Outdoor Art Creator Badge

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Brownie Outdoor Art

Creator Badge
1. Find art ideas outdoors

Do a nature scavenger hunt in your yard or on a walk. We used this one:


2. Make something

Build & decorate the birdfeeder or birdhouse from your spring basket. Hang it outside for local
birds to enjoy!

3. Make music outdoors

Make a windchime! We are making this one https://howtothisandthat.com/wind-chime-kids-

craft/. But get creative with what you have!

4. Be a nature photographer

Take pictures of interesting plants and creatures in your yard. Trying taking pictures from the
perspective of a ladybug or a butter y!

5. Design with nature

Build a fairy house with things found in nature, from your yard or gathered on a walk. Twigs,
sticks, leaves, and owers are all good for building.


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