Conceptual Process Design Suite: Tutorials
Conceptual Process Design Suite: Tutorials
Conceptual Process Design Suite: Tutorials
Design Suite
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Crude Pre-Heat Train Network 1-1
1.5 References....................................................................................33
1-2 Introduction
1.1 Introduction
In this tutorial, you will design a heat exchanger network for a crude
pre-heat train. A network will be created based on a process flow
diagram proposed by a contractor. The concepts introduced here are
used throughout the tutorial:
• creating process and utility streams,
• adding heat exchangers, and
• using the worksheet to manipulate the network.
After the crude oil has been heated by the products, it is passed
through a Pre-Flash operation to remove the Light naphtha cut. The
heavier components from the Pre-Flash operation are heated by the
hottest portion of the fuel oil in heat exchanger 3, and then passed
through two furnaces. The crude tower takes the heated feed, and
separates the Light Naphtha and the Fuel Oil cuts. The remaining cuts
pass to the second column, the stripper. The stripper column also
produces three other products: Gas Oil, Heavy Naphtha, and Kerosene.
Crude Pre-Heat Train Network 1-3
1-4 Entering Process Information
Figure 1.2
4. In the Unit Set Name field, change the name of the custom unit
set to Energy Integration-Euro SI.
5. In the Display Units group, scroll through the table until you find
Energy. The current energy flow unit is set to kcal/h.
Crude Pre-Heat Train Network 1-5
6. Click the Unit dropdown list for Energy Flow and Select MW.
Figure 1.3
Figure 1.4
1-6 Entering Process Information
• Press the SPACE BAR and type F, then press ENTER. ExchangerNet
automatically converts the value to the default units.
Figure 1.5
The temperature value in Once the inlet and outlet temperatures are entered, ExchangerNet
the Outlet T cell
determines the stream type as hot or cold. The stream type is indicated
automatically changes
from 194°F to 90°C, in the second column by a red arrow for hot streams or a blue arrow for
because degrees Celsius is cold streams.
the default unit.
Crude Pre-Heat Train Network 1-7
For this example, the Fuel Oil stream must be segmented. Stream
segmentation is extremely useful for streams that change phase or
have non-linear variations in enthalpy as the temperature changes.
Double-clicking in the HTC 1. Double-click in any cell of the Fuel Oil row (except for the HTC
column opens the HTC column) to open the Process Stream view.
Default Values view, which
displays a list of default
heat transfer coefficients Figure 1.6
for various materials.
1-8 Entering Process Information
6. After entering the information for the last segment (167°C to 90°C),
the process stream is complete as should appear as shown in the
figure below.
Figure 1.7
Figure 1.8
8. Click the Close icon to return to the Process Streams tab of the HI
Case view.
Close icon The red arrow beside the stream name indicates it is a hot stream.
Crude Pre-Heat Train Network 1-9
Enter the stream name, first Inlet T value and the target
(last) Outlet T value on the Process Streams tab before
accessing the Process Stream view to enter the segment
Enter only the Outlet T values and the Heat Load/Enthalpy
values; the Inlet T values are calculated for you.
If you try to enter the segment values in the wrong order, a
warning appears.
1-10 Entering Process Information
9. After entering all the information in the above table, the Process
Streams tab in the HI Case view appears similar to the figure
Figure 1.9
Figure 1.10
The Hot and Cold status bars appear below the tab when the Utility Streams tab is
selected. The status bars indicate that there are not enough hot and cold utilities to
satisfy the process streams.
Crude Pre-Heat Train Network 1-11
4. Scroll through the list until you find Cooling Water, then select it.
Figure 1.11
The Cold status bar indicates that cold utilities are now sufficient. This means
that the cold utility entered can be used to cool all of the hot process
The Utility Streams tab should now appear similar to the figure below.
Figure 1.12
1-12 Examining the Targets
Figure 1.13
Since at least one set of economic data must be available for the
calculation of the capital cost targets and network capital costs, this
information is left as is.
Crude Pre-Heat Train Network 1-13
Figure 1.15
DTmin is
15°C and
1-14 Examining the Targets
8. In the Interval Size cell, enter 0.5. This is the step size that will be
used between the lower and upper DTmin values.
The Range Target view should appear like the figure below:
Figure 1.16
Figure 1.17
Crude Pre-Heat Train Network 1-15
The Open Palette View icon allows you to access the Design Tools palette.
1-16 Building the Heat Exchanger
•Right-click on the Grid Diagram, and select Properties from the
Open HEN Diagram
Object Inspect menu.
Properties View icon 2. From the list in the Property Presets view, select Preset 4:
(Temperature). This property preset sorts the streams by their
temperatures and displays both process and utility streams.
3. Click the Edit button. The Property Preset: Preset 4 view appears.
Figure 1.19
Crude Pre-Heat Train Network 1-17
Figure 1.20
To add heat exchangers, In this procedure, you will add a splitter to the Desalter Feed stream in
mixers and splitters, the
Design Tools palette must the flowsheet.
be available. 1. Click the Open Palette View icon, located in the bottom right
corner of the Grid Diagram tab.
The Design Tools palette appears.
Figure 1.21
1-18 Building the Heat Exchanger
4. Now release the mouse button. The splitter appears as a solid blue
5. To expand the splitter, click the blue dot once. The stream will now
appear as shown in the figure below.
Figure 1.22
The Desalter Feed stream exchanges heat with the Light Naphtha
stream in exchanger 6 and the Fuel Oil stream in exchanger 10. You will
now place the first heat exchanger on the Desalter Feed stream.
1. In the Design Tools palette, right-click and hold on the Add Heat
Add Heat Exchanger icon Exchanger icon.
2. Drag the cursor to the top branch of the split on the Desalter Feed
stream until the Bull’s eye icon appears.
3. Release the mouse button. The heat exchanger appears as a sold
red dot.
4. Click and hold on the red dot, then drag the cursor to the Light
Bull’s eye icon Naphtha stream. A light blue dot will appear underneath the cursor
as you drag it to the new stream.
5. Release the mouse button. The heat exchanger appears.
Red Dot icon
Crude Pre-Heat Train Network 1-19
The Grid Diagram tab should now appear as shown in the figure
Figure 1.23
1-20 Building the Heat Exchanger
10. Click the Tied checkbox by the Desalter Feed stream (cold stream)
inlet temperature field. The view now appears as shown in the
figure below.
Figure 1.24
Cold Stream
Cold Stream (in this case,
Upstream Inlet
Mixer (Outlet) Temperature
Since the Desalter Feed 11. Click the Tied checkbox by the hot stream inlet temperature field.
stream is being heated
from its initial inlet Before the calculation can occur, you must specify the cold stream
temperature, you can outlet temperature.
“tie” this value to the inlet
temperature value found 12. In the cold stream outlet temperature field, enter 121°C. This value
on the Process Streams comes from the Desalter Stream outlet target temperature on the
tab on the main HI Case Process Flowsheet.
Crude Pre-Heat Train Network 1-21
The heat exchanger now solves and appears as shown in the figure
All values in blue have below.
been entered by the user
and can be altered.
All values in black have Figure 1.25
been calculated by
ExchangerNet and cannot
be altered.
13. Click the Close icon to close the Exchanger 6 property view.
Close icon
Adding Heat Exchanger 10
Figure 1.26
Heat Exchanger 10
1. In the Design Tools palette, right-click and hold on the Add Heat
Bull’s eye icon
Exchanger icon.
2. Drag the cursor to the empty branch of the split on the Desalter
Feed stream until the Bull’s eye icon appears.
Red Dot icon 3. Release the mouse button. The heat exchanger appears as a sold
red dot.
4. Click and hold on the red dot, then drag the cursor to the Fuel Oil
Light blue dot icon
stream. A light blue dot will appear underneath the cursor as you
drag it to the new stream.
(under four arrows)
1-22 Building the Heat Exchanger
Figure 1.27
Top Branch
Crude Pre-Heat Train Network 1-23
Figure 1.28
1-24 Building the Heat Exchanger
3. Arrange the heat exchanger view and the Split Editor view so you
can see both views clearly.
To decrease the inlet temperature for Exchanger 10, you must transfer
less energy in the heat exchanger. An effective way of doing this is to
decrease the flow of the cold stream.
4. In the Split Editor view, Flow Ratios column, click in the top cell with
the blue text. Change the flow ratio value from 0.5 to 0.75 and
observe the inlet temperature change in the heat exchanger view.
The rows in the Branch 5. Continue to adjust the split ratio until the hot stream inlet
Streams table represent
the two branches of the temperature for Exchanger 10 is about 167°C. The split ratio will be
split. approximately 0.2 for Exchanger 10 and 0.8 for Exchanger 6.
Examine the Grid 6. Close the Split Editor view and the Exchanger 10 property views.
Diagram to confirm which
table row affects which
The line representing the Desalter Feed stream is now solid. This means
that this stream’s energy requirements have been satisfied.
Figure 1.30
7. Open the Property Presets view by clicking the Open HEN Diagram
Open HEN Properties Properties View icon in the Design Tools palette.
View icon
Crude Pre-Heat Train Network 1-25
7. Add a cooler between the Fuel Oil stream and the Cooling Water
utility stream, downstream from Exchanger 10 on the Fuel Oil
From the Process 8. Open the Heat Exchanger Editor view by double-clicking on either
Flowsheet, you know the end of the newly inserted heat exchanger.
cooling water utility cools
the rest of the Fuel Oil 9. Click the Notes tab. In the Name field, type CW1.
stream from the 10. Click the Data tab.
Exchanger 10 outlet
temperature of 120°C to 11. Click the Tied checkbox by the hot stream inlet temperature field.
the stream target
temperature of 90°C. 12. Click the Tied checkbox by the hot stream outlet temperature field.
The exchanger solves.
1-26 Building the Heat Exchanger
The Fuel Oil and Light Naphtha streams should appear as shown in the
figure below.
Figure 1.32
You can only add heat In the following procedure, you will use the Work Sheet tab to modify
exchangers in the Grid the heat exchangers:
Diagram tab.
1. Close any property views that are open.
2. Follow steps #1 through #5 in Section 1.4.4 - Adding Heat
Exchangers to add a heat exchanger between the Pre-Flash Feed
stream and the Heavy Naphtha stream.
Crude Pre-Heat Train Network 1-27
3. On the HEN Design view, click the Work Sheet tab (see figure
below). The newly added heat exchanger is named E-104.
Figure 1.33
The “yellow
light” icon
indicates that
this heat
exchanger is not
fully specified
4. In the Heat Exchanger column, click in the cell with E-104 and
type Exchanger 9.
From the Process 5. In the Exchanger 9 row, click the checkbox in the Tied column
Flowsheet, you know that
beside the Cold T in column.
both the Heavy Naptha
stream and the Pre-Flash 6. Click the checkbox in the Tied column beside the Hot T in column.
Feed stream enter
Exchanger 9 at their inlet 7. Click in the Cold T out cell and enter 122°C. The final values are
temperatures. calculated and appear on the worksheet. The “yellow light” icon
You also know the Pre- disappears, indicating a fully solved heat exchanger.
Flash Feed stream exits
the exchanger at 122°C. 8. Click on the Grid Diagram tab.
9. To satisfy the rest of the energy in the Heavy Naphtha stream,
follow steps #1 through #5 in Section 1.4.4 - Adding Heat
Exchangers to add a heat exchanger between the Heavy Naphtha
stream and the Cooling Water utility stream.
10. Click the Work Sheet tab and rename the new exchanger CW2.
11. In the CW2 row, click the checkboxes in the Tied columns beside
the Hot T in and Hot T out columns. The exchanger solves.
1-28 Building the Heat Exchanger
Figure 1.34
If necessary, refer to 10. Adjust the split ratio of the Pre-Flash Feed stream, if required.
steps #1 through #6 of
Adjusting the Split
Ensure that the hot stream outlet temperature of Exchanger 7 is
Ratio. 135°C, and the hot stream outlet temperature of Exchanger 8 is
169°C. The default split of 0.50 to each branch should be sufficient.
11. Add a heat exchanger between the Cooling Water utility and the
Reflux stream, downstream from Exchanger 8.
Crude Pre-Heat Train Network 1-29
1-30 Building the Heat Exchanger
Figure 1.35
Crude Pre-Heat Train Network 1-31
Figure 1.36
Ensure that you place the hot end of the heat exchanger
between the Fuel Oil stream inlet and Exchanger 4, not
between Exchanger 4 and Exchanger 10.
Figure 1.37
3. Click the Tied checkboxes for the hot stream inlet and outlet
temperatures, and for the cold stream inlet temperature. The heat
exchanger solves.
4. Add a heat exchanger between the Fuel Oil stream and the LP
Steam Generation utility, between Exchanger 4 and Exchanger 10.
5. Rename the exchanger BFW Heating 2.
1-32 Building the Heat Exchanger
6. Click the Tied checkboxes for the hot stream inlet and outlet
temperatures. The exchanger solves.
7. Add the first of the fired heaters by placing a heat exchanger
between the Crude Tower Feed and Fired Heat (1000) utility,
downstream of Exchanger 3.
8. Rename this exchanger Furnace 1.
9. Click the Tied checkbox by the cold stream inlet temperature.
10. In the cold stream outlet temperature field, enter 265°C. The
exchanger solves.
11. Add the final heat exchanger between the same streams as in step
#4 above, downstream from Furnace 1.
12. Rename the exchanger Furnace 2.
13. Click the Tied checkbox for both cold stream temperatures. The
exchanger solves and all streams are satisfied.
The heat exchanger network is complete. The status bar on the Grid
Diagram tab will appear green, indicating that there are no unsatisfied
streams, and no uncalculated heat exchangers.
Figure 1.38
Confirm your heat exchanger with the completed HEN diagram and
Crude Pre-Heat Train Network 1-33
Figure 1.39
When you examine all of the calculated values, you will notice that all
values are very close to those indicated on the initial Process
1.5 References
Linnhoff, B., Townsend, D.W., Boland, D., Hewitt, G.F., Thomas, B.E.A., Guy,
A.R., Marsland, R.H., A User Guide on Process Integration for the Efficient
use of Energy, IChemE England, 1982.
1-34 References
Data Extraction from UniSim Design 2-1
2-2 Introduction
2.1 Introduction
One of the extremely useful features of ExchangerNet is its ability to
extract information from UniSim Design or Aspen Plus so that heat
integration analysis can be performed on a pre-built simulation, without
having to re-enter the information.
In this tutorial, you will examine one of the default UniSim Design cases
provided with ExchangerNet, and then extract the information into
This tutorial assumes that you have used UniSim Design and
understand how to navigate through ExchangerNet. It is also assumed
that you have completed the HI Case or HI Project tutorial, and that
you understand how to create streams and create a heat exchanger
network using the Grid Diagram.
Data Extraction from UniSim Design 2-3
Figure 2.1
2-4 Introduction
The natural gas industry commonly uses tri-ethylene glycol (TEG) for
gas dehydration where low gas dew point temperatures are required,
such as in the design of offshore platforms in the Arctic or North Sea
regions or for other cryogenic processes.
The composition of the natural gas stream (Inlet Gas) has been
provided on a water-free basis. To ensure water saturation, this stream
is mixed with stream Water To Saturate. The water-saturated gas
stream Gas + H2O is then fed to a scrubber to knock out the free water.
This scrubbed stream (Gas To Contactor) is fed to the TEG Contactor,
where it is contacted with a regenerated lean TEG stream (TEG Feed).
Stream TEG Feed absorbs most of the water in the Gas To Contactor
stream. The rich TEG stream from the absorber bottoms (Rich TEG) is
heated to 220 °F by the hot lean TEG from the regenerator (Regen
Bttms), and is fed to the stripper column for regeneration. The stripper
column is a refluxed tower consisting of 3 stages plus a condenser. The
regenerated TEG is cooled and returned to the top of the TEG absorber.
Data Extraction from UniSim Design 2-5
Figure 2.2
2-6 Preparing for Data Extraction
Before you can examine the extraction tips, open the HI Case view or
HI Project view.
Figure 2.3
HI Case view
Data Extraction from UniSim Design 2-7
Figure 2.4
HI Project view
2-8 Editing the UniSim Design Case
Figure 2.5
Figure 2.6
Read all tips carefully before continuing to the next section, as you will
be manipulating the case based on these tips. It is good practice to read
these tips before every extraction. This will allow you to find some if not
all of the errors before you perform the data extraction.
Data Extraction from UniSim Design 2-9
repeated names.
Figure 2.7
Steady State Mode icon
Figure 2.8
2-10 Editing the UniSim Design Case
• Check the Object Status Window at the bottom left corner of the window
for error messages.
Figure 2.9
The sample case provided is solved. However, if the sample case is not
solved, check the following:
• Check the Trace Window for the streams or operations that are
missing information.
• If the Trace Window is empty, and the flowsheet is not solved, it
could be because the solver is not active. Click the Solver
Active icon.
Solver Active icon • Check your UniSim Design manuals for more information on how
to solve flowsheets.
• Check that there are no extra unit operations or streams in the
flowsheet (tip 1).
Data Extraction from UniSim Design 2-11
Figure 2.10
This may already be 3. Scroll down the Flowsheet Objects list. There are two objects
corrected in the sample
case. named E-100. If you look on the flowsheet, you will find that there
is a heat exchanger and a stream with this name. Rename the
stream to TEG out.
4. Using the Object Navigator, repeat step #2 to ensure that there are
no other multiple names. In this case there are none. This takes
care of tip 9.
2-12 Editing the UniSim Design Case
Figure 2.11
Data Extraction from UniSim Design 2-13
Figure 2.12
2-14 Editing the UniSim Design Case
2. Create a new material stream named Water In. Copy all of the
information from the Water to Saturate stream by using the Define
from Other Stream button.
3. Add a cooler named Water Cooler. Its inlet stream is the Water In
stream you just created, and its outlet stream will be a new stream
named Water to Mixer. Define an energy stream named Q-200.
4. On the Design tab of the cooler property view, click on the
Parameters page, and define a pressure drop of 0 kPa.
5. Click on the Worksheet tab. In the Water to Mixer Temperature
field, enter 29.44°C to make it the same as the mixer inlet stream
temperature. The Water Cooler property view appears as shown in
the figure below.
Figure 2.13
The first part of the flowsheet will now calculate. The rest of
the flowsheet will not be calculated.
Data Extraction from UniSim Design 2-15
10. As per (tip 1), delete the now unnecessary Water to Saturate
11. Move the cursor over the Mixer Outlet stream. The fly-by for the
Mixer Outlet stream indicates that the calculated temperature is
28.69°C. This is less than the original outlet temperature of the Gas
+ H2O stream, which is 29.44°C. Therefore, a heater is required
between these two streams.
12. Add a heater with the name Gas + H2O Heater, and set the inlet
stream as Mixer Outlet, outlet stream as Gas+H2O, and an energy
stream as Q-201.
13. On the Design tab, click on the Parameters page, and define a
pressure drop of 0 kPa.
14. The entire flowsheet should now recalculate.
15. Close all property views.
Figure 2.14
17. Using the same procedure as step #2, create a stream named Cool
MakeUp TEG based on the information in the stream MakeUp TEG.
18. Add a heater named Heat MakeUp TEG. Set the inlet stream as Cool
MakeUp TEG and define the new outlet stream as MakeUp TEG to
Mixer. Define a new energy stream as Q-202.
19. On the Design tab, click on the Parameters page, then define a
pressure drop of 0 kPa.
2-16 Editing the UniSim Design Case
This is all of the work that will be performed on this particular case
before performing the first extraction. It is important to remember that
in other cases, you will also have to deal with LNG exchangers. It is also
important to remember that the extraction cannot perform perfectly on
the first attempt. After the extraction is complete, the warning section
will indicate that more changes are required to our UniSim Design
Data Extraction from UniSim Design 2-17
4. Click the Next button. The next page appears, where you can select
the utilities file, economic file, and the simulation file.
2-18 Performing the Data Extraction
Data Extraction from UniSim Design 2-19
Figure 2.17
2-20 Performing the Data Extraction
Figure 2.18
2. In this tutorial, you will be extracting data from all three different
flowsheet. So make sure all the checkboxes under the Selected
column are checked.
3. Click the Next button to see the utilities to be added.
Figure 2.19
Data Extraction from UniSim Design 2-21
When you click the Modify button, the text changes to blue
colour. The blue colour indicates you are allowed to change
the utilities. The Modify button is replaced by the Lock
button. When you click the Lock button, the text changes to
black and it cannot be modified.
2. You can also add more utilities by clicking the down arrow in the
<empty> cell and selecting the new utility from the drop-down list.
3. In this tutorial, the default utilities selected by ExchangerNet are
sufficient and do not require any modification.
4. Click the Next button to see the utilities to be used with the
2-22 Performing the Data Extraction
Figure 2.20
1. If you want to modify the default utility matched with each heater,
click on the cell under the Utility column.
2. Open the drop-down list in the cell and select the utility you want.
3. In this tutorial, the default utilities selected for the heaters are
sufficient and do not require any modification.
4. Click the Next button to see the utilities to be used with the coolers.
Data Extraction from UniSim Design 2-23
Figure 2.21
1. If you want to modify the default utility matched with each cooler,
click on the cell under the Utility column.
2. Open the drop-down list in the cell and select the utility you want.
3. In this tutorial, the default utilities selected for the coolers are
sufficient and do not require any modification.
4. Click the Next button to see the economic data for the heat
2-24 Performing the Data Extraction
Figure 2.22
1. If you want to edit the economic data for the heat exchanger, click
the Edit Economic Data button. The Heat Exchanger Capital Cost
view appears.
Figure 2.23
2. In this tutorial, the default economic data the heat exchangers are
sufficient and do not require any modification.
3. Click the Close icon to close the Heat Exchanger Capital Cost view,
and return to the Extraction Wizard (Step 7 of 7).
Close icon
Data Extraction from UniSim Design 2-25
Figure 2.24
5. Click the Finish button, and the Summary view appears as shown
in the figure below.
Figure 2.25
2-26 Performing the Data Extraction
Figure 2.26
Since there are still some problems in the UniSim Design case, you will
return to it and fix the problems. The data will have to be extracted
again after the new modifications to the UniSim Design flowsheet, so
there is not much sense in examining the data extracted at this point.
Data Extraction from UniSim Design 2-27
Variable Tolerance
Vapour 0.01
Temperature 0.5
Pressure 0.5
Flow 0.5
Enthalpy 0.5
Composition 0.01
Figure 2.27
2-28 Performing the Data Extraction
Figure 2.28
Data Extraction from UniSim Design 2-29
7. To solve the problem, set the Steam Out temperature lower than
the Steam In temperature. In the Temperature cell of the Steam
Out column, enter 148°C.
The Status bar in the E-100 property view turns yellow and
indicates a Heat Unbalanced problem.
Figure 2.29
8. In the Temperature cell of the TEG Out column, enter -8°C. This
should solve the converge from wrong direction problem.
9. The entire flowsheet should solve.
10. Close the E-100 property view.
11. Save the modified case.
Although this should now take care of the warnings listed in the Data
Extraction report, there is one more potential problem.
Steam is used in the heat exchanger E-100. Even though this is a utility
stream it will be extracted as a process stream. There are two options
in this case. The first is to make E-100 a heater, which will
automatically cause ExchangerNet to select a utility for it. The second is
to manually replace the heat exchanger in UniSim Design with a heater.
For now, leave the UniSim Design case as it is and you will manipulate
the data in ExchangerNet after the next data extraction.
You are now ready to extract the information from UniSim Design
2-30 Adjusting the Extracted Data in
Data Extraction from UniSim Design 2-31
11. Click the Open Property Preset View icon. The Property Presets
view appears.
12. Select Preset 6: Alphabetical, which orders the streams
alphabetically and shows the utility streams. Close the Property
Presets view.
13. Add a heat exchanger between the TEG_only_to_TEG_out stream
and the utility stream LP steam.
14. Open the heat exchanger property view.
15. Click the Tied checkbox for both of the cold process stream
temperatures. The heat exchanger will solve. The network status
bar turns green, and all streams and heat exchangers are
completely satisfied and solved.
Automatic HEN Design in HI Project 3-1
3.4 References....................................................................................16
3-2 Introduction
3.1 Introduction
This tutorial serves two functions:
• Introduces the ExchangerNet Heat Integration (HI) Project
• Demonstrates how to use the Recommend Designs feature to
automatically generate Heat Exchange Network (HEN) designs.
If you are a new user to
In this tutorial, you will create an ExchangerNet HI Project, enter
ExchangerNet, it is highly
recommended that you stream and utility information, then use the ExchangerNet Recommend
complete the Crude Pre- Designs feature to automatically generate heat exchanger network
Heat Train Network
tutorial (refer to Chapter designs.
1 - Crude Pre-Heat
Train Network) before To demonstrate ExchangerNet’s ability to optimize HEN designs, you will
starting this tutorial.
build a very simple network that will be far above the target values,
It is assumed that you
know how to add and then use the Recommend Designs feature to optimize the network
complete heat exchangers design.
on the Grid Diagram tab.
ExchangerNet provides you with a self-contained environment where
you can create a HI Project with multiple Scenarios and Designs.
At the Project level, you define what you want to design. Within each
Project, there can be numerous Scenarios and Designs, as shown in the
figure below.
Figure 3.1
Design 1
Design 2
Design j
Automatic HEN Design in HI Project 3-3
The Project level contains only the most general description of the
problem set being examined.
The three sections are displayed and labeled in the figure below.
Figure 3.2
Main pane
3-4 Introduction
Viewer Group
The Viewer group is always visible in the Heat Integration (HI) Project
view and contains the ExchangerNet tree browser, which is used to
access, create and delete Scenario and Design levels within a HI
To expand or compress the tree, click on the + or - beside the level you
want to view.
Figure 3.3
Main Pane
At the Scenario level, the Main pane displays a plot. You can select the
type of plot to display from a drop-down list at the top of the view.
At the Design level, the Main view displays the Heat Exchanger Network
(HEN) diagram.
Worksheet Pane
The Worksheet pane of the HI Project view displays the entered and
calculated values at the Design level.
Automatic HEN Design in HI Project 3-5
Scenario Level
The following table lists and describes the tabs found at the Scenario
Tab Description
Data tab On this tab, you enter all process and utility
stream data and set the cost parameters.
Targets tab All three pages on this tab contain the target
values calculated by ExchangerNet. These values
represent the performance of an ideal heat
exchanger network design for the entered stream
and economic data.
Range Targets tab The options on this tab are useful for determining
the optimal minimum approach temperature, or
DTmin, value. Click the Calculate button, and
use the plot or the table to find the DTmin value
for a minimum area or minimum cost value. For
more information, refer to Section 1.3.1 - Range
Designs tab Use this tab to compare all designs within a
Scenario. Here, you can display all designs or
display only completed designs. You can also
display the designs as a percentage related to the
target values.
Options tab Use this tab to manipulate the utility load
allocation method and access the utility and HTC
Notes tab Use this tab to enter notes for the Scenario level.
Design Level
To view the Design level, expand the tree in the Viewer group. To do
this, click the + beside the Scenario folder. Any designs contained
within the Scenario appear in the tree.
3-6 Introduction
To view a design, click the design name. The Main pane now displays a
Grid Diagram instead of a plot.
Figure 3.4
The following table lists and describes the tabs found at the Design
Tab Description
Performance tab This tab displays the performance information for
all heat exchangers and utilities in the design.
Worksheets tab As in HI Case, this tab provides an alternative way
to manipulate the heat exchangers on the Grid
Heat Exchangers tab This tab displays detailed information about each
heat exchanger. When the Show All checkbox is
checked, this tab shows all heat exchangers.
When the checkbox is unchecked, only solved
exchangers appear.
Targets tab This tab shows all the same targets information
available at the Scenario level.
Notes tab This tab displays notes for a particular design. This
tab also contains a Modification Log page, which
automatically records and displays all
modifications made to the Grid Diagram.
Now that you have an understanding of the setup and structure of the
HI Project views, you are ready to begin the tutorial.
Automatic HEN Design in HI Project 3-7
Figure 3.5
3-8 Creating a HI Project for Automatic
Automatic HEN Design in HI Project 3-9
Figure 3.6
You should
be at the
level in the
In the
pane, you
should be on
the Process
page of the
Data tab
3-10 Creating a HI Project for Automatic
Figure 3.7
After you enter the inlet and outlet temperatures, ExchangerNet knows
if the stream type is hot or cold. A red or blue arrow appears in the
second column. A red arrow indicates a hot stream; a blue arrow
indicates a cold stream.
Using the procedure you just learned, enter the data for following
process streams. The stream information provided is from U. Shenoy
Automatic HEN Design in HI Project 3-11
The hot and cold status bars at the bottom of the tab display
“insufficient”, which means there are not enough cold and
hot utilities to satisfy the process streams.
Click the drop-down 2. First you will define the hot utility. In the Name column, click in the
arrow in the Name <empty> cell. Type hu, then press ENTER.
column to view a list of
default utilities available 3. Click in the Inlet T cell and enter 400°C.
within ExchangerNet.
4. Click in the Outlet T cell and enter 350°C. This is the minimum
Usually, you would use
these values, but for this information required for a utility.
tutorial you will define the
utilities manually.
The hot utility is now sufficient, which means that the hot
utility entered has enough energy to heat all of the cold
process streams.
3-12 Creating a HI Project for Automatic
Figure 3.8
Figure 3.9
Automatic HEN Design in HI Project 3-13
Figure 3.10
Figure 3.11
4. On the General tab, in the Stream Split Options group, you can
set the maximum number of branch splits. Accept the current
default values.
5. In the Preview Input group, you can preview any of the input
values for the process streams, utility streams, economics or
forbidden matches. For this tutorial, leave all current default values
as they are.
3-14 Generating HEN Designs
Figure 3.12
From the figure above, some of the designs recommended have total
cost indexes higher than the target values, but area values less than
the target values. This minimal area has been made possible by
exceeding the utility energy targets. In most cases this will be true; to
minimize area you must increase utility consumption, and vice-versa.
From the previous figure, it appears as though A_Design3 has the
smallest total cost index, and A_Design5 has the smallest total area.
9. In the Viewer group, click the design level A_Design3.
Automatic HEN Design in HI Project 3-15
10. On the Notes tab, select the Modification Log page. This page
displays all the actions performed by ExchangerNet during the
creation of this network design.
Figure 3.13
All of the designs generated by ExchangerNet are optimal for the given
network structure, however, if you had a design that was not already
minimized for area or cost, you can optimize the design by using the
retrofit options described in Chapter 4 - Heat Exchanger Network
3-16 References
3.4 References
Shenoy, U.V., Heat Exchanger Network Synthesis: Process Optimization by
Energy and Resource Analysis, Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, USA,
Heat Exchanger Network Retrofit 4-1
4 Heat Exchanger
Network Retrofit
4.1 Introduction .................................................................................. 2
4-2 Introduction
4.1 Introduction
If you are a new user to In this tutorial, you will use the Automatic Retrofit feature of
ExchangerNet, it is highly
ExchangerNet. You will start by creating a heat exchanger network
recommended that you
complete the HI Case (HEN) in the HI Project environment. Then, you will enter the Automatic
tutorial (refer to Chapter Retrofit environment to retrofit the HEN. During the retrofit, you will
1 - Crude Pre-Heat
Train Network) and HI use four methods:
Project tutorial (refer to • modifying utility exchangers
Chapter 3 - Automatic
HEN Design in HI • resequencing heat exchangers
Project) before starting • repiping heat exchangers
this tutorial.
• adding heat exchangers
It is assumed that you
know how to add and
HEN retrofit focuses on modifying an existing heat exchanger network
complete heat exchangers
on the Grid Diagram. to improve energy efficiency. In the past, HEN retrofits using Pinch
technology required an expert user, and the Mathematical programming
method reduced the interaction between the design engineer and
ExchangerNet. ExchangerNet performs the HEN Retrofit algorithm one
step at a time so the engineer may still control the decision making
The design engineer can apply constraints during the design process
that will affect the retrofit calculations. Within the retrofit environment,
the design engineer is required to choose one type of modification at a
time. The design engineer also has to assess the operational safety and
practicality of the optimal designs generated by ExchangerNet.
Heat Exchanger Network Retrofit 4-3
Figure 4.1
4-4 Creating an HI Project for Retrofit
Heat Exchanger Network Retrofit 4-5
Figure 4.2
You should
be at the
level in the
In the
pane, you
should be on
the Process
page of the
Data tab
4-6 Creating an HI Project for Retrofit
Figure 4.3
After you enter the inlet and outlet temperatures, ExchangerNet knows
if the stream type is hot or cold. A red or blue arrow appears in the
second column. A red arrow indicates a hot stream; a blue arrow
indicates a cold stream.
Next, you will segment this stream and add other streams to the HI
Heat Exchanger Network Retrofit 4-7
Figure 4.4
2. Click once in the Outlet T cell containing the value 45.0. This is the
target outlet temperature.
The blank segment row 3. Click the Insert Segment button. A blank row appears above the
always appears above the target outlet temperature.
row containing the cursor.
4. The outlet temperature of the first segment is 202.7°C.
Click in the empty Outlet T cell and enter 202.7.
ExchangerNet automatically inserts the inlet temperature for the
following segment.
5. The MCp for the first segment is 217.3 kJ/°C-s.
Click in the empty MCp cell and enter 217.3.
The process stream is complete as shown in the figure below.
Figure 4.5
6. Click the Close icon to return to the Data tab of the HI Project
Close icon
4-8 Creating an HI Project for Retrofit
Enter the stream name, first Inlet T value and the target
(last) Outlet T value on the Process Streams tab before
accessing the Process Stream view to enter the segment
Enter only the Outlet T values and the MCp values; the Inlet T
values are calculated for you.
Heat Exchanger Network Retrofit 4-9
Figure 4.6
The hot and cold status bars at the bottom of the tab
displays “insufficient”, which means that there are not
enough cold and hot utilities to satisfy the process streams.
Figure 4.7
3. Click the arrow, and a drop-down list appears containing all of the
default utilities available within ExchangerNet.
Figure 4.8
4-10 Creating an HI Project for Retrofit
Figure 4.9
Figure 4.10
Heat Exchanger Network Retrofit 4-11
Figure 4.11
The Main
displays the
instead of
the plots.
The status
bar is not
green. There
are 13
4-12 Creating an HI Project for Retrofit
Heat Exchanger Network Retrofit 4-13
Adding Heaters
In this section, you will add heat exchangers to the network design.
The Design Tools palette must be visible before you can add heat
1. Press F4 to open/access the Design Tools palette.
2. In the Design Tools palette, right-click and hold on the Add Heat
Exchanger icon.
3. Drag the cursor over the C11 stream until the Bull’s eye icon
Add Heat Exchanger icon
4. Release the mouse button. The heat exchanger appears as a solid
red dot.
5. To attach the heat exchanger to the Fired Heat (1000) stream, click
and hold on the red dot, then drag the cursor to the Fired Heat
stream. A light blue dot will appear underneath the cursor as you
Bull’s eye icon
drag it to the new stream.
6. Release the mouse button. The heat exchanger appears. Since this
is a heater, the heat exchanger is red.
Red dot icon 7. Double-click either end of the heat exchanger (the red dots) to open
the Heat Exchanger property view.
8. Click the Notes tab.
Light blue dot icon 9. In the Name field, enter HU1.
(under four arrows)
10. Click the Data tab.
11. On the Data tab, Click the Tied checkbox for the C11 cold stream
outlet temperature. The heat exchanger property view appears as
shown in the figure below.
Figure 4.13
4-14 Creating an HI Project for Retrofit
12. In the Duty field, enter 37.9, then select MW from the units list.
Since the C11 stream is
being heated to the
known outlet Figure 4.14
temperature, you can
“tie” the cold stream
outlet temperature value
to the outlet temperature
value previously entered
on the Process Streams
The heat exchanger solves, and the view appears as shown in the figure
Figure 4.15
13. Use the procedure you just learned and the data in the table below
to add the other heaters.
Heat Exchanger Network Retrofit 4-15
Cold Stream
Location of Heat (°C) Duty
Name Streams
Exchanger Inlet Outlet (MW)
HU2 C12 & HP Place on C12 Tied 27.8
Steam stream
HU3 C13 & HP Place on C13 Tied Tied
Steam stream
“Tied” indicates that you must check the Tied checkbox as indicated. A
blank cell in the table above indicates that ExchangerNet will calculate
the value.
Figure 4.16
4-16 Creating an HI Project for Retrofit
“Tied” indicates that you must check the stream Tied checkbox. A blank
cell indicates that ExchangerNet will solve the value.
Heat Exchanger Network Retrofit 4-17
After entering the information in the table above, the Grid Diagram
should appear as shown in the figure below. There might be some
variation in the heater placement.
Figure 4.17
4-18 Performing the Retrofit
Figure 4.18
Ensure the
Create New
Retrofit Scenario
is selected.
Read the
suggestions on
the Tips tab to
Select the design
simplify the
to be entered into
design before
the Retrofit
entering into the
HEN Retrofit
While you are in the Retrofit Mode you cannot make any
changes to the design and stream information.
Heat Exchanger Network Retrofit 4-19
Figure 4.19
creates a new
scenario called
Scenario 1 1.
The light blue
folders indicate
you are in the
4-20 Performing the Retrofit
2. Click the Open Palette View icon. The Design Tools palette
Open Palette View icon
3. On the Design Tools palette, click the Modify utility heat
exchanger icon.
In this example, it is not optimal to modify any of the utility heat
exchangers. The following view appears.
Modify utility heat
exchanger icon
Figure 4.20
4. Click the OK button to close the view. The view for Scenario 1 1
5. In the Viewer group, select Design 1 under Scenario 1 1 (blue
folder) again.
6. Click the Open Palette View icon. The Design Tools palette
7. On the Design Tools palette, click the Move one end of a Heat
Exchanger icon. The Retrofit Specifications view appears.
Figure 4.22
Heat Exchanger Network Retrofit 4-21
Figure 4.23
4-22 Performing the Retrofit
Figure 4.24
Move both ends of a Heat
Exchanger icon
Figure 4.25
Heat Exchanger Network Retrofit 4-23
7. In the Viewer group, select Design 1-1P. Verify that the Grid
Diagram appears similar to the view below.
Figure 4.26
8. From the status bar in Figure 4.26, it can be seen that Design 1-
1P has one infeasible heat exchanger. As a result, this design is
Figure 4.27
Add Heat Exchanger icon
4-24 Performing the Retrofit
Figure 4.28
Figure 4.29
Heat Exchanger Network Retrofit 4-25
Figure 4.30
The Designs worksheet displays data on the original and all the retrofit
generated designs. For each retrofit generated design you can compare
the following:
• the payback of the generated design
• new area required
• capital investment required
• energy consumption reduction
• operation costs reduction
4-26 Comparing Designs
Figure 4.31