Copy and paste the Configuration for Remote Gateway commands into another ZLD-based Zyxel
Device’s command line interface.
• Click Save to save the VPN rule.

4.6.10 VPN Advanced Wizard – Finish

Now the rule is configured on the Zyxel Device. The Phase 1 rule settings appear in the VPN > IPSec VPN
> VPN Gateway screen and the Phase 2 rule settings appear in the VPN > IPSec VPN > VPN Connection

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

Figure 87 VPN Wizard: Finish

Click Close to exit the wizard.

4.7 VPN Settings for Configuration Provisioning Wizard:

Wizard Type
Use VPN Settings for Configuration Provisioning to set up a VPN rule that can be retrieved with the Zyxel
Device IPSec VPN Client.

VPN rules for the Zyxel Device IPSec VPN Client have certain restrictions. They must not contain the
following settings:

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

• AH active protocol
• NULL encryption
• SHA512 authentication
• A subnet or range remote policy

Choose Express to create a VPN rule with the default phase 1 and phase 2 settings and to use a pre-
shared key.

Choose Advanced to change the default settings and/or use certificates instead of a pre-shared key in
the VPN rule.

Figure 88 VPN Settings for Configuration Provisioning Express Wizard: Wizard Type

4.7.1 Configuration Provisioning Express Wizard – VPN Settings

Click the Express radio button as shown in the previous screen to display the following screen.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

Figure 89 VPN for Configuration Provisioning Express Wizard: Settings Scenario

IKE (Internet Key Exchange) Version: IKE is a protocol used in security associations to send data securely.
IKE uses certificates or pre-shared keys for authentication and a Diffie–Hellman key exchange to set up
a shared session secret from which encryption keys are derived.

IKEv2 supports Extended Authentication Protocol (EAP) authentication, and IKEv1 supports X-Auth. EAP is
important when connecting to existing enterprise authentication systems.

Rule Name: Type the name used to identify this VPN connection (and VPN gateway). You may use 1-31
alphanumeric characters, underscores (_), or dashes (–), but the first character cannot be a number.
This value is case-sensitive.

Application Scenario: Only the Remote Access (Server Role) is allowed in this wizard. It allows incoming
connections from the Zyxel Device IPSec VPN Client.

4.7.2 Configuration Provisioning VPN Express Wizard – Configuration

Click Next to continue the wizard.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

Figure 90 VPN for Configuration Provisioning Express Wizard: Configuration

• My Address (interface): Select an interface from the drop-down list box to use on your Zyxel Device.
• Secure Gateway: Any displays in this field because it is not configurable in this wizard. It allows
incoming connections from the Zyxel Device IPSec VPN Client.
• Pre-Shared Key: Type the password. Both ends of the VPN tunnel must use the same password. Use up
to 128 case-sensitive ASCII characters or up to 128 pairs of hexadecimal (“0-9”, “A-F”) characters.
Proceed a hexadecimal key with “0x”. You will receive a PYLD_MALFORMED (payload malformed)
packet if the same pre-shared key is not used on both ends.
• Local Policy (IP/Mask): Type the IP address of a computer on your network. You can also specify a
subnet. This must match the remote IP address configured on the remote IPSec device.
• Remote Policy (IP/Mask): Any displays in this field because it is not configurable in this wizard.

4.7.3 VPN Settings for Configuration Provisioning Express Wizard – Summary

This screen has a read-only summary of the VPN tunnel’s configuration and commands you can copy
and paste into another ZLD-based Zyxel Device’s command line interface to configure it.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

Figure 91 VPN for Configuration Provisioning Express Wizard: Summary

• Rule Name: Identifies the VPN gateway policy.

• Secure Gateway: Any displays in this field because it is not configurable in this wizard. It allows
incoming connections from the Zyxel Device IPSec VPN Client.
• Pre-Shared Key: VPN tunnel password. It identifies a communicating party during a phase 1 IKE
• Local Policy: (Static) IP address and subnet mask of the computers on the network behind your Zyxel
Device that can be accessed using the tunnel.
• Remote Policy: Any displays in this field because it is not configurable in this wizard.
• The Configuration for Secure Gateway displays the configuration that the Zyxel Device IPSec VPN
Client will get from the Zyxel Device.
• Click Save to save the VPN rule.

4.7.4 VPN Settings for Configuration Provisioning Express Wizard – Finish

Now the rule is configured on the Zyxel Device. The Phase 1 rule settings appear in the VPN > IPSec VPN
> VPN Gateway screen and the Phase 2 rule settings appear in the VPN > IPSec VPN > VPN Connection
screen. Enter the IP address of the Zyxel Device in the Zyxel Device IPSec VPN Client to get all these VPN
settings automatically from the Zyxel Device.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

Figure 92 VPN for Configuration Provisioning Express Wizard: Finish

Click Close to exit the wizard.

4.7.5 VPN Settings for Configuration Provisioning Advanced Wizard –

Click the Advanced radio button as shown in the screen shown in Figure 88 on page 119 to display the
following screen.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

Figure 93 VPN for Configuration Provisioning Advanced Wizard: Scenario Settings

IKE (Internet Key Exchange) Version: IKE is a protocol used in security associations to send data securely.
IKE uses certificates or pre-shared keys for authentication and a Diffie–Hellman key exchange to set up
a shared session secret from which encryption keys are derived.

IKEv2 supports Extended Authentication Protocol (EAP) authentication, and IKEv1 supports X-Auth. EAP is
important when connecting to existing enterprise authentication systems.

Rule Name: Type the name used to identify this VPN connection (and VPN gateway). You may use 1-31
alphanumeric characters, underscores (_), or dashes (–), but the first character cannot be a number.
This value is case-sensitive.

Application Scenario: Only the Remote Access (Server Role) is allowed in this wizard. It allows incoming
connections from the Zyxel Device IPSec VPN Client.

Click Next to continue the wizard.

4.7.6 VPN Settings for Configuration Provisioning Advanced Wizard – Phase

1 Settings
There are two phases to every IKE (Internet Key Exchange) negotiation – phase 1 (Authentication) and
phase 2 (Key Exchange). A phase 1 exchange establishes an IKE SA (Security Association).

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

Figure 94 VPN for Configuration Provisioning Advanced Wizard: Phase 1 Settings

• Secure Gateway: Any displays in this field because it is not configurable in this wizard. It allows
incoming connections from the Zyxel Device IPSec VPN Client.
• My Address (interface): Select an interface from the drop-down list box to use on your Zyxel Device.
• Negotiation Mode: This displays Main or Aggressive:
• Main encrypts the ZyWALL/USG’s and remote IPSec router’s identities but takes more time to
establish the IKE SA
• Aggressive is faster but does not encrypt the identities.

The ZyWALL/USG and the remote IPSec router must use the same negotiation mode. Multiple SAs
connecting through a secure gateway must have the same negotiation mode.

• Encryption Algorithm: 3DES and AES use encryption. The longer the key, the higher the security (this
may affect throughput). Both sender and receiver must know the same secret key, which can be
used to encrypt and decrypt the message or to generate and verify a message authentication code.
The DES encryption algorithm uses a 56-bit key. Triple DES (3DES) is a variation on DES that uses a 168-
bit key. As a result, 3DES is more secure than DES. It also requires more processing power, resulting in
increased latency and decreased throughput. AES128 uses a 128-bit key and is faster than 3DES.
AES192 uses a 192-bit key and AES256 uses a 256-bit key.
• Authentication Algorithm: MD5 (Message Digest 5) and SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm) are hash
algorithms used to authenticate packet data. MD5 gives minimal security. SHA1 gives higher security
and SHA256 gives the highest security. The stronger the algorithm, the slower it is.
• Key Group: DH5 is more secure than DH1 or DH2 (although it may affect throughput). DH1 (default)
refers to Diffie-Hellman Group 1 a 768 bit random number. DH2 refers to Diffie-Hellman Group 2 a 1024
bit (1Kb) random number. DH5 refers to Diffie-Hellman Group 5 a 1536 bit random number.
• SA Life Time: Set how often the Zyxel Device renegotiates the IKE SA. A short SA life time increases
security, but renegotiation temporarily disconnects the VPN tunnel.
• Authentication Method: Select Pre-Shared Key to use a password or Certificate to use one of the Zyxel
Device’s certificates.

4.7.7 VPN Settings for Configuration Provisioning Advanced Wizard – Phase

Phase 2 in an IKE uses the SA that was established in phase 1 to negotiate SAs for IPSec.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

Figure 95 VPN for Configuration Provisioning Advanced Wizard: Phase 2 Settings

• Active Protocol: ESP is compatible with NAT. AH is not available in this wizard.
• Encapsulation: Tunnel is compatible with NAT, Transport is not.
• Encryption Algorithm: 3DES and AES use encryption. The longer the AES key, the higher the security
(this may affect throughput). Null uses no encryption.
• Authentication Algorithm: MD5 (Message Digest 5) and SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm) are hash
algorithms used to authenticate packet data. MD5 gives minimal security. SHA1 gives higher security
and SHA256 gives the highest security. The stronger the algorithm, the slower it is.
• SA Life Time: Set how often the Zyxel Device renegotiates the IKE SA. A short SA life time increases
security, but renegotiation temporarily disconnects the VPN tunnel.
• Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS): Disabling PFS allows faster IPSec setup, but is less secure. Select DH1,
DH2 or DH5 to enable PFS. DH5 is more secure than DH1 or DH2 (although it may affect throughput).
DH1 refers to Diffie-Hellman Group 1 a 768 bit random number. DH2 refers to Diffie-Hellman Group 2 a
1024 bit (1Kb) random number. DH5 refers to Diffie-Hellman Group 5 a 1536 bit random number (more
secure, yet slower).
• Local Policy (IP/Mask): Type the IP address of a computer on your network. You can also specify a
subnet. This must match the remote IP address configured on the remote IPSec device.
• Remote Policy (IP/Mask): Any displays in this field because it is not configurable in this wizard.
• Nailed-Up: This displays for the site-to-site and remote access client role scenarios. Select this to have
the Zyxel Device automatically renegotiate the IPSec SA when the SA life time expires.

4.7.8 VPN Settings for Configuration Provisioning Advanced Wizard –

This is a read-only summary of the VPN tunnel settings.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

Figure 96 VPN for Configuration Provisioning Advanced Wizard: Summary


• Rule Name: Identifies the VPN connection (and the VPN gateway).
• Secure Gateway: Any displays in this field because it is not configurable in this wizard. It allows
incoming connections from the Zyxel Device IPSec VPN Client.
• Pre-Shared Key: VPN tunnel password.
• Local Policy: IP address and subnet mask of the computers on the network behind your Zyxel Device
that can use the tunnel.
• Remote Policy: Any displays in this field because it is not configurable in this wizard.

Phase 1

• Negotiation Mode: This displays Main or Aggressive:

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

• Main encrypts the ZyWALL/USG’s and remote IPSec router’s identities but takes more time to
establish the IKE SA
• Aggressive is faster but does not encrypt the identities.

The ZyWALL/USG and the remote IPSec router must use the same negotiation mode. Multiple SAs
connecting through a secure gateway must have the same negotiation mode.

• Encryption Algorithm: This displays the encryption method used. The longer the key, the higher the
security, the lower the throughput (possibly).
• DES uses a 56-bit key.
• 3DES uses a 168-bit key.
• AES128 uses a 128-bit key.
• AES192 uses a 192-bit key.
• AES256 uses a 256-bit key.
• Authentication Algorithm: This displays the authentication algorithm used. The stronger the algorithm,
the slower it is.
• MD5 gives minimal security.
• SHA1 gives higher security.
• SHA256 gives the highest security.
• Key Group: This displays the Diffie-Hellman (DH) key group used. DH5 is more secure than DH1 or DH2
(although it may affect throughput).
• DH1 uses a 768 bit random number.
• DH2 uses a 1024 bit (1Kb) random number.
• DH5 uses a 1536 bit random number.

Phase 2

• Active Protocol: This displays ESP (compatible with NAT) or AH.

• Encapsulation: This displays Tunnel (compatible with NAT) or Transport.
• Encryption Algorithm: This displays the encryption method used. The longer the key, the higher the
security, the lower the throughput (possibly).
• DES uses a 56-bit key.
• 3DES uses a 168-bit key.
• AES128 uses a 128-bit key.
• AES192 uses a 192-bit key.
• AES256 uses a 256-bit key.
• Null uses no encryption.
• Authentication Algorithm: This displays the authentication algorithm used. The stronger the algorithm,
the slower it is.
• MD5 gives minimal security.
• SHA1 gives higher security.
• SHA256 gives the highest security.

The Configuration for Secure Gateway displays the configuration that the Zyxel Device IPSec VPN Client
will get from the Zyxel Device.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

Click Save to save the VPN rule.

4.7.9 VPN Settings for Configuration Provisioning Advanced Wizard – Finish

Now the rule is configured on the Zyxel Device. The Phase 1 rule settings appear in the VPN > IPSec VPN
> VPN Gateway screen and the Phase 2 rule settings appear in the VPN > IPSec VPN > VPN Connection
screen. Enter the IP address of the Zyxel Device in the Zyxel Device IPSec VPN Client to get all these VPN
settings automatically from the Zyxel Device.

Figure 97 VPN for Configuration Provisioning Advanced Wizard: Finish

Click Close to exit the wizard.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

4.8 VPN Settings for L2TP VPN Settings Wizard

Use VPN Settings for L2TP VPN Settings to set up an L2TP VPN rule. Click Configuration > Quick Setup >
VPN Settings and select VPN Settings for L2TP VPN Settings to see the following screen.

Figure 98 VPN Settings for L2TP VPN Settings Wizard: L2TP VPN Settings

Click Next to continue the wizard.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

4.8.1 L2TP VPN Settings

Figure 99 VPN Settings for L2TP VPN Settings Wizard: L2TP VPN Settings

• Rule Name: Type the name used to identify this L2TP VPN connection (and L2TP VPN gateway). You
may use 1 – 31 alphanumeric characters, underscores (_), or dashes (–), but the first character cannot
be a number. This value is case-sensitive.
• My Address (interface): Select one of the interfaces from the pull down menu to apply the L2TP VPN
• Pre-Shared Key: Type the password. Both ends of the VPN tunnel must use the same password. Use up
to 128 case-sensitive ASCII characters or up to 128 pairs of hexadecimal (“0–9”, “A–F”) characters.
Proceed a hexadecimal key with “0x”. You will receive a PYLD_MALFORMED (payload malformed)
packet if the same pre-shared key is not used on both ends.

Click Next to continue the wizard.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

4.8.2 L2TP VPN Settings 2

Figure 100 VPN Settings for L2TP VPN Settings Wizard: L2TP VPN Settings

• IP Address Pool: Select Range or Subnet from the pull down menu. This IP address pool is used to
assign to the L2TP VPN clients.
• Starting IP Address: Enter the starting IP address in the field.
• End IP Address: Enter the ending IP address in the field.
• First DNS Server (Optional): Enter the first DNS server IP address in the field. Leave the filed as if
you do not want to configure DNS servers. If you do not configure a DNS server you must know the IP
address of a machine in order to access it.
• Second DNS Server (Optional): Enter the second DNS server IP address in the field. Leave the filed as if you do not want to configure DNS servers. If you do not configure a DNS server you must
know the IP address of a machine in order to access it.
• Allow L2TP traffic Through WAN: Select this check box to allow traffic from L2TP clients to go to the

Click Next to continue the wizard.

Note: DNS (Domain Name System) is for mapping a domain name to its corresponding IP
address and vice versa. The DNS server is extremely important because without it, you
must know the IP address of a computer before you can access it. The Zyxel Device
uses a system DNS server (in the order you specify here) to resolve domain names for
VPN, DDNS and the time server.

4.8.3 VPN Settings for L2TP VPN Setting Wizard – Summary

This is a read-only summary of the L2TP VPN settings.

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Chapter 4 Easy Mode

Figure 101 VPN Settings for L2TP VPN Settings Advanced Settings Wizard: Summary


• Rule Name: Identifies the L2TP VPN connection (and the L2TP VPN gateway).
• Secure Gateway “Any” displays in this field because it is not configurable in this wizard. It allows
incoming connections from the L2TP VPN Client.
• Pre-Shared Key: L2TP VPN tunnel password.
• My Address (Interface): This displays the interface to use on your Zyxel Device for the L2TP tunnel.
• IP Address Pool: This displays the IP address pool used to assign to the L2TP VPN clients.

Click Save to complete the L2TP VPN Setting and the following screen will show.

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Chapter 4 Easy Mode

4.8.4 VPN Settings for L2TP VPN Setting Wizard Completed

Figure 102 VPN Settings for L2TP VPN Settings Wizard: Finish

Now the rule is configured on the Zyxel Device. The L2TP VPN rule settings appear in the VPN > L2TP VPN
screen and also in the VPN > IPSec VPN > VPN Connection and VPN Gateway screen. S

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

4.9 Port Forwarding

Figure 103 Port Forwarding > Wizard 1

NAT port forwarding allows the Zyxel Device to direct incoming traffic from the Internet to the correct
virtual server in your network. Even though the NAS is in your local network receiving the protection of
the Zyxel Device, you can still access that NAS using these services from anywhere outside your network.

For example, if you have a NAS server in your network that you or other people need access to from
outside your network, select the IP address of the NAS from Client. Then, select the service(s) that your
NAS provides (for example FTP, HTTP, HTTPS) from the Available box and use the right arrow to move
each service to the Member box.

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Chapter 4 Easy Mode

4.9.1 Port Forwarding > Add Client

Click the Edit icon next to Client List if you cannot see the client in the list. In the pop-up screen, you can
add a new client by entering its Name, IP Address and MAC Address.

A client or device in your network acting as a server for forwarded services (for example, the NAS) needs
to have a static address. If the client selected does not have a static IP address, the IP address may
change when the client reboots, so the Zyxel Device may not be able to find it. If this happens, check
for the new IP address of the client. Then add the new IP address by clicking the Edit icon next to Client
List and entering it in the pop-up screen.

4.9.2 Port Forwarding > Add Service

Click the Edit icon next to Service List if you cannot see the service in the list. In the pop-up screen, click
Add, then enter the service name and port range that defines the service. For example, if you have a
FileZilla Server in your network, then enter FileZilla Server as the Service Name, 14147 as the Starting Port
and 14147 as the Ending Port.

4.9.3 Port Forwarding > UPnP

The Zyxel Device supports both UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) and NAT-PMP (NAT Port Mapping
Protocol) to permit networking devices to discover each other and connect seamlessly. An enabled-
UPnP or NAT-PMP device can dynamically join a network, obtain an IP address, convey its capabilities
and learn about other devices on the network. If you have a service that requires UPnP or NAT-PMP,
such as a game server, then select Enable UPnP in this screen and click Refresh. All UPnP-enabled or
NAT-PMP-enabled devices may communicate freely with each other without additional configuration.
Do not select Enable UPnP if this is not your intention.

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Chapter 4 Easy Mode

Click Finish to complete the Port Forwarding Wizard.

4.10 Wi-Fi and Guest Network Wizard

Figure 104 Wi-Fi and Guest Network Setup

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

Select Enable Wi-Fi Network if you want wireless devices to be able to wirelessly access the Zyxel Device
and all resources connected to the Zyxel Device. Configure a descriptive name of from 1 to 32 alpha-
numeric characters, hyphens or underscores (a–z A–Z 0–9 –_) for the wireless network name (Wi-Fi). Set a
Password of between 8 and 63 printable ASCII characters (including spaces and symbols) or 64
hexadecimal characters (0–9 a–f) that wireless users will have to enter for access to the Zyxel Device
wireless network.

Select Enable Guest Wi-Fi Network if you want wireless devices to only be able to wirelessly access the
Internet via the Zyxel Device for up to the period specified in Duration. Configure a descriptive name of
from 1 to 32 alpha-numeric characters, hyphens or underscores (a–z A–Z 0–9 –_) for the wireless network
name (Wi-Fi). Set a Password of between 8 and 63 printable ASCII characters (including spaces and
symbols) or 64 hexadecimal characters (0–9 a–f) that wireless users will have to enter for access to the
Zyxel Device Guest wireless network.

The Guest Wi-Fi Network allows Internet access for up to the period specified in Duration. Wireless users
will have to log in again if the time has elapsed.

The Zyxel Device uses WPA2-PSK with AES encryption so wireless clients must be able to support AES
encryption to wirelessly connect to the Zyxel Device using WPA2-PSK.

4.10.1 Guest LAN (Wired Network)

Figure 105 Wi-Fi and Guest Network Setup

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

Select Enable Guest Network (for wired clients) to convert the OPT or P6 port (depending on your model)
to be a guest port and isolate it from the LAN/DMZ ports. Devices connected to the guest port are
allowed Internet access only and do not have access to networks connected to the other ports.

When the OPT or P6 port is not a guest port, then guest devices connected to that port can communi-
cate with all networks, including devices connected to the LAN/DMZ ports. To avoid this, make sure
Enable Guest Network (for wired clients) is selected and that guest devices are only connected to the
OPT or P6 port on the Zyxel Device.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

4.10.2 Connecting AP Scenarios

If you connect an AP to a LAN port, then users can use the AP’s SSID to wirelessly access all wired
resources connected to the LAN ports and Internet access.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

If you connect an AP to the Guest port, then users can use the AP’s SSID to wirelessly access all wired
resources connected to the Guest port (only) and Internet access. You must select both Enable Guest
Wi-Fi Network and Guest LAN (Wired Network).

4.11 Security Service Wizard

Figure 106 Register First

You must first register the Zyxel Device at portal.myzyxel.com and activate licenses for required services.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

Figure 107 Security Service Wizard 1 – Service License Status

This screen shows if you have registered your Zyxel Device at portal.myzyxel.com. After you register your
Zyxel Device, you can register for the services supported by your model. For example, some models only
support content filtering.

• Content Filtering (to block websites by category, such as Gambling)

• IDP (to recognize and drop traffic with Intrusion, Detection & Protection attack patterns)
• Anti-Virus (to detect virus patterns in files)

Click Refresh and wait a few moments for the registration information to update in this screen. If the
page does not refresh, make sure the Internet connection is working and click Refresh again. To check
your Internet connection, try to access the Internet from a computer connected to a LAN port on the
Zyxel Device. If you cannot, then check your Internet access settings on the Zyxel Device.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

4.11.1 Security Service Wizard 2 – Content Filter Categories

Figure 108 Security Service Wizard 2 – Content Filter Categories

Configure licensed (non-grayed-out) services in this screen. After you buy a license for a service, you
must activate it at myZyxel. Make sure the Zyxel Device Internet connection is working correctly.

Select Enable Content Filter with following contents blocked to block websites by category, such as
Chat websites. Note that if you select Chat, the Content Filter blocks chat websites and not chat apps.
Therefore, the Skype app can still be used although the Skype website would be blocked. Select the
categories you want to block.

• Adult Related
• Nudity: Sites that contain full or partial nudity that are not necessarily overtly sexual in intent.
Includes sites that advertise or sell lingerie, intimate apparel, or swim wear. For example,
www.easyshop.com.tw, www.faster-swim.com.tw, image.baidu.com.
• Pornography/Sexually Explicit: Sites that contain explicit sexual content. Includes adult products
such as sex toys, CD-ROMs, and videos, adult services such as videoconferencing, escort services,
and strip clubs, erotic stories and textual descriptions of sexual acts. For example,
www.dvd888.com, www.18center.com, blog.sina.com.tw.
• Tasteless: Sites with offensive or tasteless content such as bathroom humor or profanity. For
example, comedycentral.com, dilbert.com.
• Leisure
• Games: Sites relating to computer or other games, information about game producers, or how to
obtain cheat codes. Game-related publication sites. For example, www.gamer.com.tw,
www.wowtaiwan.com.tw, tw.lineage.gamania.com.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

• Streaming Media & Downloads: Sites that deliver streaming content, such as Internet radio, Internet
TV or MP3 and live or archived media download sites. Includes fan sites, or official sites run by
musicians, bands, or record labels. For example, www.youtube.com, pfp.sina.com.cn,
• Peer to Peer: Sites that enable direct exchange of files between users without dependence on a
central server. For example, www.eyny.com.
• Technology
• Hacking: Sites that promote or give advice about how to gain unauthorized access to proprietary
computer systems, for the purpose of stealing information, perpetrating fraud, creating viruses, or
committing other illegal activity related to theft of digital information. For example,
www.hackbase.com, www.chinahacker.com.
• Liability Concerns
• Child Abuse Images: Sites that portray or discuss children in sexual or other abusive acts. For
example, a.uuzhijia.info.
• Criminal Activity: Sites that offer advice on how to commit illegal or criminal activities, or to avoid
detection. These can include how to commit murder, build bombs, pick locks, and so on. Also
includes sites with information about illegal manipulation of electronic devices, hacking, fraud and
illegal distribution of software. For example, www.hackbase.com, jia.hackbase.com,
• Gambling: Sites that offer or are related to online gambling, lottery, casinos and betting agencies
involving chance. For example, www.taiwanlottery.com.tw, www.i-win.com.tw, www.hkjc.com.
• Hate & Intolerance: Sites that promote a supremacist political agenda, encouraging oppression of
people or groups of people based on their race, religion, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation
or nationality. For example, www.racist-jokes.com, aryan-nations.org, whitepower.com.
• Illegal Drugs: Sites with information on the purchase, manufacture, and use of illegal or recreational
drugs and their paraphernalia, and misuse of prescription drugs and other compounds For
example, www.cannabis.net, www.amphetamines.com.
• Illegal Software: Sites that illegally distribute software or copyrighted materials such as movies or
music, software cracks, illicit serial numbers, illegal license key generators. For example,
www.zhaokey.com.cn, www.tiansha.net.
• Weapons: Sites that depict, sell, review or describe guns and weapons, including for sport. For
example, www.ak-47.net, warfare.ru.
• Violence: Sites that contain images or text depicting or advocating physical assault against
humans, animals, or institutions. Sites of a particularly gruesome nature such as shocking depictions
of blood or wounds, or cruel animal treatment. For example, crimescene.com, deathnet.com,
• Social Interaction
• Chat: Sites that enable web-based exchange of real time messages through chat services or chat
rooms. For example, me.sohu.com, blufiles.storage.live.com.
• Dating & Personals: Sites that promote networking for interpersonal relationships such as dating and
marriage. Includes sites for match-making, online dating, spousal introduction. For example, www.i-
part.com.tw, www.imatchi.com.
• Instant Messaging: Sites that enable logging in to instant messaging services such as ICQ, AOL
Instant Messenger, IRC, MSN, Jabber, Yahoo Messenger, and the like. For example,
www.meebo.com, www.aim.com, www. ebuddy.com.
• Social Networking: Sites that enable social networking for online communities of various topics, for
friendship, dating, or professional reasons. For example, www.facebook.com, www.flickr.com,
• Commerce

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

• Job Search: Sites containing job listings, career information, assistance with job searches (such as
resume writing, interviewing tips, etc.), employment agencies or head hunters. For example,
www.104.com.tw, www.1111.com.tw, www.yes123.com.tw.
• Advertisements & Pop-Ups: Sites that provide advertising graphics or other ad content files such as
banners and pop-ups. For example, pagead2.googlesyndication.com, ad.yieldmanager.com.
• Information Related
• Sex Education: Sites relating to sex education, including subjects such as respect for partner,
abortion, gay and lesbian lifestyle, contraceptives, sexually transmitted diseases, and pregnancy.
For example, apps.rockyou.com, www.howmama.com.tw, www.mombaby.com.tw.

Select Enable IDP to drop traffic with recognized Intrusion, Detection & Protection attack patterns.

Select Enable Anti-Virus to detect virus patterns in files.

4.11.2 Security Service Wizard 3 – Websites

Figure 109 Security Wizard 3 – Trusted and Forbidden Websites

Here, you can create a list of good (trusted) web site addresses and a list of bad (forbidden) web site
addresses. Click Add to create a new trusted or forbidden web site. Enter host names such as
www.good-site.com or www.bad-site.com into this text field. Do not enter the complete URL of the site –
that is, do not include “http://”. All sub-domains are allowed. For example, entering “*zyxel.com” also
allows or forbids “www.zyxel.com”, “partner.zyxel.com”, “press.zyxel.com”, and so on. You can also
enter just a top level domain. For example, enter “*.com” to allow or forbid all .com domains.

Use up to 127 characters (0–9a–z–). The casing does not matter. “*” can be used as a wild-card to
match any string. The entry must contain at least one period “.” or it will be invalid.

Click the trash can to remove a trusted or forbidden web site.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

4.11.3 Security Service Wizard 4 – Exemptions

Figure 110 Security Wizard 4 – Exemptions

Select devices which are exempted from content file category and trusted/forbidden web site policies.
Click Add Client Address under Client List if you cannot see the client to exempt in the list. In the pop-up
screen, you can add a new client by entering its Name, IP Address and MAC Address.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

4.11.4 Security Service Wizard 5 – IDP/AV

Figure 111 Security Wizard 5 – IDP/AV

IDP (Intrusion, Detection and Prevention) consists of a set of signatures which examine packet content
for known malicious data. You need to subscribe for IDP service in order to be able to download new
signatures. It's important to keep the signatures up to date as new types of malicious data are
constantly evolving.

Use the Zyxel Device’s Anti-Virus (AV) feature to protect your connected network from virus/spyware
infection. A computer virus is a small program designed to corrupt and/or alter the operation of other
legitimate programs. A worm is a self-replicating virus that resides in active memory and duplicates itself.
Zyxel Device’s Anti-Virus consists of a set of signatures which examine packet content for known viruses
and worms. You need to subscribe for AV service in order to be able to download new signatures. It's
important to keep the signatures up to date as new viruses and worms are constantly evolving.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

4.12 MyZyxel Portal

Figure 112 MyZyxel Portal

myZyxel is Zyxel’s online services center where you can register your Zyxel Device and manage
subscription services available for the Zyxel Device. To update signature files or use a subscription
service, you have to register the Zyxel Device and activate the corresponding service at myZyxel
(through the Zyxel Device).

Use the MyZyxel Portal link to create an account at myZyxel.

Then, register your device. You may need your Zyxel Device’s serial number and LAN MAC address to
register it at myZyxel. Refer to the myZyxel web site’s on-line help for details.

To have the Zyxel Device use subscription services, please purchase an iCard and enter the license key
from it at MyZyxel Portal (through the Zyxel Device).

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 4 Easy Mode

4.13 One Security Portal

Figure 113 One Security Portal

OneSecurity is a website with guidance on configuration walkthroughs, troubleshooting, and other

information. In the Zyxel Device advanced menus, you will see icons that link to OneSecurity
walkthroughs, troubleshooting and so on as shown in the following table.

Table 24 OneSecurity Links

Configuration Walkthrough
Click this icon to go to a series of screens that guide you how to configure the
feature. Note that the walkthroughs do not perform the actual configuring, but
just show you how to do it.

Click this icon to go to a series of screens that guide you how to fix problems with
the feature.

Application Patrol
Click this icon for more information on Application Patrol, which identifies traffic
that passes through the Zyxel Device, so you can decide what to do with specific
types of traffic. Traffic not recognized by application patrol is ignored.
Content Filter
Click this icon for more information on Content Filter, which controls access to
specific web sites or web content.

Intrusion Detection
Click this icon for more information on Intrusion Detection which can detect
malicious or suspicious packets used in network-based intrusions.

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Chapter 4 Easy Mode

Table 24 OneSecurity Links (continued)

Click this icon for more information on Anti-Virus, which checks traffic flows
through your network for known virus and spyware signature patterns.

Click this icon for more information on Anti-Spam which can mark or discard
spam (unsolicited commercial or junk e-mail) and e-mail from certain servers
suspect of being used by spammers.
VPN Click this icon for more information on IPSec and SSL VPN. Internet Protocol
Security (IPSec) VPN connects IPSec routers or remote users using IPSec client
software. SSL VPN allows users to use a web browser for secure remote user login
without need of a VPN router or VPN client software.

Download VPN Client

Click this icon to download VPN client software.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Quick Setup Wizards

5.1 Quick Setup Overview

The Web Configurator's quick setup wizards help you configure Internet and VPN connection settings.
This chapter provides information on configuring the quick setup screens in the Web Configurator. See
the feature-specific chapters in this User’s Guide for background information.

In the Web Configurator, click Configuration > Quick Setup to open the first Quick Setup screen.

Figure 114 Quick Setup

• WAN Interface
Click this link to open a wizard to set up a WAN (Internet) connection. This wizard creates matching ISP
account settings in the Zyxel Device if you use PPPoE or PPTP. See Section 5.2 on page 152.
• Remote Access VPN Setup
Click this link to open a wizard to configure a VPN (Virtual Private Network) rule for a secure
connection to another computer or network. Zyxel VPN Client creates a full or split tunnel VPN rule for
clients with SecuExtender IPSec. L2TP over IPSec Client creates full tunnel VPN rule for clients with
supported mobile devices. See Section 5.3 on page 158.
• VPN Setup
Click this link to open a wizard to configure an Express VPN policy or Advanced VPN policy. Express
VPN policy creates a VPN rule with the default phase 1 and phase 2 settings using a pre-shared key.
Advanced VPN policy creates a VPN rule by changing the default settings and/or use certificates
instead of a pre-shared key in the VPN rule. See Section 5.5 on page 168.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 5 Quick Setup Wizards

• Wizard Help
If the help does not automatically display when you run the wizard, click the arrow to display it.

5.2 WAN Interface Quick Setup

Click WAN Interface in the main Quick Setup screen to open the WAN Interface Quick Setup Wizard
Welcome screen. Use these screens to configure an interface to connect to the Internet. Click Next.

Figure 115 WAN Interface Quick Setup Wizard

5.2.1 Choose an Ethernet Interface

Select a WAN interface (names vary by model) that you want to configure for a WAN connection and
click Next.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 5 Quick Setup Wizards

Figure 116 Choose an Ethernet Interface

5.2.2 Select WAN Type

WAN Type Selection: Select the type of encapsulation this connection is to use. Choose Ethernet when
the WAN port is used as a regular Ethernet.

Otherwise, choose PPPoE, PPTP or L2TP for a dial-up connection according to the information from your

Figure 117 WAN Interface Setup: Step 2

The screens vary depending on what encapsulation type you use. Refer to information provided by your
ISP to know what to enter in each field. Leave a field blank if you do not have that information.

Note: Enter the Internet access information exactly as your ISP gave it to you.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 5 Quick Setup Wizards

5.2.3 Configure WAN IP Settings

Use this screen to select whether the interface should use a fixed or dynamic IP address.

Figure 118 WAN Interface Setup: Step 2 Ethernet Dynamic IP

Figure 119 WAN Interface Setup: Step 2 Ethernet Static IP

• WAN Interface: This is the interface you are configuring for Internet access.
• Zone: This is the security zone to which this interface and Internet connection belong.
• IP Address Assignment: Select Auto If your ISP did not assign you a fixed IP address.
Select Static if you have a fixed IP address and enter the IP address, subnet mask, gateway IP address
(optional) and DNS server IP address(es).

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 5 Quick Setup Wizards

5.2.4 ISP and WAN and ISP Connection Settings

Use this screen to configure the ISP and WAN interface settings. This screen is read-only if you select
Ethernet and set the IP Address Assignment to Auto. If you set the IP Address Assignment to static and/or
select PPTP or PPPoE, enter the Internet access information exactly as your ISP gave it to you.

Note: Enter the Internet access information exactly as your ISP gave it to you.

Figure 120 WAN and ISP Connection Settings: (PPTP)

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 5 Quick Setup Wizards

Figure 121 WAN and ISP Connection Settings: (PPPoE)

Figure 122 WAN and ISP Connection Settings: (L2TP)

• ISP Parameter: This section appears if the interface uses a PPPoE or PPTP Internet connection.
• Encapsulation: This displays the type of Internet connection you are configuring.
• Service Name: Type the PPPoE service name if you were given one by your ISP.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 5 Quick Setup Wizards

• Authentication Type: Use the drop-down list box to select an authentication protocol for outgoing
calls. Options are:
• CHAP/PAP – Your Zyxel Device accepts either CHAP or PAP when requested by this remote node.
• CHAP – Your Zyxel Device accepts CHAP only.
• PAP – Your Zyxel Device accepts PAP only.
• MSCHAP – Your Zyxel Device accepts MSCHAP only.
• MSCHAP-V2 – Your Zyxel Device accepts MSCHAP-V2 only.
• User Name: Type the user name given to you by your ISP. You can use alphanumeric and –_@$./
characters, and it can be up to 31 characters long.
• Password: Type the password associated with the user name above. Use up to 64 ASCII characters
except the [] and ?. This field can be blank.
• Retype to Confirm: Type your password again for confirmation.
• Nailed-Up: Select Nailed-Up if you do not want the connection to time out.
• Idle Timeout: Type the time in seconds that elapses before the router automatically disconnects from
the PPPoE server. 0 means no timeout.
• PPTP Configuration: This section only appears if the interface uses a PPTP Internet connection.
• Base Interface: This displays the identity of the Ethernet interface you configure to connect with a
modem or router.
• Base IP Address: Type the (static) IP address assigned to you by your ISP.
• IP Subnet Mask: Type the subnet mask assigned to you by your ISP (if given).
• Gateway IP Address: For PPTP or L2TP, type the gateway IP address if you were given one by your ISP.
• Server IP: Type the IP address of the PPTP server.
• Connection ID: Enter the connection ID or connection name in this field. It must follow the "c:id" and
"n:name" format. For example, C:12 or N:My ISP. This field is optional and depends on the
requirements of your DSL modem. You can use alphanumeric and –_: characters, and it can be up
to 31 characters long.

IP Address Assignment

• WAN Interface: This displays the identity of the interface you configure to connect with your ISP.
• Zone: This field displays to which security zone this interface and Internet connection will belong.
• IP Address: This field is read-only when the WAN interface uses a dynamic IP address. If your WAN
interface uses a static IP address, enter it in this field.
• IP Subnet Mask: If your WAN interface uses Ethernet encapsulation with a static IP address, enter the
subnet mask in this field.
• Gateway IP Address: Type the IP address of the Ethernet device connected to this WAN port.
• First DNS Server / Second DNS Server: These fields only display for an interface with a static IP address.
Enter the DNS server IP address(es) in the field(s) to the right. Leave the field as if you do not
want to configure DNS servers. If you do not configure a DNS server, you must know the IP address of
a machine in order to access it.

5.2.5 Quick Setup Interface Wizard: Summary

This screen displays an example WAN interface’s settings.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 5 Quick Setup Wizards

Figure 123 Interface Wizard: Summary WAN

• Encapsulation: This displays what encapsulation this interface uses to connect to the Internet.
• Service Name: This field only appears for a PPPoE interface. It displays the PPPoE service name
specified in the ISP account.
• Server IP: This field only appears for a PPTP interface. It displays the IP address of the PPTP server.
• User Name: This is the user name given to you by your ISP.
• Nailed-Up: If No displays the connection will not time out. Yes means the Zyxel Device uses the idle
• Idle Timeout: This is how many seconds the connection can be idle before the router automatically
disconnects from the PPPoE server. 0 means no timeout.
• Connection ID: If you specified a connection ID, it displays here.
• WAN Interface: This identifies the interface you configure to connect with your ISP.
• Zone: This field displays to which security zone this interface and Internet connection will belong.
• IP Address Assignment: This field displays whether the WAN IP address is static or dynamic (Auto).
• IP Address: This field displays the current IP address of the Zyxel Device WAN interface selected in this
• IP Subnet Mask: This field displays the subnet mask of the Zyxel Device WAN interface selected in this
• Gateway IP Address: This field displays the IP address of the Ethernet device connected to this WAN
• First DNS Server /Second DNS Server: If the IP Address Assignment is Static, these fields display the DNS
server IP address(es).

5.3 Remote Access VPN Setup Wizard

You can use the Remote Access VPN Setup to configure a VPN (Virtual Private Network) rule for a secure
connection to another computer or network.

Select Zyxel VPN Client to configure a full or split tunnel VPN rule for clients with SecuExtender IPSec.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 5 Quick Setup Wizards

Select L2TP over IPSec Client to configure a full tunnel VPN rule for clients with supported mobile devices.
You can download the VPN configuration script and send it to the remote VPN client along with the pre-
shared key.

5.4 Remote Access VPN Setup – Scenario

The purpose of this wizard is to set up a VPN authentication rule on the Zyxel Device so that approved
remote VPN clients can acquire the VPN rule settings automatically by logging into the Zyxel Device.

Use the Zyxel VPN Client (IKEv2) scenario if the VPN client has SecuExtender IPSec and you want to
create a Full Tunnel or Split Tunnel VPN rule.

Use the L2TP over IPSec Client scenario if the VPN client has a supported mobile device and you want to
create a Full Tunnel VPN rule only. This scenario supports clients with:

• Windows 10 and later versions.

• iOS 13 and later versions.
• MAC OS 10.12.2 and later versions.
• Android 10.0 and later versions.
Figure 124 Remote Access VPN Setup Wizard Welcome

5.4.1 Zyxel VPN Client – VPN Configuration

This scenario is for a Zyxel VPN Client with SecuExtender IPSec that wants to create Full Tunnel or Split
Tunnel VPN rule. Use this screen to configure basic settings such as pre-shared key, incoming interface
and tunnel mode.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 5 Quick Setup Wizards

Figure 125 Zyxel VPN Client: VPN Configuration

• Zyxel VPN Client supports Extended Authentication Protocol (EAP) authentication. EAP is important
when connecting to existing enterprise authentication systems.
• Choose Interface if you want to use a pre-configured interface on the Zyxel Device. Select an
interface from the drop-down list box for incoming traffic to your Zyxel Device.
• Choose Domain Name/ IPv4 if you are using a static IP address or if you are using DDNS to assign the
interface a dynamic IP address. Enter the domain name or the IP address in the text box. For
example, vpn.zyxel.com.
• Choose Auto to have the Zyxel Device generate a certificate from the current wizard settings. This is
the certificate the Zyxel Device uses to identify itself when setting up the VPN tunnel.
• Choose Manual to select an existing certificate from the drop down list box. This field is not available if
there is no existing certificate for the wizard rule you are configuring.
• Full Tunnel encrypts all traffic through the VPN. Clear Allow Client VPN Traffic Through WAN if you want
to block traffic from the remote client to the Internet. Select Allow Client VPN Traffic Through WAN to
allow only traffic encrypted by the Zyxel Device from the remote client to the Internet.
• Split Tunnel only encrypts traffic going to a networks behind the Zyxel Device. Select the interface to
the LAN, DMZ or guest network from the drop-down list box. Traffic going to the Internet through this
interface is encrypted. Traffic going to the Internet from the remote client does not go through the
Zyxel Device and is not encrypted.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 5 Quick Setup Wizards

Figure 126 Zyxel VPN Client: VPN Configuration for Zyxel Client

• The IP Address Pool is used to assign IP addresses to the Zyxel VPN clients. You can define the range of
the IP Address Pool by entering a starting IP address and an ending IP address under Customer
• The Domain Name System (DNS) maps a domain name to an IP address and vice versa. The Zyxel
Device uses these to resolve domain names for VPN. The Zyxel Device can act as a DNS proxy.
Alternatively, assign a custom DNS server that is reachable from the network behind the Zyxel Device.
• For the Second DNS Server, enter a secondary DNS server’s IP address that is checked if the first one is
• Upload Bandwidth Limit is only available for Zyxel subscription-based SecuExtender IPSec VPN clients
with Windows version or later or macOS version or later.
• Use Upload Bandwidth Limit to set the maximum bandwidth for uploading traffic from Zyxel IPSec VPN
clients over IPSec VPN tunnels.You can also change the bandwidth limit in Configuration > VPN >
IPSec VPN > Configuration Provisioning.

5.4.2 Zyxel VPN Client – User Authentication

Use this screen to add users to allow them to access the VPN tunnel.

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Chapter 5 Quick Setup Wizards

Figure 127 Zyxel VPN Client: User Authentication

• Only local users configured on the Zyxel Device can be added to the Member list to be allowed VPN
access in the wizard.
• If you want to add users from external databases, you may modify the rule in Configuration > Object
> User/Group > User > Add A User in Expert Mode.

5.4.3 Zyxel VPN Client – Summary

Use this screen to view the summary of your previous configuration.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 5 Quick Setup Wizards

Figure 128 Zyxel VPN Client: Summary

• The default name for the VPN rule created using the wizard is RemoteAccess_Wiz.
• After you click Save, the RemoteAccess_Wiz rule now appears in VPN > IPSec VPN > VPN Connection
and VPN > IPSec VPN > VPN Gateway. If you modify a rule created using the wizard here, please
change the name. If you want to rerun the wizard without changing the name, you will be prompted
to overwrite the previously modified VPN rule.

5.4.4 L2TP over IPSec Client – VPN Configuration

This scenario is for a L2TP over IPSec Client with supported mobile devices that wants to create a Full
Tunnel VPN rule only. Use this screen to configure basic settings such as pre-shared key, incoming
interface and tunnel mode.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 5 Quick Setup Wizards

Figure 129 L2TP over IPSec Client: VPN Configuration

• For Pre-Shared Key, enter 8 – 128 alphanumeric characters (0–9, a–z, A_Z) or 8 – 128 pairs of
hexadecimal characters (0–9, A–F) beginning with 0x.
• Choose Interface if your are using a static IP address. Select an interface from the drop-down list box
to use on your Zyxel Device.
• Choose Domain Name/ IPv4 if you are using a static or dynamic IP address. Enter the domain name in
the text box. For example, vpn.zyxel.com.
• Full Tunnel encrypts all traffic through the VPN. Clear Allow Client VPN Traffic Through WAN if you want
to block remote traffic from the remote client to the Internet. Select Allow Client VPN Traffic Through
WAN to allow only traffic encrypted by the Zyxel Device from the remote client to the Internet.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 5 Quick Setup Wizards

Figure 130 L2TP over IPSec Client: VPN Configuration for Zyxel Client

• The IP Address Pool is used to assign to the L2TP VPN clients. Alternatively, you can define the range of
the IP Address Pool by entering a starting IP address and an ending IP address under Customer
• The Domain Name System (DNS) maps a domain name to an IP address and vice versa. The Zyxel
Device uses these to resolve domain names for VPN. The Zyxel Device can act as a DNS proxy.
Alternatively, assign a custom DNS server that is reachable from then network behind the Zyxel
• For the Second DNS Server, enter a secondary DNS server’s IP address that is checked if the first one is

5.4.5 L2TP over IPSec Client – User Authentication

Use this screen to add users to allow them to access the VPN.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 5 Quick Setup Wizards

Figure 131 L2TP over IPSec Client: User Authentication

• Only local users configured on the Zyxel Device can be added to the Member list to be allowed VPN
access in the wizard.
• If you want to add users from external databases, you may modify the rule in Configuration > Object
> User/Group > User > Add A User in Expert Mode.

5.4.6 L2TP over IPSec Client – Summary

Use this screen to view the summary of your previous configuration.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 5 Quick Setup Wizards

Figure 132 L2TP over IPSec Client: Summary

• The default name for the VPN rule created using the wizard is RemoteAccess_L2TP_Wiz.
• After you click Save, the RemoteAccess_L2TP_Wiz rule now appears in VPN> L2TP VPN. If you modify a
rule created using the wizard here, please change the name. If you want to rerun the wizard without
changing the name, you will be prompted to overwrite the previously modified VPN rule.

5.4.7 L2TP over IPSec Client – Config Provision

Use this screen to download a VPN configuration script to send to VPN clients using supported operating

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 5 Quick Setup Wizards

Figure 133 L2TP over IPSec Client: Config Provision

To use the Download Script, your device needs to support:

• Windows 8 and later version. For Windows clients, click the link to download the VPN configuration
script and send it to the remote VPN client.
• iOS 13 and later version. For iOS clients, click the link to download the VPN configuration script and
send it to the client along with the Pre-Shared Key.
• MAC OS 10.12.2 and later version. For iOS clients, click the link to download the VPN configuration
script and send it to the client along with the Pre-Shared Key.
• For clients with Android 10.0 and later versions or Windows 7, you need to configure the rule manually.
Send the Pre-Shared Key and the Zyxel Device interface IP or domain name to the client. Users with
Android 10.0 and later versions or Windows 7 must configure an L2TP over IPSec rule on their mobile
device using this information.

5.5 VPN Setup

Use wizards to create Virtual Private Network (VPN) rules. After you complete the wizard, the Phase 1 rule
settings appear in the Configuration > VPN > IPSec VPN > VPN Gateway screen and the Phase 2 rule
settings appear in the Configuration > VPN > IPSec VPN > VPN Connection screen.

• Express VPN policy creates a VPN rule with the default phase 1 and phase 2 settings using a pre-
shared key.
• Advanced VPN policy creates a VPN rule by changing the default settings and/or use certificates
instead of a pre-shared key in the VPN rule.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 5 Quick Setup Wizards

Figure 134 VPN Setup Wizard Welcome

5.5.1 VPN Setup Wizard: Wizard Type

Choose Express to create a VPN rule with the default phase 1 and phase 2 settings to connect to
another ZLD-based Zyxel Device using a pre-shared key.

Choose Advanced to change the default settings and/or use certificates instead of a pre-shared key to
create a VPN rule to connect to another IPSec device.

Figure 135 VPN Setup Wizard: Wizard Type

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 5 Quick Setup Wizards

5.5.2 VPN Express Wizard – Scenario

Click the Express radio button as shown in Figure 135 on page 169 to display the following screen.

Figure 136 VPN Express Wizard: Scenario

IKE (Internet Key Exchange) Version: IKEv1 and IKEv2

• IKE (Internet Key Exchange) is a protocol used in security associations to send data securely. IKE uses
certificates or pre-shared keys for authentication and a Diffie–Hellman key exchange to set up a
shared session secret from which encryption keys are derived.
• IKEv2 supports Extended Authentication Protocol (EAP) authentication, and IKEv1 supports X-Auth.
EAP is important when connecting to existing enterprise authentication systems.

Rule Name: Type the name used to identify this VPN connection (and VPN gateway). You may use 1 –
31 alphanumeric characters, underscores (_), or dashes (–), but the first character cannot be a number.
This value is case-sensitive.

Select the scenario that best describes your intended VPN connection. The figure on the left of the
screen changes to match the scenario you select.

• Site-to-site – The remote IPSec device has a static IP address or a domain name. This Zyxel Device can
initiate the VPN tunnel.
• Site-to-site with Dynamic Peer – The remote IPSec device has a dynamic IP address. Only the remote
IPSec device can initiate the VPN tunnel.
• Remote Access (Server Role) – Allow incoming connections from IPSec VPN clients. The clients have
dynamic IP addresses and are also known as dial-in users. Only the clients can initiate the VPN tunnel.
• Remote Access (Client Role) – Connect to an IPSec server. This Zyxel Device is the client (dial-in user)
and can initiate the VPN tunnel.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 5 Quick Setup Wizards

5.5.3 VPN Express Wizard – Configuration

Figure 137 VPN Express Wizard: Configuration

• My Address (interface): Select an interface from the drop-down list box to use on your Zyxel Device.
• Secure Gateway: Any displays in this field if it is not configurable for the chosen scenario. Otherwise,
enter the WAN IP address or domain name of the remote IPSec device (secure gateway) to identify
the remote IPSec router by its IP address or a domain name. Use if the remote IPSec router has
a dynamic WAN IP address.
• Pre-Shared Key: Type the password. Both ends of the VPN tunnel must use the same password. Use up
to 128 case-sensitive ASCII characters or up to 128 pairs of hexadecimal (“0-9”, “A-F”) characters.
Proceed a hexadecimal key with “0x”. You will receive a PYLD_MALFORMED (payload malformed)
packet if the same pre-shared key is not used on both ends.
• Local Policy (IP/Mask): Type the IP address of a computer on your network that can use the tunnel.
You can also specify a subnet. This must match the remote IP address configured on the remote IPSec
• Remote Policy (IP/Mask): Any displays in this field if it is not configurable for the chosen scenario.
Otherwise, type the IP address of a computer behind the remote IPSec device. You can also specify
a subnet. This must match the local IP address configured on the remote IPSec device.

5.5.4 VPN Express Wizard – Summary

This screen provides a read-only summary of the VPN tunnel’s configuration and commands that you
can copy and paste into another ZLD-based Zyxel Device’s command line interface to configure it.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 5 Quick Setup Wizards

Figure 138 VPN Express Wizard: Summary

• Rule Name: Identifies the VPN gateway policy.

• Secure Gateway: IP address or domain name of the remote IPSec device. If this field displays Any,
only the remote IPSec device can initiate the VPN connection.
• Pre-Shared Key: VPN tunnel password. It identifies a communicating party during a phase 1 IKE
• Local Policy: IP address and subnet mask of the computers on the network behind your Zyxel Device
that can use the tunnel.
• Remote Policy: IP address and subnet mask of the computers on the network behind the remote
IPSec device that can use the tunnel. If this field displays Any, only the remote IPSec device can
initiate the VPN connection.
• Copy and paste the Configuration for Secure Gateway commands into another ZLD-based Zyxel
Device’s command line interface to configure it to serve as the other end of this VPN tunnel. You can
also use a text editor to save these commands as a shell script file with a “.zysh” filename extension.
Use the file manager to run the script in order to configure the VPN connection. See the commands
reference guide for details on the commands displayed in this list.

5.5.5 VPN Express Wizard – Finish

Now the rule is configured on the Zyxel Device. The Phase 1 rule settings appear in the Configuration >
VPN > IPSec VPN > VPN Gateway screen and the Phase 2 rule settings appear in the Configuration > VPN
> IPSec VPN > VPN Connection screen.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 5 Quick Setup Wizards

Figure 139 VPN Express Wizard: Finish

Click Close to exit the wizard.

5.5.6 VPN Advanced Wizard – Scenario

Click the Advanced radio button as shown in Figure 135 on page 169 to display the following screen.

Figure 140 VPN Advanced Wizard: Scenario

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 5 Quick Setup Wizards

IKE (Internet Key Exchange) Version: IKEv1 and IKEv2

• IKE (Internet Key Exchange) is a protocol used in security associations to send data securely. IKE uses
certificates or pre-shared keys for authentication and a Diffie–Hellman key exchange to set up a
shared session secret from which encryption keys are derived.
• IKEv2 supports Extended Authentication Protocol (EAP) authentication, and IKEv1 supports X-Auth.
EAP is important when connecting to existing enterprise authentication systems.

• Rule Name: Type the name used to identify this VPN connection (and VPN gateway). You may use 1
– 31 alphanumeric characters, underscores (_), or dashes (–), but the first character cannot be a
number. This value is case-sensitive.

Select the scenario that best describes your intended VPN connection. The figure on the left of the
screen changes to match the scenario you select.

• Site-to-site – The remote IPSec device has a static IP address or a domain name. This Zyxel Device can
initiate the VPN tunnel.
• Site-to-site with Dynamic Peer – The remote IPSec device has a dynamic IP address. Only the remote
IPSec device can initiate the VPN tunnel.
• Remote Access (Server Role) – Allow incoming connections from IPSec VPN clients. The clients have
dynamic IP addresses and are also known as dial-in users. Only the clients can initiate the VPN tunnel.
• Remote Access (Client Role) – Connect to an IPSec server. This Zyxel Device is the client (dial-in user)
and can initiate the VPN tunnel.

5.5.7 VPN Advanced Wizard – Phase 1 Settings

There are two phases to every IKE (Internet Key Exchange) negotiation – phase 1 (Authentication) and
phase 2 (Key Exchange). A phase 1 exchange establishes an IKE SA (Security Association).

Figure 141 VPN Advanced Wizard: Phase 1 Settings

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 5 Quick Setup Wizards

• Secure Gateway: Any displays in this field if it is not configurable for the chosen scenario. Otherwise,
enter the WAN IP address or domain name of the remote IPSec device (secure gateway) to identify
the remote IPSec device by its IP address or a domain name. Use if the remote IPSec device
has a dynamic WAN IP address.
• My Address (interface): Select an interface from the drop-down list box to use on your Zyxel Device.
• Negotiation Mode: This displays Main or Aggressive:
• Main encrypts the Zyxel Device’s and remote IPSec router’s identities but takes more time to
establish the IKE SA.
• Aggressive is faster but does not encrypt the identities.

The Zyxel Device and the remote IPSec router must use the same negotiation mode. Multiple SAs
connecting through a secure gateway must have the same negotiation mode.

• Encryption Algorithm: 3DES and AES use encryption. The longer the key, the higher the security (this
may affect throughput). Both sender and receiver must use the same secret key, which can be used
to encrypt and decrypt the message or to generate and verify a message authentication code. The
DES encryption algorithm uses a 56-bit key. Triple DES (3DES) is a variation on DES that uses a 168-bit
key. As a result, 3DES is more secure than DES. It also requires more processing power, resulting in
increased latency and decreased throughput. AES128 uses a 128-bit key and is faster than 3DES.
AES192 uses a 192-bit key, and AES256 uses a 256-bit key.
• Authentication Algorithm: MD5 gives minimal security and SHA512 gives the highest security. MD5
(Message Digest 5) and SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm) are hash algorithms used to authenticate
packet data. The stronger the algorithm the slower it is.
• Key Group: DH5 is more secure than DH1 or DH2 (although it may affect throughput). DH1 (default)
refers to Diffie-Hellman Group 1 a 768 bit random number. DH2 refers to Diffie-Hellman Group 2 a 1024
bit (1Kb) random number. DH5 refers to Diffie-Hellman Group 5 a 1536 bit random number.
• SA Life Time: Set how often the Zyxel Device renegotiates the IKE SA. A short SA life time increases
security, but renegotiation temporarily disconnects the VPN tunnel.
• NAT Traversal: Select this if the VPN tunnel must pass through NAT (there is a NAT router between the
IPSec devices).

Note: The remote IPSec device must also have NAT traversal enabled. See the help in the
main IPSec VPN screens for more information.

• Dead Peer Detection (DPD) has the Zyxel Device make sure the remote IPSec device is there before
transmitting data through the IKE SA. If there has been no traffic for at least 15 seconds, the Zyxel
Device sends a message to the remote IPSec device. If it responds, the Zyxel Device transmits the
data. If it does not respond, the Zyxel Device shuts down the IKE SA.
• Authentication Method: Select Pre-Shared Key to use a password or Certificate to use one of the Zyxel
Device’s certificates.

5.5.8 VPN Advanced Wizard – Phase 2

Phase 2 in an IKE uses the SA that was established in phase 1 to negotiate SAs for IPSec.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 5 Quick Setup Wizards

Figure 142 VPN Advanced Wizard: Phase 2 Settings

• Active Protocol: ESP is compatible with NAT, AH is not.

• Encapsulation: Tunnel is compatible with NAT, Transport is not.
• Encryption Algorithm: 3DES and AES use encryption. The longer the AES key, the higher the security
(this may affect throughput). Null uses no encryption.
• Authentication Algorithm: MD5 gives minimal security and SHA512 gives the highest security. MD5
(Message Digest 5) and SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm) are hash algorithms used to authenticate
packet data. The stronger the algorithm the slower it is.
• SA Life Time: Set how often the Zyxel Device renegotiates the IKE SA. A short SA life time increases
security, but renegotiation temporarily disconnects the VPN tunnel.
• Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS): Disabling PFS allows faster IPSec setup, but is less secure. Select DH1,
DH2 or DH5 to enable PFS. DH5 is more secure than DH1 or DH2 (although it may affect throughput).
DH1 refers to Diffie-Hellman Group 1 a 768 bit random number. DH2 refers to Diffie-Hellman Group 2 a
1024 bit (1Kb) random number. DH5 refers to Diffie-Hellman Group 5 a 1536 bit random number (more
secure, yet slower).
• Local Policy (IP/Mask): Type the IP address of a computer on your network. You can also specify a
subnet. This must match the remote IP address configured on the remote IPSec device.
• Remote Policy (IP/Mask): Type the IP address of a computer behind the remote IPSec device. You
can also specify a subnet. This must match the local IP address configured on the remote IPSec
• Nailed-Up: This displays for the site-to-site and remote access client role scenarios. Select this to have
the Zyxel Device automatically renegotiate the IPSec SA when the SA life time expires.

5.5.9 VPN Advanced Wizard – Summary

This is a read-only summary of the VPN tunnel settings.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 5 Quick Setup Wizards

Figure 143 VPN Advanced Wizard: Summary

• Rule Name: Identifies the VPN connection (and the VPN gateway).
• Secure Gateway: IP address or domain name of the remote IPSec device.
• Pre-Shared Key: VPN tunnel password.
• Certificate: The certificate the Zyxel Device uses to identify itself when setting up the VPN tunnel.
• Local Policy: IP address and subnet mask of the computers on the network behind your Zyxel Device
that can use the tunnel.
• Remote Policy: IP address and subnet mask of the computers on the network behind the remote
IPSec device that can use the tunnel.
• Copy and paste the Configuration for Remote Gateway commands into another ZLD-based Zyxel
Device’s command line interface.
• Click Save to save the VPN rule.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 5 Quick Setup Wizards

5.5.10 VPN Advanced Wizard – Finish

Now the rule is configured on the Zyxel Device. The Phase 1 rule settings appear in the VPN > IPSec VPN
> VPN Gateway screen and the Phase 2 rule settings appear in the VPN > IPSec VPN > VPN Connection

Figure 144 VPN Wizard: Finish

Click Close to exit the wizard.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 5 Quick Setup Wizards

5.6 VPN Settings for Configuration Provisioning Wizard:

Wizard Type
Use VPN Settings for Configuration Provisioning to set up a VPN rule that can be retrieved with the Zyxel
Device IPSec VPN Client.

VPN rules for the Zyxel Device IPSec VPN Client have certain restrictions. They must not contain the
following settings:

• AH active protocol
• NULL encryption
• SHA512 authentication
• A subnet or range remote policy

Choose Express to create a VPN rule with the default phase 1 and phase 2 settings and to use a pre-
shared key.

Choose Advanced to change the default settings and/or use certificates instead of a pre-shared key in
the VPN rule.

Figure 145 VPN Settings for Configuration Provisioning Express Wizard: Wizard Type

5.6.1 Configuration Provisioning Express Wizard – VPN Settings

Click the Express radio button as shown in the previous screen to display the following screen.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 5 Quick Setup Wizards

Figure 146 VPN for Configuration Provisioning Express Wizard: Settings Scenario

• IKE (Internet Key Exchange) is a protocol used in security associations to send data securely. IKE uses
certificates or pre-shared keys for authentication and a Diffie–Hellman key exchange to set up a
shared session secret from which encryption keys are derived.
• IKEv2 supports Extended Authentication Protocol (EAP) authentication, and IKEv1 supports X-Auth.
EAP is important when connecting to existing enterprise authentication systems.
• Rule Name: Type the name used to identify this VPN connection (and VPN gateway). You may use 1
– 31 alphanumeric characters, underscores (_), or dashes (–), but the first character cannot be a
number. This value is case-sensitive.
• Application Scenario: Only the Remote Access (Server Role) is allowed in this wizard. It allows
incoming connections from the Zyxel Device IPSec VPN Client.

5.6.2 Configuration Provisioning VPN Express Wizard – Configuration

Click Next to continue the wizard.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 5 Quick Setup Wizards

Figure 147 VPN for Configuration Provisioning Express Wizard: Configuration

• My Address (interface): Select an interface from the drop-down list box to use on your Zyxel Device.
• Secure Gateway: Any displays in this field because it is not configurable in this wizard. It allows
incoming connections from the Zyxel Device IPSec VPN Client.
• Pre-Shared Key: Type the password. Both ends of the VPN tunnel must use the same password. Use up
to 128 case-sensitive ASCII characters or up to 128 pairs of hexadecimal (“0–9”, “A–F”) characters.
Proceed a hexadecimal key with “0x”. You will receive a PYLD_MALFORMED (payload malformed)
packet if the same pre-shared key is not used on both ends.
• Local Policy (IP/Mask): Type the IP address of a computer on your network. You can also specify a
subnet. This must match the remote IP address configured on the remote IPSec device.
• Remote Policy (IP/Mask): Any displays in this field because it is not configurable in this wizard.

5.6.3 VPN Settings for Configuration Provisioning Express Wizard – Summary

This screen has a read-only summary of the VPN tunnel’s configuration and commands you can copy
and paste into another ZLD-based Zyxel Device’s command line interface to configure it.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 5 Quick Setup Wizards

Figure 148 VPN for Configuration Provisioning Express Wizard: Summary

• Rule Name: Identifies the VPN gateway policy.

• Secure Gateway: Any displays in this field because it is not configurable in this wizard. It allows
incoming connections from the Zyxel Device IPSec VPN Client.
• Pre-Shared Key: VPN tunnel password. It identifies a communicating party during a phase 1 IKE
• Local Policy: (Static) IP address and subnet mask of the computers on the network behind your Zyxel
Device that can be accessed using the tunnel.
• Remote Policy: Any displays in this field because it is not configurable in this wizard.
• The Configuration for Secure Gateway displays the configuration that the Zyxel Device IPSec VPN
Client will get from the Zyxel Device.
• Click Save to save the VPN rule.

5.6.4 VPN Settings for Configuration Provisioning Express Wizard – Finish

Now the rule is configured on the Zyxel Device. The Phase 1 rule settings appear in the Configuration >
VPN > IPSec VPN > VPN Gateway screen and the Phase 2 rule settings appear in the Configuration > VPN
> IPSec VPN > VPN Connection screen. Enter the IP address of the Zyxel Device in the Zyxel Device IPSec
VPN Client to get all these VPN settings automatically from the Zyxel Device.

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Chapter 5 Quick Setup Wizards

Figure 149 VPN for Configuration Provisioning Express Wizard: Finish

Click Close to exit the wizard.

5.6.5 VPN Settings for Configuration Provisioning Advanced Wizard –

Click the Advanced radio button as shown in the screen shown in Figure 145 on page 179 to display the
following screen.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 5 Quick Setup Wizards

Figure 150 VPN for Configuration Provisioning Advanced Wizard: Scenario Settings

• IKE (Internet Key Exchange) is a protocol used in security associations to send data securely. IKE uses
certificates or pre-shared keys for authentication and a Diffie–Hellman key exchange to set up a
shared session secret from which encryption keys are derived.
• IKEv2 supports Extended Authentication Protocol (EAP) authentication, and IKEv1 supports X-Auth.
EAP is important when connecting to existing enterprise authentication systems.
• Rule Name: Type the name used to identify this VPN connection (and VPN gateway). You may use 1
– 31 alphanumeric characters, underscores (_), or dashes (–), but the first character cannot be a
number. This value is case-sensitive.
• Application Scenario: Only the Remote Access (Server Role) is allowed in this wizard. It allows
incoming connections from the Zyxel Device IPSec VPN Client.

Click Next to continue the wizard.

5.6.6 VPN Settings for Configuration Provisioning Advanced Wizard – Phase

1 Settings
There are two phases to every IKE (Internet Key Exchange) negotiation – phase 1 (Authentication) and
phase 2 (Key Exchange). A phase 1 exchange establishes an IKE SA (Security Association).

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 5 Quick Setup Wizards

Figure 151 VPN for Configuration Provisioning Advanced Wizard: Phase 1 Settings

• Secure Gateway: Any displays in this field because it is not configurable in this wizard. It allows
incoming connections from the Zyxel Device IPSec VPN Client.
• My Address (interface): Select an interface from the drop-down list box to use on your Zyxel Device.
• Negotiation Mode: This displays Main or Aggressive:
• Main encrypts the Zyxel Device’s and remote IPSec router’s identities but takes more time to
establish the IKE SA.
• Aggressive is faster but does not encrypt the identities.

The Zyxel Device and the remote IPSec router must use the same negotiation mode. Multiple SAs
connecting through a secure gateway must have the same negotiation mode.

• Encryption Algorithm: 3DES and AES use encryption. The longer the key, the higher the security (this
may affect throughput). Both sender and receiver must know the same secret key, which can be
used to encrypt and decrypt the message or to generate and verify a message authentication code.
The DES encryption algorithm uses a 56-bit key. Triple DES (3DES) is a variation on DES that uses a 168-
bit key. As a result, 3DES is more secure than DES. It also requires more processing power, resulting in
increased latency and decreased throughput. AES128 uses a 128-bit key and is faster than 3DES.
AES192 uses a 192-bit key and AES256 uses a 256-bit key.
• Authentication Algorithm: MD5 (Message Digest 5) and SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm) are hash
algorithms used to authenticate packet data. MD5 gives minimal security. SHA1 gives higher security
and SHA256 gives the highest security. The stronger the algorithm, the slower it is.
• Key Group: DH5 is more secure than DH1 or DH2 (although it may affect throughput). DH1 (default)
refers to Diffie-Hellman Group 1 a 768 bit random number. DH2 refers to Diffie-Hellman Group 2 a 1024
bit (1Kb) random number. DH5 refers to Diffie-Hellman Group 5 a 1536 bit random number.
• SA Life Time: Set how often the Zyxel Device renegotiates the IKE SA. A short SA life time increases
security, but renegotiation temporarily disconnects the VPN tunnel.
• Authentication Method: Select Pre-Shared Key to use a password or Certificate to use one of the Zyxel
Device’s certificates.

5.6.7 VPN Settings for Configuration Provisioning Advanced Wizard – Phase

Phase 2 in an IKE uses the SA that was established in phase 1 to negotiate SAs for IPSec.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 5 Quick Setup Wizards

Figure 152 VPN for Configuration Provisioning Advanced Wizard: Phase 2 Settings

• Active Protocol: ESP is compatible with NAT. AH is not available in this wizard.
• Encapsulation: Tunnel is compatible with NAT, Transport is not.
• Encryption Algorithm: 3DES and AES use encryption. The longer the AES key, the higher the security
(this may affect throughput). Null uses no encryption.
• Authentication Algorithm: MD5 (Message Digest 5) and SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm) are hash
algorithms used to authenticate packet data. MD5 gives minimal security. SHA1 gives higher security
and SHA256 gives the highest security. The stronger the algorithm, the slower it is.
• SA Life Time: Set how often the Zyxel Device renegotiates the IKE SA. A short SA life time increases
security, but renegotiation temporarily disconnects the VPN tunnel.
• Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS): Disabling PFS allows faster IPSec setup, but is less secure. Select DH1,
DH2 or DH5 to enable PFS. DH5 is more secure than DH1 or DH2 (although it may affect throughput).
DH1 refers to Diffie-Hellman Group 1 a 768 bit random number. DH2 refers to Diffie-Hellman Group 2 a
1024 bit (1Kb) random number. DH5 refers to Diffie-Hellman Group 5 a 1536 bit random number (more
secure, yet slower).
• Local Policy (IP/Mask): Type the IP address of a computer on your network. You can also specify a
subnet. This must match the remote IP address configured on the remote IPSec device.
• Remote Policy (IP/Mask): Any displays in this field because it is not configurable in this wizard.
• Nailed-Up: This displays for the site-to-site and remote access client role scenarios. Select this to have
the Zyxel Device automatically renegotiate the IPSec SA when the SA life time expires.

5.6.8 VPN Settings for Configuration Provisioning Advanced Wizard –

This is a read-only summary of the VPN tunnel settings.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 5 Quick Setup Wizards

Figure 153 VPN for Configuration Provisioning Advanced Wizard: Summary


• Rule Name: Identifies the VPN connection (and the VPN gateway).
• Secure Gateway: Any displays in this field because it is not configurable in this wizard. It allows
incoming connections from the Zyxel Device IPSec VPN Client.
• Pre-Shared Key: VPN tunnel password.
• Local Policy: IP address and subnet mask of the computers on the network behind your Zyxel Device
that can use the tunnel.
• Remote Policy: Any displays in this field because it is not configurable in this wizard.

Phase 1

• Negotiation Mode: This displays Main or Aggressive:

• Main encrypts the Zyxel Device’s and remote IPSec router’s identities but takes more time to
establish the IKE SA.
• Aggressive is faster but does not encrypt the identities.

The Zyxel Device and the remote IPSec router must use the same negotiation mode. Multiple SAs
connecting through a secure gateway must have the same negotiation mode.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 5 Quick Setup Wizards

• Encryption Algorithm: This displays the encryption method used. The longer the key, the higher the
security, the lower the throughput (possibly).
• DES uses a 56-bit key.
• 3DES uses a 168-bit key.
• AES128 uses a 128-bit key.
• AES192 uses a 192-bit key.
• AES256 uses a 256-bit key.
• Authentication Algorithm: This displays the authentication algorithm used. The stronger the algorithm,
the slower it is.
• MD5 gives minimal security.
• SHA1 gives higher security.
• SHA256 gives the highest security.
• Key Group: This displays the Diffie-Hellman (DH) key group used. DH5 is more secure than DH1 or DH2
(although it may affect throughput).
• DH1 uses a 768 bit random number.
• DH2 uses a 1024 bit (1Kb) random number.
• DH5 uses a 1536 bit random number.

Phase 2

• Active Protocol: This displays ESP (compatible with NAT) or AH.

• Encapsulation: This displays Tunnel (compatible with NAT) or Transport.
• Encryption Algorithm: This displays the encryption method used. The longer the key, the higher the
security, the lower the throughput (possibly).
• DES uses a 56-bit key.
• 3DES uses a 168-bit key.
• AES128 uses a 128-bit key.
• AES192 uses a 192-bit key.
• AES256 uses a 256-bit key.
• Null uses no encryption.
• Authentication Algorithm: This displays the authentication algorithm used. The stronger the algorithm,
the slower it is.
• MD5 gives minimal security.
• SHA1 gives higher security.
• SHA256 gives the highest security.

The Configuration for Secure Gateway displays the configuration that the Zyxel Device IPSec VPN Client
will get from the Zyxel Device.

Click Save to save the VPN rule.

5.6.9 VPN Settings for Configuration Provisioning Advanced Wizard – Finish

Now the rule is configured on the Zyxel Device. The Phase 1 rule settings appear in the Configuration >
VPN > IPSec VPN > VPN Gateway screen and the Phase 2 rule settings appear in the Configuration >

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 5 Quick Setup Wizards

VPN > IPSec VPN > VPN Connection screen. Enter the IP address of the Zyxel Device in the Zyxel Device
IPSec VPN Client to get all these VPN settings automatically from the Zyxel Device.

Figure 154 VPN for Configuration Provisioning Advanced Wizard: Finish

Click Close to exit the wizard.

5.7 VPN Settings for L2TP VPN Settings Wizard

Use VPN Settings for L2TP VPN Settings to set up an L2TP VPN rule. Click Configuration > Quick Setup >
VPN Setup and select VPN Settings for L2TP VPN Settings to see the following screen.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 5 Quick Setup Wizards

Figure 155 VPN Settings for L2TP VPN Settings Wizard: L2TP VPN Settings

Click Next to continue the wizard.

5.7.1 L2TP VPN Settings

Figure 156 VPN Settings for L2TP VPN Settings Wizard: L2TP VPN Settings

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 5 Quick Setup Wizards

• Rule Name: Type the name used to identify this L2TP VPN connection (and L2TP VPN gateway). You
may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters, underscores (_), or dashes (–), but the first character cannot
be a number. This value is case-sensitive.
• My Address (interface): Select one of the interfaces from the pull down menu to apply the L2TP VPN
• Pre-Shared Key: Type the password. Both ends of the VPN tunnel must use the same password. Use up
to 128 case-sensitive ASCII characters or up to 128 pairs of hexadecimal (“0–9”, “A–F”) characters.
Proceed a hexadecimal key with “0x”. You will receive a PYLD_MALFORMED (payload malformed)
packet if the same pre-shared key is not used on both ends.

Click Next to continue the wizard.

5.7.2 L2TP VPN Settings

Figure 157 VPN Settings for L2TP VPN Settings Wizard: L2TP VPN Settings

• IP Address Pool: Select Range or Subnet from the pull down menu. This IP address pool is used to
assign to the L2TP VPN clients.
• Starting IP Address: Enter the starting IP address in the field.
• End IP Address: Enter the ending IP address in the field.
• Network: Enter the IPv4 IP address in this field if you selected SUBNET.
• Netmask: Enter the associated subnet mask of the subnet in this field.
• First DNS Server (Optional): Enter the first DNS server IP address in the field. Leave the filed as if
you do not want to configure DNS servers. If you do not configure a DNS server you must know the IP
address of a machine in order to access it.
• Second DNS Server (Optional): Enter the second DNS server IP address in the field. Leave the filed as if you do not want to configure DNS servers. If you do not configure a DNS server you must
know the IP address of a machine in order to access it.
• Allow L2TP traffic Through WAN: Select this check box to allow traffic from L2TP clients to go to the

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 5 Quick Setup Wizards

Click Next to continue the wizard.

Note: DNS (Domain Name System) is for mapping a domain name to its corresponding IP
address and vice versa. The DNS server is extremely important because without it, you
must know the IP address of a computer before you can access it. The Zyxel Device
uses a system DNS server (in the order you specify here) to resolve domain names for
VPN, DDNS and the time server.

5.7.3 VPN Settings for L2TP VPN Setting Wizard – Summary

This is a read-only summary of the L2TP VPN settings.

Figure 158 VPN Settings for L2TP VPN Settings Advanced Settings Wizard: Summary

• Rule Name: Identifies the L2TP VPN connection (and the L2TP VPN gateway).
• Secure Gatewa “Any” displays in this field because it is not configurable in this wizard. It allows
incoming connections from the L2TP VPN Client.
• Pre-Shared Key: L2TP VPN tunnel password.
• My Address (Interface): This displays the interface to use on your Zyxel Device for the L2TP tunnel.
• IP Address Pool: This displays the IP address pool used to assign to the L2TP VPN clients.

Click Save to complete the L2TP VPN Setting and the following screen will show.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 5 Quick Setup Wizards

5.7.4 VPN Settings for L2TP VPN Setting Wizard Completed

Figure 159 VPN Settings for L2TP VPN Settings Wizard: Finish

Now the rule is configured on the Zyxel Device. The L2TP VPN rule settings appear in the Configuration >
VPN > L2TP VPN screen and also in the Configuration > VPN > IPSec VPN > VPN Connection and VPN
Gateway screen.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide


6.1 Overview
Use the Dashboard screens to check status information about the Zyxel Device.

6.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter

Use the main Dashboard screen to see the Zyxel Device’s general device information, system status,
system resource usage, licensed service status, and interface status. You can also display other status
screens for more information.

Use the Dashboard screens to view the following.

• Device Information Screen on page 196

• System Status Screen on page 197
• Extension Slot Screen on page 201
• Interface Status Summary Screen on page 202
• Secured Service Status Screen on page 203
• Content Filter Statistics Screen on page 204
• Top 5 Viruses Screen on page 204
• Top 5 Intrusions Screen on page 205
• Top 5 IPv4/IPv6 Security Policy Rules that Blocked Traffic Screen on page 205
• The Latest Alert Logs Screen on page 206

6.2 Main Dashboard Screen

The Dashboard screen displays when you log into the Zyxel Device or click Dashboard in the navigation
panel. The dashboard displays general device information, system status, system resource usage,
licensed service status, and interface status in widgets that you can re-arrange to suit your needs. You
can also collapse, refresh, and close individual widgets.

Click on the icon to go to the OneSecurity website where there is guidance on configuration
walkthroughs, troubleshooting, and other information.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 6 Dashboard

Figure 160 Zyxel Device Dashboard


The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 25 Dashboard
Widget Settings Use this link to open or close widgets by selecting/clearing the associated checkbox.
Up Arrow (B) Click this to collapse a widget. It then becomes a down arrow. Click it again to enlarge the
widget again.
Refresh Time Set the interval for refreshing the information displayed in the widget.
Setting (C)
Refresh Now (D) Click this to update the widget’s information immediately.
Close Widget (E) Click this to close the widget. Use Widget Settings to re-open it.
Virtual Device
Rear Panel Click this to view details about the Zyxel Device’s rear panel. Hover your cursor over a
connected interface or slot to display status details.
Front Panel Click this to view details about the status of the Zyxel Device’s front panel LEDs and
connections. See Section 3.1.1 on page 69 for LED descriptions. An unconnected interface or
slot appears grayed out.
The following front and rear panel labels display when you hover your cursor over a connected
interface or slot.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 6 Dashboard

Table 25 Dashboard (continued)

Name This field displays the name of each interface.
Status This field displays the current status of each interface or device installed in a slot. The possible
values depend on what type of interface it is.

Inactive - The Ethernet interface is disabled.

Down - The Ethernet interface does not have any physical ports associated with it or the
Ethernet interface is enabled but not connected.

Speed / Duplex - The Ethernet interface is enabled and connected. This field displays the port
speed and duplex setting (Full or Half).

The status for a WLAN card is none.

For cellular (mobile broadband) interfaces, see Section 10.6 on page 359 for the status that
can appear.

For the auxiliary interface:

Inactive - The auxiliary interface is disabled.

Connected - The auxiliary interface is enabled and connected.

Disconnected - The auxiliary interface is not connected.

HA Status This field displays the status of the interface in the virtual router.

Active - This interface is the master interface in the virtual router.

Stand-By - This interface is a backup interface in the virtual router.

Fault - This VRRP group is not functioning in the virtual router right now. For example, this might
happen if the interface is down.

n/a - Device HA is not active on the interface.

Zone This field displays the zone to which the interface is currently assigned.
IP Address/ This field displays the current IP address and subnet mask assigned to the interface. If the
Mask interface is a member of an active virtual router, this field displays the IP address it is currently
using. This is either the static IP address of the interface (if it is the master) or the management
IP address (if it is a backup).

6.2.1 Device Information Screen

The Device Information screen displays Zyxel Device’s system and model name, serial number, MAC
address and firmware version shown in the below screen.

Figure 161 Dashboard > Device Information (Example)

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 6 Dashboard

This table describes the fields in the above screen.

Table 26 Dashboard > Device Information

Device Information This identifies a device installed in one of the Zyxel Device’s extension slots, the
Security Extension Module slot, or USB ports. For an installed SEM (Security Extension
Module) card, this field displays what kind of SEM card is installed.

SEM-VPN - The VPN accelerator. The SEM-VPN provides 500 Mbps VPN throughput,
2,000 IPSec VPN tunnels, and 750 SSL VPN users.

SEM-DUAL - accelerator for both VPN and UTM. The SEM-DUAL provides the benefits
of the SEM-VPN and increases the maximum anti-virus and IDP traffic throughput
from 100 Mbps to 400 Mbps.
System Name This field displays the name used to identify the Zyxel Device on any network. Click
the link and open the Host Name screen where you can edit and make changes to
the system and domain name.
Model Name This field displays the model name of this Zyxel Device.
Serial Number This field displays the serial number of this Zyxel Device. The serial number is used for
device tracking and control.
MAC Address Range This field displays the MAC addresses used by the Zyxel Device. Each physical port
has one MAC address. The first MAC address is assigned to physical port 1, the
second MAC address is assigned to physical port 2, and so on.
Firmware Version This field displays the version number and date of the firmware the Zyxel Device is
currently running. Click the link to open the Firmware Package screen where you
can upload firmware.

6.2.2 System Status Screen

Figure 162 Dashboard > System Status (Example)

This table describes the fields in the above screen.

Table 27 Dashboard > System Status

System Uptime This field displays how long the Zyxel Device has been running since it last restarted
or was turned on.
Current Date/Time This field displays the current date and time in the Zyxel Device. The format is yyyy-
mm-dd hh:mm:ss. Click on the link to see the Date/Time screen where you can make
edits and changes to the date, time and time zone information.
VPN Status Click on the link to look at the VPN tunnels that are currently established. See Section
6.2.3 on page 198. Click on the VPN icon to go to the Zyxel VPN Client product page
at the Zyxel website.
SSL VPN Status The first number is the actual number of VPN tunnels up and the second number is
the maximum number of SSL VPN tunnels allowed.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 6 Dashboard

Table 27 Dashboard > System Status (continued)

DHCP Table Click this to look at the IP addresses currently assigned to the Zyxel Device’s DHCP
clients and the IP addresses reserved for specific MAC addresses. See Section 6.2.3
on page 198.
Current Login User This field displays the user name used to log in to the current session, the amount of
reauthentication time remaining, and the amount of lease time remaining.
Number of Login Users This field displays the number of users currently logged in to the Zyxel Device. Click
the icon to pop-open a list of the users who are currently logged in to the Zyxel
Boot Status This field displays details about the Zyxel Device’s startup state.

OK - The Zyxel Device started up successfully.

Firmware update OK - A firmware update was successful.

Problematic configuration after firmware update - The application of the

configuration failed after a firmware upgrade.

System default configuration - The Zyxel Device successfully applied the system
default configuration. This occurs when the Zyxel Device starts for the first time or you
intentionally reset the Zyxel Device to the system default settings.

Fallback to lastgood configuration - The Zyxel Device was unable to apply the
startup-config.conf configuration file and fell back to the lastgood.conf
configuration file.

Fallback to system default configuration - The Zyxel Device was unable to apply the
lastgood.conf configuration file and fell back to the system default configuration file

Booting in progress - The Zyxel Device is still applying the system configuration.

6.2.3 DHCP Table Screen

Click on the DHCP Table link to look at the IP addresses currently assigned to DHCP clients and the IP
addresses reserved for specific MAC addresses. The following screen will show.

Figure 163 Dashboard > System Status > DHCP Table

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 6 Dashboard

This table describes the fields in the above screen.

Table 28 Dashboard > System Status > DHCP Table

# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific entry.
Interface This field identifies the interface that assigned an IP address to a DHCP client.
IP Address This field displays the IP address currently assigned to a DHCP client or reserved for a
specific MAC address. Click the column’s heading cell to sort the table entries by IP
address. Click the heading cell again to reverse the sort order.
Host Name This field displays the name used to identify this device on the network (the
computer name). The Zyxel Device learns these from the DHCP client requests.
“None” shows here for a static DHCP entry.
MAC Address This field displays the MAC address to which the IP address is currently assigned or for
which the IP address is reserved. Click the column’s heading cell to sort the table
entries by MAC address. Click the heading cell again to reverse the sort order.
Description For a static DHCP entry, the host name or the description you configured shows
here. This field is blank for dynamic DHCP entries.
Reserve If this field is selected, this entry is a static DHCP entry. The IP address is reserved for
the MAC address.

If this field is clear, this entry is a dynamic DHCP entry. The IP address is assigned to a
DHCP client.

To create a static DHCP entry using an existing dynamic DHCP entry, select this field,
and then click Apply.

To remove a static DHCP entry, clear this field, and then click Apply.
Refresh Interval Select how often you want this window to be updated automatically.
Refresh Now Click this to update the information in the window right away.

6.2.4 Number of Login Users Screen

Click the Number of Login Users link to see the following screen.

Figure 164 Dashboard > System Status > Number of Login Users

This table describes the fields in the above screen.

Table 29 Dashboard > System Status > Number of Login Users

# This field is a sequential value and is not associated with any entry.
User ID This field displays the user name of each user who is currently logged in to the Zyxel
Reauth/Lease Time This field displays the amount of reauthentication time remaining and the amount of
lease time remaining for each user.
Session Timeout This field displays the total account of time the account (authenticated by an
external server) can use to log into the UAG or access the Internet through the Zyxel

This shows unlimited for an administrator account.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 6 Dashboard

Table 29 Dashboard > System Status > Number of Login Users (continued)
This field displays how much longer the account can use to log into the Zyxel Device
or access the Internet through the Zyxel Device. This shows N/A for an administrator
Remaining Quota (T /U /D) This field displays the remaining amount of data that can be transmitted or received
by each account. You can see the amount of either data in both directions (Total)
or upstream data (Upload) and downstream data (Download).

This shows -/-/- for an administrator account.

Type This field displays the way the user logged in to the Zyxel Device.
IP address This field displays the IP address of the computer used to log in to the Zyxel Device.
User Info This field displays the types of user accounts the Zyxel Device uses. If the user type is
ext-user (external user), this field will show its external-group information when you
move your mouse over it.

If the external user matches two external-group objects, both external-group object
names will be shown.
Force Logout Click this icon to end a user’s session.

6.2.5 System Resources Screen

Hover your mouse over an item and click the arrow on the right to see more details on that resource.

Figure 165 Dashboard > System Resources

This table describes the fields in the above screen.

Table 30 Dashboard > System Resources

CPU Usage This field displays what percentage of the Zyxel Device’s processing capability is
currently being used. Hover your cursor over this field to display the Show CPU Usage
icon that takes you to a chart of the Zyxel Device’s recent CPU usage.
Memory Usage This field displays what percentage of the Zyxel Device’s RAM is currently being used.
Hover your cursor over this field to display the Show Memory Usage icon that takes
you to a chart of the Zyxel Device’s recent memory usage.
Flash Usage This field displays what percentage of the Zyxel Device’s onboard flash memory is
currently being used.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 6 Dashboard

Table 30 Dashboard > System Resources (continued)

USB Storage Usage This field shows how much storage in the USB device connected to the Zyxel Device
is in use.
Active Sessions This field shows how many sessions, established and non-established, that pass
through/from/to/within the ZyWALL. Hover your cursor over this field to display icons.
Click the Detail icon to go to the Session Monitor screen to see details about the
active sessions. Click the Show Active Sessions icon to display a chart of Zyxel
Device’s recent session usage.

6.2.6 Extension Slot Screen

Figure 166 Dashboard > Extension Slot

This table describes the fields in the above screen.

Table 31 Dashboard > Extension Slot

# This is the index number of the entry.
Extension Slot This field displays the name of each extension slot.
Device This field displays the name of the device connected to the extension slot (or none if
no device is detected). For an installed SEM (Security Extension Module) card, this
field displays what kind of SEM card is installed.

SEM-VPN - VPN accelerator. The SEM-VPN provides 500 Mbps VPN throughput, 2,000
IPSec VPN tunnels, and 750 SSL VPN users.

SEM-DUAL - accelerator for both VPN and UTM. The SEM-DUAL provides the benefits
of the SEM-VPN and increases the maximum anti-virus and IDP traffic throughput
from 100 Mbps to 400 Mbps.

USB Flash Drive - Indicates a connected USB storage device and the drive’s storage
Status The status for an installed 3G USB dongle is none. For cellular (mobile broadband)
interfaces, see Section 7.11 on page 227 for the status that can appear. For an
installed SEM (Security Extension Module) card, this field displays one of the

Active - The SEM card is working properly.

Ready to activate - The SEM was inserted while the Zyxel Device was operating.
Restart the Zyxel Device to use the SEM.

Driver load failed - An error occurred during the Zyxel Device’s attempt to activate
the SEM card. Make sure the SEM is installed properly and the thumbscrews are
tightened. If this status still displays, contact your vendor.

For a USB storage device, this field displays one of the following:

Ready - A USB storage device connected to the Zyxel Device is ready for the Zyxel
Device to use.

Unused - The Zyxel Device is unable to mount a USB storage device connected to
the Zyxel Device.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 6 Dashboard

6.2.7 Interface Status Summary Screen

Interfaces per Zyxel Device model vary.

Figure 167 Dashboard > Interface Status Summary

This table describes the fields in the above screen.

Table 32 Dashboard > Interface Status Summary

Name This field displays the name of each interface.
Status This field displays the current status of each interface. The possible values depend on
what type of interface it is.

For Ethernet interfaces:

Inactive - The Ethernet interface is disabled.

Down - The Ethernet interface does not have any physical ports associated with it or
the Ethernet interface is enabled but not connected.

Speed / Duplex - The Ethernet interface is enabled and connected. This field displays
the port speed and duplex setting (Full or Half).

For cellular (mobile broadband) interfaces, see Section 7.11 on page 227 for the
status that can appear.

For the auxiliary interface:

Inactive - The auxiliary interface is disabled.

Connected - The auxiliary interface is enabled and connected.

Disconnected - The auxiliary interface is not connected.

For PPP interfaces:

Connected - The PPP interface is connected.

Disconnected - The PPP interface is not connected.

If the PPP interface is disabled, it does not appear in the list.

For WLAN interfaces:

Up - The WLAN interface is enabled.

Down - The WLAN interface is disabled.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 6 Dashboard

Table 32 Dashboard > Interface Status Summary (continued)

HA Status This field displays the status of the interface in the virtual router.

Active - This interface is the master interface in the virtual router.

Stand-By - This interface is a backup interface in the virtual router.

Fault - This VRRP group is not functioning in the virtual router right now. For example,
this might happen if the interface is down.

n/a - Device HA is not active on the interface.

Zone This field displays the zone to which the interface is currently assigned.
IP Addr/Netmask This field displays the current IP address and subnet mask assigned to the interface. If
the IP address is, the interface is disabled or did not receive an IP
address and subnet mask via DHCP.

If this interface is a member of an active virtual router, this field displays the IP
address it is currently using. This is either the static IP address of the interface (if it is
the master) or the management IP address (if it is a backup).
IP Assignment This field displays the interface’s IP assignment. It will show DHCP or Static.
Action Use this field to get or to update the IP address for the interface.

Click Renew to send a new DHCP request to a DHCP server.

Click the Connect icon to have the Zyxel Device try to connect a PPPoE/PPTP
interface. If the interface cannot use one of these ways to get or to update its IP
address, this field displays n/a.

Click the Disconnect icon to stop a PPPoE/PPTP connection.

6.2.8 Secured Service Status Screen

This part shows what Unified Threat Management (UTM) services are available and enabled.

Figure 168 Dashboard > Secured Service Status

This table describes the fields in the above screen.

Table 33 Dashboard > Secured Service Status

# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific status.
Status This field displays the status of the Zyxel Device’s secure services. It will show four
types of status, Activated or Not Activated or Disabled or Enabled.
Name This field displays the name of the service, for example Anti-Spam.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 6 Dashboard

Table 33 Dashboard > Secured Service Status

Version This field displays the version number of the services.
Remaining Days This field displays the number of days remaining before the license expires.

Click Activate to connect with the myZyxel server and activate the license.

6.2.9 Content Filter Statistics Screen

Configure Configuration > UTM Profile > Content Filter and then view results here.

Figure 169 Dashboard > Content Filter Statistics

This table describes the fields in the above screen.

Table 34 Dashboard > Content Filter Statistics

Web Request Statistics
Total Web Pages This is the number of web pages the Zyxel Device has checked to see whether they
Inspected belong to the categories you selected in the content filter screen.
Blocked This is the number of web pages that the Zyxel Device blocked access.
Warned This is the number of web pages for which the Zyxel Device has displayed a warning
message to the access requesters.
Passed This is the number of web pages that the Zyxel Device allowed access.
Category Hit Summary
Security Threat This is the number of requested web pages that belong to the Security Threat
categories you have selected in the content filter screen.
Managed Web pages This is the number of requested web pages that belong to the managed categories
you have selected in the content filter screen.

6.2.10 Top 5 Viruses Screen

Figure 170 Dashboard > Top 5 Viruses

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 6 Dashboard

This table describes the fields in the above screen.

Table 35 Dashboard > Top 5 Viruses

# This is the entry’s rank in the list of the most commonly detected viruses.
Virus Name This is the name of a detected virus.
Hits This is how many times the Zyxel Device has detected the event described in the

6.2.11 Top 5 Intrusions Screen

Figure 171 Dashboard > Top 5 Intrusions

This table describes the fields in the above screen.

Table 36 Dashboard > Top 5 Intrusions

# This is the entry’s rank in the list of the most commonly triggered signature policies.
Signature ID This is the identification number of the signature.
Signature Name This is the name of the signature.
Type This is the type of the signature, for example Schedule.
Severity This is the level of threat that the intrusions may pose.
Hits This is how many times the Zyxel Device has detected the event described in the

6.2.12 Top 5 IPv4/IPv6 Security Policy Rules that Blocked Traffic Screen
Figure 172 Dashboard > Top 5 IPv4/IPv6 Security Policy Rules that Blocked Traffic

This table describes the fields in the above screen.

Table 37 Dashboard > Top 5 IPv4/IPv6 Security Policy Rules that Blocked Traffic
# This is the entry’s rank in the list of the most commonly triggered security policies.
From This shows the zone packets came from that the triggered security policy.
To This shows the zone packets went to that the triggered security policy.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 6 Dashboard

Table 37 Dashboard > Top 5 IPv4/IPv6 Security Policy Rules that Blocked Traffic
Description This field displays the descriptive name (if any) of the triggered security policy.
Hits This field displays how many times the security policy was triggered.

6.2.13 The Latest Alert Logs Screen

Figure 173 Dashboard > The Latest Alert Logs

This table describes the fields in the above screen.

Table 38 Dashboard > The Latest Alert Logs

# This is the entry’s rank in the list of alert logs.
Time This field displays the date and time the log was created.
Priority This field displays the severity of the log.
Category This field displays the type of log generated.
Message This field displays the actual log message.
Source This field displays the source address (if any) in the packet that generated the log.
Destination This field displays the destination address (if any) in the packet that generated the
Source Interface This field displays the incoming interface of the packet that generated the log.

6.3 VPN Screen

VPN models have a VPN tab. If no VPN tunnels are configured, a link to the Configuration > VPN < IPSec
VPN screen appears.

Figure 174 Dashboard > VPN Status

This screen gives information such as:

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 6 Dashboard

• The actual number of connections and the maximum number of tunnel connections for each VPN
type (IPSec/L2TP/SSL)
• The Incoming and Outgoing traffic amount in bps for each VPN type (IPSec/L2TP/SSL)
• The number of connected tunnels for each type of tunnel: Site to Site/Dynamic/ L2TP / SSL
• The Top 5 Logged in VPN Users per country
• The Top 5 Logged in VPN Users per Service Type
• The Top 5 Logged in VPN Users that are online
• Tunnel Health by Top 5 DPD (Dead Peer Detection) failures
• The top 5 connectivity Failures
• Graphical tunnel statistics.

Click the Refresh icon to update the information in the window right away.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Technical Reference


7.1 Overview
Use the Monitor screens to check status and statistics information.

7.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter

Use the Monitor screens for the following.

• Use the System Status > Port Statistics screen (see Section 7.2.1 on page 212) to look at packet
statistics for each physical port.
• Use the System Status > Port Statistics > Graph View screen (see Section 7.2.1 on page 212) to look at
a line graph of packet statistics for each physical port.
• Use the System Status > Interface Status screen (Section 7.3 on page 213) to see all of the Zyxel
Device’s interfaces and their packet statistics.
• Use the System Status > Traffic Statistics screen (see Section 7.4 on page 217) to start or stop data
collection and view statistics.
• Use the System Status > Session Monitor screen (see Section 7.5 on page 220) to view sessions by user
or service.
• Use the System Status > IGMP Statistics screen (see Section 7.6 on page 222) to view multicasting
• Use the System Status > DDNS Status screen (see Section 7.7 on page 223) to view the status of the
Zyxel Device’s DDNS domain names.
• Use the System Status > IP/MAC Binding screen (Section 7.8 on page 223) to view a list of devices that
have received an IP address from Zyxel Device interfaces with IP/MAC binding enabled.
• Use the System Status > Login Users screen (Section 7.9 on page 224) to look at a list of the users
currently logged into the Zyxel Device.
• Use the System Status > Dynamic Guest screen (see Section 7.10 on page 225) to look at a list of the
automatically created users allowed to access the Zyxel Device’s services.
• Use the System Status > Cellular Status screen (Section 7.11 on page 227) to check your mobile
broadband connection status.
• Use the System Status > UPnP Port Status screen (see Section 7.12 on page 230) to look at a list of the
NAT port mapping rules that UPnP creates on the Zyxel Device.
• Use the System Status > USB Storage screen (Section 7.13 on page 231) to view information about a
connected USB storage device.
• Use the System Status > Ethernet Neighbor screen (Section 7.14 on page 232) to view and manage
the Zyxel Device’s neighboring devices through Layer Link Discovery Protocol (LLDP).
• Use the System Status > FQDN Object screen (Section 7.15 on page 233) to display fully qualified
domain name (FQDN) object cache lists used in DNS queries.
• Use the System Status > Virtual Server LB screen (Section 7.16 on page 235) to display distribution of
incoming connection requests to a virtual server between multiple real (physical) servers.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

• Use the Wireless > AP Information > AP List screen (Section 7.17 on page 236) to display which APs are
currently connected to the Zyxel Device.
• Use the Wireless > AP Information > Radio List screen (Section 7.18 on page 246) to display statistics
about the wireless radio transmitters in each of the APs connected to the Zyxel Device.
• Use the Wireless > AP Information > Top N APs screen (Section 7.19 on page 249) to view managed
APs with the most wireless traffic usage and most associated wireless stations.
• Use the Wireless > AP Information > Single AP screen (Section 7.20 on page 251) to view APs wireless
traffic usage and associated wireless stations for a managed AP.
• Use the Wireless > ZyMesh screen (Section 7.21 on page 252) to display statistics about the ZyMesh
wireless connections between the managed APs.
• Use the Wireless > SSID Info screen (Section 7.22 on page 253) to display the number of wireless clients
that are currently connected to an SSID and the SSID’s security mode.
• Use the Wireless > Station Info > Station List screen (Section 7.24 on page 255) to view information on
connected wireless stations.
• Use the Wireless > Station Info > Top N Stations screen (Section 7.24 on page 255) to view wireless
stations with the most wireless traffic usage.
• Use the Wireless > Station Info > Single Station screen (Section 7.25 on page 256) to view wireless traffic
usage for an associated wireless station.
• Use the Wireless > Detected Device screen (Section 7.24 on page 255) to view information about
suspected rogue APs.
• Use the Printer Status screen (see Section 7.27 on page 258) to view information about the connected
statement printers.
• Use the SecuDeployer screen (see Section 7.28 on page 259) to view Zyxel Device SecuDeployer
client(s) managed by the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer server. A Zyxel Device SecuDeployer server
provisions local interfaces and IPSec tunnels to Zyxel Device SecuDeployer clients.
• Use the VPN Monitor > IPSec screen (Section 7.29 on page 263) to display and manage active IPSec
• Use the VPN Monitor > SSL screen (see Section 7.30 on page 265) to list the users currently logged into
the VPN SSL client portal. You can also log out individual users and delete related session information.
• Use the VPN Monitor > L2TP over IPSec screen (see Section 7.31 on page 265) to display and manage
the Zyxel Device’s connected L2TP VPN sessions.
• Use the UTM Statistics > App Patrol screen (see Section 7.32 on page 266) to start or stop data
collection and view virus statistics
• Use the UTM Statistics > Content Filter screen (Section 7.33 on page 267) to start or stop data
collection and view content filter statistics.
• Use the UTM Statistics > IDP screen (Section 7.34 on page 269) to start or stop data collection and view
IDP statistics.
• Use the UTM Statistics > Anti-Virus screen (see Section 7.35 on page 271) to start or stop data
collection and view virus statistics.
• Use the UTM Statistics > Anti-Spam > Summary screen (Section 7.36 on page 273) to start or stop data
collection and view spam statistics.
• Use the UTM Statistics > Anti-Spam > Status screen (Section 7.36.2 on page 275) to see how many mail
sessions the Zyxel Device is currently checking and DNSBL statistics.
• Use the UTM Statistics > SSL Inspection screen (Section 7.37 on page 276) to see a report on SSL
Inspection and a certificate cache list.
• Use the UTM Statistics > Certificate Cache List screen (Section 7.37.1 on page 278) to display traffic to
destination servers using certificates.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

• Use the Log > View Log screen (see Section 7.38.1 on page 279) to view the Zyxel Device’s current log
messages. You can change the way the log is displayed, you can e-mail the log, and you can also
clear the log in this screen.
• Use the Log > View AP Log screen (see Section 7.38.2 on page 281) to view the Zyxel Device’s current
wireless AP log messages.
• Use the Log > Dynamic Users Log screen (see Section 7.38.3 on page 283) to view the Zyxel Device’s
dynamic guest account log messages.

7.2 Port Statistics Screen

Use this screen to look at packet statistics for each Gigabit Ethernet port. To access this screen, click
Monitor > System Status > Port Statistics.

Figure 175 Monitor > System Status > Port Statistics

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 39 Monitor > System Status > Port Statistics

Poll Interval Enter how often you want this window to be updated automatically, and click Set Interval.
Set Interval Click this to set the Poll Interval the screen uses.
Stop Click this to stop the window from updating automatically. You can start it again by setting the
Poll Interval and clicking Set Interval.
Switch to Graphic Click this to display the port statistics as a line graph.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific port.
Port This field displays the physical port number.
Status This field displays the current status of the physical port.

Down - The physical port is not connected.

Speed / Duplex - The physical port is connected. This field displays the port speed and duplex
setting (Full or Half).
TxPkts This field displays the number of packets transmitted from the Zyxel Device on the physical port
since it was last connected.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Table 39 Monitor > System Status > Port Statistics (continued)

RxPkts This field displays the number of packets received by the Zyxel Device on the physical port
since it was last connected.
Collisions This field displays the number of collisions on the physical port since it was last connected.
Tx B/s This field displays the transmission speed, in bytes per second, on the physical port in the one-
second interval before the screen updated.
Rx B/s This field displays the reception speed, in bytes per second, on the physical port in the one-
second interval before the screen updated.
Up Time This field displays how long the physical port has been connected.
System Up Time This field displays how long the Zyxel Device has been running since it last restarted or was
turned on.

7.2.1 The Port Statistics Graph Screen

Use this screen to look at a line graph of packet statistics for each physical port. To access this screen,
click Port Statistics in the Status screen and then the Switch to Graphic View Button.

Figure 176 Monitor > System Status > Port Statistics > Switch to Graphic View

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 40 Monitor > System Status > Port Statistics > Switch to Graphic View
Refresh Interval Enter how often you want this window to be automatically updated.
Refresh Now Click this to update the information in the window right away.
Port Selection Select the number of the physical port for which you want to display graphics.
Switch to Grid Click this to display the port statistics as a table.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Table 40 Monitor > System Status > Port Statistics > Switch to Graphic View (continued)
bps The y-axis represents the speed of transmission or reception.
time The x-axis shows the time period over which the transmission or reception occurred
TX This line represents traffic transmitted from the Zyxel Device on the physical port since it was last
RX This line represents the traffic received by the Zyxel Device on the physical port since it was last
Last Update This field displays the date and time the information in the window was last updated.

7.3 Interface Status Screen

This screen lists all of the Zyxel Device’s interfaces and gives packet statistics for them. Click Monitor >
System Status > Interface Status to access this screen.

Figure 177 Monitor > System Status > Interface Status

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Each field is described in the following table.

Table 41 Monitor > System Status > Interface Status

Interface Status

If an Ethernet interface does not have any physical ports associated with it, its entry is displayed in light gray text.
Name This field displays the name of each interface. If there is an Expand icon (plus-sign) next to the
name, click this to look at the status of virtual interfaces on top of this interface.
Port/Binding This field displays the physical port number.
Status This field displays the current status of each interface. The possible values depend on what
type of interface it is.

For Ethernet interfaces:

• Inactive - The Ethernet interface is disabled.

• Down - The Ethernet interface does not have any physical ports associated with it or the
Ethernet interface is enabled but not connected.
• Speed / Duplex - The Ethernet interface is enabled and connected. This field displays the
port speed and duplex setting (Full or Half).
For cellular (mobile broadband) interfaces, see Section 7.13 on page 231 the Web Help for the
status that can appear.

For the auxiliary interface:

• Inactive - The auxiliary interface is disabled.

• Connected - The auxiliary interface is enabled and connected.
• Disconnected - The auxiliary interface is not connected.
For virtual interfaces, this field always displays Up. If the virtual interface is disabled, it does not
appear in the list.

For VLAN and bridge interfaces, this field always displays Up. If the VLAN or bridge interface is
disabled, it does not appear in the list.

For PPP interfaces:

• Connected - The PPP interface is connected.

• Disconnected - The PPP interface is not connected.
If the PPP interface is disabled, it does not appear in the list.

For WLAN interfaces:

• Up - The WLAN interface is enabled.

• Down - The WLAN interface is disabled.
HA Status This field displays the status of the interface in the virtual router.

• Active - This interface is the master interface in the virtual router.

• Stand-By - This interface is a backup interface in the virtual router.
• Fault - This VRRP group is not functioning in the virtual router right now. For example, this
might happen if the interface is down.
• n/a - Device HA is not active on the interface.
Zone This field displays the zone to which the interface is assigned.
IP Addr/Netmask This field displays the current IP address and subnet mask assigned to the interface. If the IP
address and subnet mask are, the interface is disabled or did not receive an IP address
and subnet mask via DHCP.

If this interface is a member of an active virtual router, this field displays the IP address it is
currently using. This is either the static IP address of the interface (if it is the master) or the
management IP address (if it is a backup).

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Table 41 Monitor > System Status > Interface Status (continued)

IP Assignment This field displays how the interface gets its IP address.

• Static - This interface has a static IP address.

• DHCP Client - This interface gets its IP address from a DHCP server.
Services This field lists which services the interface provides to the network. Examples include DHCP
relay, DHCP server, DDNS, RIP, and OSPF. This field displays n/a if the interface does not provide
any services to the network.
Action Use this field to get or to update the IP address for the interface. Click Renew to send a new
DHCP request to a DHCP server. Click Connect to try to connect a PPPoE/PPTP interface. If the
interface cannot use one of these ways to get or to update its IP address, this field displays n/a.
Tunnel Interface Status

This displays the details of the Zyxel Device’s configured tunnel interfaces.
Name This field displays the name of the interface.
Status The activate (light bulb) icon is lit when the entry is active and dimmed when the entry is
Zone This field displays the zone to which the interface is assigned.
IP Address This is the IP address of the interface. If the interface is active (and connected), the Zyxel
Device tunnels local traffic sent to this IP address to the Remote Gateway Address.
My Address This is the interface or IP address uses to identify itself to the remote gateway. The Zyxel Device
uses this as the source for the packets it tunnels to the remote gateway.
Remote This is the IP address or domain name of the remote gateway to which this interface tunnels
Gateway traffic.
Mode This field displays the tunnel mode that you are using.
IPv6 Interface Status

If an Ethernet interface does not have any physical ports associated with it, its entry is displayed in light gray text.
Name This field displays the name of each interface. If there is an Expand icon (plus-sign) next to the
name, click this to look at the status of virtual interfaces on top of this interface.
Port This field displays the physical port number.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Table 41 Monitor > System Status > Interface Status (continued)

Status This field displays the current status of each interface. The possible values depend on what
type of interface it is.

For Ethernet interfaces:

• Inactive - The Ethernet interface is disabled.

• Down - The Ethernet interface does not have any physical ports associated with it or the
Ethernet interface is enabled but not connected.
• Speed / Duplex - The Ethernet interface is enabled and connected. This field displays the
port speed and duplex setting (Full or Half).
For cellular (mobile broadband) interfaces, see Section 7.13 on page 231 the Web Help for the
status that can appear.

For the auxiliary interface:

• Inactive - The auxiliary interface is disabled.

• Connected - The auxiliary interface is enabled and connected.
• Disconnected - The auxiliary interface is not connected.
For virtual interfaces, this field always displays Up. If the virtual interface is disabled, it does not
appear in the list.

For VLAN and bridge interfaces, this field always displays Up. If the VLAN or bridge interface is
disabled, it does not appear in the list.

For PPP interfaces:

• Connected - The PPP interface is connected.

• Disconnected - The PPP interface is not connected.
If the PPP interface is disabled, it does not appear in the list.

For WLAN interfaces:

• Up - The WLAN interface is enabled.

• Down - The WLAN interface is disabled.
Zone This field displays the zone to which the interface is assigned.
IP Address This field displays the current IPv6 address assigned to the interface. If the IPv6 address is ::, the
interface is disabled or did not receive an IPv6 address via DHCP.

If this interface is a member of an active virtual router, this field displays the IPv6 address it is
currently using. This is either the static IPv6 address of the interface (if it is the master) or the
management IPv6 address (if it is a backup).
Services This field lists which services the interface provides to the network. Examples include DHCP
relay, DHCP server, DDNS, RIP, and OSPF. This field displays n/a if the interface does not provide
any services to the network.
Action Use this field to get or to update the IP address for the interface. Click Renew to send a new
DHCP request to a DHCP server. Click Connect to try to connect a PPPoE/PPTP interface. If the
interface cannot use one of these ways to get or to update its IP address, this field displays n/a.
Interface Statistics

This table provides packet statistics for each interface.

Refresh Click this button to update the information in the screen.
Expand/Close Click this button to show or hide statistics for all the virtual interfaces on top of the Ethernet
Name This field displays the name of each interface. If there is a Expand icon (plus-sign) next to the
name, click this to look at the statistics for virtual interfaces on top of this interface.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Table 41 Monitor > System Status > Interface Status (continued)

Status This field displays the current status of the interface.

• Down - The interface is not connected.

• Speed / Duplex - The interface is connected. This field displays the port speed and duplex
setting (Full or Half).
This field displays Connected and the accumulated connection time (hh:mm:ss) when the PPP
interface is connected.
TxPkts This field displays the number of packets transmitted from the Zyxel Device on the interface
since it was last connected.
RxPkts This field displays the number of packets received by the Zyxel Device on the interface since it
was last connected.
Tx B/s This field displays the transmission speed, in bytes per second, on the interface in the one-
second interval before the screen updated.
Rx B/s This field displays the reception speed, in bytes per second, on the interface in the one-second
interval before the screen updated.

7.4 The Traffic Statistics Screen

Click Monitor > System Status > Traffic Statistics to display the Traffic Statistics screen. This screen provides
basic information about the following for example:

• Most-visited Web sites and the number of times each one was visited. This count may not be accurate
in some cases because the Zyxel Device counts HTTP GET packets. Please see Table 42 on page 218
for more information.
• Most-used protocols or service ports and the amount of traffic on each one
• LAN IP with heaviest traffic and how much traffic has been sent to and from each one

You use the Traffic Statistics screen to tell the Zyxel Device when to start and when to stop collecting
information for these reports. You cannot schedule data collection; you have to start and stop it
manually in the Traffic Statistics screen.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Figure 178 Monitor > System Status > Traffic Statistics

There is a limit on the number of records shown in the report. Please see Table 43 on page 219 for more
information. The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 42 Monitor > System Status > Traffic Statistics

Data Collection
Collect Statistics Select this to have the Zyxel Device collect data for the report. If the Zyxel Device has already
been collecting data, the collection period displays to the right. The progress is not tracked
here real-time, but you can click the Refresh button to update it.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.
Interface Select the interface from which to collect information. You can collect information from
Ethernet, VLAN, bridge and PPPoE/PPTP interfaces.
Sort By Select the type of report to display. Choices are:

• Host IP Address/User - displays the IP addresses or users with the most traffic and how much
traffic has been sent to and from each one.
• Service/Port - displays the most-used protocols or service ports and the amount of traffic for
each one.
• Web Site Hits - displays the most-visited Web sites and how many times each one has been
• Country - displays the countries with the most traffic and the amount of traffic for each
Each type of report has different information in the report (below).
Refresh Click this button to update the report display.
Flush Data Click this button to discard all of the screen’s statistics and update the report display.
These fields are available when the Traffic Type is Host IP Address/User.
# This field is the rank of each record. The IP addresses and users are sorted by the amount of
Direction This field indicates whether the IP address or user is sending or receiving traffic.

• Ingress- traffic is coming from the IP address or user to the Zyxel Device.
• Egress - traffic is going from the Zyxel Device to the IP address or user.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Table 42 Monitor > System Status > Traffic Statistics (continued)

IP Address/ This field displays the IP address or user in this record.
Amount This field displays how much traffic was sent or received from the indicated IP address or user. If
the Direction is Ingress, a red bar is displayed; if the Direction is Egress, a blue bar is displayed.
The unit of measure is bytes, Kbytes, Mbytes or Gbytes, depending on the amount of traffic for
the particular IP address or user. The count starts over at zero if the number of bytes passes the
byte count limit. See Table 43 on page 219.
These fields are available when the Traffic Type is Service/Port.
# This field is the rank of each record. The protocols and service ports are sorted by the amount
of traffic.
Service/Port This field displays the service and port in this record. The maximum number of services and
service ports in this report is indicated in Table 43 on page 219.
Protocol This field indicates what protocol the service was using.
Direction This field indicates whether the indicated protocol or service port is sending or receiving traffic.

• Ingress - traffic is coming into the Zyxel Devicethrough the interface

• Egress - traffic is going out from the Zyxel Device through the interface
Amount This field displays how much traffic was sent or received from the indicated service / port. If the
Direction is Ingress, a red bar is displayed; if the Direction is Egress, a blue bar is displayed. The
unit of measure is bytes, Kbytes, Mbytes, Gbytes, or Tbytes, depending on the amount of traffic
for the particular protocol or service port. The count starts over at zero if the number of bytes
passes the byte count limit. See Table 43 on page 219.
These fields are available when the Traffic Type is Web Site Hits.
# This field is the rank of each record. The domain names are sorted by the number of hits.
Web Site This field displays the domain names most often visited. The Zyxel Device counts each page
viewed on a Web site as another hit. The maximum number of domain names in this report is
indicated in Table 43 on page 219.
Hits This field displays how many hits the Web site received. The Zyxel Device counts hits by
counting HTTP GET packets. Many Web sites have HTTP GET references to other Web sites, and
the Zyxel Device counts these as hits too. The count starts over at zero if the number of hits
passes the hit count limit. See Table 43 on page 219.
These fields are available when the Traffic Type is Country.
# This field is the rank of each record. The country name is sorted by the amount of traffic.
Country This field displays the name of the country.
Country This field displays the country code.
Amount This field displays how much traffic was sent or received from the indicated country. If the
Direction is Ingress, a red bar is displayed; if the Direction is Egress, a blue bar is displayed. The
unit of measure is bytes, Kbytes, Mbytes, Gbytes, or Tbytes, depending on the amount of traffic
for the particular protocol or service port. The count starts over at zero if the number of bytes
passes the byte count limit. See Table 43 on page 219.

• Ingress - traffic is coming into the Zyxel Device from the country.
• Egress - traffic is going from the Zyxel Device to the country.

The following table displays the maximum number of records shown in the report, the byte count limit,
and the hit count limit.

Table 43 Maximum Values for Reports

Maximum Number of Records 20

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Table 43 Maximum Values for Reports (continued)

Byte Count Limit 264 bytes; this is just less than 17 million terabytes.
Hit Count Limit 264 hits; this is over 1.8 x 1019 hits.

7.5 The Session Monitor Screen

The Session Monitor screen displays all established sessions that pass through the Zyxel Device for
debugging or statistical analysis. It is not possible to manage sessions in this screen. The following
information is displayed.

• User who started the session

• Protocol or service port used
• Source address
• Destination address
• Number of bytes received (so far)
• Number of bytes transmitted (so far)
• Duration (so far)

You can look at all established sessions that passed through the Zyxel Device by user, service, source IP
address, or destination IP address. You can also filter the information by user, protocol / service or service
group, source address, and/or destination address and view it by user.

Click Monitor > System Status > Session Monitor to display the following screen.

Figure 179 Monitor > System Status > Session Monitor

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 44 Monitor > System Status > Session Monitor

View Select how you want the established sessions that passed through the Zyxel Device to be
displayed. Choices are:

• sessions by users - display all active sessions grouped by user

• sessions by services - display all active sessions grouped by service or protocol
• sessions by source IP - display all active sessions grouped by source IP address
• session by source region - display all active sessions grouped by where the traffic is coming
from by country
• sessions by destination IP - display all active sessions grouped by destination IP address
• sessions by destination region - display all active sessions grouped by where the traffic is
going to by country
• all sessions - filter the active sessions by the User, Service, Source Address, and Destination
Address, and display each session individually (sorted by user).
Refresh Click this button to update the information on the screen. The screen also refreshes
automatically when you open and close the screen.
The User, Service, Source Address, Destination Address, Source Country and Destination
Country fields display if you view all sessions. Select your desired filter criteria and click the
Refresh button to filter the list of sessions.
User This field displays when View is set to all sessions. Type the user whose sessions you want to view.
It is not possible to type part of the user name or use wildcards in this field; you must enter the
whole user name.
Service This field displays when View is set to all sessions. Select the service or service group whose
sessions you want to view. The Zyxel Device identifies the service by comparing the protocol
and destination port of each packet to the protocol and port of each services that is defined.
Source This field displays when View is set to all sessions. Type the source IP address whose sessions you
Address want to view. You cannot include the source port.
Source This field displays when View is set to all sessions. Select the country where the traffic is coming
Country from.
Destination This field displays when View is set to all sessions. Type the destination IP address whose sessions
Address you want to view. You cannot include the destination port.
Destination This field displays when View is set to all sessions. Select the country where the traffic is going to.
Search Click this to display all sessions in the table below according to the criteria you defined above.
Clear Administrators can use these buttons to forcibly terminate selected TCP/UDP connections.
Select one or multiple connections and then click Clear; click Clear All to terminate all
Clear All connections displayed. Cleared sessions display in the Log > View Log screen.
# This field is the rank of each record. The names are sorted by the name of user in active session.
You can use the pull down menu on the right to choose sorting method.
User This field displays the user in each active session.

If you are looking at the sessions by users (or all sessions) report, click + or - to display or hide
details about a user’s sessions.
Service This field displays the protocol used in each active session.

If you are looking at the sessions by services report, click + or - to display or hide details about
a protocol’s sessions.
Source This field displays the source IP address and port in each active session.

If you are looking at the sessions by source IP report, click + or - to display or hide details about
a source IP address’s sessions.
Source This field displays the source country in each active session.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Table 44 Monitor > System Status > Session Monitor (continued)

Destination This field displays the destination IP address and port in each active session.

If you are looking at the sessions by destination IP report, click + or - to display or hide details
about a destination IP address’s sessions.
Destination This field displays the destination country in each active session.
Rx This field displays the amount of information received by the source in the active session.
Tx This field displays the amount of information transmitted by the source in the active session.
Duration This field displays the length of the active session in seconds.

7.6 IGMP Statistics

The Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) Statistics is used by Zyxel Device IP hosts to inform
adjacent router about multicast group memberships. It can also be used for one-to-many networking
applications such as online streaming video and gaming, distribution of company newsletters, updating
address book of mobile computer users in the field allowing more efficient use of resources when
supporting these types of applications. Click Monitor > System Status > IGMP Statistics to open the
following screen.

Figure 180 Monitor > System Status > IGMP Statistics

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 45 Monitor > System Status > IGMP Statistics

# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific I GMP Statistics.
Group This field displays the group of devices in the IGMP.
Source IP This field displays the host source IP information of the IGMP.
Incoming Interface This field displays the incoming interface that’s connected on the IGMP.
Packet Count This field displays the packet size of the data being transferred.
Bytes This field displays the size of the data being transferred in Byes.
Outgoing Interface This field displays the outgoing interface that’s connected on the IGMP.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

7.7 The DDNS Status Screen

The DDNS Status screen shows the status of the Zyxel Device’s DDNS domain names. Click Monitor >
System Status > DDNS Status to open the following screen.

Figure 181 Monitor > System Status > DDNS Status

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 46 Monitor > System Status > DDNS Status

Update Click this to have the Zyxel Device update the profile to the DDNS server. The Zyxel
Device attempts to resolve the IP address for the domain name.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific DDNS server.
Profile Name This field displays the descriptive profile name for this entry.
Domain Name This field displays each domain name the Zyxel Device can route.
Effective IP This is the (resolved) IP address of the domain name.
Last Update Status This shows whether the last attempt to resolve the IP address for the domain name was
successful or not. Updating means the Zyxel Device is currently attempting to resolve the
IP address for the domain name.
Last Update Time This shows when the last attempt to resolve the IP address for the domain name
occurred (in year-month-day hour:minute:second format).

7.8 IP/MAC Binding

Click Monitor > System Status > IP/MAC Binding to open the IP/MAC Binding screen. This screen lists the
devices that have received an IP address from Zyxel Device interfaces with IP/MAC binding enabled
and have ever established a session with the Zyxel Device. Devices that have never established a
session with the Zyxel Device do not display in the list.

Figure 182 Monitor > System Status > IP/MAC Binding

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 47 Monitor > System Status > IP/MAC Binding

Interface Select a Zyxel Device interface that has IP/MAC binding enabled to show to which
devices it has assigned an IP address.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific IP/MAC binding
IP Address This is the IP address that the Zyxel Device assigned to a device.
Host Name This field displays the name used to identify this device on the network (the computer
name). The Zyxel Device learns these from the DHCP client requests.
MAC Address This field displays the MAC address to which the IP address is currently assigned.
Last Access This is when the device last established a session with the Zyxel Device through this
Description This field displays the description of the IP/MAC binding.

7.9 The Login Users Screen

Use this screen to look at a list of the users currently logged into the Zyxel Device. To access this screen,
click Monitor > System Status > Login Users.

Figure 183 Monitor > System Status > Login Users

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 48 Monitor > System Status > Login Users

Force Logout Select a user ID and click this icon to end a user’s session.
# This field is a sequential value and is not associated with any entry.
User ID This field displays the user name of each user who is currently logged in to the Zyxel
Reauth/Lease Time This field displays the amount of reauthentication time remaining and the amount of
lease time remaining for each user.
Session Timeout This field displays the total account of time the account (authenticated by an external
server) can use to log into the Zyxel Device or access the Internet through the Zyxel

This shows unlimited for an administrator account.

Remaining time This field displays how much longer the account can use to log into the Zyxel Device or
access the Internet through the Zyxel Device.

This shows N/A for an administrator account.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Table 48 Monitor > System Status > Login Users (continued)

Remaining Quota (T/ This field displays the remaining amount of data that can be transmitted or received by
each account. You can see the amount of either data in both directions (Total) or
upstream data (Upload) and downstream data (Download).

This shows -/-/- for an administrator account.

Type This field displays the way the user logged in to the Zyxel Device.
IP Address This field displays the IP address of the computer used to log in to the Zyxel Device.
Country The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) has reserved the following blocks of
Private IP addresses specifically for private networks:

MAC This field displays the MAC address of the computer used to log in to the Zyxel Device.
User Info This field displays the types of user accounts the Zyxel Device uses. If the user type is ext-
user (external user), this field will show its external-group information when you move your
mouse over it.

If the external user matches two external-group objects, both external-group object
names will be shown.
Acct. Status For a captive portal login, this field displays the accounting status of the account used to
log into the Zyxel Device.

Accounting-on means accounting is being performed for the user login.

Accounting-off means accounting has stopped for this user login.

A “-” displays if accounting is not enabled for this login.

RADIUS Profile Name This field displays the name of the RADIUS profile used to authenticate the login through
the captive portal. N/A displays for logins that do not use the captive portal and RADIUS
server authentication.
Refresh Click this button to update the information in the screen.

7.10 The Dynamic Guest Screen

Dynamic guest accounts can be automatically generated for guest users by using a connected
statement printer or the web configurator with the guest-manager account (see Chapter 21 on page
559 for more information). A dynamic guest account has a dynamically-created user name and
password. Guest users can log in with the dynamic guest accounts when connecting to an SSID for a
specified time unit. Use this screen to look at a list of dynamic guest user accounts on the Zyxel Device’s
local database. To access this screen, click Monitor > System Status > Dynamic Guest.

Figure 184 Monitor > System Status > Dynamic Guest

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 49 Monitor > System Status > Dynamic Guest

Remove Select an entry and click this button to remove it from the list.

Note: If you delete a valid user account which is in use, the Zyxel Device ends the
user session.
Refresh Click this button to update the information in the screen.
# This is the index number of the dynamic guest account in the list.
Status This field displays whether an account expires or not.
Username This field displays the user name of the account.
Create Time This field displays when the account was created.
Remaining Time This field displays the amount of Internet access time remaining for each account.
Time Period This field displays the total account of time the account can use to access the Internet through
the Zyxel Device.
Expiration Time This field displays the date and time the account becomes invalid.

Note: Once the time allocated to a dynamic account is used up or a dynamic

account remains un-used after the expiration time, the account is deleted
from the account list.
Quota (T/U/D) This field displays how much data in both directions (Total) or upstream data (Upload) and
downstream data (Download) can be transmitted through the WAN interface before the
account expires.
Remaining Quota This field displays the remaining amount of data that can be transmitted or received by each
(T/U/D) account. You can see the amount of either data in both directions (Total) or upstream data
(Upload) and downstream data (Download).
Bandwidth (U/D) This field displays the maximum upstream (Upload) and downstream (Download) bandwidth
allowed for the user account in kilobits per second.
Charge This field displays the total cost of the account.
Payment Info This field displays the method of payment for each account.
Real Name This field displays the user’s name of the account.
Email This field displays the email address of the account.
Phone Num This field displays the mobile phone number for the account.
User Role This field displays the role of the account.

The following table describes the icons in this screen.

Table 50 Monitor > System Status > Dynamic Guest Icons

This guest account is un-used.

This guest account is in use and online.

This guest account has been used but is offline now.

This guest account expired.

This guest account has been deleted.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

7.11 Cellular Status Screen

This screen displays your mobile broadband connection status. Click Monitor > System Status > Cellular
Status to display this screen.

Figure 185 Monitor > System Status > Cellular Status

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 51 Monitor > System Status > Cellular Status

Refresh Click this button to update the information in the screen.
More Information Click this to display more information on your mobile broadband, such as the signal
strength, IMEA/ESN and IMSI. This is only available when the mobile broadband device
attached and activated on your Zyxel Device. Refer to Section 7.11.1 on page 229.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any interface.
Extension Slot This field displays where the entry’s cellular card is located.
Connected Device This field displays the model name of the cellular card.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Table 51 Monitor > System Status > Cellular Status (continued)

Status • No device - no mobile broadband device is connected to the Zyxel Device.
• No Service - no mobile broadband network is available in the area; you cannot
connect to the Internet.
• Limited Service - returned by the service provider in cases where the SIM card is
expired, the user failed to pay for the service and so on; you cannot connect to
the Internet.
• Device detected - displays when you connect a mobile broadband device.
• Device error - a mobile broadband device is connected but there is an error.
• Probe device fail - the Zyxel Device’s test of the mobile broadband device failed.
• Probe device ok - the Zyxel Device’s test of the mobile broadband device
• Init device fail - the Zyxel Device was not able to initialize the mobile broadband
• Init device ok - the Zyxel Device initialized the mobile broadband card.
• Check lock fail - the Zyxel Device’s check of whether or not the mobile
broadband device is locked failed.
• Device locked - the mobile broadband device is locked.
• SIM error - there is a SIM card error on the mobile broadband device.
• SIM locked-PUK - the PUK is locked on the mobile broadband device’s SIM card.
• SIM locked-PIN - the PIN is locked on the mobile broadband device’s SIM card.
• Unlock PUK fail - Your attempt to unlock a WCDMA mobile broadband device’s
PUK failed because you entered an incorrect PUK.
• Unlock PIN fail - Your attempt to unlock a WCDMA mobile broadband device’s
PIN failed because you entered an incorrect PIN.
• Unlock device fail - Your attempt to unlock a CDMA2000 mobile broadband
device failed because you entered an incorrect device code.
• Device unlocked - You entered the correct device code and unlocked a
CDMA2000 mobile broadband device.
• Get dev-info fail - The Zyxel Device cannot get cellular device information.
• Get dev-info ok - The Zyxel Device succeeded in retrieving mobile broadband
device information.
• Searching network - The mobile broadband device is searching for a network.
• Get signal fail - The mobile broadband device cannot get a signal from a network.
• Network found - The mobile broadband device found a network.
• Apply config - The Zyxel Device is applying your configuration to the mobile
broadband device.
• Inactive - The mobile broadband interface is disabled.
• Active - The mobile broadband interface is enabled.
• Incorrect device - The connected mobile broadband device is not compatible
with the Zyxel Device.
• Correct device - The Zyxel Device detected a compatible mobile broadband
• Set band fail - Applying your band selection was not successful.
• Set band ok - The Zyxel Device successfully applied your band selection.
• Set profile fail - Applying your ISP settings was not successful.
• Set profile ok - The Zyxel Device successfully applied your ISP settings.
• PPP fail - The Zyxel Device failed to create a PPP connection for the cellular
• Need auth-password - You need to enter the password for the mobile broadband
card in the cellular edit screen.
• Device ready - The Zyxel Device successfully applied all of your configuration and
you can use the mobile broadband connection.
Service Provider This displays the name of your network service provider. This shows Limited Service if
the service provider has stopped service to the mobile broadband card. For example
if the bill has not been paid or the account has expired.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Table 51 Monitor > System Status > Cellular Status (continued)

Cellular System This field displays what type of cellular network the mobile broadband connection is
using. The network type varies depending on the mobile broadband card you inserted
and could be UMTS, UMTS/HSDPA, GPRS or EDGE when you insert a GSM mobile
broadband card, or 1xRTT, EVDO Rev.0 or EVDO Rev.A when you insert a CDMA
mobile broadband card.
Signal Quality This displays the strength of the signal. The signal strength mainly depends on the
antenna output power and the distance between your Zyxel Device and the service
provider’s base station.

7.11.1 More Information

This screen displays more information on your mobile broadband, such as the signal strength, IMEA/ESN
and IMSI that helps identify your mobile broadband device and SIM card. Click Monitor > System Status
> Cellular Status > More Information to display this screen.

Note: This screen is only available when the mobile broadband device is attached to and
activated on the Zyxel Device.

Figure 186 Monitor > System Status > Cellular Status > More Information

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 52 Monitor > System Status > Cellular Status > More Information
Extension Slot This field displays where the entry’s cellular card is located.
Service Provider This displays the name of your network service provider. This shows Limited Service if the
service provider has stopped service to the mobile broadband card. For example if the
bill has not been paid or the account has expired.
Cellular System This field displays what type of cellular network the mobile broadband connection is
using. The network type varies depending on the mobile broadband card you inserted
and could be UMTS, UMTS/HSDPA, GPRS or EDGE when you insert a GSM mobile
broadband card, or 1xRTT, EVDO Rev.0 or EVDO Rev.A when you insert a CDMA mobile
broadband card.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Table 52 Monitor > System Status > Cellular Status > More Information (continued)
Signal Strength This is the Signal Quality measured in dBm.
Signal Quality This displays the strength of the signal. The signal strength mainly depends on the
antenna output power and the distance between your Zyxel Device and the service
provider’s base station.
Device Manufacturer This shows the name of the company that produced the mobile broadband device.
Device Model This field displays the model name of the cellular card.
Device Firmware This shows the software version of the mobile broadband device.
Device IMEI/ESN IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) is a 15-digit code in decimal format that
identifies the mobile broadband device.

ESN (Electronic Serial Number) is an 8-digit code in hexadecimal format that identifies
the mobile broadband device.
SIM Card IMSI IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity) is a 15-digit code that identifies the SIM

7.12 The UPnP Port Status Screen

Use this screen to look at the NAT port mapping rules that UPnP creates on the Zyxel Device. To access
this screen, click Monitor > System Status > UPnP Port Status.

Figure 187 Monitor > System Status > UPnP Port Status

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 53 Monitor > System Status > UPnP Port Status

Remove Select an entry and click this button to remove it from the list.
# This is the index number of the UPnP-created NAT mapping rule entry.
Remote Host This field displays the source IP address (on the WAN) of inbound IP packets. Since this is often
a wild-card, the field may be blank.

When the field is blank, the Zyxel Device forwards all traffic sent to the External Port on the
WAN interface to the Internal Client on the Internal Port.

When this field displays an external IP address, the NAT rule has the Zyxel Device forward
inbound packets to the Internal Client from that IP address only.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Table 53 Monitor > System Status > UPnP Port Status (continued)
External Port This field displays the port number that the Zyxel Device “listens” non the WAN port) for
connection requests destined for the NAT rule’s Internal Port and Internal Client. The Zyxel
Device forwards incoming packets (from the WAN) with this port number to the Internal Client
on the Internal Port (on the LAN). If the field displays “0”, the Zyxel Device ignores the Internal
Port value and forwards requests on all external port numbers (that are otherwise unmapped)
to the Internal Client.
Protocol This field displays the protocol of the NAT mapping rule (TCP or UDP).
Internal Port This field displays the port number on the Internal Client to which the Zyxel Device should
forward incoming connection requests.
Internal Client This field displays the DNS host name or IP address of a client on the LAN. Multiple NAT clients
can use a single port simultaneously if the internal client field is set to for UDP
Internal Client Type This field displays the type of the client application on the LAN.
Description This field displays a text explanation of the NAT mapping rule.
Delete All Click this to remove all mapping rules from the NAT table.
Refresh Click this button to update the information in the screen.

7.13 USB Storage Screen

This screen displays information about a connected USB storage device. Click Monitor > System Status >
USB Storage to display this screen.

Figure 188 Monitor > System Status > USB Storage

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 54 Monitor > System Status > USB Storage

Device description This is a basic description of the type of USB device.
Usage This field displays how much of the USB storage device’s capacity is currently being
used out of its total capacity and what percentage that makes.
Filesystem This field displays what file system the USB storage device is formatted with. This field
displays Unknown if the file system of the USB storage device is not supported by the
Zyxel Device, such as NTFS.
Speed This field displays the connection speed the USB storage device supports.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Table 54 Monitor > System Status > USB Storage (continued)

Status Ready - you can have the Zyxel Device use the USB storage device.

Click Remove Now to stop the Zyxel Device from using the USB storage device so you
can remove it.

Unused - the connected USB storage device was manually unmounted by using the
Remove Now button or for some reason the Zyxel Device cannot mount it.

Click Use It to have the Zyxel Device mount a connected USB storage device. This
button is grayed out if the file system is not supported (unknown) by the Zyxel Device.

none - no USB storage device is connected.

Detail This field displays any other information the Zyxel Device retrieves from the USB storage

• Deactivated - the use of a USB storage device is disabled (turned off) on the Zyxel
• OutofSpace - the available disk space is less than the disk space full threshold.
• Mounting - the Zyxel Device is mounting the USB storage device.
• Removing - the Zyxel Device is unmounting the USB storage device.
• none - the USB device is operating normally or not connected.

7.14 Ethernet Neighbor Screen

The Ethernet Neighbor screen allows you to view the Zyxel Device’s neighboring devices in one place.

It uses Smart Connect, that is Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) for discovering and configuring LLDP-
aware devices in the same broadcast domain as the Zyxel Device that you’re logged into using the
web configurator.

LLDP is a layer-2 protocol that allows a network device to advertise its identity and capabilities on the
local network. It also allows the device to maintain and store information from adjacent devices which
are directly connected to the network device. This helps you discover network changes and perform
necessary network reconfiguration and management.

Note: Enable Smart Connect in the System > ZON screen.

See also System > ZON for more information on the Zyxel One Network (ZON) utility that uses the Zyxel
Discovery Protocol (ZDP) for discovering and configuring ZDP-aware Zyxel devices in the same network
as the computer on which the ZON utility is installed.

Click Monitor > System Status > Ethernet Neighbor to see the following screen

Figure 189 Monitor > System Status > Ethernet Neighbor

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

The following table describes the fields in the previous screen.

Table 55 Monitor > System Status > Ethernet Neighbor

Local Port (Description) This field displays the port of the Zyxel Device, on which the neighboring device is

For Zyxel Devices that support Port Role, if ports 3 to 5 are grouped together and there
is a connection to P5 only, the Zyxel Device will display P3 as the interface port
number (even though there is no connection to that port).
Model Name This field displays the model name of the discovered device.
System Name This field displays the system name of the discovered device.
Firmware Version This field displays the firmware version of the discovered device.
Port (Description) This field displays the first internal port on the discovered device. Internal is an
interface type displayed in the Network > Interface > Ethernet > Edit screen. For
example, if P1 and P2 are WAN, P3 to P5 are LAN, and P6 is DMZ, then Zyxel Device will
display P3 as the first internal interface port number.

For Zyxel Devices that support Port Role, if ports 3 to 5 are grouped together and there
is a connection to P5 only, the Zyxel Device will display P3 as the first internal interface
port number (even though there is no connection to that port).
IP Address This field displays the IP address of the discovered device.
MAC Address This field displays the MAC address of the discovered device.
Refresh Click this button to update the information in the screen.

7.15 FQDN Object Screen

Click Monitor > System Status > FQDN Object to open the FQDN Object screen. View FQDN-to-IP address
mappings cached in this screen. An FQDN is resolved to its IP address using the DNS server configured on
the Zyxel Device. If the Zyxel Device receives a DNS query for an FQDN and the Zyxel Device has an
FQDN cache entry, the Zyxel Device can map the IP address in a DNS response without having to query
a DNS name server. The Zyxel Device updates FQDN-to-IP address mappings when the TTL (Time To Live)
setting expires.

You can configure FQDN objects in Configuration > Object > Address/Geo IP > Address or Configuration
> Object > Address/Geo IP > Address Group.

FQDN can be used in Security Policy, Policy Route, BWM and Web Authentication profiles as source and
destination criteria. FQDN with a wildcard (for example, *.zyxel.com) can be used in these profiles as
destination criteria only.

Suppose you want to block certain users from going to a website with a dynamically updated IP address
using DDNS. Create an FQDN object for the website in Object > Address, and then create a Security
Policy in Security Policy > Policy Control > Add. Use the FQDN object to identify the website as a
destination, and configure specific users to block. When a user tries to connect to the forbidden
website, the Zyxel Device first checks the IP address - website mapping in response to the DNS query
and then finds the FQDN object match. The Security Policy that has this FQDN object match can then
block the configured users from accessing the website.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Figure 190 Monitor > System Status > FQDN Object

The following table describes the fields in the previous screen.

Table 56 Monitor > System Status > FQDN Object

FQDN Object Cache List

You must first configure IPv4 FQDN objects in Configuration > Object > Address/Geo IP in the IPv4 Address
Configuration field.
FQDN Object Select a previously created object from the drop-down list box to display related
FQDN object caches used in DNS queries.
# This is the index number of the FQDN entry.
Name This field displays the name of the selected FQDN object used in DNS queries.
FQDN This field displays a host’s fully qualified domain name.
IP Address This field displays the mapping of the FQDN to an IP address. This is the IP address of a
TTL This field displays the number of seconds the Zyxel Device holds IP address - FQDN
object mapping in its cache. The mapping is updated when the TTL (Time To Live)
setting expires.
IPv6 FQDN Object Cache List

You must first configure IPv6 FQDN objects in Configuration > Object > Address/Geo IP in the IPv6 Address
Configuration field.
FQDN Object Select an object from the drop-down list box to display related IPv6 FQDN object
caches used in DNS queries.
# This is the index number of the IPv6 FQDN entry.
Name This field displays the name of the selected IPv6 FQDN object used in DNS queries.
FQDN This field displays a host’s fully qualified domain name.
IP Address This field displays the mapping of the FQDN to an IPv6 address. This is the IPv6 address
of a host.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Table 56 Monitor > System Status > FQDN Object

TTL This field displays the number of seconds the Zyxel Device holds IP address - FQDN
object mapping in its cache. The mapping is updated when the TTL (Time To Live)
setting expires.
Refresh Click this button to update the information in the screen.

7.16 Virtual Server Load Balancing

Virtual Server Load balancing allows you to distribute incoming connection requests to a virtual server
between multiple real (physical) servers. This helps reduce each server’s workload and to decrease
virtual server response times.

Use this screen to view traffic statistics between a client and a real server. You can then assess if loading
among real servers is balanced. If not, you may need to change the loading algorithm.

Please see Section 13.6 on page 475 for more information on virtual load balancing server.

Click Monitor > Virtual Server LB to see the following screen.

Figure 191 Monitor > Virtual Server LB

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 57 Monitor > Virtual Server LB

View Select how to view the virtual server load balancing traffic.

• Traffic/Connections By Packets: This will display this number of connections and the
number of bytes to/from a specific server.
• Traffic/Connections By Rates: This will display this number of connections per second and
the number of bytes per second to/from a specific server.
# This is the index number of a table entry.
Server IP This field displays the IP address of the real server to which the virtual server load balancing
traffic is coming from/going to.
Server Port This field displays the port number on the real server that identifies the service the client

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Table 57 Monitor > Virtual Server LB (continued)

Status This field displays the result of the health check. If the health check fails, it will display Off-line,
if the health check is OK, it displays On-line.
The following fields display when you choose Traffic/Connections By Packets
Active Connection This field displays the number of active connections between the real server and clients for
the specified service.
Inactive This field displays the number of once active, but now idle connections between the real
Connection server and clients for the specified service.
Incoming Packets This field displays the number of packets going to the real server from clients for the specified
Outgoing Packets This field displays the number of packets coming from the real server to clients for the
specified service.
Incoming Bytes This field displays the number of bytes going to the real server from clients for the specified
Outgoing Bytes This field displays the number of bytes coming from the real server to clients for the specified
The following fields display when you choose Traffic/Connections By Rates
Connections/s This field displays the number of connections per second between the real server and clients
for the specified service.
Incoming Packets/s This field displays the number of packets per second going to the real server from clients for
the specified service.
Outgoing Packets/s This field displays the number of packets per second coming from the real server to clients for
the specified service.
Incoming Bytes/s This field displays the number of bytes per second going to the real server from clients for the
specified service.
Outgoing Bytes/s This field displays the number of bytes per second coming from the real server to clients for
the specified service.
Refresh Click this button to update the information on the screen.

7.17 AP Information: AP List

The AP Information menu contains AP List, Radio List, Top N APs and Single AP screens. Click Monitor >
Wireless > AP Information to display the AP List screen.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Figure 192 Monitor > Wireless > AP Information > AP List

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 58 Monitor > Wireless > AP Information > AP List

Filter Click Show Advanced Settings to reveal Filter fields where you can display managed
APs by status, keyword or those managed by the Nebula portal.
AP List Select the type of APs you want to display.

Select All to show all kinds of APs that are currently or used to be connected to the
Zyxel Device.

Select NebulaFlexPRO to show the APs that can work in Nebula cloud management
Status Select the status of APs you want to display.

You can display APs managed by the Zyxel Device according to the following:

• Online All: APs that are online now + APs with configuration conflict + APs with
non-supported features + APs that are now updating firmware
• Online: APs that are online now
• Conflict: APs with configurations in conflict with theZyxel Device
• Non Support: APs with features not supported by the Zyxel Device
• Updating: APs that are have updated firmware and rebooted
• Offline All: Offline + Offline for Firmware Update
• Offline: The CAPWAP server did not receive keep-alive packets from these APs in
the last 2 minutes (Offline All - Offline for Firmware Update)
• Offline for Firmware Update: APs that were rebooted before updating firmware
• Un-Mgmt: APs that are not managed by the Zyxel Device
Keyword Enter a keyword to display the APs that include it in their AP information, such as
model number, firmware version, MAC address and so on. This field is case-sensitive.
Search Click this to update the list of APs based on the search criteria.

Your search criteria is retained when navigating between screens.

Reset Click this to return the search criteria to the factory defaults and display all currently
or previously connected APs without a filter.
Enable Column Freeze Select this to lock the index columns in place while scrolling to the right.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Table 58 Monitor > Wireless > AP Information > AP List (continued)

Edit Selected Rule Select an AP and click this to change the selected AP’s group, radio, VLAN and port
Add to Mgnt Select an AP and click this to add the selected AP to the managed AP list.
Reboot Device Select an AP and click this button to force it to restart.
Remove Rule Select an AP and click this button to remove the AP from the manged AP list.

Note: If on the Configuration > Wireless > Controller screen you set the
Registration Type to Always Accept, then as soon as you remove an
AP from this list it reconnects.
DCS Now Select one or multiple APs and click this button to use DCS (Dynamic Channel
Selection) to allow the AP to automatically find a less-used channel in an
environment where there are many APs and there may be interference.

Note: You should have enabled DCS in the applied AP radio profile before
the APs can use DCS.

Note: DCS is not supported on the radio which is working in repeater AP

More Information Click this icon to see AP Information and Station count.
Radio Info Select an online AP and click this button to go to the Monitor > Wireless > AP
Information > Radio List screen to view detailed information about the AP’s radios.
Query Controller Log Select an AP and click this button to go to the Monitor > Log > View AP Log screen to
view the selected AP’s current log messages.
Nebula Select an AP and click this to open a screen where you can set whether the AP’s IP
address and VLAN settings will be changed when it goes into Nebula cloud
management mode.

Note: The AP will be set to Nebula cloud management mode and

removed from the managed AP list right after you click OK.
Upgrade FW Select an APs and click this button to update the APs’ firmware version.
Suppression On Select an AP and click this button to enable the AP’s LED suppression mode. All the
LEDs of the AP will turn off after the AP is ready. This button is not available if the
selected AP doesn’t support suppression mode.
Suppression Off Select an AP and click this button to disable the AP’s LED suppression mode. The AP
LEDs stay lit after the AP is ready. This button is not available if the selected AP
doesn’t support suppression mode.
Locator On Select an AP and click this button to run the locator feature. The AP’s Locator LED
will start to blink for 10 minutes by default. It will show the actual location of the AP
between several devices on the network.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific AP.
Status This field displays the on-line or off-line status of the AP, move the cursor to the AP
icon and a status pop up message will appear.
Description This field displays the AP’s description, which you can configure by selecting the AP’s
entry and clicking the Edit button.
CPU Usage This field displays what percentage of the AP’s processing capability is currently
being used.
IP Address This field displays the IP address of the AP.
MAC Address This field displays the MAC address of the AP.
Station 2.4G/5G This field displays the station count information.
Recent On-line Time This field displays the latest date and time that the AP was logged on.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Table 58 Monitor > Wireless > AP Information > AP List (continued)

Power This field displays the AP’s power status.

Full - the AP receives power using a power adapter and/or through a PoE switch/
injector using IEEE 802.3at PoE plus. The PoE device that supports IEEE 802.3at PoE
Plus can supply power of up to 30W per Ethernet port.

Limited - the AP receives power through a PoE switch/injector using IEEE 802.3af PoE
even when it is also connected to a power source using a power adaptor. The PoE
device that supports IEEE 802.3af PoE can supply power of up to 15.4W per Ethernet

When the AP is in limited power mode, the AP throughput decreases and has just
one transmitting radio chain.

It always shows Full if the AP does not support power detection.

Type This indicates whether the AP is on the managed AP list (Mgmt) or not (Un-Mgmt).

This displays Limited when the AP is configured by conflicted or unsupported

Model This field displays the AP’s hardware model information. It displays N/A (not
applicable) only when the AP disconnects from the Zyxel Device and the
information is unavailable as a result.
R1 Mode/ Profile/ ZyMesh This field displays the operating mode (AP, MON, rootap, or repeater), AP radio
Profile profile name and ZyMesh profile name for Radio1. It displays- for the ZyMesh profile
for a radio not using a ZyMesh profile.
R2 Mode/ Profile/ ZyMesh This field displays the operating mode (AP, MON, rootap, or repeater), AP radio
Profile profile name and ZyMesh profile name for Radio2. It displays- for the ZyMesh profile
for a radio not using a ZyMesh profile.
Version This field displays the AP’s current firmware version.
Group This displays the name of the AP group to which the AP belongs.
Mgnt. VLAN ID (AC/AP) This displays the Access Controller (the Zyxel Device) and runtime management
VLAN ID setting for the AP. VLAN Conflict displays if the AP’s management VLAN ID
does not match the Mgmnt. VLAN ID(AC). This field displays n/a if the Zyxel Device
cannot get VLAN information from the AP.
Last Off-line Time This field displays the date and time that the AP was last logged out.
LED Status This field displays the AP LED status.

N/A displays if the AP does not support LED suppression mode and/or have a locator
LED to show the actual location of the AP.

A gray LED icon signifies that the AP LED suppression mode is enabled. All the LEDs of
the AP will turn off after the AP is ready.

A green LED icon signifies that the AP LED suppression mode is disabled and the AP
LEDs stay lit after the AP is ready.

A sun icon signifies that the AP’s locator LED is blinking.

A circle signifies that the AP’s locator LED is extinguished.

Ethernet Uplink This field displays the AP’s uplink port speed and duplex mode (Full or Half).

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Table 58 Monitor > Wireless > AP Information > AP List (continued)

Bluetooth This field displays the AP’s Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) capability. Bluetooth Low
Energy, which is also known as Bluetooth Smart, transmits less data over a shorter
distance and consumes less power than classic Bluetooth. APs communicate with
other BLE enabled devices using advertisements.

N/A displays if the AP does not support BLE.

Unavailable displays if the AP supports Bluetooth, but there is no BLE USB dongle
connected to the USB port of the AP. Some APs, such as the WAC5302D-S, need to
have a supported BLE USB dongle attached to act as a beacon to broadcast

Available displays if the AP supports Bluetooth, detects a BLE device and advertising
is inactive.

Advertising displays if the AP supports Bluetooth, detects a BLE device and

advertising is activated, which means the BLE device can broadcasts packets to
every device around it.
Location This field displays the AP’s location you configured.
Roaming Group This field displays the name of roaming group to which the AP belongs.
Load Balancing Group This field displays the AP’s load balance status when load balancing is enabled on
the Zyxel Device. Otherwise, it shows nothing when load balancing is disabled or the
radio is in monitor mode.
S/N This field displays the serial number of the AP.
System Name This field displays the system name to identify the AP on a network.

The following table describes the icons in this screen.

Table 59 Monitor > Wireless > AP Information > AP List Icons

This AP is not on the management list.

This AP is on the management list and online.

This AP is in the process of having its firmware updated.

This AP is on the management list but offline.

This indicates one of the following cases:

• This AP has a runtime management VLAN ID setting that conflicts with the VLAN ID setting on the
Access Controller (the Zyxel Device).
• A setting the Zyxel Device assigns to this AP does not match the AP’s capability.

7.17.1 AP List: More Information

Use this screen to look at station statistics for the connected AP. To access this screen, select an entry
and click the More Information button in the AP List screen. Use this screen to look at configuration

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

information, port status and station statistics for the connected AP. To access this screen, select an entry
and click the More Information button in the AP List screen.

Figure 193 Monitor > Wireless > AP Information > AP List > More Information

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 60 Monitor > Wireless > AP Information > AP List > More Information
Configuration This displays whether or not any of the AP’s configuration is in conflict with the Zyxel Device’s
Status settings for the AP.
Conflict If any of the AP’s configuration conflicts with the ZyWALL’s settings for the AP, this field displays
which configuration conflicts. It displays n/a if none of the AP’s configuration conflicts with
the ZyWALL’s settings for the AP.
Non Support If any of the AP’s configuration conflicts with the Zyxel Device’s settings for the AP, this field
displays which configuration conflicts. It displays n/a if none of the AP’s configuration
conflicts with the Zyxel Device’s settings for the AP.
Port Status

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Table 60 Monitor > Wireless > AP Information > AP List > More Information (continued)
Port This shows the name of the physical Ethernet port on the Zyxel Device.
Status This field displays the current status of each physical port on the AP.

Down - The port is not connected.

Speed / Duplex - The port is connected. This field displays the port speed and duplex setting
(Full or Half).
PVID This shows the port’s PVID.

A PVID (Port VLAN ID) is a tag that adds to incoming untagged frames received on a port so
that the frames are forwarded to the VLAN group that the tag defines.
Up Time This field displays how long the physical port has been connected.
TX Bcast This field displays the number of broadcast packets transmitted on the port.
RX Bcast This field displays the number of broadcast packets received on the port.
Name This shows the name of the VLAN.
Status This displays whether or not the VLAN is activated.
VID This shows the VLAN ID number.
Member This field displays the Ethernet port(s) that is a member of this VLAN.
Local Port This field displays the port of the Zyxel Device, on which the neighboring device is discovered.
For Zyxel Devices that support Port Role, if ports 3 to 5 are grouped together and there is a
connection to P5 only, the Zyxel Device will display P3 as the interface port number (even
though there is no connection to that port).
Model Name This field displays the model name of the discovered device.
System Name This field displays the system name of the discovered device.
Firmware This field displays the firmware version of the discovered device.
Port This field displays the first internal port on the discovered device. Internal is an interface type
(Description) displayed on the Network > Interface > Ethernet > Edit screen. For example, if P1 and P2 are
WAN, P3 to P5 are LAN, and P6 is DMZ, then Zyxel Device will display P3 as the first internal
interface port number.

For Zyxel Devices that support Port Role, if ports 3 to 5 are grouped together and there is a
connection to P5 only, the Zyxel Device will display P3 as the first internal interface port
number (even though there is no connection to that port).
IP Address This field displays the IP address of the discovered device.
MAC Address This field displays the MAC address of the discovered device.
Station Count
The y-axis represents the number of connected stations.
The x-axis shows the time over which a station was connected.
Last Update This field displays the date and time the information in the window was last updated.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving your changes.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

7.17.2 AP List: Config AP

Select an AP and click the Config AP button in the Monitor > Wireless > AP Information > AP List table to
display this screen.

Figure 194 Monitor > Wireless > AP Information > AP List > Config AP

Each field is described in the following table.

Table 61 Monitor > Wireless > AP Information > AP List > Config AP
Create new Object Use this menu to create a new Radio Profile object to associate with this AP.
MAC This displays the MAC address of the selected AP.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Table 61 Monitor > Wireless > AP Information > AP List > Config AP (continued)
Model This field displays the AP’s hardware model information. It displays N/A (not applicable) only
when the AP disconnects from the Zyxel Device and the information is unavailable as a
S/N This displays the serial number of the selected AP.
Description Enter a description for this AP. You can use up to 31 characters, spaces and underscores
Group Setting Select an AP group to which you want this AP to belong.
System Name Enter a name to identify the AP on a network. This is usually the AP’s fully qualified domain
Location Specify the name of the place where the AP is located.
Roaming Group Specify the name of the roaming group to which the AP belongs. You can use up to 31
alphanumeric and @# characters. Dashes and underscores are also allowed. The name
should start with a letter or digit.

The 802.11k neighbor list a client requests from the AP is generated according to the
roaming group and RCPI (Received Channel Power Indicator) value of its neighbor APs.

When a client wants to roam from the current AP to another, other APs in the same roaming
group or not in a roaming group will be candidates for roaming. Neighbor APs in a different
roaming group will be excluded from the 802.11k neighbor lists even when the neighbor AP
has the best signal strength.

If the AP’s roaming group is not configured, any neighbor APs can be candidates for
Load Balancing Load balancing is only applied to APs within the same group. If a load balancing group is
Group 1/2 not assigned to an AP, it will belong to a default group.

Each AP can belong to up to two groups.

Radio 1/2 Setting
Override Group Select this option to overwrite the AP radio settings with the settings you configure here.
Radio Setting
Radio 1/2 OP Mode Select the operating mode for radio 1 or radio 2.

AP Mode means the AP can receive connections from wireless clients and pass their data
traffic through to the Zyxel Device to be managed (or subsequently passed on to an
upstream gateway for managing).

MON Mode means the AP monitors the broadcast area for other APs, then passes their
information on to the Zyxel Device where it can be determined if those APs are friendly or
rogue. If an AP is set to this mode it cannot receive connections from wireless clients.
Radio 1/2 Profile Select a profile from the list. If no profile exists, you can create a new one through the
Create new Object menu.
Override Group Select this option to overwrite the AP output power setting with the setting you configure
Output Power here.
Output Power Set the output power of the AP.
Override Group SSID Select this option to overwrite the AP SSID profile setting with the setting you configure here.
This section allows you to associate an SSID profile with the radio.
Edit Select an SSID and click this button to reassign it. The selected SSID becomes editable
immediately upon clicking.
# This is the index number of the SSID profile. You can associate up to eight SSID profiles with
an AP radio.
SSID Profile Indicates which SSID profile is associated with this radio profile.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Table 61 Monitor > Wireless > AP Information > AP List > Config AP (continued)
IP Setting
Force Overwrite IP Select this to change the AP’s IP address setting to match the configuration in this screen.
Get Automatically Select this to have the AP act as a DHCP client and automatically get the IP address,
subnet mask, and gateway address from a DHCP server.
Used Fixed IP Select this if you want to specify the IP address, subnet mask, gateway and DNS server
Address address manually.
IP Address Enter the IP address for the AP.
Subnet Mask Enter the subnet mask of the AP in dot decimal notation. The subnet mask indicates what
part of the IP address is the same for all devices in the network.
Gateway Enter the IP address of the gateway. The AP sends packets to the gateway when it does not
know how to route the packet to its destination. The gateway should be on the same
network as the AP.
DNS Server IP Enter the IP address of the DNS server.
VLAN Settings
Force Overwrite Select this to have the Zyxel Device change the AP’s management VLAN to match the
VLAN Config configuration in this screen.
Management VALN Enter a VLAN ID for this AP.
As Native VLAN Select this option to treat this VLAN ID as a VLAN created on the Zyxel Device and not one
assigned to it from outside the network.
Storm Control Setting Traffic storm control limits the number of broadcast and/or multicast packets the Zyxel
Device receives on the ports. When the maximum number of allowable broadcast and/or
multicast packets is reached, the subsequent packets are discarded.

Select Broadcast Storm Control to enable broadcast storm control on the Zyxel Device.
Enabling this will drop ingress broadcast traffic in the physical Ethernet port if it exceeds the
maximum traffic rate.

Select Multicast Storm Control to enable multicast storm control on the Zyxel Device.
Enabling this will drop ingress multicast traffic in the physical Ethernet port if it exceeds the
maximum traffic rate.
Rogue AP Detection This feature allows the Zyxel Device to monitor the WiFi signals for other wireless APs. A rogue
Setting AP is a wireless access point operating in a network’s coverage area that is not under the
control of the network administrator, and which can potentially open up holes in a
network’s security.

Select this check box to detect Rogue APs in the network.

Antenna Setting Select Wall if you mount the Zyxel Device to a wall. Select Ceiling if the Zyxel Device is
mounted on a ceiling. You can switch from Wall to Ceiling if there are still wireless dead
zones, and vice versa.
LED Suppression If the Suppression On check box is checked, the LEDs of yourZyxel Device will turn off after
Mode Configuration it’s ready.

If the check box is unchecked, the LEDs will stay lit after theZyxel Device is ready.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Table 61 Monitor > Wireless > AP Information > AP List > Config AP (continued)
Power Setting Select this check box if you are using a PoE injector that does not support PoE negotiation.
Otherwise, the Zyxel Device cannot draw full power from the power sourcing equipment.
Enable this power mode to improve the Zyxel Device’s performance in this situation.

Note: Ensure that the power sourcing equipment can supply enough power to
the AP to avoid abnormal system reboots.

Note: Only enable this if you are using a passive PoE injector that is not IEEE
802.3at/bt compliant but can still provide full power.
Locator LED Click Turn On button to activate the locator. The Locator function will show the actual
Configuration location of the Zyxel Device between several devices in the network.

Otherwise, click Turn Off to disable the locator feature.

Automatically Enter a time interval between 1 and 60 minutes to stop the locator LED from blinking.
Extinguish After Default is 10 minutes.
Reset AP Click Apply Factory Default to reset all of the AP settings to the factory defaults.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to close the window with changes unsaved.

7.18 AP Information: Radio List

Use this screen to view the summary of the basic information of the radios. Click Monitor > Wireless > AP
Information > Radio List to display the Radio List screen.

Figure 195 Monitor > Wireless > AP Information > Radio List

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 62 Monitor > Wireless > AP Information > Radio List

More Information Click this icon to see the traffic statistics, station count, SSID, Security Mode and
VLAN ID information on the AP.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific radio.
Loading This indicates the AP’s load balance status (UnderLoad or OverLoad) when load
balancing is enabled on the AP. Otherwise, it shows - when load balancing is
disabled or the radio is in monitor mode.
AP Description Enter a description for this AP. You can use up to 31 characters, spaces and
underscores allowed.
Frequency Band This field displays the WLAN frequency band using the IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n standard
of 2.4 or 5 GHz.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Table 62 Monitor > Wireless > AP Information > Radio List

Channel ID This field displays the WLAN channels using the IEEE 802.11 protocols.
Tx Power This shows the radio’s output power (in dBm).
Station This field displays the station count information.
Rx This field displays the total number of bytes received by the radio.
Tx This field displays the total number of bytes transmitted by the radio.
Model This field displays the AP’s hardware model information. It displays N/A (not
applicable) only when the AP disconnects from the Zyxel Device and the
information is unavailable as a result.
MAC Address This field displays the MAC address of the AP.
Radio This field displays the Radio number. For example 1.
OP Mode This field displays the operating mode of the AP. It displays n/a for the profile for a
radio not using an AP profile.

AP Mode means the AP can receive connections from wireless clients and pass their
data traffic through to the Zyxel Device to be managed (or subsequently passed on
to an upstream gateway for managing).
AP / ZyMesh Profile This indicates the AP radio and ZyMesh profile names to which the radio belongs.
Antenna This indicates the antenna orientation for the radio (Wall or Ceiling).

This shows N/A if the AP does not allow you to adjust coverage depending on the
orientation of the antenna for each radio using the web configurator or a physical

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

7.18.1 Radio List: More Information

This screen allows you to view detailed information about a selected radio’s SSID(s), wireless traffic and
wireless clients for the preceding 24 hours. To access this window, select an entry and click the More
Information button in the Radio List screen.

Figure 196 Monitor > Wireless > AP Information > Radio List > More Information

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 63 Monitor > Wireless > AP Information > Radio List > More Information
MBSSID Detail This list shows information about the SSID(s) that is associated with the radio over the preceding
24 hours.
# This is the items sequential number in the list. It has no bearing on the actual data in this list.
SSID Name This displays an SSID associated with this radio. There can be up to eight maximum.
BSSID This displays the MAC address associated with the SSID.
Security This displays the security mode in which the SSID is operating.
Forwarding This field indicates the forwarding mode (Local Bridge or Tunnel) associated with the SSID
Mode profile.
VLAN This displays the VLAN ID associated with the SSID.
Traffic Statistics This graph displays the overall traffic information about the radio over the preceding 24 hours.
y-axis This axis represents the amount of data moved across this radio in megabytes per second.
x-axis This axis represents the amount of time over which the data moved across this radio.
Station Count This graph displays information about all the wireless clients that have connected to the radio
over the preceding 24 hours.
y-axis The y-axis represents the number of connected wireless clients.
x-axis The x-axis shows the time over which a wireless client was connected.
Last Update This field displays the date and time the information in the window was last updated.
OK Click this to close this window.
Cancel Click this to close this window.

7.19 AP Information: Top N APs

Use this screen to view the top five or top ten wireless traffic usage and associated wireless stations for
the preceding 24 hours. Click Monitor > Wireless > AP Information > Top N APs to display the Top N APs

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Figure 197 Monitor > Wireless > AP Information > Top N APs

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 64 Monitor > Wireless > AP Information > Top N APs

View Select this to view the top five or top ten wireless traffic usage and associated
wireless stations for the preceding 24 hours.
Usage by If you view the data usage by Usage, select the frequency band and the measure
unit in GB or MB to display the graph.

If you view the date usage by Station Number, select the measure unit in GB or MB to
display the graph.
Date This field displays the date of your Zyxel Device.

Each time you reload this page, the Zyxel Device synchronizes the date with the
timer server.
Traffic Usage This graph displays the overall traffic information about the top five or top ten
wireless traffic for the preceding 24 hours.
y-axis The y-axis represents the amount of traffic in megabytes/gigabytes.
x-axis The x-axis represents the time over which wireless traffic flows transmitting from/to
the AP.
Station Count This graph displays information about all the wireless stations that have connected
to the AP for the preceding 24 hours.
y-axis The y-axis represents the number of connected wireless stations.
x-axis The x-axis represents the time over which a wireless client was connected.
Refresh Click Refresh to update this screen.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

7.20 AP Information: Single AP

Use this screen to view wireless traffic usage and wireless stations for a managed AP. Click Monitor >
Wireless > AP Information > Single AP to display the Single AP screen.

Figure 198 Monitor > Wireless > AP Information > Single AP

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 65 Monitor > Wireless > AP Information > Single AP

AP Selection Select a managed AP from the drop-down list box to view its wireless traffic usage
and wireless stations.
Usage by Select the measure unit in GB or MB to display the graph.
Date This field displays the date of your Zyxel Device.

Each time you reload this page, the Zyxel Device synchronizes the date with the
timer server.
Traffic Usage This graph displays the overall traffic information about the AP you specified for the
preceding 24 hours.
y-axis The y-axis represents the amount of traffic in megabytes/gigabytes.
x-axis The x-axis represents the time over which wireless traffic flows transmitting from/to
the AP.
Station Count This graph displays information about all the wireless stations that have connected
to the AP for the preceding 24 hours.
y-axis The y-axis represents the number of connected wireless stations.
x-axis The x-axis represents the time over which a wireless client was connected.
Reset Click Reset to update this screen.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

7.21 ZyMesh
Use this screen to view the ZyMesh traffic statistics between the managed APs. Click Monitor > Wireless
> ZyMesh to display this screen.

Figure 199 Monitor > Wireless > ZyMesh

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 66 Monitor > Wireless > ZyMesh

# This field displays the index number of the managed AP (in repeater mode) in this list.
Description This field displays the descriptive name of the managed AP (in repeater mode).
IP Address This field displays the IP address of the managed AP (in repeater mode).
Channel ID This field displays the number of the channel used by the managed AP (in repeater
Hop This is the hop count of the managed AP. For example, “1” means the managed AP
is connected to a root AP directly. “2” means there is another repeater AP between
the managed AP and the root AP.
Uplink AP Info This shows the role and descriptive name of the managed AP to which this
managed AP is connected wirelessly.
SSID Name This indicates the name of the wireless network (SSID) the managed AP uses to
associated with another managed AP.
Signal Strength Before the slash, this shows the signal strength the uplink AP (a root AP or a repeater)
receives from this managed AP (in repeater mode).

After the slash, this shows the signal strength this managed AP (in repeater mode)
receives from the uplink AP.
Link Up Time This field displays the time the managed AP first associated with the root AP or
MAC Address This field displays the MAC address of the managed AP (in repeater mode).
Transmit Power This is the upstream and downstream far end actual aggregate transmit power (in

Upstream is how much power the port is using to transmit to the service provider.
Downstream is how much port the service provider is using to transmit to the port.
Root AP This field displays the descriptive name of the root AP to which the managed AP is
connected wirelessly.
Rx Rate This field displays the maximum reception rate of the root AP or repeater to which
the managed AP is connected.
Tx Rate This field displays the maximum transmission rate of the root AP or repeater to which
the managed AP is connected.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

7.22 SSID Info

Use this screen to view the number of wireless clients currently connected to an SSID and the security
type used by the SSID. Click Monitor > Wireless > SSID Info to display this screen.

Figure 200 Monitor > Wireless > SSID Info

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 67 Monitor > Wireless > SSID Info

# This is the SSID’s index number in this list.
SSID This indicates the name of the wireless network to which the client is connected. A
single AP can have multiple SSIDs or networks.
2.4GHz This shows the number of wireless clients which are currently connected to the SSID
using the 2.4 GHz frequency band, Click the number to go to the Station Info >
Station List screen. See Section 7.24 on page 255.
5GHz This shows the number of wireless clients which are currently connected to the SSID
using the 5 GHz frequency band, Click the number to go to the Station Info > Station
List screen. See Section 7.24 on page 255.
SSID Profile Name This indicates the name of the SSID profile in which the SSID is defined,
Security Mode This indicates which secure encryption methods is being used by the SSID.

7.23 Station Info: Station List

The Station Info menu contains Station List, Top N Stations and Single Station screens. This screen displays
information about connected wireless stations. Click Monitor > Wireless > Station Info > Station List to
display this screen.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Figure 201 Monitor > Wireless > Station Info > Station List

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 68 Monitor > Wireless > Station Info > Station List
Hide/Show Advanced Click this button to display a greater or lesser number of configuration fields.
Show Filter/ Hide Filer Click this button to show or hide the filter settings.
IP Address Enter the IP address of the station you want to display. This field is case-sensitive.
Associated AP Select the AP(s) with which the stations you want to display associate.
SSID Name Select the SSID(s) to which the stations you want to display are connected.
MAC Address Enter the MAC address of the station you want to display. This field is case-sensitive.
Security Mode Select the security mode(s) used by the stations you want to display.
Account Enter the user account name of the station you want to display. This field is case-
Login Type Select the login method(s) used by the stations you want to display.
Band Select the frequency band used by the stations you want to display.
Search Click this to update the list of stations based on the search criteria.

Your search criteria is retained when navigating between screens.

Reset Click this to return the search criteria to the factory defaults and display all
connected stations without a filter.
Enable Column Freeze Select this to lock the index columns in place while scrolling to the right.
Station List
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific station.
MAC Address This field displays the MAC address of the station.
SSID Name This field displays the SSID names of the station.
Associated AP This field displays the APs that are associated with the station.
IP Address This field displays the IP address of the station.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Table 68 Monitor > Wireless > Station Info > Station List
Channel This field displays the number of the channel used by the station to connect to the
Rx Rate This field displays the receive data rate of the station.
Tx Rate This field displays the transmit data rate of the station.
Signal Strength This field displays the signal strength of the station.
Association Time This field displays the time duration the station was online and offline.
Enterprise This field displays the RADIUS server of the station.
Captive Portal This displays whether the station logged into the network via the captive portal login
MAC Auth This displays whether the station logged into the network via MAC authentication.
Band This field displays the frequency band which is currently being used by the station.
Capability This displays the supported standard currently being used by the station or the
standards supported by the station.
802.11 Features This displays whether the station supports IEEE802.11r, IEEE 802.11k, IEEE 802.11v or
none of the above (N/A).
Security Mode This field displays the security mode the station is using.
Download This field displays the number of bytes received by the station.
Upload This field displays the number of bytes transmitted from the station.

7.24 Station Info: Top N Stations

Use this screen to view the top five or top ten traffic statistics of the wireless stations. Click Monitor >
Wireless > Station Info > Top N Stations to display this screen.

Figure 202 Monitor > Wireless > Station Info > Top N Stations

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 69 Monitor > Wireless > Station Info > Top N Stations
View Select this to view the top five or top ten traffic statistics of the wireless stations.
Usage by Select the measure unit in GB or MB to display the graph.
Date This field displays the date of your Zyxel Device.

Each time you reload this page, the Zyxel Device synchronizes the date with the
timer server.
Traffic Usage This graph displays the overall traffic information about the stations for the preceding
24 hours.
y-axis This axis represents the amount of data moved across stations in megabytes per
Refresh Click Refresh to update this screen.

7.25 Station Info: Single Station

Use this screen to view traffic statistics of the wireless station you specified. Click Monitor > Wireless >
Station Info > Single Station to display this screen.

Figure 203 Monitor > Wireless > Station Info > Single Station

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 70 Monitor > Wireless > Station Info > Single Station
Station Selection Select this to view the traffic statistics of the wireless station.
Usage by Select the measure unit in GB or MB to display the graph.
Date This field displays the date of your Zyxel Device.

Each time you reload this page, the Zyxel Device synchronizes the date with the
timer server.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Table 70 Monitor > Wireless > Station Info > Single Station
Traffic Usage This graph displays the overall traffic information about the station over the
preceding 24 hours.
y-axis This axis represents the amount of data moved across this station in megabytes per
Refresh Click Refresh to update this screen.

7.26 Detected Device

Use this screen to view information about wireless devices detected by the AP. Click Monitor > Wireless >
Detected Device to access this screen.

Note: At least one radio of the APs connected to the Zyxel Device must be set to monitor
mode (in the Configuration > Wireless > AP Management screen) in order to detect
other wireless devices in its vicinity.

Figure 204 Monitor > Wireless > Detected Device

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 71 Monitor > Wireless > Detected Device

Discovered APs
Rogue AP This shows how many devices are detected as rogue APs.
Suspected rogue This shows how many devices are detected as possible rogue APs.
Friendly AP This shows how many devices are detected as friendly APs.
Un-Classified AP This shows how many devices are detected, but have not been classified as either Rogue or
Friendly by the Zyxel Device.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Table 71 Monitor > Wireless > Detected Device (continued)

Detect now Click this button for the Zyxel Device to scan for APs in the network.
Mark as Rogue Click this button to mark the selected AP as a rogue AP. A rogue AP can be contained in the
AP Configuration > Wireless > MON Mode screen.
Mark as Friendly Click this button to mark the selected AP as a friendly AP. For more on managing friendly APs,
AP see the Configuration > Wireless > MON Mode screen.
# This is the station’s index number in this list.
Role This indicates the detected device’s role (such as friendly or rogue).
Classified by This indicates the detected device’s classification rule.
MAC Address This indicates the detected device’s MAC address.
SSID Name This indicates the detected device’s SSID.
Channel ID This indicates the detected device’s channel ID.
802.11 Mode This indicates the 802.11 mode (a/b/g/n) transmitted by the detected device.
Security This indicates the encryption method (if any) used by the detected device.
Seen by This indicates which AP detects the device.

If an AP in monitor mode detected this AP, this column will show “N/A”.

If an AP using Rogue AP Detection detected this device, it will show the name of the AP and the
signal strength from the detected device. If the wireless device is detected by more than one
AP, only the top 5 APs with the highest signal strength will be shown.
Group This indicates which group the detected device belongs.
Description This displays the detected device’s description. For more on managing friendly and rogue APs,
see the Configuration > Wireless > MON Mode screen.
Last Seen This indicates the last time the device was detected by the Zyxel Device.
Refresh Click this to refresh the items displayed on this page.

7.27 The Printer Status Screen

This screen displays information about the connected statement printer, such as SP350E. Click Monitor >
Printer Status to display this screen.

Figure 205 Monitor > Printer Status

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 72 Monitor > Printer Status

# This is the index number of the printer in the list.
IPv4 Address This field displays the IP address of the printer that you configured in the Configuration > Hotspot
> Printer Manager > General: Add screen.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Table 72 Monitor > Printer Status (continued)

Update Time This field displays the date and time the Zyxel Device last synchronized with the printer.

This shows n/a when the printer status is sync fail.

Status This field displays whether the Zyxel Device can connect to the printer and update the printer
Description This field displays the descriptive name of the printer that you configured in the Configuration >
Hotspot > Printer Manager > General: Add screen.
Nickname This field displays the nickname of the printer that you configured in the Configuration > Hotspot
> Printer Manager > General: Edit screen.
Firmware Version This field displays the model number and firmware version of the printer.

This shows n/a when the printer status is sync fail.

MAC This field displays the MAC address of the printer.

7.28 The SecuDeployer Monitor Screen

Click Monitor > Cloud CNM > SecuDeployer to view the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer client(s) managed
by the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer server. Double-click an entry to display more information about the
Zyxel Device.

Figure 206 Monitor > Cloud CNM > SecuDeployer

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 73 Monitor > Cloud CNM > SecuDeployer

SecuDeployer Monitor
Index This is the index number of a Zyxel Device SecuDeployer client entry.
Connected This displays whether the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer client is connected to the Zyxel
Device SecuDeployer server or not.
Host This is the name of the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer client.
IP/Port This is the IP address and port number the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer client uses to
communicate with the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer server.
CPU This displays what percentage of the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer client’s processing
capability is currently being used.
MEM This displays what percentage of the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer client’s RAM is currently
being used.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Table 73 Monitor > Cloud CNM > SecuDeployer

Status This displays how many IPSec VPN(s) between the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer server and
the client is up.
Last update This displays the date and time this entry was updated last time.

7.28.1 Device Information (for Zyxel Device Server)

Double click a device entry in the Monitor > Cloud CNM > SecuDeployer screen to view the detailed
information of the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer client(s) or the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer server.

When the Zyxel Device is in server role and you double click a Zyxel Device SecuDeployer client entry,
this screen displays the client’s information, status, and the settings that have been provisioned by the
Zyxel Device SecuDeployer server.

Figure 207 Monitor > Cloud CNM > SecuDeployer > Device Information (Zyxel Device in Server Role)

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 74 Monitor > Cloud CNM > SecuDeployer > Device Information (ZyXEL device in Server Role)
Device Information
Hostname This displays the system name of the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer client entry.
S/N This displays the serial number of the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer client entry.
CPU This displays what percentage of the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer client’s processing
capability is currently being used.
MEM This displays what percentage of the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer client’s RAM is currently
being used.
Model This displays the model type of the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer client entry.
Version This displays the firmware version of the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer client.
IP This displays the IP address the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer client uses to communicate
with the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer server.
Profile Template This displays the name of the SecDeployer template being used by the Zyxel Device
SecuDeployer client.
Interface The fields below display interface related details on the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer
# This displays the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer client interface entry number.
Name This displays the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer client interface name.
Type This displays the type of network (internal) to which this interface will connect.
Subnetting This displays the interface’s subnet on the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer client.
DHCP server This displays whether a DHCP server that is on the network connected to this interface will
assign TCP/IP information to devices on this network.
IPSec VPN The fields below display IPSec related details on the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer client.
# This displays the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer client IPSec entry number.
Name This displays the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer client IPSec entry name.
Policy This displays the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer client IPSec scenario: Site-to-site (Policy
Based) or VTI (Route Based).
Algorithm This displays the encryption, authentication algorithm, and key group the IPSec VPN
profile is using.
IKE Version This displays the IKE version the IPSec VPN profile is using.
Routing The fields below display static route related details on the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer
# This displays the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer client static route entry number.
Name This displays the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer client static route entry name.
Type This displays the type of the route (Static Route).
Traffic Direction This displays the direction of traffic packets for which the route applies: Server to Client or
Client to Server.
Destination This displays the destination IP address and the subnet mask of the route.
Next-hop This displays the next-hop gateway or the interface through which the traffic is routed.
Close Click this to close this screen.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

7.28.2 Device Information (for Zyxel Device Client)

When the Zyxel Device is in client role and you double click a Zyxel Device SecuDeployer server entry,
this screen displays the server’s information, and the settings applied by the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer

Figure 208 Monitor > Cloud CNM > SecuDeployer > Device Information (ZyXEL device in Client Role)

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 75 Monitor > Cloud CNM > SecuDeployer > Device Information (ZyXEL device in Client Role)
Device Information
Hostname This displays the system name of the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer server.
IP This displays the IP address the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer server uses to communicate
with the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer client.
Interface The fields below display interface related details on the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer
# This displays the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer client interface entry number.
Name This displays the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer client interface name.
Type This displays the type of network (internal) to which this interface will connect.
Subnetting This displays the interface’s subnet on the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer client.
DHCP server This displays whether a DHCP server that is on the network connected to this interface will
assign TCP/IP information to devices on this network.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Table 75 Monitor > Cloud CNM > SecuDeployer > Device Information (ZyXEL device in Client Role)
IPSec VPN The fields below display IPSec related details on the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer client.
# This displays the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer client IPSec entry number.
Name This displays the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer client IPSec entry name.
Policy This displays the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer client IPSec scenario: Site-to-site (Policy
Based) or VTI (Route Based).
Algorithm This displays the encryption, authentication algorithm, and key group the IPSec VPN
profile is using.
IKE Version This displays the IKE version the IPSec VPN profile is using.
Routing The fields below display static route related details on the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer
# This displays the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer client static route entry number.
Name This displays the Zyxel Device SecuDeployer client static route entry name.
Type This displays the type of the route (Static Route).
Traffic Direction This displays the direction of traffic packets for which the route applies: Server to Client or
Client to Server.
Destination This displays the destination IP address and the subnet mask of the route.
Next-hop This displays the next-hop gateway or the interface through which the traffic is routed.
Close Click this to close this screen.

7.29 The IPSec Screen

You can use the IPSec Monitor screen to display and to manage active IPSec SAs. To access this screen,
click Monitor > VPN Monitor > IPSec. The following screen appears. Click a column’s heading cell to sort
the table entries by that column’s criteria. Click the heading cell again to reverse the sort order.

Figure 209 Monitor > VPN Monitor > IPSec

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Each field is described in the following table.

Table 76 Monitor > VPN Monitor > IPSec

Name Type the name of a IPSec SA here and click Search to find it (if it is associated). You
can use a keyword or regular expression. Use up to 30 alphanumeric and _+-
.()!$*^:?|{}[]<>/ characters. See Section on page 264 for more details.
Policy Type the IP address(es) or names of the local and remote policies for an IPSec SA
and click Search to find it. You can use a keyword or regular expression. Use up to 30
alphanumeric and _+-.()!$*^:?|{}[]<>/ characters. See Section on page 264 for
more details.
Search Click this button to search for an IPSec SA that matches the information you
specified above.
Disconnect Select an IPSec SA and click this button to disconnect it.
Connection Check Select an IPSec SA and click this button to check the connection.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific SA.
Serial Number This field displays the serial number of this ZyXEL device.
System Name This field displays the name used to identify this ZyXEL device
Name This field displays the name of the IPSec SA.
Policy This field displays the content of the local and remote policies for this IPSec SA. The IP
addresses, not the address objects, are displayed.
IKE Name This field displays the Internet Key Exchange (IKE) name.
Cookies This field displays the cookies information that initiates the IKE.
My Address This field displays the IP address of local computer.
Secure Gateway This field displays the secure gateway information.
Up Time This field displays how many seconds the IPSec SA has been active. This field displays
N/A if the IPSec SA uses manual keys.
Timeout This field displays how many seconds remain in the SA life time, before the Zyxel
Device automatically disconnects the IPSec SA. This field displays N/A if the IPSec SA
uses manual keys.
Inbound (Bytes) This field displays the amount of traffic that has gone through the IPSec SA from the
remote IPSec router to the Zyxel Device since the IPSec SA was established.
Outbound (Bytes) This field displays the amount of traffic that has gone through the IPSec SA from the
Zyxel Device to the remote IPSec router since the IPSec SA was established.

Regular Expressions in Searching IPSec SAs

A question mark (?) lets a single character in the VPN connection or policy name vary. For example, use
“a?c” (without the quotation marks) to specify abc, acc and so on.

Wildcards (*) let multiple VPN connection or policy names match the pattern. For example, use “*abc”
(without the quotation marks) to specify any VPN connection or policy name that ends with “abc”. A
VPN connection named “testabc” would match. There could be any number (of any type) of
characters in front of the “abc” at the end and the VPN connection or policy name would still match. A
VPN connection or policy name named “testacc” for example would not match.

A * in the middle of a VPN connection or policy name has the Zyxel Device check the beginning and
end and ignore the middle. For example, with “abc*123”, any VPN connection or policy name starting
with “abc” and ending in “123” matches, no matter how many characters are in between.

The whole VPN connection or policy name has to match if you do not use a question mark or asterisk.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

7.30 The SSL Screen

The Zyxel Device keeps track of the users who are currently logged into the VPN SSL client. Click Monitor
> VPN Monitor > SSL to display the user list.

Use this screen to do the following:

• View a list of active SSL VPN connections.

• Log out individual users and delete related session information.

Once a user logs out, the corresponding entry is removed from the screen.

Figure 210 Monitor > VPN Monitor > SSL

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 77 Monitor > VPN Monitor > SSL

Disconnect Select a connection and click this button to terminate the user’s connection and delete
corresponding session information from the Zyxel Device.
Refresh Click Refresh to update this screen.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific SSL.
User This field displays the account user name used to establish this SSL VPN connection.
Access This field displays the name of the SSL VPN application the user is accessing.
Login Address This field displays the IP address the user used to establish this SSL VPN connection.
Connected Time This field displays the time this connection was established.
Inbound (Bytes) This field displays the number of bytes received by the Zyxel Device on this connection.
Outbound (Bytes) This field displays the number of bytes transmitted by the Zyxel Device on this

7.31 The L2TP over IPSec Screen

Click Monitor > VPN Monitor > L2TP over IPSec to open the following screen. Use this screen to display
and manage the Zyxel Device’s connected L2TP VPN sessions.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Figure 211 Monitor > VPN Monitor > L2TP over IPSec

The following table describes the fields in this screen.

Table 78 Monitor > VPN Monitor > L2TP over IPSec

Disconnect Select a connection and click this button to disconnect it.
Refresh Click Refresh to update this screen.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific L2TP VPN session.
User Name This field displays the remote user’s user name.
Hostname This field displays the name of the computer that has this L2TP VPN connection with the
Zyxel Device.
Assigned IP This field displays the IP address that the Zyxel Device assigned for the remote user’s
computer to use within the L2TP VPN tunnel.
Public IP This field displays the public IP address that the remote user is using to connect to the

7.32 The App Patrol Screen

Application patrol provides a convenient way to manage the use of various applications on the
network. It manages general protocols (for example, HTTP and FTP) and instant messenger (IM), peer-to-
peer (P2P), Voice over IP (VoIP), and streaming (RSTP) applications. You can even control the use of a
particular application’s individual features (like text messaging, voice, video conferencing, and file

Click Monitor > UTM Statistics > App Patrol to display the following screen. This screen displays
Application Patrol statistics based on the App Patrol profiles bound to Security Policy profiles.

Figure 212 Monitor > UTM Statistics > App Patrol

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 79 Monitor > UTM Statistics > App Patrol

Collect Statistics Select this check box to have the Zyxel Device collect app patrol statistics.

The collection starting time displays after you click Apply. All of the statistics in this
screen are for the time period starting at the time displayed here. The format is year,
month, day and hour, minute, second. All of the statistics are erased if you restart the
Zyxel Device or click Flush Data. Collecting starts over and a new collection start
time displays.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.
Refresh Click this button to update the report display.
Flush Data Click this button to discard all of the screen’s statistics and update the report display.
App Patrol Statistics
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific App Patrol
Application This is the protocol.
Forwarded Data (KB) This is how much of the application’s traffic the Zyxel Device has sent (in kilobytes).
Dropped Data (KB) This is how much of the application’s traffic the Zyxel Device has discarded without
notifying the client (in kilobytes). This traffic was dropped because it matched an
application policy set to “drop”.
Rejected Data (KB) This is how much of the application’s traffic the Zyxel Device has discarded and
notified the client that the traffic was rejected (in kilobytes). This traffic was rejected
because it matched an application policy set to “reject”.
Matched Auto This is how much of the application’s traffic the Zyxel Device identified by examining
Connection the IP payload.
Inbound Kbps This field displays the amount of the application’s traffic that has gone to the ZyWALL
(in kilo bits per second).
Outbound Kbps This field displays the amount of the application’s traffic that has gone from the
ZyWALL (in kilo bits per second).

7.33 The Content Filter Screen

Click Monitor > UTM Statistics > Content Filter to display the following screen. This screen displays content
filter statistics.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Figure 213 Monitor > UTM Statistics > Content Filter

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 80 Monitor > UTM Statistics > Content Filter

General Settings
Collect Statistics Select this check box to have the Zyxel Device collect content filtering statistics.

The collection starting time displays after you click Apply. All of the statistics in this
screen are for the time period starting at the time displayed here. The format is year,
month, day and hour, minute, second. All of the statistics are erased if you restart the
Zyxel Device or click Flush Data. Collecting starts over and a new collection start time
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.
Refresh Click this button to update the report display.
Flush Data Click this button to discard all of the screen’s statistics and update the report display.
Web Request Statistics
Total Web Pages This field displays the number of web pages that the Zyxel Device’s content filter feature
Inspected has checked.
Blocked This is the number of web pages that the Zyxel Device blocked access.
Warned This is the number of web pages for which the Zyxel Device displayed a warning
message to the access requesters.
Passed This is the number of web pages to which the Zyxel Device allowed access.
Category Hit Summary
Security Threat This is the number of requested web pages that the Zyxel Device’s content filtering
service identified as posing a security threat to users.
Managed Web Pages This is the number of requested web pages that the Zyxel Device’s content filtering
service identified as belonging to a category that was selected to be managed.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Table 80 Monitor > UTM Statistics > Content Filter (continued)

Block Hit Summary
Web Pages Warned by This is the number of web pages that matched an external database content filtering
Category Service category selected in the Zyxel Device and for which the Zyxel Device displayed a
warning before allowing users access.
Web Pages Blocked by This is the number of web pages to which the Zyxel Device did not allow access due to
Custom Service the content filtering custom service configuration.
Restricted Web This is the number of web pages to which the ZyWALL limited access or removed
Features cookies due to the content filtering custom service's restricted web features
Forbidden Web Sites This is the number of web pages to which the Zyxel Device did not allow access
because they matched the content filtering custom service’s forbidden web sites list.
URL Keywords This is the number of web pages to which the Zyxel Device did not allow access
because they contained one of the content filtering custom service’s list of forbidden

7.34 The IDP Screen

Click Monitor > UTM Statistics > IDP to display the following screen. This screen displays IDP (Intrusion
Detection and Prevention) statistics.

Figure 214 Monitor > UTM Statistics > IDP: Signature Name

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 81 Monitor > UTM Statistics > IDP

Collect Statistics Select this check box to have the Zyxel Device collect IDP statistics.

The collection starting time displays after you click Apply. All of the statistics in this screen
are for the time period starting at the time displayed here. The format is year, month,
day and hour, minute, second. All of the statistics are erased if you restart the Zyxel
Device or click Flush Data. Collecting starts over and a new collection start time displays.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Table 81 Monitor > UTM Statistics > IDP (continued)

Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.
Refresh Click this button to update the report display.
Flush Data Click this button to discard all of the screen’s statistics and update the report display.
Total Session Scanned This field displays the number of sessions that the Zyxel Device has checked for intrusion
Total Packet Dropped The Zyxel Device can detect and drop malicious packets from network traffic. This field
displays the number of packets that the Zyxel Device has dropped.
Total Packet Reset The Zyxel Device can detect and drop malicious packets from network traffic. This field
displays the number of packets that the Zyxel Device has reset.
Top Entries By Use this field to have the following (read-only) table display the top IDP log entries by
Signature Name, Source or Destination. This table displays the most common, recent IDP
logs. See the log screen for less common IDP logs or use a syslog server to record all IDP

Select Signature Name to list the most common signatures that the Zyxel Device has

Select Source to list the source IP addresses from which the Zyxel Device has detected
the most intrusion attempts.

Select Destination to list the most common destination IP addresses for intrusion attempts
that the Zyxel Device has detected.
# This field displays the entry’s rank in the list of the top entries.
Signature Name This column displays when you display the entries by Signature Name. The signature
name identifies the type of intrusion pattern. Click the hyperlink for more detailed
information on the intrusion.
Signature ID This column displays when you display the entries by Signature Name. The signature ID is
a unique value given to each intrusion detected.
Type This column displays when you display the entries by Signature Name. It shows the
categories of intrusions.
Severity This column displays when you display the entries by Signature Name. It shows the level
of threat that the intrusions may pose.
Source IP This column displays when you display the entries by Source. It shows the source IP
address of the intrusion attempts.
Destination IP This column displays when you display the entries by Destination. It shows the destination
IP address at which intrusion attempts were targeted.
Occurrences This field displays how many times the Zyxel Device has detected the event described in
the entry.

The statistics display as follows when you display the top entries by source.

Figure 215 Monitor > UTM Statistics > IDP: Source

The statistics display as follows when you display the top entries by destination.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Figure 216 Monitor > UTM Statistics > IDP: Destination

7.35 The Anti-Virus Screen

Click Monitor > UTM Statistics > Anti-Virus to display the following screen. This screen displays anti-virus

Figure 217 Monitor > UTM Statistics > Anti-Virus: Virus Name

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 82 Monitor > UTM Statistics > Anti-Virus

Collect Statistics Select this check box to have the Zyxel Device collect anti-virus statistics.

The collection starting time displays after you click Apply. All of the statistics in this screen
are for the time period starting at the time displayed here. The format is year, month, day
and hour, minute, second. All of the statistics are erased if you restart the Zyxel Device or
click Flush Data. Collecting starts over and a new collection start time displays.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.
Refresh Click this button to update the report display.
Flush Data Click this button to discard all of the screen’s statistics and update the report display.
Total Viruses Detected This field displays the number of different viruses that the Zyxel Device has detected.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Table 82 Monitor > UTM Statistics > Anti-Virus (continued)

Top Entries By Use this field to have the following (read-only) table display the top anti-virus log entries
by Virus Name, Source IP, Destination IP, Source IPv6 and Destination IPv6. This table
displays the most common, recent virus logs. See the log screen for less common virus
logs or use a syslog server to record all virus logs.

Select Virus Name to list the most common viruses that the Zyxel Device has detected.

Select Source IP to list the source IP addresses from which the Zyxel Device has detected
the most virus-infected files.

Select Destination IP to list the most common destination IP addresses for virus-infected
files that Zyxel Device has detected.

Select Source IPv6 to list the source IPv6 addresses from which the Zyxel Device has
detected the most virus-infected files.

Select Destination IPv6 to list the most common destination IPv6 addresses for virus-
infected files that Zyxel Device has detected.
# This field displays the entry’s rank in the list of the top entries.
Virus name This column displays when you display the entries by Virus Name. This displays the name
of a detected virus.
Source IP This column displays when you display the entries by Source IP. It shows the source IP
address of virus-infected files that the Zyxel Device has detected.
Source IPv6 his column displays when you display the entries by Source IPv6. It shows the source IPv6
address of virus-infected files that the Zyxel Device has detected.
Destination IP This column displays when you display the entries by Destination IP. It shows the
destination IP address of virus-infected files that the Zyxel Device has detected.
Destination IPv6 This column displays when you display the entries by Destination IPv6. It shows the
destination IPv6 address of virus-infected files that the Zyxel Device has detected.
Occurrences This field displays how many times the Zyxel Device has detected the event described in
the entry.

The statistics display as follows when you display the top entries by source IP.

Figure 218 Monitor > UTM Statistics > Anti-Virus: Source IP

The statistics display as follows when you display the top entries by source IPv6.

Figure 219 Monitor > UTM Statistics > Anti-Virus: Source IPv6

The statistics display as follows when you display the top entries by destination IP.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Figure 220 Monitor > UTM Statistics > Anti-Virus: Destination IP

The statistics display as follows when you display the top entries by destination IPv6.

Figure 221 Monitor > UTM Statistics > Anti-Virus: Destination IPv6

7.36 The Anti-Spam Screens

The Anti-Spam menu contains the Summary and Status screens.

7.36.1 Anti-Spam Summary

Click Monitor > UTM Statistics > Anti-Spam > Summary to display the following screen. This screen displays
spam statistics.

Figure 222 Monitor > UTM Statistics > Anti-Spam > Summary

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 83 Monitor > UTM Statistics > Anti-Spam > Summary

Collect Statistics Select this check box to have the Zyxel Device collect anti-spam statistics.

The collection starting time displays after you click Apply. All of the statistics in this
screen are for the time period starting at the time displayed here. The format is year,
month, day and hour, minute, second. All of the statistics are erased if you restart the
Zyxel Device or click Flush Data. Collecting starts over and a new collection start time
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.
Refresh Click this button to update the report display.
Flush Data Click this button to discard all of the screen’s statistics and update the report display.
Email Summary
Total Mails Scanned This field displays the number of e-mails that the Zyxel Device’s anti-spam feature has
Safe Mails This is the number of e-mails that the Zyxel Device has determined to not be spam.
Safe Mails Detected by This is the number of e-mails that matched an entry in the Zyxel Device’s anti-spam
White list white list.
Spam Mails This is the number of e-mails that the Zyxel Device has determined to be spam.
Spam Mails Detected by This is the number of e-mails that matched an entry in the Zyxel Device’s anti-spam
Black List black list.
Spam Mails Detected by This is the number of emails that the Zyxel Device has determined to have malicious
Malicious Mail contents.
Spam Mails Detected by The Zyxel Device can check the sender and relay IP addresses in an e-mail’s header
DNSBL against DNS (Domain Name Service)-based spam Black Lists (DNSBLs). This is the
number of e-mails that had a sender or relay IP address in the header which matched
one of the DNSBLs that the Zyxel Device uses.
Query Timeout This is how many queries that were sent to the Zyxel Device’s configured list of DNSBL
domains or Mail Scan services and did not receive a response in time.
When mail session threshold is reached
Mail Sessions Forwarded This is how many e-mail sessions the Zyxel Device allowed because they exceeded the
maximum number of e-mail sessions that the anti-spam feature can check at a time.

You can see the Zyxel Device’s threshold of concurrent e-mail sessions in the Anti-Spam
> Status screen.

Use the Anti-Spam > General screen to set whether the Zyxel Device forwards or drops
sessions that exceed this threshold.
Mail Sessions Dropped This is how many e-mail sessions the Zyxel Device dropped because they exceeded the
maximum number of e-mail sessions that the anti-spam feature can check at a time.

You can see the Zyxel Device’s threshold of concurrent e-mail sessions in the Anti-Spam
> Status screen.

Use the Anti-Spam > General screen to set whether the Zyxel Device forwards or drops
sessions that exceed this threshold.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Table 83 Monitor > UTM Statistics > Anti-Spam > Summary (continued)
Top Sender By Use this field to list the top e-mail or IP addresses from which the Zyxel Device has
detected the most spam.

Select Sender IP to list the source IP addresses from which the Zyxel Device has
detected the most spam.

Select Sender Email Address to list the top e-mail addresses from which the Zyxel
Device has detected the most spam.
# This field displays the entry’s rank in the list of the top entries.
Sender IP This column displays when you display the entries by Sender IP. It shows the source IP
address of spam e-mails that the Zyxel Device has detected.
Sender Email Address This column displays when you display the entries by Sender Email Address. This column
displays the e-mail addresses from which the Zyxel Device has detected the most
Occurrence This field displays how many spam e-mails the Zyxel Device detected from the sender.

7.36.2 The Anti-Spam Status Screen

Click Monitor > UTM Statistics > Anti-Spam > Status to display the Anti-Spam Status screen.

Use the Anti-Spam Status screen to see how many e-mail sessions the anti-spam feature is scanning and
statistics for the DNSBLs.

Figure 223 Monitor > UTM Statistics > Anti-Spam > Status

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 84 Monitor > UTM Statistics > Anti-Spam > Status

Resource Status
Concurrent Mail Session The darker shaded part of the bar shows how much of the Zyxel Device’s total spam
Scanning checking capability is currently being used.

The lighter shaded part of the bar and the pop-up show the historical high.

The first number to the right of the bar is how many e-mail sessions the Zyxel Device is
presently checking for spam. The second number is the maximum number of e-mail
sessions that the Zyxel Device can check at once. An e-mail session is when an e-mail
client and e-mail server (or two e-mail servers) connect through the Zyxel Device.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Table 84 Monitor > UTM Statistics > Anti-Spam > Status (continued)
Refresh Click this button to update the information displayed on this screen.
Flush Click this button to clear the DNSBL statistics. This also clears the concurrent mail
session scanning bar’s historical high.
Mail Scan Statistics These are the statistics for the service the Zyxel Device uses. These statistics are for
when the Zyxel Device actually queries the service servers.
# This is the entry’s index number in the list.
Service This displays the name of the service.
Total Queries This is the total number of queries the Zyxel Device has sent to this service.
Avg. Response Time (sec) This is the average for how long it takes to receive a reply from this service.
No Response This is how many queries the Zyxel Device sent to this service without receiving a reply.
DNSBL Statistics These are the statistics for the DNSBL the Zyxel Device uses. These statistics are for
when the Zyxel Device actually queries the DNSBL servers. Matches for DNSBL
responses stored in the cache do not affect these statistics.
# This is the entry’s index number in the list.
DNSBL Domain These are the DNSBLs the Zyxel Device uses to check sender and relay IP addresses in
Total Queries This is the total number of DNS queries the Zyxel Device has sent to this DNSBL.
Avg. Response Time (sec) This is the average for how long it takes to receive a reply from this DNSBL.
No Response This is how many DNS queries the Zyxel Device sent to this DNSBL without receiving a

7.37 The SSL Inspection Screens

The Zyxel Device uses SSL Inspection to decrypt SSL traffic, sends it to the UTM engines for inspection,
then encrypts traffic that passes inspection and forwards it. You must enable SSL Inspection if you want
to use Content Filtering 2.0 Safe Search.

Click Monitor > UTM Statistics > SSL Inspection > Summary to display the following screen.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Figure 224 Monitor > UTM Statistics > SSL Inspection > Summaryt

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 85 Monitor > UTM Statistics > SSL Inspection > Summary
Collect Statistics Select this check box to have the Zyxel Device collect SSL Inspection statistics.

The collection starting time displays after you click Apply. All of the statistics in this
screen are for the time period starting at the time displayed here. The format is year,
month, day and hour, minute, second. All of the statistics are erased if you restart the
Zyxel Device or click Flush Data. Collecting starts over and a new collection start time
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.
Refresh Click this button to update the report display.
Flush Data Click this button to discard all of the screen’s statistics and update the report display.
Maximum Concurrent This shows the maximum number of simultaneous SSL Inspection sessions allowed for
Sessions your Zyxel Device model.
Concurrent Sessions This shows the actual number of simultaneous SSL Inspection sessions in progress.
Total SSL Sessions This is the total of SSL sessions inspected and number of sessions blocked and number
of sessions passed since data was last flushed or the Zyxel Device last rebooted after
Collect Statistics was enabled.
Sessions Inspected This shows the total number of SSL sessions inspected since data was last flushed or the
Zyxel Device last rebooted after Collect Statistics was enabled
Decrypted (Kbytes) This shows the number of kilobytes (KB) of data that was decrypted for UTM
Encrypted (Kbytes) This shows the number of kilobytes (KB) of data that was re-encrypted after UTM
inspection and then forwarded.
Sessions Blocked This shows the number of SSL sessions blocked.
Sessions Passed This shows the number of SSL sessions passed.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

7.37.1 Certificate Cache List

SSL traffic to a server to be excluded from SSL Inspection is identified by its certificate. Traffic in an
Exclude List is not intercepted by SSL Inspection.

Click Monitor > UTM Statistics > SSL Inspection > Certificate Cache List to display a screen that shows
details on SSL traffic going to servers identified by its certificate and an option to add that traffic to the
Exclude List.

Figure 225 Monitor > UTM Statistics > SSL Inspection > Certificate Cache List

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 86 Monitor > UTM Statistics > SSL Inspection > Certificate Cache List
Certificate Cache List
Add to Exclude list Select and item in the list and click this icon to add the common name (CN) to the
Exclude List.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific entry.
In Exclude List If any one of common name, DNS name, email address or IP address of the
certificate is in the Exclude List, then traffic to the server identified by the certificate is
excluded from inspection.

The icons here are defined as follows:

• Gray: The identity of the certificate is not in the Exclude List

• Green: The common name of the certificate is in the Exclude List
• Yellow: The common name of certificate is not in the Exclude List but one of the
DNS name, email address or IP address is.
Time This is the latest date (yyyy-mm-dd) and time (hh-mm-ss) that the record in the
certificate cache list was met.
Common Name This displays the common name in the certificate of the SSL traffic destination server.
SNI Server Name Indication (SNI) is the domain name entered in the browser, FTP client,
etc. to begin the SSL session with the server. It allows multiple SSL sessions to the same
IP address and port number with different certificates from different SNI. This field
displays the SNI for this SSL session.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Table 86 Monitor > UTM Statistics > SSL Inspection > Certificate Cache List (continued)
SSL Version This field shows the SSL version. SSLv3/TLS1.0 is currently supported.
Destination This displays the IP address and port number of the SSL traffic destination server.
Valid Time This displays the cache item expiry time in seconds. The cache item is deleted when
the remaining time expires.
Refresh Click this button to update the information in the screen.

7.38 Log Screens

Log messages are stored in two separate logs, one for regular log messages and one for debugging
messages. In the regular log, you can look at all the log messages by selecting All Logs, or you can
select a specific category of log messages (for example, security policy or user). You can also look at
the debugging log by selecting Debug Log. All debugging messages have the same priority.

7.38.1 View Log

To access this screen, click Monitor > Log. The log is displayed in the following screen.

Note: When a log reaches the maximum number of log messages, new log messages
automatically overwrite existing log messages, starting with the oldest existing log
message first.

• The maximum possible number of log messages in the Zyxel Device varies by model.

Events that generate an alert (as well as a log message) display in red. Regular logs display in black.
Click a column’s heading cell to sort the table entries by that column’s criteria. Click the heading cell
again to reverse the sort order. The Web Configurator saves the filter settings if you leave the View Log
screen and return to it later.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Figure 226 Monitor > Log > View Log

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 87 Monitor > Log > View Log

Show (Hide) Filter Click this button to show or hide criteria that allow you to filter logs that will be

If the filter settings are hidden, the Category, Email Log Now, Refresh, and Clear Log
fields are available.

If the filter settings are shown, the Category, Priority, Source Address, Destination
Address, Source Interface, Destination Interface, Service, Keyword, criteria and Search
fields are available.
Category Select the type of log message(s) you want to view. You can also view All Logs at one
time, or you can view the Debug Log.
Email Log Now Click this button to send log message(s) to the Active e-mail address(es) specified in the
Send Log To field on the Log Settings page.\
Refresh Click this button to update the information in the screen.
Clear Click this button to clear the whole log, regardless of what is currently displayed on the
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific log message.
Time This field displays the time the log message was recorded.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Table 87 Monitor > Log > View Log (continued)

Priority This field displays the priority of the log message. It has the same range of values as the
Priority field above.
Category This field displays the log that generated the log message. It is the same value used in
the Category field above.
Message This field displays the reason the log message was generated. The text “[count=x]”,
where x is a number, appears at the end of the Message field if log consolidation is
turned on and multiple entries were aggregated to generate into this one.
Source This displays when you show the filter. Type the source IP address of the incoming
packet that generated the log message. Do not include the port in this filter.
Source Interface This displays when you show the filter. Type the source interface of the incoming packet
that generated the log message.
Destination This displays when you show the filter. Type the IP address of the destination of the
incoming packet when the log message was generated. Do not include the port in this
Destination Interface This displays when you show the filter. Type the interface of the destination of the
incoming packet when the log message was generated.
Protocol This displays when you show the filter. Select a service protocol whose log messages
you would like to see.
Note This field displays any additional information about the log message.

7.38.2 View AP Log

Click on Monitor > Log > View AP Log to open the following screen. Use this screen to view the log
messages of the APs managed by your Zyxel Device.

Figure 227 Monitor > Log > View AP Log

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 88 Monitor > Log > View AP Log

Show Filter Click this button to show or hide the filter settings.

If the filter settings are hidden, the Display, Email Log Now, Refresh, and Clear Log fields
are available.

If the filter settings are shown, the Display, Priority, Source Address, Destination Address,
Service, Keyword, and Search fields are available.
Select an AP Click the pull down menu to choose an AP.
Query Click Query to create a Query log.
Log Query Status The field displays the
AP Information This field displays the AP information. N/A is displayed when
Log File Status This field displays how many logs are available. It will display Empty if there’s none.
Last Log Query Time This field displays the most recent time a log query was solicited.
Display Select the category of log message(s) you want to view. You can also view All Logs at
one time, or you can view the Debug Log.
Email Log Now Click this button to send log message(s) to the Active e-mail address(es) specified in the
Send Log To field on the Log Settings page.
Refresh Click this button to update the information in the screen.
Clear Click this button to clear the whole log, regardless of what is currently displayed on the
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific log message.
Time This field displays the time the log message was recorded.
Priority This displays when you show the filter. Select the priority of log messages to display. The
log displays the log messages with this priority or higher. Choices are: any, emerg, alert,
crit, error, warn, notice, and info, from highest priority to lowest priority. This field is read-
only if the Category is Debug Log.
Category This field displays the log that generated the log message. It is the same value used in
the Display and (other) Category fields.
Message This field displays the message of the log.
Source This displays the source IP address of the selected log message.
Source Interface Select the interface of the source AP from the pull down menu. Choose Any to search
all interface.
Destination Type the IP address of the destination.
Destination Interface Select the destination interface from the pull down menu.
Protocol Select the protocol of the AP from the pull down menu.
Note This field displays any additional information about the log message.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

7.38.3 Dynamic Users Log

Use this screen to view the Zyxel Device’s dynamic guest account log messages. Click Monitor > Log >
Dynamic Users Log to access this screen.

Figure 228 Monitor > Log > Dynamic Users Log

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 89 Monitor > Log > Dynamic Users Log

Begin/End Date Select the first and last dates to specify a time period. The Zyxel Device displays log messages
only for the accounts created during the specified time period after you click Search.
Begin/End Time Select the begin time of the first date and the end time of the last date to specify a time
period. The Zyxel Device displays log messages only for the accounts created during the
specified time period after you click Search.
Search Click this button to update the information on the screen using the filter criteria in the date and
time fields.
Refresh Click this button to update the information in the screen.
Clear Log Click this button to delete the log messages for invalid accounts.
# This is the index number of the dynamic guest account in the list.
Status This field displays whether an account expires or not.
Username This field displays the user name of the account.
Create Time This field displays when the account was created.
Remaining Time This field displays the amount of Internet access time remaining for each account.
Time Period This field displays the total account of time the account can use to access the Internet through
the Zyxel Device.
Expiration Time This field displays the date and time the account becomes invalid.

Note: Once the time allocated to a dynamic account is used up or a dynamic

account remains un-used after the expiration time, the account is deleted
from the account list.
Quota (T/U/D) This field displays how much data in both directions (Total) or upstream data (Upload) and
downstream data (Download) can be transmitted through the WAN interface before the
account expires.
Remaining Quota This field displays the remaining amount of data that can be transmitted or received by each
(T/U/D) account. You can see the amount of either data in both directions (Total) or upstream data
(Upload) and downstream data (Download).

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 7 Monitor

Table 89 Monitor > Log > Dynamic Users Log (continued)

Bandwidth (U/D) This field displays the maximum upstream (Upload) and downstream (Download) bandwidth
allowed for the user account in kilobits per second.
Real Name This field displays the user’s name of the account.
Email This field displays the email of the account.
Charge This field displays the total cost of the account.
Payment Info This field displays the method of payment for each account.
Phone Num This field displays the telephone number for the user account.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide


8.1 Registration Overview

Use the Configuration > Licensing > Registration screens to register your Zyxel Device and manage its
service subscriptions.

• Use the Registration screen (see Section 8.1.2 on page 285) to refresh Zyxel Device registration, go to
portal.myZyxel.com to register your Zyxel Device and activate a service, such as content filtering.
• Use the Service screen (see Section 8.1.3 on page 286) to display the status of your service
registrations and upgrade licenses.

Note: ZyWALL models need a license for UTM (Unified Threat management) functionality.

8.1.1 What you Need to Know

This section introduces the topics covered in this chapter.

Subscription Services Available

See Configuration > Licensing > Registration > Service for the subscription services that your Zyxel Device

ZyWALL models need a license for UTM (Unified Threat Management) functionality - see Section 1.1 on
page 29 for details.

You can purchase an iCard and enter its license key at myZyxel to have a Zyxel Device use UTM services
or use more counts of a service or extend a service. See the respective chapters in this guide for more
information about UTM features.

8.1.2 Registration Screen

Click the link in this screen to register your Zyxel Device at myZyxel. Then click Refresh in this screen and
wait a few moments for the registration information to update. If the page does not refresh, make sure
the Internet connection is working and click Refresh again. The Zyxel Device should already have
Internet access and be able to access myZyxel. Click Configuration > Licensing > Registration in the
navigation panel to open the screen as shown next.

Click on the icon to go to the OneSecurity website where there is guidance on configuration
walkthrough and other information.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 8 Licensing

Figure 229 Configuration > Licensing > Registration

8.1.3 Service Screen

Use this screen to display the status of your service registrations and upgrade licenses. To activate or
extend a standard service subscription, purchase an iCard and enter the iCard’s PIN number (license
key) at myZyxel. Click Activate in this screen to enable both Trial and Standard services on this Zyxel
Device. Click Configuration > Licensing > Registration > Service to open the screen as shown next.

Figure 230 Configuration > Licensing > Registration > Service

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 90 Configuration > Licensing > Registration > Service

Service Status
# This is the entry’s position in the list.
Service This lists the services that available on the Zyxel Device.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 8 Licensing

Table 90 Configuration > Licensing > Registration > Service (continued)

IDP/AppPatrol Signature This is a license for signatures for Intrusion Detection and Prevention attacks and
Service Application Patrol inspection.
Anti-Virus This is a license for signatures to detect virus patterns in files.
Anti-Spam Service This is a license for signatures to recognize unsolicited commercial or junk e-mail
suspect of being sent by spammers.
Content Filter 2.0 This is a license to a database that can block websites by category, such as
SSL VPN Service This is a license to create more SSL VPN than the default for your Zyxel Device.
Managed AP Service This is a license to manage more APs than the default for your Zyxel Device when
the AP controller is enabled.
Zymesh Service This is a license to have more than the default number of Zymesh root APs for your
Zyxel Device. ZyMesh is a Zyxel proprietary protocol that creates wireless mesh links
between managed APs to expand the wireless network.
Hotspot Management This is a license to manage hotspot functions such as:
Subscription Service
• Billing
• Printer Manager
• Free Time
• IPnP
• Walled Garden
• Advertisement
Concurrent Device This is a license to increase the number of devices (based on unique MAC address)
Upgrade that can log in and use the Zyxel Device Hotspot at the same time. Default displays
when the Zyxel Device is currently using the allowed free number without a license.
Device HA Pro This is a license for professional High Availability (HA) that lets a backup Zyxel
Device automatically take over if the master Zyxel Device fails.
Firmware Upgrade This is a free license to get Cloud Helper notifications when new firmware is
Service available. You must register your Zyxel Device at myZyxel.
SecuReporter This is a license that allows SecuReporter to collect and analyze logs from your Zyxel
Device in order to identify anomalies, alert on potential internal / external threats,
and report on network usage.
SecuDeployer This is a license that allows a Zyxel Device SecuDeployer server to mange and
apply profile template settings to remote Zyxel Device clients. Provisioning can
include the settings of one to multiple LAN/DMZ interfaces, Hub & Spoke IPSec
tunnels, and/or static route settings for VTI IPSec VPNs.
Status This field displays whether a service license is enabled at myZyxel (Activated) or not
(Not Activated) or expired (Expired). It displays the remaining Grace Period if your
license has Expired. It displays Not Licensed if there isn’t a license to be activated
for this service.

Default displays for quantity-based licenses when the Zyxel Device is currently using
the allowed free number without a license. For example, if a Zyxel Device is
allowed to manage x number of APs without a license and it is currently using that
number, then Managed AP Service Status displays Default.
Service Type This field displays whether you applied for a trial application (Trial) or registered a
service with your iCard’s PIN number (Standard). This field is blank when a service is
not activated.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 8 Licensing

Table 90 Configuration > Licensing > Registration > Service (continued)

Expiration Date This field displays the date your service license expires or the date the grace period
expires if the license has already expired.

You can continue to use IDP/AppPatrol, Anti-Virus (AV), Content Filter, Anti-Spam
(AS) during the grace period.

After the grace period ends, all these features are disabled except the following:

• Content Filter Trusted Web Sites

• IDP Custom Signatures
• Anti-Virus Black/White List
• Email Security Black/White List
Count This field displays how many instances of a service you can use with your current
license. N/A means a count does not apply to this service.
Action If you need a license or a trial license has expired, click Buy to buy a new one. If a
Standard license has expired, click Renew to extend the license.

Then, click Activate to connect with the myZyxel server to activate the new license.
Service License Refresh Click this button to renew service license information (such as the registration status
and expiration day).

Note: It is recommended you use this button after you register for a new

8.2 Signature Update

This section shows you how to update the signature packages of ZyWALL VPN and USG devices.

• Use the Configuration > Licensing > Signature Update > Anti-virus screen (Section 8.2.2 on page 288)
to update the anti-virus signatures.
• Use the Configuration > Licensing > Signature Update > IDP/AppPatrol screen (Section 8.2.3 on page
289) to update the signatures used for IDP and application patrol.

8.2.1 What you Need to Know

• You need a valid service registration to update the anti-virus signatures and the IDP/AppPatrol
• You do not need a service registration to update the system-protection signatures.
• Schedule signature updates for a day and time when your network is least busy to minimize disruption
to your network.
• Your custom signature configurations are not over-written when you download new signatures.

Note: The Zyxel Device does not have to reboot when you upload new signatures.

8.2.2 The Anti-Virus Update Screen

Click Configuration > Licensing > Signature Update > Anti-Virus to display the following screen.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 8 Licensing

Figure 231 Configuration > Licensing > Signature Update >Anti-Virus

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 91 Configuration > Licensing > Signature Update >Anti-Virus

Signature Information The following fields display information on the current signature set that the Zyxel
Device is using.
Current Version This field displays the anti-virus signatures version number currently used by the Zyxel
Device. This number gets larger as new signatures are added.
Signature Number This field displays the number of signatures in this set.
Released Date This field displays the date and time the set was released.
Signature Update Use these fields to have the Zyxel Device check for new signatures at myZyxel. If new
signatures are found, they are then downloaded to the Zyxel Device.
Update Now Click this button to have the Zyxel Device check for new signatures immediately. If
there are new ones, the Zyxel Device will then download them.
Auto Update Select this check box to have the Zyxel Device automatically check for new signatures
regularly at the time and day specified.

You should select a time when your network is not busy for minimal interruption.
Hourly Select this option to have the Zyxel Device check for new signatures every hour.
Daily Select this option to have the Zyxel Device check for new signatures every day at the
specified time. The time format is the 24 hour clock, so ‘23’ means 11 PM for example.
Weekly Select this option to have the Zyxel Device check for new signatures once a week on
the day and at the time specified.
Apply Click this button to save your changes to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click this button to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

8.2.3 The IDP/AppPatrol Update Screen

Click Configuration > Licensing > Signature Update > IDP/AppPatrol to display the following screen.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 8 Licensing

The Zyxel Device comes with signatures for the IDP and application patrol features. These signatures are
continually updated as new attack types evolve. New signatures can be downloaded to the Zyxel
Device periodically if you have subscribed for the IDP/AppPatrol signatures service.

You need to create an account at myZyxel, register your Zyxel Device and then subscribe for IDP service
in order to be able to download new packet inspection signatures from myZyxel (see the Registration
screens). Use the Update IDP /AppPatrol screen to schedule or immediately download IDP signatures.

Figure 232 Configuration > Licensing > Signature Update > IDP/AppPatrol

The following table describes the fields in this screen.

Table 92 Configuration > Licensing > Signature Update > IDP/AppPatrol

Signature Information The following fields display information on the current signature set that the Zyxel Device
is using.
Current Version This field displays the IDP signature and anomaly rule set version number. This number
gets larger as the set is enhanced.
Signature Number This field displays the number of IDP signatures in this set. This number usually gets larger
as the set is enhanced. Older signatures and rules may be removed if they are no
longer applicable or have been supplanted by newer ones.
Released Date This field displays the date and time the set was released.
Signature Update Use these fields to have the Zyxel Device check for new IDP signatures at myZyxel. If new
signatures are found, they are then downloaded to the Zyxel Device.
Update Now Click this button to have the Zyxel Device check for new IDP signatures immediately. If
there are new ones, the Zyxel Device will then download them.
Auto Update Select this check box to have the Zyxel Device automatically check for new IDP
signatures regularly at the time and day specified.

You should select a time when your network is not busy for minimal interruption.
Hourly Select this option to have the Zyxel Device check for new IDP signatures every hour.
Daily Select this option to have the Zyxel Device check for new IDP signatures everyday at
the specified time. The time format is the 24 hour clock, so ‘23’ means 11 PM for

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 8 Licensing

Table 92 Configuration > Licensing > Signature Update > IDP/AppPatrol (continued)
Weekly Select this option to have the Zyxel Device check for new IDP signatures once a week
on the day and at the time specified.
Apply Click this button to save your changes to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click this button to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide


9.1 Overview
Use the Wireless screens to configure how the Zyxel Device manages supported Access Points (APs).
Supported APs should be in managed mode. See the product page Licenses tab for a list of supported

Note: See Section 1.1 on page 29 to see which models have built-in Wi-Fi functionality and
which models do not support the AP controller function.

9.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter

• Use the Controller screen (Section 9.2 on page 292) to set how the Zyxel Device allows new APs to
connect to the network and set the country code of APs that are connected to the Zyxel Device.
• Use the AP Management screens (Section 9.3 on page 293) to manage all of the APs connected to
the Zyxel Device.
• Use the Rogue AP screen (Section 9.4 on page 311) to assign APs either to the rogue AP list or the
friendly AP list.
• Use the Auto Healing screen (Section 9.5 on page 314) to extend the wireless service coverage area
of the managed APs when one of the APs fails.
• Use the RTLS screen (Section 9.6 on page 315) to allow managed APs with battery-powered Wi-Fi tags
be part of Ekahau RTLS (Real Time Location Service). RTLS can track the location of APs managed by
the Zyxel Device to create maps, alerts, and reports.

9.2 Controller Screen

Use this screen to set how the Zyxel Device allows new APs to connect to the network. Click
Configuration > Wireless > Controller to access this screen.

Figure 233 Configuration > Wireless > Controller

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 9 Wireless

Each field is described in the following table.

Table 93 Configuration > Wireless > Controller

Registration Select Manual to add each AP to the Zyxel Device for management, or Always Accept to
Type automatically add APs to the Zyxel Device for management.

If you select Manual, then go to Monitor > Wireless > AP Information > AP List, select an AP to be
managed and then click Add to Mgnt AP List. That AP will then appear in Configuration > Wireless
> Controller > Mgnt. AP List.

Note: Select the Manual option for managing a specific set of APs. This is
recommended as the registration mechanism cannot automatically differentiate
between friendly and rogue APs.

APs must be connected to the Zyxel Device by a wired connection or network.

Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

9.3 AP Management Screens

Use these screens to manage all of the APs connected to the Zyxel Device. Click Configuration >
Wireless > AP Management to access these screens.

Click on the icon to go to the OneSecurity website where there is guidance on configuration
walkthroughs and other information.

9.3.1 Mgnt. AP List

Figure 234 Configuration > Wireless > AP Management > Mgnt. AP List

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 9 Wireless

Each field is described in the following table.

Table 94 Configuration > Wireless > AP Management > Mgnt. AP List

Hide/ Show Click this button to display a greater or lesser number of configuration fields.
Advanced Settings
AP List Select the type of APs you want to display.

Select All to show all kinds of APs that are currently or used to be connected to the ZyWALL.

Select NebulaFlexPRO to show the APs that can work in Nebula cloud management mode.
Status Select the status of APs you want to display.
Keyword Enter a keyword to display the APs that include it in their AP information, such as model
number, firmware version, MAC address and so on. This field is case-sensitive.
Search Click this to update the list of APs based on the search criteria.

Your search criteria is retained when navigating between screens.

Reset Click this to return the search criteria to the factory defaults and display all currently or
previously connected APs without a filter.
Enable Column Select the check box to freeze the first column (#) so it will be always visible when you scroll
Freeze through the list. Clear the check box to unfreeze the column.
Edit Selected Rule Select an AP and click this button to edit its properties.
Add to Mgnt Select an AP and click this to add the selected AP to the managed AP list.
Reboot device Select an AP and click this button to force it to restart.
Remove Rule Select an AP and click this button to remove it from the list.

Note: If in the Configuration > Wireless > Controller screen you set the Registration
Type to Always Accept, then as soon as you remove an AP from this list it
DCS Now Select one or multiple APs and click this button to use DCS (Dynamic Channel Selection) to
allow the AP to automatically find a less-used channel in an environment where there are
many APs and there may be interference.

Note: You should have enabled DCS in the applied AP radio profile before the
APs can use DCS.

Note: DCS is not supported on the radio which is working in repeater AP mode.
More Information Select an AP and click this to view a daily station count about the selected AP. The count
records station activity on the AP over a consecutive 24 hour period.
Radio Info Select an online AP and click this button to go to the Monitor > Wireless > AP Information >
Radio List screen to view detailed information about the AP’s radios.
Query Controller Log Select an AP and click this button to go to the Monitor > Log > View AP Log screen to view
the selected AP’s current log messages.
Nebula Select an AP and click this to open a screen where you can set whether the AP’s IP address
and VLAN settings will be changed when it goes into Nebula cloud management mode.

Note: The AP will be set to Nebula cloud management mode and removed from
the managed AP list right after you click OK.
Upgrade FW Select one or more APs and click this button to update the APs’ firmware version.
Suppression On Select an AP and click this button to enable the AP’s LED suppression mode. All the LEDs of
the AP will turn off after the AP is ready. This button is not available if the selected AP
doesn’t support suppression mode.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 9 Wireless

Table 94 Configuration > Wireless > AP Management > Mgnt. AP List (continued)
Suppression Off Select an AP and click this button to disable the AP’s LED suppression mode. The AP LEDs
stay lit after the AP is ready. This button is not available if the selected AP doesn’t support
suppression mode.
Locator On Select an AP and click this button to run the locator feature. The AP’s Locator LED will start
to blink for 10 minutes by default. It will show the actual location of the AP between several
devices in the network.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any entry.
Status This visually displays the AP’s connection status with icons.
Description This field displays the AP’s description, which you can configure by selecting the AP’s entry
and clicking the Edit button.
CPU Usage This displays what percentage of the AP’s processing capability is currently being used.
IP Address This field displays the IP address of the AP.
MAC Address This field displays the MAC address of the AP.
Station 2.4G This displays the number of stations (aka wireless clients) associated with the AP’s 2.4 GHz
WiFi network.
Station 5G This displays the number of stations (aka wireless clients) associated with the AP’s 5 GHz WiFi
Recent On-line Time
Power This displays the AP’s power status.

Full power - the AP receives optimal power from the power sourcing equipment.

Force Full Power- the power sourcing equipment provides full power to the AP even in cases
where a PoE injector that does not support PoE negotiation is used.

Limited power - the AP receives less than optimal power from the power sourcing
equipment. This may be due to the PoE switch/injector using an earlier PoE standard. This
may impact wireless transmission throughput or disable a radio transmitter, depending on
the AP’s power requirements.

Off-Line - the AP is not receiving power.

Type This indicates whether the AP is on the managed AP list (Mgmt) or not (Un-Mgmt).

This displays Limited when the AP is configured by conflicted or unsupported setting(s).

Model This field displays the AP’s hardware model information. It displays N/A (not applicable) only
when the AP disconnects from the NXC and the information is unavailable as a result.
R1 Mode/ Profile/ This field displays the operating mode (AP, MON, root, or repeater), AP radio profile name
ZyMesh Profile and ZyMesh profile name for Radio 1. It displays n/a for the AP profile for a radio not using
an AP profile or - for the ZyMesh profile for a radio not using a ZyMesh profile.
R2 Mode/ Profile/ This field displays the operating mode (AP, MON, root, or repeater), AP radio profile name
ZyMesh Profile and ZyMesh profile name for Radio 2. It displays n/a for the AP profile for a radio not using
an AP profile or - for the ZyMesh profile for a radio not using a ZyMesh profile.
Version This displays the AP’s current firmware version.
Group This field displays the name of the AP group to which the AP belongs.

The group becomes editable immediately upon clicking.

Mgnt. VLAN ID(AC/ This displays the Access Controller (the NXC) management VLAN ID setting for the AP and
AP) the runtime management VLAN ID setting on the AP.

VLAN Conflict displays if the AP’s management VLAN ID does not match the NXC’s
management VLAN ID setting for the AP. This field displays n/a if the NXC cannot get VLAN
information from the AP.
Last Off-line Time This displays the most recent time the AP went off-line. N/A displays if the AP has either not
come on-line or gone off-line since the NXC last started up.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 9 Wireless

Table 94 Configuration > Wireless > AP Management > Mgnt. AP List (continued)
LED status This displays the AP LED status.

N/A displays if the AP does not support LED suppression mode and/or have a locator LED to
show the actual location of the AP.

A gray LED icon signifies that the AP LED suppression mode is enabled. All the LEDs of the AP
will turn off after the AP is ready.

A green LED icon signifies that the AP LED suppression mode is disabled and the AP LEDs
stay lit after the AP is ready.

A sun icon signifies that the AP’s locator LED is blinking.

A circle signifies that the AP’s locator LED is extinguished.

Ethernet Uplink This field displays the AP’s uplink port speed and duplex mode (Full or Half).
Bluetooth This field displays the AP’s Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) capability. Bluetooth Low Energy,
which is also known as Bluetooth Smart, transmits less data over a shorter distance and
consumes less power than classic Bluetooth. APs communicate with other BLE enabled
devices using advertisements.

N/A displays if the AP does not support BLE.

Unavailable displays if the AP supports Bluetooth, but there is no BLE USB dongle connected
to the USB port of the AP.

Available displays if the AP supports Bluetooth, detects a BLE device and advertising is
inactive. Some APs, such as the WAC5302D-S. need to have a supported BLE USB dongle
attached to act as a beacon to broadcast packets.

Advertising displays if the AP supports Bluetooth, detects a BLE device and advertising is
activated, which means the BLE device can broadcasts packets to every device around it.
Location This field displays the AP’s location you configured.
Roaming Group This field displays the name of roaming group to which the AP belongs.
Load Balancing This field displays the load balancing group(s) to which the AP belongs.
S/N This field displays the serial number of the AP.
System Name This field displays the system name to identify the AP on a network.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Refresh Click Refresh to update the information in this screen.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 9 Wireless Edit AP List

Select an AP and click the Edit button in the Configuration > Wireless > AP Management table to display
this screen.

Figure 235 Configuration > Wireless > AP Management > Mgnt. AP List > Edit AP List

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 9 Wireless

Each field is described in the following table.

Table 95 Configuration > Wireless > AP Management > Mgnt. AP List > Edit AP List
Create new Object Use this menu to create a new Radio Profile object to associate with this AP.
MAC This displays the MAC address of the selected AP.
Model This field displays the AP’s hardware model information. It displays N/A (not applicable) only
when the AP disconnects from the Zyxel Device and the information is unavailable as a
S/N This displays the serial number of the selected AP.
Description Enter a description for this AP. You can use up to 31 characters, spaces and underscores
Group Setting Select an AP group to which you want this AP to belong.
System Name Enter a name to identify the AP on a network. This is usually the AP’s fully qualified domain
Location Specify the name of the place where the AP is located.
Roaming Group Specify the name of the roaming group to which the AP belongs. You can use up to 31
alphanumeric and @# characters. Dashes and underscores are also allowed. The name
should start with a letter or digit.

The 802.11k neighbor list a client requests from the AP is generated according to the
roaming group and RCPI (Received Channel Power Indicator) value of its neighbor APs.

When a client wants to roam from the current AP to another, other APs in the same roaming
group or not in a roaming group will be candidates for roaming. Neighbor APs in a different
roaming group will be excluded from the 802.11k neighbor lists even when the neighbor AP
has the best signal strength.

If the AP’s roaming group is not configured, any neighbor APs can be candidates for
Load Balancing Load balancing is only applied to APs within the same group. If a load balancing group is
Group 1/2 not assigned to an AP, it will belong to a default group.

Each AP can belong to up to two groups.

Radio 1/2 Setting
Override Group Select this option to overwrite the AP radio settings with the settings you configure here.
Radio Setting

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 9 Wireless

Table 95 Configuration > Wireless > AP Management > Mgnt. AP List > Edit AP List (continued)
OP Mode Select the operating mode for radio 1 or radio 2.

AP Mode means the AP can receive connections from wireless clients and pass their data
traffic through to the Zyxel Device to be managed (or subsequently passed on to an
upstream gateway for managing).

MON Mode means the AP monitors the broadcast area for other APs, then passes their
information on to the Zyxel Device where it can be determined if those APs are friendly or
rogue. If an AP is set to this mode it cannot receive connections from wireless clients.

Root AP means the radio acts as an AP and also supports the wireless connections with
other APs (in repeater mode) to form a ZyMesh to extend its wireless network.

Repeater AP means the radio can establish a wireless connection with other APs (in either
root AP or repeater mode).

Note: To prevent bridge loops, do NOT set both radios on a managed AP to

Repeater AP mode.

Note: The root AP and repeater AP(s) in a ZyMesh must use the same country
code and AP radio profile settings in order to communicate with each

Note: Ensure you restart the managed AP after you change its operating mode.
Radio 1/2 AP Profile Select an AP profile from the list. If no profile exists, you can create a new one through the
Create new Object menu.
Radio 1/2 Profile Select a monitor profile from the list. If no profile exists, you can create a new one through
the Create new Object menu.
Radio 1/2 ZyMesh This field is available only when the radio is in Root AP or Repeater AP mode. Select the
Profile ZyMesh profile the radio uses to connect to a root AP or repeater.
Enable Wireless This field is available only when the radio is in Repeater AP mode.
Select this option to enable wireless bridging on the radio.

The managed AP must support LAN provision and the radio should be in repeater mode.
VLAN and bridge interfaces are created automatically according to the LAN port’s VLAN
settings. When wireless bridging is enabled, the managed repeater AP can still transmit
data through its Ethernet port(s) after the ZyMesh link is up. Be careful to avoid bridge loops.
The managed APs in the same ZyMesh must use the same static VLAN ID.
Override Group Select this option to overwrite the AP output power setting with the setting you configure
Output Power here.
Output Power Set the output power of the AP.
Override Group SSID Select this option to overwrite the AP SSID profile setting with the setting you configure here.
This section allows you to associate an SSID profile with the radio.
IP Setting
Force Overwrite IP Select this to have the Zyxel Device change the AP’s IP address setting to match the
Setting configuration in this screen.
Get Automatically Select this to have the AP act as a DHCP client and automatically get the IP address,
subnet mask, and gateway address from a DHCP server.
Use Fixed IP Address Select this if you want to specify the IP address, subnet mask, gateway and DNS server
address manually.
IP Address Enter the IP address for the AP.
Subnet Mask Enter the subnet mask of the AP in dot decimal notation. The subnet mask indicates what
part of the IP address is the same for all devices in the network.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 9 Wireless

Table 95 Configuration > Wireless > AP Management > Mgnt. AP List > Edit AP List (continued)
Gateway Enter the IP address of the gateway. The AP sends packets to the gateway when it does not
know how to route the packet to its destination. The gateway should be on the same
network as the AP.
DNS Server IP Enter the IP address of the DNS server.
VLAN Settings
Override Group Select this option to overwrite the AP VLAN setting with the setting you configure here.
VLAN Setting
Force Overwrite Select this to have the Zyxel Device change the AP’s management VLAN to match the
VLAN Config configuration in this screen.
Management VLAN Enter a VLAN ID for this AP.
As Native VLAN Select this option to treat this VLAN ID as a VLAN created on the NXC and not one assigned
to it from outside the network.
Storm Control Setting
Broadcast Storm Enabling this will drop ingress broadcast traffic in the physical Ethernet port if it exceeds the
Control maximum traffic rate. The maximum traffic rate can be changed using the CLI (see CLI
Reference Guide).
Multicast Storm Enabling this will drop ingress multicast traffic in the physical Ethernet port if it exceeds the
Control maximum traffic rate. The maximum traffic rate can be changed using the CLI (see CLI
Reference Guide)
Rogue AP Detection
Override Group Select this option to overwrite the AP Rogue Detection Settings with the settings you
Rogue AP Detection configure here
Enable Rogue AP Select this option to detect Rogue APs in the network.
Antenna Setting This section is available only when the AP has an antenna switch. The screen varies
depending on whether the AP has a physical antenna switch or allows you to change
antenna orientation settings on a per-radio basis or on a per-AP basis.
Wall/ Ceiling This allows you to adjust coverage depending on the antenna orientation of the AP’s radios
for better coverage.

Select Wall if you mount the AP to a wall. Select Ceiling if the AP is mounted on a ceiling.
You can switch from Wall to Ceiling if there are still wireless dead zones, and vice versa.
LED Suppression This section is available only when the AP supports LED suppression mode.
Mode Configuration
Suppression On Select this option to enable the AP’s LED suppression mode. All the LEDs of the AP will turn
off after the AP is ready.

If the check box is unchecked, it means the LEDs will stay lit after the AP is ready.
Power Setting Enable Force override the power mode to full power if you are using a PoE injector that does
not support PoE negotiation. Otherwise, the AP cannot draw full power from the power
sourcing equipment. Enable this power mode to improve the AP’s performance in this

Note: Ensure that the power sourcing equipment can supply enough power to
the AP to avoid abnormal system reboots.

Note: Only enable this if you are using a passive PoE injector that is not IEEE
802.3at/bt compliant but can still provide full power.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 9 Wireless

Table 95 Configuration > Wireless > AP Management > Mgnt. AP List > Edit AP List (continued)
Locator LED This section is available only when the AP has a locator LED.
Turn On/ Turn Off When the locator LED is off, click the Turn On button to activate the locator function. It will
show the actual location of the AP between several devices in the network.

If the locator LED is blinking, click the Turn Off button to stop the locator LED from blinking
Automatically Enter a time interval between 1 and 60 minutes to stop the locator LED from blinking. The
Extinguish After locator LED will start to blink for the number of minutes set here.

If you make changes to the time default setting, it will be stored as the default when the AP
Reset AP This section is available only when the AP is online.
Apply Factory Click the button to reset all of the AP settings to the factory defaults.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to close the window with changes unsaved.

9.3.2 AP Policy
Use this screen to configure the AP controller’s IP address on the managed APs and determine the
action the managed APs take if the current AP controller fails. Click Configuration > Wireless > AP
Management > AP Policy to access this screen.

Figure 236 Configuration > Wireless > AP Management > AP Policy

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 9 Wireless

Each field is described in the following table.

Table 96 Configuration > Wireless > AP Management > AP Policy

Force Override AC IP Select this to have the Zyxel Device change the AP controller’s IP address on the managed
Config on AP AP(s) to match the configuration in this screen.
Override Type Select Auto to have the managed AP(s) automatically send broadcast packets to find any
other available AP controllers.

Select Manual to replace the AP controller’s IP address configured on the managed AP(s)
with the one(s) you specified below.
Primary Controller Specify the IP address of the primary AP controller if you set Override Type to Manual.
Secondary Controller Specify the IP address of the secondary AP controller if you set Override Type to Manual.
Fall back to Primary Select this option to have the managed AP(s) change back to associate with the primary
Controller when AP controller as soon as the primary AP controller is available.
Fall Back Check Set how often the managed AP(s) check whether the primary AP controller is available.
Firmware Updating
Updating Type Specify how you want the Zyxel Device to upgrade AP firmware.

Select CAPWAP to have the Zyxel Device use CAPWAP (Control and Provisioning of Wireless
Access Points protocol) to automatically update firmware on the managed APs.

Select FTP to allow the managed APs to download the latest firmware from the Zyxel Device
using FTP.
Updating Mode Select Auto so the Zyxel Device checks the AP’s firmware version and updates it
automatically to the Zyxel Device’s latest supported version.

Select Manual so you update the AP firmware manually.

Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 9 Wireless

9.3.3 AP Group
Use this screen to configure AP groups, which define the radio, port, VLAN and load balancing settings
and apply the settings to all APs in the group. An AP can belong to one AP group at a time. Click
Configuration > Wireless > AP Management > AP Group to access this screen.

Figure 237 Configuration > Wireless > AP Management > AP Group

Each field is described in the following table.

Table 97 Configuration > Wireless > AP Management > AP Group

Group Setting
Default Group Select a group that is used as the default group.

Any AP that is not configured to associate with a specific AP group belongs to the default
group automatically.
Group Summary
Add Click this button to create a new AP group.
Edit Select an entry and click this button to edit its properties.
Remove Select an entry and click this button to remove it from the list.

Note: You cannot remove a group with which an AP is associated.

Reboot Select an AP group and click this button to force the AP(s) in this group to restart.
DCS Now Select one or multiple groups and click this button to use DCS (Dynamic Channel Selection)
to allow the APs in the group(s) to automatically find a less-used channel in an environment
where there are many APs and there may be interference.

Note: You should have enabled DCS in the applied AP radio profile before the
APs can use DCS.

Note: DCS is not supported on the radio which is working in repeater AP mode.
Upgrade Now Select an AP group and click this button to upgrade the firmware of the APs to the Zyxel
Device’s latest supported version.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 9 Wireless

Table 97 Configuration > Wireless > AP Management > AP Group (continued)

# This is the index number of the group in the list.
Group Name This is the name of the group.
Member Count This is the total number of APs which belong to this group.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 9 Wireless Add/Edit AP Group

Click Add or select an AP group and click the Edit button in the Configuration > Wireless > AP
Management > AP Group table to display this screen.

Figure 238 Configuration > Wireless > AP Management > AP Group > Add/Edit

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 9 Wireless

Each field is described in the following table.

Table 98 Configuration > Wireless > AP Management > AP Group > Add/Edit
General Settings
Group Name Enter a name for this group. You can use up to 31 alphanumeric characters. Dashes and
underscores are also allowed. The name should start with a letter.
Description Enter a description for this group. You can use up to 31 characters, spaces and underscores
Location Specify the name of the place where the AP group is located.
Radio 1/2 Setting
OP Mode Select the operating mode for radio 1 or radio 2.

AP Mode means the AP can receive connections from wireless clients and pass their data
traffic through to the Zyxel Device to be managed (or subsequently passed on to an
upstream gateway for managing).

MON Mode means the AP monitors the broadcast area for other APs, then passes their
information on to the Zyxel Device where it can be determined if those APs are friendly or
rogue. If an AP is set to this mode it cannot receive connections from wireless clients.

Root AP means the radio acts as an AP and also supports the wireless connections with
other APs (in repeater mode) to form a ZyMesh to extend its wireless network.

Repeater AP means the radio can establish a wireless connection with other APs (in either
root AP or repeater mode).

Note: To prevent bridge loops, do NOT set both radios on a managed AP to

Repeater AP mode.

Note: The root AP and repeater AP(s) in a ZyMesh must use the same country
code and AP radio profile settings in order to communicate with each

Note: Ensure you restart the managed AP after you change its operating mode.
Radio 1/2 AP Profile Select an AP profile from the list. If no profile exists, you can create a new one through the
Create new Object menu.
Radio 1/2 Profile Select a monitor profile from the list. If no profile exists, you can create a new one through
the Create new Object menu.
Radio 1/2 ZyMesh This field is available only when the radio is in Root AP or Repeater AP mode.
Enable Wireless Select the ZyMesh profile the radio uses to connect to a root AP or repeater.
This field is available only when the radio is in Repeater AP mode.

Select this option to enable wireless bridging on the radio.

The managed AP must support LAN provision and the radio should be in repeater mode.

VLAN and bridge interfaces are created automatically according to the LAN port’s VLAN
settings. When wireless bridging is enabled, the managed repeater AP can still transmit
data through its Ethernet port(s) after the ZyMesh link is up. Be careful to avoid bridge loops.

The managed APs in the same ZyMesh must use the same static VLAN ID.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 9 Wireless

Table 98 Configuration > Wireless > AP Management > AP Group > Add/Edit (continued)
Output Power Set the maximum output power of the AP.

If there is a high density of APs in an area, decrease the output power of the managed AP
to reduce interference with other APs.

Note: Reducing the output power also reduces the Zyxel Device’s effective
broadcast radius.
Edit Select an SSID and click this button to reassign it. The selected SSID becomes editable
immediately upon clicking.
# This is the index number of the SSID profile. You can associate up to eight SSID profiles with
an AP radio.
SSID Profile Indicates which SSID profile is associated with this radio profile.
VLAN Settings
Force Overwrite Select this to have the Zyxel Device change the AP’s management VLAN to match the
VLAN Config configuration in this screen.
Management VLAN Enter a VLAN ID for this AP.
As Native VLAN Select this option to treat this VLAN ID as a VLAN created on the Zyxel Device and not one
assigned to it from outside the network.
Port Settings
Model Specific Select the model of the managed AP to display the model-specific port and VLAN settings
Setting in the tables below.
Port Setting You can activate or deactivate a non-uplink port.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify the
entry’s settings.
Activate/Inactivate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate. To turn off an entry, select it and click

# This is the port’s index number in this list.
Status This displays whether or not the port is activated.
Port This shows the name of the physical Ethernet port on the managed AP.
PVID This shows the port’s PVID.

A PVID (Port VLAN ID) is a tag that adds to incoming untagged frames received on a port
so that the frames are forwarded to the VLAN group that the tag defines.
VLAN Configuration
Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify the
entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The NXC confirms you want to remove it
before doing so.
Activate/ Inactivate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate. To turn off an entry, select it and click
# This is the VLAN’s index number in this list.
Status This displays whether or not the VLAN is activated.
Name This shows the name of the VLAN.
VID This shows the VLAN ID number.
Member This field displays the Ethernet port(s) that is a member of this VLAN.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 9 Wireless

Table 98 Configuration > Wireless > AP Management > AP Group > Add/Edit (continued)
Load Balancing
Enable Load Select this to enable load balancing on the Zyxel Device.
Use this section to configure wireless network traffic load balancing between the managed
APs in this group.

Note: Load balancing is not supported on the radio which is working in root AP or
repeater AP mode.
Mode Select a mode by which load balancing is carried out.

Select By Station Number to balance network traffic based on the number of specified
stations connected to an AP.

Select By Traffic Level to balance network traffic based on the volume generated by the
stations connected to an AP.

Select By Smart Classroom to balance network traffic based on the number of specified
stations connected to an AP. The AP ignores association request and authentication
request packets from any new station when the maximum number of stations is reached.

If you select By Station Number or By Traffic Level, once the threshold is crossed (either the
maximum station numbers or with network traffic), the AP delays association request and
authentication request packets from any new station that attempts to make a connection.
This allows the station to automatically attempt to connect to another, less burdened AP if
one is available.
Radio 1/2 Max Enter the threshold number of stations at which an AP begins load balancing its
Station Number connections.
Disassociate This function is enabled by default and the disassociation priority is always Signal Strength
station when when you set Mode to By Station Number.
Select this option to disassociate wireless clients connected to the AP when it becomes
overloaded. If you do not enable this option, then the AP simply delays the connection until
it can afford the bandwidth it requires, or it transfers the connection to another AP within its
broadcast radius.

The disassociation priority is determined automatically by the Zyxel Device and is as follows:

• Idle Timeout - Devices that have been idle the longest will be disassociated first. If none
of the connected devices are idle, then the priority shifts to Signal Strength.
• Signal Strength - Devices with the weakest signal strength will be disassociated first.

Note: If you enable this function, you should ensure that there are multiple APs
within the broadcast radius that can accept any rejected or kicked wireless
clients; otherwise, a wireless client attempting to connect to an overloaded
AP will be kicked continuously and never be allowed to connect.
Radio 1/2 Traffic Select the threshold traffic level of the radio slot at which the AP begins load balancing its
Level connections (Low, Medium, High).

The maximum bandwidth allowed for each level is:

• Low - 11 Mbps
• Medium - 23 Mbps
• High - 35 Mbps
Rogue AP Detection
Enable Rogue AP Select this option to detect Rogue APs in the network.
AP List

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 9 Wireless

Table 98 Configuration > Wireless > AP Management > AP Group > Add/Edit (continued)
Available This lists the APs that do not belong to this group. Select the APs that you want to add to the
group you are editing, and click the right arrow button to add them.
Member This lists the APs that belong to this group. Select any APs that you want to remove from the
group, and click the left arrow button to remove them.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to close the window with changes unsaved.
Override Member AP Click this button to overwrite the settings of all managed APs in this group with the settings
Setting you configure here. All Override Group check boxes on the AP Management > Mgnt. AP List
> Edit AP List screen for the APs in this group will be deselected.

9.3.4 Firmware
The Zyxel Device stores an AP firmware in order to manage supported APs. This screen allows the Zyxel
Device to check for and download new AP firmware when it becomes available on the firmware server.
All APs managed by the Zyxel Device must have the same firmware version as the AP firmware on the
Zyxel Device.

When an AP connects to the Zyxel Device wireless controller, the Zyxel Device will check if the AP has
the same firmware version as the AP firmware on the Zyxel Device. If yes, then the Zyxel Device can
manage it. If no, then the AP must upgrade (or downgrade) its firmware to be the same version as the
AP firmware on the Zyxel Device (and reboot).

The Zyxel Device should always have the latest AP firmware so that:

• APs don’t have to downgrade firmware in order to be managed

• All new APs are supported.

Use Check to see if the Zyxel Device has the latest AP firmware. Use Apply to have the Zyxel Device
download the latest AP firmware (see More Details for more information on the firmware) from the
firmware server. If the Zyxel Device does not have enough space for the latest AP firmware, then the
Zyxel Device will delete an existing firmware that no AP is using before downloading the new AP

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 9 Wireless

Click Configuration > Wireless > AP Management > Firmware to access this screen.

Figure 239 Configuration > Wireless > AP Management > Firmware

Each field is described in the following table.

Table 99 Configuration > Wireless > AP Management > Firmware

AP Firmware
Runtime Firmware This displays the current AP firmware version on the Zyxel Device. The Zyxel Device must
have the latest AP firmware to manage all supported APs.
Available Firmware This field displays if there is a later AP firmware version available on the firmware server. It
displays N/A if the Zyxel Device cannot connect with the firmware server. Check that the
Zyxel Device has Internet access if N/A displays and then click the Check button below.
Check Click this button to have the Zyxel Device display the latest AP firmware version available on
the firmware server.
Last Check Success This displays the date and time the last check for new firmware was made and whether the
check is in progress (checking), was successful (success), or has failed (fail).

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 9 Wireless

Table 99 Configuration > Wireless > AP Management > Firmware (continued)

Apply AP Firmware Due to space limitations, the Zyxel Device only downloads and keeps AP firmware for APs it
is currently managing. If you connect a new AP to the Zyxel Device, the Zyxel Device may
need to download a new AP firmware. Please wait while downloading new firmware as the
speed depends on your Internet connection speed. Make sure to maintain the Internet
connection while downloading new firmware.
Apply Click this to download newer Available Firmware from the firmware server and update the
Runtime Firmware version.
# This is an index number of a managed AP.
Model This displays the name of all manageable AP models.
Runtime Firmware This displays the firmware version that the managed AP must have in order to be managed
by the Zyxel Device. Firmware for APs that the Zyxel Device already has displays in bold;
firmware that the Zyxel Device doesn’t have or is still downloading is grayed out. Firmware
that is in the download queue will show To be downloaded.
Refresh Click this to update the model firmware table.

9.4 Rogue AP
Use this screen to assign APs either to the rogue AP list or the friendly AP list. A rogue AP is a wireless
access point operating in a network’s coverage area that is not under the control of the network
administrator, and which can potentially open up holes in a network’s security.

Click Configuration > Wireless > Rogue AP to access this screen.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 9 Wireless

Figure 240 Configuration > Wireless > Rogue AP

Each field is described in the following table.

Table 100 Configuration > Wireless > Rogue AP

Suspected Rogue AP Click the check boxes (Weak Security (Open, WEP, WPA-PSK), Un-managed AP,
Classification Rule Hidden SSID, SSID Keyword) of the characteristics an AP should have for the Zyxel
Device to rule it as a rogue AP.
Add Click this to add an SSID Keyword.
Edit Select an SSID Keyword and click this button to modify it.
Remove Select an existing SSID keyword and click this button to delete it.
# This is the SSID Keyword’s index number in this list.
SSID Keyword This field displays the SSID Keyword.
Rogue/Friendly AP List
Add Click this button to add an AP to the list and assign it either friendly or rogue status.
Edit Select an AP in the list to edit and reassign its status.
Remove Select an AP in the list to remove.
Containment Click this button to quarantine the selected AP.

A quarantined AP cannot grant access to any network services. Any stations that
attempt to connect to a quarantined AP are disconnected automatically.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 9 Wireless

Table 100 Configuration > Wireless > Rogue AP (continued)

Dis-Containment Click this button to take the selected AP out of quarantine.

An unquarantined AP has normal access to the network.

# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any interface.
Containment This field indicates the selected AP’s containment status.
Role This field indicates whether the selected AP is a rogue-ap or a friendly-ap. To change
the AP’s role, click the Edit button.
MAC Address This field indicates the AP’s radio MAC address.
Description This field displays the AP’s description. You can modify this by clicking the Edit button.
Rogue/Friendly AP List These controls allow you to export the current list of rogue and friendly APs or import
Importing/Exporting existing lists.
File Path / Browse / Enter the file name and path of the list you want to import or click the Browse button
Importing to locate it. Once the File Path field has been populated, click Importing to bring the
list into the Zyxel Device.
Exporting Click this button to export the current list of either rogue APs or friendly APS.
Monitor Mode Settings
Enable Rogue AP Select this to enable rogue AP containment.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

9.4.1 Add/Edit Rogue/Friendly List

Select an AP and click the Edit button in the Configuration > Wireless > Rogue AP table to display this

Figure 241 Configuration > Wireless > Rogue AP > Add/Edit Rogue/Friendly

Each field is described in the following table.

Table 101 Configuration > Wireless > Rogue AP > Add/Edit Rogue/Friendly
MAC Enter the MAC address of the AP you want to add to the list. A MAC address is a unique hardware
identifier in the following hexadecimal format: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx where xx is a hexadecimal number
separated by colons.
Description Enter up to 60 characters for the AP’s description. Spaces and underscores are allowed.
Role Select either Rogue AP or Friendly AP for the AP’s role.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 9 Wireless

Table 101 Configuration > Wireless > Rogue AP > Add/Edit Rogue/Friendly (continued)
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to close the window with changes unsaved.

9.5 Auto Healing

Use this screen to enable auto healing, which allows you to extend the wireless service coverage area
of the managed APs when one of the APs fails. Click Configuration > Wireless > Auto Healing to access
this screen.

Figure 242 Configuration > Wireless > Auto Healing

Each field is described in the following table.

Table 102 Configuration > Wireless > Auto Healing

Enable Auto Select this option to turn on the auto healing feature.
Save Current Click this button to have all manged APs immediately scan their neighborhoods three times in
State a row and update their neighbor lists to the AP controller (Zyxel Device).
Auto Healing Set the time interval (in minutes) at which the managed APs scan their neighborhoods and
Interval report the status of neighbor APs to the AP controller (Zyxel Device).

An AP is considered “failed” if the AP controller obtains the same scan result that the AP is
missing from the neighbor list of other APs three times.
Power Threshold Set the power level (in dBm) to which the neighbor APs of the failed AP increase their output
power in order to extend their wireless service coverage areas.

When the failed AP is working again, its neighbor APs return their output power to the original
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 9 Wireless

9.6 RTLS Overview

Ekahau RTLS (Real Time Location Service) tracks battery-powered Wi-Fi tags attached to APs managed
by the Zyxel Device to create maps, alerts, and reports.

The Ekahau RTLS Controller is the centerpiece of the RTLS system. This server software runs on a Windows
computer to track and locate Ekahau tags from Wi-Fi signal strength measurements. Use the Zyxel
Device with the Ekahau RTLS system to take signal strength measurements at the APs (Integrated
Approach / Blink Mode).

The following example shows the Ekahau RTLS Integrated Approach (Blink Mode).

1 The Wi-Fi tag sends blink packets at specified intervals (or triggered by something like motion or button

2 The APs pick up the blink packets, measure the signal strength, and send it to the Zyxel Device.

3 The Zyxel Device forwards the signal measurements to the Ekahau RTLS Controller.

4 The Ekahau RTLS Controller calculates the tag positions.

Figure 243 RTLS Example

9.6.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter

Use the RTLS screen (Section 9.6.3 on page 316) to use the managed APs as part of an Ekahau RTLS (Real
Time Location Service) to track the location of Ekahau Wi-Fi tags.

9.6.2 Before You Begin

You need:

• At least three APs managed by the Zyxel Device (the more APs the better since it increases the
amount of information the Ekahau RTLS Controller has for calculating the location of the tags)
• IP addresses for the Ekahau Wi-Fi tags
• A dedicated RTLS SSID is recommended

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 9 Wireless

• Ekahau RTLS Controller in blink mode with TZSP Updater enabled

• Security policies to allow RTLS traffic if the Zyxel Device security policy control is enabled or the Ekahau
RTLS Controller is behind a firewall.

For example, if the Ekahau RTLS Controller is behind a firewall, open ports 8550, 8553, and 8569 to allow
traffic the APs send to reach the Ekahau RTLS Controller.

The following table lists default port numbers and types of packets RTLS uses.

Table 103 RTLS Traffic Port Numbers

8548 TCP Ekahau T201 location update.
8549 UDP Ekahau T201 location update.
8550 TCP Ekahau T201 tag maintenance protocol and Ekahau RTLS Controller user interface.
8552 UDP Ekahau Location Protocol
8553 UDP Ekahau Maintenance Protocol
8554 UDP Ekahau T301 firmware update.
8560 TCP Ekahau Vision web interface
8562 UDP Ekahau T301W firmware update.
8569 UDP Ekahau TZSP Listener Port

9.6.3 Configuring RTLS

Click Configuration > Wireless > RTLS to open this screen. Use this screen to turn RTLS (Real Time Location
System) on or off and specify the IP address and server port of the Ekahau RTLS Controller.

Figure 244 Configuration > Wireless > RTLS

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 104 Configuration > Wireless > RTLS

Enable Select this to use Wi-Fi to track the location of Ekahau Wi-Fi tags.
IP Address Specify the IP address of the Ekahau RTLS Controller.
Server Port Specify the server port number of the Ekahau RTLS Controller.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 9 Wireless

9.7 Technical Reference

The following section contains additional technical information about wireless features.

9.7.1 Dynamic Channel Selection

When numerous APs broadcast within a given area, they introduce the possibility of heightened radio
interference, especially if some or all of them are broadcasting on the same radio channel. If the
interference becomes too great, then the network administrator must open his AP configuration options
and manually change the channel to one that no other AP is using (or at least a channel that has a
lower level of interference) in order to give the connected stations a minimum degree of interference.
Dynamic channel selection frees the network administrator from this task by letting the AP do it
automatically. The AP can scan the area around it looking for the channel with the least amount of

In the 2.4 GHz spectrum, each channel from 1 to 13 is broken up into discrete 22 MHz segments that are
spaced 5 MHz apart. Channel 1 is centered on 2.412 GHz while channel 13 is centered on 2.472 GHz.

Figure 245 An Example Three-Channel Deployment

Three channels are situated in such a way as to create almost no interference with one another if used
exclusively: 1, 6 and 11. When an AP broadcasts on any of these three channels, it should not interfere
with neighboring APs as long as they are also limited to same trio.

Figure 246 An Example Four-Channel Deployment

However, some regions require the use of other channels and often use a safety scheme with the
following four channels: 1, 4, 7 and 11. While they are situated sufficiently close to both each other and
the three so-called “safe” channels (1,6 and 11) that interference becomes inevitable, the severity of it is
dependent upon other factors: proximity to the affected AP, signal strength, activity, and so on.

Finally, there is an alternative four channel scheme for ETSI, consisting of channels 1, 5, 9, 13. This offers
significantly less overlap that the other one.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 9 Wireless

Figure 247 An Alternative Four-Channel Deployment

9.7.2 Load Balancing

Because there is a hard upper limit on an AP’s wireless bandwidth, load balancing can be crucial in
areas crowded with wireless users. Rather than let every user connect and subsequently dilute the
available bandwidth to the point where each connecting device receives a meager trickle, the load
balanced AP instead limits the incoming connections as a means to maintain bandwidth integrity.

There are two kinds of wireless load balancing available on the Zyxel Device:

Load balancing by station number limits the number of devices allowed to connect to your AP. If you
know exactly how many stations you want to let connect, choose this option.

For example, if your company’s graphic design team has their own AP and they have 10 computers,
you can load balance for 10. Later, if someone from the sales department visits the graphic design
team’s offices for a meeting and he tries to access the network, his computer’s connection is delayed,
giving it the opportunity to connect to a different, neighboring AP. If he still connects to the AP
regardless of the delay, then the AP may boot other people who are already connected in order to
associate with the new connection.

Load balancing by traffic level limits the number of connections to the AP based on maximum
bandwidth available. If you are uncertain as to the exact number of wireless connections you will have
then choose this option. By setting a maximum bandwidth cap, you allow any number of devices to
connect as long as their total bandwidth usage does not exceed the configured bandwidth cap
associated with this setting. Once the cap is hit, any new connections are rejected or delayed provided
that there are other APs in range.

Imagine a coffee shop in a crowded business district that offers free wireless connectivity to its
customers. The coffee shop owner can’t possibly know how many connections his AP will have at any
given moment. As such, he decides to put a limit on the bandwidth that is available to his customers but
not on the actual number of connections he allows. This means anyone can connect to his wireless
network as long as the AP has the bandwidth to spare. If too many people connect and the AP hits its
bandwidth cap then all new connections must basically wait for their turn or get shunted to the nearest
identical AP.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

C H A P T E R 10

10.1 Interface Overview

Use the Interface screens to configure the Zyxel Device’s interfaces. You can also create interfaces on
top of other interfaces.

• Ports are the physical ports to which you connect cables.

• Interfaces are used within the system operationally. You use them in configuring various features. An
interface also describes a network that is directly connected to the Zyxel Device. For example, You
connect the LAN network to the LAN interface.
• Zones are groups of interfaces used to ease security policy configuration.

10.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter

• Use the Port Role screen (Section 10.2 on page 324) to create port groups and to assign physical ports
and port groups to Ethernet interfaces.
• Use the Port Configuration screen (Section 10.3 on page 325) to configure Zyxel Device port settings.
• Use the Ethernet screens (Section 10.4 on page 326) to configure the Ethernet interfaces. Ethernet
interfaces are the foundation for defining other interfaces and network policies. RIP and OSPF are also
configured in these interfaces.
• Use the Virtual Interface screen (Section 10.4.3 on page 349) to create virtual interfaces on top of
Ethernet interfaces to tell the Zyxel Device where to route packets. You can create virtual Ethernet
interfaces, virtual VLAN interfaces, and virtual bridge interfaces.
• Use the PPP screens (Section 10.5 on page 353) for PPPoE, PPTP or L2TP Internet connections.
• Use the Cellular screens (Section 10.6 on page 359) to configure settings for interfaces for Internet
connections through an installed mobile broadband card.
• Use the Tunnel screens (Section 10.7 on page 369) to configure tunnel interfaces to be used in
Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE), IPv6 in IPv4, and 6to4 tunnels.
• Use the VLAN screens (Section 10.8 on page 376) to divide the physical network into multiple logical
networks. VLAN interfaces receive and send tagged frames. The Zyxel Device automatically adds or
removes the tags as needed. Each VLAN can only be associated with one Ethernet interface.
• Use the Bridge screens (Section 10.9 on page 391) to combine two or more network segments into a
single network.
• Use the LAG screens (Section 10.10 on page 405) to combine multiple physical Ethernet interfaces
into a single logical interface.
• Use the VTI screens (Section 10.11 on page 412) to encrypt or decrypt IPv4 traffic from or to the
interface according to the IP routing table.
• Use the Trunk screens (Section 10.12 on page 417) to configure load balancing.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

10.1.2 What You Need to Know

Interface Characteristics
Interfaces generally have the following characteristics (although not all characteristics apply to each
type of interface).

• An interface is a logical entity through which (layer-3) packets pass.

• An interface is bound to a physical port or another interface.
• Many interfaces can share the same physical port.
• An interface belongs to at most one zone.
• Many interfaces can belong to the same zone.
• Layer-3 virtualization (IP alias, for example) is a kind of interface.

Types of Interfaces
You can create several types of interfaces in the Zyxel Device.

• Setting interfaces to the same port role forms a port group. Port groups creates a hardware
connection between physical ports at the layer-2 (data link, MAC address) level. Port groups are
created when you use the Interface > Port Roles or Interface > Port Groups screen to set multiple
physical ports to be part of the same interface.
• Ethernet interfaces are the foundation for defining other interfaces and network policies. RIP and
OSPF are also configured in these interfaces.
• Tunnel interfaces send IPv4 or IPv6 packets from one network to a specific network through the
Internet or a public network.
• VLAN interfaces receive and send tagged frames. The Zyxel Device automatically adds or removes
the tags as needed. Each VLAN can only be associated with one Ethernet interface.
• Bridge interfaces create a software connection between Ethernet or VLAN interfaces at the layer-2
(data link, MAC address) level. Unlike port groups, bridge interfaces can take advantage of some
security features in the Zyxel Device. You can also assign an IP address and subnet mask to the
• PPP interfaces support Point-to-Point Protocols (PPP). ISP accounts are required for PPPoE/PPTP/L2TP
• Cellular interfaces are for mobile broadband WAN connections via a connected mobile broadband
• Virtual interfaces provide additional routing information in the Zyxel Device. There are three types:
virtual Ethernet interfaces, virtual VLAN interfaces, and virtual bridge interfaces.
• Trunk interfaces manage load balancing between interfaces.

Port groups and trunks have a lot of characteristics that are specific to each type of interface. The other
types of interfaces--Ethernet, PPP, cellular, VLAN, bridge, and virtual--have a lot of similar characteristics.
These characteristics are listed in the following table and discussed in more detail below.

Table 105 Ethernet, PPP, Cellular, VLAN, Bridge, and Virtual Interface Characteristics
Name* wan1, wan2 lan1, lan2, pppx cellularx vlanx brx **
Configurable Zone No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 105 Ethernet, PPP, Cellular, VLAN, Bridge, and Virtual Interface Characteristics (continued)
IP Address
Static IP address Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
DHCP client Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Routing metric Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Bandwidth Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Packet size Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
DHCP server No Yes No No Yes Yes No
DHCP relay No Yes No No Yes Yes No
Connectivity Check Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No

Note: - * The format of interface names other than the Ethernet and ppp interface names is
strict. Each name consists of 2-4 letters (interface type), followed by a number (x). For
most interfaces, x is limited by the maximum number of the type of interface. For VLAN
interfaces, x is defined by the number you enter in the VLAN name field. For example,
Ethernet interface names are wan1, wan2, lan1, lan2, dmz; VLAN interfaces are vlan0,
vlan1, vlan2,...; and so on.

** - The names of virtual interfaces are derived from the interfaces on which they are
created. For example, virtual interfaces created on Ethernet interface wan1 are called
wan1:1, wan1:2, and so on. Virtual interfaces created on VLAN interface vlan2 are
called vlan2:1, vlan2:2, and so on. You cannot specify the number after the colon(:) in
the Web Configurator; it is a sequential number. You can specify the number after the
colon if you use the CLI to set up a virtual interface.

Relationships Between Interfaces

In the Zyxel Device, interfaces are usually created on top of other interfaces. Only Ethernet interfaces
are created directly on top of the physical ports or port groups. The relationships between interfaces are
explained in the following table.

Table 106 Relationships Between Different Types of Interfaces

Ethernet interface physical port
VLAN interface Ethernet interface
bridge interface Ethernet interface*

VLAN interface*
PPP interface Ethernet interface*

VLAN interface*

bridge interface


ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 106 Relationships Between Different Types of Interfaces (continued)

virtual interface

(virtual Ethernet interface) Ethernet interface*

(virtual VLAN interface) VLAN interface*

(virtual bridge interface) bridge interface

trunk Ethernet interface

Cellular interface

VLAN interface

bridge interface

PPP interface

Note: * You cannot set up a PPP interface, virtual Ethernet interface or virtual VLAN interface
if the underlying interface is a member of a bridge. You also cannot add an Ethernet
interface or VLAN interface to a bridge if the member interface has a virtual interface
or PPP interface on top of it.

IPv6 Overview
IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6), is designed to enhance IP address size and features. The increase in
IPv6 address size to 128 bits (from the 32-bit IPv4 address) allows up to 3.4 x 1038 IP addresses.

IPv6 Addressing
An 128-bit IPv6 address is written as eight 16-bit hexadecimal blocks separated by colons (:). This is an
example IPv6 address 2001:0db8:1a2b:0015:0000:0000:1a2f:0000.

IPv6 addresses can be abbreviated in two ways:

• Leading zeros in a block can be omitted. So 2001:0db8:1a2b:0015:0000:0000:1a2f:0000 can be

written as 2001:db8:1a2b:15:0:0:1a2f:0.
• Any number of consecutive blocks of zeros can be replaced by a double colon. A double colon can
only appear once in an IPv6 address. So 2001:0db8:0000:0000:1a2f:0000:0000:0015 can be
written as 2001:0db8::1a2f:0000:0000:0015, 2001:0db8:0000:0000:1a2f::0015,
2001:db8::1a2f:0:0:15 or 2001:db8:0:0:1a2f::15.

Prefix and Prefix Length

Similar to an IPv4 subnet mask, IPv6 uses an address prefix to represent the network address. An IPv6
prefix length specifies how many most significant bits (start from the left) in the address compose the
network address. The prefix length is written as “/x” where x is a number. For example,


means that the first 32 bits (2001:db8) from the left is the network prefix.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Link-local Address
A link-local address uniquely identifies a device on the local network (the LAN). It is similar to a “private IP
address” in IPv4. You can have the same link-local address on multiple interfaces on a device. A link-
local unicast address has a predefined prefix of fe80::/10. The link-local unicast address format is as

Table 107 Link-local Unicast Address Format

1111 1110 10 0 Interface ID
10 bits 54 bits 64 bits

Subnet Masking
Both an IPv6 address and IPv6 subnet mask compose of 128-bit binary digits, which are divided into
eight 16-bit blocks and written in hexadecimal notation. Hexadecimal uses four bits for each character
(1 ~ 10, A ~ F). Each block’s 16 bits are then represented by four hexadecimal characters. For example,

Stateless Autoconfiguration
With stateless autoconfiguration in IPv6, addresses can be uniquely and automatically generated.
Unlike DHCPv6 (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol version six) which is used in IPv6 stateful
autoconfiguration, the owner and status of addresses don’t need to be maintained by a DHCP server.
Every IPv6 device is able to generate its own and unique IP address automatically when IPv6 is initiated
on its interface. It combines the prefix and the interface ID (generated from its own Ethernet MAC
address) to form a complete IPv6 address.

When IPv6 is enabled on a device, its interface automatically generates a link-local address (beginning
with fe80).

When the Zyxel Device’s WAN interface is connected to an ISP with a router and the Zyxel Device is set
to automatically obtain an IPv6 network prefix from the router for the interface, it generates another
address which combines its interface ID and global and subnet information advertised from the router.
(In IPv6, all network interfaces can be associated with several addresses.) This is a routable global IP

Prefix Delegation
Prefix delegation enables an IPv6 router (the Zyxel Device) to use the IPv6 prefix (network address)
received from the ISP (or a connected uplink router) for its LAN. The Zyxel Device uses the received IPv6
prefix (for example, 2001:db2::/48) to generate its LAN IP address. Through sending Router
Advertisements (RAs) regularly by multicast, the router passes the IPv6 prefix information to its LAN hosts.
The hosts then can use the prefix to generate their IPv6 addresses.

IPv6 Router Advertisement

An IPv6 router sends router advertisement messages periodically to advertise its presence and other
parameters to the hosts in the same network.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6, RFC 3315) is a server-client protocol that
allows a DHCP server to assign and pass IPv6 network addresses, prefixes and other configuration
information to DHCP clients. DHCPv6 servers and clients exchange DHCP messages using UDP.

Each DHCP client and server has a unique DHCP Unique IDentifier (DUID), which is used for identification
when they are exchanging DHCPv6 messages. The DUID is generated from the MAC address, time,
vendor assigned ID and/or the vendor's private enterprise number registered with the IANA. It should not
change over time even after you reboot the device.

10.1.3 What You Need to Do First

For IPv6 settings, go to the Configuration > System > IPv6 screen to enable IPv6 support on the Zyxel
Device first.

10.2 Port Role

To access this screen, click Configuration > Network > Interface > Port Role. Use the Port Role screen to
set the Zyxel Device’s flexible ports as part of the lan1, lan2, ext-wlan, ext-lan or dmz interfaces. This
creates a hardware connection between the physical ports at the layer-2 (data link, MAC address)
level. This provides wire-speed throughput but no security.

Note: See Section 1.1 on page 29 to see which models support port role.

Note the following if you are configuring from a computer connected to a lan1, lan2, ext-wlan, ext-lan
or dmz port and change the port's role:

• A port's IP address varies as its role changes, make sure your computer's IP address is in the same
subnet as the Zyxel Device's lan1, lan2, ext-wlan, ext-lan or dmz IP address.
• Use the appropriate lan1, lan2, ext-wlan, ext-lan or dmz IP address to access the Zyxel Device.
Figure 248 Configuration > Network > Interface > Port Role

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

The physical Ethernet ports are shown at the top and the Ethernet interfaces and zones are shown at the
bottom of the screen. Use the radio buttons to select for which interface (network) you want to use
each physical port. For example, select a port’s LAN radio button to use the port as part of the LAN
interface. The port will use the Zyxel Device’s LAN IP address and MAC address.

When you assign more than one physical port to a network, you create a port group. Port groups have
the following characteristics:

• There is a layer-2 Ethernet switch between physical ports in the port group. This provides wire-speed
throughput but no security.
• It can increase the bandwidth between the port group and other interfaces.
• The port group uses a single MAC address.

Click Apply to save your changes and apply them to the Zyxel Device.

Click Reset to change the port groups to their current configuration (last-saved values).

10.3 Port Configuration

Use this screen to configure port settings. Click Configuration > Network > Interface > Port Configuration
in the navigation panel to display the configuration screen.

Note: You can’t configure the speed and duplex mode of the fiber ports on the USG2200 and

Figure 249 Configuration > Network > Interface > Port Configuration

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Each field is described in the following table.

Table 108 Configuration > Network > Interface > Port Configuration
Edit Select an entry, and click this button to configure the speed and the duplex mode of the
Ethernet connection on this port.
Name This field displays the name of the port.
Interface This field displays the interface for the port.
Type This field displays the cable type that is used on the port.
Settings Select the speed and the duplex mode of the Ethernet connection on this port. Choices
are Auto Negotiate, 1000Mbps-Full Duplex, 100Mbps-Full Duplex, 100Mbps-Half Duplex,
10Mbps-Full Duplex, and 10Mbps-Half Duplex.

Selecting Auto Negotiate allows one port to negotiate with a peer port automatically to
obtain the connection speed (of up to 1000M) and duplex mode that both ends support.
When auto-negotiation is turned on, a port on the Zyxel Device negotiates with the peer
automatically to determine the connection speed and duplex mode. If the peer port does
not support auto-negotiation or turns off this feature, the Zyxel Device determines the
connection speed by detecting the signal on the cable and using half duplex mode. When
the Zyxel Device’s auto-negotiation is turned off, a port uses the pre-configured speed and
duplex mode when making a connection, thus requiring you to make sure that the settings
of the peer port are the same in order to connect.
Status This field displays the speed and the duplex mode of the Ethernet connection on the port.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

10.4 Ethernet Summary Screen

This screen lists every Ethernet interface and virtual interface created on top of Ethernet interfaces. If you
enabled IPv6 in the Configuration > System > IPv6 screen, you can also configure Ethernet interfaces
used for your IPv6 networks on this screen. To access this screen, click Configuration > Network >
Interface > Ethernet.

Unlike other types of interfaces, you cannot create new Ethernet interfaces nor can you delete any of
them. If an Ethernet interface does not have any physical ports assigned to it, the Ethernet interface is
effectively removed from the Zyxel Device, but you can still configure it.

Ethernet interfaces are similar to other types of interfaces in many ways. They have an IP address, subnet
mask, and gateway used to make routing decisions. They restrict the amount of bandwidth and packet
size. They can provide DHCP services, and they can verify the gateway is available.

Use Ethernet interfaces to control which physical ports exchange routing information with other routers
and how much information is exchanged through each one. The more routing information is
exchanged, the more efficient the routers should be. However, the routers also generate more network
traffic, and some routing protocols require a significant amount of configuration and management. The
Zyxel Device supports the following routing protocols: RIP, OSPF and BGP. See Chapter 11 on page 440
for background information about these routing protocols.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Figure 250 Configuration > Network > Interface > Ethernet

Each field is described in the following table.

Table 109 Configuration > Network > Interface > Ethernet

Configuration / IPv6 Use the Configuration section for IPv4 network settings. Use the IPv6 Configuration section
Configuration for IPv6 network settings if you connect your Zyxel Device to an IPv6 network. Both sections
have similar fields as described below.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify the
entry’s settings.
Remove To remove a virtual interface, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you
want to remove it before doing so.
Activate To turn on an interface, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an interface, select it and click Inactivate.
Create Virtual To open the screen where you can create a virtual Ethernet interface, select an Ethernet
Interface interface and click Create Virtual Interface.
References Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use the
entry. See Section 10.4.4 on page 350 for an example.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any interface.
Status This icon is lit when the entry is active and dimmed when the entry is inactive.
Name This field displays the name of the interface.
Description This field displays the description of the interface.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 109 Configuration > Network > Interface > Ethernet (continued)
IP Address This field displays the current IP address of the interface. If the IP address is (in the IPv4
network) or :: (in the IPv6 network), the interface does not have an IP address yet.

In the IPv4 network, this screen also shows whether the IP address is a static IP address
(STATIC) or dynamically assigned (DHCP). IP addresses are always static in virtual interfaces.

In the IPv6 network, this screen also shows whether the IP address is a static IP address
(STATIC), link-local IP address (LINK LOCAL), dynamically assigned (DHCP), or an IPv6
StateLess Address AutoConfiguration IP address (SLAAC). See Section 10.1.2 on page 320
for more information about IPv6.
Mask This field displays the interface’s subnet mask in dot decimal notation.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

10.4.1 Ethernet Edit

The Ethernet Edit screen lets you configure IP address assignment, interface parameters, RIP settings,
OSPF settings, DHCP settings, connectivity check, and MAC address settings. To access this screen, click
an Edit icon in the Ethernet Summary screen. (See Section 10.4 on page 326.)

The OPT interface’s Edit > Configuration screen is shown here as an example. The screens for other
interfaces are similar and contain a subset to the OPT interface screen’s fields.

Note: If you create IP address objects based on an interface’s IP address, subnet, or gateway,
the Zyxel Device automatically updates every rule or setting that uses the object
whenever the interface’s IP address settings change. For example, if you change the
VLAN's IP address, the Zyxel Device automatically updates the corresponding
interface-based, LAN subnet address object.

With RIP, you can use Ethernet interfaces to do the following things.

• Enable and disable RIP in the underlying physical port or port group.
• Select which direction(s) routing information is exchanged - The Zyxel Device can receive routing
information, send routing information, or do both.
• Select which version of RIP to support in each direction - The Zyxel Device supports RIP-1, RIP-2, and
both versions.
• Select the broadcasting method used by RIP-2 packets - The Zyxel Device can use subnet
broadcasting or multicasting.

With OSPF, you can use Ethernet interfaces to do the following things.

• Enable and disable OSPF in the underlying physical port or port group.
• Select the area to which the interface belongs.
• Override the default link cost and authentication method for the selected area.
• Select in which direction(s) routing information is exchanged - The Zyxel Device can receive routing
information, send routing information, or do both.

Set the priority used to identify the DR or BDR if one does not exist.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces IGMP Proxy

Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) proxy is used for multicast routing. IGMP proxy enables the
Zyxel Device to issue IGMP host messages on behalf of hosts that the Zyxel Device discovered on its
IGMP-enabled interfaces. The Zyxel Device acts as a proxy for its hosts. Refer to the following figure.

• DS: Downstream traffic

• US: Upstream traffic
• R: Router
• MS: Multicast Server
• Enable IGMP Upstream (US) on the Zyxel Device interface that connects to a router (R) running IGMP
that is closer to the multicast server (MS).
• Enable IGMP Downstream on the Zyxel Device interface which connects to the multicast hosts.
Figure 251 IGMP Proxy

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Figure 252 Configuration > Network > Interface > Ethernet > Edit (External Type)

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Chapter 10 Interfaces

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Configuration > Network > Interface > Ethernet > Edit (External Type

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Figure 253 Configuration > Network > Interface > Ethernet > Edit (Internal Type)

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Chapter 10 Interfaces

Configuration > Network > Interface > Ethernet > Edit (Internal Type)

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Chapter 10 Interfaces

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Figure 254 Configuration > Network > Interface > Ethernet > Edit (OPT)

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Chapter 10 Interfaces

Configuration > Network > Interface > Ethernet > Edit (OPT)

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

These screens’ fields are described in the table below.

Table 110 Configuration > Network > Interface > Ethernet > Edit
IPv4/IPv6 View / IPv4 Use this button to display both IPv4 and IPv6, IPv4-only, or IPv6-only configuration fields.
View / IPv6 View
Show Advanced Click this button to display a greater or lesser number of configuration fields.
Settings / Hide
Advanced Settings
Create New Object Click this button to create a DHCPv6 lease or DHCPv6 request object that you may use for
the DHCPv6 settings in this screen.
General Settings
Enable Interface Select this to enable this interface. Clear this to disable this interface.
General IPv6 Setting
Enable IPv6 Select this to enable IPv6 on this interface. Otherwise, clear this to disable it.
Interface Properties

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 110 Configuration > Network > Interface > Ethernet > Edit (continued)
Interface Type This field is configurable for the OPT interface only. Select to which type of network you will
connect this interface. When you select internal or external the rest of the screen’s options
automatically adjust to correspond. The Zyxel Device automatically adds default route and
SNAT settings for traffic it routes from internal interfaces to external interfaces; for example
LAN to WAN traffic.

internal is for connecting to a local network. Other corresponding configuration options:

DHCP server and DHCP relay. The Zyxel Device automatically adds default SNAT settings for
traffic flowing from this interface to an external interface.

external is for connecting to an external network (like the Internet). The Zyxel Device
automatically adds this interface to the default WAN trunk.

For general, the rest of the screen’s options do not automatically adjust and you must
manually configure a policy route to add routing and SNAT settings for the interface.
Interface Name Specify a name for the interface. It can use alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and
underscores, and it can be up to 11 characters long.
Port This is the name of the Ethernet interface’s physical port.
Zone Select the zone to which this interface is to belong. You use zones to apply security settings
such as security policy, IDP, remote management, anti-virus, and application patrol. Make
sure to select the correct zone as otherwise traffic may be blocked by a security policy.
MAC Address This field is read-only. This is the MAC address that the Ethernet interface uses.
Description Enter a description of this interface. You can use alphanumeric and ()+/:=?!*#@$_%-
characters, and it can be up to 60 characters long. Spaces are allowed, but the string
can’t start with a space.
IP Address These IP address fields configure an IPv4 IP address on the interface itself. If you change this
Assignment IP address on the interface, you may also need to change a related address object for the
network connected to the interface. For example, if you use this screen to change the IP
address of your LAN interface, you should also change the corresponding LAN subnet
address object.
Get This option appears when Interface Type is external or general. Select this to make the
Automatically interface a DHCP client and automatically get the IP address, subnet mask, and gateway
address from a DHCP server.

You should not select this if the interface is assigned to a VRRP group. See Chapter 42 on
page 821.
DHCP Option 60 DHCP Option 60 is used by the Zyxel Device for identification to the DHCP server using the
VCI (Vendor Class Identifier) on the DHCP server. The Zyxel Device adds it in the initial DHCP
discovery message that a DHCP client broadcasts in search of an IP address. The DHCP
server can assign different IP addresses or options to clients with the specific VCI or reject
the request from clients without the specific VCI.

Type a string using up to 64 of these characters [a-zA-Z0-9!\"#$%&\'()*+,-./

:;<=>?@\[\\\]^_`{|}~] to identify this Zyxel Device to the DHCP server. For example, Zyxel-
Use Fixed IP This option appears when Interface Type is external or general. Select this if you want to
Address specify the IP address, subnet mask, and gateway manually.
IP Address Enter the IP address for this interface.
Subnet Mask Enter the subnet mask of this interface in dot decimal notation. The subnet mask indicates
what part of the IP address is the same for all computers in the network.
Gateway This option appears when Interface Type is external or general. Enter the IP address of the
gateway. The Zyxel Device sends packets to the gateway when it does not know how to
route the packet to its destination. The gateway should be on the same network as the

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 110 Configuration > Network > Interface > Ethernet > Edit (continued)
Metric This option appears when Interface Type is external or general. Enter the priority of the
gateway (if any) on this interface. The Zyxel Device decides which gateway to use based
on this priority. The lower the number, the higher the priority. If two or more gateways have
the same priority, the Zyxel Device uses the one that was configured first.
Enable IGMP Support Select this to allow the Zyxel Device to act as an IGMP proxy for hosts connected on the
IGMP downstream interface.
IGMP Upstream Enable IGMP Upstream on the interface which connects to a router running IGMP that is
closer to the multicast server.
IGMP Enable IGMP Downstream on the interface which connects to the multicast hosts.
IPv6 Address These IP address fields configure an IPv6 IP address on the interface itself.
Enable Stateless Select this to enable IPv6 stateless auto-configuration on this interface. The interface will
Address Auto- generate an IPv6 IP address itself from a prefix obtained from an IPv6 router in the network.
Link-Local This displays the IPv6 link-local address and the network prefix that the Zyxel Device
address generates itself for the interface.
IPv6 Address/ Enter the IPv6 address and the prefix length for this interface if you want to use a static IP
Prefix Length address. This field is optional.

The prefix length indicates what the left-most part of the IP address is the same for all
computers in the network, that is, the network address.
Gateway Enter the IPv6 address of the default outgoing gateway using colon (:) hexadecimal
Metric Enter the priority of the gateway (if any) on this interface. The Zyxel Device decides which
gateway to use based on this priority. The lower the number, the higher the priority. If two or
more gateways have the same priority, the Zyxel Device uses the one that was configured
Address from Use this table to have the Zyxel Device obtain an IPv6 prefix from the ISP or a connected
DHCPv6 Prefix uplink router for an internal network, such as the LAN or DMZ. You have to also enter a suffix
Delegation address which is appended to the delegated prefix to form an address for this interface.
See Prefix Delegation on page 323 for more information.

To use prefix delegation, you must:

• Create at least one DHCPv6 request object before configuring this table.
• The external interface must be a DHCPv6 client. You must configure the DHCPv6
request options using a DHCPv6 request object with the type of prefix-delegation.
• Assign the prefix delegation to an internal interface and enable router advertisement
on that interface.
Add Click this to create an entry.
Edit Select an entry and click this to change the settings.
Remove Select an entry and click this to delete it from this table.
References Select an entry and click References to check which settings use the entry.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any entry.
Delegated Select the DHCPv6 request object to use from the drop-down list.
Suffix Enter the ending part of the IPv6 address, a slash (/), and the prefix length. The Zyxel Device
Address will append it to the delegated prefix.

For example, you got a delegated prefix of 2003:1234:5678/48. You want to configure an IP
address of 2003:1234:5678:1111::1/128 for this interface, then enter ::1111:0:0:0:1/128 in this

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 110 Configuration > Network > Interface > Ethernet > Edit (continued)
Address This field displays the combined IPv6 IP address for this interface.

Note: This field displays the combined address after you click OK and reopen this
DHCPv6 Setting
DHCPv6 Select N/A to not use DHCPv6.

Select Client to set this interface to act as a DHCPv6 client.

Select Server to set this interface to act as a DHCPv6 server which assigns IP addresses and
provides subnet mask, gateway, and DNS server information to clients.

Select Relay to set this interface to route DHCPv6 requests to the DHCPv6 relay server you
specify. The DHCPv6 server(s) may be on another network.
DUID This field displays the DHCP Unique IDentifier (DUID) of the interface, which is unique and
used for identification purposes when the interface is exchanging DHCPv6 messages with
others. See DHCPv6 on page 324 for more information.
DUID as MAC Select this if you want the DUID is generated from the interface’s default MAC address.
Customized DUID If you want to use a customized DUID, enter it here for the interface.
Enable Rapid Select this to shorten the DHCPv6 message exchange process from four to two steps. This
Commit function helps reduce heavy network traffic load.

Note: Make sure you also enable this option in the DHCPv6 clients to make rapid
commit work.
Information Enter the number of seconds a DHCPv6 client should wait before refreshing information
Refresh Time retrieved from DHCPv6.
Request Address This field is available if you set this interface to DHCPv6 Client. Select this to get an IPv6 IP
address for this interface from the DHCP server. Clear this to not get any IP address
information through DHCPv6.
DHCPv6 Request If this interface is a DHCPv6 client, use this section to configure DHCPv6 request settings that
Options / determine what additional information to get from the DHCPv6 server. If the interface is a
DHCPv6 Lease DHCPv6 server, use this section to configure DHCPv6 lease settings that determine what
additional information to offer to the DHCPv6 clients.
Add Click this to create an entry in this table. See Section 10.4.5 on page 351 for more
Remove Select an entry and click this to delete it from this table.
Reference Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use the
entry. See Section 10.4.4 on page 350 for an example.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any entry.
Name This field displays the name of the DHCPv6 request or lease object.
Type This field displays the type of the object.
Value This field displays the IPv6 prefix that the Zyxel Device obtained from an uplink router (Server
is selected) or will advertise to its clients (Client is selected).
Interface When Relay is selected, select this check box and an interface from the drop-down list if
you want to use it as the relay server.
Relay Server When Relay is selected, select this check box and enter the IP address of a DHCPv6 server
as the relay server.
IPv6 Router

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 110 Configuration > Network > Interface > Ethernet > Edit (continued)
Enable Router Select this to enable this interface to send router advertisement messages periodically. See
Advertisement IPv6 Router Advertisement on page 323 for more information.
Advertised Hosts Select this to have the Zyxel Device indicate to hosts to obtain network settings (such as
Get Network prefix and DNS settings) through DHCPv6.
From DHCPv6 Clear this to have the Zyxel Device indicate to hosts that DHCPv6 is not available and they
should use the prefix in the router advertisement message.
Advertised Hosts Select this to have the Zyxel Device indicate to hosts to obtain DNS information through
Get Other DHCPv6.
From DHCPv6 Clear this to have the Zyxel Device indicate to hosts that DNS information is not available in
this network.
Router Select the router preference (Low, Medium or High) for the interface. The interface sends
Preference this preference in the router advertisements to tell hosts what preference they should use
for the Zyxel Device. This helps hosts to choose their default router especially when there
are multiple IPv6 router in the network.

Note: Make sure the hosts also support router preference to make this function
MTU The Maximum Transmission Unit. Type the maximum size of each IPv6 data packet, in bytes,
that can move through this interface. If a larger packet arrives, the Zyxel Device discards
the packet and sends an error message to the sender to inform this.
Hop Limit Enter the maximum number of network segments that a packet can cross before reaching
the destination. When forwarding an IPv6 packet, IPv6 routers are required to decrease the
Hop Limit by 1 and to discard the IPv6 packet when the Hop Limit is 0.
Advertised Prefix Configure this table only if you want the Zyxel Device to advertise a fixed prefix to the
Table network.
Add Click this to create an IPv6 prefix address.
Edit Select an entry in this table and click this to modify it.
Remove Select an entry in this table and click this to delete it.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any entry.
IPv6 Enter the IPv6 network prefix address and the prefix length.
Prefix Length The prefix length indicates what the left-most part of the IP address is the same for all
computers in the network, that is, the network address.
Advertised Prefix This table is available when the Interface Type is internal. Use this table to configure the
from DHCPv6 network prefix if you want to use a delegated prefix as the beginning part of the network
Prefix Delegation prefix.
Add Click this to create an entry in this table.
Edit Select an entry in this table and click this to modify it.
Remove Select an entry in this table and click this to delete it.
References Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use the
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any entry.
Delegated Select the DHCPv6 request object to use for generating the network prefix for the network.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 110 Configuration > Network > Interface > Ethernet > Edit (continued)
Suffix Enter the ending part of the IPv6 network address plus a slash (/) and the prefix length. The
Address Zyxel Device will append it to the selected delegated prefix. The combined address is the
network prefix for the network.

For example, you got a delegated prefix of 2003:1234:5678/48. You want to divide it into
2003:1234:5678:1111/64 for this interface and 2003:1234:5678:2222/64 for another interface.
You can use ::1111/64 and ::2222/64 for the suffix address respectively. But if you do not
want to divide the delegated prefix into subnetworks, enter ::0/48 here, which keeps the
same prefix length (/48) as the delegated prefix.
Address This is the final network prefix combined by the delegated prefix and the suffix.

Note: This field displays the combined address after you click OK and reopen this
Interface Parameters
Egress Bandwidth Enter the maximum amount of traffic, in kilobits per second, the Zyxel Device can send
through the interface to the network. Allowed values are 0 - 1048576.
Ingress This is reserved for future use.
Enter the maximum amount of traffic, in kilobits per second, the Zyxel Device can receive
from the network through the interface. Allowed values are 0 - 1048576.
MTU Maximum Transmission Unit. Type the maximum size of each data packet, in bytes, that can
move through this interface. If a larger packet arrives, the Zyxel Device divides it into smaller
fragments. Allowed values are 576 - 1500. Usually, this value is 1500.
Connectivity Check These fields appear when Interface Properties is External or General.

The interface can regularly check the connection to the gateway you specified to make
sure it is still available. You specify how often the interface checks the connection, how
long to wait for a response before the attempt is a failure, and how many consecutive
failures are required before the Zyxel Device stops routing to the gateway. The Zyxel Device
resumes routing to the gateway the first time the gateway passes the connectivity check.
Enable Select this to turn on the connection check.
Check Method Select the method that the gateway allows.

Select icmp to have the Zyxel Device regularly ping the gateway you specify to make sure
it is still available.

Select tcp to have the Zyxel Device regularly perform a TCP handshake with the gateway
you specify to make sure it is still available.
Check Period Enter the number of seconds between connection check attempts.
Check Timeout Enter the number of seconds to wait for a response before the attempt is a failure.
Check Fail Enter the number of consecutive failures before the Zyxel Device stops routing through the
Tolerance gateway.
Check Default Select this to use the default gateway for the connectivity check.
Check this Select this to specify a domain name or IP address for the connectivity check. Enter that
address domain name or IP address in the field next to it.
Check Port This field only displays when you set the Check Method to tcp. Specify the port number to
use for a TCP connectivity check.
Check these Type one or two domain names or IP addresses for the connectivity check.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 110 Configuration > Network > Interface > Ethernet > Edit (continued)
Probe Succeeds This field applies when you specify two domain names or IP addresses for the connectivity
When check.

Select any one if you want the check to pass if at least one of the domain names or IP
addresses responds.

Select all if you want the check to pass only if both domain names or IP addresses respond.
DHCP Setting This section appears when Interface Type is internal or general.
DHCP Select what type of DHCP service the Zyxel Device provides to the network. Choices are:

None - the Zyxel Device does not provide any DHCP services. There is already a DHCP
server on the network.

DHCP Relay - the Zyxel Device routes DHCP requests to one or more DHCP servers you
specify. The DHCP server(s) may be on another network.

DHCP Server - the Zyxel Device assigns IP addresses and provides subnet mask, gateway,
and DNS server information to the network. The Zyxel Device is the DHCP server for the
These fields appear if the Zyxel Device is a DHCP Relay.
Relay Server 1 Enter the IP address of a DHCP server for the network.
Relay Server 2 This field is optional. Enter the IP address of another DHCP server for the network.
These fields appear if the Zyxel Device is a DHCP Server.
IP Pool Start Enter the IP address from which the Zyxel Device begins allocating IP addresses. If you want
Address to assign a static IP address to a specific computer, use the Static DHCP Table.

If this field is blank, the Pool Size must also be blank. In this case, the Zyxel Device can assign
every IP address allowed by the interface’s IP address and subnet mask, except for the first
address (network address), last address (broadcast address) and the interface’s IP address.
Pool Size Enter the number of IP addresses to allocate. This number must be at least one and is
limited by the interface’s Subnet Mask. For example, if the Subnet Mask is and
IP Pool Start Address is, the Zyxel Device can allocate to, or 245 IP addresses.

If this field is blank, the IP Pool Start Address must also be blank. In this case, the Zyxel Device
can assign every IP address allowed by the interface’s IP address and subnet mask, except
for the first address (network address), last address (broadcast address) and the interface’s
IP address.
First DNS Server, Specify the IP addresses up to three DNS servers for the DHCP clients to use. Use one of the
Second DNS following ways to specify these IP addresses.
Server, Third DNS
Server Custom Defined - enter a static IP address.

From ISP - select the DNS server that another interface received from its DHCP server.

Zyxel Device - the DHCP clients use the IP address of this interface and the Zyxel Device
works as a DNS relay.
First WINS Server, Type the IP address of the WINS (Windows Internet Naming Service) server that you want to
Second WINS send to the DHCP clients. The WINS server keeps a mapping table of the computer names
on your network and the IP addresses that they are currently using.
Default Router If you set this interface to DHCP Server, you can select to use either the interface’s IP
address or another IP address as the default router. This default router will become the
DHCP clients’ default gateway.

To use another IP address as the default router, select Custom Defined and enter the IP

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 110 Configuration > Network > Interface > Ethernet > Edit (continued)
Lease time Specify how long each computer can use the information (especially the IP address)
before it has to request the information again. Choices are:

infinite - select this if IP addresses never expire.

days, hours, and minutes - select this to enter how long IP addresses are valid.
Extended This table is available if you selected DHCP server.
Configure this table if you want to send more information to DHCP clients through DHCP
Add Click this to create an entry in this table. See Section 10.4.6 on page 351.
Edit Select an entry in this table and click this to modify it.
Remove Select an entry in this table and click this to delete it.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any entry.
Name This is the name of the DHCP option.
Code This is the code number of the DHCP option.
Type This is the type of the set value for the DHCP option.
Value This is the value set for the DHCP option.
PXE Server PXE (Preboot eXecution Environment) allows a client computer to use the network to boot
up and install an operating system via a PXE-capable Network Interface Card (NIC).

PXE is available for computers on internal interfaces to allow them to boot up using boot
software on a PXE server. The Zyxel Device acts as an intermediary between the PXE server
and the computers that need boot software.

The PXE server must have a public IPv4 address. You must enable DHCP Server on the Zyxel
Device so that it can receive information from the PXE server.
PXE Boot Loader A boot loader is a computer program that loads the operating system for the computer.
File Type the exact file name of the boot loader software file, including filename extension, that
is on the PXE server. If the wrong filename is typed, then the client computers cannot boot.
Enable IP/MAC Select this option to have this interface enforce links between specific IP addresses and
Binding specific MAC addresses. This stops anyone else from manually using a bound IP address on
another device connected to this interface. Use this to make use only the intended users
get to use specific IP addresses.
Enable Logs for Select this option to have the Zyxel Device generate a log if a device connected to this
IP/MAC Binding interface attempts to use an IP address that is bound to another device’s MAC address.
Static DHCP Configure a list of static IP addresses the Zyxel Device assigns to computers connected to
Table the interface. Otherwise, the Zyxel Device assigns an IP address dynamically using the
interface’s IP Pool Start Address and Pool Size.
Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Select an entry and click this to be able to modify it.
Remove Select an entry and click this to delete it.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific entry.
IP Address Enter the IP address to assign to a device with this entry’s MAC address.
MAC Enter the MAC address to which to assign this entry’s IP address.
Description Enter a description to help identify this static DHCP entry. You can use alphanumeric and
()+/:=?!*#@$_%- characters, and it can be up to 60 characters long.
RIP Setting See Section 11.6 on page 441 for more information about RIP.
Enable RIP Select this to enable RIP in this interface.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 110 Configuration > Network > Interface > Ethernet > Edit (continued)
Direction This field is effective when RIP is enabled. Select the RIP direction from the drop-down list

BiDir - This interface sends and receives routing information.

In-Only - This interface receives routing information.

Out-Only - This interface sends routing information.

Send Version This field is effective when RIP is enabled. Select the RIP version(s) used for sending RIP
packets. Choices are 1, 2, and 1 and 2.
Receive Version This field is effective when RIP is enabled. Select the RIP version(s) used for receiving RIP
packets. Choices are 1, 2, and 1 and 2.
V2-Broadcast This field is effective when RIP is enabled. Select this to send RIP-2 packets using subnet
broadcasting; otherwise, the Zyxel Device uses multicasting.
OSPF Setting See Section 11.7 on page 443 for more information about OSPF.
Area Select the area in which this interface belongs. Select None to disable OSPF in this
Priority Enter the priority (between 0 and 255) of this interface when the area is looking for a
Designated Router (DR) or Backup Designated Router (BDR). The highest-priority interface
identifies the DR, and the second-highest-priority interface identifies the BDR. Set the priority
to zero if the interface can not be the DR or BDR.
Link Cost Enter the cost (between 1 and 65,535) to route packets through this interface.
Passive Interface Select this to stop forwarding OSPF routing information from the selected interface. As a
result, this interface only receives routing information.
Authentication Select an authentication method, or disable authentication. To exchange OSPF routing
information with peer border routers, you must use the same authentication method that
they use. Choices are:

Same-as-Area - use the default authentication method in the area

None - disable authentication

Text - authenticate OSPF routing information using a plain-text password

MD5 - authenticate OSPF routing information using MD5 encryption

Text This field is available if the Authentication is Text. Type the password for text authentication.
Authentication The key can consist of alphanumeric characters and the underscore, and it can be up to
16 characters long.
MD5 This field is available if the Authentication is MD5. Type the ID for MD5 authentication. The ID
Authentication ID can be between 1 and 255.
MD5 This field is available if the Authentication is MD5. Type the password for MD5
Authentication authentication. The password can consist of alphanumeric characters and the underscore,
and it can be up to 16 characters long.
MAC Address Setting This section appears when Interface Properties is External or General. Have the interface
use either the factory assigned default MAC address, a manually specified MAC address,
or clone the MAC address of another device or computer.
Use Default MAC Select this option to have the interface use the factory assigned default MAC address. By
Address default, the Zyxel Device uses the factory assigned MAC address to identify itself.
Overwrite Select this option to have the interface use a different MAC address. Either enter the MAC
Default MAC address in the fields or click Clone by host and enter the IP address of the device or
computer whose MAC you are cloning. Once it is successfully configured, the address will
be copied to the configuration file. It will not change unless you change the setting or
upload a different configuration file.
Proxy ARP Proxy ARP is available for external or general interfaces on the Zyxel Device. See Section
10.4.2 on page 347 for more information on Proxy ARP.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 110 Configuration > Network > Interface > Ethernet > Edit (continued)
Enable Proxy ARP Select this to allow the Zyxel Device to answer external interface ARP requests on behalf of
a device on its internal interface. Interfaces supported are:

• Ethernet
• Bridge
See Section 10.4.2 on page 347 for more information.
Add Click Add to create an IPv4 Address, an IPv4 CIDR (for example, or an IPv4
Range (for example, as the target IP address. The Zyxel Device
answers external ARP requests only if they match one of these inputted target IP addresses.
For example, if the IPv4 Address is, then the Zyxel Device will answer ARP
requests coming from the WAN only if it contains as the target IP address.

Select an existing entry and click Remove to delete that entry.

Related Setting
Configure Click PPPoE/PPTP if this interface’s Internet connection uses PPPoE or PPTP or L2TP.
Configure VLAN Click VLAN if you want to configure a VLAN interface for this Ethernet interface.
Configure WAN Click WAN TRUNK to go to a screen where you can set this interface to be part of a WAN
TRUNK trunk for load balancing.
Configure Policy Click Policy Route to go to the policy route summary screen where you can manually
Route associate traffic with this interface.

You must manually configure a policy route to add routing and SNAT settings for an
interface with the Interface Type set to general. You can also configure a policy route to
override the default routing and SNAT behavior for an interface with an Interface Type of
internal or external.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

10.4.2 Proxy ARP

An Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is a protocol for mapping an IP address to a MAC address. An ARP
broadcast is sent to all devices in the same Ethernet network to request the MAC address of a target IP

In the following figure, a host in a WAN subnet (A) broadcasts an ARP request to all devices within its
network in order to find the MAC address of a target IP address (172.16.x.x). However, the target IP
address may be in another subnet (B) that has the same network IP address (172.16.x.x). A router, such
as the Zyxel Device, does not forward broadcasts, so the request will not reach its destination.

Enable Proxy ARP (RFC 1027) to allow the Zyxel Device to answer external interface ARP requests on
behalf of a device on its internal interface. Interfaces supported are:

• Ethernet

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

• Bridge

The Zyxel Device sends its external MAC address to the WAN sender as the destination for the target IP
address. From then on the sender will send packets containing that target IP address directly to the
external interface of the Zyxel Device. The Zyxel Device then forwards the packet to the correct target IP
address in its LAN.

Figure 255 Proxy ARP

172.16.x.x 172.16.x.x

To allow the Zyxel Device to answer external interface ARP requests on behalf of a device on a
supported interface, select the interface, click Add or Edit, then click Add in the Proxy ARP section of the

Figure 256 Interface > Edit > Add Proxy ARP

The following table describes labels that can appear in this screen.

Table 111 Interface > Edit > Add Proxy ARP

Interface Name This identifies the interface for which the configuration settings that use it are displayed.
Address Type Choose IPv4 Address, or IPv4 CIDR (for example, or an IPv4 Range (for
example, and then enter the target IP address information. The
Zyxel Device answers external ARP requests only if they match one of these inputted target IP
addresses. For example, if the IPv4 Address is, then the Zyxel Device will answer
ARP requests coming from the WAN only if it contains as the target IP address.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

10.4.3 Virtual Interfaces

Use virtual interfaces to tell the Zyxel Device where to route packets. Virtual interfaces can also be used
in VPN gateways (see Chapter 30 on page 644) and VRRP groups (see Chapter 42 on page 821).

Virtual interfaces can be created on top of Ethernet interfaces, VLAN interfaces, or bridge interfaces.
Virtual VLAN interfaces recognize and use the same VLAN ID. Otherwise, there is no difference between
each type of virtual interface. Network policies (for example, security policies) that apply to the
underlying interface automatically apply to the virtual interface as well.

Like other interfaces, virtual interfaces have an IP address, subnet mask, and gateway used to make
routing decisions. However, you have to manually specify the IP address and subnet mask; virtual
interfaces cannot be DHCP clients. The virtual interface uses the same MTU and bandwidth settings that
the underlying interface uses. Unlike other interfaces, virtual interfaces do not provide DHCP services,
and they do not verify that the gateway is available.

This screen lets you configure IP address assignment and interface parameters for virtual interfaces. To
access this screen, click the Create Virtual Interface icon in the Ethernet, VLAN, or bridge interface
summary screen.

Figure 257 Configuration > Network > Interface > Create Virtual Interface

Each field is described in the table below.

Table 112 Configuration > Network > Interface > Create Virtual Interface
Interface Properties
Interface Name This field is read-only. It displays the name of the virtual interface, which is automatically
derived from the underlying Ethernet interface, VLAN interface, or bridge interface.
Description Enter a description of this interface. It is not used elsewhere. You can use alphanumeric and
()+/:=?!*#@$_%- characters, and it can be up to 60 characters long.
IP Address
IP Address Enter the IP address for this interface.
Subnet Mask Enter the subnet mask of this interface in dot decimal notation. The subnet mask indicates
what part of the IP address is the same for all computers in the network.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 112 Configuration > Network > Interface > Create Virtual Interface (continued)
Gateway Enter the IP address of the gateway. The Zyxel Device sends packets to the gateway when
it does not know how to route the packet to its destination. The gateway should be on the
same network as the interface.
Metric Enter the priority of the gateway (if any) on this interface. The Zyxel Device decides which
gateway to use based on this priority. The lower the number, the higher the priority. If two or
more gateways have the same priority, the Zyxel Device uses the one that was configured
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

10.4.4 References
When a configuration screen includes a References icon, select a configuration object and click
References to open the below screen. This screen displays which configuration settings reference the
selected object. The fields shown vary with the type of object.

Figure 258 References

The following table describes labels that can appear in this screen.

Table 113 References

Object Name This identifies the object for which the configuration settings that use it are displayed. Click the
object’s name to display the object’s configuration screen in the main window.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any entry.
Service This is the type of setting that references the selected object. Click a service’s name to display
the service’s configuration screen in the main window.
Priority If it is applicable, this field lists the referencing configuration item’s position in its list, otherwise
N/A displays.
Name This field identifies the configuration item that references the object.
Description If the referencing configuration item has a description configured, it displays here.
Refresh Click this to update the information in this screen.
Cancel Click Cancel to close the screen.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

10.4.5 Add/Edit DHCPv6 Request/Release Options

When you configure an interface as a DHCPv6 server or client, you can additionally add DHCPv6
request or lease options which have the Zyxel Device to add more information in the DHCPv6 packets.
To open the screen, click Configuration > Network > Interface > Ethernet > Edit, select DHCPv6 Server or
DHCPv6 Client in the DHCPv6 Setting section, and then click Add in the DHCPv6 Request Options or
DHCPv6 Lease Options table.

Figure 259 Configuration > Network > Interface > Ethernet > Edit > Add DHCPv6 Request/Lease Options

Select a DHCPv6 request or lease object in the Select one object field and click OK to save it. Click
Cancel to exit without saving the setting.

10.4.6 Add/Edit DHCP Extended Options

When you configure an interface as a DHCPv4 server, you can additionally add DHCP extended
options which have the Zyxel Device to add more information in the DHCP packets. The available fields
vary depending on the DHCP option you select in this screen. To open the screen, click Configuration >
Network > Interface > Ethernet > Edit, select DHCP Server in the DHCP Setting section, and then click Add
or Edit in the Extended Options table.

Figure 260 Configuration > Network > Interface > Ethernet > Edit > Add/Edit Extended Options

The following table describes labels that can appear in this screen.

Table 114 Configuration > Network > Interface > Ethernet > Edit > Add/Edit Extended Options
Option Select which DHCP option that you want to add in the DHCP packets sent through the
interface. See the next table for more information.
Name This field displays the name of the selected DHCP option. If you selected User Defined in the
Option field, enter a descriptive name to identify the DHCP option. You can enter up to 16
characters (“a-z”, “A-Z, “0-9”, “-”, and “_”) with no spaces allowed. The first character must be
alphabetical (a-z, A-Z).

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 114 Configuration > Network > Interface > Ethernet > Edit > Add/Edit Extended Options
Code This field displays the code number of the selected DHCP option. If you selected User Defined
in the Option field, enter a number for the option. This field is mandatory.
Type This is the type of the selected DHCP option. If you selected User Defined in the Option field,
select an appropriate type for the value that you will enter in the next field. Only advanced
users should configure User Defined. Misconfiguration could result in interface lockout.
Value Enter the value for the selected DHCP option. For example, if you selected TFTP Server Name
(66) and the type is TEXT, enter the DNS domain name of a TFTP server here. This field is
First IP Address, If you selected Time Server (4), NTP Server (41), SIP Server (120), CAPWAP AC (138), or TFTP
Second IP Server (150), you have to enter at least one IP address of the corresponding servers in these
Address, Third IP fields. The servers should be listed in order of your preference.
First Enterprise ID, If you selected VIVC (124) or VIVS (125), you have to enter at least one vendor’s 32-bit
Second Enterprise enterprise number in these fields. An enterprise number is a unique number that identifies a
ID company.
First Class, Second If you selected VIVC (124), enter the details of the hardware configuration of the host on
Class which the client is running, or of industry consortium compliance.
First Information, If you selected VIVS (125), enter additional information for the corresponding enterprise
Second number in these fields.
OK Click this to close this screen and update the settings to the previous Edit screen.
Cancel Click Cancel to close the screen.

The following table lists the available DHCP extended options (defined in RFCs) on the Zyxel Device. See
RFCs for more information.

Table 115 DHCP Extended Options

Time Offset 2 This option specifies the offset of the client's subnet in seconds from Coordinated
Universal Time (UTC).
Time Server 4 This option specifies a list of Time servers available to the client.
NTP Server 42 This option specifies a list of the NTP servers available to the client by IP address.
TFTP Server Name 66 This option is used to identify a TFTP server when the “sname” field in the DHCP
header has been used for DHCP options. The minimum length of the value is 1.
Bootfile 67 This option is used to identify a bootfile when the “file” field in the DHCP header
has been used for DHCP options. The minimum length of the value is 1.
SIP Server 120 This option carries either an IPv4 address or a DNS domain name to be used by
the SIP client to locate a SIP server.
VIVC 124 Vendor-Identifying Vendor Class option

A DHCP client may use this option to unambiguously identify the vendor that
manufactured the hardware on which the client is running, the software in use, or
an industry consortium to which the vendor belongs.
VIVS 125 Vendor-Identifying Vendor-Specific option

DHCP clients and servers may use this option to exchange vendor-specific

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 115 DHCP Extended Options (continued)

CAPWAP AC 138 CAPWAP Access Controller addresses option

The Control And Provisioning of Wireless Access Points Protocol allows a Wireless
Termination Point (WTP) to use DHCP to discover the Access Controllers to which it
is to connect. This option carries a list of IPv4 addresses indicating one or more
CAPWAP ACs available to the WTP.
TFTP Server 150 The option contains one or more IPv4 addresses that the client may use. The
current use of this option is for downloading configuration from a VoIP server via
TFTP; however, the option may be used for purposes other than contacting a
VoIP configuration server.

10.5 PPP Interfaces

Use PPPoE/PPTP/L2TP interfaces to connect to your ISP. This way, you do not have to install or manage
PPPoE/PPTP/L2TP software on each computer in the network.

Figure 261 Example: PPPoE/PPTP/L2TP Interfaces

PPPoE/PPTP/L2TP interfaces are similar to other interfaces in some ways. They have an IP address, subnet
mask, and gateway used to make routing decisions; they restrict bandwidth and packet size; and they
can verify the gateway is available. There are two main differences between PPPoE/PPTP/L2TP
interfaces and other interfaces.

• You must also configure an ISP account object for the PPPoE/PPTP/L2TP interface to use.
Each ISP account specifies the protocol (PPPoE or PPTP or L2TP), as well as your ISP account
information. If you change ISPs later, you only have to create a new ISP account, not a new PPPoE/
PPTP/L2TP interface. You should not have to change any network policies.
• You do not set up the subnet mask or gateway.
PPPoE/PPTP/L2TP interfaces are interfaces between the Zyxel Device and only one computer.
Therefore, the subnet mask is always In addition, the Zyxel Device always treats the
ISP as a gateway.

10.5.1 PPP Interface Summary

This screen lists every PPPoE/PPTP/L2TP interface. To access this screen, click Configuration > Network >
Interface > PPP.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Figure 262 Configuration > Network > Interface > PPP

Each field is described in the table below.

Table 116 Configuration > Network > Interface > PPP

User Configuration / The Zyxel Device comes with the (non-removable) System Default PPP interfaces pre-
System Default configured. You can create (and delete) User Configuration PPP interfaces. System Default
PPP interfaces vary by model.
Add Click this to create a new user-configured PPP interface.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify the
entry’s settings.
Remove To remove a user-configured PPP interface, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device
confirms you want to remove it before doing so.
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
Connect To connect an interface, select it and click Connect. You might use this in testing the
interface or to manually establish the connection for a Dial-on-Demand PPPoE/PPTP
Disconnect To disconnect an interface, select it and click Disconnect. You might use this in testing the
References Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use the
entry. See Section 10.4.4 on page 350 for an example.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any interface.
Status The activate (light bulb) icon is lit when the entry is active and dimmed when the entry is

The connect icon is lit when the interface is connected and dimmed when it is
Name This field displays the name of the interface.
Description This field displays the description of the interface.
Base Interface This field displays the interface on the top of which the PPPoE/PPTP/L2TP interface is.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 116 Configuration > Network > Interface > PPP (continued)
Account Profile This field displays the ISP account used by this PPPoE/PPTP interface.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

10.5.2 PPP Interface Add or Edit

Note: You have to set up an ISP account before you create a PPPoE/PPTP/L2TP interface.

This screen lets you configure a PPPoE or PPTP or L2TP interface. If you enabled IPv6 in the Configuration
> System > IPv6 screen, you can also configure PPP interfaces used for your IPv6 networks on this screen.
To access this screen, click the Add icon or an Edit icon in the PPP Interface screen.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Figure 263 Configuration > Network > Interface > PPP > Add

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Each field is explained in the following table.

Table 117 Configuration > Network > Interface > PPP > Add
IPv4/IPv6 View / IPv4 Use this button to display both IPv4 and IPv6, IPv4-only, or IPv6-only configuration fields.
View / IPv6 View
Show Advanced Click this button to display a greater or lesser number of configuration fields.
Settings / Hide
Advanced Settings
Create New Object Click this button to create an ISP Account or a DHCPv6 request object that you may use for
the ISP or DHCPv6 settings in this screen.
General Settings
Enable Interface Select this to enable this interface. Clear this to disable this interface.
General IPv6 Setting
Enable IPv6 Select this to enable IPv6 on this interface. Otherwise, clear this to disable it.
Interface Properties
Interface Name Specify a name for the interface. It can use alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and
underscores, and it can be up to 11 characters long.
Base Interface Select the interface upon which this PPP interface is built.

Note: Multiple PPP interfaces can use the same base interface.
Zone Select the zone to which this PPP interface belongs. The zone determines the security
settings the Zyxel Device uses for the interface.
Description Enter a description of this interface. You can use alphanumeric and ()+/:=?!*#@$_%-
characters, and it can be up to 60 characters long. Spaces are allowed, but the string
can’t start with a space.
Nailed-Up Select this if the PPPoE/PPTP/L2TP connection should always be up. Clear this to have the
Zyxel Device establish the PPPoE/PPTP/L2TP connection only when there is traffic. You might
use this option if a lot of traffic needs to go through the interface or it does not cost extra to
keep the connection up all the time.
Dial-on-Demand Select this to have the Zyxel Device establish the PPPoE/PPTP/L2TP connection only when
there is traffic. You might use this option if there is little traffic through the interface or if it
costs money to keep the connection available.
ISP Setting
Account Profile Select the ISP account that this PPPoE/PPTP/L2TP interface uses. The drop-down box lists ISP
accounts by name. Use Create new Object if you need to configure a new ISP account
(see Chapter 43 on page 950 for details).
Protocol This field is read-only. It displays the protocol specified in the ISP account.
User Name This field is read-only. It displays the user name for the ISP account.
Service Name This field is read-only. It displays the PPPoE service name specified in the ISP account. This
field is blank if the ISP account uses PPTP.
IP Address Click Show Advanced Settings to display more settings. Click Hide Advanced Settings to
Assignment display fewer settings.
Get Select this if this interface is a DHCP client. In this case, the DHCP server configures the IP
Automatically address automatically. The subnet mask and gateway are always defined automatically in
PPPoE/PPTP/L2TP interfaces.
Use Fixed IP Select this if you want to specify the IP address manually.
IP Address This field is enabled if you select Use Fixed IP Address.

Enter the IP address for this interface.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 117 Configuration > Network > Interface > PPP > Add (continued)
Gateway This field is enabled if you select Use Fixed IP Address.

Enter the IP address of the gateway. The Zyxel Device sends packets to the gateway when
it does not know how to route the packet to its destination. The gateway should be on the
same network as the interface.
Metric Enter the priority of the gateway (the ISP) on this interface. The Zyxel Device decides which
gateway to use based on this priority. The lower the number, the higher the priority. If two or
more gateways have the same priority, the Zyxel Device uses the one that was configured
IPv6 Address These IP address fields configure an IPv6 IP address on the interface itself.
Enable Stateless Select this to enable IPv6 stateless auto-configuration on this interface. The interface will
Address Auto- generate an IPv6 IP address itself from a prefix obtained from an IPv6 router in the network.
Metric Enter the priority of the gateway (if any) on this interface. The Zyxel Device decides which
gateway to use based on this priority. The lower the number, the higher the priority. If two or
more gateways have the same priority, the Zyxel Device uses the one that was configured
Address from Use this table to have the Zyxel Device obtain an IPv6 prefix from the ISP or a connected
DHCPv6 Prefix uplink router for an internal network, such as the LAN or DMZ. You have to also enter a suffix
address which is appended to the delegated prefix to form an address for this interface.
See Prefix Delegation on page 323 for more information.

To use prefix delegation, you must:

• Create at least one DHCPv6 request object before configuring this table.
• The external interface must be a DHCPv6 client. You must configure the DHCPv6
request options using a DHCPv6 request object with the type of prefix-delegation.
• Assign the prefix delegation to an internal interface and enable router advertisement
on that interface.
Add Click this to create an entry.
Edit Select an entry and click this to change the settings.
Remove Select an entry and click this to delete it from this table.
References Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use the
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any entry.
Delegated Select the DHCPv6 request object to use from the drop-down list.
Suffix Enter the ending part of the IPv6 address, a slash (/), and the prefix length. The Zyxel Device
Address will append it to the delegated prefix.

For example, you got a delegated prefix of 2003:1234:5678/48. You want to configure an IP
address of 2003:1234:5678:1111::1/128 for this interface, then enter ::1111:0:0:0:1/128 in this
Address This field displays the combined IPv6 IP address for this interface.

Note: This field displays the combined address after you click OK and reopen this
DHCPv6 Setting
DHCPv6 Select Client to obtain an IP address and DNS information from the service provider for the
interface. Otherwise, select N/A to disable the function.
Interface Parameters
Egress Bandwidth Enter the maximum amount of traffic, in kilobits per second, the Zyxel Device can send
through the interface to the network. Allowed values are 0 - 1048576.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 117 Configuration > Network > Interface > PPP > Add (continued)
Ingress This is reserved for future use.
Enter the maximum amount of traffic, in kilobits per second, the Zyxel Device can receive
from the network through the interface. Allowed values are 0 - 1048576.
MTU Maximum Transmission Unit. Type the maximum size of each data packet, in bytes, that can
move through this interface. If a larger packet arrives, the Zyxel Device divides it into smaller
fragments. Allowed values are 576 - 1492. Usually, this value is 1492.
Connectivity Check The interface can regularly check the connection to the gateway you specified to make
sure it is still available. You specify how often the interface checks the connection, how
long to wait for a response before the attempt is a failure, and how many consecutive
failures are required before the Zyxel Device stops routing to the gateway. The Zyxel Device
resumes routing to the gateway the first time the gateway passes the connectivity check.
Enable Select this to turn on the connection check.
Check Method Select the method that the gateway allows.

Select icmp to have the Zyxel Device regularly ping the gateway you specify to make sure
it is still available.

Select tcp to have the Zyxel Device regularly perform a TCP handshake with the gateway
you specify to make sure it is still available.
Check Period Enter the number of seconds between connection check attempts.
Check Timeout Enter the number of seconds to wait for a response before the attempt is a failure.
Check Fail Enter the number of consecutive failures before the Zyxel Device stops routing through the
Tolerance gateway.
Check Default Select this to use the default gateway for the connectivity check.
Check this Select this to specify a domain name or IP address for the connectivity check. Enter that
address domain name or IP address in the field next to it.
Check Port This field only displays when you set the Check Method to tcp. Specify the port number to
use for a TCP connectivity check.
Related Setting
Configure WAN Click WAN TRUNK to go to a screen where you can configure the interface as part of a
TRUNK WAN trunk for load balancing.
Policy Route Click Policy Route to go to the screen where you can manually configure a policy route to
associate traffic with this interface.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

10.6 Cellular Configuration Screen

Mobile broadband is a digital, packet-switched wireless technology. Bandwidth usage is optimized as
multiple users share the same channel and bandwidth is only allocated to users when they send data. It
allows fast transfer of voice and non-voice data and provides broadband Internet access to mobile

Note: The actual data rate you obtain varies depending on the mobile broadband device
you use, the signal strength to the service provider’s base station, and so on.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

You can configure how the Zyxel Device’s mobile broadband device connects to a network (refer to
Section 10.6.1 on page 363):

• You can set the mobile broadband device to connect only to the home network, which is the
network to which you are originally subscribed.
• You can set the mobile broadband device to connect to other networks if the signal strength of the
home network is too low or it is unavailable.

3G (Third Generation) is a digital, packet-switched wireless technology. Bandwidth usage is optimized as
multiple users share the same channel and bandwidth is only allocated to users when they send data. It
allows fast transfer of voice and non-voice data and provides broadband Internet access to mobile

4G is the fourth generation of the mobile telecommunications technology and a successor of 3G. Both
the WiMAX and Long Term Evolution (LTE) standards are the 4G candidate systems. 4G only supports all-
IP-based packet-switched telephony services and is required to offer Gigabit speed access.

Note: The actual data rate you obtain varies depending on your mobile environment. The
environmental factors may include the number of mobile devices which are currently
connected to the mobile network, the signal strength to the mobile network, and so on.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

See the following table for a comparison between 2G, 2.5G, 2.75G, 3G and 4G wireless technologies.

Table 118 2G, 2.5G, 2.75G, 3G, 3.5G and 4G Wireless Technologies
2G Circuit- GSM (Global System for Mobile Interim Standard 95 (IS-95), the first Slow
switched Communications), Personal Handy- CDMA-based digital cellular standard
phone System (PHS), etc. pioneered by Qualcomm. The brand
name for IS-95 is cdmaOne. IS-95 is
also known as TIA-EIA-95.
2.5G Packet- GPRS (General Packet Radio Services), CDMA2000 is a hybrid 2.5G / 3G
switched High-Speed Circuit-Switched Data protocol of mobile
(HSCSD), etc. telecommunications standards that
use CDMA, a multiple access scheme
2.75G Packet- Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution
for digital radio.
switched (EDGE), Enhanced GPRS (EGPRS), etc.
CDMA2000 1xRTT (1 times Radio
Transmission Technology) is the core
CDMA2000 wireless air interface
standard. It is also known as 1x, 1xRTT,
or IS-2000 and considered to be a
2.5G or 2.75G technology.
3G Packet- UMTS (Universal Mobile CDMA2000 EV-DO (Evolution-Data
switched Telecommunications System), a third- Optimized, originally 1x Evolution-Data
generation (3G) wireless standard Only), also referred to as EV-DO,
defined in ITU specification, is sometimes EVDO, or just EV, is an evolution of
marketed as 3GSM. The UMTS uses GSM CDMA2000 1xRTT and enables high-
infrastructures and W-CDMA (Wideband speed wireless connectivity. It is also
Code Division Multiple Access) as the air denoted as IS-856 or High Data Rate
interface. The International (HDR).
Telecommunication Union (ITU) is an
international organization within which
governments and the private sector
coordinate global telecom networks
and services.
3.5G Packet- HSDPA (High-Speed Downlink Packet
switched Access) is a mobile telephony protocol,
used for UMTS-based 3G networks and
allows for higher data transfer speeds.
4G/LTE Packet- The LTE (Long Term Evolution) standard is
switched based on the GSM and UMTS network
technologies. Fast

To change your mobile broadband WAN settings, click Configuration > Network > Interface > Cellular.

Note: Install (or connect) a compatible mobile broadband USB device to use a cellular

Note: The WAN IP addresses of a Zyxel Device with multiple WAN interfaces must be on
different subnets.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Figure 264 Configuration > Network > Interface > Cellular

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 119 Configuration > Network > Interface > Cellular

Add Click this to create a new cellular interface.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify the
entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove
it before doing so.
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
Connect To connect an interface, select it and click Connect. You might use this in testing the interface
or to manually establish the connection.
Disconnect To disconnect an interface, select it and click Disconnect. You might use this in testing the
References Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use the entry.
See Section 10.4.4 on page 350 for an example.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any interface.
Status The activate (light bulb) icon is lit when the entry is active and dimmed when the entry is

The connect icon is lit when the interface is connected and dimmed when it is disconnected.
Name This field displays the name of the interface.
Description This field displays the description of the interface.
Extension Slot This field displays where the entry’s cellular card is located.
Connected This field displays the name of the cellular card.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 119 Configuration > Network > Interface > Cellular (continued)
ISP Settings This field displays the profile of ISP settings that this cellular interface is set to use.
Mobile You should have registered your Zyxel Device at myZyxel. myZyxel hosts a list of supported
Broadband mobile broadband dongle devices. You should have an Internet connection to access this
Dongle Support website.
Latest Version This displays the latest supported mobile broadband dongle list version number.
Current This displays the currently supported (by the Zyxel Device) mobile broadband dongle list
Version version number.
Update Now If the latest version number is greater than the current version number, then click this button to
download the latest list of supported mobile broadband dongle devices to the Zyxel Device.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

10.6.1 Cellular Choose Slot

To change your mobile broadband settings, click Configuration > Network > Interface > Cellular > Add
(or Edit). In the pop-up window that displays, select the slot that contains the mobile broadband device,
then the Add Cellular configuration screen displays.

10.6.2 Add / Edit Cellular Configuration

This screen displays after you select the slot that contains the mobile broadband device in the previous
pop-up window.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Figure 265 Configuration > Network > Interface > Cellular > Add / Edit

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 120 Configuration > Network > Interface > Cellular > Add / Edit
Show Advanced Click this button to display a greater or lesser number of configuration fields.
Settings / Hide
Advanced Settings
General Settings
Enable Interface Select this option to turn on this interface.
Interface Properties
Interface Name Select a name for the interface.
Zone Select the zone to which you want the cellular interface to belong. The zone determines
the security settings the Zyxel Device uses for the interface.
Extension Slot This is the USB slot that you are configuring for use with a mobile broadband card.
Connected This displays the manufacturer and model name of your mobile broadband card if you
Device inserted one in the Zyxel Device. Otherwise, it displays none.
Description Enter a description of this interface. You can use alphanumeric and ()+/
:=?!*#@$_%- characters, and it can be up to 60 characters long. Spaces are allowed,
but the string can’t start with a space.
Nailed-Up Select this if the connection should always be up. Clear this to have the Zyxel Device to
establish the connection only when there is traffic. You might not nail up the connection if
there is little traffic through the interface or if it costs money to keep the connection
Idle timeout This value specifies the time in seconds (0~360) that elapses before the Zyxel Device
automatically disconnects from the ISP’s server. Zero disables the idle timeout.
ISP Settings
Profile Selection Select Device to use one of the mobile broadband device’s profiles of device settings.
Then select the profile (use Profile 1 unless your ISP instructed you to do otherwise).

Select Custom to configure your device settings yourself.

APN This field is read-only if you selected Device in the profile selection. Select Custom in the
profile selection to be able to manually input the APN (Access Point Name) provided by
your service provider. This field applies with a GSM or HSDPA mobile broadband card. Enter
the APN from your service provider. Connections with different APNs may provide different
services (such as Internet access or MMS (Multi-Media Messaging Service)) and charge

You can enter up to 63 ASCII printable characters. Spaces are allowed.

Dial String Enter the dial string if your ISP provides a string, which would include the APN, to initialize
the mobile broadband card.

You can enter up to 63 ASCII printable characters. Spaces are allowed.

This field is available only when you insert a GSM mobile broadband card.
Authentication The Zyxel Device supports PAP (Password Authentication Protocol) and CHAP (Challenge
Type Handshake Authentication Protocol). CHAP is more secure than PAP; however, PAP is
readily available on more platforms.

Use the drop-down list box to select an authentication protocol for outgoing calls. Options

None: No authentication for outgoing calls.

CHAP - Your Zyxel Device accepts CHAP requests only.

PAP - Your Zyxel Device accepts PAP requests only.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 120 Configuration > Network > Interface > Cellular > Add / Edit (continued)
User Name This field displays when you select an authentication type other than None. This field is
read-only if you selected Device in the profile selection. If this field is configurable, enter
the user name for this mobile broadband card exactly as the service provider gave it to

You can use 1 ~ 64 alphanumeric and #:%-_@$./ characters. The first character must be
alphanumeric or -_@$./. Spaces are not allowed.
Password This field displays when you select an authentication type other than None. This field is
read-only if you selected Device in the profile selection and the password is included in the
mobile broadband card’s profile. If this field is configurable, enter the password for this SIM
card exactly as the service provider gave it to you.

You can use 0 ~ 63 alphanumeric and `~!@#$%^&*()_-+={}|;:'<,>./ characters.

Spaces are not allowed.
Retype to This field displays when you select an authentication type other than None. This field is
Confirm read-only if you selected Device in the profile selection and the password is included in the
mobile broadband card’s profile. If this field is configurable, re-enter the password for this
SIM card exactly as the service provider gave it to you.
SIM Card Setting
PIN Code This field displays with a GSM or HSDPA mobile broadband card. A PIN (Personal
Identification Number) code is a key to a mobile broadband card. Without the PIN code,
you cannot use the mobile broadband card.

Enter the 4-digit PIN code (0000 for example) provided by your ISP. If you enter the PIN
code incorrectly, the mobile broadband card may be blocked by your ISP and you
cannot use the account to access the Internet.

If your ISP disabled PIN code authentication, enter an arbitrary number.

Retype to Type the PIN code again to confirm it.
Interface Parameters
Egress Bandwidth Enter the maximum amount of traffic, in kilobits per second, the Zyxel Device can send
through the interface to the network. Allowed values are 0 - 1048576. This setting is used in
WAN load balancing and bandwidth management.
Ingress This is reserved for future use.
Enter the maximum amount of traffic, in kilobits per second, the Zyxel Device can receive
from the network through the interface. Allowed values are 0 - 1048576.
MTU Maximum Transmission Unit. Type the maximum size of each data packet, in bytes, that
can move through this interface. If a larger packet arrives, the Zyxel Device divides it into
smaller fragments. Allowed values are 576 - 1492. Usually, this value is 1492.
Connectivity Check The interface can regularly check the connection to the gateway you specified to make
sure it is still available. You specify how often the interface checks the connection, how
long to wait for a response before the attempt is a failure, and how many consecutive
failures are required before the Zyxel Device stops routing to the gateway. The Zyxel
Device resumes routing to the gateway the first time the gateway passes the connectivity
Enable Select this to turn on the connection check.
Check Method Select the method that the gateway allows.

Select icmp to have the Zyxel Device regularly ping the gateway you specify to make sure
it is still available.

Select tcp to have the Zyxel Device regularly perform a TCP handshake with the gateway
you specify to make sure it is still available.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 120 Configuration > Network > Interface > Cellular > Add / Edit (continued)
Check Period Enter the number of seconds between connection check attempts.
Check Timeout Enter the number of seconds to wait for a response before the attempt is a failure.
Check Fail Enter the number of consecutive failures before the Zyxel Device stops routing through the
Tolerance gateway.
Check Default Select this to use the default gateway for the connectivity check.
Check this Select this to specify a domain name or IP address for the connectivity check. Enter that
address domain name or IP address in the field next to it.
Check Port This field only displays when you set the Check Method to tcp. Specify the port number to
use for a TCP connectivity check.
Related Setting
Configure WAN Click WAN TRUNK to go to a screen where you can configure the interface as part of a
TRUNK WAN trunk for load balancing.
Configure Policy Click Policy Route to go to the policy route summary screen where you can configure a
Route policy route to override the default routing and SNAT behavior for the interface.
IP Address
Get Select this option If your ISP did not assign you a fixed IP address. This is the default
Automatically selection.
Use Fixed IP Select this option If the ISP assigned a fixed IP address.
IP Address Enter the cellular interface’s WAN IP address in this field if you selected Use Fixed IP
Assignment Address.
Metric Enter the priority of the gateway (if any) on this interface. The Zyxel Device decides which
gateway to use based on this priority. The lower the number, the higher the priority. If two
or more gateways have the same priority, the Zyxel Device uses the one that was
configured first.
Device Settings
Band Selection This field appears if you selected a mobile broadband device that allows you to select the
type of network to use. Select the type of mobile broadband service for your mobile
broadband connection. If you are unsure what to select, check with your mobile
broadband service provider to find the mobile broadband service available to you in your

Select auto to have the card connect to an available network. Choose this option if you
do not know what networks are available.

You may want to manually specify the type of network to use if you are charged differently
for different types of network or you only have one type of network available to you.

Select GPRS / EDGE (GSM) only to have this interface only use a 2.5G or 2.75G network
(respectively). If you only have a GSM network available to you, you may want to select
this so the Zyxel Device does not spend time looking for a WCDMA network.

Select UMTS / HSDPA (WCDMA) only to have this interface only use a 3G or 3.5G network
(respectively). You may want to do this if you want to make sure the interface does not use
the GSM network.

Select LTE only to have this interface only use a 4G LTE network. This option only appears
when a USG dongle for 4G technology is inserted.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 120 Configuration > Network > Interface > Cellular > Add / Edit (continued)
Network Home network is the network to which you are originally subscribed.
Select Home to have the mobile broadband device connect only to the home network. If
the home network is down, the Zyxel Device’s mobile broadband Internet connection is
also unavailable.

Select Auto (Default) to allow the mobile broadband device to connect to a network to
which you are not subscribed when necessary, for example when the home network is
down or another mobile broadband base station's signal is stronger. This is recommended
if you need continuous Internet connectivity. If you select this, you may be charged using
the rate of a different network.
Budget Setup
Enable Budget Select this to set a monthly limit for the user account of the installed mobile broadband
Control card. You can set a limit on the total traffic and/or call time. The Zyxel Device takes the
actions you specified when a limit is exceeded during the month.
Time Budget Select this and specify the amount of time (in hours) that the mobile broadband
connection can be used within one month. If you change the value after you configure
and enable budget control, the Zyxel Device resets the statistics.
Data Budget Select this and specify how much downstream and/or upstream data (in Mega bytes) can
be transmitted via the mobile broadband connection within one month.

Select Download to set a limit on the downstream traffic (from the ISP to the Zyxel Device).

Select Upload to set a limit on the upstream traffic (from the Zyxel Device to the ISP).

Select Download/Upload to set a limit on the total traffic in both directions.

If you change the value after you configure and enable budget control, the Zyxel Device
resets the statistics.
Reset time and Select the date on which the Zyxel Device resets the budget every month. If the date you
data budget selected is not available in a month, such as 30th or 31st, the Zyxel Device resets the
counters on
budget on the last day of the month.
Reset time and This button is available only when you enable budget control in this screen.
data budget
counters Click this button to reset the time and data budgets immediately. The count starts over
with the mobile broadband connection’s full configured monthly time and data budgets.
This does not affect the normal monthly budget restart; so if you configured the time and
data budget counters to reset on the second day of the month and you use this button on
the first, the time and data budget counters will still reset on the second.
Actions when Specify the actions the Zyxel Device takes when the time or data limit is exceeded.
over budget
Log Select None to not create a log, Log to create a log, or Log-alert to create an alert log. If
you select Log or Log-alert you can also select recurring every to have the Zyxel Device
send a log or alert for this event periodically. Specify how often (from 1 to 65535 minutes) to
send the log or alert.
New connection Select Allow to permit new mobile broadband connections or Disallow to drop/block new
mobile broadband connections.
Current Select Keep to maintain an existing mobile broadband connection or Drop to disconnect
connection it. You cannot set New connection to Allow and Current connection to Drop at the same

If you set New connection to Disallow and Current connection to Keep, the Zyxel Device
allows you to transmit data using the current connection, but you cannot build a new
connection if the existing connection is disconnected.
Actions when over % Specify the actions the Zyxel Device takes when the specified percentage of time budget
of time budget or % or data limit is exceeded. Enter a number from 1 to 99 in the percentage fields. If you
of data budget change the value after you configure and enable budget control, the Zyxel Device resets
the statistics.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 120 Configuration > Network > Interface > Cellular > Add / Edit (continued)
Log Select None to not create a log when the Zyxel Device takes this action, Log to create a
log, or Log-alert to create an alert log. If you select Log or Log-alert you can also select
recurring every to have the Zyxel Device send a log or alert for this event periodically.
Specify how often (from 1 to 65535 minutes) to send the log or alert.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

10.7 Tunnel Interfaces

The Zyxel Device uses tunnel interfaces in Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE), IPv6 in IPv4, and 6to4

GRE Tunneling
GRE tunnels encapsulate a wide variety of network layer protocol packet types inside IP tunnels. A GRE
tunnel serves as a virtual point-to-point link between the Zyxel Device and another router over an IPv4
network. At the time of writing, the Zyxel Device only supports GRE tunneling in IPv4 networks.

Figure 266 GRE Tunnel Example

IPv6 Over IPv4 Tunnels

To route traffic between two IPv6 networks over an IPv4 network, an IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel has to be

Figure 267 IPv6 over IPv4 Network

On the Zyxel Device, you can either set up a manual IPv6-in-IPv4 tunnel or an automatic 6to4 tunnel. The
following describes each method:

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

IPv6-in-IPv4 Tunneling
Use this mode on the WAN of the Zyxel Device if

• your Zyxel Device has a public IPv4 IP address given from your ISP,


• you want to transmit your IPv6 packets to one and only one remote site whose LAN network is also an
IPv6 network.

With this mode, the Zyxel Device encapsulates IPv6 packets within IPv4 packets across the Internet. You
must know the WAN IP address of the remote gateway device. This mode is normally used for a site-to-
site application such as two branch offices.

Figure 268 IPv6-in-IPv4 Tunnel

In the Zyxel Device, you must also manually configure a policy route for an IPv6-in-IPv4 tunnel to make
the tunnel work.

6to4 Tunneling
This mode also enables IPv6 packets to cross IPv4 networks. Unlike IPv6-in-IPv4 tunneling, you do not
need to configure a policy route for a 6to4 tunnel. Through your properly pre-configuring the destination
router’s IP address in the IP address assignments to hosts, the Zyxel Device can automatically forward
6to4 packets to the destination they want to go. A 6to4 relay router is required to route 6to4 packets to
a native IPv6 network if the packet’s destination do not match your specified criteria.

In this mode, the Zyxel Device should get a public IPv4 address for the WAN. The Zyxel Device adds an
IPv4 IP header to an IPv6 packet when transmitting the packet to the Internet. In reverse, the Zyxel
Device removes the IPv4 header from an IPv6 packet when receiving it from the Internet.

An IPv6 address using the 6to4 mode consists of an IPv4 address, the format is as the following:

2002:[a public IPv4 address in hexadecimal]::/48

For example, a public IPv4 address is The converted hexadecimal IP string is ca.9c.1Ee.29.
The IPv6 address prefix becomes 2002:ca9c:1e29::/48.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Figure 269 6to4 Tunnel

IPv6 IPv4 IPv6



10.7.1 Configuring a Tunnel

This screen lists the Zyxel Device’s configured tunnel interfaces. To access this screen, click Network >
Interface > Tunnel.

Figure 270 Network > Interface > Tunnel

Each field is explained in the following table.

Table 121 Network > Interface > Tunnel

Add Click this to create a new GRE tunnel interface.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify the
entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to
remove it before doing so.
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
References Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use the
entry. See Section 10.4.4 on page 350 for an example.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any interface.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 121 Network > Interface > Tunnel (continued)

Status The activate (light bulb) icon is lit when the entry is active and dimmed when the entry is
Name This field displays the name of the interface.
IP Address This is the IP address of the interface. If the interface is active (and connected), the Zyxel
Device tunnels local traffic sent to this IP address to the Remote Gateway Address.
Tunnel Mode This is the tunnel mode of the interface (GRE, IPv6-in-IPv4 or 6to4). This field also displays the
interface’s IPv4 IP address and subnet mask if it is a GRE tunnel. Otherwise, it displays the
interface’s IPv6 IP address and prefix length.
My Address This is the interface or IP address uses to identify itself to the remote gateway. The Zyxel
Device uses this as the source for the packets it tunnels to the remote gateway.
Remote Gateway This is the IP address or domain name of the remote gateway to which this interface tunnels
Address traffic.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to begin configuring this screen afresh.

10.7.2 Tunnel Add or Edit Screen

This screen lets you configure a tunnel interface. Click Configuration > Network > Interface > Tunnel >
Add (or Edit) to open the following screen.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Figure 271 Network > Interface > Tunnel > Add/Edit

Each field is explained in the following table.

Table 122 Network > Interface > Tunnel > Add/Edit

Show Advanced Click this button to display a greater or lesser number of configuration fields.
Settings / Hide
Advanced Settings
General Settings
Enable Select this to enable this interface. Clear this to disable this interface.
Interface Properties
Interface Name This field is read-only if you are editing an existing tunnel interface. Enter the name of the
tunnel interface. The format is tunnelx, where x is 0 - 3. For example, tunnel0.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 122 Network > Interface > Tunnel > Add/Edit (continued)
Zone Use this field to select the zone to which this interface belongs. This controls what security
settings the Zyxel Device applies to this interface.
Tunnel Mode Select the tunneling protocol of the interface (GRE, IPv6-in-IPv4 or 6to4). See Section 10.7
on page 369 for more information.
IP Address This section is available if you are configuring a GRE tunnel.
IP Address Enter the IP address for this interface.
Subnet Mask Enter the subnet mask of this interface in dot decimal notation. The subnet mask indicates
what part of the IP address is the same for all computers in the network.
Metric Enter the priority of the gateway (if any) on this interface. The Zyxel Device decides which
gateway to use based on this priority. The lower the number, the higher the priority. If two or
more gateways have the same priority, the Zyxel Device uses the one that was configured
IPv6 Address This section is available if you are configuring an IPv6-in-IPv4 or a 6to4 tunnel.
IPv6 Address/ Enter the IPv6 address and the prefix length for this interface if you want to use a static IP
Prefix Length address. This field is optional.

The prefix length indicates what the left-most part of the IP address is the same for all
computers in the network, that is, the network address.
Metric Enter the priority of the gateway (if any) on this interface. The Zyxel Device decides which
gateway to use based on this priority. The lower the number, the higher the priority. If two or
more gateways have the same priority, the Zyxel Device uses the one that was configured
6to4 Tunnel This section is available if you are configuring a 6to4 tunnel which encapsulates IPv6 to IPv4
Parameter packets.
6to4 Prefix Enter the IPv6 prefix of a destination network. The Zyxel Device forwards IPv6 packets to the
hosts in the matched network.

If you enter a prefix starting with 2002, the Zyxel Device will forward the matched packets to
the IPv4 IP address converted from the packets’ destination address. The IPv4 IP address
can be converted from the next 32 bits after the prefix you specified in this field. See 6to4
Tunneling on page 370 for an example. The Zyxel Device forwards the unmatched packets
to the specified Relay Router.
Relay Router Enter the IPv4 address of a 6to4 relay router which helps forward packets between 6to4
networks and native IPv6 networks.
Remote Enter the IPv4 network address and network bits of a remote 6to4 gateway, for example,
Gateway Prefix

This field works if you enter a 6to4 Prefix not starting with 2002 (2003 for example). The Zyxel
Device forwards the matched packets to a remote gateway with the network address you
specify here, and the bits converted after the 6to4 Prefix in the packets.

For example, you configure the 6to4 prefix to 2003:A0B::/32 and the remote gateway prefix
to If a packet’s destination is 2003:A0B:1011:5::8, the Zyxel Device forwards the
packet to, where the network address is and the host address is the
remain bits converted from 1011 after the packet’s 6to4 prefix (2003:A0B).
Gateway Settings
My Address Specify the interface or IP address to use as the source address for the packets this
interface tunnels to the remote gateway. The remote gateway sends traffic to this interface
or IP address.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 122 Network > Interface > Tunnel > Add/Edit (continued)
Remote Enter the IP address or domain name of the remote gateway to which this interface tunnels
Gateway traffic.
Automatic displays in this field if you are configuring a 6to4 tunnel. It means the 6to4 tunnel
will help forward packets to the corresponding remote gateway automatically by looking
at the packet’s destination address.
Interface Parameters
Egress Bandwidth Enter the maximum amount of traffic, in kilobits per second, the Zyxel Device can send
through the interface to the network. Allowed values are 0 - 1048576. This setting is used in
WAN load balancing and bandwidth management.
Ingress This is reserved for future use.
Enter the maximum amount of traffic, in kilobits per second, the Zyxel Device can receive
from the network through the interface. Allowed values are 0 - 1048576.
MTU Maximum Transmission Unit. Type the maximum size of each data packet, in bytes, that can
move through this interface. If a larger packet arrives, the Zyxel Device divides it into smaller
fragments. Allowed values are 576 - 1500. Usually, this value is 1500.
Connectivity Check This section is available if you are configuring a GRE tunnel.

The interface can regularly check the connection to the gateway you specified to make
sure it is still available. You specify how often the interface checks the connection, how
long to wait for a response before the attempt is a failure, and how many consecutive
failures are required before the Zyxel Device stops routing to the gateway. The Zyxel Device
resumes routing to the gateway the first time the gateway passes the connectivity check.
Enable Select this to turn on the connection check.
Check Method Select the method that the gateway allows.

Select icmp to have the Zyxel Device regularly ping the gateway you specify to make sure
it is still available.

Select tcp to have the Zyxel Device regularly perform a TCP handshake with the gateway
you specify to make sure it is still available.
Check Period Enter the number of seconds between connection check attempts.
Check Timeout Enter the number of seconds to wait for a response before the attempt is a failure.
Check Fail Enter the number of consecutive failures before the Zyxel Device stops routing through the
Tolerance gateway.
Check Default Select this to use the default gateway for the connectivity check.
Check this Select this to specify a domain name or IP address for the connectivity check. Enter that
address domain name or IP address in the field next to it.
Check Port This field displays when you set the Check Method to tcp. Specify the port number to use for
a TCP connectivity check.
Related Setting
WAN TRUNK Click this link to go to a screen where you can configure WAN trunk load balancing.
Policy Route Click this link to go to the screen where you can manually configure a policy route to
associate traffic with this interface.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

10.8 VLAN Interfaces

A Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) divides a physical network into multiple logical networks. The
standard is defined in IEEE 802.1q.

Figure 272 Example: Before VLAN

In this example, there are two physical networks and three departments A, B, and C. The physical
networks are connected to hubs, and the hubs are connected to the router.

Alternatively, you can divide the physical networks into three VLANs.

Figure 273 Example: After VLAN

Each VLAN is a separate network with separate IP addresses, subnet masks, and gateways. Each VLAN
also has a unique identification number (ID). The ID is a 12-bit value that is stored in the MAC header. The
VLANs are connected to switches, and the switches are connected to the router. (If one switch has
enough connections for the entire network, the network does not need switches A and B.)

• Traffic inside each VLAN is layer-2 communication (data link layer, MAC addresses). It is handled by
the switches. As a result, the new switch is required to handle traffic inside VLAN 2. Traffic is only
broadcast inside each VLAN, not each physical network.
• Traffic between VLANs (or between a VLAN and another type of network) is layer-3 communication
(network layer, IP addresses). It is handled by the router.

This approach provides a few advantages.

• Increased performance - In VLAN 2, the extra switch should route traffic inside the sales department
faster than the router does. In addition, broadcasts are limited to smaller, more logical groups of users.
• Higher security - If each computer has a separate physical connection to the switch, then broadcast
traffic in each VLAN is never sent to computers in another VLAN.

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Chapter 10 Interfaces

• Better manageability - You can align network policies more appropriately for users. For example, you
can create different content filtering rules for each VLAN (each department in the example above),
and you can set different bandwidth limits for each VLAN. These rules are also independent of the
physical network, so you can change the physical network without changing policies.

In this example, the new switch handles the following types of traffic:

• Inside VLAN 2.
• Between the router and VLAN 1.
• Between the router and VLAN 2.
• Between the router and VLAN 3.

VLAN Interfaces Overview

In the Zyxel Device, each VLAN is called a VLAN interface. As a router, the Zyxel Device routes traffic
between VLAN interfaces, but it does not route traffic within a VLAN interface. All traffic for each VLAN
interface can go through only one Ethernet interface, though each Ethernet interface can have one or
more VLAN interfaces.

Note: Each VLAN interface is created on top of only one Ethernet interface.

Otherwise, VLAN interfaces are similar to other interfaces in many ways. They have an IP address, subnet
mask, and gateway used to make routing decisions. They restrict bandwidth and packet size. They can
provide DHCP services, and they can verify the gateway is available.

10.8.1 VLAN Summary Screen

This screen lists every VLAN interface and virtual interface created on top of VLAN interfaces. If you
enabled IPv6 in the Configuration > System > IPv6 screen, you can also configure VLAN interfaces used
for your IPv6 networks on this screen. To access this screen, click Configuration > Network > Interface >

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Figure 274 Configuration > Network > Interface > VLAN

Each field is explained in the following table.

Table 123 Configuration > Network > Interface > VLAN

Configuration Use the Configuration section for IPv4 network settings. Use the IPv6 Configuration section for IPv6
/ IPv6 network settings if you connect your Zyxel Device to an IPv6 network. Both sections have similar
Configuration fields as described below.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify the entry’s
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove it
before doing so.
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
Create Virtual To open the screen where you can create a virtual interface, select an interface and click Create
Interface Virtual Interface.
References Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use the entry.
See Section 10.4.4 on page 350 for an example.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any interface.
Status This icon is lit when the entry is active and dimmed when the entry is inactive.
Name This field displays the name of the interface.
Description This field displays the description of the interface.
Port/VID For VLAN interfaces, this field displays

• the Ethernet interface on which the VLAN interface is created

• the VLAN ID
For virtual interfaces, this field is blank.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 123 Configuration > Network > Interface > VLAN (continued)
IP Address This field displays the current IP address of the interface. If the IP address is, the interface
does not have an IP address yet.

This screen also shows whether the IP address is a static IP address (STATIC) or dynamically
assigned (DHCP). IP addresses are always static in virtual interfaces.
Mask This field displays the interface’s subnet mask in dot decimal notation.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

10.8.2 VLAN Add/Edit

Select an existing entry in the previous screen and click Edit or click Add to create a new entry. The
following screen appears.

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Chapter 10 Interfaces

Figure 275 Configuration > Network > Interface > VLAN > Add /Edit

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Chapter 10 Interfaces

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Chapter 10 Interfaces

Each field is explained in the following table.

Table 124 Configuration > Network > Interface > VLAN > Add / Edit
IPv4/IPv6 View / IPv4 Use this button to display both IPv4 and IPv6, IPv4-only, or IPv6-only configuration fields.
View / IPv6 View
Show Advanced Click this button to display a greater or lesser number of configuration fields.
Settings / Hide
Advanced Settings
Create New Object Click this button to create a DHCPv6 lease or DHCPv6 request object that you may use for
the DHCPv6 settings in this screen.
General Settings
Enable Interface Select this to turn this interface on. Clear this to disable this interface.
General IPv6 Setting
Enable IPv6 Select this to enable IPv6 on this interface. Otherwise, clear this to disable it.
Interface Properties

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 124 Configuration > Network > Interface > VLAN > Add / Edit (continued)
Interface Type Select one of the following option depending on the type of network to which the Zyxel
Device is connected or if you want to additionally manually configure some related

internal is for connecting to a local network. Other corresponding configuration options:

DHCP server and DHCP relay. The Zyxel Device automatically adds default SNAT settings for
traffic flowing from this interface to an external interface.

external is for connecting to an external network (like the Internet). The Zyxel Device
automatically adds this interface to the default WAN trunk.

For general, the rest of the screen’s options do not automatically adjust and you must
manually configure a policy route to add routing and SNAT settings for the interface.
Interface Name This field is read-only if you are editing an existing VLAN interface. Enter the number of the
VLAN interface. You can use a number from 0~4094. For example, use vlan0, vlan8, and so
on. The total number of VLANs you can configure on the Zyxel Device depends on the
Zone Select the zone to which the VLAN interface belongs.
Base Port Select the Ethernet interface on which the VLAN interface runs.
VLAN ID Enter the VLAN ID. This 12-bit number uniquely identifies each VLAN. Allowed values are 1 -
4094. (0 and 4095 are reserved.)
Priority Code This is a 3-bit field within a 802.1Q VLAN tag that’s used to prioritize associated outgoing
VLAN traffic. “0” is the lowest priority level and “7” is the highest. See Table 252 on page 717.
The setting configured in Configuration > BWM overwrites the priority setting here.
Description Enter a description of this interface. You can use alphanumeric and ()+/:=?!*#@$_%-
characters, and it can be up to 60 characters long. Spaces are allowed, but the string
can’t start with a space.
IP Address
Get Select this if this interface is a DHCP client. In this case, the DHCP server configures the IP
Automatically address, subnet mask, and gateway automatically.

You should not select this if the interface is assigned to a VRRP group.
DHCP Option 60 DHCP Option 60 is used by the Zyxel Device for identification to the DHCP server using the
VCI (Vendor Class Identifier) on the DHCP server. The Zyxel Device adds it in the initial DHCP
discovery message that a DHCP client broadcasts in search of an IP address. The DHCP
server can assign different IP addresses or options to clients with the specific VCI or reject
the request from clients without the specific VCI.

Type a string using up to 64 of these characters [a-zA-Z0-9!\"#$%&\'()*+,-./

:;<=>?@\[\\\]^_`{|}~] to identify this Zyxel Device to the DHCP server. For example, Zyxel-
Use Fixed IP Select this if you want to specify the IP address, subnet mask, and gateway manually.
IP Address This field is enabled if you select Use Fixed IP Address.

Enter the IP address for this interface.

Subnet Mask This field is enabled if you select Use Fixed IP Address.

Enter the subnet mask of this interface in dot decimal notation. The subnet mask indicates
what part of the IP address is the same for all computers in the network.
Gateway This field is enabled if you select Use Fixed IP Address.

Enter the IP address of the gateway. The Zyxel Device sends packets to the gateway when
it does not know how to route the packet to its destination. The gateway should be on the
same network as the interface.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 124 Configuration > Network > Interface > VLAN > Add / Edit (continued)
Metric Enter the priority of the gateway (if any) on this interface. The Zyxel Device decides which
gateway to use based on this priority. The lower the number, the higher the priority. If two or
more gateways have the same priority, the Zyxel Device uses the one that was configured
Enable IGMP Support Select this to allow the Zyxel Device to act as an IGMP proxy for hosts connected on the
IGMP downstream interface.
IGMP Upstream Enable IGMP Upstream on the interface which connects to a router running IGMP that is
closer to the multicast server.
IGMP Enable IGMP Downstream on the interface which connects to the multicast hosts.
IPv6 Address These IP address fields configure an IPv6 IP address on the interface itself.
Enable Stateless Select this to enable IPv6 stateless auto-configuration on this interface. The interface will
Address Auto- generate an IPv6 IP address itself from a prefix obtained from an IPv6 router in the network.
Link-Local This displays the IPv6 link-local address and the network prefix that the Zyxel Device
address generates itself for the interface.
IPv6 Address/ Enter the IPv6 address and the prefix length for this interface if you want to configure a
Prefix Length static IP address for this interface. This field is optional.

The prefix length indicates what the left-most part of the IP address is the same for all
computers in the network, that is, the network address.
Gateway Enter the IPv6 address of the default outgoing gateway using colon (:) hexadecimal
Metric Enter the priority of the gateway (if any) on this interface. The Zyxel Device decides which
gateway to use based on this priority. The lower the number, the higher the priority. If two or
more gateways have the same priority, the Zyxel Device uses the one that was configured
Address from Use this table to have the Zyxel Device obtain an IPv6 prefix from the ISP or a connected
DHCPv6 Prefix uplink router for an internal network, such as the LAN or DMZ. You have to also enter a suffix
Delegation address which is appended to the delegated prefix to form an address for this interface.
See Prefix Delegation on page 323 for more information.

To use prefix delegation, you must:

• Create at least one DHCPv6 request object before configuring this table.
• The external interface must be a DHCPv6 client. You must configure the DHCPv6
request options using a DHCPv6 request object with the type of prefix-delegation.
• Assign the prefix delegation to an internal interface and enable router advertisement
on that interface.
Add Click this to create an entry.
Edit Select an entry and click this to change the settings.
Remove Select an entry and click this to delete it from this table.
References Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use the
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any entry.
Delegated Select the DHCPv6 request object to use from the drop-down list.
Suffix Enter the ending part of the IPv6 address, a slash (/), and the prefix length. The Zyxel Device
Address will append it to the delegated prefix.

For example, you got a delegated prefix of 2003:1234:5678/48. You want to configure an IP
address of 2003:1234:5678:1111::1/128 for this interface, then enter ::1111:0:0:0:1/128 in this

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 124 Configuration > Network > Interface > VLAN > Add / Edit (continued)
Address This field displays the combined IPv6 IP address for this interface.

Note: This field displays the combined address after you click OK and reopen this
DHCPv6 Setting
DHCPv6 Select N/A to not use DHCPv6.

Select Client to set this interface to act as a DHCPv6 client.

Select Server to set this interface to act as a DHCPv6 server which assigns IP addresses and
provides subnet mask, gateway, and DNS server information to clients.

Select Relay to set this interface to route DHCPv6 requests to the DHCPv6 relay server you
specify. The DHCPv6 server(s) may be on another network.
DUID This field displays the DHCP Unique IDentifier (DUID) of the interface, which is unique and
used for identification purposes when the interface is exchanging DHCPv6 messages with
others. See DHCPv6 on page 324 for more information.
DUID as MAC Select this to have the DUID generated from the interface’s default MAC address.
Customized DUID If you want to use a customized DUID, enter it here for the interface.
Enable Rapid Select this to shorten the DHCPv6 message exchange process from four to two steps. This
Commit function helps reduce heavy network traffic load.

Note: Make sure you also enable this option in the DHCPv6 clients to make rapid
commit work.
Information Enter the number of seconds a DHCPv6 client should wait before refreshing information
Refresh Time retrieved from DHCPv6.
Request Address This field is available if you set this interface to DHCPv6 Client. Select this to get an IPv6 IP
address for this interface from the DHCP server. Clear this to not get any IP address
information through DHCPv6.
DHCPv6 Request If this interface is a DHCPv6 client, use this section to configure DHCPv6 request settings that
Options / determine what additional information to get from the DHCPv6 server.
DHCPv6 Lease
Options If this interface is a DHCPv6 server, use this section to configure DHCPv6 lease settings that
determine what to offer to the DHCPv6 clients.
Add Click this to create an entry in this table. See Section 10.4.5 on page 351 for more
Remove Select an entry and click this to change the settings.
Reference Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use the
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any entry.
Name This field displays the name of the DHCPv6 request or lease object.
Type This field displays the type of the object.
Value This field displays the IPv6 prefix that the Zyxel Device obtained from an uplink router (Server
is selected) or will advertise to its clients (Client is selected).
Interface When Relay is selected, select this check box and an interface from the drop-down list if
you want to use it as the relay server.
Relay Server When Relay is selected, select this check box and enter the IP address of a DHCPv6 server
as the relay server.
IPv6 Router

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 124 Configuration > Network > Interface > VLAN > Add / Edit (continued)
Enable Router Select this to enable this interface to send router advertisement messages periodically. See
Advertisement IPv6 Router Advertisement on page 323 for more information.
Advertised Hosts Select this to have the Zyxel Device indicate to hosts to obtain network settings (such as
Get Network prefix and DNS settings) through DHCPv6.
From DHCPv6 Clear this to have the Zyxel Device indicate to hosts that DHCPv6 is not available and they
should use the prefix in the router advertisement message.
Advertised Hosts Select this to have the Zyxel Device indicate to hosts to obtain DNS information through
Get Other DHCPv6.
From DHCPv6 Clear this to have the Zyxel Device indicate to hosts that DNS information is not available in
this network.
Router Select the router preference (Low, Medium or High) for the interface. The interface sends
Preference this preference in the router advertisements to tell hosts what preference they should use
for the Zyxel Device. This helps hosts to choose their default router especially when there
are multiple IPv6 router in the network.

Note: Make sure the hosts also support router preference to make this function
MTU The Maximum Transmission Unit. Type the maximum size of each IPv6 data packet, in bytes,
that can move through this interface. If a larger packet arrives, the Zyxel Device divides it
into smaller fragments.
Hop Limit Enter the maximum number of network segments that a packet can cross before reaching
the destination. When forwarding an IPv6 packet, IPv6 routers are required to decrease the
Hop Limit by 1 and to discard the IPv6 packet when the Hop Limit is 0.
Advertised Prefix Configure this table only if you want the Zyxel Device to advertise a fixed prefix to the
Table network.
Add Click this to create an IPv6 prefix address.
Edit Select an entry in this table and click this to modify it.
Remove Select an entry in this table and click this to delete it.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any entry.
IPv6 Enter the IPv6 network prefix address and the prefix length.
Prefix Length The prefix length indicates what the left-most part of the IP address is the same for all
computers in the network, that is, the network address.
Advertised Prefix Use this table to configure the network prefix if you want to use a delegated prefix as the
from DHCPv6 beginning part of the network prefix.
Prefix Delegation
Add Click this to create an entry in this table.
Edit Select an entry in this table and click this to modify it.
Remove Select an entry in this table and click this to delete it.
References Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use the
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any entry.
Delegated Select the DHCPv6 request object to use for generating the network prefix for the network.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 124 Configuration > Network > Interface > VLAN > Add / Edit (continued)
Suffix Enter the ending part of the IPv6 network address plus a slash (/) and the prefix length. The
Address Zyxel Device will append it to the selected delegated prefix. The combined address is the
network prefix for the network.

For example, you got a delegated prefix of 2003:1234:5678/48. You want to divide it into
2003:1234:5678:1111/64 for this interface and 2003:1234:5678:2222/64 for another interface.
You can use ::1111/64 and ::2222/64 for the suffix address respectively. But if you do not
want to divide the delegated prefix into subnetworks, enter ::0/48 here, which keeps the
same prefix length (/48) as the delegated prefix.
Address This is the final network prefix combined by the delegated prefix and the suffix.

Note: This field displays the combined address after you click OK and reopen this
Interface Parameters
Egress Bandwidth Enter the maximum amount of traffic, in kilobits per second, the Zyxel Device can send
through the interface to the network. Allowed values are 0 - 1048576.
Ingress This is reserved for future use.
Enter the maximum amount of traffic, in kilobits per second, the Zyxel Device can receive
from the network through the interface. Allowed values are 0 - 1048576.
MTU Maximum Transmission Unit. Type the maximum size of each data packet, in bytes, that can
move through this interface. If a larger packet arrives, the Zyxel Device divides it into smaller
fragments. Allowed values are 576 - 1500. Usually, this value is 1500.
Connectivity Check The Zyxel Device can regularly check the connection to the gateway you specified to
make sure it is still available. You specify how often to check the connection, how long to
wait for a response before the attempt is a failure, and how many consecutive failures are
required before the Zyxel Device stops routing to the gateway. The Zyxel Device resumes
routing to the gateway the first time the gateway passes the connectivity check.
Enable Select this to turn on the connection check.
Check Method Select the method that the gateway allows.

Select icmp to have the Zyxel Device regularly ping the gateway you specify to make sure
it is still available.

Select tcp to have the Zyxel Device regularly perform a TCP handshake with the gateway
you specify to make sure it is still available.
Check Period Enter the number of seconds between connection check attempts.
Check Timeout Enter the number of seconds to wait for a response before the attempt is a failure.
Check Fail Enter the number of consecutive failures before the Zyxel Device stops routing through the
Tolerance gateway.
Check Default Select this to use the default gateway for the connectivity check.
Check this Select this to specify a domain name or IP address for the connectivity check. Enter that
address domain name or IP address in the field next to it.
Check Port This field only displays when you set the Check Method to tcp. Specify the port number to
use for a TCP connectivity check.
Check these Type one or two domain names or IP addresses for the connectivity check.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 124 Configuration > Network > Interface > VLAN > Add / Edit (continued)
Probe Succeeds This field applies when you specify two domain names or IP addresses for the connectivity
When check.

Select any one if you want the check to pass if at least one of the domain names or IP
addresses responds.

Select all if you want the check to pass only if both domain names or IP addresses respond.
DHCP Setting The DHCP settings are available for the OPT, LAN and DMZ interfaces.
DHCP Select what type of DHCP service the Zyxel Device provides to the network. Choices are:

None - the Zyxel Device does not provide any DHCP services. There is already a DHCP
server on the network.

DHCP Relay - the Zyxel Device routes DHCP requests to one or more DHCP servers you
specify. The DHCP server(s) may be on another network.

DHCP Server - the Zyxel Device assigns IP addresses and provides subnet mask, gateway,
and DNS server information to the network. The Zyxel Device is the DHCP server for the
These fields appear if the Zyxel Device is a DHCP Relay.
Relay Server 1 Enter the IP address of a DHCP server for the network.
Relay Server 2 This field is optional. Enter the IP address of another DHCP server for the network.
These fields appear if the Zyxel Device is a DHCP Server.
IP Pool Start Enter the IP address from which the Zyxel Device begins allocating IP addresses. If you want
Address to assign a static IP address to a specific computer, click Add Static DHCP.

If this field is blank, the Pool Size must also be blank. In this case, the Zyxel Device can assign
every IP address allowed by the interface’s IP address and subnet mask, except for the first
address (network address), last address (broadcast address) and the interface’s IP address.
Pool Size Enter the number of IP addresses to allocate. This number must be at least one and is
limited by the interface’s Subnet Mask. For example, if the Subnet Mask is and
IP Pool Start Address is, the Zyxel Device can allocate to, or 245 IP addresses.

If this field is blank, the IP Pool Start Address must also be blank. In this case, the Zyxel Device
can assign every IP address allowed by the interface’s IP address and subnet mask, except
for the first address (network address), last address (broadcast address) and the interface’s
IP address.
First DNS Server Specify the IP addresses up to three DNS servers for the DHCP clients to use. Use one of the
Second DNS following ways to specify these IP addresses.
Third DNS Server Custom Defined - enter a static IP address.

From ISP - select the DNS server that another interface received from its DHCP server.

Zyxel Device - the DHCP clients use the IP address of this interface and the Zyxel Device
works as a DNS relay.
First WINS Server, Type the IP address of the WINS (Windows Internet Naming Service) server that you want to
Second WINS send to the DHCP clients. The WINS server keeps a mapping table of the computer names
on your network and the IP addresses that they are currently using.
Default Router If you set this interface to DHCP Server, you can select to use either the interface’s IP
address or another IP address as the default router. This default router will become the
DHCP clients’ default gateway.

To use another IP address as the default router, select Custom Defined and enter the IP

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 124 Configuration > Network > Interface > VLAN > Add / Edit (continued)
Lease time Specify how long each computer can use the information (especially the IP address)
before it has to request the information again. Choices are:

infinite - select this if IP addresses never expire

days, hours, and minutes - select this to enter how long IP addresses are valid. The default is
2 days.
Extended This table is available if you selected DHCP server.
Configure this table if you want to send more information to DHCP clients through DHCP
Add Click this to create an entry in this table. See Section 10.4.6 on page 351.
Edit Select an entry in this table and click this to modify it.
Remove Select an entry in this table and click this to delete it.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any entry.
Name This is the option’s name.
Code This is the option’s code number.
Type This is the option’s type.
Value This is the option’s value.
Enable IP/MAC Select this option to have the Zyxel Device enforce links between specific IP addresses and
Binding specific MAC addresses for this VLAN. This stops anyone else from manually using a bound
IP address on another device connected to this interface. Use this to make use only the
intended users get to use specific IP addresses.
Enable Logs for Select this option to have the Zyxel Device generate a log if a device connected to this
IP/MAC Binding VLAN attempts to use an IP address that is bound to another device’s MAC address.
Static DHCP Configure a list of static IP addresses the Zyxel Device assigns to computers connected to
Table the interface. Otherwise, the Zyxel Device assigns an IP address dynamically using the
interface’s IP Pool Start Address and Pool Size.
Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Select an entry and click this to be able to modify it.
Remove Select an entry and click this to delete it.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific entry.
IP Address Enter the IP address to assign to a device with this entry’s MAC address.
MAC Address Enter the MAC address to which to assign this entry’s IP address.
Description Enter a description to help identify this static DHCP entry. You can use alphanumeric and
()+/:=?!*#@$_%- characters, and it can be up to 60 characters long.
RIP Setting See Section 11.6 on page 441 for more information about RIP.
Enable RIP Select this to enable RIP on this interface.
Direction This field is effective when RIP is enabled. Select the RIP direction from the drop-down list

BiDir - This interface sends and receives routing information.

In-Only - This interface receives routing information.

Out-Only - This interface sends routing information.

Send Version This field is effective when RIP is enabled. Select the RIP version(s) used for sending RIP
packets. Choices are 1, 2, and 1 and 2.
Receive Version This field is effective when RIP is enabled. Select the RIP version(s) used for receiving RIP
packets. Choices are 1, 2, and 1 and 2.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 124 Configuration > Network > Interface > VLAN > Add / Edit (continued)
V2-Broadcast This field is effective when RIP is enabled. Select this to send RIP-2 packets using subnet
broadcasting; otherwise, the Zyxel Device uses multicasting.
OSPF Setting See Section 11.7 on page 443 for more information about OSPF.
Area Select the area in which this interface belongs. Select None to disable OSPF in this
Priority Enter the priority (between 0 and 255) of this interface when the area is looking for a
Designated Router (DR) or Backup Designated Router (BDR). The highest-priority interface
identifies the DR, and the second-highest-priority interface identifies the BDR. Set the priority
to zero if the interface can not be the DR or BDR.
Link Cost Enter the cost (between 1 and 65,535) to route packets through this interface.
Passive Interface Select this to stop forwarding OSPF routing information from the selected interface. As a
result, this interface only receives routing information.
Authentication Select an authentication method, or disable authentication. To exchange OSPF routing
information with peer border routers, you must use the same authentication method that
they use. Choices are:

Same-as-Area - use the default authentication method in the area

None - disable authentication

Text - authenticate OSPF routing information using a plain-text password

MD5 - authenticate OSPF routing information using MD5 encryption

Text This field is available if the Authentication is Text. Type the password for text authentication.
Authentication The key can consist of alphanumeric characters and the underscore, and it can be up to
16 characters long.
MD5 This field is available if the Authentication is MD5. Type the ID for MD5 authentication. The ID
Authentication ID can be between 1 and 255.
MD5 This field is available if the Authentication is MD5. Type the password for MD5
Authentication authentication. The password can consist of alphanumeric characters and the underscore,
and it can be up to 16 characters long.
MAC Address Setting This section appears when Interface Properties is External or General. Have the interface
use either the factory assigned default MAC address, a manually specified MAC address,
or clone the MAC address of another device or computer.
Use Default MAC Select this option to have the interface use the factory assigned default MAC address. By
Address default, the Zyxel Device uses the factory assigned MAC address to identify itself.
Overwrite Select this option to have the interface use a different MAC address. Either the MAC
Default MAC address in the field. Once it is successfully configured, the address will be copied to the
configuration file. It will not change unless you change the setting or upload a different
configuration file.
Proxy ARP Proxy ARP is available for external or general interfaces on the Zyxel Device. See Section on
page 337 for more information on Proxy ARP.
Enable Proxy ARP Select this to allow the Zyxel Device to answer external interface ARP requests on behalf of
a device on its internal interface. Interfaces supported are:

• Ethernet
• Bridge
See Section 10.4.2 on page 347 for more information.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 124 Configuration > Network > Interface > VLAN > Add / Edit (continued)
Add Click Add to create an IPv4 Address, an IPv4 CIDR (for example, or an IPv4
Range (for example, as the target IP address. The Zyxel Device
answers external ARP requests only if they match one of these inputted target IP addresses.
For example, if the IPv4 Address is, then the Zyxel Device will answer ARP
requests coming from the WAN only if it contains as the target IP address.

Select an existing entry and click Remove to delete that entry.

Related Setting
Configure WAN Click WAN TRUNK to go to a screen where you can set this VLAN to be part of a WAN trunk
TRUNK for load balancing.
Configure Policy Click Policy Route to go to the screen where you can manually configure a policy route to
Route associate traffic with this VLAN.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

10.9 Bridge Interfaces

This section introduces bridges and bridge interfaces and then explains the screens for bridge interfaces.

Bridge Overview
A bridge creates a connection between two or more network segments at the layer-2 (MAC address)
level. In the following example, bridge X connects four network segments.

When the bridge receives a packet, the bridge records the source MAC address and the port on which
it was received in a table. It also looks up the destination MAC address in the table. If the bridge knows
on which port the destination MAC address is located, it sends the packet to that port. If the destination

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

MAC address is not in the table, the bridge broadcasts the packet on every port (except the one on
which it was received).

In the example above, computer A sends a packet to computer B. Bridge X records the source address
0A:0A:0A:0A:0A:0A and port 2 in the table. It also looks up 0B:0B:0B:0B:0B:0B in the table. There is no entry
yet, so the bridge broadcasts the packet on ports 1, 3, and 4.

Table 125 Example: Bridge Table After Computer A Sends a Packet to Computer B
0A:0A:0A:0A:0A:0A 2

If computer B responds to computer A, bridge X records the source address 0B:0B:0B:0B:0B:0B and port 4
in the table. It also looks up 0A:0A:0A:0A:0A:0A in the table and sends the packet to port 2 accordingly.

Table 126 Example: Bridge Table After Computer B Responds to Computer A

0A:0A:0A:0A:0A:0A 2
0B:0B:0B:0B:0B:0B 4

Bridge Interface Overview

A bridge interface creates a software bridge between the members of the bridge interface. It also
becomes the Zyxel Device’s interface for the resulting network.

Unlike the device-wide bridge mode in ZyNOS-based Zyxel Devices, this Zyxel Device can bridge traffic
between some interfaces while it routes traffic for other interfaces. The bridge interfaces also support
more functions, like interface bandwidth parameters, DHCP settings, and connectivity check. To use the
whole Zyxel Device as a transparent bridge, add all of the Zyxel Device’s interfaces to a bridge

A bridge interface may consist of the following members:

• Zero or one VLAN interfaces (and any associated virtual VLAN interfaces)
• Any number of Ethernet interfaces (and any associated virtual Ethernet interfaces)

When you create a bridge interface, the Zyxel Device removes the members’ entries from the routing
table and adds the bridge interface’s entries to the routing table. For example, this table shows the
routing table before and after you create bridge interface br0 ( between lan1 and

Table 127 Example: Routing Table Before and After Bridge Interface br0 Is Created
IP ADDRESS(ES) DESTINATION IP ADDRESS(ES) DESTINATION lan1 vlan0 lan1:1 wan2 vlan0 dmz vlan1 dmz wan2 br0 dmz dmz

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

In this example, virtual Ethernet interface lan1:1 is also removed from the routing table when lan1 is
added to br0. Virtual interfaces are automatically added to or remove from a bridge interface when
the underlying interface is added or removed.

10.9.1 Bridge Summary

This screen lists every bridge interface and virtual interface created on top of bridge interfaces. If you
enabled IPv6 in the Configuration > System > IPv6 screen, you can also configure bridge interfaces used
for your IPv6 network on this screen. To access this screen, click Configuration > Network > Interface >

Figure 276 Configuration > Network > Interface > Bridge

Each field is described in the following table.

Table 128 Configuration > Network > Interface > Bridge

Configuration / IPv6 Use the Configuration section for IPv4 network settings. Use the IPv6 Configuration section
Configuration for IPv6 network settings if you connect your Zyxel Device to an IPv6 network. Both sections
have similar fields as described below.
Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify the
entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to
remove it before doing so.
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
Create Virtual To open the screen where you can create a virtual interface, select an interface and click
Interface Create Virtual Interface.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 128 Configuration > Network > Interface > Bridge (continued)
References Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use the
entry. See Section 10.4.4 on page 350 for an example.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any interface.
Status This icon is lit when the entry is active and dimmed when the entry is inactive.
Name This field displays the name of the interface.
Description This field displays the description of the interface.
IP Address This field displays the current IP address of the interface. If the IP address is, the
interface does not have an IP address yet.

This screen also shows whether the IP address is a static IP address (STATIC) or dynamically
assigned (DHCP). IP addresses are always static in virtual interfaces.
Member This field displays the Ethernet interfaces and VLAN interfaces in the bridge interface. It is
blank for virtual interfaces.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

10.9.2 Bridge Add/Edit

This screen lets you configure IP address assignment, interface bandwidth parameters, DHCP settings,
and connectivity check for each bridge interface. To access this screen, click the Add or Edit icon in the
Bridge Summary screen. The following screen appears.

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Chapter 10 Interfaces

Figure 277 Configuration > Network > Interface > Bridge > Add / Edit

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Chapter 10 Interfaces

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Chapter 10 Interfaces

Each field is described in the table below.

Table 129 Configuration > Network > Interface > Bridge > Add / Edit
IPv4/IPv6 View / IPv4 Use this button to display both IPv4 and IPv6, IPv4-only, or IPv6-only configuration fields.
View / IPv6 View
Show Advanced Click this button to display a greater or lesser number of configuration fields.
Settings / Hide
Advanced Settings
Create New Object Click this button to create a DHCPv6 lease or DHCPv6 request object that you may use for
the DHCPv6 settings in this screen.
General Settings
Enable Interface Select this to enable this interface. Clear this to disable this interface.
General IPv6 Setting
Enable IPv6 Select this to enable IPv6 on this interface. Otherwise, clear this to disable it.
Interface Properties
Interface Type Select one of the following option depending on the type of network to which the Zyxel
Device is connected or if you want to additionally manually configure some related

internal is for connecting to a local network. Other corresponding configuration options:

DHCP server and DHCP relay. The Zyxel Device automatically adds default SNAT settings for
traffic flowing from this interface to an external interface.

external is for connecting to an external network (like the Internet). The Zyxel Device
automatically adds this interface to the default WAN trunk.

For general, the rest of the screen’s options do not automatically adjust and you must
manually configure a policy route to add routing and SNAT settings for the interface.
Interface Name This field is read-only if you are editing the interface. Enter the name of the bridge interface.
The format is brx, where x is 0 - 11. For example, br0, br3, and so on.
Zone Select the zone to which the interface is to belong. You use zones to apply security settings
such as security policy, IDP, remote management, anti-virus, and application patrol.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 129 Configuration > Network > Interface > Bridge > Add / Edit (continued)
Description Enter a description of this interface. You can use alphanumeric and ()+/:=?!*#@$_%-
characters, and it can be up to 60 characters long. Spaces are allowed, but the string
can’t start with a space.
Available This field displays Ethernet interfaces and VLAN interfaces that can become part of the
bridge interface. An interface is not available in the following situations:

• There is a virtual interface on top of it

• It is already used in a different bridge interface
Select one, and click the >> arrow to add it to the bridge interface. Each bridge interface
can only have one VLAN interface.
Member This field displays the interfaces that are part of the bridge interface. Select one, and click
the << arrow to remove it from the bridge interface.
IP Address
Get Select this if this interface is a DHCP client. In this case, the DHCP server configures the IP
Automatically address, subnet mask, and gateway automatically.
DHCP Option 60 DHCP Option 60 is used by the Zyxel Device for identification to the DHCP server using the
VCI (Vendor Class Identifier) on the DHCP server. The Zyxel Device adds it in the initial DHCP
discovery message that a DHCP client broadcasts in search of an IP address. The DHCP
server can assign different IP addresses or options to clients with the specific VCI or reject
the request from clients without the specific VCI.

Type a string using up to 64 of these characters [a-zA-Z0-9!\"#$%&\'()*+,-./

:;<=>?@\[\\\]^_`{|}~] to identify this Zyxel Device to the DHCP server. For example, Zyxel-
Use Fixed IP Select this if you want to specify the IP address, subnet mask, and gateway manually.
IP Address This field is enabled if you select Use Fixed IP Address.

Enter the IP address for this interface.

Subnet Mask This field is enabled if you select Use Fixed IP Address.

Enter the subnet mask of this interface in dot decimal notation. The subnet mask indicates
what part of the IP address is the same for all computers in the network.
Gateway This field is enabled if you select Use Fixed IP Address.

Enter the IP address of the gateway. The Zyxel Device sends packets to the gateway when
it does not know how to route the packet to its destination. The gateway should be on the
same network as the interface.
Metric Enter the priority of the gateway (if any) on this interface. The Zyxel Device decides which
gateway to use based on this priority. The lower the number, the higher the priority. If two or
more gateways have the same priority, the Zyxel Device uses the one that was configured
Enable IGMP Support Select this to allow the Zyxel Device to act as an IGMP proxy for hosts connected on the
IGMP downstream interface.
IGMP Upstream Enable IGMP Upstream on the interface which connects to a router running IGMP that is
closer to the multicast server.
IGMP Enable IGMP Downstream on the interface which connects to the multicast hosts.
IPv6 Address These IP address fields configure an IPv6 IP address on the interface itself.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 129 Configuration > Network > Interface > Bridge > Add / Edit (continued)
Enable Stateless Select this to enable IPv6 stateless auto-configuration on this interface. The interface will
Address Auto- generate an IPv6 IP address itself from a prefix obtained from an IPv6 router in the network.
Link-Local This displays the IPv6 link-local address and the network prefix that the Zyxel Device
address generates itself for the interface.
IPv6 Address/ Enter the IPv6 address and the prefix length for this interface if you want to use a static IP
Prefix Length address. This field is optional.

The prefix length indicates what the left-most part of the IP address is the same for all
computers in the network, that is, the network address.
Gateway Enter the IPv6 address of the default outgoing gateway using colon (:) hexadecimal
Metric Enter the priority of the gateway (if any) on this interface. The Zyxel Device decides which
gateway to use based on this priority. The lower the number, the higher the priority. If two or
more gateways have the same priority, the Zyxel Device uses the one that was configured
Address from Use this table to have the Zyxel Device obtain an IPv6 prefix from the ISP or a connected
DHCPv6 Prefix uplink router for an internal network, such as the LAN or DMZ. You have to also enter a suffix
address which is appended to the delegated prefix to form an address for this interface.
See Prefix Delegation on page 323 for more information.

To use prefix delegation, you must:

• Create at least one DHCPv6 request object before configuring this table.
• The external interface must be a DHCPv6 client. You must configure the DHCPv6
request options using a DHCPv6 request object with the type of prefix-delegation.
• Assign the prefix delegation to an internal interface and enable router advertisement
on that interface.
Add Click this to create an entry.
Edit Select an entry and click this to change the settings.
Remove Select an entry and click this to delete it from this table.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any entry.
Delegated Select the DHCPv6 request object to use from the drop-down list.
Suffix Enter the ending part of the IPv6 address, a slash (/), and the prefix length. The Zyxel Device
Address will append it to the delegated prefix.

For example, you got a delegated prefix of 2003:1234:5678/48. You want to configure an IP
address of 2003:1234:5678:1111:1/128 for this interface, then enter ::1111:0:0:0:1/128 in this
Address This field displays the combined IPv6 IP address for this interface.

Note: This field displays the combined address after you click OK and reopen this
DHCPv6 Setting
DHCPv6 Select N/A to not use DHCPv6.

Select Client to set this interface to act as a DHCPv6 client.

Select Server to set this interface to act as a DHCPv6 server which assigns IP addresses and
provides subnet mask, gateway, and DNS server information to clients.

Select Relay to set this interface to route DHCPv6 requests to the DHCPv6 relay server you
specify. The DHCPv6 server(s) may be on another network.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 129 Configuration > Network > Interface > Bridge > Add / Edit (continued)
DUID This field displays the DHCP Unique IDentifier (DUID) of the interface, which is unique and
used for identification purposes when the interface is exchanging DHCPv6 messages with
others. See DHCPv6 on page 324 for more information.
DUID as MAC Select this if you want the DUID is generated from the interface’s default MAC address.
Customized DUID If you want to use a customized DUID, enter it here for the interface.
Enable Rapid Select this to shorten the DHCPv6 message exchange process from four to two steps. This
Commit function helps reduce heavy network traffic load.

Note: Make sure you also enable this option in the DHCPv6 clients to make rapid
commit work.
Information Enter the number of seconds a DHCPv6 client should wait before refreshing information
Refresh Time retrieved from DHCPv6.
Request Address This field is available if you set this interface to DHCPv6 Client. Select this to get an IPv6 IP
address for this interface from the DHCP server. Clear this to not get any IP address
information through DHCPv6.
DHCPv6 Request If this interface is a DHCPv6 client, use this section to configure DHCPv6 request settings that
Options / determine what additional information to get from the DHCPv6 server.
DHCPv6 Lease
Options If the interface is a DHCPv6 server, use this section to configure DHCPv6 lease settings that
determine what to offer to the DHCPv6 clients.
Add Click this to create an entry in this table. See Section 10.4.5 on page 351 for more
Remove Select an entry and click this to change the settings.
Object Select an entry and click this to delete it from this table.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any entry.
Name This field displays the name of the DHCPv6 request or lease object.
Type This field displays the type of the object.
Value This field displays the IPv6 prefix that the Zyxel Device obtained from an uplink router (Server
is selected) or will advertise to its clients (Client is selected).
Interface When Relay is selected, select this check box and an interface from the drop-down list if
you want to use it as the relay server.
Relay Server When Relay is selected, select this check box and enter the IP address of a DHCPv6 server
as the relay server.
IPv6 Router
Enable Router Select this to enable this interface to send router advertisement messages periodically. See
Advertisement IPv6 Router Advertisement on page 323 for more information.
Advertised Hosts Select this to have the Zyxel Device indicate to hosts to obtain network settings (such as
Get Network prefix and DNS settings) through DHCPv6.
From DHCPv6 Clear this to have the Zyxel Device indicate to hosts that DHCPv6 is not available and they
should use the prefix in the router advertisement message.
Advertised Hosts Select this to have the Zyxel Device indicate to hosts to obtain DNS information through
Get Other DHCPv6.
From DHCPv6 Clear this to have the Zyxel Device indicate to hosts that DNS information is not available in
this network.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 129 Configuration > Network > Interface > Bridge > Add / Edit (continued)
Router Select the router preference (Low, Medium or High) for the interface. The interface sends
Preference this preference in the router advertisements to tell hosts what preference they should use
for the Zyxel Device. This helps hosts to choose their default router especially when there
are multiple IPv6 router in the network.

Note: Make sure the hosts also support router preference to make this function
MTU The Maximum Transmission Unit. Type the maximum size of each IPv6 data packet, in bytes,
that can move through this interface. If a larger packet arrives, the Zyxel Device divides it
into smaller fragments.
Hop Limit Enter the maximum number of network segments that a packet can cross before reaching
the destination. When forwarding an IPv6 packet, IPv6 routers are required to decrease the
Hop Limit by 1 and to discard the IPv6 packet when the Hop Limit is 0.
Advertised Prefix Configure this table only if you want the Zyxel Device to advertise a fixed prefix to the
Table network.
Add Click this to create an IPv6 prefix address.
Edit Select an entry in this table and click this to modify it.
Remove Select an entry in this table and click this to delete it.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any entry.
IPv6 Enter the IPv6 network prefix address and the prefix length.
Prefix Length The prefix length indicates what the left-most part of the IP address is the same for all
computers in the network, that is, the network address.
Advertised Prefix Use this table to configure the network prefix if you want to use a delegated prefix as the
from DHCPv6 beginning part of the network prefix.
Prefix Delegation
Add Click this to create an entry in this table.
Edit Select an entry in this table and click this to modify it.
Remove Select an entry in this table and click this to delete it.
References Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use the
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any entry.
Delegated Select the DHCPv6 request object to use for generating the network prefix for the network.
Suffix Enter the ending part of the IPv6 network address plus a slash (/) and the prefix length. The
Address Zyxel Device will append it to the selected delegated prefix. The combined address is the
network prefix for the network.

For example, you got a delegated prefix of 2003:1234:5678/48. You want to divide it into
2003:1234:5678:1111/64 for this interface and 2003:1234:5678:2222/64 for another interface.
You can use ::1111/64 and ::2222/64 for the suffix address respectively. But if you do not
want to divide the delegated prefix into subnetworks, enter ::0/48 here, which keeps the
same prefix length (/48) as the delegated prefix.
Address This is the final network prefix combined by the selected delegated prefix and the suffix.

Note: This field displays the combined address after you click OK and reopen this
Interface Parameters
Egress Bandwidth Enter the maximum amount of traffic, in kilobits per second, the Zyxel Device can send
through the interface to the network. Allowed values are 0 - 1048576.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 129 Configuration > Network > Interface > Bridge > Add / Edit (continued)
Ingress This is reserved for future use.
Enter the maximum amount of traffic, in kilobits per second, the Zyxel Device can receive
from the network through the interface. Allowed values are 0 - 1048576.
MTU Maximum Transmission Unit. Type the maximum size of each data packet, in bytes, that can
move through this interface. If a larger packet arrives, the Zyxel Device divides it into smaller
fragments. Allowed values are 576 - 1500. Usually, this value is 1500.
DHCP Setting
DHCP Select what type of DHCP service the Zyxel Device provides to the network. Choices are:

None - the Zyxel Device does not provide any DHCP services. There is already a DHCP
server on the network.

DHCP Relay - the Zyxel Device routes DHCP requests to one or more DHCP servers you
specify. The DHCP server(s) may be on another network.

DHCP Server - the Zyxel Device assigns IP addresses and provides subnet mask, gateway,
and DNS server information to the network. The Zyxel Device is the DHCP server for the
These fields appear if the Zyxel Device is a DHCP Relay.
Relay Server 1 Enter the IP address of a DHCP server for the network.
Relay Server 2 This field is optional. Enter the IP address of another DHCP server for the network.
These fields appear if the Zyxel Device is a DHCP Server.
IP Pool Start Enter the IP address from which the Zyxel Device begins allocating IP addresses. If you want
Address to assign a static IP address to a specific computer, click Add Static DHCP.

If this field is blank, the Pool Size must also be blank. In this case, the Zyxel Device can assign
every IP address allowed by the interface’s IP address and subnet mask, except for the first
address (network address), last address (broadcast address) and the interface’s IP address.
Pool Size Enter the number of IP addresses to allocate. This number must be at least one and is
limited by the interface’s Subnet Mask. For example, if the Subnet Mask is and
IP Pool Start Address is, the Zyxel Device can allocate to, or 245 IP addresses.

If this field is blank, the IP Pool Start Address must also be blank. In this case, the Zyxel Device
can assign every IP address allowed by the interface’s IP address and subnet mask, except
for the first address (network address), last address (broadcast address) and the interface’s
IP address.
First DNS Server Specify the IP addresses up to three DNS servers for the DHCP clients to use. Use one of the
Second DNS following ways to specify these IP addresses.
Third DNS Server Custom Defined - enter a static IP address.

From ISP - select the DNS server that another interface received from its DHCP server.

Zyxel Device - the DHCP clients use the IP address of this interface and the Zyxel Device
works as a DNS relay.
First WINS Server, Type the IP address of the WINS (Windows Internet Naming Service) server that you want to
Second WINS send to the DHCP clients. The WINS server keeps a mapping table of the computer names
on your network and the IP addresses that they are currently using.
Default Router If you set this interface to DHCP Server, you can select to use either the interface’s IP
address or another IP address as the default router. This default router will become the
DHCP clients’ default gateway.

To use another IP address as the default router, select Custom Defined and enter the IP

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 129 Configuration > Network > Interface > Bridge > Add / Edit (continued)
Lease time Specify how long each computer can use the information (especially the IP address)
before it has to request the information again. Choices are:

infinite - select this if IP addresses never expire

days, hours, and minutes - select this to enter how long IP addresses are valid.
Extended This table is available if you selected DHCP server.
Configure this table if you want to send more information to DHCP clients through DHCP
Add Click this to create an entry in this table. See Section 10.4.6 on page 351.
Edit Select an entry in this table and click this to modify it.
Remove Select an entry in this table and click this to delete it.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any entry.
Name This is the option’s name.
Code This is the option’s code number.
Type This is the option’s type.
Value This is the option’s value.
PXE Server PXE (Preboot eXecution Environment) allows a client computer to use the network to boot
up and install an operating system via a PXE-capable Network Interface Card (NIC).

PXE is available for computers on internal interfaces to allow them to boot up using boot
software on a PXE server. The Zyxel Device acts as an intermediary between the PXE server
and the computers that need boot software.

The PXE server must have a public IPv4 address. You must enable DHCP Server on the Zyxel
Device so that it can receive information from the PXE server.
PXE Boot Loader A boot loader is a computer program that loads the operating system for the computer.
File Type the exact file name of the boot loader software file, including filename extension, that
is on the PXE server. If the wrong filename is typed, then the client computers cannot boot.
Enable IP/MAC Select this option to have this interface enforce links between specific IP addresses and
Binding specific MAC addresses. This stops anyone else from manually using a bound IP address on
another device connected to this interface. Use this to make use only the intended users
get to use specific IP addresses.
Enable Logs for Select this option to have the Zyxel Device generate a log if a device connected to this
IP/MAC Binding interface attempts to use an IP address that is bound to another device’s MAC address.
Static DHCP Configure a list of static IP addresses the Zyxel Device assigns to computers connected to
Table the interface. Otherwise, the Zyxel Device assigns an IP address dynamically using the
interface’s IP Pool Start Address and Pool Size.
Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Select an entry and click this to be able to modify it.
Remove Select an entry and click this to delete it.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific entry.
IP Address Enter the IP address to assign to a device with this entry’s MAC address.
MAC Address Enter the MAC address to which to assign this entry’s IP address.
Description Enter a description to help identify this static DHCP entry. You can use alphanumeric and
()+/:=?!*#@$_%- characters, and it can be up to 60 characters long.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 129 Configuration > Network > Interface > Bridge > Add / Edit (continued)
Connectivity Check The interface can regularly check the connection to the gateway you specified to make
sure it is still available. You specify how often the interface checks the connection, how
long to wait for a response before the attempt is a failure, and how many consecutive
failures are required before the Zyxel Device stops routing to the gateway. The Zyxel Device
resumes routing to the gateway the first time the gateway passes the connectivity check.
Enable Select this to turn on the connection check.
Check Method Select the method that the gateway allows.

Select icmp to have the Zyxel Device regularly ping the gateway you specify to make sure
it is still available.

Select tcp to have the Zyxel Device regularly perform a TCP handshake with the gateway
you specify to make sure it is still available.
Check Period Enter the number of seconds between connection check attempts.
Check Timeout Enter the number of seconds to wait for a response before the attempt is a failure.
Check Fail Enter the number of consecutive failures before the Zyxel Device stops routing through the
Tolerance gateway.
Check Default Select this to use the default gateway for the connectivity check.
Check this Select this to specify a domain name or IP address for the connectivity check. Enter that
address domain name or IP address in the field next to it.
Check Port This field only displays when you set the Check Method to tcp. Specify the port number to
use for a TCP connectivity check.
Check these Type one or two domain names or IP addresses for the connectivity check.
Probe Succeeds This field applies when you specify two domain names or IP addresses for the connectivity
When check.

Select any one if you want the check to pass if at least one of the domain names or IP
addresses responds.

Select all if you want the check to pass only if both domain names or IP addresses respond.
Proxy ARP Proxy ARP is available for external or general interfaces on the Zyxel Device. See Section
10.4.2 on page 347 for more information on Proxy ARP.
Enable Proxy ARP Select this to allow the Zyxel Device to answer external interface ARP requests on behalf of
a device on its internal interface. Interfaces supported are:

• Ethernet
• Bridge
See Section 10.4.2 on page 347 for more information.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 129 Configuration > Network > Interface > Bridge > Add / Edit (continued)
Add Click Add to create an IPv4 Address, an IPv4 CIDR (for example, or an IPv4
Range (for example, as the target IP address. The Zyxel Device
answers external ARP requests only if they match one of these inputted target IP addresses.
For example, if the IPv4 Address is, then the Zyxel Device will answer ARP
requests coming from the WAN only if it contains as the target IP address.

Select an existing entry and click Remove to delete that entry.

Related Setting
Configure WAN Click WAN TRUNK to go to a screen where you can configure the interface as part of a
TRUNK WAN trunk for load balancing.
Configure Policy Click Policy Route to go to the screen where you can manually configure a policy route to
Route associate traffic with this bridge interface.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

10.10 LAG
Link Aggregation Group (LAG) is a way to combine multiple physical Ethernet interfaces into a single
logical interface. This increases uplink bandwidth. It also increases availability as even if a member link
goes down, LAG can continue to transmit and receive traffic over the remaining links.

To configure LAG, configure a link number and specify the member ports in the link. All ports must have
the same speed and be in full-duplex mode. You must configure the LAG on both sides of the link and
you must set the interfaces on either side of the link to be the same speed.

At the time of writing, up to 4 ports can be grouped into a LAG and up to 4 LAGs can be configured on
a Zyxel Device.

See Section 1.1 on page 29 to see which models support Link Aggregation Group (LAG).

10.10.1 LAG Summary Screen

This screen lists every LAG created on the Zyxel Device. To access this screen, click Configuration >
Network > Interface > LAG.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Figure 278 Configuration > Network > Interface > LAG

Each field is described in the following table.

Table 130 Configuration > Network > Interface > LAG

Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify the
entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to
remove it before doing so.
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
Create Virtual To open the screen where you can create a virtual interface, select an interface and click
Interface Create Virtual Interface.
References Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use the
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any interface.
Status This icon is lit when the entry is active and dimmed when the entry is inactive.
Name This field displays the name of the LAG interface.
Description This field displays the description of the LAG interface.
Mode Mode refers to whether the LAG is acting as follows:

• active-backup where only one slave in the LAG interface is active and another slave
becomes active only if the active slave fails.
• 802.3ad (IEEE 802.3ad Dynamic link aggregation) where Link Aggregation Control
Protocol (LACP) negotiates automatic combining of links and balances the traffic load
across the LAG link by sending LACP packets to the directly connected device that
also implements LACP. The slaves must have the same speed and duplex settings.
• balance-alb (adaptive load balancing) where traffic is distributed according to the
current load on each slave by ARP negotiation. Incoming traffic is received by the
current slave. If the receiving slave fails, another slave takes over the MAC address of
the failed receiving slave.
IP Address This field displays the current IP address of the LAG interface. If the IP address is, the
interface does not have an IP address yet.

This screen also shows whether the IP address is a static IP address (STATIC) or dynamically
assigned (DHCP). IP addresses are always static in virtual interfaces.
Slaves A slave is a physical Ethernet interface that is a member of a LAG. Slaves do not have an IP
Address and in some cases share the same MAC address. This field displays the member
Ethernet interfaces and VLAN interfaces in the LAG. It is blank for virtual interfaces.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 130 Configuration > Network > Interface > LAG (continued)
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

10.10.2 LAG Add/Edit

This screen lets you configure Interface and LAG parameters for each LAG interface. To access this
screen, click the Add or Edit icon in the LAG screen. The following screen appears.

Figure 279 Configuration > Network > Interface > LAG > Add

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Each field is described in the following table.

Table 131 Configuration > Network > Interface > LAG > Add
General Settings
Enable Interface Select this to enable this interface. Clear this to disable this interface.
Interface Properties
Interface Type Select one of the following option depending on the type of network to which the Zyxel
Device is connected or if you want to additionally manually configure some related

internal is for connecting to a local network. Other corresponding configuration options:

DHCP server and DHCP relay. The Zyxel Device automatically adds default SNAT settings for
traffic flowing from this interface to an external interface.

external is for connecting to an external network (like the Internet). The Zyxel Device
automatically adds this interface to the default WAN trunk.

For general, the rest of the screen’s options do not automatically adjust and you must
manually configure a policy route to add routing and SNAT settings for the interface.
Interface Name This field is read-only if you are editing the interface. Enter the name of the LAG interface.
The format is lagx, where x is 0 - 3. For example, lag0, lag1, and so on.
Zone Select the zone to which the interface is to belong. You use zones to apply security settings
such as security policy, IDP, remote management, anti-virus, and application patrol.
Description Enter a description of this interface. You can use alphanumeric and ()+/:=?!*#@$_%-
characters, and it can be up to 60 characters long. Spaces are allowed, but the string
can’t start with a space.
LAG Configuration
Mode Select a Mode for this LAG interface. Choices are as follows:

• active-backup where only one slave in the LAG interface is active and another slave
becomes active only if the active slave fails.
• 802.3ad (IEEE 802.3ad Dynamic link aggregation) where Link Aggregation Control
Protocol (LACP) negotiates automatic combining of links and balances the traffic load
across the LAG link by sending LACP packets to the directly connected device that
also implements LACP. The slaves must have the same speed and duplex settings.
• balance-alb (adaptive load balancing) where traffic is distributed according to the
current load on each slave by ARP negotiation. Incoming traffic is received by the
current slave. If the receiving slave fails, another slave takes over the MAC address of
the failed receiving slave.
Link Monitoring Select from none, mii or arp. none means no link monitoring is done.

mii monitoring monitors the state of the local interface; it can’t tell if the link can transmit or
receive packets.

arp monitoring sends ARP queries and uses the reply to know if the link is up and that traffic
is flowing over the link.
Miimom This field displays for mii Link Monitoring. Set the link check interval in milliseconds that the
system polls the Media Independent Interface (MII) to get status.
Updelay This field displays for mii Link Monitoring. Set the waiting time in milliseconds to confirm the
slave interface status is up.
Downdelay This field displays for mii Link Monitoring. Set the waiting time in milliseconds to confirm the
slave interface status is down.
Xmit Hash Policy This field displays in 802.3ad Mode. This field sets the algorithm for slave selection according
to the selected TCP/IP layer.
LACP Rate This field displays in 802.3ad Mode. Select the preferred LACPDU packet transmission rate
(slow/fast) to request from 802.3ad partner.
ARP Interval This field displays for arp Link Monitoring. Select the frequency of ARP requests sent to
confirm a that slave interface is up.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 131 Configuration > Network > Interface > LAG > Add (continued)
ARP IP Target This field displays for arp Link Monitoring. Set the IP address of the link to send ARP queries.
Available This field displays Ethernet interfaces and VLAN interfaces that can become part of the LAG
interface. An interface is not available in the following situations:

• There is a virtual interface on top of it

• It is already used in a different LAG interface
Select one, and click the >> arrow to add it to the LAG interface. Each LAG interface can
only have one VLAN interface.
Slaves A slave is a physical Ethernet interface that is a member of a LAG. This field displays the
interfaces that are part of the LAG interface. Select one, and click the << arrow to remove
it from the LAG interface.
IP Address
Get Select this if this interface is a DHCP client. In this case, the DHCP server configures the IP
Automatically address, subnet mask, and gateway automatically.
Use Fixed IP Select this if you want to specify the IP address, subnet mask, and gateway manually.
IP Address This field is enabled if you select Use Fixed IP Address.

Enter the IP address for this interface.

Subnet Mask This field is enabled if you select Use Fixed IP Address.

Enter the subnet mask of this interface in dot decimal notation. The subnet mask indicates
what part of the IP address is the same for all computers in the network.
Gateway This field is enabled if you select Use Fixed IP Address.

Enter the IP address of the gateway. The Zyxel Device sends packets to the gateway when
it does not know how to route the packet to its destination. The gateway should be on the
same network as the interface.
Metric Enter the priority of the gateway (if any) on this interface. The Zyxel Device decides which
gateway to use based on this priority. The lower the number, the higher the priority. If two or
more gateways have the same priority, the Zyxel Device uses the one that was configured
Enable IGMP Support Select this to allow the Zyxel Device to act as an IGMP proxy for hosts connected on the
IGMP downstream interface.
IGMP Upstream Enable IGMP Upstream on the interface which connects to a router running IGMP that is
closer to the multicast server.
IGMP Enable IGMP Downstream on the interface which connects to the multicast hosts.
DHCP Setting
DHCP Select what type of DHCP service the Zyxel Device provides to the network. Choices are:

None - the Zyxel Device does not provide any DHCP services. There is already a DHCP
server on the network.

DHCP Relay - the Zyxel Device routes DHCP requests to one or more DHCP servers you
specify. The DHCP server(s) may be on another network.

DHCP Server - the Zyxel Device assigns IP addresses and provides subnet mask, gateway,
and DNS server information to the network. The Zyxel Device is the DHCP server for the
These fields appear if the Zyxel Device is a DHCP Relay.
Relay Server 1 Enter the IP address of a DHCP server for the network.
Relay Server 2 This field is optional. Enter the IP address of another DHCP server for the network.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 131 Configuration > Network > Interface > LAG > Add (continued)
These fields appear if the Zyxel Device is a DHCP Server.
IP Pool Start Enter the IP address from which the Zyxel Device begins allocating IP addresses. If you want
Address to assign a static IP address to a specific computer, click Add Static DHCP.

If this field is blank, the Pool Size must also be blank. In this case, the Zyxel Device can assign
every IP address allowed by the interface’s IP address and subnet mask, except for the first
address (network address), last address (broadcast address) and the interface’s IP address.
Pool Size Enter the number of IP addresses to allocate. This number must be at least one and is
limited by the interface’s Subnet Mask. For example, if the Subnet Mask is and
IP Pool Start Address is, the Zyxel Device can allocate to, or 245 IP addresses.

If this field is blank, the IP Pool Start Address must also be blank. In this case, the Zyxel Device
can assign every IP address allowed by the interface’s IP address and subnet mask, except
for the first address (network address), last address (broadcast address) and the interface’s
IP address.
First DNS Server Specify the IP addresses up to three DNS servers for the DHCP clients to use. Use one of the
Second DNS following ways to specify these IP addresses.
Third DNS Server Custom Defined - enter a static IP address.

From ISP - select the DNS server that another interface received from its DHCP server.

Zyxel Device - the DHCP clients use the IP address of this interface and the Zyxel Device
works as a DNS relay.
First WINS Server, Type the IP address of the WINS (Windows Internet Naming Service) server that you want to
Second WINS send to the DHCP clients. The WINS server keeps a mapping table of the computer names
on your network and the IP addresses that they are currently using.
Default Router If you set this interface to DHCP Server, you can select to use either the interface’s IP
address or another IP address as the default router. This default router will become the
DHCP clients’ default gateway.

To use another IP address as the default router, select Custom Defined and enter the IP
Lease time Specify how long each computer can use the information (especially the IP address)
before it has to request the information again. Choices are:

infinite - select this if IP addresses never expire

days, hours, and minutes - select this to enter how long IP addresses are valid.
Extended This table is available if you selected DHCP server.
Configure this table if you want to send more information to DHCP clients through DHCP
Add Click this to create an entry in this table. See Section 10.4.6 on page 351.
Edit Select an entry in this table and click this to modify it.
Remove Select an entry in this table and click this to delete it.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any entry.
Name This is the option’s name.
Code This is the option’s code number.
Type This is the option’s type.
Value This is the option’s value.
Enable IP/MAC Select this option to have this interface enforce links between specific IP addresses and
Binding specific MAC addresses. This stops anyone else from manually using a bound IP address on
another device connected to this interface. Use this to make use only the intended users
get to use specific IP addresses.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 131 Configuration > Network > Interface > LAG > Add (continued)
Enable Logs for Select this option to have the Zyxel Device generate a log if a device connected to this
IP/MAC Binding interface attempts to use an IP address that is bound to another device’s MAC address.
Static DHCP Configure a list of static IP addresses the Zyxel Device assigns to computers connected to
Table the interface. Otherwise, the Zyxel Device assigns an IP address dynamically using the
interface’s IP Pool Start Address and Pool Size.
Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Select an entry and click this to be able to modify it.
Remove Select an entry and click this to delete it.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific entry.
IP Address Enter the IP address to assign to a device with this entry’s MAC address.
MAC Address Enter the MAC address to which to assign this entry’s IP address.
Description Enter a description to help identify this static DHCP entry. You can use alphanumeric and
()+/:=?!*#@$_%- characters, and it can be up to 60 characters long.
Connectivity Check The interface can regularly check the connection to the gateway you specified to make
sure it is still available. You specify how often the interface checks the connection, how
long to wait for a response before the attempt is a failure, and how many consecutive
failures are required before the Zyxel Device stops routing to the gateway. The Zyxel Device
resumes routing to the gateway the first time the gateway passes the connectivity check.
Enable Select this to turn on the connection check.
Check Method Select the method that the gateway allows.

Select icmp to have the Zyxel Device regularly ping the gateway you specify to make sure
it is still available.

Select tcp to have the Zyxel Device regularly perform a TCP handshake with the gateway
you specify to make sure it is still available.
Check Period Enter the number of seconds between connection check attempts.
Check Timeout Enter the number of seconds to wait for a response before the attempt is a failure.
Check Fail Enter the number of consecutive failures before the Zyxel Device stops routing through the
Tolerance gateway.
Check Default Select this to use the default gateway for the connectivity check.
Check this Select this to specify a domain name or IP address for the connectivity check. Enter that
address domain name or IP address in the field next to it.
Check Port This field only displays when you set the Check Method to tcp. Specify the port number to
use for a TCP connectivity check.
Related Setting
Configure WAN Click WAN TRUNK to go to a screen where you can configure the interface as part of a
TRUNK WAN trunk for load balancing.
Configure Policy Click Policy Route to go to the screen where you can manually configure a policy route to
Route associate traffic with this bridge interface.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

10.11 VTI
IPSec VPN Tunnel Interface (VTI) encrypts or decrypts IPv4 traffic from or to the interface according to
the IP routing table.

VTI allows static routes to send traffic over the VPN. The IPSec tunnel endpoint is associated with an
actual (virtual) interface. Therefore many interface capabilities such as Policy Route, Static Route, Trunk,
and BWM can be applied to the IPSec tunnel as soon as the tunnel is active

IPSec VTIs simplifies network management and load balancing. Create a trunk using VPN tunnel
interfaces for load balancing. In the following example configure VPN tunnels with static IP addresses or
DNS on both Zyxel Devices (or IPSec routers at the end of the tunnel). Also configure VTI and a trunk on
both Zyxel Devices.

Figure 280 VTI and Trunk for VPN Load Balancing

10.11.1 Restrictions for IPSec Virtual Tunnel Interface

• IPv4 traffic only
• IPSec tunnel mode only. A shared keyword must not be configured when using tunnel mode.
• With a VTI VPN you do not add local or remote LANs to your VPN configuration.
• For a VTI VPN you should only have one local and one remote WAN.
• A dynamic peer is not supported
• The IPSec VTI is limited to IP unicast and multicast traffic only.

10.11.2 VTI Screen

To access this screen, click Configuration > Network > Interface > VTI.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Figure 281 Configuration > Network > Interface > VTI

The following table describes the fields in this screen.

Table 132 Configuration > Network > Interface > VTI

Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify the
entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to
remove it before doing so.
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
References Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use the
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any interface.
Status This icon is lit when the entry is active and dimmed when the entry is inactive.
Name This field displays the name of the VTI interface.
IP Address This field displays the current IP address of the virtual interface and subnet mask in bits. If the
IP address is, the interface does not have an IP address yet.
vpn-rule This shows the name of the associated IPSec VPN rule with VPN Tunnel Interface application
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

10.11.3 VTI Add/Edit

This screen lets you configure IP address assignment and interface parameters for VTI.

Note: You should have created a VPN tunnel for a VPN Tunnel Interface scenario first.

To access this screen, click the Add or Edit icon in Network > Interface > VTI. The following screen

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Figure 282 Configuration > Network > Interface > VTI > Add

Each field is described in the table below.

Table 133 Configuration > Network > Interface > VTI > Add
General Settings
Enable Select this to enable VTI. Clear this to disable it.
Interface Properties
Interface Name This field is read-only if you are editing an existing VPN tunnel interface. For a new VPN
tunnel interface, enter the name of the VPN tunnel interface in vtix format, where x is a
number from 0 to the maximum number of VPN connections allowed for this model. For
example, enter vti10.
Zone Select a zone. Make sure that the zone you select does not have traffic blocked by a
security feature such as a security policy.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 133 Configuration > Network > Interface > VTI > Add (continued)
vpn-rule You should have created a VPN tunnel first for a VPN Tunnel Interface scenario. Select one
of the VPN Tunnel Interface scenario rules that you created.
IP Address
IP Address Enter the IP address for this interface.
Subnet Mask Enter the subnet mask of this interface in dot decimal notation. The subnet mask indicates
what part of the IP address is the same for all computers in the network.
Metric Enter the priority of the gateway (if any) on this interface. The Zyxel Device decides which
gateway to use based on this priority. The lower the number, the higher the priority. If two or
more gateways have the same priority, the Zyxel Device uses the one that was configured
Enable IGMP Support Select this to allow the Zyxel Device to act as an IGMP proxy for hosts connected on the
IGMP downstream interface.
IGMP Upstream Enable IGMP Upstream on the interface which connects to a router running IGMP that is
closer to the multicast server.
IGMP Enable IGMP Downstream on the interface which connects to the multicast hosts.
Interface Parameters
Egress Bandwidth Enter the maximum amount of traffic, in kilobits per second, the Zyxel Device can send
through the interface to the network. Allowed values are 0 - 1048576.
Ingress This is reserved for future use.
Enter the maximum amount of traffic, in kilobits per second, the Zyxel Device can receive
from the network through the interface. Allowed values are 0 - 1048576.
MTU The Maximum Transmission Unit. Type the maximum size of each IPv6 data packet, in bytes,
that can move through this interface. If a larger packet arrives, the Zyxel Device discards
the packet and sends an error message to the sender to inform this.
Connectivity Check These fields appear when you select a vpn-rule.

The interface can regularly check the connection to the gateway you specified to make
sure it is still available. You specify how often the interface checks the connection, how
long to wait for a response before the attempt is a failure, and how many consecutive
failures are required before the Zyxel Device stops routing to the gateway. The Zyxel Device
resumes routing to the gateway the first time the gateway passes the connectivity check.
Enable Select this to turn on the connection check.
Check Method Select the method that the gateway allows.

Select icmp to have the Zyxel Device regularly ping the gateway you specify to make sure
it is still available.

Select tcp to have the Zyxel Device regularly perform a TCP handshake with the gateway
you specify to make sure it is still available.
Check Period Enter the number of seconds between connection check attempts.
Check Timeout Enter the number of seconds to wait for a response before the attempt is a failure.
Check Fail Enter the number of consecutive failures before the Zyxel Device stops routing through the
Tolerance gateway.
Check this Select this to specify a domain name or IP address for the connectivity check. Enter that
address domain name or IP address in the field next to it.
Check Port This field only displays when you set the Check Method to tcp. Specify the port number to
use for a TCP connectivity check.
RIP Setting See Section 11.6 on page 441 for more information about RIP.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 133 Configuration > Network > Interface > VTI > Add (continued)
Enable RIP Select this to enable RIP in this interface.
Direction This field is effective when RIP is enabled. Select the RIP direction from the drop-down list

BiDir - This interface sends and receives routing information.

In-Only - This interface receives routing information.

Out-Only - This interface sends routing information.

Send Version This field is effective when RIP is enabled. Select the RIP version(s) used for sending RIP
packets. Choices are 1, 2, and 1 and 2.
Receive Version This field is effective when RIP is enabled. Select the RIP version(s) used for receiving RIP
packets. Choices are 1, 2, and 1 and 2.
V2-Broadcast This field is effective when RIP is enabled. Select this to send RIP-2 packets using subnet
broadcasting; otherwise, the Zyxel Device uses multicasting.
OSPF Setting See Section 11.7 on page 443 for more information about OSPF.
Area Select the area in which this interface belongs. Select None to disable OSPF in this interface.
Priority Enter the priority (between 0 and 255) of this interface when the area is looking for a
Designated Router (DR) or Backup Designated Router (BDR). The highest-priority interface
identifies the DR, and the second-highest-priority interface identifies the BDR. Set the priority
to zero if the interface can not be the DR or BDR.
Link Cost Enter the cost (between 1 and 65,535) to route packets through this interface.
Passive Interface Select this to stop forwarding OSPF routing information from the selected interface. As a
result, this interface only receives routing information.
Authentication Select an authentication method, or disable authentication. To exchange OSPF routing
information with peer border routers, you must use the same authentication method that
they use. Choices are:

Same-as-Area - use the default authentication method in the area

None - disable authentication

Text - authenticate OSPF routing information using a plain-text password

MD5 - authenticate OSPF routing information using MD5 encryption

Text This field is available if the Authentication is Text. Type the password for text authentication.
Authentication The key can consist of alphanumeric characters and the underscore, and it can be up to
16 characters long.
MD5 This field is available if the Authentication is MD5. Type the ID for MD5 authentication. The ID
Authentication ID can be between 1 and 255.
MD5 This field is available if the Authentication is MD5. Type the password for MD5 authentication.
Authentication The password can consist of alphanumeric characters and the underscore, and it can be
up to 16 characters long.
Related Setting
Configure WAN Click WAN TRUNK to go to a screen where you can configure the interface as part of a
TRUNK WAN trunk for load balancing.
Policy Route Click Policy Route to go to the screen where you can manually configure a policy route to
associate traffic with this interface.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

10.12 Trunk Overview

Use trunks for WAN traffic load balancing to increase overall network throughput and reliability. Load
balancing divides traffic loads between multiple interfaces. This allows you to improve quality of service
and maximize bandwidth utilization for multiple ISP links.

Maybe you have two Internet connections with different bandwidths. You could set up a trunk that uses
spillover or weighted round robin load balancing so time-sensitive traffic (like video) usually goes
through the higher-bandwidth interface. For other traffic, you might want to use least load first load
balancing to even out the distribution of the traffic load.

Suppose ISP A has better connections to Europe while ISP B has better connections to Australia. You
could use policy routes and trunks to have traffic for your European branch office primarily use ISP A and
traffic for your Australian branch office primarily use ISP B.

Or maybe one of the Zyxel Device's interfaces is connected to an ISP that is also your Voice over IP
(VoIP) service provider. You can use policy routing to send the VoIP traffic through a trunk with the
interface connected to the VoIP service provider set to active and another interface (connected to
another ISP) set to passive. This way VoIP traffic goes through the interface connected to the VoIP
service provider whenever the interface’s connection is up.

• Use the Trunk summary screen (Section 10.13 on page 420) to view the list of configured trunks and
which load balancing algorithm each trunk uses.
• Use the Add Trunk screen (Section 10.13.1 on page 421) to configure the member interfaces for a
trunk and the load balancing algorithm the trunk uses.
• Use the Add System Default screen (Section 10.13.2 on page 423) to configure the load balancing
algorithm for the system default trunk.

10.12.1 What You Need to Know

• Add WAN interfaces to trunks to have multiple connections share the traffic load.
• If one WAN interface’s connection goes down, the Zyxel Device sends traffic through another
member of the trunk.
• For example, you connect one WAN interface to one ISP and connect a second WAN interface to a
second ISP. The Zyxel Device balances the WAN traffic load between the connections. If one
interface's connection goes down, the Zyxel Device can automatically send its traffic through
another interface.

You can also use trunks with policy routing to send specific traffic types through the best WAN interface
for that type of traffic.

• If that interface’s connection goes down, the Zyxel Device can still send its traffic through another
• You can define multiple trunks for the same physical interfaces.

1 LAN user A logs into server B on the Internet. The Zyxel Device uses wan1 to send the request to server B.

2 The Zyxel Device is using active/active load balancing. So when LAN user A tries to access something on
the server, the request goes out through wan2.

3 The server finds that the request comes from wan2’s IP address instead of wan1’s IP address and rejects
the request.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

If link sticking had been configured, the Zyxel Device would have still used wan1 to send LAN user A’s
request to the server and server would have given the user A access.

Load Balancing Algorithms

The following sections describe the load balancing algorithms the Zyxel Device can use to decide which
interface the traffic (from the LAN) should use for a session. In the load balancing section, a session may
refer to normal connection-oriented, UDP or SNMP2 traffic. The available bandwidth you configure on
the Zyxel Device refers to the actual bandwidth provided by the ISP and the measured bandwidth refers
to the bandwidth an interface is currently using.

Least Load First

The least load first algorithm uses the current (or recent) outbound bandwidth utilization of each trunk
member interface as the load balancing index(es) when making decisions about to which interface a
new session is to be distributed. The outbound bandwidth utilization is defined as the measured
outbound throughput over the available outbound bandwidth.

Here the Zyxel Device has two WAN interfaces connected to the Internet. The configured available
outbound bandwidths for WAN 1 and WAN 2 are 512K and 256K respectively.

Figure 283 Load Balancing Least Load First Example

The outbound bandwidth utilization is used as the load balancing index. In this example, the measured
(current) outbound throughput of WAN 1 is 412K and WAN 2 is 198K. The Zyxel Device calculates the
load balancing index as shown in the table below.

Since WAN 2 has a smaller load balancing index (meaning that it is less utilized than WAN 1), the Zyxel
Device will send the subsequent new session traffic through WAN 2.

Table 134 Least Load First Example

WAN 1 512 K 412 K 0.8
WAN 2 256 K 198 K 0.77

Weighted Round Robin

Round Robin scheduling services queues on a rotating basis and is activated only when an interface has
more traffic than it can handle. A queue is given an amount of bandwidth irrespective of the incoming

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

traffic on that interface. This queue then moves to the back of the list. The next queue is given an equal
amount of bandwidth, and then moves to the end of the list; and so on, depending on the number of
queues being used. This works in a looping fashion until a queue is empty.

The Weighted Round Robin (WRR) algorithm is best suited for situations when the bandwidths set for the
two WAN interfaces are different. Similar to the Round Robin (RR) algorithm, the Weighted Round Robin
(WRR) algorithm sets the Zyxel Device to send traffic through each WAN interface in turn. In addition, the
WAN interfaces are assigned weights. An interface with a larger weight gets more chances to transmit
traffic than an interface with a smaller weight.

For example, in the figure below, the configured available bandwidth of WAN1 is 1M and WAN2 is 512K.
You can set the Zyxel Device to distribute the network traffic between the two interfaces by setting the
weight of wan1 and wan2 to 2 and 1 respectively. The Zyxel Device assigns the traffic of two sessions to
wan1 and one session's traffic to wan2 in each round of 3 new sessions.

Figure 284 Weighted Round Robin Algorithm Example

The spillover load balancing algorithm sends network traffic to the first interface in the trunk member list
until the interface’s maximum allowable load is reached, then sends the excess network traffic of new
sessions to the next interface in the trunk member list. This continues as long as there are more member
interfaces and traffic to be sent through them.

Suppose the first trunk member interface uses an unlimited access Internet connection and the second
is billed by usage. Spillover load balancing only uses the second interface when the traffic load exceeds
the threshold on the first interface. This fully utilizes the bandwidth of the first interface to reduce Internet
usage fees and avoid overloading the interface.

In this example figure, the upper threshold of the first interface is set to 800K. The Zyxel Device sends
network traffic of new sessions that exceed this limit to the secondary WAN interface.

Figure 285 Spillover Algorithm Example

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Chapter 10 Interfaces

10.13 The Trunk Summary Screen

Click Configuration > Network > Interface > Trunk to open the Trunk screen. The Trunk Summary screen
lists the configured trunks and the load balancing algorithm that each is configured to use.

Figure 286 Configuration > Network > Interface > Trunk

The following table describes the items in this screen.

Table 135 Configuration > Network > Interface > Trunk

Show Advanced Click this button to display a greater or lesser number of configuration fields.
Settings / Hide
Advanced Settings
Configuration Configure what to do with existing passive mode interface connections when an
interface set to active mode in the same trunk comes back up.
Disconnect Select this to terminate existing connections on an interface which is set to passive mode
Connections Before when any interface set to active mode in the same trunk comes back up.
Falling Back
Enable Default SNAT Select this to have the Zyxel Device use the IP address of the outgoing interface as the
source IP address of the packets it sends out through its WAN trunks. The Zyxel Device
automatically adds SNAT settings for traffic it routes from internal interfaces to external
Default Trunk Selection Select whether the Zyxel Device is to use the default system WAN trunk or one of the user
configured WAN trunks as the default trunk for routing traffic from internal interfaces to
external interfaces.

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Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 135 Configuration > Network > Interface > Trunk (continued)
User Configuration / The Zyxel Device automatically adds all external interfaces into the pre-configured
System Default system default SYSTEM_DEFAULT_WAN_TRUNK. You cannot delete it. You can create your
own User Configuration trunks and customize the algorithm, member interfaces and the
active/passive mode.
Add Click this to create a new user-configured trunk.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify
the entry’s settings.
Remove To remove a user-configured trunk, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms
you want to remove it before doing so.
References Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use the
entry. See Section 10.4.4 on page 350 for an example.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any interface.
Name This field displays the label that you specified to identify the trunk.
Algorithm This field displays the load balancing method the trunk is set to use.
Apply Click this button to save your changes to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click this button to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

10.13.1 Configuring a User-Defined Trunk

Click Configuration > Network > Interface > Trunk, in the User Configuration table click the Add (or Edit)
icon to open the following screen. Use this screen to create or edit a WAN trunk entry.

Figure 287 Configuration > Network > Interface > Trunk > Add (or Edit)

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Each field is described in the table below.

Table 136 Configuration > Network > Interface > Trunk > Add (or Edit)
Name This is read-only if you are editing an existing trunk. When adding a new trunk, enter a
descriptive name for this trunk. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters, underscores
(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is case-sensitive.
Load Balancing Select a load balancing method to use from the drop-down list box.
Select Weighted Round Robin to balance the traffic load between interfaces based on
their respective weights. An interface with a larger weight gets more chances to transmit
traffic than an interface with a smaller weight. For example, if the weight ratio of wan1 and
wan2 interfaces is 2:1, the Zyxel Device chooses wan1 for 2 sessions’ traffic and wan2 for 1
session’s traffic in each round of 3 new sessions.

Select Least Load First to send new session traffic through the least utilized trunk member.

Select Spillover to send network traffic through the first interface in the group member list
until there is enough traffic that the second interface needs to be used (and so on).
Load Balancing This field is available if you selected to use the Least Load First or Spillover method.
Select Outbound, Inbound, or Outbound + Inbound to set the traffic to which the Zyxel
Device applies the load balancing method. Outbound means the traffic traveling from an
internal interface (ex. LAN) to an external interface (ex. WAN). Inbound means the
The table lists the trunk’s member interfaces. You can add, edit, remove, or move entries for
user configured trunks.
Add Click this to add a member interface to the trunk. Select an interface and click Add to add
a new member interface after the selected member interface.
Edit Select an entry and click Edit to modify the entry’s settings.
Remove To remove a member interface, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you
want to remove it before doing so.
Move To move an interface to a different number in the list, click the Move icon. In the field that
appears, specify the number to which you want to move the interface.
# This column displays the priorities of the group’s interfaces. The order of the interfaces in the
list is important since they are used in the order they are listed.
Member Click this table cell and select an interface to be a group member.

If you select an interface that is part of another Ethernet interface, the Zyxel Device does
not send traffic through the interface as part of the trunk. For example, if you have physical
port 5 in the ge2 representative interface, you must select interface ge2 in order to send
traffic through port 5 as part of the trunk. If you select interface ge5 as a member here, the
Zyxel Device will not send traffic through port 5 as part of the trunk.
Mode Click this table cell and select Active to have the Zyxel Device always attempt to use this

Select Passive to have the Zyxel Device only use this connection when all of the
connections set to active are down. You can only set one of a group’s interfaces to passive
Weight This field displays with the weighted round robin load balancing algorithm. Specify the
weight (1~10) for the interface. The weights of the different member interfaces form a ratio.
This ratio determines how much traffic the Zyxel Device assigns to each member interface.
The higher an interface’s weight is (relative to the weights of the interfaces), the more
sessions that interface should handle.

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Chapter 10 Interfaces

Table 136 Configuration > Network > Interface > Trunk > Add (or Edit) (continued)
Ingress Bandwidth This is reserved for future use.

This field displays with the least load first load balancing algorithm. It displays the maximum
number of kilobits of data the Zyxel Device is to allow to come in through the interface per

Note: You can configure the bandwidth of an interface in the corresponding

interface edit screen.
Egress Bandwidth This field displays with the least load first or spillover load balancing algorithm. It displays the
maximum number of kilobits of data the Zyxel Device is to send out through the interface
per second.

Note: You can configure the bandwidth of an interface in the corresponding

interface edit screen.
Spillover This field displays with the spillover load balancing algorithm. Specify the maximum
bandwidth of traffic in kilobits per second (1~1048576) to send out through the interface
before using another interface. When this spillover bandwidth limit is exceeded, the Zyxel
Device sends new session traffic through the next interface. The traffic of existing sessions
still goes through the interface on which they started.

The Zyxel Device uses the group member interfaces in the order that they are listed.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

10.13.2 Configuring the System Default Trunk

In the Configuration > Network > Interface > Trunk screen and the System Default section, select the
default trunk entry and click Edit to open the following screen. Use this screen to change the load
balancing algorithm and view the bandwidth allocations for each member interface.

Note: The available bandwidth is allocated to each member interface equally and is not
allowed to be changed for the default trunk.

Figure 288 Configuration > Network > Interface > Trunk > Edit (System Default)

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

Each field is described in the table below.

Table 137 Configuration > Network > Interface > Trunk > Edit (System Default)
Name This field displays the name of the selected system default trunk.
Load Balancing Select the load balancing method to use for the trunk.
Select Weighted Round Robin to balance the traffic load between interfaces based on
their respective weights. An interface with a larger weight gets more chances to transmit
traffic than an interface with a smaller weight. For example, if the weight ratio of wan1
and wan2 interfaces is 2:1, the Zyxel Device chooses wan1 for 2 sessions’ traffic and wan2
for 1 session’s traffic in each round of 3 new sessions.

Select Least Load First to send new session traffic through the least utilized trunk member.

Select Spillover to send network traffic through the first interface in the group member list
until there is enough traffic that the second interface needs to be used (and so on).
The table lists the trunk’s member interfaces. This table is read-only.
# This column displays the priorities of the group’s interfaces. The order of the interfaces in
the list is important since they are used in the order they are listed.
Member This column displays the name of the member interfaces.
Mode This field displays Active if the Zyxel Device always attempt to use this connection.

This field displays Passive if the Zyxel Device only use this connection when all of the
connections set to active are down. Only one of a group’s interfaces can be set to
passive mode.
Weight This field displays with the weighted round robin load balancing algorithm. Specify the
weight (1~10) for the interface. The weights of the different member interfaces form a
ratio. s
Ingress Bandwidth This is reserved for future use.

This field displays with the least load first load balancing algorithm. It displays the
maximum number of kilobits of data the Zyxel Device is to allow to come in through the
interface per second.
Egress Bandwidth This field displays with the least load first or spillover load balancing algorithm. It displays
the maximum number of kilobits of data the Zyxel Device is to send out through the
interface per second.
Spillover This field displays with the spillover load balancing algorithm. Specify the maximum
bandwidth of traffic in kilobits per second (1~1048576) to send out through the interface
before using another interface. When this spillover bandwidth limit is exceeded, the Zyxel
Device sends new session traffic through the next interface. The traffic of existing sessions
still goes through the interface on which they started.

The Zyxel Device uses the group member interfaces in the order that they are listed.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

10.14 Interface Technical Reference

Here is more detailed information about interfaces on the Zyxel Device.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

IP Address Assignment
Most interfaces have an IP address and a subnet mask. This information is used to create an entry in the
routing table.

Figure 289 Example: Entry in the Routing Table Derived from Interfaces

lan1 wan1

Table 138 Example: Routing Table Entries for Interfaces


For example, if the Zyxel Device gets a packet with a destination address of, it routes the
packet to interface lan1. If the Zyxel Device gets a packet with a destination address of,
it routes the packet to interface wan1.

In most interfaces, you can enter the IP address and subnet mask manually. In PPPoE/PPTP/L2TP
interfaces, however, the subnet mask is always because it is a point-to-point interface.
For these interfaces, you can only enter the IP address.

In many interfaces, you can also let the IP address and subnet mask be assigned by an external DHCP
server on the network. In this case, the interface is a DHCP client. Virtual interfaces, however, cannot be
DHCP clients. You have to assign the IP address and subnet mask manually.

In general, the IP address and subnet mask of each interface should not overlap, though it is possible for
this to happen with DHCP clients.

In the example above, if the Zyxel Device gets a packet with a destination address of, it might
not find any entries in the routing table. In this case, the packet is dropped. However, if there is a default
router to which the Zyxel Device should send this packet, you can specify it as a gateway in one of the
interfaces. For example, if there is a default router at, you can create a gateway at on ge2. In this case, the Zyxel Device creates the following entry in the routing table.

Table 139 Example: Routing Table Entry for a Gateway


The gateway is an optional setting for each interface. If there is more than one gateway, the Zyxel
Device uses the gateway with the lowest metric, or cost. If two or more gateways have the same metric,
the Zyxel Device uses the one that was set up first (the first entry in the routing table). In PPPoE/PPTP/L2TP
interfaces, the other computer is the gateway for the interface by default. In this case, you should
specify the metric.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 10 Interfaces

If the interface gets its IP address and subnet mask from a DHCP server, the DHCP server also specifies
the gateway, if any.

Interface Parameters
The Zyxel Device restricts the amount of traffic into and out of the Zyxel Device through each interface.

• Egress bandwidth sets the amount of traffic the Zyxel Device sends out through the interface to the
• Ingress bandwidth sets the amount of traffic the Zyxel Device allows in through the interface from the
network.At the time of writing, the Zyxel Device does not support ingress bandwidth management.

If you set the bandwidth restrictions very high, you effectively remove the restrictions.

The Zyxel Device also restricts the size of each data packet. The maximum number of bytes in each
packet is called the maximum transmission unit (MTU). If a packet is larger than the MTU, the Zyxel
Device divides it into smaller fragments. Each fragment is sent separately, and the original packet is re-
assembled later. The smaller the MTU, the more fragments sent, and the more work required to re-
assemble packets correctly. On the other hand, some communication channels, such as Ethernet over
ATM, might not be able to handle large data packets.

DHCP Settings
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP, RFC 2131, RFC 2132) provides a way to automatically set
up and maintain IP addresses, subnet masks, gateways, and some network information (such as the IP
addresses of DNS servers) on computers in the network. This reduces the amount of manual
configuration you have to do and usually uses available IP addresses more efficiently.

In DHCP, every network has at least one DHCP server. When a computer (a DHCP client) joins the
network, it submits a DHCP request. The DHCP servers get the request; assign an IP address; and provide
the IP address, subnet mask, gateway, and available network information to the DHCP client. When the
DHCP client leaves the network, the DHCP servers can assign its IP address to another DHCP client.

In the Zyxel Device, some interfaces can provide DHCP services to the network. In this case, the
interface can be a DHCP relay or a DHCP server.

As a DHCP relay, the interface routes DHCP requests to DHCP servers on different networks. You can
specify more than one DHCP server. If you do, the interface routes DHCP requests to all of them. It is
possible for an interface to be a DHCP relay and a DHCP client simultaneously.

As a DHCP server, the interface provides the following information to DHCP clients.

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Chapter 10 Interfaces

• IP address - If the DHCP client’s MAC address is in the Zyxel Device’s static DHCP table, the interface
assigns the corresponding IP address. If not, the interface assigns IP addresses from a pool, defined by
the starting address of the pool and the pool size.
Table 140 Example: Assigning IP Addresses from a Pool

The Zyxel Device cannot assign the first address (network address) or the last address (broadcast
address) in the subnet defined by the interface’s IP address and subnet mask. For example, in the first
entry, if the subnet mask is, the Zyxel Device cannot assign or If
the subnet mask is, the Zyxel Device cannot assign or Otherwise, it
can assign every IP address in the range, except the interface’s IP address.
If you do not specify the starting address or the pool size, the interface the maximum range of IP
addresses allowed by the interface’s IP address and subnet mask. For example, if the interface’s IP
address is and subnet mask is, the starting IP address in the pool is, and the
pool size is 253.
• Subnet mask - The interface provides the same subnet mask you specify for the interface. See IP
Address Assignment on page 425.
• Gateway - The interface provides the same gateway you specify for the interface. See IP Address
Assignment on page 425.
• DNS servers - The interface provides IP addresses for up to three DNS servers that provide DNS services
for DHCP clients. You can specify each IP address manually (for example, a company’s own DNS
server), or you can refer to DNS servers that other interfaces received from DHCP servers (for example,
a DNS server at an ISP). These other interfaces have to be DHCP clients.

It is not possible for an interface to be the DHCP server and a DHCP client simultaneously.

WINS (Windows Internet Naming Service) is a Windows implementation of NetBIOS Name Server (NBNS)
on Windows. It keeps track of NetBIOS computer names. It stores a mapping table of your network’s
computer names and IP addresses. The table is dynamically updated for IP addresses assigned by
DHCP. This helps reduce broadcast traffic since computers can query the server instead of
broadcasting a request for a computer name’s IP address. In this way WINS is similar to DNS, although
WINS does not use a hierarchy (unlike DNS). A network can have more than one WINS server. Samba
can also serve as a WINS server.

PPPoE/PPTP/L2TP Overview
Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE, RFC 2516) and Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP, RFC
2637) are usually used to connect two computers over phone lines or broadband connections. PPPoE is
often used with cable modems and DSL connections. It provides the following advantages:

• The access and authentication method works with existing systems, including RADIUS.
• You can access one of several network services. This makes it easier for the service provider to offer
the service
• PPPoE does not usually require any special configuration of the modem.

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Chapter 10 Interfaces

PPTP is used to set up virtual private networks (VPN) in unsecured TCP/IP environments. It sets up two

1 The first one runs on TCP port 1723. It is used to start and manage the second one.

2 The second one uses Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE, RFC 2890) to transfer information between
the computers.

PPTP is convenient and easy-to-use, but you have to make sure that firewalls support both PPTP sessions.

Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) was taken from PPTP of Microsoft and Cisco’s L2F (Layer 2 Forwarding
technology), so LT2P combines PPTP’s control and runs over a faster transport protocol, UDP, although it
may be a bit more complicated to set up.

It supports up to 256 bit session keys using the IPSec protocol. When security is a priority, L2TP is a good
option as it requires certificates unlike PPTP.

It uses the following ports: UDP 500, Protocol 50, UDP 1701 and UDP 4500.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

C H A P T E R 11

11.1 Policy and Static Routes Overview

Use policy routes and static routes to override the Zyxel Device’s default routing behavior in order to
send packets through the appropriate interface or VPN tunnel.

For example, the next figure shows a computer (A) connected to the Zyxel Device’s LAN interface. The
Zyxel Device routes most traffic from A to the Internet through the Zyxel Device’s default gateway (R1).
You create one policy route to connect to services offered by your ISP behind router R2. You create
another policy route to communicate with a separate network behind another router (R3) connected
to the LAN.

Figure 290 Example of Policy Routing Topology

Note: You can generally just use policy routes. You only need to use static routes if you have a
large network with multiple routers where you use RIP or OSPF to propagate routing
information to other routers.

11.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter

• Use the Policy Route screens (see Section 11.2 on page 431) to list and configure policy routes.
• Use the Static Route screens (see Section 11.3 on page 438) to list and configure static routes.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 11 Routing

11.1.2 What You Need to Know

Policy Routing
Traditionally, routing is based on the destination address only and the Zyxel Device takes the shortest
path to forward a packet. IP Policy Routing (IPPR) provides a mechanism to override the default routing
behavior and alter the packet forwarding based on the policy defined by the network administrator.
Policy-based routing is applied to incoming packets on a per interface basis, prior to the normal routing.

How You Can Use Policy Routing

• Source-Based Routing – Network administrators can use policy-based routing to direct traffic from
different users through different connections.
• Bandwidth Shaping – You can allocate bandwidth to traffic that matches routing policies and
prioritize traffic (however the application patrol’s bandwidth management is more flexible and
recommended for TCP and UDP traffic). You can also use policy routes to manage other types of
traffic (like ICMP traffic) and send traffic through VPN tunnels.

Note: Bandwidth management in policy routes has priority over application patrol bandwidth

• Cost Savings – IPPR allows organizations to distribute interactive traffic on high-bandwidth, high-cost
paths while using low-cost paths for batch traffic.
• Load Sharing – Network administrators can use IPPR to distribute traffic among multiple paths.
• NAT - The Zyxel Device performs NAT by default for traffic going to or from the WAN interfaces. A
routing policy’s SNAT allows network administrators to have traffic received on a specified interface
use a specified IP address as the source IP address.

Note: The Zyxel Device automatically uses SNAT for traffic it routes from internal interfaces to
external interfaces, such as LAN to WAN traffic.

Static Routes
The Zyxel Device usually uses the default gateway to route outbound traffic from computers on the LAN
to the Internet. To have the Zyxel Device send data to devices not reachable through the default
gateway, use static routes. Configure static routes if you need to use RIP or OSPF to propagate the
routing information to other routers. See Chapter 11 on page 440 for more on RIP and OSPF.

Policy Routes Versus Static Routes

• Policy routes are more flexible than static routes. You can select more criteria for the traffic to match
and can also use schedules, NAT, and bandwidth management.
• Policy routes are only used within the Zyxel Device itself. Static routes can be propagated to other
routers using RIP or OSPF.
• Policy routes take priority over static routes. If you need to use a routing policy on the Zyxel Device
and propagate it to other routers, you could configure a policy route and an equivalent static route.

QoS is used to prioritize source-to-destination traffic flows. All packets in the same flow are given the
same priority. CoS (class of service) is a way of managing traffic in a network by grouping similar types of

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 11 Routing

traffic together and treating each type as a class. You can use CoS to give different priorities to different
packet types.

DiffServ (Differentiated Services) is a class of service (CoS) model that marks packets so that they
receive specific per-hop treatment at DiffServ-compliant network devices along the route based on the
application types and traffic flow. Packets are marked with DiffServ Code Points (DSCPs) indicating the
level of service desired. This allows the intermediary DiffServ-compliant network devices to handle the
packets differently depending on the code points without the need to negotiate paths or remember
state information for every flow. In addition, applications do not have to request a particular service or
give advanced notice of where the traffic is going.

DSCP Marking and Per-Hop Behavior

DiffServ defines a new DS (Differentiated Services) field to replace the Type of Service (TOS) field in the IP
header. The DS field contains a 2-bit unused field and a 6-bit DSCP field which can define up to 64
service levels. The following figure illustrates the DS field.

DSCP (6 bits) Unused (2 bits)

DSCP is backward compatible with the three precedence bits in the ToS octet so that non-DiffServ
compliant, ToS-enabled network device will not conflict with the DSCP mapping.

The DSCP value determines the forwarding behavior, the PHB (Per-Hop Behavior), that each packet
gets across the DiffServ network. Based on the marking rule, different kinds of traffic can be marked for
different kinds of forwarding. Resources can then be allocated according to the DSCP values and the
configured policies.

11.2 Policy Route Screen

Click Configuration > Network > Routing to open the Policy Route screen. Use this screen to see the
configured policy routes and turn policy routing based bandwidth management on or off.

A policy route defines the matching criteria and the action to take when a packet meets the criteria.
The action is taken only when all the criteria are met. The criteria can include the user name, source
address and incoming interface, destination address, schedule, IP protocol (ICMP, UDP, TCP, etc.) and

The actions that can be taken include:

• Routing the packet to a different gateway, outgoing interface, VPN tunnel, or trunk.
• Limiting the amount of bandwidth available and setting a priority for traffic.

IPPR follows the existing packet filtering facility of RAS in style and in implementation.

If you enabled IPv6 in the Configuration > System > IPv6 screen, you can also configure policy routes
used for your IPv6 networks on this screen.

Click on the icons to go to the OneSecurity website where there is guidance on configuration
walkthroughs, troubleshooting, and other information.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 11 Routing

Figure 291 Configuration > Network > Routing > Policy Route

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 141 Configuration > Network > Routing > Policy Route
Show Advanced Click this button to display a greater or lesser number of configuration fields.
Settings / Hide
Advanced Settings
Enable BWM This is a global setting for enabling or disabling bandwidth management on the Zyxel
Device. You must enable this setting to have individual policy routes or application patrol
policies apply bandwidth management.

This same setting also appears in the AppPatrol > General screen. Enabling or disabling it
in one screen also enables or disables it in the other screen.
IPv4 Configuration / Use the IPv4 Configuration section for IPv4 network settings. Use the IPv6 Configuration
IPv6 Configuration section for IPv6 network settings if you connect your Zyxel Device to an IPv6 network. Both
sections have similar fields as described below.
Use IPv4/IPv6 Policy Select this to have the Zyxel Device forward packets that match a policy route according
Route to Override to the policy route instead of sending the packets directly to a connected network.
Direct Route
Add Click this to create a new entry. Select an entry and click Add to create a new entry after
the selected entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify
the entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to
remove it before doing so.
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
Move To change a rule’s position in the numbered list, select the rule and click Move to display
a field to type a number for where you want to put that rule and press [ENTER] to move
the rule to the number that you typed.

The ordering of your rules is important as they are applied in order of their numbering.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 11 Routing

Table 141 Configuration > Network > Routing > Policy Route (continued)
# This is the number of an individual policy route.
Status This icon is lit when the entry is active, red when the next hop’s connection is down, and
dimmed when the entry is inactive.
User This is the name of the user (group) object from which the packets are sent. any means all
Schedule This is the name of the schedule object. none means the route is active at all times if
Incoming This is the interface on which the packets are received.
Source This is the name of the source IP address (group) object, including geographic address
and FQDN (group) objects. any means all IP addresses.
Destination This is the name of the destination IP address (group) object, including geographic and
FQDN (group) address objects. any means all IP addresses.
DSCP Code This is the DSCP value of incoming packets to which this policy route applies.

any means all DSCP values or no DSCP marker.

default means traffic with a DSCP value of 0. This is usually best effort traffic.

The “af” entries stand for Assured Forwarding. The number following the “af” identifies one
of four classes and one of three drop preferences. See Assured Forwarding (AF) PHB for
DiffServ for more details.
Service This is the name of the service object. any means all services.
Source Port This is the name of a service object. The Zyxel Device applies the policy route to the
packets sent from the corresponding service port. any means all service ports.
Next-Hop This is the next hop to which packets are directed. It helps forward packets to their
destinations and can be a router, VPN tunnel, outgoing interface or trunk.
DSCP Marking This is how the Zyxel Device handles the DSCP value of the outgoing packets that match
this route. If this field displays a DSCP value, the Zyxel Device applies that DSCP value to
the route’s outgoing packets.

preserve means the Zyxel Device does not modify the DSCP value of the route’s outgoing

default means the Zyxel Device sets the DSCP value of the route’s outgoing packets to 0.

The “af” choices stand for Assured Forwarding. The number following the “af” identifies
one of four classes and one of three drop preferences. See Assured Forwarding (AF) PHB
for DiffServ for more details.
SNAT This is the source IP address that the route uses.

It displays none if the Zyxel Device does not perform NAT for this route.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

11.2.1 Policy Route Edit Screen

Click Configuration > Network > Routing to open the Policy Route screen. Then click the Add or Edit icon
in the IPv4 Configuration or IPv6 Configuration section. The Add Policy Route or Policy Route Edit screen
opens. Use this screen to configure or edit a policy route. Both IPv4 and IPv6 policy route have similar
settings except the Address Translation (SNAT) settings.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 11 Routing

Figure 292 Configuration > Network > Routing > Policy Route > Add/Edit (IPv4 Configuration)

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Chapter 11 Routing

Figure 293 Configuration > Network > Routing > Policy Route > Add/Edit (IPv6 Configuration)

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 142 Configuration > Network > Routing > Policy Route > Add/Edit
Show Advanced Click this button to display a greater or lesser number of configuration fields.
Settings / Hide
Advanced Settings
Create new Object Use this to configure any new settings objects that you need to use in this screen.
Enable Select this to activate the policy.
Description Enter a descriptive name of up to 31 printable ASCII characters for the policy.
User Select a user name or user group from which the packets are sent.
Incoming Select where the packets are coming from; any, an interface, a tunnel, an SSL VPN, or the
Zyxel Device itself. For an interface, a tunnel, or an SSL VPN, you also need to select the
individual interface, VPN tunnel, or SSL VPN connection.
Source Address Select a source IP address object, including geographic address and FQDN (group)
objects, from which the packets are sent.
Destination Address Select a destination IP address object, including geographic address and FQDN (group)
objects, to which the traffic is being sent. If the next hop is a dynamic VPN tunnel and you
enable Auto Destination Address, the Zyxel Device uses the local network of the peer
router that initiated an incoming dynamic IPSec tunnel as the destination address of the
policy instead of your configuration here.

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Chapter 11 Routing

Table 142 Configuration > Network > Routing > Policy Route > Add/Edit (continued)
DSCP Code Select a DSCP code point value of incoming packets to which this policy route applies or
select User Define to specify another DSCP code point. The lower the number the higher
the priority with the exception of 0 which is usually given only best-effort treatment.

any means all DSCP value or no DSCP marker.

default means traffic with a DSCP value of 0. This is usually best effort traffic.

The “af” choices stand for Assured Forwarding. The number following the “af” identifies one
of four classes and one of three drop preferences. See Assured Forwarding (AF) PHB for
DiffServ for more details.
User-Defined Use this field to specify a custom DSCP code point when you select User Define in the
DSCP Code previous field.
Schedule Select a schedule to control when the policy route is active. none means the route is active
at all times if enabled.
Service Select a service or service group to identify the type of traffic to which this policy route
Source Port Select a service or service group to identify the source port of packets to which the policy
route applies.
Type Select Auto to have the Zyxel Device use the routing table to find a next-hop and forward
the matched packets automatically.

Select Gateway to route the matched packets to the next-hop router or switch you
specified in the Gateway field. You have to set up the next-hop router or switch as a HOST
address object first.

Select VPN Tunnel to route the matched packets via the specified VPN tunnel.

Select Trunk to route the matched packets through the interfaces in the trunk group based
on the load balancing algorithm.

Select Interface to route the matched packets through the specified outgoing interface to
a gateway (which is connected to the interface).
Gateway This field displays when you select Gateway in the Type field. Select a HOST address object.
The gateway is an immediate neighbor of your Zyxel Device that will forward the packet to
the destination. The gateway must be a router or switch on the same segment as your Zyxel
Device's interface(s).
VPN Tunnel This field displays when you select VPN Tunnel in the Type field. Select a VPN tunnel through
which the packets are sent to the remote network that is connected to the Zyxel Device
Auto Destination This field displays when you select VPN Tunnel in the Type field. Select this to have the Zyxel
Address Device use the local network of the peer router that initiated an incoming dynamic IPSec
tunnel as the destination address of the policy.

Leave this cleared if you want to manually specify the destination address.
Trunk This field displays when you select Trunk in the Type field. Select a trunk group to have the
Zyxel Device send the packets via the interfaces in the group..
Interface This field displays when you select Interface in the Type field. Select an interface to have
the Zyxel Device send traffic that matches the policy route through the specified interface.

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Chapter 11 Routing

Table 142 Configuration > Network > Routing > Policy Route > Add/Edit (continued)
DSCP Marking Set how the Zyxel Device handles the DSCP value of the outgoing packets that match this

Select one of the pre-defined DSCP values to apply or select User Define to specify another
DSCP value. The “af” choices stand for Assured Forwarding. The number following the “af”
identifies one of four classes and one of three drop preferences. See Assured Forwarding
(AF) PHB for DiffServ for more details.

Select preserve to have the Zyxel Device keep the packets’ original DSCP value.

Select default to have the Zyxel Device set the DSCP value of the packets to 0.
User-Defined Use this field to specify a custom DSCP value.
Address Translation Use this section to configure NAT for the policy route. This section does not apply to policy
routes that use a VPN tunnel as the next hop.
Source Network Select none to not use NAT for the route.
Address Translation
Select outgoing-interface to use the IP address of the outgoing interface as the source IP
address of the packets that matches this route.

To use SNAT for a virtual interface that is in the same WAN trunk as the physical interface to
which the virtual interface is bound, the virtual interface and physical interface must be in
different subnets.

Otherwise, select a pre-defined address (group) to use as the source IP address(es) of the
packets that match this route.

Use Create new Object if you need to configure a new address (group) to use as the
source IP address(es) of the packets that match this route.
Healthy Check Use this part of the screen to configure a route connectivity check and disable the policy if
the interface is down.
Disable policy route Select this to disable the policy if the interface is down or disabled. This is available for
automatically while Interface and Trunk in the Type field above.
Interface link down
Enable Connectivity Select this to turn on the connection check. This is available for Interface and Gateway in
Check the Type field above.
Check Method: Select the method that the gateway allows.

Select icmp to have the Zyxel Device regularly ping the gateway you specify to make sure
it is still available.

Select tcp to have the Zyxel Device regularly perform a TCP handshake with the gateway
you specify to make sure it is still available.
Check Period: Enter the number of seconds between connection check attempts (5 – 600 seconds).
Check Timeout: Enter the number of seconds to wait for a response before the attempt is a failure (1 – 10
Check Fail Tolerance: Enter the number of consecutive failures before the Zyxel Device stops routing using this
policy (1 – 10).
Check Port: This field only displays when you set the Check Method to tcp. Specify the port number to
use for a TCP connectivity check (1 – 65535).
Check this address: Select this to specify a domain name or IP address for the connectivity check. Enter that
domain name or IP address in the field next to it.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 11 Routing

11.3 IP Static Route Screen

Click Configuration > Network > Routing > Static Route to open the Static Route screen. This screen
displays the configured static routes. Configure static routes to be able to use RIP or OSPF to propagate
the routing information to other routers. If you enabled IPv6 in the Configuration > System > IPv6 screen,
you can also configure static routes used for your IPv6 networks on this screen.

Figure 294 Configuration > Network > Routing > Static Route

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 143 Configuration > Network > Routing > Static Route
IPv4 Configuration / Use the IPv4 Configuration section for IPv4 network settings. Use the IPv6 Configuration
IPv6 Configuration section for IPv6 network settings if you connect your Zyxel Device to an IPv6 network. Both
sections have similar fields as described below.
Add Click this to create a new static route.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify the
entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to
remove it before doing so.
# This is the number of an individual static route.
Destination This is the destination IP address.
Subnet Mask This is the IP subnet mask.
Prefix This is the IPv6 prefix for the destination IP address.
Next-Hop This is the IP address of the next-hop gateway or the interface through which the traffic is
routed. The gateway is a router or switch on the same segment as your Zyxel Device's
interface(s). The gateway helps forward packets to their destinations.
Metric This is the route’s priority among the Zyxel Device’s routes. The smaller the number, the
higher priority the route has.

11.3.1 Static Route Add/Edit Screen

Select a static route index number and click Add or Edit. The screen shown next appears. Use this screen
to configure the required information for a static route.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 11 Routing

Figure 295 Configuration > Network > Routing > Static Route > Add (IPv4 Configuration

Figure 296 Configuration > Network > Routing > Static Route > Add (IPv6 Configuration

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 144 Configuration > Network > Routing > Static Route > Add
Destination IP This parameter specifies the IP network address of the final destination. Routing is always
based on network number.

If you need to specify a route to a single host, enter the specific IP address here and use a
subnet mask of (for IPv4) in the Subnet Mask field or a prefix of 128 (for IPv6) in
the Prefix Length field to force the network number to be identical to the host ID.

For IPv6, if you want to send all traffic to the gateway or interface specified in the Gateway IP
or Interface field, enter :: in this field and 0 in the Prefix Length field.
Subnet Mask Enter the IP subnet mask here.
Prefix Length Enter the number of left-most digits in the destination IP address, which indicates the network
prefix. Enter :: in the Destination IP field and 0 in this field if you want to send all traffic to the
gateway or interface specified in the Gateway IP or Interface field.
Gateway IP Select the radio button and enter the IP address of the next-hop gateway. The gateway is a
router or switch on the same segment as your Zyxel Device's interface(s). The gateway helps
forward packets to their destinations.
Interface Select the radio button and a predefined interface through which the traffic is sent.
Metric Metric represents the “cost” of transmission for routing purposes. IP routing uses hop count as
the measurement of cost, with a minimum of 1 for directly connected networks. Enter a
number that approximates the cost for this link. The number need not be precise, but it must
be 0~127. In practice, 2 or 3 is usually a good number.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 11 Routing

11.4 Policy Routing Technical Reference

Here is more detailed information about some of the features you can configure in policy routing.


NAT (Network Address Translation - NAT, RFC 1631) is the translation of the IP address in a packet in one
network to a different IP address in another network. Use SNAT (Source NAT) to change the source IP
address in one network to a different IP address in another network.

Assured Forwarding (AF) PHB for DiffServ

Assured Forwarding (AF) behavior is defined in RFC 2597. The AF behavior group defines four AF classes.
Inside each class, packets are given a high, medium or low drop precedence. The drop precedence
determines the probability that routers in the network will drop packets when congestion occurs. If
congestion occurs between classes, the traffic in the higher class (smaller numbered class) is generally
given priority. Combining the classes and drop precedence produces the following twelve DSCP
encodings from AF11 through AF43. The decimal equivalent is listed in brackets.

Table 145 Assured Forwarding (AF) Behavior Group

Low Drop Precedence AF11 (10) AF21 (18) AF31 (26) AF41 (34)
Medium Drop Precedence AF12 (12) AF22 (20) AF32 (28) AF42 (36)
High Drop Precedence AF13 (14) AF23 (22) AF33 (30) AF43 (38)

Maximize Bandwidth Usage

The maximize bandwidth usage option allows the Zyxel Device to divide up any available bandwidth on
the interface (including unallocated bandwidth and any allocated bandwidth that a policy route is not
using) among the policy routes that require more bandwidth.

When you enable maximize bandwidth usage, the Zyxel Device first makes sure that each policy route
gets up to its bandwidth allotment. Next, the Zyxel Device divides up an interface’s available bandwidth
(bandwidth that is unbudgeted or unused by the policy routes) depending on how many policy routes
require more bandwidth and on their priority levels. When only one policy route requires more
bandwidth, the Zyxel Device gives the extra bandwidth to that policy route.

When multiple policy routes require more bandwidth, the Zyxel Device gives the highest priority policy
routes the available bandwidth first (as much as they require, if there is enough available bandwidth),
and then to lower priority policy routes if there is still bandwidth available. The Zyxel Device distributes
the available bandwidth equally among policy routes with the same priority level.

11.5 Routing Protocols Overview

Routing protocols give the Zyxel Device routing information about the network from other routers. The
Zyxel Device stores this routing information in the routing table it uses to make routing decisions. In turn,
the Zyxel Device can also use routing protocols to propagate routing information to other routers.

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Chapter 11 Routing

Routing protocols are usually only used in networks using multiple routers like campuses or large

• Use the RIP screen (see Section 11.6 on page 441) to configure the Zyxel Device to use RIP to receive
and/or send routing information.
• Use the OSPF screen (see Section 11.7 on page 443) to configure general OSPF settings and manage
OSPF areas.
• Use the OSPF Area Add/Edit screen (see Section 11.7.2 on page 447) to create or edit an OSPF area.
• Use the BGP screen (see Section 11.8 on page 450) to configure eBGP (exterior Border Gate Protocol).

11.5.1 What You Need to Know

The Zyxel Device supports two standards, RIP and OSPF, for routing protocols. RIP and OSPF are
compared here and discussed further in the rest of the chapter.

Table 146 RIP vs. OSPF

Network Size Small (with up to 15 routers) Large
Metric Hop count Bandwidth, hop count, throughput, round trip time and
Convergence Slow Fast

11.6 RIP Screen

RIP (Routing Information Protocol, RFC 1058 and RFC 1389) allows a device to exchange routing
information with other routers. RIP is a vector-space routing protocol, and, like most such protocols, it
uses hop count to decide which route is the shortest. Unfortunately, it also broadcasts its routes
asynchronously to the network and converges slowly. Therefore, RIP is more suitable for small networks
(up to 15 routers).

• In the Zyxel Device, you can configure two sets of RIP settings before you can use it in an interface.
• First, the Authentication field specifies how to verify that the routing information that is received is the
same routing information that is sent.
• Second, the Zyxel Device can also redistribute routing information from non-RIP networks, specifically
OSPF networks and static routes, to the RIP network. Costs might be calculated differently, however,
so you use the Metric field to specify the cost in RIP terms.
• RIP uses UDP port 520.

Use the RIP screen to specify the authentication method and maintain the policies for redistribution.

Click Configuration > Network > Routing > RIP to open the following screen.

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Chapter 11 Routing

Figure 297 Configuration > Network > Routing > RIP

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 147 Configuration > Network > Routing Protocol > RIP
Authentication The transmitting and receiving routers must have the same key.

For RIP, authentication is not available in RIP version 1. In RIP version 2, you can only
select one authentication type for all interfaces.
Authentication Select the authentication method used in the RIP network. This authentication protects
the integrity, but not the confidentiality, of routing updates.

• None uses no authentication.

• Text uses a plain text password that is sent over the network (not very secure).
• MD5 uses an MD5 password and authentication ID (most secure).
Text Authentication This field is available if the Authentication is Text. Type the password for text
Key authentication. The key can consist of alphanumeric characters and the underscore,
and it can be up to 16 characters long.
MD5 This field is available if the Authentication is MD5. Type the ID for MD5 authentication. The
Authentication ID ID can be between 1 and 255.
MD5 This field is available if the Authentication is MD5. Type the password for MD5
Authentication Key authentication. The password can consist of alphanumeric characters and the
underscore, and it can be up to 16 characters long.
Active OSPF Select this to use RIP to advertise routes that were learned through OSPF.
Metric Type the cost for routes provided by OSPF. The metric represents the “cost” of
transmission for routing purposes. RIP routing uses hop count as the measurement of cost,
with 1 usually used for directly connected networks. The number does not have to be
precise, but it must be between 0 and 16. In practice, 2 or 3 is usually used.
Active Static Route Select this to use RIP to advertise routes that were learned through the static route
Metric Type the cost for routes provided by the static route configuration. The metric represents
the “cost” of transmission for routing purposes. RIP routing uses hop count as the
measurement of cost, with 1 usually used for directly connected networks. The number
does not have to be precise, but it must be between 0 and 16. In practice, 2 or 3 is
usually used.
Apply Click this button to save your changes to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click this button to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 11 Routing

11.7 OSPF Screen

OSPF (Open Shortest Path First, RFC 2328) is a link-state protocol designed to distribute routing
information within a group of networks, called an Autonomous System (AS). OSPF offers some
advantages over vector-space routing protocols like RIP.

• OSPF supports variable-length subnet masks, which can be set up to use available IP addresses more
• OSPF filters and summarizes routing information, which reduces the size of routing tables throughout
the network.
• OSPF responds to changes in the network, such as the loss of a router, more quickly.
• OSPF considers several factors, including bandwidth, hop count, throughput, round trip time, and
reliability, when it calculates the shortest path.
• OSPF converges more quickly than RIP.

Naturally, OSPF is also more complicated than RIP, so OSPF is usually more suitable for large networks.

OSPF uses IP protocol 89.

OSPF Areas
An OSPF Autonomous System (AS) is divided into one or more areas. Each area represents a group of
adjacent networks and is identified by a 32-bit ID. In OSPF, this number may be expressed as an integer
or as an IP address.

There are several types of areas.

• The backbone is the transit area that routes packets between other areas. All other areas are
connected to the backbone.
• A normal area is a group of adjacent networks. A normal area has routing information about the
OSPF AS, any networks outside the OSPF AS to which it is directly connected, and any networks
outside the OSPF AS that provide routing information to any area in the OSPF AS.
• A stub area has routing information about the OSPF AS. It does not have any routing information
about any networks outside the OSPF AS, including networks to which it is directly connected. It relies
on a default route to send information outside the OSPF AS.
• A Not So Stubby Area (NSSA, RFC 1587) has routing information about the OSPF AS and networks
outside the OSPF AS to which the NSSA is directly connected. It does not have any routing information
about other networks outside the OSPF AS.

Each type of area is illustrated in the following figure.

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Chapter 11 Routing

Figure 298 OSPF: Types of Areas

This OSPF AS consists of four areas, areas 0 – 3. Area 0 is always the backbone. In this example, areas 1, 2,
and 3 are all connected to it. Area 1 is a normal area. It has routing information about the OSPF AS and
networks X and Y. Area 2 is a stub area. It has routing information about the OSPF AS, but it depends on
a default route to send information to networks X and Y. Area 3 is a NSSA. It has routing information
about the OSPF AS and network Y but not about network X.

OSPF Routers
Every router in the same area has the same routing information. They do this by exchanging Hello
messages to confirm which neighbor (layer-3) devices exist, and then they exchange database
descriptions (DDs) to create a synchronized link-state database. The link-state database contains
records of router IDs, their associated links and path costs. The link-state database is then constantly
updated through Link State Advertisements (LSA). Each router uses the link state database and the
Dijkstra algorithm to compute the least cost paths to network destinations.

Like areas, each router has a unique 32-bit ID in the OSPF AS, and there are several types of routers.
Each type is really just a different role, and it is possible for one router to play multiple roles at one time.

• An internal router (IR) only exchanges routing information with other routers in the same area.
• An Area Border Router (ABR) connects two or more areas. It is a member of all the areas to which it is
connected, and it filters, summarizes, and exchanges routing information between them.
• An Autonomous System Boundary Router (ASBR) exchanges routing information with routers in
networks outside the OSPF AS. This is called redistribution in OSPF.
Table 148 OSPF: Redistribution from Other Sources to Each Type of Area
Static routes Yes Yes No
RIP Yes Yes Yes

• A backbone router (BR) has at least one interface with area 0. By default, every router in area 0 is a
backbone router, and so is every ABR.

Each type of router is illustrated in the following example.

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Chapter 11 Routing

Figure 299 OSPF: Types of Routers

In order to reduce the amount of traffic between routers, a group of routers that are directly connected
to each other selects a designated router (DR) and a backup designated router (BDR). All of the routers
only exchange information with the DR and the BDR, instead of exchanging information with all of the
other routers in the group. The DR and BDR are selected by priority; if two routers have the same priority,
the highest router ID is used.

The DR and BDR are selected in each group of routers that are directly connected to each other. If a
router is directly connected to several groups, it might be a DR in one group, a BDR in another group,
and neither in a third group all at the same time.

Virtual Links
In some OSPF AS, it is not possible for an area to be directly connected to the backbone. In this case,
you can create a virtual link through an intermediate area to logically connect the area to the
backbone. This is illustrated in the following example.

Figure 300 OSPF: Virtual Link

In this example, area 100 does not have a direct connection to the backbone. As a result, you should
set up a virtual link on both ABR in area 10. The virtual link becomes the connection between area 100
and the backbone.

You cannot create a virtual link to a router in a different area.

OSPF Configuration
Follow these steps when you configure OSPF on the Zyxel Device.

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Chapter 11 Routing

1 Enable OSPF.

2 Set up the OSPF areas.

3 Configure the appropriate interfaces. See Section 10.4.1 on page 328.

4 Set up virtual links, as needed.

11.7.1 Configuring the OSPF Screen

Use the first OSPF screen to specify the OSPF router the Zyxel Device uses in the OSPF AS and maintain
the policies for redistribution. In addition, it provides a summary of OSPF areas, allows you to remove
them, and opens the OSPF Add/Edit screen to add or edit them.

Click Configuration > Network > Routing > OSPF to open the following screen.

Figure 301 Configuration > Network > Routing > OSPF

The following table describes the labels in this screen. See Section 11.7.2 on page 447 for more
information as well.

Table 149 Configuration > Network > Routing Protocol > OSPF
OSPF Router ID Select the 32-bit ID the Zyxel Device uses in the OSPF AS.

Default - the first available interface IP address is the Zyxel Device’s ID.

User Defined - enter the ID (in IP address format) in the field that appears when you select
User Define.
Active RIP Select this to advertise routes that were learned from RIP. The Zyxel Device advertises
routes learned from RIP to Normal and NSSA areas but not to Stub areas.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 11 Routing

Table 149 Configuration > Network > Routing Protocol > OSPF (continued)
Type Select how OSPF calculates the cost associated with routing information from RIP.
Choices are: Type 1 and Type 2.

Type 1 – cost = OSPF AS cost + external cost (Metric).

Type 2 – cost = external cost (Metric); the OSPF AS cost is ignored.

Metric Type the external cost for routes provided by RIP. The metric represents the “cost” of
transmission for routing purposes. The way this is used depends on the Type field. This
value is usually the average cost in the OSPF AS, and it can be between 1 and 16777214.
Active Static Route Select this to advertise routes that were learned from static routes. The Zyxel Device
advertises routes learned from static routes to all types of areas.
Type Select how OSPF calculates the cost associated with routing information from static
routes. Choices are: Type 1 and Type 2.

Type 1 – cost = OSPF AS cost + external cost (Metric)

Type 2 – cost = external cost (Metric); the OSPF AS cost is ignored.

Metric Type the external cost for routes provided by static routes. The metric represents the
“cost” of transmission for routing purposes. The way this is used depends on the Type field.
This value is usually the average cost in the OSPF AS, and it can be between 1 and
Area This section displays information about OSPF areas in the Zyxel Device.
Add Click this to create a new OSPF area.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify
the entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to
remove it before doing so.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific area.
Area This field displays the 32-bit ID for each area in IP address format.
Type This field displays the type of area. This type is different from the Type field above.
Authentication This field displays the default authentication method in the area.
Apply Click this button to save your changes to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click this button to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

11.7.2 OSPF Area Add/Edit Screen

The OSPF Area Add/Edit screen allows you to create a new area or edit an existing one. To access this
screen, go to the OSPF summary screen (see Section 11.7 on page 443), and click either the Add icon or
an Edit icon.

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Chapter 11 Routing

Figure 302 Configuration > Network > Routing > OSPF > Add

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 150 Configuration > Network > Routing > OSPF > Add
Area ID Type the unique, 32-bit identifier for the area in IP address format.
Type Select the type of OSPF area.

Normal - This area is a normal area. It has routing information about the OSPF AS and about
networks outside the OSPF AS.

Stub - This area is an stub area. It has routing information about the OSPF AS but not about
networks outside the OSPF AS. It depends on a default route to send information outside
the OSPF AS.

NSSA - This area is a Not So Stubby Area (NSSA), per RFC 1587. It has routing information
about the OSPF AS and networks that are outside the OSPF AS and are directly connected
to the NSSA. It does not have information about other networks outside the OSPF AS.
Authentication Select the default authentication method used in the area. This authentication protects the
integrity, but not the confidentiality, of routing updates.

None uses no authentication.

Text uses a plain text password that is sent over the network (not very secure).

MD5 uses an MD5 password and authentication ID (most secure).

Text Authentication This field is available if the Authentication is Text. Type the password for text authentication.
Key The key can consist of alphanumeric characters and the underscore, and it can be up to
16 characters long.
MD5 Authentication This field is available if the Authentication is MD5. Type the default ID for MD5 authentication
ID in the area. The ID can be between 1 and 255.
MD5 Authentication This field is available if the Authentication is MD5. Type the default password for MD5
Key authentication in the area. The password can consist of alphanumeric characters and the
underscore, and it can be up to 16 characters long.
Virtual Link This section is displayed if the Type is Normal. Create a virtual link if you want to connect a
different area (that does not have a direct connection to the backbone) to the backbone.
You should set up the virtual link on the ABR that is connected to the other area and on the
ABR that is connected to the backbone.
Add Click this to create a new virtual link.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 11 Routing

Table 150 Configuration > Network > Routing > OSPF > Add (continued)
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify the
entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to
remove it before doing so.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific area.
Peer Router ID This is the 32-bit ID (in IP address format) of the other ABR in the virtual link.
Authentication This is the authentication method the virtual link uses. This authentication protects the
integrity, but not the confidentiality, of routing updates.

For OSPF, the Zyxel Device supports a default authentication type by area. If you want to
use this default in an interface or virtual link, you set the associated Authentication Type
field to Same as Area. As a result, you only have to update the authentication information
for the area to update the authentication type used by these interfaces and virtual links.
Alternatively, you can override the default in any interface or virtual link by selecting a
specific authentication method. Please see the respective interface sections for more

None uses no authentication.

Text uses a plain text password that is sent over the network (not very secure). Hover your
cursor over this label to display the password.

MD5 uses an MD5 password and authentication ID (most secure). Hover your cursor over
this label to display the authentication ID and key.

Same as Area has the virtual link also use the Authentication settings above.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

11.7.3 Virtual Link Add/Edit Screen

The Virtual Link Add/Edit screen allows you to create a new virtual link or edit an existing one. When the
OSPF add or edit screen (see Section 11.7.2 on page 447) has the Type set to Normal, a Virtual Link table
displays. Click either the Add icon or an entry and the Edit icon to display a screen like the following.

Figure 303 Configuration > Network > Routing > OSPF > Add > Add

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 11 Routing

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 151 Configuration > Network > Routing > OSPF > Add > Add
Peer Router ID Enter the 32-bit ID (in IP address format) of the other ABR in the virtual link.
Authentication Select the authentication method the virtual link uses. This authentication protects the
integrity, but not the confidentiality, of routing updates.

For OSPF, the Zyxel Device supports a default authentication type by area. If you want to
use this default in an interface or virtual link, you set the associated Authentication Type
field to Same as Area. As a result, you only have to update the authentication information
for the area to update the authentication type used by these interfaces and virtual links.
Alternatively, you can override the default in any interface or virtual link by selecting a
specific authentication method. Please see the respective interface sections for more

None uses no authentication.

Text uses a plain text password that is sent over the network (not very secure).

MD5 uses an MD5 password and authentication ID (most secure).

Same as Area has the virtual link also use the Authentication settings above.
Text Authentication This field is available if the Authentication is Text. Type the password for text authentication.
Key The key can consist of alphanumeric characters and the underscore, and it can be up to
16 characters long.
MD5 Authentication This field is available if the Authentication is MD5. Type the default ID for MD5
ID authentication in the area. The ID can be between 1 and 255.
MD5 Authentication This field is available if the Authentication is MD5. Type the default password for MD5
Key authentication in the area. The password can consist of alphanumeric characters and the
underscore, and it can be up to 16 characters long.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

11.8 BGP (Border Gateway Protocol)

The Zyxel Device supports eBGP (exterior Border Gate Protocol) to route IPv4 traffic between routers in
different Autonomous Systems (AS). An AS number is a number from 1 to 4294967295), that identifies an
autonomous system. 4200000000 – 4294967294 are private AS numbers.

See Section 11.7 on page 443 for more information on autonomous systems.

Figure 304 eBGP Concept

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 11 Routing

11.8.1 Allow BGP Packets to Enter the Zyxel Device

You must first allow BGP packets to enter the Zyxel Device from the WAN.

1 Go to Configuration > Object > Service > Service Group.

2 Select the Default_Allow_WAN_To_ZyWALL rule and click Edit.

3 Move BGP from Available to Member.

4 Click OK.
Figure 305 Allow BGP to the Zyxel Device

11.8.2 Configuring the BGP Screen

Use this screen to configure BGP information about the Zyxel Device and its peer BGP routers.

Click Configuration > Network > Routing > BGP to open the following screen.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 11 Routing

Figure 306 Configuration > Network > Routing > BGP

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 152 Configuration > Network > Routing Protocol > BGP
AS Number Type a number from 1 to 4294967295 in this field.

Note: The Zyxel Device can only belong to one AS at a time.

Router ID Type the IP address of the interface on the Zyxel Device. This field is optional.
Redistribute Select Connected to redistribute routes of directly attached devices to the Zyxel Device
into the BGP Routing Information Base (RIB).
Neighbors This section displays information about peer BGP routers in neighboring AS’.

Note: The maximum number of neighboring BGP routers supported by the Zyxel
Device is 5.
Add Click this to configure BGP criteria for a new peer BGP router.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify
the entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to
remove it before doing so.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific area.
IP Address This displays the IPv4 address of the peer BGP router in a neighboring AS.
AS Number This displays the AS Number of the peer BGP router in a neighboring AS.
Network Use this section to add routes that will be announced to all BGP neighbors.

Note: You may configure up to 16 network routes.

Add Click this to configure network information for a new route.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify
the entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to
remove it before doing so.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific area.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 11 Routing

Table 152 Configuration > Network > Routing Protocol > BGP (continued)
Network This displays the IP address and the number of subnet mask bits for the peer BGP route.
Apply Click this button to save your changes to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click this button to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

11.8.3 BGP Neighbors Screen

Use this screen to configure BGP information about a peer BGP router.

Click Configuration > Network > Routing > BGP > Add Neighbors to open the following screen.

Figure 307 Configuration > Network > Routing > BGP > Add Neighbors

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 153 Configuration > Network > Routing Protocol > BGP
IP Address Type the IP address of the interface on the peer BGP router.
AS Number Type a number from 1 to 4294967295 in this field. Get the number from your service
Enable EBGP Multihop Select this to allow the Zyxel Device to attempt BGP connections to external peers on
indirectly connected networks. eBGP neighbors must also perform multihop. Multihop is
not established if the only route to the multihop peer is a default route. This avoids loop
EBGP Maximum Enter a maximum hop count from <1 – 255>. The default is 255.
Update Source Use this to allow BGP sessions use the selected interface for TCP connections.

• Choose Gateway and then enter the gateway IP address.

• Choose Interface and then select a Zyxel Device interface.
• Choose None to use the closest interface.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 11 Routing

Table 153 Configuration > Network > Routing Protocol > BGP (continued)
MD5 authentication Type the default password for MD5 authentication of communication between the Zyxel
key Device and the peer BGP router. The password can consist of alphanumeric characters
and the underscore, and it can be up to 63 characters long.
Weight Specify a weight value for all routes learned from this peer BGP router in the specified
network. The route with the highest weight gets preference.
Keepalive Time Keepalive messages are sent by the Zyxel Device to a peer BGP router to inform it that
the BGP connection between the two is still active. The Keepalive Time is the interval
between each Keepalive message sent by the Zyxel Device. We recommend Keepalive
Time is 1/3 of the Hold Time time.
Hold Time This is the maximum time the Zyxel Device waits to receive a Keepalive message from a
peer BGP router before it declares that the peer BGP router is dead. Hold Time must be
greater than the Keepalive Time.
Maximum Prefix A prefix is a network address (IP/subnet mask) that a BGP router can reach and that it
shares with its neighbors. Set the maximum number, from 1 to 4294967295, of prefixes that
can be received from a neighbor. This limits the number of prefixes that the Zyxel Device
is allowed to receive from a neighbor. If extra prefixes are received, the Zyxel Device
ends the connection with the peer BGP router. You need to edit the peer BGP router
configuration to bring the connection back.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

11.8.4 Example Scenario

This is an example scenario for using BGP on the Zyxel Device. See also Section 29.2 on page 642 for
information on configuring an IPSec tunnel to an Amazon VPC (Virtual Private Cloud). Scenario: CE – PE (MLPS)

In this scenario, you want to transmit BGP packets from a CE router (Zyxel Device) to a peer BGP PE
router in an MPLS network.

• CE: The Zyxel Device is the customer edge router located on the customer premises and connects to
a PE router in the service provider MPLS network.
• PE: The provider edge router is located at the edge of the service provider MPLS network.
• MPLS: Multi Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) forwards data from one network node to the next based
on path labels rather than network addresses.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 11 Routing

Figure 308 Scenario 1: CE Router – to – MPLS CE – PE Configuration Process

The process for configuring BGP in this scenario is:

1 Configure the AS number for BGP on the Zyxel Device (CE) in Configuration > Network > Routing > BGP.

Note: The Zyxel Device can only belong to one AS at a time.

2 Configure the AS number and BGP criteria of the peer BGP routers (PE) in the neighboring AS in
Configuration > Network > Routing > BGP > Add Neighbors.

Note: The maximum number of neighboring BGP routers supported by the Zyxel Device is 5.

3 Configure the network for BGP routes in the neighboring AS.

Note: You may configure up to 16 network routes.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

C H A P T E R 12

12.1 DDNS Overview

Dynamic DNS (DDNS) services let you use a domain name with a dynamic IP address.

12.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter

• Use the DDNS screen (see Section 12.2 on page 457) to view a list of the configured DDNS domain
names and their details.
• Use the DDNS Add/Edit screen (see Section 12.2.1 on page 458) to add a domain name to the Zyxel
Device or to edit the configuration of an existing domain name.

12.1.2 What You Need to Know

DNS maps a domain name to a corresponding IP address and vice versa. Similarly, Dynamic DNS (DDNS)
maps a domain name to a dynamic IP address. As a result, anyone can use the domain name to
contact you (in NetMeeting, CU-SeeMe, etc.) or to access your FTP server or Web site, regardless of the
current (dynamic) IP address.

Note: You must have a public WAN IP address to use Dynamic DNS.

You must set up a dynamic DNS account with a supported DNS service provider before you can use
Dynamic DNS services with the Zyxel Device. When registration is complete, the DNS service provider
gives you a password or key. At the time of writing, the Zyxel Device supports the following DNS service
providers. See the listed websites for details about the DNS services offered by each.

Table 154 DDNS Service Providers

DynDNS Dynamic DNS, Static DNS, and Custom DNS www.dyndns.com
Dynu Basic, Premium www.dynu.com
No-IP No-IP www.no-ip.com
Peanut Hull Peanut Hull www.oray.cn
3322 3322 Dynamic DNS, 3322 Static DNS www.3322.org
Selfhost Selfhost selfhost.de

Note: Record your DDNS account’s user name, password, and domain name to use to
configure the Zyxel Device.

After you configure the Zyxel Device, it automatically sends updated IP addresses to the DDNS service
provider, which helps redirect traffic accordingly.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 12 DDNS

12.2 The DDNS Screen

The DDNS screen provides a summary of all DDNS domain names and their configuration. In addition,
this screen allows you to add new domain names, edit the configuration for existing domain names, and
delete domain names. Click Configuration > Network > DDNS to open the following screen.

Figure 309 Configuration > Network > DDNS

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 155 Configuration > Network > DDNS

Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify
the entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to
remove it before doing so.
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
# This is the number of an individual DDNS profile.
Status This icon is lit when the entry is active and dimmed when the entry is inactive.
Profile Name This field displays the descriptive profile name for this entry.
DDNS Type This field displays which DDNS service you are using.
Domain Name This field displays each domain name the Zyxel Device can route.
Primary Interface/IP This field displays the interface to use for updating the IP address mapped to the domain
name followed by how the Zyxel Device determines the IP address for the domain name.

from interface - The IP address comes from the specified interface.

auto detected -The DDNS server checks the source IP address of the packets from the
Zyxel Device for the IP address to use for the domain name.

custom - The IP address is static.

Backup Interface/IP This field displays the alternate interface to use for updating the IP address mapped to the
domain name followed by how the Zyxel Device determines the IP address for the domain
name. The Zyxel Device uses the backup interface and IP address when the primary
interface is disabled, its link is down or its connectivity check fails.

from interface - The IP address comes from the specified interface.

auto detected -The DDNS server checks the source IP address of the packets from the
Zyxel Device for the IP address to use for the domain name.

custom - The IP address is static.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 12 DDNS

Table 155 Configuration > Network > DDNS (continued)

Apply Click this button to save your changes to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click this button to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

12.2.1 The Dynamic DNS Add/Edit Screen

The DDNS Add/Edit screen allows you to add a domain name to the Zyxel Device or to edit the
configuration of an existing domain name. Click Configuration > Network > DDNS and then an Add or
Edit icon to open this screen.

Figure 310 Configuration > Network > DDNS > Add

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 12 DDNS

Figure 311 Configuration > Network > DDNS > Add - Custom

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 156 Configuration > Network > DDNS > Add

Show Advanced Click this button to display a greater or lesser number of configuration fields.
Settings / Hide
Advanced Settings
Enable DDNS Profile Select this check box to use this DDNS entry.
Profile Name When you are adding a DDNS entry, type a descriptive name for this DDNS entry in the
Zyxel Device. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters, underscores(_), or dashes (-),
but the first character cannot be a number. This value is case-sensitive.

This field is read-only when you are editing an entry.

DDNS Type Select the type of DDNS service you are using.

Select User custom to create your own DDNS service and configure the DYNDNS Server,
URL, and Additional DDNS Options fields below.
HTTPS Select this to encrypt traffic using SSL (port 443), including traffic with username and
password, to the DDNS server. Not all DDNS providers support this option.
Username Type the user name used when you registered your domain name. You can use up to 31
alphanumeric characters and the underscore. Spaces are not allowed.

For a Dynu DDNS entry, this user name is the one you use for logging into the service, not
the name recorded in your personal information in the Dynu website.
Password Type the password provided by the DDNS provider. You can use up to 64 alphanumeric
characters and the underscore. Spaces are not allowed.
Retype to Confirm Type the password again to confirm it.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 12 DDNS

Table 156 Configuration > Network > DDNS > Add (continued)
DDNS Settings
Domain name Type the domain name you registered. You can use up to 255 characters.
Primary Binding Use these fields to set how the Zyxel Device determines the IP address that is mapped to
Address your domain name in the DDNS server. The Zyxel Device uses the Backup Binding Address if
the interface specified by these settings is not available.
Interface Select the interface to use for updating the IP address mapped to the domain name.
Select Any to let the domain name be used with any interface.
IP Address The options available in this field vary by DDNS provider.

Interface -The Zyxel Device uses the IP address of the specified interface. This option
appears when you select a specific interface in the Primary Binding Address Interface

Auto - If the interface has a dynamic IP address, the DDNS server checks the source IP
address of the packets from the Zyxel Device for the IP address to use for the domain
name. You may want to use this if there are one or more NAT routers between the Zyxel
Device and the DDNS server.

Note: The Zyxel Device may not determine the proper IP address if there is an
HTTP proxy server between the Zyxel Device and the DDNS server.

Custom - If you have a static IP address, you can select this to use it for the domain name.
The Zyxel Device still sends the static IP address to the DDNS server.
Custom IP This field is only available when the IP Address is Custom. Type the IP address to use for the
domain name.
Backup Binding Use these fields to set an alternate interface to map the domain name to when the
Address interface specified by the Primary Binding Interface settings is not available.
Interface Select the interface to use for updating the IP address mapped to the domain name.
Select Any to let the domain name be used with any interface. Select None to not use a
backup address.
IP Address The options available in this field vary by DDNS provider.

Interface -The Zyxel Device uses the IP address of the specified interface. This option
appears when you select a specific interface in the Backup Binding Address Interface

Auto -The DDNS server checks the source IP address of the packets from the Zyxel Device
for the IP address to use for the domain name. You may want to use this if there are one or
more NAT routers between the Zyxel Device and the DDNS server.

Note: The Zyxel Device may not determine the proper IP address if there is an
HTTP proxy server between the Zyxel Device and the DDNS server.

Custom - If you have a static IP address, you can select this to use it for the domain name.
The Zyxel Device still sends the static IP address to the DDNS server.
Custom IP This field is only available when the IP Address is Custom. Type the IP address to use for the
domain name.
Enable Wildcard This option is only available with a DynDNS account.

Enable the wildcard feature to alias subdomains to be aliased to the same IP address as
your (dynamic) domain name. This feature is useful if you want to be able to use, for
example, www.yourhost.dyndns.org and still reach your hostname.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 12 DDNS

Table 156 Configuration > Network > DDNS > Add (continued)
Mail Exchanger This option is only available with a DynDNS account.

DynDNS can route e-mail for your domain name to a mail server (called a mail
exchanger). For example, DynDNS routes e-mail for john-doe@yourhost.dyndns.org to the
host record specified as the mail exchanger.

If you are using this service, type the host record of your mail server here. Otherwise leave
the field blank.

See www.dyndns.org for more information about mail exchangers.

Backup Mail This option is only available with a DynDNS account.
Select this check box if you are using DynDNS’s backup service for e-mail. With this service,
DynDNS holds onto your e-mail if your mail server is not available. Once your mail server is
available again, the DynDNS server delivers the mail to you. See www.dyndns.org for more
information about this service.
DYNDNS Server This field displays when you select User custom from the DDNS Type field above. Type the IP
address of the server that will host the DDSN service.
URL This field displays when you select User custom from the DDNS Type field above. Type the
URL that can be used to access the server that will host the DDSN service.
Additional DDNS This field displays when you select User custom from the DDNS Type field above. These are
Options the options supported at the time of writing:

• dyndns_system to specify the DYNDNS Server type - for example, dyndns@dyndns.org

• ip_server_name which should be the URL to get the server’s public IP address - for
example, http://myip.easylife.tw/
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

C H A P T E R 13

13.1 Overview
• Use the Network > NAT screen (Section 13.3 on page 464) to enable and configure network address
• Use the Network > NAT > Virtual Server Load Balancing screen (Section 13.6 on page 475) to distribute
local user connections over multiple servers, in order to reduce each server’s workload and to
decrease overall response times.

13.2 NAT Overview

NAT (Network Address Translation - NAT, RFC 1631) is the translation of the IP address of a host in a
packet. For example, the source address of an outgoing packet, used within one network is changed to
a different IP address known within another network. Use Network Address Translation (NAT) to make
computers on a private network behind the Zyxel Device available outside the private network. If the
Zyxel Device has only one public IP address, you can make the computers in the private network
available by using ports to forward packets to the appropriate private IP address.

Suppose you want to assign ports 21-25 to one FTP, Telnet and SMTP server (A in the example), port 80 to
another (B in the example) and assign a default server IP address of to a third (C in the
example). You assign the LAN IP addresses and the ISP assigns the WAN IP address. The NAT network
appears as a single host on the Internet.

Figure 312 Multiple Servers Behind NAT Example

13.2.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter

Use the NAT screens (see Section 13.3 on page 464) to view and manage the list of NAT rules and see
their configuration details. You can also create new NAT rules and edit or delete existing ones.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 13 NAT

13.2.2 What You Need to Know

NAT is also known as virtual server, port forwarding, or port translation.

Well-known Ports
Port numbers range from 0 to 65535, but only port numbers 0 to 1023 are reserved for privileged services
and designated as well-known ports. The following list specifies the ports used by the server process as its
contact ports. See Configuration > Object > Service (Section 43.8 on page 906) for more information
about service objects.

• Well-known ports range from 0 to 1023.

• Registered ports range from 1024 to 49151.
• Dynamic ports (also called private ports) range from 49152 to 65535.
Table 157 Well-known Ports
1 TCP TCP Port Service Multiplexer (TCPMUX)
20 TCP FTP - Data
21 TCP FTP - Control
22 TCP SSH Remote Login Protocol
23 TCP Telnet
25 TCP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
42 UDP Host Name Server (Nameserv)
43 TCP WhoIs
53 TCP/UDP Domain Name System (DNS)
67 UDP BOOTP/DHCP server
68 UDP BOOTP/DHCP client
69 UDP Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)
79 TCP Finger
110 TCP POP3
119 TCP Newsgroup (NNTP)
123 UDP Network Time Protocol (NTP)
135 TCP/UDP RPC Locator service
137 TCP/UDP NetBIOS Name Service
138 UDP NetBIOS Datagram Service
139 TCP NetBIOS Datagram Service
143 TCP Interim Mail Access Protocol (IMAP)
179 TCP Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)
389 TCP/UDP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
445 TCP Microsoft - DS

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 13 NAT

Table 157 Well-known Ports

995 TCP POP3 over TLS/SSL (POP3S)

13.3 The NAT Screen

The NAT summary screen provides a summary of all NAT rules and their configuration. In addition, this
screen allows you to create new NAT rules and edit and delete existing NAT rules. To access this screen,
login to the Web Configurator and click Configuration > Network > NAT. The following screen appears,
providing a summary of the existing NAT rules.

Click on the icons to go to the OneSecurity website where there is guidance on configuration
walkthroughs, troubleshooting, and other information.

Figure 313 Configuration > Network > NAT

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 158 Configuration > Network > NAT

Use Static-Dynamic If you are using SiteToSite VPN and 1-1 SNAT, it’s recommended that you select this
Route to Control 1-1 checkbox. Otherwise, you’ll need to create policy route rules for VPN and destination NAT
NAT Route traffic.

Note that the selection of this checkbox will change the priority of the routing flow
(SiteToSite VPN, Static-Dynamic Route, and 1-1 SNAT). See Chapter 48 on page 1078 for
more information about the packet flow.
Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify the
entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to
remove it before doing so.
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 13 NAT

Table 158 Configuration > Network > NAT (continued)

Move To change an entry’s position in a numbered list, select it and click Move to display a field
to type a number for where you want to put that entry and press [ENTER] to move the entry
to the number that you typed. For example, if you type 6, the entry you are moving
becomes number 6 and the previous entry 6 (if there is one) gets pushed up (or down)
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific entry.
Status This icon is lit when the entry is active and dimmed when the entry is inactive.
Priority This field displays the priority level of the entry.
Name This field displays the name of the entry.
Mapping Type This field displays what kind of NAT this entry performs: Virtual Server, 1:1 NAT, or Many 1:1
Interface This field displays the interface on which packets for the NAT entry are received.
Source IP This field displays the source IP address (or address object) of traffic that matches this NAT
entry. It displays any if there is no restriction on the source IP address.
External IP This field displays the external destination IP address (or address object) of traffic that
matches this NAT entry. It displays any if there is no restriction on the external destination IP
Internal IP This field displays the new destination IP address for the packet.
Protocol This field displays the service used by the packets for this NAT entry. It displays any if there is
no restriction on the services.
External Port This field displays the external destination port(s) of packets for the NAT entry. This field is
blank if there is no restriction on the external destination port.
Internal Port This field displays the new destination port(s) for the packet. This field is blank if there is no
restriction on the external destination port.
Apply Click this button to save your changes to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click this button to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

13.3.1 The NAT Add/Edit Screen

The NAT Add/Edit screen lets you create new NAT rules and edit existing ones. To open this window,
open the NAT summary screen. (See Section 13.3 on page 464.) Then, click on an Add icon or Edit icon
to open the following screen.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 13 NAT

Figure 314 Configuration > Network > NAT > Add

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 159 Configuration > Network > NAT > Add

Create new Object Use to configure any new settings objects that you need to use in this screen.
Enable Rule Use this option to turn the NAT rule on or off.
Rule Name Type in the name of the NAT rule. The name is used to refer to the NAT rule. You may use 1-
31 alphanumeric characters, underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot
be a number. This value is case-sensitive.
Classification Select what kind of NAT this rule is to perform.

Virtual Server - This makes computers on a private network behind the Zyxel Device
available to a public network outside the Zyxel Device (like the Internet).

1:1 NAT - If the private network server will initiate sessions to the outside clients, select this to
have the Zyxel Device translate the source IP address of the server’s outgoing traffic to the
same public IP address that the outside clients use to access the server.

Many 1:1 NAT - If you have a range of private network servers that will initiate sessions to
the outside clients and a range of public IP addresses, select this to have the Zyxel Device
translate the source IP address of each server’s outgoing traffic to the same one of the
public IP addresses that the outside clients use to access the server. The private and public
ranges must have the same number of IP addresses.

One many 1:1 NAT rule works like multiple 1:1 NAT rules, but it eases configuration effort
since you only create one rule.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 13 NAT

Table 159 Configuration > Network > NAT > Add (continued)
Incoming Interface Select the interface on which packets for the NAT rule must be received. It can be an
Ethernet, VLAN, bridge, or PPPoE/PPTP interface.
Source IP Specify the source IP address of the packets received by this NAT rule’s specified incoming

any - Select this to use all of the incoming interface’s IP addresses including dynamic
addresses or those of any virtual interfaces built upon the selected incoming interface.

User Defined - Select this to manually enter an IP address in the User Defined field. For
example, you could enter a static IP address.

Host address - select a address object to use the IP address it specifies.

External IP Specify the destination IP address of the packets received by this NAT rule’s specified
incoming interface. The specified IP address will be translated to the Internal IP address.

any - Select this to use all of the incoming interface’s IP addresses including dynamic
addresses or those of any virtual interfaces built upon the selected incoming interface.

User Defined - Select this to manually enter an IP address in the User Defined field. For
example, you could enter a static public IP assigned by the ISP without having to create a
virtual interface for it.

Host address - select a host address object to use the IP address it specifies. The list also
includes address objects based on interface IPs. So for example you could select an
address object based on a WAN interface even if it has a dynamic IP address.
User Defined External This field is available if External IP is User Defined. Type the destination IP address that this
IP NAT rule supports.
External IP Subnet/ This field displays for Many 1:1 NAT. Select the destination IP address subnet or IP address
Range range that this NAT rule supports. The external and internal IP address subnets or ranges
must have the same number of IP addresses.
Internal IP Select to which translated destination IP address this NAT rule forwards packets.

User Defined - this NAT rule supports a specific IP address, specified in the User Defined field.

HOST address - the drop-down box lists all the HOST address objects in the Zyxel Device. If
you select one of them, this NAT rule supports the IP address specified by the address
User Defined Internal This field is available if Internal IP is User Defined. Type the translated destination IP address
IP that this NAT rule supports.
Internal IP Subnet/ This field displays for Many 1:1 NAT. Select to which translated destination IP address subnet
Range or IP address range this NAT rule forwards packets. The external and Internal IP address
subnets or ranges must have the same number of IP addresses.
Port Mapping Type Use the drop-down list box to select how many external destination ports this NAT rule
supports for the selected destination IP address (External IP). Choices are:

Any - this NAT rule supports all the destination ports.

Port - this NAT rule supports one destination port.

Ports - this NAT rule supports a range of destination ports. You might use a range of
destination ports for unknown services or when one server supports more than one service.

Service - this NAT rule supports a service such as FTP (see Object > Service > Service)

Service-Group - this NAT rule supports a group of services such as all service objects related
to DNS (see Object > Service > Service Group)
Protocol Type This field is available if Mapping Type is Port or Ports. Select the protocol (TCP, UDP, or Any)
used by the service requesting the connection.
External Port This field is available if Mapping Type is Port. Enter the external destination port this NAT rule

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 13 NAT

Table 159 Configuration > Network > NAT > Add (continued)
Internal Port This field is available if Mapping Type is Port. Enter the translated destination port if this NAT
rule forwards the packet.
External Start Port This field is available if Mapping Type is Ports. Enter the beginning of the range of external
destination ports this NAT rule supports.
External End Port This field is available if Mapping Type is Ports. Enter the end of the range of external
destination ports this NAT rule supports.
Internal Start Port This field is available if Mapping Type is Ports. Enter the beginning of the range of translated
destination ports if this NAT rule forwards the packet.
Internal End Port This field is available if Mapping Type is Ports. Enter the end of the range of translated
destination ports if this NAT rule forwards the packet. The external port range and the
internal port range must be the same size.
Enable NAT Enable NAT loopback to allow users connected to any interface (instead of just the
Loopback specified Incoming Interface) to use the NAT rule’s specified External IP address to access
the Internal IP device. For users connected to the same interface as the Internal IP device,
the Zyxel Device uses that interface’s IP address as the source address for the traffic it
sends from the users to the Internal IP device.

For example, if you configure a NAT rule to forward traffic from the WAN to a LAN server,
enabling NAT loopback allows users connected to other interfaces to also access the
server. For LAN users, the Zyxel Device uses the LAN interface’s IP address as the source
address for the traffic it sends to the LAN server. See NAT Loopback on page 468 for more

If you do not enable NAT loopback, this NAT rule only applies to packets received on the
rule’s specified incoming interface.
Security Policy By default the security policy blocks incoming connections from external addresses. After
you configure your NAT rule settings, click the Security Policy link to configure a security
policy to allow the NAT rule’s traffic to come in.

The Zyxel Device checks NAT rules before it applies To-Zyxel Device security policies, so To-
Zyxel Device security policies, do not apply to traffic that is forwarded by NAT rules. The
Zyxel Device still checks other security policies, according to the source IP address and
internal IP address.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to return to the NAT summary screen without creating the NAT rule (if it is new)
or saving any changes (if it already exists).

13.4 NAT Technical Reference

Here is more detailed information about NAT on the Zyxel Device.

NAT Loopback
Suppose an NAT 1:1 rule maps a public IP address to the private IP address of a LAN SMTP e-mail server
to give WAN users access. NAT loopback allows other users to also use the rule’s external IP to access
the mail server.

For example, a LAN user’s computer at IP address queries a public DNS server to resolve the
SMTP server’s domain name (xxx.LAN-SMTP.com in this example) and gets the SMTP server’s internal
public IP address of

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 13 NAT

Figure 315 LAN Computer Queries a Public DNS Server


xxx.LAN-SMTP.com =
xxx.LAN-SMTP.com =?


The LAN user’s computer then sends traffic to IP address NAT loopback uses the IP address of the
Zyxel Device’s LAN interface ( as the source address of the traffic going from the LAN users to
the LAN SMTP server.

Figure 316 LAN to LAN Traffic


Source Source



The LAN SMTP server replies to the Zyxel Device’s LAN IP address and the Zyxel Device changes the
source address to before sending it to the LAN user. The return traffic’s source matches the
external destination address ( If the SMTP server replied directly to the LAN user without the traffic
going through NAT, the source would not match the external destination address which would cause
the LAN user’s computer to shut down the session.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 13 NAT

Figure 317 LAN to LAN Return Traffic


Source Source



13.5 Virtual Server Load Balancing

Virtual Server Load balancing allows you to distribute incoming connection requests to a virtual server
between multiple real (physical) servers. This helps reduce each server’s workload and to decrease
virtual server response times.

13.5.1 Load Balancing Example 1

You are hosting a very popular website on your network, which attracts a lot of traffic and causes
problems with your HTTP web server. To resolve this, you set up three identical web servers on the DMZ
behind the Zyxel Device (Figure 318 on page 471). The Zyxel Device device then distributes incoming
HTTP requests between the three servers. External users only see one virtual web server with IP address

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 13 NAT

Figure 318 Virtual Server on the WAN- Example 1

13.5.2 Load Balancing Example 2

You have two internal networks, LAN 1 and LAN 2, that are restricted from accessing each other (Figure
319 on page 472). The LAN 2 network hosts two duplicate SMTP mail servers. You want clients on LAN 1 to
be able to access the SMTP servers on LAN 2.

You create a virtual server load balancing rule using IP address and port 25, and add two
SMTP servers from LAN 2 to the rule. Now clients on LAN 2 can access the virtual server’s SMTP service by
connecting to port 25. Clients see a single mail server.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 13 NAT

Figure 319 Virtual Server on the LAN Example 2

13.5.3 Virtual Server Load Balancing Process

The following gives of an overview of how Virtual Server Load Balancing works.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 13 NAT

Figure 320 Load Balancing Process

1 A client on the Internet initiates a connection to a server behind the Zyxel Device.

2 The Zyxel Device matches the request to a set of servers (1, 2, and 3 in Figure 320 on page 473), and
then determines which server will handle the request using a user-specified load balancing algorithm.

3 The Zyxel Device forwards the request to the chosen server using NAT.

4 The server processes the request, and then replies to the Zyxel Device.

5 The Zyxel Device forwards the reply to the client using SNAT.

13.5.4 Load Balancing Rules

In order to use load balancing, you must create a load balancing rule. Each load balancing rule
consists of an incoming interface, an external IP address, a service type, a load balancing algorithm,
and a list of real servers.

Note: One real server can belong to multiple load-balancing rules.

Note: You can only add one interface, IP address, and port to each load balancing rule.

Note: Virtual servers and real servers only support IPv4 addresses.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 13 NAT

Only certain Zyxel Device models support virtual server load balancing. There are also limits on the
maximum number of rules and real servers per Zyxel Device.

Table 160 Virtual Service Load Balancing Limits

Maximum Number of Load VPN50, USG FLEX 100, USG FLEX 5
Balancing Rules per Zyxel Device 100W, ATP100, ATP100W
VPN100, USG FLEX 200, ATP200 10
VPN300, USG FLEX 500, ATP500, 20
USG FLEX 700, ATP700, ATP800,
Maximum Number of Real Servers All of the above models 4
Per Load Balancing Rule

13.5.5 Virtual Server Load Balancing Algorithms

A rule’s load balancing algorithm determines which real server is assigned to an incoming connection
request. When creating a load balancing rule, you can assign each server a weight, which indicates the
server’s processing capacity compared to other servers.

Table 161 Virtual Server Load Balancing Algorithms

Round-Robin The Zyxel Device assigns servers in the reverse order they were added to the rule
(Last In First Out). All servers are considered equal, regardless of their weight and
current number of connections.

For example, if you have three servers, A, B, C and nine requests, the servers are
assigned in the following order: CBACBACBA.
Weighted Round-Robin The Zyxel Device assigns servers based on a user-specified weight. Servers with a
higher weight are assigned before servers with a lower weight. Each time a server is
assigned a request, the server’s weight decreases by one point until it finishes
processing the request.

The Zyxel Device assigns servers with equal weight in the reverse order they were
added to the rule (Last In First Out). Servers with zero connections are given priority
over all other servers.

For example, if you have three servers A, B, C with weights 4, 3, 2 and nine requests,
the servers are assigned in the following order: CBAABACBA.

C (Weights: A4, B3, C2)

CB (Weights: A4, B3, C1)

CBA (Weights: A3, B2, C1)

CBAA (Weights: A2, B2, C1)

CBAAB (Weights: A2, B1, C1)

CBAABA (Weights: A1, B1, C1)

CBAABAC (Weights: A1, B1, C0)

CBAABACB (Weights: A1, B0, C0)

CBAABACBA (Weights: A0, B0, C0)

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 13 NAT

Table 161 Virtual Server Load Balancing Algorithms

Least-Connection The Zyxel Device assigns the server with the least number of current connections.
Source Hashing The Zyxel Device assigns a server by checking a static hash table, which
permanently maps each client IP address to a specific real server.

Servers are added to the hash table in sequence, from first to last. Each server is
added N times during each sequence, where N is equal to the server’s weight.

For example, if you have two servers A, and B, with weights 1 and 2, the servers are
mapped to the hash table in the following order:

Source_IP_Hash1 = Server A

Source_IP_Hash2 = Server B

Source_IP_Hash3 = Server B

Source_IP_Hash4 = Server A

Source_IP_Hash5 = Server B

Source_IP_Hash6 = Server B

13.6 The Virtual Server Load Balancer Screen

Use this screen to view the summary of your virtual server load balancer rules. Click Configuration>
Network> NAT> Virtual Server Load Balancer to open the following screen.

Figure 321 Configuration > Network > NAT > Load Virtual Server Load Balancer

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 162 Configuration > Network > NAT> Virtual Server Load Balancer
Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify the
entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to
remove it before doing so.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 13 NAT

Table 162 Configuration > Network > NAT> Virtual Server Load Balancer (continued)
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific entry.
Status This icon is lit when the entry is active and dimmed when the entry is inactive.
Health Status This field displays whether the real server is reachable for a particular service.
Name This field displays the name of the entry.
External IP This field displays the external destination IP address (or address object) of traffic that
matches this entry.
Protocol This field displays the protocol used by the packets for this entry.
External Port This field displays the external destination port(s) of packets for the entry.
Load Balancing This field displays the load balancing algorithm for the entry. See Section 13.5.5 on page
Algorithm 474 for more information on load balancing algorithm.
Virtual Server(s) This displays the number of real servers. Use MouseOver to see each real server IP.
Apply Click this button to save your changes to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click this button to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

13.6.1 Adding/Editing a Virtual Server Load Balancing Rule

Use this screen to configure settings for you virtual server load balancer rules. This screen’s option
change based on the Healthy Check Method selected. Only the PING method screen is displayed here.

Click Configuration> Network> NAT> Virtual Server Load Balancer> Add/Edit to open the following

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 13 NAT

Figure 322 Configuration > Network > NAT > Load Virtual Server Load Balancer> Add/Edit

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 163 Configuration > Network > NAT > Virtual Server Load Balancer> Add/Edit
General Settings
Create new Object Use to configure any new settings objects that you need to use in this screen.
Enable Rule Use this option to turn the virtual server load balancer rule on or off.
Rule Name Type in the name of the virtual server load balancer rule. The name is used to refer to the
virtual server load balancer rule. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters,
underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is
Virtual Server Rule
Incoming Interface Select the interface on which packets for the virtual server load balancer rule must be
received. It can be an Ethernet, VLAN, bridge, or PPPoE/PPTP interface.
External IP This is the IP address of the virtual server. It may be different to the incoming interface IP
address. Select a Host, Interface IP or Interface Gateway object already configured in
Object> Address/Geo IP> Address> IPv4 Address. or enter a User Defined IPv4 address for
the virtual server.

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Chapter 13 NAT

Table 163 Configuration > Network > NAT > Virtual Server Load Balancer> Add/Edit (continued)
User Defined External This field is available if External IP is User Defined. Type the IPv4 address of the virtual server.
Port Mapping Type Use the drop-down list box to select how many external destination ports this virtual server
load balancer rule supports for the selected destination IP address (External IP). Choices

Service - this virtual server load balancer rule supports a service such as FTP (see Object >
Service > Service). For this type, you need to fill in External Service.

External Service: Select a service from the drop down list box.

Port - this virtual server load balancer rule supports one destination port. For this type, you
need to fill in these fields.

• Protocol Type: TCP or UDP

• External Port: specify a port number for this rule
The type of service or port selected automatically updates Healthy Check Method as

• HTTP Request: 80, 8080

• HTTPS Request: 443
• SMTP Helo: 25
• DNS Query: 53(TCP/UDP)
• Default TCP if protocol is TCP, PING if protocol is UDP
You can still change the Healthy Check Method in the next field.
External Service
Healthy Check Select this to periodically check if the real server is still online. The Zyxel Device periodically
Method sends a request to each real server. This request ensures that the server is available, and
optionally ensures that a specific service on the server is running.

Use the drop-down list box to set the type of status request to send to each real server.

For example, select HTTP and the Zyxel Device periodically sends an HTTP request to each
real server, ensuring that the server is available and that its HTTP service is running.

• HTTP: Web service

• HTTPS: Secure web service
• TCP: A general network protocol that shows the server is accepting TCP connections
• SMTP: Mail service
• DNS: Dynamic Name Service
• PING: A general network protocol that shows the server is reachable
PING Check Period- Sets the health check time interval, in seconds. The default is 60.

Connect Timeout- Sets the period of time in seconds that the Zyxel Device waits after
sending a health check request before marking the health check as failed. The default is 5.

Retry- Sets the number of times the Zyxel Device resends a health check request before
marking the server as unavailable. The default is 1.

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Chapter 13 NAT

Table 163 Configuration > Network > NAT > Virtual Server Load Balancer> Add/Edit (continued)
HTTP Request Path- Sets the URL to request when the health check type is set to HTTP or HTTPS.

Note: If an MD5 checksum is set for a real server, the Zyxel Device uses this
checksum to verify that each HTTP health check request returns the
correct webpage, and not an error page.

Host- Sets the SNI to send to the real server when the health check type is set to HTTPS. A
client sends a Server Name Indication (SNI) when they start an HTTPS session with the server.
It allows multiple HTTPS sessions to the same IP address and port number with different
certificates with different SNIs.

Enable Hash Check- Enables or disables auto-hashing. When enabled, the Zyxel Device
sends a HTTP request to each real server, and then calculates and stores the MD5
checksum of the returned webpage. The Zyxel Device uses this checksum to verify that
each HTTP health check request returns the correct webpage, and not an error page.

Status Code- Sets which status code indicates a successful reply when the health check
type is set to HTTP or HTTPS. The default value is range 200-299.

Check Period- Sets the health check time interval, in seconds. The default is 60.

Connect Timeout- Sets the period of time in seconds that the Zyxel Device waits after
sending a health check request before marking the health check as failed. The default is 5.

Retry- Sets the number of times the Zyxel Device resends a health check request before
marking the server as unavailable. The default is 1.
HTTPS Request Path- Sets the URL to request when the health check type is set to HTTP or HTTPS.

Note: If an MD5 checksum is set for a real server, the Zyxel Device uses this
checksum to verify that each HTTP health check request returns the
correct webpage, and not an error page.

Host- Sets the SNI to send to the real server when the health check type is set to HTTPS. A
client sends a Server Name Indication (SNI) when they start an HTTPS session with the server.
It allows multiple HTTPS sessions to the same IP address and port number with different
certificates with different SNIs.

Enable Hash Check- Enables or disables auto-hashing. When enabled, the Zyxel Device
sends a HTTP request to each real server, and then calculates and stores the MD5
checksum of the returned webpage. The Zyxel Device uses this checksum to verify that
each HTTP health check request returns the correct webpage, and not an error page.

Status Code- Sets which status code indicates a successful reply when the health check
type is set to HTTP or HTTPS. The default value is range 200-299.

Enable SNI- Enables or disables sending a Server_Name Indication (SNI) as part of the
health check request when health check type is set to HTTPS.

Check Period- Sets the health check time interval, in seconds. The default is 60.

Connect Timeout- Sets the period of time in seconds that the Zyxel Device waits after
sending a health check request before marking the health check as failed. The default is 5.

Retry- Sets the number of times the Zyxel Device resends a health check request before
marking the server as unavailable. The default is 1.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 13 NAT

Table 163 Configuration > Network > NAT > Virtual Server Load Balancer> Add/Edit (continued)
SMTP Helo Helo Name- Sets the HELO string to send to the real server, when the health check type is
set to SMTP. Typically, the HELO string should contain the fully qualified domain name
(FQDN) of the mail server.

Check Period- Sets the health check time interval, in seconds. The default is 60.

Connect Timeout- Sets the period of time in seconds that the Zyxel Device waits after
sending a health check request before marking the health check as failed. The default is 5.

Retry- Sets the number of times the Zyxel Device resends a health check request before
marking the server as unavailable. The default is 1.
DNS Query Query- Sets the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) to send to the real server when health
check type is set to DNS.

Check Period- Sets the health check time interval, in seconds. The default is 60.

Connect Timeout- Sets the period of time in seconds that the Zyxel Device waits after
sending a health check request before marking the health check as failed. The default is 5.

Retry- Sets the number of times the Zyxel Device resends a health check request before
marking the server as unavailable. The default is 1.
TCP Connection Check Period- Sets the health check time interval, in seconds. The default is 60.

Connect Timeout- Sets the period of time in seconds that the Zyxel Device waits after
sending a health check request before marking the health check as failed. The default is 5.

Retry- Sets the number of times the Zyxel Device resends a health check request before
marking the server as unavailable. The default is 1.
Load Balancing Sets the load balancing algorithm for this rule. For information about each algorithm, see
Algorithm Section 13.5.5 on page 474.
Persistence Timeout Sets how long a client/server session with no activity stays open. Timeout is measured in
seconds, and the default value is 360.

Multiple requests from a client within a short time period are directed to the same real
server, as part of a persistent client/server session.

If there are no incoming requests from a client within the specified timeout period, then the
persistent client/server session is closed. Further requests from the client might be assigned
to a different real server, determined by the load balancing algorithm.
Real Server
Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify the
entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to
remove it before doing so.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific entry.
Server IP This field displays the IPv4 address of a server on the LAN.
Port This field displays the External Port or the port based on the External Service selected
above. You may change the port here.
Weight The weight represents the processing power of this server compared to other servers. A
server with a weight of 2 is considered to be able to handle two times more requests than
a server with a weight of 1. See Section 13.5.5 on page 474 for more information on weight
in each load balancing algorithm.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to return to the Virtual Server Load Balancer summary screen without
creating the virtual server load balancer rule (if it is new) or saving any changes (if it
already exists).

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

C H A P T E R 14
Redirect Service

14.1 Overview
Redirect Service redirects HTTP and SMTP traffic.

14.1.1 HTTP Redirect

HTTP redirect forwards the client’s HTTP request (except HTTP traffic destined for the Zyxel Device) to a
web proxy server. In the following example, proxy server A is connected to the DMZ interface. When a
client connected to the LAN1 zone wants to open a web page, its HTTP request is redirected to proxy
server A first. If proxy server A cannot find the web page in its cache, a policy route allows it to access
the Internet to get them from a server. Proxy server A then forwards the response to the client.

Figure 323 HTTP Redirect Example

14.1.2 SMTP Redirect

SMTP redirect forwards the authenticated client’s SMTP message to a SMTP server, that handles all
outgoing e-mail messages. In the following example, SMTP server A is connected to the lan2 interface in
the LAN2 zone. When a client connected to the lan1 interface in the LAN1 zone logs into the Zyxel
Device and wants to send an e-mail, its SMTP message is redirected to SMTP server A. SMTP server A then
sends it to a mail server, where the message will be delivered to the recipient.

The Zyxel Device forwards SMTP traffic using TCP port 25.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 14 Redirect Service

Figure 324 SMTP Redirect Example

14.1.3 What You Can Do in this Chapter

Use the Redirect Service screens (see Section 14.2 on page 484) to display and edit the HTTP and SMTP
redirect rules.

14.1.4 What You Need to Know

Web Proxy Server

A proxy server helps client devices make indirect requests to access the Internet or outside network
resources/services. A proxy server can act as a security policy or an ALG (application layer gateway)
between the private network and the Internet or other networks. It also keeps hackers from knowing
internal IP addresses.

A client connects to a web proxy server each time he/she wants to access the Internet. The web proxy
provides caching service to allow quick access and reduce network usage. The proxy checks its local
cache for the requested web resource first. If it is not found, the proxy gets it from the specified server
and forwards the response to the client.

HTTP Redirect, Security Policy and Policy Route

With HTTP redirect, the relevant packet flow for HTTP traffic is:

1 Security Policy

2 Application Patrol

3 HTTP Redirect

4 Policy Route

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 14 Redirect Service

Even if you set a policy route to the same incoming interface and service as a HTTP redirect rule, the
Zyxel Device checks the HTTP redirect rules first and forwards HTTP traffic to a proxy server if matched.
You need to make sure there is no security policy blocking the HTTP requests from the client to the proxy

You also need to manually configure a policy route to forward the HTTP traffic from the proxy server to
the Internet. To make the example in Figure 323 on page 481 work, make sure you have the following

For HTTP traffic between lan1 and dmz:

• a from LAN1 to DMZ security policy (default) to allow HTTP requests from lan1 to dmz. Responses to this
request are allowed automatically.
• a application patrol rule to allow HTTP traffic between lan1 and dmz.
• a HTTP redirect rule to forward HTTP traffic from lan1 to proxy server A.

For HTTP traffic between dmz and wan1:

• a from DMZ to WAN security policy (default) to allow HTTP requests from dmz to wan1. Responses to
these requests are allowed automatically.
• a application patrol rule to allow HTTP traffic between dmz and wan1.
• a policy route to forward HTTP traffic from proxy server A to the Internet.

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is the Internet’s message transport standard. It controls the sending
of e-mail messages between servers. E-mail clients (also called e-mail applications) then use mail server
protocols such as POP (Post Office Protocol) or IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) to retrieve e-
mail. E-mail clients also generally use SMTP to send messages to a mail server. The older POP2 requires
SMTP for sending messages while the newer POP3 can be used with or without it. This is why many e-mail
applications require you to specify both the SMTP server and the POP or IMAP server (even though they
may actually be the same server).

SMTP Redirect, Firewall and Policy Route

With SMTP redirect, the relevant packet flow for SMTP traffic is:

1 Firewall

2 SMTP Redirect

3 Policy Route

Even if you set a policy route to the same incoming interface and service as a SMTP redirect rule, the
Zyxel Device checks the SMTP redirect rules first and forwards SMTP traffic to a SMTP server if matched.
You need to make sure there is no firewall rule(s) blocking the SMTP traffic from the client to the SMTP

You also need to manually configure a policy route to forward the SMTP traffic from the SMTP server to
the Internet. To make the example in Figure 324 on page 482 work, make sure you have the following

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 14 Redirect Service

For SMTP traffic between lan1 and lan2:

• a from LAN1 to LAN2 firewall rule to allow SMTP messages from lan1 to lan2. Responses to this request
are allowed automatically.
• a SMTP redirect rule to forward SMTP traffic from lan1 to SMTP server A.

For SMTP traffic between lan2 and wan1:

• a from LAN2 to WAN firewall rule (default) to allow SMTP messages from lan2 to wan1. Responses to
these requests are allowed automatically.
• a policy route to forward SMTP messages from SMTP server A to the Internet.

14.2 The Redirect Service Screen

To configure redirection of a HTTP or SMTP request, click Configuration > Network > HTTP Redirect. This
screen displays the summary of the redirect rules.

Note: You can configure up to one HTTP redirect rule and one SMTP redirect rule for each
(incoming) interface.

Figure 325 Configuration > Network > Redirect Service

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 164 Configuration > Network > Redirect Service

Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify the
entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to
remove it before doing so.
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific entry.
Status This icon is lit when the entry is active and dimmed when the entry is inactive.
Service This is the name of the service: HTTP or SMTP.
Name This is the descriptive name of a rule.
User/Group This is the user account or user group name to which this rule is applied.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 14 Redirect Service

Table 164 Configuration > Network > Redirect Service (continued)

Interface This is the interface on which the request must be received.
Source Address This is the name of the source IP address object from which the traffic should be sent. If any
displays, the rule is effective for every source.
Server This is the IP address of the HTTP proxy server or the SMTP server to which the matched traffic
is forwarded.
Port This is the service port number used by the HTTP proxy server or SMTP server.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

14.2.1 The Redirect Service Edit Screen

Click Network > Redirect Service to open the Redirect Service screen. Then click the Add or Edit icon to
open the Redirect Service Edit screen where you can configure the rule.

Figure 326 Network > Redirect Service > Edit

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 165 Network > Redirect Service > Edit

Enable Use this option to turn the Redirect Service rule on or off.
Service Select the service to be redirected: HTTP Redirect or SMTP redirect.
Name Enter a name to identify this rule. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters,
underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value
is case-sensitive.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 14 Redirect Service

Table 165 Network > Redirect Service > Edit (continued)

User Select the user account or user group name to which this rule is applied.
Interface Select the interface on which the request must be received for the Zyxel Device to
forward it to the specified server.
Source Address Select the name of the source IP address object from which the traffic should be
sent. Select any for the rule to be effective for every source.
Redirect Settings
Server Enter the IP address of the HTTP proxy or SMTP server.
Port Enter the port number that the HTTP proxy or SMTP server uses.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

C H A P T E R 15

15.1 ALG Overview

Application Layer Gateway (ALG) allows the following applications to operate properly through the
Zyxel Device’s NAT.

• SIP - Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) – An application-layer protocol that can be used to create voice
and multimedia sessions over Internet.
• H.323 – A teleconferencing protocol suite that provides audio, data and video conferencing.
• FTP – File Transfer Protocol – an Internet file transfer service.

The following example shows SIP signaling (1) and audio (2) sessions between SIP clients A and B and the
SIP server.

Figure 327 SIP ALG Example

The ALG feature is only needed for traffic that goes through the Zyxel Device’s NAT.

15.1.1 What You Need to Know

Application Layer Gateway (ALG), NAT and Security Policy

The Zyxel Device can function as an Application Layer Gateway (ALG) to allow certain NAT un-friendly
applications (such as SIP) to operate properly through the Zyxel Device’s NAT and security policy. The
Zyxel Device dynamically creates an implicit NAT session and security policy session for the application’s
traffic from the WAN to the LAN. The ALG on the Zyxel Device supports all of the Zyxel Device’s NAT
mapping types.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 15 ALG

The FTP ALG allows TCP packets with a specified port destination to pass through. If the FTP server is
located on the LAN, you must also configure NAT (port forwarding) and security policies if you want to
allow access to the server from the WAN. Bandwidth management can be applied to FTP ALG traffic.

H.323 ALG
• The H.323 ALG supports peer-to-peer H.323 calls.
• The H.323 ALG handles H.323 calls that go through NAT or that the Zyxel Device routes. You can also
make other H.323 calls that do not go through NAT or routing. Examples would be calls between LAN
IP addresses that are on the same subnet.
• The H.323 ALG allows calls to go out through NAT. For example, you could make a call from a private
IP address on the LAN to a peer device on the WAN.
• The H.323 ALG operates on TCP packets with a specified port destination.
• Bandwidth management can be applied to H.323 ALG traffic.
• The Zyxel Device allows H.323 audio connections.
• The Zyxel Device can also apply bandwidth management to traffic that goes through the H.323 ALG.

The following example shows H.323 signaling (1) and audio (2) sessions between H.323 devices A and B.

Figure 328 H.323 ALG Example

• SIP phones can be in any zone (including LAN, DMZ, WAN), and the SIP server and SIP clients can be in
the same network or different networks. The SIP server cannot be on the LAN. It must be on the WAN
or the DMZ.
• There should be only one SIP server (total) on the Zyxel Device’s private networks. Any other SIP servers
must be on the WAN. So for example you could have a Back-to-Back User Agent such as the IPPBX
x6004 or an asterisk PBX on the DMZ or on the LAN but not on both.
• Using the SIP ALG allows you to use bandwidth management on SIP traffic. Bandwidth management
can be applied to FTP ALG traffic. Use the option in the Configuration > BWM screen to configure the
highest bandwidth available for SIP traffic.
• The SIP ALG handles SIP calls that go through NAT or that the Zyxel Device routes. You can also make
other SIP calls that do not go through NAT or routing. Examples would be calls between LAN IP
addresses that are on the same subnet.
• The SIP ALG supports peer-to-peer SIP calls. The security policy (by default) allows peer to peer calls
from the LAN zone to go to the WAN zone and blocks peer to peer calls from the WAN zone to the
LAN zone.
• The SIP ALG allows UDP packets with a specified port destination to pass through.
• The Zyxel Device allows SIP audio connections.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 15 ALG

• You do not need to use TURN (Traversal Using Relay NAT) for VoIP devices behind the Zyxel Device
when you enable the SIP ALG.
• Configuring the SIP ALG to use custom port numbers for SIP traffic also configures the application
patrol (see Chapter 36 on page 725) to use the same port numbers for SIP traffic. Likewise, configuring
the application patrol to use custom port numbers for SIP traffic also configures SIP ALG to use the
same port numbers for SIP traffic.

Peer-to-Peer Calls and the Zyxel Device

The Zyxel Device ALG can allow peer-to-peer VoIP calls for both H.323 and SIP. You must configure the
security policy and NAT (port forwarding) to allow incoming (peer-to-peer) calls from the WAN to a
private IP address on the LAN (or DMZ).

VoIP Calls from the WAN with Multiple Outgoing Calls

When you configure the security policy and NAT (port forwarding) to allow calls from the WAN to a
specific IP address on the LAN, you can also use policy routing to have H.323 (or SIP) calls from other LAN
or DMZ IP addresses go out through a different WAN IP address. The policy routing lets the Zyxel Device
correctly forward the return traffic for the calls initiated from the LAN IP addresses.

For example, you configure the security policy and NAT to allow LAN IP address A to receive calls from
the Internet through WAN IP address 1. You also use a policy route to have LAN IP address A make calls
out through WAN IP address 1. Configure another policy route to have H.323 (or SIP) calls from LAN IP
addresses B and C go out through WAN IP address 2. Even though only LAN IP address A can receive
incoming calls from the Internet, LAN IP addresses B and C can still make calls out to the Internet.

Figure 329 VoIP Calls from the WAN with Multiple Outgoing Calls

VoIP with Multiple WAN IP Addresses

With multiple WAN IP addresses on the Zyxel Device, you can configure different security policy and NAT
(port forwarding) rules to allow incoming calls from each WAN IP address to go to a specific IP address
on the LAN (or DMZ). Use policy routing to have the H.323 (or SIP) calls from each of those LAN or DMZ IP
addresses go out through the same WAN IP address that calls come in on. The policy routing lets the
Zyxel Device correctly forward the return traffic for the calls initiated from the LAN IP addresses.

For example, you configure security policy and NAT rules to allow LAN IP address A to receive calls
through public WAN IP address 1. You configure different security policy and port forwarding rules to
allow LAN IP address B to receive calls through public WAN IP address 2. You configure corresponding

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 15 ALG

policy routes to have calls from LAN IP address A go out through WAN IP address 1 and calls from LAN IP
address B go out through WAN IP address 2.

Figure 330 VoIP with Multiple WAN IP Addresses

15.1.2 Before You Begin

You must also configure the security policy and enable NAT in the Zyxel Device to allow sessions initiated
from the WAN.

15.2 The ALG Screen

Click Configuration > Network > ALG to open the ALG screen. Use this screen to turn ALGs off or on,
configure the port numbers to which they apply, and configure SIP ALG time outs.

Note: If the Zyxel Device provides an ALG for a service, you must enable the ALG in order to
use the application patrol on that service’s traffic.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 15 ALG

Figure 331 Configuration > Network > ALG

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 166 Configuration > Network > ALG

Enable SIP ALG Turn on the SIP ALG to detect SIP traffic and help build SIP sessions through the Zyxel
Device’s NAT. Enabling the SIP ALG also allows you to use the application patrol to
detect SIP traffic and manage the SIP traffic’s bandwidth (see Chapter 36 on page
Enable SIP Select this to have the Zyxel Device modify IP addresses and port numbers embedded
Transformations in the SIP data payload.

You do not need to use this if you have a SIP device or server that will modify IP
addresses and port numbers embedded in the SIP data payload.
Enable Configure SIP Select this option to have the Zyxel Device apply SIP media and signaling inactivity time
Inactivity Timeout out limits. These timeouts will take priority over the SIP session timeout “Expires” value in a
SIP registration response packet.
SIP Media Inactivity Use this field to set how many seconds (1~86400) the Zyxel Device will allow a SIP session
Timeout to remain idle (without voice traffic) before dropping it.

If no voice packets go through the SIP ALG before the timeout period expires, the Zyxel
Device deletes the audio session. You cannot hear anything and you will need to make
a new call to continue your conversation.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 15 ALG

Table 166 Configuration > Network > ALG (continued)

SIP Signaling Most SIP clients have an “expire” mechanism indicating the lifetime of signaling
Inactivity Timeout sessions. The SIP user agent sends registration packets to the SIP server periodically and
keeps the session alive in the Zyxel Device.

If the SIP client does not have this mechanism and makes no calls during the Zyxel
Device SIP timeout, the Zyxel Device deletes the signaling session after the timeout
period. Enter the SIP signaling session timeout value (1~86400).
Restrict Peer to Peer A signaling connection is used to set up the SIP connection.
Signaling Connection
Enable this if you want signaling connections to only arrive from the IP address(es) you
registered with. Signaling connections from other IP addresses will be dropped.
Restrict Peer to Peer A media connection is the audio transfer in a SIP connection.
Media Connection
Enable this if you want media connections to only arrive from the IP address(es) you
registered with. Media connections from other IP addresses will be dropped.

You should disable this if have registered for cloud VoIP services.
SIP Signaling Port If you are using a custom UDP port number (not 5060) for SIP traffic, enter it here. Use the
Add icon to add fields if you are also using SIP on additional UDP port numbers.
Additional SIP Signaling If you are also using SIP on an additional UDP port number, enter it here.
Port (UDP) for
Enable H.323 ALG Turn on the H.323 ALG to detect H.323 traffic (used for audio communications) and
help build H.323 sessions through the Zyxel Device’s NAT. Enabling the H.323 ALG also
allows you to use the application patrol to detect H.323 traffic and manage the H.323
traffic’s bandwidth (see Chapter 36 on page 725).
Enable H.323 Select this to have the Zyxel Device modify IP addresses and port numbers embedded
Transformations in the H.323 data payload.

You do not need to use this if you have a H.323 device or server that will modify IP
addresses and port numbers embedded in the H.323 data payload.
H.323 Signaling Port If you are using a custom TCP port number (not 1720) for H.323 traffic, enter it here.
Additional H.323 If you are also using H.323 on an additional TCP port number, enter it here.
Signaling Port for
Enable FTP ALG Turn on the FTP ALG to detect FTP (File Transfer Program) traffic and help build FTP
sessions through the Zyxel Device’s NAT. Enabling the FTP ALG also allows you to use the
application patrol to detect FTP traffic and manage the FTP traffic’s bandwidth (see
Chapter 36 on page 725).
Enable FTP Select this option to have the Zyxel Device modify IP addresses and port numbers
Transformations embedded in the FTP data payload to match the Zyxel Device’s NAT environment.

Clear this option if you have an FTP device or server that will modify IP addresses and
port numbers embedded in the FTP data payload to match the Zyxel Device’s NAT
FTP Signaling Port If you are using a custom TCP port number (not 21) for FTP traffic, enter it here.
Additional FTP Signaling If you are also using FTP on an additional TCP port number, enter it here.
Port for Transformations
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 15 ALG

15.3 ALG Technical Reference

Here is more detailed information about the Application Layer Gateway.

Some applications cannot operate through NAT (are NAT unfriendly) because they embed IP addresses
and port numbers in their packets’ data payload. The Zyxel Device examines and uses IP address and
port number information embedded in the VoIP traffic’s data stream. When a device behind the Zyxel
Device uses an application for which the Zyxel Device has VoIP pass through enabled, the Zyxel Device
translates the device’s private IP address inside the data stream to a public IP address. It also records
session port numbers and allows the related sessions to go through the security policy so the
application’s traffic can come in from the WAN to the LAN.

ALG and Trunks

If you send your ALG-managed traffic through an interface trunk and all of the interfaces are set to
active, you can configure routing policies to specify which interface the ALG-managed traffic uses.

You could also have a trunk with one interface set to active and a second interface set to passive. The
Zyxel Device does not automatically change ALG-managed connections to the second (passive)
interface when the active interface’s connection goes down. When the active interface’s connection
fails, the client needs to re-initialize the connection through the second interface (that was set to
passive) in order to have the connection go through the second interface. VoIP clients usually re-register
automatically at set intervals or the users can manually force them to re-register.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is an Internet file transfer service that operates on the Internet and over TCP/IP
networks. A system running the FTP server accepts commands from a system running an FTP client. The
service allows users to send commands to the server for uploading and downloading files.

H.323 is a standard teleconferencing protocol suite that provides audio, data and video conferencing.
It allows for real-time point-to-point and multipoint communication between client computers over a
packet-based network that does not provide a guaranteed quality of service. NetMeeting uses H.323.

The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is an application-layer control (signaling) protocol that handles the
setting up, altering and tearing down of voice and multimedia sessions over the Internet. SIP is used in
VoIP (Voice over IP), the sending of voice signals over the Internet Protocol.

SIP signaling is separate from the media for which it handles sessions. The media that is exchanged
during the session can use a different path from that of the signaling. SIP handles telephone calls and
can interface with traditional circuit-switched telephone networks.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 15 ALG

When you make a VoIP call using H.323 or SIP, the RTP (Real time Transport Protocol) is used to handle
voice data transfer. See RFC 1889 for details on RTP.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

C H A P T E R 16

16.1 UPnP and NAT-PMP Overview

The Zyxel Device supports both UPnP and NAT-PMP to permit networking devices to discover each other
and connect seamlessly.

Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) is a distributed, open networking standard that uses TCP/IP for simple
peer-to-peer network connectivity between devices. A UPnP device can dynamically join a network,
obtain an IP address, convey its capabilities and learn about other devices on the network. In turn, a
device can leave a network smoothly and automatically when it is no longer in use. A gateway that
supports UPnP is called Internet Gateway Device (IGD). The standardized Device Control Protocol (DCP)
is defined by the UPnP Forum for IGDs to configure port mapping automatically.

NAT Port Mapping Protocol (NAT-PMP), introduced by Apple and implemented in current Apple
products, is used as an alternative NAT traversal solution to the UPnP IGD protocol. NAT-PMP runs over
UDP port 5351. NAT-PMP is much simpler than UPnP IGD and mainly designed for small home networks. It
allows a client behind a NAT router to retrieve the router’s public IP address and port number and make
them known to the peer device with which it wants to communicate. The client can automatically
configure the NAT router to create a port mapping to allow the peer to contact it.

16.2 What You Need to Know

UPnP hardware is identified as an icon in the Network folder (Windows 7). Each UPnP compatible device
installed on your network will appear as a separate icon. Selecting the icon of a UPnP device will allow
you to access the information and properties of that device.

16.2.1 NAT Traversal

UPnP NAT traversal automates the process of allowing an application to operate through NAT. UPnP
network devices can automatically configure network addressing, announce their presence in the
network to other UPnP devices and enable exchange of simple product and service descriptions. NAT
traversal allows the following:

• Dynamic port mapping

• Learning public IP addresses
• Assigning lease times to mappings

Windows Messenger is an example of an application that supports NAT traversal and UPnP.

See the NAT chapter for more information on NAT.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 16 UPnP

16.2.2 Cautions with UPnP and NAT-PMP

The automated nature of NAT traversal applications in establishing their own services and opening
security policy ports may present network security issues. Network information and configuration may
also be obtained and modified by users in some network environments.

When a UPnP or NAT-PMP device joins a network, it announces its presence with a multicast message.
For security reasons, the Zyxel Device allows multicast messages on the LAN only.

All UPnP-enabled or NAT-PMP-enabled devices may communicate freely with each other without
additional configuration. Disable UPnP or NAT-PMP if this is not your intention.

16.3 UPnP Screen

Use this screen to enable UPnP and NAT-PMP on your Zyxel Device.

Click Configuration > Network > UPnP to display the screen shown next.

Figure 332 Configuration > Network > UPnP

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 16 UPnP

The following table describes the fields in this screen.

Table 167 Configuration > Network > UPnP

Enable UPnP Select this check box to activate UPnP on the Zyxel Device. Be aware that anyone could use
a UPnP application to open the web configurator's login screen without entering the Zyxel
Device's IP address (although you must still enter the password to access the web
Enable NAT-PMP NAT Port Mapping Protocol (NAT-PMP) automates port forwarding to allow a computer in a
private network (behind the Zyxel Device) to automatically configure the Zyxel Device to
allow computers outside the private network to contact it.

Select this check box to activate NAT-PMP on the Zyxel Device. Be aware that anyone could
use a NAT-PMP application to open the web configurator's login screen without entering the
Zyxel Device's IP address (although you must still enter the password to access the web
Allow UPnP or Select this check box to allow traffic from UPnP-enabled or NAT-PMP-enabled applications
NAT-PMP to pass to bypass the security policy.
through Firewall
Clear this check box to have the security policy block all UPnP or NAT-PMP application
packets (for example, MSN packets).
Outgoing WAN Select through which WAN interface(s) you want to send out traffic from UPnP-enabled or
Interface NAT-PMP-enabled applications. If the WAN interface you select loses its connection, the
Zyxel Device attempts to use the other WAN interface. If the other WAN interface also does
not work, the Zyxel Device drops outgoing packets from UPnP-enabled or NAT-PMP-enabled
Support LAN List The Available list displays the name(s) of the internal interface(s) on which the Zyxel Device
supports UPnP and/or NAT-PMP.

To enable UPnP and/or NAT-PMP on an interface, you can double-click a single entry to
move it or use the [Shift] or [Ctrl] key to select multiple entries and click the right arrow button
to add to the Member list. To remove an interface, select the name(s) in the Member list and
click the left arrow button.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

16.4 Technical Reference

The sections show examples of using UPnP.

16.4.1 Turning on UPnP in Windows 7 Example

This section shows you how to use the UPnP feature in Windows 7. UPnP server is installed in Windows 7.
Activate UPnP on the Zyxel Device.

Make sure the computer is connected to a LAN port of the Zyxel Device. Turn on your computer and the
Zyxel Device.

1 Click the start icon, Control Panel and then the Network and Sharing Center.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 16 UPnP

2 Click Change Advanced Sharing Settings.

3 Select Turn on network discovery and click Save Changes. Network discovery allows your computer to
find other computers and devices on the network and other computers on the network to find your
computer. This makes it easier to share files and printers.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 16 UPnP Auto-discover Your UPnP-enabled Network Device

Before you follow these steps, make sure you already have UPnP activated on the Zyxel Device and in
your computer.

Make sure your computer is connected to a LAN port of the Zyxel Device.

1 Open the Windows Explorer and click Network.

2 Right-click the device icon and select Properties.

Figure 333 Network Connections

3 In the Internet Connection Properties window, click Settings to see port mappings.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 16 UPnP

Figure 334 Internet Connection Properties

4 You may edit or delete the port mappings or click Add to manually add port mappings.
Figure 335 Internet Connection Properties: Advanced Settings

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 16 UPnP

Figure 336 Internet Connection Properties: Advanced Settings: Add

Note: When the UPnP-enabled device is disconnected from your computer, all port
mappings will be deleted automatically.

5 Click OK. Check the network icon on the system tray to see your Internet connection status.
Figure 337 System Tray Icon

6 To see more details about your current Internet connection status, right click on the network icon in the
system tray and click Open Network and Sharing Center. Click Local Area Network.
Figure 338 Internet Connection Status

16.4.2 Turn on UPnP in Windows 10 Example

This section shows you how to use the UPnP feature in Windows 10. UPnP server is installed in Windows 10.
Activate UPnP on the Zyxel Device by clicking Network Setting > Home Networking > UPnP.

Make sure the computer is connected to the LAN port of the Zyxel Device. Turn on your computer and
the Zyxel Device.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 16 UPnP

1 Click the start icon, Settings and then Network & Internet.

2 Click Network and Sharing Center.

3 Click Change advanced sharing settings.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 16 UPnP

4 Under Domain, select Turn on network discovery and click Save Changes. Network discovery allows your
computer to find other computers and devices on the network and other computers on the network to
find your computer. This makes it easier to share files and printers.

16.4.3 Auto-discover Your UPnP-enabled Network Device

Before you follow these steps, make sure you already have UPnP activated on the Zyxel Device and in
your computer.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 16 UPnP

Make sure your computer is connected to the LAN port of the Zyxel Device.

1 Open File Explorer and click Network.

2 Right-click the Zyxel Device icon and select Properties.

Figure 339 Network Connections

3 In the Internet Connection Properties window, click Settings to see port mappings.
Figure 340 Internet Connection Properties

4 You may edit or delete the port mappings or click Add to manually add port mappings.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 16 UPnP

Figure 341 Internet Connection Properties: Advanced Settings

Figure 342 Internet Connection Properties: Advanced Settings: Add

Note: When the UPnP-enabled device is disconnected from your computer, all port
mappings will be deleted automatically.

5 Click OK. Check the network icon on the system tray to see your Internet connection status.
Figure 343 System Tray Icon

6 To see more details about your current Internet connection status, right click the network icon in the
system tray and click Open Network & Internet settings. Click Network and Sharing Center and click the

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 16 UPnP

Figure 344 Internet Connection Status

16.4.4 Web Configurator Easy Access in Windows 7

With UPnP, you can access the web-based configurator on the Zyxel Device without finding out the IP
address of the Zyxel Device first. This comes helpful if you do not know the IP address of the Zyxel Device.

Follow the steps below to access the web configurator.

1 Open Windows Explorer.

2 Click Network. Select My Network Places under Other Places.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 16 UPnP

Figure 345 Network Connections

3 An icon with the description for each UPnP-enabled device displays under Network Infrastructure.

4 Right-click on the icon for your Zyxel Device and select View device webpage. The web configurator
login screen displays.
Figure 346 Network Connections: My Network Places

5 Right-click on the icon for your Zyxel Device and select Properties. Click the Network Device tab. A
window displays with information about the Zyxel Device.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 16 UPnP

Figure 347 Network Connections: My Network Places: Properties: Example

16.4.5 Web Configurator Easy Access in Windows 10

Follow the steps below to access the Web Configurator.

1 Open File Explorer.

2 Click Network.
Figure 348 Network Connections

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 16 UPnP

3 An icon with the description for each UPnP-enabled device displays under Network Infrastructure.

4 Right-click the icon for your Zyxel Device and select View device webpage. The Web Configurator login
screen displays.
Figure 349 Network Connections: Network Infrastructure

5 Right-click the icon for your Zyxel Device and select Properties. Click the Network Device tab. A window
displays information about the Zyxel Device.
Figure 350 Network Connections: Network Infrastructure: Properties: Example

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

C H A P T E R 17
IP/MAC Binding

17.1 IP/MAC Binding Overview

IP address to MAC address binding helps ensure that only the intended devices get to use privileged IP
addresses. The Zyxel Device uses DHCP to assign IP addresses and records the MAC address it assigned
to each IP address. The Zyxel Device then checks incoming connection attempts against this list. A user
cannot manually assign another IP to his computer and use it to connect to the Zyxel Device.

Suppose you configure access privileges for IP address and use static DHCP to assign it to
Tim’s computer’s MAC address of 12:34:56:78:90:AB. IP/MAC binding drops traffic from any computer
trying to use IP address with another MAC address.

Figure 351 IP/MAC Binding Example

MAC: 12:34:56:78:90:AB

Jim MAC: AB:CD:EF:12:34:56


17.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter

• Use the Summary and Edit screens (Section 17.2 on page 511) to bind IP addresses to MAC addresses.
• Use the Exempt List screen (Section 17.3 on page 513) to configure ranges of IP addresses to which
the Zyxel Device does not apply IP/MAC binding.

17.1.2 What You Need to Know

IP/MAC address bindings are based on the Zyxel Device’s dynamic and static DHCP entries.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 17 IP/MAC Binding

Interfaces Used With IP/MAC Binding

IP/MAC address bindings are grouped by interface. You can use IP/MAC binding with Ethernet, bridge,
VLAN, and WLAN interfaces. You can also enable or disable IP/MAC binding and logging in an
interface’s configuration screen.

17.2 IP/MAC Binding Summary

Click Configuration > Network > IP/MAC Binding to open the IP/MAC Binding Summary screen. This
screen lists the total number of IP to MAC address bindings for devices connected to each supported

Figure 352 Configuration > Network > IP/MAC Binding > Summary

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 168 Configuration > Network > IP/MAC Binding > Summary
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify the
entry’s settings.
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific entry.
Status This icon is lit when the entry is active and dimmed when the entry is inactive.
Interface This is the name of an interface that supports IP/MAC binding.
Number of This field displays the interface’s total number of IP/MAC bindings and IP addresses that the
Binding interface has assigned by DHCP.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.

17.2.1 IP/MAC Binding Edit

Click Configuration > Network > IP/MAC Binding > Edit to open the IP/MAC Binding Edit screen. Use this
screen to configure an interface’s IP to MAC address binding settings.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 17 IP/MAC Binding

Figure 353 Configuration > Network > IP/MAC Binding > Edit

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 169 Configuration > Network > IP/MAC Binding > Edit
IP/MAC Binding Settings
Interface Name This field displays the name of the interface within the Zyxel Device and the interface’s
IP address and subnet mask.
Enable IP/MAC Select this option to have this interface enforce links between specific IP addresses
Binding and specific MAC addresses. This stops anyone else from manually using a bound IP
address on another device connected to this interface. Use this to make use only the
intended users get to use specific IP addresses.
Enable Logs for IP/ Select this option to have the Zyxel Device generate a log if a device connected to
MAC Binding Violation this interface attempts to use an IP address not assigned by the Zyxel Device.
Static DHCP Bindings This table lists the bound IP and MAC addresses. The Zyxel Device checks this table
when it assigns IP addresses. If the computer’s MAC address is in the table, the Zyxel
Device assigns the corresponding IP address. You can also access this table from the
interface’s edit screen.
Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can
modify the entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to
remove it before doing so.
# This is the index number of the static DHCP entry.
IP Address This is the IP address that the Zyxel Device assigns to a device with the entry’s MAC
MAC Address This is the MAC address of the device to which the Zyxel Device assigns the entry’s IP
Description This helps identify the entry.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 17 IP/MAC Binding

17.2.2 Static DHCP Edit

Click Configuration > Network > IP/MAC Binding > Edit to open the IP/MAC Binding Edit screen. Click the
Add or Edit icon to open the following screen. Use this screen to configure an interface’s IP to MAC
address binding settings.

Figure 354 Configuration > Network > IP/MAC Binding > Edit > Add

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 170 Configuration > Network > IP/MAC Binding > Edit > Add
Interface Name This field displays the name of the interface within the Zyxel Device and the interface’s IP
address and subnet mask.
IP Address Enter the IP address that the Zyxel Device is to assign to a device with the entry’s MAC
MAC Address Enter the MAC address of the device to which the Zyxel Device assigns the entry’s IP
Description Enter up to 64 printable ASCII characters to help identify the entry. For example, you may
want to list the computer’s owner.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

17.3 IP/MAC Binding Exempt List

Click Configuration > Network > IP/MAC Binding > Exempt List to open the IP/MAC Binding Exempt List
screen. Use this screen to configure ranges of IP addresses to which the Zyxel Device does not apply IP/
MAC binding.

Figure 355 Configuration > Network > IP/MAC Binding > Exempt List

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 17 IP/MAC Binding

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 171 Configuration > Network > IP/MAC Binding > Exempt List
Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Click an entry or select it and click Edit to modify the entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove it
before doing so.
# This is the index number of the IP/MAC binding list entry.
Name Enter a name to help identify this entry.
Start IP Enter the first IP address in a range of IP addresses for which the Zyxel Device does not apply IP/
MAC binding.
End IP Enter the last IP address in a range of IP addresses for which the Zyxel Device does not apply IP/
MAC binding.
Add icon Click the Add icon to add a new entry.

Click the Remove icon to delete an entry. A window displays asking you to confirm that you want
to delete it.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

C H A P T E R 18
Layer 2 Isolation

18.1 Overview
Layer-2 isolation is used to prevent connected devices from communicating with each other in the Zyxel
Device’s local network(s), except for the devices in the white list, when layer-2 isolation is enabled on
the Zyxel Device and the local interface(s).

Note: The security policy control must be enabled before you can use layer-2 isolation.

In the following example, layer-2 isolation is enabled on the Zyxel Device’s interface Vlan1. A printer, PC
and AP are in the Vlan1. The IP address of network printer (C) is added to the white list. With this setting,
the connected AP then cannot communicate with the PC (D), but can access the network printer (C),
server (B), wireless client (A) and the Internet.

Figure 356 Layer-2 Isolation Application

18.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter

• Use the General screen (Section 18.2 on page 515) to enable layer-2 isolation on the Zyxel Device
and the internal interface(s).
• Use the White List screen (Section 18.3 on page 516) to enable and configures the white list.

18.2 Layer-2 Isolation General Screen

This screen allows you to enable Layer-2 isolation on the Zyxel Device and specific internal interface(s).
To access this screen click Configuration > Network > Layer 2 Isolation.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 18 Layer 2 Isolation

Figure 357 Configuration > Network > Layer 2 Isolation

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 172 Configuration > Network > Layer 2 Isolation

Enable Layer2 Select this option to turn on the layer-2 isolation feature on the Zyxel Device.
Note: You can enable this feature only when the security policy is enabled.
Member List The Available list displays the name(s) of the internal interface(s) on which you can enable
layer-2 isolation.

To enable layer-2 isolation on an interface, you can double-click a single entry to move it or use
the [Shift] or [Ctrl] key to select multiple entries and click the right arrow button to add to the
Member list. To remove an interface, select the name(s) in the Member list and click the left
arrow button.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

18.3 White List Screen

IP addresses that are not listed in the white list are blocked from communicating with other devices in
the layer-2-isolation-enabled internal interface(s) except for broadcast packets.

To access this screen click Configuration > Network > Layer 2 Isolation > White List.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 18 Layer 2 Isolation

Figure 358 Configuration > Network > Layer 2 Isolation > White List

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 173 Configuration > Network > Layer 2 Isolation > White List
Enable White List Select this option to turn on the white list on the Zyxel Device.

Note: You can enable this feature only when the security policy is enabled.
Add Click this to add a new rule.
Edit Click this to edit the selected rule.
Remove Click this to remove the selected rule.
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific rule.
Status This icon is lit when the rule is active and dimmed when the rule is inactive.
IP Address This field displays the IP address of device that can be accessed by the devices connected to
an internal interface on which layer-2 isolation is enabled.
Description This field displays the description for the IP address in this rule.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

18.3.1 Add/Edit White List Rule

This screen allows you to create a new rule in the white list or edit an existing one. To access this screen,
click the Add button or select an entry from the list and click the Edit button.

Note: You can configure up to 100 white list rules on the Zyxel Device.

Note: You need to know the IP address of each connected device that you want to allow to
be accessed by other devices when layer-2 isolation is enabled.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 18 Layer 2 Isolation

Figure 359 Configuration > Network > Layer 2 Isolation > White List > Add/Edit

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 174 Configuration > Network > Layer 2 Isolation > White List > Add/Edit
Enable Select this option to turn on the rule.
Host IP Address Enter an IPv4 address associated with this rule.
Description Specify a description for the IP address associated with this rule. Enter up to 60 characters,
spaces and underscores allowed.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving your changes.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

C H A P T E R 19
DNS Inbound LB

19.1 DNS Inbound Load Balancing Overview

Inbound load balancing enables the Zyxel Device to respond to a DNS query message with a different IP
address for DNS name resolution. The Zyxel Device checks which member interface has the least load
and responds to the DNS query message with the interface’s IP address.

In the following figure, an Internet host (A) sends a DNS query message to the DNS server (D) in order to
resolve a domain name of www.example.com. DNS server D redirects it to the Zyxel Device (Z)’s WAN1
with an IP address of The Zyxel Device receives the DNS query message and responds to it with
the WAN2’s IP address,, because the WAN2 has the least load at that moment.

Another Internet host (B) also sends a DNS query message to ask where www.example.com is. The Zyxel
Device responds to it with the WAN1’s IP address,, since WAN1 has the least load this time.

Figure 360 DNS Load Balancing Example

A: Where is D
A: Where is
Z: It’s
D: Ask


B: Where is
www.example.com? B: Where is
Z: It’s
D: Ask

3 B

19.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter

• Use the Inbound LB screen (see Section 19.2 on page 520) to view a list of the configured DNS load
balancing rules.
• Use the Inbound LB Add/Edit screen (see Section 19.2.1 on page 521) to add or edit a DNS load
balancing rule.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 19 DNS Inbound LB

19.2 The DNS Inbound LB Screen

The Inbound LB screen provides a summary of all DNS load balancing rules and the details. You can also
use this screen to add, edit, or remove the rules. Click Configuration > Network > Inbound LB to open the
following screen.

Note: After you finish the inbound load balancing settings, go to security policy and NAT
screens to configure the corresponding rule and virtual server to allow the Internet users
to access your internal servers.

Figure 361 Configuration > Network > DNS Inbound LB

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 175 Configuration > Network > DNS Inbound LB

Global Setting
Enable DNS Load Select this to enable DNS load balancing.
Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify
the entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to
remove it before doing so.
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
Move To move an entry to a different number in the list, click the Move icon. In the field that
appears, specify the number to which you want to move the entry.
Status This icon is lit when the entry is active and dimmed when the entry is inactive.
Priority This field displays the order in which the Zyxel Device checks the member interfaces of
this DNS load balancing rule.
Query Domain Name This field displays the domain name for which the Zyxel Device manages load
balancing between the specified interfaces.
Query From Address This field displays the source IP address of the DNS query messages to which the Zyxel
Device applies the DNS load balancing rule.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 19 DNS Inbound LB

Table 175 Configuration > Network > DNS Inbound LB (continued)

Query From Zone The Zyxel Device applies the DNS load balancing rule to the query messages received
from this zone.
Load Balancing This field displays the member interfaces which the Zyxel Device manages for load
Member balancing.
Algorithm This field displays the load balancing method the Zyxel Device uses for this DNS load
balancing rule.

Weighted Round Robin - Each member interface is assigned a weight. An interface with
a larger weight gets more chances to transmit traffic than an interface with a smaller
weight. For example, if the weight ratio of wan1 and wan2 interfaces is 2:1, the Zyxel
Device chooses wan1 for 2 sessions’ traffic and wan2 for 1 session’s traffic in each round
of 3 new sessions.

Least Connection - The Zyxel Device chooses choose a member interface which is
handling the least number of sessions.

Least Load - Outbound - The Zyxel Device chooses a member interface which is
handling the least amount of outgoing traffic.

Least Load - Inbound - The Zyxel Device chooses a member interface which is handling
the least amount of incoming traffic.

Least Load - Total - The Zyxel Device chooses a member interface which is handling the
least amount of outgoing and incoming traffic.
Apply Click this button to save your changes to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click this button to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

19.2.1 The DNS Inbound LB Add/Edit Screen

The Add DNS Load Balancing screen allows you to add a domain name for which the Zyxel Device
manages load balancing between the specified interfaces. You can configure the Zyxel Device to
apply DNS load balancing to some specific hosts only by configuring the Query From settings. Click
Configuration > Network > Inbound LB and then the Add or Edit icon to open this screen.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 19 DNS Inbound LB

Figure 362 Configuration > Network > DNS Inbound LB > Add

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 176 Configuration > Network > DNS Inbound LB > Add/Edit
Create New Object Use this to configure any new setting objects that you need to use in this screen.
General Settings
Enable Select this to enable this DNS load balancing rule.
DNS Setting
Query Domain Name Type up to 255 characters for a domain name for which you want the Zyxel Device to
manage DNS load balancing. You can use a wildcard (*) to let multiple domains match
the name. For example, use *.example.com to specify any domain name that ends with
“example.com” would match.
Time to Live Enter the number of seconds the Zyxel Device recommends DNS request hosts to keep
the DNS entry in their caches before removing it. Enter 0 to have the Zyxel Device not
recommend this so the DNS request hosts will follow their DNS server’s TTL setting.
Query From Setting

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 19 DNS Inbound LB

Table 176 Configuration > Network > DNS Inbound LB > Add/Edit (continued)
IP Address Select the name of an IP address object, including geographic address object, of a
computer or a DNS server which makes the DNS queries upon which to apply this rule.

DNS servers process client queries using recursion or iteration:

• In recursion, DNS servers make recursive queries on behalf of clients. So you have to
configure this field to the DNS server’s IP address when recursion is used.
• In iteration, a client asks the DNS server and expects the best and immediate answer
without the DNS server contacting other DNS servers. If the primary DNS server cannot
provide the best answer, the client makes iteration queries to other configured DNS
servers to resolve the name. You have to configure this field to the client’s IP address
when iteration is used.
Zone Select the zone of DNS query messages upon which to apply this rule.
Load Balancing
Load Balancing Select a load balancing method to use from the drop-down list box.
Select Weighted Round Robin to balance the traffic load between interfaces based on
their respective weights. An interface with a larger weight gets more chances to transmit
traffic than an interface with a smaller weight. For example, if the weight ratio of wan1
and wan2 interfaces is 2:1, the Zyxel Device chooses wan1 for 2 sessions’ traffic and
wan2 for every session’s traffic in each round of 3 new sessions.

Select Least Connection to have the Zyxel Device choose the member interface which is
handling the least number of sessions.

Select Least Load - Outbound to have the Zyxel Device choose the member interface
which is handling the least amount of outgoing traffic.

Select Least Load - Inbound to have the Zyxel Device choose the member interface
which is handling the least amount of incoming traffic.

Select Least Load - Total to have the Zyxel Device choose the member interface which is
handling the least amount of outgoing and incoming traffic.
Failover IP Address Enter an alternate IP address with which the Zyxel Device will respond to a DNS query
message when the load balancing algorithm cannot find any available interface.
Add Click this to create a new member interface for this rule.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify
the entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to
remove it before doing so.
# This field displays the order in which the Zyxel Device checks this rule’s member
IP Address This field displays the IP address of the member interface.
Monitor Interface This field displays the name of the member interface. The Zyxel Device manages load
balancing between the member interfaces.
Weight This field is available if you selected Weighted Round Robin as the load balancing
algorithm. This field displays the weight of the member interface. An interface with a
larger weight gets more chances to transmit traffic than an interface with a smaller
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 19 DNS Inbound LB

19.2.2 The DNS Inbound LB Add/Edit Member Screen

The Add Load Balancing Member screen allows you to add a member interface for the DNS load
balancing rule. Click Configuration > Network > DNS Inbound LB > Add or Edit and then an Add or Edit
icon to open this screen.

Figure 363 Configuration > Network > DNS Inbound LB > Add/Edit > Add

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 177 Configuration > Network > DNS Inbound LB > Add/Edit > Add/Edit
Member The Zyxel Device checks each member interface’s loading in the order displayed here.
Monitor Interface Select an interface to associate it with the DNS load balancing rule. This field also displays
whether the IP address is a static IP address (Static), dynamically assigned (Dynamic) or
obtained from a DHCP server (DHCP Client), as well as the IP address and subnet mask.
Weight This field is available if you selected Weighted Round Robin for the load balancing

Specify the weight of the member interface. An interface with a larger weight gets more
chances to transmit traffic than an interface with a smaller weight.
IP Address
Same as Monitor Select this to send the IP address displayed in the Monitor Interface field to the DNS query
Interface senders.
Custom Select this and enter another IP address to send to the DNS query senders.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

C H A P T E R 20
Web Authentication

20.1 Web Auth Overview

Web authentication can intercept network traffic, according to the authentication policies, until the
user authenticates his or her connection, usually through a specifically designated login web page. This
means all web page requests can initially be redirected to a special web page that requires users to
authenticate their sessions. Once authentication is successful, they can then connect to the rest of the
network or Internet.

As soon as a user attempt to open a web page, the Zyxel Device reroutes his/her browser to a web
portal page that prompts him/her to log in.

Figure 364 Web Authentication Example

The web authentication page only appears once per authentication session. Unless a user session times
out or he/she closes the connection, he or she generally will not see it again during the same session.

20.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter

• Use the Configuration > Web Authentication screens (Section 20.2 on page 526) to create and
manage web authentication policies.
• Use the Configuration > Web Authentication > SSO screen (Section 20.3 on page 546) to configure
how the Zyxel Device communicates with a Single Sign-On agent.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 20 Web Authentication

20.1.2 What You Need to Know

Single Sign-On
A SSO (Single Sign On) agent integrates Domain Controller and Zyxel Device authentication
mechanisms, so that users just need to log in once (single) to get access to permitted resources.

Forced User Authentication

Instead of making users for which user-aware policies have been configured go to the Zyxel Device
Login screen manually, you can configure the Zyxel Device to display the Login screen automatically
whenever it routes HTTP traffic for anyone who has not logged in yet.

Note: This works with HTTP traffic only. The Zyxel Device does not display the Login screen
when users attempt to send other kinds of traffic.

The Zyxel Device does not automatically route the request that prompted the login, however, so users
have to make this request again.

20.2 Web Authentication General Screen

The Web Authentication General screen displays the general web portal settings and web
authentication policies you have configured on the Zyxel Device. Use this screen to enable web
authentication on the Zyxel Device.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 20 Web Authentication

Figure 365 Configuration > Web Authentication > General

The following table gives an overview of the objects you can configure.

Table 178 Configuration > Web Authentication > General

Global Setting
Enable Web Select the check box to turn on the web authentication feature. Otherwise, clear the check
Authentication box to turn it off.

Once enabled, all network traffic is blocked until a client authenticates with the Zyxel Device
through the specifically designated web portal or user agreement page.
Web Portal General Setting
Enable Session Select this to display a page showing information on the user session after s/he logs in. It
Page displays remaining time with an option to renew or log out immediately.
Logout IP Specify an IP address that users can use to terminate their sessions manually by entering the IP
address in the address bar of the web browser.
User Agreement
General Setting
Enforce data Select this to require users to fill in their registration information (name, telephone number,
collection address and email address) on the User Agreement (PC or mobile) page.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 20 Web Authentication

Table 178 Configuration > Web Authentication > General (continued)

Exceptional Use this table to list services that users can access without logging in.
Click Add to change the list’s membership. A screen appears. Available services appear on
the left. Select any services you want users to be able to access without logging in and click
the right arrow button to add them. The member services are on the right. Select any service
that you want to remove from the member list, and click the left arrow button to remove them.

Keeping DNS as a member allows users’ computers to resolve domain names into IP addresses.

Figure 366 Configuration > Web Authentication > Add Exceptional Service

In the table, select one or more entries and click Remove to delete it or them.
Web Use this table to manage the Zyxel Device’s list of web authentication policies.
Policy Summary
Add Click this to create a new entry. Select an entry and click Add to create a new entry after the
selected entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify the
entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove
it before doing so.
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
Move To move an entry to a different number in the list, click the Move icon. In the field that appears,
specify the number to which you want to move the interface.
Status This icon is lit when the entry is active and dimmed when the entry is inactive.
Priority This is the position of the authentication policy in the list. The priority is important as the policies
are applied in order of priority. Default displays for the default authentication policy that the
Zyxel Device uses on traffic that does not match any exceptional service or other
authentication policy. You can edit the default rule but not delete it.
Incoming This field displays the interface on which packets for this policy are received.
Source This displays the source address object, including geographic address and FQDN (group)
objects, to which this policy applies.
Destination This displays the destination address object, including geographic address and FQDN (group)
objects, to which this policy applies.
Schedule This field displays the schedule object that dictates when the policy applies. none means the
policy is active at all times if enabled.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 20 Web Authentication

Table 178 Configuration > Web Authentication > General (continued)

Authentication This field displays the authentication requirement for users when their traffic matches this policy.

unnecessary – Users do not need to be authenticated.

required – Users need to be authenticated. They must manually go to the login screen or user
agreement page. The Zyxel Device will not redirect them to the login screen.

force – Users need to be authenticated. The Zyxel Device automatically displays the login
screen or user agreement page whenever it routes HTTP traffic for users who have not logged
in yet.
Authentication This field displays the name of the authentication type profile used in this policy to define how
Type users authenticate their sessions. It shows n/a if Authentication is set to unnecessary.
Description If the entry has a description configured, it displays here. This is n/a for the default policy.
Apply Click this button to save your changes to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click this button to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

Creating Exceptional Services

This screen lists services that users can access without logging in. Click Add under Exceptional Services in
the previous screen to display this screen. You can change the list’s membership here. Available
services appear on the left. Select any services you want users to be able to access without logging in
and click the right arrow button -> to add them. The member services are on the right. Select any
service that you want to remove from the member list, and click the left arrow <- button to remove
them. Then click OK to apply the changes and return to the main Web Authentication screen.
Alternatively, click Cancel to discard the changes and return to the main Web Authentication screen.

Figure 367 Configuration > Web Authentication > General > Add Exceptional Service

Creating/Editing an Authentication Policy

Open the Configuration > Web Authentication > General screen, then click the Add icon or select an
entry and click the Edit icon in the Web Authentication Policy Summary section to open the Auth. Policy
Add/Edit screen. Use this screen to configure an authentication policy.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 20 Web Authentication

Figure 368 Configuration > Web Authentication > General > Add Authentication Policy

The following table gives an overview of the objects you can configure.

Table 179 Configuration > Web Authentication > General > Add Authentication Policy
Create new Use to configure any new settings objects that you need to use in this screen. Select Address or
Object Schedule.
Enable Policy Select this check box to activate the authentication policy. This field is available for user-
configured policies.
Description Enter a descriptive name of up to 60 printable ASCII characters for the policy. Spaces are
allowed. This field is available for user-configured policies.
User Use this section of the screen to determine which traffic requires (or does not require) the
Authentication senders to be authenticated in order to be routed.
Incoming Select the interface on which packets for this policy are received.
Source Address Select a source address or address group, including geographic address and FQDN (group)
objects, for whom this policy applies. Select any if the policy is effective for every source. This is
any and not configurable for the default policy.
Destination Select a destination address or address group, including geographic address and FQDN
Address (group) objects, for whom this policy applies. Select any if the policy is effective for every
destination. This is any and not configurable for the default policy.
Schedule Select a schedule that defines when the policy applies. Otherwise, select none and the rule is
always effective. This is none and not configurable for the default policy.
Authentication Select the authentication requirement for users when their traffic matches this policy.

unnecessary - Users do not need to be authenticated.

required - Users need to be authenticated. If Force User Authentication is selected, all HTTP
traffic from unauthenticated users is redirected to a default or user-defined login page.
Otherwise, they must manually go to the login screen. The Zyxel Device will not redirect them to
the login screen.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 20 Web Authentication

Table 179 Configuration > Web Authentication > General > Add Authentication Policy (continued)
Single Sign-on This field is available for user-configured policies that require Single Sign-On (SSO). Select this to
have the Zyxel Device enable the SSO feature. You can set up this feature in the SSO screen.
Force User This field is available for user-configured policies that require authentication. Select this to have
Authentication the Zyxel Device automatically display the login screen when users who have not logged in yet
try to send HTTP traffic.
Authentication Select an authentication method:
• default-web-portal: the default login page built into the Zyxel Device
• default-user-agreement: the default user agreement page built into the Zyxel Device.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

20.2.1 User-aware Access Control Example

You can configure many policies and security settings for specific users or groups of users. Users can be
authenticated locally by the Zyxel Device or by an external (RADIUS) authentication server.

In this example the users are authenticated by an external RADIUS server at First, set up the
user accounts and user groups in the Zyxel Device. Then, set up user authentication using the RADIUS
server. Finally, set up the policies in the table above. Set Up User Accounts

Set up user accounts in the RADIUS server. This example uses the Web Configurator. If you can export
user names from the RADIUS server to a text file, then you might configure a script to create the user
accounts instead.

1 Click Configuration > Object > User/Group > User. Click the Add icon.

2 Enter the same user name that is used in the RADIUS server, and set the User Type to ext-user because
this user account is authenticated by an external server. Click OK.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 20 Web Authentication

Figure 369 Configuration > Object > User/Group > User > Add

3 Repeat this process to set up the remaining user accounts. Set Up User Groups

Set up the user groups and assign the users to the user groups.

1 Click Configuration > Object > User/Group > Group. Click the Add icon.

2 Enter the name of the group. In this example, it is “Finance”. Then, select Object/Leo and click the right
arrow to move him to the Member list. This example only has one member in this group, so click OK. Of
course you could add more members later.
Figure 370 Configuration > Object > User/Group > Group > Add

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 20 Web Authentication

3 Repeat this process to set up the remaining user groups. Set Up User Authentication Using the RADIUS Server

This step sets up user authentication using the RADIUS server. First, configure the settings for the RADIUS
server. Then, set up the authentication method, and configure the Zyxel Device to use the
authentication method. Finally, force users to log into the Zyxel Device before it routes traffic for them.

1 Click Configuration > Object > AAA Server > RADIUS. Double-click the radius entry. Configure the RADIUS
server’s address, authentication port (1812 if you were not told otherwise), and key. Click OK.
Figure 371 Configuration > Object > AAA Server > RADIUS > Add

2 Click Configuration > Object > Auth. Method. Double-click the default entry. Click the Add icon. Select
group radius because the Zyxel Device should use the specified RADIUS server for authentication. Click

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 20 Web Authentication

Figure 372 Configuration > Object > Auth. method > Edit

3 Click Configuration > Web Authentication. In the Web Authentication > General screen, select Enable
Web Authentication to turn on the web authentication feature and click Apply.
Figure 373 Configuration > Web Authentication

4 In the Web Authentication Policy Summary section, click the Add icon to set up a default policy that has
priority over other policies and forces every user to log into the Zyxel Device before the Zyxel Device
routes traffic for them.

5 Select Enable Policy. Enter a descriptive name, “default_policy” for example. Set the Authentication
field to required, and make sure Force User Authentication is selected. Select an authentication type
profile (“default-web-portal” in this example). Keep the rest of the default settings, and click OK.

Note: The users must log in at the Web Configurator login screen before they can use HTTP or

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 20 Web Authentication

Figure 374 Configuration > Web Authentication: General: Add

When the users try to browse the web (or use any HTTP application), the login screen appears. They
have to log in using the user name and password in the RADIUS server. User Group Authentication Using the RADIUS Server

The previous example showed how to have a RADIUS server authenticate individual user accounts. If
the RADIUS server has different user groups distinguished by the value of a specific attribute, you can
make a couple of slight changes in the configuration to have the RADIUS server authenticate groups of
user accounts defined in the RADIUS server.

1 Click Configuration > Object > AAA Server > RADIUS. Double-click the radius entry. Besides configuring
the RADIUS server’s address, authentication port, and key; set the Group Membership Attribute field to
the attribute that the Zyxel Device is to check to determine to which group a user belongs. This example
uses Class. This attributes’ value is called a group identifier; it determines to which group a user belongs.
In this example the values are Finance, Engineer, Sales, and Boss.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 20 Web Authentication

Figure 375 Configuration > Object > AAA Server > RADIUS > Add

2 Now you add ext-group-user objects to identify groups based on the group identifier values. Set up one
user account for each group of user accounts in the RADIUS server. Click Configuration > Object > User/
Group > User. Click the Add icon.
Enter a user name and set the User Type to ext-group-user. In the Group Identifier field, enter Finance,
Engineer, Sales, or Boss and set the Associated AAA Server Object to radius.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 20 Web Authentication

Figure 376 Configuration > Object > User/Group > User > Add

3 Repeat this process to set up the remaining groups of user accounts.

20.2.2 Authentication Type Screen

Use this screen to view, create and manage the authentication type profiles on the Zyxel Device. An
authentication type profile decides which type of web authentication pages to be used for user
authentication. Go to Configuration > Web Authentication and then select the Authentication Type tab
to display the screen.

Figure 377 Configuration > Web Authentication > Authentication Type

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 180 Configuration > Web Authentication > Authentication Type

Add Click this to create a new entry. Select an entry and click Add to create a new entry after the
selected entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify the
entry’s settings.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 20 Web Authentication

Table 180 Configuration > Web Authentication > Authentication Type (continued)
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove
it before doing so.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific entry.
Name This field displays the name of the profile.

default-web-portal: the default login page built into the Zyxel Device.

Note: You can also customize the default login page built into the Zyxel Device in
the System > WWW > Login Page screen.

default-web-portal: the default user agreement page built into the Zyxel Device.
Type This field displays the type of the web authentication page used by this profile.
Web Page This field displays whether this profile uses the default web authentication page built into the
Zyxel Device (System Default Page) or custom web authentication pages from an external web
server (External Page).
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

Add/Edit an Authentication Type Profile

Click the Add icon or select an entry in the Web Authentication > Authentication Type screen and click
the Edit icon to display the screen. The screen differs depending on what you select in the Type field.

Figure 378 Configuration > Web Authentication > Authentication Type: Add/Edit (Web Portal)

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 20 Web Authentication

Figure 379 Configuration > Web Authentication > Authentication Type: Add/Edit (User Agreement)

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 181 Configuration > Web Authentication > Authentication Type: Add/Edit
Type Select the type of the web authentication page through which users authenticate their

If you select User Agreement, by agreeing to the policy of user agreement, users can access
the Internet without a guest account.
Profile Name Enter a name for the profile.

You can use up to 31 alphanumeric characters (A–Z, a–z, 0–9) and underscores (_). Spaces are
not allowed. The first character must be a letter.
The following fields are available if you set Type to Web Portal.
Internal Web Select this to use the web portal pages uploaded to the Zyxel Device.
The login page appears whenever the web portal intercepts network traffic, preventing
unauthorized users from gaining access to the network.
Preview Select to display the page you uploaded to the Zyxel Device in a new frame.

Note: You must select a custom file uploaded to the Zyxel Device before you can
preview the pages.
Customize file Select the file name of the web portal file in the Zyxel Device.

Note: You can upload zipped custom web portal files to the Zyxel Device using the
Configuration > Web Authentication > Web Portal Customize File screen.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 20 Web Authentication

Table 181 Configuration > Web Authentication > Authentication Type: Add/Edit (continued)
External Web Select this to use a custom login page from an external web portal instead of the one
Portal uploaded to the Zyxel Device. You can configure the look and feel of the web portal page.
Login URL Specify the login page’s URL; for example, http://IIS server IP Address/login.html.

The Internet Information Server (IIS) is the web server on which the web portal files are installed.
Logout URL Specify the logout page’s URL; for example, http://IIS server IP Address/logout.html.

The Internet Information Server (IIS) is the web server on which the web portal files are installed.
Welcome URL Specify the welcome page’s URL; for example, http://IIS server IP Address/welcome.html.

Users will be redirected to the welcome page after authentication. This field is optional.

The Internet Information Server (IIS) is the web server on which the web portal files are installed.
Session URL Specify the session page’s URL; for example, http://IIS server IP Address/session.html.

The Internet Information Server (IIS) is the web server on which the web portal files are installed.
Error URL Specify the error page’s URL; for example, http://IIS server IP Address/error.html.

The Internet Information Server (IIS) is the web server on which the web portal files are installed.
Download Click this to download an example external web portal file for your reference.
The following fields are available if you set Type to User Agreement.
Enable Idle This is applicable for access users.
Select this check box if you want the Zyxel Device to monitor how long each access user is
logged in and idle (in other words, there is no traffic for this access user). The Zyxel Device
automatically logs out the access user once the Idle timeout has been reached.
Idle timeout This is applicable for access users.

This field is effective when Enable Idle Detection is checked. Type the number of minutes each
access user can be logged in and idle before the Zyxel Device automatically logs out the
access user.
Reauthentication Enter the number of minutes the user can be logged into the Zyxel Device in one session before
Time having to log in again.
Internal User Select this to use the user agreement pages in the Zyxel Device. The user agreement page
Agreement appears whenever the Zyxel Device intercepts network traffic, preventing unauthorized users
from gaining access to the network.
Preview Select to display the page you uploaded to the Zyxel Device in a new frame.

Note: You must select a custom file uploaded to the Zyxel Device before you can
preview the pages.
Customize file Select the file name of the user agreement file in the Zyxel Device.

Note: You can upload zipped custom user agreement files to the Zyxel Device using
the Configuration > Web Authentication > User Agreement Customize File
External User Select this to use custom user agreement pages from an external web server instead of the
Agreement default one built into the Zyxel Device. You can configure the look and feel of the user
agreement page.
Agreement Specify the user agreement page’s URL; for example, http://IIS server IP Address/logout.html.
The Internet Information Server (IIS) is the web server on which the user agreement files are

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 20 Web Authentication

Table 181 Configuration > Web Authentication > Authentication Type: Add/Edit (continued)
Welcome URL Specify the welcome page’s URL; for example, http://IIS server IP Address/welcome.html.

The Internet Information Server (IIS) is the web server on which the user agreement files are

If you leave this field blank, the Zyxel Device will use the welcome page of internal user
agreement file.
Download Click this to download an example external user agreement file for your reference.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

20.2.3 Custom Web Portal / User Agreement File Screen

Use this screen to upload the zipped custom web portal or user agreement files to the Zyxel Device. You
can also download the custom files to your computer.

Click Configuration > Web Authentication and then select the Custom Web Portal File or Custom User
Agreement File tab to display the screen.

Figure 380 Configuration > Web Authentication > Custom Web Portal File

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 20 Web Authentication

Figure 381 Configuration > Web Authentication > Custom User Agreement File

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 182 Configuration > Web Authentication > Custom Web Portal / User Agreement File
Remove Click a file’s row to select it and click Remove to delete it from the Zyxel Device.
Download Click a file’s row to select it and click Download to save the zipped file to your computer.
# This column displays the index number for each file entry. This field is a sequential value, and it is
not associated with a specific entry.
File Name This column displays the label that identifies a web portal or user agreement file.
Size This column displays the size (in KB) of a file.
Last Modified This column displays the date and time that the individual files were last changed or saved.
Browse / Upload Click Browse... to find the zipped file you want to upload, then click the Upload button to put it
on the Zyxel Device.
Download Click this to download an example external web portal or user agreement file for your

20.2.4 Facebook Wi-Fi Screen

The Zyxel Device supports Facebook Wi-Fi to let users check in to a business on Facebook for free
Internet access after connecting to the Zyxel Device’s wireless or LAN network. Users then have the
option to like the Facebook fan page. This helps promote the Facebook page and then promote the

Use this screen to turn on Facebook Wi-Fi on the Zyxel Device and select a Facebook Page. You should
already have:

• connected the Zyxel Device to the Internet and registered the Zyxel Device with myZyxel.
• set up a Facebook fan page associated with the business location.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 20 Web Authentication

• created an authentication policy in the Configuration > Web Authentication: General screen to
redirect the matched users to the Facebook page before they can have free Internet access.

Note: If you disable Facebook Wi-Fi or reset the Facebook page settings later, the Zyxel
Device automatically logs out existing users who have authenticated their connections
through Facebook Wi-Fi.

Click Configuration > Web Authentication and then select the Facebook Wi-Fi tab to display the
following screen. If your Zyxel Device is not registered at myZyxel, the screen displays this additional
message '3. Please register your device on portal.myZyxel.com to activate configure Facebook Wi-Fi.
Click here to check register status.'

Figure 382 Configuration > Web Authentication: Facebook Wi-Fi

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 183 Configuration > Web Authentication: Facebook Wi-Fi

Enable Facebook Select the check box and click Apply to turn on Facebook Wi-Fi on the Zyxel Device.
Configure Click this button to open the Facebook Wi-Fi configuration screen in a new window, where you
can select the Facebook Page associated with your location and configure bypass mode and
session length.

Note: You should have registered your Zyxel Device with myZyxel before you can
click Configure to set up Facebook Wi-Fi on the Zyxel Device.
Reset FB Page Click this button to remove your Facebook Page setting.
Enable user idle Select this check box if you want the Zyxel Device to monitor how long each user
detection (authenticated via Facebook Wi-Fi) is idle (in other words, there is no traffic for this user).
User idle timeout Specify the User idle timeout between 1 and 60 minutes. The Zyxel Device automatically
disconnects a user (authenticated via Facebook Wi-Fi) from the network after a period of
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 20 Web Authentication How to Configure Facebook for Facebook Wi-Fi

This section shows you what to do if you have not yet set up a Facebook fan page and see the following
message ‘This device is not paired with facebook. Please configure this device’.

1 Click Configure.

2 Log into Facebook and click Create Page.

3 Select the Facebook page type and fill in the information prompts to create a Facebook page. Then
click Get Started.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 20 Web Authentication

4 In the following screen, select the page just created and click Save Settings. Your Facebook page is
now paired with Facebook Wi-Fi. How to use the Zyxel Device’s Facebook Wi-Fi

This section shows how users use Facebook Wi-Fi to access the Internet for free after you enable and set
up Facebook Wi-Fi on the Zyxel Device.

1 Connect to the Zyxel Device’s wireless or LAN network.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 20 Web Authentication

2 Open a web browser from the connected computer or mobile device.

3 The Facebook Page you specified displays. By default, users can log in and check in to the location
associated with the Facebook Page, or click a link to skip check-in. If you set Bypass Mode to Require
Wi-Fi code in the Facebook Wi-Fi configuration screen, users need to enter the Wi-Fi password you

4 Users then can click Continue Browsing to surf the Internet through the Zyxel Device.

20.3 SSO Overview

The SSO (Single Sign-On) function integrates Domain Controller and Zyxel Device authentication
mechanisms, so that users just need to log in once (single login) to get access to permitted resources.

In the following figure, U user logs into a Domain Controller (DC) which passes the user’s login credentials
to the SSO agent. The SSO agent checks that these credentials are correct with the AD server, and if the
AD server confirms so, the SSO then notifies the Zyxel Device to allow access for the user to the permitted
resource (Internet access, for example).

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 20 Web Authentication

Note: The Zyxel Device, the DC, the SSO agent and the AD server must all be in the same
domain and be able to communicate with each other.

SSO does not support IPv6, LDAP or RADIUS; you must use it in an IPv4 network
environment with Windows AD (Active Directory) authentication database.

You must enable Web Authentication in the Configuration > Web Authentication

Figure 383 SSO Overview

U User
DC Domain Controller
SSO Single Sign-On agent
AD Active Directory

Install the SSO Agent on one of the following platforms:

• Windows 7 Professional (32-bit and 64-bit)

• Windows Server 2008 Enterprise (32-bit and 64-bit)
• Windows 2008 R2 (64-bit)
• Windows Server 2012 (64-bit)

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 20 Web Authentication

20.4 SSO – Zyxel Device Configuration

This section shows what you have to do on the Zyxel Device in order to use SSO.

Table 184 Zyxel Device - SSO Agent Field Mapping

Web Authentication > Listen Port Agent Configuration Gateway Port
SSO Page > Gateway
Web Authentication > Primary Agent Port Agent Configuration Agent Listening Port
SSO Page
Object > User/Group > Group Identifier Agent Configuration Group Membership
User > Add Page > Configure
LDAP/AD Server
Object > AAA Server > Base DN Agent Configuration Base DN
Active Directory > Add Page > Configure
LDAP/AD Server
Object > AAA Server > Bind DN Agent Configuration Bind DN
Active Directory > Add Page > Configure
LDAP/AD Server
Object > User/Group > User Name Agent Configuration Login Name Attribute
User > Add Page > Configure
LDAP/AD Server
Object > AAA Server > Server Address Agent Configuration Server Address
Active Directory > Add Page > Configure
LDAP/AD Server
Network > Interface > IP address Agent Configuration Gateway IP
Ethernet > wan (IPv4) Page > Gateway

20.4.1 Configuration Overview

These are the screens you need to configure:

• Configure the Zyxel Device to Communicate with SSO on page 548

• Enable Web Authentication on page 549
• Create a Security Policy on page 551
• Configure User Information on page 552
• Configure an Authentication Method on page 553
• Configure Active Directory on page 554 or Configure Active Directory on page 554

20.4.2 Configure the Zyxel Device to Communicate with SSO

Use Configuration > Web Authentication > SSO to configure how the Zyxel Device communicates with
the Single Sign-On (SSO) agent.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 20 Web Authentication

Figure 384 Configuration > Web Authentication > SSO

The following table gives an overview of the objects you can configure.

Table 185 Configuration > Web Authentication > SSO

Listen Port The default agent listening port is 2158. If you change it on the Zyxel Device, then
change it to the same number in the Gateway Port field on the SSO agent too. Type
a number ranging from 1025 to 65535.
Agent PreShareKey Enter 8 – 32 printable ASCII characters or exactly 32 hex characters (0–9; a–f). The
Agent PreShareKey is used to encrypt communications between the Zyxel Device
and the SSO agent.
Primary Agent Address Enter the IPv4 address of the SSO agent. The Zyxel Device and the SSO agent must
be in the same domain and be able to communicate with each other.
Primary Agent Port Enter the same port number here as in the Agent Listening Port field on the SSO
agent. Type a number ranging from 1025 to 65535.
Secondary Agent Address Enter the IPv4 address of the backup SSO agent if there is one. The Zyxel Device and
(Optional) the backup SSO agent must be in the same domain and be able to communicate
with each other.
Secondary Agent Port Enter the same port number here as in the Agent Listening Port field on the backup
(Optional) SSO agent if there is one. Type a number ranging from 1025 to 65535.
Apply Click this button to save your changes to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click this button to return the screen to its last-saved settings

20.4.3 Enable Web Authentication

Enable Web Authentication and add a web authentication policy.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 20 Web Authentication

Make sure you select Enable Policy, Single Sign-On and choose required in Authentication.

Do NOT select any as the source address unless you want all incoming connections to be

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 20 Web Authentication

See Table 178 on page 527 and Table 179 on page 530 for more information on configuring these

20.4.4 Create a Security Policy

Configure a Security Policy for SSO traffic source and destination direction in order to prevent the
security policy from blocking this traffic. Go to Configuration > Security Policy > Policy and add a new
policy if a default one does not cover the SSO web authentication traffic direction.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 20 Web Authentication

Configure the fields as shown in the following screen. Configure the source and destination addresses
according to the SSO web authentication traffic in your network.

20.4.5 Configure User Information

Configure a User account of the ext-group-user type.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 20 Web Authentication

Configure Group Identifier to be the same as Group Membership on the SSO agent.

20.4.6 Configure an Authentication Method

Configure Active Directory (AD) for authentication with SSO.

Choose group ad as the authentication server for SSO.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 20 Web Authentication

20.4.7 Configure Active Directory

You must configure an Active Directory (AD) server in AAA Setup to be the same as AD configured on
the SSO agent.

The default AD server port is 389. If you change this, make sure you make the same changes on the SSO.
Configure the Base DN exactly the same as on the Domain Controller and SSO. Bind DN is a user name
and password that allows the Zyxel Device to join the domain with administrative privileges. It is a
required field.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 20 Web Authentication

20.5 SSO Agent Configuration

This section shows what you have to do on the SSO agent in order to work with the Zyxel Device.

After you install the SSO agent, you will see an icon in the system tray (bottom right of the screen).

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 20 Web Authentication

Right-click the SSO icon and select Configure Zyxel SSO Agent.

Configure the Agent Listening Port, AD server exactly as you have done on the Zyxel Device. Add the
Zyxel Device IP address as the Gateway. Make sure the Zyxel Device and SSO agent are able to
communicate with each other.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 20 Web Authentication

Configure the Server Address, Port, Base DN, Bind DN, Login Name Attribute and Group Membership for
the AD server settings exactly as you have done on the Zyxel Device. Group Membership is called Group
Identifier on the Zyxel Device.

LDAP/AD Server Configuration

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 20 Web Authentication

Configure the Gateway IP address, Gateway Port and PreShareKey exactly as you have done in the
Zyxel Device Configuration > Web Authentication > SSO screen. If you want to use Generate Key to have
the SSO create a random password, select Check to show PreShareKey as clear Text so as to see the
password, then copy and paste it to the Zyxel Device.

After all SSO agent configurations are done, right-click the SSO icon in the system tray and select Enable
Zyxel SSO Agent.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

C H A P T E R 21

21.1 Overview
See Section 1.1 on page 29 to see which models support Hotspot management.

21.2 Billing Overview

You can use the built-in billing function to setup billing profiles. A billing profile describes how to charge
users. This chapter also shows you how to select an accounting method, configure a discount price plan
or use an online payment service by credit card.

• Use the General screen (see Section 21.3 on page 560) to configure the general billing settings, such
as the accounting method, currency unit and the SSID profiles to which the settings are applied.
• Use the Billing Profile screen (see Section 21.4 on page 562) to configure the billing profiles for the
web-based account generator and each button on the connected statement printer.
• Use the Discount screen (see Section 21.5 on page 569) to enable and configure discount price plans.
• Use the Payment Service screen (see Section 21.6 on page 571) to enable online payment service
and configure the service pages.

21.2.1 What You Need to Know

Accumulation Accounting Method

The accumulation accounting method allows multiple re-logins until the allocated time period or until
the user account is expired. The Zyxel Device accounts the time that the user is logged in for Internet

Time-to-finish Accounting Method

The time-to-finish accounting method is good for one-time logins. Once a user logs in, the Zyxel Device
stores the IP address of the user’s computer for the duration of the time allocated. Thus the user does not
have to enter the user name and password again for re-login within the allocated time. Once
activated, the user account is valid until the allocated time is reached even if the user disconnects
Internet access for a certain period within the allocated time. For example, Joe purchases a one-hour
time-to-finish account. He starts using the Internet for the first 20 minutes and then disconnects his
Internet access to go to a 20-minute meeting. After the meeting, he only has 20 minutes left on his

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 21 Hotspot

21.3 The Billing > General Screen

Use this screen to configure the general billing settings, such as the accounting method, currency unit
and the SSID profiles to which the settings are applied. Click Configuration > Hotspot > Billing > General
to open the following screen.

Figure 385 Configuration > Hotspot > Billing > General

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 21 Hotspot

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 186 Configuration > Hotspot > Billing > General

General Settings
Unused account Enter the number and select a time unit from the drop-down list box to specify how long to wait
will be deleted before the Zyxel Device deletes an account that has not been used.
after the time:
Accounting Select Time to Finish to allow each user a one-time login. Once the user logs in, the system starts
Method counting down the pre-defined usage even if the user stops the Internet access before the
time period is finished. If a user disconnects and reconnects before the allocated time expires,
the user does not have to enter the user name and password to access the Internet again.

Select Accumulation to allow each user multiple re-login until the time allocated is used up. The
Zyxel Device accounts the time that the user is logged in for Internet access.
User idle The Zyxel Device automatically disconnects a computer from the network after a period of
timeout inactivity. The user may need to enter the username and password again before access to the
network is allowed.

If you select Accumulation, specify the idle timeout between 1 and 60 minutes.
Accumulatio Enter the number and select a time unit from the drop-down list box to specify how long to wait
n account will before the Zyxel Device deletes the account.
be deleted
after the time: This is for use with accumulation accounting.
Billing User Logon
Maximum Enter the maximum number of the users that are allowed to log in with the same account.
number per
billing account
Reach maximum Select Block to stop new users from logging in when the Maximum number per billing account
number per is reached.
billing account
Select Remove previous user and login to disassociate the first user that logged in and allow
new user to log in when the Maximum number per billing account is reached.
Username & Select to specify how many characters the username and password of a newly-created
Password length dynamic guest account will have after you click Apply.
Keep user logged Select to let the users automatically log in without entering their user name and password if the
in Zyxel Device restarts.

Note: This works only for free guest accounts or when the accounting method is Time
to Finish.
Currency Select the appropriate currency symbol or currency unit.

If you set Currency code to User-Define, enter a three-letter alphabetic code manually.
Number of This shows the number of decimal places to be used for billing.
decimals places
Decimal symbol Select whether you would like to use a dot (.) or a comma (,) for the decimal point.
Tax Select this option to charge sales tax for the account. Enter the tax rate (a 6% sales tax is
entered as 6).
SSID Profile The Selectable SSID Profiles list displays the name(s) of the SSID profile(s) to which you can
Settings apply the general billing settings.

To apply settings to an SSID profile, you can double-click a single entry to move it or use the
[Shift] or [Ctrl] key to select multiple entries and click the right arrow button to add to the
Selected SSID Profiles list. To remove an SSID profile, select the name(s) in the Selected SSID
Profiles list and click the left arrow button.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 21 Hotspot

Table 186 Configuration > Hotspot > Billing > General (continued)
Hotspot Service
Service Status This field displays whether a service license is enabled at myZyxel (Activated) or not (Not
Activated) or expired (Expired). It displays the remaining Grace Period if your license has
Expired. It displays Not Licensed if there isn’t a license to be activated for this service.

If you need a license or a trial license has expired, click Buy to buy a new one. If a Standard
license has expired, click Renew to extend the license.

Then, click Activate to connect with the myZyxel server to activate the new license.
Service Type This shows whether you have a trial or standard license or none (Trial, Standard, None).
Expiration This shows when your hotspot license will expire.
Apply Click this button to save your changes to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click this button to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

21.4 The Billing > Billing Profile Screen

Use this screen to configure the billing profiles that defines the maximum Internet access time and
charge per time unit. Click Configuration > Hotspot > Billing > Billing Profile to open the following screen.

Figure 386 Configuration > Hotspot > Billing > Billing Profile

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 187 Configuration > Hotspot > Billing > Billing Profile
Button A ~ C Select a billing profile for each button of the web-based account generator. The buttons
correspond to the buttons on a connected statement printer.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 21 Hotspot

Table 187 Configuration > Hotspot > Billing > Billing Profile (continued)
Preview Click this button to open the Account Generator screen, where you can generate a dynamic
guest account and print the account information using a statement printer connected to the
Zyxel Device (see Section 21.4.1 on page 563 for more information).
Billing Profile
Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify the
entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove
it before doing so.
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific entry.
Status This icon is lit when the entry is active and dimmed when the entry is inactive.
Name This field displays the descriptive profile name for this entry.
Time Period This field displays the duration of the billing period.
Quota (T/U/D) This field is NOT available when you set Accounting Method to Time to Finish in the Billing >
General screen.

This field displays how much data in both directions (Total) or upstream data (Upload) and
downstream data (Download) can be transmitted through the WAN interface before the
account expires.
Bandwidth (U/D) This field displays the maximum upstream (Upload) and downstream (Download) bandwidth
allowed for the user account in kilobits per second.
Price This field displays each profile’s price per time unit.
Apply Click this button to save your changes to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click this button to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

21.4.1 The Account Generator Screen

The Account Generator screen allows you to automatically create dynamic guest accounts (see
Section 7.10 on page 225 and Dynamic-Guest Accounts for more information on dynamic guest

Click Configuration > Hotspot > Billing > Billing Profile and then the Preview button to open this screen.
You can also open this screen by logging into the Web Configurator with the guest-manager account.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 21 Hotspot

Figure 387 Account Generator

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 188 Account Generator

Account Select a button and specify how many units of billing period to be charged for new account in
Generator the Button x Unit field.
Discount plan for This section displays only when you enable the discount price plan in the Billing > Discount
Button x screen.
# This is the number of each discount level.

The default (first) level cannot be edited or deleted. It is created automatically according to
the billing profile of the button you select.
Name This field displays the conditions of each discount level.
Unit This field displays the duration of the billing period that should be reached before the Zyxel
Device charges users at this level.
Price This field displays the price per time unit for each level.
Real Name Enter the user’s name.
Email Enter the user’s email address.
Phone Enter the user’s phone number.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 21 Hotspot

Table 188 Account Generator (continued)

Default Thermal Select a statement printer that is attached to the Zyxel Device. It displays n/a if there is no
Printer printer attached.
Total This shows the total price for the account before sales tax is added.
Tax This shows the tax rate.
Grand Total This shows the total price including tax.
Quantity Specify the number of account to be created.
Generate Click Generate to generate an account based on the billing settings you configure for the
selected button in the Billing Profile screen. A window displays showing the SMS message and/
or a printout preview of the account generated.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.
Logout Click Logout to log out of the web configurator. This button is available only when you open this
screen by logging in with the guest-manager account.

The following figure shows an example SMS message with account information. The SMS screen displays
only when you enable SMS in the Configuration > System > Notification > SMS screen. You can enter the
user’s mobile phone number and click Send SMS to send the account information in an SMS text
message to the user’s mobile phone. Click Cancel to close this window when you are finished viewing it.

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Chapter 21 Hotspot

The Printer screen shows a printout preview example. Click Printer to print this subscriber statement. Click
Cancel to close this window when you are finished viewing it.

21.4.2 The Account Redeem Screen

The Account Redeem screen allows you to send SMS messages for certain accounts. Click the Account
Redeem tab in the Account Generator screen to open this screen.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 21 Hotspot

Figure 388 Account Redeem

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 189 Account Redeem

Query Account
Phone Number Enter the country code and mobile phone number and click Query to display only the
account(s) that has the specified phone number.
SMS Click this button to send text messages for the accounts in the list below.

You can use this button only when SMS is enabled and there is at least one account in the list.
# This is the index number of the dynamic guest account in the list.
Status This field displays whether an account expires or not.
Username This field displays the user name of the account.
Create Time This field displays when the account was created.
Remaining Time This field displays the amount of Internet access time remaining for each account.
Time Period This field displays the total account of time the account can use to access the Internet through
the Zyxel Device.
Expiration Time This field displays the date and time the account becomes invalid.

Note: Once the time allocated to a dynamic account is used up or a dynamic

account remains unused after the expiration time, the account is deleted from
the account list.
Charge This field displays the total cost of the account.
Payment Info This field displays the method of payment for each account.
Phone Num This field displays the mobile phone number for the account.

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Chapter 21 Hotspot

Table 189 Account Redeem (continued)

Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.
Logout Click Logout to log out of the web configurator. This button is available only when you open this
screen by logging in with the guest-manager account.

21.4.3 The Billing Profile Add/Edit Screen

The Billing Profile Add/Edit screen allows you to create a new billing profile or edit an existing one. Click
Configuration > Hotspot > Billing > Billing Profile and then an Add or Edit icon to open this screen.

Figure 389 Configuration > Hotspot > Billing > Billing Profile > Add/Edit

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 190 Configuration > Hotspot > Billing > Billing Profile > Add/Edit
Enable billing Select this option to activate the profile.
Name Enter a name for the billing profile.

You can use up to 31 alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9) and underscores (_). Spaces are
not allowed. The first character must be a letter.
Price Define each profile’s price, up to 999999.99, per time unit.
Time Period Set the duration of the billing period (minute, hour, or day). When this period expires, the user’s
access will be stopped. The allowed time period ranges are 10 to 60 minutes, 0 to 24 hours, or 0
to 365 days.

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Chapter 21 Hotspot

Table 190 Configuration > Hotspot > Billing > Billing Profile > Add/Edit (continued)
Quota Type The quota settings section is NOT available when you set Accounting Method to Time to Finish
in the Billing > General screen.

Set a limit for the user accounts. This only applies to user’s traffic that is received or transmitted
through the WAN interface.

Note: When the limit is exceeded, the user is not allowed to access the Internet
through the Zyxel Device.

Select Total to set a limit on the total traffic in both directions.

Select Upload/Download to set a limit on the upstream traffic and downstream traffic
Total Quota If you select Total, specify how much downstream and/or upstream data (in MB (Megabytes)
or GB (Gigabytes)) can be transmitted through the WAN interface before the account expires.
0 means there is no data limit for the user account.
Upload Quota If you select Upload/Download, specify how much upstream data (in MB (Megabytes) or GB
(Gigabytes)) can be transmitted through the WAN interface before the account expires.

0 means there is no data limit for the user account.

Download Quota If you select Upload/Download, specify how much downstream data (in MB (Megabytes) or GB
(Gigabytes)) can be transmitted through the WAN interface before the account expires.

0 means there is no data limit for the user account.

Enable Select this option to turn on bandwidth management for the user accounts.
Upload Specify the maximum outgoing bandwidth allowed for the user account in kilobits per second.
Upload refers to the traffic the Zyxel Device sends out from a user.
Download Specify the maximum incoming bandwidth allowed for the user account in kilobits per second.
Download refers to the traffic the Zyxel Device sends to a user.
Priority Enter a number between 1 and 7 to set the priority for the user’s traffic. The smaller the number,
the higher the priority.

Traffic with a higher priority is given bandwidth before traffic with a lower priority.

Note: The priority setting here has priority over the priority setting in a bandwidth
management rule.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

21.5 The Billing > Discount Screen

Use this screen to configure a custom discount pricing plan. This is useful for providing reduced rates for
purchases of longer periods of time. You can charge higher rates per unit at lower levels (fewer units
purchased) and lower rates per unit at higher levels (more units purchased). Click Configuration >
Hotspot > Billing > Discount to open the following screen.

Note: The discount price plan does not apply to users who purchase access time online with a
credit card.

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Chapter 21 Hotspot

Figure 390 Configuration > Hotspot > Billing > Discount

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 191 Configuration > Hotspot > Billing > Discount

Discount Settings
Enable Discount Select the check box to activate the discount price plan.
Button Select Select a button from the drop-down list box to assign the base charge.
Charge by levels Select this to charge the rate at each successive level from the first level (most expensive per
unit) to the highest level (least expensive per unit) that the total purchase reaches.

Otherwise, clear this to charge all of the user’s time units only at the highest level (least
expensive) that their total purchase reaches.
Discount Price
Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify the
entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove
it before doing so.
# This is the number of each discount level.

The default (first) level cannot be edited or deleted. It is created automatically according to
the billing profile of the button you select.
Name This field displays the conditions of each discount level.
Unit This field displays the duration of the billing period that should be reached before the Zyxel
Device charges users at this level.
Price This field displays the price per time unit for each level.
Apply Click this button to save your changes to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click this button to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 21 Hotspot

21.5.1 The Discount Add/Edit Screen

The Discount Add/Edit screen allows you to create a new discount level or edit an existing one. Click
Configuration > Hotspot > Billing > Discount and then an Add or Edit icon to open this screen.

Figure 391 Configuration > Hotspot > Billing > Discount > Add/Edit

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 192 Configuration > Hotspot > Billing > Discount > Add/Edit
Name This field displays the conditions of each discount level.
Unit Set the duration of the billing period that should be reached before the Zyxel Device charges
users at this level.
Price Define this level’s charge per time unit.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

21.6 The Billing > Payment Service Screen

Use this screen to use a credit card service to authorize, process, and manage credit card transactions
directly through the Internet. You must register with the supported credit card service before you can
configure the Zyxel Device to handle credit card transactions. Click Configuration > Hotspot > Billing >
Payment Service to open the following screen.

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Chapter 21 Hotspot

Figure 392 Configuration > Hotspot > Billing > Payment Service > General

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 193 Configuration > Hotspot > Billing > Payment Service > General
General Setting
Enable Payment Select the check box to use PayPal to authorize credit card payments.
Note: After you set up web authentication policies and enable the online payment
service on the Zyxel Device, a link displays in the login screen when users try to
access the Internet. The link redirects users to a screen where they can make
online payments by credit card to purchase access time and get dynamic
guest account information.
Payment Provider
Account You should already have a PayPal account to receive credit card payments.

Enter your PayPal account name.

Currency Select the currency in which payments are made. The available options depend on currencies
that PayPal supports.
Identity Token Enter the ID token provided to you by PayPal after successfully applying for your PayPal
Payment Enter the address of the PayPal gateway provided to you by PayPal after applying for your
Gateway PayPal account.
Account Delivery

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 21 Hotspot

Table 193 Configuration > Hotspot > Billing > Payment Service > General (continued)
Delivery Method Specify how the Zyxel Device provides dynamic guest account information after the user’s
online payment is done.

Select On-Screen to display the user account information in the web screen.

Select SMS to use Short Message Service (SMS) to send account information in a text message
to the user’s mobile device.

Select On-Screen and SMS to provide the account information both in the web screen and via
SMS text messages.

Note: You should have enabled SMS in the Configuration > System > Notification >
SMS screen to send text messages to the user’s mobile device.
Apply Click this button to save your changes to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click this button to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

21.6.1 The Payment Service > Desktop / Mobile View Screen

Use this screen to customize the online payment service pages that displays after an unauthorized user
clicks the link in the Web Configurator login screen to purchase access time. You can configure both
the desktop and mobile versions of the service pages. Users click a link in the pages to switch between
the two versions.

Click Configuration > Hotspot > Billing > Payment Service > Desktop View or Mobile View to open the
following screen.

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Chapter 21 Hotspot

Figure 393 Configuration > Hotspot > Billing > Payment Service > Desktop View

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 21 Hotspot

Figure 394 Configuration > Hotspot > Billing > Payment Service > Mobile View

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Chapter 21 Hotspot

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 194 Configuration > Hotspot > Billing > Payment Service > Desktop View or Mobile View
Select Type
Use Default Page Select this to use the default online payment service page built into the device. If you later
create a custom online payment service page, you can still return to the Zyxel Device’s default
page as it is saved indefinitely.
Use Customized Select this to use a custom online payment service page instead of the default one built into
Page the Zyxel Device. Once this option is selected, the custom page controls below become
Profile Selection
Selection Enter a note to display in the first welcome page that allows users to choose a billing period
Message they want. Use up to 256 printable ASCII characters. Spaces are allowed.
Successfully Page
Successfully Enter a note to display in the second page after the user’s online payment is made
Message successfully. Use up to 256 printable ASCII characters. Spaces are allowed.
Notification Enter the important information you want to display. Use up to 256 printable ASCII characters.
Message Spaces are allowed.
Notification Color Specify the font color of the important information. You can use the color palette chooser, or
enter a color value of your own.
Account Enter a note to display above the user account information. Use up to 256 printable ASCII
Message characters. Spaces are allowed.
Day Time Select the format in which you want to display the date and how long an account is allowed
to stay unused before it expires.
Customized Fail
Failed Message Enter a note to display when the user’s online payment failed. Use up to 256 printable ASCII
characters. Spaces are allowed.
Customized SMS
Information Enter a note to display when you set the Zyxel Device to send account information via SMS text
Message messages. Use up to 256 printable ASCII characters. Spaces are allowed.
Apply Click this button to save your changes to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click this button to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 22 Printer Manager

C H A P T E R 22
Printer Manager

22.1 Printer Manager Overview

You can create dynamic guest accounts and print guest account information by pressing the button on
an external statement printer, such as SP350E.

Make sure that the printer is connected to the appropriate power and the Zyxel Device, and that there
is printing paper in the printer. Refer to the printer’s documentation for details.

22.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter

• Use the Printer Manager > General screen (see Section 21.3 on page 560) to configure the printer list
and enable printer management.
• Use the Printer Manager > Printout Configuration screen (see Section 22.3 on page 584) to customize
the account printout.

22.2 The Printer Manager > General Screen

Use this screen to configure a printer list and allow the Zyxel Device to monitor the printer status. Click
Configuration > Hotspot > Printer Manager > General to open the following screen.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Figure 395 Configuration > Hotspot > Printer Manager > General

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 195 Configuration > Hotspot > Printer Manager > General
General Setting
Enable Printer Select the check box to allow the Zyxel Device to manage and monitor the printer status.
Printer Settings
Encryption Select the check box to turn on data encryption. Data transmitted between the Zyxel Device
and the printer will be encrypted with a secret key
Secret Key Enter four alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9) to specify a key for data encryption.
Printer List Use this section to add the printer(s) that can be managed by the Zyxel Device.
Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify the
entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove
it before doing so.
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
Discover Click this to discover the printer(s) that is connected to the Zyxel Device and display the printer
Printer information in a pop-up window. IPnP is enabled while discovering the printer and disabled
when the discovering process has finished.

Note: You need a Hotspot license to use this feature.

Use Printer Manager > General > Add to manually configure a printer’s IP address
and add it to the managed printer list when the printer is not detected or
connected to the Zyxel Device.
Refresh Click this to update the printer list table.

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Chapter 22 Printer Manager

Table 195 Configuration > Hotspot > Printer Manager > General (continued)
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any entry.
Status This icon is lit when the entry is active and dimmed when the entry is inactive. Click the
Connection icon for the Zyxel Device connect to the printer.
IPv4 Address This field displays the IP address of the printer.
Update Time This field displays the date and time the Zyxel Device last synchronized with the printer.

This shows n/a when the printer is not in the managed printer list or the printer status is sync fail
or sync progressing.
Status This field is hidden by default. It displays whether the Zyxel Device can connect to the printer
and update the printer information.

This shows n/a when the printer is not in the managed printer list.
Nickname This shows an optional friendly name for the printer that you configured.
Firmware Version This field displays the model number and firmware version of the printer.

This shows n/a when the printer is not in the managed printer list or the printer status is sync fail.
MAC This shows the hardware MAC address of the printer.
Description This field displays the descriptive name for the printer that you configured.
Printer Firmware
Current Version This is the version of the printer firmware currently uploaded to the Zyxel Device. The Zyxel
Device automatically installs it in the connected printers to make sure the printers are
upgraded to the same version.
Hotspot Service The hotspot license must be registered in order to be activated.
Service Status This field displays whether a service license is enabled at myZyxel (Activated) or not (Not
Activated) or expired (Expired). It displays the remaining Grace Period if your license has
Expired. It displays Not Licensed if there isn’t a license to be activated for this service.

If you need a license or a trial license has expired, click Buy to buy a new one. If a Standard
license has expired, click Renew to extend the license.

Then, click Activate to connect with the myZyxel server to activate the new license.
Service Type This shows whether you have a trial or standard license or none (Trial, Standard, None).
Expiration This shows when your hotspot license will expire.
Apply Click this button to save your changes to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click this button to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

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Chapter 22 Printer Manager

22.2.1 Add Printer Rule

Click the Add icon to open the following screen. Use this screen to add a new printer.

Figure 396 Configuration > Hotspot > Printer Manager > General: Add

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 196 Configuration > Hotspot > Printer Manager > General: Add
Enable Printer Select this option to turn on this entry in order to allow the Zyxel Device to manage this printer.
IPv4 Address Enter an IPv4 address for the printer.
Description Enter a description of this printer. You can use alphanumeric and ()+,/:=?!*#@$_%-”
characters, and it can be up to 60 characters long.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

22.2.2 Edit Printer Rule

Select an entry in the Printer Manager > General screen and click the Edit icon to open the following
screen. Use this screen to modify the printer’s settings. You can't click the Edit icon when the printer
status is sync fail or sync progressing.

Figure 397 Configuration > Hotspot > Printer Manager > General: Edit

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 22 Printer Manager

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 197 Configuration > Hotspot > Printer Manager > General: Edit
Enable Printer Select this option to turn on this entry in order to allow the Zyxel Device to manage this printer.
Nickname Type an optional friendly name for the printer. A nickname must begin with a letter and cannot
exceed 15 characters. Valid characters are [a-zA-Z0-9_-].
Description Enter a description of this printer. You can use alphanumeric and ()+,/:=?!*#@$_%-”
characters, and it can be up to 60 characters long.
IP Address
Get Select this to make the printer a DHCP client and automatically get the IP address, subnet
Automatically mask, and gateway address from a DHCP server.
Use Fixed IP Select this if you want to specify the IP address, subnet mask, and gateway manually.
IP Address This field is enabled if you select Use Fixed IP Address.

Enter the IP address for the printer.

Subnet Mask This field is enabled if you select Use Fixed IP Address.

Enter the subnet mask of the printer in dot decimal notation. The subnet mask indicates what
part of the IP address is the same for all computers in the network.
Gateway This field is enabled if you select Use Fixed IP Address.

Enter the IP address of the gateway. The Zyxel Device sends packets to the gateway when it
does not know how to route the packet to its destination. The gateway should be on the same
network as the printer.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

22.2.3 Discover Printer

Click the Discover Printer icon in the Printer Manager > General screen to open the following screen. Use
this screen to find connected printers or edit a connected printer’s settings. Use Printer Manager >

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 22 Printer Manager

General > Add to manually configure a printer’s IP address and add it to the managed printer list when
the printer is not detected or connected to the Zyxel Device.

Figure 398 Configuration > Hotspot > Printer Manager > General: Discover Printer

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 198 Configuration > Hotspot > Printer Manager > General > Discover Printer
Un-Mgnt Printer The tables displays according to whether the printer is in the unmanaged printer list (Un-Mgnt
List / Mgnt Printer Printer List) or the managed printer list (Mgnt Printer List).
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify the
entry’s settings.

Note: You cannot edit an entry’s settings when the printer status is sync fail or sync
Add to Mgnt Click this to add the selected printer to the managed printer list.
Printer List
# This is the index number of the printer in the list.
Registration This field displays whether the printer is added to the managed printer list (Mgnt Printer) or not
(Un-Mgnt Printer).
IPv4 Address This field displays the IP address of the printer.
Update Time This field displays the date and time the Zyxel Device last synchronized with the printer.

This shows n/a when the printer is not in the managed printer list or the printer status is sync fail
or sync progressing.
Status This field displays whether the Zyxel Device can connect to the printer and update the printer

This shows n/a when the printer is not in the managed printer list.
Nickname This field displays the optional friendly name of the printer that you configured.
Firmware Version This field displays the model number and firmware version of the printer.

This shows n/a when the printer is not in the managed printer list or the printer status is sync fail.
MAC This field displays the MAC address of the printer.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 22 Printer Manager

22.2.4 Edit Printer Manager (Discover Printer)

Select an entry in the Printer Manager > General > Discover Printer screen and click the Edit icon to open
the following screen. Use this screen to modify the printer’s nickname and IP address.

Figure 399 Configuration > Hotspot > Printer Manager > General > Discover Printer: Edit

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 199 Configuration > Hotspot > Printer Manager > General > Discover Printer: Edit
General Settings
Nickname Type an optional friendly name for the printer. A nickname must begin with a letter and cannot
exceed 15 characters. Valid characters are [a-zA-Z0-9_-].
IP Address Assignment
Get Select this to make the printer a DHCP client and automatically get the IP address, subnet
Automatically mask, and gateway address from a DHCP server.
Use Fixed IP Select this if you want to specify the IP address, subnet mask, and gateway manually.
IP Address This field is enabled if you select Use Fixed IP Address.

Enter the IP address for the printer.

Subnet Mask This field is enabled if you select Use Fixed IP Address.

Enter the subnet mask of the printer in dot decimal notation. The subnet mask indicates what
part of the IP address is the same for all computers in the network.
Gateway This field is enabled if you select Use Fixed IP Address.

Enter the IP address of the gateway. The Zyxel Device sends packets to the gateway when it
does not know how to route the packet to its destination. The gateway should be on the same
network as the printer.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 22 Printer Manager

22.3 The Printout Configuration Screen

Use this screen to customize the account printout. Click Configuration > Hotspot > Printer Manager >
Printout Configuration to open the following screen.

Figure 400 Configuration > Hotspot > Printer Manager > Printout Configuration

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 200 Configuration > Hotspot > Printer Manager > Printout Configuration
Use Default Select this to use the default account printout format built into the device. If you later create a
Printout custom account printout format, you can still return to the Zyxel Device’s default format as it is
Configuration saved indefinitely.
Use Customized Select this to use a custom account printout format instead of the default one built into the
Printout Zyxel Device. Once this option is selected, the custom format controls below become active.
Preview Click the button to display a preview of account printout format you uploaded to the Zyxel
File Name This shows the file name of account printout format file in the Zyxel Device.

Click Download to download the account printout format file from the Zyxel Device to your
File Path / Browse for the account printout format file or enter the file path in the available input box, then
Browse / click the Upload button to put it on the Zyxel Device.
Restore Click Restore to set the Zyxel Device back to use the default built-in account printout format.
File to Default
Download Click this to download an example account printout format file from the Zyxel Device for your
Number of Select how many copies of subscriber statements you want to print (1 is the default).
Apply Click this button to save your changes to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click this button to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 22 Printer Manager

22.4 Printer Reports Overview

The SP350E allows you to print status reports about the guest accounts and general Zyxel Device system
information. Simply press a key combination on the SP350E to print a report instantly without accessing
the web configurator.

The following lists the reports that you can print using the SP300E.

• Daily account summary

• Monthly account summary
• Last month account summary
• System status

22.4.1 Key Combinations

The following table lists the key combination to print each report.

Note: You must press the key combination on the SP350E within five seconds to print.

Table 201 Report Printing Key Combinations

Daily Account Summary ABCAA
Monthly Account Summary ABCBA
Last Month Account Summary ABCBB
System Status ABCCA

The following sections describe each report printout in detail.

22.4.2 Daily Account Summary

The daily account report lists the accounts printed during the current day, the current day’s total
number of accounts and the total charge. It covers the accounts that have been printed during the
current day starting from midnight (not the past 24 hours). For example, if you press the daily account
key combination on 2013/05/10 at 20:00:00, the daily account report includes the accounts created on
2013/05/10 between 00:00:01 and 19:59:59.

Key combination: A B C A A

The following figure shows an example.

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Chapter 22 Printer Manager

Figure 401 Daily Account Example

Daily Account

Username Price
p2m6pf52 1.00
s4pcms28 2.00
2013/05/10 20:00:00

22.4.3 Monthly Account Summary

The monthly account report lists the accounts printed during the current month, the current month’s
total number of accounts and the total charge. It covers the accounts that have been printed during
the current month starting from midnight of the first day of the current month (not the past one month
period). For example, if you press the monthly account key combination on 2013/05/17 at 20:00:00, the
monthly account report includes the accounts created from 2013/05/01 at 00:00:01 to 2013/05/17 at

Key combination: A B C B A

The following figure shows an example.

Figure 402 Monthly Account Example

Monthly Account

Username Price
p2m6pf52 1.00
s4pcms28 2.00
7ufm7z22 2.00
qm5fxn95 6.00

TOTAL PRICE: $ 11.00
2013/05/17 20:00:11

22.4.4 Account Report Notes

The daily, monthly or last month account report holds up to 2000 entries. If there are more than 2000
accounts created in the same month or same day, the account report’s calculations only include the
latest 2000.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 22 Printer Manager

For example, if 2030 accounts (each priced at $1) have been created from 2013/05/01 00:00:00 to 2013/
05/31 19:59:59, the monthly account report includes the latest 2000 accounts, so the total would be
$2,000 instead of $2,030.

Use the Monitor > System Status > Dynamic Guest screen to see the accounts generated on another
day or month (up to 2000 entries total).

22.4.5 System Status

This report shows the current system information such as the host name and WAN IP address.

Key combination: A B C C A

The following figure shows an example.

Figure 403 System Status Example

System Status
Item Description
SYST 02:02:35
WAST Link up
WLST Activate
FWVR 2.50(AACG.0)
BTVR 1.22
WAMA 00-90-0E-00-4A-29
LAMA 00-90-0E-00-4A-30
MEMS 40%
2012/04/12 17:10:22

The following table describes the labels in this report.

Table 202 System Status

SYST This field displays the time since the system was last restarted.
WAST This field displays the WAN connection status.
WLST This field displays the status of the Zyxel Device’s wireless LAN.
FWVR This field displays the version of the firmware on the Zyxel Device.
BTVR This field displays the version of the bootrom.
WAMA This field displays the MAC address of the Zyxel Device on the WAN.
LAMA This field displays the MAC address of the Zyxel Device on the LAN.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 22 Printer Manager

Table 202 System Status (continued)

WAIP This field displays the IP address of the WAN port on the Zyxel Device.
LAIP This field displays the IP address of the LAN port on the Zyxel Device.
WLIP This field displays the IP address of the wireless LAN interface on the Zyxel Device.
DHSP This field displays the first of the continuous addresses in the IP address pool.
DHEP This field displays the end of the continuous addresses in the IP address pool.
CPUS This field displays the Zyxel Device’s recent CPU usage.
MEMS This field displays the Zyxel Device’s recent memory usage.
DKST This field displays what percentage of the Zyxel Device’s on-board flash memory is currently
being used.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

C H A P T E R 23
Free Time

23.1 Free Time Overview

With Free Time, the Zyxel Device can create dynamic guest accounts that allow users to browse the
Internet free of charge for a specified period of time.

23.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter

Use the Free Time screen (see Section 23.2 on page 589) to turn on this feature to allow users to get a
free account for Internet surfing during the specified time period.

23.2 The Free Time Screen

Use this screen to enable and configure the free time settings. Click Configuration > Hotspot > Free Time
to open the following screen.

Figure 404 Configuration > Hotspot > Free Time

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 23 Free Time

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 203 Configuration > Hotspot > Free Time

Enable Free Time Select the check box to turn on the free time feature.

Note: After you set up web authentication policies and enable the free time feature
on the Zyxel Device, a link displays in the login screen when users try to access
the Internet. The link redirects users to a screen where they can get a free
Free Time Period Select the duration of time period for which the free time account is allowed to access the
Reset Time Select Daily to have the Zyxel Device allow free account access every day at the specified

Select Weekly to have the Zyxel Device allow free account access once a week on the day
you select.

Select Monthly to have the Zyxel Device allow free account access once a month on a set

When your free period ends, you will see a message telling you when you can use free time
again. This depends on the Reset Time period chosen.
Time If you select Daily, select the time in 24-hour format at which the new free time account is
allowed to access the Internet.
Day If you select Weekly, select the day on which the new free time account is allowed to access
the Internet.

If you select Monthly, enter the date on which the new free time account is allowed to access
the Internet. If the date you selected is not available in a month, such as 30th or 31th, the Zyxel
Device allows the free account access on the last day of the month.
Maximum Enter the maximum number of the users that are allowed to log in for Internet access with a
Registration free guest account before the time specified in the Reset Time field. This also sets how many
Number Before free guest accounts a user can get.
Reset Time
For example, if you set the Maximum Registration Number Before Reset Time to 1, the Reset
Time to Daily and the Reset Time to 13:00, even the first free guest account has expired at
11:30, the user cannot get a second account and/or access the Internet until 13:00.
Delivery Method Specify how the Zyxel Device provides dynamic guest account information.

Select On-Screen to display the user account information in the web screen.

Select SMS to use Short Message Service (SMS) to send account information in a text message
to the user’s mobile device.

Select On-Screen and SMS to provide the account information both in the web screen and via
SMS text messages.

Note: You should have enabled SMS in the Configuration > System > Notification >
SMS screen to send text messages to the user’s mobile device.
Auto Login Select this to allow users to log into their free account directly without having to enter their user
name and password.

Clearing this requires users to enter their user name and password, and click login to access
their free account.
Hotspot Service

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 23 Free Time

Table 203 Configuration > Hotspot > Free Time (continued)

Service Status This field displays whether a service license is enabled at myZyxel (Activated) or not (Not
Activated) or expired (Expired). It displays the remaining Grace Period if your license has
Expired. It displays Not Licensed if there isn’t a license to be activated for this service.

If you need a license or a trial license has expired, click Buy to buy a new one. If a Standard
license has expired, click Renew to extend the license.

Then, click Activate to connect with the myZyxel server to activate the new license.
Service Type This shows whether you have a trial or standard license or none (Trial, Standard, None).
Expiration This shows when your hotspot license will expire.
Apply Click this button to save your changes to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click this button to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

The following figure shows an example login screen with a link to create a free guest account.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 23 Free Time

If you enable both online payment service and free time feature on the Zyxel Device, the link description
in the login screen will be mainly for online payment service. You can still click the link to get a free

If SMS is enabled on the Zyxel Device, you have to enter your mobile phone number before clicking OK
to get a free guest account.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

The guest account information then displays in the screen and/or is sent to the configured mobile phone


ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 24 IPnP

C H A P T E R 24

24.1 IPnP Overview

IP Plug and Play (IPnP) allows a computer to access the Internet without changing the network settings
(such as IP address and subnet mask) of the computer, even when the IP addresses of the computer
and the Zyxel Device are not in the same subnet.

When you disable the IPnP feature, only computers with dynamic IP addresses or static IP addresses in
the same subnet as the Zyxel Device’s LAN IP address can connect to the Zyxel Device or access the
Internet through the Zyxel Device.

The IPnP feature does not apply to a computer using either a dynamic IP address or a static IP address
that is in the same subnet as the Zyxel Device's IP address.

Note: You must enable NAT to use the IPnP feature.

The following figure depicts a scenario where a computer is set to use a static private IP address in the
corporate environment. In a residential house where a Zyxel Device is installed, you can still use the
computer to access the Internet without changing the network settings, even when the IP addresses of
the computer and the Zyxel Device are not in the same subnet.

Figure 405 IPnP Application

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

24.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter
Use the IP screen (Section 24.1.2 on page 595) to enable IPnP on the Zyxel Device and the internal

24.1.2 IPnP Screen

This screen allows you to enable IPnP on the Zyxel Device and specific internal interface(s). To access
this screen click Configuration > Hotspot > IPnP.

Figure 406 Configuration > Hotspot > IPnP

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 204 Configuration > Hotspot > IPnP

Enable IPnP Select this option to turn on the IPnP feature on the Zyxel Device.

Note: You can enable this feature only when the security policy is enabled.
Member List The Available list displays the name(s) of the internal interface(s) on which you can enable

To enable IPnP on an interface, you can double-click a single entry to move it or use the [Shift]
or [Ctrl] key to select multiple entries and click the right arrow button to add to the Member list.
To remove an interface, select the name(s) in the Member list and click the left arrow button.
Hotspot Service
Service Status This field displays whether a service license is enabled at myZyxel (Activated) or not (Not
Activated) or expired (Expired). It displays the remaining Grace Period if your license has
Expired. It displays Not Licensed if there isn’t a license to be activated for this service.

If you need a license or a trial license has expired, click Buy to buy a new one. If a Standard
license has expired, click Renew to extend the license.

Then, click Activate to connect with the myZyxel server to activate the new license.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 24 IPnP

Table 204 Configuration > Hotspot > IPnP (continued)

Service Type This shows whether you have a trial or standard license or none (Trial, Standard, None).
Expiration This shows when your hotspot license will expire.
Register Now Click the link to go to myZyxel where you can register your Zyxel Device and activate the

This link is available only when the service is not activated yet.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

C H A P T E R 25
Walled Garden

25.1 Walled Garden Overview

A user must log in before the Zyxel Device allows the user’s access to the Internet. However, with a
walled garden, you can define one or more web site addresses that all users can access without
logging in. These can be used for advertisements for example.

25.2 Walled Garden > General Screen

Use this screen to turn on the walled garden feature.

Note: You must enable web authentication before you can access the Walled Garden

Note: You can configure up to 50 walled garden web site links.

Click Configuration > Hotspot > Walled Garden to display the screen.

Figure 407 Configuration > Hotspot > Walled Garden: General

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 205 Configuration > Hotspot > Walled Garden: General

Enable Walled Select this to turn on the walled garden feature.
Note: This feature works only with the web portal authentication type.
Hotspot Service

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 25 Walled Garden

Table 205 Configuration > Hotspot > Walled Garden: General (continued)
Service Status This field displays whether a service license is enabled at myZyxel (Activated) or not (Not
Activated) or expired (Expired). It displays the remaining Grace Period if your license has
Expired. It displays Not Licensed if there isn’t a license to be activated for this service.

If you need a license or a trial license has expired, click Buy to buy a new one. If a Standard
license has expired, click Renew to extend the license.

Then, click Activate to connect with the myZyxel server to activate the new license.
Service Type This shows whether you have a trial or standard license or none (Trial, Standard, None).
Expiration This shows when your hotspot license will expire.
Register Now Click the link to go to myZyxel where you can register your Zyxel Device and activate the

This link is available only when the service is not activated yet.
Apply Click this button to save your changes to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click this button to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

25.3 Walled Garden > URL Base Screen

Use this screen to configure the walled garden web addresses (URLs that use the HTTP or HTTPS protocol)
for web sites that all users are allowed to access without logging in. The web site link(s) displays in the
user login screen by default.

Click Configuration > Hotspot > Walled Garden and then select the URL Base tab to display the screen.

Figure 408 Configuration > Hotspot > Walled Garden: URL Base

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 206 Configuration > Hotspot > Walled Garden: URL Based
Walled Garden Use this table to manage the list of walled garden web site links.
URL List
Add Click this to create a new entry. Select an entry and click Add to create a new entry after the
selected entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify the
entry’s settings.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 25 Walled Garden

Table 206 Configuration > Hotspot > Walled Garden: URL Based (continued)
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove
it before doing so.
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
Move To move an entry to a different number in the list, click the Move icon. In the field that appears,
specify the number to which you want to move the interface.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any entry.
Status This icon is lit when the entry is active and dimmed when the entry is inactive.
Display This icon is lit when the web site link is set to display in the user login screen.
Name This field displays the descriptive name of the web site.
URL This field displays the URL of the web site.
Apply Click this button to save your changes to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click this button to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

25.3.1 Adding/Editing a Walled Garden URL

Go to the Configuration > Web Authentication > Walled Garden > URL Base screen. Click Add or select
an entry and click the Edit to open the Add/Edit Walled Garden URL screen. Use this screen to configure
a walled garden web site URL entry.

Figure 409 Configuration > Hotspot > Walled Garden: URL Base: Add/Edit

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 207 Configuration > Hotspot > Walled Garden: URL Base: Add/Edit
Enable Select this to activate the entry.
Hide in login Select this to not display the web site link in the user login screen.
This is helpful if a user’s access to a specific web site is required to stay connected but he or she
doesn’t need to visit that web site.
Name Enter a descriptive name for the walled garden link to be displayed in the login screen.

You can use up to 31 alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9) and underscores (_). Spaces are
also allowed. The first character must be a letter.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 25 Walled Garden

Table 207 Configuration > Hotspot > Walled Garden: URL Base: Add/Edit (continued)
URL Enter the URL of the web site.

Use “http://” or “https://” followed by up to 262 characters (0-9a-zA-Z;/?:@&=+$\.-_!~*'()%). For

example, http://www.example.com or
Preview Click this button to open the specified web site in a new frame.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

25.4 Walled Garden > Domain/IP Base Screen

Use this screen to configure walled garden web site links, which use a (wildcard) domain name or an IP
address. These links will not display in the login page.

Click Configuration > Hotspot > Walled Garden and then select the Domain/IP Base tab to display the

Figure 410 Configuration > Hotspot > Walled Garden: Domain/IP Base

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 208 Configuration > Hotspot > Walled Garden: Domain/IP Based
Walled Garden Use this table to manage the list of walled garden web site links.
Domain/IP List
Add Click this to create a new entry. Select an entry and click Add to create a new entry after the
selected entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify the
entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove
it before doing so.
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any entry.
Status This icon is lit when the entry is active and dimmed when the entry is inactive.
Name This field displays the descriptive name of the web site.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 25 Walled Garden

Table 208 Configuration > Hotspot > Walled Garden: Domain/IP Based (continued)
Domain Name/IP This field displays the domain name or IP address and subnet mask of the web site.
Apply Click this button to save your changes to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click this button to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

25.4.1 Adding/Editing a Walled Garden Domain or IP

Go to the Configuration > Hotspot > Walled Garden > Domain/IP Base screen. Click Add or select an
entry and click the Edit to open the Add/Edit Walled Garden Domain/IP screen. Use this screen to
configure the domain name or IP address entry for a walled garden web site.

Figure 411 Configuration > Hotspot > Walled Garden: Domain/IP Base: Add/Edit

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 209 Configuration > Hotspot > Walled Garden: Domain/IP Base: Add/Edit
Enable Select this to activate the entry.
Name Enter a descriptive name for the walled garden link.

You can use up to 31 alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9) and underscores (_). Spaces are
also allowed. The first character must be a letter.
Type Select whether you want to create the link by entering a domain name or an IP address.
Domain Name / If you select Domain, type a Fully-Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of a web site. An FQDN starts
IP Address with a host name and continues all the way up to the top-level domain name. For example,
www.zyxel.com.tw is a fully qualified domain name, where “www” is the host, “zyxel” is the
third-level domain, “com” is the second-level domain, and “tw” is the top level domain.
Underscores are not allowed. Use "*." as a prefix in the FQDN for a wildcard domain name (for
example, *.example.com).

If you select IP, enter the IP address and subnet mask of the web site.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

25.4.2 Walled Garden Login Example

The following figure shows the user login screen with two walled garden links. The links are named
WalledGardenLink1 through 2 for demonstration purposes.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 25 Walled Garden

Figure 412 Walled Garden Login Example

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

C H A P T E R 26
Advertisement Screen

26.1 Advertisement Overview

Use this screen to set the Zyxel Device to display an advertisement web page as the first web page
whenever the user connects to the Internet.

Click Configuration > Hotspot > Advertisement to display the screen.

Figure 413 Configuration > Hotspot > Advertisement

The following table gives an overview of the objects you can configure.

Table 210 Configuration > Hotspot > Advertisement

Enable Select this to turn on the advertisement feature.
Note: This feature works only when you enable web authentication.
Advertisement Use this table to manage the list of advertisement web pages.
Add Click this to create a new entry. Select an entry and click Add to create a new entry after the
selected entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify the
entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove
it before doing so.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any entry.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 26 Advertisement Screen

Table 210 Configuration > Hotspot > Advertisement (continued)

Name This field displays the descriptive name of web site.
URL This field displays the address of web site.
Hotspot Service
Service Status This field displays whether a service license is enabled at myZyxel (Activated) or not (Not
Activated) or expired (Expired). It displays the remaining Grace Period if your license has
Expired. It displays Not Licensed if there isn’t a license to be activated for this service.

If you need a license or a trial license has expired, click Buy to buy a new one. If a Standard
license has expired, click Renew to extend the license.

Then, click Activate to connect with the myZyxel server to activate the new license.
Service Type This shows whether you have a trial or standard license or none (Trial, Standard, None).
Expiration This shows when your hotspot license will expire.
Register Now Click the link to go to myZyxel where you can register your Zyxel Device and activate the

This link is available only when the service is not activated yet.
Apply Click this button to save your changes to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click this button to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

26.1.1 Adding/Editing an Advertisement URL

Click Configuration > Hotspot > Advertisement and then the Add (or Edit) icon in the Advertisement
Summary section to open the Add/Edit Advertisement URL screen. Use this screen to configure an
advertisement address entry.

Note: You can create up to 20 advertisement URL entries. The Zyxel Device randomly picks
one and open the specified web site in a new frame when an authenticated user is
attempts to access the Internet.

Figure 414 Configuration > Hotspot > Advertisement > Add/Edit

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 26 Advertisement Screen

The following table gives an overview of the objects you can configure.

Table 211 Configuration > Hotspot > Advertisement > Add/Edit

Name Enter a descriptive name for the advertisement web site.

You can use up to 31 alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9) and underscores (_). Spaces are
not allowed. The first character must be a letter.
URL Enter the URL or IP address of the web site.

Use “http://” followed by up to 262 characters (0-9a-zA-Z;/?:@&=+$\.-_!~*'()%). For example,

http://www.example.com or
Preview Click this button to open the specified web site in a new frame.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

C H A P T E R 27
Security Policy

27.1 Overview
A security policy is a template of security settings that can be applied to specific traffic at specific times.
The policy can be applied:

• to a specific direction of travel of packets (from / to)

• to a specific source and destination address objects
• to a specific type of traffic (services)
• to a specific user or group of users
• at a specific schedule

The policy can be configured:

• to allow or deny traffic that matches the criteria above

• send a log or alert for traffic that matches the criteria above
• to apply the actions configured in the UTM profiles (application patrol, content filter, IDP, anti-virus,
anti-spam) to traffic that matches the criteria above

Note: Security policies can be applied to both IPv4 and IPv6 traffic.

The security policies can also limit the number of user sessions.

The following example shows the Zyxel Device’s default security policies behavior for a specific direction
of travel of packets. WAN to LAN traffic and how stateful inspection works. A LAN user can initiate a
Telnet session from within the LAN zone and the Zyxel Device allows the response. However, the Zyxel
Device blocks incoming Telnet traffic initiated from the WAN zone and destined for the LAN zone.

Figure 415 Default Directional Security Policy Example

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 27 Security Policy

27.2 One Security

OneSecurity is a website with guidance on configuration walkthroughs, troubleshooting, and other
information. This is an example of a port forwarding configuration walkthrough.

Figure 416 Example of a Port Forwarding Configuration Walkthrough.

1 2

3 4

This is an example of L2TP over IPSec VPN Troubleshooting troubleshooting.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 27 Security Policy

Figure 417 Example of L2TP over IPSec Troubleshooting – 1


ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 27 Security Policy

Figure 418 Example of L2TP over IPSec Troubleshooting – 2

In the Zyxel Device, you will see icons that link to OneSecurity walkthroughs, troubleshooting and so on in
certain screens.

For example, at the time of writing, these are the OneSecurity icons you can see.

Table 212 OneSecurity Icons

Click this icon to go to a series of screens that guide you how to configure the
feature. Note that the walkthroughs do not perform the actual configuring, but just
show you how to do it.

• Device HA > General

• Licensing > Registration
• Network > NAT
• Network > Routing > Policy Route
• UTM Profile > App Patrol
• UTM Profile > Content Filter
• UTM Profile > IDP
• UTM Profile > Anti-Virus
• UTM Profile > Anti-Spam
Click this icon to go to a series of screens that guide you how to fix problems with the

• Device HA > General

• Network > NAT
• Network > Routing > Policy Route
• UTM Profile > App Patrol
• UTM Profile > Content Filter
• UTM Profile > IDP
• UTM Profile > Anti-Virus
• UTM Profile > Anti-Spam

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 27 Security Policy

Table 212 OneSecurity Icons (continued)

Click this icon for more information on Application Patrol, which identifies traffic that
passes through the Zyxel Device, so you can decide what to do with specific types
of traffic. Traffic not recognized by application patrol is ignored.

• UTM Profile > Application Patrol

Click this icon for more information on Content Filter, which controls access to
specific web sites or web content.

• UTM Profile > Content Filter

Click this icon for more information on Intrusion Detection which can detect
malicious or suspicious packets used in network-based intrusions.

• UTM Profile > IDP

Click this icon for more information on Anti-Virus, which checks traffic flows through
your network for known virus and spyware signature patterns.

• UTM Profile > Anti-Virus

Click this icon for more information on Anti-Spam which can mark or discard spam
(unsolicited commercial or junk email) and email from certain servers suspect of
being used by spammers.

• UTM Profile > Anti-Spam

Click this icon for more information on IPSec and SSL VPN. Internet Protocol Security
(IPSec) VPN connects IPSec routers or remote users using IPSec client software. SSL
VPN allows users to use a web browser for secure remote user login without need of
a VPN router or VPN client software.


Click this icon to download VPN client software.



Click this icon for more information on the Wireless AP Controller which sets how the
Zyxel Device allows APs to connect to the wireless network.

• Wireless > AP Management > Mgnt. AP List

27.3 What You Can Do in this Chapter

• Use the Security Policy Control screens (Section 27.4 on page 612) to enable or disable policies,
asymmetrical routes, and manage and configure policies.
• Use the Anomaly Detection and Prevention (ADP) screens (Section 27.5 on page 620) to detect traffic
with protocol anomalies and take appropriate action.
• Use the Session Control screens (see Section 27.5 on page 620) to limit the number of concurrent NAT/
security policies traffic sessions a client can use.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 27 Security Policy

27.3.1 What You Need to Know

Stateful Inspection
The Zyxel Device uses stateful inspection in its security policies. The Zyxel Device restricts access by
screening data packets against defined access rules. It also inspects sessions. For example, traffic from
one zone is not allowed unless it is initiated by a computer in another zone first.

A zone is a group of interfaces. Group the Zyxel Device’s interfaces into different zones based on your
needs. You can configure security policies for data passing between zones or even between interfaces.

Default Directional Security Policy Behavior

Security Policies can be grouped based on the direction of travel of packets to which they apply. Here
is the The Zyxel Device has default Security Policy behavior for traffic going through the Zyxel Device in
various directions.

Table 213 Directional Security Policy Behavior

From any to Device DHCP traffic from any interface to the Zyxel Device is allowed.
From LAN1 to any (other than Traffic from the LAN1 to any of the networks connected to the Zyxel Device is
the Zyxel Device) allowed.
From LAN2 to any (other than Traffic from the LAN2 to any of the networks connected to the Zyxel Device is
the Zyxel Device) allowed.
From LAN1 to Device Traffic from the LAN1 to the Zyxel Device itself is allowed.
From LAN2 to Device Traffic from the LAN2 to the Zyxel Device itself is allowed.
From WAN to Device The default services listed in To-Device Policies are allowed from the WAN to the
Zyxel Device itself. All other WAN to Zyxel Device traffic is dropped.
From any to any Traffic that does not match any Security policy is dropped. This includes traffic
from the WAN to any of the networks behind the Zyxel Device.

This also includes traffic to or from interfaces that are not assigned to a zone
(extra-zone traffic).

To-Device Policies
Policies with Device as the To Zone apply to traffic going to the Zyxel Device itself. By default:

• The Security Policy allows only LAN, or WAN computers to access or manage the Zyxel Device.
• The Zyxel Device allows DHCP traffic from any interface to the Zyxel Device.
• The Zyxel Device drops most packets from the WAN zone to the Zyxel Device itself and generates a
log except for AH, ESP, GRE, HTTPS, IKE, NATT.

When you configure a Security Policy rule for packets destined for the Zyxel Device itself, make sure it
does not conflict with your service control rule. The Zyxel Device checks the security policy before the
service control rules for traffic destined for the Zyxel Device.

A From Any To Device direction policy applies to traffic from an interface which is not in a zone.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 27 Security Policy

Global Security Policies

Security Policies with from any and/or to any as the packet direction are called global Security Policies.
The global Security Policies are the only Security Policies that apply to an interface that is not included in
a zone. The from any policies apply to traffic coming from the interface and the to any policies apply to
traffic going to the interface.

Security Policy Rule Criteria

The Zyxel Device checks the schedule, user name (user’s login name on the Zyxel Device), source IP
address and object, destination IP address and object, IP protocol type of network traffic (service) and
UTM profile criteria against the Security Policies (in the order you list them). When the traffic matches a
policy, the Zyxel Device takes the action specified in the policy.

User Specific Security Policies

You can specify users or user groups in Security Policies. For example, to allow a specific user from any
computer to access a zone by logging in to the Zyxel Device, you can set up a policy based on the user
name only. If you also apply a schedule to the Security Policy, the user can only access the network at
the scheduled time. A user-aware Security Policy is activated whenever the user logs in to the Zyxel
Device and will be disabled after the user logs out of the Zyxel Device.

Session Limits
Accessing the Zyxel Device or network resources through the Zyxel Device requires a NAT session and
corresponding Security Policy session. Peer to peer applications, such as file sharing applications, may
use a large number of NAT sessions. A single client could use all of the available NAT sessions and
prevent others from connecting to or through the Zyxel Device. The Zyxel Device lets you limit the
number of concurrent NAT/Security Policy sessions a client can use.

27.4 Security Policy Screen

Asymmetrical Routes
If an alternate gateway on the LAN has an IP address in the same subnet as the Zyxel Device’s LAN IP
address, return traffic may not go through the Zyxel Device. This is called an asymmetrical or “triangle”
route. This causes the Zyxel Device to reset the connection, as the connection has not been

You can have the Zyxel Device permit the use of asymmetrical route topology on the network (not reset
the connection). However, allowing asymmetrical routes may let traffic from the WAN go directly to the
LAN without passing through the Zyxel Device. A better solution is to use virtual interfaces to put the Zyxel
Device and the backup gateway on separate subnets. Virtual interfaces allow you to partition your
network into logical sections over the same interface. See the chapter about interfaces for more

By putting LAN 1 and the alternate gateway (A in the figure) in different subnets, all returning network
traffic must pass through the Zyxel Device to the LAN. The following steps and figure describe such a

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 27 Security Policy

1 A computer on the LAN1 initiates a connection by sending a SYN packet to a receiving server on the

2 The Zyxel Device reroutes the packet to gateway A, which is in Subnet 2.

3 The reply from the WAN goes to the Zyxel Device.

4 The Zyxel Device then sends it to the computer on the LAN1 in Subnet 1.
Figure 419 Using Virtual Interfaces to Avoid Asymmetrical Routes

27.4.1 Configuring the Security Policy Control Screen

Click Configuration > Security Policy > Policy Control to open the Security Policy screen. Use this screen
to enable or disable the Security Policy and asymmetrical routes, set a maximum number of sessions per
host, and display the configured Security Policies. Specify from which zone packets come and to which
zone packets travel to display only the policies specific to the selected direction. Note the following.

• Besides configuring the Security Policy, you also need to configure NAT rules to allow computers on
the WAN to access LAN devices.
• The Zyxel Device applies NAT (Destination NAT) settings before applying the Security Policies. So for
example, if you configure a NAT entry that sends WAN traffic to a LAN IP address, when you configure
a corresponding Security Policy to allow the traffic, you need to set the LAN IP address as the
• The ordering of your policies is very important as policies are applied in sequence.

The following screen shows the Security Policy summary screen.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 27 Security Policy

Figure 420 Configuration > Security Policy > Policy Control

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 214 Configuration > Security Policy > Policy Control

Show Filter/Hide Click Show Filter to display IPv4 and IPv6 (if enabled) security policy search filters.
General Settings Enable or disable the Security Policy feature on the Zyxel Device.
Enable Policy Select this to activate Security Policy on the Zyxel Device to perform access control.
Update You have a WAN_to_Device rule that allows traffic such as HTTP, HTTPS, SSL and so on to access
Security to your Zyxel Device from any IPv4 source on the WAN. Click this button to secure
Settings WAN_to_Device traffic. See Section 1.7.2 on page 37 for more information.
IPv4 / IPv6 Use IPv4 / IPv6 search filters to find specific IPv4 and IPv6 (if enabled) security policies based on
Configuration direction, application, user, source, destination and/or schedule.
From / To Select a zone to view all security policies from a particular zone and/or to a particular zone.
any means all zones.
IPv4 / IPv6 Type an IPv4 or IPv6 IP address to view all security policies based on the IPv4 / IPv6 source
Source address object used.

• An IPv4 IP address is written as four integer blocks separated by periods. This is an example
IPv4 address:
• An 128-bit IPv6 address is written as eight 16-bit hexadecimal blocks separated by colons
(:). This is an example IPv6 address: 2001:0db8:1a2b:0015:0000:0000:1a2f:0000.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 27 Security Policy

Table 214 Configuration > Security Policy > Policy Control (continued)
IPv4 / IPv6 Type an IPv4 or IPv6 IP address to view all security policies based on the IPv4 / IPv6 destination
Destination address object used.

• An IPv4 IP address is written as four integer blocks separated by periods. This is an example
IPv4 address:
• An 128-bit IPv6 address is written as eight 16-bit hexadecimal blocks separated by colons
(:). This is an example IPv6 address: 2001:0db8:1a2b:0015:0000:0000:1a2f:0000.
Service View all security policies based the service object used.
User View all security policies based on user or user group object used.
Schedule View all security policies based on the schedule object used.
IPv4/IPv6 Policy Use the following items to manage IPv4 and IPv6 policies.
Allow If an alternate gateway on the LAN has an IP address in the same subnet as the Zyxel Device’s
Asymmetrical LAN IP address, return traffic may not go through the Zyxel Device. This is called an
Route asymmetrical or “triangle” route. This causes the Zyxel Device to reset the connection, as the
connection has not been acknowledged.

Select this check box to have the Zyxel Device permit the use of asymmetrical route topology
on the network (not reset the connection).

Note: Allowing asymmetrical routes may let traffic from the WAN go directly to the
LAN without passing through the Zyxel Device. A better solution is to use virtual
interfaces to put the Zyxel Device and the backup gateway on separate
Add Click this to create a new entry. Select an entry and click Add to create a new entry after the
selected entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify the
entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove
it before doing so.
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
Move To change a policy’s position in the numbered list, select the policy and click Move to display a
field to type a number for where you want to put that policy and press [ENTER] to move the
policy to the number that you typed.

The ordering of your policies is important as they are applied in order of their numbering.
Clone Use Clone to create a new entry by modifying an existing one.

• Select an existing entry.

• Click Clone, type a number where the new entry should go and then press [ENTER].
• A configuration copy of the selected entry pops up. You must at least change the name as
duplicate entry names are not allowed.
The following read-only fields summarize the policies you have created that apply to traffic traveling in the
selected packet direction.
Priority This is the position of your Security Policy in the global policy list (including all through-Zyxel
Device and to-Zyxel Device policies). The ordering of your policies is important as policies are
applied in sequence. Default displays for the default Security Policy behavior that the Zyxel
Device performs on traffic that does not match any other Security Policy.
Status This icon is lit when the entry is active and dimmed when the entry is inactive.
Name This is the name of the Security policy.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 27 Security Policy

Table 214 Configuration > Security Policy > Policy Control (continued)
From / To This is the direction of travel of packets. Select from which zone the packets come and to
which zone they go.

Security Policies are grouped based on the direction of travel of packets to which they apply.
For example, from LAN to LAN means packets traveling from a computer or subnet on the LAN
to either another computer or subnet on the LAN.

From any displays all the Security Policies for traffic going to the selected To Zone.

To any displays all the Security Policies for traffic coming from the selected From Zone.

From any to any displays all of the Security Policies.

To ZyWALL policies are for traffic that is destined for the Zyxel Device and control which
computers can manage the Zyxel Device.
IPv4 / IPv6 Source This displays the IPv4 / IPv6 source address object, including geographic address and FQDN
(group) objects, to which this Security Policy applies.
IPv4 / IPv6 This displays the IPv4 / IPv6 destination address object, including geographic address and
Destination FQDN (group) objects, to which this Security Policy applies.
Service This displays the service object to which this Security Policy applies.
User This is the user name or user group name to which this Security Policy applies.
Schedule This field tells you the schedule object that the policy uses. none means the policy is active at all
times if enabled.
Action This field displays whether the Security Policy silently discards packets without notification
(deny), permits the passage of packets (allow) or drops packets with notification (reject)
Log Select whether to have the Zyxel Device generate a log (log), log and alert (log alert) or not
(no) when the policy is matched to the criteria listed above.
Profile This field shows you which Security Service profiles (application patrol, content filter, IDP, anti-
malware, email security) apply to this Security policy. Click an applied Security Service profile
icon to edit the profile directly.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

27.4.2 Security Check for Web Interface Screen

Click the Update Security Settings button to show the following screen. Use this screen to configure
settings to secure your Zyxel Device. You can configure:

• Secure SSL access from the Internet to the Zyxel Device.

• Secure SSL access from the Internet to the network behind the Zyxel Device.
• The default port that IPSec VPN clients use to retrieve VPN rule settings from the Zyxel Device.
• The default port for two-factor authentication for VPN clients to access the network behind the Zyxel

See Section 1.7.2 on page 37 for more information.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 27 Security Policy

Figure 421 Configuration > Security Policy > Policy Control > Update Security Settings > Security Check
for Web Interface

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 215 Configuration > Security Policy > Policy Control > Update Security Settings > Security Check
for Web Interface
Allow secure remote management Select this to allow access to the Zyxel Device remotely only from
from WAN specified IP addresses or Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDNs), such as or www.zyxel.com. See Section on page 37 for more
Port Configure a new port between 1024 to 65535 to use it to access the Web
Configurator. Do not use a port number that has been used.

For example, use if you changed the default HTTPS

port to 8800.
Trusted Host 1-3 Configure the IP addresses or FQDNs that are allowed to access the Zyxel
Allow SSL VPN access from WAN Select this to allow SSL VPN clients to access the Zyxel Device only from
specified regions. See Section on page 38 for more information.
Port Configure a new port between 1024 to 65535 to use it to access the Web
Configurator using SSL VPN. Do not use a port number that has been used.

The port you configure here must be the same as the port you use in
SecuExtender. See Section on page 38 for more information on
Trusted Geolocation 1–3 Select the regions that are allowed to access the Zyxel Device from the
drop-down list box.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 27 Security Policy

Table 215 Configuration > Security Policy > Policy Control > Update Security Settings > Security Check
for Web Interface (continued)
Change Two-Factor Authentication Select this to change the port VPN clients use to access the Zyxel Device
Port LAN with two-factor authentication. See Section on page 39 for
more information.

Configure a new port between 1024 to 65535. Do not use a port number
that has been used.
Change Zyxel IPSec VPN Client Select this to change the port IPSec VPN clients use to retrieve VPN rule
Provisioning Port settings from the Zyxel Device. See Section on page 38 for more

Configure a new port between 1024 to 65535. Do not use a port number
that has been used.

The port you configure here must be the same as the port you use when
logging in as a Zyxel IPSec VPN client.
Please remind me Select how often to display the screen from the drop-down list box.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving your changes.

27.4.3 Security Policy Control Add/Edit Screen

In the Security Policy Control screen, click the Edit or Add icon to display the Security Policy Edit or Add

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 27 Security Policy

Figure 422 Configuration > Security Policy > Policy Control > Add

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 216 Configuration > Security Policy > Policy Control > Add
Create new Use to configure any new settings objects that you need to use in this screen.
Enable Select this check box to activate the Security policy.
Name Enter a name to identify the policy.
Description Enter a descriptive name of up to 60 printable ASCII characters for the Policy. Spaces are
From For through-Zyxel Device policies, select the direction of travel of packets to which the policy
any means all interfaces.

Device means packets destined for the Zyxel Device itself.

Source Select an IPv4 / IPv6 address or address group object, including geographic address and FQDN
(group) objects, to apply the policy to traffic coming from it. Select any to apply the policy to all
traffic coming from IPv4 / IPv6 addresses.
Destination Select an IPv4 / IPv6 address or address group, including geographic address and FQDN (group)
objects, to apply the policy to traffic going to it. Select any to apply the policy to all traffic going
to IPv4 / IPv6 addresses.
Service Select a service or service group from the drop-down list box.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 27 Security Policy

Table 216 Configuration > Security Policy > Policy Control > Add (continued)
User This field is not available when you are configuring a to-Zyxel Device policy.

Select a user name or user group to which to apply the policy. The Security Policy is activated
only when the specified user logs into the system and the policy will be disabled when the user
logs out.

Otherwise, select any and there is no need for user logging.

Note: If you specified a source IP address (group) instead of any in the field below, the
user’s IP address should be within the IP address range.
Schedule Select a schedule that defines when the policy applies. Otherwise, select none and the policy is
always effective.
Action Use the drop-down list box to select what the Security Policy is to do with packets that match this

Select deny to silently discard the packets without sending a TCP reset packet or an ICMP
destination-unreachable message to the sender.

Select reject to discard the packets and send a TCP reset packet or an ICMP destination-
unreachable message to the sender.

Select allow to permit the passage of the packets.

Log matched Select whether to have the Zyxel Device generate a log (log), log and alert (log alert) or not (no)
traffic when the policy is matched to the criteria listed above..
UTM Profile Use this section to apply anti- x profiles (created in the Configuration > UTM Profile screens) to
traffic that matches the criteria above. You must have created a profile first; otherwise none

Use Log to generate a log (log), log and alert (log alert) or not (no) for all traffic that matches
criteria in the profile.
Application Select an Application Patrol profile from the list box; none displays if no profiles have been
Patrol created in the Configuration > UTM Profile > App Patrol screen.
Content Select a Content Filter profile from the list box; none displays if no profiles have been created in
Filter the Configuration > UTM Profile > Content Filter screen.
IDP Select an IDP profile from the list box; none displays if no profiles have been created in the
Configuration > UTM Profile > IDP screen.
Anti-Virus Select an Anti-Virus profile from the list box; none displays if no profiles have been created in the
Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Virus screen.
Anti-Spam Select an Anti-Spam profile from the list box; none displays if no profiles have been created in the
Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Spam screen.
SSL Select an SSL Inspection profile from the list box; none displays if no profiles have been created in
Inspection the Configuration > UTM Profile > SSL Inspection screen.
OK Click OK to save your customized settings and exit this screen.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

27.5 Anomaly Detection and Prevention Overview

Anomaly Detection and Prevention (ADP) protects against anomalies based on violations of protocol
standards (RFCs – Requests for Comments) and abnormal flows such as port scans. This section
introduces ADP, anomaly profiles and applying an ADP profile to a traffic direction.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 27 Security Policy

Traffic Anomalies
Traffic anomaly policies look for abnormal behavior or events such as port scanning, sweeping or
network flooding. They operate at OSI layer-2 and layer-3. Traffic anomaly policies may be updated
when you upload new firmware.

Protocol Anomalies
Protocol anomalies are packets that do not comply with the relevant RFC (Request For Comments).
Protocol anomaly detection includes:

• TCP Decoder
• UDP Decoder
• ICMP Decoder

Protocol anomaly policies may be updated when you upload new firmware.

Note: First, create an ADP profile in the In the Configuration > Security Policy > ADP > Profile

Then, apply the profile to traffic originating from a specific zone in the Configuration >
Security Policy > ADP > General screen.

27.5.1 Anomaly Detection and Prevention General Screen

Click Configuration > Security Policy > ADP > General to display the next screen.

Figure 423 Configuration > Security Policy > ADP > General

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 217 Configuration > Security Policy > ADP > General
General Settings
Enable Anomaly Detection Select this to enable traffic anomaly and protocol anomaly detection and
and Prevention prevention.
Add Select an entry and click Add to append a new row beneath the one selected. ADP
policies are applied in order (Priority) shown in this screen.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 27 Security Policy

Table 217 Configuration > Security Policy > ADP > General (continued)
Edit Select an entry and click this to be able to modify it.
Remove Select an entry and click this to delete it.
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
Move To change an entry’s position in the numbered list, select it and click Move to display
a field to type a number for where you want to put that entry and press [ENTER] to
move the entry to the number that you typed.
# This is the entry’s index number in the list.
Priority This is the rank in the list of anomaly profile policies. The list is applied in order of
Status The activate (light bulb) icon is lit when the entry is active and dimmed when the
entry is inactive.
From This is the direction of travel of packets to which an anomaly profile is bound. Traffic
direction is defined by the zone the traffic is coming from.

Use the From field to specify the zone from which the traffic is coming. Select ZyWALL
to specify traffic coming from the Zyxel Device itself.

From LAN means packets traveling from a computer on one LAN subnet to a
computer on another subnet via the Zyxel Device’s LAN1 zone interfaces. The Zyxel
Device does not check packets traveling from a LAN computer to another LAN
computer on the same subnet.

From WAN means packets that come in from the WAN zone and the Zyxel Device
routes back out through the WAN zone.

Note: Depending on your network topology and traffic load, applying

every packet direction to an anomaly profile may affect the Zyxel
Device’s performance.
Anomaly Profile An anomaly profile is a set of anomaly policies with configured activation, log and
action settings. This field shows which anomaly profile is bound to which traffic
direction. Select an ADP profile to apply to the entry’s traffic direction. Configure the
ADP profiles in the ADP profile screens.

27.5.2 Creating New ADP Profiles

Create new ADP profiles in the Configuration > Security Policy > ADP > Profile screens.

When creating ADP profiles. you may find that certain policies are triggering too many false positives or
false negatives. A false positive is when valid traffic is flagged as an attack. A false negative is when
invalid traffic is wrongly allowed to pass through the Zyxel Device. As each network is different, false
positives and false negatives are common on initial ADP deployment.

To counter this, you could create a ‘monitor profile’ that creates logs, but all actions are disabled.
Observe the logs over time and try to eliminate the causes of the false alarms. When you’re satisfied that
they have been reduced to an acceptable level, you could then create an ‘in-line profile’ whereby you
configure appropriate actions to be taken when a packet matches a policy.

ADP profiles consist of traffic anomaly profiles and protocol anomaly profiles. To create a new profile,
select a base profile and then click OK to go to the profile details screen. Type a new profile name,
enable or disable individual policies and then edit the default log options and actions.

Click Configuration > Security Policy > ADP > Profile to view the following screen.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 27 Security Policy

Figure 424 Configuration > Security Policy > ADP > Profile

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 218 Configuration > Security Policy > ADP > Profile
Profile Management Create ADP profiles here and then apply them in the Configuration > Security Policy
> ADP > Profile screen.
Add Click Add and first choose a none or all Base Profile.

• none base profile sets all ADP entries to have Log set to no and Action set to
none by default.
• all base profile sets all ADP entries to have Log set to log and Action set to block
by default.
Edit Select an entry and click this to be able to modify it.
Remove Select an entry and click this to delete it.
Clone Use Clone to create a new entry by modifying an existing one.

• Select an existing entry.

• Click Clone.
• A configuration copy of the selected entry pops up. You must at least change
the name as duplicate entry names are not allowed.
# This is the entry’s index number in the list.
Name This is the name of the profile you created.
Description This is the description of the profile you created.
Base Profile This is the name of the base profile used to create this profile.
Reference This is the number of object references used to create this profile.

27.5.3 Traffic Anomaly Profiles

Traffic anomaly detection looks for abnormal behavior such as scan or flooding attempts. In the
Configuration > Security Policy > ADP > Profile screen, click the Edit or Add icon and choose a base
profile. Traffic Anomaly is the first tab in the profile.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 27 Security Policy

Figure 425 Configuration > Security Policy > ADP > Profile > Add-Traffic-Anomaly

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 219 Configuration > Security Policy > ADP > Profile > Add-Traffic-Anomaly
Name A name is automatically generated that you can edit. The name must be the same
in the Traffic Anomaly and Protocol Anomaly screens for the same ADP profile. You
may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters, underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first
character cannot be a number. This value is case-sensitive. These are valid, unique
profile names:

• MyProfile
• mYProfile
• Mymy12_3–4
These are invalid profile names:

• 1mYProfile
• My Profile
• MyProfile?
• Whatalongprofilename123456789012
Description In addition to the name, type additional information to help you identify this ADP

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 27 Security Policy

Table 219 Configuration > Security Policy > ADP > Profile > Add-Traffic-Anomaly (continued)
Scan/Flood Detection Scan detection, such as port scanning, tries to find attacks where an attacker scans
device(s) to determine what types of network protocols or services a device

Flood detection tries to find attacks that saturate a network with useless data, use up
all available bandwidth, and so aim to make communications in the network
Sensitivity (Scan detection only.) Select a sensitivity level so as to reduce false positives in your
network. If you choose low sensitivity, then scan thresholds and sample times are set
low, so you will have fewer logs and false positives; however some traffic anomaly
attacks may not be detected.

If you choose high sensitivity, then scan thresholds and sample times are set high, so
most traffic anomaly attacks will be detected; however you will have more logs and
false positives.
Block Period Specify for how many seconds the Zyxel Device blocks all packets from being sent
to the victim (destination) of a detected anomaly attack. Flood Detection applies
blocking to the destination IP address and Scan Detection applies blocking to the
source IP address.
Edit (Flood Detection Select an entry and click this to be able to modify it.
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
Log To edit an item’s log option, select it and use the Log icon. Select whether to have
the Zyxel Device generate a log (log), log and alert (log alert) or neither (no) when
traffic matches this anomaly policy.
Action To edit what action the Zyxel Device takes when a packet matches a policy, select
the policy and use the Action icon.

none: The Zyxel Device takes no action when a packet matches the policy.

block: The Zyxel Device silently drops packets that matches the policy. Neither
sender nor receiver are notified.
# This is the entry’s index number in the list.
Status The activate (light bulb) icon is lit when the entry is active and dimmed when the
entry is inactive.
Name This is the name of the anomaly policy. Click the Name column heading to sort in
ascending or descending order according to the protocol anomaly policy name.
Log These are the log options. To edit this, select an item and use the Log icon.
Action This is the action the Zyxel Device should take when a packet matches a policy. To
edit this, select an item and use the Action icon.
Threshold (pkt/sec) (Flood detection only.) Select a suitable threshold level (the number of packets per
second that match the flood detection criteria) for your network. If you choose a
low threshold, most traffic anomaly attacks will be detected, but you may have
more logs and false positives.

If you choose a high threshold, some traffic anomaly attacks may not be detected,
but you will have fewer logs and false positives.
OK Click OK to save your settings to the Zyxel Device, complete the profile and return to
the profile summary page.
Cancel Click Cancel to return to the profile summary page without saving any changes.
Save Click Save to save the configuration to the Zyxel Device but remain in the same
page. You may then go to the another profile screen (tab) in order to complete the
profile. Click OK in the final profile screen to complete the profile.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 27 Security Policy

27.5.4 Protocol Anomaly Profiles

Protocol anomalies are packets that do not comply with the relevant RFC (Request For Comments).
Protocol anomaly detection includes:

• TCP Decoder
• UDP Decoder
• ICMP Decoder
• IP Decoder

When an IP packet is larger than the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) configured in the Zyxel Device, it
is fragmented using the TCP or ICMP protocol.

A Teardrop attack falsifies the offset which defines the size of the fragment and the original packet. A
series of IP fragments with overlapping offset fields can cause some systems to crash, hang, or reboot
when fragment reassembling is attempted at the destination.

IP Spoofing
IP Spoofing is used to gain unauthorized access to network devices by modifying packet headers so
that it appears that the packets originate from a host within a trusted network.

• In an IP Spoof from the WAN, the source address appears to be in the same subnet as a Zyxel Device
LAN interface.
• In an IP Spoof from a LAN interface, the source address appears to be in a different subnet from that
Zyxel Device LAN interface.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 27 Security Policy

Figure 426 Configuration > Security Policy > ADP > Profile > Add-Protocol-Anomaly

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 27 Security Policy

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 220 Configuration > Security Policy > ADP > Profile > Add-Protocol-Anomaly
Name A name is automatically generated that you can edit. The name must be the same
in the Traffic Anomaly and Protocol Anomaly screens for the same ADP profile. You
may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters, underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first
character cannot be a number. This value is case-sensitive. These are valid, unique
profile names:

• MyProfile
• mYProfile
• Mymy12_3–4
These are invalid profile names:

• 1mYProfile
• My Profile
• MyProfile?
• Whatalongprofilename123456789012
Description In addition to the name, type additional information to help you identify this ADP
TCP Decoder/UDP Perform the following actions for each type of encoder.
Decoder/ICMP Decoder/IP
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
Log To edit an item’s log option, select it and use the Log icon. Select whether to have
the Zyxel Device generate a log (log), log and alert (log alert) or neither (no) when
traffic matches this anomaly policy.
Action To edit what action the Zyxel Device takes when a packet matches a policy, select
the policy and use the Action icon.

original setting: Select this action to return each rule in a service group to its
previously saved configuration.

none: Select this action to have the Zyxel Device take no action when a packet
matches a policy.

drop: Select this action to have the Zyxel Device silently drop a packet that matches
a policy. Neither sender nor receiver are notified.

reject-sender: Select this action to have the Zyxel Device send a reset to the sender
when a packet matches the policy. If it is a TCP attack packet, the Zyxel Device will
send a packet with a ‘RST’ flag. If it is an ICMP or UDP attack packet, the Zyxel
Device will send an ICMP unreachable packet.

reject-receiver: Select this action to have the Zyxel Device send a reset to the
receiver when a packet matches the policy. If it is a TCP attack packet, the Zyxel
Device will send a packet with an a ‘RST’ flag. If it is an ICMP or UDP attack packet,
the Zyxel Device will do nothing.

reject-both: Select this action to have the Zyxel Device send a reset to both the
sender and receiver when a packet matches the policy. If it is a TCP attack packet,
the Zyxel Device will send a packet with a ‘RST’ flag to the receiver and sender. If it is
an ICMP or UDP attack packet, the Zyxel Device will send an ICMP unreachable
# This is the entry’s index number in the list.
Status The activate (light bulb) icon is lit when the entry is active and dimmed when the
entry is inactive.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 27 Security Policy

Table 220 Configuration > Security Policy > ADP > Profile > Add-Protocol-Anomaly (continued)
Name This is the name of the anomaly policy. Click the Name column heading to sort in
ascending or descending order according to the protocol anomaly policy name.
Log These are the log options. To edit this, select an item and use the Log icon.
Action This is the action the Zyxel Device should take when a packet matches a policy. To
edit this, select an item and use the Action icon.
OK Click OK to save your settings to the Zyxel Device, complete the profile and return to
the profile summary page.
Cancel Click Cancel to return to the profile summary page without saving any changes.
Save Click Save to save the configuration to the Zyxel Device but remain in the same
page. You may then go to the another profile screen (tab) in order to complete the
profile. Click OK in the final profile screen to complete the profile.

27.6 Session Control Screen

Click Configuration > Security Policy > Session Control to display the Security Policy Session Control
screen. Use this screen to limit the number of concurrent NAT/Security Policy sessions a client can use.
You can apply a default limit for all users and individual limits for specific users, addresses, or both. The
individual limit takes priority if you apply both.

Figure 427 Configuration > Security Policy > Session Control

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 27 Security Policy

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 221 Configuration > Security Policy > Session Control

General Settings
UDP Session Time Set how many seconds the Zyxel Device will allow a UDP session to remain idle (without UDP
Out traffic) before closing it.
Session Limit
Enable Session Select this check box to control the number of concurrent sessions hosts can have.
IPv4 / IPv6 Rule This table lists the rules for limiting the number of concurrent sessions hosts can have.
Default This field is configurable only when you enable session limit.
Session per
Host Use this field to set a common limit to the number of concurrent NAT/Security Policy sessions
each client computer can have.

If only a few clients use peer to peer applications, you can raise this number to improve their
performance. With heavy peer to peer application use, lower this number to ensure no single
client uses too many of the available NAT sessions.

Create rules below to apply other limits for specific users or addresses.
Add Click this to create a new entry. Select an entry and click Add to create a new entry after the
selected entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify the
entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove
it before doing so.
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
Move To change a rule’s position in the numbered list, select the rule and click Move to display a field
to type a number for where you want to put that rule and press [ENTER] to move the rule to the
number that you typed.

The ordering of your rules is important as they are applied in order of their numbering.
Status This icon is lit when the entry is active and dimmed when the entry is inactive.
# This is the index number of a session limit rule. It is not associated with a specific rule.
User This is the user name or user group name to which this session limit rule applies.
IPv4 / IPv6 Address This is the IPv4 / IPv6 address object, including geographic address (group) objects to which
this session limit rule applies.
Description This is the information configured to help you identify the rule.
Limit This is how many concurrent sessions this user or address is allowed to have.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

27.6.1 Session Control Add/Edit Screen

Click Configuration > Security Policy > Session Control and the Add or Edit icon to display the Add or Edit
screen. Use this screen to configure rules that define a session limit for specific users or addresses.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 27 Security Policy

Figure 428 Configuration > Security Policy > Session Control > Edit

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 222 Configuration > Security Policy > Session Control > Add / Edit
Create new Use to configure new settings for User or Address objects that you need to use in this
Object screen.Click on the down arrow to see the menu.
Enable Rule Select this check box to turn on this session limit rule.
Description Enter information to help you identify this rule. Use up to 60 printable ASCII characters. Spaces
are allowed.
User Select a user name or user group to which to apply the rule. The rule is activated only when the
specified user logs into the system and the rule will be disabled when the user logs out.

Otherwise, select any and there is no need for user logging.

Note: If you specified an IP address (or address group) instead of any in the field
below, the user’s IP address should be within the IP address range.
Address Select the IPv4 source address or address group, including geographic address (group)
object, to which this rule applies. Select any to apply the rule to all IPv4 source addresses.
IPv6 Address Select the IPv6 source address or address group, including geographic address (group)
object, to which this rule applies. Select any to apply the rule to all IPv6 source addresses.
Session Limit per Use this field to set a limit to the number of concurrent NAT/Security Policy sessions this rule’s
Host users or addresses can have.

For this rule’s users and addresses, this setting overrides the Default Session per Host setting in
the general Security Policy Session Control screen.
OK Click OK to save your customized settings and exit this screen.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

27.7 Security Policy Example Applications

Suppose you decide to block LAN users from using IRC (Internet Relay Chat) through the Internet. To do
this, you would configure a LAN to WAN Security Policy that blocks IRC traffic from any source IP address
from going to any destination address. You do not need to specify a schedule since you need the
Security Policy to always be in effect. The following figure shows the results of this policy.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 27 Security Policy

Figure 429 Blocking All LAN to WAN IRC Traffic Example

Your Security Policy would have the following settings.

Table 223 Blocking All LAN to WAN IRC Traffic Example

1 Any Any Any Any IRC Deny
2 Any Any Any Any Any Allow

• The first row blocks LAN access to the IRC service on the WAN.
• The second row is the Security Policy’s default policy that allows all LAN1 to WAN traffic.

The Zyxel Device applies the security policies in order. So for this example, when the Zyxel Device
receives traffic from the LAN, it checks it against the first policy. If the traffic matches (if it is IRC traffic)
the security policy takes the action in the policy (drop) and stops checking the subsequent security
policies. Any traffic that does not match the first security policy will match the second security policy
and the Zyxel Device forwards it.

Now suppose you need to let the CEO use IRC. You configure a LAN1 to WAN security policy that allows
IRC traffic from the IP address of the CEO’s computer. You can also configure a LAN to WAN policy that
allows IRC traffic from any computer through which the CEO logs into the Zyxel Device with his/her user
name. In order to make sure that the CEO’s computer always uses the same IP address, make sure it

• Has a static IP address,

• You configure a static DHCP entry for it so the Zyxel Device always assigns it the same IP address.

Now you configure a LAN1 to WAN security policy that allows IRC traffic from the IP address of the CEO’s
computer ( for example) to go to any destination address. You do not need to specify a
schedule since you want the security policy to always be in effect. The following figure shows the results
of your two custom policies.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 27 Security Policy

Figure 430 Limited LAN to WAN IRC Traffic Example

Your security policy would have the following configuration.

Table 224 Limited LAN1 to WAN IRC Traffic Example 1

1 Any Any Any IRC Allow
2 Any Any Any Any IRC Deny
3 Any Any Any Any Any Allow

• The first row allows the LAN1 computer at IP address to access the IRC service on the WAN.
• The second row blocks LAN1 access to the IRC service on the WAN.
• The third row is the default policy of allowing all traffic from the LAN1 to go to the WAN.

Alternatively, you configure a LAN1 to WAN policy with the CEO’s user name (say CEO) to allow IRC
traffic from any source IP address to go to any destination address.

Your Security Policy would have the following settings.

Table 225 Limited LAN1 to WAN IRC Traffic Example 2

1 CEO Any Any Any IRC Allow
2 Any Any Any Any IRC Deny
3 Any Any Any Any Any Allow

• The first row allows any LAN1 computer to access the IRC service on the WAN by logging into the Zyxel
Device with the CEO’s user name.
• The second row blocks LAN1 access to the IRC service on the WAN.
• The third row is the default policy of allowing allows all traffic from the LAN1 to go to the WAN.

The policy for the CEO must come before the policy that blocks all LAN1 to WAN IRC traffic. If the policy
that blocks all LAN1 to WAN IRC traffic came first, the CEO’s IRC traffic would match that policy and the
Zyxel Device would drop it and not check any other security policies.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

C H A P T E R 28
Cloud CNM

28.1 Cloud CNM Overview

You need a SecuManager license to get a CNM ID with which you can access the SecuManager
server. It is independent from the Zyxel Devices.The SecuReporter license must be activated on each
Zyxel Device.

28.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter

• Use the Cloud CNM > SecuManager screen (Section 28.2 on page 634) to enable and configure
management of the Zyxel Device by a Central Network Management system.
• Use the Cloud CNM > SecuReporter screen (Section 28.3 on page 637) to enable SecuReporter
logging on your Zyxel Device, see license status, type, expiration date and access a link to the
SecuReporter web portal. The SecuReporter web portal collects and analyzes logs from your Zyxel
Device in order to identify anomalies, alert on potential internal / external threats, and report on
network usage.

28.2 Cloud CNM SecuManager

Cloud CNM SecuManager is a Virtual Machine-based (VM) management system that uses the TR-069
protocol to encapsulate commands to ZyWALL/USG devices for management and monitoring; these
devices must have firmware that supports the TR-069 protocol.

In the following figure, SP is the management service provider, while A and B are sites with devices being
managed by SP.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 28 Cloud CNM

Figure 431 Cloud CNM SecuManager Example Network Topology

Cloud CNM SecuManager features include:

• Batch import of managed devices at one time using one CSV file
• See an overview of all managed devices and system information in one place
• Monitor and manage devices
• Install firmware to multiple devices of the same model at one time
• Back up and restore device configuration
• View the location of managed devices on a map
• Receive notification for events and alarms, such as when a device goes down
• Graphically monitor individual devices and see related statistics
• Directly access a device for remote configuration
• Create four types of administrators with different privileges
• Perform Site-to-Site, Hub & Spoke, Fully-meshed and Remote Access VPN provisioning.

To allow Cloud CNM SecuManager management of your Zyxel Device:

• You must have a Cloud CNM SecuManager license with CNM ID number or a Cloud CNM
SecuManager server URL.
• The Zyxel Device must be able to communicate with the Cloud CNM SecuManager server.

You must configure Configuration > Cloud CNM > SecuManager to allow the Zyxel Device to find the
Cloud CNM SecuManager server.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 28 Cloud CNM

Figure 432 Configuration > Cloud CNM > SecuManager

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 226 Configuration > Cloud CNM > SecuManager

Show Advanced Click this button to display a greater or lesser number of configuration fields.
Settings / Hide
Advanced Settings
Enable Select this to allow management of the Zyxel Device by Cloud CNM SecuManager.
Auto Select this if your Cloud CNM SecuManager server can access myZyxel to automatically
get the URL from myZyxel. You also need CNM ID from the Cloud CNM SecuManager
CNM ID Enter the CNM ID exactly as on the Cloud CNM SecuManager license.
CNM URL myZyxel associates the CNM ID with the CNM URL which identifies the server on which
Cloud CNM SecuManager is installed. Therefore you don’t need to enter the CNM URL
when you select Auto.
Custom Select this if your Cloud CNM SecuManager VM server cannot access myZyxel.
CNM URL Select this if your VM server or Zyxel Devices are in a private network, or if the VM server is
behind a NAT router. You then need to manually enter the VM server URL into the Zyxel
Device. Enter the IPv4 IP address of the Cloud CNM SecuManager server followed by the
port number (default 7547 for HTTPS or 7549 for HTPP) followed by the CNM ID from the
license in CNM URL. For example, if you installed Cloud CNM SecuManager on a server
with IP address and CNM ID V6ABQNTPYGD, then type
Transfer Protocol Choose the CNM URL protocol: HTTP or HTTPS. If you enter as the CNM URL,
you must choose HTTPS as the Transfer Protocol, and then the whole CNM URL is https:// If you enter as the CNM URL, you must choose HTTP as the
Transfer Protocol, and then the whole CNM URL is
Periodic Inform Enable this to have the Zyxel Device inform the Cloud CNM SecuManager server of its
presence at regular intervals.
Interval Type how often the Zyxel Device should inform Cloud CNM SecuManager server of its

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 28 Cloud CNM

Table 226 Configuration > Cloud CNM > SecuManager (continued)

HTTPS Authentication Select the checkbox if you have a HTTPs server trusted certificate.
Server Certificate Select an available certificate. Available certificates are in Object > Certificate > Trusted
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

Note: See the Cloud CNM SecuManager User’s Guide for more information on Cloud CNM

28.3 Cloud CNM SecuReporter

Cloud CNM SecuReporter is a security analytics portal that collects and analyzes logs from
SecuReporter-licensed Zyxel Devices in order to identify anomalies, alert on potential internal / external
threats, and report on network usage. You need to buy a license for SecuReporter for your Zyxel Device
and activate it at myZyxel. You must be a registered user at myZyxel.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 28 Cloud CNM

Figure 433 Cloud CNM SecuReporter Application Scenario

How to activate and enable SecuReporter

1 Does Service Status displays Activated in the Configuration > Cloud CNM > SecuReporter screen? If not,
you have to log in to myZyxel.com and activate the SecuReporter license for this Zyxel Device. The Zyxel
Device must be able to communicate with the myZyxel server.
Your SecuReporter license displays in Configuration > Licensing > Registration > Service after you
activate the SecuReporter license at myZyxel.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 28 Cloud CNM

Figure 434 Configuration > Licensing > Registration > Service

2 After the SecuReporter license is activated, go back to the Configuration > Cloud CNM > SecuReporter
screen, and select the categories of logs that you want this Zyxel Device to send to the SecuReporter

3 Select Enable SecuReporter. Do not go to the SecuReporter portal until after you have enabled
SecuReporter on this Zyxel Devicee and applied the settings.
You can also see license status, type, expiration date.

4 Click Apply and wait.

How to add this Zyxel Device to SecuReporter

1 Log in to the SecuReporter portal.

2 Go to Settings > Organization & Devices > Add to create an organization.

3 Add this Zyxel Device to an Organization using the hyper link under Unclaimed Device.

SecuReporter Banner
The SecuReporter banner appears when:

1 SecuReporter hasn’t been enabled before.

2 The Zyxel Device is not added to an organization yet.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 28 Cloud CNM

Figure 435 SecuReporter Banner

Click the Continue button in the SecuReporter banner to configure the SecuReporter settings.

• Server Status: This is the connection status between the Zyxel Device and the SecuReporter server. This
field shows Connected when the Zyxel Device can synchronize with the SecuReporter server. This field
shows Timeout when the Zyxel Device can’t synchronize with the SecuReporter server. This field shows
Fail when the connection between the Zyxel Device and the SecuReporter server is down.
• Device Name: Enter the name of the Zyxel Device. This Zyxel Device will be added to a new or existing
• Organization: This field appears if you haven’t created an organization in the SecuReporter server.
Type a name of up to 255 characters and description to create a new organization.
• Select from existing organization: Select an existing organization from the drop-down list box to add
the Zyxel Device to the selected organization.
• Create new organization: Type a name of up to 255 characters and description to create a new
• Partially Anonymous: Select this and personal data, such as user names, MAC addresses, email
addresses, and host names, will be replaced with artificial identifiers in downloaded logs.
• Fully Anonymous: Select this and personal data, such as user names, MAC addresses, email
addresses, and host names, will be replaced with anonymized information in downloaded logs.
• Non-Anonymous: Select this and personal data, such as user names, MAC addresses, email
addresses, and host names, will be identifiable in downloaded logs.
Figure 436 SecuReporter Banner Settings

Click Configuration > Cloud CNM > SecuReporter to open the following screen.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 28 Cloud CNM

Figure 437 Configuration > Cloud CNM > SecuReporter

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 227 Configuration > Cloud CNM > SecuReporter

Enable SecuReporter Security-related logs are sent to the SecuReporter portal. Click the General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR) privacy link below to see the Zyxel privacy policy.

This must be selected to have SecuReporter collect and analyze logs from this Zyxel

• It’s selected by default if you have activated a SecuReporter Standard license,

• You need to select this if you have a SecuReporter Trial license.
• This field is not available if you do not have a SecuReporter license.
Categories Select the categories of logs that you want this Zyxel Device to send to SecuReporter for
analysis and trend spotting.
SecuReporter Service License Status
Service Status This field displays whether a service license is enabled at myZyxel (Activated) or not (Not
Activated) or expired (Expired). It displays the remaining Grace Period if your license has
Expired. It displays Not Licensed if there isn’t a license to be activated for this service.
Service Type This field displays whether you applied for a trial application (Trial) or registered this
service with your iCard’s PIN number (Standard). This field is blank when the service is not
Expiration Date This field displays the date in yyyy-mm-dd format that your service expires.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

C H A P T E R 29
Amazon VPC

29.1 Overview
Use this feature if you want to transmit traffic from a Customer Gateway (CG, the Zyxel Device)through
an IPSec tunnel to the Amazon VPC (Virtual Private Cloud).

Note: You must use the Command Line Interface to configure Amazon VPC on the Zyxel

Figure 438 CG – to – Amazon VPC


IPSec 1 IPSec 2

29.2 Amazon VPC Configuration Process

The process to transmit traffic from a Customer Gateway (Zyxel Device) through an IPSec tunnel to an
Amazon VPC is:

1 Create an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account and configure VPN on Amazon VPC.

2 Download the tunnel configurations. Each VPN Connection has a VPN Connection ID, a Customer
Gateway Identifier and a Virtual Private Gateway Identifier. This is an example of these settings:
• Your VPN Connection ID: vpn-cf41a7a6
• Your Virtual Private Gateway ID: vgw-dac576db

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 29 Amazon VPC

• Your Customer Gateway ID: cgw-57b10356

Two tunnels are used to connect the Zyxel Device to the Amazon VPC. One is redundant and only takes
over if the first one fails.
There are 2 routing types for Amazon VPC.
• Static: A static route is created to send traffic to AWS. A connectivity check is used to check the
tunnel status. If a tunnel is down, the traffic switches to the redundant tunnel. You do not need to
configure BGP to route tunnel traffic between the Zyxel Device and AWS.
• Dynamic: Configure BGP to switch tunnel traffic dynamically between the Zyxel Device and AWS. If
you’re using dynamic routing, configure BGP on the Zyxel Device in Configuration > Network >
Routing > BGP using the AS, router ID and network information from the tunnel configurations you
just downloaded.

3 In the Zyxel Device, upload the VPC text file to the Zyxel Device in the Configuration > VPN > Amazon
VPC screen.
Figure 439 Configuration > VPN > Amazon VPC

4 The tunnel then establishes automatically.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

C H A P T E R 30

30.1 Virtual Private Networks (VPN) Overview

A virtual private network (VPN) provides secure communications between sites without the expense of
leased site-to-site lines. A secure VPN is a combination of tunneling, encryption, authentication, access
control and auditing. It is used to transport traffic over the Internet or any insecure network that uses
TCP/IP for communication.

Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) VPN connects IPSec routers or remote users using IPSec client software.
This standards-based VPN offers flexible solutions for secure data communications across a public
network. IPSec is built around a number of standardized cryptographic techniques to provide
confidentiality, data integrity and authentication at the IP layer. The Zyxel Device can also combine
multiple IPSec VPN connections into one secure network. Here local Zyxel Device X uses an IPSec VPN
tunnel to remote (peer) Zyxel Device Y to connect the local (A) and remote (B) networks.

Figure 440 IPSec VPN Example

Internet Key Exchange (IKE): IKEv1 and IKEv2

The Zyxel Device supports IKEv1 and IKEv2 for IPv4 and IPv6 traffic. IKE (Internet Key Exchange) is a
protocol used in setting up security associations that allows two parties to send data securely.

IKE uses certificates or pre-shared keys for authentication and a Diffie–Hellman key exchange to set up
a shared session secret from which encryption keys are derived. A security policy for each peer must be
manually created.

IPSec VPN consists of two phases: Phase 1 and Phase 2. Phase 1's purpose is to establish a secure
authenticated communication channel by using the Diffie–Hellman key exchange algorithm to
generate a shared secret key to encrypt IKE communications. This negotiation results in one single bi-
directional ISAKMP Security Association (SA). The authentication can be performed using either pre-

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 30 IPSec VPN

shared key (shared secret), signatures, or public key encryption. Phase 1 operates in either Main Mode
or Aggressive Mode. Main Mode protects the identity of the peers, but Aggressive Mode does not.

During Phase 2, the remote IPSec routers use the secure channel established in Phase 1 to negotiate
Security Associations for IPSec. The negotiation results in a minimum of two unidirectional security
associations (one inbound and one outbound). Phase 2 uses Quick Mode (only). Quick mode occurs
after IKE has established the secure tunnel in Phase 1. It negotiates a shared IPSec policy, derives shared
secret keys used for the IPSec security algorithms, and establishes IPSec SAs. Quick mode is also used to
renegotiate a new IPSec SA when the IPSec SA lifetime expires.

In the Zyxel Device, use the VPN Connection tab to set up Phase 2 and the VPN Gateway tab to set up
Phase 1.

Some differences between IKEv1 and IKEv2 include:

• IKEv2 uses less bandwidth than IKEv1. IKEv2 uses one exchange procedure with 4 messages. IKEv1 uses
two phases with Main Mode (9 messages) or Aggressive Mode (6 messages) in phase 1.
• IKEv2 supports Extended Authentication Protocol (EAP) authentication, and IKEv1 supports X-Auth.
EAP is important when connecting to existing enterprise authentication systems.
• IKEv2 always uses NAT traversal and Dead Peer Detection (DPD), but they can be disabled in IKEv1
using Zyxel Device firmware (the default is on).
• Configuration payload (includes the IP address pool in the VPN setup data) is supported in IKEv2 (off
by default), but not in IKEv1.
• Narrowed is supported in IKEv2, but not in IKEv1. Narrowed has the SA apply only to IP addresses in
common between the Zyxel Device and the remote IPSec router.
• The IKEv2 protocol supports connectivity checks which is used to detect whether the tunnel is still up
or not. If the check fails (the tunnel is down), IKEv2 can re-establish the connection automatically. The
Zyxel Device uses firmware to perform connectivity checks when using IKEv1.

SSL VPN uses remote users’ web browsers to provide the easiest-to-use of the Zyxel Device’s VPN
solutions. A user just browses to the Zyxel Device’s web address and enters his user name and password
to securely connect to the Zyxel Device’s network. Remote users do not need to configure security
settings. Here a user uses his browser to securely connect to network resources in the same way as if he
were part of the internal network. See Chapter 31 on page 680 for more on SSL VPN.

Figure 441 SSL VPN

LAN (192.168.1.X)

https:// Web Mail File Share Non-Web

Web-based Application Application Server

L2TP VPN uses the L2TP and IPSec client software included in remote users’ Android, iOS, or Windows
operating systems for secure connections to the network behind the Zyxel Device. The remote users do

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 30 IPSec VPN

not need their own IPSec gateways or third-party VPN client software. For example, configure sales
representatives’ laptops, tablets, or smartphones to securely connect to the Zyxel Device’s network. See
Chapter 34 on page 705 for more on L2TP over IPSec.

Figure 442 L2TP VPN

30.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter

• Use the VPN Connection screens (see Section 30.2 on page 649) to specify which IPSec VPN gateway
an IPSec VPN connection policy uses, which devices behind the IPSec routers can use the VPN tunnel,
and the IPSec SA settings (phase 2 settings). You can also activate or deactivate and connect or
disconnect each VPN connection (each IPSec SA).
• Use the VPN Gateway screens (see Section 30.2.1 on page 651) to manage the Zyxel Device’s VPN
gateways. A VPN gateway specifies the IPSec routers at either end of a VPN tunnel and the IKE SA
settings (phase 1 settings). You can also activate and deactivate each VPN gateway.
• Use the VPN Concentrator screens (see Section 30.4 on page 666) to combine several IPSec VPN
connections into a single secure network.
• Use the Configuration Provisioning screen (see Section 30.5 on page 668) to set who can retrieve VPN
rule settings from the Zyxel Device using the Zyxel Device IPSec VPN Client.

30.1.2 What You Need to Know

An IPSec VPN tunnel is usually established in two phases. Each phase establishes a security association
(SA), a contract indicating what security parameters the Zyxel Device and the remote IPSec router will
use. The first phase establishes an Internet Key Exchange (IKE) SA between the Zyxel Device and remote
IPSec router. The second phase uses the IKE SA to securely establish an IPSec SA through which the Zyxel
Device and remote IPSec router can send data between computers on the local network and remote
network. This is illustrated in the following figure.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 30 IPSec VPN

Figure 443 VPN: IKE SA and IPSec SA

In this example, a computer in network A is exchanging data with a computer in network B. Inside
networks A and B, the data is transmitted the same way data is normally transmitted in the networks.
Between routers X and Y, the data is protected by tunneling, encryption, authentication, and other
security features of the IPSec SA. The IPSec SA is secure because routers X and Y established the IKE SA

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 30 IPSec VPN

Application Scenarios
The Zyxel Device’s application scenarios make it easier to configure your VPN connection settings.

Table 228 IPSec VPN Application Scenarios



Choose this if the Choose this if the Choose this to allow Choose this to Choose this to
remote IPSec router remote IPSec router has incoming connections connect to an set up a VPN
has a static IP address a dynamic IP address. from IPSec VPN clients. IPSec server. tunnel
or a domain name. interface to
You don’t specify the The clients have This Zyxel Device is bind with a
This Zyxel Device can remote IPSec router’s dynamic IP addresses the client (dial-in VPN
initiate the VPN address, but you specify and are also known as user). connection.
tunnel. the remote policy (the dial-in users. The Zyxel
addresses of the devices Client role Zyxel
Device can
The remote IPSec behind the remote You don’t specify the Devices initiate
router can also initiate addresses of the client IPSec VPN use the
IPSec router). interface to do
the VPN tunnel if this IPSec routers or the connections to a
Zyxel Device has a This Zyxel Device must remote policy. server role Zyxel
static IP address or a have a static IP address Device. balancing
This creates a dynamic using a specific
domain name. or a domain name.
IPSec VPN rule that can This Zyxel Device Trunk. The
Only the remote IPSec let multiple clients can have a remote IPSec
router can initiate the connect. dynamic IP router should
VPN tunnel. address. have a static IP
Only the clients can address or a
initiate the VPN tunnel. The IPSec server domain name.
doesn’t configure
this Zyxel Device’s
IP address or the
addresses of the
devices behind it.

Only this Zyxel

Device can initiate
the VPN tunnel.

Finding Out More

• See Section 30.6 on page 671 for IPSec VPN background information.
• See the help in the IPSec VPN quick setup wizard screens.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 30 IPSec VPN

30.1.3 Before You Begin

This section briefly explains the relationship between VPN tunnels and other features. It also gives some
basic suggestions for troubleshooting.

You should set up the following features before you set up the VPN tunnel.

• In any VPN connection, you have to select address objects to specify the local policy and remote
policy. You should set up the address objects first.
• In a VPN gateway, you can select an Ethernet interface, virtual Ethernet interface, VLAN interface, or
virtual VLAN interface to specify what address the Zyxel Device uses as its IP address when it
establishes the IKE SA. You should set up the interface first.
• In a VPN gateway, you can enable extended authentication. If the Zyxel Device is in server mode,
you should set up the authentication method (AAA server) first. The authentication method specifies
how the Zyxel Device authenticates the remote IPSec router.
• In a VPN gateway, the Zyxel Device and remote IPSec router can use certificates to authenticate
each other. Make sure the Zyxel Device and the remote IPSec router will trust each other’s

30.2 VPN Connection Screen

Click Configuration > VPN > IPSec VPN to open the VPN Connection screen. The VPN Connection screen
lists the VPN connection policies and their associated VPN gateway(s), and various settings. In addition,
it also lets you activate or deactivate and connect or disconnect each VPN connection (each IPSec
SA). Click a column’s heading cell to sort the table entries by that column’s criteria. Click the heading
cell again to reverse the sort order.

Click on the icons to go to the OneSecurity website where there is guidance on configuration
walkthroughs, troubleshooting and other information.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 30 IPSec VPN

Figure 444 Configuration > VPN > IPSec VPN > VPN Connection

Each field is discussed in the following table.

Table 229 Configuration > VPN > IPSec VPN > VPN Connection
Global Setting The following two fields are for all IPSec VPN policies.

Click on the VPN icon to go to the Zyxel VPN Client product page at the Zyxel website.
Use Policy Select this to be able to use policy routes to manually specify the destination addresses of
Route to dynamic IPSec rules. You must manually create these policy routes. The Zyxel Device
automatically obtains source and destination addresses for dynamic IPSec rules that do not
IPSec rules match any of the policy routes.

Clear this to have the Zyxel Device automatically obtain source and destination addresses for all
dynamic IPSec rules.
Ignore Select this to fragment packets larger than the MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) that have the
“Don't “Don't Fragment” bit in the IP header turned on. When you clear this the Zyxel Device drops
packets larger than the MTU that have the “Don't Fragment” bit in the header turned on.
setting in
IPv4 / IPv6
Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify the
entry’s settings.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 30 IPSec VPN

Table 229 Configuration > VPN > IPSec VPN > VPN Connection (continued)
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove it
before doing so.
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
Connect To connect an IPSec SA, select it and click Connect.
Disconnect To disconnect an IPSec SA, select it and click Disconnect.
Reference Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use the entry.
See Section 10.4.4 on page 350 for an example.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific connection.
Status The activate (light bulb) icon is lit when the entry is active and dimmed when the entry is

The connect icon is lit when the interface is connected and dimmed when it is disconnected.
Name This field displays the name of the IPSec SA.
VPN Gateway This field displays the VPN gateway in use for this VPN connection.
Gateway IP This field displays what IP version the associated VPN gateway(s) is using. An IPv4 gateway may
Version use an IKEv1 or IKEv2 SA. An IPv6 gateway may use IKEv2 only.
Encapsulation This field displays the type of encapsulation the VPN tunnel uses.
Algorithm This field displays the hash algorithm that the VPN tunnel uses to authenticate packet data.
Policy This field displays the local policy and the remote policy, respectively.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

30.2.1 VPN Connection Add/Edit Screen

The VPN Connection Add/Edit Gateway screen allows you to create a new VPN connection policy or
edit an existing one. To access this screen, go to the Configuration > VPN Connection screen (see
Section 30.2 on page 649), and click either the Add icon or an Edit icon.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 30 IPSec VPN

Figure 445 Configuration > VPN > IPSec VPN > VPN Connection > Add/Edit

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 30 IPSec VPN

Each field is described in the following table.

Table 230 Configuration > VPN > IPSec VPN > VPN Connection > Add/Edit
Show Advanced Click this button to display a greater or lesser number of configuration fields.
Settings / Hide
Advanced Settings
Create new Object Use to configure any new settings objects that you need to use in this screen.
General Settings
Enable Select this check box to activate this VPN connection.
Connection Name Enter the name used to identify this IPSec SA. You may use 1 – 31 alphanumeric
characters, underscores (_), or dashes (–), but the first character cannot be a number.
This value is case-sensitive.
Nailed-Up Select this if you want the Zyxel Device to automatically renegotiate the IPSec SA when
the SA life time expires.
Enable Replay Select this check box to detect and reject old or duplicate packets to protect against
Detection Denial-of-Service attacks.
Enable NetBIOS Select this check box if you the Zyxel Device to send NetBIOS (Network Basic Input/
Broadcast over Output System) packets through the IPSec SA.
NetBIOS packets are TCP or UDP packets that enable a computer to connect to and
communicate with a LAN. It may sometimes be necessary to allow NetBIOS packets to
pass through IPSec SAs in order to allow local computers to find computers on the remote
network and vice versa.
MSS Adjustment Select Custom Size to set a specific number of bytes for the Maximum Segment Size (MSS)
meaning the largest amount of data in a single TCP segment or IP datagram for this VPN

Some VPN clients may not be able to use a custom MSS size if it is set too small. In that
case those VPN clients will ignore the size set here and use the minimum size that they
can use.

Select Auto to have the Zyxel Device automatically set the MSS for this VPN connection.
Narrowed If the IP range on the Zyxel Device (local policy) and the local IP range on the remote
IPSec router overlap in an IKEv2 SA, then you may select Narrowed to have the SA only
apply to the IP addresses in common.

Here are some examples.

Zyxel Device (local policy) Remote IPSec router

IKEv2 SA-1 ~
Narrowed –
IKEv2 SA- 2 – –
Narrowed –

VPN Gateway

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 30 IPSec VPN

Table 230 Configuration > VPN > IPSec VPN > VPN Connection > Add/Edit (continued)
Application Select the scenario that best describes your intended VPN connection.
Site-to-site – Choose this if the remote IPSec router has a static IP address or a domain
name. This Zyxel Device can initiate the VPN tunnel.

Site-to-site with Dynamic Peer – Choose this if the remote IPSec router has a dynamic IP
address. Only the remote IPSec router can initiate the VPN tunnel.

Remote Access (Server Role) – Choose this to allow incoming connections from IPSec
VPN clients. The clients have dynamic IP addresses and are also known as dial-in users.
Only the clients can initiate the VPN tunnel.

Remote Access (Client Role) – Choose this to connect to an IPSec server. This Zyxel
Device is the client (dial-in user) and can initiate the VPN tunnel.

VPN Tunnel Interface – Choose this to set up a VPN tunnel interface to bind with a VPN
connection. The Zyxel Device can use the interface to do load balancing using a specific
Trunk. The remote IPSec router should have a static IP address or a domain name. See
Configuration > Network > Interface > VTI.
VPN Gateway Select the VPN gateway this VPN connection is to use or select Create Object to add
another VPN gateway for this VPN connection to use.
Local Policy Select the address corresponding to the local network. Use Create new Object if you
need to configure a new one.
Remote Policy Select the address corresponding to the remote network. Use Create new Object if you
need to configure a new one.
Enable GRE over Select this to allow traffic using the Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) tunneling
IPSec protocol through an IPSec tunnel.
Policy Enforcement Clear this to allow traffic with source and destination IP addresses that do not match the
local and remote policy to use the VPN tunnel. Leave this cleared for free access
between the local and remote networks.

Selecting this restricts who can use the VPN tunnel. The Zyxel Device drops traffic with
source and destination IP addresses that do not match the local and remote policy.
Mode Config This is visible when you select Remote Access (Server Role) and a VPN Gateway.
Enable Mode Select this to have the IPSec VPN client receive an IP address, DNS and WINS information
Config from the Zyxel Device.
IP Address Pool Select an address object from the drop-down list box.
First DNS Server The Domain Name System (DNS) maps a domain name to an IP address and vice versa.
(Optional) The Zyxel Device uses these (in the order you specify here) to resolve domain names for
VPN. Enter a DNS server's IP address.
Second DNS Server Enter a secondary DNS server's IP address that is checked if the first one is unavailable.
First WINS Server Type the IP address of the WINS (Windows Internet Naming Service) server that you want
(Optional) to send to the DHCP clients. The WINS server keeps a mapping table of the computer
names on your network and the IP addresses that they are currently using.
Second WINS Enter a secondary WINS server's IP address that is checked if the first one is unavailable.
Server (Optional)
Configuration Payload This is only available when you have created an IKEv2 Gateway and are using Remote
Access (Server Role).
Enable Configuration Select this to have at least have the IP address pool included in the VPN setup data.
IP Address Pool: Select an address object from the drop-down list box.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 30 IPSec VPN

Table 230 Configuration > VPN > IPSec VPN > VPN Connection > Add/Edit (continued)
First DNS Server The Domain Name System (DNS) maps a domain name to an IP address and vice versa.
(optional) The Zyxel Device uses these (in the order you specify here) to resolve domain names for
VPN. Enter a DNS server's IP address.
Second DNS Server Enter a secondary DNS server's IP address that is checked if the first one is unavailable.
First WINS Server Type the IP address of the WINS (Windows Internet Naming Service) server that you want
(Optional) to send to the DHCP clients. The WINS server keeps a mapping table of the computer
names on your network and the IP addresses that they are currently using.
Second WINS Enter a secondary WINS server's IP address that is checked if the first one is unavailable.
Server (Optional)
Phase 2 Settings
SA Life Time Type the maximum number of seconds the IPSec SA can last. Shorter life times provide
better security. The Zyxel Device automatically negotiates a new IPSec SA before the
current one expires, if there are users who are accessing remote resources.
Active Protocol Select which protocol you want to use in the IPSec SA. Choices are:

AH (RFC 2402) – provides integrity, authentication, sequence integrity (replay resistance),

and non-repudiation but not encryption. If you select AH, you must select an
Authentication algorithm.

ESP (RFC 2406) – provides encryption and the same services offered by AH, but its
authentication is weaker. If you select ESP, you must select an Encryption algorithm and
Authentication algorithm.

Both AH and ESP increase processing requirements and latency (delay).

The Zyxel Device and remote IPSec router must use the same active protocol.
Encapsulation Select which type of encapsulation the IPSec SA uses. Choices are

Tunnel – this mode encrypts the IP header information and the data.

Transport – this mode only encrypts the data.

The Zyxel Device and remote IPSec router must use the same encapsulation.
Proposal Use this section to manage the encryption algorithm and authentication algorithm pairs
the Zyxel Device accepts from the remote IPSec router for negotiating the IPSec SA.
Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Select an entry and click this to be able to modify it.
Remove Select an entry and click this to delete it.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific proposal. The
sequence of proposals should not affect performance significantly.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 30 IPSec VPN

Table 230 Configuration > VPN > IPSec VPN > VPN Connection > Add/Edit (continued)
Encryption This field is applicable when the Active Protocol is ESP. Select which key size and
encryption algorithm to use in the IPSec SA. Choices are:

NULL – no encryption key or algorithm

DES – a 56-bit key with the DES encryption algorithm

3DES – a 168-bit key with the DES encryption algorithm

AES128 – a 128-bit key with the AES encryption algorithm

AES192 – a 192-bit key with the AES encryption algorithm

AES256 – a 256-bit key with the AES encryption algorithm

The Zyxel Device and the remote IPSec router must both have at least one proposal that
uses use the same encryption and the same key.

Longer keys are more secure, but require more processing power, resulting in increased
latency and decreased throughput.
Authentication Select which hash algorithm to use to authenticate packet data in the IPSec SA. Choices
are SHA1, SHA256, SHA512 and MD5. SHA is generally considered stronger than MD5, but
it is also slower.

The Zyxel Device and the remote IPSec router must both have a proposal that uses the
same authentication algorithm.
Perfect Forward Select whether or not you want to enable Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) and, if you do,
Secrecy (PFS) which Diffie-Hellman key group to use for encryption. Choices are:

none – disable PFS

DH1 – enable PFS and use a 768-bit random number

DH2 – enable PFS and use a 1024-bit random number

DH5 – enable PFS and use a 1536-bit random number

DH14 – enable PFS and use a 2048 bit random number

PFS changes the root key that is used to generate encryption keys for each IPSec SA. The
longer the key, the more secure the encryption, but also the longer it takes to encrypt
and decrypt information. Both routers must use the same DH key group.

PFS is ignored in initial IKEv2 authentication but is used when re-authenticating.

Related Settings
Zone Select the security zone into which to add this VPN connection policy. Any security rules
or settings configured for the selected zone apply to this VPN connection policy.
Connectivity Check The Zyxel Device can regularly check the VPN connection to the gateway you specified
to make sure it is still available.
Enable Select this to turn on the VPN connection check.
Check Method Select how the Zyxel Device checks the connection. The peer must be configured to
respond to the method you select.

Select icmp to have the Zyxel Device regularly ping the address you specify to make sure
traffic can still go through the connection. You may need to configure the peer to
respond to pings.

Select tcp to have the Zyxel Device regularly perform a TCP handshake with the address
you specify to make sure traffic can still go through the connection. You may need to
configure the peer to accept the TCP connection.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 30 IPSec VPN

Table 230 Configuration > VPN > IPSec VPN > VPN Connection > Add/Edit (continued)
Check Port This field displays when you set the Check Method to tcp. Specify the port number to use
for a TCP connectivity check.
Check Period Enter the number of seconds between connection check attempts.
Check Timeout Enter the number of seconds to wait for a response before the attempt is a failure.
Check Fail Enter the number of consecutive failures allowed before the Zyxel Device disconnects
Tolerance the VPN tunnel. The Zyxel Device resumes using the first peer gateway address when the
VPN connection passes the connectivity check.
Check this Address Select this to specify a domain name or IP address for the connectivity check. Enter that
domain name or IP address in the field next to it.
Check the First and Select this to have the Zyxel Device check the connection to the first and last IP
Last IP Address in addresses in the connection’s remote policy. Make sure one of these is the peer
the Remote Policy gateway’s LAN IP address.
Log Select this to have the Zyxel Device generate a log every time it checks this VPN
traffic NAT
Outbound Traffic
Source NAT This translation hides the source address of computers in the local network. It may also be
necessary if you want the Zyxel Device to route packets from computers outside the local
network through the IPSec SA.
Source Select the address object that represents the original source address (or select Create
Object to configure a new one). This is the address object for the computer or network
outside the local network. The size of the original source address range (Source) must be
equal to the size of the translated source address range (SNAT).
Destination Select the address object that represents the original destination address (or select
Create Object to configure a new one). This is the address object for the remote network.
SNAT Select the address object that represents the translated source address (or select Create
Object to configure a new one). This is the address object for the local network. The size
of the original source address range (Source) must be equal to the size of the translated
source address range (SNAT).
Inbound Traffic
Source NAT This translation hides the source address of computers in the remote network.
Source Select the address object that represents the original source address (or select Create
Object to configure a new one). This is the address object for the remote network. The size
of the original source address range (Source) must be equal to the size of the translated
source address range (SNAT).
Destination Select the address object that represents the original destination address (or select
Create Object to configure a new one). This is the address object for the local network.
SNAT Select the address object that represents the translated source address (or select Create
Object to configure a new one). This is the address that hides the original source address.
The size of the original source address range (Source) must be equal to the size of the
translated source address range (SNAT).
Destination NAT This translation forwards packets (for example, mail) from the remote network to a
specific computer (for example, the mail server) in the local network.
Add Click this to create a new entry. Select an entry and click Add to create a new entry after
the selected entry.
Edit Select an entry and click this to be able to modify it.
Remove Select an entry and click this to delete it.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 30 IPSec VPN

Table 230 Configuration > VPN > IPSec VPN > VPN Connection > Add/Edit (continued)
Move To change an entry’s position in the numbered list, select it and click Move to display a
field to type a number for where you want to put that entry and press [ENTER] to move
the entry to the number that you typed.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific NAT record.
However, the order of records is the sequence in which conditions are checked and
Original IP Select the address object that represents the original destination address. This is the
address object for the remote network.
Mapped IP Select the address object that represents the desired destination address. For example,
this is the address object for the mail server.
Protocol Select the protocol required to use this translation. Choices are: TCP, UDP, or All.
Original Port Start / These fields are available if the protocol is TCP or UDP. Enter the original destination port or
Original Port End range of original destination ports. The size of the original port range must be the same
size as the size of the mapped port range.
Mapped Port Start / These fields are available if the protocol is TCP or UDP. Enter the translated destination
Mapped Port End port or range of translated destination ports. The size of the original port range must be
the same size as the size of the mapped port range.
OK Click OK to save the changes.
Cancel Click Cancel to discard all changes and return to the main VPN screen.

30.3 VPN Gateway Screen

The VPN Gateway summary screen displays the IPSec VPN gateway policies in the Zyxel Device, as well
as the Zyxel Device’s address, remote IPSec router’s address, and associated VPN connections for each
one. In addition, it also lets you activate and deactivate each VPN gateway. To access this screen, click
Configuration > VPN > Network > IPSec VPN > VPN Gateway. The following screen appears.

Figure 446 Configuration > VPN > IPSec VPN > VPN Gateway

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 30 IPSec VPN

Each field is discussed in the following table. See Section 30.3.1 on page 659 for more information.

Table 231 Configuration > VPN > IPSec VPN > VPN Gateway
Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify the
entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to
remove it before doing so.
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
References Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use the
entry. See Section 10.4.4 on page 350 for an example.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific VPN gateway.
Status The activate (light bulb) icon is lit when the entry is active and dimmed when the entry is
Name This field displays the name of the VPN gateway.
My address This field displays the interface or a domain name the Zyxel Device uses for the VPN gateway.
Secure Gateway This field displays the IP address(es) of the remote IPSec routers.
VPN Connection This field displays VPN connections that use this VPN gateway.
IKE Version This field displays whether the gateway is using IKEv1 or IKEv2. IKEv1 applies to IPv4 traffic only.
IKEv2 applies to both IPv4 and IPv6 traffic. IKE (Internet Key Exchange) is a protocol used in
setting up security associations that allows two parties to send data securely. See Section 30.1
on page 644 for more information on IKEv1 and IKEv2.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

30.3.1 VPN Gateway Add/Edit Screen

The VPN Gateway Add/Edit screen allows you to create a new VPN gateway policy or edit an existing
one. To access this screen, go to the VPN Gateway summary screen (see Section 30.3 on page 658),
and click either the Add icon or an Edit icon.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 30 IPSec VPN

Figure 447 Configuration > VPN > IPSec VPN > VPN Gateway > Add/Edit

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 30 IPSec VPN

Each field is described in the following table.

Table 232 Configuration > VPN > IPSec VPN > VPN Gateway > Add/Edit
Show Advanced Click this button to display a greater or lesser number of configuration fields.
Settings / Hide
Advanced Settings
Create New Object Use to configure any new settings objects that you need to use in this screen.
General Settings
Enable Select this to activate the VPN Gateway policy.
VPN Gateway Enter the name used to identify this VPN gateway. You may use 1 – 31 alphanumeric
Name characters, underscores(_), or dashes (–), but the first character cannot be a number. This
value is case-sensitive.
IKE Version
IKEv1 / IKEv2 Select IKEv1 or IKEv2. IKEv1 applies to IPv4 traffic only. IKEv2 applies to both IPv4 and IPv6
traffic. IKE (Internet Key Exchange) is a protocol used in setting up security associations that
allows two parties to send data securely. See Section 30.1 on page 644 for more information
on IKEv1 and IKEv2.
Gateway Settings
My Address Select how the IP address of the Zyxel Device in the IKE SA is defined.

If you select Interface, select the Ethernet interface, VLAN interface, virtual Ethernet
interface, virtual VLAN interface or PPPoE/PPTP interface. The IP address of the Zyxel Device
in the IKE SA is the IP address of the interface.

If you select Domain Name / IP, enter the domain name or the IP address of the Zyxel
Device. The IP address of the Zyxel Device in the IKE SA is the specified IP address or the IP
address corresponding to the domain name. is not generally recommended as it
has the Zyxel Device accept IPSec requests destined for any interface address on the Zyxel
Peer Gateway Select how the IP address of the remote IPSec router in the IKE SA is defined.
Select Static Address to enter the domain name or the IP address of the remote IPSec
router. You can provide a second IP address or domain name for the Zyxel Device to try if it
cannot establish an IKE SA with the first one.

Fall back to Primary Peer Gateway when possible: When you select this, if the
connection to the primary address goes down and the Zyxel Device changes to using
the secondary connection, the Zyxel Device will reconnect to the primary address
when it becomes available again and stop using the secondary connection. Users will
lose their VPN connection briefly while the Zyxel Device changes back to the primary
connection. To use this, the peer device at the secondary address cannot be set to use
a nailed-up VPN connection. In the Fallback Check Interval field, set how often to
check if the primary address is available.
Select Dynamic Address if the remote IPSec router has a dynamic IP address (and does not
use DDNS).
Note: The Zyxel Device and remote IPSec router must use the same
authentication method to establish the IKE SA.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 30 IPSec VPN

Table 232 Configuration > VPN > IPSec VPN > VPN Gateway > Add/Edit (continued)
Pre-Shared Key Select this to have the Zyxel Device and remote IPSec router use a pre-shared key
(password) of up to 128 characters to identify each other when they negotiate the IKE SA.
Type the pre-shared key in the field to the right. The pre-shared key can be:

• alphanumeric characters or ,;.|`~!@#$%^&*()_+\{}':./<>=–"

• pairs of hexadecimal (0-9, A-F) characters, preceded by “0x”.
Type “0x” at the beginning of a hexadecimal key. For example, "0x0123456789ABCDEF" is in
hexadecimal format; “0123456789ABCDEF” is in ASCII format. If you use hexadecimal, you
must enter twice as many characters since you need to enter pairs.

The Zyxel Device and remote IPSec router must use the same pre-shared key.

Select unmasked to see the pre-shared key in readable plain text.

Certificate Select this to have the Zyxel Device and remote IPSec router use certificates to
authenticate each other when they negotiate the IKE SA. Then select the certificate the
Zyxel Device uses to identify itself to the remote IPSec router.

This certificate is one of the certificates in My Certificates. If this certificate is self-signed,

import it into the remote IPsec router. If this certificate is signed by a CA, the remote IPsec
router must trust that CA.

Note: The IPSec routers must trust each other’s certificates.

The Zyxel Device uses one of its Trusted Certificates to authenticate the remote IPSec
router’s certificate. The trusted certificate can be a self-signed certificate or that of a
trusted CA that signed the remote IPSec router’s certificate.
User-based PSK User-based PSK (IKEv1 only) generates and manages separate pre-shared keys for every
user. This enables multiple users, each with a unique key, to access the same VPN gateway
policy with one-to-one authentication and strong encryption. Access can be denied on a
per-user basis thus allowing VPN SA user-based policies. Click User-Based PSK then select a
user or group object who is allowed VPN SA access using this VPN gateway policy. This is for
IKEv1 only.
Local ID Type This field is read-only if the Zyxel Device and remote IPSec router use certificates to identify
each other. Select which type of identification is used to identify the Zyxel Device during
authentication. Choices are:

IPv4 or IPv6 – the Zyxel Device is identified by an IP address

DNS – the Zyxel Device is identified by a domain name

E-mail – the Zyxel Device is identified by the string specified in this field
Content This field is read-only if the Zyxel Device and remote IPSec router use certificates to identify
each other. Type the identity of the Zyxel Device during authentication. The identity
depends on the Local ID Type.

IP – type an IP address; if you type, the Zyxel Device uses the IP address specified in
the My Address field. This is not recommended in the following situations:

• There is a NAT router between the Zyxel Device and remote IPSec router.
• You want the remote IPSec router to be able to distinguish between IPSec SA requests
that come from IPSec routers with dynamic WAN IP addresses.
In these situations, use a different IP address, or use a different Local ID Type.

DNS – type the fully qualified domain name (FQDN). This value is only used for identification
and can be any string that matches the peer ID string.

E-mail – the Zyxel Device is identified by the string you specify here; you can use up to 63
ASCII characters including spaces, although trailing spaces are truncated. This value is only
used for identification and can be any string.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 30 IPSec VPN

Table 232 Configuration > VPN > IPSec VPN > VPN Gateway > Add/Edit (continued)
Peer ID Type Select which type of identification is used to identify the remote IPSec router during
authentication. Choices are:

IP – the remote IPSec router is identified by an IP address

DNS – the remote IPSec router is identified by a domain name

E-mail – the remote IPSec router is identified by the string specified in this field

Any – the Zyxel Device does not check the identity of the remote IPSec router

If the Zyxel Device and remote IPSec router use certificates, there is one more choice.

Subject Name – the remote IPSec router is identified by the subject name in the certificate
Content This field is disabled if the Peer ID Type is Any. Type the identity of the remote IPSec router
during authentication. The identity depends on the Peer ID Type.

If the Zyxel Device and remote IPSec router do not use certificates,

IP – type an IP address; see the note at the end of this description.

DNS – type the fully qualified domain name (FQDN). This value is only used for identification
and can be any string that matches the peer ID string.

E-mail – the remote IPSec router is identified by the string you specify here; you can use up
to 31 ASCII characters including spaces, although trailing spaces are truncated. This value is
only used for identification and can be any string.

If the Zyxel Device and remote IPSec router use certificates, type the following fields from
the certificate used by the remote IPSec router.

IP – subject alternative name field; see the note at the end of this description.

DNS – subject alternative name field

E-mail – subject alternative name field

Subject Name – subject name (maximum 255 ASCII characters, including spaces)

Note: If Peer ID Type is IP, please read the rest of this section.

If you type, the Zyxel Device uses the IP address specified in the Secure Gateway
Address field. This is not recommended in the following situations:

• There is a NAT router between the Zyxel Device and remote IPSec router.
• You want the remote IPSec router to be able to distinguish between IPSec SA requests
that come from IPSec routers with dynamic WAN IP addresses.
In these situations, use a different IP address, or use a different Peer ID Type.
Phase 1 Settings
SA Life Time Type the maximum number of seconds the IKE SA can last. When this time has passed, the
(Seconds) Zyxel Device and remote IPSec router have to update the encryption and authentication
keys and re-negotiate the IKE SA. This does not affect any existing IPSec SAs, however.
Negotiation Select the negotiation mode to use to negotiate the IKE SA. Choices are
Main – this encrypts the Zyxel Device’s and remote IPSec router’s identities but takes more
time to establish the IKE SA

Aggressive – this is faster but does not encrypt the identities

The Zyxel Device and the remote IPSec router must use the same negotiation mode.
Proposal Use this section to manage the encryption algorithm and authentication algorithm pairs the
Zyxel Device accepts from the remote IPSec router for negotiating the IKE SA.
Add Click this to create a new entry.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 30 IPSec VPN

Table 232 Configuration > VPN > IPSec VPN > VPN Gateway > Add/Edit (continued)
Edit Select an entry and click this to be able to modify it.
Remove Select an entry and click this to delete it.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific proposal. The
sequence of proposals should not affect performance significantly.
Encryption Select which key size and encryption algorithm to use in the IKE SA. Choices are:

DES – a 56-bit key with the DES encryption algorithm

3DES – a 168-bit key with the DES encryption algorithm

AES128 – a 128-bit key with the AES encryption algorithm

AES192 – a 192-bit key with the AES encryption algorithm

AES256 – a 256-bit key with the AES encryption algorithm

The Zyxel Device and the remote IPSec router must use the same key size and encryption
algorithm. Longer keys require more processing power, resulting in increased latency and
decreased throughput.
Authentication Select which hash algorithm to use to authenticate packet data in the IPSec SA. Choices
are SHA1, SHA256, SHA512 and MD5. SHA is generally considered stronger than MD5, but it is
also slower.

The remote IPSec router must use the same authentication algorithm.
Key Group Select which Diffie-Hellman key group (DHx) you want to use for encryption keys. Choices

DH1 – use a 768-bit random number

DH2 – use a 1024-bit random number

DH5 – use a 1536-bit random number

DH14 – use a 2048 bit random number

The longer the key, the more secure the encryption, but also the longer it takes to encrypt
and decrypt information. Both routers must use the same DH key group.
NAT Traversal Select this if any of these conditions are satisfied.

• This IKE SA might be used to negotiate IPSec SAs that use ESP as the active protocol.
• There are one or more NAT routers between the Zyxel Device and remote IPSec router,
and these routers do not support IPSec pass-thru or a similar feature.
The remote IPSec router must also enable NAT traversal, and the NAT routers have to
forward packets with UDP port 500 and UDP 4500 headers unchanged.

This field applies for IKEv1 only. NAT Traversal is always performed when you use IKEv2.
Dead Peer Select this check box if you want the Zyxel Device to make sure the remote IPSec router is
Detection (DPD) there before it transmits data through the IKE SA. The remote IPSec router must support DPD.
If there has been no traffic for at least 15 seconds, the Zyxel Device sends a message to the
remote IPSec router. If the remote IPSec router responds, the Zyxel Device transmits the
data. If the remote IPSec router does not respond, the Zyxel Device shuts down the IKE SA.

If the remote IPSec router does not support DPD, see if you can use the VPN connection
connectivity check (see Section 30.2.1 on page 651).

This field applies for IKEv1 only. Dead Peer Detection (DPD) is always performed when you
use IKEv2.
X Auth / Extended This part of the screen displays X-Auth when using IKEv1 and Extended Authentication
Authentication Protocol when using IKEv2.

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Chapter 30 IPSec VPN

Table 232 Configuration > VPN > IPSec VPN > VPN Gateway > Add/Edit (continued)
X-Auth This displays when using IKEv1. When different users use the same VPN tunnel to connect to
the Zyxel Device (telecommuters sharing a tunnel for example), use X-auth to enforce a
user name and password check. This way even though telecommuters all know the VPN
tunnel’s security settings, each still has to provide a unique user name and password.
Enable Extended Select this if one of the routers (the Zyxel Device or the remote IPSec router) verifies a user
Authentication name and password from the other router using the local user database and/or an external
Server Mode Select this if the Zyxel Device authenticates the user name and password from the remote
IPSec router. You also have to select the authentication method, which specifies how the
Zyxel Device authenticates this information.
AAA Method Select the authentication method, which specifies how the Zyxel Device authenticates this
Allowed User Extended authentication now supports an allowed user. Select what users should be
Client Mode Select this radio button if the Zyxel Device provides a username and password to the
remote IPSec router for authentication. You also have to provide the User Name and the
User Name This field is required if the Zyxel Device is in Client Mode for extended authentication. Enter
the user name the Zyxel Device sends to the remote IPSec router. The user name can be 1 –
31 ASCII characters. It is case-sensitive, but spaces are not allowed.
Password This field is required if the Zyxel Device is in Client Mode for extended authentication. Enter
the password the Zyxel Device sends to the remote IPSec router. The password can be 1 –
31 ASCII characters. It is case-sensitive, but spaces are not allowed.
Retype to Enter the exact same password again here to make sure an error was not made when
Confirm typing it originally.
Extended This displays when using IKEv2. EAP uses a certificate for authentication.
Allowed Auth This field displays the authentication method that is used to authenticate users.
Enable Extended Select this if one of the routers (the Zyxel Device or the remote IPSec router) verifies a user
Authentication name and password from the other router using the local user database and/or an external
server or a certificate.
Server Mode Select this if the Zyxel Device authenticates the user name and password from the remote
IPSec router. You also have to select an AAA method, which specifies how the Zyxel Device
authenticates this information and who may be authenticated (Allowed User).
Client Mode Select this radio button if the Zyxel Device provides a username and password to the
remote IPSec router for authentication. You also have to provide the User Name and the
User Name This field is required if the Zyxel Device is in Client Mode for extended authentication. Type
the user name the Zyxel Device sends to the remote IPSec router. The user name can be 1 –
31 ASCII characters. It is case-sensitive, but spaces are not allowed.
Password This field is required if the Zyxel Device is in Client Mode for extended authentication. Type
the password the Zyxel Device sends to the remote IPSec router. The password can be 1 –
31 ASCII characters. It is case-sensitive, but spaces are not allowed.
Retype to Type the exact same password again here to make sure an error was not made when
Confirm typing it originally.
OK Click OK to save your settings and exit this screen.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

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Chapter 30 IPSec VPN

30.4 VPN Concentrator

A VPN concentrator combines several IPSec VPN connections into one secure network.

Figure 448 VPN Topologies (Fully Meshed and Hub and Spoke)

1 2

In a fully-meshed VPN topology (1 in the figure), there is a VPN connection between every pair of
routers. In a hub-and-spoke VPN topology (2 in the figure), there is a VPN connection between each
spoke router (B, C, D, and E) and the hub router (A), which uses the VPN concentrator. The VPN
concentrator routes VPN traffic between the spoke routers and itself.

A VPN concentrator reduces the number of VPN connections that you have to set up and maintain in
the network. You might also be able to consolidate the policy routes in each spoke router, depending
on the IP addresses and subnets of each spoke.

However a VPN concentrator is not for every situation. The hub router is a single failure point, so a VPN
concentrator is not as appropriate if the connection between spoke routers cannot be down
occasionally (maintenance, for example). There is also more burden on the hub router. It receives VPN
traffic from one spoke, decrypts it, inspects it to find out to which spoke to route it, encrypts it, and sends
it to the appropriate spoke. Therefore, a VPN concentrator is more suitable when there is a minimum
amount of traffic between spoke routers.

30.4.1 VPN Concentrator Requirements and Suggestions

Consider the following when using the VPN concentrator.

• The local IP addresses configured in the VPN rules should not overlap.
• The concentrator must have at least one separate VPN rule for each spoke. In the local policy,
specify the IP addresses of the networks with which the spoke is to be able to have a VPN tunnel. This
may require you to use more than one VPN rule for each spoke.
• To have all Internet access from the spoke routers go through the VPN tunnel, set the VPN rules in the
spoke routers to use (any) as the remote IP address.
• Your security policies can still block VPN packets.

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Chapter 30 IPSec VPN

30.4.2 VPN Concentrator Screen

The VPN Concentrator summary screen displays the VPN concentrators in the Zyxel Device. To access
this screen, click Configuration > VPN > IPSec VPN > Concentrator.

Figure 449 Configuration > VPN > IPSec VPN > Concentrator

Each field is discussed in the following table. See Section 30.4.3 on page 667 for more information.

Table 233 Configuration > VPN > IPSec VPN > Concentrator
IPv4/IPv6 Choose to configure for IPv4 or IPv6 traffic.
Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Select an entry and click this to be able to modify it.
Remove Select an entry and click this to delete it.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific concentrator.
Name This field displays the name of the VPN concentrator.
Group Members These are the VPN connection policies that are part of the VPN concentrator.

30.4.3 VPN Concentrator Add/Edit Screen

Use the VPN Concentrator Add/Edit screen to create or edit a VPN concentrator. To access this screen,
go to the VPN Concentrator summary screen (see Section 30.4 on page 666), and click either the Add
icon or an Edit icon.

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Chapter 30 IPSec VPN

Figure 450 Configuration > VPN > IPSec VPN > Concentrator > Add/Edit

Each field is described in the following table.

Table 234 VPN > IPSec VPN > Concentrator > Add/Edit
Name Enter the name of the concentrator. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters, underscores(_), or
dashes (–), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is case-sensitive.
Member Select the concentrator’s IPSec VPN connection policies.

Note: You must disable policy enforcement in each member. See Section 30.2.1 on page

IPSec VPN connection policies that do not belong to a VPN concentrator appear under Available.
Select any VPN connection policies that you want to add to the VPN concentrator and click the right
arrow button to add them.

The VPN concentrator’s member VPN connections appear under Member. Select any VPN
connections that you want to remove from the VPN concentrator, and click the left arrow button to
remove them.
OK Click OK to save your changes in the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

30.5 Zyxel Device IPSec VPN Client Configuration

Use the Configuration > VPN > IPSec VPN > Configuration Provisioning screen to configure who can
retrieve VPN rule settings from the Zyxel Device using the Zyxel Device IPSec VPN Client. In the Zyxel
Device IPSec VPN Client, you just need to enter the IP address of the Zyxel Device to get all the VPN rule
settings automatically. You do not need to manually configure all rule settings in the Zyxel Device IPSec
VPN client.

VPN rules for the Zyxel Device IPSec VPN Client have certain restrictions. They must not contain the
following settings:

• AH active protocol
• NULL encryption
• SHA512 authentication

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Chapter 30 IPSec VPN

• A subnet or range remote policy

The following VPN Gateway rules configured on the Zyxel Device cannot be provisioned to the IPSec
VPN Client:

• IPv4 rules with IKEv2 version

• IPv4 rules with User-based PSK authentication

Note: You must enable IPv6 in System > IPv6 to activate IPv6 VPN tunneling rules.

In the Zyxel Device Quick Setup wizard, you can use the VPN Settings for Configuration Provisioning
wizard to create a VPN rule that will not violate these restrictions.

Figure 451 Configuration > VPN > IPSec VPN > Configuration Provisioning

Each field is discussed in the following table.

Table 235 Configuration > VPN > IPSec VPN > Configuration Provisioning
Enable Select this for users to be able to retrieve VPN rule settings using the Zyxel Device IPSec VPN
Configuration client.
VPN Provisioning Change the default port that IPSec VPN clients use to retrieve VPN rule settings from the Zyxel
Port Device. The default is 443 which is already in use for remote management by default. If you
change the default IPSec VPN port on the Zyxel Device, make sure to make the same change
to the Zyxel IPSec VPN client. See Section 1.7.2 on page 37 for more information.

Configure a new port between 1024 to 65535 that is not in use by other services.

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Chapter 30 IPSec VPN

Table 235 Configuration > VPN > IPSec VPN > Configuration Provisioning (continued)
Client Choose how users should be authenticated. They can be authenticated using the local
Authentication database on the Zyxel Device or an external authentication database such as LDAP, Active
Method Directory or RADIUS. default is a method you configured in Object > Auth Method. You may
configure multiple methods there. If you choose the local database on the Zyxel Device, then
configure users using the Object > User/Group screen. If you choose LDAP, Active Directory or
RADIUS authentication servers, then configure users on the respective server.
Configuration When you add or edit a configuration provisioning entry, you are allowed to set the VPN
Connection and Allowed User fields.

Duplicate entries are not allowed. You cannot select the same VPN Connection and Allowed
User pair in a new entry if the same pair exists in a previous entry.

You can bind different rules to the same user, but the Zyxel Device will only allow VPN rule setting
retrieval for the first match found.
Add Click Add to bind a configured VPN rule to a user or group. Only that user or group may then
retrieve the specified VPN rule settings.

If you click Add without selecting an entry in advance then the new entry appears as the first
entry. Entry order is important as the Zyxel Device searches entries in the order listed here to find
a match. After a match is found, the Zyxel Device stops searching. If you want to add an entry
as number three for example, then first select entry 2 and click Add. To reorder an entry, use
Edit Select an existing entry and click Edit to change its settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove it
before doing so.
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate. Make sure that Enable Configuration Provisioning
is also selected.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
Move Use Move to reorder a selected entry. Select an entry, click Move, type the number where the
entry should be moved, press <ENTER>, then click Apply.
Status This icon shows if the entry is active (yellow) or not (gray). VPN rule settings can only be retrieved
when the entry is activated (and Enable Configuration Provisioning is also selected).
Priority Priority shows the order of the entry in the list. Entry order is important as the Zyxel Device
searches entries in the order listed here to find a match. After a match is found the Zyxel Device
stops searching.
VPN This field shows all configured VPN rules that match the rule criteria for the Zyxel Device IPSec
Connection VPN client. Select a rule to bind to the associated user or group.
Upload Upload Bandwidth Limit is only available for Zyxel subscription-based SecuExtender IPSec VPN
Bandwidth Limit clients with Windows version or later or macOS version or later.

Use Upload Bandwidth Limit to set the maximum bandwidth for uploading traffic from Zyxel IPSec
VPN clients over IPSec VPN tunnels.
Allowed User Select which user or group of users is allowed to retrieve the associated VPN rule settings using
the Zyxel Device IPSec VPN client. A user may belong to a number of groups. If entries are
configured for different groups, the Zyxel Device will allow VPN rule setting retrieval based on the
first match found.

Users of type admin or limited-admin are not allowed.

Type This field shows how traffic is tunneled from the Zyxel Device to the Zyxel VPN client:

• 6in4 (tunnel IPv6 traffic from the Zyxel Device to the Zyxel client in an IPv4 network);
• 4in6 (tunnel IPv4 traffic from the Zyxel Device to the Zyxel VPN client in an IPv6 network);
• 4in4 (tunnel IPv4 traffic from the Zyxel Device to the Zyxel VPN client in an IPv4 network).
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

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Chapter 30 IPSec VPN

30.6 IPSec VPN Background Information

Here is some more detailed IPSec VPN background information.

IKE SA Overview
The IKE SA provides a secure connection between the Zyxel Device and remote IPSec router.

It takes several steps to establish an IKE SA. The negotiation mode determines how many. There are two
negotiation modes – main mode and aggressive mode. Main mode provides better security, while
aggressive mode is faster.

Note: Both routers must use the same negotiation mode.

These modes are discussed in more detail in Negotiation Mode. Main mode is used in various examples
in the rest of this section.

The Zyxel Device supports IKEv1 and IKEv2. See Section 30.1 on page 644 for more information.

IP Addresses of the Zyxel Device and Remote IPSec Router

To set up an IKE SA, you have to specify the IP addresses of the Zyxel Device and remote IPSec router.
You can usually enter a static IP address or a domain name for either or both IP addresses. Sometimes,
your Zyxel Device might offer another alternative, such as using the IP address of a port or interface, as

You can also specify the IP address of the remote IPSec router as This means that the remote
IPSec router can have any IP address. In this case, only the remote IPSec router can initiate an IKE SA
because the Zyxel Device does not know the IP address of the remote IPSec router. This is often used for

IKE SA Proposal
The IKE SA proposal is used to identify the encryption algorithm, authentication algorithm, and Diffie-
Hellman (DH) key group that the Zyxel Device and remote IPSec router use in the IKE SA. In main mode,
this is done in steps 1 and 2, as illustrated next.

Figure 452 IKE SA: Main Negotiation Mode, Steps 1 - 2: IKE SA Proposal

One or more proposals, each one consisting of:

- encryption algorithm
- authentication algorithm
- Diffie-Hellman key group

X 2 Y
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Chapter 30 IPSec VPN

The Zyxel Device sends one or more proposals to the remote IPSec router. (In some devices, you can
only set up one proposal.) Each proposal consists of an encryption algorithm, authentication algorithm,
and DH key group that the Zyxel Device wants to use in the IKE SA. The remote IPSec router selects an
acceptable proposal and sends the accepted proposal back to the Zyxel Device. If the remote IPSec
router rejects all of the proposals, the Zyxel Device and remote IPSec router cannot establish an IKE SA.

Note: Both routers must use the same encryption algorithm, authentication algorithm, and DH
key group.

In most Zyxel Devices, you can select one of the following encryption algorithms for each proposal. The
algorithms are listed in order from weakest to strongest.

• Data Encryption Standard (DES) is a widely used method of data encryption. It applies a 56-bit key to
each 64-bit block of data.
• Triple DES (3DES) is a variant of DES. It iterates three times with three separate keys, effectively tripling
the strength of DES.
• Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a newer method of data encryption that also uses a secret
key. AES applies a 128-bit key to 128-bit blocks of data. It is faster than 3DES.

Some Zyxel Devices also offer stronger forms of AES that apply 192-bit or 256-bit keys to 128-bit blocks of

In most Zyxel Devices, you can select one of the following authentication algorithms for each proposal.
The algorithms are listed in order from weakest to strongest.

• MD5 (Message Digest 5) produces a 128-bit digest to authenticate packet data.

• SHA1 (Secure Hash Algorithm) produces a 160-bit digest to authenticate packet data.
• SHA256 (Secure Hash Algorithm) produces a 256-bit digest to authenticate packet data.
• SHA512 (Secure Hash Algorithm) produces a 512-bit digest to authenticate packet data.

See Diffie-Hellman (DH) Key Exchange on page 672 for more information about DH key groups.

Diffie-Hellman (DH) Key Exchange

The Zyxel Device and the remote IPSec router use DH public-key cryptography to establish a shared
secret. The shared secret is then used to generate encryption keys for the IKE SA and IPSec SA. In main
mode, this is done in steps 3 and 4, as illustrated next.

Figure 453 IKE SA: Main Negotiation Mode, Steps 3 - 4: DH Key Exchange

Diffie-Hellman key exchange

X 4 Y
DH public-key cryptography is based on DH key groups. Each key group is a fixed number of bits long.
The longer the key, the more secure the encryption, but also the longer it takes to encrypt and decrypt

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Chapter 30 IPSec VPN

information. For example, DH2 keys (1024 bits) are more secure than DH1 keys (768 bits), but DH2 keys
take longer to encrypt and decrypt.

Before the Zyxel Device and remote IPSec router establish an IKE SA, they have to verify each other’s
identity. This process is based on pre-shared keys and router identities.

In main mode, the Zyxel Device and remote IPSec router authenticate each other in steps 5 and 6, as
illustrated below. The identities are also encrypted using the encryption algorithm and encryption key
the Zyxel Device and remote IPSec router selected in previous steps.

Figure 454 IKE SA: Main Negotiation Mode, Steps 5 - 6: Authentication (continued)

Step 5:
pre-shared key
Zyxel Device identity, consisting of
- ID type
- content
Step 6:
pre-shared key
Remote IPSec router identity, consisting of
- ID type
- content

X 6 Y
You have to create (and distribute) a pre-shared key. The Zyxel Device and remote IPSec router use it in
the authentication process, though it is not actually transmitted or exchanged.

Note: The Zyxel Device and the remote IPSec router must use the same pre-shared key.

Router identity consists of ID type and content. The ID type can be domain name, IP address, or e-mail
address, and the content is a (properly-formatted) domain name, IP address, or e-mail address. The
content is only used for identification. Any domain name or e-mail address that you enter does not have
to actually exist. Similarly, any domain name or IP address that you enter does not have to correspond
to the Zyxel Device’s or remote IPSec router’s properties.

The Zyxel Device and the remote IPSec router have their own identities, so both of them must store two
sets of information, one for themselves and one for the other router. Local ID type and content refers to
the ID type and content that applies to the router itself, and peer ID type and content refers to the ID
type and content that applies to the other router.

Note: The Zyxel Device’s local and peer ID type and content must match the remote IPSec
router’s peer and local ID type and content, respectively.

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Chapter 30 IPSec VPN

For example, in the next table, the Zyxel Device and the remote IPSec router authenticate each other
successfully. In contrast, in the following table, the Zyxel Device and the remote IPSec router cannot
authenticate each other and, therefore, cannot establish an IKE SA.

Table 236 VPN Example: Matching ID Type and Content

Local ID type: E-mail Local ID type: IP
Local ID content: tom@yourcompany.com Local ID content:
Peer ID type: IP Peer ID type: E-mail
Peer ID content: Peer ID content: tom@yourcompany.com

Table 237 VPN Example: Mismatching ID Type and Content

Local ID type: Email Local ID type: IP
Local ID content: tom@yourcompany.com Local ID content:
Peer ID type: IP Peer ID type: E-mail
Peer ID content: Peer ID content: tom@yourcompany.com

It is also possible to configure the Zyxel Device to ignore the identity of the remote IPSec router. In this
case, you usually set the peer ID type to Any. This is less secure, so you should only use this if your Zyxel
Device provides another way to check the identity of the remote IPSec router (for example, extended
authentication) or if you are troubleshooting a VPN tunnel.

Additional Topics for IKE SA

This section provides more information about IKE SA.

Negotiation Mode
There are two negotiation modes – main mode and aggressive mode. Main mode provides better
security, while aggressive mode is faster.

Main mode takes six steps to establish an IKE SA.

Steps 1 – 2: The Zyxel Device sends its proposals to the remote IPSec router. The remote IPSec router
selects an acceptable proposal and sends it back to the Zyxel Device.

Steps 3 – 4: The Zyxel Device and the remote IPSec router exchange pre-shared keys for authentication
and participate in a Diffie-Hellman key exchange, based on the accepted DH key group, to establish a
shared secret.

Steps 5 – 6: Finally, the Zyxel Device and the remote IPSec router generate an encryption key (from the
shared secret), encrypt their identities, and exchange their encrypted identity information for

In contrast, aggressive mode only takes three steps to establish an IKE SA. Aggressive mode does not
provide as much security because the identity of the Zyxel Device and the identity of the remote IPSec
router are not encrypted. It is usually used in remote-access situations, where the address of the initiator
is not known by the responder and both parties want to use pre-shared keys for authentication. For
example, the remote IPSec router may be a telecommuter who does not have a static IP address.

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Chapter 30 IPSec VPN

VPN, NAT, and NAT Traversal

In the following example, there is another router (A) between router X and router Y.

Figure 455 VPN/NAT Example

If router A does NAT, it might change the IP addresses, port numbers, or both. If router X and router Y try
to establish a VPN tunnel, the authentication fails because it depends on this information. The routers
cannot establish a VPN tunnel.

Most routers like router A now have an IPSec pass-thru feature. This feature helps router A recognize VPN
packets and route them appropriately. If router A has this feature, router X and router Y can establish a
VPN tunnel as long as the active protocol is ESP. (See Active Protocol on page 676 for more information
about active protocols.)

If router A does not have an IPSec pass-thru or if the active protocol is AH, you can solve this problem by
enabling NAT traversal. In NAT traversal, router X and router Y add an extra header to the IKE SA and
IPSec SA packets. If you configure router A to forward these packets unchanged, router X and router Y
can establish a VPN tunnel.

You have to do the following things to set up NAT traversal.

• Enable NAT traversal on the Zyxel Device and remote IPSec router.
• Configure the NAT router to forward packets with the extra header unchanged. (See the field
description for detailed information about the extra header.)

The extra header may be UDP port 500 or UDP port 4500, depending on the standard(s) the Zyxel Device
and remote IPSec router support.

X-Auth / Extended Authentication

X-Auth / Extended authentication is often used when multiple IPSec routers use the same VPN tunnel to
connect to a single IPSec router. For example, this might be used with telecommuters.

In extended authentication, one of the routers (the Zyxel Device or the remote IPSec router) provides a
user name and password to the other router, which uses a local user database and/or an external
server to verify the user name and password. If the user name or password is wrong, the routers do not
establish an IKE SA.

You can set up the Zyxel Device to provide a user name and password to the remote IPSec router, or
you can set up the Zyxel Device to check a user name and password that is provided by the remote
IPSec router.

If you use extended authentication, it takes four more steps to establish an IKE SA. These steps occur at
the end, regardless of the negotiation mode (steps 7-10 in main mode, steps 4-7 in aggressive mode).

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 30 IPSec VPN

It is possible for the Zyxel Device and remote IPSec router to authenticate each other with certificates. In
this case, you do not have to set up the pre-shared key, local identity, or remote identity because the
certificates provide this information instead.

• Instead of using the pre-shared key, the Zyxel Device and remote IPSec router check the signatures
on each other’s certificates. Unlike pre-shared keys, the signatures do not have to match.
• The local and peer ID type and content come from the certificates.

Note: You must set up the certificates for the Zyxel Device and remote IPSec router first.

IPSec SA Overview
Once the Zyxel Device and remote IPSec router have established the IKE SA, they can securely
negotiate an IPSec SA through which to send data between computers on the networks.

Note: The IPSec SA stays connected even if the underlying IKE SA is not available anymore.

This section introduces the key components of an IPSec SA.

Local Network and Remote Network

In an IPSec SA, the local network, the one(s) connected to the Zyxel Device, may be called the local
policy. Similarly, the remote network, the one(s) connected to the remote IPSec router, may be called
the remote policy.

Active Protocol
The active protocol controls the format of each packet. It also specifies how much of each packet is
protected by the encryption and authentication algorithms. IPSec VPN includes two active protocols,
AH (Authentication Header, RFC 2402) and ESP (Encapsulating Security Payload, RFC 2406).

Note: The Zyxel Device and remote IPSec router must use the same active protocol.

Usually, you should select ESP. AH does not support encryption, and ESP is more suitable with NAT.

There are two ways to encapsulate packets. Usually, you should use tunnel mode because it is more
secure. Transport mode is only used when the IPSec SA is used for communication between the Zyxel
Device and remote IPSec router (for example, for remote management), not between computers on
the local and remote networks.

Note: The Zyxel Device and remote IPSec router must use the same encapsulation.

These modes are illustrated below.

Figure 456 VPN: Transport and Tunnel Mode Encapsulation

Original Packet IP Header TCP Header Data

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Chapter 30 IPSec VPN

Figure 456 VPN: Transport and Tunnel Mode Encapsulation

Transport Mode Packet IP Header AH/ESP TCP Header Data

Tunnel Mode Packet IP Header AH/ESP IP Header TCP Header Data


In tunnel mode, the Zyxel Device uses the active protocol to encapsulate the entire IP packet. As a
result, there are two IP headers:

• Outside header: The outside IP header contains the IP address of the Zyxel Device or remote IPSec
router, whichever is the destination.
• Inside header: The inside IP header contains the IP address of the computer behind the Zyxel Device
or remote IPSec router. The header for the active protocol (AH or ESP) appears between the IP

In transport mode, the encapsulation depends on the active protocol. With AH, the Zyxel Device
includes part of the original IP header when it encapsulates the packet. With ESP, however, the Zyxel
Device does not include the IP header when it encapsulates the packet, so it is not possible to verify the
integrity of the source IP address.

IPSec SA Proposal and Perfect Forward Secrecy

An IPSec SA proposal is similar to an IKE SA proposal (see IKE SA Proposal), except that you also have the
choice whether or not the Zyxel Device and remote IPSec router perform a new DH key exchange every
time an IPSec SA is established. This is called Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS).

If you enable PFS, the Zyxel Device and remote IPSec router perform a DH key exchange every time an
IPSec SA is established, changing the root key from which encryption keys are generated. As a result, if
one encryption key is compromised, other encryption keys remain secure.

If you do not enable PFS, the Zyxel Device and remote IPSec router use the same root key that was
generated when the IKE SA was established to generate encryption keys.

The DH key exchange is time-consuming and may be unnecessary for data that does not require such

PFS is ignored in initial IKEv2 authentication but is used when re-authenticating.

Additional Topics for IPSec SA

This section provides more information about IPSec SA in your Zyxel Device.

Authentication and the Security Parameter Index (SPI)

For authentication, the Zyxel Device and remote IPSec router use the SPI, instead of pre-shared keys, ID
type and content. The SPI is an identification number.

Note: The Zyxel Device and remote IPSec router must use the same SPI.

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Chapter 30 IPSec VPN

NAT for Inbound and Outbound Traffic

The Zyxel Device can translate the following types of network addresses in IPSec SA.

• Source address in outbound packets – this translation is necessary if you want the Zyxel Device to
route packets from computers outside the local network through the IPSec SA.
• Source address in inbound packets – this translation hides the source address of computers in the
remote network.
• Destination address in inbound packets – this translation is used if you want to forward packets (for
example, mail) from the remote network to a specific computer (like the mail server) in the local

Each kind of translation is explained below. The following example is used to help explain each one.

Figure 457 VPN Example: NAT for Inbound and Outbound Traffic

Source Address in Outbound Packets (Outbound Traffic, Source NAT)

This translation lets the Zyxel Device route packets from computers that are not part of the specified
local network (local policy) through the IPSec SA. For example, in Figure 457 on page 678, you have to
configure this kind of translation if you want computer M to establish a connection with any computer in
the remote network (B). If you do not configure it, the remote IPSec router may not route messages for
computer M through the IPSec SA because computer M’s IP address is not part of its local policy.

To set up this NAT, you have to specify the following information:

• Source - the original source address; most likely, computer M’s network.
• Destination - the original destination address; the remote network (B).
• SNAT - the translated source address; the local network (A).

Source Address in Inbound Packets (Inbound Traffic, Source NAT)

You can set up this translation if you want to change the source address of computers in the remote
network. To set up this NAT, you have to specify the following information:

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 30 IPSec VPN

• Source – the original source address; the remote network (B).

• Destination – the original destination address; the local network (A).
• SNAT – the translated source address; a different IP address (range of addresses) to hide the original
source address.

Destination Address in Inbound Packets (Inbound Traffic, Destination NAT)

You can set up this translation if you want the Zyxel Device to forward some packets from the remote
network to a specific computer in the local network. For example, in Figure 457 on page 678, you can
configure this kind of translation if you want to forward mail from the remote network to the mail server in
the local network (A).

You have to specify one or more rules when you set up this kind of NAT. The Zyxel Device checks these
rules similar to the way it checks rules for a security policy. The first part of these rules define the
conditions in which the rule apply.

• Original IP – the original destination address; the remote network (B).

• Protocol – the protocol [TCP, UDP, or both] used by the service requesting the connection.
• Original Port – the original destination port or range of destination ports; in Figure 457 on page 678, it
might be port 25 for SMTP.

The second part of these rules controls the translation when the condition is satisfied.

• Mapped IP – the translated destination address; in Figure 457 on page 678, the IP address of the mail
server in the local network (A).
• Mapped Port – the translated destination port or range of destination ports.

The original port range and the mapped port range must be the same size.

IPSec VPN Example Scenario

Here is an example site-to-site IPSec VPN scenario.

Figure 458 Site-to-site IPSec VPN Example

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C H A P T E R 31

31.1 Overview
Use SSL VPN to allow users to use a web browser for secure remote user login. The remote users do not
need a VPN router or VPN client software.

31.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter

• Use the VPN > SSL VPN > Access Privilege screens (see Section 31.2 on page 681) to configure SSL
access policies.
• Use the Click VPN > SSL VPN > Global Setting screen (see Section 31.3 on page 685) to set the IP
address of the Zyxel Device (or a gateway device) on your network for full tunnel mode access, enter
access messages or upload a custom logo to be displayed on the remote user screen.
• Use the VPN > SSL VPN > SecuExtender screen (see Section Figure 463 on page 687) to update and
check the current and latest version of the Security Extender.

31.1.2 What You Need to Know

Full Tunnel Mode

In full tunnel mode, a virtual connection is created for remote users with private IP addresses in the same
subnet as the local network. This allows them to access network resources in the same way as if they
were part of the internal network.

Figure 459 Network Access Mode: Full Tunnel Mode

LAN (192.168.1.X)

Web Mail File Share Non-Web

Web-based Application Application Server

SSL Access Policy

An SSL access policy allows the Zyxel Device to perform the following tasks:

• limit user access to specific applications or file sharing server on the network.
• allow user access to specific networks.
• assign private IP addresses and provide DNS/WINS server information to remote users to access
internal networks.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 31 SSL VPN

SSL Access Policy Objects

The SSL access policies reference the following objects. If you update this information, in response to
changes, the Zyxel Device automatically propagates the changes through the SSL policies that use the
object(s). When you delete an SSL policy, the objects are not removed.

Table 238 Objects

User Accounts User Account/ Configure a user account or user group to which you want to apply this SSL
User Group access policy.
Application SSL Configure an SSL application object to specify the type of application and the
Application address of the local computer, server, or web site SSL users are to be able to
IP Pool Address Configure an address object that defines a range of private IP addresses to
assign to user computers so they can access the internal network through a
VPN connection.
Server Address Configure address objects for the IP addresses of the DNS and WINS servers that
Addresses the Zyxel Device sends to the VPN connection users.
VPN Network Address Configure an address object to specify which network segment users are
allowed to access through a VPN connection.

You cannot delete an object that is referenced by an SSL access policy. To delete the object, you must
first unassociate the object from the SSL access policy.

31.2 The SSL Access Privilege Screen

Click VPN > SSL VPN to open the Access Privilege screen. This screen lists the configured SSL access

Click on the icons to go to the OneSecurity website where there is guidance on configuration
walkthroughs, troubleshooting and other information.

Figure 460 VPN > SSL VPN > Access Privilege

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 31 SSL VPN

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 239 VPN > SSL VPN > Access Privilege

Access Policy This screen shows a summary of SSL VPN policies created.
Click on the VPN icon to go to the Zyxel VPN Client product page at the Zyxel website.
Add Click this to create a new entry. Select an entry and click Add to create a new entry after the
selected entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify the entry’s
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove it
before doing so.
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
Move To move an entry to a different number in the list, click the Move icon. In the field that appears,
specify the number to which you want to move the interface.
References Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use the entry.
Click Refresh to update information on this screen.
# This field displays the index number of the entry.
Status This icon is lit when the entry is active and dimmed when the entry is inactive.
Name This field displays the descriptive name of the SSL access policy for identification purposes.
User/Group This field displays the user account or user group name(s) associated to an SSL access policy.

This field displays up to three names.

Access Policy This field displays details about the SSL application object this policy uses including its name, type,
Summary and address.
Apply Click Apply to save the settings.
Reset Click Reset to discard all changes.

31.2.1 The SSL Access Privilege Policy Add/Edit Screen

To create a new or edit an existing SSL access policy, click the Add or Edit icon in the Access Privilege

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 31 SSL VPN

Figure 461 VPN > SSL VPN > Add/Edit

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 31 SSL VPN

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 240 VPN > SSL VPN > Access Privilege > Add/Edit
Create new Use to configure any new settings objects that you need to use in this screen.
Enable Policy Select this option to activate this SSL access policy.
Name Enter a descriptive name to identify this policy. You can enter up to 31 characters (“a-z”, A-Z”,
“0-9”) with no spaces allowed.
Zone Select the zone to which to add this SSL access policy. You use zones to apply security settings
such as security policy and remote management.
Description Enter additional information about this SSL access policy. You can enter up to 60 characters
("0-9", "a-z", "A-Z", "-" and "_").
User/Group The Selectable User/Group Objects list displays the name(s) of the user account and/or user
group(s) to which you have not applied an SSL access policy yet.

To associate a user or user group to this SSL access policy, select a user account or user group
and click the right arrow button to add to the Selected User/Group Objects list. You can
select more than one name.

To remove a user or user group, select the name(s) in the Selected User/Group Objects list and
click the left arrow button.

Note: Although you can select admin and limited-admin accounts in this screen,
they are reserved for device configuration only. You cannot use them to
access the SSL VPN portal.
SSL Application List The Selectable Application Objects list displays the name(s) of the SSL application(s) you can
(Optional) select for this SSL access policy.

To associate an SSL application to this SSL access policy, select a name and click the right
arrow button to add to the Selected Application Objects list. You can select more than one

To remove an SSL application, select the name(s) in the Selected Application Objects list and
click the left arrow button.

Note: To allow access to shared files on a Windows 7 computer, within Windows 7

you must enable sharing on the folder and also go to the Network and
Sharing Center’s Advanced sharing settings and turn on the current network
profile’s file and printer sharing.
Network Extension (Optional)
Enable Network Select this option to create a VPN tunnel between the authenticated users and the internal
Extension network. This allows the users to access the resources on the network as if they were on the
same local network. This includes access to resources not supported by SSL application
objects. For example this lets users Telnet to the internal network even though the Zyxel Device
does not have SSL application objects for Telnet.

Clear this option to disable this feature. Users can only access the applications as defined by
the VPN tunnel’s selected SSL application settings and the remote user computers are not
made to be a part of the local network.
Force all client Select this to send all traffic from the SSL VPN clients through the SSL VPN tunnel. This replaces
traffic to SSL VPN the default gateway of the SSL VPN clients with the SSL VPN gateway.
NetBIOS Select this to search for a remote computer and access its applications as if it was in a Local
broadcast over Area Network. The user can find a computer not only by its IP address but also by computer
SSL VPN Tunnel name.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 31 SSL VPN

Table 240 VPN > SSL VPN > Access Privilege > Add/Edit (continued)
Assign IP Pool Define a separate pool of IP addresses to assign to the SSL users. Select it here.

The SSL VPN IP pool should not overlap with IP addresses on the Zyxel Device's local networks
(LAN and DMZ for example), the SSL user's network, or the networks you specify in the SSL VPN
Network List.
DNS/WINS Server Select the name of the DNS or WINS server whose information the Zyxel Device sends to the
1..2 remote users. This allows them to access devices on the local network using domain names
instead of IP addresses.
Network List To allow user access to local network(s), select a network name in the Selectable Address
Objects list and click the right arrow button to add to the Selected Address Objects list. You
can select more than one network.

To block access to a network, select the network name in the Selected Address Objects list
and click the left arrow button.
OK Click OK to save the changes and return to the main Access Privilege screen.
Cancel Click Cancel to discard all changes and return to the main Access Privilege screen.

31.3 The SSL Global Setting Screen

Click VPN > SSL VPN and click the Global Setting tab to display the following screen. Use this screen to
set the IP address of the Zyxel Device (or a gateway device) on your network for full tunnel mode
access, enter access messages or upload a custom logo to be displayed on the remote user screen.

Figure 462 VPN > SSL VPN > Global Setting

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 31 SSL VPN

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 241 VPN > SSL VPN > Global Setting

Global Setting
Network Extension Specify the IP address of the Zyxel Device (or a gateway device) for full tunnel mode SSL VPN
Local IP access.

Leave this field to the default settings unless it conflicts with another interface.
SSL VPN Login Domain Name
SSL VPN Login Specify a full domain name for users to use for SSL VPN login. The domain name must be
Domain Name 1/2 registered to one of the Zyxel Device’s IP addresses or be one of the Zyxel Device’s DDNS
entries. You can specify up to two domain names so you could use one domain name for
each of two WAN ports. For example, www.zyxel.com is a fully qualified domain name where
“www” is the host.

The Zyxel Device displays the normal login screen without the button for logging into the Web
Login Message Specify a message to display on the screen when a user logs in and an SSL VPN connection is
established successfully. You can enter up to 60 characters (0-9, a-z, A-Z, '()+,/:=?;!*#@$_%-")
with spaces allowed.
Logout Message Specify a message to display on the screen when a user logs out and the SSL VPN connection
is terminated successfully. You can enter up to 60 characters (0-9, a-z, A-Z, '()+,/:=?;!*#@$_%-")
with spaces allowed.
Update Client You can upload a graphic logo to be displayed on the web browser on the remote user
Virtual Desktop computer. The Zyxel company logo is the default logo.
Specify the location and file name of the logo graphic or click Browse to locate it.

Note: The logo graphic must be GIF, JPG, or PNG format. The graphic should use a
resolution of 103 x 29 pixels to avoid distortion when displayed. The Zyxel
Device automatically resizes a graphic of a different resolution to 103 x 29
pixels. The file size must be 100 kilobytes or less. Transparent background is
Browse Click Browse to locate the graphic file on your computer.
Upload Click Upload to transfer the specified graphic file from your computer to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Logo to Click Reset Logo to Default to display the Zyxel company logo on the remote user’s web
Default browser.
Apply Click Apply to save the changes and/or start the logo file upload process.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

31.3.1 How to Upload a Custom Logo

Follow the steps below to upload a custom logo to display on the remote user SSL VPN screens.

1 Click VPN > SSL VPN and click the Global Setting tab to display the configuration screen.

2 Click Browse to locate the logo graphic. Make sure the file is in GIF, JPG, or PNG format.

3 Click Apply to start the file transfer process.

4 Log in as a user to verify that the new logo displays properly.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 31 SSL VPN

The following shows an example logo on the remote user screen.

Figure 463 Example Logo Graphic Display

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

C H A P T E R 32
SSL User Screens

32.1 Overview
This chapter introduces the remote user SSL VPN screens. The following figure shows a network example
where a remote user (A) logs into the Zyxel Device from the Internet to access the web server (WWW) on
the local network.

Figure 464 SSL User Network Example

32.1.1 What You Need to Know

The Zyxel Device can use SSL VPN to provide secure connections to network resources such as
applications, files, intranet sites or e-mail through a web-based interface and using Microsoft Outlook
Web Access (OWA).

Network Resource Access Methods

As a remote user, you can access resources on the local network using one of the following methods.

• Using a supported web browser

Once you have successfully logged in through the Zyxel Device, you can access intranet sites, web-
based applications, or web-based e-mails using one of the supported web browsers.
• Using the Zyxel Device SecuExtender client
Once you have successfully logged into the Zyxel Device, if the SSL VPN access policy has network
extension enabled the Zyxel Device automatically loads the Zyxel Device SecuExtender client
program to your computer. With the Zyxel Device SecuExtender, you can access network resources,
remote desktops and manage files as if you were on the local network. See Chapter 33 on page 701
for more on the Zyxel Device SecuExtender.

System Requirements
Here are the browser and computer system requirements for remote user access.

• Windows 7 (32 or 64-bit), Vista (32 or 64-bit), 2003 (32-bit), XP (32-bit), or 2000 (32-bit)
• Internet Explorer 7 and above or Firefox 1.5 and above

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 32 SSL User Screens

• Using RDP requires Internet Explorer

• Sun’s Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.6 or later installed and enabled.

Required Information
A remote user needs the following information from the network administrator to log in and access
network resources.

• the domain name or IP address of the Zyxel Device

• the login account user name and password
• if also required, the user name and/or password to access the network resource

The remote user’s computer establishes an HTTPS connection to the Zyxel Device to access the login
screen. If instructed by your network administrator, you must install or import a certificate (provided by
the Zyxel Device or your network administrator).

Finding Out More

See Chapter 31 on page 680 for how to configure SSL VPN on the Zyxel Device.

32.2 Remote SSL User Login

This section shows you how to access and log into the network through the Zyxel Device. Example
screens for Internet Explorer are shown.

Note: You should have already installed the SecuExtender client. See Section 32.8.1 on page

1 Open a web browser and enter the web site address or IP address of the Zyxel Device. For example,
Figure 465 Enter the Address in a Web Browser

2 Click OK or Yes if a security screen displays.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 32 SSL User Screens

Figure 466 Login Security Screen

3 A login screen displays. Enter the user name and password of your login account. If a token password is
also required, enter it in the One-Time Password field. Click SSL VPN to log in and establish an SSL VPN
connection to the network to access network resources.
Figure 467 Login Screen

4 Your computer starts establishing a secure connection to the Zyxel Device after a successful login. This
may take up to two minutes. If you get a message about needing Java, download and install it and
restart your browser and re-login. If a certificate warning screen displays, click OK, Yes or Continue.
Figure 468 Java Needed Message

5 The Application screen displays showing the list of resources available to you. See Figure 469 on page
691 for a screen example.

Note: Available resource links vary depending on the configuration your network
administrator made.

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Chapter 32 SSL User Screens

32.3 The SSL VPN User Screens

This section describes the main elements in the remote user screens.

Figure 469 Remote User Screen

1 2 3 4

The following table describes the various parts of a remote user screen.

Table 242 Remote User Screen Overview

1 Click on a menu tab to go to the corresponding screen.
2 Click this icon to log out and terminate the secure connection.
3 Click this icon to create a bookmark to the SSL VPN user screen in your web browser.
4 Click this icon to display the on-line help window.
5 Select your preferred language for the interface.
6 This part of the screen displays a list of the resources available to you.

• In the Application screen, click on a link to access or display the access method.
• In the File Sharing screen, click on a link to open a file or directory.
• In the SecuExtender screen, click on a link to download the client. You can also see the latest
versions available and current version of the client that you have.

32.4 Bookmarking the Zyxel Device

You can create a bookmark of the Zyxel Device by clicking the Add to Favorite icon. This allows you to
access the Zyxel Device using the bookmark without having to enter the address every time.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 32 SSL User Screens

1 In any remote user screen, click the Add to Favorite icon.

2 A screen displays. Accept the default name in the Name field or enter a descriptive name to identify this

3 Click OK to create a bookmark in your web browser.

Figure 470 Add Favorite

32.5 Logging Out of the SSL VPN User Screens

To properly terminate a connection, click on the Logout icon in any remote user screen.

1 Click the Logout icon in any remote user screen.

2 A prompt window displays. Click OK to continue.

Figure 471 Logout: Prompt

32.6 SSL User Application Screen

Use the Application tab’s screen to access web-based applications (such as web sites and e-mail) on
the network through the SSL VPN connection. Which applications you can access depends on the Zyxel
Device’s configuration.

The Name field displays the descriptive name for an application. The Type field displays whether the
application is a web site (Web Server) or web-based e-mail using Microsoft Outlook Web Access (OWA).

To access a web-based application, simply click a link in the Application screen to display the web
screen in a separate browser window.

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Chapter 32 SSL User Screens

Figure 472 Application

32.7 SSL User File Sharing

The File Sharing screen lets you access files on a file server through the SSL VPN connection. Use it to
display and access shared files/folders on a file server.

You can also perform the following actions:

• Access a folder.
• Open a file (if your web browser cannot open the file, you are prompted to download it).
• Save a file to your computer.
• Create a new folder.
• Rename a file or folder.
• Delete a file or folder.
• Upload a file.

Note: Available actions you can perform in the File Sharing screen vary depending on the
rights granted to you on the file server.

32.7.1 The Main File Sharing Screen

The first File Sharing screen displays the name(s) of the shared folder(s) available. The following figure
shows an example with one file share.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 32 SSL User Screens

Figure 473 File Sharing

32.7.2 Opening a File or Folder

You can open a file if the file extension is recognized by the web browser and the associated
application is installed on your computer.

1 Log in as a remote user and click the File Sharing tab.

2 Click on a file share icon.

3 If an access user name and password are required, a screen displays as shown in the following figure.
Enter the account information and click Login to continue.
Figure 474 File Sharing: Enter Access User Name and Password

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 32 SSL User Screens

4 A list of files/folders displays. Double click a file to open it in a separate browser window or select a file
and click Download to save it to your computer. You can also click a folder to access it.
For this example, click on a .doc file to open the Word document.
Figure 475 File Sharing: Open a Word File

32.7.3 Downloading a File

You are prompted to download a file which cannot be opened using a web browser.

Follow the on-screen instructions to download and save the file to your computer. Then launch the
associated application to open the file.

32.7.4 Saving a File

After you have opened a file in a web browser, you can save a copy of the file by clicking File > Save As
and following the on-screen instructions.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 32 SSL User Screens

Figure 476 File Sharing: Save a Word File

32.7.5 Creating a New Folder

To create a new folder in the file share location, click the New Folder icon.

Specify a descriptive name for the folder. You can enter up to 356 characters. Then click Add.

Note: Make sure the length of the folder name does not exceed the maximum allowed on
the file server.

Figure 477 File Sharing: Create a New Folder

32.7.6 Renaming a File or Folder

To rename a file or folder, select a file or folder and click the Rename icon.

Figure 478 File Sharing: Rename

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 32 SSL User Screens

A popup window displays. Specify the new name and/or file extension in the field provided. You can
enter up to 356 characters. Then click Apply.

Note: Make sure the length of the name does not exceed the maximum allowed on the file
You may not be able to open a file if you change the file extension.

Figure 479 File Sharing: Rename

32.7.7 Deleting a File or Folder

Click the Delete icon next to a file or folder to remove it.

32.7.8 Uploading a File

Follow the steps below to upload a file to the file server.

1 Log into the remote user screen and click the File Sharing tab.

2 Click Upload and specify the location and/or name of the file you want to upload. Or click Browse to
locate it.

3 Click OK to send the file to the file server.

4 After the file is uploaded successfully, you should see the name of the file and a message in the screen.
Figure 480 File Sharing: File Upload

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Chapter 32 SSL User Screens

Note: Uploading a file with the same name and file extension replaces the existing file on the
file server. No warning message is displayed.

32.8 SecuExtender Screen

Use the SecuExtender tab’s screen to download the client and see the latest SecuExtender versions
available for Windows (latest version of Windows) and Mac (latest version of Mac), as well as the Current
Version of the SecuExtender client that you have. We recommend you upgrade to the latest version of
the SecuExtender client for your operating system. You must first install the SecuExtender client before
using SSL VPN to log into the Zyxel Device.

Figure 481 SecuExtender

32.8.1 Installing the SecuExtender Client

1 Click Download SecuExtender Client to first go to the Download Library, click Software, then download
the SecuExtender version for your operating system.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 32 SSL User Screens

2 Click SecuExtenderSetup.exe to begin the installation. There are some prerequisites to first install.

3 Next install SecuExtender. Follow the wizard prompts. Click Install if you see a security warning.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 32 SSL User Screens

4 Next run and log into the SecuExtender client.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

C H A P T E R 33
Zyxel Device SecuExtender
The Zyxel Device automatically loads the Zyxel Device SecuExtender for Windows client program to your
computer after a successful login to an SSL VPN tunnel with network extension support enabled.

Note: For information on using the Zyxel Device SecuExtender for Mac client program, please
see its User’s Guide at the download library on the Zyxel website.

The Zyxel Device SecuExtender (Windows) lets you:

• Access servers, remote desktops and manage files as if you were on the local network.
• Use applications like email, file transfer, and remote desktop programs directly without using a
browser. For example, you can use Outlook for email instead of the Zyxel Device’s web-based email.
• Use applications, even proprietary applications, for which the Zyxel Device does not offer SSL
application objects.

The applications must be installed on your computer. For example, to use the VNC remote desktop
program, you must have the VNC client installed on your computer.

33.1 The Zyxel Device SecuExtender Icon

The Zyxel Device SecuExtender icon color indicates the SSL VPN tunnel’s connection status.

Figure 482 Zyxel Device SecuExtender Icon

• Green: the SSL VPN tunnel is connected. You can connect to the SSL application and network
resources. You can also use another application to access resources behind the Zyxel Device.
• Gray: the SSL VPN tunnel’s connection is suspended. This means the SSL VPN tunnel is connected, but
the Zyxel Device SecuExtender will not send any traffic through it until you right-click the icon and
resume the connection.
• Red: the SSL VPN tunnel is not connected. You cannot connect to the SSL application and network

33.2 Status
Right-click the Zyxel Device SecuExtender icon in the system tray and select Status to open the Status
screen. Use this screen to view the Zyxel Device SecuExtender’s connection status and activity statistics.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 33 Zyxel Device SecuExtender (Windows)

Figure 483 Zyxel Device SecuExtender Status

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 243 Zyxel Device SecuExtender Status

Connection Status
SecuExtender IP This is the IP address the Zyxel Device assigned to this remote user computer for an SSL VPN
Address connection.
DNS Server 1/2 These are the IP addresses of the DNS server and backup DNS server for the SSL VPN

DNS (Domain Name System) maps a domain name to its corresponding IP address and vice
versa. The DNS server is extremely important because without it, you must know the IP address
of a computer before you can access it. Your computer uses the DNS server specified here to
resolve domain names for resources you access through the SSL VPN connection.
WINS Server 1/2 These are the IP addresses of the WINS (Windows Internet Naming Service) and backup WINS
servers for the SSL VPN connection. The WINS server keeps a mapping table of the computer
names on your network and the IP addresses that they are currently using.
Network 1~8 These are the networks (including netmask) that you can access through the SSL VPN
Connected Time This is how long the computer has been connected to the SSL VPN tunnel.
Transmitted This is how many bytes and packets the computer has sent through the SSL VPN connection.
Received This is how many bytes and packets the computer has received through the SSL VPN

33.3 View Log

If you have problems with the Zyxel Device SecuExtender, customer support may request you to provide
information from the log. Right-click the Zyxel Device SecuExtender icon in the system tray and select
Log to open a notepad file of the Zyxel Device SecuExtender’s log.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 33 Zyxel Device SecuExtender (Windows)

Figure 484 Zyxel Device SecuExtender Log Example

[ 2009/03/12 13:35:50 ][SecuExtender Agent][DETAIL] Build Datetime: Feb 24 2009/
[ 2009/03/12 13:35:50 ][SecuExtender Agent][DEBUG] rasphone.pbk: C:\Documents and
[ 2009/03/12 13:35:50 ][SecuExtender Agent][DEBUG] SecuExtender.log:
C:\Documents and Settings\11746\SecuExtender.log
[ 2009/03/12 13:35:50 ][SecuExtender Agent][DETAIL] Check Parameters
[ 2009/03/12 13:35:50 ][SecuExtender Agent][DETAIL] Connect to
[ 2009/03/12 13:35:50 ][SecuExtender Agent][DETAIL] Parameter is OK
[ 2009/03/12 13:35:50 ][SecuExtender Agent][DETAIL] Checking System status...
[ 2009/03/12 13:35:50 ][SecuExtender Agent][DETAIL] Checking service (first) ...
[ 2009/03/12 13:35:50 ][SecuExtender Agent][DETAIL] SecuExtender Helper is running
[ 2009/03/12 13:35:50 ][SecuExtender Agent][DETAIL] System is OK
[ 2009/03/12 13:35:50 ][SecuExtender Agent][DEBUG] Connect to 2887196435/443
[ 2009/03/12 13:35:50 ][SecuExtender Agent][DETAIL] Handshake LoopCounter: 0
[ 2009/03/12 13:35:50 ][SecuExtender Agent][DETAIL] 611 bytes of handshake data

33.4 Suspend and Resume the Connection

When the Zyxel Device SecuExtender icon in the system tray is green, you can right-click the icon and
select Suspend Connection to keep the SSL VPN tunnel connected but not send any traffic through it
until you right-click the icon and resume the connection.

33.5 Stop the Connection

Right-click the icon and select Stop Connection to disconnect the SSL VPN tunnel.

33.6 Uninstalling the Zyxel Device SecuExtender

Do the following if you need to remove the Zyxel Device SecuExtender.

1 Click start > All Programs > Zyxel > Zyxel Device SecuExtender > Uninstall ZyWALL SecuExtender.

2 In the confirmation screen, click Yes.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 33 Zyxel Device SecuExtender (Windows)

Figure 485 Uninstalling the Zyxel Device SecuExtender Confirmation

3 Windows uninstalls the Zyxel Device SecuExtender.

Figure 486 Zyxel Device SecuExtender Uninstallation

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

C H A P T E R 34

34.1 Overview
L2TP VPN uses the L2TP and IPSec client software included in remote users’ Android, iOS, Windows or
Mac OS X operating systems for secure connections to the network behind the Zyxel Device. The remote
users do not need their own IPSec gateways or third-party VPN client software.

Figure 487 L2TP VPN Overview

34.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter

• Use the L2TP VPN screen (see Section 34.2 on page 706) to configure the Zyxel Device’s L2TP VPN
• Use the VPN Setup Wizard screen in Quick Setup (Chapter 5 on page 151) to configure the Zyxel
Device’s L2TP VPN settings.

34.1.2 What You Need to Know

The Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) works at layer 2 (the data link layer) to tunnel network traffic
between two peers over another network (like the Internet). In L2TP VPN, an IPSec VPN tunnel is
established first and then an L2TP tunnel is built inside it. See Chapter 30 on page 644 for information on

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 34 L2TP VPN

IPSec Configuration Required for L2TP VPN

You must configure an IPSec VPN connection prior to proper L2TP VPN usage (see Chapter 34 on page
705 for details). The IPSec VPN connection must:

• Be enabled.
• Use transport mode.
• Use Pre-Shared Key authentication.
• Use a VPN gateway with the Secure Gateway set to if you need to allow L2TP VPN clients to
connect from more than one IP address.

Using the Quick Setup VPN Setup Wizard

The VPN Setup Wizard is an easy and convenient way to configure the L2TP VPN settings. Click
Configuration > Quick Setup > VPN Setup > VPN Settings for L2TP VPN Settings to get started.

Policy Route
The Policy Route for return traffic (from LAN to L2TP clients) is automatically created when Zyxel Device
adds a new L2TP connection, allowing users access the resources on a network without additional
configuration. However, if some of the traffic from the L2TP clients needs to go to the Internet, you will
need to create a policy route to send that traffic from the L2TP tunnels out through a WAN trunk. This task
can be easily performed by clicking the Allow L2TP traffic through WAN checkbox at Quick Setup > VPN
Setup > Allow L2TP traffic through WAN.

Figure 488 Policy Route for L2TP VPN

34.2 L2TP VPN Screen

Click Configuration > VPN > L2TP VPN to open the following screen. Use this screen to configure the Zyxel
Device’s L2TP VPN settings.

Note: Disconnect any existing L2TP VPN sessions before modifying L2TP VPN settings. The
remote users must make any needed matching configuration changes and re-establish
the sessions using the new settings.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 34 L2TP VPN

Click on the icons to go to the OneSecurity website where there is guidance on configuration
walkthroughs, troubleshooting, and other information.

Figure 489 Configuration > VPN > L2TP VPN

The following table describes the fields in this screen.

Table 244 Configuration > VPN > L2TP VPN

Show Advanced Click this button to display a greater or lesser number of configuration fields.
Settings / Hide
Advanced Settings
Create new Use to configure any new settings objects that you need to use in this screen.
Enable L2TP Over Use this field to turn the Zyxel Device’s L2TP VPN function on or off.
VPN Connection Select the IPSec VPN connection the Zyxel Device uses for L2TP VPN. All of the configured VPN
connections display here, but the one you use must meet the requirements listed in IPSec
Configuration Required for L2TP VPN.

Note: Modifying this VPN connection (or the VPN gateway that it uses) disconnects
any existing L2TP VPN sessions.
IP Address Pool Select the pool of IP addresses that the Zyxel Device uses to assign to the L2TP VPN clients. Use
Create new Object if you need to configure a new pool of IP addresses.

This should not conflict with any WAN, LAN, DMZ or WLAN subnet even if they are not in use.
Authentication Select how the Zyxel Device authenticates a remote user before allowing access to the L2TP
Method VPN tunnel.

The authentication method has the Zyxel Device check a user’s user name and password
against the Zyxel Device’s local database, a remote LDAP, RADIUS, a Active Directory server,
or more than one of these.
Authentication Select the certificate to use to identify the Zyxel Device for L2TP VPN connections. You must
Server Certificate have certificates already configured in the My Certificates screen. The certificate is used with
the EAP, PEAP, and MSCHAPv2 authentication protocols.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 34 L2TP VPN

Table 244 Configuration > VPN > L2TP VPN (continued)

Allowed User The remote user must log into the Zyxel Device to use the L2TP VPN tunnel.

Select a user or user group that can use the L2TP VPN tunnel. Use Create new Object if you
need to configure a new user account. Otherwise, select any to allow any user with a valid
account and password on the Zyxel Device to log in.
Keep Alive Timer The Zyxel Device sends a Hello message after waiting this long without receiving any traffic
from the remote user. The Zyxel Device disconnects the VPN tunnel if the remote user does
not respond.
First DNS Server, Specify the IP addresses of DNS servers to assign to the remote users. You can specify these IP
Second DNS Server addresses two ways.

Custom Defined - enter a static IP address.

From ISP - use the IP address of a DNS server that another interface received from its DHCP
First WINS Server, The WINS (Windows Internet Naming Service) server keeps a mapping table of the computer
Second WINS names on your network and the IP addresses that they are currently using.
Type the IP addresses of up to two WINS servers to assign to the remote users. You can specify
these IP addresses two ways.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes in the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

34.2.1 Example: L2TP and Zyxel Device Behind a NAT Router

If the Zyxel Device (Z) is behind a NAT router (N), then do the following for remote clients (C) to access
the network behind the Zyxel Device (Z) using L2TP over IPv4.

Figure 490 L2TP and Zyxel Device Behind a NAT Router

1 Create an address object in Configuration > Object > Address for the WAN IP address of the NAT router.

2 Go to Configuration > VPN > IPSec VPN > VPN Connection and click Add for IPv4 Configuration to create
a new VPN connection.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 34 L2TP VPN

3 Select Remote Access (Server Role) as the VPN scenario for the remote client.

4 Select the NAT router WAN IP address object as the Local Policy.

5 Go to Configuration > VPN > L2TP VPN and select the VPN Connection just configured.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

C H A P T E R 35
BWM (Bandwidth

35.1 Overview
Bandwidth management provides a convenient way to manage the use of various services on the
network. It manages general protocols (for example, HTTP and FTP) and applies traffic prioritization to
enhance the performance of delay-sensitive applications like voice and video.

35.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter

Use the BWM screens (see Section 35.2 on page 714) to control bandwidth for services passing through
the Zyxel Device, and to identify the conditions that define the bandwidth control.

35.1.2 What You Need to Know

When you allow a service, you can restrict the bandwidth it uses. It controls TCP and UDP traffic. Use
policy routes to manage other types of traffic (like ICMP).

Note: Bandwidth management in policy routes has priority over TCP and UDP traffic policies.

If you want to use a service, make sure both the security policy allow the service’s packets to go through
the Zyxel Device.

Note: The Zyxel Device checks security policies before it checks bandwidth management
rules for traffic going through the Zyxel Device.

Bandwidth management examines every TCP and UDP connection passing through the Zyxel Device.
Then, you can specify, by port, whether or not the Zyxel Device continues to route the connection.

BWM Type
The Zyxel Device supports three types of bandwidth management: Shared, Per user and Per-Source-IP.

The Shared BWM type is selected by default in a bandwidth management rule. All matched traffic
shares the bandwidth configured in the rule.

If the BWM type is set to Per user in a rule, each user that matches the rule can use up to the configured
bandwidth by his/her own.

Select the Per-Source-IP type when you want to set the maximum bandwidth for traffic from an
individual source IP address.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 35 BWM (Bandwidth Management)

In the following example, you configure a Per user bandwidth management rule for radius-users to limit
outgoing traffic to 300 kbs. Then all radius-users (A, B and C) can send 300 kbps of traffic.

Figure 491 Bandwidth Management Per User Type

DiffServ and DSCP Marking

QoS is used to prioritize source-to-destination traffic flows. All packets in the same flow are given the
same priority. CoS (class of service) is a way of managing traffic in a network by grouping similar types of
traffic together and treating each type as a class. You can use CoS to give different priorities to different
packet types.

DiffServ (Differentiated Services) is a class of service (CoS) model that marks packets so that they
receive specific per-hop treatment at DiffServ-compliant network devices along the route based on the
application types and traffic flow. Packets are marked with DiffServ Code Points (DSCPs) indicating the
level of service desired. This allows the intermediary DiffServ-compliant network devices to handle the
packets differently depending on the code points without the need to negotiate paths or remember
state information for every flow. In addition, applications do not have to request a particular service or
give advanced notice of where the traffic is going.

Connection and Packet Directions

Bandwidth management looks at the connection direction, that is, from which interface the connection
was initiated and to which interface the connection is going.

A connection has outbound and inbound packet flows. The Zyxel Device controls the bandwidth of
traffic of each flow as it is going out through an interface or VPN tunnel.

• The outbound traffic flows from the connection initiator to the connection responder.
• The inbound traffic flows from the connection responder to the connection initiator.

For example, a LAN1 to WAN connection is initiated from LAN1 and goes to the WAN.

• Outbound traffic goes from a LAN1 device to a WAN device. Bandwidth management is applied
before sending the packets out a WAN interface on the Zyxel Device.
• Inbound traffic comes back from the WAN device to the LAN1 device. Bandwidth management is
applied before sending the traffic out a LAN1 interface.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 35 BWM (Bandwidth Management)

Figure 492 LAN1 to WAN Connection and Packet Directions

Outbound and Inbound Bandwidth Limits

You can limit an application’s outbound or inbound bandwidth. This limit keeps the traffic from using up
too much of the out-going interface’s bandwidth. This way you can make sure there is bandwidth for
other applications. When you apply a bandwidth limit to outbound or inbound traffic, each member of
the out-going zone can send up to the limit. Take a LAN1 to WAN policy for example.

• Outbound traffic is limited to 200 kbps. The connection initiator is on the LAN1 so outbound means the
traffic traveling from the LAN1 to the WAN. Each of the WAN zone’s two interfaces can send the limit
of 200 kbps of traffic.
• Inbound traffic is limited to 500 kbs. The connection initiator is on the LAN1 so inbound means the
traffic traveling from the WAN to the LAN1.
Figure 493 LAN1 to WAN, Outbound 200 kbps, Inbound 500 kbps

Outbound Inbound
200 kbps 500 kbps

Bandwidth Management Priority

• The Zyxel Device gives bandwidth to higher-priority traffic first, until it reaches its configured
bandwidth rate.
• Then lower-priority traffic gets bandwidth.
• The Zyxel Device uses a fairness-based (round-robin) scheduler to divide bandwidth among traffic
flows with the same priority.
• The Zyxel Device automatically treats traffic with bandwidth management disabled as priority 7 (the
lowest priority).

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 35 BWM (Bandwidth Management)

Maximize Bandwidth Usage

Maximize bandwidth usage allows applications with maximize bandwidth usage enabled to “borrow”
any unused bandwidth on the out-going interface.

After each application gets its configured bandwidth rate, the Zyxel Device uses the fairness- based
scheduler to divide any unused bandwidth on the out-going interface amongst applications that need
more bandwidth and have maximize bandwidth usage enabled.

Unused bandwidth is divided equally. Higher priority traffic does not get a larger portion of the unused

Bandwidth Management Behavior

The following sections show how bandwidth management behaves with various settings. For example,
you configure DMZ to WAN policies for FTP servers A and B. Each server tries to send 1000 kbps, but the
WAN is set to a maximum outgoing speed of 1000 kbps. You configure policy A for server A’s traffic and
policy B for server B’s traffic.

Figure 494 Bandwidth Management Behavior

Configured Rate Effect

In the following table the configured rates total less than the available bandwidth and maximize
bandwidth usage is disabled, both servers get their configured rate.

Table 245 Configured Rate Effect

A 300 kbps No 1 300 kbps
B 200 kbps No 1 200 kbps

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 35 BWM (Bandwidth Management)

Priority Effect
Here the configured rates total more than the available bandwidth. Because server A has higher priority,
it gets up to it’s configured rate (800 kbps), leaving only 200 kbps for server B.

Table 246 Priority Effect

A 800 kbps Yes 1 800 kbps
B 1000 kbps Yes 2 200 kbps

Maximize Bandwidth Usage Effect

With maximize bandwidth usage enabled, after each server gets its configured rate, the rest of the
available bandwidth is divided equally between the two. So server A gets its configured rate of 300 kbps
and server B gets its configured rate of 200 kbps. Then the Zyxel Device divides the remaining bandwidth
(1000 - 500 = 500) equally between the two (500 / 2 = 250 kbps for each). The priority has no effect on
how much of the unused bandwidth each server gets.

So server A gets its configured rate of 300 kbps plus 250 kbps for a total of 550 kbps. Server B gets its
configured rate of 200 kbps plus 250 kbps for a total of 450 kbps.

Table 247 Maximize Bandwidth Usage Effect

A 300 kbps Yes 1 550 kbps
B 200 kbps Yes 2 450 kbps

Priority and Over Allotment of Bandwidth Effect

Server A has a configured rate that equals the total amount of available bandwidth and a higher
priority. You should regard extreme over allotment of traffic with different priorities (as shown here) as a
configuration error. Even though the Zyxel Device still attempts to let all traffic get through and not be
lost, regardless of its priority, server B gets almost no bandwidth with this configuration.

Table 248 Priority and Over Allotment of Bandwidth Effect

A 1000 kbps Yes 1 999 kbps
B 1000 kbps Yes 2 1 kbps

35.2 The Bandwidth Management Configuration

The Bandwidth management screens control the bandwidth allocation for TCP and UDP traffic. You can
use source interface, destination interface, destination port, schedule, user, source, destination
information, DSCP code and service type as criteria to create a sequence of specific conditions, similar
to the sequence of rules used by firewalls, to specify how the Zyxel Device handles the DSCP value and
allocate bandwidth for the matching packets.

Click Configuration > BWM to open the following screen. This screen allows you to enable/disable
bandwidth management and add, edit, and remove user-defined bandwidth management policies.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 35 BWM (Bandwidth Management)

The default bandwidth management policy is the one with the priority of “default”. It is the last policy
the Zyxel Device checks if traffic does not match any other bandwidth management policies you have
configured. You cannot remove, activate, deactivate or move the default bandwidth management

Figure 495 Configuration > Bandwidth Management

The following table describes the labels in this screen. See Section 35.2.1 on page 717 for more
information as well.

Table 249 Configuration > Bandwidth Management

Enable BWM Select this check box to activate management bandwidth.
Enable Highest Select this to maximize the throughput of SIP traffic to improve SIP-based VoIP call sound
Bandwidth Priority quality. This has the Zyxel Device immediately send SIP traffic upon identifying it. When
for SIP Traffic this option is enabled the Zyxel Device ignores any other application patrol rules for SIP
traffic (so there is no bandwidth control for SIP traffic) and does not record SIP traffic
bandwidth usage statistics.
Add Click this to create a new entry. Select an entry and click Add to create a new entry after
the selected entry.
Edit Select an entry and click this to be able to modify it.
Remove Select an entry and click this to delete it.
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
Move To change an entry’s position in the numbered list, select it and click Move to display a
field to type a number for where you want to put that entry and press [ENTER] to move
the entry to the number that you typed.
Status The activate (light bulb) icon is lit when the entry is active and dimmed when the entry is
inactive. The status icon is not available for the default bandwidth management policy.
Priority This field displays a sequential value for each bandwidth management policy and it is
not associated with a specific setting.

This field displays default for the default bandwidth management policy.
Description This field displays additional information about this policy.
BWM Type This field displays the below types of BWM:

• Shared, when the policy is set for all matched traffic

• Per User, when the policy is set for an individual user or a user group
• Per-Source-IP, when the policy is set for a source IP
User This is the type of user account to which the policy applies. If any displays, the policy
applies to all user accounts.
Schedule This is the schedule that defines when the policy applies. none means the policy always
Incoming Interface This is the source interface of the traffic to which this policy applies.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 35 BWM (Bandwidth Management)

Table 249 Configuration > Bandwidth Management

Outgoing Interface This is the destination interface of the traffic to which this policy applies.
Source This is the source address or address group, including geographic address and FQDN
(group) objects, for whom this policy applies. If any displays, the policy is effective for
every source.
Destination This is the destination address or address group, including geographic address and FQDN
(group) objects, for whom this policy applies. If any displays, the policy is effective for
every destination.
DSCP Code These are the DSCP code point values of incoming and outgoing packets to which this
policy applies. The lower the number the higher the priority with the exception of 0 which
is usually given only best-effort treatment.

any means all DSCP value or no DSCP marker.

default means traffic with a DSCP value of 0. This is usually best effort traffic

The “af” options stand for Assured Forwarding. The number following the “af” identifies
one of four classes and one of three drop preferences.
Service Type App and the service name displays if you selected Application Object for the service
type. An Application Object is a pre-defined service.

Obj and the service name displays if you selected Service Object for the service type. A
Service Object is a customized pre-defined service or another service. Mouse over the
service object name to view the corresponding IP protocol number.
BWM In/Pri/Out/Pri This field shows the amount of bandwidth the traffic can use.

In - This is how much inbound bandwidth, in kilobits per second, this policy allows the
matching traffic to use. Inbound refers to the traffic the Zyxel Device sends to a
connection’s initiator. If no displays here, this policy does not apply bandwidth
management for the inbound traffic.

Out - This is how much outgoing bandwidth, in kilobits per second, this policy allows the
matching traffic to use. Outbound refers to the traffic the Zyxel Device sends out from a
connection’s initiator. If no displays here, this policy does not apply bandwidth
management for the outbound traffic.

Pri - This is the priority for the incoming (the first Pri value) or outgoing (the second Pri
value) traffic that matches this policy. The smaller the number, the higher the priority.
Traffic with a higher priority is given bandwidth before traffic with a lower priority. The
Zyxel Device ignores this number if the incoming and outgoing limits are both set to 0. In
this case the traffic is automatically treated as being set to the lowest priority (7)
regardless of this field’s configuration.
DSCP Marking This is how the Zyxel Device handles the DSCP value of the incoming and outgoing
packets that match this policy.

In - Inbound, the traffic the Zyxel Device sends to a connection’s initiator.

Out - Outbound, the traffic the Zyxel Device sends out from a connection’s initiator.

If this field displays a DSCP value, the Zyxel Device applies that DSCP value to the route’s
outgoing packets.

preserve means the Zyxel Device does not modify the DSCP value of the route’s
outgoing packets.

default means the Zyxel Device sets the DSCP value of the route’s outgoing packets to 0.

The “af” choices stand for Assured Forwarding. The number following the “af” identifies
one of four classes and one of three drop preferences.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 35 BWM (Bandwidth Management)

35.2.1 The Bandwidth Management Add/Edit Screen

The Configuration > Bandwidth Management Add/Edit screen allows you to create a new condition or
edit an existing one.

802.1P Marking
Use 802.1P to prioritize outgoing traffic from a VLAN interface. The Priority Code is a 3-bit field within a
802.1Q VLAN tag that’s used to prioritize associated outgoing VLAN traffic. "0" is the lowest priority level
and "7" is the highest.

Table 250 Single Tagged 802.1Q Frame Format

DA SA TPID Priority VID Len/Etype Data FCS IEEE 802.1Q customer
tagged frame

Table 251 802.1Q Frame

DA Destination Address Priority 802.1p Priority
SA Source Address Len/Etype Length and type of Ethernet frame
TPID Tag Protocol IDentifier Data Frame data
VID VLAN ID FCS Frame Check Sequence

The following table is a guide to types of traffic for the priority code.

Table 252 Priority Code and Types of Traffic

0 (lowest) Background
1 Best Effort

2 Excellent Effort

3 Critical Applications

4 Video, less than 100 ms latency and jitter

5 Voice, less than 10 ms latency and jitter

6 Internetwork Control

7 (highest) Network Control

To access this screen, go to the Configuration > Bandwidth Management screen (see Section 35.2 on
page 714), and click either the Add icon or an Edit icon.

Figure 496 Configuration > Bandwidth Management > Edit (For the Default Policy)

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 35 BWM (Bandwidth Management)

Figure 497 Configuration > Bandwidth Management > Add/Edit

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 253 Configuration > Bandwidth Management > Add/Edit

Create new Object Use to configure any new settings objects that you need to use in this screen.
Enable Select this check box to turn on this policy.
Description Enter a description of this policy. It is not used elsewhere. You can use alphanumeric and
()+/:=?!*#@$_%- characters, and it can be up to 60 characters long.
Criteria Use this section to configure the conditions of traffic to which this policy applies.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 35 BWM (Bandwidth Management)

Table 253 Configuration > Bandwidth Management > Add/Edit

BWM Type This field displays the below types of BWM rule:

• Shared, when the policy is set for all users

• Per User, when the policy is set for an individual user or a user group
• Per Source IP, when the policy is set for a source IP
User Select a user name or user group to which to apply the policy. Use Create new Object if
you need to configure a new user account. Select any to apply the policy for every user.
Schedule Select a schedule that defines when the policy applies or select Create Object to
configure a new one. Otherwise, select none to make the policy always effective.
Incoming Interface Select the source interface of the traffic to which this policy applies.
Outgoing Interface Select the destination interface of the traffic to which this policy applies.
Source Select a source address or address group, including geographic address and FQDN
(group) objects, for whom this policy applies. Use Create new Object if you need to
configure a new one. Select any if the policy is effective for every source.
Destination Select a destination address or address group, including geographic address and FQDN
(group) objects, for whom this policy applies. Use Create new Object if you need to
configure a new one. Select any if the policy is effective for every destination.
DSCP Code Select a DSCP code point value of incoming packets to which this policy

route applies or select User Defined to specify another DSCP code point. The lower the
number the higher the priority with the exception of 0 which is usually given only best-effort

any means all DSCP value or no DSCP marker.

default means traffic with a DSCP value of 0. This is usually best effort traffic

The “af” choices stand for Assured Forwarding. The number following the “af” identifies
one of four classes and one of three drop preferences.
User-Defined DSCP Use this field to specify a custom DSCP code point.
Service Type Select Service Object or Application Object if you want a specific service (defined in a
service object) or application patrol service to which the policy applies.
Service Object This field is available if you selected Service Object as the service type.

Select a service or service group to identify the type of traffic to which this policy applies.
any means all services.
Application Object This field is available if you selected Application Object as the service type.

Select an application patrol service to identify the specific traffic to which this policy
DSCP Marking Set how the Zyxel Device handles the DSCP value of the incoming and outgoing packets
that match this policy. Inbound refers to the traffic the Zyxel Device sends to a
connection’s initiator. Outbound refers to the traffic the Zyxel Device sends out from a
connection’s initiator.

Select one of the pre-defined DSCP values to apply or select User Defined to specify
another DSCP value. The “af” choices stand for Assured Forwarding. The number following
the “af” identifies one of four classes and one of three drop preferences.

Select preserve to have the Zyxel Device keep the packets’ original DSCP value.

Select default to have the Zyxel Device set the DSCP value of the packets to 0.
Bandwidth Shaping Configure these fields to set the amount of bandwidth the matching traffic can use.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 35 BWM (Bandwidth Management)

Table 253 Configuration > Bandwidth Management > Add/Edit

Inbound kbps Type how much inbound bandwidth, in kilobits per second, this policy allows the traffic to
use. Inbound refers to the traffic the Zyxel Device sends to a connection’s initiator.

If you enter 0 here, this policy does not apply bandwidth management for the matching
traffic that the Zyxel Device sends to the initiator. Traffic with bandwidth management
disabled (inbound and outbound are both set to 0) is automatically treated as the lowest
priority (7).

If the sum of the bandwidths for routes using the same next hop is higher than the actual
transmission speed, lower priority traffic may not be sent if higher priority traffic uses all of
the actual bandwidth.
Outbound kbps Type how much outbound bandwidth, in kilobits per second, this policy allows the traffic to
use. Outbound refers to the traffic the Zyxel Device sends out from a connection’s initiator.

If you enter 0 here, this policy does not apply bandwidth management for the matching
traffic that the Zyxel Device sends out from the initiator. Traffic with bandwidth
management disabled (inbound and outbound are both set to 0) is automatically treated
as the lowest priority (7).

If the sum of the bandwidths for routes using the same next hop is higher than the actual
transmission speed, lower priority traffic may not be sent if higher priority traffic uses all of
the actual bandwidth.
Priority This field displays when the inbound or outbound bandwidth management is not set to 0.
Enter a number between 1 and 7 to set the priority for traffic that matches this policy. The
smaller the number, the higher the priority.

Traffic with a higher priority is given bandwidth before traffic with a lower priority.

The Zyxel Device uses a fairness-based (round-robin) scheduler to divide bandwidth

between traffic flows with the same priority.

The number in this field is ignored if the incoming and outgoing limits are both set to 0. In
this case the traffic is automatically treated as being set to the lowest priority (7) regardless
of this field’s configuration.
Maximize This field displays when the inbound or outbound bandwidth management is not set to 0
Bandwidth Usage and the BWM Type is set to Shared. Enable maximize bandwidth usage to let the traffic
matching this policy “borrow” all unused bandwidth on the out-going interface.

After each application or type of traffic gets its configured bandwidth rate, the Zyxel
Device uses the fairness-based scheduler to divide any unused bandwidth on the out-
going interface among applications and traffic types that need more bandwidth and
have maximize bandwidth usage enabled.
Maximum If you did not enable Maximize Bandwidth Usage, then type the maximum unused
bandwidth that traffic matching this policy is allowed to “borrow” on the out-going
interface (in Kbps), here.
802.1P Marking Use 802.1P to prioritize outgoing traffic from a VLAN interface.
Priority Code This is a 3-bit field within a 802.1Q VLAN tag that’s used to prioritize associated outgoing
VLAN traffic. "0" is the lowest priority level and "7" is the highest. See Table 252 on page 717.
The setting configured here overwrites existing priority settings.
Interface Choose a VLAN interface to which to apply the priority level for matching frames.
Related Setting
Log Select whether to have the Zyxel Device generate a log (log), log and alert (log alert) or
neither (no) when any traffic matches this policy.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving your changes.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 35 BWM (Bandwidth Management) Adding Objects for the BWM Policy

Objects are parameters to which the Policy rules are built upon. There are three kinds of objects you can
add/edit for the BWM policy, they are User, Schedule and Address objects. Click Configuration > BWM >
Add > Create New Object > Add User to see the following screen.

Figure 498 Configuration >BWM > Create New Object > Add User

The following table describes the fields in the above screen.

Table 254 Configuration > BWM > Create New Object > Add User
User Name Type a user or user group object name of the rule.
User Type Select a user type from the drop down menu. The user types are Admin, Limited
admin, User, Guest, Ext-user, Ext-group-user.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 35 BWM (Bandwidth Management)

Table 254 Configuration > BWM > Create New Object > Add User
Password Type a password for the user object. The password can consist of alphanumeric
characters, the underscore, and some punctuation marks (+-/*= :; .! @$&%#~ ‘ \ () ),
and it can be up to eight characters long.
Retype Retype the password to confirm.
Description Enter a description for this user object. It is not used elsewhere. You can use
alphanumeric and ()+/:=?!*#@$_%- characters, and it can be up to 60
characters long.
Authentication Timeout Choose either Use Default setting option, which shows the default Lease Time of
Settings 1,440 minutes and Reauthentication Time of 1,440 minutes or you can enter them
manually by choosing Use Manual Settings option.
Lease Time This shows the Lease Time setting for the user, by default it is 1,440 minutes.
Reauthentication Time This shows the Reauthentication Time for the user, by default it is 1,440 minutes.
OK Click OK to save the setting.
Cancel Click Cancel to abandon this screen.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 35 BWM (Bandwidth Management)

Figure 499 Configuration > BWM > Create New Object > Add Schedule

The following table describes the fields in the above screen.

Table 255 Configuration > BWM > Create New Object > Add Schedule
Name Enter a name for the schedule object of the rule.
Type Select an option from the drop down menu for the schedule object. It will show One
Time or Recurring.
Start Date Click the icon menu on the right to choose a Start Date for the schedule object.
Start Time Click the icon menu on the right to choose a Start Time for the schedule object.
Stop Date Click the icon menu on the right to choose a Stop Date for schedule object.
Stop Time Click the icon menu on the right to choose a Stop Time for the schedule object.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 35 BWM (Bandwidth Management)

Figure 500 Configuration > BWM > Create New Object > Add Address

The following table describes the fields in the above screen.

Table 256 Configuration > BWM > Create New Object > Add Address
Name Enter a name for the Address object of the rule.
Address Type Select an Address Type from the drop down menu on the right. The Address Types
are Host, Range, Subnet, Interface IP, Interface Subnet, and Interface Gateway.
IP Address Enter an IP address for the Address object.
OK Click OK to save the setting.
Cancel Click Cancel to abandon the setting.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

C H A P T E R 36
Application Patrol

36.1 Overview
Application patrol provides a convenient way to manage the use of various applications on the
network. It manages general protocols (for example, HTTP and FTP) and instant messenger (IM), peer-to-
peer (P2P), Voice over IP (VoIP), and streaming (RSTP) applications. You can even control the use of a
particular application’s individual features (like text messaging, voice, video conferencing, and file
transfers). You can also configure bandwidth management with application patrol in the Configuration
> BWM screen for traffic prioritization to enhance the performance of delay-sensitive applications like
voice and video.

36.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter

• Use the Profile summary screen (see Section 36.2 on page 726) to view license registration and
signature information.
• Use the Profile Add/Edit screens (see Section 36.2 on page 726) to set actions for application
categories and for specific applications within the category.

36.1.2 What You Need to Know

If you want to use a service, make sure both the Security Policy and application patrol allow the
service’s packets to go through the Zyxel Device.

Note: The Zyxel Device checks secure policies before it checks application patrol rules for
traffic going through the Zyxel Device.

Application patrol examines every TCP and UDP connection passing through the Zyxel Device and
identifies what application is using the connection. Then, you can specify whether or not the Zyxel
Device continues to route the connection. Traffic not recognized by the application patrol signatures is

Application Profiles & Policies

An application patrol profile is a group of categories of application patrol signatures. For each profile,
you can specify the default action the Zyxel Device takes once a packet matches a signature (forward,
drop, or reject a service’s connections and/or create a log alert).

Use policies to link profiles to traffic flows based on criteria such as source zone, destination zone, source
address, destination address, schedule, user.

Classification of Applications
There are two ways the Zyxel Device can identify the application. The first is called auto. The Zyxel
Device looks at the IP payload (OSI level-7 inspection) and attempts to match it with known patterns for

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 36 Application Patrol

specific applications. Usually, this occurs at the beginning of a connection, when the payload is more
consistent across connections, and the Zyxel Device examines several packets to make sure the match
is correct. Before confirmation, packets are forwarded by App Patrol with no action taken. The number
of packets inspected before confirmation varies by signature.

Note: The Zyxel Device allows the first eight packets to go through the security policy,
regardless of the application patrol policy for the application. The Zyxel Device
examines these first eight packets to identify the application.

The second approach is called service ports. The Zyxel Device uses only OSI level-4 information, such as
ports, to identify what application is using the connection. This approach is available in case the Zyxel
Device identifies a lot of “false positives” for a particular application.

Custom Ports for SIP and the SIP ALG

Configuring application patrol to use custom port numbers for SIP traffic also configures the SIP ALG to
use the same port numbers for SIP traffic. Likewise, configuring the SIP ALG to use custom port numbers
for SIP traffic also configures application patrol to use the same port numbers for SIP traffic.

Finding Out More

• You must configure services in Objects > Application.
• See Configuration > BWM chapter for detailed information on bandwidth management.

36.2 Application Patrol Profile

Use the application patrol Profile screens to customize action and log settings for a group of application
patrol signatures. You then link a profile to a policy.Use this screen to create an application patrol
profile, and view signature information. It also lists the registration status and details about the signature
set the Zyxel Device is using.

Note: You must register for the IDP/AppPatrol signature service (at least the trial) before you
can use it.

A profile is an application object(s) or application group(s) that has customized action and log settings.

Click Configuration > UTM Profile > App Patrol > Profile to open the following screen.

Click on the icons to go to the OneSecurity website where there is guidance on configuration
walkthroughs, troubleshooting and other information.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 36 Application Patrol

Figure 501 Configuration > UTM Profile > App Patrol > Profile

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 257 Configuration > UTM Profile > App Patrol > Profile
Add Click this to create a new entry. Select an entry and click Add to create a new entry after the
selected entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify the
entry’s settings.
Remove Select an entry and click Remove to delete the selected entry.
References Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use the entry.
Click Refresh to update information on this screen.
# This field is a sequential value showing the number of the profile. The profile order is not
Name This displays the name of the profile created.
Description This displays the description of the App Patrol Profile.
Scan Option This field displays the scan options from the App Patrol profile.
Reference This displays the number of times an object reference is used in a profile.
Service You need to create an account at myZyxel, register your Zyxel Device and then subscribe for
App Patrol in order to be able to download new packet inspection signatures from myZyxel.
There’s an initial free trial period for App Patrol after which you must pay to subscribe to the
service. See the Registration chapter for details.
Service Status This field displays whether a service license is enabled at myZyxel (Activated) or not (Not
Activated) or expired (Expired). It displays the remaining Grace Period if your license has
Expired. It displays Not Licensed if there isn’t a license to be activated for this service.

If you need a license or a trial license has expired, click Buy to buy a new one. If a Standard
license has expired, click Renew to extend the license.

Then, click Activate to connect with the myZyxel server to activate the new license.
Service Type This field shows Trial, Standard or None depending on whether you subscribed to the App
Patrol trial, bought an iCard for App Patrol service or neither.
Signature The following fields display information on the current signature set that the Zyxel Device is
Information using.

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Chapter 36 Application Patrol

Table 257 Configuration > UTM Profile > App Patrol > Profile
Current Version This field displays the App Patrol signature set version number. This number gets larger as the set
is enhanced.
Released Date This field displays the date and time the set was released.
Update Click this link to go to the screen you can use to download signatures from the update server.

36.2.1 The Application Patrol Profile Add/Edit Screen

Use this screen to configure profile settings. Click Configuration > UTM Profile > App Patrol > Profile, then
click Add to create a new profile rule or click an existing profile and click Edit (or double-click it) to open
the following screen.

Figure 502 Configuration > UTM Profile > App Patrol > Profile > Add/Edit

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 258 Configuration > UTM Profile > App Patrol > Profile > Add/Edit
General Settings
Name Type the name of the profile. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters, underscores(_),
or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is case-sensitive. These
are valid, unique profile names:

• MyProfile
• mYProfile
• Mymy12_3-4
These are invalid profile names:

• 1mYProfile
• My Profile
• MyProfile?
• Whatalongprofilename123456789012

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 36 Application Patrol

Table 258 Configuration > UTM Profile > App Patrol > Profile > Add/Edit (continued)
Description Type a description for the profile rule to help identify the purpose of rule. You may use 1-31
alphanumeric characters, underscores (_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be
a number. This value is case-sensitive. This field is optional.
Profile Management
Add Click this to create a new entry. Select an entry and click Add to create a new entry after
the selected entry.
Remove Select an entry and click Remove to delete the selected entry.
# This field is a sequential value showing the number of the profile. The profile order is not
Application This field displays the application name of the policy.
Action Select the default action for all signatures in this category.

forward - the Zyxel Device routes packets that matches these signatures.

drop - the Zyxel Device silently drops packets that matches these signatures without

reject - the Zyxel Device drops packets that matches these signatures and sends
Log Select whether to have the Zyxel Device generate a log (log), log and alert (log alert) or
neither (no) by default when traffic matches a signature in this category.
OK A profile consists of separate category editing screens. If you want to configure just one
category for a profile, click OK to save your settings to the Zyxel Device, complete the
profile and return to the profile summary page.
Cancel Click Cancel to return to the profile summary page without saving any changes.

36.2.2 The Application Patrol Profile Rule Add Application Screen

Click Add or Edit under Profile Management in the previous screen to display the following screen.

Figure 503 Configuration > UTM Profile > App Patrol > Profile > Profile Management > Add/Edit

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 259 Configuration > UTM Profile > App Patrol > Profile > Profile Management > Add/Edit
General Settings
Application Select an application to apply the policy.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 36 Application Patrol

Table 259 Configuration > UTM Profile > App Patrol > Profile > Profile Management > Add/Edit
Action Select the default action for all signatures in this category.

forward - the Zyxel Device routes packets that matches these signatures.

drop - the Zyxel Device silently drops packets that matches these signatures without

reject - the Zyxel Device drops packets that matches these signatures and sends
Log Select whether to have the Zyxel Device generate a log (log), log and alert (log alert) or
neither (no) by default when traffic matches a signature in this category.
OK Click OK to save your settings to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to return to the profile summary page without saving any changes.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

C H A P T E R 37
Content Filtering

37.1 Overview
Use the content filtering feature to control access to specific web sites or web content.

37.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter

• Use the Filter Profile screens (Section 37.2 on page 733) to set up content filtering profiles.
• Use the Trusted Web Sites screens (Section 37.3 on page 753) to create a common list of good
(allowed) web site addresses.
• Use the Forbidden Web Sites screens (Section 37.4 on page 754) to create a common list of bad
(blocked) web site addresses.

37.1.2 What You Need to Know

Content Filtering
Content filtering allows you to block certain web features, such as cookies, and/or block access to
specific web sites. It can also block access to specific categories of web site content. You can create
different content filter policies for different addresses, schedules, users or groups and content filter
profiles. For example, you can configure one policy that blocks John Doe’s access to arts and
entertainment web pages during the workday and another policy that lets him access them after work.

Content Filtering Policies

A content filtering policy allows you to do the following.

• Use schedule objects to define when to apply a content filter profile.

• Use address and/or user/group objects to define to whose web access to apply the content filter
• Apply a content filter profile that you have custom-tailored.

Content Filtering Profiles

A content filtering profile conveniently stores your custom settings for the following features.

• Category-based Blocking
The Zyxel Device can block access to particular categories of web site content, such as pornography
or racial intolerance.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 37 Content Filtering

• Restrict Web Features

The Zyxel Device can disable web proxies and block web features such as ActiveX controls, Java
applets and cookies.
• Customize Web Site Access
You can specify URLs to which the Zyxel Device blocks access. You can alternatively block access to
all URLs except ones that you specify. You can also have the Zyxel Device block access to URLs that
contain particular keywords.

Content Filtering Configuration Guidelines

When the Zyxel Device receives an HTTP request, the content filter searches for a policy that matches
the source address and time (schedule). The content filter checks the policies in order (based on the
policy numbers). When a matching policy is found, the content filter allows or blocks the request
depending on the settings of the filtering profile specified by the policy. Some requests may not match
any policy. The Zyxel Device allows the request if the default policy is not set to block. The Zyxel Device
blocks the request if the default policy is set to block.

External Web Filtering Service

When you register for and enable the external web filtering service, your Zyxel Device accesses an
external database that has millions of web sites categorized based on content. You can have the Zyxel
Device block, block and/or log access to web sites based on these categories.

HTTPS Domain Filter

HTTPS Domain Filter works with the Content Filter category feature to identify HTTPS traffic and take
appropriate action. SSL Inspection identifies HTTPS traffic for all UTM traffic and has higher priority than
HTTPS Domain Filter. HTTPS Domain Filter only identifies keywords in the domain name of an URL and
matches it to a category. For example, if the keyword is 'picture' and the URL is http://
www.google.com/picture/index.htm, then HTTPS Domain Filter cannot identify 'picture' because that
keyword in not in the domain name 'www.google.com'. However, SSL Inspection can identify 'picture' in
the URL http://www.google.com/picture/index.htm.

Keyword Blocking URL Checking

The Zyxel Device checks the URL’s domain name (or IP address) and file path separately when
performing keyword blocking.

The URL’s domain name or IP address is the characters that come before the first slash in the URL. For
example, with the URL www.zyxel.com.tw/news/pressroom.php, the domain name is

The file path is the characters that come after the first slash in the URL. For example, with the URL
www.zyxel.com.tw/news/pressroom.php, the file path is news/pressroom.php.

Since the Zyxel Device checks the URL’s domain name (or IP address) and file path separately, it will not
find items that go across the two. For example, with the URL www.zyxel.com.tw/news/pressroom.php,
the Zyxel Device would find “tw” in the domain name (www.zyxel.com.tw). It would also find “news” in
the file path (news/pressroom.php) but it would not find “tw/news”.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 37 Content Filtering

Finding Out More

• See Section 37.5 on page 755 for content filtering background/technical information.

37.1.3 Before You Begin

• You must configure an address object, a schedule object and a filtering profile before you can set up
a content security policy.
• You must have Content Filtering license in order to use the function.subscribe to use the external
database content filtering (see the Licensing > Registration screens).

37.2 Content Filter Profile Screen

Click Configuration > UTM Profile> Content Filter > Profile to open the Content Filter Profile screen. Use this
screen to enable content filtering, view and order your list of content filter policies, create a denial of
access message or specify a redirect URL and check your external web filtering service registration

Click on the icons to go to the OneSecurity website where there is guidance on configuration
walkthroughs, troubleshooting and other information.

Figure 504 Configuration > UTM Profile > Content Filter > Profile

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 37 Content Filtering

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 260 Configuration > UTM Profile > Content Filter > Profile
General Settings
Report Server Click this link to go to the myZyxel website.
Enable HTTPS Domain Filter Select this check box to have the Zyxel Device block HTTPS web pages using the
for HTTPS traffic cloud category service.

In an HTTPS connection, the Zyxel Device can extract the Server Name Indication
(SNI) from a client request, check if it matches a category in the cloud content filter
and then take appropriate action. The keyword match is for the domain name only.
Drop connection when Select this check box to have the Zyxel Device block HTTPS web pages using SSL V3 or
HTTPS connection with SSL a previous version.
V3 or previous version
Content Filter Category Specify the allowable time period in seconds for accessing the external web filtering
Service Timeout service’s server.
Denied Access Message Enter a message to be displayed when content filter blocks access to a web page.
Use up to 127 characters (0-9a-zA-Z;/?:@&=+$\.-_!~*'()%,”). For example, “Access to
this web page is not allowed. Please contact the network administrator”.

It is also possible to leave this field blank if you have a URL specified in the Redirect URL
field. In this case if the content filter blocks access to a web page, the Zyxel Device
just opens the web page you specified without showing a denied access message.
Redirect URL Enter the URL of the web page to which you want to send users when their web
access is blocked by content filter. The web page you specify here opens in a new
frame below the denied access message.

Use “http://” or “https://” followed by up to 262 characters (0-9a-zA-Z;/?:@&=+$\.-

_!~*'()%). For example, access.
Profile Management
Add Click Add to create a new content filter rule.
Edit Click Edit to make changes to a content filter rule.
Remove Click Remove the delete a content filter rule.
References Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use
the entry. Click Refresh to update information on this screen.
# This column lists the index numbers of the content filter profile.
Name This column lists the names of the content filter profile rule.
Description This column lists the description of the content filter profile rule.
Reference This displays the number of times an Object Reference is used in a rule.
Service Status This read-only field displays the status of your content-filtering database service

This field displays whether a service license is enabled at myZyxel (Activated) or not
(Not Activated) or expired (Expired). It displays the remaining Grace Period if your
license has Expired. It displays Not Licensed if there isn’t a license to be activated for
this service.

If you need a license or a trial license has expired, click Buy to buy a new one. If a
Standard license has expired, click Renew to extend the license.

Then, click Activate to connect with the myZyxel server to activate the new license.

You can view content filter reports after you register the Zyxel Device and activate
the subscription service in the Registration screen.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 37 Content Filtering

Table 260 Configuration > UTM Profile > Content Filter > Profile (continued)
Service Type This read-only field displays what kind of service registration you have for the content-
filtering database.

None displays if you have not successfully registered and activated the service.

Standard displays if you have successfully registered the Zyxel Device and activated
the service.

Trial displays if you have successfully registered the Zyxel Device and activated the
trial service subscription.
Expiration Date This field displays the date your service license expires.
Register Now Click the link to go to myZyxel where you can register your Zyxel Device and activate
the service.

This link is available only when the service is not activated yet.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

37.2.1 Content Filter Add Profile Category Service

Click Configuration > UTM > Content Filter > Profile > Add or Edit to open the Add Filter Profile screen.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 37 Content Filtering

Figure 505 Content Filter > Profile > Add Filter Profile > Category Service

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 37 Content Filtering

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 261 Configuration > UTM Profile> Content Filter > Profile > Add > Category Service
Service Status This read-only field displays the status of your content-filtering database service

This field displays whether a service license is enabled at myZyxel (Activated) or

not (Not Activated) or expired (Expired). It displays the remaining Grace Period if
your license has Expired. It displays Not Licensed if there isn’t a license to be
activated for this service.

If you need a license or a trial license has expired, click Buy to buy a new one. If a
Standard license has expired, click Renew to extend the license.

Then, click Activate to connect with the myZyxel server to activate the new

You can view content filter reports after you register the Zyxel Device and activate
the subscription service in the Registration screen.
Service Type This read-only field displays what kind of service registration you have for the
content-filtering database.

None displays if you have not successfully registered and activated the service.

Standard displays if you have successfully registered the Zyxel Device and
activated the standard content filtering service.

Trial displays if you have successfully registered the Zyxel Device and activated
the trial service subscription.
Name Enter a descriptive name for this content filtering profile name. You may use 1-31
alphanumeric characters, underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character
cannot be a number. This value is case-sensitive.
Description Enter a description for the content filtering profile rule to help identify the purpose
of rule. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters, underscores(_), or dashes (-),
but the first character cannot be a number. This value is case-sensitive.

This field is optional.

Enable SafeSearch SafeSearch is a search engine that can automatically filter sexually explicit videos
and images from the search result without overloading the Zyxel Device. It does
this by adding a parameter in the search URL:


Supported search engines at the time of writing are:

Yahoo, Google, MSN Live Bing, Yandex

Enable Content Filter Enable external database content filtering to have the Zyxel Device check an
Category Service external database to find to which category a requested web page belongs. The
Zyxel Device then blocks or forwards access to the web page depending on the
configuration of the rest of this page.
Log all web pages Select this to record attempts to access web pages when:

• They match the other categories that you select below

• They are not categorized
• The external content filtering database is unavailable.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 37 Content Filtering

Table 261 Configuration > UTM Profile> Content Filter > Profile > Add > Category Service (continued)
Action for Security Threat Select Pass to allow users to access web pages that match the Security Threat
Web Pages categories that you select below.

Select Block to prevent users from accessing web pages that match the Security
Threat categories that you select below. When external database content filtering
blocks access to a web page, it displays the denied access message that you
configured in the Content Filter General screen along with the category of the
blocked web page.

Select Warn to display a warning message before allowing users to access web
pages that match the Security Threat categories that you select below.

Select Log to record attempts to access web pages that match the Security
Threat categories that you select below.
Action for Managed Web Select Pass to allow users to access web pages that match the other categories
Pages that you select below.

Select Block to prevent users from accessing web pages that match the other
categories that you select below. When external database content filtering
blocks access to a web page, it displays the denied access message that you
configured in the Content Filter General screen along with the category of the
blocked web page.

Select Log to record attempts to access web pages that match the other
categories that you select below.
Action for Unrated Web Select Pass to allow users to access web pages that the external web filtering
Pages service has not categorized.

Select Block to prevent users from accessing web pages that the external web
filtering service has not categorized. When the external database content filtering
blocks access to a web page, it displays the denied access message that you
configured in the Content Filter General screen along with the category of the
blocked web page.

Select Warn to display a warning message before allowing users to access web
pages that the external web filtering service has not categorized.

Select Log to record attempts to access web pages that are not categorized.
Action When Category Select Pass to allow users to access any requested web page if the external
Server Is Unavailable content filtering database is unavailable.

Select Block to block access to any requested web page if the external content
filtering database is unavailable.

Select Warn to display a warning message before allowing users to access any
requested web page if the external content filtering database is unavailable.

The following are possible causes for the external content filtering server not being

• There is no response from the external content filtering server within the time
period specified in the Content Filter Server Unavailable Timeout field.
• The Zyxel Device is not able to resolve the domain name of the external
content filtering database.
• There is an error response from the external content filtering database. This can
be caused by an expired content filtering registration (External content
filtering’s license key is invalid”).
Select Log to record attempts to access web pages that occur when the external
content filtering database is unavailable.
Select Categories
Select All Categories Select this check box to restrict access to all site categories listed below.
Clear All Categories Select this check box to clear the selected categories below.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 37 Content Filtering

Table 261 Configuration > UTM Profile> Content Filter > Profile > Add > Category Service (continued)
Security Threat These are the categories of web pages that are known to pose a security threat to
users or their computers.
Anonymizers Sites and proxies that act as an intermediary for surfing to other Web sites in an
anonymous fashion, whether to circumvent Web filtering or for other reasons. For
example, blog.go2.tw, anonymizer.com, www.qu365.com.
Browser Exploits Sites that contain browser exploits. A browser exploit is any content that forces a
web browser to perform operations that you do not explicitly intend.
Malicious Downloads Sites that host files containing malicious content, such as viruses, spyware, rootkits,
and ransomware.
Malicious Sites Sites that install unwanted software on a user’s computer with the intent to enable
third-party monitoring or make systme changes without the user’s consent.
Phishing Sites that are used for deceptive or fraudulent purposes (e.g. phishing), such as
stealing financial or other user account information. These sites are most often
designed to appear as legitimate sites in order to mislead users into entering their
credentials. For example, optimizedby.rmxads.com,
Spam URLs Sites that have been promoted through spam techniques. For example,
img.tongji.linezing.com, banner.chinesegamer.net.
Spyware Adware Sites that contain spyware, adware, or keyloggers.
Spyware is a program installed on your computer, usually without your explicit
knowledge, that captures and transmits personal information or Internet browsing
habits and details to companies. Companies use this information to analyze
browsing habits, to gather marketing data, and to sell your information to others.

Key logger programs try o capture and steal your passwords and watch and
record everything you do on your computer.

Adware programs typically display blinking advertisements or pop-up windows

when you perform a certain action. Adware programs are often installed in
exchange for another service, such as the right to sue a program without paying
for it.
Managed Categories These are categories of web pages based on their content. Select categories in
this section to control access to specific types of Internet content.

You must have the Category Service content filtering license to filter these
categories. See the next table for category details.
Test Web Site Category
URL to test You can check which category a web page belongs to. Enter a web site URL in
the text box.

When the content filter is active, you should see the web page’s category. The
query fails if the content filter is not active.

Content Filtering can query a category by full URL string (for example, http://
www.google.com/picture/index.htm), but HTTPS Domain Filter can only query a
category by domain name ('www.google.com'), so the category may be
different in the query result. URL to test displays both results in the test.
If you think the category is Click this link to see the category recorded in the Zyxel Device’s content filtering
incorrect database for the web page you specified (if the database has an entry for it).
Test Against Content Filter Click this button to see the category recorded in the external content filter server’s
Category Server database for the web page you specified.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving your changes.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 37 Content Filtering

The following table describes the managed categories.

Table 262 Managed Category Descriptions

Adult Topics Web pages that contain content or themes that are generally considered
unsuitable for children.
Alcohol Web pages that mainly sell, promote, or advocate the use of alcohol, such as
beer, wine, and liquor.

This category also includes cocktail recipes and home-brewing instructions.

Anonymizing Utilities Web pages that result in anonymous web browsing without the explicit intent to
provide such a service.

This category includes URL translators, web-page caching, and other utilities that
might function as anonymizers, but without the express purpose of bypassing
filtering software.

This category does not include text translation.

Art Culture Heritage Web pages that contain virtual art galleries, artist sites (including sculpture and
photography), museums, ethnic customs, and country customs.

This category does not include online photograph albums.

Auctions Classifieds Web pages that provide online bidding and selling of items or services.

This category includes web pages that focus on bidding and sales.

This category does not include classified advertisements such as real estate
postings, personal ads, or companies marketing their auctions.
Blogs/Wiki Web pages containing dynamic content, which often changes because users
can post or edit content at any time.

This category covers the risks with dynamic content that might range from
harmless to offensive.
Business Web pages that provide business-related information, such as corporate
overviews or business planning and strategies.

This category also includes information, services, or products that help other
businesses plan, manage, and market their enterprises, and multi-level marketing.

This category does not include personal pages and web-hosting web pages.
Chat Web pages that provide web-based, real-time social messaging in public and
private chat rooms. This category includes IRC.

This category does not include instant messaging.

Computing Internet Web pages containing reviews, information, buyer's guides of computers,
computer parts and accessories, computer software and internet companies,
industry news and magazines, and pay-to-surf sites.
Consumer Protection Websites that try to rob or cheat consumers.

Some examples of their activities include selling counterfeit products, selling

products that were originally provided for free, or improperly using the brand of
another company. This category also includes sites where many consumers
reported being cheated or not receiving services.

This category does not include phishing, which tries to perpetrate fraud or theft by
stealing account information.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 37 Content Filtering

Table 262 Managed Category Descriptions (continued)

Content Server URLs for servers that host images, media files, or JavaScript for one or more sites
and are intended to speed up content retrieval for existing web servers, such as

This category includes domain-level and sub-domain-level URLs that function as

content servers.

This category does not include:

• Web pages for businesses that provide the content servers

• Web pages that allow users to browse photographs. See the Media Sharing
• URLs for servers that serve only advertisements. See the Web Ads category.
Controversial Opinions Web pages that contain opinions that are likely to offend political or social
sensibilities and incite controversy. Much of this content is at the extremes of public

This category does not include opinion or language clearly intended to promote
hate or discrimination.
Cult Occult Sites relating to non-traditional religious practices considered to be false,
unorthodox, extremist, or coercive.
Dating Personals Web pages that provide networking for online dating, matchmaking, escort
services, or introductions to potential spouses.

This category does not include sites that provide social networking that might
include dating, but are not specific to dating.
Dating Social Networking Web pages that focus on social interaction such as online dating, friendship,
school reunions, pen-pals, escort services, or introductions to potential spouses.

This category does not include wedding-related content, dating tips, or related
Digital Postcards Web pages that allow people to send and receive digital postcards and greeting
cards via the Internet.
Discrimination Web pages, which provide information that explicitly encourages the oppression
or discrimination of a specific group of individuals.

This category does not include jokes and humor, unless the focus of the entire site
is considered discriminatory.
Drugs Websites that provide information on the purchase, manufacture, and use of
illegal or recreational drugs.

This category does not include sites with exclusive health or political themes.
Education Reference Web pages devoted to academic-related content such as academic subjects
(mathematics, history), school or university web pages, and education
administration pages (school boards, teacher curriculum).
Entertainment Web pages that provide information about cinema, theater, music, television,
infotainment, entertainment industry gossip-news, and sites about celebrities such
as actors and musicians.

This category also includes sites where the content is devoted to providing
entertainment on the web, such as horoscopes or fan clubs.
Extreme Web pages that provide content considered gory, perverse, or horrific.
Fashion Beauty Web pages that market clothing, cosmetics, jewelry, and other fashion-oriented
products, accessories, or services.

This category also includes product reviews, comparisons, and general consumer
information, and services such as hair salons, tanning salons, tattoo studios, and
body-piercing studios.

This category does not include fashion-related content such as modeling or

celebrity fashion unless the site focuses on marketing the product line.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 37 Content Filtering

Table 262 Managed Category Descriptions (continued)

Finance Banking Web pages that provide financial information or access to online financial

This category includes stock information (but not stock trading), home finance,
and government-related financial information.
For Kids Web pages that are family-safe, specifically for children of approximate ages ten
and under.

This category can also be used as an exception to allow web pages that do not
pose a risk to children, or to access sites that have a primary educational or
recreational focus for children, but are in other categories such as Games, Humor/
Comics, Recreation/Hobbies, or Entertainment.
Forum Bulletin Boards Web pages that provide access (http://) to Usenet newsgroups or hold discussions
and post user-generated content, such as real-time message posting for an
interest group. This category also includes archives of files uploaded to

This category does not include message forums with a business or technical
support focus.
Gambling Web pages that allow users to wager or place bets online, or provide gambling
software that allows online betting, such as casino games, betting pools, sports
betting, and lotteries.

This category does not include web pages related to gambling that do not allow
betting online.
Gambling Related Web pages that offer information about gambling, without providing the means
to gamble.

This category includes casino-related web pages that do not offer online
gambling, gambling links, tips, sports picks, lottery results, and horse, car, or boat
Game Cartoon Violence Web pages that provide fantasy or fictitious representations of violence within the
context of games, comics, cartoons, or graphic novels.

This category includes images and textual descriptions of physical assaults or

hand-to-hand combat, and grave injury and destruction caused by weapons or
Games Web pages that offer online games and related information such as cheats,
codes, demos, emulators, online contests or role-playing games, gaming clans,
game manufacturer sites, fantasy or virtual sports leagues, and other gaming sites
without chances of profit.

This category includes gaming consoles.

General News Web pages that provide online news media, such as international or regional news
broadcasting and publication.

This category includes portal sites that provide news content.

Government Military Web pages that contain content maintained by governmental or military
organizations, such as government branches or agencies, police departments, fire
departments, civil defense, counter-terrorism organizations, or supranational
organizations, such as the United Nations or the European Union.

This category includes military and veterans’ medical facilities.

Gruesome Content Web pages with content that can be considered tasteless, gross, shocking, or

This category does not include web pages with content pertaining to physical

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 37 Content Filtering

Table 262 Managed Category Descriptions (continued)

Health Web pages that cover all health-related information and health care services.

This category does not include cosmetic surgery, marketing/selling

pharmaceuticals, or animal-related medical services.
Historical Revisionism Web pages that denounce, or offer different interpretations of, significant
historical facts, such as holocaust denial.

This category does not include all re-examination of historical facts, only historical
events that are highly sensitive.
History Web pages that provide content about historical facts.

This category includes content suitable for higher education, but the Education
category includes content for primary education. For example, a site with
Holocaust photographs might be offensive, but have academic value.
Humor Comics Web pages that provide comical or funny content.

This category includes sites with jokes, sketches, comics, and satire pages. This
category might also include graphic novel content, which is often associated with
Illegal UK Web pages that contain child sexual abuse content hosted anywhere in the
world, and criminally obscene and incitement to racial hatred content hosted in
the UK.
Incidental Nudity Web pages that contain non-pornographic images of the bare human body like
those in classic sculpture and paintings, or medical images.

This category enables you to allow or block sites in order to address cultural or
geographic differences in opinion about nudity. For example, you can use this
category to block access to nudity, but allow access when nudity is not the
primary focus of a site, such as news sites or major portals.
Information Security Web pages that legitimately provide information about data protection. This
category includes detailed information for safeguarding business or personal
data, intellectual property, privacy, and infrastructure on the Internet, private
networks, or in other bandwidth services such as telecommunications.

This category does not include:

• Legitimate information security companies and security software providers,

such as virus protection companies.
• Sites that intend to exploit security or teach how to bypass security.
Information Security New Web pages that legitimately provide information about data protection. This
category includes detailed information for safeguarding business or personal
data, intellectual property, privacy, and infrastructure on the Internet, private
networks, or in other bandwidth services such as telecommunications.

This category does not include:

• Legitimate information security companies and security software providers,

such as virus protection companies.
• Sites that intend to exploit security or teach how to bypass security.
Instant Messaging Web pages that provide software for real-time communication over a network
exclusively for users who joined a member’s contact list or an instant-messaging

Most instant-messaging software includes features such as file transfer, PC-to-PC

phone calls, and can track when other people log on and off.
Interactive Web Applications Web pages that provide access to live or interactive web applications, such as
browser-based office suites and groupware. This category includes sites with
business, academic, or individual focus.

This category does not include sites providing access to interactive web
applications that do not take critical user data or offer security risks, such as
Google Maps.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 37 Content Filtering

Table 262 Managed Category Descriptions (continued)

Internet Radio TV Web pages that provide software or access to continuous audio or video
broadcasting, such as Internet radio, TV programming, or podcasting.

Quick downloads and shorter streams that consume less bandwidth are in the
Streaming Media or Media Downloads categories.
Internet Services Web pages that provide services for publication and maintenance of Internet sites
such as web design, domain registration, Internet Service Providers, and
broadband and telecommunications companies that provide web services.

This category includes web utilities such as statistics and access logs, and web
graphics like clip art.
Job Search Web pages related to a job search including sites concerned with resume writing,
interviewing, changing careers, classified advertising, and large job databases.
This category also includes corporate web pages that list job openings, salary
comparison sites, temporary employment, and company job-posting sites.

This category does not include make-money-at-home sites.

Major Global Religions Web pages with content about religious topics and information related to major
religions. This category includes sites that cover religious content such as
discussion, beliefs, non-controversial commentary, articles, and information for
local congregations such as a church or synagogue homepage.

The religions in this category are Baha'i, Buddhism, Chinese Traditional, Christianity,
Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Shinto, Sikhism, Tenrikyo, Zoroastrianism.
Marketing Merchandising Web pages that promote individual or business products or services on the web,
but do not sell their products or services online.

This category includes websites that are generally a company overview,

describing services or products that cannot be purchased directly from these sites.
Examples include automobile manufacturer sites, wedding photography services,
or graphic design services.

This category does not include:

• Other categories that imply marketing such as Alcohol, Auctions/Classifieds,

Drugs, Finance/Banking, Mobile Phone, Online Shopping, Real Estate, School
Cheating Information, Software/Hardware, Stock Trading, Tobacco, Travel,
and Weapons.
• Sites that market their services only to other businesses. See the Business
• Sites that rob or cheat consumers. See the Consumer Protection category.
Media Downloads Web pages that provide audio or video files for download such as MP3, WAV, AVI,
and MPEG formats. The files are saved to, and played from, the user’s computer.

This category does not include audio or video files that are played directly through
a browser window. See the Streaming Media category.
Media Sharing Web pages that allow users to upload, search for, and share media files and
photographs, such as online photograph albums.
Messaging Examples include text messaging to mobile phones, PDAs, fax machines, and
internal website user-to-user messaging or site-to-site messaging.

This category does not include real-time chat or instant messaging, or message
posts that can be viewed by anyone but the intended recipient.
Mobile Phone Web pages that sell media, software, or utilities for mobile phones that can be
downloaded and delivered to mobile phones.

Examples include ringtones, logos/skins, games, screen-savers, text-based tunes,

and software for SMS, MMS, WAP, and other mobile phone protocols.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 37 Content Filtering

Table 262 Managed Category Descriptions (continued)

Moderated Bulletin boards, chat rooms, search engines, or web mail sites that are monitored
by an individual or group who has the authority to block messages or content
considered inappropriate.

This category does not include sites with posted rules against offensive content.
See the Forum/Bulletin Boards category.
Motor Vehicles Websites for manufacturers and dealerships of consumer transportation vehicles,
such as cars, vans, trucks, SUVs, motorcycles, and scooters. This category also
includes sites that provide product marketing, reviews, comparisons, pricing
information, auto fairs, auto expos, and general consumer information about
motor vehicles.

This category does not include automotive accessories, mechanics, auto-body

shops, and recreational hobby pages. This category does not include sites that
provide business-to-business-only content regarding motor vehicles.
Non Profit Advocacy NGO Web pages from charitable or educational groups that fulfill a stated mission,
benefiting the larger community, such as clubs, lobbies, communities, non-profit
organizations, labor unions, and advocacy groups.

Examples are Masons, Elks, Boy and Girl Scouts, or Big Brothers.
Nudity Web pages that have non-pornographic images of the bare human body. This
category includes classic sculpture and paintings, artistic nude photographs,
some naturism pictures, and detailed medical illustrations.

This category does not include high-profile sites where nudity is not a concern for
visitors. See the Incidental Nudity category.
Online Shopping Web pages that sell products or services online.

Web pages selling a broad range of products might pose a risk to users by offering
access to items that are normally in other categories such as Pornography,
Weapons, Nudity, or Violence. Web pages selling such content exclusively are in
their respective categories.
P2P File Sharing Web pages that allow the exchange of files between computers and users for
business or personal use, such as downloadable music.

P2P clients allow users to search for and exchange files from a peer-user network.
They often include spyware or real-time chat capabilities. This category includes
BitTorrent web pages.
Parked Domain Web pages that once served content, but their domains have been sold or
abandoned and are no longer registered.

Parked domains do not host their own content, but usually redirect users to a
generic page that states the domain name is for sale, or redirect users to a generic
search engine and portal page, some of which provide valid search engine
Personal Network Storage Web pages that allow users to upload folders and files to an online network server
in order to backup, share, edit, or retrieve files or folders from any web browser.
Personal Pages Personal home pages that share a common domain such as those hosted by ISPs,
university/education servers, or free web page hosts.

This category also includes unique domains that contain personal information,
such as a personal home page. This category does not include home pages of
public figures.
Pharmacy Web pages that provide reviews, descriptions, and market or sell prescription-
based drugs, over-the-counter drugs, birth control, or dietary supplements.
Politics Opinion Web pages covering political parties, individuals in political life, and opinion on
various topics.

This category might also cover laws and political opinion about drugs. This
category includes URLs for political parties, political campaigning, and opinions on
various topics, including political debates.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 37 Content Filtering

Table 262 Managed Category Descriptions (continued)

Pornography Web pages that contain materials intended to be sexually arousing or erotic.

This category includes fetish pages, animation, cartoons, stories, and illegal
Portal Sites Web pages that serve as major gateways or directories to content on the web.

Many portal sites also provide a variety of internal site features or services such as
search engines, email, news, and entertainment. Mailing list sites with a variety of
content are in this category.

This category does not include sites with topic-specific content.

Potential Criminal Activities Web pages that provide instructions to commit illegal or criminal activities.

Instructions include committing murder or suicide, sabotage, bomb-making, lock-

picking, service theft, evading law enforcement, or spoofing drug tests. This
category might also include information on how to distribute illegal content,
perpetrate fraud, or consumer scams.

This category does not include computer-related fraud.

Potential Hacking Computer Web pages that provide instructions, or otherwise enable, fraud, crime, or
Crime malicious activity that is computer-oriented.

This category includes web pages related to computer crime include malicious
hacking information or tools that help individuals gain unauthorized access to
computers and networks (root kits, kiddy scripts). This category also includes other
areas of electronic fraud such as dialer scams and illegal manipulation of
electronic devices.

This category does not include illegal software.

Potential Illegal Software Web pages, which the filter believes offer information to potentially ‘pirated’ or
illegally distribute software or electronic media, such as copyrighted music or film,
distribution of illegal license key generators, software cracks, and serial numbers.

This category does not include peer-to-peer web pages.

Private IP Addresses Sites that are private IP addresses as defined in RFC 1918, that is, hosts that do not
require access to hosts in other enterprises (or require just limited access) and
whose IP address may be ambiguous between enterprises but are well defined
within a certain enterprise.
Profanity Web pages that contain crude, vulgar, or obscene language or gestures.
Professional Networking Web pages that provide social networking exclusively for professional or business

This category includes sites that provide personal or group profiles, and enable
their members to interact through real-time communication, message posting,
public bulletins, and media sharing. This category also contains alumni sites that
have a networking function.

This category does not include social networking sites where the focus might vary,
but include friendship, dating, or professional focuses.
Provocative Attire Web pages with pictures that include alluring or revealing attire, lingerie and
swimsuits, or supermodel or celebrity photograph collections, but do not involve

This category does not include sites with swimwear or similar attire that is not
intended to be provocative. For example, Olympic swimming sites are not in this
Public Information Web pages that provide general reference information such as public service
providers, regional information, transportation schedules, maps, or weather

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 37 Content Filtering

Table 262 Managed Category Descriptions (continued)

PUPs Web pages that contain Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUPs).

PUPs are often made for a beneficial purpose but they alter the security of a
computer or the computer user’s privacy. Computer users who are concerned
about security or privacy might want to be informed about this software, and in
some cases, they might want to remove this software from their computers.
Real Estate Web pages that provide commercial or residential real estate services and

Service and information includes sales and rental of living space or retail space
and guides for apartments, housing, and property, and information on appraisal
and brokerage. This category includes sites that allow you to browse model

This category does not include content related to personal finance, such as credit
Recreation Hobbies Web pages for recreational organizations and facilities that include content
devoted to recreational activities and hobbies.

This category includes information about public swimming pools, zoos, fairs,
festivals, amusement parks, recreation guides, hiking, fishing, bird watching, or
stamp collecting.

This category does not include activities that need no active participation, such as
watching a movie or reading celebrity gossip.
Religion Ideology Web pages with content related to religious topics and beliefs in human spirituality
that are not within the major religions.

This category includes religious discussion, beliefs, articles, and information for local
congregations or groups such as a church homepage, unless the site is already in
the Major Global Religions category. This category also includes comparative
religion, or sites that include religions and ideologies.

This category does not include astrology and horoscope sites

Remote Access Web pages that provide remote access to a program, online service, or an entire
computer system.

Although remote access is often used legitimately to run a computer from a

remote location, it creates a security risk, such as backdoor access. Backdoor
access, written by the original programmer, allows the system to be controlled by
another party without the user's knowledge.
Reserved This category is reserved for future use.
Residential IP Addresses IP addresses (and any domains associated with them) that access the Internet by
DSL modems or cable modems.

Because this content is not generally intended for Internet access via HTTP, access
to the Internet through these IP addresses can indicate suspicious behavior. This
behavior might be related to malware located on the home computer or
homegrown gateways set up to allow anonymous Internet access.
Resource Sharing Web pages that harness idle or unused computer resources to focus on a
common task.

The task can be on a company or an international basis. Well known examples are
the SETI program and the Human Genome Project, which use the idle time of
thousands of volunteered computers to analyze data.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 37 Content Filtering

Table 262 Managed Category Descriptions (continued)

Restaurants Web pages that provide information about restaurants, bars, catering, take-out
and delivery, including online ordering.

This category includes sites that provide information about location, hours, prices,
menus and related dietary information. This category also includes restaurant
guides and reviews, and cafes and coffee shops.

This category does not include groceries, wholesale food, non-profit and
charitable food organizations, or bars that do not focus on serving food.
School Cheating Information Web pages that promote plagiarism or cheating by providing free or fee-based
term papers, written essays, or exam answers.

This category does not include sites that offer student help, discuss literature, films,
or books, or other content that is often the subject of research papers.
Search Engines Web pages that provide search results that enable users to find information on the
Internet based on key words.

This category does not include site-specific search engines.

Sexual Materials Web pages that describe or depict sexual acts, but are not intended to be
arousing or erotic.

Examples of sexual materials include sex education, sexual innuendo, humor, or

sex related merchandise.

This category does not include web pages with content intended to arouse.
Shareware Freeware Web pages that are repositories of downloadable copies of shareware and

This category does not include subscription-based software.

Social Networking Web pages that enable social networking for a variety of purposes, such as
friendship, dating, professional, or topics of interest.

These sites provide personal or group profiles and enable interaction among their
members through real-time communication, message posting, public bulletins,
and media sharing.

This category does not include sites that are exclusive to dating, matchmaking, or
a specific professional networking focus.
Software Hardware Web pages related to computing software and hardware, including vendors,
product marketing and reviews, deployment and maintenance of software and
hardware, and software updates and add-ons such as scripts, plug-ins, or drivers.
Hardware includes computer parts, accessories, and electronic equipment used
with computers and networks.

This category includes the marketing of software and hardware, and magazines
focused on software or hardware product reviews or industry trends.
Sports Web pages related to professional or organized recreational sports.

This category includes sporting news, events, and information such as playing tips,
strategies, game scores, or player trades.

This category does not include fantasy leagues, sports centers, athletic clubs,
fitness or martial arts clubs, and non-league billiards, darts, or other such activities.
Stock Trading Web pages that offer purchasing, selling, or trading of shares online.

This category also includes ticker-tape information that enables viewing of real-
time stock prices and financial spread betting in the stock market. Other betting is
in the Gambling category.

This category does not include sites that offer information about stocks, but do not
offer purchasing, selling, or trading of shares.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 37 Content Filtering

Table 262 Managed Category Descriptions (continued)

Streaming Media Web pages that provide streaming media, or contain software plug-ins for
displaying audio and visual data before the entire file has been transmitted.

This category does not include audio or video files that are downloaded to a
user’s computer before being played.
Technical Business Forums Web pages with a technical or business focus that provide online message posting
or real-time chatting, such as technical support or interactive business

Although users can post any type of content, these forums tend to present less risk
of containing offensive content.

Sites that offer a variety of forums with themes, including technical and business
content, are only in the categories of Forum/Bulletin Boards or Chat.
Technical Information Web pages that provide computing information with an educational focus in
areas such as Information Technology, computer programming, and certification.

Examples include Linux user groups, UNIX commands, software tutorials, or

dictionaries of technical terms. Most sites in this category might be subdirectories
of larger domains. For example, a software site with a tutorial page is in this
category only at the tutorial page URL.

This category does not include content about information security.

Text Spoken Only Content that is text or audio only, and does not contain pictures.

This category can be used as an exception to allow explicit text and recorded
material to be accessed when you want pictures blocked using the Pornography,
Violence, or Sexual Materials categories. Libraries or universities can use this
category to prevent the display of offensive graphics in their public facilities.
Text Translators Web pages that allow users to type phrases or a block of text to translate it from
one language into another.

This category also includes language identifier web pages. URL translation is in the
Anonymizing Utilities category.
Tobacco Web pages that sell, promote, or advocate the use of tobacco products,
tobacco paraphernalia, including cigarettes, cigars, pipes, snuff and chewing
Travel Web pages that promote personal or business travel, such as hotels, resorts,
airlines, ground transportation, car rentals, travel agencies, and general tourist
and travel information.

This category also includes sites for buying tickets or accommodation.

This category does not include personal vacation photographs.

Usenet News Web pages that provide access (http://) to Usenet newsgroups and archives of
files uploaded to newsgroups.

This category also includes online groups that offer similar community-oriented
content posting.
Violence Web pages that contain real or lifelike images or text that portray, describe, or
advocate physical assaults against people, animals, or institutions, such as
depictions of war, suicide, mutilation, or dismemberment.
Visual Search Engine Web pages that provide image-specific search results such as thumbnail pictures.

This category does not include sites that offer site-specific visual search engines.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 37 Content Filtering

Table 262 Managed Category Descriptions (continued)

Weapons Web pages that provide information about buying, making, modifying, or using
weapons, such as guns, knives, swords, paintball guns, and ammunition,
explosives, and weapon accessories.

This category also includes sites that contain content for: weapons for personal or
military use, homemade weapons, non-lethal weapons such as mace, pepper
spray, or Taser guns, weapons facilities, such as shooting ranges, and government
or military oriented weapons.

This category does not include political action groups, such as the NRA.
Web Ads Web pages that provide advertisement-hosting or programs that create

Examples include links, source code or applets for banners, popups, and other
kinds of static or dynamically generated advertisements that appear on web
pages. This category is intended to block advertisements on web pages, not the
companies that provide the advertisements or advertising services.

This category does not include aggressive advertising adware. See the Spyware/
Adware category.
Web Mail Web pages that enable users to send or receive email through the Internet.
Web Meetings Web pages that host live meetings, video conferences, and interactive
presentations mainly for businesses.

Web meetings generally include streaming audio and video, and allow data
transfer or office-oriented application sharing, such as online presentations.
Web Phone Web pages that enable users to make telephone calls via the Internet or obtain
information or software for this purpose.

Web Phone service is also called Internet Telephony, or VoIP. Web phone service
includes PC-to-PC, PC-to-phone, and phone-to-phone services connecting via
TCP/IP networks.

37.2.2 Content Filter Add Filter Profile Custom Service

Click Configuration > UTM Profile > Content Filter > Filter Profile > Add or Edit > Custom Service to open
the Custom Service screen. You can create a list of good (allowed) web site addresses and a list of bad
(blocked) web site addresses. You can also block web sites based on whether the web site’s address
contains a keyword. Use this screen to add or remove specific sites or keywords from the filter list.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 37 Content Filtering

Figure 506 Configuration > UTM Profile > Content Filter > Filter Profile > Custom Service

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 263 Configuration > UTM Profile > Content Filter > Profile > Custom Service
Name Enter a descriptive name for this content filtering profile name. You may use 1-31
alphanumeric characters, underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character
cannot be a number. This value is case-sensitive.
Description Enter a description for the content filtering profile rule to help identify the
purpose of rule. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters, underscores(_), or
dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is case-

This field is optional.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 37 Content Filtering

Table 263 Configuration > UTM Profile > Content Filter > Profile > Custom Service (continued)
Enable Custom Service Select this check box to allow trusted web sites and block forbidden web sites.
Content filter list customization may be enabled and disabled without re-
entering these site names.
Allow Web traffic for trusted web When this box is selected, the Zyxel Device blocks Web access to sites that are
sites only not on the Trusted Web Sites list. If they are chosen carefully, this is the most
effective way to block objectionable material.
Check Common Trusted/ Select this check box to check the common trusted and forbidden web sites
Forbidden List lists. See Section 37.3 on page 753 and Section 37.4 on page 754 for information
on configuring these lists.
Restricted Web Features Select the check box(es) to restrict a feature. Select the check box(es) to
restrict a feature.

• When you download a page containing ActiveX or Java, that part of the
web page will be blocked with an X.
• When you download a page coming from a Web Proxy, the whole web
page will be blocked.
• When you download a page containing cookies, the cookies will be
removed, but the page will not be blocked.
Block ActiveX is a tool for building dynamic and active web pages and distributed
object applications. When you visit an ActiveX web site, ActiveX controls are
ActiveX downloaded to your browser, where they remain in case you visit the site again.
Java Java is a programming language and development environment for building
downloadable Web components or Internet and intranet business applications
of all kinds.
Cookies Cookies are files stored on a computer’s hard drive. Some web servers use them
to track usage and provide service based on ID.
Web Proxy A server that acts as an intermediary between a user and the Internet to
provide security, administrative control, and caching service. When a proxy
server is located on the WAN it is possible for LAN users to circumvent content
filtering by pointing to this proxy server.
Allow Java/ActiveX/Cookies/ When this box is selected, the Zyxel Device will permit Java, ActiveX and
Web proxy to trusted web sites Cookies from sites on the Trusted Web Sites list to the LAN. In certain cases, it
may be desirable to allow Java, ActiveX or Cookies from sites that are known
and trusted.
Trusted Web Sites These are sites that you want to allow access to, regardless of their content
rating, can be allowed by adding them to this list.
Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Select an entry and click this to be able to modify it.
Remove Select an entry and click this to delete it.
# This displays the index number of the trusted web sites.
Trusted Web Site This column displays the trusted web sites already added.

Enter host names such as www.good-site.com into this text field. Do not enter
the complete URL of the site – that is, do not include “http://”. All subdomains
are allowed. For example, entering “*zyxel.com” also allows “www.zyxel.com”,
“partner.zyxel.com”, “press.zyxel.com”, and so on. You can also enter just a top
level domain. For example, enter “*.com” to allow all .com domains.

Use up to 127 characters (0-9a-z-). The casing does not matter. “*” can be used
as a wildcard to match any string. The entry must contain at least one “.” or it
will be invalid.
Forbidden Web Site List Sites that you want to block access to, regardless of their content rating, can be
allowed by adding them to this list.
Add Click this to create a new entry.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 37 Content Filtering

Table 263 Configuration > UTM Profile > Content Filter > Profile > Custom Service (continued)
Edit Select an entry and click this to be able to modify it.
Remove Select an entry and click this to delete it.
# This displays the index number of the forbidden web sites.
Forbidden Web Sites This list displays the forbidden web sites already added.

Enter host names such as www.bad-site.com into this text field. Do not enter the
complete URL of the site – that is, do not include “http://”. All subdomains are
also blocked. For example, entering “*bad-site.com” also blocks “www.bad-
site.com”, “partner.bad-site.com”, “press.bad-site.com”, and do on. You can
also enter just a top level domain. For example, enter “*.com” to block all .com

Use up to 127 characters (0-9a-z-). The casing does not matter. “*” can be used
as a wildcard to match any string. The entry must contain at least one “.” or it
will be invalid.
Blocked URL Keywords This section allows you to block Web sites with URLs that contain certain
keywords in the domain name or IP address.
Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Select an entry and click this to be able to modify it.
Remove Select an entry and click this to delete it.
# This displays the index number of the blocked URL keywords.
Blocked URL Keywords This list displays the keywords already added.

Enter a keyword or a numerical IP address to block. You can also enter a

numerical IP address.

Use up to 127 case-insensitive characters (0-9a-zA-Z;/?:@&=+$\.-_!~*()%). “*”

can be used as a wildcard to match any string. Use “|*” to indicate a single
wildcard character.

For example enter *Bad_Site* to block access to any web page that includes
the exact phrase Bad_Site. This does not block access to web pages that only
include part of the phrase (such as Bad for example).
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving your changes.

37.3 Content Filter Trusted Web Sites Screen

Click Configuration > UTM Profile > Content Filter > Trusted Web Sites to open the Trusted Web Sites
screen. You can create a common list of good (allowed) web site addresses. When you configure Filter
Profiles, you can select the option to check the Common Trusted Web Sites list. Use this screen to add or
remove specific sites from the filter list.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 37 Content Filtering

Figure 507 Configuration > UTM Profile > Content Filter > Trusted Web Sites

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 264 Configuration > UTM Profile > Content Filter > Trusted Web Sites
Common Trusted Web Sites These are sites that you want to allow access to, regardless of their content
rating, can be allowed by adding them to this list.
Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Select an entry and click this to be able to modify it.
Remove Select an entry and click this to delete it.
# This displays the index number of the trusted web sites.
Trusted Web Site This column displays the trusted web sites already added.

Enter host names such as www.good-site.com into this text field. Do not enter
the complete URL of the site – that is, do not include “http://”. All subdomains
are allowed. For example, entering “zyxel.com” also allows “www.zyxel.com”,
“partner.zyxel.com”, “press.zyxel.com”, and so on. You can also enter just a top
level domain. For example, enter .com to allow all .com domains.

Use up to 127 characters (0-9a-z-). The casing does not matter.

Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

37.4 Content Filter Forbidden Web Sites Screen

Click Configuration > UTM Profile > Content Filter > Forbidden Web Sites to open the Forbidden Web Sites
screen. You can create a common list of bad (blocked) web site addresses. When you configure Filter
Profiles, you can select the option to check the Common Forbidden Web Sites list. Use this screen to add
or remove specific sites from the filter list.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 37 Content Filtering

Figure 508 Configuration > UTM Profile > Content Filter > Forbidden Web Sites

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 265 Configuration > UTM Profile > Content Filter > Forbidden Web Sites
Forbidden Web Site List Sites that you want to block access to, regardless of their content rating, can be
allowed by adding them to this list.
Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Select an entry and click this to be able to modify it.
Remove Select an entry and click this to delete it.
# This displays the index number of the forbidden web sites.
Forbidden Web Sites This list displays the forbidden web sites already added.

Enter host names such as www.bad-site.com into this text field. Do not enter the
complete URL of the site – that is, do not include “http://”. All subdomains are
also blocked. For example, entering “bad-site.com” also blocks “www.bad-
site.com”, “partner.bad-site.com”, “press.bad-site.com”, and do on. You can
also enter just a top level domain. For example, enter .com to block all .com

Use up to 127 characters (0-9a-z-). The casing does not matter.

Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

37.5 Content Filter Technical Reference

This section provides content filtering background information.

External Content Filter Server Lookup Procedure

The content filter lookup process is described below.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 37 Content Filtering

Figure 509 Content Filter Lookup Procedure

1 A computer behind the Zyxel Device tries to access a web site.

2 The Zyxel Device looks up the web site in its cache. If an attempt to access the web site was made in the
past, a record of that web site’s category will be in the Zyxel Device’s cache. The Zyxel Device blocks,
blocks and logs or just logs the request based on your configuration.

3 Use the Content Filter Cache screen to configure how long a web site address remains in the cache as
well as view those web site addresses. All of the web site address records are also cleared from the local
cache when the Zyxel Device restarts.

4 If the Zyxel Device has no record of the web site, it queries the external content filter database and
simultaneously sends the request to the web server.

5 The external content filter server sends the category information back to the Zyxel Device, which then
blocks and/or logs access to the web site based on the settings in the content filter profile. The web
site’s address and category are then stored in the Zyxel Device’s content filter cache.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

C H A P T E R 38

38.1 Overview
This chapter introduces packet inspection IDP (Intrusion, Detection and Prevention), IDP profiles, binding
an IDP profile to a traffic flow, custom signatures and updating signatures. An IDP system can detect
malicious or suspicious packets and respond instantaneously. IDP on the Zyxel Device protects against
network-based intrusions.

38.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter

• Use the UTM Profile > IDP > Profile screen (Section 38.2 on page 758) to view registration and signature
information. Click the Add icon to create a new profile from a base IDP profile. Select an existing
profile and click the Edit icon to change the profile, or click the Remove icon to delete it.
• Use the UTM Profile > IDP > Custom Signature screens (Section 38.3 on page 769) to create a new
custom signature, edit an existing signature, delete existing signatures or save signatures to your

38.1.2 What You Need To Know

Packet Inspection Signatures

A signature is a pattern of malicious or suspicious packet activity. You can specify an action to be taken
if the system matches a stream of data to a malicious signature. You can change the action in the
profile screens. Packet inspection examine OSI (Open System Interconnection) layer-4 to layer-7 packet
contents for malicious data. Generally, packet inspection signatures are created for known attacks
while anomaly detection looks for abnormal behavior.

Applying Your IDP Configuration

Changes to the Zyxel Device’s IDP settings affect new sessions, but not the sessions that already existed
before you applied the changed settings.

38.1.3 Before You Begin

• Register for a trial IDP subscription in the Registration screen. This gives you access to free signature
updates. This is important as new signatures are created as new attacks evolve. When the trial
subscription expires, purchase and enter a license key using the same screens to continue the

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 38 IDP

38.2 The IDP Profile Screen

An IDP profile is a set of packet inspection signatures.

Click Configuration > UTM Profile > IDP > Profile to open this screen. Use this screen to view registration
and signature information.

Note: You must register in order to update packet inspection signatures. See the Registration

If you try to enable IDP when the IDP service has not yet been registered, a warning screen displays and
IDP is not enabled.

Click on the icons to go to the OneSecurity website where there is guidance on configuration
walkthroughs, troubleshooting and other information.

Figure 510 Configuration > UTM Profile > IDP > Profile

The following table describes the fields in this screen.

Table 266 Configuration > UTM Profile > IDP > Profile
Profile Management
Add Click Add to create a new profile. Select from the options in the box.
Edit Select an entry and click this to be able to modify it.
Remove Select an entry and click this to delete it.
References Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use the
entry. Click Refresh to update information on this screen.
Clone Use Clone to create a new entry by modifying an existing one.

• Select an existing entry.

• Click Clone.
• A configuration copy of the selected entry pops up. You must at least change the
name as duplicate entry names are not allowed.
# This is the entry’s index number in the list.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 38 IDP

Table 266 Configuration > UTM Profile > IDP > Profile (continued)
Name This displays the name of the IDP Profile.
Base Profile This displays the base profile used to create the IDP profile.
Description This displays the description of the IDP Profile.
Reference This displays the number of times an object reference is used in a profile.
Service You need to create an account at myZyxel, register your Zyxel Device and then
subscribe for IDP in order to be able to download new packet inspection signatures from
myZyxel. There’s an initial free trial period for IDP after which you must pay to subscribe
to the service. See the Registration chapter for details.
Service Status This field displays whether a service license is enabled at myZyxel (Activated) or not (Not
Activated) or expired (Expired). It displays the remaining Grace Period if your license has
Expired. It displays Not Licensed if there isn’t a license to be activated for this service.

If you need a license or a trial license has expired, click Buy to buy a new one. If a
Standard license has expired, click Renew to extend the license.

Then, click Activate to connect with the myZyxel server to activate the new license.
Service Type This field shows Trial, Standard or None depending on whether you subscribed to the IDP
trial, bought an iCard for IDP service or neither.
Signature Information The following fields display information on the current signature set that the Zyxel Device
is using.
Current Version This field displays the IDP signature set version number. This number gets larger as the set
is enhanced.
Signature Number This field displays the number of IDP signatures in this set. This number usually gets larger
as the set is enhanced. Older signatures and rules may be removed if they are no longer
applicable or have been supplanted by newer ones.
Released Date This field displays the date and time the set was released.
Update Signatures Click this link to go to the screen you can use to download signatures from the update

38.2.1 Base Profiles

The Zyxel Device comes with several base profiles. You use base profiles to create new profiles. In the
Configuration > UTM > IDP > Profile screen, click Add to display the following screen.

Figure 511 Base Profiles

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 38 IDP

The following table describes this screen.

Table 267 Base Profiles

none All signatures are disabled. No logs are generated nor actions are taken.
all All signatures are enabled. Signatures with a high or severe severity level (greater than
three) generate log alerts and cause packets that trigger them to be dropped. Signatures
with a very low, low or medium severity level (less than or equal to three) generate logs (not
log alerts) and no action is taken on packets that trigger them.
wan Signatures for all services are enabled. Signatures with a medium, high or severe severity
level (greater than two) generate logs (not log alerts) and no action is taken on packets
that trigger them. Signatures with a very low or low severity level (less than or equal to two)
are disabled.
lan This profile is most suitable for common LAN network services. Signatures for common
SMTP, SNMP, SQL, TELNET, TFTP, MySQL are enabled. Signatures with a high or severe severity
level (greater than three) generate logs (not log alerts) and cause packets that trigger them
to be dropped. Signatures with a low or medium severity level (two or three) generate logs
(not log alerts) and no action is taken on packets that trigger them. Signatures with a very
low severity level (one) are disabled.
dmz This profile is most suitable for networks containing your servers. Signatures for common
SNMP, SQL, TELNET, Oracle, MySQL are enabled. Signatures with a high or severe severity
level (greater than three) generate log alerts and cause packets that trigger them to be
dropped. Signatures with a low or medium severity level (two or three) generate logs (not
log alerts) and no action is taken on packets that trigger them. Signatures with a very low
severity level (one) are disabled.
OK Click OK to save your changes.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving your changes.

38.2.2 Adding / Editing Profiles

You may want to create a new profile if not all signatures in a base profile are applicable to your
network. In this case you should disable non-applicable signatures so as to improve Zyxel Device IDP
processing efficiency.

You may also find that certain signatures are triggering too many false positives or false negatives. A
false positive is when valid traffic is flagged as an attack. A false negative is when invalid traffic is
wrongly allowed to pass through the Zyxel Device. As each network is different, false positives and false
negatives are common on initial IDP deployment.

You could create a new ‘monitor profile’ that creates logs but all actions are disabled. Observe the logs
over time and try to eliminate the causes of the false alarms. When you’re satisfied that they have been
reduced to an acceptable level, you could then create an ‘inline profile’ whereby you configure
appropriate actions to be taken when a packet matches a signature.

Packet inspection signatures examine the contents of a packet for malicious data. It operates at layer-
4 to layer-7. An IDP profile is a group of IDP signatures that have the same log and action settings. In
‘group view’ you can configure the same log and action settings for all IDP signatures by severity level in
the Add Profile screen. You may also configure signature exceptions in the same view.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 38 IDP

38.2.3 Profile > Group View Screen

Select Configuration > UTM Profile > IDP > Profile and then click Add to create a new profile or select an
existing profile, then click a grouDosn the base profile box (or double-click the existing profile) to modify
it. Group view is displayed first by default.

Figure 512 Configuration > UTM Profile > IDP > Profile > Add > Edit: Group View

The following table describes the fields in this screen.

Table 268 Configuration > UTM Profile> IDP > Profile > Add > Group View
Name This is the name of the profile. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters, underscores(_), or
dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is case-sensitive. These are
valid, unique profile names:

• MyProfile
• mYProfile
• Mymy12_3-4
These are invalid profile names:

• 1mYProfile
• My Profile
• MyProfile?
• Whatalongprofilename123456789012
Description Enter additional information about this IDP rule. You can enter up to 60 characters ("0-9", "a-z",
"A-Z", "-" and "_").

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 38 IDP

Table 268 Configuration > UTM Profile> IDP > Profile > Add > Group View (continued)
Switch to query Click this button to go to a screen where you can search for signatures by criteria such as
view name, ID, severity, attack type, vulnerable attack platforms, service category, log options or
Severity Level Select a severity level and these use the icons to enable/disable and configure logs and
actions for all signatures of that level.
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
Log To edit an item’s log option, select it and use the Log icon. These are the log options:

no: Select this option on an individual signature or a complete service group to have the Zyxel
Device create no log when a packet matches a signature(s).

log: Select this option on an individual signature or a complete service group to have the Zyxel
Device create a log when a packet matches a signature(s).

log alert: An alert is an e-mailed log for more serious events that may need more immediate
attention. They also appear in red in the Monitor > Log screen. Select this option to have the
Zyxel Device send an alert when a packet matches a signature(s).
Action To edit what action the Zyxel Device takes when a packet matches a signature, select the
signature and use the Action icon.

none: Select this action on an individual signature or a complete service group to have the
Zyxel Device take no action when a packet matches the signature(s).

drop: Select this action on an individual signature or a complete service group to have the
Zyxel Device silently drop a packet that matches the signature(s). Neither sender nor receiver
are notified.

reject-sender: Select this action on an individual signature or a complete service group to have
the Zyxel Device send a reset to the sender when a packet matches the signature. If it is a TCP
attack packet, the Zyxel Device will send a packet with a ‘RST’ flag. If it is an ICMP or UDP
attack packet, the Zyxel Device will send an ICMP unreachable packet.

reject-receiver: Select this action on an individual signature or a complete service group to

have the Zyxel Device send a reset to the receiver when a packet matches the signature. If it is
a TCP attack packet, the Zyxel Device will send a packet with an a ‘RST’ flag. If it is an ICMP or
UDP attack packet, the Zyxel Device will do nothing.

reject-both: Select this action on an individual signature or a complete service group to have
the Zyxel Device send a reset to both the sender and receiver when a packet matches the
signature. If it is a TCP attack packet, the Zyxel Device will send a packet with a ‘RST’ flag to the
receiver and sender. If it is an ICMP or UDP attack packet, the Zyxel Device will send an ICMP
unreachable packet.
# This is the entry’s index number in the list.
Status The activate (light bulb) icon is lit when the entry is active and dimmed when the entry is
Message This displays the message of the violation of IDP Profile rule.
SID This displays the Signature ID number. The SID is a numerical field in the 9000000 to 9999999

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 38 IDP

Table 268 Configuration > UTM Profile> IDP > Profile > Add > Group View (continued)
Severity These are the severities as defined in the Zyxel Device. The number in brackets is the number
you use if using commands.

Severe (5): These denote attacks that try to run arbitrary code or gain system privileges.

High (4): These denote known serious vulnerabilities or attacks that are probably not false

Medium (3): These denote medium threats, access control attacks or attacks that could be
false alarms.

Low (2): These denote mild threats or attacks that could be false alarms.

Very Low (1): These denote possible attacks caused by traffic such as Ping, trace route, ICMP
queries etc.
Policy Type This displays the application of the IDP profile.
Log These are the log options. To edit this, select an item and use the Log icon.
Action This is the action the Zyxel Device should take when a packet matches a signature here. To edit
this, select an item and use the Action icon.
Excepted Use the icons to enable/disable and configure logs and actions for individual signatures that
Signatures are different to the general settings configured for the severity level to which the signatures
belong. Signatures configured in Query View will appear in Group View.
Add Click this to configure settings to a signature that are different to the severity level to which it
Remove Select an existing signature exception and then click this to delete the exception.
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
Log To edit an item’s log option, select it and use the Log icon. These are the log options:

no: Select this option on an individual signature or a complete service group to have the Zyxel
Device create no log when a packet matches a signature(s).

log: Select this option on an individual signature or a complete service group to have the Zyxel
Device create a log when a packet matches a signature(s).

log alert: An alert is an e-mailed log for more serious events that may need more immediate
attention. Select this option to have the Zyxel Device send an alert when a packet matches a

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 38 IDP

Table 268 Configuration > UTM Profile> IDP > Profile > Add > Group View (continued)
Action To edit what action the Zyxel Device takes when a packet matches a signature, select the
signature and use the Action icon.

none: Select this action on an individual signature or a complete service group to have the
Zyxel Device take no action when a packet matches the signature(s).

drop: Select this action on an individual signature or a complete service group to have the
Zyxel Device silently drop a packet that matches the signature(s). Neither sender nor receiver
are notified.

reject-sender: Select this action on an individual signature or a complete service group to have
the Zyxel Device send a reset to the sender when a packet matches the signature. If it is a TCP
attack packet, the Zyxel Device will send a packet with a ‘RST’ flag. If it is an ICMP or UDP
attack packet, the Zyxel Device will send an ICMP unreachable packet.

reject-receiver: Select this action on an individual signature or a complete service group to

have the Zyxel Device send a reset to the receiver when a packet matches the signature. If it is
a TCP attack packet, the Zyxel Device will send a packet with an a ‘RST’ flag. If it is an ICMP or
UDP attack packet, the Zyxel Device will do nothing.

reject-both: Select this action on an individual signature or a complete service group to have
the Zyxel Device send a reset to both the sender and receiver when a packet matches the
signature. If it is a TCP attack packet, the Zyxel Device will send a packet with a ‘RST’ flag to the
receiver and sender. If it is an ICMP or UDP attack packet, the Zyxel Device will send an ICMP
unreachable packet.
# This is the entry’s index number in the list.
Status The activate (light bulb) icon is lit when the entry is active and dimmed when the entry is
SID Type the exact signature ID (identification) number that uniquely identifies a Zyxel Device IDP
Log These are the log options. To edit this, select an item and use the Log icon.
Action This is the action the Zyxel Device should take when a packet matches a signature here. To edit
this, select an item and use the Action icon.
OK A profile consists of three separate screens. If you want to configure just one screen for an IDP
profile, click OK to save your settings to the Zyxel Device, complete the profile and return to the
profile summary page.
Cancel Click Cancel to return to the profile summary page without saving any changes.
Save If you want to configure more than one screen for an IDP profile, click Save to save the
configuration to the Zyxel Device, but remain in the same page. You may then go to another
profile screen (tab) in order to complete the profile. Click OK in the final profile screen to
complete the profile.

38.2.4 Add Profile > Query View

In the group view screen, click Switch to query view to search for signatures by criteria such as Name, ID,
Severity, Policy Type, Platform, Service, Platforms, or actions.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 38 IDP

Policy Types
This table describes Policy Types as categorized in the Zyxel Device.

Table 269 Policy Types

Access Control Access control refers to procedures and controls that limit or detect access. Access
control attacks try to bypass validation checks in order to access network resources such
as servers, directories, and files.
Any Any attack includes all other kinds of attacks that are not specified in the policy such as
password, spoof, hijack, phishing, and close-in.
Backdoor/Trojan Horse A backdoor (also called a trapdoor) is hidden software or a hardware mechanism that
can be triggered to gain access to a program, online service or an entire computer
system. A Trojan horse is a harmful program that is hidden inside apparently harmless
programs or data.

Although a virus, a worm and a Trojan are different types of attacks, they can be
blended into one attack. For example, W32/Blaster and W32/Sasser are blended attacks
that feature a combination of a worm and a Trojan.
Buffer Overflow A buffer overflow occurs when a program or process tries to store more data in a buffer
(temporary data storage area) than it was intended to hold. The excess information can
overflow into adjacent buffers, corrupting or overwriting the valid data held in them.

Intruders could run codes in the overflow buffer region to obtain control of the system,
install a backdoor or use the victim to launch attacks on other devices.
DoS/DDoS The goal of Denial of Service (DoS) attacks is not to steal information, but to disable a
device or network on the Internet.

A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is one in which multiple compromised

systems attack a single target, thereby causing denial of service for users of the targeted
Instant Messenger IM (Instant Messenger) refers to chat applications. Chat is real-time, text-based
communication between two or more users via networks-connected computers. After
you enter a chat (or chat room), any room member can type a message that will
appear on the monitors of all the other participants.
Mail A Mail or E-mail bombing attack involves sending several thousand identical messages to
an electronic mailbox in order to overflow it, making it unusable.
Misc Miscellaneous attacks takes advantage of vulnerable computer networks and web
servers by forcing cache servers or web browsers into disclosing user-specific information
that might be sensitive and confidential. The most common type of Misc. attacks are
HTTP Response Smuggling, HTTP Response Splitting and JSON Hijacking.
P2P Peer-to-peer (P2P) is where computing devices link directly to each other and can
directly initiate communication with each other; they do not need an intermediary. A
device can be both the client and the server. In the Zyxel Device, P2P refers to peer-to-
peer applications such as e-Mule, e-Donkey, BitTorrent, iMesh, etc.
Scan A scan describes the action of searching a network for an exposed service. An attack
may then occur once a vulnerability has been found. Scans occur on several network

A network scan occurs at layer-3. For example, an attacker looks for network devices
such as a router or server running in an IP network.

A scan on a protocol is commonly referred to as a layer-4 scan. For example, once an

attacker has found a live end system, he looks for open ports.

A scan on a service is commonly referred to a layer-7 scan. For example, once an

attacker has found an open port, say port 80 on a server, he determines that it is a HTTP
service run by some web server application. He then uses a web vulnerability scanner (for
example, Nikto) to look for documented vulnerabilities.

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Chapter 38 IDP

Table 269 Policy Types (continued)

SPAM Spam is unsolicited “junk” e-mail sent to large numbers of people to promote products or
Stream Media A Stream Media attack occurs when a malicious network node downloads an
overwhelming amount of media stream data that could potentially exhaust the entire
system. This method allows users to send small requests messages that result in the
streaming of large media objects, providing an opportunity for malicious users to exhaust
resources in the system with little effort expended on their part.
Tunnel A Tunneling attack involves sending IPv6 traffic over IPv4, slipping viruses, worms and
spyware through the network using secret tunnels. This method infiltrates standard
security measures through IPv6 tunnels, passing through IPv4 undetected. An external
signal then activates the malicious files to wreak havoc from inside the network.
Virus/Worm A computer virus is a small program designed to corrupt and/or alter the operation of
other legitimate programs. A worm is a program that is designed to copy itself from one
computer to another on a network. A worm’s uncontrolled replication consumes system
resources, thus slowing or stopping other tasks.
Web Attack Web attacks refer to attacks on web servers such as IIS (Internet Information Services).

IDP Service Groups

An IDP service group is a set of related packet inspection signatures.

Table 270 IDP Service Groups


The n/a service group is for signatures that are not for a specific service.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 38 IDP

Figure 513 Configuration > UTM Profile> IDP > Profile: Query View

The following table describes the fields specific to this screen’s query view.

Table 271 Configuration > UTM Profile > IDP > Profile: Query View
Name This is the name of the profile that you created in the IDP > Profiles > Group View screen.
Switch to query Click this button to go to the IDP profile group view screen where IDP signatures are grouped
view by service and you can configure activation, logs and/or actions.
Query Signatures Select the criteria on which to perform the search.
Search all Select this check box to include signatures you created or imported in the Custom
custom Signatures screen in the search. You can search for specific signatures by name or ID. If the
name and ID fields are left blank, then all signatures are searched according to the criteria
you select.
Name Type the name or part of the name of the signature(s) you want to find.
Signature ID Type the ID or part of the ID of the signature(s) you want to find.

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Chapter 38 IDP

Table 271 Configuration > UTM Profile > IDP > Profile: Query View (continued)
Severity Search for signatures by severity level(s). Hold down the [Ctrl] key if you want to make
multiple selections.

These are the severities as defined in the Zyxel Device. The number in brackets is the number
you use if using commands.

Severe (5): These denote attacks that try to run arbitrary code or gain system privileges.

High (4): These denote known serious vulnerabilities or attacks that are probably not false

Medium (3): These denote medium threats, access control attacks or attacks that could be
false alarms.

Low (2): These denote mild threats or attacks that could be false alarms.

Very-Low (1): These denote possible attacks caused by traffic such as Ping, trace route,
ICMP queries etc.
Attack Type Search for signatures by attack type(s) (see Table 269 on page 765). Attack types are known
as policy types in the group view screen. Hold down the [Ctrl] key if you want to make
multiple selections.
Platform Search for signatures created to prevent intrusions targeting specific operating system(s).
Hold down the [Ctrl] key if you want to make multiple selections.
Service Search for signatures by IDP service group(s). See Table 269 on page 765 for group details.
Hold down the [Ctrl] key if you want to make multiple selections.
Action Search for signatures by the response the Zyxel Device takes when a packet matches a
signature. See Table 268 on page 761 for action details. Hold down the [Ctrl] key if you want
to make multiple selections.
Activation Search for activated and/or inactivated signatures here.
Log Search for signatures by log option here. See Table 268 on page 761 for option details.
Search Click this button to begin the search. The results display at the bottom of the screen. Results
may be spread over several pages depending on how broad the search criteria selected
were. The tighter the criteria selected, the fewer the signatures returned.
Query Result The results are displayed in a table showing the SID, Name, Severity, Attack Type, Platform,
Service, Activation, Log, and Action criteria as selected in the search. Click the SID column
header to sort search results by signature ID.
OK Click OK to save your settings to the Zyxel Device, complete the profile and return to the
profile summary page.
Cancel Click Cancel to return to the profile summary page without saving any changes.
Save Click Save to save the configuration to the Zyxel Device, but remain in the same page. You
may then go to the another profile screen (tab) in order to complete the profile. Click OK in
the final profile screen to complete the profile.

38.2.5 Query Example

This example shows a search with these criteria:

• Severity: high
• Policy Type: DoS
• Platform: Windows
• Service: Any
• Actions: Any

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Chapter 38 IDP

Figure 514 Query Example Search

38.3 IDP Custom Signatures

Create custom signatures for new attacks or attacks peculiar to your network. Custom signatures can
also be saved to/from your computer so as to share with others.

You need some knowledge of packet headers and attack types to create your own custom signatures.

IP Packet Header
These are the fields in an Internet Protocol (IP) version 4 packet header.

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Chapter 38 IDP

Figure 515 IP v4 Packet Headers

The header fields are discussed in the following table.

Table 272 IP v4 Packet Headers

Version The value 4 indicates IP version 4.
IHL IP Header Length is the number of 32 bit words forming the total length of the header
(usually five).
Type of Service The Type of Service, (also known as Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP)) is
usually set to 0, but may indicate particular quality of service needs from the network.
Total Length This is the size of the datagram in bytes. It is the combined length of the header and
the data.
Identification This is a 16-bit number, which together with the source address, uniquely identifies this
packet. It is used during reassembly of fragmented datagrams.
Flags Flags are used to control whether routers are allowed to fragment a packet and to
indicate the parts of a packet to the receiver.
Fragment Offset This is a byte count from the start of the original sent packet.
Time To Live This is a counter that decrements every time it passes through a router. When it
reaches zero, the datagram is discarded. It is used to prevent accidental routing
Protocol The protocol indicates the type of transport packet being carried, for example, 1 =
ICMP; 2= IGMP; 6 = TCP; 17= UDP.
Header Checksum This is used to detect processing errors introduced into the packet inside a router or
bridge where the packet is not protected by a link layer cyclic redundancy check.
Packets with an invalid checksum are discarded by all nodes in an IP network.
Source IP Address This is the IP address of the original sender of the packet.
Destination IP Address This is the IP address of the final destination of the packet.
Options IP options is a variable-length list of IP options for a datagram that define IP Security
Option, IP Stream Identifier, (security and handling restrictions for the military), Record
Route (have each router record its IP address), Loose Source Routing (specifies a list of
IP addresses that must be traversed by the datagram), Strict Source Routing (specifies
a list of IP addresses that must ONLY be traversed by the datagram), Timestamp (have
each router record its IP address and time), End of IP List and No IP Options.
Padding Padding is used as a filler to ensure that the IP packet is a multiple of 32 bits.

Select Configuration > UTM Profile > IDP > Custom Signatures. The first screen shows a summary of all
custom signatures created. Click the SID or Name heading to sort. Click the Add icon to create a new

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Chapter 38 IDP

signature or click the Edit icon to edit an existing signature. You can also delete custom signatures here
or save them to your computer.

Note: The Zyxel Device checks all signatures and continues searching even after a match is
found. If two or more rules have conflicting actions for the same packet, then the Zyxel
Device applies the more restrictive action (reject-both, reject-receiver or reject-sender,
drop, none in this order). If a packet matches a rule for reject-receiver and it also
matches a rule for reject-sender, then the Zyxel Device will reject-both.

Figure 516 Configuration > UTM Profile > IDP > Custom Signatures

The following table describes the fields in this screen.

Table 273 Configuration > UTM Profile> IDP > Custom Signatures
Custom Signature Use this part of the screen to create, edit, delete or export (save to your computer) custom
Rules signatures.
Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Select an entry and click this to be able to modify it.
Remove Select an entry and click this to delete it.
Export To save an entry or entries as a file on your computer, select them and click Export. Click Save
in the file download dialog box and then select a location and name for the file.

Custom signatures must end with the ‘rules’ file name extension, for example, MySig.rules.
# This is the entry’s index number in the list.
SID SID is the signature ID that uniquely identifies a signature. Click the SID header to sort
signatures in ascending or descending order. It is automatically created when you click the
Add icon to create a new signature. You can edit the ID, but it cannot already exist and it
must be in the 9000000 to 9999999 range.
Name This is the name of your custom signature. Duplicate names can exist, but it is advisable to use
unique signature names that give some hint as to intent of the signature and the type of
attack it is supposed to prevent.

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Chapter 38 IDP

Table 273 Configuration > UTM Profile> IDP > Custom Signatures (continued)
Customer Use this part of the screen to import custom signatures (previously saved to your computer) to
Signature Rule the Zyxel Device.
Note: The name of the complete custom signature file on the Zyxel Device is
‘custom.rules’. If you import a file named ‘custom.rules’, then all custom
signatures on the Zyxel Device are overwritten with the new file. If this is not
your intention, make sure that the files you import are not named
File Path Type the file path and name of the custom signature file you want to import in the text box (or
click Browse to find it on your computer) and then click Importing to transfer the file to the
Zyxel Device.

New signatures then display in the Zyxel Device IDP > Custom Signatures screen.

38.3.1 Add / Edit Custom Signatures

Click the Add icon to create a new signature or click the Edit icon to edit an existing signature in the
screen as shown in Figure 516 on page 771.

A packet must match all items you configure in this screen before it matches the signature. The more
specific your signature (including packet contents), then the fewer false positives the signature will

Try to write signatures that target a vulnerability, for example a certain type of traffic on certain
operating systems, instead of a specific exploit.

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Chapter 38 IDP

Figure 517 Configuration > UTM Profile > IDP > Custom Signatures > Add/Edit

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Chapter 38 IDP

The following table describes the fields in this screen.

Table 274 Configuration > UTM Profile > IDP > Custom Signatures > Add/Edit
Name Type the name of your custom signature. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters,
underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is

Duplicate names can exist but it is advisable to use unique signature names that give
some hint as to intent of the signature and the type of attack it is supposed to prevent.
Refer to (but do not copy) the packet inspection signature names for hints on creating a
naming convention.
Signature ID A signature ID is automatically created when you click the Add icon to create a new
signature. You can edit the ID to create a new one (in the 9000000 to 9999999 range),
but you cannot use one that already exists. You may want to do that if you want to order
custom signatures by SID.
Information Use the following fields to set general information about the signature as denoted below.
Severity The severity level denotes how serious the intrusion is. Categorize the seriousness of the
intrusion here. See Table 268 on page 761 as a reference.
Platform Some intrusions target specific operating systems only. Select the operating systems that
the intrusion targets, that is, the operating systems you want to protect from this intrusion.
SGI refers to Silicon Graphics Incorporated, who manufactures multi-user Unix
workstations that run the IRIX operating system (SGI's version of UNIX). A router is an
example of a network device.
Service Select the IDP service group that the intrusion exploits or targets. See Table 270 on page
766 for a list of IDP service groups. The custom signature then appears in that group in the
IDP > Profile > Group View screen.
Policy Type Categorize the attack type here. See Table 269 on page 765 as a reference.
Frequency Recurring packets of the same type may indicate an attack. Use the following field to
indicate how many packets per how many seconds constitute an intrusion
Threshold Select Threshold and then type how many packets (that meet the criteria in this
signature) per how many seconds constitute an intrusion.
Header Options
Network Protocol Configure signatures for IP version 4.
Type Of Service Type of service in an IP header is used to specify levels of speed and/or reliability. Some
intrusions use an invalid Type Of Service number. Select the check box, then select Equal
or Not-Equal and then type in a number.
Identification The identification field in a datagram uniquely identifies the datagram. If a datagram is
fragmented, it contains a value that identifies the datagram to which the fragment
belongs. Some intrusions use an invalid Identification number. Select the check box and
then type in the invalid number that the intrusion uses.
Fragmentation A fragmentation flag identifies whether the IP datagram should be fragmented, not
fragmented or is a reserved bit. Some intrusions can be identified by this flag. Select the
check box and then select the flag that the intrusion uses.
Fragment Offset When an IP datagram is fragmented, it is reassembled at the final destination. The
fragmentation offset identifies where the fragment belongs in a set of fragments. Some
intrusions use an invalid Fragment Offset number. Select the check box, select Equal,
Smaller or Greater and then type in a number
Time to Live Time to Live is a counter that decrements every time it passes through a router. When it
reaches zero, the datagram is discarded. Usually it’s used to set an upper limit on the
number of routers a datagram can pass through. Some intrusions can be identified by
the number in this field. Select the check box, select Equal, Smaller or Greater and then
type in a number.

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Chapter 38 IDP

Table 274 Configuration > UTM Profile > IDP > Custom Signatures > Add/Edit (continued)
IP Options IP options is a variable-length list of IP options for a datagram that define IP Security
Option, IP Stream Identifier, (security and handling restrictions for the military), Record
Route (have each router record its IP address), Loose Source Routing (specifies a list of IP
addresses that must be traversed by the datagram), Strict Source Routing (specifies a list
of IP addresses that must ONLY be traversed by the datagram), Timestamp (have each
router record its IP address and time), End of IP List and No IP Options. IP Options can help
identify some intrusions. Select the check box, then select an item from the list box that
the intrusion uses
Same IP Select the check box for the signature to check for packets that have the same source
and destination IP addresses.
Transport Protocol The following fields vary depending on whether you choose TCP, UDP or ICMP.
Transport Protocol: TCP
Port Select the check box and then enter the source and destination TCP port numbers that
will trigger this signature.
Flow The selected keyword sets the criteria as to which traffic is matched. You can match
traffic based on direction or whether the connection is established or not. You can also
specify whether you want to match signatures per packet or in a stream of packets.

Established: Match established TCP connections.

Stateless: Match packets regardless of the state of the stream processor. This is useful for
packets that are designed to cause machines to crash.

To Client: Match packets that flow from server to client.

To Server: Match packets that flow from client to server.

From Client: Match packets that flow from client to server.

From Servers: Match packets that flow from server to client.

No Stream: Match packets that have not been reassembled by the stream engine. It will
not match packets that have been reassembled.

Only Stream: Match packets that have been reassembled.

Flags Select what TCP flag bits the signature should check.
Sequence Number Use this field to check for a specific TCP sequence number.
Ack Number Use this field to check for a specific TCP acknowledgment number.
Window Size Use this field to check for a specific TCP window size.
Transport Protocol: UDP
Port Select the check box and then enter the source and destination UDP port numbers that
will trigger this signature.
Transport Protocol:
Type Use this field to check for a specific ICMP type value.
Code Use this field to check for a specific ICMP code value.
ID Use this field to check for a specific ICMP ID value. This is useful for covert channel
programs that use static ICMP fields when they communicate.
Sequence Number Use this field to check for a specific ICMP sequence number. This is useful for covert
channel programs that use static ICMP fields when they communicate.
Payload Options The longer a payload option is, the more exact the match, the faster the signature
processing. Therefore, if possible, it is recommended to have at least one payload option
in your signature.

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Chapter 38 IDP

Table 274 Configuration > UTM Profile > IDP > Custom Signatures > Add/Edit (continued)
Payload Size This field may be used to check for abnormally sized packets or for detecting buffer

Select the check box, then select Equal, Smaller or Greater and then type the payload

Stream rebuilt packets are not checked regardless of the size of the payload.
Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Select an entry and click this to be able to modify it.
Remove Select an entry and click this to delete it.
# This is the entry’s index number in the list.
Offset This field specifies where to start searching for a pattern within a packet. For example, an
offset of 5 would start looking for the specified pattern after the first five bytes of the
Content Type the content that the signature should search for in the packet payload.
Hexadecimal code entered between pipes is converted to ASCII. For example, you
could represent the ampersand as either & or |26| (26 is the hexadecimal code for the
Case-insensitive Select Yes if content casing does NOT matter.
Decode as URI A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is a string of characters for identifying an abstract or
physical resource (RFC 2396). A resource can be anything that has identity, for example,
an electronic document, an image, a service (“today's weather report for Taiwan”), a
collection of other resources. An identifier is an object that can act as a reference to
something that has identity. Example URIs are:

ftp://ftp.is.co.za/rfc/rfc1808.txt; ftp scheme for File Transfer Protocol services

http://www.math.uio.no/faq/compression-faq/part1.html; http scheme for Hypertext

Transfer Protocol services

mailto:mduerst@ifi.unizh.ch; mailto scheme for electronic mail addresses

telnet://melvyl.ucop.edu/; telnet scheme for interactive services via the TELNET Protocol

Select Yes for the signature to search for normalized URI fields. This means that if you are
writing signatures that includes normalized content, such as %2 for directory traversals,
these signatures will not be triggered because the content is normalized out of the URI

For example, the URI:


will get normalized into:

OK Click this button to save your changes to the Zyxel Device and return to the summary
Cancel Click this button to return to the summary screen without saving any changes.

38.3.2 Custom Signature Example

Before creating a custom signature, you must first clearly understand the vulnerability.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 38 IDP Understand the Vulnerability

Check the Zyxel Device logs when the attack occurs. Use web sites such as Google or Security Focus to
get as much information about the attack as you can. The more specific your signature, the less chance
it will cause false positives.

As an example, say you want to check if your router is being overloaded with DNS queries so you create
a signature to detect DNS query traffic. Analyze Packets

Use the packet capture screen and a packet analyzer (also known as a network or protocol analyzer)
such as Wireshark or Ethereal to investigate some more.

Figure 518 DNS Query Packet Details

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Chapter 38 IDP

From the details about DNS query you see that the protocol is UDP and the port is 53. The type of DNS
packet is standard query and the Flag is 0x0100 with an offset of 2. Therefore enter |010| as the first

The final custom signature should look like as shown in the following figure.

Figure 519 Example Custom Signature

38.3.3 Applying Custom Signatures

After you create your custom signature, it becomes available in an IDP profile (Configuration > UTM
Profile > IDP > Profile > Edit screen). Custom signatures have an SID from 9000000 to 9999999.

Search for, then activate the signature, configure what action to take when a packet matches it and if
it should generate a log or alert in a profile. Then bind the profile to a zone.

38.3.4 Verifying Custom Signatures

Configure the signature to create a log when traffic matches the signature. (You may also want to
configure an alert if it is for a serious attack and needs immediate attention.) After you apply the
signature to a zone, you can see if it works by checking the logs (Monitor > Log).

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Chapter 38 IDP

The Priority column shows warn for signatures that are configured to generate a log only. It shows critical
for signatures that are configured to generate a log and alert. All IDP signatures come under the IDP
category. The Note column displays ACCESS FORWARD when no action is configured for the signature. It
displays ACCESS DENIED if you configure the signature action to drop the packet. The destination port is
the service port (53 for DNS in this case) that the attack tries to exploit.

Figure 520 Custom Signature Log

38.4 IDP Technical Reference

This section contains some background information on IDP.

Host Intrusions
The goal of host-based intrusions is to infiltrate files on an individual computer or server in with the goal of
accessing confidential information or destroying information on a computer.

You must install a host IDP directly on the system being protected. It works closely with the operating
system, monitoring and intercepting system calls to the kernel or APIs in order to prevent attacks as well
as log them.

Disadvantages of host IDPs are that you have to install them on each device (that you want to protect)
in your network and due to the necessarily tight integration with the host operating system, future
operating system upgrades could cause problems.

Network Intrusions
Network-based intrusions have the goal of bringing down a network or networks by attacking
computer(s), switch(es), router(s) or modem(s). If a LAN switch is compromised for example, then the
whole LAN is compromised. Host-based intrusions may be used to cause network-based intrusions when
the goal of the host virus is to propagate attacks on the network, or attack computer/server operating
system vulnerabilities with the goal of bringing down the computer/server. Typical “network-based
intrusions” are SQL slammer, Blaster, Nimda MyDoom etc.

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Chapter 38 IDP

Snort Signatures
You may want to refer to open source Snort signatures when creating custom Zyxel Device ones. Most
Snort rules are written in a single line. Snort rules are divided into two logical sections, the rule header
and the rule options as shown in the following example:

alert tcp any any -> 111 (content:”|00 01 a5|”; msg:”mountd access”;)

The text up to the first parenthesis is the rule header and the section enclosed in parenthesis contains the
rule options. The words before the colons in the rule options section are the option keywords.

The rule header contains the rule's:

• Action
• Protocol
• Source and destination IP addresses and netmasks
• Source and destination ports information.

The rule option section contains alert messages and information on which parts of the packet should be
inspected to determine if the rule action should be taken.

These are some equivalent Snort terms in the Zyxel Device.

Table 275 Zyxel Device - Snort Equivalent Terms

Type Of Service tos
Identification id
Fragmentation fragbits
Fragmentation Offset fragoffset
Time to Live ttl
IP Options ipopts
Same IP sameip
Transport Protocol
Transport Protocol: TCP
Port (In Snort rule header)
Flow flow
Flags flags
Sequence Number seq
Ack Number ack
Window Size window
Transport Protocol: UDP (In Snort rule header)
Port (In Snort rule header)
Transport Protocol: ICMP
Type itype
Code icode
ID icmp_id
Sequence Number icmp_seq

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Chapter 38 IDP

Table 275 Zyxel Device - Snort Equivalent Terms (continued)

Payload Options (Snort rule options)
Payload Size dsize
Offset (relative to start of payload) offset
Relative to end of last match distance
Content content
Case-insensitive nocase
Decode as URI uricontent

Note: Not all Snort functionality is supported in the Zyxel Device.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

C H A P T E R 39

39.1 Overview
Use the Zyxel Device’s anti-virus feature to protect your connected network from virus/spyware
infection. The Zyxel Device checks traffic going in the direction(s) you specify for signature matches. In
the following figure the Zyxel Device is set to check traffic coming from the WAN zone (which includes
two interfaces) to the LAN zone.

Figure 521 Zyxel Device Anti-Virus Example

The anti-virus matches a file with those in a virus database. This is done as files go through the Zyxel

Virus, Worm, and Spyware

A computer virus is a type of malicious software designed to corrupt and/or alter the operation of other
legitimate programs. A worm is a self-replicating virus that resides in active memory and duplicates itself.
The effect of a virus attack varies from doing so little damage that you are unaware your computer is
infected to wiping out the entire contents of a hard drive to rendering your computer inoperable.
Spyware infiltrate your device and secretly gathers information about you, such as your network activity,
passwords, bank details, and so on.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 39 Anti-Virus

Anti-Virus Licensing
The Zyxel Device downloads signature sets after it is registered and the anti-virus license is activated at
myZyxel. A signature is a unique string of bits, or binary pattern, of a virus. A signature acts as a fingerprint
that can be used to detect and identify a specific virus. These signatures are periodically updated if you
have a valid license.

Having extensive, up-to-date signatures with the most common virus is critical to making the anti-virus
service work effectively. Section 8.2 on page 288 shows licensing information for the different signature
databases that can be used by the Zyxel Device.

After the anti-virus license expires, you need to purchase an iCard to update your local signature
database. Extend your license in the Registration > Service screen.

Anti-Virus Scan Process

1 Before going through the Anti-Virus file scan, the Zyxel Device first identifies the packets sent by the
following four major protocols with corresponding standard ports:
• FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
• HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)
• SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
• POP3 (Post Office Protocol version 3)

The Zyxel Device records the order of packets in TCP connection-oriented sessions to check for
matching virus signatures. The order of non-setup packets such as SYN, ACK and FIN is ignored.

2 The Zyxel Device checks every packet of the file for matches with the local signature databases.
If a virus pattern signature is matched, the actions you specify for identified virus will be applied. If
Destroy infected file is enabled, the file will be modified. Logs/alerts will be sent according to your

Note: The receiver is not notified if a file is modified by the Zyxel Device. If the file cannot be
used, the receiver should contact the Zyxel Device administrator to confirm if the Zyxel
Device modified the file by checking the logs.

Notes About the Zyxel Device Anti-Virus

The following lists important notes about the Zyxel Device’s anti-virus feature:

1 Zyxel’s anti-virus feature can detect polymorphic virus (see Section 39.5 on page 792).

2 When a virus is detected, a log is created or an alert message is sent to the administrator depending on
your log settings.

3 Changes to the Zyxel Device’s anti-virus settings only affect new sessions, not sessions that already
existed before you applied the changed settings.

4 The Zyxel Device does not scan the following file/traffic types:
• Simultaneous downloads of a file using multiple connections. For example, when you use FlashGet
to download sections of a file simultaneously.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 39 Anti-Virus

• Encrypted traffic. This could be password-protected files or VPN traffic where the Zyxel Device is not
the endpoint (pass-through VPN traffic).
• Traffic through custom (non-standard) ports. The Zyxel Device scans whatever port number is
specified for FTP in the ALG screen.
• All compressed files within a compressed file. Note that a single file can still be decompressed and
scanned if you select Enable file decompression (ZIP and RAR).
• Traffic compressed or encoded using a method the Zyxel Device does not support.

Finding Out More

• See Section 39.5 on page 792 for anti-virus background information.

39.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter

• Use the Profile screens (Section 39.2 on page 784) to turn anti-virus on or off, set up anti-virus policies
and custom service port rules. You can also check the anti-virus license and signature status.
• Use the Black/White List screen (Section 39.3 on page 788) to set up anti-virus black (blocked) and
white (allowed) lists of virus file patterns.
• Use the Signature screen (Section 39.4 on page 791) to search for particular signatures and get more
information about them.

39.2 Anti-Virus Profile Screen

Click Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Virus to display the configuration screen as shown next.

Click on the icons to go to the OneSecurity website where there is guidance on configuration
walkthroughs, troubleshooting and other information.

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Chapter 39 Anti-Virus

Figure 522 Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Virus > Profile

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 276 Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Virus > Profile
General Setting
Scan and detect Select this option to have the Zyxel Device check for the EICAR test file and treat it in the
EICAR test virus same way as a real virus file. The EICAR test file is a standardized test file for signature based
anti-virus scanners. When the virus scanner detects the EICAR file, it responds in the same
way as if it found a real virus. Besides straightforward detection, the EICAR file can also be
compressed to test whether the anti-virus software can detect it in a compressed file. The
test string consists of the following human-readable ASCII characters.

Scan Mode
Express Mode In this mode you can define which types of files are scanned using the File Type For Scan
fields. The Zyxel Device then scans files by sending each file’s hash value to a cloud
database using cloud query. This is the fastest scan mode.
Stream Mode In this mode the Zyxel Device scans all files for viruses using anti-malware signatures to
detect known virus pattens, and Threat Intelligence Machine Learning. Threat Intelligence
Machine Learning is a master cloud database containing malware patterns learned from
all Zyxel Devices. This is the deepest scan mode.
Profile Management

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Chapter 39 Anti-Virus

Table 276 Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Virus > Profile (continued)
Add Click this to create a new entry. Select an entry and click Add to create a new entry after
the selected entry.
Edit Select an entry and click this to be able to modify it.
Remove Select an entry and click this to delete it.
References Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use the
entry. Click Refresh to update information in this screen.
# This displays the index number of the rule.
Name This displays the name for the anti-virus rule.
Description This displays the description of the anti-virus rule.
Reference This displays the number of times an Object Reference is used in a rule.
Service The following fields display information about the current state of your subscription for virus
Service Status This field displays whether a service license is enabled at myZyxel (Activated) or not (Not
Activated) or expired (Expired). It displays the remaining Grace Period if your license has
Expired. It displays Not Licensed if there isn’t a license to be activated for this service.

If you need a license or a trial license has expired, click Buy to buy a new one. If a Standard
license has expired, click Renew to extend the license.

Then, click Activate to connect with the myZyxel server to activate the new license.
Service Type This field displays whether you applied for a trial application (Trial) or registered a service
with your iCard’s PIN number (Standard). None displays when the service is not activated.
Expiration Date This field displays the date your service license expires.
Signature The following fields display information on the current signature set that the Zyxel Device is
Information using.
Current Version This field displays the anti-virus signature set version number. This number gets larger as the
set is enhanced.
Signature This field displays the number of anti-virus signatures in this set.
Released Date This field displays the date and time the set was released.
Update Click this link to go to the screen you can use to download signatures from the update
Signatures server.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

39.2.1 Anti-Virus Profile Add or Edit

Click the Add or Edit icon in the Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Virus > Profile screen to display the
configuration screen as shown next.

Note: If “Destroy infected file” is disabled and “log” is set to “no”, the Zyxel Device will still
perform the scan but will not do anything else. It is recommended to enable at least
one of the two functions.

If “Destroy infected file” is disabled, any malicious file found can still be
executed by the end user after it is forwarded. The administrator would
have to inform the user if there is an infected file.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 39 Anti-Virus

Figure 523 Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Virus > Profile: Profile Management > Add

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 277 Configuration > UTM > Anti-Virus > Profile: Profile Management > Add
Name Enter a descriptive name for this anti-virus rule. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric
characters, underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This
value is case-sensitive.Enter the name of the anti-virus policy.
Description Enter a descriptive name for this anti-virus rule. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric
characters, underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This
value is case-sensitive.
Actions When
Destroy infected file When you select this check box, if a virus signature is matched, the Zyxel Device
overwrites the infected portion of the file with zeros before being forwarded to the user.
The uninfected portion of the file will pass through unmodified.
Log These are the log options:

no: Do not create a log when a packet matches a signature(s).

log: Create a log on the Zyxel Device when a packet matches a signature(s).

log alert: An alert is an e-mailed log for more serious events that may need more
immediate attention. Select this option to have the Zyxel Device send an alert when a
packet matches a signature(s).
Check White List Select this check box to check files against the white list.
Check Black List Select this check box to check files against the black list.
File decompression

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 39 Anti-Virus

Table 277 Configuration > UTM > Anti-Virus > Profile: Profile Management > Add (continued)
Enable file Select this check box to have the Zyxel Device scan a compressed file (the file does not
decompression (ZIP need to have a “zip” or “rar” file extension). The Zyxel Device first decompresses the file
and RAR) and then scans the contents for malware.

Note: The Zyxel Device decompresses a compressed file once. The Zyxel Device
does NOT decompress any file(s) within a compressed file.
Destroy When you select this check box, the Zyxel Device deletes compressed files that use
compressed files password encryption.
that could not be
decompressed Select this check box to have the Zyxel Device delete any compressed files that it cannot
decompress. The Zyxel Device cannot decompress password protected files or a file
within another compressed file. There are also limits to the number of compressed files
that the Zyxel Device can concurrently decompress.

Note: The Zyxel Device’s firmware package cannot go through the Zyxel
Device with this check box enabled. The Zyxel Device classifies the
firmware package as a file that cannot be decompressed and then
deletes it. Clear this check box when you download a firmware package
from the Zyxel website. It’s OK to upload a firmware package to the Zyxel
Device with the check box selected.
OK Click OK to save your changes.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving your changes.

39.3 Anti-Virus Black List

Click Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Virus > Black/White List to display the screen shown next. Use the
Black List screen to set up the Anti-Virus black (blocked) list of virus file patterns. Click a column’s
heading cell to sort the table entries by that column’s criteria. Click the heading cell again to reverse
the sort order.

Figure 524 Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Virus > Black/White List > Black List

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 39 Anti-Virus

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 278 Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Virus > Black/White List > Black List
Enable Black List Select this check box to log and delete files with names that match the black list patterns.
Use the black list to log and delete files with names that match the black list patterns.
Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Select an entry and click this to be able to modify it.
Remove Select an entry and click this to delete it.
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
Status The activate (light bulb) icon is lit when the entry is active and dimmed when the entry is
# This is the entry’s index number in the list.
File Pattern This is the file name pattern. If a file’s name that matches this pattern, the Zyxel Device logs
and deletes the file.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

39.3.1 Anti-Virus Black List or White List Add/Edit

From the Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Virus > Black/White List > Black List (or White List) screen, click
the Add icon or an Edit icon to display the following screen. A black list allows you to specify signatures
that you want to block. A white list allows you to specify signatures to allow in order to avoid false
positives. False positives occur when a non-infected file matches a virus signature.

• For a black list entry, enter a file pattern that would cause the Zyxel Device to log and modify this file.
• For a white list entry, enter a file pattern that would cause the Zyxel Device to allow this file.
Figure 525 Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Virus > Black/White List > Black List (or White List) > Add

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 39 Anti-Virus

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 279 Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Virus > Black/White List > Black List (or White List) > Add
Enable If this is a black list entry, select this option to have the Zyxel Device apply this entry when
using the black list.

If this is a white list entry, select this option to have the Zyxel Device apply this entry when
using the white list.
File Pattern For a black list entry, specify a pattern to identify the names of files that the Zyxel Device
should log and delete.

For a white list entry, specify a pattern to identify the names of files that the Zyxel Device
should not scan for viruses.

• Use up to 80 characters. Alphanumeric characters, underscores (_), dashes (-), question

marks (?) and asterisks (*) are allowed.
• A question mark (?) lets a single character in the file name vary. For example, use
“a?.zip” (without the quotation marks) to specify aa.zip, ab.zip and so on.
• Wildcards (*) let multiple files match the pattern. For example, use “*a.zip” (without the
quotation marks) to specify any file that ends with “a.zip”. A file named “testa.zip would
match. There could be any number (of any type) of characters in front of the “a.zip” at
the end and the file name would still match. A file named “test.zipa” for example would
not match.
• A * in the middle of a pattern has the Zyxel Device check the beginning and end of the
file name and ignore the middle. For example, with “abc*.zip”, any file starting with
“abc” and ending in “.zip” matches, no matter how many characters are in between.
• The whole file name has to match if you do not use a question mark or asterisk.
• If you do not use a wildcard, the Zyxel Device checks up to the first 80 characters of a
file name.
Source Select a source address or address group for whom this policy applies. You can configure a
new one in the Object > Address > Add screen. Select any if the policy is effective for every
Destination Select a destination address or address group for whom this policy applies. You can
configure a new one in the Object > Address > Add screen. Select any if the policy is
effective for every destination.
OK Click OK to save your changes.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving your changes.

39.3.2 Anti-Virus Black/White List

Click Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Virus > Black/White List > White List to display the screen shown
next. Use the Black/White List screen to set up Anti-Virus black (blocked) and white (allowed) lists of virus
file patterns. You can set them if you are avoiding specific kinds of viruses or reducing false positives.
Click a column’s heading cell to sort the table entries by that column’s criteria. Click the heading cell
again to reverse the sort order.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 39 Anti-Virus

Figure 526 Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Virus > Black/White List > White List

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 280 Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Virus > Black/White List > White List
Enable White List Select this check box to have the Zyxel Device not perform the anti-virus check on files with
names that match the white list patterns.

Use the white list to have the Zyxel Device not perform the anti-virus check on files with
names that match the white list patterns.
Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Select an entry and click this to be able to modify it.
Remove Select an entry and click this to delete it.
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
Status The activate (light bulb) icon is lit when the entry is active and dimmed when the entry is
# This is the entry’s index number in the list.
File Pattern This is the file name pattern. If a file’s name matches this pattern, the Zyxel Device does not
check the file for viruses.
Source This is the source address or address group for whom this policy applies.
Destination This is the destination address or address group for whom this policy applies.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

39.4 AV Signature Searching

Click Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Virus > Signature to display this screen. Use this screen to locate
signatures and display details about them.

If your browser opens a warning screen about a script making it run slowly and the computer
unresponsive, just click No to continue. Click a column’s heading cell to sort the table entries by that
column’s criteria. Click the heading cell again to reverse the sort order.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 39 Anti-Virus

Figure 527 Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Virus > Signature

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 281 Configuration > UTM > Anti-Virus > Signature

Signatures Search Enter the name, part of the name or keyword of the signature(s) you want to find. This search
is not case-sensitive and accepts numerical strings.

Query all signatures Click Export to have the Zyxel Device save all of the anti-virus signatures to your computer in
and export a .txt file.
Query Result
# This is the entry’s index number in the list.
Name This is the name of the anti-virus signature. Click the Name column heading to sort your
search results in ascending or descending order according to the signature name.

Click a signature’s name to see details about the virus.

39.5 Anti-Virus Technical Reference

Types of Computer Viruses
The following table describes some of the common computer viruses.

Table 282 Common Computer Virus Types

File Infector This is a small program that embeds itself in a legitimate program. A file infector is able to
copy and attach itself to other programs that are executed on an infected computer.
Boot Sector Virus This type of virus infects the area of a hard drive that a computer reads and executes
during startup. The virus causes computer crashes and to some extend renders the infected
computer inoperable.
Macro Virus Macro viruses or Macros are small programs that are created to perform repetitive actions.
Macros run automatically when a file to which they are attached is opened. Macros
spread more rapidly than other types of viruses as data files are often shared on a network.
E-mail Virus E-mail viruses are malicious programs that spread through e-mail.
Polymorphic Virus A polymorphic virus (also known as a mutation virus) tries to evade detection by changing
a portion of its code structure after each execution or self replication. This makes it harder
for an anti-virus scanner to detect or intercept it.

A polymorphic virus can also belong to any of the virus types discussed above.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 39 Anti-Virus

Computer Virus Infection and Prevention

The following describes a simple life cycle of a computer virus.

1 A computer gets a copy of a virus from a source such as the Internet, e-mail, file sharing or any
removable storage media. The virus is harmless until the execution of an infected program.

2 The virus spreads to other files and programs on the computer.

3 The infected files are unintentionally sent to another computer thus starting the spread of the virus.

4 Once the virus is spread through the network, the number of infected networked computers can grow

Types of Anti-Virus Scanner

The section describes two types of anti-virus scanner: host-based and network-based.

A host-based anti-virus (HAV) scanner is often software installed on computers and/or servers in the
network. It inspects files for virus patterns as they are moved in and out of the hard drive. However, host-
based anti-virus scanners cannot eliminate all viruses for a number of reasons:

• HAV scanners are slow in stopping virus threats through real-time traffic (such as from the Internet).
• HAV scanners may reduce computing performance as they also share the resources (such as CPU
time) on the computer for file inspection.
• You have to update the virus signatures and/or perform virus scans on all computers in the network

A network-based anti-virus (NAV) scanner is often deployed as a dedicated security device (such as
your Zyxel Device) on the network edge. NAV scanners inspect real-time data traffic (such as E-mail
messages or web) that tends to bypass HAV scanners. The following lists some of the benefits of NAV

• NAV scanners stop virus threats at the network edge before they enter or exit a network.
• NAV scanners reduce computing loading on computers as the read-time data traffic inspection is
done on a dedicated security device.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

C H A P T E R 40

40.1 Overview
The anti-spam feature can mark or discard spam (unsolicited commercial or junk email). Use the white
list to identify legitimate email. Use the black list to identify spam email. The Zyxel Device can also check
email against a DNS black list (DNSBL) of IP addresses of servers that are suspected of being used by

40.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter

• Use the General Profile screens (Section 40.3 on page 796) to turn anti-spam on or off and manage
anti-spam policies.
• Use the Mail Scan screen (Section 40.4 on page 799) to enable and configure the mail scan functions.
• Use the Black/White List screens (Section 40.5 on page 800) to set up a black list to identify spam and
a white list to identify legitimate email.
• Use the DNSBL screens (Section 40.7 on page 805) to have the Zyxel Device check email against DNS
Black Lists.

40.1.2 What You Need to Know

White List
Configure white list entries to identify legitimate email. The white list entries have the Zyxel Device classify
any email that is from a specified sender or uses a specified header field and header value as being
legitimate (see E-mail Headers for more on mail headers). The anti-spam feature checks an email
against the white list entries before doing any other anti-spam checking. If the email matches a white list
entry, the Zyxel Device classifies the email as legitimate and does not perform any more anti-spam
checking on that individual email. A properly configured white list helps keep important email from
being incorrectly classified as spam. The white list can also increases the Zyxel Device’s anti-spam speed
and efficiency by not having the Zyxel Device perform the full anti-spam checking process on legitimate

Black List
Configure black list entries to identify spam. The black list entries have the Zyxel Device classify any e-
mail that is from or forwarded by a specified IP address or uses a specified header field and header
value as being spam. If an e-mail does not match any of the white list entries, the Zyxel Device checks it
against the black list entries. The Zyxel Device classifies an e-mail that matches a black list entry as spam
and immediately takes the configured action for dealing with spam. If an e-mail matches a blacklist
entry, the Zyxel Device does not perform any more anti-spam checking on that individual e-mail. A
properly configured black list helps catch spam e-mail and increases the Zyxel Device’s anti-spam
speed and efficiency.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 40 Anti-Spam


Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is the Internet’s message transport standard. It controls the sending
of e-mail messages between servers. E-mail clients (also called e-mail applications) then use mail server
protocols such as POP (Post Office Protocol) or IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) to retrieve e-
mail. E-mail clients also generally use SMTP to send messages to a mail server. The older POP2 requires
SMTP for sending messages while the newer POP3 can be used with or without it. This is why many e-mail
applications require you to specify both the SMTP server and the POP or IMAP server (even though they
may actually be the same server).

The Zyxel Device’s anti-spam feature checks SMTP (TCP port 25) and POP3 (TCP port 110) e-mails by
default. You can also specify custom SMTP and POP3 ports for the Zyxel Device to check.

E-mail Headers
Every email has a header and a body. The header is structured into fields and includes the addresses of
the recipient and sender, the subject, and other information about the e-mail and its journey. The body
is the actual message text and any attachments. You can have the Zyxel Device check for specific
header fields with specific values.

E-mail programs usually only show you the To:, From:, Subject:, and Date: header fields but there are
others such as Received: and Content-Type:. To see all of an e-mail’s header, you can select an e-mail
in your e-mail program and look at its properties or details. For example, in Microsoft’s Outlook Express,
select a mail and click File > Properties > Details. This displays the e-mail’s header. Click Message Source
to see the source for the entire mail including both the header and the body.

E-mail Header Buffer Size

The Zyxel Device has a 5 K buffer for an individual e-mail header. If an e-mail’s header is longer than 5 K,
the Zyxel Device only checks up to the first 5 K.

A DNS Black List (DNSBL) is a server that hosts a list of IP addresses known or suspected of having sent or
forwarded spam. A DNSBL is also known as a DNS spam blocking list. The Zyxel Device can check the
routing addresses of e-mail against DNSBLs and classify an e-mail as spam if it was sent or forwarded by
a computer with an IP address in the DNSBL.

Finding Out More

See Section 40.8 on page 807 for more background information on anti-spam.

40.2 Before You Begin

• Before using the Anti-Spam features (IP Reputation, Mail Content Analysis and Virus Outbreak
Detection) you must activate your Anti-Spam Service license.
• Configure your zones before you configure anti-spam.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 40 Anti-Spam

40.3 The Anti-Spam Profile Screen

Click Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Spam to open the Anti-Spam Profile screen. Use this screen to
turn the anti-spam feature on or off and manage anti-spam policies. You can also select the action the
Zyxel Device takes when the mail sessions threshold is reached.

Click on the icons to go to the OneSecurity website where there is guidance on configuration
walkthroughs, troubleshooting and other information.

Figure 528 Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Spam > Profile

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 283 Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Spam > Profile
General Settings
Action taken when An e-mail session is when an e-mail client and e-mail server (or two e-mail servers) connect
mail sessions through the Zyxel Device. Select how to handle concurrent e-mail sessions that exceed the
threshold is maximum number of concurrent e-mail sessions that the anti-spam feature can handle. See
reached the chapter of product specifications for the threshold.

Select Forward Session to have the Zyxel Device allow the excess e-mail sessions without any
spam filtering.

Select Drop Session to have the Zyxel Device drop mail connections to stop the excess e-mail
sessions. The e-mail client or server will have to re-attempt to send or receive e-mail later
when the number of e-mail sessions is under the threshold.
Add Click this to create a new entry. Select an entry and click Add to create a new entry after the
selected entry.
Edit Select an entry and click this to be able to modify it.
Remove Select an entry and click this to delete it.
References Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use the
entry. Click Refresh to update information in this screen.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 40 Anti-Spam

Table 283 Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Spam > Profile
Priority This is the index number of the anti-spam rule. Antis-spam rules are applied in turn.
Name The name identifies the anti-spam rule.
Description This is some optional extra information on the rule.
Scan Options This shows which types (protocols) of traffic to scan for spam.
Reference This shows how many objects are referenced in the rule.
Service Status This field displays whether a service license is enabled at myZyxel (Activated) or not (Not
Activated) or expired (Expired). It displays the remaining Grace Period if your license has
Expired. It displays Not Licensed if there isn’t a license to be activated for this service.

If you need a license or a trial license has expired, click Buy to buy a new one. If a Standard
license has expired, click Renew to extend the license.

Then, click Activate to connect with the myZyxel server to activate the new license.
Service Type This read-only field displays what kind of service registration you have for the anti-spam

None displays if you have not successfully registered and activated the service.

Standard displays if you have successfully registered the Zyxel Device and activated the
service with your iCard’s PIN number.

Trial displays if you have successfully registered the Zyxel Device and activated the trial
service subscription.
Expiration Date This field displays the date your service license expires.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

40.3.1 The Anti-Spam Profile Add or Edit Screen

Click the Add or Edit icon in the Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Spam > Profile screen to display the
configuration screen as shown next. Use this screen to configure an anti-spam policy that controls scan
options, and the action to take on spam traffic.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 40 Anti-Spam

Figure 529 Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Spam > Profile > Add

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 284 Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Spam > Profile > Add
General Settings
Name Enter a descriptive name for this anti-spam rule. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric
characters, underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This
value is case-sensitive.
Description Enter a description for the anti-spam rule to help identify the purpose of rule. You may use 1-
31 alphanumeric characters, underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot
be a number. This value is case-sensitive.

This field is optional.

Log Select how the Zyxel Device is to log the event when the DNSBL times out or an e-mail
matches the white list, black list, or DNSBL.

no: Do not create a log.

log: Create a log on the Zyxel Device.

log alert: An alert is an e-mailed log for more serious events that may need more immediate
attention. Select this option to have the Zyxel Device send an alert.
Scan Options
Check White List Select this check box to check e-mail against the white list. The Zyxel Device classifies e-mail
that matches a white list entry as legitimate (not spam).
Check Black List Select this check box to check e-mail against the black list. The Zyxel Device classifies e-mail
that matches a black list entry as spam.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 40 Anti-Spam

Table 284 Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Spam > Profile > Add (continued)
Check Mailicious
Check DNSBL Select this check box to check e-mail against the Zyxel Device’s configured DNSBL
domains. The Zyxel Device classifies e-mail that matches a DNS black list as spam.
Actions for Spam Use this section to set how the Zyxel Device is to handle spam mail.
SMTP Select how the Zyxel Device is to handle spam SMTP mail.

Select drop to discard spam SMTP mail.

Select forward to allow spam SMTP mail to go through.

Select forward with tag to add a spam tag to an SMTP spam mail’s mail subject and send it
on to the destination.
POP3 Select how the Zyxel Device is to handle spam POP3 mail.

Select forward to allow spam POP3 mail to go through.

Select forward with tag to add a spam tag to an POP3 spam mail’s mail subject and send it
on to the destination.
OK Click OK to save your changes.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving your changes.

40.4 The Mail Scan Screen

Click Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Spam > Mail Scan to open the Mail Scan screen. Use this screen
to enable and configure the Mail Scan functions. You must first enable the Mail Scan functions on this
screen before selecting them in the Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Spam > Profile > Add/Edit screen.

Figure 530 Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Spam > Mail Scan

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 40 Anti-Spam

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 285 Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Spam > Mail Scan
General Settings
Enable Malicious
Mail Checking
Query Timeout Settings
SMTP Select how the Zyxel Device is to handle SMTP mail query timeout.

Select drop to discard SMTP mail.

Select forward to allow SMTP mail to go through.

Select forward with tag to add a tag to an SMTP query timeout mail’s mail subject and send it
on to the destination.
POP3 Select how the Zyxel Device is to handle POP3 mail query timeout.

Select forward to allow POP3 mail to go through.

Select forward with tag to add a tag to an POP3 query timeout mail’s mail subject and send it
on to the destination.
Timeout Value Set how long the Zyxel Device waits for a reply from the mail scan server. If there is no reply
before this time period expires, the Zyxel Device takes the action defined in the relevant
Actions when Query Timeout field.
Timeout Tag Enter a message or label (up to 15 ASCII characters) to add to the mail subject of e-mails that
the Zyxel Device forwards if queries to the mail scan servers time out.
Timeout X-Header Specify the name and value for the X-Header to be added when queries to the mail scan
servers time out.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

40.5 The Anti-Spam Black List Screen

Click Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Spam > Black/White List to display the Anti-Spam Black List

Configure the black list to identify spam e-mail. You can create black list entries based on the sender’s
or relay server’s IP address or e-mail address. You can also create entries that check for particular e-mail
header fields with specific values or specific subject text. Click a column’s heading cell to sort the table
entries by that column’s criteria. Click the heading cell again to reverse the sort order.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 40 Anti-Spam

Figure 531 Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Spam > Black/White List > Black List

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 286 Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Spam > Black/White List > Black List
General Settings
Enable Black List Select this check box to have the Zyxel Device treat e-mail that matches (an active)
Checking black list entry as spam.
Black List Spam Tag Enter a message or label (up to 15 ASCII characters) to add to the mail subject of e-mails
that match the Zyxel Device’s spam black list.
Black List X-Header Specify the name and value for the X-Header to be added to e-mails that match the
Zyxel Device’s spam black list.
Rule Summary
Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Select an entry and click this to be able to modify it.
Remove Select an entry and click this to delete it.
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
Status The activate (light bulb) icon is lit when the entry is active and dimmed when the entry is
# This is the entry’s index number in the list.
Type This field displays whether the entry is based on the e-mail’s subject, source or relay IP
address, source e-mail address, or header.
Content This field displays the subject content, source or relay IP address, source e-mail address, or
header value for which the entry checks.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 40 Anti-Spam

40.5.1 The Anti-Spam Black or White List Add/Edit Screen

In the anti-spam Black List or White List screen, click the Add icon or an Edit icon to display the following

Use this screen to configure an anti-spam black list entry to identify spam e-mail. You can create entries
based on specific subject text, or the sender’s or relay’s IP address or e-mail address. You can also
create entries that check for particular header fields and values.

Figure 532 Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Spam > Black/White List > Black List (or White List) > Add

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 287 Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Spam > Black/White List > Black/White List > Add
Enable Rule Select this to have the Zyxel Device use this entry as part of the black or white list.

To actually use the entry, you must also turn on the use of the list in the corresponding list
screen, enable the anti-spam feature in the anti-spam general screen, and configure an
anti-spam policy to use the list.
Type Use this field to base the entry on the e-mail’s subject, source or relay IP address, source e-
mail address, or header.

Select Subject to have the Zyxel Device check e-mail for specific content in the subject line.

Select IP Address to have the Zyxel Device check e-mail for a specific source or relay IP

Select IPv6 Address to have the Zyxel Device check e-mail for a specific source or relay IPv6

Select E-Mail Address to have the Zyxel Device check e-mail for a specific source e-mail
address or domain name.

Select Mail Header to have the Zyxel Device check e-mail for specific header fields and
values. Configure black list header entries to check for e-mail from bulk mail programs or
with content commonly used in spam. Configure white list header entries to allow certain
header values that identify the e-mail as being from a trusted source.
Mail Subject This field displays when you select the Subject type. Enter up to 63 ASCII characters of text to
Keyword check for in e-mail headers. Spaces are not allowed, although you could substitute a
question mark (?). See Section 40.5.2 on page 803 for more details.
Sender or Mail Relay This field displays when you select the IP Address type. Enter an IP address in dotted decimal
IP Address notation.
Sender or Mail Relay This field displays when you select the IPv6 Address type. Enter an IPv6 address with prefix.
IPv6 Address
Netmask This field displays when you select the IP type. Enter the subnet mask here, if applicable.
Sender E-Mail This field displays when you select the E-Mail type. Enter a keyword (up to 63 ASCII
Address characters). See Section 40.5.2 on page 803 for more details.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 40 Anti-Spam

Table 287 Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Spam > Black/White List > Black/White List > Add
Mail Header Field This field displays when you select the Mail Header type.
Type the name part of an e-mail header (the part that comes before the colon). Use up to
63 ASCII characters.

For example, if you want the entry to check the “Received:” header for a specific mail
server’s domain, enter “Received” here.
Field Value This field displays when you select the Mail Header type.
Type the value part of an e-mail header (the part that comes after the colon). Use up to 63
ASCII characters.

For example, if you want the entry to check the “Received:” header for a specific mail
server’s domain, enter the mail server’s domain here.

See Section 40.5.2 on page 803 for more details.

OK Click OK to save your changes.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving your changes.

40.5.2 Regular Expressions in Black or White List Entries

The following applies for a black or white list entry based on an e-mail subject, e-mail address, or e-mail
header value.

• Use a question mark (?) to let a single character vary. For example, use “a?c” (without the quotation
marks) to specify abc, acc and so on.
• You can also use a wildcard (*). For example, if you configure *def.com, any e-mail address that ends
in def.com matches. So “mail.def.com” matches.
• The wildcard can be anywhere in the text string and you can use more than one wildcard. You
cannot use two wildcards side by side, there must be other characters between them.
• The Zyxel Device checks the first header with the name you specified in the entry. So if the e-mail has
more than one “Received” header, the Zyxel Device checks the first one.

40.6 The Anti-Spam White List Screen

Click Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Spam > Black/White List and then the White List tab to display the
Anti-Spam White List screen.

Configure the white list to identify legitimate e-mail. You can create white list entries based on the
sender’s or relay’s IP address or e-mail address. You can also create entries that check for particular
header fields and values or specific subject text.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 40 Anti-Spam

Figure 533 Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Spam > Black/White List > White List

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 288 Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Spam > Black/White List > White List
General Settings
Enable White List Select this check box to have the Zyxel Device forward e-mail that matches (an active)
Checking white list entry without doing any more anti-spam checking on that individual e-mail.
White List X-Header Specify the name and value for the X-Header to be added to e-mails that match the
Zyxel Device’s spam white list.
Rule Summary
Add Click this to create a new entry. See Section 40.5.1 on page 802 for details.
Edit Select an entry and click this to be able to modify it. See Section 40.5.1 on page 802 for
Remove Select an entry and click this to delete it.
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
Status The activate (light bulb) icon is lit when the entry is active and dimmed when the entry is
# This is the entry’s index number in the list.
Type This field displays whether the entry is based on the e-mail’s subject, source or relay IP
address, source e-mail address, or a header.
Content This field displays the subject content, source or relay IP address, source e-mail address, or
header value for which the entry checks.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 40 Anti-Spam

40.7 The DNSBL Screen

Click Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Spam > DNSBL to display the anti-spam DNSBL screen. Use this
screen to configure the Zyxel Device to check the sender and relay IP addresses in e-mail headers
against DNS (Domain Name Service)-based spam Black Lists (DNSBLs).

Figure 534 Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Spam > DNSBL

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 40 Anti-Spam

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 289 Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Spam > DNSBL
Show Advanced Click this button to display a greater or lesser number of configuration fields.
Settings / Hide
Advanced Settings
Enable DNS Black List Select this to have the Zyxel Device check the sender and relay IP addresses in e-mail
(DNSBL) Checking headers against the DNSBL servers maintained by the DNSBL domains listed in the Zyxel
DNSBL Spam Tag Enter a message or label (up to 15 ASCII characters) to add to the beginning of the mail
subject of e-mails that have a sender or relay IP address in the header that matches a
black list maintained by one of the DNSBL domains listed in the Zyxel Device.

This tag is only added if the anti-spam policy is configured to forward spam mail with a
spam tag.
Max. IPs Checking Per Set the maximum number of sender and relay server IP addresses in the mail header to
Mail check against the DNSBL domain servers.
IP Selection Per Mail Select first N IPs to have the Zyxel Device start checking from the first IP address in the mail
header. This is the IP of the sender or the first server that forwarded the mail.

Select last N IPs to have the Zyxel Device start checking from the last IP address in the
mail header. This is the IP of the last server that forwarded the mail.
Query Timeout Setting
SMTP Select how the Zyxel Device is to handle SMTP mail (mail going to an e-mail server) if the
queries to the DNSBL domains time out.

Select drop to discard SMTP mail.

Select forward to allow SMTP mail to go through.

Select forward with tag to add a DNSBL timeout tag to the mail subject of an SMTP mail
and send it.
POP3 Select how the Zyxel Device is to handle POP3 mail (mail coming to an e-mail client) if the
queries to the DNSBL domains time out.

Select forward to allow POP3 mail to go through.

Select forward with tag to add a DNSBL timeout tag to the mail subject of an POP3 mail
and send it.
Timeout Value Set how long the Zyxel Device waits for a reply from the DNSBL domains listed below. If
there is no reply before this time period expires, the Zyxel Device takes the action defined
in the relevant Actions when Query Timeout field.
Timeout Tag Enter a message or label (up to 15 ASCII characters) to add to the mail subject of e-mails
that the Zyxel Device forwards if queries to the DNSBL domains time out.
Timeout X-Header Specify the name and value for the X-Header to be added to e-mails that the Zyxel
Device forwards if queries to the DNSBL domains time out.
DNSBL Domain List
Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Select an entry and click this to be able to modify it.
Remove Select an entry and click this to delete it.
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
Status The activate (light bulb) icon is lit when the entry is active and dimmed when the entry is
# This is the entry’s index number in the list.

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Chapter 40 Anti-Spam

Table 289 Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Spam > DNSBL (continued)
DNSBL Domain This is the name of a domain that maintains DNSBL servers. Enter the domain that is
maintaining a DNSBL.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

40.8 Anti-Spam Technical Reference

Here is more detailed anti-spam information.

• The Zyxel Device checks only public sender and relay IP addresses, it does not check private IP
• The Zyxel Device sends a separate query (DNS lookup) for each sender or relay IP address in the e-
mail’s header to each of the Zyxel Device’s DNSBL domains at the same time.
• The DNSBL servers send replies as to whether or not each IP address matches an entry in their list. Each
IP address has a separate reply.
• As long as the replies are indicating the IP addresses do not match entries on the DNSBL lists, the Zyxel
Device waits until it receives at least one reply for each IP address.
• If the Zyxel Device receives a DNSBL reply that one of the IP addresses is in the DNSBL list, the Zyxel
Device immediately classifies the e-mail as spam and takes the anti-spam policy’s configured action
for spam. The Zyxel Device does not wait for any more DNSBL replies.
• If the Zyxel Device receives at least one non-spam reply for each of an e-mail’s routing IP addresses,
the Zyxel Device immediately classifies the e-mail as legitimate and forwards it.
• Any further DNSBL replies that come after the Zyxel Device classifies an e-mail as spam or legitimate
have no effect.
• The Zyxel Device records DNSBL responses for IP addresses in a cache for up to 72 hours. The Zyxel
Device checks an e-mail’s sender and relay IP addresses against the cache first and only sends DNSBL
queries for IP addresses that are not in the cache.

Here is an example of an e-mail classified as spam based on DNSBL replies.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 40 Anti-Spam

Figure 535 DNSBL Spam Detection Example

IPs: a.a.a.a a?
b.b.b.b . a . a. ?
b .b
.b .
m 2
N o
. a.a
1 a.a.a.a? DNSBL B

4 a .a
b . b a .a ?
.b .

b .b DNSBL C
.b .
1 The Zyxel Device receives an e-mail that was sent from IP address a.a.a.a and relayed by an e-mail
server at IP address b.b.b.b. The Zyxel Device sends a separate query to each of its DNSBL domains for IP
address a.a.a.a. The Zyxel Device sends another separate query to each of its DNSBL domains for IP
address b.b.b.b.

2 DNSBL A replies that IP address a.a.a.a does not match any entries in its list (not spam).

3 DNSBL C replies that IP address b.b.b.b matches an entry in its list.

4 The Zyxel Device immediately classifies the e-mail as spam and takes the action for spam that you
defined in the anti-spam policy. In this example it was an SMTP mail and the defined action was to drop
the mail. The Zyxel Device does not wait for any more DNSBL replies.

Here is an example of an e-mail classified as legitimate based on DNSBL replies.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 40 Anti-Spam

Figure 536 DNSBL Legitimate E-mail Detection Example

IPs: c.c.c.c
d.d.d.d . c .c . ?
c d
.d .
d .d

1 c.c.c.c? DNSBL B

d.d.d.d Not spam

c .c
.c .
d. d c?
4 .d .

c No
t sp
1 The Zyxel Device receives an e-mail that was sent from IP address c.c.c.c and relayed by an e-mail
server at IP address d.d.d.d. The Zyxel Device sends a separate query to each of its DNSBL domains for IP
address c.c.c.c. The Zyxel Device sends another separate query to each of its DNSBL domains for IP
address d.d.d.d.

2 DNSBL B replies that IP address d.d.d.d does not match any entries in its list (not spam).

3 DNSBL C replies that IP address c.c.c.c does not match any entries in its list (not spam).

4 Now that the Zyxel Device has received at least one non-spam reply for each of the e-mail’s routing IP
addresses, the Zyxel Device immediately classifies the e-mail as legitimate and forwards it. The Zyxel
Device does not wait for any more DNSBL replies.

If the Zyxel Device receives conflicting DNSBL replies for an e-mail routing IP address, the Zyxel Device
classifies the e-mail as spam. Here is an example.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 40 Anti-Spam

Figure 537 Conflicting DNSBL Replies Example

IPs: a.b.c.d d?
w.x.y.z . b . c. ?
t sp
am 2
1 a.b.c.d? DNSBL B

a.b.c.d Spam!
4 a .b
w.x c.d?


1 The Zyxel Device receives an e-mail that was sent from IP address a.b.c.d and relayed by an e-mail
server at IP address w.x.y.z. The Zyxel Device sends a separate query to each of its DNSBL domains for IP
address a.b.c.d. The Zyxel Device sends another separate query to each of its DNSBL domains for IP
address w.x.y.z.

2 DNSBL A replies that IP address a.b.c.d does not match any entries in its list (not spam).

3 While waiting for a DNSBL reply about IP address w.x.y.z, the Zyxel Device receives a reply from DNSBL B
saying IP address a.b.c.d is in its list.

4 The Zyxel Device immediately classifies the e-mail as spam and takes the action for spam that you
defined in the anti-spam policy. In this example it was an SMTP mail and the defined action was to drop
the mail. The Zyxel Device does not wait for any more DNSBL replies.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

C H A P T E R 41
SSL Inspection

41.1 Overview
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) traffic, such as https://www.google.com/HTTPS, FTPs, POP3s, SMTPs, etc. is
encrypted, and cannot be inspected using Unified Threat Management (UTM) profiles such as App
Patrol, Content Filter, Intrusion, Detection and Prevention (IDP), or Anti-Virus. The Zyxel Device uses SSL
Inspection to decrypt SSL traffic, sends it to the UTM engines for inspection, then encrypts traffic that
passes inspection and forwards it to the destination server, such as Google.

An example process is shown in the following figure. User U sends a HTTPS request (SSL) to destination
server D, via the Zyxel Device, Z. The traffic matches an SSL Inspection profile in a security policy, so the
Zyxel Device decrypts the traffic using SSL Inspection. The decrypted traffic is then inspected by the UTM
profiles in the same security profile that matched the SSL Inspection profile. If all is OK, then the Zyxel
Device re-encrypts the traffic using SSL Inspection and forwards it to the destination server D. SSL traffic
could be in the opposite direction for other examples.

Figure 538 SSL Inspection Overview


Inspection AP Inspection
Decrypt CF Encrypt

Note: Anti-Spam cannot be applied to traffic decrypted by SSL Inspection.

41.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter

• Use the UTM Profile > SSL Inspection > Profile screen (Section 41.2 on page 812) to view SSL Inspection
profiles. Click the Add or Edit icon in this screen to configure the CA certificate, action and log in an
SSL Inspection profile.
• Use the UTM Profile > SSL Inspection > Exclude List screens (Section 41.3 on page 816) to create a
whitelist of destination servers to which traffic is passed through uninspected.

41.1.2 What You Need To Know

• The Zyxel Device supports the following SSL/TLS versions and cipher suites:

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 41 SSL Inspection

• SSL Inspection Does not support the following:
• Compression
• Client Authentication
• TLS1.3 Key updates
• TLS1.3 Zero Round Trip Time Resumption (0-RTT)
• Traffic using TLS1.1 (Transport Layer Security) or TLS1.2 is downgraded to TLS1.0 for SSL Inspection
• No Compression Support Now
• No Client Authentication Request Support Now
• Finding Out More
• See Configuration > Object > Certificate > My Certificates for information on creating certificates
on the Zyxel Device.
• See Monitor > UTM Statistics > SSL Inspection to get usage data and easily add a destination server
to the whitelist of exclusion servers.
• See Configuration > Security Policy > Policy Control > Policy to bind an SSL Inspection profile to a
traffic flow(s).

41.1.3 Before You Begin

• If you don’t want to use the default Zyxel Device certificate, then create a new certificate in Object >
Certificate > My Certificates.
• Decide what destination servers to which traffic is sent directly without inspection. This may be a
matter of privacy and legality regarding inspecting an individual’s encrypted session, such as
financial websites. This may vary by locale.

41.2 The SSL Inspection Profile Screen

An SSL Inspection profile is a template with pre-configured certificate, action and log.

Click Configuration > UTM Profile > SSL Inspection > Profile to open this screen.

Figure 539 Configuration > UTM Profile > SSL Inspection > Profile

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 41 SSL Inspection

The following table describes the fields in this screen.

Table 290 Configuration > UTM Profile > SSL Inspection > Profile
Profile Management
Add Click Add to create a new profile.
Edit Select an entry and click this to be able to modify it.
Remove Select an entry and click this to delete it.
References Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use the
entry. Click Refresh to update information on this screen.
# This is the entry’s index number in the list.
Name This displays the name of the profile.
Description This displays the description of the profile.
CA Certificate This displays the CA certificate being used in this profile.
Reference This displays the number of times an object reference is used in a profile.

41.2.1 Add / Edit SSL Inspection Profiles

Click Configuration > UTM Profile > SSL Inspection > Profile > Add to create a new profile or select an
existing profile and click Edit to change its settings.

Figure 540 Configuration > UTM Profile > SSL Inspection > Profile > Add / Edit

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 41 SSL Inspection

The following table describes the fields in this screen.

Table 291 Configuration > UTM Profile > SSL Inspection > Profile > Add / Edit
Name This is the name of the profile. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters, underscores(_), or
dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is case-sensitive. These are
valid, unique profile names:

• MyProfile
• mYProfile
• Mymy12_3-4
These are invalid profile names:

• 1mYProfile
• My Profile
• MyProfile?
• Whatalongprofilename123456789012
Description Enter additional information about this SSL Inspection entry. You can enter up to 60 characters
("0-9", "a-z", "A-Z", "-" and "_").
CA Certificate This contains the default certificate and the certificates created in Object > Certificate > My
Certificates. Choose the certificate for this profile.
Severity Level Select a severity level and these use the icons to enable/disable and configure logs and
actions for all signatures of that level.
Action for SSL Inspection supports SSLv3 and TLS1.0. Select to pass or block SSLv2 traffic that matches
connection with traffic bound to this policy here.
SSL v2
Log These are the log options for SSLv2 traffic that matches traffic bound to this policy:

• no: Select this option to have the Zyxel Device create no log for SSLv2 traffic that matches
traffic bound to this policy.
• log: Select this option to have the Zyxel Device create a log for SSLv2 traffic that matches
traffic bound to this policy.
• log alert: An alert is an e-mailed log for more serious events that may need more immediate
attention. They also appear in red in the Monitor > Log screen. Select this option to have the
Zyxel Device send an alert for SSLv2 traffic that matches traffic bound to this policy.
Action for SSL Inspection supports these cipher suites:
Connection with
unsupported suit • DES
• 3DES
Select to pass or block unsupported traffic (such as other cipher suites, compressed traffic,
client authentication requests, and so on) that matches traffic bound to this policy here.
Log These are the log options for unsupported traffic that matches traffic bound to this policy:

• no: Select this option to have the Zyxel Device create no log for unsupported traffic that
matches traffic bound to this policy.
• log: Select this option to have the Zyxel Device create a log for unsupported traffic that
matches traffic bound to this policy
• log alert: An alert is an e-mailed log for more serious events that may need more immediate
attention. They also appear in red in the Monitor > Log screen. Select this option to have the
Zyxel Device send an alert for unsupported traffic that matches traffic bound to this policy.
Excepted Use the icons to enable/disable and configure logs and actions for individual signatures that
Signatures are different to the general settings configured for the severity level to which the signatures
belong. Signatures configured in Query View will appear in Group View.
Add Click this to configure settings to a signature that are different to the severity level to which it

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Chapter 41 SSL Inspection

Table 291 Configuration > UTM Profile > SSL Inspection > Profile > Add / Edit (continued)
Remove Select an existing signature exception and then click this to delete the exception.
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
Log To edit an item’s log option, select it and use the Log icon. These are the log options:

no: Select this option on an individual signature or a complete service group to have the Zyxel
Device create no log when a packet matches a signature(s).

log: Select this option on an individual signature or a complete service group to have the Zyxel
Device create a log when a packet matches a signature(s).

log alert: An alert is an e-mailed log for more serious events that may need more immediate
attention. Select this option to have the Zyxel Device send an alert when a packet matches a
Action To edit what action the Zyxel Device takes when a packet matches a signature, select the
signature and use the Action icon.

none: Select this action on an individual signature or a complete service group to have the
Zyxel Device take no action when a packet matches the signature(s).

drop: Select this action on an individual signature or a complete service group to have the
Zyxel Device silently drop a packet that matches the signature(s). Neither sender nor receiver
are notified.

reject-sender: Select this action on an individual signature or a complete service group to have
the Zyxel Device send a reset to the sender when a packet matches the signature. If it is a TCP
attack packet, the Zyxel Device will send a packet with a ‘RST’ flag. If it is an ICMP or UDP
attack packet, the Zyxel Device will send an ICMP unreachable packet.

reject-receiver: Select this action on an individual signature or a complete service group to

have the Zyxel Device send a reset to the receiver when a packet matches the signature. If it is
a TCP attack packet, the Zyxel Device will send a packet with an a ‘RST’ flag. If it is an ICMP or
UDP attack packet, the Zyxel Device will do nothing.

reject-both: Select this action on an individual signature or a complete service group to have
the Zyxel Device send a reset to both the sender and receiver when a packet matches the
signature. If it is a TCP attack packet, the Zyxel Device will send a packet with a ‘RST’ flag to the
receiver and sender. If it is an ICMP or UDP attack packet, the Zyxel Device will send an ICMP
unreachable packet.
# This is the entry’s index number in the list.
Status The activate (light bulb) icon is lit when the entry is active and dimmed when the entry is
SID Type the exact signature ID (identification) number that uniquely identifies a Zyxel Device IDP
Log These are the log options. To edit this, select an item and use the Log icon.
Action This is the action the Zyxel Device should take when a packet matches a signature here. To edit
this, select an item and use the Action icon.
OK Click OK to save your settings to the Zyxel Device, and return to the profile summary page.
Cancel Click Cancel to return to the profile summary page without saving any changes.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 41 SSL Inspection

41.3 Exclude List Screen

There may be privacy and legality issues regarding inspecting a user's encrypted session. The legal issues
may vary by locale, so it's important to check with your legal department to make sure that it’s OK to
intercept SSL traffic from your Zyxel Device users.

To ensure individual privacy and meet legal requirements, you can configure an exclusion list to exclude
matching sessions to destination servers. This traffic is not intercepted and is passed through

Click Configuration > UTM Profile > SSL Inspection > Exclude List to display the following screen. Use Add
to put a new item in the list or Edit to change an existing one or Remove to delete an existing entry.

Figure 541 Configuration > UTM Profile > SSL Inspection > Exclude List (> Add/Edit)

The following table describes the fields in this screen.

Table 292 Configuration > UTM Profile > SSL Inspection > Exclude List
General Settings
Enable Logs for Click this to create a log for traffic that bypasses SSL Inspection.
Exclude List
Exclude List Use this part of the screen to create, edit, or delete items in the SSL Inspection exclusion list.
Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Select an entry and click this to be able to modify it.
Remove Select an entry and click this to delete it.
# This is the entry’s index number in the list.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 41 SSL Inspection

Table 292 Configuration > UTM Profile > SSL Inspection > Exclude List (continued)
Exclude List of SSL traffic to a server to be excluded from SSL Inspection is identified by its certificate. Identify
Certificate the certificate in one of the following ways:
• The Common Name (CN) of the certificate. The common name of the certificate can be
created in the Object > Certificate > My Certificates screen.
• Type an IPv4 or IPv6 address. For example, type, or 2001:7300:3500::1
• Type an IPv4/IPv6 in CIDR notation. For example, type, or 2001:7300:3500::1/
• Type an IPv4/IPv6 address range. For example, type, or
• Type an email address. For example, type abc@zyxel.com.tw
• Type a DNS name or a common name (wildcard char: '*', escape char: '\'). Use up to 127
case-insensitive characters (0-9a-zA-Z`~!@#$%^&*()-_=+[]{}\|;:',.<>/?). ‘*’ can be used as
a wildcard to match any string. Use ‘\*’ to indicate a single wildcard character.
Alternatively, to automatically add an entry for existing SSL traffic to a destination server, go to
Monitor > UTM Statistics > SSL Inspection > Certificate Cache List, select an item and then click
Add to Exclude List. The item will then appear here.
Apply Click Apply to save your settings to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return to the profile summary page without saving any changes.

41.4 Certificate Update Screen

Use this screen to update the latest certificates of servers using SSL connections to the Zyxel Device
network. User U sends an SSL request to destination server D (1), via the Zyxel Device, Z. D replies (2); Z
intercepts the response from D and checks if the certificate has been previously signed. Z then replies to
D (3) and also to U (4). D’s latest certificate is stored at myZyxel (M) along with other server certificates
and can be downloaded to the Zyxel Device.

Figure 542 SSL Inspection Certificate Update Overview

Click Configuration > UTM Profile > SSL Inspection > Certificate Update to display the following screen.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 41 SSL Inspection

Figure 543 Configuration > UTM Profile > SSL Inspection > Certificate Update

The following table describes the fields in this screen.

Table 293 Configuration > UTM Profile > SSL Inspection > Certificate Update
Certificate Information
Current Version This displays the current certificate set version.
Certificate Update You should have Internet access and have activated SSL Inspection on the Zyxel
Device at myZyxel.
Update Now Click this button to download the latest certificate set (Windows, MAC OS X, and
Android) from the myZyxel and update it on the Zyxel Device.
Auto Update Select this to automatically have the Zyxel Device update the certificate set when a
new one becomes available on myZyxel.
Apply Click Apply to save your settings to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return to the profile summary page without saving any changes.

41.5 Install a CA Certificate in a Browser

Certificates used in SSL Inspection profiles should be installed in user web browsers. Do the following
steps to install a certificate in a computer with a Windows operating system (PC). First, save the
certificate to your computer.

1 Run the certificate manager using certmgr.msc.

2 Go to Trusted Root Certification Authorities > Certificates.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 41 SSL Inspection

3 From the main menu, select Action > All Tasks > Import and run the Certificate Import Wizard to install
the certificate on the PC.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 41 SSL Inspection Firefox Browser

If you’re using a Firefox browser, in addition to the above you need to do the following to import a
certificate into the browser.

Click Tools > Options > Advanced > Encryption > View Certificates, click Import and enter the filename
of the certificate you want to import. See the browser's help for further information.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

C H A P T E R 42
Device HA

42.1 Device HA Overview

Device HA lets a backup (or passive) Zyxel Device (B) automatically take over if the master (or active)
Zyxel Device (A) fails.

Figure 544 Device HA Backup Taking Over for the Master

42.1.1 Device HA and Device HA Pro Differences

The following table displays the feature differences between Device HA and Device HA Pro.

Note: See Section 1.1 on page 29 to see which models support Device HA and Device HA

Table 294 Device HA Vs Device HA Pro

License None required. Need a license.
Role Role of Master and Backup is Role of active and passive is not configurable. The active
configurable. Master takes over model is the one whose heartbeat interface comes online
from Backup if the Master goes first. The passive becomes active if active goes down and
down and then becomes the stays active even if the previous active comes online again.
Master again if it comes back
online again (failback).
Firmware Master remains Master by default If Device HA Pro is enabled, then both the active and
Upgrade when new firmware is uploaded. passive Zyxel Device must be online and connected in
order to upload firmware. New firmware is first uploaded to
the passive device and then uploaded to the active
device. By default, the passive device reboots after
firmware upload making it become the active device.
Don’t select the Reboot prompt after uploading firmware to
the passive device if you want the passive device to remain
passive when new firmware is uploaded. Alternatively,
disable Device HA Pro if you want to just upload firmware to
the active Zyxel Device.
What is Configuration file Configuration file, device time, IPv4/v6 TCP sessions, IPSec
synchronized VPN tunnels, user login/logout information, AV/IDP
signatures, DHCP table, IP/MAC binding table.

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Chapter 42 Device HA

Table 294 Device HA Vs Device HA Pro

Maximum 0 5 (default) to 50. Can be reset by command.
Failover Count
Best case 10~30 seconds to rebuild 0~1 seconds.
Failover delay connections.
Monitored Ethernet Ethernet, VLAN, Bridge, LAG
Dedicated No Heartbeat interface.
monitor port
Note: Remove Ethernet, VLAN, Bridge, LAG
configurations from this port first.

42.1.2 What You Can Do in These Screens

• General screen (Section 42.2 on page 822) to configure Device HA global settings, and see the status
of each interface monitored by Device HA.
• Use the Device HA Pro screen (Section 42.4 on page 834) to configure Device HA Pro global settings,
monitored interfaces and synchronization settings.
• Use the Device HA screens (Section 42.3 on page 825) to use Device HA. You can configure general
Device HA settings, view and manage the list of monitored interfaces, and synchronize backup Zyxel

42.2 Device HA General

Device HA
• Device HA lets a backup Zyxel Device take over if the master Zyxel Device fails.
• The Zyxel Devices must be set to use the same Device HA mode (Device HA).

Management Access
You can configure a separate management IP address for each interface. You can use it to access the
Zyxel Device for management whether the Zyxel Device is the master or a backup. The management IP
address should be in the same subnet as the interface IP address.

Use synchronization to have a backup Zyxel Device copy the master Zyxel Device’s configuration,
signatures (anti-virus, IDP/application patrol, and system protect), and certificates.

Note: Only Zyxel Devices of the same model and firmware version can synchronize.

Otherwise you must manually configure the master Zyxel Device’s settings on the backup (by editing
copies of the configuration files in a text editor for example).

Finding Out More

• See Section 42.3.3 on page 831 for Device HA background/technical information.

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Chapter 42 Device HA

42.2.1 Before You Begin

• Configure a static IP address for each interface that you will have Device HA monitor.

Note: Subscribe to services on the backup Zyxel Device before synchronizing it with the
master Zyxel Device.

Synchronization includes updates for services to which the master and backup Zyxel Devices are both
subscribed. For example, a backup subscribed to IDP/AppPatrol, but not anti-virus, gets IDP/AppPatrol
updates from the master, but not anti-virus updates. It is highly recommended to subscribe the master
and backup Zyxel Devices to the same services.

The Configuration > Device HA > General screen lets you enable or disable Device HA, and displays
which Device HA mode the Zyxel Device is set to use along with a summary of the monitored interfaces.

Click on the icons to go to the OneSecurity website where there is guidance on configuration
walkthroughs, troubleshooting, and other information.

Figure 545 Configuration > Device HA > General (Switch to Device HA Pro)

Figure 546 Configuration > Device HA > General (Switch to Device HA)

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 42 Device HA

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 295 Configuration > Device HA > General

Enable Device Select this to turn the Zyxel Device’s Device HA feature on. System > FTP is enabled
HA automatically when you enable Device HA Pro.

Note: With Device HA, it is not recommended to use STP (Spanning Tree Protocol) on
a switch connected to the Zyxel Device.
Device HA Mode This displays whether the Zyxel Device is currently set to use Device HA or Device HA Pro. You
need a license to use Device HA Pro.

Click the link to go to the screen where you can configure the Zyxel Device to use Device HA
pro if it is not currently using it and you have a license.
Monitored This table shows the status of the interfaces that you selected for monitoring in the other Device
Interface HA screens.
# This is the entry’s index number in the list.
Interface These are the names of the interfaces that are monitored by Device HA.
Virtual Router This is the interface’s IP address and subnet mask. Whichever Zyxel Device is the master uses this
IP / Netmask virtual router IP address and subnet mask.
Management This field displays the interface’s management IP address and subnet mask. You can use this IP
IP / Netmask address and subnet mask to access the Zyxel Device whether it is in master or backup mode.
Link Status This tells whether the monitored interface’s connection is down or up.
HA Status The text before the slash shows whether the device is configured as the master or the backup

This text after the slash displays the monitored interface’s status in the virtual router.

Active - This interface is up and using the virtual IP address and subnet mask.

Stand-By - This interface is a backup interface in the virtual router. It is not using the virtual IP
address and subnet mask.

Fault - This interface is not functioning in the virtual router right now. In Device HA if one of the
master Zyxel Device’s interfaces loses its connection, the master Zyxel Device forces all of its
interfaces to the fault state so the backup Zyxel Device can take over all of the master Zyxel
Device’s functions.
Device HA Pro
Service Status This shows if Device HA Pro is licensed on the Zyxel Device. If not, click Buy to purchase a license
and then click Register Now to activate it at myZyxel.

These are the steps to activate a Device HA Pro license on your active and passive Zyxel

1. Buy a Device HA Pro iCard. The card contains two keys.

2. Register your active and passive Zyxel Devices at myZyxel.

3. Activate the license by entering one key on the active Zyxel Device and the other key on
the passive Zyxel Device. It doesn’t matter which Zyxel Device is actually active or passive
as this is dynamic in Device HA Pro.
View Log You see this section if Device HA Pro is already licensed on the Zyxel Device.
Active Device This displays Device HA Pro logs on the active Zyxel Device.
Passive Device This displays Device HA Pro logs on the passive Zyxel Device.

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Chapter 42 Device HA

Table 295 Configuration > Device HA > General (continued)

Register Now Click the link to go to myZyxel where you can register your Zyxel Device and activate the

This link is available only when the service is not activated yet.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

42.3 The Device HA Screen

Virtual Router
The master and backup Zyxel Device form a single ‘virtual router’. In the following example, master Zyxel
Device A and backup Zyxel Device B form a virtual router.

Figure 547 Virtual Router

Cluster ID
You can have multiple Zyxel Device virtual routers on your network. Use a different cluster ID to identify
each virtual router. In the following example, Zyxel Devices A and B form a virtual router that uses cluster
ID 1. Zyxel Devices C and D form a virtual router that uses cluster ID 2.

Figure 548 Cluster IDs for Multiple Virtual Routers

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Chapter 42 Device HA

Monitored Interfaces in Device HA

You can select which interfaces Device HA monitors. If a monitored interface on the Zyxel Device loses
its connection, Device HA has the backup Zyxel Device take over.

Enable monitoring for the same interfaces on the master and backup Zyxel Devices. Each monitored
interface must have a static IP address and be connected to the same subnet as the corresponding
interface on the backup or master Zyxel Device.

Virtual Router and Management IP Addresses

• If a backup takes over for the master, it uses the master’s IP addresses. These IP addresses are known
as the virtual router IP addresses.
• Each interface can also have a management IP address. You can connect to this IP address to
manage the Zyxel Device regardless of whether it is the master or the backup.

For example, Zyxel Device B takes over A’s LAN interface IP address. This is a virtual router IP
address. Zyxel Device A keeps it’s LAN management IP address of and Zyxel Device B has its
own LAN management IP address of These do not change when Zyxel Device B becomes
the master.

Figure 549 Management IP Addresses

42.3.1 Configuring Device HA

The Device HA screen lets you configure general Device HA settings, view and manage the list of
monitored interfaces, and synchronize backup Zyxel Devices. To access this screen, click Configuration
> Device HA > Device HA.

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Chapter 42 Device HA

Figure 550 Configuration > Device HA > Device HA

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Chapter 42 Device HA

The following table describes the labels in this screen. See Section 42.3.2 on page 829 for more
information as well.

Table 296 Configuration > Device HA > Device HA

Show Advanced Click this button to display a greater or lesser number of configuration fields.
Settings / Hide
Advanced Settings
Device Role Select the Device HA role that the Zyxel Device plays in the virtual router. Choices are:

Master - This Zyxel Device is the master Zyxel Device in the virtual router. This Zyxel Device uses
the virtual IP address for each monitored interface.

Note: Do not set this field to Master for two or more Zyxel Devices in the same
virtual router (same cluster ID).

Backup - This Zyxel Device is a backup Zyxel Device in the virtual router. This Zyxel Device
does not use any of the virtual IP addresses.
Priority This field is available for a backup Zyxel Device. Type the priority of the backup Zyxel Device.
The backup Zyxel Device with the highest value takes over the role of the master Zyxel
Device if the master Zyxel Device becomes unavailable. The priority must be between 1 and
254. (The master interface has priority 255.)
Enable This field is available for a backup Zyxel Device. Select this if this Zyxel Device should become
Preemption the master Zyxel Device if a lower-priority Zyxel Device is the master when this one is enabled.
(If the role is master, the Zyxel Device preempts by default.)
Cluster Settings
Cluster ID Type the cluster ID number. A virtual router consists of a master Zyxel Device and all of its
backup Zyxel Devices. If you have multiple Zyxel Device virtual routers on your network, use a
different cluster ID for each virtual router.
Authentication Select the authentication method the virtual router uses. Every interface in a virtual router
must use the same authentication method and password. Choices are:

None - this virtual router does not use any authentication method.

Text - this virtual router uses a plain text password for authentication. Type the password in the
field next to the radio button. The password can consist of alphanumeric characters, the
underscore, and some punctuation marks (+-/*= :; .! @$&%#~ ‘ \ () ), and it can be up to
eight characters long.

IP AH (MD5) - this virtual router uses an encrypted MD5 password for authentication. Type the
password in the field next to the radio button. The password can consist of alphanumeric
characters, the underscore, and some punctuation marks (+-/*= :; .! @$&%#~ ‘ \ () ), and it
can be up to eight characters long.
Monitored This table shows the status of the Device HA settings and status of the Zyxel Device’s
Interface Summary interfaces.
Edit Select an entry and click this to be able to modify it.
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
# This is the entry’s index number in the list.
Status The activate (light bulb) icon is lit when the entry is active and dimmed when the entry is
Interface This field identifies the interface. At the time of writing, Ethernet and bridge interfaces can be
included in the Device HA virtual router. The member interfaces of any bridge interfaces do
not display separately.
Virtual Router IP This is the master Zyxel Device’s (static) IP address and subnet mask for this interface. If a
/ Netmask backup takes over for the master, it uses this IP address. These fields are blank if the interface
is a DHCP client or has no IP settings.

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Chapter 42 Device HA

Table 296 Configuration > Device HA > Device HA

Management This field displays the interface’s management IP address and subnet mask. You can use this
IP / Netmask IP address and subnet mask to access the Zyxel Device whether it is in master or backup
Link Status This tells whether the monitored interface’s connection is down or up.
Synchronization Use synchronization to have a backup Zyxel Device copy the master Zyxel Device’s
configuration, certificates, AV signatures, IDP and application patrol signatures, and system
protect signatures.

Every interface’s management IP address must be in the same subnet as the interface’s IP
address (the virtual router IP address).
Server Address If this Zyxel Device is set to backup role, enter the IP address or Fully-Qualified Domain Name
(FQDN) of the Zyxel Device from which to get updated configuration. Usually, you should
enter the IP address or FQDN of a virtual router on a secure network.

If this Zyxel Device is set to master role, this field displays the Zyxel Device’s IP addresses and/
or Fully-Qualified Domain Names (FQDN) through which Zyxel Devices in backup role can get
updated configuration from this Zyxel Device.
Sync. Now This displays if the Zyxel Device is set to use Device HA, the Zyxel Device is in the backup role
and Device HA is enabled. Click this to copy the specified Zyxel Device’s configuration.
Server Port If this Zyxel Device is set to the backup role, enter the port number to use for Secure FTP when
synchronizing with the specified master Zyxel Device.

If this Zyxel Device is set to master role, this field displays the Zyxel Device’s Secure FTP port
number. Click the Configure link if you need to change the FTP port number.

Every Zyxel Device in the virtual router must use the same port number. If the master Zyxel
Device changes, you have to manually change this port number in the backups.
Password Enter the password used for verification during synchronization. Every Zyxel Device in the
virtual router must use the same password.

If you leave this field blank in the master Zyxel Device, no backup Zyxel Devices can
synchronize from it.

If you leave this field blank in a backup Zyxel Device, it cannot synchronize from the master
Zyxel Device.
Retype to Type the password again here to confirm it.
Auto Synchronize You see the following fields when the Zyxel Device is a Backup. Select this to get the updated
configuration automatically from the specified Zyxel Device according to the specified
Interval. The first synchronization begins after the specified Interval; the Zyxel Device does not
synchronize immediately.
Interval When you select Auto Synchronize, set how often the Zyxel Device synchronizes with the
Next Sync Time This appears the next time and date (in hh:mm yyyy-mm-dd format) the Zyxel Device will
synchronize with the master.
Apply This appears when the Zyxel Device is currently using Device HA. Click Apply to save your
changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

42.3.2 Device HA Edit Monitored Interface

The Device HA Monitored Interface Edit screen lets you enable or disable monitoring of an interface and
set the interface’s management IP address and subnet mask. To access this screen, click Configuration
> Device HA > Device HA> Edit.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 42 Device HA

If you configure Device HA settings for an Ethernet interface and later add the Ethernet interface to a
bridge, the Zyxel Device retains the interface’s Device HA settings and uses them again if you later
remove the interface from the bridge. If the bridge is later deleted or the interface is removed from it,
Device HA will recover the interface’s setting.

A bridge interface’s Device HA settings are not retained if you delete the bridge interface.

Figure 551 Configuration > Device HA > Device HA > Edit

Figure 552 Configuration > Device HA > Device Ha > Edit

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 297 Configuration > Device HA > Device HA > Edit

Enable Monitored Select this to have Device HA monitor the status of this interface’s connection.
Interface Name This identifies the interface.

Note: Do not connect the bridge interfaces on two Zyxel Devices without Device HA
activated on both. Doing so could cause a broadcast storm.

Either activate Device HA before connecting the bridge interfaces or disable the bridge
interfaces, connect the bridge interfaces, activate Device HA, and finally reactivate the
bridge interfaces.
Virtual Router IP This is the interface’s (static) IP address and subnet mask in the virtual router. Whichever Zyxel
(VRIP) / Subnet Device is currently serving as the master uses this virtual router IP address and subnet mask.
Mask These fields are blank if the interface is a DHCP client or has no IP settings.
Manage IP Enter the interface’s IP address for management access. You can use this IP address to access
the Zyxel Device whether it is the master or a backup. This management IP address should be
in the same subnet as the interface IP address.
Manage IP Subnet Enter the subnet mask of the interface’s management IP address.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving your changes.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 42 Device HA

42.3.3 Device HA Technical Reference

Device HA with Bridge Interfaces

Here are two ways to avoid a broadcast storm when you connect the bridge interfaces on two Zyxel

First Option for Connecting the Bridge Interfaces on Two Zyxel Devices
The first way is to activate Device HA before connecting the bridge interfaces as shown in the following

1 Make sure the bridge interfaces of the master Zyxel Device (A) and the backup Zyxel Device (B) are not

2 Configure the bridge interface on the master Zyxel Device, set the bridge interface as a monitored
interface, and activate Device HA.

Br0 {ge4, ge5}

3 Configure the bridge interface on the backup Zyxel Device, set the bridge interface as a monitored
interface, and activate Device HA.

Br0 {ge4, ge5}

Br0 {ge4, ge5}

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 42 Device HA

4 Connect the Zyxel Devices.

Br0 {ge4, ge5}

Br0 {ge4, ge5}

Second Option for Connecting the Bridge Interfaces on Two Zyxel Devices
Another option is to disable the bridge interfaces, connect the bridge interfaces, activate Device HA,
and finally reactivate the bridge interfaces as shown in the following example.

1 In this case the Zyxel Devices are already connected, but the bridge faces have not been configured
yet. Configure a disabled bridge interface on the master Zyxel Device but disable it. Then set the bridge
interface as a monitored interface, and activate Device HA.

Br0 {ge4, ge5} Disabled

Br0 {ge4, ge5}

2 Configure a corresponding disabled bridge interface on the backup Zyxel Device. Then set the bridge
interface as a monitored interface, and activate Device HA.

Br0 {ge4, ge5} Disabled

Br0 {ge4, ge5} Disabled

3 Enable the bridge interface on the master Zyxel Device and then on the backup Zyxel Device.

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Chapter 42 Device HA

Br0 {ge4, ge5}

Br0 {ge4, ge5}

During synchronization, the master Zyxel Device sends the following information to the backup Zyxel

• Startup configuration file (startup-config.conf)

• AV signatures
• IDP and application patrol signatures
• System protect signatures
• Certificates (My Certificates, and Trusted Certificates)

Synchronization does not change the Device HA settings in the backup Zyxel Device.

Synchronization affects the entire device configuration. You can only configure one set of settings for
synchronization, regardless of how many VRRP groups you might configure. The Zyxel Device uses
Secure FTP (on a port number you can change) to synchronize, but it is still recommended that the
backup Zyxel Device synchronize with a master Zyxel Device on a secure network.

The backup Zyxel Device gets the configuration from the master Zyxel Device. The backup Zyxel Device
cannot become the master or be managed while it applies the new configuration. This usually takes
two or three minutes or longer depending on the configuration complexity.

The following restrictions apply with active-passive mode.

• The master Zyxel Device must have no inactive monitored interfaces.

• The backup Zyxel Device cannot be the master. This refers to the actual role at the time of
synchronization, not the role setting in the configuration screen.

The backup applies the entire configuration if it is different from the backup’s current configuration.

DHCP table, IP/MAC binding table and license status can also be backed up using Device HA Pro.

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Chapter 42 Device HA

42.4 Device HA > Device HA Pro

Active and Passive Devices
Device HA Pro uses a dedicated heartbeat link between an active device (‘master’) and a passive
device (‘backup’) for status syncing and backup to the passive device. On the passive device, all ports
are disabled except for the port with the heartbeat link.

In the following example, Zyxel Device A is the active device that is connected to passive device Zyxel
Device B via a dedicated link that is used for heartbeat control, configuration synchronization and
troubleshooting. All links on Zyxel Device B are down except for the dedicated heartbeat link.

Note: The dedicated heartbeat link port must be the highest-numbered copper Ethernet port
on each Zyxel Device for Device HA Pro to work.

Figure 553 Device HA Pro

Failover from the active Zyxel Device to the passive Zyxel Device is activated when:

• A monitored interface is down.

• A monitored service (daemon) is down.
• The heartbeat link exceeds the failure tolerance.

After failover, the initial active Zyxel Device becomes the passive Zyxel Device after it recovers.

Note: After failover, the Device HA Pro license is transferred from the failing device to the
passive device. Thus, the original license will always be used.

42.4.1 Deploying Device HA Pro

1 Register either the active or passive Zyxel Device with a Device HA Pro license at myZyxel. Check that it’s
properly licensed in Licensing > Registration > Service in the active Zyxel Device.

2 Make sure the passive Zyxel Device is offline, then enable Device HA in Device HA > General in the
passive Zyxel Device.

3 Must make sure the FTP port in System > FTP (default 21) is the same on both Zyxel Devices. FTP is used for
transferring files in the event of failover from active to passive Zyxel Device.

4 Connect the passive Zyxel Device to the active Zyxel Device using the highest-numbered copper
Ethernet ports on both Zyxel Devices. This is the heartbeat interface. Make sure that this interface is not
already configured for other features such as LAG, VLAN, Bridge.

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Chapter 42 Device HA

Note: If both Zyxel Devices are turned on at the same time with Device HA enabled, then
they may send the heartbeat at the same time. In this case, the Zyxel Device with the
bigger MAC address becomes the passive Zyxel Device.

5 When using Device HA Pro to synchronize firmware, the location of the running firmware must be the
same in both active and passive Zyxel Devices. For example, if the running firmware is in partition 1 in the
active Zyxel Device (standby firmware in partition 2), then the running firmware must also be in partition
1 in the passive Zyxel Device (standby firmware in partition 2).

42.4.2 Configuring Device HA Pro

Go to Configuration > Device HA > Device HA Pro and configure the following screen.

Figure 554 Configuration > Device HA > Device HA Prol

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 42 Device HA

Table 298 Configuration > Device HA > Device HA Pro

Enable Configuration Select this to have a passive Zyxel Device copy the active Zyxel Device’s
Provisioning From Active configuration, signatures (anti-virus, IDP/application patrol, and system protect),
Device. and certificates.

Note: Only Zyxel Devices of the same model and firmware version can
Serial Number of Licensed Type the serial number of the Zyxel Device (active or passive) with the Device HA Pro
Device for License subscribed license.
Active Device Type the IPv4 address of the highest-numbered copper Ethernet port on the active
Management IP Zyxel Device (the heartbeat dedicated link port).
Passive Device Type the IPv4 address of the highest-numbered copper Ethernet port on the passive
Management IP Zyxel Device (the heartbeat dedicated link port).

Note: The active and passive Zyxel Device Management IP addresses must
be in the same subnet.
Subnet Mask Type the subnet mask for the management IP addresses.
Password Type a synchronization password of between 1 and 32 single-byte printable
characters. You will be prompted for the password before synchronization takes
Retype to Confirm Type the exact same synchronization password as typed above.
Heartbeat Interval Type the number of seconds (1-10) allowed for absence of a heartbeat signal
before a failure of the active Zyxel Device is recorded.
Heartbeat Lost Tolerance Type the number of heartbeat failures allowed before failover is activated on the
passive Zyxel Device.
Monitor Interface Select an interface in Available Interfaces and click the right-arrow button to move
it to Monitor Interface to become a Device HA pro monitored interface. To remove
a Device HA pro monitored interface, select it in Monitor Interface and click the left-
arrow button to move it to Available Interfaces.
Failover Detection
Enable Failover When Select this to have the passive Zyxel Device take over when a monitored interface
Interface Failure
(Option) fails.

Enable Failover When Select this to have the passive Zyxel Device take over when a monitored service
Device Service Fails daemon on the active Zyxel Device fails.
Apply & switch to Device Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device and change the Zyxel
HA Pro Device to begin using Device HA Pro from Device HA (general) if it isn’t already. You
need a Device HA Pro license registered at myZyxel to do this.
Apply Click Apply to save your Device HA Pro configurations back to the Zyxel Device but
keep the Zyxel Device using Device HA (general).
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

C H A P T E R 43

43.1 Zones Overview

Set up zones to configure network security and network policies in the Zyxel Device. A zone is a group of
interfaces and/or VPN tunnels. The Zyxel Device uses zones instead of interfaces in many security and
policy settings, such as Secure Policies rules, UTM Profile, and remote management.

Zones cannot overlap. Each Ethernet interface, VLAN interface, bridge interface, PPPoE/PPTP interface
and VPN tunnel can be assigned to at most one zone. Virtual interfaces are automatically assigned to
the same zone as the interface on which they run.

Figure 555 Example: Zones

Use the Zone screens (see Section 43.9.2 on page 911) to manage the Zyxel Device’s zones.

43.1.1 What You Need to Know

Zones effectively divide traffic into three types--intra-zone traffic, inter-zone traffic, and extra-zone

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Intra-zone Traffic
• Intra-zone traffic is traffic between interfaces or VPN tunnels in the same zone. For example, in Figure
555 on page 837, traffic between VLAN 2 and the Ethernet is intra-zone traffic.

Inter-zone Traffic
Inter-zone traffic is traffic between interfaces or VPN tunnels in different zones. For example, in Figure 555
on page 837, traffic between VLAN 1 and the Internet is inter-zone traffic. This is the normal case when
zone-based security and policy settings apply.

Extra-zone Traffic
• Extra-zone traffic is traffic to or from any interface or VPN tunnel that is not assigned to a zone. For
example, in Figure 555 on page 837, traffic to or from computer C is extra-zone traffic.
• Some zone-based security and policy settings may apply to extra-zone traffic, especially if you can
set the zone attribute in them to Any or All. See the specific feature for more information.

43.1.2 The Zone Screen

The Zone screen provides a summary of all zones. In addition, this screen allows you to add, edit, and
remove zones. To access this screen, click Configuration > Object > Zone.

Figure 556 Configuration > Object > Zone

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 299 Configuration > Object > Zone

User Configuration / The Zyxel Device comes with pre-configured System Default zones that you cannot
System Default delete. You can create your own User Configuration zones
Add Click this to create a new, user-configured zone.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify
the entry’s settings.
Remove To remove a user-configured trunk, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device
confirms you want to remove it before doing so.
References Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use the
entry. Click Refresh to update information in this screen.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any interface.
Name This field displays the name of the zone.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Table 299 Configuration > Object > Zone (continued)

Member This field displays the names of the interfaces that belong to each zone.
Reference This field displays the number of times an Object Reference is used in a policy. Zone Edit

The Zone Edit screen allows you to add or edit a zone. To access this screen, go to the Zone screen (see
Section 43.9.2 on page 911), and click the Add icon or an Edit icon.

Figure 557 Configuration > Object > Zone > Add

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 300 Configuration > Object > Zone > Add/Edit

Name For a system default zone, the name is read only.

For a user-configured zone, type the name used to refer to the zone. You may use 1-31
alphanumeric characters, underscores (_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be
a number. This value is case-sensitive.
Member List Available lists the interfaces and VPN tunnels that do not belong to any zone. Select the
interfaces and VPN tunnels that you want to add to the zone you are editing, and click the
right arrow button to add them.

Member lists the interfaces and VPN tunnels that belong to the zone. Select any interfaces
that you want to remove from the zone, and click the left arrow button to remove them.
OK Click OK to save your customized settings and exit this screen.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

43.2 User/Group Overview

This section describes how to set up user accounts, user groups, and user settings for the Zyxel Device.
You can also set up rules that control when users have to log in to the Zyxel Device before the Zyxel
Device routes traffic for them.

• The User screen (see Section 43.2.2 on page 842) provides a summary of all user accounts.
• The Group screen (see Section 43.2.4 on page 846) provides a summary of all user groups. In addition,
this screen allows you to add, edit, and remove user groups. User groups may consist of access users
and other user groups. You cannot put admin users in user groups.
• The Setting screen (see Section 43.2.6 on page 850) controls default settings, login settings, lockout
settings, and other user settings for the Zyxel Device. You can also use this screen to specify when
users must log in to the Zyxel Device before it routes traffic for them.
• The MAC Address screen (see Section 43.2.7 on page 854) allows you to configure the MAC
addresses or OUI (Organizationally Unique Identifier) of wireless clients for MAC authentication using
the local user database. The OUI is the first three octets in a MAC address and uniquely identifies the
manufacturer of a network device.

43.2.1 What You Need To Know

User Account
A user account defines the privileges of a user logged into the Zyxel Device. User accounts are used in
security policies and application patrol, in addition to controlling access to configuration and services in
the Zyxel Device.

User Types
These are the types of user accounts the Zyxel Device uses.

Table 301 Types of User Accounts

Admin Users
admin Change Zyxel Device configuration (web, CLI) WWW, TELNET, SSH, FTP, Console
limited-admin Look at Zyxel Device configuration (web, CLI) WWW, TELNET, SSH, Console

Perform basic diagnostics (CLI)

Access Users
user Access network services WWW, TELNET, SSH

Browse user-mode commands (CLI)

guest Access network services WWW
ext-user External user account WWW
ext-group-user External group user account WWW
guest-manager Create dynamic guest accounts WWW
dynamic-guest Access network services Hotspot Portal

Note: The default admin account is always authenticated locally, regardless of the
authentication method setting. (See Chapter 43 on page 925 for more information
about authentication methods.)

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Ext-User Accounts
Set up an ext-user account if the user is authenticated by an external server and you want to set up
specific policies for this user in the Zyxel Device. If you do not want to set up policies for this user, you do
not have to set up an ext-user account.

All ext-user users should be authenticated by an external server, such as AD, LDAP or RADIUS. If the Zyxel
Device tries to use the local database to authenticate an ext-user, the authentication attempt always
fails. (This is related to AAA servers and authentication methods, which are discussed in those chapters in
this guide.)

Note: If the Zyxel Device tries to authenticate an ext-user using the local database, the
attempt always fails.

Once an ext-user user has been authenticated, the Zyxel Device tries to get the user type (see Table 301
on page 840) from the external server. If the external server does not have the information, the Zyxel
Device sets the user type for this session to User.

For the rest of the user attributes, such as reauthentication time, the Zyxel Device checks the following
places, in order.

1 User account in the remote server.

2 User account (Ext-User) in the Zyxel Device.

3 Default user account for AD users (ad-users), LDAP users (ldap-users) or RADIUS users (radius-users) in
the Zyxel Device.

See Setting up User Attributes in an External Server for a list of attributes and how to set up the attributes
in an external server.

Ext-Group-User Accounts
Ext-Group-User accounts work are similar to ext-user accounts but allow you to group users by the value
of the group membership attribute configured for the AD or LDAP server. See Section on page
920 for more on the group membership attribute.

Dynamic-Guest Accounts
Dynamic guest accounts are guest accounts, but are created dynamically and stored in the Zyxel
Device’s local user database. A dynamic guest account has a dynamically-created user name and
password. A dynamic guest account user can access the Zyxel Device’s services only within a given
period of time and will become invalid after the expiration date/time.

There are three types of dynamic guest accounts depending on how they are created or
authenticated: billing-users, ua-users and trial-users.

billing-users are guest account created with the guest manager account or an external printer and
paid by cash or created and paid via the on-line payment service. ua-users are users that log in from
the user agreement page. trial-users are free guest accounts that are created with the Free Time

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

User Groups
User groups may consist of user accounts or other user groups. Use user groups when you want to create
the same rule for several user accounts, instead of creating separate rules for each one.

Note: You cannot put access users and admin users in the same user group.

Note: You cannot put the default admin account into any user group.

The sequence of members in a user group is not important.

User Awareness
By default, users do not have to log into the Zyxel Device to use the network services it provides. The
Zyxel Device automatically routes packets for everyone. If you want to restrict network services that
certain users can use via the Zyxel Device, you can require them to log in to the Zyxel Device first. The
Zyxel Device is then ‘aware’ of the user who is logged in and you can create ‘user-aware policies’ that
define what services they can use. See Section 43.2.8 on page 856 for a user-aware login example.

Finding Out More

• See Section 43.2.8 on page 856 for some information on users who use an external authentication
server in order to log in.
• The Zyxel Device supports TTLS using PAP so you can use the Zyxel Device’s local user database to
authenticate users with WPA or WPA2 instead of needing an external RADIUS server.

43.2.2 User/Group User Summary Screen

The User screen provides a summary of all user accounts. To access this screen, login to the Web
Configurator, and click Configuration > Object > User/Group.

Figure 558 Configuration > Object > User/Group > User

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 302 Configuration > Object > User/Group > User

Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify the
entry’s settings.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Table 302 Configuration > Object > User/Group > User (continued)
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove
it before doing so.
References Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use the entry.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific user.
User Name This field displays the user name of each user.
User Type This field displays the types of user accounts the Zyxel Device uses:

• admin - this user can look at and change the configuration of the Zyxel Device
• limited-admin - this user can look at the configuration of the Zyxel Device but not to
change it
• dynamic-guest - this user has access to the Zyxel Device’s services but cannot look at the
• user - this user has access to the Zyxel Device’s services and can also browse user-mode
commands (CLI).
• guest - this user has access to the Zyxel Device’s services but cannot look at the
• ext-user - this user account is maintained in a remote server, such as RADIUS or LDAP. See
Ext-User Accounts on page 841 for more information about this type.
• ext-group-user - this user account is maintained in a remote server, such as RADIUS or
LDAP. See Ext-Group-User Accounts on page 841 for more information about this type.
• guest-manager - this user can log in via the web configurator login screen and create
dynamic guest accounts using the Account Generator screen that pops up. See Section
21.4.1 on page 563 for detailed information about the Account Generator screen.
Description This field displays the description for each user.
Reference This displays the number of times an object reference is used in a profile.

43.2.3 User Add/Edit General Screen

The User Add/Edit screen allows you to create a new user account or edit an existing one. Rules for User Names

Enter a user name from 1 to 31 characters.

The user name can only contain the following characters:

• Alphanumeric A-z 0-9 (there is no unicode support)

• _ [underscores]
• - [dashes]

The first character must be alphabetical (A-Z a-z), an underscore (_), or a dash (-). Other limitations on
user names are:

• User names are case-sensitive. If you enter a user 'bob' but use 'BOB' when connecting via CIFS or FTP,
it will use the account settings used for 'BOB' not ‘bob’.
• User names have to be different than user group names.
• Here are the reserved user names:

• adm • admin • any • bin • daemon

• debug • devicehaecived • ftp • games • halt
• ldap-users • lp • mail • news • nobody

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

• operator • radius-users • root • shutdown • sshd

• sync • uucp • zyxel

To access this screen, go to the User screen (see Section 43.2.2 on page 842), and click either the Add
icon or an Edit icon.

Figure 559 Configuration > Object > User/Group > User > Add/Edit_General

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 303 Configuration > Object > User/Group > User > Add/Edit_General
User Name Type the user name for this user account. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters,
underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is case-
sensitive. User names have to be different than user group names, and some words are
reserved. See Section on page 843.
User Type This field displays the types of user accounts the Zyxel Device uses:

• admin - this user can look at and change the configuration of the Zyxel Device
• limited-admin - this user can look at the configuration of the Zyxel Device but not to
change it
• user - this user has access to the Zyxel Device’s services and can also browse user-mode
commands (CLI).
• guest - this user has access to the Zyxel Device’s services but cannot look at the
• ext-user - this user account is maintained in a remote server, such as RADIUS or LDAP.
See Ext-User Accounts on page 841 for more information about this type.
• ext-group-user - this user account is maintained in a remote server, such as RADIUS or
LDAP. See Ext-Group-User Accounts on page 841 for more information about this type.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Table 303 Configuration > Object > User/Group > User > Add/Edit_General (continued)
Password This field is not available if you select the ext-user or ext-group-user type.

Enter a password of from 1 to 64 characters for this user account. If you selected Enable
Password Complexity in Configuration > Object > User/Group > Setting, it must consist of at
least 8 characters and at most 64. At least 1 character must be a number, at least 1 a lower
case letter, at least 1 an upper case letter and at least 1 a special character from the
keyboard, such as !@#$%^&*()_+.
Retype This field is not available if you select the ext-user or ext-group-user type.
Group Identifier This field is available for a ext-group-user type user account.

Specify the value of the AD or LDAP server’s Group Membership Attribute that identifies the
group to which this user belongs.
Associated AAA This field is available for a ext-group-user type user account. Select the AAA server to use to
Server Object authenticate this account’s users.
Description Enter the description of each user, if any. You can use up to 60 printable ASCII characters.
Default descriptions are provided.
Email Type one or more valid email addresses for this user so that email messages can be sent to
this user if required. A valid email address must contain the @ character. For example, this is
a valid email address: abc@example.com.
Mobile Number Type a valid mobile telephone number for this user so that SMS messages can be sent to this
user if required. A valid mobile telephone number can be up to 20 characters in length,
including the numbers 1~9 and the following characters in the square brackets [+*#()-].
Send Code This button is available when the user type is admin or limited-admin.

Click this and an authorization email or SMS message with a code of six digits will be sent to
the email addresses or mobile telephone number you put in.

Enter the verification code to verify your email addresses or mobile telephone number.

Figure 560 Verification Code for Email

Figure 561 Verification Code for Mobile Telephone Number

Authentication If you want the system to use default settings, select Use Default Settings. If you want to set
Timeout Settings authentication timeout to a value other than the default settings, select Use Manual Settings
then fill your preferred values in the fields that follow.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Table 303 Configuration > Object > User/Group > User > Add/Edit_General (continued)
Lease Time If you select Use Default Settings in the Authentication Timeout Settings field, the default
lease time is shown.

If you select Use Manual Settings, you need to enter the number of minutes this user has to
renew the current session before the user is logged out. You can specify 1 to 1440 minutes.
You can enter 0 to make the number of minutes unlimited. Admin users renew the session
every time the main screen refreshes in the Web Configurator. Access users can renew the
session by clicking the Renew button on their screen. If you allow access users to renew time
automatically (see Section 43.2.6 on page 850), the users can select this check box on their
screen as well. In this case, the session is automatically renewed before the lease time
Reauthentication If you select Use Default Settings in the Authentication Timeout Settings field, the default
Time lease time is shown.

If you select Use Manual Settings, you need to type the number of minutes this user can be
logged into the Zyxel Device in one session before the user has to log in again. You can
specify 1 to 1440 minutes. You can enter 0 to make the number of minutes unlimited. Unlike
Lease Time, the user has no opportunity to renew the session without logging out.
User VLAN ID This field is available for a ext-group-user type user account.

Select this option to enable dynamic VLAN assignment on the Zyxel Device. When a user is
authenticated successfully, all data traffic from this user is tagged with the VLAN ID number
you specify here.

This allows you to assign a user of the ext-group-user type to a specific VLAN based on the
user credentials instead of using an AAA server.
Configuration Use a user account from the group specified above to test if the configuration is correct.
Validation Enter the account’s user name in the User Name field and click Test.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving your changes.

43.2.4 User Add/Edit Two-factor Authentication Screen

The User Add/Edit Two-factor Authentication screen allows you to create two-factor security for VPN
access or admin access for this user to the Zyxel Device.

Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security for users logging into theZyxel Device. When
two-factor authentication is enabled, a user has to first enter their username and password, and then
click on a temporary link or enter a one-time password when logging in.

You can enable two-factor authentication for users who are logging into the Zyxel Device to create a
VPN tunnel (VPN access), and for administrator and limited admin users who are logging into the Web
Configurator or CLI (admin access) to configure the Zyxel Device.

Table 304 Two Factor Authentication Methods

VPN Email Link
Admin SMS Code
Admin Email Link
Admin Google Authenticator app Code

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

You must first enable two-factor authentication on the Zyxel Device in Object > Auth. Method > Two-
factor Authentication > VPN Access and Object > Auth. Method > Two-factor Authentication > Admin
Access. See Section 43.11.4 on page 928 and Section 43.11.5 on page 932 for more prerequisites and
other information.

In Object > User/Group > User, click Add to create a new entry or select an entry and click Edit to modify
the entry.

Figure 562 Configuration > Object > User/Group > User> Add/Edit_Two-factor Authentication

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 305 Configuration > Object > User/Group> User> Add_Two -factor Authentication
Enable Two-factor Select this to require two-actor authentication for this user to use a pre-configured VPN
Authentication for VPN tunnel for secure access to a network behind the Zyxel Device. Select the types of VPN
Access allowed in Object > Auth. Method > Two-factor Authentication > VPN Access. You may
choose from:

• SSL VPN Access

• IPSec VPN Access
• L2TP/ IPSec VPN Access
Enable Two-factor Select this to require two-factor authentication for an admin user to access the Zyxel
Authentication for Admin Device. Select the types of VPN allowed in Object > Auth. Method > Two-factor
Access Authentication > Admin Access. You may choose from:

• Web

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Table 305 Configuration > Object > User/Group> User> Add_Two -factor Authentication (continued)
Two-factor Auth. Method Select Default or User Defined and select from PIN code by SMS/Email or Google
Set up Google If you chose Google Authenticator for offline two-factor authentication, on your mobile
Authenticator device, go to an app store to download Google Authenticator. To add your account
to Google Authenticator, press the plus (+) icon, select Scan Barcode, then use your
mobile device's camera to scan the barcode. Finally enter the verification code you
receive on your mobile device in Verify your device.
View your backup codes You see this after successful Google authentication. In the event that you do not have
access to email or your mobile device, click Download to create backup codes as
second-factor authentication. Make sure to put them in a safe place.
Verify your device In the event that you do not have access to email or your mobile device, enter a
backup code here as second factor authentication. You can use each code only
once. If you generate a new set of backup codes (Regenerate backup codes), the old
set become obsolete.
Revoke Click this to cancel Google authentication as second-factor authentication for Admin
Access. You must then use a PIN code by SMS or email as second-factor
authentication instead.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device and close the screen.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving your changes.

43.2.5 User/Group Group Summary Screen

User groups consist of access users and other user groups. You cannot put admin users in user groups.
The Group screen provides a summary of all user groups. In addition, this screen allows you to add, edit,
and remove user groups. To access this screen, login to the Web Configurator, and click Configuration >
Object > User/Group > Group.

Figure 563 Configuration > Object > User/Group > Group

The following table describes the labels in this screen. See Section on page 849 for more
information as well.

Table 306 Configuration > Object > User/Group > Group

Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify the
entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove
it before doing so. Removing a group does not remove the user accounts in the group.
References Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use the entry.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific user group.
Group Name This field displays the name of each user group.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Table 306 Configuration > Object > User/Group > Group (continued)
Description This field displays the description for each user group.
Member This field lists the members in the user group. Each member is separated by a comma.
Reference This displays the number of times an object reference is used in a profile. Group Add/Edit Screen

The Group Add/Edit screen allows you to create a new user group or edit an existing one. To access this
screen, go to the Group screen (see Section 43.2.4 on page 846), and click either the Add icon or an
Edit icon.

Figure 564 Configuration > Object > User/Group > Group > Add

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 307 Configuration > Object > User/Group > Group > Add
Name Type the name for this user group. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters,
underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is case-
sensitive. User group names have to be different than user names.
Description Enter the description of the user group, if any. You can use up to 60 characters, punctuation
marks, and spaces.
Member List The Member list displays the names of the users and user groups that have been added to the
user group. The order of members is not important. Select users and groups from the Available
list that you want to be members of this group and move them to the Member list. You can
double-click a single entry to move it or use the [Shift] or [Ctrl] key to select multiple entries and
use the arrow button to move them.

Move any members you do not want included to the Available list.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving your changes.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

43.2.6 User/Group Setting Screen

The Setting screen controls default settings, login settings, lockout settings, and other user settings for the
Zyxel Device. You can also use this screen to specify when users must log in to the Zyxel Device before it
routes traffic for them.

To access this screen, login to the Web Configurator, and click Configuration > Object > User/Group >

Figure 565 Configuration > Object > User/Group > Setting

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 308 Configuration > Object > User/Group > Setting

User Authentication Timeout Settings
Default Authentication Timeout These authentication timeout settings are used by default when you create a
Settings new user account. They also control the settings for any existing user accounts
that are set to use the default settings. You can still manually configure any user
account’s authentication timeout settings.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can
modify the entry’s settings.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific entry.
User Type These are the kinds of user account the Zyxel Device supports.

• admin - this user can look at and change the configuration of the Zyxel
• limited-admin - this user can look at the configuration of the Zyxel Device
but not to change it
• user - this user has access to the Zyxel Device’s services but cannot look at
the configuration
• guest - this user has access to the Zyxel Device’s services but cannot look
at the configuration
• ext-user - this user account is maintained in a remote server, such as RADIUS
or LDAP. See Ext-User Accounts on page 841 for more information about this
• ext-group-user - this user account is maintained in a remote server, such as
RADIUS or LDAP. See Ext-Group-User Accounts on page 841 for more
information about this type.
Lease Time This is the default lease time in minutes for each type of user account. It defines
the number of minutes the user has to renew the current session before the user
is logged out.

Admin users renew the session every time the main screen refreshes in the Web
Configurator. Access users can renew the session by clicking the Renew button
on their screen. If you allow access users to renew time automatically (see
Section 43.2.6 on page 850), the users can select this check box on their screen
as well. In this case, the session is automatically renewed before the lease time
Reauthentication Time This is the default reauthentication time in minutes for each type of user
account. It defines the number of minutes the user can be logged into the Zyxel
Device in one session before having to log in again. Unlike Lease Time, the user
has no opportunity to renew the session without logging out.
Miscellaneous Settings
Allow renewing lease time Select this check box if access users can renew lease time automatically, as well
automatically as manually, simply by selecting the Updating lease time automatically check
box on their screen.
Enable user idle detection This is applicable for access users.

Select this check box if you want the Zyxel Device to monitor how long each
access user is logged in and idle (in other words, there is no traffic for this access
user). The Zyxel Device automatically logs out the access user once the User idle
timeout has been reached.
User idle timeout This is applicable for access users.

This field is effective when Enable user idle detection is checked. Type the
number of minutes each access user can be logged in and idle before the Zyxel
Device automatically logs out the access user.
Login Security

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Table 308 Configuration > Object > User/Group > Setting (continued)
Password must changed Enter how often users must change their password when they log into the Zyxel
every (days): Device. You can choose from once a day to once a year.
Password reset link (FQDN/ Associate the password expiration to a specific Zyxel Device. Default is this Zyxel
IP): Device (myrouter) or select Custom and enter the IP address or Fully Qualified
Domain Name (FQDN).
Enable Password Select this to enforce the following conditions in a user password. Requiring a
Complexity strong password is good for security. The conditions are that the password must
consist of at least 8 characters and at most 64. At least 1 character must be a
number, at least 1 a lower case letter, at least 1 an upper case letter and at
least 1 a special character from the keyboard, such as !@#$%^&*()_+.
User Logon Settings
Limit the number of Select this check box if you want to set a limit on the number of simultaneous
simultaneous logons for logins by admin users. If you do not select this, admin users can login as many
administration account times as they want at the same time using the same or different IP addresses.
Maximum number per This field is effective when Limit ... for administration account is checked. Type
administration account the maximum number of simultaneous logins by each admin user.
Limit the number of Select this check box if you want to set a limit on the number of simultaneous
simultaneous logons for logins by non-admin users. If you do not select this, access users can login as
access account many times as they want as long as they use different IP addresses.
Maximum number per This field is effective when Limit ... for access account is checked. Type the
access account maximum number of simultaneous logins by each access user.
Reach maximum number Select Block to stop new users from logging in when the Maximum number per
per account: access account is reached.

Select Remove previous user and login to disassociate the first user that logged
in and allow a new user to log in when the Maximum number per access
account is reached.
User Lockout Settings
Enable logon retry limit Select this check box to set a limit on the number of times each user can login
unsuccessfully (for example, wrong password) before the IP address is locked
out for a specified amount of time.
Maximum retry count This field is effective when Enable logon retry limit is checked. Type the
maximum number of times each user can login unsuccessfully before the IP
address is locked out for the specified lockout period. The number must be
between 1 and 99.
Lockout period This field is effective when Enable logon retry limit is checked. Type the number
of minutes the user must wait to try to login again, if logon retry limit is enabled
and the maximum retry count is reached. This number must be between 1 and
65,535 (about 45.5 days).
Apply Click Apply to save the changes.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings. Default User Authentication Timeout Settings Edit Screens

The Default Authentication Timeout Settings Edit screen allows you to set the default authentication
timeout settings for the selected type of user account. These default authentication timeout settings
also control the settings for any existing user accounts that are set to use the default settings. You can
still manually configure any user account’s authentication timeout settings.

To access this screen, go to the Configuration > Object > User/Group > Setting screen (see Section 43.2.6
on page 850), and click one of the Default Authentication Timeout Settings section’s Edit icons.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Figure 566 Configuration > Object > User/Group > Setting > Edit

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 309 Configuration > Object > User/Group > Setting > Edit
User Type This read-only field identifies the type of user account for which you are configuring the
default settings.

• admin - this user can look at and change the configuration of the Zyxel Device
• limited-admin - this user can look at the configuration of the Zyxel Device but not to
change it.
• dynamic-guest - this user has access to the Zyxel Device’s services but cannot look at
the configuration.
• user - this user has access to the Zyxel Device’s services but cannot look at the
• guest - this user has access to the Zyxel Device’s services but cannot look at the
• ext-user - this user account is maintained in a remote server, such as RADIUS or LDAP.
See Ext-User Accounts on page 841 for more information about this type.
• ext-group-user - this user account is maintained in a remote server, such as RADIUS or
LDAP. See Ext-Group-User Accounts on page 841 for more information about this type.
• guest-manager - this user can log in via the web configurator login screen and create
dynamic guest accounts using the Account Generator screen that pops up. See Section
21.4.1 on page 563 for detailed information about the Account Generator screen.
Lease Time Enter the number of minutes this type of user account has to renew the current session
before the user is logged out. You can specify 1 to 1440 minutes. You can enter 0 to make
the number of minutes unlimited.

Admin users renew the session every time the main screen refreshes in the Web
Configurator. Access users can renew the session by clicking the Renew button on their
screen. If you allow access users to renew time automatically (see Section 43.2.6 on page
850), the users can select this check box on their screen as well. In this case, the session is
automatically renewed before the lease time expires.
Reauthentication Type the number of minutes this type of user account can be logged into the Zyxel Device in
Time one session before the user has to log in again. You can specify 1 to 1440 minutes. You can
enter 0 to make the number of minutes unlimited. Unlike Lease Time, the user has no
opportunity to renew the session without logging out.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving your changes. User Aware Login Example

Access users cannot use the Web Configurator to browse the configuration of the Zyxel Device. Instead,
after access users log into the Zyxel Device, the following screen appears.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Figure 567 Web Configurator for Non-Admin Users

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 310 Web Configurator for Non-Admin Users

User-defined Access users can specify a lease time shorter than or equal to the one that you specified. The
lease time (max default value is the lease time that you specified.
... minutes)
Renew Access users can click this button to reset the lease time, the amount of time remaining before
the Zyxel Device automatically logs them out. The Zyxel Device sets this amount of time
according to the:

• User-defined lease time field in this screen

• Lease time field in the User Add/Edit screen (see Section 43.2.3 on page 843)
• Lease time field in the Setting screen (see Section 43.2.6 on page 850).
Updating lease This box appears if you checked the Allow renewing lease time automatically box in the
time Setting screen. (See Section 43.2.6 on page 850.) Access users can select this check box to
automatically reset the lease time automatically 30 seconds before it expires. Otherwise, access users have
to click the Renew button to reset the lease time.
Remaining time This field displays the amount of lease time that remains, though the user might be able to reset
before lease it.
Remaining time This field displays the amount of time that remains before the Zyxel Device automatically logs
before auth. the access user out, regardless of the lease time.

43.2.7 User/Group MAC Address Summary Screen

This screen shows the MAC addresses of wireless clients, which can be authenticated by their
MAC addresses using the local user database. Click Configuration > Object > User/Group > MAC
Address to open this screen.

Note: You need to configure an SSID security profile’s MAC authentication settings to have
the AP use the Zyxel Device’s local database to authenticate wireless clients by their
MAC addresses.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Figure 568 Configuration > Object > User/Group > MAC Address

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 311 Configuration > Object > User/Group > MAC Address
Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify the
entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove
it before doing so.
MAC Address/ This field displays the MAC address or OUI (Organizationally Unique Identifier of computer
OUI hardware manufacturers) of wireless clients using MAC authentication with the Zyxel Device
local user database.
Description This field displays a description of the device identified by the MAC address or OUI. MAC Address Add/Edit Screen

This screen allows you to create a new allowed device or edit an existing one. To access this screen, go
to the MAC Address screen (see Section 43.2.7 on page 854), and click either the Add icon or an Edit

Figure 569 Configuration > Object > User/Group > MAC Address > Add

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 312 Configuration > Object > User/Group > MAC Address > Add
MAC Address/ Type the MAC address (six hexadecimal number pairs separated by colons or hyphens) or OUI
OUI (three hexadecimal number pairs separated by colons or hyphens) to identify specific wireless
clients for MAC authentication using the Zyxel Device local user database. The OUI is the first
three octets in a MAC address and uniquely identifies the manufacturer of a network device.
Description Enter an optional description of the wireless device(s) identified by the MAC or OUI. You can
use up to 60 characters, punctuation marks, and spaces.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Table 312 Configuration > Object > User/Group > MAC Address > Add (continued)
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving your changes.

43.2.8 User /Group Technical Reference

This section provides some information on users who use an external authentication server in order to log

Setting up User Attributes in an External Server

To set up user attributes, such as reauthentication time, in LDAP or RADIUS servers, use the following
keywords in the user configuration file.

Table 313 LDAP/RADIUS: Keywords for User Attributes

type User Type. Possible Values: admin, limited-admin, dynamic-guest, user, guest.
leaseTime Lease Time. Possible Values: 1-1440 (minutes).
reauthTime Reauthentication Time. Possible Values: 1-1440 (minutes).

The following examples show you how you might set up user attributes in LDAP and RADIUS servers.

Figure 570 LDAP Example: Keywords for User Attributes

type: admin
leaseTime: 99
reauthTime: 199

Figure 571 RADIUS Example: Keywords for User Attributes


Creating a Large Number of Ext-User Accounts

If you plan to create a large number of Ext-User accounts, you might use CLI commands, instead of the
Web Configurator, to create the accounts. Extract the user names from the LDAP or RADIUS server, and
create a shell script that creates the user accounts.

43.3 AP Profile Overview

This section shows you how to configure preset profiles for the Access Points (APs) connected to your
Zyxel Device’s wireless network.

• The Radio screen (Section 43.3.1 on page 857) creates radio configurations that can be used by the
• The SSID screen (Section 43.3.2 on page 863) configures three different types of profiles for your
networked APs.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object What You Need To Know

The following terms and concepts may help as you read this section.

Wireless Profiles
At the heart of all wireless AP configurations on the Zyxel Device are profiles. A profile represents a group
of saved settings that you can use across any number of connected APs. You can set up the following
wireless profile types:

• Radio - This profile type defines the properties of an AP’s radio transmitter. You can have a maximum
of 32 radio profiles on the Zyxel Device.
• SSID - This profile type defines the properties of a single wireless network signal broadcast by an AP.
Each radio on a single AP can broadcast up to 8 SSIDs. You can have a maximum of 32 SSID profiles
on the Zyxel Device.
• Security - This profile type defines the security settings used by a single SSID. It controls the encryption
method required for a wireless client to associate itself with the SSID. You can have a maximum of 32
security profiles on the Zyxel Device.
• MAC Filtering - This profile provides an additional layer of security for an SSID, allowing you to block
access or allow access to that SSID based on wireless client MAC addresses. If a client’s MAC address
is on the list, then it is either allowed or denied, depending on how you set up the MAC Filter profile.
You can have a maximum of 32 MAC filtering profiles on the Zyxel Device.

The SSID (Service Set IDentifier) is the name that identifies the Service Set with which a wireless station is
associated. Wireless stations associating to the access point (AP) must have the same SSID. In other
words, it is the name of the wireless network that clients use to connect to it.

WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) encryption scrambles all data packets transmitted between the AP and
the wireless stations associated with it in order to keep network communications private. Both the
wireless stations and the access points must use the same WEP key for data encryption and decryption.

WPA and WPA2

Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) is a subset of the IEEE 802.11i standard. WPA2 (IEEE 802.11i) is a wireless
security standard that defines stronger encryption, authentication and key management than WPA.
Key differences between WPA(2) and WEP are improved data encryption and user authentication.

IEEE 802.1x
The IEEE 802.1x standard outlines enhanced security methods for both the authentication of wireless
stations and encryption key management. Authentication is done using an external RADIUS server.

43.3.1 Radio Screen

This screen allows you to create radio profiles for the APs on your network. A radio profile is a list of
settings that a supported managed AP (NWA5121-N for example) can use to configure either one of its
two radio transmitters. To access this screen click Configuration > Object > AP Profile.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Note: You can have a maximum of 32 radio profiles on the Zyxel Device.

Figure 572 Configuration > Object > AP Profile > Radio

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 314 Configuration > Object > AP Profile > Radio

Add Click this to add a new radio profile.
Edit Click this to edit the selected radio profile.
Remove Click this to remove the selected radio profile.
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
References Click this to view which other objects are linked to the selected radio profile.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific profile.
Status This icon is lit when the entry is active and dimmed when the entry is inactive.
Profile Name This field indicates the name assigned to the radio profile.
Frequency Band This field indicates the frequency band which this radio profile is configured to use.
Schedule This field displays the schedule object which defines when this radio profile can be used.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings. Add/Edit Radio Profile

This screen allows you to create a new radio profile or edit an existing one. To access this screen, click
the Add button or select a radio profile from the list and click the Edit button.

WiFi6 / IEEE 802.11ax

WiFi6 is backwards compatible with IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac and is most suitable in areas with a high
concentration of users. WiFi6 devices support Target Wakeup Time (TWT) allowing them to automatically
power down when they are inactive.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

The following table displays the comparison of the different WiFi standards.

Table 315 WiFi Standards Comparison

802.11b 11 Mbps 2.4 GHz 1
802.11a/g 54 Mbps 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz 1
802.11n 600 Mbps 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz 1
802.11ac 6.93 Gbps 5 GHz 4
802.11ax 2.4 Gbps 2.4 GHz 128
9.61 Gbps 2.4 GHz and 6 GHz

Figure 573 Configuration > Object > AP Profile > Add/Edit Radio Profile

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 316 Configuration > Object > AP Profile > Add/Edit Radio Profile
Hide / Show Click this to hide or show the Advanced Settings in this window.
Advanced Settings
General Settings
Activate Select this option to make this profile active.
Profile Name Enter up to 31 alphanumeric characters to be used as this profile’s name. Spaces and
underscores are allowed.
802.11 Band Select whether this radio would use the .24G or 5G band.
802.11 Mode Select how to let wireless clients connect to the AP.

If 802.11 Band is set to 2.4G:

• 11b/g: allows either IEEE 802.11b or IEEE 802.11g compliant WLAN devices to associate
with the AP. The AP adjusts the transmission rate automatically according to the
wireless standard supported by the wireless devices.
• 11n: allows IEEE802.11b, IEEE802.11g and IEEE802.11n compliant WLAN devices to
associate with the AP.
If 802.11 Band is set to 5G:

• 11a: allows only IEEE 802.11a compliant WLAN devices to associate with the AP.
• 11a/n: allows both IEEE802.11n and IEEE802.11a compliant WLAN devices to associate
with the AP. The transmission rate of your AP might be reduced.
• 11ac: allows only IEEE802.11ac compliant WLAN devices to associate with the AP.
• 11ax: allows IEEE802.11n, IEEE802.11a, IEEE802.11ac, and IEEE802.11ax compliant WLAN
devices to associate with the AP. If the WLAN device isn’t compatible with 802.11ax,
the AP will communicate with the WLAN device using 802.11ac, and so on

Note: If you select 11ac but the WLAN devices in the network do not support IEEE
802.11ac, the Zyxel Device automatically sets the AP to use 11a/n.
Channel Width Select the wireless channel bandwidth you want the AP to use.

A standard 20 MHz channel offers transfer speeds of up to 144Mbps (2.4GHz) or 217Mbps

(5GHZ) whereas a 40MHz channel uses two standard channels and offers speeds of up to
300Mbps (2.4GHz) or 450Mbps (5GHZ). An IEEE 802.11ac-specific 80MHz channel offers
speeds of up to 1.3Gbps.

40 MHz (channel bonding or dual channel) bonds two adjacent radio channels to increase
throughput. A 80 MHz channel consists of two adjacent 40 MHz channels. The wireless
clients must also support 40 MHz or 80 MHz. It is often better to use the 20 MHz setting in a
location where the environment hinders the wireless signal.

Because not all devices support 40 MHz and/or 80 MHz channels, select 20/40MHz or 20/
40/80MHz to allow the AP to adjust the channel bandwidth automatically.

Select 20MHz if you want to lessen radio interference with other wireless devices in your
neighborhood or the wireless clients do not support channel bonding.

Note: If the environment has poor signal-to-noise (SNR), the Zyxel Device will
switch to a lower bandwidth.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Table 316 Configuration > Object > AP Profile > Add/Edit Radio Profile (continued)
Channel Select the wireless channel which this radio profile should use.
It is recommended that you choose the channel least in use by other APs in the region
where this profile will be implemented. This will reduce the amount of interference between
wireless clients and the AP to which this profile is assigned.

Select DCS to have the AP automatically select the radio channel upon which it
broadcasts by scanning the area around it and determining what channels are currently
being used by other devices.

Note: If you change the country code later, Channel Selection is set to Manual

Select Manual and specify the channels the AP uses.

Blacklist DFS This field is available if 802.11 Band is set to 5G and Channel Selection is set to DCS.
channels in
presence of radar Enable this to temporarily blacklist the wireless channels in the Dynamic Frequency
Selection (DFS) range whenever a radar signal is detected by the AP.
Enable DCS This field is available when you set Channel Selection to DCS.
Client Aware
Select this to have the AP wait until all connected clients have disconnected before
switching channels.

If you disable this then the AP switches channels immediately regardless of any client
connections. In this instance, clients that are connected to the AP when it switches
channels are dropped.
2.4 GHz Channel This field is available when you set Channel Selection to DCS.
Selection Method
Select auto to have the AP search for available channels automatically in the 2.4 GHz
band. The available channels vary depending on what you select in the 2.4 GHz Channel
Deployment field.

Select manual and specify the channels the AP uses in the 2.4 GHz band.
2.4 GHz Channel This field is available only when you set Channel Selection to DCS and set 2.4 GHz Channel
Deployment Selection Method to auto.

Select Three-Channel Deployment to limit channel switching to channels 1,6, and 11, the
three channels that are sufficiently attenuated to have almost no impact on one another.
In other words, this allows you to minimize channel interference by limiting channel-
hopping to these three “safe” channels.

Select Four-Channel Deployment to limit channel switching to four channels. Depending

on the country domain, if the only allowable channels are 1-11 then the Zyxel Device uses
channels 1, 4, 7, 11 in this configuration; otherwise, the Zyxel Device uses channels 1, 5, 9, 13
in this configuration. Four channel deployment expands your pool of possible channels
while keeping the channel interference to a minimum.
DCS Time Interval This field is available when you set Channel Selection to DCS.
Enter a number of minutes. This regulates how often the AP surveys the other APs within its
broadcast radius. If the channel on which it is currently broadcasting suddenly comes into
use by another AP, the AP will then dynamically select the next available clean channel or
a channel with lower interference.
Channel ID This field is available only when you set Channel Selection to DCS and set 2.4 GHz Channel
Selection Method to manual.

Select the check boxes of the channels that you want the AP to use.
Schedule Select this option to have the AP survey the other APs within its broadcast radius at a
specific time on selected days of the week.
Start Time Specify the time of the day (in 24-hour format) to have the AP use DCS to automatically
scan and find a less-used channel.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Table 316 Configuration > Object > AP Profile > Add/Edit Radio Profile (continued)
Week Days Select each day of the week to have the AP use DCS to automatically scan and find a less-
used channel.
Enable 5 GHz DFS This field is available only when you select 11a, 11a/n or 11ac in the 802.11 Band field.
Select this if your APs are operating in an area known to have RADAR devices. This allows
the device to downgrade its frequency to below 5 GHz in the event a RADAR signal is
detected, thus preventing it from interfering with that signal.

Enabling this forces the AP to select a non-DFS channel.

5 GHz Channel This shows auto and allows the AP to search for available channels automatically in the 5
Selection Method GHz band.
Advanced Settings

Guard Interval This field is available only when the 802.11 Band is set to 5G and 802.11 Mode is set to 11n or

Set the guard interval for this radio profile to either Short or Long.

The guard interval is the gap introduced between data transmission from users in order to
reduce interference. Reducing the interval increases data transfer rates but also increases
interference. Increasing the interval reduces data transfer rates but also reduces
Enable A-MPDU Select this to enable A-MPDU aggregation.
Message Protocol Data Unit (MPDU) aggregation collects Ethernet frames along with their
802.11n headers and wraps them in a 802.11n MAC header. This method is useful for
increasing bandwidth throughput in environments that are prone to high error rates.
A-MPDU Limit Enter the maximum frame size to be aggregated.
A-MPDU Enter the maximum number of frames to be aggregated each time.
Enable A-MSDU Select this to enable A-MSDU aggregation.
Mac Service Data Unit (MSDU) aggregation collects Ethernet frames without any of their
802.11n headers and wraps the header-less payload in a single 802.11n MAC header. This
method is useful for increasing bandwidth throughput. It is also more efficient than A-MPDU
except in environments that are prone to high error rates.
A-MSDU Limit Enter the maximum frame size to be aggregated.
RTS/CTS Threshold Use RTS/CTS to reduce data collisions on the wireless network if you have wireless clients
that are associated with the same AP but out of range of one another. When enabled, a
wireless client sends an RTS (Request To Send) and then waits for a CTS (Clear To Send)
before it transmits. This stops wireless clients from transmitting packets at the same time
(and causing data collisions).

A wireless client sends an RTS for all packets larger than the number (of bytes) that you
enter here. Set the RTS/CTS equal to or higher than the fragmentation threshold to turn RTS/
CTS off.
Beacon Interval When a wirelessly networked device sends a beacon, it includes with it a beacon interval.
This specifies the time period before the device sends the beacon again. The interval tells
receiving devices on the network how long they can wait in low-power mode before
waking up to handle the beacon. A high value helps save current consumption of the
access point.
DTIM Delivery Traffic Indication Message (DTIM) is the time period after which broadcast and
multicast packets are transmitted to mobile clients in the Active Power Management
mode. A high DTIM value can cause clients to lose connectivity with the network. This value
can be set from 1 to 255.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Table 316 Configuration > Object > AP Profile > Add/Edit Radio Profile (continued)
Enable Signal Select the check box to use the signal threshold to ensure wireless clients receive good
Threshold throughput. This allows only wireless clients with a strong signal to connect to the AP.

Clear the check box to not require wireless clients to have a minimum signal strength to
connect to the AP.
Station Signal Set a minimum client signal strength. A wireless client is allowed to connect to the AP only
Threshold when its signal strength is stronger than the specified threshold.

-20 dBm is the strongest signal you can require and -76 is the weakest.
Disassociate Set a minimum kick-off signal strength. When a wireless client’s signal strength is lower than
Station Threshold the specified threshold, the Zyxel Device disconnects the wireless client from the AP.

-20 dBm is the strongest signal you can require and -90 is the weakest.
Allow Station Select this option to allow a wireless client to try to associate with the AP again after it is
Connection after disconnected due to weak signal strength.
Multiple Retries
Station Retry Set the maximum number of times a wireless client can attempt to re-connect to the AP
Allow 802.11n/ Select this option to allow only 802.11 n/ac/ax stations to connect, and reject 802.11a/b/g
ac/ax stations stations.
Multicast Settings Use this section to set a transmission mode and maximum rate for multicast traffic.
Transmission Set how the AP handles multicast traffic.
Select Multicast to Unicast to broadcast wireless multicast traffic to all of the wireless clients
as unicast traffic. Unicast traffic dynamically changes the data rate based on the
application’s bandwidth requirements. The retransmit mechanism of unicast traffic
provides more reliable transmission of the multicast traffic, although it also produces
duplicate packets.

Select Fixed Multicast Rate to send wireless multicast traffic at a single data rate. You must
know the multicast application’s bandwidth requirements and set it in the following field.
Multicast Rate If you set the multicast transmission mode to fixed multicast rate, set the data rate for
(Mbps) multicast traffic here. For example, to deploy 4 Mbps video, select a fixed multicast rate
higher than 4 Mbps.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving your changes.

43.3.2 SSID Screen

The SSID screens allow you to configure three different types of profiles for your networked APs: an SSID
list, which can assign specific SSID configurations to your APs; a security list, which can assign specific
encryption methods to the APs when allowing wireless clients to connect to them; and a MAC filter list,
which can limit connections to an AP based on wireless clients MAC addresses. SSID List

This screen allows you to create and manage SSID configurations that can be used by the APs. An SSID,
or Service Set IDentifier, is basically the name of the wireless network to which a wireless client can
connect. The SSID appears as readable text to any device capable of scanning for wireless frequencies
(such as the WiFi adapter in a laptop), and is displayed as the wireless network name when a person
makes a connection to it.

To access this screen click Configuration > Object > AP Profile > SSID.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Note: You can have a maximum of 32 SSID profiles on the Zyxel Device.

Figure 574 Configuration > Object > AP Profile > SSID List

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 317 Configuration > Object > AP Profile > SSID List
Add Click this to add a new SSID profile.
Edit Click this to edit the selected SSID profile.
Remove Click this to remove the selected SSID profile.
References Click this to view which other objects are linked to the selected SSID profile (for example, radio
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific profile.
Profile Name This field indicates the name assigned to the SSID profile.
SSID This field indicates the SSID name as it appears to wireless clients.
Security Profile This field indicates which (if any) security profile is associated with the SSID profile.
QoS This field indicates the QoS type associated with the SSID profile.
MAC Filtering This field indicates which (if any) MAC Filter Profile is associated with the SSID profile.
VLAN ID This field indicates the VLAN ID associated with the SSID profile.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object Add/Edit SSID Profile

This screen allows you to create a new SSID profile or edit an existing one. To access this screen, click the
Add button or select an SSID profile from the list and click the Edit button.

Figure 575 Configuration > Object > AP Profile > SSID > Add/Edit SSID Profile

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 318 Configuration > Object > AP Profile > SSID > Add/Edit SSID Profile
Create new Select an object type from the list to create a new one associated with this SSID profile.
Profile Name Enter up to 31 alphanumeric characters for the profile name. This name is only visible in the
Web Configurator and is only for management purposes. Spaces and underscores are
SSID Enter the SSID name for this profile. This is the name visible on the network to wireless clients.
Enter up to 32 characters, spaces and underscores are allowed.
Security Profile Select a security profile from this list to associate with this SSID. If none exist, you can use the
Create new Object menu to create one.

Note: It is highly recommended that you create security profiles for all of your SSIDs to
enhance your network security.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Table 318 Configuration > Object > AP Profile > SSID > Add/Edit SSID Profile (continued)
MAC Filtering Select a MAC filtering profile from the list to associate with this SSID. If none exist, you can use
Profile the Create new Object menu to create one.

MAC filtering allows you to limit the wireless clients connecting to your network through a
particular SSID by wireless client MAC addresses. Any clients that have MAC addresses not in
the MAC filtering profile of allowed addresses are denied connections.

The disable setting means no MAC filtering is used.

QoS Select a Quality of Service (QoS) access category to associate with this SSID. Access categories
minimize the delay of data packets across a wireless network. Certain categories, such as
video or voice, are given a higher priority due to the time sensitive nature of their data packets.

QoS access categories are as follows:

disable: Turns off QoS for this SSID. All data packets are treated equally and not tagged with
access categories.

WMM: Enables automatic tagging of data packets. The Zyxel Device assigns access categories
to the SSID by examining data as it passes through it and making a best guess effort. If
something looks like video traffic, for instance, it is tagged as such.

WMM_VOICE: All wireless traffic to the SSID is tagged as voice data. This is recommended if an
SSID is used for activities like placing and receiving VoIP phone calls.

WMM_VIDEO: All wireless traffic to the SSID is tagged as video data. This is recommended for
activities like video conferencing.

WMM_BEST_EFFORT: All wireless traffic to the SSID is tagged as “best effort,” meaning the data
travels the best route it can without displacing higher priority traffic. This is good for activities
that do not require the best bandwidth throughput, such as surfing the Internet.

WMM_BACKGROUND: All wireless traffic to the SSID is tagged as low priority or “background
traffic”, meaning all other access categories take precedence over this one. If traffic from an
SSID does not have strict throughput requirements, then this access category is recommended.
For example, an SSID that only has network printers connected to it.
Rate Limiting (Per Define the maximum incoming and outgoing transmission data rate per wireless station
Station Traffic
Downlink: Define the maximum incoming transmission data rate (either in Mbps or Kbps) on a per-station
Uplink: Define the maximum outgoing transmission data rate (either in Mbps or Kbps) on a per-station
Band Select: To improve network performance and avoid interference in the 2.4 GHz frequency band, you
can enable this feature to use the 5 GHz band first. You should set 2.4GHz and 5 GHz radio
profiles to use the same SSID and security settings.

Select standard to have the AP try to connect the wireless clients to the same SSID using the 5
GHZ band. Connections to an SSID using the 2.4GHz band are still allowed.

Otherwise, select disable to turn off this feature.

Forwarding Mode Select a forwarding mode (Tunnel or Local bridge) for traffic from this SSID.
VLAN ID If you selected Local Bridge forwarding mode, enter the VLAN ID that will be used to tag all
traffic originating from this SSID if the VLAN is different from the native VLAN. All the wireless
station’s traffic goes through the associated AP’s gateway.

VLAN Interface If you selected the Tunnel forwarding mode, select a VLAN interface. All the wireless station’s
traffic is forwarded to the Zyxel Device first.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Table 318 Configuration > Object > AP Profile > SSID > Add/Edit SSID Profile (continued)
Hidden SSID Select this if you want to “hide” your SSID from wireless clients. This tells any wireless clients in the
vicinity of the AP using this SSID profile not to display its SSID name as a potential connection.
Not all wireless clients respect this flag and display it anyway.

When an SSID is “hidden” and a wireless client cannot see it, the only way you can connect to
the SSID is by manually entering the SSID name in your wireless connection setup screen(s)
(these vary by client, client connectivity software, and operating system).
Enable Intra-BSS Select this option to prevent crossover traffic from within the same SSID.
Traffic Blocking
Enable U-APSD Select this option to enable Unscheduled Automatic Power Save Delivery (U-APSD), which is
also known as WMM-Power Save. This helps increase battery life for battery-powered wireless
clients connected to the Zyxel Device using this SSID profile.
Enable ARP Proxy The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is a protocol for mapping an IP address to a MAC
address. An ARP broadcast is sent to all devices on the same Ethernet network to request the
MAC address of a target IP address.

Select this option to allow the Zyxel Device to answer ARP requests for an IP address on behalf
of a client associated with this SSID. This can reduce broadcast traffic and improve network
802.11 k/v Select this option to enable IEEE 802.11k/v assisted roaming on the Zyxel Device. When the
Assisted Roaming connected clients request 802.11k neighbor lists, the Zyxel Device will response with a list of
neighbor APs that can be candidates for roaming.
Schedule SSID Select this option and set whether the SSID is enabled or disabled on each day of the week.
You also need to select the hour and minute (in 24-hour format) to specify the time period of
each day during which the SSID is enabled/enabled.
Local VAP Setting This part of the screen only applies to Zyxel Device models that have built-in wireless
functionality (AP) - see Section 1.1 on page 29.
VLAN Support Select On to have the Zyxel Device assign the VLAN ID listed in the top part of the screen to the
built-in AP.

Select Off to have the Zyxel Device ignore the VLAN ID listed in the top part of the screen.
Select an Outgoing Interface to have the Zyxel Device assign an IP address in the same subnet
as the selected interface to the built-in AP.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving your changes. Security List

This screen allows you to manage wireless security configurations that can be used by your SSIDs.
Wireless security is implemented strictly between the AP broadcasting the SSID and the stations that are
connected to it.

To access this screen click Configuration > Object > AP Profile > SSID > Security List.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Note: You can have a maximum of 32 security profiles on the Zyxel Device.

Figure 576 Configuration > Object > AP Profile > SSID > Security List

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 319 Configuration > Object > AP Profile > SSID > Security List
Add Click this to add a new security profile.
Edit Click this to edit the selected security profile.
Remove Click this to remove the selected security profile.
References Click this to view which other objects are linked to the selected security profile (for example,
SSID profile).
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific profile.
Profile Name This field indicates the name assigned to the security profile.
Security Mode This field indicates this profile’s security mode (if any).

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object Add/Edit Security Profile

This screen allows you to create a new security profile or edit an existing one. To access this screen, click
the Add button or select a security profile from the list and click the Edit button.

Note: This screen’s options change based on the Security Mode selected.

Figure 577 Configuration > Object > AP Profile > SSID > Security Profile > Add/Edit Security Profile>
Security Mode: open

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 320 Configuration > Object > AP Profile > SSID > Security Profile > Add/Edit Security Profile>
Security Mode: open
Profile Name Enter up to 31 alphanumeric characters for the profile name. This name is only visible in the
Web Configurator and is only for management purposes. Spaces and underscores are
Security Mode Select a security mode from the list: open, enhanced open, wep, wpa2, or wpa2-mix, wpa3.
Authentication Settings
Enterprise Select this to enable 802.1x secure authentication with a RADIUS server.
Reauthenticatio Enter the interval (in seconds) between authentication requests. Enter a 0 for unlimited time.
n Timer
Idle Timeout Enter the idle interval (in seconds) that a client can be idle before authentication is
Radius Settings
Primary / Secondary Select this to have the Zyxel Device use the specified RADIUS server.
Radius Server
Radius Server IP Enter the IP address of the RADIUS server to be used for authentication.
Radius Server Enter the port number of the RADIUS server to be used for authentication.
Radius Server Enter the shared secret password of the RADIUS server to be used for authentication.
Primary / Secondary Select the check box to enable user accounting through an external authentication server.
Accounting Server
Accounting Enter the IP address of the external accounting server in dotted decimal notation.
Server IP Address
Accounting Enter the port number of the external accounting server. The default port number is 1813.
Server Port You need not change this value unless your network administrator instructs you to do so with
additional information.
Accounting Enter a password (up to 128 alphanumeric characters) as the key to be shared between the
Share Secret external accounting server and the Zyxel Device. The key must be the same on the external
accounting server and your Zyxel Device. The key is not sent over the network.
Accounting Interim This field is available only when you enable user accounting through an external
Update authentication server.

Select this to have the Zyxel Device send subscriber status updates to the accounting server
at the interval you specify.
Interim Update Specify the time interval for how often the Zyxel Device is to send a subscriber status update
Interval to the accounting server.
MAC Authentication Select this to use an external server or the Zyxel Device’s local database to authenticate
wireless clients by their MAC addresses. Users cannot get an IP address if the MAC
authentication fails.

An external server can use the wireless client’s account (username/password) or Calling
Station ID for MAC authentication. Configure the ones the external server uses.
Delimiter Select the separator the external server uses for the two-character pairs within account
(Account) MAC addresses.
Case (Account) Select the case (upper or lower) the external server requires for letters in the account MAC

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Table 320 Configuration > Object > AP Profile > SSID > Security Profile > Add/Edit Security Profile>
Security Mode: open (continued)
Delimiter (Calling RADIUS servers can require the MAC address in the Calling Station ID RADIUS attribute.
Station ID)
Select the separator the external server uses for the pairs in calling station MAC addresses.
Case (Calling Select the case (upper or lower) the external server requires for letters in the calling station
Station ID) MAC addresses.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving your changes.

Figure 578 Configuration > Object > AP Profile > SSID > Security Profile > Add/Edit Security Profile>
Security Mode: enhanced-open

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 321 Configuration > Object > AP Profile > SSID > Security Profile > Add/Edit Security Profile>
Security Mode: enhanced-open
Profile Name Enter up to 31 alphanumeric characters for the profile name. This name is only visible in the
Web Configurator and is only for management purposes. Spaces and underscores are
Security Mode Select a security mode from the list: open, enhanced open, wep, wpa2, or wpa2-mix, wpa3.
Authentication Settings
Transition Mode Enable this for backwards compatibility. This option is only available if the Security Mode is
wpa3 or enhanced-open. This creates two virtual APs (VAPs) with a primary (wpa3 or
enhanced-open) and fallback (wpa2 or none) security method.

If the Security Mode is wpa3, enabling this will force Management Frame Protection to be set
to Optional. If this is disabled or if the Security Mode is enhanced-open, Management Frame
Protection will be set to Required.
Idle Timeout Enter the idle interval (in seconds) that a client can be idle before authentication is
Radius Settings
Primary / Secondary Select this to have the Zyxel Device use the specified RADIUS server.
Radius Server
Radius Server IP Enter the IP address of the RADIUS server to be used for authentication.
Radius Server Enter the port number of the RADIUS server to be used for authentication.
Radius Server Enter the shared secret password of the RADIUS server to be used for authentication.
Primary / Secondary Select the check box to enable user accounting through an external authentication server.
Accounting Server
Accounting Enter the IP address of the external accounting server in dotted decimal notation.
Server IP Address
Accounting Enter the port number of the external accounting server. The default port number is 1813.
Server Port You need not change this value unless your network administrator instructs you to do so with
additional information.
Accounting Enter a password (up to 128 alphanumeric characters) as the key to be shared between the
Share Secret external accounting server and the Zyxel Device. The key must be the same on the external
accounting server and your Zyxel Device. The key is not sent over the network.
Accounting Interim This field is available only when you enable user accounting through an external
Update authentication server.

Select this to have the Zyxel Device send subscriber status updates to the accounting server
at the interval you specify.
Interim Update Specify the time interval for how often the Zyxel Device is to send a subscriber status update
Interval to the accounting server.
MAC Authentication Select this to use an external server or the Zyxel Device’s local database to authenticate
wireless clients by their MAC addresses. Users cannot get an IP address if the MAC
authentication fails.

An external server can use the wireless client’s account (username/password) or Calling
Station ID for MAC authentication. Configure the ones the external server uses.
Delimiter Select the separator the external server uses for the two-character pairs within account
(Account) MAC addresses.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Table 321 Configuration > Object > AP Profile > SSID > Security Profile > Add/Edit Security Profile>
Security Mode: enhanced-open (continued)
Case (Account) Select the case (upper or lower) the external server requires for letters in the account MAC
Delimiter (Calling RADIUS servers can require the MAC address in the Calling Station ID RADIUS attribute.
Station ID)
Select the separator the external server uses for the pairs in calling station MAC addresses.
Case (Calling Select the case (upper or lower) the external server requires for letters in the calling station
Station ID) MAC addresses.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving your changes.

Figure 579 Configuration > Object > AP Profile > SSID > Security Profile > Add/Edit Security Profile>
Security Mode: wep

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 322 Configuration > Object > AP Profile > SSID > Security Profile > Add/Edit Security Profile>
Security Mode: wep
Profile Name Enter up to 31 alphanumeric characters for the profile name. This name is only visible in the
Web Configurator and is only for management purposes. Spaces and underscores are
Security Mode Select a security mode from the list: open, enhanced open, wep, wpa2, or wpa2-mix, wpa3.
Authentication Settings
Enterprise Select this to enable 802.1x secure authentication with a RADIUS server.
Reauthenticatio Enter the interval (in seconds) between authentication requests. Enter a 0 for unlimited time.
n Timer
Idle Timeout Enter the idle interval (in seconds) that a client can be idle before authentication is
Authentication Type Select a WEP authentication method. Choices are Open or Share key.
Key Length Select the bit-length of the encryption key to be used in WEP connections.

If you select WEP-64:

• Enter 10 hexadecimal digits in the range of “A-F”, “a-f” and “0-9” (for example,
0x11AA22BB33) for each Key used.

• Enter 5 ASCII characters (case sensitive) ranging from “a-z”, “A-Z” and “0-9” (for
example, MyKey) for each Key used.
If you select WEP-128:

• Enter 26 hexadecimal digits in the range of “A-F”, “a-f” and “0-9” (for example,
0x00112233445566778899AABBCC) for each Key used.

• Enter 13 ASCII characters (case sensitive) ranging from “a-z”, “A-Z” and “0-9” (for
example, MyKey12345678) for each Key used.
Key 1~4 Based on your Key Length selection, enter the appropriate length hexadecimal or ASCII key.
Radius Settings
Primary / Secondary Select this to have the Zyxel Device use the specified RADIUS server.
Radius Server
Radius Server IP Enter the IP address of the RADIUS server to be used for authentication.
Radius Server Enter the port number of the RADIUS server to be used for authentication.
Radius Server Enter the shared secret password of the RADIUS server to be used for authentication.
Primary / Secondary Select the check box to enable user accounting through an external authentication server.
Accounting Server
Accounting Enter the IP address of the external accounting server in dotted decimal notation.
Server IP Address
Accounting Enter the port number of the external accounting server. The default port number is 1813.
Server Port You need not change this value unless your network administrator instructs you to do so with
additional information.
Accounting Enter a password (up to 128 alphanumeric characters) as the key to be shared between the
Share Secret external accounting server and the Zyxel Device. The key must be the same on the external
accounting server and your Zyxel Device. The key is not sent over the network.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Table 322 Configuration > Object > AP Profile > SSID > Security Profile > Add/Edit Security Profile>
Security Mode: wep (continued)
Accounting Interim This field is available only when you enable user accounting through an external
Update authentication server.

Select this to have the Zyxel Device send subscriber status updates to the accounting server
at the interval you specify.
Interim Update Specify the time interval for how often the Zyxel Device is to send a subscriber status update
Interval to the accounting server.
MAC Authentication Select this to use an external server or the Zyxel Device’s local database to authenticate
wireless clients by their MAC addresses. Users cannot get an IP address if the MAC
authentication fails.

An external server can use the wireless client’s account (username/password) or Calling
Station ID for MAC authentication. Configure the ones the external server uses.
Delimiter Select the separator the external server uses for the two-character pairs within account
(Account) MAC addresses.
Case (Account) Select the case (upper or lower) the external server requires for letters in the account MAC
Delimiter (Calling RADIUS servers can require the MAC address in the Calling Station ID RADIUS attribute.
Station ID)
Select the separator the external server uses for the pairs in calling station MAC addresses.
Case (Calling Select the case (upper or lower) the external server requires for letters in the calling station
Station ID) MAC addresses.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving your changes.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Figure 580 Configuration > Object > AP Profile > SSID > Security Profile > Add/Edit Security Profile>
Security Mode: wpa2/ wpa2-mix

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 323 Configuration > Object > AP Profile > SSID > Security Profile > Add/Edit Security Profile>
Security Mode: wpa2/ wpa2-mix
Profile Name Enter up to 31 alphanumeric characters for the profile name. This name is only visible in the
Web Configurator and is only for management purposes. Spaces and underscores are
Security Mode Select a security mode from the list: open, enhanced open, wep, wpa2, or wpa2-mix, wpa3.
Authentication Settings
Enterprise Select this to enable 802.1x secure authentication with a RADIUS server.
Reauthenticatio Enter the interval (in seconds) between authentication requests. Enter a 0 for unlimited time.
n Timer
Personal This field is available when you select the wpa2, wpa2-mix or wpa3 security mode.

Select this option to use a Pre-Shared Key (PSK) with WPA2 encryption or Simultaneous
Authentication of Equals (SAE) with WPA3 encryption.
Pre-Shared Key Enter a pre-shared key of between 8 and 63 case-sensitive ASCII characters (including
spaces and symbols) or 64 hexadecimal characters.
Cipher Type Select an encryption cipher type from the list.

• auto - This automatically chooses the best available cipher based on the cipher in use
by the wireless client that is attempting to make a connection.
• aes - This is the Advanced Encryption Standard encryption method. It is a more recent
development over TKIP and considerably more robust. Not all wireless clients may
support this.
Idle Timeout Enter the idle interval (in seconds) that a client can be idle before authentication is
Group Key Update Enter the interval (in seconds) at which the AP updates the group WPA2 encryption key.
Management This field is available only when you select wpa2 in the Security Mode field and set Cipher
Frame Protection Type to aes.

Data frames in 802.11 WLANs can be encrypted and authenticated with WEP, WPA or
WPA2. But 802.11 management frames, such as beacon/probe response, association
request, association response, de-authentication and disassociation are always
unauthenticated and unencrypted. IEEE 802.11w Protected Management Frames allows
APs to use the existing security mechanisms (encryption and authentication methods
defined in IEEE 802.11i WPA/WPA2) to protect management frames. This helps prevent
wireless DoS attacks.

Select the check box to enable management frame protection (MFP) to add security to
802.11 management frames.

Select Optional if you do not require the wireless clients to support MFP. Management
frames will be encrypted if the clients support MFP.

Select Required and wireless clients must support MFP in order to join the Zyxel Device’s
wireless network.
Fast Roaming IEEE 802.11r fast roaming, which is also known as Fast BSS Transition (FT), allows wireless clients
Settings to quickly move from one AP to another in a WiFi network that uses WPA2 with 802.1x
authentication. Information from the original association is passed to the target AP when the
client roams. The client doesn’t need to perform the whole 802.1x authentication process.
Messages exchanged between the target AP and client are reduced and performed using
one of the two methods:

• Over-the-DS: The wireless client communicates with the target AP via the current AP. The
communication is sent to the target AP through the wired Ethernet connection.
• Over-the-Air: The wireless client communicates directly with the target AP.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Table 323 Configuration > Object > AP Profile > SSID > Security Profile > Add/Edit Security Profile>
Security Mode: wpa2/ wpa2-mix (continued)
802.11r Select this to turn on IEEE 802.11r fast roaming on the AP (Zyxel Device). This is good for
wireless clients that transport a lot of real-time interactive traffic, such as voice and video.
Wireless clients should also support WPA2 and fast roaming to associate with the AP (Zyxel
Device) and roam seamlessly.
Radius Settings
Primary / Secondary Select this to have the Zyxel Device use the specified RADIUS server.
Radius Server
Radius Server IP Enter the IP address of the RADIUS server to be used for authentication.
Radius Server Enter the port number of the RADIUS server to be used for authentication.
Radius Server Enter the shared secret password of the RADIUS server to be used for authentication.
Primary / Secondary Select the check box to enable user accounting through an external authentication server.
Accounting Server
Accounting Enter the IP address of the external accounting server in dotted decimal notation.
Server IP Address
Accounting Enter the port number of the external accounting server. The default port number is 1813.
Server Port You need not change this value unless your network administrator instructs you to do so with
additional information.
Accounting Enter a password (up to 128 alphanumeric characters) as the key to be shared between the
Share Secret external accounting server and the Zyxel Device. The key must be the same on the external
accounting server and your Zyxel Device. The key is not sent over the network.
Accounting Interim This field is available only when you enable user accounting through an external
Update authentication server.

Select this to have the Zyxel Device send subscriber status updates to the accounting server
at the interval you specify.
Interim Update Specify the time interval for how often the Zyxel Device is to send a subscriber status update
Interval to the accounting server.
MAC Authentication Select this to use an external server or the Zyxel Device’s local database to authenticate
wireless clients by their MAC addresses. Users cannot get an IP address if the MAC
authentication fails.

An external server can use the wireless client’s account (username/password) or Calling
Station ID for MAC authentication. Configure the ones the external server uses.
Delimiter Select the separator the external server uses for the two-character pairs within account
(Account) MAC addresses.
Case (Account) Select the case (upper or lower) the external server requires for letters in the account MAC
Delimiter (Calling RADIUS servers can require the MAC address in the Calling Station ID RADIUS attribute.
Station ID)
Select the separator the external server uses for the pairs in calling station MAC addresses.
Case (Calling Select the case (upper or lower) the external server requires for letters in the calling station
Station ID) MAC addresses.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving your changes.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Figure 581 Configuration > Object > AP Profile > SSID > Security Profile > Add/Edit Security Profile>
Security Mode: wpa3

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 324 Configuration > Object > AP Profile > SSID > Security Profile > Add/Edit Security Profile>
Security Mode: wpa3
Profile Name Enter up to 31 alphanumeric characters for the profile name. This name is only visible in the
Web Configurator and is only for management purposes. Spaces and underscores are
Security Mode Select a security mode from the list: open, enhanced open, wep, wpa2, or wpa2-mix, wpa3.
Authentication Settings
Enterprise Select this to enable 802.1x secure authentication with a RADIUS server.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Table 324 Configuration > Object > AP Profile > SSID > Security Profile > Add/Edit Security Profile>
Security Mode: wpa3 (continued)
Reauthenticatio Enter the interval (in seconds) between authentication requests. Enter a 0 for unlimited time.
n Timer
Personal This field is available when you select the wpa2, wpa2-mix or wpa3 security mode.

Select this option to use a Pre-Shared Key (PSK) with WPA2 encryption or Simultaneous
Authentication of Equals (SAE) with WPA3 encryption.
Pre-Shared Key Enter a pre-shared key of between 8 and 63 case-sensitive ASCII characters (including
spaces and symbols) or 64 hexadecimal characters.
Transition Mode Enable this for backwards compatibility. This option is only available if the Security Mode is
wpa3 or enhanced-open. This creates two virtual APs (VAPs) with a primary (wpa3 or
enhanced-open) and fallback (wpa2 or none) security method.

If the Security Mode is wpa3, enabling this will force Management Frame Protection to be set
to Optional. If this is disabled or if the Security Mode is enhanced-open, Management Frame
Protection will be set to Required.
Idle Timeout Enter the idle interval (in seconds) that a client can be idle before authentication is
Group Key Update Enter the interval (in seconds) at which the AP updates the group WPA2 encryption key.
Management This field is available only when you select wpa2 in the Security Mode field and set Cipher
Frame Protection Type to aes.

Data frames in 802.11 WLANs can be encrypted and authenticated with WEP, WPA or
WPA2. But 802.11 management frames, such as beacon/probe response, association
request, association response, de-authentication and disassociation are always
unauthenticated and unencrypted. IEEE 802.11w Protected Management Frames allows
APs to use the existing security mechanisms (encryption and authentication methods
defined in IEEE 802.11i WPA/WPA2) to protect management frames. This helps prevent
wireless DoS attacks.

Select the check box to enable management frame protection (MFP) to add security to
802.11 management frames.

Select Optional if you do not require the wireless clients to support MFP. Management
frames will be encrypted if the clients support MFP.

Select Required and wireless clients must support MFP in order to join the Zyxel Device’s
wireless network.
Radius Settings
Primary / Secondary Select this to have the Zyxel Device use the specified RADIUS server.
Radius Server
Radius Server IP Enter the IP address of the RADIUS server to be used for authentication.
Radius Server Enter the port number of the RADIUS server to be used for authentication.
Radius Server Enter the shared secret password of the RADIUS server to be used for authentication.
Primary / Secondary Select the check box to enable user accounting through an external authentication server.
Accounting Server
Accounting Enter the IP address of the external accounting server in dotted decimal notation.
Server IP Address
Accounting Enter the port number of the external accounting server. The default port number is 1813.
Server Port You need not change this value unless your network administrator instructs you to do so with
additional information.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Table 324 Configuration > Object > AP Profile > SSID > Security Profile > Add/Edit Security Profile>
Security Mode: wpa3 (continued)
Accounting Enter a password (up to 128 alphanumeric characters) as the key to be shared between the
Share Secret external accounting server and the Zyxel Device. The key must be the same on the external
accounting server and your Zyxel Device. The key is not sent over the network.
Accounting Interim This field is available only when you enable user accounting through an external
Update authentication server.

Select this to have the Zyxel Device send subscriber status updates to the accounting server
at the interval you specify.
Interim Update Specify the time interval for how often the Zyxel Device is to send a subscriber status update
Interval to the accounting server.
MAC Authentication Select this to use an external server or the Zyxel Device’s local database to authenticate
wireless clients by their MAC addresses. Users cannot get an IP address if the MAC
authentication fails.

An external server can use the wireless client’s account (username/password) or Calling
Station ID for MAC authentication. Configure the ones the external server uses.
Delimiter Select the separator the external server uses for the two-character pairs within account
(Account) MAC addresses.
Case (Account) Select the case (upper or lower) the external server requires for letters in the account MAC
Delimiter (Calling RADIUS servers can require the MAC address in the Calling Station ID RADIUS attribute.
Station ID)
Select the separator the external server uses for the pairs in calling station MAC addresses.
Case (Calling Select the case (upper or lower) the external server requires for letters in the calling station
Station ID) MAC addresses.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving your changes. MAC Filter List

This screen allows you to create and manage security configurations that can be used by your SSIDs. To
access this screen click Configuration > Object > AP Profile > SSID > MAC Filter List.

Note: You can have a maximum of 32 MAC filtering profiles on the Zyxel Device.

Figure 582 Configuration > Object > AP Profile > SSID > MAC Filter List

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 325 Configuration > Object > AP Profile > SSID > MAC Filter List
Add Click this to add a new MAC filtering profile.
Edit Click this to edit the selected MAC filtering profile.
Remove Click this to remove the selected MAC filtering profile.
References Click this to view which other objects are linked to the selected MAC filtering profile (for
example, SSID profile).
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific profile.
Profile Name This field indicates the name assigned to the MAC filtering profile.
Filter Action This field indicates this profile’s filter action (if any). Add/Edit MAC Filter Profile

This screen allows you to create a new MAC filtering profile or edit an existing one. To access this screen,
click the Add button or select a MAC filter profile from the list and click the Edit button.

Figure 583 SSID > MAC Filter List > Add/Edit MAC Filter Profile

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 326 SSID > MAC Filter List > Add/Edit MAC Filter Profile
Profile Name Enter up to 31 alphanumeric characters for the profile name. This name is only visible in the Web
Configurator and is only for management purposes. Spaces and underscores are allowed.
Filter Action Select allow to permit the wireless client with the MAC addresses in this profile to connect to the
network through the associated SSID; select deny to block the wireless clients with the specified
MAC addresses.
Add Click this to add a MAC address to the profile’s list.
Edit Click this to edit the selected MAC address in the profile’s list.
Remove Click this to remove the selected MAC address from the profile’s list.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific profile.
MAC Address This field specifies a MAC address associated with this profile.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Table 326 SSID > MAC Filter List > Add/Edit MAC Filter Profile (continued)
Description This field displays a description for the MAC address associated with this profile. You can click the
description to make it editable. Enter up to 60 characters, spaces and underscores allowed.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving your changes.

43.4 MON Profile

43.4.1 Overview
This screen allows you to set up monitor mode configurations that allow your connected APs to scan for
other wireless devices in the vicinity. Once detected, you can use the Rogue AP screen (Section 9.4 on
page 311) to classify them as either rogue or friendly and then manage them accordingly.

The MON Profile screen (Section 43.4.2 on page 883) creates preset monitor mode configurations that
can be used by the APs. What You Need To Know

The following terms and concepts may help as you read this chapter.

Active Scan
An active scan is performed when an 802.11-compatible wireless monitoring device is explicitly
triggered to scan a specified channel or number of channels for other wireless devices broadcasting on
the 802.11 frequencies by sending probe request frames.

Passive Scan
A passive scan is performed when an 802.11-compatible monitoring device is set to periodically listen to
a specified channel or number of channels for other wireless devices broadcasting on the 802.11

43.4.2 Configuring MON Profile

This screen allows you to create monitor mode configurations that can be used by the APs. To access
this screen, login to the Web Configurator, and click Configuration > Object > MON Profile.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Figure 584 Configuration > Object > MON Profile

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 327 Configuration > Object > MON Profile

Add Click this to add a new monitor mode profile.
Edit Click this to edit the selected monitor mode profile.
Remove Click this to remove the selected monitor mode profile.
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
References Click this to view which other objects are linked to the selected monitor mode profile (for
example, an AP management profile).
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific user.
Status This icon is lit when the entry is active and dimmed when the entry is inactive.
Profile Name This field indicates the name assigned to the monitor profile.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

43.4.3 Add/Edit MON Profile

This screen allows you to create a new monitor mode profile or edit an existing one. To access this
screen, click the Add button or select and existing monitor mode profile and click the Edit button.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Figure 585 Configuration > Object > MON Profile > Add/Edit MON Profile

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 328 Configuration > Object > MON Profile > Add/Edit MON Profile
Activate Select this to activate this monitor mode profile.
Profile Name This field indicates the name assigned to the monitor mode profile.
Channel dwell time Enter the interval (in milliseconds) before the AP switches to another channel for
Scan Channel Mode Select auto to have the AP switch to the next sequential channel once the Channel dwell
time expires.

Select manual to set specific channels through which to cycle sequentially when the
Channel dwell time expires. Selecting this options makes the Scan Channel List options

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Table 328 Configuration > Object > MON Profile > Add/Edit MON Profile (continued)
Country Code Select the country code of APs that are connected to the Zyxel Device to be the same as
where the Zyxel Device is located/installed.

The available channels vary depending on the country you selected. Be sure to select the
correct/same country for both radios on an AP and all connected APs, in order to prevent
roaming failure and interference to other systems.

After changing the country code, the AP channel setting will be reset if your manually
selected channel(s) are not valid in the new country code setting.
Set Scan Channel List Move a channel from the Available channels column to the Channels selected column to
(2.4 GHz) have the APs using this profile scan that channel when Scan Channel Mode is set to

These channels are limited to the 2 GHz range (802.11 b/g/n).

Set Scan Channel List Move a channel from the Available channels column to the Channels selected column to
(5 GHz) have the APs using this profile scan that channel when Scan Channel Mode is set to

These channels are limited to the 5 GHz range (802.11 a/n).

OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving your changes.

43.4.4 Technical Reference

The following section contains additional technical information about the features described in this

Rogue APs
Rogue APs are wireless access points operating in a network’s coverage area that are not under the
control of the network’s administrators, and can open up holes in a network’s security. Attackers can
take advantage of a rogue AP’s weaker (or non-existent) security to gain access to the network, or set
up their own rogue APs in order to capture information from wireless clients. If a scan reveals a rogue AP,
you can use commercially-available software to physically locate it.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Figure 586 Rogue AP Example

In the example above, a corporate network’s security is compromised by a rogue AP (RG) set up by an
employee at his workstation in order to allow him to connect his notebook computer wirelessly (A). The
company’s legitimate wireless network (the dashed ellipse B) is well-secured, but the rogue AP uses
inferior security that is easily broken by an attacker (X) running readily available encryption-cracking
software. In this example, the attacker now has access to the company network, including sensitive
data stored on the file server (C).

Friendly APs
If you have more than one AP in your wireless network, you should also configure a list of “friendly” APs.
Friendly APs are other wireless access points that are detected in your network, as well as any others that
you know are not a threat (those from recognized networks, for example). It is recommended that you
export (save) your list of friendly APs often, especially if you have a network with a large number of
access points.

43.5 ZyMesh Overview

This section shows you how to configure ZyMesh profiles for the Zyxel Device to apply to the managed

ZyMesh is a Zyxel proprietary protocol that creates wireless mesh links between managed APs to expand
the wireless network. Managed APs can provide services or forward traffic between the Zyxel Device
and wireless clients. ZyMesh also allows the Zyxel Device to use CAPWAP to automatically update the
configuration settings on the managed APs (in repeater mode) through wireless connections. The
managed APs (in repeater mode) are provisioned hop by hop.

The managed APs in a ZyMesh must use the same SSID, channel number and pre-shared key. A manged
AP can be either a root AP or repeater in a ZyMesh.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Note: All managed APs should be connected to the Zyxel Device directly to get the
configuration file before being deployed to build a ZyMesh. Ensure you restart the
managed AP after you change its operating mode using the Configuration > Wireless >
AP Management screen (see Section 9.3 on page 293).

• Root AP: a managed AP that can transmit and receive data from the Zyxel Device via a wired
Ethernet connection.
• Repeater: a managed AP that transmits and/or receives data from the Zyxel Device via a wireless
connection through a root AP.

Note: When managed APs are deployed to form a ZyMesh for the first time, the root AP must
be connected to an AP controller (the Zyxel Device).

In the following example, managed APs 1 and 2 act as a root AP and managed APs A, B and C are

The maximum number of hops (the repeaters between a wireless client and the root AP) you can have
in a ZyMesh varies according to how many wireless clients a managed AP can support.

Note: A ZyMesh link with more hops has lower throughput.

Note: When the wireless connection between the root AP and the repeater is up, in order to
prevent bridge loops, the repeater would not be able to transmit data through its
Ethernet port(s). The repeater then could only receive power from a PoE device if you
use PoE to provide power to the managed AP via an 8-ping Ethernet cable.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

43.5.1 ZyMesh Profile

This screen allows you to manage and create ZyMesh profiles that can be used by the APs. To access
this screen, click Configuration > Object > ZyMesh Profile.

Figure 587 Configuration > Object > ZyMesh Profile

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 329 Configuration > Object > ZyMesh Profile

Hide / Show Click this to display a greater or lesser number of configuration fields.
ZyMesh Provision By default, this shows the MAC address used by the Zyxel Device’s first Ethernet port.
Say you have two AP controllers (Zyxel Devices) in your network and the primary AP controller is
not reachable. You may want to deploy the second/backup AP controller in your network to
replace the primary AP controller. In this case, it is recommended that you enter the primary AP
controller’s ZyMesh Provision Group MAC address in the second AP controller’s ZyMesh
Provision Group field.

If you didn’t change the second AP controller’s MAC address, managed APs in an existing
ZyMesh can still access the networks through the second AP controller and communicate with
each other. But new managed APs will not be able to communicate with the managed APs in
the existing ZyMesh, which is set up with the primary AP controller’s MAC address.

To allow all managed APs to communicate in the same ZyMesh, you can just set the second AP
controller to use the primary AP controller’s MAC address. Otherwise, reset all managed APs to
the factory defaults and set up a new ZyMesh with the second AP controller’s MAC address.
Next Click this button and follow the on-screen instructions to update the AP controller’s MAC
Add Click this to add a new profile.
Edit Click this to edit the selected profile.
Remove Click this to remove the selected profile.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific profile.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Table 329 Configuration > Object > ZyMesh Profile (continued)

Profile Name This field indicates the name assigned to the profile.
ZyMesh SSID This field shows the SSID specified in this ZyMesh profile.

43.5.2 Add/Edit ZyMesh Profile

This screen allows you to create a new ZyMesh profile or edit an existing one. To access this screen, click
the Add button or select and existing profile and click the Edit button.

Figure 588 Configuration > Object > ZyMesh Profile > Add/Edit ZyMesh Profile

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 330 Configuration > Object > ZyMesh Profile > Add/Edit ZyMesh Profile
Profile Name Enter up to 31 alphanumeric characters for the profile name.
ZyMesh SSID Enter the SSID with which you want the managed AP to connect to a root AP or repeater to
build a ZyMesh link.

Note: The ZyMesh SSID is hidden in the outgoing beacon frame so a wireless
device cannot obtain the SSID through scanning using a site survey tool.
Pre-Shared Key Enter a pre-shared key of between 8 and 63 case-sensitive ASCII characters (including
spaces and symbols) or 64 hexadecimal characters.

The key is used to encrypt the wireless traffic between the APs.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving your changes.

43.6 Application
Go to Configuration > Licensing > Signature Update > IDP/AppPatrol to check that you have the latest
IDP and App Patrol signatures. These signatures are available to create application objects in
Configuration > Object > Application > Application. Categories of applications include (at the time of

Table 331 Categories of Applications

• Instant Messaging • P2P • File Transfer
• Streaming Media • Mail and Collaboration • Voice over IP

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Table 331 Categories of Applications

• Database • Games • Network Management
• Remote Access • Bypass Proxies and • Web
Terminals Tunnels
• Security Update • Web IM • TCP/UDP traffic
• Business • Network Protocols • Mobile
• Private Protocol • Social Network •

The following table shows the types of categories currently supported (A) and the associated signatures
for each category (B).

Figure 589 Application Categories and Associated Signatures

• Use the Application screen (Section on page 892) to create application objects that can be used in
App Patrol profiles.
• Use the Application Group screen (Section 43.6.2 on page 895) to group application objects as an
individual object that can be used in App Patrol profiles.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

The Application screen allows you to create application objects consisting of service signatures as well
as view license and signature information. To access this screen click Configuration > Object >
Application > Application.

Figure 590 Configuration > Object > Application > Application

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 332 Configuration > Object > Application > Application

Add Click this to add a new application object.
Edit Click this to edit the selected application object.
Remove Click this to remove the selected application object.
References Click this to view which other objects are linked to the selected application object.
Clone Use Clone to create a new entry by modifying an existing one.

• Select an existing entry.

• Click Clone.
• A configuration copy of the selected entry pops up. You must at least change the name as
duplicate entry names are not allowed.
# This field is a sequential value associated with an application object.
Name This field indicates the name assigned to the application object.
Description This field shows some extra information on the application object.
Content This field shows the application signature(s) in this application object.
Reference This displays the number of times an object reference is used in a profile.
License You need to buy a license or use a trial license in order to use IDP/AppPatrol signatures. These
fields show license-related information.
License Status This field shows whether you have activated an IDP/AppPatrol signatures license
License Type This field shows the type of IDP/AppPatrol signatures license you have activated
Signature An activated license allows you to download signatures to the Zyxel Device from myZyxel.
Information These fields show details on the signatures downloaded.
Current The version number increments when signatures are updated at myZyxel. This field shows the
Version current version downloaded to the Zyxel Device.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Table 332 Configuration > Object > Application > Application (continued)
Released This field shows the date (YYYY-MM-DD) and time the current signature version was released.
Update If your signature set is not the most recent, click this to go to Configuration > Licensing >
Signatures Signature Update > IDP / AppPatrol to update your signatures.

43.6.1 Add Application Rule

Click Add in Configuration > Object > Application > Application to create a new application rule. In the
first screen you type a name to identify this application object and write an optional brief description of

You then click Add again to choose the signatures that should go into this object.

Figure 591 Configuration > Object > Application > Application > Add Application Rule

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 333 Configuration > Object > Application > Application > Add Application Rule
Name Type a name to identify this application rule. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters,
underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is case-
Description You may type some extra information on the application object here.
Add Click this to create a new application rule.
Remove Click this to remove the selected application rule.
# This field is a sequential value associated with this application rule.
Category This field shows the category to which the signature belongs in this application rule.
Application This displays the name of the application signature used in this application rule.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving your changes.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object Add Application Object by Category or Service

Click Add in Configuration > Object > Application > Application > Add Application Rule to choose the
signatures that should go into this object.

Figure 592 Configuration > Object > Application > Application > Add Application Rule > Add By

Figure 593 Configuration > Object > Application > Application > Add Application Rule > Add By Service

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 334 Configuration > Object > Application > Application > Add Application Rule > Add
Application Object
Search Choose signatures in one of the following ways:

• Select By Category then select a category in the adjacent drop-down list box to display all
signatures of that category
• Select By Service, type a keyword and click Search to display all signatures containing that
Query Result The results of the search are displayed here.
# This field is a sequential value associated with this signature
Category This field shows the category to which the signature belongs. Select the checkbox to add this
signature to the application object.
Application This displays the name of the application signature.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving your changes.

43.6.2 Application Group Screen

This screen allows you to group individual application objects to be treated as a single application
object. To access this screen click Configuration > Object > Application > Application Group.

Figure 594 Configuration > Object > Application > Application Group

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 335 Configuration > Object > Application > Application Group
Add Click this to add a new application group.
Edit Click this to edit the selected application group.
Remove Click this to remove the selected application group.
References Click this to view which other objects are linked to the selected application group.
# This field is a sequential value associated with an application group.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Table 335 Configuration > Object > Application > Application Group (continued)
Name This field indicates the name assigned to the application group.
Description You may type some extra information on the application group here.
Member This field shows the application objects in this application group.
Reference This displays the number of times an object reference is used in a profile.
License You need to buy a license or use a trial license in order to use IDP/AppPatrol signatures. These
fields show license-related information.
License Status This field shows whether you have activated an IDP/AppPatrol signatures license
License Type This field shows the type of IDP/AppPatrol signatures license you have activated
Signature An activated license allows you to download signatures to the Zyxel Device from myZyxel.
Information These fields show details on the signatures downloaded.
Current The version number increments when signatures are updated at myZyxel. This field shows the
Version current version downloaded to the Zyxel Device.
Released This field shows the date (YYYY-MM-DD) and time the current signature version was released.
Update If your signature set is not the most recent, click this to go to Configuration > Licensing >
Signatures Signature Update > IDP / AppPatrol to update your signatures. Add Application Group Rule

Click Add in Configuration > Object > Application > Application Group to select already created
application rules and combine them as a single new rule.

Figure 595 Configuration > Object > Application > Application > Add Application Group Rule

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 336 Configuration > Object > Application > Application > Add Application Group Rule
Name Enter a name for the group. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters, underscores(_), or
dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is case-sensitive.
Description This field displays the description of each group, if any. You can use up to 60 characters,
punctuation marks, and spaces.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Table 336 Configuration > Object > Application > Application > Add Application Group Rule
Member List The Member list displays the names of the application and application group objects that
have been added to the application group. The order of members is not important.

Select items from the Available list that you want to be members and move them to the
Member list. You can double-click a single entry to move it or use the [Shift] or [Ctrl] key to
select multiple entries and use the arrow button to move them.

Move any members you do not want included to the Available list.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving your changes.

43.7 Address/Geo IP Overview

Address objects can represent a single IP address or a range of IP addresses. Address groups are
composed of address objects and other address groups.

• The Address screen (Section 43.7.2 on page 897) provides a summary of all addresses in the Zyxel
Device. Use the Address Add/Edit screen to create a new address or edit an existing one.
• Use the Address Group summary screen (Section 43.7.3 on page 901) and the Address Group Add/
Edit screen, to maintain address groups in the Zyxel Device.
• Use the Geo IP screen (Section 43.7.4 on page 903) to update the database of country-to-IP address
mappings and to manually configure country-to-IP address mappings.

43.7.1 What You Need To Know

Address objects and address groups are used in dynamic routes, security policies, application patrol,
content filtering, and VPN connection policies. For example, addresses are used to specify where
content restrictions apply in content filtering. Please see the respective sections for more information
about how address objects and address groups are used in each one.

Address groups are composed of address objects and address groups. The sequence of members in the
address group is not important.

43.7.2 Address Summary Screen

The address screens are used to create, maintain, and remove addresses. There are the types of
address objects:

• HOST - the object uses an IP Address to define a host address

• RANGE - the object uses a range address defined by a Starting IP Address and an Ending IP Address
• SUBNET - the object uses a network address defined by a Network IP address and Netmask subnet
• INTERFACE IP - the object uses the IP address of one of the Zyxel Device’s interfaces
• INTERFACE SUBNET - the object uses the subnet mask of one of the Zyxel Device’s interfaces
• INTERFACE GATEWAY - the object uses the gateway IP address of one of the Zyxel Device’s interfaces
• GEOGRAPHY - the object uses the IP addresses of a country to represent a country

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

FQDN - the object uses a FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name). An FQDN consists of a host and domain
name. For example, www.zyxel.com is a fully qualified domain name, where “www” is the host, “zyxel” is
the second-level domain, and “com” is the top level domain. mail.myZyxel.com.tw is also an FQDN,
where “mail” is the host, “myZyxel” is the third-level domain, “com” is the second-level domain, and
“tw” is the top level domain.

Table 337 FQDN Example

host name second-level domain top-level domain name
Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

In an address FQDN object, you can also use one wildcard. For example, *.zyxel.com. An FQDN is
resolved to its IP address using the DNS server configured on the Zyxel Device.

The Address screen provides a summary of all addresses in the Zyxel Device. To access this screen, click
Configuration > Object > Address > Address. Click a column’s heading cell to sort the table entries by
that column’s criteria. Click the heading cell again to reverse the sort order.

Figure 596 Configuration > Object > Address/Geo IP > Address

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

The following table describes the labels in this screen. See Section on page 899 for more
information as well.

Table 338 Configuration > Object > Address/Geo IP > Address

IPv4 Address Configuration
Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to be able to modify the entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove
it before doing so.
References Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use the entry.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific address.
Name This field displays the configured name of each address object.
Type This field displays the type of each address object. “INTERFACE” means the object uses the
settings of one of the Zyxel Device’s interfaces.
IPv4 Address This field displays the IPv4 addresses represented by each address object. If the object’s
settings are based on one of the Zyxel Device’s interfaces, the name of the interface displays
first followed by the object’s current address settings.
Reference This displays the number of times an object reference is used in a profile.
IPv6 Address Configuration
Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to be able to modify the entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove
it before doing so.
References Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use the entry.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific address.
Name This field displays the configured name of each address object.
Type This field displays the type of each address object. “INTERFACE” means the object uses the
settings of one of the Zyxel Device’s interfaces.
IPv6 Address This field displays the IPv6 addresses represented by each address object. If the object’s
settings are based on one of the Zyxel Device’s interfaces, the name of the interface displays
first followed by the object’s current address settings. IPv4 Address Add/Edit Screen

The Configuration > Object > Address/GeoIP > Address > Add/Edit screen allows you to create a new
address or edit an existing one. To access this screen, go to the Address screen (see Section 43.7.2 on
page 897), and click either the Add icon or an Edit icon in the IPv4 Address Configuration section.

Figure 597 Configuration > Object > Address/GeoIP > Address > Add/Edit (IPv4)t

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 339 Configuration > Object > Address/GeoIP > Address > Add/Edit (IPv4)
Name Type the name used to refer to the address. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters,
underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is case-
Address Type Select the type of address you want to create.

Note: The Zyxel Device automatically updates address objects that are based on an
interface’s IP address, subnet, or gateway if the interface’s IP address settings
change. For example, if you change 1’s IP address, the Zyxel Device
automatically updates the corresponding interface-based, LAN subnet
address object.
IP Address This field is only available if the Address Type is HOST. This field cannot be blank. Enter the IP
address that this address object represents.
Starting IP This field is only available if the Address Type is RANGE. This field cannot be blank. Enter the
Address beginning of the range of IP addresses that this address object represents.
Ending IP Address This field is only available if the Address Type is RANGE. This field cannot be blank. Enter the end
of the range of IP address that this address object represents.
Network This field is only available if the Address Type is SUBNET, in which case this field cannot be blank.
Enter the IP address of the network that this address object represents.
Netmask This field is only available if the Address Type is SUBNET, in which case this field cannot be blank.
Enter the subnet mask of the network that this address object represents. Use dotted decimal
Interface If you selected INTERFACE IP, INTERFACE SUBNET, or INTERFACE GATEWAY as the Address Type,
use this field to select the interface of the network that this address object represents.
Region If you selected GEOGRAPHY as the Address Type, use this field to select a country or continent.

A GEOGRAPHY object uses the data from the country-to-IP/continent-to-IP address database.
Go to the Configuration > Object > Address/Geo IP > Geo IP screen to configure the custom
country-to-IP/continent-to-IP address mappings for a GEOGRAPHY object.
FQDN If you selected FQDN as the Address Type, use this field to enter a fully qualified domain name.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving your changes. IPv6 Address Add/Edit Screen

The Configuration > Object > Address/GeoIP > Address > Add/Edit screen allows you to create a new
address or edit an existing one. To access this screen, go to the Address screen (see Section 43.7.2 on
page 897), and click either the Add icon or an Edit icon in the IPv6 Address Configuration section.

Figure 598 Configuration > Object > Address/GeoIP > Address > Add/Edit (IPv6)

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 340 Configuration > Object > Address/GeoIP > Address > Add/Edit (IPv6)
Name Type the name used to refer to the address. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters,
underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is case-
Object Type Select the type of address you want to create.

Note: The Zyxel Device automatically updates address objects that are based on an
interface’s IP address, subnet, or gateway if the interface’s IP address settings
change. For example, if you change 1’s IP address, the Zyxel Device
automatically updates the corresponding interface-based, LAN subnet
address object.
IPv6 Address This field is only available if the Address Type is HOST. This field cannot be blank. Enter the IP
address that this address object represents.
IPv6 Starting This field is only available if the Address Type is RANGE. This field cannot be blank. Enter the
Address beginning of the range of IP addresses that this address object represents.
IPv6 Ending This field is only available if the Address Type is RANGE. This field cannot be blank. Enter the end
Address of the range of IP address that this address object represents.
IPv6 Address This field is only available if the Address Type is SUBNET. This field cannot be blank. Enter the IPv6
Prefix address prefix that the Zyxel Device uses for the LAN IPv6 address.
Interface If you selected INTERFACE IP, INTERFACE SUBNET, or INTERFACE GATEWAY as the Address Type,
use this field to select the interface of the network that this address object represents.
IPv6 Address Type Select whether the IPv6 address is a link-local IP address (LINK LOCAL), static IP address
(STATIC), an IPv6 StateLess Address Auto Configuration IP address (SLAAC), or is obtained from
a DHCPv6 server (DHCPv6).
Region If you selected Geography as the Address Type, use this field to select a country or continent.
FQDN If you selected FQDN as the Address Type, use this field to enter a fully qualified domain name.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving your changes.

43.7.3 Address Group Summary Screen

The Address Group screen provides a summary of all address groups. To access this screen, click
Configuration > Object > Address/Geo IP > Address Group. Click a column’s heading cell to sort the
table entries by that column’s criteria. Click the heading cell again to reverse the sort order.

Figure 599 Configuration > Object > Address/Geo IP > Address Group

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

The following table describes the labels in this screen. See Section on page 902 for more
information as well.

Table 341 Configuration > Object > Address/Geo IP > Address Group
IPv4 Address Group Configuration
Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to be able to modify the entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove
it before doing so.
References Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use the entry.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific address group.
Name This field displays the name of each address group.
Description This field displays the description of each address group, if any.
Reference This displays the number of times an object reference is used in a profile.
IPv6 Address Group Configuration
Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to be able to modify the entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove
it before doing so.
References Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use the entry.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific address group.
Name This field displays the name of each address group.
Description This field displays the description of each address group, if any. Address Group Add/Edit Screen

The Address Group Add/Edit screen allows you to create a new address group or edit an existing one. To
access this screen, go to the Address Group screen (see Section 43.7.3 on page 901), and click either
the Add icon or an Edit icon in the IPv4 Address Group Configuration or IPv6 Address Group
Configuration section.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Figure 600 IPv4/IPv6 Address Group Configuration > Add

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 342 IPv4/IPv6 Address Group Configuration > Add

Name Enter a name for the address group. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters,
underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is case-
Description This field displays the description of each address group, if any. You can use up to 60
characters, punctuation marks, and spaces.
Address Type Select the type of address (Address, GEOGRAPHY, and FQDN) you want to create.

Note: The Zyxel Device automatically updates address objects that are based on an
interface’s IP address, subnet, or gateway if the interface’s IP address settings
change. For example, if you change 1’s IP address, the Zyxel Device
automatically updates the corresponding interface-based, LAN subnet
address object.
Member List The Member list displays the names of the address and address group objects that have been
added to the address group. The order of members is not important.

Select items from the Available list that you want to be members and move them to the
Member list. You can double-click a single entry to move it or use the [Shift] or [Ctrl] key to
select multiple entries and use the arrow button to move them.

Move any members you do not want included to the Available list.

Note: Only objects of the same address type can be added to a address group.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving your changes.

43.7.4 Geo IP Summary Screen

Use this screen to update the database of country-to-IP and continent-to-IP address mappings and
manually configure custom country-to-IP and continent-to-IP address mappings in geographic address

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

objects. You can then use geographic address objects in security policies to forward or deny traffic to
whole countries or regions.

Click a column’s heading cell to sort the table entries by that column’s criteria. Click the heading cell
again to reverse the sort order.

Figure 601 Configuration > Object > Address/Geo IP > Geo IP

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 343 Configuration > Object > Address/Geo IP > Geo IP

Country Database Update
Latest Version This is the latest country-to-IP address database version on myZyxel. You need to have a
registered Content Filter Service license.

Current Version This is the country-to-IP address database version currently on the Zyxel Device.
Update Now Click this to check for the latest country-to-IP address database version on myZyxel. The latest
version is downloaded to the Zyxel Device and replaces the current version if it is newer. There
are logs to show the update status. You need to have a registered Content Filter Service
Auto Update If you want the Zyxel Device to check weekly for the latest country-to-IP address database
version on myZyxel, select the checkbox, choose a day and time each week and then click
Apply. The default day and time displayed is the Zyxel Device current day and time.
Custom IPv4/IPv6 to Geography Rules
Add Click this to create a new entry.
IPv4/v6 to Enter an IP address, then click this button to query which country this IP address belongs to.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove
it before doing so.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific entry.
Geolocation This field displays the name of the country or region that is associated with this IP address.
Type This field displays whether this address object is HOST, RANGE or SUBNET.
IPv4/IPv6 Address This field displays the IPv4/IPv6 addresses represented by the type of address object.
Region vs. Continent
Region Enter a country name, then click the Region to Continent button to query which continent this
country belongs to.
Continent Select a continent, then click the Region List button to query which countries belong to the
Apply Click Apply to save the changes.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings. Add Custom IPv4/IPv6 Address to Geography Screen

This screen allows you to create a new geography-to-IP address mapping. To access this screen, go to
the Geo IP screen (see Section 43.7.4 on page 903), and click the Add icon in the Custom IPv4 to
Geography Rules or Custom IPv6 to Geography Rules section.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Figure 602 Geo IP > Add

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 344 Geo IP > Add

Region Select the country or continent that maps to this IP address.
Address Type Select the type of address you want to create. Choices are: HOST, RANGE, SUBNET.
IP Address This field is only available if the Address Type is HOST. This field cannot be blank. Enter the IP
address that this address object represents.
IP Starting This field is only available if the Address Type is RANGE. This field cannot be blank. Enter the
Address beginning of the range of IP addresses that this address object represents.
IP Ending Address This field is only available if the Address Type is RANGE. This field cannot be blank. Enter the end
of the range of IP address that this address object represents.
Network / These fields are only available if the IPv4 Address Type is SUBNET. They cannot be blank. Enter
Netmask the network IP and subnet mask that defines the IPv4 subnet.
IPv6 Address This field is only available if the IPv6 Address Type is SUBNET. This field cannot be blank. Enter the
Prefix IPv6 address prefix that the Zyxel Device uses for the LAN IPv6 address.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving your changes.

43.8 Service Overview

Use service objects to define TCP applications, UDP applications, and ICMP messages. You can also
create service groups to refer to multiple service objects in other features.

• Use the Service screens (Section 43.8.2 on page 907) to view and configure the Zyxel Device’s list of
services and their definitions.
• Use the Service Group screens (Section 43.8.2 on page 907) to view and configure the Zyxel Device’s
list of service groups.

43.8.1 What You Need to Know

IP Protocols
IP protocols are based on the eight-bit protocol field in the IP header. This field represents the next-level
protocol that is sent in this packet. This section discusses three of the most common IP protocols.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Computers use Transmission Control Protocol (TCP, IP protocol 6) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP, IP
protocol 17) to exchange data with each other. TCP guarantees reliable delivery but is slower and more
complex. Some uses are FTP, HTTP, SMTP, and TELNET. UDP is simpler and faster but is less reliable. Some
uses are DHCP, DNS, RIP, and SNMP.

TCP creates connections between computers to exchange data. Once the connection is established,
the computers exchange data. If data arrives out of sequence or is missing, TCP puts it in sequence or
waits for the data to be re-transmitted. Then, the connection is terminated.

In contrast, computers use UDP to send short messages to each other. There is no guarantee that the
messages arrive in sequence or that the messages arrive at all.

Both TCP and UDP use ports to identify the source and destination. Each port is a 16-bit number. Some
port numbers have been standardized and are used by low-level system processes; many others have
no particular meaning.

Unlike TCP and UDP, Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP, IP protocol 1) is mainly used to send error
messages or to investigate problems. For example, ICMP is used to send the response if a computer
cannot be reached. Another use is ping. ICMP does not guarantee delivery, but networks often treat
ICMP messages differently, sometimes looking at the message itself to decide where to send it.

Service Objects and Service Groups

Use service objects to define IP protocols.

• TCP applications
• UDP applications
• ICMP messages
• user-defined services (for other types of IP protocols)

These objects are used in policy routes, security policies, and IDP profiles.

Use service groups when you want to create the same rule for several services, instead of creating
separate rules for each service. Service groups may consist of services and other service groups. The
sequence of members in the service group is not important.

43.8.2 The Service Summary Screen

The Service summary screen provides a summary of all services and their definitions. In addition, this
screen allows you to add, edit, and remove services.

To access this screen, log in to the Web Configurator, and click Configuration > Object > Service >
Service. Click a column’s heading cell to sort the table entries by that column’s criteria. Click the
heading cell again to reverse the sort order.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Figure 603 Configuration > Object > Service > Service

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 345 Configuration > Object > Service > Service

Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to be able to modify the entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove
it before doing so.
References Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use the entry.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific service.
Name This field displays the name of each service.
Content This field displays a description of each service.
Reference This displays the number of times an object reference is used in a profile. The Service Add/Edit Screen

The Service Add/Edit screen allows you to create a new service or edit an existing one. To access this
screen, go to the Service screen (see Section 43.8.2 on page 907), and click either the Add icon or an
Edit icon.

Figure 604 Configuration > Object > Service > Service > Edit

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 346 Configuration > Object > Service > Service > Edit
Name Type the name used to refer to the service. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters,
underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is case-
IP Protocol Select the protocol the service uses. Choices are: TCP, UDP, ICMP, ICMPv6, and User Defined.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Table 346 Configuration > Object > Service > Service > Edit (continued)
Starting Port This field appears if the IP Protocol is TCP or UDP. Specify the port number(s) used by this service.
If you fill in one of these fields, the service uses that port. If you fill in both fields, the service uses
Ending Port the range of ports.
ICMP Type This field appears if the IP Protocol is ICMP or ICMPv6.

Select the ICMP message used by this service. This field displays the message text, not the
message number.
IP Protocol This field appears if the IP Protocol is User Defined.
Enter the number of the next-level protocol (IP protocol). Allowed values are 1 - 255.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving your changes.

43.8.3 The Service Group Summary Screen

The Service Group summary screen provides a summary of all service groups. In addition, this screen
allows you to add, edit, and remove service groups.

To access this screen, log in to the Web Configurator, and click Configuration > Object > Service >
Service Group.

Figure 605 Configuration > Object > Service > Service Group

The following table describes the labels in this screen. See Section on page 910 for more
information as well.

Table 347 Configuration > Object > Service > Service Group
Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to be able to modify the entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove
it before doing so.
References Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use the entry.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific service group.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Table 347 Configuration > Object > Service > Service Group (continued)
Family This field displays the Server Group supported type, which is according to your configurations in
the Service Group Add/Edit screen.

There are 3 types of families:

• : Supports IPv4 only

• : Supports IPv6 only
• : Supports both IPv4 and IPv6
Name This field displays the name of each service group.

By default, the Zyxel Device uses services starting with “Default_Allow_” in the security policies
to allow certain services to connect to the Zyxel Device.
Description This field displays the description of each service group, if any.
Reference This displays the number of times an object reference is used in a profile. The Service Group Add/Edit Screen

The Service Group Add/Edit screen allows you to create a new service group or edit an existing one. To
access this screen, go to the Service Group screen (see Section 43.8.3 on page 909), and click either the
Add icon or an Edit icon.

Figure 606 Configuration > Object > Service > Service Group > Edit

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 348 Configuration > Object > Service > Service Group > Edit
Name Enter the name of the service group. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters,
underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is case-
Description Enter a description of the service group, if any. You can use up to 60 printable ASCII characters.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Table 348 Configuration > Object > Service > Service Group > Edit (continued)
Member List The Member list displays the names of the service and service group objects that have been
added to the service group. The order of members is not important.

Select items from the Available list that you want to be members and move them to the
Member list. You can double-click a single entry to move it or use the [Shift] or [Ctrl] key to
select multiple entries and use the arrow button to move them.

Move any members you do not want included to the Available list.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving your changes.

43.9 Schedule Overview

Use schedules to set up one-time and recurring schedules for policy routes, security policies, application
patrol, and content filtering. The Zyxel Device supports one-time and recurring schedules. One-time
schedules are effective only once, while recurring schedules usually repeat. Both types of schedules are
based on the current date and time in the Zyxel Device.

Note: Schedules are based on the Zyxel Device’s current date and time.

• Use the Schedule summary screen (Section 43.9.2 on page 911) to see a list of all schedules in the
Zyxel Device.
• Use the One-Time Schedule Add/Edit screen (Section on page 912) to create or edit a one-
time schedule.
• Use the Recurring Schedule Add/Edit screen (Section on page 913) to create or edit a
recurring schedule.
• Use the Schedule Group screen (Section 43.9.3 on page 914) to merge individual schedule objects as
one object.

43.9.1 What You Need to Know

One-time Schedules
One-time schedules begin on a specific start date and time and end on a specific stop date and time.
One-time schedules are useful for long holidays and vacation periods.

Recurring Schedules
Recurring schedules begin at a specific start time and end at a specific stop time on selected days of
the week (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday). Recurring schedules
always begin and end in the same day. Recurring schedules are useful for defining the workday and off-
work hours.

43.9.2 The Schedule Screen

The Schedule screen provides a summary of all schedules in the Zyxel Device. To access this screen, click
Configuration > Object > Schedule.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Figure 607 Configuration > Object > Schedule

The following table describes the labels in this screen. See Section on page 912 and Section on page 913 for more information as well.

Table 349 Configuration > Object > Schedule

One Time
Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to be able to modify the entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove
it before doing so.
References Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use the entry.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific schedule.
Name This field displays the name of the schedule, which is used to refer to the schedule.
Start Day / This field displays the date and time at which the schedule begins.
Stop Day / This field displays the date and time at which the schedule ends.
Reference This displays the number of times an object reference is used in a profile.
Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to be able to modify the entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove
it before doing so.
References Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use the entry.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific schedule.
Name This field displays the name of the schedule, which is used to refer to the schedule.
Start Time This field displays the time at which the schedule begins.
Stop Time This field displays the time at which the schedule ends.
Reference This displays the number of times an object reference is used in a profile. The One-Time Schedule Add/Edit Screen

The One-Time Schedule Add/Edit screen allows you to define a one-time schedule or edit an existing
one. To access this screen, go to the Schedule screen (see Section 43.9.2 on page 911), and click either
the Add icon or an Edit icon in the One Time section.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Figure 608 Configuration > Object > Schedule > Edit (One Time)

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 350 Configuration > Object > Schedule > Edit (One Time)
Name Type the name used to refer to the one-time schedule. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric
characters, underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This
value is case-sensitive.
Date Time
StartDate Specify the year, month, and day when the schedule begins.

• Year - 1900 - 2999

• Month - 1 - 12
• Day - 1 - 31 (it is not possible to specify illegal dates, such as February 31.)
StartTime Specify the hour and minute when the schedule begins.

• Hour - 0 - 23
• Minute - 0 - 59
StopDate Specify the year, month, and day when the schedule ends.

• Year - 1900 - 2999

• Month - 1 - 12
• Day - 1 - 31 (it is not possible to specify illegal dates, such as February 31.)
StopTime Specify the hour and minute when the schedule ends.

• Hour - 0 - 23
• Minute - 0 - 59
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving your changes. The Recurring Schedule Add/Edit Screen

The Recurring Schedule Add/Edit screen allows you to define a recurring schedule or edit an existing
one. To access this screen, go to the Schedule screen (see Section 43.9.2 on page 911), and click either
the Add icon or an Edit icon in the Recurring section.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Figure 609 Configuration > Object > Schedule > Edit (Recurring)

The Year, Month, and Day columns are not used in recurring schedules and are disabled in this screen.
The following table describes the remaining labels in this screen.

Table 351 Configuration > Object > Schedule > Edit (Recurring)
Name Type the name used to refer to the recurring schedule. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric
characters, underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This
value is case-sensitive.
Date Time
StartTime Specify the hour and minute when the schedule begins each day.

• Hour - 0 - 23
• Minute - 0 - 59
StopTime Specify the hour and minute when the schedule ends each day.

• Hour - 0 - 23
• Minute - 0 - 59
Week Days Select each day of the week the recurring schedule is effective.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving your changes.

43.9.3 The Schedule Group Screen

The Schedule Group screen provides a summary of all groups of schedules in the Zyxel Device. To
access this screen, click Configuration > Object > Schedule >Group.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Figure 610 Configuration > Object > Schedule > Schedule Group

The following table describes the fields in the above screen.

Table 352 Configuration > Object > Schedule > Schedule Group
Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to be able to modify the entry’s
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want
to remove it before doing so.
References Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use
the entry.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific schedule.
Name This field displays the name of the schedule group, which is used to refer to the
Description This field displays the description of the schedule group.
Members This field lists the members in the schedule group. Each member is separated by a
Reference This displays the number of times an object reference is used in a profile. The Schedule Group Add/Edit Screen

The Schedule Group Add/Edit screen allows you to define a schedule group or edit an existing one. To
access this screen, go to the Schedule screen (see), and click either the Add icon or an Edit icon in the
Schedule Group section.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Figure 611 Configuration > Schedule > Schedule Group > Add

The following table describes the fields in the above screen.

Table 353 Configuration > Schedule > Schedule Group > Add
Group Members
Name Type the name used to refer to the recurring schedule. You may use 1-31
alphanumeric characters, underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character
cannot be a number. This value is case-sensitive.
Description Enter a description of the service group, if any. You can use up to 60 printable ASCII
Member List The Member list displays the names of the service and service group objects that
have been added to the service group. The order of members is not important.

Select items from the Available list that you want to be members and move them to
the Member list. You can double-click a single entry to move it or use the [Shift] or
[Ctrl] key to select multiple entries and use the arrow button to move them.

Move any members you do not want included to the Available list.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.

Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving your changes.

43.10 AAA Server Overview

You can use a AAA (Authentication, Authorization, Accounting) server to provide access control to your
network. The AAA server can be a Active Directory, LDAP, or RADIUS server. Use the AAA Server screens
to create and manage objects that contain settings for using AAA servers. You use AAA server objects in

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

configuring ext-group-user user objects and authentication method objects (see Chapter 43 on page

43.10.1 Directory Service (AD/LDAP)

LDAP/AD allows a client (the Zyxel Device) to connect to a server to retrieve information from a
directory. A network example is shown next.

Figure 612 Example: Directory Service Client and Server

The following describes the user authentication procedure via an LDAP/AD server.

1 A user logs in with a user name and password pair.

2 The Zyxel Device tries to bind (or log in) to the LDAP/AD server.

3 When the binding process is successful, the Zyxel Device checks the user information in the directory
against the user name and password pair.

4 If it matches, the user is allowed access. Otherwise, access is blocked.

43.10.2 RADIUS Server

RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service) authentication is a popular protocol used to
authenticate users by means of an external server instead of (or in addition to) an internal device user
database that is limited to the memory capacity of the device. In essence, RADIUS authentication
allows you to validate a large number of users from a central location.

Figure 613 RADIUS Server Network Example

43.10.3 ASAS
ASAS (Authenex Strong Authentication System) is a RADIUS server that works with the One-Time Password
(OTP) feature. Purchase a Zyxel Device OTP package in order to use this feature. The package contains

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

server software and physical OTP tokens (PIN generators). Do the following to use OTP. See the
documentation included on the ASAS’ CD for details.

1 Install the ASAS server software on a computer.

2 Create user accounts on the Zyxel Device and in the ASAS server.

3 Import each token’s database file (located on the included CD) into the server.

4 Assign users to OTP tokens (on the ASAS server).

5 Configure the ASAS as a RADIUS server in the Zyxel Device’s Configuration > Object > AAA Server

6 Give the OTP tokens to (local or remote) users.

• Use the Configuration > Object > AAA Server > Active Directory (or LDAP) screens (Section 43.10.5 on
page 919) to configure Active Directory or LDAP server objects.
• Use the Configuration > Object > AAA Server > RADIUS screen (Section 43.10.2 on page 917) to
configure the default external RADIUS server to use for user authentication.

43.10.4 What You Need To Know

AAA Servers Supported by the Zyxel Device

The following lists the types of authentication server the Zyxel Device supports.

• Local user database

The Zyxel Device uses the built-in local user database to authenticate administrative users logging into
the Zyxel Device’s Web Configurator or network access users logging into the network through the
Zyxel Device. You can also use the local user database to authenticate VPN users.
• Directory Service (LDAP/AD)
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)/AD (Active Directory) is a directory service that is both
a directory and a protocol for controlling access to a network. The directory consists of a database
specialized for fast information retrieval and filtering activities. You create and store user profile and
login information on the external server.
RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service) authentication is a popular protocol used to
authenticate users by means of an external or built-in RADIUS server. RADIUS authentication allows
you to validate a large number of users from a central location.

Directory Structure
The directory entries are arranged in a hierarchical order much like a tree structure. Normally, the
directory structure reflects the geographical or organizational boundaries. The following figure shows a
basic directory structure branching from countries to organizations to organizational units to individuals.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Figure 614 Basic Directory Structure


Root CSO

Japan Sales

Countries (c) Organizations (o) Organization Units (ou) Unique

Common Name

Distinguished Name (DN)

A DN uniquely identifies an entry in a directory. A DN consists of attribute-value pairs separated by
commas. The leftmost attribute is the Relative Distinguished Name (RDN). This provides a unique name
for entries that have the same “parent DN” (“cn=domain1.com, ou=Sales, o=MyCompany” in the
following examples).

cn=domain1.com, ou = Sales, o=MyCompany, c=US

cn=domain1.com, ou = Sales, o=MyCompany, c=JP

Base DN
A base DN specifies a directory. A base DN usually contains information such as the name of an
organization, a domain name and/or country. For example, o=MyCompany, c=UK where o means
organization and c means country.

Bind DN
A bind DN is used to authenticate with an LDAP/AD server. For example a bind DN of cn=zywallAdmin
allows the Zyxel Device to log into the LDAP/AD server using the user name of zywallAdmin. The bind
DN is used in conjunction with a bind password. When a bind DN is not specified, the Zyxel Device will try
to log in as an anonymous user. If the bind password is incorrect, the login will fail.

43.10.5 Active Directory or LDAP Server Summary

Use the Active Directory or LDAP screen to manage the list of AD or LDAP servers the Zyxel Device can
use in authenticating users.

Click Configuration > Object > AAA Server > Active Directory (or LDAP) to display the Active Directory (or
LDAP) screen.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Figure 615 Configuration > Object > AAA Server > Active Directory (or LDAP)

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 354 Configuration > Object > AAA Server > Active Directory (or LDAP)
Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify the
entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove
it before doing so.
References Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use the entry.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific AD or LDAP server.
Name This field displays the name of the Active Directory.
Server Address This is the address of the AD or LDAP server.
Base DN This specifies a directory. For example, o=Zyxel, c=US. Adding an Active Directory or LDAP Server

Click Object > AAA Server > Active Directory (or LDAP) to display the Active Directory (or LDAP) screen.
Click the Add icon or an Edit icon to display the following screen. Use this screen to create a new AD or
LDAP entry or edit an existing one.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Figure 616 Configuration > Object > AAA Server > Active Directory (or LDAP) > Add

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 355 Configuration > Object > AAA Server > Active Directory (or LDAP) > Add
Name Enter a descriptive name (up to 63 alphanumerical characters) for identification purposes.
Description Enter the description of each server, if any. You can use up to 60 printable ASCII characters.
Server Address Enter the address of the AD or LDAP server.
Backup Server If the AD or LDAP server has a backup server, enter its address here.
Port Specify the port number on the AD or LDAP server to which the Zyxel Device sends
authentication requests. Enter a number between 1 and 65535.

This port number should be the same on all AD or LDAP server(s) in this group.
Base DN Specify the directory (up to 127 alphanumerical characters). For example, o=Zyxel,
This is only for LDAP.
Use SSL Select Use SSL to establish a secure connection to the AD or LDAP server(s).
Search time limit Specify the timeout period (between 1 and 300 seconds) before the Zyxel Device
disconnects from the AD or LDAP server. In this case, user authentication fails.

Search timeout occurs when either the user information is not in the AD or LDAP server(s) or
the AD or LDAP server(s) is down.
Case-sensitive User Select this if the server checks the case of the usernames.
Bind DN Specify the bind DN for logging into the AD or LDAP server. Enter up to 127 alphanumerical

For example, cn=zywallAdmin specifies zywallAdmin as the user name.

Password If required, enter the password (up to 15 alphanumerical characters) for the Zyxel Device to
bind (or log in) to the AD or LDAP server.
Retype to Confirm Retype your new password for confirmation.
Login Name Enter the type of identifier the users are to use to log in. For example “name” or “e-mail
Attribute address”.
Alternative Login If there is a second type of identifier that the users can use to log in, enter it here. For example
Name Attribute “name” or “e-mail address”.
Group An AD or LDAP server defines attributes for its accounts. Enter the name of the attribute that
Membership the Zyxel Device is to check to determine to which group a user belongs. The value for this
Attribute attribute is called a group identifier; it determines to which group a user belongs. You can
add ext-group-user user objects to identify groups based on these group identifier values.

For example you could have an attribute named “memberOf” with values like “sales”, “RD”,
and “management”. Then you could also create a ext-group-user user object for each
group. One with “sales” as the group identifier, another for “RD” and a third for
Domain Select the Enable checkbox to enable domain authentication for MSChap.
Authentication for
MSChap This is only for Active Directory.

User Name Enter the user name for the user who has rights to add a machine to the domain.

This is only for Active Directory.

User Password Enter the password for the associated user name.

This is only for Active Directory.

Retype to Confirm Retype your new password for confirmation.

This is only for Active Directory.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Table 355 Configuration > Object > AAA Server > Active Directory (or LDAP) > Add (continued)
Realm Enter the realm FQDN.

This is only for Active Directory.

NetBIOS Name Type the NetBIOS name. This field is optional. NetBIOS packets are TCP or UDP packets that
enable a computer to connect to and communicate with a LAN which allows local
computers to find computers on the remote network and vice versa.
Configuration Use a user account from the server specified above to test if the configuration is correct. Enter
Validation the account’s user name in the Username field and click Test.
OK Click OK to save the changes.
Cancel Click Cancel to discard the changes.

43.10.6 RADIUS Server Summary

Use the RADIUS screen to manage the list of RADIUS servers the Zyxel Device can use in authenticating

Click Configuration > Object > AAA Server > RADIUS to display the RADIUS screen.

Figure 617 Configuration > Object > AAA Server > RADIUS

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 356 Configuration > Object > AAA Server > RADIUS
Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify the
entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove
it before doing so.
References Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use the entry.
# This field displays the index number.
Name This is the name of the RADIUS server entry.
Server Address This is the address of the AD or LDAP server. Adding a RADIUS Server

Click Configuration > Object > AAA Server > RADIUS to display the RADIUS screen. Click the Add icon or
an Edit icon to display the following screen. Use this screen to create a new AD or LDAP entry or edit an
existing one.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Figure 618 Configuration > Object > AAA Server > RADIUS > Add

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 357 Configuration > Object > AAA Server > RADIUS > Add
Name Enter a descriptive name (up to 63 alphanumerical characters) for identification purposes.
Description Enter the description of each server, if any. You can use up to 60 printable ASCII characters.
Server Address Enter the address of the RADIUS server.
Authentication Specify the port number on the RADIUS server to which the Zyxel Device sends authentication
Port requests. Enter a number between 1 and 65535.
Backup Server If the RADIUS server has a backup server, enter its address here.
Backup Specify the port number on the RADIUS server to which the Zyxel Device sends authentication
Authentication requests. Enter a number between 1 and 65535.
Timeout Specify the timeout period (between 1 and 300 seconds) before the Zyxel Device disconnects
from the RADIUS server. In this case, user authentication fails.

Search timeout occurs when either the user information is not in the RADIUS server or the
RADIUS server is down.
NAS IP Address Type the IP address of the NAS (Network Access Server).
Case-sensitive Select this if you want configure your username as case-sensitive.
User Names

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Chapter 43 Object

Table 357 Configuration > Object > AAA Server > RADIUS > Add (continued)
Key Enter a password (up to 15 alphanumeric characters) as the key to be shared between the
external authentication server and the Zyxel Device.

The key is not sent over the network. This key must be the same on the external authentication
server and the Zyxel Device.
Group A RADIUS server defines attributes for its accounts. Select the name and number of the
Membership attribute that the Zyxel Device is to check to determine to which group a user belongs. If it does
Attribute not display, select user-defined and specify the attribute’s number.

This attribute’s value is called a group identifier; it determines to which group a user belongs.
You can add ext-group-user user objects to identify groups based on these group identifier

For example you could have an attribute named “memberOf” with values like “sales”, “RD”,
and “management”. Then you could also create a ext-group-user user object for each group.
One with “sales” as the group identifier, another for “RD” and a third for “management”.
OK Click OK to save the changes.
Cancel Click Cancel to discard the changes.

43.11 Auth. Method Overview

Authentication method objects set how the Zyxel Device authenticates wireless, HTTP/HTTPS clients, and
peer IPSec routers (extended authentication) clients. Configure authentication method objects to have
the Zyxel Device use the local user database, and/or the authentication servers and authentication
server groups specified by AAA server objects. By default, user accounts created and stored on the
Zyxel Device are authenticated locally.

• Use the Configuration > Object > Auth. Method screens (Section 43.11.3 on page 926) to create and
manage authentication method objects.
• Use the Configuration > Object > Auth. Method > Two-Factor Authentication screen (Section 43.11.4
on page 928) to configure double-layer security to access a secured network behind the Zyxel
Device via a VPN tunnel, Web Configurator, SSH, or Telnet.

43.11.1 Before You Begin

Configure AAA server objects before you configure authentication method objects.

43.11.2 Example: Selecting a VPN Authentication Method

After you set up an authentication method object in the Auth. Method screens, you can use it in the VPN
Gateway screen to authenticate VPN users for establishing a VPN connection. Refer to the chapter on
VPN for more information.

Follow the steps below to specify the authentication method for a VPN connection.

1 Access the Configuration > VPN > IPSec VPN > VPN Gateway > Edit screen.

2 Click Show Advance Setting and select Enable Extended Authentication.

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Chapter 43 Object

3 Select Server Mode and select an authentication method object from the drop-down list box.

4 Click OK to save the settings.

Figure 619 Example: Using Authentication Method in VPN

43.11.3 Authentication Method Objects

Click Configuration > Object > Auth. Method to display the screen as shown.

Note: You can create up to 16 authentication method objects.

Figure 620 Configuration > Object > Auth. Method

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Chapter 43 Object

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 358 Configuration > Object > Auth. Method

Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify the
entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove it
before doing so.
References Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use the entry.
# This field displays the index number.
Method Name This field displays a descriptive name for identification purposes.
Method List This field displays the authentication method(s) for this entry. Creating an Authentication Method Object

Follow the steps below to create an authentication method object.

1 Click Configuration > Object > Auth. Method.

2 Click Add.

3 Specify a descriptive name for identification purposes in the Name field. You may use 1-31
alphanumeric characters, underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This
value is case-sensitive. For example, “My_Device”.

4 Click Add to insert an authentication method in the table.

5 Select a server object from the Method List drop-down list box.

6 You can add up to four server objects to the table. The ordering of the Method List column is important.
The Zyxel Device authenticates the users using the databases (in the local user database or the external
authentication server) in the order they appear in this screen.
If two accounts with the same username exist on two authentication servers you specify, the Zyxel
Device does not continue the search on the second authentication server when you enter the
username and password that doesn’t match the one on the first authentication server.

Note: You can NOT select two server objects of the same type.

7 Click OK to save the settings or click Cancel to discard all changes and return to the previous screen.

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Chapter 43 Object

Figure 621 Configuration > Object > Auth. Method > Add

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 359 Configuration > Object > Auth. Method > Add
Name Specify a descriptive name for identification purposes.

You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters, underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first
character cannot be a number. This value is case-sensitive. For example, “My_Device”.
Add Click this to create a new entry. Select an entry and click Add to create a new entry after the
selected entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify the
entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove
it before doing so.
Move To change a method’s position in the numbered list, select the method and click Move to
display a field to type a number for where you want to put it and press [ENTER] to move the rule
to the number that you typed.

The ordering of your methods is important as Zyxel Device authenticates the users using the
authentication methods in the order they appear in this screen.
# This field displays the index number.
Method List Select a server object from the drop-down list box. You can create a server object in the AAA
Server screen.

The Zyxel Device authenticates the users using the databases (in the local user database or the
external authentication server) in the order they appear in this screen.

If two accounts with the same username exist on two authentication servers you specify, the
Zyxel Device does not continue the search on the second authentication server when you
enter the username and password that doesn’t match the one on the first authentication
OK Click OK to save the changes.
Cancel Click Cancel to discard the changes.

43.11.4 Two-Factor Authentication

Use two-factor authentication to have double-layer security to access a secured network behind the
Zyxel Device via a VPN tunnel, Web Configurator, SSH, or Telnet.

The first layer is the VPN client/Zyxel Device’s login user name / password and the second layer is an
authorized SMS (via mobile phone number) or email address.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object Overview
This section introduces how two-factor authentication works.

Figure 622 Two-Factor Authentication

VPN Access Via a VPN tunnel

1 A user runs a VPN client and logs in with the user name and password for this VPN tunnel.

2 The VPN tunnel is created from the VPN client device to the Zyxel Device.

3 The Zyxel Device requests the user’s user-name, password and mobile phone number or email address
from the Active Directory, RADIUS server or local Zyxel Device database in order to authenticate this
user's use of the VPN tunnel (factor 1). If they are not found, then the Zyxel Device terminates the VPN

4 If all correct credentials are found, then the Zyxel Device will request the Cloud SMS system to send an
authorization SMS or email to the client requesting VPN access (factor 2).

5 The client should access the authorization link sent via SMS or email by the Cloud SMS system within a
specified deadline (Valid Time).

6 If the authorization is correct and received on time, then the client can have VPN access to the secured
network. If the authorization deadline has expired, then the client will have to run the VPN client again. If
authorization credentials are incorrect or if the SMS/email was not received, then the client must check
with the network administrator.

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Chapter 43 Object

Admin Access Via the Web Configurator, SSH, or Telnet

1 An admin user is trying to log into the Zyxel Device using the Web Configurator, SSH, or Telnet.

2 The Zyxel Device requests the admin user’s user-name, password and mobile phone number or email
address from the Active Directory, RADIUS server or local Zyxel Device database in order to
authenticate this admin user.

3 If all correct credentials are found, then the Zyxel Device will request the Cloud SMS system to send an
authorization SMS or email to the admin user.

4 The admin user should access the authorization link sent via SMS or email by the Cloud SMS system within
a specified deadline (Valid Time).

5 If the authorization is correct and received on time, then the client can access to the secured network.
If the authorization deadline has expired, then the admin user will have to try again. If authorization
credentials are incorrect or if the SMS/email was not received, then the admin user must check with the
network administrator. Pre-configuration
Before configuration, you must:

• Set up the user’s user-name, password and email address or mobile number in the Active Directory,
RADIUS server or local Zyxel Device database
• Enable Two-factor Authentication in Object> User/Group> User> Edit > Two-factor Authentication for a
specific user
• Enable Two-factor Authentication in Object> User/Group> User> Edit > Two-factor Authentication for
the Zyxel Device
• Enable HTTP and/or HTTPS in System > WWW > Service Control
• Enable SSH and/or Telnet in System > SSH and/or System > TELNET
• Add HTTP, HTTPS, SSH, and/or, TELNET in the Object > Service > Service Group >
Default_Allow_WAN_To_ZyWALL service group. This service group defines the default services allowed
in the WAN_to_Device security policy.
• For VPN access, configure the VPN tunnel for this user on the Zyxel Device

Email Authentication
• Configure Mail Server in System > Notification > Mail Server.

SMS Authentication
• Configure Mail Server in System > Notification > Mail Server.
• Configure SMS in System > Notification > SMS.
• Have an account with an Email-to-SMS cloud provider to be able to send SMS authorization requests

Google Authentication
• Install Google Authenticator

Two-Factor authentication may fail if one of the above is not configured or one of the below occurred.

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• You omit any of the pre-configuration items. Make sure to perform all pre-configuration items.
• The user cannot receive the authorization SMS or email. Check if the mobile telephone number or
email address of the user in the Active Directory, RADIUS Server or local Zyxel Device database is
configured correctly.
• Email-to-SMS cloud system authentication fails. Make sure that SMS is enabled and credentials are
correct in System > Notification > SMS.
• Mail server authentication failed. Check if the System > Notification > Mail Server settings are correct.
• Authorization timed out. Extend the Valid Time in Configuration > Object > Auth. Method > Two-factor
Authentication > VPN Access.
• You are unable to access Google Authenticator (you lost your phone or uninstalled the app). Log in
using one of the backup codes.
• You get a Google Authenticator verification error. You must enter the code within the time displayed
in Google Authenticator. The time on your cellphone and the time on the Zyxel Device must be the

Use this screen to select the users and VPN service(s) that requires two-factor authentication.

Go to Configuration > Object > Auth. Method > Two-factor Authentication > VPN Access and configure
the following screen as shown.

Figure 623 Configuration > Object > Auth. Method > Two-factor Authentication > VPN Access

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Chapter 43 Object

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 360 Configuration > Object > Auth. Method > Two-factor Authentication > VPN Access
General Settings
Enable Select the check box to require double-layer security to access a secured network behind the
Zyxel Device via a VPN tunnel.
Valid Time Enter the maximum time (in minutes) that the user must click or tap the authorization link in the
SMS or email in order to get authorization for the VPN connection.
Two-factor Select which kinds of VPN tunnels require Two-Factor Authentication. You should have
Authentication configured the VPN tunnel first.
for Services:
• SSL VPN Access
• IPSec VPN Access
• L2TP/IPSec VPN Access
User/Group This list displays the names of the users and user groups that can be selected for two-factor
authentication. The order of members is not important. Select users and groups from the
Selectable User/Group Objects list that require two-factor authentication for VPN access to a
secured network behind the Zyxel Device and move them to the Selected User/Group Objects
list. You can double-click a single entry to move it or use the [Shift] or [Ctrl] key to select multiple
entries and use the arrow button to move them.

Similarly, move user/groups that do not you do not require two-factor authentication back to
the Selectable User/Group Objects list.
Delivery Settings Use this section to configure how to send an SMS or email for authorization.
Deliver Authorize Select one or both methods:
Link Method:
• SMS: Object > User/Group > User must contain a valid mobile telephone number. A valid
mobile telephone number can be up to 20 characters in length, including the numbers 1~9
and the following characters in the square brackets [+*#()-].
• Email: Object > User/Group > User must contain a valid email address. A valid email address
must contain the @ character. For example, this is a valid email address:
Authorize Link Allows access to the link that the user will receive in the SMS or email. The user must be able to
URL Address: access the link.

• http/https: you must enable HTTP or HTTPS in System > WWW > Service Control
• From Interface/User-Defined: select the Zyxel Device WAN interface (wan1/2) or select
User-Defined and then enter an IP address.
Message You can either create a default message in the text box or upload a message file (Use
Multilingual file) from your computer. The message file must be named '2FA-msg.txt' and be in
UTF-8 format.

To create the file, click Download the default 2FA-msg.txt example and edit the file for your
needs. (If you make a mistake, use Restore Customized File to Default to restore your
customized file to the default.) Use Select a File Path to locate the final file on your computer
and then click Upload to transfer it to the Zyxel Device.

The message in either the text box or the file must contain the <url> variable within angle
brackets, while the <user>, <host>, and <time> variables are optional.
Apply Click Apply to save the changes.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

43.11.5 Two-Factor Authentication Admin Access

Use this screen to select the service (Web, SSH, and TELNET) that requires two-factor authentication for
the admin user.

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Chapter 43 Object

Go to Configuration > Object > Auth. Method > Two-factor Authentication > Admin Access and
configure the following screen as shown.

Figure 624 Configuration > Object > Auth. Method > Two-factor Authentication > Admin Access

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 361 Configuration > Object > Auth. Method > Two-factor Authentication > Admin Access
General Settings
Enable Select the check box to require double-layer security to access a secured network behind the
Zyxel Device via the Web Configurator, SSH, or Telnet.
Valid Time Enter the maximum time (in minutes) that the user must click or tap the authorization link in the
SMS or email in order to get authorization for logins via the Web Configurator, SSH, or Telnet.
Two-factor Select which services require Two-Factor Authentication for the admin user.
for Services: • Web
Delivery Settings Use this section to configure how to send an SMS or email for authorization.
Verification Select one or both methods:
Code Delivery
Method • SMS: Object > User/Group > User must contain a valid mobile telephone number. A valid
mobile telephone number can be up to 20 characters in length, including the numbers 1~9
and the following characters in the square brackets [+*#()-].
• Email: Object > User/Group > User must contain a valid email address. A valid email address
must contain the @ character. For example, this is a valid email address:
• All: You will receive both SMS and email for authorization.
Apply Click Apply to save the changes.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

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Chapter 43 Object

43.12 Certificate Overview

The Zyxel Device can use certificates (also called digital IDs) to authenticate users. Certificates are
based on public-private key pairs. A certificate contains the certificate owner’s identity and public key.
Certificates provide a way to exchange public keys for use in authentication.

• Use the My Certificates screens (see Section 43.12.3 on page 936 to Section on page 944) to
generate and export self-signed certificates or certification requests and import the CA-signed
• Use the Trusted Certificates screens (see Section 43.12.4 on page 945 to Section on page
949) to save CA certificates and trusted remote host certificates to the Zyxel Device. The Zyxel Device
trusts any valid certificate that you have imported as a trusted certificate. It also trusts any valid
certificate signed by any of the certificates that you have imported as a trusted certificate.

43.12.1 What You Need to Know

When using public-key cryptology for authentication, each host has two keys. One key is public and can
be made openly available. The other key is private and must be kept secure.

These keys work like a handwritten signature (in fact, certificates are often referred to as “digital
signatures”). Only you can write your signature exactly as it should look. When people know what your
signature looks like, they can verify whether something was signed by you, or by someone else. In the
same way, your private key “writes” your digital signature and your public key allows people to verify
whether data was signed by you, or by someone else. This process works as follows.

1 Tim wants to send a message to Jenny. He needs her to be sure that it comes from him, and that the
message content has not been altered by anyone else along the way. Tim generates a public key pair
(one public key and one private key).

2 Tim keeps the private key and makes the public key openly available. This means that anyone who
receives a message seeming to come from Tim can read it and verify whether it is really from him or not.

3 Tim uses his private key to sign the message and sends it to Jenny.

4 Jenny receives the message and uses Tim’s public key to verify it. Jenny knows that the message is from
Tim, and that although other people may have been able to read the message, no-one can have
altered it (because they cannot re-sign the message with Tim’s private key).

5 Additionally, Jenny uses her own private key to sign a message and Tim uses Jenny’s public key to verify
the message.

The Zyxel Device uses certificates based on public-key cryptology to authenticate users attempting to
establish a connection, not to encrypt the data that you send after establishing a connection. The
method used to secure the data that you send through an established connection depends on the
type of connection. For example, a VPN tunnel might use the triple DES encryption algorithm.

The certification authority uses its private key to sign certificates. Anyone can then use the certification
authority’s public key to verify the certificates.

A certification path is the hierarchy of certification authority certificates that validate a certificate. The
Zyxel Device does not trust a certificate if any certificate on its path has expired or been revoked.

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Certification authorities maintain directory servers with databases of valid and revoked certificates. A
directory of certificates that have been revoked before the scheduled expiration is called a CRL
(Certificate Revocation List). The Zyxel Device can check a peer’s certificate against a directory server’s
list of revoked certificates. The framework of servers, software, procedures and policies that handles keys
is called PKI (public-key infrastructure).

Advantages of Certificates
Certificates offer the following benefits.

• The Zyxel Device only has to store the certificates of the certification authorities that you decide to
trust, no matter how many devices you need to authenticate.
• Key distribution is simple and very secure since you can freely distribute public keys and you never
need to transmit private keys.

Self-signed Certificates
You can have the Zyxel Device act as a certification authority and sign its own certificates.

Factory Default Certificate

The Zyxel Device generates its own unique self-signed certificate when you first turn it on. This certificate
is referred to in the GUI as the factory default certificate.

Certificate File Formats

Any certificate that you want to import has to be in one of these file formats:

• Binary X.509: This is an ITU-T recommendation that defines the formats for X.509 certificates.
• PEM (Base-64) encoded X.509: This Privacy Enhanced Mail format uses lowercase letters, uppercase
letters and numerals to convert a binary X.509 certificate into a printable form.
• Binary PKCS#7: This is a standard that defines the general syntax for data (including digital signatures)
that may be encrypted. A PKCS #7 file is used to transfer a public key certificate. The private key is not
included. The Zyxel Device currently allows the importation of a PKS#7 file that contains a single
• PEM (Base-64) encoded PKCS#7: This Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) format uses lowercase letters,
uppercase letters and numerals to convert a binary PKCS#7 certificate into a printable form.
• Binary PKCS#12: This is a format for transferring public key and private key certificates. The private key
in a PKCS #12 file is within a password-encrypted envelope. The file’s password is not connected to
your certificate’s public or private passwords. Exporting a PKCS #12 file creates this and you must
provide it to decrypt the contents when you import the file into the Zyxel Device.

Note: Be careful not to convert a binary file to text during the transfer process. It is easy for this
to occur since many programs use text files by default.

43.12.2 Verifying a Certificate

Before you import a trusted certificate into the Zyxel Device, you should verify that you have the correct
certificate. You can do this using the certificate’s fingerprint. A certificate’s fingerprint is a message
digest calculated using the MD5 or SHA1 algorithm. The following procedure describes how to check a
certificate’s fingerprint to verify that you have the actual certificate.

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Chapter 43 Object

1 Browse to where you have the certificate saved on your computer.

2 Make sure that the certificate has a “.cer” or “.crt” file name extension.
Figure 625 Remote Host Certificates

3 Double-click the certificate’s icon to open the Certificate window. Click the Details tab and scroll down
to the Thumbprint Algorithm and Thumbprint fields.
Figure 626 Certificate Details

4 Use a secure method to verify that the certificate owner has the same information in the Thumbprint
Algorithm and Thumbprint fields. The secure method may very based on your situation. Possible
examples would be over the telephone or through an HTTPS connection.

43.12.3 The My Certificates Screen

Click Configuration > Object > Certificate > My Certificates to open the My Certificates screen. This is the
Zyxel Device’s summary list of certificates and certification requests.

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Figure 627 Configuration > Object > Certificate > My Certificates

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 362 Configuration > Object > Certificate > My Certificates

PKI Storage Space This bar displays the percentage of the Zyxel Device’s PKI storage space that is currently in
in Use use. When the storage space is almost full, you should consider deleting expired or
unnecessary certificates before adding more certificates.
Add Click this to go to the screen where you can have the Zyxel Device generate a certificate or
a certification request.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen with an in-depth list of
information about the certificate.
Remove The Zyxel Device keeps all of your certificates unless you specifically delete them. Uploading
a new firmware or default configuration file does not delete your certificates. To remove an
entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove it before
doing so. Subsequent certificates move up by one when you take this action.
References You cannot delete certificates that any of the Zyxel Device’s features are configured to use.
Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use the
Download Click this and the following screen will appear.

Type the selected certificate’s password and save the selected certificate to your computer.

Figure 628 Download a Certificate

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Chapter 43 Object

Table 362 Configuration > Object > Certificate > My Certificates (continued)
Email Click this to email the selected certificate to the configured email address(es) for SSL
connection establishment. This enables you to establish an SSL connection on your laptops,
tablets, or smartphones.

Click this and the following screen will appear.

Here are the field descriptions:

• Mail Subject: Type the subject line for outgoing email from the Zyxel Device.
• Mail To: Type the email address (or addresses) to which the outgoing email is
• Send Certificate with Private Key: Select the check box to send the selected
certificate with a private key.
• Password: Enter a private key of up to 31 keyboard characters for the certificate.
The special characters listed in the brackets [;\|`~!@#$%^&*()_+\\{}':,./<>=-"]
are allowed.
• E-mail Content: Create the email content in English, and use up to 250 keyboard
characters. The special characters listed in the brackets
[;\|`~!@#$%^&*()_+\\{}':,./<>=-"] are allowed.
• Compress as a ZIP File: Select the check box to compress the selected
Make sure the endpoint devices can decompress ZIP files before sending the
compressed certificate.
It's recommended to compress the certificate with a private key. Some email
servers block PKCS #12 files.
• Send Email: Click this to send the selected certificate.
• Cancel: Click this to return to the previous screen without saving your changes.
Figure 629 Email My Certificate

# This field displays the certificate index number. The certificates are listed in alphabetical order.
Name This field displays the name used to identify this certificate. It is recommended that you give
each certificate a unique name.

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Chapter 43 Object

Table 362 Configuration > Object > Certificate > My Certificates (continued)
Type This field displays what kind of certificate this is.

REQ represents a certification request and is not yet a valid certificate. Send a certification
request to a certification authority, which then issues a certificate. Use the My Certificate
Import screen to import the certificate and replace the request.

SELF represents a self-signed certificate.

CERT represents a certificate issued by a certification authority.

Subject This field displays identifying information about the certificate’s owner, such as CN (Common
Name), OU (Organizational Unit or department), O (Organization or company) and C
(Country). It is recommended that each certificate have unique subject information.
Issuer This field displays identifying information about the certificate’s issuing certification authority,
such as a common name, organizational unit or department, organization or company and
country. With self-signed certificates, this is the same information as in the Subject field.
Valid From This field displays the date that the certificate becomes applicable.
Valid To This field displays the date that the certificate expires. The text displays in red and includes an
Expired! message if the certificate has expired.
Import Click Import to open a screen where you can save a certificate to the Zyxel Device.
Refresh Click Refresh to display the current validity status of the certificates. The My Certificates Add Screen

Click Configuration > Object > Certificate > My Certificates and then the Add icon to open the My
Certificates Add screen. Use this screen to have the Zyxel Device create a self-signed certificate, enroll a
certificate with a certification authority or generate a certification request.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Figure 630 Configuration > Object > Certificate > My Certificates > Add

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 363 Configuration > Object > Certificate > My Certificates > Add
Name Type a name to identify this certificate. You can use up to 31 alphanumeric and
;‘~!@#$%^&()_+[]{}’,.=- characters.
Subject Information Use these fields to record information that identifies the owner of the certificate. You do
not have to fill in every field, although you must specify a Host IP Address, Host IPv6
Address, Host Domain Name, or E-Mail. The certification authority may add fields (such as
a serial number) to the subject information when it issues a certificate. It is recommended
that each certificate have unique subject information.

Select a radio button to identify the certificate’s owner by IP address, domain name or e-
mail address. Type the IP address (in dotted decimal notation), domain name or e-mail
address in the field provided. The domain name or e-mail address is for identification
purposes only and can be any string.

A domain name can be up to 255 characters. You can use alphanumeric characters, the
hyphen and periods.

An e-mail address can be up to 63 characters. You can use alphanumeric characters, the
hyphen, the @ symbol, periods and the underscore.
Organizational Unit Identify the organizational unit or department to which the certificate owner belongs. You
can use up to 31 characters. You can use alphanumeric characters, the hyphen and the
Organization Identify the company or group to which the certificate owner belongs. You can use up to
31 characters. You can use alphanumeric characters, the hyphen and the underscore.

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Chapter 43 Object

Table 363 Configuration > Object > Certificate > My Certificates > Add (continued)
Town (City) Identify the town or city where the certificate owner is located. You can use up to 31
characters. You can use alphanumeric characters, the hyphen and the underscore.
State, (Province) Identify the state or province where the certificate owner is located. You can use up to 31
characters. You can use alphanumeric characters, the hyphen and the underscore.
Country Identify the nation where the certificate owner is located. You can use up to 31
characters. You can use alphanumeric characters, the hyphen and the underscore.
Key Type Select RSA to use the Rivest, Shamir and Adleman public-key algorithm.

Select DSA to use the Digital Signature Algorithm public-key algorithm.

Key Length Select a number from the drop-down list box to determine how many bits the key should
use (512 to 2048). The longer the key, the more secure it is. A longer key also uses more PKI
storage space.
Extended Key Usage This field displays how the Zyxel Device generates and stores a request for server
authentication, client authentication, and/or IKE Intermediate authentication certificate.
Server Select this to have Zyxel Device generate and store a request for server authentication
Authentication certificate.
Client Select this to have Zyxel Device generate and store a request for client authentication
Authentication certificate.
IKE Intermediate Select this to have Zyxel Device generate and store a request for IKE Intermediate
authentication certificate.
Create a self-signed Select this to have the Zyxel Device generate the certificate and act as the Certification
certificate Authority (CA) itself. This way you do not need to apply to a certification authority for
Create a certification Select this to have the Zyxel Device generate and store a request for a certificate. Use the
request and save it My Certificate Details screen to view the certification request and copy it to send to the
locally for later certification authority.
manual enrollment
Copy the certification request from the My Certificate Details screen (see Section
on page 941) and then send it to the certification authority.
OK Click OK to begin certificate or certification request generation.
Cancel Click Cancel to quit and return to the My Certificates screen.

If you configured the My Certificate Create screen to have the Zyxel Device enroll a certificate and the
certificate enrollment is not successful, you see a screen with a Return button that takes you back to the
My Certificate Create screen. Click Return and check your information in the My Certificate Create
screen. Make sure that the certification authority information is correct and that your Internet
connection is working properly if you want the Zyxel Device to enroll a certificate online. The My Certificates Edit Screen

Click Configuration > Object > Certificate > My Certificates and then the Edit icon to open the My
Certificate Edit screen. You can use this screen to view in-depth certificate information and change the
certificate’s name.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Figure 631 Configuration > Object > Certificate > My Certificates > Edit

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 364 Configuration > Object > Certificate > My Certificates > Edit
Name This field displays the identifying name of this certificate. You can use up to 31 alphanumeric
and ;‘~!@#$%^&()_+[]{}’,.=- characters.
Certification Path This field displays for a certificate, not a certification request.

Click the Refresh button to have this read-only text box display the hierarchy of certification
authorities that validate the certificate (and the certificate itself).

If the issuing certification authority is one that you have imported as a trusted certification
authority, it may be the only certification authority in the list (along with the certificate itself).
If the certificate is a self-signed certificate, the certificate itself is the only one in the list. The
Zyxel Device does not trust the certificate and displays “Not trusted” in this field if any
certificate on the path has expired or been revoked.
Refresh Click Refresh to display the certification path.

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Chapter 43 Object

Table 364 Configuration > Object > Certificate > My Certificates > Edit (continued)
Certificate These read-only fields display detailed information about the certificate.
Type This field displays general information about the certificate. CA-signed means that a
Certification Authority signed the certificate. Self-signed means that the certificate’s owner
signed the certificate (not a certification authority). “X.509” means that this certificate was
created and signed according to the ITU-T X.509 recommendation that defines the formats
for public-key certificates.
Version This field displays the X.509 version number.
Serial Number This field displays the certificate’s identification number given by the certification authority
or generated by the Zyxel Device.
Subject This field displays information that identifies the owner of the certificate, such as Common
Name (CN), Organizational Unit (OU), Organization (O), State (ST), and Country (C).
Issuer This field displays identifying information about the certificate’s issuing certification
authority, such as Common Name, Organizational Unit, Organization and Country.

With self-signed certificates, this is the same as the Subject Name field.

“none” displays for a certification request.

Signature Algorithm This field displays the type of algorithm that was used to sign the certificate. The Zyxel
Device uses rsa-pkcs1-sha1 (RSA public-private key encryption algorithm and the SHA1
hash algorithm). Some certification authorities may use rsa-pkcs1-md5 (RSA public-private
key encryption algorithm and the MD5 hash algorithm).
Valid From This field displays the date that the certificate becomes applicable. “none” displays for a
certification request.
Valid To This field displays the date that the certificate expires. The text displays in red and includes
an Expired! message if the certificate has expired. “none” displays for a certification
Key Algorithm This field displays the type of algorithm that was used to generate the certificate’s key pair
(the Zyxel Device uses RSA encryption) and the length of the key set in bits (1024 bits for
Subject Alternative This field displays the certificate owner‘s IP address (IP), domain name (DNS) or e-mail
Name address (EMAIL).
Key Usage This field displays for what functions the certificate’s key can be used. For example,
“DigitalSignature” means that the key can be used to sign certificates and
“KeyEncipherment” means that the key can be used to encrypt text.
Basic Constraint This field displays general information about the certificate. For example, Subject Type=CA
means that this is a certification authority’s certificate and “Path Length Constraint=1”
means that there can only be one certification authority in the certificate’s path. This field
does not display for a certification request.
MD5 Fingerprint This is the certificate’s message digest that the Zyxel Device calculated using the MD5
SHA1 Fingerprint This is the certificate’s message digest that the Zyxel Device calculated using the SHA1
Certificate in PEM This read-only text box displays the certificate or certification request in Privacy Enhanced
(Base-64) Encoded Mail (PEM) format. PEM uses lowercase letters, uppercase letters and numerals to convert a
Format binary certificate into a printable form.

You can copy and paste a certification request into a certification authority’s web page,
an e-mail that you send to the certification authority or a text editor and save the file on a
management computer for later manual enrollment.

You can copy and paste a certificate into an e-mail to send to friends or colleagues or you
can copy and paste a certificate into a text editor and save the file on a management
computer for later distribution (via floppy disk for example).

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Table 364 Configuration > Object > Certificate > My Certificates > Edit (continued)
Export Certificate Use this button to save a copy of the certificate without its private key. Click this button and
Only then Save in the File Download screen. The Save As screen opens, browse to the location
that you want to use and click Save.
Password If you want to export the certificate with its private key, create a password and type it here.
Make sure you keep this password in a safe place. You will need to use it if you import the
certificate to another device.
Export Certificate Use this button to save a copy of the certificate with its private key. Type the certificate’s
with Private Key password and click this button. Click Save in the File Download screen. The Save As screen
opens, browse to the location that you want to use and click Save.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device. You can only change the name.
Cancel Click Cancel to quit and return to the My Certificates screen. The My Certificates Import Screen

Click Configuration > Object > Certificate > My Certificates > Import to open the My Certificate Import
screen. Follow the instructions in this screen to save an existing certificate to the Zyxel Device.

Note: You can import a certificate that matches a corresponding certification request that
was generated by the Zyxel Device. You can also import a certificate in PKCS#12
format, including the certificate’s public and private keys.

The certificate you import replaces the corresponding request in the My Certificates screen.

You must remove any spaces from the certificate’s filename before you can import it.

Figure 632 Configuration > Object > Certificate > My Certificates > Import

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 365 Configuration > Object > Certificate > My Certificates > Import
File Path Type in the location of the file you want to upload in this field or click Browse to find it.

You cannot import a certificate with the same name as a certificate that is already in the Zyxel
Browse Click Browse to find the certificate file you want to upload.

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Chapter 43 Object

Table 365 Configuration > Object > Certificate > My Certificates > Import (continued)
Password This field only applies when you import a binary PKCS#12 format file. Type the file’s password that was
created when the PKCS #12 file was exported.
OK Click OK to save the certificate on the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to quit and return to the My Certificates screen.

43.12.4 The Trusted Certificates Screen

Click Configuration > Object > Certificate > Trusted Certificates to open the Trusted Certificates screen.
This screen displays a summary list of certificates that you have set the Zyxel Device to accept as trusted.
The Zyxel Device also accepts any valid certificate signed by a certificate on this list as being
trustworthy; thus you do not need to import any certificate that is signed by one of these certificates.

Figure 633 Configuration > Object > Certificate > Trusted Certificates

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 366 Configuration > Object > Certificate > Trusted Certificates
PKI Storage Space This bar displays the percentage of the Zyxel Device’s PKI storage space that is currently in
in Use use. When the storage space is almost full, you should consider deleting expired or
unnecessary certificates before adding more certificates.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen with an in-depth list of
information about the certificate.
Remove The Zyxel Device keeps all of your certificates unless you specifically delete them. Uploading a
new firmware or default configuration file does not delete your certificates. To remove an
entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove it before
doing so. Subsequent certificates move up by one when you take this action.
References You cannot delete certificates that any of the Zyxel Device’s features are configured to use.
Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use the entry.
# This field displays the certificate index number. The certificates are listed in alphabetical order.
Name This field displays the name used to identify this certificate.
Subject This field displays identifying information about the certificate’s owner, such as CN (Common
Name), OU (Organizational Unit or department), O (Organization or company) and C
(Country). It is recommended that each certificate have unique subject information.
Issuer This field displays identifying information about the certificate’s issuing certification authority,
such as a common name, organizational unit or department, organization or company and
country. With self-signed certificates, this is the same information as in the Subject field.

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Chapter 43 Object

Table 366 Configuration > Object > Certificate > Trusted Certificates (continued)
Valid From This field displays the date that the certificate becomes applicable.
Valid To This field displays the date that the certificate expires. The text displays in red and includes an
Expired! message if the certificate has expired.
Import Click Import to open a screen where you can save the certificate of a certification authority
that you trust, from your computer to the Zyxel Device.
Refresh Click this button to display the current validity status of the certificates. The Trusted Certificates Edit Screen

Click Configuration > Object > Certificate > Trusted Certificates and then a certificate’s Edit icon to open
the Trusted Certificates Edit screen. Use this screen to view in-depth information about the certificate,
change the certificate’s name and set whether or not you want the Zyxel Device to check a
certification authority’s list of revoked certificates before trusting a certificate issued by the certification

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Figure 634 Configuration > Object > Certificate > Trusted Certificates > Edit

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Chapter 43 Object

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 367 Configuration > Object > Certificate > Trusted Certificates > Edit
Name This field displays the identifying name of this certificate. You can change the name. You
can use up to 31 alphanumeric and ;‘~!@#$%^&()_+[]{}’,.=- characters.
Certification Path Click the Refresh button to have this read-only text box display the end entity’s certificate
and a list of certification authority certificates that shows the hierarchy of certification
authorities that validate the end entity’s certificate. If the issuing certification authority is
one that you have imported as a trusted certificate, it may be the only certification
authority in the list (along with the end entity’s own certificate). The Zyxel Device does not
trust the end entity’s certificate and displays “Not trusted” in this field if any certificate on
the path has expired or been revoked.
Refresh Click Refresh to display the certification path.
Enable X.509v3 CRL Select this check box to turn on/off certificate revocation. When it is turned on, the Zyxel
Distribution Points Device validates a certificate by getting Certificate Revocation List (CRL) through HTTP or
and OCSP checking LDAP (can be configured after selecting the LDAP Server check box) and online responder
(can be configured after selecting the OCSP Server check box).
OCSP Server Select this check box if the directory server uses OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol).
URL Type the protocol, IP address and path name of the OCSP server.
ID The Zyxel Device may need to authenticate itself in order to assess the OCSP server. Type
the login name (up to 31 ASCII characters) from the entity maintaining the server (usually a
certification authority).
Password Type the password (up to 31 ASCII characters) from the entity maintaining the OCSP server
(usually a certification authority).
LDAP Server Select this check box if the directory server uses LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access
Protocol). LDAP is a protocol over TCP that specifies how clients access directories of
certificates and lists of revoked certificates.
Address Type the IP address (in dotted decimal notation) of the directory server.
Port Use this field to specify the LDAP server port number. You must use the same server port
number that the directory server uses. 389 is the default server port number for LDAP.
ID The Zyxel Device may need to authenticate itself in order to assess the CRL directory server.
Type the login name (up to 31 ASCII characters) from the entity maintaining the server
(usually a certification authority).
Password Type the password (up to 31 ASCII characters) from the entity maintaining the CRL directory
server (usually a certification authority).
Certificate These read-only fields display detailed information about the certificate.
Type This field displays general information about the certificate. CA-signed means that a
Certification Authority signed the certificate. Self-signed means that the certificate’s owner
signed the certificate (not a certification authority). X.509 means that this certificate was
created and signed according to the ITU-T X.509 recommendation that defines the formats
for public-key certificates.
Version This field displays the X.509 version number.
Serial Number This field displays the certificate’s identification number given by the certification authority.
Subject This field displays information that identifies the owner of the certificate, such as Common
Name (CN), Organizational Unit (OU), Organization (O) and Country (C).
Issuer This field displays identifying information about the certificate’s issuing certification
authority, such as Common Name, Organizational Unit, Organization and Country.

With self-signed certificates, this is the same information as in the Subject Name field.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Table 367 Configuration > Object > Certificate > Trusted Certificates > Edit (continued)
Signature Algorithm This field displays the type of algorithm that was used to sign the certificate. Some
certification authorities use rsa-pkcs1-sha1 (RSA public-private key encryption algorithm
and the SHA1 hash algorithm). Other certification authorities may use rsa-pkcs1-md5 (RSA
public-private key encryption algorithm and the MD5 hash algorithm).
Valid From This field displays the date that the certificate becomes applicable. The text displays in red
and includes a Not Yet Valid! message if the certificate has not yet become applicable.
Valid To This field displays the date that the certificate expires. The text displays in red and includes
an Expiring! or Expired! message if the certificate is about to expire or has already expired.
Key Algorithm This field displays the type of algorithm that was used to generate the certificate’s key pair
(the Zyxel Device uses RSA encryption) and the length of the key set in bits (1024 bits for
Subject Alternative This field displays the certificate’s owner‘s IP address (IP), domain name (DNS) or e-mail
Name address (EMAIL).
Key Usage This field displays for what functions the certificate’s key can be used. For example,
“DigitalSignature” means that the key can be used to sign certificates and
“KeyEncipherment” means that the key can be used to encrypt text.
Basic Constraint This field displays general information about the certificate. For example, Subject Type=CA
means that this is a certification authority’s certificate and “Path Length Constraint=1”
means that there can only be one certification authority in the certificate’s path.
MD5 Fingerprint This is the certificate’s message digest that the Zyxel Device calculated using the MD5
algorithm. You can use this value to verify with the certification authority (over the phone for
example) that this is actually their certificate.
SHA1 Fingerprint This is the certificate’s message digest that the Zyxel Device calculated using the SHA1
algorithm. You can use this value to verify with the certification authority (over the phone for
example) that this is actually their certificate.
Certificate This read-only text box displays the certificate or certification request in Privacy Enhanced
Mail (PEM) format. PEM uses lowercase letters, uppercase letters and numerals to convert a
binary certificate into a printable form.

You can copy and paste the certificate into an e-mail to send to friends or colleagues or
you can copy and paste the certificate into a text editor and save the file on a
management computer for later distribution (via floppy disk for example).
Export Certificate Click this button and then Save in the File Download screen. The Save As screen opens,
browse to the location that you want to use and click Save.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device. You can only change the name.
Cancel Click Cancel to quit and return to the Trusted Certificates screen. The Trusted Certificates Import Screen

Click Configuration > Object > Certificate > Trusted Certificates > Import to open the Trusted Certificates
Import screen. Follow the instructions in this screen to save a trusted certificate to the Zyxel Device.

Note: You must remove any spaces from the certificate’s filename before you can import the

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Figure 635 Configuration > Object > Certificate > Trusted Certificates > Import

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 368 Configuration > Object > Certificate > Trusted Certificates > Import
File Path Type in the location of the file you want to upload in this field or click Browse to find it.

You cannot import a certificate with the same name as a certificate that is already in the Zyxel
Browse Click Browse to find the certificate file you want to upload.
OK Click OK to save the certificate on the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to quit and return to the previous screen.

43.12.5 Certificates Technical Reference

OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) allows an application or device to check whether a certificate
is valid. With OCSP the Zyxel Device checks the status of individual certificates instead of downloading a
Certificate Revocation List (CRL). OCSP has two main advantages over a CRL. The first is real-time status
information. The second is a reduction in network traffic since the Zyxel Device only gets information on
the certificates that it needs to verify, not a huge list. When the Zyxel Device requests certificate status
information, the OCSP server returns a “expired”, “current” or “unknown” response.

43.13 ISP Account Overview

Use ISP accounts to manage Internet Service Provider (ISP) account information for PPPoE/PPTP/L2TP
interfaces. An ISP account is a profile of settings for Internet access using PPPoE, PPTP or L2TP.

Use the Object > ISP Account screens (Section 43.13.1 on page 950) to create and manage ISP
accounts in the Zyxel Device.

43.13.1 ISP Account Summary

This screen provides a summary of ISP accounts in the Zyxel Device. To access this screen, click
Configuration > Object > ISP Account.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Figure 636 Configuration > Object > ISP Account

The following table describes the labels in this screen. See the ISP Account Add/Edit section below for
more information as well.

Table 369 Configuration > Object > ISP Account

Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to be able to modify the entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove
it before doing so.
References Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use the entry.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific entry.
Profile Name This field displays the profile name of the ISP account. This name is used to identify the ISP
Protocol This field displays the protocol used by the ISP account.
Authentication This field displays the authentication type used by the ISP account.
User Name This field displays the user name of the ISP account. ISP Account Add/Edit

The ISP Account Add/Edit screen lets you add information about new accounts and edit information
about existing accounts. To open this window, open the ISP Account screen. (See Section 43.13.1 on
page 950.) Then, click on an Add icon or Edit icon to open the ISP Account Edit screen below.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Figure 637 Configuration > Object > ISP Account > Edit

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 370 Configuration > Object > ISP Account > Edit
Profile Name This field is read-only if you are editing an existing account. Type in the profile name of the ISP
account. The profile name is used to refer to the ISP account. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric
characters, underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This
value is case-sensitive.
Protocol This field is read-only if you are editing an existing account. Select the protocol used by the ISP
account. Your ISP will provide you with a related username, password and IP (server)
information. Options are:

pppoe - This ISP account uses the PPPoE protocol.

pptp - This ISP account uses the PPTP protocol.

l2tp - This ISP account uses the L2TP protocol.

Authentication Use the drop-down list box to select an authentication protocol for outgoing calls. Options are:
CHAP/PAP - Your Zyxel Device accepts either CHAP or PAP when requested by this remote

Chap - Your Zyxel Device accepts CHAP only.

PAP - Your Zyxel Device accepts PAP only.

MSCHAP - Your Zyxel Device accepts MSCHAP only.

MSCHAP-V2 - Your Zyxel Device accepts MSCHAP-V2 only.

Encryption This field is available if this ISP account uses the PPTP protocol. Use the drop-down list box to
Method select the type of Microsoft Point-to-Point Encryption (MPPE). Options are:

nomppe - This ISP account does not use MPPE.

mppe-40 - This ISP account uses 40-bit MPPE.

mppe-128 - This ISP account uses 128-bit MMPE.

User Name Type the user name given to you by your ISP.
Password Type the password associated with the user name above. The password can only consist of
alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9). This field can be blank.
Retype to Type your password again to make sure that you have entered is correctly.
IP Address/FQDN Enter the IP address or Fully-Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the PPTP or L2TP server.

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Chapter 43 Object

Table 370 Configuration > Object > ISP Account > Edit (continued)
Server IP If this ISP account uses the PPPoE protocol, this field is not displayed.

If this ISP account uses the PPTP protocol, type the IP address of the PPTP server.
Connection ID This field is available if this ISP account uses the PPTP protocol. Type your identification name for
the PPTP server. This field can be blank.
Service Name If this ISP account uses the PPPoE protocol, type the PPPoE service name to access. PPPoE uses
the specified service name to identify and reach the PPPoE server. This field can be blank.

If this ISP account uses the PPTP protocol, this field is not displayed.
Compression Select On button to turn on stac compression, and select Off to turn off stac compression. Stac
compression is a data compression technique capable of compressing data by a factor of
about four.
Idle Timeout This value specifies the number of seconds that must elapse without outbound traffic before
the Zyxel Device automatically disconnects from the PPPoE/PPTP server. This value must be an
integer between 0 and 360. If this value is zero, this timeout is disabled.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device. If there are no errors, the program
returns to the ISP Account screen. If there are errors, a message box explains the error, and the
program stays in the ISP Account Edit screen.
Cancel Click Cancel to return to the ISP Account screen without creating the profile (if it is new) or
saving any changes to the profile (if it already exists).

43.14 SSL Application Overview

You use SSL application objects in SSL VPN. Configure an SSL application object to specify the type of
application and the address of the local computer, server, or web site SSL users are to be able to
access. You can apply one or more SSL application objects in the VPN > SSL VPN screen for a user
account/user group.

The ZyWALL VPN models do not support SSL Application.

• Use the SSL Application screen (Section 43.14.2 on page 955) to view the Zyxel Device’s configured
SSL application objects.
• Use the SSL Application Edit screen to create or edit web-based application objects to allow remote
users to access an application via standard web browsers (Section on page 956).
• You can also use the SSL Application Edit screen to specify the name of a folder on a Linux or
Windows file server which remote users can access using a standard web browser (Section
on page 956).

43.14.1 What You Need to Know

Application Types
You can configure the following SSL application on the Zyxel Device.

• Web-based
A web-based application allows remote users to access an intranet site using standard web browsers.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Remote User Screen Links

Available SSL application names are displayed as links in remote user screens. Depending on the
application type, remote users can simply click the links or follow the steps in the pop-up dialog box to

Remote Desktop Connections

Use SSL VPN to allow remote users to manage LAN computers. Depending on the functions supported
by the remote desktop software, they can install or remove software, run programs, change settings,
and open, copy, create, and delete files. This is useful for troubleshooting, support, administration, and
remote access to files and programs.

The LAN computer to be managed must have VNC (Virtual Network Computing) or RDP (Remote
Desktop Protocol) server software installed. The remote user’s computer does not use VNC or RDP client
software. The Zyxel Device works with the following remote desktop connection software:


• Windows Remote Desktop (supported in Internet Explorer)


• RealVNC
• TightVNC
• UltraVNC

For example, user A uses an SSL VPN connection to log into the Zyxel Device. Then he manages LAN
computer B which has RealVNC server software installed.

Figure 638 SSL-protected Remote Management

You can configure weblink SSL applications to allow remote users to access web sites. Example: Specifying a Web Site for Access

This example shows you how to create a web-based application for an internal web site. The address of
the web site is http://info with web page encryption.

1 Click Configuration > Object > SSL Application in the navigation panel.

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Chapter 43 Object

2 Click the Add button and select Web Application in the Type field.
In the Server Type field, select Web Server.
Enter a descriptive name in the Display Name field. For example, “CompanyIntranet”.
In the URL Address field, enter “http://my-info”.
Select Web Page Encryption to prevent users from saving the web content.
Click OK to save the settings.

The configuration screen should look similar to the following figure.

Figure 639 Example: SSL Application: Specifying a Web Site for Access

43.14.2 The SSL Application Screen

The main SSL Application screen displays a list of the configured SSL application objects. Click
Configuration > Object > SSL Application in the navigation panel.

Figure 640 Configuration > Object > SSL Application

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 371 Configuration > Object > SSL Application

Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to be able to modify the entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove it
before doing so.
References Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use the entry.
# This field displays the index number.
Name This field displays the name of the object.
Address This field displays the IP address/URL of the application server or the location of a file share.
Type This field shows whether the object is a file-sharing, web-server, Outlook Web Access, Virtual Network
Computing, or Remote Desktop Protocol SSL application. Creating/Editing an SSL Application Object

You can create a web-based application that allows remote users to access an application via
standard web browsers. You can also create a file sharing application that specify the name of a folder
on a file server (Linux or Windows) which remote users can access. Remote users can access files using a
standard web browser and files are displayed as links on the screen.

To configure an SSL application, click the Add or Edit button in the SSL Application screen and select
Web Application or File Sharing in the Type field. The screen differs depending on what object type you

Note: If you are creating a file sharing SSL application, you must also configure the shared
folder on the file server for remote access. Refer to the document that comes with your
file server.

Figure 641 Configuration > Object > SSL Application > Add/Edit: Web Application

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Chapter 43 Object

Figure 642 Configuration > Object > SSL Application > Add/Edit: File Sharing

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 372 Configuration > Object > SSL Application > Add/Edit: Web Application/File Sharing
Create new Use this to configure any new settings objects that you need to use in this screen.
Type Select Web Application or File Sharing from the drop-down list box.
Web Application
Server Type This field only appears when you choose Web Application as the object type.

Specify the type of service for this SSL application.

Select Web Server to allow access to the specified web site hosted on the local network.

Select OWA (Outlook Web Access) to allow users to access e-mails, contacts, calenders via
Microsoft Outlook-like interface using supported web browsers. The Zyxel Device supports one
OWA object.

Select VNC to allow users to manage LAN computers that have Virtual Network Computing
remote desktop server software installed.

Select RDP to allow users to manage LAN computers that have Remote Desktop Protocol
remote desktop server software installed.

Select Weblink to create a link to a web site that you expect the SSL VPN users to commonly
Name Enter a descriptive name to identify this object. You can enter up to 31 characters (“0-9”, “a-
z”, “A-Z”, “-” and “_”). Spaces are not allowed.
URL This field only appears when you choose Web Application as the object type.

This field displays if the Server Type is set to Web Server, OWA, or Weblink.

Enter the Fully-Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or IP address of the application server.

Note: You must enter the “http://” or “https://” prefix.

Remote users are restricted to access only files in this directory. For example, if you enter
“\remote\” in this field, remote users can only access files in the “remote” directory.

If a link contains a file that is not within this domain, then remote users cannot access it.

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Chapter 43 Object

Table 372 Configuration > Object > SSL Application > Add/Edit: Web Application/File Sharing
Preview This field only appears when you choose Web Application or File Sharing as the object type.

This field displays if the Server Type is set to Web Server, OWA or Weblink.

Note: If your Internet Explorer or other browser screen doesn’t show a preview, it may be due
to your web browser security settings. You need to add the Zyxel Device’s IP address in
the trusted sites of your web browser. For example, in Internet Explorer, click Tools >
Internet Options > Security > Trusted Sites > Sites and type the Zyxel Device’s IP
address, then click Add. For other web browsers, please check the browser help.

Click Preview to access the URL you specified in a new web browser screen.
Entry Point This field only appears when you choose Web Application as the object type.

This field displays if the Server Type is set to Web Server or OWA.

This field is optional. You only need to configure this field if you need to specify the name of
the directory or file on the local server as the home page or home directory on the user
Web Page This field only appears when you choose Web Application as the object type.
Select this option to prevent users from saving the web content.
Shared Path This field only appears when you choose File Sharing as the object type.

Specify the IP address, domain name or NetBIOS name (computer name) of the file server
and the name of the share to which you want to allow user access. Enter the path in one of
the following formats.

“\\<IP address>\<share name>”

“\\<domain name>\<share name>”

“\\<computer name>\<share name>”

For example, if you enter “\\my-server\Tmp”, this allows remote users to access all files and/
or folders in the “\Tmp” share on the “my-server” computer.
OK Click OK to save the changes and return to the main SSL Application Configuration screen.
Cancel Click Cancel to discard the changes and return to the main SSL Application Configuration

43.15 DHCPv6 Overview

This section describes how to configure DHCPv6 request type and lease type objects.

• The Request screen (see Section 43.2.2 on page 842) allows you to configure DHCPv6 request type
• The Lease screen (see Section 43.2.4 on page 846) allows you to configure DHCPv6 lease type

43.15.1 The DHCPv6 Request Screen

The Request screen allows you to add, edit, and remove DHCPv6 request type objects. To access this
screen, login to the Web Configurator, and click Configuration > Object > DHCPv6 > Request.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Figure 643 Configuration > Object > DHCPv6 > Request

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 373 Configuration > Object > DHCPv6 > Request

Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify the
entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove
it before doing so.
References Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use the entry.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific object.
Name This field displays the name of each request object.
Type This field displays the request type of each request object.
Interface This field displays the interface used for each request object.
Value This field displays the value for each request object. DHCPv6 Request Add/Edit Screen

The Request Add/Edit screen allows you to create a new request object or edit an existing one.

To access this screen, go to the Request screen (see Section 43.2.2 on page 842), and click either the
Add icon or an Edit icon.

Figure 644 Configuration > DHCPv6 > Request > Add

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 374 Configuration > DHCPv6 > Request > Add

Name Type the name for this request object. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters,
underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is case-
Request Type Select the request type for this request object. You can choose from Prefix Delegation, DNS
Server, NTP Server, or SIP Server.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Table 374 Configuration > DHCPv6 > Request > Add (continued)
Interface Select the interface for this request object.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving your changes.

43.15.2 The DHCPv6 Lease Screen

The Lease screen allows you to add, edit, and remove DHCPv6 lease type objects. To access this screen,
login to the Web Configurator, and click Configuration > Object > DHCPv6 > Lease.

Figure 645 Configuration > Object > DHCPv6 > Lease

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 375 Configuration > Object > DHCPv6 > Lease

Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify the
entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove
it before doing so.
References Select an entry and click References to open a screen that shows which settings use the entry.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific object.
Name This field displays the name of each lease object.
Type This field displays the request type of each lease object.
Interface This field displays the interface used for each lease object.
Value This field displays the value for each lease object. DHCPv6 Lease Add/Edit Screen

The Lease Add/Edit screen allows you to create a new lease object or edit an existing one.

To access this screen, go to the Lease screen (see Section 43.15.2 on page 960), and click either the
Add icon or an Edit icon.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 43 Object

Figure 646 Configuration > DHCPv6 > Lease > Add

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 376 Configuration > DHCPv6 > Lease > Add/Edit

Name Type the name for this lease object. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters,
underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is case-
Lease Type Select the lease type for this lease object. You can choose from Prefix Delegation, DNS
Server, Address, Address Pool, NTP Server, or SIP Server.
Interface Select the interface for this lease object.
DUID If you select Prefix Delegation or Address in the Lease Type field, enter the DUID of the
Prefix If you select Prefix Delegation or Address in the Lease Type field, enter the IPv6 prefix of the
DNS Server If you select DNS Server in the Lease Type field, select a request object or User Defined in the
DNS Server field and enter the IP address of the DNS server in the User Defined Address field
Starting IP Address If you select Address Pool in the Lease Type field, enter the first of the contiguous addresses
in the IP address pool.
End IP Address If you select Address Pool in the Lease Type field, enter the last of the contiguous addresses
in the IP address pool.
NTP Server If you select NTP Server in the Lease Type field, select a request object or User Defined in the
NTP Server field and enter the IP address of the NTP server in the User Defined Address field
SIP Server If you select SIP Server in the Lease Type field, select a request object or User Defined in the
SIP field and enter the IP address of the SIP server in the User Defined Address field below.
User Defined If you select DNS Server, NTP Server, or SIP Server as your lease type, you must enter the IP
Address address of the server your selected.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving your changes.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

C H A P T E R 44

44.1 Overview
Use the system screens to configure general Zyxel Device settings.

44.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter

• Use the System > Host Name screen (see Section 44.2 on page 963) to configure a unique name for
the Zyxel Device in your network.
• Use the System > USB Storage screen (see Section 44.3 on page 963) to configure the settings for the
connected USB devices.
• Use the System > Date/Time screen (see Section 44.4 on page 964) to configure the date and time for
the Zyxel Device.
• Use the System > Console Speed screen (see Section 44.5 on page 968) to configure the console port
speed when you connect to the Zyxel Device via the console port using a terminal emulation
• Use the System > DNS screen (see Section 44.6 on page 969) to configure the DNS (Domain Name
System) server used for mapping a domain name to its corresponding IP address and vice versa.
• Use the System > WWW screens (see Section 44.7 on page 978) to configure settings for HTTP or HTTPS
access to the Zyxel Device and how the login and access user screens look.
• Use the System > SSH screen (see Section 44.8 on page 996) to configure SSH (Secure SHell) used to
securely access the Zyxel Device’s command line interface. You can specify which zones allow SSH
access and from which IP address the access can come.
• Use the System > TELNET screen (see Section 44.9 on page 1001) to configure Telnet to access the
Zyxel Device’s command line interface. Specify which zones allow Telnet access and from which IP
address the access can come.
• Use the System > FTP screen (see Section 44.10 on page 1002) to specify from which zones FTP can be
used to access the Zyxel Device. You can also specify from which IP addresses the access can come.
You can upload and download the Zyxel Device’s firmware and configuration files using FTP.
• Your Zyxel Device can act as an SNMP agent, which allows a manager station to manage and
monitor the Zyxel Device through the network. Use the System > SNMP screen (see Section 44.11 on
page 1003) to configure SNMP settings, including from which zones SNMP can be used to access the
Zyxel Device. You can also specify from which IP addresses the access can come.
• Use the Auth. Server screen (Section 44.12 on page 1008) to configure the Zyxel Device to operate as
a RADIUS server.
• Use the Notification > Mail Server screen (Section 44.13 on page 1010) to configure the Zyxel Device
to operate as a RADIUS server.
• Use the Notification > SMS screen (Section 44.14 on page 1012) to turn on the SMS service on the Zyxel
Device in order to send dynamic guest account information in text messages and authorization for
VPN tunnel access to a secured network.
• Use the System > Language screen (see Section 44.16 on page 1015) to set a language for the Zyxel
Device’s Web Configurator screens.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 44 System

• Use the System > IPv6 screen (see Section 44.17 on page 1015) to enable or disable IPv6 support on
the Zyxel Device.
• Use the System > ZON screen (see Section 44.18 on page 1016) to enable or disable the Zyxel One
Network (ZON) utility that uses Zyxel Discovery Protocol (ZDP) for discovering and configuring ZDP-
aware Zyxel devices in the same network as the computer on which ZON is installed.
• Use the System > Advanced screen (see Section 44.19 on page 1021) to enable or disable the Fast
Forwarding feature for your Zyxel Device.

Note: See each section for related background information and term definitions.

44.2 Host Name

A host name is the unique name by which a device is known on a network. Click Configuration > System
> Host Name to open the Host Name screen.

Figure 647 Configuration > System > Host Name

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 377 Configuration > System > Host Name

System Name Enter a descriptive name to identify your Zyxel Device device. This name can be up to 64
alphanumeric characters long. Spaces are not allowed, but dashes (-) underscores (_) and
periods (.) are accepted.
Domain Name Enter the domain name (if you know it) here. This name is propagated to DHCP clients
connected to interfaces with the DHCP server enabled. This name can be up to 254
alphanumeric characters long. Spaces are not allowed, but dashes “-” are accepted.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

44.3 USB Storage

The Zyxel Device can use a connected USB device to store the system log and other diagnostic
information. Use this screen to turn on this feature and set a disk full warning limit.

Note: Only connect one USB device. It must allow writing (it cannot be read-only) and use the
FAT16, FAT32, EXT2, or EXT3 file system.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 44 System

Click Configuration > System > USB Storage to open the screen as shown next.

Figure 648 Configuration > System > USB Storage

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 378 Configuration > System > USB Storage

Activate USB Select this if you want to use the connected USB device(s).
storage service
Disk full warning Set a number and select a unit (MB or %) to have the Zyxel Device send a warning message
when remaining when the remaining USB storage space is less than the value you set here.
space is less than
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

44.4 Date and Time

For effective scheduling and logging, the Zyxel Device system time must be accurate. The Zyxel
Device’s Real Time Chip (RTC) keeps track of the time and date. There is also a software mechanism to
set the time manually or get the current time and date from an external server.

To change your Zyxel Device’s time based on your local time zone and date, click Configuration >
System > Date/Time. The screen displays as shown. You can manually set the Zyxel Device’s time and
date or have the Zyxel Device get the date and time from a time server.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 44 System

Figure 649 Configuration > System > Date and Time

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 379 Configuration > System > Date and Time

Current Time and
Current Time This field displays the present time of your Zyxel Device.
Current Date This field displays the present date of your Zyxel Device.
Time and Date
Manual Select this radio button to enter the time and date manually. If you configure a new time
and date, time zone and daylight saving at the same time, the time zone and daylight
saving will affect the new time and date you entered. When you enter the time settings
manually, the Zyxel Device uses the new setting once you click Apply.
New Time (hh-mm- This field displays the last updated time from the time server or the last time configured
ss) manually.
When you set Time and Date Setup to Manual, enter the new time in this field and then click
New Date (yyyy- This field displays the last updated date from the time server or the last date configured
mm-dd) manually.
When you set Time and Date Setup to Manual, enter the new date in this field and then click

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 44 System

Table 379 Configuration > System > Date and Time (continued)
Get from Time Select this radio button to have the Zyxel Device get the time and date from the time server
Server you specify below. The Zyxel Device requests time and date settings from the time server
under the following circumstances.

• When the Zyxel Device starts up.

• When you click Apply or Synchronize Now in this screen.
• 24-hour intervals after starting up.
Time Server Address Enter the IP address or URL of your time server. Check with your ISP/network administrator if
you are unsure of this information.
Sync. Now Click this button to have the Zyxel Device get the time and date from a time server (see the
Time Server Address field). This also saves your changes (except the daylight saving
Time Zone Setup
Time Zone Choose the time zone of your location. This will set the time difference between your time
zone and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
Automatically Sync Select this for the Zyxel Device to automatically get its time zone.
Time Zone
Daylight Saving
Enable Daylight Daylight savings is a period from late spring to early fall when many countries set their clocks
Savings ahead of normal local time by one hour to give more daytime light in the evening.

Select this option if you use Daylight Saving Time.

Automatically Select this for the Zyxel Device to automatically adjust the time if daylight savings is
adjust clock for implemented in its time zone.
Daylight Saving
Start Date Configure the day and time when Daylight Saving Time starts if you selected Enable Daylight
Saving. The at field uses the 24 hour format. Here are a couple of examples:

Daylight Saving Time starts in most parts of the United States on the second Sunday of
March. Each time zone in the United States starts using Daylight Saving Time at 2 A.M. local
time. So in the United States you would select Second, Sunday, March and type 2 in the at

Daylight Saving Time starts in the European Union on the last Sunday of March. All of the time
zones in the European Union start using Daylight Saving Time at the same moment (1 A.M.
GMT or UTC). So in the European Union you would select Last, Sunday, March. The time you
type in the at field depends on your time zone. In Germany for instance, you would type 2
because Germany's time zone is one hour ahead of GMT or UTC (GMT+1).
End Date Configure the day and time when Daylight Saving Time ends if you selected Enable Daylight
Saving. The at field uses the 24 hour format. Here are a couple of examples:

Daylight Saving Time ends in the United States on the first Sunday of November. Each time
zone in the United States stops using Daylight Saving Time at 2 A.M. local time. So in the
United States you would select First, Sunday, November and type 2 in the at field.

Daylight Saving Time ends in the European Union on the last Sunday of October. All of the
time zones in the European Union stop using Daylight Saving Time at the same moment (1
A.M. GMT or UTC). So in the European Union you would select Last, Sunday, October. The
time you type in the at field depends on your time zone. In Germany for instance, you would
type 2 because Germany's time zone is one hour ahead of GMT or UTC (GMT+1).
Offset Specify how much the clock changes when daylight saving begins and ends.

Enter a number from 1 to 5.5 (by 0.5 increments).

For example, if you set this field to 3.5, a log occurred at 6 P.M. in local official time will
appear as if it had occurred at 10:30 P.M.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 44 System

Table 379 Configuration > System > Date and Time (continued)
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

44.4.1 Pre-defined NTP Time Servers List

When you turn on the Zyxel Device for the first time, the date and time start at 2003-01-01 00:00:00. The
Zyxel Device then attempts to synchronize with one of the following pre-defined list of Network Time
Protocol (NTP) time servers.

The Zyxel Device continues to use the following pre-defined list of NTP time servers if you do not specify a
time server or it cannot synchronize with the time server you specified.

Table 380 Default Time Servers


When the Zyxel Device uses the pre-defined list of NTP time servers, it randomly selects one server and
tries to synchronize with it. If the synchronization fails, then the Zyxel Device goes through the rest of the
list in order from the first one tried until either it is successful or all the pre-defined NTP time servers have
been tried.

44.4.2 Time Server Synchronization

Click the Synchronize Now button to get the time and date from the time server you specified in the
Time Server Address field.

When the Please Wait... screen appears, you may have to wait up to one minute.

Figure 650 Synchronization in Process

The Current Time and Current Date fields will display the appropriate settings if the synchronization is

If the synchronization was not successful, a log displays in the View Log screen. Try re-configuring the
Date/Time screen.

To manually set the Zyxel Device date and time.

1 Click System > Date/Time.

2 Select Manual under Time and Date Setup.

3 Enter the Zyxel Device’s time in the New Time field.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 44 System

4 Enter the Zyxel Device’s date in the New Date field.

5 Under Time Zone Setup, select your Time Zone from the list.

6 As an option you can select the Enable Daylight Saving check box to adjust the Zyxel Device clock for
daylight savings.

7 Click Apply.

To get the Zyxel Device date and time from a time server

1 Click System > Date/Time.

2 Select Get from Time Server under Time and Date Setup.

3 Under Time Zone Setup, select your Time Zone from the list.

4 As an option you can select the Enable Daylight Saving check box to adjust the Zyxel Device clock for
daylight savings.

5 Under Time and Date Setup, enter a Time Server Address (Table 380 on page 967).

6 Click Apply.

44.5 Console Port Speed

This section shows you how to set the console port speed when you connect to the Zyxel Device via the
console port using a terminal emulation program.

Click Configuration > System > Console Speed to open the Console Speed screen.

Figure 651 Configuration > System > Console Speed

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 381 Configuration > System > Console Speed

Console Port Speed Use the drop-down list box to change the speed of the console port. Your Zyxel Device
supports 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, and 115200 bps (default) for the console port.

The Console Port Speed applies to a console port connection using terminal emulation
software and NOT the Console in the Zyxel Device Web Configurator Status screen.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 44 System

44.6 DNS Overview

DNS (Domain Name System) is for mapping a domain name to its corresponding IP address and vice
versa. The DNS server is extremely important because without it, you must know the IP address of a
machine before you can access it.

44.6.1 DNS Server Address Assignment

The Zyxel Device can get the DNS server addresses in the following ways.

• The ISP tells you the DNS server addresses, usually in the form of an information sheet, when you sign
up. If your ISP gives you DNS server addresses, manually enter them in the DNS server fields.
• If your ISP dynamically assigns the DNS server IP addresses (along with the Zyxel Device’s WAN IP
address), set the DNS server fields to get the DNS server address from the ISP.
• You can manually enter the IP addresses of other DNS servers.

44.6.2 Configuring the DNS Screen

Click Configuration > System > DNS to change your Zyxel Device’s DNS settings. Use the DNS screen to
configure the Zyxel Device to use a DNS server to resolve domain names for Zyxel Device system
features like VPN, DDNS and the time server. You can also configure the Zyxel Device to accept or
discard DNS queries. Use the Network > Interface screens to configure the DNS server information that
the Zyxel Device sends to the specified DHCP client devices.

A name query begins at a client computer and is passed to a resolver, a DNS client service, for
resolution. The Zyxel Device can be a DNS client service. The Zyxel Device can resolve a DNS query
locally using cached Resource Records (RR) obtained from a previous query (and kept for a period of
time). If the Zyxel Device does not have the requested information, it can forward the request to DNS
servers. This is known as recursion.

The Zyxel Device can ask a DNS server to use recursion to resolve its DNS client requests. If recursion on
the Zyxel Device or a DNS server is disabled, they cannot forward DNS requests for resolution.

A Domain Name Server (DNS) amplification attack is a kind of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)
attack that uses publicly accessible open DNS servers to flood a victim with DNS response traffic. An
open DNS server is a DNS server which is willing to resolve recursive DNS queries from anyone on the

In a DNS amplification attack, an attacker sends a DNS name lookup request to an open DNS server
with the source address spoofed as the victim’s address. When the DNS server sends the DNS record
response, it is sent to the victim. Attackers can request as much information as possible to maximize the
amplification effect.

Configure the Security Option Control section in the Configuration > System > DNS screen (click Show
Advanced Settings to display it) if you suspect the Zyxel Device is being used (either by hackers or by a
corrupted open DNS server) in a DNS amplification attack.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 44 System

Figure 652 Configuration > System > DNS

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 382 Configuration > System > DNS

Address/PTR This record specifies the mapping of a Fully-Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) to an IP address.
Record An FQDN consists of a host and domain name. For example, www.zyxel.com.tw is a fully
qualified domain name, where “www” is the host, “zyxel” is the third-level domain, “com” is
the second-level domain, and “tw” is the top level domain.
Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to be able to modify the entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to
remove it before doing so. Note that subsequent entries move up by one when you take this
# This is the index number of the address/PTR record.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 44 System

Table 382 Configuration > System > DNS (continued)

FQDN This is a host’s fully qualified domain name.
IP Address This is the IP address of a host.
CNAME Record This record specifies an alias for a FQDN. Use this record to bind all subdomains with the same
IP address as the FQDN without having to update each one individually, which increases
chance for errors. See CNAME Record (Section 44.6.6 on page 973) for more details.
Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to be able to modify the entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to
remove it before doing so. Note that subsequent entries move up by one when you take this
# This is the index number of the domain zone forwarder record. The ordering of your rules is
important as rules are applied in sequence.

A hyphen (-) displays for the default domain zone forwarder record. The default record is not
configurable. The Zyxel Device uses this default record if the domain zone that needs to be
resolved does not match any of the other domain zone forwarder records.
Alias Name Enter an Alias name. Use “*.” as prefix for a wildcard domain name. For example,
FQDN Enter the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).
Domain Zone This specifies a DNS server’s IP address. The Zyxel Device can query the DNS server to resolve
Forwarder domain zones for features like VPN, DDNS and the time server.

When the Zyxel Device needs to resolve a domain zone, it checks it against the domain zone
forwarder entries in the order that they appear in this list.
Add Click this to create a new entry. Select an entry and click Add to create a new entry after the
selected entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to be able to modify the entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to
remove it before doing so. Note that subsequent entries move up by one when you take this
Move To change an entry’s position in the numbered list, select the method and click Move to
display a field to type a number for where you want to put it and press [ENTER] to move the
rule to the number that you typed.
# This is the index number of the domain zone forwarder record. The ordering of your rules is
important as rules are applied in sequence.

A hyphen (-) displays for the default domain zone forwarder record. The default record is not
configurable. The Zyxel Device uses this default record if the domain zone that needs to be
resolved does not match any of the other domain zone forwarder records.
Domain Zone A domain zone is a fully qualified domain name without the host. For example, zyxel.com.tw
is the domain zone for the www.zyxel.com.tw fully qualified domain name.

A “*” means all domain zones.

Type This displays whether the DNS server IP address is assigned by the ISP dynamically through a
specified interface or configured manually (User-Defined).
DNS Server This is the IP address of a DNS server. This field displays N/A if you have the Zyxel Device get a
DNS server IP address from the ISP dynamically but the specified interface is not active.
Query Via This is the interface through which the Zyxel Device sends DNS queries to the entry’s DNS
server. If the Zyxel Device connects through a VPN tunnel, tunnel displays.
MX Record (for My A MX (Mail eXchange) record identifies a mail server that handles the mail for a particular
FQDN) domain.
Add Click this to create a new entry.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 44 System

Table 382 Configuration > System > DNS (continued)

Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to be able to modify the entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to
remove it before doing so. Note that subsequent entries move up by one when you take this
# This is the index number of the MX record.
Domain Name This is the domain name where the mail is destined for.
IP/FQDN This is the IP address or Fully-Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of a mail server that handles the
mail for the domain specified in the field above.
Security Option Click Show Advanced Settings to display this part of the screen. There are two control
Control policies: Default and Customize.
Edit Click either control policy and then click this button to change allow or deny actions for
Query Recursion and Additional Info from Cache.
Priority The Customize control policy is checked first and if an address object match is not found, the
Default control policy is checked.
Name You may change the name of the Customize control policy.
Address These are the object addresses used in the control policy. RFC1918 refers to private IP address
ranges. It can be modified in Object > Address.
Additional Info This displays if the Zyxel Device is allowed or denied to cache Resource Records (RR)
from Cache obtained from previous DNS queries.
Query This displays if the Zyxel Device is allowed or denied to forward DNS client requests to DNS
Recursion servers for resolution.
Service Control This specifies from which computers and zones you can send DNS queries to the Zyxel Device.
Add Click this to create a new entry. Select an entry and click Add to create a new entry after the
selected entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to be able to modify the entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to
remove it before doing so. Note that subsequent entries move up by one when you take this
Move To change an entry’s position in the numbered list, select the method and click Move to
display a field to type a number for where you want to put it and press [ENTER] to move the
rule to the number that you typed.
# This the index number of the service control rule. The ordering of your rules is important as
rules are applied in sequence.

The entry with a hyphen (-) instead of a number is the Zyxel Device’s (non-configurable)
default policy. The Zyxel Device applies this to traffic that does not match any other
configured rule. It is not an editable rule. To apply other behavior, configure a rule that traffic
will match so the Zyxel Device will not have to use the default policy.
Zone This is the zone on the Zyxel Device the user is allowed or denied to access.
Address This is the object name of the IP address(es) with which the computer is allowed or denied to
send DNS queries.
Action This displays whether the Zyxel Device accepts DNS queries from the computer with the IP
address specified above through the specified zone (Accept) or discards them (Deny).

44.6.3 (IPv6) Address Record

An address record contains the mapping of a Fully-Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) to an IP address.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 44 System

The Zyxel Device allows you to configure address records about the Zyxel Device itself or another
device. This way you can keep a record of DNS names and addresses that people on your network may
use frequently. If the Zyxel Device receives a DNS query for an FQDN for which the Zyxel Device has an
address record, the Zyxel Device can send the IP address in a DNS response without having to query a
DNS name server.

44.6.4 PTR Record

A PTR (pointer) record is also called a reverse record or a reverse lookup record. It is a mapping of an IP
address to a domain name.

44.6.5 Adding an (IPv6) Address/PTR Record

Click the Add icon in the Address/PTR Record or IPv6 Address/PTR Record table to add an IPv4 or IPv6
address/PTR record.

Figure 653 Configuration > System > DNS > Address/PTR Record Edit

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 383 Configuration > System > DNS > (IPv6) Address/PTR Record Edit
FQDN Type a Fully-Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of a server. An FQDN starts with a host name and
continues all the way up to the top-level domain name. For example, www.zyxel.com.tw is a
fully qualified domain name, where “www” is the host, “zyxel” is the third-level domain, “com”
is the second-level domain, and “tw” is the top level domain. Underscores are not allowed.

Use "*." as a prefix in the FQDN for a wildcard domain name (for example, *.example.com).
IP Address Enter the IP address of the host in dotted decimal notation.
OK Click OK to save your customized settings and exit this screen.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

44.6.6 CNAME Record

A Canonical Name Record or CNAME record is a type of resource record in the Domain Name System
(DNS) that specifies that the domain name is an alias of another, canonical domain name. This allows
users to set up a record for a domain name which translates to an IP address, in other words, the domain
name is an alias of another. This record also binds all the subdomains to the same IP address without
having to create a record for each, so when the IP address is changed, all subdomain’s IP address is
updated as well, with one edit to the record.

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Chapter 44 System

For example, the domain name zyxel.com is hooked up to a record named A which translates it to You also have several subdomains, like mail.zyxel.com, ftp.zyxel.com and you want this
subdomain to point to your main domain zyxel.com. Edit the IP Address in record A and all subdomains
will follow automatically. This eliminates chances for errors and increases efficiency in DNS

44.6.7 Adding a CNAME Record

Click the Add icon in the CNAME Record table to add a record. Use “*.” as a prefix for a wildcard
domain name. For example *.zyxel.com.

Figure 654 Configuration > System > DNS > CNAME Record > Add

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 384 Configuration > System > DNS > CNAME Record > Add
Alias name Enter an Alias Name. Use "*." as a prefix in the Alias name for a wildcard domain
name (for example, *.example.com).
FQDN Type a Fully-Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of a server. An FQDN starts with a host
name and continues all the way up to the top-level domain name. For example,
www.zyxel.com.tw is a fully qualified domain name, where “www” is the host, “zyxel”
is the third-level domain, “com” is the second-level domain, and “tw” is the top level
domain. Underscores are not allowed.

Use "*." as a prefix in the FQDN for a wildcard domain name (for example,
OK Click OK to save your customized settings and exit this screen.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

44.6.8 Domain Zone Forwarder

A domain zone forwarder contains a DNS server’s IP address. The Zyxel Device can query the DNS server
to resolve domain zones for features like VPN, DDNS and the time server. A domain zone is a fully
qualified domain name without the host. For example, zyxel.com.tw is the domain zone for the
www.zyxel.com.tw fully qualified domain name.

44.6.9 Adding a Domain Zone Forwarder

Click the Add icon in the Domain Zone Forwarder table to add a domain zone forwarder record.

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Figure 655 Configuration > System > DNS > Domain Zone Forwarder Add

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 385 Configuration > System > DNS > Domain Zone Forwarder Add
Domain Zone A domain zone is a fully qualified domain name without the host. For example, zyxel.com.tw is
the domain zone for the www.zyxel.com.tw fully qualified domain name. For example,
whenever the Zyxel Device receives needs to resolve a zyxel.com.tw domain name, it can
send a query to the recorded name server IP address.

Enter * if all domain zones are served by the specified DNS server(s).
DNS Server Select DNS Server(s) from ISP if your ISP dynamically assigns DNS server information. You also
need to select an interface through which the ISP provides the DNS server IP address(es). The
interface should be activated and set to be a DHCP client. The fields below display the (read-
only) DNS server IP address(es) that the ISP assigns. N/A displays for any DNS server IP address
fields for which the ISP does not assign an IP address.

Select Public DNS Server if you have the IP address of a DNS server. Enter the DNS server's IP
address in the field to the right. The Zyxel Device must be able to connect to the DNS server
without using a VPN tunnel. The DNS server could be on the Internet or one of the Zyxel
Device’s local networks. You cannot use Use the Query via field to select the interface
through which the Zyxel Device sends DNS queries to a DNS server.

Select Private DNS Server if you have the IP address of a DNS server to which the Zyxel Device
connects through a VPN tunnel. Enter the DNS server's IP address in the field to the right. You
cannot use
OK Click OK to save your customized settings and exit this screen.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

44.6.10 MX Record
A MX (Mail eXchange) record indicates which host is responsible for the mail for a particular domain,
that is, controls where mail is sent for that domain. If you do not configure proper MX records for your
domain or other domain, external e-mail from other mail servers will not be able to be delivered to your
mail server and vice versa. Each host or domain can have only one MX record, that is, one domain is
mapping to one host.

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44.6.11 Adding a MX Record

Click the Add icon in the MX Record table to add a MX record.

Figure 656 Configuration > System > DNS > MX Record Add

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 386 Configuration > System > DNS > MX Record Add
Domain Name Enter the domain name where the mail is destined for.
IP Address/FQDN Enter the IP address or Fully-Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of a mail server that handles the
mail for the domain specified in the field above.
OK Click OK to save your customized settings and exit this screen.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

44.6.12 Security Option Control

Configure the Security Option Control section in the Configuration > System > DNS screen (click Show
Advanced Settings to display it) if you suspect the Zyxel Device is being used by hackers in a DNS
amplification attack.

One possible strategy would be to deny Query Recursion and Additional Info from Cache in the default
policy and allow Query Recursion and Additional Info from Cache only from trusted DNS servers
identified by address objects and added as members in the customized policy.

44.6.13 Editing a Security Option Control

Click a control policy and then click Edit to change allow or deny actions for Query Recursion and
Additional Info from Cache.

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Figure 657 Configuration > System > DNS > Security Option Control Edit (Customize)

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 387 Configuration > System > DNS > Security Option Control Edit (Customize)
Name You may change the name for the customized security option control policy. The customized
security option control policy is checked first and if an address object match is not found, the
Default control policy is checked.
Query Recursion Choose if the ZyWALL/USG is allowed or denied to forward DNS client requests to DNS servers
for resolution. This can apply to specific open DNS servers using the address objects in a
customized rule.
Additional Info Choose if the ZyWALL/USG is allowed or denied to cache Resource Records (RR) obtained
from Cache from previous DNS queries.
Address List Specifying address objects is not available in the default policy as all addresses are included.
Available This box displays address objects created in Object > Address. Select one (or more), and click
the > arrow to have it (them) join the Member list of address objects that will apply to this rule.
For example, you could specify an open DNS server suspect of sending compromised
resource records by adding an address object for that server to the member list.
Member This box displays address objects that will apply to this rule.
OK Click OK to save your customized settings and exit this screen.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

44.6.14 Adding a DNS Service Control Rule

Click the Add icon in the Service Control table to add a service control rule.

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Figure 658 Configuration > System > DNS > Service Control Rule Add

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 388 Configuration > System > DNS > Service Control Rule Add
Create new Use this to configure any new settings objects that you need to use in this screen.
Address Object Select ALL to allow or deny any computer to send DNS queries to the Zyxel Device.

Select a predefined address object to just allow or deny the computer with the IP address that
you specified to send DNS queries to the Zyxel Device.
Zone Select ALL to allow or prevent DNS queries through any zones.

Select a predefined zone on which a DNS query to the Zyxel Device is allowed or denied.
Action Select Accept to have the Zyxel Device allow the DNS queries from the specified computer.

Select Deny to have the Zyxel Device reject the DNS queries from the specified computer.
OK Click OK to save your customized settings and exit this screen.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

44.7 WWW Overview

The following figure shows secure and insecure management of the Zyxel Device coming in from the
WAN. HTTPS and SSH access are secure. HTTP and Telnet access are not secure.

Note: To allow the Zyxel Device to be accessed from a specified computer using a service,
make sure you do not have a service control rule or to-Zyxel Device security policy rule
to block that traffic.

To stop a service from accessing the Zyxel Device, clear Enable in the corresponding service screen.

44.7.1 Service Access Limitations

A service cannot be used to access the Zyxel Device when:

1 You have disabled that service in the corresponding screen.

2 The allowed IP address (address object) in the Service Control table does not match the client IP
address (the Zyxel Device disallows the session).

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3 The IP address (address object) in the Service Control table is not in the allowed zone or the action is set
to Deny.

4 There is a security policy rule that blocks it.

44.7.2 System Timeout

There is a lease timeout for administrators. The Zyxel Device automatically logs you out if the
management session remains idle for longer than this timeout period. The management session does
not time out when a statistics screen is polling.

Each user is also forced to log in the Zyxel Device for authentication again when the reauthentication
time expires.

You can change the timeout settings in the User/Group screens.

44.7.3 HTTPS
You can set the Zyxel Device to use HTTP or HTTPS (HTTPS adds security) for Web Configurator sessions.
Specify which zones allow Web Configurator access and from which IP address the access can come.

HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer, or HTTP over SSL) is a web protocol that
encrypts and decrypts web pages. Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is an application-level protocol that
enables secure transactions of data by ensuring confidentiality (an unauthorized party cannot read the
transferred data), authentication (one party can identify the other party) and data integrity (you know if
data has been changed).

It relies upon certificates, public keys, and private keys.

HTTPS on the Zyxel Device is used so that you can securely access the Zyxel Device using the Web
Configurator. The SSL protocol specifies that the HTTPS server (the Zyxel Device) must always
authenticate itself to the HTTPS client (the computer which requests the HTTPS connection with the Zyxel
Device), whereas the HTTPS client only should authenticate itself when the HTTPS server requires it to do
so (select Authenticate Client Certificates in the WWW screen). Authenticate Client Certificates is
optional and if selected means the HTTPS client must send the Zyxel Device a certificate. You must apply
for a certificate for the browser from a CA that is a trusted CA on the Zyxel Device.

Please refer to the following figure.

1 HTTPS connection requests from an SSL-aware web browser go to port 443 (by default) on the Zyxel
Device’s web server.

2 HTTP connection requests from a web browser go to port 80 (by default) on the Zyxel Device’s web

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Figure 659 HTTP/HTTPS Implementation

Note: If you disable HTTP in the WWW screen, then the Zyxel Device blocks all HTTP connection

44.7.4 Configuring WWW Service Control

Click Configuration > System > WWW to open the WWW screen. Use this screen to specify from which
zones you can access the Zyxel Device using HTTP or HTTPS. You can also specify which IP addresses the
access can come from.

Note: Admin Service Control deals with management access (to the Web Configurator).
User Service Control deals with user access to the Zyxel Device (logging into SSL VPN for

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Figure 660 Configuration > System > WWW > Service Control

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 389 Configuration > System > WWW > Service Control
Enable Select the check box to allow or disallow the computer with the IP address that matches
the IP address(es) in the Service Control table to access the Zyxel Device Web
Configurator using secure HTTPs connections.
Server Port The HTTPS server listens on port 443 by default. If you change the HTTPS server port to a
different number on the Zyxel Device, for example 8443, then you must notify people who
need to access the Zyxel Device Web Configurator to use “https://Zyxel Device IP
Address:8443” as the URL.
Authenticate Client Select Authenticate Client Certificates (optional) to require the SSL client to authenticate
Certificates itself to the Zyxel Device by sending the Zyxel Device a certificate. To do that the SSL client
must have a CA-signed certificate from a CA that has been imported as a trusted CA on
the Zyxel Device (see Section on page 991 on importing certificates for details).
Server Certificate Select a certificate the HTTPS server (the Zyxel Device) uses to authenticate itself to the
HTTPS client. You must have certificates already configured in the My Certificates screen.

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Table 389 Configuration > System > WWW > Service Control (continued)
Redirect HTTP to HTTPS To allow only secure Web Configurator access, select this to redirect all HTTP connection
requests to the HTTPS server.
Admin/User Service Admin Service Control specifies from which zones an administrator can use HTTPS to
Control manage the Zyxel Device (using the Web Configurator). You can also specify the IP
addresses from which the administrators can manage the Zyxel Device.

User Service Control specifies from which zones a user can use HTTPS to log into the Zyxel
Device (to log into SSL VPN for example). You can also specify the IP addresses from which
the users can access the Zyxel Device.
Add Click this to create a new entry. Select an entry and click Add to create a new entry after
the selected entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to be able to modify the entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to
remove it before doing so. Note that subsequent entries move up by one when you take
this action.
Move To change an entry’s position in the numbered list, select the method and click Move to
display a field to type a number for where you want to put it and press [ENTER] to move
the rule to the number that you typed.
# This is the index number of the service control rule.

The entry with a hyphen (-) instead of a number is the Zyxel Device’s (non-configurable)
default policy. The Zyxel Device applies this to traffic that does not match any other
configured rule. It is not an editable rule. To apply other behavior, configure a rule that
traffic will match so the Zyxel Device will not have to use the default policy.
Zone This is the zone on the Zyxel Device the user is allowed or denied to access.
Address This is the object name of the IP address(es) with which the computer is allowed or denied
to access.
Action This displays whether the computer with the IP address specified above can access the
Zyxel Device zone(s) configured in the Zone field (Accept) or not (Deny).
Enable Select the check box to allow or disallow the computer with the IP address that matches
the IP address(es) in the Service Control table to access the Zyxel Device Web
Configurator using HTTP connections.
Server Port You may change the server port number for a service if needed, however you must use
the same port number in order to use that service to access the Zyxel Device.
Admin/User Service Admin Service Control specifies from which zones an administrator can use HTTP to
Control manage the Zyxel Device (using the Web Configurator). You can also specify the IP
addresses from which the administrators can manage the Zyxel Device.

User Service Control specifies from which zones a user can use HTTP to log into the Zyxel
Device (to log into SSL VPN for example). You can also specify the IP addresses from which
the users can access the Zyxel Device.
Add Click this to create a new entry. Select an entry and click Add to create a new entry after
the selected entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to be able to modify the entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to
remove it before doing so. Note that subsequent entries move up by one when you take
this action.
Move To change an entry’s position in the numbered list, select the method and click Move to
display a field to type a number for where you want to put it and press [ENTER] to move
the rule to the number that you typed.

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Table 389 Configuration > System > WWW > Service Control (continued)
# This is the index number of the service control rule.

The entry with a hyphen (-) instead of a number is the Zyxel Device’s (non-configurable)
default policy. The Zyxel Device applies this to traffic that does not match any other
configured rule. It is not an editable rule. To apply other behavior, configure a rule that
traffic will match so the Zyxel Device will not have to use the default policy.
Zone This is the zone on the Zyxel Device the user is allowed or denied to access.
Address This is the object name of the IP address(es) with which the computer is allowed or denied
to access.
Action This displays whether the computer with the IP address specified above can access the
Zyxel Device zone(s) configured in the Zone field (Accept) or not (Deny).
Client Authentication Select a method the HTTPS or HTTP server uses to authenticate a client.
You must have configured the authentication methods in the Auth. method screen.
Other When HTTPS Domain Filter blocks a page, the connection is redirected to a local web
server to display the blocking message. HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security) may be
activated in some browsers as the browser cached certificate is different to the one
displayed by the local server. In this case, you cannot see a blocking warning message.

Accessing a web page may require multiple connections to different sites to get all the
information in the web page. When there is a connection to a HTTPS website that belongs
to a blocked category, it is filtered, but you don't receive a warning page with the option
to continue. For example, you want to block www.google.com and issue a Warn action.
When you connect to www.google.com another connection to pic.google.com is
created to get the pictures on the Google page. www.google.com can display a
warning page in your browser (and you can click ‘Continue’ to forward the connection)
but the connection to pic.google.com cannot display a ‘Continue’ dialog, so parts of the
Google page will appear blank and will not display the related picture content.
Enable Content Filter Use this field to have the Zyxel Device display a warning page instead of a blank page
HTTPS Domain Filter when an HTPPS connection is redirected.
Block/Warn Page
Block/Warn Page Port Use the default port number as displayed for the warning page. If you change it, the new
port number should be unique.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

44.7.5 Service Control Rules

Click Add or Edit in the Service Control table in a WWW, SSH, Telnet, FTP or SNMP screen to add a service
control rule.

Figure 661 Configuration > System > Service Control Rule > Edit

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The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 390 Configuration > System > Service Control Rule > Edit
Create new Use this to configure any new settings objects that you need to use in this screen.
Address Object Select ALL to allow or deny any computer to communicate with the Zyxel Device using this

Select a predefined address object to just allow or deny the computer with the IP address that
you specified to access the Zyxel Device using this service.
Zone Select ALL to allow or prevent any Zyxel Device zones from being accessed using this service.

Select a predefined Zyxel Device zone on which a incoming service is allowed or denied.
Action Select Accept to allow the user to access the Zyxel Device from the specified computers.

Select Deny to block the user’s access to the Zyxel Device from the specified computers.
OK Click OK to save your customized settings and exit this screen.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.

44.7.6 Customizing the WWW Login Page

Click Configuration > System > WWW > Login Page to open the Login Page screen. Use this screen to
customize the Web Configurator login screen. You can also customize the page that displays after an
access user logs into the Web Configurator to access network services like the Internet.

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Figure 662 Configuration > System > WWW > Login Page (Desktop View)

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Figure 663 Configuration > System > WWW > Login Page (Mobile View)

The following figures identify the parts you can customize in the login and access pages.

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Figure 664 Login Page Customization

Logo Title

(color of all text)


Note Message
(last line of text)

Figure 665 Access Page Customization


(color of all text)

Note Message
(last line of text)


You can specify colors in one of the following ways:

• Click Color to display a screen of web-safe colors from which to choose.

• Enter the name of the desired color.

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• Enter a pound sign (#) followed by the six-digit hexadecimal number that represents the desired
color. For example, use “#000000” for black.
• Enter “rgb” followed by red, green, and blue values in parenthesis and separate by commas. For
example, use “rgb(0,0,0)” for black.

Your desired color should display in the preview screen on the right after you click in another field, click
Apply, or press [ENTER]. If your desired color does not display, your browser may not support it. Try
selecting another color.

The following table describes the labels in the screen.

Table 391 Configuration > System > WWW > Login Page
Select Type Select whether the Web Configurator uses the default login screen or one that you customize in
the rest of this screen.
Logo File You can upload a graphic logo to be displayed on the upper left corner of the Web
Configurator login screen and access page.

Specify the location and file name of the logo graphic or click Browse to locate it.

Note: Use a GIF, JPG, or PNG of 100 kilobytes or less.

Click Upload to transfer the specified graphic file from your computer to the Zyxel Device.
Customized Use this section to set how the Web Configurator login screen looks.
Login Page
Title Enter the title for the top of the screen. Use up to 64 printable ASCII characters. Spaces are
Title Color Specify the color of the screen’s title text.
Message Color Specify the color of the screen’s text.
Note Message Enter a note to display at the bottom of the screen. Use up to 64 printable ASCII characters.
Spaces are allowed.
Background Set how the screen background looks.

To use a graphic, select Picture and upload a graphic. Specify the location and file name of
the logo graphic or click Browse to locate it. The picture’s size cannot be over 438 x 337 pixels.

Note: Use a GIF, JPG, or PNG of 100 kilobytes or less.

To use a color, select Color and specify the color.

Customized Use this section to customize the page that displays after an access user logs into the Web
Access Page Configurator to access network services like the Internet.
Title Enter the title for the top of the screen. Use up to 64 printable ASCII characters. Spaces are
Message Color Specify the color of the screen’s text.
Note Message Enter a note to display below the title. Use up to 64 printable ASCII characters. Spaces are
Background Set how the window’s background looks.

To use a graphic, select Picture and upload a graphic. Specify the location and file name of
the logo graphic or click Browse to locate it. The picture’s size cannot be over 438 x 337 pixels.

Note: Use a GIF, JPG, or PNG of 100 kilobytes or less.

To use a color, select Color and specify the color.

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Table 391 Configuration > System > WWW > Login Page (continued)
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

44.7.7 HTTPS Example

If you haven’t changed the default HTTPS port on the Zyxel Device, then in your browser enter “https://
Zyxel Device IP Address/” as the web site address where “Zyxel Device IP Address” is the IP address or
domain name of the Zyxel Device you wish to access. Internet Explorer Warning Messages

When you attempt to access the Zyxel Device HTTPS server, you will see the error message shown in the
following screen.

Figure 666 Security Alert Dialog Box (Internet Explorer)

Select Continue to this website to proceed to the Web Configurator login screen. Otherwise, select Click
here to close this web page to block the access. Mozilla Firefox Warning Messages

When you attempt to access the Zyxel Device HTTPS server, a The Connection is Untrusted screen
appears as shown in the following screen. Click Technical Details if you want to verify more information
about the certificate from the Zyxel Device.

Select I Understand the Risks and then click Add Exception to add the Zyxel Device to the security
exception list. Click Confirm Security Exception.

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Figure 667 Security Certificate 1 (Firefox)

Figure 668 Security Certificate 2 (Firefox) Avoiding Browser Warning Messages

Here are the main reasons your browser displays warnings about the Zyxel Device’s HTTPS server
certificate and what you can do to avoid seeing the warnings:

• The issuing certificate authority of the Zyxel Device’s HTTPS server certificate is not one of the browser’s
trusted certificate authorities. The issuing certificate authority of the Zyxel Device's factory default
certificate is the Zyxel Device itself since the certificate is a self-signed certificate.
• For the browser to trust a self-signed certificate, import the self-signed certificate into your operating
system as a trusted certificate.
• To have the browser trust the certificates issued by a certificate authority, import the certificate
authority’s certificate into your operating system as a trusted certificate. Login Screen

After you accept the certificate, the Zyxel Device login screen appears. The lock displayed in the
bottom of the browser status bar denotes a secure connection.

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Figure 669 Login Screen (Internet Explorer) Enrolling and Importing SSL Client Certificates

The SSL client needs a certificate if Authenticate Client Certificates is selected on the Zyxel Device.

You must have imported at least one trusted CA to the Zyxel Device in order for the Authenticate Client
Certificates to be active (see the Certificates chapter for details).

Apply for a certificate from a Certification Authority (CA) that is trusted by the Zyxel Device (see the
Zyxel Device’s Trusted CA Web Configurator screen).

Figure 670 Zyxel Device Trusted CA Screen

The CA sends you a package containing the CA’s trusted certificate(s), your personal certificate(s) and
a password to install the personal certificate(s). Installing the CA’s Certificate

1 Double click the CA’s trusted certificate to produce a screen similar to the one shown next.

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Figure 671 CA Certificate Example

2 Click Install Certificate and follow the wizard as shown earlier in this appendix. Installing Your Personal Certificate(s)

You need a password in advance. The CA may issue the password or you may have to specify it during
the enrollment. Double-click the personal certificate given to you by the CA to produce a screen similar
to the one shown next

1 Click Next to begin the wizard.

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Figure 672 Personal Certificate Import Wizard 1

2 The file name and path of the certificate you double-clicked should automatically appear in the File
name text box. Click Browse if you wish to import a different certificate.
Figure 673 Personal Certificate Import Wizard 2

3 Enter the password given to you by the CA.

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Figure 674 Personal Certificate Import Wizard 3

4 Have the wizard determine where the certificate should be saved on your computer or select Place all
certificates in the following store and choose a different location.
Figure 675 Personal Certificate Import Wizard 4

5 Click Finish to complete the wizard and begin the import process.

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Figure 676 Personal Certificate Import Wizard 5

6 You should see the following screen when the certificate is correctly installed on your computer.
Figure 677 Personal Certificate Import Wizard 6 Using a Certificate When Accessing the Zyxel Device Example

Use the following procedure to access the Zyxel Device via HTTPS.

1 Enter ‘https://Zyxel Device IP Address/ in your browser’s web address field.

Figure 678 Access the Zyxel Device Via HTTPS

2 When Authenticate Client Certificates is selected on the Zyxel Device, the following screen asks you to
select a personal certificate to send to the Zyxel Device. This screen displays even if you only have a
single certificate as in the example.

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Figure 679 SSL Client Authentication

3 You next see the Web Configurator login screen.

Figure 680 Secure Web Configurator Login Screen

44.8 SSH
You can use SSH (Secure SHell) to securely access the Zyxel Device’s command line interface. Specify
which zones allow SSH access and from which IP address the access can come.

SSH is a secure communication protocol that combines authentication and data encryption to provide
secure encrypted communication between two hosts over an unsecured network. In the following
figure, computer A on the Internet uses SSH to securely connect to the WAN port of the Zyxel Device for
a management session.

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Figure 681 SSH Communication Over the WAN Example

44.8.1 How SSH Works

The following figure is an example of how a secure connection is established between two remote hosts
using SSH v1.

Figure 682 How SSH v1 Works Example

1 Host Identification
The SSH client sends a connection request to the SSH server. The server identifies itself with a host key. The
client encrypts a randomly generated session key with the host key and server key and sends the result
back to the server.
The client automatically saves any new server public keys. In subsequent connections, the server public
key is checked against the saved version on the client computer.

2 Encryption Method
Once the identification is verified, both the client and server must agree on the type of encryption
method to use.

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Chapter 44 System

3 Authentication and Data Transmission

After the identification is verified and data encryption activated, a secure tunnel is established between
the client and the server. The client then sends its authentication information (user name and password)
to the server to log in to the server.

44.8.2 SSH Implementation on the Zyxel Device

Your Zyxel Device supports SSH version 2 using RSA authentication and four encryption methods (AES,
3DES, Archfour, and Blowfish). The SSH server is implemented on the Zyxel Device for management using
port 22 (by default).

44.8.3 Requirements for Using SSH

You must install an SSH client program on a client computer (Windows or Linux operating system) that is
used to connect to the Zyxel Device over SSH.

44.8.4 Configuring SSH

Click Configuration > System > SSH to change your Zyxel Device’s Secure Shell settings. Use this screen to
specify from which zones SSH can be used to manage the Zyxel Device. You can also specify from
which IP addresses the access can come.

Figure 683 Configuration > System > SSH

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 392 Configuration > System > SSH

Enable Select the check box to allow or disallow the computer with the IP address that matches the IP
address(es) in the Service Control table to access the Zyxel Device CLI using this service.
Server Port You may change the server port number for a service if needed, however you must use the
same port number in order to use that service for remote management.

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Chapter 44 System

Table 392 Configuration > System > SSH (continued)

Server Certificate Select the certificate whose corresponding private key is to be used to identify the Zyxel
Device for SSH connections. You must have certificates already configured in the My
Certificates screen.
Service Control This specifies from which computers you can access which Zyxel Device zones.
Add Click this to create a new entry. Select an entry and click Add to create a new entry after the
selected entry. Refer to Table 390 on page 984 for details on the screen that opens.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to be able to modify the entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove
it before doing so. Note that subsequent entries move up by one when you take this action.
Move To change an entry’s position in the numbered list, select the method and click Move to
display a field to type a number for where you want to put it and press [ENTER] to move the rule
to the number that you typed.
# This the index number of the service control rule.
Zone This is the zone on the Zyxel Device the user is allowed or denied to access.
Address This is the object name of the IP address(es) with which the computer is allowed or denied to
Action This displays whether the computer with the IP address specified above can access the Zyxel
Device zone(s) configured in the Zone field (Accept) or not (Deny).
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

44.8.5 Secure Telnet Using SSH Examples

This section shows two examples using a command interface and a graphical interface SSH client
program to remotely access the Zyxel Device. The configuration and connection steps are similar for
most SSH client programs. Refer to your SSH client program user’s guide. Example 1: Microsoft Windows

This section describes how to access the Zyxel Device using the Secure Shell Client program.

1 Launch the SSH client and specify the connection information (IP address, port number) for the Zyxel

2 Configure the SSH client to accept connection using SSH version 2.

3 A window displays prompting you to store the host key in you computer. Click Yes to continue.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

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Figure 684 SSH Example 1: Store Host Key

Enter the password to log in to the Zyxel Device. The CLI screen displays next. Example 2: Linux

This section describes how to access the Zyxel Device using the OpenSSH client program that comes
with most Linux distributions.

1 Test whether the SSH service is available on the Zyxel Device.

Enter “telnet 22” at a terminal prompt and press [ENTER]. The computer attempts to
connect to port 22 on the Zyxel Device (using the default IP address of
A message displays indicating the SSH protocol version supported by the Zyxel Device.
Figure 685 SSH Example 2: Test
$ telnet 22
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

2 Enter “ssh –1”. This command forces your computer to connect to the Zyxel Device
using SSH version 2. If this is the first time you are connecting to the Zyxel Device using SSH, a message
displays prompting you to save the host information of the Zyxel Device. Type “yes” and press [ENTER].
Then enter the password to log in to the Zyxel Device.
Figure 686 SSH Example 2: Log in
$ ssh –1
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA1 key fingerprint is 21:6c:07:25:7e:f4:75:80:ec:af:bd:d4:3d:80:53:d1.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA1) to the list of known hosts.
Administrator@'s password:

3 The CLI screen displays next.

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Chapter 44 System

44.9 Telnet
You can use Telnet to access the Zyxel Device’s command line interface. Specify which zones allow
Telnet access and from which IP address the access can come.

44.9.1 Configuring Telnet

Click Configuration > System > TELNET to configure your Zyxel Device for remote Telnet access. Use this
screen to specify from which zones Telnet can be used to manage the Zyxel Device. You can also
specify from which IP addresses the access can come.

Figure 687 Configuration > System > TELNET

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 393 Configuration > System > TELNET

Enable Select the check box to allow or disallow the computer with the IP address that matches the IP
address(es) in the Service Control table to access the Zyxel Device CLI using this service.
Server Port You may change the server port number for a service if needed, however you must use the
same port number in order to use that service for remote management.
Service Control This specifies from which computers you can access which Zyxel Device zones.
Add Click this to create a new entry. Select an entry and click Add to create a new entry after the
selected entry. Refer to Table 390 on page 984 for details on the screen that opens.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to be able to modify the entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove
it before doing so. Note that subsequent entries move up by one when you take this action.
Move To change an entry’s position in the numbered list, select the method and click Move to display
a field to type a number for where you want to put it and press [ENTER] to move the rule to the
number that you typed.

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Table 393 Configuration > System > TELNET (continued)

# This the index number of the service control rule.

The entry with a hyphen (-) instead of a number is the Zyxel Device’s (non-configurable) default
policy. The Zyxel Device applies this to traffic that does not match any other configured rule. It
is not an editable rule. To apply other behavior, configure a rule that traffic will match so the
Zyxel Device will not have to use the default policy.
Zone This is the zone on the Zyxel Device the user is allowed or denied to access.
Address This is the object name of the IP address(es) with which the computer is allowed or denied to
Action This displays whether the computer with the IP address specified above can access the Zyxel
Device zone(s) configured in the Zone field (Accept) or not (Deny).
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

44.10 FTP
You can upload and download the Zyxel Device’s firmware and configuration files using FTP. To use this
feature, your computer must have an FTP client.

44.10.1 Configuring FTP

To change your Zyxel Device’s FTP settings, click Configuration > System > FTP tab. The screen appears
as shown. Use this screen to specify from which zones FTP can be used to access the Zyxel Device. You
can also specify from which IP addresses the access can come.

Figure 688 Configuration > System > FTP

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Chapter 44 System

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 394 Configuration > System > FTP

Enable Select the check box to allow or disallow the computer with the IP address that matches the IP
address(es) in the Service Control table to access the Zyxel Device using this service.
TLS required Select the check box to use FTP over TLS (Transport Layer Security) to encrypt communication.

This implements TLS as a security mechanism to secure FTP clients and/or servers.
Server Port You may change the server port number for a service if needed, however you must use the
same port number in order to use that service for remote management.
Server Certificate Select the certificate whose corresponding private key is to be used to identify the Zyxel Device
for FTP connections. You must have certificates already configured in the My Certificates
Service Control This specifies from which computers you can access which Zyxel Device zones.
Add Click this to create a new entry. Select an entry and click Add to create a new entry after the
selected entry. Refer to Table 390 on page 984 for details on the screen that opens.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to be able to modify the entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove
it before doing so. Note that subsequent entries move up by one when you take this action.
Move To change an entry’s position in the numbered list, select the method and click Move to display
a field to type a number for where you want to put it and press [ENTER] to move the rule to the
number that you typed.
# This the index number of the service control rule.

The entry with a hyphen (-) instead of a number is the Zyxel Device’s (non-configurable) default
policy. The Zyxel Device applies this to traffic that does not match any other configured rule. It
is not an editable rule. To apply other behavior, configure a rule that traffic will match so the
Zyxel Device will not have to use the default policy.
Zone This is the zone on the Zyxel Device the user is allowed or denied to access.
Address This is the object name of the IP address(es) with which the computer is allowed or denied to
Action This displays whether the computer with the IP address specified above can access the Zyxel
Device zone(s) configured in the Zone field (Accept) or not (Deny).
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

44.11 SNMP
Simple Network Management Protocol is a protocol used for exchanging management information
between network devices. Your Zyxel Device supports SNMP agent functionality, which allows a
manager station to manage and monitor the Zyxel Device through the network. The Zyxel Device
supports SNMP version one (SNMPv1), version two (SNMPv2c) and version 3 (SNMPv3). The next figure
illustrates an SNMP management operation.

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Figure 689 SNMP Management Model

An SNMP managed network consists of two main types of component: agents and a manager.

An agent is a management software module that resides in a managed device (the Zyxel Device). An
agent translates the local management information from the managed device into a form compatible
with SNMP. The manager is the console through which network administrators perform network
management functions. It executes applications that control and monitor managed devices.

The managed devices contain object variables/managed objects that define each piece of
information to be collected about a device. Examples of variables include such as number of packets
received, node port status etc. A Management Information Base (MIB) is a collection of managed
objects. SNMP allows a manager and agents to communicate for the purpose of accessing these

SNMP itself is a simple request/response protocol based on the manager/agent model. The manager
issues a request and the agent returns responses using the following protocol operations:

• Get - Allows the manager to retrieve an object variable from the agent.
• GetNext - Allows the manager to retrieve the next object variable from a table or list within an agent.
In SNMPv1, when a manager wants to retrieve all elements of a table from an agent, it initiates a Get
operation, followed by a series of GetNext operations.
• Set - Allows the manager to set values for object variables within an agent.
• Trap - Used by the agent to inform the manager of some events.

44.11.1 SNMPv3 and Security

SNMPv3 enhances security for SNMP management using authentication and encryption. SNMP
managers can be required to authenticate with agents before conducting SNMP management

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 44 System

Security can be further enhanced by encrypting the SNMP messages sent from the managers.
Encryption protects the contents of the SNMP messages. When the contents of the SNMP messages are
encrypted, only the intended recipients can read them.

44.11.2 Supported MIBs

The Zyxel Device supports MIB II that is defined in RFC-1213 and RFC-1215. The Zyxel Device also supports
private MIBs (zywall.mib and zyxel-zywall-ZLD-Common.mib) to collect information about CPU and
memory usage and VPN total throughput. The focus of the MIBs is to let administrators collect statistical
data and monitor status and performance. You can download the Zyxel Device’s MIBs from

44.11.3 SNMP Traps

The Zyxel Device will send traps to the SNMP manager when any one of the following events occurs.

Table 395 SNMP Traps

Cold Start This trap is sent when the Zyxel Device is turned on or
an agent restarts.
linkDown This trap is sent when the Ethernet link is down.
linkUp This trap is sent when the Ethernet link is up.
authenticationFailure This trap is sent when an SNMP request comes from
non-authenticated hosts.
vpnTunnelDisconnected This trap is sent when an IPSec VPN tunnel is
vpnTunnelName This trap is sent along with the
vpnTunnelDisconnected trap. This trap carries the
disconnected tunnel’s IPSec SA name.
vpnIKEName This trap is sent along with the
vpnTunnelDisconnected trap. This trap carries the
disconnected tunnel’s IKE SA name.
vpnTunnelSPI This trap is sent along with the
vpnTunnelDisconnected trap. This trap carries the
security parameter index (SPI) of the disconnected
VPN tunnel.

44.11.4 Configuring SNMP

To change your Zyxel Device’s SNMP settings, click Configuration > System > SNMP tab. The screen
appears as shown. Use this screen to configure your SNMP settings, including from which zones SNMP
can be used to access the Zyxel Device. You can also specify from which IP addresses the access can

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 44 System

Figure 690 Configuration > System > SNMP

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 396 Configuration > System > SNMP

Enable Select the check box to allow or disallow the computer with the IP address that matches the IP
address(es) in the Service Control table to access the Zyxel Device using this service.
Server Port You may change the server port number for a service if needed, however you must use the
same port number in order to use that service for remote management.
Community Type the trap community, which is the password sent with each trap to the SNMP manager. The
default is public and allows all requests.
Destination Type the IP address of the station to send your SNMP traps to.
SNMPv2c Select the SNMP version for the Zyxel Device. The SNMP version on the Zyxel Device must match
the version on the SNMP manager.
Get Enter the Get Community, which is the password for the incoming Get and GetNext requests
Community from the management station. The default is public and allows all requests.
Set Enter the Set community, which is the password for incoming Set requests from the
Community management station. The default is private and allows all requests.
SNMPv3 Select the SNMP version for the Zyxel Device. The SNMP version on the Zyxel Device must match
the version on the SNMP manager. SNMPv3 (RFCs 3413 to 3415) provides secure access by
authenticating and encrypting data packets over the network. The Zyxel Device uses your login
password as the SNMPv3 authentication and encryption passphrase.

Note: Your login password must consist of at least 8 printable characters for SNMPv3.
An error message will display if your login password has fewer characters.

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Table 396 Configuration > System > SNMP (continued)

Add Click this to create a new entry. Select an entry and click Add to create a new entry after the
selected entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to be able to modify the entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove
it before doing so. Note that subsequent entries move up by one when you take this action.
# This is the index number of the entry.
User This displays the name of the user object to be sent to the SNMP manager along with the SNMP
v3 trap.
Authenticati This displays the authentication algorithm used for this entry. MD5 (Message Digest 5) and SHA
on (Secure Hash Algorithm) are hash algorithms used to authenticate SNMP data. SHA
authentication is generally considered stronger than MD5, but is slower.
Privacy This displays the encryption method for SNMP communication from this user. Methods available

• DES - Data Encryption Standard is a widely used (but breakable) method of data
encryption. It applies a 56-bit key to each 64-bit block of data.
• AES - Advanced Encryption Standard is another method for data encryption that also uses
a secret key. AES applies a 128-bit key to 128-bit blocks of data.
Privilege This displays the access rights to MIBs.

• Read-Write - The associated user can create and edit the MIBs on the Zyxel Device, except
the user account.
• Read-Only - The associated user can only collect information from the Zyxel Device MIBs.
Service Control This specifies from which computers you can access which Zyxel Device zones.
Add Click this to create a new entry. Select an entry and click Add to create a new entry after the
selected entry. Refer to Table 390 on page 984 for details on the screen that opens.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to be able to modify the entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove
it before doing so. Note that subsequent entries move up by one when you take this action.
Move To change an entry’s position in the numbered list, select the method and click Move to display
a field to type a number for where you want to put it and press [ENTER] to move the rule to the
number that you typed.
# This the index number of the service control rule.

The entry with a hyphen (-) instead of a number is the Zyxel Device’s (non-configurable) default
policy. The Zyxel Device applies this to traffic that does not match any other configured rule. It is
not an editable rule. To apply other behavior, configure a rule that traffic will match so the Zyxel
Device will not have to use the default policy.
Zone This is the zone on the Zyxel Device the user is allowed or denied to access.
Address This is the object name of the IP address(es) with which the computer is allowed or denied to
Action This displays whether the computer with the IP address specified above can access the Zyxel
Device zone(s) configured in the Zone field (Accept) or not (Deny).
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

44.11.5 Add SNMPv3 User

Click Add under SNMPv3 in Configuration > System > SNMP to create an SNMPv3 user for authentication
with managers using SNMP v3. Use the username and password of the login accounts you specify in this
screen to create accounts on the SNMP v3 manager.

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Figure 691 Configuration > System > SNMP(v3) > Add

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 397 Configuration > System > SNMP(v3) > Add

User Specify the username of a login account on the Zyxel Device. The associated password is
used in authentication algorithms and encryption methods.
Authentication Select an authentication algorithm. MD5 (Message Digest 5) and SHA (Secure Hash
Algorithm) are hash algorithms used to authenticate SNMP data. SHA authentication is
generally considered stronger than MD5, but is slower.
Privacy Specify the encryption method for SNMP communication from this user. You can choose one
of the following:

• DES - Data Encryption Standard is a widely used (but breakable) method of data
encryption. It applies a 56-bit key to each 64-bit block of data.
• AES - Advanced Encryption Standard is another method for data encryption that also
uses a secret key. AES applies a 128-bit key to 128-bit blocks of data.
Privilege Select the access rights to MIBs.

• Read-Write - The associated user can create and edit the MIBs on the Zyxel Device,
except the user account.
• Read-Only - The associated user can only collect information from the Zyxel Device MIBs.
OK Click OK to save the changes.
Cancel Click Cancel to begin configuring this screen afresh.

44.12 Authentication Server

You can set the Zyxel Device to work as a RADIUS server to exchange messages with a RADIUS client,
such as an AP for user authentication and authorization. Click Configuration > System > Auth. Server tab.
The screen appears as shown. Use this screen to enable the authentication server feature of the Zyxel
Device and specify the RADIUS client’s IP address.

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Figure 692 Configuration > System > Auth. Server

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 398 Configuration > System > Auth. Server

Enable Select the check box to have the Zyxel Device act as a RADIUS server.
Authentication Select the certificate whose corresponding private key is to be used to identify the Zyxel Device
Server Certificate to the RADIUS client. You must have certificates already configured in the My Certificates
Authentication Select an authentication method if you have created any in the Configuration > Object > Auth.
Method Method screen.
Trusted Client Use this section to configure trusted clients in the Zyxel Device RADIUS server database.
Add Click this to create a new entry. Select an entry and click Add to create a new entry after the
selected entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to be able to modify the entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The Zyxel Device confirms you want to remove
it before doing so. Note that subsequent entries move up by one when you take this action.
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
# This is the index number of the entry.
Status This icon is lit when the entry is active and dimmed when the entry is inactive.
Profile Name This field indicates the name assigned to the profile.
IP Address This is the IP address of the RADIUS client that is allowed to exchange messages with the Zyxel
Mask This is the subnet mask of the RADIUS client.
Description This is the description of the RADIUS client.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

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Chapter 44 System

44.12.1 Add/Edit Trusted RADIUS Client

Click Configuration > System > Auth. Server to display the Auth. Server screen. Click the Add icon or an
Edit icon to display the following screen. Use this screen to create a new entry or edit an existing one.

Figure 693 Configuration > System > Auth. Server > Add/Edit

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 399 Configuration > System > Auth. Server > Add/Edit
Activate Select this check box to make this profile active.
Profile Name Enter a descriptive name (up to 31 alphanumerical characters) for identification purposes.
IP Address Enter the IP address of the RADIUS client that is allowed to exchange messages with the Zyxel
Netmask Enter the subnet mask of the RADIUS client.
Secret Enter a password (up to 64 alphanumeric characters) as the key to be shared between the
Zyxel Device and the RADIUS client.

The key is not sent over the network. This key must be the same on the external authentication
server and the Zyxel Device.
Description Enter the description of each server, if any. You can use up to 60 printable ASCII characters.
OK Click OK to save the changes.
Cancel Click Cancel to discard the changes.

44.13 Notification > Mail Server

Use this screen to configure a mail server so you can receive reports and notification emails such as
when your password is about to expire. After you configure the screen, you can test the settings in
Maintenance > Diagnostics > Network Tool and then select Test Email Server. See Configuration > Log &
Report > Email Daily Report to configure what reports to send and to whom.

Click Configuration > System > Notification to display the Mail Server screen.

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Chapter 44 System

Figure 694 Configuration > System > Notification > Mail Server

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 400 Configuration > System > Notification > Mail Server
Mail Server Type the name or IP address of the outgoing SMTP server.
Mail Subject Go to Configuration > Log & Report > Email Daily Report to type a subject line for outgoing e-
mail from the Zyxel Device.
Append Select Append system name to add the Zyxel Device’s system name to the subject.
system name
Append date Select Append date time to add the Zyxel Device’s system date and time to the subject.
Mail Server Port Enter the same port number here as is on the mail server for mail traffic.
TLS Security Select this option if the mail server uses Transport Layer Security (TLS) for encrypted
communications between the mail server and the Zyxel Device.
STARTTLS Select this option if the mail server uses SSL or TLS for encrypted communications between the
mail server and the Zyxel Device.
Authenticate Select this if the Zyxel Device authenticates the mail server in the TLS handshake.
Mail From Type the e-mail address from which the outgoing e-mail is delivered. This address is used in
SMTP Select this check box if it is necessary to provide a user name and password to the SMTP server.
User Name This box is effective when you select the SMTP Authentication check box. Type the user name
to provide to the SMTP server when the log is e-mailed.
Password This box is effective when you select the SMTP Authentication check box. Type a password of
up to 63 characters to provide to the SMTP server when the log is e-mailed.
Retype to Type the password again to make sure that you have entered is correctly.
Time for sending Select the time of day (hours and minutes) when the log is e-mailed. Use 24-hour notation.

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Table 400 Configuration > System > Notification > Mail Server (continued)
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

44.14 Notification > SMS

The Zyxel Device supports Short Message Service (SMS) to send short text messages to mobile phone
devices. At the time of writing, the Zyxel Device uses ViaNett as the SMS gateway to help forward SMS
messages. You must already have a ViaNett account in order to use the SMS service.

Click Configuration > System > System > Notification > SMS to open the following screen.

Configure the settings according to your SMS service provider’s format. Different SMS service providers
may have different format.

Figure 695 Configuration > System > Notification > SMS

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 401 Configuration > System > Notification > SMS

General Settings
Enable SMS Select the check box to turn on the SMS service.
Default country Enter the default country code for the mobile phone number to which you want to send SMS
code for phone messages.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 44 System

Table 401 Configuration > System > Notification > SMS (continued)
SMS Provider The Zyxel Device uses Email-to-SMS Provider to forward SM S messages.

Note: Go to the Configuration> System> Notification> Mail Server screen to

configure a mail server to allow the Zyxel Device to send SMS messages to the
SMS service provider using emails.
Provider Enter the domain name of your SMS service provider. The domain name can be of up to 252
Domain characters.

Select auto append to "Mail to" to add the domain name of your SMS service provider after the
mobile phone number in the Mail To field.
Mail Subject Type the subject line of up to 128 characters for outgoing e-mail from the Zyxel Device.
Mail From Enter the sender’s email address of up to 64 characters. This email address needs to be in your
SMS provider’s allowed sender address list.

If you leave this field blank, the Zyxel Device will use the IP address or domain name of the Mail
Server field in the Configuration > System > Notification > Mail Server screen.
Mail To Enter the mobile phone number of up to 80 characters. You can only have one receiver.

Use this variable in brackets [$mobile_number$], and the Zyxel Device will use the mobile
phone number of the user logging in. Go to the Configuration > Object > User/Group > User
screen to add a valid mobile telephone number for a user.
Apply Click this button to save your changes to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click this button to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

44.15 Notification > Response Message

Use this screen to create a web page when access to a website is restricted due to a security service.

Click Configuration > System > Notification to display the Response Message screen.

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Chapter 44 System

Figure 696 Configuration > System > Notification > Response Message

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 402 Configuration > System > Notification > Response Message
Message Use this part of the screen to create a message to display when access to a website is blocked
due to a security service.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to be able to modify the entry’s settings.
# This is the index number of the entry.
Service This is the security service that may restrict access to a website.
Denied Access Type a message to display when access to a website is blocked due to this security service.
Message You may type up to 127 characters.
Page Layout Use this part of the screen to create a web page to display when access to a website is
blocked due to a security service.
Use Customized Select this if you want to specify a logo and colors in the access blocked web page. You
cannot change the banner message.
Preview Web Use this to see how the colors look in your customized access blocked web page. The below
Page example also shows the location of the access blocked message, the logo and banner.

File Path Type the path to the access blocked web page file or use Browse to find it on your computer.
After, click Upload to send the file to the Zyxel Device.
Message Specify the font color of the message. You can use the Color palette chooser, or enter a CSS
Color hex color code. For example, the CSS hex color code for blue is #0000FF.
Background Specify the color of the access blocked web page background. You can use the Color
Color palette chooser, or enter a CSS hex color code. For example, the CSS hex color code for blue
is #0000FF.

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Chapter 44 System

Table 402 Configuration > System > Notification > Response Message (continued)
Banner Color Specify the color of the access blocked web page banner. You can use the Color palette
chooser, or enter a CSS hex color code. For example, the CSS hex color code for blue is
Banner Specify the color of the access blocked web page banner text. You can use the Color palette
Message chooser, or enter a CSS hex color code. For example, the CSS hex color code for blue is
Apply Click this button to save your changes to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click this button to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

44.16 Language Screen

Click Configuration > System > Language to open the following screen. Use this screen to select a
display language for the Zyxel Device’s Web Configurator screens.

Figure 697 Configuration > System > Language

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 403 Configuration > System > Language

Language Setting Select a display language for the Zyxel Device’s Web Configurator screens. You also
need to open a new browser session to display the screens in the new language.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

44.17 IPv6 Screen

Click Configuration > System > IPv6 to open the following screen. Use this screen to enable IPv6 support
for the Zyxel Device’s Web Configurator screens.

Figure 698 Configuration > System > IPv6

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 44 System

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 404 Configuration > System > IPv6

Enable IPv6 Select this to have the Zyxel Device support IPv6 and make IPv6 settings be available on
the screens that the functions support, such as the Configuration > Network > Interface >
Ethernet, VLAN, and Bridge screens. The Zyxel Device discards all IPv6 packets if you clear
this check box.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

44.18 Zyxel One Network (ZON) Utility

The Zyxel One Network (ZON) utility uses the Zyxel Discovery Protocol (ZDP) for discovering and
configuring ZDP-aware Zyxel devices in the same broadcast domain as the computer on which ZON is

The ZON Utility issues requests via ZDP and in response to the query, the Zyxel Device responds with basic
information including IP address, firmware version, location, system and model name. The information is
then displayed in the ZON Utility screen and you can perform tasks like basic configuration of the
devices and batch firmware upgrade in it. You can download the ZON Utility at www.zyxel.com and
install it on a computer.

44.18.1 Requirements
Before installing the ZON Utility on your computer, please make sure it meets the requirements listed

Operating System
At the time of writing, the ZON Utility is compatible with:

• Windows 7 (both 32-bit / 64-bit versions)

• Windows 8 (both 32-bit / 64-bit versions)
• Windows 8.1 (both 32-bit / 64-bit versions)
• Window 10 (both 32-bit / 64-bit versions)

Note: To check for your Windows operating system version, right-click on My Computer >
Properties. You should see this information in the General tab.

Here are the minimum hardware requirements to use the ZON Utility on your computer.

• Core i3 processor
• 100MB free hard disk
• WXGA (Wide XGA 1280x800)

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 44 System

44.18.2 Run the ZON Utility

1 Double-click the ZON Utility to run it.

2 The first time you run the ZON Utility you will see if your Zyxel Device and firmware version support the ZON
Utility. Click the OK button to close this screen.
Figure 699 Supported Devices and Versions

If you want to check the supported models and firmware versions later, you can click the Show
information about ZON icon in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Then select the Supported
model and firmware version link.

3 Select the network adapter to which your supported devices are connected.

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Chapter 44 System

Figure 700 Network Adapter

4 Click the Go button for the ZON Utility to discover all supported devices in your network.
Figure 701 Discovering Devices

5 The ZON Utility screen shows the devices discovered.

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Chapter 44 System

Figure 702 ZON Utility Screen

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

6 Select a device and then use the icons to perform actions.

Note: Some functions may not be available for your devices.

The following table describes the icons numbered from left to right in the ZON Utility screen.

Table 405 ZON Utility Icons

1 IP configuration Change the selected device’s IP address.
2 Renew IP Address Update a DHCP-assigned dynamic IP address.
3 Reboot Device Use this icon to restart the selected device(s). This may be useful when troubleshooting
or upgrading new firmware.
4 Reset Configuration to If you forget your password or cannot access the Web Configurator, you can use this
Default icon to reload the factory-default configuration file. This means that you will lose all
configurations that you had previously.
5 Locator LED Use this icon to locate the selected device by causing its Locator LED to blink.
6 Web GUI Use this to access the selected device web configurator from your browser. You will
need a username and password to log in.
7 Firmware Upgrade Use this icon to upgrade new firmware to selected device(s) of the same model. Make
sure you have downloaded the firmware from the Zyxel website to your computer and
unzipped it in advance.

If your Zyxel Device supports dual firmware images, the standby image will be
upgraded. After the new firmware is uploaded, you Zyxel Device will reboot, and the
new firmware will be the running firmware.
8 Change Password Use this icon to change the admin password of the selected device. You must know
the current admin password before changing to a new one.

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Chapter 44 System

Table 405 ZON Utility Icons

9 Configure NCC You must have Internet access to use this feature. Use this icon to enable or disable
Discovery Nebula Control Center (NCC) discovery on the selected device. If it’s enabled, the
selected device will try to connect to the NCC. Once the selected device is
connected to and has registered in the NCC, it’ll go into the cloud management
10 ZAC Use this icon to run the Zyxel AP Configurator of the selected AP.
11 Clear and Rescan Use this icon to clear the list and discover all devices on the connected network
12 Save Configuration Use this icon to save configuration changes to permanent memory on a selected
13 Settings Use this icon to select a network adaptor for the computer on which the ZON utility is
installed, and the utility language.

The following table describes the fields in the ZON Utility main screen.

Table 406 ZON Utility Fields

Type This field displays an icon of the kind of device discovered.
Model This field displays the model name of the discovered device.
Firmware Version This field displays the firmware version of the discovered device.
MAC Address This field displays the MAC address of the discovered device.
IP Address This field displays the IP address of an internal interface on the discovered device that
first received an ZDP discovery request from the ZON utility.
System Name This field displays the system name of the discovered device.
Location This field displays where the discovered device is.
Status This field displays whether changes to the discovered device have been done
successfully. As the Zyxel Device does not support IP Configuration, Renew IP address
and Flash Locator LED, this field displays “Update failed”, “Not support Renew IP
address” and “Not support Flash Locator LED” respectively.
NCC Discovery This field displays if the discovered device supports the Nebula Control Center (NCC)
discovery feature. If it’s enabled, the selected device will try to connect to the NCC.
Once the selected device is connected to and has registered in the NCC, it’ll go into
the cloud management mode.
Serial Number Enter the admin password of the discovered device to display its serial number.
Hardware Version This field displays the hardware version of the discovered device.

44.18.3 Zyxel One Network (ZON) System Screen

Enable ZDP (ZON) and Smart Connect (Ethernet Neighbor) in the System > ZON screen.

See Monitor > System Status > Ethernet Neighbor for information on using Smart Connect (Link Layer
Discovery Protocol (LLDP)) for discovering and configuring LLDP-aware devices in the same broadcast
domain as the Zyxel Device that you’re logged into using the web configurator.

The following figure shows the System > ZON screen.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 44 System

Figure 703 Configuration > System > ZON

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 407 Configuration > System > ZON

ZDP Zyxel Discovery Protocol (ZDP) is the protocol that the Zyxel One Network (ZON) utility uses
for discovering and configuring ZDP-aware Zyxel devices in the same broadcast domain
as the computer on which ZON is installed.
Enable Select to activate ZDP discovery on the Zyxel Device.
Smart Connect Smart Connect uses Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) for discovering and configuring
LLDP-aware devices in the same broadcast domain as the Zyxel Device that you’re
logged into using the web configurator.
Enable Select to activate LLDP discovery on the Zyxel Device. See also Monitor > System Status >
Ethernet Discovery.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

44.19 Advanced Screen

Use this screen to maximize the network performance of the Zyxel Device.

Fast Forwarding maximizes the network performance of the Zyxel Device by enabling a faster packet
switching method which uses a trie (prefix tree).

When Fast Forwarding is enabled, essential network services such as NAT, routing, firewall, and VPN work
as expected. However, security and logging services such as UTM, web authentication, MAC address
binding, BWM, and traffic statistics are bypassed. This means traffic passes through the Zyxel Device
unchecked and unlogged.

Note: Enabling Fast Forwarding might expose your network to security threat. We recommend
enabling Fast Forwarding temporarily and only when it is needed.

44.19.1 Fast Forwarding Technical Reference

When switching a packet, a network device examines the packet’s destination and then searches its
local route cache to determine the output interface and then next hop to the destination. The route
cached must be periodically cleared of old and invalid entries, to prevent the cached from consuming
too much memory.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 44 System

Fast Forwarding improves route cached performance by using a trie (prefix tree). A trie is a 256-way
binary tree that does not store any data. Instead, each leaf in the tree contains a pointer to data in a
separate adjacency table. The routing cached stores destination information in the search tree, and
information about how to reach each destination in the adjacency table. separating the routing
cached into two data structures offers several advantages:

• The search tree and adjacency table can be created and recreated separately
• Modifying entries in the adjacency table does not invalidate entries int eh search tree
• Entries in the adjacency table can point to each other, speeding up recursive routing. Recursive
routing is where a device looks up a packet’s next hop in the routing cached bu does not know how
to reach the next hop, requiring another lookup
• The adjacency table can be updated directly from the device’s ARP cache and routing table. This
eliminates the need to periodically clear old and invalid entires from the cache

Click System > Advanced to open the following screen.

Figure 704 Configuration > System > Advanced

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 408 Configuration > System > ZON

Enable Select to activate fast forwarding on the Zyxel Device.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

A warning message will pop out when you select Enable.

Figure 705 Fast Forwarding Warning Message

An icon will show at the Title Bar when Fast Forwarding is enabled.

Figure 706 Fast Forwarding Icon

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

C H A P T E R 45
Log and Report

45.1 Overview
Use these screens to configure daily reporting and log settings.

45.1.1 What You Can Do In this Chapter

• Use the Email Daily Report screen (Section 45.2 on page 1023) to configure where and how to send
daily reports and what reports to send.
• Use the Log Setting screens (Section 45.3 on page 1025) to specify settings for recording log messages
and alerts, emailing them, storing them on a connected USB storage device, and sending them to
remote syslog servers.

45.2 Email Daily Report

Use the Email Daily Report screen to start or stop data collection and view various statistics about traffic
passing through your Zyxel Device. See Configuration > System > Notification to set up the mail server.

Note: Data collection may decrease the Zyxel Device’s traffic throughput rate.

Click Configuration > Log & Report > Email Daily Report to display the following screen. Configure this
screen to have the Zyxel Device e-mail you system statistics every day.

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Chapter 45 Log and Report

Figure 707 Configuration > Log & Report > Email Daily Report

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 409 Configuration > Log & Report > Email Daily Report
Enable Email Daily Select this to send reports by e-mail every day.
Mail Subject Type the subject line for outgoing e-mail from the Zyxel Device.
Mail To Type the e-mail address (or addresses) to which the outgoing e-mail is delivered.
Send Report Now Click this button to have the Zyxel Device send the daily e-mail report immediately.
Report Items Select the information to include in the report. Types of information include System Resource
Usage, Wireless Report, Interface Traffic Statistics and DHCP Table.

Select Reset counters after sending report successfully if you only want to see statistics for a 24
hour period.

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Chapter 45 Log and Report

Table 409 Configuration > Log & Report > Email Daily Report (continued)
Reset All Counters Click this to discard all report data and start all of the counters over at zero.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

45.3 Log Setting Screens

The Log Setting screens control log messages and alerts. A log message stores the information for
viewing or regular e-mailing later, and an alert is e-mailed immediately. Usually, alerts are used for
events that require more serious attention, such as system errors and attacks.

The Zyxel Device provides a system log and supports e-mail profiles and remote syslog servers. View the
system log in the MONITOR > Log screen. Use the e-mail profiles to mail log messages to the specific
destinations. You can also have the Zyxel Device store system logs on a connected USB storage device.
The other four logs are stored on specified syslog servers.

The Log Setting screens control what information the Zyxel Device saves in each log. You can also
specify which log messages to e-mail for the system log, and where and how often to e-mail them.
These screens also set for which events to generate alerts and where to email the alerts.

The first Log Setting screen provides a settings summary. Use the Edit screens to configure settings such as
log categories, e-mail addresses, and server names for any log. Use the Log Category Settings screen to
edit what information is included in the system log, USB storage, e-mail profiles, and remote servers.

45.3.1 Log Setting Summary

To access this screen, click Configuration > Log & Report > Log Setting.

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Chapter 45 Log and Report

Figure 708 Configuration > Log & Report > Log Setting

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 410 Configuration > Log & Report > Log Setting
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify it.
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific log.
Name This field displays the type of log setting entry (system log, logs stored on a USB storage device
connected to the Zyxel Device, or one of the remote servers).
Log Format This field displays the format of the log.

Internal - system log; you can view the log on the View Log tab.

VRPT/Syslog - Zyxel’s Vantage Report, syslog-compatible format.

CEF/Syslog - Common Event Format, syslog-compatible format.

Summary This field is a summary of the settings for each log. Please see Section 45.3.2 on page 1026 for more
Log Category Click this button to open the Log Category Settings Edit screen.
Apply Click this button to save your changes (activate and deactivate logs) and make them take effect.

45.3.2 Edit System Log Settings

The Log Settings Edit screen controls the detailed settings for each log in the system log (which includes
the e-mail profiles). Go to the Log Settings Summary screen (see Section 45.3.1 on page 1025), and click
the system log Edit icon.

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Chapter 45 Log and Report

Figure 709 Configuration > Log & Report > Log Setting > Edit (System Log - E-mail Servers)

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Chapter 45 Log and Report

Figure 710 Configuration > Log & Report > Log Setting > Edit (System Log - AC)

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Chapter 45 Log and Report

Figure 711 Configuration > Log & Report > Log Setting > Edit (System Log - AP)

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 411 Configuration > Log & Report > Log Setting > Edit (System Log)
E-Mail Server 1/2
Active Select this to send log messages and alerts according to the information in this section.
You specify what kinds of log messages are included in log information and what kinds of
log messages are included in alerts in the Active Log and Alert section.
Mail Server Type the name or IP address of the outgoing SMTP server.
Mail Subject Type the subject line for the outgoing e-mail.
Send From Type the e-mail address from which the outgoing e-mail is delivered. This address is used in
Send Log To Type the e-mail address to which the outgoing e-mail is delivered.
Send Alerts To Type the e-mail address to which alerts are delivered.
Sending Log Select how often log information is e-mailed. Choices are: When Full, Hourly and When
Full, Daily and When Full, and Weekly and When Full.
Day for Sending This field is available if the log is e-mailed weekly. Select the day of the week the log is e-
Log mailed.
Time for Sending This field is available if the log is e-mailed weekly or daily. Select the time of day (hours
Log and minutes) when the log is e-mailed. Use 24-hour notation.

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Chapter 45 Log and Report

Table 411 Configuration > Log & Report > Log Setting > Edit (System Log) (continued)
SMTP Select this check box if it is necessary to provide a user name and password to the SMTP
Authentication server.
User Name This box is effective when you select the SMTP Authentication check box. Type the user
name to provide to the SMTP server when the log is e-mailed.
Password This box is effective when you select the SMTP Authentication check box. Type the
password of up to 63 characters to provide to the SMTP server when the log is e-mailed.
Retype to Confirm Type the password again to make sure that you have entered is correctly.
Active Log and Alert
System Log Use the System Log drop-down list to change the log settings for all of the log categories.

disable all logs (red X) - do not log any information for any category for the system log or
e-mail any logs to e-mail server 1 or 2.

enable normal logs (green check mark) - create log messages and alerts for all
categories for the system log. If e-mail server 1 or 2 also has normal logs enabled, the Zyxel
Device will e-mail logs to them.

enable normal logs and debug logs (yellow check mark) - create log messages, alerts,
and debugging information for all categories. The Zyxel Device does not e-mail
debugging information, even if this setting is selected.
E-mail Server 1 Use the E-Mail Server 1 drop-down list to change the settings for e-mailing logs to e-mail
server 1 for all log categories.

Using the System Log drop-down list to disable all logs overrides your e-mail server 1

enable normal logs (green check mark) - e-mail log messages for all categories to e-mail
server 1.

enable alert logs (red exclamation point) - e-mail alerts for all categories to e-mail server
E-mail Server 2 Use the E-Mail Server 2 drop-down list to change the settings for e-mailing logs to e-mail
server 2 for all log categories.

Using the System Log drop-down list to disable all logs overrides your e-mail server 2

enable normal logs (green check mark) - e-mail log messages for all categories to e-mail
server 2.

enable alert logs (red exclamation point) - e-mail alerts for all categories to e-mail server
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific address.
Log Category This field displays each category of messages. It is the same value used in the Display and
Category fields in the View Log tab. The Default category includes debugging messages
generated by open source software.
System log Select which events you want to log by Log Category. There are three choices:

disable all logs (red X) - do not log any information from this category

enable normal logs (green check mark) - create log messages and alerts from this

enable normal logs and debug logs (yellow check mark) - create log messages, alerts,
and debugging information from this category; the Zyxel Device does not e-mail
debugging information, however, even if this setting is selected.

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Chapter 45 Log and Report

Table 411 Configuration > Log & Report > Log Setting > Edit (System Log) (continued)
E-mail Server 1 Select whether each category of events should be included in the log messages when it
is e-mailed (green check mark) and/or in alerts (red exclamation point) for the e-mail
settings specified in E-Mail Server 1. The Zyxel Device does not e-mail debugging
information, even if it is recorded in the System log.
E-mail Server 2 Select whether each category of events should be included in log messages when it is e-
mailed (green check mark) and/or in alerts (red exclamation point) for the e-mail settings
specified in E-Mail Server 2. The Zyxel Device does not e-mail debugging information,
even if it is recorded in the System log.
Log Consolidation
Active Select this to activate log consolidation. Log consolidation aggregates multiple log
messages that arrive within the specified Log Consolidation Interval. In the View Log tab,
the text “[count=x]”, where x is the number of original log messages, is appended at the
end of the Message field, when multiple log messages were aggregated.
Log Consolidation Type how often, in seconds, to consolidate log information. If the same log message
Interval appears multiple times, it is aggregated into one log message with the text “[count=x]”,
where x is the number of original log messages, appended at the end of the Message
OK Click this to save your changes and return to the previous screen.
Cancel Click this to return to the previous screen without saving your changes.

45.3.3 Edit Log on USB Storage Setting

The Edit Log on USB Storage Setting screen controls the detailed settings for saving logs to a connected
USB storage device. Go to the Log Setting Summary screen (see Section 45.3.1 on page 1025), and click
the USB storage Edit icon.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 45 Log and Report

Figure 712 Configuration > Log & Report > Log Setting > Edit (USB Storage)

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 412 Configuration > Log & Report > Log Setting > Edit (USB Storage)
Duplicate logs to Select this to have the Zyxel Device save a copy of its system logs to a connected USB storage
USB storage (if device. Use the Active Log section to specify what kinds of messages to include.
Enable log keep Select this checkbox to enter a value in the Keep Duration field.
Keep duration: Enter a number of days that the Zyxel Device keeps this log.
Active Log
Selection Use the Selection drop-down list to change the log settings for all of the log categories.

disable all logs (red X) - do not send the remote server logs for any log category.

enable normal logs (green check mark) - send the remote server log messages and alerts for
all log categories.

enable normal logs and debug logs (yellow check mark) - send the remote server log
messages, alerts, and debugging information for all log categories.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific entry.
Log Category This field displays each category of messages. The Default category includes debugging
messages generated by open source software.

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Chapter 45 Log and Report

Table 412 Configuration > Log & Report > Log Setting > Edit (USB Storage) (continued)
Selection Select what information you want to log from each Log Category (except All Logs; see below).
Choices are:

disable all logs (red X) - do not log any information from this category

enable normal logs (green check mark) - log regular information and alerts from this category

enable normal logs and debug logs (yellow check mark) - log regular information, alerts, and
debugging information from this category
OK Click this to save your changes and return to the previous screen.
Cancel Click this to return to the previous screen without saving your changes.

45.3.4 Edit Remote Server Log Settings

The Log Settings Edit screen controls the detailed settings for each log in the remote server (syslog). Go
to the Log Settings Summary screen (see Section 45.3.1 on page 1025), and click a remote server Edit

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 45 Log and Report

Figure 713 Configuration > Log & Report > Log Setting > Edit (Remote Server - AC)

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 45 Log and Report

Configuration > Log & Report > Log Setting > Edit (Remote Server - AP)

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 413 Configuration > Log & Report > Log Setting > Edit (Remote Server)
Log Settings for
Remote Server
Active Select this check box to send log information according to the information in this section. You
specify what kinds of messages are included in log information in the Active Log section.
Log Format This field displays the format of the log information. It is read-only.

VRPT/Syslog - Zyxel’s Vantage Report, syslog-compatible format.

CEF/Syslog - Common Event Format, syslog-compatible format.

Server Type the server name or the IP address of the syslog server to which to send log information.
Server Port Type the service port number used by the remote server. See Appendix B on page 1108 for
information on commonly used port numbers.
Log Facility Select a log facility. The log facility allows you to log the messages to different files in the syslog
server. Please see the documentation for your syslog program for more information.
Active Log

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 45 Log and Report

Table 413 Configuration > Log & Report > Log Setting > Edit (Remote Server) (continued)
Selection Use the Selection drop-down list to change the log settings for all of the log categories.

disable all logs (red X) - do not send the remote server logs for any log category.

enable normal logs (green check mark) - send the remote server log messages and alerts for all
log categories.

enable normal logs and debug logs (yellow check mark) - send the remote server log messages,
alerts, and debugging information for all log categories.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific address.
Log This field displays each category of messages. It is the same value used in the Display and
Category Category fields in the View Log tab. The Default category includes debugging messages
generated by open source software.
Selection Select what information you want to log from each Log Category (except All Logs; see below).
Choices are:

disable all logs (red X) - do not log any information from this category

enable normal logs (green check mark) - log regular information and alerts from this category

enable normal logs and debug logs (yellow check mark) - log regular information, alerts, and
debugging information from this category
OK Click this to save your changes and return to the previous screen.
Cancel Click this to return to the previous screen without saving your changes.

45.3.5 Log Category Settings Screen

The Log Category Settings screen allows you to view and to edit what information is included in the
system log, USB storage, e-mail profiles, and remote servers at the same time. It does not let you change
other log settings (for example, where and how often log information is e-mailed or remote server
names). To access this screen, go to the Log Settings Summary screen (see Section 45.3.1 on page
1025), and click the Log Category Settings button.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 45 Log and Report

Figure 714 Log Category Settings AC

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Chapter 45 Log and Report

Figure 715 Log Category Settings AP

This screen provides a different view and a different way of indicating which messages are included in
each log and each alert. Please see Section 45.3.2 on page 1026, where this process is discussed. (The
Default category includes debugging messages generated by open source software).

The following table describes the fields in this screen.

Table 414 Configuration > Log & Report > Log Setting > Log Category Settings
System Log Use the System Log drop-down list to change the log settings for all of the log categories.

disable all logs (red X) - do not log any information for any category for the system log or e-mail
any logs to e-mail server 1 or 2.

enable normal logs (green check mark) - create log messages and alerts for all categories for
the system log. If e-mail server 1 or 2 also has normal logs enabled, the Zyxel Device will e-mail
logs to them.

enable normal logs and debug logs (yellow check mark) - create log messages, alerts, and
debugging information for all categories. The Zyxel Device does not e-mail debugging
information, even if this setting is selected.
USB Storage Use the USB Storage drop-down list to change the log settings for saving logs to a connected
USB storage device.

disable all logs (red X) - do not log any information for any category to a connected USB
storage device.

enable normal logs (green check mark) - create log messages and alerts for all categories and
save them to a connected USB storage device.

enable normal logs and debug logs (yellow check mark) - create log messages, alerts, and
debugging information for all categories and save them to a connected USB storage device.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 45 Log and Report

Table 414 Configuration > Log & Report > Log Setting > Log Category Settings (continued)
E-mail Server 1 Use the E-Mail Server 1 drop-down list to change the settings for e-mailing logs to e-mail server 1
for all log categories.

Using the System Log drop-down list to disable all logs overrides your e-mail server 1 settings.

enable normal logs (green check mark) - e-mail log messages for all categories to e-mail server

enable alert logs (red exclamation point) - e-mail alerts for all categories to e-mail server 1.
E-mail Server 2 Use the E-Mail Server 2 drop-down list to change the settings for e-mailing logs to e-mail server 2
for all log categories.

Using the System Log drop-down list to disable all logs overrides your e-mail server 2 settings.

enable normal logs (green check mark) - e-mail log messages for all categories to e-mail server

enable alert logs (red exclamation point) - e-mail alerts for all categories to e-mail server 2.
Remote Server For each remote server, use the Selection drop-down list to change the log settings for all of the
1~4 log categories.

disable all logs (red X) - do not send the remote server logs for any log category.

enable normal logs (green check mark) - send the remote server log messages and alerts for all
log categories.

enable normal logs and debug logs (yellow check mark) - send the remote server log messages,
alerts, and debugging information for all log categories.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific address.
Log Category This field displays each category of messages. It is the same value used in the Display and
Category fields in the View Log tab. The Default category includes debugging messages
generated by open source software.
System Log Select which events you want to log by Log Category. There are three choices:

disable all logs (red X) - do not log any information from this category

enable normal logs (green check mark) - create log messages and alerts from this category

enable normal logs and debug logs (yellow check mark) - create log messages, alerts, and
debugging information from this category; the Zyxel Device does not e-mail debugging
information, however, even if this setting is selected.
USB Storage Select which event log categories to save to a connected USB storage device. There are three

disable all logs (red X) - do not log any information from this category

enable normal logs (green check mark) - save log messages and alerts from this category

enable normal logs and debug logs (yellow check mark) - save log messages, alerts, and
debugging information from this category.
E-mail Server 1 E- Select whether each category of events should be included in the log messages when it is e-
mail mailed (green check mark) and/or in alerts (red exclamation point) for the e-mail settings
specified in E-Mail Server 1. The Zyxel Device does not e-mail debugging information, even if it is
recorded in the System log.
E-mail Server 2 E- Select whether each category of events should be included in log messages when it is e-mailed
mail (green check mark) and/or in alerts (red exclamation point) for the e-mail settings specified in E-
Mail Server 2. The Zyxel Device does not e-mail debugging information, even if it is recorded in
the System log.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 45 Log and Report

Table 414 Configuration > Log & Report > Log Setting > Log Category Settings (continued)
Remote Server For each remote server, select what information you want to log from each Log Category
1~4 (except All Logs; see below). Choices are:

disable all logs (red X) - do not log any information from this category

enable normal logs (green check mark) - log regular information and alerts from this category

enable normal logs and debug logs (yellow check mark) - log regular information, alerts, and
debugging information from this category
OK Click this to save your changes and return to the previous screen.
Cancel Click this to return to the previous screen without saving your changes.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

C H A P T E R 46
File Manager

46.1 Overview
Configuration files define the Zyxel Device’s settings. Shell scripts are files of commands that you can
store on the Zyxel Device and run when you need them. You can apply a configuration file or run a shell
script without the Zyxel Device restarting. You can store multiple configuration files and shell script files
on the Zyxel Device. You can edit configuration files or shell scripts in a text editor and upload them to
the Zyxel Device. Configuration files use a .conf extension and shell scripts use a .zysh extension.

46.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter

• Use the Configuration File screen (see Section 46.2 on page 1043) to store and name configuration
files. You can also download configuration files from the Zyxel Device to your computer and upload
configuration files from your computer to the Zyxel Device.
• Use the Firmware Package screen (see Section 46.3 on page 1049) to check your current firmware
version and upload firmware to the Zyxel Device.
• Use the Shell Script screen (see Section 46.4 on page 1054) to store, name, download, upload and
run shell script files.

46.1.2 What you Need to Know

Configuration Files and Shell Scripts

When you apply a configuration file, the Zyxel Device uses the factory default settings for any features
that the configuration file does not include. When you run a shell script, the Zyxel Device only applies the
commands that it contains. Other settings do not change.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 46 File Manager

These files have the same syntax, which is also identical to the way you run CLI commands manually. An
example is shown below.

Figure 716 Configuration File / Shell Script: Example

# enter configuration mode
configure terminal
# change administrator password
username admin password 4321 user-type admin
# configure ge3
interface ge3
ip address
ip gateway metric 1
# create address objects for remote management / to-ZyWALL firewall rules
# use the address group in case we want to open up remote management later
address-object TW_SUBNET
object-group address TW_TEAM
address-object TW_SUBNET
# enable Telnet access (not enabled by default, unlike other services)
ip telnet server
# open WAN-to-ZyWALL firewall for TW_TEAM for remote management
firewall WAN ZyWALL insert 4
sourceip TW_TEAM
service TELNET
action allow

While configuration files and shell scripts have the same syntax, the Zyxel Device applies configuration
files differently than it runs shell scripts. This is explained below.

Table 415 Configuration Files and Shell Scripts in the Zyxel Device
Configuration Files (.conf) Shell Scripts (.zysh)
• Resets to default configuration. • Goes into CLI Privilege mode.
• Goes into CLI Configuration mode. • Runs the commands in the shell script.
• Runs the commands in the configuration file.

You have to run the example in Figure 716 on page 1042 as a shell script because the first command is
run in Privilege mode. If you remove the first command, you have to run the example as a configuration
file because the rest of the commands are executed in Configuration mode.

Comments in Configuration Files or Shell Scripts

In a configuration file or shell script, use “#” or “!” as the first character of a command line to have the
Zyxel Device treat the line as a comment.

Your configuration files or shell scripts can use “exit” or a command line consisting of a single “!” to have
the Zyxel Device exit sub command mode.

Note: “exit” or “!” must follow sub commands if it is to make the Zyxel Device exit sub
command mode.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 46 File Manager

Line 3 in the following example exits sub command mode.

interface ge1
ip address dhcp

Lines 1 and 3 in the following example are comments and line 4 exits sub command mode.

interface ge1
# this interface is a DHCP client

Lines 1 and 2 are comments. Line 5 exits sub command mode.

! this is from Joe

# on 2008/04/05
interface ge1
ip address dhcp

Errors in Configuration Files or Shell Scripts

When you apply a configuration file or run a shell script, the Zyxel Device processes the file line-by-line.
The Zyxel Device checks the first line and applies the line if no errors are detected. Then it continues with
the next line. If the Zyxel Device finds an error, it stops applying the configuration file or shell script and
generates a log.

You can change the way a configuration file or shell script is applied. Include setenv stop-on-error
off in the configuration file or shell script. The Zyxel Device ignores any errors in the configuration file or
shell script and applies all of the valid commands. The Zyxel Device still generates a log for any errors.

46.2 The Configuration Screen

Click Maintenance > File Manager > Configuration File to open the Configuration File screen. Use the
Configuration File screen to store, run, and name configuration files. You can also download
configuration files from the Zyxel Device to your computer and upload configuration files from your
computer to the Zyxel Device.

Once your Zyxel Device is configured and functioning properly, it is highly recommended that you back
up your configuration file before making further configuration changes. The backup configuration file
will be useful in case you need to return to your previous settings.

Filenames beginning with autoback are automatic configuration files created when new firmware is
uploaded. backup-yyyy-mm-dd-hh-mm-ss.conf is the name of the automatic backup when a secure
policy is added or changed. Select a configuration file, then click Apply to apply the file to the Zyxel

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 46 File Manager

Configuration File Flow at Restart

• If there is not a startup-config.conf when you restart the Zyxel Device (whether through a
management interface or by physically turning the power off and back on), the Zyxel Device uses the
system-default.conf configuration file with the Zyxel Device’s default settings.
• If there is a startup-config.conf, the Zyxel Device checks it for errors and applies it. If there are no
errors, the Zyxel Device uses it and copies it to the lastgood.conf configuration file as a back up file. If
there is an error, the Zyxel Device generates a log and copies the startup-config.conf configuration
file to the startup-config-bad.conf configuration file and tries the existing lastgood.conf configuration
file. If there isn’t a lastgood.conf configuration file or it also has an error, the Zyxel Device applies the
system-default.conf configuration file.
• You can change the way the startup-config.conf file is applied. Include the setenv-startup stop-
on-error off command. The Zyxel Device ignores any errors in the startup-config.conf file and
applies all of the valid commands. The Zyxel Device still generates a log for any errors.
Figure 717 Maintenance > File Manager > Configuration File > Configuration

Do not turn off the Zyxel Device while configuration file upload is in

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 46 File Manager

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 416 Maintenance > File Manager > Configuration File

Rename Use this button to change the label of a configuration file on the Zyxel Device. You can only
rename manually saved configuration files. You cannot rename the lastgood.conf, system-
default.conf and startup-config.conf files.

You cannot rename a configuration file to the name of another configuration file in the Zyxel

Click a configuration file’s row to select it and click Rename to open the Rename File screen.

Figure 718 Maintenance > File Manager > Configuration File > Rename

Specify the new name for the configuration file. Use up to 63 characters (including a-zA-Z0-

Click OK to save the duplicate or click Cancel to close the screen without saving a duplicate
of the configuration file.
Remove Click a configuration file’s row to select it and click Remove to delete it from the Zyxel Device.
You can only delete manually saved configuration files. You cannot delete the system-
default.conf, startup-config.conf and lastgood.conf files.

A pop-up window asks you to confirm that you want to delete the configuration file. Click OK
to delete the configuration file or click Cancel to close the screen without deleting the
configuration file.
Download Click a configuration file’s row to select it and click Download to save the configuration to your
Copy Use this button to save a duplicate of a configuration file on the Zyxel Device.

Click a configuration file’s row to select it and click Copy to open the Copy File screen.

Figure 719 Maintenance > File Manager > Configuration File > Copy

Specify a name for the duplicate configuration file. Use up to 63 characters (including a-zA-Z0-

Click OK to save the duplicate or click Cancel to close the screen without saving a duplicate
of the configuration file.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 46 File Manager

Table 416 Maintenance > File Manager > Configuration File (continued)
Apply Use this button to have the Zyxel Device use a specific configuration file.

Click a configuration file’s row to select it and click Apply to have the Zyxel Device use that
configuration file. The Zyxel Device does not have to restart in order to use a different
configuration file, although you will need to wait for a few minutes while the system

The following screen gives you options for what the Zyxel Device is to do if it encounters an
error in the configuration file.

Figure 720 Maintenance > File Manager > Configuration File > Apply

Immediately stop applying the configuration file - this is not recommended because it would
leave the rest of the configuration blank. If the interfaces were not configured before the first
error, the console port may be the only way to access the device.

Immediately stop applying the configuration file and roll back to the previous configuration -
this gets the Zyxel Device started with a fully valid configuration file as quickly as possible.

Ignore errors and finish applying the configuration file - this applies the valid parts of the
configuration file and generates error logs for all of the configuration file’s errors. This lets the
Zyxel Device apply most of your configuration and you can refer to the logs for what to fix.

Ignore errors and finish applying the configuration file and then roll back to the previous
configuration - this applies the valid parts of the configuration file, generates error logs for all of
the configuration file’s errors, and starts the Zyxel Device with a fully valid configuration file.

Click OK to have the Zyxel Device start applying the configuration file or click Cancel to close
the screen

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 46 File Manager

Table 416 Maintenance > File Manager > Configuration File (continued)
Email Use this button to send the configuration file to the configured email addresses.

Click a configuration file’s row to select it and click Email to open the Email Configuration File

Figure 721 Maintenance > File Manager > Configuration File > Email

Mail Subject- Enter a email subject text with 1-60 characters. It may consist of letters, numbers,
and the following special characters: ‘()+,./:=?;!*#@$%-

Mail To- Enter the receiving email address. You and send the configuration file to a maximum
of five email addresses.

Encryption password- Enter a password consists of 1-31 ASCII characters to add an encryption
password to the configuration file in the email.

Email Content- Enter the backup email body text consists of 1-250 ASCII characters.
# This column displays the number for each configuration file entry. This field is a sequential value,
and it is not associated with a specific address. The total number of configuration files that you
can save depends on the sizes of the configuration files and the available flash storage space.
File Name This column displays the label that identifies a configuration file.

You cannot delete the following configuration files or change their file names.

The system-default.conf file contains the Zyxel Device’s default settings. Select this file and click
Apply to reset all of the Zyxel Device settings to the factory defaults. This configuration file is
included when you upload a firmware package.

The startup-config.conf file is the configuration file that the Zyxel Device is currently using. If you
make and save changes during your management session, the changes are applied to this
configuration file. The Zyxel Device applies configuration changes made in the Web
Configurator to the configuration file when you click Apply or OK. It applies configuration
changes made via commands when you use the write command.

The lastgood.conf is the most recently used (valid) configuration file that was saved when the
device last restarted. If you upload and apply a configuration file with an error, you can apply
lastgood.conf to return to a valid configuration.
Size This column displays the size (in KB) of a configuration file.
Last Modified This column displays the date and time that the individual configuration files were last
changed or saved.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 46 File Manager

Table 416 Maintenance > File Manager > Configuration File (continued)
Upload The bottom part of the screen allows you to upload a new or previously saved configuration
Configuration File file from your computer to your Zyxel Device

You cannot upload a configuration file named system-default.conf or lastgood.conf.

If you upload startup-config.conf, it will replace the current configuration and immediately
apply the new settings.
File Path Type in the location of the file you want to upload in this field or click Browse ... to find it.
Browse... Click Browse... to find the .conf file you want to upload. The configuration file must use a
“.conf” filename extension. You will receive an error message if you try to upload a fie of a
different format. Remember that you must decompress compressed (.zip) files before you can
upload them.
Upload Click Upload to begin the upload process. This process may take up to two minutes.

46.2.1 The Configuration Schedule Backup Screen

Use the Schedule Backup screen to automatically backup the current Zyxel Device configuration file
according to a schedule, and then send it to the configured email addresses.

Figure 722 Maintenance > File Manager > Configuration File> Schedule Backup

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 46 File Manager

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 417 Maintenance > File Manager > Configuration File> Schedule Backup
Configure Backup Schedule
Mail Subject Enter a email subject text with 1-60 characters. It may consist of letters, numbers, and the
following special characters: ‘()+,./:=?;!*#@$%-
Mail To Enter the receiving email address. You and send the configuration file to a maximum of five
email addresses.
E-mail Content Enter the backup email body text consists of 1-250 ASCII characters.
Enable Auto Select the check box to have the Zyxel Device backup the configuration file at a user defined
Backup schedule.

Note: After the first backup, the back up only occurs if the configuration file is
different form the previous backed up configuration file.
Daily Set the Zyxel Device to backup its configuration file once a day at the specified hour and
Weekly Set the Zyxel Device to backup its configuration file once a week on the specified day, at the
specified hour and minute.
Monthly Set the Zyxel Device to backup its configuration file once a month on the specified day, at the
specified hour and minute.

Note: If the date you select is greater than the number of days in a month, the Zyxel
Device automatically backs up its configuration on the last day of the month.
For example, if you select 31 and the month is February, the Zyxel Device
backs up its configuration file on day 28 or 29.
Send Email Select the check box to have the Zyxel Device sends the current configuration file to the
configured email addresses.
Encryption Enter a password consists of 1-31 ASCII characters to add an encryption password to the
password configuration file in the email.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

46.3 Firmware Management

Use the Firmware Management screen to check your current firmware version and upload firmware to
the Zyxel Device. You can upload firmware to be the Running firmware or Standby firmware.

Note: The Web Configurator is the recommended method for uploading firmware. You only
need to use the command line interface if you need to recover the firmware. See the
CLI Reference Guide for how to determine if you need to recover the firmware and
how to recover it.

Find the firmware file in a folder that (usually) uses the system model name with the model code and a
bin extension. For example, a firmware for ZyWALL VPN100 is “430ABFV0b2s1.bin”.

The Zyxel Device’s firmware package cannot go through the Zyxel Device when you enable the anti-
virus Destroy compressed files that could not be decompressed option. The Zyxel Device classifies the
firmware package as not being able to be decompressed and deletes it. You can upload the firmware
package to the Zyxel Device with the option enabled, so you only need to clear the Destroy

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 46 File Manager

compressed files that could not be decompressed option while you download the firmware package.
See Section 39.2.1 on page 786 for more on the anti-virus Destroy compressed files that could not be
decompressed option.

The firmware update can take up to five minutes. Do not turn off or reset
the Zyxel Device while the firmware update is in progress!

If your Zyxel Device has two firmware images installed, and one fails to boot (kernel crash, kernel panic,
out-of-memory etc.), then the Zyxel Device will automatically use the (good) backup image to boot.

46.3.1 Firmware Upload and Device HA Pro

If Device HA Pro is enabled, then both the active and passive Zyxel Device must be online and
connected in order to upload firmware. New firmware is first uploaded to the passive device and then
uploaded to the active device. By default, the passive device reboots after firmware upload making it
become the active device. Don’t select the Reboot prompt after uploading firmware to the passive
device if you want the passive device to remain passive when new firmware is uploaded. Alternatively,
disable Device HA Pro if you want to just upload firmware to the active Zyxel Device.

46.3.2 Cloud Helper

Cloud Helper lets you know if there is a later firmware available on the Cloud Helper server and lets you
download it if there is.

Note: You can download up to firmware version 4.20, directly from the Zyxel website. To
download firmware version 4.25 and later, go to myZyxel, create an account and
register your Zyxel Device first. Then you will be able to see links to and get notifications
on new firmware available.

At the time of writing, the Firmware Upgrade license providing Cloud Helper new firmware notifications is
free when you register your Zyxel Device. The license expires on 2020/12/31 if you have firmware version
4.20 or 4.25, and does not expire if you have firmware version 4.25 patch 1 and later.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 46 File Manager

The following table explains the Upgrade icons in the web configurator.

Table 418 Cloud Helper Firmware Icons

Cloud Helper New A later firmware is available on the Cloud Helper Server. Click this icon to
display a What’s New pop-up screen. You need a Firmware Upgrade license
to upgrade the firmware. If you do not have a license, Upgrade Now is
grayed out. If you have a license, click Upgrade Now to directly upgrade
firmware to the standby partition and have the Zyxel Device reboot
automatically so that the new standby firmware becomes the running
firmware. The previous running firmware becomes the standby firmware.

Cloud Helper Flag Cloud firmware is being downloaded from the Cloud Helper Server. If you
select another partition or the local firmware upgrade icon, you will see the
following warning message.

When firmware is downloading, you can pause, resume, stop or retry the
firmware download.

Local Firmware Use this if you have already downloaded the latest firmware from the Zyxel
website to your computer and unzipped it. Click the icon and then browse to
the location of the unzipped files.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 46 File Manager

46.3.3 The Firmware Management Screen

Click Maintenance > File Manager > Firmware Management to open the Firmware Management screen.

Figure 723 Maintenance > File Manager > Firmware Management

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 419 Maintenance > File Manager > Firmware Management

Firmware Status
Reboot Click the Reboot icon to restart the Zyxel Device. If you applied changes in the Web
configurator, these were saved automatically and do not change when you reboot. If you
made changes in the CLI, however, you have to use the write command to save the
configuration before you reboot. Otherwise, the changes are lost when you reboot.

If you want the Standby firmware to be the Running firmware, then select the Standby
firmware row and click Reboot. Wait a few minutes until the login screen appears. If the login
screen does not appear, clear your browser cache and refresh the screen or type the IP
address of the Zyxel Device in your Web browser again.

You can also use the CLI command reboot to restart the Zyxel Device.
# This displays the system space (partition) index number where the firmware is located. The
firmware can be either Standby or Running; only one firmware can be running at any one
Status This indicates whether the firmware is Running, or not running but already uploaded to the
Zyxel Device and is on Standby. It displays N/A if there is no firmware uploaded to that system
Model This is the model name of the device which the firmware is running on.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 46 File Manager

Table 419 Maintenance > File Manager > Firmware Management (continued)
Version This is the firmware version and the date created.
Released Date This is the date that the version of the firmware was created.
Upgrade A cloud helper icon displays if there is a later firmware on the Cloud Server than the firmware
in the partition. Click the cloud helper icon to download a later firmware from the Cloud
Helper Server.

Use the local firmware icon if you have already downloaded the latest firmware from the
Zyxel website to your computer and unzipped it.
Cloud Firmware You must register your Zyxel Device at myZyxel first to use cloud firmware.
Latest Version This displays the latest firmware version at the Cloud Helper Server. Click Check Now to see if
there is a later firmware at the Cloud Server.
Release Date This displays the date the latest firmware version was made available.
Release Note The release note contains details of latest firmware version such as new features and bug
Auto Update Select this check box to have the Zyxel Device automatically check for and download new
firmware to the standby partition at the time and day specified.

You should select a time when your network is not busy for minimal interruption.

Note: You cannot enable Auto Update in File Manager> Firmware Management
and Schedule Reboot in Maintenance> Shutdown-Reboot at the same time.
Daily Select this option to have the Zyxel Device check for new firmware every day at the specified
time. The time format is the 24 hour clock, so ‘0’ means midnight for example.
Weekly Select this option to have the Zyxel Device check for new firmware once a week on the day
and at the time specified.
Auto Reboot Select this to have the newly downloaded firmware in the standby partition become the
running firmware after the Zyxel Device automatically restarts.
Firmware Upgrade
Service Status
Service Status This field displays whether the firmware license service is activated at myZyxel (Activated) or
not (Not Activated).

After you see the Firmware Upload in Process screen, wait a few minutes before logging into the Zyxel
Device again.

Figure 724 Firmware Upload In Process

Note: The Zyxel Device automatically reboots after a successful upload.

The Zyxel Device automatically restarts causing a temporary network disconnect. In some operating
systems, you may see the following icon on your desktop.

Figure 725 Network

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

After five minutes, log in again and check your new firmware version in the Dashboard screen.

If the upload was not successful, the following message appears in the status bar at the bottom of the

Figure 726 Firmware Upload Error

46.3.4 Firmware Upgrade via USB Stick

In addition to uploading firmware via the web configurator or console port (see the CLI Reference
Guide), you can also upload firmware directly from a USB stick connected to the Zyxel Device.

1 Create a folder on the USB stick called ‘/[ProductName_dir]/firmware’. For example, if your Zyxel Device
is USG110, then create a ‘/usg110_dir/firmware/’ folder on the stick.

2 Put one firmware ‘bin’ file into the firmware folder. Make sure the firmware ID and version number are
correct for your model (the firmware ID is in brackets after the firmware version number - for USG100 it is

Note: Do not put more than one firmware ‘bin’ file into the firmware folder.

The firmware version in the USB stick must be different to the currently running firmware.
If the firmware on the USB stick is older, then the Zyxel Device will ‘upgrade’ to the older
version. It is recommended that the firmware on the USB stick be the latest firmware

3 Insert the USB stick into the Zyxel Device. The firmware uploads to the standby system space.

4 The SYS LED blinks when the Zyxel Device automatically reboots making the upgraded firmware in
standby become the running firmware.

Note: If the startup-config.conf configuration file has problems and you are upgrading to 4.25
or later firmware, then the Zyxel Device will revert (failover) to the previously running

If the startup-config.conf configuration file has problems and you are upgrading to
earlier than 4.25 firmware, then the Zyxel Device uses the new earlier firmware, but
generates a log and tries the existing lastgood.conf configuration file. If there isn’t a
lastgood.conf configuration file or it also has an error, the Zyxel Device applies the
system-default.conf configuration file.

46.4 The Shell Script Screen

Use shell script files to have the Zyxel Device execute commands that you specify. Use a text editor to
create the shell script files. They must use a “.zysh” filename extension.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 46 File Manager

Click Maintenance > File Manager > Shell Script to open the Shell Script screen. Use the Shell Script
screen to store, name, download, upload and run shell script files. You can store multiple shell script files
on the Zyxel Device at the same time.

Note: You should include write commands in your scripts. If you do not use the write
command, the changes will be lost when the Zyxel Device restarts. You could use
multiple write commands in a long script.

Figure 727 Maintenance > File Manager > Shell Script

Each field is described in the following table.

Table 420 Maintenance > File Manager > Shell Script

Rename Use this button to change the label of a shell script file on the Zyxel Device.

You cannot rename a shell script to the name of another shell script in the Zyxel Device.

Click a shell script’s row to select it and click Rename to open the Rename File screen.

Figure 728 Maintenance > File Manager > Shell Script > Rename

Specify the new name for the shell script file. Use up to 63 characters (including a-zA-Z0-

Click OK to save the duplicate or click Cancel to close the screen without saving a duplicate of
the configuration file.
Remove Click a shell script file’s row to select it and click Remove to delete the shell script file from the
Zyxel Device.

A pop-up window asks you to confirm that you want to delete the shell script file. Click OK to
delete the shell script file or click Cancel to close the screen without deleting the shell script file.
Download Click a shell script file’s row to select it and click Download to save the configuration to your

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 46 File Manager

Table 420 Maintenance > File Manager > Shell Script (continued)
Copy Use this button to save a duplicate of a shell script file on the Zyxel Device.

Click a shell script file’s row to select it and click Copy to open the Copy File screen.

Figure 729 Maintenance > File Manager > Shell Script > Copy

Specify a name for the duplicate file. Use up to 63 characters (including a-zA-Z0-

Click OK to save the duplicate or click Cancel to close the screen without saving a duplicate of
the configuration file.
Apply Use this button to have the Zyxel Device use a specific shell script file.

Click a shell script file’s row to select it and click Apply to have the Zyxel Device use that shell
script file. You may need to wait awhile for the Zyxel Device to finish applying the commands.
# This column displays the number for each shell script file entry.
File Name This column displays the label that identifies a shell script file.
Size This column displays the size (in KB) of a shell script file.
Last Modified This column displays the date and time that the individual shell script files were last changed or
Upload Shell The bottom part of the screen allows you to upload a new or previously saved shell script file
Script from your computer to your Zyxel Device.
File Path Type in the location of the file you want to upload in this field or click Browse ... to find it.
Browse... Click Browse... to find the .zysh file you want to upload.
Upload Click Upload to begin the upload process. This process may take up to several minutes.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 47 Diagnostics

C H A P T E R 47

47.1 Overview
Use the diagnostics screens for troubleshooting.

47.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter

• Use the Diagnostics screens (see Section • on page 1057) to generate a file containing the Zyxel
Device’s configuration and diagnostic information if you need to provide it to customer support
during troubleshooting.
• Use the Packet Capture screens (see Section 47.3 on page 1062) to capture packets going through
the Zyxel Device.
• Use the CPU / Memory Status screens (see Section 47.4 on page 1069) to view the CPU and memory
performance of various applications on the Zyxel Device.
• Use the System Logs screen (see Section 47.5 on page 1071) to see system logs stored on a
connected USB storage device on the Zyxel Device.
• Use the Network Tool screen (see Section 47.6 on page 1072) to ping an IP address or trace the route
packets take to a host.
• Use the Routing Traces screens (see Section 47.7 on page 1074) to configure traceroute to identify
where packets are dropped for troubleshooting.
• Use the Wireless Frame Capture screens (see Section 47.8 on page 1075) to capture network traffic
going through the AP interfaces connected to your Zyxel Device.

47.2 The Diagnostics Screens

The Diagnostics screens provide an easy way for you to generate a file containing the Zyxel Device’s
configuration and diagnostic information. You may need to send this file to customer support for

Click Maintenance > Diagnostics to open the Diagnostics screens.

47.2.1 Scripts
Use scripts to gather information on the Zyxel Device or on external APs connected to the Zyxel Device.

Use a notepad editor that supports Unicode, such as Notepad to create a script. Each command in a
script must be on its own line and the file must end with an empty line. The script must be saved in
Unicode format (UTF-8).

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 47 Diagnostics

This is an example of a script to display information about the Zyxel Device.

show service-register status all

show myzyxel-service get-cloud-timezone
show cloud-helper firmware
show cloud-helper remind

This is an exampled of a default script with interface diagnostic commands.

debug interface ifconfig

debug interface show event_sink
debug interface show interface_obj
debug switch table
debug switch port_groupping
show ping-check status
debug system netstat interface
show interface all
show port status

Script Name
The script name must use a “.zysh” filename extension with a file name of up to 25 characters (including
a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and ;‘~!@#$%^&()_+[]{}’,.=-). Spaces are allowed.

Script Uploads to the Zyxel Device

You can upload the scripts in File Manager> Shell Script to run command on the Zyxel Device. You can
also copy, and download scripts here.

Upload a script in Diagnostics> Controller to generate information about the Zyxel Device own
configuration and diagnostics.

Upload a script in Diagnostics> AP to generate information about the selected managed AP in

Diagnostics> AP.

Script Output
The results of generating a script are shown in Diagnostics> Files in bz2 format. You need to decompress
the bz2 file to tar. and then unwrap the tar file to display a debug folder that contains other folders
containing debug dbg text files. Customer support may request the bz2 file for troubleshooting.

47.2.2 The Diagnostics Controller Screen

Click Maintenance> Diagnostics> Controller to open the following screen. When you click Collect Now,
A series of commands are run to display information about the Zyxel Device.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 47 Diagnostics

Figure 730 Maintenance > Diagnostics > Controller

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 421 Maintenance > Diagnostics > Collect

Diagnostic Collect Status
Status This field displays the following states the Zyxel Device is in when collecting
diagnostic data.

• Standby: The Zyxel Device is ready to generate a diagnostic file or has just
finished generating a diagnostic file.
• Busy on Ap: The Zyxel Device is generating a diagnostic file for the selected
managed AP in Diagnostics > AP.
• Busy on ZyWall: The Zyxel Device is generating a diagnostic file containing its
own configuration and diagnostic information.
General Setting
Filename This is the name of the most recently created diagnostic file.
Last modified This is the date and time that the last diagnostic file was created. The format is yyyy-
mm-dd hh:mm:ss.
Size This is the size of the most recently created diagnostic file.
Copy the diagnostic file to Select this to have the Zyxel Device create an extra copy of the diagnostic file to a
USB storage (if ready) connected USB storage device.
Diagnostic Collect by Script files
Script File Select a script here to generate information about configuration and diagnostics of
managed APs. See Section 47.2.1 on page 1057 for more information on scripts.
Upload Shell Script

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 47 Diagnostics

Table 421 Maintenance > Diagnostics > Collect (continued)

File Path Click Browse to find the location of the file you want to upload in this field. Click
Upload to begin the upload process. This process may take a few minutes.
Collect Now Click this to have the Zyxel Device create a new diagnostic file.

Wait while information is collected.

47.2.3 The Diagnostics AP Screen

This screen provides an easy way for you to generate a file containing the selected managed AP’s
configuration and diagnostic information. You may need to generate this file and send it to customer
support during troubleshooting. Click Maintenance > Diagnostics > AP to open the AP screen.

Figure 731 Maintenance > Diagnostics > AP

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 47 Diagnostics

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 422 Maintenance > Diagnostics > Collect on AP

Diagnostic Collect Status
Status This field displays the following states the Zyxel Device is in when collecting
diagnostic data.

• Standby: The Zyxel Device is ready to generate a diagnostic file or has just
finished generating a diagnostic file.
• Busy on Ap: The Zyxel Device is generating a diagnostic file for the selected
managed AP in Diagnostics > AP.
• Busy on ZyWall: The Zyxel Device is generating a diagnostic file containing its
own configuration and diagnostic information.
Progress This field displays the number of APs processed compared to the number of APs
selected for processing.
Latest AP Result This field displays the latest AP description and status.
AP General Setting
Available APs This text box lists the managed APs that are connected and available. Select the
managed APs that you want the Zyxel Device to generate a diagnostic file
containing their configuration, and click the right arrow button to add them.
Collected APs This text box lists the managed APs that you allow the Zyxel Device to generate a
diagnostic file containing their configuration. Select any managed APs that you
want to prevent the Zyxel Device from generating a diagnostic file for them, and
click the left arrow button to remove them.
Copy the diagnostic file to Select this to have the Zyxel Device create an extra copy of the diagnostic file to a
USB storage (if ready) connected USB storage device.
Diagnostic Collect by Script files
Script File Select a script here to generate information about configuration and diagnostics of
managed APs. See Section 47.2.1 on page 1057 for more information on scripts.
Upload Shell Script
File Path Click Browse to find the location of the file you want to upload in this field. Click
Upload to begin the upload process. This process may take a few minutes.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes.
Collect Now Click this to have the Zyxel Device create a new diagnostic file.

47.2.4 The Diagnostics Files Screen

Click Maintenance > Diagnostics > Files to open the diagnostic files screen. This screen lists the files of
diagnostic information the Zyxel Device has collected and stored on the Zyxel Device or in a connected
USB storage device. You may need to send these files to customer support for troubleshooting.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 47 Diagnostics

Figure 732 Maintenance > Diagnostics > Files

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 423 Maintenance > Diagnostics > Files

Diagnostic This lists the files of diagnostic information stored on the Zyxel Device.
Diagnostic This lists the files of diagnostic information stored in a connected USB storage device.
files in USB
Remove Select files and click Remove to delete them from the Zyxel Device or the USB storage device. Use
the [Shift] and/or [Ctrl] key to select multiple files. A pop-up window asks you to confirm that you
want to delete.
Download Click a file to select it and click Download to save it to your computer.
# This column displays the number for each file entry. The total number of files that you can save
depends on the file sizes and the available storage space.
File Name This column displays the label that identifies the file.
Size This column displays the size (in bytes) of a file.
Last Modified This column displays the date and time that the individual files were saved.

47.3 The Packet Capture Screen

Use this screen to capture network traffic going through the Zyxel Device’s interfaces. Studying these
packet captures may help you identify network problems. Click Maintenance > Diagnostics > Packet
Capture to open the packet capture screen.

Note: New capture files overwrite existing files of the same name. Change the File Suffix field’s
setting to avoid this.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 47 Diagnostics

Figure 733 Maintenance > Diagnostics > Packet Capture

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 424 Maintenance > Diagnostics > Packet Capture

Interfaces Enabled interfaces (except for virtual interfaces) appear under Available Interfaces.
Select interfaces for which to capture packets and click the right arrow button to move
them to the Capture Interfaces list. Use the [Shift] and/or [Ctrl] key to select multiple
IP Version Select the version of IP for which to capture packets. Select any to capture packets for
all IP versions.
Protocol Type Select the protocol of traffic for which to capture packets. Select any to capture
packets for all types of traffic.
Host IP Select a host IP address object for which to capture packets. Select any to capture
packets for all hosts. Select User Defined to be able to enter an IP address.
Host Port This field is configurable when you set the IP Type to any, tcp, or udp. Specify the port
number of traffic to capture.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Table 424 Maintenance > Diagnostics > Packet Capture (continued)
Continuously capture Select this to have the Zyxel Device keep capturing traffic and overwriting old packet
and overwrite old ones capture entries when the available storage space runs out.
Save data to onboard Select this to have the Zyxel Device only store packet capture entries on the Zyxel
storage only Device. The available storage size is displayed as well.

Note: The Zyxel Device reserves some on board storage space as a buffer.
Save data to USB Select this to have the Zyxel Device store packet capture entries only on a USB storage
storage device connected to the Zyxel Device if the Zyxel Device allows this.


Unused - the connected USB storage device was manually unmounted by using the
Remove Now button or for some reason the Zyxel Device cannot mount it.

none - no USB storage device is connected.

service deactivated - USB storage feature is disabled (in Configuration > System > USB
Storage), so the Zyxel Device cannot use a connected USB device to store system logs
and other diagnostic information.

available - you can have the Zyxel Device use the USB storage device. The available
storage capacity also displays.

Note: The Zyxel Device reserves some USB storage space as a buffer.
Captured Packet Files When saving packet captures only to the Zyxel Device’s on board storage, specify a
maximum limit in megabytes for the total combined size of all the capture files on the
Zyxel Device.

When saving packet captures to a connected USB storage device, specify a maximum
limit in megabytes for each capture file.

Note: If you have existing capture files and have not selected the
Continuously capture and overwrite old ones option, you may need to
set this size larger or delete existing capture files.

The valid range depends on the available on board/USB storage size. The Zyxel Device
stops the capture and generates the capture file when either the file reaches this size or
the time period specified in the Duration field expires.
Split threshold Specify a maximum size limit in megabytes for individual packet capture files. After a
packet capture file reaches this size, the Zyxel Device starts another packet capture file.
Duration Set a time limit in seconds for the capture. The Zyxel Device stops the capture and
generates the capture file when either this period of time has passed or the file reaches
the size specified in the File Size field. 0 means there is no time limit.
File Suffix Specify text to add to the end of the file name (before the dot and filename extension)
to help you identify the packet capture files. Modifying the file suffix also avoids making
new capture files that overwrite existing files of the same name.

The file name format is “interface name-file suffix.cap”, for example “vlan2-packet-
Number Of Bytes To Specify the maximum number of bytes to capture per packet. The Zyxel Device
Capture (Per Packet) automatically truncates packets that exceed this size. As a result, when you view the
packet capture files in a packet analyzer, the actual size of the packets may be larger
than the size of captured packets.
Save data to ftp server Select this to have the Zyxel Device store packet capture entries on the defined FTP site.
(available: xx MB) The available storage size is displayed as well.
Server Address Type the IP address of the FTP server.
Server Port Type the port this server uses for FTP traffic. The default FTP port is 21.
Name Type the login username to access the FTP server.
Password Type the associated login password to access the FTP server.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 47 Diagnostics

Table 424 Maintenance > Diagnostics > Packet Capture (continued)

Capture Click this button to have the Zyxel Device capture packets according to the settings
configured in this screen.

You can configure the Zyxel Device while a packet capture is in progress although you
cannot modify the packet capture settings.

The Zyxel Device’s throughput or performance may be affected while a packet capture
is in progress.

After the Zyxel Device finishes the capture it saves a separate capture file for each
selected interface. The total number of packet capture files that you can save depends
on the file sizes and the available flash storage space. Once the flash storage space is
full, adding more packet captures will fail.
Stop Click this button to stop a currently running packet capture and generate a separate
capture file for each selected interface.
Reset Click this button to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

47.3.1 The Packet Capture on AP Screen

Use this screen to capture network traffic going through the connected APs’ interfaces. Studying these
packet captures may help you identify network problems. Click Maintenance > Diagnostics > Packet
Capture > Capture on AP to open the packet capture screen.

Note: New capture files overwrite existing files of the same name. Change the File Suffix field’s
setting to avoid this.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 47 Diagnostics

Figure 734 Maintenance > Diagnostics > Packet Capture > Capture on AP

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 425 Maintenance > Diagnostics > Packet Capture > Capture on AP
Select on AP This lists the managed APs that are connected and available. Select the managed AP
that you want the Zyxel Device to capture network traffic going through it.
Query After you select an AP, click this button to update and display the interfaces, filter
configuration and storage size available for the selected AP in the screen.

Note: You need to use the Query button before packet capturing on
an AP if the AP has rebooted or the applied AP profile settings
have been changed.
Capture Status This shows Standby when the Zyxel Device is ready to or have finished capturing network
traffic going through the selected AP’s interface(s).

This shows Preparing when the Zyxel Device is sending the capture command to the
AP’s interface(s).

This shows Capturing when the AP is capturing network traffic going through the
selected AP’s interface(s).

This shows File Receiving when the Zyxel Device starts to receive capture files from the
AP’s interface(s) after you press the Stop button.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 47 Diagnostics

Table 425 Maintenance > Diagnostics > Packet Capture > Capture on AP (continued)
Interfaces Enabled interfaces (except for virtual interfaces) appear under Available Interfaces.
Select interfaces for which to capture packets and click the right arrow button to move
them to the Capture Interfaces list. Use the [Shift] and/or [Ctrl] key to select multiple
IP Version Select the version of IP for which to capture packets. Select any to capture packets for
all IP versions.
Protocol Type Select the protocol of traffic for which to capture packets. Select any to capture
packets for all types of traffic.
Host IP Select a host IP address object for which to capture packets. Select any to capture
packets for all hosts. Select User Defined to be able to enter an IP address.
Host Port This field is configurable when you set the IP Type to any, tcp, or udp. Specify the port
number of traffic to capture.
Continuously capture Select this to have the Zyxel Device keep capturing traffic and overwriting old packet
and overwrite old ones capture entries when the available storage space runs out.
Captured Packet Files When saving packet captures only to the Zyxel Device’s on board storage, specify a
maximum limit in megabytes for the total combined size of all the capture files on the
Zyxel Device.

When saving packet captures to a connected USB storage device, specify a maximum
limit in megabytes for each capture file.

Note: If you have existing capture files and have not selected the
Continuously capture and overwrite old ones option, you may need to
set this size larger or delete existing capture files.

The valid range depends on the available on board/USB storage size. The Zyxel Device
stops the capture and generates the capture file when either the file reaches this size or
the time period specified in the Duration field expires.
Split threshold Specify a maximum size limit in megabytes for individual packet capture files. After a
packet capture file reaches this size, the Zyxel Device starts another packet capture file.
Duration Set a time limit in seconds for the capture. The Zyxel Device stops the capture and
generates the capture file when either this period of time has passed or the file reaches
the size specified in the File Size field. 0 means there is no time limit.
File Suffix Specify text to add to the end of the file name (before the dot and filename extension)
to help you identify the packet capture files. Modifying the file suffix also avoids making
new capture files that overwrite existing files of the same name.

The file name format is “interface name-file suffix.cap”, for example “vlan2-packet-
Number Of Bytes To Specify the maximum number of bytes to capture per packet. The Zyxel Device
Capture (Per Packet) automatically truncates packets that exceed this size. As a result, when you view the
packet capture files in a packet analyzer, the actual size of the packets may be larger
than the size of captured packets.
Save data to onboard Select this to have the Zyxel Device only store packet capture entries on the Zyxel
storage only Device. The available storage size is displayed as well.

Note: The Zyxel Device reserves some on board storage space as a buffer.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 47 Diagnostics

Table 425 Maintenance > Diagnostics > Packet Capture > Capture on AP (continued)
Save data to USB Select this to have the Zyxel Device store packet capture entries only on a USB storage
storage device connected to the Zyxel Device if the Zyxel Device allows this.


Unused - the connected USB storage device was manually unmounted by using the
Remove Now button or for some reason the Zyxel Device cannot mount it.

none - no USB storage device is connected.

service deactivated - USB storage feature is disabled (in Configuration > System > USB
Storage), so the Zyxel Device cannot use a connected USB device to store system logs
and other diagnostic information.

available - you can have the Zyxel Device use the USB storage device. The available
storage capacity also displays.

Note: The Zyxel Device reserves some USB storage space as a buffer.
Save data to ftp server Select this to have the Zyxel Device store packet capture entries on the defined FTP site.
(available: xx MB) The available storage size is displayed as well.
Server Address Type the IP address of the FTP server.
Server Port Type the port this server uses for FTP traffic. The default FTP port is 21.
Name Type the login username to access the FTP server.
Password Type the associated login password to access the FTP server.
Capture Click this button to have the Zyxel Device capture packets according to the settings
configured in this screen.

You can configure the Zyxel Device while a packet capture is in progress although you
cannot modify the packet capture settings.

The Zyxel Device’s throughput or performance may be affected while a packet capture
is in progress.

After the Zyxel Device finishes the capture it saves a separate capture file for each
selected interface. The total number of packet capture files that you can save depends
on the file sizes and the available flash storage space. Once the flash storage space is
full, adding more packet captures will fail.
Stop Click this button to stop a currently running packet capture and generate a separate
capture file for each selected interface.
Reset Click this button to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

47.3.2 The Packet Capture Files Screen

Click Maintenance > Diagnostics > Packet Capture > Files to open the packet capture files screen. This
screen lists the files of packet captures stored on the Zyxel Device or a connected USB storage device.
You can download the files to your computer where you can study them using a packet analyzer (also
known as a network or protocol analyzer) such as Wireshark.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 47 Diagnostics

Figure 735 Maintenance > Diagnostics > Packet Capture > Files

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 426 Maintenance > Diagnostics > Packet Capture > Files
Remove Select files and click Remove to delete them from the Zyxel Device or the connected USB
storage device. Use the [Shift] and/or [Ctrl] key to select multiple files. A pop-up window asks
you to confirm that you want to delete.
Download Click a file to select it and click Download to save it to your computer.
# This column displays the number for each packet capture file entry. The total number of packet
capture files that you can save depends on the file sizes and the available flash storage space.
File Name This column displays the label that identifies the file. The file name format is interface name-file
Size This column displays the size (in bytes) of a configuration file.
Last Modified This column displays the date and time that the individual files were saved.

47.4 The CPU / Memory Status Screen

Click Maintenance > Diagnostics > CPU / Memory Status to open the CPU/Memory Status screen. Use
this screen to view the CPU and memory performance of various applications on the Zyxel Device.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 47 Diagnostics

Figure 736 Maintenance > Diagnostics > CPU / Memory Status

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 427 Maintenance > Diagnostics > CPU / Memory Status

CPU Status

This table displays the applications that use the most Zyxel Device CPU processing.
CPUn Usage CPU usage shows how much processing power the Zyxel Device is using. This field displays the
current percentage usage of a CPU (where n is the number of the CPU) as a percentage of
total processing power.
Network Traffic This field displays the current percentage of network traffic through the Zyxel Device.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any entry.
CPU This field displays the current CPU utilization percentage for each application used on the Zyxel
Application This field displays the name of the application consuming the related processing power on the
Zyxel Device.
Memory This field displays the current DRAM memory utilization percentage for each application used
on the Zyxel Device.
Time This field displays each application’s running time in hours - minutes - seconds.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 47 Diagnostics

Table 427 Maintenance > Diagnostics > CPU / Memory Status

Memory Status

This table displays the applications that use the most Zyxel Device DRAM memory.
Memory Usage Memory usage shows how much DRAM memory the Zyxel Device is using. This field displays the
current percentage of memory utilization.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any entry.
Memory This field displays the current DRAM memory utilization percentage for each application used
on the Zyxel Device.
Application This field displays the name of the application consuming the related memory on the Zyxel
CPU This field displays the current CPU utilization percentage for each application used on the Zyxel
Time This field displays each application’s running time.
Refresh Click this to update the information in this screen.

47.5 The System Log Screen

Click Maintenance > Diagnostics > System Log to open the System Log screen. This screen lists the files of
Zyxel Device system logs stored on a connected USB storage device. The files are in comma separated
value (csv) format. You can download them to your computer and open them in a tool like Microsoft’s

Figure 737 Maintenance > Diagnostics > System Log

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 428 Maintenance > Diagnostics > System Log

Remove Select files and click Remove to delete them from the Zyxel Device. Use the [Shift] and/or [Ctrl]
key to select multiple files. A pop-up window asks you to confirm that you want to delete.
Download Click a file to select it and click Download to save it to your computer.
# This column displays the number for each file entry. The total number of files that you can save
depends on the file sizes and the available storage space.
File Name This column displays the label that identifies the file.
Size This column displays the size (in bytes) of a file.
Last Modified This column displays the date and time that the individual files were saved.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

47.6 The Network Tool Screen
Use this screen to perform various network tests.

Click Maintenance > Diagnostics > Network Tool to display this screen.

Figure 738 Maintenance > Diagnostics > Network Tool

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 47 Diagnostics

Figure 739 Maintenance > Diagnostics > Network Tool - Test Email Server

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 429 Maintenance > Diagnostics > Network Tool

Network Tool Select a network tool:

• Select NSLOOKUP IPv4 or NSLOOKUP IPv6 to perform name server lookup for querying
the Domain Name System (DNS) to get the domain name or IP address mapping.
• Select PING IPv4 or PING IPv6 to ping the IP address that you entered.
• Select TRACEROUTE IPv4 or TRACEROUTE IPv6 to run the traceroute function. This
determines the path a packet takes to the specified computer.
• Select Test Email Server to test access to an SMTP email server.
Domain Name or IP Type the IP address that you want to use to for the selected network tool.

Click this to display the following fields.

Query Server Enter the IP address of a server to which the Zyxel Device sends queries for NSLOOKUP.
Interface Select the interface through which the Zyxel Device sends queries for PING or
Extension Option Enter the extended option if you want to use an extended ping or traceroute
command. For example, enter “-c count” (where count is the number of ping
requests) to set how many times the Zyxel Device pings the destination IP address, or
enter “-w waittime” (where waittime is a time period in seconds) to set how long the
Zyxel Device waits for a response to a probe before running another traceroute.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 47 Diagnostics

Table 429 Maintenance > Diagnostics > Network Tool (continued)

The following fields display when you select Test Email Server in Network Tool.
Mail Server Type the name or IP address of the outgoing SMTP server.
Mail Subject Type the subject line for the outgoing e-mail.

• Select Append system name to add the Zyxel Device system name to the subject.
• Select Append date time to add the Zyxel Device date and time to the subject.
Mail Server Port Enter the same port number here as is on the mail server for mail traffic.
TLS Security Select this option if the mail server uses Transport Layer Security (TLS) for encrypted
communications between the mail server and the Zyxel Device.
STARTTLS Select this option if the mail server uses SSL or TLS for encrypted communications
between the mail server and the Zyxel Device.
Authenticate Server Select this if the Zyxel Device authenticates the mail server in the TLS handshake.
Mail From Type the e-mail address from which the outgoing e-mail is delivered. This address is used
in replies.
Mail To Type the e-mail address to which the outgoing e-mail is delivered.
SMTP Authentication Select this check box if it is necessary to provide a user name and password to the SMTP
User Name This box is effective when you select the SMTP Authentication check box. Type the user
name to provide to the SMTP server when the log is e-mailed.
Password This box is effective when you select the SMTP Authentication check box. Type a
password of up to 63 characters to provide to the SMTP server when the log is e-mailed.
Retype to Confirm Retype your new password for confirmation.
Test Click this button to start the test.
Stop Click this button to stop the test.
Reset Click this button to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

47.7 The Routing Traces Screen

Click Maintenance > Diagnostics > Routing Traces to display this screen. Use this screen to configure a
traceroute to identify where packets are dropped for troubleshooting.

Figure 740 Maintenance > Diagnostics > Routing Traces

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 47 Diagnostics

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 430 Maintenance > Diagnostics > Routing Traces

IP Address You can trace traffic through the Zyxel Device from a specific source-to-destination
stream or just from/to a specific host (source or destination).
Source Enter the source IP address of traffic that you want to trace.
Port Enter the source port number of traffic that you want to trace.
Destination Enter the destination IP address of traffic that you want to trace.
Port Enter the destination port number of traffic that you want to trace.
Host Enter the IP address of a specific source or destination host whose traffic you want to
Port Enter the port number for particular source traffic on the host that you want to trace.
Protocol Select the protocol of traffic that you want to trace. any means any protocol.
Interval Enter a time interval in seconds for renewing a route trace. The default time interval is 5
Capture Click this button to have the Zyxel Device capture frames according to the settings
configured in this screen.

You can configure the Zyxel Device while a frame capture is in progress although you
cannot modify the frame capture settings.
Flush Data Click this to clear all data on the screen.
Session This field displays established sessions that passed through the Zyxel Device which
matched the capture criteria.
ID This field displays the packet ID for each active session.
Protocol This field displays the protocol used in each active session.
from VPN ID This field displays the tagged VLAN ID in ingress packets coming into the Zyxel Device.
to VPN ID This field displays the tagged VLAN ID in egress packets going out from the Zyxel Device.
Incoming Interface This is the source interface of packets to which this active session applies.
Message This field displays traceroute information.

47.8 The Wireless Frame Capture Screen

Use this screen to capture wireless network traffic going through the AP interfaces connected to your
Zyxel Device. Studying these frame captures may help you identify network problems.

Click Maintenance > Diagnostics > Wireless Frame Capture to display this screen.

Note: New capture files overwrite existing files of the same name. Change the File Prefix
field’s setting to avoid this.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 47 Diagnostics

Figure 741 Maintenance > Diagnostics > Wireless Frame Capture > Capture

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 431 Maintenance > Diagnostics > Wireless Frame Capture > Capture
MON Mode APs
Configure AP to Click this to go the Configuration > Wireless > AP Management screen, where you can
MON Mode set one or more APs to monitor mode.
Available MON This column displays which APs on your wireless network are currently configured for
Mode APs monitor mode.

Use the arrow buttons to move APs off this list and onto the Captured MON Mode APs
Capture MON Mode This column displays the monitor-mode configured APs selected to for wireless frame
APs capture.
Misc Setting
File Size Specify a maximum size limit in kilobytes for the total combined size of all the capture
files on the Zyxel Device, including any existing capture files and any new capture files
you generate.

Note: If you have existing capture files you may need to set this size larger or
delete existing capture files.

The valid range is 1 to 50000. The Zyxel Device stops the capture and generates the
capture file when either the file reaches this size.
File Prefix Specify text to add to the front of the file name in order to help you identify frame
capture files.

You can modify the prefix to also create new frame capture files each time you perform
a frame capture operation. Doing this does no overwrite existing frame capture files.

The file format is: [file prefix].cap. For example, “monitor.cap”.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 47 Diagnostics

Table 431 Maintenance > Diagnostics > Wireless Frame Capture > Capture (continued)
Capture Click this button to have the Zyxel Device capture frames according to the settings
configured in this screen.

You can configure the Zyxel Device while a frame capture is in progress although you
cannot modify the frame capture settings.

The Zyxel Device’s throughput or performance may be affected while a frame capture
is in progress.

After the Zyxel Device finishes the capture it saves a combined capture file for all APs.
The total number of frame capture files that you can save depends on the file sizes and
the available flash storage space. Once the flash storage space is full, adding more
frame captures will fail.
Stop Click this button to stop a currently running frame capture and generate a combined
capture file for all APs.
Reset Click this button to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

47.8.1 The Wireless Frame Capture Files Screen

Click Maintenance > Diagnostics > Wireless Frame Capture > Files to open this screen. This screen lists the
files of wireless frame captures the Zyxel Device has performed. You can download the files to your
computer where you can study them using a packet analyzer (also known as a network or protocol
analyzer) such as Wireshark.

Figure 742 Maintenance > Diagnostics > Wireless Frame Capture > Files

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 432 Maintenance > Diagnostics > Wireless Frame Capture > Files
Remove Select files and click Remove to delete them from the Zyxel Device. Use the [Shift] and/or [Ctrl] key
to select multiple files. A pop-up window asks you to confirm that you want to delete.
Download Click a file to select it and click Download to save it to your computer.
# This column displays the number for each packet capture file entry. The total number of packet
capture files that you can save depends on the file sizes and the available flash storage space.
File Name This column displays the label that identifies the file. The file name format is interface name-file
Size This column displays the size (in bytes) of a configuration file.
Last Modified This column displays the date and time that the individual files were saved.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 48 Packet Flow Explore

C H A P T E R 48
Packet Flow Explore

48.1 Overview
Use this to get a clear picture on how the Zyxel Device determines where to forward a packet and how
to change the source IP address of the packet according to your current settings. This function provides
you a summary of all your routing and SNAT settings and helps troubleshoot any related problems.

48.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter

• Use the Routing Status screen (see Section 48.2 on page 1078) to view the overall routing flow and
each routing function’s settings.
• Use the SNAT Status screen (see Section 48.3 on page 1083) to view the overall source IP address
conversion (SNAT) flow and each SNAT function’s settings.

48.2 The Routing Status Screen

The Routing Status screen allows you to view the current routing flow and quickly link to specific routing
settings. Click a function box in the Routing Flow section, the related routes (activated) will display in the
Routing Table section. To access this screen, click Maintenance > Packet Flow Explore > Routing Status.

The order of the routing flow may vary depending on whether you:

• Select use policy route to override direct route in the CONFIGURATION > Network > Routing > Policy
Route screen.
• Use policy routes to control 1-1 NAT by using the policy control-virtual-server-rules
activate command.
• Select use policy routes to control dynamic IPSec rules in the CONFIGURATION > VPN > IPSec VPN >
VPN Connection screen.

Note: Once a packet matches the criteria of a routing rule, the Zyxel Device takes the
corresponding action and does not perform any further flow checking.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 48 Packet Flow Explore

Figure 743 Maintenance > Packet Flow Explore > Routing Status (Direct Route)

Figure 744 Maintenance > Packet Flow Explore > Routing Status (Dynamic VPN)

Figure 745 Maintenance > Packet Flow Explore > Routing Status (Policy Route)

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 48 Packet Flow Explore

Figure 746 Maintenance > Packet Flow Explore > Routing Status (1-1 SNAT)

Figure 747 Maintenance > Packet Flow Explore > Routing Status (SiteToSite VPN)

Figure 748 Maintenance > Packet Flow Explore > Routing Status (Static-Dynamic Route)

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 48 Packet Flow Explore

Figure 749 Maintenance > Packet Flow Explore > Routing Status (Default WAN Trunk)

Figure 750 Maintenance > Packet Flow Explore > Routing Status (Main Route)

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 433 Maintenance > Packet Flow Explore > Routing Status
Routing Flow This section shows you the flow of how the Zyxel Device determines where to route a packet.
Click a function box to display the related settings in the Routing Table section.
Routing Table This section shows the corresponding settings according to the function box you click in the
Routing Flow section.
The following fields are available if you click Direct Route, Static-Dynamic Route, or Main Route in the Routing Flow
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any entry.
Destination This is the destination IP address of a route.
Gateway This is the IP address of the next-hop gateway or the interface through which the traffic is
Interface This is the name of an interface associated with the route.
Metric This is the route’s priority among the displayed routes.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 48 Packet Flow Explore

Table 433 Maintenance > Packet Flow Explore > Routing Status (continued)
Flags This indicates additional information for the route. The possible flags are:

• A - this route is currently activated.

• S - this is a static route.
• C - this is a direct connected route.
• O - this is a dynamic route learned through OSPF.
• R - this is a dynamic route learned through RIP.
• B - this is a dynamic route learned through BGP.
• G - the route is to a gateway (router) in the same network.
• ! - this is a route which forces a route lookup to fail.
• B - this is a route which discards packets.
• L - this is a recursive route.
Persist This is the remaining time of a dynamically learned route. The Zyxel Device removes the route
after this time period is counted down to zero.
The following fields are available if you click Policy Route in the Routing Flow section.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any entry.
Incoming This is the interface on which the packets are received.
Source This is the source IP address(es) from which the packets are sent.
Destination This is the destination IP address(es) to which the packets are transmitted.
Service This is the name of the service object. any means all services.
Source Port This is the source port(s) from which the packets are sent.
DSCP Code This is the DSCP value of incoming packets to which this policy route applies. See Section 11.2
on page 431 for more information.
Next Hop Type This is the type of the next hop to which packets are directed.
Next Hop Info • This is the main route if the next hop type is Auto.
• This is the interface name and gateway IP address if the next hop type is Interface /GW.
• This is the tunnel name if the next hop type is VPN Tunnel.
• This is the trunk name if the next hop type is Trunk.
The following fields are available if you click 1-1 SNAT in the Routing Flow section.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any entry.
NAT Rule This is the name of an activated 1:1 or Many 1:1 NAT rule in the NAT table.
Source This is the external source IP address(es).
Protocol This is the transport layer protocol.
Source Port This is the source port number.
Destination This is the external destination IP address(es).
Outgoing This is the outgoing interface that the SNAT rule uses to transmit packets.
Gateway This is the IP address of the gateway in the same network of the outgoing interface.
The following fields are available if you click Dynamic VPN or SiteToSite VPN in the Routing Flow section.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any entry.
Source This is the IP address(es) of the local VPN network.
Destination This is the IP address(es) for the remote VPN network.
VPN Tunnel This is the name of the VPN tunnel.
The following fields are available if you click Default WAN Trunk in the Routing Flow section.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any entry.
Source This is the source IP address(es) from which the packets are sent. any means any IP address.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 48 Packet Flow Explore

Table 433 Maintenance > Packet Flow Explore > Routing Status (continued)
Destination This is the destination IP address(es) to which the packets are transmitted. any means any IP
Trunk This is the name of the WAN trunk through which the matched packets are transmitted.

48.3 The SNAT Status Screen

The SNAT Status screen allows you to view and quickly link to specific source NAT (SNAT) settings. Click a
function box in the SNAT Flow section, the related SNAT rules (activated) will display in the SNAT Table
section. To access this screen, click Maintenance > Packet Flow Explore > SNAT Status.

The order of the SNAT flow may vary depending on whether you:

• select use default SNAT in the CONFIGURATION > Network > Interface > Trunk screen.
• use policy routes to control 1-1 NAT by using the policy control-virtual-server-rules
activate command.

Note: Once a packet matches the criteria of an SNAT rule, the Zyxel Device takes the
corresponding action and does not perform any further flow checking.

Figure 751 Maintenance > Packet Flow Explore > SNAT Status (Policy Route SNAT)

Figure 752 Maintenance > Packet Flow Explore > SNAT Status (1-1 SNAT)

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 48 Packet Flow Explore

Figure 753 Maintenance > Packet Flow Explore > SNAT Status (Loopback SNAT)

Figure 754 Maintenance > Packet Flow Explore > SNAT Status (Default SNAT)

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 434 Maintenance > Packet Flow Explore > SNAT Status
SNAT Flow This section shows you the flow of how the Zyxel Device changes the source IP address for a
packet according to the rules you have configured in the Zyxel Device. Click a function box to
display the related settings in the SNAT Table section.
SNAT Table The table fields in this section vary depending on the function box you select in the SNAT Flow
The following fields are available if you click Policy Route SNAT in the SNAT Flow section.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any entry.
PR # This is the number of an activated policy route which uses SNAT.
Outgoing This is the outgoing interface that the route uses to transmit packets.
SNAT This is the source IP address(es) that the SNAT rule uses finally.
The following fields are available if you click 1-1 SNAT in the SNAT Flow section.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any entry.
NAT Rule This is the name of an activated NAT rule which uses SNAT.
Source This is the external source IP address(es).
Protocol This is the transport layer protocol.
Source Port This is the source port number.
Destination This is the external destination IP address(es).
Outgoing This is the outgoing interface that the SNAT rule uses to transmit packets.
SNAT This is the source IP address(es) that the SNAT rule uses finally.
The following fields are available if you click Loopback SNAT in the SNAT Flow section.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any entry.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 48 Packet Flow Explore

Table 434 Maintenance > Packet Flow Explore > SNAT Status (continued)
NAT Rule This is the name of an activated NAT rule which uses SNAT and enables NAT loopback.
Source This is the external source IP address(es). any means any IP address.
Destination This is the external destination IP address(es). any means any IP address.
SNAT This indicates which source IP address the SNAT rule uses finally. For example, Outgoing
Interface IP means that the Zyxel Device uses the IP address of the outgoing interface as the
source IP address for the matched packets it sends out through this rule.
The following fields are available if you click Default SNAT in the SNAT Flow section.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any entry.
Incoming This indicates internal interface(s) on which the packets are received.
Outgoing This indicates external interface(s) from which the packets are transmitted.
SNAT This indicates which source IP address the SNAT rule uses finally. For example, Outgoing
Interface IP means that the Zyxel Device uses the IP address of the outgoing interface as the
source IP address for the matched packets it sends out through this rule.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 49 Shutdown/Reboot

C H A P T E R 49

49.1 Overview
Use this to shutdown the device in preparation for disconnecting the power.

Always use the Maintenance > Shutdown > Shutdown screen or the
“shutdown” command before you turn off the Zyxel Device or remove
the power. Not doing so can cause the firmware to become corrupt.

49.1.1 What You Need To Know

Shutdown writes all cached data to the local storage and stops the system processes.

49.2 The Shutdown Screen

To access this screen, click Maintenance > Shutdown.

Figure 755 Maintenance > Shutdown

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 49 Shutdown/Reboot

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 435 Maintenance> Shutdown/ Reboot

Shutdown Click the Shutdown button to shut down the Zyxel Device. Wait for the device to shut
down before you manually turn off or remove the power. It does not turn off the
Reboot Click Reboot to reboot the Zyxel Device immediately without turning the power off.
Schedule Reboot Select this check box to schedule a periodic reboot of the Zyxel Device.

You should select a time when your network is not busy for minimal interruption.

Note: You cannot enable Auto Update in File Manager> Firmware

Management and Schedule Reboot in Maintenance> Shutdown-
Reboot at the same time.
Daily Set the Zyxel Device to reboot every day at the specified time. The time format is the
24 hour clock, so ‘0’ means midnight for example.
Weekly Set the Zyxel Device to reboot once a week on the day and at the time specified.
Monthly Set the Zyxel Device to reboot once a month on the specified day, at the specified
hour and minute.

Note: If the date you select is greater than the number of days in a month,
the Zyxel Device automatically backs up its configuration on the last
day of the month. For example, if you select 31 and the month is
February, the Zyxel Device backs up its configuration file on day 28 or
Apply Click Apply to save you change back to the Zyxel Device.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.

You can also use the CLI command shutdown to close down the Zyxel Device.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Appendices and

C H A P T E R 50
This chapter offers some suggestions to solve problems you might encounter.

• You can also refer to the logs (see Section 7.38 on page 279).
• For the order in which the Zyxel Device applies its features and checks, see Chapter 48 on page 1078.

None of the LEDs turn on.

Make sure that you have the power cord connected to the Zyxel Device and plugged in to an
appropriate power source. Make sure you have the Zyxel Device turned on. Check all cable

If the LEDs still do not turn on, you may have a hardware problem. In this case, you should contact your
local vendor.

Cannot access the Zyxel Device from the LAN.

• Check the cable connection between the Zyxel Device and your computer or switch.
• Ping the Zyxel Device from a LAN computer. Make sure your computer’s Ethernet card is installed and
functioning properly. Also make sure that its IP address is in the same subnet as the Zyxel Device’s.
• In the computer, click Start, (All) Programs, Accessories and then Command Prompt. In the
Command Prompt window, type “ping” followed by the Zyxel Device’s LAN IP address ( is
the default) and then press [ENTER]. The Zyxel Device should reply.
• If you’ve forgotten the Zyxel Device’s password, use the RESET button. Press the button in for about 5
seconds (or until the SYS LED starts to blink), then release it. It returns the Zyxel Device to the factory
defaults (password is 1234, LAN IP address etc.
• If you’ve forgotten the Zyxel Device’s IP address, you can use the commands through the CONSOLE
port to check it. Connect your computer to the CONSOLE port using a console cable. Your computer
should have a terminal emulation communications program (such as HyperTerminal) set to VT100
terminal emulation, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no flow control and 115200 bps port speed.

I cannot access the Internet.

• Check the Zyxel Device’s connection to the Ethernet jack with Internet access. Make sure the Internet
gateway device (such as a DSL modem) is working properly.
• Check the WAN interface's status in the Dashboard. Use the installation setup wizard again and make
sure that you enter the correct settings. Use the same case as provided by your ISP.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 50 Troubleshooting

I cannot update the anti-virus/IDP/application patrol signatures.

• Make sure your Zyxel Device has the anti-virus/IDP/application patrol service registered and that the
license is not expired. Purchase a new license if the license is expired.
• Make sure your Zyxel Device is connected to the Internet.

I downloaded updated anti-virus or IDP/application patrol signatures. Why has the Zyxel Device
not re-booted yet?

The Zyxel Device does not have to reboot when you upload new signatures.

The content filter category service is not working.

• Make sure your Zyxel Device has the content filter category service registered and that the license is
not expired. Purchase a new license if the license is expired.
• Make sure your Zyxel Device is connected to the Internet.
• Make sure you select Enable Content Filter Category Service when you add a filter profile in the
Content Filter > Profile > Add Filter Profile > Category Service screen.

I configured security settings but the Zyxel Device is not applying them for certain interfaces.

Many security settings are usually applied to zones. Make sure you assign the interfaces to the
appropriate zones. When you create an interface, there is no security applied on it until you assign it to
a zone.

The Zyxel Device is not applying the custom policy route I configured.

The Zyxel Device checks the policy routes in the order that they are listed. So make sure that your
custom policy route comes before any other routes that the traffic would also match.

The Zyxel Device is not applying the custom security policy I configured.

The Zyxel Device checks the security policies in the order that they are listed. So make sure that your
custom security policy comes before any other rules that the traffic would also match.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 50 Troubleshooting

I cannot enter the interface name I want.

The format of interface names other than the Ethernet interface names is very strict. Each name consists
of 2-4 letters (interface type), followed by a number (x, limited by the maximum number of each type of
interface). For example, VLAN interfaces are vlan0, vlan1, vlan2,...; and so on.

• The names of virtual interfaces are derived from the interfaces on which they are created. For
example, virtual interfaces created on Ethernet interface wan1 are called wan1:1, wan1:2, and so
on. Virtual interfaces created on VLAN interface vlan2 are called vlan2:1, vlan2:2, and so on. You
cannot specify the number after the colon(:) in the Web Configurator; it is a sequential number. You
can specify the number after the colon if you use the CLI to set up a virtual interface.

I cannot set up a PPP interface, virtual Ethernet interface or virtual VLAN interface on an Ethernet

You cannot set up a PPP interface, virtual Ethernet interface or virtual VLAN interface if the underlying
interface is a member of a bridge. You also cannot add an Ethernet interface or VLAN interface to a
bridge if the member interface has a virtual interface or PPP interface on top of it.

My rules and settings that apply to a particular interface no longer work.

The interface’s IP address may have changed. To avoid this create an IP address object based on the
interface. This way the Zyxel Device automatically updates every rule or setting that uses the object
whenever the interface’s IP address settings change. For example, if you change LAN1’s IP address, the
Zyxel Device automatically updates the corresponding interface-based, LAN1 subnet address object.

I cannot set up a PPP interface.

You have to set up an ISP account before you create a PPPoE or PPTP interface.

The data rates through my cellular connection are no-where near the rates I expected.

The actual cellular data rate you obtain varies depending on the cellular device you use, the signal
strength to the service provider’s base station, and so on.

I created a cellular interface but cannot connect through it.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 50 Troubleshooting

• Make sure you have a compatible mobile broadband device installed or connected. See
www.zyxel.com for details.
• Make sure you have the cellular interface enabled.
• Make sure the cellular interface has the correct user name, password, and PIN code configured with
the correct casing.
• If the Zyxel Device has multiple WAN interfaces, make sure their IP addresses are on different subnets.

Hackers have accessed my WEP-encrypted wireless LAN.

WEP is extremely insecure. Its encryption can be broken by an attacker, using widely-available software.
It is strongly recommended that you use a more effective security mechanism. Use the strongest security
mechanism that all the wireless devices in your network support. WPA2 or WPA2-PSK is recommended.

The wireless security is not following the re-authentication timer setting I specified.

If a RADIUS server authenticates wireless stations, the re-authentication timer on the RADIUS server has
priority. Change the RADIUS server’s configuration if you need to use a different re-authentication timer

I cannot configure a particular VLAN interface on top of an Ethernet interface even though I
have it configured it on top of another Ethernet interface.

Each VLAN interface is created on top of only one Ethernet interface.

The Zyxel Device is not applying an interface’s configured ingress bandwidth limit.

At the time of writing, the Zyxel Device does not support ingress bandwidth management.

The Zyxel Device is not applying my application patrol bandwidth management settings.

Bandwidth management in policy routes has priority over application patrol bandwidth management.

The Zyxel Device’s performance slowed down after I configured many new application patrol

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 50 Troubleshooting

The Zyxel Device checks the ports and conditions configured in application patrol entries in the order
they appear in the list. While this sequence does not affect the functionality, you might improve the
performance of the Zyxel Device by putting more commonly used ports at the top of the list.

The Zyxel Device’s anti-virus scanner cleaned an infected file but now I cannot use the file.

The scanning engine checks the contents of the packets for malware. If a malware pattern is matched,
the Zyxel Device removes a portion of the file, while the rest goes through. Since the Zyxel Device erases
a portion of the file before sending it, you may not be able to open the file.

The Zyxel Device sent an alert that a virus-infected file has been found, but the file was still
forwarded to the user and could still be executed.

Make sure you enable Destroy Infected File in the Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Virus > Profile: Profile
Management > Add screen to modify infected files before forwarding to the user, preventing them from
being executed.

I added a file pattern in the anti-virus white list, but the Zyxel Device still checks and modifies files
that match this pattern.

Make sure you select the Check White List check box above the white list table. If it is already selected,
make sure that the white list entry corresponding to this file pattern is activated.

The Zyxel Device is not scanning some zipped files.

The Zyxel Device cannot unzip password protected ZIP files or a ZIP file within another ZIP file. There are also limits to
the number of ZIP files that the Zyxel Device can concurrently unzip.

The Zyxel Device is deleting some zipped files.

The anti-virus policy may be set to delete zipped files that the Zyxel Device cannot unzip. The Zyxel
Device cannot unzip password protected ZIP files or a ZIP file within another ZIP file. There are also limits
to the number of ZIP files that the Zyxel Device can concurrently unzip.

The Zyxel Device’s performance seems slower after configuring IDP.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 50 Troubleshooting

Depending on your network topology and traffic load, binding every packet direction to an IDP profile
may affect the Zyxel Device’s performance. You may want to focus IDP scanning on certain traffic
directions such as incoming traffic.

IDP is dropping traffic that matches a rule that says no action should be taken.

The Zyxel Device checks all signatures and continues searching even after a match is found. If two or
more rules have conflicting actions for the same packet, then the Zyxel Device applies the more
restrictive action (reject-both, reject-receiver or reject-sender, drop, none in this order). If a packet
matches a rule for reject-receiver and it also matches a rule for reject-sender, then the Zyxel Device will

I uploaded a custom signature file and now all of my earlier custom signatures are gone.

The name of the complete custom signature file on the Zyxel Device is ‘custom.rules’. If you import a file
named ‘custom.rules’, then all custom signatures on the Zyxel Device are overwritten with the new file. If
this is not your intention, make sure that the files you import are not named ‘custom.rules’.

I cannot configure some items in IDP that I can configure in Snort.

Not all Snort functionality is supported in the Zyxel Device.

The Zyxel Device’s performance seems slower after configuring ADP.

Depending on your network topology and traffic load, applying an anomaly profile to each and every
packet direction may affect the Zyxel Device’s performance.

The Zyxel Device destroyed/dropped a file/email without notifying me.

Make sure you enable logs for your security settings, such as in the following screens:

• Configuration > UTM Profile > IDP > Profile > Add
• Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Virus > Profile: Profile Management > Add
• Configuration > UTM Profile > Anti-Spam > Profile > Add

The Zyxel Device routes and applies SNAT for traffic from some interfaces but not from others.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 50 Troubleshooting

The Zyxel Device automatically uses SNAT for traffic it routes from internal interfaces to external
interfaces. For example LAN to WAN traffic. You must manually configure a policy route to add routing
and SNAT settings for an interface with the Interface Type set to General. You can also configure a
policy route to override the default routing and SNAT behavior for an interface with the Interface Type
set to Internal or External.

I cannot get Dynamic DNS to work.

• You must have a public WAN IP address to use Dynamic DNS.

• Make sure you recorded your DDNS account’s user name, password, and domain name and have
entered them properly in the Zyxel Device.
• You may need to configure the DDNS entry’s IP Address setting to Auto if the interface has a dynamic
IP address or there are one or more NAT routers between the Zyxel Device and the DDNS server.
• The Zyxel Device may not determine the proper IP address if there is an HTTP proxy server between the
Zyxel Device and the DDNS server.

I cannot create a second HTTP redirect rule for an incoming interface.

You can configure up to one HTTP redirect rule for each (incoming) interface.

I cannot get the application patrol to manage SIP traffic.

Make sure you have the SIP ALG enabled.

I cannot get the application patrol to manage H.323 traffic.

Make sure you have the H.323 ALG enabled.

I cannot get the application patrol to manage FTP traffic.

Make sure you have the FTP ALG enabled.

The Zyxel Device keeps resetting the connection.

If an alternate gateway on the LAN has an IP address in the same subnet as the Zyxel Device’s LAN IP
address, return traffic may not go through the Zyxel Device. This is called an asymmetrical or “triangle”

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 50 Troubleshooting

route. This causes the Zyxel Device to reset the connection, as the connection has not been

You can set the Zyxel Device’s security policy to permit the use of asymmetrical route topology on the
network (so it does not reset the connection) although this is not recommended since allowing
asymmetrical routes may let traffic from the WAN go directly to the LAN without passing through the
Zyxel Device. A better solution is to use virtual interfaces to put the Zyxel Device and the backup
gateway on separate subnets. See Asymmetrical Routes on page 612 and the chapter about interfaces
for more information.

I cannot set up an IPSec VPN tunnel to another device.

If the IPSec tunnel does not build properly, the problem is likely a configuration error at one of the IPSec
routers. Log into both Zyxel IPSec routers and check the settings in each field methodically and slowly.
Make sure both the Zyxel Device and remote IPSec router have the same security settings for the VPN
tunnel. It may help to display the settings for both routers side-by-side.

Here are some general suggestions. See also Chapter 30 on page 644.

• The system log can often help to identify a configuration problem.

• If you enable NAT traversal, the remote IPSec device must also have NAT traversal enabled.
• The Zyxel Device and remote IPSec router must use the same authentication method to establish the
• Both routers must use the same negotiation mode.
• Both routers must use the same encryption algorithm, authentication algorithm, and DH key group.
• When using pre-shared keys, the Zyxel Device and the remote IPSec router must use the same pre-
shared key.
• The Zyxel Device’s local and peer ID type and content must match the remote IPSec router’s peer
and local ID type and content, respectively.
• The Zyxel Device and remote IPSec router must use the same active protocol.
• The Zyxel Device and remote IPSec router must use the same encapsulation.
• The Zyxel Device and remote IPSec router must use the same SPI.
• If the sites are/were previously connected using a leased line or ISDN router, physically disconnect
these devices from the network before testing your new VPN connection. The old route may have
been learned by RIP and would take priority over the new VPN connection.
• To test whether or not a tunnel is working, ping from a computer at one site to a computer at the
Before doing so, ensure that both computers have Internet access (via the IPSec routers).
• It is also helpful to have a way to look at the packets that are being sent and received by the Zyxel
Device and remote IPSec router (for example, by using a packet sniffer).

Check the configuration for the following Zyxel Device features.

• The Zyxel Device does not put IPSec SAs in the routing table. You must create a policy route for each
VPN tunnel. See Chapter 11 on page 429.
• Make sure the To-Zyxel Device security policies allow IPSec VPN traffic to the Zyxel Device. IKE uses
UDP port 500, AH uses IP protocol 51, and ESP uses IP protocol 50.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 50 Troubleshooting

• The Zyxel Device supports UDP port 500 and UDP port 4500 for NAT traversal. If you enable this, make
sure the To-Zyxel Device security policies allow UDP port 4500 too.
• Make sure regular security policies allow traffic between the VPN tunnel and the rest of the network.
Regular security policies check packets the Zyxel Device sends before the Zyxel Device encrypts
them and check packets the Zyxel Device receives after the Zyxel Device decrypts them. This
depends on the zone to which you assign the VPN tunnel and the zone from which and to which
traffic may be routed.
• If you set up a VPN tunnel across the Internet, make sure your ISP supports AH or ESP (whichever you
are using).
• If you have the Zyxel Device and remote IPSec router use certificates to authenticate each other, You
must set up the certificates for the Zyxel Device and remote IPSec router first and make sure they trust
each other’s certificates. If the Zyxel Device’s certificate is self-signed, import it into the remote IPSec
router. If it is signed by a CA, make sure the remote IPSec router trusts that CA. The Zyxel Device uses
one of its Trusted Certificates to authenticate the remote IPSec router’s certificate. The trusted
certificate can be the remote IPSec router’s self-signed certificate or that of a trusted CA that signed
the remote IPSec router’s certificate.
• Multiple SAs connecting through a secure gateway must have the same negotiation mode.

The VPN connection is up but VPN traffic cannot be transmitted through the VPN tunnel.

If you have the Configuration > VPN > IPSec VPN > VPN Connection screen’s Use Policy Route to control
dynamic IPSec rules option enabled, check the routing policies to see if they are sending traffic
elsewhere instead of through the VPN tunnels.

I uploaded a logo to show in the SSL VPN user screens but it does not display properly.

The logo graphic must be GIF, JPG, or PNG format. The graphic should use a resolution of 103 x 29 pixels
to avoid distortion when displayed. The Zyxel Device automatically resizes a graphic of a different
resolution to 103 x 29 pixels. The file size must be 100 kilobytes or less. Transparent background is

I logged into the SSL VPN but cannot see some of the resource links.

Available resource links vary depending on the SSL application object’s configuration.

I cannot download the Zyxel Device’s firmware package.

The Zyxel Device’s firmware package cannot go through the Zyxel Device when you enable the anti-
virus Destroy compressed files that could not be decompressed option. The Zyxel Device classifies the
firmware package as not being able to be decompressed and deletes it.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 50 Troubleshooting

You can upload the firmware package to the Zyxel Device with the option enabled, so you only need
to clear the Destroy compressed files that could not be decompressed option while you download the
firmware package. See Section 39.2.1 on page 786 for more on the anti-virus Destroy compressed files
that could not be decompressed option.

I changed the LAN IP address and can no longer access the Internet.

The Zyxel Device automatically updates address objects based on an interface’s IP address, subnet, or
gateway if the interface’s IP address settings change. However, you need to manually edit any address
objects for your LAN that are not based on the interface.

I configured application patrol to allow and manage access to a specific service but access is

• If you want to use a service, make sure the security policy allows UTM application patrol to go through
the Zyxel Device.

I configured policy routes to manage the bandwidth of TCP and UDP traffic but the bandwidth
management is not being applied properly.

It is recommended to use application patrol instead of policy routes to manage the bandwidth of TCP
and UDP traffic.

I cannot get the RADIUS server to authenticate the Zyxel Device‘s default admin account.

The default admin account is always authenticated locally, regardless of the authentication method

The Zyxel Device fails to authentication the ext-user user accounts I configured.

An external server such as AD, LDAP or RADIUS must authenticate the ext-user accounts. If the Zyxel
Device tries to use the local database to authenticate an ext-user, the authentication attempt will
always fail. (This is related to AAA servers and authentication methods, which are discussed in other
chapters in this guide.)

I cannot add the admin users to a user group with access users.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 50 Troubleshooting

You cannot put access users and admin users in the same user group.

I cannot add the default admin account to a user group.

You cannot put the default admin account into any user group.

The schedule I configured is not being applied at the configured times.

Make sure the Zyxel Device’s current date and time are correct.

I cannot get a certificate to import into the Zyxel Device.

1 For My Certificates, you can import a certificate that matches a corresponding certification request that
was generated by the Zyxel Device. You can also import a certificate in PKCS#12 format, including the
certificate’s public and private keys.

2 You must remove any spaces from the certificate’s filename before you can import the certificate.

3 Any certificate that you want to import has to be in one of these file formats:
• Binary X.509: This is an ITU-T recommendation that defines the formats for X.509 certificates.
• PEM (Base-64) encoded X.509: This Privacy Enhanced Mail format uses lowercase letters, uppercase
letters and numerals to convert a binary X.509 certificate into a printable form.
• Binary PKCS#7: This is a standard that defines the general syntax for data (including digital signatures)
that may be encrypted. A PKCS #7 file is used to transfer a public key certificate. The private key is not
included. The Zyxel Device currently allows the importation of a PKS#7 file that contains a single
• PEM (Base-64) encoded PKCS#7: This Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) format uses lowercase letters,
uppercase letters and numerals to convert a binary PKCS#7 certificate into a printable form.
• Binary PKCS#12: This is a format for transferring public key and private key certificates.The private key
in a PKCS #12 file is within a password-encrypted envelope. The file’s password is not connected to
your certificate’s public or private passwords. Exporting a PKCS #12 file creates this and you must
provide it to decrypt the contents when you import the file into the Zyxel Device.

Note: Be careful not to convert a binary file to text during the transfer process. It is easy for this
to occur since many programs use text files by default.

I cannot access the Zyxel Device from a computer connected to the Internet.

Check the service control rules and to-Zyxel Device security policies.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 50 Troubleshooting

I uploaded a logo to display on the upper left corner of the Web Configurator login screen and
access page but it does not display properly.

Make sure the logo file is a GIF, JPG, or PNG of 100 kilobytes or less.

I uploaded a logo to use as the screen or window background but it does not display properly.

Make sure the logo file is a GIF, JPG, or PNG of 100 kilobytes or less.

The Zyxel Device’s traffic throughput rate decreased after I started collecting traffic statistics.

Data collection may decrease the Zyxel Device’s traffic throughput rate.

I can only see newer logs. Older logs are missing.

When a log reaches the maximum number of log messages, new log messages automatically overwrite
existing log messages, starting with the oldest existing log message first.

The commands in my configuration file or shell script are not working properly.

• In a configuration file or shell script, use “#” or “!” as the first character of a command line to have the
Zyxel Device treat the line as a comment.
• Your configuration files or shell scripts can use “exit” or a command line consisting of a single “!” to
have the Zyxel Device exit sub command mode.
• Include write commands in your scripts. Otherwise the changes will be lost when the Zyxel Device
restarts. You could use multiple write commands in a long script.

Note: “exit” or “!'” must follow sub commands if it is to make the Zyxel Device exit sub
command mode.

See Chapter 46 on page 1041 for more on configuration files and shell scripts.

I cannot get the firmware uploaded using the commands.

The Web Configurator is the recommended method for uploading firmware. You only need to use the
command line interface if you need to recover the firmware. See the CLI Reference Guide for how to
determine if you need to recover the firmware and how to recover it.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 50 Troubleshooting

My packet capture captured less than I wanted or failed.

The packet capture screen’s File Size sets a maximum size limit for the total combined size of all the
capture files on the Zyxel Device, including any existing capture files and any new capture files you
generate. If you have existing capture files you may need to set this size larger or delete existing capture

The Zyxel Device stops the capture and generates the capture file when either the capture files reach
the File Size or the time period specified in the Duration field expires.

My earlier packet capture files are missing.

New capture files overwrite existing files of the same name. Change the File Suffix field’s setting to avoid

The SecuReporter banner keeps showing up.

See SecuReporter Banner on page 639 for more information.

50.1 Resetting the Zyxel Device

If you cannot access the Zyxel Device by any method, try restarting it by turning the power off and then
on again. If you still cannot access the Zyxel Device by any method or you forget the administrator
password(s), you can reset the Zyxel Device to its factory-default settings. Any configuration files or shell
scripts that you saved on the Zyxel Device should still be available afterwards.

Use the following procedure to reset the Zyxel Device to its factory-default settings. This overwrites the
settings in the startup-config.conf file with the settings in the system-default.conf file.

Note: This procedure removes the current configuration.

1 Make sure the SYS LED is on and not blinking.

2 Press the RESET button and hold it until the SYS LED begins to blink. (This usually takes about five seconds.)

3 Release the RESET button, and wait for the Zyxel Device to restart.

You should be able to access the Zyxel Device using the default settings.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Chapter 50 Troubleshooting

50.2 Getting More Troubleshooting Help

Search for support information for your model at www.zyxel.com for more troubleshooting suggestions.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Customer Support
In the event of problems that cannot be solved by using this manual, you should contact your vendor. If
you cannot contact your vendor, then contact a Zyxel office for the region in which you bought the

For Zyxel Communication offices, see https://service-provider.zyxel.com/global/en/contact-us for the

latest information.

For Zyxel Network offices, see https://www.zyxel.com/index.shtml for the latest information.

Please have the following information ready when you contact an office.

Required Information
• Product model and serial number.
• Warranty Information.
• Date that you received your device.
• Brief description of the problem and the steps you took to solve it.

Corporate Headquarters (Worldwide)

• Zyxel Communications Corporation
• https://www.zyxel.com


• Zyxel Communications (Shanghai) Corp.
Zyxel Communications (Beijing) Corp.
Zyxel Communications (Tianjin) Corp.
• https://www.zyxel.com/cn/zh/

• Zyxel Technology India Pvt Ltd.
• https://www.zyxel.com/in/en/

• Zyxel Kazakhstan
• https://www.zyxel.kz

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Appendix A Customer Support

• Zyxel Korea Corp.
• http://www.zyxel.kr

• Zyxel Malaysia Sdn Bhd.
• http://www.zyxel.com.my

• Zyxel Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd.
• http://www.zyxel.com.pk

• Zyxel Philippines
• http://www.zyxel.com.ph

• Zyxel Singapore Pte Ltd.
• http://www.zyxel.com.sg

• Zyxel Communications Corporation
• https://www.zyxel.com/tw/zh/

• Zyxel Thailand Co., Ltd.
• https://www.zyxel.com/th/th/

• Zyxel Communications Corporation-Vietnam Office
• https://www.zyxel.com/vn/vi


• Zyxel BY
• https://www.zyxel.by

• Zyxel България
• https://www.zyxel.com/bg/bg/

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Appendix A Customer Support

Czech Republic
• Zyxel Communications Czech s.r.o
• https://www.zyxel.com/cz/cs/

• Zyxel Communications A/S
• https://www.zyxel.com/dk/da/

• Zyxel Communications
• https://www.zyxel.com/fi/fi/

• Zyxel France
• https://www.zyxel.fr

• Zyxel Deutschland GmbH
• https://www.zyxel.com/de/de/

• Zyxel Hungary & SEE
• https://www.zyxel.com/hu/hu/

• Zyxel Communications Italy
• https://www.zyxel.com/it/it/

• Zyxel Benelux
• https://www.zyxel.com/nl/nl/

• Zyxel Communications
• https://www.zyxel.com/no/no/

• Zyxel Communications Poland
• https://www.zyxel.com/pl/pl/

• Zyxel Romania

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Appendix A Customer Support

• https://www.zyxel.com/ro/ro

• Zyxel Russia
• https://www.zyxel.com/ru/ru/

• Zyxel Communications Czech s.r.o. organizacna zlozka
• https://www.zyxel.com/sk/sk/

• Zyxel Communications ES Ltd.
• https://www.zyxel.com/es/es/

• Zyxel Communications
• https://www.zyxel.com/se/sv/

• Studerus AG
• https://www.zyxel.ch/de
• https://www.zyxel.ch/fr

• Zyxel Turkey A.S.
• https://www.zyxel.com/tr/tr/

• Zyxel Communications UK Ltd.
• https://www.zyxel.com/uk/en/

• Zyxel Ukraine
• http://www.ua.zyxel.com

South America

• Zyxel Communications Corporation
• https://www.zyxel.com/co/es/

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Appendix A Customer Support

• Zyxel Communications Brasil Ltda.
• https://www.zyxel.com/br/pt/

• Zyxel Communications Corporation
• https://www.zyxel.com/co/es/

• Zyxel Communications Corporation
• https://www.zyxel.com/co/es/

South America
• Zyxel Communications Corporation
• https://www.zyxel.com/co/es/

Middle East

• Zyxel Communications Corporation
• http://il.zyxel.com/

North America

• Zyxel Communications, Inc. – North America Headquarters
• https://www.zyxel.com/us/en/

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Common Services
The following table lists some commonly-used services and their associated protocols and port numbers.
For a comprehensive list of port numbers, ICMP type/code numbers and services, visit the IANA (Internet
Assigned Number Authority) web site.

• Name: This is a short, descriptive name for the service. You can use this one or create a different one,
if you like.
• Protocol: This is the type of IP protocol used by the service. If this is TCP/UDP, then the service uses the
same port number with TCP and UDP. If this is User-Defined, the Port(s) is the IP protocol number, not
the port number.
• Port(s): This value depends on the Protocol. Please refer to RFC 1700 for further information about port
• If the Protocol is TCP, UDP, or TCP/UDP, this is the IP port number.
• If the Protocol is USER, this is the IP protocol number.
• Description: This is a brief explanation of the applications that use this service or the situations in which
this service is used.

Table 436 Commonly Used Services


AH (IPSEC_TUNNEL) User-Defined 51 The IPSEC AH (Authentication Header) tunneling
protocol uses this service.
AIM/New-ICQ TCP 5190 AOL’s Internet Messenger service. It is also used
as a listening port by ICQ.
AUTH TCP 113 Authentication protocol used by some servers.
BGP TCP 179 Border Gateway Protocol.
CU-SEEME TCP 7648 A popular videoconferencing solution from
White Pines Software.
UDP 24032
DNS TCP/UDP 53 Domain Name Server, a service that matches
web names (for example www.zyxel.com) to IP
ESP (IPSEC_TUNNEL) User-Defined 50 The IPSEC ESP (Encapsulation Security Protocol)
tunneling protocol uses this service.
FINGER TCP 79 Finger is a UNIX or Internet related command
that can be used to find out if a user is logged
FTP TCP 20 File Transfer Program, a program to enable fast
transfer of files, including large files that may not
TCP 21 be possible by e-mail.
H.323 TCP 1720 NetMeeting uses this protocol.
HTTP TCP 80 Hyper Text Transfer Protocol - a client/server
protocol for the world wide web.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Appendix B Common Services

Table 436 Commonly Used Services (continued)


HTTPS TCP 443 HTTPS is a secured http session often used in e-
ICMP User-Defined 1 Internet Control Message Protocol is often used
for diagnostic or routing purposes.
ICQ UDP 4000 This is a popular Internet chat program.
IGMP (MULTICAST) User-Defined 2 Internet Group Multicast Protocol is used when
sending packets to a specific group of hosts.
IKE UDP 500 The Internet Key Exchange algorithm is used for
key distribution and management.
IRC TCP/UDP 6667 This is another popular Internet chat program.
MSN Messenger TCP 1863 Microsoft Networks’ messenger service uses this
NEW-ICQ TCP 5190 An Internet chat program.
NEWS TCP 144 A protocol for news groups.
NFS UDP 2049 Network File System - NFS is a client/server
distributed file service that provides transparent
file sharing for network environments.
NNTP TCP 119 Network News Transport Protocol is the delivery
mechanism for the USENET newsgroup service.
PING User-Defined 1 Packet INternet Groper is a protocol that sends
out ICMP echo requests to test whether or not a
remote host is reachable.
POP3 TCP 110 Post Office Protocol version 3 lets a client
computer get e-mail from a POP3 server through
a temporary connection (TCP/IP or other).
PPTP TCP 1723 Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol enables secure
transfer of data over public networks. This is the
control channel.
PPTP_TUNNEL (GRE) User-Defined 47 PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol) enables
secure transfer of data over public networks. This
is the data channel.
RCMD TCP 512 Remote Command Service.
REAL_AUDIO TCP 7070 A streaming audio service that enables real time
sound over the web.
REXEC TCP 514 Remote Execution Daemon.
RLOGIN TCP 513 Remote Login.
RTELNET TCP 107 Remote Telnet.
RTSP TCP/UDP 554 The Real Time Streaming (media control)
Protocol (RTSP) is a remote control for multimedia
on the Internet.
SFTP TCP 115 Simple File Transfer Protocol.
SMTP TCP 25 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is the message-
exchange standard for the Internet. SMTP
enables you to move messages from one e-mail
server to another.
SNMP TCP/UDP 161 Simple Network Management Program.
SNMP-TRAPS TCP/UDP 162 Traps for use with the SNMP (RFC:1215).

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Appendix B Common Services

Table 436 Commonly Used Services (continued)


SQL-NET TCP 1521 Structured Query Language is an interface to
access data on many different types of
database systems, including mainframes,
midrange systems, UNIX systems and network
SSH TCP/UDP 22 Secure Shell Remote Login Program.
STRM WORKS UDP 1558 Stream Works Protocol.
SYSLOG UDP 514 Syslog allows you to send system logs to a UNIX
TACACS UDP 49 Login Host Protocol used for (Terminal Access
Controller Access Control System).
TELNET TCP 23 Telnet is the login and terminal emulation
protocol common on the Internet and in UNIX
environments. It operates over TCP/IP networks.
Its primary function is to allow users to log into
remote host systems.
TFTP UDP 69 Trivial File Transfer Protocol is an Internet file
transfer protocol similar to FTP, but uses the UDP
(User Datagram Protocol) rather than TCP
(Transmission Control Protocol).
VDOLIVE TCP 7000 Another videoconferencing solution.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Product Features

Please refer to the product datasheet for the latest product features.
Version 4.60 4.60 4.60 4.60 4.60 4.60 4.60 4.60 4.60 4.60 4.60 4.60
Model Name USG40 USG40W USG60 USG60W ZyWALL USG110 USG210 ZyWALL USG310 ZyWALL USG1100 USG1900
110 310 1100
# of MAC Addresses 5 6 6 8 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8
VLAN 8 8 16 16 16 16 32 64 64 128 128 128
Virtual(alias) per interface 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
PPP (System Default) 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 8 8 8 8 8
PPP (User Created) 2 2 4 4 4 4 8 16 16 32 32 32
Bridge 2 2 4 4 8 8 8 16 16 16 16 16
Tunnel (GRE/IPv6 Transition) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Static Route 64 64 128 128 128 128 256 256 256 512 512 512
Policy Route 100 100 200 200 500 500 500 1000 1000 1000 1000 2000
Reserved Sessions for 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
Managed Devices
Max OSPF areas 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Max. BGP Neighbor 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
BGP Max. Network 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
Max. TCP Concurrent 50,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 150,000 150,000 200,000 500,000 500,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000
Sessions (Forwarding, NAT/
Session Rate 2,000 2,000 3,000 3,000 3,500 3,500 3,500 10,000 10,000 15,000 15,000 20,000
Max. Virtual Server Number 128 128 256 256 256 256 512 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024
Firewall (Secure policy)
Max Firewall ACL Rule 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 2,000 2,000 5000 5000 10000
Number = Secure Policy
Max Session Limit per Host 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1,000 1,000 1000 1000 1000
Max. ADP Profile Number 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 16 16 16 16 32
Max. ADP Rule Number 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
Application Patrol
Max. AppPatrol Profile 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 64 64 64 64 64
Max Application Object in 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
Each Orofile
(object + object group)
User Profile
Max. Local User 64 64 128 128 128 128 128 256 256 512 512 1024
Max. Admin User 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10
Max. User Group 16 16 32 32 32 32 32 64 64 128 128 256
Max user in one user group 64 64 128 128 128 128 128 256 256 512 512 1024
Default Concurrent Device 64 64 200 200 200 200 200 500 500 800 800 1500
Max. Concurrent Device 64 64 200 200 300 300 300 800 800 1500 1500 2000
Upgrade (License) (Extend by (Extend by (Extend by (Extend by (Extend by (Extend by (Extend by (Extend by
license) license) license) license) license) license) license) license)
Max HTTPd number 128 128 128 128 256 256 256 512 512 512 512 1024
Address Object 300 300 300 300 300 300 500 1,000 1,000 2000 2000 2000
Address Group 25 25 50 50 50 50 100 200 200 400 400 400
Max. Address Object in 64 64 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 256 256 256
One Group
Service Object 200 200 200 200 500 500 500 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
Service Group 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200
Max. Service Object in One 64 64 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 256 256 256
Schedule Object 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
Schedule Group 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Appendix C Product Features

Max. Schedule Object in 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24

One Group
Application Object 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
Application Group 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200
Max. Application Object in 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 256 256 256
One Group
ISP Account 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 32 32 32 64 64
Max. LDAP Server Object # 2 2 2 2 8 8 8 16 16 16 16 16

Max. RADIUS Server Object 2 2 2 2 8 8 8 16 16 16 16 16

Max. Ad Server Object # 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 16 16 16 16 16
Max. Zone Number (System 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Max. Zone Number (User 8 8 16 16 16 16 16 32 32 32 32 32
Max. Trunk Number (System 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Max. Trunk Number (User 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 16 16 32 32 32
Max. Member Number per 2+8 2+8 4+8 4+8 4+8 4+8 8+8 16+8 16+8 32+8 32+8 32+8
Max. VPN Tunnels number 20 20 40 40 100 100 200 300 300 1000 1000 2000
Max. VPN Concentrator 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 16 16 32 32 64
Max. VPN Configuration 20 20 40 40 100 100 200 300 300 1000 1000 2000
Provision Rule Number
Certificate Buffer Size 128k 128k 128k 128k 256k 256k 256k 512k 512k 512k 512k 1024k
Built-in service
A Record 32 32 64 64 64 64 64 128 128 128 128 128
NS Record (DNS Domain 8 8 8 8 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
Zone Forward)
MX Record 4 4 8 8 8 8 8 16 16 16 16 16
Max Service Control Entries 16 per 16 per 16 per 16 per 16 per 16 per 16 per 32 per 32 per 32 per 32 per 32 per
service service service service service service service service service service service service
Max. DHCP Network Pool)
14 14 24 24 29 29 45 88 88 152 152 152
Max. DHCP Host Pool 64 64 96 96 256 256 256 512 512 1024 1024 1024
(Static DHCP)
Max. DHCP Extended 10 10 10 10 15 15 15 30 30 30 30 30
Max DDNS Profiles 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
DHCP Relay 2 per 2 per 2 per 2 per 2 per 2 per 2 per 2 per 2 per 2 per 2 per 2 per
interface interface interface interface interface interface interface interface interface interface interface interface
USB Storage
Device Number 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Centralized Log
Log Entries 512 512 512 512 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024 2048 2048 2048
Debug Log Entries 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024
Admin E-mail Address 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Syslog Server 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Max. IDP Profile Number 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 16 16 16 16 32
Max. Custom Signatures 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 256 256 512 512 512
SSL Inspection
Max. SSL Inspection Profile n/a n/a n/a n/a 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
Max. Exclude List n/a n/a n/a n/a 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256
Content Filtering
Max. Number Of Content 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 32 32 64 64 128
Filter Policies
Forbidden Domain Entry 256 per 256 per 256 per 256 per 256 per 256 per 256 per 512 per 512 per 512 per 512 per 512 per
Number profile profile profile profile profile profile profile profile profile profile profile profile
Trusted Domain Entry 256 per 256 per 256 per 256 per 256 per 256 per 256 per 512 per 512 per 512 per 512 per 512 per
Number profile profile profile profile profile profile profile profile profile profile profile profile
Keyword Blocking Number 128 per 128 per 128 per 128 per 128 per 128 per 128 per 256 per 256 per 256 per 256 per 256 per
profile profile profile profile profile profile profile profile profile profile profile profile
Common Forbidden 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024
Domain Entry Number
Common Trusted Domain 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024
Entry Number
Maximum AS Rule Number 16 16 16 16 32 32 32 64 64 64 64 64

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Appendix C Product Features

Maximum White List Rule 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 256 256 256 256 256
Maximum Black List Rule 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 256 256 256 256 256
Maximum DNSBL Domain 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 10
Concurrent Mail Session 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Max. Statistics Number 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
Max. Statistics Ranking 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Max. AV Rule (Profile) 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 32 32 32 32 32
Max. Statistics Number 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
Max. Statistics Ranking 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Default SSL VPN 20 20 20 20 50 50 50 50 50 250 250 250
Maximum SSL VPN 30 30 60 60 150 150 150 150 150 500 500 750
Max. SSL VPN Network List 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
SSL VPN Max Policy 32 32 32 32 64 64 64 128 128 128 128 128
AP Controller
Default # Of Control AP 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Max. # Of Control AP 24 24 24 24 40 40 40 72 72 136 136 520
AP Group 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 16 16 16
Max Radio Profile 32 32 32 32 64 64 64 64 64 256 256 256
Max SSID Profile 32 32 32 32 128 128 128 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024
Max Security Profile 32 32 32 32 128 128 128 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024
Max MAC Filter Profile 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
Max MAC Entry Per MAC 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512
Filter Profile
Zymesh 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
Maximum BWM Rule 128 128 128 128 256 256 256 512 512 1024 1024 1024
BWM Per Source IP (Max.) 256 256 256 256 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024 2048 2048 2048
Maximum SIP Concurrent 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200
Custom Web Portal Page
Max Internal Web Portal 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Customize File
Upload Zip File Size Up to 2MB Up to 2MB Up to 2MB Up to 2MB Up to 2MB Up to 2MB Up to 2MB Up to 2MB Up to 2MB Up to 2MB Up to 2MB Up to 2MB
Unzip File Size Up to 5MB Up to 5MB Up to 5MB Up to 5MB Up to 5MB Up to 5MB Up to 5MB Up to 5MB Up to 5MB Up to 5MB Up to 5MB Up to 5MB
Hotspot Management
Max Dynamic Account List n/a n/a 1000 1000 2000 2000 2000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000
Max Free Time Account n/a n/a 800 800 1600 1600 1600 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200
Hotspot Support n/a n/a Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Walled Garden - URL Base n/a n/a 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Walled Garden - Domain/IP n/a n/a 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Advertisement n/a n/a 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Ticket Printer Support / n/a n/a SP350E SP350E Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Max.# (Ethernet) (Ethernet) (SP350E)/ (SP350E)/ (SP350E)/ (SP350E)/ (SP350E)/ (SP350E)/ (SP350E)/ (SP350E)/
Up to 10 Up to 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

The following table shows the USG2200 model.

Version 4.60
Model Name USG2200
# of MAC Addresses 18
VLAN 256
Virtual(alias) per interface 4
PPP (System Default) 8
PPP (User Created) 32
Bridge 16
Tunnel (GRE/IPv6 Transition) 4
Static Route 1024
Policy Route 4000

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Appendix C Product Features

Reserved Sessions For 500

Managed Devices
Max OSPF areas 10
Max. BGP Neighbor 5
BGP Max. Network 16
Max. TCP Concurrent Sessions 1,500,000
(Forwarding, NAT/Firewall)
Session Rate 30,000
Max. Virtual Server Number 1024
Firewall (Secure Policy)
Max Firewall ACL Rule Number 10000
= Secure Policy Number
Max Session Limit per Host Rules 1000
Max. ADP Profile Number 32
Max. ADP Rule Number 32
Application Patrol
Max. App Patrol Profile 128
Max. Application Object In 32
Each Profile (Object + Object
User Profile
Max. Local User 2048
Max. Admin User 10
Max. User Group 256
Max User In One User Group 1024
Default Concurrent Device 2000
Max. Concurrent Device 5000 (Extend by
Upgrade (License) license)
Max HTTPd Number 2048
Address Object 4000
Address Group 400
Max. Address Object In One 512
Service Object 1,500
Service Group 300
Max. Service Object In One 256
Schedule Object 32
Schedule Group 16
Max. Schedule Object In One 24
Application Object 1,500
Application Group 300
Max. Application Object In 512
One Group
ISP Account 64
Max. LDAP Server Object # 16
Max. RADIUS Server Object # 16
Max. Ad Server Object # 16
Max. Zone Number (System 8
Max. Zone Number (User 32
Max. Trunk Number (System 1
Max. Trunk Number (User 32

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Appendix C Product Features

Max. Member Number Per 32+8

Max. VPN Tunnels Number 3000
Max. VPN Concentrator 128
Max. VPN Configuration 3000
Provision Rule Number
Certificate Buffer Size 1024k
Built-In Service
A Record 128
NS Record (DNS Domain Zone 16
MX Record 16
Max Service Control Entries 32 per service
Max. DHCP Network Pool 290
Max. DHCP Host Pool (Static 2048
Max. DHCP Extended Options 30
Max DDNS Profiles 10
DHCP Relay 2 per interface
USB Storage
Device Number 1
Centralized Log
Log Entries 2048
Debug Log Entries 1024
Admin E-Mail Address 2
Syslog Server 4
Max. IDP Profile Number 32
Max. Custom Signatures 512
SSL Inspection
Max. SSL Inspection Profile 16
Max. Exclude List 256
Content Filtering
Max. Number Of Content Filter 256
Forbidden Domain Entry 512 per profile
Trusted Domain Entry Number 512 per profile
Keyword Blocking Number 256 per profile
Common Forbidden Domain 1024
Entry Number
Common Trusted Domain Entry 1024
Maximum AS Rule Number 64
Maximum White List Rule 256
Maximum Black List Rule 256
Maximum DNSBL Domain 10
Concurrent Mail Session 1000
Max. Statistics Number 500
Max. Statistics Ranking 10
Max. AV Rule (Profile) 32
Max. Statistics Number 500
Max. Statistics Ranking 10
Default SSL VPN Connections 250

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Appendix C Product Features

Maximum SSL VPN Connections 1000

Max. SSL VPN Network List 8
SSL VPN Max Policy 128
AP Controller
Default # Of Control AP 8
Max. # Of Control AP 1032
AP Group 64
Max Radio Profile 1024
Max SSID Profile 1024
Max Security Profile 1024
Max MAC Filter Profile 64
MAX MAC Entry Per MAC Filter 2048
Zymesh 32
Maximum BWM Rule Number 2048
BWM Per Source IP (Max.) 2048
Maximum SIP Concurrent Call 200
Custom Web Portal Page
Max Internal Web Portal 4
Customize File
Upload Zip File Size Up to 2MB
Unzip File Size Up to 5MB
Hotspot Management
Max Dynamic Account List 6000
Max Free Time Account Limit 4,800
Hotspot Support Yes
Walled Garden - URL Base 50
Walled Garden - Domain/IP 50
Advertisement 20
Ticket Printer Support Yes (SP350E)/10

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Legal Information
Copyright © 2021 by Zyxel and/or its affiliates.
The contents of this publication may not be reproduced in any part or as a whole, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, translated into any
language, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, photocopying, manual, or
otherwise, without the prior written permission of Zyxel and/or its affiliates.
Published by Zyxel and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Zyxel does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any products, or software described herein. Neither does it convey any
license under its patent rights nor the patent rights of others. Zyxel further reserves the right to make changes in any products described herein
without notice. This publication is subject to change without notice.

Regulatory Notice and Statement (Class A)

Model List: ZyWALL 110, ZyWALL 310, ZyWALL 1100, USG40W, USG60W, USG110, USG210,
USG310, USG1100, USG1900, USG2200

United States of America

The following information applies if you use the product within USA area.
US Importer: Zyxel Communications, Inc, 1130 North Miller Street Anaheim, CA92806-2001, https://www.zyxel.com/us/en/

FCC EMC Statement

• This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
• Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the
• This device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits
are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment.
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction
manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful
interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
The following information applies if you use the product with RF function within USA area.

FCC Radiation Exposure Statement

This device complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.
This transmitter must be at least 20 cm from the user and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or
Operation of this device is restricted to indoor use only, except for relevant user’s manual mention that this device can be installed into the
external environment.

The following information applies if you use the product within Canada area

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada ICES Statement


Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada RSS-GEN & RSS-247 Statement
• This device contains licence-exempt transmitter(s)/receiver(s) that comply with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada's
licence-exempt RSS(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device
must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Appendix D Legal Information

• This radio transmitter (USG40W: 2468C-Z2FPM9582; USG60W: 2468C-Z2FPM9582, 2468C-Z5SPM9382) has been approved by Industry Canada
to operate with the antenna types listed below with the maximum permissible gain and required antenna impedance for each antenna
type indicated. Antenna types not included in this list, having a gain greater than the maximum gain indicated for that type, are strictly
prohibited for use with this device.

Antenna Information
Type Manufacturer Gain Connector

Dipole LYNwave (USG40W, USG60W) 3dBi Reverse SMA

Dipole Master Wave (USG40W, USG60W) 3dBi Reverse SMA

If the product with 5G wireless function operating in 5150 – 5250 MHz and 5725 – 5850 MHz, the following attention must be paid.
• The device for operation in the band 5150 – 5250 MHz is only for indoor use to reduce the potential for harmful interference to co-channel
mobile satellite systems.
• For devices with detachable antenna(s), the maximum antenna gain permitted for devices in the band 5725 – 5850 MHz shall be such that
the equipment still complies with the e.i.r.p. limits specified for point-to-point and non-point-to-point operation as appropriate; and
• The worst-case tilt angle(s) necessary to remain compliant with the e.i.r.p. elevation mask requirement set forth in Section 6.2.2(3) of RSS 247
shall be clearly indicated.
If the product with 5G wireless function operating in 5250 – 5350 MHz and 5470 – 5725 MHz, the following attention must be paid.
• For devices with detachable antenna(s), the maximum antenna gain permitted for devices in the bands 5250 – 5350 MHz and 5470 – 5725
MHz shall be such that the equipment still complies with the e.i.r.p. limit
• L'émetteur/récepteur exempt de licence contenu dans le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Innovation, Sciences et
Développement économique Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions
suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage; (2) L'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le
brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.
• Le présent émetteur radio (USG40W: 2468C-Z2FPM9582; USG60W: 2468C-Z2FPM9582, 2468C-Z5SPM9382) de modèle s'il fait partie du matériel
de catégorieI) a été approuvé par Industrie Canada pour fonctionner avec les types d'antenne énumérés ci-dessous et ayant un gain
admissible maximal et l'impédance requise pour chaque type d'antenne. Les types d'antenne non inclus dans cette liste, ou dont le gain est
supérieur au gain maximal indiqué, sont strictement interdits pour l'exploitation de l'émetteur.

Informations Antenne
Type Fabricant Gain Connecteur

Dipole LYNwave (USG40W, USG60W) 3dBi Reverse SMA

Dipole Master Wave (USG40W, USG60W) 3dBi Reverse SMA

Lorsque la fonction sans fil 5G fonctionnant en 5150 – 5250 MHz and 5725 – 5850 MHz est activée pour ce produit , il est nécessaire de porter une
attention particulière aux choses suivantes
• Les dispositifs fonctionnant dans la bande de 5 150 à 5 250 MHz sont réservés uniquement pour une utilisation à l'intérieur afin de réduire les
risques de brouillage préjudiciable aux systèmes de satellites mobiles utilisant les mêmes canaux;
• Pour les dispositifs munis d'antennes amovibles, le gain maximal d'antenne permis (pour les dispositifs utilisant la bande de 5 725 à 5 850 MHz)
doit être conforme à la limite de la p.i.r.e. spécifiée, selon le cas;
• Lorsqu'il y a lieu, les types d'antennes (s'il y en a plusieurs), les numéros de modèle de l'antenne et les pires angles d'inclinaison nécessaires
pour rester conforme à l'exigence de la p.i.r.e. applicable au masque d'élévation, énoncée à la section du CNR-247, doivent être
clairement indiqués.
Lorsque la fonction sans fil 5G fonctionnant en 5250 – 5350 MHz et 5470 –5725 MHz est activée pour ce produit , il est nécessaire de porter une
attention particulière aux choses suivantes.
• Pour les dispositifs munis d’antennes amovibles, le gain maximal d'antenne permis pour les dispositifs utilisant les bandes de 5 250 à 5 350 MHz
et de 5 470 à 5 725 MHz doit être conforme à la limite de la p.i.r.e.

Industry Canada radiation exposure statement

This equipment complies with ISED radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and
operated with a minimum distance of 25 cm between the radiator and your body.

Déclaration d’exposition aux radiations:

Cet équipement est conforme aux limites d’exposition aux rayonnements ISED établies pour un environnement non contrôlé. Cet équipement
doit être installé et utilisé avec un minimum de 25 cm de distance entre la source de rayonnement et votre corps.

European Union and United Kingdom

The following information applies if you use the product within the European Union and United Kingdom.

CE EMC statement
WARNING: This equipment is compliant with Class A of EN55032. In a residential environment this equipment may cause radio interference.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Appendix D Legal Information

Declaration of Conformity with Regard to EU Directive 2014/53/EU (Radio Equipment Directive, RED) and
UK Regulation
• Compliance information for 2.4 GHz and/or 5 GHz wireless products relevant to the EU, UK and other Countries following the EU Directive
2014/53/EU (RED) and UK regulation. And this product may be used in all EU countries (and other countries following the EU Directive 2014/53/
EU) and United Kingdom without any limitation except for the countries mentioned below table:
• In the majority of the EU and other European countries, the 5 GHz bands have been made available for the use of wireless local area
networks (LANs). Later in this document you will find an overview of countries in which additional restrictions or requirements or both are
applicable. The requirements for any country may evolve. Zyxel recommends that you check with the local authorities for the latest status of
their national regulations for the 5 GHz wireless LANs.
• If this device for operation in the band 5150 – 5350 MHz, it is for indoor use only.
• This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20 cm between the radio equipment and your body.
• The maximum RF power operating for each band as follows:
• USG40W
• The band 2,400 to 2,483.5 MHz is 91.201 mW
• USG60W
• The band 2,400 to 2,483.5 MHz is 72.277 mW
• The band 5,150 MHz to 5,350 MHz is 143.549 mW
• The band 5,470 MHz to 5,725 MHz is 690.240 mW

Български С настоящото Zyxel декларира, че това оборудване е в съответствие със съществените изисквания и другите
(Bulgarian) приложими разпоредбите на Директива 2014/53/ЕC.
National Restrictions
• The Belgian Institute for Postal Services and Telecommunications (BIPT) must be notified of any outdoor wireless link
having a range exceeding 300 meters. Please check http://www.bipt.be for more details.
• Draadloze verbindingen voor buitengebruik en met een reikwijdte van meer dan 300 meter dienen aangemeld te
worden bij het Belgisch Instituut voor postdiensten en telecommunicatie (BIPT). Zie http://www.bipt.be voor meer
• Les liaisons sans fil pour une utilisation en extérieur d’une distance supérieure à 300 mètres doivent être notifiées à
l’Institut Belge des services Postaux et des Télécommunications (IBPT). Visitez http://www.ibpt.be pour de plus amples

Español Por medio de la presente Zyxel declara que el equipo cumple con los requisitos esenciales y cualesquiera otras
(Spanish) disposiciones aplicables o exigibles de la Directiva 2014/53/UE.

Čeština Zyxel tímto prohlašuje, že tento zařízení je ve shodě se základními požadavky a dalšími příslušnými ustanoveními směrnice
(Czech) 2014/53/EU.

Dansk (Danish) Undertegnede Zyxel erklærer herved, at følgende udstyr udstyr overholder de væsentlige krav og øvrige relevante krav i
direktiv 2014/53/EU.
National Restrictions
• In Denmark, the band 5150 – 5350 MHz is also allowed for outdoor usage.
• I Danmark må frekvensbåndet 5150 – 5350 også anvendes udendørs.

Deutsch Hiermit erklärt Zyxel, dass sich das Gerät Ausstattung in Übereinstimmung mit den grundlegenden Anforderungen und den
(German) übrigen einschlägigen Bestimmungen der Richtlinie 2014/53/EU befindet.

Eesti keel Käesolevaga kinnitab Zyxel seadme seadmed vastavust direktiivi 2014/53/EU põhinõuetele ja nimetatud direktiivist
(Estonian) tulenevatele teistele asjakohastele sätetele.

(Greek) ∆ΙΑΤΑΞΕΙΣ ΤΗΣ Ο∆ΗΓΙΑΣ 2014/53/EU.

English Hereby, Zyxel declares that this device is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of
Directive 2014/53/EU.

Français Par la présente Zyxel déclare que l'appareil équipements est conforme aux exigences essentielles et aux autres dispositions
(French) pertinentes de la directive 2014/53/EU.

Hrvatski Zyxel ovime izjavljuje da je radijska oprema tipa u skladu s Direktivom 2014/53/EU.

Íslenska Hér með lýsir, Zyxel því yfir að þessi búnaður er í samræmi við grunnkröfur og önnur viðeigandi ákvæði tilskipunar 2014/53/
(Icelandic) EU.

Italiano (Italian) Con la presente Zyxel dichiara che questo attrezzatura è conforme ai requisiti essenziali ed alle altre disposizioni pertinenti
stabilite dalla direttiva 2014/53/EU.
National Restrictions
• This product meets the National Radio Interface and the requirements specified in the National Frequency Allocation
Table for Italy. Unless this wireless LAN product is operating within the boundaries of the owner's property, its use requires
a “general authorization.” Please check http://www.sviluppoeconomico.gov.it/ for more details.
• Questo prodotto è conforme alla specifiche di Interfaccia Radio Nazionali e rispetta il Piano Nazionale di ripartizione
delle frequenze in Italia. Se non viene installato all 'interno del proprio fondo, l'utilizzo di prodotti Wireless LAN richiede
una “Autorizzazione Generale”. Consultare http://www.sviluppoeconomico.gov.it/ per maggiori dettagli.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Appendix D Legal Information

Latviešu valoda Ar šo Zyxel deklarē, ka iekārtas atbilst Direktīvas 2014/53/EU būtiskajām prasībām un citiem ar to saistītajiem noteikumiem.
National Restrictions
• The outdoor usage of the 2.4 GHz band requires an authorization from the Electronic Communications Office. Please
check http://www.esd.lv for more details.
• 2.4 GHz frekvenèu joslas izmantoðanai ârpus telpâm nepiecieðama atïauja no Elektronisko sakaru direkcijas. Vairâk
informâcijas: http://www.esd.lv.

Lietuvių kalba Šiuo Zyxel deklaruoja, kad šis įranga atitinka esminius reikalavimus ir kitas 2014/53/EU Direktyvos nuostatas.

Magyar Alulírott, Zyxel nyilatkozom, hogy a berendezés megfelel a vonatkozó alapvetõ követelményeknek és az 2014/53/EU
(Hungarian) irányelv egyéb elõírásainak.

Malti (Maltese) Hawnhekk, Zyxel, jiddikjara li dan tagħmir jikkonforma mal-ħtiġijiet essenzjali u ma provvedimenti oħrajn relevanti li hemm
fid-Dirrettiva 2014/53/EU.

Nederlands Hierbij verklaart Zyxel dat het toestel uitrusting in overeenstemming is met de essentiële eisen en de andere relevante
(Dutch) bepalingen van richtlijn 2014/53/EU.

Polski (Polish) Niniejszym Zyxel oświadcza, że sprzęt jest zgodny z zasadniczymi wymogami oraz pozostałymi stosownymi postanowieniami
Dyrektywy 2014/53/EU.

Português Zyxel declara que este equipamento está conforme com os requisitos essenciais e outras disposições da Directiva 2014/53/
(Portuguese) EU.

Română Prin prezenta, Zyxel declară că acest echipament este în conformitate cu cerinţele esenţiale şi alte prevederi relevante ale
(Romanian) Directivei 2014/53/EU.

Slovenčina Zyxel týmto vyhlasuje, že zariadenia spĺňa základné požiadavky a všetky príslušné ustanovenia Smernice 2014/53/EU.

Slovenščina Zyxel izjavlja, da je ta oprema v skladu z bistvenimi zahtevami in ostalimi relevantnimi določili direktive 2014/53/EU.

Suomi (Finnish) Zyxel vakuuttaa täten että laitteet tyyppinen laite on direktiivin 2014/53/EU oleellisten vaatimusten ja sitä koskevien
direktiivin muiden ehtojen mukainen.

Svenska Härmed intygar Zyxel att denna utrustning står I överensstämmelse med de väsentliga egenskapskrav och övriga relevanta
(Swedish) bestämmelser som framgår av direktiv 2014/53/EU.

Norsk Erklærer herved Zyxel at dette utstyret er I samsvar med de grunnleggende kravene og andre relevante bestemmelser I
(Norwegian) direktiv 2014/53/EU.

1. Although Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein are not EU member states, the EU Directive 2014/53/EU has also been implemented in those
2. The regulatory limits for maximum output power are specified in EIRP. The EIRP level (in dBm) of a device can be calculated by adding the
gain of the antenna used (specified in dBi) to the output power available at the connector (specified in dBm).

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Appendix D Legal Information

List of National Codes


Austria AT Liechtenstein LI

Belgium BE Lithuania LT

Bulgaria BG Luxembourg LU

Croatia HR Malta MT

Cyprus CY Netherlands NL

Czech Republic CR Norway NO

Denmark DK Poland PL

Estonia EE Portugal PT

Finland FI Romania RO

France FR Serbia RS

Germany DE Slovakia SK

Greece GR Slovenia SI

Hungary HU Spain ES

Iceland IS Sweden SE

Ireland IE Switzerland CH

Italy IT Turkey TR

Latvia LV United Kingdom GB

Safety Warnings
• Do not use this product near water, for example, in a wet basement or near a swimming pool.
• Do not expose your device to dampness, dust or corrosive liquids.
• Do not store things on the device.
• Do not obstruct the device ventilation slots as insufficient airflow may harm your device. For example, do not place the device in an
enclosed space such as a box or on a very soft surface such as a bed or sofa.
• Do not install, use, or service this device during a thunderstorm. There is a remote risk of electric shock from lightning.
• Connect ONLY suitable accessories to the device.
• Do not open the device or unit. Opening or removing covers can expose you to dangerous high voltage points or other risks. Only qualified
service personnel should service or disassemble this device. Please contact your vendor for further information.
• Make sure to connect the cables to the correct ports.
• Place connecting cables carefully so that no one will step on them or stumble over them.
• Always disconnect all cables from this device before servicing or disassembling.
• Do not remove the plug and connect it to a power outlet by itself; always attach the plug to the power adaptor first before connecting it to
a power outlet.
• Do not allow anything to rest on the power adaptor or cord and do NOT place the product where anyone can walk on the power adaptor
or cord.
• Please use the provided or designated connection cables/power cables/ adaptors. Connect it to the right supply voltage (for example, 110
V AC in North America or 230 V AC in Europe). If the power adaptor or cord is damaged, it might cause electrocution. Remove it from the
device and the power source, repairing the power adapter or cord is prohibited. Contact your local vendor to order a new one.
• Do not use the device outside, and make sure all the connections are indoors. There is a remote risk of electric shock from lightning.
• Caution: Risk of explosion if battery is replaced by an incorrect type, dispose of used batteries according to the instruction. Dispose them at
the applicable collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic device. For detailed information about recycling of this product,
please contact your local city office, your household waste disposal service or the store where you purchased the product.
• Use ONLY power wires of the appropriate wire gauge for your device. Connect it to a power supply of the correct voltage.
• Fuse Warning! Replace a fuse only with a fuse of the same type and rating.
• The POE (Power over Ethernet) devices that supply or receive power and their connected Ethernet cables must all be completely indoors.
• The following warning statements apply, where the disconnect device is not incorporated in the device or where the plug on the power
supply cord is intended to serve as the disconnect device,
– For permanently connected devices, a readily accessible disconnect device shall be incorporated external to the device;
– For pluggable devices, the socket-outlet shall be installed near the device and shall be easily accessible.
• For model list: ZyWALL 310, ZyWALL 1100, USG310, USG1100, USG1900, USG2200.
This device must be grounded by qualified service personnel. Never defeat the ground conductor or operate the device in the absence of a
suitably installed ground conductor. Contact the appropriate electrical inspection authority or an electrician if you are uncertain that
suitable grounding is available. If your device has an earthing screw (frame ground), connect the screw to a ground terminal using an
appropriate AWG ground wire. Do this before you make other connections. If your device has no earthing screw, but has a 3-prong power
plug, make sure to connect the plug to a 3-hole earthed socket.
• WARNING: USG2200 is not suitable for use in locations where children are likely to be present.
• When connecting or disconnecting power to hot-pluggable power supplies, if offered with your system, observe the following guidelines:
– Install the power supply before connecting the power cable to the power supply.
– Unplug the power cable before removing the power supply.
– If the system has multiple sources of power, disconnect power from the system by unplugging all power cables from the power supply.
• PRODUCT COMPLIES WITH 21 CFR 1040.10 AND 1040.11.
• PRODUIT CONFORME SELON 21 CFR 1040.10 ET 1040.11.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Appendix D Legal Information

Environment Statement
Disposal and Recycling Information
The symbol below means that according to local regulations your product and/or its battery shall be disposed of separately from domestic
waste. If this product is end of life, take it to a recycling station designated by local authorities. At the time of disposal, the separate collection of
your product and/or its battery will help save natural resources and ensure that the environment is sustainable development.

Die folgende Symbol bedeutet, dass Ihr Produkt und/oder seine Batterie gemäß den örtlichen Bestimmungen getrennt vom Hausmüll entsorgt
werden muss. Wenden Sie sich an eine Recyclingstation, wenn dieses Produkt das Ende seiner Lebensdauer erreicht hat. Zum Zeitpunkt der
Entsorgung wird die getrennte Sammlung von Produkt und/oder seiner Batterie dazu beitragen, natürliche Ressourcen zu sparen und die Umwelt
und die menschliche Gesundheit zu schützen.

El símbolo de abajo indica que según las regulaciones locales, su producto y/o su batería deberán depositarse como basura separada de la
doméstica. Cuando este producto alcance el final de su vida útil, llévelo a un punto limpio. Cuando llegue el momento de desechar el
producto, la recogida por separado éste y/o su batería ayudará a salvar los recursos naturales y a proteger la salud humana y

Le symbole ci-dessous signifie que selon les réglementations locales votre produit et/ou sa batterie doivent être éliminés séparément des ordures
ménagères. Lorsque ce produit atteint sa fin de vie, amenez-le à un centre de recyclage. Au moment de la mise au rebut, la collecte séparée
de votre produit et/ou de sa batterie aidera à économiser les ressources naturelles et protéger l'environnement et la santé humaine.

Il simbolo sotto significa che secondo i regolamenti locali il vostro prodotto e/o batteria deve essere smaltito separatamente dai rifiuti domestici.
Quando questo prodotto raggiunge la fine della vita di servizio portarlo a una stazione di riciclaggio. Al momento dello smaltimento, la raccolta
separata del vostro prodotto e/o della sua batteria aiuta a risparmiare risorse naturali e a proteggere l'ambiente e la salute umana.

Symbolen innebär att enligt lokal lagstiftning ska produkten och/eller dess batteri kastas separat från hushållsavfallet. När den här produkten når
slutet av sin livslängd ska du ta den till en återvinningsstation. Vid tiden för kasseringen bidrar du till en bättre miljö och mänsklig hälsa genom att
göra dig av med den på ett återvinningsställe.


• 第十二條 經型式認證合格之低功率射頻電機,非經許可,公司,商號或使用者均不得擅自變更頻率、加大功率或變更原設計之特性及功能。
• 第十四條 低功率射頻電機之使用不得影響飛航安全及干擾合法通信;經發現有干擾現象時,應立即停用,並改善至無干擾時方得繼續使用。
• 電磁波曝露量 MPE 標準值 1mW/cm2,送測產品實測值為:0.150 mW/ cm2 (USG60W); 0.108 mW/ cm2 (USG40W); 本產品使用時建議應距
離人體 20 cm
• 無線資訊傳輸設備忍受合法通信之干擾且不得干擾合法通信;如造成干擾,應立即停用,俟無干擾之虞,始得繼續使用。
• 無線資訊傳輸設備的製造廠商應確保頻率穩定性,如依製造廠商使用手冊上所述正常操作,發射的信號應維持於操作頻帶中
• 使用無線產品時,應避免影響附近雷達系統之操作。
• 高增益指向性天線只得應用於固定式點對點系統。

• 本器材須經專業工程人員安裝及設定,始得設置使用,且不得直接販售給⼀般消費者。

安全警告 – 為了您的安全,請先閱讀以下警告及指示 :
• 請勿將此產品接近水、火焰或放置在高溫的環境。

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Appendix D Legal Information

• 避免設備接觸 :
– 任何液體 - 切勿讓設備接觸水、雨水、高濕度、污水腐蝕性的液體或其他水份。
– 灰塵及污物 - 切勿接觸灰塵、污物、沙土、食物或其他不合適的材料。
• 雷雨天氣時,不要安裝,使用或維修此設備。有遭受電擊的風險。
• 切勿重摔或撞擊設備,並勿使用不正確的電源變壓器。
• 若接上不正確的電源變壓器會有爆炸的風險。
• 請勿隨意更換產品內的電池。
• 如果更換不正確之電池型式,會有爆炸的風險,請依製造商說明書處理使用過之電池。
• 請將廢電池丟棄在適當的電器或電子設備回收處。
• 請勿將設備解體。
• 請勿阻礙設備的散熱孔,空氣對流不足將會造成設備損害。
• 請插在正確的電壓供給插座 ( 如 : 北美 / 台灣電壓 110 V AC,歐洲是 230 V AC)。
• 假若電源變壓器或電源變壓器的纜線損壞,請從插座拔除,若您還繼續插電使用,會有觸電死亡的風險。
• 請勿試圖修理電源變壓器或電源變壓器的纜線,若有毀損,請直接聯絡您購買的店家,購買⼀個新的電源變壓器。
• 請勿將此設備安裝於室外,此設備僅適合放置於室內。
• 請勿隨⼀般垃圾丟棄。
• 請參閱產品背貼上的設備額定功率。
• 請參考產品型錄或是彩盒上的作業溫度。
• 產品沒有斷電裝置或者採用電源線的插頭視為斷電裝置的⼀部分,以下警語將適用 :
– 對永久連接之設備,在設備外部須安裝可觸及之斷電裝置;
– 對插接式之設備,插座必須接近安裝之地點而且是易於觸及的。

About the Symbols

Various symbols are used in this product to ensure correct usage, to prevent danger to the user and others, and to prevent property damage.
The meaning of these symbols are described below. It is important that you read these descriptions thoroughly and fully understand the

Explanation of the Symbols


Alternating current (AC):

AC is an electric current in which the flow of electric charge periodically reverses direction.

Direct current (DC):

DC if the unidirectional flow or movement of electric charge carriers.

Earth; ground:
A wiring terminal intended for connection of a Protective Earthing Conductor.

Class II equipment:
The method of protection against electric shock in the case of class II equipment is either double insulation
or reinforced insulation.

Caution: Shock Hazard

Disconnect all power sources

Viewing Certifications
Go to http://www.zyxel.com to view this product’s documentation and certifications.

Zyxel Limited Warranty

Zyxel warrants to the original end user (purchaser) that this product is free from any defects in material or workmanship for a specific period (the
Warranty Period) from the date of purchase. The Warranty Period varies by region. Check with your vendor and/or the authorized Zyxel local
distributor for details about the Warranty Period of this product. During the warranty period, and upon proof of purchase, should the product
have indications of failure due to faulty workmanship and/or materials, Zyxel will, at its discretion, repair or replace the defective products or
components without charge for either parts or labor, and to whatever extent it shall deem necessary to restore the product or components to
proper operating condition. Any replacement will consist of a new or re-manufactured functionally equivalent product of equal or higher value,
and will be solely at the discretion of Zyxel. This warranty shall not apply if the product has been modified, misused, tampered with, damaged by
an act of God, or subjected to abnormal working conditions.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Appendix D Legal Information

Repair or replacement, as provided under this warranty, is the exclusive remedy of the purchaser. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties,
express or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular use or purpose. Zyxel shall in no event be held
liable for indirect or consequential damages of any kind to the purchaser.
To obtain the services of this warranty, contact your vendor. You may also refer to the warranty policy for the region in which you bought the
device at http://www.zyxel.com/web/support_warranty_info.php.

Register your product online at www.zyxel.com to receive email notices of firmware upgrades and related information.

ZyNOS (Zyxel Network Operating System) and ZON (Zyxel One Network) are registered trademarks of Zyxel Communications, Inc. Other
trademarks mentioned in this publication are used for identification purposes only and may be properties of their respective owners.

Open Source Licenses

This product may contain in part some free software distributed under GPL license terms and/or GPL-like licenses.
To request the source code covered under these licenses, please go to: https://www.zyxel.com/form/gpl_oss_software_notice.shtml

Regulatory Notice and Statement (Class B)

Model List: USG40, USG60


The following information applies if you use the product within USA area.
US Importer: Zyxel Communications, Inc, 1130 North Miller Street Anaheim, CA92806-2001, https://www.zyxel.com/us/en/

FCC EMC Statement

• The device complies with Part 15 of FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
• Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the
• This product has been tested and complies with the specifications for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These
limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This device generates, uses, and
can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used according to the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.
• If this device does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which is found by turning the device off and on, the user is
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna
• Increase the separation between the devices
• Connect the equipment to an outlet other than the receiver’s
• Consult a dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for assistance

The following information applies if you use the product with RF function within USA area.

FCC Radiation Exposure Statement

• This device complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.
• This transmitter must be at least 20 cm from the user and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or
• Operation of this device is restricted to indoor use only, except for relevant user's manual mention that this device can be installed into the
external environment.

The following information applies if you use the product within Canada area.

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada ICES Statement


ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Appendix D Legal Information

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada RSS-GEN & RSS-247 Statement
• This device contains licence-exempt transmitter(s)/receiver(s) that comply with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada's
licence-exempt RSS(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device
must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
If the product with 5G wireless function operating in 5150 – 5250 MHz and 5725 – 5850 MHz, the following attention must be paid,
• The device for operation in the band 5150 – 5250 MHz is only for indoor use to reduce the potential for harmful interference to co-channel
mobile satellite systems.
• For devices with detachable antenna(s), the maximum antenna gain permitted for devices in the band 5725 – 5850 MHz shall be such that
the equipment still complies with the e.i.r.p. limits specified for point-to-point and non-point-to-point operation as appropriate; and
• The worst-case tilt angle(s) necessary to remain compliant with the e.i.r.p. elevation mask requirement set forth in Section 6.2.2(3) of RSS 247
shall be clearly indicated.
If the product with 5G wireless function operating in 5250 – 5350 MHz and 5470 – 5725 MHz, the following attention must be paid.
• For devices with detachable antenna(s), the maximum antenna gain permitted for devices in the bands 5250 – 5350 MHz and 5470-5725 MHz
shall be such that the equipment still complies with the e.i.r.p. limit
• L'émetteur/récepteur exempt de licence contenu dans le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Innovation, Sciences et
Développement économique Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions
suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage; (2) L'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le
brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.
• Le présent émetteur radio de modèle s'il fait partie du matériel de catégorieI) a été approuvé par Industrie Canada pour fonctionner avec
les types d'antenne énumérés ci-dessous et ayant un gain admissible maximal et l'impédance requise pour chaque type d'antenne. Les
types d'antenne non inclus dans cette liste, ou dont le gain est supérieur au gain maximal indiqué, sont strictement interdits pour l'exploitation
de l'émetteur.
Lorsque la fonction sans fil 5G fonctionnant en 5150 – 5250 MHz and 5725 – 5850 MHz est activée pour ce produit , il est nécessaire de porter une
attention particulière aux choses suivantes
• Les dispositifs fonctionnant dans la bande 5150 – 5250 MHz sont réservés uniquement pour une utilisation à l’intérieur afin de réduire les risques
de brouillage préjudiciable aux systèmes de satellites mobiles utilisant les mêmes canaux;
• Pour les dispositifs munis d’antennes amovibles, le gain maximal d'antenne permis (pour les dispositifs utilisant la bande de 5 725 à 5 850 MHz)
doit être conforme à la limite de la p.i.r.e. spécifiée pour l'exploitation point à point et l’exploitation non point à point, selon le cas;
• Les pires angles d’inclinaison nécessaires pour rester conforme à l’exigence de la p.i.r.e. applicable au masque d’élévation, et énoncée à la
section 6.2.2 3) du CNR-247, doivent être clairement indiqués.
Lorsque la fonction sans fil 5G fonctionnant en 5250-5350 MHz et 5470 – 5725 MHz est activée pour ce produit , il est nécessaire de porter une
attention particulière aux choses suivantes.
• Pour les dispositifs munis d’antennes amovibles, le gain maximal d'antenne permis pour les dispositifs utilisant les bandes de 5 250 à 5 350 MHz
et de 5 470 à 5 725 MHz doit être conforme à la limite de la p.i.r.e.

Industry Canada radiation exposure statement

This equipment complies with ISED radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and
operated with a minimum distance of 25 cm between the radiator and your body.

Déclaration d’exposition aux radiations:

Cet équipement est conforme aux limites d’exposition aux rayonnements ISED établies pour un environnement non contrôlé. Cet équipement
doit être installé et utilisé avec un minimum de 25 cm de distance entre la source de rayonnement et votre corps.


The following information applies if you use the product within the European Union and United Kingdom.

Declaration of Conformity with Regard to EU Directive 2014/53/EU (Radio Equipment Directive, RED) and
UK Regulation
• Compliance information for 2.4 GHz and/or 5 GHz wireless products relevant to the EU, UK and other Countries following the EU Directive
2014/53/EU (RED) and UK regulation. And this product may be used in all EU countries (and other countries following the EU Directive 2014/53/
EU) and United Kingdom without any limitation except for the countries mentioned below table:
• In the majority of the EU and other European countries, the 5 GHz bands have been made available for the use of wireless local area
networks (LANs). Later in this document you will find an overview of countries in which additional restrictions or requirements or both are
applicable. The requirements for any country may evolve. Zyxel recommends that you check with the local authorities for the latest status of
their national regulations for the 5 GHz wireless LANs.
• If this device for operation in the band 5150 – 5350 MHz, it is for indoor use only.
• This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20cm between the radio equipment and your body.
• The maximum RF power operating for each band as follows:

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Appendix D Legal Information

Български С настоящото Zyxel декларира, че това оборудване е в съответствие със съществените изисквания и другите
(Bulgarian) приложими разпоредбите на Директива 2014/53/ЕC.
National Restrictions
• The Belgian Institute for Postal Services and Telecommunications (BIPT) must be notified of any outdoor wireless link
having a range exceeding 300 meters. Please check http://www.bipt.be for more details.
• Draadloze verbindingen voor buitengebruik en met een reikwijdte van meer dan 300 meter dienen aangemeld te
worden bij het Belgisch Instituut voor postdiensten en telecommunicatie (BIPT). Zie http://www.bipt.be voor meer
• Les liaisons sans fil pour une utilisation en extérieur d’une distance supérieure à 300 mètres doivent être notifiées à
l’Institut Belge des services Postaux et des Télécommunications (IBPT). Visitez http://www.ibpt.be pour de plus amples

Español Por medio de la presente Zyxel declara que el equipo cumple con los requisitos esenciales y cualesquiera otras
(Spanish) disposiciones aplicables o exigibles de la Directiva 2014/53/UE..

Čeština Zyxel tímto prohlašuje, že tento zařízení je ve shodě se základními požadavky a dalšími příslušnými ustanoveními směrnice
(Czech) 2014/53/EU.

Dansk (Danish) Undertegnede Zyxel erklærer herved, at følgende udstyr udstyr overholder de væsentlige krav og øvrige relevante krav i
direktiv 2014/53/EU.
National Restrictions
• In Denmark, the band 5150 - 5350 MHz is also allowed for outdoor usage.
• I Danmark må frekvensbåndet 5150 - 5350 også anvendes udendørs.

Deutsch Hiermit erklärt Zyxel, dass sich das Gerät Ausstattung in Übereinstimmung mit den grundlegenden Anforderungen und den
(German) übrigen einschlägigen Bestimmungen der Richtlinie 2014/53/EU befindet.

Eesti keel Käesolevaga kinnitab Zyxel seadme seadmed vastavust direktiivi 2014/53/EU põhinõuetele ja nimetatud direktiivist
(Estonian) tulenevatele teistele asjakohastele sätetele.

(Greek) ∆ΙΑΤΑΞΕΙΣ ΤΗΣ Ο∆ΗΓΙΑΣ 2014/53/EU.

English Hereby, Zyxel declares that this device is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of
Directive 2014/53/EU.

Français Par la présente Zyxel déclare que l'appareil équipements est conforme aux exigences essentielles et aux autres dispositions
(French) pertinentes de la directive 2014/53/EU.

Hrvatski Zyxel ovime izjavljuje da je radijska oprema tipa u skladu s Direktivom 2014/53/EU.

Íslenska Hér með lýsir, Zyxel því yfir að þessi búnaður er í samræmi við grunnkröfur og önnur viðeigandi ákvæði tilskipunar 2014/53/
(Icelandic) EU.

Italiano (Italian) Con la presente Zyxel dichiara che questo attrezzatura è conforme ai requisiti essenziali ed alle altre disposizioni pertinenti
stabilite dalla direttiva 2014/53/EU.
National Restrictions
• This product meets the National Radio Interface and the requirements specified in the National Frequency Allocation
Table for Italy. Unless this wireless LAN product is operating within the boundaries of the owner's property, its use requires
a “general authorization.” Please check http://www.sviluppoeconomico.gov.it/ for more details.
• Questo prodotto è conforme alla specifiche di Interfaccia Radio Nazionali e rispetta il Piano Nazionale di ripartizione
delle frequenze in Italia. Se non viene installato all 'interno del proprio fondo, l'utilizzo di prodotti Wireless LAN richiede
una “Autorizzazione Generale”. Consultare http://www.sviluppoeconomico.gov.it/ per maggiori dettagli.

Latviešu valoda Ar šo Zyxel deklarē, ka iekārtas atbilst Direktīvas 2014/53/EU būtiskajām prasībām un citiem ar to saistītajiem noteikumiem.
National Restrictions
• The outdoor usage of the 2.4 GHz band requires an authorization from the Electronic Communications Office. Please
check http://www.esd.lv for more details.
• 2.4 GHz frekvenèu joslas izmantoðanai ârpus telpâm nepiecieðama atïauja no Elektronisko sakaru direkcijas. Vairâk
informâcijas: http://www.esd.lv.

Lietuvių kalba Šiuo Zyxel deklaruoja, kad šis įranga atitinka esminius reikalavimus ir kitas 2014/53/EU Direktyvos nuostatas.

Magyar Alulírott, Zyxel nyilatkozom, hogy a berendezés megfelel a vonatkozó alapvetõ követelményeknek és az 2014/53/EU
(Hungarian) irányelv egyéb elõírásainak.

Malti (Maltese) Hawnhekk, Zyxel, jiddikjara li dan tagħmir jikkonforma mal-ħtiġijiet essenzjali u ma provvedimenti oħrajn relevanti li hemm
fid-Dirrettiva 2014/53/EU.

Nederlands Hierbij verklaart Zyxel dat het toestel uitrusting in overeenstemming is met de essentiële eisen en de andere relevante
(Dutch) bepalingen van richtlijn 2014/53/EU.

Polski (Polish) Niniejszym Zyxel oświadcza, że sprzęt jest zgodny z zasadniczymi wymogami oraz pozostałymi stosownymi postanowieniami
Dyrektywy 2014/53/EU.

Português Zyxel declara que este equipamento está conforme com os requisitos essenciais e outras disposições da Directiva 2014/53/
(Portuguese) EU.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Appendix D Legal Information

Română Prin prezenta, Zyxel declară că acest echipament este în conformitate cu cerinţele esenţiale şi alte prevederi relevante ale
(Romanian) Directivei 2014/53/EU.

Slovenčina Zyxel týmto vyhlasuje, že zariadenia spĺňa základné požiadavky a všetky príslušné ustanovenia Smernice 2014/53/EU.

Slovenščina Zyxel izjavlja, da je ta oprema v skladu z bistvenimi zahtevami in ostalimi relevantnimi določili direktive 2014/53/EU.

Suomi (Finnish) Zyxel vakuuttaa täten että laitteet tyyppinen laite on direktiivin 2014/53/EU oleellisten vaatimusten ja sitä koskevien
direktiivin muiden ehtojen mukainen.

Svenska Härmed intygar Zyxel att denna utrustning står I överensstämmelse med de väsentliga egenskapskrav och övriga relevanta
(Swedish) bestämmelser som framgår av direktiv 2014/53/EU.

Norsk Erklærer herved Zyxel at dette utstyret er I samsvar med de grunnleggende kravene og andre relevante bestemmelser I
(Norwegian) direktiv 2014/53/EU.

1. Although Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein are not EU member states, the EU Directive 2014/53/EU has also been implemented in
those countries.
2. The regulatory limits for maximum output power are specified in EIRP. The EIRP level (in dBm) of a device can be calculated by adding the
gain of the antenna used (specified in dBi) to the output power available at the connector (specified in dBm).

List of national codes


Austria AT Liechtenstein LI

Belgium BE Lithuania LT

Bulgaria BG Luxembourg LU

Croatia HR Malta MT

Cyprus CY Netherlands NL

Czech Republic CZ Norway NO

Denmark DK Poland PL

Estonia EE Portugal PT

Finland FI Romania RO

France FR Serbia RS

Germany DE Slovakia SK

Greece GR Slovenia SI

Hungary HU Spain ES

Iceland IS Switzerland CH

Ireland IE Sweden SE

Italy IT Turkey TR

Latvia LV United Kingdom GB

Safety Warnings
• Do not use this product near water, for example, in a wet basement or near a swimming pool.
• Do not expose your device to dampness, dust or corrosive liquids.
• Do not store things on the device.
• Do not obstruct the device ventilation slots as insufficient airflow may harm your device. For example, do not place the device in an
enclosed space such as a box or on a very soft surface such as a bed or sofa.
• Do not install, use, or service this device during a thunderstorm. There is a remote risk of electric shock from lightning.
• Connect ONLY suitable accessories to the device.
• Do not open the device or unit. Opening or removing covers can expose you to dangerous high voltage points or other risks. ONLY qualified
service personnel should service or disassemble this device. Please contact your vendor for further information.
• Make sure to connect the cables to the correct ports.
• Place connecting cables carefully so that no one will step on them or stumble over them.
• Always disconnect all cables from this device before servicing or disassembling.
• Do not remove the plug and connect it to a power outlet by itself; always attach the plug to the power adaptor first before connecting it to
a power outlet.
• Do not allow anything to rest on the power adaptor or cord and do NOT place the product where anyone can walk on the power adaptor
or cord.
• Please use the provided or designated connection cables/power cables/ adaptors. Connect it to the right supply voltage (for example, 110
V AC in North America or 230 V AC in Europe). If the power adaptor or cord is damaged, it might cause electrocution. Remove it from the
device and the power source, repairing the power adapter or cord is prohibited. Contact your local vendor to order a new one.
• Do not use the device outside, and make sure all the connections are indoors. There is a remote risk of electric shock from lightning.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Appendix D Legal Information

• CAUTION: Risk of explosion if battery is replaced by an incorrect type, dispose of used batteries according to the instruction. Dispose them at
the applicable collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic devices. For detailed information about recycling of this
product, please contact your local city office, your household waste disposal service or the store where you purchased the product.
• The following warning statements apply, where the disconnect device is not incorporated in the device or where the plug on the power
supply cord is intended to serve as the disconnect device,
– For permanently connected devices, a readily accessible disconnect device shall be incorporated external to the device;
– For pluggable devices, the socket-outlet shall be installed near the device and shall be easily accessible.
• PRODUCT COMPLIES WITH 21 CFR 1040.10 AND 1040.11.
• PRODUIT CONFORME SELON 21 CFR 1040.10 ET 1040.11.

Environment Statement
ErP (Energy-related Products)
Zyxel products put on the EU and United Kingdom market in compliance with the requirement of the European Parliament and the Council
published Directive 2009/125/EC and UK regulation establishing a framework for the setting of ecodesign requirements for energy-related
products (recast), so called as "ErP Directive (Energy-related Products directive) as well as ecodesign requirement laid down in applicable
implementing measures, power consumption has satisfied regulation requirements which are:
• Network standby power consumption < 8W, and/or
• Off mode power consumption < 0.5W, and/or
• Standby mode power consumption < 0.5W.
(Wireless setting, please refer to "Wireless" chapter for more detail.)

Disposal and Recycling Information

The symbol below means that according to local regulations your product and/or its battery shall be disposed of separately from domestic
waste. If this product is end of life, take it to a recycling station designated by local authorities. At the time of disposal, the separate collection of
your product and/or its battery will help save natural resources and ensure that the environment is sustainable development.

Die folgende Symbol bedeutet, dass Ihr Produkt und/oder seine Batterie gemäß den örtlichen Bestimmungen getrennt vom Hausmüll entsorgt
werden muss. Wenden Sie sich an eine Recyclingstation, wenn dieses Produkt das Ende seiner Lebensdauer erreicht hat. Zum Zeitpunkt der
Entsorgung wird die getrennte Sammlung von Produkt und/oder seiner Batterie dazu beitragen, natürliche Ressourcen zu sparen und die Umwelt
und die menschliche Gesundheit zu schützen.

El símbolo de abajo indica que según las regulaciones locales, su producto y/o su batería deberán depositarse como basura separada de la
doméstica. Cuando este producto alcance el final de su vida útil, llévelo a un punto limpio. Cuando llegue el momento de desechar el
producto, la recogida por separado éste y/o su batería ayudará a salvar los recursos naturales y a proteger la salud humana y

Le symbole ci-dessous signifie que selon les réglementations locales votre produit et/ou sa batterie doivent être éliminés séparément des ordures
ménagères. Lorsque ce produit atteint sa fin de vie, amenez-le à un centre de recyclage. Au moment de la mise au rebut, la collecte séparée
de votre produit et/ou de sa batterie aidera à économiser les ressources naturelles et protéger l'environnement et la santé humaine.

Il simbolo sotto significa che secondo i regolamenti locali il vostro prodotto e/o batteria deve essere smaltito separatamente dai rifiuti domestici.
Quando questo prodotto raggiunge la fine della vita di servizio portarlo a una stazione di riciclaggio. Al momento dello smaltimento, la raccolta
separata del vostro prodotto e/o della sua batteria aiuta a risparmiare risorse naturali e a proteggere l'ambiente e la salute umana.

Symbolen innebär att enligt lokal lagstiftning ska produkten och/eller dess batteri kastas separat från hushållsavfallet. När den här produkten når
slutet av sin livslängd ska du ta den till en återvinningsstation. Vid tiden för kasseringen bidrar du till en bättre miljö och mänsklig hälsa genom att
göra dig av med den på ett återvinningsställe.


• 第十二條 經型式認證合格之低功率射頻電機,非經許可,公司,商號或使用者均不得擅自變更頻率、加大功率或變更原設計之特性及功能。

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Appendix D Legal Information

• 第十四條 低功率射頻電機之使用不得影響飛航安全及干擾合法通信;經發現有干擾現象時,應立即停用,並改善至無干擾時方得繼續使用。
• 無線資訊傳輸設備忍受合法通信之干擾且不得干擾合法通信;如造成干擾,應立即停用,俟無干擾之虞,始得繼續使用。
• 無線資訊傳輸設備的製造廠商應確保頻率穩定性,如依製造廠商使用手冊上所述正常操作,發射的信號應維持於操作頻帶中。
• 使用無線產品時,應避免影響附近雷達系統之操作。
• 若使用高增益指向性天線,該產品僅應用於固定式點對點系統。

• 本器材須經專業工程人員安裝及設定,始得設置使用,且不得直接販售給⼀般消費者。

安全警告 – 為了您的安全,請先閱讀以下警告及指示 :
• 請勿將此產品接近水、火焰或放置在高溫的環境。
• 避免設備接觸 :
– 任何液體 - 切勿讓設備接觸水、雨水、高濕度、污水腐蝕性的液體或其他水份。
– 灰塵及污物 - 切勿接觸灰塵、污物、沙土、食物或其他不合適的材料。
• 雷雨天氣時,不要安裝,使用或維修此設備。有遭受電擊的風險。
• 切勿重摔或撞擊設備,並勿使用不正確的電源變壓器。
• 若接上不正確的電源變壓器會有爆炸的風險。
• 請勿隨意更換產品內的電池。
• 如果更換不正確之電池型式,會有爆炸的風險,請依製造商說明書處理使用過之電池。
• 請將廢電池丟棄在適當的電器或電子設備回收處。
• 請勿將設備解體。
• 請勿阻礙設備的散熱孔,空氣對流不足將會造成設備損害。
• 請插在正確的電壓供給插座 ( 如 : 北美 / 台灣電壓 110 V AC,歐洲是 230 V AC)。
• 假若電源變壓器或電源變壓器的纜線損壞,請從插座拔除,若您還繼續插電使用,會有觸電死亡的風險。
• 請勿試圖修理電源變壓器或電源變壓器的纜線,若有毀損,請直接聯絡您購買的店家,購買⼀個新的電源變壓器。
• 請勿將此設備安裝於室外,此設備僅適合放置於室內。
• 請勿隨⼀般垃圾丟棄。
• 請參閱產品背貼上的設備額定功率。
• 請參考產品型錄或是彩盒上的作業溫度。
• 產品沒有斷電裝置或者採用電源線的插頭視為斷電裝置的⼀部分,以下警語將適用 :
– 對永久連接之設備,在設備外部須安裝可觸及之斷電裝置;
– 對插接式之設備,插座必須接近安裝之地點而且是易於觸及的。

About the Symbols

Various symbols are used in this product to ensure correct usage, to prevent danger to the user and others, and to prevent property damage.
The meaning of these symbols are described below. It is important that you read these descriptions thoroughly and fully understand the

Explanation of the Symbols


Alternating current (AC):

AC is an electric current in which the flow of electric charge periodically reverses direction.

Direct current (DC):

DC if the unidirectional flow or movement of electric charge carriers.

Earth; ground:
A wiring terminal intended for connection of a Protective Earthing Conductor.

Class II equipment:
The method of protection against electric shock in the case of class II equipment is either double insulation or
reinforced insulation.

Viewing Certifications
Go to http://www.zyxel.com to view this product’s documentation and certifications.

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide

Appendix D Legal Information

Zyxel Limited Warranty

Zyxel warrants to the original end user (purchaser) that this product is free from any defects in material or workmanship for a specific period (the
Warranty Period) from the date of purchase. The Warranty Period varies by region. Check with your vendor and/or the authorized Zyxel local
distributor for details about the Warranty Period of this product. During the warranty period, and upon proof of purchase, should the product
have indications of failure due to faulty workmanship and/or materials, Zyxel will, at its discretion, repair or replace the defective products or
components without charge for either parts or labor, and to whatever extent it shall deem necessary to restore the product or components to
proper operating condition. Any replacement will consist of a new or re-manufactured functionally equivalent product of equal or higher value,
and will be solely at the discretion of Zyxel. This warranty shall not apply if the product has been modified, misused, tampered with, damaged by
an act of God, or subjected to abnormal working conditions.

Repair or replacement, as provided under this warranty, is the exclusive remedy of the purchaser. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties,
express or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular use or purpose. Zyxel shall in no event be held
liable for indirect or consequential damages of any kind to the purchaser.
To obtain the services of this warranty, contact your vendor. You may also refer to the warranty policy for the region in which you bought the
device at http://www.zyxel.com/web/support_warranty_info.php.

Register your product online at www.zyxel.com to receive email notices of firmware upgrades and related information.

ZyNOS (Zyxel Network Operating System) and ZON (Zyxel One Network) are registered trademarks of Zyxel Communications, Inc. Other
trademarks mentioned in this publication are used for identification purposes only and may be properties of their respective owners.

Open Source Licenses

This product may contain in part some free software distributed under GPL license terms and/or GPL-like licenses.
To request the source code covered under these licenses, please go to: https://www.zyxel.com/form/gpl_oss_software_notice.shtml

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide



Symbols logging in 526

multiple logins 852
see also users 840
Web Configurator 853
access users, see also force user authentication
Numbers account
user 840, 958
3322 Dynamic DNS 456 accounting server 916
3DES 672 Active Directory, see AD
6in4 tunneling 370 active protocol 676
6to4 tunneling 370 AH 676
and encapsulation 676
ESP 676
active sessions 201, 220
A ActiveX 752
AD 917, 919, 920, 922
directory structure 918
Base DN 919
Distinguished Name, see DN
Bind DN 919, 922
password 922
directory structure 918
port 922, 924
Distinguished Name, see DN
search time limit 922
DN 919, 920, 922
SSL 922
password 922
port 922, 924 address groups 897
search time limit 922 and content filtering 731, 732
SSL 922 and FTP 1003
and security policy 530
AAA server 916
and SNMP 1007
AD 918
and SSH 999
and users 841
and Telnet 1002
directory service 917
and WWW 984
LDAP 917, 918
local user database 918 address objects 897
RADIUS 917, 918, 923 and content filtering 731, 732
RADIUS group 923 and FTP 1003
see also RADIUS and NAT 437, 467
and policy routes 436
access 37
and security policy 530
access control attacks 765
and SNMP 1007
Access Point Name, see APN and SSH 999
access users 840, 842 and Telnet 1002
custom page 984 and VPN connections 649
forcing login 526 and WWW 984
idle timeout 851 HOST 897

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide


RANGE 897 e-mail headers 795

SUBNET 897 excess e-mail sessions 796
types of 897, 903 general settings 796
address record 972 identifying legitimate e-mail 794
admin user identifying spam 794
troubleshooting 1098, 1099 log options 798
mail scan 799
admin users 840
mail sessions threshold 796
multiple logins 852
POP2 795
see also users 840
POP3 795
ADP 620
regular expressions 803
false negatives 622
SMTP 795
false positives 622
status 275
inline profile 622
white list 794, 798, 802, 803
monitor profile 622
anti-virus 147, 782
Advanced Encryption Standard, see AES
alerts 787
AES 672 black list 787, 789
AF 440 boot sector virus 792
AH 655, 676 EICAR 785
and transport mode 677 e-mail virus 792
alerts 1029, 1030, 1032, 1036, 1038, 1039 file decompression 788
anti-spam 798 file infector virus 792
anti-virus 787 log options 787
IDP 762, 763, 814, 815 macro virus 792
polymorphic virus 792
ALG 487, 493
scanner types 793
and NAT 487, 489
signatures 791
and policy routes 489, 493
statistics 271
and security policy 487, 489
troubleshooting 1090, 1093
and trunks 493
troubleshooting signatures update 1090
FTP 487, 488
updating signatures 288
H.323 487, 488, 493
virus 147
peer-to-peer calls 489
virus types 792
RTP 494
white list 791
see also VoIP pass through 487
worm 147
SIP 487, 488
AP group 244, 298, 303
Anomaly Detection and Prevention, see ADP
APN 365
anti-malware 782
firmware package blocking 788 Application Layer Gateway, see ALG
packet scan 782 application patrol 725
packet types 783 actions 725
virus 782 and HTTP redirect 482
worm 782 and security policy 725
anti-spam 794, 798, 800 classification 725
action for spam mails 799 exceptions 725
alerts 798 port-less 725
black list 794, 798, 800 ports 726
concurrent e-mail sessions 274, 796 service ports 726
DNSBL 795, 799, 805 troubleshooting 1090, 1095, 1098
e-mail header buffer 795 troubleshooting signatures update 1090

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide


updating signatures 289 Autonomous Systems (AS) 450

AppPatrol, see application patrol 289 auxiliary interfaces 320
ASAS (Authenex Strong Authentication System) 917
asymmetrical routes 612
allowing through the security policy 615
vs virtual interfaces 612
backdoor attacks 765
access control 765
backing up configuration files 1043
backdoor 765
buffer overflow 765 bandwidth
Denial of Service (DoS) 653 egress 366, 375
DoS/DDoS 765 ingress 366, 375
false negatives 760 bandwidth limit
false positives 760 troubleshooting 1092
IM 765 bandwidth management 725
P2P 765 maximize bandwidth usage 440, 714
scan 765 see also application patrol 725
severity of 763 troubleshooting 1092
spam 766 Base DN 919
trapdoor 765 base profiles
trojan 765 in IDP 759
virus 147, 766, 782
Batch import 635
worm 766
BGP 455
Authenex Strong Authentication System (ASAS) 917
Bind DN 919, 922
BitTorrent 765
in IPSec 656
LDAP/AD 918 black list 798, 800
server 916 anti-spam 794

authentication algorithms 671, 672 Blaster 779

and active protocol 672 bookmarks 691
MD5 672 boot sector virus 792
SHA1 672 bridge interfaces 320, 392
Authentication Header, see AH and virtual interfaces of members 393
authentication method objects 925 basic characteristics 320
and users 841 effect on routing table 392
and WWW 983 member interfaces 392
create 927 virtual 349
example 925 bridges 391
authentication policy buffer overflow 765
exceptional services 528 buffer overflow attacks 765
Authentication server
RADIUS client 1010
authentication server 1008, 1010, 1013
authentication type 157, 952
Authentication, Authorization, Accounting servers,
see AAA server
and certificates 935
authorization server 916
CA (Certificate Authority), see certificates

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide


Calling Station ID 871, 873, 875, 878, 881 Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
capturing packets 1062, 1065 (CHAP) 952

card SIM 366 CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication

Protocol) 952
CEF (Common Event Format) 1026, 1035
cellular 359
CLI 35, 40
APN 365
button 40
interfaces 320
messages 40
signal quality 229, 230
popup window 40
SIM card 366
Reference Guide 2
status 231
system 229 client 701
troubleshooting 1091 cluster ID 825
certificate CNM
troubleshooting 1099 ID 636
Certificate Authority (CA) commands 35
see certificates sent by Web Configurator 40
Certificate Revocation List (CRL) 935 Common Event Format (CEF) 1026, 1035
vs OCSP 950 compression (stac) 953
certificates 934 computer names 344, 388, 402, 410, 427, 708
advantages of 935 computer virus 147, 782
and CA 935 infection and prevention 793
and FTP 1003 see also virus
and HTTPS 979 concurrent e-mail sessions 274, 796
and IKE SA 676
and SSH 999
information 1057
and synchronization (Device HA) 833
web-based SSL application example 954
and VPN gateways 649
configuration file
and WWW 981
troubleshooting 1100
certification path 934, 942, 948
expired 934 configuration files 1041
factory-default 935 at restart 1044
file formats 935 backing up 1043
fingerprints 943, 949 downloading 1045, 1077
importing 939 downloading with FTP 1002
in IPSec 662 editing 1041
not used for encryption 934 how applied 1042
revoked 934 lastgood.conf 1044, 1047
self-signed 935, 941 managing 1043
serial number 943, 948 startup-config.conf 1047
storage space 937, 945 startup-config-bad.conf 1044
thumbprint algorithms 936 syntax 1042
thumbprints 936 system-default.conf 1047
used for authentication 934 uploading 1048
verifying fingerprints 935 uploading with FTP 1002
use without restart 1041
certification requests 941
certifications 1127
troubleshooting 1095
viewing 1123, 1129
connection monitor (in SSL) 265

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide


connectivity check 343, 359, 366, 375, 387, 404, 411, verifying 778
415, 656 custom.rules file 772, 1094
console port customer support 1103, 1111
speed 968
contact information 1103, 1111
content (pattern) 776
content filter
troubleshooting 1090
Data Encryption Standard, see DES
content filtering 731, 732
and address groups 731, 732 date 964
and address objects 731, 732 daylight savings 966
and schedules 731, 732 DDNS 456
and user groups 731 backup mail exchanger 461
and users 731 mail exchanger 461
by category 731, 732, 738 service providers 456
by keyword (in URL) 732, 753 troubleshooting 1095
by URL 732, 752, 754, 755 DDoS attacks 765
by web feature 732, 752 Dead Peer Detection, see DPD
cache 756
decompression of files (in anti-virus) 788
categories 738
category service 737
security policy behavior 611
default policy 732
external web filtering service 737, 756 Default_L2TP_VPN_GW 706
filter list 732 Denial of Service (DoS) attacks 765
managed web pages 738 Denial of Service (Dos) attacks 653
policies 731, 732 DES 672
registration status 287
device access
Security Threat web pages 738
troubleshooting 1089
statistics 267
Device HA 821
testing 739
management access 822
uncategorized pages 738
management IP address 822
URL for blocked access 734
monitored interfaces 829
cookies 36, 752
device HA 822
copyright 1117
cluster ID 825
CPU usage 200 copying configuration 822
CSV 635 device role 828
current date/time 197, 964 HA status 824
and schedules 911 modes 822
daylight savings 966 monitored interfaces 826
setting manually 967 password 829
time server 968 synchronization 822, 833
current user list 265 synchronization password 829
synchronization port number 829
virtual router 825, 834
access user page 984
virtual router and management IP addresses 826
login page 984
device High Availability see Device HA 821
custom signatures 769, 772, 1094
applying 778 DHCP 426, 963
example 776 and DNS servers 427

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide


and domain name 963 DPD 664

and interfaces 426 DSA 941
pool 427 DSCP 433, 436, 716, 1082
static DHCP 427
DUID 324
DHCP Unique IDentifier 324
Dynamic Domain Name System, see DDNS
DHCPv6 958
dynamic guest 225
DHCP Unique IDentifier 324
dynamic guest account 225, 841
DHCPv6 Request 958
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, see DHCP.
dynamic peers in IPSec 654
controller 1058
dynamic users log 283
diagnostics 1057
DynDNS 456
diagnostics controller
busy on ap 1059 DynDNS see also DDNS 456
busy on ZyWall 1059 Dynu 456
standby 1059
diagnosticsL AP 1060
Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) 770 E
Diffie-Hellman key group 672
DiffServ 440 eBGP (exterior Border Gate Protocol) 450
Digital Signature Algorithm public-key algorithm, see e-Donkey 765
egress bandwidth 366, 375
direct routes 432
directory 917
Ekahau RTLS 315
directory service 917
e-mail 794
file structure 918
daily statistics report 1023
disclaimer 1117 header buffer 795
Distinguished Name (DN) 919, 920, 922 headers 795
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks 765 virus 792
DN 919, 920, 922 e-Mule 765
DNS 969 Encapsulating Security Payload, see ESP
address records 972 encapsulation
domain name forwarders 974 and active protocol 676
domain name to IP address 972 IPSec 655
IP address to domain name 973 transport mode 676
L2TP VPN 708 tunnel mode 676
Mail eXchange (MX) records 975 VPN 676
pointer (PTR) records 973 encryption
DNS Blacklist see DNSBL 795 and anti-malware 788
DNS inbound LB 519 IPSec 656
DNS servers 157, 969, 974 RSA 943
and interfaces 427 encryption algorithms 672
DNSBL 795, 799, 805 3DES 672
see also anti-spam 795 AES 672
domain name 963 and active protocol 672
DES 672
Domain Name System, see DNS
encryption method 952
DoS (Denial of Service) attacks 765

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide


end of IP list 770 flags 770

enforcing policies in IPSec 654 flash usage 200
ESP 655, 676 forcing login 526
and transport mode 677 FQDN 972
Ethernet interfaces 320 fragmentation flag 774
and OSPF 328 fragmentation offset 774
and RIP 328
free guest account 589
and routing protocols 326
free time 589
basic characteristics 320
configuration 589
virtual 349
enable 589
exceptional services 528
FTP 1002
extended authentication
additional signaling port 492
and VPN gateways 649
ALG 487
IKE SA 675
and address groups 1003
Extended Service Set IDentification 857 and address objects 1003
ext-group-user 844 and certificates 1003
ext-user 844 and zones 1003
troubleshooting 1098 signaling port 492
troubleshooting 1095
with Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1003
full tunnel mode 680, 684
Fully-Qualified Domain Name, see FQDN

false negatives 622, 760

false positives 622, 625, 760
fast forwarding 1021 G
file decompression (in anti-virus) 788
file extensions Generic Routing Encapsulation, see GRE.
configuration files 1041 global SSL setting 685
shell scripts 1041 user portal logo 686
file infector 792 Grace Period 31
file manager 1041 GRE 428
file sharing SSL application GSM 366
create 956 Guide
Firefox 36 CLI Reference 2
firewall Quick Start 2
and SMTP redirect 483
and restart 1049 H
current version 197, 1053
getting updated 1049
H.323 493
uploading 1052
additional signaling port 492
uploading with FTP 1002
ALG 487, 493
firmware package and RTP 494
troubleshooting 1097 and security policy 488
firmware upload signaling port 492
troubleshooting 1100 troubleshooting 1095

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide


HA status see device HA 824 inline profile 760

header checksum 770 log options 625, 629, 762, 763, 764, 814, 815
host-based intrusions 779 monitor profile 760
packet inspection profiles 760
packet inspection signatures 760
query view 762, 764
over SSL, see HTTPS
reject sender 628, 762, 764, 815
redirect to HTTPS 982
reject-both 628, 762, 764, 815
vs HTTPS 979
reject-receiver 628, 762, 764, 815
HTTP redirect service group 766
and application patrol 482 severity 763
and interfaces 486 signature ID 764, 815
and policy routes 482, 483 signatures 757
and security policy 482 signatures and synchronization (Device HA) 833
packet flow 482 Snort signatures 780
troubleshooting 1095 statistics 269
HTTPS 979 troubleshooting 1090, 1094
and certificates 979 troubleshooting signatures update 1090
authenticating clients 979 updating signatures 289
avoiding warning messages 990 verifying custom signatures 778
example 989 IEEE 802.1q VLAN
vs HTTP 979
IEEE 802.1q. See VLAN.
with Internet Explorer 989
IEEE 802.1x 857
with Netscape Navigator 989
IHL (IP Header Length) 770
hub-and-spoke VPN, see VPN concentrator
HyperText Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer,
see HTTPS aggressive mode 671, 674
and certificates 676
and RADIUS 675
and to-ZyWALL security policy 1096
I authentication algorithms 671, 672
content 673
ICMP 907 Dead Peer Detection (DPD) 664
code 775 Diffie-Hellman key group 672
sequence number 775 encryption algorithms 672
type 775 extended authentication 675
identification (IP) 774 ID type 673
IP address, remote IPSec router 671
IP address, Zyxel device 671
legitimate e-mail 794
local identity 673
spam 794
main mode 671, 674
IDP 757
NAT traversal 675
action 628, 762, 764, 815
negotiation mode 671
alerts 762, 763, 814, 815
password 675
applying custom signatures 778
peer identity 673
base profiles 759
pre-shared key 673
custom signature example 776
proposal 671
custom signatures 769
see also VPN
false negatives 760
user name 675
false positives 760
IM (Instant Messenger) 765

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide


IMAP 795 subnet mask 425

iMesh 765 trunks, see also trunks.
inbound LB algorithm Tunnel, see also Tunnel interfaces.
least connection 521 types 320
least load 521 virtual, see also virtual interfaces.
weighted round robin 521 VLAN, see also VLAN interfaces.
WLAN, see also WLAN interfaces.
inbound load balancing 519
time to live 522 Internet access
troubleshooting 1089, 1098
incoming bandwidth 366, 375
Internet Control Message Protocol, see ICMP
ingress bandwidth 366, 375
Internet Explorer 36
inline profile 622, 760
Internet Message Access Protocol, see IMAP 795
precautions 79 Internet Protocol (IP) 769

Instant Messenger (IM) 725, 765 Internet Protocol Security, see IPSec
managing 725 Internet Protocol version 6, see IPv6
interface Intrusion, Detection and Prevention see IDP 757
status 214 intrusions
troubleshooting 1091 host 779
interfaces 319 network 779
and DNS servers 427 IP (Internet Protocol) 769
and HTTP redirect 486 IP options 770, 775
and layer-3 virtualization 320 IP policy routing, see policy routes
and NAT 467, 477
IP pool 685
and physical ports 320
IP protocols 906
and policy routes 436
and service objects 907
and static routes 439
and VPN gateways 649
TCP, see TCP
and zones 320
UDP, see UDP
as DHCP relays 426
as DHCP servers 426, 963 IP security option 770
auxiliary, see also auxiliary interfaces. IP static routes, see static routes
backup, see trunks IP stream identifier 770
bandwidth management 423, 424, 426 IP v4 packet headers 770
bridge, see also bridge interfaces.
IP/MAC binding 510
cellular 320
exempt list 513
DHCP clients 425
monitor 223
Ethernet, see also Ethernet interfaces.
static DHCP 513
gateway 425
IPSec 150, 610, 644
general characteristics 320
active protocol 655
IP address 425
AH 655
metric 425
and certificates 649
MTU 426
authentication 656
overlapping IP address and subnet mask 425
basic troubleshooting 1096
port groups, see also port groups.
certificates 662
PPPoE/PPTP, see also PPPoE/PPTP interfaces.
connections 649
prerequisites 321
connectivity check 656
relationships between 321
Default_L2TP_VPN_GW 706
static DHCP 427
encapsulation 655

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide


encryption 656 when IKE SA is disconnected 676

established in two phases 646 troubleshooting 1096
L2TP VPN 706 IPv6 322
local network 644 link-local address 323
local policy 654 prefix 322
NetBIOS 653 prefix delegation 323
peer 644 prefix length 322
Perfect Forward Secrecy 656 stateless autoconfiguration 323
PFS 656
IPv6 tunnelings
phase 2 settings 655
6in4 tunneling 370
policy enforcement 654
6to4 tunneling 370
remote access 654
IPv6-in-IPv4 tunneling 370
remote IPSec router 644
remote network 644 ISP account
remote policy 654 CHAP 952
replay detection 653 CHAP/PAP 952
SA life time 655 MPPE 952
SA monitor 263 MSCHAP 952
SA see also IPSec SA 676 MSCHAP-V2 952
see also VPN PAP 952
site-to-site with dynamic peer 654 ISP accounts 950
static site-to-site 654 and PPPoE/PPTP interfaces 353, 950
transport encapsulation 655 authentication type 952
tunnel encapsulation 655 encryption method 952
VPN gateway 649 stac compression 953
active protocol 676
and security policy 1097
and to-ZyWALL security policy 1096
authentication algorithms 671, 672
Java 752
destination NAT for inbound traffic 679
permissions 36
encapsulation 676
encryption algorithms 672 JavaScripts 36
local policy 676
NAT for inbound traffic 678
NAT for outbound traffic 678
Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) 677
proposal 677
key pairs 934
remote policy 676
search by name 264
search by policy 264
Security Parameter Index (SPI) (manual keys) 677 L
see also IPSec
see also VPN
L2TP VPN 705
source NAT for inbound traffic 678
Default_L2TP_VPN_GW 706
source NAT for outbound traffic 678
DNS 708
status 263
IPSec configuration 706
transport mode 676
policy routes 706
tunnel mode 676

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide


session monitor 265 debugging 279

WINS 708 regular 279
lastgood.conf 1044, 1047 types of 279
Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol Virtual Private Network, see log options 787, 798
L2TP VPN 705 (IDP) 625, 629, 762, 763, 764, 814, 815
layer-2 isolation 515 login
example 515 custom page 984
IP 516 SSL user 689
LDAP 917 logo
and users 841 troubleshooting 1100
Base DN 919 logo in SSL 686
Bind DN 919, 922 logout
directory 917 SSL user 692
directory structure 918 Web Configurator 40
Distinguished Name, see DN
DN 919, 920, 922
and security policy 619
password 922
e-mail profiles 1025
port 922, 924
e-mailing log messages 1029
search time limit 922
formats 1026
SSL 922
log consolidation 1031
user attributes 856
settings 1025
least connection algorithm 521 syslog servers 1025
least load algorithm 521 system 1025
least load first load balancing 418 types of 1025
LED troubleshooting 1089 loose source routing 770
legitimate e-mail 794
level-4 inspection 726
level-7 inspection 725 M
licensing 285
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, see LDAP MAC address 854
limited-admin 844 and VLAN 376
Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP ) 232 Ethernet interface 339
range 197
LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol) 232
MAC authentication 870, 872, 875, 878, 881
load balancing 308, 417
Calling Station ID 871, 873, 875, 878, 881
algorithms 418, 422, 424
case 870, 871, 873, 875, 878, 881
DNS inbound 519
delimiter 870, 871, 872, 873, 875, 878, 881
least load first 418
round robin 418 mac role 854
see also trunks 417 macro virus 792
session-oriented 418 mail sessions threshold 796
spillover 419 managed web pages 738
weighted round robin 419
management access
local user database 918 troubleshooting 1099
log management access and Device HA 822
troubleshooting 1100
Management Information Base (MIB) 1004, 1005
log messages
managing the device
categories 1030, 1032, 1036, 1038, 1039

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide


using SNMP. See SNMP. N

MD5 672
memory usage 200 NAT 440, 462
Message Digest 5, see MD5 ALG, see ALG
messages and address objects 437
CLI 40 and address objects (HOST) 467
and ALG 487, 489
metrics, see reports
and interfaces 467, 477
and policy routes 430, 437
Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol
and security policy 613
(MSCHAP) 952
and to-ZyWALL security policy 468
Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol
Version 2 (MSCHAP-V2) 952 and VoIP pass through 489
Point-to-Point Encryption (MPPE) 952 and VPN 675
loopback 468
mobile broadband see also cellular 359
port forwarding, see NAT
model name 197
port translation, see NAT
Monitor 635 traversal 675
monitor 265 NAT Port Mapping Protocol 495
Google Authenticator 848
NAT Traversal 495
SA 263
monitor profile
NBNS 344, 388, 402, 410, 427, 685
ADP 622
Broadcast over IPSec 653
monitored interfaces 826
Name Server, see NBNS.
Device HA 829
NetBIOS Name Server, see NBNS
rack 34, 74 NetMeeting 493
wall 80 see also H.323

MPPE (Microsoft Point-to-Point Encryption) 952 Netscape Navigator 36

MSCHAP (Microsoft Challenge-Handshake network access mode 33

Authentication Protocol) 952 full tunnel 680
MSCHAP-V2 (Microsoft Challenge-Handshake Network Address Translation, see NAT
Authentication Protocol Version 2) 952 network list, see SSL 685
MTU 366, 375 Network Time Protocol (NTP) 967
multicast 863 network-based intrusions 779
multicast rate 863 Nimda 779
mutation virus 792 no IP options 770
My Certificates, see also certificates 936 No-IP 456
MyDoom 779 notification
myZyxel 31, 290 response message 1013
accounts, creating 31 NSSA 443
and IDP 727, 759
accounts, creating 148
objects 681
AAA server 916

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide


addresses and address groups 897 link state advertisements

authentication method 925 priority 445
certificates 934 types of 444
schedules 911 OTP (One-Time Password) 917
services and service groups 906 outgoing bandwidth 366, 375
SSL application 953
users, user groups 840, 958
offset (patterns) 776
One-Time Password (OTP) 917 P
Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) 950
vs CRL 950 P2P (Peer-to-peer) 765
attacks 765
Open Shortest Path First, see OSPF
see also Peer-to-peer
operating mode 306
OSI (Open System Interconnection) 757
inspection signatures 758, 760
OSI level-4 726 scan 782
OSI level-7 725 statistics 211, 212
OSPF 443 packet capture 1062, 1065
and Ethernet interfaces 328 files 1061, 1068, 1069, 1071
and RIP 444 troubleshooting 1101
and static routes 444 packet captures
and to-ZyWALL security policy 443 downloading files 1062, 1069, 1071
area 0 444
padding 770
areas, see OSPF areas
PAP (Password Authentication Protocol) 952
authentication method 328
autonomous system (AS) 443 Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) 952
backbone 444 payload
configuration steps 445 option 775
direction 328 size 776
link cost 328 Peanut Hull 456
priority 328 Peer-to-peer (P2P) 765
redistribute 444 calls 489
redistribute type (cost) 447 managing 725
routers, see OSPF routers Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) 656
virtual links 445 Diffie-Hellman key group 677
vs RIP 441, 443
OSPF areas 443 troubleshooting 1092, 1093, 1094
and Ethernet interfaces 328
Personal Identification Number code, see PIN code
backbone 443
PFS (Perfect Forward Secrecy) 656, 677
Not So Stubby Area (NSSA) 443
stub areas 443 physical ports
types of 443 packet statistics 211, 212

OSPF routers 444 PIN code 366

area border (ABR) 444 PIN generator 917
autonomous system boundary (ASBR) 444 pointer record 973
backbone (BR) 444 Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet, see PPPoE.
backup designated (BDR) 445
Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol, see PPTP
designated (DR) 445
policy enforcement in IPSec 654
internal (IR) 444

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide


policy route PPTP 427

troubleshooting 1090, 1098 and GRE 428
policy routes 430 as VPN 428
actions 431 prefix delegation 323
and address objects 436 printer
and ALG 489, 493 status 258
and HTTP redirect 482, 483 printer firmware 577
and interfaces 436
printer list 577
and NAT 430
printer management 577
and schedules 436, 715, 719
and service objects 907 problems 1089
and SMTP redirect 483 profiles
and trunks 417, 436 packet inspection 760
and user groups 435, 715, 719 proxy servers 482
and users 435, 715, 719 web, see web proxy servers
and VoIP pass through 489 PTR record 973
and VPN connections 436, 1096
Public-Key Infrastructure (PKI) 935
benefits 430
public-private key pairs 934
BWM 432
criteria 431
L2TP VPN 706
overriding direct routes 432 Q
polymorphic virus 792
POP QoS 430, 711
POP2 795 query view (IDP) 762, 764
POP3 795
Quick Start Guide 2
pop-up windows 36
port forwarding, see NAT
port groups 320, 325
port roles 324
and Ethernet interfaces 324
rack-mounting 34, 74
and physical ports 324
RADIUS 917, 918
port translation, see NAT
advantages 917
Post Office Protocol, see POP 795
and IKE SA 675
power off 1086 and PPPoE 427
PPP 427 and users 841
troubleshooting 1091 user attributes 856
PPP interfaces RADIUS server 1008, 1010, 1013
subnet mask 425 troubleshooting 1098
PPPoE 427 RDP 954
and RADIUS 427 Real-time Transport Protocol, see RTP
TCP port 1723 428
RealVNC 954
PPPoE/PPTP interfaces 320, 353
record route 770
and ISP accounts 353, 950
Reference Guide, CLI 2
basic characteristics 320
gateway 353 registration 285
subnet mask 353 reject (IDP)
both 628, 762, 764, 815

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide


receiver 628, 762, 764, 815 and to-ZyWALL security policyl 441
sender 628, 762, 764, 815 authentication 441
Relative Distinguished Name (RDN) 919, 920, 922 direction 328
remote access IPSec 654 redistribute 441
RIP-2 broadcasting methods 328
Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service, see
RADIUS versions 328
vs OSPF 441
remote desktop connections 954
Rivest, Shamir and Adleman public-key algorithm
Remote Desktop Protocol
(RSA) 941
see RDP
round robin 418
remote management
FTP, see FTP
troubleshooting 1094
see also service control 978
Telnet 1001 Routing Information Protocol, see RIP
to-Device security policy 611 routing protocols 440
WWW, see WWW and Ethernet interfaces 326
remote network 644 RSA 941, 943, 949
remote user screen links 954 RSSI threshold 863
replay detection 653 RTLS 315
reports RTP 494
anti-virus 271 see also ALG 494
collecting data 217
content filtering 267
daily 1023
daily e-mail 1023
IDP 269
specifications 219 same IP 775
traffic statistics 217 scan attacks 765
reset 1101 scanner types 793
RESET button 1101 schedule
RFC troubleshooting 1099
1058 (RIP) 441 schedule backup 1048
1389 (RIP) 441 schedules 911
1587 (OSPF areas) 443 and content filtering 731, 732
1631 (NAT) 440 and current date/time 911
1889 (RTP) 494 and policy routes 436, 715, 719
2131 (DHCP) 426 and security policy 530, 619, 715, 719
2132 (DHCP) 426 one-time 911
2328 (OSPF) 443 recurring 911
2402 (AH) 655, 676 types of 911
2406 (ESP) 655, 676 screen resolution 36
2516 (PPPoE) 427 SecuExtender 701
2637 (PPTP) 427
2890 (GRE) 428
Example Network Topology 635
3261 (SIP) 493
Secure Hash Algorithm, see SHA1
RIP 441
Secure Socket Layer, see SSL
and Ethernet interfaces 328
and OSPF 441 SecuReporter
and static routes 441 Application Scenario 638

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide


security associations, see IPSec services 906

security policy 611 and Device HA 823
actions 619 and security policy 619
and address groups 530 Session Initiation Protocol, see SIP
and address objects 530 session limits 612, 629
and ALG 487, 489 session monitor (L2TP VPN) 265
and application patrol 725
sessions 220
and H.323 (ALG) 488
sessions usage 201
and HTTP redirect 482
and IPSec VPN 1097 severity (IDP) 760, 763
and logs 619 SHA1 672
and NAT 613 shell script
and schedules 530, 619, 715, 719 troubleshooting 1100
and service groups 619 shell scripts 1041
and service objects 907 and users 856
and services 619 downloading 1055
and SIP (ALG) 488 editing 1054
and user groups 619, 631 how applied 1042
and users 619, 631 managing 1055
and VoIP pass through 489 syntax 1042
and zones 611, 616 uploading 1056
asymmetrical routes 612, 615
Short Message Service 1012
global rules 612
shutdown 1086
priority 615
rule criteria 612 signal quality 229, 230
see also to-Device security policy 611 signature categories
session limits 612, 629 access control 765
triangle routes 612, 615 backdoor/Trojan 765
troubleshooting 1090 buffer overflow 765
security settings DoS/DDoS 765
troubleshooting 1090 IM 765
P2P 765
Security Threat web pages 738
scan 765
sensitivity level 625
spam 766
serial number 197 virus/worm 766
service control 978 Web attack 766
and to-ZyWALL security policy 978 signature ID 764, 771, 774, 815
and users 979
limitations 978
anti-virus 791
timeouts 979
IDP 757
service groups 907 packet inspection 760
and security policy 619 updating 288
in IDP 766
SIM card 366
service objects 906
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, see SMTP 795
and IP protocols 907
Simple Network Management Protocol, see SNMP
and policy routes 907
and security policy 907 Simple Traversal of UDP through NAT, see STUN

Service Set 857 SIP 488, 493

ALG 487
service subscription status 287
and RTP 494

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide


and security policy 488 encryption methods 998

media inactivity timeout 491 for secure Telnet 999
signaling inactivity timeout 492 how connection is established 997
signaling port 492 versions 998
troubleshooting 1095 with Linux 1000
SMS 1012 with Microsoft Windows 999
send account information 1012 SSL 680, 685, 979
ViaNett account 1012 access policy 680
SMS gateway 1012 and AAA 922
SMTP 795 and AD 922
and LDAP 922
SMTP redirect
certificates 689
and firewall 483
client 701
and policy routes 483
client virtual desktop logo 686
packet flow 483
computer names 685
SNAT 440
connection monitor 265
troubleshooting 1094
full tunnel mode 684
SNMP 36, 1003, 1004 global setting 685
agents 1004 IP pool 685
and address groups 1007 network list 685
and address objects 1007 remote user login 689
and zones 1007 remote user logout 692
authentication 1008 SecuExtender 701
Get 1004 see also SSL VPN 680
GetNext 1004 troubleshooting 1097
Manager 1004 user application screens 692, 698
managers 1004 user file sharing 693
MIB 1004, 1005 user screen bookmarks 691
network components 1004 user screens 688, 691
Set 1004 user screens access methods 688
Trap 1004 user screens certificates 689
traps 1005 user screens login 689
version 3 and security 1004 user screens logout 692
versions 1003 user screens required information 689
Snort user screens system requirements 688
equivalent terms 780 WINS 685
rule header 780 SSL application object 953
rule options 780 file sharing application 956
signatures 780 remote user screen links 954
Source Network Address Translation, see SNAT summary 955
spam 150, 610, 766, 794 types 953
spillover (for load balancing) 419 web-based 953, 956
web-based example 954
SQL slammer 779
SSL policy
SSH 996
add 682
and address groups 999
edit 682
and address objects 999
objects used 681
and certificates 999
and zones 999 SSL VPN 680
client requirements 998 access policy 680

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide


full tunnel mode 680 system name 197, 963

network access mode 33 system reports, see reports
remote desktop connections 954 system uptime 197
see also SSL 680
system-default.conf 1047
troubleshooting 1097
weblink 954
stac compression 953
startup-config.conf 1047 T
and synchronization (Device HA) 833
if errors 1044 TCP 907
missing at restart 1044 ACK number 775
present at restart 1044 attack packet 628, 762, 764, 815
startup-config-bad.conf 1044 connections 907
static DHCP 513 flag bits 775
port numbers 907
static routes 430
window size 775
and interfaces 439
and OSPF 444 Telnet 1001
and RIP 441 and address groups 1002
metric 439 and address objects 1002
and zones 1002
with SSH 999
anti-virus 271
content filtering 267 throughput rate
daily e-mail report 1023 troubleshooting 1100
IDP 269 TightVNC 954
traffic 217 time 964
status 194 time servers (default) 967
streaming protocols management 725 time to live 770
strict source routing 770 timestamp 770
stub area 443 to-Device security policy
STUN 489 and remote management 611
and ALG 489 global rules 611
subscription services see also security policy 611
and synchronization (Device HA) 823 token 917
SSL VPN 148, 285 to-ZyWALL security policy
SSL VPN, see also SSL VPN and NAT 468
status 287 and NAT traversal (VPN) 1097
supported browsers 36 and OSPF 443
SWM 432 and RIP 441
and service control 978
synchronization 822
and VPN 1096
and subscription services 823
information synchronized 833 TR-069 protocol 634
password 829 traffic statistics 217
port number 829 Transmission Control Protocol, see TCP
restrictions 833 transport encapsulation 655
syslog 1026, 1035 Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1003
syslog servers, see also logs trapdoor attacks 765
system log, see logs triangle routes 612

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide


allowing through the security policy 615 VLAN 1092

vs virtual interfaces 612 VPN 1097
Triple Data Encryption Standard, see 3DES WLAN 1092
trojan attacks 765 zipped files 1093

troubleshooting 1057, 1089 trunks 320, 417

admin user 1098, 1099 and ALG 493
anti-virus 1090, 1093 and policy routes 417, 436
anti-virus signatures update 1090 member interface mode 422, 424
application patrol 1090, 1095, 1098 member interfaces 422, 424
application patrol signatures update 1090 see also load balancing 417
bandwidth limit 1092 Trusted Certificates, see also certificates 945
bandwidth management 1092 tunnel encapsulation 655
cellular 1091 Tunnel interfaces 320
certificate 1099 two-factor authentication 846
configuration file 1100
two-factor authentication methods 846
connection resets 1095
content filter 1090
DDNS 1095
device access 1089 U
ext-user 1098
firmware package 1097 UDP 907
firmware upload 1100 attack packet 628, 762, 764, 815
FTP 1095 messages 907
H.323 1095 port numbers 907
HTTP redirect 1095
UltraVNC 954
IDP 1090, 1094
Universal Plug and Play 136, 495
IDP signatures update 1090
Application 495
interface 1091
security issues 496
Internet access 1089, 1098
IPSec VPN 1096 unsolicited commercial e-mail 150, 610, 794
LEDs 1089 updating
logo 1100 anti-virus signatures 288
logs 1100 IDP and application patrol signatures 289
management access 1099 signatures 288
packet capture 1101 upgrading
performance 1092, 1093, 1094 firmware 1052
policy route 1090, 1098 uploading
PPP 1091 configuration files 1048
RADIUS server 1098 firmware 1052
routing 1094 shell scripts 1054
schedules 1099
UPnP 495
security policy 1090
UPnP-enabled Network Device
security settings 1090
auto-discover 503
shell scripts 1100
SIP 1095 URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) 776
SNAT 1094 URL 636
SSL 1097 usage
SSL VPN 1097 CPU 200
throughput rate 1100 flash 200

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide


memory 200 attributes for RADIUS 856

onboard flash 200 attributes in AAA servers 856
sessions 201 currently logged in 198
user accounts default lease time 851, 853
for WLAN 842 default reauthentication time 851, 853
user authentication 840 default type for Ext-User 841
external 841 ext-group-user (type) 840
local user database 918 Ext-User (type) 841
ext-user (type) 840
user awareness 842
groups, see user groups
User Datagram Protocol, see UDP
Guest (type) 840
user group objects 840, 958 guest-manager (type) 840
user groups 840, 842, 958 lease time 846
and content filtering 731 limited-admin (type) 840
and policy routes 435, 715, 719 lockout 852
and security policy 619, 631 reauthentication time 846
user name types of 840
rules 843 user (type) 840
user objects 840, 958 user names 843
verification code 845
user portal
links 954
logo 686
see SSL user screens 688, 691 V
user sessions, see sessions
user SSL screens 688, 691 Vantage Report (VRPT) 1026, 1035
access methods 688 virtual interfaces 320, 349
bookmarks 691 basic characteristics 320
certificates 689 not DHCP clients 425
login 689 types of 349
logout 692 vs asymmetrical routes 612
required information 689 vs triangle routes 612
system requirements 688
Virtual Local Area Network, see VLAN.
user/group 842
Virtual Local Area Network. See VLAN.
user-aware 531
Virtual Network Computing
users 840, 958 see VNC
access, see also access users
Virtual Private Network, see VPN
admin (type) 840
virtual router 825, 834
admin, see also admin users
and AAA servers 841 virtual server load balancing 235
and authentication method objects 841 virus 766
and content filtering 731 attack 147, 766, 782
and LDAP 841 boot sector 792
and policy routes 435, 715, 719 e-mail 792
and RADIUS 841 file infector 792
and security policy 619, 631 life cycle 793
and service control 979 macro 792
and shell scripts 856 mutation 792
attributes for Ext-User 841 polymorphic 792
attributes for LDAP 856

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide


VLAN 369, 376 note 1123, 1129

advantages 376 Web attack 766
and MAC address 376 Web Configurator 35
ID 376 access 37
troubleshooting 1092 access users 853
VLAN interfaces 320, 377 requirements 36
and Ethernet interfaces 377, 1092 supported browsers 36
basic characteristics 320 web features
virtual 349 ActiveX 752
VoIP pass through 493 cookies 752
and NAT 489 Java 752
and policy routes 489 web proxy servers 752
and security policy 489 web proxy servers 482, 752
see also ALG 487
web-based SSL application 953
VPN 644 configuration example 954
active protocol 676 create 956
and NAT 675
weblink 954
basic troubleshooting 1096
weighted round robin (for load balancing) 419
hub-and-spoke, see VPN concentrator
IKE SA, see IKE SA weighted round robin algorithm 521
IPSec 150, 610, 644 WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) 857
IPSec SA white list (anti-spam) 794, 798, 802, 803
proposal 672 Wi-Fi Protected Access 857
security associations (SA) 646
Windows Internet Naming Service, see WINS
see also IKE SA
Windows Internet Naming Service, see WINS.
see also IPSec 150, 610, 644
see also IPSec SA Windows Remote Desktop 954
status 206 WINS 344, 388, 402, 410, 427, 685
troubleshooting 1097 in L2TP VPN 708
VPN concentrator 666 WINS server 344, 708
advantages 666 Wireshark 777
and IPSec SA policy enforcement 668 Wizard Setup 151
disadvantages 666 WLAN
VPN connections troubleshooting 1092
and address objects 649 user accounts 842
and policy routes 436, 1096 WLAN interfaces 320
VPN gateways worm 147, 766, 782
and certificates 649 attacks 766
and extended authentication 649
WPA 857
and interfaces 649
WPA2 857
and to-ZyWALL security policy 1097
WWW 980
VRPT (Vantage Report) 1026, 1035
and address groups 984
and address objects 984
and authentication method objects 983
W and certificates 981
and zones 984
wall-mounting 80 see also HTTP, HTTPS 980
warranty 1123, 1129

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide


zipped files
troubleshooting 1093
ZON Utility 1016
zones 837
and FTP 1003
and interfaces 837
and security policy 611, 616
and SNMP 1007
and SSH 999
and Telnet 1002
and VPN 837
and WWW 984
extra-zone traffic 838
inter-zone traffic 838
intra-zone traffic 838
types of traffic 837
ZyMesh 887
auto provision 887
bridge loops 888
hop 888
profile 889
Repeater 888
repeater 887
Root AP 888
root AP 887
security 890
SSID 890
WDS 887
ZyMesh profiles 889

ZyWALL USG Series User’s Guide


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