The Role of Pesantern On Yoth Development

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‫ا لسال م عليكم ورحمة ا هلل وبر كا ته‬

‫الحمد هلل ا لغفا ر الر حيم الذي ا ن عمنا رحمة ونصرا وفضلنا علي ساءر مخلوقاته وجعلناخلفاءه في‬
‫والصال ة والسال م علي نبينامحمد الذي علمنا اساس التوحيد واوجبنا ان نؤمن با هللا با للسا ن‬
‫ونصدقه با ا لقلب‬
-‫اما بعد‬

Honorable Juries
Respectable Chairman
All Participants of English Speech Contest

In this golden chance before going to my speech, there is nothing to say but only all praises be
to Allah the almighty the lord of world, the owner of universe who has bestowed everything and
poured his mercy and blessing for all creatures. Him only we worship and him only ask for help.
Furthermore, may the blessing of Allah be shown upon the blessed messenger Muhammad
(peace be upon him) the greatest and illiterate man who was sent by Allah to guide humanity from
distraction to the truth from stupidity era to Islamic era which full of knowledge and technology.
Last but no least, I should never forget to say million thank to Mr. Chairman. Who has given
me the limited time to deliver my English speech. And in this precious chance please allow me here
to deliver my speech on the title


Do you know Madura island? Of course you know, because you are now staying at Al-amien,
that’s situated at Sumenep. Base on the fact that Sumenep is one of regency in Madura Island. Is it
right! Madura is divided to be four regencies. They are Bangkalan, Sampang, Pamekasan, and
Sumenep. During last time ago, Madura has been famous by the Islamic Boarding School. Those
boarding schools have gotten a good respond from the maduranese society. So that most of peoples
were studying there, for their first study.

Dear Brothers

Before I talk more about the “the role of Pesantren on maduranese community
it‘s better for us to know, what is the Islamic boarding school mean? Do you know all? Of course you
know, because Islamic boarding school was spread around you all. The boarding school is special
place to seek knowledge and science. The students are obligated to stay in that place and they must
obey all the rules of Pesantren.
Dear Brothers

Islamic Boarding school is a necessary for maduranese community development because

Islamic boarding school has the significant role in keeping the existence of Madura in the future time.
The graduation of Islamic boarding school has to prove his role to the maduranese community and to
the religion. Most of them have been a good leader in maduranese community specially , to repair
the badness of Madura condition to the good condition. Do you know the head of Bangkalan
regency? Respectable K. H. Fuad Amien Imron and the head of Pamekasan regency respectable
Drs. Syafi’e and moreover here, for Sumenep, who is our regency? He is KH. Ramdan Siraj all of
them are graduation from Islamic boarding school. So that doesn’t impressed for us if most of
maduranese community, sent their children to study in boarding school rather to be the social leader
and be muttafaqquh fiddien person specially in this maduranese community.

Dear Brothers and Sisters

Madura society made Pesantren as the first choice for children education in generally and
pursuing Islamic science, especially. And it’s all just for content problem of life. Obedience and
Excellency of Madura society to the leader of Pesantren is very noble. It’s like philosophical system of
Madura society. That Muslim Scholars, teacher, leader of pesantren must be obedient after parent. It
means for philosophy of Madura is “father, mother, teacher, and king.
The philosophy of Madura society could be an implication in pesantren, especially the leader
of Pesantren to the all fact of Madura society and the leader just not only formal pesantren, but
informal leader for increasing of Madura society . And also, that pesantren is a great sector of Madura
life for culture, religious, politic, economic, and social-life.

Dear Brothers and Sisters

From those explanations above, we can take conclusion that Madura is well-known by
Pesantren and Muslim scholar, and that’s all as education and Perl, which are very significant
especially in increasing our character and knowledge, and also endeavor Madura society to be better
than before. Therefore we are as the young generation in this world, we have to do the best for our
nation. Think to be the best, do the best, and make our body healthy, wealthy and wise in the future
time. And it is suitable with a common wise word “ The religion without science is lame. And science
without religion is nonsense”.

Dear Brothers and Sisters

May be those all what can I deliver to you all in this time if you fine many mistake from my
speech please pardon me-pardon me because I’m not angle I am just a human being that couldn’t be
released by the mistake. Thank you very much for your attention to me. And the last, I say to you all

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

By; Nur Haidi

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