Foods To Enjoy, Foods To Toss: For Autoimmunity
Foods To Enjoy, Foods To Toss: For Autoimmunity
Foods To Enjoy, Foods To Toss: For Autoimmunity
For Autoimmunity
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Amy Myers, MD © Amy Myers MD 2019 All Rights Reserved 4
WHAT ARE Autoimmune diseases are born when your
AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES? body is working hard to defend itself against
Although there are many types of something potentially dangerous, such as
autoimmune diseases, and they can affect an allergen, a toxin, an infection, or even
many different organs (such as your thyroid a food, and it fails to differentiate between
if you have Hashimoto’s, or your joints if you the intruder and parts of your own body.
have rheumatoid arthritis), at their core they Your stressed immune system then turns
are all similar in that they are a response antibodies against you, mistakenly attacking
to inflammation that causes your immune your own tissues instead of invaders, causing
system to attack your own body. No matter a potentially wide range of symptoms.
what type of autoimmune disease you have,
the true problem (and solution) lies with your
1. Celiac Disease
immune system.
2. Crohn's Disease
Your immune system has a very sophisticated 3. Diabetes, type 1
system for keeping you safe that leads it to 4. Graves' disease
identify all the foreign substances that enter 5. Hashimoto's thyroiditis
6. Lupus
your body or that you come into contact with.
7. Multiple sclerosis
If your immune system deems anything
8. Psoriasis
dangerous, it will produce antibodies to ward
9. Rheumatoid arthritis
off the harmful intruders.
10. Scleroderma
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, especially
a combination of several of them, you may have an
autoimmune disease.
Enroll in The Autoimmune Solution Program and you’ll:
Well Worth the Money!
• Be on your way to living a vibrant, energetic, and pain-free life.
I love the way this program is put together.
The videos and materials are informative and • Heal your gut and reduce your inflammation.
clear, and well worth the money. The meals
• Lighten your stress load for peace of mind and optimal health.
and plans are easy to use, fast, simple and
delicious. My whole family has enjoyed them. • Slow, stop, or even reverse your condition.
I highly recommend this program for anyone
with an autoimmune disorder or anyone who • Avoid harsh medications and invasive treatments.
wants to be more in tune with their health and
• Become the confident, healthy person you were meant to be!
their family’s health!”
• Elderberries
• Avocado, avocado oil • Figs
• Beets • Coconut, coconut oil, coconut flour, • Gooseberries
• Carrots coconut butter/manna/milk/ yogurt/ • Grapefruit
• Cassava cream • Grapes
• Chestnuts • Ghee (if you tolerate it) • Guavas
• Jerusalem artichokes • Grapeseed oil • Huckleberries
• Jicama • Olives, olive oil • Kiwis
• Parsnips • Flaxseed oil • Kumquats
• Plantains • Animal fat (lard, beef tallow) • Lemons
• Pumpkins • Palm oil • Limes
• Rutabagas • Loquats
• Sweet potatoes • Lychees
• Taro • Apples
• Mangoes
• Tigernuts • Apricots
• Melons (cantaloupe, honeydew,
• Turnips • Bananas
watermelon, etc.)
• Water chestnuts • Bilberries
• Mulberries
• Yams • Blackberries
• Nectarines
• Yucca • Blueberries
• Papayas
• Boysenberries
• Passionfruit
• Currants
• Peaches
• Cherries
• Pears
• Cranberries
• Persimmons
• Dates (limit during the thirty-day
• Pineapples
elimination diet and avoid if treating
• Plums
Candida overgrowth or SIBO)
• Pomegranates
• Dragonfruit
• Quince
• Raisins (limit during the thirty-day • Thyme
elimination diet and avoid if treating • Turmeric
Candida overgrowth or SIBO) • Anise • Vanilla
• Raspberries • Apple cider vinegar
• Star fruit
• Bay leaf • Bone broth
• Strawberries
• Cacao • Coconut milk
• Tamarillos
• Cilantro/coriander • Fruit and vegetable juices,
• Tamarind fruit
• Cinnamon unsweetened
FLOURS • Smoothies
• Cloves
• Arrowroot starch • Mocktails
• Cassava flour • Tea, herbal, caffeine-free
• Coconut flour • Tigernut milk
• Plantain flour • Water, filtered or sparkling
• Sweet potato flour
• Tapioca flour • Cumin
• Tigernut flour • Dill
• Alcohol • Corn and anything made from corn
• Fast foods, junk foods, or containing high-fructose corn syrup
processed foods • Dairy, including cow, sheep and goat milk ‡ cheese,
• Food additives: any foods that contain cottage cheese, cream, yogurt, butter, ice cream, frozen
artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives yogurt, and nondairy creamers, whey protein, casein
• Genetically modified foods (GMOs), • Eggs: chicken and duck§
including canola oil and beet sugar • Gluten: found in anything that contains spelt, barley, rye,
• Processed meats:canned meats or wheat
(such as SPAM; canned fish is okay), cold cuts, hot dogs • Gluten-free grains and pseudograins: amaranth,
• Processed and refined oils: mayonnaise, salad buckwheat, millet, oats, quinoa, rice
dressings, shortening, spreads • Legumes: beans, green beans, garbanzos, lentils, peas,
• Refined oils, hydrogenated fats, trans fats, including snow peas, peanuts, and soy
margarine • Nightshades: eggplant, peppers, potatoes, tomatoes
• Stimulants and caffeine: coffee, yerba mate • Nuts, including nut butters
• Sweeteners: sugar, sugar alcohols, sweetened juices, • Peanuts
high-fructose corn syrup • Seeds, including seed butters
• Trans fats and hydrogenated oils (frequently found in • Soy in all its forms including: miso, tofu, tempeh, soy
packaged and processed foods) milk, soy creamer, soy yogurt, soy cheese, kimchi
‡Though the proteins in sheep and goat’s milk are different from those in cow’s milk, some
people may not tolerate them.
§Though the proteins in duck eggs are different from those in chicken eggs, some people
may not tolerate them.
• Acetyl-Glutathione is ideal for optimal detoxification and • Has had toxic exposures in the past or presently.
support of your liver, your most important detox organ.
• Wants to support healthy thyroid function.
• Liposomal Curcumin allows the best absorption of
the amazing inflammation balancing properties of this
natural turmeric-derived ingredient.
Order Your Kit NOW!
1 pear
4 slices nitrate-free organic bacon
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