Black Oil
Black Oil
Black Oil
April 2009 R390 Release The information in this help file is subject to change over time. Honeywell may make changes to the requirements described. Future revisions will incorporate changes, including corrections of typographical errors and technical inaccuracies. For further information please contact
Honeywell 300-250 York Street London, Ontario N6A 6K2 Telephone: (519) 679-6570 Facsimile: (519) 679-3977 Copyright Honeywell 2009. All rights reserved.
Prepared in Canada.
Black Oil
1 Black Oil
1.1 Black Oil ........................................................................................ 2 1.2 Setting the Session Preferences .................................................... 3 1.2.1 Creating a New Unit Set............................................................ 4 1.2.2 Setting Black Oil Streams Default Options ................................... 7 1.3 Setting the Simulation Basis .......................................................... 7 1.3.1 Selecting Components .............................................................. 8 1.3.2 Creating a Fluid Package ........................................................... 9 1.3.3 Entering the Simulation Environment.........................................11 1.4 Building the Simulation ................................................................14 1.4.1 Installing the Black Oil Feed Streams .........................................14 1.4.2 Installing Unit Operations.........................................................20 1.4.3 Results ..................................................................................29 1.5 Dynamic Simulation ......................................................................30 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 1.5.4 Modifying the Steady State Flowsheet........................................30 Setting Pressure-Flow Specifications ..........................................31 Monitoring in Dynamics............................................................34 Notes ....................................................................................34
1.6 Neotec Black Oil Methods and Thermodynamics ...........................36 1.6.1 Terminology ...........................................................................36 1.6.2 PVT Behaviour and Transport Property Procedures .......................49 1.6.3 References .............................................................................55 1.7 Black Oil Transitions Methods .......................................................61 1.7.1 Simple Method .......................................................................61 1.7.2 Three Phase Method ................................................................62 1.7.3 Infochem Multiflash.................................................................65
Black Oil
The following pages will guide you through building a UniSim Design case for modeling this process. This example will illustrate the complete construction of the simulation, from selecting the property package and components, to installing streams and unit operations, through to examining the final results. The tools available in the UniSim Design interface will be used to illustrate the flexibility available to you. The simulation will be built using these basic steps: 1. Create a unit set and set the Black Oil default options. 2. Select the components. 3. Add a Neotec Black Oil property package.
Black Oil
4. Create and specify the feed streams. 5. Install and define the unit operations prior to the translator. 6. Install and define the translator. 7. Add a Peng-Robinson property package.
Next you will set your Session Preferences before building a case. 2. From the Tools menu, select Preferences. The Session Preferences property view appears. You should be on the
3. In the General Options group, ensure the Use Modal Property Views checkbox is clear so that you can access multiple property views at the same time.
Black Oil
3. In the Available Unit sets group, make your selection to Field make it the active set. Note: The default is SI.
Figure 1.4
The default Preference file is named UniSim Design Rxxx.PRF. When you modify any of the preferences, you can save the changes in a new Preference file by clicking the Save Preferences button or Save Preferences As...if you wish to change the preference file name. You can load your preferences into any simulation case by clicking the Load Preference button. 4. Click the Clone button. A new unit set named NewUser appears. This unit set becomes the currently Available Unit Set. 5. The Unit Set Name field will display NewUser. Click in the field to rename the name to Black Oil. You can now change the units for any variable associated with this new unit set. In the Display Units group, the current default unit for Std Gas Den is lb/ft3. In this example we will change the unit to SG_rel_to_air. 6. Scroll through the table in the display Units group until you find the Std Gas Den variable.
7. To view the available units for Std Gas Den, click the down arrow in the cell beside the Std Gas Den cell.
Figure 1.5
8. From the drop-down list, select SG_rel_to_air. 9. Repeat the previous three steps to change the Standard Density unit to SG_60/60 api. Your Black Oil unit set is now defined.
Black Oil
In the Black Oil Stream Options group, you can select the methods for calculating the viscosity, and displaying the water content for all the black oil streams in your simulation. For now, leave the settings as default. 3. Click on the Close icon to close the Session Preferences property view. You will now add the components and fluid package to the simulation.
For more information refer to Chapter 1 Components in the Simulation Basis Guide.
3. In this tutorial, add the following components: C1, C2, C3, i-C4, nC4, i-C5, n-C5 and C-6. Select the components from the list in the Components Available in the Component Library group and click the button. 4. Close the Component List property view. 5. Return to the Simulation Basis Manager property view. If the Simulation Basis Manager is not visible, click the Home View icon from the toolbar.
Black Oil
You can also filter the list of available property packages by clicking the Miscellaneous Type radio button in the Property Package Filter group. From the filtered list you can select Neotec Black Oil.
The Neotec Black Oil Methods property view displays the nine PVT behaviour and transport property procedures, and each of their
calculation methods. 5. In this tutorial, you want to have the Watson K Factor calculated by the simulation. The default option for the Watson K Factor is set at Specify. Change the option to Calculate from the Watson K Factor drop-down list, as shown below.
Figure 1.9
The User-Selected radio button is automatically activated when you select a Black Oil method that is not the default. You can restore the default settings by clicking on the Black Oil Defaults radio button
6. Click the Close button to close the Neotec Black Oil Methods property view. The UniSim Design Neotec Black Oil property view appears.
Figure 1.10
7. In the Basis field, type in the new name Black Oil for the fluid package. 8. Close the USD-Neotec Black Oil property view by clicking the Close icon. The Black Oil fluid package is now completely defined. If you click on the Fluid Pkgs tab in the Simulation Basis Manger you can see that the list of Current Fluid Packages now displays the Black Oil Fluid Package and shows the number of components (NC) and property package (PP). The newly created Black Oil Fluid Package is assigned by default to the main flowsheet. Now that the Simulation Basis is defined, you can install streams and operations in the Main Simulation environment. 9. To leave the Basis environment and enter the Simulation environment, do one of the following:
Black Oil
Enter Simulation Environment Icon
Click the Enter Simulation Environment button on the Simulation Basis Manager property view Click the Enter Simulation Environment icon on the toolbar.
Any or all of these can be displayed at any time; however, when you first enter the Simulation environment, only one appears. In this example, the initial Home View is the PFD (UniSim Design default setting).
Figure 1.11
There are several things to note about the Main Simulation environment. In the upper right corner, the Environment has changed from Basis to Case (Main). A number of new items are now available in the menu bar and toolbar, and the PFD and Object Palette are open on the Desktop. The PFD and Object Pallette are described below.
Object PFD Description The PFD is a graphical representation of the flowsheet topology for a simulation case. The PFD property view shows operations and streams and the connections between the objects. You can also attach information tables or annotations to the PFD. By default, the property view has a single tab. If required, you can add additional PFD pages to the property view to focus in on the different areas of interest. A floating palette of buttons that can be used to add streams and unit operations. You can toggle the palette open or closed by: Clicking the Object Palette icon in the PFD toolbar. Pressing F4. Selecting the Flowsheet | Open/Close Object Palette command from the menu bar.
Object palette
Before proceeding any further, save your case. 1. To save your case choose one of the following: Select File | Save command from the menu bar Press CTRL S or Click on the Save icon on the toolbar. If this is the first time you have saved your case, the Save
Save Icon
Black Oil
When you choose to open an existing case by clicking the Open Case icon, or by selecting Open Case from the File menu, a property view similar to the one shown in Figure 1.12 appears. The File Filter drop-down list will then allow you to retrieve backup (*.bk*), HYSIM (*.sim) and Aspen HYSYS (*.hsc) files in addition to standard UniSim Design (*.usc) files. 2. In the File Name cell, type a name for the case, for example BlackOil. You do not have to enter the *.usc extension, UniSim Design automatically adds it for you. 3. Once you have entered a file name, press the ENTER key or click the Save button. UniSim Design saves the case under the name you have given it when you save in the future. The Save As property view will not appear again unless you choose to give it a new name using the Save As command. If you enter a name that already exists in the current directory, UniSim Design will ask you for confirmation before over-writing the existing file.
UniSim Design displays three different phases in a black oil stream. The three phases are: Gas Oil Water
The first column is the overall stream properties column. You can view and edit the Gas, Oil, and Water phase properties by expanding the width of the default Black Oil stream property view.
Black Oil
You can also use the horizontal scroll bar to view all the phase properties. The expanded stream property view is shown below.
Figure 1.14
2. Rename the stream to Feed 1 by typing the new stream name in the Stream Name cell of the Overall column (first column).
You can only rename the overall column, and that name appears on the PFD as the name from that black oil stream. You cannot change the phase name for the stream.
Next you will define the gas composition in Feed 1. 3. On the Worksheet tab, click on the Gas Composition page to begin the compositional input for the stream.
Figure 1.15
4. Select the Activate Gas Composition checkbox to activate the Gas Composition table. The Activate Gas Composition checkbox allows you to specify the compositions for each base component you selected in the Simulation Basis Manager. After you have defined the gas composition for the black oil stream, UniSim Design will automatically calculate the specific gravity for the gas phase. If gas composition information is not available, you can provide only the specific gas gravity on the Conditions page to define the black oil stream. 5. Click on the Edit button. The Input Composition for Stream property view appears. By default, you can only specify the stream compositions in mole fraction.
Figure 1.16
7. Click the Normalize button to ensure that the mole fraction sum equals 1.0. 8. Click the OK button and UniSim Design accepts the composition.
Black Oil
Next you will define the conditions for Feed 1. 10. In the overall column (first column), specify the following conditions:
In this cell... Temperature (C) Pressure (kPa) Volumetric Flow (m3/h) Enter... 50 101.3 4500
By default, the same temperature and pressure to the Gas, Oil and Water phases are added automatically. 11. Specify the Specific Gravity for the Oil phase and Water phase to 0.847 SG_60/60 api and 1.002 SG_60/60 api respectively. Next you will specify the bulk properties for Feed 1. 12. In the Bulk Properties group, specify a Gas Oil Ratio (GOR) of 1684 STD m3/m3, and Water cut of 15%.
Figure 1.18
The Gas Oil Ratio is the ratio of the gas volumetric flow to oil volumetric flow at stock tank conditions. The Gas Oil Ratio will be automatically calculated if the volumetric flows of the gas, oil, and water phases are known. In this tutorial, the volumetric flowrates for the three phases are calculated by the Gas Oil Ratio and Water Cut. The water content in the Black Oil stream can be expressed in two
You can select your water content input preference from the drop-down list. Next you will specify a method for calculating the dead oil viscosity. 13. Click on the Viscosity Mtd button. The Black Oil Viscosity Method Selection property view appears.
Figure 1.19 Displays the current selection of the Dead Oil Viscosity Equation. You can change this equation in the Neotec Black Oil Methods manager. Refer to the Dead Oil Viscosity equation in Chapter 1.6 - Neotec Black Oil Methods and Thermodynamics for more information.
You can select the calculation methods from the Method Options drop-down list. Neotec recommends the user to enter two or more viscosity data points. In the event that only one data point is known, this is also an improvement over relying on a generalized viscosity prediction. 14. Click on the Method Options drop-down list and select Twu. 15. Close the Black Oil Viscosity Method Selection Property view.
Black Oil
The Surface Tension and Watson K are automatically calculated by UniSim Design as specified in the Neotec Black Oil Methods Manager. You can view the property correlations for each phase by clicking on the Properties page where you can add and delete correlations as desired.
Figure 1.21
16. Create a second black oil feed stream, Feed 2 and define it with the following data:
In these cells... Conditions Page Temperature (oF), Overall Pressure (psia), Overall Volumetric Flow (barrel/day), Overall 149 29.01 42,770 Enter...
In these cells... Specific Gravity (SG_60/60 api) Gas Oil Ratio Water Cut Viscosity Method Options Gas Composition Page Methane Figure 1.22
Enter... Oil: 0.8487 Water: 1.002 1404 STD_m3/m3 1.5% Beggs and Robinson 1.0
UniSim Design unit operations will solve in black oil mode and be able to blend different black oils together.
The Worksheet tab of some of the UniSim Design unit operation property views are not supported when the unit operations are used in Black Oil mode.
Now you have fully defined two black oil feed streams. The next step is to install the necessary unit operations for the blending and transitioning process.
Black Oil
The first operation that will be installed is a Valve, used to decrease the pressure of Feed 1 before it is blended with Feed 2. 1. Double-click on the Valve icon in the Object Pallette. The Valve property view appears. 2. On the Connections page, open the Inlet drop-down list by clicking the Down Arrow icon.
Figure 1.23
3. Select Feed 1 from the list. Alternatively, you can make the connections by typing the exact stream name in the cell, then pressing ENTER. 4. Move to the Outlet field by clicking on it. Type ValveOut in the Outlet cell and press ENTER. The status indicator displays Unknown Delta P. To specify a Pressure drop for the Valve: Click on the Parameters page. Specify 5 kPa in the Delta P field.
The second operation that will be installed is a Mixer, used to blend the two black oil feed streams. To install the Mixer: 1. Double-click on the Mixer icon in the Object Palette. The Mixer
2. Click the <<Stream>> cell to ensure the Inlets table is active. The status bar at the bottom of the property view shows that the operation requires a feed stream. 3. Open the <<Stream>> drop-down list of feeds by clicking the Down Arrow icon, or by pressing F2 and then the DOWN arrow key.
Figure 1.25
4. Select ValveOut from the list. The stream is transferred to the list of Inlets, and <<Stream>> is automatically moved down to a new empty cell. 5. Repeat steps 3-4 to connect the other stream, Feed 2. Alternatively, you can make the connections by typing the exact stream name in the cell, then pressing ENTER. The status indicator now displays Requires a product stream. Next you will assign a
Black Oil
product stream. 6. Move to the Outlet field by clicking on it, or by pressing TAB. 7. Type MixerOut in the cell, then press ENTER. UniSim Design recognizes that there is no existing stream named MixerOut, so it will create the new stream with this name. The status indicator now displays a green OK, indicating that the operation and attached streams are completely calculated.
Figure 1.26
8. Click the Parameters page. 9. In the Automatic Pressure Assignment group, leave the default setting at Set Outlet to Lowest Inlet.
Figure 1.27
Refer to Section 1.6 Neotec Black Oil Methods and Thermodynamics for more information on specific gravity and viscosity of heavy oil/ condensate blends.
UniSim Design has calculated the outlet stream by combining the two inlets and flashing the mixture at the lowest pressure of the inlet streams. In this case, ValveOut has a pressure of 96.3 kPa and Feed 2
has a pressure of 200 kPa. Thus, the outlet from the Mixer has a pressure of 96.3 kPa (the lowest pressure between the two inlets).
Before you install the Black Oil Translator, you need to install a nonblack oil stream for the Black Oil Translator outlet stream. Thus, you will need to add a new fluid package and assign it to the outlet stream. To add a new fluid package: 1. Click on the Enter Basis Environment icon in the toolbar. The Simulation Basis Manager appears. 2. Click on the Fluid Pkgs tab. 3. Click Add. 4. Select Peng-Robinson from the property package list in the Property Package Selection group. 5. In the Name field, rename the fluid package to PR as shown below.
Figure 1.28
Black Oil
7. Click on the Return to Simulation Environment button in the Simulation Basis Manager. 8. To add the Black Oil Translator outlet stream, do one of the following: From the Flowsheet menu, select Add Stream. Press F11 From the Object Palette, double-click on the Material Stream icon. 9. In the stream property view, click the Worksheet tab and select the Conditions page. 10. In the Stream Name cell type Outlet. 11. In the Fluid Package cell, select PR from the drop-down list. Once you have selected PR as the fluid package, the Outlet stream property view is automatically changed to a UniSim Design compositional stream.
Figure 1.29
3. From the Available Unit Operation lists, select Black Oil Translator. 4. Click Add. OR 1. Press F4 to open the UniSim Design Object Palette. 2. From the Object Palette, click on the Upstream Ops icon. The Upstream Ops Palette appears.
Figure 1.30
3. Double-click the Black Oil Translator icon. The Black Oil Translator property view appears.
Figure 1.31
In certain situations, the Black Oil Translator will automatically be added to the flowsheet. This occurs when the stream connections are made to operations that have streams with different fluid packages connected or the operation itself is set to use a different fluid package. The Stream Cutter dictates the rules for when the Black Oil Translator is automatically added.
Black Oil
To delete the Black Oil Translator operation, click the Delete button. UniSim Design will ask you to confirm the deletion.
You can also delete a Black Oil Translator by clicking on the Black Oil Translator icon on the PFD and pressing the DELETE key.
To ignore the Black Oil Translator operation during calculations, select the Ignored checkbox. UniSim Design completely disregards the operation (not calculate the outlet stream) until you restore it to an active state by clearing the checkbox.
The solving status is indicated in the Object Status Window. As the Black Oil Translator is solving, a list of hypocomponents are generated in the Outlet stream to characterize a black oil stream from a
compositional stream perspective. You can view each hypocomponent created in the Trace Window as the Black Oil Translator is solving.
If the Outlet stream had Black Oil as the fluid package, the following warning message property view would appear.
Refer to Section 1.7 Black Oil Transitions Methods for more information on the Simple, Three Phase and Infochem Multiflash transition method.
The Transition Type group displays the transition type (in this case: Black Oil Transition) available for this Black Oil Translator operation. The Current Transition group contains all the options used to configure the Black Oil Transition method. The composition of MixerOut is copied to the composition table as shown in the figure above. Leave the composition as default. 6. Inthe Black Oil Transition Method group, confirm that the Three Phase radio button is selected. 7. Save the case.
Black Oil
1.4.3 Results
When the solving is completed, the status indicator for the Outlet stream and Black Oil Translator should be changed to a green OK, showing that both operations are completely defined. 1. In the Outlet stream property view, click on the Compositions page on the Worksheet tab. 2. In the component composition list, you can view the composition for all the hypocomponents created as well as the composition for C1 to C6.
Figure 1.34
3. Close the Outlet stream property view. 4. Double-click on the CUT-100 operation on the PFD. The black oil translator property view appears. On the Conditions page, the Compositional stream properties and conditions for the black oil stream MixerOut are displayed in the Outlet column. 5. Click on the Worksheet tab. You can examine and review the results for the MixerOut stream as
Dynamic Simulation
a compositional stream.
Figure 1.35
Black Oil
1. Delete the specified pressure in Feed 2. 2. Double-click on the Mixer. The Mixer property view appears. 3. Click on the Dynamics tab, and select the Specs page. 4. In the Pressure Specification group, select the Equalize All radio button.
Figure 1.36
You can also equalize the inlets pressures for the Mixer by selecting the Equalize All radio button on the Parameters page on the Design tab. UniSim Design automatically recalculates and solves the Mixer operation. The status indicator of the Mixer has now changed to a green OK. The flowsheet is completely defined.
Dynamic Simulation
3. Ensure the Pressure specification is active by selecting the Active checkbox, and deactivate the Volumetric Flow specification.
Figure 1.37
Black Oil
6. Save the case. The simulation case is ready to run in Dynamic mode. 7. Click the Solver Holding icon (red) on the toolbar to hold all calculations.
Integrator Holding icon (red)
8. Click the Dynamics Mode icon on the toolbar. 9. A property view appears asking you to confirm switching the simulation case to Dynamics mode. Click Yes. If the Dynamics Assistant is active, UniSim Design will ask you whether you want to make certain changes to the simulation case in the Dynamic Assistant before engaging in dynamic mode. Click No to the Dynamic Assistant.
The Dynamic Assistant is one of the methods for preparing a steady state case for dynamic mode. You can set your own pressure-flow specifications and size the unit operations manually on their Specs page on the Dynamics tab.
The Dynamics Assistant makes recommendations as to how the flowsheet topology should change and what pressure-flow specifications are required in order to run the case in dynamic mode. However, in this tutorial some of these changes have been made manually as you modified the flowsheet, and the remaining changes are not necessary for the purpose of this example.
Integrator Active icon (green)
10. Start the Integrator by clicking the Integrator Active icon in the toolbar. The simulation case is now running in Dynamic mode. The
Dynamic Simulation
integration time and status are indicated in the Trace Window and Status Bar.
2. Double-click on the Outlet stream. 3. Click on the Dynamics tab, and select the Stripchart page. 4. From the Variable Set drop-down list, select the T, P, and F variables set.
5. Display the strip chart by clicking the Create Stripchart button. A strip chart property view appears. 6. Activate the Integrator by clicking the Integrator Active icon in the toolbar.
Integrator Active icon (green)
Integrator Active icon As the Integrator is running, you should see the (green) temperature, pressure, and flow of the Outlet updating.
Figure 1.40
1.5.4 Notes
The following should be noted when using black oil in Dynamic mode: Black oil system does not support Component Splitter and tray section since they are strongly linked to composition.
Black Oil
In steady-state black oil translation, the component list changes after the black oil stream is converted to a compositional stream. However for black oil translation in dynamic mode, a new composition using the existing component list is calculated. Ensure that the desired components are already present on the non-black oil side of the transition before the simulation starts. The simplest way to do this is to use the component list from a steady-state result. Always refer to the stream property view for the black oil simulation information. To obtain the most accurate black oil results, avoid using black oil system with extreme simulation conditions or phase ratios.
1.6.1 Terminology
Before we discuss the PVT behaviour and transport property procedures, you should be familiar with the following terms: Stock Tank Conditions Produced Gas Oil Ratio Solution Gas Oil Ratio Viscosity of Heavy Oil/Condensate Blends Specific Enthalpies for Gases and Liquids Oil-Water Emulsions
Black Oil
( C m = A B1C
where: = viscosity of the blended stream = viscosity of liquid A = viscosity of liquid B = volume fraction of liquid A in the blended stream A -For cases where -- > 20 it is recommended by Shu (1984) that B
another correlation should be used to calculate the viscosity of the mixture assuming that liquid A is the heavier and more viscous fluid than liquid B.
( X m = A B1 X
XA =
C A + C B
Data from two different crude oil/condensate blends have been used to compare the results predicted by Equation (1.3) and Equation (1.4) through Equation (1.6). The following table contains the available data for the two oils and the condensate liquid.
Liquid 1 Oil A Oil B Condensate 14.3 14.3 82.1 0.970 0.974 0l662 API Gravity Specific Gravity 5 oC 12830 3725 0.42 Viscosity 10oC 7400 2350 0.385 20oC 2736 2000 -
To simplify viscosity calculations at intermediate temperatures, the data give in the above table for each liquid were fitted to the following form:
Black Oil
In all cases, the fit is very accurate (maximum error is about 3.6%) and the use of Equation (1.7) introduces minimal error into comparison.
Equation 1.5 Oil A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B Temp (oC) 0 0 0 5 5 5 10 10 10 0 0 0 5 5 5 10 10 10 Blend (% crude) 90 80 70 90 80 70 90 80 70 90 80 70 90 80 70 90 80 70 Equation 1.6
2220 382 89 1464 272 711 976 198 56 744 147 45 516 112 37 396 87 29
(mPa.s) 9348 3111 1035 4661 1656 588 2670 999 74 2774 1056 402 1531 615 247 951 399 168
error (%) 321.1 714.4 1062.9 218.4 508.2 728.2 173.6 404.6 567.9 272.9 618.4 793.3 196.7 449.1 567.6 140.2 358.6 479.3
(mPa.s) 2392 370 86 1442 260 66 953 194 53 989 205 58 629 148 45 436 113 37
error (%) 7.8 -3.1 -3.4 -1.5 -4.4 -7.0 -2.4 -2.0 -5.4 32.9 29.5 28.9 21.9 32.1 21.6 10.1 29.9 27.6
From the table it is clear that the results calculated using Equation (1.3) are not acceptable and would lead to gross errors calculated pressure losses. As for Equation (1.4), it gives excellent results for the blends involving Oil A. While the errors associated with Oil B blends are significantly larger, they are not unreasonable. Equation (1.5) can be further modified to improve its accuracy by introducing a proprietary calibration factor.
Temp Oil B B (oC) 0 0 Blend (% crude) 90 80
(mPa.s) 744 147
Equation 1.6
(m.Pa.s) 817 157
Blend (% crude) 70 90 80 70 90 80 70
(mPa.s) 45 516 112 37 396 87 29
Equation 1.6
(m.Pa.s) 43 539 115 34 391 90 27
The results obtained from the modified Shu correlation show that the calibration procedure has yielded a significant improvement in accuracy. This also applies to data at 0oC, which were not used in the determination of the calibration sincd no measured viscosity values for either Oil B or the condensate were available at that temperature. It has been demonstrated that the correlation of Shu (1984) is much superior to the simple blending relationship expressed by Equation (1.3), and it is capable of giving accpetable accuracy for most pipeline pressure drop calculations.
It is not necessary, for example, to impose the approximations inherent in specifying a constant average value of a Joule-Thompson coefficient. It is, however, necessary to be able to compute the specific enthaly of any gas or liquid phase, at any pressure and temperature, as accurately as possible. The following secionts describe the procuedrs for computing this important thermodynamic parameter for various fluid systems.
Black Oil
Undefined Gases
For undefined single phase gases, where only ghe gravity is known, the specific enthalpy is determined by assuming the gas to be a binary mixture of the first two normal hydrocarbon gases whose gravities span that of the unknwn gas. The mole fractions are selected such that the gravity of the binary mixture is identical to that of the unknown gas of interest. For example, a natural gas having a gravity of 0.688 would be characterized as a binary mixture consisting of 72.3 mole % methane (gravity = 0.5539) and 27.7 mole % ethane (gravity = 1.0382) since (0.723)(0.5539) + (0.2777)(1.0382) = 0.688. The enthalpy of the binary mixture, calculated as descripbed above for compositional systems, is then taken as the enthalpy of the gas of interest. This in fact the same procedure that has been used to create the generalized specific enthalpy charts that appear in the GPSA Engineering Data Book (1987). The specific enthalpy has been evaluated as described above for a number of specified gas gravities over a relatively wide range of pressures and temperatures. The enthalpy of the unknown gas is obtained at any given pressure and tempearture by interpolation with the resulting matrix of values.
Undefined Liquids
Undefined hydrocarbon liquids are characterized only by a specific or API gravity, and possibly also the Watson K factor. They are also referred to as black oils, and the specific enthalpy is computed using the specific heat capacity calculated using the correlation of Watson and nelson (1933):
A 1 = 0.055K + 0.35
A 2 = 0.6811 0.308 o
A 3 = 0.000815 0.000306 o
The specific enthalpy at any temperature T, relative to some reference temperature To, is given by the following equation:
H =
Cp T ) dT
The specific enthalpy computed using Equation (1.12) is independent of pressure. For real liquids, the effect of pressure is relatively small compared to the temperature effect, but it may become significant when the pressure gradient is large due to flow rate rather than elevation effects. Large pressure gradients tend to occur with high viscosity oils. At higher flow rates, fricitional heating effects can become significant, and the heating tends to reduce the oil viscosity, which in turnm, affects the pressure gradient. Unfortunately, this complex interaction cannot be predicted mathematically using specific enthalpy values that are independent of pressure. The net result is that the predicted pressure gradient will be higher than should actually be expected. For fully compositional systems, the calculated specific enthalpy of a liquid phase does include the effect of pressure. A series of calculations have been performed using the Peng-Robinson (1976) equation of state for a variety of hydrocarbon liquids, ranging from relatively light
Black Oil
condense liquids to relatively heavy crude oils. In each case, specific enthalpy was calculated over a wide range of pressures at a low, moderate, and high temperature. In the case of the condensate liquids, specific compositional analyses were used. For the heavier crude oils, the composition consisted of a number of pseudo-components, based on published boiling point assay data, as generated by Neotec's technical utility module HYPOS. In all cases, the effect of pressure was found to be constant and is well represented by the following relation:
H P, T = H
P ,T
+ 0.0038 ( P 15 )
where: HP,T = specific enthalpy at the specific pressure temperature, btu/lb oF HPo, T = specific enthalpy computed with Equation (1.12) P = pressure, psia
Figure 1.41, Figure 1.42 and Figure 1.43 show the comparison between specific enthalpies calculated using the Peng Robinson equation of state and those computed using Equation (1.13) for 16.5, 31.9, and 40.5 API oils, respectively. For comparison purposes, HPo,T was taken to be the value computed by the Peng Robinson equations of state at 15 psia.
Black Oil
The effect of pressure is included in all specific enthalpy calculations, and therefore, in all temperature profile calculations, in a way that closely approximates similar calculations for fully compositional systems.
Oil-Water Emulsions
The rheological behaviour of emulsions may be non-Newtonian and is often very complex. Generalized methods for predicting transport properties are limited because of the wide variation in observed properties for apparently similar fluids. It is usually the case with nonNewtonian fluids that some laboratory data or other experimental observations are required to provide a basis for selecting or tuning transport property prediction methods. Neotec assumed that an emulsion behaves as a pseudo-homogeneous mixture of hydrocarbon liquid and water and may thus be treated as if it were a single liquid phase with appropriately defined transport properties The volumetric flow rate of this assumed phase is the sum of the oil and water volumetric flow rates,
Qe = Qo + Qw
where: Qe = volumetric flow rate of emulsion, ft3/sec or m3/sec Qo = volumetric flow rate of oil, ft3/sec or m3/sec Qw = volumetric flow rate of water, ft3/sec or m3/sec
Q C w = ----------w -Qo + Qw
e = w Cw + o ( 1 Cw )
where: e = density of the emulsion, lb/ft3 or kg/m3 w = density of the water at flowing conditions, lb/ft3 or kg/ m3 o = density of the oil at flowing conditions, lb/ft3 or kg/m3
The effective viscosity of an emulsion depends on the properties of the oil, the properties of the water, and the relative amounts of each phase. For a water-in-oil emulsion (in other words, the oil is the continuous phase), the effective viscosity of the emulsion can be much higher than that of the pure oil. A commonly used relationship for estimating the viscosity of a water-inoil emulsion is,
e = Fe o
where: e = viscosity of the emulsion, cP or mPa.s o = viscosity of the oil, cP or mPa.s Fe = emulsion viscosity factor
The factor Fe is usually considered to be a function of the water fraction Cw and the best known procedure for estimating Fe is the graphical correlation of Woelflin (1942). More recently, Smith and Arnold (see Bradley, 1987) recommended the use of the following simple quadratic equation,
The emulsion viscosity factors based on Woelflin's 'medium' emulsion curve (he also presented curves for 'loose' and 'tight' emulsions) are compared in Figure 1.44 with those calculated using Equations (1.18).
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The two relationships are virtually identical for Cw < 0.4, but diverge rapidly at higher values of Cw.
Figure 1.44
With increasing water fraction, the system will gradually behave more like water than oil. The water fraction at which the system changes from a water-in-oil emulsion to an oil-in-water emulsion is called the inversion point. The transition to an oil-inwater emulsion is generally very abrupt and characterized by a marked decrease in the effective viscosity. The actual inversion point must usually be determined experimentally for a given system as there is no reliable way to predict it. In many cases however, it is observed to occur in mixtures consisting of between 50% and 70% water. Guth and Simha (1936) proposed a similar correlation as Smith and Arnold (Equations (1.18)),
Fe = emulsion viscosity multiplier for the continuous phase viscosity Cd = volume fraction of the dispersed phase
If Cwi is defined as the water fraction at the inversion point, then for Cw < Cwi, the emulsion viscosity is given by Equations (1.17), with Fe defined by Equations (1.18). However, for Cw > Cwi, the emulsion viscosity should be computed using the following expression,
e = Fe w
As shown in Equations (1.19), while the constant and the first order term on the right can be shown to have a theoretical basis, the squared term represents a purely empirical modification. It seems reasonable therefore to view the coefficient of the squared term (i.e., 14.1) as an adjustable parameter in cases where actual data are available. To illustrate the predicted effect of the inversion point, Figure 1.45 shows a case in which Cwi = 0.65. Also the corresponding curves for several different values of the coefficient of the squared term are compared.
Figure 1.45
The large decrease in the predicted value of the emulsion viscosity is evident. The effect on the emulsion viscosity can be seen in Figure 1.46, since, above the inversion point, the factor is used to multiply the water viscosity, which is typically significantly lower than the oil viscosity. Limited experience to date in performing pressure loss calculations for emulsions suggests that the Woelflin correlation over-estimates the viscosity at higher water fractions. It is thus recommended that one use the Guth and Simha equation unless available data for a particular case
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suggest otherwise.
Figure 1.46
There are nine PVT behaviour and transport property procedures available in the Neotec Black Oil Methods Manager: Solution GOR Oil FVF Undersaturated Oil FVF Gas Viscosity Live Oil Viscosity Undersaturated Oil Viscosity Dead Oil Viscosity Equation Watson K Factor
Surface Tension
Solution GOR
The solution gas oil ratio, Rs, is the amount of gas that is assumed to be dissolved in the oil at a given pressure and temperature. Typical units are scf/stb or m3 at s.c./m3 at s.c. Above the bubble point pressure, for a given temperature, the solution gas oil ratio is equal to the Produced Gas Oil Ratio. For the oil at Stock Tank Conditions, the solution gas oil ratio is considered to be zero. You can select one of the following methods to calculate the solution GOR: Standing. Vasquez Beggs. Lasater. Glaso (Non Volatile Oils) Glaso (Volatile Oils) Al Marhoun (1985) Al Marhoun (Middle East Oils) Petrosky and Farshad Dolka and Osman
The Oil Formation Volume Factor is the ratio of the liquid volume at stock tank conditions to that at reservoir conditions. The formation volume factor (FVF, Bo) for a hydrocarbon liquid is the volume of one stock tank volume of that liquid plus its dissolved gas (if any), at a given pressure and temperature, relative to the volume of that liquid at stock tank conditions. Typical units are bbl/stb or m3/m3 at s.c. You can select one of the following methods to calculate the Oil FVF: Standing Vasquez Beggs Glaso Al Marhoun (1985), Al Marhoun (Middle East Oils) Al Marhoun (1992) Abdul-Majeed and Salman Petrosky and Farshad Dolka and Osman
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Figure 1.48 shows the typical behaviour of the oil formation volume factor that is observed as the system pressure is increased at a constant temperature.
Figure 1.48
From the initial pressure up to the bubble point pressure (i.e., the point at which GOR = Rs, which happens to be 3,073 psia in this case), the oil is assumed to be saturated, and Bo continues to increase, as more and more gas goes into solution. The effect of this increasing solution gas is always much greater than the corresponding shrinkage of the oil due to pure compression effects. At the bubble point, there is no more gas to go into the solution, and the oil then becomes progressively more undersaturated with increasing pressure. With the solution gas-oil ratio being constant, the portion of the curve in Figure 1.48 labelled "Compressibility Ignored" shows the behaviour that would be predicted by the correlations for Bo that we have looked at to this point. In actual fact, however, at pressures greater than the bubble point pressure, Bo is decreasing, due totally to the compressibility of the oil. The actual behaviour that is observed is thus indicated in Figure 1.48 by the portion of the curve labelled "Compressibility Included". In general, the compressibility of liquids tends to be relatively low, and the pressure effect on Bo is thus not large. In this particular case, Bo
decreases from 1.417 at the bubble point pressure to 1.389 at a pressure of 6,000 psia, which represents a volume decrease of only about 2% for a pressure increase of almost 50%. For some fluid systems, however, particularly lighter oils with relatively high GOR values, the effect can be significantly larger.
Gas Viscosty
Viscosity is a measure of resistance to flow of or through a medium. As a gas is heated, the molecules' movement increases and the probability that one gas molecule will interact with another increases. This translates into an increase in intermolecular activity and attractive forces. The viscosity of a gas is caused by a transfer of momentum between stationary and moving molecules. As temperature increases, molecules collide more often and transfer a greater amount of their momentum. This increases the viscosity. You can select one of the following calculation methods to calculate the gas viscosity: Lee, Gonzalez and Eakin Carr, Kobayashi and Burrows (Dempsay version) Carr, Kobayashi and Burrows (Dranchuk version)
Black Oil
compressibility of the oil. Since liquid compressibility is typically small, the effect of pressure on viscosity is much smaller above the bubble point than below. A number of correlations have been proposed for computing the viscosity of undersaturated oils, and a few of these are described below. All of these procedures assume that the bubble point pressure is known at the temperature of interest, as well as the saturated oil viscosity corresponding to the bubble point pressure. You can select one of the following calculation methods to compute the undersaturated oil viscosity: Vasquez and Beggs Beal Khan Abdul and Majeed
100 SLP -- do = CEP --- T where: do = dead oil dynamic viscosity, cP CEPT, SLP = constants for a given oil T = oil temperature, oF
where: Z = vdo + 0.7 vdo = dead oil kinematic viscosity, cS A, B = constants for a given oil T = oil temperature, oF
do v do = ---o where:
Watson K Factor
You can choose to specify the Watson K Factor, or you can have UniSim Design calculate the Watson K Factor. The default option is Specify. The Watson K Factor is used to characterize crude oils and crude oil fractions. It is defined as,
(1.25) where: K = Watson K factor TTB = normal average boiling point for the crude oil or crude oil fraction, oR SGo = specific gravity of the crude oil or crude oil fraction
For example, a particular kerosene cut, obtained over the boiling point
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1 3
Values of K typically range from about 11.5 to 12.4, although both lower and higher values are observed. In the absence of a known value, K = 11.9 represents a reasonable estimate.
Surface Tension
Surface tension is the measure of attraction between the surface molecules of a liquid. In porous medium systems (i.e. oil reservoirs), surface tension is an important parameter in the estimation of recoverable reserves because of its effect on residual saturations. On the other hand, most correlations and models for predicting two phase flow phenomena in pipelines are relatively insensitive to surface tension, and one can generally use an average value for calculation purposes. Calculations for wells have a somewhat stronger dependence on surface tension, in that this property can be important in predicting bubble and droplet sizes (maximum stable droplet size increases as surface tension increases), which in turn, can significantly influence the calculated pressure drop. Even then, however, surface tension typically appears in the equations raised to only about the power. You can choose to have the surface tension calculated by UniSim Design, or you can specify the surface tension. The default option is Calculate.
1.6.3 References
Abbot, M. M., Kaufmann, T. G., and Domash, L., "A Correlation for Predicting Liquid Viscosities of Petro-leum Fractions", Can. J. Chem. Eng., Vol. 49, p. 379, June (1971). Abdul-Majeed, G. H., and Salman, N. H., "An Empirical Correlation for Oil FVF Prediction", J. Can. Petrol. Technol., Vol. 27, No. 6, p. 118, Nov.Dec. (1988). Abdul-Majeed, G. H., Kattan, R. R., and Salman, N. H.,"New Correlation for Estimating the Viscosity of Under-saturated Crude Oils", J. Can. Petrol.Technol., Vol. 29, No. 3, p. 80, May-June (1990.)
Al-Marhoun, M. A., "Pressure-Volume-Temperature Correlations for Saudi Crude Oils", paper No. SPE 13718, presented at the Middle East Oil Tech. Conf. and Exhib., Bahrain (1985) Al-Marhoun, M. A., "PVT Correlations for Middle East Crude Oils", J. Petrol. Technol., p. 660, May (1988). Al-Marhoun, M. A., "New Correlations for Formation Volume Factors of Oil and Gas Mixtures", J. Can. Petrol. Technol., Vol. 31, No. 3, p. 22 (1992). American Gas Association, "Compressibility and Supercompressibility for Natural Gas and Other Hydrocarbon Gases", Transmission Measurement Committee Report No. 8, December 15 (1985). American Petroleum Institute, API 44 Tables: Selected Values of Properties of Hydro-carbons and Related Compounds, (1975). Asgarpour, S., McLauchlin, L., Wong, D., and Cheung, V., "PressureVolume-Temperature Correlations for Wes-tern Canadian Gases and Oils", J. Can. Petrol. Technol., Vol. 28, No. 4, p. 103, Jul-Aug (1989). Baker, O., and Swerdloff, W., "Finding Surface Tension of Hydrocarbon Liquids", Oil and Gas J., p. 125, January 2 (1956). Beal, C., "The Viscosity of Air, Water, Natural Gas, Crude Oil and its Associated Gases at Oil Field Temperatures and Pressures", Trans. AIME, Vol. 165, p. 94 (1946). Beg, S. A., Amin, M. B., and Hussain, I., "Generalized Kinematic Viscosity-Temperature Correlation for Undefined Petroleum Fractions", The Chem. Eng. J., Vol. 38, p. 123 (1988). Beggs, H. D., and Robinson, J. R., "Estimating the Viscosity of Crude Oil Systems", J. Petrol. Technol., p. 1140, September (1975). Bradley, H.B. (Editor-in-Chief), Petroleum Engineering Handbook, Society of Petrol. Engrs (1987); Smith, H.V., and Arnold, K.E., Chapter 19 "Crude Oil Emulsions". Carr, N. L., Kobayashi, R., and Burrows, D. B., "Viscosity of Hydrocarbon Gases Under Pressure", Trans. AIME, Vol. 201, p. 264 (1954). Chew, J., and Connally, C. A., "A Viscosity Correlation for Gas Saturated Crude Oils", Trans. AIME, Vol. 216, p. 23 (1959). Dean, D. E., and Stiel, L. I., "The Viscosity of Nonpolar Gas Mixtures at Moderate and High Pressures", AIChE J., Vol. 11, p. 526 (1965).
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Dempsey, J. R., "Computer Routine Treats Gas Viscosity as a Variable", Oil and Gas J., p. 141, August 16 (1965). Dokla, M. E., and Osman, M. E., "Correlation of PVT Properties for UAE Crudes", SPE Form. Eval., p. 41, Mar. (1992). Dranchuk, P.M., Purvis, R.A., and Robinson, D.B., "Computer Calculations of Natural Gas Compressibility Factors Using the Standing and Katz Correlations", Inst. of Petrol. Technical Series, No. IP74-008, p. 1 (1974). Dranchuk, P. M., and Abou-Kassem, J. H., "Calculations of Z Factors for Natural Gases Using Equa-tions of State", J. Can. Petrol. Technol., p. 34, July-Sept. (1975). 2Dranchuk, P. M., Islam, R. M. , and Bentsen, R. G., "A Mathematical Representation of the Carr, Kobayashi, and Burrows Natural Gas Viscosity Cor-relations", J. Can. Petrol. Technol., p. 51, January (1986). Elsharkawy, A. M., Hashem, Y. S., and Alikan, A. A., Compressibility Factor for Gas-Condensates", Paper SPE 59702, presented at the SPE Permian Basin Oil and Gas Recovery Conf., Midland, TX, March (2000). Eyring, H., "Viscosity, Plasticity and Diffusion as Examples of Absolute Reaction Rates", J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 4, p. 283 (1936). Gas Processors Association, Engineering Data Book, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 9th Edition (1977), 10th Edition (1987). Glas, ., "Generalized Pressure-Volume-Temperature Correlations", J. Petrol. Technol., p. 785, May (1980). Gomez, J. V., "Method Predicts Surface Tension of Petroleum Fractions", Oil and Gas J., p. 68, December 7 (1987). Gray, H. E., "Vertical Flow Correlation -Gas Wells", API Manual 14 BM, Second Edition, Appendix B, p. 38, American Petroleum Institute, Dallas, Texas, January (1978). Gregory, G. A., "Viscosity of Heavy Oil/Condensate Blends", Technical Note No. 6, Neotechnology Consultants Ltd., Calgary, Canada, July (1985). Gregory, G. A., "Pipeline Calculations for Foaming Crude Oils and Crude Oil-Water Emulsions", Technical Note No. 11, Neotechnology Consultants Ltd., Calgary, Canada, January (1990). Gregory, G. A., "Calculate the Density of Non-hydrocarbon Gases
Correctly", Technical Note No. 24, Neotechnology Consultants Ltd., Calgary, Canada, November (2000). Guth, E., and Simha, R., Kolloid-Zeitschrift, Vol. 74, p. 266 (1936). Hatschek, E., "Die Viskositat der Dispersoide", Kolloid-Zeitschrift, Vol. 8, p. 34 (1911). Hougen, O. A., Watson, K. M., and Ragatz, R. A., Chemical Process Principles, Vol. 2, p. 593, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, N.Y. (1959). Jossi, J. A., Stiel, L. I., and Thodos, G., "The Viscosity of Pure Substances in the Dense, Gaseous, and Liquid Phases", AIChE J., Vol. 8, p. 59 (1962). Katz, D. L., and Firoozabadi, A., "Predicting Phase Behaviour of Condensate/Crude Oil Systems Using Methane Interaction Coefficients", J. Petrol. Technol., p. 1649, November (1978). Kay, W. B., "Density of Hydrocarbon Gases and Vapor at High Temperature and Pressure", Ind. Eng. Chem., p. 1014, September (1936). Khan, S. A., Al-Marhoun, M. A., Duffuaa, S. O., and Abu-Khamsin, S. A., "Viscosity Correlations for Saudi Arabian Crude Oils", paper No. SPE 15720, presented at the 5th SPE Middle East Oil Show, Manama, Bahrain, March (1987). Lasater, J. A., "Bubble Point Pressure Correlation", Trans. AIME, Vol. 213, p. 379, (1958). Lee, A. L., Gonzalez, M. H., and Eakin, B. E., "The Viscosity of Natural Gases", J. Petrol. Technol., Vol. 18, p. 997 (1966). Manning, R. E., "Computation Aids for Kinematic Viscosity Conversions from 100 and 210 oF to 40 and 100 oC", J. of Testing and Evaluations (JVETA), Vol. 2, p. 522, November (1974). Meehan, D. N., "A Correlation for Water Viscosity", Petrol. Eng. Int., July (1980). McCain, W. D., "Black Oils and Volatile Oils - What's the Difference?", Pet. Eng. Intl., p. 24, November (1993). McCain, W. D., "Volatile Oils and Retrograde Gases - What's the Difference?", Pet. Eng. Int., p. 35, January (1994a). McCain, W. D., "Heavy Components Control Reservoir Fluid Behaviour",
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J. Petrol. Technol., p. 764, September (1994). Moses, P. L., "Engineering Applications of Phase Behaviour of Crude Oil and Condensate Systems", J. Petrol. Technol., p. 715, July (1986). Ng, J. T. H., and Egbogah, E. O., "An Improved Temperature-Viscosity Correlation for Crude Oil Systems", Paper No. 83-34-32, presented at the 34th Ann. Tech. Mtg. of The Petrol. Soc. of CIM, Banff, Alta, May (1983). Petrosky, G. E., and Farshad, F. F., "Pressure-Volume-Temperature Correlations for Gulf of Mexico Crude Oils", Paper No. SPE 26644, presented at the 68th Ann. Tech. Conf. & Exhib. of the SPE, Dallas, TX, Sept. (1987). Reid, R. C., Prausnitz, J. M., and Sherwood, T. K., The Properties of Gases and Liquids, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York (1977). Riazi, M. R., and Daubert, T. E., "Simplify Property Predictions", Hydrocarbon Processing, p. 115, March (1980). Shu, W. R., "A Viscosity Correlation for Mixtures of Heavy Oil, Bitumen, and Petroleum Fractions", SPE Jour., p 277, June (1984). Society of Petroleum Engineers, Petroleum Engineering Handbook, Chapter 19, "Crude Oil Emulsions", by Smith, H.V., and Arnold, K.E., p. 19-6, Richardson, Texas (1987). Society of Petroleum Engineers, Petroleum Engineering Handbook, H.B. Bradley, Editor-in Chief, Richardson, Texas (1987). Standing, M. B., "A Pressure-Volume-Temperature Correlations for Mixtures of California Oils and Gases", Drill. Prod. Practice, API, p. 247 (1947). Standing, M. B., Volumetric and Phase Behaviour of Oil Field Hydrocarbon Systems, Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME, Dallas, Texas, 8th Printing (1977). Standing, M. B., and Katz, D. L., "Density of Natural Gases", Trans. AIME, Vol. 146, p. 140 (1942). Sutton, R. P., "Compressibility Factor for High Molecular Weight Reservoir Gases", Paper SPE 14265, presented at the Ann. Tech. Mtg. and Exhib. of the SPE, Las Vegas, September (1985). Sutton, R. P., and Farshad, F., "Evaluation of Empirically Derived PVT Properties for Gulf of Mexico Crude Oils", SPE Res. Eng., p. 79, Feb. (1990).
Twu, C. H., "Generalized Method for Predicting Viscosities of Petroleum Fractions", AIChE J., Vol. 32, No. 12, p. 2091 (1986). Twu, C. H., and Bulls, J. W., "Viscosity Blending Tested", Hydrocarbon Proc., p. 217, April (1981). Vasquez, M., and Beggs, H. D., "Correlations for Fluid Physical Property Prediction", Paper SPE 6719, presented at the 52nd Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Denver, Col. (1977), Published in J. Petrol. Technol., p. 968 (1980). Watson, K. M., and Nelson, E. F., "Improved Methods for Approximating Critical and Thermal Properties of Petroleum Fractions", Ind. Eng. Chem., Vol. 25, p. 880, August (1933). Wichert, E., and Aziz, K., Compressibility Factor of Sour Natural Gases", Can. J. Chem. Eng., Vol. 49, p. 267, April (1971). Wichert, E., and Aziz, K., "Calculated Z's for Sour Gases", Hydrocarbons Processing, p. 119, May (1972). Woelflin, W., "Viscosity of Crude Oil Emulsions", Oil and Gas J., Vol. 40, No. 45, p. 35, March 19 (1942).
Black Oil
Watson K (if necessary), Surface Tension (if necessary), Oil Gravity, Gas Gravity or Gas Composition, and Water Gravity.
Black Oil
Figure 1.51
The Normalize button is useful when many components are available, but yuo want to specify compositions for only a few. When yuo enter the compositions, click the Normalize button and UniSim Design ensures the Total is 1.0, while also specifying any <empty> compositions are zero. If compositions are left as <empty>, UniSim Design cannot perform the flash calcualtion on the stream.
Gas Phase
The black oil gas phase is converted to a compositional model by relying on user inputs. If the black oil inlet stream has a known gas
phase composition it is used by the Black Oil Transition. The composition as displayed in Figure 1.52 is referred to as the Operating Gas Composition. You can overwrite the Operating Gas Composition. If you do not modify the Operating Gas Composition it will automatically reflect any changes that occur to the inlet black oil stream gas composition. If you modify the Operating Gas Composition, any changes to the inlet stream black oil gas composition will not be propagated to the Operating Gas Composition.
Oil Phase
The Black Oil oil phase is transitioned to a compositional model using the UniSim Design Oil Manager Bulk Properties Assay Definition methods. The transition passes on the oil phase standard density and oil phase Watson K to the Oil Manager and an appropriate assay and blend is created for the user. This functionality is automatically done by UniSim Design and no additional user interaction is required.
Figure 1.52
You can use the Oil Phase Cut Options to adjust the light end and autocharacterize the hypocomponents into user specified light end components. You have the option to have the UniSim Design Oil Manager perform an auto cut, or specify the appropriate number of cuts.
Black Oil
Water Phase
The black oil water phase is assumed to be pure water by the black oil transition. After the transition models the three phases, it recombines them into the outlet stream and passes on Temperature, Pressure, and Overall Mass Flow Rate. At this point, the outlet stream will flash and in most cases three corresponding compositional phases will be calculated. The outlet Vapour phase represents the inlet Gas phase, the Liquid phase represents the Oil phase, and the Aqueous phase represents the Water phase. The outlet stream's property package and the flash determine the existence of phases, the phase fractions, and the phase properties. In most cases these items will be very similar to the inlet black oil stream particularly when using a property package such as PengRobinson. Overall Mass balance between the inlet and outlet is assured.