Standards for Closed Feedwater Heaters, Tech Sheet #106: Specification of Tube Hole Sizes
9th Edition, 2015 and Tolerances for Support and Baffle Plates
Tech Sheet #127: Basics of Closed
Standards for Shell and Tube Heat
Feedwater Heaters
5th Edition, 2013 Tech Sheet #128: Typical Feedwater Heater
Cold Start-Up
Standards for Tray Type Deaerators,
9th Edition, 2011 Closed Feedwater Heater Specification Sheets -
English Units and SI Units
Performance Standards for Liquid Ring All closed feedwater heater tech sheets are available for
Vacuum Pumps, download on the HEI web site:
4th Edition, 2010
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FOREWORD ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… vii
1. DEFINITIONS ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1
1.1 Closed Feedwater Heater ………………………………………………………………………………… 1
1.2 Heater Duty ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1
1.3 Design Maximum Working Pressure …………………………………………………………………… 1
1.4 Operating Pressure ………………………………………………………………………………………… 1
1.5 Terminal Temperature Difference (TTD) ……………………………………………………………… 1
1.6 Drain Subcooler Approach (DCA) ……………………………………………………………………… 1
1.7 Logarithmic Mean Temperature Difference (LMTD) ………………………………………………… 1
1.8 Pressure Loss ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 1
1.9 Heat Transfer Coefficient ………………………………………………………………………………… 1
1.10 Desuperheating Zone (DSH) ……………………………………………………………………………… 1
1.11 Condensing Zone …………………………………………………………………………………………… 1
1.12 Drain Subcooling Zone (DC) ……………………………………………………………………………… 1
1.13 Drains ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1
1.14 Total Surface ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 1
1.15 Effective Surface …………………………………………………………………………………………… 1
1.16 Integral Flash Chamber …………………………………………………………………………………… 1
2. FEEDWATER HEATER PERFORMANCE ………………………………………………………………………… 2
2.1 Heater Performance ……………………………………………………………………………………… 2
2.1.1 Minimum Data Required to be Supplied by the Purchaser ……………………………… 2
2.2 Thermal Resistance ……………………………………………………………………………………… 2
2.2.1 Tube Wall Resistance ………………………………………………………………………… 2
2.2.2 Fouling Resistance …………………………………………………………………………… 3
2.3 Terminal Temperature Difference ……………………………………………………………………… 3
2.4 Drains Subcooling Zone Approach ……………………………………………………………………… 3
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CONTENTS (continued)
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CONTENTS (continued)
Fig. No. 1 Feedwater Specific Volume Ratios ………………………………………………………………… 4
Fig. No. 2 Design Feedwater Velocity at 60°F ………………………………………………………………… 5
Fig. No. 3a Density Correction Factor …………………………………………………………………………… 6
Fig. No. 3b Loss Correction Factor for Tube Configuration …………………………………………………… 6
Fig. No. 4 Steam Nozzle Location-Single Inlet ………………………………………………………………… 8
Fig. No. 5 Steam Nozzle Location-Multiple Inlets …………………………………………………………… 9
Fig. No. 6a Tubesheet Formula Perimeter Calculation ……………………………………………………… 14
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CONTENTS (continued)
TABLE I Maximum Tube Side Velocity………………………………………………………………………… 3
TABLE II Maximum Metal Temperatures for Tube Materials ……………………………………………… 12
TABLE III Maximum Temperature of Expanded Tube Joints ……………………………………………… 12
TABLE IV Design Minimum Tube Wall Thickness …………………………………………………………… 12
TABLE V Tube Hole Diameters and Tolerances for Tubesheets …………………………………………… 14
TABLE VI Tubesheet Drilling Tolerances ……………………………………………………………………… 15
TABLE VII Steam Flow Multiplier ……………………………………………………………………………… 51
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The ninth edition of these standards has been developed by the Closed Feedwater
Heater Section of the Heat Exchange Institute, Inc. The technical information in
these standards combines present industry standards, typical Purchaser require-
ments, and Manufacturer’s experience. In addition, the standards outline the im-
portant design criteria for closed feedwater heaters.
Some of the new material incorporated into the ninth edition of these standards
include new information in Section 2.1, Heater Performance, revisions to Section
2.7, Tube Side Pressure Loss, new information in Section 3, Mechanical Design
Standards, and new materials added to Section 4, Material Design Standards, just
to name a few.
In preparation of this standard, consideration has been given to the work of other
organizations, such as the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the Ameri-
can Society of Testing Materials, the former Feedwater Heater Manufacturers As-
sociation, the Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association, and others. Credit is
herby given to all those whose standards may have been helpful in this work.
The publication of the ninth edition of Standards for Closed Feedwater Heaters
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1.1 Closed Feedwater Heater ture difference and the lesser temperature difference
A closed feedwater heater is defined as a shell and to the Napierian Logarithm (Natural Log) of the ratio
tube type unit which heats feedwater or condensate(1) of the greater temperature difference to the lesser
passing through its tubes by means of steam or temperature difference.
condensate on the shell side. 1.8 Pressure Loss
Closed feedwater heaters are used in a regenerative
The tube side pressure loss consists of the friction
steam cycle to improve the thermodynamic gain. This
loss through the tubes, including channel losses and
is accomplished by extracting steam at various points
turning losses. The total shell side loss is the pres-
from the turbine and condensing it using boiler feed-
sure loss through the zones of the heater. Neither side
water. The resultant heating of the feedwater aids in
includes any static losses.
avoiding thermal shock to the boiler and reduces the
fuel consumption required to convert the feedwater 1.9 Heat Transfer Coefficient
to steam. Since the work lost by extracting the steam The heat transfer coefficient for each zone of the
is derived from sensible heat, i.e. no change of phase, heater is the average rate of heat transfer from steam
the much greater latent heat recovered in the feed- to feedwater or from condensate to feedwater and is
water heater by changing phase from steam to water expressed in Btu/hr-ft2-°F.
results in a net energy gain. Without a feedwater
heater, the latent heat is wasted or thrown out in the 1.10 Desuperheating Zone (DSH)
main condenser or cooling tower. Therefore, feedwater The desuperheating zone removes a portion of the
heaters(1) also help to reduce thermal pollution. sensible heat of the superheated extraction steam to
elevate the temperature of the feedwater.
for the purposes of this standard, wherever feed-
1.11 Condensing Zone
water is used, it shall also mean condensate passing
through its tubes. The condensing zone heats the feedwater by con-
densing steam.
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Maximum Tube Side Velocity
rw = 24k
–––– 3
( ( )d
ln ––––
) Tube Material
Stainless Steel, 70-30 Nickel Copper
Velocity –
Vt (ft/sec)
Copper Nickel (70-30, 80-20, 90-10) 9.0
d = Outside diameter of tube, in Low Alloy Steel 9.0
k = Thermal conductivity, Admiralty and Copper 8.5
BTU-ft/hr-ft2-°F or (BTU/hr-ft-°F) Carbon Steel 8.0
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1.396 3 1027 w 2 L
respective tube specifications; therefore, this standard DPT 5 f
provides a method to determine the nominal ID for C At d
use in calculating the tube side pressure loss. The
method is only applicable to clean smooth tubes with where: f 5 0.0014 1 0.125 (RE) 2.32
turbulent flow for the friction factor. Accurate data on
friction factors for the different tube materials is not RE 5
0.201389 µ At
available due to the wide range of tube manufactur-
ing practices. Therefore, the Purchaser must consider
that the actual tube side pressure drop can vary from Nozzle Losses
the calculated value.
( )
3.195 3 1029 w 2
The tube side pressure loss calculation method DPNI 5 3
shown below is a condensed method which is pro- C AN
vided to give the user/consultant a method to check
( )
2.034 3 1029 w 2
pressure losses in his evaluation of equipment he DPNO 5 3
plans to purchase. It is to be understood that the final
thermal and hydraulic calculations will be based upon
the final calculated wall thicknesses. In addition, the Tube Entrance, Exit and Turn Losses
Purchaser must consider that tubes with ferrules/
inserts or flow straighteners, etc., will have an effect
2.896 3 1029 w 2N
on tube side pressure loss. DPE 5 Kt
C At 2
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Kt = 1.6 Kt = 1.3
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Fig. No. 5
2.11 Control of Feedwater Heaters The following describes the relationship between the
2.11.1 General Control Considerations
Careful consideration must be given to the location C= T
K 3 P.B.
of equalizer connections for level controllers and gage
glasses to avoid false water levels. Because of the inter- where:
nal construction of feedwater heaters, changes should K 4 Proportionality constant compatible with
not be considered before contacting the Manufacturer. the level controller.
In horizontal heaters, equalizing connections must C 4 Required Capacitance, gal/in. This is the
be located in or near a vertical plane where they will condensate volume per inch of depth,
not be subject to any differences of pressure. Heaters within the control band.
with an integral drains subcooler must have the level
controller equalizer connections located at or near the T 4 Throughput, gal/min. This is the shell side
entrance to the zone. flow leaving the heater.
In vertical heaters, the level controller equalizer con- P.B. 4 Proportional Band Setting, percent.
nections must straddle the level to be controlled. The
The smaller the band, the more accurate must be
amount of rise in level permitted is governed by the
the level controller, but this increases the required
internal construction of the heater. The Manufacturer
volume within the heater.
shall indicate on his drawings the maximum rise in con-
In determining water levels in a heater, certain
densate level that may be permitted without seriously
dimensions must be maintained. The high and low
affecting the performance of the heater. The Purchaser
water levels are normally two inches on either side
should be guided by this information when setting high
of the normal water level. This provides the available
water alarms.
volume for capacitance. If a desuperheating zone is
Each heater shall have its own independent level
supplied, the distance from the maximum water level
controller even though several heaters are operating
to the exit of the zone must be at least twelve inches.
in parallel. The level controller selected must be of a
Similarly, the low level should be maintained several
type that is capable of maintaining the level of conden-
inches above the drains subcooling zone inlet.
sate in the heater shell under steady load conditions
within plus or minus limits on the level indicated by 2.12 Overload and Abnormal Operating Modes
the Manufacturer. Where a heater, or bank of heaters, is operated at a
Separate equalizer connections should be considered level exceeding the design point, the flow rates may
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expected non-condensible flow. The off-take system er, as solubility of gas is directly proportional to the
should be routed in the most direct manner possible partial pressure of gas above the liquid – Henry’s law).
eliminating any loop seals that can trap condensate. The guaranteed oxygen content in drains leaving
The continuous vent off-take system should be insu- the heater, considering venting, shall be as agreed
lated to minimize potential for condensate build-up. upon by Manufacturer and Purchaser. However, it is
Shell side start-up vents should not be routed into recommended that guaranteed oxygen content not be
the continuous vent off-take system unless the sys- lower than 70 PPB.
tem has been designed for this service. They should The measurement of the oxygen level shall be
be piped directly to the condenser or to atmosphere in accordance with the HEI Standard – “Method
depending upon the pressure. and Procedure for the Determination of Dissolved
Tube side start-up vents should not be routed into Oxygen.”
the continuous vent off-take or the shell side start- As indicated above, in order to guarantee the
up system unless those systems have been designed oxygen content of drains leaving the heater, the fol-
for this service. These vents can be piped to atmo- lowing shall be specified by the Purchaser:
sphere except in those nuclear installations where (a) The oxygen content in the extraction steam.
radio activity potential dictates directing these (b) The oxygen content of entering drains.
start-up fluids to the condenser or other specialized (c) The oxygen content of steam from other sources.
“off-gas” systems. The Purchaser’s specified levels of oxygen entering
Provisions should be made for venting a minimum of the heater shall not be exceeded in order to maintain
0.5% of the steam entering the heater. See Fig. No. 42 the Manufacturer’s guarantee of oxygen in the drains
in Paragraph B12. leaving the heater.
Where specific data on oxygen levels cannot be pro-
2.14 Oxygen Content in a Deaerating Heater vided, the specific levels shall be based on calculations
Under certain operating conditions, and with spe- by the dilution method.
cial design considerations incorporated into units, In order to maintain required oxygen level in a
maximum oxygen levels may be guaranteed for closed deaerating closed feedwater heater, special consid-
deaerating feedwater heaters (drains leaving units). erations should be given by the Manufacturer to the
The maximum oxygen content in the drains leaving design of the internals and venting arrangement of
the heater will be a function of several variables and the unit. The specific design shall be the responsi-
shall be determined in each case. bility of the Manufacturer. The Purchaser should be
The applicable parameters will be the oxygen aware that the magnitude of the vent system flow
(c) The Purchaser shall specify the minimum water at the specified operating conditions. Welded
design metal temperature (°F) for both the tube joints should be used when temperatures range
shell and tube side as required by ASME Code, from the values in Table III up to the maximum metal
Section VIII, Division 1, paragraph UG-20. temperatures given in Table II.
3.4 Hydrostatic Test TABLE III
The test pressure shall be in accordance with the Maximum Temperature of Expanded
ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, paragraph Tube Joints
UG-99. The test temperature should be established
as recommended by the ASME Code. Temp.
Material °F
3.5 Nil Ductility Temperature
Arsenical Copper 350
It is recommended that all materials used for forged
carbon steel channels and tube sheets of high pres- Admiralty Metal 350
sure heaters be procured to the minimum require- 90-10 Copper-Nickel 400
ment of Charpy “V” notch values of 15 foot-pounds 80-20 Copper-Nickel 450
average for 3 tests and 12 foot-pounds minimum for 70-30 Copper-Nickel (Annealed) 500
any one test, at a maximum test temperature of 40 °F.
70-30 Copper-Nickel (Stress Relieved) 500
3.6 Tubes 70-30 Nickel-Copper (Annealed) 550
The useful life of a heater tube is normally affected 70-30 Nickel-Copper (Stress Relieved) 550
by the conditions of service, such as: water chemistry, Carbon Steel 650
operating temperatures and fluid velocities, as well
as the effects of short and long term shutdowns. Stainless Steel 500
These factors must be taken into consideration by the
Purchaser when making a tube material selection. 3.6.3 Tube Wall Thickness Limitations
In the case of carbon steel tubed feedwater heaters,
Average wall or minimum wall tubes are equally
various combinations of nozzle and tube velocities and
acceptable providing that, in the case of average wall
channel configurations, as well as factors listed above,
tubes, the calculated thicknesses for pressure require-
can contribute to inlet metal wastage.
ASME/ASTM do not have mandatory requirements ment takes into consideration the plus or minus toler-
for UT examination of tube weld seam on certain ance in wall thickness.
3.6.6 Stress Relieving U-Bends As a minimum requirement, baffles and support plates
Cold work in forming U-bends may induce suscepti- shall be spaced so that the unsupported straight lengths
bility to stress corrosion cracking in certain materials of the tubes will be no greater than 48 inches for 5/8 inch
and environments. The Purchaser should specify if OD tubes, 54 inches for 3/4 inch OD tubes, 57 inches for 7/8
stress relief of the U-bends is required. inch OD tubes and 60 inches for 1 inch OD tubes. Each leg
of all U-bends in the condensing zone shall be supported
3.6.7 Tube Plugging within 8 inches of the point of tangency. These maximum
Tubes will occasionally fail when the assembled unsupported lengths are established for mechanical sup-
bundle is hydrostatically tested to Code pressure. port of the tube bundle only.
Where the location is either inaccessible or imprac-
tical for replacement, the defective tube may be Support of U-Bends
plugged by an acceptable permanent procedure and the Any U-bend tubes wherein the diameter of the bend plus
Purchaser notified. twice the length from the tangent point to the last support
plate exceeds the values given in Paragraph shall
3.7 Tube Bundle have provisions in the U-bend area for support of such tubes.
All baffles and support plates in the tube bundle
should be securely held in place by tie rods and Thickness
spacers, or equivalent construction. The tube bun- The minimum thickness of support plates and baffles in
dle shall be removable from the shell or the shell the desuperheating and condensing zones shall be 3/8 inch
removable from the tube bundle. Straight tube/fixed for shell diameters of 18 inches and smaller and 5/8 inch for
tubesheet feedwater heater is exempted from the larger diameter shells.
removable requirements. The minimum thickness of baffles in the subcooling zone of
all heaters shall be 1/4 inch for spacing less than 18 inches,
3.7.1 Tube Layout and 3/8 inch for spacings of 18 inches and greater.
It is recommended that tubes be laid out on a Drain Subcooling Zone End Plate
triangular pitch. Tubes shall have a minimum center-
The end plate of the drain subcooling zone in
to-center spacing equal to the tube diameter plus
horizontal heaters should be designed to prevent leak-
3/16 inch or 1.25 times the nominal tube OD,
age of steam from the condensing zone into the drain
whichever is greater.
subcooling zone. Close tube to tube hole clearance
3.7.2 Baffles and Support Plates and adequate end plate thickness is provided for this
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)( )
TS 4 do with larger corner radii than the Manufacturer’s
standards are sometimes justified. The variables
that affect this area of discontinuity stresses are too
2) In no case shall the tube hole in the tubesheet that required by the appropriate Code formula
minus the maximum O.D. of the tube be less and thicker if required to meet proper deflection
than 0.002 inches. criteria.
3.8.3 Ligament Widths and Tolerances The recommended limit for channel cover deflection is:
Table VI tabulates the widths for nominal ligament, 0.03" for nominal diameters through 24"
minimum standard ligament and minimum permis- 0.125% of nominal diameter (nominal diameter/800)
sible ligament for the tube pitches shown. 96% of for larger sizes
the ligaments must be at least equal to the value for A method for calculation of channel cover deflection is:
minimum standard ligament width and the remain-
der must be at least equal to the value for minimum
Y 5
~ 0.0435G
P 1 0.5S B
h g !
permissible ligament width.
Tubesheet Drilling Tolerances (3) Y 5 Channel cover deflection at the center, in
G 5 Gasket load reaction diameter as defined by the
Nominal Nominal Tube Nominal Minimum Standard Ligament Minimum
Tube Tube Hole Ligament Width, in Permissible Code, in
O.D. Pitch Dia. Width Tubesheet Thickness, in Ligament E 5 Modulus of elasticity at design temperature, psi
in in Std. Fit in 3 4 5 6 Width, in.
5⁄ 8 13 ⁄16
T 5 Thickness under consideration, in
0.635 0.178 0.133 0.128 0.122 0.117 0.090
27⁄32 0.209 0.164 0.159 0.153 0.148 0.105
P 5 Design pressure, psi
7⁄ 8 0.240 0.195 0.190 0.184 0.179 0.120 SB 5 Allowable bolting stress at design temperature,
3 ⁄4 15 ⁄ 16
0.760 0.178 0.135 0.131 0.126 0.122 0.090
31⁄ 32 0.209 0.166 0.162 0.157 0.153 0.105 AB 5 Actual total cross-sectional root area of bolts, in2
1 0.240 0.197 0.193 0.189 0.184 0.120 hg 5 Radial distance from diameter G to bolt
1 1⁄ 16 0.303 0.259 0.255 0.251 0.247 0.150 circle, in
11⁄ 8 0.365 0.322 0.318 0.314 0.309 0.185
If the calculated deflection is greater than the recom-
7⁄ 8 1 3 ⁄ 32 0.885 0.209 0.168 0.164 0.160 0.157 0.105 mended limit, the deflection may be reduced by accept-
11⁄ 8 0.240 0.199 0.195 0.192 0.188 0.120 able methods such as:
1 3 ⁄ 16 0.303 0.261 0.257 0.254 0.250 0.150 (a) Increase channel cover thickness by the cube
1 1⁄4 0.365 0.324 0.320 0.317 0.313 0.185
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The arrangement of the extraction lines and sup- actual loads. The procedure below permits estimating
ports of the feedwater heater are subject to the nozzle loads for cylindrical shells. The procedure is
approval of Manufacturer (See Paragraph 2.9). based in part on the design data included in Welding
Research Council Bulletin 107(5). The allowable loads
3.12 Welded Joint Construction have been linearized to show the interaction between
Where welded joints (shells, channels, tube ends) the maximum permitted external radial load and the
are specified, construction details and procedures maximum permitted applied moment vector.
shall be determined by the Manufacturer. Due con- The procedure represents a simplification of the
sideration must be given to design features, quality method of WRC 107 and users of the procedure
of materials and ease of maintenance where welded
included in this standard are cautioned that more
joints are used.
exact analysis is required to verify the adequacy of
3.13 Connections-Nozzle Length final designs. The stresses considered in developing
Nozzle projections for flanged and butt welded the procedure have been defined as secondary stress-
connections should be between 6 and 8 inches. es with stress limits established according to that
definition. Although the effect of internal pressure
3.14 Nozzle Loads has been included in the combined stresses, the effect
The determination of acceptable nozzle loads is a of pressure on nozzle thrust has not been included and
complex problem involving the interaction of external requires combination with other radial loads.
forces and moments applied at the vessel wall. These Loads exceeding those calculated by this method
loads are functions of the piping mechanical and ther- usually require additional reinforcement. The user
mal design. Frequently, the piping’s designer needs is cautioned that the higher allowable loads obtained
to know the allowable loads at the nozzle in order to through design modification may require strengthen-
determine the piping configuration and generate the ing other parts; such as supports, supporting struc-
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T (Rm 2
2 ) 14,850 psi , Sa = 20,000 psi
If s is greater than Sa, then use Sa as the stress Use s = 14,850 psi in the equations for calculating
due to design pressure: FRRF and MRLM.
Rm2 ro
D ( Sy 2 s
) =
0 1,039,177 in-lbf
Plot the value of FRRF as FRF and the smaller of
MRCM and MRLM as MRM. The allowable nozzle loads are
3.14.3 Sample Problem bounded by the area of FRF, 0, and MRM.
Determine Resultant Force and Moment
( )
b = 0.875
= 0.875
37.5 ( )
= 0.35 MRM = 605,966 in-lbf
Standard tolerances for nozzle end prepara-
tions and nozzle support locations are indicated
in Figure Nos. 11a and 11b.
The average inside diameter of nozzle weld
preparations may be measured after machining
but prior to installation on the vessel.
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Fig. No. 8
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Fig. No. 9
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Fig. No. 10
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Fig. No. 11a
Standard Tolerances for Nozzles and Support Locations - English Units
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Fig. No. 11b
Standard Tolerances for Nozzles and Support Locations - SI Units
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6.1 Safety Requirements (e) Back pressure at the valve outlet connection shall
Because of the variety of protective measures and be considered zero psi unless otherwise specified
devices in common use, compliance with the provisions (See Paragraph 2.1.1 [f]).
of the ASME Code for protection of closed feedwater
6.2 Flashback Protection
heaters against over-pressure is the responsibility of
the Purchaser. Certain design features may be required in the feed-
water heater to restrict the stored volume of the con-
6.1.1 Tube Side Relief Valves tained liquid and to confine flashed vapor. Details of the
The tube side of the heaters shall be protected flashback protection provisions shall be incorporated in
against over-pressure from water expansion when the the initial inquiry by the Purchaser.
water inlet and outlet valves are closed. A minimum The Manufacturer can provide the following infor-
3/4" connection for installation of a relief valve shall mation to assist in the Purchaser’s evaluation of
be provided between the water inlet and outlet valves. turbine overspeed during load rejections.
(a) Steam volume
6.1.2 Shell Side Relief Valves
When the shell design pressure is less than the tube (b) Condensate volume at the normal operating level
design pressure, a connection for a relief valve shall be (not including drain volume in drain cooling zone).
provided to protect the shell from over-pressure in case (c) Drain volume in drain cooling zone.
of tube or tubesheet failure. The design temperature (d) Flow area at entrance to drain cooler.
and pressure of the valve should be equal to the design
(e) Flow area through flashback system. This area
temperature and pressure of the shell.
will be the total flow area through flashback baffle
When no valves are present in the extraction line
as well as clearance areas between drains cooling
and there are no means of isolating the heater shell
zone and shell I.D.
from the turbine, the user should be certain that the
control arrangements (high level alarms, emergency Maximum flow areas should be furnished by the tur-
dump systems, etc.) are such that corrective steps bine manufacturer; however, the design of the heater
can be taken before condensate (from tube rupture) will not be compromised to meet this requirement.
reaches the turbine. 6.3 Cleanliness and Corrosion Protection
Although the shell side relief valve is normally
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After seals are broken and covers removed to permit 6.4 Venting and Draining
installation and attachment of piping, the user should All high and low points on shell and tube spaces
protect the heater internals against corrosion and of a heater, not otherwise vented or drained by nozzles,
contamination and periodically inspect the heater, shall be provided with connections for vents and drains.
prior to operation and during shut-down periods, for See Fig. No. 42 Paragraph B11 and Paragraph 2.13.
corrosion damage. Appendix A should be consulted for
additional information.
The type of installation selected must consider, as plant designer consult this Standard for guidance in
a minimum, space allocation, piping arrangements, the selection. The standard arrangements available
access for maintenance and repair, and operational are depicted in Fig. No. 12 thru 15 below.
considerations. It is recommended that the power
Fig. No. 12
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8.2 Manway Access Channels tition section that is perpendicular to the tubesheet
face. Pass partition covers are to be designed for the
8.2.1 Minimum Access Manway Sizes maximum expected differential pressure.
When the user has decided upon a manway access Pass partition covers should be sectioned as
channel, the following should be considered: required to remove them through the manway, rather
than having personnel being restricted by the covers Minimum Manway Sizes lying in the bottom of the channel. Should welded pass
The minimum acceptable manway sizes partition covers be used, they should not be thermally
are 12" x16" elliptical and 16" circular. cut closer than 1/2" to the pressure boundary. Pass Partition Cover Design and Type The pass partition cover type is an option for
the Purchaser to consider. Welded covers provide a
Pass partition cover design must be such that it
more positive seal but require thermal cutting for
does not restrict channel entry through the access
access. Bolted and gasketed covers are more read-
opening. A design with a pass partition cover which
ily removable but are more susceptible to interpass
is parallel with the tubesheet face may require a
leakage. Shown in Fig. No. 19 is a typical full access
larger manway opening in order to gain access. This
bolted and gasketed pass partition cover design. It is
entry restriction can be eliminated by sloping the pass
important that fasteners be locked in place in order
partition cover. The end of the cover adjacent to the
to avoid having stray fasteners introduced into the
center of the tubesheet should be approximately four
condensate/feedwater system. Recommended weight
(4) inches from the tubesheet face; however, this dis-
of removable sections should not exceed 50 pounds
tance will vary because of hydraulic and maintenance
for ease of handling.
considerations required for the design of the pass par-
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8.2.2 Low Pressure, Manway Access heater designs could be one of the two (2) designs
Manway access channels used for low pressure shown below:
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8.2.3 High Pressure, Manway Access heater designs could be one of the three (3) designs
Manway access channels used for high pressure shown below:
Fig. No. 22 shows a channel design using a The manway sealing joint would be one of the
hemispherical head which may present difficulties in configurations shown above Fig. Nos. 22, 23, and 24.
fitting nozzles and manway around the hemisphere’s One configuration (Option A) has a seal welded dia-
periphery. This design generally has a greater access phragm which provides all welded construction when
restriction. Due to the nozzle centerline being approx- required. The other optional configurations have gas-
imately 30° off the vertical plane, 30° elbows are keted joints with one being externally gasketed and
generally required in the piping if vertical runs the other having an internal gasket which is called a
are required. Fig. Nos. 23 and 24 show channel “pressure sealing type” design. The pressure sealing
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Fig. No. 25
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Fig. No. 26
(Condensing and Subcooling Zones)
SEE FIG. No. 16
20 THRU 24
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Fig. No. 27
(Desuperheating and Condensing Zones)
SEE FIG. No. 16
20 THRU 24
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Fig. No. 28
(Desuperheating, Condensing and Subcooling Zones)
SEE FIG. No. 16
20 THRU 24
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Fig. No. 29
Vertical Channel Down Mounting
20 THRU 24
SEE FIG. No. 16
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Fig. No. 30
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Fig. No. 31
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20 THRU 24
SEE FIG. No. 16
Fig. No. 32
Vertical Channel Up Mounting
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20 THRU 24
SEE FIG. No. 16
Fig. No. 33
Vertical Channel Up Mounting
(Condensing and Subcooling Zones)
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20 THRU 24
SEE FIG. No. 16
Fig. No. 34
Vertical Channel Up Mounting
(Desuperheating, Condensing and subcooling Zones)
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A2.1 Initial Start-Up Precautions Improper liquid levels may result in the loss of the water
It is important that all bolted joints be tightened seal allowing steam to flow directly into the drain pip-
uniformly and in a diametrically staggered pattern as ing or through the entrance to the drains subcooling
illustrated in Fig. No. 35, except for special closures zone. Steam flow into a drains subcooling zone reduces
or spiral wound gasketed closures, when the instruc- its effectiveness for subcooling and can lead to erosion
tions of the Manufacturer should be followed. and/or vibration. In horizontal heaters with a drains
The bolts should be retightened shortly after the subcooling zone, the loss of the water seal may elimi-
heater has been put in service for the first time. nate essentially all of the subcooling. This two-phase
Operational factors, including thermal cycling, pres- flow through the subcooling zone can result from steam
sure surges/spikes, etc., can lead to loosening of bolted by-pass leaking through the end plate of a horizontal
joints. Periodic checks should be made during the subcooling zone and/or flashing of the incoming drains
first six months of operation and routinely thereaf- entering the integral subcooling zone.
ter to insure that all bolted joints remain tight. It is Liquid level standpipes and their associated gage
recommended that removable insulation be used at glasses sense the level through static taps. In both verti-
cal and horizontal heaters, the steam flow velocity past
the higher connection may be different from the velocity
at the liquid surface. In the absence of shock or friction
losses, the pressure of the stream having the lesser veloc-
ity will be greater as a result of Bernoulli or momentum
exchange effects. More common is steam flow into the
vapor equalizing line of the standpipe. Condensation
in the vapor equalizing line results in a lower pressure
above the float than inside the heater leading to a higher
level in the float cage. These effects result in measuring
higher levels than actually exist inside the heater. This
leads, in some cases, to loss of the necessary submer-
gence on the entrance to the subcooling zone, resulting
in flashing.
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A2.4 False Liquid Level Indication associated with two-phase flow in a piping system. If
Of all the possible reasons for false sensing of the system utilizes a heater drain pump, the loss of
vapor/liquid interface levels in closed feedwater subcooling can have a significant adverse effect on
heaters, the following appear to be most commonly the necessary net positive suction head requirement
encountered. Note that when a false high shell liquid and/or cavitation.
level indication is adjusted down to the “normal” Heater liquid levels should be controlled by dis-
set level, the actual liquid level in the shell is set placement sensors or by any other type of sensors that
equivalently too low. are responsive to rapid changes in the shell liquid
• Excessive condensing in a top equalizing leg level and that faithfully reflect changes in extraction,
that is too long induces a compensating flow cascaded drains or possible internal leakage flows.
into the leg. This results in a pressure loss Although heater levels must be set by temperature,
causing a rise of the level in the sensor and namely the level that provides the rated drains
gage glass relative to the actual level in the approach temperature, heater levels are not to be
shell. It should be obvious that the longer the controlled by temperature. Time delays in sensing
vapor equalizing leg, the greater will be the temperature changes would probably result in unac-
discrepancy between indicated level outside the ceptable, erratic level swings.
heater and actual level inside the heater. For
any given vapor equalizing leg length, insula- A2.6 Effect of Load Rejection on Shell
tion of the equalizing piping will minimize the Liquid Level
false level indication. Shell liquid levels are affected by rapid increases
• A high localized velocity of steam across the top or rejection of unit load. Both cases, in their own
equalizing connection opening in the shell aspi- way, can cause a sharp rise in shell liquid level and
rates or reduces pressure in the top equalizing an adequate margin between the normal and alarm
leg, which raises the level in the sensor relative or dump levels must be allowed. Traditionally, the
to the actual level in the shell. normal and alarm levels have been set too close. This
• A cascade of condensate flowing down a vertical does not permit reasonable load swings, without
channel down shell into the top equalizing con- alarm, or allow adequate range of level adjustment
nection tends to flood the sensor and thus raise to obtain the specified drains approach temperature.
the level indication relative to the actual level Also, on a sudden, high rate of load reduction, vapor
in the shell. is generated in the condensate in the shell, as the
• Sediment or partially closed valve settings in
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systems often mask increasing leakage by maintain- ing end plate, permitting the bypass of wet vapor from
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B1 Vertical Feedwater Heaters heater shells, which basically have less free surface
The majority of feedwater heaters are installed in area within the confines of the cross section of the
a horizontal position. However, some users prefer a shell I.D., may require a 1/2 inch damping orifice in
vertical installation since less floor space is required. the bottom equalizing leg to increase the effective
The channels can be either above or below the shells capacitance. The damping orifice will reduce the effect
with most installations using the channel below the of short rapid level fluctuations but will not affect
shell, commonly called “channel down”. This design level trends. In this manner the small capacitance of
enables the plant designer to run the feedwater piping the vertical heater becomes more effective. The cross
between the heaters at a lower, more consistent eleva- sectional area of the vertical channel down heater
tion and shell removal may be somewhat simplified. shell may be enlarged to increase capacitance as
If the channel is above (channel up), the tube bundle required and shown in Fig. No. 39. Capacitance of a
must be removed, necessitating breaking the major vertical heater can also be increased by increasing the
connections and handling heavier parts to gain similar level control range from a minimum of ±2" to ±3" or
access. In either of the vertical heater configurations ±4" or as required to satisfy drain flow of the heater.
complete tube bundle access may be more difficult than As this control range is increased consideration
in the case of horizontal heaters. should be given to increasing the float of the controller
Other considerations for vertical heaters involve to longer float lengths.
proper distribution of steam and condensate within As the level is dropped in a vertical channel down
the shell. In some designs the condensate will fall like heater, the point is reached where the indicated level
rain from the tube supports while steam usually rises coincides with the top of the draincooler shroud.
against the flow. A means of separation is required to This point must be indicated on the gage glass and
preclude the steam flow from holding up the conden- also on the level indication in the control room. The
sate with a resulting slugging or surging which could heater should never be operated below this point since
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B4 Specific Zone Designs (See Figures in It must be recognized, however, that the dry wall
Paragraph 9) safety margin varies with every set of operating con-
ditions. Check rating the optimized heater design at
B4.1 Desuperheating Zone other “off design” or “off load” conditions will show
Without a desuperheating zone, the feedwater can a range of varying safety margins, which could be
only approach the saturated steam temperature, but higher or lower than the minimum. The margin could
cannot equal or exceed it. Additional temperature rise even appear to be negative (i.e. producing wet tubes).
can be obtained by use of a desuperheating zone which This is not a concern with “base-loaded” units which
exchanges the sensible heat in the steam through operate at or near the “design point” continuously and
the influence of the large temperature difference may only experience “wet tubes” during infrequent
between the steam and the feedwater. Although the shut downs and restarts. The varying safety margin
heat transfer rate in a gas to liquid heat exchanger is is a concern, however, when units are subjected to
less than that in the condensing zone, the temperature “cycling” load operation that may occur on a continual
difference is much greater and, therefore, each basis.
square foot of surface in the desuperheating zone will Designing a heater for a minimum safety margin
transfer a significant amount of heat. at “off load” conditions may require decreasing the
Using a desuperheating zone permits heating of surface in the desuperheating zone to increase tube
the feedwater to a temperature higher than the shell wall metal temperature at the DSZ outlet. This will
side saturation temperature.When superheat is avail- result in a larger and more costly heater. It is difficult
able, the additional cost of a desuperheating zone is to design a heater to avoid “wet tubes” at all loads,
usually economically justifiable due to the cycle effi- as noted in paragraph B2; therefore, when units are
ciency improvement which is realized. subjected to “cycling” load operation, consideration
The use of a desuperheating zone is subject to some must be given to the potential for a “less than opti-
limitations. First, the steam temperature at the exit mized” heater design which may include minimized
of the zone must be sufficient to heat the exposed desuperheating zone length and options such as (a)
tubing to a temperature exceeding the condens- an increase in heater size to obtain full performance,
ing temperature. Secondly, there must be sufficient (b) optimized heater size but with decreased heater
heat in the entering steam to permit heating the performance or (c) elimination of the desuperheating
feedwater to the desired outlet temperature. zone with decreased heater performance, if design
The requirements on steam temperature leaving the temperatures allow.
desuperheating zone indicated above apply not only to
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nection on the shell. If significantly large shell side B6 Manway Sizes for Hemispherical Heads
overload conditions are possible that require conden- From an accessibility standpoint, it is obviously
sate dumping, this allows condensate to be removed desirable to make the manway as large as possible,
directly from the shell without passing through the but there are size, weight, and economic consequences
subcooling zone, thus reducing the restriction to flow to consider.
and decreasing the potential for mechanical damage An optimum choice for most purposes is an 18"
to the zone. The emergency dump connection should I.D. if it is round, or an 18" x 14" opening if it has an
be at least as large as the normal drains outlet. obround profile. There are a number of older heaters
that have been built with smaller openings, such as
B5 Heaters Removed from Service 16" I.D., but access into them is usually difficult.
Today’s large installations frequently require more Larger sizes (such as 20" or 24") may seem desir-
than one stream, so that heaters operate in parallel able, but can be very costly, as these sizes often
as well as in series. When one of the parallel heaters require an enlargement of the hemispherical head,
is isolated for maintenance, the total stream may flow which also affects the tubesheet thickness. The fea-
through the remaining heaters unless by-passes are sibility of larger sizes depends on the bundle size,
provided or load limitations are imposed. the design pressure, as well as the orientation of the
Feedwater heater piping systems, valves, and the nozzles and manway. For the configuration of Fig. No.
feedwater heater itself shall be designed with con- 22 of Paragraph 8.2.3 (which includes the majority of
sideration given to the fact that the steam flow to a hemispherical head designs), the head size is particu-
feedwater heater will increase when a parallel heater larly sensitive to the manway size. For the low pres-
or stream is removed from service. sure hemispherical head of Fig. No. 20, Paragraph
The increase in steam flow is related to the thermal 8.2.2, or the hemi-plus-barrel design shown in Fig.
effectiveness which is defined as: No. 24 of Paragraph 8.2.3, the sensitivity is less.
t2 – t1 Dt2 1 In a retrofit situation, where there are limitations
P = =1– = 1– on space, it may be impossible to use a manway with
Ts – t1 Dt1 eUA/WC
an I.D. of 20" or larger without increasing the feedwa-
Where: ter nozzle projection or in the case of vertical heaters,
t2 5 condensing zone outlet temperature, °F relocating structural members.
t1 5 condensing zone inlet temperature, °F In the case of feedwater heaters designed for new
power plants, where the diameter is not limited,
TS 5 saturated steam temperature, °F
then the economics may be the main consideration in
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• A large quantity of inlet drains being introduced equipment into the turbine occurs mainly due to
into the feedwater heater. One typical installa- problems arising during start-up and shut-down and
tion that experiences large drain inlet flows is is often associated with once through flow steam
nuclear power stations. generator units. Feedwater heaters however can also
• Excessive kinetic energy being released due to the become a source of water ingress during operational
percentage of flashing of the incoming drains and periods when tubes rupture, or when normal drains
the configuration of the shell and bundle. As a back up, if the appropriate bypass mechanisms are
minimum, G2/r as defined in Paragraph 2.8.c should not in place. An additional source of water that needs
always be less than 4,000 for the entrance area. to be considered in the design of the bypass is the
Based on the design, this may require an integral cascading of drains that typically occurs from higher
flash chamber. to lower pressure heaters. It is recommended that
mechanisms be in place that will isolate all of these
Before specifying an integral flash chamber, one sources of water.
should consider the following factors: Two suggested external system arrange-
• Only horizontal heaters may have an integral flash ment options are provided in the ASME TDP-1
chamber. Vertical heaters would require a separate Recommended Practices for The Prevention of Water
external flash-pot arrangement. Damage To Steam Turbines Used for Electric Power
• Integral flash chambers take up additional shell Generation to achieve this goal. The first option would
length. An integral flash chamber would result in be provision of a bypass in the Primary drain line
a larger tube bundle and shell if the heater length from the heater as well as automatic isolation of the
were limited. This may cause further shell and steam extraction to the heater. The second option pro-
channel piping changes for a replacement heater. vided mainly for condenser neck heaters would be to
At minimum, the piping location for the drains inlet isolate the tubeside flow in place of the extraction line
line would change. isolation in the first option. Schematics for both of
these arrangements can be found in the ASME TDP-1.
The level control is integral to all of these suggested
arrangements. With heaters that have drains cooling
zones level controls are provided to maintain adequate
height above the entrance to the drains cooling zone in
addition to monitoring high levels for possible liquid
ingress into the turbine. Location and accurate level
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• Less subject to leakage than a gasketed
• Generally requires smaller bolting.
• Generally results in smaller channels.
• Lower initial capital cost.
• Longer access times required for maintenance
• Requires burning and/or grinding along with
welding operations.
EMERGENCY BY-PASS TO PREVENT • Safety Issue – Care must be taken to prevent
WATER DAMAGE TO TURBINE FOR HEATERS pressurization of the channel side without the
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Fig. No. 42
(Vertical Channel Up Typical)
Fig. No. 42 Continued
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1. (SI) Denotes an “International System of Units” unit.
2. Pressure should always be designated as gage or absolute.
3. The acceleration of gravity, g, is taken as 9.80665 m/s2.
4. One gallon (U S liquid) equals 231 in3.
5. For temperature interval, 1°K = 1°C exactly.
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in 2.540 3 10-2 m (SI)
in 2.540 3 101 mm
ft 3.048 3 10-1 m (SI)
ft 2.540 3 102 mm
in2 6.451600 3 10-4 m2 (SI)
in2 6.451600 3 102 mm2
ft2 9.290304 3 10-2 m2 (SI)
in3 1.638706 3 10-5 m3 (SI)
in3 1.638706 3 10-2 L
ft3 2.831685 3 10-2 m3 (SI)
ft3 2.831685 3 101 L
gal 3.785412 3 10-3 m3 (SI)
gal 3.785412 L
lbm 4.535924 3 10-1 kg (SI)
lbf 4.448222 N (SI)
lbf 4.535924 3 10-1 kgf
K 5 (°F 1 459.67)/1.8 K 5 (°C 1 273.15) (SI)
°C 5 (°F 2 32)/1.8 °C 5 ( K 2 273.15) (SI)
°F 5 1.8 °C 1 32 °F 5 1.8 K 2 459.67
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Btu/hr 2.930711 3 10-1 W (SI)
Btu/hr 2.930711 3 10-7 MW (SI)
Btu/hr 2.519958 3 10-1 kcal/n (SI)
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lbm/in3 2.767990 3 104 kg/m3 (SI)
lbm/in3 2.767990 3 10 1
lbm/ft3 1.601846 3 101 kg/m3 (SI)
lbm/ft3 1.601846 3 10-2 kg/L
lbm/gal 1.198264 3 10 2
kg/m3 (SI)
lbm/gal 1.198264 3 10 -1
Btu/lbm 2.326000 3 10 3
J/kg (SI)
Btu/lbm 2.326000 kJ/kg
Btu/lbm 5.555556 3 10-1 kcal/kg
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APPENDIX C-3 – Continued
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“ASME SB-395, UNS C71000 (SMLS)” 21.0 21.5 22.3 23.1 23.9 24.7 25.5 26.3 27.1 27.9 28.7 29.5 30.3 31.1
90-10 Copper Nickel
“ASME SB-395, UNS C70600 (SMLS)” 26.0 26.9 28.4 29.9 31.5 33.0 34.5 36.0 37.5 39.1 40.6 42.1
Low Alloys
“ASME SA-213 T11, UNS K11597 (SMLS)” 25.8 25.9 25.9 25.8 25.6 25.4 25.2 24.9 24.6 24.2 23.8 23.4 23.0 22.6
“ASME SA-213 T22, UNS K21590 (SMLS)” 20.9 21.0 21.2 21.3 21.4 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.4 21.3 21.1 20.9 20.7
Nickel Alloys
70-30 Nickel-Copper 12.6 12.9 13.4 13.9 14.5 15.0 15.6 16.1 16.6 17.0 17.5 17.9 18.4 18.9
“ASME SB-163, UNS N04400 (SMLS)”
“ASME SB-676, UNS N08367 (Welded)” 6.7 7.1 7.4 7.7 8.0 8.3 8.6 8.9 9.2 9.5 9.8 10.1
References: ASME Section II, Part D, 1995 Edition 1988 Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association
Allegheny Teledyne Incorporated Copper Development Association
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Copyrighted material licensed to Arina Kornilieva on 2015-12-22 for licensee's use only.
NOTE 1 – For points not included on this sheet multiply Greater Terminal Temperature Difference and Lesser
Terminal Temperature Difference by any multiple of 10 and divide resulting value of curved lines
by same multiple.
NOTE 2 – The determination of the LMTD must be done for each individual zone of a feedwater heater.
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Customer Date
Engineer/Consultant Cust. Ident. No.
Address Mfg. Ident. No.
Plant Name Proposal No.
Plant Location Job No.
01 Service of Unit Item No.
02 Size Type Prepared By
03 Surface Per Shell Effective Sq. Ft. Total Sq. Ft.
04 No. of Shells Per Unit No. of Units Position
Shell Side Tube Side
05 Fluid Circulated Steam Drains Feedwater
06 Total Fluid Entering #/HR.
08 Inlet Enthalpy BTU/#
09 Outlet Enthalpy BTU/#
10 Inlet Temperature °F ( SAT.)
11 Outlet Temperature °F
12 Operating Pressure PSIA
13 Number of Passes
14 Velocity FT/SEC Not Applicable
15 Pressure Drop PSI DSH DC
Surface Transfer Rate Reference
Heat Exchanged Sq. Ft. LMTD BTU/HR-– Baffle Temperature
Copyrighted material licensed to Arina Kornilieva on 2015-12-22 for licensee's use only.
Copyrighted material licensed through Normdocs LLC on 2015-12-22 for licensee's use only. No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Thomson Reuters (Scientific) LLC,
Customer Date
Engineer/Consultant Cust. Ident. No.
Address Mfg. Ident. No.
Plant Name Proposal No.
Plant Location Job No.
01 Service of Unit Item No.
02 Size Type Prepared By
03 Surface Per Shell Effective m2 Total m2
04 No. of Shells Per Unit No. of Units Position
Shell Side Tube Side
05 Fluid Circulated Steam Drains Feedwater
06 Total Fluid Entering Kg/s
08 Inlet Enthalpy kJ/Kg
09 Outlet Enthalpy kJ/Kg
10 Inlet Temperature °C ( SAT.)
11 Outlet Temperature °C
12 Operating Pressure (abs) kPa
13 Number of Passes
14 Velocity m/s Not Applicable
15 Pressure Drop kPa DSH DC
Surface Reference
Heat Exchanged m2 LMTD Transfer Rate Baffle Temperature
Copyrighted material licensed to Arina Kornilieva on 2015-12-22 for licensee's use only.
Copyrighted material licensed through Normdocs LLC on 2015-12-22 for licensee's use only. No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Thomson Reuters (Scientific) LLC,
Customer Date
Engineer/Consultant Cust. Ident. No.
Address Mfg. Ident. No.
Plant Name Proposal No.
Plant Location Job No.
01 Service of Unit Item No.
02 Size Type Prepared By
03 Surface Per Shell Effective m2 Total m2
04 No. of Shells Per Unit No. of Units Position
Shell Side Tube Side
05 Fluid Circulated Steam Drains Feedwater
06 Total Fluid Entering Kg/h
08 Inlet Enthalpy kcal/Kg
09 Outlet Enthalpy kcal/Kg
10 Inlet Temperature °C ( SAT.)
11 Outlet Temperature °C
12 Operating Pressure (abs) kg/cm2
13 Number of Passes
14 Velocity m/s Not Applicable
15 Pressure Drop kg/cm2 DSH DC
Surface Transfer Rate Reference
Heat Exchanged m2 LMTD kcal/h - Baffle Temperature
Copyrighted material licensed to Arina Kornilieva on 2015-12-22 for licensee's use only.
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This troubleshooting guide has been prepared to assist operators of closed feeedwater heaters. The guide provides
general guidance, and operators are advised to consult with the manufacturer when necessary for speciic instruc-
tions regarding their equipment. Many of the items listed below are not in the scope of the heat exchanger manu-
facturer; however, these items do affect operation and must be considered by operators.
Please submit all questions and inquiries to the HEI at, or visit the HEI website at
Symptoms Possible Causes Possible Solutions
Pass Partition Leaks Pass partition gasket failure Consult supplier for appropriate replace-
(Exhibited by reduced ment
feedwater temperature
rise, and higher TTD.) Pass partition nut failure due to Consult supplier over stud and nut
cycling operation material selections, and consider tack
welding replacement nuts, self locking
nuts, or tension controlled washers
Pass partition cracking due to cycling
Consult supplier over possible repairs
Water hammer or abnormal operating
conditions Make repairs as required and review
operating procedures
Erosion damage from feedwater inlet
nozzle Consult supplier and review pass parti-
tion plate material
Stagnant water during extended shut- Tubes may need to be rinsed and dried
down for extended shutdown.
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APPENDIX D - Continued
Inadequate controller response for Check to ensure that level controller and
available capacitance (Vertical Head control valves are correctly selected to
Down) achieve specified level range with avail-
able capacitance. Check level controller
feedback gain setting.
Unusual Sounds:
Horizontal Heaters, Consult the supplier of the equipment for
Vertical Channel evaluation.
Down Heaters,
Vertical Channel Up Remove shell and repair weld
Heaters Weld failure in drains cooler shroud or
end plate
Open cooling zone start up vent or add
Air trapped in drains cooling zone additional vent in shell skirt section
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Distributed by Thomson Reuters (Scientific) LLC, www.t No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Copyrighted material licensed to Arina Kornilieva on 2015-12-22 for licensee's use only.
Copyrighted material licensed to Arina Kornilieva on 2015-12-22 for licensee's use only.
Copyrighted material licensed through Normdocs LLC on 2015-12-22 for licensee's use only. No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Thomson Reuters (Scientific) LLC,