Design and Fabrication of Adjustable Multiseasonal Harvesting Machine
Design and Fabrication of Adjustable Multiseasonal Harvesting Machine
Design and Fabrication of Adjustable Multiseasonal Harvesting Machine
Harvesting Machine, Adjustable Mechanism, Cutting Operation
It is a science and art of cultivation on the soil, raising crops. It is also called farming.
Agriculture plays a vital role in Indian economy. India is a country which is dependent on
farming as a main source of income for many families. As far as Indian scenario is concerned,
more than 75 percent farmers are belonging to small and marginal land carrying. So any
improvement in the productivity related task help to increase Indian farmer’s status and
economy. The current agriculture equipments has lot of limitation and it required more energy to
In India agriculture is facing serious challenges like scarcity of agricultural labour, not
only in peak working seasons but also in normal time. This is mainly for increased nonfarm job
opportunities having higher wage, migration of labour force to cities and low status of
agricultural labours in the society. Further, the agriculture farming system is shown in Fig. 1.1
Harvesting is a process of cutting and gathering of mature crop from the field. Harvester
is a machine is used for harvesting. Different types of harvesting machines are available in the
market namely crop harvester, onion harvester, paddy harvester, tea harvester, potato harvester,
wheat harvester and sugarcane harvester.
Harvesting Methods
Manual harvesting method
In this method, harvesting is done manually with the help of human. Manual harvesting is
dominant in the developing country. In this, the land is first set on fire. The fire burns dry leaves
without harming the stalks and roots. Then labors cut the cane just above the ground level using
the canes or machetes. The manual harvesting is more intensive as compare to machine
harvesting. Further, the manual harvesting method is time consuming, efficient work may not be
done and the cost required for harvesting is also more.
The objectives of the present study are as given below:
1. To design the harvesting machine for cutting, conveying purpose
2. To fabricate the adjustable mechanism harvesting machine for cutting, conveying
3. To check the performance of adjustable mechanism and harvesting machine in all
Comparative Result:
The time and number of labors required for harvesting the different crops for manual
method, machine method and proposed machine method is tabulated in Table 5.4. Further, the
cost required for different method is also given in Table 5.4. The labor required per acre for
different methods for different crops is shown in Fig. 5.1. Further, time required and cost
required per acre for different methods for different crops is shown in Figs. 5.2 and 5.3,
respectively. It is observed from above Figs. that the proposed machine method shows
reasonably good results when compared with manual method and machine method.
Table 5.4 Comparative result
Labour required per acre
Manual Method Machine Method Proposed Method
Manual Method Machine Method Proposed Method
Manual Method Machine Method Proposed Method
The labors required for the proposed machine method is less than the manual method and
equal to machine method. Further, the machine method cannot be suitable for small scale
farmers as it is economically not feasible.
The time duration required for the proposed machine method is less than the manual
method and more than machine method. Further, the machine method cannot be suitable
for small scale farmers as it is economically not feasible.
The cost required for harvesting the one acre land is also less by using proposed machine
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