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J oe
Tranflated according tothe Ebrew
and Greeke , and conferred wich the beft tran{la-
tions in diuers languages. With moft profitable anno-
tations vpon al! the hard places, and ocher things
ofgreat importance, as may appeate in
the Epiftle to che Reader.
And alfa a moſt profitable Concordance
far the
readse finding cust ofany thing in
the fame contained
tothe Kings moft excel-
lent Maieftie.

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ro oe
| GOS ae
ey Sa OF the incomparable treafure of-
the holy Scriptures with a pi ager

for the true vſe ofthe fame.

Efai.t2.3.8& 49 Ere isthe Spring where waters flow,

T TO.TEUC.21,16, i { -to quench ourhof eatfinne:
ef |and 22-17-. Fy isthe Tree where trueth doth grow
xi lerem.33.15. ri
plal.119.160. toleade our liues therein: :
SS] reue.2.7.and Here isthe Iudgethat {tines che Rofes
; asi plalita when meris degites fiks ==
——— Hercisthe Bread that fecds the life,
oes sabes that death can notaſſaile.
6529) Luke210, The ridings of Saluationdeere; ~
wet Gets?) ; comesto onreares from hence:'
x * Ephef.é.16 The fortteſſe of our Faith is hecre,
$ and thiéld of our defence,
S3 Matth7.6, Then benotlike the hogge, J—
ISE N, _ apeatleathisdefire,
Sp |2.Petz22, Andtakesmore pleafure ofthe trough
Si and wallowing inthe mire.
LA Sy Matthé22, Readenotthis booke, in any caſe,
Q3 b ut wii ha fingle eye:
: RE Pfal.tig.a7, Reade dor, bur fra defire Gods grace,
73- to Yoderitand thereby.
E Iude 20, Pray ftillin faith, with this refpe&,
: Gch 7 aG heiii; ;
eis! Plakrig.iz. Thatknowledge may bring this eftect,
T to mortifie thy fione,
128) |lofhuar.8. Thenhappythou,in all thylife, . Sn Eia
| SxS Pfal.t.1,2. — — befalless J Coe
Asst) 12,13. Yea, double happy fhalt thou be, Goh ,
> when God by death thee calles, eax A
EE (Gracious God and moft — Father; which haft vouehfafedyys the rich 6¢ be”
Skoa) and precious iewell of thy holy Word, aflift vs with thy Spirit, that it may be
writtenin ourhearts to our euerlafting domifore; to reforme vs, torenew ys ac-. yo VEE
ins cording to thine owneimage, to build vs yp, and edifie vs into the perfeét building }
Ay) ofthy Chrift fan@ifying and increafing in ysall heauenly vertues. Grant this, O
8 — Father, for lefus Chriſtes fake. Amen.



r AIS i ~ ; "ne - i~~

- n € Torhe Chriftian Reader, i ao Sape
—— — 4 Efides the manifold and continual benefits which Almighty Gad beoweth vponvs, both corporal! and fy
F rituall,we are efpecially bounde(deare brethren) togiue him thankes without ceating for his grcat grace an
vnfcakable mercies,in tbat it hath pleafed him to call vs vnto this marueilous jight ct bis Gofpel,and me
cifully to tegard ys after {0 horrible backſlidng & falling away trom Chrift to Antichriit, fró light to dark
nes,from the living God to dumme and dead idoles,and that after fo cruel! murther of Gods Saints,as alas,
Sea hath bene among vs,we are not alcogether caft offjas were the I fraelires,& many ozbers for the iike, ornot
fo manifeft wickednes, but receiued againe to grace with moft cuident fignes and tokens of Gods efpecia!l loueand fauour.
To the intent therefore that wee ñidy not bee vnmindetull of thelë great mercies. byt feeke by alf meanes (according to)
our duetie) to be thankefull
forthe fame, it behoueth vs fo to walke in his feare and loue, thar ail the dayes of our life w.
-may procurethe glory of his holy Nane, Now foralmuch as this thing chiefiy is attained by the knowledge and pracliſing
of th2 worde of God, (which is the light to our pathes, the key ef the kingdome of heauen, our comfort inalfliGion, out
Mield and (word againft Satan, the {choole of allwifedome, the glafie wherein we Dehoide Gods face, the teftimonieofhis
favour , and the onely foode and nourifhment of our foules) we thought thar we could befiowe our laboursand itudie i
of the ho
nothing which could bee more acceptableto God and comfortable to his Church, thenin the tranflating
Scriptures into our native tongue: the which thing, albeit that diuets heretofore haue indeuoured to atchieue : yet confid/
ring the intancie of thofe times and imperfe& knowledge of the tongues, in refpect of this ripe age and cleare light whi
God hath now reueiled, the tranflations required greatly to be peruled and reformed. Not that we vendicate anything to)
our felues aboue the lealt of our brethren (tor God knoweth with what feare & trembling wehauc benetor thefpaceoftwo L
yeeres and more, day and night occupied herein) bur being carmeltly defired, and by diutrs, whofclearning and podlings wee X
reuerence, exhorted, and alfo incouraged by the ready willes of fuchy whole hearts God likewife touched, not tofpareeny, `
charges for the furtheranceof fuch a benefit &fauor of God towardhis Church(chougt the rime then was moft dangerous, 4 F
and the perfecution ſharpe & furious)wefubmitted our telues at length to their godly indgements, and feeing the greatop-
tunitie and occafions, which God prefented vnto vs in his Church,byrezfon of fo many godly and learned men,and fuch
diuerGties of tranflations in diuers tomgues : we yndettooke this great & wonderful worke (withdireverence, asin the pree ~.
fence of Gad, asintreating the word’of God,whereunto we thinke aur felues vnfufficient) which now God, according to his i $ft
divine prouidence & mercy, hath direGed toa molt profperaus end, And this we may with good con{cience proteſt that we i, ee
haue in every point & word,according to the mealure of that knowledge whicb it pleafed Almighty God to giue vs, faith= ~~
fully rendred the text,and in ail hard places moft fyncerely expounded the fame. For God is our witneile,that wee have byalk = 4
meanes endeuoured to fet foorth the puritie ot the word and right ſenſe of the holy Ghoft,for the edifying of the brethren — *

in faith and charitie,| : ; ; —

Now as wehaue chiefly obſerued the ſenſe, andlabouted alwayes to refloreit to all integrktie: ſo haue we moft reutrent
and wrotéto the Gentiles inthe Creek.
ly kept the proprieti¢ ot the words, confidering that the Apoftles who ſpake
tongue, rather conftrained them to the liuely phraleof the Ebrewe; then enterpritedi farseby mollifying their languegeta: © &
fpeake as the Gentiles did. And for this & other cauſes we haue in many places relerued the Ebrew phrafes, notwitht anding
that they may ſeeme lomewhat hard ia their eares that are not well preGiled, and alſo delight in:heſucet founding phtaſes
oftheholy Scriptures. Yet left cither the Ample hould be diicouraged, or the malicious baue any occafion of iuſt caulla-
tion, feeing fome tranflations reade, after one fort,and fome after another, whereas all may ferneto good purpole & edifica-
tion, we haue in the margent noted that dtuerfitie oF fpeech ox reading which may alfo ſceme agreeable to the mindeaf rhe-
holy Ghoft,and proper ior our language with this marke |}: Againe,-wicreas, wie Ebrewe {peech feemed hardly to agree
with ours,we have nored it in the margentalter this fort +, ving that which was more intelligible. And albeit that manyof |
the Ebzewnames bealrered trom che old text and reftored to the true writing & firit original!, whereof they haue their Gig- © i
nifcation,yetinthe vítallnames litle is changed forteare of troubling the fimple readers. Moreouer, whereas the neceffitie ~
of the fentence required any thing to be added (for fuchis the grace and proprietic of the Ebrewe and Greeke tongues that —
it cannot but either by crcumlocuiĩon,otby adding the verbe or foie word; be vndetftood of them that are not well prae
Gifed therein ) wee hate puric in the text with an other kinde,ot letter , that iz may eafily bee difcerned from thecommon —-
letcer.A> touching the diuifion of the verfes,we hatte folowed the Eb: ew-examples, which heue fo euen from the beginning, |
‘diftinguitied chem. Which thing as it is moft profitable for memorie,fo doth it agree with the beft tranflations, andis
eafieto finde out both by the beft Concordances, and allo byshe quorations which we hae diligently herein perufed an
ferforth by this*. Befides this, the principali matters arë noted.and diftinguifhed by thismarke €. Yeaandthe argu-
ments both for the booke and for the chapters with the number of the verſe are added, that by all meanes the reader might
be holpen. For the which cauſe alſo wee haue fet ouer the head of euery page fome notable worde or ſentence which may
greatly further afwell for memoric,as for the chiefe pointofthe page. And conifidering how hard a thing itis to vrida ftand
the holy Scriptures and what errors, {es and hercfies grow dayly foriacke of the trve knowledge thereof,and how many are
difcouraged (as they pretend) becaufe they cannot atraine to the true and fimple the fame,we hane allo indevous
ted both by the diligent reading of the beſt commentaries,and alfo by the conference with thegodly and learned brethren,to
gather briefe annotations vpon ail th: hard piaces,afwel forthe ynderftanding of luch words as are obfcureendiorthe dew’
claration of the text,as for the ap; licatioa of the fame,as may moſt appertaine to Gods glory &the edification of his Churchs
Finally, that nothing might lacke which might be bought by labours, for the increale of knowledge and ftirtherance of `
Gods glory,there are adioyned two moft profitabte Tables,the one feruing for ghé interpretation of the Ebrewe names: and. g”
the other containing allthe chiefe and principa! mattersof the whole Bible: fo that nothing (aswe rrvft)that any could iuftly |,
defire, isomitted. Theretore,as brethren that are partakers of the fame hope and faluation with vs,we befeech you, that this. f
rich peatleand ineftimable tre2fare may not be ofred in vaine, but as (ent from God tothe people of God, for the increaff ;
of his kingdome, the comfort of his Church, and diſchatge of our coaſcience, whomit hath pleaſed him to raife vp forbe a
purpofe,fo you would willingly receive the worde of God,earneftly ſtudieĩt,and in all your life pra@ifeit,that yee may new
appeare in deede to be the people of God, nat walking any more according to this world, but inthe fruits of the Spirit,thy
Godin vs may be fully glorified through Chriſt Ieſus ourLord, whe liveth and reigneth for e uer. Amena F
q 3 N
How to take profitbyreading of the holy Scriptures. alin.
a Teachthe way ofhis ftatutes,
; }Bamneftly and vfually pray vnto God that he wil < Siue vnderftanding. Plal. 119.
f vouchfate te Direé in the path of his commaundements,
t At the leaft, twiſe euery daye this exerciſe
: be kept. > : Dew.rr.v.rg
Diligently keepe fuch order of reading the feri The time once appointed hereunto aftera goo 4
iosxd — as may ſtand res bacalling entrie,be no otherwife employed. ef > Luke,swv.6a,
and ftate of life, So that Superftition be atoyded. . Efa.2 9 V36.
At one other time that be done,which is left vn- > Eph
p ; done at any time. phe.ʒ. v.i6.
Teache,that we may learne trueth. Tim.:
; ; Improue,that we may be kept from errour —* —
Vnderftand to what ende and purpofe the Saip- ) Corre&,that we may be driuen from vice. ——
tures laue, which were vrittanto Inſtruct, that wee may be ſetled in the way of
well doing.
Comfort, thatin trouble we may be confirmed
in patient hope. — * Rom.s5.v.4-
Faith in Father.
one God Holy Ghoft. (— 1.Creation.
The {tate of mankinde, by 4 2. fall and finne.
3 zegeneration in Chriſt.
Before Chrift.
fis aF
sul The Church and the government $
thereof. Since Chrift,
— he iai Olde.
{ A — — The word of God written in the Teſtament +
Ge I als of God,as ; Newe,
fe ee Before Chrift.
— Sacraments
foe. Since Chrift.
uer hia- Good,
deth to` The ende and generalliudgement of S] i
fite byrea-
ding firip- Good.

Bares, muft MaglRrates R

>i [Remember that Scrip- Peace and and plagues,
SE 4) “lares conteine matter Common wealthes and gouernments of people, by Profperitie warre. `
= e concerning uiet.
a id bites ne
ve Difordered,
Husbands, ~ Godly. bleffed.
3 A Wiues.
Families and things Rene
that belong to houfe Children — 4
ib hold,in which are y iſedome and follie.
by: i Matters. Vogody Loue andhatred.
Seruants, Plagued. Soberneffé and incontinence
The priuate life and doings of euery man in Mirth and forrewe.
Riches, pouertic. Speach and filence.
i 3 md, Pride and humihitie:
TAE ea AER aly Couetoutnette and liberalivie
— Labour and idleneſſe.
tae ee — s Articles of Chriftian — in the common Creede.
trary to the Firft and fecond table óf Gods commandements.
r.Coherence of the text, how it hangeth together.
he 3.Courfe of times and ages, with fuch things as belong vnto them,
é |Matkeand confider thee 3.Maner of fpeach proper to the Scriptures.
4-Agreement that one place of Scripture hath with an other, whereby that which
* feemeth darke in one is made eaſieiz an other.
; Reade interpreters, if he be able, j
Take opportunitie to 4contrewath fuch as can open the Scriptures.A&s.8.v.30,33.&¢, j
Heare pteaching,and to proue by the Scriptures that which istaught.A@s.17.v,1 3,
= ee

Morning prayer. aN
O all pefoutes of the ayze, blee pe the Loz: pea Pilate, wascrucifid, read, and burlen, Te deſcerden
Him, and magnifie pitt foz cuer. : ct : p: a into bell, the thira Day be rele againe from the vean, be
S all xe bralts ano cattel bleffe pe the
Lord: praile afcended inte heaven, and ſittethon tke right band of
biin ana magatie biin forener, ; l God the Father Aininhtp: frem thence Hell he come
D pe chilszen of men, bletie pe the Lord: p:aile him, tz iudge tie quiche andthe vead. Y beleeue in the bolp
ano magnifie hiin foz ener. Gholſt, the holp Catholike Church, the commanicn of ®- :
O let Ilrael belle the Lozurpenife bim,and magni- Saints, tie korgiuenelſe o! tinves, ter celtirrection of —*
e him Fog ener, th: borp and the like euerlaſtiug Amen. —
O pe priets of theLozn, blelle pe the Lord: prayſe @ And atter that, theſe prayers following, as well at
Him, aid magiitie bim fog ever. Fuening prayer,as at Morning prayer, all deuoutly
„D peleruanty otthe Lord, bleſſe pe thc Loge: praple kneeling, The Milter Gift pronouncing with a
Diss ano magneSebin fog ener., loude voyce.
D pe Gplvics ann foules of the righteous, blefle pe the The Lom he with pon
Lor : papie him and magnifie bim tor euce. Anſwere.
D pee holp and humble men of heart, blelle pee the Anw with thp pirit.
Lor: pae him and magnifie him fo ever. Minifter,
D Ananias, Azarias, ana Milael, bleſſe peeshe Let vs pray.
Lo :praple him, aad magnifie itm forener., Loꝛd haue mercy vpon bg,
' Sloth te ts the Father and to the tc. . Chrift Yane mercy bpon bg,
As ir wasin the begiuning, te- Lozd haue mercy vpon be.
@ And after thefecond Leffon, thalbevfed and fayd @ Then the Minifter. Clerkes,and people fhall fay the
— “Dormus Deus Lfraclin English, as tol- Lords prayer in Englifh, with aloud voyce,
O WeEtn, - Dur Father which art in heauen, ac.
Endi Tue: B Lelſed bethe Low Go of Iſrael: for he hath vif- The Minifter then ftanding vp, fhall fay,
Luke 1.68, ted and redeemed hig pecple. D Logo ſhew thp mercy ponds,
è J
And hath raifed op a mightp ‘aluation foz vs: inthe Anfwere.
Soule of fig errant Dawid. Gnd graunt bg thy aluation.
_ AS Yee Dake by the mouth af his bolp Prophets: y Minifter.
which haue bene Mice the world began, D Loz laue the King.
That we hania be laned from oureemies: & from Anfwere.
the hams of all that hatebs. 5 And mercriullp Deere ve when twe call vpon thee,
Taperne the mercp pzomiſed to our forefathers: Minifter
ano tc remember bis holp covenant. Endue thp Virifters with rightesuthelle
To perkorme the othe whichhe ware to our forefa Antwere
ther Abraham: that hetwould gine bs. And make thp chelen people opik,
. = That wee, being velinered out ef the hands ofeur M wiſter. k
© © -ghemiess mixht fue him without feare. D Led fatie thp poeple, —
has du hoinelte aad rigutceutnelle befoze him: afl the Anſwere. —
3 of onr lie, And bleſſe thine in critance.
s =- Am thon chile Halt be called the Prophet of the : Minifter,
a AE: bigheſt:foꝛ thou fhalt goe hefoze the face of the Lowe, Gine peate iv ouctiine,D Lez.
— + to prepare Dig weyes. - Anfwere, : j
> « Hopiueknotolenge of faluation vnto bre people :fog Becaule there is nong other that Eahteth fog hs, but
the remiffion of their ſianes. . onelp thou,D Gor.
Through the tender mercy of onr Gan: whereby the Muiſter.
Dap ming from an high hath viſited vs ; D God make cleaue cur hearts within be.
Ta give light co them that Gt indarkeneſſe, and in < Anfwere.
` the anew of death: and to guide our feete inte the Any take not thp holp pirit from bg.,
wap of peace. @ Then hall follow three Collects. The firft of th
Glop he to the Father.and to the Ec. day, which thalbe the fame that isappointed ac the
As it was inthe beginning,is now oc. Communion. The fecond,for peace. The third,tor
Orthis C.Pfalme Tubilate. „grace to liue well And the two laft Colle@s hall
Iabilate Dee. O Beiopfullinthe Lord, all pee lanng: lerte the ` neuer aleer, but dayly be aid at Morning prayer,
Loz mith glannefle, anv come befoze big pres throughout all the yeere as followeth,
fence with a ong. y AAi , € The fecond Colleg for peace, ;
‘Be peeliire that the Lozd he ig God: it te bee that O Gen which art authaz of p are, am louerofcone
Hath made bg, any net we or ſelues, we are his pea: co2d, in kuowledge of whom Ratdeth out eternal
pleana the ſhecpe of bis pafture, — life, whofe ſernice is perfect fre deme: defend bg thp
O goe poite iwap into his gaies witb thanke gining: humble ſeruants in aif aſſaults of eur rnemies, that
= am: {ite Dig conrtg iw'th praple : be
thanklu onto him, toee Curel truling in thy fene, riap not feare the
af ann {peake good of his Mame. — power of anp aduerfarics, thzotigh the might of Jelus
Faz the fom íg gracious his mercytseiuerlaſting; Chꝛilt our Lew. Amir. ;
ánu bis trueth endureth from generatiẽ ta generation, ; @ The third Colle& for grace. hes
GSloꝛy he to the Father,and cathe Ec. : Low our heauenly Father, cliaiahry env esertaa
Gs tt mas in the beginntig,ec. ii S/ fing Gon, which halk Safely baeught varte rhe bee
§ Then fhalbe fayd the Creede by the Minifter and ginning of this bap, delend bg inthe fame mith thy
the people, ftanding. EF mighty power, ame grant that this pap ie fal! tuto ne
Beleeue in Gon the Father Amightie, maker of firme. neither tunmne mto any kinne of vanger, fut tbag = ~
|Babi and earth. And in Jelug Chrilt his onely Alour doiugs map hee orde redbp thp gonernance to —
Sonne ote Lor, wich was conceinenhy the hotp poe alwayes that ig righteous ite fight, theugd —
Spel tne of the Gitgin Bary, ireu vnder Ponce Hels Chik cur Lod. Amen. : E E
42 AN eis
D b
f 4

as An order for Euening prayer ;z

throughout the yeere,
The Minifter ſhall fay. CUith righteoutes Hal he iunge the wola: ann the
Ge Father which art in heauen ge people with cquitie.
Then likewife he thall fay. lop he to the Father, and toa the Sonne: antte
D Hoan openthon our lips. the help Ghoſt. À
Anfwere, 3 As it bꝛas in the beginning
isnow anv eusr halhe
And our mouth Hal Het forth thp maile twozla without end, Amen, 3 :
Minifter, i : @ Then a Leffon of the newTeftament,and
after that,
D Gov make peene to fauchs. Nunc dimitts in Englith,as followeth.
Anfwere. pe now letteft thor thp (eruant depart in peace: Nunc dia
D Low make halke to helpe vg, Accogvitig to thp word.
mitis, :
Minifter. For mine epes haue ſeene: thy faluation.
Glozp be to the Father andtothe Hone,ec. Luke 2,395 |
batlag ‘thon Halt prepared: before the face of att
As it was in the beginning,is now, ae, people,
Prayfe ye the Lord. Ta hea light to lighten the Gentiles: anv to be the
glory of thp people Ireael.
@ Then Pialmes in order, as they be appointed in the Sloꝛpbe to the JFather,anv tothe ec. `
Table for Pfalmes, except there be proper Pfalmes Gs it was in the beginning,ignow,ec.
appointed for thar day. Then a J effon of the olde Or this Pfalme.
Teftament , as is appointed like wife in the Kalen- Go be mercikull vnto vs, ann bleflebs: ann they
der, except there beeproper Leons appointed for vs the light of hig countenance, and be mercitill
that day, After that ( Magasficat ) in Englifh,as vnto bs.
followeth. CThat thy wap may bee knowen vpon the earth : the
B Coule doer) magnifie the Low: andmp ſpirit fauing hea'th among all nations.
Magnificat. hath reioyced in God mp Sauieut. > Let the people peapte thee, D Gov: pea, letall the
Puke 1,46. For he hath regarded: plowwlutes of hishandmaiden. people pray e thee.
Fo bebola fram Hencefoozth: all generations Hall D tet thenations refopce and be glad: foz thon patt
call me bleſſed. : iunge the folke righteoully, anv gouerne the nations
Foz he that is mighiy hath magnifies me: and Holp bpon earth. A
ig bis Rame. Let the people maple thee, D Gon: let all the pece
And his mercp is on them that feare him : theeugh- ple praple chee. |
out ali generations. Then hall the earth bring foozth her encreafe: anw
He hath ſhewed ſtrength with his arme: be hath ‘cate Gov, tuen our stone Gon Hall gine vs His beling.
fered the preud in the imagination oftheir hearts. Gov Hall belle vs: anv all the ends of the wola
De hath pat downe the mighty trem their icat: anv fhalti feare him.
$ath exalted che humble end meeke. Glorie be to the Father, and te the Sonne: and te
De hach filled che himarp with goon things: ann the the bolp Ghot. ;
rich be hath lent emptie atyap. As it was in the begiming,igsnote,and euer halbe⸗
He remembzing bis merep, Hath holpen hrs fermant tolo without end. Amen.
Aſrael: as he promilen to our fozefathers , Abeabam,
and hig eene for ener. i @ Then thal follow the Creede with other prayers,as
Giegp te to the Father, andtothe Honne: áni te is before appointed at Morning prayer after Bene-
the holp Ghoft. dictus and with three Colles. Firft. of the day. Se=
As it was inthe beginnings now ann euer ſhalbe: cond,of peace, Third,for ayde againft all perils,as
feozis without ens. Amen. hereafter foloweth, which two laft Colleéts fhatbe
Or the 98,Pfalme. dayly fayd at Euening prayer without alteration,
Oza puto the Lerd anew (ong: fog be hath vone @ The fecond Colle& at Evening prayer.
“marucilous things. O Gon from whom ali holy deſitres all coor cons
With his owne ee hand, any with his bolp arme: feig, antall iuft taogkes Doe pzoczene: giue vnto
Hath be gotten himilelfe the bictorie. thy feruants that peace which the world cannot pitie,
Che Logo declares his ſaluation: his righteouſneſſe that both ont hearts map Be fet to obey thp com man⸗
Hath be opentp hemen in the ſight of the beathen. nements ana allo that bp thee, teebeing defended ftom.
Hee haih remembzed his mevep and tructh toward the feare of our enemies,map paſſe our time in reff ane
the hou of rael: and all the ends of che wolo haue quietneſſe, thzo:igh the meriteg of Jelns Cheift our
ſeene the faluation of our Gow. Santour. Amen. vi
She porr ſelues ioyſul vnto the Logo all pe lands @ The third Collect for ayde againft all perils.
Rug, retopee,and giue thanks. j See our darkeneſſe, wee beteech thee,D Larm, -
-Praple the Loza vpon the Harpe: fing to the Harpe ann hp thp great mercie vefenn bg from ati perils
Dith a Wlalme of tbankefgining, and bangers of thig night, foz the toue of thp onelp
CHith Trumpets al ana Shatanes; D Hetw pour Honneour Saviour Petis Lift. Amen,
felies topfull before the Loz the Wing. @ Inthe feafts of Chriftmas,the Epiphanie,S Matthie
Let the (ea make a noiſe, and all chat therein is: the as,Eafter,the Afcenfion,Pentecoft,S. Tohn Baptiſt,
-gonan world and thep that vival therein. S.Iames,S Bartholoniew,S.Matthew,S Simon and
Let the floong clap their bands, and let the billeg be Iude,S, Andrew,& Trinitic a d thalbe füng or,
vedasS oia the Lozd: foz he ig come to fudge {aid immediatly after Benedictus thisconfeflion of
| our Chriftian faith, ~~ TN

The Letanie. EPa
Wicungue Vion wilt be fauevs before all things it is One altogether, tot bp confufion offubMarce : but
Valto neccflarp that he hola the Catholike faith. bp buitie of perin.
Thich faith , except eucrp one doe keepe bolp and For ag the realonable bute ana flefh ig one man: fo
vndeliled without doubt he Wall perih euerlaftingty. Gop ann man ig one Cheilt.
Dia the Cacholike faith is this : that wee worzſhip Who (uttered fog our laluation, deſcended into bell:
One Ged in Triuitie and Trinitie in Anitie. role againe the third pay from the dead.
Metther confounving che perfons: nozdinibing the We atcended into Heaen,heſitteth on the right hand
fubSance. of the Father, Gov almightie : from wheuce pee Halk
Foz there ig one perlon of the Father, another of the cone to iudge the quickeand the veaa.

Sonne: ana another ofthe holy Gholk. At wholecéming all men Thallrile againe with theit
But the Godhead ok the Father, of he Some, and bodies: and ſhall gine account foz their owe tuorks-
of the b: Ip Dho, is alone ; the glozp equall, the mas And thepthat Haue done good, Hall goe into fife
ieſtie coeternall. Sindee 3 and they chat haue Bone eniti, into euerla⸗
Such ag che Father isluch is the Sone : ann fuch ing fire.
ig the holp Ghoſt Chis is the Cathelike faith:which erceve a man
Che Father wncreate,the Sonne vncreate: ana the beleeue faithiully,be cannet be ſaued.
bolp Ghoſt vncreate. Sleazy be to the Father, and to the ec.
Che Father incomprehenſtble,theSorne incompze⸗ Ag it was in the beginning,isnow tc. .
henſible; aun che holy Ghoſt incomprehenſib le. @ Thus endeth the order of Morning and Euening
Che Father eternall, the Sonne eternall: and the prayer thronghout the whole yeere.
boly Ghoſt eternall.
And pet they are not theee eternals: Rut one eternal. € Here followceth the Letanie, to be vied '
As allo there he not the incompzebentibles,noz thzee vpon Sundayes, Wednefdayes,and Fridayes,
vncreated: hut one vucteated, Ene incompzeherfitte. and at other times, when it fhall be
So likewiſe the Father is almighty, the Sonne al⸗ commanded by the Ordinarie.
mighep: and the holy Grok almighty.
sed pet thep are not thee almightieg ; but one al- ee Govthe Father of heauen: Hane merep
mighty. bpon bg miterable inners,
Soche Father is God, the Sonne is God; and the © o God the Father ofheauen : haue
Holp Ghoſt is Gos.
Ano pet thep are not three Gors: hut one God.
So likewile the Father ts Lord, the Sonne LL ods wal + haue merep bpon bs miltrable finners,
ana the bolp Ghot Lorn. O God the Sonne redeemer &c. ;
Am petot three Lome : but one Lez, : D Gon the holy Ghot proceeding from the Father
Foz like as we be cope fen bp che Cheillian beritp: to anu the Sonne: paue mercey bpon bg miſerable inners.
acknowlenae euerp perlon bphimſelk to be God &t Low O God the holy Ghoft &c.
Ho are we korbidden bp the Catholike religion ; to D holy blelſed, and glorious Trinitie, thee perlons
fap there be theee Gods,oꝛthzee Lows. and one God: Hane mercp bpon vs miſerable ſinners.
Che Father is made of none ; neither created noz O holy, bleffed,and glorious Trinitie,&c,
begotten. Remember not Lord our offences , nog the oftences
Che Sonne ts of the Father alone : not mabe, oz of oar forcfatherg, neither take thon vengeance of our
created, but hegetten. finneg + {pare bs goon Lorzd, {pare thy people whem
CThe bolp Shokt ts of the Father, ¢oftheSon: nei- thon Halt redeemed with thp molt precious bloon , and
ther mave,noz created, no? begotten,but proceeding, be not angry with vs for ever.
So there is one Father, net thee Fathers, oneSor, ; Spare vs good Lord.
hot thee Sons:ene holp Gholt,not chee holp Gholts. From all euill ano mifchicte , from finne , fromthe
And in this Trinitie none ig afoze oz after other: crafts and aſſaults of the deuill, from thy wath ana
hone ig greater o2 leſſe then arother. from euerlalting Damnation,
But the whole theeeperfonshs cocternall together: Good Lord delwer vs.
and coequall. From all blindneſſe of heart, from prive baine glory
So that in all chines ag ig afogelain: the Cinitie in and bppocrifte, fram enuie, hatred, ana malice, ann at
TWrinitic,e the Crinitic tt Citic ig to be wazhippen. vncharitableneſſe.
He therefore that will be ſaued: muſt thua thinke of Good Lord deliuer vs.
the Triuitie. Aiie From kornication, and all other deadly ſinne, anv
Furthermore, it ig neceſſary to euerlaſting ſaluati· pensig the deceits of the worlse, theft and the
on : that hee allo beleene rightly in the incarnation of Del.
our Low Jeſus Emitt. Good Lord deliuer vs. ;
Fez the right faith is,that toe beleene and confeffe: From lightning and tempek, from plague, pefkis
thatour Low Felis Chik, the Somme of Gon,isGoo ienee, and famine, from haitell, ant murder, and trens
anv man. ſudden death.
Gon of the (ubftance of the Father, begotten before Good Lord deliuer vs.
the worlds: ann man of che ſubſtance of his mother, From allfevition ano prtuie cenfpiracie , front att
bome in the world. falle voctrine anu herelie, from hardnelle of heart, ang
JD erfect Gon avn verfect man:of a realonable foule, contempt of thp woz and commandemenit,
and humane flefh ubtifting. ' Good Lord deliuer vs.
Equal tothe Father as touching his Godhead:and By the myfterie of thp Holp incarnation, bp chy Holp
. infertur te the Father touching hts manhood. natiuitie and circumeiſien, bp thy bapriline , faking,
Tho although hee be God aw man :pet hee ig net and temptation.
~- tiwo, but one Chik. Good Lord deliuer vs.
Dne, not bp conuerfion of the Godhead inte Reh > By thine agente and bloodie ſweate, hy chy crofle
but bp taking of the manhood into Gon, and palkon, bp chp iru Deaty and Duriall, bp thy
3 glozions /
Se i — t See ea eae nen,



glozious tefurtection
ann afcention, and bp thecome ; We befeechtheeto heare vs good Lord
ming ofthe bolp Gpo. That it map pleat thee to neteny ann pzanive fog
Good Lord deliue? vs, the latherleſſe childzen and widowes, and all that be
Ju all time of one tribulation, in all time of our delolate and oppzefien. ti
wealth, inthe houre of death, and in the dap of iudge⸗ We befeech thee to heare vs good Lord,
ment. That it map pleale thee to haue mercp bpon all men,
Good Lord deliuer vs. Wee befeech thee to heare vs good Lord.
AMee merg ose belech thee to heere bs (D Low That tt map pleaſe thee to forgiue our enemics,pere
Gov) and that ttimappleale theetorule any gonerne lecuters and ſlanderers, and to turne their hearts,
thp poly Church sujterlally in the right wap. We befeech thee to heare vs good Lord.
We befeech rhee to heare vs good Lord. That it map pleale thee to gine and preferue to out
That it mappleale thee to keepe and ſtrengthen in be the kindly fruits of the earth, fo as in Due time wee
the true worgtpptig of thee,in vighteoucuelle and ges niap entop them.
linelſe of lil, thp leruuaumt James, our mok gracioug We befecch thee to heare vs good Lord.
Bing any Kouerhour. That it map pleak thee to gine vs true repentance,
We befeech thee to heare vs good Lord. to forgine bs ali one ſinnes, negligences and ignoran·
Sat it map pleate chee to rale His heart in thp faith, ceg and to endueoswith che grace of thp boly Spirit,
fege and loue and that be may evermoze haue attiance to amend onr tineg according to thp holp mow.
já idee, cud euer leeke thp honour and glorp. We befeech thee to heare vs good Lord.
We beſeech thee to hearevxs good Lord. Horne of Gon: we beſeech thee to heare vs.
Chat it may pleale thee to bee bis Defender aud kege Senne of God : we befeech thee to heare vse
Pir giuing dime the dictozte ouer al his enemies. D Lambe of Gon that take away the ſinnes ef
We befeech thee to heare vs good Lord. the wozo,
Chat it map pleale thee to bleie anv preferne our Graunt vs thy peace.
gracious Queene Anne, [ince Denry, anv the reſt Lambe of Gon that taket atwap the ſinnes of
of che King ana Quecnes KRopall Tae. the world.
. Webrteech thee to heare ys good Lord. Haue mercy vpon vs,
That it map pleal thee to illuminate all Bihops, D Lhziff heare og.
PKoꝛs and mintiters ofthe Chareh, with tene knows O Chrift heare vs,
edge and vnderſtanding ofthp wowe, ann that hoth Lod Haue mercp bpon os.
Ay their preaching ana lining , rhep map fet it foozth, i Lord haue mercy vpon vs.
ana hew it accoaningty. Chꝛiſt hane mercy bpon og,
We befeech thee to heare vs good Lord, Chrift haue merey vpon vs.
. ‘That tt map vieale thee to endue the Long of the Lon Haue mercp bpon bg.
caunſel, and all rye nobilitie with grace, wilepome, and Lord haue mercy vponvs.
vnderſtanding Due Father which art in heauen,ec,
= We befeech thee to heare vs good Lord. Gnd leave hs not into temptation,ge.
What it may pleale thee to bieile ana keepe the Wa- But deliver vs from euill. Amen.
millrates , gitting them grace to execute tuftice, and to The Verficle.
maintaine trueth. wadi ; D Lord deale not with os after our linnes.
We befeech thee to heare good Lord. - Antwere.
That it map pleale thee to biete anv keepe ati thp Meither reward vg after our iniquities.
eop le. Let vs pray. A
: P We befeech thee to heare vs good Lord, O Gon mereifull Father, that deſpilelt not the hag
That it map pleafe thee to gie to ali nations buitp, \_/ ing ofa contrite heart, no? the defire of {uch ag be
peace, avd concord. Í forotofill, mercifully aſſiſt our prayers that mee make
We beſeech thee to heare vs good Lord. i hefoze thee in allour troudles ano aduerlities whenloe
That it map pleate thee te gine vs an heart to loue, ier thep oppreſſe vs: and graciouflp heare bg, that
and dead thee, and oiligeitty to liueafter thp come thaſe ents which the craft and lubtiltie of the veniti,oz
mandements ; man worketh againſt oe be tought to nought,
` Wee befeech thee to heare ys good Lord, the prouivence of thy goodneſſe thep map be dilperfen,
That it map plealerhee to gine te all thp people ins that twee thp feruants being burt bp no perlecutiens,
rreale of grace, to beare meekilp thp woz, and to re» may euermoze giue thankes vnto thee in thp holp
reine it with pure affection, and to hing koorth the Church though Jelus Chif our Low s
fruits of the ſpirit. o lord arife, helpe vs, and deliuer vs for thy Names
We beſeech thee to heare vs good Lord. axe
That it map pleafe chee to Ding into the wap of O God,we haue heard with vur caregg our fathers
traethallchag bane erred and ate Decefuen. haue declared onto vs the noble worzkeg that thou Divs
We befeech thee to heare vs good Lord. Belt in their Dapes, and in the ofa time before them.
That it map peale thee ts Hrengthen fuch ag doe O Lord ariſe, helpe vs, & deliver vs for thine honour,
fiana,and to comfort and helpe the weake Hearted, and Glory be te the Father,and toche ec. f
to raiſe op them that fall, anv finally te beate Downe As it was in the beginning,is now, ge.
Hatan onder our fect. From our enemies vefend bs,D CMmikt,
We befeech thee to heare vs good Lord. Gracioufly looke vpon our affliQions.
What it map pleale thee tefuecour, helpe, and com> Pitifully Lehet the fozowes of our hearts.
fogtalt that be in danger, necelſitie ann tribulation, Mercifully forgive the finnes of thy people.
We befeech thee to heave vs good Lord, Fauourably with mercy Heare our prayers.
‘Ahat it map pleale thee to preſerue al chat trauell O Sonne of Dauid haue mercy vpon ys.
Dp lann oz by water, all women labouring of childe, all Woth now and euer houchlake to teare t8.D Chri,
ficke perſons ann yong chilozer, and to Hew thy pitie Gracioufly heare ys,O Cluift, gracioufly heare vs,
8 vpon all pziloners and captiues. O Lord Chit, y
X a] i] , ; The
— \ 5
X Se a a

~~ The Letanie.
The verſicle. though. wee foz our iniguities
haue worthily referuen
D Loyd let thp mercy be ſhewed bpon bs. thi plague of raine € waters.xet Opon ourtrue trpen⸗
: The Anfwere, 3]tance theu wilt (end bs fich weather, wheicbp we map,
Qs we dee put out truſt in thee. receiue the fruits of the ea:th in due ann, anv {ratne
Let bg peap. both bp thp punifhment ts amend oit liues, and frz thy
Vy E humbly heleech thee, D Father, mercifully clemencie to gine thee praple ane alezp, through gelug
Chalk our slo:d. Amen.
. to looke Upon our intirmities, and fer the glop è
of thy Mames fake, turne from bs all thole euils, hat @ In the time of dearth and famine..
we moft righteoutly bane delerucds and graune thar in Gor heauenly Father, whol: gilt it is that the
afl our troudtes we map put onr whole tru and confi- raine Roctitall,the ca ch is fruittull beaſtes ine
Eeace in thy metcp,and euermoge ſerue tree in hoſlineſſe creaſe and fifhes doc multiplp; betelt we belech thee,
and purenelte of lining, to thp honour € glozp, thzvugh the afflictions othp people, and arest chat the tcarcts
ou onely Mediatout and Aduocate Jeius Thik our tie ana dearth (which we doe nots molt iultly lufrer fog
Lord.Amen. cur iniquitie) map thꝛough thp goodnelſe be mercituity
A prayer for the Kings Maieſtie. turnen intacheapenelie and plenty, forthe tone of Tes
Loz our heauenly Father, high ¢ mighty Bing fus Chif our Loz, ta whom with thee ana the poig
af kings, Lozd of lords the oneip ruler ei princes, Ghoſt beallhonou: ge.
Which voelt from thp throne behold all ihe dwellers bp» @ Inthe time of warre.
on earth, mol heartily wee beleech thee with top fa. Aiminhey Gov, Ling of all kings,a goue tour of
uour ta beholde our moſt gracious foucratane dogne althing3, whole powe: no creature is able to res
King Janes, and fo repleniſh him with the grace of Giff, to whom it belongeth inflo to punih Gnners, eto
thp bolp Spirit, that he map alway incline ta thp wilt, be mercifiit bute them chat truely repent: aue € declines
and walken thyway endue him plentconflp with hea- bg (we humbly beſeech thee)from the hande of our ines
uenly gifta, graun bim iun health and wealth long to mics, abate their pride allwage their matice, conf da
live, Grengthenbim,that he map bar gquilh ¢ overcome ticirdeuices, that wee being armen with thp deterice,
ell his enemies, and final!p afterthiglife, be mapat: map bee xrelerued evermore trom all perils, 10 glozifie
taine euerlaſting top ann felicity though Felis Chk thee which arc the on'p giner ef all bictszy,throagh the -
our Loꝛd Amen. merits of thpenclp Dorne Telus dhint our Wega.
A prayer forthe Queene and Prince, and other § 1a the time of any common plague
the Kings and Queenes children. or fickeneffe. / 2
A Linightp Go, which Dak promifeo to be a father Emite God, whi b inthy wrath in the time oF
ofthine elect anv oftheir feere, wee humbly be: Shing Daui diddeſt Map wich ihe plague of pellis
ſeech thee ta b'effe our gracious Queene Anne, Wince lencethþeetoz and ten thew and, pet remembeirg che
Henry y and all the King and Queenes Ropall Pzo⸗ mercie diddeſt laue the relt: baucpity oponi Os milirae
genie: indue them with thy holy Spirits inrichthem ble inners that now are vilited with great ſi knes and
with thp heauenly grace, ꝓꝛoſper them with all happi · mogtalitp, that like ag thou choch then cõmand thine
nefie, and haing them re thine euerlaſting kingzome, Angel to ceale from punifhing : lo itmap note pleale
through Fetus Thriſt our Loz. Amen. thee to withdzaw from bs this plague avd grieuend
iLmightp ano enerlafing God, which onclp woz ficknefle through Jelus Thei our Logo. Amen.
A keſt yreat matueiles, fend notun npon our Biſhops Ged, tayelenature and propertie is euer to Have
and Curates and al congregations committed to their mercy and to fozrive, recetue our Humble petitis
charge, the Healthful pirie of thp grace, ano that thepons: andi hough we be tied and bonr with the chang
map tritelp pleale thee pomze bpon them the continual of our finned, pet ler che pitifidneffe of thy great merep
Dewe of thp blelling: graunt thts (D Lore) foz the bo: Icole hs,fog the honour of Telus Chzifisiake, our me⸗
—* of onr Aduocate and Mediatour Jelus Cift, Diatour and adtioca’e. Amen.
men. € Athankefgiuing for raine.
A prayer of Chryfoftome, Gor ourheaacnl Father, tehohprhp gracious
A Lmightp Gov, whichbalt giuenvs grace at thig pꝛouidence, doeſt cane the fogmer and the later
‘ES time with one accord,tomeke our commen ſupplt· raine to deſcend bpon the earth that it map bring forth,
cations pnto thee, and Doch promtle that wheu two o? fruite fo: the vle of man: we gine thee iarnble thanks,
three bee wathcred together in thy Mame, thou wilt that it hach plealed thee inour greaten neceflitie, ta
graunt their requelts : Mill nets, D Lw, the deſires fend: bs at the laſt a iopfull raine bpon chine inheri⸗
and petitions of thp feruants, as map be moft erperiét tance, ond to rekreſh it when it was dep, tothe areat
for them, granting usin this worls knowledge of thp comfozt ops thp vnworthy leruants , end tothe glorv
trueth and in the world to come fife euerlafling. of thr helps Mame, thougy chp mercies in geus Ehi
2. Cor. 1 3. € The grace of our Lord Tefus Chrift,and the loue onr 020, Amen,
of God, & the fellowship of the holy Ghoft,be with @ Athankefgiuing for faire weather,
ys all eueimore. Amen. i 0 Gav, who bat ily humbled bs by chp fate
@ For raine ifthe time require. plague of immoderate raine and Waters, and it
om heauenly Father, which by thp onne Jeus thy mercie Halt relicued and comtorted our fentes bp-
Chitt halk promiſed to alt thé that ſeeke thy king: this ſeaſanable and bleſſed change of weather, torg
Dame € the righteou ies therevEallth nas neceffary to praim and glorifie thy holp Mame faz thig thp mercies
their bhilytenance, eno bs we beſeech theeinthig aun wil! alwayes declare th louing kintnefle front”
ourneeflity, {ich moderate raine and ſhowres that toe generation to generation, though Jelus Cheiſt our
maprgeine the fruits of the earth toour cemfert, and Log. Amen.
totiplononrthrough Jeſus Chit oir Low. amen. thankefgiuing for plentie.
€ For faire weather, git
Moſt meccitill Father, which ef chp qractoud
10 Gon, which foz the finne oFman didſt once O goodneſſe, halt heart the deuoute prayers of thp
AJ npn all@he worm, except eight perſons ann af- Church, and turner our dearth ſcarcity inte chee pe⸗
fer) ofthp great merep diddeſt promiſe neuer to neile and plentie: Cee gine thee bumble hantes fog.
deltrop fo againe; wee humbly beleech thee, that als this thp efpectall bountie, hepeihing thee to cone
— rae $
fer ey We Nae r ee ata ee SA rer 2 — Aa ———

> TheColleas.

tbis thy loving binduelle

vuto bs that ourlandmap our ſoules from the iawes of death: wee offer onto th
reelde bsher truites of iucreate, ta thy glory anu ont Fatherip goodueſſe, our ſelues, vurſoules and donies,
comio though Telus Chꝛiſt ore Low. Amen, which chou halt veliuered . to be a liuing lacrifice vn⸗
@ Athankefgiuing for peace and victory, ta thee, alwapes prapling anumagnifping thp mercies
O Almighty Boy, whieh ave a Grong tower of ve: inthe middeſt ok the Congregation, though seius
fence onto thp ſeruants, again the face of their Thik out Loz. Amen.
enemies: me yeelde tyez paaple and thankelgiuing foz Or this,
out deliuerance from thot great and apparant van- VV Ee humbly acknowledge befoz thee (D mok
gerd, wherewith wee were compalſed: wee acknow· merciful Father) that ali tue puniſhments
ledge tt chy goodneſſe, that we were not delinered ouer which are threatned fa thp Law, might iuftly haue
ag a prspe vaca chem, Deveeching thee Killte continue fallen opon vs, bp rea'on of our manitola tranſgreſſi⸗
Each tp mercics towards og , that allthe woo map ong ano hardneſſe ofheart: Het ſeeing it bath pleates
know, that thou art our Sauiour anv mightie veline: thee of thp tender mercie, vpon our weake and vnwor·
serthough Jelas Cheilt our Lord. Amen. thy humiliation, to aſſwage the nopiome peltilence,
@ A thanketgiuing for deliuerance wherewith tucelatelp hane hene foze afflicted , ana ta
from the plague. relteze the hopce of top and health into our ot: lings,
Oi God, which halk wounded vs for our linnes ice oter bno thp diuine Wateltte the lacrifice of
A ant confumen vs foz our tranſgreſſions bp chp late pape anv thankelatuing , lauding and magnifying
deauie and dzeadtull vilitation, and nomin che min: thp glozious Name foz luch thp preteruation ann pzoa
Bek oftudgement remembging mercie, Galt redeemed uidence ouer vs, thꝛough Lelis Cozikour Low, Auen
The end ofthe Letanie.

ees The Collects, with the order how to find the

. beginning and end of the Epiftles and Gofpels in the
New Teſtament by the Chapter and Verle,as it is appoin-
ted in the Booké of Common prayer.
The firft Sunday in Aduent. The Epiftle.
The Colle&, Let a man fo effeemeofbg, 1.€02.4
oA Lmightie Gon, gine bg grace that wee beile r.vnto verſe «.
S map cal awapthe workes of parkenefle, The Gofpel,
i aNd put opon vs the armour of tight, notw And when John heard in the. Matth, rr
Of mthe time of this meztall life, (in the berie 2. vnto berle r1.
which thy Sonne Peus Chih came to ' The fourth Sunday in Aduent.
bifitebgin great humilitie) hatin che fat pap when ke The Collect. ;
hali come againe in his glorious maieftie, te iudge pos raple bp, wee pzap thee,thppotwer, and come
both the quicke and the Dead , wee map rife to life im⸗ among bs, and with great might fuccour bs, that
motali thugh him, whe liueth ana teigneth with whereas through our ſinnes and baickennes twe ke fore
thee and the bolp Gholt, now and euer. Amen. let & hindered, thp hountifull grace and mercp(thaough
The Epiftle, the (atiffaction of thp Sonne our Loz ) map (peediip
Dive nothing te anp man, Rom.1 3 Deliuer gg, to whom with thee anv the holp Oho, he
berle 8. tothe end Honour and glozp weald without end. Amen.
The Gofpel. The Epiftle.
And when thep drew neere. Matth. 21 Reiopee in the Low alwap. Hil.4
verſe 1. vnto berſe: 4, verle 4 butoverie 3.
The Gofpel,
The ſecond Sunday in Aduent. Shen thisisthe recog of John. Sohne
The Collect. berle 1.9. nto berfe 29.
> pue Lo, which bat caulen all hotp Scrip On Chriftmas day, i
tures to be witten foz our learning, grant that we The Colle&. j
map in luch wile heare them, reape,marke,tearne, and A Lmightie Gon, which hak giuen 3 thp me!p bes
nwardly digeſt them, that by patience and com*ozt of gotten Sonne to take aur nature bpon hin,ethis
thp Holy tama, toe may embrace and euer holde faft the Day to he bogne of a pure Chirain, grant that doe,being
bleffen hope of euerlaſting life, whieh thoubalt gtuen regenerate, and made thp chilazer bp adoptipn + grace,
bs in our Sauiour Jelus Chil. Amen. may dayly be renewed be thp bolp Spirit, mHeoigy the
The Epiftle, fame our Logo elus Chri, who liueth ee. |
Fo: wha ſoeuer things, Rois 5 The Epifile, |
berle + bute berie 14. At ſimdry times and in Diners. Debye
The Gofpel. berie 1, onto bere 1 3, |
Then there halbe ignes inthe, Luke 21 The Goſpel.
Werle 25 bnta berle 34. j In the beginning was the. dohn x:
The third Sunday in Aduent. verle ꝛ vnto verle 15.
The Colle& Saint Steuens day,
Oꝛd twee belech thee wine eare to our papers, and The Colle&, *
by chy gracious vifitation, lighten che darkneſſe of Ramt bg,D Lozo, to learne to loueournemies
our heartsbyons Lon Felis Chit, Amen, by theerample of thy Warta D. Stem, whs:
; plapan
The Collects.
praped fo: bis perfecutord , ta thee whieh liueſt ana The Epiphanies |
regne gc. Y The Colleé.
O God, which by the leaving of a arte diddeſt ma
@ Then thal follow a Collect of the Natinitie,which nitelt thp ouely begotten Sonne to the Gentiles,
fhalbefayd continually vntil New yeeres day. mercifully grant, that wee which know thee now bp
The Epiftle, faith, map after this like hauethefruition of thp glozi»
Wutbebeing full sf the hoty. Acteg 7 ous Godhead, theough Chik ous Low.
berle 5 5.onto the env. The Epiftle.
The Gofpel. Foz this caule J Paul. phe. 3
Wherefoꝛe behald.7 (env. Matth.23 verle 1. bute berke 13.
berle 34. vnto the env. The Gofpel,
Saint Iohn Euangelifts day. Tarhen Felis then was borne. Watth.2
The Colle& berle santo berke 13.
Ha ae wee beleech theetocalt thp bright The firft Sunday after the Epiphanie,
heames of light bpon thy Church , that it bemg The Collect.
lightened hp the Doctrine af thp bieiles Apoltle and E⸗ ponte beleech thee mercikully to receiue the pap»
uangeliſt gohn, map attaine to hp euerlaſting gitta, ers otthy preple which call opan thee, and graunt
through Jelus Chit our Logo. Amen. that thep map both perceine and know what things:
The Epiftle, thep ought to doe, and allo baue grace potorrfaitbini»
That which was from the. 1. John 1 Ip to full the fame,tbzough Feiug Chzik our Low.
berle 1. vnto the end. The Epiftle.
The Goſpel. i heleceh pou therefore brꝛechren. Rom. z
De fain to him, Follow me. John 21 perle 1.bnto berte 6.
verſe 19. vnto the ena. The Gofpel.
Innocents day, 2
And when he was twoelue peere. Luke 2
The Coliec&t berie 42.bnto the enn.
BsGeta ha Gon, whale paple this vap the yong The ij,Sunday after the Epiphanie..
Innocents thy tuitnefles baue conferea t hemmed Fhe Collea. :
foorth not in peaking, butin dying: moztifie and kill A Lmightie and euerlaſting Ger, which noel gos
alfotces in vs, that in sur conucrlation our life map egs uerne all things in heauen and earth, mercifuilp
peeke thp faith, wbich with our tongues wee doe cont- Heare the tupplications of thy people, and graunt 08
feik through Jelus Cheiftour Lord. thp peace all the dayes of our like. $
The Epiftle. The Epiftle
Then Flookev,anz loe, aLambe. Reue.r4 Heeing then that we bane gifts. Rom. 12
berfe 1, bntothe end. verle 6. enn in berle 16. at, We not wile ec.
The Gofpel. $ The Gofpel.
The Angel of the Logo appeared. Batth.2 And the third vap wag there a: John 2:
perlerz.onteveriers. berle r-bnto verfe 12,
Sunday after Chriftmas day, The ijj Sunday after the Epiphanie,
The Collec. The Colle&.
Lmightie Gor, which Dakt ginen bg thp onelpbes A Lmightie and euerlaſting Gen, mercifully tooke
A getten Sonne totake aur Nature bpon him, this 5S ovon our infirmities, ano in all our Bangers and:
Dap a he kozme of a pure Qirgin grant that we, being neceffities, Gretch foꝛth chy right hand to helpe and de⸗
regenerate, andmade thy childzen bp aBoption & grace, fend vs, thꝛough Chriſt our Lom,
map dayly be tenewed by thp bolp Spirit, thugh the The Fpiſtle.
fame our Loz Jeſus Cheiſt who liueth ec. Be not wile in pour felites. Rom,12
The Epiſtle. berie 16. buto fhe end.
Then Flav,that the peire @alat.4 The Gofpel.
berle 1.pnto berie 8 At tohen he twas come Downe, Matth.8
The Gofpel. verle 1.onte berle 14.
The booke of the generation. Watth.i ` Theiiij.Sunday after the Epiphanie,
verle 1-tethe end. The Colle&.
The Circumcifion of Chrift. ` fe which knowelt vs to be fet inthe middes affo-
The Colle&. many and great danwers,that fo: mang fratienefle
Lmightie Gon, which manek thy bleflen Sanne twee cannot alway Hand vprightly· araunt to bs the
A tobe citcumcifen ant obedient tothe tato foz man, health of body andgoule . ihat ali thole things which
grauntds the true circumcifien ofthe pirite, that our we luffer for fine,hythp helpe we map woellpalle ann
hearts ano atfour members bemg moatified from all otlercome, though Chif our Logo.
worloly and carnali futes, may in all things obep hp The Epiftle,
bleſſed will, though the fame thy Sonne Felis Chꝛiſt Let euery Conte he firdiect. Romig
eit Loz. í berk 1.bnto perfe 3.
The Epiftle. The Gofpel,
Bleſſed is the man ta wham. Rom.4 And mhen he was entred into, Matth.F
perfe 8.vnto berle 1s. berle 2 3 bute the end.
⸗ The Gofpel. The y.Sunday after the Epiphanie.
And it came to paffe when the, Luke 2 ‘ The Collec. ;
verſe 15.bnto berſe 22. Dan, we befeech thee to keepe thy Church + houle⸗
@ Ifthere bea Sunday betweens the*piphanie & the boine continually inthp true re'igion, that thep
Circumcifion, then fhalt be vfed the fame Collect, which Doe leane only spon Hope of thy heauenlp grace,
Epiftle,and Goſpel at the Communion, which was map euermore hee veferded bp thp mightie posers, /
vfed vpon the day of Circumcifion, though Jelus Chif our Lozo,
The Epifife. ouefe anv teue bolitelfe, to thy honour ann
How therefore ag rhe elect. ge which liueſt and,
Sol; p bon siog,
The Epiftle,

verſe 12.0nte verſe 18. z *

The kingdeme
The Goſpel.
ofheauen ig.
So twe therefoze as workers.
berle 1. vnto verſe 11,
berſe 24 vnto berle zi. The Goſpel.
@ Thefixc Sunday (ifthere be fo many) Mall hauethe Then was Felts ten of rhe, Matth.⸗
fame Colle&,Epifile and Gofpel,that was ypon the beile 1 bute berte 12.
fift Sunday. The ijSunday in Lene,
Septuagefinia Sunday. The Colle,
The Colle&. A Lmigbtie Sen, which voel fee that wee hauens
ON Lor , wee beleech thee kauoural tp to heare the power of aur felucs to helpe our ſelues, kerpe thoi
prayers of thy people , that twee which are inft{p bs both outwardly it our bodyes, and inwardly in ere
purithcd foz oureffences, map bee mercifully deliuered ſoules, that wee map be defensen from all aduerſities
hp thp goodneſſe, for the glogp of thp Mame, through which map happen to the herp, and from all eniti’
Felis Cheill our Sauiour, Who llueth anv reig⸗ thoughts, which map alſault ¢huttthe loule, thꝛough
meth, e. Jeus Gik ec.
ue The Epifife. The Epiftle,
Rnoxb pe not chat they which, 1,€02.9 An furthermoze we beſerch. 1. Theſſ 4
verſe 2 4.t0 the end. berke rente verſe 9.
The Gofpel. The Goſpel.
Forthe Kingrome of heauen. Matth.20 And Jelug went thence. Watth.4
verfe 1. vnto berfe 17. verſe 2 1 vnto verſe 29.
Sexagefima Sunday. The 11j.Sunday in Lene,
The Colle& The Colle.
Da Bov, which feck chat tre put not our truk in Vy E hefeech thee a'mightie Gov, looke vpon the
ee thing at wee bor, mercifully graunt that by V Teartie deſtres of chp bumble feruants, ana
thy power wee map he zefennen againſt all aduerlitie, firetch koorth theright band of thp mateBtie, to he our
through Jelug Chrik our ilo. delence againſt all aur enemies, thugh Jelus Chui
; The Epiftle. our Lozo Amen.
Foꝛ pe {ufferfooles gladlp. 2.082, It The Epiftle,
bverle 1 gio berie 3 z, Be pe therefore followers of, Ephels
The Gofpel. Berle i. vnto verfe 15.
Now when much people were. Luke 8 The Gofpel.
berle 4. vnto berle 16. Then be caf out a deta. Luke rez
Quinquageſima Sunday. berle 14. onto berfe 29,
Ce The Collect The 1117. Sunday in Lene,
j O Lod, which voeft reach bg that all our goings The Colle&.
is eh without charitie are nothing worth, fend thp help Raunt wee befeech thee almightie Goo, that wes
_ - Shak, and powꝛe into our Hearts that moſt excellent which foz out euill veedes are tworthilp punifhed,
SS |
ie - miftof charity, the very bond of peace ano all vertuues, bp the comfort of thy grace —— berelieuen,
Without che which whofocuerliueth , is countea nean through our Log Fetus Char
hefagethee + graunt thig: foz thp onelp Sonne Jelug The Epiftle.
Chalks fake. Tsd À Tellme pe that wil he onder,» Galat.4
$ i The Epiſtle. berle 21.buto the end.
Though Jſpeake with rhe, 1.02.13 The Gofpel.
berle santo the end, Felus went His wap ouer che. Jehn 6
The Goſpel. berie ĩ. vmo nerie ıs.
Then Welug tooke onta him. Luke 18 The v Sunday in Lent.
verle 3 sputo the env. The Colle&,
The firſt day of Lent. VVE: beleech thee almightp Goo , mercifinip te
- The Colle&. looke bpon thp people , thatbpthp great good⸗
A Lmightie am euerlaiting Gov, which hatett no⸗ nele , thep map bee qoucrned anù pzeſerued cucrmeze
ting that thou hat mase, and doeſt fezgine the hoth in bopp and feule though Zelus Chriſt our Low,
fiunes of ail them that be penitent: Create and make Amen.
invs nebr and contrite hearts, that we woerhilplamens The Epiſtle
ting ourftanes, anv knoboledging our wreteherneſſe, But Cheuk being come an hie. Deb.
may obtaine oftherthe God of alf merci2, perfect res verle ra vnto berie r6.
million and korgiueneſſe, thꝛcugh Jelus Chik. The Gofpel.
í * The Fpiſtle. Thich of pau can rebuke me of, Johns
Turne pon Huto me with ali. Goel z Neile gsto the end. j y
berle 12. vnto berle 15. The Sunday next before Eafter,
The Gofpels l The Golle&. '
Moꝛeouer mien pe full looke. Watth.s A Lwmightie and everlafting Gen, which of thp tene
perle 16. bute berie 22. Det lone towards man, Halk ient our Sauiour Fes
: The firft Sunday in Lent, fug Chif, to take bpon Him our fleſh, Eto ifer death
The Colle. vpon the crotte , that alf mankinne Hould follow the
O Lo2d,, which for cur (akeg diddeſt faf fourtic erample of his great Humility: mercitully graut that
Dapes and fourtie nights: gine LI grace ta we face hoth follow the example of his patience, and bee
fuch abftinence,, that one fieh being bruen tothe made partakers of his refurrection, though the fame
ſpirit, Wwe may ever ohep chp godlx motions in righte⸗ Telus Chalk our Low. 1e
ot ee

The Collects. —
_ The Epiftle, -
Let thefame minne bein poi, Phil: @ At Morning Eftead
Mornui prayer,in of the an
Pfalme, O come,
` perke sonto perhe 12, _ let us dxe the Anthemes fhalbe fung or faid,
; The Gofpel. Crit tiling agate from the nean, notu dieth not,
Gnd it came to pafle, when, Watth.26 Death fron henceloorth hath ne power bpow him,
perle a.bute Chap $7.berie 57. for in that he pied , he Died but once to put awap inne,
Munday fiext before Eafter. but in that He liueth,heliueth vnto Gov. And lo likea
The Epiftle, toile count pour felues dead bnce Mine, but lining outo
Tho ig this that commer), Iſaiab 63 God,in Lhit Jelus our Logo.
> berie 1.te the env. C Hailt ig riſen againe, the firk fruits of them that
The Gofpel. flvepe, foz feciug that bp man came teath, bp mau
Ana twa dayes acter flowed. Make 14 allo commeth the returrection of the vead: foz as bp A⸗
berle «brite the end, Dam all men doe die, lo by Chzik all men Halbe reſto⸗
Tuefday before Eafter. red to life,
The Epiftle, The Colle&,
She Lod Hor hath opened, Ilaiah 50 A Lmightie God, which though töpouely begotten
berle 5 brite the euv. Son Telus Chꝛiſt haſtoucreoine death, €cpened
The Gofpel. bute vs the gate of euerlaſting life, toe humbly beleech
And anon in the dawning Warke rs thee, that as hp thp ſpeciall grace prenenting bs, thou
berle a. vnto the end Doelt put in our mines good Belires,to bp chp continual
Wednefday before Eaſter. Helpe, we may bring the fame to good effect, hough
The Epiftle. Telus Chik our Loz, who liveth and reigneth,te.
Foz where a Teſtament is. Deiz 9 The Epiftle.
berle 1 6.biito the end. OE pe be then rilen with Chalk. Tolok;
The Gofpel. berle 1. bnto berte 8.
Mow che fealk of vnleauened bead. Luke 32 The Gofpel,
verle 1. vnto the end, Aok the fir pap of the. John 20
Thurfday next before Eafter, verle s.brto perle ir
The Epittle, Munday in Fafter weeke,
ow inthis that F declare. a. Cops The Colleé.
verle 17. vnto the end. Almighty Gov, ge. As vpon Eafter days
The Gofpel, The Epifile.
Then che whole multitude, Luke 23 Then Peter opencd His. ites10
verte ı buto the env. verle 3 4.onto berie 44.
On good Friday, The Gofpel,.
The Colleés, And bebola, tta of hem went, Luke 24
A treaty Gon, we befeech chee gractouflp to be berle 1 3.Lnto perle 36.
helo thig thy familie, foz the which our Lord Jee Tuefday in Eafler weeke,
fus Chriſt was contented to be betrayed, and giuen dp The Collec.
into the hanog of wicked men , and to luffer death bp- A Linightp Father, which halt giuen thy onelp Sort
on the croſſe, who liueth and reiqneth,ec. to vie foz our finneg, and to riſe againe fo: our ius
Linightp aun enertatting Goo , bp whole Spirit firfication + graunt hs lo to put aboay the leauen of mas
Atie whole body ok the Church ig gouerned anu lice and wickedneſſe, that we may aliwap ſerue thee in
fanctifien,receite our fupplications and pꝛaxers which pureneſſe of lining ano tinet) , though Jeſus Chik
tuee ofer bekore thee , fo2 all eſtates of men in thp haly out Log, Amen, i
Congregation, that euery member of the fame in bis * The Epiftle.
bocation and minifleric , map trvelp anv godly ſerue He men and heethaen,childzen of. Acts 13
thee, through our Led Pene, tc. berle 26. bnto berie 42.
X Exrtikull Gon, wha bafi mane aff men, and hateſt The Goſpel.
A nothing that thou Hak mane, no: wonldelt the Jeſus himſelfe ſtood in the. H Luke 34
neath of a ſinner, but rather that he ſhould be conuer· Berle 3 6. bnto berle 49.
ted and liue, bane mercy bpon all Tewes, Turkeg, In⸗ The firk Sunday after Eafter.
fidels and Deretiques , and take from them all igna- The Colle.
rance, hardneſſe of heart, and contempt of typ wazo, Almighty Gone, As vpon Eafter day.
# foteten then home (bleſſed Loz) to thy flocke, that The fpiftle,
they map be ſaued among the remnant of the true Je Foz all that is home of Gop, uobis
raelites, ann bee mate one fold vnder one Shepheard, berle 4. vnts perle 13. t
Jelus Chꝛiſt our Loz, who linet) and reigneth,ec, The Gotpel.
: The Bpiftle. pi The fame dap then at night. Bohn 20
Forthe Lew haning the. Deb.10 ` perle s.9.Dnto verle 24.
berle r-ontaberfe 26. The fecond Sunday after Fafter.
The Gofpel, The Colle,
Then Jeſus had poken thele. John 18 A Lmightp Sov, which baft giten thy onely Horne
verle 1 vnto rhe end of Chap.1g Pet tad to be onto bs both a (acrificefo2 finne, and alle an
Eafter Euen. example of goon life, giie os the grace that wee map.
The Epiftle, alwayes mekt thankefiũly receine that bis tneftimable
Fo it is better (itfothe will of, 1. Pet.3 hencfire, and alo dayly endenour our felues to follona
berle 17. vuto the end, the bieles ſteps of his molt help life,
The Gofpel. TheEpifile, . aie
Gus when the Euen was cone, Matth 27 Fozthis is thanke worthy, 3.Jpet.2.
perke 57, dito the env, berle| i3 vont hetheend,end, che
The Gofpel, The Goſpel.
Jam the good ſhepheard. Teh 10 But when the Comfoꝛter Hall. Woni
berle 1 1.bnto perke 17. verle 26. endChap 16 in vere 4. at,Andthele,
The nj Sunday after Eafter. Whitſunday.
The Colle@. The Collect.
— Gon, which hewelk to all nen that he G OD, which as vponthis dap, hak taught the
in errour,
the light of thy trueti, to the intent chat J hearts of chp fatthtull people, by the fending ta
ebep map returne inta the wap of righteoulneſſe, grant them the light of rbp holx Spitit grant ng bp the fame
fnto all them that be admitted into the fellouſhip of Spirit to haue a right iudgement in all things, anv es
Chꝛiſtes religion , that thep map e'chew thole things uermoze to reioyce in big holp comfort,chzough the mee
that be contrary to their peofefiton, ane follows all fuch rites of Jelus Chatit our Sauiour, nboliuerh anu
things ag be agreeable to the lame, through our Lord reigneth with thee in the vnitie of the fame Spitit,one
Felis Chꝛiſt. Gon wo:lo wit! out enza, Amen.
The Epiftle. The Epiftle.
Dearly berouen,TBeleech pou, x.jpet.2 Ano when the dayes o: Bentecok, S Aetes2
verle «1 .bnite berte 18. berle s bnto berle 12.
The Gofpel. The Goſpel.
A little while and pe fhail not. John 16 Ik ye loue me,keepe my. John14
berle 16. vnto vere 2 3. berle 1 5.bnto the rnn.
The iiij. Sunday after Eaſter. Munday in Whitfun weeke.
The Colle&. ; The Collect.
parii Gon, which vock make the minves of God which ag, Ec. As ypon Whitfunday.
all kaithkull men to be of one twill. grant vnto thp he Epiftle,
people, that chep map loue the thing which theu coms Then [Peter opened his mouth. Actes 10
mandel, deſtre that which thou doeſt pomife, that a= berle 34.vnto the end,
mong the fundzp and manifelo changes of thig world, The Gofpel.
our Hearts map lurelp there bee fired, where ag true Foz God fo leuen the wolo. John;
iopes are to he found, through Chet our Loꝛd, Amen. perle 1 €.vnto berle 22,
The Epiftle, Tuefday in Whicfun weeke.
Etter good giuing, and euery. Fameg s The Collect.
berle 17. onto berle 22. God which ag, ec. As vpon Whitfunday.
The Gofpel, he Epiftle,
But now Y goe mp wap. John is Wow when the Apolties, which. Actes $
Herle 5.vnto verſe 16, berle 14. bnto berke 18.
The v.Sunday after Eaſter. The Goſpel.
The Colle@. TUerely, verely F lap bute pou, John 10
p onion whom all goon things Doe come, raunt verſe 1 bnto perte ıı.
eas bs thp bumble feruants, thathp thp holp inſpirati⸗ Trinitie Sunday.
on wee map thinke thole things that be geod, am by The Collect.
thp merciful quiving map perfoame the lame, though A Lmightie and euerlaſting Gon, which haft ginen
out Lord Jelug Epit, Amen, vnto bs thp feruants grace bp the cenkeſſion of a
The Epiftle. true kaith, to acknowledge the ology of the eternall
And be pe doers of the word. Fameg « Trinitie, xtn the power of the diuine Maieltie to wozs
verle 22. vnto the env, fhip the Ginitie: tue beleech thee that though the Ked
The Goſpel. faltnefle of this faith , we map euermoze bee Defended
Uerely verely F fap onto pon, John 16 from all aduerſitie, which linet anvreignelt,ec.
berle 2 3.vnto the end. The Epiftle.
Afcenfion day, Akter thig Jlooked, andbehold. Reuel.4
The Collea. berfe r.ontotheendD.

7~ Ramt we beleech thee Alisigktp Gon , that like The Gofpel.
ag wee Bee helcene thp onelp begorten Senne our There was now a man ofthe. John;
Loꝛd to haue alcended into che Heauens, lo foe map al- berle buto verſe 16
fo in Heart atte mind thither alcend, and with him cons The firft Sunday after Trinitie.
—— tinnallp owen, The Collec.
The Epiftle. E OD che frength of allchem that truf in thee,
Jhaue nave che former. Actes r mercifully accept our papers : and hecaufe the
berle «nto verſe r 2 weakeneſſe of oit metall nature can dee no goos
The Gofpel, thing without thee. grannt vs the helpe of thy graces
Finally he appeared bato, Warke 16 that in keeping of thp commandements,we map pieale
berle the env. thee bor} m will ann deeve, though Jelus Chit our
The Sfinday after Afcenfion day. ILon.
The Colle& l The Epiftle,
©) Gon the Bing of gloz, which halk eralten chine Belenen, (ct og loue one. 1. John 4
only Hon Wiis Chꝛiſt with creat triumph inte berle 7. vnto the end.
the bingdome of heauen: we belech thee leaue bg not The Gofpel,
butfena to Vs chine help Ghoſt to comfort There was a certaine rich man, Lukers
68, and ctalt vs bute the fame place whitherour Sas berie r 9, nto the end.
uiour Chul is go’ e Defoe, who lineth ec. The ij-Sunday after Trinitie.
The Epiftle, The Colle&.
Howe the end of all things ig at, 1. Pet.4 Oꝛd make hs te haue a perpetuali feare and long
berie 7. vnto berſe 12. ofthp boly Name, koz thou newer kaileſt to Help and
-The Colle&s, —
terne them , whom thou doelt diig by in thy Ren- berle 19.bnto the env.
kalone: graunt thige. i |! i t `The Goſpel. 954 Š
The Eprfttes SERURON PELE Inthole dayes when there wad.
Marueile not mp bzethzæn though. .. 1 Ihn; berle a.bute berle ro, wre
berle tHe end. — ; ' The vitj.Sunday after Trinitie,
The Gofpel. i The Colle@,
A certaine man made a great, Luke 14 cf Do whole pronivence is neuer veceiued, we hum⸗
berle 1 6.dnto berfe 25. bly befcech thee, that chou wilt put awap ftom bg
The iij.Sunday after Trinitie. ay ' allQurtfall things, and gine thole things which bee
The Colle. =.” ; “ - profitable foz ug; theongh Telung Chik our Lozd.
|$-a wer heleech chee mercifitlly to heare ds, ann. The Epiftle:
onto whome thon paft ginen an beartie nekre ro Therefore brꝛethꝛen, weare deters. Ron, 8
pzap, graunt that bp thy mightie ayde, wemayphe de⸗ verle r2.bnto berle 18. °
fennen though Jelus Chr our Logo, i The Gofpel.
The Epiftle. Betware of falle prophets. Matth.7
And fubmit pour felues euerp. 1, Pet. 5 perle 15 vnto verſe 22.
berſe 5. vnto berle 1 =. The ix.Sundoy after Trinitie.
_ a The Gofpel, bes Ty The Collect.
Then reloꝛted onto him all (he. uke 15 ‘Ramt vs Low, mwee beleech thee, the ſyirite to
perfe a, nto verte 11. thinke and Doe alwayes fuch things ag be right⸗
The iiij Sunday after Trinitie. ` full, that wee wbich cannot. bee without thee, map bp
- The Collect. thee be able
to line acesaning te chp will, thugh Je⸗
G Dn the protectour of all that truſt in thee, without us Lozi our Low. ” Ser a Seals
whom nothing is {trong nothing is bolp, encreale The Epiftle,
and multip!p vpon bg thp mercie, that thou being Moꝛeouer bꝛethꝛen, Jwould. 1,€03,10
our ruler and guire, wee map fe patie thꝛough things verle r bute breie 14.
tempozall, that te finaflp tole not the things cternalls The Gofpel.
graunt this heauenlp Father, foz Felis Chalts fake Gnd he fain alfo bnto big, Luke 16
out Lov. oF perk 1. vnto verſe ro.
The Epiftle, Thex Sunday after Trinitie.
Foz J count that the afflictions. Rom, 8 The Colle&
berle 18, bate berke 24. ES thp merciful cares, D Loze, Bee open to
The Gofpel. the pzapers of thp humble ſeruants: anv that the
Be pe therefore merciful ag, Luke é map obteine their petitions , make them to afke ft
berle 3.6 Lite verle 4 3. i things as thallpleatethee, thꝛough Jelug Chit our
The v.Sunday after Trinitie, Loz.
—* The Colle, The Epifile,
Ges Lozu, wee beleech thee, that the courſe of Mot concerning Cpirttuall gifts. 1,002.12
this woo map hee fo peaceablp oeren bp thy perie ronto berie 12.
gouernance, that thp congregation map iopfullp ſerue The Goſpel.
- thee in all gonlp quietneſſe, through Jelus Chalk our Ano whenhe was come neere. ` Luke rg
Low. berle 41. end in berle 47. at, Ano the hiah Pieks
nit The Epiftle. ; : and fhe, ; AIII
Finallybepeallofonemiane, L Bet3 The xj.Sunday after Trinitie,
berle 3em inver as. at, And bereadp. The Collect. i?
K The Gofpel, G DD wbꝛch declarelt thy almighty power , moſt
Then it came to palſe ag the. Luke s chicfly in hewing mercie and pitie, pine vnto bs
berle 1. vnto perie i z, abonndandp thp grace, that we running to thy pzomis
The vj.Sunday after Trinitie, feg, map hee made partakers of thp heauenlytrealute,
The Colle&. though Felis Chrift our Logo,
Cs which hat prepared to thers that loue thee, The Epiftte.
Aluch good things as pale all mang bnverftan: Moꝛeouer.bꝛethꝛen.T declare, 1.015
Bing: pote inte our hearts ſuch loue toward thee, verle 1. bnto perea 2. se het
that we louing theeinall thiugs, may obtaine thp pzas A : The Gofpel. 4
miles. thich erceene all that wee can Belite, though He [pake allo this parable vnto. Luke 18
elus Cik e. perle 9. vnto perte 1 5.
The Epiftle, jSunday after Trinitie.
Knot pe not,that all we which. Rom.6 The Colle&.
berle z. bnte verſe 12. A Lmightie ¢ eucrlafting Gen, which art alwapes-
ee ` The Gofpel. moze readp to Heare then we to pzap, and art wont
FoꝛJ Cav buto pou, creept pois, Watth.s to giue moze then either twie deſtre 93 delerue: powe
verſe 2o. buto verſe 27. doene Dpan bs the abundante of thp mercy, forpiuing’
The vij Sunday after Trinitie. bs thole things whereofour conſcience is afrain, ann
The Colle&. ara " gluing vnto bo that, that aur paper vare not peeltune
|Se ofall potver and might, which art the authour toalbe,thzough Telus Chif ont Log
and gitier of all goon things , graffe in. our heart? The Epi fle.
the fone of thy mame, encreale in bs true religion, non Sad luch truft haue we theongh, 2.923
ri} 03 with all esonneffe,and of thy great mercp keepe berle 4. vnto verke ro.
vs in the fame, though Telus Chalk our Lord. The Gofpel,
y The Epiftle. And he departed againe. Marke 7
Ikyeake after
themaner of mat, i Rom 6 verle 3 1.tothe end, ug
The Collects.
The xiij Sunday after Trinitie, verle 4.vnto bere,
The GolleG. $ rhe Goſpel. ah
Abn ann merciful Bon, of tobak onelp wift But when che Phariſes bau, T7 Watth.ra
it comin th, that chp Fathi peeple bar bite ipee verle 3 4. tothe end,
wur and laudable eruice: Grauat wee beech thee, The xix. Sunday after Triniti. es — “
that we may fo runnete thpheauenlp promites , that- The Cpllect. —
we faile net lina ly to attaine the lameʒtrieub Q God, fozalinuch as ‘tpittousthee ine are not able.
Chꝛilt our Loꝛd. to pleate thee, grant that the wazkmg ofthp imere
The Epiſtle. cie map in all things direct ¢ rule our heatts, though ,
Now to Abꝛaham and his eese. Selat. 2a Felig Theiſt dar—
berk 16. suro berit 2 3. eit
The Goibel. 44 *4 hissi faptheretoze, aEige Gottri
Plelſed are the eyes that tee. . Lukero “berte47: tutbeend.
verle 23 onto berle 38. * The Goſpel.
The xiiij Sunday after Trinitie Then Heentred inte a ſhip. Wa: i.>
The Collect. berie o bere 9,
A Li nitie aud euetlaſting Gop, qtuebnte 63 the The xx. Sunday after Trinitie F
increaic of faith, hope, and charitic, ana that wee The Golie& +.
map obtaine that vhich thou deeſt promiſe makeba to A Lmightie ana mergifull Son, of thy fowntifall
Lue that which thou doeſt command, thugh Flus g ocneiie, keepe skrom alltbings that nay hurt
Livit our Lez bg, tWat luce, being ready both Mm body and ‘cule, map
s liThe Epiftle. with free hearts atcompih i} ofethines that thoit
Then J fap, matesit thepitit, Galat. 5 weuldeſt jaue baie phionghTelus Liik cur Loz.
ver fez 6. vnto berſe 25. eEputle
The Gofpel. Cake heede therefore. that pe. Erres
Gnu fe ít was tohen he went.
berle 11.bnts berk 20,
Luke - betle 15. vnto berfe 22.
The Gofpel.
x : Thexv.Sunday after Trinitie, Che kingdome ofheauen iB, epatit 23
F: The Collect. $ Averſe 1. pote berte r Se eats 5
Kert we befecch thee, D Lozt,thy tiG, wlth The xx} Sunday after Lrinitic, ’
chp pepetttall merep, and Heearle the fraileie of The Colfe@, *
man wiibcut thee cannet but Tall,keepe bs enerby thp ~ 32aunt wee beiceth thee, mercifill Lorn,to thy
hepe, and leave vs ta allthings aoitiable to out tab faithful people partott anv peace, that tiey map
nation though el elus Chik our Loz. be clenfet from ail tocir ſumes, ann ſerue thee with g
_ The Epiftle, quict mine, though Fels Chꝛiſt eur Loz,
Le fee baw Tater a fetter. Galat.c he Epifile:
verke 1 1 vnto fee env. Finally mpk fire:R Epbe.⸗
The Golpel. : Berig ro.Duio, perfe 24.
Po man can ſerue thus malters. Barth.6 The Goffel,
verle the end. And there tuag a certaine ruler, John4
The xvj. Sunday after Trinitie. berie 46 to the enn.
The Coiled. The xxij.Sunday after Trinitie.
|Maks we beteech thee, fet thp continual pitpclenfe e The Collect.
defen thy congregation: & berauleic cannot conti» Le tuce befeech thee to keepe thp houthetoe the
nue in taterie withsett thp luccour, vrelerire it euermoze Church in centinuall godlineſte, that though thp
bp thy sel g goodn: s.ciz0ngh Telus Cheilt war Lord. protectivirtt map be free frem all apuerfcies ,and De»
The Epifile, uoutly ginen to fertie thee in gocd Weekes, to the glozp
Ciitheretoze F deſtte char pe. Ephe.3 of thy Name, thꝛough Tens Chpitt our Lom. Amen.
berle ı 3.t0 the end. The Epiftle,
The Gofpel. J thanke mp God hauing, Phil.:
And it came to pañe the vay after. Lukey berle 3.vnto gerle 12.
berie 13 bute berle 15. The Gofpel.
“ Thexvij.Sunday after Trinitie. - Then cane Peter to bim. Patth. a $
The Collect. bette the end.
Ee I we pray thee sthatthy qrace may alinaver pres The xxiiy Sunday after Trinitie.
f uent follow s, an make bs continually to be gfa TheCollec.
uen to all goon wo:ke,though Betis Coes ourLoz. GE our refuge and ftrength, which art thé authog
The Epiftle; of all goodnes, be ready to Heare the deuont prax⸗
ee Zi therefore being prifoner. Ephel4 ets ef thp Ebarch,ana grautit that thofethirgs which
verſe 1.pnto terle 7. tue afke faitbfutly.ine map obtaine ——
. The Gofpel. Jelus Chriſt our Som,
Gud it caine to poft that when, Luke 14 The Epiftle,
berle ı.bnto berle rz. "Setien, he kollowers efme, Pits
The xviij.Sunday after Trinitie, verle 17. bate the end,
` The Colfeé. The Gofp el, f
Drm we beleech thee graunt chp people grace to a> Shen went the Phariſes —5 Matth.22
noyat the miecttong of the penill, and with pure Berfe 15 tito verſe 23.
Herre id miade ce follvty chee che oyeg Gon, though The xxiiij. pinda after Trinitie,
Fetus Chek our Los. he Collet.
~ The Epiftle, Lae we beleech thee , alloile
thypeop'e from theit
3aie mp Ger alwares. 1.o} 1 onces, that though thpbounrifiu geodneſſe we
The Colleés.
may bee veliueren krom the bonds of allthelefinned, Sonne toss this Day prelentenin the Temple in the
which bp our frailty we bane comittes.Grane thigge..Gibftance of our feih: Lo grant thar we may ve patene
The Epiſftlſe. f tea onto thee with pace and cleare mindes, by jeug
Ele giue thankes to Goo, Coloſ.i Chik our io, . 3
berle 3.vnte perfe rz. _ The Fpiſtle.
The Gofpel. Che lame Epik apsemecn the Sundap before,
Thhile he pet pake, Watthy The Goſpel.
berle 18. vnto berlez y. Gud when the bapes ot her. Luke 3
The xxv.Sunday afcer Trinitie, perle 22. end in verfe a7-at. And when che,
7 The Collect. ea ant atte Saint Matthias day.
Titre op, wee belecch thee, D Loꝛd, thewils ofthp The Colle&e, yas
Sraitbeut people,tHat thep plenieoudly bringing fotih Lmightie Gon, which in the place of thetraitour
the fruit of goow workes, may of thee he plenteeutilp Judas dink chue tip faithfun fernane Matthias
rewarded, though Jeſus Chik onr Loz. tobe of the number of the twelue Apoliles,araunt that
The Epiftle, thy Church ,. being alway pecteruen trom falie Apos
Behold,the dayes come, Jere.2 3 ſtles, mapheoppered and guided by fairhtull and tine
s vnto verſle. * JPakours,cheeug) Tels Chak out Lord.
ERPAT he Goſpel. 58 Tel The Epifile, 2,94 {elm ®
,Then Jelus lift bp his epes, Jeohn s Amin thoſe dayesPeter. Fetes
~~ Serle vnco verte 15 — berle 5. vnto the env.
Gif there be anymo Sundaies before Aduent Sunday, ~The Gofpel:.- Po
tofupply the fame, thalbe takenthe Colle&,Epiftle Qt that time Telus anſwereũ. Watth, ız
and Gelpel of fome of thofe Sundaies which were berle 25 bntothe mn. >
omitted betweesiethe Epiphanie & Sepruagefima. Annunciation of the Virgin Marie.
Saint Andrewes day. he Collect.
The Collect. ee Vy Ee hetcech thee ILeon, pawe thy grace inta
Amia which diddelt gine luch grace vu⸗ eurbearts, that ag we haue knowen Chik
A tothy help Apoltle S. Andzevo that he readilp o · thy Sonnes carnation bp the metlage of an Angels
beied the calling of thp Sonne Jelas Chik,etolowen. Ls by his crofe ant pallion , wee map he dougie wta
. him withour delap: graunt bate vs all, that webeing the glory of His refurrection, though the fame Lhat
called by thy holp word, map foorrhtui:h giue ouer cur our Zod, Amen.
felucs obenientlp to tallow thp holy commandemerts, The Epiflle, > ga Bap. aj
though thelame Telus Chik our Loz, Ana the Lord ſpake againe ante, Faai.7
NS he Epiftle, verſe 10.bmto verle 36, Snt mads west
Foꝛ itchou fhalt confelle. . Rom: 10 — The Gofpel, *
vetle g vnto thee. Gun inthe 6 monety Lukea
The Gofpel. PAY verle 26.bnto verẽ 39, mete es Tech onto
And Jeſus walking bp the. Habe ` Saint Markes day... 2
berle 16. vnta perle 23. The Collect.
Saint Thomas the Apofile. Ac God, which balk inflenctes thp Holp
The Colle&. Church wich the heauenly roctrine of thp Eiana
Lininbtie. and everliting Gon vohich fezthe moze gelit S Darke: giue vg grace, chat wee be not tike
A contirna:ten ofthe faith, vinveft {utter thy holpA· chilon., caried aluap with enerp blaf of palne dace
pokile Thomas to be voubrfulinehp Sar nesrelurrecs trine, but Gemelpto he cſtabliſhed in the truerh of wp:
tion: grant bs fo perfectly, and withont alf Doubsto boly Golpel,through Telus Cys onto, Amen.
Heleeue nthy Sow Telus Toꝛiſt, chat sur faith in thy z The Epiftle. : ig
ſight neuer hereprooues. Heare vs, D Lord, though Wuevite every ote of vs ig. Ephel.4
the ame Jeſus Chft,towhom with ge, berk 7. vnto verſe 17.
The Epiſtle. a Eh a The Gofpel. r
Nob therefore are pe no. Ephel. Jam the true Gine, end mp, Zohn rs.
verle 1 9.onte the end. verle r.onteverfer2,
; TheGolpel, - : Saint Philip and Tames day.
‘Sut homers one of the, John 20 The Collect.
vperſe ponto the end. —* A Lwightie Gon, whom truely to lerne is euerla⸗
Conuerfion ofS Paul. ſting life :graunt bs perfectly to kuow thp Sonne
The Colle@. Telus Chrift to he the Way, he Trueth. anv the Life,
On, which haſt taught all the woꝛld throuahthe as thau halk taught S.Whilip and other Apolites,
preaching of thp bleſſed Apeſtle S. Pauul: grant, though Felis Chik our Lo.
koe beleech thee, that we which hane his wonderkull The Epiftle.
romierſton in remembzance maytollots ¢ fulfil thp bolp James z ſeruont of Gan, Games 2
pactrine phe taunt, Hough Felts Cheiſt our Loz, ` verle rence periei z.. ‘ i
ht ihe “The Epiftle, . The Gofpel.
And Saul pet breathing out, Actes 9 Aud he fata to his diſciples. John 14:
T perfe n butoberle 2 3: berfer.patoberfers5, =
The Gofpek Saint Barnabe Apoftle, ,
Chen ankwered Peter ana. Matth19 The Colle&.
werfe 27 tothe end. apr |Beit which halt endued thy holp Apoſtle
Purification of S. Mary the Virgin, Barnabas , with finqular gikts of the tolp Ghot, -
The Collet. — > Ftvsncebedeftieute of thy manifold gifte, noz pet of:
; Ae and cucrlafting Gov, wee humbly be·grace, to'vle'them alwap to thp honour and gloz :
ANH chy Maiellie, thatgg thp onclphegorsen tough Jelus Ghri gso ‘ek
wil i = 3 1
Af The Colleds.
et wh sh HPP Rpiles 7 Hii eect some fa > Saint Matthew
the Apoſtle
Cben tidingsofthole things. 9 Otters 2 HELO) GT aTheCole. a iG VO Yai) wh
Eo perle 22 vntothe ens, ; A Linister Gov, whith hy thy bleſſed Son diddel
as The Gofpel. Hes call Matthew trom the receipe ef cuſtome to be as
This ig mp commandement. Jonis Apoltle and Euangeliſt, grant vg grace to fozlake all
Berle r2ontoverlerz. } couetous Delires,¢mogdinate lone of riches.¢ to folloba
S lohn Baptiſt. i ‘thp laid Son Jelug Chzift toho liueth Ereigneth,r.
£ Şi ___ The Gòlle&; io he Epiftie. ;
Aoo Gon by whole prouidence thyſeruant Therekorze, leeing chat we. 2. Cor.4
John Baßtilt was wouvertally bone, and fent vetle s.outoverfe7. ee
to pepare the wap of chp Donne our Pout Aybree | 130 Be “~ The Goppel :
ching of pekance: make vs fo to flot bis doctrine ann And as Telus pallen ferth. Watth 9 —

Holp tife , chat wee map truely repent according te hig berle 9.bnto berle 14.
preaching, and after his erample conftantip{peake the “Saint Michael and all Angels.
tracth, bololy rebuke bire, and patientip Nier foe the _ 4 TheColled.
trucths fake cheongh Jelus Chak our Low. | eatin Gon, which halk azveined g conſtituten
— The Epines. (29 the ſeruices of all Qugels ane menina woudertuli
Comfort pe, comfort pemp Flai.40 oꝛder, mercifully grant, that tyep which alway re thee-
verle 1.bnto berle rz, = C 5t `“ feritice in heauen may bp thy appointment, fuccour ane
The Goſpel. vefenn bg in earch thzough Fetus Chik ou Lom,
Sa IRobs when Elizabetha time wag. Luke 1 The Epifive.
perle 57. unto the end. Ana there wag a battell in. Rela
A Saint Peters day. verle 7 vnto perfe i z.
ae The Colle@. HET The Gofpel.
ve A Liniahty Gov, which hp thp Sonne Jelus Chꝛiſt The fame time tHe vilciples,
alk giuen to thp Apoſtle Saint Peter manpex⸗ berie santo perle zi. s
eellent gifts, and commandedſt pim earneflp to fede ` Saint Luke the Euangeliſt.
~ Sebp flocke : make we belecch thee, ali Biffops anu wee The Colle@ x
© JPaltours diligently to preach thy holp mozo , aud the r A Lmighty Gov, tuhich calledſt Luke the Phyſtti·
og peopleabenientlptofollots the fame, that they map te» an, whole praiſe ig inthe Geſpel,to hea Phparian
ceiue the crotone of enerlatting glog, through Jelug ofthe lone, it map pleale thee bp the wholetome menis
Chꝛiſt our Lozd. cittes of His Doctrine, te Heale all the diſrales of our
‘The Epiftle. feule though thp Sonne Pelis Chul our Lozo.
Mow about that time, Herod, Acts12 The Epiftlé,
„herle 1. vnto berle r2: But watch hou in all chings. >." 2. Tim.4
qai J The Goſpel. berle 5.vnto verſe n in —
Mobs then Jeſus çame, ` Watth.16 The Gofpel. £
perle 1 3.unteverle 20. ` After thele things,the Loz. Lukere
Saint Fames the Apoftle. berle 1, verle 7 at, Gee not feom Houle.
The Collect. Saint Simon and Iude Apoftles.
G Bant, D merrifull Gov, that as thine holy Apo- . The Collect.
AF ile Saint James leauing bis father and all that A Lmighty Gov, which hatt builnen thy Congres
a orSh
Deban, without delap wag obedient vntothe calling C 3 gation bpon che foundation of the Apoftles t Pꝛo⸗
Sof thy Sonne Jelus Chit and fo'owes him:lo we foz pheta, Jeſus Cheilt himlelfe beingphead comer tones
faking all mozioly ant carnall affections, map be euer⸗ ‘grant bs {eto Gee fapnentogether in bnitie of lpirit bp

ri mad
insze ready to folow cthy commandements, though Je · their doctrine, chat we map be mate an holp Temple
fue Chꝛiſt our Low. acceptablebntothee, throunh Nelus Chik our Loz.
The Epiftle. ee The Epiftle.
Zin hale vapes alfo came. Getegar Jude a Ceruant of Fels Chik. Juve
berſe 27. ent Chap r2. in berle 3. at, Then were -perfe / vnto verle 9.
thedapes. , : The Goſpel.
' The Gofpel. Theſe things command. John 15
Then came to him the. Matth.ꝛ0 ~ Dethe 17.0 the end.
berle zo.bnto berle 2g, p e DE ak All Colle&.
Saint Bartholomew Apoftle. Lmighty Sov, which halk knit together thy elect
The Collect. i A in ane communion and fellow Hip in the myſticall
O Almighty and euer laſting God, which halk ginen body of thp Sonne Jeſus Cift our Loz: graunt bs
grace ta thp Apoſtle Bartholomew, truely tohe- grace lo te foliot thp bol» Seints in allbertuaus anv
leeue ann to preach thp wow , graunt twe beleech thee, Fodly lining, that we may come to thole vnſpeakeable
pnto thy Church, both co lone that he belecten, anv to iopes which thou hafi prepares foz them,th at vnfained·
preach that he taught, thꝛough Thik our Lez. ‘Ip ione thee thoigh Tetig Cheriſt our Ilom, Amen.
The Epiftle, The.Epiftle.
‘Thushy the hands of the; , Mets 5 Gut T favs another Angel come. . Reuel.7
berle 1 . vnto perfe 17. bt berle 2. vnto Dere 13.
š The Gofpel. TERE, The Gofpel. X
Ana there arole allo a fkrite, Luke 22 And then he law the. Watth. 5
Perle 24.onto bere 3. verle 1 vnto verſe 13+
The endofthe Collects.
-o a The
@{ The order for the adminiftration of -
the Lords Supper,or holy Communion.
ge O many as intend co bee partakers of the holy Communion, fhall fignifie theit nanes to the
Curate ouernight, or elsinthe morning before the beginning of Morning prayer , or imme-
diately after,
And if any of thofe bé an open and notorious euill Imer, fo that the Congregation by him is
_ Offended, or haue done any wrongto his neghbours byword or deede: the Curate haning knowledge
thereof, fhall callhim, and aduertife him in any wife not to prefume to the Lords Table, vneill he haue o-
penly declared himfelfe to haue truely repented and amended his former naughty life , thatthe C ongregati-
_ on maythereby be fatisfied, whichafy re were offended , and that hee haueiecompenfed the parties whom
beha done wrong vnto, orat theleaft, declare bimfelfe to ke in full purpofefoto doe, as foone as he con-
ueniently may.
The fame. order fhall che Gurate v{e with chofe betwixt whom heeperceiueth maliceand hatred to reigne,
ot fuffering them to be partakers of the Lords Table , vntill be know them tobe reconciled, Andif one of
the parties foat variance, be contentto fo gine from the bottome of his heart , all thar the otber hath tref-
pafied againft him, and to make amends for thathe himfelfe bath offended, and the other partie will not he
perlwaded to a godly ynitie , but remaine fill in his frewardnefle and malice: the Minifier in that cafe ought
* go admit the penitent perfon to the holy Comm union,and not him that is obftinate. i
The Table at the Communion time, hauing a faire white linnen cloth vpon it , thall Rand in the bodie of the
Church, or in the Chancel], where Morning prayer and Eucning prayer be appointed to be fayd, And the Pricft
ftanding atthe North fide of the Table, thall fay the Lords prayer with this Collc&following,

e The Communion.
Lintahty Gov, bnto whom all hearts Minifter. py ee
A bee open, all defttes krewen, and Remember that thou keepe bolp the Sabbath
vay, -
> from whom ro leeretp are bin, cleanie Sire vapes (alt thou labour ann dee all that chou bas
KO rhe thonghts of our bear's bp rhe ins to Dos : bat the feuenih day ie the Sabbath of the
Gé (piration of thp holy Spirit, that tee Low thp Gov. In it thou (halt vo nomanerofwozke,
map perfectip loue thee, ant worthi⸗ thou.ann thp fonne,and thp daughter,thymanfernant,
Ip magnifie thp bolp Mame, though Chik our and thp maibeferuant, thp cartell, and the franger
62. Amen, that is within thp gates : foz in fire dayes the Low
made heauen and earth, the fea,and all that in themis,
@ Then fhal! the Minifter rehearfe diſtinctly all the ano reſted the ſeuenth tap, wherefore the Lod bifes
ten Commandements, and the people kneeling, the feuenth Dap andhalowed it,
fhall after euery Commaundement, aske Gods People.
mercie for their tranfgreflion of the fame, af- Lob haue mercie bpon tg yt
ter thisfore. Minifter.
Honour thy father anv thp mother, that thy dayes
i Minifter. map bee long im the land which the Loz thp Gon gia
G D D pake thee wordes, and fapt, T am the ucth thee.
ILom thp Gon 1 thou Male Bane none other gods People.
but mee, Low Hane mercie npon bg,ee,
: People. Munifier.
Loz haue mercie bpon og, and encline ont hearts to Chow fait doe no murther.
keepe this Lato. , People.
Minifter. Low hane mercie opon bs, ec,
Thot Halt not make to chp elfe anp graven image, Minister,
ner the likeneeof anp thing that ig in beanen aboue, Chou halt ara adulterie
oz in the carth beneathoꝛin the water vnder the earth. D E.
Thon Halt not bow votwne to them, nozwozfhip them: Low haue mercie spon bs.
£o? 3 the 1o: thp Gor am a ielous God, ann vifit che : Minifter,
finne of the fathers opon the children onto rhe thirn Chou Halt not Reale.
ww fourth generation of them that bateme, and Helv. People.
mercie vnto thoulanns,in them that Tone meand keepe Logo haue mercie bpon ve, ee.
mp commandements. Mini ifter.
i People, — Halt nor heare fallewitneſſe againſi chyneigh⸗
Lew hane mercie vpon vs, ¢¢, our.
Niniſter. ; People.
Thou fhalt not cake the ame of the Low thy Kon Loꝛd baue mercie bpon bg,ge,
inbaine : for the Lozo will not Holo hun guiltleferhat Minifter..
taketh bis ene vaine, Shou Halt not couet thp neighborsboufe thou Hale:
eople. not couet thy neighbors wife, nez big feruant, noz big:
Koꝛd hae merclespon bg te mapD,noz hig ore,no;his — anp thing thatig biss
~The Communion,= = — Tren EEEN — —

D Peo le,
Koz bane mercie
orie or m9 of thefe fentences following,as he thinketh
apun vs, Eitean thelethy Dawes » moft conucnientby hisdiferetioan.
in ont hearts tue beſeech chee,
3 7%}
* Let poit light fo hite befoze men, that thep may Matth 5.26,

fee pour good workes, ana glozitie pour Facher which

§ Then hall follow the Calle& of the day, with one is in heauen.
of thefetwo Coilet following tor the Xing , the * Hap not up fo: pour ſelues trealute ppon the earth, Matth.6.i
Miniter tanding vp,aad faying. | ai * where the rak merh Voth cozrups, ana wyere cheeues 20,
brcake throug) ata ſteale: but lap op fo pase lel es
¶ Let vs pray. “trea live ti geaen, where nether ruit nog math Doty”
Azee G3, WY Slugvome ig euerlaſting. —5 ana where theeues doe nor bꝛeake thoga and’
AND poar intaite, haue mercie byan the wole zale. Re Oot
Congregation.s to cule the heart ocẽcyy cholen ſernant * Jeth tloener pee wawo that men ſhauld noe onto Matth.7.12
Ja nes, ou: King aw go leraour, tha: gee kao wing Poit eaen fa Bae vats them, for thigig tye Law and the
bhale minier hee ia) may ab ue all things leeke tip JP onsets. © ete e a q
houaur ard gip, andtyac os. hig iubtects (due pcon: _* FZ tbcuery one that laith onta me, Low, Laio, Hatt Matt.7.22
ſtdering wio-e arhorcy be hath)nae Catcocully lerae, etter iitte rhe kingdome of beanea : bitt he that Doeth
Hottaur, and Humbly ober him in thee ana foz thee, ace the willof mp Fathec which igin heguen.
cozainy to chp ble Lea axu and ordinance, thꝛouch gfe» * Zache ſtod Cogrh ana fatavnto the Lou, Behold, Luke 19.8
fus Chriſt oue Loz, who with chee Ethe holp Dpi, Lor0,the halfe of mp goons J gise to the pooze, anu if
pee ana reigneth, euer ong God, Wl wit jour ena, qpate Done aity Wong fo aip mar, Y reftoze toure
men. - ol. ; i
Amightie tcierlakking Gos, we be taught bpehy * Riho wacth a warfare at anp time of his obene 1.Cor9.7
Aty w320, that the Hearts of kinxs are ni tyy rale cof? who planterh abinepard, and eateth notefthe
and gouernance, that chou doeſt ailpore t turae then frait thereat? Dz who keedeth a flacke, and eaterh not
as ít eemet) bef to thp gaslp wilensm:: wee humol⸗ of the milke ofthe flocke? i x
heieech thee, fo to ditpale ana goue ne the beart of * Fi we haue tomen onto pou Cpititual things, ts it i.Cor.9. 1
Hames thp ſeruant our Ring aw goaernoaur, that in a great matter tf we fhall reape pour wooly tings?
all his thoughts, wong and wozkes, he map euer leeke *Dye pe ot know chat thep wbich mi iſterabout y Cor i
thp honour and glezp, and ſtadie te preleracthe people Holp things, liue of chefaccifice? andthep which waite , 13s
com mitted to his charge, iit weilih, peace, ama gantis of the altar are partakers with the altar? Euen fo hath
nefle: Graunt this, D mercitult Faber, for thy neare the Lord al o‘ozneied , that thep which preach the
Hones fake, Telus Chꝛiſt our LogsAmen. — Gopal, ould line of the Goſpel. - ;
@ immediatly atter the Colle&, the Minifter: Mall * Dee that foweth ltrele, Mall reape little : and hee 1.Cor.9, 6,7,
reade the Bpiftle beginning thus that ſoweth pleut eouſl⸗ Hall reap: pleuteanflp. Let es,
She Epiltle witten inthe Chapter ok. uery man doe according as heis dilpalen in his heart,
@ And the Epiftle ended,heMal fay the Goſpel, begin- motgunging og of necellitie , fo} Ood loueth acheares
. ning thus, . ull gluet. j ;
The Golpel witten in the Chapter of. * Ler bim that ig taught in the t9020, minier onto Gals, 6,7.
@ And che tpiftle and Goſpel being ended, halbe faid Him that teacheth in all geod things. We not deceiu
_ the Creed. 3 Gon ig not mocked : Foz whatſoetier an
Belecue in one Bon the Father Almighty, maker of that ſhallhereapge. Ml sole
deauen and earth, ana ot all things vitiole and inui⸗ * Thile we haue time, letvs do good bu
Bole: and in one Lozo Jeſus Chꝛiſt the onelp begotten {pecially donto them. whicy are of the HoulGatn
Sonne of Gay , begotten. of his Father before ail * Godlinefie is great riches, if aman bee content 1.Tim.6.7
tonlu, Gad of Gad, light of light, vere Goo sf verp with that hee hath : for wee beonght nothing into the
Gon, begotten, not nave, being of one ubttance mith wald neither map toe carie avp thing out. `
the Father,by wham all chings were made. who for pg *Charge them which are richinchis world, that 3 Tim. 17
men, and to: our Caliation, cane towne frem beauen, they bereanp to giue. and glad to diſtribute, Taping bp 18 and 19
and wag incarnate by the holy Ghoſt of rhe Hirgine in Roze foz chemieiues a goonfoundation againttthe
Warp, and was made man, and was cruciſien alle foz time to come,that thep may attaine eternal life.
bs vnder Ponts Pilate. De luferea and was huri» * Gon ig not unrighteous , that he will fozget pour Hebr 6.10
gD, aad the third dav hee role againe according te the two:kes and labour that proceedeth of ioue ;which loue
SHeriptires , and alcended inte heauen , and ſitteth at p: baue ſhewed to: his Manes fake, which pane mini⸗
the richt band of the Father. And he fhall come againe fren Suto the Saints and pet doe miniffer.
with glop, to iunge bath the quicke anv the Dean: * To doe goan, and to diſtribute forget not,
fozwith Hebr, r 3.16
whole kingdome hall haue none end. Ann T heleene (uch (acrifices Bovis plealen. . *
in the bolp Gjok, the Loz anv giuer of life, who pzo- * Gabo fo bath this waag goon, ana ſeeth bis beos. .Iahn 3.17
ceedeth from the Father annthe Sonne, who with the ther haue neede, and ſhuttethvphiccompallion from
Father andthe Don together ig warhippea ano gle- him, how dwelleth the loue of Hon in him?
rifin, who pake by the JBzophets. And Ibeleeue one * Giue almes of thp goong, and tutne neuer thy face Tobit 47
Catholike and Apotoltke Church. F acknowledge front anp pome man: and then the face of the Low.
ane aptifine fo the remiffton of nnes. Ana Jlaoke fhallnot be turned awapfromebee. .
foz the relurcection ofthe Bead, atto the life of the tonla * Be merciful after chp power. Ikthou halk much, Tobit 4 8,9.
te come. Amen. ; piue plenteoufly. Ffrhou haft tittle, oe thp adigence :
After the Creede, iftherebe no Sermon, thal follow: gladly to gine of that little + fo fa gathereſt thouthp
one of the Homilies already fet foorth, or hereafter to felfe a good reward in the dap of neceflitie,
be fet forth by common authoritie, * Dethat hath pitie open the pove tende:Fonta the Prou, 1 917
After fuch Sermon, Homilie, or exhortation,the Cu- Low : ana looke what he laveth ont, it Hall be pared
rate (hall declare vnto the people,whetherthereibe any him againe. wilas mL Bt bid talas
boly dayes or falting dayes the weeke following, and * BleTen ig the man that prauideth for the ficke atid’ pral, 4ua
earnefily exhort them to reme nber the poore, faying| needy: the Lozd will deliuer him in che tine oftrousles
@ Then
— Communion.
FE Then fhall the Church· wardens, ot (ome other by beceule thep han benght a Farme, or teutd tip thei
them appointed gather the deuotion of the people,and pekes oteren, og becenfe they twere married, were not
put the fame into the poore mans boxe , and vpen ihe io Fcuſed » but ccunted vprwozthe of tle decuchlp
offering dayes appomted, eucry men and woman f} all teaft. 3 fozrrp part am pere prefent, and acco:dirgto
pay to the Curate the due and accufiomed offerings. minc ekue, J bin pew in whe name ot Ged, 3 call rou
After which done, the Pricfi hall fay. in Cialis bebealfe, 3 erbozt pou ce pou love youretene
faiuetien » thar peh iil bı partakers ot this bolp Coms
¶ Let bg pray fozthe whole Hate of Chale Charch munich. Aid as the Sonne of God vid bi mbfate to
Militant bere in earth. pce be ip Lis [oule bp death vpen the crofie fog pour
A Lmightp and encr'iuing Goo , which bp thy bop tealth: cuen fo t ig pour duetie to receiuc the Coms
Gprile hall taught bs to make pzapers and trp» mun niogetherintheremimbzance of bis death, ag
plications, c+ 8 to gine thanks foz all men: we Humbip bé þimfelfecen mand:d. Put, if peu will in vo wie
‘If chere be beleech thee mof mereifullp(to accept cur aimes, and) ibug Dee, cerſter hith porrfelucs Lew great iniutie
“Bo almes gi- to receive thele our prayers, thich we offer tuto thy you Foc tnte God , aud how foze puniſhment hangeth
uen to the Diuine Bailie, belecching thee te infpire centinual'p ouct peur heads for thefeme. And wherees pou cficna
re,then the bniverfall Church with tke ‘pirit ot trueth, bnitir, Eor tofe inrefufing this Lolptarquet, F atmonifh,
Pall words and cokicogd: and grant that ail they that Doe confefle ext ort, end beſecch pew, that buts this bnkim netic pe
(of accepting tby bolp name,map agtec in $ tructh of thy bolp wor, Willnot adde erp moze: which el ing pe halizee,if re
our almes) and liue in vnitie and godly loue. Cie beſerch thee allo and bp ag gazerg end lockers on thim that tee coms
be left our to faue anb defend all Chriſtian kives.princeg and ge⸗ Muntrate.env Fe not partakers of the fame Feur ſelues.
vahid, uerrours, and (pecially rbp leruant James cur Birg, Foz what thing can thig be acceunted elle, thena fers
that onder him we map te godly and gutetip couerned: ther cortarpt and vn mbrefic vnto Sed? Truely, it
and gratint ento his hole Countell, ard te ali that be ig a great vntbankefult eſſe te fap nap when pe be cals
put in authezitte vndet tim, thet thep map truclp ana fed: tut the fault ig much greater, wher men fens bp,
indifferer tipminifer iuſtice, te He pun ment ef wic» end pet will nc inher cate 1:02 Mirke his bolp Commit»
betnes and bice, and to ibe maintencnce of Gods true tion with ober. F prap peu, khat con this be elle tut
religion and vertue Gine grace (D heauerip Fatter) euen to bane the myſterics of Chrifi in Brnifien 2 It ig
to afi Bi fheps, Palſtoꝛs, anv Curaies, that they map lard bito all, Take ve, erd cate, take and Danke pe all
both fp eit tie and oectrine (ce foorth thy true and cithis, Doe this in iemembgarce of mer. Mith v hat
linely 02D, and rightly and duely adminifler thp bolp face then, o? with tobat conptenance {hall pee heare
Sacraments: and to all thy pe: ple giue thy Leauentp thele wordes? CUbat will this be clic, hut a neplets
grace, and ‘pectat'p te this congregation here pzefcnt, tirg, adelpifing , end mocking of the GeHamert of
that with mieke Heart and bue reucrence, (hep map Chꝛiſt? Kiberefoze rather then pe Could fe voe, Mpart
Geare and receiue thp bolp word, truelp ruing thee in pou Esnce, and give place torbsm tket be godly Dilpe-
pol ncfle ¢ rightecuines all the dayes oftheir life. And ſed. But win you repart, Jbeſcech piu perder keith
twe moft Humblp beſeech thee ef thp gecduce, D Lor, your felues. from wiem pe drpart: pe rrpart ftom the
to comfet and ſticcount allthem to! ich in thig tranfito Lozdstable, pee depart from pour bzethzen, ane from
rp life be in trouble, footy neede, ſickueſſe, 02 any other the hengeet oi moft teauchlp foove. Tele thingsif
aduerfitp: grant this,D Father,fozTelus Lizika fake peeornelilp confiner, ree Wall bp Gors grece retume
our onclp medfatorr ard eduecate. Amen. toa better mude JFez the oktainirg wtereef,we fhall
makecurfimble petitions , while we Hall receiue the
€ Then thal! follow this exhortation, at certaine bolp Communion. :
times when the Curate fhall fee the people negligent -
to come tothe holy Communion, @ And forretime frall this be faid alfo,at the difcreti«
VV E herome tegerher at this time (Bearelp hele: on of the Curate,
ued bret hzen) to feete at the Lords upper, bre D Eately belcued, fozalmurh as eur duety iste rene
to the which in Govs hebhalfe Phin peu al thar be here terto Almighty Ecd ourheanenty Father mef
pelent, t befeech pou foz the Lom Felis Chile ake, beettptbenkes, fo: that be bath ginen bis Sonre cut
that pe twill not refule to come thereto, being lo leuir g Sauiour Telus Chak, net onely to vie for be, Fut ale
Ipcalied and binden of Gon hin feife, Hee Enew few to be onr ſpirituell foede and (ufienance, es itis tectae
Grievous ¢ bnkinn a thing it is, when a man kath pze reBbntovg, aftel by Gods beord,agby the holp Sa⸗
pared a rich feat, decked His table with all kinte cf crement of bis blefſed bet pand biord, the which tes
proutfien, othat there lacketh rothing Ent the gheſts irg ſo rõtortable a thing te them wobtch receive it wor⸗
to Gt rotutie,cnd pet they which Fe calle (withcut erp ttilp, and fo tangerous to them that will pzeftmeto
rtauſemoſt rthankefullp refiilete cen. Thich of por receiie it vnworth ip: mp Cuctp is to exhort peu te rons
in fuch a tafe would niot be moouct 2 Gihe would nat finer the nignitp oft be bolp my Merie, and the greet pes
thinke a great infutfe €mang tone brtehim there- rillofthe v worthy receiuings thereof, cnn (oto frarch
- fore moff dearely beloued in Cheiſt, take pecocd hete, enD eramine peur owne cenftiences , ag pou pouin
left pe, withdre wing pour felucs frem thishelr Sup: come holy srd cleene toa moſt godip andbeaucnly —
per prouoke Gots indignation egainf pru. Jit isan fee ft ; fo that in no wife peu come but mike matriege |
eafie matter foz å man tofap, J wil not ccmmuricete, garment required of Ged in poly Srripture, @ focome
becauſe Y am otherwiſe Tetted with teozlt lp befir cle: aud be receiued,ag worihr partakere of fiche hecuens
but uch excuſes be notfocafilp acccpted and alle wed ip table. Tte wap end mrancs tberete. is:Hh E terrae
before Gov, If any man fap, Jame grieucus (inner, wine pour lines end conucrlation Eptir reie of Gong
and therefoze cm afraid toccme: Therefore then tee con mentemerte, ant wlerein ſcci cr pe Fall perc eine
penotreprrtanbemend? Uhen Gon ceſſeih pert, Le pourfelues to tane offinred | ci fer by wni este, c?
pou not efhamen to fap, peu will rot cemer Pen pou Tecde, there beweyle youre re finial Jirre; ent rons
fHortnreturne to Gen, wil! pew ercule peur felfe, arn feffe pour felticste Almigkty GD., with fe! purpele
fap that pou be vet reanp ? Corfiter carn Hlp with of ament mert of life Qut iper fhri: perceiue reur cfs
your felues, how lites trh fined excuſes fhall cue ile fences tobe ſueches fenet recip eget Ecv tutal
betort Gov. Shep thar refuler the fe: Rir the Geſpel, egaind pens ncighl oni: thet pe hail reconcile your
3 lt bies
==> TheCommunion.
ſel ies vnto chem , ready to make reſtitution ana ſatiſ⸗· fure, and ſtudeing toferue himin true bolne
faction,accopdiig to rhe vttermoſt of pour powers, toꝛ righteouteke ailthevapeg of owr life. Amen, à
all iniuries ata wanga Dane bp pau to any other, a10
likemiie being ceaup to fazgiue atger that haue offen: @ Then fhall the Minifter fay to them that cometo
Ded pow, ad pou W340 Hare torxgiueneſle of poise offers receiue the holy Communion.
tes at Doss jad: Fz other vile eve receising of the Y Ou that doe truly and carveltly repent pou of pene
holy Commaniou, doeth nothing elle hat incesa pour fi ines, aid be tit lone and cyarity with pour seighe
damnatiou. Ana vecaule it iscequilie that no mm boars, intend to leadeanew life, tollawing the come
bat vate’ a full teuk mandements of Goa , ana walking from hencefoort®
Maula caneto che Joly Cãnanioa
in Hors merey, ard wit) a quiet couſcience: theretore in His holp Way 2s: Baw neete,ana take this boip Bae
ifebere be anp of pou, thich by che meanes atozelapo, crament to pour com oꝛt, make pour yumble contefitor
Cannot quiet giso nne contctence, hit: requiteth further te Almightie Gon , betoze this congregation here ga-
cants:t o? comiti, then let him conse co me, of fone thered cogetherinbig holp Jame, meekelp kneeling
ocher diſcreete and learned miniſter of Bons word, and vpan pour knees. ’
open his griefe, that be map receiue luch ghoſtly couns
fell, aduice, andcanfort, as bis con ſcience map he re @ Then thall this generall confeffion be made, in the
Kesen, ano that bp the miniſtery of Gass wow he map name of all thofe thatare minded to receiue the
receiue comfort, ana the venefite of abſolutian, to rhe holy Communion, either by one of them.or els by
guicting of his canſcience, and auopding of all ſcrugle the Minifter himfelte , all kneeling humbly ypoa
and Boudtfulnette, their knees.
A higher Sov, Facher of cur Low Welg Chak,
@ Then thallthe Minifter fay this maker of all things, iudge ofall inen, re know⸗
exhortation, lenge and bewayle our manifold Rimes & wickedneſſe,
be ich toe fram time te tine mait grieuoaſſty haug came
pe? beloued in the Lom, pe that mime te mi ted, bp thougye,wod,and deede.againſt thy diuine
comz to the halo Conmanion ofthe hony tblsan Maieſty ꝓꝛoioking moſt inki thy wrath aan in igns ·
of our Sauiour Cpt, mat confier wat D Bail tion againſt vs: we ooe earneſtl⸗ repent and be heartte
wꝛiteth co the Counthians, Hw hee exhorteth all por ip ‘arte foz thele our milaotigs, the remembzance of
ſoas diligently to try and erantiae tiem elues , betore then ig grieuous onto vs: the burden o7 thea ts intals
thep peime ta eave ofthat bread, Edzinke of that cup, lerable. auc metcp bpon os, baue mercp bpon bs,
Foz as the benefi: is geat, if wib a wue penitent malt merciful Father , for chp Senne our Low eius
Heart ¢liuelptaith we receiue that holy Sacta nent: Chꝛiſts fake, koꝛgiue vg all thats pañ, and gravt that
(Foz then we tperttually cate the led of Cuit, anv w may ever hereacter krue &pleafe chee in newneſſe
minke his hilo, then we owell in Chik, and Chrift ot lite, to the honour and glozpot thp ame , thzough
inos, webe one with TuitandLhit with vs:) So Jes Chik our Loz. Amele -
is the Dagger geat, tC we receiue the fame vnboorthi⸗
Ip. Fo: then we be guiltie of the body and blood of g Then fhal! the Minifter or the Bithop ( being pre-
Chꝛiſt our Sauio ur, weeat and drinke our aume Dam- fence ) ftand vp,and turning himlelfe to the people,
nation, Hot conftsering the Loos body: Clee kindle fay.thus,
Gods wrath again vs: we pzauoke him to plague vs
with diuers virales,g(unnephinves of Death. Tiere» A Lmighty Gon our heauentp Father, whe of his
fore if anpofp whe a blaphemerof Gon, an hinerer great mercie bath promiſed forgiueneſſt of Ganes
oz Lumoerer of bis woz,anadulterer, o? he in malice, to all them which with heattp repentance and true
oz entice, òr anpothergricuats crime, bewarle pout faith turne puto him: Haue mercie vpon pou, parbon
finnes, and come not to this holp Tahle, left after the and deliuer pou front all pour ſinnes, confirme anè
taking of that haly Sacrament, the seuill enter in-o ſtrengthen pouin all gsodueſſe, aud bring peu to euste
rou,asheentred into Judas, and fill pou fill of all inis laſting life though Jelus Cift our Lord. Amen,
quities, and bring pou to deſtruction bath of boop anv
toute. Fudge therefore pour ſelues( bꝛethꝛen) that pe be Then fhall the Minifter alfo fay.
not iudged of the Log. Repent pou truelv for. pour Weare what confortable words our Sauiour Chik
ſinnes paft shane a liuelp ana ſtedfaſt faith in Chik faith to all them that tructp turnetohim.
our Sauiour. Amera pour lines, and be in perfect chaz * Come bnto me all pethat trauaile, and be heauie Mat yy 28
ritie with allmen, lo ball pee be meete partakers of laden, ard J will reftefhpes, So Gov loued the tohn 3.16.
thole bolp myſteries. And aboueall things, pe muft mozio, that begane His onelp begotien Sonne, to the
gine moft humble and beartiethankes to Gor the Fa- end that ali that beleene in dim ould not peri , but
ther the Sonne,and the holp Ghoſt.koꝛ the revemption hane life euerlating.
of the woro, bp the veath and pallton of our Santout Meare alo what Saint Baul ſayth.
Cbꝛiſt both Gad and man, who did Humble him etfe * Thisisa true faping, sad baorthy ofall men tobe 2,Tim.1.1¢,
euen to the neath bpon the croffe forvsmiſerable fin- reccited, that Peug Chik came into the woꝛid to (ane
ners, tohich lap int dackneſſe ¢ ſhadow of death, that he ſinne rs
might make vs the chilmen of Gon, exalt 9s to euer Heare alſo what Saint John ſayth.
laſfing life. And to the end that we ſhould alway rem?» * fany man ſinne, wee haue an aduocate with he 1 Ioh.2. 132.
ber the erceeding great loue of our matter ¢ onelp Da: Father, elus Chif the righteous, and he is the pros
uiout Jeus Chritt,chus oping foz o9,e the innumera- Pitiation foz our ſinnes. ;
blehenefites which bp hig precious bloodſhedding he
hath obtainen tous : be hath inltituten ð ordained holp After which the Minifter thall proceede,faying,.
mylſteries, ag pledges of histone, & rontinualtremems Litt vp pour hearts.
branceefhis neath,toent great æendleſſe comfort. To Anſwere.
bin therefore, with the Father ana the holp Ghoſt. tet Cite lift them bp unto the Lom.
bagire (as we are mof haunven ) continuall thankg, Minifter.
Aubmteting out lelues bohollyto His hoip wilanv pleas Letvs giue thanks
vntoous Logs Ged.

Ce nn CORTON S ——— 3

Anfwere. —
It is meet ann tight fo to doe.
í Minifter, À
NR 7E Doe net pꝛeſume to come to thig thy Cable
(D merciful ow) trufting in our owhe righe
teoulneile,but inthp manifold avo great mercies, We
Mt isberg mect, right and our bounnen duetie, that be not worthy fo much as to gather vp the ctumbes vn⸗
foc Houln at alltimes, ane in ati places gine thankes Det thyTable, Bit thor are che fame Aim, whole pros
iatothee, D Loz, holp Father, almighty enerlafting pettie ts alway to haue mercp: grant bs therefore grae
ou. i cious Lsrd, lo to cate the Aef ot thp deare Senne Jeo
“@ Heere fhill follow the proper Preface , according fis Cheiſt and tu drinke tig iaon, har our &ntulibes
co thétime,ifthere be any {pecially appointed : or Dies map be made cleane by bie bony, anv cur ioues
elle immediatly hall follow, Theretoze with Aiie father 'thacugh bis mek precivusblocd, ann that we
pels and Archangelz,ec. Nih t ; map encritieze Skocll mi pun, and pe in bs, Anin,

Proper Prefaces. @ Then the Minifter ftanding vp, that fay as foleweth.
Azee Gon our Yeanip Father, which of thp
Vypon Chriftmas day,and feuendayes after. / fender meicie died gine thine cneip Sonne Fee
scale thon diddelt wine Felas Chatt thine onely fus Chalk 5 to ſutter Deaty. open the Ceſſe ti2 one
Bör to be bone as this day for vs, Who bprbe redemption , Who made there (bp Yig one eblation of
operation of the Yalp Gholt wag mave etp man , of him lelfe once offiren) afuli; pertect, andſucticiert
the ſubſtance of the Clirgine Hary hig mother, and ciifice, oblation, and letilfaction for theſnnesof the
that without {pot of {inne , to mače yg cleane from all behole world; and did mititure, and in pis po'y Gelpel
fine, Chereioze with Angels, e, CORMAN HS to centinue a perpetual! memorie of that
Dis precous Neath, vmill his comming agame: Weare
Vyon Eafter day and feuen dayes aſter. “be,D merciful Farher,
we beſtech cheesanp grant that
Ti chiefy ate toe boimdtopraile thee tor the glori· wee receiuing thei thpereaturcs of bꝛeed
and wine,
Doug’ reliirtection of thy Sane Tens Cheift our according to thy Sonne our Sauiour Vetus Chriſies
Logo: fo2 Se 18 the very Paſchall Lambe which was boly inſtitulion, in remembrance of hig Beach and pak
oſtered fa: og, ano hath teken ateap the ſinne of the Aion’, map bee partakersof Gis moſt bleſſed terp anu
“woo, whe by his Death Hath veftroped death, and Ep Hives, Who ta the ſame nighe that je way betrape,
Hisriling telife againe, Hath reſtozed topg cuerlatting tooke baeav, and when he bad ginen thankes, be bake
‘life, Therefore with Grigels, ee, f hts it and gaus tt to bisdilcipl:s,taping, @ake, cate; this
femy bop) which te guꝛen fogpoit, doe this iw rements
Vpon Aſcen and feuen dayes'after. 90"
ſion bzoute o tie.) A iketwife after lapper be tooke tke cup,
Hough thy molt teare beloued Senne Jelus and vohen he Had given thanks,he gaue it tothem, fapa
Tiit our Lop, who after bis moll xt rious reit ‘ing, Dpinke pe ail ot thig, tor this ig mp blood af the
tection manife ſtiy appeared to ati iis Apoſtles, antin nets Teſtament, which ts fhed fo: pou and foz mang
their fight alcended up into heauen; to papare opace Fo the remiflion offinied: vee this agoft ag pee Hal
kor vs, that there He is thither might we at aſcend, Brinke it in remembzance of me, i
and reign with bin in glory. Cherr tore with ee.” 3 HU 1 ;
‘ek ai, 3 i air j E Then Maithe Minifter ift receiae the Communi-
Vpon Whitfunday and fixe dayes after. on in both kinds himfelfe,and next deliverit26 o-
Teus Jeſus Chik our Ler, accowing to ther Minifters (ifany be there prefét) that they may
whole moft trie promiſe the holy Ghot cane helpethe chicfe Minifter,and after,to the people im
Dotonthis vey from heaucen, wih a udden great aa, their hands, kneeling. Ang when he deliuereth the
‘ag it bad bene a mightp the ltbeneſſe offietie breżdhe [hali fay. 12306 i
tengues lighting vpon the & pofles,ta teach them and “Che bonyéfaur Low Teles Chꝛiſt, which was ris
to {cade them te alltraeth pining thim beth che wittof uenforthee, pzelerue thy body and eule into euevlahing
Diners languaxes ana alfo bolenetle with feruen zeale fife? sud take and eat this in remembrance that Cheii
‘conttantly to preach the Golsel unto al nations where: died forthee, and fecve on him in thine heart bp faith
hy we are brought out of darkneſſe ane etrout,into the with thankſgiuing. ;
deare light, and true knowledge of thee, ann of thp @ And the Minifter that deliuereth the cup, fhall fay.
Horne Felis Chrilt. Therefore beith Ange's,ac. The Woon of gir Loyd Jelas Chit, which wag
fhed fo2 thee , prelerue thy bodie env ſoule inte etterias
Vpon the Feaft of Trinitté onely. fing life aha Minke this in remembrance that Cheats
FO is tery merte. tight and out banden ditety, that bloed twas Med loz thee ana be thankfull.
we Mould at all tines and in all places giue thankes q Then thalthe Minifterfay theLords praier,the peos
tothe,D Ene, Ainightp,andeuerlating Gon, thich ple repeating after hiayeuery petition, After fhalbe
art one Wor, one Lord, not one onely perior, but tizee ſaidas followeth, ; A
perons in one ſubſtance. For that Which we beleeue of Low ane feancntp Father, wee thy Huns! te fees
the alor of the Father, the ſame wee belceue of the uants entirelp velite thy Fatherly gonn fe mers
Sane, ann of the holy Ghck, wit hout anp siference cifallptoaccept thig ovr facrifice of praile and thank
og ineq:jalitic. Therefore with angelsee, n ginig: mof hianhly helveehing thee te grannt, that
~ E After which Prefaces fhalt tolldw immediatly. Dp the merits ‘and ath ef thp Sonre Jeus Chik,
-~ Sherefore with Angels aud Archargels, and with. and toreugb faith in his blood, wee (anv all thy whole
athe companp of Heanen, wee laine and magiifie chy Church) map obt aine rotten of our fines ant all os
glorious ume, enermoze praiſing thee, anv Cavity, ther benefits of fis pafen. And here we offer ann pres
DHoly.talp,bolp Lorn Gon of hoſts Heauen ann earth fent vntothee D Lord, ourlelues, but foules anv Dgs
ate ie of tüp glory. Glozzbe tothee, D Lorn moſt biestoleareafonahle, Help, ant liuelpſectifice ote
try, thee Burnbly beler hing thee thatal toc which he pars
@Then Mall the Minifter kneeling downe at Gods takers of this holy Communon, may be fulGitter with
board, fay in the name of all them thar thal seceiue, thy grace and hearenip benediction: And athéni
the-Communion,this prayer following, bee vnworthie, though our manifolo Ginnes , to ofer
B3 pie
y PH
i ek Te ee Se oe A

onto thee aap facrifice + pet deee beleeeh cheete accept @ Colleéts to be faid after the Offertorie, when there
this our bounden Ductp and lertice ,not weighing our is no Communio,euery fuch day one And che fame
merits , but pardoning our offences, though Felis may be faid alto as oft as occafion mhall ferue, after
Chꝛiſt aur Loa, hp whom , and wit) whom , in the the Collects either of Morning or Ewening prayer,
buitie of the hulp Obot , all honour and glozpbe vute ,Communicn, or Letanie, by the difcretion of the
thee,D Father ——— without end, Amen.: Minifter. ` i
; rtnis, =) ol Gi eki Sliſt vs mercifully, D Low, in thefe our ſuppli⸗
3 }
A Lmighty and everliuing Gov, wee mek heartily M cations and papers ann diſpole the wap of thp lere
thanke thee, fo: that chou doeſt vouchſate to feede uanis toward the attainment of cucrlafting ſaluation,
bg, which haue duelp receiuen thete Help myſteries, that among all the changes and chances of this moztat
with the (pirituall foode of the moſt pꝛecicũs body anv life, thep map ener be dekended bp thy moft gracioug
bloon of thy Sonne our Sauiour Jelus Chriſt, and anv readp Helpe,thzougy Chif our Lom, Amik.
Dock allure og thereby of thy fauour and goonneile to.
foard bs ana that we he berp members incorporate in O Almightie Lom and euerliuing Gon, bouechlafe
ebpmpficall body, which is the bleien company of all fue belecch thee, to ditect, fanctifeand gouerne
faithfultpeople, and be allo heires thꝛough pope of chp both cur hearts anv bodies inthe tapes of thp lanes,
euerloſting kingdome, by the merits of the mof pze- and in the wozks of thp commannensents,that thugh
cious death ana paflion of thy deare Sonne: we ney thp molt mighty protection, both Herz ano euer,wee
mo bumblpbeleech thee, D Heanenly Father,loto als map be prelerued m benp ano loule , theough sur Loza
GA vs with thp grace, that we map continue in that ho- ano Dauiour Felis Chik, Amen.
Ip kellovoſhip,
ann doe all (uch goon wozkes as thon halk G Ramt we beleech thee Alnughty Goo, thatthe
prepared for vs to wake in, through Nelus. Chꝛiſt our wordes which wee hatte Heard thig dap with our
iLoz0,te wham with thee and. the holp Gholk,veall a oitward eares, map through thp grace be fo graffed ine
Nout and glozp, world without end, Amen.: wardly in our hearts, chat they may bꝛing foot) in va
@ Then hall be faid er fung, >» = the kruit of gaod liuing, to tbe honour aud pzaile of thp
” Gi de to God on High, anv in earth peace, good Name, though Felus Chzilk our ILo, Amen,
willtomard men. We pzaile thee, we blee thee,
fee worchis thee, we glozifie thee, we giue thankes to pleun 03, O Lord, in all our noings , with thp
thee foz thp great gloꝛp, D Lor Gon heanenlp King, molt gracisus fanour, and further bs with thy cona
Soothe Father almighty, O Loz the onelp begetten tinuall helpe, that in ail our werkes begun, continuen,
Donne Jelug Chik, D Lod Gov, Lambe of Gs, and ennen in thee, wemap glozifie thp holx Mame, and.
Sonne of the Father, that takelt atwap the {tunes of finallyhy thp mercp obtaine enerlatting life, though
the world, baue mercie vpon vs. Thou that rakelt a Jeſus Chif our Loz, Amen.
way the fines of the welu, baue mercy vpon bs.Thot
that taket alway the finnes of the ozto, receitse out A Lmightx Gon, the fountaine of all wiſdome, which
praper. Thon that ſittelt at the right tanvof God the =- knowelt our neceflities hefoze wee alke, and our:
Father, haue mercie bpon ve: for thou melyatt bolp, ignozance in afking, we befecch thee to hane compatfis
thou onelp art the Logo, thou onely,DChꝛikt, wich the oit bpon our infirmities,ann thole things which fez our
holp Ghotk , art mok high in che glozyofGod the Fa- vnworthineſſe we dare nòt, ånd fo? our blindneſſe wee
thor amen: — — cannot alke, vouchfafe to gine ds,foz the wozthineſſe of
thp Sonue Jeſus Chꝛiſt our Lord, Amen. y
@ Then the Miniſter or the Biſhop, if he¢ be preſent, A Lmightp Gon, which halk premiled to heare the
fhall let them depart with this blefling. petitions of them that alke in thp Sonnes Mame,
T De peace of God which paſſeth allunverfiauding, Ane befeech thee mercifullp co encline thine eareste b3,
keepe pour hearts and minges: in the knowlenge that haue made not aur prapers ¢ — bite
anid lowe of Gow, and of his Sonne Jefus Chak our thee,and grant that thole things which we haue faiths
Hom: and the beling of Gon almightie, the Father, fully alken according to thp wil map efectuallp he ob»
the Sonne, and the holy Gholt, hee among pou, and teined, ta the reliefe of our neccMitie, an to the erting
temaine with pou alwayes, amen, fozth of thp glozp, through Jelus Chzift our Lord.
Yponthe holy dayes (ifthere be no Communion) fhall be faid all thatisappointed at the Communion, vntill
theende of the Homilie , concluding with the generall prayet (for the whole {tate of Chrifts Church militant
here in earth) and one or moeofthe(e Colleéts before rehearfed,as accafian fhall ſerue.
Andchere (hall be nacelebration of the Lords Supper, except there be a good number to communicate with
the Minifter, according to his difcretion.
And ifthere be not aboue twenty perfons in the parih, o fdiſeretion to receiue the Communion, yetthere Mall
. * *

beno Communion, except foute or three at the leaſt communicate with the Minifter. ,
Andin Cathedral & Collegiat Churches,where be many Minifters & Deacons,they (hall all receine the Come
munion with the Minifter euery Sunday at the lealt,except-they hauea reafonablecaufetathe contrary, _
And to take away the (uperftition., which any perfon hath or might haue in the bread and wine: it fhall fuffice
that the bread be fuch as is vſuallto be eaten at the table with orher meates, but the belt and puteſt wheate
bread that conueniently may be gotten. And ifany of the bread and wine remaine , the Curate fhal! haueit
a0 hisowne vic.
‘The bread and wine for the Communion, thalbe prouided by the Curate and Church. wardens,at the charge oF
the Parith, andthe Parith thalbe difcharged of fuch fummesof money, or other dueties, which hitherto they
haue payed forthe fame by order of their houles euery Sunday.
And note, that euery Parifhioner thal cOmunicate atthe leaft three timesin the y.ere,of which Eafter to be one,
and (hall alfo receiue the Sacraments, and other rites , according to the order in this booke appointed. And
yerely at Rafter euery Parifhioner fhali reckon with his Parfon, Vicar,Curate,or his or their Deputie ot Depus
tics,and pay to them or him all Ecclefiafticall dueties, accuftomably due thenand at vhat timeto be PaThe

we =
@5 The miniftration of Baptifme to be
vled in the Church. |
à Tappeareth by ancient writers , that the Sacrament of Baptifme in the old time was net com-
DIA ‘monly miniftred , but at two timesin the yeere: At Eafter and Whitfuntide. At which times
Pa YO itwas openly miniftred in theprefence ofall the Congregation, ‘Which cuftome now being

4 AS erowen out of vfe (although it cannot for many confiderations be well reftored againe) st is
A thoughr good to follow the fame, as neere as conueniently may be, Wherefore
the people are
ariar By tobe admonithed , that it is moft conuenient that Bapti(me fhoutd not be miniftred but vpom
Sundayes and other Holy dayes,when the moft number of people may cometogether,aswell for thatthe Cone
gregation there prefent may teftifie the recetuing of them that bee newly baptized -into ibe number of Chriftes
«hurch, as alfo becaule in the Baptifme of Infants , cuery man prefent may be put in remembrance of his owne
profeflion made to God in his Baptifme. For which cauſe alfo it is expedient that Baptifme be miniltred in the
Engli tongue, Neuertheleffe ( ifneceffitiefo require ) children may at all times be bep:ized athome, <

When thereare children to be baptized vpon the Sunday or Holy day, the Parents ſhall giue knowledge oue
night , or inthe Morning afore the beginning of Morning prayer, tothe Curate. And then the Godfathers,
Godmothers,and people, with the children, muft be ready at the Font, either immediatly after the laft Leffon
at Morning prayer , or elfe immediatly after the lat Leffon at Euening prayer , as the C urate by his difcretion
{hall appoint., And then ftanding there, the Minifle r (hall aske whether the children be baptized, orno, If
they anfwere, No ; then fhall the Minifter fay thus,
q Carely beloued, foralmuch pani finde, knocke, anvit halbe opener onro pon. Se
zy as all’ men bee concetued and gine Nets onto Vg that alke: Tet bs that lerke , findes
Homeinfinne, and that our open the pate onto bs that knecke, that theſe Infants
É Sauiour Chꝛiſt fapth, Mene map eniop the euerlaſting benediction of thy heaucnip
p can enter into the kingdome wahing, and map come to the eternal kingpeme,
À h of Gon, except he be regene= which chou hak promiled hp Chik cur Loz, Amen,
PY JA tateaud bome anew of water
CLAS) aun the ba'n Shofi:F helecch “i @ Then fhall
the Minifter fay. ”
e [as ; . i
a2: an P “& pou to call opan Gon the Fas
ther, thzotigh our Lord Fetus Chzilk, that of his bour: € Meare the wordes of the Coler written bp
teous mercie Bee wili grannt to thele chilozen chat S. Marke inthe tenth Chapter.
thing, which bp nature thep cannot haue, that thep
map be baptized with water and the holy Ghoſt, any A © acertaine time they bzought chimen to Chik
receiued ints Chꝛiſts holy Church, and be mave linelp that be ſheuld tech them. Ano bie diſciples rebus
members ofthefame. y = Reb thole that haoughe them. But when Nifs fay it,
be was vilpleafen, and fapd bata them, Sifter litele
€ Then fhallthe Minifter fay. _ child zento come bnto mee,and forbid them not, fozte
fuch belongerh che kbingdome of Gov. Terelp F fap
Jt 2 Let bs pꝛay. vnto pou, whofseuer doeth not receiue the bing dome of
A Lmighty and euerlaſting Gor which of thy great God as alittle chilve, Hee Hallnot enter therein anu
f Xmercie diddeſt faute Noe and his kamilie in the hen he had taken them bp in bts armeg, be put big
Arke from perihing bp water, anv allo dintel Cafelp panas vpon them and bleſſed them,
leane the chilozent of Ilrael thp people thzough the red
fea figuring thereby thp bolp haptifme,
ana bp the bap ¶ Afte the Goſpel is read, the Minifter fhallmake this
tiûne ofthy welbeloued Sonne Velits Chꝛiſt, diddeſt bricfe exhortation ypon the words of the Gofpel,
fanctifie the flood Jordan, and all other waters, to the
myſticall wahing away of ſinne: Cite beſeech thee fog ea emage Geare in this Golpe! the weang of one
thine infinite mercies, that thou wilt mercifully looke Sauiour Chꝛiſt, thathe commanded the chilozen te
Spon theſe children, ſanctifie them anv wa thein with be bouche bonto him: hoto he blamed thole that would
the holp Gholt, that thep being deliuered from thy. haue kept them from bim, beto he exhorted all men to
forath , map bee receitten into the Arke of Chriftes follows their innorentie. See perceiue jew bp bis outs
Church, ano being Hevfalk in faith , tovfull through ward gelture and need, Hee declared his coon will toe
Hope, ann rooted in charitie, map fo paſſe the waues of wardthem. Foz hee embzaced them in bis armeg, bee
thistreublefome wolo , that finally they map come te lapu bis banus Spon them, and bleſſed them. Doubt
the land of euerlaſting fife, there to reigne with thee penet therefore, but earnefilp belecue that be will likes
i without enw, though Felus Chik our Low, fife kauourably receine thele prefent infants. that bee
mem. will embrace them with the armes of Dis mercie, that
hee will wite puts them the bleſſing of eternal life,
A Linightp ant immeztall Gow, the apne of all that and make them partakerg of His euerlafting kingtom,
neede the helper of all that fice to thee foz ſurcour. Therefor, we hring thus perſwaded of the goon will
the life of them that beleeue, and the refurrection ofthe of our heauenly Father toward thele Infante, peclas
Dead: wee cali vpon thee fo2thele Infants, that thep rev by hig Sonne Jelus Chꝛiſt, andnothing doubtin
comming to thy holp Baptifne, map receiue remiſſion but thathe fauourably alloweth this charitable work
ef their finnes by ſpiritual regeneration. Receiue them of ours., In binging thele chitozen te his holy Baps
HD Fon) ag thou halk promifen bp thp welheloued tile : letos Faithfull and deuoutly ginethankes onto
on e aping: Alke, and pouſhall haue leeke and pan Yim and fap,
B 4 Almighty

— —— Pike Pape. ———7—

Ariste and euerlaſting Gov, beanenty Father, thp mercy, O bicilen Lord Gov, who doef liue
wee pitte thee humble chaakes, foztbat thon haſt uerne allthiags w Ridpiye end Amen
vouchlafed to call bs fo the knob edge of thy grace, and Lmighep euerltutng Gon,whole mok
faith ia thee: Jncrealethis knowlerge; and confirme laued Sonne Jelus Lizik, foz the forgiueneſſe of
this faith in bs euermoze: giue thp help Spirit to hele out finnes, did fed out of bis mok precious Ge both
infants, that hep may he boꝛne againe, aud be mane water and blood, and gaue cemmandement to his nil
heites of euerlaſtiag faluation , though our Lon Je: ciples that they ſhould goetcach allnations, anv bapa,
fug Chukk,
who lineth
anv reigneth with thee ana the tize them inthe amet the Fatver, the Soune,ane
Holp Spirit, now and fog ener. AMEN, oftoe lots Sho: regard,webe eech thee,theippies
cations octhy congregation, and grant that all thpiers
@ Then the Minifter fhall freake ynto the Godfa- uantswhich halbe baptized inthis water,map receiue:
thers and Godmothers on this wife. the futuetle of tp grace, and ever rema inein the tune
bet of thpfaithfull and elect childzen, rheough Jelus is
VV Elbeloued friends, pe haue hzought thefe chit. Eik our Lerd Aneh
Dien here to hee haptized, pe baue payen that
our Lode Felis Coꝛiſt weuld oouchlatero recetise, ¶ then thal the Minifter take the childein his ha
them, to lap bis banns yon them,te bleſſe them,te re, and aske the name:.And naming the child, Gialdip- ~
leale them of their fintes , to giue them the kingverre it in the water,fo it be d.fcrectly and warily done,
of heauen, and euerlaſting lite. Bee haue beard-ala ; — basig ad graniidi se NaJ
that our Loza Jelus Chꝛiſt hath pꝛomiſed in bis Gol
pel, to graunt all. thefechings that pe Laue pꝛayed toz: N J baptize thee inthe ame of the Father, and
Which promite bee for bis part twill mik ſurely kecpe LN ofthe Senne, and oftie hip Opok, Auen.
and perforne. CCthercfoxe after this promite marebp
Cort, the inkants mult ala faithfillp teztheir part @ And ifthe childebeweake, it thal {uffice to powre
pro miſe hy pou that bee their ſureties, that thep te: “water vpon it,faying the forefayd words,
fogfake the deuill and all bis tuogkes, ayy confeaurlp
Helecue Gods Help wozne , aud obediently keepe pis N WSaptise tec in the Rame of the Pather, ant
commandements. aii N of the Donne, and ofthe holp Ghot, Amen. <
@ Then fhal the Minifter demaund of the Godfathers Then the Minifter fhall make a croffe vpon the
and Godmothers thefe queftions following.: d childes forehead faying, =, |- bs *
Doeſt thou foztake the veuill and ail his Marks, the VV € receive thie childe into the Conmreration
baine poxpe and glozp of the tooald, with all couctous VV. of Chuiftes locke, aud doe ſegne him with tbe
pefites of the fame, the carnal veltces of the tleſh, & figuié of the crolſeintoken that hereattér he thatnor-be
that. chou wilt not follow noz be leabptheme? ~ - aipamen to contefle the faith of Chꝛiſt crucified, and.
Anſwere. — mantuflyto fight vader bis havner, azamft Gnne, the
I forſake tjem all wold, and the nenill, ans to continue Chalks faithinlk
Miniſter. Esni ; Couldier and fervant bute his ues end Amen.
Dork thou beleeue in Gon the Father Amiahtie, f € Then ſhall the Minifter fay. 5
maker ofheattenand earth? Andin Telus Chit his S Ceing tow , vearelp beloried bzethwn y hat theſe
only begotten Sonne our Lows And that he was cons Ichilazenbe regenerate ano grakted into the body af
reinen by the bolp Ghalik, borue
oftheGirgin Warie, Chꝛiſts Congregation, leths giue thankes bato Gon
that he Mered vndet Pontius Pilate, was crucifien, fozthele beneits, and with one gccord make our prape
dead, and buried,that be went botene ito bell, and allo ers vnto Almighty Gon, that thep map leave the rek
pin rife againe the thira Dap,that be aſcended into heas oftheir life according ta this heginning.
uen ,Eltteth at the right hans of Gov the Father Al⸗ q Then thalibe faid.
mixdep, and from thence Hall come againe at the ende € Dur Father hich ac in heauen, ge,
of the world ta iudge the quicke andthe vean: Ai © Then (hall the Minifter fay.
poef thon beleeue in the holy Gholk, the holp Catho⸗ VV Ee peeltethec heartie thankes, moſt mercifulk:
tike Church, the Communic of Saints, che remili YY Father. that irhath plead thee te regenerate,
on of fumes, the reltirrectionofth: fic, and euerla· this infant with thy bolp fpirit, to receite him For thine:
fling life after death? E . — otme chile bp aveptict, and te incegporate bim into:
Anfwere, thp help congregation: And humbytwe berech thee to
AN this F fenfaltlp beleeue. graunt, that be being dead onto Emne, and liuing vnto
Miſter. righteoutnes, € betg buried mith Chut in is death,
“ aite thoubebaptized inthis faith z map cructfie Be oſd man, and btterly atoli the whole
Anfwere. boty offinne, that as he ig made partaker of the deach
Chat is my refire. : i ofthp Sonne, fe he may be partaker of his teſurrecti⸗
@ Then thall the Minifter fay, ~, * on,othat finally, with the tefiz ue af thp holp Congres
Wrin Gon rant that the ofp Anam in thee gation,bemap be ‘nberitour of thine euerlafting kinge
XJ chiftzen map be fo buries, that the nets man map dome, thꝛough Chili our Lop. Amen. ;
be raiſed bp in them. Amen, ni
Grant that al carnali affections may hie imthem, © At the laft end the Minifter calling the Gadfathers
anp that all things belonging tothe ſpirit, map liue aud Godmothers together (hal fay this exhortati-
tS apoen Imt, i i * on following, `
rant that they map haue pelocx a n Greate to
baue bietorie, and to triump) 55 Oratinuch ag thel children bane premien bp pon:
world andthe fifh Ament PR te to fozfaRe the yenil! ane all bis workes tohel: exe in.
Grant that who oeucrishereDevicated to thee
by Gon,tto lerue hem: pou muff remember that tt is pone
our effice ans mimftery, map eto beendued with hea⸗ atts and dueties to fee that thele Inkants be tanght
ucntx bertues, and euer warded, tyengh Soone ag theyſhallbeabletoleane, whata colenak
Prinate Baptifme.
hele, pomi e e profeion they haue made by pou. And Chꝛiſtiã tife,rememb
zing alwayes that Baptiſme both
that thep map know thele things rhe better,pe Hall call repzelent vnto vs cur pꝛoteſſion, which is,te follow rhe
bpon them ta beare Sermons, Echie pou thal prouide example of our Sanicut Chik , ¢ tebe made lik bate
that thep map learne the Creede, the Lords praper,and Dim, that ag hee died androle againe fez bg , fo boufa
the ten Commandements in the Engliſh tongue, and wee which are baptized, dieftom inne. andrik againe
al other things which a Chziftian man eught to knot vnto righteoulnelie,continuallp mogtifpire, al! our eniti
and Belceue ta his fortes health, and that thele chilozen and cogrupe affections. and daplp proceeding in all Lere
may beebertnonlly brought vp , to leane agotip anda tue and godlinelſe cf lining,
© The Minifter Mall commaund that the ehildren bee brought to the Bifhop, to bee confirmed of him, fo foone
as they can fay in their vulgar tongue,the Articles of the faith, the Lords prayeryand the ten Commandements,
and be further inſtructed in the Catechiſme {et forth for that purpofe,according as it is there exprefled:

Sap Of them that are to be baptized in priuate.

houfes in time of nece(sitie, by the Miniter
* of the Parifh,or any other lawfull Muiſter
that can be procured.
¢ He Paftours and Curates fhall often admonifh the people , that they deferre not the Baptifme
of infants any longer then the Sunday or ether holy day next after the childebeborne, valeflé
cp ¥ponagreatand reafonable caufe declared to the Curate , and by him approoned,
2 Andalfo they thall warne them, that without great caufe and neccilitie , they procure not
their children to be baptized at home in their houſes. And when great neede ſhall compeli thema
ed? ~ ed) {oto doe,then Baptilme fhalbe adminifired on this fafhion.
Firft,let the lawfull Minifter,and them that be prefent , call vpon God for his grace, and fay the Lordsprayer,
if the time will ſuffer. And then the childe being named by fome one that is prefent , the faid lawful Miniter
Quail dip it in water,orpowse water vpon it,faying thefe words,
J hapizethee in the ame of the Father, anv inthe wath of Gon, ig now bp the lauer of regeneras
ecftee Bonne, and of the holp Ghoſt Amen. tion in Baptiſme, received into the number of the chila
dren ofGon, and heires of euerlaſting life. jrez one
And fet them not doubt but that the childe fo bapti- Loz Felg Chꝛiſt noeth not venie his zrace and mera
zed,islawfally and fafficiently baptized,aad ought not cie vnto [uch infants, out mofifouingty coetb callthem
to bee baptized againe, But yet neuerthelefle, if bite him, as the boip Golpel Doth teitnefle toout coms
the childe which is after this fort baptized, doe after- fort on this tale,
ward live, it is expedient that it bee brought into
the Church, tothe intentthat if the Prieft or Minifter Ac a certaine time thep bꝛought chiſdzen todhit Mar.10.130
of the fame Parith did himfelfe baptize that childe, the that be ſhould touch them. And big diſciples rebus
Congregation may bee certified of the true forme of ked thole that haowght them. Bur when Fetus law it,
Baptifme by him privately before vſed. Or ifthe childe be was difplealen , and lapt buta them, Siffer little
were baptized by any other lawfull Minifter , that then chilazen to come brto mee, and fobi them not, for to
the Minifterofthe Parith, where the childe was borne luch belongech the kingveme of Gov. Gerelp J fap
or chrifiened, (hall examine and trie, whether the child vnto pou, wholoeuer doeth not receiue the kingbome of
be lawfully baptized orno. In which cafe if thofe that Gov asa little childe, bee hall not enter therein Ana
bring any childetothe Church, doe anfwere that the when he hadtaken them vp m Gis armeg, be put jig
fame childets already baptized, then ſhall the Minifter hands bpon them,and bleſſed them,
examine them further,fay ing, i
By whom was the childe baptized? @ After the Gofpel is read , the Minifter fhall make this
Taho was prelene when he chilee was baptizer? exhortation vpon the words of the Goſped.
And becauſe fome things, cilentiall to this Satras
ment, map happen te bee omitted through feare oz pama, pot heare in this Golpe! the werds of our
hate in fuch times of ertremitie + therefoze J de⸗ Sauiour Chik, that he commanded the children te
maui further of pou, hebzoughe vntohim ; how he blamed thoſe thatwould
Mith what matter was the chile baptized? aue kept them from him, hew he exhorted allmen ta
TUG what wows was the chile baptized? follow their innocencie. Beeperccine hem hp bis dut⸗
MAhether thinke pou the childe te be latefullp and pers ward geffure and need , Hee Declaren bis goon will tos
fectip baptized? fuardthemt. Foz hee embzaced them in his armeg, hee
layd his Bands bpon them, ana bleflen them. Deubt
@ And if the Minifter flall finde by the anfweres of pe net therefore, but earneſily beleeue that be hath likes
fuch as bring the childe , that all things were done as wife kauourably recciued this prefent infant, that hee
they ought to be: then hall henot chriften the childe Hath embzaced bim with the armes of bis mercie , that
againe, but (hall receiue him as one of the focke of Hee Gath giuen Dutotim the biciling of erernall life,
the true Chriftian people, ſaying thus. and mave him partaker of His euerlaſting kingusme.
C herefoze wee being thus perſwaded of the goon twill
J Certife pou, that in thig cafe allig well pone, and of our Heanenlp Father, declared bp bis Sonne Telus
acceding buto Duc order, concerning the baptizing Chꝛiſt toward this infant, fet bg faithfully and Bee
Of this childe, which being bozne in ogiginall Aune, ana uoutly sine thankes bute pea fap the pzaper gs
5 $
Private Baptifine.
the Lord himfetfe taught, titdeclaration of our faith, beite of euerlalting faluation through our Lom Vets
fetvsrecite the Articles conteined in our Creed. Chk, map continue thp ſeruaunt, and attaine thp
promife, though the fame our Lord Jelus Chait chp
@ Herethe Minifter withthe Godfathers and Gedmo- Sonne, who liveth and reigneth with thee m che onitie
thers thalk fay, of the fame bolp Spirit euerlaſtiugly, Amen.
E Dur Father which art in heauen, ec. ¶ Then (hall the Minifter make this exhortation to the
Godfathets and Godmothers,
@ Then fhall the Prieft demaund the name of the child, | arias ag thts chilve hath pꝛomiſed bp pou te
which being by the Godfathers and Godmothers foxlake the Denil! and all his workes , to heleene in
pronounced,the Minifter (hall fay. God, and toferue him : pou mult remember that it is
pour patt and duetietofee that this infant bee taught,
Doeſt thon in the name ofthis chilve fozfake the ve- tofoone ag he Wall hee able tolearne, what a lolemne
uill and all bis woks,the vaine pompe and glory of the how, peomile, and profellion he hath made bp pou. Ana:
sata, with all the couetous deſires of the fame, the that he map know thele things che better, pee halt call
gnall deltves of the ff , anv not to kollow and bee bpon Him to heave Sermons, anv chi fly pe Hall prouine
abp theme that hee may learne rhe Creede, the Lows peaper, anu
Anfwere, the cen Commandements inthe Engliſh tongue, anv
itogfake them all. all ether things thich a Chꝛiſtian man ought to kuosa
Minifter. and beleeueto bis ſatiles health, and that this childe
Dock thou in thenameof this chilne profetle this map bee bertuoutlp brought bp , to leane a godly anna
faith, to beleene in Goo the Father Almightie, maker Chriltian life, remembꝛing altwap chat Baptiſme Dorth
khcauen and earth? And in Jelus Cheiſt his onelp bes repectent nto bs eur profellion, which is te follow the
otten Sonne our Lords And that hee wag concciued ex ample ofour Daniour Chriſt, and bee mave like onte
othe bolp Gholt, borne of the Girgin Harie, that be Him, that as he died androle againefo: vs, fe howa
fered vnder Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, wee which are baptized, die from finne, and rife axaine
ma buried, that he went Downe into hell, and allo din Onto righteoiulneſſe, continuallp mortifping all our enit
He againe the third vap, that be alcended inte heauen, and cozrupt affections , and dayly proceeding in all bere
eftitech at the right hand of God the Father almightp, tue and godlineſſe of lining.
‘ann from thence be ſhall come agatne at the end of the And lokorth ag in Publike Baptilme.
tozo ta iudge the quicke andthe vean? Ana noe pou -
in his tame beleeue inthe bolp Ghoſt, the holp Catho⸗ ¶ But if they which bring the Infants to the Church,
like Church, the Communion of Saints, the remiflt. doe make fuch vncertaine anfweres to the Priefts
on of fines, telurvectios, and euerlaſting life atter queftions, as that it cannot appeare that the childe
Death? was baptized with water, Ia the Name of the Futhery
Anfwere. and of the Sonne, and ofthe holy Ghoft , (which are
All this Jſtedkaſtly beleeue. effentiall parts of Baptifme) then let the Prieft bap-
` Let vs praye tize itin forme aboue written , concerning publike
A Lmightie and euerlaſting Gos, heauenly Father, Baptifme , fauing that at the dipping of the childe im
twee gine thee humble thankes , foz that thou Dat the Font, he (hall vfe this forme of words.
‘pouchlafen to call os to theknowledge of chp grace, ana
faith in thee: Increale thisknowlege, and confirme TE thou he not already baptize, I2. I baptize thee —
this kaith inbseuermoze, gine thp holp Spirit to thig inthe ame ofthe Father, and of the Sonne, and ox
infant , that be being bom: againe, and being mave the holy Spok, Amen,

5 The order of Confirmation,or laying

on of hands vpon children baptized,and able to
render an account of their faith according
to the Catechifme following.
py- O the end that confirmation may be miniftred to the more edifying of fuchas fhallreceiueit (according te
S. Pauls doctrine, who teacheth that all things ſhould bee done in the Church to the edification ofthe fame)
it is thought good that none hereafter (hal be confirmed , but ſuch as can fay in their mother tongue the A; ticles
of thefaith,the Lords prayer, andthe ten Commandements, and can alfo an{were to fuch queftions of this fhort,
Catechilme, as the Bifhop (or fuch as he thall appoint) fhall by his diferetion appofe them in, And this order is
moft conuenientto be obferued, for diuers confiderations.
Firft, becaufe that when children come to the yeeres of diferetion,and baue learned what their Godfathers and’
God nothers promifed for them in Baptifme, they may then themfelues with their owne mouth, and with their
own: confent, openly before the Church, ratifie and confirme the fame , and alfo promife that by the grace of
God, thcy will cuermore endewour themfelues faithfully to obferue and keepe fuch things,asthey by their owne
mouth and confeflion haueaflented vnto.
Secondly, forafmuch as confirmation is miniftred to them that be baptized, that by impofition ofhandes and
praver,they may receic Rrength & defence againft al temptations to finne , and theaffaults ofthe world and the
deuil!,it is moft mcere to be miniltred when childrencome to that age, that partly by the frailty of their owne
Aleth,parely by the affiults of the world and the deuill, they begin to bein danger to fall into fundry kinds of Gn,
Thirdly for that it is agreeable with the viage of the Church in times paſt, whereby it was ordeined that Cone
firmation (hould be miniftred to them that were of perfe& age, thatthey beeing inſtructed in Chrifts religion,
Should openly profeffe their owne faith,and promife to be obedient vnto the will of God. $ ve
The Catechifine. æ
And that no. man fhall thinke thar any detriment fhall cometo children by deferring of their Confirmation,
he hall know forcrueth, that it is certaineby Gods word, that children being baptized, haue all things neceflary
for their faluation,and be vndoubredly faucd.

q A Catechifme, that is to fay, Anin-

ftruction to be learned
of euery childe;befor
he be brought to be confirmed by the Bifhop. 711]
Queftion. Anfwere.
SONA Hat is pourname? Tame, —
DNN Anſwere. ueitlon.

$ s I.o 9. Which be they ?

A ' ‘Qucflion. Anfwere.
cy, Miho mane pou this name ? 4:He fame which Gou pake inthe te. Chapter of
Anfwere. i Crodus, laying, Fam che Loo thy Goo, which
Wp Godfathers and Gonmorhers in my baptiſme, baue beought thee out ofthe land of Egypt, out of che
wherein g wags made a member of Chꝛiſt,the childe of Houle of bondage.
God, and an inheritour ofthe kingdome of heguen, i. Thou ſhalt haue none other Gods bitme,
Queftion, ii. Thou Malt not make to thy felfe anp granen image,
Wihat via pour Goorfathers and Godmothers then noz the likencile of anp thing that ig in heauen aboue,
foz pou? 7 o2 in the earth beneath, oz in the water bier the earth :
=. Anfwere. thou fhalt not how nowe to them, no? woehhip them z
Thep dit promile and boto thzee things in mp name. Foz 3l the Lom thy Ged am a telous Gon andvifit the
Fik that 3 Hould farlake the deuil and all his works, finnes of the fathers bpon the chifteett .. onto thethtro-
thepampeg, anu vanities ofthe wicked world, andall and fourth generation ot them that bate me, ann ſhew
the finfull luſts of the fleſh, Secondly, that 3 Mould De- mercie onto thouſands in them that loue me, ano keepe
feeue ali the Articles of the Chrilttan faith. And third⸗ mp commandDements. :
ip, that Jſhould keepe Gong Holp till and commande: iii. Thou halt not take the ame of the Lowe thy.
ments and walke inthe fame all the Dapes of mp life. Godin paite: forthe Low will not hold him guilttefle *
Queftion, that taketh His Rame in baine i *
Doeſt thou not thinke chat thou. art bounn to bee iiii. Remember that thou keepe holy the Sabbath
leeue, and to voe as they baue pꝛomiled fog thee? Dap. Sire dayes hale thou labour, sud aoe all that
Aofwere. thou Haft to doe: but the ſcuenth day is the Sabbath
Bes verely: and bp Gonshelpe fo J will, ani Y ofthe Le thp Gov. In it thou Malt toena maner of
heartily thanke our heauenly Father, thathehath cal- twozke, thou,and thp ſonne, and thp Daughter, thp man
den me to this fate of faluation , cheough Jeſus Chik feruant, ano thy maid ſeruant, thy cattel ano the flrane
our Sauiour. And I peap God to giue me bis grace, Ger that is within thp cates : fez infive dayes the Low.
that 3] map continue in the fame vnto mp lives ena, made Heauen and earth, the fea, anv all that in them
Queition. ig, and reſted the leuenth dap, wherefoze the Lord ble
Rehearle the Articles of thy Leliefe. fenthefenenth Dap ann halowenit.
Antwere. 3 b, Donor thy father and thy mother , that thy dayes
] Belecue in God tie Father Almightie, maker of map bee long in the lana which the Lord thp Gov gir
heauen and earth, Ano in Jelug Chalk his onelp neth thee.
SHouneour Loge, which. was conceiuen hpthe bolp bi. Thou Halt poe no murther.
Ghat home of che virgin Ware, luffered onder Pon⸗ bit. Thou Malt not commit adulterie.
tius [Dilate, was crictfien,dead, and buried, he deſcen⸗ biit. Thou Halt not feale, oh
ved into hell, the third vap be role agame fro the vead, ix. Thou falt not beare falle witnelle againk. thp.
& he alcenoed into heauen,
and ſitteth at the right hand of neighbour ; ;
Gov the Father Almighty: trom thence hee ſhall come t. Thou Halt not couet thy neighbozs houle, thou Mait
to iege the quicke and the nead, Jbeleeuein the Holp not couctthpneighbours wife, noz his ſeruant, nozhig
Ghat, the bolp Catholique Lhurch, the communionof maiù, hoz higore, no? bis afleneg anp thing chat ig bis,
Saintes, the korginteneſſe of ſinnes, the celurrection of. ~~ Queftion.
the bode, and the lite euerlaſting Amen, sig La Tabat noel thou chiefly learne bytheſe commande⸗
Quettion, $ J donned ments? j à
Uthat dock theu:chiefp learne in thele Articles of aii waty _ -Anbwere, i :
thy beliefe ? ! n leatne two things: Dp duetie towaros Gov anv.
Anfwere. mp duety towards mp neighhour.
Fir, J learne to heleeue in Gon the Father, who Queftion.
Hath mave me and ali the world. Ahat is thp ouetp towards Gon?
Secondly, in Gon che Sonne, who hath reveemen Anfwere 5
me and all mankinde. ay NES My duetietowarns God is, toheleene in Him, to
Thirdly,inGon the baly Shokt, whoſanctilieth me, Feare him, and to loue him with all mp heart, with all
awn all che elect people of Geo. * mp minae, with all mp fonte, ang with all my frengeb.
Queftion, i To woꝛlhip bin, to gine himthankes, to put my whele
Bou fapa that pour Goofathers and Gonmothers truft in himtacall spon him, to honour his holy Mame
DID promife foz pou. chat pou ſhould keepe Gong coms and rswow, and to lerne bim truely all che dayes of
mandements. Cell me Hola manp there be > my life. y

The Catechifine.
Queftion. Anſwere.
Chat ig thy duetie towards (Hy neighbour? Tater: wherein the perlen baptized is dippen, oy
Anfwere, ſprinkled with ít, In the Name of the Father , and of
Wyp duetie towards mp neighbour ig, to loue bim ag the Sonne and of the holy Ghoft, i
mp ſelfe, and to doe to alimen as Jwould thep Hontu Queftion.
doe vnto me. To loue, Honour, ¢iucconc mp father anv Tabat is the Inward amd ſpfrituall Grace?
mather. To Honour and obey theiking and bis minis Anſwere.
fers. Co ſubmit my ſelke to all mp goncrnogs.teachers, © death vnto firme, ann a New birth onto riahtes
ſpirituall patos ana maltera. To ozder mp lelte lowly oulneſſe: Foz being bp ature hone in iune, onb che
and reuerintiy to alt mp betters. To Hurt no heap bp — of wzath, wee are hereby made the childzen
mam oz deede. To bee true and inf in all mp dealing. of Grace. i
Woe beare no malice nar hatred in mp heart We keepe Queſtion.
mp bands from picking ann flealing, and my tongue What ig requiren ofperſons to be haptisen?
Erom euti peaking , iping and ſlandering. Go keepe Anf{were.
mp body in temperance, foberneile ano chaſtitie. Wot Repentance, wherehy they fozfake Gane: ana Faith,
to couèt no? delire other mens goods, but to learne anu whereby thep ſtedfaſtlp beleeue the promiles ot Goo,
labour truely to get mine sime lining, and totoe mp mare tothem in that Sacrament,
Duetpin that are of life, bata the which it Hall pieale Queftion.
Gor to call me. TUhp then are Jnfants baptised , when bp reaſonof
Queftion. their tenter age, they cannot perfozmet hem 2
My good childe knew thig, that thon art nat able to Anfwere,
poe thete things of thpfelfe, voz to walke in the com- Bea: thep poeperfagme them bp their Sureties, wo
manvement? of Got, ant te feruchim, without his promife ana bow them beth, in their names: which
Cecial grace, which thou muL learne at all times to when they come toage, themlelues are bound to per:
rall fo by diligent paper. Let mee heare therefore if fuzme.
choit cant fap the Lozve peaper. Queftion.
Anfwere. Whr was the Sacrament of the Loge Supper
Ox Father which art in heauuen, halowed bee thy ordeined?
Mame. Thy kinqueme come. Thy will he none in Anfwere.
earth, agit is in heanen Dine vs thig dap our deyly Foz the continuallremembzance of the Sacrifice of
-bzead. And fo2rgine vs eur treſpaſſes, as wee forgiue tee death af Cheiſt, ana the benefits which wer receiue
them that trepat againſt bg. And leane Va not mto therelip.
temptations but neliuer os from euill. Amen. Quefti on,
Queftion, Tabat is the outward patt, og figne of the Lows
Ubat deſireſt thon of Gon in this pepers Supper?
Anfwere, ° Anfwere.
IJ neite my ILo Gon our heauenlp Father, who ig Bead and Cine, which the Lon hath commanded
the ciucr of all goonnefie , to fend big grace vnto mee, to he receiued·
and to all people, that we map worſhip him, ferue him, Queftion.
and obeplimas wee ought to voe. And pap onto That is the inward parto? thing fignificr 2
Goo , that bee will fend hs all things that bee needful Anfwere.
hott for our ſoules aud bodies. And that hee will bee Ale Body and Blovd of Chꝛiſt, which are verely
merciful onto ps, anv forgine bs our finnes, ann that any in Deede taken and receiued of the faithfull in che
it will plea‘e him to faue anv detenn bs in all Dangers, Logs Supper.
gholily anv tonilp, anv that hee tuill keepe bs from all Oueftion.
finne ann wickedneſſe, anv from onr ghoſtly enemie, What are the Wenefits , whereof tse are partakers
ann fromenterfafting neath. Ano this J truf be willdo therebp ?
of fis mercpand goodneſſe, thecugh our Loz Jelug Anſwere.
Chik, Anorherefoze T lay Amen,So he it. The firengthening anv rekreſhing of cur ones bp
the Body ana Blood ef Chait , ag otir bodies are by
-~ Queftion. ts $ the Bead and Mine.
= eh many Sacraments Hath Chet ogveined in Queftion,
I his Church? Tabat ig required of them, which come to the Lows
Anfwere, Supper?
Tiwo onely ag generally neceſſary to “aluation, that Anfwere,
ig te fap, Baptifme,and the Supper of the Lord. To examine themlelues whether thep Repent them
Queftion, truely of their fozner finnes , ſtedfaſtliy purpofing to
That meaneſt thou by this word Sacrament? leave a New life: Haue a liuely faith in Gods merep
Anfwere. i 2: though Chit, with a chanketull remembzance of pig
FJ meane an cutiward and biſtbleſtzne, ofan inward Deaty,and be in Charitie mith all men,
arta ſpirituall grace minen vnto bs , ordeined by Chrilk
himlelfe,asa meanes wherebp we receiue the dame, and @ So foone as the children can fay in their mother
a pledge alfo to aſſure bs thereof, tongue the Articles of the faith, the Lords pray;
Queſtion. er, the ten Commaundements, and alfo can an-
Helo many parts ore there ina Sacrament? {were to fuch queftions of this fhort Catechifme,
Antwere. à as the Bifhop ( or fuch as he fhall appoynt ) (hall
Tmo: the Outward vilible Gane, anu the Inward by his diferetion appofe them in; then fhall they
Spiritual Grace. be brought to the Bifhop by one that fhall be his
Queſtion. Godfather or Godmother , that euery childe may
What is the Outward vilible Signe , oz fome it hauc awitneffe of hisconfirmation. And the Bi-
Baptiſme? fhop thall confirme them on this wife.
€ Confr-
@ Confirmation, or laying on
of hands.
3 Tichelpeisin the Mane ofthe Low. thp Fatherly hand, wee beleech thee, etter bee ouer
Anfwere, them: let thp bolp Spirit ener bee with hem, anv le
a hich hath made heaven and earth, leade them tn the knowledge and obedience of thp
Miniſter. Cone. that inthe enue they may obtaine the Euer⸗
S Bleſſed be the Mame of the Lom. lating life, though our Loꝛd Jelus Chik, who worth
Anfwere, thee and the bolp Ghot, liueth and reigueth one Gen,
DHencefogth woli without env. orld without end. Amen.
Minifter. Then the Bifhep fhall bleffe the children, faying
Loza heare our prapers thus,
Anſwere. —— blelling of Gov Alnightie, the Father, the
And let our erp come vnto the, Sonne, anv the holp Gyoft, be bpon pou, and ree
- Let vspꝛap. maine with pon foz exer. Amen,
—— and euerluumg Gow, whe hak pouch.
lafe ta regenerate thele thp Ceruants by water The Curate of euery Parifh, or fomeother at his ap-
and the holy Sook, anv hak giuen ono then korgiue⸗ pointment , fhall diligently ypon Sundayes and Holy
nefle of all their finites: ſtre gthen them we heleech dayes, halfeanhoure before Euening prayer, openly in
thre, D Lez, withthe holp Shor the Canfoter, any the Church, inftruét and examine fo many children of
Daplp increae in them thp manifolve giftes of grace, his Parith fent vnto him,as the time wil ferue, and as he
the pirit of Cetifedome and onverftanting , the ‘pirit fhali thinke conucnicnt, in fome part of this Cate-
of Counfaile anv ghoſtly ſtrength. the {pirit of Knows chifme, '
edge ann true god lineſce, ann fulfil chem (D Low) And all Fathers, Mothers, Mafters, and Dames, half
with the (pirit ofthp holp feare. Amen. caule their children, feruants and prentifes (which haue
Then the Bifhop fhallay his hand vpon euery child not learned theit Catechifme ) to cometo the Church
feuerally faying, at the time appointed,and obediently to heare, and bee
Defend, D Lorde, this chilve with thy heauenly ordered by the Curate’, vnrill fuch rime as they haue
grace, that he map continue chine foꝛ euer, ann davly learned all that is here appointed for them to learne.
tncreale m thy Help Spirit more anv moze, Lntill hes and whenfocuer the Bifhop ‘hall gine knowledge for
come bute thp euerlaſting kingdome. Amen. children to be brought before him to any conuenient
Then fhall the Bifhop fay. place for their Confirmation , then fhall the Curate of
_. . Lets pap. eucry Parifh , either bring or fend in writing the names
Lmightie and encrliuing Gov, which matek o3 oS all thofe children of his Parifh, whichcan fay the
A both towill, and ta doe thole things that be goon Articles of the faith, the Lords prayer,& the ten Coms
ap acceptable bute thp Maieſtie, we mate our hum⸗ mandements, and alfo how manyof them can.anfwere
Hie ſupplications vnto thee foz thet chimen, vpon to the o'her queftions conteined in this Catechifmne.
whom ( after the example of the holy Tpolttes ) wee And there (hall none be admitted to the holy Coma
Hare {apy or hands, to certifie them (by this Signe) munion, vatil! fuch time as he can fay the Catechifine,
ef thy fauaur arm gracious goodneſſe towaro them: let and be confirmed,

< The forme offolemnixation

| _ of Matrimonie. ~
p the Banes muft be asked three feuerall Sundayes, orHoly dayes, in the timt ofSeruice, the people being
the accuftomed maner,
And if che perfons that (houid be maried,dwell in diuers Parithes,the Banes mult be asked ia both Parifhes : and
the Curate ofthe one parih,(hali not folemnize Matrimony betwixt them,wi hout a Certificate of che Banes
being thrife asked, from che Curate of the other Pariſh.
At the day appoi ted for folemnization of Matrinonie, theperfons to be married, thall come into the body of
‘the Churchywith their friends and nsighbours,and there the Minifter {halk fay thus.
Earely beioued kriends, we are gathe- But reuerently, diſcreetely aduiſedly, loberly, and in (Be
ven together Here im the fight of Goo, feare ofGon, duely conſideriug the caules foz which
and iv the face of his congreration , ta Watrimonie was oꝛdeined. Due was the procreation
ioyne toxether this man ane this wo⸗ of children, to be brought Dp inthe feare and nurture
wman it help Matrimonie, wlich is an ofthe Lezana papie of Scd. Secondly, it was ote
F Honronrable eſtate, inſtituted of Gaa in deined foz a remedie againf {inne , and to auoid fomio
Par wife, in the time of mans mecencte, fianifping cation, that lucb petfors as haue not the rift of contis
bute 63 the myfficall onien thattstetwirt Chꝛiſt ana Nencie, might martiz, and keepe themfelues anrefilen
his Church wich Holp efate Chri atomes ebeanti- members of Chrilts benp. Thirdly,
fo:the mucyalt ios
fies with bis melence, & frit mitacle that he wrought cietie, hetpe and comfort that the one oug ht ta baue of
indim ofGaliter, ana is commended of S Aani to theother.hoth in pro'perity € aduerhip, into the mhich
be honourable amoag all men , ano therefoꝛe snot ta Help elate thele tine perons preſent come nemto bee
be enterprifen noz taken in bawi onaputlenip , Lightly, iorned. Therelore if any man can hem any tuft caute
ozvaantanly, to Catilfie mens carnal tufts
ann appe- why thepmap not law ullebe ioynen together, let bins
sites, Whebzuitebakes that haue novndetſtanding, nots ſpeahe,ozela hertalter
lozewegbolne bis ore A
His st
> ;>
Of Matrimonie. gre
@ And alfo {peaking to theperfons that fhalbe mar- enrerlafting life, fend thp blefling bpon thele thyler⸗
ried,he thall fay. sli: i tants , this man and this woman, whom te bleie in
Require and charge port,(as pou twill anſwere at the thp Mame, that as Flabac anv Rebecca lined faithe
Teana of iudgement, when the ſecrets of all fullp togetber,lochele perlons map lurelp perfozme anu
Hearts halbe diſcloſed) that if either of pou doe know keepe the bow couenant betort chem made (wheres
anp impediment why pou map not be lawfully ioyned of this Ring giuen and receiued ig ateken and plenge)
togetherinWatrimmie, that pecentcfle ft. Fozbe pe and map euer remapne in perfect loue and peace toges
twel auren, that i0 many as be couplen together other: ther,and line according to thp Hawes, through Felug
tile then Gods w00 doth allots, are not iopned.toges Chꝛiſt eur Lod. Amen.
ther bp God, neither is thefeWatrimonielawial, @ Then fhall the Minifter ioyne their right hands go»
@ At which day of marriage, ifany man doc alledge gether,and fay. s aea
and declare any impediment, why they may not bee Thole whom Goo hath ioyned together, let no man
coupled togetherinMatrimome by Gods Law, or the put aſunder. ,
Lawes of this Realme, and willbe bound, and fufficient @ Then fhall the Minifter fpeake vnto the people,
furetics with him to the parties, orels putin a caution Fezalmuch as JR. ana JR, baue conlentes togerhee
tothe full value of fuch charges as the perfonsto bee in holy wedlocke, and baue witnelled the fame pefore
matied doe fulteine,to prooue his allegation: then the God and thig company, and thereto paue ginen anu
folemnization muft bee deferred vnto tuch time as the plenged their troth either to other , and bahe declares
trueth be tried. 1f no impediment bee alledged, then the fame bp gining and receiuing of a Ring , anv bp
fhall the Curate fay vnto the man, fopning of hands, I pronounce that thep be man and
Tilt thou hane this mmm ta thp wedded wife, toifetogether. In the Mame of the Father,and ofthe
.to Tine together after Gods ordinance, inthe ho⸗ Sonne, ana of the bolp Ghot. Amen.
Ip ekate of Watrimonte? Wilt thou loue her,comfvet dane the Minifter fhall adde this bleſſing.
Her, honour, ano keepe Her in ſickneſſe and m health ? G D the Father, God the Sonne, Gov the help
ana fogfaking alfother, keepe thee onelp onto Ger, fo Gholt, bleſſe, pzelerue , ann keepe yen, the Lou
long ag pou both hall line? mercifulip with bis kauour loske bpen pou, and io fil
_ The man hall anfwere. pot with all ſpirituaſl benediction and grace, that por
will. map fo line together iw this dife, that in the wo: te
Then fhall che Minifter fay to the woman. come pe map bane life euerlaſting. Amen.
N Wilt thou haue this man to thp wenden Hue q Then the Miniter or Clerkes going to the Lords Ta-
shana, to liue together after Gonsominance, in ble, thall fay or fing this Pfalme following, s
the bolp eate of Matrimonie? Wilt thou obey hiin, Beati omnes. Plal.Cxxviij. i
and ferue him, fone, honour, any keepe Him in ficknefle B Lefen are allthep that keare the Loz : anu twalke
ann in health and fozfaking all other, keepe thee onelp in his wayes.
pnto him,lolong as pou both Hall lite 2 Fozthou falt eate the labourefthp Hands: D wet
The woman fhall anfwere. ig thee and bappp fhalt thou be. .
Jwill. Thy wife pall bee ag the fruithull vine: bpon the
Then ſhall the Miniſter ſay. walles of thp boufe.
CUbo giueth this woman to be married to this mat? Thy chilogen like the Oliue heanches : round about
@ And che Minifter receiuingthe woman at her father thp table.
or friends hands,(hall caule the man to take the wo- Loe, thus Hall the man he Hellen: that feareth the
man by the righthand, and fo either to giue their ov.
troth to the other,the man firft faying. The Lome from out of Sion Mall fo bleke thee:
TIR. take thee I2. to my wedded wife, to haue and to that thou fhalt fee Dierulalem in peolperitie all thp life
Hholde, from this pap forward, fozbetter,foz woꝛſe,
foꝛ ri» fong.
cher, fo pooꝛer, in ſickneſſe anain health, to loue, and Bea, that chou Halt (ce thp chilogeng chilozen: anv
to cheriſh, till death us depart, accoꝛding te Gods holy peace bpow Iſrael
oꝛdinance: and thereto 3 plight thee mp troth. Glozy he to the Father, anv to the ge. ¥
@ Then (hall they loofetheir hands , and the woman As it was inthe beginningig now, te. t

taking apaine the man by the right hand, fhal fay. Or this Pfalme. :
K Atake thee mp weaden huſband,tohane ang Dobe mercifull vnto vs, and bleflevs: and hew Deus miferes
to holde,from thig nay feriuarn, foz better,foz woꝛſe, foz be the light of hig countenance, ana be merciful atur. Pſal. .
richer, fozpoozer,in ſickneſſe ann m Health, to lore ches bito bs.
rifh, æ toohep,till neath be nepart, according to Gong That thy wap map dee knowen vpon earth :thp, fae
Holy ordinance: anv thereto Jgiue thee mp troth. uing Health among all nattons. : —
€ Then thal they againe loofe their hands,and the man . Let the people praple thee, D Gon:
pea, let allthe
thall giue vnto the woman a Ring , laying the fame peovle papie thee.
vpon the booke, with the accuftomed duetie to the D iet the nations reioyce anv be alan : foz thon fhalt
Minifter and Clerke, And the Minifter taking the iudgethe folke righteoullyx, ano gouerne the nations
Ring, fhall deliuer it ynto the man to put it vpon the vpon the earth. i
fourth finger of the womans left hand, And the man Let the people praple thee, D God: let all the pese
taught by the Minifter ,fhall fay, ple maple thee. .
Taith this Ring J thee wedde, withmy boop Chen Mall che earth ing foorth her encreates
thee woghip , anu with all mp woꝛldly goons Y thee and God, euen our owne Gon hall giue og hig bleh
envoy: In the name ofthe Father ant ofthe Sonne, ſing. ‘,
an^ of the bolp Ghoſt. Amen $00 hall bleſſe vs: ann all the ends of the woꝛld
@ Then the man leauing the Ring vpo the fourth fin- fall feare him.
ger of che womans left hand, the Minifter fhal fay. Glozie be to the Father, and tothe Sonne: ana te
Bs Let bs prap. the holy Ghot.
O Eternall Gov, creato: ant pꝛeſeruer of all mare As it wag in the berimingis noianu ener fhathes
2 kinne, giver of all (pirituall grace, the autho: of fwogla without end, Amer. a
Te. f
aT AIN EMON — — —ñ— ⸗—

@ The Pialme'ended , ané the man and the woman and grant themto inherite thp euerlalling kingdome,
kaceling afore the Lords Table, the Minifter ftan- though gelus Chit our Lod, Amen.
ding at the Table, and turning ‘his face toward. Then fhall the Minifter fay.
them,fh all fay. A Limighty Gon, which at the beginning din create
ILo haue mercp bpon bg, our fir parents Adam and ue, and did lanctiſie
Antwere. and ioyne them together in marriage, pawe bpon pets
Chꝛiſt haue mercy opon vs, the riches of his grace,fanctifie and bleſſe pou, that pe
Minifter. map pleale bini Doth in boop anu loule , and line toge·
Lozd bane mercy upon vg. thet in bolp loue vnto pour lines enn, Amen,
Dur Father which art in heauen ae. @ Then thal begin the Communion. And after the Go-
And leave bg not into temptation,ge. fpel (baibe faid a Sermon, wherein ordinarily (ſo oft
Antwere, as there is any mariage) the office of man and wife
Wat deliuer bg from euill Amen, fhall be declared, according to holy Scripture. Or if
Minifter. there be no Sermon,'he Minilter hall reade this that
D Logs laue thp feruant,and thphandmaid. folloseth,
Anfwere. A LI pe which he married, oz which intendto take
Thich put their truſt in thee. the Holy Rate ofMatrimonie vpon pou,heare twat
Miniter. Holy Scripture doth fap ag touching the duetie of hut
D Logo fenn them helpe from thp Holp place, bands towarn their wines, and wines toward theit
Antwere, hulbands
Gnd evermoze defers them. D. Paul in his Epiltle to the Epheſians the fiith Epheſ.5. 10
Minitter. Chapter, doeth giue this commandement to all mar⸗ &e,
Be vnto thema towe of ſtrength. rieo men, Bee hulhands, loue pour wiues, eten ag
Anſwere. Cif louen the Church , ann bath given himlelfe fog.
From the face
oftheir enemie. it, te fanctifie it, purging it in the fountaine of water,
Minifter. . through the worn, that be might make it onto himtelfe-
Loꝛd heare our paper. a glozious congregation, nothauing (pot oz winkle, og
Anſwere. anp luch thing, but that it ould bee holy and blames
Ano let our crie come vnto thee, leie. Somn are hound tolonetheir owne tines as:
Minifter. their owne hebies We that louerh bis owne wife, lo⸗
Ors of Abraham, Gon of Aahac, Gon of Jacob, ueth bimielfe : Foꝛ neuce dia anp man bate His owne
AJ bleffe thefe thp feruants, ano few the feed of eteta fieh, but nourifhet ann cherifheth it euen ag the Loz:
nall life in their minnes , that whatlocuer in chp help * doeth the Congregation,fozwe are membersof his bas
word they Hall profitably learne, thep map in veed ful- Dp,of bis fleſh and of his bones. Foꝛ this caule fhall a:
Ell the fame. Looke, D Loꝛd, mercifully spon chem man leatte father and mother, ano fha'l be ioyned vnto
from heanen, and blefie then. Aud ag thon diddelt feud his wife and thep two fhalhe ene Aeh. Thig mplter.e
thp biefling bpon Gbzabam, an’ Sara, to Heir great is great, Dut Iſpeake of Chꝛiſt, anv of the Congrenas
comfort: So vouchfafe to fend thy bleſſing vpon thele tion, IReuerthclefle , let eucrp one of pou fo loue hig
thp Ceruants, that thep obeping thp twill, and alwayes ovone wife enen a3 kimbele. ;
Being in fafetie onder thy protection, map abide in thp Likewile thelame D. Paul weiting to the Cololi- Col 3.29..
loue vnto their lines eme, through Velis Cheik our ans, {peaketh thugto all men that be marien : Se men,
Lord, Amen, loue pour wineg and be not bitter vnto them.
@ This prayer next following fhalbe omitted, where Heare allo what D. Peter the Apoltle of Chiff, 1. Pet. 3.75
the woman is paft childbirch. i which was himlelfe a maried man , laith onto all men
N Merciful Loꝛd, and heauenly Father, by whofe that are maried : Be huſbands, dwell with pour wiues
AS gracious gift mankind ig increalen: wee befeech accozing to knowlege, g wing honour bute the wife,
thee alli with thy blefling thele two perſons, that thep ag onto the meaker veflel, and as beires together of He.
map both be fruitful tn pzocreation of chilozen, and al- grace of that pour papers he not hindred.
fo liue together fo long in godly life and honeſtie, that Hitherto pe hane heard the duetie of the huſbandtes
thep map (ee their chilszeng chilozen, onto the thira ward the wife. Now likewile pee wiues, Heare and
ann fourth meneration , onto thy praple and honour, Tearne pour dueties toward pour huſbands, euen ag
Louch Jeſus Cheiſt our Lod, Amen. it ig plainelp Cet forth in holy Scripture
O Gon, which by thy mightp power hak mare all S. Paul (in the forenamen Epiltle tothe Epheli- Epheſy 27,
NS things of nought, waich allo (after other things ang) teacheth pou thus : Se women, firhmit pour Celues to vers 255.
fet morder) pinne appoint that ont of man (creates bnto peur owne hulbandg, as vnto the Low. Foꝛ the
after thine owne image and fimilitude) woman fheuls bufhann is the wiues bran, ceuen ae Cheilt isthe hean
take herbecinning and knitting then together diddelt of the Church, and he ig allo the Sautour of the whole
teach, that it poulo neuer bee lawfull to put afinder onp.
thofe, whom thou bp Matrimoenie hat made one. Therefore the Church o2 Congregation ig fhs
O D Gos, which halt confecraten the Hate of Watri- fect onto Chif: ſo likewiſe let the wiuns alfo hee itt
monie to ſuch am excellent mypfterie, that in it isfigni> {ubiection bute their obone halbands in all things And
fied anv rep2elenten the fpirituall marriage and bnitie againe he laith. Let the tife reuerence fer hůlband. Col 3.134
betwirt Chik ano his Church looke mercifullybpon Guo(in bis Epiſtle to the Co'oflians) S Paul giueth
theſe thp ſeruants, that Loth this man may towe hig pou this Hort {eflon: Be tines, Cubmit pour felnes vnto
wife, according to thp Aord ag Cheiſt din loue his pour ohne hufhands,as it is connenient in the Loz..
fpoute the Church. who wane himlelfe fo; it,louing and D. Peter allo doeth infiract you very godly. thus:
cherifhing it euen as hig obme fief: and alo that thig faping, Let wines be fubiect to their owne huſbanos, 1,Pet 3.1;
woman map belouing and amiable to her hulband ag To that if anp obey not the Mord, thep map hee wonne to verle 7s
Rachel, wile ad Rebecca, faithfull eobedientas Sa- without the (tow by the conterlation ef the wines,
ra, and in all quietnes,(ebzictie anv peace,be a follower while thephehelne pour chalte conuerfation couplen
of help and godly matrong, D Lom blelle them bord, with í feare, À WMole appare i let etot be outhoars,
ai mith
~ THe vifitation ofthe ficke, TN m
—ú— — —

braided haie, anv trimming about wich gold, either reli themſelues, being luhiecttatheir owne Huthants,
in putting on ef gozgcoup apparel: but let the bro man as Dara obepes Ababa, calling him Lov, w' ole
Lich is in the beart,be without all coruption,lothat Daughters pe ate made, Doing well, and Rot being dil
the ‘piribe milde and quiet, which ig a precious thing maien with any keare
in the fight of Gon. Foz after this maner (in the olde @ The new maried perfons(the fame day of their ma-
time) Bin the holp women which truſted in God, appa- riage) muft reccine the holy Communion,

ees The order for the vifitation oftheficke.

he Minifter entring the fick perfonshcufe, thal fay, neſſe and fickneg. Therefore, whatloener pour ficknes
Peace he to this houle ano to all that dwell in it. ic, knots pou certainelp that tt is Gods vileation. Qua
@ When he commeth into the ficke mans prefence,he foz what caule ſoeuer this fickeneile ts fent onto pou,
fhallfay, kneeling downe. whether it beto trp pour patience for the erampie af
other, ant that pour faith map be found in the dap of
Emember net Loy our iniquities, Roz the Lord, lauvable, giozisus, and honourable, tethe
the iniquities of our forefathers. Spare increaſe of gloꝛy and endletle felicitie, og elle it be ſent
bg good Loz, (pare thp people. whom Ditto pou to cogrect and amend in port whatſoeuer deth
thon ait redeemed with thy mol pects offend the cies of pour heauenly Father Rnow pou cera
eug blood , anu hee norangrp with og tainelp,tat if pou truely repent pou of pout firnes ane
foz ener, beare pour ſickn eſſepat entip, crafting in Gong meta
Len hae mercy bpon bs. cie fo his deate Sotine Felis Chziftes (ake, and rents
Chꝛilt haue mercp bpon vs. Der mito him humble thankee foz his Fatherlp viſttati⸗
Lord haue mercp vpen Lg, on, (ubmitting pour [eite whoilp tehis wilit hal turne
Dur Father which arr in Heauen, te, to pour pofice.and Helge youfezward in the riphtwap
Gua leave bs not into tempration. that leadeth onto euerlaſting life.
But veliuer pe from eaill. Amen. @ If the perfon vifited be very ficke , then the Curate
Miniſter. may end his exhortation in this place. `
D Loan lawe thy ſeitiant. Cake therefore in good worth che chaltifement of
pus Aniwere. the Low. jFoz whom the Los fourth, hee chaltifechs
TUbich putteth his truli m thee. pea, as Saint Paul faith, bee fcourgerh euery ſonne
Minifter, which be receiucth. OF pee endure chaltifement , hee
Send him helpe from thp holp place, sftereth himſelfe vnto pou, as vnto big owne chemen,
Anfwere; <a) That fone ig he chat the tather chaſtileth not ? Jive
Qm eucrmozenug stily defen hinte Fee not vnder correction (whereof all true chimen are
Minifter. ; partakers) thet are pee baſltares end rot ciil.
Let theencmie Laue none aduantage of Hint. Therefore feeing chat when cur carnal fathers do coz
Anfwere. s s rect Bs, twe reverentlp ebep them : Mall wee net now
Noꝛ the wicked approch to hurt him. much rather be obevient te ovr {piticuall Fatker, ang
Munfter. felines And they for a fetu dayes voe chaftile be, aftey
Be bute him,D Lez,aireng tome, tbeir sicne plealure: Wut be Boeth chatie bs fo: our
Autwere. profite , to the intent he map make bs partakers of big
From the Face of his exemie, | holineſſe. Chel word s(gaod brorher)are Gots woros.
* Minifter. and witen in holp Scripture fr? our comtort and its
Loꝛd heare our pearers. ftruction, that tue ſhould patiently and with thankel⸗
Anfwere. Giving, beare eur heauenlp Fathers correction, when⸗
Ana let our crie come ontothee ſoeuer by anp maner of aduerſitie it fall pleale his
i Minifter. 4 gracious goodneſſe co vifite bs. Ano there ſheuld be
Cyr looke downe from Leauen, behelde. viſit and Bo greater comfort te Chꝛiftian perlons, thento be
relteue this thp ſeruant. Looke vpon him with the made like Onto Chriſt, by luffering patientlyaduerſi⸗
epis ofthy mercy, giue him comfazt and ‘ure coufizence ties troubles ane ficknefies, Foꝛ be bimlelfe went net
in thee, nefend him krom the danger of the enemie aud hp to ioy, but firſt he ſuftered paine, He entren not into
Keeve hiin in perpetuall peace ant lafetie, through Je⸗ fis qlezy, before he was rrucified: Go trelyour wap
fus Chif sur ion. Amen, to eternall life ig, to ſuffer heere with CRiſt and our
t4 Eare os Almightie and mo merciful Goo anv Doeze te enter into eternal! life ig , gladly to die with
Sauiour, ertend thp accultomed gosdneſſe to thig Chik. that we map rile ageine from death. and dwell
thy leruant, which isgrieued with ficknefte: viſit him, with Dim in enertafiing tife. ote rhercfoze taking
D Low, as hou vivoel! siliee Deters wines mother, your ficknefle tobich is thus profitable fo: pou. patients
and the captaines ſeruant. Sao viſite and relo onto ly, Jexhort pou in. the Mame of God,to remember tye
this ficke peron bis tomrer health (if ithe thy will) ez p2ofeflion which por made bute Gor in vour baptiſme.
elle giue him grace fo to take thp bifitation . that after And foraſmueh as after this life there is acount tobce
this painefull life envey, hee map dwell keith thee in ginen vnto therighteens Judge, of whom all mut hee
life euerlaſting. Amen. intges withent repect of perſans: J] require you ta
examine pour felfe, and pone fate, both toward Gow
§ Then thal the Minifter exhort the ficke perſon after animan, fo that-acculing arm conremning pour felfe
this forme,or other hke. niian: * foz pour owne fanite , pot may finde mercte sat one
Earely belonen, knota thig; that Almighty Gad beauentp Fathers hand fo: Chriſtes fake. ann not hee
isthe Lord of fife edeath, andoner allthings te accufes and condemned in that Fearefulh iudgement.
then pertainingag poutytrengeh,bealth,age,tocake- Sherefore J Hall Hop rehear the Artictes diie
The vifitation of the ficke,
—— — T — Mel eT en

faith, that you map knobs whether pou doe beleeue ag Though chee Haue bene Holven dp euer tree Y
a Chziftian man fhould,o2 no. was bame: thou art hee that toske me out of mp mos
Here the Minifter (hall rehearfe the Articles of the thers wombe,mp pratle halibealsoap of thee.
faith, faying thus. 3| am become as it mere a monferbnro manp: But
Doeft thou beleewe in God the Father Almightie ? maa truf ig in thee,
(And fo forth as it is in Baptifme.) ct mp mouth be fien with thy prayſe: (that
@ Then hall the Minifter cximine whether hee be in map fing of thp glozy) and Honour nichen eeh :
charity wall the world , exhorting him to forgiue from Calt me not atoap in the time of age: fozlake me net
the bortome of his heartall perfons thar hauc offended wien mp ftrengeh faiterh me.
_ him, & ifhe haue offended other,to aske them forgive Foz mine enemies peake again me, anv they that
nefle, and where he hath doneiniurie or wrong to any lap wait foz mp (oule, take their countell together, laps
man, that he make amends to ý verermoft of his power. ing: Goo hath forlaken hiin perſecute him, and take
And if hee hane not afore difpofed his goods , let him hım, fozthere ig none to dikuer him.
then make his will, and alfo declare his debts, what he Goe not farre from me,DGoo: mp God hatte thee
oweth, and what is owing vntohim , fordifcharging of to helpe me,
his confcience,and quietmes of his exccurours, Butmen Let chem be canfounvenans perith, that are agami
mult be oft admonithed that they fet an order tor their mp foule: fet them be coucred with Hame and dipa
temporal] goods and lands, when they bein heaich, Nour,that leeke to Doeme ew,
Thefe wordes before rehearfed, may be fayd before. Asfome, F twill patiently abine altvap ; anu win
the Miniter begin his prayer,as he hall feecaufe, was thee — ts moze. i
The Minifter may not forget, nor omitto moue the p mouth ſhall dayly peake of thp righte
fickeperfon (and that molt earnefily) to l'beralitie to- anv lalnatien: foz 7 know * end svat: —
ward the poore. T will goe foozth inthe ſtrength of che Lon Gong
Here (hal! the fickeperfon make a (pecial confeffion an toll make mention of thp righre: un eſſeonelp,
iſhee feele his conftience troubled with any weightie Thor,D Sod, haf taught me fs my poteh bp bite
matter, After which confeffion, the Minifter fhail ab- till nous : cherefoze mill J retlofthp wonnerons works,
folue him after this fort. Folake me not, D Gar, in mine olde age, when Y
O Cir Low Yefus Chri, whe hath left power to am grap headed: pnt! J haue ſhewed thy ſtrengch
bis Church ta ablolue all Gnners whic) teuelp re- bite this generation, ann thp power to all them that
pent beleeue in him, of his great mercy forgiue thee are pet foz ta come.
thine eff. ces, ana by bis authezitie committed to me, Thy righteo:thelle,D Gon is werp high: avy great
T ablolue thee from ali thp Ranes, tu the ame of the things are thep chat thou bak pone, D Gon, whois
Father, and of the Sonne. and of the bolp Shalt. Amen. like bito thee?
Aud then the Minifter thal fay this Collect tolowing. D wat great troubles and avuerh fes hak thor
i @ Let vs pꝛap. ſhewed me, and pet nisch thou tiene and refre met
Wolk mercifull Gon, which accowinr to the mul pea, and bzoughteſt metrom the decpeok the earth as
titube of th» mercies, doeſt fo put awap the ſinnes gaine. i P
ofthole which trulp repent, that than remembrelt them Thou hak brꝛonght mee to great honour: anv come
ne moze,open chine eye of meccp vpon this thp ſeruant, korted me on euery fide.
who mo earneftly deſtreth pardon and forgiuenctle. Therefore will J pratie thee and thy faithfulncs (©
Renew in him (mol louing Father) bohat deuer hath Gar)plaping vpon an inſtrament of mulicke: onto thee
bene decayen bythe fraude and malice of the veniti, ozwill F ng vpon the Harpe D chant holp one of Jlraet,
bp bis obone carnall twill ann fraileneſſe: preferue and My live wil be faine when P Gng orto thre: anv fe
continuer is ſicke memberinthe vnity ofthe Church, will my faule whom thou hak deliuered
conũder his contrition, accept his teates, aſſwage bis Wp tangue alla (hati tatke of thp rightesuſneſſe ati:
paine as ſhallbe ſeene to thee molt erpenient fo2 him. the dap long : for they are confounded and brought Grr,-
And foralimuch as he putteth his full truſt onelp in thy ta fhame that leebe to Doe me eniti.
metcy, impute not onto him his tomer Annes, but take Glozie he taithe Father, anv te the ee.
þin vate thy fauour , rheough the merites okthy mok Ag tt wag inthe beninnine,is
Deatelp heloues Sone. Ve us Chriſt. Amen ty Ag Adding this,-
m — the Miniſter ſay this ceri O ane x world — thp croſſe
-yI thee, 620, haue F put mp truſt, let me never and prectaus blood Halk redeemed bs, helpe vs we-
ke Teeputte conkalien hut rid me. e deliuer me in thy beleech thes,D Gov. : ——
Pal- tighteaulnes.encline thine eare puto me, and faneme. Then ſhallihe Minifter fay.
— Sead Be thou my. ſtrong holve, tohereurto Jmav alway nper Amighty Lan, whieh is amok frome towe
. tetu than haf promiſed to helpeme, foz thou ate mip 1A to alfthem that pur their truf in him towhom ak
boufe of defence, andmp caſtle. i thingsinheauen, in earth, ano vnder the earch doe
Deliuer mee, D uy Gon, outofthe hand of the pu: bow ana obey, be now ans euermicze thp oefene , and
godly: out of the Hann of the vnrighteous anv cruel wake thee know and feele, that there is none other
man. name vnder heauen giuen ta mart tn whom, Eth iog
Foz thou, D Low Gea, art the thing that J long tuhom thou mayeſt reetue health dno falnation ; but-
foz: thou art mp hope euen from mp pout. oneip the Same of our Lem Jelus Chik. Anen.

a The Communion of the ficke:

SB Oralmuch as all mortal! men be fubie& tomany fudden perils,difeafes,and fickneffes, and ener:
PA Ox vacertsine whattimethey fhall depart our of this life: therefore to the intent they may be al- |
2 PEN wayes in a readivefle to diewhenfoeuer it hallplesfe Almighty God to call them, the Curates -
zy thal diligently fromtimeto time,butfpecially in the plague time,exhore their Parithioners to
ay theoftrece Church)ofthe holy Communion ofthe body & bloodot out * Ae

At the buriall ofthe dead.
Chit: which if they doe they thall be ue roe: ule in their fudden vititation tobe vnquietforlacke ofthefame,
But ifthe ficke perfon be not atleto come to the Charch,and y cri: defirous to zeceiwe the Con mu ton in bis
houfe, then be mef give knowledge ouct night, or els early inthe Morning,to the Curace, fignifyirg alfobow
many be appainted to cum unicate with him : Ana hauirg a corucnient plecein theficke mans Loule , where
the Curate may revercntly minilter,ard » good number to rece. ve the Communion with the ficke peefon, witha
“all things necefiary tor the ſame,hefhall chere minifter the hol) Coma union,
The Collect. @ Put ifa mån either by reafon of extremitie of ficke-
> Lmightre everlinirg Gov, maker ofmans neffe, or for want of warnirg in due time to the Cù-
ee kime, which doeſt correct thole whem thou rate, or for lacke of company to receive with him,
I ooet loue, and chaftivet ruery one whom or by any other iuft impediment, doe not receiue the
thou doeſt receiue: we beleech thee to hane „Sacrement of Chriftcs body and blood: then the
mercie opon this thp leruant, bilten wich thp bany, Gurate (hall inflrué him , that if hee doe truely re-
amo to grannt that be map take big ficknefle patient'p, pent him of his finnes, ond ftedfaftly beleeuc that
ano recouct his bopilp heath(ifit herby gracio! g toil) Tefus (hrii bath fuftered death vpon the Croffe for
and wbendeuer bis oue Shall di part from rhe bon,tt him, and fhed his blood ‘or his redemption, earneft=
ly remembsing the benefites he hath thereby, and
map be without (pot prelenten onto thee, thzeugh Jer
{ug Cheuk our Logo. Amen, giuing him heartie thankes therefore, he docth eate
The Fpiftle, anddrinke the body & blood ofonr Saviour Chrift
Heb. 1 ziver. 5. $ Come, defpile not the correction of the Lorde, profitably to his foules health, although he doe nee
Mitter faint mhen thou att rebuken of pim. Fog receiue the Sacrament with his mouth,
whom ihe Loza loueth, bim he cozecteth: pea, and pe € When the ficke perfon is vifited , and reeciueth the
(courgett enerp fonne whom be tecelueth. holy Communion all at one time, then the Prieſt for
The Gofpel. more expedition, fhall cut offthe forme of the vifi-
Yohn g. Erelp, derclp J fap vnto vou, He that Heareth mp tation atthe Plalme, ( Fa thee,0 Lord,haue I put
verſe 2 40 y wowe, and belecuerh om Him that fent mee, bath my trufi) and goe ftraight to the Communion.
euerlaſting life, and fhall not came vnto damnation, @ Inthe time of Plague, Sweat,orfuch other like cone
Dut he paſſeth from Beath vnto life. tagious times of fickneffes , ordifeafes, when none
@ At the time of the difiribution of the holy Sacra- of the Parith or neighbeurs can be gottents com.
ment, the Prieft hall firit receiue the Communion raunicate with the fickein their houtes, for feare of
himfclfe, and after minifter vnto them that hee ap- the infektion, vpon fpeciall requeft of the dfeafed,
` poinred to communicate with the ficke. the Minilter may alonely communicate with him,

The order for the buriall of the dead.

@ The Minifter meeting the corps at the Church file, q Then while the earth halbe caſt vpon the body, by
fhail fay,orthe Minifler and C lerkes fhali fing, and fome ftanding by,the Minifter fhail fay.
fo goe either into the Church, or tow. rds the graue. Ẹ Oꝛalmuch ag it hath plealer Almighty Por of hig
p+ ow Ain the relurrection and the life ( fapeth the greet mercp, totake vita himſelte the enke of ene
John 14.25, % {1oad) he that beleruerh inme, pra, though Deate hpother bere tepatted , we therefore commit hig
26. gle twere Dead , pet Mall heliue. Anv wholes borp to the ground, earth to earth, aſhes to ates, duſt
BS beuerlinech, and belecucth in me, (hall not to Duff. tn fure ant certaine hepe of refire tionte
dpe foz etter, - eterrvalllite chrough our Legs Jews Chrift, who ſhall
Tob 19.25, Luo that mp redeemer liueth, and that J hall rie change cur nile op, that it map be like to his glezi⸗
26, out of theeath inthe laft dap, and ſhall be couered ous body, according tothe mightp working, whereby
againe with wyſbinne, and Wall Cee God in mp kleſh: he is able to ſubdue all things to bun'eife,
p , ano 7| mp elfe ſhall behold him, not with other, Then fhall be faid or fung.
ut with thel: lame eyxes. } ititi t rae Heard a voyce from beenen, apina onto me, Vrite Reuel 1413
y.1im.6.7. VW Ee bought nething into this wozſd, neither From here foogth bleſſed are the vead whlch vie in
Lob 1,21. V map we cary anp thing out of this world. The the Low: uen lo faith the ſpirit, that thep tei trom
Low giuech , ano he Logo taketh abap Euen as it their labours.
plealeth the Loꝛd,locommeth things to pafe: Bleſſed
be the Mame of the Low. i GThen (hal folow this Leſſõ raken ove of rhe xv.chap- i
@ When they come co the grave, while the corps is ter tothe Corinthians,the fft Epiſtle. è
made ready to be Jayd into the earth:, the Minifter C Wiltisrien from the vean , anv become the ff-F 2.Q0r. 15.20
, fhail fay,or the Minier and £ lerkesthall fing: fruites ef them that ſleepe Fo: Lp aman ceme
Tob 14.1,2. An that is bome of awoman, Dath but a fhort Death.and bya man came the refirvectton of the dead,
time to Tiue, ann isfull of milery. De commeth yp Forasby Avem aW die, cuen le by Chih Hew ali be
anh is cut volwne like a flowze: he flecth as it were a mabe alive,but euery man in bigre bone omer. Che Gri
ſhadow, and never continuerh mone fap. Jn the mite is Chaff, then they chat are Chafte ct his comming.
pelt of life, we be in aeath: of whom map we leeke fog Then commerh the enge, mhin hee hath delruered bp
fuccour Sut of thee,D Loꝛd, which toz onr finnes inMp the king dome te God the father, when bee hath put
art Difplealet z Vet OLom Gov moſt holp, D Lego downe allrule, and allauthozitic amp polyer. Fer hee
moſt mighty,D help e molt merciful Sautour,veliucr muff reigne til bec haue put all his erem ies vnd er bis
benotinte the bitter paines of eternall neath. Thou feete The laff enemie thet habe deſtreyed. ig death.
knoweſt Lord che fecrets of our Hearts.fhat rot bp chp Foꝛ he bath put allthings vnder his feete. Wit when
merciful eres to our prapers: But {pare dg Lad molt befapeth, Althings are put vnder him, ir te manife
bolp,D Gon melt mighty, bolp and merciful Hauis that he ig excepted vohich vip putallthings Boer pim,
our, thou molt thogtkp Judge eternall, ufri be not at When all things are fubpuen bito him, ther Hall the
foranp paines of death to fallfrom thee, fonne allo himleite be (ubtece brite hirn p per ell pean
out lal Youve
Atthe buriall of thedead. | _ Churching of women.
Buber bku,that Gon map beal inall Els that no hep thee te ve‘{uer this N. our bother, out of the milerles
wich are baptized ouer ihe Dead,ifche Dead rile not at of this fintull world, beleeching thee that itmap pleale
all? Upp are thep then baptized oner them? yea, t wp thee of thp aractous goodneſſe, fhoztip to accomplifly
Kany wre alway then in feopardie 2 By our reioxcing the number of ehineelect, and to haften thp kingvome,
thich J haue in Cozi Velss our Loe, Y vie daplp. that we with this our bother, and alfother veparted
That haue fought with beaſtsatEphelus after tye in the true faith of thp bolp Rame, map baue our peza
manet of men, what aduantageth it me,tfthe vean rife tect confimmation and bliffe both in boop anv ſouieit
not againe? Let bs eate € amke,fozto morow we hal thp eternal and euerlaſting glozy.Qmen, 7
bie, We not pe deceived, eufil Mpegs roztupt good ma- ov. The Colle&, , |
| hers. Awake truely out of feep and Rune not. Foꝛ fome Cy Derek Gon pFather of oe Lor Jelus Emit,
Hate tot the knowledge of od. I peake thig to pour who is the relurrection @ the lite, in whom helos
Thame. But fome man wit fap Dow aril: p dead:? cAith ener beleeneth, Mall liue,thongh he die, wholoener lis
what banie fall they come? Thonfoole, p whichthon ueth,ebeleeucth in him, ſhalnot die eternally, who allo
ſoboeſt,isnot quickenen Bie. Ana what owe taughtog by bis bolp apoſtle 15aul) not to be ſoeie as
cthoaethouſowe not ybody thatMalbe,atbarecome, men witheut hope,tozthem tharilep in him: we meek⸗
ag of voheat o: fone other: but God glueth it a body at ip beleech thee, D sFather, tataile vs Eom the neath of
big plealire, te eueryſeede his owne hoop, ANEM is finne onto the life of righteoufneliz,that ohen we hanl
Not one maner of fle: but there is one maner of fleſh of depart this life.wemap reſt in him, as our hope is thig
men, another maner of fich of beaks, another of ihes, out brother Doeth: ¢ that at the general relurrection tt
another of birds, Jhere are alſo celeltial bontes,¢ there the laſt nay we may he feunn acceptableinchp light, ¢
are babies terreſtriall. Wutthe gorp of the celeitialig receive that blefling whichthp wetbelones Sonne thak
one, Ethe glory ofthe terreltriall ig another. There is, then pronounce to all that leue ann fearetheey faving,
one mener glozy of the ſun, another glozp of the moone, Come pe bleſſed chilozen of mp Father, receiue $ kinga
and another glory ofthe ſtars. Foꝛ one ftarre differeth Dom prepared fez pow befoze the beginning of the wols
Fri another in gloaꝛy: Do íg therefurrection of the dead. Grant this, webeleech thee,Dmerciful father, though
It is ſowen incopruption, it rifeth againe in incozups Jelug Chit cur meviatour aun revecmer.dmen.
' tion: itis lowen in diſhon⸗ur,itriſeth againe in honour:
itis fomen inweakneile,ittrileth againeinpower: it ig € The thankefgiuing of women, after childe.
ſeboen anatural body,itriſeth againe a (pirtinall borp: „ -birch commonly called the Churching. - icr
Shere is a natur albodx, and there is a ſptriciiall hoops) of women. ie a J
as it ig allo witten, The fir mau Aoam twas mace § The woman thall come into the Church , and there;
aliutng foule the laft Anam was made a quickening ſhall knecledowne in fome conuenient place, nigh
fpitit. Dowseitchatis not Gri which is (birenall bat vnto the piace where the Table ftandeth , and the
that whichis natural,and then that whichis ſpiritual Prich itanding by her , fhall faythele wordes.ork ie
The fic& manis of the earth earthie: The ccond man; i like,as the caſe {hall require. ; lariat a 3 pe
ine Loz from he auen, heauenly. Asig che earthie,: PDea uuch as it bath pleaſed almightic God ofhis
ch ate thep that be earthie. And ag is the heauenlp, + feenncile to gine pau Cafe veltuerance s -anu bath:
fuch are thep that areheauenly. Anvas we hane hexiz Peere pou in the Great danger of chilaebixth , pee
the image of the earthie, fo Gall tue beare the innage vt Hall herefoze gise heartic thaukg bate Ged and pape,
the heauesly. Thig F fap bꝛethren, that fleſh eva bloos F „i § Then fhail the Prieft fay. j; 5
canot inherite the kingdome of God, neit her doth cows }Haue lifted vp mine epes onto the hils:from whence.
riptioninherit emeczrimt ion. Behold. Tlie para comimeth mp beipe. 3) teste st e I i nga Pfal,
myſterie.e (yal
not all ſieepe but ineMatalthe trans Bp belpe commeth euen fromthe Lozastohich hath,
ged andð that in a momentinche twincklingof ancpe, maze hecrenend earth. be T
Dp the lalttrumpe Fo: the trumpet ſhall blow, and the He willnot ſaffer thy Toote to be moued: and he that
dean Mall rife incorruptible, andwe hale changen: tog teepeth thee, wiil not fRerpe. .
this rorrnptible min& pat on ince:raption, this miz- Behold,heethat keepeth Firael ;Hall neither Kuma
tall muſt put on immoꝛtalitie nen this eruptible berno? cepe. éz ,
Hath puton incogruption,e this meztel Bach put uim: The iloz hime!Ee izt by keeper +.the Lo ifthe © ~ A

mogtalitie, then thalae brought to palte the fanine that tefcnee Spon thy riguthann, Aan SiS In amendata
is wꝛitten Death is lwallowed bp ints victory D engi Seo thet the Sunne hall noc burne thee bp nap : naz.
where is thy ting? hel where is thy bictorp: The ting the Meenebynight. AW
of death ig Anne,æthe ſtrength of finne isthe fate: fut The Lan Hill perne thee ftom all euill: yea,
thanks be bute Gos, wich hath giuenvs atetorotho⸗ euen be that Hall keepe thp foule, ~is pinih
rough eur Loma Telus Chik: Chere vryp Beare tes, The Loz Halipreferne thy gaing out ayd thpcome .
; then, be pe Refat and bunmaneahlesalwapes richin: ming it : from this time forth fozenermoie.
the wake of the I o2n.foralnuch as pe know how that Gtozp be tathe Father,
andtothe Seme,te,
pour la cour is not in baine in the Low., As it wasinthe beginning is new, gt.. *F
@ TheLeffon ended, the Minifter fhall fay, Lorn haue merey vpon ts.
Lord haue mercy bpon dg. Chꝛiſt haue mercy spor: os.
CcCyhriſt haue mercy vpon vs. Ecm hare mercy Spon bs. . ‘
Lorn hatte merepbpan yg. or ne Diir Father whieh art in heauen Ec.
¶ Dur Father, sc. Amd leade bsnot,eey And leane vs not inte temptations:
Anſwere. aD la h T y ERT Anlwere — anne
Ai ‘But deliuer og from cuit, amen, But deliuer be fram enill. Anen.
atara Minifter, Orissa Prie
A Lmightie Gua, with whom ter llue the fpirits of D Lore faune this moman thpſeruant
Ahemt Gat Depart hence inthe Low, and tu mhont > Anlavere:
T: olor tbe tontessaten
j that beclectes
, after hep be deliue⸗ bleh; pu tethBotPret.
rebframtheburden of the sth
beintop anvEclicisie-sy whi
> canons leg gine thee heartie thanßes to thatitGathpicaten: Be thon to fer a Mong towa.
A Commination. E
eadh Anlwere ` "E Miniftes mi paina |
che Face efberenemic. Curler ts Ge thar hiniteth bis neighbors ketip; —Deurnag sg
Prieſt. 4 Anſwere. Fii
areo t. men, ;
Pan ie uae Minifter, J
And letotitcrie come vnto thee. \ Curledtshe thar lieth with hisnelghbours wife, Leuit. ad
; Prieft. j Anfwere.
E Let vs pray. Amen. it
© Almighty Gen, which batt veliueren thig woman Minifter.
Curley isthe that taketh vetwars to Map the loule of Deut.27.25
J thp ſeruant from the great paine € perill ot child⸗
birth + grant we beleech chee.mof mercifut Father, énnecent bleed, :
that Se thzough thp helpe, may both fairhtullp line ana Anfwere.
toalke in Ber bocation, acceding to thp will in thig life Amer,
prefent, ¢ allo map be partaker of enerlafling glory in - Minifter,
the life to come, through Jelus Chriſtour Lozd Amen: Curled iz he thatputteth bis truſt in man, andtake Yerem,17.¢
@ The woman that commeth to giue her thankes, man foz big defene tin bis heart goethfrom the Lowi
muft offer accuftomed offerings : and ifthere beea Anfwere;
Communion , it isconuenient that fhee receitie the Amen.
holy Communion. Minifter.
Curlen are the vumercifull : the fognicatours, and’ Mact.25.48
Ç A Commination againft inners, with cer- adulterers, and the couetous perlsns, the woghippes 1.Cor.6.9,
taine'prayers to bee i of images, Manderers, dꝛunkards, and ertozrioners. 10.
ia the ye Antwere, Gal. 5.19,
@ After Morning prayer, the - Amer. 20,316
ther by the ringing of aBe Minifter.
Church, the Engliſh Letanie thalbe(aid after the ac- inti ſeeing that all they be accurles (as the Pzo⸗
euftomed maner: which ended,the Minifterthall go phet Dauid beareth tiinetle) which vu erre anv! Phal 119.28
"into the Pulpit,and fay thus. Go altrapfrom che commanpements of Goo, ler bg (rei:
B Rethꝛen, inthe Pꝛimitiue Church there was a gone membzing the dreadful iudgement hauging ouer our’
ip dffcipline that at thebeginning of Lent ſuch pers Heads , and beiug alwapes at Hand) retume bute our’
fons ag were notorious {inners , were put te open pe- Loz Gos, with all contritione meeknefle of heart, bes
Rance epunifhen in this world, chat their lonteg might wailing g lamenting out lintull life; krowlerging ano
laued in the dap of the LLogd: and that other admoni⸗ confcfling onr effenceg, ¢ feeking to bring forth worthy
jet bytheir erample,might be p moze afratd to offer, ftuits of prance. * Foz now isthe are put vito the: Marth. 3.10
Jin the Read tovercof, vntilſthe fain diſcipline maproote of the treceglothat euery tree which beingeth not
Be refteredagaine (which thing is much to be wiſhed) forth good fruit, ig betwen vote and caſt into the fire.
it is thought goon, thit at this time(in pour pzeſence) * Ft is afearcfull thing to Fall into the hands of the Eebr. 10,32
fhoult be read the generall (entences of Gons curfing lining Gon: He hall petuze downe raine vpon the in-
agait impenitne fiers , carheren out of the revit. ners, * fares, fire and bzimftone, ſtoꝛme and tempeff, Pfal.1i.6
Chapter of Dettterenomie, and ether places of Scrip» this halve their poztion to drinke. FFozlee, *the Low ifa.26.28
ta futes ann that pe ſhould anſweretoeuerplentence, A> ig commen out of is place, to vilite the wickedneſſe of
men: to the intent that pou being admoniſhed of the fuch as dwell ipon the earth. But*toho map abive the Malac. 3.3
gréat indignation of God anami ſinners, map thera- Bap of his comming? Cube Halbe able to endure when
ther be callen to earneſt anu trae repentance, and map be appeareth ? * isfanne ts in bis hand and be will Matt 3.13
Malke moze warily in thele vangerovs dayes, Recing purge bis flooze,and gather Lis wheate into his barne:
from fuch vices , foz the which pee affirme tuith pour bur hee will burne the chaffe with onguenchable fire.
owne inouthes the curſe of Won to he dite. * The dap of the Loz commeth ag a thiefe in f night: 1 -Thel. §.
Deut.27.15 Eurien isthe man that maketh any carued oz mole and when men fhallfap, Peace and allthings are fafe, 233.
ten image, an abomination te the Loz, the worke of then hall funven deſtruction come bpon them,as ſordo
the banus of the craftefnan, and putteth icin a fecret commeth bpon a oman tratiailing with chitee, ¢ thep
place to woꝛſhip it. fhaltinot eltape. Then * Hal appeare the wath ef Gon Rom. 2.4,
€ Andthe people ſhall anfwere and fay. in p Dap of vengeance, which obſtinate finnere,thzough
Amen. —* the ſtubburnnes of their heart haue heapen pnto them
Minifter. Pot ſelues which deſlpiled the goobneſſe, patience, andTong
Deue.27.16 Curled is he that curlech hisfather and mother, lufferance of Go , when he called them continually to
Anfwere. : repentance. * Then Hall thep call vpon me (laith the Pro. 1.28, 2)
Ama, ' ‘ Lord)but J wi not heave,thep wall feeke me early, but
itnifter. thep ball not finde mee , and that becaule thep haten
Deut.27.17 Curfen fs he tha ooueth away the marke of big knowledge, and rereined net thefeare of the Lon, but
neighbours land., ~ abhorred mp comfet, and deſpiſed mp correction. Then
Auſwere. hail it be toe late to * knecke, when the nooze hall bee
Ama. s fhut, anv too {ate to crp foz mercy, when it ig the time 11,12.
. Minifter. of fultice. D terrible voyce of moft inf tungement,
Deut.27.18 Curlen is he p maketh che blind to gro outofhis wap. which hall be pzonormeen spon them, tben it hall be
Anfwere, laid vnto them, Go pe curſed into the fire euerlatting, Matt.25.41
Amen. which is prepares for the deuill and bis angels.
Minifter. * Therefore brethren, take wee Heese hetime, while 2.Cor.6.3
Deut.27.19 Curies ig be that letteth in tungement the right of the dap of faluation lafteth.
fozthe night cometh, when
the ſtranger,ofpeeh be fatheriefle,s ol widowes. no meat can wozke: but*let bs tebile we haue the light, Tohn 9. 4, $«
beleeue M the light, anv walke ag the chiſdren of the
Amen. Lig
ht,thattoebe not call inte the nS | Matt. 5.34
A Commination.
ig beand grathing eftecth. Let bs rot abule rhe Shen Malt epenweHyg Lorn)prymouth Yak
gomit Gov, wich — bs mercifullpte anda Gh th: peaples | | i 2i — 8. t 7
ment, anv of fis endleſſe pitie, premiſeth bs forgiues Fe A ferrifice, elle weuld
J gine it
neflecfthat tiicbis-patt ifcmith atolole mins etre thre: but cheu delighteſt not in burnt cfering.
Zai.t.18, heart) twe returne onto him. * For rhc ugh ovr ine be agChe facrifice of God ig atreubled fpirit + a boken
30. red ag lcarlet, they ſhallbeas tuhtyeas fnew; t1bough and a contrite heart (D Cod) wilt thounot deſpiſe.
thep be like purple; pet(aii thep be ast bite as wool, 1D bee keuonrable and gracions onto Sien ; tuila
Exck.1§.30 Sh Tumegoucleane(let:htbe Lod)frõ allpout wic⸗ thou the wals of Dierulalim,
Bevvetie, ann pour ſinnes Hall vor he pour vefituction, ‘Then Hhait thou be pleelen with the facrifice of righ⸗
< Cait abvap from youall pour vngedlinefſe that pe teculnette, with the burnt offringg and oblationg: chen
Daue Bone, make pou new hearts, and a new ſpirit. ſhall they offer pong bullocks ppon thine altar
berefoze willyedie,O ye heule of Ilrael, eirg Glorie te totte Father, and te the ec.
that Jhaue ne plealure inthe Death of dim that dieth, As tt was inthebrainning,ig now, gc
faith the Low God? Turne pou ther, anpe Hall line. Leza haue mercy bpon vs.
‘a.Loh,3.1,3 ti * Although toe Hane fused pet haue wean Atuo- Clik hanemercp bpon os,
cate withthe Fathers Jeſus Ehꝛilt therightecus, anv Low haue metcp bpon vs. Ast
Be it is that obtaineth gracefo:cur Genes. Dur Father which artin Geange
Foꝛ be was wounded fog our offences, efmittenfoz And leade vs not inte temptation.
Bis 3.5 our wickednes Let bs therefore retume vnto him, whe ; Anfwere.
és the mercifull receiuer of all trite penitent ſinners, al But deliver vs from euill amen,
furing our felued, that be ig teady te reccine bs, emok a Minifter. se
toiling toparmon bs, ifive come te him baith faithfull D Loꝛd ſaue thyleruants, rR titi
tepentance, if we will ſubmit eur-felnes vnto him, and : Anfwere. f ‘
from benceforth walke in bis tuayes,*if wewiltake bis Which put their truſt in thee,
Mat, 1:39;
elie poke q light burden bpon bg,tofollow him in lobs Minifter. *
|39. linee patience charitie and be oꝛdered bythe gouer · Send vnto them helpe from aboiie.
nance of bis help pirit, ſeeking alwayes bis glozp:ann Anſwere.
ſeruiag him duely in ourvocation, with tharikelp ining. And euermore mightily vefens them.
Chis if we voe, Chik will deliuer os from the curle of ered Minifter.
the Law, and from the extreme maledictiow which hal Welpe vs.O God our Sauiour, ; j
light bpon them that thal be fet on theleft hand anv he k Anfwere. :
| will fet bs on his * right Hand,egine bs the bleſſed Des And for the glory of thp Hames fake deliuetr bs, bee
neviction of his Father, commanding bs to take pol metciful vnto bs finnerg fez thp ameg fake,
feflion of his glorious kingdome , onto the vohich He i Minifter, J
onchfafe to bꝛing bs all foz bis infinite mercy. Amen. | Loz heare our papers,
@ Then thal they all kneele vpon their knees,and the Anſwere.
Minifter and Clerks kneeling (where they wereace And fet our crie come buto thee,
cuftomed to fay the Letanie) fhall fay this Pfalme. € Let bs peap, i
i € Miferere mei Deus, O Low, twe heleech thee mercifullp heare eurpap»
H Aue mercie bpon mee, D Gen, after thy gteat erg and pare all thole which confefle ehrit annes
A goodneſſe: according to the multitude ef thp mer- bnte thee, that hep (wbo confciences by {ame are ace
cies Dee alway mine offerees. tulen ) bp thp mercifad pardon, map bee ablolued
Tah mee throughly from mp wickedneſſe: anv though Chzift our Lod. Amen. —
eleanfe me from mp finne. O Moſt mighty Goo ¢ merciful Father, which bak
For Jknowlenge mp faults + anu mp ſinne is euer compaftien of all men, ¢ batek nothing that thou
before me. balimate, tobich wouldeſt not the death of a finner,
Againk thee enelphaue Jſinned, and Bore this enil but that be ſheuld ratherrurne
from finpe,avy he lenen:
in chp fight that thou mightelt be iuftifien in thp fap» mercifiullp forgiue bg our trelpafics , receine € comfort
ingann cleare when thon art iudged. bs, which be grieved ¢ wearied with rhe burden of our
Behold, Twas Mapen in wickedneffe: and fn inne finnes: thp propertie is to haue mercie,to thee onely it
Gath my mether conceiner me. appertaineth te foꝛgiue ſunes. pare vs therefore,
© But loe, thourequirelt tructh inthe inward parts: goo’ Loz, (pare thp people whomthou halk revermeds
aun Halt make me te vnderſtand wiſedome ſecretly. enter not inte iudgement with thpferuants, which he
< Thou Halt purge me with byfope,e J ſhalbe cleane: bile earthen mileraticfinners: but fo tinne thine ire
thou hale waf me andYfhalbe whiter then Aow. from b2, which meekly knowledge our bilenes, etruelp
1 Whou ſhalt make me heate of fop and gladnes: that repent bs of cur faultes: fo make hafe tohelpe te ist
Ehe bones which thon haft broken maprefopce. this toot, that wee map euer liue with thee in the
Turne thp face from my Funes: and put out allmp fworld to come, through Telus Thrift our Led, mer.
miſveeds. @ Then thall the people fay this that followeth, after
-- Aake me acleane heart,D Ged:and renew a right the Minifter, -
Rpirit withinme. Á Tine thou te, D rood Zod, erd fo Hall weebe
Caſt menot away from thp pꝛeſence: and take not <A tuna: kefaucurable, D Lom, be favourableto
thp bolp Spirit from me. pi thy people , which turne to therin weeping, felling,
< Ogtueme thecomfort of thp he'pe againe: and Raz and praping :fo2 thou art a merciful Goo fuil ef coms
-Dlip me with thp free Spirit. : ig poffion,tong ‘uffering.end of greatpitic Theuſpereft
Then fall T tecchthp wares onto the ticked: and : when we deferue puvifhinent , and thp wrath thine
Enners ſhalbe conuerter pnto thee. kell bpon mercie. Spare thy peeple, coon Wea fpare
` Deliuer me from blood guiltinelle,D Gor, ther that them, ict not thine heritace be bzought to confuticn,
art the Gen of mp Health s and my tongue hall fing of Heare bs, D Lor, foz thy mercie ig great, anv after
` ap cighteoutnel. . the multitude of hp mercies looke bpon be. Rid
J wey." 10 4 The

aa Thé Pite
ofDavid order tantan
tion, which is commonly vfedin the Church,
Beatus vir quinonabijt. Phala. bleſſing
isvpon the people.
e a Weller is the man Mat hath not wale
Merning ken in the countell of the vngodly, no: Eare metheng
Eare tal D God
w call, DSenefEmpclsetout
tif -
Rano in the way of ftnners : and bath Hoes t foz chou halt fet me atliveres ect aed
; not fit in thc fea:e of the (eognefull, in trouble, have mercy vpon me , ana hearken once
2 But bis oclight ig m che Law mp paper:
, of the Lozd: ann ingis Law wil heer- 2 D peormes.ofmen;tatalongwilpe btalpbeme
ercile himfelfe
Day and night, mine honoue:: and haue lich pleatare inbanitie, ang

Ano he Hall belike a tree plantes hp the tater Fecke afterdealing? ioi eri o BA
five : that will baing forth bis frait in die ſealon.
4. Dig leafe allo hall not wither: and looke whata i t Jo
foeuer he doethitHallpzolper. l Loꝛd,betwilltieare me. ayia
5 ag foz the ongodlp, it is not fo with them: but 4 BStandinawe, annfinnenot : commune with
thep are like the chaffe which the winde ſcattereth a⸗ Pour owneheart, and itpour chamber,and be fill,
way from the face of the earth. 5 Diter the facrifice of righteouineſſe: and put
6 Therefoze the vngodly fha'l not be able to ſtand pour truſtinshe dezn. ;
in che Jungement : neither rhe firmerg in he Congre- á— Cheredee many that lap: who wil Heng anp
gation of the righteous. i
7- But the Loz knoweth the wap of therighteous: 7 Loew titechou vp: ehelightof chpcountenance -
and the wap of the vngodly Hall perih. bpon bsg.:
Quarefremuerunt? Pfal.2. 8) Thou hak put gladnelſe in my heart : nee the
Dp doe the heathen fofirrtoullp rage togethers time that theircozie and wine and cpie mercalen,
and why ave the people imagine a vaine thing? _ 9 Frwilllapme downe inpeace and take my refs
2 The kings of the earth {am bp, anp the rulers pait ts thou Loꝛde onclp that make mee dwell in
take counlailetagetbers apatni the Lom anvagaint Mi tie.
his Aneinted. i Verba mea auribus, Pfal.s.
3 Het bg bacake their bonds aſimder: and calf a- — mp wozos, O Lod : conſider mpmevites
fap theit corns from bs, ti
4 He that dwelleth n heauen Halt laugh them ta 2 D hearken thaw onto the vopce ofmpcall ing mp:
(come : the Lom chall haue them in version, Binge mp Gon: foronce chee wil F * my col
5 Then wal heipeake vnto them in his wath: anv l 2 —— ———— Lewdꝛear⸗
bege then in his loze Bifpteature. moming til J Direct „anto
6 Pet haue 3 fet mp king: bpõ my holp hil of Sion. and willlooke * eT iy
7 = willpreachrhe Lats, wiereof theLoz bath 4 For thou art the Goo thar haf no pleatare i.
{app pe met thou art mp fonne, this Dap haue T be- wickedneſſe: neither Hal anp euitt eWell with thee.
5. Such as be fooliſh hall not ſtand in chplights -
8 Deire ofme, and FJ hall giue thee the Heathen for pe ohoe worke vanitie.
Foz thine inheritance: and the vttermolt partes of the 6 : Thou Hrit deſtroy them thar peake kafr ithe.
earth for thypolſeſſion Aa wiil abhozre hoth the bleonthtrfie wha oof
~ 9 Thou fhalt baie them with a ran of pron’: ant
breake them in pieces like a potters veſſell. 7 But as kor me. J will come ints thp houte, e
ro Be wife now therefore,D pe kings: belearned bpon the multitude olthy mercie: and in thp feare ts
pe that ave iudges of rhe earth Jwoꝛſhip toward thp holy Temple j
“an Serne the Log in feate: and retopce buco him. 8 Leaveme, D Low. inthp right oulties becaule
with reuerence — enemieg 3 make thp wap plaine before mp
` 12 Pillerbe Sonne, elt hebeangry,annlope pe- ace.
tifgfrom the right wap: his math bekindled (pea 9 Forrhere is nofaichlulnetls in bismuth s their:
but a little) blenen are allthep that put theic tinh in inteare parts are verp wickedneſſe. *
10.Their throate taan ogen lepulchze: chey Hatter
Domine quid? Pfal. 3. with theiszongue.
Div bow are thep increafeothat trouble me: many 11 Deltroỹ thouthem’, Gon ,- tetthem.periſh
are thep that rile again me. through their owne imaginations : ratehem outin che
2 Wanp one there he thatlap of myfoule; there is nudtitupe oftheir vngodlineſſe, borthey hauevebelicn. :
ne helpe foz bim inbis Gon. againſt thee.
3 But thou,D Loꝛd, art mp defener: thon artmp 12 Andilet al them that put their truſt in thee, ree
‘eorthin.and the Kfter bp of mp hean. fopce : they ſhall euer bee giuing of thankes, beraule
4 did call vpon the Loyd with myvoyce: and He thon
* tyrone alaera ame halhes -
beard me out of bis holp hill.
§ J tainme votone ana ſlept, and role bp agate: 13 -For thou Layo tiltcluethpblelling tntethe
for rhe Lord itemen me. rightesus: and with chpfansarable kindefſ -
6 Ywillnotbeafrain for ten thoulands ofpeople : — with Efielo: ws ps:
that haue fet themfelues againſt me conn about, 1 — Nein —5
7 Gp Lor, and helpemee,D my Gon: for thou Loꝛd rebuke menot in thine i iotineie Busning.
{mite ail mine enemies Spon the cheeke hone, thou (C) = paten
Hatt broken the teeth of the vngodlp.
me atipana f
7> 2 Wate mercie vpon me} Loed forBaws
~ prayers
8 Daluation elomperh. onto the Lozd; anu thp meake s D Hozo heale mefoz mpboneg are bezeg.
3 E.
ay⸗· The Pfalmes.
Mx loule ta allo foretroubles: but Lon how 5 Thon madel him lower then the Angels : te
—— punish mez oh ciowe him with gorp ans Worfhip. :
4 Turne thee,DLor, and deliuer mp fonte: Dh 6 Thou makelt himto haue dominion ofthe woke
faucme forthp mercies lake. of thy Harids: and chon Halk put all things inlubiection
s Foz in death no maw remembzeth thes: and who mter Hie fete.
toil giue chee thaukes in the pit? 7 All Hheepe & oren: pes ann che beeſts of the field,
6 Tam weary ofmp groning euery night woth J 8 Chefowles of ihe ape, anv the fifhes of the fea:
mp bed : and watet my couch veith my teareg. and wohat deuer walker) thorow rhe pathsofthe kas.
iy) Bp beauty is gone loꝛ betp trouble: and wieme 9 @ Low our gouernour: hols excellent is thp
swap becaufleofall mite enemies. Mame in ali the wola !
S Awapfromme all pethat worke banttie: for che Confitebor tibi. Pfal 9,
Loꝛd bath beara the bopce of mp weeping. Will giuethanks vnto therOLor, th mp whole
9 The Lom bath pears mp petition : the Led beart: 7 will (pcake of all thp marueilous workeg,
wili recetue
my prayet. 2 J wilbegiad g reiopce inthe: peamyſongs
10 Alimine enemies ſhalbe confounven g fore tets will F make of thp Hame,D thou mof Highest.
Ed sthep ſhalbe tumen backe,¢ puti Hame ſuddenly. 3 Ubile mine enemies
aredriuen backe: they fhal
Domine Deus mein Pfal.7. fall ann perih at thp pelence,
OL my Gon, in chee baue J put mp truſt: Carre 4 Foꝛ thou halt mainteined mp right,gmy caule:
me from allthem that perſecutẽ me, ¢ deliuer me, thou drt let in the thzone that impen tight, © ~
2 Lethe deuoure mp ſoule like a Lion, anv teate 5 Theu hak rebuked che heathen and deſtreyed the
dt in pieces : tobile chere is none te Helpe. vngodly: thou haft put out their name forener euer,
3 D Low mp Gor,ifJ hane vone arip fuch thing: 6 D thon enemp,deAructions are come to a perpe>
02 ifthere be anp wickedneſſe in mp hands. tuall end: euen ag the cities tobich thou Halk vefitopen,
4 SEF baue rewarded euill pnto bim that dealt their memoziall ig periſhed with them.
Friendip wrth me: pea, J Haue neliueten him that 7 But the Lom lhall endure foz ener: he hath alfe
without anp caule is mine enemie. prepared pig ſeate foz iudcement.
5 Then let mine enemie perlecute mp forte, and 8 Foz be ſhaliudge the world in righteon nes: and
take me: pea, let him treade mp life towne vpon the miniffer true iidgement onto the people.
earth and lap mine honour in the dift, 9 The Lord allo tilbe a deferce foz theopprelſed⸗
6 Stanvsp,D Lozd,inthy miath, and lift op thy euen a refuge in due time of trouble.
felfe: becauſe of the indignation of mine enemies, arife 10 And they that know thp Mame, Will put theit
bp foz mein rhe fudgrement that thou halt commanver. trult in thee: fo: thou Loz balk neuer feilen them that
7 Anoo hal the congregation of the people come feeke thee.
about thee: foz thert fakes therefoge lift op thp felfe a 11 O pꝛaile the Lozd which dwelleth in Sion: hew
ame. the people of his Doings,
£ 8 he Lom Hall lunge the people, giue ſent ence 12 Foz when He maketh inquifition foz Bloen, bere-
with me,D Loz: accoꝛding to mp righteouſneſſe, ann mészeth them : e korgetteth not the cöplaint offpreze.
accoꝛding to the imocencie that isin me. 13 Haue mercp yor me,D Low, confider the trotts
9 Db let the wickennefle of the vngodly come te ble which J ufer of them that bate me : thou that life
an end: but guive thou the inf, telt me op from the wates of death. $
so Foꝛ the rightesus Gon: trieth the serp hearts 14 That F map fhet ali thp praifes tin the ports
and reines. ofthe daughter of Sion: 3| till reiepce in thp altae
tx Wp helpecommeth of Gon: thich prelerneth tion.
them that are true of beart, 15 The heather are funke votwne in the pit that
t2 Gov isarighteous Judge, ſtrong and patient: thep måne: inthe fame net which chep hiv pzinily, ig
and God is pꝛouoked euerp dap. their feote taken, |
13 fa man wil not tirne,Jewil whet his ſwoꝛd: 16 The Lord ts knowen to erecute iudgement: the
Se hath bent his bow, and made it ready. vngodly ig trappedin the workes of bis otunc hangs.
14 Dee hath prepared fez him the diſtruments of 17 The wicken ſhalbe turned into Hell; aud allthe
peath : he eeineth kis arrowes againtt $ perlecatorg. people that forret Gov.
15 Behold, be trauaileth with mifchrefe: hebath 8 Fo the pooze Hall not alway be forwotten: tte
conceiued lorroo and bꝛought forth ongenlineffe. patient abiring of the meeke fhall not perifh foz euer,
16 He hath grauen and digged op a pit: anv is fale 19 Gp Lerd,ann {et not matt hane the vpper Hants
fen hirnelfe into the veftruction that be mane fez other. let the — be — sy fight. 3 i
17 For his trauaile fhal come spon bis owne bean: 20. Put them in frare 020: )that th en
aun bis wickednes fhall fall on Bis otune pate. map knoto themſelues te be but men, chead
18 Iwill gine thankes onto the Lom, accozding to i Ve quid Domine. Pfal.10.
his righteoulneffe : and will prayſe the lameofthe 7Hy Ranneft thou lofarre off (D Lows) amv Fs
Lowthemotbiah, deſtthy face in the neevefull time of trouble 2
Domine Dominis, Pfal.8. 2 The vngodly for H:s otone luft doeth perſecute
O Loꝛd our gouernour, bow etcellent is thp Name the pooze: let them be taken in the craftp woilinefle chat
in all the world: thou that half fet thy glozp aboue thep have imaginen,
the heaueits ! 3 For the vngodly hath mane boaft of his otme
2 Dut ofthe mouth of very babes e lucklings halt hearts Befire: and ſpeaketh goon of the couetous whom
thon ordeined Hrength, becaule of thine enemies: that Gov abhorreth. —
thoumightell fil rhe enemie and the auenger. 4 The vngodly ig ſo pꝛoud, that he careth not fez
3 For Y wil confiner the Heauens, euen the waks Gon: neither ig Gon in all his thoughts. i
ary fingers: the Moone and the farres which thou 5 Dis wayes are alway grieuous: thy iudgements
afi ordeined. ; ate farre aboue ont of his fight, and therefoze befier
$ — ig man that thon art mindful ofhim: and pe alt his enemies. j
the formeofman thas thou hilitelthum + 6 For be varhlaiv — Tu, FT—
2 £
The ũ.day. «The Plaines. T

Thei. days- i

be caf dovone: there hall no Harme happen bunto me, »7 The words of the Leꝛd are pure weꝛdaꝛeiuen ag
7 His mouthis fall ofcuring, Deceit, and fraude: the Giner which from the earch ig tryed, and parities
fonbet his tongue ig vngorlinelle anv banitie, leuen times in the fice, Si ED e
8 He litteth lurking in the thieuiſh cozera of he 8 hou Malt keepe them,D Lon: thaw ſhalt p
fitectes: ¢ puly in gis lurking dennes Doth be muts ferne þimtrom thig generation tez ener, o?
ther the innocent bis epes are fet agaiuſt the pooze. 9 Che vngodly walke on enecp fives when they are.
9 Faz he lieth waiting fecretipjenenag.a Lion lur⸗ sepaltes the childzen ot men are purte rebuke. >
keth be in bis venue that be map rauiſh the poere. s ‘Viquequo Domine, Pal uz... ¢ 8 ee
u; xo De naeth raui the pooge: wheahe getteth him He long wilt thou fozget me <D ilon)fo:eders
into His uet. Wiha ; howo long wiit thou bine thy face frommes srs
11 De kalleth downe ana humbleth himlelfe: that 2 Dow long thal F eeke counlarle is mp uie ana
the congregation of the pooze map tall intothehandof be lo beren in mp heart: how long Bali mineenemies
his captained. . ; i i triunmphouermes —. moll Wp:
foz» 3 Conlwerand heare me,D Low mp Godslighten
12 De bath {ain in his heart, Tuh, Sod hath
gotten: he hideth away bis face, he will neuer fee it, mine epes,that Jj Reepenot meath» iR -
< 9&3 Arife(D Lom Boo) and lift vp thine band: foz 4 Welk nine enemie lay, J haue preuailed anaing
get not the pooꝛe. j) ; bim : foz ifIbe cait notne , thep that ccouble me will
, > r4 Biberefoze Moul the wicked blapheme Gon: retvpee at it, 7 midir y
wbile be noeth lap in bis heart, Tuh, chou God caret , 5. ttul is in thymercyand
: my heartig
not for it?ẽ iopfullin thp ſaluation caf Bod
15 Burelp thou halk leene it: foz houheholock on 6 J willGng of the Low, becaule he bach dealtfo
godlinelle and wong. louingly withmes. pea,3|will prapt the Same of the.
~ 46 Chat thoumap: take the matter into thyhand: Low mol Higheſt. ; ; i
“the pooze commsitterh bimfelfe wntotvee , fog thou art Dixirinfipiens. Pſal.i4. i
the belperof
the kriendleſſe. Th foole Hach isiw in his heart: Chere is no Go
17 Breake thou the power of the vngodly g malici» _ 2 Thep are coꝛrupt anv become abominable in.
ong: take away his vngedlineſſe,Ethou {halt fine none. theit Doings: thereis not one $doth goon,(no not ene.)
18 She Loz is Ring foz euer and ever: and che 3. The Low looked Bowne from beanen bpon rhe
Heathen are periſhed out otrhelana. — = : cbiiozen of men; to feeikthere were anp.that outs
“re Low, thou batt heard the delice of the pooꝛe: ton vnderltand anu leeke after Goo,
Prepare their heart, and thine care heackeneth thereto, 4. Dut. they are all gone out of the wap, thep are
20 To helpe the tatherlelte anv pooze dnt their altogether become adommable:there ts none that doth net one.
Tight: that che man of the earth beno moze exalted a
gaint them. site? Hole 5. Their thoat is an open lepulchee , with theit
i In Domino confide... Palin... tongues Bane they deceiued: the poplon of Alpesis ime
Je the Lozo put J mp teuit: how ſay ve then ta mp der theit lips. siu g
loule that fhe Moule flee ag a bird vnto the hill? 6. Their mouth ig kull of curling
anv bitt ernelſe:
` 2. Fog loe, thebngsnlp henn their bobo ann make their feete are lwilt t⸗ hen bloon: '
ready their arrowes within che quiuer: thatthey map 7 Delkruttion and vahapeineſſe is in their warege
priuilp ſhaote at then which are true of heart, . and the way of peace hauc chep not knowen: there ig
Faz the foundations wilt bee caſtdowne: end no feare of God hefore their epes.
tuhat Hath tbe rigSteeus done? . 8 Paue they ro knowledce, that thep are altfuck
4 he Lamis in his holy Temple: the Lordes pohe of milchiefer eating op mp peopleasit were
Seateis inheauen. ee 2ead ? TIIN 74 3
. §. Mis epesconfiner the pooꝛe: and his eye liddes 9. And call not vpen the Logve, there taere tep
tryeth the children of men. Drought in great feare (euen wiere nofeare was:) fag
_. 6 The Lom alfotocth the righteous: but the bu⸗ God isin che generation ofthe righteous.
godly, ann him that delighteth inswickesnelle doth Gis 10 As fo pou pe haue made a mock at the counſaile
S fouk abborre. ofthepoore: becaute he putteth bis truſt inthe Lew.
7 Uthe bagodly be hall raine mareg, fireann 11- Aho ſhal give faluation vnto Gtigel out af be
bzimſltone, ſtozme and teimpelts thig ſhalbe their pogtion on: when the Lord turneth the capriuitie of his peys
to drinke. ple, then Hall Jacob retarce,ann Ilrael Habegany.
8 For the righteous Low loueth righteouſnes: bis Domine quis habitabit? Pfal.s5.
‘countenance tall beholathe thing that is iuſt. ] Dan tuho ſhall dwel in thp Cabernacte :02 who Morning.
‘ Saluum me fac. -Pfal. 12. Hall re& open thy help Wil? —
Eipe me Loz, forehere is not one g oly man 2 Eyen hee that leadeth an orconupe tiger, POIT
Fuenivg He forthe farthfutl ave miniſhed from among ano vaeth he thing which is right, ana peaketh the
prayer. ame. He chldeen ofinen, =f trueth from Hig heart.
2: Chev talke af banitie euery one Lith bigui l 3Hee that hath vſed wo deceit in his tongue; 1102
Dout:thep doe butHatter with theirlipsanddillemble Done enill to hisneighbour: and hathuot Lannered hig
vaith their double heart. neighbeuts.
3 The Low Hall roote out ail deccitfiull lips ann 4 Werthat fettes notbyhimlelke, but is lowly in his
‘the tongue that peakeeh proun things. , “ahs owie eyes Emakerh much ef them that keare the ogy,
4Thich haue Cain, Aith our tongue tue will pze- s- Dethatlwearerh ones bis ncighbog, ¢difappeine
“maile: we are thex that ought te ſpeabe, whois ILa teth Gin not: though it were to His owne hinderance;
„aner ba? ea 6 Wee that Hath vot given hismonephyon birgs:
‘5 «Sow for the comfoztteffe troubles Cafe of the nor taken reward againitthe innocent: -
needy: and becauſe of he deepe ſighing of the pone. 7 -Mho fo doer) theſe things: Hall nenerfart,
6. 3| witlop (faprh che Lord: ) and wil Helpe euery Conferma me. Pfal. r6: 4
one fiom him that (wellerh egamni pim, ann wil iet : perm meea DGods for uthes haue J pur mw
hennat telt l zuſt,
j 20:
« Theiiiday. ‘ThePfalmes.
` 2 Omyy leule, theu halt layd vnto the Low :thou 2 J will call bpon the Lord, which ig worthy tohe
att mp God,my goeds are nothing vnto thee. , zaiſed: fo hall J be fafe from mine enimies.
3 All mp deũgbt is vpon the faints that are in the 3 The ſozowes of death compaſſed me : ans the oe
garth: anb bpon {ach ag excelſl in bertue. uerllowings of vngodlinelle made me afraiv,
4 But they that ron after ancther god: Mall paue 4 The panes of bell came about me: the mareg
great trouble. of Death ouertooke me.
§ Their drinke offerings of blood will Tnet offer: 5 Sump trouble J illcall bpon the Low : anv
Neither make mention of thew names within mp lips. complaineg vrto mp God,
6 Zhe Low bhimlelfe is the portion ot mine inpe- 6 Se hall he heare mp voyce out of his help tem»
xitance, and ofmp cup: thou Halt maintaine mp lot. ple : and mp complaint Hall come befeze him,itfhal cre
7 Abe lot ig fallen vnto me in a fait: preund:pea, tet euen into bis eates.
SJ haue a goodly (eritage. y Che carck trembled and queked: the very forte
8 Fol hanke the Loz fo: gining me warning: ations alio of the billeg ſhocke anv were temooued,
mp reines allo chakenmeinthenight fear. becaule be was morb,
9 Jbaue let Gov alwayes before me ; foz be ig on Then went a (meke out of his pretence: anda
tp right Bane, therefoze F Mal not fall. con‘iuning fire cut of big mouth, f that coales were
10 Mherekoze mp Heart mag glad, ant mp glozp kindleb at ít,
relopces : mp fleſh allo (hall rek in bepe 9 He bowed the heaueus allo and cane dobene: and
11 Foz whp: thou fhalt not leaue my forte in Gel: net it was barke vnder fig feet,
~ ther fhalt thou luffer thine Help one to fre cozruption. to He robe tpon the Cherubims anv vit flie : He
12 Chou ſhalt Het me the path of life, m thp pree came ſiymg bpon the wings ef the winte.
fence ig the tuinefie of top : and at thy right band there 11 He made Darkenefic Fis fecret place : hit Bae
TTTisplealure foz euermeꝛe. wilfon round about hun, with vatke water, and thicke
Exaudi Domine iuſtitiam. Pfal.s7. cloudes to couer Him.
Eare the right, D Lew, conſider mp complaint : 12 At the brightneffe of his prefence hig clounes
Jand hearken onto the paper that goeth not out of temeoued : haikfiones an cuales of fite.
tan j
faines lips. 13 Che Lom allo thire ont of beanen,a the high:
2 Ket my fentence come foozth from thy prefence : eft gaue bis thunter : Faflefiones ane conles of fire.
) |a *
and Iet thine eves looke bpon the thing that is equall.

wight feafor, thou baft trien me, and fhalt finde no wic»
14 W: lent out his arrotwes
3 Thou balk procned and vilites mine beart in tHe cafi forh ligbtnings
and (cattered them: he
and deſtroycd them.
15 Thefmings of waters were eene, the founta»
kedneſſe in me: foz? J am otterlp purpoled, that mp. tions of $ round won twere difconered at thp chiding,
\ A* oe) *ae mouth katl not offend. D Log: at $ biafting of the breath of thy diſpleaſure.
\~ 4 Becaule of meng wozkes that are done againſt 16 He fHallfeud betone frem the bighto fetch me :
the wozosof mp lips: F haue kept me ftom the wapes ard fall take me ott of mary waters.
D— ofthe deſtroyer. 17 He Kall deliuer me from mp ſtrengelt encmie,
5 D hold thou bp mp goings in thy paths: that mp a from them thich bate me; for chey ate toe mighty
footfeps flip not. oz me.
6 J baue called spon thee. D Ged, fo2 thou fhalt 18 Thep prevented me inthe Dap of mp trenble:
beare me : encline thine eare to me, and hearken vnto Lut tke Loz was mp tphelder.
mp wog. 19 We brought me keorth alfo into a place of liters
7 Shew thp marucileus louing kindnes, thou that tie : be bꝛought me forth, enen becaule He Sad a fauore
arttheSauiour ef them which put their truf in thee: gute me.
from fach as refit thp right hanv. 20 The Lor hall retard me after mp righteous
$ Hrepe me as the apple of att epe : hive me vnder Bealitig : accowing te the cltanneſſe of my pants Hall
the ſhadow of thp wings. he recompenfe me.
9 From the vngodſy that trouble me: mine enemies 21 Becawe F haue kept the trapes of the Lows
tompale me round about,to take atwap mp foule. and haue not fezleken mp Got asthe wicked teeth.
10 They are incloled in their owne fat : ans their 22 Foꝛ Jhaue an epe bonte a!l dis lawes: ant win
mouth (peakerh pout things. not caf out Gig commandements fren: me.
vr Thep lie waiting in out wap on exerp ſide: tur: 23 1 tas allo vncopritpt befeze bins: anv efchrired
ning their epes dsvne to the ground. mine owne wickedneſſe.
12 Like as a Lion that is greedy of his p'ap: and 24 Therefoze hall the Lord reward mee after mp
ag it were a Lions whelpe lurking in lerret places. righteous Dealing : art accozding onto the cleannefe
13 Gp Lov difappoint pim ann cafi bim dobene; of mp bands in his eprfiaht.
aT: mp fule from the vngodly, which is a lwozd of 25 With the help, chou halt be help : anv teith a
thine. perfect man, thou fhale be perfret.
44 From the men of thp hand. D Loꝛd, frem the 26 (With the cleane,thor Malthe cleane: and with
men, Tiap ann from the euill wo : thich hase ther the frotrard, thou Malt learue freteardy effe.
portion in this life , whole bellies thou ief with thp 27 Foztheu fhalt faue the reople that are in aduer⸗
bid treafirre. fitie: æ helt ming downe the dich lookes of the prno,
15 They haue chilozen at theit refire: and leaue 28 Ther alfo hal light mp carrie + the Logo mp
the reft of their ſubſtance foz their bebes. God lhall make mp darkerefle to Fe light.
_ 16 But ag forme, F will bef olt thy preſcnce in 29 Foin thee J hhalvili omfite an bofte o" merani
righteoulneſſe· ann when F awake vp after thp like- with the hepe of rp Gon J hall leape everthe wall.
nelle,Jathe fatifficd with it. 30 The wap of Kod is enonrefled wap: tëe word
Diligamte Pfal.18. ofthe Low aloig.trper inthe fire, te re the defenter
Will loue thee (D Lom) mp firerath.the Low ig of all them that put thefrtrufiin him.
* Euening mp Ronie rocke and mp Befence : my Sauiour,mp 3! Fo2 whois Ecb but the Low: 02 who hath any
prayer, Sov, ana my might,inwhom J wil truſt,mypuck- firength except eur Got? - f
let,the Hone allo of mp ſaluatien,
ant mp refuge, 32 Ut is Gov that girdeth me with Grereth of
€ 3 foarte;

/ © The Pfalmes. Theiiiiday.
warre : ana maketh mp way perkect. * fine golu s ſweeter allo then honle, ant the ponie
33 He masech me tect like Harts leet ¢ anv letteth combe,
me vp on high. se Mozeouer, by them is chy Ceruant taught + ma
3+ Detcacheeh mp hanns to fight: ana mine armes in keeping kthem there ig great reward.
ſhall beake euena bow afRecke. 12 Wo can teil howoft he okenacth : D cleanle
35 Thos jad giuen me che dekence of thp laluati⸗ thou me troin mp ſecret Faults.
an: chy rigat hand allo hall hald me vp, and cho louing 13 Meepe typkeraa:mt allo from preſamptuous
correctio hall maie me grat, finneg, lettthey get the doninion ouer ine: lo (hall J be
36 Thou hale make coume rnough per me foz to vndefiled, andinnocent from the great offence.
go : that my footcteps hall not Mine, «4 Let the wozog of mp mouth ana the meditation
37 J wil! follow vpon mine enemies, and ouertake of mp beart : be alway acceptable in tip fight.
them neit her wil J] turne agate till J yaue deſtroped 15 O Led: mp ſtrength, ano mp reneemer,
them. i i Exaudiat te.Dominus. Pfal 20.
38 Iwill inite them, chat hep Hallnot be able ta TZ Loza heare thee in the dap of trouble: the
aud but fall under my feet. Hame o. the God ot Yarab detend thee.
39 Thou haſt gineo me wich fErcrgth vnto the bats > Send thee Helpe from the Sanctuary : ans
tells thon Halt tyzow Downe mine enemies vndec me. ſtreugth thee out of Sion.
40: That Halk mave mine enenies ala to. tune 3 Remember all thy offrings:and accept thp burnt
their backes bpon me : ann 3| hail deſtroy them that facrifice.
Date me. 4 Graunt chee thy hearts nehire: and EEN all chp
41 hep Hallcep, Hut there Hall be none to helpe minte.
them + pea, cuen onto the Lord Hall tiep crp, but pe 5 Ce Wi! reiopce in thy falvation, anv triumph in
Shall not heare them. the ame of the Loꝛd our God: the Aoz pertoame all
42 J will deat them ag ſmall ag the ouf before the thp petitior g..
winde: I will cat them out as clap inthe ſtrcetes. 6. aw know J that the Lore Ipet) bis anoin⸗
43. Thou Hal deliuer me from the R iuings of the ted, ano wil heare Dim from. bis Daip. heauen: ewer
people: ethou Mait make methe head oc the heathen, with the whole ome rengti af his right hand.
44 A people whan Jhaue not knowen: ſhall ſerue 7 Some put their truſt in charets, ang fome irt
me. hoꝛſes: but we will remember ie ame of the Loge
45 Mome ag thep heare of me,thep Hall obep me: our Gov.
Hut the ſtrange ehdosen hail riflemble with we. 3 Thep are hroughe downe and fallen: but we are
46 -The trange childzen Hall faite ; and be-afrapa rilen md ſtand bpzighe.
outoftheit prilong. 9. Saue Lora, and beare bg, D Wing of heauen;
47 The Loꝛd liueth, and bleſſed bemp fong hels when toe call opon thse:
per : and prailed he the God of mp taluation. Domine in virtute. Pfal gt.
43 Even the Gop chat leech that J be auenged: F He Ring Hal teiopce in thp ſtrength. ow: ege
and ſabdueth the pcople vnto me. cecbing al a Mall he be of thp faluation.
49 Jt is be that celiuerec) mee fron mp (cruel!) 2 Thor hall given bin his hearts delice, and bak
geuemieg and lecteth mee bp aboue mime anuerlaties : not denied him the requeſt of hig lips.
thou halt tid me feomthe wicked man. >. Foꝛ thou halt pꝛeuent him with che ble Tings of
50 Forchis caule wil J gine tbanks vnto thee (D pni and aittet a crowne of pure gola vpon
a) anong he Genales and fig prailes oto thp g head.
ime. 4 We alken life of thee ano thou gauen bim a lorg
51 Great pro perity giueth he bite his Ring: and {ife : euen foz ener and ener,
ſheweth buing kindneſſe vnte Dams Hig-annoputen, 5. Pis bonom is great in thpfatuation : glozp aun
and vnto his leed ſoreuermoze. great worſhip Halt thorlap dpon him.
Cœli enarrant. Pfal 19. 6 Fo: thou balt giue him euertalting felicitp: anv.
Morning, DeHeaucns declare the ghep of God: andthe. make tim gian with the ioy of thy countenance. '
prayer. | icmament ſheweth his harp worke. 7 Am tohp? becanfe the King putterh bis teut i
2 Dare dae telleth another: and one night the 1o20: anv inthe mercp ef the moft Highelt,heſhal
certiiicth another.
3 There igneither (peach nog language: buerherr Mate 8 ies thal
chine enemies fall fecle thpthand sthp ri
fecle thy
hopces are heard among then. Hann Mal finve out them that hate thee, bright
4 Their found ig gone out into alllanng: and their 9 Thou Halt make them like a fierie ouen intimeof
ford ito the ends of the wata. ‘ thp wath: the Logo Mall aeftrep them in big diſplea⸗
z` Ja chem hath be fet atabernacte foz the ſunne: uce and the fice Hall conſume them.
which commet korth asa bꝛdegrome out of hischam⸗ 10 Their kruit ſhalt thou reet out of theearth: ans
ber ana reioyceth ag a giant to run his courte, their feen from amona the childꝛenokmen.
6. Vt goeth forth fran the bttermolt part of the hea: 11 Fozthey intended miſchiele againſt thee: ¢ imas
uen, ato rumeth avout bonta the enn of it againe: and gined fuch a Denice ag they are not able to performe.
there is nothing bia from the heate thereof, 12 Therrfoe fhalt thou put chem to flight: ann the.
7 The Law of the Low is an vndeliled Law, con ſtrings of thy bowe hale thou make reavp againſt the
serting the foule : the teſtimonie of thee ig lure, face of them.
and giveth wiſedome onto the imple. 13: Be thou eralted Lom in thine owne ſtrengthe
3 Whe ſtatutes ofthe Lom are right, and relayce fo twill we fing ant prayſe thy pomer.
the beart: the cem nandement ofthe Lordis pure, and Deus,Deus meus, Pfal.2 z
giuech light vnto the pes. M: Ged, my God (looke vpon me) why haſt
o CThefeareof the Lord is cleane, and emureth ou foꝛſaken mes and art ſo farre from mp Fuening,
for ever: the Gu gements of the Loro are true, and saith, ano from the tort sof my complaints sprayer. -
dighteous altagether. 2 D mp Goo J cepinthe daytime, but thou hea
ag outo be oeliven are they then Cole,
pea shart: reſt not; and in the night feafon alio take no reff.”
3% Tus
The Pfalmes. ey N,
L toai thou continues? bolp: D thon tuorttip of : a Hefhallfecse
me in agreene pallure: and leade
tatl, me forth belide the waters ot comfort.
4 Dur fathers hopen in thee: they truften in thee, 3 He hhallconvert mp lonte: and baing me forth im
and thon diddeſt veliner them. the paths ot righteoufhene foz bis lames lake.
5 Thep callen upon thee, and tere holzen: thep 4 Sea, though J walker che vallep cf the
put therr truſt im thee,and were not confounted. ſtadew of teath,Jwill feere no euti: for chou att way
6 But as fo: me, Jams wozme,and no man:a bee me, thy rod ans thp Rafe comfort me.
ty ſcorne of men, and the outcaſt ot the pecple. Cron Halt prepare a talle before mee agami
7 Gil thep that fee mee, laugh me to (comes thep them tiat trouble mee: thou baft anopnect my pean
fhoote out their lips,anc hake their heads, faping. Lith ople and mp cup fhalbe full.
8 He truſted in Gen, chat Hee would delinger ims 6 Burthplouirg kindnes and mercy fhall fel'obs
fet Sim deliuer him,ifbe will haue him. me allthe dapes ct mp lite; and J wil divelinthe boule
9 Bue thou art Bee that iooke me out cf mp mo- ef the ILo te2 cuer.
thers wombe: thou walt mp Lope then J hanged pet Dominieft terra. Pfal.24.
bpon mp mothers bzealts. De earthis the Lordes allthat chercin ig: the Morning
10 Jhane heene left onto thee ener fince J wag compafle of the wob. thep that dwel therein, prayer.
Hogue: thou art mp God,euen fro mp mothers wembe, 2 Fezbebath founven it bpon the feag: and
11 D goe net from me,foz trouble is Gard at band: prepated it byen the floorg.
and there ig none to belpe me. Who fall a'cend into he Hill of the Low: og
12 Many oren are come about mee: fat bulks of who hall tiſe vp in his help p'ace ?
Balan clofe me iron eucrp Give. 4 Euien he that hath clcane handse apure hearts
> 13 They gape bpon mee with their montheg: agit and that bath wot lift bp his minne vato vanitie, Rog
were a ramping ano rearing Lion, ſworne to dereiue his neighbour,
14 Jam pomen out like water, anb all mp honig 5 Hepat receure the blefing fromthe Loyd: and
are otit of fopnt: mp heart alo inthe mid& of mp body rightcoull:effe from the God ot bis ſaluatien.
íg cuen like melting ware. 6 Gis is the generation ef them that eeke him:
15 Wp ftrength ig ozied bp hike apetiheard.and mp euen of them that lecke thy face,D Jacob.
tongue cleaueth tomp gummes: anv thou Halt bang 7 Lift vp your heads.O ree gates, and he pe lift
me into the Duk of deach. bp pee euerlafiing deores: and the King of glozp ſhall
16 Foꝛ (many) dogs ate come about mees andthe come in.
coimſell of the wicked taped liege again me. 8 CLike is the King of glozpsit is the Lom ſlrong
17 They pearced my hands and mp feete,3 map tel and mighty, euen tke Lord mightp in battell.
all mp bones : thep Rand Haring and looking bpon me. 9 Lift vp ypour heads, D pe gates, ann bee pe lift
18 Thep part mp garments among them: ann caſt bp pee euerlaſting Doozes :and the King ef glory Hall
{ots vpon mp veſture f come in.
19 But be not thon farre from me, D Lez : thou 10 Taho ig the King of glop: euen the Lonof
art mp ſuccour.haſte thee to he'pe me. holts,heis the King of glogp.
20 Deliver mp foule ftom the ſweꝛd: mp dearling AdteDomine. Pfal.25.
from the powert ofthe dogge. Vy Nto thee,D Lor, wil J lift vp mp u'emy Gon
21 Saue me fro the Lions month : theu Halt heard Ihaue put mp truſt in thee: D let me not lie cons
me alfo from among the Homes of the Anicornes. founted neither tet mine enemies triumph cure me.
22 J willacclare thy ame onta mp brethren: in 2 Joal! thep that hepe in thee, fhalluot be aſhas
the mivreft of the Congregation will Dpraple thee. med: butfuch as tranigretle toitheut a canle, han be
23 O pꝛaple the Loza pethat feare him: magnifie putto cenfugon,
him all yee oẽ theleede of Jaceb, and feare him all pee 3 PSbhewme thy wapes, D Low: andteach mee
ſeede of Iſrael. thy paths.
24 Foꝛ hee bath not deſpiſed no? abhoꝛred the lowe 4 eave me forth inthp trueth and learue me: foz
elkate of the poore, He hath net bin bis face from pim theu art the Ged of mp ſaluation,inthee hath bene mp
put when he caller onto him,heheard him. Hope ail the vap long.
25 Wp pꝛaile is of thee in bgreat congregation: mp 5 Call to remembzance,D Lor, thptentcr mere
Howes wil J perkorme in the fight ofthem p keate him. piegiand thp louing kinvencfle which bath bene euer
26 Oke poore alleate and bee fatilfied: thep that of olre.
feeke after the Loz Wall pape him, pour heart Hall 6 Dhremembernot the finnes arn offences cf mp
liue for euer. pouth :but accopingtothy merep thinke theu tpon
27 All the ends of the woꝛld ſhall remember them- me (D Lom) foz thp coonnefie,
ſeltiez, and he turned bnto the Lo: and ailthe kine 7. Sracteug and righteous ig the Lo + therefore
reds of the nations hall woꝛſhip before him. will be teach ſinners in the wap.
28 Foathe kingdome is the Bogs: and hee is the 8 Them that be mecke Halhe guive in iutgemint:
gouerneur among the people. and luch as be gentle them faH be tearne his wap.
29 AN luchas be kat vpon eatth; haue eaten and 9 Allthe pachs of the Low are mercp and triethz
woꝛſhipped. onto fuch as keene his Couenant ard hic teRimonies.
30 Althey hat goe dovne into the tuft, fhalEneele to Fozthp ames fake,D Logo: he merciftull gis
Before himtand no man hath quickenen his obone fone. to mp ſinne,koꝛ itis great.
31 Dy leeve Hall lerue bim : thep Hall bee counted 11 What man ís hee that feereth the Lozd; him
bntothe Lo: foz a gencration fhall be teach in the way that he fhal! chute.
32 Thep Hall come, anv the heauens fhal nedare _ 12 Dis oule Haltech at cafe : and hig ſeede Hati
bisrighteouseffe: onto a pecple that hallbee bome, inherite the lant,
tuhom the Lom bath made. G 10 Ehe fecret of the Lo:te is among them that
> Dominusregit me, Pſal 23. feere Bim: and he wilt fete them bie Concrant.
T He Low ig mp Hephearys therefoze can J lacke: _ 14 Dine eyes are tuer looking onto the Loz: fog
nothing, i ; be ſhall plucke mp feste ort of the net,
£ 4 a5 Gume
pame Wda
— c — —

ThePhalmes. · The viday.-

Turue thee bnto me, and hate mercy Sport me: 13 Teach mee thytoap, D Loyd: ans leave me in
fo: Jam delolate and in milery. the right wap, becaule of mine enemies.
16 Chelorowes of my heart areinlarged: D bing 14 Deliner me not ouer inta the wil of mine amters
thon ine out of mp troubles. farieg:tngthere ace falle witnelles rilen bp again’ me
17 Looke spon mine aduerſitie ano miſerie: and and {uch as peake mong.
forgiue me a!l mp ſinne. £5 J Hoala vtteelpyaue fainten: hut that J bes
£8 Conlider mine enemies how many thep are: ana leeue berelp to ſeethegoodneſſe of the Loguin the fanz.
thep beare a tpraanous hate againſt me. ) of the liuing. - ;
t9 Dkeepe mp lointean deliuer mes {et me not be 16 Dtary than the Loms lealure: be ſtrong, and
sonfoundes,toz J Hane put my teul inthee. þe Hall comsfogt thine Heart , and put thou thy truſt im
20 Let perfectneife and righteous nealing waite the Lozo. i
bpon me: far my hope hath bese in chee. Ad te Domine. Pial 28,
21 Deliuet Ilrael, D Goa; out ofalt his troubles, Ma thee twill J crp,D Loza my ſtrength: thinke
TudicameDomine, Pſal 26. no (come of me , left ifthou make ag though thou.
DE thoumptuoge, D Low, for Jhaue walken ta: heareſt not, J become like them that goe Bowne inis
nocentlpsinp treats hach bene alto inthe Lozd, there⸗ tepit, ; ;
. fo hall J not fall, h Heare the boice of mp humble petitions when J
2 Examine me,D Lov, and prone me; trp outmp try vnto thee: wien T hold op mp Hands towarn the
reines and mp Heart. - Mercie eate of thp holy Temple.
3 Foz thp loving kindneſſe ig ener before mine 3 Oplucke mee vot away (neither vefFrop mee)
gpeg: and Y willwatke in thy trueth. With the ungodly and wicked Doers: which ſpeake
4 T haue not dwelt with vaine perons: neither wil friendly to theirt neighbours, but imagine milchiete in
J bane fellommbip with the deceitkull. their bcarts. :
5 J hane hated the congregation of the wicked: 4 Reward them accowing to their deedes: and ace
and twill not fit among the vngodiy. coring to the wickedneſſe of their owne intentions.
6 I will wah mp Bandsin inuacencie, D Lon: 5 Recompenle them after $woke oftheir hands e
and lo will J goe to thine altar. pap them that they haue deſerued.
7 That N map Hew the boyce of thankefgiuing: 6 Foz chepregard not in their minns the works of
and tell of allthy wonderous workes the Lod, toz the operation of his bands: therefore hal
8 Lorn,7bane louen the habitation of thy hontes he byeake them towne,and not build chem bp,
anu the place tohere thine honour dwelleth. 7 Pꝛapſled bethe Law: fog he ath heard the boice
9 D fhutnot np mp foule with the finnerg: nozmp ofinp humble petitions.
life with che bloodthirſtie. 8 The Low is my ſtrength ana mylhield,mybeare:
10 Ju whoſe hands is wickednelſe: and their right hath trike in him, 3] am beipen : rherefoze mp heart
Hands are full of gifts. Danceth foz ioy,andin my feng miil Y pravile bin.
11 Gut as forme,V wil walke iamocentlpy:D Lom 9 She Lowis mp frength: anahe ig the wholes
Deliner me, and he mercikull onte me. fome dekenee of his anopnted.
_ 12 Dp koote ſtandeth right: Jwill pralſe the Lom 10 D fauethy people, gitte thp belling into thine
in the congregations. inberitance t keede them, and (et them bp fog euer.
Dominus illuminatio, Pfal.27. AtferreDomino. Pfal,29.
k Ye Lord is mp light and mp faluation, them B Ring vnto the Loz (D pee mightie) bzing voug
Euening then ſhall feate : the Lorn is the ſtrength oẽ D rammes vnto the Lozde alcribe onto the ILo woz
prayer, my lifeofwhom then hall J be afraide fhip anv Grength.
2 Tuhen the wicked (euen mine enemies and mp z Gine the Lon the Sonour due vnto his Mames
foe) came Spon me to eate bp mp fieh: thep Rumblen tos2fhip the Lord with bolp woꝛſhip.
ano fell. 3 3 St isthe Lom that commanveth the waters sit
3. Though an hofte of men were tain agaiuſt me, ig the glorious God that maketh the thunder. (
pet hall nat mp heart be afraid: and though there role 4It is the Lom that ruleth thelea, the vopce ef
op tuarre again& me,pet will T put mp trat in hin. the Tord ig mightp in operation: the voice of the Lom
4 Mnerhinehane J deſtred of the Lorn, which Y ig a gloꝛious voyce.
foil! requiſe: euen that J map dwel in the houle of the s Thedoice ofthe Lom beeaketh the Cevartreegs:
ILo: all tie Dapes of my life,to behold the faire beautp pea,the Lord hzeaketh the Cedars of Libanns.
of the Low, and to bifit hig temple. 6 De mave them alfo to ſkip like a Calfe: Libanus
5 Farinthetime of trouble he Hall bine me in his alfa and Speion like a pong Cinicozne.
tabernacle: pea,inthe fecret place of his dwelling hall 7 The voyce of the Low diuideth the flames of
he hive me, and fet me bp upon a torke of Rone. fire the popece of the Logo thaketh the wild erneſſe: pea,
6 And note Hall be littyp mine head: abone mine the Lord hhaketh the wildernelle of Eanes:
ehentie? rony about me. 3 Whe voyce of the Lord maketh the Hindes te
7 Therefore wil Y offer in his dweſting an oblati⸗ bring forth pong, and vilcouercth the thicke bufheg + in
ott with areat laonen: J wil Gig and Speake prayſes his Temple noeth euery man ſpeake of his Honour.
vnto the Lom. 9 The Lorn ſitteth abone the water Roon: anv the
8 Hearken vnto mp voyce,D Lor, when J crp one Levremaineth a Kingfo? ener.
to thee : baue mercy ppan me; and heare me, zò The Low Mall gine ſtrength onto his peoples
9 Wy beare hath tatken of thee, leeke pe mp face: the Low Mall giue his people the bleſſiug of peace,
thy face Lorn will J ſeeke. Exalrabote Domine, Pfal.30.
10 D hisenot thou thy face ftom mes nez calkthy Yr Till magnifie thee, D Loz,forthou Halt lee me Morning
feruant away in diſpleaſure by: and not mave my foes to triumph ouer me. ¶ prayer
ru Thou hak bene mp ſuccour: leaneme not, neis 2 D Loz my Gon, cerpen vntothee: anv thorn
therforfake me,D Eni of mp fattration. halt heated mre, |
‘ro Anni Father and ax mother lorlake me: the 3 Mhow ow halt broug hemp fonte ont of Gel thers.
How taketh me bp. halt kept mp life from them thatgog Dorme tothe pita
| 4 Bug
gs Vi.daye
4 Sing posites bnto the Loyd (D pe faintsofhis:)
* * thankes to htm
ine .
The Plalines.
21 D hote plentiful is thp goodnefſe, which thor
foz a remembzance of his Hos Halt layde vp toz them that feare thee: and that thers
The vi.da

balt prepared foz thera that put cheir truſt in thee,euen

5 Foz bis wath endureth hut the twinkling of an befoze the Cornes of men ! i
epe, ana in bis plealureis life : heauineſſe map endure 22 Thou halt Hine them priuily bp thine owne pres
fo: a night, but top commeth in the moming. fence, ficm the pzouoking of all men: chou Halt keepe
6 Anba in mp prolperitie Viapo, Y Hall neuer he them lectetly in thy tabernac’s tro the ſtrike of tongues.
remoued: thon Loꝛd of thp goodneſfſe hadſt made mp 23 Thanks he to the Loz: foz be hath ſhewed me
Hill fo ſtrong. maruei ous great kindnelle in a ſtrong citp.
7 Thou diddeſt turne thpface (fromme: ) aud J 24 And mien J mave halte, J (aia: 3) am cak out
wag trouble. Of the figit ofthine epes.
8 Chencrved Jvnts hee, D Logo: and gate me 25: Neuertheleſſe thou heardelk the voyce of mp
onto mp Lod right humblp. paper: when F crped ento thee,
9 Uhar pofite ts there in mp bloon: when F gee 26. D loue the Lord all pee his Saintes : foz the
downe to the pit? Loz preleructh them that are faithfull, and plentes
` 10 Shall the bukt giue thankes bnto thee : o Mal oully rewardeth the proube doer,
it Declare thp trueth? 27 Ge rong ann be Hal ſtabliſh pour Heart: ad pe
tt Deare,D Lozd, and hane mercy bpon me: Lom that put pour truf inthe Low.
De thou mp helper. Beati quorum. Pfal.3 2. z
12 Thou haft curnes mp heauineſſe into iay: thou B= is be tobele pnrighteoulnee is forgtuen: Evening
baft put offmp Cackcloth,¢ giroen me with gladneſſe. cna whole finne ig couered. prayer,
13 Theretoze (hal euery good man fing of thp paile 2 Blelſed is the man bato whom the Lerd
witheut cealing: D mp Gor, F will gine thanks dato inputeth no finne: @ in whole Cpitit there igno guile.
thee foz euer. ` Foz while J helo mp tongue: mp boneg conlys
Inte Domine ſperaui. Pial.3 r. mcu awar thzoagh mp vaplp complapning.
12 thee, D Lop, haue J put mp truf, Tet mee neuer 4 Foꝛ thy hardis heauy bpon me Dap and night
be put to confulion: veliuer me in thp righteou neſſe. and mp mapfture ts like the draught in ſummer.
2 Wow dobine thine eare to mes make afte to 5. J wil! knowledge my fime vnto thee: and mine
deliuer me. vnrightecuſneſſe have 3 not try,
3 Ano be thou my ſtrong rocke , sna the poule of & J (ait,I]will conteſſe my finnes tnto the Lord:
Defence: that thou mapest tane me. aud fo thou fozgauelt the toi: ketnette of mp (ime,
4 Forthowart mp rong rocke, and mp cafe: he 7 Foz this thallenerp cne that ts godly make bis
thou allo mp guide, and leade me fo2 thp Names fake. parer onto thee in a time when thou mapethe founds
5 Daw meout of the net that they haue fai pet= E in the great water foods thep hall not come nigh
silp for me: foz thon art my Arength. on.
6 Futorhp hands F commend mp (pirit : foz thon 8 Thou arta place ta hide mein, thon ſhalt pres
Falk redeemed me,D Lor, thou God of trueth. ſerue me from trouble : thou Halt compalſe me abont
7 Y baue bated then that old cf ſuperltitious ba- with fongs of Deliverance,
nities and my truſt bath hene tn the Low. _ 9 GJwilenfszme thee,gteach thee ir $ wap wheres
8 Bwilbe glad, and reiopee in thy merep: fozthou in thou halt goe: ana J wil guide thee mith mine epe.
bag conlinered mp trouble, and alt knowen mp fonie 10 Bepe not like to hozle and mulc, whirh baneno
in aduerſities. vnderſtanding: whole mouthes muft hee holden with
9. Thou halk not Hut mee bp into the haun of the bitte and bridle,
leſthep fallvpen thee.
enemie: but haft tet my ferte in a large reome. 11 Great plagues remaine for the vngodly: bus
ro Paue mercp bpon mee, D Logs, for F amin toho fo putteth bis trut in the Lord, merey embzaceth
trowble: ano mine eye is conſumed foz erp Heauin: fle, him on euery ſide. ule and mp bony. j 12 Beſglad, D yee righteous, ant reiopce inthe
rs Formp life is waren olee with Heauinefle : ano Layo: and be ioyfull ali pe that are true of heart.
mp veeres with mourning. Exultote iuſti. Pfal 33,
12 Wp frength failerh me, becaule of mite iniquis R Eioyce inthe Lord,D pe righteous: for itberom⸗
tie: and mp honeg are contd. meih well the iuſt to be thankefull. -~
` r J became a repmoofe anong alf mine enemies, 2 Phnaile the Lorn with Darpe: Ex Waimes bita
but fpecialty ameng mp neighbours: and they of mine to bim with the Lute and ir-Grament of ten firings,
acquaintance toere afrain of me, anv they that ain lee | Sirg bnto the Loz a new fong:fing payſes
me without, conueyed themlelues from me. luſtily (onto him) with a goed courage,
14 Yam cleane fozgotten, ag a deat man out of 4 Foz the woꝛde of the Low is true: and all hig-
minte: J am become tikea broken befel. woꝛkes are fateh fill,
15 For J haue heard the hlafphemp of multitime· 5 Del-uethrightcouftes andiudgement: the earth
ava feare ig an euery Ane, while they conire torether -ig fall ofthe goodneſſe of the Lizma:
again meg take their countelf to take atay mp tife. 6. Bothe word ofpLoz were the heatuens mave:
16 But my hepe hath bene m thee, D Logo: F anv all the boftes of them Dp the breath of his mouth.
paue favn, Thonari mp GoD. { 7 He gathereth the taaters ofthe fra together. ag
17 Qp time ig in thp hand, teliner mefrothe hand it were bpon an heape: aud lapeth vp the uccpe apm
of mine enemies: and from them that perfecate me. atrealure Lone.
18 Shetsthp cruant the light
of hp countenance: 8 Letall the earth feare the Lome: fanu in awe
ann faue me for thp mercies fake. of him allpethat dwel in the waza:
19 Let menot be canfounner,D Lo2d,for J hare 9 #02 be (pake, andit was Done : he commanded,
called vpon thee: let che vngadly be put te confufion, and it ſtood faſt.
ann be pit te tience in the grane. 10 The Lom bringeththe counlet ef the heathen to
29 Het piring ttusbe put to ſilence: which cruelly, nought: ana maketh the deuices of tte people to be of.
aia airefully,g delvitelullx peaks againprighteous, nose cect, ann calketh out hecounfela or Prinres
u Ter
— — ee N °
he The Pſalmes. Theviidays
rx The counlell of the Lem Gall endure fog euer: * alther that
puttheir truſt inhim, all notbe te
anv thethoughts ef bis heart from generation tog itute.
neration. Iudcame Domine. Plal.ʒ 5.
12 Bleflen are the people whole Gov is the Lom Pe thou my caule, D Logo , with them that Morning
Jehoua: aus blefies are the folke that be haty cholen drine with ine: and fight thou againſt them that Prayer.
co Sint to be bis inheritance. fight agani me.
13 The Loz locken downe from heauen, anv be 2 May hand opon che Mhield and buckler: and Fann
Helv all he chiteaen of men : from the babitation -f his bp ta heſpe me.
oincHing ve conſidereth al them that dwel inthe earth. 3 Bang forth the (peare,anv Hop the wap again
14 Oe fafhionech al the Gearts of them: anb Saber them that perlecute mes fap onto mp oule, J am thp
Kanech all their wegkes. ſaluation.
15 There igne king thatcan be fauew by the mutt 4 Let them bee confounded and put te ſhame that
titude of att hoſte: neither ig anxmightie man deltue- ſeeke after mp ſoule: fet them bee turned backe, and
red bp much ſtrength. brought to confulion, that imagine milchiefe for me.
15 A hole is counten but a baine thing te fane a 5 ict chem bee as the dul before the winde: and
moan: wether Halt hee deliuer any man bp his great the Aneel of the Lon ſcattering chem.
ſtrength. 6 Let their wap be zake and flipperp: and Yet the
17 Behold, the epe of the Lord is bpen them p feare Angel of the Loz perfecute them.
him: atta port them that piit their truſt in Gis mercy. 7. Ferthep haue patiilp lato their net to deſtroy me
18 To deliuer their foules trom death: and to feeve without a caule : yea, euen witheut a caule bane thep
„them in che time of dearth. mave a pit
fo: mp foule.
~ x9 Dur toule bath patiently tarien Foz the Loz: fog 8 Let ad:nden deſtructien come bpon Him onae
“ Beis our helpe and our ſhield wares, ad his net that he hath laid patuclp catch Hime
20 Foz our Heart Hall reiopee in him: becaule we felfe: that he map fall into his owne mi.chiefe.
Gaue hoped ta bis Roly Fame. 9 And mp loule,beiopkull inthe Lozd: it Hail ree
21 Let thpmercifull kindnelſe (D Lon) be bpon iopce in bis faluatfon.
BS: like as we Doe put our trak in thee. 10 Al{mphones halllap, Low, whois like orto
Benedicam Domino. Pfal 34. thee, which deliuereſt the pooze from him that is tes
I THEN alway gine thankes onte the Low: His paile firong foz him: pea, the pooze and Lim that is in milee
fali ener be in my mouth. rie, krom Him that (popleth him.
2 Wp eme Hall make her boal of the Lom : the 11 Falle witnefle sin rife op; thep tapte to mp
Humble fhall heare thereof and be glad. charge things that 3 knew wot.
3 Dmail the Logs with me; and let bs magnifie „12 They rewarded me enill foz goed: te the great
his Mame together. pilcomfozt of mp forte.
4 Ylougheche Lord, and he heard me: pea,hedeli⸗ 13 Neuertheleſſe, when thep were Recke T put om
tered me ant of all my feare feckcloth, am Humbled mp ſoule with fafting : and mp
5 Toep had an eve vnto him, aud were lightened: paper Hal turne into mine otone boſome.
and their faces were not ahamed. 14 J behaued mp lfe ag though it had hene mp
6 Loe, the pooꝛe crieth,and the Loz heareth him: friend , 0? mp bzother : T went heauily, ag one that
pea, and laueth him ont of all bis troubles. məurneth foz his mother. ;
7 The Angel ofthe Loza tarieth round about them 15 Butin mine aduerſitie hep reiopced, and ga
that feare him: and deliuereth them, theren them together: pea, the verp abiccts came toe
8 D talte anv fee bow gracious the Lom is: blel⸗ gether egatrft me vnawares, making mowes at mee,
ſed is the man that trufteth in bim. and ceafed not, i
9 Dfeare the Lam ve that be his faints: foz thep 16 THith the flatterers were buke mockers: which
that feare Dim lacke nothing. gualhed bpon me with their teeth
10 The Liong dec lacke, ano luffer hiumger: but 17 Lom, bow long wilt thou looke bpon this: D
they tabich leeke the Lord, fhal want no maner of ching Deliner my foule from the calamities which thep baing
that is goed. on me,and my dealing from the Liong.
ri Come pe chimenandhearken onto me: F wii 18 So wil J giue chee thanks itt the great conares
teach yon the feare ofthe Lom, . gation: V till pzaple thee ameng much people, `
12 Mahat man is he that laſteth to liue,andwould 19 Dlet not chemehat are mine encmies triumph
Faine (ee good dayes: keepe thy tongue from eaill, ana ouer me bngodly: neither let them winke with theit
thp lips that they peake na guile. ; epes that hate me without a cauſe.
13 Elchew euil, noe genn: eeke peace, enfue it, 20 And whp? their communing is not foz peacet
14 Ehe epes of the Loꝛd are ower the righteous: hut thep imagine veceitfull womeg again them that
and bis eares are open inte thoir pzapetg. ate quiet in the land.
15 De countenance of che Loꝛd is again them 21 Thep gaped on me with their mouthes, ane Caids
that pee ei: to roote out the remembzance of them Fie on thee,fieon thee,wefato ft with our epes.
from the earth. x 22 Thig thou halk ſeene, O Loꝛde: holde not thp
66 The rightesis erp, ana the Loz heareth thems tongue then. goe not farrefrom me,D Loꝛd.
and deliuereih them out of all their troubles. 33 Awake and Rand bp to iudge mp quarel: auenge
17 The Low is nich onto themthat areca con- thou mp cauſe,my Goo and mp Lon.
trite heart: anv wil ſaue itch ag be of an humble pirit. 24 Junge mee, D Lord mp Gor, according to thp
13 Great are the troubles of the righteous: but the righteoutteffe: and Iet them: not triumph over me,
Foz deliuereth Him out of all, 25 Let them not fay in theirfearts, Where, there,
‘ :ave keepeth all his bones: lo that not one of thent fo toouly we haue ic: neither let them fap, 0e haue vee
¢ broken. worn him.
20 ‘But mifortune ſhall Tap the ongodlp: ann thep 26 Let them be put to confufon € ſhame together
Chat hate che righteous, Halve delolate. that refopce at mp trouble: {et them be clethed with ree
az She Lor delincreth che loules of hig feruantgs buke ang difforour that boaſt themle lues agsinſt iah
Th evii.days
j4 ThePfalmes. They
1l. day’
27 Let them be glad and releyee that fauour mp then great riches of the bngodly.
righteous dealing : pea,tet them fap alway, Biefler be
17 Fozthearmes of the vngodly ſhalbe broken: ana
— Lozd, which bath plealure in the paofperitie of bis the iom vpholdeth the righteous.
ruant. 13 The Lozd knoweth the napeg of the sngovlps
28 ana as kor my tongue, it ſhallbetalking of thp ana their inberitance Hall endure foz euer.
righteouſneſſe: and of thp payle all the Dap long. 19 Thep hall not bee confounved in the perilous
Dixit iniuftus. Pfal.;6. tines @ in the daxes of dearth thep ſhall Gaue enough,
B Heart ſheweth me the wickedneſſe of the vngod⸗ 20 As forthe sngodly,thep ſhall perifh, and the ence
ip : that there ig no Feare of God before his cpss. mies of the Loz hall confume ag tie Fat of Lambes;
2 Fez be Hlatrereth hinsicife in bes owne fight: bu- pea euen ag the tmoke hall thep confiume alway.
till Gis abominable ſinne be found ont. a1 The vngodly hozowerh and papceh not againes
3 The woꝛds of His month are vnrighteous, amn but che rightesus ig mercii and liberali.
full of neceit : be hath left oſfto behaue himlelte twitelp, 22 Such ag be tlefed of God, Halt poſſeſſe $lanos
and ta Doe goon, and thep that be curled of him, halbe rooted out.
4 Mcinagineth mifchtefedpsn his bed, anv bath 23 The Lov ordereth a goon mang going : and
fet himletfe in vo gsod wap 3 neither Doeth he abhozre maketh big wap acceptable to vimſelfe.
anp ching hat is euill 24 Though te fatl,he Hai not be cak aap: forthe
5 Copmerce(D Lozw)rcacheth onto the heauens: Load bpholoerh him with bis hand.
and thy faithfulnetie puta the clondes, 25 J baue bene poung , and now am eine: and pet
6 Thprigh:eoulnes ſtandech like the ſtrong moun- law J nener therighteoustortaken , Roz his leede bege
taines : thp Quogements are like the great deepe. ging their bzead. —
7 Thau Log pait Caue both man and healt: how 26 The rigbteous ig ence mercifull, and lendeth:
excelent ig thp mercp,O Gon: an: the chilozcnefmen anb his leed is bleſſed. ` x
Hl pet their truf vicer the Matom of thy wings. 27 Flee krom enill, anv doe the thing that ig goons
8- Thep Hali te ſatiſſied mith the plenreouinefe of and Divell foz encrmore. io
thp borsie sand thou Hali gine chem danke of thp picar 2g Foz the Lozd loueth the thing that is right: he
fures,as cut of the river. — not hig that be godiy, but they are preferued
9 For w'th thee is the well of lifer ann in thp light U2 Siter.
hall we lee light. 29 Cheriahteous hall be pim'fhen: ag foz the feep
19> D cantinue foz b chp lauing kinpneſſe onte thent- of the pigonlp,ir Halbe rcotes out.
tha: know thee: atta thprighreownefie vato chem that 39 The tighteons fhall inherit the land: anv ewel
are true of heart. therein foz enter.
11 Diletnor she foot of pride come againft mer and 31 The mouth of the righteous is erercifen in tie
let nor tee hand of the vngodlpraſi me downe. dome: and hts tongue willbe talking of iupggement.
12 rere are thep fallen (all) thar wozle wickens 32 The Law of his Go isin his heart: and hig
neſſe: they are caſt nomne ano fhaluot be able to fiand. goings ſhall not ſſide.
Nolizmulari, Phl 37: 33 The vn rodly leeth the righteoug : anv ſeeketh
Euening Ret not thp (elfe,becaule of che vngodly: neither oscafion to flay Him.
prayer. F thonenuioug againſt ihe euill doers. 34 Whe Lozd will not leaue Him in bis hamid s nog
' 2 Foz thepfhall leone be cut Tohme like the condemne bim when heteiutges, . }
gralle: and be witherco enen as the greene herve. 35 Depe thou in the Lod,ann keepe his way, ane
3. Put thou thy truſt in the Lom, be doing goons he hal promorerhee, that theu ſhalt poſſeſſe the lande
dwelt in the land, and verely thou ſhalt De fen. when the vngodly ſhall perih thon (halt Cee it.
4 Delight thou in the Lozd: anv be Hal gine chee 36 3 my felfe hare feene $ vngodly in great power:
thy hearts Delite, and kloriſhing like a greene Bar tree,
5 omnit thy way onto the Lezd: ¢ put thy truſt 37 Ana J went. bp an loe,bewas gone: Jfeught
in him.and be ſhall brins it to pafe- Dim, but bis place conto no where be fo sep,
6 He fhatl make thy righteouſnes as clears ag the 35 Keepe inmocenc’e, avn take herd onto the thing
light: and thy tuft realine as the noone dap. pintig right + fog that Had bing a man peace at the
7 Hod thee Mil inthe Lo matine patiently vpon
Hin : but griene not thy felfe at bim whole wap deeth 39 Asfor the tranfarcfloirs,thep ſhall periſh toges
pp per, axainſt p man that voeth atter cnifcounfailes, ther: and the end of the vngodly is thex Mall be rooren
3 Lease eiftrom tyzath and tet vo dt pleafure: fict oitt at the Talk,
not thp Scife. elſe alt thou he mored te roe enill: 40 But the fafuation of the righteous commethof
9 Hicken norra fhal he rooted cuts ant they that the Lora ; twitch is allo thea ſtrength in thetime of
patiently abine the Lord. thoſe Mall inherit the lana. trouble
ro Beta litle wile, and the vngodlyſhalbe cfeane 4: And the Lon Hal fann bythem, and ſaue them:
none: thou ſhalt faoke after his place , and he Ht he he ſhall veluer themfrom the vngodly, ann hall faue
way. them, becaule ther put their truſt in-home
i i Bit the mecke miriten Mall poſſeſſe the earth: Domine nein furore. Pfal.38.° i
anf] lhe ref eſhed inthe mutitute of peace. My it me not to rebuke (D Lom) m thine anger:
12 The vngodly ſeeketh counlaite againit the ink: Psr chaſten mein thy heauy pilpleature. Morning
amd gnafheth upon him with his teeth. 2Foꝛthine arrowes ſtiche fafi in me: and they player.
17 -CHe Lord Hall tanec him co fome: foz He barh pen packlerh me loze. 4
ferne that his vay is comming: 3. Chereisnohral:h in my fleſh, beczule of thy oth
The vngodlo haue rrateen out the ſword, aro pleature-: nether {g there auprcttinmp benes,byreas
“Sue henr their buts sto cel dobme the poore and vee· foitof mp Rune. ~
die andtLip foch as be ofaright connerſetion. 4 Fatmy wickednefſes are gone ener mp head: and
15 CThrir word Hall co theo igh heir onne Heart + are like a fog: burden tee heauie for me tobeare
gan their hot Hall be broker. 5 Wy wounds ſtinke and are compe : threugch mp
as Dorallrhiag hat therightrous ha hcs bettcr Lootlifhintis,
—— The Viii.days
The viii day. ThePfalmes.
. 6 Jam brought into fo great treuble and mileric: ag allmy fathers were,
that T go mourning all the day tong. 15 D tpare mee alittle, that Jmay reconer mp
. » Fog mp lopneg are fillen toiti) a loze diſeaſe: and frenigth : betoze J gs hence, and be no mog ſeene.
there ig no whole part in mp boop. Expectans expectawi, Pfal 40.
+ 8 Jam feeble and io {mitten : J haue roared foz Waited paticnelp foz the Lor : and pe cnelined pita
the berp diſquietneſſe of mp heart, to me, and beard mp calling, a
g Lom, thou knowelt all nip delice : and mp gro- 2 De bzought me allo out of the horrible pit,out of
ning is net hiv from thee. the mire and clap : an’ fet my fete vpon the recke, ang
to Wpbeart panteth, mp ſtrength hath failen me: ordered mp goings.
arn the fight of mine epes ig gonefrom me. 3 And He hath put a new ſong in mp mouth: euen
11 Qp lowers aud mp neighbours nid anv Iseking a thanklgiuing
ents our Goo.
bpon mp trouble: ana mp kinlemen oan akarre off. 4 Wanp ſhall (ce it, and feare: anv ſhall put theit
12 Thep allo that toughe after mp life, layd lvares truf in the 1620,
foz me: ann thep that went about te Bo me eni'l,talkcd 5 Bieflen isthe man chat hath fet his hope inthe
of wickedneſſe, andimagined deceit all the vap long. Loꝛd: and turned not vnto the prona
and toſuchas ge
13 Gg fox me, J| wag like a deafe man, anv heard about with lies,
Not: and ag one that is dumbe, which doeth not open 6 D Loz my God, great are thp wondereus works
big mouth. which thou Hak done : Lhe ag bee allo thp thoughts
. 14 became cuen ag aman that heareth net: anv which are ta bs- matt, and pet there ig no man that ope
in whoſe masth are no rep2roo‘es. Dereth them vnto thee.
. 15 Fozinehee,D Lord, haue put mp truf; thou 7 JE T wonld neclare them and ſpeake of them;
fal: anfwere foz me,D Loꝛd mp Gon, thep honn be mo then J am able tocrpzeile.
16 Ihaue requiren that thep (enen mine enemies) 3 Sacrifice and meate otering thou woul not
fhould not triumph ouer mee : foz whea mp oote Ript, haue: bur mine cares Halk theu opened,
thep reiopeed greatly againit me. 9 Burnt offerings anv Cactifice foz finne hak thon
, 17, Ano J| truelp am tet inthe noc required: then (aid J.Loe.J)conre.
Uitielle ie ener in mp fight. 1o Ju rhe volume of the booke it ig written of mre,
18 Foz J will confeile mp that J ouin kulfil chp wi.D mp Goo: Fam content
foz mp ſinne. te Doe ít pea tipLaw is within mp heart.
19 But mine enemies line, ak 1c Y baue Declared thp righteouſueſſe in the great
that date me wrongkullp,aremany nT er. congregation: loc Y wil not refraine mp lips,DLoz,
20 Thep allo that reward cuill faz goon, are againſt and that chou knoweft.
me: becauve 7 follow the thing that geod ig. 12 J baue vot hidde thy right eoulneſſe within np
21 Folake me noi, D Loz mp Gon: be not thou Beart : my talking path bene of thp tructh, ang of bp
farte froin me. faluation.
22 Wale thee to Gelpeme : D Lowe Gon mp fal- 13 J haue not kept dacke thp louing mercie ana
ation. trueth: from the great congregation.
Dixi,Cuftodiam. Ph! 39. 14 Mithat not thou thy niercicfrom mee, D
Daid, T till take heed to mp wapeg : chat J off.ny Lox : fet thp louing kinbneſſe and thp trueth alwap
Hot iit mp tongue. pꝛeſerue me. .
2 YJ wilkecpe mp mouth (ag it were with abridle:) 15 Fo innumerable troubles are come about me,
While the vngodly ig in mp ight.. mp finnes baue taken fuch holde Spen me , that Y am
hela mp tongue, anu (pake nothing: F kept i- not able to looke bp: pea, thep are moe in number they
tence, pea euen from woon w003, hut it was paine and the haires ofmine he d, and mp beart hath failen me.
grieke to me. ý 16 D Loan let it be thy piealure to Deliner me: make
~ 4 Wy heart twas hot within me,and tabile T was Hafte(D Lord)to helpe me.
huse muling, the fire kindled: and at the latt J tpake 17 Let them bee afhamed anu confounded together
with mp congue, yerſeeke after mp fouleto deffrop it : let chem be Dzie
5 Lorn fet me know mite end, the num er of mp en backward ant put to rel uke that wilh me euill,
Daies:that 3| map he certifica how leng | haue to liue, 18 Let them be de olate and retarded with Hame,
6 Behold, thouhaſt made my dapes ag it were a that fap vnto me : Fie bpon thee,Gevpon thee,
ſpan long : anv mine age is enen as reaching in reſpect 19 Let all thole that ſeeke thee.befopfill anv glad
et thee, verely euery man liuing ig altogether bant-ie. in thee : anu let fuch ag loue thy (aluation, fap alteap,
7 Forman walketh in a baine ſhadow, and vilquie- The Low be praplen.
teth himlelke in paine : he beapeth vp riches, and cane 20 Ag fo: me,3am pooze and needp: but the Low
not tel! tobo hall gather them. careth for me.
8 Andnow Low, what ig np hope:truely mp hepe 2a Thon are mp helper andredeemer : make no
ég enen in thee. long tarpina,D my Hen.
9 Delizer mef-om all mine offences: anc make me Beatus quiintelligit. Pfal.4t.
not a reuke puto the fooliſh. Be. is hee that conſidereth the pooze (and-nees
10 Ibecame dumbe,ann opened not mp mouth: foz rie: ) the Loz Hatt veliner him in the time sf prayer. *
it was thy nog. trouble, .
1c Fake thp plague away from me + Fam enen 2 The Lorn pꝛeſerue him anv keepe bim aliue,
conſumed bp the meanes of thp beanie hand. that De map be bleffeo Opan earth: and Deliuer not thog
12 Tuhen thou with rebukes noel chaffen man faz him into the will ef his enemies.
finne, thou makeſt his beautte to confiime amay like ag 3 The Lorn comfort him when he Keth ficke ppon
it were a moth fretting a garment + enerp mati there bis hen: make thou all big ben in Vis ficknefle.
fore ig hut vanity. 4 ¥ lain. Lozn, be merciful onte me: Healempoule, -
_ £2 Heare my nraper.D Lom, am with thine cares for J hane finned acainfi thee.
confizer my calling:bola net thy peace at my teares. 9 Wine enemies peake enil of me s when Gallbe
34 Foz: Zama lcanger with tice,and a ſoiourner: die, andpig name perife Pe
“Thevilivday. The Pfalmes. The ix. dayNÀ
6 And the come to fee me,hefpeaketh sanity: and 6 D put thp trut in Gos for Iwithperglue him
bis heate cõcciueth falthoos within pimlelie, ann when — 2 whicy is the helpe of mp countenance, and
He commer! foꝛth,betellech it. mp v ry d , F

7 Gil mine enemies whilper together againſt me ; Deus auribus. Pfal,44.

euen again ftme Doe thep imagine tois enll- Le haue heard with our cares, D Gos, Morning
8 Ler the lencence of guũtinelle proceene again out katt ershaue totoe bss what thou halt prayer,
Dim: ano neto that be lieth,fethim rife np so moze. - Bone in taeir time ofolde.
9 Bea, euen mine owne familiar frieno whom T 2 Pow chou haſt deen out che heathen with thp
truſted: which viv alo eate of mp bread, Bath layde andplantes them in: homthon halk veltropen the
great waite forme =- Nations,ana calf them-out.
= _ 10 Buthe thou merciful antome, D Len: taple 3 Forthep gate not the fans in poſſeſtion thꝛough
thet me opagaine, and J Mall reward them. their obone (wo-d: neither wag it their otne arme that
11 Bythis Y know thou kauoureſt mes that mine helped them.
enemie doeth vot triumph again me = -` 4 But thp right hand and thine arme and the light
12 And when Jam in my health , thou vpholdeſt of — + becaute thou haddeſt a fauour bre
Mme: and ſhalt
letine’ befare'thp face føt etier. to them. *
13 Blelled be the Lord Gop of Ilrael molo withe = 5 Hege artmyBing (D Gon:) fend helpe onto
Sut CHD: Amen. acob..
En a ) SQuemadnisdum. -Pfal. 42. . 6 Though thee will we suerthzow our enemies
jBee asthe Part delieeth the water bzookes: folone and fn thy Name wil Wwetread them vnder chat releby
geih my loule afterthee,D Goo. , agatnitys.
2. p lore is athirſtkoGod, pea; euen forthe lis -7 For Jwill not tra in my bowe: it is not mp
ting’ Gers when hall Ff come toappeare Detoze the ſword that fall helpe me, i
pretence of Gove E A S j 3 Buritis thoi that Cauck ss from our cremies:
Myteares haire bene mp meate vap ana night: and putteſt them re contuſion that hate vs.
white thep Dayly lav vnto me, CUhere is now thp Bods 9 Wlemakeour bool of Gon all vap tong: and wa
4 F2sw when i thinke thereupon,3 pamwe out mp praple thp; Aambtor exc.
Geart bp mp ſelfe: foz Jwent with the multitude, anv 10 Hjort art farre off, anv putt: o¢ te
braught chem korth into rhe pou? ef Goo. í dnd gard not fuzth With dur armies.
~ 5- Ju the bopee of pzaile and thanklgining: anong self DS to turne our Backes vpon eng
luch as keepe holyvap. “tothatthep which pate 03, (popleour goog.
⸗Tahy art thoirfullofheauineſſe,
(D mp ſoule:) > Thott letteſt vs to be eaten bp tike keepe: anv
and whp art thouſo diſquieted within me⸗· haft (catered vs among the Heathen
7 PBut thptruſt in Gov: for V will pet wine him 13 Thon leek thp people foz nought: and takelt
thankes for che belye of big countenance. na monep fo? them. :
= 8 Wp Gon, mp loule is vered within me: therefoze 14 Thou makelt bs te bee rebukes of our neigh⸗
wiy rememberthee, concerning the land of gordan, hours: te bee laughen te feome, and hav inverificn of
and the lide Hillot Dernion. them that are routa about yg. ig
9 Daederpe calleth another, becaule of the nople 15 Thou makeli vs tobe a byweꝛd among the heas
ofthe tweaterpipes: alithp wanes ans ſtornes are gone then: ana thatthe people hake their heangat os. ~
ouer me. 16 My confilion is dayly befoze me: and the Hame -
10" The Lome hath graumted· His laning kindneſſe ofmp face hath courted me. 3
on the dap time: and in the wight leaton nio J fing of 17 Forche bopce of the Lanverer anv blaſphemer:
þin, ana made mp pzaver vate the God of mplife. foz the enemie ano auenger.
Eas Y wiklapoute the God of mp ſtrength, why bak 1 3:Aun though all this he come spon vs, vet doc we
thon forgotten me: whp goe Ithus heauily, wylle the not korget thee: nor beh aue our ſelues frewaralp in thp
enemie oppreſſech meẽ? couenant
12 Op bones are mitten aſunder,agwith a lwo: 19 Dur heart is aot turned Dacke: neither our ſteps
ay mine enemies (that trauble me) cafne inche gone out of thy wap. .
teeth. 20 JQo not when thou Halk (mitten bs inte che place
3Name ly, wy"ile hey dayly fay vato mes where of — and couered Ds. with the ſhadewe of +

ig nos thp Boa? t death. :

14 Ahy art thou lo vexed.D mp foule: and why att 20 BP wee hane korgotten the Mame af cur Goo,
tho: fo vifquieten withiame 2? — and olden bp onr hands to any france gon: Haltnet
C5 Dpucespeeifkin God:kor T tail yet thanke him Gos learch it out 2 foz he knoweth che verp feer ets of
whieh ia the Helpeot mp countenance ant mp Gov. tHe heart. -
Tidicame Deus. Pral 47). r 22 Forthy fake allo are we killen all the vay long:
go Tue fentence with mer, Deon, and vefenn and are countea as fheeve appointed to he faine,
Feaneagaink th: vngodly people: D veituer mee 23 Cp Eem, why leepelt thous awake, ano be not
fromthe deceitfullandwicked man, alent Fram D3 foz euer.
2 Pv thou art toe Hodofmy ſtrength, toby hak 24 Wherelore hive theu thp face sanma korgetteſt
- on put me Eran chee: anv why gee J fo Heauilp, while out miſery ann trouble? .
the enemi? oppreilert me? 25 Fozourloule is hꝛought lobo euen onto the nuik
3 Den out thy light and ehptructh, that thep out bilip cleaueth ento the groimd. ‘
mp leademe;: and being medatathp Help Ht, andto . 26 Arile and helpe bs: and deliuer as fort hymer
‘thp ainciling. cies fake.
Aad thatYmay woe wto the altatofSon, euen- Eructauit cormeum, * Phal 45.
vbntothe God ot my top ¢ gladaes: ana vpon the Warpe Me heart is inpitingofa gaod matter: Y pesket
will I giue thankẽs vatothee,D Fon,mp Gav. L ithe things which J haue mave vnto thekmg
5, Chy art thou ſo heeuy, Dip foule: and vohy a 2s y tomtucist§ep ys alarcavp-toitter.
ant thau ſo diſquieted within me · 3 Thou art fairer theuche childzen ofmens fallf
“ 3 ThePfalmes. The ix day.
grace stethptips, becauſe Gov hath bleſſed tbee fo Omnesgemtes plaudiee. Plal.47-
euct, Tiap pour hands together, (allpe people:) O Euening
4 Giro thee with hp ſwoꝛd bpon thp high.D thou tog vnto Goo with the vorce of melodie. prayers
mot mighty: accoꝛding to ttp woelhip and renowme. 2 Fsrche Loꝛd is high, ane to befearee:
§ Seon lucke haue thou with wine yonour: ripe be is the great Ring vpon all the earth. i
on, besaule of the woꝛde of tructh , of meckenelle,
and 3 He Hall lubdue the people onder bs: any the nas
rightesntheile, ana thp right hand ſhall teach cheeter· tiong buger our feete.
sible hings. 4 He all chule ont an heritage foz os: euen the
6 Ghpartowes are berp Harpe, and the people worſhipofJacob whem e loued.
— lubdued vnto thee ; euen in the widdeſt among 5 Govig gone bp with a merp uople: aud the Lozo
e kings enemies. with the lound ofthe trumpe.
7 Why leate (O God) endureth foz euer:the feep» 6 D Gug praples,Gng papies vnto (our) Gon: D
terof chp kingdome is a right icepter. f fing papfles ting praples bito our King,
8 Showhaktloucd righteoultes, and hate iniqute 7 fo is the King of alltjeearth: Sng pe
tie : wherefore Ged(euen thp God) hath anointes chee pzaples ich vnderſtauding Pf
with the ople of glannefle aboue thp fellowes. 8 Govreignerh euer che heathens Geo ſitteth ope
9. Allthy garments ſmell of Wpzrhe , Aloes, anv onbisbolpfeate,
Caſſia: out of the Juoꝛie palaces, wherebp thep hane 9 he princes of the preple are ioyned onto the
mabe thee glad. people of the Gov of Abraham: foz Gon (which is bery
ro Kings daughters were among thp bonourable bigh eralted) doeth befend che earth ag it were with a
women: vpon thp right band did ſtand the Queene in ſhield.
a wees of golde (wonght about with diuers cos Magnus Dominus. Pial, 48.
Tours. Reat is che Loꝛd, and highlytete praplty: in th
ri Harken (D daughter)¢confer, encline thine citp of our God, eüen bpon hrs holp hil,
eare: forget allo thine owne people, and top fathers 2 he hill of ien is a faire place, anv the top of
ule· the whole earth: bpenthe Noꝛthũde lyeth che city of
12 Solhallthe king haue pleafure in thp beautie: the great Ring , Govig well knowen tn ber palaces,
Eo; be is thr Log (Gov) and wozlhip thou him. — ag a lure refuge.
13 And the daughter of Cpze hall be there with a 3 Foz loe,che kings of the earth: are gatheren an’
Gift: {tke as the rich allo among the pe:ple hall make gone bp together.
their pplication befoze thee. 4 Shep marueilen to lee luch things: chep were
14 The kings daughter is al glozions witbin: ber altonied and ſaddenly cat Downe.
clothing is of wꝛought golve j 5 Feate came there vponthem, and zow: as bp-
15 Sbe lhall be bꝛought onto the king in raiment ona woman in her trauatle
of needle worke : the virgins thar he her fellowes ſhall 6 Thou Halt bycake the ipsof the fa: though
Beare Her company, and ſhalbe bzought buto thee, the Eaſtwinde.
16 With top anv glapuetie (hail they be bꝛought: 7 Likeas we haue beard, fo Gaue twe ſeene inthe
and Gall enter into the kings palace. city of the Loz of hoſtes,inthe city ofour Gon: Gov
r7 In Gean of chp fathers thou Halt hane chilozen: vpholdeth the Came fo: eucr. ETS
hors chow mapelt make minces in all lands. 8 cUe wait foz thp louing kindnefie (s
18 J wil remember chp Mane from one generation the minves of chy Temple. |e
Site another: therefore (hall the people giue thankes 9 D God, acceding tuto thp Mane, is thy pzaiſe
brie thee worid without end. pnta* worlds enbes thp right hannigfull of tighte·
Deus nofter refugium. Pfal.46. ou 1g . Y ?

Dr is our hepe and drength: a verp prefent helpe 10 Letthe mount Sion reiopce andthe Daughters
in trouble. of Juda be glad: becanle ef thp fubgements.
2 Therefore twill we not feare though che earth be tr CUalke about Sion, and goe roumd about hers
5* and though the hilg be caried into the minnek and tell the towꝛes thereof.
& 12 Darke wel ber bulwarkes, fet op her houſes:
3 Though the waters thereof rage and iwN: ana that pe map tell them that come after,
though the mo-mtaineg thake at che tempelt otp lame, 13 Fox this God is our Gow foz euer and ener: be
4 Ghe riuerg of the fluon thereof Hall makeglad fhall be our guide vnto death.
the citie of Gon : che boly place of the tabernacle of the
moft Dighel. Auditehxc omnes. Pfal 49.
5 God isin the minven of her,therefoze Hal He not O Weare pe this all pee people: ponveritwith pout
beremoued: God Hall helpe her, and that riche earlp. cares ali pe that divell in the wozo.
6 The heathen make much adoe, and the kingdoms 2 High and low,rich and pocze: one with another.
ate mooued: hut Goo hath Mewen his voyce, and the 3 Wp mouth thal ſpeake of wiltome: andmp heart
earth Hail melt away. — fhalt mute of pnaerGanding.
7 The Loz of hofkg is with os: the Gov of Jacob 4 J vilencline mine eareto the parable: and Heto
is our refuge. mp darke peach bpon the Harpe. >
3 D come hither æ behold the workes ofthe Lon: 5 cdherekoze Mould Y fearein the dapes of wice
that deſtruction he path brꝛought bpon the earth. kenneffe: anv when the twickedneffe of mp becles coms
9 De maketh warres to ceale it ali the wold : be paſſeth me round about? y
Breakerh the howe, and knappeth the ſpeare in funder, 6 There be fome that put their truft in their goons:
anb burneth the chariots in the fire. ann boah themelues in the multitude of their riches.
10 Be til then, and knoto that J am Gon: Y will 7 “But noman map deliver his bꝛother: noz make
bes ma among the Heathen, and 3 wil he eralted in agreement bnto God foz him.
the earth. 8 Foz it colt moze to rede eme their ſoules ;fo that
2 1 The Low of poltes ig with og: the Gov of Jar He muſt tet that alone foz euer.
cob fg on refuge, 9 BRea, though peline longs anv fee not the —
10 fo
‘ The Pfalmes. The xday NN
- 96 Foz
beleeth hat tite met alo die, and peri 19 Thou halk let chy mouth ſpeake wickewnessand
together : ag wel as the igqnozant ant foolif}, ans leaue with 74— ee ienikek X
their riches foz other. 20 Coolateld g paket againtt thp brother: pea.
ze And pet thep thinke that their boules Mall contis anv paf flaubered thine pain, reik bine: FY
tine fer euer; and that their vivelling places Hall ens 21 Thele things haft theu done, anv J helve mp
Bure from one generation te another, and call the fangs tongue, and thouthoughtel wickedly that F am eneg
after their omne names. fuch a oneas thp felfe sbut T mil repzone thee, and fet
a2 SAeuerthelefle,man wil net abivein Honour: fee befoze thee the things that thou halt Bone,
fig he map bee compared unto the beaks that perih, 22 Dconliver thig ye that forget Gon: let J pluck
thts is the wap sf them. pou atap,and there benone te aelfucr por.
13 Ghis ts their looliſhneſſe: anv their poſteritie n a;B geste fs = thankes ano prap'e,bebos
papie their ſaying. r : aD to him thatogdereth his conuerfation
14 Thep lie inthe Hell like Heepe , death gnaweth right. will I thew the faluation of Gon,
bpon them Ethe righteons Hall Hane tomination oner Miferere mei Deus.
them inthe moming : their beautie hall confwme in H bal—— mee, D Gen, after thp great
the ſepulchre ont oftheir Bwelling. $ according tot Í
15 But Gon hath deliuered mp foule from the place cies Doe away jineveies. PEAST YEPE
of Hell : foz he Half receine me. 2 Taf me thzoughl y from mp wicketneffe: and
16 Benoe thou afrain though onebemave rich:oꝛ — * my ſinne.
ifthe gloz of his Douleheincreaten. ; 3,taFozme, ge mp
JIknowledge faults :anv my firme fg g
mp faults:
17 Foꝛ he Hall carp nothing away with him when
Be dieth: neither ſhall bis pompe follow him 4 Againk thee onelx haue T finnen, and Bone this
a8 Foz whileheliuedbecounted himſelfe a happy euil in thy ſight: that chow mighteltbeinftifien in thp
man: and ſo long ag thou noeh welt unto typ ſelfe, men feping and cleare tehen thon art inugen.
toill (peake gosd of thee. 5 Bedol, 7 was Hapen in wrckennefle: and in
19 We Hhalfolfow the generation ofhis fathers:anz Rane Hath my mother conceiued me, .
fall never Cee light. 6 But lor, thou requirel trueth m the inward
20 Wan being in Honour, hathttevnderſtanding: —* aud halt make mee to vnderſtand tuifepome
but ig comparer bite the beaſts that perih. ectetly
Deus deorum. Pfal 50. 7 Thou halt purge me with hyloxe and J Habe
De Loz, enen the moſt mighty Sov hath fpo. — then Halt wath mee,ane J fhall be tohiterthen
- ken: anv calien the world, from the ring bp of
A thelunne, onto the waing downe thereof. 8 Thou halt make me heare of i adnes:
3 2 one Dion hah Gon appeared : in perfect the bones which thou halt broken ahe ane
eautie. 9 Gurne chp face from mrp fires : and put out ald
3. Dar Gos fall come, aud ſhall not keepe Rince: my miſdeers. >
there ſhall gu befo him a confaming fire, and a migh· 10 Wake me acleane teart,O Gon : and renews
tietempelt Halbe ftitred op round about im. right oe withinme. :
4 De Hail call the heauen from abone : ¢ the earth, 11 me not aap from ces :
that be map inage bis peeple. not thybolySpirit frome. —— —
5 Satherap Satarstogerher
vnto me:thok that 12 gine me the comforto againe;
haue made a conenant with me, with Cacrifice. abli a with thp free ome TER
6 Aur the heavens Hali neclare bis xighteouſnes: h onto the wicked:
hp wayes
13 Then fhalt Fteac
for Goris Jurge himlelke. and finners halbe conuerted bnto thee.
7 Heare,D my people and J wi Speake: Iwy felfe 14 Deliuer me from bloon guiltinefle, Gov, thor
til ae againtt thee,D Iſtael, foz J am Gov, euen that art the Goo of mp health; and mptongue Hat-
yp God. fing of thp rightecufneffe.-
i 8 JwMnot repzone thee, Decane of thy facrifices, 15 Thou hatt open mplippes (D Lizo: )anomp-
o? for thy hurnt off-ings : becaule thep were not alwoy -month Hall het thp prapfe.
befoge me. 16 Foz thor veltrel tro Cacrifice s elfe world J wine
9 J wiltakeno bullocke out of thine Houle: nor hee - it thee: but thou velighteft not in birne offerings.
goats out of thy foleg, s 17 The facrifice of Gon is a troubled (pirit: abres-
ro Forall the beaſts of the foꝛteſt are mine: andſo ken ann contrite heart (DWD) ſhalt thou nor tepile.
are the cattels opon a thoufand hds. ‘ 18 De kauomable anv gracisus mto S teninin
tr Fknokw all che foules spon the mountaines: and: thou the walg of Dierulaien..
the wide heafts of the ficto are in mp ſight. 19 Then Halt thou be plealed with the facrifice of ©
12 It Ibehungrp. Jwilnot telchee: foz the whole tiohreoulneffe, with the burnt offerings aud obfariongs
world ig minean all that is therein. then Hall thep offer pong bul'ocks spon ihine altar.
13 Thinkelt chou that J willeate Bule keh rma Quid glonaris? -Pfa sz.
~ pinke the blood of Gante? VV Hp boaſteſt thou thp felfe, thon tyrant: thee»
14 Difer onto Gor thank frining: g pay thy bowes thou canft no miſchiefe?
batothe molt Higheſt. i 2 Whereas þgoorneg of Gop senoureth petdail,
t5 Aud prsi mein the time oftrouble: foteilJ] 3 Why tongue imagineth wickeruche: anv with -:
deare thee andthou halt prayle me. ties thoucutteſt like a harpe:rafoz.
oat ‘But Onto the vngodly favo Gon + hp toet ` 4 Thors halk loucd vnrightecuſnes moze then good⸗
a and takeſt my couenant in thp nefle: and te talke oflies mor then rigbreoutnefte.
-mot 2 $ Thoit haſt laued to (peake all ozs that map de
17 hereas thou batefttobereforney : and haft- hurt +D thou Fafe tongue: -
gall mp words behind thee. 6 ~Gherefore ſhalGon deſtroy thee fo ener: hemat-
18 Cethen thor ſaweſt athtefe thou confentenit on- take thee, andplucke thee out of thp dwelling, anaron? -
codim: aud ha bene partaker wich the atulers. thee cut ofthe land atthe liuing. Tie
— — $
“ghex. aye T The Pfalmes. Cxi
alteHall (ce thig and feare rand thereof milchiele
7 Tee righteous alfo aun ſorobo are inthemidrec ofit.
fhall laugh himto ſcoꝛne 103 dia _ 41 Bhichennetle ts therein: Deceit,
and guilegog
8 . Loe, this is the mati that toske not Ged fe: bis Not ont of their ſtreetes. - PA
ſtrength: but truſted vnto the multitude cf his richess 42, For ivig voranopen enemie that bath bone me
ann ſirengthened himſelke in his wicke dneſſe. thisdilbchoursfoathengcoulbbacebomeit, +
9 As fozme, J amitke a greene Oliue treeinthe 3 JD citer wag it mine aruerlasic ihat did mage
nife Hinieife agcin& me : forthen (piraamaue).g
Boule of God: mp trut is inthe tender mercp el Gav
foz evict and etter. weuld haue Gis mp feltefrominty oc. ey
-.10 Jw alwapes gine thanks bate thce for chat 14: Gut it tugs euen thoump companion: mp guive
thet Haft vone : and J will hope in chp Name, foz tip and miine owne famiitarfrtend.
Saints like it ell. 15 We tecke lweete ceunlell tegether: and walka
; _Dixitinfipiens.. Pfal. 53. in tbe boule of God ag frientg. ——
Euening T? ¢ kooliſh bodie hath lard in bis eart : there is 16. Let death come faltifp vponthem, and let them
prayer, no Gop. į goe Dowie quicke into hell: foz wickcBnefleisin theg
— -> 2 Corrupt are thep, and become abemina⸗ dwellings ann among them. ; f
Dic in thri: wickedness; there is nene that Doeth goon, 17 as kor me,Jwill call spon God: andthe Lom
3 Godlooked downe krom heauen vpen the chil- Mall laue me.
Denpfmen: to lee if there were anp that weuld vnder⸗ 18 Juche eucning e moming, and atnoone Day wil
Rany ann leeke after God. I pap, and that inftanilp: and be fhall heate mp vopre.
4 , Wut thep are all gone out of che wap, they are 19 Je is he that hach Delinered mp oule in peace,
altogether become abominable: there is alfonone rat from the battaile that wag againft me : fo? there wert
doeth good,no Not ene. many withme, sate ai
5 Gre not thep without vnderſtanding that wozke 20 Bea euen Gon that endureth foz euer, ſhal heart
Wickennes: eating Lp mp peopleas if thep would eate me, aid baing them Dotune ; fog thep will not turne, noz
bead ? thep Haue not called bpon God, feare Goo, ‘
6 Thep were afraid where no feare was: for Gon >t Dee lap his bans bpon luch as bee at peace
bath broken the bones of chem that beſieged thee, thou with him: and he bzake hisconenant.
ae put them te confuficn, hecaule Gov hath deſpiſed 22 The wows of his mouth were fofter then bite
S. ter, hauing twarre in fis heart: His mozog were Breos
. 7~ Db that the faluation were giuen onto Frael ther then ople.ann pet they he berp ſwords.
ont of Sion : of that the Loꝛd wouln deliver his peo» 23 D cak thyburchen spon the Lod. anv be hall
pie out of captinitie. nourth thee : and ſhall not luffer the righteous to kall
. 8. Then ould Jacob reiopce: anv Iſrael Houls be foz ever.
tight glav. 24 Ann asto: them: thouD Gon, Halebzing them
Deus in Nomine. Pfal.54. into the pit ef deſtriction.
i me. D Gon, korthy Names Cake s and auenge 25 The bloodthirltie and deceitful men Hat not line
me in thp frength. cut halfe their napes : neuertheleſſe,mytruft Hall be in
2 Weare mppaper,D Gov: ant hearken vate the thee,D Low.
worts of my mouth. , Miferere mei Deus. Pfal. 56.
Fo: ſtrangers are ritn bp again me: ¢tpantg E mercifullonto mee, D Gov, for man goeth ae Morniag
(which haue not God beſoze theit exes) ſecke aftet mp bout to Deuoure me,be ig Daily fighting and trou⸗
ule, bling me, prayer.
4 Beholn, Gedis mp helper : the Lew is with 2 Dire enemies are dayly in hand to ſwalloww me
then that vphole mp foule. ; bp : foz thep be manp that fight again mee, D thon
5 De hall reward enil onto mine enemieg: deſtroy moft Dighci.
thon them in thytrueth. 3 Mencrthelefle though J amlometime aftain: pet
6 An offering of a free beart will Jgiue thee, anv put 3] mp truſt in thee.
praile thy Mame OLog:)becaule it is le comfortable. 4 J will pꝛayſe Gor becaufe of his woꝛd: Y haue
7 Foz hehath veliuered me out of all mptrouble s put my truf in God, and will not feare topat flefh can
and mille epe hath !cene bis telre bpon mine enemies. Doe vnto me,
Exaudi Deus. Pfal.55. . 5 Thep Daily miake mp Wongallthat thep imas
H are mp paper, D God ; and hide not chy felfe gine,isto Doe me euiil.
from mp petition, 6 Shep holie all together, and keepe themielueg
2 Wake been butome, ¢ heare me: Loto J mourne ane : and matke mp Reps, when thep fap waite foz mp
in mp pzaper,and am bered. Bule.
3 The enemie crieth fo, andthe vngodly commeth 7 Dhal thep elcape foz their wickednes: thou (O
ott lo Falk: for thep are minded to Do me Lome milchiefe, God) in thy vifpleature Halt cal them towne.
fo malictouflp are thep fet againſt me. 8 Thou tellell mp Hittings,put my teares into thp
4 Bp heart is vifquteted within me: ann the feare Dottell: are net chee chings noted in thp booke?
of neath is fallen spon me. 9 Tubhenſoeuer V call vpon thee , then half mine
5 Fearefiulneile and trembling are come bpon me; Be Pa bee put to flight : this 3 know, for: God ig on
and an Hozrible nzead bath ouertalelmed me. mp fine.
6 any faim,D that J hav wings like a nane: foz 10 Tn Gons wow willJreiopce: intheLo
eben wona T fee atvap,and be at relf. two will Jcomkort me.
7. Loethen would Y get mee away farre off :ant 11 Beain Gor beue J put mp truſt: J Mill not be
remaine in the twileerneffe. afraid what man cen Doe buto me,
3 J woulo make balte to efcape : becaule of the 12 Cinto thee (D Gow) will J paymp bowes: bnte
flozmis winde and tempeft. thee will J giuethanks.
9 Dedtrop their tongues (D Lore) diuide them: 83 Foꝛ thou holt deliuered mp ſcule from neath, and
for 3 haue {pied vntighteouſneſſe and ſttife in the citie. mpfeetefrom kalling: that J map walke befoze Gon in
10 Dap anonight hep go about within the walles the light of the lining. .
Whe eet aeBe

he xi day. The Pfalmes. The

s, ` Miferere mei Deus. Pfal.s7. s Stay bp(G Low Gon of hells) ebou Gon of
- pE metetfull nto me,D Goz,be merciful puto më, Iſrael, to vilice all the heathen: and be not mercitull
toz mp toute traſteth t2 thee $ ann onner the ſhadow vnto them that offend et nialtcioug beickednes.
oftip nings ſhallbemp retuge, oneiil his txzannie be 6 Thep goe ro and fro itt the euening: thep grinne
otierpa like a Dog any run about thorꝛow the citie,
2.9 will call onto the moñ high Gon + euen vnto 7 peoe, hep lpeake with their mouth, anv
+ Gon that Hall performe the caule which 4 haue in {words are in their lips: foz who noeth beare?
anv. 8 Bat thon,D Low, Halt haue then in berikim:
‘3 De Hall lens from heauen: and ſaue me from the and thou Hait laugh allthe heathen ta ſcorne. l
tepzoofe of him that woulo cate me dp. 9 By irength will J acribe vnto thees for thor
4 oo fall fens koorth Hig mercp ann trueth ; nip art the Goa of mp refirge,
foule ig among Wyong. 10 God fheweth me fis goodneſſe plenteoully; anu
5 And Vite euen among the chilozen ofmen (that Gor Kali tet me fee mp Telire por mine enemies.
ave fet on fire: ) whole teerly exe fpeares and arrowes, is Slap them not leſt mp people forget tt + but
and their tongue a ſharpe ſword. fcatter them abzoad among the people, ant put thene
6 Set hpehpiclfe, D Gop, aboue the heaneng: dewneD Logo, our deſence.
and thp glory abone all the earth. 12 Foz the ſinne of their mou h, and fez the rags
7 hep hatte lapen anet for mpfecte, ano preen of thetriips, thep ball bee taken in their pride: and
Dotune mp loule: they haue viggen a pit befoze me, and why? theit preaching is of curing and lics.
ate fallen into the middeſt of it themlelues. 13 Contume them in thp marh, contine them.that
8 My beat is freo,DGen, mp heart ig fires: J thep map periff): and know thatit ts Goo which tuleth
will fing and giue praple. in Saceh, anb Onto ihe ends of the world.
9 Awakevp mp glory awake Lute and Harpe: Y 14 And inthe euening thep will returne: grime
mp felfe will awake right eatlp. like a dog, and ge about the citie.
to 3| will gine thankes bnto thee,DLow, among 15 Thep will runne here and there for meate: anu
the peopte:and J mwil fing tnte thee among the nations. grudge tf they be not facilites,
11 Fog} he greatnefle of thp mercp reacheth vnto 16 Ag fome, J twil Rug of thy power, will praile
the feaurtts sand chp truet unto the clouves. thp metcp Detimes tu the moming : foz hou baft bene
t2 Set op thp efe, D Gov, aboue the heauens: my Defence and refuge in the tap of mp treuble.
ann thp glorx aboue all the earth. 17 Mute thee (D mp Arength) will I fing + fog
Si vere vtique. Pſal 58. thou,D Gor, art my refuge, and mp merciful God.
A pot mindes fet vpon rightesuſnes, D pe con⸗ Deus repulifti nos. Pfal 6o.
gregation: and ta pe iudge thething that isright, ——— thou haft caſt vg out, anv ſcattetes bs a=
D pefonnesufmen? ` i broad : thou halt allo bene dipleaten, D tirne
2 Bea, peeimagine mifchiefe in pour heart tpon thee vnto bs againe.
the earth : and penr hands deale with wicke dneſſe. -2 Thou hak moued the land and diuided it: Geale
3 The vngodly are froward enen from their mos the fozes thereof, faz it ſhaketh. ;
thers tombe : affvone as thephebozne,thep go altrap, 3 Thoubal ſhewed thy people heauy things:thou
and (peake lies. Hak giuen ps a drinke ef deadiy wine.
4 Thep are aghenemoug as the poyſon of a Der- 4 Thou haft giuen ateken foz luch as feare thees
pent : euen like the neafe Adder that ſtoppeth er that they map triinph becauſe cf the trueth.
eared. 5 Gherefaze were thp beloued veliucred : helpe me
§ Wbich rekuſeth to Heare the voxce of the chars with thy right hand, and heare me.
mer : charme he neuer fe wiſelp. 6 Gon hath poken in bis holinefle, Y will reioyce
6 Bzꝛeake their teeth (D Bod) in their monthes, pe Divide Sichem: and mete out the valley of Sue
finite the chato bones of the Lpous,D Lor: let them cot a

fall away like water that runneth apace, ana when 7 Gilead is mine, ¢ Wanafles ig mine: Ephraim
thep Host their arrowes,
letthem be rooten eut. alfo ig the firength of np bean, Juda is mp lateginer.
Let them conſume atap like a naile, awn bee 3 Wabis mp wahhpot, ouer Edom toll J caf
tike the ontinelpfruitof a woman : and let them not eut mp fhoce : Philiſtia he theu glan of me, i
fee the limne. 9 Tho twil leade me into the ſtrong citie: who wi
8 O: ewer pour pots he mave Hote with thames: bigme into Ero?
fo let indignation bere him, euen as a thing that is 1o Hali thou not caſt og ont,D Sons wilt notthon,
tatu. D Gor,go ont with our hoſts? R
-~ 6 The righteous Mall reioyce when he fecth the rs D he thon our §eipe in treuble : fo: paine ig the
bengeance : He Hall wath his kootſteps in the bison of helpe of nan. s
the vngodly. 12 Though Gov thall we do great acteg:Foz itis
10 Sothat aman Ball fay, Terelp there ig a res bethat Hall trean votone our evemies,
ward fo? the righteous; doubtlelle there is a Gon that Exaudi Deus. Pfal.6 1.
iudgeth the earth. ; Eare my crying, D Gor : give eate onte mp
Eripe me deinimicis. Pfal.5 9. pzaper. , i
_ Euening i Eliuer mefrom mine enemies, (D Gon!) pez 2 Front the ems ofthe earth wit F call onto thee
Prayer, D end me from them that rifebp again me. tohen mv heart is in heeu neſſe.
2 © deliuer me from the wicked Doers: ana 3. © fre me bp vpon the rocke thet ig higher then
faue me from the bleodthirſty men. I: foz thou baft hene mp hope, and a ſtrong towe fog.
3 «For lee, they lie waiting foz mp oule: the migh⸗ me aginſt the enemie.
tiemen.ave gathered again me, without anp offence 4 J will dwell in thy tabernacle foz cuer: ana mp
62 fault of me,D Low. , trufi fhalbe vnder the couering of tipiwings.
4 They rune and prepare themfelucs Mithout 5 Foꝛthou D Lov, halk heard mp deũres:and paf
aafault ; arife chou thercfoze to helpe mee, and ber giuen an heritage bntothote that fearethp Rame., -
0, 6 Thou Hale grant the King along like: that hie
D peeres
he xu· day· ThePfalmes. ~ Thesiidays ·
reeres may endure froughuut allgenerntiong.» ~» 5 Thep courage themſelues in mifchiefeand com:
7 We thal owel befoze Gan fez cuer: D prepare thp mute. among themfela' shoto thep map lap Mareg, anv
lotiing mercy ana faithtulneſſe, that they map pre fap chat no man (all fee them,
ferue him 6 Chep imagine wickeonelle, and practi’ it:that
8 So twill J alwapes fing praple bunto thp Mame: thep kerpe teret among themfelucs, eirp man inthe
that 3| map dayly performe mp vowes. becpe of his heart.
Nunne Deos Pial 62. 7 But Goo hall ſuddenly Hhoote at chem with a
Z toute truely waiteth All bpon Gon; foz of ſwilt arrow: ihat they falte wonen, ns apt
Morning hime mmeth mp faluation, 8 Bex, their owne tongues Hall make them falls
prayer. 2 De verelpis mp ſtreng H and mp falna i fo much that who fo feecth them, all laugh them to
tions he ig mp Defence,fothat 1 Mall not greatlp fall, come,
Dow long wil pe imagine miſchieke againlſt ene- 9 Anvallmen that (ec it,hali lay, This hath Gon
rp mans. pe Hall be Azine ail the lugt of pou, pea, asa Dene: tor they Wall perceiuethatitisiis woke. -
tottering wall Hall pe beana like a Oeoken beage, 10 Cherighteous Halreispee in the Lozd, and put
4 Their deutee ig onelp Haw to put him cut whom Hetruf in him: and all chep that ore true of heart, pal
God Will evale : their delight is in lieg, thep giur goon be glad.
womg with their mouth but curle with thet Heart. s Te decet hymnus. Phalé5.
5 Neuerth lellemploule, wait thou Lil upon Gov; Dou,D God, art prailed in Sion; anr onto thee Euening
foz mp Dope ig in him. all the bow be perlormed in Hieruſalem. prayer
6 Metruelpis mp ſtrength and mp laluation : he ig 2 Thou that heare che peaper; vnts thee
mp Defence,ochat J Mall not fall, Hall ali Neh cone.
7 Jn Goris mp health and mp glez : the rocke of Bp mildeers pzeuaile againſt mee: of be thou
mp might, and in Goris mp truſt. merciful unto pur ſinnes.
8 D put pour truk in him alwaplpe people:)povne 4 Biei is the man whom thou chute and re⸗
out pour hearts before is our Dope ceiueſt buto thee: he fhal dwel in thy court,and Mhal be
9 As forthe chien of men, thep are but baine: latillied with the plealures of thp heule, euen of thy Pos
the chifogen of menare deceittull bpon the weights, tp Tempie.
thep arc altogether lighter then vanitie it Celfe. 5 Thou halt Hew ts wourerfulthings in thy righs
10 D tru noc in wong and robbery, gine not pour tedulneſſe, D God four aluatien: thou chat art the
ſelues onto vanitie: if riches increale, fet not pour Hope ofall the ends ofthe earth, and of them that re»
Heart vpon them. maine inthe baecn (ca,
rt Gon (pakeance andtwife : 3 Haue alo heard 6 hich in bis ſtreugth letteth falt the mourns
the famse,that power belongeth onto God. taines : ann is girten about with power.
12 And that thou Xom art mercikull: foz thou res 7 Thhich Lilterh he raging of the fea: ¢ thenopfe
wardelt euery man according ta big woke. of bis wam g, anu the madnelic of his pecple.
Deus Deus mens.. Pfal 6 3. 8 Thep allo chat dwel in the wtcermoit parts ef the
O God, thou art mp Gon : earip twill J feekethee, earth aibe afraid at thp tekeng: thou that makeli the
2 @Dp loule thirſterh foz thee,
my fich allo lon · outgoings of the moming and enening to praple tt ees
geth after thee ; ina barren and Dzie land, where no 9 Chon viltrelt the earth, anv bleek it: chou mae
water is. keltit pery plerteous.
3 Thus hae T looken fo: thee in holineſſe: that F to Theriner of Gon is kullofmater: thon prepa⸗
might behold thy power and glorp. teft thcir corne to? (o thou pꝛouideſt fo2 the earth.
4 Fo thy louing kinancile is better then the life r1. Thos watereſt ber furrows, choufendc it raine
it felfe : my lips-hall pzatſe thee. - into the little valleys thereof: thon makeh it loft mith
5 Aslong as J line will Fmagnifie thee on thig the dzops of raiue and bleſſeſt che increale of it.
maner: and lift bp mp hands in thy Fame. 12 Thou crswneſt the veere with thp roodnelle
6 - Wy loule Hall be ſatiſfied enen as it were with ana thp cloudes drop fatm fle,
marrow anv fatnefle : when mp mauth praplerh thee 13 Thép fhall ozp bp. nehe dwellings of the wils
with topfull lips. nernefle;: ar dthe little bile hall retorce on enery fide.
7 Hane J not remembzed thee in mp ben:gthought 14 The kolds Hall be fil of fheepe: the valleys alle
bpon thee toben J was waking? il Rano fo thicke with cone thar they ſhal laugh and
8 Becaule thou halt bene mp helpers therefoze vn⸗ ine.
bet the ſhadow of thp mings will I reiopce. S Iubilate Deo. Pfa! 66.
9 Wy Cole hangeth byon theesthp right hans hath Be torfullin Hod all pe lanag: fing praples onta
vpholden me. the honour of his Mame, make pis praple to be
1o Chele alo that (eeke the hurt of mp ſoule: thep gloz. ous F
hall gs vnder the earth, 2 Hay bute Gen, D holy wonderfull art thon in
rr Let them fall opon the enge of the lwo that thp wozkes: though the mreatnefle of top power Hall
thep map be a pogtion foz foxes. thine enemies he found {pars Onto thee. ;
12 But the Ring Hall reiopce in Gov, allhep allo 3 For all the tocalo hall worzſhip chee sling ofthe,
that Cweare hy hrm Hall he commended ;foz the meuth and prayle thy Name. À
ef them that peake lies, Malthe ſtor ped. 4 MD-come hither, anv behold the workes ofGod;
“< Exaudi Deus. Pfal.64. Dow wonderkull he ig in His Doing toward the chilogen
Eare my tapre, D Gov. in my prayer : pre“erue of men.
tny life from feare of the enemie. 5 We turned the fea inte mie fann : lo that thep
2 Dive me from che gathering together of the fro: wt though the water on foote, there Did Loe reioyre
ward and fren the infurrection of wicked Beers. thereof,
3TAhich ane whet their tongue tike a ſwozd:and 6 He ruleth with hie potier for ener, his eves hes
Moot out their arrowes, enen bitter words. ho'n the people : ana fuch ag will not { cleeue, hailnot
4 That thep may prinify Hoot at hin which tg per be able ta cvalt thentelues,
fect:Givdentp do thep Hit Pins, and feare net, 7Opꝛaꝑle dix Goo (pe people:)
¢make rhe WE
of bis prayle tə be bear,
3Tlkich boldeth our Conte infife: anu Caffragh not
our feete to Hcp.
9 SForthou(D God) halk proed ve: thou al’ hak
The Pfalines.

13 Chough pe haue lien amongt e pots, pet Hall

ee be as the wingsof a Doue : that is coucied with
iaerwigs and ber feathers like geld. ;
The xiii. day
comfiten: and they ofthe houſhold diuided the peple,

trict bg (the as Giner is tries, 14 bentie Almighty ſcattered Kings fe: thete
19 Choutroughtel vs intothe fare: and lapenk fake: then toere thcp as white as mew in Salmon.
trouble pon our loynes. 15 Asthehilof Balan, loig Gong Lil: euen an high
- 14 Chou lsfFerenft met to ride ouer our heass;we Hill,as the bill of Galan.
went through fire and wates, and thou broughtelt vg 16 Tahy hop pe fo pe high hilg: this ts Sons Hill,
out iuto a wealthy place. in the wb:ch it plealety Yim co owel: pea, the Loꝛd wil
12 J wil gointa chp houſe with burnt offtings: and abive tn it foz cuet.
toil pap thce mp bowes twitch F promifes with mplips, 17 Ube charets of Gcd are twenty thouſam, euen
ana fpake with mp mouth when Y was in trouble. thoufenns of Angels : aud the Lord is emong them ag
13 3 will offer onto chee fat burnt Lacrifices, with tu tLe holp place of Sinai.
the incenfe of rainmes: Jwil offer bullockes g goates, 18 Chou art gare bp on high, thou halk led captinte
14 D come hither 4 hearken alipe that feare Goo: tie captine,and recciner gitts io} mens pea,enentezthp
and J pull tell pon what he hath pone fez mp louie. enemics,that the Leꝛd en might dwoell amorg them.
15 3| calet ato him with mp mouth:and gane him 15 Pꝛailed he the Loz vapip: cucn the Gon which
prapies with mp teng ue. Helpeth vs. and potwzeth his hen fits bpon bs,
+6 YET incline vnto wickedneſſe with mine heart: 20 Heis our God, euen the Sod of wjomcemmeth
the Lom will not heare me. faluation : Gon is the Loz’ bp whem twe efcape death.
17 Gut God hath heard mes and conſidered the 21 God pall wound the head of his enemies: ana
voyce of mp paper. the bapzie {calpe of fuch a onc as goeth on fill in bis
68 Bravien bee Gov which hath not caſt eut mp wickednelſe.
paper; noz turned his mercy from me, 22 ‘The Low bath apn, Y will being mp people as
Deus mifereatur. Plal.6-7. 3 gaine,asZ div from Balan: mine ore will¥ bring
Od be meriin ento 22, and blelebs + and Mew againe,as Y cia fometime from the veepe of the fra,
A Soe the light of pis countenance, ann be mercitill 23 That thp fe. temap Lee sipped m the blocd of
buto bs. thine enemicg: and that the tongue of thy regs map
2 That thy wap map bee knotwen bpon earth: thp he red thz2ough the fome.
feuing beath among all natiens. 24 It is well ſeene,D Gon, how thou goeft: how
3 Lct the people pzaple hee, D God: pea, let all thon mp Gon and King goek in the Sanctuary.
the people prape thee. 25 The lingers gee besze, the minſtrels foilewaf
4 Dletthenations reioyce anv be glad: for thon ter: inthe middelt ace Lhe Bamolels plaving with the
Galt iudge the folke rig: teoufly, ans gouerne the nas timbzels.
tious vpo cart). 26 Giue thankes.D Iſrael, onto Gor the Lewin
. 5 Let the people pzaple thee, D Gon: let all che the cong: egationg :fromthe ground of the beart-
people parferhee. 27 Where is little Beniamin thes ruler , ans the
6 Chen Mal the carth bring fozth Her encreafe: anv Pꝛinces of Juda their counlaile: the princes ef Zabu⸗
Gos, euen cur cone Gav, Hall giue vs his blefling. Ion,and the pinces of Mephr helt.
7 God lhall blelſe va; and all rhe enug of the woꝛld 23 Thy Eed hath lent forth ſtrength foz thee: ſta⸗
hall feare Him. bliſh the thing,D God,that thou hak bought in os.
Exivgat Deus. Phl 68. 29 Foz thp temples Cake at Terulslems lo thal kings
Morning Et Gon arie, a ler his enemies he {catterev: haing peefents Dato thee.
i let them allo that hate him, flee befoze him. 30 Thea the company of the ſpearcmen, and mule
2 Like asthe ſmoke vanicheth,ehale thou titude of the mightie , are {caticred abroad ameng the
Buue chem away: and like as ware melteth at the fire, beats of the people (fo that hep bum lxtzing pieces
folet the vngooly perifh at the preience of Goo. of ſiluer:) and tahen hee hath ſcattered the people that
3 But let the righteous be glad âna reiopce tefoze delight in warre.
Gon : let them allo be merp and iopfull. 31 Then lhallthe princes come out of Egypt: the
4 O fing vnto Gon, and fing praples onto big Boꝛiãs land thal ſoone firetchout her hants vnto Sod.
ame: magnifie him chat reth epon the heaucns as 32 Sing bute Gor, D pe kingdomes of the earth z
it were bpon an hoꝛſe, pzavle Dim in bis ame, pea, D Sng prarles onto the Low,
and reicpee {efoze him. 33 Qabich fitteth in tbe heauens ouer all from the
5 He is a father ofthe katherleſſe, anddefendeth the beginning;: toeheDoeth fend out his popce , pea, and
caule of the widowed: etien Gos in pis help habitation. that a mightp Lopere,
6 Deis p Gos that maker) meu to be of ore minde 34 Accribe pee the poter to Gon ouer Frael: hig
inan Houle, q byingeth the priſonets out of captiuitie: tofbiy and ſtrength is inthe cloudes.
but lettech the rannamates continue in ſcarceneſſe. 35. D Gon, worderful art thonin thp holpplaces +
7 D Gaz, when thou teenteft forth befoze the peos
euen the God of Theael, he will gine ſtrength epotver
ple: when thou wenteſt though the wiltderueſſe. bunto hic people, bleſlſed he Gov.
8 The earth Hooke, and the heauens popped at Saluum mefac. Plal 69.
S™= me,D God: forte waters are come in, euen Euening
the prefence of Gon: ry:n as Sinai alſo was moued at
the prefence of Gon, which is the Goa of Ilrael Snta mp ſoule prayers
9 Thou,D Gon, lentea gracious rainc ppon thine 2 -Y fticke faft in the deepe mpze where no
inberitance : and tekteſhedſt it when tt was wearp.groundis: Jam come inio deepe waters, fo that the
10 Thy cengregation hal! dwelſtbcrein: for thou, floods ranne ouer me,
DGod halt of thy goodnelſe prepared Foz the pooꝛe. 3 Jam weaty of throte is dp: mp fight
_ 14 The Loz gaue the mow :great wag rhe com> faileth ne foz waitivgCelong vpon mp God.
panpotthe preachers. 4 Thep that hate me without a caule, are moe ther
12 Rings with their armies did Mec and were die the haites of mp beads they that are mine enemies,
Dz i ana
F The xilisday. - ThePialmes, The `

and wouls Delroy me guiltleſle

aremighty. Juda: chat men map dtuct chete, haue it in polſeſſien.
5 J paped them the things that ¥ neuer taoke t 37 The palterity allo of His teruants Mall inberite
Gon thon knowelt my Gimplenelte, ana my kaults are it : and thep that loue his Mame, Mail atuell herein.
not hid From iher, Deus in adiutorium. Plal 70.
6 Let not them hat trulk in thee, D Lem Gon of Her thee, D Gon,todeliuer me: make haſte to
hots, beahamed foz mp cauſe : let not thole that fecke - T Aadelpeme,D Low.
-theebecdfounnen though me,D 2 ozo Gon of Iilrael. 2 Ler them be afhamed ana confounden that ſeeke
7 And wp? fo thy lake haue F fiiteres reposte: after mp oule: lee them de turned backward and put
pame hath coucted mp face, - to confulton that tail) me enil.
8 Gam become a ſtrauger vnto mphzethzen :enen 3 Let them (fo: ther reward) he loone bought to
an aliant bato mp mothers cyilozen. ` ſhame: that crp ouer me, @ bere, there. i
9. Fory seale of thp houſe hath enen eaten me: and 4 Butit all thote that ſeeke thee, be iopfull anv
the rebukes ok them p rebuked thee, are fallen opon me. glad in thee: anv let all luch as delight in thy ſaluati⸗
10 J| wept andchaſtened mp felfe with falting: anv on lap alwa, The Lor be pravteo.
that was turned to mp reproofe. 5 Asfor me, Tam pooꝛe and in milerie: halte thee
rı Iput ena fackclorh ato: x they iefted opon me. bontom (D God.)
12 Thep that fit inthe gate peake againſt me: and 6 Thowart mp helper ano mp redeemer! D Lord
the Dumka: 82 make ſengs npon me. make no long tarping. >
13 Hut Lown,Fmake mp praper vnto thee: inan InteDominefperaui. Pfal 71.
acceptable time. A thee,D Lor. haue T put mp truit, fee me neuer Morning
14 Peare me,D Gad, inthe m leituve of thp mer- [: put to contafion: but ria me,gdeliuer mein thy prayer.
sie s cuen inthe tructh of thy Caluation. righteoutnes encline thine care vnto me,tfaue me,
15 Wake me out of che mire,that Jſinke rot : ob let 2 Bethou mp rong hold, whereunto J map alway
me be deltucren from them that hate me, and out of the rent: thou hal pomika ta Helpe me, fog thon art mp
deepe waters. heute of defence, ano mp calle.
16 Letnot the water klood mowe me, neither tet 3, Deliuet me.D mp Ged, out ofthe hand of the bia
the neepe ſwalloew me bp : ann {rt not the pit Hut ber goulp: out of the hand of che berighteoug & cruel man,
mouth ovon me. 4 Foz thou D Low Goo, art the thing that J long
17 Meare me, D Lom, fo: thy louing kinneſſe és foz: thou art mp hope euen from my pouth.
cam otable : turne thee buto me,accogving tothe muls 5 Throng) chee 3 have bene Howen bp ever Mee
titnoe of thy metcies. J was borne: thou att he that teske me out of my mo⸗
13 And hive not thy face from thy feruant, kor ant thers wombe,my pzaife ſhall be alip of hee.
in trouble: of Hae thee,aud beare me. > 6 J am become as it were a moniter mto many?
19 Diaw nigh onto mp loule, and Cave it + of geli but my ture truſt is in thee.
ter me, becaule af mine enemies. 7 Diet mp mouth he files with tby pape: (that
20 Thou hañ knowen mp reprsofe, mp Hame, and J map fing of thy glory) and honour allthe vay tong.
nip diſhonour: mine aduerfaries ave all in thy ſight. 8 Call me tot away in the time of age: fozfake me
21 Tip rebake hath hoken mp heart, J am full of not tohen mp ſtrength fatleth me.
heaitelie: J looken for fome to haue pity on me, hut 9 Formije enemies fpeake againſt me , anf hep
there was no man, neither found J any to cemfert me. that fap wait foz my fou'e,take their counil together,
22 Thep gaue me wallteeate: ant when J tas ſaying: Gon bath forlaker hin, perfecute him, and
thirftp,thep gaite me sineger to drinke. take him, fo? there ig none to b-liner him.
23 Let their table be mavea fnare to take thems 10 Gpe not farre fiom me,DGon: mp Goo bake
felues withall: æ let the things(that ſhould haue Gene thee to helpe me,
for their wealth) be onto them an occafion of falling. 11 Letthembe canfounnedand periſh. that are a⸗
24 Let their eyes he blinnes that thep fee not: anv gainſt mp foule: fee them be couered with Hanie and
euer bow dewne their hacks, vifhonour that ſeeke to doe me euiſl.
35 Powe out thine indignation vpon them: ann 12 Asforme, J twill patiently abive alway: and
ket thy wꝛathkull diſpleaſure take hola of them. will peaple thee moze and moze.
26 Let their Habitation be voyde: and no man to 13 Wymonth hallsavlp peake of thp righteone
dwell in their tenis. nefe ano ſalnation foz V knot na end thereof.
27 Foꝛ they perſecute him whom thou halk (mitten: 14 J wil go forth inthe ſtrength ofthe Lom Ges?
and they talke how they map vexe them whom thon and will make mention of thy rightroulneſſe enelp.
pafi wounded · 15 Thou, D Bon, haſt taught me frö mp pouth op
28 Wet them fall from ove wickedneſſe to another: vntil not: therefore wil Y tel ofthy wonderous works
ano not come inte thp righteouſneſſe. 16 Forlake menot, D Gor, in mine old ade, mhen
29 Let them be wiped out ofthe booke of the lis Zam qrapheared: vntill Jhaue Hemen chp Frenged
ning: ann not be witten among the righteous. bite this generation, ann thy power to all them that
0 As faꝛ me, hen Y am psor ann in heauineſſe: are pet for ro corte.
thp helpe (D Hon) Hail lift me oy. 17 Thy righteouſneſſe, D Gon, is very high: anv
3 Wwil mai the Mame of Gon with a ong: and great things are thep that thon hatine,D Gov, whe
_macnifie it with thankeſgiuing. ; p ig like mto thee? aie
32 This allo hall pleale the Lew : better thena 18 D what great troubhles and apuerftfes halk thor
— bulfocke,that hath bomeg and hoofeg. ſhewed me, q pet diddeſt thou turne & refrefh me : pea,
32 The humble Hallconfiner this, he glan: ſeeke ana bzoughteſt me from the decpe of the earth agame,
pe afcer Gov, and pour foule Malline. 19 Thor hak bought meto great hondir: € comp
34 For the Lom hearcth the pooge: anv deſpiſeth korted ine on euery ſide J—— on iat
hot his pi ſoners. 20 Therefore tilt T prape thee and thp fatrhfute
35 Let heane ann earth praile pim: the ſea, and all nelle (D Ged) plaping bpon an inſtrum ent of muſicker
that moueth therein. ; vnto ther will F ſing vpon the Parpe, D theu holy one
36 Foz Gon will (ane Sion, anv buila the cities of of Jael, ; i
z: y
The xiũ.day. The Pfalmes. ryhe xiiiiday.N
20 Dp Ups will be faire when
FTirg onte chee: rr Tuf (fep they) toh Menld Ged perceine it sis
and [e tot mp Coule, whom then beft deliue red. there Fnowiedpe inthe meh DigheL?
22 Wp congue elſo ſhali tatke ot thprig btreuſnes £2 Loe, thele ere the vngodip, thele proſper in the
athe nap long t foz thep are confounded ant brtught toorn, and thele have ricl es ir politficn : ai t- J legd,
bnte Mame that leeke to Doc meenill. Then haue F clentct my beartin vaire aks we i et mp
Dens iudicium. Pfal.72,. ‘ harts in mrocencie,
@ G Que the King thy iungements (D God:)evn thp 13 AN tbe pap lerg Laue 3 bene pur Meo: and
Srighteoulnes onto the Kings forme. chalicned everpreming.
2 Then Halheiurge th: peeple accordirg tnte 34 Bea, ard J Vedaltnch lept een ag tbheps Ene
tight: and Defend the pooze, lotben Hoult J bane conte ned the generction of chy
The mountaines alle Hall bring peace; and the children.
little bils righteoulnes vnto the peeple. 15 Then thought J tobnderard this; but it wag
4 He Hhalkecpe $ fimple folke bp their right: befend too bard fo? me.
che chilozen of the pooze,and purifh the te:org toer. 16 Cintil J Lorne into the Sanctuary of Ced: then
5 Thep hallteare thee ag long apthe Surne and bnderſtood 3 the end of hele men.
Hrone enoureth ; from ene gencration to another. 17 FAamelp, Hew then toch fee them in ſlixperie
6 He hall come dotune like theraine into a frece places: ant caftch them tobne,end deſtroyeſt thom.’
af wooli : enen ag the derps that water the earth. 88 Db hew lut denly doe they conlume: perih and
7 In his time Hall the right eous floiriſh: yca ard come to afcarefull ent?
abimdance of peace lo long ag the Woone rndurcth· 19 Pea cuenhkees argcame when one atrekeths
8 Dis pominion hall bealfo from the one fra to the fo fhalt thon make their image to banifh out of the citie,
other : and from the flood byto the wots rnd. 20 Thus mp Heart as gricued sand it went eua
9 hep that tiell in the wilderneſſe Hall bneele through mp teines.
before bim : big enrmies hall lick the Dull. : 21 So foelifh was J and ignozant: euenlas it were
10 Che kings of Tharfis and of the Flee ſhal gine a heafi befoge thee,
prens : the kings of Arabia ant Gaba Wall bing 22 Neuertheleſſe F am altray bp thee : foz thou
gitts. bak Holder: me hp mp right hard.
tr Allkings hall
fall devzne before him: allnations 23 Thou fhalt guive me with thp counſel:and after
Wall nee bim fernice. that, reckise me with plep.
12 Fez be Hall veliner the peore when hecrxeih: 24 Tihom pane F in beaten but thee: ant there ts
the needy allo and him that hath no helper, none bpon earth het F vefire in com parilon of thee.
13 De hall be fauonrable tothe €mple anv neeite: 25 My fich and mp heart Fatieth : but € od is the
and hall preferue the fouled of the poze. firength of mp beart and mp poztien fog ener.
14 De hall peliuer their ſoules frem falſheod anb 26 Fozlo.thep that forſake thee. Hal periſh theu balk
wꝛong: and neare Mall their blocd be in his fight. deſtreped all them that comit fomication ¢ gaint thee,
15 Deal liue, and vnto him Mall be gtucn of the 27 ‘But itis goed fo me to holt mefektp Eod,to
goln of Mrakfa : paper fhall bee made euer buto bim, put my treft in the Iod Eon: ant to ſpeake of alithp
and vapip fhall be bepraiſed. , toepkg in the gates of the daughter of Sion,
16 Chere halbe cn Hee pe'of come in the earth Ligh Vt quid Deus? Pial 74.
bpon the Dilles: bis fruite hel hake like Libarus, and O Gov, voherckoze art Fou aklent frem be foforge
albe greene in the citie like graffe bpen the cart. why ig thp wath (o hot againt the Herpe of thp
17, His Mame Hall endure fo? cust,bis Mame Hall pallur? Ea
femaine bnber the Sunne emong the peſterities: 2 D thinke bpon tép PI HA: whem thon
woich at bleffen thzongh bin , ane all the Heathen haſt purchaſed and redeemed of oim,
pz m
im. 3 Thinke bpon the tribe of thine Inheritance;and
, 18 Bletlen be the Low God, enen the God of FC mount Sion b berein thou heſt dvelt. .
tael s mhich onelp Doeth wonderong things, 4 Rift rprbpfeete, that thou mapeſt vtterip ves
19 Aro bleſſed be the Mame of his maieſſyfor euer: flrop cuerp enemies & hich hath done millin thy Scne⸗
—*all the earth ſhalbe id with his Waielp, amen, tuarp.
“n. 5 Thine avuerfaries roare in the middeſt of thp
Quam bonus Ifrael Pfal.73. congregations : and [et tp their bannersfortekeng,
Euening Ruelp Gov is loning vnto Iſrael: enen onto 6 He that Hewes timber. afoze out of the thirke
prayer. {uch os sreof a cleane beart. trees: mag knowen tebzing it to an excellent worke.
2 Neuertheleſſe mp feet were almoſt gone: 7 But now they breake dewon all the carued kyozke
mp treadings had teeiniah Nipt. thereot:with Axes and Hammers. ©
3 And why? Vwag grieued at the wicked: J doe 8 Shep hase {ct fire tpon thy belp places : anv
allo (ee tke vngot lp An—— haue defiled the dwelling place of thp Rame, enen bite
¢ Foꝛ tbey are inno perill ofdeath; but are luſtie to the groun’,
amb Grong. 9 Bensleyfapt in their Gearts, Let og make bas
5 ey come in na milfortune like other folke: peis uoke of them altegetder: thug haue thep burut bp all
ther are they rlagued like other men. the teufrscf God inthe lann,
6 Anotbigis the caulethat hep be ſo holden wah 10 We fee not ourtokeng, there ig rot one Peꝛo⸗
pride: anv cuerwhelmer with cruelrie. phet moze: no not one ig therc amongftvs that vnder⸗
7 heir epes(toel with katneſſe: and they vo cuen fiandeth any mee. y
what thep tutt. rc D Gor, bow long Mall the aduer'aryp tor thig
8 Chep cogrnpt other, ant ſpeake of wicked blat piftoncrie : bet long Mell the enemie blapbeme thp
phemie cheir tolking is eqainft the moft Hight. Nme, foꝛ cuer?
o Foeztkepliectch foeth thelr mouth bute the prae 12 CH hp withdraweſt thon thy Band: wp pluckeſ
Mens ake their tougue goeth thot the world. net thou thp right Land ont of thp doſome tocenſume
10 Chere foze fail the pecple vnto tlem : and theres the enemic? : i
out lucke thep no final at uantage. 13 Fo Gov ismiy Wing of olds the help that is tone
D3 vpoꝝ
| Thexyday. sdi ThePfalmes.’ ©
vpon earth be doeth it himfelfe. 9 Uhen God arole to hrogement: andtohelpeal
14 Thoun dindelt dinide che fea though thy power: the mecke vpon earth.
thou brakeſt the heads of the Dgsrong in the waters. 10. The fiercenefle ofmat Hall turne to thp pratle:
15 Tuon moek che heads of Lertathan tn pie- and che ſiercenelle of them halt cho reftaine,
ceg : ana gaueſt him to be meate tog the people in the tx Pomi vntathe Lom pour Goo, anu keepe it,
wildernelſe. all pe that bee round about him: bring pzefents bunta
£6 Thou bzoughtelt out kaunt aines andwaters out Huns chat ought tobe fearen, ` 4
ef the hard rocks : thou driedſtvpmightx waters, 12 He ſhall refraine. the ſpiritokPrinces; and ig
17 The dar is thine, andthe night is thine: thot wonderful among the Kings of the earth,
pat peparen tie light andthe ſunne. VocemeazadDominua. Pial.77. :
13 Thau halk tet all the borders okthe earth: thou |CHM cep uta God wich mp vopce : enen vnto Goo.
Hak made Summer and Minter. wil J| cep with mp vopce , andhe Hall hearken vn⸗
t9 Reme uber this. D Lard, how the enemie hath tome,
rebiked: and bow the falii people haty blaſphemed 2- Jn thetime of my trouble Y fonahe the Lows
thp Rame. ’ mp loze ranne and cealed not, inthe night ‘eafon mp
20 Dveliuer not the foule of thy Turtle Duur bris foe refisled comtozt. , 371928
tothe multituaeof the enemies: and korget not che cona 73 Uhm Jam fiheauinetle Jwill thinke spor
gregation ot the pooretoz euer. Gos : when mp heart ts bered,Jtwill complaine..
21 Looke bpm the Co enaut koꝛ all the earth i3 4. Thou holdeſt mire eyes waking ; 3 antlo fega
full of darknelſe, andcruell Havitationg, . ble that 3| cannot peake. P
22 Dh let not the Ample goe awap ahamed : hut ‘5 haue conſidered the. Dapes of olde: andthe
ket the paxe ana needy giie prate bnto thy ame, pecreg that are paſt i i ‘
23 ArileD Gon, maint aine chine oer cate : res 6. Jeall to temembrance mp fong:and in thenight
member How the kooliſh man blaſghemeth chee daply. commune with. mine otune heatt, anu learch out mp
24 forget ita: the Basce of thine enemies: the pres pitits.
funption ot them that hate thee, increaleth euer moze: 7 Gil the Logs ablent binletie forcuer sann wh
and moze. ; ; $e beno moze intreated: .
Confitebimur tibi. Pfal.7.5. 8. Is bis merep deane gone for ener.: andig. his
Morning Yu thee (D Bod) roc me sive thankes: per. promile came vtterſy to an end foz essermoze? 3
player. i » bniotheedoe we gtue thanks. 9 Hath Gan forgotten to be gracious: and tailhe
2 ThyMamealiois nigh : and that vs ſhut dp bis lauing kindneſſe in Dilplealures
thp wonderous works Declare. , 10. And F lapoe, It is mine obene infirmities but
3 Tapen Jreceiue thecongregatien,JHal iudge FT will remember the peeres of the right Hand of tpg
accordingunts right. mot Dighelk. -
4, Lhe earth ig weake and allthe inhabiters there: rr X wiil remember the workes of the Loz: and
of: J beare vp the pillars of it. call fo minde thp wor ders of of time, ;
5, J fain onto the fooles, Deale not ſamadly: and 12 J twiil chinke allo of all chp woke.: andmp tale
‘to he buged‘p, Sct not vp pour Hame, king Halbe of chp deings.
6 Set net vp pour home on high: anv peake not 13 THp war, D Gos,is Helps who ig great a
with a ftitie necke. Gcd(ag our Gow:).
7 For pronotion commeth nether from the Caf 14 Chou artthe God that decth wonders s ang
no: from the elf: woz pet fram the Sot). haſt declared thy power amoug the people. :
8. ano wip: God is the Fudge: he putteth dowire 15. Tteu Hak mightily deliuered thy people. euen
one, and letteth bp another. the fornesof Jacob and Jotph. -+
9. Foirthe hand of che Low there isa cup , and 16 The waters tato ther, D Gon, the waters fate
the wine igre: it is full mirt, and hee powzeth out of thee,and were afraid : rhe depths ald were troubled.
the fame. 17 Che cloudes yowzen cut tater, the avze thune
10 Ag o the Dread thereof: all the vngodly of the DeD sand thine arraiocs went absoad. i
earth fall ozinke them, and ſucke them out 13. The bopce of thy thanser wag Eerd round aa
re, But J sail talke of the Govaf Jacob ; and bout: the ligh ning Hone bpon tke ground, theearth
priple bim foz euer.: K Wag menedana Hooke withall,. iiiar AA
12 Al che horues ok the bngodly als will J besake: 19 Tp way is in the fea, and thp paths in che
and the hornes of the righteous Halbecraited, great waters : ano thy footltepe are not knotsms -
Noras in tuda, Pial.76. 29 Thou lendkthp people like Heepe: bp the Hand.
Ik le ig Gov knowen + his Mame is great in of Moles am Garon. à
trael. . Alrenditepopule. Pfal.78. —
ü aSt Salemis his Tabernacle: ana his dwelling He inp Law, Diny people :-enclitre yout Euening
fom. cates buto the womg ef mp mouth. ~ prayer.
3, There bzake he the arrowed of the batwe ; the 2 J tail opor mp mouth in a parable: Jwil
fhielo,the fwo2d, and the battell. Declare HarBlentences olol, rine Kos
4 Thou art of moze Honour and might: then the Thich we haue Hears and knowen: any {uchag
Pilg ofthe robbers. our fathers haue tol tg. ;
5The prow are robbed, thep Hane Kept, their 4 That we ſhould nothing then from the toa
frepe : ann all the men (whow Hands were mightie) of the generations ta come ? but ta. Ge the horout ; g
Paue found nothing. — the Low, His mightp and wonderfull workes that bes:
6. Ar thp rebuke (O Gaol Jacob:)both the charet Hath done. i
anv hoꝛſe are fallen. 5 Weimavde aconenant with Jacob, ann gane Ph
7. Thou, euen thau art tobe feared ranu whomap raela Haw : which he commanded our forefatherg ta,
tana. in thp light when thou art angry? i teach their childzen.
8 Thon diddeſt cauſe thy iuogement to be heard 6 That their polteritie might knows it, + andthe
from heauen; the garth treinblea andwag fit... Hin which terepet oome,
7 Ee
| ct .< The Palmes. The ividay. N
To the intent that then they rame bp: rhep continued thep Renfalt in his Couenent.
might ſhew their children the fame. 38 But he was fo merciful, that Gee kergatie thete
8 Chat thep might put their tru in Goo: any mifsecbes ; and DeLropeb them Kot,
het te forget the wozkes of God: but to keepe his com: 39 Hea, manp atime ſutned Lee his wath awap:
manbements. and toonid not fitter bis whole diſpleaſure to atile.
9Amd not tobee ag their fozefathers,a faithleſſe 40 Foꝛ he cenſidered thar thep Here hut fleſh: ant
and ſtubbutne generation: a generation that ſet not that thep were euen a winde that pallet) alwap, and
their heart aright, and whole fpirit cleaueth not ſted⸗ comincté net againe.
faltlp puto Gos, 41 Wanp atime Did thep prouoke Fim in the wits
10 Like as the chiloren of Ephraim: toich being derneſſe: ane gricued him in the defert. ;
barneffen and carping boines turned themlelues backe 42 Ehep turned backe and tempted God: and mge
in the Dap of battell. HeD the Dolp ore in Iſtacl.
‘ax Thep kept not che couenant of God: and woul 43 Thep theught rotof his hand: andofthenap
not walke in dts Law: i wien be belueted chem frem the hand of the cucmie.
12 But fezgat whathe had done: anv the wander. 44 Dow he pan wrought his miracles in Eappe:
full worke that be hav themed foz them. gnd his wonders inthe ficid of Sean.
13 Marucilous things viv he in $ fight ofoir fozes 45 De tumed their heaters into blood: ſo that they
fathers in the lard of Eeppt: euen in che field of Zoan, might not drinke efthe rivers.
14 De piuived the Sea,and let them goe though: 46 Hee (ent lice among them > ANB deuouted them!
be mave the waters te Hand on an heape. bp: ane frogs to deſtroy ſhem.
£15 Ju therapy time alle he fed them witha cleude: 47 Dee gaue their fruit onto the Caterpiller: ma
and all the night through with a light of fire. their labour vnto the Grafkeyper.
16 He clave the hard rocks tn the wildernes: € gane 43 Dee deffroped their bines with haileſtenes: anv
them dinke therof,asit bad bineut ofthe great depth. their mulbetp trees with the frot.
17 De brought waters out of the ſtony reckeslo that 49 Oclmote their cattell alia with hailffones : ang
it guped out itke the riners. their flocks with hot thunderbolts.
18 Set for allthis thep uned moze againft pim: 50 De cattepenthem the kurioulneſſe of hfs wath,
anv pretioked the moft Higheſt in the wilderneſſe. anger,bifpleatiire, ant trouble : ano {ent euli angels ae
19 Theptempted Gon in their hearts: anv requis mong them.
red meate foz their luft, 51 Hee made a way to His indignation, and (pared
20 Thep (pake agairt Gov allo,faping : Hal God not their foule from death: but gaue their life ouer to
prepare a table in the beilderneſſe: the pefti'erce.
21 Oe {mote the konp rocke mocede, that the wa⸗ 52 And (mote al the firk home im Egrpt: the mef
ter guſhed out and the ſtreames flowed withal tut can paincipall and mightieſt in the bellirgect Dam.
he wiucdzead allo n prouide fleſh foz his people? 53 But as foz hts owne people, be led them feorth
22 WMhen ſthe Lor heard thig, he was wꝛoth: fo a serne and caried them inthe wilderneſſe likea
the firewas kindled in Jacob, and there came Dp Yeas JRE,
uie dilpleaſure againſt Tfrael. 54 De bꝛought them out lafelp that ther Mould not
23 Becaule chep beleeued net in God: and put not feare: and oncrinbelmcd their enemies with the tea,
their traf in bis helpe, 55 Andkzorghe them within che komers of big
24 Soe commanded the clouves abone :and opes Sanctuary: enn to his mountains, which hee pute
nen the voozes of heauen. chaled with bis right hand.
25 He rainen downe Banna allo bpon them forte 56 He caſt out the Heathen alle before them: canlen
eate: and gane them foore from beaten. their and to bee diuided amorg them foz an heritage,
26 Se man did cate Angelgfoove: foz he Cent them end made tke trites ef Iſreel to dwell in theirtenrs,
meate enough. 57 So thep tempier ann tifpleacsthe mek High
37 He raufen the Ealt winde to bicw puter hea God: ant kept not his teſtimonies
ucen: and through bis powet be brought in the South- 58 Wut turned heir backs, and fell atway like their
Welk winde. forefathers : farting alive like a broken tc.
28 He rained felh tpon them as thicke ag vunt; ana 59 Ferthep qrieued bim with their hit! altars: anv
feathered foules like as the ſand of the fea. prouoked him to diſpleaſure with their images.
29 He let it fall among theirtents: euen round a: 60 Miben Gon heard this,tewas broth: and tooke
hout their habitation. foze Dilpieature at Iſcaeſ.
30 Sorthep din eate gwere tuell fillen, for hegaue 61 Sothat hekor voke the tabernacle in Silo: euen
on — owne telire: thep were not diſappoynted of the tent that He bad pitched among them.
eit luſt. 62 Hee beliucren their peer inte captiuity: anv
31 But while the meate was pet in their manthes, their beauty inte the encmics hand.
the heauy wrath of God came open them,ann fem the 63 De gane his people oner alle onto the (wor: ans
wealthielt of them: pea, ans {mate dewwne the choſen was wꝛoth with tis inheritance.
men that twere in Piraci. iA 64 The fire confemes their yong men: anv their
32 But for allthis thep fined pet maze end belee⸗ meidens were nat giuen te mariage,
fied not hig wonderous workes. 65 Their Oziefis were Maine with the ſworde ans
33 Therefore their apes did Ge conlume in banirp: there were no veidowes to make lamentatien.
and their pecres is trouble, $ 66 So the Eom awebked asone eut of fleepe: and
34 Then he llew chem, they ſought him: and tirs like a Gpant referfhed with vine.
med them earlp,ann required after Gov. : : 67 De fmote hig cnemicg inthe hinder parts: and
35 Anothep remehzen that God teas their ſtrength: put them to perpetual Meme.
and that the high God tyas their redeemer. - : 68 Perdue the tabernacle of Joleph rand chole
36 euerthe'cs thep ria but flatter him wh} their net the tribe Ephraim. - y
mouth: ard dilſembled with him in their tongue. 69 But cbofe he tribe ofJuda: cuen the pi of Ste
37 Foz their heart wag not whole with Him: neither on, which he loued.
D 4 zo And
xviday· The Pfalines.
70 Ano there bee bullden his temple onhigh: ann rhoughes bonto the rier.
Tata che founsation efit tike the gcouna which be hath * 12 TAhy bak chou thn broker dobone her hedge:
ane continually. that all chep that goe by,plucke off her grapes 2
71 He chate Dauid allo Hig Ceruant: anu tooke him 13 The wilne Wae out of the woos noeth coste it
aap from the ſheepekolos. 29; anu the wilde heattes of the fiela deuoure it.
72 Ashe was collowing the Ewes great with pong 14 Tuͤrne thee agatne, thou Goo of hoſtes, looke
ong, he cooke bim: thar he might keede Jacob yig peo: notene from heauen: behold, and bilte this bine.
plead Praet big inheritance. 15 Ano the place of the vineyard that thy righe
37 Do he fed them with a Faithfull and true heart: Hana hath planten: and the beanch that thou manei fo
and rilen them peanentlp wich al! his power. Brong fo: thp felfe.
_ Deus,venerunt. Pial.79. 16 It is burnt with fire,andcut dewne: anb thep
Morning Bad, the heather are come inte thine inherit- fhal! periſh at the rebuke of thp countenance
prayer, aacesthp hotp Temple haue they defiled, anu 17 Let thy hand be vpon the man of thy right hands
nade Hieruſaleman heapeof toneg. and bpon the lonne of man whom thou madeſtſoBrong:
2 Fhe dead hovies of chp ſeruants haue ther gi- foz thine otone felfe.
uento he meat puterhe foules of the ayre: and the fleſh 18 Am fo wil not we goe backe krom thee: D let bg.
ofthplainis vatothe beaſts of the land. liue and tue fall cail opon thy Mame.
3 Their blood hane thep Med tike Mater on euery 19 Turne vs againe,D Low Gon of hefteg: Mew’
Roe o` Hieraſalem: € tjere wag neman toburie them.. the light of thp countenance ano we ſhalbe whole.
4 Te are become an open hame te our enemies: ExultateDzo, Pfal 81. ~“ i
a derp (come and oerion Vitto them that are rounda· S Ing: wee merilp onta God sur rength + make a
bout bs. cheerefull nople dnto che Gon of Jacob. !
cg Lond, how long wilt thou be angep: lhallthy ie⸗ 2 Takethe Plalme, bring hither the Tabzet: the
fonGe burne lik: five fog euer 2 merie Darpe, withthe Lute.
6 Powꝛe out thine mvignation bpon the Heathen 3 Blows vp the Crumpet in the new moons enen:
that haue not knowenthee: ans vpon ihe kingdomes in Che time appointed, and vpon one Colennefealt nap.
that haue not called vpon thy ame. 4 Foꝛ this was made a fiatute fog Iſrael: ann a.
7 For thep haue deuoured Jacob: and laid watte law of the GavofJacoh, ;
His pivelling place. 5 This hee ogdeinen in Joſeph for a teſtimonie:
8 Deemember not our ofd fines, hut hanemercp when he came out of the lant of Egppt and had heard
vpon vs, and that cone: foz twee are come to great mi a firange fanguage.
rie. 6 {ealed bis Houltee€ am the hurthens anv his:
9: Helpe vs.O Govof our faluatton, fez the gloꝛy Hands were delinered fran making the pats
of thp Name: D deliuer vs, and be merciful onto ont 7 Chou called pon me in troubles,x J delſcueren
Gnnes foz thp Names fake. thee: ¢ beard thee what time as f faze fel bpon thee.
10 MAherefore Boe the Heathen fap: Mhere is now 8 Ipꝛoued thee allo: at the waters of rife.
their God? o Weare, D mppeople, and J will alure thee,D
ix O let the vengeance of thp feruants blood that Sleael: if chou wilt hearken ento me.
ig (hen be openlp Hetwcn vpon the heathen in onr ſight. 10 There lhall na ſtrange gov bein thee neither
i 12D let the loꝛrawkul ſighing of thepriſoners come fhalt thou wozihip anp other gov.
bekore thee: accoming to the greatneſfe of chp power 1a Jamthe Lerd thy Gon, which bzought thee
paclerue thou thole that are appointed to die. out ofthe land of Egppr: open thp mouth wide,andJ
13 And for the blafphemte wherewith ont neigh: all fit it.
bourg haue blafphemen thee : reward thon them (D 12 But mp people would not Heare mp voyce: and
Loꝛd)ſeuen folo into their bofeme. Iſrael would not obey me.
14 Ho tne that be thypeople,a ſheepe of thp pafkure, 13 So J qaue them bp onte their atone hearts tufts
fhal! cine thee thanks forener and wil altaap be Mets anu tet them folfows their otuue imaginations,
ing korth thp papie fron generation te generation. 14 D that mp people would haue hearkeued onto
Quiregis Ifrael, P{al.80 me : fo2 if Ilrael hav walken in mp wapes.
He D thou hephearnof Iſrael, theu that teas 15 J fH uld foone haue put dovane their enemies:
Delt Joleph like a ſheepe: ſhebo thp felfe allo thou and turned mp hans againft their anuerlaries.
that fitte opon the Cherubims. 16 Whe haters ofthe Lor Mould haue bene founs
2 Before Epraim, Beniamin,¢ Wanafles Birre liars: but their time ſhould hatie endured fe? euer.
bp thy ficength,and conte and helpe bs. 17 Hee fouls haue fedde them allo wich the fineſt
3 Turnevs againe.O Gon: Mew the light of chp twheate floure: and with hony out of the Ronie rocke
and we halbe tohole. fhould Jhaue fatitfien thee.
4 O Loꝛd Gon of holtes: How long wilt thon be Deus ftetit. Pfal.8'2.
angry with thy people that prapeth? Gs ſtandeth in thecongregation
ofpeices: Evening.
5 Ahoufeedelk them twith the heead ofteares: and ie is a iudge among gods. prayer.
giueſt them pleuteouſneſſe of teares to damke. 2 How long willve glue wzong iudgement:
6 Thon halt madevs a berp ſtrife onto our neigh⸗ ano accept the perſons of the onqovlp?
Hours: aw our enemies laugh vs to ſcorne. Defend the poore andfatherlefle: fee that fuch:
7 Turne bs againe thou Gon ofholtes: Hewthe as be in neede and neceſſity, haue right.
Light of thy countenance
and wie ſhalbe whole: 4 Deliver the outcaſt and pome: ſaue them from:
8 Thou halk brought a vine out of Egrpt s shor. the Hann of ——
Haft cat ourthe Heathen, and planter it. $ They will nor He learned, noz buderſtand. but
9 Thoumarelt roome fog it: and Shen it had ta⸗ talhe on ſtill in darkenelſe: all the founvationg ofthe:
Aen romeitfillen che land. garth be out ofcourle. 3
t> The hilg were coucred with the (Hanowof (ts & 5 Ahaue fata $eate gong: and peal are children
the boughs thereof wore like the gonty Cedar trees. oF tie moſt Highet i i
as She Kretcherout ber ranches muerhe
ea av 9 Wwe xe lhaldie tieboar allcheng ofEnine
|, ” . The Pfalmes. Thexviiday.N
8 Arile,DGod,
and ludge thom theearth: foz thon Benedixifti Domine, Pfal.85.
halt take all heather to thine inberitance. |Bespin att become gracious bnte thp land: thon
Deus quisfimilis? Pfal.3 3. balk turned atvap the captiuitp of Jacob,
Dnot thy tongue,D God, keepe not AA ſilence: 2 Thou hak forgiuen tye sifence of thp peoples
H refraine not thp elfe,D Gon. ano couered all their linnes,
2 ffozioe,thine enemies make a murmuring: and 3 Thou halt taken atwap all thy vilpleattere: and
they that hate thee haue lift op their hean. turned thp felfe ftom thp wꝛathtuli inviqnation. .
= 3 Ahep hauc imaginen crattily again thp people: 4 Ture dsthen, D Gon ourlauiour : @ teethine
and taken countell againtt thp ‘ecret ones, anger ceaie ftom bg,
4 Thep haue ſayd, Come, and let og roste them 5 Gil thou be diſpleaſed at bg foz-ener: anv wile
out,that chep be no moze a people: ano that the name of = —— ont thp wath from one generation to an
Iſcael map be no moze in remem*zance, other
5 Forthep haue cak heir heads together with one 6 cAilt thou not tume againe and quicken vg: that
content: and are confenerate again thee, thp people map reloyceinthee! t
6 The Cahernactes of rhe Evomitegans the JL —* — bs thy meccp,D Lom and grantbgthp
maelires: the Doabites and Hagarenes. nation, !
7 Gebal,and Ammon.¢ Amalech the Philiſtims, 8 J wil hearken what the Lord God will layrome
with them that dwell at Cyre. cerning me; foz-he fhall {peake peace onto his people,
8 Allur allo is ioyned vnto them: and haue holpen aud te his laints, tbatthey turne not againe.
thechilazenef Lot. 9 Faz his laluatien w nigh them that feare hime
9 But doe thou to them as vntothe Madianites: that gloꝛymay dwellin ourlana,:
vnto Siſera, ana onto Jabin,atthe bꝛooke of Kion, 10 Bercy and trueth are met togethers righteon&
10 Ahbich periſhed at Endog: and became asthe nefle and peace hane kiled ech other.
Doung of the earth, ] i 11 Trueth Hal Asuh out of the earth: ans tighte⸗
. 11 Dake them am their princes like Oꝛeb and oulneſſe· hath looken rotune front heauen,
Zeb: peamake all their princes like ag Feba and Dat 12 Hea, the Loz Mali hw loning kindneſſe: and
„mana. our fann fhall gine Herincreafe, -
12 hich lap, Let be takete ow ſelues: the hou: 1 Ey KRighteouſneſſe Hal goe befoze him sand he hall
fes of Gon in poftcflion. Direct bis going tu the wap.
13 D mp Gon, make them like onto a whcele: anv InclinaDomine. Pfal.86.
ag the Eble before the winde. Dw downe thine care; D How, and heareme: Morni ng
14 Like asthe fire that burnethhp the wood sand w J] am pooꝛe and in milerie. prayer,
ag the flame that confumeth the mauntaines. 2 Hꝛeſerue thou mp loule, for Jfam holy:my
15 Perlecute them euen fo with thy tempek : ann God ſaue thp ſeruant that putreth his turk in thee.
make them aftaid with thp ſtorme 3 Be mercikull onto me, D Logo; fo: J will cal
16 Mabke their faces aamen, D Loz $ that they Daplp bpon thee,
may leeke thy Mame. + Convert the laule of thy Ceruant»faz onto thee
17 Let them bee confoursen and beren euer moze (D Loꝛd) doe F lift vp mp lente. ;
and moze: let hem be put to hame and periſh 5 fo: thou Low art poon anv gracious: andof
18 And thep hall know that thou ( whale name ig great mercy onto all chem that callopon thee.
Bebouah:)art calythe m ft Hicheſt ouer all che earth. 6 , Giuecare Lozounte mp peaper: aud ponder the
Quam dilecta. Pral 84. voyce of mine humble oefircs,
pace amiabke are thp dwellings: thou Low of 7 Anthetime of mp troukle will call vponthee:
hoftes >- $ foz thou heareſt me.
2 My ſoule hath a deſire anv lenging to enter into 8 Among the gods there is none like vnto thee(D
the courrsofthe Lozo ; mp heart and mp flelyret ·yce Loꝛd:) thereisnot oue that cannae as then noch. `
. inthe liuing Sav. 9 Aï nations wham thou halk made, fhal come any
3 Bea, the (parrote hath fous Ber an Houle, and oorfhiv thee:D Laz : ann (hall qlezifie thp same.
the fwallom a neff, where ſhe may lay her poung teuen 10 Fozthou art great and Dock wondercus things:
thine altars,D Ioro of hoſtes,my King ano mp Goo. thou art Gor atone. :
4 Biele are thev that dink in thp hole: they twit 11 Teach me thy way (D Low) and Y will matke
be alway prapling thee. in thy tructh: D knit mp heart onto thee, tat-3) map
- 5 Bleflenisthe man, whole firength ts in thee: in feare tip Rame. z
whole heart are thy waves. 12 J| wilthankethee, D Low mp Gor, mith all
6 Which going through the vale of miferie, ofc it:mp eart: and will pzaplethp Mame for cnermore.
foz a well: and the poeles are fien with water. 13 For great isthp mercy toward mee: and thoy .
7 They wil wo from Rrength to frength: and brite Hak delivered mp ſoule from the nethermoft hey.
the Gon of gods appeareth euery one of them in Sion, 14 D God, the praud are rilen again me: ana the
8 DD Low Gorofholts,heare mppraper: hearken, congregations of naughtp men haue fought: alter my
D Gor of Jacob. foule and haue not fet shee before their eyes. `
9 Bebold, D Gor, our vefenversandlookebpon 15 Gut chon D Lore Gon)art ful of cepaffionana >
the face ef thine anoynted. merer : long luffering, vlenteous in gocdncfſe atruech.
z 10 Fozore day in thy courte: is better then athou⸗ 16 Oturne thee then vnto me and haue mercy p⸗
and on me: giue thp ſt eagth ono thp ſeruant, e helpe the
ri Gi havratherbee a dooze keeper inthe houte of ſonne of thine banonrain;
my Goo: then to dwell in the tents ofongadlinefe. 17 Shew fome good teken vpon me foz goer, thit :
F2 Hor the Lows Gavisa light ana vefences the thep which hate me, maptee it, ebe ahame: breaule
Loz tyilfgive graee and worthip, ano ne goon thing “thou Lord balk bolpenine.anp comforterane
‘Hall he Bie held from them thactine agony life, : Fundamenta eius, Pfa! 8
13 D Lom Gov of holtes; bleed ivthemanshat. 1p PEBE upon the hely biltes: the Rese: -
hist loueth the gates ofSten, mozothen allther meb-
Bane a
The The Pfalines. Thexvii.days!i
lings ofJaccs. bst y op Gap what is heamong the gore: hat Hialsetike
noz Gletp erceflent things are fpoken okthee: thou vnto the Lom? 133i i sa? tig
citie of God. 8 God is verp greatly to be feared in the counfeil
J twill thinke bpon Rahab ans Babylon: with ofthe Saitits: aD ta be had in reverence of all them
them that know me. thai are about him.
cta Behold pe the Philiſtines alſo: an thep of Tyre, 9 D Low Gon of bolts, whe is like vutothee: thp
with the Moꝛans,loe there was he home. 3 trueth (molt mightp Loge) ig umeuerp fine. 616 5
Auð oĩ Sion it hhailberepocten , that he wag xno Chou ude the raging of the few) thou Kiii
bome in her: and the mok Dial Hell ſtabliſh her. the waves thereof whenthey arife. s
6 Ube Lew hall rebearle te when he writethsp rı Chou halt ſubdued appt , and deſtroyed it:
thepropie chat he wag borne there. thou halt ſcattered thine encmies elzoade with thy
7 Ehe (gers allo and trompetters ſhall he te⸗ mightp arme. : ⸗
Hearles ali my freſh ſprings hallbein thee, - 12 The heauens are thine, the carth allo isthine:
Domine Dens: oPfal 880 eG thou Halt layd the foundation of the reund world, and
Cyeete of my faldattons {bane eryed Dap and âlf that therein ig: {
nigt hefoze thee: D let mp praper enter inte thy 13 Then halk made the Morh anv the South:
pzeſencẽ encline thine tare tenté my calling. Taro and Hermon ſhall reiopce in thp Mame.
+2 Foz mp Conte is full of trouble: and mp life daw 14 Chott þak a mighty arme: Brong is thy hand,
eth nigh onto hell. ann high ts thpright band.
sg) pM Am counted ag one ofithem that go dobone in- 15 Rightcoulnefleand equity és the habitation of
tethenit: and Jhaue bene euen as aman that hath thp leate: mercy and teeth Hail gee before thipface.
Rodtrengt aes) et ae Hore d í - 26 Blelledis the people (D Los) that can reioyce
4 Free among the dead, tike pnta them that bee incheesthep hai walke mthe tight ofthp countenance.
wounded and lie inthe graue: which be out of remem: 17 Chetr delinht Hal edaplp in thp ame: and in
bance and are cutatway from thp band. thp righteouficficthal! they make their boaſt.
© § Shou halklaped me in the lowell pit: in aplace 18 Fozthou art the gloz oftheir ſtrength: andin
ok darkeneſſe ant in the teepe. ; thp losing kinenefle thou Malt lift bpour homes,
© 6 Thime indignarion lyeth hard bpon me: anv thon 19 Fozthe Lopvig our vefence: the Dolp one of
Half dered me with all thp Remeg: Iſtael ts our Bing.
7 Shou hak put awap mine acquaintarce farre 20 Thou pakek Cometimes in viſions vnto thp
Fromme and made me to be abbeared of them. Saints, and laydeſt: J hauelain helpe bpon one that
8 Dam lo fat in pilon: thar Y cannot get forth. is mighty,Thatte exalted one chofer out of the people.
9` Wp fight kaileth foz berp treuble: Lego, hane 21 J baue found Dauid mp ſeruant: with mp holy
calien Daplp bpon thee, Jhaue ſtretched out mp hands ople haue Janopnted him.
Bato thee. 22 Wp hand hail hols him faft: and mp arme thal
10 Doek thou hey wonders among the dead rer firengthen bin.
ſhall the vean rife bp agame and praple thee ? 23 The enemie Mall net bee able to noe him bigs
11 Sball thp louing kindneſſe Bee ſhewed inthe lence; the foune of wickedneſſe Hall not turt him.
grane: op thp faithfulneſſe in deſtruction ? 24 J fhal (mite downe bis foes before hig face anv
13 Shall thy wonderonus tworkes he knowen ia the plague them that Hate bim.
Darke: and thy righteouſneſſe in the lans where all 25 My trueth alfe and mpmercp halte with him:
things are forgotten? and in inp Rame Hall his heme be exalted
13 Cintethee haue F cried,D Low: and early fhal 26 J| twill let his dominion allo mthe fea: ana þig
mp pzapcr come befeze thee. right ban’ in the floons.
14 Loꝛd. whp abhozreſt thou my foule: and hideſt 27 He all call me, Thou art mp Father: mp Gow
thou thp face fromme 2 and mp ſtrong faluation.
15 J aminmiferie and like onto him that ig atthe 28 Ane J wil make Him mp firk bozne: higher then
point to die : (cuen from mp pouth bp) thy terroꝛs haue the kings ofthe earth.
‘Fj ered with a troubled minae. ' 29 Wv mercp will V keepe foz him foz enermozes
16 Thv tmathfull diſplealiire goeth ouer me rann and my coucnant hall Aano faſt with him.
the feare of thee bath bndone me. 30 His ſeede allo will J maketoendure foz euer:
17 Thep came round about me daplp like water: and his thecne as the vapes of heaucn f
and compafled me together on every ſide. 31 But ifhis children fofake mp Lats: and walke
_ 18 Q9rfouers ann friends Balt thon put away from not in mp iudgements. r
me: and hid mine acquaintance out of my ſight. ‘32. Tif tbey bake mp ſtatutes, and keepe not mp
Mifericordias Domini, Pfal 89. commandements: Fwi vilite their oſtences with the
Fuening tong {hall be alway of the louing kindneſſe ror and their finne with ſcourges.
‘ N4 of the Low: with mp mouth twill 3| ever te 33 Neuertheleſſe, mp boning kintnele twin J not
ſhewing thy trueth , fromone generation to btterip takefrem bim: no? luffer mp trueth to faite,
an other. 34 Wpcouenant will T rot hzeake, noz alter the
2 For J haue fain, Arey Hallbe (rt bp fez euer: thing that is pone out efmpiiper T haue ſwozne once
thy trueth hhalerbou Eablifh inthe bheauens. bp mp Holinefle,that F willnet faile Danit.
3 J bauemaveacoucnant with mp cholen: Jhaue : 45- Dis leene ſhall endure Foz cuer $ and hig ſeate ig
fmm: vnto Dauid my fernant. like as the imne befeze me.
4 Thy Gene will J Eabliſh foz euer: anv fet opthy 76 We Halt Karn Faft for enernioze ag the moones
throne from one generation to another. and ag the faithful witneſſe in heauen.
s. D Lom,the bery heanens hall praple thp won 37 But thowhalt abhogren and kozlaken thine atte
percus wakes: and thy truet inthe congregation of cynted: ann art diſplealed at hint.
the faints. l ' 28 Cheu haft broken the coucnant of typ lernante
6 For who is he among the cloudes: that {hall be aud cat big crobone to the ground·
compared orto the Lown ? ia 39 Thou hal oucttheowen all bis penges: ante
Thexviii.days The Pfalmes: | The xviũ.day.
ken Botone Dis rong boog, > Tor oy mp rong holds mpCon,
inhim watit.
Allthey that go bp,(poile
him:andhetsbecome 3 Fog Hee Hail teliner shee from the ſnare of the
a rebuke into bis neighbours. hunter: aud from the noylome peftilence,
© 4 Thor halkleeopthe right Hand ofhis enemies : 4 De hall etend chee vnder his wings; ano thors
and made all hig aduerlares tu reisyce halt be late vnder hs feathers: his faithfulnelte anu
+ 42 Thos halk taken away the euge of his {word ; trueth Halve thp ſhield and buckler.
am giueſt him not victory in the battell, | S- Chau ialt not be atrain fo? anpterceebpnight:
43 Shon halk put out his glogp: ana caſthis thzone noz fo2 the arrow that tlrethby pap,
Dobne to rhe ground. 6. Foz the pelſtilence that walketh inthe darkneſſe:
44 The vapes of his pouth halk thou Mozgtened: anv nog foz the ficknefle chat dellrsyxeth in the noone Dap.
couered him with difhonour. ; | 7 Athoulans thal fall belive thee and tenthoulana
45 Word how lony twi:t thou bine thp felfekozeuer: at thp right hano : hut ít ſhallnot come nigh thee.
and (hall thp marh burne like fire?) i 8 :Sea, with thine epes fhalt thon behold: ann fee
46 Dh remember: Yow Hot mp time is: wherefore the rebara of thepngonip ii: Ua 02 00D
Balt thon mave all men for nought? ER 9. Foz thou Low a't mp Hope : thou halk ſet thine
47 Mahat manish: that liucth,t Hal not fee death: houle of defence very high:
and fhallbedeliver his forte from the tann of hell? 10 There ſhall na cuill happen onto thee; neither
43 Low, where are thy ols louing kindnefles: which ſhall any plague come nigh thy vtociling.
thou liwate vnto Dauid in el ptrueth? 11 Foz he Hall gine his Angels charge once thees
49 Remember GLozw) the rebuke that thy ſetuants to keexe thee in all chy wayes
Hanes and How J doe beare in mp boſome the rebukes 12 Ubep hall beare thie in their hands: that thou
of many people. j purt not thy ksot againſt a ſtone. —
50 Aherewit) thine enemies Hane blaſphemed 13 Thon Hatt go vpon the Lion ð Adder: the pong
thee, ana ſlaundered the footfteps of thine anopnted ; Lion ago the D:agon (halt rou treav onver thp feete.
prailen be the Lez fog euermoꝛe Amen. Amen. 14 Becaule he hath ter his lone vponme, therefore
Domine,refugivm. Plal. 90. Halt Jdeliuer him: J Hallet him vp, becaule he path
Ow, Drv thau halt bene our rekuge: krom one genes ku weit mp ame. +
‘ Morning | ration to another. v5. Yethall cali ton mesnu J toil hearehim: pea,
prayer. B42 Weforethe mountaines were beouahe forth, J ain with him tn tranble,Jtoil deliuer Himan being
o? euer the earth and the world weremade : thom are Pim:to honour; |
Ged from everlafting. and wala without end. 16 Uith long life wil 3 lacile him: ann thew Fim
3 Thowturnefe man to deftruction : againe thon mylaluation.
fapelt, Lome againe pe chunzensf men. Ronum eſt confiteri. P&l.g2.
4 Forathoulana peeresin thp ſight, are butas ye jS is a good thing to wine thanks vnto the Low: ang
LKerdap ſeeing that is pall ada watch inthe night. to finu prꝛayſes vnto thp Name, Omolt Higheft.

A: sus » Astoone asthou fcattereltchem, thep areenen, < 2 Gorellof chy teuma kmonetle early in themez.
aga ficepe s anu fade away ſuddenlplike the grafte.
6 Inthe moming it is greene, grower vp : but
in the eiening
ning + and of thptrueth in the night feat.
3) venan inſtrument often ſtrings,
it iscut downe, dried vp, and withered. Haute: vpon alow inſtrument
audvpon the
and bpon the Hatpe.

7 For we confuneawap in thy diſplealurxe: and are 4 Forthon Lon halt mane mee glad through th
afraid at thy weathfull indignation. wozka: and J will reie xcein giuing praile foe the ope
8, Chou halk ſet out miſaceds befoꝛethee: and oug rations.of thyhanss: Int HEED <3
ſecret ſeanes inthe fight ck thp cotinenance . ça 5 -D Logo, Dow alirions are thy workes: and the
9 Foꝛ when thouart angry all our dayes ave gone: thoughts are berp terpe. ! 5
fo: hring our peeves to an end; as it Were atale thatis 6 Anonwite man doeth not well conſider thig ana
told STE ot j afeole poeth not vn derſtand it .
19, The vapese€ aur age are theeeſcore peeres any 7 TUbhenehe ugly are greeneas the graſſe and
ten ethaugh menhe ſo tong that they come co tonie- when all che workers okwichedne eroe flouriſh then
fcozey-esres + pet tmth eit ſtreũgth then buttalour and ſhall cheybedellrop: d foz euer, but thowlart the
fo20, o ſcone pafleritawp and we are cone. moſt Higheſtkoreuermoꝛce·.. ME ei
1t Gut who regardeth the power of chp wrath: fog 8 Foz2lee, thincenemies(D Lego) lee thine cre
guen thereafterag aman feareti, fats chp diſpleaſure. mies ſhall periſh: and all the werkers of tofekeonelle
12 O teach bs to number eur daxes: that toe map ſhalbe deſtroyed j ; n ig
apply our hearts vnto wiſedome. 9 But nw home ſhalbe exalted like the horne of an
13 Torne thee againe(D Logd)atthe lak s aun be Unicoꝛne: foz J anvanspotes woich freſh orte
Aracious duto thy ſexrirantee. I 3 0 Mine eye alſo ſhaltſee hts (uit
ot miue cuemie gs
14 © fatiffie ds wich chp merey, andthat ſoone: fo ana mine eare Shall beare bis delireofthe witken thn
ſhall we reloyce and he glad allthe dayes of our life: rife vp againftme, ©
15 Confort 98 againe now akcet the time that chew - 11- Ohe righteous hall lourifh tikea Palme trees
Hal plaguedos: and tozthe peeres voherein wee have and Hall ſpread abroad like a Gear in Libanus.
Grd avyerfirie. 12 Such ashe planted in the houſeofthe Ios
16 Biew thy feritants hp woke + and their chile ſhall ftot
intherourts (oftée boute)ofair Goi
dzen thy glory. r 3: They alto ſhall brinx koorth nore ituitein that
T AE TAA maenig aftlie Aon our God ages ana ſhalbe fartain wetkkings $: r.
P: poon hs? prefper thou che worte of our hands bpon 14 That they way ſhewe how true theLimmy
vs,D prolper rhauourhandie woꝛrke. ſtrength ig and that there ig ne vnrighteaulnelle it
Gni habitat. Plſal.ↄt im.. ; i i
Da fo dwelleth vvwerthe aeferce oF the moft _ Dominus regnanit, Phl, 9,357 5
V V Disp: Hallabine onder che ſhadoaofthe Gt, Pg 4d, Ler, is Kiug, and hatly gut on glozious Fuening «

futSidote Loa,
mighty appare’: the Low hath pucenthis eppareljantt Payers -
S girten himnete with regt.:
' 2: Der.

The The Pfaimes. The

2 Heýnth mave the roms wozo
ſoluren chat itcan prepared thedꝛrlans. E
pot be mooued. 6 come let vswoꝛſhig ann fall votone : ¢kneele
3 Euer fince the world began bach thp leate bene betore the Hoye our maker. à
prepares ;thou act from euet aſting. 7 Fez bets (che Loꝛd) eur Gog: anv we are the
4 She Hoong are rifen (D Lom) the floods haue people ef bis paltute,
andthe ſheepe of bis hands.
lift op their sopce : che Moons lift ap their waues. 3 Co apf pe will beare his voyce, harden not
The waues of the lea are nighty, and rage hoz pour hearts: ag in the pꝛouocation, and as iti the bap
— but pet the Lord that dwelleth onhigh is migh⸗ sftempration in the wiſderneſſe
9 TAhen pour fachers tempted me : prooued me,
6 Obhptelkenontes,D Lor, areberp fure : holines and faw mp works.
becommeth chine Houle foz ever. 10 Fourtie peereg long wag 3 grienen with thig
Deus vitionum. Pfal 94. generation, and fait: it ts a people that do errem theis
O Low God, to whom vengeance belongeth: thou þeartg,fo: thep haue not knowen mp wayes
ot Gonto whom vengeance helongeth, Mw thp tx uto whem I fware tu mp wath :that tep
ſhould not enter intomp ref.
2 Arife thou Judge of the bezn: and reward the Cantate Domino. Pfal.g96.
proud after their deleruing. O Sing onto the Lod a neto long : fing vnto the
3 Lozd, bow long thal the vngodly: how long fhal Lom all the whcle earth.
the bngoplp triumph? À 2 Sing gato the Lom, and praple big Rame : be
4 Wow long Hall all wicken doers peake fo dib telling of bis lalnation from dap to Dap.
Bainefullp: and make fuch proud boating? Declare bis honour onto the Heathen ; and hig
§ Thep {mire vowethppeople,D Loze: and trons wonders vnto all people.
Ble chine heritage. 4 forthe Lord tg great, and cannot worthilp bee
6 hepmurver the widow anv the firanger : and praplen : he fs moze tobe feared then all gods.
put the kacherleſſe to Beath. 5 Gs forall the gens of the heathen , thepbe but
7 And pet thep fap, Tulh, the Lozd hall nor fee: ivoles ; but it is the Loza that made the heauens.
neither Hall the Gon of Yacob regarvit. 6 ‘Glory ana woWip ate befoze him ; power ans
3 -Take heede pe onwiie among the people + D pe Honett are in big Sanctuarp. 5 ;
fooleg:when will pe vnderſtand? 7 Alctibe onto the Lom (D pe kinreds of rhepros
9 Wecthat planted the care, ha! he sot Heare: oz bs ple:) alcribe puto the od twos fhip ana power.
that mave the epe, Hall be not lee? 8 Gferibe bnto the Low the honour due bnto hig
to Dz he that nurtureth the Heathen : tt ig he that Mame: bang prefencs,and come into bis courts.
feacheth man knowledge, hall nothe punif}? 9 D worthip the Loz in the beautie of holtneffes
ri Che Logn knoweth the thoughts of man: that let the whole earth Rano in awe of him.
they are but vaine. ; 10 Tell it out among tte heathen that the Lord ig
i2 Wiellenis the man whom thou chaſteneſt {D King ; ava that it is bee which bhath mare the romu
Lo: :) and teacheſt him in thp Lew. tuorln fo Falk that ttcannot be moned, and how that pe
13 That thou mayelt giue bim patience in time of fpaliiuvge the peoplerighteouflp.
aduerficie :vntilthe pit be digged bp foz the vngodlpy. rt Let the heauens reiopce, anb let the earth be
64 Foꝛ the Logo will not fate bis people: neither glan: let the fea make anspe and all that therein ig.
willbeforfake his inheritance. v2 Lette fietdbe toyful, and all that tg init :then
15 Untill righteouſneſſe turne againe onto oge: fhall all the trees of the wood tefopce before the Lom.
ment: ali ſuch ag be true in heart hall foflots it. 13 Jo: be commeth , foz he commer to iunge the
16 Taho wil rife bp with me againſt the tickedioz carth : and with rigbreoulneſletoiudge the woro, ma
Who will takemrppart age inſt the enil noers? the people with bistructh.
17 Ikthe Low had not helped me: it hav not fallen Domirusregnauit. Pfal.97.
but mpfoule hav bene put to filence. T He Low is King, the earth map be glad thereof:
18 But wher J lapse, mp Coote Hath ſlipped: thp pea,the multitude of the Tieg map be glad thereof.
mercy (D Low) bela me dp. 2 Cisuves and varkenefle cre round about bim:
19 Fn the multitude of che ſorowes that 3 havin ——— and iudgement are the habitation ofbig
my heart: thy comforts haue refreſhed mp foule. ate.
20 Tilt chou haue anp thing to doe with the ſtoole There hall goe a fire before him : and Burne bp
of wickennefle: which ima gineth milchi:fe as alate His enemieson euery fide.
21 Thep gather them together againſt the ſoule of 4 Dis lightnings waue Hine vnto the wolo: the
the righteous ano condenme the imocent blood. eart§ (al it,andwas afraid.
32 But the Loz is mp refuge : and mp Gon is the 5 She hils melted like ware atthe pꝛeſence of the
ftrength of mp confivence. | Loz : at the prelence ofthe Lor ofthe whole earth.
33 De ſhall recompenſe them thetr wickenneffe and 6 he heaweng haue declares his righteouſueſſe·
deſtroy them in their owne malice : pea, the Lod our and all che people haue feene his glorv.
God Hall deſtroy them. 7 Confounded be all they gat woꝛfhip carucd imac
Venite exultemus. Pfal 95. ges, and that delight m baine gods : wozthip him aff
Come,let os ſing onto the Loꝛd: letbsheartis pe gods. .
Morning [p reioyce in the ſtrength of our Caluation. 8 Bion heard of it, and reiopeed: and the baune
prayer. 2 Let bs come before his prefenre with terg of Juda were glad, becaule of chp iudgementsD
thank(giuing : and ſhebo our ſelues glad m bim with IL020.
Plalmes. 9 Forthou Lore art higherthen aflthat are inthe
3 Forthe Low ig a great Gon : and a creat King earth ¢ thou art cratten farre aboue all mong.
aboue all gods. 10 ®© pethat loue the Loy, fee that pe hate the
4 Qnbis hanv are all the comers of che earth: and thine which is eutll: the Lean preerneth the boulesof
the ſtrength ofthe hils is his alo. bis Saints, he Hall deliuer them from the handofthe
5 Theleais his, and bee made it: and hishands ongodly. —
‘ The Pſalmes.
v1 There is Huma bp aliaht for the righteous: Gaines oF vnkaithlilnelle there Halt no luch rleaue one
ann ioprui! clanuicite fig luci ag be true Hearted. to me, ? *

12 Retopee inthe Loyd vee righteous: and give 5 foward heart ſhal depart from me: J] toil not
thankes fo? a remembrance of bis holineſſe. Knows a wicked perlon.
“Cantate Domino, Plal 98 6 Who lo piuily Launderct) hig neighbour: hins
Euening Sing vnto the Lord a new ſong: fo be Hath will 3| veltrop.
O one marueilous things. 7 Wiho ia bath allo a prouve looke, ann high fos
2 lith bis omne right Dand andwith hig macke: J twill not tuffer hm.. ; :
poly arme: bath He gotten hunielte the victozte, 8 Wine epes loke onto iuch as he faithfull in the
3 Che Lom ceclaren his faluation : Fis righteouſ· land; chat they map dwell with me. ;
nefle hath be openip ſhewed in the fight of the heathen. 9 Who lo leadeth a godly tife:he halbe my ‘eruant.
4 Dcehath remembzed Gis merep and tructh to- ro Chere Hall no decetkull piron Dwell in mp
wartd the houle of raci: am all the ends of the woꝛld Houle: he that telieth lies Mall not tarp inmpfiaht. -
hatte ſeene the faluation af sur Goa. 11 Y lhall fone deſtroy all he vngodly rhat are in
5 -Shew pour flues iopfull wuts the Loz, all pee the land: that 3] map reote out aif wicked doers trom
lands: Ang retopee,anD gine thanks, thecitp ofthe Lea.
6 Wraplette Lord vpon the Darpe: ling to the Domine exaudi, Pfal,ro2.
Harpe with a Palme ofchankelgining, Eare mp prayer, D Loo: and let my crping Morning
7 taith Trumpets alo and Shatmes : D Hew come buto thee.
pour Celiues ioyfall befoz the Lagzi the King. -A 2 Hivenot chp face fremme in the time of
8 Let che fea make a noſſe, and all that therein ig: mp troubles excline thine cates vnto me when J call,
the round wo2ld.ann thep that dwelltherein. D heare me and that right toone.
9 Let the floong clap their bands ann let the hits 3 Foꝛ my Dapes are conſumed aboay like ſmoke:and
‘pe iopfull together beroz the Loz: foz bee is come ta nip hones are burntbp as tt tere a firehzann.
iudge the earth. 4 My heart is {mitten Downe, and withered like
1o (Hit righteoulneſſe ſhall Ge iunge the wolu: gralle : (0 that J forget to cate mp bean.
atin the people with equitie. 5 Foꝛ the voice ot mp groning: mp bones wil carte
Dominus regnauit Pfal.o9. cleaue to mp fleſh
Te Loꝛd is ing, bee he people nener fo onpatt- 6 Jambecome like a Welicane in the wilderneſſe;
` A ents See ſitteth betweene the Cherubinis, bee the and like an Diwle that 15 in the deſert.
earth never fo vnquiet. 7 bane watched. tam cuen as it were a ſparrow⸗
2 The Logdis great in Sion: and high aboue all that ſitteth alone bpon the boute top.
cople. 3 Dine encmies revile me all the day tong:+thep
p :Thep Hal viue thanks onte thy Mame: which ig that are man npon me,ace ſworne together againftme.
great, wonderfull,and goly. 9 Foz J Yane eaten alhes ag it were bread: anv
4 The kings powerloneth tudaement, thot halk mingled my drinke with weeping.
prepared equit ie: thou halk executed nwgement ana 10 Ano that becauſe of thine imigration ¢ wath:
righteouſneſſe in Jacob. Foz thou batt taken me vp, and caſt me Downe.
D magnifie the Loꝛd our Gop : ans fall wone rı My Daves ate gone like a ado: and Fam
befoze his footeffoole,fo2 he ts Help. withered like gralle. )
6 Boles any Aaron among his Pꝛieſts, andSa 12 But thon (D Loz) fhalt enditre fo2 ewer: ana
muel among luch as call vpon his Mame: thelle called thp remembzantce thzoughout aif generations; i
vpon the Loꝛd, and he heard them. 13} Thou Hale arife and bane mercy pon Sion:
7 De pakevntothem out of the cloudypilſar: foz fo2 it is time that thou haue mercp bpon ber, pea, the
tiep kept bis teflimonies.¢ the iato that be gaue them. time ig came.
8 Thot Hearne them (D Lord sur Bod:) hore: 14 Ano whyr chy fernants thinke pon Her toneg:
korgauelt them, D Gon, and pimiſhedlt theit owne iit- and it pitieth them to fee her in the dni.
licntions. j 15 She heathen Mal feate thy Mame,D Logdiand
9 DmagufetheLow out Gos,and worhip him. all the kings of the earth thy Wai fie. ‘
bpon his holp hill: for the Loz oir Gon is Holy. 16 Gaben the Lod Gal buils op Sion: anv when
TubilateDeo. Pfal.100. His glaz hall appeare.
O Be isyfullin the Load all pe landes: Cerne the 17 Uhen hee turneth him bute the paper of the
Lom with gladneſſe, anv ceme befoze bis pre⸗ poo deſtitute: and deſpileth not their refire,
fence with a fong. "H 18 This halhe weittẽ foz thole that come after: ann:
” 2 Ge pelure thatthe Lom be is God: it te he that the people @hich fh lhe bane, Hallpzapte the Lod.
_ bath mave bs, anv not toe our felues, wee are his peo- ¥9 Fer he hath looked Downe from his Sanctuary⸗
pie and the fheepe of big paſture. outof the heauen nw the Lon behold the earth.
2 © goe pour wap into his rates with thanke wt: 20 What he might beare the mournings of uch ag:
thing are into his courts with prayſe: betpankiutl on- he in captiuitie: and deliver the childzen appointed brs
to him, and fpeake good of his Mame. todeath.
4 For the Lome is gracieus ; hid mercy is euers 21 That they may declare the Mame ofthe Low
laſting: ann big tructh endureth from generatia to in Sion : anv Gig worſhip at Hieruſelem.
generation, « 22 When the people are gathered together: ano the
Mifericordiam & iudicium. Pfahsor; kingdomes alfo to ferue the Lord.
Biong Male of mercp and (urement: orto thee, 23 De bzought vote mp ſirength in mp iourtieps
LD Lan, will J fing. and fhoztened mp Tapes.
i oer let me haue vnderſtanding: in the way of gow 24 But Iſayd, D mp Gov, takeme nat away itt
mefe. ‘ ; the minne of mine ane: a3 foz thp peeres they endure-
j Uhen wilt thou come vnto me: J will walke in thoughout ali generations.
mphoulewithaperfert beart. 25 Thou Lome inthe legtuning halt layde the
2Iwill take no wicked thing in hand,Jhatethe foundation of the earth; and rhe heauens ate the —
The ThePfalmes. Thexxi.days
A ~

of thy haute, o aa) 6 Thon cowerent it with rhe vecpe like agwith g
26 Thep Hal perth Out hoe Hale enpare: they ail garment; the waters Ran inthe pig,
fhall ware om ag doeth ag arment. 7 Atthprebube hep Hees at the boyce of thy tbun⸗
27 Am as abelture halt houchangethem , anv ber thep ate afrara.
they Hall be changed: but thon art the lame, and thy 3 Thepgoe vp as high as the hils, ant pene te
peeres Wall not fate. 3 the valleyes beneath: enen vnto the place which rhor
28 Thechilmenofthp feruants ſhall continue: and baft appointed fo them,
thetr cede Hall tano fatin thp figbe. 9 Shou bak ler them theit bounds which cher Hal
: Benedic anima, |Flal:103. not paffe: neither turne againe te court the carih.
Raile the Lom,D mp feule: ann all that is within so Pe lendeth the ſpangs into the riug: which
$ me.prap!e his holp ame. timne ameng the bilg. l
2 JPraple the Lord,D mp foule; and korget not all 11 Allbraltsot the fielde drinke thereof: ann the
Dis benefits wilde alles quench their thirſt.
3 CUbich korgiueth al thy fine: ghealeth all thine 12 Welde them ſhall the fouleg ofthe axze haue
‘infirmities their habitation: and iing among the baanches.
4 WMbich Guech thp life from deſtruction: ¢ crow 13 De watererh she bils from abone: tye earth ig
neth thee with mercy and louing kind neſſe. Gillen with the fruit of thy teockes.
5 Thich fariliterh chy mourh with goon things: 14 De heingeth forth grafie oz the cattell: g grene
makuig thee yong and luſtie ag an Eagle. herbe fo? the leruice of men.
6 Thelo exccuteth righteouſnes €iudgement ; 15 Ghat he map hing fecde out ofthe earth, ana
foz ali chem that are appele: toith buong, wine that makcth glad the beart ef man, anv ople ta
7 De fhewed his wapes vnto Moſes: His twozkes make bim a cheeretull countenance, Q bzead to ſtreng⸗
Duto the chudren of Flract. then mans heart,
8 The Log is full of compaſſion and mercp: tong 16 The trees ofthe X ogd allo are full of fappe: euen
{uffering,ane of great goodneſſe. the Cedars of Litanus, which he hath planten.
9 He wil not alway be chiving: neither keeper) be 17 Tuherein the bitos make their neſtes: andthe
His anger foz euer. i Firre trees a:e a i weling fog the Stoꝛke.
1o He hath not real: with vs after our finneg : nez 18 The high bils area refuge fo: the wild Goats:
rewarded D3 accozving to our wickedneſſe. and warethe fonp recks fo2 the Contes.
rr Fozlvoke how high the heaucn is in compariſon 19 De appopntes the Moone foz certaine ſealons:
of the earth: fo great ts his mercx allo toward them and the Sunne kuowerh hig geing rowne,
that feare him. 20 Thou makelt darkeneſſe chat it may be night:
12 Locke how wide allo the Eaſt is fromthe Wet: wyerein all the beats of the fozreft voe meone.
Xo farre Hath be (et our ſinnes from bs. 21: The Ltons roaring after their praye: doe eeke
13. Dea, like aga father piticth his owne children: their meate at Gov. i
enen fo ig the Lon mercifull rochem chat teare Hin. 22 Che Sune srifech arn they act them atwap to⸗
14 Foz be knoweth whereof we be made: be remem⸗ nether: and lap them Downe in their venneg.
het) that we are but duſt. 23 Bait goeth koorth to his woke, andto his la⸗
rs The vapes of man are but ag graſſe: for he flo- hour: vntill the euening. i a
rifferh as a Roure of the field. 24 D Lom, hots inanifols are thp beorks: in mile
16 Foꝛ aſſoone ag thetwind gaeth ouer it, itisgene: nape beltthou made chen all , che earth is fullofthp
and the place thereof hall know ii no moze... - riches,
17 Wut themercifull goodnelle of the Lo endu⸗ 25 Sois the great and wide fea ato: wherein are |
reth foz eier and euer, bpon them that feare him: and ine creeping innumerable, beth ſmall and great
$ia righteouſneſſe vpon chilazeng children. ealts,
48 Euen vpon luch ag keepe bis couenant: anu 26 Chere roe the Hips there ig that Leutathan:
thinke vpon his commandements to Doe them. ; whom thou balt made to ake bis paſtime therein,
19 The Lom hath prepared-bis leate in heauen: 27 Abele waite all bpon thee: that thou mapelt
and bis kingdome ruleth ouer all. . gine chem meate in Due ſeaſon.
20 D pratlethe Low, reAuaelsofhis, pethat ers 28 CUfen thou giueſt it them, thep gather it: anv
cell in ſtrength: pethat fu fl hig commandement, and toben thou openelt thy hand, thep are fitten with good.
hearken vata the voyce of his words. : 29 Thea thou hiveft thp face, thep are troubles:
21 O papie he Lord,allpe his hoſtes: pe ſeruants when thou takeſt awap their bzeath, thep die, ana are
of hig that voe his pleafure. turned againe to their duſt.
22 Deake goon ef the Loz all pe workes of his, 30 TWihen thou lettek thp breath woe foorth, thep
Lin ali places. ofhisdominion: pape thou the Loz,D ſhalbe made; ethou Malt renew the face ofthe earth,
mp Coulee ‘ 31 The glorious maieftie of the Lom ſhall endure
Benedicanima mea. Phal. 104. faz ener: the Loan hail reiopre in his works.
— ape rhe Low, D mp fonte: D Lom ny Gon, 32 The earth Hal tremble at che leoke of Gimeifbe
aga S Pis art become crveeding glozious, theuart cls Doe but toxch the hilstbep fhall incke,
prayer, then withmatsiie and. Soneur, 33 Twill ing onto the Lord,aslong ag Jliue: J
> Whoupeckelk hp felfe wich light agit were with {wil pearle mp Gon, while J haue mp being.
a garment: ano ipzeadel€ cut the beaucng leke a car 34 QM lo ſhal mp woms pleaſe him: mp iop ſhal be
taine. in the Lom,
3. Chich layeth the beames of his chamber inthe 35 Ss forttuners, thep Hall he con tumen out ofthe
waters: ann maketh che clounes bis charet, and wal- earth and che vngodly Mall come to an end: praife thou
keth vpon the wings of the bine: the Lod, D my ſoule, praple the Loz.
4 Wemakech his angels irits: and hig miniſters Confitemini Domino. Pfal.rog.
a flaming fire Biuethanks bunto che Lem, and call ppon big Morning
5. Delaintic loumdetions ofthe earth: that it nee Qemes cell chepeople what things he bath prayer,
Stet Doula moug at anp time. BON ku
i * (2 Det
Thexxiday. ` >The Pfalmes. The, - j,
2 D let pour laugs be of bim,ane pape him and 37 Capt wad glad at har departing 2 foz they
tet pour talking
be of all his wondersits works. wore afraid sf them,
3 Retopre in his Lolp Mame; let the heart of them 38 He ſpzead cut a cloud te be a couering: and fire
reispee that leeke the Loz, to giue light inthe night feafon.
4 Bceke the Lom anv hig ſtrength: fecke his face 39 Acrheir delire he beought quailes :and he filen
fuctmoze. them woth the bead of heauen.
5 Remember the marucilous tuorkes that he hath quo De opened the rocke of Honey and the waters
Bone: his wonders, andthe indgemeats of hig mouch, flowed out : f that riners renindep places.
6 D vee (eed ot Abzaham bis fetuant ; ye children 4. For whp? he remembzed his tolp promife: anv
of Jacob his chofen. Qheaban his ſeruant.
7 He is the Lorn out Gov: higiudgemense are in 42 And be brought koorth Lig people with iop: anu
ahi the arta his Chetn with glaonefle. ;
8 ipee Hath bene alway mindful ef his covenant 43 Gnd gaue tem the lanng of the Heathen +: anv
and promife : chat he mabe toa thouſand generating. thev. tooke thelabsurgofthepecpleinpofleilion.
9 Euen che couenant that be made with Abrabam: 44 That thep might keepe pis ſtatutes:and oblerue
and the athe that he ſware vnto Iſahac. Sis lavses.
£0 Ann appointed the fame vnts Jacob foga Lat: Confitemini Domine: Pfal: 196;
and to Pirae fo an euerlaſting Ceftament. Giue thanks vnto the Loyd,fezbeig gracious: Fuening
11 Hazing Chito thee wet J giue the land of Cha⸗ HD His mercy endurech fo? cuer: play er,
hain; the lot of rour inderitance. — 2 Cibo cancrnzeife the noble.acts of the
12 Ctthen there were pet but a fei ofthem : and Lou :oꝛſhew togth all its prapt? 1
thep Reangers mehe Tano. Blelled arg thep chat alway ker pe Judgement :
13 What time ag thep went from one nation to an and toe righteouſneſſe.
other: kram ene kingbeme to another people. 4 Remember me,D Lom according to the auone
314 be ſuſtered no manto Boethem wꝛong: but te thar thou beareſt onterhp people: D pitt me with thp
pisonet euen kings for theirlakes. laluation.
15 Couch ust mime Anopnted: do my Pꝛophets 5 What F map lee the kelicitie of thp Choſen: and
ne harme. reioyce in the glapnetie of thy people, and que thanks
16 Pozeouer,hecaled foz a dearth vpon the land: witi thine mbctitance.
ana Deftropea althe prouſion of bꝛcad. 6 Tehaue finned with our fathers: we haue pore
17 ‘ut he had (ent aman before them : euen Jos amie and dealt wickeDtp.
feph which was fola to be a honvlernant. 7 Dur fathers regarded not thp wonders in Egypt.
18 Aho e kecte they hure in the fockes ithe pron neither kept thep thy griat goodneſſe in remembances
entredisto hig ſoule. 33) - but were dilobedient at theiea guen at theren lea. +
r9 Qntilp rime came that bis caule was knoben $ Renertheleie , Lee belpen them fo: bis ames
the word of the io:d tepen him. i fake : that he might make his power ta be knowen.
20 The Ling nt and deliuered him: the patnceof 9 He rebuked the red fea alſo, andit was Dyed bp:
the people let him go free, fo he led them thozow rhe deepe, as therow a wilder⸗
21 Demave him low allo of His houle. and rulet o£ nefie:
ail þig ubſtance. 10 Gnd he fanc them from the anuerfartes hande
22 Chat he might enforme His princes after bis and deliuered then: from the hand of the enemie.
will: and teach bis Senators wiſedome. 41 As for thole that troublen then, the waters oa
23 Iſrael al'ocame into Eappt: anv Jacob wasa uervohelmed them there was not one of them left.
ranger in theland of Dan. 12 Then belecucd thep his wowa: and fang paik
24 Gud bee increalen bis people erceedinalp : and pnto Hint.
made them ronger then their enemies. ~} 13 But withina while hep forgethisworks: anv
25 Tahe heart turned, lothat they hated his pea- beorle not abine bis ccunfaile.
Perant dealt bateuelp with bis feruants. 14 But lui came spon them inthe wildernes: ann
26 Thea * hee Woles his ſeruaunt: and Aaron they tempted Gop in the delart. r
whem he hanche. 15 And he gaut them their deſire: and (ent leanenes
27 Am thelle kewe hig tokens among thems ana withallints thcir ſoule.
wonders in the laud of Dam. 2 16 Thep engres Woles alle inthe tents: t Aaron
28 Helene varkencfle; and it was Darke send they theSainteftheiow .
kacre not obedient write his tre:d. 17 So thecarth opened, and (wallowen bp Dae
29 Hee turned their waters inte blood : and ſlebo than: and couered the congregation of Abiram.
their ih 18 Ann the fire wes kindled in their companie: the-
30 Their land brought koorth krogges: pea euen in flame burnt tp the vngodly.
their kingg chambers. 19 Thery made a calfe in Horebe: and worſhipped
3 De lpake the tuor, anv there came all maner of the wolten image,
flies: ane lice in afl their quarters 20 Thug they tuned their glory: inte the ſimili⸗
32 He waue chem haileſtones fograitic : and flames tube ofa calfe that eatech hap.
of fire in their land. 21 And they forgat Gos their Saniour :which Hay-
33 Oe fate their bines alſo and free trees: and Dorie fo creat things in Egypt.
deſtroved the trees that were in their coaſts. 22 Wondereus workes in che land of Dam: anv
34 Deſpeke the word. Ethe graſhoppers came, and fearefullthings bp the red fea.
caterpillara innumerable: avd did eat by all the graſſe 23 Sa be layd he world haue deſtrsyed them, had
én their lann anddeuoured the fruit cf their grow. Not Boles his Choſen ſtand befoꝛe him in the wap : to`
> 35 Delnote allrhe T-A bome in their land: euen the turne aap pig wzathful indignation, tcf he outa de⸗
chieke of ali their ftrengtb. ftrop them. :
36 He bꝛought then foortd alfo with fluer 4 gofa; - 24 Bca, thep thaught (come of that pleatant tare s,
chere baas notone keeble perlon among their tribes. GND Lave no crxedence onto his wow, ;
25 But:
The The Pfalmes. The xxij. day
25 But murmured it their tents: aud bearkencn 9 Fore latil
emptie foule ann klleth the
not brite the bopce of the ILon. Hungep loute with goodneſſe.
26 Then liftheop bis hand again them: ts ouce: 10 Such as fit in Darkenefle and inthe Hadowof

thzotw them in the toifaerneite, Beath + being fa hound tu milerie anv yzon.
27 De cak ont cheir leede among the nations; anv 1a Becaule chep rebeilea againk the wogns of the
to {catter them in the lams, ii? Logn : e lightly regãrded the couniel of rhe moſt High,
© 28° Thep ioyned themlelues onto Baal P eoz: and £2 He allo heoughe Downe their heart thesugh peas
ate the offerings ofthe dead. } uiiefle + theptell downe, and therewag none te helpe
29 Thus thep prouoked him buto anger with their them bp,
* inuentiong : andthe plague boas great among 13 Bo when thep cried onto the Logo in theit trou⸗
them. Ne: He delinered them out of thet viſtrelſe. r
30 Then Koon bp Phinees,
andprayed: andlothe 14 Fohe brought them out of darkeneſſe, and out
plague ceates, i $! : of the ſhadow of death + & heake theit bonds in ſunder.
31 AAT hat wag counted onts him foz righteoul 15 D chat mex would therefore praile the Logo fog
elie: amang all polterities to: euermoꝛe. his goodneſſe: and Declare the wonuers that hee doeth
32 Thep angred him alio at the waters of firife:f fog the chtlozenef men,
that he puniſhed Moles Foz their Cakes, 16 Foꝛhe Hath broken the gates of beafle: anv ſmit⸗
33 Becaule hep pꝛouoked his lpirit: fochat he pake ten tke barreg of pzon in unter.
vnaduilſedly with his lips. 17 Fook men are pleguen for tGcir offerte : anv
34 Meither deltroied they che heathen: as the Lod becaule of their wickeonefie. <
commanded them. 18 Their loule abhogren all maner of meste + anv
5 But were mingled among the Heather; ans lear⸗ thep were euen Harv at Deaths tone.
Hed their works. $ 19 So when they cried vnto the Lom in their trou⸗
36 In muuch that hep worhipped their idoles, ble : be deliuered them out oftheir diſtreſſe.
which turned to their owne Decay + pea, thep oferen zo Hee fent his wam ana healed them : awn they
their lennes and Daughters vonta veuils. were (aed from thet: veltruction.
37 Ano then innocent blood euen che blaon oftheir at D that men woulo thereto praple the Tom fog
founes and of their Daughters: whom chep offered bute bis goconefle ; and Declare the wonders that he docth
psDoles of Chanaan, and the land was oefiled with fozthe chtinzen of men,
food. 22 That thep meulo offer onto him the facrtfice of
33 Thus tere hep Eained with their owne wks: thankelgining: ano tell out bis works with gladneſſe.
and went a whozing with their ooie inuentions. 23 Thep that goe downe to the lea in Hips : anv
39 Therefore was che wath of the Loed kindled occupic their bufines in great waters.
againk big people : inlomuch that Gee abhozred hig 24 Chele men fee the wozkes ofthe Lon: anv hig
owne (inheritance. {wonders in the deepe,
40 And hee gaue them ouer ito the band of the 25 Fozat his wow the ſtorup wind arileth s which
Beachen : anv thepthat hated them, were loms ouer lifteth bp the waues thereof.
them. . 26 Chep are caried bp to the heauen , and doboue
41 Their enemies oppzelten them : and han them againe tothe deepe: thei Lule melteth away becaule
in lubiection. of the trouble. l
42 Many a time did he deliuer them: but they re⸗ 27 Thep reele toann fro, and ſtagger like a uzme
Hellen againſt him with their owne inuentions, € were ken man: and are at their wits end.
bought downe in their wickennefie. 28 Se when they crie vnto the Loz in their trons
43 Neuertheleſſe, when He fata their aduerſitie: he Ke : he deliuereth them outoftheir diſtreſſe.
Heard their complaint. 29 Foz he maketh the forme to ceale: Co that the
44 Dc thought pon hig conenant,e pitied them ac: waues thereof are fi,
cording te the multitude of
his mercies : pea, hee mate 30 Then are they glad, hecaulethep bee at ret:
ail chofe that had ten them away captiue,te pitiethem. and fo bee bringeth them onto the hauen where theg
45 Delicer bs(D Lor our God)e gather vg from would be.
among the heathen: that wee map giuethankes once 3! O that men woulo therefore prale the Lognfor
thp holp Name, and make our ho ſt of chp paile, His qoopnelle + and declare the wonders that he doeth
` 46 Wileilen hee the Loz Guo of Ilrael, from ener: fo? the childzen of men. ?
laking, and wog without end s and let all the people32 That they would evalt hinvel’e tn the Congres
fay, Amen garenof the people :and paple him in theteate of the
_ Confitemini Domino. Pfal.r07. verg, j
Morning g ~ Stuetbanks onto the Lor,fozhe is gracious: 33 Thich turneth the Moots into a wilderneſſe:
prayer. O nd bis mercy endureth fo2 ever. atta mieth sp the water ſprings.
2 Letthem gine thanks.tuhompLog hath 34 & fruitfiutl land maketh he harren : forthe tics
redeemed: ant deliuered fean the han of the enemie. kenuefle ofthem that pivell therein,
“y Ano gathered them ont ofthe lands, from pak 35 Acaine hee makerh the wilderneſſe aKanding
efrom the Celt: from the Math, € from the South. water: ann tater ſprings ofa dep ground.
“4 Thep went aliray in che wilderneſſe out of the 36 Am there he letteth the bungrp : that hep map
wap : and fonny na citie to dweſl in. biuld them a citie to dwell in
“S Wcnaepaun chirftte: their lanle fainten fr them. 37. That thep map owe their land, and plant vine⸗
<6- Ho thep crien brite the Lorn in their trouble: anv rards: to yeeld them fruits ofinercafe, —
He deliucren them frem theit vifirele.. 38 De beech them, fo that they multiplie ercees
7., He led them foorth by the right way: chat thep diugly: anv Cuffcreth not their cattel co vecreale.
milaht wa to the citie Where (hep dweſt. 79 And -gaine, when thep are minifhen e brought
8 D thatmen would therefore prapfe ihe Loz Foz i : though opprellion, though anp plague oz trome
His goodneſſe: ana declare the wonnere that he dreth l*
Eoz the childzen of men. , ugh hee jNifer them to bee eulll entreaten
40 Thoug *
The The Pfalmes. The Ni
through tpravts: and fet them wander out of the map root out the memoziall ofthem from off tbe earth.
in the wilderneife. 15 And that becauſe bid minde was net te Do geod:
41 Bet helpeth he the posze out ef miſetie:
andma- but perlecnted the pooge pelpctetie man, thar he might
keth bi o Wuſhelds like a flacke of ſheepe. flap bim that wag dered at the beart.
42 Che righteous wiil condverehis, and reioyce: 16 Dig hel'ghe was in cutting, anv it atl happen
aub the manth of all wickebneile fhalbe ſtopped. Dito him: Jee sued not plefling , cheretoze Hall tc bie
43 Who o ig wile, twill poader theie things: and farre from him.
yi Hail onderhand the lowing kudenelle of the 17 He dotted Himlelfe with curling like as beith a
910, rayment: andit ſhallcome tito bis beweis Hke water,
Paratum cormeum. Pfal, 108. and like ople isto his benig.
Esening God, mp heart ig ready (mp heart's readp: ) 18 Let it be onto bim as the clove that be hath ops
prayer. F willing anv giue paile with the be mem- onbim : ana as che girdle that See is alway girbes
Ler that 3] bane. withall.
2 Awake thos Lute anv Harpe : Ymp ele will ty Let it thus Happen from the Leed wate mine
awake right early. —— : anb to thole that ſprake cull againſt mp
J will giuethankeg onto chee, D Lor, among ule.
the preple : J will Gng praples buto cyee among the 20 But deale thou wit) me (D Loz Gon) acca
nattens, i bing unto thp PRame : ferPſweet ig tup mrep.
4 Foꝛ thy mercpig greater then the fears: anv 21 © deliver me,fo2 Jam helpelelle ane ponge: anu
hp trueth ceacheth puto rhe cloudes. inp heart is Wounded within me,
5 Set bp thp elie (D God) abore the heauens: 22 J gee hence like the ſhadow that vepartech: ana
ane thp gloꝛy aboue allthe earth. . am Diuen awap as the grathopper
6 Svat thp beloued map be velineren: lee thy right 23 Dpkuceg are weake thugh faking : mp Achy
Hany face them, and heare thou me, is drped bp o} want of fatnefie,
7 Gon hath pokenin bigs bolinefle: Y will reiopce 24 J| became alo arebuke bnto dem : thep that
therefore and Biaite Sichem, and mete out the wallep lookee bpon me. aked their beats
ef Succoth, 25 Helpe me (D Laa mp God: ) eh faue me ace
8 Gikan ig mine, and Wanalles ig mine: Ephza coding to thp imerep.
ém allo ig the ſtrength of mp bean. 26 AnD thep Hall know how that this ig thp hant:
9 Juda is mp lawginer, Weab ts mp wafSpot: e- and that thou Lozd haft done it.
cer Edom will F ca out mp Hoe,vpon the jviliftines 27 Though chep curle, pet bleſſe chow : anv let thems
wil J triumph. be confoundes that rile dp agaiuſt mee, but let tip fers
to iho will {eave mee into the frong citie, anv want retorce,
tuha will bring me inte Evom? 28 Let mine aduerlaries Dee clothen with Mame t
re WafEnst chou foꝛlaken vs?D Gen: ann wilt not and let them coner themlelues with their owne confus
(Hon, Gov, go forth with our hoſts: Gon,aswith a doke,
tz D helpe vg againi the enemies Fozbaine is the 29 Asformce, Y wil gine great thankes onto the
helpe of man. Tozu teith mp mouth ; and pzayſe him among the mul-
13 Though Gor we fall coe great acts: andit ig titupe,
be that Hall tread Downe our enemies. 30 Foz be ſhall tand at the right hand of the pove:
Deuslaudem, Pfal 109. telaue þig onle from vnrighteous Tudges,
H Dine not thp tongue, D God of mp praple : foz the Dixit Dominus,’ Pfal.ı 10.
mouthof the vngadly, pea, and the meuth of the De Low ſayde ontomp iom : ſit thou onmp Morning
Beceitfull is opened bpon me. right Hand , vntill §make chine enemies thp prayer.
2 And thep haue poken againſt mee with falfe fiotfioole.
tongues: they compaſſed mee about allo with words of 2 Ehe Lord Hall {end the rov of thp power out of
hatted, ann fought againſt me without a cauſe Sion : he thou ruler euen in the mids ameng thine
3 Forthe loue that J han onto them, toe,thep take enemies.
no mp contrarp part: biit J giue mp lelfevuto pzaper. 3 In the day of thy power fhalthe pecple cffer thee
4 Chus hane thep rewarded me euil foz goen : anu free will ofterings with an holp weahhip: the pete of
datred foz mp good will. thp birth ig of the wombe of the mezning
5 -Sretthou an vngodly man to be ruler ouer him: 4 The Lezofware , and will not repent: thou art
ant let Satan fano at his right haad. a Pꝛieſt foz ener after the order af Welchiledech.
6 Taben fentenceig giuen bpon him, let him bee 5 The Loꝛd vpon thy right hand: hal wound enen
cendemned: aub let bis prayer be turned into finne. Kings in the dap sf His wath.
7 Let his daxes bec fet: anv let another take his 6 He kall iunge among the heathenHe Hallfilrhe
ice. places with the bead bodies: and ſmite in under the
8 Let his chimen be fathericfle : and pig wife a Heads ower Diners countreves,
widow 7 He thal dzinke of the bzooke in the way: theres
9 Let big chimen be vagabends, and beg their kore Mall be lift bp bis head.
Breas : tet them ſeeke it alfo out of deſolate places. Confitebor tibi. Pſal 111.
10 Let theerteztioner conſume all hat be bath: ana IWill gine thankes bnto the Low with my whole
fet the ſtrenger ſpoile his labour. Heart :fecretly among the faithful, ard inthe Cons
r1 Let there bee no man to pitie him: noto haue gregation.
compatiion sper his fatherlefle childzen. CThe works of the Lam are great: lought out cf
12 Let bis pofteritiebe deſtroped: andin the nert all them that bane plealure therein.
generation let his name be cleane put out. 3 His woke is tworthp to be prayſed and kan iit
13 Letthe twickeznefie of his fathers he hav in res Honour : and hisrighteouſneſſe enturetl foz euer.
membzance in the ſight of the Logs: and let not the 4 Whe merciful ann gracicus Lon hath fo dene
Gune of hig mother be Done aap, his marueilous wozkes: that thep onghttobe bao in
12 Wet them alwap be befozeche Loz: that be map temembzance. .
€ 5 De
_The xxiij. day.

The Pſalmes.
5 De hath gt sew meate timto then that keare him: at the pzelence of the Gon of Jacob. ‘
$e ſhall ener be mindkul of his Conenant. 3 bich turned che Hara rocke inte a Banting
6 De bath ſhewed his people}poiwerofhis works: fwater: and the flint Fone into a ſpringing tell,
that de map giie them the heritage of che heathen, Nonnobis Domine. Pfalıı5.
7 The works of his hands are vesitie ans iudge⸗ Dt vnto os, D Lom, not nto os, hut bntothp
ment ; ail His commanoements are trite. Rame wine the pzaife : Foz chy toning mercy, and
8 Thep Rana talk for cues ann eters and are Bone foz thp trueths lake. f
“iR trueth and cquitie, 2 Ciberefoze ſhal the Deathen fap : Where is now
9 We lent redemption onto His people: He hath their Goa?
rainmanved b.s Couenant for ewer, yelp and reuerent 3 As fox our Gon, $e is in heauen: He hath tone
ip Dis Mame. whatloeuer plealed him.,
zo The teare of the Lom is the begining of wife- Ebheiridoles ave liluer ano gota; enen the worke
Dom: a Koad virseritansing Haue all chcp that De there- of mens hants
aiter,the pratle of it endureth fez ener, 5 hep haue mouthes ann ſpeake not : epcg haue
Beatusvir. Palir. thep,
am lee nes,
Bs is the man that fea-eth the Ler: Dee hath 6 They hane eares and heare not : noles haue thep
great Delight in bis commandementg. ano incl not.
2 Dis teed Wall he mighty span earth + the wene- 7 Thep bane hands avo hamle not, feete Hare
ration of the faichtull halve bleen. thep, end walke not: neither Speake thep throug j rhete
3 Riches aad pientcoulseiie Hall be in bis houſe: theoat.
and his righteouines endureth foz ener. 8 Thep chat make them, are like pnta them ; and
4 Chita tye xovlp there arileih vp light in the fo ace a [inch as put their truſt inthem.
Ba keneſſe: be tg mercitullioning and righteous. 9 Buat thou honie of Ilrael, tink thou inthe Lean:
5 A good man ig merciful, and lendeth: anv will he (3 their Ciccour ana vefence. :
Guide Bis words with diſcretion. 10 Be houſe of Maron, put pour truſt in the Lows
6 Foz be ſhallueaer he meoued: awa the righteous eis their helper ann defender. i
ſhalbe hav in av enerlalting remembzatee. sc Be that feare the Lows, put pour tink in the
7. De will not be afrain foz any eni! tidings : fez Loz : beis their helper and nefender.
pis Heart ſtendeth fat, ane beleetieth inthe Low. tz The Loz hath bene mindtull ofog and he Halk
3 His heart ts ſtabliſhen anv wil not Minke: vntil bleſſe ss:cucn he Hall bleie the houle of Yiraeipe Hal
pelee biz vefe bpon his enemies. blee the Doule of Faron.
9 He darh dilperled abzoad and winen to the poore: 13 We fhall bleke them that feare the Legn : hoth
and hrs righteoutneile remaineth foz ener, bis hone fmail anv great. l
ſhabe cxalted with honour. 14 The Lom hall increale pon moze aria more:
10 Uevngudlp hall {ee ftand it Hall grieue hin: pos atd pour children.
Se Hail gnaſh with his teeth, ano ronlume sway, the 15 Be are the blelſed of the Low : which maze
delre ef the vngodly hail periſh heauen anv earth.
Laudate pueri. Plal.r13. 16 Ailthe whsle heauens are the Load : checarth
Raile the Loz (ve ſeruants:) D praile the Name hath be ginen to the childzen of men.
af tie £023, 17 The Dead praile not thee , D Loyd : neither aff
2 Hielen he the ame of the Lew: from thig thep that go dawne inte thefilence.
time korth for euermoꝛe. 18 Bar we will pattie che Lon ; from thig time
3 The Lords Name is praiſed: from the visirg op forth foz cuermoze. Peaiſe che Loz.
of the Sunne onto the going Downe of the fame.
4 The Lois high aboue all Heathen: anv Gis Dilexiquoniam. Pfal.ri6.
giay aboue the heauens. Jiitweiplealen:; that the Lord bath heard the voice Morning
5 Who istike ontothe Lozd our Gon, that hath sf mp praper. prayes.
bis dboe ling fo high: ans pet humbleth Dinieife to be- 2 Thathee hath énciinen his care Suto mee:
Helo the things that areinHeaven and earth? theretoze toi't Jeall vpon him as long as F line, '
6 Me taketh op the fimple out of the duſt: and lif. 3 The Mares of neath compatied me roms abouts
teth rhe poore opt of the mize. and the paines ef hell gate hold rpon me.
7 That be map èt Him with the princes + euen 4 Ffhall Inne trouble anv heauinelle, anv Y Hall
with the princes of his prople. call tpan the Flame of the Low : D Lewd J bdeſcech
8 De maketh the harren woman to keepe Houle: thee deliuer mp foute,
and to be a ioptull mother of childzen. 5 Gracious is che Lon and righteens : pea, out
Gov is merrikull.
Trrexitulfrael. Pfal.r14. 6 She Loꝛd pꝛeſerueth the imple: Y was in mile⸗
Hen Ylracl came out of Egypt: anv ths tie and be heſped me,
- Bette of Jacob from among the Grange 7 Turne againe then onto thp ree, D mp lonte:
people. fo: the Lom hath rewarded thee.
2 Juva was his Sanctuaries and Iſtael his Do 8 And why? thor ha velivered mp foule from
minion. death; mine epes {tom teates ,and myfeere from fale
i 3 The fala that, ann fled: Voan was dziuen g.

acke. i 6 Fwitl walke befo the Low: in the tann of he

4 be mountaines kippen like Rammes: and the Uo. r
little bils like pong Herpe. 3 Ybeleeuen, and therefoze will Jſpeake, Dut
s That ailech thee,D chou fea,that thou fenvelk: wag ize troubled: Jlayd in mp haſte, Alimen are
and thos Pavan, Hat thau wafi zinen baike? iars.
6 Bemountaives, that velkipped kke Rammes: 11 MAhat rebaard Hall T iue onto the Lozd: foz
and pe little hils tike yong Hepes all the beveft sthar he hath vone vnto me?
7 Tremble thou carch at the pretence of the Lows 12 3 woilvcceive the cupoklaluation; ann call a
The The Pfalmes. The xxiiii. day. Xe
the Rame ofthe Lom. 24 This is thedap whichige Low hath made: we
53 J wilpap mp notes not inthe pretence cf all will refepce anv be glan in it.
Hig people: right deare in the fight cf the Lod, ig the 25 Welpe me now, D Low: D Loyd {end oe nos
Breath of His fairs. prolperity.
14 Bebold (D Loyd) hew that V am thp Ceruant: 26 Bi fled he he that commeth in the ame of the
Jam thp ſeruant, and the lonne of chine hanpmapve, Loz we haue withen pou good lucke,pe that be of the
thos paft bzoken mp bones in limber. Youle of the Low.
15 Jwiloffertothee the facrifice ofthankelgiuitg: 27 God is the Low which hath Heer blight:
and wili call pen the Mame ef the Lord. binde the Cacrifice with coas, pea,enen ente the bornes
r6 J willpay mp voles onto the Loz, inthe ſight of the altar.
of allbis people : inthe courtes of tie Lowes boule, 23 Tteuart mp Hov.and J will thanke thee: thou
— in the middes of thee, D Hierulalem. apie the att mp Gov, and J will praple thee. t
920. 29 D giuethankeg bnto the Loz , foghe ip gracie
Laudate Dominum. Phal 117. ous: and Lis mercp endureth fez euer,
O Warte the Loz all peLeathen: pꝛapſe him all re
nations. Beatiimmacelati, Pfal 119.
2 Foz tus mercifall kindneſſe is ener moze mo: Lefen are rhofethat ere vndefilid in the wap: Euemag
toward Bs: and the tructh of the Lowe endiueth foz B anD walkeinthelat ofthe io. prayer.
ener. Pzayle tke Logs. 2 Bleſſed are thep that kecpe his teima
Confitemini Domino. Pfal.r18. nieg and lecke Sim with their whole peait. 30s
CO Giuethankes onto the Lod, foz hee ig gracious: 3 Foz they which nce no wickednes: walke in Lig
becauſe hig mercy endureth foz eter. fo2 pes.
2 Let Iſrael new confefle that he is gracious:and 4 Thou hal charger: that we Hhaliligently kecpe
that bis metcp endureth fog euicr. thp commandements.
3 Let the houſe of Aaren now confeffe : that bis 5 D tha: mp tapes were mare fo dircet: that J
mercy endureth Fez ener. might keepe thy (atures.
4 Bea, let them now that fearethe Loo confie: 6 So fell J norbe confounded: while 3| baue re-
that bis mercy endureth foz ener. {pect buto ail thp commandements.
§ Fcalled opon the Low i trouble: ant the Lom 7 J wilebanke thee with ax vafained Geart: tater
Heard me at large, 3 hali haue learned the iudgements of chy rightecuſ⸗
6 TheLovis on mp Ste: F will not feare what ne e,

man Doeth Suto me. 8 wwidkeepe thy ceremonies: D fozfake menet

7 The Low taketh my port with them that helpe btterlp.
* + therefoze Mall Ji fee mp delire vpon mine ene⸗ In quo corriget. z
mieg. W DHerewithall hall a yong man clenle his way r
8 3ft ig better to truk inthe Lem: then to put mp euen bp ruling bimfelfe after tby wow.
confidence fn men. 2 ith mp whole beart haue 3 Cought thee: D leg
9. Itis better to trult in the Lord: then to put anp me not goe mong out of thy commandemesite.
confinertce in princes. 3 Ehy wows have J bid within mp heart > that Y
10 Alí nations compaffes merosnd about: but in fhould not inne again tree.
the ame of the Lorn mili J defroy them. 4 Bleflen art thou, D Low: D teach me thy ſta⸗
11 Thep kept me in on etterp five, thep kept me in tutes,
¶ fap) on euerp Gre : but in the Name of the Low wil 5 Cithmp lippes bane I bene telling: of all the
J ocftrop them. istgemente of (hp mouth.
32 They came about me like Bees, and are ertinct 6 J haue had as great velight in the tap of thp
euen as the fre among the thomes: fozin the Mame of teftimonies : ag in alf marer oftiches.
the Loz Y ill aeftrep tbem. 7 Jwil telke of thp commandements: and haite
13 Thou halk thruſt ‘ore at me, that 3| might fall: reſpect bnte thp wayes.
bist the Lord was mp Helge. 8 By velight Galbe in chp ſtatutes: and J wil not
© 14 Che Lom is mp Krength and mp fong : and is forget thp wow,
become mp fatuation. Retribue ferue tuo,
15 The vopce of iop and Lealth is iu the tivellings © Doe well vnto chp truant: that Imay liue, ava
ef the righteous: the right pano ofthe Low bringeth keepe flip word,
mighty things to paffe. 2 Dpen thou mine eyes: that J map (ce tke toons
16 The right hand of the Loz hath the preemi⸗ derous things ofthy Lew.
menee: the right haud of the Lom bringeth mightie 3 Jama firange: vpon earth: D hive not thp coms
things te paffe, } : Mandermrents from me.
17 J| wilnot die,but line: and Declare the workes 4 Dp foule heeaketh out for the bery fernentdefiret
ofthe Lon. that it bath altsap bute thp tutgements,
18 The Low Hath chaſtened and cezrected me: but 5 Shou hak rebuked the pzoude: and curled are
$e hath not ginen me cuer onte death. thep that coe erre from thp commandanertg,
19 Dpen me the gates oftightcoutnes that F map 6 © turne krom me Game and rebuke: fo:YCane
goe into them, and gine thanks onto the Lord. kept tp tefiincnies.
20 This is the gate ofthe Low : the rightecug 7 Hꝛinces alfo vid fit anvfpeake againſt me : but
HAl enter intoit, i thp Ceruant ig occupicd in thy fetutes. .
21 JwUthorke thee, fee thou haſt heard me: anv 8 Ho3thp tellimenies are mp delight : anv mp coum
art become mp faluation. eller Bs ;
22 Whe fame fone which the builders refulen + ig Adhefit pauimento.
Become the head fione in the comer, — Me foule cleaueth to the bul: D quicken thou mee
23 Thisisthe Lowes doing ; and it ig maracioug according to thy word.
in our epes, 2 Jhaue kuowledged wip ta thou hearneh
2 més A

Gdn ate
The > ThePialmes. The
me: D teach me thy Fatutes, turned mp Feete bute thp teltimonies
3 Wakemete vnderltand the wap of thy commana 4 JF maue hatte ¢prolorgen not the time : to keepe
dements: and to Hall J tatke of thp tesndcrous wozks. thp commandements.
4 Wo wule melterh atwap foz herp heauinelſe: com⸗ 5 The congregatien of the vngedly pane robbe .
fozt thor me accozding vnto thp wod. me: bistJhaue not forwotten thy Law. i
5 Take from me the wap ofiping :and taule thou 6 At midnight J wil rile to giue thanks onto theet
me to make much of thp Law. becaule of thy righteous iungementg,
6 Thane chofen the wap oftrueth:and thp iudge⸗ 7 J am a companion of all them that feare thee:
ments Dane J iayd befo2e me, and keepe thp commandemeets.
7 J baue Ricken nto thp teſtimsnies: D Logn cons 8 The earth, D Log,tskullokthy merep: D teach
kound me not. me thp ſtatutes
8 J wil rumne the wap of thp commandements s Bonitatem fecifti.
tohen thon hak fet mp heart at liberiy. O27 thou haſt dealt graciouſty with thp ſeruant:
Legem pone. accoꝛding onto thp voord·
Morning Each me,O Low, the wap of hy Ratutes: and 2 © learne me teue vnderlkandiug and knowledge:
prayer. f 3 Hall keepe it nto the end. foz J baue beleeued thp commandementg,
2 iue me vnderſtanding. and Y hal keepe 3 Bekoꝛre J was troubled,Ywent wng: but nots
thy atu: pea,Yfhail kerpe it with — aue J kept thp woz.
Make mee ta goe in the path of thp commande. 4 Chow art goon anv gracions: D teach mee the
ments : tez therein ig uv deſire. fatutes,
4 Incline my heart ontethp tefiimonies: ana not 5 The pꝛoud Haue imagined a Ipe again me : but
to couctouſneſſe. J toil keepe thp commandements with mp whole beart.
5 Dturve away mite pes, let thep beholde banis 6 Their heart is ag fat ag bzawne: but mp delight
tie : and quicken thou me in thp wap. Hath bene in thp Latwo.
6 D Kabli chy wem in thp truant: that 3j map 7 It is good fo: mee that F hase bene in trout tes
feare thce. that J| may learre thp ſtatutes.
7 Takeatwap the rebuke that J am aftain of: fog 8 The Law ofthp mouth is dearer onto me: ther
thp iudgements are goon. thoalanusg of gold and fuer. ‘
3 Behan, mp delight is in thy commanvements: Manus tuz fecerunt me,
O quicken me in thy righteoulneſſe. Dpbands haue mave me and faſhloned mee: D Euening
Et veniat fuper me. giue me vnderſtanding, thatJmap learne thy prayes.
TS tip laning mercy come alle butome, D Loza: commandements.
euenthp ſaluation, accoꝛding onto thp wor. 2 Thep that fearc thee twill be glad when thep lee
2 Sohal J make anſwere pnto mp blafpbemers: me: becaule J haue put mp truſt in thp word.
Foz my truſt ig in thy word. 3 J know (D Low) that chp tudgements are rights
3 Dtakenot the woz of thy trueth vrterky out of and ke thou of erp kaithkulnelſe hañ cauld me tobe
mp mouth : fo: mp Hope is in thp indgements. troublen.
4 Bofhall Jalwap keepethp law: pea, fez cuer 4 let thp merciful kinonelle hemp comfort ; ace
ana euer. é coming to thy woz onto thyſeruant.
5 And J wilt walke at libertie: foz J feeke thy 5 D leethplouing mercies come bitta mee, that J
rommandements. map liue: čo: thp Haw ia my vel. git.
6.Iwill (peake of chy teſtimonies alo, enen bekore 6 Let the pꝛoud beeconfounden , foz hep goe tice
Rings : and will not he ahamen. kedip about to deſtroy me: but 3 wil be occupied in thp
7 Ano mp delight Hall be in thycoxrmandements: commat® ements,
which F haue leuen. 7 Let uch as feare thee, ant have knowen thp tee
8 Qp hanas allo will F lift vpbnto thp comman imontes: he turned vnto me.
dements, which J baue lonen: and mp Rudie Hallbe in 8 Diet mp heart be lound in thy ſtatutes: that J
thp Hatutes. be not aſhamed.
Memor efto verbi tui. é Defecit anima mea.
B ia thy ſeruant,asconcerning thp wozd: MË faule hath langed oz thp ſaluation: and Jhane
wherein thou baft eaud me to put mptruf. a goon hope becauſe of thy word.
2 he fame ig mp comfort in mp trouble: foz thp 2 Wine eyes lorgloz tor thp worde: faping, ©
word Hach quickened me. j when twit thou comfort me ?
3 The peoudhaue hav me erceevingip in derifion: 3 Joy an hecome like a bottleinthe Cmoke: pet
pet haue J not Mhrinkes from thp Lato Doe J not tozget thp ſtatutes.
4 Fer I remembzen thine euerlaſting iudgements, 4 Dow manp are the papes of thpferuant: when:
O Lom: and receiued comfort. wilt hou be auenged of them that perlecute me ?
5 Tamnhogrribipaftaw: foz the bagonlp that foz- 5 The proud haue digged pits fozmee: which ave
fake thy Lam. f net after thp Law.
6 Thpiautes haue bene mplongg: inthe houle 6 Alithp commannements are true ? thep perecute
sfmppilgrimage. me fallely,D bethoureyp helpe.
7 Ihaue thaught opon thp ame, D Loza,in the 7 They hada'moft mane an end of mebpon earth:
night (eafor : anv bane kept thp Lat. but F fariooke not chp cemmanvements.
8 This 7 ban: becauk FJ kest thp cõmandements. 8 O quicken me after thy toning kindnefſe: annle
Portiomea Domine. fhalt 7, keepe che teſtimonies thy mouth,
7 atmo portion, D Lom: J haue promifento In æteruum Domine.
keepe thp Lata, , Ore word: endureth foz euer in hernen.
2 J mate mp humble petition in thp prefence with > Thy tiueth allo remaineth from one genes
my whole beart: O he mercifutl bnto me accowing to ration to another: thoe paf layd the foundation of the
hp toon. i earth and it abideth. } i i
3.IJealled mine otne wayes te remembgances wry 3 Thep continue tig vay acco ding to thine oi
The The Pfalmes. The xxvi. day.
nance : fo2
t all things ferne thee. ; 5 Jam thpfernent, D grate me vnderſtanding:
4 Jt mp delight vad not bene in thy Law:I heute that J may know typ teftimonies,
Haueperiſhed it mp treuble. 6 St is time fez thec iloz to lay to thp hand: foz
§ J wilneuer forge thp commandements:foꝛ with thep haue deſirsped thp Law.
them chou hat quie ened me. 7 Fo J loire thp commansements: aboue golde
6 Jam thine, of ſaue me : foz J haue fought thp and precious Rone.
commandements. 8 Therefore holde Iſtraight all thy commaude⸗
7, The vngodly layed wait forme, to deſtroy me; ments : and all falle wayes Jvrteriy abhorre.
But 3 will conũder tyy teſtimenies. Mirabilia.
3 Flee
that allthings ate come to aneno:
but thp Te teflimonieg are teonverful :ehercfoze doethmp
Commandennnt ig erceeding hzoad, foule keepe them,
Quoniodo dilexi, 2 Tiben chp woꝛd gorth forth sit giueth light and
LeS tohat loue pane J onto thp Lat all the vap vnderſtanding onto the imple.
tong ig mp ſtudie in it. $ 3 J openen mp mouth and mets in my bzeath: fog
= Choutheengh thy cõmandements hak made me mp aclight was im thp commanoements.
wiler then mite enemies: fo2 thep are euct withme, 4 D lvokethou upon me,and be merciful onto me:
J| baue moze onverftawing then mp teachers: as thou vlſeſt to Do bute thole that toue thy Mame,
Eo: thp tellimonies are mp Runie. 5 Doer mp Reps in chp wow: ana fo Mall ne mica
4 Mam wiler then the agen: becaule 31 heepethp kednes haue dominion oner me,
commantements- D deliver me from the wzongkull dealinga of
5 Thanerefrained mp feete from enerp enii wap : imen: and ſo Hall J keepe thy commandements.
that J map keepe thp wou. i 7 Sbeto the light of thy countenance bpon thy fees
6 J| bauenot Kamke from thy iudgements: foz uant : and teach me thp ftatutes.
thou teacheft me. 8 Wine epcg guſh out with water : becaule mer
7 D bets ſweet are thy wats onto mp thoat: pea, keepe not thp Lato.
ſweeter then heny vnto mp mouth. Iuftus es Domine,
8 Wheough chy commandements J get vnderſtan⸗ Tobteous art thou,DLoz: and true ig thp iudge⸗
Ding: rherefoze J Hate all wicked wapes. ment.
Lucerna pedibus meis. y 2 Che teftimontes that thou halt ceommanded:ate
Dy woꝛd is a lanterne vnto mp feet: and alight exceeding rightceus and trae,
pnto mp paths. 3 Wy Zeale hath enen confiumen me: becaule mine
prayer. 2 Thane lworne, and am ſtedkaltly purpo⸗ enemies bane forgotten thp womg.
fen : to becpe thy righteous iudgements. 4 Thp woꝛd ig tried te the vttermoſt: and thp fers
3IJ am troubled aboue mealure ; quicken me (D uant loueth it, ,
Loꝛd) accozving te thy word. 5 3 amima, anvof no reputation: pet deeJnog
4 Let the free will offerings of mp mouth pleale forget a — edita,
tee,D Loꝛd: anv teach me thy iudgements. 6 prighteonfneife igan euerlafting rightesuls
5 Wp foule ig altway in mp hant: pet Do Jnot fog neffe: and thp Lat fs the trueth. =a
get thp Law. 7 Trouble and heauineſſe haue taken holde bpon
⸗The vngedly haue lato a are foz me: but pet J me : pet is mp Delight in thp commanvements,
ſwarued not from thp commendements. 8 The righteowhielle of thp teſtimenies ig eterla⸗
The teftimentes haue J claimed ag mine heri⸗ Ring: D grant me vnderſtanding, ani 3 Hatltive,
tage For ever: €why? they are the berp ioy of mp beart, Clamaui in toto corde meo.
8- haue applied mp Heart to fulfil thy Katutes ale Ts with mp whole heart : Heare me, D Low, J Evening
tap euen onto the end. 4 will E thy ſtatutes.
Iniquos odio habui, 2 Bea, cuendpon thee doe Y calls belpe mee
Wate them that magine cuill things : but thy Law and J Hall keepe thp teſtimonies. 3 Bribe mre,
bo Fi loue. p : Early in the maming doe F| crie bute thee ; foz
2 Thou art mp defence and ſhield: ann my truſt ig in thp mom ig mp trui,
in thp word. 4 Wine epes prevent the night watches : that J
3 Awwapfrom me pe wicked ; J wil keepe the com: might be occupied in thp words.
manBements of mp Good. 3 Weare mp voyce. (D Loyd) according onto thy
4 D ftablifh mee accoming bnto thy worn, that J foumg kindneſſe: quicken me accozding ag then art
map line: and let menot be difappointen of mp Lope. wont,
5 Dolathoume bp and YMan he lafe: yea, my Tes 6 Thep drawuiah thet of malice perſectite mee
fight Hell be euer in thp Hatutes, and are farre from thp Lato.
Thou halt tronen downe all them that vepart 7 Bechounah at hand, OLoz: foz all chy conte
from thy ffatutes :foz thep imagine but teceit. mandements are trie.
` 7 Thou puttelt away all the vngodly of the earth 3 Asgconcerning thy teſtimonies, J Hate knower
fike mzoe : therefoze 3 loue thy teſtimonies. tong Gnce: thou halt grounten them foz euere ~
3 Wyf trembleth for feare o: thee s and Jam f Vide humilitatem,
afrain of thp iungements. Confirer mine anuerfitic , anv Deliner mes foz Y
Feci ifdicium. do not forget thy Law.
Deale with the thing that is lavofiill anv right: D - 2 Auenge thou mp canle, ann Deliner me squicker
]gine me not oner Mnto mine oppꝛeſſors. me according bonto thp hoa.
2Make thon thy lernant to deright in that which 3 _Wealth ig far frem the vngodly: foz they regara
> ig good : that rhe proud nome no wong. ` F not thy ſtatutes
"> Opine eves are waften'atoay with locking Fog 4 Great isthymercp,D Lor: quicken me ag thow

thp health : ann fe: the word of thp righteculnetie, ate hoonts 02 a PETG. 9
J D veale with tlp ernant according Unto thytesOwe}s. pet
Wau there are that trenble me, ann perlecute
uing mercps ann teach me thp ſatutes. Boe Jnotſboarefrom thp teſſimenies.
—8 C3 pina Ge AG
edt od
4 The ‘The Pfalmes. rThexxviday·
6 Fe grieueth mre when V (ee the tranfereflonrs : 8 The Loyd hall pꝛelerue thy going out anv thy
becaule they Keepe not thp Lat. comming in: from thig time forth foz evernioze.
7 Coniiver,D Lov how F loue top Commande Lætatus fum. Pfal.122. f
mar : D quicken mee accogving to thy louing kinu- - y Taz alan tohen they laia vnto me ; we wil goe im
néie. ]the boule of tre Lod.
3 Tip word is true fram eserlaking sall the iudge⸗ > Durfeet hal anv in thy gates: D Hieruſalem.
ments of chp righteouſneſſe endure fo2 euérmoze. 3 Hieruſalemis builen aga city ; that ig at onitie
Principes perfecuti funt- in it felfe.
ppa Daue perfecuten me without a caule: but 4 Fozthitherthetribes goe bp, euen the tribesof
mp beart lander) in ate of thp words. the Low: to teftifie onto Ilcael, to giue thankes vnto
2 J am ag glavof chp woza; ag one that findeth the Mame of the Lorn.
great (pales. Foz there is the feate of Judrement : enen the
3 Asforlies , Jhate ans abhozre them :hut thp (cate of the Doule of Dauid.
Law do FJ loue, € D pap tothe peaceofJernlalem: hep Maté
4 Deuewtimes adap doe Jpzaiſe thee; becaule of poper chat lone thee.
thy righteous inpgements. 7 Peace be within chp wales: and plenteouſneſſe
5 Great is the peace chat thep haue which lone thy within thp palaces.
Labo: and thep are tot offendes at it. 8 Fezmy hacthzen and companions fakes : 3) wili
6 Lop, F baue loeked fez thy fauing beakh : ang wif thee pzolveritie.
Done after thp cammanDements. 9 Bea, becaute of the boule of the Lou our Gow:
7 Wp loule bath kept chp tellimonies: and loued FZ willfecke to poe thee yoon,
themerceedinglp. Adteleuauioculesmeos, Pfal.123.
8 J haue kept thycommandements anv teftime- Ato thee hit J vp mine epes: Dehouchat twel
nies: fez all my wayes are bekore thee. {eit inthe heauens.
Appropinquet deprecatio. 2 Sebola, euen as the eyes of feruants leoke onte
ig my complaint come befoze thee, D Low: gine the han of their malters, ano as the eyes of a mayden
me vnderſtand ing accogding to thy werd. bute the hant of her miſtreſſe: euen lo our eyes waite
2 Let my fapplication come befoze thee: deliuer bpon the Lozo our Gov, vntill be baue mercp vpon pg,
me accordiug ta thy worn. ; 3 Daue mercp sponds D Low, hae mercy bpon
3 By lipaes Hall peake of thy paile: when thou {3 : foz we are btterly delpiſed.
Halt taught me thpittarutes. 4 Dur loule is kiledwith the(comefull reproofe of
4. Bea, my tongue fhal fing of hp tor : fog all thp the wealthy: anv with the nelpitefuln: fe of the ponts
commandements are righteous. Nifi quia Dominus, Pfal.124.
5 Let thine hand helpe me; foz I| haue cholen chp |F the Low himlelke hav not bene on our fine (not -
commandements. map Iſraelſap: ) ifthe Low himſelfe haa not bene
6 J haue longed for thp ſauing health, D Loz: en our fide when men role bp againſt bg.
and in chy Law is mp delight. 2 Thep har ſwallowed os vp quickes tehen thep-
7 D let mploule liue, and it Hall praife thee: ana were fo vorathtully vi pleal at bs.
thp iudgements Mall helpe me. 3 Yea the waters hav dzowned besaud the ſtreame
$ Jhaue wone aftrap like a theep that is loſt:oh leeke Had wone oner out oule,
thy feruant,for F do not forget thp commmandements, 4 The deepe waters of the proud : had gone even
AdDominum, Pfal. 120: ouer our foule. 7 F
Morning Den T wag in trouble, 3 callen bpon the - 5 -But pzailen be the Eom : which hath not giuen
prayer. Logs: ana be heart me. bs ouer fo2 a prap onto their teeth.
2 Deliner mploule,D Low, from ly- 6 Dur foule is elaped euen ag a bird ont of the-
ing lips: and from a deceitful tongue. ee of the kouler: the mare ig bgoken, and tue are de⸗
3 CUihat reward fhall be vinen oz done onto thee, iuered
thou faifetongue : euen mightp and harpe arrowes, 7 Dur helpe ſtandeth inthe Nameof the Low? -
with hot burning coaleg. which Gath made heauen and ears.
4 Wioeis me,that J am conſtrained to dine! with Quiconfidunt, Pi} 125.
Meſech: and to haue mine habitation among the tents T Hep that put thei truſt in the Lom, Halde euen as
of Cedar. the maint Sion : -which map not be remoerend, .
5 Wy (oule bath long dwelt among them: thatbe but ſtandeth falk fozeuer.
enemies vnto peace. 2 The bus Hand about Hieruſalem: enen o Fans
6 T labonr fo: perce, but when F) peake bnto them veth the Lord raund about big people , from thig time-
thereof: they make them readp to battell. fozth foz euermore.
Leuaui oculos. Pfal rar. 3 Foꝛ the rod ot the ngonlp commeth net into te-
] TZN lift op mineepes onto the pils : from whence lot of the righteous: lel the righteous put their hana-
commerh mp helpe. f onta wickedneſſe.
2 My helpe commeth euen fromthe Loz: which 4- Doe ell,D Loyd: onto thale that be good and
Bath made bauen and earth, ; true of heart.
3 De twill not Mier thy fort to be mooued sand pe 5 ag fez luchas turne backe onto theiratme twice
that keepeth thee, willnot feepe. kedneſſe: the Loz hall leave them forth with the eui
4 Behold, hee that keepeth Nrael : Hall neither Doers, but peace hall be npon Iſrael.
fumber no: fleepe. In.conuertendo. -Phal 126 |.
5 The Loz himlelke is thp keeper : the Low ig Dett the Lozd turned egaine the captlui⸗ Euening
thp tefence vpon thy right hand, i \)V tie of Sion then tuere we like vnto rhein prayer,
6 Sothat the Dunne Hall not burne theebyday: that dacame, -s TIRAR
neither the Boone bp night. T J 2 Then wag our mouth filles with laughter: and
7 The Laꝛd hall preſerue thee krom all enill: pea, purtovare With fop. a: TET ee ey
& ig enen he that Hall keepe thy onle, ; 3 Then laps theamong the Heathen :the —
The, The Pfalmes. The xxviii, day.
hath vene great chines for them. there ig mercy: and with himigplenteous redemp: ion,
4 ca, the Lord hath vone great things fog vs ale. 8 And be hal reveeme Tirar! : from ail his ſinnes.
ready: whereof we reiopee, ’ Domine,non eft. Pfal.131,
5 Turneourcaptiutie,D Low: as the rivers in pee > Jam not high minded: | paue no prose
the South. ores, 5
6 Thep that fowe inteares : (hall reape in fop. 2 J doe not erercife mp felfe in great matters :
7 Dee that now goeth on bis map weeping, and Which are too Dinh foz me,
Heareth koorth gsod (cede: Hall doubtleſſe come againe 3 But F reframe mp loule, ann keepe it lowe, like
with tox, and bring Dig ſheaues with Him: as a childe that is weanen from his morher: pea, mp
Nifi Dominus. Pfal.127. foule is enen as a weaned chilae.
Ecept the Lezd build the Houle: their labour is but 4 O Ilſrael cruk in the Lore: from this time korth
loft that build it. foz cuermoze,
2 Except the Lozokeepe the City: the watchman Memento Domine. Pfal 132.
waketh but in bame, Oꝛd remember Dauid: and all hig trouble.
3 Tris hut lok iabour that pe hafte to riſe np ear- i 2 Pow helware buto the Lom: and Lewes Morning +
fpana (o late rake ref, ana eate che bead of careful- i bow buto the almighty Goo of Jacob. prayer.
neke :fo2fo be giueth bis beloued flecpe. J will not come within the tabernacle of mp
4 Loe, chilien andthe fruit of che wombe :are an houle : noz climbe Sp into mp hen.
heritage ano gift hat commeth of the Lozo. 4 D wil noe luſter mine epes to flecpe
nog mine epe
5 Like as the arrowes inthe hans ofthe Gyant: fins ee neither the temples efmyhead to take
euen ſa ave the pong chimen, anp reff.
6 Dappp is the man that hath hig quiuer full ef 5 Untill Y finve ont a place for the Temple of the
rlag (half net be ahamen when thep Meake with Load : an habitation fo: the mighty Gen of Jacob.
eit enemies in the pate. _ 6 Lo,we heard of the fame at Ephrata: ano foung
Beati omnes. Pfal.128. it in the wood.
B Leſſed are all thep that feare the Lozd: ann walke 7 Ke wil goe into hig tabernacle: ana Fall low on
in His tuapes. out knees before his footeſtoele.
2 Fozthou Halt eate the labours of chine hang: 8 Arile, D Low, into thy refting place: thou anv
D weil is thee and happy Halt thou te. the Arke ofthy firenath,
3 Thy wile Hall be ag the fruittull dine: bpon the 9 Let thp Dzielishe clothed wich righteoulneſſee
taalles of thine Haufe. ann let thp Saints fing with ioyfulneſſe.
4 hy chaozen like the Dline branches: round a= 10 Foz thy feruant Dauids fake; turnenot aap
‘Hout thy table. the preſence of thine anopnted.
5 Loe, thus ſhall the man be bleſſed: that keareth 11 The Lord hath marea faithful othe nto Das
the Lozo. - uid: and be Mali not ſhrinke from it.
6 The Low fra out of Sion (hal fo bleſſe thee: that 3 12 Dfthefruiteof tip boop: Mall 3 let vpon thp
thou fhalt (ee Hierulalem in pzofperitp all thp life Long. rate.
7 ‘Bea, that thou Halt lee thp chilazens childzen: 13 JE thp chilozen will keepe mp conenant and mp
and peace bpon Wael. teftimonies that V Hal leatne them: their chilozen alia
Szpeexpugnauerunr, Pfal.r29, fhall {it vpon thp feate foz euermoze.
M Anp atime hane chep Fought again me from mp 14 Foz the Log hath cholen Sion to he an habitas
pouth Op: (map Iſrael tot fap.) tion foz himſelfe: he hath longen foz her.
2 Sea, manp atime haue thep bered mee from mp 15 Chis halbe mp reft fo; ener: fere will Jdwelſl,
vouth bp : but thep haue not pꝛeuailed againt me, for J haue a delight therein.
3 _Che powers plowed bpon mp backe: and mane 16 Q Swill bleſſe her vitailes with inereafe: and Loft
Jong kurrowes. fatiffie Der pooze with hean.
4 But the rightesus Lom: hath hewen the mareg 17 Swill decke her Picks with health: ans her
at the vngodly in pieces. Saints Hail reioyce ant fing.
5 Let them be confounded anv turned backward: 18 There hall Jmake the hone of Dania tofiga
ag manp as Hane euill will at Sion. ri: J haue exdeined a lanterne foz mine anoynted.
6 Let them hee euen as the grafe growing bpon 19 As fo bigenemies, Hall clothe them witý
‘the houle tops: which withereth afore it be plucked bp. fhame :but bpon himfelfe Hall his crowne flsriſh.
7 hereof the moter fifferh not his hand: neither Ecce quam bonum. Pfal.133.
He that hinneth bp the heaues, jisbelome. B Ehold how goon and fepfull a thing it ig: brethꝛen
8 So that they bohich aoe ip, fap not ſo much ag to Divell together in vnitie.
the Low profier pou: wer toi} pou good lucke inthe 2 Jet is like the prꝛecious oyntment vpon the bean,
Fame of the Lom. that ranne potone buto the beard; euen pnto Aarons
De profundis. Pfal.130. — went oe to Pa of his clothing.
Tit of the neepe haue called nto thee (DL o2s:) 3 J the as the peat of Permon: which telkepor
Lom heare mp bepce. t the bill ofSion. pict Sl j
t 2 Dblet thine cares contiver well: the boice of mp 4 Foz there the Lom peomilen fis bleſſing: any
cemplaine, life foz euermoze.
-3 Echo Low wiltbe ertreme to marke what ig Ecce nunc, Pfal, 134.
pone amiſſe: of Loz0,toho map ahne it ? Erola (noto ) praple the Low: all pe ſeruants of
4 Fozthere is mercp with thee: therefoze (halt thog the Lozo.
fefearer. 2 Bethat hpniqhe fann in the Boule ofthe Low
5 lake fox the Loz, mp foule doth wait forhim: enen in the courts of the hout afour Goo,
in Dis t300 ts my truſt. 3, Lift op pont handes inthe Sanctuary: anv
6 Wp foule fleeth vnto the Lord: before che moz⸗ peaplethe Lam.
ning watch,7Cap, hefore the moming watch. 4 The Low chat mave heauen anv earth: xine
7 D Hlrackerulk in the Low, fez with the Lozd thee bleſſing out ofSion.
TEs Laudate
í The ThePfalines. The sxviiisdaye
Laudatenomen. Pfat.r35. 14 Ano made Ilrael te goe through the middes of
O Pꝛayſe the Lozo laune pe the Mame of the Lim: ft foz his mercy endureth for ener.
pape it,D peleruarts of the Loz. 15 But as kor Pharaoh and his haſt,
be ouerthzw
2 Hre that annin the howe
orthe Loz: tithe them in the ren (ea: foz hts mercy endureth toz ener.
courts of the houſe of our God. 16 Thich ied His people thaougy the wilderneſſe
3 D praperhe Lord, kor the Lom is gracious: D fez His merey cnoureth frz ener,
fing prayſes tnta his Name,fog it tg louelp. r 17 Which (mote great kings : Fez His mercy endua
4 Fop? the Lo20 hath choten Jacob Hato him⸗ reth foz ener. l
(cles arto Nael fez bis owne poſſeſſion. | 13 dea, and Mew mightp kings: fog his mercy em
5 Foz J kuote that the Lorn is great: anv that our dureth foz ener.
Aom is aboue all gods, j : 19 Sehon king ofthe Amoiteg: foz bis mercy eRe
6 abatlocuer the Lord pleafen,that nin hein hea: dureth foz ener- ;
uei atid (earth: and in the lea ant in all deepe places. 20 Ano Og the king of Balan: fez hig mercy en⸗
7 We bꝛingeth koorih the clones fromthe nos of Dureth toz euer,
the world; and ſendeth foeth linhtnings with the raine, 21 Ann gaue aap their fand fez an heritage: fog
hainging the teindes ont of His treatires. His mercp endureth foz euer.
8 He linote the firlk hogne of Egrpt: both of man 22 Euen fo: an heritage onto Iſrael his (eruants
and healt. 7 foz his mercy endureth foz ewer.
9 He hath (ent tokens and wonders into the mins 23 CUhichremembzen vg when we were in troubles
of thee,D thou lann of Egrpt: bpon Pharaoh and all foz Dis mercy endureth foz ener.
bis feruants. 24 And path delivered bg from our enemies: foz hig
10 Delmote viuergnations: & lew mighty kings. mercy endureth foz eucr,
1: Sehonking of the Amazites, aus Da the king 25 Which giueth koode to all feh: foz hig mercp
of Balan: ana all the kingdomes of Chanaan. endurech foz euer.
‘12 AnD gaue theirlana to bean heritage: euen an 26 D giue thanks onto the Gop ef beauen : fo: bis
Hericage nto Iſrael his people. mercy endureth for ener.
r3 Tip Mane,D Low, endureth foz euer: fo noeth 27 D gine thankes onto the Low of long: for bis
thp memozial,D ILo, from oe generation to another. mercp endureth foz ener. ;
14 Foz the Lozn will auenge His people: ana bee Super flumina, Phal 137,
gracious buto his ſeruants. Be the waters of Babplon twe fate dawne and tecpt:
15 Ag fo theimages ofthe heathen, thep are hut when we remembred (thee) D Sion,
Glier and goln : the wozkeof mens hanis. 2 Gs foz our harps,we banged them bp: bpon the
16 Thep haue mouthes, and (peake not: epes haue trees that are therein.
they, butthep fee not, 3. Foz thep that len bg atuap captine, required of
17 Thep haue eares, ann pet thep hearenot: nefs bs then a Cong ann melodie in our Geauinefie: Gng vs
ther is there any bzeath in their mouthes. - one of the ſongs of Sion.
18 Thepthat make them, are like vnto chem: anu 4 Wto hal we fingpLords Cong: ina ſtrange land?
foare all they that put their truſt tbem. ~ . § PEN inget thee, D Hierulalem: tec mp right
19 HPꝛaile the Loz pe Houle of Iltael: pratie the hand forget her cunking.
Lo: pe houſe of Aaron. 6 FEM Douot remember thee, let my tongue cleaue
20 zaite the Lorn pe houle of Leni: pe that keare tothe rcofe of my mouth : pea,if J uecferre not Hietu⸗
the Lom, praile the Eon. ; faten fi mp mirth.
2x Weatfen be the Load out of Sion : which dwel⸗ 7 Remember the chaei of Evom, D Leen , in
leth at Hier Nalem. the day of Hierulalem: how they fain, Downe witi it,
Confitemini. Pfal. 136. Downe with it.cuen te the graund.
Enening Hine thanks snto the o2b,toz be ig gracious: 8 D daughter of Babylon, walten w milerp:pea,baps
prayer, O ind his mercp endireth fog euer, pp thall he he pretoardeththee as chor halt ferun bs.
2 D giue thanks vnto the God of all gods: 9 Bletles Hall he be that taketh thp chilogen: anv
foz bis mercy endureth foz euer. theoweth them againſt the ffoneg
O thanke the Lord of alffogds: fezhig merep Confitebor tibi. Pfal.138.
encurech fog ener. |Will gine thanks onto thee,D Lorn, with mp bobele
e4 Cibich one'p noeth great toonterg: fo2 hig mercy Hearts euen bedoe p gars wil J ling pait puto thee.
wurcth foz ener. 2 Tiwil ror Hip toward thy holy temple epraiſe chp
5. Which by his excellent wiſedome mane the hea ane becauſekchy lou ng kindnes etrueth: for thoy:
neng : foz hismercp crdureth foz ever. haſt megnifi·d tkp Meme čthp wom aboue althings,
6 Thich laid out the earth abone the waters: foz 3 hen 3 called open thee thon heardeſt me: anv:
His mercp endureth foz ever. enduedſt my foule with much firength.
7 Tihi hath mase great lights: foz bis mercy 4 Alth: Kings of theearth ſhall vaapethee , D
endureth foz cuer. Lo: for they haue hearn the wog of thp month.
3 The Dunne to rule the vap: fo hig mercp endu- 5 Bca, they ſhal fing in the wapes of che Loz; that
reth fo? euer. geeat is the otegp of the Lord.
The Moone and the Starres to gouerne the 6 Foz thaugh the Low be high, pee hath he reſpect
night : foz Gis mercy endureth fog ener ; byte the lowlxas forthe poude,bebeholdeth thenra⸗
10 Thich ſmote Egrpt with their Er bome: foz farre off
Dig mercy ermureth fo: euer. 7 Thounh J walkeinthe middeſt of trouble, yet
11 Ano brought out Iſrael frem among them: foz fhalt thou refrefh me: thou Hale ſtreich furch chine hard
his merey endureth foz euer. vpon the furiouſnelſe of mine enemies, and chp right
r2 (ith a mighty hand and fetched ont are: Hand Hall fane ine.
foz Bis mercy endureth fozeuer. 8 The Lon Haltmake good his louing kindnefle
13 TWhich diuided the cen Ka in two parte;
fo pig todo ard me: vea, thymercp.D Lord endiureth foz ever,
mercy endureth fog euer, ; delpile not then the wozkes of thine okne hanna.
7 t
The The Palmes: The
Domine probafti, Pfal.r39. 8 Let not the bngodly hane bis teire,DLem ; tet
Morning Loꝛd, chou balk ſearched me out, and knowen Not his milchieuosis imagnation pzo per, leſt they bee
prayer ° tes thou Rnowell mo downe ſitting, ano mine too pꝛoud.
thauv derſtandell mp thoughts long 9 Let the milchieke of their owne lips fall opon
betore. the head of them sthat compafle me abeut
2 Chon art about mp path and about my bed: anv 10 Let hatte buruing coales fall vponthem: tet
ſpieſt out allinp wap:g. them be caft ints the fire,and into the pit, thatthey nes
Foz toe, there is not a wave in mp tongue: but uer rife bp againe.
thon,D Loge knowelt it altegether. 11 Amman full of wozdes, Hall not palper spon the
4 Thou halk taſhioned me behinde and before: ano ate : endl Hall punt che mickes perlon co oucridzow
laid thine Band vpon me. in.
5 Suchkuowlesae ig tos wonderful and excellent 12 Sure Y am that the Low wil anenge the pooze:
Foz me : J] cannot att aiue onto it, and maintaine the cause of the helpeieſſe.
6cAhit her hali J| wae then from thp Spirit: 02 13 Che righteous allo hail giue thankes nce thp
whither Hall J gee then from thp peefence $ Mame ;and the iuſt Mall continue in ch fight,
7 He 4 climbe vp into heauen thou act there: if I Domine clamaui. Plal. 141.
goe Downe to hell, thou art there allo. i pipes call bpon thee haſte thee buto me: ana cons
8 QEY takethe wings of the mozning:and remaine {toer my vopce, when 3 crp onto chee.
in the bttermof parts of heſea. 2 Let my paver be fet kozch in thp ſight, asthe ins
9 Even there atlo Hal chy hand leade me: ans thp cenfe: aud tet the lifting vp st mp parks be an euening
righthand ſhall Hela me. facrifice.
10 Sf Jap, Peraduenture the varknefle Hall cox 3 Set a watch (D Layn)befoze my mouth: ¢ heepe
terme: then {hall mp night be turned to bap. the doore of mp tips.
11 Hea, the datkenelſe ts no darkeneſſe with ther, 4 DOletnot mine heart bee enclined to any eniti
hut che night is as cleare ag the vap: the Darknes anu thing : fet. me not beoccupied in vngodly workes, with
light (to thee) ave both alike. the men that moke wickednelle, tet F eate of uch
12 Foz my reines are thine: thon Halk couered me things as pleafe chem.
in mp mothers wombe. 5 Let the righteous rather finite me kriendly: and
13 J wel gine thankes bonta thee, for J am feares repzooue me.
fully & wondertully mane: maructloug are thp waks, 6 But lec tot their pzecions baimes bꝛeabe mine
and that mp foule knoweth right well. head: pea,3 will pray pet againit their wickednelſe.
14 Wp hones are not hin trom thee: though Ihe 7 Let their Judges he ouerthꝛowen in onp plas
made lecretly, and faſhioned beneath inthe earth. rea: that they map heare mp words, foꝛ they are ſweete.
15 Thine epes did lee mp ſubſtance, pet being on- 8 Dar bones lie tratreren before the pit: like ag
perfect: æ in thp booke were all mp members witten. when one bakah ann heweth wood vpon the earth,
16 TAhich dap by Day were lathioned: when as pit 9 tmine eyes looke bnto thze,D iom Gon:it
there was none of them. thee is mp trult,D cak not out my foule.
17 How neare are thp counfels outa me, D God: 10 Keepe me fromthe {rare which they haue layd
O how great is the fumme of them ? fo: me: and from the trapgofthe wicked Doers.
18 GF tellthem,thep are moe in number then the rı Letthe bongodly tall into their owne nets teges
fano: wher J awake bv,Jamn peelene with thee. ther: anv let meeucr efcape them.
19 Uilt thonna: flay the wieked, D Gon: depart Voce mea ad Dominum, Pfal.tg2,
Erom me pe blood thirftie men. Trpen buto the Lord with mp voice: pea,euen vnto Euening
29 Foz thep fpeake vnrighteouſſy againſt thee: and [e Low did J make mp fupptication.
thine enemies take thp Rame in taine. 2 J pores out mp complaints befoze Din: and
21 DoenotF hate them, D Loz, that bate thee: Mewe him of mp trotible. a
and am net J gricucd with thor that rile bp again 3- Chen mp pirit was in heauinelſe, thau kneweſt
thee? my path sin the te:p wherein Y walken, bane thep mis
22 er, Jhate them right Hoge: euen ag though uilp lapo a nare forme.
thep were mine eaemies. 4 T looken allo vyan mp right hand: ann fata there
23 Try me, D Gan, ann feeke the grount of mp frag noman that would know me.
Heart: moue me, and examinemp thoughts. 5 Ji bav no place to flee onto: and tto matt cared
24 Loske well if there be aay way of wickednelſe foz my Toute,
inme: and feade me in the wap euerlaſting. 6 Pevpen onto thee,D Lon, and lam : Thon art
Eripe me Domine, Pfal.140, my Hope ana mp portion in the tand of the fining,
Eliner me. D Lor, from the euill man: and pres i 7 Tonner mp complaint: foz Jam bzeught verp
ſerue me fram the nicked man. oboe
2 Thich imagine mitchiefe in their Hearts : anv & O deliuer mekrom my perlecutore;: for they are
firre by ſtrite all the nay tong. too ſtrong fo2 ine.
3 They bane Marpenen their tongues like a fer- 9 Bring mp fouke ont of prifon, that Y map give
pent: Aapers pop.on is wer their lips. thanks tute thp Dame: which thing ifthou wilt arant
4 Keene, D Loy, fron the hands of the pn- me, theu Hal the righteous relot unto mp companp.
goaly: preſerue mee from the wicked men whieh are Domine exaudi. Pfal.t 43.
purvsſed to cverthob mp goings. Ho mp paper, D Lorn, ano confiner mp delires
5 The praud haue layd a nare for me, and ſpread A hearken vntome fog thy trueth and rightedulnelſſe
anet abzoad with cogdes: pea, and {et trappes in mp ake.
wap. 2 And enter not into iungement with thy feruante
P 3| Capa bute the Low, thouart mp Gov: Heare fo: in thy fight Hlino man Iuing be tuſtified
the boyce of mp mayers,D Low. 3 Forthe enemp hath perfecuted my outehe hath
7 D Lor Goo, thon frenath of mv Health s thon fmitten my life Downe to the ground: he bath layd me

Halk coucred my head inthe vapof battell. inthe darknelle,asthe men that bane bene long Dran,
4 Thereiors
The xxx. day. The abides, The
4 Therefore is my lpirlt bered toithinmes and mp ueilous acts: and J twill al’ tell of chp greatneſſe.
Heart within me ig delolate. 7 The memoatall ofthine abunvant kindneſſe Hat
5 Met poe Y remember the time pal,3|mufe spon be chewed: an’ men Mall ing ofthy rigstcontnefle.
all chp wezkeg: pea,3)erercile mp felfe in the workes of $ The Low is gracious and merciful, long luſte
thp Hands. ring, and of great goodneſſe.
6 T retch forth mp Hands wita thee: mp loule gab 9 The Low ts louing Suto enerp man: anv fis
peth vnto thee ag a thirſtie lany. mercy is ouer all his workes.
7 Deareme, D Lez, ana that foane,foz my ſpirit 10 Fil chp workes papie hee, D Lom: and chp
wareth faint : Dine not chp face from me, lek J he like faints gine thanks onta thee.
Noto them that goe Downe ico the pit. ri Thep Hew the glozp of hp kingtome: ans talke
8 Dictme heare thy lowing kinanelle betimes in of thy pomer.
the mozing,foz fn thee is mp teut: Mew thou mep wap 12 Chat thy power, thp gio2p, anv mightinelfe of
that J Gould watke in, for Y lift op mp lome vtto thee. thy kingdome: might be knowen vnto men,
9 Deliuerme, D Low, fron mine enemies: for Y 13 @hp kingdome ts an euerlaſting kingdeme: ang
fice vnto thee te Hide me. thpdomittion endureth threughout all ages.
to Geach mee to noe the thing that pleaſech thee, 14 The Lordvpholdech all Much as fall; and lifters
for thsu art mp Godler thy louing piri leave me foh bp afl thole that be downe ;
into the land of righteoulneſſe. 15 Whe eyes of all waite bpon thee, D Low: anu
11 DQurcken me,D Lord,forthy ames lake: kor thou giueſt them tbeir meate in nue ſcelon. |
thy righteouſneſſe fake bzing mp loule outoftrouble. ~ 16 Chou vpeneſt thine hard : and Ellek all things
12 Ane of hp goodneſſe lap nip enemies : and Deo lining with plenteouſneſſe.
firey all chem that bere mp foule, fo:I am thy ſeruant. 17 The Low is righteous in all his wayes: any
Benedictus Dominus, Pfal 144. Holp in ali fis merkes.
Morning Lelſed be the Low mp ſtrength: which teacherh 13 She Logis nigh onto all them chat call epon
prayer. B np hanos ta watre,and my fingers to fight. him: peaallfuch ag call vpon bin faithfully. :
2 My hopeand mp forele, my cale anv 19 He will fulfil che delire of them that feare him s
Aelinerer,myp defender, in whem 3) teuit! which ſubdu⸗ He ako will beare their cry, and twill helpe them.
eth my people that ig vnder me. 20 The Lox preferuct’ al! them that teue pim: but
3 Lom, what is man that thou halk {ach refpect on. (cattereth abgoad ali the vngodly.
to hint: orthe fone of man, that thouſs regardeſt hime 21 Wp mouth ſhall (peake the praple of the Low:
4 Wan is like a thing of nought: his time pallet and let all fel) giue thankes onto is holy Mame foz
atsap like a ſhadow. euer and ever.
5 Gowrbe heauens, D Loz, and come Dotone : Lauda anima mea. Pfal.146.
touch the mountaines.and thep {hall fmoke. Raple the Lom, D nip loule, while J liue will Y
6 Cafttorth thy lightuing, and teare them: ſhoote pzapfe the Lozd: vea,aslong ag Jhaue anpheing,
ont thine arrofes and conſume them. J will fing prayſes onto my. God.
7 Send downe chine hand from abone: deliuer me 2 Dyputnot pour truſt in Pꝛinces, noz in any childe
and take me ont af the great waters, front the hand of of matt: faz there is no helpe in them,
firange chimen. 3 Foz when che beeath of man goeth forthhehall
8 Wihole mouth talketh ofbanitie: ann their right turne againe to His earth: ana then all bis thoughts
hans ig a right hand of wickennefie, perih. |
9 J| wil fing a new ong onto thee,D Gov: and fing 4 Bleflen is he that hath the Gon ef Jacob foz his
praples onto thee spon a ten fringes Lute. helpe: and whofe hepe is in the Lo his Gor,
10 hou halk ginen Dicto nto Rings: anv halk 5 Tuhich made heauen and earth, the fea and all
deliuered Dauid thp leruant fro the perill of the ſword that therein ig: which keepeth His promile fo? euer.
Fr Saue me g deliver me from the hand ef franwe 6 CAbich belperh them to right that ufer wong:
chilozen: whole mouth taketh of vanitie, ano their which fecdeth the Hungry. *
tight hand ig a right hand of iniquitie. The Lerd looſeth men out of pzifon: the Low.
12 That our lonteg map grow bp ag the poung giueth light to the blind,
plants: and that our daughters map be ag the poliſhed 8 She Lown helpech then ihat are fallen: the Lozd
comers of the Temple. careth fo: the righteous,
13 That our garners map hee full anv plenteous 9 The Lom carech fo: the Franwershedekendeth
with all maner of koze: chat our ſheepe map bing forth the fathertefle end winotu:ad foz the wap of the vngod⸗
thoulands, and tent chonfanns iv onr ſtreetes. ip be turneth it opine Bofone.
14 That one oven may be ſtrong te labes.that there 10 The Lozi thp Gen, D Sion, Hhathe King fez
hee no decay: no leading into captiuitie, and ne come euermore: ant thoughout all generations.
plapning in our ſtreetes. Laudate Dominum. Pfal.147.
15 Happpy are the people that be in fuch a cale: yer, WDravle the Lor , fo? ít is a xeon thing to fing .
bleſſed arethe people which hane
$Laz fea theit Gov. C) ats puto our God : pea,a ioyfull ana plealant ERA s
ExalraboteDeus. Pfal ras, thing tt ig to be thankefull.
TUN magnilie chee, D Ger, mp Wing: anv F will 2 The Lown doeth bui bp Hieruſalem: and gas
praple thy Marre foz euer and ener. ther tomether the outcalts of Iſrael.
2 Euer vay till J gine thankes onto thee: anv 3 Weehealerh thole chat are broker in heart: anv
parte thy Mame for ener anv ever, giueth menicine te heale their fickeneffe.
3 Great ts the Low, and marueilous worthy to he 4 We telleth the number of the ſtarres:
and calleth
peaplen:there ig no end of his greatneſſe. them all bp their names. ;
4 Dne generation Hall maile chp wozks onto ates 5 Great igon Lom, and great is his power: pea,
ther : anv declare thy power. ane bis tutfenome ts infinite.
5 Agforme,F will he talbing of chp worſhip: thp 6 The Lez letteth op the meckes € bringeth the
plop, thy pape ana wenderous tuorkes. Hnaeriy rowne to the ground.
6 Do that men Hal peake of the mighe ofthp mars’ 7 Diingontethe Lew with aire -
à _ t The Pfalmes. The

peaples bpon the Harpe bnto out Gov. 2 Fire and baile, Rotor anv vapours: winde any
cðhich coucreth the heauen with clondes, arn ſtorme tuifiliing big wow.
preparcel raine foz che earth : anu maketh the graffe 9 Wountatnes and all hils: kruitkull trees and all
to grow vpon the mouutaines, and herbe fog the ule of Cedars
men. 10 Bealts and all cattell: wozmes, and feathered
9 Which giueth kodder nto the cattel: ana feererh foules.
the pong rauens that call vpon bim. 11 Wings of the earth and all people: pꝛinces, ann
to We hath ne plealure tn the ſtrength of an Hoze: all Judges ofthe wolo.
neither delightcth hein anp mans legs. 12 Bong men ann maidens, olo men and chilon,
rr Bur the Loans selight is m them that feare peaife the Fame of the Lom : fog his Mame one'p ig
Him: and put their trait in bis mercy. excellent, and dis pꝛaiſe aboue heauen anv earth.
12 (Papke the Low , D Hierulalem: papie thy 13 Dee ſhall exalt the Horne of hisprople, all bis
Sm,D Sion. Saints Hall praple him : enen the chilagen of Ilracl,
13 Foz hee hath mave kalt the barres of thp gates :
enen the people chat ferueth Lim.
and hath bleien thp children within thee. Cantate Domino. Pfal.149.
14 De maketh peace in thp borders: and fillech thee
O Sing onto the Lozv anew long : iet the Congres
fuith the Roure of wheate. gation of Saints peaple bim.
15 Hee lendeth foazth His commaungement vpon 2 Let Ilrael reiopce in him that mane him: anv
earth ¢ ana his wom runneth tery lwiktly. let the chilogen ef Sion be topfull in their Ring.
16 De giueth Mob like wooll s ana tcattereth the 3 Aet chem paptr bis Name in che Daunce : leg
Hoare froft like aſhes. them fing paples onta him with Cabget and Harpe.
17 We catterh foorth his pee like moꝛlels: wha ig 4 Foz the ilow hath plealure in bis people ; and
able to abide Bis front? Helpeth the mecke hearted.
18 Delendeth out his word, and meltech them: he 5 Aet the Saints be ioplull with glorp: let them
bloweth with hig wind and the waters flow. ` teicpee in their beds.
19 He ſheweth his wow bnto Jacob ; his ſtatutes 6 Letthe praples of Gonbe in their mouth : and.
and ogdinances onto Iſrael. ative engen ſword in their hands,
20 De hath not vealt fo With anp nation 3 neither 7 Gobee auenges of he heathen ; an to rebuke
Haue the Heathen knobledge of pis Lawes. the people.
Laudate Dominum. Pfal, r48. & Co binvethei: kings in chaines: and their nes
O prape the Lom of heauen: pzaple him inthe bles with linkes of pgon. A
eight. 9 That thep map be auenged of them, agit ig
2 aaxle him all pe Angels of hig: prayle Him all twozittensfuch honour haue all bis Saints. »
His hofte. Laudate Dominum. Pfal.150. È
3 Bꝛayſe Fim Sunne and Boone: praple him all O Pꝛayle Gon in hisholineſſe: praple him in the
pe ſtars ana light. firmament of his power.
4. Praile him all ye heauens: and pe waters that 2 Paeaple him in his noble acts ; maple him accays
be abone the heauens. Ding to His excellent greatnelſe.
5 Let them peaple the Mame of the Loz: foz be 3 Praple him in che Cound of the Crumpet: maple.
fpake the word, and thep were made, he commanded, him spon tbe Lute and Harpe.
and thep were create; zaple hin inthe cpmbals and daunces: papie-
6 He hath mave them faf foz ewer and ener: $e Him bpon che firings and pipe,
Hath ginuen them a law tabich Hali not be broken. 5. :WDeaile him bpon the twel tunen Cymbal : paile
7 Wuraple che Loꝛd bpon earth: pee Dzagons anv Jim vpon the lowo Cpmbals. :
all deepeg. ; 6 Leteuerpebing chat hath bzeath:praile theLo.



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Godly prayers.
Aprayer conteining the ductieof compaficr with os euery Mise, butill fsh timeas Yia
euery true Chriftian, uing ended the combate which curing thts life 3 muf
Culiaitie,in the ende 3 may attaine torhp heancnly reff,
whichis pzeparcd fez
meand all thine Elect, through
Goll migktie Gen, mercifüll Chik sur Lom and onely Sauicur. Anien,
and founpeFatver, Y Mets
chen inter come onto thee in
2 the Name of thp dearlp Belos Cerraine godly prayers for
= ueo Soune Jelug Chait, mp funarie dayes.
rg, onelp Sauieur and Redeg:
yp mer: and mot humby beleech € Munday.
pw mg thee tor bis fake to bee merci Lmigkty Geo, the Father efmercy, anv Gor
LD GFE O PY tuli onto meand tocat ali mp ot all comtoze, which oncip forgiuell (ime : fore
finneg out of thp fight anv remembzance , thzꝛough che gine bute bg our linnes, god Low, forgive
merits of fis bleep death and pafion. - buco bs out fines, that bp the multicude ofthy mercies,
Powꝛe bpon me (D Load) chp bolp Spirit sf wiſe⸗ thep map bee couered, anc tot imputed vnto vs, anu bp
Deme end grace + Goucrne and leade mee bp thp holp the operation of the bolp Gholt; wee map haue power,
wozd, that ic map be alanterne vnto mp fecte, asda and ftrength hereafter to reftit inne, Lp our Sauiour
light onto mp eps. Shew thp mercy pen me, anv and Lowa seis Chꝛiſt. Amen.
fo ighsen the natural blindneſſe aino Darkneile of mp
Heart though thp grace, that 3 map daplp be ren: wen @ Tuefday.
by the fame Spirt and grace: Bp the which(D Low) Lod Gon, which delpileſt not a contrite heart,
purge the groſſeneſſe ef my Dearing and vnderſtan⸗ and korgetteſt the Gnnes and wickeonefic of a fins
ding, that 3 map proficablp reane, beare, ard vnder⸗ iter, in what foure ſoeuer he doeth mourne anv lament
ftand thpiword ann heauchip will, beleene and peactile bis clo maner of linirg: graunt brteps(@ Low) true
the fame in my fife and corsuerfation, and eucrmoze contrition of heart that we map bebemcnt{p vefpife our
bold faf that blelled pope of euerlaſting life. — finfut life paſt.andwhellp becounerten pnto tyrelpone
Moꝛtilie and kill al vice in me, that mp lite may ex» Hauisur and Lo Felis Chik, Amen,
pretie mp faith in thee + mercifully beare the humble
fute of chp feruant, € grant me thp peace allmp vapes + € Wednefday,
gracisuſſy pardon mine infirmities , anv Defend me in O Wercifel! Farher , bp wheke potser anv ſtrergth
all Bangers of body, goods, andname: hut molt chichy, tuce map ouercome our enemies both hovilp anv
mp cule againſt all alaults,temptations,acculations, Shelly: grant bite tg,D Lere, that accoming to our
fubtill battes ann Mleights of that old enemie of mane pzomiie made in our baptiſme, tote map ercreame the
Kinde, Satan that rearing Kou, cuer leeking whom he chicte enemies of our foule, that is. the sefites of the
map deuoure. too:fd, the pleafureg of the Aefh, and the inggeftions of
Sna here (D Loyd) F proftrate , with mol humble the wicket ſpirit: and fo after,leane cur lines in tolines
minde crane ef thy dilline Maieſty, tobe mercifullvu and righteoſneſſe, that toee map feruethee in ſpirit
to the oniuerlall Church of thy Sonne Chit : And and trueth, and that by eur Sauiour anv Loz Jelus
elpecially according te mp beunden Buctie, Jbeſeech Chik, Amen,
thee fozhis fake to tielle, faue and vefenn the pincis € Thu: fday.
pall member thereof , thp feruant otir moft Deare and O Almghtie and exerlafting Gov, which not onelp
foreraigne Lom King Games, increale in his ropall Qich enery good, ant perfect gift, but allo ins
Heart tree faith, godly seale and teue of the fame: And crealeft thole giftsthat thou haft ginen: we mog bum
graunt Him victozie over al hig enemies, atong, pꝛo bip beſeech thee (merciful! Ged) to increale in os the
fperons and Honourable kfe opon earch , a blenen end, gift offeith, that twe map traclpDelecue in thee, ant
ant life euerlaſting. in thy promile mave vnto tg: and that neither bp eur
Moꝛeouet, D Low, grant brte his Maielſties molt negligence, koz infinnitie of the feih, noz tp grieuoufe
honourable Coutlellours , and euerp other member of nelle of temptation, neither bp the ſubtill crafies anv
thig thy Church of England, that chev and toce mour aſſaults of the venil, wee be Dinen frem faith in the
ueral — See and godlyſerue thee Plant blood of our Santourand Loza Telus Chri, amen,
in our hearts true krate end honcur of thp Mame, obee
Diekce to our Pꝛince and loue to our neighbours: Fn» @ Friday.
crea in bs true faith and Religion : Replenifh our G Rant nto be, D mercifull Goo (we molt hearti=
minog with all goodneſſe. and ofthy great mercp keepe lp beltech thee) knewledge and true bnderſtan⸗
bg fit the fame til the end of our {tues : Gitte vnto vᷣs bing of thp word, that all ignozance erpe led, wee map
a godly scale in paper , true hamilitie in prolperitie, krom what thp will and pleaſure is in all rhinas, and
perfect patience in aduerſitie, and continualliop in the how to dsc our dieties, and truclp te walke in our bos
poly Ghoſt. cation + anv that alio toee map expzeſſe in onr luirg,
Aud laſtlp,Jcommend onto thp Fatherly protection, thole things that tue Dee hitoks , Wat tve bee ot onelp.
all that thou Talk ginen me, ag wife, cite zen, ans fers Enowers of thy word, good Lord, but allo be wekerg
uats: Apre me, D Lew, that Y map gotierne, noa of the fame, bp ont Saviour anv Tord Telus Chet,
rih and bing them bp in thp feare % ferutce, And foz:
afmuch agin this woꝛſd Jmuſt alwapes be at warre € Saturday.
and rif: not with ove iot of enemieg, but with an ins Amightie God, which bal prepared euerlaſting
finite number, not onely with A: {hans hlood, bnt with life to all thole that be thp farthfulferuanes: grant
the Deuifwhich is the prince ofdarkeneſſe, ayn with nto a, Loꝛd, ſure bape of the life enterlating, that we
wicked men , executours of his moſt namnabte wil: cing in thig milrrable wozld,map hare lome talte ana
grauntme therfore thy grace, that being arren with fecling of it in our hearts, etbat not bp our deſeruing.
thp cefence, J map andin thig battet with an fin- but by the merits and deſeruing of out Sauiour eny
uincible conſtancie againſt all coztuption, which J am Xom Telus Chik, Amen.
. D nightie
Godly prayers.
Qe Gor, out onely ayde fuccaur æ ſtrength wilt bouchlake to be gracious and merciful bnto me, to
atalltimes: graunt puto vs, D Loꝛd, that inthe forgiue ana parton mee of all mp Rnnes, to lighten mp
time of prolperttp we be net praus, ana lo forget thee, heart with töp help Spirit,to renew, confirme 4 ſtrengẽ
bur that with our whole Heart anv fkrength wee map then mee with aright and perfect faith, anc to inflame
cleane bnto thee, and in chetime of adueriitic, that twe me in leue toward thee and mp neighbour, that J map
fall notinta infoelitte and De peration, but that al- Henceforth toirh a willing and glav heart, malke ag it
wayes with a a conitant faith, we map call foz helpe on: becommet§ me in thp molt gedip Commaundements.
tothee: graunt this, D Lod, foz our Aduocates fake, and fo glozfie ant peaple thee enerlaftinglp. And alts
and Sautour Jelus Chriſt Amen, that J| map mith atree conſcience and quiet heart,inalk
Sunday. manerof temptati:ng, atflictiong.o: neceſſities, and ee
O Almightie and merciful Lom, which giuelt onto uen in the herp pangs of Death, erp boſdly € merilp vnto
thp elect people ihe help Gholt, asa fure pledge of thee, and lap, I beleeue in Ged the Father Almightie,
thp beauenip kingaome : Graunt vnta bs,D Lor,thp maker of heauen andearth , and in Ieſus Chrift &c.
bolp Spirit, that he map beare wirneite sith our fpirit, But D Low Gos heauenly Father,tocemfoze mp felfe
that wee he thp chilen, and berres of thp hingzome, in affliction and temptation with rhele Articles of the
anu that bp the operatis 1of this Spirit , wee map kill Chꝛiltian faith, it is not in my power , fozfaithisthe
all carnal! laſtes, vnlawfull pleatures, cancnpilcences, gift » ano koralmuch as thon wiltbeprayed dato , and:
euill affections, comrarp to thp will, bp one Sauisur calien bpon fog it : J come bute thre to prap and hee
and Low Jelus Chr Amen feech thee beth forthat aun faz all other mp neceflities,
Aprayer for truſt in God. even as thp vegre belcucd Sonne ont Saviour Jeſus
De beginning ofche fa'lofman, wag truſt in him- Chik himlelfe harh taught og. Auo from the bery hots
T ir. The begisumg of the reltozing ef man, waz tome of mp Heart J erp and fap, Our Father which are
Druh in himſelte, and truftin Gov. D melt gracious in heauen,halowedbe thy Name,&c.
ain moft wile guide our Sauiour Chriſt, Which doelt
leane them Prig
st wap to immortali blefleones, which Prayers fayd inthe morning,
truely and onfainedlp truſting in thee, commit thems O Mercikuͤll Low Gon, Heauenlp Father, J render
felues tothee: Graunt be,that like a3 we be blinde and moithigh lauves, pzaple, and thankes onte thee,
feeble indeede, fo wee map take and repute our lelies, that thou bal pꝛeſexued me both this nighr, anv alithe
that we pꝛeſume not of our lelues, to fee to our felues, times and napis of mp life Hitherto, baner thp protece
but fo farre to fee, that alway we map haue thee befoze tion, and Haft luffered mee to line onto this pzefent
our epes,to follow thee, being our quite, tobe ready at Heute. And Fheleech thee heartily, that thou. mite
vouchlafe to recette me this Day, andthe reſidue of mp
thp cal molt obediently, and to commit our fi fueg who⸗
Ip vnto thee, that thon which enely knoweſlt wholt lite, from henceforth intothp tuition, ruling and:
the wap,
mavelt leade b3 the fame wap puto. our Geauenlp Des Konerning me tuith thy holy Spirit , that all maner of
fires: tothee with the Father andthe holz Ghoſt, be Darkuefle, of mifbettete, infivelitic and of carnali luſt⸗
glozp fez cuer. Amen. and offections map be btterlpchafeo anv driuen out of
mp Heart, aud that J map be iultifien and ſaued both
dody and foule through a right and perfeet faith , ant
Certaine godly prayers to fo walke inthe light ef thp molt godly trueth, to ihr
gloꝛy anvprarte , and tothe pofite ann furtherance of
be vfed for ſundry purpoles. my nelghbour, though Jeſus Chuk our Lom anv
Hanie, Amen,
A general! confeffion of finnes,to be fayd
euery Morning. A LI poflible thankes that tue are alle, tye rendre:
à pnto thee, OLoꝛd Telus Chꝛiſt, for thar thou halk
aq Almightie God our heauenly willed this night paftto be prolperous brito b3 : anm
Mm Father, Icontefle ¢ acknow⸗ tore beleceh thee likewile to pzolper allthisfame Dap
piege, that J amamilerable onto bs foz thp glory, and foz the health of our fonle,
D ano a weetched Ener, @ hane and that thou thich art the true Light not knotuing as
= mnanifolte wapes mok grie- np geing dobane, andwhich art theDunne eternal! gi
7 usiflp trauſgteſſed thy molt uina life, foon, and gladneſſe anto all things, vorchlafe
wp godly camandements though to ſhine into our mindes, thet toeg map net any where
MA wirke theuahts , vngodly Humble tofall inte any Enne, but map though thp good
R Ape 9<a luftes. finfull words e Deetes, guiding andcondicting , come to the life euerlatting,
commitced all mp whele life. Inſinne am Y bomeano q men.
conceined. g there ts no goodneſſe m me,inaſmuch as if
thou fhoulock enter into thy narrow intreanent with Cys Jeſus Chik, which art the true Sanne of
mie. Lidging me aecoming osto thefame, Jwere neuer the wozi euermore aring, end newer going dowi,
able to tiffr and abide it, but muf neeeg periſh aan which hp thp moft wholefome appearing and Gabt,poc®
he damned fo2 ever: Seli tle helpe comnfozt,oz fuecour bring forth, preferue, neurſh. and rekreſh alltings as
is there either in mee, ein anp other creature. Onely well that are in heauen, ag allo that are en earth: wes
thisismy con o2t(Dheanenty Father )tsat thou did⸗ hefcech thee mere-follp ana faucuratlp fo Mine into our:
pelt not (pire thp onelp deare beloued Sonne. fut viw hearts, that the night an varkiefleof nnes, andthe
deſt giue Hine ep Onto the moft bitter, aud moft vile and mits oferrours on enery five minen atvay,thorrhaicthes
Han: erous death of the crofle foz mee, thathemight ſo Ip fhizing within cur hearts , wee map ail our fife ſpace
par the ranſome formy ſinnes, Cari€ie thp tudgement, goe without anp ſtumbling 02 cfince,an> map decently
Hil g pacifle chy wath, reconcile me againe onto thee, and feemelp walke (23 inthe Dap time) being pure ant
and parchafe me thp grace ano fauour, and euerlafting cleane from the tuorkes of darkneſfe, and abounding im
Lie. Iergerefore, thꝛough the merit of his moft hitter all good twotkes which Gor harh prepared for ps tas
death and pallton ana throngh bis innocent bloodſhed⸗ walke in , which with the Father ant mith the holp
Bing» Ibeleech thee, D beauenlp ·Father, that thau Gholl huelk anv esigned for eter and oner, Amer.
D Som
Godly prayers.
Gon avy Low Jelug Chik, thou knoweſt, pra labeur with me, that J map know tehat ig acceptable
and halk alto taught us bos great the imkrmuic in thp lighttog fe triokiety e bnberfianvech alithings,
aD weakenele oman is, ans baw certame a thing it a.bivee Mall contuct me right toberly inihp vork s,
is that ic can dec nothing without thp godly beipe. If ano pzeterie me in per polwer,lo halimyp workes he ace
mau teui to Gindelfe, tt cannot be auspbed, bat wat he ceptakle.dmen.
muk run headloeng, and fall into a thentand vndeings A praycr againft worldly carefulnefle.
aun miiichieteg. O our Father, paue thon pitie aud i Opotk veare anole. Der Falher, onr dedender any
rompalſten bpon the weakenelle of us thp children, he Nourifher, engue bs wityhp grace, that be map
thoupiel and readp to jelpe vs, albapes mewing thp calt eitche great blindneſte of cutniundes, anv caretut>
mercy vpan bs , anv pzolpering bebatiseuer wee gonlp nefle of woztnly things, audmap put our whole Audie
go aboat, lathar thou gining vs lightwemap fee what and care in keeping ot bp Holp Law, and thar tor map
things are truelp geod indeede: Chou encouraging vs, labour and transite foz our neceſlities isi this tite, like
bace mar haue an earnett velice to the ſame: anv thou the hides of the apge, and theliliesot tie felt withe
Dring our guide, wee map come where to obtaine them: out care. Foz thou halt promiicd to bee careiulifer gs,
foz we hauing nothing bur miſtruft in our {dues , dee ann Hatt commanded thac bpon chee we oula caſt all
pecia. aud commit our ſelues fill and whole vnto thee put cate ; pich luk and reigneſt wozid v itheut ind,
aione, which workelt all things M ail creatures, to thp amen, ii
honour aud glozy. So de kt. _ A prayer neceflary for all perfons. |
O Mercifull Hod, Ja uzetchen Runer reknowvledge
A prayer againft temptation, mip felfe hound to keepe thp help commandements,
Ore Vels Chalk, the onely ap anv fence of Lut pet bnable to perfozme them, anv tobe accepted tog
our motali Hate our cnelp hope, our oxely ſaluati⸗ int witheut ihe raghteouſneſſe of Gel Cheiſt tip oneip
on, our glory, any ont triumph, toho in the feh (which Sonne, who hath perkertly kulſitled chp Law to luſtiſie
chou Gantt toz our onelp caule taken bpon thee) diddeſt ali meg that beleeue ant truũ in him. Cheretore arant
Cutter chp felfe to be tempted of Satan, and who onely mee grace, Y beleecyibee, tole occupted in domg ef
ann aloreot allmen diddeſt vtterly ouercome and van⸗ good workes, which thou commansett in help Scrip⸗
quiſh ſiane Death the wei, the deuit, and ali the king· ture, alithe Bayes of mp life, to thy glop, aud pit to
Dome of Hell : and what oeuer thou hale ouercem⸗ truftsvelp nthpmercp, andin Chziltes merites, to be
ined , foz eur behoeke it is that thou Halt ouercommed purged trom mp ſinnes, and not in mp good wo:keg, be
it: neither bach it bene thp will to haue anp of thp ler- thep nener fomanp. Oiue mee grace co lone thy Yop
uants to keepe battell, o? fight with anp of che fozelapa word fernentip , re earch the Scriptures diligentip, to
enils,but of purpole to reward bs with acrotne of the reade them tumblp, te vnderſtand them truely, to lue
moze glory kor it. And to the intent that thou mighteſt after them effvetuatlp. Order imp life fo, D Lord, that
likewile ouerthzoto Satan in chp members , ag thou it map be alway acceptadle Lute thee. Guue mee grace
haddeſt atoze Done in thine otune perlon, gre chou (we Hot te refopce in anp thing that vifpleaterh thee , but e⸗
beleech thee) bnto pg thp foulviers (D Tion meſt vic- termoze te delight in hole chings that pleafe thee, bee
toziens of the tribe of Suda) ſtrength againſt the roas thep nener ſo conirarp to mp deſires Geach mee lore
ring Lion, which continualip wandzeth te and fra, fee: pap, that mp pecitions may ber gracicufly Heart of
king whem bee map deuoure. Theu being that tame thee. Keepe me vpright emong diacritics of opinions
Herpent, chetrue giuer of Health andlife, that mag and iud gementsin the eld, that J newer ſwarue
Nailed on high bpon a tree, gine Onto bg thp Allie ones, from thp teucth taught in yelp Scripture. Jn prolpes
wilinelſe again the deceitkull awayting of the msh ritie,D Lor, ſaue me, that Jj mare not monne. nave
fubtile fervent. Chau being a Lambe ag white ag uerſity helpe nie, that J neither velpaire roz blaſpheme
Mots, the anquifher of Satans treannic, gine bate og thp bolip Jame , but raking it patiently, to giue thee
thp little Hepe the ſtrength aud vertue at thp Spirit, thankes, and trultto bee veluteren after thp pleafure,
that being in out lueg weake and feeble, and in thee Widen Jhappen te fall inte ſinne thruugh frailtie y
Crown and valiant , wee nap withitans and ouercome beleech thee ta worke true repentance in mp beat, that
alf allatilts of the enilltothat our ghoſtly encmiemap J may be forte without velperation , teufin thp mercie
Not glorie on bg, hut being cengquerenthough thee, we Without pelumption , that 3) map amend mp fife, ana
map yine thankes to thy mercie, which nener {eaurit become truely teligions without Hrpecrifie, totulp in
them deſtitute that put their truſt in thee, whe liuek Heart without faning, faithful and truttie without bee
and reiguell Goo Foz euer without end. Amen. ceit, merp witheut lightneſſe,fad without miflrutt, ſo⸗
ber without flourhitilnelig, content with mine owne `
A prayer for the obtaining of wirhsut couctoufhelic , to tell mp neighbour his fanlts
wifedome. charitably without piftinulation, to infiruct mp houes
Gols in thy lawes truely to obep our King and all gos
Gov of our Fathers, and Lam of mercy, thett Hat uernotrs Vader him onfainedlp, ta receine all lawes
Wildome 9. Halt mane ali things with thy word, and ordeined and common ordinances ( which vilaarceth nor from
man though thp wiſedone, that he Houn hane Domi» túp holy word) ob enienclp,te pay eucry man that which
nian oier the creatures Bhieh thou hail mare, that bee F cbse unto him truelp, to backhite no man, no Rinder
ſhould azer the world accorting to equitie ann righte⸗ mp neighbor fecretly, anu to abhorre all pice, taning afl
aulneſſe and execute iudgement with a true heart: giue good neſſe earneft{p. D Word arant me thug to vee, foz
mee wiſedone, which is erer abont thy leate, and put the glory of tp Holp Rame. Amen.
me nat out from among thp children: fuz F thp lernant A prayer for patience in trouble
ana fonne of thy handmayd, an a feeble peron, of a H Diy Halt thau (D Lom) humblen anv plucked me
ſHert time, and too voung tothe vnderſtanding of thp S dotnet T Bare now vneaths make mp prayers bite
ludgements and lawes: pea, hough amanbe neter to thee, for thou art angry with mie, but not without my
fo perfect among the children of men, pet if thp wiſe⸗ deſcruing. Cortainelp X have finned, Loz, T confe `
Done be not with him, heihall he nothing woorth. D it: F will not nenie it: but, ohmp God pardon my trels
fend thy wiſedome out of thy holy heauens , ann from pales, relealemp debts, render now thp grace agaiue
thatHe maybe with me, and vnto imie, opps mp wounded, foz J am al to plagues
thc thzoue of thp Maieſtie,
The creation Chap.j. ofthe world.

©The firft booke of Moles, called —

fi ¥GENESIS. : + This word
nifieththe be
ning andigeni
THER ARGVMENT. ration of the,
M Ofkes in effe& declareth three things,which are in this booke chiefly to be confidered, Firft, cteatures.
that the worldand all things therein were created by God, and that man being placed inthis A
great Tabernacle of the worldto behold Gods wonderfull workes, and to praife his Name
for theintinice graces,wherewith hee had endued him, fell willingly from God throughdifobedience:
who yet for his owne Mercies fake reftored him to life , and confirmed him in the fame by his promile
of Chrift to come, by whom he (hould overcome Satan, death and hell. Secondly, that the wicked
vnmiridfùllof Gods molt excellent benefits,remained {till in their wickednes,and(o falling moſt hor-
ribly from finne to finne,prouoked God(who by bis Preachers called them continually to repentance)
atlensth to deftroy the whole world, Thirdly, be affureth vs by the examples of Abraham, Izkak,

Iaakob, and the reft of che Patriarkes, that his Mercies neuer failethem, whom heechufeth to be his
Church, and to profeffehis Name inearth, but inal] theiraffliGions and perfecutions he euer affifteth
them, fendeth comfort,and deliuereth them. And becaufe che beginning, incteafe , preferuation and
facceffe thereof might be onely attributed to God , Mofes{heweth by the examples of Cain, Ifhmael,
Eſau and others, which wereneblein mans iudgement , that this Church dependeth not on the efti-
mation and nobilitie of the world : and alfo by the fewneffe ofthem, which haue at all times worthipe ee
ped hima purely according to his word, that it tandeth notinthe multitude, but inthe poore and dee -
§pifed,inthe (mall flocke and little number , that man in bis wifedome might be confounded, and the
Name of God cuermare praifed. ; k
>C H AcPwi k uen. t Ho the evening ethe moning were he ſecond
a God ereateth the heauen and the earth, 3 The the {econd day. ' day.
light end the darknef. 8 Thefirmamest g He
feparateth the water fromthe earth. 16 He creas
O Q Godlaydagaine, * Letthe waters P 243 3e sg
vnder the Heauen bee gathered into one ——— Ile
teth the Sunnethe Moone, and the ſtarres. 28 He plate, and lecthedzy land appeare. andit and 136.60
createth the fib birds, beasts. 26 Hee createth was fo, iob 38.45
man, and gineth himrale ower alt creatures, 29 ` IO And Gon called the dsp land, Earth,
And proudeth nouriture for man and teast. and hee called the gathering together ofthe
a Fitofalhand c- 4 Gx? Mtherbeginning*Gon waters, Heags and Gon latwe thatit was in A LARA RS
before that any PA createDthe heauen and good. < h So.thaewofee
creatiue vas, Ces the earth. Lae i If Chen Gor fayd, ’Letthe earth bud itistheonely `
God made bea- >) 2 And thecarth was foortl the bun ofthe perbe,thatfeedeth teen, powerofGods >
uenand earthof | fy > i without fome and the fruith tree, which beareth fruit accoz: word that mae -
nothing, Wild. SA void, ande darkenes was dingto bi kinde, which hath Dis ſeede init keththe earth + -
HU14e OS £4 bpon the tocepe,and the felfe vpon the earth. and it was fo. ruitful, which >
Pfalz Gaci TE SOA Spirit of Ogy å moo» 12 Andthe carth brought forth the bud of elsnawralyis-<
and 136.5. ned vpon the+waters. the berbe that ſeedeth fee accopding to his barren.
gicle aga. o è 3 Shen layd God,* Let there belight: kinde, alſo the tree thatbeareth fruit, which i Thisfenrence’
actes rg ags and there was light. : f bath bis feede in it felfe accomding to hig isfooftrepeated,
` and 17. 24; 4 Ano Gon tawe the light that it was Kinde: and God ifaw that it wasgood. to fignifie'that
b-Asarude | good,and Gor leparatedsthe light fromthe 13 t Bo the euening and the moming Godmadealthis —
lumpe and with- Darkeneffe. were the third day. creatures to ferie
outany creature § Ano Hod callen the light, Day, and 14 EAnd Godlaid,* Lee there
veMights tohisglory, and
init: forthewa- the Darkenefle, bee called ight. t +Bo in the firmament of the heauen, to '{eparate totheprofic of «
terscoueredall,; the Guening and the (Homing were the the Day from the night, anu let thembe foz man,burforfiey —
Or, waste. firtt Dav. m fignes, and fo fealons, ann fo dapes and they wereaceurs |
@ Darkeneffe 6 GCAgaine Gon lain, * Lettherebeea peeves. j fed,yetto the
coucred the {|firmaiment in the mids of the waters: and Ig AnD lee them bee fo: lights in theft- cle& by Chriſt,
deepe waters: for let it ſeparate the waters from the waters. mament of che heauen to give light vpon theyare reltored ©
as yet the light 7 Then God mave the firmament, and theearth. and it was ſo. and ferueto their —
wasnotcreated, feparatedD the waters which were £under _ 16 God then madetwo" greatliahts: the wealth, 9
+ Ebr, face ofthe the firmament, fron the waters which were greater light to erulethe Day,t the leſſe light + The third
deepe. *aboue the Armament. and tt was fo, ta ruie the night: he made filo the karreg. day. |
d He maintai- 8 Anu Gos called ye firmament, Pea- 17 And Hod fet then in the firmament P/al136.7.
ned thisconfufed of the heauen to Hine vpon the tarth, deut t9 `
heape by his ecret power,- $ Eby. face ofthe waters. Hebr, 18.3. 19 Andto *enle in the Day, and titthe k By thelights,
e The light was made before either Sunne or Moone was created ; night, and to feparate the light from the hemeanethithe —
‘therefore wee muft nor attribute that to the creatures that are Gods darkeneſſe: and God (aw that tt wag good. Sun, the Moone,
isQruments which onely appettaineth to God, + Ebr. betweene the CER and the ftarres.
_ skightsand betweenethe darkenefe. + The firſt day. + Ebr.ſowas 1 Whichisthe artificial day, from the Sunne rifing to thegeing
othe enening, fo was the morning. Pfal.33 6, and 136.5 .éere. 10.12, downe,/ m Of things appertaining to naturall
and politicall orders |
—wand51.15. |} Or, fpreading oner, and aire, £ Asthe'Sea and ri- _and feafons, n’ Towit; the Sanneand the Moone: and herehee ©
suiers from thofe waters thar are inthe cloudes,which are vpholden by fpeakethasman iudgeth by his eye: for elfe’the Moone islefe thea
Gods power, left they l fhould ouerwhelme the world, Pfal, 14S 4, theplanet Saturnus. 0 To giue it fufficient light, as intruments —
£. That istheregion of the aire, and all that isaboue vs, appointed forthe fame,to feruc to mans vſe. Tere.3 1635 >
g 19 iaa
creation of nati. Genefis. He is placed inthe gardens’ *
fourth 19 t23 the euening and the moming Dus the heanens, and tly were R-
were thefourthDay. ©) V. -O Amied and athe ofth a Tha rs, the in.
20 Afterward
God fain, Letthe waters 2* Forth the fenenth de — his numetable abune
Shand being koorth in abundance euery r, recping worke which he had mane,” and the ſeuenth dance of crea-
oeswhich ` thing that bath life : and iet che foule tite Day be breed from all his woke, which be turesin heauen
Awimme, vpon the earth inthe topea Armament of had made. and earth,
kepe, the heauen. s pees 3 Ho God biefien the feucnth Tay, and Exod 20,11.
athe fouleof 21 Then God created. the great whales efanctifien it, becauſe that tn tt be had reiten and 31.17, dene,
no and enery thing liuing and mooning, which from allhis worke, whith God hav cheated 5-14.5ebr.4 4,
rthe face of thea waters brought korth in abundance ac- and made. as Bt b Forhehad
firaiment. coꝛding to their ktnde , and enery feathered 4 Chek are the | eenerations of the now fini(hed his
The fihand foule according to bis kinde: and God fawe Heauens and ofthe earth, whew they were creation, but his
deshadboth that ttwas goad. ; created, in the day that the Lod Gon made prouidence ftill
« beginning, 22 Then God * bleed them , faving, the earth and the heauens, : watcheth ouer
‘creinwefee Baeing forth kruit and multiply, and fill che § And euery plant of the felu, before it his creatures,and
Lnaturegi- watersinthelcas,and let che foule multiply wag in the earth,and enerpherbe of the ield, gouerneth them,
th place to in the earth, s ; beforeitarewe : fer the Lord God had not c Appointedit
jods wil,foraf 23 t Do theeuening and the moning caulcditto d raine vpon the earth, neither to be kept holy,
auch asthe one were the fift Bay, A was there a mairfo till the ground, ' that man might
srt is made to 24 ¶ Moꝛeouner
God faid, Let
the earth 6 Buta mit wentvp from the earth and therein confider
tie adouc inthe bring koorth thet ttuing thing according to watered all theearth. the excellencie
aire,and the o- biskinde, cattell, and that which crecpeth, - 7 EThe Lod Gavallolmadethe maneof of bis works and
ther to fwinme and the bealt of thecarth, according to bis the Dutt of the ground,tbreathed tn bis face Gods goodneffe
beneathinthe kinde.anditiwasfo. breath of life,* the man was a living oule. towards him,
water. 225 And God made the beak of the earth 8 AndtheLo20 God planted a garden (Or, the originalt
£ Thatis,bythe accordingtobis Kinde,and the cattell accoz- Caltwara in f Eaen, and chere hee put the and beginning,
venisophis Ding to bis kinde, and euery creeping thing man tobom he had made. Or, tree, as chapo
wordhegaue’ of the earth according to his kind: and Gou 9 (Foꝛ out of the ground made the Lor 25,15. bis faw thatit was good. Godto grow euerp tree plealant to the light, d God onely o-
Creatutesto in· 26 Furthermore God fayd, * f Let bs and good for meate : the treeofiife allo tn peneth the hea.
gender, make man inour ?Image according to our the middes of the garden, b andthe tree of uens,and ſhut.
tihefiftday. likeneſſe, and ict them ruleouer the Hof knowledge of good and of eutil. teth them,he
$ Eb. foute oflifè. the emand ouer the foule of the heauen, and 10 Qndout of Coen went a river to was ſendeth drought
Cha.§.1.e~9.6. duer the beatts, and ouer all the earth , and ter the garden, and from thence it was diui⸗ ea —* accor-
z.cer.11.7. ouer enery thing thatcreepeth and mooueth Ded, and became into foure heads. ing to his ood
Solsff 3.10, on the earth, —— IT; Che name ofone is * Piſhon:the fame paced x
f Godcomman- « 27 * Thus God created the man in bis compatleth the whole land i of Hauilah, lOr formed. >
dedthewater Jmagest the Image of God created hee whereis gotu. ‘ 1 c- Hethewethy *
and the earth bim : be created them * male and female. 12 And the golde of that land ts goon: whercof mans
to bring foorth 28 Ana God" bleen them, and Gon ſaid theres
|Bweltun,andtheonpritone, body was creas
othercreatures: fothein, * Wing foorth fruit and multiply, 13 And the name ofthe ſecond riuer is gi- ted, totheintere
busofmanhe © andilitthe earth, and ſũbdue it, and rule o- nannefame compaſſeth che whole land of that man ſhould
faith, Letvs uertheaty of the ſea, and ouer the foule of uth. : ' not glory inthe
make: Signifying the heauen, and ouer euery beaſt that mgoa 14 The name Alfo of the third river is excellencie of his
thatGodta-- uieth vpon the earth, hiddekel: this goeth toward the Eaſt ſide ———
keth counfell 29 And Goa laid, Behold, 3 haue ginen of (Afihur : ethe fourth riner is||Perath.) I Lor. “4 5-
withhis wie- - bntopou~ euery berbe bearing feed, which 15 Ehen theLod Ged tooke the man, f This ae the:
domeandyver- : fs bponalithe carth,andeuery tree, whererit and put him into the garden of Eden, that namne of aplace,
tue, purpofing ts the fruttofateee bearing (eed ; * chat (hall hee might r mefe it, andkeepe tt. asfome thinke,
tomakeanex- be to pou foz meat. 16 Gud the Loan God! commanded the in Mefoporamia,
cellent worke 30 Likewitfe to euery beattof the earth, man, faping, t Chou halt eat freely of eug: moft pleafanr,
aboue all the = AnD toeuery foule of the heaucn, and to eue⸗ ry tree of the warden, and abundant im
reftofhiscrea- ry thing thatmoneth npon the earth, which 17 But okthe tree of Knowledge of good allthings.
tion. hath tite tn it felfe cuery greene herbe (hall be and cuill.thouthalt not cate of tt: fozi inthe g Which wasa
t Thisimage fox meat. and it waste. Day that thoweated thereof, thon halt dic figne of the life
andlikenefie of 31 * And Gon faw ail that hee had made, the™ Death. receiucd of Ged,
Godin manis anD lee, it was very rood. t Ho the eucning 18 lio the Lord God fayde, Ft is not h Thatis, of me
expounded,B- ana the moning were the iist Day, goon thatthe man ſhould be hiniſeife atone: ferable experi <
phefi4.24. J wilimake dim an helpe tmeet foz him. ence, which
where it is written , that man wasereated after God in righteouſne ffe 19 So the Loyd Hod formedofthe earth cameby difoe
aud trueholinefie, meaning by theſe two woordes all perfection, as cuery beak of the fielde, and euery toute of beying God.
wildome, tructh, innoccncie, power, &c. Wif2,33. ecclus.r7-te * x i . i Ecclus 24. a9.
Mutth.19. 4 u The propagation of manis the bleffing of God, i Which Hauilah is a countrey ioyningto Perſia Baftward.and inclas
| pfal.128. Chap.317.0nd9.1. x Godsgreat:liberalitieco man neth cowardthe Welt. H Or,precions Rone , or pearle. Plinie faith
taketh away all excufe of his ingratitude, Chap.9.3- &x0d.30.176 it isthe mame ofatree. || Or,Sthiopaa. \Or,Tygris, Ņ Or Affprias
ecclæ.39. 19. marke 7:37 + The fixt day. lOr, Euphrates. K God would not haue manidie,though as yet
there was no need to labour. 1 So that man might know there was
CHAP. IL a foucreigne Lord to whom heowedobedience, $ Ebr. Eating thou
2 Godrefteth the feuenth dayand nctißeth fhalt eate of. hOr, whenfocmer, m- By thisdeath he meanerhthe
n, 15 He fetteth man inthe Garden.22 He creas feparation of min from God, who is our life and chiefe felicitie sands
seth the womau. 24 Mariageisordainsts. aio that ourdifobedicnce isthecaufethercof, + Ebr. before him...
‘The women created,and feduced. Chap: iij. Chrift promifed.
n By moouing the heauen, ¢ broughtthem vnto the » man 9 But the Lord God called to the wai,
them to come te fee how Yee would call them : foz. how foes and fara vnto bim Mhere art tuou?⸗?⸗
& fubmit them- uet the mannamed the liuing creature, ſo Io Cibo fayd , J heard thy voyce in the
feluestco Adam. was the name thereof. garden, and was aftatde: becaule J was
tEbr.busk, 20 Tieman therefore gaug names vnto inaked, therefore J hiv my eife. i Hisbype
© Siguifying,thae all cattell,and to the foute of the heauen,and 11 And be lapd, Aho tola thee that then appearcth .,
mankinde was to euery beat of theficld: but foz Adam Wak naked? Walt thou eaten of the tree, be bid the
perfir, whencthe fonnd he noc an helpe mecte fo: him. wherok FJ commanded thee thatthou Moule of bisnakee
woman wascrea- 21 Therefore the Loꝛd Goo canted an Deft not eate? —* Ne h
ted,whichbefore beaute ſleepe to fall upon the man, and hee I2 Then the man fayd, The woman tranlression
was likea» vn». f{icpt: and be tooke one of htsribs, and cio· which thou k ganet to be with me, fhe gaue Godscomm
perfit building. ſed vp the teH in ſtead thereof. ine of the tree and J Did cate. dement,, 8 22 And the rib which the Lod God had at And the Lord God fat to the woman, K Hiswicke
Or, mannefe, : taken from the man, * made he a. woman iby halt thou Done this? andthe woman ard lacke of
becaufe lhe con- and brought her to theman. faid, ! Che lerpent hegutled mee, and J pin repentance?
meth of man: for 23 Then the man layd, * This not is cate. bi pearcthin thi
in Ebrew Fih ss bone of ny bones ann acM of my Heth. Soe 14 ¶ Then the Lord Gor (aid tothe fer» shat he burde-
enas and Iſhah Wall be callen woman, becaule He was ta» pent, m Becanle thou batt zone this, thog nah God with)
the woman. Ken vut of man. 4 art curfed aboue all cattell,and abone euerp hisfaulc, becau, mark, 24 *Cherefore Gall man leane rhis fa» beatt of the icin: vpon thy belly Halt thon hehad giuen .
82.7.1.cor.6.16, ther and fs mother , and hall cleaug to bis Hoe, And "Dunit Hatt thou eat all the papes bima wife. i
ephef.§.3t. wife, and they Hall beore fieh. i of thp life. 1 Inftcad of Cottey
p So that mari- 25 And they were both naked, theman Is Jwill alfeo put enmitic between thee felling her finne, «i
agerequireth a and his Wife and were not ı ahamed. and the woman, andbetweene thy feed and thee increafeth
greater duety of ber feed, We thallbecake thiner ead, and it by accufing the
vs toward our wines, then otherwĩſe we are bound tofhewto our pa- thou ſhalt ã bꝛuiſe hts hcele. ferpent.
Teats, q For before finne centred, all things were honeſt & comely. | 16 C Cintothe woman heefatd, J wil-m He asked the |
greatly ncreate thp* ſorrowes,
ant thy cona realon of Adam
~.CHAP. LTT. ceptions. Ju orot Malt thou bring fosrth and his wife, be-
x The woman ſeduced by the ferpent, 6 intiſeth chtlozen,and thy Defire halbe fubiest to thing caule hee would
ber huſpand to fin. 3 They both flee from God.14 hutband,and he tall * rule ouer thee, bring them to res
They three are punifhed. x 5 Chrift ss promifed.s 9 17 (Allo to Avam helaid, Becaule thou pencance,but be
Maz is duft. 23Pang is cajt out of Paradife. bat obeyed the voyce o thpwife, and batt asked not the »
Wifi.. 34. Nin? the *lerpent was motea ſubtil then eaten of the tree, (whereof 3 coanimaunded ferpent, becaule
*-@ As Satani can - Nany beat ofthe ficia, which the Lod thee, faving, Thou chalt not eat of it) feurs he would thew
changehim(elfe Sod had made:and he > ( the womanfed isthe earth foz thy fake :in fow Malt him no mercy.
into an Angel of Wea, hath Godin deed laid, Dee Hall not thou eat of tt all the Dapes of thy life, w As a vile and
light,fodidhe gate ofeuerptree ofthe garden? I8 * Thornes alio and thiftles ſhall it contemptible
abule the wife- 2 And the wonnan fayd vnto the ferpent, bring foorth to thee, aud thon Malt eate the bealt, tas .2g.
dome ofthe fer» —* eate ofthe fruit ofthe trees ofthe gar- berbeofthe field. EE o Hechiely =
pent to decciue Den, ae : 19 In the Weate of thp face Malt thou meaneth Saran, -
man, 3 Butok the fruit ofthe tree which is in gate bead, till thou returne to the earth: fog bywhofemorion —
b God fuffered the mids of the garden, God hath fait, Mee ‘outof it wat thou taken, becauſe i thou art andcraft the fers
Satan to make fhali not eate oftt , neither. Yall pee touch it, Dull,and to Dult balt thou returne. pent deceiued
theferpent his € left pee Die. — 20 (And the man callen his wines name the woman,
ĩuſttument, and 4. @hen*the lerpent (aid to the woman, oe fhe was the mother of ati li· p Thatis, the
to ſpeake in him, De Yatt not die at all, uing. power of finne
c Jadoubtingof. § But God doth know,that when ye hal 21 Unto Adam alfo and to his wife din ‘and death,
Gods threat- — gate thereot,your epes thalbcopencd, and pe the Loꝛd Gov * make coates of (kinnes,and qq Satan
Satn fhall
ning, fheyeelded Halbe as gods, e knowing good and enill. clothed them, ` : iting Chrift and
to Satan. 6 Ho the woman ¢ fecing that the tree 22 Gand the Low God (aid, * Behold, his members, but
2.Cor.ts.3. was good for meate, ana thatit was plea» theman ts becomeas
one of bs, to kñowe nor overcome
d ThisisSacans {antto the epes, aud a tree to bee Defired to good and euill. And now let he put foorth them. En
chicfet ſubtiltie, get knowledge) tooke of the fruit thereof, dis bandes, andꝰ take allo of the tree of life, © The Lord com.
tocaufevsnotto and DiD * eate, and gaue allo to her hulband and cate and liue fo: ener, forteth Adam by
feare Gods With ber , awd he fDi eate. 23 Therefore the Lod God fent him the promife of
threatnings, 7 Chenthe eyes of them bath were ope. foozth from the garden of Eoen, to till the the blefled feed,
fEb.diethe death ned, and they £ knew that they were naked, garth whence be was taken. & alfo puvifheth
e Asthoughhee and they ſewed ſigge tree leanes together, 24. Thus he cat out man: and atthe Gale the body forithe —
thoildfay,God ans made themlelues beeches, fide of the garden ot Eden hee fet tye ehe- finnewhichthe
doethnot forbid . § C Afterward they heard the voyce of rubims, and the blade of afword Makei, to foule fhonld
you to eat ofthe- the Lor God walkingtr the gardenin the keepe the way of the tree of Ife. haue beene pue
“Fruit, fausthathe ||toole ofthe Day, and the man and his wite niihed for,that
“Knoweththarif Hrd themſelnes froin ý— the Lon the fpirit hauing conceiued hope of forgiueneffe, might liue hy faith,
yee Mhonldcate God Amang che trees of the gardem, a.Cor.t 4 34. | The tranfgrcfion of Gods commandement was the
“therof, yefhould č bat 35 eaule that both mankindand all othercreatures were fubie@ to the
bee iikevnto him. Ecclus. 25.26. 1.tim,2.14, f Not fo much to curfe, t Thefe are nor the naturuil frustes of the curth , bur pro⸗
i rte by ambition ae perfwafion. a@ They ceede of the corsnptionof finne, u Or gauethem knowledge to
pleaſe his wife, as movued
began to feeletheir milerie, but they fought not to God for remedy, makethemfelucscoats. x By. this derifion he reprocheth Adams

|v$Ebr thinges to gird about them to hide their priuities. llOr winde. miferic,whercintobewas fallen byambition, y Adam depriued of
The Anull confcience feeth Gods pretence, life,loftalf the figne thereof,
VV —— ö — — — — ——
į ee — R uy 3 at

elflaines - Genefis. Religion reſtored.

CHAP. IIII. pd 16 Then Bain went out from the pres
1 The generation of mankind. 3 Keinand fence of the L020, and Diweltin the landof
f Habel offer facrifice. 8 Kawa kelleth Habel, #200 towaru the Cat five ofEver,
a 23 Lamech a tyrant encourageth his ſearefull 17 Kain allo kuew hts wife, which cor p Thinking ther.
wines, 26 True religuonis restored, s cetucd and bare Wench: and he builta r ei by, to he fire, and
Flerwatd tye man knew Heuah bhig tie, and callen the name of the citte by the to have lefe age
nature, A wife vhich *concctucdand bare KaM, name of bis foune,ienoch, caffon to Feare
ite of ma- ann {ayo , J haue obtained aman > by the 18. And to Menoch was boone Fras, and Gods tudpments
kand Gods Lord. Tp ; Jrad begate MWebhutael e Cechutacl begate againft him, `
jag were Rot and againe he drought loorth his bzo: Wethuthacl,¢ Werhuthacl
begate Lamech. q The law full ine
ily abolithed ther abel, and Wabel was a Kerper of 19 (4nd Lamech tooke to bim a two {titution of ma.
elagh finne; Heepeand Kain was a tiller of the ground. Wiues: the name ofthe one was Adal), anù riage, which is,
g ne gualigie 3 € Aud in pocche of time it came to the name of the other zilab. thartwo fhould
‘eandition pafe that Kain brought an < oblation vnto 20 And Adah bare Jabal, who was the beonc fefh,was.
‘sof was the Lod of the frut of rhe ground. Nfatberofſuch as dwellin the tents, aud of firft corrupt m
angeds: : 4. Qud4pabel ali puntelfe bought of (uch as baur catiell. ¥ houfe of Kain
That is,accor- theirt fruttsof pis heepe, and of the tat of 21 And bts bothers name was Jubal, by Lamech. .·
gto the Lords them, aud the Lod hadrelpect vuto Ha⸗ who was the father of all that play on tye fOr frf inners
romife, as chap. bel,and to bis offering, i h Darpeand | organs. ter, r
tag. fome read, § But vuto Kain and to bts offering be 22 Gnd 3ullah alfo bare Tubal kain, Or, flutes and
.go the Lordas Had nod regard: CCiberfore Kain was excee· Who mroughe cunningly euerp craft of Pipes,
feioycing for the Bing woti < € his countenance teil Downe. balle andor pien: and the lifter of Tubal- t His wiues fee.
~ fonne which the 6 Thenthe Lord fapa vnto Kain, Ahy kain was Raamat. ing thatall men
had borne,whom att thou wꝛoth? andmop ts thy countenance 23 Then Lamech fayd vnto his wines hated him for his
fhe would offer cal Downe? Avah and Zillah,Weare my voice,pewines
cruelty were a-
tothe Lerd,as 7 Ift thou vee wel, halt thou uot be ace of Lamech : hearken vnto my ſpeech: "foz
fraid : therfore he
thefirft fruicesof cepted? and if thou doet not weil, fin itech J would flay a man in mp wound, and abraggeth that
her birch, at the ‘Donge: allo vnto thee hiss Delice fhall poung man inanine hurt. there is none fo
€ This declareth be ſubiect, and thou ſhalt rule ouer bim. 24. Jf Kain Mall bee auenged ſeuen fold, luftie that were-
thatthe farher 8 ¶ Then Kain (pake to abel his bzo truely Lamech f (enentte times ſcuen fold, able to refift,al-
infiru@ed his ther. And *twhenthep were tn the fele, 25 Cand Avan knew his wife agane, though he were
children in the Kain roſe vp agatutt abel his beother,and and fhe barea fon, and thee called bis name alreacy woũded.
Knowledge of flew baa. Dheth: for Gov, hid the, hath appointedme f Hee mockedar
God, & alfo how 9 Thenthe Lon (aid vnto Kain, Where paotbee (eede foz Habel, becaule Kain few Gods'fufferance-
Godgaucthem įg Habel thy brother? CUho anfwered, J in Kain, ieſteng as
facrifices to fig- cannot teli. -Am J my beothers keeper? 26 And to the fame Sheth allo there was though God ~
nifie their falua- 10 Againe be fain, Ahat Hatt thou done? borne afon, anv be called his name Enom. would luffer —
tion: albeitthey thg i voice of thy bothers blood cryeth vnto an henep men tot cal pon the ame of none to punifh _
weredeftirure of me from the earth. him,and yet giue
the factament o 11 (ow therefore thouartcarfed* from him licenceto
thetree oflife. the carth , which bath opencd Her mouth to murther others. t In thefe dayes God began to mooue the hearts of
Heb.1t 4. receiue thy brothers bicod from thine hand, the godly to reftore religion, which along time by the wicked had
d Becauſe he was 12 Wlhen thon Walt till the ground, tt beene ſuppreſſed.
an hypoctite,
and ſhall not hencetoorth peelde vnto thee per CHAP. v,-
offredonely for ſtrength: a! bagabond and a runnagate 3. The genealogie, 5 Age & death ofAdam,
anoutwardthew {yait thou be in the earth. ‘6 His facceffion unto Noah and bis children.
without fincerity 13, Then Rain ſaid tothe Lod, n |Soy 24 Henoch was taken away. 3
of heart, - punimenttsgreater then can beare. pee is the ||booke of the generations of \|Or.rebearfall o
é Boththouand 14 Behold, thou pat cat mec out thig Adam. In the Dap that God created A- the mink 7
thy facrifice fhal Day front thet earth,and from thy face Hall Dam, inthe. likenes of Go made he him, a Read cha.3,26
be acceptable to J] be bidand Halbe avagabond, and a run⸗ 2 Maile and female created he them, and b By giving them
mee. Nagatein the earth, and wholocucr findeth bleſſed them, and called their name> Avam both one name,
f Sinnefhall Rill me,fhallflap me. ; : in the Day that they were created. he notch the ine
eormentthycon- Iş @hen the Lord {aid vnto him, Doubts 3 €Mow Adam linedan hundreth and feparable con-
fcience. - ice whofoener flayeth Kain,beſhalbe = pu- thirtic peeres, and begate a childe tn bis junction of man
£ Thedignitieof niſhed ſeuen fold.And the Loz fet a marke Dwne c likenefic after bis image, and callen and wife,
the firk borne is vpon Kain, leſtany man finding him ſhould bis name Sheth. c. As well con-
‘giuento Kain > kill him. 4 *And the Daves of Adam, after he had cerning his creg-
ouer Habel. s + begotten Sheth, were eight hundred pores, tion,as his cor·
Wifd.xo. 3. matt. 23.33. 1. ioh.2.12 Aude 11. b This isthe nature and he begate onnes and daughters. ruption,
of thereprobate when they are reproued of their hypocrifie, enen to § Bo all the Dayes that Adam lived, 1. Chron. tte
_ negleé God and defpitehim, i God reuengeth the wronges of his pet aoe hundzed and thirtie yeeres ; anv’ d He proueth Ae
Saints, though none complaine ; forthe iniquitic it felfe cryeth for e Died. dams generation:
“vengeance. k Theearth (hallbe a witneſſe againft thee, which mer- o And 4 Sheth lived an hundꝛeth and by them which,
cifully receiued that blood, which thou moft crucliy ſheddeſt. |Thou flue peres, and begate Enom. came of Sheth,to
fhalt neuer haue reſt: for chine heart hall bee in continuall feare and 7 And Sheth lined after hee begate thew which is the
care, m He burdeneth God as acruell iudge, becaufe he did punifh Enoh, eight bundreth and ſeuen peres, and true Church,and
him fo tharpely. ||Or, my fianeisgreater then can bee pardoned. begate ounces and Daughters, alfo what care
$ Ebr. from offthe face of. n Not forthe lowe hee bare to Kain,but God had ouer
: tofupprefiemurther. © Which was fome vifible figne of Gods the fame from the beginning, in that he continued euss hisgraces toe
r indgement,
thatothers lhould feare thereby,. ward it by a continuall fucci Mon,
8 Ar
Generations from Adam to Noah. Chap. vj. Mans wickedneffe. The Arke
e Thechiefe 8 Doall thedapes of Sheth were «nine bone onto them, -
caufeof long life hundred and twelue veeres: and heted. - 2 Then the > fonnes of God fawethe a The
in the firft age, 9 . (Allo Enoly liued ninetie peeres,and daughtersbof men that they weresfaive,and of ag
was the multi- begate Benan, > 1 they tooke them wives ofal rhat they Miken. whic
plication of man- 10 Hus Enoh lincd, afterhebegate Ree 3 CAhertore the Lorn (ain, gy (pirte hal degen ,
Kinde, thatac- han, eight hundzed and fifteene peeres, and not alway 4 ſtriue with man, becaule hee ts b Thot
cording to. Gods begate ſcunes and daughters. 9 but Remand his Dayes Hallbeane punten camel
commandement I $6 all che Dayes of Enoſh mere nine and twentie peeres. . parents,
atthebeginning hundzed and Hue yeeres: and he died. 4 here wereligiants in the ecarthin Kain. ,
the world might 12 ¶ Likewotſe Kenan liucd ſeuentie peres, thofe dapes, pea, and after that the fonnes of c ea
beincreafed with and begate Mahalaleel. Gow came vuto the Daughtersetmen , and repe y
people, which — 13 And Kenan liued, after be begat Wa they Had borne them children, thete were beautie,
might vniuerfally halaleel, eight punted and fourite peeves, mightie men which tn old time were men of worldlyc
praile his Name. and begate ſaunes and Baughters. frenowme. rations, tt
14 So all the dayes of Kenan were nine S° Chen the Lod ſawe thatthe wic ·their mana,
Hundred and ten peeres: and he died. Rednefieofman was great in the carth,and godlineffe. |
Is. Mahalaleel allo liuen Notie and fine all the imaginations of the thoughts athis |\Or,had cho
peeres and begate Jered. * heavt were onely enill + continually, d Becaufe mat
16 AlfoMPabalaicel tutt after he begate 6 Then it s repented the Lord, that hee could not bee N
Lered,cighe hundred and thirtie yeeres,and Had made man in the carch,and he was foie wonneby Gods)
begatetenties and Daughters. th bis heart. lenitie and ~
17 Soalithe dapes of Mahalaleel were 7 Therefore theLord (aid, Jwil deſtroy long tufferanee,
* bree hundred nineti¢ an’ Que yeéres + and from the garth the man whom J hane trea: whereby hee
edied. j ; ted, from man to beat, to the creeping ftrouctoouer-' gà
18 (And Jered lined an Hundred ſixtie thing and to the foule of the heauen: fo2J]come him, hee f
and two peeres,and begate Henoch. repent that Jhaue made them. * would no long-t 4
19 Chen Jered lined after he degate Dee 8 But Moab i found grace inthe eyes of ger ftay hisvens |
noch, eight hundzed peres,and begat fonnesthe Loz. : geance,
and daughters. rai 2 “9 © Chele are the ||generations of Mo e Which terme |
20 Ho ailthe vaves of Jered were nine ab. Noah wasa iut and vpright manin bis God gaue man
punden lirticand two peeres: and he Died. timet and oah Walked with God. torepent,before 1"
Eccl 4416. 21 @* Alo Henoch lined ſixtie and fiue IO And Moah begat theeetonnes, Sbent, he would deftroy >
hebr.rr 5. peeres,and begate Methuſhelah Ham,and Japheth. , the carth,1,Pet, 19
f That is,he led 22 And Menoch walked! with God, af IE The earth alia twag coprupt befo 3-2-6 ,
an vpright and ter be begate Wethuſhelah, theeehundzed ‘God; foz the earth was filled with k cruelty. |Or,tyrants.
godly life. pectes and begate ſonnes and Daughters. 12 Then God looked bpon thecarth,and. f Which viur-
g To [hew that - 23 Ho ailthe dayes of Penoch were theec behold ttwas corupt: for all flef} had coz- ped aathoritie
there was a bet- Hundzed firticand fue peeres, rupted hts way upon theearth, Reels ouerothers,and 1
ter life prepa- 24 And enoch waked with God, and = 13 And Ges fatd vnto Moab, |An end af did degenerate
sed, bea Ha was no nioe feene ; foz s Ged tooke htm all tet)iscome befoze mee: for the earth ts from that fimplie 1)
réftimonie of away. i filled with ||crncitict though themsand be- citie wherin their V
the immortalis 25 Methuſchelah alfo lincd an Hundred Hold,Jwil deſtroy them wth the earth. fathers liued,
tie of foules and cightie and ſeuen peeres,and begat Lamech. 14 @Wakethee an Arkeoks ye trees: Chap.8.z Be "i 9

bodies, As to, 26 Aud Methuſhelsh tincd, after hee be⸗ thou balt make +cabins inthe Arke, and MAtthAS.19.
inquire where he gate Lamech ituen Hundred eighty and two fhalt prech it witht and without with pitch. Ebr. Enery
became,is meere peeres,and begate fonnes and Daughters, Ig And] thus halt thou make it: Whe g God doth nes
euriofitie, 27 Ho all the Dayes of Methuſhtlah were length of the Arke hall be three hundzed cus uer repent, but
H Lamech had —9 hundzed ſixtie and nine yveeres: and pee bites, the breadth oftt ſiftie cubites, and the he fpeaketh afe
reſpect to the height ofit thirtie cubites. ter our capaci«
promife, Chap.3, 28 -€ Then Lamech lined an hundred 16 4 windowe Halt thou make in the tie,becaufe bee `
s5.and defired eightie and twoyeercs, and begate a lone, Arke, and in a cubite hate thon finiita- did deftroy him,
to (ee the deli- 29 And called his name Moab, faptng, bousand the Booze of the Arke Halt thou fer and inthat,asie.
uerer which This lame Hallocomfortvsconcerning our tn the five thercofs thou thatt make tt with were did difa-
fhould be fent, wozke ant fozrow of our hands,astouching the! low, feconn and third roome. uow bim tobe
and yet faw but the carth which the Lord hath curſed. 17 And FZ.behold, Jwill bring a flood of hiscreature. « _
a figure thereof: 30 And Lameth lined after bee begate Waters bpon the earth to deltroy all izh, h Ged declareth
healfo fpakethis Moab, Aue hundzed ninetie and Gucpeecres, wherein ws the breath of lite vnder the hea ·how much hee ,
by the fpirit of and begate fonnes and Daughters. uen: all that is inthe earth ſhall periſh. dereftcth finne,
prophefie, be- 31 Boallthe dayes of Lamech were fe- 13 Gut with thee will Jm eſtabliſhmy (eeingthepu- _
cauſe Noah de- mr anhoni leuentie and feucn peetes : and Conenant,and theu halt goe tnto the Arke, nifhment theres
liuered the e Died. ; thou and thylonnes, andthywite, and thy ofextendethro
Chureh, and pre- 32 And Moah was. fiue hHundzed peere ſonnes wines miththee. the bruit beafts,
ſerued it by his oide, And Noah begate hem , iam, and 19 Andofencryplining thing, of all flefh, i God wasmer- ees

4 ebedience, two of every fort palt thou caule to come cifull vnto him,
TORM ory
ig eevk
i ; lOr hefforze.
3 God threatnethto bring the flood..; Man k Meaning that all were giuentothe contempt ofGod, and oppreſ⸗
is altogether corrupt. 6 God repenteth that hee fion oftheir neighbours, ||Or,2 will de flroy mankind. Or, oppr
made him. 1R Noah and his are preſerued in the and wickedneffe. Ebr from the face of them. tEbr,Gopher,
Arhke,which he wascommanded to makè. Ebr. neſtes. ſor, of this meafures 1 That is, of three heights. A

. OD when men began to bee multiplied tp- m Tothe intent that in this great encerprifeand mockingsof the
Don the garth, and there were Daughters whole world thou mayelt be — thy faith faile not.
. 3 -mio
atreth into the Arke. Genelis. Theworld drowned.

inte the Arke,to keepe chem aline with thee: him: and the Lord el ſhut him in. g Sothat Gods
they Halbe mele and female. 17 Then the fosd was fortie Dares Vp: fecret power des
20 Df the foules after their kinde,and of onthe carth,and che waters were increaſeo, fended hima-
the cattcil after their kindofevery creeping and bare bp the Arke, which was ile vp as gainſt the rage:
thing of the earth after bis kind,two of eue- boue the earth). of che mightie
rp iot hall conic unto thee, that thou mayeſt “18 Che waters allo waged Kiong, and waters,
Je kecpe them altue, y were increaſed excee dingiy vpon the eared, pOr [hut it upow:
Sy he 21 And take thon with thee ofall meate and the Arke went vpon the waters, hum,
Sods thatis eaten: @thoudyalt gather tt to thee, 19 The waterst preuatled (u exceedingly +Ebr. waxed vex
ndement that it may be meate fo? thee and foz: ther. vpon the earth; that ali the hie mounsaines, ry mighties
22 * Moab therefore Did according vnto that ae ynder the whale heauen, mere cos
all, that God commauuded him: cuen * fo uered.
Did hee. 20 Fikteene cubites vpward did the wa⸗
CHAP, VII. ters preuaile,when the mountaiues were co⸗
1 Noah and his enter istothe Arke, 20 The uered.
flood deftroyeth all the refi upon the earth. 21 * Then all fleſh periſhed that mooued Wifd,s0.4.
AD the Low (aid vnto foah, Enter vpon the earth, bath foule and cattell, and ecclus,3 9,27,
Av thou anDail thine Houle inte the Arke: beaſt, and cuery thingthat treebeth tmoo⸗ 28.
Pet.2$. for thee bauc J {cene* a rightcousbefeze me ueth vpon the earth ant euery man.
4 Inrefpe@ of inthis ||age. 22 Euerything in whole noſtrels the fpi-
the relt ofthe 2 Dfcnery> cleane beaſt thou (halt take rit of life Dio bꝛeathe. whatſoeuer thep were
world, and be- to theg bp ſeuens, the male and dis female: in the drie land they tid. :
faufe hehad a but of uncleane beatts by cenples , the male 23. Mo “bee deſtroyed euery thing that h Thatis,God.
delire to ferue and bis female. mas vyen the earth, from man te beat, to
‘God and liue Df the foules allo of the heauen by fe- the creeping thing, and te the fonie ofthe
fvprightly. nes, male and female to keepe leede alite heauen they were euen deſtroyed fromthe i Learne whatit
» Or generation. bpon the whole carth. : ; earth. And Noah onelpi remained and they is to obcy Ged
- b Which might 4 Foꝛ fenen dapes hence F will caule it that were with him in the Arke, onely,and to for-
be offered in 143- raine vpon the earth fortie Daves and fortie 24 Gnd the waters preuailed vpon the fake the multi-·
crifice,whercof nights, and all the fubdance that Jhaue garth an hundreth and fittiedaves, | tude, 1. Pet. 3.20
— fixe were for
— made, Will J deſtroy from of the earth. CHAP, VILI.
© breede,and the MNoah therefore Did accozding vnto al 13 The flood ceafoth, 16 Noah is commanded
ſeuenth for fa- that the Loꝛd commanded him, to come forth of the Arke with his. 20 He facri-
crifice, 6 -Aud Noah was: fire hundzeth peeres ficeth to the Lord. 22 God, promeſeth that all
Aatth 24. 37. old, —* the flood af waters was vpon the things hall continuz eather firfi order. 5
` dukei7.i6. earth. NES God ⸗remembred Noah and bene- a Not that God
S-pet.3, 20, 7 CHo Moah entred and bis nnes, Ary beatt, and all che cattell that was fosgettetbhis at”
and bis wife, and His fonnes wines with with birin the Arke therefore God made any time,bur
anLee the Arke, becaule of the waters of a windefopake vpon the carth,and the wa- when he fendeth. _
the ficod. : ters cealed, ; {uccour,then he
8 Dfthe cleane brates, and ofthe vn⸗ 2 The fountatnes allo of the Deepe, and fhewethy he re⸗
ee —
cleane Dealtes, and of the foules, and of all the windowes of beanen were flopped, and membreth. them,
PAN A that creepeth pponthecarth, the raine. from heauen was refrained, bIf God remem.
¢ God compels 9 Shere «caine two and two vnto Moah 3 And the waters returned from aboue ber euery bruite

Yea them to pre- into the Arke, male and female as Hod had theearth, going and returning: and after beaft, what ought
ſent chemfelucs ‘commanded Noah. the end of the hũndreth
and fittreth Day, the to bee ý affurance
Io and fo after ſeuen dayes the waters of waters abated.
to Noah,as they of his children?
didbeforero A-
the flaod were vpon the cartiy. 4 And in thes ſeuenth moneth, in the c Which contei-
‘dam,when hee Il Ja the tire hundaed yeere of Moahs feuenteesth Day ofthe inoneth,the Srket ree ned part of Sep-
aue them names, life in the 4 (erond moneth, the fenenteenth ſted vxon the mountames of Ararat, tember and part
CShbap.2. a9. Dayofthe moncth, in the fame day were all And the waters were going and de⸗ of OGober,,
d Which wasa- thee fountaines of the great deepe broken creaing vntill the 4tenth moneth: tn the lOr flayed. .
bout the begin- pp, and the mindowes of heauen wereo: tenth moneth, and in the firit day ofthe mo- "Or, Armenia.,
ning of May. pened, ; neth were the taps of the mowntaines ſeene. d Which was
when all things 12 And the raine was bpon the earth (Bot after foarte dapes, Moah oper the moneth of
did mof florith, fortie dapes and fortie nights. ned the window of the Arke, which hee had December.
e Boththe wa- 13 Jn the felie fame Day entren Moalh mabe, Ebr. attheende
tersinthe earth “whith @hem, anB am aud Japheth, the 7 And ſent korth a tranen, which went offotsrtie dayes.
did oun fluw,and fonnes of Moah, and Moahs wife, and the ont going foorth and returning, vntill che t The rausn is
alfo the clouds mhaewiues othis lonnes with chem into the waters were Died vp vpon the earth. fent forth and
- , powred downe, rke. 8 Acainehe tent at Doue from bim, that returneth.
14 Chev and encry beak after his kinde, he might fee ifthe waters were diminiſhed t He fendeh the.
12 and eli cattell after their kinn, euery thing from oftie earth. . doue.
that creepeth and moueth uyon the earth af: 9 But che Done found no rekk fo. the (ole e Iris likethat
f Every living ter big kind, and euery fonle after bis kind, of her foct: therefore thee returned vnto Bim the rauen did file- -
thing that God even cuerp bird of cucrp feather. into the Arke (fog the waters were vpon the to 2nd fro, re- -
would have to 15 Foꝛ they came to Noah tuto the Arke, whole earth) and bee eput foogth hts hand fting onthe
- „n be preferued on twa and two, fof all fleih wherein ts the ano receiucd Her, and tooke her to him inta Arke,buc came
¢arth,came into bzrath of life. the Arke. notinto jt asthe
the Arketo 16 And they entring tn, came malg and Io Qud he above pot other ſenen dapyec,ann doue that was
Nosh. feniale oF all fei,as Hod hav commaunded again he ient forth the Dour out
ok the Arke, taken in,
Ir And
Noah goeth out ofthe Arke. Chap.ix.) The couenantand raineb-
IL Gnd the Doue came fo btm in the cur- 4 *4But feth with plife therof,I meane, a:Le
fOr, bit. ning, and ice, inber mouth wasan f oltue with the blood thereof, hall pe not eate. -
f Which wasa leate that ce had plucht: whereby Moah 5 ¢ Fozlurely 3 tsili require pour blood, cré
figne thatthe knew that tye waters were abated trom of wherein your linesare: atthe hand of cnerp ki
waters were the carth. beatt will J requireit: ant at the bande of tha
much dimicith- 12 Notwithſtanding be waited yet other man, cuen at the hande of amansy brother led!
ed : for the oliues ſeuen Bayes, and feat ioari the Dour, whic) wil j regure che Ute of man. ds elem
grow noton the returret not againe wnio hint any moze, cua fo * fheaterh mans biesd, fbp bidde
hic mounta nes. 13 Gano in che fie hundreth and one pert, man thall bts bison be en; * forin rhe g3 e Th:
g Called in E- in thehet doy at thee fir moneth, the wa- mage of Sod hath be made man, take vy
brew Abib con- fers were Pied vp froin ofthe earth: anv 7 Wut bing pe forth kruit and multiply: forycu
teining pare of agay remoued the coueving of the Ack and —— plenrtfuiipin the earth, and increaſe [!Or, mM
March and part lookcu, and beholde, the vpper part of tie therein, Matt 2
of April, Ground was deie. 8 € Gov pake alfoto Noah and ta bis renel.3
h Noah decla- 14 And in the fecond moaneth , fr the ſe⸗ ſonnes with hun, laying, f Noton
reth his obedi- uen and twearicth Bay ofthe maneth, was 9 Beiete, sound cfablifs my * cone: the Magif’
ence, in chat he the earch Dzie, ; nant with per, č with pour! feed after you, but oft tim,
would rot de- 15. € Then Gov pake to Moab, laring, -10 Aud with euery living creature that God raifech,
part -ourofthe 16 bSs forth ofthe Arke,thou & thy wie, ts with you, with thefoule, with che catreti,
one murther.
Arké without Ethy ſonnes and thy tons wines with chee. ard with cuerp bealtof the carth with rou to kill anothe,
Gods exprefie 17 Bꝛing forth with thee encey beaſt that from ali that goe out of the Srbe, pnts cne. Chap. 1.27. |
commandementr, is with thee,ot ali fle, toth foule g cattcll, ry beatt of the earth, orel
as he did not en- and encry thing that creepeth ant mooueth Ii * AnD my coucnant will J eflablify kil! man is toùe
terin without vpon theearch, that they may breede abun- with you, that from hencefoorth ail fict hat face Gods ima i
thefame: the Dautiy ta the earth, * and bing koorth fruit Not be rooted outby the waters of the Hood,
Arke being a fi-' and increafe vpon the earch. neither tall there beea food to Dettroy the
fure of the 18 So Noah came forch.¢ bis Pimes, and earth any more.
Church wherein is wife,anbd bis ſonnes wuies with bun, 12 Then Gon faid, This is the token of
nothing moft be 19 Luerpbea,cucep creeping thing,and thecoucnant which J make betweene mee h To affure yo Ro
done without the euery fonle, all that moucth spon the carth and pou, ¢ betweene cucry lining thing that thatthe world S
word of God, atter their kindes, went out of tie Arke. ts With you vnto perpetuall generations,
Chap. 1,22. 20 C Then Moab tburit an altar to the 13 J haue letmy * bow in the cloud, and defiroyedbya 4
and 9.1. Loꝛd, and cockeof euery cleane beatt,and of it hall bee for a figne of the couenant be: floed, J
i For facrifices, euery cleane foule , and offered burnt offe- tweene me and the earth, : i The childregy -3
which were as an tings npon the altar. 14 And when J mall couer the earth which are not”
exercife of their 21 Aud the Lod finelleda | * favour of Aai a cloud, and the bote albe ſeene inthe yet berne, are
faith, whereby reit, andthe Lod fayd in bis heart, J wiil 3 comprehended
they vied to giue hentetoorth curie the ground no moze foz 15 Then wil J remember my 'conenant, in Gods coue-
thankes to Gad mans canle: foz the imagination of mans which ts betweene mee andyou, and be: nant made with
for his benefits, * heart iseutil, euen from his pouty: neither tweene cuery living thing in all fief), and their fathers.
Or, a fweete willJſmite any moze all things liuing, as J there hall bee no moze waters of a flood to
fauour. haue bone- + i j Deſtroy all fleſh. k Hereby
we fee K:
k Thatis, therby 22 ipereafter I feed time and harueſt, and I6 Therelsre the bowe fall bee in the that fignes or fa- ©
he ſheweth him- cold anv beat aun ſummer and winter, aud cloud that J may fee it, and remember the cramentsought ` *
felfe appealed, Day and night hall not ceale, fo long as the cuetlafting couenant betweene God, and not to he fepara-
and hisangerto carth vematneth. y euery lining thing in all fleſh that is vpon ted from the
retas tye earth, word.
Chap.6 ðmatth ag. 19. b «The order of nature deftroyed by the 17 Hod fayd pet to oah, This is the Ecclas. 43.151,12
floadsisteftored by Gods promile, figneofthecsuenant, which 3 baue etabli ] Wheamem
CHAP, IX. fhed betweene meand all fle® that is vpon faall (ee my bow
-b The confirmation of mariage. 2 Mans du- the carth. in the heawen,
: thoritre ouer gll creatures. 3. Permuffion ofmeats, _ 18 C Mow the founes of Noah going they thall know
6 Thepower of the fword. 14 The rainebow i doorth of the Arke, were Shem and wan that] haue not’
5 the fizne of Gods promife, zi Moab ú drunken Saat). And iam ts the father of Cas forgotten my
and mocked oflufannes whomhe curfeth 29 covenant vith
a Ged fncreated!’ i Lhe ageand death of Noah. : 19 Ghelkarethe thzee fonnes of Rosah, them.
them with fruit, | A d God *biciien Noah and his ſonnes, tof them was the » whole earth onerfpzead. m God doecth
& declared vnto [> and fayd to them, * zing koorth fruit, 20 Hoah alfo began tobee an halban- te peate this the
them his coun- and multielie,
and repleniſh the carth. man,and planted a binepard. ofter,to con-
fellastouching 2 -Aio cheeteare of yous thedzead of you 21 And hee Daunkecfthe wine, and was firme Noahs
thereplenifhing fhail be vpon euery beaſt ot the carth,evpon oDninken,and was vnconertd in the mids faith fo much
ofthe earth, euery fouleof the heauen, vpon all that mo⸗ ok his tent. more. |
Chap. s.28-and ucth onthe carth , and vpon all the iſhes of 22 And when Pam the father r of Ca» n This decfareth |
Baga o the leas inte pour band are thep Deituered. naan (awe the nakedneſſe of bis father, sye what was the
b Bythe vertue 3 Cuerp< ching that meucth and lineth, tald his two bzetizen without, verruecfGods —
of this comman⸗ Mall be meate foz pous asthe * greene herbes 23 Then tooke Shem q Japhetha gar- blefling,when
cement: beaſte pane J giucn pou all things. hefaid,Increafe
rage nat fo mich and bring forth, Chap, 1,28. |Or, Noah began agame.’ o This ic
againft manas they would, yeay and many ferué to bis wfethereby, fet before our eyesto fhewe whstanhorrible ching drunkennefle is¢
c By thispermiffion man may with agood confcience vſe the creas p Of whom came the Canaanites , that wicked nation, who were
sures of Ged for hisneceflitic. (hap.t.29. . alfocutfedofGod, q" derifion and con empt of his father.
m4 meni
exationus. | Genefis. | Maris preſumption·
meut, and put it vpon both their ſhenlders. thi: and afterward were the families ofthe
and went backeward, Ecoucred the naked⸗ \Ganaanites ipead aboad. i
nes of chert father ib their feces backward; 19 Chenthe boder of the Canaanites
fo thep fam not their fathers nabeduelic. was krom 3idon, as thou commet to Gerar
xt 24 Then Moab awoke trom bis wine, vnto Azzah, and as thou goet ynto Sodom
iod: andkuew what his ponger foune jad Done aud Gonorrah, and Admah, anv 3eboim,
em, vnto hun, euen vnto Lata.
not 25 Andfayd, * Curſed bee Canaan: a 20 Chele are the fons of Pam accoꝛding
ssfor £ feruantof ſernants Wal be be visto pie bꝛe⸗ to their amies, according to therr tongues
spor then. in thein countreys and ty their nations.
‘cac- 26 We laid mopeoucr, Bleſſed be the Lord 2 q Guto i Shem alto the father of all i Inhisftocke
God. of Shem,
glee Canaan be hisiteruant. the ſonnes of * Cher, ana Giver bzorher of the Church was.
mok 27 Godi perfwade Japheth that he mayJaphety were childzen bone. preferued : theres
. >, Dwellin the tents of Dbennand let Canaan 22 * Che onnes of Hyem were Glam, and fore Mofes leas
H bebisteruant. — Afigurs and Acpachhad,¢ Lud, and Aram. ucth of {peaking
argeor, 28 And NHoah linen after the flood thzee 23 And che ſonnes of Aram, G3,and Hul, of lzpheth and
oreturne. hundreth and iiftte peeres. i and Gether and Wah. Ham,and intreg-
ideclareth «= 29 Bo allthe Dayesof Noah were nine 24 Alio Arpachſhad begate Mvelah, and teth of Shem
Gentiles. hundzeth and. fiftic pceres,and he died, Shelah begate Cher, ) dM more at large. nto
cameof . j j 25 unto Cher aifo were boone two fons: k Otwhome
eth,and were feparated from the Church, fhould be ioyned tothethename of the one was Peleg: for in his camethe Ebrews >
by the perfwafion of Gods Spirit and preaching of the Gofpel.Hayes was the carth! diuided: and his bro⸗ orlewes,
; CAA Ranki thers namesas Joktan. 1. Chron. 1.47.
; 1 The increafe ofmankind by Noa & hi fons, 26 Then Joktan begate Almodad, and ] This diuifion
10 The beginning of cities countreys & nations, Dbceleph,and hazarmaueth, and Jerab, came by the di-
* hefe generati- Non thele are the generations of the 27 And Yadram, and Gal, Diklah, uerfiueoflan-
arehereres Nfonnes of Moab, Shem, pam, and Ta- 25 Gnd Dbat,and Abimael and @beba, guages, as appea=)
ted, partly to. herd vate whom ſonnes were borne after 29 And Dphir, e Pauilah, and Jobat: reth;Chap.hso9s
eclare the mar- the flood. all theſe were the ſonnes ofJoktan.
Ueilousincreafe 2. Whe fonnes of Japheth were Gomer, 30 And their Dwelling was front Qe-
info {mall atime, and Magog, and > (Davai, and Jauan, and fa, as thou govit untae Sephar a mountof
nd_alfo to ſet Tubal,aind Meſhech, and Tiras, the Eat. pugi
rth their great: 3 Andt 3— Atbkenaz, 31 Chelcare the onnesof Hhenaccor-
getfulneſie of and Ripbath, and Togarua. Bing to their famites, accoding to their
4 Alife the fannes of Jauan, Eliſhah, and tonguesintheir countreys and nations,
Carihih, Kittim and Bodanim. 32. Thele ave the familiesofthe fonnesof
3 WE thele were the Jles of the Gen⸗ Noah, after thetr generations among their’
people: and |/out ofthete were the nations |Or,of thefecame
, tiles diuided in their lands, eucry man after
lJauan came the Histongue, and after their families in their diuided mitheearth after the flood, dimers mations.
Medes and nations. j wi HAR. XI.
Greekes. 6 & Moꝛeouer the ſonnes of Ham vere 6 The building of Babel was thecaufe of the
© Thelewesfo dCuth.and CBisraun, and Put Canaan. confufion of toxgues, 10 The age and generation
> cali all countreys 7 And the tonnesof Cuh, Seba, and of Shemunto Abram, 3. Abrams departure fò
which are ſepa · auilab,and Sabtah, and Raamabh, and Vr with his father Terah,Sarm,and Let, 32 The’
rated from them: abtecha: allo the ſonnes ot Raamah were age and death of Teral).
by fea,as Grecia, Phebaand Denan, l Y Wen the whole earth was of one * Ian- Wifd.10.5.
Laaly,dc which 8 And Cuh begat Nimrod,
who began guage, and onefpeach. a Inthe yeere
vere giuen to tobe: mighty inthe carth, 2 Annas b they went fromthe “Taf, an hundrethand >
cthe children of 9. He was a mighty hunter before the they found a plaine in the land of 4 Shinar, thirtie aſter the
apheth, of Loꝛd: wherefore it is fayd! As Nimrod the and there they. above: flood,
~ whomcame tbe mightyhunterbeforethe Lod. And they fayd one to another, Come, b Towit,Nim-
_ Gentiles, io Gnd the begining of bis kingdome ict vs make bzicke , and bugne tt inthe fire. rod and bis come
d Of Cufhand mas Babel, and Erech and Accad,¢ Cal Ha they had bꝛicke for tone, and Hime had pany.
_ Mizraim came > neh intheland sofSpar. | i thepin ſtead of inoster. c Thatis,from
` \the Ethiopians , AT Dut ofthat land came AMhur, builded 4 Ailotheyfayd, Goeto, let vs e buila Armenia,where
and Egyptians, , Mineuch,t the \ictty Rehoboth, and Calab ; bs a titie and a tower, whole top may reach the Arke ftayed,
= e Meaning 2 12 Relenallobetwecne Nineueh, ¢Las unto the heauen, that wee may get vs a d Which was afa
crucll oppreffor lal: tits is a great eitig. — leatt wee be (cartered vpon the whole terward called
and tyrant, - 13 And MWisratm begat 4 Luvin, and A⸗ earth. l ) Calidea,
£ Histyranny , namin and Lebabim, andmaphmbin, But the Load frame Downe,to fee the e They were mos
camę intoa pro- 14. DPatihzufim ato, and Daflubim, out titteand tower, which the fonnes of men ued with pride
o uerbe,as hate ofiwhom came the Philiſtims, andy Caphe builded. and ambition,
both of God and torims. 6 Andthe Loꝛd fayd, e Behold, thepeo thinking copre-
i mans for bê paf- Is ¶ Allo Canaan begate 5idon bis firt pleisone, and they all bauc one language, ferretheirowne
fed not to con- and this they begin to Doe, neither can they plotyto Gods
mit cruclty euen arg
16 ‘andAnd Geoua and moot.
Sebuli,an Lost.ececiees
Girgaſhi vol be ſtopped trons vehatſoeuer they hane ono ur.
in Godsprefence, 17 And Miui,and Arki and ou, iniagineDtoDoei yy i Hog E 31 f Meaning,that >
-g Fontheze was, 18. Aud Axuadi, and Femariandapainae he declaredby
“wnorhker.citie j in oi t eff that he kriewitheir wicked enterprife i For Gods power iseucty®
Babel. |Or,t he ,frcets ofthe ostie.: h- ; Of Lud camee wheresand dothneither alcend nor defcendi gp God (peaketh this’
Egypt s, alfo
othe Lydian |\Or,s be Cappad oczans in desifion, becauſe of their fooli(h peiſwaſion and entetprife, = =
7 Tome
s f
Confufion oftongues. Chap.xij. 138 ‘Chrift promi!
h He fpeaketh 7 Come on, let os poe dawite, ei there the land of Canaan, and they caine to ° tas ob
aé though hee ‘confound fheir language, that eucry one. rain and dwelt there. cit
tockeceunfell percetuc nor anothers ſpeach. s 32 Ho the dares of Cerah were two bun» po:
with his owne 8 Do the Loꝛd (cattered them fra thence Beth and fue peeves, and Terah Diedin
wifedome and: vpon all the earth, and theylekt ofto build Varan,
power,to wit, the citie, CHAP. XII
with che Sonne, 9 Therefore the name of it was tallen 1 Abram by Gods commandement goeth to Ca-
and holy Ghoft, Babel becanie the Lord vid there canfouna haan, 3 (hrifi u promiſed. 7 Abra bucldeth akars
fiomfying the the language ef ail the earth: from thence forthe exercife & declarati of bis fasth amag the
greatneflé and then did the Lord ſcatter them vpon ail the infidels. 10 Becaufe of the dearth he goeth into E-
ccrtaintieofthe ` earth, gypt. 15 Pharaoh taketh his wift,andúpunifhed.
puni(hment, 10 E * Giele are the generations * of Ẹ Dathe Lozo had {aid vnto Abram, Het Afs:
i By this great Abem: Shem was an Huntin yere old, anv thee out of thy countrep, and from thy a Fron
plague of theco- begat Arpachihad two peres after the flood. kinse ann from thy fathers boule vntobthe to this t
fufion of tongues IL Gnd Shem hued, afterhe begat gr land that 3 wiii Hew thee. Ws fouretut
appearch Gods pachhad, fue hundzco peeres, and begate 2 And J wilimake of theea great hati- twenty ar
horrible iudge- lonnes and Daugbters. — ; on, and wil biefie thee, and make thy name ceres, “5
ment ayainit 12 Allo Arpachſyad liued Hue and thirty great, and thou alt be a¢ bleſſing. b In appe,
mans pride and pertes and begate Shelah 3 J will allo blefie them that bleffe thee, him no certaj,
vaine glory,- 13 Gnd Arpachwad liued after he begate and cutſe them that curie thee, and inthee place, hepr
pOr confujion. H|helah,foure hunted and three yeeres,and hati all families of the earth be bleffes. fo rauch more
1,Chron.1.17- begate onnes and Daughters. 4 So AbzaniDeparted,cuenas the Lod his faith and «
k = returnech 14 Gnd Sbhelab lived thirty yeeres, and fp-kevnto him, and Lot went with him. bedience, be
to the genealogie begate Eber. ' 3 (And Abram was ſeuenty and fue pere old, c Theworld fh
of Shem,to come 15 So Dhelah lined, atter he begate E⸗ when be Departed out of Maran.) recouer by thy»
to the hiflory of ber foure bund2ed and thee peeres, anv be⸗ § Aben Abram tooke Sarai bis wife, feede, whichis |
Abram, wherein gate fonnes and Daughters. and Lot bis brothers ſonne, and al their ſub⸗ Chrifl,the ble
che @hurck of 16 Likewtle Cher liued foute and thirty fiance that thep poſſeſſed, ¢ the ¢foutes-that fing which 4
God is defcri>ed, pectes,and legate Peleg. they had gottenin Paran, and they depar⸗ they loft in
whichis Mofes 17 So Cher itued, after he begate Peleg, te, to goe to theland of Ganaan : and to Adam.
principal] pur- foure hundred and thirtte peeres, and begat the land of Canaan they canie. d Meaning as *
pofe. fonnesand Daughters. EDo Abram “patted through the land well feruantsas
18 Awa Peles lined thirty peres.and be⸗ tuto: the ony of Shechem, and vnto the cartell; J
gate Re, Pes ip a8 |plaine of Moꝛeh Cand the f Canaanite was e He wvandred
1.Chron..25, 19 *And Peles lined after he bee at Ren, then in the land) toand froin the.)
tywo Hundeth and nite peeres, and begate 7 And the Lord appeared vnto Abram, land before he ©
lonnes and Daughters. — &fapd, Unto thy (cede wiliJgiue chisiand,. could find a fet.1
1 ret ES 20 Allo Keu$ liued two and thirtie pereg, Sne there Hee builded an saltar vnto the ling place :thus. ©
ofh ZAAT ‘and begate Derug. Low, witch appeared vnto pim, Godexercifeth
1 Hee maketh” : “21 SoReuliued after he begate Serug, | 8 Afterward remoouing > thence bntoa the faithofhis: —
mention firft óf twohundzeth and euen peeres, and brgate mountaine Catward trom Beth-el, he pit- children.
Abram,not be> fontes and Daughters. ched bis tent haung Weth- clon the ttet fOr, Oke aroue
caufe he was the 22 Moꝛeouer Derug lined thirty peeres, fivet Maat onthe Ca: andthete he built f — bs
firk borne,bue and begate Nahor. anialtaruutethe Lod, and called on the crucll and rebels
for the hiftory, 23 And Serug lined after he begate Ma: Mame of the Lord. lious nation, by
which properly hoz, two hundzeth yeeres, and begare onnes 9 *Againe Abam went forth going and. whom God kept
appertaineth vn- and Daughters, = : i ieurneying toward the suth. hisin-continu y

tohim, For by 24 And Mahor. liued nine and twentte Io @ Ehen there came a! faniinein the: exercife, SE
comparing this yecres,andbegate Terah, land: there fore Abram went Downe into E- g It was note- }
place withvert e 2 So Nahoꝛliued afterhe begate Tr- gypt, to ſoicurne there, toz there was a great? nough fór him *
32.and chap.12. rahan hundreth and nineteene yeeres and famine in the tand. to worthip God may be begate ſonnes and daughters. Il Aud when he drew neere to enter into in his heart, but
gathered that A- 26 *@o Terah liued ſeuenty peres, and Egypt hee ſayd to Sarat his wife, Behold it was expedient >
bram was borne, begate Abram, ahoz and Waran. now,3 Know that thou arta faire woman to declareby >
when his father 27 @ Row thefeare the generations of to locke bpon: outward profe =.
was 530. yeeres Terah: Terah begate | Abram, Paho2,and 12 Therefor it will come to yane, that. fion his faith be- 3
olde, Haran: and Varan begate Lot. when the Capprians (ce thee, they will fay, fore men, wheres’ ·
Ebr. Caſdim. 28 Then Paran died before Terah his Shesis hes wife: fo will they kill mee, but of this altarwas
m Some thiske fatherin the land of his nattuitie, in Gir of thep wiilkeepe thee alive. a figne.
that this Ifcah tthe Caldees. 13 Dap. pray thee,that thouart my afi- h Becanfe of the
was Sarai. 20 Ho Alam and Maho: tooke them tronblesthat he
n Albcit the o- wines. The name of Abꝛams wife was Haq- had among that wicked people. i And fo ſerued the true God,and
racleof God rat, and the name of Hahoes wife Milcah, renounced allidolatry, k ‘Thuis the children of God ‘may looke’
eameto Abram, the Daurbter of Daran, the father of SWit- for no reft in this world, but muft waite forthe heauenly reftand qui-
yet the honour cab,and the father of gieh, nt erneſſe. 1 Thiswas anew triali of Abrams faith: whereby wee (ee
is giuento.Te- 30 But Sarat was barren. &had no chila. that the ende of one affli@iion is the beginning ofanother, m By’
rah, becaufe he 31 Chen» Terah tooke Abram his fonne, this we may learnenot co vſe ynlawfi:ll meanes, nor to purorhersin’
was the father, and Lot the fonne of Maran, His tonnes ‘denver to Lue our felnes, reade yerfezo albeitit miy appeare that e
ofh.24.2 nehe. ‘fonne, and Sarathis daughter inlaw, dis ‘Abramteared norfo much death, as that ifhee fhould die witboutif
7 wadeth.§.9, fonne Abzams wife: and they departed to» fue, Gads promifs (hould not haue taken place: whereinappeareda-
hs 7.4. gether trom Cir of theCaloccs,te* goe into weake faith,
Lot depart afunder. Genefis. TheSodoinites exceeding finners.
fer, that Fmay fare well for thy fake, and of Foden, tooke his tourney frå the Eak;
that imp+ life may be preferued by thee. and thep Ucparted the h one from toe other. h This wasdone
14 € Row when Abram was come into 12 Abꝛam dwelled in the landof@ara- by Gods proui·
Egppt, the Egyptians beheld the woman; an, and Lorabode in the cities ofthe plaine, dence, that onely
fo: 2 was very fapre. j and pitched his tent euen to Sodom. Abram and bis
Is @nd the princes of Pharaoh faw her, 13 How the men of Sodom were wicked feed might dwell
aud commended her vnto Phataoh: fo the and ercecding i fiers agatuit the Loz. in the land of
wife, woman Was a taken into Pharaohs houle: 14 @ Shen the Lozd iai burok Abram, Canaan,
16 Tho intreated Qbram weli ior her (after thar Lor was deparced tra gim) Lift i Lot thinking
fake, and ge had ſheepe, and beeues,and hee bp thine eves now, and looke frem the place to get Paradife,
afes ant men feruants,and maid ſeruauts, where thor art, Northward, and Söuth · found heli,
and thee alies, and camels. ward, and Cattward ans AUeſward. k The Lordcé-
17 But the Lordoplagued harach and Ig Forat? the land, which thou ſeeſt, wil forted bim, leſt
Í de- his Houle with great plagues, becaule of Igiue unto thee, and to chy feed fog! euer, he fhoula bauc
this Harai Abrams wife. 16 Ano J willinake thy (cede, as the duſt taken thought
dangera- 13’ Then Pharaoh cailed Abram, ane of the earti:fo that ik a man can number the for tae departure
mighie fayd , cUhy bak thon done thts ynto mee? Due of the earth, then thal chp leede be nym- of his nephew,
and as he Aherekore DDE thou not teline, that Gee bred cD. i Chap.t3x,97.and
rcarefull o- twas thy wife? j 17 Grife,walke thorow the land, tn the 15.7,18.c 26 4
iso dithe 19 Abp lapdeſt thon , Shee is my iter, length thereat, andbeadty thereof: forg det 24.4.
tucSarai. thatJ ſhould take her tobe mp wife? Roy will gine it unio thee. i Meaning,a long
theincent therefore behold thy wife, take her and goe 13 Chen Abzam remooued his tent, and time,and cll che
wtnone fhould thy wap. ~= tanie aud dwelled inthe plaine sf Mamre, comming of
fr bimeither 20 Qud]Iharaoh gaue men r comman- wyhich isin Hebron, and builded therean Chrift,asexod,
inhisperfonor Desicit concerning hun; and they conueyed altar Bute tie Loz. 12.14.8 21.6,
goods. Hin forth, and his wite,and ali thatbe bad. of deut.15,07.and
— CHAP. X š fpiritually this isreferred to the true children of Accaini ores heme
"i 3 Abram departeth out of Egypt. 4 Hee cat. ding to the promife,and not according to the Acth, whichare heites of
leth vponthe Name of the Lord. 11 Lot depar- the true lind of Canaan,
teth from bia, 13 The wickedneffe ofthe Sodo- CHAP. XIII,
mites. 14 The promifemadeto Abram ü renews 12 Inthe ouerthrow ofSodom Lot i teken pri-
ed, 18 Abram buildeth an altar te the Lord, foner. 16 Abram deliuereth him. 18 Melchs-
a His greatriches yee 2 Abam wentbp from Egypt, hee [2dek commeth tomecte him. 23 Abram would
ypomenin Egypt, and bis wife, and all that he bad, and aot be enriched by the king ofSodom,
hindred hin not Lot with him foward the Mouth. i AS in the dayes of Amraphel king of
: i 2 And Abam was very richin cattell, in a Dpinar, Arioch king of Cilalar, Che· a That is, of Ba-
filuer,aud in gold. ivi Doj-taomer king of Clam , € Cidal king of bylon: by kings
| SEDATE 3 Audhee wenton histournep fromthe the > nations : heremeaning ~
b Hecalleththe Honth toward > Berh-ci,to the place wherc 2 Thefe men made warre with Bera king them that were”
‘place by that of Sodom,
bis tent had been at the beginning, between and with Birhaking of Gomo» gouernoursof
mame whichwas Weth- eland Haai, ; rab , Sbinab king of Adniah, and Sheme · cities,
aftergiuenvato 4 Cintotheplace of the * altar, which be berking of Zcboitm, andthe king of Sela, b Of apeople
‘r,Chap.28.49. Dadmadethere at the fire: ¢ there Abram whichis3oar. . ’ gathcred of di-
Gap.ia.7. called on the Qame of the £020. : 3 Ali thefe <topned together in the vale ucrscountryes.
je § Cå Lot allo, mho went with A- Df || Sidim which ts the “fale (ea. c Ambitionis
brꝛam, had theepe,and cattell, and tents, Cweluc peeres were they ſubiect to thechiefecaule
c |Thisincom- 6 So that the j land could uot ¢ teate Chedoz-laomer, but tn the thirteenth peere of wartes among
-moditie came by them, that they might Dwell to ether; foz they rebelied. P tinces, :
theittiches, their * ſubſtance was great, {0 that they § Andin the fourteenth yeere cane Ohe- | Or.cfthelabowe ,
which brake could not Dwell together. doꝛ ·laomer, aud the kings that were with red fields.
friendthip,andas_ 7 ilo there was Debate betweene the him, and {mote the (Rephalms tn Qipteroth d Calied alfo the '
itwerethebond heardmenof Abrams cattell, and the beard- Rarnaini,and the Fuziins tt Ham, aud the dead fea,or the
of nature, men of Lots cattell. (and the ¢ Canaanites Emims in | Shauch Kirtathaum, fake Aſphaltite
Chap.36.7. and the Herizzites dwelled at that timg in 6 And the Montes in thetrmount Gtit, necrevnto So-
d Wholeeing the land.) vnto the plaincof Paran, which ts by the dom and Gonio-
theireontention, 8 Then ſayd Abram vnto Lot, Let there wilderneffe. tals, s
right blaipheme be noe rife, pray thee, betweene thee and 7 And thep returned g came to En · miſh· lOr giants,
. God, and defroy me, neither bermeene mine herdmen g thine pat, which is Kadem, €l hbnote att checoun- po, plaine, .
them. herdmen: fo: we be brethren. trey of the Amalekites, and allo the Amo JOr,defiroyed.
e Hecuttehof 9 Js not the wholeland before thee? ne- rites that Dwelled tn hazezon tamar. ; +
theoccafionof part3 pray thee from me: tf thou wilt ftake 8 Eben went out the Bing of Sodom, ` x
contention 3 the left band,then wil J goe to the right : oz andthe king of Gomozah , and the Kingo€ -
therefore the ifthou go totheright hand, then J willtake Admah. and the king of scbotim,t the king
euill ceafeth, the left. ; } of Bela, which is Zoar: and they topned bat.
f Abram refig- Io Sa when Lotlifted vp bis epes, hee tell with them in the vale of Siddim: :
nethhisowne faw that all the plaine of Isꝛden was wa» 9 Towit, with Chedoz-laamer kiugof “pi
right to buy tered euery where: (for before the Lov ve- Elam, and Tidal king of nations, and Aat- e And afterward
peace. * ſtroyed Hovom and Gomoꝛah, it was as the raphel king of Shinar, aud Arioch king of was oucrwhel-
g Whichwasin &gatdenofthe Lord, like the land of Egypt, Ellalar: ure kings agaiuſt Aue, med with water,

Eden, Chap.2.10 as tou goeit vnto Z0ar) > Io Row thee vatlcof Siodim twas full andfowas called. ;

LL Then Lot chole unto him all the plaine offline pits, andthe kings of air ee the faltfea.
Lottakenprifoner.. Melchi-zedek. Chap. xv. Xvje Abraham iuftifiedby fait
lOr were diftom- Gomozah fled, and |lfell theres and the refi- came vnto bin, fying, This man hall not
ted. Bue ted to the mountatne. he thine beire, but one that hall come ont of
IL Chen they tooke all the ſubſtance of thine owne bowels,ye hail be thine Herre.
Sodome and Gomoꝛah, and ail their victu- § Moꝛeouer hee bꝛought him foorth and Rom
Ais, and went their way. ſaid, * Looke up new unta heauen,and tell Rom,
f The godiy are 12 Whey f tooke Lot alfo Abrams bzo- the ſtarres, ik thoube able te number them: 6 ami
plagued many thers fonne and bis fubitance Cto gee Delt and hee ard vuto hun,vu halt thy {cede be. (bapa
times with che at Gorom) and departed. 6 Gnd Abram *beizened the LoD, ana be e This
wicked: there- 13 @ Then came one that had efeaped, counted that to bim fo2 righteouſneſſe. ticular h,
foretheis com- and told Abam the Ebrew, which dwelt ur 7 Againe hee id vñto him, Jamthe of Gods,
panie is dange- the piaine of Wanire the Amire, brothet Lo: tijat brought thee ont of * Graf the whichis,
rous. of Eſhcol, and brother at Aner, which were Caldees, to gtue thee thts land to mbericic, ` lawful} fi
g God moued s contederate with Avant. i 8 And heid, D Lod Ged, > whereby followina
them to ioyne 14 dhen Abram heard that bis brother Hall Ji know chat J all meric it? fignes: but
with Abram, and was taken, hee ſbasught foorth of thenithac 9 Then he HGM vnto him, Cakemeean permitted?
preferued him sere borne and bought vp in His poule, heifer ot thace peeres olde, and a ihee goat of fome bya,
from their ido- thzee hundredand etghteene, any purſued thaee peeresolde, ANDA ram of thzee pecres liar motion;
Jatry and fu ier-them unto Dan. Te olde,a turtle doue alſo and a pigeon, to Gedeon a
ſutions. i5 hen hee and his Hrvaunts diuided 10 So hee tooke all thele vonto him, and Ezekiih: dy
Or, armed. themelues againit them by night,and ſmote Diuided them in the mis, and layed euery c This was the!
them, ana yuviued them pute Hobah, which piece One againtt another + but the birds di old cultomei
$ Ebr, Dammeſeh. is ou the lefc tine oft Damaicus. ued he nor, niaking coue⸗
16 And he recouered all the fubfEance,and Ir Chen foules fell onthe catketles, and nants, Ter. 34.12
alie tought againe his brꝛother Lot,and dis Ahram moue them away. tothe which Ga
goods, AnD thg women alio andthe propie. 12 Quad when the Tunne went downe, added thefe cons 7
17 Alcer that hee returned irom the there fell an beaute fleepe vpon abam: and ditionsthatA: > 7
{laughter of Chetaz-laomer, cof the kings loc,+very learefull darkneſſe feil upon him, bramspofttritie
2. Sams 818e thacwire with him, came the king of Do 3 Then hee taid to Abram, * Knew fo fhould beeas “H
Heb:7.1. Dome foorth to: meete hun in the valley of a luretie, that thp (ecde thallbe a ſtranger in torne in pieces,
h For Abram Hauchywyicnis the* Kings vale. aland, that is not theire, *4foure hundred but after, they |
and bis fouldiers 13 Aad” Welchi-sedck king of Shalem peeres, and Maii erue thems and thep Hall fhould Fe coup=i
refeGtion, and bivought forty barad and winc:and be was intreate them enill, led together: ale $
nor to offer ſa⸗ a Diet ofthe mo high God. _ i 14 Motwithitanding, the nation, whom fo thatit ſhould
crifice. 19: Therefore beeiblefiea hun, favit, thep hall ferue, will J wmdge: and afterward be aflaulted
but m
i IntharMel- Bleſſed art thou Abram, ef God mott high fall they come out with great iubitance, yet deliuered.
chi-zedek fed potefourotheaucnandearth,, — — Ig Bue thou fhalt goe vnto thy fathersin Ebra fare of
Abram, he de- ~ 20. Gud bielled bee the mot high God, peace,and (halt be buried in a goodage, great darkneffe. |
clared hiafelfe which) hath. Deliucred thine. enemies into 16 And tn the | fourth generation they AS 7.632 ES
toreprefent a thine hand.*AndAbram gaue him tithe ot al. hall come dither againe: foz the © wicked Exod.12.40.'-- ah
king: and in that 21 Then the king of Sodom laid to A» nele of the Amoꝛites is not pet full. d Counting from. §
he bleffed him, 2am, Giue mize the ¢perlous, and take the 17 Alo when the Sunne went downe, thebirthof ize) |
the high Prieft. goods to thy ietfe. K. there was a darknes: and behold a ſinoking hak totheirde. 4
Hebyr.7.&,. 22 And Abam fin to the king
ok Bae fopnace, and a firebzand , which went bes patture outofE- -
4 Ebr. foules, Dom, ||3) haue life vp mine hand vnto the tweenc thole pieces. gpt which de ·
|Or,I haue Lor the mot high God poſſeſſoꝛofheauen 18 In that fanie Bay the Lozd made a to- clareth that God ~
aid earth, í uenaut WAbzam,Caping, Anto thy feed bane will fufferhisto
byFFI taketak
tEbr. 23 i Udat F will not take ofall that is Igtuen this land, *from the riuer of Egypt be afflicted in-
from 7 athreed thine, ſo much asa thaced o: oo· latchet. vnts the great ruer the riner + Cuphratecs thisworld,
Oxc.reades. Samm ea thou ijouldek fay, J paue made Abram 19 The Kenttes, and the Kenezites, and 1Or,afier foure
14.44. tich, the Kasmonites, hundred yeetes,
E He would not 24 k Baie onelvthat, which the poring 20 Ant the Hirtrecs,anB the Perizzites, e “Though God. `
that his liberality men hae caten, andthe parts of the men ano the Rephaims, fuffer the wicked
fhould be hurt- which went wih mee, Aner, CHeol,. and 21 Che Amoꝛites allog the Lanaanites, foratime, yethis —
fall vnto others. OPamre; tet touy take their parts, aid the Girgaſhites andthe Jebutites. vengeance falleth —
CH ARO XG vponthem, when |
t- The Lord s Abrams defence and reward 6 themeafinre oftheir wickednefleis full. Chap.r2.7 and 13.1 5,cnd
He ws iuStifed by faith. 13 The ſpruuude and de- 26 4.deut.4 §. '.King.4.24.2.chron.9,26.
€ HAr. : +£Ebr Perath,
liucrance out of Eg yp: i declared. 18 The land of XVI.
Canaan ù prom:fed the fourth time.. 2 Sarai being barren.gincth Hagarto.Abyam: :
Or, the Lord Fiter theſe things the |ws: ofthe Lord 4 Which concerweth & dep.feth her dame:5And
GahetoAbram A cane vnto Abram in * a vifon. faping, being sll handled flecth. 9 The Angel comforteth «
Num 12.6. Feare not, S@baan, Fam thy bickler, and ber, 11.12. The name & maners of her fonne 13
Pſal. i6.6. thine erceching greatreward. She calleth wpos the Lord.whom fhe findeth truss
a His feare was - 2 And Abram tain, D Lom God what IDMwa Hara Abrams wife bare him ne aItfcemeththar
not onely tefihe wilt than giue me, fering J go childleſſe, and Achildren, and he bad a maide an Egyp· thee had reſpect
fhoutd hot haue the ftewarn of mine bouie is this Eliezer of tian pagar by name. to.Gods_promife,
chiidren,burt left Damaſcus? * 2° 4nd Darai hit vnto Abram, Behold which couldhhot ~
the promife of 3 Againe Abram ſaid, Deion, ta mec now, the Lord bath > reſtrained nice from be aceomplifhed.
the blefled feede thon haſt giuen no feed: wherefsar, tee, aters without iflae, s
Mould not be ac~ want ofinute houſe athe mine hetre. b She failethin binding Gods power to the com ron orderofDae
coplihedinhim. 4, Then behold, the word of the Low ture as though Ged couldnorgius her children in her óldeages
' chito — jay
+ A
mera -| d

úeth Hagar to Abran. v= Genefis. Circuimcifion

the covenant.
childe bearing. J pray thee goe tn vnto my § either Hall thy name any more bee
ven· maide: (ttmay bee chatJ hall +recetuea called Abzam, but thy name tyallbe > Aiza: b The chasging
childe by ber. And Abrꝛam obeped the voyce ham: * fo. a father of many nations haue J of hisnameisa
ilded ot Hara. i z manethee, f : feale to confirme
3 Then Darai Abrams wife toske Pae 6 Ailo J will make thee exceeding fruit: Gods promife
gar her maide the Capptian, after Abram full, and will make nations of thee? pea, vato him.
Dad dwelled tenne yeere in the land of Ca⸗ figs fall proceede of thee. Rom 4.476
naain, and gaug her to her bulband Abram 7 PGBozcouers F wilt eſtabliſh my coue-
foz bis wife. i nant
7 betweene mee and thee, and thy leede
4 (And be went in vnto Dagar and he after thee in their generations, fozan* eurr- Chapt 3116.
conceived, wher the faw that Hee had con- lafting coucnant, to bee God unto thee and
‘punith- cetued, her dame was e delpiſed in her epes. to thy leebe atter thee.
Jeclareth Then Darat lain to Abram, + Cyou Aud Jl gine thee and thy (eed after
hey gaine doeſt me wong: Jhaue ginen mp maide in-thee the land, wherein thouarta franger,
<tempt any to thy volome andie feeth that ſhe bath con- eüen ail the land ef@anaan, foz an euerlaſt⸗
againft theceiued, and J am deſpiſed in her eyes: the ing poffeliien,and J wilibe their Goo.
fofGod. Lom iudge betweenc me and thee. 9 @Againe God faide vnto Abraham,
¥7. Mine inin- 6 Then Absa (aid to Darai, Behold, Thou allo halt keepe mpcouenant, thou, c Cireumcifion
ges upon thee. tby matders in thine ||hand: Do wich ber as and thy (eed after thee inthetr generations, is called the co-
‘Or,power. it plealeth thee. Then Darat dealt roughly I0 ¢ This ts my couenant, which ye Hall uenant,becaufe
with ber: wherefore he fied from per. keepe betweene me and pou, and thy teed af: it fignifiech the
Wi hich was 7 Qt the Angel of the Lod found ter thee,” Let every man child among you be couenant, ard
kriſt,asappea~ Her beline a fountain of water in the wilder: circumtiſed. haththe promife
thverfe 13,and nefle,by the fountaine in the way to Dour. Il That is,yee hall circumciſe the d forea of grace ioyned
“ehap.18.17. 8 Andbhee laid, agar Darais maide, Ckinne of your fleiy, and it ſhall bee a figne to it: which
Ra God reiecteth whence comme thou, Ewhither wilt thou of the couenant betweene me and pou. phrafeiscommon
none eftateof | go? Ana he laid,3 flee fró my Dame Barat. 12 And euery manchilde of eight dayes to all Sacraments,
_ peopleintheir 9 Then the Angel of the Lod faid ta olde among pou Hall be circumciſed tn your Ais 7.8.
- milferies,bur fen- Her, e Returne to thy dame, and humble thy generations,as well be that ts borne tn thine d Tiat prinie
~ deththemcom- felfe vnder her hands. i boule, as he that ts bought with money ofa: partis circumci-
i st Ort,
Io Againethe Angel of the Lozd fata vn⸗ uy ſtranger, which ts nor ofthy izene. fed,to thew that
or fKerce and to ber,J]wil fo greatly increaſe chy (eed, that 13 We that ts bone in thine houle,and he all that is begot-
Cruel: Orasae > it Hall not be numbed foz multitude. that is bought with thy money, mule needes ten ofmanis
wilde affes 11 Allo the Angel of the Lozd fain vnto bee circumctied ; fo mp-conenane Mall bee in corrupt, and muft
+ Ghap 25.18. ber; Dee thou art with child,and ſhalt beare your fief foz an euerlaſtingcouenant. bemortified, -`
if ‘That is,the afonne,and Halt call his name Jfhmael: foz _ I4 But the vncitcumciſede manchilde, Rom.4. 11.
` Ifhmaelites ſhall the Loz hath heard thy tribulation. in whoſe fleth the fotkinne ts not circum- e Albeit women
be apeculiar 12 And he thalbe af wilde man: bis hand
tiſed, even that perlon ſhall bee cut off from were not circtim-
| people by them- fhailbe againft euery man, and every mans
bis people, becauie hee hath broken my coue: cifed, yet were
Sek ape nota hand again him, *and' hee hall Dwell in nant. they partakers of
- portion of ano- the pretence of all bis bretzen. Ts Afterward God fayde onto Abza- Gods promife:
cher people. 13 Then We called the Mame ofthe Lod ham, Darai thy wife halt thou not call Da- for vnder the
g She rebuketh that ſpake vnto her, Chou God lookeſt on rat, but) Darah thalbe her name. j mankind all was
_ her owne dulnes, me: fo2 fyer fain, s Lane Y not alle yere Too» 16 And FZ wil bleffe her and wil allo giue confecrated,and
-andacknowled- ken after him thatieeth me? theeafonne of her, pea, J wilt blefie herand here isdeclared,
geth Gods graces, 14 * Ctherefoze the well was called Be: fhe (Hall be the mother of nations: Rings alo that whofoeuer `
who was prefent et gid slog, it is betweene Kadeſh and of people Mallcome of her. contemneth the
with her euery Bere 17 Chen Abraham fell vpon His face,and figne, defpileth
where, 15 (And Hagar bare Abzam a onne, and flaughed, and ſaid tn jis heart, Ahal a child allo the promiles
Chap 34,62, Abram called his Connes name, which Ya- bee borne unto biin that ts an hundred peere \|Or,dame, or
[|Or,the Betlof gat bare, Iſhmael. olde? And Mall Darah that ts ninetie yeere prince fee ;
~ the liming and > I6 And Abram was fonrefcoze and fire olde beare? f Which procege
- feeing me peerc ola, when Hagar bare him Iſhmael. 18 And Abraham fafa vnto God, Dh, ded of afudden,
& CBA P: KV TT, that Iſhmael might line in thy fight. ioy,and not of
5 Abrams name is changed th confirme him in 19 Then Gad fatd,* Darah thy wife Hall infidelitie,
the prom:fe. 8 The land of Canaan is the Eft time beare thee afonnein neede, and thou Halt Chap.18 10,
promfed. 12 Corcumcifion is inftituted. 15 Sarai call his name Izhak: and J wil etabli my and 21,2.
ú named Sarah, 18 Abraham prayeth for Iſhma- couenant with bim foz an s cuerlaſting to- g The euerlaft-
el, 19 Fxhak ispromifed. 33 Abrahamand his uenant. and with bis (cede after hint. ing coucnant is
4 houfe are circumcifed, 20 And as concerning Ihmacl, haue made with the
VV Heu Abram was ninety yere old and heard thee: loe, J haue bſeſſed pim, and twill children of the
q HOr, Almightie. nine, the Loyd appeared to Abam make him fruitful, and will multiply bim fpirit: and with
E Chap.5.22.. and faid vnto hint, Jam God ||all ſufficient: terceedingly : twelue princes Wall ye beget, the children of
- fOr without by- * walke before mean be thou vpright. and J wili make agreat nation of him. the fleth is made
ocriſie. 2 And J wilt make my couenant be- 21 Burmy conuenant wil Jeſtabliſh with
a Not onely ac- tweene mee and chee, and 3 will multiplic Ishak, which Harah Hallbeare vnto thee
the temporall
promife,as was
cording to the theeercecdingly, the nert * peere at this ſeaſon. promifed to
but of a far 3 Then Abram fell on his face,and God 22 And he left off talking with him,and Ithmael.
oreater multi- talked with him,faying, God went vp from Abraham, Ebr greatly,
tudeby faith, 4 Behold,imake my coucnant with thee, 23 O Then Abraham tooke Iſhmael his greatly,
Roma.17. AnD thon Dalt be aafather of many nations, fonne, andall that were borne in bis oe Chap. 21,2

f an
Three Angelstalke wichAbraham. Chap.xviij. Abraham prayeth for the Sodomites
batheywere and all.that was bought with bismoney, I4 (Dhallany thing, bead rhard to che [Ort
welliniiruGed that is, eucry man chube among t9emen ot LotAt the tine appornted wil ireturne Zech.3.6, L
which obeyed to` Ahrahams houle, ano è hee circunciſedthe buco thee, cuenaccowiuig
tothe time of life,
becircumeied «| forefauroftyetstiei inthatlelte fame Bay, and Darah Mallyaue a lonse.) :
wehour refs... asGodhadcommanded yl y a 15 But arab Denped,faptiig,Jlaugyed i
fiance: which 24 Abꝛraham alio himéeite was ninetie Neti tortheewas afrad. Aad heelapd,+ Zt Ebr: No d
-thing declareth peereold and nine , when che fozethlin Of yis ts not io: fvz chou laugheoſt. h Ichouah
that mafters in ſh was cixcumciſed. —Bs——— 16 qiditerward the men did riſe vp from Etrew word,
their houfes 25 And Fionmael hisfonne was thirteene thence andlopacd toward Godot; and A; which wee cal,
ought,to.beas. peere old, when thefozetkur of bis fley was “badam went with thei to bing them on Lord, bewer
preachers.totheir circumcued: vite i the way, chat this Ange,
families, that 26° The Clfe fame day was Abraham 17 Gua the Lom fayd , Shall
Zhide was Chrilt: to
from the higheſt circumcticd
and Id mael bistonne ; from Sbrahamthat thing which J dor, this word iso
tothelowelt =. § 27 Gnd all theamenot bis ponle, both 13. Seeing that Abraham lyaibe in deed applyed to
they mayobey . bozne in bis boule, and boucht with money agreat and a mighty natisn, and *all the Goa.
thewill of Ged, of thetfranger, were circinnt
iicðwith Yin. nations of the earth ſhall be bleſſed in him? Chap.13.3.
’ 19 for J know hime that hee will com· and 22.18.
CHAP.’ XVIIL maund dis fonnes aud Dis houhon after i Hefheweth
z 3, Abraham recewueth three Angels. mta his him, that —37 the way of the Lord, to thar fathers
boules 10 Fxhak is prom: fedagasme. 12 Sarah Doe rightcouinefle and iudgement, that the ought both to
= ifaughethe 18 Chrifi ts promfedtoall nations. Lod may bꝛing vpon Absayam that hee know Gods —
T 99 Abraham taught his famke toknow God. bath {poken vnto hun. iudgements,and- ¢

2i The deftruttion of Sodom is declaredranto 20 Theuthe Ler fayd, Becaule the cry todeclarethem
Abraham, 23 Abraham prayeth for thems, _ of Dodoin and Gomoꝛahtsgreat, and be> tothcir childrens. st
Acb. 13.2. G ga Seine tye Lozd * appeared vnto dim in caule their Unne is exceeding griencus, k God fpeakeh»
Ar, Okegroue. ESthe plaineoktMamre, as he tare in yis 21 J will‘ goe Downe now, and fee whee after the fathion
tent doore about the heat ot the day. ther they haue Done altogether according to of men : thatis,
2 And he likt vp his eyes, looken: and that? cry, which ts come vnto megs anDif I will enterinto:
a Thatis, three loe, theee a men ſtoodbp him, and when-hee Not,that J may know. judgement with-
Angelsin mans faw them,he ran to meet them from the tent 22 Andthe men turned thence and went. good aduice,
Shape. doore, and bowed himſelfe to the ground. toward Sodom:but Abeaham ſtood pet be= | For our finnes-
b Speaking to 3 And hee fain, > Hod, fF pauenow foze the Lord. ; ety for-venge-
one of them, in found fauourinthy ight, goenot, Ipap . 23 Then Abrahain Drew neere, and (afd, ance, though
whome appeared fhee from thy fernant: ft Tiüt
! thon alle drſtroy the righteous with noneacculevs ·
to be molimaic- -Æ Leta uttle water; J pray pou, bee the wicked? Ebr deciudge~
itie; forhee brought, and· wath pour fect, andrek pour 24 Tftherebe Afty righteous within the menr.
thoughtthey had {elues ynder the teee, citie wilt chou deſtroy tuot {pare the place m God declareth:
nemen, S Andy will bung a moell of bꝛead, foz the fiftte uighteons that are therein? that hisiudge-
© Formenvied that poumay comfort pour hearts, afters 25. De it farre fromthee from Doing thts ments were done.
becaufe ofthe » ward ye fhall got vsurmayes :foz therefore thing, to fap the righteous with the wic- with great mer
great heattogoe are pe dcome topour fernant.And they laid ked: and thattherighteous ſhould bee euen cie, forafmuch as
barelooredin Doe euen as thou hat fayd. f
j as the wicked , be ittarrefrom thee. hall all werelocot-
thofe parts. 6Then Abraham made. hak into the not theJudgeotfall theworld4Docright? suprthathot ofr
d Asfent of Ged tent hte Darah, and faw, Wake ready ac 26 Gnd. the Lord anſwered; FF Jhall ly fifie, butven’
that Ithoulddoe once three + mealies offinemeale: knead find in Sodom = hiftterighteous withinthe ughtcousmen ©
my duety to you. {tand make cakes vpon the hearth. ' aie,then will {pare ali the place for their could not bee
—————— 7 Aud Abraham ran to the beatkes,and ARES: foundthere : and:
tookea tenderand good calfe and gaue itte 27 Then Abraham anſwered and fapys-alghar the wice
e ForasGod- tie ſexuant,who haſtted tomakeit ready. Bepold now, F haue begun toipeake vnt Ed re {pared —
he tooke butter and milke and the amp tom and Jams but dul ant aies.
auethem hodies8 And ſor the righte-
or atime,fo calfe whith he had prepared, and fet before 28. JE there thatllacke flue of Giftie righ ·ous fake,-
‘gauehethemthe them, and teed biniletfe bp them vnder the trous; wilt thou Dettrop all the citie fez flue? n Hery weer
faculties thereof tree,and ¢ they Did este. And he apd; NE J find there Hue and forties Jearne,that thay
towalkestocate o G Theñ they faya to him, Ahere ic FZ wilinot deſtroy it. nearer wee apy.
and drinke,and. Saral thy wife? And hee anſwered, Bee 29 And he pet (pake to himagaine, and proch veroGSd, ;
ſuch like, holdyheisinthe tent. -> faid cihat tf there albe found foztp there? the moe doeth
Chap.t7. 19,31. 10 Aud he faid; I will certainely come —— — will not doe it fo: fg- our miſerable
21 .2.r0m.9.9.. againe onto thee accowing tothe time f of a Í ftate appeare,and ’
f tharis;aboat lite: and loe, Darab thy wife Wall banea - 30: Asaine hefatd,Letnot mp Lord new the moreare wee
thistimewhen fenne:and Darah heardin tye tent dooze, be angry that 3 (peake , cAhatitchittie bre humbled,
fhe thalbealiue, which was behind him. founy there? Chen hee fayo;Jwill not doe o 1fGod.sefuled
or when the Il (Mow Sbrayamand Sarah were in it if 3 find thirtie there. not ihe prayer
child thali come- and ftrtken tage , and it ceaſed to bee with 31. Moꝛesuer hee ſayd Behold, now F for the wicked
into this life, hhafter themaner of women.) haue begun to ſpeake vnto
my Lod, hat Sodomites, cuen
g Forthe rather 12 Therelore Sarah s laughed within iftwenty beefonnd there? And hee anſwe · tothe fix re-
shadrefpeto the herfeife,faying, AfterJam waxed ald, ant reD , Jwill not deſtroy it for twenties fake, queſt, how much:
~ orderof nature, «yy lod allo hall g haue luit? Ri 32 Then hee layd, Letnotmy Loꝛd bre more wili hee
«then beleeued» 6) 13° Qnvthe Low fayd vnto Abraham, now angry; and J will ſpeake but this graum the pray-
the promie of Aheretore Bin Darah thus laugh, taping, eonce, Chattftenne he found there? Aud ers of the godly.
—God, Dhall xiIcertainel
side which a ~——
jt vbeareachude,whi
h will not deutrop it foztennes tor the afficted:
> Church?:
33 (AnD
— ,

#eceiueth two Angels. gi esi Genelise: » Sodomdeftroyed. Lots IT

33 (And the Lord went bis way when wite and chy theo daughters + which are 1ebriwhich are”
he bad left communing with Sbaayam, and beere, lelt thou bee deſtroyed in the unify- found.
Abraham retuened vnte Hts place. n É
mentof the citi¢. 2 J
CHAP, XIX. 16 Aud ashe prolonged the time; * the h The mercy of ©
3 Lat receixeth two Angels into his louſe. 4 men caught both him and his wife, and hts Godftriueth to”
The filthy lufts ofthe Sodomutes, 16 Lot 15 deli- twodaughters bythe hands ( the Lodde- overcome mans
Hered, 25 Sodom is deftroyed. 26 Lots wife is ing meccifull vnto him) and they brought flowneffé in fols
made a pillar offalt. 33 Lots daughters lie with Him forth, and lec hint without thecitie, l—° lowing Gods
— their father,ofwhom come Moab and Ammen. 17 € AndDwhen they bad bought them calling, ;
apelon A tit the euening there caine two⸗· An⸗ out, the Angel fayde, Elcape for thp iife: Wifd. 10.6,
fatcareinpre- 4- 8¢l2 ta Godom:and Lor fate at the gate i looke not behind thee, neither tary thoutiy i He willed him
suinghis, albeit °° POVOand Lot (aw them,and rofe vp ta all the plaine: efcape into the mountaine, to flee fd Gods
é reueileth noc Meta theoes bowen himlelfe with bis let thou be deſtroyed. indgements,and
18 And Lot ſayd vatothert, Motto,J ast to be forie
— 2 And heelayd, Hee my Lodes, pap
rad but woAn- Pottirne in now into your feruants Jpoule,
pray thee,my Logd. to depart from
19 Behold now, thy ſernaut hath found that’ rich coun-
jelsand Apra- and tary all
yee ball ti night,and* wath
wy pour feet,and grace in thy fight, and thou batt magnifien trey and fall of
— cabohall rile vp early and goe your wayes. thy mercy which thou bat ſhewed vnto mee vaine pleafures.
toner s Lut wee will abide inthe in faning my lifes and J cannot efcapein
i : jE
the mouñtaine.leſt fome euill take mee, and
— — 3 Thenhẽ >ppealed vpon them earneſt ·JD ie.
inflantiy- ly, and thep turned in to htm, and came to 20 Heenow this citie hereby to fice wm k Though it be
bis houle, an’ he mave thema featt,and div to, which isa little one: Db let mee elcape little, yet it is
elasia ah bake vnleauened inead , and they did <cate. thither: ts tt nota k little one, and mp fonte grcat enoughto
Eert bocae. of But before thep went to bea, the mer of hall line? faue my lite:
thetime was not CUeM&ty,cuen the men of Sodom companied 21 Then hee layd vnto him, Beholde, I wherinhe offene
ger comethat che houle rouud about, frem the young enen Daue receiued + thy requeſt alle concerning deth ın chufing
* wouldre- £0 theotd,4 att che people from all quarters. thisthing, that Jwul not ouerthrow this another place
ueile themfelues. Mho crying vnto Let, ſaydẽ co him, city,fo? the which thou bat {poken. then the Angel
d Nothing is bere ate the men, which came to thee this 22 Watt thee, {auc thee there: for J can had appointed
Ponpe BOWS
asg night? bring toent out vite vs that we mapi Do! nothing til thou become thither. Chere h im
know them. forethe name of thecity was called m Zoar, tébr.thy face.
— Chen Lot went ont at the doore vnto 23 © The lonne did rife vpon the earch, 1 Becaufe Gods
netk: for it core Eben and fout the doore after him, tohen LotentredintoZoar. «| - ; commandement
3 And fayd,3prap pou,my brethren,
doe 24 Then the Lod * rained spon So- wasto deftroy
— not fo wicked! * Dom and vpon Gomoꝛah bounitone, and the citie and to
cae — sauce 3 Behold now, Jhaue two «daughters, fire from the Lord out of heauen, faue Lot.
eeeohivchehe, woich haue notknowen man: them will I 25 Aud oucethzew hole cities and althe m Which before
D aR bng outuow buto you, and Decto thent as plaine, and all the tubabitantsof the cities, was called Bela,
blamed infec. LeeMeth you good: onely vnts thele men Doe and that that grew vpon theearth. i Chap, 14.26
therefore are they come vnder Deut.r9. 23 ifto
hanowE fo?
King volawfuly YOTING: 26 (Mow dis wife behinde him looked
—— the of my roofe. backe,and the became a pillar of falt: ~ 33.99, sere. 50.

f That {thould 9 Then cheplayd, Awap hence. And - 27 E And Abrham riling vp carly in 40. exck.16.490
preferuc them -they fayd, Wee ig come alone as a ſtraunger. the mozning went to the place where be had hofe.w1.8 ames
from all iniury. and ſhall he iudge and rule? wee wili now ſtood before the Load, 4.01. lake 17.29.
2 Petta Beale worſe with thee then with chem. So 28 And looking toward Dodom and Gor sud e Fe

thep pecaled ſoꝛe vpon Lot * himlelke, ana moh, Etoward alithe land of the plaine, n As touching
@ tame to beeake the Deore. i behold, be faw the fmoke of theland mom the body onely:
IQ But the men put forth their hand and ting vp as the ſmoke of afornace. and thiswas a
pulled Lot into the boule to thein, and hut 29 ¶ Bus yet when God deſtroyed the notable monu-
-fo the Dooze. tities oftheplatne, God thought vpon A- mentof Gods
Wifh.19.16. IL * Chen they (mote the men that were biahbam,and fent Lot ont. from the mtdsof vengeance toalf
n eria of wesemeet)— both the deſtruction, when hee ouerthrew the ct them that paſſed
mall and great, ſo that they were weary in ties wherein Lot dwelled. that way,
GEbr finding. + fecking the Dooe. r j 30 ¶ Then Lot went up from Zoar, and o Hauing before
12 C Ehen the men fayde vnto Lot, Dwele in the mountain with his two Dangl: felt Gods mercy,
Ahom Hat thon pet here ? either tonne in ters: for bee © feared totarte it Zoar, but he durſt not pro-
law, o2 thy (onnes, of thy Daughters, 102 dwelt in acaue, he and his two daughters, uoke him. againe
wyhatloeuer thou halt in the citie, batng it 31 Andre elder fapa vnto the younger, by continuing `
out-of thisplace. Dur father ts olde, and there ts not aman among the wic=
£ This proouerh 13 Foz wee s will deſtroy this place, 5e- in ther earth to come in vnto bs after the ked.
that the Angels taulesthe *crpof great before the maner ofall the earth. i p Meaning,in the
areminifters, as 200, Ethe Lord hath fent vs to deſtroy it. 32 Come,we wil make our father 1Dinke countrey which
wellto execute `I4 Then Lot went out and (pake vnto wine, and lie with bim, that wee map pre- the Lord had
Gods wrath,asto Dts onnesén law which |maried his Daugh- ſerue (cee of our father. i now defiroyed,
declare hisfa- CELS AnD fayd, Arile, get vou out of this 33 Do they made their father minke wine q For except hee
tiour. places for the Lom will deſtroy the cttte:but that night, Ethe elder went elap wiih her had beene ouer-
(hap-18 20. he ſeemedto his fonnes inlaw,as though be father:but hee percetued not, netther when come with wine,
[Or fhow!d mary, Yad mocked. fhe lay Downe, neither when he role vp. he would neuer
Ig € And when the mening arole, the 34. And on the mozroty the elder (aid to the haue donethat
lay si e abominableage,
Angels bated Lor, aping, drile, take thy ronger Behold, peſternight
dashte: Abimelech tAbraham. Chap.
xx.xxj. ‘l*Jzbekisborne. $
Ebr. keepe alue, —— : let vs make him drinke wine this 12 Dorin very deede Hheisanp™ fifker: for m By fiers
r ItusGod pere night alſs, and geethou and ite with him, fletsthe Baughterofmy father, but not the meaneth his ¢
meedhimrofal that wemap+ prolecity iceve ofouy father. Baugheerot my amotherand forto nip wife. fin germaine, s
motthorribly in 35 Do they made cheit father drinke wine 1.13 Mow when Sod cavicd- me to wander by daughter, é
the ſolitary moũ⸗ that uight alſo, and the vonger aroſe, and lay quit of mp fathers houir, J faydthensabers brahams neec¢
tainesvhom the with bins, but he perceiued nor whew the iay This is thp kindcyehe chat chau hale thew Chap, 1,29.£4
wickednesof Soe Downe neither when ſye roſe vp, Yuto me tit all placestwhece we came, * Sap fo the Ebrewe?
dom could not 36 Thu⸗ were * both the Daughters of thouofine, He is my brother. 5, viethefe words,
onercome. >U Lor with child bytbew father, ù 5: 14 Then tooke Abuncicch Herpe and, Chap.t2.13.
{ Whoasthey? 37 Aund che elder bate a ſouue, and thee beeues, and men (ernants; and wenren (cr: JOr,<5 at thy cob
were bornée < calie hisname Moab È thedame is the fa- uants. AnD gaue them vita Abꝛaham, and mandement,
mofthorrible ine theraf the Moabites vnto thia day.) reſtored hii Darah-his wife.) n Suchan head)
ceti fowere they 33 And the ponger bare alouneailo ¢ the. iig Aud Abimelech id, Beholdmy land. as with whom
andtheirpofte- called his name t Benammithe ſame is the isl] befoze thee: dwell where it pleaſethchee. thou mayeft be |
— and: father of che Ammonites vnto this Dap. I6 Likewile to arab be faym Behold, preferued fremr j
wicked. * ) 3 i 3 Jhaue giuen thybrother a thouland pieces: all-dangers,
t Thatis,fonneof my people;sfignifying, that they rather reioyeed of luer : behold, hee isthe» vatleot rhine 0. Godcaufed
in thei finne, then repented forth: fame. ious Ore eyes to all that are with thee, €to ail others: thisheathen. -
ioe J CHAP, XX. mi : and he waso thus reproouco. 3 King co reproous
zia Absahani dwellerhæs aftranger inthe lan 17 @ Chen Abraham prayes snto God, her, becaufe the
' of Gerar. 2 Abimelechtaheth away hu wife. 3 and God healed Abimelech ¢ his wife, and difembied, fee-
God reprooueth the king, 9 andthe king Abra- bis woinen (eruants:and they bare children: ing that God
ham. 31 Sarah is xeftored with gifts, 17 A= 18 froz the-Lorde P- had Hut wp cuerp had given heras
a Which was braham prayeth,and theking and lus are healed. wombe of thehouteof Abimelech becawle of husband,as her. _
toward Egypt. Fterward Abraham Departed thence tas Darah Abrahams wife, vaile & defence.
b Abraham had ' A ward she Honth countrep, and awelled CHAA Ps XXI. p Had také away.
now twife fallen betweene Cadel) anda Shur, and ſoiour· 2 Inhakis borne. ↄ Iſbmael mockethIzhaks fro themthe pitt
nro this fault: ned in Gerar, ) p S i 14 Hagar iscaft out with her fonse. 37 The of conccining, .
fuch is mans 2 And Abraham laid of Sarah his wife, Angel comforteth Hagar, 22 The comenant be-
frailtie, b Obee ts my filter. Chen Abimelech King tweene Abimelech and. Abraham. 33 Abraham
© Sogreatly God of Gerar ſent andtooke Darah. i called upon the Lord. -
deteftethy breach But GOD cametoAbimelech ina NEw thepoynuiiren Harah, as he had
of marraige. dzeame by night, ana fayd to him, Bebolve, ſayd, and did vnto Hee * according as Chap.
igi gand:
d ‘The’ infidels c thouart burdead, becaule of the woman he had omiſed. 18.10,
confefledy God which thon batt take: fo: he isa mans wife. 2 oz * Darah conceited, and bare A⸗ Mat.
would not punifh 4 (Motwithitanding Abimelech had not baham alonnein his· old age, at the ſaine ga/at.4.23.heb.
but foriuft occa- pet conte neere her} And He laid, Lord, wile falon that God tolde hin. —
fion : therefore thou flay enen 4 the righteous nation? 3 And Abzaham called his ſonnesname a Therefore the.
whenfoeues hee § Haid not he vnto me, She ts my fiker? that. was bone vute Yim,- which Darah miracle wes:
pun iſheth, the pea, and fhe ber elfe faid, He 18mybother: bare bim, Izhak. f greatere
Oceafionisintt. with an vpztaht e minde, and innoceit 4. Then Abraham circumciſed Wyak
evAsone falling hands, baue 3 ouethis, his fonne, when be was eight dayes AD, *ag (bap
i .aa⸗
by ignorance;&X 6° And Goo fatd vnto him by a Dzcanie, God had commanded him, -
rot doing euil of J knowe that thou didſt this euen ivith an § Go Abraham was an hundred pere fa,
purpoſe. vpright minde, and Is kept thee alſo that when his onne Ishak was bane vnto him.
f Notthinking thou fbonidet not finne againſt mec; there· 6 © Then Darah fait, GoD hath made me
eodoeanyman foze uttered Ithee motto tench her: to relopcesalithat beare wil reioyce with me.
harme, n r fow then Beliuer the man hrs wife a 7 Againe ige laid, > Ayo: would hane b Shenene -
God by his gaint: for he is a> Prophet, he iHall pray fay? to Abꝛaham, that Darah thould bane herfelfe ot ingras-
Rolyfpirit retai~ forthee that thoumayeſt line:but if thou de- given chilen lucke 2 foz Jhaue borne fin titudethat (he
neththemthat diner hee not agaings bee ſure that thou yale ã onne in his old age. didnot belceue-
offendbyigno- Diethe Death thon and allthat thoubat. 8. Thenthe childe grew, and was wea the Angel,
rance,thatthey 8 Then Aounelech rifing vp carly inthe RED ; and Abraham made a great feak che
falnotintogrea- moning: calien all bis leruants, and toie fame rey Izhak was weaned. c He derided’
terincouenience. all chefethings+vntothem, and themen 9- Gand Sarah aw the fonne of pagar Gods promife
h- Thatis,oneto were loze aitard. the Capptian (which the had borue ynta A- made toIzhak, .
whomGodre- 9: Afterward Abimelech called Abraham, brabaii) ‘mocking. which the Apoa -
vealethhimfelfe and {aid vnto bim Mhat haſt thou done Yn- 10.Cdihercfore thee (aid vnto Abzabam, file calleth per-
familiarly, tovs? andiwhathaue J offended thee,that * Catt ont this band. woman aud her ionne; fecution, Galat,-
_ġForthe prayer thou halt broughton mee and my i hing: foz tie ſonne okthis bond woman hal not be 4.290
ofthegodlyis | Bomethsgreat inne thou haſt Done things beire with my onne Ishak, vo". Galat 4.205
of force towards vnto me that ought not tobe Done, Il And thisthing was very grienous in d_Thepromi-
God, 10 So. Abinelech layte vnto Absabam, Abꝛahams ight betaule ofits nne: fed (eed -fhall bez
tEbintheiveares Mhat laweſt thou that thou hal done this _ 12 Q But Goo faid vnto Abꝛaham, Let counted from.
k The wickednes thing? Fase Flan it not be grituous in thy fight forthe childe, tzhakandnor-
ofthe King brin- 11 Ehu- Abrahamaniwered, BecauſeJ ano fez thy bond woman: in all that Sarahfrom Ihmael,..
gehGodswrath thought thus, Hurelpthe fare of God isnot chall ſayvnto thee,. beare her voise; forit Rom.9.7.bebr-
vponthe whole, in thts place , and tyep will Uay mee. for my Izhak (ali thy leenebe ¢calied. . rur
realme, wines ſake· 13 Ss forthe (onne ofthe bond woman,3)e Thelfhmaes-
LHe ſheweth will make him̃ ea nation alle, becauſe
that nohoneftie can be hoped for, where the feae of Gal is not. thy Reng- of him,..
Id: E
Abraham goeth to offer Izhake
fahain fwearethta Abimelech. t:Genefis.
14 Ho Abraham arole vy early in ‘the ial CAAP ELB : 3
morning, andtooke bread, and a bottle of a.a The fauh of Abraham zs prooued in offrin
water, and gaue it unto Magar, puctinett his ſonne Ixbaks: 8: Ixhak is a figureiof (hri
rue faith te- on her Houlder andthe child alfo, and! fut 20 The generation ofNabor Abrahams brother,
her away: Who Departing, wandered in the ofwhom commeth Rebekah. “1
neeth all na-
wildernes of Beer-heba.
all affeQtions i A Nd atter hele things, Gon Did * poong Hebr
bey Gods I5 And when the water of the bottle was mi Abraham, anatapi vnts him, abzabant, Ebr Loesly i
Amandement. fpent, thee caſt the child vnder a certaine Cho anſwered, 4 Here am J. 3 a Which figni- :
2 Andhecfayd, Cake now thineoneiy
* fieth the feare of
“16 Therme went efate her ouer againſt ſonne Fshak,whonrthou louett, and gecthee God,in ywhich ,
— him akarre off, about abotwe hoot r for hee vnto the laud of.2Moꝛiah, and” offer him place hewas ho-
fayd, J will not fee the death of the chides there fox a burnt offering vpon one of the noured,and Salo<
and (he fate Downe ouer againſt him, aud tite Mountatnes, which J will tew thee. mon afterward

pp her voyceandDivept. 3 Chen Abraham role vp early in the builethe Temple
& Forhis pro- 17 Then God g heard the voice of the moning, andlanled his affe, and tooke two b Herein Roode
mile fakemade child, and the AngelofGod called to Dagar of his ſeruants with him, € Ishak his fonne, the chiefeſt point
to Abraham, and front heauen, and (aia vnto her. Ahat aiſeth and clone wood fo: the burnt offering, and of histentation,
not hecauſe the thee, Danar? feare not. for God hath heard role bp, and went ta the place, which Gar feeing he was cõ⸗
(éhild haddifcte.” the boyce of thechilde where he ts. - ig had tolde hin. manded to offer
f tion andijudge-*' 48 Arile take vp the chile, and hold hin “4 © Thew the third day Abraham tift vp him in whom
| ment to pray. —ig hand; fo: J wit make of him a great bp hiseyes,and faw the place afarre of, o God had promi-
cople. “§ And fayd vnto his ſeruauts, Abide you fedto blefie all —
h “Except God Ig Aud God opened her eyes, and hee here With the aſſe: for J and the chitde wiil thenmationsof
open oureyes, fato a veellotwater: (othe went ¢ filled the goe ponder and worſhip, and eccome agatne theworld; :
_wecanneither ` bottle with water, and gaue theboy Minke, bnto pow. c Hedoubted
fee nor vie the 20 Do God was ‘with che childe, and he 6 Thew Abraham tooke the woos of the not, bur God
meanes which grew and Swelt tn the wilderneſſe, andwas burnt offering, and layde it bpon Ishak his wouldiaccom= -
are before vse” an ||archer.’ — Kp fonne,and hee tooke the Are in Sis hand, and pli his promife,
i As touching 21 And he dwelt in the wildernes of Pa⸗ the knife : avid they wentbhath together. ` though:he fhould
outward things tan, and his mother tooke him a wife out of 7 Thenlpake Ishak vnto Abraham his facrificehisfon.
God caufed him the land of Egypt. father,and ſayd, Dy father. And he anfwes ü- Theonly way,
to profper. 22 (Anvdat that fame time Abimelech red Vere am Jymy onne. Aud he fayd, Be- to ouercome ali
Ov; fhor inthe and Phichol bis chtete captaine ſpake vnto Holz the fire andthe wood, Vut where isthe tentations isto
bow, and was an aiabam faping Gon is with chee in all that lambe foz the burnt offering2 reftypon Gods
Bunter. 0 og b S n 8 Then Abraham anſwered
My onne, prouidenee,
23 Nos therefore ſweare vto mee heere God wil 4 proutde Him a Lambe for a burnt ¢ Foricis like
i 4Ebr. lefalfe- by God, that thou wilt not + huetme no: my offering: fothep went both together that his father 4
Ay with or Ke, childzen, no: my chens childzen : thou 9 And when they came to the place which had declared to
Walt deale with me and with the countery God Had ſhewed him, Abraham duilded an him Geds com-
where thou haft beene a Franger, accozding altar there, and couched the wood, and madement,where
k So thatit isa pute the kindneſſe that 3 hae ſhewed thee, e bound Izhak bis fonne, * and layd himon unto-he ſhewed
lawful ching to ~ 24 Chen Abraham (ard,7will k Cweare. the altar bpon the woot., Í himielfobediens,
take an othe in 25 (And Abraham rebuked Abimelech 10 And Abeaham erat Fooath hig Jemaat yd
matters ofim- fo, awellofteater, which Abimelechs fer: Hand, toske the knife to kell his ſonue. Ë Thatis,by thy:
portance, for to uants bad violently taken awap. IL But the Angel ofthe Lor called vnto true obedience
_ gultifieche truth, 26 And Abimelech fayde, 1 J knowe not hin from heauen ſaying. Abraham, Abra- —* haſt decla⸗
and to affure o- who bath Dene this thing : allo thou toldeſt ham. And he antwered, ere am J. red thy liuel
thets of our fin- nie not neither heard Z ofitbut thts day. 12 Then he laid, Lay not thine hand bp- faith. y A
ceritie. 27 Then Abraham tooke ſheepe, and on the child, neither do anp thing vnto hia: lOrand haft not
1 Wicked ſer⸗ becues, and gaug them vnto Abimelech: and for now J E know that thou fearett God, fee- withholden thine
uants doe many they two made a couenant, ing foz my fake | thou hak not pared ¢thine only fon from me,
evils vnkno vae 28 Gnd Abiabam let ſeuen lambs of the onely fore. H i fEdr, thy [onnes

to their makers, flockeby themſelues. 13 And Abraham lifting vp his eves, too: thine only fonse.
29 Then Abimelech fain vnto Abraham, ked: and behold therewas aramme behind Or,
the Lord will
What meane hele ſeuen lambes, which thou him, caught by the hornes in abuſh. Chen fee or prouide,
batt fet by themſeules? Abraham went and toske the ramme, and g Thename is
f\Or, well ofthe 30 And be anlwered, Becaule thou Halt Offered him vp fora burnt offering in the changed to thew
othe,or offener, recelue of mine hand chefe fenentambes,that ſtead of bis onne, : that God dotth
meaning lambes, it maybe a witneſſe vntomee, that Ihaue 14. And Abraham called the name of that both fee & pro-
m Thus we {ce Digger this well, ie place,|| Fehouah tire, as it is ſayd this Dap, uide fecretly for
shat the godly, 31 therefor the place is called || Beers ‘jn the Wouni will the Lorde be ſeene his, andalo enis
as touching out. focba,becaule there they toth fware. Ig (And the Angel of the Lorm cried vn⸗ dently is ſeene
ward things, may 32 Abhusmade they a™ couenant at We» to Abraham from heanen the fecond time, and felt in time
make peace with er-iheba ; atterward Abimelech and Jahi- 16 And {aid." By * mp felfehaue Iſworne conuenient.
-ehe wicked chat chol bts chiefe captaine role vp, and turned (laith the Lod) becaule thou bat Done this Pfal,to5.9.ec1
knowe not the againe dite the land ofthe Philiſtims. thing and bat not (pared thine onelp Onne, clus.44.21. luke
true God, 32 E And Ibraham planted agroue in 17. Eherefore wilt FJ ele blee thee, 1.73. hebibi ze
n Thatis hee Bect- Heba, andı called there onthe Mame and will greaty multiply thy eede, as- the by Signifying, v
. warfhipcd God ofthe Lozdrheeucrlatting Gop. © ftarres of the heauen, and as thefand which thatthereisno
inallso ints of 34. And Abraham was a tranger inthe is vpon the ſea hore, and.thp eed Malt pot greater then he,!
true religion, Phiiltims land along lcaſon. ſeſſe the fgateofhisencintes, ſor,holdꝛ.
8 *And
Sarah dieth. Abraham buyeth Chap.xxiij.xxiiij. Ephrons field, Abrahams fernant p;
Cbhap. i 2.3, 18 * And in chy ſeede Hall all thenations ence of the people of the countrey, taping,
and 18.18. of the earth be bleed, becaule thou bait o= Deeing thou wilegivueit, J pray chee, beate
etclus 44.2% beped my voyce. mie, J wiil giue the priceof the field: recetue
æctes 3.25. Ig Then turned Abraham againe vnto it of me, and J will bury my Dead there.
galat,3 8. bis iernants , and they role vp and went to- _ 14 Ephꝛon then antwered Abraham lays
gether to Beer-fyeba -and Abraham dwelt ing vnto him,
- at Beer-fheba. 15 Mp lord, hearken vnto me: the land is
20 Cand after thele things one tolde A- worth koure hundreth ethekels of filuer: what e The common
baham, faving, Behold Milcah,ſhe hath al- isthat betweene mee ana thee? bury theres fhekel is about
fo bozne chilazen puto thy brother Nahor: foze thy Dead. 20.pence, fo them:
21 Towit, Gʒ his eldett onne, and Buz 16 So Abraham hearkned vnto Ephron, 40>. hekels i
|r,ofthe Sys bis brother, and Kemuel che father of | g- and Abzabam weped to Ephzon the tiluer, mount to gg.
rians, rain, which he had named in the audtence af the pound * (hile: 2
22 And Cheled, and Hazo, and Pildah, Hittites, cuen foure hundzeth liluer hekeis lings and et ty
and Jidlaph, and Bethuel, . Of currant money among merchants. —
i Concubineis 23 And Bethuel begate Rebekah : thele 17 C Ho the field of Ephron which was in thillings fterling —
oftentimes taken eight DID Milcah beare to Maho: Abra⸗ MWachpelah,an’ ouer againit Mamee, euen the ounce.
inthe good part, bams beother. Í the field and the caue that was therein, ana
for thofe women 24 Gnd bis i concubine called Reumah, all the trees that were tn the felve, which
which were infe- foe bare allo Tebah, and Gaban,and Tha» were in all the borders round about, was
mour to the bat and Maachah. made fure
wines, 18 Unto Abraham for a polleffion,in the
CHAP. XXIII. fight of the Hittites, euen of ail that ilwent Or, cinex
2 Abraham lamenteth the death of Sarah. 4 tn at the gatesof bis city.
He buyeth a field to bury her , of the Hittites. 13 19 And atter this, Abraham buried Haa
The equitie ofAbraham. 19 Sarah ts buried in ray bis wife tn the caue of the field ofMach⸗
Machpelah, pelah ouer againt Mamre; the fame is We»
WR Harah was an hundzeth twen· bzon in the land of Canaan, f Thatis,aliche
&Ebr.the yeeres i * a and ſeuen peere olde ( + fo long li- 20 Thus the fielde and the cane that is
of the life of ued fhe. therein, was made fure vnto Absaham fog a people confirmed
arah, 2 Then Harah died in Kiriath arba: poſſeſſion of buriall £ bp the Hittites,
the ſame is Hebron in the land of Canaan: CHAP, XXIIII.
and Abzabam came to mourne fo: Sarah 2 caufeth his feruant to fweare to
and to meepe foz her. take a wife for Fxbak in bis owne kinred. 12 The
a Thatis,when 3 C Then Abraham? role bp from the feruant prayethto God. 33 His fidelstie towards
he had mourned: fight of his corps, and talked with the Wit. his master. 50 The friends ofRebekah commit the
fo the godly may tites, faving, p matterto God. 58 They aske her confent,ana fhe
mourne, if they 4 J am a ſtranger ga forreiner among agreeth, 69 andis married to Frhak.
paffe not mea- pou, gine me a poſſeſſion of burtall with you, Dw Absaham was old,and t ſtricken in $ Ebr.come inta
fure: and the na- that J may bury my dead out of my fight. veeres, andthe Low had bleſſed Abza- dayes. |
turall affe&ion is Chen the iittites anſwered Aba- bam tn all things 3 Chap 47. agi Ss
commendable. ham,faying vnto him, £ 2 —— Abraham (aid vnto hts el: a Which dese-
fbr. fonneso 6. Weareds,my 1020 : thonatt a prince deſt ſeruant of his houle, which had the rule monie declared a
H ni f b ofGod among vs: inthe chiekeſt of onr fes» puer allthatheDad," 2 Put now thine hand the feruants obe- i
b That is, godly, pulchzes my thy Bead : none of vs fall foz- onder my thigh, dience toward his a
or excellent: for bid thee his {epuichze ,but thou mayeſt bury 3 And will make thee bſweare by the mafter, and the -
the Hebrewes fo the Dead therein. Lod God of the heauen, and God of the matters power o⸗
fpeake of all 7 Then Absaham ood vp, and bowed earth, that thou thalt not take a wife vnto uer the feruant,
things that are eens befoze the people of the land af the my fonne ofthe Daughters of the Canaa⸗ b This fheweth —
notable,becaufe ittites. nites among whom F dwell. that an oath may
all excellencie 8 And he communed with them, faving, 4 But thou halt go vutomy< countrey, be required ina
commeth of Ik it be + pour minde, that J hall bury my and to my kinred, and take a wife vnto my lawfull caufe.
God, Dead out of my fight, heave sie, and tutreate fonne Ishak. s c He wouldnot
$ your foz me to Ephzon,the fonne of Foar, And the feruant faid to him, ahatif that his fonne
foule. 9 Chat hee would gine me the caue |lof the woman will not come with mee to this ſhould marry
|| Or double cane, Wachpelah which he hath in the end of his land? tall J bzing thy fonne agatne vñto out of the godly |
becanfe one was field : that hewould giue tt me foz as much theland fram whence thou camett 2 family : for the
within another. +inoney as it is woth, foz & poſſeſſion to bu- 6 To wham Abzaham anfwered , Bee inconueniences
Ebr. full tie in among pou. ; ware thatrhou bzing not my fonne 4 thither that come by
ſiluer. Io (Fo: Ephron dwelt among the Wit- againe. martying with
tites. )Chen Ephꝛon the Hittite anſwered 7 € The Lord God of heaven, who tooke the.vngodly are
Abraham tn the audiente ef all the Wit- mee from my fathers boule,æ fromthe land fet foorth in fune
c Meaning,all tites that «went in at the gates of hts citte, where J was bozne,and that ſpake vnto me, dry places of the ©
the citizens and ying, and that {ware vnto me,faping, * Unto thy Scriptures.
inhabitants. IL No,my lord, heare mee: the field giue feed will J giue this land, heehall fend his d “Lett he ſhould
FJ thee,and the caue that therein ts, F giue it Angel before thee,and thou Halt take a wife : Jofe the inheri⸗
thee: euen in the prelence of the fannes of mp tnta my (onne from thence. tance promifed,
d To ſhew that people gine F it thee,to burie thy Bead. 8 Neuerthelelſe tf the woman wil not Chap.12 7. and
he had them in 12 Then Abraham “bowed huntelfe be- follow thee, thei Malt thou bee diſcharged 13.15. and 15.
good eftimation foze the people of the land, of tbis mine oath ꝛonely bꝛing not nip fenne 18.and 26 4.
and reuerence. 13 And ſpake vate Ephzon tn the andi thither againe, i> Ebrannocent.
pe) 9 Then
_sbrahams feruant and Rebekah. Genefis. Heveterethhis meffage,
9 Ther theleruant put his hand vnder ine brought mee to my matters bactheens
the thigh of Abahani bis matter,and ſware ouſe.
to bim fo: this matter. thas 28 And the mayde ran and teloe them of
IO C Do theteruant toske ten camels of ber mothers boule according to thele words.
the cameis of his maſter, and departed: (for 29 ¶ Meow Rebekah had abzorher called
tOr, Me/opota= be had all his maſters goods in his hand:) tel and Laban ranne vnto the man to.
mia,or Syria of and fo be atofe, and went to ||Aram Maha» the well.
the twa floods : to raim, vnto the < city of Mahor. 30 Foz when hehad ſeene the carerings,
witofTygris IL And he made his camels to tte Domne and the bracelets tn bis fitters bandes , and
and Euphrates, without the city by a weil of water, at euen⸗ when hee heard the wordes of Rebekah his
e Thatis,to tide about the time that che women came out fiter, laying, Thus faid the man vnto me,
Charran. to Daw water. then þe went to the man, and toe,” he ſtood n Forhe waked
t Ebr,to bow 12 Aud he faid, D f Lod God of my ma- bythe camels at the well. — on Gods hand,
their knees. fter Abraham, Jbeſeech thee,} (end me goon 31 Ano he faid, Come tr thou bleſſed of who had now
f Hegroundeth {peet this Day,and Hew mercy vnto my mae the Lod: wherefore ſtandeſt thou without, heard his prayer.
his prayer vpon iter Abꝛaham. feeing J] baue prepared the boule and roome
Gods promile 13 Loe, J tand by the well of water, fo? the camels ? Hi
made to his ma- whiles the mens Daughters of this citie 32 Then the man came into the houſe,
ſter. come out to Daw water. ando he vnſadled the P camels, ana bꝛought
N Or cauſe mee 14. e Graunt therefore that the mayde, ta lister and prouender fo the camels,and wae an,
to meete. wham fay, Sow Downe thy pitcher,Jpray ter to wath his teete,and the mens feete that. p Thegentle in
g theferuant thee, thatJ may Drinke : if the fay, Danke, were wih htm. teltainement of
moued by Gods and J will giue chy camels drinke allo: map 33 Afterward the meate was fet before Rtrangers vfed
fpirit deficed to be fhe that thou halt ordeined fo: chy feruant bim; but he faid, Jla wii not eat vntilghane among the godly
beaflured by a Ishak : and thereby (hall J kuow chat thou faid my meffage. And he aiD, Dpeake on. atbers
figne, whether halt ſhewed mercy ou my matter. j 34 Then be faid, Jam Abrahains ieruant, q The fidelitie
God profpered Is @ And now ver he had left (peaking, 35 And the Lord hath « bleffed my matter that fernants owe
his iourney or no, behold,» Rebeka} came out, theDaughter of wonderfully, that he to become grear, forhe to thei: mafters,
h God giueth Bethuel, onne of Milcah the wife of Mahor hath giuen bim ſheepe, and beeues, and file cauſeth them to
good fucceffe to Abrahams bꝛother, and her pitcher vpon her uer and gold, and men ſeruants, and mayd preferre their
all things that ſhoulder. j feruants,and camels,and afles. mafers bufineffe
are vndertaken 16 (And the mape was perp. faire to 36 And Darah my makers wife hath to thetirowne ne«
for the glory of look bpon, avirgin and vnknowen of man) bozne afon vnto my malter, when the was celtie,
his Name and and fhe ‘went Downe to the well, and Allea sid tonto bim hath be giuen al that he bath. r To blefe fige
according to his her pitcher,and came vp. 37 Row my malter made me tweare,lay- nificth here to
word, 13 Chen the ſeruant ranne to meete her, ing, Chou fhalt not take a wife to mp fonne
inrich,or increaſe
i Here isdecla- and fain, Letmec Drinks, Jpray thee, a littic of the Daughters of the fCanaanices , in with fubftance,
red that God euer water of thy pitcher. — whofe land J dwell. asthetext inthe
heareth the pray- 18 And fye (atd, Dzinke t fir: and fhe ba- 38 But thou Halt goe vnto my fathers fame verle decla-
ers of his,and fed, and let Downe Her pitcyer vpon her houte,and to my kinred, and takea wife vn· reth.
granteth their hand, and gaue htm drinke. to my onne. : f The Canaanires
requelts. Ig And when ſhe had giuen him minke, 39 Then F (aid onto mp maker, that iF were accurfed,
- $ Ebr my Lord. ſhe ſaide. J will draw water for thy camels the woman will not fellow me ? and therefore the.
$ Ebr. haue made alio vntill + they paue dꝛunken vnough. 40 Cho anſwered me, The Lord, before: godly could not
sn end ofdrisk- 20 And fee powꝛed out her pitcher into whom Fwalke, will fende his. Angel with ioyne with them,
74, 7 the trough ſpeedily, and ranneagaine pnto thee,and pzofper thy tourney, and thou tha in marriage,
Or,earering. the well to dꝛaw water, and the Dew foz all take a wife for mp fonne of mp kinred, and t Méaning,a-
I God —5 — bis camels. ; my fathers houte: r mong his kinſe⸗
ted many things 21 Hatheman wondered at her,and held 41 Then balt thoube diſtharged ofemine folkes,as verfe
both in apparell His peace, ta know whether the Lod had oath, when thou commeſt to my kinred: and 40.
and other things, made his tourney prolperous og not. if they giue thee not one, thou ſhalt bee tree u Whichby
which are now 22 And when the camels had left mink- frommine oath mine <.uthoritie.
forbid : efpecially ing, the man tooke a golden | * abillement of 42 So Icame this day to the well, and: I caufed thee
when they ap- l halfe qa hekel weight, and two bracelets fatd, D Lord the God of mpy makter Abza- to make,
pertaine not to Eon Beehandes, of tenne fhekels weightof dam,ifthou now prolper mp liourney which ||Or,way.
our mortifica- golde: goe;
tion. 23 And hee fapd, Chole daughter art 43 Beholde,* FJand by the well of wa- Perfe 13,
i The golden thou? tell me, pray thee,Js there rome in ter: mbena virgin commeth forth to maw
thekcel is here thy fathers houle fo? vs tolodge in? water, ¢3 lay to her, Giue me,F pray thee,a.
meant,and not 24 Then the fain to him,3 am the Daugh= little water of thy pitchertoDainke,
thatof filuer, ter of Bethuel the fonne of Milcah whom 44 And foe fap tame, Denke thau, and J.
m Hehboaftcth fhe barevuto abhor, — i will alfo Draw foz thy camels, tet her be the
not his good for- 25 Moroner the faid vnto him, Ae haue wife, wbich the Loa bath ſprepared fog mp l Orfhewed,.
tune (as doe the litter alfo and pzouender pnough,and roome matters ſonne.
wicked)hut ac- to lodge in. 45 Aud before J had made an endeof
Knowledgeth 26 And the man bowed himſelke and {peakinginmine xheart, behold, Rebeka x Signifying;
that God hath worfhipped the Lor, cante foorth and ber pitcher on ber fyoulder, chat this prayer
dealt mercifully 27 And fad, Bleſſed be the Lod God of and the went Downe puto the wel, and meta was nor pokea
with his mafter my matter Abraham, which hath not with. water. Chen J laid vnto ker, Giue me Dink by the mouth,
in keeping pro- Dawen his mercie ™ and his trueth from FJ pray thee. but onely medis
mile, mpmaker ; ſor when Jwas inthe way, the 46 And the made haſte, and tooke bag tate inbis beasts.
a and bringeth Rebekah to Izhak. Chiapy &xv. - Abraham dieth, 10
ber pitcher front Ber (heulder, and ſayde, tomect ig? ant the feruant bad ſayd, Ft is f The cuflowe |
Deinke, and J will gine chy cameis Danke np matter.) Ho ſhee tooke fa yail andro was,y che ponle |
allo, So 3 dranke, ans fhe gaue the camels uered ber. was broughtta
Minke allo. 66 And the leruant told Izhak altbings her husband her
47 ThenJ alken her, and fayd , Ahole that he hae Done. 3 head being coue-
Daughter art thou? And the anfwered, Che 67 Afterward Izhak brought herinto red, intokenaf
Daughter of Bethuel Qahors onne, whome the tent of Sarah pts mother ana hetooke Mamefaſineſſe
Milach bare vnto him. Chen J put thea- Rebekah, and the was his wife, and Hee lo⸗ and chaftitie. |
billement vpon ber face, and the bracelets ued her: So Izhak was N comforted after lo⸗.haa lefe |
vpon ber hands: : bis mothers death, mourning for
48 y And J bowed Downe and worlſhip· besmather,
y He theweth pedthe Lord, and bleſſed the Lede God of CORMAN So KAA
what is our duce mpy matter Abrabam, which had bꝛought me t Abraham taketh Keturah to wifee getteth
ty, when we haue the+ right may to take mp makkers bothers many children. § Abraham giucth all hæ goods
recciued any be- Daughter vnto his ſonne. tolxhak, 8 Heedieth. 12 The geneatogse of
nefit of the Lord, 49 Mow therefore Epe will deale zmer- Fibmael. 25 The birth of Jaakob and Efan. 30
$Ebr.smthe way cifuilp and truely with mp matter, cell ince: Efau feleth bis birthright foram fe ofpottage, j
oftrueth. and ifnot, tell me, that J may turne mee to NJE Abrabam bab taken® plinanorger a Whiles Sarala
z Ifyouwill — thearight hand · oꝛ to the left. wile calied Ketucah, was yctaliuc,
freely and faithe ço @henan{wvered Labanand Bethuel, 2 bich bare hun Simran, and Jok»
fully giucyour anD fayd, bThis thing ts proceeded of the fhan, and Gedan, and Midian, and Ji}:
daughtertomy Lod: wee cannot therefoze fay unto thee, bak, and Qbuab.
mattersfonne, neither euill no? goon., 3 And Jokſhan begate Dhebs,and De-
a thatis,thatI 51 Behold, Rebekah is} before thee, take Dan: "And the onnes of Dedan were Af- L Chro,t.386
may prouide elf- her and go, that the may be thy maiters fons urim, and Letuſhim, and Leummim.
where. wife, enen as the Lord bath i (apd. 4 Allfothefons of Midian were Ephah,
b So fooneas §2 And when Abpabams (eruant beard and Cpher,and ianoch, ¢ Abida , and El- Ebr. all:hat he
they perceiue their words, bee bowed himlelke toward the Daah Ail thek were the ſonues of Keturah. Led
that itis Gods earth buto the Lord. S € And Abꝛaham gane + all bis goods b For by the vera
ordinance, they §3 Then the fernant tooke foorth tewels to Izhak: tue of Gods
yeeld. ofliluer, and iewelsof golde, aud rayment, 6 But wnte the > fonnes of the « concus word he had not
fOr,atthycom. and gane toRebekah : atio vunta her brother bines which Abraham had, Absabam agaue onely Izhak, but
mandemext. and to ber mother be gaue gifts. ; gifts, and fent chen: away from Izhak his begat many moe.
HOr, ordained. 4 Afterward theydia cate and Minke, donne (while be pet lined) Gatward to the c Read chap.22.
both hee , and the men that were with bini Catt countrey. 24. à
and taried all night: and when they role vp 7 Andthis ts the ageof Abzabamslife, d To auoide the
tn the mozning,be laid, Let me Depart vn⸗ —— hee liued, an hundzeth ſeuenty and diffention that
Vaerfe $6.39. tomy matter. ue peere, pee els might haue
§§ Then her bother and her mother an- -3 Then Abraham peelded the ſpirit, and come becaufe of
Cwered, Let the mame abide with vs, at the Sted in a good age,anold man, and ef great the heritage,
leatt tenne Daves : then Mall the goe. peeres, and was * gathered tobis people. e Hereby the ans
Ebr. dayes, op 56 But bee fayd puto them, winder pou 9 Ana his ſonnes, Izhak and Iſhmael cient fignified
CENNE: me not, ſeeing the Lord hath proſpered mp buried him tn the caue ot Pachpelah,tn the that man by
tourney : fend mee away, that Jmap goe to field of Ephroñ ſonne of Foar the iittice, death perifhed
befoze Mamre, not wholly: but |
P ry75ea hen
Then theythey (aid
lai Ctewil call theemaimata 10 bich * ficld Abraham bought of the as the foulesof
e Thistheweth
that parents haue
ano afke«her+content. Hittites, where Abraham was buries with the godly lived
58 And they called Rebekah, and ſayde Darah his wife. after in perpetu-
not authority te vnto ber, Tilt thou go with this
man? And Il @ And after the Death of Abzabam allioy, fo the
matty ae chil- fpe anfwered,3will goe. God bleſſed Jshak his onne, * and Izhak foules of the wic⸗
dren wi ead §2 DHothey let Rebekah their fitter goe, Dwwelt by Beer·lahai ·roi· ked in perpetu-
EENEN “esber nurle, with Abrahams feruant and 12 @Mow thele are the gencrationsof all paine,
is men. Iſhmael Abrahams fonne, whom Pagar Chap.23.16.
$Ebr:her —— 60 And they bleſſed Rebekah, and ſayd the Eayptian,Sarahs hanDmaid, bare vn- Chap. 16. 14o
d Thatisletit ” vnto her Thou att our fiter, growe into to Abraham. and 24.62.
_ bevidoriouso- thoufand thoulands, and thy leede poflelle 13 * And thele are the names of the fons 1. Chro. 1.29.
ve paan thed gateofhisenemies. of Iſhmael, name byname, accozdtng to
which ble ingis OL (Eben Rebekah arole, ther matds, their kinreds: the + eideſt ſonne of Iſhmael tEbr frh bornea
fully accompli- & rane bpon the camels.¢ followed the man; —— then Kedar,andAdbeel
Iefus and the feruant tooke Rebekab,tDeparted. ibfam,
d „62 Pow Jzbak came from the way of 14 And Miſhma, and Dumah, t Walla,
—— 14. an Vier sais rot Cto? he dweit in the South 15 Hadar, and Tema, Jetur, Naphiſh,
It, . countrey.) -+ : and Kedemal).
€ Thiswas the 63 And Ishak went out to < pray ùn the 16 Thele are the onnes of Jhmacel, and
exercifeof the fein toward the cuening: who lift np bis thele are their names, by their townes and
godly fathers,to eyes and looked,¢behoid, the camels came. by their caſtles: to wit, twelue princes OF vvbich dwele
meditate Gods 64 Qifo Rebekah lift vp her eyes, and their nattoug. : among the Ara=
promiles, andto when thee faw Ishak, thee lighten dewne- - 17 (And thele are thepeeres of the life of bians, and were
pray for theacs fromthecamel. Fihmact,an hundzeth thirty and ſeuen pere,
complifhment 65 (Fo He had fai te the ſeruant, Uho and he ytelded thelpirtt,and died, and was feparate from thé
thereof, blefled feeds
is ponder man, thas commeth inthe feld, gathered vunte his £ people.)
® 2 18 Ano
_aakob and Efau borne. ae Ee Abimelech. Izhak a ftranger. ©
13 And they Dwelt from Wanilah onto in the land which
I hall mew vnto thee. *
Hour, that is towards Egypt,asthou goeſt 3 Dwellin this land, and 3 wil be with
Or hes lot fell, to Alivur, Uhmael foweit s in the pretence of thee, and will bleſſe thee's fo? to thee, and
g Hemeaneih all bis bzethzen. ; to thy (ced J will giue all theſe * countryest Chap.r3. 15.
that his lot fell to 19 @Ltkewile thele are the generations and Jwill pecforme the othe which 3 warg ana 15.18.
dwell among his of Izhak,; — ſonne. Abraham be⸗ vnto Abzaham thy Father.
brethren,as the ate Izhak,; 4 Alfo J wiil caule thy feedtomultiply
Angel promifed, 20 AnD Izhak was forty yeere old, when asthe itarres of heanen, and will gine unto
Chap, 16.12. be taoke Rebekah to wife the Daughter of thy teed all thele countrpes; and in thy feed
Or, Syrian of Pethuel che ||Aramite of Padan Aram, and ail ali thenations of the earth be *blefled, Chap 12.3. and
Mefopotamia, fitter to Laban the Aramite. 5 Becaule that Abzaham < obeyed my 15.48, and 418,
21 And Fsyak prayed vnto the Lozd foz hopce and kept mine + ozdinance my come 18.and 22,18,
-biswtle, becaule Hee was bareen? andthe mandements, my itatutes , and mp Lawes, and 28.14.
Lod was intreated of him, and Rebekah 6 @ So¥shak dwelt in Orrar. c He commen-
His wife concetued, | 7 And the menof the place aſked him of deth Abrahams
(Or, hurt one an- 22 But the children | ftroue together bis wife, and he fapd.Dbhee ts my fiter: foz obedience, bee
other, “idee within ber: therefore iee laya , Dreingir is De 4 feared tolay, Shee is my wife
leſt, fayd eaufe Izhak
h That is, with fo, why am thus? wherefore thee went he, the men of the place ſhould kül mee, be- fhould bee the
child , feetmg one ito afke the Lov. wF — ofRebekah + foz he was beautifullte more ready to
{hall deftroy an- 23 And the Lo: ſayd toher, Two nati⸗ follow the like:
other. ons are in thp wombe, ¢ two manner of ped- 8 So akterhe had been there long time, for as God made
i For that is the ple ſhalbe Diutded out of thy bevsels,ana the Abimelech kingof the Phuiſtims looked this promife of
onely refuge in one people wall bee mightier then toe other, Dut ataWindow, and loe, hee faw Izhak his free mercie, fo
all out mittries, andthe* elder ſhall lexue the yonger. c {porting with Rebekah Yis wife. doeth the confir-
24 ¶ Therekore when her time of deliue⸗ 9 Chen Abimelech called Ishak, fatd, mation thereof
Loe,thets of a luerty thy wife, why fapdelt
Rom. 9 12,
rance was fulfilled, behold,twinnes were tiy proceed of the
her wombe. thou, Dbe is my fitter? to whom I3hak an- fame fountaine.
25 Hohe that came aut firk was red, and (wered, BecauleJthought chis, It may bee keeping,
he was all ouer as a rough garment, & they thatJ](hall die fo? ber. d VV IPAE wet
called his name Clau. : 10 Then Abimelechſaid, Ayy bat thou fee that feare and
Hofea. 12 3. 26 * And afterward came bis brother Done thts vnto vs ? onc of the people had al- diftruf is found
matth. 1,2. put, and hts hand helde Glau by the beele: motllien by thy wife, fo Hhouldek thou haut inthe moft farh-
therfore bis name was called Jaakob.jow brought finite vpon bs. y , full,
tEbr. aman of Fshak was cthacelcozepecre old when Rebe- 11 Chen Abimelech charged all his peo» c Or fhewing
the field. kah bare them. pie ſaying. Wee that toucheth this mar, o2 fome familiar
JOrn fimple and 27 And the boyes grew, ana Clan was a bis wife hall die the death. figne of loue,
znnocent. cunning bunter, tt led inthe tzelds: but 12 Afterward Jzhak ſowed in that land, whereby it mighe
Ebr. veniſon in Jaakob was a} plain man,tDwelt in tents. and found în the lame peere Han hundzeth be knowea that
bis mouth. 28 And Ishak loued Ehau , foz + venifon s bpetimation : and o the Loza bleſſed fhe was his wife,
HOr, feed me was is meate, but Rebekah loued Jaakob. im. f Inallages men
sckly: 29 Mow Jaakob onde pottage, and E⸗ 13 And the man wares mighty, ef Ril were per{waded .
k The reprobate fau camefrom the field and was wearie. increaſed till he was erceeding great: that Gods ven⸗
efteem not Gods 30 Then Clan faim to Jaakob, ||Let me 14. Fo: be had flocks of cat Mga herds geance fhould
benefits except cate J| pray thee, of that portage fo red, fo: Ji ofcattell,and amighty houlhold ; therefore light vpon wed-
they feele them am weary. Therefore was hrs nanie called the Philiſtims had s enute at him, locke breakers,
prefently,and dan. Ig Inſomuch that the Philiſtims fop- llOr az hundreth
therefore they 31 And Jaakob fayd, Hell mee cuen now pedand filled bp with earth all the welles, meafures,
preferre prefent thy birthaight. which bis fathers (eruants Digged in his Ebr, hee went
pleafures, 32 And Efan fayde, Loe, J am almoſt father Abrahams time. foorth going and
Heb.12 16. Dead, what isthen this k birthright to mee?16 Chen Abimelech fayd nto Jshak, increasing.
1 Thus the wice 33 Jaakob then ſaid, Sweare to me evenGet thee from vy, for thou art mightier then g The malicious
ked preferre their now. And he ſware to bim,and* {olde his we a great Deale. enuy alwayes che
worldly commo- birthright vnto Jaakob. 17 (Therefore Izhak departed thence graces of God ja
dines to Gods 34 hen Jaakob gane Clan bread and and pitched bis tentin the “valley of Ge⸗ others,
fpiritwall gracess pottage oflentils : and he DID cat t minke,
tar,and Dwelt there. _ i h The Ebrewe
but the children and role bp, ant went his wap: So Chau 18 And Jzhak returning digged the wels word fignificth,
of God doe the contemned bis birthright. of water, which thep had diggedin — aflood or valley,
contrary, CHAP, XXVI. of Abrahan bis father + for the Philiſtims where water at
_§ God prowideth fur Ixbak inthe famine. 3. He had {topped them after the death of Abra⸗ any time run⸗
renueth hu promife. 9 The king blameth him for ham, and hee gaue them the tame names, nech.
denying bis wife. 14 The Phaliſtims hate him for which bis father gane them. 4
his riches, x5 ftop hi welles, 16 and drine him I9 Jshaks feruants then digged inthe
away, 24 God comforteth him. 31 Hee maketh valley, and found there a well of |)lining [OrPringing
aliance with Abimelech. water.
a In the land of A D there was a famine inthe lande 20 But the herdmen of Gerar did ſtriue
Canaan. - befides the firt famine that was inthe with Izhaks herdmen, ſaying, Che water
b Gods proui- Dayes of Abꝛaham. herefore
Ishak went is ours: therefore called hee the name of the
dence alwayes H Abimelech king of rhe Philiitims vnto t
watcheth tó di- erat. him. ſtrife.
že&the wayes of 2 For the Lom appeared unto dim, an’ 21 Afterward they digged another well,
his children, faint Gog not Downe inta Ggypt, bur abiag and ſtroue korthat allo, and hee — tio|

- Efauisfent for venifon, Chap.xxvij. Jaakob gettethhisbleffing,
llOr,hatreds name of it ||Sitnah, 5 (Mow Rebekah heard, when Ishak
22 Then be remoued thente,and digged ſpake to Eſau bis fonne) and Elau went
another well, foz the which they ſtroue not; ae ne fielde to bunt foz venifon, and to
NOr.largenefe, therefore called bee the name of it ||Rebo- ting it.
roome. both, and faide, Becauſe the Loꝛd hath now 6 Then Rebekah ſpake vnto Jaakob
a bs roome, we fhallincreale vpon the ber lonne, faying, Bebolde, JHaue beara
earth. thy father talking with Clan thy bother,
23 Hohe wentvp thence to Beer-heba. ping, -
24 And the Lod appeared vnto him the 7 Biing me vention, emake me fanotte
i Godaffureth fame night, and {ato , J am the Gon i of A+ ry meate,that J may eate and blefle thee be»
Izhak againft all braham thy father : feare not,korJ am with foe the Lozd,afozemp Death.
feareby rehear- thee, and will bleſſethee, and multiply thy 8 Row therefore, my fonne, heare mp
fingthepromife feed foz my fcruant Abzabams (ake. voyce in that which J command thee. 5 —
made to Abra- 25 Chen he built an * altar there,and cal- 9 >Get thee now to the flocke,and bring > Thisfubtitie
ham, asi led vpon the Fame of the Lozd, and there me thence two good kids ofthe goates that is blame-worthy,
k Tofignifie {pead his tent :where allo Jsbaks (eruants J may make pleaſant meate of them foz thy beceulethe
that he would digged a well. i father,fuchasheleucth. fhould haueta-
fetucnoneother 26 ¶ Then came Abimelech tobim from 10 Then thou Malt being it to thy father, ted til God had
God,tutthe Gerar, and Ahuzzah one of his friends, and and hethalleate, tothe tntent that he map Performed his
God of his father Phichol the captaine of his army. blefle thee before his death. promife,
Abraham, 27 To whom Ishak fayd, Cherefore Il Gut Jaakob fain to Rebekah his mo-
conte petoine, ſeeing vehate me, and bane ther, Bebold, Clau my bꝛother isrough, and
put me away from you ? i
28 Uho anfwered, We law certainely —12 Dy fathermay ffibly
poffibly feel
feele me, and ;
that the Loud was with thee, ¢ we thought J thal feeme t to him to bea ||mockersfo that tEbrbefre bis
thus, Let there be now an othe betweene vs, J bring a curie vpon me, and not a blefling. 98s-
even betweene vs and thee, and let vs make 13 But bhismother fain vnto bim,|| Ape |!Or, as though F
a couenant with thee.. on me be thy curfemp fonne: onely heare mp 74/4 deceine
1 The Hebrewes
: 29 ! Jfthou halt doe vs no burt as we voyce, and goe and bzing me them. bhia. y
in ſwearing be· haue not touched thee,and as we haue Done 14 Sohewent and tet them,and brought wik take
gincommonly vnto thee nothing but good, and fent thee a= them ta bis mother: and bis mother mane e danger os
withIf,andvn- wayinpeace;: thou now, the bleſſed ofthe pleafant meat, fuch as hts father toned,
derftand the reft: Loꝛd,doe this. I5 And Rebekah took faire clothes of her c The affurance
thatis,thatGod 30 Then he made them afeat, and they elder ſonne Efau, which were in ber Houle, ef Gods decree
fhallpunifhhim DİD eat and drinke. : and clothed Jaakob her vonger ſonne: made her bold,
that breakeththe 31 AnD they role vp betimes inthe moz- 16 And fhee coucred his bandes and the
othe: here the ning,and ware one to another; then Ishak finoothe of bis necke with theCkinnes of the
wicked fhew let them goe, and they Departed from bun in Kids of the goats.
thatthéyarea- peace, 17 Afterward fhe put the pleafant meate
fraid leftthat 32 And that fame day Jzbaks ſeruants and bread, which he had prepared, in the
cometothem, caine and told bim of a well, which they han band of her fonne Jaakob. ;
which they would Digged, and lain vnto him, (Ae haue found 18 @ And when be came to bis father, he
do to other, water. fain, Wp father. Uho anfwered, J am
HOr,othe. 33 Dobe called ttl Dbibah > therefore here; who art thou, my fonne?
|fOr,the welof thename of the citie ts called || Beer-fheba 19 And Jaakob (aid to bis father,aJam d Although Iaa:
the othe. bite this Dap. Clau thy firit borne, J| baue Done as thou kob was atlured
34 C Mow when Clau was Fourty yeere badet me, arife,J pray thee: fitvp and eate of this blefling
olde,he tooke to wife Judith the Baughter of of mp venifon,that thy foule may blefleme. by faith: yethe
Beeri an Wittite, and Wathhemath che 20 Chen Izhak (aid vnto his ſonne, How did euilto feeke
Chap 27.46. Daughter of Elon an Vittitealo. Hatt thou found it fo quickly mp ſonne
Cuho ic by lies, andthe
fOr dipbedient 35 And they * were ||agricfe of minde to faid, Becauſe the Lozd thy Godbzoughe tt more becaulehe
and rebellious Izhak, andto Rebekah. to mine hand. abufeth Gods
CHAP. XXVII 21 Againe Ishak fayde vnto Jaakob? Name thereunto,
* 8 Faakob getteth the bl-ffing frö Efau by his mo-
Come neere now,thatJ may feele thee, mp
thers counſel. 38 Efau by weeping moueth hu fa- fonne, whetherthou be that mp fonne Glau
therto pity him. 41 — hateth Taahob & threat- oł not
neth his pias Rebekah fendeth Faakob away- 22 Then Jaakob came neere to Ishak
A Nd when Ishak was olde, and his epes bisfather, and he felt him, and faya, Che
were dimme; ( lo that he could not fee) voyce is Jaakobs voyce , but the handegare e This declarech
be called Elau bis eldeſt fonne, and fain vn⸗ the bands of Clau. that he ſuſpect ed
— ſonne. Andhe anſwered him, 23 (Forheeknew him not, becauſe his fome thing, yet
fbr, Loe, F. am here. bandes were rough as his bother Elaus God would not
oF 2 Then he (aid, Bekon, 3 am now olde, bandes : wherefore he blefled him) haue his decree
t Sbr.hunt. and know not the dap of mp Death: 24 Againe bee fapd, Art thou that my altered.
a The carnalaf 3 Aherekore now, J pzay thee,take thine fonne Glau ? Cibo antwered, 1Vea. 4 Ebr. Fame
fe&ion, whichhe intruments, thy qutuer and thp bowe, and 25 Then latd he, Bing tt me hither,and
baretohisfonne, get thee to the teld, that chou mayeſtytake J will eate of my fonnes vention, that mp
made him forget me fome veniſon. {oule may bleffe thee. And hee brought it to
thatwhichGod 4 @bhenmake mefauory meat, fich as bim,and bee ate; allo he bꝛought him wine,
fpake to his wife, Jloue, and bring tt me that J| map eate, and and be Danke. $
Chap.25.23, that
my ·foule may bleſſe chee before Jig 26 Atterwarde bis father Izhak fayde
B 3 buta
fauthreatnethIaakob. = © Genefis. — Iaakob fleeth, anddreameth J
vnto him, Conte nesre tow, and kiſſe me, wos of Eau her elder fonne, and ſhe ſent
my fone. j and called Jaakob her ponger loune, ſaid m He hath good
27 And hee came neere and killed him. vnto bün, Bebolde, thy Mother Cuts hope to recouer -
Then be {melted the fauour of his garmets, comforted agatnit thez,meaning to kill thee: his birthright by
and bleſſed him, and fatd, Webold,tiye fineil 43 Now therefore my foune, beare my Killing thee.
of my ſonne is as the mell of afield, which bovce: ariſe, and fiee thou to Maran to my n Forthe wicked
the Lord hath bleſſed. bother Laban, — ‘i fonne wil killthe
Hebr 11,28 28 * God giue thee therefore of the Dewe 44. And tary with him a whele, until thy godly : and the
ofheauen, ann the fatnefie of the earth , and bothers fierceneffe be fwaged, plague of God
plentic of wheat and wine. " 45 And till thy brothers wath turnea= will afterward
29 Let people be thy (eruants, and nati- way frem ther, the forget the things which light on the wic-
ons bow pnto thee:be lom ouer thy brethren, thou baf done tobim: then will J tend and ked fonne.
and let thy mothers chilozen honour thee. take thee from thence: why ould Ji be De« Chap.26.3 5.
curled behe that curleth thee, and bleten be zined of vou both in ong wap? o Which were
he that bleffeth thee. 46 Alſd Rebekah fain to Ishak, °F am Efaus wiues,
30 @ And when Ishak had made an end weary of my itfe, fo: the odaughters of Heth. p Hereby the
df bleſſing Jaakob, and Jaakob was ſcarce JF Jaakob take a wife of the Daughters of perfwaded Izhak
gone out from the pzelence of Ishak bis fa» Meth like hele of che Daughters of the land, to agree to Taa-
ther, then came Ciau bis bother krom his r what aualleth it meto liue? kobs departure.
31 Ana hee allo prepared ſauory meat and CHAP. XXVIII,
brought tt to his father,and fain vnto hts fa» 1 Fxhak forbsddeth Faakeb totake a wife ofthe
ther, Let my fatherartic,€ cat of hts tonnes Canaanites. 9 Efau taketh awife of the dauchs
venion that thy ſoule map bient ine. ters of J{bmael againft his fathers will.12 Jaakob
32 uthis father Ishak fayd vnto bim, inthe way to Haran fèeth a ladder reaching to
Uho art thou? And he anſwered, Jam thp heauen. 14 Chriſt is promifed. 20 Taakob asketh
fonne,eucn thy Ert bone Eran, : of God onely meate and clothing.
FIn perceiving 33 Then Ishak was f ftricken mith a —J— Ishak called Jaakob, and a blenen a This fecond
his errour,by marueilous great feare, and fain, CUNO and i him, and charged hint, and ſaid vnto blefling was to
_ appointing his where ishe that hunted vention,and brought bim, Take not a wife of the daughters of confirme laa-
heireagain{t itme, and J hanceate ofall before thou ca- Canaan. obs faith, left
Gods fentence meſt? and Jhaue bleſſed him, theretoze he 2 Arile, *Get thee to* Padan Aram to he thould thinke
pronounced be- fhall be bleſſed. ; the boule of Bethuel thy mothers father, that bis father
fore. 34 hen Clan heard the wordes ofhis and thence take thee a wite ofthe Daughters had ginen it
b Or, ſuſſici- father he cried out with a great cry and bits of Laban thy mothers bother. without Gods
ently, ter,out of meaſure, and ſaid vnto his father, 3 And Goo fall Luflictent bleſſe thee and motion,
Inthe Cha.25, Bleſſe me euen me alfomp father. make thee to increafe, œ multiply thee, that Hofe.t2,02.
ewas fo called, 35 Tbo anfwered, Thy bother came thou mayeft be a multitude of peopiec, Chap.24.10,
becauſe he held He ſubtiltie, and bath taken away thy 4 And gine thee the bleſſing of bza- {| Or, Almighty.
bis brother by effing. bant, cuen fo thee and to thy ſeed with cyee, b The godly fae
the heele, as 36 Chen he ſaid, (Aas he not iuſtly called that thou mayeſt inherit theland (wherein thers Were put
though he would eJaakob foz he Hath deceiued me theſe twa thou art a> ranger, ) which God gatie vn- in minde conti-
Ouerthrow him: tunes: he tooke my birthright, and loe, now to Abraham. nually,that they
and therefore he hath he taken my blefing. Aito pe Gard, atk § Thus Ishak Cent koorth Jaakob, and were but ftran-
is here called an thou not veſerued a bleſſing foime? be went to Padan Aram vnto Laban tonne getsinthis worlds
ouerthrower,or 37 Then Ishak anfwered,and (aid vnto of Bethuel the Aramite, baorher to Rebe- to the intent they
decciuer, Eran, Behold,J bane madehirn +thp lord, kab Jaakobs and Claus mother. fhould lift yp
h For Izhak did andali his brethren baue J made bis fers 6 GiUhen Claulawe that Tshak hav their eyes to the
thigsas he was the wants :-atle with wheat and wine baue J bleffed Jaakob, and fent him to Padan A- heauens, where
minifter & Pro- kurniſhed bim, and vuta thee now what Hail ram,to fet bim a wife thence, and giuen dim they ſhould haue
phet of God, J darsnplonne? a charge wien be bleed him, faping, Chou a fure dwelling,
D Or,Jam alfa 38 Chen Cian (aid unto his father, Mak walt not take a wife of the Daughters of HOr beſide his
(thy fonne.) thoi but one blefing, my Father? bleſſe me, Canaan, i WIES.
Heb. 2.17. ||cucnane alia my Farber sand Clan lifted vp 7 And that Jaakob had obeyed his fa- c Thinking
i Becaufe thine HIS voyer, and wept. ther and bis mother, and was gone to Pa⸗ hereby to haue
enemics fhalbe 39 Then Ishak his father anſwered aud ban Aram: reconeiledhim-
round ahout faie vnto bin, Behold, rye fatnefle ot the 8 Allo Glau ſeeing that the Daughters felfeto his fa-
thee, earth Gail be thy dwelling place, and thou of Canaan diſpleaſed Izhak bis father, ther,but all in
fe Which was {halt hane of the Dewolf heauen froni aboue. 9 Then went Clan to Iſhmael, € tooke vaine: for he tas
fulfilled in his _ 40 Aud iby thy ſword halt thon ttue,and liunto the wiues, which he had, Wahalath the kethnotaway the
polteritie che I. Hatt be thy brothers ruant. But it hall Daughter of: Iſhmael Abrahams tonne, the cafe of the euil,
dumeans: who come to pant, when thou Walt get thema fitter of fabatorh,te be his wife. d Chil isthe
sveretributari¢s féeric, that thou Walt begate bis yoke front Io ¶ sow Jaakob departed from Weer- ladder,whereby
for atime to Jf- thy necke. x fheba,andwent toivavan, God & manare
rael, andafter 41 E Therefor Clau hated Jaakob be» IX And he came vito a certaine place,and ioyned together,
come to libertie, caufe of the bleſſing, wherewith gis father farted there all night, becaule the un was & by whom the
Obad.1, 40. bleſſed ht. And Eſau thouaht in his mind, Downe, and tooke af the tones of che place, Angels minifier
I Hypocrites The tapes of mourning fo2 ny father wil: andlavde vnder his head, and Uept in the voto vs: all gra-
onely abfteine come ſhorciy, thew 3] wili fay my brother fame place. ces by him are
from doing evil Jaakob. 12 Then hee Dreamed, and behold, there giuen vnto vs, & |
for feare of men. 42 ‘And it was tolde to Rebekah of the Hood a d ladder vpon Che cart), and sf we by himafcend
into heaven.
ofaladder. Iaakobs yowe. Chap. XXIX- nailob andLaban, TAD
tcp of tt reached bp to heauen: andloe , the goe feed them.
‘Angels of God went vp and Downe byit, 8 But theylaid, We may not vntill atl
Chap.35: 1. and _ 13 *And bebolde, the Lod ſtoode aboue the Aocks be brꝛought together, andrillmen
48.3. itana fain,J|am the Lo2d God of Abꝛaham rolle the fone from the welles mouth, that
thy father, and the God uf Jzhak: che land, we may water the erpe.
c Hee felt the vpon the which thon tleepett, < willJ giue € Ahilehetalked with them, Rabel
force of this pro- thee and thy feed, alfocame with her fathers heepe, for Hee
mife onely by 14 And thy feed ſhalbe as the duſt of the kept then.
faith: for all his earth, and thou halt (peead abroad * tothe ~ ID Aud affoene as Jaakob faw Rabel
life time he was CHeti, and to the Eaſt, tothe orth, and the daughter of Laban bis mothers bother,
bur a ftranger in to tie South, and in thee aud in thy tecor the ſheepe ot Labatt bis mothers brother,
this land, hall all the *families of the earth be bleſſed. then came Jaakob neere, trolled the ftone
Deat. i2. 20. Ig And loe, J am with thee, and will from the wels mouth,and watered the flock
and 19.14. Keeve thee mbitherloeucr thou cock, and of Laban bis mothers brother, ;
Chap. 12:3. wiil bing thee agatne into this land: fo: J UU And Jaakob killed Rabel, and liftyp
and8, 1% -willnot foriake thee vntill J haue perfour- bis voyce and wept. |
and 22,18. ined that, that Jbaue promited thee. I2 (Foꝛ Jaakob told Radel, thathewas Or, nephem |
and 26.4. 16 @ Then Jaakob awoke out of his ber fathers ||brother , and that hee was Re-
fleepe, and fayd , Surely the Lor is tn this — fanne) thenie ranne and told ber
place,and J was not aware. ather.
f He was touched 17 Andhe was f afraid, and fayd, Dow 13 Aud when Laban beard tell of Jaa⸗
with a godly fearefull ts this place! this ts noneother but kob iis lifters fonne , be ranne to meet pir,
feare and reue⸗ the boule of God, and this is the gate of and imbraced him , ¢ kiſſed bim t bought
rence, Heauen. A bim to bis boule; and yee tola Laban «all e Thatis,the
18 Then Jaakob role vp rarely inthe thele things. | caufe why ke
moning, Œ toske the ftone that be had laid 14 To whom Laban fait, Mell.thou art departed from ~
g To beeare- vnder its head, ands fet it pp asa * pillat, my! bone aud my feH, and Hee abode with his fathers honfe
membrance one- and powꝛed oyle npon the top of it, bim the (pace of a moneth. and what hefaweé
ly ofthe vifion 19 And bee called the name of that place 15- € foz Laban fayd vnto Jaakeb, inthe way.
fhewed vnto ||Beth el ; notwithſtanding the name of the Though thou bemy brother, Houldei thon f Thatis, of my
him. citie was at the Grit called Luz. therefoze ſerue me fo nought? Cel me what blood andkin- -
Cha?.31.13. 20 Then Jaakob vowed a vow, faving, thalbe thy wages? red. ee
Or, houſe of God JE God wilbe with meand will keepe me 16 Mow Laban had two Daughters, the
ho Hebindeth in this iourney which J goe, and will giue = called Lea , t the pounger called Ra-
not God vnder me bzead to eate,and clethes to put on; Ye .

this condition, 21 Do that J come againe unto my fa- 17 And Leah was ||tender eyed, but Ra- Or, bleare eyeds
but acknowledg= — — in laketie, then (yall the Lord be hel was beautitull and faite.
ethhis infirmity, my God. 18 Aud Jaakob loued Rajel,aud (apd, J
and promifeth to 22 Gnd this tone, which 3 haue fetvp wili (erue thee ſcuen peeres foz Rabel thp
be thankfi ull, asa pillar, thall be Gods houſe: and of ali ponger Daughter. >
that thou fhalt giue mewti J gtue the tenth 19 Then Laban anſwered, It is better
vnto thee. that J] gine her thee, then that J ſhould
CHAP, XXIX, glue ber to another man: abide with me.
13 Faakob commeth to Laban & ferueth feuen 20 And Jaakob terien teucn yeeres for g Meaning, after
yeres for Rahel.23 Leah brought to ha bed in ftead Rabel, t they leemed vnto him buta s few that the yeeres
ofRahel27 He feruweth ſeuen yeres more for Ra- Dayes, becaute he loued her. were accomplie’
hel.32 Leah canceiueth and beareth foure ſonnes. 21 Then Jaakob faydta Laban, Guie fhed, 5
pem Jaakob a lift vp his feete and came me my wife that J| may goc in to per: tor my $Eb. my dapit 3
a Thatis, hee - 4 into the + Ealt countrep, i * terme isended,
went foerthon 2 Annas he looked about, behold, thtre 22 Therefore Laban gathered together
his iourney. was a wel in the feln, >and loc,thzee flocks alithe men of the place, anv made a feat. Iaakob was de⸗
tEb.tothe land of theepelay thereby ( for at that well were 23 uti wien the euening was conte, ceiued ,was,that
of the children of the flockes watered ) and there was a great be toske Leah bis Daughter, and bacught inoldtime the ~
the Eat. fone byon tie weis mouth. her to him, and he went in vnto ber. wife was coue
b` Taus he was 3 And thither were all the flocks gathe⸗ 24 And Laban gaue bis maid Silpah to with a vaile,
dire@ted by the red, and they rolled the tone from the wels bis Daughter Leab,to be herſeruant. when fhewas >
-only prouidence’ mouth, Fwarered the ſheepe, tput the tone 25 Gut when the moming was come, brought to her
of God, who againe upon the wels mouth in his place. bevold.itwas Leah. Chen faid hee to La⸗ busband, in fign
brought him alſo 4 And Jaakob fayd vnto them, Dy ban, Mheretore halt thou Bone thus to mee? ofchaftitie and
to Labans houſe. ebrethzen, whence be pe? And they anſwe⸗ Did not Jſerue thee for Rabel? wherefore fhamefafinefie.
red, (die are of Haran. then batt thou beguiled me? 3 i Hee efteemed
c Ir feemeth that 5 When hee fain tnte them, Knew yee / 26 AndLabanantwered, Jt isnet the more the profit
in thole dayesthe Laban the tonne of Raho: Cho fain, CGe i maner of this piace, to giue thevonger be⸗ that he-had of ©
cuftome ‘was to knoto bim. i fore the elder. Iaakdbs feruice,
call cuen ftran- 6 Againe he ſayd vnto them, 43s hein 27 Fullill ſeuen yeres fogher.and we wil then eyther his =
pers brethren. good health? and they anfweredD, Hee isin alio gine thee this foz the feruice, which thou promife orthe ~
d Or, ishein ood health sand behold , his Daughter Ra- fhalt ſerue me pet feuen peeres moze. manerofthe
' ce? by the t commeth withthe eepe. ; 28 Then Jaakob Did, and fuillled Her countrey, tho
which word the 7 Then be fatd,Loe,itis yet hie Day, nei⸗ ſeuen yeeres, fo bee gaue him Rabel vis he alleadged cus
Ebre wes fignifie ther isit time thatthe cattell ſchould bee ga- Daughter to be his wife. E Sat IH ſtome for hise
all profperity. thered together: water yee the cheepe and <: 2g Labanalio ganz “3Rabel biebangh- culeg ig pa
D 4
-seah,Rahel,Bilhah,Zilpah. Genefis. Tofeph borne. Iaakobs
ter Bilhal his maide to be her feruant. the wheat haruett æ found e MBandrakes in e Whichisa
30 =h entred he in to Rabel alio, and lo» the ficld,and brought them vnto pis mother kinde of herbe
ued alio Rabel moze then Leah , and ſerued Leah. Chentaid Radel to Leah, Giue mee, whofe roote hath
Him pet leuen peres moe. J pray thee, of thy tonnes mandzakes. acertaine likenes
21 Chen the Lod faw that Leah was 15 But thee antwered her, Js tt a final of the figure of
fEbr.opened her Delpiled,he + made her * Eruittull: but Ras matter foz thee to take mine bulband, tr» aman,
qwombe. hel was barren. j cept thou take my ſonnes mandzakes allo?
k This declareth 32 And Leah conceiued and bave a fon, Then lain Rabel, Chereforehehall Acepe i
that oft times and hee called his name Reuben ; fo? hee — ues this night for thy onnes man-
they which are fayd, Becaule the !Lord hath looked vpon D lakes.
defpifed of men, my tribulation,now therefore mine bulband 16 And Jaakob came from the fielde in
are fauoured of wille ione me- : thecucning, ¢Leah went out tomeete him,
God. 33 And the conceined againe, and bare a € faid, Come in to mee, foz J haue thought Ebr. buying, I
1 Hereby appea- forne.and fade, Becaule che Lowe heard and payed for thee with my fonnes mane haue bought.
reth, thsethehad that J] was hated, hee bath therefore giuen Drakes: and be lept with ber that night.
recourfeto God me this ſonne allo, and fhe called bis name 17 And Gon heard Leah, and the conceie
in her affliction, Dimeon. ued, and bare vnto Jaakob the Bft ſonne.
m For children 34 And ſhe conceiued againe, and bare a 18 Then fait Leah, God hath giuen mee
are a great caufe fonne, and fapa, Mow at thts time will mp mypreward, becaule J gaue mp mapde to f In feed of ace
ofmutuallloue hiuſband keepe me company, becaule J haue pidhuſband, and thee called his name Jilla- knowledging her
betweeneman bozne him thee fonnes: therefore was his r. fault, fhe boa-
and wife, name called Leut. l Ig After Leah conceiued againe, bare fteth asif God
Or, confi fe 35 Moroner thee conceiued agatne, and Jaakob the lirt fonne: Pia had rewarded het ~
Matth.1.2. bare a ſonne, faying , sow will J| ||peavle 20 Then Leah faine , God hath inducd therefore,
— the Loz: *therefoze the called bis name Ju- me with a good dowꝛie: now will mine hul-
earing. Dal, and + left bearing, band Dwell with mee, becaule Jhaue borne
CHAP. XXX. ` bim tire Connes; and thee called bis name .
4-9 Rahel & Leah being both barren giue their 3ebulun.
maids unto their husband, and they bare him chik- 21 After that, ſhee bare a daughter, and
drex.15 Leah giueth Mandrakes to Rahel, that fhe called her name Dinah.
Jaakob might he with her. 27 Laban is enriched 22 C And God remembzed Rabel, and
for Jaakobs fake. 43 Jaakob is made very rich. God heard ber, and | opened her wombe. IOr, made her
$20 when Rabel faw that he bare Jaa- 23 Do the conceiued and bare a lon, and fruitful.
kob no childzen, Rabel enuied her fitter, (aid, God hath taken away my g rebuke. g Becaufe fruit-
and (aw vnto Jaakob, Gtuc me childzen,o2 24 And he called hig name Joſeph, faye fulneffe came of
els J Die. ing, The Lod will giue mee yet another Gods bleffing,
2 @bhenJaakobs anger mwas kindled a Mfonne. who faid , In-
a Ir is onely God gaint Rabel, and hee an, Am F in? Gods 25 @ And affoone as Rahel had bone creafeand multi-
that maketh bar- itead; which hath withbolden from thee the Jofeph, Jaakob fayd to Laban, Hend me a- plie: barrenneffe
ren and fruitfull, fruit of the wombe? ‘ way that Jj map goe vnto my place, Eto my wascounted asa
and therefore I 3 And thee fayd, Behold my mayd Bil- countrey. i ; curfe,
am not in faule, Dah, «oe in to ber, and hee hall beare vpon 26 Gine mee my wines ana my childzen,
a knees, and +3 hall haue children alfo foz whome J baue ferued thee, and let mee
b I will receiue
i| her children on y her. goe : for thon knowelt what ferutce J paue
I| mylap,asthough 4 Then Hee gaue him Bilhah her maid Done thee.
they weremine to wife,and Jaakob went in to her 27 To whome Laban anlwered, Jf J
Í| owne, § Ho Buhah conceiued , and bare Jaa⸗ haue now found tauour in thy fight, tarie:
\ tEbr. F fhalbe ob afonne. 3 J baue ſperceined that the Lord bath biet lOr,tryedbyex-
| éuilded. 6 Then laide Rabel, God hath ginen {ed me fo: thy fake. j perience:
y fentence on my fide, and hath allo beard my 28 Allohee faw, Appoint vato mee thy
voyce, and hath ginen me a fonne therefore wages, and F will gtue it chee.
called the bis name Dan, : 29 Buthe fayd vnto him, Chou knowelk
l| TEbr.wreftlings 7 And Bilhah Rahels mayd concetued what feruice J haue Done thee, and in what
y of God. h £ againe,and bare Faakob the fecond fonne. taking thy catteli hath beene|| vnder me. |]Or, withme,
€ The arrogancy 8 Then Rabel faide, Mith*0 excellent 30 Fez thelitle, chat thou hant before J myfoote,
4} of mans nature ~ weeltlings haue J weeltled with my litter, came,isincreaſed into amultitude: and the h Theorder of
| appeareth in that and baue gotten the vpper hand: and thee Lorde hath biefled thee top mp comming: nature requireth
fhe contemneth called bis name Naphtali. but now when (hall J] traucl foz mine own that cuery one
Fi her filter, after 9 And when Leah faw that the had lett houſe alfo? prouide for his
li the hath recei- bearing , hee tooke zilpah her maide , and 31 Then be fayd, Chat Hal J giue thee? owne family.
gaue her Jaakob to wile. | And Jaakob anlwered, Chou halt gine lOr, /eparate
10 And zilpah Leaba mayde bare Jaa- mee nothing atall: if thou wilt Doe this thom.
kob a fonne. 5 thing for me, J| willreturne, feed, and keepe,
II Then ſayde Leah, dA company come thy theepe. 1 That which
meth: and fhe called his name Gan. 32 J will paffe thorow all thy flocks thig ‘hall hereafter
‘witha multitude ` 12 Againe “saboad Leabs maid, bare Taas Day , and ||— from them all the eepe be thus ſpotted.
}\ of children: for kob another fonne. with little pots and great fpors, and all KGod hall te-
fo laakob doth 13 Then fayd Leah, Ah, bleſſed am Jl,foz ſblacke lambs among the foeepe,t the great fifie formy righe
jexpound this the Daughters will bicile me zand the called {potted and litle (potted among the goates; teous dealing by
Paname Gad, bis name Aber. ian it wall be my wages. rewarding my la~
||Chap.4a 19. 14 CROW Renben went in the Bayes of 33 So ſhal my « righteouſnes anſwere fe bours,
ſpottedlambes. Iaakob Chap. xxxi. returneth to his countrey. 13
me hereafter, whenit hall come foz mpre- 7 But your kather hath deceiued meand
ward befozethy face, & euery one that hath chaunged
nipwages ſten times: but Ged lOr many times,
not little oz great ſpots among the goates, luttered him not to hurt mee,
and blacke among the theepe,
the fame fhall JE be thus ſayd, The Cpotted thallbe
lOr counted be | theft withme. thy wages , then all the fyecpe bare potted:
theft. 34 Then Laban fain, Go to, would God andit hee ſaid thus, Che partie coloured
it might be accozding to thy faying. thalbe thyreward, then bare all the ſheepe
\\Or,Laban. 35 Therefo:e ||he tooke ont the fame Bay party PREET n doi
the bee goates,that were party coloured and 9 Thus bath < God taken away pour c This declareth
with great (pots,and all the thee goats with fathers ||ubfance,ana Sluen it me, T that the thing
litle and great (pots,andallthat had white 10 For in ramming tune J lifted vp mine which Iaakob
llOr, redde, ov, in them, ail the i blacke among the fheepe, epes, and law in a Dreame,and beholde athe did before, was
browne. and put them tn the kecpingof his ſonnes. bee goates leaped vpon the thee goates,that by Gods com-
36 And bee fet three Dayes tourney bes were partie coloured with little and- great mandement,and `
- tweene huntelfe and Jaakob. And Jaakob {pats ipotted. not through de-
kept the ret of Labans ſheepe. Il And eduga of God fayd to meina ceit,
1 Iaakob herein 37 ¶ Then Jaakob Jtooke rods of greene rene Jaakob, And 3J antweren, Lor, J fOr, cattel/,
vied no deceit: popular, ¢of haſell, and of the chelnut tree,
for it was Gods and pilled white rakes in them, and made 12 And bee fayde, Lift bp now thine
commande ment, the whtteappeareintherods., epes, and fee all the hee goates leaping vp⸗
as he declareth in 38 Chen he put the reds, which hee had on the hee goates that are partie coloured,
the next chapter, pilled,inthe gutters and watering troughs, {potted with little and great {pottes : toz
verlie g.and 11. when the fheepecame to drinke, before the Dawe feene all that Laban Doeth vnto
ſheepe: ( forthey werein heat, when they pee. >
came to Dzinke.) s 13 2 Y am the God of Beth-el, where d This Angel
lOrconceiued. 39 And the eepe | were in beate before thou * anointedſt the pillar , where thou was Chri which
the rods, and afterward brought feorth yong vowedſt a vow vntome. Mow rile,get thee appeared to laa-
“4partie colour, and with tmall and great out of thtscountrey, and returne vnto the kob in Beth.el,
pots, land where thou wait borne. and hereby ap-
40 And Jaakob parted thefe lambs,and 14 Thenanfwercd Rabel and Leah,and peareth hee had
turned the faces of tie flacke towards thefe fayd vnts bim , Daue wee any moze poetion
taught his wiues
lambes party colourca, tali maner of black, aud inberttance in our fathers boule? the feare of God;
among the fheepe of Laban; fo bee put bis 15 Doeth not hee count vs as ftrangers? for hee talketh
owne flockes by themiclues, andput them foz Dec hath © lold vs,and hath eaten vp and asthough they
uot with Labans florke, — ContunicD out meney, ; > knew this thing.
41 And in euery ramming time of the 16 Cherefore all the riches, which Gon Chap ap28 .I 8,

_ m As they which m {tronger ſheepe, Jaakob latd the rods be- Hath taken from our katherisours,and our e For they were
childrens: now then whatlocuer God hath
tooke the ramme fore the epes of the fheep in the gutters, that giuen to Iaakob
about September, they might concetuc before the rods. fapd unto thee, doc it, in recompenfe of
& brought forth 42 But when the hheepe were feeble, hee 17 € Chen Jaakob role vp, and {et his his feruice, which
about March: fo put chem not tn: and fo the keebler were La- {onnes and bis wiues vpon camels. was a kinde of
the feeblerin bans,and the frouger Jaakebs. 18 And bee caryedDaway all his flockes, fale,
March,& lambde 43 Ho the man encrealed erceedingly, and all hts ſubſtance which hee had gotten,
in Sepcember, and bad many flockes, and maide (eruants, towit, bisriches which hee bad gotten m
and men leruants, and camels, and alles. Pavan Aram, te go to JIzhak his father yne
to the land of Canaan. ;
CHAP, XXXI: 19 When Laban was gone to Meare his
i Labans children murmure againft Iaakob. fheepe, then Rabel ftole her fathers £ idoles. f For fo the word
3 God commadeth hin to returne to his countrey. 20 Thus Jaakob į kole away the heart here fignifieth,
13.24 The careof God for Faakob.19 Rabel flea- of Laban the Aramite ; foz yee told him not becaufe Laban
leth her fathers sdols,23 Laban followeth Iaakob. that be fied. i calleth them
44 The couenant betweene Laban andFaakob. 21 Ho fled he with all thatbehad,and he gods, verfe 30.
a The children Ne» bee heard the 2 wozdes of Labang role bp, and pafled the | riner , Œ {et bis face llOr, went away
yttered in wordes (onnes, faving , Jaakob hath taken a- toward mount Gilead, priusly from Las
that which the fa- way all that was our fathers , and of our . 22 And the third Dapafter was it toime ban,
ther diffembled fathers goods bath hee gotten allthis ho» Laban,that Jaakob fled. ' Or, Euphratet.
in heart, for f co- nour. 23 Then bee tooke his ||brethzen with Or, inſe folhes
uetous think that 2 Alfo Jaakob bebeld the countenance bin, and followed after him leüen dayes and friends.
whatfoeuer they of Laban, ¢ that it was not towards bun as — 5 and ||ouertaoke him at mount Gi- lOr zoyned mith
cannot intimes patt: an.
pluckt fro them. 3 And the Loꝛd bad laid vnto Jaakob, 24 And God came to Laban the Ara-
FEbr.and loe, not Turne againe into the land of thy fathers, mite in a dꝛeame by night, and ſayde vnto
fwitb hım as and to thy kinred,and J will be with thee. bim, Take heede that thou ſpeake not to
erday, andyer 4 Therefore Jaakob (ent and called Ra- Jaakob + ought faue good. 4Ebr.from good
efterday. hel and Leah to che field vnto bis flocke. 25 ¶ Chen Laban ouertooke Jaakob, and to eril
Feb as
yefler > § Chen (aid he vnto them, F (ee your fas Jaakob had pitched hts tentin the mount;
and before yefter. thers countenance, that itis not toward me and Laban alfo with bis bzethzen pitched
da Y. + asit was woont and the> GoBof mpita- vpon mount Gilead.
b The God vhõ ther hath beene with me. 26 Then Laban ſayd to Jaakob, Chat
my father wor- 6 Andye knew thatFJ paue ſerued -balt thou Done? || thou bat euen ſtollen 10rconzeyedthy
thipped. father with all my might,
Abe * away ming heart, and carryed away nly felfe away pri-
Daughters wily.
⸗ Bitia ~ -4 “ TAAN

Iaalobs faithfull feruice to Laban: Genefis. Fhey makea couenant together.

Daughters as though they had beene taken tribulation and the labour ofmy hands, and
capitues with the ſword. rebuked thee yeſternight. r
27 Mhereloie diddeſt thon fiee fo fecret: 43 Chen Laban anlwered and fain vne
ly and eale away from meand diddeſt not to Jaakob, Theſe Daughters are my daugh⸗
tell mee, that J] might baug lent thee foorth ters, and thele fonnesaremy onnes, and
With mirth and with ngg, with tunbell thele eepe ave my theepe, and allthat thou
ann with darpe? ` / leeſt, ismine, and what can I doe this Day
28 But chou hak not ſuffered me to kiſſe
' my fonnes and mp daughters: now thou
vnto thele my Daughters, o2 te their onnes
which thev bane bomes
Haft Bone foolif}ly tn Boing o: 44. frow therfore ‘come and letosmake i His confcience
tbr. power tin 29 Yam +abietodoc vou euill: but the à coucnant, 3| e thou, which may be a wit⸗ reprooued him of |
mine hand. £ Gow of pour father ſpake vnto mee yeftera neſſe betweene me and thee. Á his misbehaviour
a Hewasanido- Night, faving, Cake heed that thou ſpeake 45 Then tooke Jaakob a ſtone, and letit toward Iaakob, b
Jarer,andthere- not to Jaakob ought fane good, 7 bpasa pillar. f and therefore
fore would not.. 30 Row though thou wenteſt thy way, 46 And Jaakob fayd vnto his brethren, mooued him to
. acknowledge the becaule thou greatly longan after thy fa» Gather tones: who brought tones, and feeke peace,
God of laakob thers boule, yet whertfoze Saltthou tollen made an heape, and they DD eate there vp⸗ lOrgthe heape of
for his God, uy gods? Re E d on the heape. ; withes.
21 Then Jaakob atiwered, and faide to 47 Aud Laban called tt ¶Jegar ·ſahadu⸗ k The onena-
Laban, Becaule J was afrays,and thought tha,and Jaakob called tt k Galeed. meth the place
that thou wouldeit baug taken thy Daugh- 43 Foꝛ Laban lata, this heape ts witnes inthe Syrian
ters from me, : betweene me and thee this Dap: therefore he tongue, and the:
32 burwith whom thou Ande thy gods, calien the name otitGateed. other in the B-
` NOr,cet him die. Nice hin not liue.Darch chou before our 49 Allo he called it, 1 Mizpah, becanle hee brewtongue, ©
beetheen what J bauc ofthine, and take it to fayd, The Loꝛd !looke betweene mee and llOr, watch
thee, Count Jaakob wik uot that Rabel han thee, when wee Hallie ||Departed one from tower.
ſtollen them.) t another, l To punih the
33 Then came Laban inte Jaakobs tent, 5o FE thou halt vere mp Danaghters , o? treſpaſſer.
and into Leahs tent, @ itto the two maines Hatt take m wines beline my Daughters: Or, hid.
tents, but found them not. Go bee went there is no man with vs, behold, God is wit⸗ m Nature come
rodie Leahs tent , and entred inte Kahels nes betweene meeand thee. pellethhim to
ent. ; SI Moꝛeouer Laban fain to Jaakob, Be- condemne that
34 (How Rabel had taken the ivoles, beld thts heape, and behold the pillar, which Vice,whereunto
fOr, Araw, or, and put themin the cameisiilitter, and fate J baue ſet betweene me and thee, through coue-
Jadde. -— Downe vpon them) and Laban (arched alt §2 This heape thalibe witnelle, and the toufneffe hee fore
- the tent but found them iot, pillat halbe witneſſe, that3Jwill not come ced Jaakob.
$Sbr. let not an- 35 Chen fayd the tober father, + MWy ouet Chis heape to thee, and that theu alt n Behold, how
gerbe inthe eyes 1020, be not angry thatJ cannot riie vp be- not paſſe ouer this beape and this pillar bn-
the idolaters
of my lord. fore thee: forthe cuftomeof women is vᷣpon to mie foz enill. mingle the true
meet fo hee fearched, but found net the 53 The God of Abraham, and the Gor - God with their
~ Boles. of ahoz, and the Go of their father bee fained gods,
36 C Chen Jaakob was woth, € chode iudge betweene vs: but Jaakob ſware by o Meaning,by i
with Laban : Jaakob alfo anfwered and theo feareot bis father Ishak. the true God
fayd to Laban, that baue J trepano? §4 Then Jaakob did oier a ſacrifice Yp- whom Izhak
what haue J offended, that thon batt pur- onthe mount,and called his brethren to eat worthipped,
fuen after me? ||bacad, and they DID cat bead, and tarried ||\Or,meate.
37 eing thon bat fearched all mp all night in thẽ mount. 3 p We fee thar
fuie, what halt thou found of all thine §5 Andearelyinehe moming Laban role there is euer fome
houſhold ttuffe 2 putit here before my bze- bpand killed his fonnes and hts Daughters, feed of the
thre and thy brethen, that thep may mige and r bleffed them, and Laban departing, Knowledge of
betweene bs both. : went vnto his place agsine. God in the hearts
38 This twentie yeres J haue bene with CH AIRS KN Xa, of the wicked.
thee: thine ewes and thy goates haue not 1 God comforteth Faakob by his Angels 9 to
lOr, been barren Heat therr young, and the rammes of thp He prayeth unto God confeffing his unworthines,
flotke haue3}not eaten. i 13 He (endethprefents unto fan. 24.28 Hee ,
{Ebr.thetorne,or 39. + MAhatſoeuer was torte of bealtes, I wre(iled with the Angel who nameth him Ifrael.
aken by pray. wouchtitnot unto thee, but made tt good oe Jaakob went foorth on bis tdir- Chap. 48.16.
Pies shi n my felfe: *of mine hand didt thou require bs ney, * and the Angels of GD D met ‘a He acknow-
it, were it {tollen by Day o2 ſtollen by night. him. ledgeth Gods be-
40 J was in the Day conſumed with 2 And when Jaakob ftw them he yd, nefits,who for *
beate, and with froltinthe night, and my a This is Gods hoke, and called the name the preferuation
opt wot. ||feepe Departed fram mine eyes. ⸗ of the fame plate ||Mahanaium. ofhis,fendeth —
lOr *f P AL Thus paue Jbeene twenty peere in “32 Then Jaakob fent meſſengers before hoftsof Angels.
: thine houle, and ferued thee fourteene peres him to Clau hts brother, vnto the land of lOr tents, k
for thy two Daughters, and fire peeres foz Heir into the countrey of Edom: b Hereuerenced
‘thy Heep, and thou halk changed mp wages 4 To whom hee gaue commandement, his brother in
temtines. faving, Chus hallpee fpeake to my tiom worldly things,
h Thatis, the 42 Except the God of my Father, the Ciau: Thy ſeruant Jaakob fayth thus, I _becanfe he chief
God whom Iz. God of Abrahams, and the feareof Ishak haucbene a ranger with Laban,and tart- ‘Jy looked to be”
bak did feare and Had bene wrth mee, ſurely thon havnet ſent “pH vnto this time. preferred to thë
reuerence. me away now empire ;bue God behelde my s Whang begues allo gaes, heepe,an spisitual'promife,


Iaakob prayeth tobe deliueredf6Efau. Chap.xxxiij. He wreftlethwith the Angel. 14 ; ——

men (eruatits,ewomen ſeruants, and haue 24 @ Mow when Jaakob was left him⸗
feint to Hew my lord, that J map ände grace felfe alone, there weilen a t man with pini h Thatis, God
in thy light. a vnto the breaking of the Dap. in forme of man.
6 E Do the meſſengers came againe to 25 Ano be faw that he contd noti pre- i For God afai-
Jaakob, laying, Tace came vate thy brother Uaile againtt bims therefore he touched the leth his with the
Glau, and he alio commeth againſt thee,and holow of bis thigh, & the holsw of Jaakobs onehand,and vp-
foure hundzeth men with hun, thigh was loos, as he weilen with bin. holdeththem
c Albeic hee was 7 Then Jaakob wass greatly afrayD, 26 And he laid, Let me goz, forthe moz with the other.
comforted by the and was ſore troubled, aud diuided the pro- ning appeareth ho anfwered,* Jwill not Hofe.t2. 4s
Angels, yet the ple that was with him, ¢ the ſheepe, and the let thee goc,eccept thou bleſſe me.
infirmitic of the beeues, ann the camels into two companies, 27 Then fad he vnto him, Chat is thy
fieh doeth ap- 8 Fsz bee laid, JE Clan come to the one name? And he aid, Jaakob.
pearc. company and ſmtte it, the other company 28 Then laid he, * Thy name Halbe ral- Chap.3 5.10,
fhati efcape. s led Jaakob no moze, but Jiráel becauſe
9 q Moꝛeoner Jaakob fain, D God of thou halt pad" power with God, thou hale k God gaue Taa-
my father Abraham, and Gon of my father alio pꝛeuatte with men. kob both power
Chap.31.13, Ishak; Lozd, which * ſaydeſt pnio me, Re- 29 Thengaakob Demaunded, aping, to ouercome,
turne vnto thy countrey , and te thp kinred, Geli rie,J prapthee,thy name. And he fsi, alfo the praiſe of
and J mill Doe thee gont, Therefor now wadiithou alke my name? the victoty.
3 Ebr. F am lefe 10 J am not i woztyp of the leat of all Aud he bleſſes him there. ||Or, my foule i
then alt thy the mercies and all the tructh, which thou 30 And Jaakob called the name of the delinered,
mercies. halt ſhewed vnto thy (ernant; foz with my place, Deniel : fos, faidhe, 3 hane ſcene Gov 1 The faith full fo
d That is, poore d tafe came J ouer this Jorden ann now face to face,and 4 mp life ts preſerued. ouercome their
and without all haue J gotten two bands, _31 And the Gun rofe te him as be palſed tentations,that
ptouiſion. IL 3 pray thee Deliner me from the hand HDeniel and be! halted vpon bts thigh. they feele the
of my bother, from the pand of Elau : to 3 32 Therekore the chudren of Iſcãel eate fart thereofto
feare bim, lek He will conie and ſmite me,and not ofthe ſinew that fanke in the holow of the intent that
e Meaning,he the «mother vpon the children. the thigh, unto this day : becaule he touches they ſhould not
will put all to I2 Foz thou laidett, J will ſurely to thee the finew that ſhranke inthe holow of Jaa⸗ glory but in their
Geatii: this pro- goed, emake thy (eed as the land of the (ea, kobs thigh, humilitie,
uerbe commeth which cannot be numbed foz multitude. CHAP XXXIII,
of them which 13. (And he tarted there the fame night, 4 €faunand Iaakob meet and are agreed. 1% £-
kill the bird to- and took of that which came to handa f pres Sau receiueth his gifts. 19 Jaakob buyeth a pof-
gether with her fent for Eſau his bꝛother: Seffion, 20 And buildeth
an Akar, =`
yong onés, 14 Two hundeed ſhee goats and twenty $20 as Jaakob lift vp his eyes , and Ion: .
f Not diftrafting hee goates, two hundzed ewes and twenty A ked, behold, Claucanie, and with him
Gods affiftance, rammes; ; 7 $ foure hundzed men : and be 4 divided the a Thatifthe one
but vfing fuch 15 Thirty milch camels with their colts, childeen to Leal, and to Rabel, and to the part were afai-
meanes as God fourtie kine, and ten bullocks, twentie Hee twa meyns, J led, the other
had giuen him. afies and ten foales. 7 2. Awd be put the maids, and their chil might eſcape.
16 So he deliuered them tuto the hand of Den kormoſt, and LDeah, and ber children af &
bis ſeruants, euery Moue bp themelues
and ter, andRahel and Joſeph hindermoſt.
faid onto bis ſeruants, (Oaie before meand 3 Sobe went befo them, and > bowed b Bychis geura
put a (pace betweene droue and Dour. Dimlelfe to the ground ſeuen tunes vntill he he partly did re-
17 And he commanded the foremoff, fay- came necre to bis brother. uerenceto his
ing,JfCiau my brother meet chee, and alke 4 Then Clan ranne tomect him, and brether,and part=
thee, laying, MAholſe fcramcart thou? And embraced him and feil on pis necke, and kib ly prayed to God —
whither gost thou ? And whale are theſe fed hiatandtheywepe. - to mitigate E-
before thee 7 5 And he litt vy bts eves, and faw the faus wrath.
18 Ther thou Halt fay, They be thy fer- wemen,and the chilozen,and fain, (haare
nant Jaakobs: itis a pꝛelent fent vnto my thefe with thee? Aud heanfwered, They are
lord Efan: and beholde, be himlelle allo is the childzen mbhomG@od of his grace path gi-
behinde vs. uen thy (truant.
19 So likewiſe commaumed be the it- 6 Chen cane the mayds neere,they,and
cond, and the third, and althat followed the thetr chtidzetr, aud< bowed themſclues. c- Taakoband his —
Doues, laying, After this mance pee hail 7 Leah alio with ber childzen came neere family arethe
Meake onto Eizu, when pe finde hun. and made obeplance: and atter, Joleph and image ofthe
20 AnD pe hail fay morcouer, Beholde, Rahel drew neere and Did reucrence. Church ynder
thy ruant Jaakob commethatter¥s, (Ep 3 Chen he laid, Chat meaneſt then by the yoke of tye
g He thoughtit be thought, J 2 wiliappeate his weath with allthis Dene, which 3 met? Cabs antwe- rants, which for: .
no loffe to depart the prefent that goeth before mie, and afters red, Thauefentie,that 3] might ibe faueur feare-are broughe
with thefe goods, ward J willfeebis face; te may de that ye in the ight ok my iord. to ſubiection.
totheinrenthe willtaccepe me.) k 9 Ano Efan fapa, J Hane pnengh my d Inthat that his
might follow the 21 Sowentthe prelent befare him: but brother : keepe that thon haſt to thy eife, brother imbra-
Vocation where- þe taried that night with the compariy, 10 But Jaakob anfwered, May, Ipray ced him ſo ło-
unto God called 22 And he rate vp the fame mabe, and theerifJ baue found grace now mthy fight, uitigly contrary:
m. z AP tooke big two mites, and his tivo maydes, then reccine my preſent at mine hand): fo to his expeQa-
Ebr. receiue and bis eleuen chiidzen, ana wentouerthe - a7 hane ſeene thy face,astpough Shan feen tion,heaccepted
my facs. food Jabbok. “the face of God, becaule chon halt accepted itas aplaine figne
' 22 Gnd be tooke them, and fent them o⸗ meg: of Gods pres
nerhe riuerand ſent ouer that be bag, - IL 3 pay thee take mp bleſſing >that ts fence.
: bought |]Or, gifta P ;

| Dinahis rauifhed by Shechem. Cencha! The Shbcheinines titrumei

die Maine:
| brought thee: foz God hath bad mercy on 9 So make|| affinitie with vs: giue your lOrynarriages. `
me, and therekore I haue all things : toye Daughters vnto vs, and take our Daughters
e By earneft ccompelled pim, and he tookeit, . bunto pou,
entreatie. 12 And helam, Let vs take our iourney 10 Anope Wall Dwell with vs, and the
And go, and J will go before thee. land fhall be before pou: Dwell,¢ Do pour bus
13 Chew he anſwered him, Dp lozd know- finreffe in tt, haue your pofleflions therein.
eth, thatthe childzen are tender, œ the ewes IL Shechem allo ſaid vnto her fatherand
aud kine with yong vnder mne Hand; and vnto her bꝛethꝛen, Let me finde fauour in llOr grant mp
if they Would oucrdgine them one Day,all the pour eyes, and J will gine whatlocuer pee request.
flocke would Die. j fpall appoint me.
14. Let now my lozù go befoze dis feruant, 12 {Aike of me abundantly both dowry $}Ebr.multiply
and J will deiue loftly, according to the pace and gifts,and J will gtue as pe appoint me, greatly the
ofthe cattell, whichis befoze me, and as the fo thatpe giue me the mayd to wife. dowry.
childzen be able to endure, vntill ! J cometo ` 3 Chen the onnes of Jaakob anhwered
f He promifed my lom vnto Deir. Shechem and Pamo: his father, talking
~ that which (as 15 Then Clau fayde, J willleane then Decetftully, becaule he had defiled Dinah
feemeth ) his fome of my folke with thee. And he anſwe⸗ their fitter,
minde was nor
red, That needeth this ? let me finde grace 14 And they fayt vnto them, ¢ Mee canec They madethe
to performe, in the light of my lod. not Doe this thing, to gine our fitter to an
holy ordinance
16 ¶ So Eſau returned,and went hts wap vncircumcifed man ; toz that were adre- of God,a meane
that fame Day vnto Meir. pꝛoofe vnto vs. to compaffe their
17 And Jaakob went forward teward Is Butin this will we conlent vnto you, wicked purpofe.
DHuccoth,and built him an houle, and made ikye willbe as we are, that euery manchilde d As itis abo-
boothes foz his cattell: therefore he called among you be ¢ circumciſed: mination for
[Or,tents. the name of the place ||Succoth. 16 Then will we gine our Daughters to them that are
llOr, Mefopota- 18 C Afterward, Jaakob came fafe to pou, and we will take your Daughters tovs, baptized to ioyre
mia. Shechem a city, which ts in the land of Cas and wil Dwell with pou,and be one people. with infidels.
{|Or,lambes, or naan, when pe came from ||Pavan Aram, 17 But ifpe willnot hearken vnto vs to e Their fault is
money fomarked, and pitched before the city. be circumciſed, thenwil we take our daugh· the greater,in
g Hecalleththe 19 And there hee bought a parcell of ter and Depart. that they make
figne the thing, ground, where he pitched hig tent, at the 18 Mow their words plealed hamoꝛ, and Religion a cloke
which it fignifi-. hand of the ſonnes of Pamo: Shechems fa- Sbechem Hamos fonne. for their craft.
eth, intoken that ther,fo2 an bhundzed ||pieces of money. 19 And the yong man Deferred not toda
God had mighti- 20 Ant hefet vp there an altar, and tal- the thing, becaule pe loued Jaakobs daugh⸗
ly deliuered him. led e it, Lhe mighty God of Jfract. ter: be was allo the mot fet by ofall pis f Or moſt ho-
CHAP. XXXIIII. fathers boufe. ; nourable,
2 Dinah we rauifhed. 8 Hamor asketh her in ma- 20 @ Then amoz and Shechem bis
riage for hs ſonne. 22 The Shechemuites are Cir- fonne went vnto the ë gate of their citie, f For the people
cumcifed at the requeft ofJaakobs ſonnes, and the and communed with the men ok their city, vied to aflemble
perfwafion of Hamor, 25 The whoredomeisre- {iaping, ; there,and iuſſice
wenged, 28 Jaakob reprooueth his ſonnes. 2I Trpel men are e peaceable with vs: alfo was mini-
A ee Dinah , the Daughter of Leah, and that they may Dwellin the land, and Bo ftred.
a ‘This example which the bare nto Jaakob , 2 went out their affaires therein (foz beholde, the land g Thus many
teacheth that too to ſeethedaughters of that countrep. hath roome pnough foz them) let vs take pretend to {peak
much libertieis 2 Uhom when Sbhechem the fone of their Daughters to wiues, t gtue them our for apublike
not to be giuen amo; the Hiuite lord ofthat countrey aw, Daughters. — ptofit,when they
to youth. vetooke ber, and lap with her, and t delileð 22 Dnelpherein wil the men conſent vn⸗ onely fpeake for
+ Ebr. humbled er, to vs foꝛto dwel with vs, and to be one peo» their owne pri-
her. 3 Go bis heart claue vnto Dinah the ple, ifall the men childzen among vs be ctr uate gaine and
Daughter of Jaakob: and he loued the maid, tumciſed as they are circumciſed commoditie,
t Ebr.fpake tothe and t (pake kindely vnto the mayo. 23 Hhallnot + their flocks and their fub- h Thus they
beart of the 4 Then ain Shechem to histather Ya- ſtance and all their cattell be ours? onely let lacke no kinde
mayd. moz faving, Get me this mayd to wife. vs confent herein vnto them, and they will of perfwafion,
b Thisproucth § _(Mow Jaakob heard that he had De- Dwell with vs. 1 which preferre
that the conſent filed Dinah bis Daughter, and his fonnes 24 And vnto Pamo, and Shechem his their owne come
ofparents is re- Were with his cattell in the fielde: therefore foune hearkned al that went out of the gate modities hefote
quifite in marri- — helde his peace, vntill they were of his city :and all the men chtldzen were the common
age,feeing the come, circumet{ed, euen all that went out of the wealth,
very infidels did 6 € Then Pamo: the father of Dhe- gate of his citie.
alfo obferue it as chem went out vnto Jaakob to commune 25 Andon the third day (when they were
a thing neceflary. with bim. fore) two of the fonnes of Jaakob, Simeon i For they were
7 And when the fonnes of Jaakob were and Leui Dinahs bzethzen, tooke either of the chicfe of the
come out of the field and heard tt, it grieued them his word and went tntothe citte bolt- company.
the men, and they were very angry, becaule tpand * flew * cuery male. Chap 49.6.
fOr. folly. he bad wrought villeny in Frael, in chat 26 Whey flew allo Wamo: and Shechem k rhe peopleare
t Ebr.and it fhalt he had lien with Jaakobs daughter:twhich his fonne with the t edge of the ſword, and puni(hed with
not be fo done, thing ought net fo be Done. tooke — out of D — and their wicked
And amo; communed with them, went their way. princes.
faying— ge aa of md fonne e ren 27 Againe the other ſonnes of Jaakob t Ebr.mouth of
ngech toz pour daughter: giue her him to came vpon the Dead, and {poyled the city, the fiverd.
wife, peay vou. becaule they had oefen theirAfter.28 They

~ Yaakobclenfeth his houfe ofidoles, Chap. xXxxv. xxxvi. Rahel dicth,and Izh@. F 5 Y
28 Thep tooke their heepe, and their to Abraham and W3hak, vnto thee:and vnto
beeues, and their afles,and whatſoeuer was thy teed atter thee wil! J gine that land.
in the citie, and inthe ficlds. 13 So God ¢ aicended frem him inthe e As God is faide
29 Alto they caricd away captiue and place where he had talked with hin. to defeend, when
ſpopled all their goods, and all their chil- 14 And Jaakob fet vp a piular in the place he fheweth fome
Been and their wines, and all that was in where he talked with hun, a pillar ef tone, figne ofhis pre-
the boules. / ARG powed drinke offering thereon; allo he fence. fo he k faid
30 hen Jaakob fayd to Simeon and powzed ople thereon. to afcend, when
Lent, Ve haue troubled me, and made mec 15 And Jaakob called the name of the the vifion is ene
[Orto be abhor- litinke among the inhabitants of the land, place where God {pake with him, Betheel ded,
red, aswell the Canaanites,as the Perizzites, 16 @ Chen they departed from Beth el,
and J being tew in number, they Wail ga- and when there was ' abont halfe a paves f The Bbrewe
ther themlelues together againit me, @ iay tourney of ground ta come to EphzathRa- , word fignifierh.
mie,and fo ſhall Jand my boule be deſtroyed. * oe And tn traueiling hee was in as much ground.
31 Ana thep anfwered, Should he abule as One may goe
our fiter as a wloze? 17 And when Hee was in pains of herla- from baite to
CHAP, XXXV. botir, the midwife fata vnto her, fFeare not: baite, which is
1 Iaakob at Gods commandement geeth up to foz thou fhalt hane this fonne allo. taken for halfe
Beth-el to build an altar, 2 Hee reformeth his 18 Then as thee was about te yeelde bp a daycs iourney,
boufhold. 5 God maketh the enemies of Iaakob the ghott (foz thee Died) the called his name
afraid, 8 Deborah dieth, 12 The land of Canaan *— but his father called him Beniae
a promifed hint. 18 Rahel dieth in labour. 22
Reuben lieth with hu fathers concubine, 23 The ig Thus * dyed Rabel, ¢ was buried in Chap.48.7-
fonnes of Laakob. 22 The death of Fxhak. the way to Epheath, which is Beth iehem.
a God is euer at Gpai a G00 faid to Jaakob, Ariie goe bp 20 And Jaakob fet a s pillar vpon her g Theauncient
hand to fuccour to Beth-el and Dwell there, and make graue: this is the pullar of Rahels grane vn- fathers vfed this
there an altar vnto God, that appeared vn⸗ to this Day, ceremony to te=
bis in their trou-
bles. x tb * when thou fiepdelt from Elau thy 21 Chen Iſrael went forward, and pit-- ftifie their hope
o Chags28.33. 20 ev. then hts tent beyond Migdal eder. ofthe refurreQids
2 Then ſayd Jaakob vnto his houſhold, 22 Mow when Iſrael Dwelt in that land, to come,which
and to allthat were with him , Out away Reuben went, and>lay* with Bilhah bis was not generally
the irange gods that are among pou, and fathers concubine, and it came to Iſraeis revealed,
b That by this b cleante pour felugs , and change pour gar» care, And Jaakob had twelue nnes. h This teacheth
/ outward a& they ments: i 3 The tonnes of Leah, Renben Jaa: thatthe fathers
fhould ‘fhew 3 Foꝛ we will ariſe, goe bp to Beth-el, kobs eldett fonne, and Suncon, and Leni, were not chofen
their inward re- and J will make an altar there vnto God, and Judah, and Iſſachar, and Zebulun. for their merits,
| pentance, which heard me.inthe Day of my tribulatio, _ 24 The lonnes of Rabel: Jofeph Ben- but by Gods one-
and was with mein the wap which F went. iamin. ly mercies whofe
4 And thep gaue onto Jaakob all the 25 And the ſonnes of Bilhah Rahels eleGtion by theix
frange gods, which were in their handes, maide: Dan and Maphtalt, fault was not
¢ For therein and al their « carerings which were tn their 26 And the onnes of Stipa Leahs maid: changed,
was fome figne of cares, and Jaakob Hid them vader an oke, Gad and Sher. Thele are the tonnes of Ch¢pr49.4ne
_ fuperftition, as in which wasbySbhechem, — » Which were borne him in Pavan
tablesand Agnus 5. Ahencthep wenton their iourney, and ram.
the 4 feare of God was vpon the cities that 27 € Then Jaakob came bute Izhak
d Thusnotwith- were round avait them:ſo that they did not bis father toMamre a citie of Arbab: this
~ ftanding the in- follow after the fonnes of Janko. —— is Debon, where Abraham etIzhak were
conuenience that 6 €DHo came Jaakob to Luz which ts in ftrangers.
~ camebefore, the land of Canaan: (thefame ts Beth-el) 28 And the dapes of Ishak were an hune
God deliucred
pe and all the people that was wtth hun. Deth aud fourelcore peeres,
laakob. 7 And be buit here an altar and * had (29 And Ishak gaue bp the ghoſt, anv
Chap.2819. callcd the place, Che God of Weth-el ; be- Died, anD was* gathered bunto his people, Chap.25, 8.
taule that God appeared onto hun there, being oD and full of dayes; and his onnes
when be fled from his brother. à Clay and Jaakob buried him.
8 Chen Deborah Rebekahs nurſe dicd, CHAP. XXXVI.
and was burted beneaty Beth-el wnder an 2 The wines of Efau. 7 Taaksb and Efau are
lOr, oke of lz- oke: and be called the name of tt ||
Allon Ba» rich, 9 The genealogy ofEfas, 24 The finding
mentation, t uth. of mules. i : a This genealo-
9 ¶ Againe God appeared vnto Jaakob, Dees are the a generations of T- pie declareth that
py came ontofPadan Aram,annd blef fau which is Edom Efau was blefled
im. 3 2 Clan tooke bie wiues of the >dangh= temporally, and:
To Moꝛeouer God fapa onto him, Why ters of Canad : Adah the Daughter of Elon that bis fathers
name is Jaakob: thy name Mall be no moze an Hittite, € Aholibamah the daughter of bleſſing tooke
Chap.32.28, called Jaakob , but * Jiraci hall bee thy Anah , the Daughter of 3ibeon an Vinite, place in-worldly:
name : and be called his name Iſrael. Gnd tooke Bafemath JHmacls daugh- things.
IL Againe, God fayde puto bim, Jam ter,fifter of Mebatoth. “> : b Befides thofe:
hOr almighty God ||all fuffictent, grow, and multiplie a 4 And* Adah bare vnto Clan, Eliphaz: wiues whereof is
nation and multitude of nations fal ſpring and Balemath bare Reuel. fpoken,
of thee, and Kinges Wall come out of thy 5 Alſo Aholibamah bare Jeu and Jaa- Chap. 26,34.
topnes. PR IE tant, and Korah: thele are the fonnes of 1, Chron.’ 25>
12 JioJwill giue theland, which F gaug Glau which were bone to pim —
A >

Efius generations. The Dubkes. ' Genefise and Kin gsof Edom. "Tofephs | 3 |
land of Cangan. Dithott, anv Aholibamah tye daughter of
6 Bo Cian tooke his tines € hts ſonnes nab.
and Sis daughters, and ail the fouled oF pig 26 Allo theſe are the ſonnes of Diman:
boule ant bts flockes anv all his catteli,and. — » aud Eſhban; and Ithzan, and
ali bis ſubſtance which he had gotten in the heran.
c Herein appea- land of Canaan, and © went into another 27 The lonnesof Ezer are thele : Bile
retlyGeds proui- countrey fran: his brother Jaakob. Han, and Faauan,and Akan.
dence, which 7 Foꝛ their ciches were lo great that thep 28° Che onnes ofDiſhan are thel: Tis,
cauteth the wice could not dwell together the land, wherin and Aran. i
ked to giue place they were rangers, could not recetue them * Thele are the Dukes of the Porites:
tothe godly, that becaufcotthetrflockes. Duke Latan, Duke Shobal, Duke Ftbeon,
Jaakob ngght en- 8 * Therfore dwelt Clan in mount Heir: Duke Anab, ]
ioy Canaan ac- This Cuis Edom. à 30 Duke Dion, Duke Czer, Duke Die
cording to Gods 9 CHo thele are the generations of C- han: Wheie bee the Dukes of the Horites:
promite. fau father of |Edam tu mount Sete. after their Dukedomes in theland of Sete.
Fofh.24.4 Io Ghele are the names of Eians fonness 31 (And thele are the skings that raigs g The wicked
ſOr,theEdomites WVEliphaʒ che fonneof Avah, the wifeot E- ned in the land of Edom , before there reige rife vp ſuddenly
a. Chron.i.35. fau, and Reuel the ſonne of Bahemath the ned any King ouer the childzen of Iſtael. to honour, and
wife of Cilau, 32 Then Bela the lonne of Bep reigned peri(h as quickly:
II An the fonnes of Cliphas were Cee in — the name of bis city was Din but the inheri-
man Dmar,Fepho,ard Gatam, ¢ Kenaz. aba tance of the chile
12 And Cimna was concubine to Cite 33 And when Bela dted,Jobab the fonne dren of God
phas Elaus ſonne, and bare bute Eliphaz of 3erab cf Bozra reigned in his tead. continueth for
——— be the tonnes of Avah Claus 34 Mhen Jobab allo was Dead, huſham euer, Phal, nee,
ife, of the land of Temani reigned is bis tead,

—E 13 (And thele are the ſſonnes of Renel: 35 And atter the Death ot Huſham, Ha⸗
Nahath and Ferah, Bhammal, and Wiz- Dad the ſonne of Bedad, which Aew gpi.
zabh: thelle were the fonnes of Baſhemath C- anin he Held of Moab, reigned tn his tead,
tans wife. and the nante of bts citie was Auith.
14 (AnD thele were the fonnes of Aho- 36 Cathe adad was dead, then Hame
fOr, neece⸗ libamah the Daughter of Anah, ||Daughter lal of Maſrekah reigned in his tean.
of Zibesn Claus wife: for thee bare vnto E- 37 Ahen Samlah was dead, Shaul of
Orchiefe Mee
fan Jeuh, and Jaalam.and Koꝛah. bReboboth by the riuer reigned in bts ean. h Which citie
d If Gods pro- 15 hele were 4 Dukes of the fonnes 38 Ahen Shaul died, Baal hanan che is by the riuet
mife be fo fure of Clans the fons ot Cliphas, the firt borne ſonne of Achboz reigned in his ſtead. Euphrates.
towards them, of Clau : Duke Teman, Duke Omar, 39 And after the Death of Baal hanan
which are not of Duke 3epho, Duke Renaz the fonne of Achbor, Hadad reigned in hie
his houfhold, _ 16 Duke Kozah, Duke Gatam, Duke ſtead, the name of his citie was Pau: anv
how much more Amalek : thele are the Dukes that came of his wives name Mehetabel the Daughter of
willhe performe Eliphaz in theland of Caom: chele were Matred,
the Daughter sfMezahab Or vicce.
the fame to vs? the ||fonnes of Adah. 40 Then thele are the names of the
Or, wephewes. 17 (Aud thele are the fonnes of Reuel Dukes of Clau according to their families,
Eraus ſonne: Duke Nahath, Duke secah, their places& bp their names: Duke Time
Duke Hhammah, Duke Mizza) : chele are na, Duke Alua), Duke Jetheth
the Dukes that came of Renel in theland of 41 Duke Aholibamah, Duke Elah,
LOr,sephewes. Edom :theſe are thel ſonnes of Baſhemath Duke Pinon,
Claus wife _ 42 Duke Kenaz, Duke Teman, Duke
18 C Likewile thele were the ſonnes of Mibzar.
Aholibamah Claus wife : Duke Feufh, 43 Duke Magdiel, Duke Iram: theſe
Duke Jaalam, Duke ozah: theſe Dukes be the Dukes of Edom, according to theit
came of Aholibamah, the Daughter of Anab abitations,in the land ottheir inheritance.
Claus wife. } bis Glanisthe father of ‘Crom, i Of Edom eame
19 Theleare the chilenof Clan, and the Idumeans.
3 cave the Dukesotthem s Chis Efu ig CHAP, XXXVII
om. 2 Fofepheccufeth his brethren, 5.He dreameth
a.Chron.1 38. 20 * Thek are the ſonnes of Deir the and ts hated of his brethren, 28 They fek himeo
e Before that Doite , which © inhabited the land before, the F{hmaclees. 34 Jaakob bewaileth Iofeph.
Eſau did there in- Lotan,and Sbobal,and zibeon, and Anah, Aakob now dwelt in the land, wherein
habite, 21 Ana Difhon, and Ezer and Diſhan: bis father was a ſtranger, in the lande of a That ss, the
thele are the Dukes of the Lozites,thelons Ganaan. ftory of fuch
of Deir in the land of Edom. ; 2 hele are thea porene of Jaa· things as came to
f Who not can- 22 And the fonnes of Lotan were Pozi, kob: when Joleph was ſetienteene yeere old, him and his fami-
tented wich thofe and Demam, and Lotans fitter was Timna, bee kept theepe with bis brethren: and the he, as Chap. 5.45
kinds of beafts 23 And the'fonnes ef Sbhobal were thele: childe was with the fonnes of Bilhah, and Or,flander.
which God had Aluan and Manahath, and Chal, Sbhepho, with the fonnes of Ftlpab, bis fathers wives. b He complai-
created, found and Drain. And Jofeph brought vnto their father their ned of the enill
out themon- 24 And thele are the fonnes of zZibeon: je cuill faping. words,and iniue |
ſtrous generation both Aiah, and Anah : this was Anah that ; ow Sirac louen Jofeph moze then ries which they
of mules be- and be fed all his ſonnes, becaule he begate bim tn his fpake and did
found f mules in the wilderneſſe,
tweenethe Affe bis father Zibcons alles. old age, and hee made him a coate of many againtt him,
„ andthe Masc, 25 And the childzcn oF Anah were theles IColours. llOr ꝓiece⸗.
4 De

dreames: His brethren hate him: Chap.xxxviij. Tofephisfold. 26

4 BHowhen his bꝛethꝛen
ſaw that their bis father againe.
fatyer loued bim moze then all Hts beerhzen, 23 € Mow when Foleph was come vnto
then they hated him, ant coulde not ſpeake bis baethreu, thep Rertpt Joleph cut of bis
peaceably onto him. oun bis particoloured coat that was vpon
e God reuciled § € Aud Joleph <Deeamed a dreame, im,
to him by a and toide bis bzethꝛen, who hated binio 24 And they tooke him, andrai bhim in ·h Their hypo-
dreame,what much the moze. toa pit, and the pit wasemptic, without was erifieappeareth
fhould cometo 6 Foꝛ he ſaid vnto them, Heare, Fpray termir. in this that they
palle pon, this Dzeame which F haue Dreamed. 25 Then thepfate them down to eat bread: feared man more
_ 7 Behold now, we were binding Heaues and theplikt yp their eyes and looked, and then God:and
in the mins ofthe fielde:andloc, miy fheafe behold, there came a companp ot Iſhmee · thought it was
+ arole, and allo toodvpzight, and beholde, lites from Gilead, ano their cameistaden not murther,iF
y pour ſheaues compaſſed round about, and with (picerie,
and balme, and myrrhe. and they thed not
DiD reuerencetomy heafe. : Were going to carp it downe tutoEgypt. bis blood: or els
8Then his bꝛethꝛen faid to bim, ihat, 26 Then Judah ſaid vnto his brethren, had an excufeto
halt thou reigue ouer bs, and ruie vs? oꝛ Ahat auaileth it, if wee flay our bꝛother, couer their faults
fyalt thou yane altogether Dominion cuer though we keepehts blood fecret? l'Or, rofen, ture
ad Themore bs 7 And theydhated bimomuch the moze 27 Comeandietvs teil him to the Iſh⸗ pentineortrie
that God hew- 92 his D2eanies,anB foz hts woꝛds. meclites, œ let not our bands be vpon him: acle.
eth himf lfc fa- 9 FTAgatne he dzeamed another Breame, for heis our bother and cur fle} anð his Wfd.10.13
uourable to his, and toide tt Hts brethren,and fein, Beholder, brethren obeyed. pfal.105.17.
the mote doth J baue had one dreame moze, æ beholde, the 28 Then the Midianites merchantmen i Mofes writing-
the maliceof che Gunne andthe oone ant eleuen ſtarres xalſed by, and they Drew foorth, and lift Jlo» according tothe
wicked tage a- did reuerence to me. $ feph ont af the pit, and ſold Joſeph vnto the opinion of them
gainft then. 10 Then he told it bnto his father and to Aſhmeelites foz twenty pieces of fluer; wha which tooke the
` e Not defpifing his bzetizen, and his father.: rebuked bim, brought Joſeph into Egppt. Midianites and.
- the vifion,but and laide ynta bim, Mhat ig this Dreame, 29 @ Afterward Reuben returned to the Ithmeelites taba
tfeckingtoap- Which thou haſt dreamed? ſhatlJ, andthy pit, and behold, Joſeph was not in thepit; both one,doth
“peafehisbre- =mother, and thy brethreu come in deed, and then he rent his clothes, here confound:
thren. fall on the ground before thee ? 30 And returned to bis baethzen, œ fayd, their names:2s
II And his bzethzen enuied pim, but his The childets not yonder, and J, whither alfo appeareth,
+) Or,kept dili- father} f noted the laying. fali J moe? verfe 36,& chaps
ently. 12 ¶ Then his biethzen went to keepe 31 AnD they tooke Jolephs coat and kil- 39.
1.orelfe he
$— that theis fathers Heepcin Shechem. led a kid of the goats and Dipped the coat tit was firft offered-
God was author 13 And Firacl layd tato Foleph,Doe not the blood. to the Midianites
of the dreame, thy brethren keepe in Dhecijcis ? come, and 32 So they lent that particotoured coat, but fold to the
but he vndere Jwilliendtheetorhem. k and they brought it vnto their father, and I thmeelites.
ftood notthe 14 And hee anfwered him, I am here. faid, This hane we found: fee now, whether k To wit, the
meaning. Then hee (aid vnto him, Go now, fee whe- it be thy fonnes coat o2 no. meffengets which
ther it be well with thy baethzen, and bow 33 Then hee knew it, and ſayd, Ie ismy were ſent.
the fleckes pꝛoſper, and bring me word a= fonnes coat; a wicked beat bath * Deuonred Chap. 44. 28.
gaine: fo hee ſent hun from the vale of ipe- bim: Jofeph ts ſurely tone in pieces. fOr,I wil mourne
zou, and be came to Dhechem. 34 And Jaakob rent pts clothes, and pnt fer hum, fo long
15 € Then aiman found pim: foz toe, he fackclorh about bis lopnes,and ſorrowed fog as I hue,
was wanderttig in the lield, and the man ab bis tonne aicngfeafon. ; } Which word
ked him, laping, CAhat ſcekeſt thou? 35 Shen all hts fonnes æ all: his daugh⸗ doth notalway:
16 Qndhecantwered, J teeke inp bze- ters sole vp tocemfoxt him, but bee would fignifie him that
_. thaen; tell me,3 pray thee, where thep keepe not be comtozted, but faid, ||Surely J will is gelded,but al=
fhceep e. goe Downe inta the graue punto my fonne fo him that is in
17 And the man faid They are Departed mourning : ſo his father wept fo: him. fome hie digni»
hence : for J heard them fay, Ler vs goe vn⸗ 36 And the Midianites olde him into tie. k

to Dothan. Chen went Joleph after his bze- Egypt vnto Potiphar an Eunuchof Pha⸗ |Or, captaine of
thzen,and found them in Duthan. Faohs,and bis ||chtefe ſteward. the guarda
13 And when ther law hug afarre of, e- CHAP, XXXVLIIL ;
g Theboly nen before he came at chem, thep sconlpired 2 The marriage of Judah. 7.9 The treſpaſſe of
Ghoft couereth agatatt bin fozto Rap him. Er and Qnan, and the vengeance ef God that
not mens faults, 19 Foz they laid one to another, Berhad, came thereupon, 1 8.Iudah lyeth with bis daugh-
asdo vaine wri» this ||Dreamer commeth. terin law Tamar. 24 Tamar sudged to bee
ters which make 20 Come now therekore, andlet bs flap barat forwhoredome. 29. 30 The birth ofPhar
vice vertue. im,and cat him into fome pit, and we will rer and Zarah.
ay, A wicked beak hath denourtd him A jad at that time - Judah went done a Moksdeferi>
then wee Mall fee, what will come of bis from bis brethzen, and turned into a beth the genealon-
Dzeames. man called Mirah an Aduliamite. gie of fudah,be-
21 *But when Reuben heard that, he De- 2 And Judab ſaw there the daughter oF caufe the Meffias
liuered bim out of their handes, and eid, amancalled * Qhnah a >Canaantte : and fhould come of:
Eetvs not kill bint. | he tooke her to wife,and went in vnto ber. him,
22 Alo Reuben aid vnto them, Shead 3 Holhee conceiucd, and bare afonne, 1. Chram2.3
not blood, but caſt him into this pit at is and be called dis name Cr. b Which affini-
in the wüderneſſe, and fap uo hand vpon 4 and the conceined againe,and bare a tie notwithitane
him, Thus hee faid, that he might delucr fonne,and Hecailed bis name Dnan. ding was con-
him out of their Hand, and reſtore ban to s Mozꝛeouer foe bare pet a ſonne; a demned of God?.
Iudahand Tamar. Genefis. Tamar hath twofonnes. `
fhe called Shela : and Tudah was at Chee 24 @ Mow after three told
3b when the bare him. :
Judah, laying, Tamar thy daughter inlaw
6 Then Judah tockea wife to Er bis bath played the whore,and loe. mith playing
trt bone onne, whale name was Gamar. the whore, the ts great with childe. Chen
umb 219» 7 * Mow Er the firt bome of Judah Judah latu, Wing pe her koorth, and let ber
twas wicked ti the fight ofthe Logd ; there-
be > burnt. h Wefeethat ©
faze the Lod few him. 25 When he was brought foorth, he fent the Law,which
8 Chen Jusah laid to Dhan, Goin vn- tober father tn tawe, ſaying, y the man, was written in
to thy brothers wife, and Do che office ofa vnto whom thell things pertaine, am J with mans heart,
c This order was kinſmnan vnto her, and ratle c bp eene vnto chine: andfatde allo, Looke, J pray thee, taught them that
for the preferua- thy brother. : whole thele are,the ſeale,andthe cleake,and whoredome
tion of the tiock, 9 And Onan knew that the feed ſhould the kaffe. fhould be puni-
that the childe not be bis: Therefore when he went in vn⸗ 26 Then Judah Krew them , and fapd; fhed with death:
begotten by the to his bothers wife, hee ſpilled it on the Dhe tsi moze righteous then F: foz fhe hath albeit no Law as
fecond brother, proma » lelt hee ſhould gine ſeede vnto bis doncit , becaule J gaue her not to Sbelah yet was given,
fhould haue the other ` my ſonne So be lay with ber * no moze. 1 Thatis, fhe
mame and inheri- 10 And it was wicked in the epes of the 27 Cow when the tune was come, that ought rather to
tance of the firk; 020, which be DIB; wherefore he Hew pim fhe thould bee Deliuered, behold, there were accufe methen
which is in the. a 0, twinnes in ber waombe, `
b a I her, ù
New Teftament I Chen fayde Judah to Tamar his 28 And when he was in traucil, the one k For the hor-
aboliihed. Daughter tnlaw, 4Rematne a widow tn thp put ont bishand: and the midwife tooke rour ofthe finne
d Forthe could athers boul till Shela my ſonne grow vp and bound a red threed about bis hand, fap condemned him.
not marry id any C foz hee thought thus, Left he die as well as ing, Thig is come out firt. 1 Their heinous
other family fo bis beetheen. )Ho Tamar went and dwelt 29 But when he | plucked his hand back finne was figuifie
long as ludah in ber fathers houle. i lo, bis bother came out, and the mid- ed by this mon-
would reteine 12 @ And in pocele of time allo the wife ſaid, Yow haſt thou broker the breach ftrousbireh,
her in his. Daughter ofDhual Judahs wife died. Chen vpon thee and bis name was called “Bha. m Or,the fepa-
+ Shr.was com- Judah, when he + had left mourning , went rez. ration betweene
ported, up to bis ſheepe ſheerers toCininah,be,and 30 And afterward came out bts brother theeand thy broa
hts neighbour Dirab the Aoullamite. that had the red threed about bis hand, and ther,
13 Andit was taldTamar, laying, Be- his name was called Sarah, t.Chron.2.40
Hold, thy father in law goeth vpto Cimnab, matth. I. 3.
to heere his eepe. À CH AP... XXXIX.
14. Then the put her widewes garments £ Fofeph isfoldto Potiphar. 2 God proSereth
offfrom her, č couered her with a baile, and him. 7 Potiphars wife tempteth him, 13. 20 He
||Or,t2 the doore weapped her felfe, ¢ fate Downe in /Dethah· is accufed and caſt in priſon. 21 God fheweth
of the fountatnes: enaini which is by the wap to Timnah, be» him fauour.
ov where were tanle the law that Shelah was growen,and N2u Joſeph was brought Downe into
EWO wayes. fhe was not giuen vnto him to wife. Egppe: and Doriphar san Eunuch sf 2 Reade Chap,
Is Chen Judah (aw her, hee iudged her Pharaohs (and his chicte ſteward an Egyp: 37:36.
an whore : foz fhe had couered her face. tian) bought him at the hand of the Iſhmee
16 And hee turned to the wap towards lites, which had brought him thither.
ber, and fata, Come, I pray thee let me lie 2 Andthe> Lord was with Jofeph and b The fauour of
e God had won- with thee, (fozbeeknem not that he was hee was aman that prelpered, Œ wasin the God is the founa
derfully blinded bis Daughter inlaw.) And the anhweren, boule of his matter the Egyptian, taine of alf prof:
him, that he Chat wilt thou gine me foz tolie with me? And his matter faw that the 1020 was peritie,
could not know 17 Chen laid he,Fwill (end thee a kid of with him, and that the Lord made all that
her by her talke. the gaats from the flock: and the faid, Welf he did, to prolper in bis hand.
thou wilt giue mea pledge, till thou fend it, 4 Do Foleph found fanour in his fight,
18 Then he fata, chat ts the pledge that ana ferued him: and be made him ruler of c Becaule God `
J Hall gine thee? Anu heantwered, Thy his houle,e put all that he bad,inbis hand. profpered him:
||Or, tere ofthine fignet,and thy| cloake,and thy ſtaffe that ts § And from that time that he bad made and fo he made
bead, ; in thine band. Hobe gaue tt her, and lay by him ruler ouer bis houſe, and ouer all that he Religion to ferue
her, and the was with childe by him. had, the Loz 4 bleiled the Egyptians houle his profit,
19 Ehen He role , €went g put her vaile forJiolephs fake: and the blefling of the Lora d Thewicked
from herana put onber widowes raiment. was ppon all that he had in the boule, and are bleffed byt
f That his wic-
20 Afterward Judah lent a kidde of the tn the field. y company of the
goates by the hand of bis fneighbour the A- 6 Therefoge he left allthat he had in Jo- godly.
kedneſſe might Dullamice, fo? to receine his pledge from the fepbs band, e and tooke account of nothing e For hewas |
not be knowen womans hand : but he found her not. that was with him, faue onelv of the bread, affured thata Jb
. to others, 21 hen alked he the men of that place, whichhedid cate. And Joleph was a faire things fhould
faying, Chere ts the whore, that face in Œ- perfon,and well fauoured. j } -profper well:
naim by the way fue? And they ankwered, 7 Crow therefore after thele things, his therefore he ate |
There was no whore here. matters wife cat her eyes vpon Joſeph, and and dranke,and.
22. De came therefore to Judah againe, fain, Lie with me. : i tooke no cere,
and faine, J cannot finde her, and allo the 8 Buthe refuled and fain to his matters f Inthis word
+ con- _ of the place fain, There was no whore wife, Behold, my matter knoweth not what fhe declared the
tempt. here. he hathin the Doule with me, but hath con fumme whereun:
g He feareth 23 Then Judah ſayd, Let her take it to mitted all th ath to mine hand. to allher flatte-
man more then ber, let webe+eathamed: behold, J fent 9 Whereis tio man greater tn this houſe ries did tend.
God, this kid, and thou halk not found ber. then J] + neither hath bee kept anp thing
‘Tofephis caftinto prifon. The Chap.x!. ButlerandBakersdreamés. 17
from me,but onely thee, becaule thou att bis ing of Egypt, which were bound inthe
wife: bow then can J Doe this great Wits p2
Z Thefeare of kedneſſe and ſo ſinne againts God ? 6 And when Joleph came in vnto then
God preferued Io Andalbett the fpake to Joleph Day by in the mozning, and looked bpon them, bee
himagaintthee Day, pet hee hearkenc’ not vnto ber, to lye bold thep were ſad.
continuallten- with ber,or tobe th ber company. 7 Aud healked Pharaohs Officers, that
tations. Il Then ona certaine Day jofeph entren were with him in bis matters ward, fying,
into the houfe,to doe bis buſineſſe: and there t CCiberctoze looke ye fo fadly to day ¢ * Ebr, why ave
was no man of the houſhold in the houle: 8 AMho anlwered him, CAee haue Dea- your faces eusll?
12 Therekoꝛe the caught him by bis gar- men echone a dreame, and there is none ta
ment,faying, Sleepe with mee ; but hee left interpzete the fame. Then Joleph fat vuta
Hegarmentin het band, and fied, and got them, Are not interpzetations of Gon ¢ telf c Cannot God
im out. 1 them menow. Ñ raife yp fuch ag
13 Mow when ſhee A that hee had left oy ifappines —— ae —— fhall interprete
bis garment tn ber hand,and was fied out, eph, an nto him, jn zeame, fach things¢
14 Dbecalled vnto the mes o€ her boule, bebold,a vine was before me, +s
and tolde them, faying, Beholde, bee bath lo Andin che vine were three bganches,
f Or, tados wil. brought in an Ebzew vnto vs, to mocke vs; and as it budded, ber flowze came forth:ana
lanie and fhame. who came in to me foz to haue flept with me, the clutters of the grapes wared ripe.
h This declareth but Z t cryed with a lowe nopee. 11 And I had Pharaohs cup tn mine hand,
that where in- 15 And wherheheard that J lift vp my andJ tooke the grapes: and wung them
continencie is, voyce and cried, bee left hisgarment with into Pharaohs cup.and F gaue the cup into
thereunto is ioy- me,and fled away,and get him ont. Pharaohs hand. :
ned extreme im- I6 oee lapde vp his garment by ber, I2 Then Joleph lain vnto him, Chis iig d He was affured
pudencie and vntill her lord came home. the interpretation of tt; Che thace branches by the ſpirit of
craft, 17 Then fhe told him laccording to theſe are thzee dayes. God, that hisin-
fOr,aftertha wo20s,laping, Che Ebrew ſeruañt, which 13 Aithin three Dates Hall Pharaoh lift terpretation was
maner. thou haf brought vnto bs, came in to meto bp thine head, anv reitoze thee vnto thine true,
mocke me. toffice, and thou falt giue Pharaohs cup 18br place.
13 But affoone as J lift vp my voyce and into bis band after the olve maner, when
CEO VETEONS garment with me, and fied thou watt bis butler. ©
ut. 14 But haue mee inremembzance with
19 Then when his matter heard the thee, when thou art in good cafe, and thewe
wo2ds of hts wife, which thee tolve him, fay- mercie, F pzay thee, bnto mee, and ¢ make e He refuſed noe
tng, After this maner DiD thy ſeruant to me, mention of me to Pharaoh, that thou mate the meanes to be
bis anger was kindled. i bing me out of thts boufe. deliuered, vhich
20 And Foys mater tooke bim and 15 Fo: J was ſtollen away by theft out of he thought God
¢ the pri- put bim inti pilon, inthe place, wherethe the land of the Ebrewes, and here allo hane had appointed,
fon houſe. Kings piloners lay bound; and there hee 3 Done nothing, wherefore they ſhould put
1 His euill in- was tn pifon, melin the dungeon, i Orn the pit.
„treatment in the 21 @ But the Lod was with Joleph,and 16 And when the chiefe baker lawe that
| prifon may be +hewed him mercie, and got him fauour tn the — —— was good, hee fayd vñto
gathered of the the fight ofthe imatterofthepnion. Jofeph, Aifo me thonahtin my dreame, that
Phl. sos. 18. 22 And thekecperof the pilon commit: 3 bad thee fwhite batkets on mine head. f Thatis, made
$ Cbr.inchned ted to Joſephs hand all the pzifoners that 17 Andin the vppermoft bafket there was of white twigs,
mercy unto him. were in the pifon and *whatlocner they did of all maner baken meates foz Pharaoh: or asfome reade,
Or,lord, there,that I he, and the birdes DiD eate them ont of the bat bafkets full Of
That is,no- 23 And the keeper of the pifon looked vn- ket bpon mine bead. holes.
thingwasdone —tG nothing that was vnder bis hand, feeing 18 Then Jofeph anſwered, and fayde, g He theweth
without his com· that the LoD was with him ; for whatfoeucr 2 This is the interpretation thereof; Che that the Minifters
mandement, pe Did, the Lord made it to vrolper. thzee baſkets are thace Dayes: of God ought
CHAP. XL, 19 Aithin three Dayes Hall Pharaoh ‘not to conceale
8 The interpretation of dreames i of God. 12. take thine head from thee, and fhall hang that which God
19 Fofeph expoundeth the dreames of the two thee on a tree, and the birdes pall eate thy reueileth ynto
prifoners. 23 The ingratitude of the butler. feth from of thee. them.
AS after thefe things, thebutler of the 20 And fo the thirde Day, which was Joha- h Which was an
eunuches,the King of Egypt, and his baker ofenden raohs birthday, hee made a feat vnto all occafiontoap-
ord fiznifieth their lord the King of Egypt. bisferuants: and bee lifted vp the bead of point his officers,
them that were 2 And Pharadh was angric againſt his the chiefe butler, and the head of the chieke and foto exa-
in high estate , or baker among bisferuants. —
two'D fficers,agatntt the chiefe butler, and mine them that
them that were againſt the chiefe baker. : 21 And be rettozed the chiefebutler vnto were in priom
elded, : 3 Therefore he put them in ward in bis bisbutlerthip, who gare the cup inte Pha⸗
‘da God worketh chiefe Rewards houte,in the pꝛiſon and place raobs hand. ji
nany wonderfull where 2 Jofeph was bound. 22 Buthehanged the chiefe baker,as
"}meanes to deli- 4 And the chicfe ſteward gaue Joleph fepb had interpzeted vnto them.
er his. charge ouer them, andhe ferued thenu and 23 Det the chiefe butter DiD not runem-
p> That iseuery they continued a ſeaſon tn ward : ber Joleph, but forgate him.
reame had his § C And they both dreamed a dreame CHAP, XLT
erpretation, as either of them his Dreame in one night > ech 26 Pharaohs dreames are expounded by Fofeph.
e thing after. one according to the interpretation ef bis 40 Heis made ruler ouer all Egypt. 43 Fofephs
declared, dreame, bothfhg butler and the Baker of the mame 1s changed, 50 Hee hath two fonnes: Ma-
c naffel
Pharaohs dreames. ‘Genefis. Tofephinterpreteththem, —
#affehand Ephraim, 54 The famine beginneth 21 AnD whet they * had eaten them bp, +Ebr.were gone
throughout the world. te it could not be knowen that they had eaten nto their inward’
¥ the end Ae tiwo yeeres after, Pharaoh allo them, but they were ſtill as cuillfauoured, parts.
oftwo yeeres of -A a Dzeamed, and beholde, dee flood by a as tbeytwere at the beginning: fo DID Ja⸗
ayes. riuer, wake,
a This dreame 2 Andloe,there came out of the riuer fe» 22 Moꝛeouer Jſawe in my Dreame, and
was not fo much uen ||goodly kine and fat fleſhed, and they beheld, ſeuen cares ipang out of one alke,
for Pharaoh,as fed in a ||meDow: ; full and faire. } f
to bea meane to 3 andlor, ſeuen other kine caine bp af 23 And loc,feuen eares withered, thinne,
deliuer Iofeph, ter them out of the river, euill fauoured and and blatted with the Eaſtwinde, prang vp
and to prouide leane fieihed, and food by the other kine vp⸗ after them. f
for Gods church. on the brinke of the river, 24 And the thinne eares deuoured the ſe⸗
{\Or, fatre to be- 4 Gnd theenil fauoured and leane fieh- tien good eares. Now 3)baue told the ſooth·
0, ed kine Bid cate vp the fenen weil kauoured fayers,and none candeclare it vnto me.
llOr, flag gie place. ana fat kine;fo Pharaoh awoke. 25 C Then Jofeph anfwered Pharaoh,
b feeee § Agatne he Uept, and dreamed the > fe- h Both Pharaohs Dzeames are one. God h Both his
meanes God ve cond time; and behold, feuen eares of come — ſhewed Pharaoh, what hee is about dreamcs tend
fcd to deliuer his grew vpon one falke,ranke and goodly. oe, to one end.
feruant,and to 6 And toe,feuen thin cares, and blaſted 26 The ſeuen good kine are ſeuen peeres:
bring him into with the Ealtwinde, ſprang vp after them. and the leuen good cares are ſeuen peeress
fauour and au- 7 Andthe thinne eares devoured the fe- thistsoneDeeame. ;
thoritie. ven ranke and fullecares. Chen Pharaoh a- 27 Likewile the fenen thinne and euil faa
waked, and loeit was a dꝛeame. CARS uoured kine, that came ont after them, are
8 mow when the moning came, his fpi» feuen peeres ; and the feuen emptie eares
e This feare was rit was < troubled; therefore be fent and cal- blatted with the Caltwind,are leuen peeres
moughto teach led all the (oothfapers of Egypt, and all the offamine. —
im, that this vi- wile men thereof, and Pharaoh tolde them 28 Thisis the thing which Jhaue ſayd
fion was fent of his dreames: but d none could interpzete vnto Pharaoh, that God hath ewed vnto
God, them to Pharaoh. f Pbarach, what he ts about to Doe,
d The wile of 9 Chen ſpake the chiefe buticr vnto 29 Beholoc, there come ſeuen peeres of
the world vader- PP baranbotaping.d e call to minde mp faults great ||plentic in all che land of Egypt. ||Or,abundance
Rand not Gods s Day. 30 Againe,there thallarile after them les ayd ſaturitie.
fecrets, but to his Io Pharaoh being angrie with his fers uen peeres of famine, fo that all the plentie
feruants his will uants put me th wardin che chtefe Rewards fhall be forgotten tn the land of Egypt, and
is reueiled. houle, both me and the chiefe baker. the famine all conſume the land;
e Heconfeffeth, It Then wee Dreamed a dreame in one _ 31 either Hall che plentiei bee knowen |'Or,they hall re.
bis fault againft night, both J, and hee; wee Deamed eache inthelande bp reafon of this famine that ember no more
the King, before mak according te the tuterpzetation of his thall come after ; fog it Mall beeercceding theplentic. `
he (peake of Io- zeame. great,
feph, 12 And there was with bs a pong mat, an 32 And therefore the Beeame was Doubs
Chew, ſeruant vnto the chtefe reward, led vnto Pharaoh the fecond time, becauſe
wom when wee tolde;, hee Declared our the thing ts ettablifjed by God, and Gov |
* Reade Chap. dreames to* bs, to euery one he DeclaredDac- h alteth to perfoꝛme it. y sM 3 -
405. cording to his Dreame. 33 Mow therefozelet Pharaoh ipzonide i Theoficeofa
13 And as he declared vnto vs, fo tt came foz a man of vnderſtanding anDwiledome; truë Prophet is ©
to palle:for be reſtoꝛed me to mine office, and and (et hun oner the land of Egypt. notonelyto `
hanged bhim, 34. Let Pharash make and supoint offis thew the euils to
P/al. 105,20. I4. *Then fent Pharaoh and £ called Jo⸗ cers ouer the land, and take vp the fft part come,but alfo
f Fhewicked {eph,and thep bꝛought bim haſtily out of pri⸗ of the landof Egyptin the ſeuen plendesus che remedies for
ſeeke to the Pro- fon, and bee ſhaued him, and changed pis peeres. the fame.
phetsof God in raiment,and came to Pharaoh. 35 Allsletthem gather all the foode of
their necefitie, 15 Then Pharaoh taid to Jofeph,Jhaue thele good yeeres that conte, & lap bp coꝛne
whomin their dreamed aDzeame, and no man can inter: bnder the hand of Pharaoh foz food, in the
rofperitie the pzeteit, and Jhaue heard fap of thee, that cities, and let them keepe it, Ast
P hire. 4 when thou heareſt a Dzeame, thou cant ins 36 Go the food thall bee fo: the pronifion
g Asthoughhe terpacte it. ofthe land, againt the feuen peeres of fa-
would fay, 1Fí _ 16 Snd Joſeph anfwered Pharaoh, fap» mine, which all bee in the land ofEgypt, k None thould
intetpretc thy ing, e CCiithout mee God Mallt anfiwere foz that the land perth not Dy famine. be preferred ro
dreame,it com- the wealth of Pharaoh. 37 CAd the faving pleafed Pharaoh honour that
meth of God, 17 And Hharaoh (aide nto Jolcph, Jn and all bis ſeruants. haue not giftsof
and norofme, mp dreame, behol, J Hood by the banke of 38 Then faw Pharaoh wntohis {eruants, God meete for
tEbr.anfwere eriuer: Gan we finde fuch a man as this,inwhom is the fame,
peace. 18 And loe. there came bp ont of theri- the: Sprit of God ? Pfal.ios.24,
ucr ſeuen fat fleihed, andwel kauoured kine, 39 Then Pharaoh faine to Joſeph, For r.mac,2.53-
and they fed in the medow. as much as @od hath ſhewed thee ailthts, adés7.10,
Ig And loe, ſeuen other kine came bp af- here is no man of vnderftanding,o2 of mit $ Ebr. mouth.
$ Gbr. naught. ter chem, poore and very +euil fauoured,and ome like vnto thee. i 1 Somereade,the
leane fletjed > J neurt faw the like inal the 40 *Thou fhalt beoner mine houſe, and people ſhall kiffe
land of Egypt, fo: euil fauoured. at thy+!wozd hall all my people be armed, thy mouth: that
20 And theleane and cuilfauoured kine mn in the Rings thong will J bee aboue. is, thall obey thet
did gate vp che firk lenen fat kine. fE , inallthings,
Al Moꝛe⸗

andis made ruler, Chap. xiii. lofephandhis brethren. 18 ~
41 Moꝛeouer Pharaoh faine to Foteph, Tews Jaakobfaw that there was Afood a This ſtorie
Webold, J hanelettheeouer all the land of it Tarpt and Jaakob fade vnto his fheweth plainelie
Egypt. fonnes, Ahy t gaze pye one bpon another? thatalltbingsare
§Or his fignet. rt And Pharaoh took off his tring from 2 And bee fayd, Bebold, 3 haue heard, gouerned by
his hand, and putit vpon Jolephs band, that there is food in Egypt,Getpyon Downe Gods prouidence
and arayed him ws garments sf fine linnen, thither, tbup vs food thence, that wee map forthe profit of
aud puta golden chaine about bis necke. Itue,and not Die, his Church,
$Ebr.the fecond 43 Do hee ſet him vponthe + beſt charet 3 Howent Jolephstenbechrendowne fOr, corne.
Charete that hee bad, laue ene: ana they cryed before to buy cozne of the Egyptians. b As men defti-
m In figne of ho- bint, = Abzech, and placed him ouer all the 4 But Beniamin Joſephs bꝛother would ture of counteli,
nour; which land of Egypt. p} hot Jaakob (end with bis beetheen; for bee AZs 7,12.
word fome cx- 44 Agatne Pharaoh fain vnto Joleph, fata, Lett death ould + befall him. tebr. [boula mees
- pound „tender Jam haraoh; and without thee Hall no § And the ſonnes of Iſrael came tobuy hem.
father , or father man lift bp bis hand o2 bis foote in all the food among them that came : foz there wag
ofthe king’, or, land of appr. kamine in the land of Canaan.
kneele downe. 45, And Pharaoh called Joſephs name 6 Mow FJoleph was Gourrnour of the
[O7 the expouu- | Faphnath-paancah: and bee gaue bim to land, who fold to all the people of the land:
der of fecrets. wife Alenath the Daughter of Pott-pherah then Joſephs bacthzen came , ¢ botsen their
Or, Brieſt. Pꝛinct of Dn. Then went Joleph abzoad faceto the ground befoze bim, _
inthe land of Egypt. i 7 And when Joleph lawe his beethzen,
n Hisage is men- 49 € And Joleph was " thirtie peere old he knew them, and < made himieife range c This differas
ticned,both to when bee tood before Pharaoh king of C- toward them, andfpake to them roughly, bling isnotto bé
thew that his au- gypi; and Joleph Departing fromthe pres and faid onto them, Ehence come pe? ha followed,nor any
thoritie came of fence of Pharaoh, went theoughout all the anſwered, Dutof che landeof Canaan to particular facts of
God,and alfo land of Egypt. buy victuall, the Fathers, not
that he fuffered 47 Gnd in the feuen plenteous peres the 8 (Mow Joſeph knew his bethan, but approued by —
imprifonment earth + beoughe forth Roze. they knew not bim.. Gods word,
and exile twelue 48 And bee gathered vp all the foode of 9 And FJoleph remembꝛed the Drames, Chap.37.5.
yeres andmore, the euen plenteous peres which were in the Which he Deamed of them) and he fai bn-
Ebr. made for landof Egypt, and laide dp food in the ct to them,We are {pies, and are cometofee the
gatherings ties: the fogde ofthe fielde, that was rouna + weakenefle ofthe land. $Ebr, nakednefe
abont euery citie, laid he vp tn the fame. è 10 Buttheplapde vnto hint, May. mp or filehine fz,
49 So Foleph gathered wheate, like bits — but to bup victuall thy feruants are
to the fand of the Seain multitude sut of me.
meafare, vntill be left numbzing + foz tt was II (Ge areall one mang fons: we meang
without number. truely,and thy (eruants are no ſpies.
ço Mow vnto Joleph were borne *two
Chap, 46.20, and fonnes ( befoze the peres of famine came) 12 But hee {aid vnto them, May, but pee
ate come to fee the weakenes of theland.
which Alenath the Daughter of Poti-phe- 13 And they laid, Cie thy (eruants are
tab Prince of Dn bare vnto him., twelue —5 the ſonnes of one man in
SI And Jofeph called the name of the Arh the land of Canaan: and bebolde,the pon- í
borne Manaſſeh:foꝛ God, faid he, hath made seftis this Dap with our father ,anBone his [Oris deade
o Norwithftan- memd all my labour and all my ° fathers not.
ding that his fa- ouſhoid. I4. Againe, Joleph fayd puto them, Cis
thers houfe was
52 Allo he called the name of the fecond, iFOAR {pake vnto pou, faying, Wee are
the true Church Ephraim: foz God, faid hee , hath made mee eg, d The Egypti-
of God: yetthe
frurtfullin the land of mine affliction. Is Hereby ye Hhalbe pzooued: 4 by the life ans, which weré
company of the 53 EHorthelcuen veres of the plenty that of Pharaoh, pee ſhall not goe hence, except idolaters, vfed to
_ wicked, and pro-
twas in theland of Egppt were ended. pour vongeſt brother come hither.
fperity,caufed §4 *Chen began the ſeuen peeresof fas 16 Hend one of pou which may fet your fweare by their
Kings life sbut
mine to come,accozding as Joleph bad faid: brother, and yee fhall be kept tu priſon,
him to forgetit. and the famine was in alllands., but in all pour words may be preoucd , whether there God ſorbiddeth that
Pfal.105.16. the land of Egypt was |)bꝛead. be truth in pou: oz els by the life of Pharaoh buthimto {weare by any
Or, foode, 55 At the iength all cheland of Egypt pe are but (pies. : yet Ies
: i
was affamiſhed, and the people cryed to 17 So he put them in ward three dates. feph mong
dwelling a=
the wic- oE
Pharaoh foz bread. And Pharaoh fata vn- 18 Then Joleph fais onto them the third pee check
toall the Egyptians,Go to Joleph: what he Day, This do,andline: forJe feare GoD. ee tO
faith to pow Doeye 19 Itpee be true men, letone ofyourbze: ns,Ct Comuptt
s6 ühen the famine was vpon all the thren be bound in pour patfonbaule,andaoe ©
land, Joſephopened all places , whereit the . yee,carte foode for the famine of your pou. €And —
fore was, and {ola vnto the Egyptians: foz gs:
the famine wared loze in the land of Egypt. 20 *But bring your yonger brꝛother vnto Chap. 43:5:
Or, came to E~ §7 And all countreyesicame to Egypt to me, that pout words may be tryed, and that
greto Fofeph. buy cozne of Jloleph,becaule the famine was
pe Die not: and they did fo, le y
ſore in all lands. 21 @ And they layne one to another, f Affidionma-
Gee haue verely finned againtt our bzo- keth men toac-
CHAP. XLII. ther, in that welaw the anguith ef bis ule Knowledgetheir
3 Fofephs brethren come into Egypt to buy then hee befought ys, and wee would yor faults, which o-
corne. 7 He knoweth them,and tryeth them. 34 heare him: therefore ts this trouble come therwifethey
Simeon isput ia prifon. 26 The other returne vpon Ys. would diflemble,
Bather fasher
toin, 22 And Reuben amlwered thei, taping, j
C2 b Marneð

Simeon imprifoned. Geneliis. Taakob fuffereth Beniamin to depart. -
Chap.37.21. rie
Harned J trot por, faving, "pinent a. 30 pigoeth
Lofeph afide and andweepeth, —J32 They feaft
goeth afide
PERI gainſt the chilue, and yee would mot heare?
g Godwilltake ana loe, bis e blood ts now required. Dw great famine was in theland. a This was a
vengeancevpon _ 23 (And they were not aware that Jo- N 2 And when they hav eaten vp the great tentationto
vs,andmeature ſeph wndetitood then: forhee+lpake vnto victuall, which they had bought from G« laakob to futfer
vswith ourowne themby an interpreter.) SVE, their father fatu vnto them, Curne a> foereat a famine
meafure, 24. Then hee turned from them, * and gaine, and buy ve alittle fone. ja chased
tEbr.aninterpre Wept,and turned to them againe, and com> 3 And Judah anlwered him, ſaying, The where God had
ter betweene muned with chem, and tooke Simeon from man charged vs by an othe, faying, * Aes promifed to
them, ` among them, and bound him before their uer fee mp-face, except your bzother bee bleie him.
h Though hee eyes. with you, Chap. 42.20
fhewed himfelfe 25 CHo Jofeph commanded that they 4 Ikthou wilt env ourbzother with vs,
rigorous, yerhis Mould All the fakes with wheate, and put we will goe Downe, and buy thee foone:
brotherly afeti- ·euery mans monep agate tm his ſacke, and 5: Batifthon wilt not {end him, we will
onremained, gine chem victuall koꝛ the tourney: and thus not goe Downe : foz the man faide vnto vs,
DiD he vnto them. _ *Looke me not inthe face, except pour bao» CP 42.20,
26 And they lapu their victualvpon thet’ ther be with pou.
afes and Departed thence. : 6 And Jicael (aid, Aherekore dealtyefo
27 Andaz oneof them opened hig ſacke cuill taith me, as to tell the man, wherher ye
foz to gine hig affe pponender in the Inne,he Han preta brother ozno?
elpied his money: fo? toe, it was ibis lacke 7 And they aniwered, The man alken ‘One fiat
month. fttatghtiy oF our tenes and of our kinten, |" f——
28 Then heelaid vnto his bꝛethren, Wy Laying, Js pour father yet aliue? haue pe andian letons :
money is reftozcD; foz loe, it is cuen in my any brother? And wee told hin ¢accogving 7 a —
Ebrowent owt. facke. And their heart+failed them, ethey to theſe wordes: could wee know certai f 5 efeAN hi
iBecaufetheir were’ atonihed , and fayn one toanother, lythat hee would fay, Bring pour bother * showed *
confcience accu- Uhat is this, that God hath Done vnto vs? Downe? which ne aske
fedthemoftheir * 29 Q And they came vnto Jaakob ther 8 Chenlain Judah to Iſrael his father, ~*
finne,they father vnto chelandof Canaan, and tolde Bend the boy with me,that wee may rile, &
thoughtGod hin allthat bad befallen them, laying, | Hol, and thatwe may liue, and not die, both
would haue 30 The man,who is t020 of the land,{pake We, and thou, aud our childzen.
troughtthem to roughly tabs, and put vsin priſon, as ſpies 9 FZ willbefuertie for btm: of mine hand
trouble bythis ofthe countrey. i fhalt thou require him. *FFF boing bim not © hap. 44.33
money. 31 And we laid vnto him , Cec are true tothee,and let him befoze thee, thenletme +Ebr. Twill nue
men and are no ſpies: beare the blame fo2 euer. to thee,
32 Ae be twelue brethren, fonnesofont 10 Foꝛ exceptwe had made this tarying,
POr, canmctbe father: one llis not, andthe vongeſtisthis doubtleſſe by this wee had returned the les
founde Day with our father in the land of Canaan. cond time.
33 Then the loD of the countrey fain vn» I1 Then their father Ilrael ſayde vnto
tovs, Hereby Wall J know if pee beetrue them, Ffit mult needesbe fonow doe thuss
mien: Leane one of pour bzethzen withme, take ot the bett fruites of the land tn your
and take food foz the famine of pour houſes, veſſels, and bung the mana peelent, alittle
and Depart, _ roſen, and alittlehony, ||{pices and myzhe, "Or, feet fincks,
34 And bing pouryongelt bꝛother vnto nuts and almonds:
$ me, that J mar knot that pee are na (pies, 12 And take double money in pour bWhenweeare
but true men; fo will Deliver you your bz0> Hand, and the money that was breught a- inneceflitie or
ther,and pe hall occupte tn the land. gaine in pour fackes mouthes: carie ita: danger, God for»
35 (and as thep emptied theirfackes, matne in pour hand, let ttwerefome ouer· biddeth not to
beheld, cuerp mans bundle of money was light. ; vie all honeft
in bis facke:and when they and their father 13 Cake allo pour brother, and arife,and meanesto better
faw the bundels of their money, they were gocagainetothe man. — our eftate & cone
afraid. ; j I4 And: Go Almighty glue yoy mer- dition.
36 Then Jaakob their father faine to cie in the tightofthe man, that hee may de⸗ c Our chiefe
them, Dehauc robbed meest my childzen: liuer you pour otherbgother,and Beniamin: truſt ought tobe
Or, light vpon Jofeph is not, and Dimeonisnot, and yee but Jcſhal be robbed of my chitd,as J baue inGod, and nor
me, ; willtake Beniamn: all thele thinges pare beent. ; in worldly
k Forthey feee againſt *me. Iş Thus the men tooke thts prefent, and meanes.
med notto be 37 Chen Reuben anſwered bis father, tooke twiſe fo much money intheir bande d He fpeaketh
gouched with any faying, Slay mp two fonnes, if Jbatng him with Bentamin,and role bp, æ went Downe thefe wordes not
` Jonetowardtheir Not wntothee againe: Deliner him tomine to WA and ſtood befoze Jofeph. fo much of de-
brethren,which band, and J will bzing bim totheeagaine. 16 And when Jofeph tawe Beniamin (paire,asto make
increafed his fo- 38 But hee fayo, My fonne thall not goe with them, hee Kid ||to bis ſteward, Bung his (onnes more
` row:andpartly Bowne with you:foz his bother is Dead and thefe men home, andkill meate, and make carefull to bring
asappeareth,he be is left alone; if Death come vnto him by ready: faz the men hall cate with mee at againe theirbro=
fupe&edthem the way which pe goe then pe Wall wing mp noone. 5 ther.
fox Iofeph, grap head with row wnto the grane, 17 And the man did as Foty) bade, and {\Or,tothe ruler.
brought the men vnto Jolephs houle, of bis houfe.
CHAP XLIIL 18 Mowe when the men were brought e Sothe iudge-
{nto Joſephs boule , they were < aftatde, mentofGod
13 Jaakob (uffereth Beniamin to depart with and fayd, Becaule of the money that came preffed theie
bis children. 23 Simeon is deliuered out ofprifon inour fackes mouthes at thefrit time, m conſcience.
Beniamin brought to Iofeph. Chap. xliiij. s A cupin Beniamins facke. 19 A
ł Eb.roulehim- wewought, that he mapt picke a quarell as Area becommanded bts Reward,
elfe upon us. gainit ysand+lay fomething to out charge, laying, Fillthe mens lacks with food,as
é ; Li. caft hitsa and being vs in bondage and our afes. much as they can carp, and put euery mang
f felfevpon vs. 19 Therefore came they toJolephs tew. money in bis lacks mouth.
4 ard, and communed with hun at che Dooze 2 Anda put my cuppe, I meane the ſilutr a We may not
of the boule, : cup, in the facks mouth of the yongeit, and by this cxample
i (bap.42. 3. 20 Andlaide, Db fir, *wee came indeed bis cozne money. And bee DiD acco ding tu vie any vnlawfull
Downe hither at the firt time to buy food, the commaundement that Joleph gaue practifes,ecing
21 Gnd as wee came toan Inne aud opg- him. s i God hath com-
ned out fackes, beholde, euery mans money 3 Antin the * moꝛning the men were manded vsto
was tn bis ſackes mouth , euen our monepin fentatwap, they, and their afles, walkein fimpli-
Eull weight, but we haug bzoughe it againe 4 And when they went out ofthe city citie.
in out bands. not farte off,Joleph faid to bis Reward, Tp, + Eb,the morning
22 Alle other money haue we broughtin follow after themen : and when thou Borit hone.
out bandes to buy food, bur wee cannot tell, ouertake thea, fap vnto them , Cdiberefoze
who put our money tn our facks, haue pe rewarded euil fo? good?
fOr, you are well 23 And he faid. Weace be vnto you, feare Is not that the cuppe, wherein my 10a
€ Notwithftan- not: £ pour God and the God of pour father Dinketh ? tandin the which bee Barth di- b Becaufethe
ding the corrup- hath ginen pou that treafure tn your facks, uine and pephelie? pee baug Done euilin ſo people thoughe
tions of Egypt, J bad pour money and hee brought foorth DotNg. he could diuine,
yetTofeph taught Huncon to them. : 6 € And when heauertooke them, hee heattributethto
is familie to oF Ho the man ledde them into Joſephs fain thoſe words unta them. himfelfe that
feare God, Houle, and gaue them water to wath their 7 And they anfwered him, Gherefore knowledge: or
keet, and gaue their afles prouender. faith my lo2d fich words? God fozbid that els he faineth
25 Andthep made ready their prelentas thy leruants Would do ſuch a thing. that he soniul-
pais Joleph came at noone (fez they heard _ 8 Behold, the money which wee found teth with footh-
ay, that they ſhould eat bꝛead there.) in our facks movthes,we b2-ught againe to fayersforit:
26 hen Jofcph came home, they theecutof theland of Canaan : howe then which fimulation
brought the pzelent into the boufe to him, Mould we eale out of thylezds boule filucr, is worthy to be
which was in their bandes, ¢ bowed Downe ogee? reproued,
to the ground befoze bint. i : 9 Sith whomfocuer of thy feruants it
$ Ebr.peace. 27 And he alked them of their + pꝛoſperi· be found, let him die, and we allo willbemp
tie, and (aid, Is your father the old man, of {920s bondmen.
opam you told mein good health? ighe pet 10 And be faid, Row then let it be accozs
ue? Ding vnto your wordes: hee with whom it
28 Who anſwered, Thy feruant our fa- is found, hall be my (eruant,and pe thal bee
ther is in good health,
be ts pet altue : € they + blameleſſe. t Ebrinuecent.
bowed Downe, and made obeplance. X IL Chen at once euery man tooke Downe
29 And belifting vp his epes, beheld bis bis facke to the ground., and cuery one ope»
g Forthey two brother Beniamin bis s methers fonne, and ned his facke.
fad, Is this your vonger bzother,of whom 12 And he (earched, and began at the els
onely were borne
pe told mee ? And hee faid, Ged be mercifull Det, and left at the yongeſt, tthe cup was
— puto thee,my toine. found in Beniamins facke.
$Ebr.bowels 30 And Jofeph made halle, (fog his + af 13 Chen they < rent their clothes,and la: c To fignifie
owes fection was inflamed toward bts bother, Ded euery man hrs alle, and went againe tu: howgreatlythe
and fought where to weepe) and entred inta to the citie. f thing d ſpleaſed
his chamber, and wept there, 14 € So Judah and his beethaen caine them,and how
31 Afterward he waited his face, ¢ came to Joſephs houſe (for hee was pet there ) ana fory they were
_ Ont and refrained himſelfe, and lain, Set on they fell before bim on the ground, for it.
tEbr.bread. ¥ Meat. 2 A 15 Then Joleph ſaid vnto them, What
h To fignifichis „32 And they prepared foz him by him- act is this. which ye baue done? know yenot
dignitie. felfe, and foz them by themlelues, and foz thariich aman as J, can Diutne and pro⸗ ne
the Egyptians, which aid cate with him, phefie? z
i Thenatureof by theratelues , becaule the Egyptians 16 Then faide Judah, hat hall wee
the fuperftitious Might not eate bzead with the Cbrewes: fay unto mp loza? what Hall wee peake?
istocondemne 02 that wasani abomination vnto the E⸗ and how can wee tuftifie our (clues? 1600 d Ifwefeno
- allorber in ree gppttans, i hath found out the wickedneſſe of thy fers enidenecaufeok
fpeét of them. 33. So they fate before him: the eldeſt ac- uants : behold, twee arefernants temp lord, guy affiion,let
felues, cording onto his age,and the pongelt accoz- ae and hee, with whom the cuppeis vslooketorhe
k Sometime this DING vnto his youth; and the men marueiled ound, . fecretcounfel of
wordfionifieth among themfelues. 17 But heanfwercd, God farbid, that 3 God, «ho puni-
tobedrunken, _34 AnD they tooke mealies from before ſhould doc fo , burthe man, with whan the Merh vsiuftly
but here it is Him,and fent to them:but Beniamins meatle cup ts found, he fall be myſcruant, andwoe jor ou: finnes,
meantthatthey Was fiue times fo much as any of theirs:and pein peace vnto pour father.
hadynough,and they Danke, «and had of the bek dinke IL @€Chen Judah Mew neere vnto him,
dranke of the with hun. and faine, D my loz0, let thy fernant now
{peake a wod int my tods cares, and let not
a CHAP, XLIIIh thy wrath bee kindle? againſt thy ſeruant: e Equallin an-
fo: thon art cuen ¢ as harcos theritic: or next
15 Fofeph accufeth hi: brethren oftheft. 33Ju- 19 QByledaleed his ſcruants, ſaying, ynto the King,
dah offercth himſelſe to be feruant for Beniamin, *Dane pea a 3brother? Chzp.42.33>

3 20 Bud 16
- Tudahfpeaketh tolofeph. Toſeph Genefis. difclofeth himfelfe,andfendeth for `
20 And weanlwered my lord, Tee rane bis brethren could not anfwere him, fog they A $e
$Ebr. child ofhis afather that is olde, and a yong tchilde, were aſtoniſhed at pis preſence. *
old age, which hee begare in his age: ana bis brother 4 Ggaine, Jofeph laide to his brethzen, PEN
ig Dead, and Hee alone ts left of bis mother, Come neere, J pray vou, tomee. And they ae
and pis father loueth hfn. came neere, Ang he aid, Jam *Jotepy yout ARSJ AIZ a
21 flow thou ſaydſt vnto thy ruants, brother. whom ye (oid into Egypt.
llOr, that I may Bꝛing him vnto mee, that J may ||fet mine {Row therefsre be not fadar, neither b This example
fee him eye vpon jun. griened with peur ſelues, that ye {old me hi⸗ teacheth,that
22 And wwe anfwered my lord, Che child ther;* for od did ſende mee before pou fog we muft by all
cannot Depart from bis father: foz if hee your pꝛeſeruation. meanes comfort
leaue Dis father,his father would Bie. 6 for nowe twoypeeres of Famine haue themwhich are
23 Chen fatdelk thou puto thy fernants, bene through the land, and fue peeres are truely humbled
Chap.43. 3 *Except your ponger brother come downe wenn wherein neither fhail be garing nog and wounded for
with pou, looke in my face no mare. arueſt. their finnes,
24 Ho when wee came vite thy ſeruant 7. MWherekore Go fent mee before yon ta Chap.50.20.
our father, and hewed him what my lorzd preterue pour poſteritte tn this land, and to
had (aid, 2 taue pou alive by a great delturrance.
25° Anv our father faive vnto v3, Goea- 8 Mow thenypou lent not mee hither, but
gaine buy vs alittic food, ‘Hod, who hath made mee a father vnto c Albeit God.
26 Chen we anhwered, Mee cannot goe Pharaoh , and lod of all his Houle, and ru- deteft finne,yet
t Ebrbe with vs. Downe: but if our yongeſt brother ¢ goe with ler thaoughout all the land of Egypt. he turneth mans
n3,then will we goe Dolwne : fo2 we may not 9 Maite youand go vp to my father,and wickednefle to
fee tie mans face,except our yongeſt brother tell hum, hus tatth thy tonne Joleph, Goa ferueto hisglo>
be with bs. i hath made mee lode of all Egypte; come Ty.
27 Then thy feruant my father faid ün downe to me tary not. Cal?
f Rahel bare to n vs,Ve know that my fwife bare mee two LO And thau Halt dwell in the lande of
Taakob Iofeph Anes, Golen, and Malt bee neere mee, thou anu
and Beniamin. 28 And the one went out frem me, ana J tby children and thy childꝛens childzen, and
Chap, 37.33 fait, Dfa ſuretie hes is tonein * pieces, and eae thy beats, and all that thon
3| (awa him not tince. ali.
29 Now ve take this alfo away from me: Ir gog will nouri thee there (for pes
g Ye fhallcaufe if Death take him, then s hall peebatng my remaine lite peeres of famine ) leait thou pes
me to die for gray head in ſorrow to the grane, rith though pouertie, thou and thy boute-
forrow. 30 fRow therefore, when J come to thy hold, and all that thoubath .
ſeruant my father, and the chiit be not with 12 Aud behold, pour eyes doe ſee, and the i
$ Sbr.bis ule bs, (fezing that bis tite Dependeth onthe eyes of my brother Beniamin , that ¢my d Tharis,charF
is ound to his childs life ) mouth tpeaketh to. you, _ fpeakein your
poule. 31 Chen wher hz Hall fee that the chilve 13 Therefore teil my father of all mine owne language,
is Not come, hee will Die : fo Mall thy ſeruants honour in Egypt, and of all that yee Haug and bauc none
bing the grap brad of thy ſeruant our kather van and make hatte, andbung my Father interpreters
with loirew to the crane. pither, i y
32 Doubtleſſe thy ſeruant became furetie 14 Then heefellon bis bother Benia⸗
Chap.43.9. foz the childe fo my tather, and faineFfg mins necke,and wept, and Beniamin wept
bring hiim not vnto thee againe, then F will ou bis necke, ) i
beare the blaine vnto my father forcuer. IZ Mozeouer, He killed all his brethren,
33 Mow therefore, pray thee,let mee thy and wept vpon them: and afterward bis
feriiant bite fo: the chide, asa feruant tomy- brethren talked with him.
ae and let the chile goe vp with his bac. 16 Q Andthet tidings came vuto Jopa- JEbr, voices
h Meaning,he thew. raohs boule, fo that they fapd, Joſephs tze:
had rather re- “34 Fork how canT goe vp to my father, theen ave come : and tt pleated Pharaoh
maine there pri- ifthe chile be not with me, vnletle J wouls weiland bis ſeruants. ;
foner,thentore- te the euil chat Hall come on mp father? 17 Then Pharaoh ſayde unto Toleph,
turne and fee his Dap to thy baethzen, Chis Dee yelane your
father in heaui- C H ASP XLI beaites, and Depart, goe to the land of Ca⸗
peſſe. 1 Fofeph maketh himſelſe hnowen to his bre- naan,
thren. 8 Hee fheweth that all was done by Gods 18 And take your father,and your Hoult.
prousdence. 18 Phava:h cominandeth himto fend bolde, and come to mec, and J will giue you
for bas father.24 Fof-ph exhorteth his brethren to the «belt ofthe land of Egypt, and yet hall e The moh plens
eoncord. 29 Faakob reicyceth. eatof the {fat of the lana. tifull ground,
Ig And J command thee, Chus Doe yee, f The chieſeſt
Ta Joſeph coulde not refraine him· take poucharets ont oF the lande of Egypt fiuitsandcom.
felfe before all that foove by him, but foz pour chtldzen , and foz pour wines, and moditics.
hee crped., + Daue foozth euery man from bing pour father and come.
| a Notthathe mee, And there tarteD not one with him,
| was afhamed of 20 Alfa regard not your tuffe: fog the + Ebret
his kinced, but while Joleph vttcred himſelfe vnto bis bze- bett of the land of Egypt is yours. - eye fpare your
that he would thren 21 And the chiin of Iſrael DB for and ve feds,
cover his.bre-
2 And hewept and cerien , o that the E⸗ Foleph gaue them charets accowing to the "~
threns fault. — heard; the houſe of Pharaoh heard commandement ofPharaoh she gaue then
aug. vitaile alfo fo? the tourney, .
3 _ Then Foley} fainetohis bꝛethren, J| 22 De gaue them all, none except, change
am Joſeph:doeth my father yet line? But of rayment: but ynte Benianin yee pe
~ his father into Egypt. Iaakobs familie Chap. xlvi. going into Egypt, is puinbred. 20 : `

thee hundzeth pieces offiluer,and fine ſuits Onan, and helah, and bares, and Fee
of raiment, i — rah: (but Œr and Onan Died in the land of
Or, hee fent as 23 And vnto his tather | likemile he lent Canaan.) And the ſonnes of Parez were
much,to wit, ſil- ten bee ailes laden with the belt thinges of Hezron and Pamul,
Mery as Verfe 22. Cgyppt, œ ten thee alles laden witi wheat, 13 (Allo the ſonnes of *Iſſachar: Tela, 2,Chro,7, 1.
and ten afjes, and bead and meate for his father by the and Phuuah, and Job, and Shimron.
ay. 14 @Ailorhefonnes ofsebulun; Hered,
24 Solent hee dis brethren away, and and Clon,and Jabicel. "
g Secing hee had they Departed: and he fato vnto chem,3 Kal 15. Ghele be the tonnes of Leah, which the
remitted the fault not out by. the wap. bare vnto Yaakob in Pavan Aram, with
donc towardes _ 25 Cen they went vp from Egypt, bis Daughter Dinah. AU thell ulesofhts lOr, perfont,
him, hee would and came vnto the land of Canaan vnto — bis Daughters, were thirtie and
not that they JZaakobeheirtather, i zee.
fhould accufe 26 And told htm, laying, Joleph is yet a⸗ 16 {Alo the fonnes of Gad $ Ziphion
one another. ldiue, and hee allo ts gouernour ouer all the ind Haggt, bint, and sbon, Cri, ana
h As one be- {aud ot Egypt, and laakobs heart > failen: Aroni, and Arell, ‘
tweene hope to: be belecued them not, 17 (ito the fonnes st Amer : Fimnah, 1,Chr0.7,30%
and feare, 27 And thep tolu hunall the wordes of and Iſhuah.and Iſui,and Beriah, and Seo
Joſeph, which bee had laid vnto thers: but rab their iiiter. Ane the ſonnes of Wertahs
toben he faw che charets, which Joleph hav Heber,andMalchiel.
fent to carp him, then the tpwit of Jaakob 18 Thet are the childzen of Stipah,
thetr father reuiued, whome Laban gaue to Leal his daughter:
28 And Iſrael {atd,1 have enough: Jo- ane theſe thee bare vnte Jaakob, cuen, fig
feph my fonneis pet aliues F will got and (ee teene foules. i
Hun per 3| uie. 19 Tie fonnes of Rahel Jaakobs wife,
CHAP. XLVI. were Joleph and Beniamin,
2 Ged aſſureth Iaakob of his iourney into Egypt. 20 @And vnto Joleph in the land of E⸗
27 The numbcr of his family when hee went into gypt were borne Manaſſeh, and Cpheatin,
which *Alenath the Daughter of Pot phe⸗· Chap.4t.s0,
Egypt. 29 Fofeph mecteth his father. 34 He tea-
rab mince of On bare onto bime
cheth his brethren what to anfwereto Pharaoh.
ip absIſrael tooke his tourney with all 21 (Allo the*lonnes of Beniamin: Be⸗ 1.Chve.7. 6s
thatheehad, andcame to Beer-theba, lab and Becher, and Aibel, ¢ Gerah, and and8, Y.
a Whereby hee and 2 offered lacrifice vnto the God of his Haaman , Ehi, and Roly, Wuppim , and
both fignified father Izhak. À Huppim
and Ard.
that hee worlhip- 2 And Godlpake onto Iſrael in a vilion 22 Thel are the onnes of Rahel, which
ped the true by night, laying, Jaakob, Jaakob, Ccibe ae bone puto Jaakob kourteene foules in
God,and alfo aniwered, 3| am bere.
that he kept in -3 The hee fain, J ain God, the Godok 23 Allo the ſonnes of Dan: huchim.
Li; heart the pof- thyfather, feare not to goe Downe into E⸗ 24 (Allo the lonnes of aphtalt Jahe
feffion of that gypt: forJwill there make ol theeagreat zeel, andGunt,and Jezer, and Shillemn.
land, fro whence nation. 25. Thele are the ſonnes of Bilhah,
prefent neceflitie 4 Jwill> goe downe with thee intoŒ- which Laban gaue vnto Rabel Yis daugh⸗
drowe him, gypt: and Jwil· alſo bring thee bp agatne, ter, and the bare theſe to Jaakob, in all, te
b Conduaing and Joſeph ihatid put his hand vpon thine uen ſoules.
thee by my eyes, 26 Ail the *foules, that came with Jaa- Deut. 10.22.
power. § Then Jaakob rofe vp from Beer ·ſhe⸗ kob into Egypt, which came out of his
c In thy pofteri- bar and the ſonnes of Iſrael caried Jaakob + lopnes (beude Jaakobs fonnes wiues) fEbr.thighese
tie, their father, ant their childsen, and their were in the whole, theeeſtore and fire ſoules.
d Shai! hut wiues in the charets, which Pharaoh baa 27 Allo the fonnes of Joſeph witch were
thine eyeswben lent to carie binmu í bone bunin appt were tiwo ſonles: fo that
thou dief: which 6 And they cooke their cattell,and thew all the foules of the honte of Jaakob, which
appertained to gods, mich thep had gotten in y landof Caine inia gypt are feuentie, i
him that was Tanaan, and came into Egypt, both * Jaa- 23 Chen Hee fent Judah before Him
moft deare , or kob and ail bis (eed with bun, onto Joſcph, te ||Direct bis way vnto Go⸗ Or, to prepare
chiefe of the 7 Vis fonnes and bis onnes fonnes Bee and they came into the land of Go⸗ hima place,
Kinred. with hun, his Daughters ana bts fonnes en.
10fh.24.4.pf2!. daughters, and ali his (eed bꝛought be with 20 Then Zoltyh + made ready his cha- tEbr, bound his
_ 105.23 41/452.4 Him into Cayppe. j ret, and went vp ta Gomen, to meete Iſrael charet.
8 EAn theſe are thenames of the chil- his father,and preſented himſelle vnto him,
Den of JlicacL wbich came into Sapper, euen and fell on bis nicke, and wept vpon his
Exod.1 ,2. and 6, Jaakob aud bis nues; *Reuben, Jaakobs necke at aoon while. tEbr.yetjor fiil,
14.2umb.16.5. firt bome. 30. Aud Jiraci ſaid vnto Joleph , Mow
chro. 3. 1- And the fonnes of Reuben: Wånoch, let menie, tince Jhaue feene thpface, and
and Phallu, and Hezron, and Tarmi, that thou art pet aiue.
Exod.6.15. 10 @ And the iaunes of Simeon: Jes 31 Chen Folcph {aid tobis bretheen,
te his fathers boult, will goe vp and hew
muel, and Jamin, and Dhan, and Jachin, e He wasnot
a.chro.q. 245
aid Zohar, and Shaul the onne of a Cae
Pbaraoh,andteilhun, My bacthen, and athomed of his
naarnttity woman. Teas my fathers boule, which were urthe land af father and kine
x,Chro.6.%- 11 (Allo thelonnes of *Leut, Gerfhon, Canaan, are come unto me, red ,though they
~ a.Chra,2.3-C 4+ Kobath,and Mecraxi· 32 uD themen aree ſheepheards, anv — of bale
24 chap. 38-3. 12 CA the lonaes of *Juvay s Crand becauſe they are heepheardes, they bane condition,
C4 boughs
Jaakob brought before Pharaoh. Genefis. How lofeph dealeth inthe famine.
brought their heepe and their cattcl,and al lant 3 forthe Fantine was exceeding fore: fo
that they bauz. i tat the land ot Caypi and theland of Ca-
33 Ann if Ohara cal yow ant athe you, Haan were + tammed by reaton of the fas tEbr.brougheto
f God fuffereth That ts pour trade? : mine. p an extremity, er
the worldto 34. Chen yee ihali tay, Thy feruants are 14. And Jol 2h gathered all themoney, at their wits end,
hate his , that men occupied about catceil, from our chito that was found ut the landof Egypt, and
they may forfake Hood ener puto this time, both wee and onr tn the land of Cangan, fog the come which
the filthofthe fathers; thatyce may Dwell inthe land of they bought, ann e Joleph lay vp the mo- e Wherein he
world,andcleaue ofen: foz enery Mheepekecperisantabo: ney tu Pharaohs boufe. ? . both dectareth
to him, mination vate the Egyptians. 15 Bo when monzy fatled in the land of his fidelitie to-
ECgypt,and tn the land of Canaan, then all wardthe king,
CHAP. XLVII. the Egyptians came vnto Joſeph, and ſayd, and his minde
q Iaakob commeth before Pharaoh „and telleth Giue vs bacad: foz why ould we die before free from couce
him his age, 11 The land of Golben ù giuen hun, thee? foz our money is pent, toulhes.
22 The rdolatrous priefts haue lining of the king. 16 Chen {aid Jofeph, Bing pour cattel,
28 Iaakobs age when he dieth. 30 Lofeph fwea- and J will giue pou foz pour catcell, if your
reth to bury him with his fathers. money be pent. :
17 So thcp brought their cattell buto
Tn tame Joleph and tolve Pharaoh, Jolepy, and Joleph gaue them bzead fo: the
and fayn , Wy father, and mp beethzen, horles , and foz the flockes of eepe, and foz
and their heepe, andtheircattell, andail the beards of cattell, and fo: the afles : ſo he
that they baue, are come out of the lande of fedde them with beane foz all their cactetl
Canaan, and beholde, they ave tn the lande that peere.
of Goſhen. z 18 But when the yeere was ended, they
2 Ana Joſeph tooke part of His bzethzen, came vnto him the nert yeere,and faid ynta
a That the king euen fine men, and paclented them vnts bim , CGiee will not hide from my lord, that
might be aflured Pharaoh. fince our money is (pent, and my 1020 hath
they were come, 3 Shen Pharaoh fain unto his brethren, the heards of rhe carcel,therets nothing left
and fee what ma- adhat is pour trane? And they anlwered inthe fight of niy lord, but our bodies and
ner of people Pharaoh, Thy ſeruants are ſhepheardes, out ground.
they were. both we and our fathers, 19 ccihy hall we perith in thy fight, both f For except the
4 They ſayd mozeouer vnto Pharaoh, wee, and our £ land ? buy vs and our lang ground betilled
Foꝛ to foiourne in the land are we come; fog fo: bread,and wee tour land will be dound 24 lowen, itpe-
thy feruants bane no paſture fog their ſheepe, toPhataoh therefore gine vs lere, that theth,and isas
fo foze is the famine inthe land of Canaan. we may line and not dic, and that the lann were dead.
Mowe therefore , wee pray thee, let thy lers goe not to watte.
nants Dwellin theland of Goſhen. 20 Ha Foleph bought all the land of E⸗
§ Thenfpake Pharaoh to Joleph, fay- gypt fo: Pharaoh: to: the Egyptiaus ſolde
ing, hy father and thy baethzen are come euery man hts ground , becanle the famine
bute thee, was tore vpsuthem: to the lanae became
b Iofephs great 6 The’ land of Egypt
is befoꝛe thee:in Jo Harachs. ach
modeftie appea- the beſt place of the lande make thy father 21 And he sremooned the people bnto the 8.By thischan-
reth in that hee and thy brethzen Dwell: let them Dwell in cities feromone+fide of Egypt euen tothe Bins
they figni-
fied that they
would enterprife the land of Goſhen: and tf thou knowelt
nothing without that there be menot acttuitie among chem, 22 Dnely the land of the Priets bought bad nothing of
thekingscom- make them rulers ower my cattel. hee not : foz the Prieſts
had an opdinaric of theirowne,bue
mandement, 7 Jofeph allo brought Jaakob his fas Pharaoh, and thep Did eate thetrozdinarte, Teccived al of the
ther,and (et him before harao: and Jaa which Pharaoh gane them: wherefore they kings liberality.
FEbr bleed. kob t faluted Pharaoh. fold net their ground. tEbr.end of the
8 hen Pharaoh fayde vnto Jaakob, 23 Then Jofeph ayd wnto the people, 74er
tEbr.How manie # Wow old art thou? Beholde, J haue bought pou this day, anv
dayes are the 9 And Jaakob faie nto Pharaoh, your land fo2 Pharaoh: loe here is ſeede fog
yeeres of thy life? Che whole time of my * pilgrimage isan you: (ow therefore the ground. 7
Heb,13.9, 3. hundzeth and chirtte yerres: tee ana cuill 24. And ofthe increate pee Hail gine the
Dane the dapes of mpitfe beene, and 3] haue fft part puto Pharaoh, and foure partes
not attained vnto the peeres of the life of ſhallbepours fo? the feed ofthe felne, and
my Fathers, in the daves oftheir pilgrima- foz pour meate, and fo: them ofyour houſe⸗
es. holds,and foz your childzen to eate.
Ebr bleſſed. 10 And Jaakob + tooke leaue of Phara⸗ 25 Then they anſwered, Thou halt ſa⸗
ued our lines: lets finde grace tn the tight
oh and Departed fromthe prefence of ha-
c Whichwasa taob. y of my logd , and wee will be Pharaohs (ere
cityinthe coun- I Anv TAUR placed his father, and wants. ~“ 8
treyofGothen, bis bethzen, and gane them poſſeſſion in 26 Then Joſeph made italaw oner the h Pharaoh in
Exod.1. 11. the land of Egypt , inthe bet of the land, land of Egypt vnto this Day, that Phara · prouiding for
d Somereade, cuen inthe land of: Rameles , as Pharaoh oh ſhould haue the fift parc, bercept theland idolatrous priefts
thachefedthem Had commanded. ; Bf the Picts onely, which was not Pha» thallbeacon-
as little babes,be-
12 And Joleph nonrihed his father, and raobs. : demnation to alt
caufe they could his bzethzen, and all bis fathers Houle- 27 (And Iſrael dwelt in the land of E · them which nego
not prouide for holde with bead, deuen tothe young chit apptinthe countreyofGoſhen: and they led the true mi~
théfelues again DLN. - had therr poſſeſſions therein, and grew and niftersof Gods
that famine, 33 ¶How there was no brad in all the multiplyed exceedingly. word,
28 Mozeouer
Taakob ficke. He bleſſeth Iofephs Chap.xlviii.xlix. twofonnes. His propheſie. 21 *
28 Moꝛeoner, Jaakob lined in the land 13 Then tooke Jofeph them both, Œ-
of Egypt ſeuenteene peregfothat the whole phraim in hts right band toward Iſraeis
age of Jaakob was anhundzeth kortie and left band, and Manalieh in his left hand to-
; ſcuen pores, é ward Iſraels right hand,fohe brought them
Chap.24. 2. 29 Row when the time Drew neere that vnto —
i Hereby he pro. Iſrael muſt die, he called his ſonne Jofeph, 14 But Iſrael ſtretched ont his right ANE
teltedthathe di- and iayd vnto him, JE F haue now found Hand , €latdit on d Œphzaims head, which d Godsiudge:
edinthe faith of gracetn thy fight, *put thine hand now vn · was the pounger, and bis left hand vpon Mentisoft times
his fathers, tez- Ber my thigh, and Deele mercifully and tru· Wanallehs head ( directing his handes of Stray to mans,
chinghischildren lp With Mee: bury meg Hot, J pray thee, tn purpoſe) foz Ganaſſeh was the elger. and he preferreth
tohopeforthe Egypt. ; i 15 “Allo bee bleſſed Jofeph, and ſayd, that,which man
promifed land. 30 But whenJ Hall i Meepe wtth my fa- Che Gov before whom my fathers Abra⸗ deſpiſeth.
k Hereioyced — thou thalt cary me out of Egypt , and ham and Ishak Did walke, the God, which Aeb. 11.21.
thatlofephhad burpmeim their buriall. And be anlwered, bath fedde me al my lifelong ynto this Bay,
promifedhim, & J] will doe as thou haſt faid. bleſſe thee, k
fettinghimfelfe _ 31 Thenhe faid, weare vnto me., And 16 Thee Angel, which hath deliuered e This Angell
ypon his pillow, be ſware vnto him. And Firact « worſhip⸗ me from all entil, bleſſe the chtldzen, andiet mult be vnder-
praifed God,read ped towards the beds head. my! name be namen vpon them, and the food of Chrift,
3.Citro,29,10. CHAP, XLVIII. name of my fathers Abraham and Izhait, asChap. 31.13,
1 Fofeph with his two fonnes viliteth his ficke that they may grow as Ai intoa multitude and 32.1.
father. 3 Iaakob rehearfeth Gods promife. 5 He in the mts of the earth. Let them be
receiueth Fofephi fonnes as his. 19 He prefer- 17 But when Jofeph fato that his father taken as my
reth the yonger, 21 He prophefieth their returne laid his right hand vpon the bead of Ephra- children,
to Canaan. im, it s difplealen him: and he ſtayed hts g lofeph faileth
Gaine, after this, one ſayde to Jofeph, fathers hand toremooueit from Ephꝛainis in binding Gods
Loe, thy father ts ficke: then hee toske head to Manaſſehs hean. grace to the or-
a Tofeph more with him hiza two brunes, Manaſſeh and 18 And Jofeph ſaid vnto his father, Met derofnature,
efteemed that Ephraim. fo, mp father , fo? this ts the eoet: put thy
hischildren 2 Alio one tolde Jaakob, and fayt, Be- right hand pon bis head.
fhould bee recei- oid, thy tonne Jofeph is cometothee, and 19 But Dts father refuled, andſayde, F
uedinto laakobs Ilrael tooke his irength pute him,and fate kuow well, mylonne , J know welt: bee
familie, which vpon the bed. s thalibealfo a people , and hee halt be great
wasthe Church 3 Then Jaakob fain vnto Jaleph, God likewile : but his younger bother tall bee
of God, then to Almightie appeared puto nice at * Luz in greater then he,and bis ſeede Mall be full of
enioy al the trea- theland of Tanaan, ann bleſſed me. nations.
fures of Egypt. 4 And he lutdvntomec, Behold, J will 20 So he bleſſed them that day,and faid,
lOr, all fufficient make thee fruitful, and will multiply thee, In thee Iſrael wali bleie and fay, 6D D
Chap.28. 13. and will make agreat number of people of make thee as t Epheaim and as Manaſſeh. h In whome
thee, and will gine this land vnto thy ſeede And he let Ephraim before Manaſſeh. Gods graces
b Which is true
after thee fo~ ane euerlaſting poſſeſſton. 21 Then Iſrael fayd vnto Joſeph, Bes Should maniſeſt·
in the carnall If-
§ And now thy * two fonnes, Banal boin, Jdie, and God Wall bee with you, and ly appeare.
rael vnto the co-
ſeh xCpyaim, which are borne vnto thee being youagatne ynte theland of ipour fa» i Which they
in F came ts thee thers. had by faith in
ming of Chrilt, ; the zland of Egypt, before
awainthe (piritu- oa.Carpe, — bemine, as Reuben and 22 Mozeouer,T haue giuen vnto thee one the promiſe.
portion aboue thy bzethzen , which k Fi gate K By my children
alanai, 6 But thylinage which thou hat begot: outofthe hand of the Amiogite by my· Word whom myGod fpa-
Chap-4i5» ten after them, (hall be thine: they halt bee and bp my bow. for fake.
called after the names of their brꝛethren in CH AP, XLIX, Chap.3 4.250
their inheritance. J 1 Jaakob bleffeth alk his fonnes by name, and
7 Now when F came from Badan, Ra- eweth them what is to come-10 He telleth them
Chap 35.19. Hel*Dted vpon mine hand in the land of Ca · that Chrift fhall come out of Fudah. 29 He will
naan, by the way when there was but halfe be buried with his fathers, 33 He dieth, a Whé
God fhalt
a dapes tourncy o ground to come ta E T Hen Jaakob called his fonnes,and ſaid, bring you out of
phrath: and J buryed ber there inthe wap Gather pour ſelues together.that J may Egypt: And be-
to Ephzath: the fame is Bethlehem. gu you what thalicome to you inthe lat caufe jhe pea-
8 Then Iſrael beheld Jolephs ſonnes, ayes. keth of the Mef-
and faid , Whole are thele? 2 Gather pour telues together, and heare, fias, he nameth ig
9 And Jofeph fain ynte his father, They ye fonnes of Jaakob , and hearken unto giis the laſt dayes,
rael pour father.
are my fonnes,tuhich: God hath giuen mee ; b Begottcnin
e The faithfull 3 *Renben mine eldeſt nne, thou art
here. Chen he fad, J pray tec Bring them my youth,
acknowledge all to me,thatJ|may bleffe then. j my bmight,¢ the beginning ofmy Kreneth, ¢ if thou hadit
benefits to come 10 (Foz the eyes of Iſrael were dimme c the ceceHencte of Dignity, and the excetlen- not loft thy
of Gods free foz age,ſo that he could not wellſee) Then he cicof power: birth. right by
mercies, cauſed them to come to him, and hee kiſſed 4 Theu wak lightas water: thou halt thine offence.
them and imbraced them. not bec ercelient, becaufe thou *wentctt vp Chap.35.22»
IL Qnd Iſrael fayd vnto Foleph, J hav to thy fathers bed: then diddeſt thou defile 1.chron,§.1.
not thought to haue ſeene thy face s pet toe, my bed, thy dignity ts NOr.ceafed tobee
God hath Mewen me alto thy ſeede. 5 E Simeon and Lent, byeth2e in euill, my bed.
12 Quo Joleph tooke them away from thel intruments of cruelty are tn their ha- llOr, their ſword⸗
łébr, his faceto bis eena reucrence t Downe to the bitations. were infirtuments
arain ground. - Anto their lecretletnot myloule come: of violents,
(A prophefie of the Meffias. Genefis. Iaakob dieth.
_d Or,tongue: my gloy, bee not thou ioyned with their topof the bead of him that was uſeparate u Either in dig-
meaning,that hee altembly ;foz in their weary they flewea from bis bietbzen, nitieor when hee
ne ther cõſented mang in their felfe will they digged Downe 27 ¶ Beniamin hall rauine as aiwolfe? was foldefrom
to them in word awali. inthe moming bee hall deuoure the pray, bis brethren.
nor thought, 7 Curſed be their wath, forit was fierce, and at night he hall diuide the fpople. :
e The Sheche- _ and thew rage forit was crucil: J wil £ ot 28 @ All theie are the twelue tribes of
mites,Chap.34. nine them in Jaakob, and ſcatter them in Jiraci, and thus their father ſpake vnto
26.6 Jiraci. ; them, and bleſſed them: euery one of them
- f For Leni had 3 @ Chou Judah, thy brethren Hat praile bleſſed he with a ſeuerallbleſſing.
| mo factand Si- thee ; thine hand baloe in the necke of chine 29 And he charged then, and fayd vnto
meon was vnder enemies: thy fathers fonnes all g bowe them, J cin ready to bee gathered vnto my
Judab, tof, 19.1 Lowne pute thee. people: *buric mee with my fathers inthe Chap.47.30°
till Gad gaue 9 Judah, asalyons whelpe ſtalt thon * that isin the lield of Ephron the hit⸗
- them the place tame bp froni the ſpople, my onune. We wall ite, ro
of the Amale- liz Downe and conch asa Lyon,and asa Ly- 30 Fn the cane that ts in the fielde of
kites, 1.Chron.4. oneſſe: “ihe ſhall ſtirre him np? l Machpelah belides Mamre in tye land of
43: : 10 Thet fcepter Hailnos Depart fron Ganaan: which cave Abraham bought with
g Aswasverified Jubah, nor a lawgiuer trom betweene bis the field of Ephron che Hittite toza poſſeſſt⸗ í
in Daud and fete, vntill Dhiloh come, and the people on to burte in: - ‘
Chit. t thalbe gathered vnto hint. 31 Chere they buried Abraham ¢ Ga
h His enemies IT Hee thali bind hts afle fale ynte the rab bis wife: there they burted Izhak and
thal fo feare him. k pine, and bis affe colt vnto the belt vint: Rebekah bis wifesand there J buried Leah.
llOr kingdome. he fali wal) his garmentin wine, anv his 32 The purchaleof the Held,and the cane
iWhich is Chriſt cloke tn the blood of grapes. — therein, was bought of the chitozen of
the Meffias,the I2 His evesthalbe red with wine, and bis eth.
giuer of allpro- -teeth white with milke: 33 Thus Jaakob made an end of gtuing
fperity, who fhal. 13 € 3ebuinn hall Dwell by the fea fide, charge to his fonnes, and x plucked bp bis x Whereby is
call the Geotiles and bethalbe an hauen foz hippes : and bis feet into the bed, and gaue bp the gholt,and fignified how
to faluation, bozder fhalbe brite Zidon. was gathered to his people. quietly he died,
k Acountrey I4 ¶ Iſſachar thilbe tla rong alle.cous
molt aboundant ching towne betweene two burdens. Gab AsPaals
with vines and I5 Gud he hall iee that reit ts good, and 13 Iaakobisburied, 19 Icfeph forgineth his
_ pafturesispromi- that the lang tspleafant, and de fiall bowe brethren. 23 He [eeth his childrens children.
fedhim, his ſhoulder to beare,and thalbe fubiect yrn- 25 He dieth.
fEbr.anaffe of totribute. f
great benes. 16 EDan™ ſhall indge his people as ene 715 Jofeph fell bpon his fathers face, s
1 Hisforcethall ofthe trthes of Iſrael. and wept bpon bim, and kiſſed him.
-begreat,buthee , 17 Dan thal bea" Serpent by the way, 2 And foleph commanded his fernants
thall wantcou- an adder by the path, biting the horſe heeles, the 2 ]S$ylietans, ta embalme bis father, a He meaneth
ragetorcfilthis fo that his rider Halt fall backward. aud the Phyũctans embaluned Iſrael. them that em-
enemies, 18 °D Loꝛd, F hauc waite foz thy fal- 3 @o fortie dapes were accomplihed, balmed the dead
m Shall haue uation. (foz fo long Did the dayes of chemtbhat were and buried them, -
thehonour ofa . 19 €Gad,an hoe ofinen Hall overcome embalines lait) and the Cgyptians beway-
tribe. bin, but be hall ouercome atthe tat. ied hinr> ſeuentie Dayes. b They were
fi Thatis,fullof 20 @ Concerning Aſher, bis r bead hall 4 And when the Daves of his mourning more excefliue
fubsiltie, be kat, and fe ſhali giue pleafures foz a king. were palt, Joſeph tpake tothe houſe of Pha⸗ in lamenting
o -Seeing the mi- 21 Naphtali thaloe a inde let goe, gt rach , faymg, Ff 3) bauz now found fauour then the faithfull,
feries that his ulng q rootly wozds. in your eyes, peake, pray yon, in the cares
pofteriticfhould 22 -@ Foleph thallbe + afrutthull bough, of Sharaoh,and fay,
fall into,he bra- euen a frintftli bough bythe CGeil fide: the 5- $By father mane me *fweare, ſaping, (44P-47-29
fteth out in pray- tiinaitbanghes Mall runne vpon the wall. Lor, Jdie, bury mee in mp grane, which J -
gr to God ,to re- 23 ‘And the Archers griened hun, and baue made me inthe land of Canaan : now
medie it, fhot againfthim , and Dated hin. theretozc iet ine goe, J pray thee, and bury
p He thal abound 24. But hisbem above ſtrong, andthe my father,and J mull come againe.
incorne & plea- bandes of fis armes were ttrengthened , by 6 ThenPbharaoh latd.Goe vp and bury c The very infi-
fant fruits. the bands of the mighty God of Jaakob, of thy father, «as he mate thee to ſweare. dels would baus
q Ouercomming whom was the feeder appointed by the í tiene 7 € Go Joſeph went vptobury bis fa-
more by faire of Iſrael. ther, and with him went ali the ſeruauts of othes performed,
wordesthen by Even by the God of thy father, who Jharach,borh the Elders of Nsalia
force, ſhall helpe thee, and by tye Almighty, wha allthe Gliders of the land of Egypt.
Ebr. a fonne of fhal klefe thee with heauenlybleſſings frem 8 Likewilealithe bouleof Joſeph, and
Aft: aboue, with bleſſings of the deepe, that lieth his brethren and his fathers honte : onely
fEbr.daughters. beneath, with bleſſings of the beats, and of their chtldren and their espe, and chew
£ Ashis bre- the wombe. at 8 cattelllett they in the land of Goen.
thren,when they 26 Che bleflings of thy father (hall bee 9 Gud there went vp with him,both cha·
were his ene- tftronger then the bleflings okmine elders: rets and horſemen: and they were an excee·
mies, Potiphar vnto the ende of the hilies of the world they Ding great company.
and others. fhallbee on the head of Folcph, and onthe IO And thepcame to Gozen Atad,whteh lOr, the corne
1 That is,God. is beyond Jorden, and there thep made aMoore of Atad.
t Inasmuch ashee was more neere to the accomplifhment of the great and crceeving forclamentation;and - . > l
promife, andit hadbene more often confirmrd, 5 be mourned foz bis father ſeuen dayes. oe
yee maw -


Heis buried in Canaan. -Chap.}. Tofeph forgiuethhis brethren. 22

H And when the Canaanites the inha: ſpake vnto hint.
bitants of the land fawe the mourning ur 18 Ailo bis brethren came vnto binn and —
Gszen-Atad, they avd, This ts a great fell dowae before his Face, and (aid, Bechold, Oram fin
mourning vntothe Cayptians : whereioze we be thy fernants. , : Gods Read ?
Or,the lamenta- the name thereof was called | Abel- Mizra⸗ 19 Ga whom Joieph aide, * Feare not: meaning „to take |
tion ofthe Egyp- iM, whichisbeyond Jorden. fo: i aminat J undr f Gea? vengeance, |
tians, 12 @o bis fonues did vnto hint, actor 20 Ahen pee thought cuill again mee, f Whobythe
Ding asz had commanded them. Gad diſpoſed it to good, hat he might baing goed fiicceffe . `
AGtS.7.16. 13 * Fo: bis ſonnes caried him ints the a — tt is this day, and ſaue much peo feemeth toremit
land of Ganaan and buried him in the taug ple alive. it, andtherforeic
ofthe felt of Machpelah, which caue* A⸗ 21 feare not now therefore, J will non: ought noitobe
Chap. 23 16. braham bought with the feld, tobre |a piace riff pou, and pour children;: and hee comtoz> reuenged by mes
lOr, poſſefion, to burie in , of Ephzan the Hittite belives- ted chem and fpake g Kindly vnto them, t their )
amre. —— 22 CHa Joſeph weit in Ceppthe,and heart,
14 A Then Joſeph returned inte Egypt, iis faijers Houle + and Joleph liued an g Who notwitit= ©
hee and bis brethren, and all that went vp 8 hundzeth anv ten yeere. q {landing hee bare
with hint to burte his father, after that hee. 23 “And Jotepy law Epheaims childzen, tuleinEgypta æ-
dau burted his father, euen vnto the thirde generation : allo rhe bout fonrefcore
-15 Awa when Joſephs brꝛethren faw that fonnes of Machir the onne of Manalſeh yetres, yet was
d An cuilcon- their father was Dead, thep laide, Ft map Were brought by ou Jolephs knees. joyned with the ~
{cience is neuer bee that Joſeph will hate us, and will yay 24 And Joicph lavde vnto his brꝛethren, Church of God’
fully at reft, $ againcall the enill, which wee did vnto * 3j aniready to Ste, and God wiil ſurely st in faith and Re-
pun. i fite pou,and bing pou out of this land, vnto ligion.
16 Therefore they ſent vnto Jofeph, fay- the land mich ye ſware vnto Abraham, vn⸗ Num. 32.39
ing, Thy father commanded befoze Hts to Izhak, and vnto Jaakob. Hebr. i1.22.
Dearh,iayitg, 25 And Joſeph tooke an othe of the chil- Exod 13. 19.
17 hus hall yee fay vnto Joſeph, Foz- Dien of Afrael,faying,* h God wiii ſurely vi- h Hefpeaketh ©
e Meaning.that aiue now, J pzaythee, the treſpaſſe of thy lite you and ve ſhall cary my bones pence, this by the ſpirit
they which haue brethren ann their ſinne: foz thep rewarded 26. B0 Jofeph Tied when hee was an of prophecie, exa —

one God, {hould thee euili. And now, wee pray chee, forgiue hundzeth and tenne yeere olde: and they horting his bre-
be ioyned in the treſyalſeof the ſeruants oF thy fathers embalmed him and gut him ura chek tu thrento haue full _
moft fure lowe, eGod. Anu Joleph wept, wher || chep Cgyppe truf in Gods
|OQr,the meſſen⸗ promife for their

q The fecond booke of Mofes, deliuerance,


called Exodus..
Peer that Ia:kob by Gods commandement, Gen 46.3. had trought bis family into Egypt, where
they remained for the {pace of foure bundrcth yeeres, and of ſcuemie perfons grew to an infinite -
number,fo thatthe King and the countrey grudged , and endeu ured both by tyrannie and cruel flaue-
ty to firppreffe them : the Lord accordingto his promife, Gene, 15.14 “had compaffion of his Church, ’
and deliuered them, but plegued their enemies in moft frange and fundry forts, And che more that
the tyrannie of the wicked enraged ag-inft bis Church , the more did his heauie indgements increafe-
againft them,till Pharaoh and bisarmie were drowned inthe fame Sea, whichgaue an entry and pafè
fage tothe childrenof God, Butas the ingratitude of man is great· fodid they immediatly forget
Gods wonderfull benefits: and albeit he had giuen them the Paffeouer to bea figne and memoriail of ©
the fame, yetthey fell to diftruft,and tempted God with fundry murmurings and grudgingsagaintt him
and his minifters : fometime mooued with ambition ,fomerime for lacke of drinke or ment to content
their lufts ,fometime by idolatry, orfuchlike, Wherefore Ged vifited them with fharpe rods and
plagues,that by his correions they might ſeeke to him forremedy againit his fcourges , and earnefily
repent them fortheir rebellions and wickedneffe. And becaufe Gad loueth them to the end wham he
hath once begun to loue,he punifhed them not according to their deferts, but di alt with them in great
mercies,and euer with new benefits laboured to ouereome their malice: for he ſtill gouerned them,and
gaue them his Word and Law,both concerning the maner offeruing him, and alfo the forme of iudge-
mentsand ciuil policie: to the intent that they fhould not ferue God after their owne inventions,
_according to. that order, which his heaucnly wiledome had appointed.
as CHAP. I and Judah,
2 The children ofFaakob that cameinto Egypt. 3 FMlachar,
zebulun, and Beniamin;
8 The new Pharach oppreffeththem.12The pro- 4 Dan, and sraphtalt, Gad, and A-
idence of Godtoward them, 15 The kengs com- thers anys
Gene 46. 8. mandement to the midwites.2% The fonnes ofthe ç Boalthe Poules that came out of the Or,per fowss
`a Mofes deleri- Ebrewes are commanded to be caſt intothe river. loynes of Jaakob, were* fenentie foules; Gene.46.275°
beth the wonder- s o Dw *athele are the names Ioſephwas in Eaypt already. — : dest, 10, 225-
-fallorder that J of the chiltzen of fact, G- Mow Joſeph dicn e all his brethren,
‘God obferucthin © g which came inta Egypt (e+ and that whole geueration.
performing his uery man and his houſhelde 7 Gand the*childen of Iſrael ſbꝛought ASIAT,
promife to Abra-
ham, Geo,1.5.1 4. oe
SAN D) came thither
with Jaakob) ` foorth fruite , andf increaſed
reaſed in agoun- Or,didgrow·
2 Keuben, Simeon Leui, dante, and were multiplied » and tese

Afrael oppreſſed. Moſes borne. Exodus. He fleeth to Midian.
b Hemeanecth exceeding mighty,lothat the > land was ful and daubed ftwith Mime with pitch ,and
the countrey of of them. b layne the childe therein, and put it among b Committing
Gothen. 8 Chenehere role vp anew King in E> the bulruſhesbythe riuers brinke. y him to the pro-
c He confidered gypt, whe «knew not Joſeph. 4 ow bis lifter food alarre off, to wit uidence of God,
not how God 9 And hee lard vnto hts people, Behold, what would conic of him. whom fhe could
had preferued the people ofthe chimen of Iſrael are grea- 5 € Chen the daughter of Pharaoh not kee pe from
Egypt for Iou ter ant mightier then we. caine Downe te wath her in thertuer, Eber the rage of the
fephs fake. Io Came, let vs woke wiſely with them, maidens walked by tye riuer ſde:and when tyrant.
left they muittpipy, and it come te paſſe that ſhee law the arke among the bulruſhes, thee
tf there be warre, tcp ioyne theniſelues al- fent ber mayo to fet tt. ‘
fo vnto our enemies, and fiabt againt vs, 6 Then hee opened it, and (awe it was
d Into Canaan, and 4 i get them eut of the land. a childe; and bebolde,the babe wept:fo hee
and fo we (hail IL Therefor did they (ee Calke maſters had compafiion on it, and ſayd, Chis is one
lofe out com- ouer them, to keepe them vnder with bur- ofthe Ebrewes childzen.
moditie. Dens : and they burlt the cities Pithom and 7 Then faide bis ſiſter vntoPharaohs
HOr,goe wp out Raamlſes fo: the h treatures of Pharaoh. Daughter, Shall J goe and call vnto thee a
of the land. 12 But the mae they vered them, the — ofthe Ebzew women to nurle thee the
|| Or.corne and moze they multiplied and grewe: therefore childe?
prousfion. e fhep were moze grieued againk the chil- 8 And Pharaohs Daughter fayd to ber,
e The more that Ben of Iſrael. ° Goer. Ho the mayde went and called the c Manseounfe!l
God bleffeth his, 13 Ciheretoze the Egyptians by crueltic ¢ childs mother,
che more doeth cauled the childzen of Jiiraelto ferne. i 9 To whom Pharaohs Daughter fayd, cannotwhichbinder
the wicked enuie 14 Thus they made them weary of their Take this childe away, and nurictt foz me, that, God
chem, ltucs by foze labour in clay and in bzicke, and J will reward thee. Chen the weman hath determined
ſhall cometo
and in all woke tn the Geld, with all maner tooke the childe and nurfed him.
| t Ebr. wherewith ofbordage, + which thep layde vpon them IO Row the childe grew,and He brought palic.
they ferued them- mofi cruelly, : him vnto Pharaohs Daughter, and bee was
felues ofthem by 15 € Wozeourr the King of Egypt cem- as berfonue, and whe called bis name Mo⸗
crueltte. manded the midwiues of the Ebrew wo- — faid ſhee,JDew him out of the
f Thefefeeme to men, (of which the ones name wast Dpi- ater.
haue bene the phiab,and rhe name of the other JOuah) 11 € And in thole dayes, when Motes
chiefe of the reft, I6 And faide, * CUhen pe Doe the oftice ofwasi growen,bee went koorthbunto bts bꝛe⸗ d That
is, was
Wifdet8.5. a midwife to the women of the Ebrewes, thren, and looked on their burdens: allo hee fortie yeere old,
{|Or, feats where-and ice them on theiritooles, if tt bee a faw an Egyptian (miting an Chzew, one of AGs.7.23.
upon they fate in fonne, then pee Mall kill him: but if it bee a his brethren.
trauell. daughter, then let her liue. I2 And bee looked t round abontEwhen t Ebr.thus and
17 Hotwithſtanding the midwiues fea- be fat no man, he * flew the Egyptian and thus,
red God, and DD not as the King of Egypt hid him in the fand, e Being affured
commanded them, but prelerued altue the 13 gaine hee came forth the fecond day, that God hadap-
mich chilen. and beholde, two Ebꝛewes ſtroue: and hee poioted him to
18 Chen the King of Egypt calied foz the faine vnto him that Did rhe wng , there. deliuer the Iſrae-
midwiues, and fade vnto them, Aby jaue foze finitett thou thy fellow? lites, Acts 7.25.
pee Done thus, and baue prelerued aline the 14 And he anſwered, Cibo made theea
men childeen — man of authozttic, and a iunge oner ps?
g Their difobe- Ig And the midwiues anſwered Pha⸗ hinke thou to killinee, as thou killed
dience herein raoh, Becauſe the Ebꝛeweẽ women are not the Egyptian? Chen Wers f feared and f Though by his
„ was lawfull,but asthe women of Egypt: foz they are liuely, (aid, Lertainely this thing tsknowen, Feare he thewed
their difflembling * are deliuered per the midwife come at Is Row [Pharaoh heard this matter,and hisinfirmitie,yet
euill, em. fought to fay Woles : therefore Moles fied faith coucred it,
h That is,God 20 God therefore proſpered the mid- from Paraoh, œ dwelt in the land of fpi» Heb.11.27.
increafed the fa- Wines, and the people multiplied and were Dian, and he fate Downe bya well.
milies of the If- very aitghty. À 16 And the Pꝛieſt of Midian had feuen HOr, prince.
raclites by their 21 And becanfe the midwiues feared Daughters, which came and drew water,and
meanes, God,therefore be! made them houſes. — the troughs, foz to water their fathers
i When tyrants 22 Chen Pharaoh charged all his peo- eepe
cannot preuaile ple, fying, Cuery nan childe thatts bone, I7 Thenthe hepheards caine and droue
by crafe, they icaft pee into the rier, but reſecue guery thematway: but Moles rofe bp and Defen t Ebr. faued
braft forth into mapd childe altue. Ded them and watered their Metepe. à them.
openrage, 18 And when thep came to Reuel their
Cri AP. TE: ——— faid, How are ye come fo foontto || Or grand-
2 Mofes is borne and caſt intothe flags. 5 He ays there
ittaken vp of Pharaohs daughter & kept. 12 He 19 Ana they fata, A man of Egppt deli-
a ThisLeuire kslleth the Egyptian. 15 He fleeth and marrieth ucred vs fromthe band of the hepbheards, `
was called Am- awife. 23 The 7{raeltes cry unto the Lord. and alfo Dewe Ys water ynough, aud wate=
ram, who maried T Hen there wenta aman of the boule o red the eepe.
Iochabed, Chap. Leni, toske to wife a Daughter of Len 20 Then hee faide vnto his Danghters, g Wherein he
6.210. 2 Andthe woman concciuen and barea And whereis hee? why bane peeloleftthe declared a thank-
Nam. 26 59. fon':e: and when (ee ſaw that he was faire, man? e call btm that be may eate bread. full minde, which
1.chron.23.13. * He hin him three moneths. 21 And Boles agreed to dwell with the would recom.
acts 7.20. 3 But when Hee could no longer hide man: who gang vnto Moles Zipporah his penfeche benefice
cbr.41.2 3 him, fhe tooks foz him au arke made of reve, Daughter. one ynto his,
22 Gna
God appeareth to Mofes. Chap. iii, iit. Godsname. 23
Chap,18.3, of Egypt
22 And fhee barea fone, *whofe name halt brought thepeople out
be called Gerfyom: for he layd,3]paue bene Bine Mal
{crue Ged vpon —
a tranger ina frange land, 13 Then Moles fain vnto God, Behold,
h God humbleth 23 Then in proceile of time, the King when 3) {hall come vnto the children of Fitas
his by afliGions of Egypt died, and the childzen of Ffract eland fhallfay onto them, The Govof your -
that they fhould lighed fo? the bondage and» cried:and their fathers hath (ent mee vnto pou: if they fa
crie vnto him,& crie fez the bondage came bp vnto God. vnto me, Chat ts his Mame? what fhall
receiue the fruit 24 Then God heard their mone, c God fap onto them?
of his promile, remembred hts couenant with Abraham, 14 And Godanlwered Moles, 12 AM n The God
i He iudged their Izhak, and Jaakob. ‘ THAT I AM. Allo hee id, Thus Walt which haue euer
caule or acknow- 25 So Gon looked vpon the children of thou fay vnto the children of jſfract, 1 AM been, am,and
ledged them to Rlrael, and God i haw relpect vnto them, bath fent me vnto pou, : thalbe: the God
be his, Ig And Gon ſpake further vnto Mofes, Almighty, by
CHAP, IIL Thus halt thou fay vnto che chifpren of Jl whome all things
s Mofeskeepeth fheepe , and God appeareth rael, The Lowe Godot your fathers, the haue their —
unto bhim in abufh. 10 Hee fendeth himto deli- God of Abꝛaham, the Godot Ishak, anv and the Ged o
wer the children ofIfracl. 14 The name of God, the God of Jaakob hath fent mee vnto pou: mercie,mindfull:
16 Godteacheth him what to doe. this ig mp flame foz euer, and this is mp of my promife,
VV en Woles kept the Weep of Jethro memoꝛiall vnto all ages, Reuel.z,4,
bis father ty law, Diet of Midian, 16 Goe and gather the Elders of Iſrael
fOr, farre within and Droue the flocke ta the | backelideo£ the together and thou fhalt fap pnto them, The
the defert. Delert,and came tothe amountaine of God, Lod God of pour fathers, the Gov of A>
a It was lo called >Poreb, » baham , JIzhak, and Jaakob appeared vn-
after the Lawe 2 Then the Angel of the Lord appeared tomeg, and faid , +3] baue furelp remem: vifiting:
was giuen. vnto him in *a flame of fire,out of the mips ta et > AND thatwhich is Done to you tn hane vifiteds
b Called alfo ofa < buf, and hee looked, and behold, the
Sinai. buf} burned with fire, and the buly was not 17 ChereforeF did fay, Jwill being you
As 7,30. contumed, put of the affliction of Egypt vnto the iant
c This fignifieth 3 Gherefore Moles fayde, I will turne of the Canaanites,and the Hittites, and the
that the Church alide naw, and tee this great light, why the A moꝛttes and the Perizzites, and the it-
isnot confumed buſh burneth not. utteg 5 and the Pebufites, vnto a land that
by the fire of af- 4 And when dthe Lor faw that
hee tur- floweth with milke and honie.
Aictions, becauſe ned aline to ſee, God called vnto him out of 13 Then hall they obey thy voice, and
God is in the the middes ok the buſh, and faine, Moles, thou and the Eiders of Jiraci hall go vnto
midsthereof. Moles. And he anſwered, J am here, the King of Egypt, and fay ynto hin, Che e

d Whom he cal- 5 Then he fayd , Come not hither, < put Lom God of the Ebꝛewes hath || met with lOr appeared:
led the Angel, thy hoses off thy feete : foz the place where- bs: wee pray thenow therefore, let vs gog wnte YS.

verle 2. sn thou ftandeitts f holy ground. thaee Dapes tourney in the wildernefie, that © Becaufe Epypt-
e Refigne thy 6Moꝛeouer he laid, Jam the God of twe may o facrtfice vnto the Lord our Gov. was full of don
felfe vpto m£, thy father,the God of Abraham, the God of 19: (But Iknowe thatthe king of Œ- trie, God. would
Ruth 4:7, Ishak, and the God of Jaakob, Chen Jo- aye will not iet you goer, but bp ſtrong appoint thema.
iofh.5. 15. tes hid brg face ; foz be was s afraid to looke hand. ; place wherethey:
f Becaufe of my- bpon God. } 20 Cherfore wil F retch out mine hand fhould ferue him
preſence. 7 ¶Then the Lowe faid, Jhaue fure- and {mite Egypt with all my wonders, purely,
Matth.22. 32, ly ſcene the trouble of my people, which are which F wil doe in the mtddes thereof ann p This example
acts 7.32. in Egypt, and haue heard their crp , becaule after that (gail he let pou goe.. may not be fol-
g For{innecau- oftheir» tafnematterssfozJ]know their ſor· 21 And Ñ willmake this people tobe fas lowed generally
feth man to feare rowes, $. uouredof the Egyptians: fo that when pee though at Gods
Gods iuftice, 8 .Therefoze J am come Downe to Delt- goe pee Wall not goe emptie. commaundement:
h Whofe cruelty uert them outofthe hand of the Egyptians, 22 r >For euery woman hall afke of her they did it juftly,.
wasintolerable, and te bring them out of that land intoa neighbour, and of ber} that ſoiournech in- recejuing fome,
i Moft plentifull good land ta large, intoaland that flow- her joule, tewels of fluer, and icwels of recompenfe of, |
efall things. eth with milke and honie, euen into the placegold, and rayment, and pe hall put them on their labours,
of the Canaanites,and the Hittites, and the pour fonnes, and on pour daughters, ehall Chap. 431, 2: ana!
Amopzites, and the Perizzites, and theii- ipotie the Egyptians. 12.35. í
uites, and the Jebulites. hora mbhofe
k Heheard be- 9 *And now lot, the crie of the childzen CH APY DIH, boufe fhee ſo⸗
fore,but now hee of Iſrael is come vnto mee, and Jhaue allo 3 Mofesredis turned intoa firpent. 6 His ioarneth,
wouldreuengeit, ſeene the oppreflion , wherewith the Cgpp- hand is leprous. 9 The water of the riuer is tur-
ng oppzefie. them: nedintoblood, 14 Aaron is giuento helpe Mo-
‘© lo Come now therefore, andJ will (end Bse 21 God hardeneth Pharaoh. 25 Mofes.
t He doeth not thee bnto Pharaoh, that thou mayeſt bring wife carcumciſeth her fone, 27 Aaron mecteth:
fully difobey my people the chilozen of Frael out of E⸗ with Mafes,and they come tothe Ffraelites , and:
Ged, but ac fà - are beleeued.
knowledgeth his ma € But Wolesfayd vnto God, Cibo ien Pofesanlwered, and fapt, Büt- aGod beareth:
owne weaknefle. am!J, that J thould go vnto Pharaoh, anw Tor they will not beleene mee, 102 hears: with Mofes
m Neither feare that Mould bing the childzen of Filira ken vnto my voyce: fo: they will ap, Che doubting, bee
thine owne out of Egypt? 102D hath not appeared vnto thee. - caule hee was nog
weakenes, nor 12 And be anfwered, " Certainely J wil 2 And the Lorde fain vnto hint, What altogether with»
Pharoahs tyran- be with thee: and this hall bea token unto is that in thine hand? And bee anfwered, A out faiths-
nie, thee that J hauclent chee, After that thou roade. N
7; Then:
“Mofes handleprouse _ Exodus. Zipporah circumeifeth her fonne.
3 Then laiy hee, Cal it on the ground. fain to Doles, Gee in peace.
Ho he calic on the ground ,and tt was tur- 19 (Foz the Loze hav faid bnte Moles
ned into a ſerpent: and Moles fled from tt. in inian, Gor, returne to Egypt: fo: the
4 Againe, the Loꝛdeſaid vnto Woks, are all Dead which + went about to kil chee) tEbr fought thy
ut foozth thine Hand, and take it bpthe 20 Then Moles tooke his wife, and bis foule,
taple. Then he put korth bis hand e caught fonnes, and tput them on an aſſe, and re- Eb. caxfed thems
it, anD it wag turned inta a ronde tn his turned toward the land of Œ ppts AND toride,
hand. Moles tooke the h ronde of G in bis b Whereby he
b This power to Doc this, b that they map beleeue that band. wrought the mis
wotkemiracles the 1020 God oftheir Father's, the God of 21 And the Loyd faid vnto Moles, When racles.
wasto confirme Abꝛaham, the Gov of Ishak, and the God thou art entre’ and come into Œgppt a-
his doGrine ,and of Jaakob bath appeared sunto thee. gaine, fee that thou Dos all the wonders bea
toafurchimof 6 @ Aud the Loe fapd furthermoze fore Pharash, which J haue put in chine
his vocation, vnto him, Chut nowe thine hand into hand : but3will i harden his heart, and be i By retaining my
tby bofame. And hee thult hishand into shall net lec the people goe. fpirit, and deliuc-
his boſeme, and wien hee tooke it out a- 22 Then thou thatt fap to Pharaoh, fing him vnto Sq.
||Or,white as ase » bebolde, bis hand was ||lepzous as Thus ſaith the Lord, Iſrael is mp lonne,euen tan to encreafe ~
Row. my k firt bone. his malice.
[aw 7 Moꝛeouer he fat, Put thine hand in- 23 Wherekore J Cay to thee, Let mp forme k Meaning moft
to thy bolome againe. So hee put his hand gorthat he map ſerue mee: ifthou refute ta deare vnto him.
inte hts bofome againe, and pluckt tt out of let bim goe, beholde, J will Rap chy tonne,
bis bofome and bepoid,it was turned again cuenthy firft bozne.
as his othet leih, è 24 @ And as hee was by the wap in the
8 Ho hallitbe, ikthey will not beleeue Inne, the Loza met him, atid ! woul’ haue 1 God punifhed
Or, the wordes thee,ticttherobep|the voice of the firt figne, killen him. him with ficknes
confirmed by the pet thalitheyp beleeue foz: the voiceof the fe- 25 Chen Fippozah tookeaHarpe knife, for negle@ing
frf fignes condfigne. and m cut away the foreſkinne of herfonne, hisfacrament.
9 ‘util they will not pet beleeue thele and cat it at histect, and ſaid, Thon art in m ThisaGe was
two fignes, neither obep vnto thy voyce, Deed a bloody huſband vnto me, extraordinary:
€ Becaufe thefe then ſhalt thou take of the «water of the ri- 26 Ho ibe Departed from him. Chen he for Moles was
three fifignes ugr, and powrze it pon the Dzp land: fo the fayd,D bloody huſband (becaule of the cits fore ficke , and
fhould be {uffici- water which chou ſhalt take out of the ri- cunnctfion.) $ God euen then
ent witnefles to tis Mall Bee turned to blood vpon the dzie 27 ¶ Chen the Lod faid vnto Jaron,Go requiredit.
prone that Mofes and. meet Moles in the wildernes. Andhe went llOrthe Angel.
fhould deliver Io (But ofres fain vnto the Lom,Oh = a = in the mount of God, aud lOr, Horeb.
Gods people. mp Lord,J ant not eloquent, + neither at ae iſſed him.
$Eb, from yefter- np time haue been, no2 pet fince thou bat fpo- 28 Then Woles told Aaron all the worda
‘day, and yer ye~ ken vnto thy fernant: but Jam + fowe of ofthe Lord, who had ſent him, andall the
— er day. {peech,and How of tongue. fignes wherewith he had charged bini.
4Ebr.heauie of 11 Then the Lord fain vnto him, Aho 29 (So went Woles and Garon, anv
month, Hath giuen the mouth to man? o2 who hath gacurren allthe Elders of the childien of
made theoumbe, o? the Deafe, 0: him that Wiel.
feeth,o2 the blind 2 haue not J the LoD? 30 And Aaron told alltbe words, which
Matth. 10.196 12 Cherefoxegoe now , aud * FZwillbee the Lod had ſpoken vnto Moles , and bee
andiz 22. with thy mouth, and will teach thee what DID the miracles in the fight of the people.
thou Malt fap. 31 And the ” peoplebeleened, and when n So that Mofes
{3 But he Catv, Dh my Lom, fend, FTpray they beard that the Lorde had vikted the had now experi-
lOr, miniſtery. thee,by the band of him, whom thou 4 toute chimen of Iſrael, and had looked vpon enceof Gods
-d That is,ofthe Dek lend. ; their tribulation, thep bowed Downe, and promife, that hee
Meſſias: or fome 14 Chen the Lord was < —* angry with woefhipped. fhould hane
other, that is Doles and faine, Doe not J know Aaron good ſucceſſe.
more meete thy brother the Lentte,that he himlelfe Hall CHAP. V,
then I. {peake? fozloe, bee commeth allo foorth to 1 Mofes and Aaron doe their me Page to Phas
-e Thoùgh wee miecte thee,ana when bee ſeeth thee, bee will raoh, who letteth not the people of Ffrael to dee
| prouoke God be glad tn bis heart. part, but oppre (feth them more and more. 20 They
iuftly to anger, 15 Therkoꝛe thou Halt fpeake vnto him, cry out upon Mofes ér Aaron therefore,and Mo-
yet will he-neuer aud f put the wordes in his mouth, and J ſes complaineth to God.
reiect his: worl be with thy mouth,and with his mouth, To afterward Moſes and Aaron went
f Thou Malt in- and will teach pou what pe ought to Doe. and ſayd to a Pharaoh, Thus faith the a Faith ouercome
ſtruct him what 16 And bee hall be thy pokeiman vnts Lord God of Jlrael,Let my people goe, that meth feare, and
to fay. the people: and ee fall be, cuen hee Wall be they may > celebzate a keaſt vnto mee in the maketh men
asthy— » and thou ſhalt bee to himas bold in their yor
Chap. 7 Ke s God. 2 And
——— Pharaoh h fayd,
fayd, Miho
Who ts
is thetheL Lord, cation.
g Meaning,asa i Moꝛeouer thou ſhalt take this rodde that J] ould heave bis voyce, and let Jia. b And offer fas
wife counfeller, .i aehand, wherewith chou Walt do mi- el goe? J know not the Lozd, neither will J crifice,
_ and fall of Gods es. let Jiltrael goe. ;
Spirit. 18 ¶ Therefore Moles went and reture 3 And they ſayd, ||We worhip the Gov llOr, God hath
ned to Jethzo hts father in law, and fain pie of the ebzewes: wee pray thee, let vs goe met Vse
tobim, J pray thee let me goe, and returne thece Dayes tourney in the Delert and facri» |
lOr,kinsfolkeand tomy ||brethzeen, which are in Egypt , and fice vnto the Lord onr God, leet heebsing Ebr. left he meet
linage, ſee whether they
bgpet aline. Then Jethzo vpon vs the peſtilence oz ſwozd. us with peftim’
4 Then lace.
Greater taskes layd onthe Ifraelitese Chap.vj. God promifeth deliuerance.
4 Then laide the King of Egypt vnto 23 Foz fince
Jcame to Pharaoh to ſpeake
them, Moſes and Aaron, why caule pee the inthy Hame,he hath veren this people, and
people te ceale from therr wozkes? get pou pet thon batt not deliuered thy people,
to pour burdens.
5 Pharaoh ſaid furthermoze, Beh ive, c HOA P VI.
e Asthoughye much people is now in the land, tpee make
would rebell, them leaue their burdens, 3 God renuerh iis promife of the deliusrance
6 Therefore Pharaoh gaue commande- of the Ifraelites. 9 Mofes fpeaketh to the Ffrae-
ment the fame Day vnto the Talke maſters bites, but they beleeme timnot. 10 Mofes and
d Which were of the people,and to their ¢ officers, ſaying, Aaron are fent againe to Pharaoh. 14 The ge-
of the Ifraelites, 7 Pee Wall gine the people no moze nealogie of Reuben , Simeon, and Leui, of whom
and had charge ftratu,to make batcke ( $a in time paft) but came Mofes and Aaron.
to fee them doe a them gocand gather them raw them-
their.worke, elues. githas the £o20 faide bnto Woſes, Mow
$ Ebr. yesterday 8 Notwithſtanding lay vpon them the halt thon fee what J will De vnto Pha⸗
and yer yeSter- number ofbzicke, which they made in time raoh: fo: by a trong band Mall hee let chem
day. pat, dimimſh nothing thereof: fe: thep bee goe, and +euen be conſtrained to Deine them $ a ſtrong
tole therefore they crp,laving, Let ys goe to out of his tand. hand,
offer facctfice pnts our God, 2 Moꝛeouer, God ſpake bnto Moles,
‘ e The more cru- 9. e Lay moze woke vpon the men, and and {aid vnto him,3]am the LoD.
elly that tyrants caule them to Doe it, and let them not regard 3 And J appeared vnto Abrabam,to Jiz»
raze,the neerer fhaine words. hakand to Jaakob by che name of |Aimigh- lOr allfufficient.
is Gods helpe. Io @ Then went the Calke-matters of tie God: but by mp name *Jehoual was J a Whereby he
§ Of Mofes and the people, and their officers out, and teine not knowen puto them. fignifieth that he
Aaron, the people, faying, Thus faith Pharaoh, J 4 Furthermore as J made my Couenant will parforme in
will giue yeu na moze traw, With chem to gine them the land of Cana- deedsthar which:
Il Goc your lelues, get you Erat where an, the landof their pilgrimage , wherein he promiled to
pe can finde it, pet Hall nothing of pour la⸗ thep were rangers: their fathers: ſor
bour be Diminifhed. HoT baue alſo heard the groning of this Name decla-
I2 Then were thepeople (cattred abroad the childzen of Jiracl, whom the Egypti- reth that heis
thosowout all theland of Egypt, foz to ga- ans keepe in bondage, and baug semembzed conftant,and will
ther ttubble in itead of traw, my Couenant. 43 performe his |
13 And the Calke-matters hated them, 6 Cberefoze fap thou bnto the chilozen promife.
$ Ebr.the worke faying , Fini) your dayes wozke * euery of Iſrael, Jamtbe Loyd, and3 willbung
ofa day in his Dayes talke,as ye did when pee had fraw, you out from the burdens of the Egypte
aay. 14 And the officers of the childzen sf FE ans, aud will Deliuer pou out of their bans
- tacl, which Pharashs Calke-matters had Dage, aud mill redeeme pou tnaitretchea
fet cuer them, were beaten, and Demanded, out armie and in great iudgements. HOr plagues:
TUberefoze haue pee not fulfilled pour. tatke 7 Alo J will take yon foz my people, b He —
in making bzicke pelterDay and te Day, as in and will bee pour Gad; then yee Mall know as touching the
times patt? that Z the Lord pour God bing pou aut outward vocatis
Is € Chen the officers of the chilen of from the burdens ef the Egyptians. —- on: the dignitie .
Ilxael came, and erted vnto Pharaoh, fay» 8 Gnd J will bang pou into the land whereof they loft
ing , Miberetoze dealeſt thou thus with thy which 3+ tware that Jwould giue to Abzas afterward by
feruants ? f Ham,toIzhak, and to Jaakob, and F wiil their rebellion:
16 There is no ſtrawe ginen to thy fer- ped tt vnto pou fos apoilehlion : Jam thẽ bur as for eleGi-
uants, and they fay vnto vs , Make batcke: 020. onto life enerla-
U Or, thy people and loe, thy ſernants are beaten, audi thy 9 € Bo Boles tolve the hien of Iſ⸗ fing;
the Egyptians are people isblamen. rael thus: but they bearkened « not vuta table,
ån the Jault. 17 But hee {aid,t Mee are too much idle: Woks, fozanguith of (pivit and foz crucii IEbr.lifi up mine
+ Ebr, Idle ye are therefoze yee fay, Let vs goe tooffer facrifice Bondage. hand fv
idle, to the Lod. Io ‘Chen the Low fpake pute Moles, c Soharda
18 @o therefore now and wozke: aping,
foz there ſayi thing it isto bew
ſhall no raw be ginen you, pet ail pe Deli» II Gore (peake to Pharaoh Ring of E- trueobedience |
wer the whole tale ofbztcke. s gypt, that hee let the cheldzen of Iſrael gog vnder the croffe,
19 Then the offiecrs of the childzen of cut of Dis land. d Or, barbarows
0r, locked fad on Jiraci | faw themlelues in an enill cafe, be- 12 But Boles ſpake before the Lord lap- and rude in
them, which faid. caule it was fain, Pe hall Biminth nothing tng, Behald, the childzen of Ilrael hearken fpeech:and by |
of pour bricke,nor of euerp Dayes talke. not vnto me, bow then Hall Pharach heare this word (vacire
20 E And they met Moſes and Aaron, me, which am oka vncircumciſed lips? cumeifed).is figs
* Reade Gene, which ſtood in their wap as they. came out 13 Thin the Lord ſpake pnto oies and nified the whole
341300 krom Pharach, vnto Aaron.and charged them co goe to the coruption of
g It is a grievous 21 Cowhoin they fayo, The Lord laske children af Iſrael, andto Pharaoh King ef mans natuse,
thing to thefer- bpon you and iudge: for yee hane made our — * buing the chilazen ot Iſtael out of e Thisgenealo-
uants of God,to fauour to*ftinke befoze Pharaoh and befoze the land of Egypt. 3 gie Meweth of
ae of bis (eruants , in that pee haue e put a fod 14 @ Thele bee the ¢ heads of their fas whom Moſes
euill efpeciall in their hand to flap bs. thers houies : the* fonnes of Reuben the and Aaron came,
of — 22 Uibercfore Moles returned to the. Art bonne ofS ftacl are anoch and Palin, Gene.46 9.
whenthey doe Lod and {aid , Lord, why bat thou afflic- ipezron and Carmi: tele are the families numb,26.5.
as their duetie pathis people 2 wherefore Dat thou thus of Reuben. serial: L,Ch10%.5 .3»
reguireth, mg? 15 “Ale the founes of Simeon Femucle 1 Chaha
A+t what ſtocke Mofes and Aaron came. Exodus. The firftplagueof Egypt.
Jamiu, and Ohad, and Jachin, and Zoar, gypt, and bring out imine armies, even mp
and Dbhaul the fonne of a Canaantttth wos people, the childzen of Iſrael out of the land
man: thele ave the families of Simeon. of great > tudgements. b To ftrengthen —
= NEM. 3 A7. 16 @* Ghele allo are the names of the § Chen the Copptians Wall know that Mofes faith, God
1.chron.6.1. fonnesof Leur in their generations: OersJ am the Lord, when J tretch foorth mine promifeth againe
and 23.6. fhon ¢ Kobath, and Merari (and the peeres band vpon Egypt, and bꝛing out the chil to punith moft
f Forhe was 42 ofthe life of Leui were an hundaed £ thirtie dren of Iſraeſtron among cher. fharpely the opa
yeereold,when and ſeuen peere.) 6 So Moles and Aaron did as the Loꝛd preflion of his
he came into E- 17_ Che tonnes of Gerſhon, were Libni commanded them,cuen ſo did they. Church.
gypt,and there and Shimi by their families. ( Pow Moles was * fourelcore veere c Mofes liued in
liued 94. 18 _* And the tonnes of Kohath , Amram olde, and Aaron foureicoze and theee, when affliction and
` Num, 26.57. and shar, and Webzon, and Uziel, ( and they ſpake vnto Pharaoh) banifhment fore
| w.chron6,te ct liued an hundzed chirtie and thee 8 And the Lorn had ſpoken vnto Wo- tie yeere before
“and 23,6, ſes and Aaron faning, be enioyed his
19 Allo the fonnes of Merari were Ma⸗ 9 JE Pharaoh peake vnto pou, faying, Offe to deliuer
hali and Muti: theſe ave the families ofLe- Hhewe a miracle foz yon, then thou halt Gods people.
ul by their kinreds, fay onto Aaron, Cake thy rod, and caſt it
Chap. 2,2. 20 * And Amram tooke Jocheben his een Pbaraoh,and it Wall bee turned into a
num 26.59. 8 fathers fiter ta his wife , and the bare htm erpent. lOr, Dragon.
g Which kinde Aaron and Moles (and Amram tined an 10 € Then went Woles and Aaron vn-
~ of mariage was Hundzed thirtie and — Saat to Pharaoh, aud did euen asthe Led had
after in the Law21 @ Allo the fonnesof Ishar : * Kozah, commanded ; and Aaron caſt foorth his rod
forbidden, Leuit. and Mepheg,and Fichi. before Pharaoh and befoze his ſeruãnts,
18.12. 22 And the tonnes of Czsiel :Wiad, it was curnedinto a ferpent. a
h Mofes and he and Chaphan, and Hithi. IX Then Pharaoh called allo
foz the wile
were brothers 23 And Aaron tooke Cliheba daughter men, and diozcerers: and thole charmers d Itfeemech
children,whote of Amminadab, lifter of Hahaſhon to his alfa ofEgypt Did in like maner with their that thefe were
rebellion was mite, which bare hint Madab and Abibu, enchantiments. Tannesand Jams
punifhed, Numb. Eleazar and Ithamar. 12 Fo: they cat Downe etery man Dis bres, read 2.Tim. —
161. 24 Allo the (onnes of Korah: Alſir, and rod, and they were turned into ſerpents: but 3-8.f0 euer the
i Who was a Elkanah, and Abialaph + thele arg the fami- Aarons rod Denoured their rods. wicked malici.
prince of Iudah, lies of the Korhites. . 13 Ho Pharaohs beart was hardened, oufly refift the
Numb,2,3, 25. And Eleazar Aarons fonne tooke him 9 e hearkengd not to them , asthe Loo truethof God.
ofthe Daughters of Putiel to his wife, ap tain.
Nam.23. 11. which bare bim = Pbhinehas : thele are the 14 C The Low then {aide unto Moles,
princtpall fathers of che Leuttes thozowout Pharaohs heart is} obftinate,he refuleth co Or, heauie and
_ their families, let the people goe. À i dull,
26 hele are Aaron € Woles to whom 15 Go vnto Pharaoh in the mominglo,
the Loza taid, Bing the chosen of Jael he will come korth vnto the water) and thou
out ofthelandof Egypt, according to their fhalt tand ¢ meet him by thee riuers brink, e To wit, theri-
k For their fa- armies, and the rod, which was turned into a ſer⸗ uer Nilus.
milies were fo 27 Ghele are that Moles and Aaron, pent, bait thou take in thine band.
-great.that they which ſpake to Pharaoh King of Egypt, 16 And thou halt fay vnto bim, Whe
might be com- that they might bring the children of Maei Lod God of the Hebrewes hath fent me vns
‘pared to armies, out of gepot. ; tatheelfaying, Let my people goe, that thep
28 @ And at that time when the Lon may ſerue me in the wilderneflesand behold,
{pake bnto (Boles in the tand of Egppt hitherto thon wouldeft not beate,
1 Thedifobedi- 29 Mhen the Lozd,| fay, ſpake vito Wo. 17 Thus ſayeth the Lod, Jn thisthou
ence both of fes, ſaying, Jam the Lod, ſpeake thou vnto halt know thatJam the Lod: beholde, J
(| Mofes and ofthe Pharaoh the Ring of Egypt all that Flay wil {mite with the rod that is in mine hand,
“people fheweth vnto thee, - bpon the water that is in the riuer, and tt
| that their deliue- 30 When Mofes laine before the Lord, ſhalbe turned to blood.
rance came oncly Beholde,3 am of vncircumciſed lips, and 18 And the ff} that is inthe river, fhalt
of Gods free how all Pharaoh beare me ? Die, and the river Mall tinke, and ft hall
mercie. i grieuc the Egyptians to minke ofthe wa- |] Or they ſbalbe
= CHAP, vik ter of the river. weary,and ab-
3 Godhardeneth Pharaohs heart. 10 Mofes 19 E The Lord then pake to Moles, horre to drinhe.
and Aarow doe the miracles of the ſerpent, and Day vnto Aaron, Cake thy rod,and ſtretch
the blood and Pharaohs forcerers doe the lke out thine hand ouer the waters of Egypt,
||Or,a God to yaen the Lozd fatd to Moles, Bebolde,F euer their ſtreames, ouer their rivers, and
Pharaol. baue made thee |Pharaohs* Go, and ouer their pondes, and ouer all pooles of
a [haue giuen Aaron thpbrorher Hall be thy Prophet. their waters,and they Wall bee t blood, and } The firft plague,
` thee power & au- 2 Chon halt peake all thatJcomman · ‘there thal bee blood thoromontall the tand
thority to fpeake Ded thee: and Aaron thy bzother pall peake KEgypt, both in veſſels of wood, and of
in my Name, and unto Pharaoh, that hee ſuffer the children of one.
|| to execute my Iſrael to goe outof his land. 20 Ho Mofes and Aaron did euen as the
| iudgements ypon 3 But F will harden Pharaohs heart, Lord commanded : * and be liftbp the rod, Chap.17. 5»
ae him, and multiply my miracles and my wonders and finote the water that was in the rfuer
| NOr,fhall ſpeahe tn the land of Egypt. in the fight of Pharaoh, and tn the tight of
| jor thee (before 4 And Pharaoh thall not hearken un- histeruants:and*all the water that was Pfal.78. 44
|Pharaoh ) to you, thatJmay lay mine hand vpon E⸗ inthe riuer was turned inte bigon, mai
Thefecond Plague. 3 PEN Chap viij. The third and fourth Plague. a HS
£ To fignifiethat 21 And the!
it that was in the riuer, Ir So the frogs Hall Depart from thee,
jt was a true mi- Died, and tye riuer tanke: to chat the Capp and from thine boules, and from thp fete
racle, and that tians could not minke of the water of the rtt- uants, and from thy people; onely thep halt
God plagued uer: and there was bleod thozowont allthe rematnein the river.
them inthat land of Egypt. I2 Theu Boles and Aaron went out
which was moft 22 * And the inchanters of Egypt did from Pharaoh:
and Moles cried vnto the
neceflary for the e likewtle with therr ſorceries: and thebeart Lod concerning the frogs, which hee han
referuation of of Pharaoh was t hardened z fo that bee || fent vate Pharaoh. [Or ayd ups,
ife. benot hearken vnto them, as the Lom bad _ 13 And the Loyd did according to the fap-
Wi[4.17.7- tng of Moles: fo the frogges 4 Died in the d In things of
g In outward 23 Then Pharaoh returned, and went houles,tn the townes,and iñ the fields. this life God oft
appeartance,and againe into bis houle, + neither Dw this pet 14 Gnd they gathered them together by times heareth the
after that the fe- enter into bis heart. Deapes,and the land ſtanke of them. prayers
of the
uen dayes were 24 Al the Cavptians then viggen round Is But when Pharaoh fam that hee had iuft for the yne
ended. about thertuer for waters to Duinkerfo2 they ret giuenhim,be hardned hts heart, hears odly.
IEbr. was made could not Dzinke of the water of the river. kened not vnto them, asthe Lord had fain. made his
` firong. 25 And this | continued fully ſeuen dayes 16 € gaine the Lozd fain vnto Moles, heart heauie
t Ebr.he fet not after the Lod had (mitten the river. ay bato Zaron Stretch out thy rod, anv
bú heart at ali {mite the Dutt of the earth , that it may bee
thereunto. CHAP. VIII, turned to ț lice thoughout alithe land of €- t The third
Or,/eaen dayes Plague.
were accompli- 6 Frogs are fent. 13 Mofes prayeth,
and they 17 And they did (o;fo2 Aaron ſtretched
die, 17 Lice are fènt, whereby the forcerers ac- out hts band with bis rod, and fmote the
knowledge Gods power. 24 Egypt ú plagued with But of the earth: and lice came vpon man
noyfome flies. 30 Mofes prayeth agaime: 32 But and vpon beak: al the Dult of the earth was
Pharaohs heart ú hardened, licethoughoutallthelandof Egypt,
18 Now the inchanters aſſaxed likewiſe
Afoa the Lora fayde unto Woles, with their inchantments to bzing fozth lice,
Goe vnto Pharaoh, and tell him, Chus but they could not. othe lice were vpon é God confoun-
faith the Lozd, Let my people gor, that thep Wan and vpon beak, ded their wife-
map ferue me: i 19 Then (ata the tachanters tuto Pha⸗ dome and authos
2 Andiftheu wilt not let them got, bes raoh , This is the f Huger of God. But ritie in a thing
sa J will finite all thy countrep with Pharaohs heart remamed obftinare,and he moft vile.
2 There is no- a frogs: : hearkened not vnto then , as the Lod baa f They acknow-
thing fo weake, 3 And theriuer hall ſcrall full of frogs, faid ledgethat this
that God cannot which all goe vp and come into thine 20 € Mozeoucr the Lod fain vnto Wo was done by
cauſe to ouer- boufe and into thy chamber where thou flee- fes Rife vp carety in the moning, and tand Gods powerand
come the grea- pelt, and spon thy bed, anv inte the boule of hefoze Pharaeh (ioc, hewill come foorth vn- not by forceriey
teft power of thy feruants, and vpon thy people, and fne to the water ) ana fay onto bim, Thus faith Luke 11.20,
man, — aie ouens, and || lato toy kneading the Lod, Let my people gor, that they map
| Or,vponthy oughs. ferne me. i
| dough,or into 4 Dea, the krogges hall climbe bp vpon 21 Elle if thou wilt not tet my people go,
thine ambries. eheesand on thy people, and vpon all thy ſer⸗ beholde, 3 will fend ||(warmes of fliesborh Or „a multitude
ants, bpon thec,and bpon thy ſeruants, and ypon of venemous
s galm the Lom faid vnto Wors, Dap ` thy people, and into thine houſes: and the beasts,as fer-
thou vnto Aaron, Dtretch out thine hand boules of the Egyptians hall bee full of pentserc,
with thy rod vpon the ſtreames, upon theri» fwarmes of flies,and the ground alfo where=
uers, and upon the ponts and caule frogs te on they are,
come vpon the land of Egypt, > 22 But the land of Goen, where my
Then Paron ſtretched cut bis hand people are,|| will F caul to be wonderfull in lOr, wil (epae
| -¢ The fecond bpon the waters of Egyꝑt, and the t frogs that Day, fe that no fwarmes of fites Wall be rate.
Plague. came vp,and couered the land of > Cappi, there, that thou mayeſt know that J am the
b But Gofhen, 7 * And the forcerers did likewtle with Lod in the mids of the || earth. Or, land of
where Gods theirfozcertes, and brought frogs yp vpon 23 Aud J wil make a deliuerance of my Egypte
people dwelt, was the land of Egypt. people from thy people: to moꝛrow fali thts
excepted, 8 Then Pharaoh called fo: Moſes and miracie be. j
Wafd. 17.7. Aaron and far, © oap e onto the Lon 24 Sud the Lord did fo : * for there came Wifd 16:9.
c Notloue,but that be may take alway the frogs from mee, tereat (warmes of flieg into the honte of t The fourth
feare cauſeth the and from iv people, and 3 wiillet the peo- Pharaoh, and into His (eruants houſes, fo Plague.
| very infidels to ple gop s that they may Doe lactifice unto the that thꝛough all theland of Egypt the carth
feeke vnto God, p20, twas cozrupt by the ſwarmes of fites, g For the Egyp-
t fbr. haue ths 9 And Moles {aid unto Pharaoh, tCon» 25 Then Pharaoh called fe: Poles an tians worfhipped
honour ouer me. cerning mec, euen command when F wall Garon,and aiD, GoL, doe lacrtHce puto pour diuers beafts, as
llOr ſpeake plaine pap foz thee, and for thy feruants , and foz Godin this land. the oxe, the
vnto Me, thy people,to deſtroythe frogs from thee and 26 But Moſes anſwered, It is uot meet theepe,and fuch
from thine boules, that thep may remaine tn to Doe ſo: foz then wee ſhould offer vnto the like, which the
the riuer onely. Loꝛd our God that, whichis an 2 abominatt: Ifraclites offered
10 Then he (aid,Tomoꝛow. And he an: on vnto the Egyptians. Lo can we faccifice in facrifice;- which
$ Ebr according fered, Bee it * as thou hat fat, that thou the abomination of the Egyptiaus befoze thing the Egyp-
to thy word. mapet know, that there is none like vnto their eyes, and they not ftone bs 2 tians abhorred
~ the Lod our God. 27 Let vs gee thice Daves tourney in the to GA
D deſert,
* The fif and fixt Plague, | Exodus. Thefeuenth Plague, ~
delert, and facrifice vnto the Lod our Ged, fore Moles, becauſe ofthe ſcab: for thefrab
Chap.3.18. *as be bath commanded ys. — was vpon the inchanters, and vpon all the
23 And Hharaoh faid,Jtwill let you gor, Egypptians.
that pe map tacrifice vuto the Loꝛd pour Gon 12 And the LoD hardened the beart of
h So the wicked inthe wilderneffe, but h goe not farce away, Pharaoh, and he hearkened not vnto them,
ptefcribe vnto pay foame. ; * as the Lord had fain vnto Mates. , Chap.4.2%-
Gods meflengers 29 And Molſes faid, Beholde.I will goe 13 (Allo the Loz faid vnto Doles, Rile
how farre they pitt from tier, and pray vnto the Log’, that vp earely inthe moning, and mand before
fhall goe, the ſwarmes effiies may Depart from Pha- Bharaoh,
and tell hun, Chus faith the Loa
raoh, from bis feruants,and from bis people Gon of the Cbrewes, Let my people ge,that
to meow; but let Pharaoh from henceforth they may ferue me.
i Hecouldnot i Decetue no moze, 1u netluitering the people 14 foJ will atthis time fende all my
iudge his heart, to factifice vnto the Lod, plagues bpon €thine heart, and vpon thy c So that thine
but yet he chara 30 So Woles went out from Pharaoh, feruants,ézpon thy people that thou mayeſt owne confcience
ged him to døe and prꝛayed vnto the Lod. — that there is none like mee ti all the thal] condemne
chis vnfainedly. _ 31 And the Lora Did accordingto the ſay⸗ eatth, thee of ingrati-
ing of Boles, and the ſwarmes of flies De- Is Foz nowJ wil ſtretch out mine hand, tude and malice.
parted from Pharaoh, from bis (eruants, that3)may ünite thee and thy peaple with
and fram bis peopleand there rematned not the peitilence; and thon Halt perth froni th
one. garii). ;
k Where God 32 Vet Pharaoh «hardened his heartat 16 And indeed, * for this taum hauei J Rom, 9,17.
giueth not faith, this tune alſo, and Din net let the people got. apsotnced thee ito ewe my power in thee, || Or , fet thee vp,
no miracles can €- H-A Pa dEX and to Declare mp 4 fame thoughout ail lOr, to [hew thee,
preuaile. 1 Themurraine of beaſtes. 13 The plague the wold. d "Fhatis,that
of botches and fores. 23 The horrible baile, thun = 17 Det thou exaltelt chy (elfeagaintinpy
all the world may
magnifie my
der,and the lightning. 26 The land of Gofhen e- people, and lettcit them not gor, S
uer & excepted. 27 Pharaoh confeffeth his mic- 13 Beholde, tomorow thts time J wiil power in ouer-
as comming thee.
kedaeſſe. 33 Mofes prayeth for him. 35 Yet is hee cauſe to raine a mighty great batie, fuch
obstinate. was not in Egypt Auce the foundation
T Den the Lord laid vnto Woles, Gorta thereof was layd vnto this time.
Pharash, and tell him, Thus faith the 19 Hend therefore now, and gather thy e Here weéee
£020 God of the Chzrewes , Let my people cattell, and all that thou bait in the fielde; though Gods
goe,that they map lexue me. for spon all the men, and the beattes, which wrath be kind-
2 Buttfthourefule toict them gog, and are found in the fielde, and not brought led, yetthere is
wilt pet hold them tiii, ’ acertaine mercy
attain. hatle thal fall vpon them, and they
3 Beholde,
thehand of the Lom is bpon all Die. ſhewed euen to
thy flocke which ts in the field: for vpon the 20 Durch then as feared the wod of the his enemies.
horſes vpon the aſſes, vpon the camels bpon Lob among the feruants of Pharaoh, made
the cattell, and vpon the ſhecpe thallbeeg his feruants and dis cattell fice into the
t The fift plague. mightie great murraine. boules:
a He thall de- 4 And the Lord Gall doe⸗ wonderful- 21 But fuch as t regarded not the fund t Ebr.fetnot ha
elare his heauie ly betweene the beattes of Iſrael, and the of the Lord, left his ſeruants,
and bis cattell heart ta.
indgement a- beats okEgrpt: to that there hall nothing in the fielt. f The word of —
gaintt bis ene» * of pele péertaineth to tye childzen of 22 C And the Low ſayde to Moles, the minier is
mies,and his fa- + rael. Stretch foorth thine hand toward heauen, called the word
uour toward his § And the Lod appointed a time, faying, that there map be hatle in all the land ef Œ- of Gode

children, To moꝛrow the Lod wall fni this ching gypt, dpon man, and vpon beaſt, and bpon
in this land. y T ali the bearbesof the fielde inthe land ot E·
Ho the Lord did this thing on the ppt, sti
moꝛrovs: andali the cattellofEgypt Died: A 23 Then Moles ſtretched out his rod to»
but of the cattell of the childꝛen of Iſrael ward heaucn,and the Lord fent thunder and
Died not one, t haiie, and tlightning vpon the ground: + The feuenth
b Intothe land 7 Then Wharaoh t fent, and beholde, and the Lom ceuled haile to raine vpon the plague.
of Gofhen, there mas notone of the cattell of the Jitra- land of Egypt. k tEbr fire wale
where the Iiae- elites Dead ; and the heart of Pharaoh was 24 So there was haile , and fire mingled ked.
lites dwelled, obittnate,and he aiD not let the people goe, with the baile, ſo grieuous, as there was
8 dAn the Low {aid to Moles, and to none theotighout all the land of Egppt, ince
B Or,imbers, Garon, Cake your handfull off athes of the ||it was a nation. {|Or. fvce it was
foznace, and Moſes Hall (prinkte them to- 25 And the hailefmote throughoutal the inhabited.
ward the heauen in the fight of Pharaoh: land of Egypt all that was in the fieia, both
9 Andthep Mall be turned to ont in all man and beat: allo the baile {mote all the
the land of Egypt: and it hall bec as a ſcab hearbes of the field, and brzake to pieces all
braking ont into blifters vpon man, and thetrees of the Geld. The wicked
ppon beak, throughout all the lande of C- 26 Dnely in the land of Gohen ( where confeffe their
Sypt.t the chilen ef Iſrael were) was no hale. finnes to their
1o Then they tooke athes of the fornace,27 Then Pharaoh lent awd called for condemnation,
and toone before Pharaoh : and Moſcs Boles and Aaron and fatne pnto them, J] but they cannot
ſprinkled them toward the heauen, Ethere g haue now finned: the Lo: is righteous, beleeueto ob-
The fixtplacue. came ta ſcabbrraking ont into bliſters Ypa but J and my people are wicked. taineremiflion. } -
on man.and vpon beaſt. 28 Pꝛay pe vnto theLozn(fozitis pnotigh) + Ebr.voyces of
And the ſorcerers could net Hand bga that there bee no moze + mighty vane God.
The eight plague chreatned. Chap. x. The eight andninthplague, 26 ®
and hatle,and J will let pou goe,and ye Halt that Cevpt is deſtroyed:
tary no louger. 3 8 o oles and Aaron were brought
29 Then Woles fat vnto hinm, Aſſoone againe vnto Pharaoh, and be fayd to them,
as Jam dut of the citie, J wil ſpꝛead mine Goe, ſerue the Lod your God, but who are
hands vnto the Lo2d, and thethunder tall they that Halt roe? À
ceale, neither hall there bee anp moze haile, 9 Ano Moles anfwered, Mee will goe
that thou mapet know that *the garth is with our yong and with our old, with our
Pfal.24.te the Lords. : fonnes and with our Daughters, with our
h Meaning , that 30 Qs for theeand thy ſeruants, J know fhecpe and with our catteli will we gog : foz
when they haue hafoze |pray ; yee will feare before the face of Wwe muf celebrate a feat vnto the Lom.
their requeft, the LoD Gon, IO And hee ſayd yara them , Leti the d Thar js,I
they are neucs 31 ( Andthe flare, and the barlep were Lodo be with you, as J will iet you goe would che Lord
the better, firutten ; fo: the barlep was eared, and the and pour childzen + behold, fog © euill is de⸗ were no more afa
though they flare was bollen. ; foze your face. feGioned toward
make many faire 32 But che wheate andthe rie were not II Icfhallnotbe fo: now gee pee thatare you, then I am
promifts ; wheres finttten: foz they were |]hid in the ground .) men and ſerue the Loꝛd: for that was your mindedto Jec
in we fee the pta- 33 Then Woles went out of the citie Deire, Chen thep were thuit out frg Jopa: you goe,
étifesof the wic- from Pharaoh, and {pzed bis handes to the raohs pzelence. Ca T e Punithmentis
ked. Lod, and the thunder and the batle coated, 12 €@ Gfter,the Lorde layd bunto Mofes; prepared foryou,
hOr, late (iwen. neither rainen it bpon the earth. Dteetci out thine hand vpon thelana of E- Some read, Ye
= 34. And when Pharaoh faw that p raine gypt faz the grahoppers , that they map intend {ome mife
and the paile ana the thunder twere cealſed, conie bpon the landot Egypt, ann eateall chieſe.
Dee finned againe, and hardened bis heart, the herbes of thetand , eucn all that the haile
both be, and bis feruants. bath left. À
35 Ba the heart of Pharaoh was harde⸗ 13 Then Mofes ſtretched forth his rodde
ned, neither would be let the chilozen of Jif- vpon the land of Caype : and the Love
4 the hand racl goras the Lozd han fad + bp Moles. brought an Eat winde vpon the lande all
af Mofes, that Day, and all that night; and in the mor⸗
CHAP. X. — the Catt winde brought the t gralhop· $ Thecigbth
9 Pharaohs feruants counfell him to let the Ff- plague,
vaelites depart, 13 Grafhoppers deftroy the coun- 14 Dothe graſhoppers went vp vpon all
trey. 16 Pharaoh confeffeth his finne. 22- Dark- the land of Egypt, andi remained in all llOr, he caufed
Beffe is fente 28 Pharaoh forbiddeth Mofes to Quarters of Egypt: fo grieuous graſhop· themto remaine.
come any more in hu prefences pers, like to thei were neuer before, neither
after them thalibe fich.
Aeee , the Load fayd pnto Moſes, Goe 15 ffo they cowered all the face of the
Gap.4.21. to Pharaoh: for+ J haue yardened his earth,‘oibat the land was Darke; and they
beart, and the heart of bis ſeruants, that J Div cate ail the herbes of the land, andal the
HOrinbis pre- might woke thele my miracles athe ming fruits of thetrees , which the haile had left,
ſence,oramong of hts realme, f fo that there was no greene thing left upon
then. .2 gad that thon mapet declare inthe the trees, no: among the herbes of the tield
a The miracles a cares of thy fonne,and uëtyy ſonnes ſonne, thozowout ali the land of Egypt.
fhoutd bee fo - what things J haue done in Egypt,andmy 16 Therefore Pharaoh called for f 9e- f The wicked in
grear, thatthey miracles which Ihaue Done among them: {es and Aaronin batt, and fayd, 3| bane in- their mifery feeke
fhould befpoken that pee map know that J am the Lord. ned agath the Lord your God, and again to Gods mini-
fters for helpe,
of for euer,where 3 Then came Moles and Garon vnto ygu;
alfo wee feethe Pharaoh, anu they tain vnto him, Thus 17 And now korgiue mee my finne onclp albeit chey hate `
duetie of parents faith the Lod God of the Chrewes ; Vow thisonce,and pray bnto the Loꝛd pour Gov, and detch them.
toward their chil- long wilt thourefule > to humble thy felfe sherbec map take away from me this Death
dren. befoze me? Les my people goe,that thepinap onely.
b- Theendof af- ferue me, 18 Mofes then went out from Pharaoh,
flictions, isto 4 WButif thowrefule to let my people go, and prayed vnto the Loss, j
humble our behold, tomorow will J bzing ||” graſhop⸗ 19 And the Lord turned amighty rong
felues with true pers into tip coats. TUeR winde, and toske away the graſhop g The water fee=
repentance vider § And they fall couer the face of the pers , and vtolentip caf them into thee red meth red, becanfe
the hand of tarth thata man cannot fee the earth: and iea, fo that there reingined not one graſhop· the fand or grauel
l God. they hall care the relidue which rémaineth per in all the coaſt of Egypt. isred : the E-
“N0r,locufts, vnto vou, aud path efcaped fromthe baile: 20 But the Lod hardened Pharaohs brewes call itthe
Wifd,16.9s and they ſhall eate all your trees that budin bart „and he DiD not iet the children ofge fea of bulruthes.
e fein. D racl goe.
Aud they Hall fill thine houſes, and all 2I QAgàine the Lord layd vnto Doles,
thy ſeruants houſes, and the boules of all Stretch out thine hand toward peang, that
the Egyptians, as neither thy fathers, noz there may bee vpon the lande of Egypt
thy fathers fathers baue ene , fince the — eucu darkeneſſe, that maybe h Becaufe it was
pOr, nare. time they were spon the earth onto this ele, f i "a
c Mcaning, the Day- Ho hee returned, and went out fron 22 Then Woles Kretched forth his hand + The ninth
-occafion of all Pharaoh. toward heauen, and there wasa tblacke plague.
thefe enils : fo are 7 Then Pharaohs feruants fayd nto *Darkeicie in ail the land of Egypt thee Wif 17%
the godly euer him, How long hall he beſan· oſſence vn⸗ Dapes,
_ charged, asElias to vs? let the m̃en goe, that they may ſerue 23 #20 man faw another, neither aroſe
was by Ashab. the Lord their Gods wiit thou fir know up from the place eae yee was forthzee .
2 Thetenthplaguethreatned. Exodus. The Paffeouer inftituted,
Wifa. 38. te payes : * but all the childzen of Iſrael had ——
e childsen of Iſrael to goe out of his
light where they dwelt.
24 Then Pharash calien fo: Moles, and CHAP. XIT.
fayd,@oe,lerue the Loꝛd: onely your theepe t The Lord inſtu uteth the Paffecuer. 16 The
and pour cattell Hall abide, and pour chil· fathers mufi teach their children the myſten there
Been hall got with pou. ‘ of. 29 The firft borne are flasme. 31 The Ifraclites
i The minifters 25 And Males layd, Chon mut giue vs are drinenvut oftheland, 35 The Egyptians are
of God eught allo laccifices; and burnt offerings, that we fpoyled. 37 The number that departeth out of Ex
not to yceld- one May Doe facrifice vnto the Lozd sur God. SyPt» 40 How long they were in Ecypt.
iot to the wic- 26 Thertoꝛe our cattellalſo hall go with
ked,as touching ts: there hal nat an i hoofe be left,fo2 thers T ao the Lown ſpake puto Moſes and ta
their charge. of muit we take to terue the Lod our Gad: aron ut the land of Egypt, ſaying,
x Thatis, with ‘neither do me know haw we Hail ferne the 2 Ghisamoneth thalbe unto pou the bes a Called Niſan
what bealts , or Lord, wncill we come thither. ginning sf moneths: it halbe to pou the fir Containing pare
how many. 27 (But the Low hardened Pharaohs b moneti of the peere, of March , and
1 Though before Heart, and be would notict them go) 3 Dyeake ye vnto all the Congregation part of April.
he confeffed Mo- 28 Aud Pharaoh lain vnto him, Get thee of Iſrael, aping, Jn the tenth of this mo: b As touching
fesiuft, yeta- from mee: loake thou fee my face no moze: neth let euery man take bute him alambe, the obferuation
gainit hisowne foz whenſoeuer chou commet in my tight, according to the houte ot the < fathers, a of feafis : as for
confcience hee thou alt! ate. lambe fo: an honſe. other policies,.
threatneth to put 29 Then Molſes ſapd. Thou halk favde 4 And if the houſhold be too little forthe they reckoned
him to death, tocil: fram heucelorth walg fee thy tace no tambe, je Yali take his neighbour, whtch ts from Septem>ery
moze. neyt vnto his Houle, accogding to the num- c Asthe fathers
CH AP. XI, ber of the perſons : encrp one of pou, accor of the honfkold
1 God promifith their departure. 2 He willeth Ding to his 4 eating, Hail make pour count had great or
themto borow their neighbours tewels. 3 Mofes fo: the lambe. {mail families.
was efteemed ofall faue Pharaoh, 5 Hefignsfieth § Pour lambe Hall be without blemih, d He thall cake
the death of the firft borne, amaleofa peere old: pee fhalltake tt of the- fo many as are
¢Ne? the Lorde han ſayd unto Mofes, lambgezof theks. — ufficient to eate
Pet will J ing one plague moze Yy- 6 And pee Hall keepe it vntillthe foure- the lambe.
on Pharaoh ana vpen Egypt: after that,he teenth Day of this moneth: then eal rhe mule ¢ Euery onein
will let yvou goe hence? when hee letteth pou titude of the Congregation of Iſrael fjall highoute,
a Wirhout anv goche tall*at once chaſe you bence. Rillit+ atenen. Ebr. betweene
condition, but 2 Apeakethou now tothe people, that 7 Aiter they ſhall take of the bicon and the two eueninge
with hafte and cucty man ||require of his neighbour, and ſtrike tt en the two poſtes, and on the pp- or twilight.
violence. © cuery woman of her neighbour *tewels of ee et pof of the poules where they all
llOr borow. filuer and tewels of goin. eatett..
Chap.3.22. 2 Andthe Lod gaue the people fanour 8 And they thall cate the fle the ſame
and 12,35 inthe fightofthe Egyptians: allo" Woks night, rok with fire,and vileauencd bead:
Eccl 45.1» was very greatin the land of Egypt, in the with ſowre herbe they hall eatett.
fight of Pharaohs ſeruauts, and tn the flight 9 Eate not thereof raw, boyled ne: fod-
of the people) i - Dentn water, butroite mith fite, Voth bis
4 Slo (Boles faid, Thus faith the Lod, £ bead, his feet, audhispurtenance. f That is;all thar
Chap.12.29. * Qbout midnight wul J} goe out into the 10 And pe hall relerue nothing of itvn⸗ may bee catea,
mits of appt. ta themozning : but that, whtch remaineth
Wifa. 18.11. 5 *And allthe lirlt borne in thelandof of it vnto the mogrow , Mall yee burne with
Cavyt Hhallaie from the firt bone of Pha· A re
rach that ſitteth on bis thzone,pntathe üri II @ And thus hall pee cate it, Pour
b From the bone of the mayde ſeruant, thatisat >the loynes girded, pour ſhodes on pour fete,
highe(t to the miiLand all the Art borne ofbeatts. and pour ſtaues in pour hands, and pee hall
lowelt ry 6 Then there ſhalbe a great crp thoꝛow⸗ eate it inbate: fore it isthe Los Pate- g Thelambe was.
ont all the land of Egypt, tuch as was neuer puer, not the Pafleo»
none like, no: malbe. i 12 Fo: J wil paffe thoꝛow the land cf E- uer, but fignified:
7 Butagaink none of the chitdren ofJE aye the fame night, and wili finite all the. it: asfactraments
rael hala dogge mooue His tongue, neither t itbezne in the land of Egypt, both man are not the thiig
agsing man 102 beaſt, that peemay know andbeaf, and J wil erecute iudgement ny» it felfe, which
that the Lod putterh a diſterence betweene on all the ||gods of Egypt, Jam the Loo. they doe repre-
the Egyptians and Iſrael. 13 And the blood Wali bee a token foz you fent, butfignifie
8 Anodallthele thy ſeruants hail come vpon the honfes where ye are: fo when J fee it.
Downe vnto meand fall before mee, ſaying, the blood, Jj will paſſe ouer pou, and the Or. Prixces,
e That is , vnder Get thee out, and all the people that «are plague thall net be vpon you to Detiruction, or idoles.
thy power and at thy feet, ano after this wili J Depart, when 3 finite the land of Eaypt.
pouernment. Ho Hee went out from Pharaoh very anə 14 And this day all be nto pona * re- h Of the benefit
p God hardeneth gry. — membrance: and pee fhall keepe itan poly receiued for your
the hearts of the 9 And the Loe ſapde vnto Moks, featt vnto the L020, thozewont pour genera- deliuerance,
reprobate , that Pharaoh fall fet heave pow that my * : petball Reepe it holybyanozdinance
his glory there- — may be multtpiped in the land of i faz ener. i That issyntill
by might be the appt. Is Berauen Dayes Mall pee cate vnleaue· Chriftscomming®
more fer foorth, 10 @o Doles and Qaren did ali theſe ned bean, aud in any cale pee wall put a- for then ceremo- `
Kom 9.17. wonders betoxe Pharaoh:but the Lows har- way leauen the firt day ont ef your hou- nies had an ends
Dened Pharaohs peart,aud be fierro not fcs: foz wholecucy eateth leancned brean
D eparture out of Egypt. N
The tenth Plague. Chap. xij 37
from the fitt Day vntil the ſeuenth Day, that by night, and (aid, Kiſe vp, get you out from
perſon thalbe cut off from Iſrael. among my people , both pe, and the children
HOr calling toge- 16 Andin the firk Dap thalbe an holy lal· of Iſrãel, and goe (erue the Lom as pe haue
ofthe people ſembly: allo in the feuenth day ſhall bee an fiapd,
to ſerue God. bolp affembly bnto you : no woopke hail 32 Take allo pour Mheepe ,and your cate
bee Done tn them, fane about that whith tellosve haue fayd, and Depart, and? bleng p Pray forme,
every man mutt eate ; that encip may yee me allo.
Doe. 33 And the Egyptians did force the
17 De hall keepe alſo the feak of pnleaues people ,becaute they would fende them out
ned bread: foz that fame Dap J will bring rethe land in batte: foz they fayd , ice Die
vout armics ontof the land of Egypt:there; all,
fore ye thal obferue this Day throughout pour 34 Therfoze the people tooke thet Dough
poſteritie,bp an ordinance fo2 ener. betoze tt was leauened; enen their Dongh
Leuit, 23.5. 18 € *3Jn the fir moncth and the fours bound in clothes vpon their ſhoulders.
#un.23. 16. teenth day of the moneth at keuen pee Wall 35 And the childzen of Ilrael did accor.
k For inolde eate vnleauened bread vnto the one E twen= Ding to the faping of Woles, and they alked
time fo they ticth Dap of the moneth at euen. of the Egyptians * tewels of fluer andrew Chap.2.22.
. counted,begin- 19 Seuen Daves hall no leauen be found els of gold,and rayment. andii.2,
ning the day at in pour houſes: foz wholoeuer eateth leauce _ 36 And theLod gaue the people fanour
Sunne fee, till the ned bread, that perlon wall bee cut of from in the light of the Cgypptians : and thep :
next day at the the Congregation of Iſrael: whetherhebg i ent 2 their veguer : fo thepfpopled the Orlent them.
fame time. & ſtranger,oꝛ bozne in the land. š gyptians.
20 De fhall cat no leauencd bread :but in 37 Chen the * children of Iſrael tooke Namb.33.3-
all your habitations fall pe cat vnleauened their tourney from 4 Rameles to Succoth, iof.24 6.
bead. about fire bundacth theuland men of foote, q Which wasa
21 C Then Woles called ail the Elders belive childzen, city in Golhen,
of Hrael,and fad vnto them, Thule out and 38 And * a great multitude of undp Gene.47.11.
take pou foz every of pour houſholdsa lambe, forts of people went out with them, and r Which were
and killthe Paſſeouer. ; fheepe,and beeues,
andcattell in great abun ſtrangers,
Aebr. 11.28. 22 Qnd take "a bunch of Dylope,and dip Dance. not borne of the
it in the blood that is in the balen,and frike 39 And they baked the Dough which they Mraclices.
tran ſome or the ||lintell,and the 4Dorre cheekes with the beoughe out of Egypt, aad made bitte
upper doore poſt. blood that ts in the balen, and let none of ned cakes: foz it was not leauened, becauſe
BOr,two fide you goe out at the Dooze of his houſe, vntill they were thzuft out of Caypt neither could
pots. the moming. i 4 toepT no? pet prepare themelues pics
23 §Fo2 the Lom wil pafe by to {mite the
Cgpptrans:and when he ſeeth the blood bp- 40 (So the dDwellingof the chimen of
outhelintel andon the two doore cheeks, the Iſtael, while they Dwetled in Egypt, was
Loz will pale oner the Deore, and will net *foure hundꝛeth and thirty yeeres. Genet 5A 50
1 The Angel fent ſuffer the deſtroyer to come into pour houſes 41 And when the f foure hundzeth and acts.7.6,
ofGedrokill to plague you. ‘ r thirtie peeres were erpired, euen the felfe alat. a Fe
ehe firſtborne. 24 Therefore Hall pe obſerue this thing faine Day Departed all the heltes of the Lod f EroinAbrae
a an odinance both foz thee and thy fonnes out of the land ofEgypt. hams departing
0} euer. 42 Jt is a night to bee kept holy ts the from Vr in Chale
25 And when pee Wall come into the Lod, becaufe bee brought them ontof the dea vnto the de=-
m The land of mand, which the Loyd will giue pou, as land of Egypt $ this ts that night of the parting of the
Canaan. beebath pzomtiled, then pee Hall keepe thts Lod , which all the childzen of Jlracl mut children-of Ifrael
POr,Ceremonsse ruice. keepe throughout their generations. from Egypt are
Lofh-4.6, 26 *Qnvd when
when pour children afke pou, 43 Allo the Lo: laide vnto Doles and 430.yccres.
That leruite ts this pe keepe? Aaron, This is the Law of the Paſteouer:
27 Then ye Hall lay, It is the facrifice of eno ftranger ball eate thereof. t Excepthe be
the Lords Paffeouer, which paſſed oner the 44 Buteuery ſeruant that is bought foz circumciled and
houſes of the childzen of Jirael in Egypt, inoney, when thou hak circumciſed him, onely profeffe
when hee fmote the Egyptians, and prefers then ballheeate thereof. yourreligion.
n They gaue ued our houfes. Then the people = bowed 45 Aftranger o2 an Hired ſeruant hall
— for themlelues, and wo2hipped. not eate thereof.
fo great a bent- 28 Gothechildzen of Iſrael went, and 46 * Im one poule ſhall it beeeaten: thon Nam,9.12,
Did as the Lord had commaunded Moles ſhalt carry none of the fem out of the
and Aaron; fo Did they. oe è * neither all pee brake a bone ohn 19.36.
t The tenth 29 (Mow at*midnight the Lozdtfinote ereof. ji
all the firft borne in the land of Egypt, from 47 Al the Congregation of Jiraci Hall
the firt borne of Pharash that fate on his obſerue it
throne, vnto the * fir borne of the capttue 48 But ifa ranger Dwell with thee,
ALAwas in prilon, ant all the firk borne of and will obferue the Paſſeouer of the Lord.
eats. let him circumciſe all th s that belong
- 30 Ana Pharaoh role vp in the night, vnto him, and then let htm comeandobierue u They that are
he,and all bis (eruants, and all the Egypti⸗ if,and be Wall be as one that is boꝛne inthe ofthe houthold
ans; and there wasa great cry in Egypts land: foz nong vncircumtiſed perfon ſhall of God,muft be
foz there was ° no Houle where there was not eate thereof. all ioyned in ons
one Dead. : 49 Dne "late Hall bee to him thatis faith and Re-
4 31 Audhe called to Poles and to Aaron bornein the land, and tothe ftranger that ligion,
D3 dwelleth
i Firltborne. Paffeouer. Exodus. The fierie and cloudie pillare t
Dwelleth among yor. | : pto morrow, laying, bat is this’thon Malt |Or,bereaftere
so Thenall the chiimen of Ifrael div as then lay unto him, (ith a mighty band the wards.
e ae commanded Moles and Aaron: [o Lod beonght vs out of Capper, ont of the
hey. houſe of bondage,
SE And the felfe fame Day did the Low 15 Foz when Pharaoh was hard heare
bring the childzen of Iſrael out of thelanv ted againſt our Departing, the Lord then
of Egypt bp their armies. few ail the firt bone mthe landof Egypt
fram the firſt borne of man euen to the ttet i
CHAP: eX, borne of beaſt: therefore 1 facrifice pnto che
i The firft borne are offered to God. 3 The Lod althe males that firit open the moimbe,
memoriall oftheir deliverance. 6 The inStitati- 4i all the firt bone of my fonnes F| re»
on of the Pafeouer, 8. 14 An exhortation to ceme.
teach their children to remember this delinerance. 16 Andit hallbeeas & token bpon thine
17 Why they are led by the wilderneff2. 19 The hand, and aslifrontlets betweene thine eyes, |]Or, fenes ofree
bones of Fofcph. 21 The pillar ofthe cloud aad that the 102D brought vs ontef Capptby q membraace.
of the fie. $ mighty hand,
17 Q Mow when Pharaoh had tet the:
AP D the Lord pake bute Woles, fay= people gor, Gov carted them notby the way
titer, of the Philiſtuns countrey, ||though it were lOr, because.
Chap.22.29, and 2. * Hanctifie puto me all the firt borne, neere: C fo: Goo (aid, Lek the people repert 1 Whichthe
34.19-lewit,27. that is, euery one that firlt openeth the wombe moen ve fegi warre, and turne agate to Philidims would
26 num.3.13 È among tie chtlozen of Iſrael aswelok mam Egypt aue madea-
8.16.luke 2.83. t as of beaſt: forit ig mine. 18 But God madethe peoplete go about gainft them by
Exod.2 3.43; 3. | Chen Woles fayd vntothe people, by the wayof the wilderneſſe of the rea fea; ftopping them
$Ebr.houfe of *Reimember this dap in the which pee came and the childzenof Ilrael wentvp * armen. the paflsge.
fertuants. ont of Egvpt, vut of the ¢houle ot⸗·bondage: out of the landof Egypt. Thatis, not
a Where they foz by a mighty hand the Lo20 brought you 19 ( And Woles tooke the bones of Jlo- priuily, but o-
were in moftcru- out froni thencestherefoze no leauened began feph with him : foz he had made the childzen penly,and asthe:
el flauery. Hallbe > eaten, ; of Iſrael ſweare, faving, *God will ſurely word doeth fig.
b To fignifiethat 4 Thisday come yee out in the moneth vilite pou, and pe fall take my bones away anific, (erin or-
they had not lea- of: Abib; ; bence with pou.) ¿oan ey oder by fine and
fure to leauen § T Mow when the Lord hath beoughe 20 @* So they tooke their tourney from fue.
their bread. theeintotheland of tye Canaanttes, and Puccoth,and camped in Etham inthe edge,22.
c Conteining Hittites, and Amogzites , and Hinites, and of the miiderneffe. tofh 24, 30.
part of March & Tebulites (which be fware vnto thy fathers, 21 * And the Lord went befoze them by Num. 33,6..
part of April, that he would gine thee,aland flowing with Day in a pillar otal cloud, to leade them the Nam.ia. 14.
when corne bes milke and bonite ) then thou Malt keepe this way, and by night in a pillar of five to ging deut.i 33.
ganto ripein feruice inthis moneth. thenilight, that they might goe both by day p/ad 78.14,
that countrey. 6 HeuenDayes Walt thou cate ynteane- aiid by night. sat | I,cor.10.1,
d Boththefe- ned bread, and the d uenti Day hall bee the 22 *Hectooke not away the pillar of the 1 Todefeadthem
uenth and the fealtofcthe Lord. cloud by Day, no? the pillar of fre by night from the heat of
` firft day were 7 Giuleanencd bread Halbe eaten ſeuen fram befoze the people. the Sunne,
holy,as chap. Daves, anid there atl no leauened bread bee Nahew, 9. I 9o

12, 16. ſeene with thee, noz pet leauen be frene with C OH BP. ZING
e Whenthou thee in all thy quarters. 4. 8 Pharaohs heartis bardenedyand purfueth
doeft celebrate T And thou Hale ſhew thp ſonne ein the Iſtaelites. 11 The Ifraeistes ſtrichen with |
the fcaft of vn- that day,faying, This isdone, becaute ofthat /earemurmure againft Mofes. 13 Mofes doeth |
Jeuencd bread, which the Loza did unto me, when g came encourage them. 21 He diwideth the Sea, 23,27
f Thou fhalt out of Egppt. The Egyptians follow and are drowned,
haue continual 9 Andie hallbea ſigne vnto thee fvpon Tee the Lom ſpake vnto Moles, ſay⸗
remembrance thine hand, and for a remembancebetween ing
thereof, asthou thineeyes, that the Law of the Lod may be 2 Speake to the children ok Iſrael. that
wouldelt ofa in thy mouth : foz by a rong hand the Zod they areturne and campe before b Pihahi ·a Fromtoward
thing that is inbrought thee ontof Egypt. yes roth, betweene Migdol and the Dea, ouer the countrcy of
thine hand or be- Io Acepetherefoze this oxdinance in his again * Baal-sephon : about tt ſhall pee the Philiftims,
forethine eyes. feafonappointed from yeere topeere. canipebytheDca, . b Sothe Sea was
Chap.22.29. and _ IL Q Bud when the Lon hall bzing thee 3 _For Pharaoh will fay of the childzen before them,
34.19 27244.30. into the land of the Canaanites,as he ware of Iſrael They are tangledin the land: the mountaines on
Ebr. that firf2 wa thee and to thy fathers, and hall giue wildernefle hath Mut them in. either ſide,avd
commeth forth. it thee, 4 And Jwill harden Pharaohs heart, the enewie at
g Thisisalfo 12 * Then halt thon fet apart vnto the that be hai follow after pou ; ſo Y will < get their backe: yee
vnderftood of Leod All that firt openeth the wombe: alſo me honour vpon Pharaoh, and vpon all his rhey obeyed
thehorfeand cucty thing that firit noeth open the womte, bofte: the Egyptians alio thali know that JGod, and were ©
other beaftes, and cominerh foorth of thy Bealts the males am the Lod sand they did fo. deliucred,:
which were not fhall be the Lords. 5 Then tt was told the king ofEgypt, Nam.33.7.
offeredin ſacri. 13 Wut euccy+ firi foale oF an safe thou that the people fied
:and the heartofPha· c By punithing
fice. Male redeeme with alambe : and tf thou re rao) and of bis ſeruants was turned as his obitinate
h By offting a deeme him nar, then thou Malt beake his gainſt the peopic, and they yd, Ahy haue bellion.
cleane beaft in necke:like wiſe allo the ſirſt borne of man ae we this Done, and haue let Iſrael goe out of
facrifice, Leuit, mong thy ſonnes Hatt thou buyout. one(eruice? © oats
33,6. 14 4 And when thy onne hall ake thee 6 And Deane ETAR te
Pharaoh purfueth
theIftaelites. Chap. xv. The Egyptians drowned. 28 WR
tooke bis people with bint, soonion their right band, and on their tefe
7 And toske fire hundreth cholen tcha- =and.
> d Tofephus wri- rets, and alithe charets of Egypt, and 23 And the Cayptians purſued and went
tech that befides captaines oner euery one of them, after them to the mivs of the Sea , euen ait
| thefe charets 8 Foꝛ the Low av hardened the heart Pharaohs hoꝛſes, bis charets,anv bis hoꝛſe·
there were of Pharaoh king of Egypt and be followed men
g0000, horfmen, after the chiizzen of Iſtael: but the chuldzen 24 Row in the morning! watch, when t Which was
and 200050, of Iſrael went out with an e hte hand.) the Loz looked vnto the volte of the Egyp» abourthe three
footmen. 9 *And the Egyptians purſued after tiansout ofthe Berie and ciouDdie pillar , bee laft houres of
e With great ioy them, and all the hsrſes & charets of Pha⸗ packs the Hotz of the Capprrans with the night.
and boldnefle, raoh, and bis hoꝛſeinen, aud his hoſte overs er
Fofh. 24. 6. tooke them camping by the Gea, belive Pi⸗ 25 Forhetooke of their charet whecics, 9. babirocl,before Baal-zephon. and they Deane them ||with much adoe: fo Or,heawsly,
Io And when Pharaoh drew nigh, the that the Egyptians euery one feyu, J wiil
chtidzen of Iſtael ift vp their epes, and be- fies from thetace of Frael: for the Lorde
holde, the Egyptians marched after them, fighteth for them agatat the Egyptians.
aud they were tore f afratde : wherefore the26 € Lhen the Lorde fayn to Molſes,
£ They,which chtidzen of Firaet cryed vnto the Loz... Dtretch thine hana vpon the Hea, that the
a litele before in II And they lays vito Moles, Haſt thon Waters May returne npon the Egyptians,
their deliuerance broughtbs to Dic tn the wiſderneſſe, becauſe vpon thetr charets, aud bpon thetr bazie-
Seioyced, being there were no graues in Egypt? wherefore men.
mow in danger, * mat ſerued vs thus, to carrie ps outot 27 Then Boles ſtretched ſoorth his
areaftaid , and gypt! whe band vpon the Hea, and the Hea returnes
murmure, 12 Didnot we teil thee this thing in Œ- to bis foce carelpin themoning, end the m So the Lord
g Such i; theim- gypt, ſaying, Let s vs be in reſt, that wemap Egyptians fled agatutt it:but the Lo20 m o- by the water ſa⸗
patienceofthe {erue the Egrptiaus? for it had been better —— the Egyptians in the midges of ned his and by the
fefh, that it can foz vs to ferue the Egyptians, then that wee th e Dea. water drowned
notabide Gods Mould die tn the wilderneſſe. 28 Ho the water returned and couered bis cnemics.
appointed time. 13 Then Moles ſaid to the people, Feare the charets and the hozlemen ,euen all the
hOr, deliuerance. ye not, Hand til, ang behoidiche faluatton hoſte of Pharaoh that came into the Gea
ofthe Lord which bee will Hew to you this after them: there remained not one of thent,
Day. Fo the Egyptians, whome pee baue 29 But the childzen of Iſrael walked vp⸗
ſeene this Day, pee thalincuer tee them a- on Date land thoꝛow the middes ef the Mea,
gaine. and the waters were a wall vnto them og
14 The Loꝛd Hall fight foz you: therfore their righthand , and on their left.
& Only put your k Hold pou pour peace. 30 Thus the Lor faued Iſrael the fame
trult in God 15 And the Lord fayde vnto Woles, Day out of che hand of the Egyptians, and
without grudging TUherefore icryef thou vnto mee? ipeake Jitael fame the Egyptians dead vpon the +Eby. hand,
or doubting, —— childzenot Iſrael that they gag foz- fea banke. n Thatis, the
i Thus in tenta- ardye 31 And Iſrael fam the mighty + power, do@trine, which
tions faith figh- 16 Andiift thoul vp thy rod, and ftretch which the Lorde ewed vpon the Egypti⸗ he taughtthem
teth againft the out thine Hand vpon theca, and DUNDE it, ans; [G the people teared the Lord, and bes in the name of
efh,and cryeth and let the childꝛen of Iſrael goe on Dzig lecued the Lod, and bts = feruant Moſes. the Lord,
withinward gro- ground thozow the mids of the Bea.
ningsto the 17 Aud J. behold,Jwil harden the heart CHAP. XV
Lord, of the Egpptiaus, that they map followe
them, and 7 wil getme honour bpon Pha⸗ x, 20. Mofes with the men and women fing
raoh, and vpon all bis hoſte, vpon his cha⸗ prayfes unto God for their deluerance. 23 The
rets, and vpon bis hoꝛſemen. people murmurs. 25 At the prayer ofMofes the
18 Chen the Egyptians ſhallknow that bitter waters are fweet. 26 God teacheth the
J an the Lezd , wher FJ baue gotten me ba- people obedience.
nour upon Pharaoh,vpon bis charets , and
vpon bts horſemen. T afang Molſes and the children of a Prayfing God
‘Ig (And the Sige of God , which went A Ftrael thts fong wnto the Lon, and fain for the cuer-
betoz the bote of Flracl, remooucd, and in this maner,Jwilling vnto the Lon; foz throw of bis ene⸗
went behinde them: allo the piilar of the he hath triumphed gloztoudly : the pozie and mies and their `
nant went befeze them, and ſteod behinde him chat rove vpon him Hath he ouertheow- deliuerance.
them, eninthe Dea. _ re Wifd.10.20.
k The cloude 20 And came betwene the campe of the 2 Che Lozd is my KCrength and ||praile, hOr.the occaſton
fhewed light to
the Ifraelites, but
Egyptians, and the campe of Jfrael; tt was and bee is become
my ſaluation. ee is my
both a-cloude and Darkenelic, pet gaue tt God , and J will > prepare him a Taberna- praife.
of my fong of
to the Egyptians klighthy night, fo that al the night long the s :heeis my fathers God, and J will er- b To worlhip
_itwasdarkenes, one came not at theother) j alt him; him therein,
fo that their two -21 Gnd Moles ſtretched farth his hand 3 The Lorde isacman of warre, his c Inbattell he
hoftes could not vpon the Hea,and the Lod cayled the Dea d Name is Jehouah. : ouercommeth
“foyne together. ta runne backe bya ſtrong Catt winde ail 4 Pharaohs charets and his hoſte hath cuer,

Fohb.4.23.pfali thenight, and made the Sea date land : foz hee catt into the Mea: bis chofen captatnes d Euerconftant
the waters were * diuided. allo were Drowned in the red Sea. inhis promile,
22 Then the *chilozen of Iſrael went ç TCiedepthshaucconercd them, they »
thezowe the middes of the Sea vpon the fanke te the bottomeas a ftone.
Day ground and the Waterswereawalbuta 6 Thpliright o Lomig sinkus u lOr,powers
+ è

A fong of delinerance. Exodus. Bitter watersmadefweet. Murmuring.
power: thy right hann, D Loꝛd, bath bꝛuſed 25 And he cryed vnto the Lode, and the
the enemie. i Lod ewed bima “tree , which when hee Ecclus 38.5.
7 Aud in thp great glory thou haſt ouer» had cattinto the waters, the waters were
e Thofe that are towen them chat roie againſt e thee: thou tweet: there bee made them an ordinance
enemies to Gods fente foorth thy wrath, which confumed and alaw, and there» be poued them, n That is, God;
people,are his them as the ſtubble. ; 26 And layde; If thou wilt diligently or Mofes in
enemies. 8 And bp the blak of thy noſtrels the Hearken, O IGael, buto the voyce ot the Loo Gods name,
waters were gathered , tye floods ſtood till thy God, and wilt Doe that, which ts° right o Whichis to 4
asaheape, the Depths congealed together in bis fight , and wilt giue eare vnto pts do that only thas |
fOr inthe depth inthe \peartol theta, i commandements/ and keepe all his oDi- God comman-
ofthe Sea. 9 Che enemic faio,Iwill purfueJwill nances, then will
Jputnone of theſe difea- detla,
ouertake them, 3) will diuide the ſpople, fes opon thee, Which J bought upon the
fbr, my foule ——
q my luſt Hall be ſatiſtied ppon them, J wil fo Fam the Loz that healeth
fhalbe filled, Draw my woe, mine hand Mall Dettroy hee.
them, f 27 (*And they came to Clim, where Numb. 33.9.
Io Thou blewel with thy winde,the fea were twelue fountaines of water, and ſeuen·
couered them, they flank as lead tn the migh⸗ tie ||paline trees, and they camped there by llOr, Datetrees. _
tie waters. the waters.
IL ¿lho is like vnto thee, D Loam among
f For fo often the ‘gods ! who ts tke thee fo gloztous in CHAP. XVI.
times the Scrip- — g kearefull in peaples , Doing won-
ture calleth the ers! € The F{raclites come tothe defert of Sin,and
mighty men of 12 Thou ſtretchedſt out thy right hand, murmure againft Mofes & Aaron. 13 The Lord
the world.. theearthiwallowed them. R ait . Sendeth Quasles and Manna, 23 The Sabbath is
g Which ough- 3 Thou wilt by thy mercie carrie this fantiified vnto the Lord. 27 The feuenthday
teftto be prayfed people , which thou deliueredſt: thou wilt Manna could not be found, 32 Itis kept for are-
with all feareand bung them in thy ſtrength vnto thine poly membrance tothe posteritie.
reucrence, h habitation.
h That is, into 14 Thepreoplemallheareand be afraid: — all the Congregation of the
the land of Ca- ſorow all come vpon the inhabitants of chilogen of Iſrael Departed from Elim,
naan: or into Paleltina. and came to the wildernes of ain (which a This is the
mount Sion, Is Then the Dukes of Edom ſhall be a- isbetweene Elim and Hinai) the fitteenth eight place where |
maze , and trembling Wall come vpon the Day of the fecond moneth after their depar: inthey had came
great men of Moab;: alt the inhabitants of ting out of the land of Egypt. - ped: there is ane- |
Canaan hall ware faint hearted. 2 And the whole Congregation of the ther place called |
16 * Feave € Dean hail fall spon them: childzen of Iſrael murmured againtt IDo- Zin,which was |
Deut.2. 25. becaule of the | greatuesofthine arme, they {eg and againt Aaron in the wildernetie. the
kof.. 9.
llOr, for thy great fhall be tilt as a ftone, till thy people paffe, 3 For the childzen of Iſrael faid to them, wherein they
D Lorde, tili this people pafle, which thou Dh that wee had died by the hand of the camped:and is
halt purchaten. ; Loꝛdein the land of Egypt , when weelate alfo called Kae
17 Thou ſalt bꝛing themin, andplant by the flet >pots, when wee ate bread our delh, Num. 33.
i Which was them in the meuntaine of thine i tnbert- bellies full: for pee haue bꝛought vs outinto 36.
_meunt Zion,
tance,which is the place chat thou batt prepa- this wilderneffe,to kill this whole companie b So harda
where afterward red;D Lod. fo to Dwell in , cuen the Sanca with famine. thing it isto the
the Temple was sey Lode, which thine handes Hall e- 4 & Then aide — Moles, flefh notto mut-
built. abltth. Beholde, J wil caule bꝛead to raine from mure again{t
18 Che Lod (halt reigne foz ener g euer, heauen to pou, and the people Wall goe out God,whenthe
19 Joz Pharaohs Dores went with his and gather + that that ts {uffictent for euery belly is pinched,
charets and yorfemen into the Bea and the c Day, that J may proue them, whether thep Ebr. the portion
Lorde brought the waters of the Sea vpon will walke in my % 3w 02 no. of a dayin his
them: but the chiinn of Iſrael went on Dap § But the frt Dap they Mal mepare that, day.
land inthe minsofthe Sea. which they hall bing home, and it Hall bee c Tofignifie
k Signifying their of 20 (And Miriam the prophetefle, liter twice as much as they gather Dayly. that they fhould |
greatioy: which Aaron, tookeatiimbeetl inher hand, and 6 hen IGBoles and Aaron {aid vnto all patiently depend
cuftome the all the women came out alter her with tim- the childzenof Iſrael, At euen pe hall know vpon Gods prow |
lewesobferued Dzels ana k Dances. that the Lod brought pou outof theland of uidence from
21 And Wiriam l aunlwered the men, E appt. day to day.
in certainefoleme 7 Andin the moning yee hall fee the
Siung pee unto the Lozd: foz he Hath trium⸗
nities, Iudg, ar. phed glosioufiy: the horſe and His rider bath glory of the Loz : 4 foz hee hath heard your d He gauethens
34.and 21,21, gradgings again the Lod: and what are notMannabe= I
but it ought not he ouerthrowen fn the Bea.
to beacioke to 22 Chen Moles brought Iſrael from the we that pe haue murmured agatntt ws? caule they mure
couer our wan-
red Dea, and they went out into the twil- 8 Againe Moſes faid, At euen thal the mured, but for -
ton dances,
Dernefie of e Shur: and thep went thece Lod gtuc you fleſh to eate, and in the moz- his piomile fake
ning pour fill of bꝛead: foz the Lorde hath
] By Gnging the a in the wildernefle, and found no wa⸗ Heard your murmurings , which pee mur-
like fong of er
23 And when they came to Marah, they mure againſt him ; To: what are wee? your
m Which was could not Minke of the waters of Sarah, TAPP i are not againtt vs, but againſt e Hetbat con- |
fo: they were bitter: therefore the name of the e Loo. ‘ temneth Gods _
called Etham,
Num. 33. 8.
the place was called Marah. i 9 ¶ And Moles fafo to Aaron, Day vnto minifters, com. ·

llOr bitterueſſe.
24 Then the people murmured againſt all the Congregation of the children of Ji- temneth God **
Woles faring, Uhat ſhallwe minke? ratl, Diawe neere before the Lorde s fo himfelfe. -'
God fendeth Quailes and Manna. i Chap. xvii. i Manna kept forthe pofterity. 29° X
he bath beard pour murmurings. - 28 And the Lord fayd unto Males, How |
10 Mowas Aaron ſpake vito the thole long refule pe to keepe my commandements
Congregation of the chuldzen of Hlrael,thepy and ~~— A Lor batt
looked toward the wildernelie , and behold, 29 Behold, how the Lord hath ginen pow
Ghap.rz02%. the glory of the Lord appeared * ina cious, the Sabbath: therfore he giucth you the tiert
IIL ( Foꝛ the Loꝛd hav fpoken vnto Mo⸗ Day bread for twodayes: tary cherefore eure
fes, faying, ’ rp man in bts place: tet no man go out of bis
Ecclus.4§.4e 12 J bauc heard the murmurings of the place the feuenth Bay.
childzen of Iſrael: tell fyer therefore, and 30 So thepeople reten the fenenth Day.
llOr, in the twi- fay, At euen pee fyalleate flet, aud in the 31 Aud the boule of Pirai called p name
Aght. mozning ye Hall be Alied with bread. and ye OfitMAN, andit waslike a to Coriander n In forme and
fail know that J am the L020 pour God) (eed, butwhite: and the taſte of it was like figure, but not in
Nam i I.31. 13 Aud fo at euen the *Duailes came and vnto wafers made with hony. colour, Numb,
couered the campe ; and inthe moning the 32 Aud Moles faid, Chis is that, which 11.7%
Dew lap round about the bait. the Loud hath commanded, Fillan Omer
NAMAY: 14 * And when the dew that was fallen, of it,to keepe it foz pour poſteritie: that thep
pfat.78.24 was alcended , behold, a finall round thing may tee the bread wherewith Jhaue fedde
Wafd. 16.20: was bpon the face of the wildernes , (mall as pou tn the wildernefle, whenF brought pou
the Hoare froft on tye carth. out of the land of Egypt.
15 Andwhenthe chaen of Iſrael faw 33 Moles allo fain to Aaron, Cake a
f Which fignifi- it,they faid one to another, Jt ts £M A N,to2 ° pot,and putanOmer full ofM A N there- o Of this veelt,
eth apart porti- thep wit not what it was, And Moles (ato int — the Lo: to be kept for pour read Heb.9.4.
onor gift: alfo vnto them, * Chis ts rhe bead which the poiterity.

meate prepared. Lod hath giuenpoutoeate. — 34. As the Lom commanded Weles,fo
16 @ Chis ts the thing which the Lo eee it bp before the Teſtimonie ta p Thatis,the
John 6. 3 I.
i.cor.10. 3. hath commaunded: gather et it euery man Arkeof the cones
g Which con- according to bis eating , ean Dimer to: +a 35 And the chilozen of Firael did eate nant: to wit, after
taineth about a man, according te the number of pour pets MAN *fopttepeeres, untill they came vnto that the Atke
pottle of our fons: every man Wall take foz them which alant inhabited: they did eate MAN Hite war made.
micafure, are in his tent. till they cametothe borders of the lande of Tofh.5.12
$é6r.for an head. 17 And the chimen of Iſrael did fo, and Ganaan, nelje.9.1 5. ;
gathered fome moze, ſome leſſe. Mri 36 The Dmer isthe tenth part of the q. Whicl mea- -⸗
18 And when they dia mealure tt with 4 Ephay, furecontainethaa
2.ſor. d. 15. an Diner, *he that had gathered much, had boutten pottels, 7
nothing ouer , € he that had gathered little, CHAP, XVII.
h Godisa rich hadno » lacke: focuerpman gathered ac- 1 The Ffraelites come into Rephidim,&grudge
feedcr of all, and cording to his cating. for water, 6 Water is ginuen them out of the rock, -
none can iuftly 19 Moles then taid vnto them, Letna 11 Mofes heldeth vp ha handes, andthey omera
complaine. man reſerue thereoftill morning. come the Amalehites. 15 Mofes buildeth an altar
20 Hotwithſtanding, thep obeyed not tothe Lord, :
Moles: but ſome of them reſerued of it till A #20 al the Congreration of the chilen Eb. atthe mouth
moming, and it was full of woꝛmes, and of Iſrael Departed from the wilderneſſe a Mofes here noe
i No ereature ĩs — > therefore Moſes was angry with of Hin,by their tournepes + at the commana teth not enery
ſo pure, but being em. Dement ofthe Lod, and camped n> Rephi· place where they
abufed, it turneth 21 And they gathered it euery moming, mi where was nu water foz the peopleto camped, as Num,
ro our deftruGi- euery man according fo his eating : foz inke. 33,but only thofe
on, when the heate of the Sunne came, rt was 2 *Aherekore the people contended with places where
melted. Moles, and ſayd, Grue vs water that wee fome notable
22 C And the firth day they gathered may Duinke. And Bols fayd vnto them, thing was done,
k Which portion k twile fo much bead, two Dmersfo one Ahy contend pe with mee? Mherelore doe UM, 20.4.
Should ferue for man: then at the rulers of the Congregati⸗ pe tempt the Lord? Why diftruft
the Sabbath enrame and told Poltsa.. = > 3 So the people thirſted there foz water, you God? why
and the day be- 23 And he anſwered them, This
isthat and the people murmured again (Doles, looke you not
fore, the Lord bath fain, To mozrow is the and fato,cetyerefaze halt thou thus bꝛought for fuccour of
f cf the help Sabbath unto the Lozde- vs out of Egypt to killvs and our childzen bim without
bake that today which yee will bake, and and our catteli with thirſt! ; murmuring a=
feethe that whrch pee will ſeeth, and all that 4 And Moles cried to the Lord, fayine, gainft vs?
remaineth, lay it vp tobe kepttill the moz- That hall F doe tothis people? foz they bee c Howready the
1 Ged tookea- ning for vou. alnioft ready to « ſtone me. people are for
way the occafion 24 And they layd itbp tiil the moming, § And the Lord anſwered te Males, Hoe their owne mat- |
from their labor, as Molſes bade, ana it ſtanke not, neither betoze the people, and take with thee ofthe tets to flay Jere
to fignifie how was there any worme therein. Elders of Plrael: and thy rod, wherewith Prophets, & how
_ holy hee would 25 Then Woles (aid , Cate that to ay: py *fmotett the riuet, take in thine hand flow they areto
haue the Sabbath fo2 te Day is the Sabbath) vnto the Lozne ; to and goe: ; P= revenge Gods
Kept. Day pe (hall not! finde it in the fely, 6 *Becholoe, 7 will tand there before caufe againft his
m Their infideli- 26 Hite dayes hall pee gathertt,butin thee, vpon rhe rock in Horeb, and thou ſhalt enemics and falie
tie was fo grear, the leuenth dayis the Dabvath: in tt there finite on the rocke, and water ſhall come Prophets,
that they did ex- fali be none. 3 out ofit, that the people may Dainke. And Chap:9.20.
prefly againft 27 €Motwithtanding there rwent ont Moles Didfoin the fight of the Elders of Num 209, wifd,
Gods comman- fome of the people in the fenenth Day fo2 to Iſrael. 31.4 pfAL78, 150
dement, gather,and they found none. 7 Ann Gee called the nameof Tapa Cr 105.4% 3.6073
Y 10.4
_-gothua ouercommeth Amalek. Exodus. Tethro his counfell to Mofes.
|{Or tentations Malſah,andMeribah, becaule ofthe con- all the tratatle that hat come vnto them by
| | Or, ſtrife. tention ofthe chumenn of Iſrael and becaute the way, andhow the Loꝛd Delivered them.
| d When inad- thep had tempted che Lozde, taping, Is the 9 And Feth2o reiopced at all the goods
uerſity we thinke d Loꝛdamong bs or ma? neie, which che Lod had thewed to Jirael,
God tobe abfenr, 3 @* Chencame « Amalek and fonght and becaule he had deltiuered them ont of the
| chen we negic& wrt} Iſrael in Rephidinr. hand of the Egyptians,
|his promile, and 9 And Moles (aid to Johua, Chute vs Io CiereforeFethzo fayd, 4 Bleed bee d Whereby itis
| make hima liar. out men, and Coz fight with Amalek: to mo- the Lozd , who bath Delivered pou out of the euident that he:
Deut.35,17. row J willitand on the cop of che ptl with hand oc the Cappttans, and out ofthe hand worfhipped the
Wif. 3. tye rod of Gad in ming hand. J of Pharaoh: whe hath allo delivered the trueéGod,and `
|e Who came of To Ha Joſhua di as Moles bade him, peopic from vnder the hand of the Capptt- therefore Mofes -~
| Elipnaz {onne of and fought with Amalek: and Moſes, Dae ang. refufed not to
Biiau,Gen-36,12. rot, and Wur went vp to the tep of the hill. If Now J know that the Lorde ts grea⸗ marry his daugh-
# That is,Horeb, II Que when Moles peilde vp his band, ter thenalithe gods: *fo2 as thep haue Dealt ter.
which is alſo cal- Ilrael prevailed ; but when hee lec bts band Pane with them, fo they are ¢recompen« Chap.1.10,1 6,
led Sinai. g Downe, Ainalek prenatied. € 22.and 5. 7. and
g So that we fee 12 Now Poles hands were heauy: ther- 12 Then Icthes Wolks father inlawe 14.8,
| how dangerous a foze they tooke a Kone, and put it paver hts, tooke burnt offerings an’ facrilices co offer ¢ Fortheythat .
| thing it isto faint and bee fatepponit: And Garon and ur vnto Gov. And Garon and all the Elders drowned the
| in prayer. tiaped vp his bands, the ene on the one lide, of Jiraci came to eat beead with Moles Fa- children of the
h Inthe booke and the other on che other lide: to his hands ther iniata f before God, Ifiaelites, peri-
of the Law. were ſteady vntili the geing downe of the 13 Cow on the morrow, when Weles fhed themfelues
Eb, put it in the Dunne. fate to iubge the people, the people toote a- by water.
eares of Fofhuse 13 And Joſhua diſcomtited Amalek and bout {Doles trom moning to enen, f They ate in
Num. 24.20. his people with the edge of tye ſword. 14 And when Moles father in law fawe that place where
Pa fan.ij5.3- 14 @ And the Lorn faid to Soles Arite all that hee Dia to the peapie,be fapd, bat the facrifice was.
È Thatis, the this foza remembrance *intbebooke, and ig this that thou Doci ta the people? iby offered: for pare
Lord is my bans trebearfett to Johua; for * J will vtterlp fitted’ thou thy ielte alone, and all the peg- was burnt,and
pet:as hedecla- put out the remembsance of Amalek from ple tana about thee from moning vunta the relt eaten,
red by holding buder heauen. euch?
vp his rod & his I5 (Aua Moles buit an altar and called 15 and Moles ſayde vnto bis father in
hands. the naine of tt i Jehouabh· niſſi) ? latu, Becanie the people come vnto mee to
tébr. the hand of 16 Ailo be fain, The Lord hath fwozne, leeke s Gov. g That is, to
che Lord vpen that he wiil haue warre with Amalek from IG Cdihen they baue a matter they come Know Gods will,.
Bae thrones generation to generation. vnto meand J tudge betweene one and an- and to haue ius
CHAP, XVIII, other, ann Declare the oꝛdinances of God, {tice executed.
1 Jethro commeth to fee Mofes bis fonne inlaw, aud his lawes. i ;
8 Mofès telleth him of the woonders of Egypt. 17 But Mofes father in law faine une
9 Iethroreioyseth , and offereth facrifice to God. to —* The thing which thou doeſt, is not -

£1 What maner of men officers and Iudges ought e

tobee, 24. Mofes abeyeth Tethros counſell in ap- IZ Thou both + wearieſt chy elfe greats tEbr.thou wik
pointing officers. $ ly, and this peeple thatiswith thee: fog the Seint and falh
J Chap.2.1 6. yen Fethzo the * Pit of Midian thing is too heante forthee: “thou art not Deut.i. 9»
a Itmay feeme Moles father in Law heard ail that able to Doe it of thp (el ealone. —
chat he fent her God had Done fez Males, and fo2 Ifrael his {9 Heare now my h voice, ( J will gine lOr, counſell.
backefor atime people, and how the Lod had brought Iſra⸗ thee counſell, and Ged Wall be with thee)
to her father for el out of Egybt. : Bee thou fo: the people ta "Goward, anv h Iudge thou
her impaticncy, 2 en Fermo the Father inlaw of Mo⸗ report thou the caufes vinta Gov, in hard cauſes,
Jek the fhouldbe fes toske Fippozah goles wife, (after hee 20 Qudadmouhtheni of the minane which cannot be
aletto his voca- had a fent her away) tes, totthe lawes , and Hew them the way decided but by
f tion, which was 3 AND her twa tonnes, (whereofthe one wherein they muſt walke, and the woke confulting with
- Te -

I| fo dangerous, was called Gerſhom: foz bee tayo, J haue that they mut Doe, God.
Chap.4.25. beng an aliant in a range land: 21 MWozeoer,proutde thou amoni al the
Chap. 2,22. 4 And the name of tke other was Glie⸗ people, i mein of courage, fearing Goo, men What maner of
b Horebis called zer; forthe Gov of mp father, faidhee, was Dealing trucip, hating couetoufnes: and ape men ought to bee
fymous of God, mine helpe, tDclinered me from the ſworde point fuch quer then tobe rulers pust thon chofento beare
becaufé God of Pharaoh) fandg,rulers ouer pundzens, rulers oner tf- office,
wrought many 5 And Jete Dorres fatherinlaw came ttes, and rulers ouer tennes. k Godly counfel
miracles there. with his two ſonnes and hts wife vntoMe- 22 And let them iudgethe people at all ought éuerto be:
Wi So Pererealleth fealoits : but euerp great matter let theni obeyed ,thoughit
fesinte the wilderneſſe, where hee camped
f ebe mount where by the >monunt of God. Laing buto thee, and let them iudge al imali come of our in-
[Chrift was tranf- : 6 Anthe cfai toMoles, 3 thy Father caules: fo thal tt be eafier foz thee, when thep feriors:forto fuch
‘figured, theholy inlaw Jethꝛo am come to thee,and thy wife Mall beare the burden with thee. God oftentimes
1) | mount; for by and her two (ones with ber. ; 23 JE thou Dos this thing , (and God fo giueth wifedome
Chrifts pretence 7 @ And Woles went ont to meete his command thee) both thou falt bee able to to humble them
it was holy fora father in lawana did obeplance, and kiſſed endure, and all this people pallali go qui- that are exalted,
time, 2.Pet.1.18. Him, and each alken other of his + welfare, etly to theit place. 4 andto declare
9 c That is he fent and they came into the tent. 24 Ho Wales kobeyed the voyer of his that one member
) |meffengersto fay 8 hen Moles tolde his father inlaw Father in lawe, and Did all that bee baa hath need of an=
Jiu5 voto him, ali that the Lorde had Done vnto piaraoh, fapa: other. i

$Ebriof peace. and to the Cgpptians fo: Iſraels kfake, and 25 And Moles thok men of Paar oni
Iſrael chofen aboue all people. God Chap. xix.xx. appearethto Mofes in the Mount.30
of all Iſrael, ane made them heads ouer the they Wall come vp |]into the Mountaine. llOrtoward,
people, rulers ouer thoufands, rulers ouer 14 (Tien Motes went downe from the
bundzeths, rulers ouer ities, and rulers o= Mount vnto the people, and lanctified the
tiertennes. ; people and they waer their clothes.
26 And they iudged the people at all fea- Ig Andhe ſaid vnto the people, Be ready
fons, but they brought the hard caules puto On the third day,decome net at your / wines, f But giue your
Boles: fo? they iũndged all Gmail matters I6 And the thirde Dap, when it was mo- felues to prayer
themſelues. ning, there was thunters andltahrnings, and abftinence,
I Readetheoc- 27 Afterward Mofes tet his father in and a thicke cloud vpon the Mount, and the that you mayat
caſion, Num, 10. Jaw Depart, and ye went inte pis countrep, found ofthe trumpet erceeding lowd,fothat this time attend
29. atie people that was inthe campe, was onely vpon tke
CHAP. XIX. t Lord, aC ot.7.3.
1 The Ifraeltescome to Siaas. 5 Ifraelis cho- 17 Then Woles brought the people out
fin from among allother nations. 8. The people of the tents to mecete with Goo, and thep
Fromifeto obey God. 12 He that toucheth the hill ſtood in the nether part ofthe Mount.
dierh, 16 God appeareth unto Mofes vpon the 18 * And mount Hinai was alt on Groke, Deut.4.1 r.
mount in thunder and lightning. 3 becauſe the £020 came Downe bpon it in
a Which was in ————— monech, after the children of fire, and the ſmoke thereof aſtended, as the.
the beginningof $Jiraci were qone ont of the lan’ ofEgypt, (moke of a fornace, and al the Mount strem- g God vfed thefe
the moneth Si- the fame > Dap came they into the wildernes bled exceedingly. fearefull fignes,
uan, conteining of Hinat. ; Ig And when the found of the trumpet that bis Lawe
partofMayand 2 Foꝛ they Departed from Rephidim, blew ling, waxed iowder ¢ lowder, Beles fhould be had in
rtof lune. anv caine to che Deicrtof Sinat, and came fpake, and Gov anfwered him by k voyce. greater reue·
p Thatthey de- ped in the wilderneffe: euen there Iſrael 20 (Foꝛ the Lod came Downe npon rence, and his
parted fiom Kee camped before the Mount. mount Sinsation the top ofthe Mount) anv maiefty the more
phidim. * But Msſes wenthpvnto God, for when the Led calien Boles up into the top feared.
As 7. 38. the LoD hav called out of the Mount vnto ofthemount, Moles went vp. h He gaue au-
bim,faying, Thus Hait thou fay to the houte 21 Then the Low (aid vnto Moles, Goe thority to Mofes
¢ Godcalled ofc Jaakob, and teil the children of Iſrael. Bowne, charge the people, that chey breake by plaine words,
Jaakob Ifrael: 4 *Deehane feene whatJ aw to the C= not their bounds,to goe vp to the Load to gaze, that the people
therefore the gyptians, chow 3 carica pou upon 4 eagles left niany of them perii. migbt vnder-
houfe offaakob wings, and haue bꝛought you vnto me. 22 Andletthe |Diets ail which come ftand him,
and the people of § Row therefore *if per will heare my to the Lord, be ſauctified, ick the Lord ||de⸗ HOr, rulers.
Ifrael fignifieon- voyce in Deed, and keepe mp Couenant, then froy them. llOr breake ous
ly Gods people, pee all bemy chiefe trealure abouc ail peo» 23 Anu Moles {aide unto the Lord, Che upon them, —
Deut. 29.3. ple,* though ali the earth be mine. people cannot come vp into the mount Di-
d For the eagle 6 Pe ſhalbe vnto we allo akingzome of hat; fo: thonhalt charged vs, laying, Get
by flying hic, 1s Mꝛieſts, and an holy nation. Wheltare the marks on the mouniatne, and fanctifie ii.
out ofdanger, & woes which thou Halt ſpeake vnto the 24 And the Lord (aid vnto him, Gor, get
incarying ber childzen of Iſrael. thee Downe, and come vp, thou, anv Saron
birds rather on ¶ Woles then came and called fo: the with thee: but let not the i Prieſts and rhe i Neither digne
her wings then Elders of the people , and pꝛopoſed vnto people bꝛeake their bounds id come vp vnto ty noz mwitiade
in her talents, de- them all thele things, which the £020 coms the 020, leſt he Deltroy them. haue authority tæ
clareh her loue. manded hin. 25 So Boles went Downe vnto the peo: paffe the bounds;
Deut 5.2. S And the people anſwered all together, ple, and toid them, _ thar Gods word
Deut, ros i4, `andfayD,* AU that the Lord hath comaman· CHAP, XX, prefciiberh,
Pfal.z4s. Ded, wee wii Dor. And Moles reported the 2 The commasdements ofthe frf table. 12 The» woꝛdes of the people unto the L020. cemmandements ofthe fecond, 18 The people a-
reuel,1.6. 9 And the Lordſaid pnto Woles, Loe, fraid, are comforted byMofes. 23 Gods of filuer
Chap.2r4 3. FJ come vnto thee tw thicke cloude, that the and golde areagaine forbidden, 24 Of what fore
deut.5.27- peapis may heare, whites3 talke with thee, the akar ought tobe.
and 26.07. ann that they allo may belecue thee foz euer. T Ven God pakeall thele words, laying, a When Mofes
iofh.24.16, (for Moſes had told the wozdes of the peo- 2 * Zamthe Lowe thy Sod, which aad Aaron were
ple unto the Loꝛd) have bꝛought thee out oftheland of Egypt, gon vp, or bad
10 Moꝛtouer che Lom (aid onto Moſes, outof the joule of ||bondage. paſſed the boũds
e Teach them to Gor to the people, and «fanctifie them ta 3 Thou ait haue none other gods > hes of the people,
be purein heart, nanon tesmozrow, and let them wath their foze me. God [pake thus
as they fhewe clothes. 4 * Thou Hait make thee no grauen our ef he mount
them(elues out» 11 And let them bee ready onthe thirde image, neither anp ſimilitude ofchings that Horeb, that all
wardly cleane Day: foz the thud Day the Lorde willcame arein heauen aboue, neither that are inthe the people heard}
by wafhing. Downe in the fight of ali the people bpon earth beneath, noz that are im che waters Deut. 5.6.0 fal,
mount Sinai: : vnderthe earth. 81,10.
12 and thou ſhalt (et markes onto the s Thou halt not «bot Downe to them, llOr, ferwants.
people round about, laying, Cake heedero neither ſerue them: foz Jam the Lorde thp b To whofe eyes
your felues that pe go not by tothe mount, God, 24 tealous God, viliting the tniquitre all things are
no: touch the boder of it: whoſoeuer touch- ci the fathers bpon the chtldzen, vpon the open,
Heb,12.20, eth ther Mount hall furelpDie. third generation, € vpon tye fourth, of them Leuit.2 6,3.
13 Mo hand hallteuch it, buthe hall be that hate mes. Pfab 97-72
toned to Death, og itricken thozowe with c By this cut-
Batts; whetheritbe brat o man, he par ward gefture all kinde of feruiceand worthip to idols is forbiddems.
1Or,trsemper, not line s when the ibong bloweth lang, d Andwill bereuenged of the conte mners of ring honous,
vA Ana
| “The Commandements: The Altar. Exodus. Punifhment forkilling, hurt,
T a

€ So ready is he 6 And ſhewing mercy unto! thouſands CHAP XXI,

rather to thew to them that lowe mee, and keepe my coms Temporal d~ ciuil ordinances appointed by God,
mercie then to manBements, touching feruitudemurthers,co>mrongs:the obfere
panith. 7_ Thou thalt not take the Mame of the uation whereof doth not instifie aman, but are gi»
Leuit.t9.12.det, Lod thy Godin ‘vaine: foz the Lord wul wen to bridle our corrupt nature, which els would
5.08 774t.5 033. not bolne him guiltleſſe, that taketh bis breake out into all miſchieſe and crueltie.
f Either by {weae Namein paing, Ne thele are the Lames which thou Leuit, 25.39.
sing falfely, or igi hepa’ the Sabbath day to skeepe ialt fet befeze them. deut.1 5.12.
rafhly by bis vy. f 2 * JE thou buy an Chee fernant, hee ierem 34.94,
9 *Dire Daves Malt thou labour, and do (hall ſerue fire peeves, and inthe leuenth bee a Paying no mo⸗
| Name,or by con-
temning it. ali thy worke. ſhall goe out free, 2 fo: nothing. ny for bis liberty
ji g Which isby 10 But the ſeuenth Dapis the Sabbath 3. Fhe came ohimſelke alone,heHall go b Not hauing
mediating the
fpirituall rekt by
ofthe Load thy God: init chou Malt not doe olit biméelfe alone : if he were married, then wife sor chil-
anp woke, thou, noz thy fonne, nor thy bis witefhallgocoutwithbim, .
| hearing Gods Daughter, thy man feruant, noz thy maine, this mater bath giuen hima wife,
word,and refting na the Beall, nog the ſtranger that ts within and fe hath born hint fonnesoz Daughters,
c Tilher time
of feruitude was
| from worldly thy ||gates. : the wife and ber childzen Hall bee ber maa expired, which
| trauailes, II * Forin fire dayes the Lod made the fers, but he ball goe out bimlelfe alone. might bethe

| Chap.2 3.12%
[lOr, citie.
heauen and the earth, the fea, and ali thatin 5. Buctfebeleruant faythus, J louemy
them is, andreited the euenth Dap? there- wife and my chien, J will not
fore the Lord blefien the Sabbath Bay, and gocoutfree, — ee
feulenth yeereor
the fiftieth,
Ebr gods,
Genef.2.2. halowed it. 6 Then his maſter Hall bring him bute d Wherethe
Bnd 16, I2 @*ionour thy © father and thp mas thet Judges, and ſet him to the a Booze, o2 Iudges fate.
Watt, 15 4o ther, that thy Dayes may be prolonged bpon tothe polte, and bis matter fhall boze bis e Thatis, to the
e he Gude < the land which p Lod thy od giuech thee. eave thozow with an awle, and he fhal ſerue yeere of Iubile,
É eae parents 13 * Chou palt noti kill. — him Foz€euer. : which was euery
allo is meant all 14 Thou halt not « commit adultery. 7 Likewtleifaman ffel his daughter ta fiftieth yeere,
that haue autho- 1g Thou thalt not! feale. the hall not goe out as the men _Conftrained
be a ſeruant,
ritie ouet vs, 16 Thon Halt not beare Calie = witneſſe feruants de, either by pouere
Miat.5.21. againſt thp neighbour. S Bewepleale not her matter, who hath tie,or els tothe
i saan and 17 *Thou ſhait not» couet thy neighbors betrothed her to bimlelfe, then hail shee intent that the
eferue thy bro- boule , neither Malt thou couet thy neigh» caufeta buy ber: hee all haue no power to mafter fhould
Hi life, p bours wife, noz big man feruant, no? his Es— toa trange people, ſeeing be lideſpt· marry her.
k Butbe pure mayDe, no? his ore, noz bis afle, neither anp ed her. § By giving an
in heart word, thing that ts thp neighbours. 9 But ik he hath betrothed her vnto his other money to
and deed, 18 @ Andall the people||awe the thun: fanne, He Hall Beale mith her baccording to buy her of him,
1 But ftudyto Ders, and the tlightnings, and theloundo€ the cuftome of the Daughters. llOr defloured her
[aue bis goods, thetrumpet and the mountatne tmoking: Lo It he take him another wife, he Hall h That is he thal
m But further and when the people faw it, they fled, and not diminiſh Yer food, ber raiment, andre- giue her dowrie,
his good name, ſtood afarre off, compente ef her vitginitie. i Forhisfonne.
& (peake trueth. Ig And faine vnto Woles, * Calke thou Ir Aud ifhe do not hele * thaee vnto her, k Neicher marry
Rom.7 7. With bs, and we will heare but let not God then hall fhe goe ont free,paping no money. her himfelfe, nor
n Thou mayeft talke with vs. leſt we Die. 12 ¶ He that ſmiteth aman, and he die, pide anothermoe
not fo much as 20 Then Woles fayde vnto the people, Mali dte the Death. j ney to buy her,
with his hinde- Feare not: fo: Godts come toe pzoone pou, 13 And if a man hath not layde wait, but nor beftow her
| sance in any and that bis feare may be befoze you that pe 1 Gov hath offered him into bis hand, * then vpon his fonne,
thing. Rinne not. =will appoint thee a place whither be halt Leuit.24.17.
t {lOr beard. 21 Ho the people food a farveo®, but ee. l Though aman
4Ebr.firebrands. Moles drew neerve vnto the darknes where 14. But if a man come prefumptuontly be Killed at yn-
N | Dext.§.24¢ GD was. vpon his neighbour to May him with guile, wares,yetit is
and 13,16, 22 G And the Lew (aide vnte Woks, thon ſhalt take hin fromintne™attar, that Gods prouidence
hebr.1 2,18. Thus Halt thou fay vnto the chilozen of Tl He may Bie. i i thatit houldfo ~
o Whether you rael, We haue ſeene that J haue talked with I5 (Alto he that ſmiteth bis father o: his be, ;
wil obey his pre- you from heauen. é mother, tall Die the Death. Deut.19.3.
cepts as you pro- 23 Dee Wall not make therefore with mee 16@ And he p ſtealeth aman g felleth him, m The holineffe
mifed,chap.19.8. gods of filuer, noz gods of golde ; pou Hall if ít be found with him, Hall dte the death. of ¥place ought
make pou none, 17 CAd he that curleth his fatheroz not to defend the
Chap. 27.8. 24 *An altar of earth thou halt make bis mother,fhall diethe Death, murther,
and 38.9. unta mee, and thereon hale offer thy 18 Ahen men allo ſtriue together,and Leuit.20.9 proe
Lenig. I. burnt offerings, and thy * peace offerings, onPiinite another with » a Tonc,og with the 20.2 0.74t-15.46
tiy eepe, and thine ove: tn all places, tiſt, and he die not but liethin bed, marke 7.10,
where J Mall put che remembrance of my 19. Ikhe riſe againe, and walke without n Either farre off
Deut.a7.5. Fame,J wilt come vnto thee, and bleng vpoñ his tafe then thall he that ſmote him, him or neere.
ioſ.8.31. et——te. go ° quit, faucentphe (hal beare bischarges o Bythe ciuill.,that k, 25 * But ifthou wilt make mee an Altar |for his reting, and (hal pay foz hishealing. iuftice,
El the fone. offtonc, thou walt not buildeitof bewen 20 @ And ifa man (mite his ſeruant, 02- )Or,loofing of his
p Whichmight ftones :fozif thou lift vp thy toole vpõ them, his mayd witha rod, and he Die ynder his time. ©
It) beby
histou. thou hat polluted + them, band,be hall be ſurely puniſhed. p Bytheciuill
I| ping,or flying 26 Neither falt thou goe ny by eps 21 But ik he continue a day,oꝛtwadates, Magiftrate,but
abroad of his vnto mine altar, that thy r fiithinelte bee not be halnotr be puntthed: foz he ishis money. before God he is
diſcouered thereon 22 — i men ſtriue th thurt a woman
mite amurtherer.
Theft and damage. A Chap.xxii. Of lending and borowin g. 3%
with childe, fo that her childe Depart from
6 GJE fire bꝛeake out, andcatchin the
q Ofthe mother Herand a Death follow not,beſhall be ſurely thornes, and the ttacks of cone, o2 the att
or child. puniſhed according as the womans bui- Ding come,o2 the Held be coniumed, he that
band {yal appoint hun, oz be hall pay as the kindled the fire, hail make Full reiticution.
JOr,arbiters, |JudIges Determine.. 7 (Fla man Deltuer his neighbour mo>
23 But ik Death foliow, then thou halt ney,o2 ſtuſte to keepe and tt be ftolien out of
pay itfe fo ttfe, his boule, ifthe theete be found, he hall pay
Leuit. 24. 20. the double,
24 ** Gye for eye,tooth foz tooth, hand
deut.19-28. fo: hand, foore for tacte, 8 Jf thetheefe be not found, then the mas
matthy 5.38., 25 Burning foz burning , wound foz fer of the boute hall bee brought puto the
r The execution wornd,firipe for Eripe. — : PUD ges to (weare, whether hee hath 4 put tebr. gods. `
of this jaw onelie 26 Anni? aman ſmite his ſeruant in bis hand vnto bis neighbours good, oz no. d That is whe-
belonged to the the eye oxhis maid in the eye, and haue pr- 9 In all mannert oftrelpalle , whether it. ther hebath ftot
Magiltrate,Mat, riſhed it, he Mai iet hint goe free
forbis eve, beto: oven, foz affe foz theepe,
forrapment,oz len, 3
5.38. > 27 Alto if bee Ünite f out his feruants foz anp manner oflott thing, which another
f So Gqd reven- testh,oz his maids tosth,beihall let han goe chalengcth to be His, the caule of both parties
getheruelty in out trec fo: bis tooth. fhall cone betoze the Judges, and whom the
moft leaftthings. 28 @ SE an ove gocaman o? a woman, Judges condemne , hee Hall pay the double
Geni 9.5. that he dte,the* ore (athe t Toned todeath, vite bts neighbour. ;
t [fthebeaft bee and his flely Hal not be eatem but the owner Io Jf a mnan deliner vnto his neighbour
punifhed, much of f)core kall goe quit. — to keepe aſſe, oz ore, 02 fheepe , o2 anp beaft,
morethall the 29 Ikthe ore were wont to puſh in times anuit die,oꝛbe +hurt,o2 taken away by eng- Ebr broken,
murtherer, pat,and it hath beene ||tole his matier,and mies, and no man {ec it,
ſOr, teſtißed to he hath not kept him, and alter he killeth a II ¢ An othe of the Lord Kalbe betweene € They fhould
his. mano: A woman, the ove ſhalbe ſtoned, and them twatne, that be bath not put bis hand weare by the
his owner Hali Bre al. vnto bis neighbours good, and the owner of Name of the
u By the next of 30 HF there be (et to hima finnme ofmo- a— theothe, and hee ſhall not make Lord,
the kinred of him ney,then he Wall pay the ranfome ot bislite, good:
that isfo daine, whatioener ſhalbe layd vpon bin. 12 *But if itbe ſtollen krom him, he Hail Ger, 33.39.
31 Thether be hath gozd a fonte, go- make reſtitution te the otsner thereof:
teda daughter. hee Hall be iudged atter the 3 Hit be tome tn pieces, Hee ſhallbring
ſame maner. Frecozd,and ſhall not make that good, which f Hethall thew
32 Jfthe ore goea ſeruant o:a maid, be is detioure d. fome part of the
x Read Gen. £3. fhall giue vito their matter thirty *ihekels 14 @ And ifa man boꝛrow onght of hig beaft, or bring im
15. of ülner and the oge ſyalbe toned, neighbour, tt be hurtoꝛ els die, the owner witnelles,
33 C And when aman hallopen awell, thereof not being by, be hall furclp make it
Or when he thal digge a pit and couer it not, g oon.
and an ore o2 an alle fall therein, : I5 Ji the owner thereofbe by,heMal net
y This law for- 34 The owner of the pic ſhally make tt make it good: for if tt be an hired thing, it
biddeth not only gooðd, and gine money to the owners thereof, g camer fo pis bire, g He that hired
nottohurr,tut but the dead beak Hall be his. ; 16 @ * Andit aman entife amaide that it thalbe free by
to beware left 25 Cand ifa mans ore hurt his neigh- is not betrothed , and lic with per hee Hall paying the hire..
any be burt, bours ore that he Diz then they Hall fell the indow her, and take ber to bts wti Deut. 2a. 2b.
line ote, ant diuide the money thereof, and 17 Jf her father refule to giue her to him,
the deadoxe alio they (hall dintde. he hall pay money according to the Dowere
O D2if it be knowen that the oxe hath ef virgins. :
vied to pufy intimes pat, and hts mater 18 €Chou Halt noe Mer a witch to tine,
hath not kept bim, Hee Mall pay ore faz ore, 4g C MAholſoeuer lieth with a beat, ſhall
but the Dead ſhalbe bis owne. Dic the Death.
CHAP. AXR - 20 @ *ipee that offereth vnto any gods, Dewt.13.13,145
1 Oftheft, 5 damage, 7 lending , 14 borow- fanc vnto the Lord only, halbe laine, U5. 1WIAC 2,245
ing, 16 entifing ofmaids, 18 witchcraft, 20 2do 21 Moꝛtouer, thon halt not doe init Leuit.9.33.
datry,21 fupport offirdngers,widowesdrfather- ric to a ranger, neicher opprefie pim : for ye
bes, 25 Vfury, 28 reuerence to Magiſtrates. were rangers in the land of Egypt.
wBither great Jf aman ſteale an· ore oza hecpe,and kil 22 Q Pee hall not trouble any widow, Zech.F, 10,
beaftoftheherd, Lit oꝛ ſellit, bee all reftoze fiue oren fog nog fatherleſſe childe.
orafmallbealt theore,* and foure Weep foz the ſheepe. 23 Ifthou vere oz trouble uch elo he call
of the flocke, 2 @ FE atheefebefound breaking by, and Crp vnto me, Fwill ſurely heare Hts cry,
2.Sam. i2.6. and be ſmitten that be die, no blood ‘hall bee 24 Then hall my waach be kinoled, ana
b Breakingan fhed fo? isn. i : J will kill you with the ſworde, ana your :
houfero enter» 3 Buctf itbee tin the daylight, eblood hiptues hall be widowes, and pour childzen h The tuft plague
inoryndermi- · ¶fhallbe ſhedtoꝛ yim : for hee ſhouid make full fatherteffe, of God vpor the
ning. reſtitution: tf hee Dan not wherewith , then 25 C Ifthou lend money to my people, eppreflours,
tEbrwhen the Heauldhebefold for histheft. thatis, tothe poore with thee, thou fatt not Leait.25. 37e
funne rifah vp- 4 Itthe theft be found + with himatine, bee asan vſurer vnto him: pee ſhall not op ·dewt.23/19,
on him. (whether tt be ore afte, o2 fheepe)be Mall re- pefe him with vlurie. pial. vse sa
c Hethallbee {Eme the Double, £ 26 It thoutake thy neighbours rayment
ttodeath, tha § =@3Fa man do hurt field, oꝛ vineyard. topledac, thou ſhalt reſtore it vnto hun be
illeth him, @ put in bis beaſt to feede in another mans fore the funne go: towne:
$b. a0 bis hand, lield,hehal recomipenteofp beſt of his own 27 Fo: that is the courting oncly, and
held and of the bet of bis owne vinevara. this is hts garment foz pis (sinne; —
— ⏑⏑

f erence dueto Magiftrates. The Exodus. three folemne feafts, Godspromife,

i For cold and Hall he leezertherefore when he ĩ crieth on- Is Thou * Halt keepe the feat of s vnlea⸗ Chap. 13. 3.
neceflitie, to me,J|wiil heare him: fo: Y am mercifuil. uened bread; thou tyalt eate vnleauened and 34.18.
Ais 23. 5. 28 C* Chou Malt not raile vpon the bread ſeuen Dayes, as F commanded therin g Tharis,Eafter,
Judges, neither ſpeake eutllof the ruler of tbe ſeaſon of the moneth of Abib: foz init in remembrance
thy people. — ; thou cameſt out of Egypt; anB* none fall that the Angel
k Thine abun- 29 @ Shine abundance and thy liquor appeare befoze me empty. paffedouer and `
dance of thy Halt thou not keepe backe.* Che firit borne 16 The *featt allo of the Harnett of the {pared the Iftace
corne,oyle, and of thyfonnes falt thou gine me. — Ì Arit fruites of thy labours , which thou hak lites , when hee
wine. 30 Likewile hale thou doe with thine owen in the felu: and thei feat ot gathe· flew the Grit
Chap. 13. 2,12. oxen and with thy heepe: ſeuen dayes it hal ring fruites in the end of the peere, when borne of the
asd 34.19: be with bis bamme, andthe eighth Day thou eionhak gathered tn thy labours out of the Egyptians,
Leuitez 2.8. fhalt gine itme. ĉip, Deut 16,16.
etek. 3i 31 @ Ve thall be an holy people vnto me, 17 Thefethzċetimes inthe yeere Wall all ecclus 35.4.
ekat haue *netther thall pe cate anp eth thattstone thy men chilozenappeare betoze the Lorde bh Which is
nothing to dog = beattes in the Hela: pee hail catt it ‘tothe Iehouah. Whitfontide, in
with it, ogge. 18 Thou Malt not offer the blood of my token that the
facrifice with t ieauened bread: neither Hail Law was giuen
CHAP, XXIII the fatte of imp facvifice rematne vattll the 50, dayes after
2 Not to follow the multitude. 13 Not tomake moaning. 3 they departed
mention of the ftrangeGods. 14 The three ſo- 19 * Che firt ofthe frt frnites of thy from Egypte,
lemne feafis, 2023 The Angel i promifedto lead land thou fale bzing into the boule of the i This is the
the people. 25 What God promifeth „af they obey 102d thy God: yet thale thou not teeth a kw feat of =e
him. 29 God will caft cut the Canaamites by it- tit Hts! mothers mike. nacles, fignifyin
tle and litte, and why. 20 ¶ *Behold, J endan Angel before that ——
thee, to Keevethee inthe way, and to bring led 40.yeeres yn-
ſor, report a falfe Hou fhalt not receine a falke tale, nei- thee to the place which Jhaue prepared. derthe tents or
tal, ° , thee Walt thou put thine hand with che 21 Bewareof him,t heare his voice, and the Tabernacles
[|Cr,cred. wicked,to be a | falie witneſſe. : 2ouoke him wot: foz bee will not (pare your in wilderneffe.
2 € Thou hale not follow a multitude miidecds,becaule mp = Mame is in him. k No leauened
Ebr, anfwere, to Doe enil, neither + agrecin a controuerſie 22 But if thou bearken vnto bis voyce, bread thall bee
a Do that which ato decline after manp and ounertizotw the and Doz all that J fpeake,then Jwill dee an then in thing
is godly though tructh, enemie buto thine enemies, and will afflict honfe,
few de fquour it. 3 C Thou halt not eſteeme a poore man them that afflict thee. Chap.3 4.26.
b If we be boũd in bis cauſe. f i 23 jfoz mine Angel *thal goe befoze thee, demt,14,22, `
to doe good to 4 GF thou meete thine enemies oreo? and bring thee bnto the Amozites, and the 1] Meaning,that
our enemies his affe going altray, thou ſhalt being bun Dittites , and the Perizzites, ¢ the Canaa- no fruits fhould
beaft, much tohin againe. ; : ; nites,the iptuttes, and the Jebulites, and J betaken before
more to our ene- § JE thon feethine enemies < afelying will deſtroy them, j iuſt time: & here-
mie himfelfe, vnder bhis burden, wilt thou ceale to helpe 24 Thou walt not bow Downe to their by are bridled all
Marth-5.44. bun? thou fale help him bp againe with te. gods, neither ſerue them, noz Doe after the cruclland wans -
c If God com- 6 CThon halt not ouerthꝛow the right wozkes ef them : but ** vtterly ouerthgowe ton appetites,
sand to help vp of thy pooze in hts lute. thein,and breake in pieces their unages. Cbap.33-26
our enemies affe 7 hou Walt keepe thee far froma fale 25 Foꝛ yee Hail (eruc the Lod pour God, deut.7.24.
ynder bis bur- “matter, *and ſhalt not flay the å innocent AND He (hailblefiethp o bead thy water, m I wall giue
den, will he fuffer and the righteous: foz J will not tultifica and J will take all lickenefie away from the him mine autho-
Ysto caft downe wicked man, ‘ i mids of thee. Seog ritie,and hee fhall
our brethren 8 €* Chou Halt take no gift: for the gift 26 &* Chere hall none catt their fruit gouerne youin
with heauy bur- blindeth the y wile, tperucrteth the mods nor bee barren in thy lands.che mimber of my name.
dens? of the riahtesus. thy Bayes wil Ifullill. < _Chap 33.2. dent,
Daz.13-§3- 9 € Chou halt not oppreffe a ranger: 27 Jwillſend my e keare befoze thee, and 7.20.20/h.24,UNe
d Whether thou Foz pee know the- heart of a ttranger,tecing twill deltroy all the people among whome Deut 7.25.
bea Magiftrare, ye were ftrangers tn the land of Egypt. thou halt goe: and Ji wil make al thine ene⸗ n Godcdman-
or art commaun. Io Moꝛeouer, five peeres thon Walt ſow miesturne their backes vnto thee: deth hisnot only
ded by the Ma- thy land, and gather the frutis thereof, 28 And J will end * hornets before thee, not to worfhip
giftrate. II Wut the ſeuenth yeere thou Walt tet ft which Hall driue ont the Miuites,theGana- idoles, butto de=
Deat,16.19. reſt and lie till, that thepooze of thy people anites, and the Hittites from thy face. ftroy them.
ecclus 20.38. may eate, and what they leaue the beats of _ 29 J will nor cat them out from thy face o That is,all
Ebr. feeing. the feld ſhall eate. In like maner thou Wait in one peere , left theland grow toa wilder things neceflary
e For in thar that Doe with thy binepard , and with thine oliue nefle: and thebeats of the field multiply a- forthis prefent
beisa ftcanger, trees, Satnit thee. i i life.
his heart is for- 12 *Direvdayes halt thou doe thy woke, 30 BylittleandlittleJwill driue them Deut.7.14+
rowfull enough. and inthe feuenth day thou ſhalt reſt, that put from thy face, vntillthou increaſe, and p 1 will make
Leu.25.3.4nd 26 thineore, and thine affe may ret, and the inherite the land. them afraid at
43 .deut, 1 Sokefonne of thy mayde andthe ranger may be 31 And J will make thy coaftes from the thy comming,
Chap.20.8. rekreſhed. ren fea vnto the fea aofthe Philiſtims, and and fend mine |
detæ.5.13. 13 And pee ſhall take heede to allthings from the Delert nto the (Riner: fo: J will Ang:l to de-
f Neither by that Ji baue fain vnto pou: and pe hal make Deliucr the inhabitants ofthe land into pour ftroy them , as
{wearing by thé, f no mention ofthe name of ether gods,net« hand, and thou Malt dine them out from Chap.3 3,2,
nor {peaking of ther ſhall tt be heard out of thy mouth. thy face. Iofh.24:1 2,
them, Pfal, 16,4. 14 @Tizee times thou Malt keepe a keaſt q Called thefea _
Ephef, 5-3» puto mg in the peers. of Syriae r Of Arabia, called Deſerta. f Two wit, Euphrates.
32 Thou
a aa a e a a
and the peoples. Chap.xxiilj.xxv. Offering for the Tabernacle, 32
Chap.34.15. 32 * Thon ſhalt make no couenant with Mount Hinai and the cloud covered fit fire lOr, him.
deut.J. 2. them, noz with their gons; — Dayes: and the ſeuenth day hee called vnto i The Lord ape
33 Meither hall they Dwell in thy land, Holes ont af the mids of the cloud. peareth like de-
tEbr.ofenceor left thep make thee finne againſt mee ; ſor if 17 And the light ofthe glory of the Lord uouring fire to
nare. thon ierue their gods, furcly tt Hallbee thy was like conſuming fire on the toppe of toe carnal! men: but
eJ 16. 1* deſtruction. lala ne epes atthe chitdzen of J& to them that he
iofh.2 3:13 C HOA: Pi XX TEE rari. draweth with his
3 The people promife to obey Ged. 4 Mofes 18 And Moles entred into the mids ef Spirit,heis like
writeth the Ciuill lawes. 9. 13 Mofes returneth the cloud, and went bp te the Mountaine: pleafant Saphir,
inte the Mountaine. 14 Aaron and Hur haue and (Boles was in the * Mount fozty dapes Chap,3 4.28.
the charge of the people, 18 Mofts was fourtee and korty nights. de 4:9. Jo

dayes and fourtie nights in the Mountaine. SHAP. XXV,

a Whenhe cal- bo had a laine vnto Moſes, Come 2 The voluntary gifts forthe making ofthe Ta-
Ted him vp to vp tothe Lo20, thou, and Aaron, f2a- bernacle, 10 The forme ofthe Arke. 517 The Mer-
theMountaine Dab, and Abihu , and ſeuentie of the Elders Cie ftat.23 The Table. 31 The Candlefticke. 40
togiuehimthe of Sfrael,and ye Wali worfhip afarte off, All must be done according tothe paterne,
lawes, beginning 2 Gnd (Boles himlelke alone ſhall come Te” the Lod (pake vnto Soles , fap»
at the 20,Chap- neere tothe Lod, but they Wall not come ing,
ter hitherto. neere,netther Hall the people go vp whim. 2 4Speake vnto the childzen of Iſrael, a Afrerthe Mos
b When hehad 3 E> Afterward Moles came anv tolde that they recciue an offering fo: me; of * eue- rall and ludiciall
receiued thefe the people all the words of the Lozd, and all ry man, whole heart giueth tt freely, pee Hall Law,be gineth
Lawes in mount the+ Lawes sand all the people anſwered take the offering forme. — them the Cere-
Sinai. with ene voyce, and faide, * All the things 3 And thists theoering which pe Hall moniall Law,that
+ Ebr.iudze- which the Lord baty (aid, will we dee. b take okthem, gold, and ftluer,and braſſe, nothing fhould
wients. 4 And Moles wrote all the wordes of 4 Andi blew fitke,and purple,and ſtar⸗ be left to mans
Chap.3 9.8. the Lord, and roſe vp careiy, and fet pat let, aud fine iinnen, and goats haire, inuention,
Chap.20. 24, * Altar I bnper the Mountaine, and twelue And rammes ſkinnes coleured reve, Chap.3 5-5.
fOr, at the foot of m accoming to the twelue Tribes of and the lkinnes of badgers, and the wood b For the buil-
the Mountaine. rael. © Hhittimn, ding and vieof
c Forasyetthe § Andhe ſent yong «menofthe children 6 Dyle for theliaht , {pices Foz 4 anoyn· the Tabernacle,
Priefthood was of Iſrael, which offered burnt offerings of ting ople, and fo the perkume of ſweete fa» {|Or.yellorw.
not giuen to beeues, and ſacrificed peace offerings puto uoit, c Which is
Leui. the Lod. 7 Dni: tones, and tones to bee fet in thonght to be a
6 Chen Moles tooke halfe ofthe blood, the* Ephod, and tn the *bzett plate. kinde of cedar,
and putit in baling, and baite of the bloon 8. Qilo they hall make me a e Sanctua- which wall not
he ſprinkled on theaitar. ry, thatJ]may Dwetlamong ther, rot.
fOr the booke of 7 After he tooke the ||booke ofthe Coues 9 According to all that J theme thee, e» d Ordeined for. -
the Law, nant, and read it in the audience of the peos uen io fhail pe make the forme of the Taber the Priefis,
1.Pet. 1.2. ple: who faid, Ailthat theLord hath ſayd, nacie and the kaſhion of all the inſtruments Chap.28.4.
hebrig-20. We wiit doe, and be obedient. thereof. (hap. 28.15-
d Which blood 8 Then Moles tooke the * blood, and Io Q Chey hall make alfo an* Arke of e A place both
fignifieth that ſprinkled it on the people, and faite, Behold Shittim wood, two cubites and aa halfe to offer facrifice,
the Couenant the 4 blood af the Couenant which the Loꝛd long, and a cubite and an balfe bzoad, anda andto hearethe
broken,cannot e made with you concerning all thele cubite and an halke pie, L aw.
be fatisfied with- things. IT And thou Walt onerlay it with pnre Chap.37.%»
out bloodfhed- 9 ¶ Thenwentsp Moles and Aaron, golde: within and without fhalt thou ouer⸗
ding, F2adab, aud Abihu, and ſeuentie of the Gi- lay it, and halt make bpon it ali crowneof |]Ora circle,
e Asperfely as Ders of Hfract. i gold round about. Ry
Na aud a bordera
their infirmities Io Am they fate the God of Iſrael and 12 Ana thou Halt cafe foure ring
could bchold his vnder his feete was as it were a t worke of a gold foit, and put them in the fourel] te.4Or, feetes
Maiettie. Daphir Tone, and as tye verp heauen when ners thereof: that is,two rings thaloe g JE
} Ebr bricke itis cleare. ; one fide ofit,and two rings on the othe
worke. IL And vpon the nobles of the childzen of thereof. =
f He madethem Iſrael he f layed not his hand ; alſo they faw _13 And thou halt make barres of Dhite:
notafraid,nor Gor, and e did eat and drinke. tim ood, and cover them with goin.
punifhed them. 12 Q And the Lord {apd vnto Woks, 14 Chen thou Malt put che varresin the
g Fig is,reioy⸗ Come bp to ine into the Mountatire, and be rings by the fides of the Arke, to beare the
e there,and J]wil give thee iTables of ttone, Arie with then,
h Taefecond and the Law g the Commandement which 15 Wbhebarres Halbe in the rings of the
f The ſtone Ta⸗
time. 3 baur zitten, fo? to teacht them, = Arke: they Wall not be taken away trom tt,
bles, the rod of
i Signifying,the 13 Then Moles role vp,and his minifter 16 Ho thou fhalt putin the Arke thet Te⸗
Aaron and Mane
hardneffeofour Foijua, tWoles went vp into the Pours ſtimonie which F hall giue chee. na, which were
hearts, except taine ef Gov, 17 Alſo then Hatt make a || e Wercy eat atchimonie of
God do write his 14 Am laid vnto the Elders, Carp vs ofpure gold , twa cnbites and an halfe ſong, Gods prefence,
Lawes therein by here, vntill wee come againe bute pou; and and acubite and an halfe broad. |] Or, couering, oF
his Spirit,Jere.31. behold, Aaron, and Hur are wit) you : who- 13. Gnd thou Hatt make twa Cherubims. propitiatorce.
33. ezek. 11. 19. focuer hath any matters, let bun come to of gold : of wozke beaten out with the ham⸗ g There God ap-
2.cor, 3. 3 hebr. d. them. met Halt thou make them at the two cudes peared merciful=
30.and 10.16, a Then Woles went bp tothe Mount, of the Mertie feat. i ly vnto them :
k To wit,the gnd the cloud couered the MPountaine, 19 And the one Cherub halt thon make and this was a ĝe
_ people, - 16 And theglory of the Lord. abode vpon atthe one ende, and the other Cherub is gure ofChrift,
F The forme ofthe Table and Candlefticke. Exodus. The forme ofthe curtaines..
the other end: ofthe matter of the Mercy feat thereof: and the lampes thereof Malt thou
Mall pee make the Cherubims, on the two put thereon, to giue light toward that that
ends thereof. : tsbefoze tt. $
20 Andthe Cherubims thal ſtretch thei 38 Allo the {infers and fnuffe-dithes
wings on hie, coucring the Mercy (eat wit thereof halbe of pure gold.
their wings, and their faces one to another: 39 Dfa* talent of fine galde fhalt thou k This was the
to the Mercy (cat ward Wall the faces of the make tt with all thele intruments. talent weight of
Cherubims be, 40 * Looketherfoze that thou make them the Temple,and
21 Aud thou Matt put the Mercpleat a- after thetrfatjton, that was hewed thee in weighed 120,
boue vpon the Arke, andin the Arke thou the Mountaine. pound.
oe put the Teſtimonie, which F will gine Hebr.8.5.
bee, CHAP XXVI ACES.7 44e
Or, will appoint 22 And there J will Ideclare my felfe vir 1 The forme ofthe Tabernacle and the appertis
with thee. to thee,and from aboue the Mercpleat * be» nances. 33 The place of the Arke,of the Mercie
Aaumb.J.3g. tweene the two Cherubims, which are spon feat, of the Table and of the Candlefticke.
the Arke ofthe Cekimonte , J will tell thee Aree thon halt make the Taber»
all things which J will gine thee in com X nacle with ten curtaines of fine twined
mandement vnto the childzen of Iſrael. linnen and blet lilke, and purple, and (kare
Chap 37. 10. 23 €* Thou hale allo make a Cable of let:and in them thou palt make Cherubims
Dbittin wood,of two cubites loug,and one of* bꝛoydered wozke. ’ ; a Thatis,of
cubiteboad, and a cubite and a halfe hte: 2 The length okone curtaine halbe eight moft cunning,
24 And thou Walt couer it wich pure gold, and twentie cubites, and the bꝛeadth of ane or fine worke.
an Hiei thereto a crowneof golde round curtaine, foure cubites: euery one of the cure
out, taincs hail haue one mealure.
5 Thou Halt alio make vnto it aborder 3 Fiue curtaines hallbee conpled one to
lOras hagd of ifoure fingers round about:and chou falt another: and the other fiue curtatnes ſhalbe
broad. make a golden crowne round about the bor- coupled one to another. i
Der thereof. : 4 And thou falt make rings of blewe
26 Aiter thou ſhalt make fozit foure rings filke bpon the edge of the one curtatne,which
of goloe, and ſhalt put the rings in the foure is in thefeluedge
bof thecoupling :¢lukewile b Onthefide,
cozners that are tn the foure feet thereof: Malt thou make in the cageof the other cure that the curtaines
27 Duer againtt the border thal the rings taine in the ſeluedge,in the fecond ceupling. might be tied
be fo: places foz barves, to beare the table. S Fiktie rings halt thou maketin one together.
28 And thou fhalt make the barres of curtaine, and fiftte Rrings fhalt thou make
Dhittim wood,and (halt oucrlav them with Inthe edge okthe curtaine, which isin the
gold, that the table may be borne with them. c fecond coupling :the rings thall bee one c In tying tope-
h Yo ſet the 29 Thou Halt make aifo b Dies foz tt, right againt another. ; ther bh bet
bgead vpon. and incenfe cups fo? tt, and conertngs fo: fe, 6 Chou falt make allo fiftie ||taches of fides.
and goblets wherewith it hall bee coucred, golde, and couple the curtatnes one te ano- \|Or,bookes.
cuen of fine gold Halt thou make them. ther with the taches,and tt halbe one Ta⸗ Or, partitions.
30 And then ſhaltſetvpon the table ſhew bernacle, e
bread before me continually. é 7 € Flo thon Walt make curtaines of
Chap, 39.19. 31 Allo thou palt make a Candleſtick gcates haire,to be a dcoucring npon the Ta» d Left raine and
i Icthall not be of pure golde; ofi woke beaten out witi) the bernacte ; thou Walt make them tothe num- weather fhould
smolten,but bea- hammer fall the Candletticke be made, hts berofeleucncurtaines, ere marreit.
tren out of the haft, and bis branches, bis bowles, his 8 The length of acurtaine halbe thirtie
lumpe of gold knops: and bis floures bal be of the fame. cubites, and the bꝛeadth of a curtaine foure
with the bams 32 Dire bzanches alle Hall come out of cubites ; the elenen curtatges-thall be of one

mers the fides of it: theee branchesof the Can- meafnre. x cae
Diefticke out of the one lide of it, and thꝛee 9 And thou halt couple fuecertaines by
— ofthe Candleſtick out of the other themfelues , and the fire curtaines by thems
cofit. felues: but thou Walt Double the- firth cure e That is,fue on A
33 Thꝛee bowles like vnto almonds, ong tatne vpon the forefront of the couering. the one ſide, and
knop and one flourein one bzanch:and three 10 And thou thalt make fiftie rings in fiue on the other,
bowies like almonds in the otker bzanth, the edge of one curtaine in the ſeluedge of & the fixt ſhould
one knop and one floure : fo thorꝛowout the the coupling and fifty firings in the edge of hang ouer the
i— that come out of the Candle- theother curtaine in the fecond coupling. doore ofthe Tae
icke. Ir Likewiſe thou fait make ſiftie ttaches bernacle,
34 And inthe haft of the Candleſticke of braſſe, and fatten them on the ttrings,and {|Or,bookese
fhall be foure bowles like vito almonds , bis halt couple the coucring together, that tt
knops and bis floures. may beone. }
35 And there fhallbee a knop vnder two 12 Gnd thefrenmant that reſteth in the f For thefe cur-
branches made thereof ; and a knop vnder curtaines of the couering,euen the halfe cur· taines were two
two branches made thereof: and a knop vn» taine that refteth, hal be left at the backfire cubites longer
Der two branches made thereof accoming to ofthe Tabernacie, | then thecurtaines
the live beanches comming out of the Gans 3 Thar the cubit on the one fide,and the ofthe Taberna- -
dleſticke. cubite on the orber ſide of that which ts left cle: fo thatt
36 Their knops and their branches ſhall in the length of the curtatnes of the coue- were fider oe
be thereof: all this hall be ont beaten worke ring, may remaine on either fide of the Ta- cubite on both
of pure gold. bernacie to couer it. fides,
37 And thou Halt make the ſeuen lampes 14 Moꝛeouer,foꝛ that conering thouSaale
the boords,
the barres
the vaile, Chap.xxvij. thealtar of offrings,and the court. 33
g To beputvp- make ae concring of ramtes fkinneg died 35 And thou fhalt fet the table without m Meaning in
en the coucring xedde, and a couering + of badgers fhinnes the vatle,and the Candlefticke oner againſt che holy place.
chat was made of aboue, the Gable on the Douthioe of the Taber⸗
oats haire. I5 (Allo thou ſhalt make boordes for the EA am thou halt fet the Table on the
‘This wasthe Tabernacle of Shittim wood to tand vp. 2thitse.
third couering 16 Eenne cubttes hall be the length ofa 36 Allo thon alt make an hanging for n This hangin
forthe Taber- booꝛd, and acubite and anbgalfe cubste the the Dooe of the Tabernacleof blew file, or vaile waebe
pacle. breadth of one beon. i and purple,andCkarlet, and fine twined iine eweenethekoly
17 Two tenons thalbe in one boord fet in nen, weought with needie. > place, and there
order as the feet ofa lander, one againſt ans 37 Aud thou Halt make fo: the hanging where thepeople
ther:thus halt thou make foz al the boords Bue pillars of bittim, t cover them with were,
ofthe Tabernacle. gold: their heads hall bee of gold, and thou
18 And thou hait make boordes foe the Dalt cat fue fockets of bꝛaſſe fo: them,
Tabernacle, ceuen twenty boowes on the
South fide, euen full Sorch. CHAP, KEVI
fOr bafe pieces, Ig And thou Halt make fourtp}fockets x The Akar of the burnt offering. 9 The
wherein were of fluer ynder the twenty boozdes, two ic court of the Tabernacle. 20 Lhe lampes conti-
the mortaifes for kets under one boord foz bis twe tenons, wally burning.
ohelteuons. and two fockets under another boozd foz
Dis two tenons. Mge thon Malt make thesaltarof a For the burnt
20 FJnlike mater onthe other fide of the LA>bhittim wood, fue cubits long ¢ fue offering.
Tabernacle toward the Noꝛthlide thall bee cubits bzoad ( the altar albe fouretquare)
— — and the height thereof three cubits. —
2I And their fourty fockets of ſiluer, two 2 And thou thalt make it hoznesin the
fockets vnder one bord , and two ſocket⸗ foure corners thereof: the hognes thalbe of tt
under another boord. b {elfe sand thou fyalt couer it withbpafle, b OFthe fame
22 Andon the fide of the Tabernacle to- 3 Allo thou halt make bis athpannes fog wood and mat-
ward the Celt, Halt thou make Gre boorꝛds. bis afhes, and his beſoms, and his bafins, ter not faftened
23 Sfo two boos fhalt thou make tn the and hts fleſhhookes, and bis centers tho vato it.
corners of the Tabernacle tn the two fides, foale make all the wftruments thereof of I Or, fre pannes
i The Bbrew 24 Allo they Halbe i toyned beneath, and Rale, i
word fignifieth likewile they thalbe topned aboue to a ring: „4 Gnd thou halt make vnto it a grate
‘twinnes: decla- thus fhall tt be fez them two: they ſhalbe foz like networke of bꝛaſſe: allo upo thar t grate t Ebrnet.
ring that they ——— — falt thou make foure bralen rings bpon the
fhouldhe fo 25 Bo they ſhalbe eight boordes hauing foure cozners thereof.
perfec and well fockets of ſiluer, euenfirtcene fockets, that is, 5, AnD thon hale put it vnder the come
doyncd as were twefockets under one boord, and two foc: alte of the altar bencath,that the grate map
poftible, kets onder another boord. cin the midsofthe altar.
26. @ Then halt thou make flue barres 6 ifothou Walt make bartes fo: the als
of Shittim wood fo: the boszdes of one fide tar,barres,|
fay ofSbittim wood, and fhalt
ofthe Tabernacle, coner them with bꝛaſſe. ;
27 And fiue barres foz the boordes of the | 7 And the barres thereof ſhall be putin
other fide oftheCabernacie; allo flue barres the rings, the which barres fall bee vpon
fo: the boozdes of the fine of the Cabernacte the two fides of the altar to beare it.
toward the Weſtſide. 8 Thou halt make the altar hollow be-
28 And the middle barre hal go through tweene the boords: as God ſhewed theein the
the mids of the boords, from end to end. mount,fo hall thep make it.
29 Andithou Halt couer the boords with -9 @©Allo thou halt make the: court of e This wasthe
gold, and make their rings of gold, foz pla- the Tabernacle tn the Houthlide , enen full frh entrie into
ces foz the barres , and thou malt coner the South: thecourt Hal haue curtaines of fine the Tabernacle,
twined linnen, of an hundzed cubites long where the people
barres with gold.
30 o thou Halt reare vp the Taberna- fo: one fide. abode,
Chap.25.9,4 cle* accozding to the faſhion thereof, which 10 And it Hall haue twenty pillars with
hebr.. 5. a wag ſhewed thee tis the Mount. 5
their twenty fockets of braſſe: the beads of
AGES, 704 he 31 © Moꝛeouer, thou Halt make a paile the pillars, and their 4 fillets thalbefilner. d They were
ofbiuetilke , and purple, and fkarlet, ana I Likewile on the Noꝛthlide inlength certaine hoopes
tine twined linnen: thou Walt make it of there fhall be hangings ofan hundeth cubits or circles forte
biovdered worke with Chernbims. - < long, and the twenty pillars thereof with beautifiethe
32 And thou Halt hang tt vpon foure pils thetr twenty fockets of beaffe : the beads of sillar,
lars of Shittim wood coucred with geloe, the pillars and the fillets halbe filuer.
(whofe *hookes thalbe of gold) fianding vpon 12 @ And the breadth of the court onthe
pillars, toure fockets of filuer. CGeft tive thall haue curtatnes offiftie cu-
zi vader the 23 Afterward thou halt hang the baile bites,with their ten pillars ann their ten focs
ookes: meanin ets,
ton the bookes, that thou mapet being in ket
that it fhould ? thither, that is, (within the paile) the Arke of 13 And the bredth of the court, Eallward
bang downward the Teſtimony: and the vaile hal make you full Eatt,thall haue ¢ fiftie cubits: e Meaning,curs
frem the bookes. a ſeparation betweene the Holy place and 14 Alio hangings of ffteene cubits halbe taines offiftie
1 Whereinto the the moſt Woly place. on the one Fide with their thee pillars and cubites.
hie Prieft onely 34 Allo thou chalt put the Mercy ſeate their three fockets, f Of the doore
entred once a upon the arke of the Teſtimonie th themot Is Likewile on the other fide hall be hans of the court,
yeere, -Holp place, gings of Afteens cubites , with their three
E pullars
TE Bed ee O

~ Lampes continually burning. The ‘Exodus.


garments and apparell

pillars and their thzee fockets. Deen oF Firael :
16 @ And in the gate of the court hall be Io Sire names of them vpon the one
` vaile of twentte cubttes, of blew ſilke, and fone, and the lite names that remaine, vp⸗
purple, and ſkarlet, and fine twined tinnen on tije fecond fone, according to their: ge e Asthey were
wrought with needle, with the foure pillars nerattons. in age, fo fhoulg
thereof,and their foure fockets. Il Theu fhalt cauſe to graue the two they be grauen
17 Git the pillars of the court Gall Hane fones accozding to the names of rhe chil inorder,
fillets of fluer round about, with their beans Den of Jiraci by a grauer of Gignets, PVA.
of filuer,and their fockets of bzafie. that wo:keth and graucty in ſtone, ann f
18 @ The icugth of rhe court thall bee an altmake them to be fet and emboſſed in
$ fbr.fiftiein Hundzeth cubits, and che becadth fiftie + at golde.
Fife. either ende, andthe height fue cubits, and 12 Ard thou halt put the two Tones Ype
the hangings of fine twined linnen, and their on the ſhoulders of the Ephod, as ttones of
feckets of braſſe. b freimembzance of the childzen of Iſrael: fog f That Aaron
- 19 AU the velſels of the Tabernacle foz Aaron Wali beare their names befoue the might remember
` g or, flakes al maner feruice thereof,and all thes pinues Sa vpon his two houlders foz a remem- the Ifraclitesto. |
herewith the —— and allthe pinnes of the court halse ance. Godward,
eurtaines were RANE. 13 So thou ſhalt make boſſes of gold, ' Y
fattened to the 20 (And theu Halt commaund the chil⸗· 14 © And two chaines of fine golacs at gOlthe boſſes.
ground, Deen of Iſrael,.that they bꝛingvnto thee pure the ente, of wzethed woke thalt thou make
h Suchascom- oyle oltue 5 beaten foz the light, that the them, and thalt talen the weethed chatnes
meth from the lampes map alway liburne. vpon thebofies.
oline, when it is 21 athe Tabernacle of the Congrega- Is (Allo thou Hale make the baett plate
firit prefled or tion without the vaile , which is before the of qudgement with broydered woke: like h It was fo cale
beaten.. Ceitimonte, Hall Aaron and hts ſonnes the woorke of the phon Malt theu make led,becavlethe
HOr, aſcend vpe Delle them from euening to moning before it: of gold, blew filke, and purple, and [kars bie Priett could
the Lo20, for a atute foz euer vnto their let, and fine twined linnen fale thoy Bot sive fentence
generations, tobe obferued by the chudecnof makett, - in judgement
Iſrael. 16 i Fourefquare it Yall beeand Double, without that en
VTET: an hand breadth long, andan hand beeadth histreft.
1 The Lord calteth Aaron and his founestothe b} oan. i The cefCriptin
Priesthood, 4 Their garments. 12.29 Aaron en- 17 Then thon Malt fet it ful of places fog on ofthe brek-
treth intothe Sancluary in the name ofthe chil- ftones,cuen foure rowes of ſtones: the oꝛder plate.
dren ofFfrael. 30 Viim and Thumm. 38 Aa- fhalbe this,a ||rubie,a copaze, and alj carbun- lOr, Sardoine,
ron beareth the iniquitie of the Ifraelites offriags. cleth the firt row. (Or, Emeraud.
Ae cauſe thou thy brother Aaron to 18 nd ín the fecond row thou Mhal fet an
A come pnto thee, and his tonnes with femeraud,afaphir,and al Biamond. Or. Carbuncle.
Jim from among the children of Iſrael that si in a — rowe a turkeis, an lOr Faſper.
de map ferue me in the Prieſts offtce:1 meane achãte,and an hematite. |
QAaron,jadab,and Abihu, Eleazar, and Je 20 Audin the fourth roweatcheplolite, Ebr Tarpe |
thantar Aarons fonnes. an onig and a iaſper: and they Hall be fet in
2 Allo thou halt make holy garments. gold in theit emboſſements. s
a Whereby his m m thy brother, a gloziong and beau. 21 And the tones Halbe according to the
office may be itt, i names of the childzen of Iſrael, twelue, aca
knowen to be 3 Therefore thou Walt ſpeake vnto all cording to theit names , grauen as ligners,
glorious and cunning men, whom J haur iled withthe euery one after his name, and they thall beg
excellent. piritof wifetome, that they niake Aarons fo? the twelue tribes.
$ Ebr, wife in garments to ? conſecxate him, that hee map 22 C Then thou Hale make vpon the
beart, ſerue me in the [Dztetts office. bze plate two chaines atthe endes of wiee
b Which isto 4 srowe thele hail bee the garments, then worke of pure gold.
Separate bim which they Wall make,2 baeatt plate, aud an 23 Thou Walt make alfo vpon the breſt
from the reft. c Ephod, and a robe, and a brovdered coate, plate two ringes of golde, and put the

— c A ſhort and a miter, and a girdle: ſo thee haly garsments two tinges om * the tivo endes of the belt k Which are
Rrait coat with- hall they make for Aaron thy brother, and plate. vpmoſt toward
out fleeues put fo? histones that hee may ſcrue mee tn the 24. And thon Halt pnt the two wether the Mmoulder.
vpmof vpon his Pꝛielſts office. chaines of gold in the two rings in the ends
garments, to Therefore they hal take gold, and blue of the bꝛeſt plate.
keepe them cloſe fil* and purple and Ckarlet,and fine finest, 25 And the other two endes of the twa
Vato him, @ And they Hall make the Ephod of weethenchaines, thon alt faten in the twa
gold, blew fitke, and purple, fharlet and fine embofiiments , and fyalt put them vpon
twined linnen of bzoyDered worke. h fhoulders ofthe Ephod on the foretive
Che two houlders thereof Haite toy- ofit.
ned together by their two edges; fo fhailit 26 (Allo thou halt make two rings of
be clofed. À golde, which thon fhalt put im the ! two 1 Which are
å Which went 8. And the 4 imbroydered garde of the other gadeg of the bzeft plate, npon the beneath,
about his vpmoft fame Ephod, which tall bee pon him, Mall hae thereof, toward the infize of the E·
coat, be ofthe (elfe ame worke and tufe, euen of pyoo. '
gold, biew fike,and purple, ana ſkarlet, and 27 And two other rings of golde thou
fine twined linnen. k Maltmake, and put themon she two fides:
9 And thou Malt take two onir tones, ofthe Ephod, bencathin the forepart of tt
and graut vpan them the names ofthe chtis oner again the coupling of it en the
forAaronandhisfonnes, . Chap. xxix. TheconfecrationofthePriefts. 34 NO
broidred gard ofthe Ephod. ; that they r commit not iniquitie, and fo Die. r In not hiding
28 Thus they thall binde the bei plate This (hall be a Law fo? ener vnto him and to theis nakedneais,
by bis rings vnta the rings of the Ephod. bis (ed after him.
with a lace of blue filke, that it may bee falt
npon the bꝛoydred garde of the Cphod, and CHAP, XXIX,
pondthe baꝛeſtplate be not losſed fromthe E- 1- The manner of confècrating the Pries. 38
D The continual ſacriſice 45 The Lord promiſeth
m Aaron fhall
29 Go Aaron hall ™ beare the names of to dwell among the children of F/rael.
not enter into
the chitpzen of Iſrael in the bretplate of TXS thing alle Yalt thou doe vnto them
iudgement vpon his heart, when hee goeth When thou conſecrateſt them to bee mp
the holy place in iuto che holy place , for a remembance con⸗ zieſts, *@ake ayoung Calfe, and two Leuit.g,2
his owne name
butinthe name
tinually betore the LoD. ammes without blemi,
30 CAllo chon halt put in the bꝛeſtplate 2 Aud vnleauened bead, and cakes vn⸗
of all the chil- ofindgement the = Urim and the Thum- leauened tempered with oyle, and wafers
dren of Ifrael. mim, which hall bee vpon Aarons heart, vnleauened aunoynted with oyle: ( of fine
fh Vrim fignifieth when hee goeth tn before tije Lord; and Aa⸗ wheate floure halt thou make them)
light, and Thum- ron Hall beare the tudgment of the chilazen 3 Toen Halt thon put them tn one bal
mim perfeGion: of Iſrael vpon his heart before che Lozde Ret, and «prelent them inthe balket with a To offer thena
declaring that in facrifice,
continually, the calicandthe tworammes,
the ftones ofthe - 31 @And thou Halt make the robe of the 4 And Malt ing Aaron € bis Gunes
brefiplate were Ephod altogether of blue filke. buto the doore ot p Cabernacle ot the Cone
moft cleare,and
of perfe& beau-
32 And the hole for hts head Hall bee in Stegation, and waly them with water.
the middes of tt, hautng an edge of woucn § Alto thou falt take the garments, and
ty: by Vrimalfo b Which was
worke round about the collar of tt. fo tt ſhal put vpon Garon the tunicie, andthe > robe next
is meant know- be as the collar of an babergeon that te rent ofthe Cphod,and the Cphod, and the breit> vnder the
ledge , & Thum- not, late, and ſhalt clole them to him with the Ephod.
mim holineffe, 33 CAnd beneath vponthe fkirte there- Zzopdered gard ofthe Ephod.
thewing what of thou halt make pomegranates of blue O Chen thou thale put the miter vpon
vertues are re- filKe, and purple, and ſcatlet, round about bis head, and Walt put the holp*crotwne vps Chap. 28.36.
Quired inthe the ſkirts thereof,and bels of gold betweene on the miter. q
Priefts, them round about: 7. And thou Halt take the aunoynting
Ecclus 45.9» 4 Thatis,*a golden bell and apomegra- * ople, and Halt powꝛe vpon his head, and Chap. 30.250
nate, a xoldenbelle a pomegranate round anoynt him, aE
about spon the fkirts of rhe robe. 8 And thou Halt bring dis ſonnes, and
35 _So all it be tyon Aaron, when hee putcoateg opon them, —
miniſtreth, and his found tall bee heard, 9 And ſhalt gird then with girdles, both
when he goeth inte the help place befoze the Aaron and bis lonnes: and halt put the boe
Tonan when ye commeth out, and he hal nets on them, and the Pꝛieſts oftice Hallbe Chap. 2841.
le. theirs fora perpetual Laws thou* Maltal \\Or, conſecrate
36 Alfo thon Halt make a plate of pure {6 | lithe hands of Garon, and the handes them
gold, and graue thereon, as fignets are gras of bis fonnes,
© Holineffeap- wen, oHOLINES TO THE LORD, 10 After, thou hale paefent the calfebe>
pettaineth to the 37 And then Malt put iton a blue filke foze the Tabernacle of the Congregation, Leuit. t.4.
Lord : for hee is lace,and tt fall be ppon the miter :euen vp⸗ *and Aaron and bis fonnes hall « put their c Signifying that
moftholy, and on the fogeftont of the miter ſhall it be. hands vpon the head of the calfe. the facrifice was
nothing vnholy 38 So it ſhallbevpon Aarons forehead, II Ho thou thalt hull the calfe befoze the alfo offered for
may appeare be- that Aaron may ? beare the iniquitie of the Loyd, at the Deore of the Cabernacle of the them, and that
fore bim. offtings , which the chilon of Iſrael Hail Congregation.
p Their offrings offer in all their boly oſferings:and it Halbe 12 Then thou Halt take of the blood of they did approue
could net be fo alwayes vpon Hts forehead , to make them the calée , and put it upon the hones of the e

perfed, but (ome acceptable befeze the Lows, altar with thy linger,and halt powe all the
fault would be 39 Likewrle thou ſhalt embzoiver the fine reft of the blood at the foot of the altar.
therein: which linen coate, aud thou Halt make a miter of 13 "Allg thou Malt take all the fatte that Leuit.3. 3.
fine the high finelinen, but thou hale make a girdle of couereth the inwards, & the caule chat ison
Pric{t bare,and needleworke. the liucr,and the two kidneis, and the fatte
pacified God, 42 Ailo thou Malt make for Aarons fons that ts vpon them,and alt burne them vy»
coates, and thou ſhalt make them girdles, on the altar. —
and bonnets halt thou make them foz glozp 14 But the kleſh of the calfe,and his kin,
and comelineſſe. and bis Doung halt thou burse with fire
41 And thou Halt put them upon Aaron Without the hoſte: itis a finne offering, $ Ebr. finnes
thy brother, and on bts fonnes with hin, Iş Thon Hale alfo take one tamme,and 2,007.5, 2 Bs
‘g That is,confe- and Hhaltanoint them,and fil their hands, Aaron andbisfonnes hall put their hands
rate them , by andfanctiic them , that they map miniſter bpon the head ofthe ráyime.
giuing them vnto me in the Pꝛieſts office. 16 Chenthou halt kilithe ramme, and
things to offer, 42 Thou Malt allo make themlinen bree· take his blood, and ſprinckle it round about
and thereby ad- ches to couer their pꝛiuities: trom the loines vpon the altar,
mit them to their vnto thethiahes hali they reach, its 17 And thou Walt cut the ramme in pies
office, 43. And they ſhallbee foz Aaron and his ces, and Waly the inwards.of him and his
founes when they come into the Tabernacle legges, and palt put them vpon the pieces
(fe. ef the Congregation, o2 when they come thereof,and vpon bis head.
fOr ofwine
Yuto the altãr tõ miniſter in the holy place, 18 Do thou Galt burne the whole ramme
€ 2 vpon
syheconfecration ofthe Pricilts. _
Exoduse The daylyfaerifice. The Altar.
| vpon the altar: for it ts a burnt ofering wire nacle of the Congregation.
À Orafauour of tothe Loꝛd 4 fozaſweet fauour :tt tsan of- 33 Do they thal eate theſe things, where 1 That is by the
reft, which eau- fering made by fire vnto the Lod. by their atonement was made,toconlecrate facrifices,
feth the wrathof 19 @ And thou halt take the otherram, thent,and to fanctifie them: bnt a ftraunger
Godrtoceafe. and Aaron and bis founes hall put their Nol ngtcate thereof, becauſe they are holp
hands vpon the head of the ramme, hings,
20 Then Hatt chow Kill the ramme; and 34 Mow if ought of the fleth of the cone
e Meaning, the take of his blood, and put it e npon the lap {ecration, 02 of the bꝛead rematne vnto the
{oft and nether of Aarongseare, and vpon the lappe of rhe moning then thou Malt burne theret with
part of the eare, right care of his fons, and upon tie thumbe fire: it hall not be caten,becante tt isan ho⸗
oftheir right hand, and vponthe great toe ip ching.
oftheir right foote, and walt ſprinkle the 35 Cherefore Halt thou doe thus vnto i
blood vpon the altar round about. Aaron and unto hts fonnes,accosdingtoall |
21 And thou Halt take of the blood that things which J haue commaunded thee: ſe⸗
is ſvpon the altar, and of the annoynting
f Wherewith the oyle , and halt ſpeinkle it vpon Aaron, and
uen Dayes fhalt thou + confecrate them, Ebr, flltheir. |
36 And thalt ofer cuerp Day a calfe fora hands. :
altar mut bee vpon bis garments , and Upon bts fonnes, finneotering,
fo:® reconctliation: and thou m To appeafe i
Spriakled. and vpon the garments of his fonnes with fhalt clente the altar when thou hatt offeren Gods wrath jan
bim: fo he hall be Hallowed,
and bts clothes, vpon it foz reconciliation, and talt anoint finnemaybe |
and bis ſonnes, and the garments of bis it to fanctifie it. ` pardoned, |
{onnes with him. 37 DHeuen Dayes fjalt thou clente the al- |
22 Ailo thou fhalt take of the Rammes tat,and (anctifis it, fo ihe altar thallbemolt
the fat, and the rumpe, euen the fat that to» poly:and whatlocuer toucheth the altar,that
nereth the inwards, tthe caule of the liuer, bee hel
help. }

- andthe twoktdneys, and the fat thatts vp⸗ 38 @* Mow thists that which thou halt Numb, 28. 3 af

onthem,and the right ſhoulder, (kor tt is the prelent vpon the altar: euen twolambes of
g Whick is offe- s rammie of conlecration.) One peere old, Day by Day continually.
red for the con- 23. Aud one loafe of bead , andone cake 39 The one lambe thon halt prefent in
fecration of the of bread tempered with eple, and one water, the moning, and the other Lambe thou Malt
high Pricft, out ofthe balket of vnleauened bread that ig pꝛeſent at cucn.
before the Lod, — 40 And with the one lambe, a° tenth n Thatis,anO-
24 AnD thou ſhalt put all thts in the partoffine floure mingled with the fourth ‘mer, read Chap.
bandes of Aaron, and in the handes of his part of an o Hin of beaten ople, and the. 16. 16.
fonnes and Walt hake them to and fro be pid patt ofa hin of wine, fora Dinke o Which isa-
foze the Lod. v ering. : bout
25. Againe , thou halt recetue them'of 41 And the other lambe thou ſhalt pze-
their hands, and burne them vpon the altar ſentateuen: thon Malt Doe thereto accoz-
belides the burnt oftring fo: a ſweet fauonr Ding to the offering ofthe mozntng, and ace
befoze the Lor; for thts ts an oftering made cording to the Danke offering tyereof, to bee
a aburnt offering a ſweet fauour vnto vñto fy
26 Likewwite thouipalttakethe baratot Low.
by fire vnte the Lod.
the ramme of the confecration , which tz fog _ 42 Thisthalbe a continual burnt offting
h This facrifice Aaron and Walt hake tt to >and fro before in pout generations at the Dooze of the Ta⸗
the Prieft did the Lord, and tt Hall be thy part. bernacic of the Congregation before the
mote toward the 27 And thou Walt fanctifie the beak of Lov, where F wil punake appointment with. fOr, declave my
Eak, Welt, North the paken offering , and the ſhoulder ef tie pou,to(peake thereyntothee. Life te yoh
and South; - heaue offering , wbich was Haken to ano 43 There F will appoint withthe chil-
i So called, be» fro, and which was heaucd vp ofthe ramme TAE Ne and the place fhalbe ſanctified
caufe it was not of the coniecration, which was foz Aarons pimper glop. iy; Becaule of m
encly fhakento and which was foz his fonnes. 44 And FitwillCanctifie the Tabernacle Hir in pics
and fro, but alfo 28 And Aaron and his fonnes fhall haue ofthe Congregation andthealtar: J weil fence.
lifted vp. it by a ſtatute fog cuer, ofthe chilazen of Fl- fanctific alio Aaron and bis tonnes to be my”
racl; fo: it is an heaucoftering, and itall JP zieſts,
bean heaucoftering of the childzen of Iſra⸗ 45 And will * dwell among thechil ·Lenit.26, x
k Which were el ok thetr k peace offerings cuen thetr heaue Been of MraclandwwillbetheikGov. ae eae.
effetings of offering to the Lod. j 46 Then ſhall they know that Jam the
thankefgiuing to 29 @ And the holp garments , which ap- Lo20 their God, thatbought them out of,
God for his be- pertaine to Aaron, all bee bis fonnes after theland st Egypt, that J might Dwell a⸗ q Ir ist che
nes, him,to be anointed therein, and tobe conſe⸗ mong them; 9 J] am the Lod their God. Lord thatam
crated theretn. peered ba j d.
30 Thar fonne that ſhall be Piet tn his CHAP, XXX. —
1 The altar ofincenſe. 13 The ſumme that the
ftead, fyall put thenton ſeuen dapes , wher
hee commeth into the Tabernacle of the Ifraelites fhould pay tothe Tabernacle. 28 The
pt a to minilter in the polie braſen lauer. 33 The annoynting oyle. 34 The
place, making of the perfume,
31 € Ho thou halt taketheramme of the Fenema, thou Malt make analtar
—— and ſeethe his Nei tn the holy a fo} fweete perfume, of Sbhittin woon a Vpon the
place. A thou Malt make it, which the {weet
Leuit 8.31, 32 *And Aaron and his ſonnes Wall eate: 2 Thelength thereofacubite, and the. perfume was
and 24.9. the fte of the Kamme; and the bread that: breadth thereofa cubite, Cif fall be fore burnt, verez |
matth. B, 4e isin the baſſtet, at the doze ofthe Taber⸗ fquare ) and the eight thereof Ac g ‘+ |
‘ofincenfe. T.he
offering for redemption. The anoynting oile & holy perfume. 3%
b Ofthefame ‘bites: the hornes thereof hall bee > of the their bands andtheirfeetthereat.
woodand mat- tame 20 Chen they goe into the Cabernacte
ter, And thou halt ouerlay it with fine of the Congregation, 02 when they goe bre
gold, boch the top thereofand the fides there- to the Altar to miniſter and to make the pers
of round about, and bis boznes :allo thou fume of the burnt offering tothe Lov, thep
lOr, cirele and ou wake onto it ||acrowne of gold round Dai wath thenilelues with water, lett thep
border. about. i

4 Belives this, thou halt make vnder 21 Ho they hall wah their handes ann
this crowne two golden rings on either fide: tbeir feet that thep Die not: and this fall be
euen on euery fide halt thou make them, that to them an oDinance! fez euer, both vnto I Solong asthe
they may be as places fo? the barres to beare him and to his (eed theeughout their gene= Priefthod hall
ét withall. tations. f; bo
5. Che which barres thou fhalt make of 22 C Alo the Lom ipake onto Wolke,
Dhittim wood, and Halt couer them with PING,
gold, x 23 Cake thou alle vnto thee principalt
e Thatis,inthe 6 After thon halelet ite before the naile, {pices:oF che moft purempzrbe fue hundeth
San@uary,and that is neere the Arke of the Teſtimonie = thekels, of ſweetẽ cinamom halfe fo much, m Weighing ©
not inthe Hoe before the Mercie ate that is vpon the thatis,two bundzeth and fiftie, and ofſweete much,
lekt of all. —— where J will appoint with a calamus,tivo hundꝛed and fiftte ;: n Itisakindeof
ee. 24 Allo of Caſſia fine hundꝛeth, after the reede of a very
7 And Aaron Hall burne thereon fweet —* ofthe Ganctuarie, and of ople oliue ſweet ſauour
d Meanings ncen euery moning : when bee ¢ dreſſeth n Hin. within,and is
whenhe trim- the lampes thereof, hall he burne it. 25 Ho thou halt make of itthe oile oFho⸗ vied in powders
meth them, and 8 Likewile at euen, when Aaron fetteth Tv oyntment, cuen a mof precious opntment and odours.
refrefheth the bp the lampes thereof, be thal burne incenſe: after the art of the Apoticaric ; this hall bee Chap.29.
oyle, this perfume thall be perpetually befoze the the ople of holy opntment.
LoD, throughout peur generations. 26 And thou halt anoynt thee Cabers o All thing⸗
e Otherwiſe - 9 Detvalotter no range incenfe there» nacle of the Congregation therewith , and which appertaine
made then this, on, no? buruelactifice, no: offering, neither the Arke of the Teſtimonie: to the Taber- |
which is deferi- powꝛe any Minke offering fthereon, 27 Allo the Tabie, ¢all the intruments nacle.
‘bed. {oO And Garon fall make reconciliation threcef, ¢ the Candlefticke with all the in»
f But it muft on- bpon the bones of it once in a peere, with ſtruments thereof, and the Altar of incenſe:
Ay ferae to burne the blood of the finne offting in the day of re» 28 Allo the Altar of burnt offering with

perfume. conciliation : once in the peere fall bee esbtsintruments , and the Lauer and bis
make reconciliation bpon it theoughout ote.
pourgenerations; this ts moft bolp vnto the 29 So thos halt fanctifie them, and thep
020. rarbemo holy: all that hall touch them,
Il (Afterward the Lord (pake vnto Mo⸗ e holy.
fes laying, 30 Thou halt alfo anoynt Aaron and his
Num.i. 2,5. 12 * Uihen thou taket the fumme of the fonnes, and fyalt coniecrate them, thatthep
children of Iſrael after their number, tyen may minifer unto me in the fiets office.
g Whereby he they Wall giue cuerp man s aredemption of 31 Moꝛeouer thou Walt ſpeake vnto the
teftifed that he bis life tnta the Loꝛd, when thou telleſt childzen of Iſrael, faving, Chis hall bee an
redeemed his life them, that there bee no plague among them holy opnting oyle vnto mee.theoughout pour
which he had when thou countet them. generations.
*forfeit,as is de- _ 13 This hall euery man giue that goeth 32 sone Hall anoyntp mans fleſh there- p Neitherat
clared by Dauid, into the number, halfe a thekell, after the with, neither hallyemake any compafition their burials,nor
2. Sam. 24. 1. hfjckel of the Sanctuary: (*a ſhekel istwen- igsvnto tt:for it is Holy, and ſhalbe holy vn⸗ otherwile,
h This ſhekel tie gerahs) the halfe Hekel hall bee an offere o you.
valued two com: ing to the Lod, 4 33 Mholoeuer Hall make the like oynt·
mon (heKels: and ~ 14 All that ave numbrꝛed krom twentie ment, o2 whoſoeuer Hall put any of it vpon
the gerah valued Peereneand aboue, Wali gine anoffertng to qa rnaen in he ſhallbecut off from bis q Either a ftrana
about r2-pence the 02 . d people. Zer,or an Ifrae-
after fiue fhil- Is Gherich hall not palle,and the poore ry And the Lod fayde vnto Moles, lite, faue onely
lings fterling thé Hall not diminich from balfe a chekel, when Take vnto thee thefe (pices, pure myzrhe, the Priefts.
ounce offiluer, ye thal giue an offring vnto the Lod ‘fog the andr cleare gumme and galbanum, thefe g= r InEbrew, Shee
Lewit.27.35. redemption of pour lines, — with pure krankincenſe, of cach like heleth: which is
numb.3.47. 16 So thou ſhalt take the money of the eight: a {weet kindeof
ezek. 45. 12. redemption ofthe childzen of Iſrael,ehalt 35 Then thou halt make of them per- gumme,and fhi-
i That God put it vᷣnto the vle ofthe Cabernacle of the fume compoled after the arte of the Apoti- neth as the naile,
Mould be mer- Congregation , that it may bee a memoziall carie mingled together pure and Holy.
cifull vnto you, unto the chilozenof Jlrael befoze the Lod 36 And thou Walt beat it to powder, and
foz the redemption of pour lines. fhalt put of it befoze the arke of the Teſtimo
17 C Allo the Lod ſpake vnto Poles, nicin the Tabernacle ofthe Congregation,
in where J will make appointment with ther;
& Signifying,that az “Khon ſhalt alfo make
alaner of bzaffe, it Halbe vnto you mot Poly.
he fee — 37 And yee hall not make bnte you any
and his foote of bzafle to wath, and fhalt put
to God, muſt be tt betweene the Cabernacieof the Congre- compofition like this perfume, which thou
wathed from all gattonand the Altar, and Walt put water thaltmake: tt hall bevuto thee holy foz the f Onely dedicate
finne and cor- therein. f vi Lod. ; to the vfe ofthe
ruption, 19 Fo Aaron and his ſonnes Hall «way 38 Mhoſoener Hall make like unto that Tabernacle,
€ 3 to
Cunning workemen. TheSabbath. Exoduse The molten calfe. Mofes prayer.
to finell thereto, even be hall be cut of from CHAP. XXXII
Dis people. 4 Thelfrachtes impute their deluerance te
the calf, 14 Gods appealed by Mofes prayer,
CHAP- XXX 19 Mofes breaketh the Tables. 29 Hee flayeta
2 God maketh Bexaleel and Aholiab mete the sdalaters. 32 Mofes xeale for the people.
for his worke. 13 The Sabbath day w the figne of
ory ſenctiſication. 18 The Tables written by the B Cit when the people faw, that Mates tae
Singer ofGod, > ried long ere Hee came downe from the
a Ihauechofen A® the Lord fpake vnto Moles, faving, Wountatne,the people gathered themſelues
and made meet, 2 Beholde, I ahauccatizd by name together againt Aaron, and ſaid vnia bim,
Chap. 35.30. Besalecl, the fonne of Uri, the Dnue ot Yur Gy, 2 make vs gods to goe betore ys: fez of a The root of
of the tribe of Judah, ‘ ni this Moles (the man that brought vs owtof idolatrie is, when
3. hom F haue filled with the Spirit the land of Crypt) wee Know not what is men thinke that
b This fheweth Of God, in wiledome, and in vnderifanding, become ofhim. God is notat
that handy crafts ana in knowledge, tin all > mozkemanihrp: 2 Am Aaron fain vnto them, Plucke hand, except
are the gifts of 4 To Bude out curious wazks to worse ofthe golden earerings, which are in the they feehim care
Gods Spirit,and in gold, and in liluer,and tn braſſe, eares of your wiues, ot pour fonnes, and of. nally.
therefore ought _ §. Ailain the artetofet Rones, to carue your daughters, and Bring them vnto me, b Thinking that
to be efteemed. in timber, & ta wozke in all maner of moke 3 Then ail the people pluckt from them they would ra-
manihip. } c felues the golden earerings , which mere ther forgoe ido-
© I haue inftra- 6 And behalde, J hane ioyned with bint in their eares, and they beought them vnto Jatrie,thento ree
&ed them, and Aholiab the fenne of Ahiſamach of the tribe Aaron. 4 ; fizne their moft
increafed their of Dan, tin the hearts ofall that are «wife 4 *Aho receiued themat their bands, precious iewels,
knowledge, hearted, Have F put wiledome te make all and kaſhioned it with the grauing toole, and c Such isthe
_ d Socalled, be- that Jhaue commanded thee: made of ita 4 molten calte: then they fayd, rage of idolatersy
caufe of the cun- 7, Thatis,the Cabernacle of the Congres * Thel bee thy gods, D Flraecl, which that they fpare.
ning and art vied gation ane the Arke of the Teſtimonie, and brought thee out ot theland of Egypt. no coft to fatishe
- therein, orbe- the Mercy feat that hall bethereupon, with § Aben Aaron (aw that, he made an al their wicked
caufethe whole ail inſtruments of the Tabernacle : tar before it: and Garon proctarmed , ſay⸗ defires.
was beaten out of 8 Allo the Cable and the inſtruments ing,To mozrow hall bee the hHoly Day of the Pfala 06,19.
one piece. thereof and the? pure Dandletticke,withal L 020. x d They ſmelled
e Which onely his inſtruments, and the altar of perfume: 6 So they role vp the nert Dap inthe oftheir leauen
wasto anoint 9 Likewtle the Altar of burnt offering moming, andoffered burnt offerings, and of Egypt, where
the Priefis and bt all bis inſtruments, ¢ the Lauer wit) brought peace offtings :allo *the people fate they faw calues,
the inftruments his foot: th em Bowne toeate and drinke, and role pp oxen & ferpents
ofthe Taber- Io Allo the garments of the minifratt- toplay. worlhipped,
nacle, and not to on, and the holy garments for Aaros the 7 @ When the Lord fayd vnto Woks, 1.King.12,28.
burne, ict and the garments of hts ſonnes, to * Gov, get thee Downe: foz thy peopie which 1. Cor 19.7.
f Though I miniſter in the Bꝛieſts office, thou batt bꝛought out of the land of Egypt, Deut 9.12.
command theſe IL And the *anopnting oyle, and ſweete hath coprupted their wayes.
yorkesto be perfume fo: the Sanctuary: accogding to all 8 They e are ioone turned out of the e Whereby we
done,yet will I that J baue commanded ther, wall they Bo. way, wbich J commaunded then; for they fee what neceſſi-
not that you 12 @Aiterward the Lord ſpake vnto Mo · baue made them a molten calfe, and baug tie we haue to
breake my Sab- fes faving, worHipped tt, and Haue offered thereto, pray earnefily to
bath dayes, 13 Speake thou allo buto the chimen of faping , * Thele bee thy: gods, D Firari, God, to keepe ys
La 2303. Iſrael, and fay, !notwithtanding keepe pe which pane brought theg out of the land of in his true obe-
exek. 20.12. nip Sabbaths: fo: it is alignebetmeencine Eg ppt. dience „and to
z Godrepeateth and pou in pour generations, that yee map 9 Asgaine the Lod fain vnto Woks, J fend vs good
this point,be. know that 3) the Lod Do fanctive pou. baue ſeeñe this people and beholde, itisa guides.
caufe the whole 14 * Wee Wall therefore keepe the s Dab» itiffenecked people. 1.King.12.28.
keeping of the bath, forttis hotp vnto pou : hee that detifech Io slow fthereforlet me alone, that my chzp.33.3
Law ftandeth in it, Hall Biz the Death : theretoze whofecuer wath may ware hote again them, for J deut. 9.13.
- thetruev{e of wozketh therein, the fane perlon (halbe euen will conſume them: but will make okthee f God theweth
the Sabbath, cui et from among bts people. i amighty peopie. that the prayers
which is to ceafe 1g Dire payes thal men woke but in the Il * But Wales Ara pnto the L020 of the godly Ray
from our works, ſeuenth dap is the Sabbath of the bolp ret his God, and fap, LoD, why doeth thy
bis punithment, -
aml to obey the tothe Lozd : whoſoeuer Dorth any worke in wath ware hoteagatntt thy people, which P/a/106,23.
will of God. the Dabhath Dap, hall die the Death. thon bat bought out of the lanne of E⸗
(Or, Sabbaths 16 WUlberefore the childzen sf Iſrael hall oun with great power and with a mighty
Gene,\.31, Keepethe Sabbath, that thep map obſerue Y an
znd 2 2. the} ree thoughout their generations fog * * 7Gherefore fhall the Egyptians Num.14.13.
h From crea- an cuerlaling Couenant. ||{peake,and fay. Hee hath brought them out |\Or,64Bheme.
ting his creatures, 17 Jtisatiqne betweene me and the chil malictoufly fog to flay them in the moune
but not from Deen of Iſrael fo: euer: * foz in lige dapes the taines , and to confume them from the
gouerning and Lozd made the heauen and the earth; andin earth 2tnrne from thy Berce wrath, and |Or,repenr.
preferuing the ſeuenth Day he ceaſed, and reſted. ichange thy minde from this euill toward g Tharis,thy
them. 18 Thus (wher the Lord Had made an thp people. promife made to
Deut.9.10- env of comuning with Moles vpon Mount 13 Remember sAbraham, Izhak, and Abraham,
i Whereby he Simai )* hee gane him two Cables: ofthe Iſraei thy (cruants , to whom thou twa Gen.r 27.
declared his will GeRimonie, even Gables of Kore , witten reſt bp thine owne felfe, and fapdeit vnto avd 15,7.
šo hispcople. with the Ginger of God, tuem * J wili multiply pour (ede tg i and 48.46
Thetwo Tables broken. Mofes Chap. xxxiii. zeale, The Lords promife. 36 *
arres of theheauen, and al this land, that — tothe Low, if J may pacific him foz pour
FZ bane ſpoken of wilt 3gine vnto yout (eed, sme, n So much he
and they wall inherite kor euer. 31 Moles therefoge went againe vnto the eftcemed the
14 Then the Lowe changed his minde Lod, and faid, Db, thts people baue finned glory of God,
from the euill which he thzeatned to Bo Dus a great ſinne, and haue made them gods of. that he preferred
fo bis people. gold. it euen to his
Is Ho Poles returned and went Downe 32 Therekore now tf thou pardon their owne faluation,
from the mountatne with thetwo Cables finne > thy mercie fhall appeare: but tf thou o I willmakeie
of tie Teſtimony in bis hand. Che Cables wiltnot, J pray thee, rale mec out ef thy knowen that he
were weitten on both their lites, euenon the booke which thou batt witten. was neuer predes
one de andon the other were they weitten. > 33 Then the Lod law ta Moles, Mho⸗ flinate in mine
16 And thele tables were rhe worke of ſoeuer bath tinned agatnt mee, F will put eternall counfell
h Allthefe repe- Gov, and * this writing was toe weiting of him outof mye booke. to life ewetla.
titions fhew how God grauenin the Cables. 34. Goe now therefore, bring the people p ing.
excellent a thing 17 And wher Jothua heard the noyle of onto the place which JIcommaunded thee: p This declareth
they defrauded the peopte,as they fhewres , bee ſayde vnta bebotd, mine Ange! ball gor before thee, but how grictious a
_ themfelues of by $Botes, Thereisa noile of watre in the hoſte. yet tit the Day of my viiitacion J wil r viſite finne idolatry is,
cheit idolatry, 18 iho anlwered , Ft ts not the noile of thete Anite bpon them. feeing that at
them that baue the victozie noz tie nople of 35 othe Low plagued the people, be- Mofes prayer
thent thatãreoucrcome: but Ido beate the caule they caud Aarau to make the calfe God would nog
nople of finging. which ye made. fully remit ite
19 Hom, alisone as became neere vnts
the hoſte bee ſaw the calfe and the Dancing: CHAP, XXXIII,
fo Deles wath wared hote, and becat the 2 The Lord promifeth to ſend an Angel before
Tables out ofhis hands, and beake them in ba people. 4 They are fad becaufe the Lord deni-
pieces beneath the mountatne. eth to goe up with them. 9 Mofestalketh fami
Diu. 21. 20 *After,be tooke the Calfe.which they larly with Ged. 13 Hee prayeth for the people,
bad made, and burned it in the fire, and 18 and defireth to fee the glory ofthe Lord.
Ground tt vnto powder , and (rowed tt Bp-
on the water, an made the children of Iſ⸗ A Fterward the Lord fayd vnto Woles, a Theland of
i Partly to de- raed i drinke ot it. Depart, goe vp from hence, thou, and Canaan was cG-
fpitethem of 21 Alo Soles faya vnto Karon, Ahat the people (wbich thou batt bꝛought vp out pafled with bilse
their idolatry, DID this people vnto thee, that thou Hatt sttheland of Egypt) vnto theland which fo they,that ene
and partly that brꝛought te great a inne pon them? 3 fware vnto Abadam, to Zzhakand to tred into it,
they fhould baue 22 Then Garonanlwered, Letnot the canakoh s faving, * Unto thy iced will J palle vp by the
none occafion te wath of mp lord ware fierce: Chou know- gine t . hilles.
remember it af- eae people, that they arecuen fer on mif 2 Qnd* J willſend an Angel before thee, Gen.i27.
erward, chiefe. and wül caſt out the Canaantres, the Amo- Chap.23. 27.
23 And they faid vito me, Wake bs gods rites, and the Hittites, and the Herizzites, iofh.24.1 =
to goc before vs: fozweeknew not what is the ipiuites, and the Febulites; : deut.7.2 2,
become of rhis Woles ( the man p brought 3 Goaland, | fay, that floweth with
bs out oftheland of Egypt.) milke and hony: fo2 Jwill not goe vp with
24 Then J lapa vnto them,De that haue thee, * becaule thon art a ſtifnecked people, Chap.32.9¢
gold,plucke tt off; and they bꝛought it mee, iit F conſume thee in the way. dett.9.% 3.
and J Did caſt it inte the fire. and thereof 4 And when the people heard this euill
came this calfe, tidings, they fozremed , and no man puton
25 Moles therefore faw that the people bis bet rapment.
* Both deſtitute twere naked (foz Aaron had made the na- 5 (Fo: the Loꝛd had fain to Woles; Hap --
of Gods fauour, ked vntatheir thame among their enemtes.) tnta the children of Iſrael, Dee ave a ttiffes
and anoccafion 26 Gnd Moles teod inthe gate of the necked people, Jwill come ſuddenly vpon
to their enemies canipe,t fayd, CAho pertcineth to the £00? thee, and contumethee+ now therefore put
to [peake euill of lethimcome to mes, And ail the ſonnes of thy coillp rayment from thee, that 3] map
their God. Leui gathered themfelucs vnto him. iow what to doe vnto thee.) 2 b That eitherF
27 Then he laid vnto them, Thus layth may fhew mercié
6 Ho thechildjen of Jiracllapdetheir
the Lo: GodofFrat, Put euery man his rood rayment from them, afer Moles came if thou repent,or
ſword by his lide: goe to and fro, from gate downe from the mount oeb, els punih thy ree
1 This fa& did fo to gate thozow the hot, & | flay euery man 7 Theu Coles tooke his Tabernacle, bellion,
pleafe God, that bis brother, and euery man his companion, and pitched tt without the bolt far of From
Ae turned the aid euery man bis neighbour. the hoſte, and called it: Dicl-mocd. Anz c Thatis,the Tae
curfe of Iaakob 28 So the childzen of Leui did as G90- wen any did leeke to the Lord,hewent out bernacle of the
_.againft Leui, to fes bad conunannBes: and there feilof rhe nto the Cabernacic of the Congregation, fCongregation:
“ ableffing, Deut, people the fame Day about thee thouland which was without the hoſte. o called, becaufe
33-9 men. $ Aud when oles wentout vnto the thepeople refor- .
ted thither, when
29 (Foz Moles had faid, Conſecrate your tabertiacle, atl the people rele bp, and ſtood
bands vnto the Loza this Dap, euen euerie euery man at bis tent doore, and looked af- they fkould be
m Inreuenging man vpon hts “fonne,and vpon bis brother, ter Moſes, vñtill be was gone into the Ta- inftructed of the
Gods glery we that there map be gtuenyoua blefling thts bernacle, Lords will.
mufthaue nore- Day.) _ 9 And aloone as Mofes was entren
fpe& to perfon, 30 Audwhenthemoning came, Mo⸗ into the Tabernacle, the cloudypillar Des
but put off all fes ſayd vnto the peaple, Pee haue tommit- {cended and Kood at the doore ofthe Tabere
catnall affection ted a griguous crung; but now F will goe nace, andthe Lord talked with Moles.
€4 10 Now⸗
Mofes talketh with God familiarly. New Exodus. Tables. Tobeware of idolatrie. f
10 Mow when all the peaple ſawe the the mount, neither let the ſheepe no: cattell
tloudy pilar taun at p Tabernacle Dooe, feed ||befoze this mount. [Or about,
all the people role bp, and woꝛſhipped euery € Then Moles ||hewed two Tables fOr, poliſbed.
_ man tn his tent Dooe. of tone like vnto the firit , æ rofe vp carly in
d Moftplainely 11 And the Lom ſpake vnto Moles, afate the moning, and went vp vnto the mount
and familiarly of to face, as aman ſpeaketh unto bis frend. of Hinai, as the Lorde had commaundea
allothers, Num, @fter,he turned againe into the bolt,but his biur; and tooke in his panu two Cables of
8.deut. 34. feruant Joſhua the onoff Nun a pong man, tt
10. departed not out of the Tabernacle. S And the Lord deſcended in the cloud,
12 ¶ Then Moles fapa onto the Lowe, and ſtood with him there , aud proclatmed
Hee, thou faye vuto mee, Lead this people the Mame of the Loyd. P
foozth,and thou bak not fhewed imee whom Ha the Lod paled before his face,and a This ought to
thou wilt fend with me:thou batt fan more·
a crped, Che Lozd,the Lozd, rong, merci» be referred to
e Icare for thee, ouer,Jknow thee by e name , and thon halt fulland gracious, flow te anger, and abune
and will preſerue alfo found grace in my fight, the Lord,and nog |
Dant in goodneſſe and trueth, to Mofes proclaie |
theein this thy 13 Mow therefore , 3 pray thee, if 3 baug 7 =Releruing mercy foz thoufands,forgi- ming: as Chap, a
vocation, founa kauour in thy ight, hem me now thy ning tniquitie and tranfarefiion , and finne, 3.19. a i
twap,that J may know thee, and chat J map and not ¢ making the wicked Innocent, *pifie 4Ebr. sot making |
finde graceinthy Gght: conſider allo that ting the tniquitie of the fathers vpon the innocent. ji
this nation is toypeople. childzen,and vpon childrens childzen, vnto Deut. 5.9.
I4 And be antwered,¢ f My prelence hart the third and fourth generation. iere.3 2:18.
$Ebr. face. goz with thee, and J will giue thee reft. 8 Chen Doles made hake, and bowed
f Signifying that Is Then yee fad vnto him, JE thy pze» binlelfe to the carth,and worſhipped,
the [fraelites fence goe not with vs, carp ps not hence. 9 Audfayd ,D Low, F pray thee, IfJ
fhould excell 16 Ana whereiu now ſhal it be knowen, baue found gracein thy fight, that the Lord
through Gods that Jand thy people baue found fauour in would now goe with vs (tfo itis a ſtifnec· b Seeing the
fauour all other thy fight? ſhallit not bee when thou goeſt ked people) and pardon our triquitie € our people are thus
people,verl.15, with vs? lo J, and thy people Hall baue pze- finne,and take vs fo: thine inheritance. — of nature, the rue!
— bekore Io And heanfwered, Beholve, * F will lershaue
allthe people that are vpon need to |
call vpon God,
make a couenant befoze all thy people,& will that he would al- —
£ cart Je , a
g Thy face, thy I7 And the Lon faid vuto Woles, wil Doe maruciles, luch as baue notbeene Done
fubftance,and = no rhis alia that chou halk fain: foz thou hatt in all the wold, neither in all nations : and wayes
thy maieftic. — found graceta my fight, and J know thee all the people among whom thou art, Wall Deit. §. 20
with his ſpitit. |
h My mercie and by name. fee the wozke of the Lozd : foz it is a terrible
fatherly care, 18 Againe hee laid , J beleech thee, hem thing thatJwill Doe with thee. |
i Read Chap-34. me thy z glozy. Il Keepe diligently that which J come l
verfe 6,7. Ig And he anſwered, J will make allmy mand thee thts Day : Behold.Jwill cait out i
0M. G15« b rood goe before thee,and J wil i pꝛoclaime befoze thee the Amozites, aud the Canaa⸗
k Forfinding no- the Mame of the Lozde before thee: * for J nites and the Hittites, and the Pertssites,
thingin man — twill Mew x mercy te whom Jwil Hew mers and the Diuites,and the Jebulites. Deut.7.2,
tharcandeferue gy ang wil haue compattion on whom J wil 12.* Cake heede to thy felfe, that thou
mercy,hee will pane compafiion. ; make no compact with the inbabitants of
freely laue his. 20 Furthermoze he fain, Thou cant not the land whither thou goeſt, leit they be the c If thon follow
1 For Mofesfaw fee my faceto there thal no man {ee meand
caute of ruine among pou:
not his facein ` line, 13 But pee Hall oũerthrow their altars, their wickednes,
full maieftie, but 21 lf the Loz faid, Behold, there is a and breake their tmagesin pieces, and cut and pollute thy
asmansweake- lace bym me ano thou alt and npon the Downe their “groues, felfe with their
nes could beares tocke? 14 ( Fo thou halt bow Downe tonone idolatrie,
m In mount 22 And while my glory pafleth by,Jwill other god.becaule the Lozd , whole fame is d-Which pleas
Horeb. put thee in a clift of the rockt, and will couer *Jclous,ts aiclous God.) j fant places they
n So much of thee with mine hand whiles J paſſe by. I5 Left thou make a *compact with the chufed forthe
my glory asin 23 After J wilitake away mine hand and inhabitants of the land, and when they goe idoles,
this mortall life thou Malt (ce mp "backe parts: bus my face awhozing after their gods, and Do factetice Chap.20, §.
thou art able to Mall not be ſeene. vnts their gods,fome man call thee,and thou Ahap. 23+ 3%
fee, CHAP, XXXIIIL *eate of his facrifice; AEU. Ted, f
1 TheTables arc renued. 6 The defeription 16 And left thou take oftheir ‘Daughters 1.Cor.8. 10.
of God. 12 All fellowfhip with idolatersufor- vnto thy fonnes , and their Daughters goe a .Keng,11.30
bidden. 18 Thethree feafts, 28 Mofes ü fortie twhortug after their gods, andmake thy fons
dayes in the Mount. 30 His face fhineth,and he goe a whming after their gods: —— *
comereth it with a vail
AS the Loud fayd vate Moles, * Pew e —— Te Pon ee thingthat is mol.
Dent, 10.1. ten: And herein
thee two Cables of ftone , like puto the 18 ¶ The kealt of* vnleauened bread Malt
firk and3 will write ppon the Tables the thoukeepe: ſeuen dayes halt thou eate vn⸗ is condemned all
words that were in the Art Cables, which leauened bread , as Jcõmanded thee, in the maner of idoles
thou brakeſt in pieces. time of the * moneth of Abib ;fo in the mga whatfoeuer they
2 And be ready in the mogning,that thou neth of Abib thou cameſt out of Egypt. bemade of,
mayeſt come bp early vnto the meunt of 19 *@uerp male, that firk openeth the ©4?.23-t5
+€br, fiandto Hinai, and + wait there for me in the top of wombe,thall be mine : alfo all the fir bozne Ch2P.2 3.4
me. the mount. of thy flocke hall beereckoned mine, bothof Cap.13-2-
3 But let no man come by with thee, beeues and Serpe, and 22.29.



— neither tet any man beg ene thorowout all 20 But the Ark of the alle thou Halt ~ ezek: 44.300
~ Mofes face fhineth bright. Chap.xxxv. The free gifts are required. 37
= A lad e A _ e

out with a lambe: and if thou redeeme him Te Woles alfembled all the Congres
not, then thou Malt baeake his necke: all the gation ofthe chilazen of Jirael, and faid
frk bozne of thy fonnes Walt thou redecme, buto them, There are the wordes which the
(bap. a3. 15. and none ſhall appeare before me* empty. kon hath commanded that pee Would doe
ecclus. 354. _ 21 (*Sive dapes halt thou worke, and hem:
Without offe- in the (euenth Day thou Walt reſt: both in ea- 2 *Dire dayes thon Halt woke, but the Chap. 20.9.
ring fome thing, ting time, and in the haruett thon Walt ret. ſeuenth Day ſhalbe vnto vou the Yoly: Sab: a Wherein yee
Chap.23.12, 22 €* Thou halt alfo obferucthe feat bath of rett vnto the Logo: wholocuce doech hall reft from ali
Chap.23.166 of weekes inthe time of the firt fruites of any wozke therein, Mall dic. bodily worke.
tobeate haruc, and the feat of gathering Dee hall kindle no fire thozowout ail
g Which was in fruites in s the end of the peere. pour habitations upon the Sabbath day.
September, when 23 ¶ *Thꝛile in a peere thallall pour men 4 @Againe, Woles ake vnto all the
the funne decli» childzenappeare befoze the Lord Jehouah Congregation of the chilazen of I(tael,(aye
ned, which in the God of Iſrãel. ing, This is the ching which the Lozd come
count of politi- 24 Fo: 7 will cat out the nations before mandeth, laying,
call things,they thee,and enlarge thy coatts, fo that no man § Take from among you an ofring vn⸗
called the end of fall »Delive thp land, when thou Walt come tothe Lorde: wholoener ts of a * willing Chap. 25,2.
the yeere. bp to appeare before the Lorde thy God heart,lethim zing this offring to the Lod,
Deut.16. 16. tiile tn the peere, namely, gold and fluer and beatles
chap.23.14,17. 25 * Thou Hale not offer the blood of my 6 Alio blew ſilke, and purple, and ficare
b God promifeth facrifice with leauen, neither Mall oughtof let, and tine linnen, and goats haire,
to defend them the facrifice of the feat of Palleouer be left 7 And rams (kinnes Died red, and ban»
and theirs, which unto the moning. i gers (kins with Sbittim wood:
-obey his com- 26 Che lirit ripe kruits of thy land thou 8 And ople kor tight, and {pices fo: the
mandement, Walt bring vnto the boule of the Lorde thy anoynting ople , and toz the ſweet incente,
Chap, 23.18. Gon: yer Halt thou not i(ceth a kidde in his . 9 And onir Tones, and Cones to bee tet
i Read Chap.2 3, mothers milke, : j inthe Cphod,and in the bzef plate.
19,deut. 44.21. 27 And the Lord fain buto oles, Arite 10 Qndailthe wilet hearted among pou b Read Chap,
Chap, 24, 186 thou thefe wordes: foz after the tenour of Hail come and make ail that the Lord hath 28.3.
deut.9.9. * thele words J baue made a conenant with commanded : :
k This miracle thee and with Firael. AL Thatis, the *Cabernacle,the panillion Chap. 36.3%.
- was to confirme 28 Ho he was there with the Lod k fo2- thereof, and bis couering, and bis taches,
the authoritie of tie Dapes € fortie nights,and Dio neither eate and bis boords, bis barreg, bis pillars, anv
the Law , and bread no: drinke water: and he mote in the his fockets,
ought no more Cables *the woꝛds of the couenant,cuen the 12 Che Arke.and the barres thereof: the
to be followed ten ||Commandements. Mercy teat, and the vaile that couereth it, c Which hanged ©
then other mira- before the Mer-
29 So when Moles came Downe from 13 Che Cable, a the barres ofitandali ciefeatthatir
cles. mount Dinat,the two Cables of the Teſti· the tnitruments thereofand the thewbzead:
Deut.4,13; Monte were in Mofes hand, as hedeſcended _ 14 Allo thecandletticke of light and bis could not bce
fOr, words, from the mount; (Mow Poles wit net that intruments, and bis lampes with che ople eene,
the tkinne of bis tace hone baight,after that fozthelight:
God jad talked with htm.) I5 *Likewife the Altarofperfume and Chap. 3003,
30 And Aaron and all the childgen of JG Hts barres and the anopnting ople, andthe
G” tael looked vpon (Boles, and beholde, the Cusect incenſe, and the vaile of the doore at
fkin of hts face (hone bright, and thep were the entring in ofthe Tabernacle, —
1 Read 2, Cor, 1 afraid to comenecre him. 16 Che Altar ot burnt offring with bis Chap.27.%.
3:7 31 But Moles called them: and Aaron braſen grate, bis barres, and all Dis inttry.
and all the chiefe of the Congregation re- ments,the Lauer anv hts foote. i
— vnto him: and Moles talked with 17 Che hangings of the court, hfs pillars
them. and bis fockets, and the vaile ofthe gate of
g2 And afterward all the chilozen of Ji- thecourt,
raelcame neere and be charged them with 18 Che pins ofthe Tabernacle, and the
that the Lozd bad faid pnto ptm in mount pins ofthe court with thetrcoards,
tnai, j 19 Thed miniſtring garments to minis d Such as apper-
33 Ho Moles made anendeof commu⸗ erin the bolp place, and the bolp garments taineto the fers
2. Cor.3.130 ning with them , * and had put a couering fo: Aaron the Piek, and the garments of nice of the Ta-
vpon bts face. bis fonnes, that they map mintiter in the bernacle,
m Which was in 34 But when Moles came before the Dates office, hohe
“the Tabernacle Losd to (peake with him,betooke of the co- 20 ¶ Then all the Congregation of the
of the Congrega- uering vntil became out: then he caine our, childpen of Iſrael Departed from the pze-
tion, and (pake bute the children of Iſtael chat fence of Woles,
which be was commanded. 21 And euery one whole heart tencoura- 4Ebr.liftedhim
33 And the chiten of Iſrael ſaw the face gen hint,geuerponewhole pirit made him up.
of goles how thefkin of Moles face Hone willing came and brought an offering to the
bright : therefore Moles put the covering Lode, forthe morke of the Tabernacle of
a his face vntill he went to ſpeake with the Congreration, and fo: all his vſes,and
God. fo: the holy garments.
CHAP, XXXV, 22 Both mer and wonten, as many as
a The Sabbath. 5 The free gifts are required, were free hearted, came & brought ||taches, llOr, bookes,
21 The readimefse of the people to oſfer. 30 Be- and eace-rings , andrings, and beacelets,
aaleel and Aholiab are praiſed ofMofes, all were iewels okgolde: and euery —
pey mans offeringto the worke, Exodus. The curtaines are made, the boords,
offered an offering of gold tuto the Lorm Hanctuary, to makeit: allo theybzought b Meaning „the
23 Euery man alio , which pad blue filke, fill vnto hin free gifts euerymorning. Ifraclitese
and purple,and (carlet,and fine linnen, and 4 Boalithewti men, that wourht all
goats baire and rammes ſkinnes dyed red, the holy wozke, came euery man from pis
aud badgers ſkinnes, brought them· worke which they wrought,
24 Ailthat offered an oblation cf Muer § And lpake to Boirs ſaying, Thre peo-
and ot braſſe, brought the offering vnto the ple bring too c much, animore then enough c A rare erame
$Ebr. with whom Lode: and enery one that + had Shittim foz the vic of the worke whtch the Lord hath ple & notable to
was found. wood foz any manner of wozke of the mint- commanded tobe made. fee the people fe
ſtration, bꝛought ir. 6 Chen Mofes gaue a commandement, ready to ſerue
e Which were 25 Gud all the women that were e wile And they cauled ít to be proclatned thorow⸗ God with their
witty & expert. hearted, DiD Gpinne with thew bandes, and out the holte,faying , Let neither man no? goods,
brought the (pun worke; cuen the blue ſilke, woman prepare any moze wozke fo? the ob-
and the purple,thefcarlet,¢ the tine linnen. lation of the Sanctuary. Sa the people
f That isywhich 26 Likewiſe al the women,f whole hearts were taped fromoftering.
were good ipin- siete mooucd with knowledge, (pun goates 7 Sathe nuke they had, was ficient
Nets, alre. foz all the wozke to make tt, and too much.
27 ARD the rulers brought onir tones, 8 *Allthe cunning men therkore among Chap. 26.3, 4
SE to be (ct tn the Ephod, and inthe the workemen, made for the Tabernacie
gelt plates tenne curtaines ef fine twined linen, ana ef A
28 Alo pice, and oylefoz light , and for blue filke, and purple ,and (caret: dhes d Whichwere
Chap .30. 23» re annoynting oyle, and foz the ſweet pers rubims of beoidered wozke made thep vpon little pi@ures
unig. them. with wings im
29 Euery man and woman of the chtis- 9 The length of one curtaine was twen⸗ the forme of
derenofIſrael, whole hearts mooued them ty eight cubtts,and the breadth of occurs children.
willingly to bring foz all the wozke which taine foure cubits: and the curcaines were
| g Viing Mofes the Lod had comanded them to make sby all of one ciie,
| asa Miniter He= of Moſes,bꝛought a frec offring ta IO And hee conpled Rue cuctatnes toge⸗ o

thereof, z Lod. ther, and other fiue couplen hee together,

30 Then Woles (aid vnto the chilen II Gnd hee mane rings of biew filke by
l Chap.3 2.2 of Iſrael, Bebhoid, * the Lord hath called by the edge of one curtaine tn the ſeluedgeof
name Bezaleelthe fonne of Cirt,the ſonneof the coupling: ikewtle heemadeon the ide
ur, of the tribe of Judah ofthe other curtatne, in the ſeluedge in the
\Or, with the fpi- 31 Aud hath filled hun ||with an excellent fecond coupling. Í
tit of Goa.
Mirit of wtledome,ofpuderitanding, and of 12 * Frity firings made hee in one cur· Chap.26.1e0
knowledge, and in all maner of woke, taine, and tiktie ſtrings made he in the ya
_ 32 To find out curious wozkes, to wozke ofthe ocbercurtaine, which wasin the {ee
in gold and in ftlucr,and in beafle, cond couplings the rings were tone ae
33 Zna in graning tones to let them, and gaint another. À
in cavuing of Wood, cuen to make any maner 13 After, hee made fiftieltaches of gold, [Or,hookess |
cf ine wake. Ns and coupled che curtaines one toanother
34 And hee hath puttnhisheart that he with the taches: fo was it one Tabernacle.
May teach other: both hee, and Ahatiab the 14 GAl hee made curtatnes of goates
tonne of Ahifamach of the tribe ofDan: haire fo? the |coucring vponthe Tabernae \Or,pawillions
25 Them hath be filled with wiſedome of cle: hee madethem co the number of eleuen
h Pertaining to Heart to wozke all * maner of cunning, ann curtatnes. h ?
grauing, or Car- bropDered , and needleworke: in blue Like, I5 The lengthok one curtaine had thir⸗
| | uing,or fuch like, and utpurpie, in ſcarlet, and in fine linnen tie cubites, and the bzeadth sfone curtatne
(hap, 26,16 and weaning,cucn to Deal maner of woke, foure cubites > the eleven curtaines were of
and ſubtill innentions. one cife. i
16 And be coupled fine curtatnesby therte
CHIA Pyke VK. ſelues, and fire curtainesby themlelues.
§ The great readine(fe ofthe people,infomuch 17 Allo hee made liftie rings vpon the
edge ofone curtatne ir the ſelũedge in the
that he commandeth theri toceafe. 8 The curtains
coupkng, and fiftie ſtrings made bec vpon
made, 19 The couerings. 20. The boords. 31 The
barres, 35 Andthe vaile, the edge of theothercurtaine in the fecond
coupling. h >
Ge wrought Besalecl, and Aypoliab, 13 Hee made allo liftie taches of braſſe to
*cvbr. wiſe in andaltcunning men fo whom the Lord couple the conering thatit mightbe one.
garie wiledome and vnderſtanding toknow Ig And be made an *couering vpon the e Thefe two
how to worke al maner of worke foz the fer» pauilion oframmes kins Died red, and a co⸗ were abone the |
a By the Sanctu- nice of the * Sanctuary,accoding to al chat
ucring of badgers thins aboue. couering of
| |ary he meaneth the Lod had commanded. 20 (Likewile he made the boosds forthe ‘oats haire,
bere all the Ta- 2 Foꝛ Moſes ban callen Besalecl, and Tabernacle of Mhittint wosd te f ftand vp. And to beare
bernacle. Sholiab , and all the wile hearted men, in 21 The length of a bood was tenne cu- vp the curtaines
whole hearts the Lord had giuen wiledome, bites , and the breadth of a booꝛd wasa cus of the Tabere
euen as many as thetr Hearts encouraged to bite and an halke. 3 nacle,
come vnto the twoke toworke it. 22 One booꝛd had tivo tenons, fet itt 02+
3 And they veceined of Moles all the of Der as che feeteofaladder,one againſt anos
fering which the children of Iſrael hav ther: thus be made foz altheboozds of the
bought forthe weke of the ſeruice of the Tabernacle. Hire
23 Do
Chap- xxxvije the Table,and Candlefticke.
Se G aa

,rcy feat,

the Bar res Arke,Me
23 Do he made twentp boords fe: pHouth — one cubite Ean halfe the bꝛedth
ſide of the Tabernacle cuen full ouch. thereof.

24 And tosty lockctsof fluer made he pu: 7 And he made two Cherubime of gold,
Der the twenty bondes, twoiockets, vnder bpon the two ends of the Mercpteat: euen
one booꝛd fo? bis twotcnons, € two fockets atwoke beaten with the hammer made hee
vnder another boozd foz his two tenons. pim.
25 Alle fe: the other tide ot the Taber- & Dnue Cherub en the one end and ands
nar toward tye Roth, heemade twenty ther Cherub onthe other end: bof the Mer⸗ b Ofthe felfe
300253, cie leat made bethe Cherubims, at the two fame matter that
26 And thetr fortie (ockets of filucr, two ends thereof. the Mercy feat
{feckets vnder one boord, and two fockets 9 And the Chernbinis pead out their was.
vnder another boord. Wings on high, and couered the Mercy leat
g Ôr toward the 27 Likewiſe toward ethe Wick five of with their wings, and their faces were ene
Sea which was the Tabernacle he mane fire boerds. towards another: toward the Mercy teat
the Sea called 28 And two boots made hee in the coz were the faces of the Cherubims. :
Mediterraneum nersofthe Tabernacle, fo: either tide, 10 Allo he mate the Cable of Shittim
Weſtward from 29 Ana they were * ioyned beneath, and wood; two cubites was thelength thereof,
Jerufalem, likewile were made fure aboue with a ring: and a cubit (he bꝛeadth thereof, and a cubic
Chap.26.24. thus he did to both in boti comers. i anvan halke the height of it.
30 Do there were eight boords and their {I And hee ouerlayd it with fine soldes
firteene fockets of filucr, vnder euery boord * — thereto acrowie of golde round
two fockets. i about.
Chap.r6. 28, 31 (After,hemane * barres of Dhittim 12. Allo he made theretoa border of fan lOr fourefingers
and 39.4555 wood, fine fo2 the boordes tn the one tive of band breadth round about, and made vpon
the Cabernacie, f the border a cromneof gold round about.
32 And uebarres fo: the boords inthe 13 And be cak foz it foure rings of gold,
other lide of the Cabernacie,and fiue barreg and put the rings in the foure corners that.
fo: the boosts of the Tabernacle on the lide were in the foure feet thereof.
toward toe Tait. 14, Againt the bomer were the rings, as
23 And hee made the middeſt barre ta placestoz the barres tobeare the Cable. |
—— the boords, from the one enata Ig Andbe made the barres of Shittim
¢ other. wood, and couered them with goldeto hearg
34 Hee ouerlayed allo the bands tÀ gold, the Cable.
and made their rings of gold fo: places foz 16 * Allo dee made the inftruments foz Chap.25.396
the barres,¢ coucred the barres with gold. the Cable sf pure golde :Ditbes fo tt, and
h Which was 35 ¶ Moꝛeouer he made a vwvaile of blew incenfe cups faz tt,and goblets foz it,and co»
betweene the filke, and purple, and of ſcarlet, and of fine — fozit, wherewith it Mould bee co»
SanQuary and twined linnen: with Cherubims of bꝛoide· uered,
the Holieft ofall. red worke made betel: 17 @ Liketwife he made the Candleſticke
36 And made thereunto foure pillars of of pure gold: of wozke beaten out with the
Shittim, and ouerlayed them with golde, hammer made he the Candletticke ; and his
. fOr, heads, whofe ||bookes werealfo efgolde, and he catt thaft, and bts bꝛanch, bis bowles,his knops,
foz them foure fockets of luer, and hts flowers were of one piece.
i Which was be- 37 And he made an ‘hanging forthe Tas 18 AnD fire branches came ont of the
eweenthe Court bernacie doore of blew filke, and purple,and hides thereof: three branches of the Candies
end the Sanu. Ccarlet, and fine twined linnen, and needle ficke outofthe one fide of it,andtheee brane
ary. woke, : i l ee of theCandleſticke out of the other fing
38 And the fiue pillars of it with their ofit.
bookes, and ouerlayde their chaptters and. Ig Mi one branch three bowles made like
Or, granen bor- their || Gilets with golde, but their: Aue foca
almonds, a knop anda flower: and in ano⸗
ders, kets wereaf baie. ther branch three bowles made like almõde,
CHAP. XXXVII: aknop anda flower: and fo thoꝛowout the
t The Arke. 6 The Mercy feat. 10 The Table,
live branches that procecdedout ofthe Cans
37 The Candlefticke, 25 The Altar of incenfe.
Diekicke. $
Chap, 25:10, AL this, Bezaleel mave the * Arke of . 20 And bpox the Candleſticke were foure
Dhittim wood, two cubits and an halfe bowles after the faijtonof Aimondes, the
long and a cubite and an halfe bꝛoad, and a knops thereofand the flowers thereof ;
cuditand anbalfebie: — i 21 That is, vuder euery twe branckesg
2 And ouerlaid it with fine goln within knop made thereof, anda knop ender the le⸗
a Likebattle. and without, and made a? crowne of gold to cond branch therof, anda knop vnder the
ments, itronn abont, f third branch thereof, accorduig to the fire
3 And caſt foz it fourerings of gold fog banches comming gut of it.
the Foure copners of it: that is twe rings foz 22 Their knops and their branches were
the oue fide of it,and two rings fo? the other of tielame 3 it was all one* beaten wake of Chaps25, 33,°-

fine thereof. : pure golds p È

4 Alfa he made bars of Shittim wood, 22 And he mate foz it euen lamps with
and covered themmithgold, the ſnuffers, and nuffediſhes thercot of pure ©
§ And put the barres in the rings by the
c Reade Chaps ~
oid. Pi

fines of tiie Arke, ta beare the Arke, s 24. DF actatentok pure golu made hee it
Chap. 3317. — 6 CAnd he mane the” Mercy featof pure with all the tultruments thereof. 35-39.
gold:two cubits and an halfe wasthelength 25 CFurthermoze be made —— Chap, 3.15293 5402.
F healtarofoftrings, the Lauer, the Court. Exodus. The fume ofall that wasoffered
altar of Sbittim wood: the length of it was 16 All the hangings of the court rouude
a cubit, and the bꝛeadth of ita cubit (tt was about were fine twined linnen,
ſquare) and two cubits high, and the bones 17 But the fockets of the pillars were of
thereotwereotthefaine. braſſe: the bookes of their pillars and their
26 And hee couered it with pure golde, filets of filuer, ethe coucrtng of their cha-
boti the toppe and the tides thereof round a= piters of fuer: and all che pillars of the
bout, and the hornes of it, and made vnto it court mere hasped with fluer,
a crowne of gold round about. 18 He made alfo the hanging of the gate
27 And be made two rings of gold fo? it, of the court of needle woke, bicw fike ana
vnder the crowne thereof,in the two corners purple, and ſkarlet, and fine twined linnen,
ofthe two tides thereof, to put barres in euen twenty cubits long, and fine cubites it
fo: to beare it therewith. ? ies hee breadth, +itke the hangings of tEh onera.
28 Allo he made thebarresof Shittim e court. ;
(wood, and oucrlapa them with goid, 19 Ano thet pillarg were foure with their £7
zo. 2335. 29 And he made the holp*anointing oile, foure (ockets of bzaffe: their hooks of uluer.
anv the ſweete pure incente after the Apoti- and the cenering of their chaptters, & their
cartes arte. lets offiluer. j ~
CHAP. XXXVIII. 20 But all the * pinnes of the tabernacle Chap.27.19,
1 The altar ofburnt offerings. 8 The brafen and of the court round about were otfbꝛaſſe.
Lauer. 9 The Court, 24 The fumme of that the 21 @ Chele are the partsof the Caber-
people offered, nacle, Imeane, of the Cabernacle of the Te⸗
A Lio hee made the altar of the burnt offe» fimony, which was appoynted bythe come |
Chap.27.1. maundementof Woles foz the office of the
ting of * Shittim wood : fue cubits was |
the length thereof, fne cubits the bꝛeadth © Leutces by the hande ot Ithamar ſonne ta c That the Les
thereof: it was (quare, and three cubits high. Garon che Pꝛieſt. uites might haue
2 And hee made vnto it hommes in the 22 D0 — the onne of Gri the the charge theres
foure corners therof: the bornes therafwere fonite of Hur of the tribe of Judah, made all of,andminifter |
ofthe fame,and he ouerlaid tt with braſſe. that the Loyd commanded Moles. inthe fame,as |
3 Allo he made all thein&ruments ofthe 23 Amd with him Aholiab fonneof Ahi- did Eleazar and
Chap.27.3- altar,the * ahpans,ana che befoms, and the ſamach of the tribe of Dan, a 4 cunning Ithamar, Num.
(lOr, frepanse hafing,the fleihbookes, and thel cenfers: all wozkeman and an imbroiderer, and a wo: 3.4.
the intruments thereof made be ofbraſſe. ker of needie-wozke in blew filke, and in d Asagrauer or
4 Moꝛeouer hee made a braſen grate purple,and in ſcarlet, and tn finelinnen. carpenter, Chap,
wrought like anet to the Altar, vnder che 24 Sll the golde that was occupied in all 314.0
a So that che compaite of it beneath in the a mids of tt, the worke wrought fo: the bolp place(which
gridiron or grate § AND cant foure ringso€ bꝛaſſe foz the was the gelde of the offering) wasnine and
washalfefo hie foure ends of the arate to put barresin.
twenty talents, and euen bundzed and thtre
asthe Altar,and 6 Andhe made the barres of Shittimtie fhekels accozding to the Wekel of the
ftood within it, wood, and coucred them with bꝛafle. @anctuary.
7 The which bars he put tuto the rings 25 But the fluer of them that were num
On the lides of the altar to beare tt withall, bred in the Congregation, was an hundred
Chap.r7.8. and mane tt * hollow within the boards. talents, and a thoufand ſeuen hundzed fe-
8 (Aliohee made the Lauer of baffes uenty and fiue hekels, afterthe thekel of the
b R.Kimhi faith, and the foot of it of braſſe of the t glaffes of Sanctuary:
thatthewomen the women that Did _afiemble and came to⸗ 26 A poꝛtion foz a man, thatis, halfea hor alfie
broughttheir gether atthe Dooe ofthe Tabernacle of the mekel after the pekel of the Sanctuary, fox Meke
looking glaffes Congregation. all them that were numbred from twentte
which wereof 9 @ finally hee made the courton the yeere olde and aboue, among fire hundred
braffe,orfine Houth live ful South : the hangings of the thoufand,and thzee thoufand, and fius hune
mettall, and offe- court were of fine twined linnen, hãuing an Ded and fifty men,
xedthem freely hundzeth cubits. 27 Moꝛeouer, there were an hundzed tas
vnto the vicof Io Tie pillars were twentie, and their lents of fluer, ta catt the focketsofp ance
theTabernacle: hꝛaſen fockets twentte: the hooks ofthe pil- tuary, and the fockets of the vaile, an hun⸗
which wasa lars, and their filets were of filuer. DeD fockets of an hundzed talents, a talent
bright thingand II Andon the Mozth{ive the hangings were fo: a locket.
ofgreatmaic- att bundeth cubits: their pillars twentie, 23 Buthe made the hooks foz the pillars
fic. and theirt fockets of bralſe twenty,the hooks of a thoufand ſeuen hundzed and ſeuenty
of the piliars,and their filets of ttluer. aud fiue thekels,and ouerlata their chapiters
12 On the Weſtlide alſo werehangings and made filets about them,
of fiftic cubits, theit ten pillars with their 29 Allothe brafle of the offering was fe»
tenfockets : the hookesof the pillars anv uenty « talents, aud two thowland,and foure eweiphtofà
thetr filets of filuer. hund2ed ſhekels. lent,chap.2§
13 And toward the Cait fide, full Eat, 30 Aberzof hee made the fockets tothe b;chap· 253·
were hangings of fiftie cubites. Dooe of the Tabernacle of the Congrega 37°
14 The hangings sfthe one fide were fif- tion, and thebzalen altar, and the baten
—— theee pillars, € theit cheee grate which twas for it with all the inſtru⸗
ments of the altar,
—RR 15* And of the other fide of the court gate 31 And the fockets of thecourt round a>
on both fides were hangings of fifteene cus bout, and the fockets foz the court gate, and
pied their chee pillars and their theee all the * pinsofthe Tabernacle, andallthe (hap.27.19-
z ° pins ofthe court round about. Pe
"TheEphodandbreftplate. Chap. xxxix. The Tabernatle finifhed. 39
CHAP, XXXIX. the bultplate vpon the edge of ft, which
1 The Apparel of Aaron and bis fonnes. 33 was on the inude of the Ephod.
Allthat the Lord commanded was made & fini- 20 Thep made allo two other golden
fhed. 43 Mofes bleffeth the people. tings, and put themon the two lides ofthe
a As couerings Maour, thep made? garments of mi- Cphad,beneath on the forelide of it , oner
forthe Arke,the 4¥intitration to minter inthe Sanctua⸗ againd bis coupling abong the bꝛopdered
Candleftickeythe rte,ef blue fike and purple and ſcarlet:they Sarde of the Ephod
Altarsandfuch *made allo the holy garments foz Aaron, 2r: Thenthey fattened thebseaplate "=
like. as the 1020 had comimaunded Moles. bis rings bnto the rings ofthe Ephod, with
Chap.3 1.10, 2 BHohee made the Cphod of gold, blue alace of blue ſilke, that it might be fait ppor
and 35.19 filke, and purple, and ſcatlet, and ine twis the brꝛoydered garde of the Ephod, and that
ned linnen. the breattplate {houla not bee looted front
3 And they did beat the gold into thinne oeae > 48 the Loꝛd had commaunded
plates, and cut it ito wyers, to wokeitin u eg.

tye blue hike and inthe purple, andin the 22 ¶ Woꝛeouer,hee made the robe of the
—— and in the fing linen, with brꝛoidered — ofwoucn woke altogether of blue e Which was
pke. e. next ynder the
4 Soz the which they made ſhoulders ta 23 And f thebholeof the robe was tn the Ephod,

couple together: tor it was cloled bp the two middes ot it, as the collarofan habergeon, f Where hee
edges thereof. é with an edge about the collar, that it honin fhould put tho-
§ And the broydred garde of his Ephod not rent. row his head;
that was vpon him, was of thefame tufe 24 And they made vpon the fkirts of the
and ef like mozke: euen of golde, of blue robe pomegranates, of blue filke, and put⸗
hike, and purple, and fcarlet, and fine twi⸗ ple,and {carlet, and finclinentwined,
nen innen, asthe Tod had commaunded 25 They made alfo* belles of pure gold, Chap. 18.33»
Wales, $ and put the belles betweene the pomegras
Chap 28 9. 6 And they wrought. *wo Onix tones nates vpon the (kittsof the robe round a-
b Thatis,of ve- cloſed tn ouches of goln, and graucd as fig- bout betweene the pomegranates;
rie fine and curi- nets are grauem, withthe names of che chil- 26 Abeiland a pomegranate, abelland
ous workeman- deen of Jirael, 4 pomegranate round abont thefkirts ofthe
fhip, 7 Aad put them on the houlders of the robe tomintterin, as the Logde had conte
Chap.28.12. Ephod, as tones foꝛ a* remembzance ofthe manded Woles. ` ;
chiten of Jael, as the Loze bad com> 27 QAfter, they made coats of fine lin=
manded Doles. nen, of wouen worke fo Aaron and forhig
8 Alfo be made the. ge deelof bꝛoy⸗ ſonnes
Bered woke like the worke of the phon: 28 And the miter ok fine linen, and good⸗
to wit, of gold, blue filke, and purple, and iy bonnets of Gne linen,and linen *bzeeches Chapia8:42s
{Carlet, and fine twined linen. ' of fine twined linen, ehitea!
9 Thepy made the bꝛeſtplate Double, and 29 EAn the girdle of fine twinedlinen,
it was fquare,.an band bzeath long, and an and of blue filke, and purple, ¢ (carlet, even:
aud becadth broad: it was alfo Double, of needle mozke, as the Loud bad comman⸗
IO Aud they filled it with foure rowes of Ded Moſes.
ones. Che oder wasthus, a Rubie, a To⸗ 30 @ Finally, they made the plate foz the
paze,and a Carbunclein the firt rowe: holy crowne of fine gold, and wote vpon it
II Andin the fecond row, an Emeraud, aluper(cription like to the grautng of a figs
a Saphir. and aDiamond: net, *HOLINES TO THE LORD, Chap, 28:36..
c Or, aligure, i a in ihipoy rowe, ¢a Curkeis, 31 And they ticd onto it alace of blue fitke
ich ftoneau- AN Achate,and an Hematite to falten it on bie bpon the miter, as p Loa
—— thatit _13 Likewile in the fourth rowe, a Chay· Had commanded Moles.
commeth of the aram D mapsa a Jaſper: cloſed and fet 32 Thus was all the worke ofthe Ta-
i touches of goln. bernacles euen of the * Tabernacle of the Chap.27.29>-
—dLynx. ene` 14 So the ttones
: were according to the Congregation finiſhed: and the chilen of
pra ages names of the childzen of Fitaci,cuen twelue Iſrael did according to all that the Lorde
tribe had his 4 after thetr names , grauen like fignets, ad commanded Peles: ſo did they.
name writtenin.a: euery one after his name according to the 33 (Afterward they brꝛoughttheTaber⸗
Rone twelue tribes, nacle unto Moles, the Tabernacle tall his
á 15 After, they made bpon the bzeftplate intruments, bis taches , his booꝛdes, his
chatnes at the ends, of weatyenworkgand barres, and his pillars, and bis (ockets, —
pure gold.. 34 And the couering of Kams ikins died:
16 Chey made allo two boles of golde, red, and the coucring of Badgers frins ant:
and two gold rings, and putthe two rings ‘thes couering vaile g So cailed,be=-
inthe two cozners of the bꝛeſtplate. 35 Whe Arke ofthe Teſtimonie, and the caufe it hanged’
17 And chey put the two weeathen chains barreg thereof,and the MDercieleate, before the Mer-
of golainthe tworings, in the corners of 36 The Table, with allthe intruments ciefeate,and ce-
the breſtplate. therectand rhe ſhewbꝛead, uered it from
~ 18 Allo the two otherendes of the two 37 Che pure caudletticke, the lampes fight, cha. 35.133
wꝛeathen chaines thep fakened in the two theresf, cuenthe lampes fetinoder, and h Or,which A>
boes, and put them on the fhouiders of the all the inſtruments thereof, and the ople fog ron drefled i and-
Ephod, bpon the fozetront of it, light: _ _ refrefhed with |
1g Likewile they made twa rings of gold, 38 Allo the golden altar and the anoin · oyle euery mors-
and. put them inthe two other cozners of ting ple, and the ſweete arcenicspn ae ning, Chap.30.73.
p bleffeth
thepeople. ‘Exodus. The Tabernacle reared vpe at
hanging of the Tabernacle dosie, clothe them withgarments,
39 The bꝛalen Altar with bis arate of Is Andfyalt anoint themas thou diddeſt
brafſe; hts barres and all his intruments, anoint theit father , that they map minuter
tye Lauer and hts foote. ~ vnto meta the Pꝛieſts office: for their an·
40 The curtaines ofthe Court with his nointing Halbeaficne, that the Pꝛieſthood
pillars,and pis ſockets, and the hanging to 4 fhal be euerlaſtiũg vnto chemi thoughout d Tillboththe
the caurt gate,and bis cords, and bis pinnes, their generations. — X Priefthood and
and ali the mitruments sf the feruice of the 16 Ho FPpies div according to al that the ceremonies
Tabernacle, called the Tabernacle of the the Lord bad commandes him: (0 Did he. fhould ende,
Congregation, ens $ 17 ¶ Thus was the Tabernacle reared which was at
4I Finally, the miniring garments to vp the firtt Day of the Grit monethin the fe Chrifts come.
ferue inthe Sanctuary, and the holy gat- cond peere. ming.
ments fo Aaron the Wief, and bis tonnes 18 Then Moles reared vp the Taber⸗ Num. 7. 1.
garments to mintiter tu the JOieits ofice. nacle g fattened his fockets, and (et bp the e After they
42 According to euery point that > Low boards thereof, and putin the barres oftt, came out of E-
i Signifying, that had iconimanded Woks ſo che chtldzen of aud reared vp bis pillars. gypt.Num.9. £o
in Gods matters Ilrael made all the woke. Ig And bee ſpread the couering ouer the
man may neither 43 And Molts beheid all the worke, and Tabernacle, and put the coucting of that
addenor dimi- behold, they had Done tt asthe Lode hav coucting on bie aboue it, as the Lozde haa
nith, commanded:(9had they Done: and Males caimmanded okes.
k Praifed God for k bleed then. 20 (And bee tocke andput the f Teſti⸗ F That is, the tas
the peoples dili- CHAP, XL, monte tn the Arke, and put rhe barres in the bles of the Lawe,
gence ,and pray- 2 The Tabernacle with the appertinances is rngsof the Arke , and fer the mercieſeate on chap, 31, 18.
ed for them. bie vpon the Arke.
reared up. 34 The glory of the Lorde appea- s and 34,29.
- reth intive cloud couering the Tabernacle. 21 pee bought alfo the Arke inte the
Te the Lod ſpake vnto Moles, fap- Tabernacle, and hanged vp the* couering Chap.3§ 13:
ing baile, and couered the Arke of the Teſti⸗
a After that Mo- 2 Jn thes firt Day of the fir moneth, in monte, as the Lozd had commanded Mo⸗
fes had bene for- the very firté ofthe fame moneth (halt thou fer fes
tie dayes and fore op the Tabernacle , called the Tabernacle22 C SFurthermoze hee put the Tabie in
tienights in che of the Congregation: the Cabernacte ofthe Conaregattontn the
mount, that is, 3 And thou halt put thereinthe Arke of Noꝛthlide of the Tabernacle, without the
from the begin- the Teſtimonie, and couer the Arke with natle,
ning of Auguft tye varle. lib, By 23 And fet the bread tn oder before the
tothe tenth of 4 Allothou Halt being in the *Cable, Loyd, as seL020 had commanded Woles.
September, he and (et it in oer as it Doth requires thou 24 GAl he put the Candleſticke in the
came downe and fhalt alto bring in the Canaleiticke , €light Tabernacle of the Congregation , ouer as
caufed this work bis lampes. i gaint the Cable toward the South tine of
to be done: -S And thou Hale fet the incenfe Altar the Tabernacle.
which being fini- b of gold before the Arke of the Teſtimonie, 25 And hell lighted the lampes before the Or,fetvp.
fhed,was (et and put the < hanging at the Booze of the L020, as the Loꝛd had commanded Poles.
vp in Abib, Tabernacle, 26 (Moꝛeouer; hee let the golden altar
which moneth 6 Moꝛeouer, thou fhalt (et the burnt of- inthe Cabernacle ot the Congregation bes
conteinech halfe fering Altar before tye Donze of the Taber- fo2e the vaile, : f
March and halfe nacle, called the Cabernacte of the Congre: 27 Andburnt fweetincenfe thereon, as
Aprilè : gation, the 1020 had conmiunanded Moles.
*Read Chap. 26, 7 And thou falt fet the Lauer betweene 28 € Gilohechanged hp the vaile atthe
tye Tabernacle of the Congregation anv. e Dooe of the Tabernacle. : g Betweene the
— is, the al- the altar,and put water therein. 29 After, hee fet the burnt offering altar San@waty and `
tar of perfume,or 8 Ehen thou halt appoint the Court without the Doozeofthe Tabernacle , called tbe Court,
to burneincenfe roundabout, and hang bp the banging at the Tabernacle of the Congregation, and
on the Court gate. offered the burnt offering and the facrtfice
c Thishangisg thercon,as the Lod han comanded (Poles.
-0 .After, thou Halt take the anoynting
or vaile was be- oyiz and anoyntthe Tabernacle, and all 30 Likewile he (ec the Lauer betweene
tweene the Sane that ts therein and hallow it with all the in- the Tabernacle of the Congregation and
@uary and the ſtruments thereof, that tt may be polyp. the altar,and powerd mater therein to wal)
Const, 10 And thon Haltanoynet thealtarefthe witi
burnt offering and all bis inſtruments,and 31 So Woles and Aaron, and dis ſonnes
ſhalt fanctifie the altar, that it may bee an wamed thetc hands and their feet thereat.
altar moft holy. 32 When they went into the Tabernacle
II Alſo thou Halt anoynt the Lauer, and of the Conagregation,and when they appro-
bis focte, and halt fanctific it. ched to the Aitar,thep walhed, as the Lode
I2 Chen thon Halt bring Aaron and bis had commanded Woles.
fonnes vñto the Doope of the Tabernacle of 33 Finally, be reared vp the court round
pe age > anD waſh them with about the Cabernacle æ the altar, ana bans
ater, eD bp the baile at the Court gate: to Mo·
13 And thou halt put vpon Aaron the es nibet the wozke.
boly garments , and fhalt anoynt him, and 34 C* Then the cloud couered the Tas Numb.9.1 3.
farictifie him, that he may miniſter puto me bernacle ofthe Congregation,and the glozp 1, kingi8.1@0
in the Mielts office, of the Loz filled the Tabernacle.
14 Thou Hait allo baing his ſonnes, and 35 Bo Poks could not enter into = —
— — — — — LESS - — onhited

The burnt offering, Chap.j.ij. and maner thereof. 40

37 aeaWutif
bernacle of the Congregatisn. berane the e norae ann as o
aſcended :not,then
: cloude above thereon, and the glozy ot che ibrʒrncyc ðnor teetys dax that TELLES
it aſtende s
Lod filled the Tabernacle, 38 Job the cloutof sho Lad was vpon h Thus the pres
26 Mow when the cloude alcended vp the Tabernacle by day, and fire mas imit fence of Ged
From the Cabernacle, the chilazen cf Iſrael by night,tn the fightof all che boule of Jita> preferued and
went foward in all thetr iourneys. ci thoughout all their iournepes, guided them
t night and day

q The third booke of Mofes, sheendpro:

till they came to

*Becaufein thi x ae -
— called *Leuiticus.
— raitain 8 God daily by moft fingular benefits declared himfelfe to be mindful of his Church: fo he would
fro their office, 2 not that they {hould taue any occafion to truft eitherinthemfelues, or to depend vpon others, ei-
ther for lacke of cemporall thiagsyor ought that belonged to his diuine feruice & Religion, Therefore
he ordaincd diuers kinds of oblations and facrifices, to affure them of forgiuenes of their offences (if
: they offted them in true faithand obedience.) Alfo he appointed their Pricfts and Leuites, their appa-
rel offices, conuerfation and portion: he ſhe wed what feafts they fhould obferue, and in whattimes.
Moreouer,he declared by thefe facrifices and ceremonies , that the reward of finne is death, and that
without the blood of Chrift the innocent Lambe there can be no forgiuenefle of finnes. And becaufe
they (hould give no place to their owne inuentions (which thing God moft detefteth, as appeareth by
the terrible example of Nadab and Abibu) he prefcribed euen to the leaſt things, what they fhould do,
as what beafts they (hould offer and eate: what difeafes were contagious and to be auoided: what order
they fhould take for al maner of filthines & pollutiõ to purge it: whofe company they fhould flee: what
mariages were lawful: and what politike lawes were profitable, Which things declared,he promifed fa-
uour and bleffing to themthat Kept his Lawes, and threatned bis curfe to them that tranfpreffed them,
CHAP, I II -2 And hee Wallkill tt on the Royne g Reade verleg.
Of burnt offerings för particular perfons. 3. 10 of the altar » before the Lon, @ the Peteſtes h Before the ala
and 14 Themaxer to offer burat offerings as well Garons ſonnes thal ſprinkle the bigod there: tar of the Lord,
of bullocks, as offheepe and birds. of round about vpon the altar.
a Hereby Mofes aN Dwe the 2Lo2d called Moſcs, 12 Andhe Hal cut it trapteces,feparating + Ebranto he
declareththazhe f and fpake vnto him out of the his head and bis | kail, and the Wpick hall pre ces.

taught nothing Gabernacte of the Congregati⸗ lay them in order bpon the weod that lieth i Or,fits
to thepeople, on, faping, in the fire whichis on the altar:
but that which = 2 peake vnto the childzen 13 Bue hee hall wah the inwards, € the
hereceiued of of Iſrael, and thou bait fay bnto them, FF legges with water, and the Hiet hail offer
God. anp of pou offer a facrifice puto the Loꝛd, pre the whole, and burne it vpon the altar: for
b So they could fhall offer pour facrifice of > cattell , as of it iga burnt offering, an oblation mane bp
offer ofnone o- beeues and ofthe ſheepe. q fire foz a ſweet fanour vnto the Lord.
ther fort, but of 3. * Ff hts facrifice be a burnt offering of 14 @ And if bts facrifice bee a burnt offee
thofe which were the herne,hee hall offer a male without Dle- ring to the Lord,of the foules, then hee fall
commanded, mith, pꝛeſenting himokhis owne voluntary offer its facrifice of the turtle Doneso of the
will atthe Dooz! of thes Tabernacle ofthe yong pigcons. ——
Exod 29. 10.
© Meaning, with · Congregation before the Lom, Ig andthe Peieſt Malt bing it onto the
‘in the court of 4 Gnd hee hall put his bande vpon the altar, t iwing the necke of it aſunder, and i The Ebrew
the Tabernacle, Head of the burnt offering, and tt halt be at- burne tt on thealtar: ano the blood thereof wordfignifieth
$ him. Cepted tte the Lord,to be hts atonement. Mall be ||Hed vpon the ſideofthe attar. to pinch off with:
d The Prieft or § And 4 hee Hall kill rhe bullocke before 16 Sud he Hail plucke out his maw with the naile.
Leuite. tie Lord, and the Prieſtes Aarons fonnes bis feathers , and cafi them belive the altar ||Or, rained,
e Ofthe burnt Mall offer the blood, ¢ Mall (prinkle tt round on the * Eat part tn the place of the aſhes. or re
offering, Exod. about vpon the © altar that ts by the Deoze of 17 Ana he hall cieatie it with hts wings, k Onthe fideo®
25.1. the Gabernacte of the Congregation. but not diuide tt aſunder:and the Peteſt tal the court gate im
6 Then Hall he fap the burnt ofring, burne it buon the altar Spon the woos that the pannes,shich:
and cut te in pteces. i is in the five : for itis a burnt offting,an ob- ftood with afhes,,
7 So the tonnes of Aaron the iet Hal lation made by fire fo? a ſweete fauour vnto Exod.27, 3».
put re npon the altar, and lap the wood in the Lov.
order Lyonthe fre. © MW ALP. (TE
Then the Piete Aarons fonnes hal 1 The meat offring ú after three forts:offine floure
Or, the body of lap the parts tn oner, the head and the fkall vnbake,4 of bread bake, 14 & of cornin the eares
the beaft,or the vpon the wood that ts im the fire which is A N when any wil offer asmeat offering a Becauſe the
fi. vpon the aitar. vnto the LoD, bis offering ſhalbe of fine burnt offering.
g But the inwards thereef and the tegs fleure,and hee (hall pemec ople vpon it, and could not be
putincenfe thereat, —
thereofhe hat wath in måter ann the Pꝛieſt wi-hout the meat
Mall burne ail oi the altar: for it is a burnt 2 And hat being tt bute Aarons fonnes offering.
iring an oblation made by Eire,foz afweet the Pieſts, t? he thailtake thence hts hana b The Prieft,
f Or, a ſauourof fauour f pnto the Loꝛd. full of the floure. of the erle with ail the in⸗ c To fignifie
reft which paci- lo CIAnd if his facrifice for the burnt of- cenfe,and the Tient thal burne tt foz ame- thar Godrememe
fieth the anger of fring be ofp flocks (as of the theepe o ofthe motali upon the altar : fortt ts an offering breth himthat `
wheLord, goats ) Hee Hallokes a male aut blemis, nade by fire fo2 a ſweet ſauor vnto i — offereth.

- Ofthe meat offexring. Of the Leuiticuse peace offerings, Offering for

Ecclus.J. 31. 3 * But the remnant of themeate offe- neis, and fhefe: that is on then, and vpon
ting ‘hall beAarsns
and bis lonnes ter sted Hike datikes, and the kail on the liuer with y On the which
d Therefore molt Polpot the le:s anerngs mane by the kidneis. : hidnews are seeré
none could cate a re. § And Aarons ſonnes Hall burne tt on the flawkes,
of it but the 4 CIfthou bing allo a meate offering the altar, wrth the burnt offering which ts
Briefs, baken in the ouen, it thall bee an vnleauened vpon the wood, that is onthe fire s thisis a fa
cake ot Hite fioure mingled with oyle, 0an — — by fire foz a ſweete ſauour vnto
vnleauened water anopnted with opie, e Lov;
e Whichisa gift § CBut ik chy: meate ofring be angob» 6 Alle ik his oblation bee a peace offe»
offered to God lattes of the frying panne, tt Wall bee of fine ring vnto the Lo: out of the flocke , whe-
to pacific him, floure vnleauened, mingled with oyle. ther it bee «mate o2 female, Hee fhall offer it c Inthe peace
6 Andthou hale part tt in pieces, anv without blemiſh. : offering it was
powe oyle thereon: for it ts a meat offering. 7 It hee offeralambe for bis oblation, inditferent took |
7 CAm ik thy meste offring be an obla- then be hall bzing it befor the Lomy fer either mile or
tion made tn the cauldron, it tall be made of 8 And lay bis hand vpon the beat of hts female, but inthe
fine floure with oyle. offering, and Mall kilit befaze the Taberna- burnt offering
8 After, thou Wait bring the meate offe- cle of the congregation, and Aarons fonnes onely the male:
ring (that is made of thele things) unto the fhall ſprinkle the blood thereof round about fo here can be
Low, and Matt peelent tt tnta the Piet, vpon thealtar. offered no bitds,
and be Wall bing it tothe altar, 9 After, ofthe peace offrings he hall of· but in the burnt
_ And the Wiet hal take frem the meat fer 4 an offting made by fire vñto the Lord: offering they
Frerfe Ze offring a memoꝛiall of it, and Mall burne it hee fhall take away the fat thereof, and the might: all there ||
€xo0d.29.18. bpon the altar: for {tts an oblation * made rumpe altogether, hard by the backe bone, wasconfumed `
by five foz a ſweet fanour vnto the Lor. and the fat that couereth the inwards, and with fire, and in
Io But that which ts left of the meat of- all the fat that is vpon the inwards, the peace offing |
fring, thall be Jarons and hts fonnes;forit 10 Alſo hee Wall take awap the two kia- but a part. |
Hae holy of the offtings of the Loꝛd made nets, with the fat that ts vpon them,and bp: d The burnt of- |
te. onthe *flankes, and the kall vpon the liuer fring was wholly |
II All the meate offerings which pe wall with the kionets. — ; confumed,and |
offer vnto the Lozd, ſhall bee made without IL Then the Pict Hall burne tt vpon of the offering
f Thatis, fruits leanen ; foz pee hall neither burne leauen the altar,as the meate of an offering made by made by fire once
which are {weet n zap in anp offering of the Lod made fire vnto the Lord. 3 ly the inwards
as hony,yemay. y fire. 12 C Allo ikhis offering bea goste, then &c, were burnt:
offer. 12 @ Inthe oblation of the firft fruitsye ſhall he offeritbefore the Lord, the fhoulder and ©
g Butreferued fhall offer fthem ynta the Lord, but they pal 13 And fhall put his hand vpon the bead breaft with che
for the Priefts. notbeburnte vpon the altar for alweet fae of ft, and killit before “the Tabernacle of two chawesand
Mar.9.49. uour, the Congregation ana the founes of Aaron the maw were .
h Which they 13 (Allthe meat offerings alfo (hate thou fal {prinkle the biood thereof vpon the al- the Priefts,and
were bound (as fealon with * (alt, neither fhalt chou (utter tat round about. f the reft his that
by a couenant) the faltotthe h couenant of thy Gon to bee 14 Then he Hal offer thereofhis ofring, offered,
to vfe inal facri- lacking from thy meate offering, but bpon cuen att offering made by fire vnto the Lo20, Verfe 4s
fices,Num, 18, allthine oblations thou falt ofter falt) the fat that couereth the inwards,
and althe e. Meaning,at
19. 2.Chron,13. 14. Jf then thou offer a meate offering of fat thatis vpon the inwards. the Northfide
5-Exek, 43.24. tby firt fruits nto the Lord, thou Walt offer I5 Allo bee Wall take away the two kid- of the Altar,
or,itmeaneth a fo: thy meat ofring of thy. Rrit fruits *eares ucis,and the fat that ts vpon them, and tp- Chap. 1.1.
fire and pure of coꝛne Dried by the fire, and wheat beaten on the flankes, and the kall vpon the liver
couenant, out of thell greene eares. with the kidneis. Chap.7.25.
Chap.23.14. I5 After, chou fhalt put oyle vpon it, and 16 So the Patek Hall burne them npon f By eating fat
fOr, fs eares:for lay incenle thereon: for itis a meat offering. the altar, asthe meate of an offering made was meanttobe |
the word fignifi- 16 And the Patek Hall burne the memos by fire for aſweete fauour: * all the fat is che carnall, and by
eth a fruitfall riallofit, eu:n of that that is beaten,andof © 0203. blood eating,
field, Reade 2. the ople otit,with all the incenle thereof: for 17 This thallbe a perpetuall ordinance foz was fignified
Chron.26. it ig anoffering vnto the Loa made by fire. your generations, thoughout all pour nwel: crueltie.
che note g. C HLA. P. 11h lings, fothat pee fhall eate neither € fat noz Gene.9.4.
_ 1 The maner of peace offerings yand beasts for *blood. chap.17,140a" U
the fame. 17 The Lfrachtes may neither eate fat CHAP -KHI
wor blood. 1 The offering for finnes done ofignorauces 3
a A facrifice of A Lio if his oblation bea peace offering, Forthe Prieſt, 13 The Congregation; 22 The
Thankefgiuing,: ik he will offer ofthe dꝛoue, (whether te vuler, 27 Andthe priuate man. Ebr.afoule,
offered for peace bee maleo: female) Hee Wall offer fuch as ig Menan the LoD ſpake vnto Moſes, a Thatis,ofneg- f
and profperitie, without blemiſh, before the Load, ving, ligence or igno= » |
either generally 2 And Hall put his hand vpon the head 2 Speake vnto the chilon of Flrael, rance,efpecially
er particularly, of bis offering, and killtt at the doore of the faying, Ift any fhall finne through + igno- of the ceremoni- |
rance,in any of the Comunandements of the al law: for others
Tabernacle of the Congregation : and Aas
LoD, (which ought not to be Done)but Hall wife the punifhe
rons fonnes the jDzieftes falllprinckle the
b One part was blood vpon the altar round about. Doc contrary to any ofthent, ments for crimes |
_ burnt, another 3 FE che bPꝛieſt that ts anopnted doe. are appointed ac- |
A Ho be halli offer > part of the peace of-
asto the priefts ferings asafacrifice made by fire vnto the ( accogding tothe finne of the people) cording to the
then ſhall hee offer, foz bis inne which hee tran{greflion,
nd the third to Lod, cuen the *fat that couereth p inwards,
imthst offered, anD all the fat that is npon the inwards. hath finned, a yong bullock without blemiſh Num.15§. 22.
EX0d, 29.22, 4 Hee ſhall allo take away the two kid· vnto the Lord for a ſinne offering, anv b Meaning,the
hie Prieft.
finne done ofignorance : Of Chap.ilij. che ruler,
andthe priuateman, 4
4 Gnd bee fhall boing the bullocke vnto 20 And thePrick (hall Boe with this bule
the Dooe of the Cabernacle of the Congre- locke,ag be did with the bullocke fo? bis fins
gation before the LoD, Hall put bis hande fo fall be Do with thts: fo rhe Patek wall
e Hereby cone upon the bullecks bead, and ¢ kill the bul- make an atonement fo: them and it fall be
feling that he locke before the LoD. ‘ fozginen them.
deferued = f And the Piet that is anopnted, Hall 21 Sorbe thal cary the bullocke without
fame punith- take of the bullocks bloon, and bring it into the botte, and burne him ag bee burned the
ment,which the the Tabernacle ofthe Congregation, Grk bullocke ; for it isan offering foz the
beaſt futfered. 6 Then che Patek hall dip his finger in tünne of the Congregation.
the blood, and (prinkleot the blood feuen 22 Mbena ruler hall finne, and dee
times befoze theLozd,befoze the vatle of the though ignorance againft any of the com»
d Which was 4 Hanctuarte. manDements ofthe Lod bis God, which
betweene the « 7 The Prick alfo hall put fome of the fhould not be Done, and thall offend,
Holicft ofall,and blood befoze the Lord, vpon the hornes ofthe 23 Fone Hew vnto hun hts finne, which
_ the San@uary. © Gitar offweet incenſe, which ts in the < Ta- be hath committed then thal he bring fo bis
e Which wasin bernacle ofthe Congregation :then fall be offering,an hee |igoate witheutblemth, flOr,the male
the court : mea- powze*allthe rettofthe blood of the bullocke 24 And chall lãy his hand vpon the head oat ofthe fold.
ning by the Ta- at the foot ofthe altar of burnt offering, of the hee goate, € kill tt in thet place where That is,the
bernaclethe San- which ts at the Booze of the Tabernacle of hee youl kill the burnt offering befoze che Prieft fhall kill ie
Guarie,and in the Congregaion. L029; for itis a finne offering. for it was not
the end of this 8 Andhe thal take atway all the fat of the 25 Then the Piet thall take of the lawfull for any
werfeic is taken bullocke fo: the finne offring: to wit, the fat blood of the finuc offering with his finger, out of that office
forthe Court. that couereth the inwards, and all the fat and put it bpoh the pomes of the burnt to kill che bealt,
Chap.s.9- that is about the inwards. i offering altar, and fall powe the reft of
9 He chall take away alfo the two kin» bis blood atthe foote of the burnt offering
neies and the fat thatis vpon them, and vyp- tar,
onthe flankes, and the kali vpon theliuer 26 And hall burne all his fat vpon the
with the kidneis, altar, as the tat of the peace — ſo the
Io As it was taken away from the bul» Hꝛieſt ſhall make an + atonement foz him, i Wherein he
locke of the peace offerings, and the {Riet concerning bis finne, and tt hal be foꝛgiuen reprefented Ieſus
hallburne thein vpon the altar ofburntaf- him. Chrift.
kering. 27 @ Likewile ifany of the| peoplenf the llOr primate
BUMO 19, So
IL *But the (kin ok the bullocke, and all land hall finne through —
bis fich, with bis head, and his legges, and againft any of the commandements of the
in san perfona
bis inwards, and bis Doung thall hec beare ps i fhould not beedone, and fall
our. end,
12 Hober fall carie the whole bultocke 28 Jone Hew him dis finne which hee
Hebr.13. 11. out of the* hoſte,vnto a cleane place, where hath committed, then fhall be being foz bis
the aſhes are powzed, and hal burne him on offting lja Hee goat without blemify fo? bis lOrthe female of
the wood in the fire: where the aesare catt finne which be bath committed, the goats.
out, hall he be burnt. — 29 *And hee haillay bis hand vpon the k Reade verfe
f The multitude 13 And ifthe f whole Congresationof head of che linne offering, and flaythe finne 240
exeufeth not the Iſrael Hall finne though ignozance,and the offering in the place ofburnt offering.
finne,but if all thing bebin from the epesof the multitude, 30 Then the Piet thal take of the blood
haue finned, they and baue Done againk any ef the commande thereof with bis tinger, and put it vpon the
muftali be pu- ments of the Lord which would not be don, hornes of the burnt ofring altar,and powe
niſhed. and haue offended; b r ali the reft of the blood thereof at the feteof
Chap. 5.253 54 14 Uhen the finne which thep haue com- the altar,
mitted thal be knowen, then the Congrega: 31 And Wall take away all bis fat, as the
tion: hall offer a young bullocke foz the lin, fat ofthe peace offerings ts taken away ann
and being him befoze the Tabernacle ofthe the Peieſt hall burne tt vpon the altar fora
regation, * {weet fauour unto the Lo2d,and the Prick Exod,29.18,
Ig And the e Clvers of the Congrega- fhallmake an atonement fo? him, and it thal
tion all put their hands bpon the bead of be forgiuen him.
the bullocke before the Lord, and bel|ihal kil 32 Andit he ming a lambe foz bis finne
thebullockebefoze the Lard. offering, be ſhall being a female without ble- 1 Meaning, thac
16 Then the Pztet that is anovnted, miſh the punifhment
hal bring of the bullecks blood into tyeta» 33 And ſhall lay bis ! hand npon the bead of his finne
bernacle of the Congregation, _ ; of the finne offering, and he Mall flay itfoz a fhould be layd
17 And the aa chall dip bis finger in inne offering in the place where bee ſhould vponthat beafty,
the blood, and {painkle tt ſeuen times befoze kill the burnt offering. or that he had re-
Congregation. the Lo2d,cuen befoze the vatle. 34 Chen the jpziett hal take of the bloon cejued all —
Or, the Prieſt. 18 Alfo be hat put fomeof the blood vpon of the finne offering with bis finger,and put of God,and of-
the bones of thealtar, which isbefoze the tt vpon the hoznes of theburnt offring altar, fered this wil-
Loyd, thatis in the Cabernacie of the Con: and fhall powꝛe allche reft of the blood there: lingly.
gregation: then hall be powꝛe all thereft of of at the foote of the altar. m Or,befidesthe
the blood at the foot of thealtar of burnt of- 35 And hee Hall take away all the fatte burnt offerings,
fring, which is at the doore ofthe Taberna» thereof,as the fat ofthe lambe of the peace which were day-
cleatthe Congregation, J offerings is taken away : then the Pieſt ly offered to the
19 And he thal take all bts fat from him, fyall burue tt vpon the altar ™ with the ob- Lord,
and ||burne it vpon the altar. lations of the LoD made by fire, and the
F Patek
| The offering forarafh vow, Leuiticus. and for finnes done of knowledge i
Miet hal makean atonement for bim cone 13 Ho the Pꝛieſt Hal make an atonement
cerning His linne chat bee hath committed, foz him, as touching bis Anne that hee hath
and tt hail be fozginen hin, committed in one oftheſe points, and it hall
be forgtuen hint: and the remnant (halt be the
CHAP. VY. Pꝛiefts, asthe meate offering.
1 Of him that teflifieth sot the trueth, ifhee k 14 (And the Lozd (pake vnto Moles,
heare another fiveare falfly. 4 Of himthat vow- aying,
eth raſbly. 15 Of him that by ignorance withe 15 3f any perlon tranſgreſſe and finne |

draweth any thing dedicate unto the Lord. through tgnozance s by taking away things g Astonching |
4 £br.a foule, ANINE tanp baue finned, that isllifhe haue conlecrated vnto the Lozd,be hal then bring the firſt fruitsof |
lOr.ifthe Iudge heard the voice of an oth, andhe can be fo: bis treſpaſſe ofring vnto the Lod aram tithes due to the
hath taken an a witnes, whether he hath teene a knowen without blemiſh, out of the flocke, worth two Prieftsand Le-
othe of any other. oftt, ikhe Doe not vtter tt, hee Mail beare his chekels of ſiluer + by thy eitimation after the uites.
a Whereby it is iniquitte: mekel of the Hanctuarie foz a treſpaſſe ofe- h By the eftimae
commanded to 2 Either ifone touch ary vncleane thing, ring. tion of the Prieft,
beare witneffe to whether ít be a carton of an vncleane bealt, 16 Go bee Hall reſtore that wherein hee Chap.27. 12.
the trueth,and 02 acarion of vncleane cattell, oꝛ acarion of hath offended, in taking away of the holy
difclofe the ini- witcleane creeping things, and ts not ware thing, aud Hall put the Bft part moze theres
quitie of the vn- of itpet heis vncleane,and hath offended; to, añd gine it onto the Peteſt: fo the Iiet
godly, 3 Either ifhe touch any vncleanneſſe of wall make an atonement for him with the
man (whatlocuer vncleannefle ié be, that be rammeof the treſpaſſe offering, and tt hall
isDefiled with)and is not ware of it, and af- be korgiuen bim. ta
1— to the knowledge of ithe hath 17 @ Allo if any finne and * Doe againft Chap.4.2.
nned: ;: any of the Commandements ofthe Lo, 1 That is,after=
b Or, vowrathly 4 Wither tf any >Cweare and pronounce which ought not to bee Done, and know not, wardremem- *
« without iuſt exa- with his lips to Do cuil,oꝛtodo good (what- and! finne, and beare his tniquitte, breth that he
wination ofthe foener tt be that a man ſhall pronounce with 18 Then Hhailhe bring a ramme without hath finned,
circumftances, an oath) anditbee hid from him, and after blemiſh out of the flocke, in thy eltimation when his conftie
and not know- knoweth that bee bath offended in one of worth*ewo fhekels fo? a treſpaſſe offering bute ence doeth ac=
fag what fhalbe thefe points, | the Pꝛielt; and the Pꝛieſt Hall make an å- cufe him,
the iffue of the 5. CAben bee hath finned in any of thele toncment for bim concerning pis * igno Exod. 30.13.
fame, c things, ther hee Hall conkeſſe that be bath rance wherein bee erred,and was not ware; k Flsif his finne
c Which haue finned therein. SORS. {ott (hallbekorciuen bim. aC" N againt God
bene mentioned 6 Therefore hall hee bring his trelpale 19 This is the treſpaſſe offering fo: the come of mali¢e’
before in this offting vnto the Lora foz his ünne which he trefpatle committed againtt the Lod. he nuh die,
Chapter. bath committed, euen a female from the Numb.15.3%
flocke,beit a lambe, 02 a fhe goate, foa finne i CHAP, VI.
offering and the Petet thal make an atonee 6 The offering for finneswhich are done wile
ment fo? bim concerning his finne, lingly. 9 The Law efthe burnt offerings, 13 The
4Ebr.ifhishand 7 But ttf hee bee not able to being a fire muft abide euermore upon the altar. 14 The
cannot touch, fheepe,hehall bring foz bis trefpatle which Law of the meate offering. 20 The offeringof
meaning, for his Hee hath committed, two turtle Doues, 0} Aaron, and his fonnes,
posertic. two pong pigeons vnto the Lor, one for a JAD the Lord ſpake vnto Woles,fayin
finne offering,
and the other toz aburnt offe» 2 FE any finite, and commit a tref
ring, pafe again the Lord, and denie nto his
8 So bee Wall bring them vnto the neighbour that, which was taken him to
Piet, who Mall offer the finne offving firt, keep, that which was put to himofa trut, a To beftow and
Chapati 5» and * wing the neckeofit afunder, but not po Doetl by > robbery,o2 by violence oppꝛeſſe occupie for the
pluckeítcicanc of. = His neighbour, i vfeofhim that
9 After hee thal ſprinkle of the blood of 3 D2 hath found chat which was tot,and gaueit.
the finne offering vpon the fine of the altar, denieth it,and Cweareth falf, * forany of b By any guile
Or ꝓowred. and the reft ofthe blood Mall bee fed at ae roinge that a man Doeth. wherein He or ynlawfull.
the foote of the altar; for it is a finne offe- nneth: meanes.
ring. 4 Rhen J (ay, he thus finneth and trel- Namb.5.6..
10 Allo he that offer the ſecond for a burnt palieth,he Hall then retoze the robbery that c Whereinhe
fOr, according offering ||as the maner ts: fo thal the Piet Hee robbed, 02 the thing taken by violence cannot but finite;
tothe Law. 4 make an atonement foz him, (fo? hts tine which hee tooke by force, o: the thing which or, whereina. '
d Or,declare which be bath committed and tt ſhalbe fog- was deliuered him to keepe, the lott thing man accuito-
him to be purged giuen him. which be found, meth to finne by.
of tbat finno, It @ But ifhee* be not able to bate two s Defoe whailoeuer hehath ſworne falle periu:ie or fuch.
Perle 7. turtle Doues, o? two pong pigeons, then hee ily, bee hall both reftoze it in the whole likething.
e Whichis a- that hath finnen, hall bring fo: bis offering * fumme, and ſhall anve the fft part moze Namb.5.7..
bout a pottel. the tenth part ofan e Ephah of fine floure thereto,and gine tt vnto hint to whom it per-
f As inthe meat for a finne offering, hee fjall put none Foyle taineth, the (ame day that be offereth fo: bis
offering, Chap, thereto, neither put any incenſe thereon; fog treſpaſſe.
2, la tt is a linne offering. 6 Aifohe Hall brite for his treſpaſſe tie»
12 Then hall hee bring it to the Heꝛieſt, to the Lozva ramme without blemiſh out of
and the Hꝛteſt (halt take his handfull oftt, the "Rocke in thy eſtimation worth two fhe- Chap.y.n5.
Chap.2.2. fo: the * remembꝛance thereof, and burne it kels fo? a treſpaſſe offering vnto the Pꝛieſt.
Ghap 4.35» spon the altar * with the offerings of the 7 And the Pict hall make an atone⸗
Lod mauve by fire; for itiga fume offering, ment fog him before the Lozd, and it hall be
The burnt offting. Meate offring. Chap.vii. Sinneoffring. Trefpafic offering. 43
forginen bim, whatioeuer thing bee bath ring is killed, Hall the finne offering be kile
Done and treſpaſſed therein. led before theLord, forit is moſt Holy.
} B Then the Lorde ſpake vnto Woles, 26 Che Prtelt chat offreth this finne ofe
ping, fering, {hail eate tt: in the poly place thall tt
9 Command Aaron and hts onnes, fap» be eaten, inthe courtof the Cabernacte of
d That is, the ce- ing, This ts the d law of the burnt offering, the Congregation.
remonies which (itis the burnt offring, becaule it burneth 27 (Ubhatloeuer hall touch the fleſh there
ought to be ob- vpon the Altar all the night vnto the mo2+ of, ſhalbe bolp; and when there droppeth of
{itued therein, Hing, and the freburneth on tie Altar.) the blood thereof vpon a k garment, thon k Meaning the
IO And the Peieſt Hall puton his linen pat wa that whercon it droppeth inthe garment of the
garment, and thall put on dis linnen beee⸗ oly place. Prieft,
e Vpon bis fe- ches upon: his fie, ttake away the aſhes _ 28 Allo the earthen pot that it ts fonder
cret parts, Exod. when the fire bath confumed the burnt of- in, fhalbe broken, but tific be ſodden in a beac
28 43s fering wpon the altar, and be hall put them fen pot, tt hall both bee tcoured and waſhed
f Intheathpans beline the faltar, 5 with water. Which was ia
appointed for IL After, bee Hall put off bis garments, 29 All the males ameng the Piets hal the lauer Exod;
tha: vie, and puton other rapment , € carte che albes cate thercot,forttts moft poly, 30.18.
forth without the hoſte vnto a cleane. place. 30 *But no finne offering , whole blood Chap.4. 5+
I2 But the fre vpen the altar ſhall burne is brought into the Cabernacle of the Gon- hebr. 13. 11.
thereon, and neuer be put out: wherefore the gregation tomake reconciliation in the bo- m Out of the
Wiet fall burne woos on it euery mo- lp place, halbe eaten tut ſhalbe burnt tn che campe, chap.⸗4.
Hing, and lay che burnt offering tn order vp⸗ m fire, 12.
on it and he hall burne thereon the fatte of CHAP, VII,
the peace offerings, 1 The law ofthe tresSpalfe ofring: 11 Alf of
13 The lire chall euerburne bpon the al the peace offrings. 23 The fat and the blood may
far,and neuer gog out. not be eaten.
Chap.2,t. 14 ¶ Alſo this ts the lawe of themeate Li kewile this ts the law of the ⸗treſpaſſe a Which is ſor
PHDLESoka: offering, which Aarons tonnes Mall offer in offering,itis molt holy, À the {maller fins,
the pretence of the Lord, before the altar. 2 In the placet where they kil the burnt and fuch as are
15 He hall euen take thence bis handfull offering, thall they kill the treſpaſſe offring, committed by ige
of fine Houre of the meat ofring and of the and the blood thereof Mall be ſpeinkle round norance.
ople, and alt che incenſe which is ppon the about vpon the altar. b At che Court
meate offering , and Hallburne it vpon the 3 Alithe fat therofallo Mall < he ofer, the gate.
Chap.r29. Gitar foz afweete fauour , * asa meinoziall rumpe, & the fat that coucreth the inwards, c The Prieft,
therefore vnto the Lord: 4 After, He hall take away the twe kid.
16 But che reſt thereof hall Aaron his neyes, with the fat chat ison them,and vpon
ſonnes eate: it halbe eaten without icauen the flankes, and the caule on the liner with
tn the boly place : tn the court of the Taber- the kidneys. F
nacle of the Congregation they thal cate it. 5 Thenthe Pict Hall burne them vp⸗
f Or, Kned with 17 Jt fhalnocbe £ baken with leanen: J on the altar foz an offering made by fire bn
eauen, and after Hane ginen tt korthetr postion of mine offe- to the Loz; this ís a treſpaſſe offering.
baken. tings made by fire; forit isas the ſinne ofie 6 Allthe males among the Wiets hall
ring, and as the treſpaſſe offering. eate thalbe eaten in the holy places
18 All the males among the chilozen of fort is mot bolp. ;
Aaron hall cate of ft : Jt halbeaKatute foz 7 Asthelinoffringis, fois the treſpalle
guer in pour generations concerning the of- offering , one d law ferueth foz both: «that d The famece-
Exod,29. 37. frings of the Lord made by fire: *whatloce eet bsthe Pꝛieſt Hal make atonement, remonies: note
Her toucheth them ſhalbe help, albe Dts. withitanding that
19 @Asatne the Lone fpake nto Mo⸗ 3 Alle the Wiet that offereth any mans this word trefpas
fes faping, 4 burnt offering, thallhaue the (kinne of the fignifieth leffe
20 This ts the offering of Aaron and his burnt offering, which be bath offeren. then finne,
ſonnes which they thall offer vnto the Lord _ 9 And althe meat oftring thatisbaken e Meaning, the *

inthe Dap when hee is anointed: the tenth in the ouen,and that ts Deciled in the panne, reft which is left
| Exod, 16.36. part ofau Ephah of fine floure,foz a meate and inthe frying panne, thalbe the Petes and not burnt,
|b So oft asthe offering + perpetuall: Halfe of tt in the moz» that offereth tt. k r
| hie Prieft thalbe ning and halfe thereof at night. 10 Gnd euery meate offering mingled
elected and an- 21 Inthe frying pan tt ſhalbe made with with oyle, ann that is £ Day, ball pertaine f Becaufe it had
| Boynted, pyle: thou halt being tt frped,and fhalt offer vnto all the fons of Aaron,to ail alike. no oyle nor
|§Or.fryed. II Furthermoze, this is the laweof the liquor,
the ||baken pieces of the meat offering fo: a
ſweet ſauout vnto the Lod. peace offrings, which be ſhall offer vnto the
i Hisfonne that 22 And the Pꝛieſt that tsiansintedin Lov
shall fucecede his ead, among his fonnes, Mal offer it: itis 12. Ikhe offerittoe gine thankes, then he g Peace offrings
him. the Lords ordinance fo: ener,tt halbeburnt ſhall offer foz his thankes offering, pnleaue- containe a con-
` altogether. ned cakes mingled with oyle, and vnleaue⸗ feflion & thank(=
23 Fo: euerp meat offering of the Pꝛieſt ned wafers añoynted with oyle, and fine giuing fora bene=
fhalbe turnt altogether , tt hail nocbe eaten. Seug fryed with the cakes mingled with fit recgiued , and
24 @ Furthermore , the LoD (pake unto ple. . Die. At alfe a vow, and
Wales, laying, 13 Hee thall offer alo his offering with free offring to ree
25 Hpeake vnto Aaron, and vnto bis cakes of leaucned bread, foz bis peace offe» ceing a bencfit,
fonnes,and fay, This ts the law of the tinne rings, to giue thanks. —
offring, Inthe place where the burnt offe- 14 Andok all the facrificehefhal offer one
F 2 cake
They may noteateblood. Aarons Leuiticus. portion. The anointing
cake foz an heaue offering vnto the Lo20,and 33 The fame that offreth the blood of the
it Hall be the Paiettes chat ſprinckleth the peaccofferings , and thefatte, among the
blood of the peace offerings. fonnes of Aaron, thall haue the tight heule. —
Is Allo the flety of his peace offerings,foz Der foz his part.
thankelgtuing, wall bee gaten the fame Dap 34 Foꝛ the beat Haken to and fro, anv.
that ttis ofred; he ſhall leaue nothing ther- the Houlder lifted bp, paue J takenof the
of yntill the moning, 7 : chuldzen of Iſrael, cuen of their peace offce
16 But ifthe facrtfice of bis offering bea rings.and haue giuen them vnto Aaron the
h Ifhemakea k Yote,oza free offering,tthall be eaten the HPꝛieſt, and to his ſonnes by a ttatute fox
voweto offer: fame Day that he offereth hts{acrifice: ana euer from among the childzen of Jirael. That is. hi
for els the fleth fo i3the moaning the relidue thereof ſhalbe 35 € Chisis the anointing of Aaron, * Thatis, his
of the peace of- eaten. and the anointing of his (onnes concerning Prue a nd
fiings muftbe eas 17 Butas much of the offered fle as rre the oftrings of the Lod made by fire, in the V4" and por-
ten the fame day. — vnto the third day, ſhall bee burnt Day when hee preſented them to erue in the "on
ith fire. HPꝛieſts office vnto the Loꝛd.
18 Foꝛ tf any of the fic of his peace offe- 36 The which portions the Loꝛde come
rings be eaten in the third dap , he hall not manded fo gine them in the Day that he ane
be accepted that gftereth ttneither Wal it be ointed them from among the childzen of JC
feckoned buto him, hut hall be an abomina⸗ 9 > by aftatute foz euer in their generati⸗
tion: therefore che perfon that eateth of it, 0 b

i The fin where- Hall ‘beare his intquttte. 37 This igalfo the Law of the burnt of-
fore he offered, 19 The fich allo that touchethany vn⸗ fering, of the meate offering , and of the
{fhail remaine. cleane * thing , Wall not be eaten, but burnt finne offering, and of the trefpafle offering,
k Afterit bee fa- with fire: but ! of thts fet al thatbecleane and of the®contectations , andottbe peace o Which facri-
crificed. ſhall eate thereof. offerings : ce was offied
] Of thepeace 20 But ifany cat of the fle of the peace _ 38 CUbich the Logs connnannded Mofes when the Priefts. |
offring,that is offerings that akila tathe Lome, ha- inthe mount Stnat, when he commaunded were confeera-
cleane. uing bis *uncleanneffe vpon him, euen the the chilozen of Flrael to offer their gifts pn» tedsExodi2g: 320"
Chap, I5: 3e {ame perfon Halbe cut of from bis people. tothe Lonin the wilderneſſe of Sinai.
21 Moꝛeouer, when anp toucheth anp
vncleane thing, as the vncleanneſſe of man, CHAP, VIIL
02 of an vncleane beat , o? of any filthy aboe
mination, and eate of the flesh of the peace 12 The anointing of Aaron , and his ſonnes,
offerings , which pertaineth vnto the Lod, with the [acrifice concerning the ſame.
euen that perſon ſhall bee cut off from bis
people. Ai terward the Low fpake snio Woks,
22 € Againe the Lode ſpake vnto Mo layin 3
fes,faping, 2 “Take Aaton and bis fonnes with Exod.23. 1,4
23 Dpeake vnto the childzew of Iſrael, hint, and the garments and the* anointing Exed. 30.24,
(hap. 317. and fap, Pee ball eate. na fat of beeues,noz oyle, and a bullocke fo: the finne offcing,and:
of heepe.ne2 of goats; Pt tammes, ann a balket of vnleauencd
24 Det che fat ofthe dead beak , and the *
fat of that, which is tone with beaftes , hall 3. Gnd a emble all the company atthe
beongia to anp ule, but pe Wall not eate — of the Tabernacle ok the Congrega-
it. n.
25 fo: whoſoeuer cateth the fat of the 4 So Moles did as the Low comman-
beatt,of the which bee fhall offer an offering Dev him, and the company was affembles
made by fire to the Lod, euen p perlon that at the Dooe of the Cabernacieof the Con-
eateth, mallie cut off from bis people, gregation.
Geng, 4ehdp:a7 26 MMeither* ſhallyeeate any blood, ei⸗ Then Moles (aid vnto thecompany.
ag. thayobfoule , og of beal in all pour dwel⸗ This ts the thing whith the Lode hath Exed. 29.4
ngs, commanded fa doe.
27 Cuerp perlon that eateth any blood, 6 And Moles brought Aaron and his
even the fame perlon Hall bee cutoff from fonnies, and waſhed therm with water,
Dis people, 7 And put vpon bum the coate, and gire.
P 28 A And the Load talked with (Boles, Ded him with a girdle, and clothed him
aying, with the robe, and put the Ephod on him,
29 Hpeake onto the children of Firari, —— girded with the bꝛoydered garde
and ſay, De that offereth bis peace offtings ofig phod, and boundit unto hin theres
vnto the Load, fhallbzing his gift vnto the with
Loꝛd of his peace offrings : f 8 ‘After, hee put the boeaft plate thereon,
m And ſhould 30 is m hands hall bring the offerings and put in the bꝛeſtplate “the Arim and the Exed.28 30.
not fend it by of the Lod made by fire; even the fatte with Thuͤmmim. , a Socalled, bee |
another, the bzealt hall be bung „that the bꝛeaſtmay 9 Allo hee put the miter vpon his head, cauſe
this fupere |
Exod, 39. 24 be *thakento and fro before the LoD. and put vpon the miter on the forefront the (cription, Holis
31 Then the Piet thal burne the fat vp⸗ olden plate, and the a holycrotune > as te nestothe Lord, —
on the Altar: and the beak ſhall beAarons 02d hàn commanded Molſes. was grauen init. |
and his ſonnes. IO (Mow Moles had taken the anoin- b- Thatis, the
32 Andthe right Moulder ſhall pee gine ting opic, and anointed the > Tabernacle, Holieft ofall,
vnto the Pꝛieſt for an heaue ofring, of pour and all that was therein, and lanctiſicð the San@uary,
peace olftrings. then, and the Court,
BL And
of Aaron and his fonnes, with _-Chap.ix. theceremonies appertaining, 43
II And (princkted thereofvpon the altar 28 After, Moles tooke them out
fenen times, and anoynted the altar,
and all bands, and burnt them vpon the altar fora
his intruments and the lance, and bis foot, burnt offering: for thete were confecrations
to ſanctifie them) foz a fweetelauour which were made by fire
Ecclu.4 5-15. 12 And he powꝛed of the anointing ople vnto the Loz. ‘ ï
pſal. 133.2. bpon Aarons head, and anowited him, to 29 Likewile Moles toske the breſt of the
fancttie him. ranune of conlecrations, and fhooke itto
13 After, Peles bought Aarons onnes, and fro befuze the Lod: for it was SBoles
anD put coates vpon them, and girded them oben” as the Lod pad commaunded Exod,29:26,
with girdies,¢ put bonets vpon thetr heads.
as the Lord had commanded Moles. 30 Alo Poles toske of the anopnting
Exod. 9.40 14* Then be bꝛought the builocke fo: the ople and of tye bloon which was vpon the
cbap.9.2. finne ofting, and Garon and bis ſonnes prt altar,and (prinkled it vpon Aaron, vyon bis
thei hands upon the bean of the bullocke for garments, and vpon his fonnes, and an bis
the linne offering. ; lonnes garments with him, f hee fanctifien
Is Gnd Woles flew him, and tooke the Aaron, gis garments, and bis ſonues, and
blood, which hee put spon the hornes of the Dis fonnes garments with him,
e Of the burne ‘altar round about with bis finger, and pus 31 @ Sftermard Moles faid vnto Garon
offering. tified the altar, and powzed the reft of the and bislounes,Deeche the fief at the doore
blood at the feot of the altar: fo he ſanctiſled of thes Cabernacie of the Congregation, g Atthedoore
d To offer for dit, tomake reconctitation vpon tt, and there * cateit with the bead thatisix ofthe court,
the finnes of the 16 Then he tooke all the fat that was up- the baſketofconfecrations, as 3] commaun- Exod.29.32.
people. on the tnwards,and the kallof the liner,and ae fayi, Aaron and bis tonnes hall chap.24.9.
the two kidnies with their fat,which Moles
burned vpon the altar. PENT 32 But that which remaineth of the fish
e In other burnt 17 But thebullocke and bis e hide, and and ofthe bread, mallpeburne with fire.
offerings.which bis fie, and bis dung, hee burnt with fire 33 And pe fal not depart from the Dooe
ate net of confe- without the holte,
as the Loꝛd had comman- ofthe Cabernacie ofthe Congregation ſe⸗
cration,or offe- Bed Moles. uen dayes, butil the dayes of pour conſecra⸗
ring for himfelfe, 18 C ilo hee brought the ramme foz the tions be at an end: foz *icuen dayes, faid the xod.a9.35.
the Prieft hah burnt offting,and daren and bis founes put Lord, hallie ¢ conlecrate pou, $ Ebr fillyour
the {kia,Chap. their bands upon the head ofthe ramme. 34 As iibe hath done thts Day: fo the Low hands.
7.8. Ig Go Moles killed it, and ſpꝛinkled the hath commanded to doe, to make an atone- hOr,as I haus
blood bpon the altar roundabout. ment for yon. i done,
20 And Woles cut the ramme in pieces, 35 Therefoze Hal pe abide at the Doozeof
—— burnt the head with the pieces, and the the Tabernacle of the Congregation Dap
at, and night, ſeuen dayes, and (hail keepethe
21 And waen the inwards and the legs watch of the Logd, that pee Die nat; foz {0 3]
in water: fo Moles burnt the ramme every am commanded. )
whit vpon the altar; for it was a burnt offes 36 So Aaron and bis fonnes did all h By commiffion
ting kor afweet fauour, which was made by things which the Lord had commanded by giuen to Mofes,
fire vnto the Lowd,as the Lod bad comman- the > pand of Woles,
Ded Moles.
Exod.29.3t. 22 @ * After, hee brought theother tam, CHAP. IX,
the ramine of conf{ecrations,and Aaron and
- bis onnes laid their hands vpon the head of 8 The firftofferings of Aaron. 22 Aaron blef-
theramme, Seth the people. 23 The glory ofthe Lovdis [hew-
f Mofes did this 23 hich Moles f ſlew, and tooke of the ed. 34 The fire commeth from the Lord,
becaufe that the blood ef it, and putit vpon thelappe of Aa»
riefts were not rens tight eare and vpon the thumbe of hts A Moin the» eight Day Woles called Aa: a After their
rightHand, ¢ bpon the great toc of his right P o and his fonnes, and the Ciders of conſecration: for
ot A rael: the feuen dayes
24 Then Woes brought Aarons fonnes, 2 * Chen helaid vnto Aaron, Take thee before,the Priefts
and put of the blood onthe lappe of thew a yong calfe foz a? finne offering, and aram were confecrate,
right cares, and pon the thumbes oftheir foz a burnt offering, both without blemil, Exod, 29:1.
tight bandes, and npon the great toes and bzing them befoze the Lord. b Aaron entreth
oftheir right feete, and Moles ſprinkled 3 And vnto the chilen of Iſrael thou into the poſſeſſi⸗
“=ret of the blood vᷣpon the altar round a= fhalt {peake, faving, Cake pee an hee goate on ofthe Pricit-
out. foz a finneoffertng,and a calfe, and alambe hood, & offereth
25 And hee toske the fat and the rumpe, both ofayeere olde, without blemiſh, foza the foure princi
and all the fat that was vpon che inwards, burnt offering: . pal facrifices ; the
and the kalloftieliuer,and thetwo kidnies 4 Allo abuilocke, and a ramme foz peace burnt offering,
with their tat,and the right ſhoulder. offtings,to offer before the Loꝛd, and a meat the finne offting,
26 Alfo hee tooke of the balket of the vn⸗ offering mingled with oyle: foz ta Dap the thepeace offe-
leauened bꝛead that was before the ilone, Lod willappeare vnto pou. tings,and the
one vnleauened cake, and a cake of oyled § ¶ Then they brought that which Wa: meat offering.
bread, and one water, and put them on the fes commanded before the Tabernacle of
fat, and bpon the right boulder, the Congregation, and all the affembly
27 Ho he put *ali in Aarons hands ann man — and tood befoze the: 10:0. c Before the Al-
in bis fonnes hands, andſhooke it to and fro € 02 Poles had fayd, This ts the ‘tar,where his
before the Lozd. thing which the Loz Marii mona glory appeared,
3 ot
Aarons firft offerings. Leuiticus. : Nadaband Abihu burnt.
fhonld de, and the glory of the Lom ſhal ay» CRUA- Xi
peare puto pou) 2 Nadab and Abihu are burnt. 6 Ffrael
7 Then Wales fayd ynto Aaron, Dzaw motrneth for them, but the Priefles might not.
neere to thealtar, toffer thy finne offering, 9 The Priefts are forbidden wine.
and thy burnt oftering, and make an atone:
d Reade forthe ment foz4 thee and fo: the people: offer allo Cit * Nadab and Abihu, the ſonnesot NUM.Z 4.
vnderitanding of the offering of the people, and wake an at- Aaron, tooke either of them bis center, and 26.6 £e
this place,Hebr, onement foz them, as the Lod hath come aud put fire therein, and put incenle there⸗ 1 chroz.24.2.
§-3.and 7.276 manded. uyon, and offered frange fire before the a Nottakenof
8 € Garon therefore went bute the al: Lord, which he bad not contmianded them. the altar, vhich
tar,and killed the calfeofthe linne ofering,. 2 Gherefore a fire went out from the was fent from
which was fo: himlelke. L020, and Deuoured them ; fo they died bg- heaucn, and ens
9 And the fonnes of Aaron brought the kore the Lerd. dured till the
bicod vnto him,and he dipt hts nger m the 3 Then Moles ſayd vnto Aaron, Chis Captinitieof Bae
blood, and put it vpon the hoznes ofthe al- is it that the Lorde {pake, ſaying, 3| wili bee bylon,
tar, and powꝛed the reft of the blood at the b fancttfied in them that come neere me, and b Iwill punith
foot of the altar. sha Poe befoze all the people J will be gloztticd; but them that ferue
Io Burthe fat and the kiontes, and the Aaron deld bts peate. me othérwile
e Thatis,helayd kalof the liuer of the inse offting,beburnt 4 Aud Woks called Miſhael and Eha- then I hue com⸗
them in order, a altar,asthe Loꝛd bad commander phan the fonnesof Gzziel, the vneie of Aa- manded,not fpa-
and fo they were Poles. ron, and fayd pnto them, Came neere, carp ring the chiefe,
burnt when the IL The flef alfo and the hide hee burnt your ||beethen from befoze the Sanctuary thatthe people
Lord fent downe with fire without the holte, j cutof the hoſte. ; i may feare and
fire. 12 After,he Aew the burnt offering, and - Then they went and carried them in praife my iudge-
Aarons fonnes brought vnto him the blod, their coates eut ofthe botte, as Woks had ments. :
which hee ſprinkled round about ppon the commanded. ||Or,cozjfins,
ar. 6 After Moſes ſayd vnto Aaron,¢bnto
13 Alfo they brought the burnt offering Eleazar ¢ Ithamar hrs fonnes, < Unconer c As though ye
bnto him with the pieces thereof, and the not pour heads neitherrent your clothes let lamented for
bead, and he burnt them vpon che altar. pe nie and lett wath come upon all the pea: them, preferring
14 Likewile hee DID way the inwardes ple: but let pourbꝛethern, ali the boufe ot $6 your carnalt at-
£f All this muft and the legs, Et burnt them vpon the burnt rael bewaile the burning which the Lod fection to Gods
be vnderſtood of offering onthe altar. ; hath d kindled. ; iuft iudgement, -
the preparation Is C Chen de offered the peovles offring, 7 ud goe not pe out from the Dooze of Chap.19.28,
ofthe facrifices and tooke a goate which was the finne ofie» the Tabernacle of the Congregation, leit Deut.14,1.
which were burnt ring for the people, ana flew it, and offered yer Die: fo the anoynting oyle of the Lord isd Indeftroying
after,verfe 24, it fo: finne,asthe firk: i ' bpon pou: and they BIB ãccording to Moſes Nadab and Abi-
16 So he oftered the burnt ofringtpre commandement. hu the chiefe,and f
pared it according tothe maner. = @ And the Lord ſpake unto Aaron, menacing the
17 He pꝛeſented alfo the meat offring, and ping, s i re(t,except they
Exed.29.38, fillet. bis hand thereof anu *befine the burnt 9 Thou Halt not Minke wine norſſtrong repent,
facrifice of the moning, bee burnt this vpon Minke, thou, noz thy nnes with ther, when Or, drinhe that
the altar. pecome into the Tabernacie of the Con- maketh drunke,
18 ide flew allo the bullocke,æthe ramme gregation, left pee Die; this is an oDi- $

Eo: the peace offerings, that wag fo: the peo- — foz cuer theoughout pour generas
ple, and Aarons ſonnes brought vnto him fong,
the bleed, which be ſprinkled vpon the altar Io That pe may put Difference betweene
round about, the holy and the vnholy, and betweene the
19 WMith the fat of the bullock and of the cleane and the yncleane, j
ramme, the rumpe and that which couerett II And that yee may teach the chitazen of
the inwards and the kidnies, and the kallo Iſraei ali the ſtatutes which the Lord hath lOr cemm ſon.
the ltuer. Commanded them by the ||hand of ofeg. Exod 29.24.
20 So they lan the fat nyon the bzeatts, 12 q Then Moles fayd pute Aaron and ſOr, wherein ú ne
g Of the bullock and be burnt the fat upon the altar. onto Eleazar¢to Ithamar bis fonnes that vncæanneſſe.
and the ramme. 21 But the s beealts and the right ſhoul⸗ wereieft, Cake the meate offering that re- e Forthe breaft
h Becaufe the al- Der Aaron Hooke to and fro before the Lord, maineth ofthe offtings of the Lod, made by and fhoulders of
tar was neere the as the Loꝛd had commanded Gates, fire, and eate it without leauen belive the the peace offe-
Sanctuary which 22 Go Aaron likt vp his hand toward the altar: foz ft is moft holy: rings might be
swas the vpper people, and bleſſed them, and > came Downe 13 And ye ſhall eat it in the boly place, be- brought to theig
end, therefore he from offering of the finne oftering, and the caule it is thy dutie and thy fonnes Duety of families,fo that
is {aid to come burnt offcring.and the peace offerings. the offringsofthe Lozd, mane by fire: forfo their daughters
downe, 23 After, Woles aud Aaron went into Jam commanded. mighteate of
3 Or,praved for the Tabernacle ofthe Congregation, and 14 Alfo the * Haken beeaſt and the heane them, asalfoof |
the people. came out, and ibleſſed the people, *and the fhonlocr hall pe eat in ||a cleane place: thou the offerings of
2.Macca 2:8. glozy ofthe Lozd appeared to ail the peo- and thy fonnes, and thy e Daughters with firft fruits, the
Gene. 4.4. p e. thee: foz thep are ginen as thy ||Ductie and firft borne, and
1.king. 18.38. 24 *Anutherecame a fire out from the thy lonnes Duety, of the peaceofirings ofthe the Eafter lambe,
2.chron:7.1. L020, tconfumed vpon the altarthe burnt childꝛen of Iſrael. Reade chap.22.
2 Mic.2.19,11. offting and the fats which when all the peoa 15 The heaue ſhoulder, and the Maken 3
Or, gaue a ſhout a — | gaue thankes, and fel ontheir bꝛeaſt ſhall they bring with the offerings
Sar yy naD by ſure ot the fat, to ſhake it to —
What beats, fifhes or Chap. xi. birds be cleane or yncleane. —
before the Lord, and it hall be thine and thy tion among the koules, they Mail not beeg-
fonnes with thee by alaw for cuer, ap the ten: for they arc an abomination, tye eagiz,
Lod hath commanded. and the goſhauke.and the ofpzey, NO r Gryphin,as
2.Mac. 2. 11. . 16 ¶ * And MPoles (ought the goate that ‘14 Ailothe Aulture, ano the kite after & ithe Grecke.
was offered foz inne, and log it was burnt: bis kinde,
therefore bee was angry with Eleazar and Ig Anð all Ranens after their kind:
Ithamar the ſonnes of Aaron, which were I6 The oſtrich alio and the night crow,
f And not con- ‘ leftaliue, faying, annii ſſeamew, and the Bauke after bts Or, Cuckowe,
fumed,as Nadab 17 Ciherefore haue ye not eaten the linne nd:
and Abihu. oring tu the boly place, ſeeing tt is mot 17 Thelittle ole alf, and the como»
holyptand God hath ginen it pou,to beare the vant, and the great owie. }
thiquitic of the Congregation, to make aw 18 Ailo the lredibanke,and the pelicane, Or, Porphyrizs
atonement foz them before the Lord. and the fwanne: 8
Chap.6.26. 18 Behold,ÿblood of it was not brought Ag Chettorke allo, the heron after bis
g Thatis, Nadab within the holy place: pee Would baue eaten kind, and the lapwing and the backe:
and Abihu. it in the holy place, *as 3| commanded. 20 And every foule that creepeth and go⸗
h Mofes bare 19 dnd Aaron faid vito Moles, Behold, eth vpon all foure , fuch fgalbe an abominas
with his infirmiethis Dap s haue they offered their Gunne ofe- tion vᷣnto pow.
tie, confidering tingttheir burnt offering befoze the Lod, 21 Pet thele ſhall pee eate: of euery foule
his great fortow,anv fuch things as thou knowelt are come bne that creepetl & gorth vpon all foure, which
but doth not to méc: JEF had eaten the finne offering ta baug thete fecte and legs all of one to leape {Or hane no boe
leaue an example Dap, ſhould it haue beene accepted in the withall vpon the earth. ings on their faeta
to forgiue them lightofthe Lon? ; 22 DE them pee hail cate thel , the grat
that malicioutly 20 Ho when Moles heard ic, hee was hopperafter bis kind, andthe fQoleanaf> f Thefe were
tranfereffe the 4 content. ter bis kiad, the bargol after bis kind, and certaine Kindes
commandement the hagab atter his kind. of grafhoppersy
of God, CHA PB. 4% de 23 ut allother foules, that creepe and which are not
2 Of beafts, fifhes,and birds, which be clane, baue foure feet, thep thaloe abomination un: now properly
and which be vncleane. to pou. knowen.
Akt , the Lorde ſpake vnto Moles and 24. Foz by fuch you Halibe polluted:who·
Aaron,faping vnto them, loeuer toucheth their carkets, fall bee vn-
2 Speake unto the chilen of Firari, cleane unto the eucning. j
Gen.7.2, and fay, Theſe are the beaites which pee 25 Wiholoeuer allo s beareth of theircar- g Out of the
deut.14.40 Pnoe — all the beaſts that ace on keis Hall wath his clothes, and be vncleane campe,
acs 10.14. e earth. vntilleuen.
a Or, whereof 3 Mhatloener parteth the > hoofe, and is 26 Cuerp beak that hath clawes Dini»
ye may cate. tloucn footed, anù chewth the cud among Ded, and ts | not clauen footed, nor cheweth {Or hath not bw
b He noteth the beats that fhail pee cate: the cud, tuch thatl bee vncleane onto you: foot clonen we
foure forts of 4 But ofthem that chew the cud,o2 de- ae one that toucheth them, fali bee vit- twee
bea(ts: fome uine the hoofe onely, of them yee hall not cane.
chew checud eate: as the camell ,becaute he cheweth the 27 Gnd whatloeuer goeth ppon bis
onely,and fome cud, and diuideth not the hoofe, yee Mall be pawes among allmancr beaftes that goeth
haue oncly the vncleane to you. on ail foure,fuch Wail be pncleane unto yous
foote cleft: 5 Likewile the cony, becauſe he cheweth who fo Doth touch their carkets, Hall be vn-
others neither the cud and diuideth not the hoofe,heHalbe cleane vntiil the euen, : l
chew the cud, vncleane ta pou. 28 And he that beareth their carkcis, hal
nor haue the 6 Allothe hare, becaule he cheweth the wath bts clothes, and be yncleane vntill the
hoofe cleft : the cud, and diurdech wot the hoofe, hee Wallie euen :for fuch Wall be vncleane vnto you.
fourth both wucleancto pou. — 29 T Allo thefe chalbe vncleane to pou a⸗
chew the cud, 7_ And the twine,becaule he parteth the mong the thinges that creepe €moue upon
and haue the hoofe,and is clouen footed, but chewech not the carth, the wealei,and the moule, and the
hoofe diuided, the cud,be all be vncleane to pou. hi frog, after bis kind :;· h Thegreene
which may bee 8 Df: their flefh Mall pee not cate, and 30 Alo the rat, and the lizard, and the frogee that fit,
eaten, their carkets ſhall ye not touch: for thep Hall chameleon, and the ſtellio, and themolle. tethon the
2. Mac.6.18. be vnclane to pou, i 31 Theile hall be vucleane to you an ong bushes,
c God would 9 ¶ Theke thatl pee cat, of all that are in ali that creepe: whoflocuer Doth touch them llOr, Crocodil
that hereby for a the waters: whatlocucr hath nnes anv when they be Dead, Malbe viicleane vntilthe
time they fhould fcales in the waters, in the (az, ozin theri- euen.
be difcerned as ners, them hail pe eate. 32 glo whatioeuer any of the Dead care
his people from 10 But althat haue not finnes no: fecales kets of them Doth fall ppon, tail bee vn⸗
the. Gentiles. ~ in the feas, o2 in the rtucrs, of all that d mo- cleane, whether tthe vefleil of Wood, v2 raps
d Aslitle fithin- ucth in the waters, and of al elining things ment of ifkin, o2facke: whatloeuer veſſell i Asabottell
gendred of the that are in the waters, they Hallbe an abo- it bee thatts occupied . tt thall bee put in the or bagge
flime mination vnto you. water as vncleane vntillthe euen, and ſo be
e Asthey which Il They, J fay, Hall be an abomination purthed. J
come of genera- ta you: ye fhail not eat of their fleſh, but wall 33 But euery earthen efell whereinto
tion, abhorre their carkeic. ae any otthem falleth whatfoener is within it
A2 Cdijatloener bath not Annes no: fecales Hail be vncieane,and* pee hall breake tt. Chap.6.284
inthe waters, that Hallbe abomination pn- 34. All meat alfo that hall be caten, ifa-
to pou. —3ny (uch water come vpon tt, albe vncleanes
13 ¶ Thele
Hal pehaug allo tn abomina · and all dreinke that Wall bse drzunke in all
4 ` Ach
vncleane. Purifying Leuiticus. of women. Difcerning of leproſie.
fuch veſſels Hall be vncleane. fhal be vntleance two e weekes,as when fhe e Twilefolone
35 Ano every thing that thetecarkets fal bath her Biteale: and (hee fall continue in asif he bare a
vpon hallbee wucleane : the fonace o2 the aeblood of her purifping theeelcoze and fire marchilde.
pot bhall bee broken : for they ave vucleane, ayes. —

and (hall be vncleane vnto pou. 6 Now when thedayes of her purifying
26 Wet the fountatues and welles where areout, (whether it beefora tonne o: tor a
theve is plentie of water fall be cleane : but Daughter) thee Hall bring to the Peieſta
that which *toucheth their cavketles ſhalbe lambe of one peere old fo: a burnt omering,
vncleane. Aud a poung pigeon oza turtle Daue fo: a fit
37 And ifthere fall of their Dead carkeis offering, puto the Dooze of the £ Cabernacle f Where the
vpon any (ced, which vſeth tobe Cowen, it of the Congregation, burnt offrings
Hall be vncleane. 7 yo Wall offer it betoze theLoann were wont to be
» 1 He ſpealeth of 38 Burifany ‘water be powred vpon the make ait attoncment foz ber : fo thee fall be offered, .
feed, and there fal of their Dead carkets ther- purged ofthe ifue ofhet blood. This is the
on,it Hali be vntleane vnto you. law fo: ber that bath bezn amaleoz female.
39 Ikalſo any beat whereof ye may eat, 3 Wut tt thee + hee not able to bring a Ebr. ifher band
Die,hethat toucheth the carkets thereat, hat lambe, thee atl being two * turties.ortwo finde not the
be vncleane vntill the euen. pong pigeons ; the one foz a burnt offering, worth of alambe |
40 And hee that cateth of the carkets of and che other fora tinne offering, and the Like 2434,
tt, (hall wath bis clothes, and bee vncleane Wie ſhall make an atonement toz her > fo
vntill the even: bec allo that beareth the cars ibe (hall Be cleane.
keis of it; hail wah bis clothes, and bee vn⸗
cleancynttilthecnen. CHAP, XIII.
4I Cuery creeping ching therefore that 2 What confiderations the Priefts ought to ob-
creepeth npon the earth, Wall bee an abomt- ſerue in iudging the leprofie, 29 The blacke [pat
Hation,and not be eaten. or ſtabbe, 47 and the leprie of the garment.
` 42 Mhatloeuer goeth bpon the baft, ¢ Meee the Lorde (pake unto Poles,
whatloener goeth upon al foure,oz that hath and to Aaron, faying,
many feete among all creeping things that 2 The man that thal pane in theſkinne
creepe vpon the earth , pee all not eate of of bis tie afwelling o alcab, 02 a white
them, fo? they ſhall be abomination, : {pot, fo that inthefktane of fis fleſh it bee a Thatit may be
43 Dee fall not pollute pour ſelues with lke the plague of lepzotie, then pee Hall bee fufpected to be
any thing that creepeth , neither make pour brought vnto Aaron the Peieſt, o2 vate one the leprie.
feines vñcleane with them, neither defile of His tonnes the Picks.
pour {elues thereby: pee fhali not , J fay . be 3. And the Pꝛieſts Hatllooke on the fore
Detiled by them, in the fkinne of his fief: tf the haire in the
44 Fo: J am the Lorde your God: bee {oze bee turned into white, oz the fore feeme
and bee™ holy, toz J ani tobe>lower then the fkinne of bts fiet, tt ts b Thatis, ſhrun⸗
fanctified therefore,
holy, ¢ defile not pour ſelues with ary crega a plague of tepeotie: therefore the Prieſt ken in,and bee
ping thing, that creepeth pon the carth. oat looke on pim, and +pzonornce him vn⸗ lower then the
Fo: J amthe Lorde that brought pou clean. relt of theskin,
out ofthe land of appt, to bee your God, 4 But if the white {potbein the fkinne +Eb. fhal pol-
and that peu maa be bolp, fo J| am boly. of his fieh, and feeme net to be lower then lute him.
46 This is the law of thebeaites and of the fiin, no: the haire thereofbe turned vn-
foules, anv of enerp tining thing that moos to white, then the atte hall hut vp him
ucth in the waters, and of enerp ching that that hath the plague, feuen Bayes. i
creepeth vpon the earth : a 5. After the Piet wall looke bpon him
47 That there may bee a difference be- the fenenth day; and tf the plague (eeme+to Ebri his eyes,
thocene the bucleane ¢ clang and betweene Him toabive itil, and the plague growe not
the beak that may beeeaten, and the beat in thefkinne, the [Patek thal huchim vy pee
that ought not tobe eaten, ſeuen Dayes moze. —
6 Then the Pick Hali looke on him a:
CHAP, XII, gaine the ſeuenth Day, and ifthe plague bee c As hauing the
2 A law how women fhould bee purged after Darke , and thefoze grow not tn the fkinne, skinne drawen
their deliuerance. then che Piet hal+pronounce him cleane, together,or
foritisa (cab; theretoze hee Hall wath his blacki.
husband for that A® the Lom pake vuto Motes, ſaying, clothes and be cleane. i ; tEbr. fall clenfe
2 Speake vnto the chtlazen of Ji- 7 Butrl the (cab grow mozetn the fkin, hin.
rael, and fay Gben a woman hath brought after that he is ſeene of the Titi, foz to bee
foorth ſeed, andbozne aman child, fee Hall purged , he thall be ſeene of the Petet pet as
be vucleane ſeuen dayes, like as ihee fs un gaine. fener Orbe bread.
pea when ſhee is put apart fo: Her ||* BIG 8 Then the Pict Hall confiner,andif abroad.
gà A the fcab ||grow mn the fkin, then the Piet d As touching
3 ("Andin the eight day, the foretkinne fall pronounce bim avncleane: for it is le⸗· his bodily difeates
of the childes fleth ſhallbecircumciſed.) polie. for his difeafe was
4 And thee Kall continuein the blood of 9 lahen the plague of lepzoſie tsina nor imputed to
ber purifying three > and thirty bapes: fhee manhe ſhalbe brought vnto the Prieſt. him for finne be-
fyalitouch ko < hallowed thing, noz came 10 And the Prick Hal feehim: ana ifthe fore God,though
tutothe 4 Sanctuary, vatill the time of her welling bee white inthe fkinne, and haue itwerethe pu.
purifping he out. i i made the haire white, And thore bes rawe nifhment of
s BWuriwhe bears a maid HUD then he Reyin theſwelliug. na fiancs
The difcerning Chap: xiii. oftheleprofie. 45
IL It is an elde lepmofie in the ſtinne of on the bead o: inthebeard,
bis fleth: and the ict thal pronounce yim 30 Cher the Piet ſhall ſeethe fore: ana
vacleanz, and fhall not fut him vp, for be ts iftt appeare lower then the fein, and there
pncleane. ; be in it a (mal pellow i hatve,then the etek i Which was nog
lOr; bud. 12 Allo ik the leprofie | breake ont inthe hall pronounce him vncleane: for it is a wont to be there,
fkinne, and the lepofie ceuer ail the fkinne biarko fpot, and lepzofie of the head oz of the or els {maller
ofthe plague, from bis heade, cuen to his beard. then in any other
feete,wherefocuer the Piet losket, 31 And if the Peieſt looke on the foreof patt of the body,
13 Then the Piet hall confiver: and if the blacke fpot, aunn if tt ſeeme not lower
the lepꝛoſie couer all his fiey, hee wall pro- thenthefkinne , no: haue any blacke baire
e For itis not nounce the plague tobe ¢ cleanc, becauſe tt in it, then the Piet wail ut vphim that
that contagious iail turned into whiteneſſe: fo yee thail be ia the izg ot the blacke ſpotte, ſeuen
eprofie thatin- cleane. apes.
fe@erb,but a kind 14 But ifthere be raw fie on him when 32 After, inthe ſeuenth dap the Pꝛieſt
of skirfe,which hee is (eene,ye hall be vncleane. ſhãll lookeon the ioze : and if the blacke (pot
hath not the fleſh 15 Fo the Pꝛieſt fail ice the raw eh, grow not, and there be tn tt na pellow patre,
raw as the lepro⸗ and Declare him to be vncleane: forthe ram ap the black (pot ſeeme not lower then the
fie. inne,
tlef isf wncleanc,therefore 1t ts the lepꝛoſie.
£ That is,decla- 16 D2,téthecaw fieh change andbe turs 33 Then he hall be hauen, but the place
reth thatthe fleſh Dane white, then bee Wall come to the ef the biacke (pot fhall he not Haue: but the
is not found, but pielt, i Puch fhall {hut yp him ,tbathath tye blacke
is in daunger to 17 And the Pich Hall behold him: and pot,feuen dayes moze. .
be leprous. iF the fore bee changed tnto white, then the 34 Andthe ſeuenth Day the Prieſt Hall
Pꝛieſt thall pronounce tye plague cieane,for looke onthe blacke {pot: and it the blatke
itis cleane. í Sj: {pot grow not in the fkinne,nozleeme lower
<18 ¶ Tbe fieh al in whoſe lkinne there then the other fkinne, then the Pꝛteſt fall
|Or impoftume, izja bile, and ts heaied, Gente him, and he Hal walh bis clothes, and
19. And in the placeof the bile there bea e cleane. ;
white fwelling , 02 a white tpotte ſomewhat 35. But ik the blacke (pot grow abroad in-
reddiſhitWall beleenc ofthe Diet, the fleſh after bis clenfing,
20 And when the iett teeth it, ik it ap- 36 Shen the Piek Halllooke on it: and
peare lower then thefkinne, andthe baire ifthe blacke (potte grow tn the Ckinne , the
thereof be changed into white, the Piet Pet yall not * feeke foz the pellow paires k He fhall noz
g None were ex-
then fhall pronounce him e vucleane: for for he is vncleane. ; care whether the
empted , but if
fei aplagucofiepofie, bꝛoken out in the 37 Butik the blacke (potte feeme to hin yellow haire bee
the Prieft pro-
ile to abide, and that blacke baire growe there oF nO»
21 But ifthe Pꝛieſt tooke on it,and there therein, the blacke ſpotte is heaicd, heeis
nounced him vn- be no white haires therein, andaf it be not
cleane,he was put
— the Prieſt wal declare pimto be
lower then thefkinue, bur be darker , then cleane.
out from among
' che people,as ap- the22Hiet Hall hut him vp leven Daves, 33 Q Furthermore if there bee manie
And ifit ſpread abzoad inthe tleſh the white (pots in the (aus of the tief of man og
peareth by Marie
the Prophetefle,
paini hall pronsunce him vncleane,for tt ts woman, i
Numb, 12. 14.
afore. 39 Then the hiet ſhall confiver: andi€
23 Gut if the (pot continue in bis place, the (pots in thefkinne oftheir fleſh be fomes
and by King Vz- and grow notit tsa burning bile « therfoze what Darke and white withall, itis buta
ziah, the Diet hall Declare him to be cleane. white fpot beeken ont inthe fkin; theretore
2,Chro.26.20, 24 C FE there be any fied, in whote fkin he íis cleane. pth
there is an bot burning,and the quicke fem 40 And theman whole haire is fallen off
of the burning baue a “white ſpot ſomwhat bis beav,and ts baide,is cleane.
b If behanea reddi opaite, 3 41 And tf bis head tole the! paire on 1 By fickneffe, or
white {pot in 25 Then the Piet ſhall looke vpon it: tbeforepart , and bee balde before, hee is any other incon-
that place where audik the baire in that ſpotbechanged into cieane, uenience,
the burning was white,and tt appeare lower ther the fkinne 42 Butifthere be in the baidehead,o2 in
after healed, it tsa lepꝛoſie broken ont tn the burning: the balne fozchead a whice ren defy fore, itis
therefore the Pict fhall pronounce him yn- a lepꝛoũe (pringing in pis bald bead, 0 in
cleane: for ít is the plague of lepꝛoſie. bis balde fozehead. j
26 But if the Peieſt looke on it, and 43 Therefore the Prick Halllooke spon
there be no white baire ithe forte, and be it, and tfthe rtling of the loze be white red»
no lower then the other fkinne, but be Bars Dil} in his balde head, oꝛ in his balve fozes
ke > then the Pich Hail Hat him vp ſeuen beaz appearing like leproſie in the fkinne of
ayes, the fief,
27 After.the peat ſhall looke on him the 44 Veisa leper and vncleane: therefore
fenenth Day: if tt bee growenabzoad in the the Pꝛieſt hall prouounce him altogether
fáinne, then the Picit hall pronounce pint bucleane: for the lore is in His hean, m Infigne of
wucleane ; for it is the plague oflepꝛoſie. 45 The leper alo in whom the plague forrowand la⸗
28 Andit the ſpot abide in his glace , not is, thall bane its clothes rent, and bis mentation,
growing in the lkinne, butts Darke, it isa Hean barz and hali put aconering vpon his n Eitherintos
lOrfwelimg, Rrifing ofthe burning: the Wiek Hail ther- »iip, and {hall trp, iamynecleane, lam vn⸗ ken of mour-
* foe Declare bim cleane, fo2 it isthe mping cleane. i ning, or for fearg
vp of the burning, 46 As long as the diſeale halbespon dim, of infe Ging
29 Gif alle amano: woman bath a faye he Hall be potluten, for hee is vncleane 7= others.
| Leproficin the garment. Leuiticus. Thelawandmaner
| Numb, 5.3. Hallowell alone, * without the campe thall campe, and the Piet hal confider bim: and
| 2king. 05.6. bis habitation be, ifthe plague of lepofie bee healed in theles
« 47 @Alfe the garment that the plague p et,
eficproliets in, whsthcr tt be a wollen gar- 4 Then fal the Prick command to take
ment o: a linnen garment, foz him that ts clenfed,two |{parrowes altue llOr, little birds.
43 Whether it be tn the warpe ozin the and’ cleane and cedar Wood, and a ſcarlet b Of birds whieh
wooke of linnen n of wollen, either matkin, lace,and hyſſope. were permitted
9: Lt any thing made of (kin, § Anè the Piet Hall command to kill to be eaten.
49 And tf te loze be greene, 0? fomewhat one of the birds ouer ¢ pure water inan car- c Runving wa-
reddiſh in the garment 02 in che Chin, o2 in
then veſſell. ter,or of the
tie warpe, oL nthe woofe , o inan thing © After, hee hall take the line fparrow
| o Whether it be thatis made of ¢fkin,tt isa plagne ot lepro· with the cedar wood, and his ſcatlet lace,
garment , veflcil, fic, and aibe Gewend unto the Prick. and the hyſſope, and thaildtp them and the
eriniicument, < 50 Then the Pꝛieſt Mall lee the plague, lining ſparrow tn the blood of the ſparrow
an Wut vp it taac hath the plague, feuen faine ouer the pure water,
ayes, 7_ And hee tail ſprinkle spon him that
SI Sud Mall loske on the plague the fe- mutt be cleanled of hts leproſie, ſeuen times,
ucnih Dap; LE the plague growe inthe gar- andclenfe him, and hall d let goe the line d Signifying that
ment, ozin the warpe, ozin the wooke, o2 in ſparrow into the broad field. he that was made
the iktune, opin any thing that is made of 8 Then he that halbeclenled,
halwah cleane, was fet ati
Cain, chat plaque isa fretting leprofie, and bis clothes, and thane off all bis patre, libertie, and ree `
vncleane. and wath bimielfe in water , lo bee Hail bee ftored tothe
52 And hee hail burne the garment, o2 cleane; after that fall hee come into the company of
the Warpe,o2 the woote whether tt be weols — , but hall tary without his tent ſeuen others.
teno: linuen , 02 anp ching that is made of apes.
fkin, wherein the plague is; fozitisa fret- 9 Do inthe leuenth dap hee Hall Wane
n leprolic, therefore it Halbe burnt inthe off
ailhis hatre,bech bis hean anv his beard,
re and his eve bꝛowes: euen all dis hatre Hall
53 FE the riet pet fee that the plague bee ſhaue, and hail wat bis clothes, ana
p But abide Rill P grow notin the garment ,o2 tn the woote, — wath bis tet) in water : fo hee Hall bee
in one place,as 0 in whatlocuer thing of fkinne tt be, cleane.
verfe 37- §4 Chen the uct Hal command them Io Then in the eight Day hee Hall take e Which hath ao
to waft the thing wherin the plague is, and two hee iambes without © blemif), and an imperfection in
he thall Qut tt vp euen Dayes mere. ewe lambe of a peere olde without blemi, any member.
ss Againe the [Iziek hall looke on the and thee tenth Deales of fine flowz¢ fora f This meafure >
plague, after itis wathed: and if the plague meate offering mingled with ople, fanda in Ebrew is called
q But remaineas baue not changed his a colour, though the pinte ofople. _ i Log, and con-
ic did before, plague fpzead no further,itis vicleane: thou IL And the Pꝛieſt that maketh him cleane, teineth fixe egges
ſhalt burne it tn the fire, foritis a frette in⸗ pall bring the man which is tobee made in meafure.
£ Or, whether it ward, t whether thefpot bein thebare place cleane,and thole things before the Lobe, at
be in any bare ofthe whsie,oz in part thereof, the doore of the Cabernacte of the Congres
place before, or 56 And if the Piet lee that the plaque gation. i
behiade. be Darker, after thar it ts waoe, be thal cut 12 Then the Pꝛieſt thal take one lambe,
it out of the garment, o2 out ofthe (kinac,oz and offer him koꝛ a tre(pafie ofring, and the Ex0d.39.24s
outef the warye, o: out of the woofe, pint ofople,and* ake chem toand frebe-
§7 Aud lit appeare till in the garment, fore the 1023. i S
0 tthe warpe, o2tnthewooke, orin-any 13 Andhe Hal kill the lambe in the place
thing made off&inne,it is a ſpꝛcading leprie: where the tune offering and the burnt ofe-
thou ihalt burne the thing wherein p plague ring are faine, euen in tie holy place : foz as
is, in the fire. the * inne offertng is the Prieſts, fois the Chap. 7.7.
58 Jf chou baue walhed the garment o: treſpaſſe offering :for it is mot holy.
f To theintent the warpe,o2 the woofe,o2 whãtſoeuer ching 14 So the Pꝛieſt Hal take of the blood of
he might be fure of fkin tt bz ifthe plague be Departed there- the treſpaſſe offring,and put it pon the lap
that the leprofie from, then Wall it bee wathed ‘the ſecond ofthe right eave of him that hali be clenfed,
was departed, time, and be cleane. and vpon the thumbe of bis right band and
and that all occa- 59 This ts the law of the plagueof Ie- vpon the greattocsfiisrightfoote,
fion of infe@ion pꝛoſie ina garment of woollen o: linnen ,02 15 The Pꝛieſt hall alo take of the pint
mightbe taken tn the warpe,oz in the woofe, ozin anp thing ofople, and powe it into the palme of dis
awaye. ofſkinne,to make it cleane o? vncleane. left Hand. j L 758
16 And the Priel Hall dippe hist right tbr the ſingerq
CHAP, XIII, finger in the oyle that ts in his left band, € his right hand,
{prinkle of the oyle with bis finger ſeuen
3 ‘Thecleanfing of the lepers 34 and of the times befoze the Lod. i
howfe that he i. 17 And of theren of the ople that ts in
Matth.8.2- bis hand, tall the Piek put ypen the lap
marke 1.406 AL D the Low {pake wuto Moles, lay- of the right eare of htm that ts to be clenſed,
luke 5. 12. ing > and ppon the thumbe of his right bande,
a Ortheceremo- 2 * This ís the=tatw of the leper in the and npon the great toe of bis right foot,
$b open the
mony which fhal Day of his clenling:that ishe Halbe bought + where the blood of the treſpaſſe offering blood ofthe tref~
be vfed in his vnto the Piet, Was put. à
purgation. 3 And the Prick MAN gog out of the ok the ople cme; ~ paffe offering.
18 But the remnant
of cleanfing the Leper. Chap. xiiij. Leprofie in an honfes 46
the Pꝛieſts hand, hee Mall pote vpon the thinke there is like a plagne of leprofie tn the
Head of him that ts tobee cleanted ; io che boufe.
Puet Mall make an atonementtoz hun be- 36 Then the hiet Gail command them
foze the Lod. tocmptie the boule befoze the Ozick goe in-
Ig Aud the Pict hall offer the finne of- totttoleerhe plague, thatall that is inthe
fering, and makz an atonement for bint that boufe be not made vncleane, and then fjalt
is to be cleanſed of pts uncleannelit:then af- the Pꝛieit goin to fee the houte, A
ter hall He kill the burnt offering. 37 And he hall marke the plague: ann if
20 Ha the Piet hall offer the burnt of» the plague bee in the walles of the boule,
fering,and the meate offting upon the altar: and that there bee Deepe ||pots, greenify o? lOr blackeneffe,
and the uel all make an atonement foz one, which ſeeme to bee lower then the
him: fo he Halle cicane. a > cr helow firakesa
» tEbr.bis haad 21 But if he be pone, and tnot able then 38 Then the Piet Mall goe out of the
cannot take ite he hail baing one Lambe fog a treſpaſſe offe- Houle to the Donze of the Bouleand hal caule
ting to bee aken, for bis reconciliation, to ſhut vp the boule ieuendaves,
g Whichisan anda stenth Deale of tine tioure mingled 39 So the Hieft hail come againe the
- Omer,reade Exo. —— foz ameate offering, with a pinte feuenth Day sand ik helee that the plague be
16.16. Q oy g, 3 increaſed in the walies of the poule,
22 Alo two turtle Dones, 02 twa poung 40 Then the Pict hal command them
; pigeons, as beis able, whereofthe one thall totake away the ttones wherein the plague
aler offering, and the other aburnt of- is,and they hall caſt them tuto a llfoule place POr polluted:
ering. } without the city.
23 Anu he Hall being them the eight vay 41 Allo hee thall caute to ſcrape the houſe
foz bis cleanfing vnto the Peieſtatthe done Within round about, and powe the out,
of the Cabernacte of the Congregation be- that they baue pared off, without the citie ia
foze the Loz. ' u an vncleane piace. m. Where cari-
24 Chen the Prick hall take the lambe 42 And they hall take other ſtones, and ons were caft,and
of the trelpaile ofting,and the pinte of ople, put them tn the placesof thole ones, and other filth, that
b Or,fhall offer and the Wiet hall e hake them to and fra walltake other morter, to platſter the houſe the people might
them as the offe- befozetheZod. ith. not therewith be
ring that is ha- 25 Aud he hall kill the tambe of the tref- 43 Butif the plague come againe, and infeed,
ken to and fro, patie offting, and the Pꝛieſt Mall take of the breake out inthe houſe, after that be bach ta
blood of the treſpaſſe offering, and put it ken away the ſtones, andatier chat he hath
vpon thelappeot his right eare that ts tobe ſcraped and platitered the houle,
cleanled, and vpon the thumbe of His right 44. Ghenthe Patek thali come and lees
aud, and vpon the great tog of his right and tthe plague growe it the boule, itisa
opte. fretting lepzolie in the houſe: it tg therefore
26 Allo the Bꝛieſt ſhall powe of the oyle vncleane.
Ebr into the into the paime of bis owne t left hand. 45 And he Wal bake downethe honk,
palme of the 27. Se the Wiet thail with his right fins with the ftones otit and the timber thereof, n Thatis,he fhal
Priefts left ger, (princkle of the oyle that ts in bis left and allthe ||mopter ofthe boute, and he thal command itto
hand. Hand. feucn times before the Lo2v, cans them out of the citie tuto an vncleane be pulled down,
28 Then the Watele Mall putof the oyle place.
thatis in hisband, vpon the lappeof the 46 Mozꝛeouer he that goeth into the houle as verſe 40,
right eare of him that is to be cleanted, and all the white that it is Wut vp,hethal be dn- lOr duf,
npon the thumbe af his right band, and vp⸗ cleane vntill the euen.
llOr where the on the great toe of bts right foote: vpon the 47 weallothat ſlecpeth in the boule wan
blood ofthe tre-
place || of the biosu of the treſpaſſe ofring. wait hisclorhes: he likewile thatcatethin
pale offering 29 But the reſt ofthe ople that ts in the the boule, hall wath bis clothes,
was put, as verſe Bꝛieſts pand, he (hall put vpon the head of 43 Butif the Piet hall come and fee
him that is tobe clented, to make an atone: that the plague hath ſpread no further in the
17. s
ment for him before the Lord. A bouf after the joule be plaiſtred,
the Prick
i Whether of 30 Aii Hee thall pelent ene of the tur- fhall pronounce that houſe cleane, toz the
them he can Erom 92 Of the yong pigeons, ias hee is plagueis heated. i ;
able; 49 Then Halhetake to purifie the bonté,
Bet 31 Such, Flay, as hee is able, the one foz two ſparrowes, ann cedar wood, and oltar o It ſeemed that
a ſinne ofring, ano the other foz a burne of: let lace,and pyrope. - this wasa lse og
Or,befides the fering with the meat offring: fo the Prieſt 50 And he thal kill one ſparow quer pure ftriag to binde
meate offerme. Wal make an atonement fo: him that ts tebe Wwaterin anearthen vefieil, the hyfope to
clean(ed,befozethe Lod. y si And Hal take the cedar wood, and the the wood,and
k This order is 32 This isthe * lawe of him which hath bylfope.and the (carlet lace with the liue fpa- {owas madea
appoynted for the plague oflepzolie, who ts not able in bis row, and Dip them tthe blood of the ftaine fprinkle,the A=
the poore man, cleanliñg to offer the whole. parow.and tithe pure water, and ſprinckle poftle to the Hes
1 This declareth 33 E The Loz allo ſpake vnto Boles, the bouie Cuen tines: A brewes callethit
that no plague and to Aaron faving, 52 So Hall he cleanſe the boufe with the fearlet woolly
nor puni/hment 34 hen pe be come bnto the land of Ca⸗ bloon ot the ſparow, and with the pure wa- Heb,9. 19.
commieth to man naan which J giue you in poſſeſion, JF J ter, and with the liue Paret, and with the
without Gods. 'fende the plague of leproſie inan Houle of cedar Wood, and wich the hyſſope, and with
prouidenceand ©theland of your polſſeſſion, í the ſcarlet lace. t tEbr.citie,
his (eading, 35 Then bee that oweth the houſe, hall 53 Afterward he Mallet goe the line fpa- Ebr. on the fat»
— cone and tell the Dich, faving, Mee owe out of the towne inig- the af of the field,
i >
FF Themaner of purging Leuiticus. vncleane iſſues.
fedes: fo ſhall hemake atonement for the of them a ſinne offering, and of the other a
houſe,and tt Halve cleane, burnt oſferiug: lo tbe Diett ſhall make an
54 This is the law fez eueryplague ofle- atonement fog him defoze the Lorde, foz his
(hap. 13. 30. pꝛölie and * blacke por, iſſue.
55 Anvof cheleprolicof the garment,
and 16 Aio if any mans iſſue of ſeede depart
of the houſe from bini, be hail wath all bis £ fe in was f Meaning,al!
lOr,ryfing. 56 And ofthe ||ſwelling, and ofthe ſcab, ter.anD be vncleane vntill the euen. his body.

ana of the white tuot. 17 AnD every garment and eucty fkinne
tEbr.intheday §7 This is the law ofthe lepzoſie to teach whereuvon thalibe tue of feed, thalbe euer
ofthe uncleane, Whenatking ts nelang, and when it is =pati with water, anb bee yutleane ynta —

and inthe dayof cheang: becuez, |

the cleane, 18 Ik he that hath an ifue of feed doe lie |
f CHAP, XV. witha woman, thep Hall both wath them
2. 19 The maner of purging the uncleane ifs (elues mith water,and be vncleane vntil the
fises,both of men and women. 31 The children of euen.
Mael muſt be feparate from all uncleanne(fe. 19 @ Ato when a woman Hall haue an
pageone Lozve (pake vnto Moles, ifue, and her tilue tnber||tleh Hallbeblood, 9dr, fecret pare. -|
and to Aaron faping, fhe ſhalbe put apart ſeuen dayes:and whoſo⸗
2 Speake vnto the childsenof Iſrael euer toucheth ber, Hallbe vntleane vntil the
and fay bunto them, Ahoſoeuer hath an ifue euen. g That is,when
a Whole feed êi- — bis Rely, ts vncleane, becauſe of his 20 And whatloener He lieth vpon ineher thehah her |
therin ficeping, iſſue. feparation,Haibe vncleane, and euery thing foureswhereby |
or els of weake- And this Halbe bis vncleanneſſe in his that fhe litteth upon, fhallbebncleane. _—theis(eparate
nefle of nature 21 Wholſdeuer allo touchetl ber Bed. {hal from her bus-
ifue ; when bis fleſh auoydeth bis tue, oif
ifuech at his le ·¶his fief be topped from his Wue,this tsbis wath his clothes, and. wath humſelfe with band,from che
—— thine, vncleannelle. i water and fhal be vncleane vnto the euen. Tabdernacie,and
i ene herAaa 4. `Cuerp bed thereon he lieth that hath 22 And wholoeuer toucheth anp ching from couching
the ifue, ſhall be vnclcane, and cuery thiig that the face upon pall wath bis clothes.and ofany holy ching
fhalbe vncleane, whereon he litteth Halbewneleane. wath himſelke in water, and Halbe vncleane |
5. CAbofecuer allo toucheth his bed, Hall pnto the euen: |
wath his clothes, and wath himſelfe in wa- 23 So that whether he touch her bed, 02
ter, and ſhalbe vucleane wncill the euen. any thing whereon ihe bath lit, beHalbe pne
6 And bee that litteth on anp thing Cicane vñto the euen.
whereon he fate that hath the ifue bal wath 24 And ifa manlie with ber,ethe flowers |
bis clothes, and wah himſelfe in water, and of her ſeparation htosch pim, he thall beyn- b Ianyother |
hall be vncleane vntill the ever, cleane ſeuen Dayes: and all the whole bed vncleanneſſe did
7 Allo hee that toucheth the flew of him whereon helieth, fall be vncleane. onely touch him |
that bath the ifue,hal wath bis clothes, and 25 Alfo when a womans ifue of bloon inthe bed: for:
wath himlelfe in water, aus halbe vncleane runneth long time belides the time of her elsthemanthae |
vntill the euen. j + flowers, o? when thee hath an ifuelonger companied with
8 Jtheallo that hath the iſſue, ſpitvpon then her flowers, all the dayes of the iſſue of fucha woman,
e On whom the him thatts cleane, che thal wath bis clothes, ber vncleanneſſe, the Wall be vncleane as inshould die,Chap.
vncleane man and wath himlklfe in water,and hall be vn⸗ the time of her flamers. ; 20.18,
did fpit. cleane vntill the even. 26 Euety bed whercon We lieth (as long 1br. [paration
d The word fig- 9 And whatelaodle foeuer he rideth upe as her ifue latteth)ihalbe to ber as her‘ bea i Shallbe vn-
nifieth euery on, that hath the ifue, ſhall be vncleane. of her feparation:and whatſoeuer fhe fitteth cleane, asthe bed
thing whereon Io And wholoener toucheth any thing vpon, ali be vncleane, as her vncleanneſſe whercon fhe lay
aman rideth, that was onder him hall be vucleane vntili when the ts put apart. when fhe hadher
the euen: and hee that beareth thole things, 27 Andwholocuertoucheth thele things, naturall diſeaſe.
fhal wath his clothes, and wath huntetfe tn fhall be vncleane,and hall wath his clothes, +
water, and Hallbe vncleane vutti the even. and wath himlelfe in water,and hallbe vn⸗
II Likewiſe whomſoeuer hee toucheth cleane vnto the euen, l : i
that hath the ifue Cand hath not waed bis 28 Butik he be cleaned of her ifue, then
bands in water) hall wath his clothes, ant ſhe thall «count her ſeuen dayes, and after, k After thetime

— wath bimfelte tt water, and Halbe vncleane fhe ſhalbe cleane. that fhe is reco-
vntill the euen. 29 And in the eight day ſhe ſhall take vn⸗ uered,
Chap.6.280 12 * And the veffell of earth that he tou- to ber two turties,o2 tiwo pong pigeons,and
theth, which bath the ifue, thall be broken: baing them vnto the Puet at the deozeof te
—— veſſell of wood ſhall bee rinſed in the Cabernacte of the Congregation.
ater. 30 And the Pꝛieſt Hall make of the one 1 Seeing that
€ -Thatis,be re- 13 But ik he that hath an iſſue, bee clean- a linne offering, and ofthe other a burnt of. Godrequireth
ftored to his old fed of his ifle, then ſhali he count him ſenen fering, and the Piet ſyall make an atone- of bis purity and
ftate,and be hea- dayes fo his clenling,and wath his clothes, ment foz ber befoge the Lo, foz
led thereof,
the iffue of cleanneffe : wee
and wath bis flem ut pure water: fo Hal hee ber vncleanneſſe. cannot be his,
be cleane. 31 Thus hall pe feparate the children of except our filth
14 Then the cight dav he Mall take vnto Iſrael from their pucleaunefle, that thep Die andfinnesbee
bím tive turtle Doues , o2 two yong pige- not in their vncleanneſſe, if they Defilemp® purged withthe
ols, and come before the Lord atthe Doope of Tabernacle that tg among then. blood of leſus
the Tabernacle of the Congregation, and 32. Chis isthe laweof him thathath an Chriftjandfowe


fall gine them vnto the Piet. ifue, and of hin from whom goeth an iſſue learneto deteſt
Ig And the Patek Hall make of theone of ſeede wherebp
heis Defe — all finne, |
2 |

The fcape goate. Chap.xvie A finne offering foratonement, 47
33 Allo ofberthatis fiche ofher floures, the peoples iune offering, and bring bis
and of him that hath a running ifue , whe» blood within the vaile, and Doe with that.
ther ithe man o: woman, and of himthat blood,asbee Did with the blood of the buls
lieth with her which is vncleane. locke, and ſprinckle it npon the Mercieſeat,
and betoze rhe Mercieleat.
CHAP, XVI. 16 Hobe Hall purge the boly place from
2 The Prieft might not at all times come into the vncleannefic of the chtldzen of Ziracl,
the moft holy place, 8 The Scape goate. 14 The and from their treſpaſſes of all their finneg:
purging ofthe Sanctuary. 17 The clenfing of the fo Wall he Doe allo foz the Tabernacle ofthe
Tabernacle. 21 ThePrieft confefeth the finnes Congregation = placed with them , inthe e Placed among
ofthe people. 29 The feaft of cleanfing finnes, mids ot their vircleanneffe. them which are
Bee eee the Lode ſpake vito Mo⸗ 17 * And there ſhalbe no man inthe Ta⸗ vacleane,
Chaſ.i o.1,2. fes, "atter the Death of the two ſonnes of bernacle of the Congregation, when hee go- Luke 1,40,
Aaron, when they came to otfer before the eth in to make an atonement in the oly
Lom and died: ꝛ place, vntill he come out and baue made an
2 Anu the Lom (aid vnto Moles, Apeake atonement foz himſelfe, and for bis houtes
Exod. 30.10. vnto Aaron thp bastber, *that he come not bolne, ana forall the Congregation ot Il
| bebr.9.7. at all times into the Holp place within the
a The Prieft en- Daile, befoze the Mercieſeat, which ts vpon 18 After, be Hall goe out vnto the faltar f Whereupon
tred into the Ho- the Arke,that be Die not : fom Jwili appeare that is before
theLoD, and makea reconcis the fweer incenſe
tiek of all but in the cloud vpon the MBerciefeate. lation bponit,and thall take of the blood of and perfume was
onceayeere, 3 After thts fore fyall Aaron come into the bullocke , and of the blead of the goate, oftied,
euen inthe mo- the holy place: cuen with ayong bullocke foz —— it vyd the hoꝛnes ofthe altar round
neth of Septem» :finne offering,and a ramme fog a burnt of- It:
ben ering. i 19 Ao all de {princkleofthe blood wps
4 Hee hall puto the holy linnen coate, on it with his finger fenen times, and clenſe
hOr, priwitieso and thal haue linen beceches vpon bis | fleth, tf, and Hallow ittrom the yncleannes of the
and hall be girded witha linen girdle, and childzen of Iſrael.
thal couer bis head with a linen miter: thele 20 ¶ then be hath made an end of pura
are the holy garments: therefore wall hee ging the holy place, and the Cabernacte of
wath bis tle tn water, when hee Doety the Congregation, and thealtar, then bec
put them on. f Wall bring the liue goate:
§ And he haltakeofthe Congregation 21 And Aaron thall pnt beth his handes-
ef the childꝛen of Iſrael, two hee goats fo2 a bpon the head ofthe line goate, and contefie
aereoffering, and a ramme foz a burnt ofe ouer hun all the iniquities of the chilazen of
ering. Iſraei,and all there trelpatles, tn all their
6 Then Aaron Wall offer the bullocke linnes , putting them s vpon the bead of the g Hereinthis-
HehhJe - foz bis finne offering , * and make an atone» per : and Wall fende him. away (by the poate is a true
ment fo? himfelfe,and foz bis boufe. aM of Aman Appointed) into the wilder figure of Tefus
7 And he halltakethetwo Hee goates, nee, Chrift, who bea
and prefent them before the Loz at rye doze 22 Hothe goate Wall beare vpon him all reth the finnes o$
ofthe Tabernacle of the Congregation, their iniquitics into + thelande that is not the people,
8 Then Aaron hall cattlecces ouer the inhabited, and he ſhallletthe goate goe into Ifa. 3 se
two bee goats: one lotforthe Lod, and the the wilderneſſe. + che pe land of:
b In Bbrew itis other foz the? Drape goate, 23 After, Aaron hall comeinto the Ta- /eparation.,
called Azazel, And Aaron halt offer the goat, bpon bernacle of the Congregation, and put off
whichfome fay, which the Lords lot Hallfall,and make him the linnenclothes, which be puton when he
is amountaine a ſinne oftering. went inte the ioip place, and leaue them
neere Sinai,whi- 10 But the goate on which the lot Mall there.
ther this goate fail tabe the Scape goate, hallbe preſented 24 Pee Mall wah allo his fieh with wa»
$ was fent: bur ra- atine befoze the Lod.tomakereconciltation ter in > the bolp place, and put on bis owne h IntiieCourt
ther itis called by hintand toilet him goelag a Scape goat) rannent, and come out, and make jis burnt where was the
the Scape goate, inte the wildernefie. offering , and the burntoffering of the peo⸗ Lauer, Exod. 39s
becautethe —* u Thns Aaron Mail offer the bullocke ple, aud make an atonement tez bimicife, i 3
not offered, but foz his tinne offtingand make a reconcilia- and foz the people.. ;
fent into the de- tion foz himſelte, añdfog his poule, and Mall 25 Alfo the fat of the finne offering hall
ſert,asverfe 21. kill thebutlocke foz bis finne offering. ge burne vpon the altar.
12 And hee Hall rake a cenfer full of burs 26 And bee that carted forth the goate
4 The holieſt of ning ceales front of the altar before the called the cape goate Wal wath his cloths,
all. Loj0,and his hand ful of ſweet incenſe bea» and wah his fleih in water, and after chat
lOr, the ſmohe. ten ſmall, and being it within the vaile, fhall come into the hotte. i
HOr, Arke. 13 And ſhall put the incenſe vpon the fire 27 Allo the bullock fo: the burnt offring,
Hebr. 9:13» befoze the Lord, that the ljcloude of thein- and the goate for the finne offering ( whale
sad 104» cenle may couer the Mercieſeate that is yp. blood was bꝛought to make a reconctliation
Chap.4,6. onthe |Teſtimonie: fo he Hall not die, in the holy place) Hatone*cary out without Chap. 6.30,
å Thatis, onthe I4 And hee Hali*take of the bleod ofthe the hottetobecburntin the fire, with their bebres 3. x20.
fide which was bullocke , * and ſprinckle it with bis finger ikinnes,and mith their fle}, and with their.
towardthepeo- hyonthe Mercieſcate *Sakward and be- D ung.
ple: forthe head fozethe Metcieſeate ball hefpzinckle af the 28 And bethat burneth them hall wah
of the Sanuary blood with his Anger ſeuen times. j bis clothes and wath
9 bis fleſh tu water, and:
Rood Weftward, 15 ¶ Chenall he kill the goate thatis afterward come intothe pohe
29 C59:
| Idolatrie forbidden. Leuiticus. They may noteatblood. Degrees
29 (Ho this hall be att ordinante foz e= the Cabernacle of the Congregation to ofe
i Which was lier vnto pou: the tenth day of the i feuenth fer it puto the Lord, euen that man (hall bee
Vilſri, and an{wee moneth, pee (ali £ humble pour uleg; and cut of trom bis —
reth to patt of Doe no worke at all, whether it be eneof the 10 G@Likewile whoſoeuer hee bee of the
September, and fame countrey, 02 a ranger that loteurneth boule of Iſrael, o2 of the rangers that (e+
| part of october. among peu. tourne ainong them, that eateth any blood, >
k Meaning, by 30 Foꝛ that * Day Hall the Wiet make F wull enen tet my e face againit thatpers g Iwill declare
abltinence and an atonement foz pou toclenle pou: pe fall {on that cateth blood, and will cut hint of my wrath,by tas
falting, Numb. * — front all pour finneg belore the from among bis peoples ? king vengeance
ord. i Ir Fog the life of the fle% isin the blood» on bim,as chap,
149.2 3.7 31 This halbe a! Sabbath of ret vnto and F hane giuen it pute pou to offer bpon 2 3.
1 Oark which pon, and pee Hall humble pour foules, by an the Altar, to make an atonement
fo: pour
yee fhalikeepe osDinance foz euer, ; fonles: fo: this blood (hall make an atong»
mof diligently, 32 And the Piet = whom hee Hallan- ment fo: the foule, j
m Whom the opni, and whom hee Hall conlecrate ( to mi» 12 Theretore Jſayd vnto the childzeno€
Prieſt tha! anoint niter in his fathers ſtead) thal make the ats Iſrael, None of pou (hall eate blood: nep-
by Gods com- onement, and Hall put onthe linen clothes ther the traunger that totourneth among
mandement to and holp vefments, ; pou, {hall eate bicon, 4
fucceed in his fa- 33 And bali purge the holy Ganctuarte 13 Moꝛeouer, whofoener he be of the chils
thers roome, and the Tabernacle of the Congregation, Den of Fitael, z of aa—— ae *
and fyallclenfe the Altar, and make anat- tourue among them, which bp bunting tas. ;
onement fo? the Pꝛieſtes and fo2 all the pro- keth any beaft of foute that may be * eaten, h Whichthe

pleof the Congregation, ] ; be hall powe out the blosd thereof, and co- law permiteeth
34 And this hailbe an euerlaſting oDi- uerit with duit: _ to beeaten be-
nance vnto pon, to make anatonement foz 14 JjFoz the life of all fef ts his blood, tt cauſe it is cleane.

the chtldzen of Iſtael foz all therr fins * once isioyned with his life: therefeze J fapa buto Genp.4.
Ex0d.30.10, aperte ras the Loud commanded Poles,he the chilen of Slracl, * Dee falleatethe HOr, auing creas
hebr,9.76 biood of noli fle : foz the life of all fief) ts. tare.
the blood therest: whoſoeuer eateth it,Hall
CHAP XVII. be cut off. $
4 Al facrifices mufi be brought tothe doore of Is Ana euery perfon that eateth tt,which
the Tabernacle. 7 To deusls may they not offir. Dieth alone, 02 that whichis tone with bealts,
19 They may not eate blood. whether it bee one of the fame countrey ora
ſtranger,be Hall both wath his clothes, and por, cousted
No the Lod pake nto Moles, faping, wath himlelke in water,andbe oncleane vn clane.
2 perke vnto Aaron, and to bis to the euen: after be falbe|cleane. Or, himſelfe.
fonnes,and te al the children of Iſrael, ann 16 But ik he wath chem not, nor waſh his or toepunih
fay puto them, This ts the thing which the Get, then he ſhall beare | bistniquity. . ment ofhwfim `
a Left they Lod hath 2 commanded, faving,
Mould practiſe 3 @Wbholocuer hee bee of the houle of Il⸗ CHAP. XVIIL
that idolatrie, racl, that killeth a bullocke oꝛ lambe, op
which they bad on in the bofte , 02 chat killeth it ont of the 3 The Ifraelites cught notte follow the mas
learned among olz, ners of the Egyptians & (anaanites. G The mia-
the Egyptians, 4 And bringethit not vnto the Dooze of riages that are unlawful,
b To make a fa- the Tabernacle of the Congregation to of-
crifice or offring fer an offing vnto the Load vefo the Ta- AS the Lom ſpake nto Woles, faving,
thereof. bernacie of the Lod, ¢ blood hail bee impus 2 Speake vnto the childzenof Jitra.
c I doeasmuch ted vnto that man: hee hath Wedde blood, el, and fap vnto them , 3| am the Lozde pout
abhorre it , 2s wherefore that man fall bee cut of froma» God f)
though he bad mong bis pesple. 2 After the 2 ter =of theland ofE> 2 Ye Gall pre-
kilfed a man, as S Therefore chechilozen of Ilrael Hall Sypt wherein pebwelt, allyenot Doe: and ferue your felues
from thefaahpn
bring their offerings , which they would of- atter the maner ofthe land of Canaan, whi-
d Wherefoener fer d abjoadtn the ficld, and prefent them therJ|will being pou, pall pee not Dee, neis minations fol-
they were moo- vnto the Lord at the Dooze of the Taberna» ther matke in their ozdinances, lowing, which the
ued with foolith cle of the Congregation by the xet, and 4 Bur de after utp tudgements,and keepe Egyptians *
deuotion to offer them foz peace offrings vnto the Loꝛd. mine ozdinances ,to walke therein: Jam- Canaanites vie.
offer it. 6 Then the Piet hall ſpꝛinckle the the Lod pour Gov. arr.
blood bpon the Gitar of the Lugd before the 5. Dee Mall keepe therefore my ftatutes, Exek.20.1 t.
Dooze ofthe Tabernacle of the Congrega- and my iudgements,*which ifa man doe he rom. ro.5.
Exod,29.18, tion, anv burne the fat foz a "weete daudur fall then Tiue inthem: e J am the Lo: galat, Vs
Chap.4.3%e vnto the Lov. i © @ Mone hall come neere to any ofthe b And therefore
7 Ana they ſhall no moze offer their of» kinred of bts fleih, tos vncouer her Hame;3 ye ought to feruc
e Meaning, what ferings nto © Deuils , after whom they am the Lord. me alone, as my
foeuer is not the hauegone af whoring: this thall bec ano- 7 Thou falt not vncouer the fame of people
true God, 1.Cor. vase foz cuer vnto themin their generas thy father, no: the fame of thy mother: for c Thatis,tolie.
10.20. plal.95. 5. ons. {hers thp mother,thou Walt not diſcouer her withher, though
f For [dolatrie is 8 (Alle thou Hatt fy onto them, Taho- M ame. it be vnder title
fpirituall whore- foeuer hee be of the boule of Iſracl, o2 ef the 3 * The hameokthyfathers
·wife chalt of maiage.
dome, becaufe itrangers which ſoiourne among them,that thou not diſcouer: for it is thy fathers bap.20- 11.
faith toward offereth a burnt offering o: factice, fyame. d Which isthy
God is broken, Q And bꝛingeth it uot vnto che doore oF r — ptRepmothes,
9 Thou halt not diſcouethe
el >

ofkinreds which hinder marti ages Chap.xix. Sundry Lawesandordinances. 48

e Either by fa- thy ¢fitter the Daughter ofthy father, 02 the tes, And my iudgements, and commit none
ther or mother, Daughter of thy mother, whether thee be of thele abominations, afwel he that is ofthe
bornein marri- bone at hone, o bogne without: thou Walt fame countrep, asthe ſtranger that ſdiour⸗
age or otherwife, not diſcouer their hame. neth among pon.. .
f They are her 10 he fhame of chy ſonnes Daughter,oz 27 ( Fozailthefe abontinations haue the
children, whofe of thy daughters Daughter, thou Walt not, men of che land Done, which were bekorevou. © Both for their
fhame thou haft — their ſhame: foz tt is thy and the land is defiled; wicked mariages,
vncouered. hame. 28 And fhall not the land ſpue pow outif vnnaturall copu-
Chap.20.19, Il The Mame of thy tathers wines pee Defile it, as it o {pued out the people that lations, idolatry
llOr; ſecrets. Daughter, begotten of thy father, (for hee is were before pou) or fpirituall
Chap.20.20, toplifter)thou Malt not, | fay, diſcouer her 29 Foz wholocuer Mall commit any of whoredome with
g Whichthine bane. thele abominations,the perfons that doe fo, Molech,and
vncle doth dif- 12 * Thon fhalt not vncouer the ||wame all P be cut of from among their people, — fuch like abomie
Couer, by fel ofthp fathers After; for thee is thy fathers 30 Therefore fhall pes keepe mine ordi⸗ nations.
t Ebr. thy fathers kinſewoman. nances,that pee Doe not any ofthe abomina- p Either by the
brothers 2p. 13 Thou ſhalt not diſcouer the ſhame of ble cuftomes, which haue beene Done before ciui! fword, or
Chap.20.12. thy mothers ſiſter: foz thee ts thy mothers yon, and that pe defile not pour ſelues there⸗ by fome plague
ma 20.21. kinſwoman. in; forJam the Lod pour Gov, that God will
Becauf the 14* Thon ſhalt vncouer the ſhame of CHAP. XIX, fend vpon fuch,
Molaters,among thy s fathers brother ; that is, then ſhalt not A repetition of ſundrie lawes and ordinances.
whom Gods goe into Hts wre, for (hee is thine taunt. ND the Lord ſpake vuto Woles, faye
people had dwelt Is * hou walt not vifcouer the tame of ing,
and fhould dwel, thy Daughter inlaw; for fhee ts thy fonnes 2 Speake unto all the Congregation sf
were giucn to wolfe: therefore Halt thou not vnconer ber the childsenof Iſrael, and fay vnto then,
thefe horrible fhame. * Pe thalbe - holy, fox Ithe Low pour Goo Chap. 23.440
incefts, God 16 * Thou Male not difcouce the Hame am be ; asd 20.7.
chargeth histo tsthy bothers wife: forttisthy brothers 3 We hall feare enery man his mother Ipet., 16.
beware of the ame. and bts father, œ hall keepe mp Dabbaths: as Thatis,voyd
fame. I 7Ehou halt not diſcouer the Mame of for J am the Lop pour Gon. ofall pollution,
i By feeing thine the wife and of her Daughter, neither halt 4 Pe halinot turne vutoidoles, no? idolatrie, and {we
`- affeQion more thou take ber fonnes Daughter, noz her — pou molten gods: J am the Loꝛd yout perftition both.
bent to her filter Daughters Daughter, to vncouer her ame: G oD. of foule and
then to her, for thep are thy kinſefolkes, and tt were wic> S And when ye hall offer a peace ofe- body.
bap 20.18. kedneſſe. fiia ting vñnto the Lod, ve fhall offer it? freely.
b Of yourowne
E Grawbiles fhe 18 Ailo thou fhalt not take a wife with ber 6 It ſhall be raten the Day ye offer tt,o2 accord.
hath her flowers, fiftcr. during her life, to i vere henin vnto⸗ on the mozrow: and that which remaineth Chap. 716.
Chap.20.2. ucring ber ſhame vpon her. until the third Day, thal be burnt in the fire.
© 3.king,23.10. 19 * Zhou fhalt not allo goe vnto awo- 7 Foꝛitit be eatenthe third Day, tt hall
PEbr,thy feed. Man to vncouer Her bame, as long as he is he vncleane,
ithallnotbe< accepted. ¢ Towit, of
§ Or, to make put apart foz ber diſeaſe. ; 8 Thereforehe that caterh tt,Gall beare God io
them paffe. 20 Moꝛeouer, thou-fyalt not gine thy felfe bis iniguitie, becaule he hath neilen the bas
1 Which was an to thy neighbours wife by carnali copulati- lowed thing of the Lord, and that peron
idole of the Am- on,tobe defiled with ber. ; fhalbe cut off from his people.
monites,vnto 21 *Qifo thou halt not gtue thy + chil- 9 ¶ Mhen ye reape the harueſt of pour Chap.2 3.226
whom they bur· Den tol] offer them vnto ? Molech, neither land, pe hail not reape eucry cogner ofpour
ned and facrifi- ſhalt thou defile the ame of thy God ; for field, neither halt thou gather the glain- llOr gatherings
ced their chil- J am the Loo. ings of thy harueſt. and leausngs,
dren,2.King. 22 Whoufpalt not lie with the mate, as- Io Thou ſhalt not gather the grapes of
23.10.This fee- one lieth with awoman ;for itis abomina- thy vineyard cleane, neither gather cuerp
medto be the tion, grape of thy vineyard, but thou Malt leaue
chiefe and prin- 23 *Thou Halt not alfo ttewith anp beat them forthe poore and fo? the ranger : g) ~

cipal of all idols: to be Defiled therewith neither Hall any wo- ain the 1020 pour Hod. }
and as the lewes man ftant befoze a beaſt,tolie Dotanc there: IL (Vee thall not feale, neither 4 deale d- In that whieh-
write, was of a to: for itis ||abominatton, 4 kalſely neither lie one to another. is committed-to
reat ftature,and 24 We thal not Defile-pour ſelues itt any of Iz ¶ * Allo pee thail not ſweare by mp your credits:
ollow within, thelethings: for im all hele the nations are Name fally, neither (halt thou Bele rhe Exod, 20.7.
_ hauing feuen pla- defiled, which Jwill caſt ont befoze pou. Name ofthy Gop: Jam the Lord. deut.59. 11.
ces or chambers 25 And the land rg defiled: therefore J 13 @ Thou halt not doe thy neighbour maths 34s
- within kim: one will m vifit the wickeBnefle thereof upon ir, Hong, neither rob him, * The mozkmans lOr oppreffe hin-
was ro receive andthe land» fall vomit out ber inhabi- bire Hail not ablde with chee vntill the mog- by violences
mealethat was tants: ; ; ning. : Deut. 24.14,1 5>-
offered: another 26 De yal keepe therekore mine ordinan⸗ 14 CThon halt not curic the Deafe,*nei- tob. 4.'14.
turtle dowes: the ther putattumbling blocke befozethe blind, Deut.27. 18.
thirde a (heepe : the fourth aramme: the fift a calfe: the fixt an oxe: but ſhalt feare thy God: J ant the Loz. xod.23 · a.
the feuentha childe. ‘This idoles face waslikea calfe, hishandes were 15 Cee halinot Doe vniuſtly in iudge⸗ dent, i. iJa
“euer ftretched out to receiue gifts: hisprie.tes were called Chematim: ment, * Zhou walt not fanour the perfon 46. 19.
Reade 2. Kings 23; 5. hofea 105. zeph, 1.4. Chap. 20.15. |]Or, ofthe pooze ,noz honour the peron of the prom24.23..
confufion. m I will puniſh the land where fach inceftuous marri- migbtie, but thou Halt iugethy neighbour iames 2. 2a
ages and pollutions arefuffered, n He compareth the wicked to ukiy: e Asa flandersrs,
euil humours and furfetting,which corrupt the ftomacke and oppreſſe 16 @ Thon Walt not e walke about backbiter, or
naturejand therefore mult be caf out by. vomit. with tales among thy people, Serer quarell pickers
_ Sundry Lawes and ordinances. Leuiticus. Offernotto Molech. .
f By confenting not fEand againſt the blood of thy neigh· mentine
line ĩn weight. orinmealure. © As in meaſu-
to his death,or bour: Jam the Lod. ] 36 * Pou ſhall haue iuſt Ballances, true ring theground.
| confo xing with 17 @ Theu Walt not hate thy iether in weights,a truerephab,and a true Pin, Jam Prot te 1660
the wicked, thine heart,butthou ſhalt plainiprebuke thy the Lord pour Ged, which haue brought you 18.a4d.20.80.
$ Ebr [ufer not neighbour, $ and (utter him not te finne. out ofthe land of Egypt. : p By thefetwo
finne vpon him, 18 @ Chou Halt not auenge, noꝛ bemind- 37 Theretoꝛe Hai pe obferue ail mingor meaſutes hemeae
full of wrong againit the children of thy pen. Dinances, and allmy iudgements, and Doe nethallother. Of
59. 43. ple,* but ſhalt loue thy netghbe2 as thy ſelte: them: J am the Le2d. ephah,readeExo, |
TOM 13.9, J am the Lod. ; ; 16.36 & of Hin,
galæt.y. 14. Ig (Mee Mall keepe mine ogdinances, CHAP, XX, Exod.a9.40,
sames 2.8. Thou Halt not let thy cattell gender with 2 They that gine ofthetr feed to Molech muft
g Asanhorleto g others of Diners kinds. Thou fhalt not few ase. 6 They that hane rro to forcerers. 10
feapean affe, ora thy ficld with mingled feed, neither Yall a The man that committeth adulterie, 11 tneest,or
mule a mare. garment of diuers things, as of linnen and foraication with the hinred or aſſinitie. 24 F/rael
woollen, come vpon thee. a peculiar people to the Lord.
20 ¶ cAMholocuer allo tyethand medleth i D the Low fpake unto Woles, fape
with a woman that isa bondmaysd, affian= ng,
cod to an huſband, and not redeemed, ne? 2 Thou fhalt fap alfoto the chilngen of
$ Ebr.a beating freedome giuen her, t hee ſhall be fcourged, Jirael, * Ahoſoener he be of the childzen ef Chap.18.25.
fhal be : fome = they fhall not die,becaulehe is not made Iſrael, 02 of the ftrangers that Dwellin Jl
reade, they [hall ce
tee. rael that gtueth his children vnto golet, a By Molech,
be beaten. 21 And he thal bing fo: his treſpaſſe offe- he fall Die the Death , the people of the land hemeanethany |
ring unto the Lod, at the Booze of the Ta- hall Kone him to death. ee kinde ofidoles, |
bernacle of the Congregation, a ranime foz 3 And will (ec my face againk that Chap.18.21.
a treſpaſſe offering. man, and cut him off fram among bis peo- b Reade chap,
22 Chen the Bꝛielt Hall make anatone= pie, becaule he bath gtuen bischtiazen vnto 17.10,and18, |
ment fo: bist with the ramine of the tref- Molech, foz to defie my Sanctuary, and to 21.
patie offing befoze the Loꝛd concerning bis poilute mine boly Rame. }
tinne which be hath Done,and pardon Halbe 4 And tf thee people of the land hide c Thoughthe |
etun pini gis inue which pe bath com- their eyes, and winke at that man when hee people be negli-
mitted. pue te childzen vnto Molech, and kill gent to doe their
23 Alle whenpe thal come into theland, im not, duty, and defend
and hate planted euerp tree fo meat , pe § Then will J fet mp face againſt that Godsright,yet |
h It ſhall be va- t yall count the fruit thereofas vncircũm⸗ man, and agaiuſt bis family, and will cut he will not fuffer
eleane , as that cifed : three peeres ſhallitbevncircumtiſed bim off,and al that goe a whoring after him wickeduefleto |
thing, which is vnto pou,it hall notbe eaten: to commit whoꝛedome with $Polech , from gocwnpunithed. |
not eircumcifed, 24 Wut in the fourth peere all the fruit among their people.
thereof Hall be holy to the praiſe of the Loꝛd. 6 € JE any turne after fuch as woke
_ 25 And in the Rfth yeere Hal pe eat of the witb (pirits, and after ſoothſayers, to goea
fOr, that Ged - fruit ofit, that it may{ipeeld to you the ens 4 whoring after them, then twilFjfet my face d Toefteeme
may multiply. create theresf: J am the Lod pour Goo. “agatnit that perlon, and will cut pim of forcerersorcone
26 E Dee hall not eate the fich with the from among bis people. turers isſpititual
R Whether ft be fiblood, ye Hall not vſe witchcraft nozi ob: 7 CHanctific your ſelues therefore, and whoredome,or
ftrangled, or oa ſerue times. be bolp, for J am the Loꝛd pour God. idolattie.
therwife. 27 *De ſhall not « cut round the comers 8 iKeepe pe therefore mine ordinances, Chap.11.445
i To meafure of your heads, neither Walt thou||marre the ane Dee them, J am the Lod which Doeth 1 .petid, 16. |
luckie or vn⸗ tufts of thy beard. fanctifie pou. i
luckie dayes, 28 * De hall not cut pour fleſh for the Q ¶ Ifthere bee any that curleth bis fa- Exod.21,17.
~ Chap.21.§. tdead, nor make any paint ofa ' marke spon thero: his motherhe wal die the death: fec- Pr6u.20-20.
k Asdidthe pou: J] am the Low. ing be hath curled bis father € his mother, matth 25.40
Gentiles in figne 29 € Chou halt not make thy daughter e his blood thall be pon dint. e Heis worthy
of mourning. conunon,to caule her to be a ™ whae let the Io ¶ * And the man that committeth a. todie.
hOr, cut, or teare. laud allo fall to whoredome, and the land be Dulterp with another mans wife, becaule be Deut.22.23.
Deut. 14.1. fullof wickedneffe. hath committed adultery with bis neigh- iohn 8,455
t Ebr.foule,or 30 A Pe Hall keepe my Habbaths and bours wife the adulterer and the adulterefie
peroni * reucrence my Sanctuary : 3 am the Lod. Malt die the Death. j
{ By whipping 31 AVe thal not regard them that worke H And the man that lveth with bis fa»
your bodies,or with (pirits,*netther foothfapers: pe hal not thers wife, becaufe he hath vncouered hts fae
burning markes feekero them to be defiled by them: J am the thers *fhame,they Hall both ate: their blood Chap.18 .8.
therein, L023 yaur Good. thallbe upon them. —D deut.22,30,
m Asdidthe 32 @ Thou halt rile vp before the haze» 12 Alfo the man that lieth with his daugh⸗
Cyprians and Loe Head, and honour the perfon of the old man, ter in law, thepboth Mall diethedeath, they
< erenfes, and Dread thy God: J am the Lord. baue wrought § abomination, their blood | Or couſuſton, ax

x §am.28.8. 33 (And ifa ſtranger fotourne with thee fhalbe upon them. : 3
n Intokenof inyourland,pe Hall not wexe bint. 13 @* The manallo that lieth withthe Chap.r8.226 `
reuerence. 34 *Bue the itranger that Dwelleth with maie,as one lieth with awoman, they baue
||Or,doe him you, Hall be as one of your flues, arid thou boti committed abomination: they hall Dig
wrong. Wait loue bim as thy felfe: foryewere Erain the Death, their blood (hall be ppon them.
Exod,a2.2%. gersinthe land of Egypt: Jam the Lod 14 Likewile hee that taketha wife, and
yout Gov. j HE: her mother, fcommitterh wickedneſſe: they At is an execra-
35 Ee Mall nog do vniuſtly in iudge· fali burne pin and theni with Are on ble and detekta-
bk thing,
Vnlavfull coniun&ions. 5 Chap.xxj. Ordinances touching the Prieſts. 49
there be no wicke dneſſeamong pou. 2 But by bis kinfeman that is neere yn-
Chap.i 8.23. Ig * Qilotke man that lieth witha beat, to him; to wit,bphis mother,oz by hts father,
foal die the Death, and pe fyall Ray the beatt. — (onne, o2 dy bis daughter, o? by bis
16 And if a woman come to anp beat, 9
and lte therwith, then thou balt kul the we: ' 3 D2rbybis Giterabmaide, that is neere b For bei
man and the bealt, thep hall bie the death, bnitobim,which hath not had a hulband:fo2 maried “ig
their blaon ſhall be upon them. _ ERY ber the may lament. feemed to be
17 Alio the man that taketh his fitter, his 4 He fall not lament fogthe: Pince ae cut off from his
fathers Daughter, 02 bis mothers Daughter, mong bis people te pollute hiniſelfe. familie,
and ſeeth ber Hame and fhe ſeeth bis wame, § hep Kail not make * balde partes Ebr. he may be
@Ebr.ite the eyes it ts villanie: therefore thep Halbe cut ofrin bpon their head, no: aue off the lockes of defiled,
ofthe childres of the fight of their people, becaule hee hath une their beard, noz makeany cuttings in their c The Prieft was
their people. coucred bis lifters Hame, hee ſhall beare his fieheth, permitted to
iniquitie. i 6 Thep Hatbe holp unto their Goo, and mourne for his
Chap.18.19. 18 * The man allo that lyeth with a wo⸗ not pollutetie fame of their God: foz the next kinred only.
HOr flouren man Hauing her diſeaſe, and vncouereth — — ce made by fire, and the Chap.t9.27-
her ſhame, and openeth her fountatne, and zead of their God they doe offer : therefore
fhee open the fountaine ofber blood, thep they hall be bolp. if b i
ſhall Bee cuen both cut of from among their 7 Thep thal not take to wife a whoze,o2
people. done polluted, neither hall they marriea d Which hath
Ig Moꝛeouer thou Halt not vncouer the woman Diuozced from ber hulband ; fozluch an cuill name, :
Chap.18.32,13- ſhame of thy mothers fitter, *n02 of chy fa- one i⸗ holy vute bis God. or is defamed,
thers fiker; becaule bee hath vncouered bts 8 Chou halt *fanctifie him therefore, e Thou fhalt
Ebr. flefh. thinne, they wall beare their iniguitie. foz hee offereth the f bzead of tip Gov: bee count them hos
20 Likewile the man that lieth with his hail be holy vnto thee; foz J the Lom, which ly,and reuerence
fathers bothers wife, and vncouereth bis fanctific you,am poly. them.
E They fhal! be
vncles pame: they Mall beare thew tntqui- 9 ¶ JE a Pꝛieſtes daughter fall to play f The thew-
tie and Hall die s childlefie. 1 the whoze, the potluteth her tather; therefore bread.
cut off from their 21 So the man that taketh his bzothers - Wall fbe be burnt with fire,
people, and their wife,committeth lilthineſſe, becauſe hee hath 10 Allo the bie Prieſt among bis bze-
children fhalbe g He thal vſe no
pena bis brothers) ſhame: they ſhalbe tizen, (vpon whole head the anopnting oyle
taken as baftards ildleſſe. was powꝛed, and hath conlecrated his hand fuch ceremonies
and net counted 22 Ge ſhal keepe therefoze all mine*o2> to put onthe garments ) hall nots vncouer asthe mourners
among the Ifra~ Dinances and all my tudgements, and doe his head, no2 rent bisclothes, obferued.
elites. them, that the land, whither J bzing pou te Il either Wall he goe toany |)Dead bos ||Or, te the houſet
Dwell therein,” ſpue pou rot out, i Dy, normake himlelie vñcleane by his facher ofthe dead.
18 23 CUberefore pee Hall not walke inthe 02 by bis mother, b Togoco the
Ca.ap.A8.26, maners of thts nation, which J cat out be⸗ 12 either Hall be go ont of the + Sane: dead, .
(hap.18.25. fore pou: foꝛ they baue committed all theſe tuarie, noz pollute the holy place of his Gon: i For by hisan-
Deu.ↄ.5. things,*therefore Jabhozred them. foz the i ceowne of the anopnting ople of dis oynting,he was
24 ButF haue {aid vnto pou, Pe Wall in- Godishponhin: J am the Low, preferredto the
berite their land, and J wil giue it vnto pow 13 Allo be thal take a maid unto his wife: other Priefts, and
to poſſeſſe it, euen aland that ‘floweth with 14. But a widew,o2 adiuoꝛted woman, 0? therefore could
milke and honie: J am the Lozd pour God, apolluted, oran harlot, thele thall hee not not lament the .
which baue feparated you from other people. marrie, but hall take a maid of bis owne dead, leafthe
25 * Therefore Wall pe put otfference be» k people to wife; ‘ fhould haue pol-
tweene cleane beaftes and vncleane, and be- 15 Meither wall he defile his feed among luted hisholy
tweene vncleane foules and cleane neither a peoples foz 3] am the L020 which fancti- oynting,
hail pee * Defile pour ſelues with bealts and yun. Not onely of
foules, noz with anp creeping thing, that the Gr >—bsAnd the Lome ſpake vnto Moles, his tribe, but of
ground bzingeth foorth, which J haue ſepa⸗ all Ifrael.
rated from pouas vncleane. 17 Speake nto Aaron,and fay, holo: 1 By marrying
26 Therefore hallyebe * holy vnto mee: euer okthy ſeed in their generations hath a- an vnchafte or
foz J the Loꝛd am bolp, and J haue fepara- ny blenufves, Wall not pzeale to offer the defamed woman,
ted pou from other people, that pee ſhould be bead of his Ged: 3 m Which is de-
mine, 18 Fo whoſoeuer hath any blemih, Hall formed or brui-
27 ¶ And ifa man o: woman haue a [pis tiot come neere: as aman blinde o? lame, o2 fed,
rit of Diuination,o2 ſoothſaying in them, they that hath a flat nole,e: that hath any "mit n Asnotof &
hall die the Death , they halt fone them to fhapen member, quall proporti-
Death, thetr blood thalbe vpon them. 19 Dra manthathath a broken foote, o} on,or having
a bzoken band, in number more
CHAP. XXI. 20 Dis crooke backt,ozbleare eped, oꝛ or leſſe.
hath ablemith in bis eye, o bee ſtiruie, o} o Or that hath
2 Forwhom the Priefts may lament. 6 How {cabbed,02 hath his tones broken. a web,or pearle,
pure the Prieſts ought to bee , both in themſelues, 21 Noune of the ſeede of Aaron the Pꝛieſt p As the fhewe
and sn their family. that bath ablcmith, fall come neere to offer bread,and meat
thefacrifices of the Loꝛd made by fire, ha- offerings, _
| By touching i Am the Loꝛd fain vnto Moſes, Speake uinga blemiſh: hee Halt not pzeaſetoalter q Asotfacrifice
lead,lamen- vuto the Peieſtes the fonnes of Maron, the? bread of his Gon. for finne,
yor being at and fay vnto them, Let none bee nehle by 22 The bread of His God , euen of the r As oftherenths,
Cis burial, the DEAD among his people, 3 a mok holy, ande ofthe boly Hall he cates — and firk traits,
: © 23 But
Who fhall eate of theholy things. Leuitieus. What oblationsmuftbe offered. N
f Into the San- 23 Wut he Mall not go in vite the f paile, vnto the Lord,
ctuary. no: come neere the Gitar, becauie hee hath a 16 Neither cauſe the people to beare the
bleintth, leak hee pollute mp Danctuartes s iniquitic of their) treipatie, whilethey eate b For if they did
fozJam the Loyd that fancti: them. theit holy ching: foz3 the Lod doe halow notofferfor *
24 Thus tpake (Hotes vnto Aaron, anu t em. their errour,thé
tobis ſonnes, and to all the chtldzenot Iſ⸗ ; 17 € And the Lozd ſpake vnto Woles, people by che
rael, aping, 4 example might
CHAP. XXII. 18 @peake vnto Aaron, € to bis fonnes, commit thelike ~
3 Whoought to abstaine from eating the things and to ali the childzen of Iſrael, and fap vn- offence,
to them, hoſoeuer hebe of the houſe ofIf
ne mereoffered. 19 What cblations fhowld bee
ojjerea, rael, or of the rangers in Iſcaei, that will
Am the Lord pake vnto Wols, laying, offer hts facrifice foz all their vowes, and foz
2 Speake vute Aaron, and to bis all their free offerings, which they vle toof⸗
a Meaning,that fonnes,that they be 2 feparated frok the ho- fer vnto che Load foz a burnt offering,
the Priefts ab- ly things of thechilazen of Iſrael, and that 19 Ye thall offerot peur free minde a male
feine from ea- they pollute not mine help Mame tn thole without blemtih of the beeues, of the theepe,
ting,ſo long as things which they hallow vnto mee: J æn eof the goats. i
chey are pollu- the Loo. \ 20 Pe halinot offer any thing that hath
ted. 3 Hay vnto them, Mhoſoeuer he be of al abunu i fo2 thativall not bee acceptable
your feene among your generations after BŁ pou.
b To eate there- pou, that toucheth the bolp things which 21 * And whoſoeuer bringeth apeace of- Dewt.1§.2%6
thechilozen of Iſrael halow vnto the Lord, fering vnto the Lod to accomplish bis vow, ecclas. 3 5-1 3o
baning bis vncleanneſſe vpon bim euen that 02 foza free offering, of the becues, oz of the
a — cut of from my fight : Jam ſheepe, his free offring halbe perfect, no ble⸗
¢ Lod. mih Haltbe init. i
Chap.i3.2. 4 Mhoſoeuer allo of the feed of Aaron (22 Blinde,oz broken, o2 mained, o2 has
ts aleper,e2 hath a running tiue,he thal not uinga l wenne, o2 Chirute, og fcabbed : thele HOr wart.
eateot the holy things untill bee be cleane è fali ye not offer vnto the Lozd,noz make an
c By touching and who ſo toucheth anp that ts ¢ pncleane offting by fire of thele vpon the Gitar of tye
any dead thing, by reafon of the Dead, ox aman whole iſſue of L o 20.
or being at bu- feed runneth from bim, j 23 Det a bullocke o2 a ſheepe that hatha-
tial of the dead. 5 Detheman that toucheth any creeping ny *member fuperfluons, 0 lacking, fuch Chap. ꝛ1. i18.
thing, whereby hee map be made vncleane, mapek thou pꝛeſent foz a tree oftring,but foz
02a man,by whom he may take vncleannes, a vow it hail not be accepted.
$Ebr.according + tubatfocuer vncleanneſſe he bath, 24 Dee hall not offer vnto the Lod that
toal hw vnclean- 6 The perlon that hath touched fuch, which ts bzurled o cruſhed, 02 broken, og cut
Kelle. ſhall thercfoze bee vncleane wntill the cuen, away,netther thal pe make an offering thereof
fOr, vntill. and all not eateofthe holy things I except in yvour land, —
He baue waſhed bis fle with water. 25 Neither of the hand of a ſtranger ſhal i Ve ſhalnot ree
ceiue any vnpet⸗
7 But when thelunne ts downe, he Hall yee offer the bead of pour God of any of
be cleane, and thallatterward eate of the hor thele, becaule their coruption isin them, fect thingofa
lp things : foz it is bis || faon, i there is a blemiſh in them; therefore hal thep ftranger, to make
fOr bread. itthe Lordsef= |
Exod,22.31. 8 *DF abeat that dieth, o2 is rent with not be accepted foz you. i
44.31. beafts, whereby hemap be defiled,be fhal net i 26 ¶ And the Lord (pake vnto Moks, fring : which he
calleth the bread
gate: J| am the Lord. j i aping
9 Let theni keepe therefore mine oDi» 27. Coben abullocke,o2 a Mheepe,o2 a goat of the Lord.
nance,leatt they beare their finne foztt, anu Mali be bought korth, ít hail bee enen ſeuen
x foz it, ikthey defile it: J the Loz Canctifie Dayes vnder his Damimesand from the eight
emm. Bay koorth, it hallbe accepted fora lacrifice
d Whichis not Io There Mall no 4ttvanger allo eate of made by fire bute the Lod.
of the tribe of the bolp thing, neither « the ghettof the 28 As for thecowe og the ewe,yehallnot pew s2,6,
Leui. iett, neither hall an hired feruant cate of *kill her, and per pong bothinone day. ee
e Some reade, the holything: 29 So when pe wil offer a thank-offting
the ſeruant TI But ifthe Pꝛieſt buy any withmoney, vntothe Loz, pe Wall offer willingly.
which had his he pall eate of it,alfo he that is bone in bis 30. Che fame day it (hail be eaten,ye Hal
eare bored,and bouie : they Wall cate of his meat. leaiie*none of it vntill the mozrow: J am Chap 7.150
would not go 12 FE che Peteſts Daughter allo bee mars the Lod.
free,Exod.21.6. vied unto a f itranger,fhe map not eat of the 31 Therekore Hall pe keepe my commans
f Whois notof holy offerings. dements,and do them : for J am the Lod.
the Priefts kin- 13 Motwithtanding if the Pieteg 32 Mather Kall pee * pollute mine holy k For whofoeut
red. Danghter be a widow a? diuorced, and paue same, but 7 will bee hallowed among the doth otherwife
nochilde, but is returned vnto ber fathers chilozenof Jitact. 3 the Lon fanctific yeu, then God come
boule, the hail cate of her fathers bead, as 33 bich haue bought yon out of the mandeth, pollue
Chap.t0.1 4, fhee did inbher * youth: but there Wall no landof Egypt, tobec pour Gods J amthe tethhis Names. |.
firanger eate thereof, Lad,
g He fhalt give- 14 € Jfa man eate ofthe holy thing vne C-H ÀA P. L
that and a Sft wittingly, bee Hall put the sfift part there» 2 The feasts of the Lord, 3 The Sabbath. 5 The
part ouer, unto, AND giue it vnto the Jiet with the Paffiouer. 6 The feat of vuleauened bread; 10
halowed thing. The feast offirst fruits. 16 Whi funtide, 24 The
15 Ho they Hal not defilethe holy things Py ofblowing trumpets, 34 The jeaSt of Tabere
DF the chiloze of Iſxatl, which they ofes nac Sy
golemne feats and Chap. xxiii. holyconuocations, 50
A® the Lord ſpake bute Moles, Gaping, and a yong bullocke and two rammes: thep
2 Speake vnto the childzen of fira- failbefoz a burnt oitering vnto the Lede,
el, & ſay vuta them, Che feats ofthe Lod with their meate otrings and their minke
fOr, conmocations which pe hall cali the Holy ||aſſemblies, euen offtings, toz a faccifice made by five of a
thele are my feats, weet fauour vnto the Lord.
Exed.20,9,10. 3 *Diredaves|ifal woꝛke be done, but 19 Chen pe hail prepare a hee goat fo: a
HOryemay work. inthe feucnth Day thall bee the @abbath of finne offering, and two lambes of one peere
§Or,aPembly ret, an holy sconuocation : pre yall Doe no old foz peace vffrings.
worke therein, itis the Sabbath of the Lord 20 Gnd the Pꝛielt hal hake them to and
in all pour dweilings. fro with the bread of the Arh fruites before
4. @ Theie are the featks ofthe Lord, and the Lord, and with thetwolambs: thep hail }
i bolp conuscatisns, which ye ſhail pzeclaime be boly tothe LoD, fo? thei Patek. i Thatis, offered
a FortheSab- in their? ſeaſons. 21 So pee thallpzoclaime the lame Day, totheLord, and
bath was kept § In the fre moneth, and in the koure⸗ thatit may bea holy conuscation vnto pou therelt fhould be
euery weeke, and teenth day of the moneth at euening thallbee pe halldoeno ferutle woke therein ;it halbe forthe Prieks
thefeotherwere the Paſſeouer of the Loꝛd. $ an o2dinance foz euer in all your Dwellings,
kept but once 6 Andon the fifteentiy day of this moe thoughout pour generations.
euery yeere. neth hall be the featt* of vnleauened bread 22 @* And when poureape theharuek (hap. 19.9-
Exod.12.15. vnto the Lord :{euen dayes ye hall eate vn⸗ of youriand , thou halt not rde cleanethe dew.24.19.
numb. a8. 17. leauened bread. : cozners of the field when thou reapeſt, net=
- 7 Jnthe lirſt day yee hall haue an holie tyer halt thou make any after gathering of
b Or,bodily la- contocatton : pe Hall Doe na > ſeruile wozke thy harueſt, but thalt leaue them puto the
bour, laue about eren: poore auB tothe ranger: J am the Lod
that which one 8 Allo pe thal offer ſacrifice made by fire pour Ooo.
mutt aate ,Exod. bntop Lod ſeuuen Dapes: &in thec feuenth i 23 € And the Lowe fpake vnto Moſes,
12.16, Day hall be an boly conuocation ; pe hal Boe aping, \
e thefirtday of no ſexuile woꝛke therein. 24, Speake vnto the chien of Iſrael
the feaft & the 9 And the Lod pake vnto oles, and fay, Jn the * (cuenth moneth, and in the k Thatis, about
feuéth were kept faping, fir day of the moneth thal ye! haue aDab- the end of Sep-
holy: intheret I0 Speake bute the childzenof Iſcael, bath, forthe remembrance of ™ blowing the tember,
they mightworke and fay bnto them, Ahen pee be come ints trumpets,an boly conuncation. : 1 Or,an holy day
except any feat the land which Jgiue vnto you, and reape 25 Pe thal de no ſeruile wezke therein but tothe Lord,
werte intermed- the harueit thereof, then pie ſhall bing | a offer ſatrifice made by fire vnto the Lozd. m Which blow-
ledas the feat of ſheafe ofthe firſt fruttes ot pour harueſt vu: 26 @Andthe Lode (pake vnto Moſes, ing wasto put thé
vnleauened bread to the [pzictt, faving, in remembrance
“thefifteenth day: II And he Hall fake the hheafebefoze the
27 The * tenth alfo ot this ſeuenth mo- of the manifold
andthe feaftof Loꝛd, thatit maybeacceptable for pou: the neth Hall be a Day of reconciliation; tt Mall feaftsthat were-
Sheaucsthefix- · moꝛrow after the “<Dabbath,the Piet hal be an boly conuocation vnto pou, and pe thal inthat moneth,
teenth day. iake it. =bumble pour ſoules, t offer factifice made and cf the Iu-
HOr,an omer: 12 And that day when pe hake the theafe, bp fire vnto rhe L020. bile.
read Deut.24.19 Hall yee prepare a lambe without blemi- 28 Gnd pee hall Doe no worke that fame Chap.t 6.29530.
Tht,ed Se of a peere olde, foza burnt offering vnto the Dap: foz itis a Day of reconciliation,to make numb.29.7.
plahig. 7: Lod: y = —— foz pou befoꝛe the Loꝛde pour n By falting and
d That is, thefe- 13 And themeatoffering thereof hall be 60, prayer
cond Sabbath of two ¢ tenth Beales of fine floure mingled 29 Foz enery perfon that humbleth not
thePaficoucr. with ople fora facrifice made by fire vᷣnto bimieltecbhat fame vap, Mall euenbe cutoff
€ Whichisthe the Lozd of (weet fauour: and the drinke of- from bis people. 3
fiftpart of an E- fering thereof the fourth part f ofan pin of 30 Andeucry peron that Mail Doe anie
phah,ortwoO- wine. wozke that fame Day, the fame perfon alfo
mers: Read Exo. 14 And ye Wal eate neither bread noz pat» willJdeſtroy front among bis people.
6.16. . Chen copne,noz |i greene cares, vntill the telfe
31 De hall Doe ne maner wozke therefore:
Read.Exod,29 fame Day that peehaue brought an offering this hall bee alaw foz -euer in pour generati
40, i Dnto pout Gov :this hall beea Law for cuer pus,throvghour allpour dwellings.
HOr,fulleares, in pour generations and in all pour Diwel- 32 This Halibe vnto you a Sabbath of
g That is,the ſe⸗ lings. reit,and pe ball humble your ſoules: inthe 7
uenth day after 15 € Dee thal count alio topon fromthe nínthday of the moneth at euen, fromege o Which con-
zhe firt Sabbath mozrotw after the s Sabbath, euen from the uen to euen Wall pee tcclebaate pour Hab- tainetha night
ofthe Pafleoucr. Dapthatpefhall bring the theate ofthehake b ath. & a day: yet they
fOr, weekes, ee ||Sabbaths , they ſhalbe com 33 CAndthe Lode pake vnto Moles, tookeitbut for
faying, ——— their naturall
16. Gnto the mozrowe after thefeuenth © 34. Speake vnto the Children of Iſrael, day.
Habbath Hall ye number fiftie dapes: ther ann fay, *3in p fifteenth Dapofthis ſeuenth tEbr. ref? your
ye —— bzing a new meat offering vnto the moneth thall be foz fenen Dayes the fealt of Sabbath.
020. Tabernacles onto the Lod, Numb.29.% 2,
„h Beeaufe the 17 De Hhallbzing out of your habitations 35 Juthelirk day thallbe an holy conuo· iohn
‘Pricft (honid eat bread foz the hake offering, they ſhalbe two cation: pe Wall Dae no ſexuile woke thercin.
them,asChap.7, leauesof tto tenth Deals of fine floure,which 36 Aewen Dayes pe Mhalloficr *facrt- Exod. 29.18.
33. and they thal be baken with “leauen foz Grit fruttes fice made by fire bnto the Lorde, and in p Or,a day |
fhould not be of- vnto the Lod. the eight Day Mall bee an holie conuocas wherein the peos ·
fredtotheLord 18 Alloye hall offer withthe bread ſeuen tion vñto pou, and vec Malloftcr facrifices pleareflayed j
Yponthe altar. lambes without blemiſh of one pecre olde, made by Bre vntotheode; itis the pefo» fromall worke
© 2 lemne
Leuiticus. The blafphemerftoned.
The feaftof Tabernacles. `
lemme aſſembly,peHalidoc no ſeruile waꝛxke 9 * Andthe bread halbe Aarons and his fxod.29.33,
therein, fonnes, € they Mall eate it tn the holp place: chap 8. 31.
27 Hhele arethe feats ofthe Le(whtch foritts mok holy vnto him ofthe offerings mati2.1,5.
e bali call holy conuocattons)to offer lacri- ofthe Loꝛd made by fire by a perpetual o2- i
ce made by firevnte the Lord, asburntof dinance. 4
g Or,peace offe- fering and meat offving, 9 lacrifice dainke 10 ¶ And there tent «out among the e Meaning, out.
sing, offrings,euery one vpon his Bay, chilozen of Jiraci the ſonne of an Iſraelitiſh of his tent.
38 Belive the Babbaths of the Lod ,and woman, whole father was an Egyptian: >
belide pour gtts ano beive all pour owes, and thts fonne of the Iſraelitiih woman,
and belive all pour free offtings, which pee andaman of Iſrael troue together inthe
fall gine vnto the Loz. ofte.
38 But inthe fifteenth Day ofthe feuenth 11 Bothe Iſraelitiſh womans ſon?ẽ blaf- f By fwearing, o£
moneth, when ye bane gathered inthe fruit phemed the name ofthe Lord, t curſed, and defpiting God.”
of the land, ye fail keepean bolpfeatt vnto they bought him vnto Moſes (his mothers
the Lord (euen Bayes: in the firit Day halbe nameallo was Sbhciomith, the daughter of
r Or,a folemne a Sabbath: ltkhewile in the eight Bay halbe Dibꝛi, of the tribe of Dan) :
featt. a Babbath. p 12 And thep * put him in ward, tillheeNam.15.34.
40 And pee hall take youtnthe firt Day tolt them the mind of the Low.
the fruit of goodly trees. branches of palme — 13 Then the Lod (pake vnto Moles, fap-
l Or,of boughes trees and the boughes of jthicketrees,and tng, :
thecke with willowes of the bꝛooke, and Hall retopcebee 14 Bring the blafphemer without the
leaues. faze the Lozd pour God ſeuen Dayes. bot, and let all that heard him, * put theit Deut, 13-9,
4E Ho yee hall keepe this feat vntothe bandes vpon his head, and lee alltye Con- and 17.7.
Lord (ren Dayes inthe yeere, by aperpetu⸗· gregation tone hun.
all oDinance thzough pour generations;in I5 And thon fhalt fpeake onto the chil
the ſeuenth moneth tyall pou keepe it. Drenof Iſrael, faying , CCibofoeuer curſeth
42 De Hallowell in boothes ſeuen daies: his Gov, Mall: beare his finne. g Shall be puni-
all that ave Iſraelites boꝛne, Mall dwellin 16 Andbe that blafphemeth the name of fhed, :
booties, ng the Lord, fhail be put to Death: all che Corn-
£ Inthewilder- 43 That pour pofteritie map know that gregation itall ttonebim to death : as well
nefle,forafmuch J baue made the childzen of Iſtael to Dwell the itranger,as he that ts bozne inthe land;
as they would in ‘bosthes, when I brought them out of when he blalpycmeth the ame of the Lord,
not credite 1o- thelandof Egypt: J am the Lozde pour let him be flame.
fhua and Caleb, e D. 3 — €* He allo that + killeth any man,be Exod 21.12.
when they retur- 44So Doles Declared vnto the childzen Mall be put ta death. deut.19. 4515s
ned from {pying of Jitacl the featts of tye Low. 18 And be that killeth a beaſt,heſhall re⸗ +Ebr. /fmtteth she
the land of Cae ; ſtore it, +bealt for beat, Soule of any man.
mam. CHAP, XXIII, 19 All if aman caufe any blemiſh inbis tEbr, foule for
neighbour: ashe bath Done, ihal it bedone oske.
2 The oyle forthe lampes. 5 The Shewbread, to him: : Exod.21.340
14 The blafphemer fhallbe toned 17 Hee that* 20 * Beach for bzeach, eye fo epe, tooth dewe.19.21,
kslleth fhall be killed, fo tooth: fuch a blemiſh as be bath made in mate.s.32.
i anp. uch Hall be repaped to him. Exodi 2.49. `
A AD the Lom (pake onto Woes, lays 21 Aud he that bilieth abeat Halreto -h Becaufe the
tag, ; it: Dut he that killet) a man ſhalbe ſlaine. punihmenat was `
a Read Exod, 2 *Gommand the childzen of Iſrael.that 22 We thailhaue * one Law:it ſhall be as not yet appointed
37.20. they bzing vnto thee pure oile Dituebeaten, well foz the ranger, as fozone borne in the by the Law, for
fo: the light, to cauſe the lampes to burne countrey: fo: Fam the Lord pour God. the blafphemer,
continually. 23 C Then * Moles told the childꝛen of Mofes confulred
b Which vaile 3 Without the baile ofthe’ Teſtimonie, Fitael, and they bꝛought the blafphemer out with the Lord, `
feparated the ho- in the Tabernacle of the congregatton,thal of the bofte, and ſtoned htm with ttonts: f0 and told rhe pede
lieſt of all , where Aaron Beficthem, both cueñ and morning che childgenof Iſraeldidas the Lorde Had ple vhat God
was the Arke of betoze the Lord alwapes: chisthallbeea Lam commanded Mofes, commanded.
the Teltimony foz euer thongh pour generations.
from the San@u- 4 Üre wall mefe the Lampes vpon the CHAP, XXV. i
ary. * pure Candleſticke before the Lod perpes 2 The Sabbath ofthe feuenth yere, $ The Iu-
Exod.31.8. tually. bileinthe fiftieth yeere. tq Not to oppreffe their
$ € Alo thou Malt take fine floure, brethren. 23 The fale and redeeming of lands,
Exod.25.30. and bake rwelue*cakes thereof: twos tenth houses, and perfons, 2
€ That is, two _ Beales fhalbe in one cake.
Omers,readé 6 And thon ſhalt fet them in two rowes. A£? the Lode pake vnto Motes in
> Exod, 16.16. fire ina rowe vpon the pure table before the mount Sinai layns, _
Lor. : 2 peake vnto the chilozen of Iſrael, Exod.23. 10.
7 Thou fhalt alfoput pure incenſe vpon and ſay vᷣnto them, hen ve ſhall come into +Ebr. [ball ref
d Forit was the rowes, that din ead of the bꝛead it may the land, which J gine pou, the" land Hall a reff.
burnt euery Sab- be fozaremembzance, andan offting made + keepe Babbath vnto the Lud. a The lewes be-
bath when rhe by fire tothe Lord. . 3. *Bixepeeres thou thate (ow thy field, ganthe count of
bread was taken 8 Euery Sabbath hee Hall put them in and ſixe yeeres thou Walt cut thy vineyard, thisyeereia Sep»
away, rowes before the Loꝛd euermoie, recciuing and gather the fruit thereof. tember: for thers
them of the childzen of Ilrael koz an cutrla 4 Butrheleneurhyprerc Halbe a Dab- all ths fruits
King conenant. bath of reit vnto the tant: ic ans * were gatbered.
TheIubile. Oppreffion forbidden. Chap.xxv. Redeemlug
oflarids and houfes. eco
Lords Sabbath :chou thalt neither fow thy ag the fruit thereof come, pe hall eate the
Held, no: cut thy vinepars. olde.
b By veafon of 5 That- which groweth ofit > owne at- 23 @ Allo theland hall notbefold tobe
che corne that coid of the harueft, thou alt not reape, nei» itut off fromthe familie: fz the land fs mine, 1 Itcould norbe
fell oucof the ther gather the grapes that thoubalk < teft and pe be but frangers and ſoiouruers with fold for euer, but
ares the yeere —— sfortt fhal bea peercofteh yne mee, muft returne to
aft. o the land. 24 Therefore tn all the land of pour par the family tn the
2 Or, which thou 6 Andthe dret oftheland ſhalbe meate Po yee fall grant a redemption for the Iubile.
haft feparated fez pou, euen foz thee, and foz thy feruant, and, m Ye mallſen
from thy felfe, and fo? thy maya, and forthp hired lernant, 25 (Hf thy brother be impoueriſhed, and it on condition
and confecrated on Fo: the ranger that loiourneth with fell bis poſſeſſion, then bis redecinet Gall that it may be
to God for the thee: cone, cuendis neere hinſman, and buy out redeemed.
poore, 7 And fo thycattell, and fo: the beats that which bis ||brother fold. {| Or ,kinfeman.
d Thatwhich — that are in thy lante all all the increale 26 Andit he haueno redeemer, but thath + Ebr. ha hand
the land bring- thercofbe meate. gotten and found fo buy ft ont, hath gotten.
eth forth in her S CAL thou Hale number euen ||abs 27 Then ſhallhe "tonut the peeres of his n Abating the
sek. baths ofpeeres vito thee, cuen ſeuen times fale, ana rettoze the ouerplus to the man, to money of the
fh Or,weekes. ſeuen peere : and the (pace of the feurn Daba whom he lold it: ſo hall hee returne ta bis yceres palt,and
baths of veeres will be vnto thee nine and poſſeſſion. paying forthe
fourty peere. 28 Butik pe cannot get ſuſticient to re: reftof the yeeres
e Inthe begin- 9 * Then thon halt cawle to blowe the {toze to him, then that which ts foln hall re⸗ tocomes
mingof the 50. trumpet ofthe Jubile in the tenth day ofthe maine inthe hand of him that hath bought
yeere was the Iu- fenenth moneth: euen in the Dap of there- iianri a Maidsof tie I anainthe
bile,focalled,be- conciliationHali pe make the trumpetblom, ubtle it hall canre ° out, tiee Ha urne o From his
cauſe che foyfull thzoughout all pour land. vnto bts poſſeſſton. ká handes that `
tidings of libertie 10 And ye fhalbatow that peere, euen the _ 29 Likewileifa man Ela Dwelling houle boughtit.
was publikely fiftiech yeere, ẽ peoclainie liberty inthe land ina walled city, hee may bup it. out agatne
proclaimed by to al the f inhabttants thereof; tt hal be the within a whole veere after it tg fol ; within
the found ofa Jubile vnto pou, and pe Mall returne euery apeere may He buy tt out,
Cornet. man vAte hisepoffeffion, and euery man Wal 30 But it it be not bought out within the
-E Which were returne unto hts family. {pace ofa full peere, then the poule chat ts tr
in bondage. ‘It Chis fiftieth peere Hall be a yeere of the walled citie, Hall be eſtabliſched, as cut p Thatis fore-
g Becaufe the Jubile vnto pou s yee hall not lowe, neither offfromthe familie, to bim that bough it, uer reade verſe
Tribes fhould reapethat which growerh of it felfe, neither throughout bis generations; tt Mall not goe 23.
neither haue theit ee the grapes thereof that are teft vula ont tn he Jubile. 48.3
poſſeſſions or fa- outed, 31 But the houles of villages , which
milies diminith- I2 Fo itis the Inbile,tt Halbe holy vnto baue to walles round aboutthem,fhall bee»
ed, nor confoun- pou: pe Mall eate of the increafe thereof out seemed as che ficld of the country:thep may
ded. ofthe field. s be bought out agatuc, and walli govout in ||Or,retarne.
13 Jn the peere of this Jubile, ye ſhall re- the Jubile, à i
turne euery man vnto bis poſſeſſion. 32 Notwithſtanding, the tities of the Le·
14 Gnd when thou ſellelt onght to thy uiteg,and the poules of the citiesoftheir pols
neighbour o buyett at thy neighbours hand, — map the Leuits redeeme fat all ſea⸗ t Ebr foreuer⸗
h By deceivor pe ſhall bnot oppreſſe one another:
otherwife, 1§ Bur accoꝛding to the number of ' peeres 33 Andifa man purchale of the Lenites,
i If thelubileto after the Jubile, thou Halt buy of thp netgh⸗ the boule that was fold, and the citie oftheir
come bencere, bour: alo according to the number of the poficition tall goe out inthe Jubile: forthe
thou fhalefell— peeres ofthe reuenucs,he Mall (el vnto thee. houſes ofthe cities of the Leutties are their
better cheape: 16 Accoꝛding tothe multitude of peeres, poſſeſſion among the childꝛen of Iſrael
ifit befarre off, thou thaltincreate the price thereof, and ac- 34 But the feld.ofthe ſuburbs of their -q Where the Le-
dearer. © © coding to the fewneſſe ofpeeres, thou halt cities Wall not bee fold: kor it is their perpes uites Kept their
k- And not the abate the price of it:fo2 ý number of * fruits tuali poſſefſiou. cattel,
full poffefiion of Boethheſell vnto thee. 35. C MBoꝛeouer, ikthy brother be impone.
the lands 17 Dppreffe not ye therefore any man his rifhed, and: fallen tn decay with thee, thon r In Ebrew itis,
neighbour Uut thou Malt feare thy Ged; fog falt retiene Him, and as aſtranger and fo: ifhishand fhakez
J am the Lon your Gov, 7 fousner,loihallbeline vith theee, meaning, if he
18 ¶ cAherekore pre hall obey mine o2- 36 * Chou halttake no vlary ofhim noz ftretch forth his
Dinances, and keepe mp Lawes, and Doe vantage, but thou walt feare thyGod that hand for helpeas
Or, boldly with Beth and pee Halldwell inthe tande -in thy bother may tine with thee, one inmilery,
cut foare. afetie 37. Chou Halt not gine hint thy money Exod.22.25,
aan the land fhall giue her fruit, and npy, not lend bim thy victuals foz in: deut. 23. 19.
s3 gor cate your fill, and dwell therein in ale. prou,28.8.
afette. h 38. Jam the Lod pour Hod, which paue exek. 8,8,
` 20 And itk ye hall fap, (bat ſhall we eat brought you out of the land of Egypt, to and 22.12.
thefeuenth peere fo: we at not fow no: ga- gueyou the land of Canaan,
andtobee pour
ther trrourtncreate?
Eb yxpur
—* * 21. Jwill + ſend my bleffing vpon pou in 39. C* JE thy brother alfo thardwellechiby Exod, a1.2.
the fitt peere, and tt Wall being forth fruite thee,beimpoucrifhed, and be fold vnto thee, deut. 15.12.
fo? thzee peeres. pho,maletas compel him to ſerueas abond iere· 3414
22 AnD yee halt lowe the eight veere and feruant, iBUS ENA À
gate ofthe oldefruite vntill the ninth yeere; 40 But as an hired ſeruant, and as a fo»
3 tournee
“Saleand redemption of perfons. Leuiticus. Ble flings ‘ Curfingse
tourner he hall be wits thee: hee ſhall ſerue YE ſhall make pon none idoles no? gra-
thee vnto the peere of zibile. : uen image, neither reare pou bp anp“ pil- Exod.ꝛe 4.
4I Then fjallhedepart from thee, both lar,netther balye fet | anp image of fone in deut.s.8.
$e and bis chtidzen wits him, halt returne pour land to bowe Downe to it : foz J am the pfal. 97.7.
vnto bis family , and vnto the polefitonof Lozd your God. Or, ſtone having
bis fathers pail he returne: 2 De hall keepe my Sabbaths,and *re- any amagerie.
42 Foz they are my feruants, whom F uerence mpSanctuary: J am the Loo, Chap. 9.30.
brought out of the tant of Egypt ; they hall 3 ¶ It ve walke in mine ogdinances,and Deut 28.1.
f Vnto perpe- not! beloldbasbondmen arefolo. — keepe my Commandements, and Doe them,
tuall feruitude. 43 * Thoun fait not rule ouer hint cruels 4 J will then fende pou à raine in due a By promifing
Ephef-6.9, ly,but ſhalt feare thy God. tealon, and the lano Hall peeld ber increate, abundance of
Eolof4 Is 44 Thy bond (eruant allo, and thy bond oun trees of the felne fhall gine their earthly things, he
mayo, which thou halt haue, thall bee of the ruit. ftirreth the minds
heathen that ave round about pou: of them 5. And pour thꝛeſhing ſhall reach vnto to confiderthe
fhall pe buy ferwants and mayds. the vintage, and the vintage thal reach vnto tich treaſures of
45 Aud mozcoucr of the chilazen of the {owing time, and you fall cate pour bꝛead the ſpirituall
firangers,that are lotourners among you,of roe atin and Dwell in pourlande bleſſings.
them thali pe buy, and of thetr families that ately.
are with — they begat in your land: 6 And J wil lend peace in the land, and
t For they fhall thele ſhallbe pour poſſeſſion. e hall fleepe, and* none Wall make pou a- Iob 11,19.
not be bought 46 Do yee hall take them as inheritance raid: alfo 3 t willrid enil beatts out of the $ Ebr. I wileanfe
eut atthe lubile, fo2 pour chtldzen after you, to poſſeſſe them land, and the? (wom Mall not goe thozem the eull beaſt to
by inheritance, pe Wall vſe their labours foz pour lana, ceafe.
tier ; but oner pour bzethzen the chilazen of 7 Gifoye hallchale yourenemies, and b Ye mall hane
3— ſhal not rule one ouer another with they Wall fall before you vpon the fwod. no warre,
crueltiẽ. 8 And fiue of pou hal chale an bundzed, Folh.23.19;
47 (Ff aloiourner o a ſtranger dwelling and an bundzed of pou Wal put ten thouſanð
$ hand by thee t getriches, and thy brother by him to flight, and your enemies fall fall befoze
take hold. pou spon the fwon,
bee impoueriſhed, and (ell himlelfe vnto the
franger 02 (oiourner dwelling uythee, 62 te 9 Fo] wil haue refpect vnto yomand tEbr.
the tocke of the ſtrangers family, make you increale, and multiply pou, and Ynte yok: ~
48 Afterthat beets folde, bee may bee c eftabithh my Couenant with pou. c Performe thas
bought out ; one of his bꝛethꝛen map buy Io De thail cat allo old foze,and carp out which] haue
himont, i old becaule of the new. promiſed.
49 $ þig vncle, o2 his vncles ſonne may Ir *And J will (et my ¢ Cabernacie cæck.37.26.
buy him out, 02 any ofthe kinred of pis fieth among vou, and my fule atl nec lothe 2.cor.6. 16.
among bis family may redeeme him: either yeu. d Iwill be dayly
u Ifhe beable, ifbe can get fo much, pee may buy himlelfe 12 Qlio J will walke among pou, and: preket wath you.
D ut. J me bee your God, and yee yall bee mp
50 Then bee hail reckon with bis buyer people.
ram the peere thatbewas folde tobim, vn- 13 Jam the Lord pout God which baue
to the peere of Jubile : and the monep of his brought pou ont of the land of Egypt that
fale yall bee accozding to the number of + ſhould not be their bondmen, and J bane
x Which tee x yeeres ¢ accordingto thetime ofan hired zoken the © bonds of pour poke an’ made e Thaue fet you
maine yet to the feruant hall be be with him, 3 you goe vpꝛight. at full libertie,
Jubilc. Sl Jf there bee — peeres behinde, at- 14 @* But ik ye will not obey meno: Doe whereas before
cording to them hee all gine againe foz bis all thefe Commandements, _ s ye were as beafts
Deliuerance , of the money that bee was _15 And if pe thal deſpiſe mine ordinances, tied in bands,
bought fo. i eitherifpour foule abbozre mp Lawes, fo Deut.28.15.
§2 Jf there remaine but few peeres buts that ye wil not Do all mp Commandements, lament. a.17.
the peere of Fubile, then he fhall count with but bgeake mp 'Couenant, _ malac.2.3.
Him, and according to bis peres giue againe 16 hen wil F allo doe this vnto pou,F f Which I made-
for bis redemption. will appoint oner pou l fearefulnefle,a con- with you in chum
53 He Mall be with him peereby yeere as fumption, and the burning aguete confume fing you tobe `
an diced feruant ; he ſhall not rule cruelly o» the eves,and make the beart beanie, and pou my people,
y Thou fhalt not uer himin thyy light. fhall ſowe pour ſeede in vaine rfo: pour ene· ||Or,an hastłe
futfer himte in- 54 Andikhe benot redeemed thus , hee mies hall eat tt: plague.
treat bim rige- ali go out inthe peere of Jubile,be and bis 17 And F will fet 2 my face againſt pou, g Reade Chap,
roufly,if thou child2en with him. i and ye fal fal before pour enemies, and thep 17.10,
kzow it. §5 Foꝛ vnto me the childzen of Iſtael are that hate you, hall reigne over pou, *and pee Prou 28.1.
ſeruants: they are mp feruants, whom JJ thal flee when none purſueth pou.
haue bought out of the land of Egypt: FZ 18 And tf pee wil not foz thele things obey
ani the Loo your God. mee, then wil J punih pou * ewen times h That is,more:
moze according to your finnes,- extremely,
19 And Jwill beake the pine of pour
CHAP. XXVI, power, ana 3 willinake pour heauen as ip, i Ye (ball haue
rot,and pour earth as braſſe: ‘ drought and bar⸗
t Fdolatryforbidden. 3 A bleffing to them that 20 And pour ||trength bati bee (pentin rennefie Hague
keepe the Commandemenss. 14 The curfe tothofé paine; neither fhall pour land gine ber ina 10.
sha: breake shem. 42 God promifeth to remem- creafe, neither Mal the trees of theland ging llOr labonr.o
ber hu Couenant. their fruit.
21 ¶ And

and threatnings
for tranſgreſſing ‘Chap. xxvii. “the Law. Ofvowese ga T
k Or, as fome 21 (And if ye walke © ſtubbornly again 40 Then they Hait confelle their iniquis
read, by fortune, me,and will net obep me, J will then being tie, and the wickednelſe of their fathers foz
imputing my feuen times maze plagues bpon pou , acco}. their treſpaſſe,which they haue treſpaſſed a=
plagues to < Ding to your finnes. gaint mee, and allo becaule they haue wale
chance andfor- 22 J will alfo (end wild beafts bpon pot, ken ftubbeznelp againi mee.
tune. = which Hal! fpoile you,and deſtroy pour cate 4I Cherefoze 3 will walke ſtubbornely
1 Ofyour chil- tell, and make pou few in number; fo pour again them, and bring them inte the lana
dren, 2.King. 17. bie ™ wayes (hall-be defolate. of hetr enemies: fo then their vncirceme::
25. 23 Det tf by hele pee will net bee refor fed hearts hall bee humbled, and then they
m Becaufe none med by me, but walk ſtubbornly againſt me, ibali ||willingly beare the punithment of their Or,=preytyfe
fs for thoje
darepaflethere- 24 Then will J allo walke * ſtubbornly iniquitie.
by forfeare of againſt pon, and 3 will {mite pou pet ſeuen 42 ThenZ will remember mp couenant
beatts. tunes foz pout finnes: with Jaakob, Emycouenant alfo with Iz⸗
2.Sam 22.27. 25 And J will lend afword bpon pou,that hak , and allo mp couenant with Abꝛaham
bfal, 26. hall anenge the quarell ofsiy conenant:and will J remember twill remember the land.
when pe are gathered in your cities , F will 43 " The land alfo in the meane feafon fhal u While they
fend the peſtilente among you,and pe walbe beictt of them, ¢ Yall entoy her @abbaths are captiues,and
Deliucred into the hand of the enemie. while the lieth wake without them, but they withour rcpen-
n Thatis, the 26 When F Wall breake the n ttaffe of Mall willingly luffer the punifhment of theit tance,
ftrength,where- pour bread, then ten women Wall bake pour iniquitie, becauſe they deſpiſed my lawes,
by the tifeis fu- beeadinone ° ouen, and thep fall deliver and becaule their foule abbozred mine ordi⸗
-fteined, Ezek. 4, pourbzeadagaine by weight, and pee ſhall nances.
16.and 5.46. catebutnotbelatiftes. 44 Det notwithſtanding this, when th
© Cneouen thal 27 Detifpewill not for this obey me, but ſhall be inthe land of their enue will “Dew. 4-30.
befufficientfor Walke againt me fubboznly, not cat them away , neither wiil Jabhoere 7-11.26.
ten families. 23 Then will J walke ſtubbornely in them, to deſtroy them vtterly, nor to bꝛeake
mine anger againſt pou, and J will allo cha⸗ my couenant with then; foz J am the Loza
—— pou ſeueñ times more accoꝛding to pour their God: :
nnes, 4§ But I will remember foz them the
Deat,28.5 3 29 “And pee alleate the feH of pour *couenant of old, when J brought them out x Madeto their
fonnes, and the fleil of pour daughtevs hail of theland of Egyptin the light ofthe hea forefathers,
pe deuoure. i — that J might be chew God: J am the
30 J wil allo deſtroy pour bie places,and 920. à d

2.Chrom. 34:7. *cut away pour images, and cat pour care 46 Thele ave the ordinances,æthe iudg⸗
lOr carions. ketles vpon the ||bodtes of pour (doles, and Ments,and thelawes, whch the Loyd made
my fule Yall abhozre you. betweene him , and the chtlazen of Jiraclin jy Fifty dayes
31 And J will make pour cities defolate, mount y Hinai, by the hand of Moles. after they came
and bing your Danctuarie vnto nought, out of Egypt.
p Swill not ac- - = not ſmell the ſauour of pour ſweet CHAP, XXVII,
e Of dimers vowes , andthe redemption ofthe
caert yowlari-
your facrifi- NRR
33 Twill allo bring the land vnto a wil-
fame. 28 A thing feparate fromthe vfe ofman
Derneile, andDyourenemies , which Dwell cannot be fold nor redeemed, but remasneth tothe
therein hall be attontihed thereat. Lord,
33 Allo J will (catter you among the hea-
q Signifying, then, anda will daw out a ſwoꝛd after pou, Mome , the Lord ſpake vnto Mofes,
that no enemie and your land Hall be waſte, and your cities aping, i
€an come with- fhallbe defolate. l 2 Speake nto the children of Iſrael,
Gedsfen- 34 Then hall theland ¢ her *Hab-
theland entop and fay pute them , JF any man hall make
dine.edsfen~ saths,as long às it lieth voine, and yee halla⸗ vow ofa perlon vnto the Loud , bp’ thy a As ofhis fonne -
or hisdaughter,
Chap.25,2» be tn pour enemies land : then hall the land eſtimation, i
ret, and entoy her Habbaths. _ 3 Then thy eſtimation Hall bee thus: a b Which art the
35 All the Dapes that it lieth voyd,tthal male from twentie peere old nto firty peere rich.
s Which Icom- Pett, becau® tt did not retin pour t Babe old thal be by thy eftimation euen fifty We- c Readthe value
maundedyouto Baths, when yedwelt vpon ít- kels of ſiluer, after the ſhekel of the Hanc- of the (hekel,
eepe. 36 And upon them that are leftofpon, J] tuaris. Exod. 30, 130
lOr,cowardnege: Will fend euen alfaintnefe inte their hearts 4 But tfit bea female, then the valuati-
in the land of there enemies, and the found On all be thirtie thekels.
of aleafe Haken Hall chalethem, and they 5 And from fiue vere old to twenty yere
f Asif theirene- Mall flee as fleecing from a fwo2d , and they old, the valuation thalbe foz the male twen: d He fpeaketh
miesdid chafe Wall fall, noman purfning them. tie hekels, and toz the female ten hekels. of thofe vowes
_ them, 37 Chev Hali fallalio one vpon another, 6 But from a dmoneth olde vnto fine whereby the fae
as before a ſword,though none purſue them, veere olde, thy price of the male (hall bee fine thers dedicated
and pe fhall not be able to Hand before pour fhekels ot filuer,and the parce of the female, their childrento
' enemies s 5 ie three thekels of filuer, God, which were
t Forafinuch as -38 And pee Wall periſh among the hea· 7 And from ſixtie peere old and aboue,tf not of fuch force
they are culpable then, and the land of pour enemies thalleate he be ainale, then tby patce hall be fitteene buc they might -
oftheir fathers poubp. à ig * fockels,and fo? the female ten hekels. be redeemed
faults,they hall 39 And they that are left of you, hal pine S Butt hee be pover «then thou halt from them.
be punithed as Away foz their tniquitte, ut pour enemies efteemed him, then Hall He prelent himſelfe e ithe be not
wellastheirfa- lands,and fez the iniquitiesof their fathers, befoze the Pꝛielt, and the Piet Mall value able ro pay after
thers, qhall they pine away witht them allo. hun, according tothe abilitie of him that thy valuation,
64 vowed,

The redeemingofthatwhich * 4 Leuiticus. . ; isdedicatedtotheLords
bowed, ©- Mall the Peieſt value jim. Meparate from common vſes: the poſſeſſion I Thatis, which
£ Which is 9 Andificbe a f beat whereof mer ate thereof ſhalbe the Peieſts. * is dedicate to the
cleane, Chap, au ofring vnto the Lozd,all that one ginet 22 Jfa man allo dedicate to the Lorde a Lord withacurfg
BEd. of ſuch vsto the Loꝛd thallhe holy, field which be bath bought, which is not of to him that
10 Wee. hall not alter it no: changeit, a the ground of bis wberttance, doth turne
good fora bad, no: abad fora good: anp tf 23 Then the iek thail ee the price ta it to his private
de change beall foz beatt, then both thts and Dimas * thou eſteemeſt it, vnto the peere of vſe, Num 21.2,
chato which was chaunged fozit tall bee Jubile, and he hall giue m thy price the Same deut.13.15.
g That is conle- & poly, Day,as a thing holy vñto the Lord. ioſh.ↄ9. 17.
crateto the IL And if it bee any vncleane beaſt, of 24, Burin the peeve of Jubile, the fielne Verſ. 12.
Lordes which men Doe not offer a lacrilice vnto the Wall returne vnto bim, of whome it was m The Priefts
es veehall then pacient the beat before bought ; to him, Lfay, whole inheritance the valuation,
the iett, , land was.
12 And the Wiet Hall valucit, whether 25 Andall the valuation thalt bee accoz-
it bee good o} bad; and as thou valuett tt, Dingta the ſhekel of * the Mauctuarp: a thee
which art the Prielt, (o pall it be. Rel tonteineth twenty gerahs.
13 But tfpce willbuy it againe, then bee 26 C *otwithitanding the frk borneof Exod,30,13.
ſhall giue the titt part of tt moze, about thy the beats, becauleitis the Lords Rri bone, numb. 3.476
valuation, : none Rall dedicate fuch , bee it bullocke oz egek. a5. 12.
14 (Allo whena man wall dedicate bis iheepe: for it isthe 2 Loos, Exod.t 3.30
Houle to bee boly vnto the Lode, then the a7 But ik it be an vncleane beaſt, then he and 22.29.
zieſt hallvalucit, whetherttbee good o2 walt redeeme tt by thy valuation, and gine NUMO, 3. 13a
4Ebr. fofhaltit ab, and as the Peieſt Mall paile tt, +10 thall the tift part moze therto: € sf it benot renee- n It was the
fiand. the value be. rey) i ; med, then it Hallbe (old, accogding to thy Lordsalreadie,
I5 Wut tl hee that lanctilied it, will re- eſtimation.
Deeme his Houle , then hee hall giue thereto 28 Notwithſtanding, nothing parate F0fh.6,.49e
the fiftpartof mony moze then thy eſtima· from the common vfe,that a man doth ſepa⸗
tion, and it halbe his. > rate unto the Lezd of all that be bath (whea
16 JE allo a man dedicate tothe Lord a= ther tt be man oz beat,o?land of hts inheri⸗
h Valuingthe np ground of bis inheritance then Malt thou tance) may be ſolde no? redeemed; for euer
price thereof, ac- eeeme ft, according to the b ſeed therof; an thing ſeparate fromthe common vleis aul
cordingtothe . i {pomer of barley (eed thalbe at ſittie thekels Holy puto the Lozd.
feed thatisfow- of fluer. i ; } ? 29 Pathing (eparate fromthe common
en,or bytheieed 17 JE hee Dedicate bis felve immediatly vſe, which fhallbee ſeparate iom man, ſhall
that it doth from the yeere of Jubile, tt Hall be worth as be redeemed, but o Drethe death. o Itthalremaing.
yeeld, thou Doet eſteeme tt. 30 Allo all the tithe of rhe land, both of without redemp-
i Homer isa IS Butit hee dedicate bis field after the the feen of the ground, and of the fruitof the tion,
meaſure contei- Jubile, then the Peieſt hall recken him the - trees ig the Loꝛds:it is holp to the Lod.
ning ten Ephahs: money acca tothe peeres that remaine 31 But ik aman wilt redeeme any of bis
readofEphah, vnto the peere ot Jubile, and it ſhall be abae lithe,be tall adde the r fift part thereto. p Befidesthe va»
Exod. 16.16, 36. ted by thp eſtimation. 32, AnD enery tithe ofbullock,z ofheepe, lue ofthe thing:
Ig. And it be that dedicateth it, will re⸗ aniof all that goeth vnder the arodde, the it felfe, *
Deeme the field, then he hal put the fife part tenth thall be bolp unto the Lord. q aAll that which
of the patce,that thou eſteemedſt it at, theres 33. We hall not looke tf it begoodoꝛbad, is numbred: that
unto, and tt {hall remaine bts. neither ſhal he change it; els ifhe change it, isewery tenth,as
20 And ifhee will not redeeme the Geld, bothit, and that te was changed wityall, he falleth by tale
k Fortheir owne but the Prici x fett the field toanother man, hallbeholy, and it (hall notberedeemed. without excep-
neceffity or god- tt (hal be redeemed no moze, \ 34 Thele are the commandements which tion orrefpe,
Iy Wes. 21 Wut the field Wallbe holptothe LoD, the Lod commaunded by Moles vnto the
when tt goeth out in the Jubile, as a lielde children of Iſrael in mount Sina .

q The fourth booke of Mofes;

called “Numbers. Mo called he⸗
caufe ofthe di
uerfitie and mul-
THE,ARGVM.EN T tipude ofn wna:
“Orafmuch as God hathappointed that his Church in this world {hall be vndee the croffe , both be- brings miich are
|eb they (hould Jeane not to put their truſt in worldly things, andalfo feele hiscomforr, when here chiefly come.
allotherhelpe faileth: he didnot {teaightway bring his people after their departure out of Egypt, in- teined,beth of
to the land.which be promiſed them: but led them toand fro, forthe fpice.of fortie yeeres, and kept mens names and
them in continuall exercifes, before they enioyed it, to trie their faith, and to teach themto forget the places.
worldand to dependon him. Which eryall did greatly profit ta difcerne the wicked andthe hypo-
crites from the faith full and true feruants of God, who ferued him with pure heart, whereas the other,
preferring their carnall affe@ionsto. Godsglory , and making religion to ferue their purpofe, murmus,
red when they Jacked to contenctheir Infts, and defpifed them whom God had appointed rulers ouer
them. By reafon whereof they prouoked Gods terrible indgements againft them, and are ferfoorthas.
amoft notable example for all ages to beware how they abuſe Gods word, preferretheis owne. luftes
rahis willjor deſpile bis.minifters, Notwithftanding Godis aaan i
~ The rulerstake the number ofall that wereablerobeare weapons. 53
by his holy Spirit, thar either they fall not to fuch mconweniences,orels returneto him qnickly by true
repentance: and therefore he continueth his praces toward them , he giueth thesordinances and in-
uGtions,afwell for religion as outward policie: hee preferueth them againft all craft and confpiracte,
Sagiueththem manifold victories againſt their enemies. And to auoide all controwerfies that might
arife, bee taketh away the occafions, by diuiding among all the tribes , boththe land which they had
e + Wonne,and that alfo whiehhehad promiled,asfecmed beftto his godly wifedome.
CHAP. I. fathers , accoꝛding te the numder of their
2 Mofes and Aaron with the twelue princes of names,man bp man,cuerpenale from twen⸗ :
the tribes are commanded of the Lorde to number tie yeere old and aboue, as many as fient lOr, ds were able
them that are able to goetowarre, 49 The Le- foo2th te warte ; 80 beare Weapons,
uites are exempted for the feruiceof the Lord. 21 The number of them, | fayoFthe tribe
5 <
~~ ine Lom (pake againe vnto of Reuben,was ire and fortie thouſand, and
> Moles in the wubernefic of fiue hundreth. r ;
. a Inthat place mG) Ae *Hinai, inthe Cabernacte 22 EDF the onnes of Simeonby their t Simeon,
ofthe wilderncfle Ae)! oye of the Congregation, inthe generations by thetr famtlies,& by the hou⸗
that was neere to nw, CA — firit day of the > fecond mo- tes of their fathers, thefumme thereofbp the
mount- Sinai. ; nethiinthe lecond peereafter number of ther names , manby man, ener
b Which coatai- they were come ont of the inale from twenty ycere old and aboue, a
neth part of landofEgypt , faving, that went foozth to warre:
April and part 2 * Cake peethe lumme of ail the Con: 23 Che ſiunme of them, Gy, ofthe tribe
ot May. gregation of the chilpzen of Iſraei, atter of Simeon was nine and fifty thoufand, and
Exod.30.1 Ze their famtlies,and houſholos of their fathers three hundzeth. :
with the number oftheirnames : to wit, all 24 E Df the fonnes of t Gad by their t Gad.
$Ebrby their the males, man by man: generations , by their families, and by the
beads, 3 From twenty peere old and aboue, alt honſes of their fathers , accozding to the
that gae foozth te the warzcin Plrael, thon number of their names, from twenty peere
and Aaron thall number them, thzoughout olde and aboue , all that went fooztl te
their armies.
e Thatis, the E Gnd with you Wall be: men ofenerp 25 The number ofthem, Iay, okthetribe
chiefe(t man of tribe, ſuch asare the peades of the boule of of Gad was fiue and foztie thouland
and fire
tuer tribe. their fathers. - dundzeth and fifty. j
5 a nd thefe are the names of the men 26 € Déthe formes of + Judah bytheir t Iudis
d Andaffiftyou that hall d tand with pou, of the tribe of generations , bp their families, and by the
when ye number. Reuben, Elizur the tonne of Shedeur : boules of their fathers , accozding to the
che people, sie a Pel Dhelumiel che fonne of number of theirnames, from twentie yeere
urthaddat: = and abou , all that went fospth to.
7 DE Judah, Nahſhon the forme ofJm- arre:
minadab ab. . 27 The number of them, I fay,of the tribe
8 ot Bachar, Methanecl, the ſonne of of Judah was chacefcore and fourteene thone
3 fand and fire hundreth.
9 DfZcbulun,Cliadb, the fon of Helon: 28 @ DF the onnes of F JMlachar by * Iffachar,
-10 DE the childrenofJoleph: of Ephza- their generations, by their families , and by
im, Eliſhama the ſon of Anunthud: of a= the poules of their fathers, accozding ta
naileh, Gamliclthe ſonneofPedahzur: the nuniber of their names, from twentie
IT OE Beniamin, Abivan the tonne of ee olde and abour,all that went foozth to’
@ideont : } arte:
— Dan, Ahie ʒer the ſonne ofAmmi⸗ 29 The number of them alfo ofthe tribe.
ofMachar was foure and Gfty chouſand and
3 DESHet, Pastel thelonneok Otran: foure hundzeth.
14 DE Gad; Eliazaph thelon of Deut. 30. @ DF the fonnes-of t Febulun by t Zebulun: .
Is OF Maphtalt, Adira the ſonneof G» their generations,by their families ,andby’
nan. the houles of their fathers, accosding te’
16: Thele were famous in the Congre! the numberof their names, from twentte
e Or,capraines: gation, ¢pzinces of the tribes of thew: fa peereold and aboue all that went koorthto
and goucrnours, thers,and heads ouer thoulands in Iſrael. trer `
_ 17 €Then: Moles ¢Aaron tooke theſe 30 The numberof them aloof thetribe
men which are expreſſed bytheirnaines, of Zebulun was ſeuen and fifty theuſand
18 And they tailed allthe Congregation foure hundreth.
together, tm the firftday of the fecond mo) 32 ¶ Oktheloanues of Joſeph, namely of
f. In thewing: neth , who Declared f their kinreds by their thefounesof Ephꝛaim bp their generati + Ephraim:
man his famitkes, and by the boufesof their fathers, ons, bytheir familics, and by the houſes of
- tribe,and his an- accozding to the number of their names their fathers, accozdiug to the number of
cefters, from twenty peere olde and aboue, man by their names, from twenty peere old and a>
man. boue,all that went foorth to warte:
19 Gs the Loyd had commanded Dols, Sutin numberof themalfoof the tribe
OORE HUNDER then inthe wilderneſſe of of Ephꝛaim was fostiethonfand ¢ fue buns
+. Thefeare the inat. D etl.
wames of the 20 E Go were the fonnes of t Reuben: 34: @DE the ſonnes of + Wanaflehby +Manahets .
awelue tribes,as J ~elaet fonne by their: generations, their generations , bythetr families and fp’
rkt of Reuben, iaciate aaan the joules of thg the houles oftheir: fathers, spies’ 2
Thenumberof allthat went to warrẽ· Numbers. The order ofthe tents with thie
the number of their nameg , from twentie their tents,cuerp man tn bis campe, aud ee
poenold and abouc, all that went foorth to uery man under bis ſtandard thoughout
artez their armies, i *
35 The numberof chem alfo of the tribe 53 But the Leuites ſhall pitch round ae
of Manaſſeh was two and thirty thouſand —* the —— of theecon 3
and two bundzeth. engtance icome vpon the Congregation i Bysorkauin
$ Beniamin. 36 E WE the fonnes oft Beniamin by ofthe chtlazen of Iſrael, and the Lenites Posse EnA
Fay See ee by their families, and by fail take the charge of the Tabernacle of Taberaacle of
)e boules of their fathers, accozding to the Teſtimonie. the Lord,
the number of their names, from twentie 54 Do the children of Ilrael did accoz-
pa old and aboue , all chat went foozth to Ding to all that the Lod had commaunned
arre: TTE : Poles: lo Di they.
37 The number of themalfo of the tribe CHAP, II
of Beniamin was fiue and thirty thoufand 2 The order of the Tents , and the names ofthe
and foure bundzeth. i Captaines ofthe Iſtaelctes. ;
{t Dan. 38 ¶ Okthelonnes off Dan by their ge⸗ AS the Lord pake vnto Moles, and to
nerations,by their families, & by the houſes Aaron, laying,
af their fathers, according to tize numberof 2 *Eucep man of the childzen of Ilrael * Inthetwelue
their nameg . from twentp peere old ¢ about, fhall campeby his andard,& vnder the en> tribes were foure
ail that went faozth to warre: +i figue of their fathers boule: farre off about principal fan-
39 The number of them alo of the tribe the Cabernacle of the Congregation Mall dards, © that e-
of Dan was theeelcoze and two thouſand they pitch. uery three tribes
and ſeuen pundzeth. g 3 Onthe Cak Ade toward the rtfing of bad cher ftan-
¢ Ather. 40 EDE the fonnes of t Afherby their the funne, thal they of the Tandard of the dard.
generations,by theit families,& by the hou- holteof Judah pitch according to thete ar-
tes of their fathers, according to the number. mies, Œ Mabivon the fonne of Amminadab
of their names , From twenty peere olde ana fhail bet captaine ofthe founes of Judah. lOr, princ:lo
aboue,ali that went foorth to warre: 4 Ano gis holte and the number of them
4l The number of themalf of the tribe eas— and foure thouſand, and fire
of Aher wasone and fozty thouſand,
and fiue undzeth.
hundzeth. : §_ Mort vnto him Hall they of the tribe Tudah, Iſſa⸗
t Naphtali. 42 CDE KHhechilozetroft Maphtaliby t st Iſſachar pitch, and Nethaneel thefonne char,
their generations, by thety families , and by ctee thall be the Captaine of the lonnes of lun theandfonnes
the boules of their fathers, according to the achat.
number of their names, from twenty yeere 6 And his holte, and the number there- Leah were of the
ald and aboue all chat went tothe warre : —— * and fiftp chouland , and foure firit ſtandard.
43 The number of them alfo of the tribe undzeth.
of Naphtali was theee ¢ ufty choufand and 7, Then the tribe ofSebulun, and Eliab
foure hundzeth. f the fonne of elon, captaine ouer the ſonnes
lOr fullcounto 44 Thele are the | fummes which Ioe of Zebulun:
fes and Aaron numbzed , and the princes of 8 And his hoſte, and the number thereof
Iſrael. the twelue men, which were euery feuen ae — Pager g —
one foz the houle oftheir fathers, 9 The whole number of the hofteo :
45 $e this was all che fumof the fonnes Judah are an bundzeth fourefcore ana fire ©,O eemwhich
fron thoufand and foure bundzeth, according to ynder that name.
of Fitacl,by the houles of their fathers,
twenty peere olde and aboue, all that went their armies: thep fall firtt ſet foorth.
tothe warre in Iſrael, 10 CDn the louth fide halbe the ſtandard
46 And al they were in number fire bhun- of the hoite of * Reuben — to their d Reuben and
mutt and thzee thouland, fue hundreth and armies, and the captaine ouer the ſonnes of Simeon the
te. Reuben halbe Elizur the nne of Vhedeur. fonnes of Leah,
47 But the Leuites, after the tribesof 11 And his bofte, and the number thereof and Gad the
Fy. Fathers were not numbed among fire and forty thoufand and fiue hundzeth. _ronne ofZilpah
g Which were g thei. 12 And by him hall the tribe of Simeon her maid, were
warriours , but 48 Foꝛ the Lord had ſpoken vnto Mo · pitch, and the captaine ouer the fonnes of of the fecond
were appointed fes,and ſayd 8 — thal be Hhelumniel the ſonne of Su» Nandard.
to the vfe of the 49 Duly thon Halt not number the tribe riſhaddai:
Tabernacle, of Leni, neither take the ſumme of them as 13 AnD his hoſt, and the number of them,
mong the childzen of Iſrael: f nine and fifty thoufand and three hundzeth.
50 Butthou hale appoint the Lenites 14 Ann the tribe of Gad, ¢ the captaine
puer the Tabernacle of the Teſtimony, ann oner the fannes of Gad thall be Eliafapy the
ouer all the inſtruments tyerof,and ouer all forne of ||Deuel lOr, Renek
things that belong to tt: they Wall beare the I5 And bis hoſte and the number oF them
Gabernacle,and allthe initruments theres were fine and fortie thoufand, fire bundzeth
$ Ebr. campeo of, and fhall minifter in tt, and hali + Dwell and fiktie.
round about the Tabernacle. 16 All the number ofthe campe of Reus
51 And when the Tabernacle goeth forth, ben were an hundzeth tone and fiftie thous
ghe Leuites Wall take it downe: and when fand , and foure hundzeth g fiftte according
he Tabernacle is te be pitched, the Leuites to their armies, and they thal (et forth in the
h Whofoeuer is fhall-let it vp : fo? the8raunger that com fecond place.
not of the tribe meth neere,halbe Raine, 17 @Chen the Tabernacle of ýCongres
of Leui, 52 Alethe childzen of Ilrael Mall pitch gation Mal gog with the hoſte of the aiiai
SS Ls! ll —_— e —

ſeuerall number ofeuery hofte. cChap.iii. The Lewites chargeand Office. 54

e Becaufe it inthe mids of thecampe as they batre pit- 3. Thek are the names of the ſonnes of
might be in e- ched, fo all they goe forward, euery man in Aaron the anopnted Peieſts, whi Mofes Bid
- qualldiftance his order accozding to their ſtanderds. * confecrate to minifter in the prieſts office. €xod.28. 3.
from each one, - 18 A£ The anderd of the campe ofE⸗ 4 * And Madaband Abihu died > before Leuit.10. 1,2.
and all indiffe- piain hll bee toward the cAeſt accosding the Lord. wien they offered “trange fire be- chap. 26.6 I.

rently hauc tes to their armies: and the captaine ouer the fore the Lod tn the wildernes of Dinat,and 1.chron.24,2-
courfe there- fennes of Ephraim Mall bee Elithama the ad no childzen: but Eicazar an’ Jryamar b Or, before the
umo, fonne of Aimethuds tued in the Pictes office tu the < fightof Altar.
f Becaufe Ephra- 19 And his hot and the number of them Aaron their father. Leuit.10.1,%.
imand Manaſſeh were forty thouland and flue hundred. § Then p Lo tpake puto Moles Laying, € Whiles their
fupplied the place 20 Antby him bale the tribe of Wanaf- 6 Bring thetribe of Leni, and ¢ ſet them father liucd.
of Iofeph their feb, & the captaine ouer y fonnes of Manaſ⸗ befoze Aaron the Pꝛieſt, that they map ferue d Offerthem
father,they are feh balbe Gamliel the fonne of Pedahzur: bun, ynto Aaron for
taken to be Ra- 21 And his hofte and the number of them 7 And take the charge with him, enen the vſe of the
hels children: fo were two ¢ thirty thouland two hundred. the charge ofthe whole Congregation, ebe- Tabernacle,
they and Benia- 22 And the tribe of Bentamim, and the toze the Gabernacle of the Congregation, e Which apper-
min make the captaine oucr the ſonnes of Beniamin thalbe to Do the fernice ofthe Tabernacle, — teined to the ex»
third ſtanderd. Abldan the onne of Gidtont: 8 hey hall alto kecpe all the inſtru⸗ ecuting of the
23 And dis hoff, and the number of them ments ofthe Cabernacle of the Congrega hie Priefls com-
were liue thirty thoufand & foure bundacd, ton, and haue the charge of the childzen of mandement,to
24 All the number. of the campe of E⸗ Iſrael te Do tie ſexuice of the Cabernacies the oucrfight of
phzatm were an hundꝛed and eight choufana 9 And thou Walt give the Leuites vata the people,and
and one hundred accozding to their armics, Aaron andto bis'founes : forrhey ave giuen to the ſeruice of
and thep thal gue inthe third place. bun freely from among the chiidze of Iael. the Tabernacle.
g Ban & Naph- 25 @The ttanderd of p hott of s Dan thal 10 nù then ait appoint Aaron and bts f Aarons fonnes
tali tke fonnes bee foward the Mozth accozDing to their ar- fonnes to egecute their pziefts office: and the the Priefts ferued
of Bilha Rahels mies; ¢the captatneouer y children of Dan stranger that commeth neere, Halbe Raine. in theSanQuary
mayd, with A- thalbe Ahie zer the fonne of Ammiſhaddai: P II C Gifo the Loz ſpake tnta Woles, in praying for the
fher the fi f 26 And bis bolt,and rhe numberof them aymg, ptople,and offers
Zilpah makethe Were two ana theceleoze thousand and feucn 12 Hehold,F haucencn taken the Leuites ing facrifice: the
fourth tanderd, bundred. from among the childzen of Iſrael: fez ali Leuites ferned
27 And by him ſhall the tribe of Aver the firit Bone that openeth the matrice a> for the inferiour
tch and the captaine ouer the fonnes of mong the childzen of Iſrael and the Leuites vies of the fame.
ther thalbe Pagiel the fonne of Deran. albe mine, ; g Any that would
28 And his hoſt, and the number of them 13 Wecaule al the firftborne are mine: foz mipifter , not bga
were owe forty thoufand and fue hundred. the tame Day that3 mote alt the firt borne ingaLewite, `
29 ¶ Then the tribe of Mapytall,and the inthe tand of Egypt.* J fanctified vnto me Exod.i 3.1,
taptaine oner the childꝛen of NRaphtali hall all the firt boine tn Jirael, both man and 404 34.39.
be Ahira the fonne of Cnan: beat : mine Hall they bes ¥ amthe Logo, leun.27. 26.
30 And bis hoft,and the number of them 14 € Moꝛeouet, the Lord ipake vnto Mo⸗ chap.3.16,
were thiee € fifty thouland æ foure hundzed. fes inthe wilderne fit of Sinai. faying, bake 2,232
31 All the number of the holt of Dan was Ig lumber the chiidzen of Leni afterthe
an hundzed and ſeuen and fiftie thouland honis of their fathers, tn their families tte
and fire hundzed: thep Hall goe hindmok Nery male from a moncth olde ¢ aboue Halt
with their Handerds. à thor number.. D
h Which were 32 EAbele are the * ſummes of the chil- 16 Chen Moſes niidzed them accoraing
oftwenty yeeres Bren of Jael by the houles of their fathers, to y w020 of the Lord,ashe Was comanded.
aboue. all the number of the po, accozding to ther 17 Aud thele were the fonnes of Leniby
armies, fir hundred and thee thouſand, fueg their names, * Geron, and Kohath, any Gene. 46, 1n-
hundzed and fiftte. exod, 6.36.
33 But the Lenites were not numbred a- 13 Allo thete are pnames of the fonnesof chap.26.§ 7a-
mong the children of Iſraelasthe Lod had Gerſhon by their families ; Libnie Shimei, 1 .chrou.6.¥s
commanded Soles, 19 he enues alo of Bobath by their and 23.6.
i For vader eue- 34 Aud the childacn of Iſtael Dia atto- — Amram, and Jzehar, Demon and
y oneofthe mng to ali that the Lard had commaunded *sel.
oure principal Woles: fo they pitched according to their20 Gnd the fonnes of Merari by their:
flanderds were i ftanderds, and lo tep iournexed euery one families: Mahli and Muſhi. Chele are the
diuers fignes to with bis families, accoꝛding to the houſes families of Leni, accoing to che houſes oc
keepe every band of thelr fathers. thet fathers.
im order. CHAP. TI 21 Df Gerfhen came the familie of the
6 The charge and office ofthe Lewites. 12. 75 Libnites and the familie of the Shimeites:
Why the Lord feparated the Leuites for hynfelfe, thefe are thefamilies of the Gerfhouttes.
16 Their number, familzes and captasmes. 40° Tle’ 22 The fumme whercof (rafter the num· H Onely mms
frf born ofFfrael ss redeemed by the Leustes, 47. ber of all the males from a meneth olde and bring the male’
The owerplusss redeemed by meney. ~ —— countet ſeuen thouland and fiue: chikiren,
a Or,families - T alfo were the * generations of Aas: hede: it
and kindreds. ronand Moſesin the Bay that the Lord 22 CShe familtes of ý Gerfhonites Hall.
{pake with Moles in Pount Sinat. pitch behind the Tabernacle CHeftmard, ~

2 GHothele are the names of the Onnes- 24 The captaine t ancient of the houle Il Or, fiker-
Eroh 6.235 of Aaron,* Nadab the firlk bong, and Abi- ofrheeeibonites halbe Clialaph the ſonne
hu.Claaar, and Ithamar. 5 *
25. And

~The Leuites feuerall charges. Numbers. The firft bornenumbred andredeeined.

25 And thecharge ofthe ſonnes of Gere uites for all the tirſtbogne of the cattel ofthe
fon in the tabernacie of the Congregation childzen of Pltact.
i The charge (balbe the Tabernaele,
ann the pautiton,the 42 And Molete numbu as the Lord
wasta cary che coueriug thereof, and the vaile ofthe Danze commaunded him, all che tiré vone of the
couctings and of tie Tabernacle of the Congregation, chilozen of Afrael.
hangings of the 26 And the bangingof the courtandthe 43 And all the irk borne males rehear·
Tabernacle, Haile of the dooze of the court whichis neere fed bp name(Froma moneth old tabone) ace
the Cabernacie, and neere the Aitarroundé coding to theit number were two twenty
about, and the codes of it fozallebeeruice thoulant, two hundreth feuenty and theec.
thereof. 44 ¶ And the Lom ſpake onte Moles,
27 And ok Kobath came the famity of faping,
the Amramites,
; and the family of the Jize 45 Tarake the Lenttes foz al the firt boone :
Harttes,€the family ofthe Hebronites, and of the childzen of Plrael, and the cattell of
the family ofthe Csstelites : thel are che the Leuites for their cartell, ana the Leuites
families of the Robathttes, thalbe mine, Jam the Loz) mt
28 The number of allthe males froma © 46 And for the redeeming of the two hun:
moneth olde and abone, waseight thoufand deech fenenty and thee, (which are mo ther
k Doing euery>> and fice hundrzeth, hauing the* chargeofthe the Leuites)
ofthe Grit borne of the children
one his duety in Sanctuary: of Iſrael.
the Sanctuary 29 The kamilies ok the founesofkobath 47 Chou alt allo take Rue thekcls foz
bal pitch on thelourh fide of thetabernacie, euerpperion: atter che weight ofthe Hanc-
30 GDiecaptainet ancient of the houſe, tuary thait thou take it * the thekel contei Exod, 30.1 3.
and families of the Kohathites halbe Eltza⸗ vethtwentygerahs. — lewit.17.25.
phan thetonne of Cizstet : J— 48 And thou Walt giue the money, wher: chap.8.1 6,
I The chiefe 31 And their chargethalbe the! Arke,and with the odde number of them is redeemed, CXR 4501 Be
things within the Table, and the Candletticke,and theale vnts Aaron and to bisfonnes.
the Sanctuary tars, and the inſtruments of the Sanctuary 49 Thus Moies tooke the redemption
werecommitted that they miniſter with, and the vaile, and of them that were redeemed, being mother
‘tothe Koba- all that ferneth thereto. the Leuttes: :
thites, 32, And Cleazar the fonneof Aaron the 50. DE the qfirt borne of the chilmenof q Of thetwo
llOr prince of lie thalbe ſchicke captaine ofthe Leuttes, Jiraeltooke ke the money: cuen a thouland hundred ſeuenty
princes, auing the ouertight of them that haue the theee hundrech theecitare and Aue thekels af⸗ and three which
charge of the @anctuary. ter the thekel ofthe Sanctuarp. were morethen
33 @ DE Merari came the family ofthe sr And Moles gane the money of them the Leuites,
Mahlites, andthe family of the uites; Chat were redeemed , vnto Aaron and to bis
thele are the familics of Herari. fonnes, according tothe word of the Lo: ag
34 Andthehumneofthem, according to the Lod had commansed Woles:
the number ofall the males, froma monety C HAP, IHL
olde and aboue, was fire thoufand anu two 5 The offices of theLeuites, when the hoſte re-
hundzeth. ms⸗ↄued. 46 The number of the three families of
35 The captaine and the ancient ofthe Kobath,Gerfhou,and Merars.
howe of the families of Metari halbe Zuritel, A the Lod (pake vnto Poles, andto a TheLenites
the fonne of Abihail: they hall pitch en the Saron, aping; j ; were numbred
Noꝛrth five otche Tabernacle. 2. Take the fume of the fonnes of Ro- after three forts:
36 And in the charge aud cuſtody ofthe- hath fromamong the tonnes of Leut , after firit at a moneth
wm The wood: fonnesof Werarithallbe™the boards ofthe thetrfamitics,and houlesofthetr fathers, old:when they
worke and the Tabernacle, and thebarresthereof, andhis 3 From thirty pere ol andaboue,cuen were confecrate
re(tofthe inftru- pillars,and his fockets,¢althetuitruments vntill fifty peere olde, all that enter into the to the Lord, nexe:
ments were Come thereof und all thatferucth thereto, affembip to Do the wozke in the Tabernacle at 25.yeeres old
mitted to their 37 WAlith the pillars ofthe court round a=- ofthe Congregation. when they were
charge, bout, with their fockets, and their pinnes 4 This albe the officeofthe ſonnesof appointed to
n That none and theirens, < Kohath in the Tabernacle of the Congre- feruein the Ta-
fhould enter into 38 @ Allwon the forefront ofthe Taber: gation about the Holieſt ofall. : bernacle,and at
the Tabernacle nacle toward the Galt, before the Tabernae · ¶ Mhen the hotte remoneth, then Aa- 30yeere old,to
contrary to Gods cle, I fay, of the Congregation Eaſtward, ronand his onnes {hall come take Downe bearethe bur»
appointment. falt Moles € Aaron and hisfonnespitch, othe couering vaile, and (hal couer the Arke- dens of the Ta⸗
o Sothatthe hanuing the charge ofthe Sanctuary, "and ofthe Teſtimony therewith. bernaele
Aart borne of the the charge ofthe childgen of Iſraelt butthe 6. Aundtheyfhall. putthereona covering hWhich diui·
children of Ifrael ranger that commeth neere, Halbe latte. of badgers ſkinnes, and hall ſpread vpon it ded the Sanctua·
_ were moc by 39 The whole Amune of the Leuites, acloth altogether of blew fitke , and put to ry from the ho- verſe 43- which Moles g Aaron numbzed at the com · ·che barres thereof: : i lieſt ofall.
fp So that now mandementof the Lod thoꝛowout their fa. 7 And bpon the * table of Shew bread: c Thatis,put
the Leuits fhould. milies, cuen all the males from a moneth old , they Wall (pread a cloth of bicw. filke , € put them vpon their
fatisfie vnto the and abote, was two and twenty thonfand. —thercon the diſhes, and theincefecups , and: fhoulders to cary
Lord for the fisft40 And the Lorn (aid onto Woles,fQunt> goblets, and couetings
toconer ft 4 wich, -it: for the bars of
borne of Ifrael, ber all the firit borne that are malesamong’ and thebsead fhalbe thereon continnallp: the Aketo *
fauefor the 273, the chitozen of Piraci, from a moneth old 8 And they hall ean vpon them aro neuerberemo=- ©
which were moe aboue, and take the number of thett uames. nering of (carlet, and.couer the fame with a ued, Exod.25.15.
then the Lenites, 41 Ano thou thalt take the Lenttestome couering ofbadgers {kinnes, and put tothe. Exod.2 5.30.
for whom tbiey p forall the firt borne ot the chilagen of barres thereof. id Meaning,to
Meant ~
paycd money. cael (Jam the Lord ) € the cattel afthebe- o Chen they Hattaken cloth aiii tena the bread,
ie eee ee ee ee ee ee

The Leuites feuerall charges. Chap. iiii. Theirnumberby their families. 55

Exod.25 31. and coner the *candletticke of light with tle of the Congregation :
Exod25 38. bis lamps and bis {nuffers , “and pis fnufies 26 The curtaines allo of the Court, and
Dilhes,and all the ople veſſeis thereof, which the vaile of the entring in of the gate of the
they occupie about tt. F Court,Pwhich is neere the Tabernacle and p Which Coure
Io Ho they thal put it,and all the inftrue neere the Altar round about, with their compafled both
ments thereof in a coucring of Wadgers cordes, and ali che intruments fo? their fer the Tabermacle
€ The Ebrew ſkinnes,
and put it vpon the « barres, uice, and ali that is made foz them ; fo hail of the Congrega-
word fignifieth II Allo vpon the golden faltar they wall they (crue. tion and the
an inftrument ſpzeas a cloth of blue filke,and couer it with 27 Atrhecommandement of Saronand Altar of bumt
madeoftwo a couering of Badgers ſkirmes, and put to bis tonnes, Mall allthe (eruice of the fonnes offring.
ftaues or barres. the barres thereof. } ofthe Gerihonites be done,inall thet chars
f Which wasto 12 And thep thal take all the intruments ges, andin all their ſeruice, and ye hall ap»
burne incenfe, of the intntiterte wherewith they minifter in point them to keepe all their charges. —
Read Exod. 30.1. the Danctuarp, and put chem in a cloth of 23 This is the fernice of the familiesof
blue tilke , and cover them with a couering the onnes of the Gerfyonites in the Taber-
of badgers (kins , Eputthem onthe barres. nacleofthe Congregationand their watch q Vader the
13 Ailo thep hall take away the abes hall be under the 3 hand of Ithamar the charge and outre
g Oftheburne - ee thes altar, and {pread a purple cloth foune of Aaron the ziet. fight,
ofring. ponti, 29 ¶ Chou wale number the fonnes of
14 And fhall put vpon itall the infiru- Merart by their familtes, and bp tye houles
ments thereot, which they otcupte about tt s oftheir fathers:
tye centers, the flethyooks,and the belomes, 30 From thirtie yeere olde and abone, e⸗
and the baling, evenall the intruments of uen vnto fiftie peere olde Malt thon number
the altar, aud they Hall ſpread vpon it aco thent,
allthat enter into the affembly, to doe
uering of badgers ſkinnes, and put tothe the leruice of the Tabernacle of the Cons
barres of it. i gtegation, $
15 And when Aaron and bis onnes haue 31 And this ts their office and charge acs
h That is, in fol- mane an end of coucring the e Sanctuarie, coding to all their feruice inthe Taberna.
ding vp the aad all the inſtruments of the Manctuary, cle of the Congregation: the *beads of the Exod, 26.350
_ things ofthe San- at the remooutng of the holte afterward the Tabernacle with the barres therof, and his
Quary , asthe * ſonnes of Rohati Wall come to beare tt, but pillars ana bis fockets,
Arke &c. they that not ‘touch any poly ching, leaſt thep 32 And the pillars round about the Court,
i Before it be co- Die. Chis is the charge of the (onnes of Ro» with their fockcts, and their pinnes, and
uered. hath tn the Cabernacie of the Congregatt- their cords, with alt their inftruments, euen
on. foz all their ſeruice: and by name pee hall r Yefhall make
16 € And to the office of Eleazar the fon reckon the inſtruments of their office and an inyentorie of
of Aaron the Pꝛieſt pertaineth the oile foz the chatge. ; all the thinges
Exod, 30.34 35. light, and the* fweet incenfe, @ the * dayly 33 This is the leruiceof the families of which ye commit
k Which was meat offering, and the * anotnting ople,with the fonnes of Merari, according to all their to their charge,
otfered at mor- the ouerſight of all the Tabernacle, andof ferutce in the Tabernacle ofthe Congrega
ming& cuening. all that thereints, both inthe Manctuarte, tion vnder the hand of Ithamar the onne
Exodi 3.23525 and in all the inttruments thereof. of Aarsu the Piet.
17 Q And the Lorde pake unto Boles, 34 @ Chen Mors and Aaron andthe
and to Aaron , faping, | edi of the Congregation numbzcd the
] Committing 13 De alinor?! cut offthetribe ofthe fa- nnes of the Kohathites,by their families
by your negli- milies of the Mebathites from among the aud by the boules oftheir Fathers,
gence that the Leuites: 35 From thirtie peere olde and aboue, eo
koly things bee I9 ut thus Doe vnto them, that they uen vnto fiktie yeere olde, all that cuter inte
not well wrap- may line and not Die, when they come neere the affembly fo? the fernice of the Taberna-
ped,and fo they tothe moft holythings: let Aaron and his cleofthe Congregation.
by touching fonnes come and appoint ™ them, cucry one 36 Ho thet numbers ofthem throughout 1dr. thenwi
ehcreof , periſh. to hisoffice,and to his charge. their families were two thouland beuen ored of shert,
m Shewing what 20 But let them not goe in, tolee when hundzed and Gftie.
part every man the Danctuary is folden vp, leat they die. 37 Chele are the numbers of the famt⸗
shal] beare, i 21 @ And the Lowe fpake vnto Moſcs, lies of the Kobathites , all that ferne tn the
aping, @abernacle of the Congregation, which
22 Take allo the ſumme of the ſonnes of Moles &€ Aaron did number accordingto —
Gerihon, euery one by the boulesof ther fa- the cõmandement ofthe Lord by the f hana fGodappointing
thers thzoughout thet families: of Moles. Mofes to be the
n Which were 23 From thirtie peeve old and aboue, vn- 38 Allo the numbers of the ſonnes of Øer- minifter andexe-
recejued into the tiltiftie yeere old ſhalt thou munber them, mon thꝛeughout their families and houſes cutorthercof.
company of them all that *entcrinto the aſſembly foz to doe oE tbeir fathers, —
that miniftred in fernice in the Cabernacle ef the Congrega- 39 From thirtie peere old and bpward,
the Tabernacle tton. tuen vnto ftic peeve old: all that enter inte
ofthe Congre- 24 This ſhalbe the ſeruice of the families the affembiy,foz the feretee of the Tabernae
gation. ofthe Serihontces,to ſerue and to beare. cle ot the Congregation, }
o Which vaile rO Thep hall beare the curtaines of the 40 Sothe numbers of them by their fa>
hanged betweene ` Tabernacle, tye Cabernacte of the Con- milies , and by the houſes of their Fathers.
the SanGuary gregatien his couering, and the couering of were two thoulandiize hundzeth aud thir⸗
and the Court, badgers ſkinnes, that ts on hte bpon it, tie.
and the valle of the opoo of tye Taberna⸗ 4I Thek are the numbers ofthe air
The leprous and polluted. Numbers. Thelawofieloufie.
t Which were of of thefonnes of Gerſhon: of all that "div 9 And euery ofering of all the d boly d Or,things of -
Competent age fernice mi the Tabernacle of the Congrega. things of the chtldzen of Iſrael, which they fred to the Lord,
to ferue therein, tion, whonie (Boles and Aaron did numi- bing vnto the Piet hall be * bis. as firft Fruits Sc,
that is, berweene uy — to the commandement of the Io Andeuerp mans halowed things hall Leuit. 10.13.
thirty and fifty. ord. be his: tharis, whatloeucr any man gtueth
42 C Che numbers allo of the families the Peielt,itwall be hts.
ofthe fonnes of Merari by tiete families, ü Il @And the Lord ſpake vnto Woks,
' and by the houles of their fathers, aping,
43 From thirtie peere old and bpward, 12 Speake vnto the children of Prael, €
euen vnto fittie peere old:all that enter inta fay bute them, Itany mans wife e turne to e By breaking
the affembly foz the ſcruice of che Taberna⸗ eutll, andcommit a trefpatte againtt bims the band of mae
tle of the Congregation. 13 Bo that another man lie with her riage,and playi
44 So the numbers of them by their fa» fleihly, and it be hid from the cies of her huts the lo ms
sa tes were thee thoufand and two hun⸗ band, ana kept clole, and pet thee be defiled,
geth. and there be no witnes agatnil her, neither
45 Theſe are the ſummes ofthe families fpe taken with tge manen, j
of rhe onnes of $Berart , whem Woles and 14 tHE hebe mooued with a ielous mind, tSbr.ifthe pire
Aaron sunnb20ed accozding to the comman: {o that pee is ielousouerhis wife, which is of teloufie come
Dement of the Loz by the hand of Moſes. defiled , o if be haue a ielous minde , lo that upon hua,
46 So ali the numbers of the Leuites, be is telous ouer bis wife, which is not Defi:
which Moles, and Garon, and the princes Wd 9
sf Iſxrael numbzed by thew families € bp the Ig Then Hall the man bring his wife ta
u Whofoeuer of houlegoftheir fathers, the Pꝛieit, and bring her offering with her,
the Leuites that 47 Fram thirty peeve oldeand vpward. the tenth part ofan Ephah of barley meale,
had any manerof euen to ſiftie peere old , eucry one that came bat be hall
not powze fople vpon it, noz put f Onely in the
chargeinthe Ta- to Doe" his duety, office , ſeruice and charge tncenle thereon, fo? itis an offering of iclous finne offring, and
bernacle. inthe Cavernacte of the Congregation. fiean offering foz a remembeance, calling in thisoffting of,
fEbr.according 48 2o the numbers of them were eight the finne toe minde: i icloufie were nei-
tothemonth or theuland fue hundreth and fourefcoze. 16 nd the Piet Hall bring her, and fet ther oile nor in-
word. _ 49 According ts thezcommandement of ber before the Lod. ; cenle offred,
x So that Mofes the Lov by the hand of Soles Did Aaron I7 Then the Piet Hall taket the polie g Or,making the
neither addednor number them, euerp one according to his Water in an earthen vefleil, and of the duſt finne knowne,
diminifhed from {erulce,and according to bis charge. Thus that is in the Rooze of the Tabernacle , cuen & nor ing it,
that which the were they of that tribe numbzed,as the Lod * Pct Hall take and put it into the wa- b Whichelfeis
Lord comman- commanded * Moles. er. called the wateg
ded him, CHAP. V. 18 After, the Heieſt Hall ſet the woman of purification or
2 Theleprous & the polluted fhalbe caf forth, befeze the Lord, and vncouer the womans fprinckling,reade
6 The purging of finnes a5 The triall of the ſu- head, and put the offring of the memoztal in Chap. 19.9,
Pected wife. her hands: it is the teloulie offcring,and the
pe the Lod ſpake vnto Woles faving, pie = haue bitter and i curled water in i It was focalled
2 Command the children of Firaet, is hand, by the effe&,be-
Leuit.13. 3. that they *put out
of the hott euery leper,and Ig And the Patek hall charge ber by an cauſe it declared’
Teutt.i 5.2. tery one that hath *antiue, and whole» othe, and fay vnto thewoman, Jf noman the womanto be
Teuit, 21,16 ueris defiled by* the Dead, baue lien with thee,netther thou balk turned accurfed,and ture
3 Both mate and female Hal ye put out: to vncleanneſſe tram thine hulband, be free ned ro herde- ·
Or,ina place Rout of the bote fhall pe put them, that they from thts bitter and curled water. . N.
out of the hoſt. miar not thei tents among whome J 20 But if thou hat tutned from thine
a There were ell. hulband , and fo art Detiled , and fome man
_ three manner of . 4 And the children of Iſrael did fo, and hath lien with chee belive thine hulband,
tents: of the put them out of the hoffe, euen as the Loz 21 (Then the Piet Wali charge the
Lord,of the Le- — —— Moles, ſo did the children woman with an othe of curling, and the
uites, and of the of Iſtael. Pꝛieſt hal fap vuto the woman,) Che Low
- Ifraclites, § ¶ And the Lode ſpake vnto Moles, make thee tobee * accurfed and dDeteitable k Both becaufe
aying, . fez the oth among thy people, andthe Lode fhe had commit-
6 @peake vnto the chilen of Jlrael, cauſe thy thigh tu + rotte, and thp bellie to ted fo hainous a
Leuit. 6.3. *CUihen a matt oz a woman Wal commit any ſwell: fault, & forfware
ob Commit any finnet that men commit, and tranſgreſſe a- 22 And that this curfed watermay goe herfelfein denye
fault willingly. eat the Lozd,whenthat peron Hall tree inta thy bowels, to caule thy bellie to ſwell, ing the fame,
pane, : and thy thigh torot. Chen the woman hall IEbr. to fall,
7 Then they hall confelle their finne antwere,! Amen, Amen. i l That is, be it fọ
which they haue done, and fall reitoze the 23 After, the PPztett Hall write theſe cur» as thou witheft,
Leuit.6,5- Dainmage thercof* with vis principall,and fes tn abooke,and thal = blot them out with as Pſal 41. 13.
put the fift part of it moze thereto , and hall the bitter water, j deut.27, 15.
giueírputo him againt whom he hath trel 24 And fall caufe the woman to Minke m Shall wath the
paid. f the bitter and curfed water, and the curled curfes which are
e Ifhe bedead 8 But ik the «man haue no kin(man, to water,turned into bitternefle, hall enter into written, into the
to whom the whoine pee Gould reſtore the Dammage, the ber. water inthe
wrong is done, Dammiage thall bee reſtored to the 102d fo? ? 25 Then the Piet Hal take the icloufie veffell,
cand alfo hauc no the Pꝛieſts vle, belides the Ramme of the offering out ofthe womans hand, and wall
inſman. atonement, whereby hee Hall make atong thake the offering before the Lord, and offer
ment foz Hun. it vpon the altar.
26 And
— *neSe To ll

Ofthe Nazatites, Chap.yj.vij. aud their offring. 56

26 And the Piet hall take anhandfull - alambe of a yeere old fo? a treſpaſſe offting,
Or, perfume. of the offering foz a ||memoztall thereof, and and the Arit edayes thal be void; fo? his con- So that he haf
n Wherethein- burneit bpon the =” altar, and afterward ſecration was defiled. egia bis vow
cenfe was offred. make the woman minke the water. 13 © This then ts the lawe of the Mazas aneWe
27 Then hee hath made her drinke the rite s tohen the time of bis confecration ts
water, tl {hee be defiled and haue treſpaſſed ont, be hall come to the Booze of the Taber
aganit her hulband, then ſhall the curſed nacle of the Congregation. — s
into bitterneffe, enter into her, 14 Gnd hee hall bring bis offering vnto
and her belly Wali fwell, and her thigh wall the Loz, an hee lambe of a yeere oide withe
feteand ro waman albe accurled among ont blemiſh fox a burnt offering, and a thee
er people. lambe of a yeere olde without blemiſh fora
28 But ifthe woman bee not defiled, but finne offting, and aramme without blemiſh
HOr innocent be |i cleane, fhehall be free,and Wal concejue foz peace offerings,
and beare. i a And a balket of vnleauened bzead, of
a Chis ts the lamof teloufie, when a * cakes of fine floure, mingled mith ople,and Leuit.2.15.
wife turneth from her hulband, and ts de⸗ wafers of vnleauened bzead, anoynted with
filed episee their meat ofring, ¢ their drinkẽ
30 Dawhenamanis mooucd with aie- erings:
lous minde, being telous ouer bis wife, then 16 The which the Iiet ſhall bꝛing be⸗
oThe man might fall hee bring the woman before the Lord, fox the Lord, and make bis finne offering
acculehiswife ant the Daielt tall Doe to her accogding to and hts burnt offering.
vpon fulpition, ali this law ; 17 Wee fail prepare allo the ramme foz a
and not be re- 31 Ana the man thalbeo feee from finne, peace ofring nuto the Lord, with the balket
prooued. but this woman Hall beare her iniquitte. of vnleauened bead, the Pꝛiett hall make
bis meate offering, and bis drinke offering,
CHAP. VI. 18 And* the Nazarite hall thane the AF52 124.
2 The law ofthe confzeration of the Naza- head » of his confecratton at the Doozeot the h in token chat
rites, 24 The maner tobleffe the people, 7 Tabernacle of the Congregation, and (hall his vow isen-
A the Lo2d Make unto Poks, laying, take the haire of the bead of hts comfecration ded. è
2 Speake vnto the chitazen ofFiraet. and ` put itin the fire , which is vnder the i Forthe haire
and fay vnto them, Ahen a man oz a wo» peace offering. which was cone
man Doeth teparate themfelues to bowea Ig Then the etek Hall take the ſodden fecrate to tke-
a Which fepara- vow of a+ Nazarite toleparate himfelfe vn⸗ Moulder ofthe ram,and an vnleauened cake Lord might noe:
tedthemfelues to the L020, $ $ out of the bafker, and a wafer vnleauened, be eaſt into any
fromtheworld, 3 We that abftetne from wine and trong and put them vpon the handes of the Mazas prophane places.
anddedicated dainke, thal Dink no owe wine no we rite after be hath ſhauen bis confecration.
“ themfclues to drinke no: Wall drinke any licour of grapes, 20 And the Piet Hail * hake them to Exod, 29327.
God: which fi- neither haleat fre grapes noz mied, and fro befoze the Lozd:thts is an help thing
sure was accom- 4 As long as his abtinence endureth, fo: the Piet || befiaes the fhaken bzeat, Or with the:
; d in Chrift. fhalhe cat nothing that ts made ofthe wine and bennez the heaue Hhouldersfo afterward bre afte
oa of the bine, neither the kernels, no: the bulk. the Nazarite map Minke wine,
§ Chile hers feparated by bis vow, the 21 Chis is the lawofthe Nazarite,which
Tudg.13.5. * rai Halnot come vpon his head, vntil the bee bath vowed, and of bis offering vnto the
a.ſam.i.iI1. Dates be out, in the which be ſeparateth him- Load fo? bis conlecration,* belies that that k Attheleaft he-
felfe puto the Loꝛd, be bailbe holy, and hall beeis able ta hinge: according to the vowe fhall dethis; iftis:
let the lockesof the batre of is head grow, which be vowed, ſo ſhalhe doe after the law be able to offer.
6 During the time that hee ieparatet of his confecration. no more, |
himſelke vate the Load, hee Hail come at no ; 22 @ Anu the Lod ſpake vnto Moſes,
b Asat burials, b Dean body. j aving,
or mouinings. 7 Wee Hallnot make himſelfe vncleane 23 Speake bnto Aaron ¢
to his fonnes,
at the Death of bis father.e2 motier,bother, faving, Thus Hall pee! bleſſe the childꝛen of 1 Tharis,pray
p? fier : foz the confecration of bis God te Ilrael, and fap vnto them, for them, Eccl.
e Inthat he ff- ppone dis head. 24. Che Lor bleſſe thee, andkeepe thee, 36,27.
fered his haire to 8 Allthe dayes of his (eparation he Hail 25 Che Lord make his face thine vpon
` grow, he fignifi- be holy to the Lord. i thee,and be mercikull vnto thee.
edthat he was 9 And ifanp die fuddenly by him, o2 hee 26 The Low lift wp his countenance ype
confecrate to beware, then the ¢ head of bis coniecration on thee, and giue thee peace. m They fhalt
God. fal be defiled, and be ſhal ſhaue bis headin 27 Hothey Halt put mp = Mame vpon pray in my Na
d Which long the Dav of his cleanitng sin thelenenth day the childzen of Iſrael,andF wil blefie chem. forthem,
haire is a figne be Hall ſhaue te.
that he is dedi- fo Aud inthe eight Day
he hal bring two CHAP, VIL
gatetoGod. turtles, o? twa vong pigeons to the Pꝛieit, 2 The heads ov princes of Ffrael offer at the
at thedooze of the Cabernacle of the Con: fitting up ofthe Tabernacle, 10 and atthe dedi-
gregation. j cation of the Altar. 89 God (peaketh to Mofes
e By being per- II Then the Piet Hall prepare theone from the Mercy feat.
fent wherethe foza ſinne offering, ana the other for a burnt N22 when Moles had finithes the fet»
dead was, ofring, ad pall make an atonement foz ting vp of the Tabernacle, and * anoine Exod?go, 18
f Beginningat bim; becaufe he ſinued bythe “Deadia Hall ted tt, and fanctifies it, anv all the inſtru⸗
thecightday, he hallow his heat the fame Day, ments thereof, ana the altar with all thelin⸗ lOryueffelss
when he is pu- 12 Zud be thalf conſecrate puto the Lord ſtruments thereof, and bad anoynted them
ified, ` the dayes of his fepasation, and Wall being. And ſanctiſied then.
2 Them
The feuerall offerings Numbers. ofthe Princes.
||Or,captaines. 2 CThenthel princes of Iſtael, heads os neel the onne ofZuar.
tier the houſes oftheir fathers(they were the 24 CThre third apt Eliab the on of Hee + The offerin
HPeinces of the tribes, who were ones them lon paince of the childzen of Sebulun offered, of Eliab, £
that werenumbzed)oftered, — 25 iis ofring wasa filuec charger ofan
3 Andbroughe their offering before the bunteeth and thirtic thekels weight, a filuec
a Likehorfelie- Lod, ſixe· coueced charets,and twelue oven: bowicof ſeuentie ſhekels, after the Hekellof
tets to keepethe one charet foz two pꝛinces, and foz enery one the Sanctuary, both full of fine floure mins
things that were an ore, and thep offered them befoze the Ta» glen with ovle,foz a meate offering,
caried in them, bernacle. 26 A golden incenfe cup of ten thekels, full
from wether. int Aud the Lod pake vnto Moſes, fap- ofincente,
g 27 A yong bullocke, a ramme,a lambe of
§ Takethefe okthem, that they may bee a yeere olne foz aburntoffering,
b That is,te ca. to Doe the > ferutce of the Tabernacle of the 28 An bee gaate foza ſinne offering,
sy things aad Congtegation,and thou hale giue them vñ⸗ 29 And foz peace offrings, two buſlocks.
ftutfe in. to the Leuttes, to euery man accogding bute fiue rammes, fuz bee goates, fiuelambes of a
bis office. peere olde: this was the offering of Eliab
6 Ho Moles tooke the charets and the the fonne of Velon. By
oxen, and gaue then vnto the Leuites: 30 © The fourth day t Elizur the fonne t The offerin
7 Two charets and foure ogeh he gaue — prince of the chifdzen of Reuben of Elizur, °
to the fonnes of Gerſhon, according vnto offered. s
c For their vie their ‘office. 31 His offering was a fluer charger ofan
to cary with. 8 Ann foure charets and eight oren hee bundzeth and thirtie hekels weight, a filuer
gaue to the onnes of Merari according vn- botole of feuentte fyekels ,after the hekel of
to their office vnder the band of Ithãmar the @anctuarie, both full of fine floure mins
the onune of Aaron the Piet. gied with ople,foza meate offering,
9 But tothe fonnes of Kobath hee gaue 324 — incenfe cap of ten thekels, full
d Thehboly none, ¢ becaule the charge of the Manctua- of incenſe.
things of che San- rie belonged to them, which they dtd beare 33 Apong bullocke, a ramme, a lambe
Guaty muft be bpon their Houlders. & peere olde toz à burnt offering, — :
catied ypon their Io CTbhepincesallocfered inthe edes 34 An hee goat fora finne offering,
thoulders,and Dication for the altar in the Day that it was 35 And fo: a peace ofring, two bullotks,
not drawen with anointed : then the Princes offered their of⸗ fiue rammes, fiuc ee goats , fiue lambes of
oxen,chap. 4.15. fering befoze the altar. a peere olde: this was the offering of Elizut
€ That — Il And the Lo: faide vnto Woles, Dne thefonneof Shedeur. $
the fitſt ſacriſice pince one Day, and another prince another 36 ETbe lift day t Shelumiel the fonne The offeri
was offred there- Dap fhall offer their offering, toz the Dedica- of Furiihaddal, paince of the childzen of Hi- tShelumid.”
upon by Aaron, tion of the altar. meon offered.
Levit.9.1. 12 C Sothenon the fir day din t Rah- 37 Mts offering was a filucr charger of an
tThe offering of fhon the fonne of Amminadab ofthetribeof hundzeth and thirtie thekels weight, a Gluce
Nabhihon. Judah offer his offering. botole of feuentte thekels , after the chekel of
13 And bisoffting was afiluer charger of the Hanctuarie, both Full of fine floure mine
an bundzeth æ thirtie hhekels weight, auluer gled with opie, foz a meate offering,
bowle of ſeuentie thekels , after the bekel of 38 @ — incenfe cup often thekels, full
the Danctuarie
both full of Gne floure, min: of incenle,
Denit. 2.1, gled with oyle foz a * meat offering, 39 Ayong bullocke,a ramme, a lambe of
14 An incenfe cup of golde of ten thekels a peere oln fo: a burnt offering, —
full of incente, 40 An bee goate foz a ——
15 Avong bullocke, a ramme, alambe af 4I And foz a peace offring, twe bullocks,
a veere oſd fora burnt offering, fiue rammes, fiue Hee goates, Rue lambes of
16 An hee goat for a finne offering, a peere old : this was the offering of pelu- A

17 And foz peace offcings, two bullecks, miel the fonne of zuriſhaddai.
n — — pedagoats = fue P 42 (The firt day +Ctalaph the fonne of } The offering
peereold; this wasthe offeringo ` Deuel, prtnce of the childzen of Gad offered. of Elialaph,
fhon the fonne of Amminadab. — b 43 His ofring wasa {iluer charger ofan
The offering 18 @ The fecond day t Nethaneel the hundzecth and thirtic thekels weight, a filuer
of Nethaneel, fonneof zuar, prince of themibe of
flachar bowle of feuentte fhekels, after the chekell of
did offer. the Sanctuarie,beth full of fine floure,mine
19 Utho offered foz his offering a fluer gled with ople,fo2 a meat offering,
charaet of an hundzeth and thirtte thekels 44. A goldenincenfecup of ten thekels, full
weight, a fluer bowle of ſeuentie ſhekels, ofincenfe,
after the Hekel of the Sanctuary, both full 45 A pong bultocke, a ramme,a lanibe of
of fine floure,mingled with oyle, foz a meate a peere ald, for a burnt offering,
offering, 46 Gn hee goat foz a finne offering,
20 Anincenfe cup of gold of ten thekels, ful 47 And (o2a peace offting, two bullecks,
of incenle, fiue rammes, fiue hee goates,fine lambesof
21 Ayong bullocke, aramme, a lambe of apeere olde : this twas the offering of Elia»
a peeve olde fo: a burnt offering, faph the fonne of Deuel.
22 Au hee goat foz a finne ottering 48 ¶ The feuenth day t Clifhama the t Theoffering
23 And for peace offrings, two bullocks fone of Ammind prince of the childzen of ofElifhama,
fiue rammes , fue bee goats, fiue lambes of Ephzatm offered.
a peere olde; this was the offering of Retha» 49 its offeringwas a ſiluer charger ofan
— 8

of the people of[frael,B Chap.viij. atthe dedicationoftheAltar. 57

hundzeth and thirtte mekels weight, a ſiluer gled with oyle, foz a meate offering,
bowle of ſeuentie hekels, after the thekel of 74 4 golden incenfe cup of cen thekels, full
the Ganctuarie,beth full of fine foure, miit ofincente,
gied with oyle foz a meat offering, 75 Apong bullocke,a ramme, a lambe of
5o Qn incenfe cup of golde of ten thekels a peere old foz a burnt offering,
full of incenie, 76 An hee goate fo2 a linneoffering,
çI Avong bullocke, a ramme, alanibe of 77 And fo2 a peace ofring,two buliocks,
ayeercold foza burnt offering, fiue rammes, fue hee goates, kue lambes of
§2 Anbee goat foz a finne offering, a yeere old : this was the offertug of Pagiel
§3 And fora peace offting,two buliecks, the fonne of Deran, ;
fluc rammes , fiuchee goates, fue lambes 78 € Cie twellt say thira the fonne of { The offering
ofa peere olde; this was the offering ofEli- con » pince of the childꝛen of Naphtali ofAhira.
ſhama the ſonneof Ammiid. offered, :
f The offering 54 © The eight Dap offered t Gamliel 79 Dis ofring was a ſiluer charger ofan
ef Gamliel, the tonne of Pedãzur, prince of the chilozen hundzeth and thirtic thekels weight, a fluer
of Manaſſeh. bowie of feuentie thekels, after the pekel of
s5 Wis oftering was a filuer charger of an the Sanctuarte,both full of fine floure,mine
þundzeth and thirtte thekels weight, a fluer gied with oyle,fo2 a meat offering,
bowle of feuentic ſhekels, after the hekel of 80 A golden incenſe cup of ten thekels, full
the Sanctuary, both full of fine floure, min⸗ of incenfe,
gied with oyle, foz a meat offering, 81 A yong bullocke, a ramme, a lambe of
§6 A golden incenfe cup of tenthekels, full a peere oid, foz a burnt offering,
of incente, 82 Au hee goat fo: a linne offering,
§7 Apong bullocke, aramme, a lambe of 83 And io peace oſtrings, two bullecks,
& peere olde fo? a burnt offering, fiue rammes, ne bee goates, fiue lambes of
§8 Anbee goat foz a finne offering, a peere old : Chis was the offering OF Ahira
59 And fozapeace ofring, two builocks, the ſonne ofEnan, |
Bue rammes , flue bee goats, tiue lambes of 84 This wasthe dedication of the gl- f This wasthe
a veere olde : this was theoficring of Gam- tat by the princes of Firael, when it wasan- offering of the
liel the ſonne ok Pedazur. opnted: twelue chargers of ſiluer, twelue fil- princes, when
t The offering 60 CThe ninth dap t Abidan the ſonne uer bewles,twelucincenfe cnps of gold, Aaron did dedie
of Abidan. of Gideoni prince of the childzen of Bentas 85 Cuery charger conteinng an hundzeth cate the Altar,
min offered. : and thirtie thekels of filuer, and euerp bowle
61 Wis ofring wasa filuer charger ofan ſeuentie : all the filuer vefiels contained tiwa
hundzeth and thirtic thekels weight, a liluer thoufand, and foure hundzeth thekels , after
bowleoffeucntie ſhekels, after the ſhekelof the Mekel of the Sanctuary.
the Sanctuary, both full of fine floure min- 86 Twelue incenſe cups of gold ful of in-
glen with oyle,
foza meate aftering, - cenfe, containing ten ſhekels euerpcup, after
62 A golden incenfe cup of ten thekels, full the thekel ofthe Danctuarte; all the golde of
ofincente, despecu cups was an hundreth and twenty
63 A yong bullocke, a ramme, alambe of cKkels.
a peere olde fo aburntoffering, _ 87 Allthe bullocks fo: the burnt offering
64 An bee goat foza finne offering, were twelue bullocks, the rammes twelue,
65 And foa peace offting, two bullocks, the lambes of a peere old twelue, with their
fiue rammes, fue bee goates fue lambes of a meate offerings
and twelue bee goates fo: a
yeere old; this was the offering of Abidan finne offering.
the Conue of Gideoni, ; $8 Aud ailthe bullocks fo2 the peace ofe
$ The offering 60 © The tenth day t Abiezer the onne ferings were foure and twentie bullockes,
of Ahiezer, of Ammiſhaddai prince of che childzen of the rammes firtte, the bee geates firtie, che
Dan offered. lambes of a peere olde firtte: this was the
67 Wis offertig was a filuer charger ofan Dedication of the Gitar, after that it mas
hundzeth anv thictie thekels weight, a liluere anoynted. g By Aaron,
bowle of fcuentie ſhekels, after the thekel of 89 And when Dores went into the h Yhatis,the
the Danctuarte,
both full of fine floure min- b@abernacte otthe Cougresation,tefpeake SanQuary.
gied with oyie,foza meate offering, with God,be heard the voice of one ipeaking i Accordingas
paa A golden incenfe cup of ten ihekels, full vnto him from the Mercie feate, that was he had promifed, |
oF inecuie, vpon the Arkeof the Ceitimony i betweene Exode2 5.326 E

69 Ayong bullocke, aramme,alambe of tye two Cherubims, and he ſpaketobtm.

à yeere olde toza burnt offering,
70 Gir hee goat foza Gune offering, CHAP. VEIL
71 And fo2 a peace offring, two builotks,
Fue rammes, flue bee goats . ine lambesof 2 The order ofthe lampes, 6 The purifying
apeere olde ; this was the offering of Abie> and offering of the Leuites. 14 The age of the
ser the ſonne ofAmmiſhaddai. Lewuites , when they are receined toferuce, and
$ The offering 72 @ The elenenth dayt Pagiel the ſonne when they are dumſſed.
ofPagicl,os Phee, wyDeran, prince of the childꝛen of Ayer
diel. oerea, A —— the Lo: ſpake vnto goles, fap»
73 His offering was a ſiluer charger of an nS
Hundzeth and thittie thekels weight, a ſiluer 2 Speake vnto Aaron , and fay pnta
bowle of (cucntie thekels , after the pekel of bim , (Ahen thou lightett the lampes, the
the Ganctuarie, both full of ſine floure min: ſeuen lampes Wall sue light toward ae
F à 2g:
The purifying ofthe Leuites. Numbers. Of the Paffeouer,
a To thatpart, ‘fozefront of the Candleſticke. bhthe Hanctuarie. — h Becaufe the
whichis ouer a- 3 AudAaron dia flighting the lampes 20 Ghen Moles and Aaton and all Leuites goe into
gain{t the Can- thereof toward the forefront of the Gan- the Congregation of che chiinn of Iſrael ‘the SanQwuary in
dicfticke, Exod. Dleſticke, as the Lod had commaunded Diù with che Leuites, according vnto al that ! their name,
25:37» Boles. À the Load had commanded Moles concer
4 And this was the worke ofthe Can⸗ ning the Leuttes : io bin the chilteen of Ji
Diciticke , euenofaolde beaten aut with the rael vnts them. :
hammer; both the Hart, ano the flomecs 21 Da the Leuites were purified, and
Exod.25.18, thereof, * was beaten out with the hammer: waſhed their clothes, aud Garon sftered
b And not fet b according tothe patterne, which the Loed them as a thake offering beige the Lod,
together of di- naeee Wakes,fomade he the Candie and Aaron made an atonement for chem to
uers pieces, icke. purifie them, HIN
5 (And the Lord (pake vuto Mots, 22 And after that, went the Leuttes in
ſaying to do their ſeruice in the Tabernacle of the
6 Cake the Leuites feom among the Congregation, ibefoxe Garon and before i ‘In their pre-
chilen of Tivacland purifie them, Dis ſonnes: as che Lord bad commaunded fence,to ferue
7 And thus fhalt thou boe buta them, Wotescancerning the Leuttes,(0 they di -h em.
e In Ebrewit is wheit thou purifiet them, Sprinkle: water vnto them.
called che water of purification vpon them , and iet them 23 C AnD the Lom pake vnto oleg,
offinne,becaufe thane all thetr fleſh, and waly their clothes: ping,
itis made to fo they thall be cleane. i 24 This allo belongeth to the Lenitess
purge finne,as 8 When they thall take a pong bullocke from fue and twentie peere olde vpward,
Chap.9.9. with Gis meate offering of fine floure, min- they {pall goe in, to execute then office in the
gled with oyle, and an other pong bullacke — ot the Tabernacle of the Congrega⸗
ialt trocar foza finne offering. — ion. k Such office as
9 Thenthou halt bring the Teuites be- 25 And after the age of Hiftie peere, they was painefull,as
fo2e the Tabernacle of the Congregation, Mal ceale from erecuting the ‘office, and to beare burdens
a That thou and affemble 4 all the Congregation of the Wall fecue no moze; , and fuch like.
mayeft doe this cbhilazenof Iſrael. $ 26 But they Mall minifer! with their 1 In finging
in prefence of 10 Thou Halt bring the Leuites alfo be- brethren in the Cabernacle of the Congre- Pfalmes,inftrue
them all. fore the Lod, and the ¢childzenofIſrael gation, to keepe things committed to their Ging,coun(el .
e Méaning,cer- Hall put their hands vpon the Leuites. charge, but they hall Doe no ſeruice: thus ling and keeping
taine of them in II Gnd Aaron Mall ofer the Lenttes be: halt thou Doe wito the Leuites touching the things in or-
thenameof the fore the Lord,asa hake offering of the chile their charges. der.
menot Firael, that they may execute the ſer⸗ CHAP IX,
uice ofthe LoD. 2 The Paffeoner is commanded againe. 13 The
12 Andthe Leuites Hall put their hands panifhment ofhim that keepeth zot the Paffeouer.
vpon the heads of the bullocks, ¢ make thou 15 The cloud conducteth the Ifraelites through
theone a ſinne offring, and the otber a burnt the wilderne/f2. ;
offering bunto the Lod, that thou mapet A {20 the Loyd (pake vnto Moſes in the
make an atonement fo: the Leuites. wildernes of inal, tn the fir moneth
I3 And thou halt fet the Lenites before ofthe fecond peeve, after they were come ont
Aaron and before bis ſonnes, and offer them of the land of Egypt, faving,
as a (hake offering to the Lo. 2 The childzen of Iſrael Hall allo cele»
14 Thus Walt thou leparate the Lenites brate the * Paſſouer at the time appointed Exod. 12t.
from among the chiluzen of Iſrael, ane the thereunto. : letit.2 3.5.
Chap 3.45» Lenites halt be * ming- À 3. In the fourteenth day of this moneth chap.28.166
15 And afterward hall the Leuites goe ait* euen pee hall keepe it in his Due ſeaſon: deut,16.%.
in, to ferue inthe Tabernacle of the Con- according toa all the ordinances of it, and Exod.12.6.
gregation, and thou fhalt purifie them, and according to all the ceremonies thereof, hat deut. L66,
offert thein,as a (hake offering. pe keepe it, ; a Euen inall
Chap.3.9: 16 Foꝛ they are freelp qtuen * vnto me 4 Then Woles pake vnto the children points,asthe
f Thatis,chey from among the chilazen of Iſrael, foz ſſuch of Sfracl, to celebzate the Paſſouer. Lord hath inſti⸗
that are the farft as open any wonibe : foz ali the frit vozne of And they kept the Paſſeouer in the tuted it.
borne. the chilozen of Ilrael haue J taken them fourteenth day of the Brt moneth at enen,
wntome. — - i in the wilderneſſe of Hinati: according to al
Exod.i 3.2. 17 * Foz all the Rri bore of the childzen that the Lord ban commanded Poles, o did
luke 2,23. of Iſracl are mine,both of man and of beat: the chitdzen of Iſrael.
fince the Dap thatJ linote euery firt boone 6 GAM certaine men were defiled t by b By touching
in the land of Esvpt, J lanctifien chem toz a dead man, that they might not keepe the acorps,or being
my fetfe. Paſſeouer the fame Day; and thep came bee at the buriall.
18 And 3 haue taken the Leuttes fo2 all fore Moles and before Aaron the fame day,
the firlt bome ofthechudrenofffirael, 7 Guothole men ſayd vnto him, Aeg
19 And bane gtuen the Leuites as a gikt are defiled by a Dead man: wherefoze are we
unto Aaron, and to his fones from among kept backe thatwe map noteofferan offting c Or, celebrate
the children of Ifrael, todo theferutce of the vnto the Lod in the time thereuntoappoin» the Paffeouer
g Which feruice e childrenofIſraelinthe Tabernacle of the ted among the children of Iſrael? the fourteenth
Wf the Ifraelites Congregation, and to make an atonement Then Moles {aid vnto them, Stand day of the fir
| thouldelfe doe, forthe chilazen of Iſrael, chatthere bee no ill, and’ F will heare what che Lod will moneth,
plague among the children of Iſrael, wher command Concerning pou. :
the chuldzen of Iſrael come neere onta 9 (And > Lorn pake voto Moſes, ſaping.
10 prake
The appearing of the clouds Chap. x. Thetwo filuer trumpets. , 58Be
10 Speake vnto the childzen of Iſrael, the hoffe are numebred, 30 Hobat refufeth to goe ;
ana lap, Iany wan among yeu, 02 of your with Mofes his fonne in law.
poſteritie thal be vncleane by the realon of a NRD the Lom tpake onto Moles , fap-
cozps,e2 be ina tong tourney, *be hall keepe ing,
d And cannot the PPailcouer vnto the Lop. 2 “Dake the two trumpets of finer: of
come where the IL Jn the fourteenth day of the e fecond an whole piece halt thou make them, that 2 Orofworke
Tabernacle is, Moneth at euen they wall keepe it: with vn- thou mapei wle them foz the aflembling of beaten our witha
when others —— bread and ſower herbes hall they Congregation, and foz the Departure of hammer.
Keepeit. eate tt. the campe. :
e Sathatthe vn- 12 They Hhallleaue none of it vntill the 3 But when they Hali blow with then,
cleane and they moning, *nez breake any bone of it: accoꝛ⸗ alithe Congregation tall aflemble to thee
that are not at Ding tə all che ordinance of the Paſſeouer before the Dooze of the Tabernacle of tie
home, hauea fhall they keepe it. 3 i Congregation. :
moneth longer _ 13 Gut theman that is cleane and is not 4 Andit thep blow withone, then the
graunted vnto in a f iourney , and is negligent to Reepe the Princes,orheads ouer the thoulands of Iſ.
‘them. DaMeauer, the fame perlon ſhall bee cut of racl (hall come vnto thee.
Ex0d.12,46¢ tam bis people: becaule bee brought not the < But itpee blow an alarme , then the 3
aohn 19.36. oſtring of the Lode in his due ſeaſon, that campe of the thatpitchon the > Galt part, b Thatis, the
f When the nian ſhall beare hts } finne. fhail goe forward, botlte ofludah,
Paffeoucr is 14 And if a ranger dwell among pou, ~ 6 Jive blow an alarme the ſecond time. and they chat are
celebratee, and wil keepe the Paſſeouer vnto the Lord, then the bolt of them that lison thes@outh vader his enfigre,
HOr puniſpment as the oꝛdinance of the Paſſeouer, ans as fide mali march: for thep Hall blew an ale c Meaning, the
ofbu finne. the maner thereof is, to ſhall he Doe? *pe Hall arme when they remooue. bolſte of Reuben.
Exod. 2.49 bauc ouc law both foz the ftranger and foz 7 ut inaflembling the Congregation,
Hunt chat was bozne in the fame land. pe Hall blow without an alarme, :
Ig C* And when the Cabernacie was 8 And the fonnes of Aaron the Piet
Exdd.40. 34. reared bp, acloud coiered the Tabernacle, fall d blow the trumpets , and pe fall haue d So that only
namely , the Tabernacle of the Teſtimonie: them as a lawe foz euer in pour generati- the Priclts muft
Eat cuen there was vpon the Tabernacle, ons. blow the trume
g Likeapillar: asthe e appearance of Gre vntill moning. Q And when yee goe to warre in your pets, long as
read Exo.t 3, 21, 16 ait was alway : the cloud coucred it land againſt the enemte that vereth you, pee the Prieſthood
by day,and the appearance offire by night. fhall biowe an alarme witi the trumpets, lated.
17 And when the cloud was taken vp and ye Hall bee rememb2ed before the Lo20
fromthe Tabernacle , then afterward the pour God, and Hall be faucd from pour ene-
childzen of Iſrael tourneped : ¢ in the place mies,
where the cloud above , there the childzen of . 10 Allo in the Day of pour e gladnes, anù e When yee ree
Iſrael pitched their tents. in pour keaſtBayes ,and in the beginning of ioyce that God
18 At the +commandement ofthe » L020 pour moneths , pee Hall alfo blow the trum- hath remooued
Ebr. mouth. the children of 3 (cael tourneped ; and at the pets ||ouer pour burnt ſacrifices, andouer any plague.
h Who taught commandement ef the Lod they pitched: pour peaccofttings, that they may berare Or, when ye offer
them what to do as long as thecloud abode vpon theTaber: membzance foz you before pour God: J) amı Surat offrings.
by the cloud, nacle, *they t lap till. the Lod pour God, i
E.cor.10, L, 19 Ana when the cloud taryed Mill vpon IL (And in the fecond yere,in the fecond
4Ebr. camped. the Cabernacle along time , the childzen of moneti) , and the twentieth day of the mo»
Iſrael kept che‘ watch of the Lorde, etour: neth, the cloud was taken vp from the Ta⸗
i They waited neyed not. r bernacle of the Teſtimony.
when the Lord 20 So when the cloud abode +a few daies 12 And the childzen of Iſrael Departed £
would fignifie bpon the Tabernacle, they abode in their on their | iourneyes out of the delertot Biz lOrizkeepisz
either their de- tents according to the commandement of nai, and the cloud reked inthe wiluernefle this order in — their
parture,or their the Lozb:fo2 they tourneped at the comman- of Paran. wourneyes:
abode by the Dement of the Lod. 13 Ho they F firk tooke their iourney at £ From Sinaito
cloud, 21 Aud though the cloud abode vpon the — ofthe £020, by the and Paran, Cha. z3.1.
Ebr. dayes of Tabernacle from euen vnto the moning, of Moles.
number. perif the cloude was taken bp tn the moza 14 (* Inthe fick place went the ſtanderd C42p-2.3.
ning, then they tourneped ; whether by day ofthe holte ofthe childꝛen of Judah , accor
D? by night the cloude was taken bp, then Ding to their armies: and Nahſhon the Chap, 1.7.
thep iourneped. a fonne ofAmminadab was ouer his band.
22 Oꝛikthe clond taricd two dayes, 02 a 15 Gnd ouer the band of the tribe of the
moneth, o2 4 peere vpon the Cabernacle, a- — of Iſſachar was Nethaneel the ſon
Exod, 40.36,37. biding thereon, the chitazen of Iſrael ‘above of Zuar.
_ read verfe 18, ſtill, aud iourneped not; but wien ttwas ta- 16 And ouer the band of the tribe of the
Ken bp, thep iourneyed. — of Zebulun was Cltad the ſonne of
23 At the commandement of the Lode ip elon.
they pitched, and at the commandement of 17 Wihen the Tabernacle. was taken
ok Vnder the -the Lord they iourneyed, Keeping the watch Downe, then the fonnes of Gerſhon, and the
chargeand go- of the Lord at the commandement of the fonnes of Merari went forward bearing
uernement of Lod by the * band of Moſes. 8 the Tabernacle. g With allthe
_ Mofes, 18 After, departed the ſtandard of the appertinances
CHAP. X, hoſte of Reuben accozding to thetr armies, thereof,
2 Te vſe of the filuer trumpets. 11 The Ff- and ouer ots band was Eltzur the fonne of
ræelnes depart from Sinai. 14 Thecaptaines of hedeur.
3) 2 19 Ana
"The campe departed from Sinai. Numbers ° Murmuring. Matina loathed. -
19 AND over the band of the tribe of the Vy en the people became tinurmurtrs, Ebr. asiniuſt
ebildzcn of Bimeon was Hbelumiel the +itbtipicated the Lop : and p Lozi complainers.
foune of Surifhaddat. z heardit, therefore his wrath was kindled, Ebr. it was euih
20 uD ouer the band of the tribe of the and the fire of the Lou burnt among them, in the eares of the
cmane Gad was Elialapy the lonne of and * confined the vtmoſt part of thehoſt. Lord.
enel. 2 Then the people cryed vnto goles: Pfal.78 2c.
21 The Rohathites alo went korward and when Moles prayed unto the Lern, the
bh Vpot their and h bare the *Danctuaty, andthe ifor-
five was quencher. f
fhoulders. © mer DID iet bp the Cabernacic againit thop E And hee cailed the name of that place
Chap. 4-4. came. Taberah becaule the fire of the Lozd burnt [Or burning.
i The Merarites 22 © Then the Landard of the hoe of êmong them.
and Gerfhonites. the children of Ephraim went forward ac⸗ 4 And a nember of people that was a Which were of
costing to their armies , and oner bis band among them, fell alutting , and > turned thote {trangers
was Elifhama the tonne af Ammiud. away , and the children of Iſrael atio thatcame outof
23 And ouer the band of the tribe nf the wept, and lapte , Cibo hail giue vs fieh Egypt with them,
formes of Manalſſeh was Gamliel the fome to eate? ; Fxod. 12. 38.
of Pedazur. i 5. (de remember the AM which we dia b From God,
24 And ouer the band of the tribe of the eate in Egypt for < nought,the cucumbers, c Fora (mall
ſonnes of Beniamin was Abidanthe done and the pepous, and theleekes, and the ont- -price,or good -
sf Gideoni. ons, and the garleeke. cheape,
25 CLalt, the fanderd of the bok of the 6 But no our ſonle ts d Dyed away, we d Forthe greedy
children of Dan marched, k gathering ail can ſee nothing but this MAN. luft of flefh,
k Leming none the hotes according to therr avintes; and o⸗ 7 (he MAN allo was as*Coptander Exsd. 16.31.
behind,nor any uert His band was Ahiezer the ſonne of Am⸗ tore bts colour like the colour of © Bde⸗ wifd.16.20,° ~
of the former miſhaddai. ium, plat 78.240
that fainted in 26 And ouer the bans of the tribe of the 8 The people ment about and gathered tehn 6.2%
the way, cioran of Amer was Dagtel the ſonne of it, and ground tt in milles,oꝛbeat it in mor⸗ e Whichisa
Deran. ‘ terg, anD baked it in a cauldꝛon, and made white pearle or
27 And ouer the band ofthe tribe of the cakes ofit, and the taſte oftt was like unta precious {tones |
chion of Maphtalt was Abira the (enue of the taſte offreſh opie.
knan. 9 And when the Dew kell downe vpon
1 This was the
28 Theſe were the remoouings of the the bofte in the night,theM A N fel with it.)
order oftheir
childzen of Hlraelaccosding to theit armies, 10 ¶ Chen Moles heard the people weep
` ‘when thep marched. thozowont their families, euery manin the
hoft when they
29 (afer, Moles faid vnto = Hhobab Dooze of his tent : and the wrath ofthe Lord
m Somethinke
was gricuoufly kindled: allo Moles was
the ſonne of Reuel the Midiantte,the father
in taw of Woles Me goe into the place, of grieued.
that Reuel, Ie- which the Lorde fayde, J will gtue tt pou: Il And Doles ſaid vnto the Lord, Waher- fOr, euill intrede
thro, Hobab,and
Keni,were all
Come thou with vs, and twee will Doe thee kore hat thou | vered thy ſeruant? and whp ted.
one: Kimhi faith,
dee the Lozd hath promiſed good vñto paueJnot found fauour in thy fight, fee f Or, wherein
rael. ing thou halt put the charge of all thts peo⸗ baue I difpleafed
that Reue! was
Tethras father:
30 And he anhwered him,3will not goe; ple vponine? : ý thec?
but J will vepart to mine owne countrcy, I2 Haue J s conceined all this people? oz g AmI their fae
fo Hobab was andtomypkinded. . bauzJ begotten the, that theu ſhouldeſt fay ther, that none
Mofes father in
31 Then hee fayd, J pray thee, leane bs sunto mee, Carrie them in thy bofome (as a may hauethe
law, looke Exod,
not: for thou knoweſt our camping places nurle beareth the tucking chute) vnto the charge ot them
2. 18. and 3.1. in the wilderneſſe: theretoze thou mapet be h land, fe? the which thou fwareit vate their but I?
and 4.18.and 18 our + guide. á
3.and fudg, 4.11. fathers? b h Of Canaan
32 Aud ik thou goe with vs, what goon- 12 Ahere Hould J haue fleſh to giue vn- promifed by an
466. eyesvato vs, nefe the Lon Mall wew vnto ds, the fame to all this people? Foꝛ thep weepe unto me, oth to our fae
will we Hew vnto thee. faving, Gine vs flety,that we map eate. thers,
Į Mount Sinai, 33 €Ho they departed from the a mount 14 3 am notable to beare ail this people
or Horeb, ofthe Lorde, thee Daves tourney, andthe alone: foz itis too beauie formere.
Arke ofthe couenant of the Lozde went be⸗ Is @herfoze tf thou deale thus with me,
foze the in the thace Bayes tourney, to fearch I praythec, tf J haue found fauour in thp
out a reting place fo: them, Esot kill mee, thatJ bebold not my mi- i I had rather die
34 And the cloud of the Lorde was bpon erie, then to fce my
them by Dap, when they went out of p camp. 16 € Then the Low ſayd vnto Moles, griefe and mifery
Pal 68.1,2. 35. And when the Arke went forward, Gather unto me (enentp men of the Elders thus dayly in-
© Declare tky Woks tain, *° Rile vp, Lozd, and let thine of Drael, whom thou knowelt, that they are creafe by their
might & power, enemies be‘ ittered and lee themi that bate the Elders of the people, and gouernours o- acbellion.
Ebr to the tenne thee, fleebefoze thee. : uer them, and bing them vnto the Taber⸗
thou ſand thou· 36 And when tt reſted, he (aid, Returne, nacle of the Congregatton,€ let them tand
fands. D Loꝛdʒtothe+ manytbonanos of Iſrael. therewith thee,
17 And F wiil come Downe, and talke
2 The people murmureth and ù punifhed with with theethere, k andtakeof the Spirite, k T vildiſttibute
frre. 4 The people lufteth after flefh. 6 They which ts vpon thee, and put vpon them, my fpirit among
tothe Manna, 11 The weake faith of Mofes, and they ſchall beere the burden of the peor them,as Ihave ©
26 The Lord diuideth the burden ofMofes to fe- e with thees To thou Halt not beare it ae done to thee
uenty of the Auncients. 31 The Lord fendeth arn Soames
Quailes. 33 Their luf puniſphad. 13 Furthermoze thon Haltfay vnto the
The ſeuentie Elders. Quailes. Chap. xij. Miriam ftricken
g9 `
i Prepare your people,
Se ſanctified again€ to moꝛow.and 33 hile the kleſh was yet betweene their
felues that ye be yee (hall eate fei: foz pou haue wept inthe teeth, before it was chewed, euen the wath
not vacleane. cares of the Lord, laying, Cho mall giue vs ofthe Lob was kindled againft the people,
fie) to eate? fozwe were better in Egypt: aud the Lod * finote the people with anet- Pfal.78.3t.
therefore the Lord will giue you flefy , and CeeDing great plague.
pee hail eat. 34 Bothe name of the place was called
19 De fhal not cat one day, noꝛ two Dates, HKibsoth-hattaauab +s foz there thepburtedD I Or,granes of
w fiue papes neither ten Dayes to: twenty the people that fellaluiting. luf,
ayes, 35 From Kibzoth-hattãauah the people
20 Buta whole moneth, vntill it cone tooke their iournep to Hazeroth, and above
But at pour noſtrels, and bee lothfome vate at Hhazeroth.
m Or,caft him you,becawle pee haue contemned the Lord,
off, hecauſe ye which ts > among pon, and haue wept before C HARP, XIJIL
refufed Manna bun,faying, CUbp came we hither aut of Es 1 Aaron and Miriam grudge againf? Mofes,
which hee ap- gypt! * 10 Miriam u firicken with leprofie, and healed at
pointed as moft 21 And Moles ſaid, Dire hundzeth thou- the prayer of Mofes,
meete for you. fand footemen are there of the people, ° as A Fterward Miriam and Garent pake lOr murmured.
nm Who leadeth mong whom F am: and thou fapelt, J will againt Woles becauic of the woman of
and gewerneth sinethem fielh,that thep map eate a inoneth Ethiopia whom he had married (fo? he had
you, ug. k married aa woman of Ethiopia) a Zipporah Mo-
a Of whom! 22 Dhall the theepe and the beenes bee 2 And they laid, What? bath the Loꝛd fes. wife wasa
hauethe charge. flaine fo: them,to finde them? either wall all {poken but onely by Poles? hath be itot fpo- Midianite,and
the fithof the fea bee gathered together foz en allo by bs? and the Lord heard this, becaufe Midian
them tolufficetben? 3 (But Moles wasa very*omecke man, bordered on E-
23 And the Lod fatd vnto Moſes, Is aboue all the men that were vpon the earth) thiopia,a, itisit
Tfa.50,2.and *the Lords hand fhoztened? thou thalttee 4 And by and by the Lod lam vnto fometimein the
59.1 now whether my weds allcome to pafe $ofles,and vnto Aaron,aud vnto Miriam, Scripture com-
bute thee o? no. Come out pee thꝛee vnts the Tabernacle ot prehended vader
24 @ So (eles went out, and told the the Congregation : and thep theee cante thissame,
People the words ofthe Lord, and gathered foozth. Ecclus.45.4.
feuentp men ofthe Elders of the people,and § ChentheLow camedowneinthepil- b And fobare
fet them round about the Tabernacle. lar of the cloud,and ſtood in the Dooze ofthe with their grud-
25 Then the Lom camedown in a cloud, Tabernacle, and called Aaron, and iri gings.alchough
lOr feparated, and (pake vnto bim, and | tooke of the Spi» am,and they both came fozth. he knew them,
a verſe 17. rit that was vpon him, and putit vpon the 6 And bee fatd, Meare now my words,
ſeuentie Ancient men: and when the Spirit Me there bee a Prophet of the Lod among
reſted vpon them, then they propheliedD, and pou, F wilibe knewen to dim by a< bikon, ¢ Thefe werethe
p From that day DID not P ceaſe. 9 and will ſpeake vnto him by Deeame. _ twoordinarie
the {pirit of pro- _ 26 But there remained two of the men 7 My leruant Moles is not fo, whois meanes,
phecie cid not in the bofte: the name ofthe one was Eldad, faithfull in 4 all mine houle. d Inall Ifrael
failethem, ` and the name of the other Medad, andthe Unto him will J tpeake * mouth to which was his
Hpirit reked vpon them, (foz they were of mouth, € by vilion, and not in Darke words, Church.
thenthatwere witten, and went not out but beee hall {ee the fiinilttudeofthe Lom, Exod.3 3.12.
vnto the Tabernacle) and they propheſied Aherkore then were ye not afraid tolpeake e So farre asany
in the hoſte. again my (eruant,euen againtt Peles? — man was able to
27 Thenthere ran a yong man, anb told 9 Thus the Lozd was verp angtic with comprehend,
Poks and fain, Clad and Medad Do pze- thent,and Departed. which he calletk
pheſieinthe bofte, Io Alio the cloud Departed from thef Ta- his backe parts,
28 Gnd Joſhua the onne of Munthe fer- bernacle: and behold, Mirian wasiepzons Exod.33.23.
g Or,a yong uant of Molſes, one of his ayoung men, an- like ſnow:and Aarenlooked vpon Mirlam, fFrom the doore
man whom he gih, and fatd , Mplozd Poles,” fobi and behold, Nie was leprous. of the Taber-
had chofen from eni. ~ H Chen Aaron fai vnto Moles, Alas, nacle.
~ bis youth. 29 But Woles faid vnto bim, Enuieſt my inza, J befeech thec, iay not the finne
T Such blinde thou foz mp fakezpea, would God that al the bpon bs, which wee haue fooliſhly commit⸗
zeale wasin the Lords people were Pꝛophets, and that the ted, and wherein we paue finned. ,
Apoſtles, Mar,9. Lod would put bis Spirit vpon them. 12 Let Her not, J praythee, bee as one g Asachildethat
38,luke 9.49. 30 And Moles returned into the pot,he e dead, of whom the fleth ts halfeconfumed, commeth outof
and the Elders ef Iſrael. : when de cometh out of his mothers wombe. bis mothers belly
31 Then there went foozth a wind front 13 When Moles cried vnto the LoD, flaps dead, haning as
Exod.16.13. the Lord, and *bꝛought quaties from the ing,D God, beleech thee,heale her now. it were bur che
' pal 78.226,27. Sea, and let them fall vpon the campe,a 14 (And the Lod ſaid vnto Woles, FF skin
Daypes tourney on this ſide, and a dayes iour: Her tather had > {pitin her face , hould Wee h In his difplea-
nep on the other fide, round about the hote, not hauebeeneathamed ſeuen dayes? let her Sure.
and ae were about two cubites aboue the be * ibut out of the hoſte ſeuen Dapes,and afo Lewit.13 46.
earth. ter,fhe Halbe receiued.
f Of Homer, 32 Then the people arole, ali that day, Is So Miriam was thut ont of the hofte
reade Leuit, 27. and all the night, and all the nert Bay, and ſeuen Dafes,and tke people remooued not,til
16.alfo it figni- gathered the quatles : hee that gathered the Wiriam was broughtin agatne.
fieth an heape, icat, gathered ten f Pomers full, and they CHAP. XIIL
as Exod.8.14, {pred them abzoad foz their vle round about 4 (Certaine men are fent to fearch the land of
fudg, 15,16. the hofie, Canaan, 24 They bring of the fruite ofthe land.
H 3 31 Caleb
eR ram — *
The ſpies are ſent to Canaan. Numbers. They caufe the people to murmure,
3t Caleb comforteth tht people againft the dif- pomegranatesandofthefigs. _
couraging of their ſpies. 25 ‘Chat place was called the ſriuer Eſh · 1 Or,the valley of
T enatcermard the people remouend fron col, becaule of the clutter of grapes, which Ejhcol,that eof
Waszeroth, and pitched tn the wildernes the chiltaenofirael cutdDowne thence, ` grapes.
a That is,in of? Paran. 26 Then atter fortie Dayes, they turned
Rithma, which 2 (And the Lom pake unto Woke, againe from (cearching of tye land.
was in Paran, faving, : 27 And they went ¢ came to Moles and
Chap. 33.18. 3 $end thou men out to fearch the land to Garon, and vnto ail the Congregation of
bAfterthepeo- of Canaan which F gtue vnto p childzenef the childzeen of Iſrael, inthe wildernedie of
plehad required Jiftael:ef euery tribe of their fathers fallye r Paran, to Kadeclh, and broughttothem, h Called allo
jtofMofes,asit {gnda man, fuchasare alralersamong them. and to ail the Congregation tidings, and Kadeth-Barnea.
isin Deut.i.aꝛ 4 Shen Moles lent themoutofthe wil- ewed them the fruit of the laun. i :
thentheLord Dernefe otParan atthe commandementof 28 AnD they tola him, æ lain, TUe came i That is Mofes
fpaketo Mofes the Lom: alltholemenwere|| beads ofthe Dnto theland whither thou hat fent vs, and
fo to doe. childzen of Iſrael. _ furelptt floweth with * milke and honyand &xod.33 3.
ROr,rulers. Alo their names ave theſe: ofthe tribe here is ok the fruit of tt.
of Reuben, Shamma the ſonne of Saccur: 29 sreuertheleffe , the people bee Lrong
6 DF the tribe of Simcon,Hbaphat
the that Dwel inthe land,and the cities ore wal>
fonne of Voi: * led and erceeding — and moꝛeouer wee
7 Dfthe tribeof Judah, Caleb the ſonne faw the « ſonnes of Anak there. k Ahiman, She-
of Jephunneh: 30 Che Amalekires dwellinthe Houth fhai,and Talwai,
—— tribe ofIſſachar,
Igal the ſonne countrey, and the ipittites, ethe Jebulites, whom Caleb
oi Joſeph: and the Amozites Dwell inthe mountaines, flew afterward,
HOr, Folbsas 9 DE the tribe of Ephzaim, ||Ofheathe and the Canaanites dwell bp the Mea, and lofh.a4,25,22-
fonne of Nun: PAL ; by the colt of Jorden.
10 Dtrhetribe of Beniamin, Palti the 31 Then Caled tilled the people before llOr murmuring:
ſonue of
Raphu: Doles anad atv, Let vs goc vp at once,and acainft Mafes,
IL OkthetribeokZebulun, Gaddiel the poty tt: foz undoubtedly wee ſhall ouer»
fonne of Dodi; ; come it.
12 Dfthe tribe of Joſeph, to wit, ofthe 32 But themen that went bp with him,
tribe of Wana eh, Gaddi the fonne of Duli: fayd , CHe be not able to goe vp agaiuſt the
13 Dfthe tribe of Dan, Ammiel the onne people : faz they are ſtronger then we.
ofGenallt: 33 So they brought vp anenillreport of
14 DE the tribe of Aiher, Hethur the the land which thep gad fearchenfoz the chile
foune of Michael: : Dzen of cael, laying, The land which wee
Is Df the tribe of Maphtali, Nahbi the haue gone thozow to (earch it out, ts aland
fonne of Clephfi: that! eateth vp the inhabitants thereof : foz i The gyants
sie = the tribe ofGad, Geuel the ſonne all thepeople that we faw init, are men of were fo cruell
ac i great lature, À that they fyoyled
e Which in num- 17 Ghele are the names of the «men, 34 Fo: there we faw giants, the fonnes of and killed one
ber were twelue, which Moles fent to {pie out the land: and
Qnak,which come of the gpants, fo that wee another, & thoſe
accordingtothe Goſes called the name of Diea the fonne feemedinour light like grathoppers; and ſo thatcameto
ewelue tribes · of Run, Jehoſhua. we were in their tight. them.
18 Go Woles (ent them to {pie outche CHAP, XIIII.
: land of Canaan, andfaidvntethem,Govp 2 The peoole murmure againft Mofes. 10 They
: this way toward the Douth, and go Yp into world baue floned Caleb and feſhua. 13 Mofes
BOr high cous- the ||mauntatnes, LP pacifieth God by his prayer. 45 The people that
brey, Ig And confiver the land what it is and ꝓould enter into the land contrary to Gods will,
the people that Dwell therein, whether they are flane.
be ſtrong 02 meake, either few o2 many, T Hen al the Congregation lifted vp their
20 And what the land is that they Dwell voyce, and cryed: and a the people wept a Suchas were
d Plentifullor in, whether it be d goodezbad: and what cis thatnight, afraid at there-
bariem ties they be that they Dwell in, whetherthep 2 Anoallthechilmen of Iſrael murmu⸗ port ofthe tes _
Dwell in tents, oꝛ inwalled townes: red againt Woles € Aaron: anb the whole fies,
21 All what the landis: whether it bee affembly fay vnto them, Could God wee
fat oz icane, whether therebe trees therein, had died in che land ofkEgypt,orin this wil.
or not. And be ef good courage,and bzing of derneſſe: would God we were Dead.
the fruit oftheland (for then was the time of 3 Miherefore now hath the Lord bought
the firi ripe grapes.) vsinto this land to fall vpon the fivozd? our
e Which wasin 22 EDo they went vp, andfearched out wiues, ourchildzen Halbe” a pray : were b To our ence
the wilderneffe - theiand, from the wilderneſſe of: Zin vnto it not better fo:vs to returne into Œgypt ? mies the Canaa⸗
of Paran. Rehob,to goe to Pamati, 4 And they fayd one toanother, Let ug nites.
f Which werea 23 And they aſcended toward the South, makea captaine and returne into Egypt.
kinde of gyants, Ecame vate iebson, where were Ahiman, S When Moles and Savon fellon their e Lamenting the
g Declaring the Sbhehat,and Calmatthe fonnes of (Anak. faces befo all the Aſſembly of the Congres people,and pray-
antiquitie there- Ande Hebꝛron was built fuen yeere before gation of the childzen of Iſtael. ing for them.
of:alfo Abraham, Zoan in Egypt. j 6 *And Jothua the fonne of Run, gCa- Ecclas 460 9.
Sara, Izhak,and 24 * Then they came tothe riuer oF Eſh⸗ teb the (onne of Fephunneh,ewo of them that 1,9946:3.56.
Jaakob were bu- col, and cut Downe thence a branch with fcarched the land, 4 rent thetr clothes, d Forforow,
ried there, ‘pire cluſter of grapes : and they bare it vpoñ 7 And ſpake ynte ailthe affembly ofthe hearing their:
Deit. 34 a barre betweene two, and broughrafrh¢g children of Iſrael, aping, THe land ig * - blafphenuie,
Mofes prayeth forthe people. Chap. xiilj. Their indelitiefichreatned. 60
wee walked thozow to fearch it, isa very nites ! remainein the valley; wherfore turne 1 And tie in wat
goad land. Po at backe to morrow, and get pou into the wil- for you.
8 Itthe Lozd lone vg, Hee will bing vs Dernefie,by the way ofthe red Sea. m For I wil nog
fato this land, ¢giucit ys, whichis aland 26 @ After, the Lom (pake vnto Moles defend you,
that tlsweth with milke and honie. and to Aaron, laying,
9 But rebell not pee agatatt che LoD, 27 *iJow long fhall I fuffer this wicked Pal.106.166
neither feare pee the people of the land ; foz inuititude to murmure againg mie? Jhaue
e Weall ea- tiep are bure bꝛead for vs: their hieldts de⸗ beard the murmucings of the children of Iſ⸗
fily ouercome parted from them, and the Lod ts with 93, rael which they murmure againtt mee.
them. feare them not. 3 : 28 Teilthem, As J ttue( fairy the Lord) Chap.26.65.
t This isthe con- Io And all the multitude (aid, £ Stone J wul ſurely do vnto pon, euen as pee baue qd 32.10,
dition of them ~ them with Tones: but the glozpot the Lord {poken in mine eares, ;
that would per- appeared tn the Cabernacie of the Congre⸗ 29 Dour carkeiies Hall failin this wil-
ſwadeinGods gation,befoze all tie childzen of Iſrael. Derneiie, and-all you chat were * counted Dest, 35.
cauſe,tobe perſe- IL And the Lod fat vnto (Boies, Yom thzough all pour numbers, from twentic
cuted of the mul- long will this people provoke me, and how vere oidand aboue, which have murmured
titude, long willitbe, yer they belecueimec, foz all again me,
= fignes which J haue. themed among -30 Ðe iall not doubtleſſe come into the
bem? land, foz the which 3 * liften vp mine band, Gex.14 22,
12 J will lmite chem with the peftilence, to make you dwell therein , fane Caleb the
and Deltroy chem.and wil make thee a greas et of Jeßhunneh, and Joſhua thelonne
ter nation and mightier then they, Nn.
Exod, 32,12. , 13 But Moles iaid vnto ý Lod, *hen 31 But your chilen, (which yee ſayd
ý Egyptians hal heare it,(foz thou bꝛough⸗ ſhould be a pray) them will J bring in, and
= ot people by thy power, krom among theniHall knew the land which pee bhane re»
em ulen :
14. Then they hal fay to the inhabitants 32 But euen pour carketles Hall kallin
of the land, ( for they baue heard that thou, thts wildernelſe.
Lord art among thts people, and that thou, 33 And pour childzen Mall = wander in n The word fg-
{Ebr exe to eye. Lozd, art ſeenẽ tfaceto face, and that thy the wilderneſſe otie peeres, and fhall beare nifieth to bee
cloude ſtandeth ouer them, and that thou pout ° whozedomes, vnttll pour carkerles be fhepheards,orto
Exod.13,21, * goett befoze them by Dap time inapillar of walted in the wildernefie. wander like
a cloud, and ina pillar of fire by night) 34. After the numberof the dapesin the thepheards to
g So that none Ig That thon wilt kil this people ass one which pe fearchedout the land, cuen fourty and fro.
Mmall eſcapc. man: fo the heathen which hane beard the Dapes, *euerp Dap fo2 a yeere , thal pe beare o Your infideli-
fame of thee, fhall thus fay, your iniquity, foz * fourtie pceres, and pee ty and difobedie
Dent.9;28, 16 Becaule the Lord was not * able to P (pall feele my breach opam PINS ence againft
bring this people into theland, which bee 35 J the Lod baue faid, CertainelyJ God.
ſware vnto them, therefore hath bee faine willdo lo to all this wicked company, that Ezek 4.6.
them in the wilderneffe. are gathered together againſt me;for inthis P/al.95.10.
17 And now, J beleech thee,tet the pots- —— they ſhalbe conſumed, and there p Whether my
er of mp Lord be great, accozding as thou ep hall die. promife be true
daft ſpoken laying, 36 And the menwhich Moles had fent or no,
ia é. 18 The Loꝛd ts* flowto anger, andof to (earch theland (which, when they came
pfal.r 33.8. —— sand *forgiuing iniquitie, and agatne, made allthe people to murmure as
Pfal.103.3. nne, butnot making the wicked innocent, ates * and brought vp a fander vpon
Exod.20. Se and * piliting the wickedneſſe of the fathers thelan
and 347. vpon the childzen m the third and fourth 37 Tuen thofe men that did Dzing bp that
generation. vile lander vpen the land, * Mall die by a §-Cor.10.18.
10 Bemercifull, J beſeech thee, vnto the plague before the Lod. heb. 3.10,17:
iniquitie of this people, according to thy 38 But Joſhua the nne of Mun, anv inde 5.
great mercie, and as thou haſt forgiuen this Caleb the foune of Jephunneb,of thole men
people from Egypt euen vntill now. that went to {earch the tand,thall liue.
20 And the Lod fayd, Jhaue korgiuen 39 ¶ Then Moles told theſe fayings vne
h Tathat he dee hit,accoping to thyxequeſt. to allthe chilazen of Firad, andthe people
ftroyed not them 21 Hotwithſtanding, as F line, all the fozewed greatly. 5
veterly,but left earth ſhall bee filled with the glory of the 40 *Aun they arofe bp early in the moz» Deut. tgi.
theit pofterity 020. * ning, and gate them vp into the top of the
and certaine to 22 Foz all thoſe men which haue ſcene mountatne,laping, Loe, wee be ready te goe
enter. my glory, and my miracles which J did in vp to the place which the Lod hath pomis
Egppt, and in the wilderneſſe, and hare {ed ; foz we bauca finned. q They confefiz
i Thatis, fundry tempted mee thele i ten times, and hane not AL But Moles fayd, Wherefore- trant they finned by
timesand often, obeyed my voice, grelſe pee thus the commandement of the rebelling againſt
23 Gertatnely they hall not fee the land, Lo ? it will not ſo come well to paffe. Ged, but confi-
whereot Iſware unto thetr fathers; neither 42 Goe not vp (foz: the Lord ts not a- der not,they of-
fhall any that prouoke mz, lec te. mong pou) left pee Bee ouerthzomen before fended in going
Tofh.t4. 6. 24 But my ſeruant * Caleb, becaufe hee pour enemies. i vp without Gods —
k Amecke and had another k {pirit,and bath followed mee 43 Foz the Amalekites and the Canaa- commandement,
obedient fpirit, ftit euen him wilJ being inte the land whi- nites are there befoze pou, and yee Wall fall
and not rebelli- ther he went,and his (cede Hall inherit it. by the ſword: foz in as much as pee are
ous. 25 Mow the Amalekites and the Ganaa- turned away from the LoD, the Loo
$ 4 ale
——<— a,

The Sabbath brokens 18

Gy — aa a ⏑ ⏑
Prefumption punifhed. Ofttings. Numbers.
al will net be with you. i 18 Speake bute the childzen of Tlrael,
r They could 44 Petthep peelumed robfinately to go and (ay vnto them, Chen pee be come into
not be flayed by bp to the topotthe mountain: but the Arke the land, tothe which 3 bing pou,
any racanes, ofthe Couenant of the Loꝛd, andMoles De- 19 Aud when pe Wall cate of the bread of
parted not out ofthe campe. the land, pe hall offer an heaue offering vn⸗
45 Then the Amalekites tthe Canan tothe Led.
nites which Dweltin that mountatne, came 20 Dee hall offer bp a cake of the Grit of
Deut, i44 Down, and mote them,” and coufiuned chem pour ¢ bough foz an heaue offering: * asthe e Which is made -
vnto hormah. heaue offering of the barne, fo fall pee lift of the firft corne
CHAP, XV. it bp. : ye gather.
2 The offrings which the Ifraehtes fhould offer 21 Dfthe firt of your Dough ye hal giue Leuit. 23. 14.
when they came inte the land of (anaan. 32 The puto the Lod an heaue offering in pour gea
punifbment of him that brake the Sabbath. _ nerations.
Nd the Lozd ſpake unto WDolks,faying, 22 CAndifpee £ hane erred, and net ob⸗ f Asby ouer⸗
A 2 Speake vnto the chiinn of Jira- ſerued all thefe commandements, which the fight or igno=
Leuit.23 10, eland fay vite chem, Ahen pebe come in⸗ Lod hath (Spoken vnto “Doles, rance,reade Le-
a Intotheland tothe = {and of pour habitations, which J 23 Euenall that the Lod bath comman- uit.4.2, 13.
of Canaan. glue pnto pou, s Bed pou by the hand of Moles, from the fr
3 Andwillimakeanoftetng by Gre vnto Day that the Lord commaunded Poles,
Lewsit.22.2%6 the Louw, a burnt ofring 02a tacrifice * (to and henceforward amongvour generations:
Or, feparate. fulfill a vowe, o2 a free offering, 02 tnyour _ 24. And tf fo be that ought be coumitted
Exod.29,1%. kealles to make a * weete fanour vnto the ignozantly ef the s Congregation, then ali g Somereade,
Lewit.2.1. Loꝛrd of the herde or okthe flocke, the Congregation Wall gtue a bullocke fo: a from theeyes of
4 Then* let hun that offereth his offe- burnt ofiertng, fo? a ſwẽete fauour vnto the the congregati-
ring puto the Load, bing ameate offering L020, with a meate offering and drinke of- on,that is,which
ofatenth Deale of fine floure, mingled with fering thereto,accozding to the *maner,and is hid from the
b Reade Exod. the fourth part ofan > bin ofopie. an bee goate foz a finne offering. congregation,
39.406 § Allo thou Walt prepare the fourth part 25 Aud the Piet Wali make an atone- Leuit.q. crc
of an hin ot wine to bee powꝛed on a lambe, ment fez all the Congregation ofthe chil-
appointed fo} the burnt offering o? any offe- Benof Hirael,and it Haltbe forginenthent :
ring. fo tt is ignoꝛauce: and they that being their
6 And fpa ramme thon malt fo: a meat oftring koran offering made bp fire vñto the
offering, prepare two tenth Deales of fine Lod, and their finne offering befoze the
floure, mingled with the third part of an Loꝛd fo: their iguozance.
hin of oyle, : j 26 Then it thalbe forgiuen all the Con-
e The liquor was And fora < minke offering, thou Halt gregationof the chilon of Iſrael, and the
fo called,becaule offerthe tbird partofan bin of wine, foa itranger that Diwelleth among them + foz all
it was pawred on ſweete fauour vnto the Lord, the people were tn iqnozance.
the thing that was 8 Aad when thon pꝛeparelt a bullocke 27 ¶ But it anyone perlon fin through Leuit.427.
fo: a burnt offting, 02 fo? a facrifice to fulfill fgnozance,then he ball bzing a hee goate of
a bowe o: a peace offring vnto the Lod, a peere old fo: a ſinne offering.
9 Thenlet him offer with the bullocke 28 And the Piet Hall make att atone-
JOr,three omers. a meate offring ofi thee tenth deales offing ment foz the tqnozant perlon, when de fins
floure,mingled with halfe an bin of opke. neth by ignozance before the Loz , to make
Io And thou falt being foz a drinke yf- reconciliation fo: him: andit all be fozgi»
fering halfe an bin of wine, for an offering uen him.
made by fire of a ſweete lauour pnto the 29 ie that is bome among the children of
Lo20. Iſrael, and the ttranger that dwelleth a»
11 Thus ſhall it be Done foz a bullocke,o2 mong them, Hall hanc both one law, whe ſo
foz a rammie,o2foz a lambe,o2 fo? a KID. ‘Doth linne byignorance.
d Euery facrifice 12 Accozding to the number that ye pze- 30. @ But the perlen that daeth ought
of beafts mult pare to offer, fo thal pe Do to euery one acco2> +p2clumptuontly, whether he bebane in the Ebr. with as hie
haue their meate Ding to their number. land,oꝛã Granger, the fame blaſphemeth the hand: that ain
offering & drinke 13 All that are bone ofthe countrey, Hal Lod : therefore that peron ſhail bee cut off contempt ofGod.
offering, accor- Doe thele things thus, to offer an offering from among bis people, ;
ding to this pro- made by fire of ſweete ſauour vnto the Lod. 31 Becaule hee hath detpifenthe word of
portion, 14 And ik a Trangerfoiourne with pou, the Lod , and hath broken his commande-
62 wholoeuerbeamong yon in pour genera» ment that perlon all be vtterly cutoff: bis
tions, and will make an offering by fire ofa h tmigquitie halbe vpon htm, h He thall fu-
ſweete faucur vnto the Lod, as pee doe, ſo 32 (And while the childzen of Iſrael Raine the pu-
befhalidoe. were inthe wilderneſſe, they found aman nithment ofbis
Exnd.12.49. 15 *Dne oꝛdinance thal be both foz youof that gathered ftickes npon the Mabbath finne .
PIAD.9.14 the Congregation, and allo fo: the ſtranger Da p. — — th
that Dwelleth with you, euen an o2dinance for 33 And they that found bim gathering
euer inpour generations;as pou are,ſoWall ficks, brought bin vnto Mois and to Aas
the ranger be befoze the Loo. ron and vnto alithe Congregation,
16 Dne Law, and one maner thall ferue 34 And they put bim in*warde: fozit Lewit.34 13.
both foz pou and foz the ranger that toiour- mae not Declared what Mold be Done vnto
neth with you.
17 CAndthe Lod ake onto Moles, 35 Then p Lord laid onto Woles, This
Taping, man Hall digthe Death: and tet all w dey
“The rebellion ofKorah, Chap.xvj. Dathan and Abiram. 61
tiene ftone him with ones withont the al thy baethzen the onnes of Lent with thee,
oſte. and teeke pe the office of the Jiet allo ?
36 And all the Congregation brought It Fo which caule,thou,and all thy com-
bim without the bolte, and tioned him wir h pany are gathered together again p Low:
ttones, and heeded, as the Lod jad com- and what ts Aaron that pee murmure as
manBed Moles. gaint hin? ;
cag ¶ Anadthe Lord fake vnto Woks, 12 (And Woles fent to call Dathan ana
aying, Abiram the tonnes of Eliab: who anſwe⸗
38 Dpeake vnto the childzen of Iſrael, red, cUe will not come bp.
Deut.22.12, and bro chem that they make * them fringes 3 Is it a ſmall ching ý thou hak brought
wiatth.33.5. vpon the bogders oftheir garments thozow- vs out fofa lande that foweth with milke f Thus they
out their generations , Eput vpon the frin- and hony, to kiil vs in the wridernes, except {pake contemp-
sesofthe borders a ribband of biue filke, — thy felfe load and ruler ouer bs tuoufly,prefers
39 And ye fhalihaue the fringes, that allo? ring Egypr to
when pe looke vpon them,pe may remember 14 Alio thou baft not brought vs vnto a Canaan,
all the commandements of the Lod, and oo land that flower) with mitke and bony, nei-
them ; and thatypefecke not after pour owne ther giuen vs tiberitance of felts and vines
beart , no: after pour owne eyes, after the pards: wilt thou sput out the eyes of theſe g Wiltthou
i By leaving which ye goe a whozing: men? we wilt Rot come By. make them, that
Gods comman- 40 That pee map remember and doe all Ig Then Moles wares verp angry, and fearched the
dements, and fol- onan abha nai aud be bolp vnto pour (aid vnto p Lo2,* Looke not vnto their of land, beleeue
lowing yeur b 8: . fering : J haue not taken fo much as an afte that they faw not
owne fantafies. 41 Jam the Lord your God, which from rhem,netther bane J hurt any of them. that whichthey
brought pou out ofthe land of Egypt, tobe 16 And Motes laid onto Kozah,Be thou faw ?
pour Gov: J am the Lod pour God, and all thy company “before the Lo2B: both Gen.4.4,5.
CHAP, Xvi, thou,they,and Aaron tomorow ; h Atthe doore
1 The rebellion of Korah, Dathan er Abiram. 17 And take euery man bis cenfer, and of y Tabernacle.
31 Korab and his company perifbeth. 41 The peoa putincenfe in them, and bring ye euery man
plethe next day murmure. 49 Fourtcene thon- his cenfer before the Lozd, two hundzed and
{and & ſeuen hundred are flaine for murmuring. fifty cenfers: thou alfo and Aaron, cuery -
Chap.27.3. N22 *Kozabh the ſonne of Izhar, the one hts center,
ecclus.45 18. fonne of Kobath, the fonneof Leui 18 Ho they tooke euery man his center,
iude it. i went apart with Dathan and Abiram.the and put fire in them, ¢layd incente thereon,
l]Or,teoke other founes sf Eliab, and On the foune of Wes and koon inthe Dooze of the Tabernacle of
with him. teth, the ſonnes of Reuben: à the Congregation with Moles and Aaron,
Or, before Mo- 2 Ana they role np jagaint Moſes, with 19 Aud Kezah gatheredall the i muiti- i Allthat were
fes. certaine of the chilazen of Iſrael, two hun- tude agatnit them vᷣnto the Dooze of the Ta⸗ of their fadtion,
Deth and fifty captaines of the affembly, bernacte of the Congregation; then the glo:
Chap.26.9, * famous in the Congregation , and menof ryofthe Lod appeared vnto all the Gone
renownnie, Gtegation.
3 CQibo gathered themſelues together a- 20 And the Lozd fpake vnto Moles ana
gainſt Moies and agãtnſt Aaron, and fayd to Aaron laying,
a Or,letit fuffice vnto them, a Yetake too much vpon pou, feg- 21 Separate pour (elues from among this
you,meaning,to tng all the Congregation ts holy, deuery Congregation, that J may conſume them at
haue abufed thé one ofthem, andthe Lord is among them: once,
thus long, 22 And they fell vpon their faces, ¢ fata,
wherefore then lift pce your ſelues aboue the
b Allarealike Congregationofthe Lod? _ D God, the God of the ſpirits lof all fet, lOr oferery =
holy: therefore 4 Butivhen Wolesheardit, he kell vp⸗ bath not one man onely finned, and wilt thou Creatures
none eught to on bts face, y be woth with alt the Congregation?
be preferred a- § And fpake to Roꝛah and onto all bis _ 23 And the Lo: pake onto Moſes, fay-
bone other,thus company, faving, Co mozrew the Lod will in g»
the wicked rea- few whois his, and who ts holy, and who 24 Speake vnto the Congtegation, and
fon againft Godsought to approch neere vnto him: t whom fay, Oet you away from about the Taberna»
ordinance. beg © cholen, he will caule to come neere cle of Korꝛah. Dathan and Abiram.
c Tobe fprieft, ohim. 25. Then Woles role vp, and went vnto
and to offer, 6 ` This doe therefore, Take pou cenlers Dathan,and biram and the Cloers of J
both Korah, and albis company, — rael followed hin. ;
_ 7 And putfire therein, and putincente 26 And he fpake vnto the Congregation,
in them,befoze the Loz0 to we2row ; and the laying, Depart, J pray pou, trom the tents of
man whom the Lod doeth chule, thefame thele wicked men,t touch nothing of theirs,
_d Helayeththe thalibe holy : dye take too nuch vpon pon,pe left ye perifh * in all their finnes. k With them ~
fame to their fonnes of Lent. d j j 27 Do tbey gate them away from the ta- that haue com-
charge iuftly, 8 Againe (Boles aiD vnto Koah Weare, bernacle of Kozah, Dathan and Abiram on mitted {o many
wherewith they J pray pou,pelonnes of Leni, euery fide: and Dathan and Abiram came finnes,
wrongfully char- 9 Seemeth it a final ching vnto pou,that out and Food inthe doore oftheir tents with
ped him. the God of Iſrael hath Ceparated you from oet wineg and their ſonnes, and their litle
the multitude of Iſrael, to take pou neere to chilon.
bimfelfe,to doe theferuice of the Cabernacte 28 And Mors faw, Hereby yee Wall 1 Thaue not for-
£ Toferue inthe of the Lord, and toand before the Congre- know that the Lozd bath tent mee to doe all ged tbem of
Congregation, as gation and to miniiter onto then? — thefe wozkes:foz 1 have not done them ef mince mine owne
is ¥ verfe before, 10 He hath allo taken thee toe him, and wue miunde. braine,
29 It
ay Oo ee a ee

Korah, &cefwallowed. Murmuring. Numbers. Arons rod buddeth,

29 JEthelemen die the common Death of 47 Then Aaron tooke as Moles com.
allinen, e: ikthey be vitted afier the vilita⸗ manded hun, andran into the mids of the
tion ofall men,the Lord hath not fent me. Congregation and bebold, the! plague wag f God hath be-
30 But ifthe Lord make =a new ching, begun among the people, and he put in in⸗ gunto punith
and Fearthopen per mouth, and twailow ceñſe,t made an atonement for the people. the people,
them vp with ail that they haue, and they go 48 And when bee ſtoode betweene the
downe quicke into fe the pit, thenyee hail Dead, and them chat were aliuc, the plague t God drewe
vnderſtand that theſe men Haue proucked was ſtayed. backe his hand
the Lo20. 49 So they died of thre plague fourteen and ceafed to
31 EAnd aſſoone as he had made an end thoufand and ſeuen hundreih, bende them punifa them.
that Died tn the confpiracte of Koꝛah.
of (peaking all thele woods, euen the grount
clane aſunder that was vnder them, Oo And Aaron went againe vnto (Boles
32 And the earth * opened ber mouth,andbefoze the Dooze of the Gabernacle of the
fwallowed then vp with there kamilies and Congregation, and the plague was taped,
ail the men that were with Kozal, antall
theit goods. ` CHAP, XVIL
33 Hothey and all that they bad , went 2 Thetwelue rods of the twelue princes ofthe
Dowie Alins into the pit,and the earth coue· tribes of Ifrael, 8 Aarons rod buddeth,and bea-
red them: to thep pertived fromamong the reth bloßomes, 10 for a teflimony againft the re-
Congregation. bellious people.
34 And all Iſrael that were about them A® the Lod (pake pnto- Weles faving, a Whilehe was
fled at thecrtc ofthem: foz they fad, Let vs 2 Dpeake vnto the childzen of Jitaet, in the doore of
fce let the carth fwailow ng vp. and take of euery one of them a red.atter the the Tabernacle,
35 But there came out atre from the boufe of their fathers,of all their princes ac-
Lod, and conſumed the two hundreth and coding to the family of thete fathers, euen
fiftie men that offered the incenſe. tweiue rods; and thou ſhalt weite enerp
r 36 CAndthe Lozd pake vate Moſes, mans name vpon bts rod.
aping, 3 And were Aarons name bpon the ros
37 Speake vnto Eleazar the fonneofAa. of Leui: foz cuery rod hall be foz the Head of
ton the Pzielt, that hee take vp the cenlersthe boule of their fathers. i
outoftheburning, and fcatter the fire be: 4 And thou Walt put themin the Ta-
yond the altar: fo? they are hallowed, bernacle of the Congregation, befoze the
8 Whe cenlers,rlay,of thele inners, that Arke of the Teſtimony, * where J will des Exod.35.2%¢
deltroyed o themfelues: and let them make clare my felfe to pou.
of them broad plates foz a couering of the 5 And the mang rod, whom FJ > chuke b To beethe
altar ; for they offeren them before the £020, pall bloffome :and J will make ceafefrom chiefe Prieſt.
theretoze they hall be holp, and they tall be me the grudgings of the chilozen of Firad,
P afigne vnto the children ofIſrael. which grudge again pou.
39 Then Eleazar the Pek tooke the 6 CThen Wales pake vnto the childzen
beaten cenlers, which they that were burnt, of Iſcael, all their princes gaue him a rov,
had offered, and made broad plates of them one rodde foz euery prince, accosding to the
foz a couering af the Altar. boules of their fathers, euẽ twelue rods, and
O Itisaremembzance pnto the childsen the rod © of Maron was among their rons. c Though Ios
of Hlrael, that no ranger which ts notof 7 And Moſes layd the rods before the fephs tribe was
the leede of Aaron, come neere to offer in- Lod in the Tabernacle of the Teſtimony. diuided into two
cenſe before the Logd , that hee bee not like S And when Moles on the mozow went in the diftributi-
a Koah and his company, as the Loꝛd ſayd intothe @abernacte of the Cettimony, bes onofthe land,
to him by the hand of Moles. a hold,the rod of Aaron foz the boule of Les yet here itis but
4I @ But onthe morrow all the multis ui was budded, and brought foorth buds one,and Levi
tude ofthe children of Iſtael murmured ae and brought feozth bloflomes, and bare ripe maketha tribe,
gaint Poles, andagatntt Aaron, faying, almonds. d Todeclarethat
Ve haue killed the people of the Lozd. 9 Then Moſes brought out allthe rods God did chufe
42 And when the Congregation was from befoze the Lozd vnto al the childzen of the houfeofLe-
gathered again Moles 4again Aaron, Jiraci: and they looked bpon them,ttooke vito feruchimin —
then they t turned their faces toward the cuerp man hts rod. the Tabernacle,
Tabernacle of the Congregation: and be- IO C After, the Lod faid vnto Moles, Heb.9.4. 9
hold, the cloude coucred tt, and the glozp of *Bꝛing Aarons rod again before the Teſti⸗ e Grudging that
the Lod appeared. mony tobe kept foz a token to che rebellious Aaron ſhould bee
43 Then Moks and Aaron were come children, and thou fhalt caule their murmu⸗ high Prieft.
before the tabernacle of the Congregation, rings to ceaſe from me,that they die not. f The Chalde
r 44 @Andthe Lord pake ynto Woles, II So Woles dtd asthe Loꝛd had com: text defcribeth
aping, manded hun: to Did he. thus their mure |
45 Get you vy from among this Con- 12 (And the children of Iſrael (pake vn· muring : Wedie
tegation; fo: J will conſume them quick- to Moſes, laying, Behold, we are dead,we by theword,the
p: then they fell vpon their faces. perih, we are all loft ; earth fwalloweth
46 And Moles layd vnto Aaron, Cake 13 Myoſoeuer commeth neere, 0? appo- vs vp, the pefti-
lawfulltotake the cenſer, and put fice therein ofthe altar, cheth tothe Tabernacle of the Loꝛd, Hall lence dothcon-
anyotherfire, and putthercinincenfe,and goe quickly vnto Die; hall we be confirmed anddie? fume vs,
butofthealar the Congregation, and make an atonement
ofburnt offing, foz them: foz there ts wrath gone out from CHAP. XVIII. j
Lenit.10. i. the LoD ; the plague is beguit. 3.7 The office ofAaron & his fons, 2 with the

The portion of the Priefts, Chap. xviij and of the Leuites. 62

Leuites. 8The Priefts part ofthe offrings, 20 God mon Le in Iſrael Hall be thine.
u their portion. 26 The Leustes hane the tithes, Ig All that frk apeneth the * matrice of Exod.13.3.and
and offer the tenths thereofto the Lord. any fich, which they thail offer unto the 22.29. leuit. 27.
jadthe Lod {aid puto Aaron, Chou, L920,of mano Deait, {hall be thine ut the 26.chap3. 13.
Avan thy fonnes and thy fathers hous firi bone ef man Walt thou redee a
a Ifyou trefpaffe with thee, Wail beare + the tatquitte of the the frit bone of the vncleane be it
in any thing con- Panctuary: both thou and thp tonnes with thou redeeme. ;
cerning the ce- oe faii beare the tniquitte of pour Piets Ió And thole that are to bec redeemed,
remonies of the office. Malt thou redecm from rhe age ofamoncth,
San@uarie, or 2 And bring alio with thee thy beethsen according to thy eftimation, foz the money
your office,you of the tribe of Leut, of tie family of thy fas offiue hekels, after the hekel of the Dant
fhall be puni- ther, which wali bee topned with thee, and tuarte, * which is twentie gerahs. Ex:d.30,1 3,
fhed, mintiter vnto thee: but thou and thy fonnes 17 But the irk borne ofa cowe, o2 the leuit 27.25.
with thee thal! minifter befoze the Taberna- firt bozne ofa ſheepe, 02 the firk bopne ofa chap.3.47.
cle ofthe Teſtimonie. goate fhalt thou not redeeme: tor they are CZER. 45.1 26
b That is, the 3 And they thall® keepe thy charge euen holy: thou Walt ſprinkle their blood at the i becaule they
thiags which are the charge ofall the Cabernacle: but they altar, and thon walt burne thetr fat: icisa are appointed
committed to iyali nor come necr2 the initruments of the factifice made by tire for alweete favour gne for (acrifice.
thee: or, which Hanctwarte, norte the Attar, leit they die, tothe Een.
thou docft en- both they anb you. i 18 And the eh of them ſhalbe thine, *as Exed.29.26.
ioyne them, 4 And they Halbe ioyned with thee, and the thake birat, anv as the right Goulter lenit 7. 30.
keepe the charge of the Cabernacic ofthe fhalbe thine.
Congregation fo: all the feruice of the Tas 19 All the heaue offerings of the boly
c Which was bernacle: and no- ttranger ſhall come neere things which the children of Iſrael Hall oi
not of the tribe vnto pou. fer vnto theLo2d, haue J ginen thee,and thy
of Leui, § Therefor Hall pe kegye the charge of fonnes,and thy Danghters with thee, tobe a
the Danctuary,and the charge of the Altar; Zuetie fo. ener; itis a perpetual conenant*of k Thatis,fure,
fo there fall fatl no moze wath bpon the falt before the Loyd, ta thee ana to chy leede fable,and in-
children ofIſrael. with thee. cortuptble.
Chap.3.4§. 6 Fozloe, J have* taken pour beethien 20 @ And the Loyd fapde vnto Aaron,
the Leuites from among the childzen of JE Thou halt haue none inheritance tn thete
racl,which as a gift of yours, are giuen vnto Mand, neither Walt thou haue any part a- JOfF Canaan.
the Lozd,to doe the ferutce of the Taberna- mong them: * J am chy part and thine tubes Deut.10.9 avd
cle ofthe Congregation. - ritance among the childzen of Iſrael. 18.2.t0/b, 13.1
7 Éutthou,t thy Hnnes with thee hall 21 Foꝛ bebold,F baue ginen the children 33 ezek. 44.28.
keepe pour Peieſts office foz all things ofthe of Lentall the tenth tn Jirael foz an inheri·
altar,and within the vatie: therefoze hall pe tance , foz their ferutce which they ferue in
ferne: for J) haue made pour Pꝛieſts office | the Tabernacle of the Congregation.
f Ora gift, llanoffice of ſernice: therefore the Rranger 22 Neither Wall the children of Iſraela⸗
that commeth necre,fyalbe flaine. ny moze = come neere the Cabernacie ofthe m To ferue there-
$ €Asgatne the Low tpake vnto Aaron, Congregation, left they ſuſteine finne, Dic. in: forthe Le-
Behold, I pane giuen thee the keeping of 23 Butthe Leuttes Hall do the ferutecin uites are put in
d Asthefirft mine 4 offerings, of all che hallowed things the Cabernacleofthe Congregation,¢ they theirplace.
$ fruit firt borne, of the childzen of Ilrael:vnto thee Jhane gi- fhalbeare » their Tune ; it is a law foz ever in n Ifthey failein
and the tenths, uen them foz the anointings fake,and to thy pour generations, that among the chtlozen their office,they
fonnes fo? a perpetuall ordinance. of Iſtael they poſſeſſe none inheritance. ſhalbe punifhed,
9 This ail bee thine of the moft holp 24 Foz the tithes of the childzen of Iſra⸗
e That which things, réferued from the - fire: all thetr offe- elwhich thep fall offer as an offering vnto
was not burned, ring of all their meat offering, ¢ofalltheir the Lord, J haue giuenthe Leuttes fo an
fhould be the finne offering, and ofall their trefpatie offe- inberitancestherfoze J haue laid vnto them, -
Priefts, ring, which thep bing vnte methat hall be Among the childꝛen of Iſrael pe Hal poſſeſſe
mott poly vnto thee,and ta thy fonnes. none inheritance.
f f Thatis,in the 10 Anthemok f boly place halt thou eat 25 CAm the Lom ſpake vnto Moſes,
Sanctuarie, be- tt: euery male fall eateofit: it ts holy vnto ying,
tweene the court thee. f 26 Speake alfo onto the Leuites, and fay
er This alla Wail be thine: the heaue of» vnto them Ahen pe thal take of the chien
fering of their gift, with all the hake offe- of Ilraelthe tithes which J hase ginen yor
rings of the chimen of Jiracl: J haue gt of them foz pour tnberitance, ther hail pee
uen them vnto thee and to thy fonnes and to take an heaue offerting of that fame fo: the
thye Daughters with thee, ro be a Duette fog Loꝛrd, euen the tenth partot
the tithe.
ever: alithecleane in thine Houle Hall eate 27 And pour heaue offering thali bee rets
offt. Koned ynto pou, as tie ° cone of the barne, a As aecepta-
12 Alithe fat ofthe ople, andalt the fat 62 as the abundance ofthe winepꝛeſſe. bleas the fruite
h Thatis, the
P chiefeft,or the ofthe wine, anvofthe wheate, which they 28 Go pe thall alſo offer an heane offering of yourowne
fhal offer vnto the Loud fo: their fick fruits, vnto the Loo cfall pour tithes, which pee ground or ving-
Wali veceiue of the chtlozen of Mrael, and ve
š yard.
13 Agd the felt ripe of all that ts tn their mhail giue thereof the Loꝛos heaue ofring to p Which yee
land , which chep wall bring vnto the Lord Aaron the zient. ; i haue receiued
thallbee thine: all the cleane in thine boule 29 De wall offer of ail vour r gifts ail the ofthe children:
Maill eat ofit. Lows heane offerings: of allthe afat of the of Ifrael,
Leuut. 27.2 g. 14 Euerything ſeparate from the com: fame thall ye offer the holy things thereof. q Read verſ.aa,
30 Thert⸗
The facrifice ofthe red cow. Numbers. The people chidefor water. -
30 Therefore thou Halt ar vnto them, on himthe Halbe vncleane, and his vnclean·
CAhenype haue offered the fat thereot, then it neſſe fhal! remaine till vpon him.
fhallbee counted pute the Leuttes,as thein- 14 Chis ts thelaw, when a man dieth it
crea Fthecozne tlooze,o2 as the increaſe of a tent: all that come into the tent, ali that
pefe. isin the tent, ſhall be vncleane ſeuen dayes.
r Asinthers. nd pe Hall cate itin all places, yee, 15 Andall the veſſels that be open, which
verfe, and pour houtholds: fozit ts pour wages foz baue no t couering fatne vpon them, hall 4 Eby.a cowering
f Yethall not be yourfernice inthe Cabernacte of the Cone be vncleane. of cloth,

punilhedthere- gregation. 16 Allo wholoeuer toucheth one that ts

fore, 32 And pe hal beare no finne by the reae Haine with alwozd ut ý field, o2 a Dead pere
eTheofterings ſon ot it whenypee baue offered the fat of tt: ſon,oꝛà bone of a Dead man,oꝛa graue, {hall
whichthe Irac- neither Mail pee pollute the bolp © things of be vncleane feuen dapes.
lites haue offered the chilpzen of Iſrael let ve die 17 Therefore fo an vncleane perſon, they
to God. CHAP. XIX, fhall take of cheburnt athes of the blinne ot- h Of the red cow
2 The facrifice ofthe red cow, 9 The [prink- fering, and i pure water Wallbe put thereto burnt for finne,
ling water, 11 Hethat toucheth the dead. i4 The in a veſſell. 1 Water of the
man that dieth in atent. 18 Aud a xcleane perlon hal take byfiope, fountaine or ri-
A D the Lord {pake to Moles, and to and dip it in the water, and ſprinkle it vpon uer,
AAYGaron,faping, ~_ the tent, and vpon allthe veſſels, aud on the k One ofthe
a According tø 2 2 This ts cheevdinance of the Lame, perions that were therein, and vpon him Prieſts, whhich
this law and Ce- which the Lord hath commaunded, faping, that touched the bone, 02 the ſlaiñe, o2 the is cleane.
remonie, ye fhall Speake vnto che chilazen of Jirar that they Dead,oz the graue. ;
Gene thered Sittin thee a redde cowe without blemth, Ig And the cleane perfon Wall ſprinkle
PIN: wheretnis no (pot, vpon the which nener vpon the vncleane tye third Day, and the fe-
came yoke, j uenth day, and bee ſhall purifie himnfelte the
3 And pee hall gine ber vnto Eleazar leuenth Dap, and! wath bis clothes, and Becauſe he had
Heb. 3.016 the Diet, that be may bꝛing her *without — himlelke in water, and Hall bee cleane beene among
b By another the hatte, and canle her to > be Haine befoze euen, them that were
Prieſt. bis face. 20 But the man that is bucleane, ang vacleane : or elfe
4 Then hall Cleasar the Piet take of purifieth not himielfe, that perlon Hall bee bad touched the
Hebr.9,1 30 ber blood with his * finger, ano ſprinkle it tutof from among the Congregation, bee water,as verſe 3Fo
before the Tabernacle of the Congregation caule hee hath nettled the Sanctuarte ot the
{enen times, i Low: and the ſprinkling water hath not
5 And caule the cow tobee burnt in his beene ſprinkled pon hin ; therefore hall be
Exod.29.14. fight: with ber*fkin, and ber fieh, and ber be oucleane.
Quiti. blood, and her Dung, ſhall he burne her. 21 Andit hallbee a perpetuall law vnto
Then wall the Piet take Cedar them, that he that (prinkleth the ſprinkling
wood,and hyflope, and {carlet lace, and catt water, pall wath his clothes: allo hee that
toem Hethe midt ofthe tire where the come toucheth thetpainkling water, Wall bee vn⸗
4 urneth. cleane vntill enen,
€ Meaning E- 7 Then hal the Prick wath his clothes, 22 And whatlocuer the vncleane perfor
Jeazar, and be thal wath bis tleh in water,and then toucheth, hall bevncleane: and the perfon
come into the holt,and the Piet Halbe yn- = toucheth = him, ſhallbe vncleane vntill m That is vn-
— cleane vnto the euen. the euen. cleane,
dTheinferiour § Qifohecthat ‘burneth ber, ſhall wah
Prieft,whokil- his clothes in water, and wach bts fle in CHAP, XX.
Iedher,and bur ywater,and be vncleane vntill euen. t Miriam dieth. 2 The people murmure., $
ned her, 9 Andaman cthatiscleane, hall take vp They haue water out ofthe rocke, 14 Edom denie
€Or,thewater the afesofthe cow, and put them without etä the Ifraelites paffage. 25.28. The death of
offeparation,be- theholteinacleane place: and tt halbe kept Aaronin whofe roome Eleazar fucceedeth,
caufethatthey fog the Congregation of the children of Iſ⸗
that werc fepa- rael fo2%a tpginkling water: it ts a finne Ten the childzen of Iſrael came with
rate from their yn offering. i the whole Congregation to the deſert of
cleannefle were 10 herefore he that gathereth the athes Zin in the firftamoneth, and the people a- a This was fortie
fprinkled there- of the cow, fall wath his clothes, and res bode at Kadeth, where bMiriam dred, and yeeres after their
with,andmade maine vncleane vntill cuen : and it hall bee was buried there. departure from
cleane,Chap.3.7. puto the childzen of Iſrael, and vnto the 2 But there was no water for the Con» Egypt.
Icisalfocalied ſtranger that dwelleth among them, a ſtã⸗ gregation, and they: aſſembled themſelues b Mofes and Aa ·
holy water,be- tute fm curr. againt Moſes and againſt Aaron. rons filter.
_ aufe
u it was ors” Ir We that toucheth the dead body ofanp 3 And the people chode with Moles, and c Another rebel.
deinedtoanhe- man, ſhall be vncleane enen ſeuen dayes. thake,faving, CHould God we had perilhen, lion was in Ra-
ly vfe,Chap.5.17. 12 Wee ball purifie himlelke f therewith * when oir bꝛethren dred before the Lod. phidim,Exod.17,,
fWichthe (prin- the thicd day, and the feuenth day he thal be 4 Mhy baue pethus brought the Ton- and this was in
kling water. clean: butif he purifie not himſelfe the third gregation oftheLo: vnto this wilderneffe, Kadefh.
g So that hee Day, thenthe feuenth Day hee Hall not bee that both te and our cattel ſhould die there? Chap.vt.3 3,
fhouldnorbee- cleane. § WMherekore now baue pee made vs to Exod.17.2»
fteemedtobeof 13 Mholoeuer toucheth the corps of any come bp from Egypt, to bring vs into this
theholypeople, man that is Dead, and purgeth not himlelfc, miferable place, which is no place of ſeed nor
butasapolluted Defileth the Tabernacl ofthe
e Low, ethat fi figs, no: vines, no: pomegranates? neither
and excommu- perſon wall bes cut of from Iſrael, becaule ts there any water to drinke.
micate perlon, the tprinkling water was not ſprinkled vp: 6 Then Moles and Aaron went a
a ae
Water offtrife. Edoms malice. Chap· xxi. Aarondieth. Thebrafen ferpent. 63 Ne
the aſſembly vnto the doore of the Taberna» 23 And the Lord pake vnto Poles and
cle of the Congregation, and fell vpon their to Garou tithe mount igo, neere the coat
faces: and the glozy of the Lord appeared of the land of Edom, faying,
vnts thei. 24 Garon Wall bee! gathered puto bis ÀRead Gen.25.
7 € Aud the Lode pake vnto Moles, people: fo hee hall not enter tuto theland,
aying, which F bane giuen vnto the childzen of Hf
å Wherewith 8 Wake thedrod, and gather thou and raci, becaule pee | Dilobeped my commande: llOr rebelled.
thou diddeit mi- thy brother Garon the Congregation toge⸗ ment at the water of||MWeiwah. [Or firife.
racles in Egypt, ther, and ſpeake pe ta the rocke befoze thetr 25 Take * Aaron and Eleazar his fonne, Chap.3 3+ 38.
and didft diuide eyes, and it wall gine forth bis water, and and bring them yp into the mounr hoꝛ. deut.32.50.
the Sea thou alt bing them water out of the rock: 26 AnD caule Aaronta put eff bis gars
fo thou Wait giue the Congregation € their ments, € put them upon Eleazar bis fyre:
beatis minke. foz Aaron Wall be gathered to his fathers,and
9 Ehen Moles tooke the rod from be- Wail dre there. ji
fore the Lord.ashe han commanded them. 27 And Moles din asthe Lod had com⸗
lo Gnd Moles and Aaron gathered the manded : and they went vp inte the mount
Congregation together before the rocke, Worin the light of all the Congregation,
and Mofes {apd ynto them, Weare now,pere- 28 Gnd Moles put off Aarons clothes,
e The punifh- —* Hall wee bing you water our of thts and put them vpon Eleazar bts fonne: * fo Deut.10.6.
ment which fol- rocke? ' Aaron Diea there tn the topof the mount: and 32.50,
lowed hereof, de- Ti Then Woks lift vp his hand, mith and Moles and Eleazar came Downe from
clared that Mo- bis rod he ſmote the rock twile, and the wa: Of the mount.
fes and Axton ter came ont abundantip: lo the Congrega» 29 When all the Congregation faw that
belecued not the tion and their beats Danke. Aaron was Dead , allthe houle of Iſraei
Lords promife, 12 ¶ Againe the Lord pake vnto Woles, {wept fo? Aaron thirty Bayes. fOr, mourned.
asappeareth and to Aaron, Wecauie pe beleened me not,
verle 13. tof fancttfie mee inthe prelenceof the chil- CHAPS: X XI.
f Thatthechil. Dren of Iſrael, theretozre pec Hall not bꝛing 3 Mael varquifbeth king Arad, 6 The fie-
dren of Ifrael this Congregation tuto thelande which J vie ferpents are fent for the rebellion ofthe peoples
fhould beleeue baue gtuen them. j 24. 33 Sihon and Og are overcome sn battell,
and acknowledge 13 This isthe water of s Meribah, be:
my power, and ſo caule the childzen of Iſrael troue with the Vye * Ring Arad the Canaanite, Chap 33.40.
honour mee. * Loꝛd, and he ® was fanctitied in them. whith Bwelt toward ihe South,
g Or,ftrite and 14 d Chen Holes font metiengers from beard teli that Iſrael came by the » wap of a Bythat way
contention, Kadeih vnto the King cf i Edom, faying, the ipies, tyen fought he agatnit Iſrael, and which their fpies
chap.27. 14. Thus laith thy brocher Olrael, Chou know toske of them pztloners. that fearched the
h By thewing ett all the trauell that wee baue bad, 2 Ho Firari vowed a vow vnto the Loud, dangets, found to
him{elie almigh- Ig How our fathers went Downe inte C+ and faid, Ikthou wile deltuer and gine this bee moft lale.
tie,and maintel- gypt, and wee dwelt in Egypt along time, peopleincomine hand, then F wil sterip
ning his glory. where the Egyptians bandied vs cul, and Delroy their cities.
i Becaufe laakob our fathers. 3 And the Lod heard the vopce of Iſ⸗
or Ifrael was E- 16 But when we cryed vnto the Lord, he rael, € DeliuercDthem the Ganaanttes: and
faus brother, heard onr voyce, and ient an Angel, and they vtterly Deltroped them and their citics, \|Or deSf;ouction.
who was called hath bought vs out cf Egypt, and behold, an3 called the name of tie place l* Hormah Fudz.31.17,
Edom, = nee in the city of Kadeh,in chine vtmoſt 4 GAfter,they departed fromthe mount b Forthey wee
oder. Worby the way of che red Dea,to >compatle forbidden to dee
17 3| pay thee that we may paſſe thorow the land of Edom and the people were lore ftroy it, Deut.a-5.
thy countrep: mee wiil not goe thozow the grieued becauleofthe way.
ficldes no: the vineyards, neither mill wee § And the people pake axain God and
Dainke of the water of the elles : we will againk Moles, faying, therefore haue pee
IOr, high way. go by the ||kings way,and neither turne un- bisught usoutof Cgype, to die in the wil
fo the right band no: the left, vntill wee be Derne fle? foz hereis neither bꝛead no? water,
pat thy bozders. i and our ſoule *lotherh this light bread. Chap.11.6.
IOr, come sot, 18 nd Edom anfwered bim, ||Thou 6 Mherekore the Lord ient’ ferie fer: c Meaning Mane
ſhalt not paſſe by me, lett F conte out againſt pents among the propie, which Rung the na,which they
thee with the ſword popis {0 that many of the people of Iſrael thought did nog
19 Then the chtlozen of Iſrael fayd vnto te . nourith,
bim, We will roe vp by the hie way: anv if 7 .Eheretozre the people came to Poles, Wafd, 16.15 §>
J and my cattetl drinke of thy water, J will and fayd , Uee baue finned: foz wee haue 1, C07. 10:9.
then pay korit: J wili onely (without anp fpoken againit the Lod, and againſt thee: d For they that
harme) goethozow on my feet. pray tothe Logo, that hee take away theter- were flung theree
20 Me anfwered againe, Chou halt net pane from us: and Moſes prayed forte with, were fo in-
Or,theEdomites, Goer thorꝛow. Chen ||Edom cane out agains eople. flamed with the
* withmuch people, and witha mightie 8 Andthe Loz fais vnto Moles, Wake heate thereof,
ower. thee a fiery ferpentjand let tt tp lifo: a figne, that they died:
i 21 Thus Cdom Benyed to gine Firal that as many as are bitten, may looke vpon ſOr, xpon a poles
paflage thozow bis countrey: wherefore Ji tt and liue.
_k To paffe by -racl ‘turned away from him. 9 *Ho Moles made aferpent of bꝛaſfſe, 2.Xing.1 8.4,
another way. 22 @ And when the childzen of Frael and tit np tor a tigne: and when a ſerpent iohn 3. 14.
with all the Congregation Departed from had bitten aman, then be lopked to the ler:
Chap.33-37s * Kaveh, they cane vite tye mount oz pent ot bꝛalle, andliue, HOr retouered.
IO *And
The cainpe remooueth. Sihon and Numbers. Og are ouercome. Balk: Balai
Chap.3 3.436, 10 “AnD the chilazen of Ilrael Departed theAmozites, i
thence,and pirched tn Dboth. 30 Their *empire atio is loft from Dei-
AL (And thep Departed from Dboth,and bon vnto Dibon, and wee hauc deſtroyed
Or,inthe heapes pitched | in Jie abarim, in the wildernes, them pnto Nophah, which reacheth vite
ofAbarim, ory which ts before Moab on the ealk lide. Medeba.
hils. 12 € They remooned thence,and pitched 31¶ Thus Iſrael dwelt tn the lande of
vpon the riuer of Zared. the Amorites.
13 € Thence they departed, and pitched 32 And Moles ſent to ſearch out Jaazer.
on the other fide of Arnon, which is inthe and they tooke the townes belonging theres
wilderneſſe, and commeth out ofthe coaſtes n » AND rooted ont the Amorites that were
bi the Amorites: (foz Arnonisthe boꝛder of pere.
Moab, betweene the Moabites ana the A- 33 &@ *Andthep turned and went bp to- Deut.3.1.and
moꝛites.) j ward Laban: and Og the king of Baſhan 29-Fe
14 CUberefoze it ſhallbeeſpoken in the came out againtt them hee, and all is peo:
eWhichfeemeth booke ot ¢ tie battels of the Lome, i)what ple to fight-at Edzei.
to be the booke thing he Did in the red (ea, andin the rivers 34 When the Lorde fayd vuto Mofes,
of the Iudges, or of Arnon, i Feare bim not, foz J haue deliuered hun in-
as fome thinke,a 15 And at the ſtreame of the riners that tothine band € all his people, and bis tant:
booke which is goeth Downe to the Dwelltng of Ar, and li- *and thou thait dec te bim,as thou DE bn- Pfalrzyrre
loft. eth vpon the border of Moab. to Bihon the king of the Amorites, which
llOr, (how God 16 (Aud from thence they turned to Bea Dweltat Heſhbon. 4
deftrayed) Vaheb et: the fame ts the Ciel where the Lon fain 35 They mote him ae > and bis
(the citie) with æ brite Moles, Silemble the people, and J wil fomes and all his people, vntill there was
whirlewind ,and giue them water. — 3 j none left him: ſo they conquered bis land.
the valleyes of 17 ¶ Then Iſrael fang this ong, i Rife
Arnon, bp well, {fing pee onto tt. CHAP, XXII.
Or, [pringe 13 The inces Digged this Well, the 5 King Balak fendeth for Balaam to curfe the
f Yerhat receiue captaines ot the people Digged it, enen the Tfrachtes, 12 The Lord forbsddeth him to goe.
che commoditie e Lawatuer, with theiritaucs. Ana from 22 The Angel of the Lorde meeteth him, and |
thereof , giue the witderneffe they came to Mattanah. afe ſpeaheth. 38 Balaam proteSteth that he will
praife forit, Ig Q Audtrom Mattanah to Mapaliel, fpeake nothing , but that which the Lorde patteth
g Mofes and and from Nahalielto Bamoth, $2 his mouth,
Aaron heads of 20 (And trom Bamorh in the valtey,
the people, onely that isin the plaine of (Boab. tothe top of Artes the childzen of Iſrael Departed
fimore the rocke Piſgah that iookethroward Felhimon. and pitched in the plaine of Moab on
with the red or 21 A Then AIlrael (ent meſſengers vnto the a other fide of Jozden from Jericho. a Bting at Ieri
Raffe, which gaue Sihon king of the Amopttes, ſaving, 2 {Mow Balak the ſonne of Zippo: fata cho, it was be-
waterasa Weil 22 Wet me goc chozow thy land:
we will ali that Ilrael had Done tothe Amozites.
yond Iorden : bug
ehat were deepe 3 And the Moabites were ſoꝛe afraid of where the I frae<
not turne afide into rhc Beides , nor into the
digged, uincpards, neither drinke of the waters of the people,becaufe they were many, Moab lites were, it was
Deut.2. 26¢ the Melles : wee will goe by the kings wap,| fretted againſt the childzenof Iſrael. on this fide,
iudg, II. 19. vntill webe paft thyceuntrey. 4 Therefore Moab (aid vnto the > El- llOr was vexed.
Deut. 29.7. 22 * But Sion gaue Pract no licence to Bers of Midian, Mew thall this multitude b Which were
paffe thozow his couutrey,butHihon affem= lickebp all that are round about bs, as an the heads and
bled all hts people,and went out againk Ji ore licketh vp the graffe of the Aeld:and Ba- gouernours.
raclintothe wildernefle :and hee came to lak the fonne of Stppog was king of the Mo⸗
Jahos,anv fought againtt Jacl. abites at that time.
Fofh.12.2 pfal, 24. * But Iſrael ſmote hint with the edge 5. * Wee fent meſſengers therefore vnto Fofh.r4-9e
135-1 1,amos 2,9 of the ſwoꝛd and conquered bis land , from Balaam the ſon of Beor to Betho ( which
h Theriuer. Arnon vure * Jabok, euen vuto the children isby the € riuer of the land of the childzen of c To wit, Eu-
i For the people of Ammon : foz the bozdee of the chilozen of bis felke) to call him, laying, Behold, there phrates, vpon the
were talland Ammon wasi ſtrong. ís a people come ont of Egypt which coner which ftood this
ftrong tike gi- 25 And Iſrael tooke all thefe cities, and the face of the earth,and lic oueragaing me, citie Pethor;
ants, Deut,2.20. dwelt in ail the cittesof the Amozttes in 6 Come now therefore I pray thee , and
+Ebr, daughters, Heſhbon, and in all the + villages thereof, curſe me this people ( for thep are ttronger
k Forif it had 26 Fork Heſhbon was the citic of Sihon then J) foit map bee that Jwall bee abie to
beene the Moa- the king of the Amorites, which had kought finite them, ¢ te Dine them out of the land:
bites, the Ifrae- bekore time againit the King of the Moa- fo I know that be whom thou bleſſeſt, is
lites might not bites, and bad taken all bis land out af his er and hee whom thou curled Mall bee
hauc poffeffed it, hand,cuen vnto Arnon. curled. d Thinking to
Deut.2.9. 27 WAherlore they that ſpaktinprouerbs, 7 And the Elders of Moab, and the Ci- bribehim with
1 Meaning , war. fay, Come to lhechbon, lettie citie of Dibon Bers of Midian Departed haning 4 che re- gifts to curfe the
m Chemoth was be built,and repaired; ward of the ſoothlaying in thetr hand, and Mfraclites,
the idole ofthe 28 Foz! a fire ts goneout of heſhbon, they caine vnto Balaam, and cola hun the e Whom before
Moabites, 1. Kine & aflame from the city of Sthon, and hath words of Balak. 3 he called Elders:
38.3 3. who was confumed Ar ofthe Moabites, and the lords 8 Wihoanlwered them, Tarie here this meaning, the go-
not ableto de- of Bamoth in Arnon. t night,and 3 will gine pou ananfwere, ag vernours,& after
fend his worthip- 29 oe bee ta thee, Woab: D people of the Loyd ſhall fay vnto me. So- the [zine calleth them fere
pers, which m Chemoſh, thou art vndone: he hath lufe- ces of Moab above with Balaam., uants:that is,
rooke the idole red bis ſonnes to oc purlued,and his daugh·
For theisfathers 9 When God came vnto Balaam, and fubieGstotheir
terg to bec in captinity te Sthon the king oF fayd, What men are theſe with mr i King.
The Angel ftandeth againſt Balaam. Chap.xxiij. His aſſe {peakethto him. 64
10 And Balaam faia vnto God, Walak ſmitten me now three times ?
the ſonne of Zippo, king of Moab path feni 29 And Balaam ſayd vnto the afie, Be-
ynteme,faying, cauſe thou fait mocked mee ; F) woutd there
11 Behold, thercis a people come out of were a ſword in mine band, for new would
Egypt, and couereth the face ot the earth:J kiil thee. 3 > a
come now, curle thax fo: my fake: foit map 30 And the affe (aid vnto Balaam, Am
be that J hall bee able to guercomeg chem in not 3 thine afie whith thou patt rinnen vp-
battell, and to Dine thein out. ona tincethe tirit tune vito this Day? haue n Sinee thou
f He warned 12 nd God! fain vnto Balaam, Go not 3 uiv at anp timeto Doc thus puts thee? haſt bene my
him by adreame, thou with them.ucither curle tye people, foz Aho fait, May. maker.
that he ſhould they are bleſſed. : 31 And the Lod oopened the epes of Baz o Fos whofe
not confent to 13 Ano Balaam role bp tn the moning, laam,and be faw the Angel ofthe Lod ſtan⸗ eyes the Lord
the kings wicked and faia vnto the princes of Balak, Returne Ding in the way witi) hĩs ſword drawen in doth not open,
requelt. vnto pourland: for thee Lom hath refuſed his pand : then hee bowed hunlelfe, and fell theycan neither
to clue me leaue to go with pou. flat on bis face. l fechisanger, -
g Elshe fhewed
-himfelfe willing, 14 Sothe princes of Moab rofe vp, and 32 And the Angclof the Lozd faine vnto nor his loue,
couctoufnefie went vnto Balak, and fade, Balaam hath Hint, iherefope halt thou now finitten thine
had fo blinded refuledtocomemithys. _ : afie thzee times ? Weholdz, J came out to
his heart. Is @ Balak yee lent agatne mee princes withltand thee, becawie thy r way is not p Boththy heart
and moze honourabicthen they. ſtraight before me, is corrupt,and
16 Ubo came to Balaam, and fayde tu 33 But the alſe faw me, and turned ftom thine enterprife
him, Thus ſaith Balak the fonne of Stppoz, me Now thece times : foz elle, if Hee had not wicked.
h The wieked h Be not thou Kayd,J]pray thee, from com- turned fro me, lurely J had enen now flatne
feeke by all ming vnto me. thee,and faved her altue. ~
_meanesto fur- 17 Fo Iwill promote thee vnto great 34 Chen Balaam faidevnto the Angel
ther their naugh- honour, ant willdowhatſoeuer thou ſaveſt of the Lo2d, F haue finned; foz J wit not
tie enterprifes, pute me: come therefore, 3 pray thee, curie that thou ſtoodeit tn the way | again mee: llOr, before me,
though they me this people. |now therefore ifitaelpleate thee,Jwil turne crto mecte me.
know that God 18 And Balaam anfwered, and ſayd vn⸗ + home againe. fEbr.F will re-
is againſt them, tothe feruants of Balak, * It Balak would 35 But the Angel (aid vnto Balaam,So tarne to me,
Chap.24,13. give me bis houle full of ſiluer and golde, J] with themen: but awhat J fay onta thee, q Becaufe his
cannot go beyond the word ef the Lone my that halt thou tpeake, So Balaam went heart was euill,
God,to Do leſſe 02 moꝛe. f with the pinces of Balak, his charge was
I9 But now, J pray pou, tarie here this 36 And when Balak heard that Balaam renewed,that he
i Becanfe bea
night, that J map wit, what the Lorde will caime, he went out to meete him vnto acitte fhould not pre-
tempted God to fay unto me i moze. of Boab, which ts in the "boder of Arno, tend ignorance;
require him con- 20 And Goo came vnto Balram by taen in the vtmoſt coait. r Neerethe place
trary to his com- night, and ſaid vnto him, If the mencome 37 Then Balak fain onto Bataan, Did where the I{rac-
tocalithee, rife pp, and goe with chen: but 3 not (end foz theeto call thee 2: Chereforze lites camped,
petition was
onely what thing J lay vnto thes, that halt cameſt thou not vnto me? am J not able in
~ granted, but it thou do. Beede to promote thee ynto honour?
turned to his
21 So Balaam rofe vp earely, and ſadled 38 And Balaam made anſwere vnto Bas
owne condem-
his afe and went with the priaces of Moab lak, Loc, Fam come vnto thee, and cang
22 And the wrath of Gad was kindled, now fap fany thing atall ? the word that f Of my felfe ï
“Nation. can fpeake no-
k Mooued rae becaule hee k went; and the Angelof tye — in mp mouth , that wall J
Loꝛd food in the way to bee againtt bun, ag peake. € thing + only what
ther with coue- God remiletb,
hee rove vpon his afe, and bis two ſeruants 39 Bo Balaam went with Balak, and
were With him. thep came untothe city of ||Muszoth. that will I verer,
to obey God, 23 And* when theatlefaw the Angel of feemeit good
40 Then Batak offered builockes, and
cheng the Lorde and in the way, and bta fwod Mheepe, and fent thereofto Balaam, and to or bad.
cid Dawen in pis band, the afie turned out of the princes that were with pim. lOr offtreets,or,,
theway and went intothe ielo, bu Balaam — 41 And on the mozow Balak tooke Ba⸗ a populous ety,
. {mote the aſſe,toturne her into the way. laam, and brought him vp into the bicplas t Wherethe
1 Thefecond 24 'Agatnethe Anaclofthe Lod ſtoode cescte Baal, that rence bee mighticethe idole Baal was
time, ina path of the vineyards, having a wallon vtmolſt partofthe people, worthipped,
the one ſide, and a wallon the other.
25 And when theafle fame the Angel of CHA PP! XXHL ak
the Loud, the thut her felfe unto the wall, z Balaam caufith [iuen altars to bee built, y
and daſht Balaams foote againt the wall: God teacheth him what to anfwere. 8 Fn Stead
wherefore he {mote her againe. of curfing he bleſſeth Ffrael, 19 God w not lke
26 Then the Angel of the Lorde went ai.
further, and food ina arrow place, where A {2d Balaam ſaid onto Balak, Builde
Was no Way to turne, eithet te the right hand me here ſeuen altars, and pzepare meg
oꝛ to the left. dere euen bullacks,and feuca rammes.
27 And when the alle ſawe the Aneel of 2 And Balakoidas Balaam fam, and
HOr fet the Lord, (hee |}lapdowne vnder Balaam;
thercfoze Balaam was verp woth, and
Balak and Balaam oferen on every altar
a bullocke and a ramme.
a Feramons the
Gentiles the
{mote the aſſe with a tafe. $ 3 Chen Balaam fain vnto Balak, Htand Kings oft times.
m. Gaucher 23 Chen the Lorde mopened the mouth by the burnt offering,and J wii goz,if fo be
vfedto facrifce,
powertofpeake, of the alie, and thee fayde vnto Balaam, thatthe Lord will come and mecte mes and asdidthe Prica —
CAbat bane J Done vite thee,that thou tak whatloeuse hee heweth mee, FZ we tell
wr — 9—

f Palam bleffeth the Numbers. Iſraelites, and prophelieth.

fOr,went up thee : fo he ||went forth alone. ſtrength is as anUnicome.
higher, 4 And Gov met Balaam, and Balaam 23 jrozthereis no lorcerie in Jaakob, no?
b Appeared vn- {aid nto bim,3haue prepared {even altars, ſoochſaying in Jtract: baccording to this k Confidering
to him. and haue offered vpon cucry altar abullocke time tt thaloe ſaid of Yaakob and of Jlracl, what God (hall
and — Ubat Hath God wrought? : worke this time
c Taught him § And the Lom «putan anſwere inBa: 24 Beholde, the people Hall rife spas a for the deliue-
whatto fay, laains mouth, and lain, Gor agatue to Ba- Lian, and iiit vp bunfelte as a yong Lion: rance of bis peo-
tak and fap an this wife. , he Hall notlic Downe, till he eate of the paay, ple, all the world
6So when he returned vnto him,loe,be and till be Dainke the blood of the flatne. fhall wonder.
ſtoode by is burntogering, hee, and all the 25 € Then Balak ſaide vnto Balaam,
princes of Moab. Neicher curie, no: blefle them at all.
Or,proph pe 7 Then bee vetered bis ||parable, and 26 Gut Bataam anſwered, and faid vu»
—— fara, Balak the king of Moab hath brought to Balak, Cold nat J thee, faving, Ail that
ROr, Syria. me front ||Sram out ef the mountains of the the Lozd theaketh,that mutt J doc?
Gait, faying, Come, curie Jaakob foz my 27 @ Againe Balak fain vnto Balaam,
d Cauſe that all fake: Come ana 4 netet Fleael. Conie, J pray thee, I will bring thee vnto
\ men may hare 8 Pow hal FZ cuvie, where Hod hath not ansiper'! place, ifſo bee it will pleafe Gov, | Thus the wice
and deteft them, curieD/o2 how hall Jdeteſt, where the Logo taj thou mapet thence curie them fog my Kedimagineof
hath not deteſted? ake. God, that, thac
9 Foꝛ from the topef the rockes J ait 28 So Balak brought Balaam vnto the which he wil not
fee bim, and from the billes J vid beholde toppe ot Peoz, that looketh toward Jeſh· grant in one
hint: loe, the people fgati Dwell by them- mon. place,he will do
felues, and Wall not be reckoned among the 29 Then Balaam fayde vnto Balak, it in another,
e But fhall haue e nations.. Wake me here (cuenaltars,and prepare me
teligion and 10 hocan telthe fduſt of Jaakob, and ere feuer butlockes,and ſeueen rammes.
lawes apart. the number ofthe fourth part of Iſrael? Let 30 And Balak did as Balaam had fait,
f Theinfisite meee Ble the Death of the righteous, and iet — offered abullock and a ramme on cucry
multitude, as the my lait end be like bis. altar.
cut of the earth, Il Chen Balak faid vnto Balaam, that CHA * XXIIII.
g Thefeareof halt thou don vnto me?3 tooke thee to curie § Balaam prophecieth of the great profperitie
Godsiudge- — mine enemies, and behold, thou hatt bleſſed that fhould —— Ifrael: ISAI ofthe com-
ments cau'edhim them altogether. ming of Ciſt. ꝛo The deftruction of the Amalen
towithto be 12 And hee anlwered, and lato, Iut J hites,and of the Kenites,
ioynedtothe . not take heed to ſyeake that,which the Load VV Deir Balaam ſaw thatit pleated the
houtholdof A- Hath put in my mouth? Lod te bleſſe Iſrael, chen hee went Chap.22. 3,%§.
braham:thusthe 13 Gnd Balak {aid vnts him, Come, J not, *as certaine times betoze, to fet diuiua· a Where the If-
` wickedhaue prapthee, with mee vnto another place, ads, but fet bis face tomate the a wilder» taclites camped,
theircon{ciences whence thou mayelt iee them,and thou ihalt neſte.
woundedwhen fee but the wtmolt part of them, and falt noe 2 Gnd Balaam lift bp his eves, and loo⸗
theyconfider fee themalts therefope curſe them out of that kedvpon Iſrael, which dwelt accopding to
Gocsiudgements place for my lake. hatetribes, and the ſpirit of God came Yp»
> “Or, intothe field I4 (And he brought him into |Sede-fo- on him.
of them that phun te the cop of Pilgah, and built ſeuen 3 *And he vttered his parable,and fayd, Chap.23 7,18,
Pied: to witslef altars, anu offered abullocke, and a ramme Balaam the onne of Beo: hath {atd,and the
the enemie On cuery altar, man, whole > epes were Hut vp, hath faid, b His eyes were
fhould approch, IS After,he laid vnto Balak, Stand here 4 We bath latd, which heard the words thut vp before,
t by thy burnt offering, and J will meete che of God, and fato the vtlion of the Almigh⸗ in reſpect of the
Lord yonder, tte, and «falling inarrance, had jis eyes o> cleare vifions |
Chap.. 35. 16 And the Lo met Balaam, and *put ened: which he faw af- _
an anſwere tit hts mouth, and fatte, Goe aa J 5 How goodly are thy tents, D Jaa ter: fomerecade, |
gaine unto Balak and fay thas. kob,and thine habitations,D Piracl! were open, |
17 And when he came to hun, behold, he 6 Gs the valleyes , are they itretched c Though he lay
foodby his bucnt offering, and the princes koorth, as gardens by the riers fide, as the as in a fleepe,yet
of Boab with him; fo Balak (aid vnto hin, Aloe trees, which the Led path planted, the eyes of his
CGihat hath the Lor fata ? , astheCevarsbeiide thewaters. mind were open.
18 And hee wttered his parable,and ſaid, 7 hed water droppech out of his bnc- lOr tents,
Rilenp, Balak, and heare:yearkenvnte me, ket, and his ſeede Mall cee in many waters: d Nis proſperity
thou fonne of Zippor J, and his king Halbe higher then e Agag, and and poſteritie
h Gods enemies Ig "Godisnotas man, that he hould tic, bis kingBeme hallbe eralted. X y thall be very
are compelled to neither asthe fonneof man that hee ſhould 8 God bought him out of Egypt : his reat.
repent: hath he (aid, and Wall he noc Doe tt? ſtrength thal be as an Gnicozne: be hall cat c Which name
gouernmentis plt path
it? he(poken, and (all
: benot accom: the nations his enemies, and bruiſe their was Common te
bones, and Moote them thorow with hisar- the Kings of
tera gla 20 Behold, Jhane receiued commande. rowes. Amalexk.
or repentance,
ment to bleſſe: tor he hath bleked, and J can- 9 * ee couchetl and lieth notne asa Gene.49.9.
not alter it. i . yong Lion, and asa Lion : who hall Riree
21 We {eeth none iniquitieinJaakob no: him vp 2 bleflen is be that blefferh thee, and
i They triumph feeth no tranfareffion in Ifrael: the Lorde curted ishe that curfeth thee. ;
as viGtorious his Godis with him, and the i topfull ſhoute Io Tien Balak was very angry with
Kingsouertheie OFA iRing is among then, + j Balaant, and 'finete his bandes together: f Intoken of
encmics, 22 Gov brought themout of Ggypt:their fo Balak fata vnto Balaant, J ſent foz wee anger.
alaams prophecies Baal-Peor. Chap. xxv.xxvje = ~ The zeale of Phinchas. 6s -
tocurfe mine enemies and behold,
thou bak 4 And the Lod laid unto Poks
Cake Deut. a 3.
bieen them now three tunes, all theheads ofthe people, and hang them tefh.22.17.
11 Therefor now fiee buto thy place : F vp |idefore the Lo2d «again the Gunne, 4Or,to the Lord,
_ thought fiurelp to promote thee vnto honour, that the indignation of the Loꝛds wath c Openly inthe
thewic- butloe,the 2 LoD bath kept thee backe from map be turned from Firag, fight ofall,
burden God, honour. 4 Chen Moles faid vnto the Judgesof $
when they can 12 Chen Balaam anfwered Balak, Cold Iſtael, Euery one Nay his 4men that were d Lethim fee
not compaſſe J notalfo thpmeffiengers, which thou fen- ioyned bute Baal Peoꝛ. execution done
therwickeden- teit vnto mefaping, : 6 € And behoſde, one of the childzett of of them that are
terprifes. 13 Jf Balak would gine me this houle ful Ilrael came and brought nto his bꝛethren vnder bischarge,
of muer and golde,3cannot pafie the Com- a Midianitiſh woman in the fight of o-
mandement of the Lord, to Bo either good 02 fes, and tu the fight ofall the Congregation
$€br.counfell, bad of mine owne minde? what the Low of the childzen of Ffracl , e who wept before e Repenting
h Hegauealfo fhallcommand,that ſameJwil ſpeake. the Dooze of the Tabernacle of the Congre- that they had
wickedcounfell 14 And now bebelde,F goe puto my peo= gation. - offended God,
to caufethe Iſra- ple; come, J will + *aduertife thee what 7 * And when Phinehas thefonneofE= P/z/.106.30.
elitestofinne, this people hall Boe to thy fotke in the latter leasar the fonne of Aaron the Pꝛieſt ſaw ft; 1424c, 2.54.
that thereby God papes. be cole pp from the mids of the Congrega-
might forfake Is Andhe vttered his parable, and fayd, tion, and tookea|i(peate in bis band, — _ gr tec lin.
them, Chap.31. Balaam the ſonne of Beor hath fayd, and 8 And followed the man of Iſrãel into
16. the man whole eyes were fhut bp, bath (aid: the tent, and thut them both thozow : to
i Meaning 16 ee hath fain that beard the words of wit, the man of Iſrael, and the woman) tho ||Or,in ber teste
Chrift. God, and bath the knowledge of the mof row ber belly: fo the plague cealed fromthe (hale ard
k Thatis,che Pigh, and faw the vifionofthe Almightie, childzenotGftacl. Grecke,in her
princes. and falling in a trance had His epes opened: 9 *And there died in that plague foure fecrets.
Í He thail fub- 17 Jall fee him, but not now : 3 mall and twentie thoufand. 1,Cerssth.10.8,
duc ali that reſiſt: behold him, but not neere: there hallcomea : 10 Then the Lom tpake vnto Woles,
for of Sheth Otarre of.Jaakob, and a Scepter pall rife APIR,
cameNoah,and -of Ufrael, and mall (mite the £ coatts of Mo⸗ Ir * Hbinebas the ſonne of Eleazar, the P/al.106.30.
of Noah all the ab,anddeftropallthefonnesof! Sheth. _ fonne of Aaron the Pꝛieſt, hath turned mine
world. 18 Ano Edom ſhalbe poſſeſſed, and Seit anger away from the chilon of Ffract,
m OftheEdo. ſhall be a poſſeſſion to their enemies; but Iſ⸗ while hee was 'scalous fo: my fake among f He was zea-
mites. rael yali Boe valiantly. N them; therefore F haue not confumed the lous to maintaine
n The Amale- 19 He allo that (Hall haue Dominion, hall childzen of Iſrael tn my ielonfie. my glory.
kitesfirt made beof Jaakob, and hall deſtroy the renmant 12 Wherefore fap to him, Behold, Jgine Eccles 45.24,
warreagainit ofthe™ citie. puto him my Coucnant ef peace, EMAC, 2.5 he
Ifrael,as Chap. 20 (And when he locked on Amalek,be 13 Gnd be thall haue tt,and hts feed after
14.45. vttered bis parable, andfayd, Amalek was him, euen the couenant of the [Szicks office
Or, Midienites. the rit ofthe nations ;but hislatter ende foz ener,becaule he was zealous foꝛ his Gon,
o Make thy ſelſe thall come fo Deftruction. and hath made an e atonement foz thechil« g He hathpaci-
_ asfirongasthou ~ 21 Ant hee looked on the||Kenites, and Den of Iſrael. fied Gods watis
canlt. vttered bis parable, and fain, Strong i⸗thy 14 And the name of the Iſraelite thus
LOr, thou Kain mete place, and ° put thy net tn the faine, which was killed with the Mdiani ·
4 ro te ti woman, was Zimri the fonne of Salu,
p Some reade, 22 Neuerthelelle, theKenite halbe pois peincet of the family of the Simeonites. +Ebr.ofthe house
Oh, who ſhal not ied, vntill Aſchur carp thee away captiue, Ig And the name of the Midianitih wa ofthe Ather.
perith,when the 23 Againe hee vttered bis parable, and man that tas flaine , was Coxbt the Dangh-
enemiethatz, fatd, Alas, P who hall line when Gor dorth ter of Zur, who was head ouer the people of
Antichrist, hall this? | bis fathers boule in Midian.
fet himíelfevp 24 The hhippes alfo Hall come from the = ¶ Againe the L020 pake vnto Mofes,
as God? coattes of aChittim,
and ſubdue Aſſhur,
and ſaying >
q TheGrecians, fhall ſubdue Eber, and he allo hall come to 17 *Clere the Widianites, ünite them: (o4p-31.2»
and Romanes, deſtruction. 18 Fozthey trouble psu with their*wileg h Caufing you
r Meaning Eber, 25 Then Balaam role pp, and went and wherewith they haucbeguiled pou, as con: to commit both
orthelewesfor returnedtobisptace; and Balak allowent cerninng Peor and as concerning their fier corporal and pi-
rebelling againt his way. Sat theDaughter ofr prince of pidan, —— fore——
God, CHAP. XXV, ich was faine tn the day of the plague tion by Ba
2 The peovle committeth fornication with the becaute of Peor. P — prague counfell,Chap.
daughters of Moab. 9 Phinehas kslleth Zimri and CH AP: XXVI 31 16.teuel.2o
Cozbi. 11 God maketh his couenant with Phine- 2 The Lord commausdeth to number the chil. 14.
_ has, 17 God commandeth ta kill the Midsanites, dren of Ifrael im the plaine of Moab, Fumtwenty
peereold and aboue. 57 The Leustes and their
Numb, 33.49. N2” whiles Flrael above in *Shittim, families. 64 None of themthat were mumbred in
. Nthe people beganto commit whozepome Sinai, goe inte Canaan , faune Caleb and Fofhua. A
a Wich the a with the Daughters of Moab: #2D lo after the * plague, the Lez (pake 2 Whichcame
women. 2 GGbich calien the people vnto the fa- pute Poles, and to Eleazar the ſonne fortheirwhores -
b Worlhipped crilite of their gods, ant the people ate, and of Aaron the Piet laying, dome andids= |
theidoleofthe. bowed Downe totheir goys, _ 2. Take the number of al the Congrega: larrie,
a l* And —— b a LkaeJ— 8 tion ofthe thien of Pirael* from twentie chap,1.3.
was inthe “peor : w 2e the wath of the Lord pere old and aboue throughout thetr fathers
Peor, BasKDI again AtS EP RER houles, all that gog for to warte Sane
~The Hraelicesnumbred Numbers. accordingtotheir tribes. ©
3 Ho Woks and Cleasar the Prick 24 DE Jaſhub, the tamily of the Jaſhu⸗
{pake buto them in the plainc of Moab, by —— of Sbimvon, the kamily of the Ohun:
b Wherethe Jorden? toward Jericho, laying, ronites.
riuer is neere to 4 From twentie peere oid and aboug ye 25 Thele are the families of Iſſachar af⸗
Jericho. thal number the people,as the “Laid hav com: ter their numbers, threeſcore ¢ foure thou⸗
Chap.1.t. manded Moles, and the childzen of Iſrael, fand and three hundzeth. t
when they came out of the land of Egypt. 26 @ Che lonnes of t3ebulun after their t Zebulun.
Gene.46.8. § @ * Reuben the frt borne of Iſcael: families were:of Hered, the family of p Dara
exod 6.14. the chilozen of t Reuben were: Hanoch, of Dites: of Elon, the family of the Clonites:
a. chron. j. 1. whom came the family of the hanochites, and of Jableel,the family of the Jableelites.
+ Reuben, Ma it the family of the Palluites: 27 Chele are the families of the Zebulu⸗
6 Okhelron, che family of the Pelro. nites atter their numbers, thzeeſcore thou
— ; of Carmi , the family of the Car⸗ fand, and fiue hundzeth. fe)
mites. 28 C The lonnesof Joſeph, after their
7 Thele are the families of the Reube⸗ families were t Manaſſeh and Ephꝛaim. Manaſſeh.
nites; and they were in number thzee and 29 The ſonnes of Manaſſeh were : of
foztic chouland, ſeuen hundzeth and thirtie. Machir the family of the Machirites, and Fofh.r17.0,
8 Aud the nues of Pallu, Eliab; Machir begate Gilead ; of Gilead came the í
9 And the lonnes of Eltab.Memuel and familp of the Gileadites. /
Dathan, and Abiram : this Dathan and A. 30 hek are the ſonnes of Gilead:of Jee
biram were famous in the Congregation, set, the family of the Jezrites: of Velek, the
Chap.16.3. and * froue again Moles and ãgainſt A- tamilp of the Helekites: gi
e Inthatrebel: ronin © the aſſembly of Kozah, when they 31 DfAlrielthe family of the Aſrielites:
lion whereof ſtroue againſt the Lod, of Dbechem, the family of the Dhichmites.
Korah was head. Io And the earth opened her mouth, and 32 DiShemitda , the family of the hee
Cwallowed thembp with Kozab, when the — ok Hepher, the kamily of the ies
Congregation Died , what time the fire cons pherites.
fumed two hundreth and fftie men, wha 33 (And * 3elophehad the ſonne of We- Chap.27.30
d Thatis, foran twere < foa ligne. _ pher,had no fonnes, but Daughters: and the
example that o- II Hotwithſtanding, all the fonnes of names of the Daughters of Selophehad were
therfhouldnot Rozay Died net. : Papo Hoah, Poglah, Milcah, ana
murmure and 12 (Aud the children of tSimeon after rza i}.
rebell againft their families were: Nemuel, of whom came 34 Theke are the families of Manaſſeh.
Gods minifters. the family of the Memuclites : of Jamin che and the number of them, two aun fifty thou
$ Simeon, family of the Jaminites: of Jachin, the fa» fand and feuen bung? ;
mily ofthe Jachtnites: _ ; 35 C Theke are the ſonnes oft Ephraim t Ephraim.
13 DEZerab , the family of the Farhites, after their families : of Shuthelah came the
of Shaul, the family of the Shaulttes. family of the Shuthalhites: of Becher, the
14 Theleare the famtlics of the Simeo- family of the Bachsitessof Tahan, the fami⸗
Mites: two and twentie thouſand and tiwa ly oF the Tahanites.
Hundzeth. ; 36 And thele are the lonnes of Shuthes
T Gad. 15 € Che fonnes of tGad after their fa lah: of Eran, the family of the Eranites.
miltes were zephom, of whom came the famte 37 Thee are the famities of the ſonnes of
ly of the zephonites: of Haggi, the kamily Ephꝛaim after their numbers, two €. thire.
ofthe Haggites: ofShuni,the tamilp of che ty thoufand and fiue hundpeth : thele are the
Hbunites, fonnes of Joleph after their families. —
16 OkOzni, the Family of the Oznites: 38 9 Thefeare the ſonnes of + Beniamin + Beriamin,
of Eri,the family of the Erites: after their families: of Bela came the family
m DEArod, the family of the Arodites: of the Belaites sof Ahbet , the family of the
of Areli,the family of the Arelites. Ahbelites of Ahiram,
the familyofthe Aa
18 hele ave the families of the fonnes of bitamites:
Gad, accogding ta their numbers, fourtie 39 Ok Shupham, the family of the Hhu=
thoufand and Rue hundzeth. phamiites: of Huphain, thefamily of the Hu⸗
it Yudah. 19 Tbe onnes oft Inah, Crand D- phamites:
e Before Iaakob nan: but Cr and Dunan died in the land of 40 And the fonnes of Bela were Arp
went into Egypt, e Canaan, and fQaaman } of Ard came the family of the
Gene. 3 8, 3575 20 Do were the ſonnes of Judah after —— : of QHaaman, the fainilpofthe Mas
2O,and 46,13, their families: of Dhelah came the family of amites.
the Sbhelanites,of Pohares, the Family of the 41 Thele are the fonnes of Beniamin afa
— of Serah, the family of the Zara ter their families and their numbers, fue
ites, and fourtie thoufand and fire hundzeth.
Gene. 46.32. 21 And the fonnes of * Phares were : of 42 ¶ Thele are the onnes ofDan after tDan,
Hefron,the family of the Wetronites: of a> their families: of Dhuham came the family
mul, the family ofthe Hamulites. ofthe Shubamites ; thele are the fainiltes
22 Thele are the fantlies of Judah, after of Dan after their houſholds.
their numbers, ſeuenty and fire thoufand 43 All the families of the Dhubamites
and fine bundzeth. were after their numbers , thaeeftoreq foure
+ Machar 23 ¶The fonnes of t Iſſachar, after their thoufand and foure bundzeth.
families were: Tola, of whom came the famti» 44 @ be fonnes of tAer after theig tAher.
— Tolaites: oF Rua the family ofthe families were: of Jtmnah , the family of the
unites: Jimnites: of Git, the familyofthe pitia

jThe tribes numbred. Lenites. À Chap. xxvii. © Zclophehads daughters. 66

of Bertah, thefamily ofthe Berlites. hall Die in the wilderneſſe: fo there was net
45 The lounesof Berlah wereof Heber left a man of them , ſaue Caleb the fonneef
the famulyofthe iederites, of Malchiel, the Jephunneh, and Joſhua the fonue of Mur.
family of the Maichtelites. CHAP. XXVII
46 And the name of the Daughter of Ae 1 The law ofthe heritage of the daughters of
fher was Darah. Zelophehad. 12 The land of promife u fhewed
- 47 Thele are the familicsof the fonnes unto Mofes. 16 Mofes prayeth for a gouernour
| of Aver after their numbers,th2e¢ and fifty
thouland and foure hundzeth. k
teoples 18 Fofsua w appointed in bes
“4 Naphtali. 48 @ The ſonnes of t Maphtali, after TRE came poaughters of *Felophebad, Chap.26.¢5.
the fon of Hepher, thefonne of Gilead, and 36.c4,
their families were : of Jabseel, the families
of the Jahzeelites: of Guni, the familyof the fonne of Machir, the lon of WGanalleh, Fofh.ry.3.
the Gunites. f ofthe familie ofManalieh, the fonneof Jo:
49 DE Iezer
,the familie of the Izrites: feph,(and the names of bis daughters were
of Dhitlem, the familie of the Shillemites. thele, Babiab,
Moab and Vogla and Wil-
50 hele are the families of Naphtali cabana Tirzah)
According to their houſholds, Œ their nuns 2 Gnd ftood before Moles, and before
— and korty thouland and foure pune Eleazar the Piet, and before the inces,
zeti. and ail the aifembly, at the Deoze of the Ta⸗
f This isthe SL Thele ave the € numbers of the chile bernacte of the Congregation, faying,
| third time that Dren ofIſrael: fire hundech and one thou» 3 Durfather *dpedin the wiloernefle, Chap.14.39.
- they are num- fand ſeuen hundzeth and thirtie. and be was not among the aſſembly ofthem asd 26.64,65.
bred. §2 ¶ And the Lod pake vnto Moles, that were afiembled againſt the Lord in the i
ping, company of Kozab, but dyed in his finne, a According as
53 Unto thele the land hall bee diuided and had no fonnes. all men die,tor-
foz an inheritance, accozding to the number 4 Wherefore ſhould the name oF our fa» almuch as they
flOr,perfows. of | names. 3 ther be taken away from among bis family, are Gnacrs,
33.54 4 * To many thou Halt giue the moze becaule he hath no ſonne? giue vs a poſſeſſt·
inheritance anato few thou fhalt gine tete On among the beethzen of our father. 5 :
inheritances tocuerp one according to bis 5 Then Moles bꝛought theirt cauſe be· b Thatis, thee
number Hali be given bisinberitance. foze the Lord. matterto bee
Folh.t1.23, S5 Motwithfanding the land Halbe *Di- 6 And the Low pake vnto Moles fap: indged,to know
and 14,36 uided by lot: accogding ta the names of the RE) what be ſhould
tribes oftheir fathers they Wallinherite: 7 Thedaughtersof Zelophehad ſpeake determine,
§6 Accordingto the lot Wall the poleni» tight: thou palt giue them a poſſeſſion to did all hard mate
Psthereof bee diuided betweene many and inherite among their fathers beethzen, and cers,
cl. fhalt turne the inheritance of their father
Sxod.6.16,17, 57 €* Theſe allo arethe numbers of the onto theni.
28,19. Leuites, after their families: of Gerſhon 8 Aim thou Malt (peake bnto the chils
came the familie of the Gerſhonites: of Ro- Brenol Flracl, laying, Ifa man die € baue
bath the familie of the Kobathites: of Me· no fonne, then pe tall turne bis inheritance
tari the family of the Mexarites: vnto bis Daughter.
F Chele are the families of Leui, the fas 9 And ikhe haue no Daughter, pee hall
mily of the Libnites: the family of the Wes gtue bis inheritance vnto bis bꝛethren.
bronites : the famuly of the Mahlites: the To And ik hee haucnobethzen,
familie of the Muſhites: the familie of the — inberttance vnto bis fathers bze
Rorhites: and Kohath begate. Amram. en,
Exod.2.2, §9 And Amrams wife was called Jo⸗ II Andif his father bane no brethzen,pee
and 6,20: chebed thedaughter of Leni, which was hall gine his inheritance vnto bis nert kinie
borne vnto Lent in Egypt: and the bare br- man of bts family,andhe hal poſſeſſe it:and
peat Aso Ann$Boles,and Miriam this fhallbe vnto the children of Iſrael alaw
r. : of <indgement asthe Lord hath comman: € Meaning, an
60 Anu vnto Aaron were borne Nadab Ded Poles. ordinance, to
and Abihu, Eleazar and Jrhamar. 12 C Againe the Loz fayd vnto Moles, iuegeby.
Lewit.10.3. 6I *And Madab and Abihu died, becaule * Go bp into this mountofAbarim, and bee Demt-32,49
chap, 3.4. they offered ftrange fire before the Lo. hold the land which J haue giuen vnto the
a. chron, 24.2 62 And their numbers were three and childrenof Iſrael. í
twenty thoufand . all males from a moneth 13 And when thou bat feene itthou Malt
olde and aboue: foz they were not numbed be gathered vnto thy people allo, "as Aaron- Ceap. 20.24.
among the childzenof Iſrael, becaule there thy bzother was gathered.
was none inheritance given them among I4 Foz pee were dicobedient bntomyp Chap-20.12s
g Wherein ap- the chilozen of Iſrael. word in the Belert of Fin , in the rife of the. Exod. 17.7.
peareth the great 63 © Thele are the numbers of Woks, affembly,to fanctific
mee inthe waters be- lOr, rife
and Eleazar the Pic which numbed the fore their eyes. *Chat is the water of Ape» d Whoashee
ofGod, chitoxenot Ifrael in the plaine of goab, ribah in Badet in the wildernefie of3in, bhath created, fo
fully increafed neere JorDen,toward Jericha, 15 C Chen Poles fpakevnto the Loed, hegouerneth che
his people. 64 And among thele there was not a faving x hearts ofall men.
Chap. 14.2829. man of them, e whom Woles and Garon 16 Let the Lord God cf the d fpirits of —
8.697, 20,5550 the Pꝛieſt numbzed, when they told the chil- aon appoint a man ouer the Congrega ———
Deen of Iſrael in the wildernefle of Hinai.
65 Forthe Lo fayn of them, * Thep 17 Aho may goe ont gin befoze them, 2:Chrom: 1,19,
J 2 and

Jofhus appointed goucrnour. Solemne Numbers. feafts, with their offerings. :

and lead them out and in, thatthe Congre· ſeuen lambes
ofapeere ol without (pot,
gation of the—* we not as theepe, which 12 And thee tenth Beales of fine floure
aug het atheepherd. koꝛameate offering mingled with opie fog
3 13 AnD the Lon faid vnto Moles, Take one bullocke: and tiwo tenth deales of fine
thee Joſhua the fonne of fun, in whom is floure foz a meat offting mingled with syle
the (pirit,and £ put thine bands vpon him, fo: one ramme,
f And foap- 19 Andiet him before Eleazar the Picit, 13 And u tenth Deale of fine floure mine
point him goucr- and befoze all theCongregation, and giue go with opie for a meate offering vnto one
nour. hima chargein their fight. ambe , fora burnt offering of tweete fa»
20 Anus giue him of thy glozy, that all uour ; it is an offering made by tire vntothe
g Commend him the Congregation of the childzen of Ilrael Loo,
to the people, as may obey. 14 And their eMinke offerings Wall bee e That is, the
mecete for the of- 21 And hee Wall tand before Eleazar the balfe an bin of wine vnto one bullacke, and wine that thalbe
fice,and appoin- Pret wio hall afke countell for hun * by the third partof an hin pute aram, and the powred vpon the
ted by God, the» iudgement of Urin befoze the Loꝛd:at fourth part of an bin vnto a lambe: this is herifice,
Exod.28. 30. his wed they (hall goe out, and at his werd the burnt offering of euery moneth, thozow=
h According to thep wall come in, both hee, and all tye chtis ont the monechs of the yeere. f
his office: fignify- Deen of Jiraci with him and all the Ton- Ig And one hee goat fora finne offering
ing that the ciuill gregation. : vnto the Lod Wall be pacpared, belides the
magiftrate could 22 So Moles did as the Lord had coms —— burnt offering, and his drinke
execute nothing Manded him , and he tooke Joſhua, and tet ring.
but that which bim before Eleazar the Petelt,and befoze all 16 *Qlfo the fourteenth Day of the firt Ex⸗d
be knew to be the Congregation. Monethis the Paſſeouer ot the Lord. and 23.15»
the will ofGod. 23 Then heput his hands vpon him, and 17 And in the fifteenth Day of the fame kenita 5-
i How he (hould gane yim ai ee asthe Lord had ſpoken Moncth ts the feat: feuen Dapes Mall vnlea⸗
gouerne himfelte nd of Males. uened bread be eaten. ;
in his office. needa CHAP. XXVIII. 18 Jin the * firt Dap hall be an holy € con- Lewit.23.7
4 The dayly facrifice. 9 The facrsfice of the uocatton,ye Wall Do nolerwile woke therein, £ Or,folemne
Sabbath, 11 Ofthe Moneth, 16 Of the Paſſe- 19 Butyee Wall offer a facrifice mane by allembly.
ouer, 26 Ofthe firftfruits. : fre foz a burnt offering unto the Loud, twa
AS the Loz (pake vnto Woles laying, yong buliockes, one rami and teuen lambes
2 Command the childzen of Flrael, SRPeeve old ; (ce that thep be without bles
and fay vnto them, We hall obferuc to offer
onto mee in their Due ealon mine offering 20 And their meat offering halbe of fine
and a my bread, fo? my Cacrifices made by fre floure mingled with ople: three tenth deales
a By bread,hee
meaneth all ma-
fozafweetfauourvntome. i hail ye prepare fo2 a bullocke,and two tenth
ner of facrifice,
3 Allo thou (halt fay vnto them, * Chis Deales foz a rammes
is the offering made by fire, which pee Hall 21 Dune tenth Deale fhalt thou prepare
Exed.29. 33. offer vnto the Lo: , two lambes of a peere foz euery iambe, cuen foz the leuen lambes,
old without ſpot,daily, fog a continual burnt 22 And an bee goate fora finne offering,
— to make an atonement foz you.
4 Dne lambe falt thon prepare in the 23 Dehal prepare theſe, beline the burnt
moning, and the other lambe thale thou offering in the moming which isa continue
peepare at euen. atl burnt facrifice.
Exod,16. 36. § *Andthe tenth part of an Cphabof 24 After this maner ye ſhall prepare thos
Lewit. %, 2. fine floure foz a *meat offting mingled with rowout all the ſeuen Dayes, fo2 the + main- *Ebr. bread
Exod.39. 40 the fourth part of an* hin of beaten oyle. teining of the — made by Gre fora
6 Thisthall bee a dayly burnt offering, as fweet fauour vnto the Tord: tt hall be Done
was madeinthemount Sinai foz a ſweete belide the continnall burnt offering ¢ drinke
fauour; itis a facrifice made by fire vnto the offering thereof,
023. 25 And inthe ſeuenth day yee ſhall haue
7 And the Minke offering thereef the an Holy conuocatton,wherein yee hall Doe no
fourth part of anbin foz one lambe: in the feruile woke, i
holp place cauſe to powe the drinke ofring 26 (Alt in the day of pour firt fruites,
vnto the Lod. when pee bringa new meate offering vnts
8 And the other lambe thou halt pze- the Lord, according tospour weekes ye hall g In counting
pareat cucn: as the meate offering of the baue an holy conudcation, aud pe Mal doe no fenen weekes
fromthe Paſſe⸗
moning, and as the Danke offering thereot {ernile wozke init: wes
b Themeate of- fhalt thou prepare this? for an offering made 27 But ye fhall offer a burnt offering foz fant:= T —
fering and drinke by fire okſweet fauour vnto the Lod. afweet fauour vnto the Lord, two young 00E Lews.
offering ofthe 6 €Butenthe Sabbath day ye thall of- — a ramme, and kuen rammes ofa 23. 15
euening facrifice.. fer two lambes of a peere olde, without (pot, veere old
€ Of the mea- anv twa «tenth deales of fine floure fo: a 28 Ant their meat offering of fine floure
fure Ephah, meate offering mingled with ople, and the mingled with oyle, theee tenth deales vnto
drinke offering thereof. a bullocke, two tenth deales to a ramme, :
10 Thisis the burnt offting okenery Sab- 29 And one tenth Deale vnto euery lambe
d Which was bath, belive the 4 continual burnt offering thaougbout thelenen lambes,
offered eucty day and drinke offering thereof. 30 Andan hee goate to make an atanga
at morsing and u @ And inthe beginning ofyout mo: ment foz you: r ;
at cucning, neths,pe thal offer aburnt offering unto the 31 (Pe Hhalldothisbefines the continuall 42br. they fhal
LoD, two poung builockes, aud a ran ana burnt oftering, and his meat oſftering:) :bi beto poia
Three principall feafts, Chap. xxix. with ther offerings. 67
they bee without blemiſh, with thefr drinks 18 lith their meate ofering and their
offerings. Minke offerings fo: the bullockes, fo: the
CHAP, Pare be fouentb rammes, and foz the lambes accozdingto
s Ofthethree principall feafts of the feuent their number,atter the maner,
Wades wit ‘the fog—— The feaft of 19 And an hee goat fo: a finne offering,
reconciliation, 12 And the feaft ofTabernacles. (bende the continual burnt ofring and bis
a Which contei- Meron the firft day of the feuenth meat offing and their drinke offttngs.
neth part of Sep: moneth, yee Wall bane an bolp conuoca: 20- @Ailo the tthird Day ye thall offer eles t The third dae.
tember,and part tion: ye wail doe no terufie woꝛke therein: *it uen bullockes, two rammes and fourteene
of OGober. fhall be a Day of blowing the trumpets vnto lambes of a peere old without blemith,
Leuit.2 3.24. Ou. 21 With thetr meat offting ¢ their minke
? 2 And pe hall make aburnt offering fez offerings, fo:the bullockes, fo? the rammes,
a fweet fauour vnto the 10:0: one yong bul- and fo: the lambes, after their number ace
locke,one ramme, and feucn lambes ot ayere cording te the s maner, g Accordingte
old without blemi. 22 And an hee goate fora iinne offering, the ceremonies
3 Andehetr meate offering thalbe of ine belide the conttnuail burnt offering,
and hts appointed there⸗
fioure mingled with ople, thzee tenth deales meat offering,
and his minke offertug. unto,
vnto the bullock, an’ two tenth Deales bnto 23 And the t fourth Day ye thal offer tert f The fourth day,
the ramme. bullocks,
two tammies,and feurteenelambes
4 And one tenth Deale vnto one lambe, ofa peere old without blemth,
fo: rhe ſeuen lambes, ; 24 Their meat offering and their drinke
5And an hee goãt fora finne offering to offerings,fo2 the bullockes, fo: the rammes,
inake an atonement foz pou, and foz the lambes accozding to their nume
le Which muft 6 Belive the burnt offering ofthe>imo- ber, after the maner,
be offered inthe neth,and his meat offring, and the continu- 25 And an hee goate foz a finne offering,
beginning of all: burnt ofring and his meat offring, and beude the continuall burnt offting,yis meat
euety moneth, the drinke offertags of the faine, according offing an? dis drinke offting.
e Which is for to their maner, foz a lweete ſauour: it isa ſa⸗ 26 @ inthe t fifth dap alld yee thal offer t Tht fift day.
morning and crifice made by fire unto the Lod, nine bullockes, two rammes, and fourtecne
euening, 7 And pe hal haue in the tenth day of lambes of a peercold without blemtth,
Leuit. 16,30,31. the feuenth moneth, an holy 4 conuocation: 27 And theirmeat offting g their drinke
and 23.27. and pe thal * humble pour foules,and hal noe offerings fo: the bullockes, fo: the rammes,
d Which is the Doe any woke therein: : and foz the fambes accozDing to their num⸗
feaſt of reconci- 8 But ye ſhal offer a burnt ofring vnto ber,aftcr the maner,
liation. the Lord foz aſweete ſauont: one pong bul- 28 And an bee goate fora finne offering,
Leuit 16:290 locke, a ramme, and ſeuen lambes of a yeere befide the continuall burnt offering, and his
old: fke theybe without blemiſh meate offering and his Dumke offering.
9 Ana their meat offring ſhall be of fine 29 (And in thetfirt Dap yc thal offer tight + The Gxt dey,
floure mingled with ople, thzee tenth deales bullocks,tworamunes,and fourteene lambes
ta a bullocke , and two tenth Deales to a ofa yeere old without blemi,
— ramme, i a And their meat offting,€ their Minke
Io Dnue tenth Deale puto euery lambe, offerings fo? the butlockes, fo2 the rammes
thisughoutthefeucnlambes, and fo: thelambes accozding to their num⸗
II Anbhee goate for a finne offering, (be⸗ ber after the maner,
fide the finne offering to make the atone: 31 Andan hee goate foz a finne offering,
That s,ofired ment and the continuall < burnt offring and belide the continual burnt offting,bis meat
euery morning * meate offering thercol) andtheirdzinke offting,and bis drinke offrings.
and evening. offcrings. 32 TIu the t feuenth Day alio ye hall offer +The feuenth day
12 Caw int the fifteenth Day of thefe- feuen bullockes,tiwo rammes, and forrteene
f Meaning,
the uenth moncth pee Hall haue an holy frontos lambes of a pecte old without blemig, —
feaft of che Ta- cation: yee fall Boe no ſeruile worke therein,33 And their meat ofring, &€ thet drinke
bernacles. but ye thal keepea feat vnto the Lo: tienen offerings fo: the bullockes, fo: the rammes,
dayes. and foz the lambes accozding te theirnume
13 And yee hall offer a burnt offering foz ber,afteetheir maner, 3
afactifice mane by fire of ſweete fauour vn- 34 And an hee goate fo: a inne offering,
tothe Lord, thirtcene yong bullockes , two belde the continuall burnt ofring, bis meat
ramunes,and ao a hairs ofa peere olds offing and his drinke offting.
ey Halbe without blemiſh. 35 Cu thet eight day, ye Hall haue * a f The eight day.
pee ‘ana their meate offering hall bee of folemne affembly : pee fall Doe no ſeruile Leuit.23.36,
fine floure mingled with oyle, three tenth woke therein, + a
Deales vnko curry builocke of the thirteene 36 But pe hall offer a burnt ofring,aſa⸗
bullockes, two tenth deales to cuerp of the ctifice made by fire for a ſweete fauour unto
two rammes, the Lord, one bullocke,one ramme,and ſeuen
Is And one tenth deale vnto each of the lambes ofa peere old without blemify,
fourteenelambes, À 37 Their meate offting and their minke
16 And one hee goate foz a finne ofring, oftriugs foz the bullocke,fo2 the ramme,and
beſide the continual burnt ofring, his meat fo? the lambes accezding to their number,
offring and bis drinke offring. after the maner, !
f The feeond day 17 C And thet ſecond Day yee hall offer 38 And an bee goate foz a finne offering,
of the feaft of twelue pong bullockes, two rammes, foure» belive the continuall burnt offering, and his
Tabernacles, teene lambes of a yeereold without blemiſh, meate offering, and bis minke offering.
I 3 39 Thele
Numbers. Balaam flane. Thefpoileof ~
ol Ue Leino ee ey
Lawes concerning yowes.
39 Thele things pe Halvovnto the Low cernine her from i Bay to day, then be ftabli- i And warne her
h Befidethe fa- in pour fealg, deilde pour bvowes and pour Heth ali her vowes andall her bonds which nor the ameday |
crificesthac you free offrings,foz your burntoſtrings ana to fhe hath made: bee hath confirmed them, be⸗ that he heareth
fhalivow orof- pour meate offtings,and fo: pour minke of· caulehee held Dis peace concerning her the ic,as verfe 9.
ferofyourowne fringe and fozpour pcace oſtriugs. farne Dap that he heard them,
mindes. 16 Wut tlhe" breake theni afterthat hee k Northe fame
CHAP. XXX. hath beard them, then ſhall he beare ber ini⸗ day he heard
3 Concerning vowes. 4 The vow ofthe maide, quite. A ' them, bat fome
9 Of the wiſe, 10 Of the widow,or divorced. 17 Theſe ave the ogdinances whitch the day afrer,the _
Tor Poles ipake vnto the childrenof Loud commaunded Mofes betweene aman finne thalbeim-
Iſrael, according to all that the Lod aid his wike, and bermene the father and hts puted to hĩm, and
fEbr.Mofis. had commanded thim. Daughter,being yong in ber fathers poules not to her.
2 Mofes allo ſyake vnto the heads ofthe CHAP. XXXI
a Becaufe they tribes, 2 concerning the children of Iſracl, 8 Fiue Kings of Midian and Balaam are laine.
might declare faying, Chis isthe thing which the woo 18 Only the masds are referned aliwe.27 The pray
them to the If- bath commandet, is equally dimded, ag A prefent ginen ofF{rael.
raelites. 2choſoeuer voweth a wowe nto the A® the Lord ſpake onto poles, tapings
$Ebr hisfouls. Loꝛd, orCweareth an oath to bindeæ himſelfe 2 *Reuenge the chilozenof ItraeideChap. 5.17.
tEbr.volatehs by a bond, be fall not t breake his promife, the Midianites and afterward Wait thou be
word. but (all Doe accozding to all that pꝛoceedeth * gathered unto thy people, Chap,27.13,
out of bis mouth. 3 And Woles (pake to the people faping,
4 Ika woman alfo vow a vow pute the DHarneflelome of you vnto warre, and tet
Load, anv binde her felfe by a bond, being tn theni go again Midtan to execute the ven⸗
ber fathers boule,tn the time of ber pouth, geancẽ of the Lora a againft Miian. a Ashe had
5 nbd ber father beare her vowe and 4 Athouland of cuery tribe thzonghout commanded,
Lond, wherewith Gee hath bound ber felfe, allthe tribes of Iſrael, tall yer fend tothe Chap.25.17.
b Forin fo do- aud ber father holde bis © peace concerning warre. , declaring alfo |
ing, be doeth ap- her, then ali her vowes hall tans, ant euery § Ho there were taken out of the thou» that the iniurie
prouc here bonn, wherewith thee hath bound her (elfe, fanda of Flracl, twelue thoufand preparem done againft his
tall tand. i vnto warre ofeuery tribe a thouſand. peoplc,is done
e By not approe 6 ‘Wut tf her father ¢ dilallow ber the And Motes fent them to the warre, againit him,
uing or conſen· fame Dap that he beareth all her vowes and cuen a thoufand of euery tribe, and fent them '
ting toher vow. bonds, wherewith he hath bound ber felfe, with > Phinehas the fonne of Eleazar the b For hisgreat
they hali not be of value, and the Lord will Pict to the warre: and the bolp infru- zealethathee
forgine her, becaule ber father difallowed ments, that ts, thetrmmpets to blow were in bare to che Lord,
er. f his hand. ? bap.25s13e
7 Aud if the haue an hulband when Wee 7 Aud they warred again Midian ag
d Either by oth, voweth ozpzonounceth ought with her lips, the Lozd bad commanded Moſes, and flew
orfolemne pro- wherewith the bindeth her felfe, all the males. j
mile. 8 Ikher hulband heard tt, and holdeth 3 Cheyilew allo the Rings of Midian
his peace concerning ber, the ſame Day bee among them that were flaine: * Guta Ree 7o/-43.2%-
heareth it, then her vow hall tard and her Kem, and Zur, Wur, and Reba, fiue Kings
bonds wherewith the bindeth her ſeike, Wall of Midian, ¢ they few: Balaam thefonne c The fall pro-
ſtand in effect. í of Broz with the ſword: ' phet, who gaue
9 But tf ber pees a her the 9 But the childzen of Iſrael tooke the counfell howto
fame Day that hee beareth it, then hall bee women of Midian prtfoners,and theirchil> cauferhe Iftae-
make her vow which thee bath made, anv Den, and ſpoyled all their cattell, all theit lites to offend
that that the bath pronounced with her lips, flockes,anDalltheir goons, theit God.
e For fheis in wherewith ſhee bound ber felfe, ofnone ef= Io And they burnt alltheir cities, where-
ſubiection of her Fect: and the Lod will forgiue ber. in they dweltEall their |vtilages with fire. \Or,palacesyana >
busband, and can 10 But encrp vow of a widow,and of her II And they tooke ail the ſpoyle, anD all gorgeous buil=..
performe no- that is diuorted (wherewith the hath bound the pray both of men and beatts, dings.
thing without pet felfe) tall tandin f effect with her. 12 And they baought the d captaines and d As the women
his confent. Il And if Hee vowed in ber huſbands that which they bad taken, the ſpoyle puto and little chile
fFortheyare sg houle,o2 bound ber felfe ſtraightly with an Mofes and to Cleasar the Piet, and vnto dren.
notvnderthe ath, $ the Congregation of the chilazen of Iſrael
authoritie ofthe 12 And ber hulband hath beard tt, and inte the campe in the plaine of (Boab, which
man. held his peace concerning ber, not diſallow· tuas by Jorden toward Jericho.
g ter husband ing her, thenallhervowes hallttand, and 13 @ Chen Moles € Cieasar the Piet,
being aliue, cuery bond, wherewith Hee bound her felfe, ane all the Peinces of the Congregation
fhall Rand in effect. ’ went ont ofthe campe to meete them,
13 But if her Hulband difanulled them, 14 And Moles was angry with the cap-
the laine Dap that hee heard them, nothing taines of the hoſte, with the captaines over
that prꝛoceedeth out of her lips, concerning thoutands, and captaines ouer hundzeds, e Asthoughhe
LEbr.the bonds of Her vowes o concerning + her bonds, Mall which came from the wasreandbattell, aid, Ye ought
her foule, Hand in efécct:for her hulband hath difanul- Ig And Moſes ſaid onto them, Uhat? to haue fpared
; led them: and the Lozo will korgiue ber. haue pe ſaued all the e women? l none,
h Tomorifie 14 Soeuerpbvolw, and cucty oath or bond, 16 Behold, * hele cauled the ehildgenof (hap.25.2.
berfelfeby abfti- made to humble the foule,her huſband may Hiracl thaough the * counfell of Balaam to 2.Per.2.15,
nenceorother ftabli(hit,oz her hulband may breake it, commit a treſpaſſe again the Lods fas f For worlhip-
bodilyexercife. 15 Butifhergulband hold his peace cons concerning Peor, and there came a plague: ping of Peor,
Midian, The diuiding of the pray. Chap.xxxij. The prefent ofthe captaines. 68
ameng the Congregation of the Lod. thoufand, thereof the Lords tribute was fee
ud e21. 11. 17 Now theretoze, * fay ail the males uenty and two.
*That is, allthe among the s children, and Kill all the we- 39 And the alſes were thirty thouſand
men children, men that haue knowen man by carmall co⸗ and line hundzech, wherof the Lords tribute
pulation. was threeſtore and one;
18 Butallthe women childzen that haue 40 Aud apf perions firteene thouſand, n Meaning, of
not knowen carnali copulation, keepe alius whereof the Logds tribute was tive and thir the maides, ot
foz your ſelues. À tie perſons. virgins which
Ig And pee Hall remaine without the 4I And Doles gaue the tribute of the had not compa-
bote ſeuen bapes, all that haue killed any Los offering vnto Eleazar the iet, as nied with man.
chap.i AEG perfon,* and allthat hauc couched anp Dead, the Lord had commanded Moies.
and purifie both your ſelues and yonr prilo 42 And of the ° haite of the children of o Ofthat part
ners the third Day and the feuenth, Sae wiry Moles diuided from the men which was giuen
20 Allo pee hall purifie euery garment, ef warre; ynto them,in di-
and alithatig made of (kins, and all wozke 43 (Foꝛ the alte that pertained vnto the uidingthe {poile.
of goats haire,and al things made of wood. Congregation, was thee hundeeth thirtie
21 And Eleazar the Piet {apd vnto and (euenthoutand heepe thue hundzech,
the men of warre, which went to the battel, 44. And lire and thirty thoufand beeues,
fôr, ebntasned in This is the owinance tof thelame which bAe bingthirty thoufan’ alles, and fine
the Law. the Lozd* commanded Moſes. >

Chap.19:12. -22 Asforgold, and muer, bzafle, pron, 46 Andiirteene thoufand perfons)
tinne, and lead: 47 Doles,Ifay, tooke of the hatte that
23 Euenall that may abive the fire,ye thal pertatned vnto the r children of Irael, one p Which had not
make tt goe through che Gre, andit ſhall bee taken outof fifty, bothof the perfons,ana been at varre.
f The third day; cleane: petit thall bee "purified with*the ofthe cattell, and gaue them vnto the Lee
and before it be water ot purification: and all that ſuffereth bites which baue the chargeof the Taber⸗
molten, fatthefire, pce hall caule to paſſe by the nacle of the Lord,asthe Leld jad commane
Chap. 19.9. i water. Ded Doles, i
i, It ſhall bee 24 Dee hall wah allo pour clothes the 43 C Chen the captatues which were
wathed, . feuenth Day, and ye Hall be cleane; and af ouer thoufands of the hoſte, the captatnes o»
terward pe Wall come into the hott. uer the thoufands, and the captaines oner
25 CAndthe Lod ſpake vnto Moles, the bundedscame wuto Moles:
aping, 49 And fayd to Woles, Thy leruants
26 Take the fumme of the pray that wag paue taken the lumme of the men of warre
taken,both of perſons and of cattel,thouand Which are vader Four authority, and there TEbr.under oup
Eleazar the Pꝛieſt, and the chtete tathersof lacketh not one man of ve, ands,
the Congregation. 50 Ae haue therefore brought a prefent q The captaines
f The pray is 27 And diuide the pap tbhetiweene the vnto the Lo20, what every man found of by this free offe.
rh diuided e- fouldters that went te the warre, and allthe icwels of goln bzacelets
and chaines rings, ring, acknow-
qually among all. Congregation. ; eare rings,tonaments of thelegs, to make ledge the great
23 And thou halt takea tribute puto the an atonement foz our ſoules before the 10D. benefitofGod
k Ofthe pray Lod of the £ men- of warre, which went out SI And Doles t Eleazar the Pꝛieſt tooke inpreferuingbis
that falletb to to battell: one perlon of fiue hundzeth,both the gold of thesm,and allwꝛꝛoughtiewels. people,
the fouldiers, of the perſons,and of the beeues, and of the §2 Andall che gold of the offering that
affes,and of the theepe. i they offercd bp to the Loz (of the capraines
_ 29 We Hhalitake ut oftheir halke, and giue ouer thouſands and hundzeDds ) was lirteene
it vnto Eleazarthe Pꝛieſt, as an heaue oies thouland feucn hundieth and fittic fyekels,
ting of the L020. ; 53 (For the menot warre bad ſpoyled, g:
30. Butof tye hale of the children of IE uery man foz bint tfelfe) r And gaue no
1 The Ifraelites rael thou fhalt take ‘one, taken ont of Afric, §4 And Moles and Eleazar the iett portion to their
. which had not both of the perfons, of the beeues, of the tooke the golde of the captatnes ouer the captaines,
been at warre,of alles, and of the ſheepe, euen of all the cattetl: thoufanDs, and ouer the hundzeds, and f That the Lord
every fiftieth and thou ſhalt giue them vnto the Leuttes, brought it into the Tabernacle of the Con- might remember
payd one to the ee pnt the charge of the Tabernacle of gregation, foza imemoziall of the chimen the children of
Lord ; and the 020. ; of Iſrael before the Lov. Ifrael.
fouldiers,one of 31 And Poles and Cleasar the Piet CHAP, XXXII
euerty ſiue hun⸗ “BID asthe Loꝛd had commanded Males. 2 The regueft of the Reubenites aud Gadites,
dreth, 32 Aud booty, co wit, the reſt of the pray 16 And their promifeunto Mofis. 20 Mafes
which the men of war bad {popled, was lire granteth their requeſt. 33 The Gadites, Rewbe-
hundreth ſeuenty and fue thoufand theepe, nites, and halfe the tribe of Manaffeh, comquere
. 33 And (cuenty two thouſand beeucs, and build cities on this (ide Iorden.
_ 34. Andtheeclcore and one thoufand afes, N?» the children of * Reuben, and the a Reuben came
' 35 And two and thirty thoufand perfongs L Nebilazen of Gad had an exceeding great of Leah, and Gad
JEbr.ner knowen in allof women that had + lien by ne man. multitude of cattell and they ſaw the land of Zilpah her
she bed ofman. 36 And the halfe, to wit, the part ofthem of Jazer and theland et > Gilead, that it handmaid.
that went out fo warre touching the nuni- twas an apt place for cateell. c b Which moun-
ber.of ſheepe, was thace hundrethſeüen and 2 Chen the chilazen o Gad, and the rhil- taine was fo nae
m This is the thirty thoufand,and fiue hundzeth, DenotReuben came, pake vnto Woles med of the heape
portionthat the ` 37 Andthe™ Lords tribute af the ſheepe of ftones thar
fouldiers gai was fire bundzeth
aud ſeuenty and fue. Taakeb madeas a ſigne of thé cournant betweene him and Labam,
—— 38 AND the betues were lixe and thirty Semzuy N ann RI S
D "J4 any
The requeft of Reuben and Gad, for Numbers, their inheritance, They build cities.
anbto Eleazar the Priel, and brio the hath cai outhis s enemies from his ſight: g Tharis,che
pinces of the Congregation faping, 22 And vntill the land be ſubdued befo mhabhitantsof
The land of Ataroth,and Dibon, t Ja- the Lob, then ye ſhall returne and betnne che land,
zer, andMimrah,and hehbon, and Clealeh cent toward tie Low, and toward Iſrael:
aud Shebam, and Rebo ant Beon, and thts land ſhall be pour polieition bbefoze h The Lord will
4 Ahich countrep the Lord ſmote be- the Lod, — grant you this
fore the Congregation of Iſrael, is a land 23 But if pee will not doe ſo,behold, yee land,which ye
— tor cattẽll, and thy ſeruants haue cat· baue finned againit tue Lod, and bee fure, require, lofh.s.
tell: that pour finue will And pouout, 15.
s Mhereloze (aid they, if we haue found 24. Build you then cities for pour childꝛen, i Ye thall afue
grace in thy fight, let thts land be ginen vn- and folds for pour heepe, and Dee that pee redly be puni-
to thy ſeruants fo: a poſſeſſion, and Dzing vs Yane poken, fhed for your fin.
not ouerJoꝛden. 25 Then the chilozen sf Gad, g the chil·
6 And Moles fai vnto the children of Den of Reuben ſpake puto Moles, fayiiig,
Gad, and to tye childzen of Renben, Dhall a feruants will Boe as my loꝛd comman-
pour betien go to warte,and petary here ? eths;
Eby. breake. 7 ilberefeze now + diſcourage pee the 26 Durchildzen, our wines, our ſheepe
Heart of the chitdzen of Iſrael, to go over in- and allour cattell ſhall remaine there inthe
to the land, which the Lod hath giue them? cities of Gilead. *
8 hus aw your fathers wien J tent 27 But* thyſeruants willgoe euery one Fo/h.4,12.
them from Kadelh-barnea to fee the land, armed to warre befoze the Lod foz to fight,
Chap. 3.24. o Foꝛ * when they went wp euen vnto asimyplod faith. `
lOr valley the riuer of acol, andfaw the land : they 23 Ho concerning them, Woles! cóm- k Mofesgaue
diſcouraged the heart of the chin of Fl manded Eleazar the POzielE, and Joſhua charge that his
gael, that thep would not gog into the land, the fonne of Qun, and the chiefe fathers of promife made to
which the Lord had gtuen them. ; the tribes of the chrldzen of Iſrael: the Reubenites
19 And the Lords wrath was kindled 29 And Moles ſayd vnto them,FF the and others,
the fame Day,and he did ſweare, ſaying, childzen of Gad, and the childenof Reuben, thouldbeper-
Il tone ofthe mien that came out of €- will ge with pou ouer Joꝛden, all armed to formed after his
tEbrifanyof gypt * from twenty yeere olde and aboue, fight before the Loza , then when the land is death,fo that
the men. thatlfee the land for the which Iſware vn: fubdued before you, pee Hall giue them the they brake not
Chap.14:28,22. to Abzaham, to Ishak, and to Jaakob, bg- land ofGilead foz a poſſeſſton theirs,
cauſe they bane not\|whotty followed niet 30 But if thep will not goe ouer with
[lOr per ſeuered 12 Except Caleb the fonne of Jephunneh pouarmed, then they thal haue their polei-
and continucd, the Kenefite, and Joſhua the ſonneofMun; ons among you in the land ef@anaan.
fo? —— conſtantly followed the LoD, 31 And the childzen of Gad, and the thil»
13 And the Lod was very angry with Deen of Reuben antwered , laying, As the
Iſrael, and made them wander in che wit- Loꝛd hath ſaid vate thp feruants, fotil 1 That is,attriba-
Bernelic fourtic yeeres,vntill all the genera- we Boe, ; ted to the Lord
c Beeaufethey tion that had done < euillin the fight of the _ 32 Wee will goe armed befoze the L020 which his meffex-
murmured, nei- 020 were conſumed. into thelandof Ganaan, that the poſſeſſion ger fpeaketh, -
ther would be- 14. And bebold, peeare rilen pp in your —* eee may bee to vs outhisfite `
Jeeuetheicreport fathers tead asanincreale of fintull men, F WDen⸗
whichtoldthe ſtill to augment the fierce wrath of the Loꝛd 33 * Ha Poles gaue vnto them, euento Dewt,3.12.
trueth,asconcer- toward Iſrael. the childzenof Gad, and to the chüdren of —
ning the land, ‘Is Foz ifpee turne away from following Reuben, and to halfethe tribe of Manaſſeh and 22.4.
him, hee wilipet againe leaue chepcople tit the fonne of Joſeph, thekingdome of Di»
—By your occa- ONENE dpe hall deſtroy all this honking of the m Amoꝛites, and the king: m The Amorites
ne olke. Dome of Dg king of Baban, the land with dwelled on both
16 And they went neere to him,andfaid, the cities thereofand coattes, euen the ctttes fidesoflorden:
Cie wiil buila heepefolves here foz our of the countrey round about. but here he mae
fheepe,and foz our cattell, and cities fozour 34 @ Then the childen of Gad built keth mention of
childꝛen. Dibon,and Ataroth,and Aroer, themthat dwele
17 But wee pur lelues will bee ready at» 35 _And Atroth sDbophan, and Jazet, on thisfide :and
med to goc befoze the childzen of Iſrael, vn- andJogbebay, lofh.10.13,
e Inthelandof till we haue brought them vnta their eplace: 36 And Beth-nimrah, and Beth-harat, (peaketh of them
Canaan. but our childzen Halt dwell tn the defen- Defenced cities: allo fheepfolds. chat inhabited
= seni > becaufeof the inhabitants of the 37 Ano the childzen of Reuben built Heſh beyond lorden.
bon,and Clealeh,and Kiriathaim,
13 Cie will not returne vnto eur houfes, 38 And Mebo,and Baal-meon, and turt-
vntill the childzen ofIſrael haucinherited, ned their names, and Sbimah : and gaue
. gery man bis inheritance. * names vnto the cittes which they
19 #Meither will wee inherite with them b ult. :
beyond Joen and owthat fide, becaule our 39 And the chilosenofMpachtr chefonne Gew. 50,23. `
inheritance is fallen to vs on this lide Jor of Manaſſeh went to Gilead, ¢tooke it, anv =
Den Cakward, put out the Amogzites that dwelt therein.
13. 20 € And Moles faw onto them, Jf ye 40 Then Moles gaue Gilead vnto På-
faa m arke will doe this thing, and goe armen before pe petion ot Manaſſeh, and hee dwelt
af the Lord, the LoD to warre ; OP y herein.
21 And will goe euery onc of yowin har- 41 *Qnd Fair the fonne of Manaſſeh Dewt,3,14,,
neis ouer Jozder before the Lord, votil hee “Went and topke the (mal tones therof,and
Theremoouings Chap.xxxiij. of the campe. 69 x
n That is, the called them» Danoth Tair. pitched in Rehelathab.
ofLair, 42 Allo Hobah went and tooke Renath, 23 Andthey went from Rehelathah, ans
with the villages thereof, and called it fo- pitched in mount Sbapher.
bab, after bis owne name. 24 And thep remoucd from mount hae
CHA Py SLD pher,and lay m ivaradah.
1 Twoand fortie ou neys of Jjraelare num- 25 And they remooued from aradad,
bred, 5 2 They are comanded to kil the Camaanites. and pitched in Makheloth.
a From whence J— aire the a iourneys of the chosen 26 And thepremoucd trom Makheloth,
they departed, of Iſraei, which went out of the land of and lap in Tahath.
and whitherchey Egypt according totheir bands vuderthe 27 And they Departed from Tahath,
‘came Hand of Moſes and Aaron. pitched in Tarai.
2 And Moles wroterheir going ontby 238 Andthepremooucd from Tarah, and
their tourneys according to the commande» pitched tn Mithkah.
ment ofthe Lom ; lo theſe are the iourneys 29 And they went from Mithkah, and
oftheir going out. pitched in Hachmonah. :
Exod.i 2.37. 3 Plow they” Departed krom Rameles 30 And they Departed from haſhmonah,
the firt moneth, euen the fifteenth Day of the and lay in Moſeroth.
frit moneth,on the morrow after the Paſſe⸗ 31 And they Beparted from Woltroth,
ouer: and the childzen of Iſrael went out and pitched tn Bene-taakan, ‘
with an high hand in the light ofall theg 32 And they remooued from Wene-tane
gpptians, s : kan and lap tn Hor hagidgad.
4 (Fez the Egxyptians buried alt their 33 And they went trom i902-hagidgad,
firttbomne, which the Lord had finitten a- and pitched in Jotbathay.
b Eithermea- mong them: vpon their bgods allo the Lod 34 Andi they remooued from Jotbathah,
ning theiridoles, DID erecution.) — and lay in Ebꝛonah. ;
ortheirmenof _ § Andthe childzen of Iſrael remooued 35 And they departed from Ebꝛonah,
authoritie, from Rameles,and pitched in Succoth. lay in €zton-gaber.
Exod.i 3 20. 6 And they departed from * Succoth, 36 And they remooued from Ezion ga-
and pitched in Ethan, which ts in the edge ber, and pitched in the * wildernefle of 3m,
of the wilderneſſe whichis Rade.
7 And they remoucd from Etham, and 37 And they remooucd from Kadefh,and
c Atthecom- turned againe unto Pi· hahiroth, which pttched in mount Loz in the edge of the -
mandement of ts before Baal-sephon, and pitched befoze land of Edom.
the Lord, Exod, Migdol. € 38 (*And Garon the Pict went bp into
14.2. 8 And they departed from before Wahi- mount Hor at the commaundement of the
Exod. 5,22, roth, and * went though the middes of the Loꝛd, and died there inthe fortieth peere af»
Heainto the wildernetie, and went thzeg ther the chilozen of Iſrael were come ont of
Dayes tourney in the wilderneſſe of Etham, the land of Egypt, in the fick Day of the
and pitched in arah. dapan e4 3
9 And thepremoued from Marah, and 39 And Aaron was an hundzeth Ethree brewes call Ab,
Exod.15.27. came vnto* Clim, tin Clim were twelue and twentie peere olde, when hee died in and anfwereth to
fountaines of water, anv ſeuentie palme mount Doz i art of luly and
trees and they pitched there. 40 And * king Grad the Canaanite, part of Auguft,
10 And they remooued from Clim, and which dwelt in the South of the land of Chepizi.ts
eamped by the red fea. Canaan, heardof the comming of the chil
IL And they remooned — the ved fea, Deen of Plrael)
Exod.1 6,16 and lay in the” wilderneſſe of in. 4I And thep departed from mount * 1202,
I2 And they tooke their tourney out of and pitched in Zalmonah. )
— of Hin, and (ct vp their tents 42 Qua they departed from Falmionah,
nDophkah. and pitched unon. :
13 And thep Departed from Dophkab, 43 And they Departed from Punon, and
and lay in Aluth. pitched in Dboth.
14. And thep remooued from Aluſh, and And they departed from Dboth, Chap.2t.1 1.
3 Exod.17.1. lay in* Rephidim, where was no water foz oy — in Jie-abarim, in the borders of
the people to Dzinke. ui oab,
15 And they Departed from Kephidim, 45 And they Departed from Flim,tpitched
Exod, 19.9. and pitched in the *wildernes of Sinat. in Dibon-gad.
16 And they remooucd from the defert 46 And they remooned from Dibon-gad,
Chap.t1.34. of ar > and pitched * in Kibzoth Patta and lay in Almon diblathaim.
auah. 47 And they remooucd from Almon ·di⸗
17 And they departed from Kibroth Hate blathaim, and pitched in the mountatnes of
Chap.11. 35. taauabh,andtayat* Waszcroth. ‘Abarim before Rebo.
18 And they Departed from Hazeroth, and 48 And thep Departed from the moun»
pitched in Rithmah, : taines of Abarim and pitchen in the plaine 10r, feld,
Chap.i 3.1. 19 And they departed from * Rithmad, of Moabby Jorden toward Jericho.
and pitched at Rimmon pares. 49 And they pitched by Jorden, from
20 And they Departed from Rimmon Beth tehimoth vuto * Abel- Mittin, inthe Chapga:
Parez,and pitched inLibnah. plaine of Moab.
21 And they remooued from Libnab,and zo (And the Lod pake vnto(Poles in
pitched tn Rifah. À the plaine of Moab;bp Jorden toward Féri-
22 And they iourneyed from Kiſſah, and chg fayn
— gz Hpeaks
The borders of Canaan. Numbers. Who muft diuide the land. >
51 Speake pnto the chilvien of Ilrael, os—* land With the coats thereofround
Deut.7,2.t0f0.1% and fay vnto them, * yen pee ave come a ov .

AEN ouer Soden to enter inte tye land of Ga- 13 ¶ Then Moles commanded the chil-
naat, Deen of Jiraci, faving, hisis the tande
§2 De atl then Betue ont all the inhabi- which pe hal inberite by lot, which the Lord
tants of the land before pou, and deſtrop all commatibed to give vito nine tribes and
e Which were thetr ¢ pictures, and bꝛeake aſunder all their halfe the tribe.
fet vp in their tinages of mettatl, and plucke Downe all 14. *fozthe tribe of the cbilozen ofReu⸗ Chap.g2.33.
high places to their vie places. ben, accozding to the houſholds oftheir fa- 1fe 64.2530.
worlhip, $3 Ana pe hal poſſeſſe the land and dwel thers, and the tribe of the children of Gad,
therein: foz J gane giuen pou the lande to according to their fathers houſholds, anu
poſſeſſe it. TE halfe thetribe of Manaſſeh, hang receiued
54 And pee Hallinherite the land by lot their inberitance.
Chap. 26.5355 4+ — to pour families ; * tothe moze ye I5: @wo tribes and an halfe tribe paue
fhall qiue moze inheritance ann to the fewer recelued thetr_inderitance on this fine af
the leſſe inheritance. Ahere the loc wall fall Joden toward Jericho full Eaſt.
to any man, that (hall bee his: accogding to 16 ¶ Againe the Lod ſpake to Moſes,
the tribes ofpour fathers Mall peinberite. faping,
55 Wutifpee will not driue outthe mha- 17 ‘Cheleare thenamesofthe men which
bitants of the land befoze pou, then thoſe wali diuide tye land puto pou: * Eleazar the Fofh.t9-§.
which vee lee vemaine of them, ſhall bee HPꝛieſt, and Joſhua the fonne of Mun.
Fofb.23.13. * ||paickes in pour eves, and thoznes in your 13 And peeſhall take allo a £ Pinceof F One of the
indges 2.3. —— ſhall vexe you in the land wherein every tribeto Dinine the lant. heads or chiefe
fOr, Amines. pe Dwell. 19 The names allo of the men are theſe: menof cucry
56 Moꝛeouer, tt Hall come to paffe, that — of Judah, Caleb the ſonne of Je· tribe,
a— vnto pou, as J thought to Do vn⸗ phunneh.
o them : 20 And of the tribe of the ſonnes of Di-
meon, Shemuel the fonne ofAmmihud.
CHAP, XXXIIII. 21 DE the tribe of Beniamin, Elidad
3 The coafts and borders ofthe land ofCanaan, the fonne of Chillon.
17 Certaime men are affigned to diuide the land, 22 Alloof the tribe of the fonnes
of Dan,
the pzince Bukki, the fonne of Jogli.
Az the Lord ſpake vitto Woles, faving, 23 Df the fonnes of Joſeph: ofthe tribe
2 Command the childzen of Jiraci, ofthe fonnesof Manaſſeh, the prince pans
and fap vnto them, Aben pe come tute the niel the forme of Ephod.
a Meaning the, land of Canaan, this is the a land that Wall 24. AnBof the tribe ofthe fonnes of E⸗
defeription of fall vnto pour inheritance: chacis, the land — the Wince Kernel the ſonne of
the land, of Canaan with the coatts thereof. iphtan,
Tofh.v 5.2. * And pour Southquarter ſhalbe from 25 Df the tribe alfeof the ſonnes of 32s
the wilderneſſe of Zinta the borders of E⸗ poimi ebepince Elizaphan, the ſonne of
Dom: ſo that pour Southquarter hall bee arnach.
from the falt fea coat Eaſtward 26 Boo the tribe of the fonnes of Ia»
4 Ana the border hal compaffe you from char. the prince Paltiel
the ſonne of Assan.
flOr afcending the South to | Maaleh · akrabbim, ereach 27 DF the tribe alio of the fonnes of G+ g And be Iudges
up ofScorpions, to Zin, and goe eut from the Souri ta Ra- ae the prince Abthud the ſonne ofphe- ouer euery piece
of ground that
Delh-barnea: thence tt hal ttretch to Pazar- omi.
addar, and gor along to Azmon. 28 Andokthe tribe of the fonnes ofMaph- fhould fall to any
§ And the border tall compaffe from tali,the pince Pedahel, the ſonne of Ammi- by lot,to the in-
b Which was Azmon vute the river ef Egypt, ana Wall hua ua. tent that all
Nilus, or asfome goe out to the tea. 29 Thele are they whom the Lo: con- things mightbe
thinke Rhino- 6 And pour Mieltquarter Hall bee the maunded to s diuide the inheritance vnte the done orderly and
corura, greats Sea; euenthat border (hati be pour childzen of Iſrael in the land of Canaan, without conten-
c Whichis cal- Chic coat. — tion,
led, Mediterra- 7 And this hallbe your Northquarter: CHAP. XXXV.
neum. yee ſhall marke out pour boder trom the 2 Vtothe Leuites ave giuen cities and ſub-
d Whichisa great Hea vnto mount Woz urbes. ai The cities of refuge. 16 The law of
mountaine neere 8 Frommount Hoꝛve Hall point out til murther, 30 For one mans witneffe Jhal no man
Tire and Sidon, itcome vnto Damath, and the end of the be condemned. i
and nor that Hor coat ſhall be at Zedad.· i A®S the Lo pake pnto Moſes inthe Iofh.24.2,
” inthe wildernes, 9 And the coat thall reach out to i plaine of Moab by Jorden, toward Jeri- a Becauſe they
where Aaron krima goc out at Hazar· enan : this ſhal cho taping, had no inheritãce
died, ¢ pour Noꝛthquarter. 2 * Command the childrꝛen of Iſtaelthat aſſigned tbhem in.
10 And pee hall marke out pour Catt they giuc vnto the ·Leuites ofthe inhert ·ylandofCanaan,
quarter from Hazar-enan to Abepham. tance oftheir poſſeſſion, > citiestodwellin: b God would
Il And thecoat hall goe Downe from pee (hall giue allo vnto the Leuites the ſub⸗ haue them ſcatte⸗
Shepham to Riblah,and from the Catt five urbs of the cities round about them. red thorow althe
of Ain: and the fame bomer chall deſcend 3 Bo they Wall haue the cittes to dwell land,becaufe the
e Whichin the and goe out at the live of the Gea of eChin⸗ in, and thetrfuburbs Hall bee for their cat= peoplemight be
Gofpel is called nereth Gatward. tell , and foz their ſubſtance,
and foz all their preferued by thé
the lake of Gen. 12 Alfo that bomer Mall goe Downe te b cats. i _. inf obedience of
nazereth, Jozden, and leaug at the talt ea; this Hall A And the lubuebes oF rhe cites sa God and his law.
Cities ofrefuge. Lawes Chap. xxxv). concerning murther. 70
pe hall gine vnto the Lenites, frem the wail 23 D: any Hone (whereby hee might bee
ofthe citie outward, halbe a thoufand cubits flaine) and ſaw bin not noz caufed it to fall
round about. ‘ iK vpon hun, and be Die, and was not his ence
§ And ye Hall meafure without the citie mie neither fought bim anp harme,
c Sothatinall of rhe Catt fide, «two thouland cubits; and 24 Then the Congregation hall tudge ot g
werethree thou- of the South lide,two thouland cubits: and betweene the flayer and the h ancnger of b That is, his
fand: and in the ofthe Cdiet lite, two thouſand cubits: and bisod accozoing to thele lawes. next kinfman,
compaffe of thefe ef the forth fide, two thouſand cubits: and 25 And the Congregation Hall deltuer
two thou/and the citic hall be ty the mids ¢ thts pail be the the Aayer out of the pand of the auenger of
they might plant meaſure ofthe fuburbs ottheircitics, — blood, and the Congregation mall reſtore
and fow, 6 Andok che cities which pee hall giue bim vnto the citie of his refuge, whither
Deut.4 4 1. ioſh. unto the Lewites, *there thall be fire tities foz was fled: anb bee wall abide there vnto the
20.2.4nd 2142. refuge, which ye Hall appotnt,that be which Death of the high Piieſt which ig anointed | Vader this fi-
killeth, map flee thither: and to thei pe fail with the holy opie. gure Is declared;
adBetwo and fortie cities moe. i 26 But if the flayer come without the tbat ourfinnes
7 Allthecittes which pe hall giue to the bozders of the citie of his refuge, whither be could net bere.
Leuites,thallbe eight and foztie titres: them was fied, mitted, but by
thall ye giue with their ſuburbs. ; 27 And the renenger of blood finde him the death of the -
3 Gndconcerning the cities which pee without b borders of the citie ot his refuge, bigh Priel Iefus
on of the childzen of and the anenger of biood May the kmurthe· Chrift.
fhall gine, of the poſſe
Jiraci: of many yee all take moe,tot fewe rer,be balbe gutittefic, ` _kBy the fentence
yee ſhall take lefle,cucty one hall giut ofhis 28 Becaulehee mould haue remainedin ofthe ludge..
cities unto the Leuttes, accoꝛdingto bis in⸗ the citte of his refuge, untill the Deathof the
berttance, which he inheriteth. high Hrieſt: And atter the Death of the high
-9 And the Lozo ſpake vnto Moles, prictt.the ſiayer thal return vnto the land of
aping, l te bis poflefiton, :
Io Speake vnto the childeen of Firael, 29 Bo thele things fhall beeatlaw of | A law to iudge
Exod.21.3 3, and fay buto them, * Uhen ye be come ouer iudgement vnto pou, thorowout pour genes Murthersdone,
deut, 19.2, Jamen tute theland of Canaan; ` rations in all pour Dwellings. cither of purpof¢
5ofb.20.2. II De fhallappoint you cities, to be cities _ 30 Thoſocuer killeth anp perfon, the or vnadusfediy.
of refuge foz you, that the faper, which flap» iudge {hall flay the murtherer,thzough *mit- Dest.17.6.and
ethany perfon buwares, map flee thither. neſſes: but * one witnefle pall not teſtifie a 19.15.
12 And toefe cities fjall bee foz you a re- gaint a perlon,tocaule him to Bie. Matth.1 8.16.
d Meaning, from fuge fromthe ¢aucnger, that hee which kil- 31 Moꝛeouer pe yall take norecompenfe 2 cor.n3.1.
the next of the leth, Die not, vntillhẽLand before the Con⸗ foz the life of the murtherer, whichis ™ wo: m Which pur-
_ kinred, who gregation iniudgement. | j thy to die: buthemalbe put to Death. pofely hath com.
ought to purfue 13 And of thecities which pee Hall gtue, 32 Allo pee hall take no. recompenfe foꝛ mitted murcher, °
the caufe, fire cities pall ye haueforrefuge, him that is fled to the city of his retuge,that
_ e Amongthe 14 Dee thall appoint three on this ine he Hould come againe,and Dwelin the land,
= Reubenites,Ga- Joꝛden, and pee Hall appoint theee cities in before the death of the high Puet.
dites, and halfe we land of Canaan, whitch ſhall be citics of 33 So ye thal not potlute the land where- lOr, marther.
the tribe of Ma- refuge. * in pe thal Dwel: foz ||bloop vefileth theland: n Se God is
naffeh,Deut,4. ols Thele fire cities ſhalbe a refuge fo: the and the land cannot be *clenled of the bloon mindfullofthe
41. children of
Iſrael, and fog the ſtranger, ana that is thed therein, but by the blood of him ood wrongs
Iofh.20.7. foz bim that Dwelleth tamong you,that eue- that then it. fully thed,thae
+Ebr.amoug ry one which killeth any perlon vnwares, 34. Defile not thereforetheland which pe hee maketh his
them. may flee thither. } : hallinhabit, foz J Dwell in the mids theres dumbe creatures
Exod.21.1 4. 16 *And if one ffmite another with an of: fo? J the Lod dwell among the childzen to demand ven-
F-Witringly,and inftrumertof pon that be Die, hee isa mure of AIirael. geance thereof,
willingly. therer,and the murtherer hall dic the Death. -CHAP. XXXVI.
g That is,with 17 Alfoif he finite himby cating asſtone, é An order for the marriage ofthe daughters of
abig and dange- wherewith he may be Maine,and be die,be ts Zelophehad. 7 The inheritance could not bee gi-
rous ftone: in E- amuctherer, and the murtherer Wall Die the uen from one tribe to another.
brew, witha Death. paavsti tis 15* the chiefe fathers of the family of a Ie feemeth thae
ftons of his band, 18D if bee finite hini with an bandwea- . thefonnes of Gilead , the ſonne of Ma⸗ thetribes contene
/ pon of wood, wherewith be may bee Maine, chit, the fonne of Manalſch, of the families ded who might
i hee Ep aa ——“ the murthe⸗ of thefonnes of Joleph, came, and ſpake be- marrie thefe
rer mall Die the Death. > fore Moles, and before the princes the chiefe daugheers to
3 The reuenger of the blood himicife fathers of the chtlozen of Iſrael, hauctheir inhe-
fhall ay the muriherer: when heemecteth 2 Amofin, The Lord commandedbmy stance: and ther-
him, he fhall ay him. lord to gtue the land to inherite by lot tothe ferethe tonnes
Dew. OA. 20 —— — hurle childzen of Iſrael: and my loꝛd was come- of Lofeph propos
at himby layingof wati thait ay?! manden by the Lod,tugine thetnberitance fed the matter to
21 D finite hint through enmitie with ok Zelophehad our bother vnto his daugh⸗ Mols;
bis hand,that he dre,bethat ſmote him thall ters ⸗ « ap, 27. J.

Bie the Death for hee is amurtherer: there- 3. PE they be marted to any of the formes 4/b.17.3.
nenger of rye bloon Walt flay themurtherer of the other tribes of the childꝛen of Jira: b Meaning, .
whenbemectethbun. el, then Hali their inheritance beetakenas Moles.
10r,fuddenly, 22 Butithee pulbed him |ynaduifedly, way from toe inheritance of our fathers, -
Exod. 21.13. and? not of hatred, o2 cat spon him any and fall bee put vnto the inherttance of the
$Ebrinfiroment, +thing without laying of eat, tribe whereof they Gall be; & Mall Goa
ó The daughters uae a Deuteronomie. of Zelophehad. `
‘eee ken away from thelotsfourinberttance. of Iſrael, ſhall
be wife vnto one ofthe fami·
c Signifying 4 Al when thes Jublleofthechtlazen tp ofthe tribe of her father:that the childzen
thatatnorime Of Iſrael commeth, then Halltheivtnbert- of Ilxael may enioy eueryman the mbert=
it could returne, tancebeputontotheinberttancesfthetribe tance of their fathers.
forin the Iubile whereokthey chall bee: fo ſhall their inheri· 9 seither Haltheinheritance go about
allthingsretur- tancebe taken away from the inheritance of from tribe to tribe: but euery ene of the
ned to their the tribe ofour fathers, i tribes of the chilozen of Iſrael Hall ſticke to
ownettibes. § Chen Woles commanded the childzen his owne inheritance.
of Iſrael accoꝛding to the wow ofthe Lad, 10o Asthe Lord commaunded Moſes, fo
; faving, The tribe of the ſounes of Joleph div — ofSelophebas.
dForthetribe hauefatwdwell. It ffor* ablah, Tirzah, and Woglah, (hep.27.2.
couldnothaue ./ 6 Chisisthething that the Loꝛd hath and Milcahb,andMoah the daughtersat 3e
continued,ifthe commanded , concerning the Daughtersof lophebad were married vnto their fathers
inheritance which Zelophehad, laying , Chey Wall bee wiues, bothers onnes, AEN
was the mainte- t whom they thinke bet, onelptothefa- 12 Thep were wines to certaine of the
mancethereof milp of the tribe of their father Wall thep families of the fonnes of Manaſſeh the
ſhould haue bene marries — _ fonnes of Jofeph:fo their inheritante re
ahalienated to 7 So Hal not the inheritance ofthe chil- mained inthe tribe of the family of their fa-
others, Deen of Iſrael remooue fromtribetotribe, ther.
foz enerpone of the children of Iſrael hatl 13 Chele are the f commiandements and fFTouching the
foyne himſelke to the inberttance of the tribe lawes which the Loꝛd cammaunded by the ceremonial
e When there is of bis fathers. band of Moles, vnto the childꝛen of Jikael iudiciall lawes.
no male toinhe- 8 And euery Daughter that poſſeſſetha· inthe plaine of Moab by Joꝛden coward Je-
tite np inheritanceof the tribes of the childꝛen richo.

ats The fift booke of Mofes, called
+ °

———— Deuteronomie.
called becauſe
the Law,which THE ARGVMENT.
God gauein T He wonderful loue of God toward his Church is liuely fet forth inthis booke, For albeit through
mount Sinal, is their ingratitude and fundrie rebellions againſt God, for the fpace of fortie yeeres, Deut. 9.7. they
here reptated,as had deferucd to haue beene cut off from rhe number of his people , and for euer to haue beene depri-
though it werea wed of the vfe of hisholy Word and Sacraments ; yet hce did euer preferue his Church, euen for his
new Law: and owne mercies fake, and would ftill haue his Name called vpon among them. Wherefore hee bringeth
thisbookeisa them into the land of Canaan, deftroyeth their enemics, giueth them cheit countrey, townes, and
commentari€ OF goods, and exhortech them by the example of their fathers(whofe infidelitie,idolatrie,adulteries,mur-
expofition of the mutings and rebellion , hee had moft (harpely punifhed) to feare and obey the Lord, to imbrace and
ten commande: keepe his Law without adding thereunto, or dim nihing therefrom. For by his Word he would bee
ments, Knowen to be their God, and they his people : by his Word he would gouerne his Church, and by the
fame they fhould learne to obey him * hy bis Word he would difcerne the falfe prophet from the true,
light from darkneffe, ignorance from knowledge, and his owne people from all other nationsand ink-
dels: teaching them therby to rcfufe and deteft,deftroy and abolifh whatfoeucris not agreeable to his
holy will, feeme ic otherwife neuer fo good or precious jn the eyes of man. And forthts caufe God
—— te rayſexp kings and goucrnours, forthe fetting foorth of his Word, and preferuation of
is Church: giuing vnto them an efpeciall charge forthe executing thereof: whom therefore he willetk
to exercife themfelues diligently in the continual! Rudy and meditation of the fame: that they might
learme to feare the Lord, loue their ſubiects, abhasre couctoufneffe and vice, and whatfoeuer offendeth
the Maieftie of God. And as he had tofore inftracted their fathers in all things appertaining both to his
spiritual feruice,and alfo for the maintenance ofthat focierie whichis betweene men: fo he preſcribeth
here anew, all {uch lawes and ordinances,which either concernehis diuine feruice,or elfe areneceflary
fpr a common wealth : appointing vnto euery ftate and degree their charge and duetie : afwell how to
mule and lue in the feare of God ,as to nourifh friend thip toward their neighbours, andto preférue that
order which God harh eftablifhed among men: threatning withall moft horrible plagues to them that
tranfgreffe his commandements,and promifing al bleffings& felicitie;to fuch as obferue & obey them,
CHAP. I. 2 There are eleuen Dayes iourney front c In Horeb, or
2 A briefè rehear fallofthings done before, from c Hoꝛeb vnto KRaveth-barnea, by the wayof Sinai, fortie yere
Hareb unto Kadefh-barnea. 32 Mofes reproueth mount Deir. before this the
the people for their incredulitie. 44 The Ifraehtes 3 And it came to paſſe inthe firſt dayof law was given:
are ouercome bytheAmorites,becaufe they fought the eleuenth moneth, inthe fortieth veere, but becauſe all
againft the commandement of the Lord, that Moſes ſpake tuto the chilozen of Iſra· that were then
a In the coun· > Vele be the words which MBo- el, accoxding wnto all that the Lod had gi- efage and iudg⸗
trey of Moab, fes ſpake vnto all Iſrael, on uen him in commandement vnto them. ment were now
b So thatthe $a this fide Jorden in the wile 4 Afterthat he had ſlaine· * Sihonthe dead, Mofes re-
wilderneffe was A Derues, inthe plaine, ® ouer a- s peateth the fame
betweenethe fea A cain the rev Hea, betweene totheyouth , whichcither then were not borne, or had notiudge-
and this plaine ; Paran and Tophel, and La» ment, d By thel examples of Gods fauour , their minds are pre»
of Moab. ban,and Hazeroth,
and Di zahab. paredto receiue the Law, 24.
. 71 ~ EN
things done before

A repetition of i ` y : Chap.i.

2 King of the Amorites which dweltinDew- 22. Co Then ye came puto me enerp one, o Read Numb,
bon, and Dg king of Bafhan, which dwelt and ſayd, Gee will fend men before vs to 23.153.
at Aihtarorh in Eei. 3 fearch vs out the landann to bging vs word
§ Dn thts five Jorden in the land of agatne, what way we mult goe vp bp, and
e Thefecond Moab e began Moles to Declare thislaw, vnto what cities we ſhall come. 3
time. taping, i 23 So the laying plealed mee weil, and
; 6 ‘Che Lod our God pake vnto vs in — twelue men of pou, of cuerp tribe
f Inthefecond f Worb, laying, De pane dwelt long enough
yeere, andfecond Ut this mount, 24 *Wiho Departed, and went vp inta Numb.13.24.
moncth,Numb, _,7 Turne vou and depart ,andgoe vnto the mountatne, anv came onto the|jriuer |Or, valley ofthe
10.1 fe the mountaine of rhe Ainopzites,and vnto al Elhcol and ſearched out the land, clufter ofgrapes
places necre thereunto: in the plaine, tn the 25 And tooke of the fruit of the land in
mountaine, oz inthe nallep: both Gouth- their handes , aud braught it pute vs, and f
ward, and to the Dea fide, to the land of the brought bs wod againe, andrfayd, It ts p Towit, Caleb;
@anaanites, and vnto Lebanons cuen vnto a good land, which the Loge our Hod doeth and lothua: Moe
NOr,Euphrates. the great riner.the riuer| Perath. gine bs, $ A fes preferreth the
8 Bebon, Jhane (ct the land before your 26 Notwithſtanding,
pee would not goe berter part to the
Gen.t§.18. goe tt €* poflelle that land which the Lod bp, but were diſobe dient vnto the comman> ereater,thatis,
and 17. 7, 8. Tware vnto your fathers, Abrahain Izhak, Bement of the Lod pour God, twoto ten.
and Jaakob, to gituc vnto them and to their 27 And murmured in pour tents, ¢ aid,
feed after them, Becaule the Lod 9 hated vs,therefore hath q Such was the
- By the counfel 9 € And pake svnto pou the fame be brought bs ontofthe landof Egypt, to lewes vnthanke-
of Iethro my fa- time laying , Jar not able to beare pou mp Deliver vs into the hand of the Amozites, fulnes, that they.
theri {av icifealone: and te Deltroy ys. counted Gods
Exod 18.39: 10 The Low pour God hath * multiply 28 Cdihither Hall wee goe vp? our ebꝛe· efpeciall loue,
h Notfo much CU pol, andbejeld, pee are thts Dap ap the thaen Dane dilcouraged our heartes, laying, hatred.
by thecourfe of farres of heauen in number: The people is greater , and taller then wee, r The other tem:
nature,asmira- I (Ehe Lord Gos of pour fathers make the cittes are great, and walled by to hea not Caleb and
culouũy. pou a thouſand times fo many mo as ye are, Hen; and mozeouerwe haue ſeene the ſonnes Loſhua.
and bleſſe pou , as he hath pꝛomiſed pou) ofthe * Anakims there. Numb,13, 290
i Signifying how 12 Yow can J alone i beare pour cunt 29 But J fayd vuto pon, Dead not, no?
great aburden it bance and pout charge,and your ſtrife? bee afraid of therm, . |
Isto gouerne the 13 Bing you men of witedome and of 30 The Lord pourGov, whe goeth be⸗ f Declaring thae:
cople. vnderſtanding, and « knowen anong pour fo2c pou, bee fhallfight foz you, accozding ta torenounce our
k 4hofle godli- ea > and F wilt make them rulers ouer alt that bee Did unto you in Egypt betoze owne ſorce, and
neffe and vprighte us your eyes, conftantly to ſol⸗
nefe is knowen. 14 Then peanhwered meand (ain, The 31 And in the wildernefle, there thou low our vocati.
thingis good that thon halt commanded vs hatt iene how the Lord thy. God barethce, omand depend
4 oe. as aman Doeth beare bis fonne, inallthe onthe Lord ,is
15 HOF tooke the chiefe of your tribes wap which pe haue gone, vattll pee came the true boldness.,
1 Declaring what wile and knowen men, and made them ri pnto tbis piate.. ; and agreeable to-
fort of men and 32 Vet foz all this pe DID not belecucthe
ters ouer you,captatites ouer thouſands, God.
ought to havea captaines ouer hundꝛeds, and captaines oe LoD your GoD, w
publike charges uerfiftie, and captaines ouer ten, and offi- 33 WMho went in the way before you, to xod ag. 3I-
read Exod,18.25 cers among pour tribes. {earch pou out a place to pitch pour tents in,
16 And 3 charged pourtndges that fame tn fire bpnight, that pe might tee what way
time, faping, Weare the controuerties between to goe, and ina cloud by tay.
Foi. 24. pour brethzen, * ant tudge righteoully be- 34 Chen the Low heard the voyce of
tweene euery man and bis beother, and the pour wozdes, and was wꝛoth, and fware,
franger that is with him. laying, : :
17 Dee hall haue no reſpect of perfon in 35 *Surelp there Mall wot one of thele Numb.14,
Lenit.19.1§. indgement,*but hall heare the final as weil men of this fromard generation {ee that
chap.16.19% as theareat : pee fhail not feare the face of aid land which Iſware to gine vnto pour.
` s. fam.16.7. mani fo2 the ndgement is ™ Gods:and the athers, oe
prou 24.236 caule that is too hard fo: pom bꝛing vnto me 36 Baue Caleb the onne ofJephiumeh·
ecclus 42.1. and J will beare tt. 4, hee Haillecit, “and to hün will I giue the fh 14h
james 2.3, 13 Ailo3jcommanded pou the fame time landthat bee hath troden vpon, and to his
m And youare all the things which ye Hanld dee, ee be bath conttanttp folomen:
hisLientenants, _ 19 ¶ Then we departed trom ozeb,and the Lon.
went thoow all that great and terrible wits 37, * Alio the Lod was angty with mee Numb. 20:12;
Dernes (as pe baue ſeene) by the way of tie foz pout fakes, laying,” Chou alte halt not, 474 27.14.
mountatne of the the Lod our gae in thither, , , Chap.3:26.
God commanded vs: and wee came to Ka: 38 But Joſhua thefoune of Mun which adgas..
Delh-barnea. ftandeth* before thee,beGall gorn thither; i434 46
“n Sothatthe 20 And "J fayd unto you,Dee are come incotrage him: fez hee hall caue Ilrael to t Which mint--
fault wasin them vnto the mountaine ofthe Amozites, which inherite it:. a ais ftreth vnto thee-
feluesthetthey the 1023 our Hod Doth giue vnto ys. 39 Porcouct, pour »chiloen, which pee, u Which weres.
did net fooner 21 Behold, the Lord thy God hath {apn ſayd iould bee a pay, and pour fonnes,.vadertwentic:
poſleſſe the inhe- the land belore thee? goe bp and poſſeſſe it,as which in that Dap had no knowledge be- yecte old,aS
tkance promifed, the Loꝛd the God of thy fathers bath fayn tweene good and cull. they Tall goe: im Numb, 14sZia-
unta thee: fears not, neither be diſcouraged. thither, and. puto them wit gL w 2 ;
‘Againft whom Iſtael Deuteronomie. - tuay not fight... >
and they atl polſeſſe it. 1O Whe! Eminis dwelt thereinintimes f signifying,chee
42 But as foz poun tutne barke, and take pat, apcople great, and many, and tall, as as thefe giants,
pour tourney inte the mildernes bp the wap the Anakims, were driuen out
ofthe red Gea. IL Thep allo weve taken foz Gyants ag for cheir finnes:
4l Then pe anſwered aud fayd onto me, the Anaking: whom tye Moabites call fo the wicked
x This declareth He haue Gnned againſt the Lord, we wiil Cinime. when their finne⸗
mans nature who goe bp, and fight, accozding to all chat the 12 The * Hoꝛims allo dwelt tn Beir be- are ripecannot
will doe chat L020 sur God hath commanved vs: aud pe fore time, whom the childzen of Clau chaed auoyde Gods
which God for- armen pou euery man to the warre, Œ were out and deſtroyed them before them, and plagues.
biddeth, and will ready to gee bp into the mountaine. Dwelt tn their ead: as Iitael ſhall doe vnto Gex.36.a0.
not doethac 42 But the Lod laid unto mee, Bay vn⸗ theland of hts poſſeſſion, which the Loꝛd
which he come to then; Goe not bp, neither tight, (for J am bath given them.
mandeth. Y uot among pou) ief pee fall before pont 13 Now rife vp, fayd I, and get pou ouer
y Signifying, enemies. the riner* Zeren: and tuee went ouer theri- Numb .20,020
that man hath 43 And whet J told pou, pee would not uert Zered.
no frength,but Heare, but rebelled againt the commande- 14 The efpace allo wherein wee came g He theweth
when God is at tment ot the Lord, and were prelimptuous, from thadefh-barnea, vntill wee were come hereby, chatas
hard to helpe _ AnD Wentvp inte the meuntaine. ouer the riuer Fered, was eight and thirs God is trucin
him. 44 Then the Amopzites which Dwelt tr tie peeves, vntill allthe generation of men his promife: fo
that mountaine came outagatnt peu. and of warre were walked cut from among the bis threatnings
x Becaufe ye ra- chaled pou (as bees vſe to Des) and deitroy⸗ hote, as the Lozd (ware vnto them. are not in vaine.
ther fhewed your eD you in Seit, euenputo Hoꝛmah. Is Soz indeede the ! hand of the Loyd b His plague and
hypocrifie, then 45 And when ye came againe, pee wept wag againſt them, te Deroy them From punifkment to
true repentance; before the Lord, but the Lom wonld not among the hofte, till they were confumed. defroy all that
rathet lamenting Body vour voyce, ito incline bis cares vre 16 ¶ So wien all the men of warre were tweatie
thelofle of your were confumed and Dead From among the yeere old amé
brethren then re- 46 So pee abode tn Kadech a long time, people: abouca
penting for your —— to the tume that peban remained _ 17 Then the Lord ſpake vnto mee, fap-
finnes. cfore. ing,
CH ALP, 14, 18 Thou Malt goe thoro Ar the coak
AM frael isforbidden to cht with the Cdomites, of Moab thig Dap t
9 Moabites, 19 and Ammonitess 33 Selon Ig Ana thou thalt come neere oner ae
king of Hefhbon i diſcomſited. gaint the childzest of Ammon ¢but Halt not
lap fiege vnto them , no: moone watre as
a Theyobeyed Fen a twee turned, and tooke our iont- gaint then: for J will not giue thee of the
after that God ney into the wilderneſſe, by the wapat land ef the chtldzen of Ammon any poſſeſſi⸗
kad chaftifed the red Sea, and the Lod ſpake vato me t on: forJhaue giuen itunto the childzen of
‘hem. SER mount Beir a tiong Lot foz a poſſeſſion.
b Eight and thir- 20 That allo was taken fez a land of
ticyeere, as verle 2 And the Low pake vnto me, laying, i Who calfed
i Giants : for Grants Diwelt theretn afoze= themſelues
Bge 3 Wee haue compalled this mountaine time, whom the Ammonites called Fame Res
long enough: turune you Noꝛthward. summing : phaims: thatis,
c This was the 4 And warne thou the people, faping, De 2U @ people that was great and many, and preferuers, or
ſe cond time: for
hall goe thozow the < coatt of pour bzethzentall as the Anakims: butthe Lozd Deltrop- phyficians to
before they had thechiinen of lau, which Dwellin Geir, ed them before them, and thep fucceeded heale and re-
forme vices: but
cauſed the Irac- aud they ſhalbe afraid of pou stake pee goon themin their inheritance and dwelt in therr were
beed therefore. i ead: indeed
lites to renine,
§ Dec a got in A them: foz J will 22 As hee did to the childzen of fau Zamzummims,
not give pou of their land ſomuch as a foore which dwell in Deir, when hee deſtroyed that is,wicked
| Gen.36.8.
breadth, *becaule Jhaue giuen mount Deir the Dozims before them, and they poſſel⸗{. and abominable,
unto Clau foz a poſſeſſion. icathem, and dwelt in their Lead onto this
6 Dee hall buy meat of them fozmonep ay. ;
toeate, and pee Hall allo procure water of 23 Aud the Quins which dwelt in Hae
them a money to drinke. zarim cuen buto ||Azza), the Caphtorums lOr; Gara
7 Foꝛ the Lod thy God hath ableſſed which came out of Caphtoꝛ Deftroyed them,
theetw all the wozkes of thine hand: hee and Divelt in theirt tead.
knoweth thy walking thozow this great 24. Rife bp therefore, faid the Lord: take
witdernes, and the Lod thy God hath bene your tourney, and palle ouer the riuer Are
with thee thts fortie peere,and thou balk lac- non: behold, Jhaue giuen into thine hand
_ ked nothing. Sihon the * Amite, king of Heſhbon, ana k According to
8 And when tue mere mpare fromour bis land: begin to poſſeſſe tt, and pꝛouoke his promife mad€
bzethzen the childzen of Chau which dwelt him to battell. to Abraham,
in Deir, through the way of the iplaine from 25 This day wil J! begin tofend thy Gen.1§.21.
lath, and from Ezion gaber, wee turned feare and thy dread bpon all people vnder 1 This declareth
and 8 bp the way of the wilderneſſe of the twhole heauen, which hall beare thy that the hearts of
oab. fame, and fall tremble and quake before men are in Gods
9 Then the Lord ſayd vnto mee, Chou th ee. hands, citherto
fhalt noti vere Moab, neither pꝛouoke them 26 Then FJ fent meflengers out of the be made faing,
tobattell ; foz J will not giue thee of their wilderneſſe of Kedemoth buto Sibon king orbold,
e Moabites, land fora poffefion , becaule J haue ginen oftocfobon » with wordes of peace, fay»
and Ammonites, Ar vnto the childzeneof Lot foz a polſeſſion. 3
27 CLet -
Sihonand Og arevanquifhed. ‘Chap. iij. Cities giuen to Reubin and Gad. 73 ii
NAM, 21.320 27 @* Let me paſſe thorew thy land: J and all the countrey of Argob, the kingoome
wili goeby the hie wap: J will neither turne of Dg in Baian. s
puto the right hand uo to the left. § Alithelecitteswere fenced with high j
28 hon halt (ell me meat foz money foz walles, cates and barres, belide
dvnwalled b As villages —
toeate, and fhalt giue mee water fo: money townes a great many. anid {mal cownes.
otp deinke: onely 3) will goe thorow on mp 6 And wee vuerthꝛew them as wee did
oote, i i bite Sthon king of Heſhbon, deltroyinge⸗
m Becaufenei- 29 (As the m chilmen of Glau which Uerypcitic with men,ewomen,and childern. c Becaufechrs
ther intreatie nor Dwvell in Heir, and the Woabits which 7 But allthe cattelland the ſpoyle ofthe was Gods ape
examplesofo~ Dwell in Ar, Did vnto me) vntill|bee come cities we tooke foz ourfelues. pointment,
thers could moue ouer Joden, into theland which the Low 8 hus wetooke at that timeoutofthe therefore it may:
him,he could not pur God gtucth vs. hand of two kinga of the amopites, the land not be iudged
compl:ine of his 30 But Sion the King of Heſhbon that was on this fine Jorden from the riuer cruel.
iuſt deftruGion. would not let vs paffe by hii: for the Lord of Arnon vito mount Hermon:
n God in his ele- thy God had » hardired his (pirit, and mabe 2. CGbich Hermon the Sidontans call
@ion and repro- his heart obftinate, becaufe hee would De» pbirion,but the Amogites callit Ehenir.)
bation doeth not Ituer btm into thine bande, as appeareth this 10 Gilthe cities of the plaine, and all Gi-
onely appoint ips lead, all Bahan vnts Galchay, € Toei
the ends, bur the 31 And the Lom faid vnto mec, Behold, cittes of the a SpeeofDgin Baman. —
meanes tending Ihaue begun to giue Sthen and his tana II Foꝛ onely Dg king of Bahan remat>
tothe fame. —— 7 begin to poſſeſſe and inherit bis ned of the reninant of the gtants, whole d The more tere
and, bed was a Bevof pron: isitnotat Rabbath riblethar this
Numb.2 1,23. 32 *Then came out Sihon to meete bs, among the children of Ammon?
the length giant was, the
thercotisnine cubits, and foure cubites the greareroccafion
him̃ſelfe with all bis people to fight at Ja>
aj, bredth fit after thecubitofaman.
j daa they to glo»:
33 But the Lon our God dDelisered him 12 And this land, which wee —— At rifle God for
3 Ebr before vs. tinto onr power,and we finote him, and bis that time, from Aroer, whichis bythe river the viGory,
ſonnes, and all his people. of Arnon, and halfe mount Giltad, *and the Nwm.32.33,
34 And wee tooke all his cities the fame cities thereof gaue Jvnto the Reubenites,
time, and Deftroped euery citiz, men, and and Gadites.
© God had cur- o women, and childzens we let nothing tgs 13 And the rek of Gilead andali Bafhar,
fd Canaan,and maine. the kingdome of Dg, gaue J vnto the halfe
therefore he 35 Dnely the cattell wee tooke to our tetbeaf Manalſſeh: even all the countrey of
would not that pe iaa the {pople of the cities which we Argob with al Bapan which ts called, Ehe |
any ofthe wic- tooke, land of giants. |
ked race (hould 36. From Aroer, which ts by the banke sf 14.. Jair the fonne of Manaſſeh tooke all
be preſerued. the riuer of Arnon, and from the citie thatis the countreyot Argob, vnto the coattes of
vpon the riucr,cuen vnto Gilead; there was Geſhuri, and of Maachathi: and called
not one citie that eſcaped bs; for the ow them after bis owne name, Baman, * ipa: NEM}? av.
§ Or,into ou» pur Gon Delivered vp all tbefoze vs. uoth Jair vntoe thisdap. e Meaning,
37 Duely onto the land of the children of chin And Jgaue part of Gilead vnto Ma⸗ when he wrote
Ammen thou came not,nor vnto any place 3 j this hiftory,
Or, Sorde of the || riuer Jabbok, no? vnto the cities in IG And onto the Reubenites and Ga»
the mountaines, no? onto. whatſoeuer the Dites J ganecherelt of Gilead. and vnto che
Loꝛd our God forbade ve, rtuer of Arnon, halfe the riuer and-the bog»
Ders, even vate the riuer Jabbok, whichis f Which ſepa⸗
CHAP, III, the bozder of thechilagen of Ammon: rateth the Am-
3 Og king of Bafhanisflaine. 11, The big- 17: Che plaineaifa ann Jorden, and the monitesfromthe
si Beffe of bis bed, 18 The Reubenites and Gadites borders, from Chinnereth euen vnto the Amorikes,
` are commanded to gee ower Torden armed- before Sea of theplaine,to wit,thefaltHea fonder Ora sfdorh-
their brethren. a1 Fofhuais made captaine, 27 the eae of Piſgah Faſtward. pifgah,
Mofes is permitted to fee she land, but, not to en- 18 ¶ And Icommanded e pouthefame g Thatisthe
ter,albest be defired st. : tinie,faping,, Che Lord poured hath gis Reubenites,Gas ·
uen you this land to poſſeſſe it: pee fhallgog dites, and halfe: :
nye turned, and went bp by the way ouer armed befoze pourbrethaen the childaen Manafich,as:
Namb.⁊1.33. of Bahan: * and De king of Bahan of Ilrael all menof warre. Num, 3242 15-
chap.29 7» a came out againt vs, he, and allhis people 19 Your wines onely and pour children,
a Therefore be- tofightatGozet. * and pour cattell, (fog I knew that vee hang
- fide the Com- 2 And the Lod id vnto me, Feare Him much cattel )wal absde in pour cities, which
| mandement of not, fo? Jwill deliuer Him, and all bis peo: FZ Have giuen poe oc i to
-the Lord,they ple, and his lana into thine band, and thou 20: Unttil the Lod hane giuen reſt vnto
_ had iuſt occafión {halt Doe vnto him as thou DIDbuto* Di- pourbrethzen as vnto vou, and that they allo
_ ofhispartto onking of the Amorices, which dwelt at volſeſſe theland, whichthe Lod pour Gon Fofhi2234) |
| fight againit him, ADOR: -6 E ai) to. Saeg Hath giuen them bepond Jorden; then hall Dam 27:08}.
the Low our God delitered. alo yee” retirneeuccpanan
Nam 21.24. onto bispoſſeſſion, 19,23,
| Nangi. 30. ` imtoour hand Dg the kingo jalan, and which Jhaue gluen von. h So that the vii-
' all his people: and toe. ſmote him, vñtil none 21. @* Anu J charged. Joſhua the fame Aories came nor:
wasleft him aliue, time, faping, Thine epes haue ſeene altthat by your owne:
a "Ano wee tooke
all hfs cittes thefame the Lord pour. Sodshath Done vnto thele wifdome,frengels
. time, neither was there.
a,citie whit wee twakings.,.*fo qa e Lo doevnto ail or multitude..
} taokanottrom ey ee, K ce, shehinguomeewhither thowigeeles F o ohagi
2% Deg andso,235.
Exhortations. Deuteronomie. -~ Againftimages. ·
i He fpeaketh 2 Bee Hallnot feave then fos the Lod 9 _But take heede to thy felfe, and hkeepe h Headdeth
according to the pour Gon,he Hall tight fo2 pou. thy fouleatligently, that thou forget not the all thefe words
common and 23 And J belought the Logo the fame things which thine eyes paue eene ann that to thew that we
corupt fpeech of time,laying, they Depart not out of thine heart all the can neuer be
them whichat- 24 D Lad God, thou haſt begun to hew Dayes of thy life: but teach theni thp onnes, carefull ynough
tribute that pow- thy tecuant thy greatneſſc and thy mightie and thy ſonnes ſonnes: to keepe the Law
er vnto idoles, hand: for where is there a Gov in heaven oz Io Forget not the Day that thou ſtoodeſt be- of God,andto
chat onely ap- in earch, that can ‘Boe tthe thy workesjand fore the Lord thy Gob tn More’, when the teach itto our
(pertaineth vnto like chp|power? Lord {aid vnto me, Gather me the people to: poftericie,
God. 25 J pray thee Tet mee gae ouer, ann lee gether, and F will cauſe them to heare mp
llOr wonders, thegood land that is beponn Jorden, that wots , that they may learne to feare me att
k He meaneth gocoly * mountaine and Lebanon. the dapes that thep thal line vpon the earthy,
Zion, where the 26 But che Lord wag angrie with me for and that they map teach their chimen:
Temple fhould pour fakes and would not pearente: andthe IL Then came pou nere and* toon buder Exod, 19.18,
be builg and God L020 {aid vnto me, Let it futfice chee, ſpeake themeuntaine, and. the monntaine: burnt i The Law was
‘honoured, no meze vnto me of this matter, with fire onto the mids of heauen, and there ginen with fearg-
l Asbefore he 27 Get theevp tute che toppe of Piſxah, was darkneſſe, clauds and mit. full miracles to
faw by the ſpirit ana! lft by chine eyes, cdieltward,¢ Qorth⸗ 12 And the Lord ſpake vute you out of declare.both that
of prophefie the ward, andSouthward,andEaltward, and the mids of the fire, and pee heard the voyce God.was theau-.
good Mountaine behold it with thine eyes, for thou Malt not mine words, but fawe no ſimilitude, fauea thor thereof, and
which was Zion; goe ouer this Jorden. opte cah j 1 alfo that no fleſh
fo here his eyes 28 But charge Joſhua, and incourage 3 Then hee declared vnto you his coue» was able to abide
were lifted vp a- bim, and bolden him: fez he tball goe before nant which he commanded you to *dae,euen therigour ofthe
‘boue the order this people, be Mall diuite for inheritance the teni Conmmmandemens, and weete chem fame,
of nature to be- unto them theland which thou tate fee. bpon two Cables of Tone. k God ioyneth
Kold all the plen- . 29 Do wee abode in the vailep ouer a- (4. And the Lord commanded me that this condition to
tifull land of gainit Beth· peor· fame time,that3hould teach pow odinan- his covenant,
Canaan. cesandlawes, which pee ould ablerue tn \)Or, Words.
CHAP. IML. theland, whither yee goe to poſſeſſe tt.
i An exhortation to obſerae the law without | Is Gake therefore good heene vnto your
adding thereto or diminifhing. 6 Therein fian- +{elues: foz pe faw no! tmagein the day that t Ebr. (cules,
deth our wifdome.g We muſt teach st to cur chil- the Lozd [pake unto you in ozeb out of the 1 Signifying that
dren 15, No amage ought tobe made to worfhip. nude ofthe fire: deftrudionts
26 Threatnings againjéthem that forfeke the law 16 That pee corrupt not pour ſelues, and prepared for all.
make poua grauen image or repzelentation them that make
of God. 37 God chofe the feede becaufe he loned
ofany figere: whether it bee the likeneſſe of an image to re-
their fathers, 43 The three cities ofrefuze. `
No» therefore hearken, D Firael, vnto male o: Female, ; prefent God,
the ordinances and to the lawes which 17 The likenelſe ofany beak thatis on
‘a For thisdoe 3 teach you to voe,that pe may line and goe earth, or the likeneſſe of any feathered fovele
‘Qrine ftandeth inann poſſelſe the land which the Rod.Gov that flieth tithe atre,
not in bare knows of your fathers giueth n ons P! 18 Or the likeneſſe of any thing that ceees
ledge, burin'pras 2 *Dehall> putnothing vnto the word peth onthe earth, or the likenetic of any HG
&ife of life. which ¥ command you neither Wal ye take that is inthe waters beneath the carth,
Chap.12.32. ought therefrom,that pe may keepe the com= 19 Andie thou liftvp thine eyes vnto
b Thinkenotto mandements of the Lord pour God which J beauen, and wher thou feet the ſunne ana
be more wife command pou. the moone and the ftarres with all the hot
then Lam. 3 ofheauen, ſhouldeſt bee dꝛiuen to worſhip
Dour deyes hane ſeene what the Lord
c God willnot: DiD becaule of Baal peor: for all the men them and Cerne them, which the Lord thy m He harhap-
be. ferued by that followed Baal-peor, the Lade thy God hath diftribuced to ail people vnder pointed them for
halfes,but will God hath deltropen eucry one from among the whole heauen. to ferue man.
haue full obc- pou, l 20 But the Lord hath taken pou and n Hehath deli-
dience, 4 Butye that did scleane puto the Lord tought por ont of the = pron fornace, out of uered you out of
d- Godsiudge- yane God, are aliue euery ong of pou this Egypt, to bee vnto hinta people and inher» moft miferable
ments executed ap. A : te tattce,as appeareth this Day. 7 flaucrie, and free-
vpon ather ido- § Behold, Thane taught you ordinan· 21 And rhe Lord wasangrie with me fo? ly chofen you for
laters,aughtto ces, and lawes, asthe Loyd my God com: pour words,and ſware that 3) Mould stot go his children, `
ferue for our in- manded me, thatpeould do euen lo With- oner Jorden, and that J Mould not goe tn o Mofeszood `
ſtruction :reade in the land whither pe woe to polene tt. puto that good land, which che Lora thy affection appea- |
Numb,25.3,4¢ 6 Keepe them therefore, and doe theme Gon giucththee fo: an inheritance. reth in that,that
e And were not fo: that ts pour £ wiſedome,
and pour birders 22 ford mut dicin thistand, and hall ke, being depri- -
idolaters. tanding in the fight of the people, which tor gor ouer Jorden: buto peihatl goe oner, ued of fuch an
f Becaufe al men Hhaltheare atl thei ogvinances, and fhalfay, and poſſeſſe that good land. be excellént trea- —
naturally defire” \Dnely this people!is wile, and of vnder “23 ake heeve vnto pour felues, let pee fure, doeth not
wi(dome,hee, fandingjand agreat mation. i o n forget the coucnant of the Lom pour Gon enuie them that
fheweth how ta 7 For what vation bf gitat vntowhont which be made With pou. Elelt peemake you matt ¢nioy it, _-
attaine vnto its the Gons come fo neere nto them, asthe any aranen imagi, or likeneſſe ofany thing, p Tochofe that
llOr; Surely: ` Lod our God ive neete vnto vs,inall that we as the Loz thy Gov hath charged thee. come not vnto
g Helping vs,and call vnto him fot ` 24 oz the Lord thy God ts arconfa

ican o
him with loue
that sat
cams an ae Forigmisaai
deliucting vs out 8 Aud whatn tion js fo great, ming fireand atelous@owe o eain ar and reuerence,
ofall.dangets,as but rebell again
2.8am.7. 2a3. Ets aw HL/SL Weeyou Bape: him,Heb, 52.29.
ods inercie toward Ifrael. Chap.v. | Cities of ref ge 79S
q Meaninghere. longintheland, ik yee acorrupt
vour ſelues. 41 ¶ Chen Molesſeparated thzee cites on
by all fuperttiti- and make any grauen image or likenelſe of this ide of Joden toward the ſunne rifling:
on and corrupti- any thing,and woke enill tn the fight of the 42 That the layer ſhould flee thither,
onofthe true L020 thy God, to prouoke him to anger. which bad killed bis neighbor at ynwarres,
feruice of God. 26 J call heauen and earth to recorda- and Hated him not intime palt,might tlee,F
£ Though men gaint you this Dap, that ye Hal Woztly periſh lay, vnto one sf thoſe cttieg,and liue;
would abfolue trom the land, vehereunto pou gee ouer Jor; 43 Thais, *Bezer in the wilderneſſe, in Tofh.20 8.
you,yet the in- Den te —— pee iall not prolong pour the plaine countrey of the Reubenites: and
fenfible creacures Dayes therein, but tall vtterly be Dettroped, Ramoth in Gilead among the Gadites,
thalbe wicneffes 27 And the Lod hal! ſcatter pou among wee in Dahan among them of Ma⸗
of your difebes the people,and pee Hall be left fetve in num- cy,
dience. bet among the nations, whither the Lord 44 C Sothis isthe law w oles
f So that his fall bꝛing pou. fet before the childzen of irae. men SP
curſe {hall make 28 And there pe Hall ſerue gods, euen the 45 Thele are the «witnefles, and the or⸗ c The Articles
his former blef- worke of mans hand, woos, g tone, which Dinances, and the lawes which Moles De- and points of che
fings of none neither (er,noz heare,noz eate,nog ſmell. clared to the childꝛen of Fleael after hep coucnant,
cfie&. 29 Butte trom thence thou falt ſeeke came out of Egypt,
t. Not with out- the Lorꝛd thy Gov, thou hale Anae him, tf 46 Du this fire Jorden, inthe valley d-
‘ward fhew or thou ſeeke bim with all thine ‘heart, and, uct agatnit eth-peoz, inthe land of Si-
Ceremonie, but with ati thy foule. —— £ bon King of the Amozites, which dwelt at
with atrue con- 30 Waben thou art in tribalation,and alt Heſhbon whore Woles and the children of
feffion of thy. - thele things are come vpon thee, + at the — {inote, after they were come out of Numb.21 24.
faults. \ length, ifthoureturne to the Lord thy God, Egypt: chap.i.4.
TEbranthe latter aud be obedient unto his vetce, 47 And they pollefied His land, andthe
dayes, 31 (soz the Lozd thy God ts a mercitull land of *Dg Ring of Bahan, two Kings of Namb.a 1. 3 3.
God)he wil not forfake thee neither deſtroy the Amoꝛitẽs, which were on this fide Jo- chap .3-3-
thee, 1102 ee the conenant of thy fathers, Den toward the funne riling: —
u Tocertifie which hee = {ware unto them. 43 From Aroer, which is bp the banke
-them the more 32 fo: inquire now of the dayes that- of the riuer Arnon euen vnto Mount Siom,
-efthe affurance are palt, which were before thee, tince the wmbichisiermon, —_
of their faluation daythat God created man vpon the carth, 49 And all the plaine by Jorden Eat- d Thatis,the
-x Mans negli- and * aske fromthe one end of heauen vnto ward, euen vuta å the Sea of the plaine, falt fea.
ence fs part! theother, ifthere came to paffe ſuch agreat wonder che * pings of Piſgah.
* H thing as thiso:whether any fuch like hing CHAP. V, Chap3 ie a
knoweth not bath beene heard. 5 Mofesusthe meane betweene God andthe
God. £ 33 Did euer people heare the voice of people. 6 The law i repeated. 23 The people are
God {peaking out of the midt of ative, as afraid at Gods voice. 29 The Lord wifheththae
thou ait heard ,andliued? the people would feare him. 3u They muft neither
34 Drbhath God allayedto goe and take decline to the right hand nor left.
y By fo manifeft bim a nation front among nations, by y ten- pen Moles called all Plracl,and faid
proofesthac tations, by ignes, and by wonders, and by vnto them, Weare, D Ilrael, the ordi⸗
none could Warre,and by a mighty hand, and by attret-. nances and the lawes which t J peopoleta +Ebr.I peakeim
doubt thereof. ched out arme,and by great feare,accoding pou this Day, thatyemay learne them, and your eares.
unto all that the Lord pour God did puto take heede to obferue then. hao
youtn appt before pour eyes? 2*The Lord our God made acouenant Exodit 9:556
35 Cintothecit was ſhewed, that than with vs in Hoꝛeb. $ a Somereade,
z He fheweth
the caufe why might eſt *know, that the Lo2d heets God, 3 The Lows made not this conenant God made not
God wrought and that there ts none but he atone. à with our fathers oncly, but with vs, cuen this couenants
thefe miracles. 36 Dut ok heauenhe mane thee heaw his with vs all here aline this Day. . thatisinfnch
voice, totnftruct thee, and vpon earth bee 4. Che Lod tatked with pouè face ta _ ample fort and
| 34 thewen thee his great fte,and thon heardelt -facein the mount, outofthe mids ofthe fire. with fuch fignes
Freely, and not
bis voice cut ofthe mids of thetive. § (åt thattime Iſtoode betweene the and wonders,
of theirdeferts. 37 Andbecauies bee loued thy fathers, Lord and you, to declare vnto pou the wo b So plainly
therefore he chole their (cede after them,and of the Lord: for pec were afraid at the fight. that youneede
hath brovight thee out of Eappe in his fight, ofthe tire, and went noc bp into the mount) notto doubt
byhismightiepomer, and be fain, az i thereof,
n 38 Ge thant ont nations greater and 6. €*FZ am. the Lod thy God, which Ex0d.1 0.25
thou,betoze thee,to being thee’ batie brought thee out of thelandof Egypt, uit.26.1.
in , and tothem
| Mighticr give thee their land fog tnbert- from the boufe of |bondage. pal ITT Is
tante tas appeareth this Day. 7 Chou hale hane none ¢ other gods be⸗ [Or feruants.
39 Gaderttand therefore this day, and foze my face.. c Godbindeth
canlider in thine heart, that the Loz, he is 8 Chou halt make thee nograuenimage, vsto ferue him
oy) O OT trbesuen aboues and vpon theearth or any likeneſteofthat that isin Heauen a⸗ oncly without
: b God promi- — IS a boueo wdich is tn the earthbentath
orthat fuperftition
“fethrewardenot ~ 40 Thou Halt keepe therefore ie di⸗ is in the waters vnder the earth. idolatrie.
for our meuts, nances and his
conmandements whieh J 9. Thou Walt neither bow thyſelke vnto Exod. 34.7-
“butfo.incourage comma thee this day, that ttimay> gore them, no? ferne them: foz * Behe Lorde thy erem, 32.18.
sand toafure .welliwiththee, and with thy children after Govam a tielas Gon, yeliting the ini·d Thatis,ofhis
ys that our la- thee, and that thou mati prolong theydayes quiticot
thefathers vpon the childzen, euen honour notpers™
bourthalinot vpoũthe earth, which the Lord thy GoD gt. unta the third aiy urth generation, of -mitting itto be
be loft. uetht ¢ ozenen iie ANS BYES U YVA them thath ent Fre 108 e E
3350 n
The Commandements. The Lords Deuteronomie. yoice. Exhortationsto. -
© “the firlt de- Io Qnd hewing mercie bute thoulands the Loud faid vnto mer, J have heard the
cSree to keepe the ofthe that: loue mee, and keepe my cont: voice ofthe words of this people, which they
ommandee Mandements, haue ſpoken vnto chee: thep paue well iid,
ments, is to loue IL Thou Walt not take the Mame of the all that they haue poken. ;
God. Lod thy Godin vame: foz the Lord will 29 DY * that there were ſuch an heart in k Herequireth
not hola him guiltles, that taketh bis jane them to feare mee, and to keepe all my coms of vs nothing
in taing. i mandements alway: thatit might gor well but obedience,
12 Keepe the Sabbath day/to fancttfic it, with them, and with their chitozen to: ener. wrt alfo chat
as the Lon thy God hath commanded chee. 20 Goe, fay vnto them, Returne pou inte ofour felues we
f Meaning, fince 13 Sire Daypesfthou (halt labour, and alt yoilr tents. : : are vnwilling
God permicteth Boe all thy worke: À 31 But and thou here with mee, and J thereunto.
fixe dayes to our I4 But the ſeuenth Day isthe Sabbath will teli chee all the commandements, and
labours, that wee ofthe Lord thy God: thou halt not Doe any the ordinances, and the lawes, which thou
ought willingly wozketherein, thou, no: thy fonne, no: thy halt teach them : that they may Doe them tr
to dedicate the Daughter, nor thy man ſeruant, noz thy the land which 3 giue them to poſſeſſe it,
feuenth to ferue maide, 1162 thine ove, woz thine alle, neither 32 ake heede therefore, that pee doe as
bim wholly, gny of thy cattell, no: the ttranger that is the Lord pour God hath commaunded por: 1 Ye thal neither
within thy gates: that thy manteruant and eke not aide to the right band, noz to adde nor dimi-
thy maine may ret as well as thon, the lett, ch nifh,Chap.4.2.
15 fo remember that thou waft aſer⸗ 33 But walke in all the wayes which the m As by obedi-
uant in the land of Egypt, and that the Low L020 pour God hath commaunded pou, that ence, God giueth
thy Gav brought thee out thence by a migh⸗ ye may ™ liuc, and thatit may goe weil with vs-all felicitie: fo
tie hand and a ſtretched out arme: therefore pons and that pee may prolong your dayes it of difobe-ing
the Lord thy Godcommaunded thee to ob⸗ the land which pee fhall poſſeſſe. God proceed all
ferue the Sabbath day. CHAP VL Our miferies,
Not fora hew, 16 (eononr thy father and thy mother, 1 An exhortation to feare God, and keepe his
ut with crue as the Lozd thy God hath commanded thee, commandements.5Which i, to loue lim with all
obedience,and that thy Bayes map be prolonged, and that it thine hcart. 7 The fame muft bee taught tothe po-
due reverence. may goe wel with thee vponthelanv, which eritie. 16 Notto tempt God. 25 Righteou/(neffe
the Lord thy God giucth thee, is containedin the law.
Matth 5.25. 17 * Thou walt not kiil. ; Heſe now ave the commandements, or⸗
Like 18.20. 18 * (either Walt thou commit adultery. Dinances, and |!Lawes, which the Low Or, ind gements.
Rom.33 ‘Se I9 * frzither (halt thou tteale. pour Hod commanded me to teach you: that
20 Heither ſhalt thou beare ale witnes pee might Doe them inthe land whither pee
againit thy neighbour. i soctopofieiteit; —
Rom.7.7. 21* fretther Hale thon *conet thy neigh 2 Chat thou mighteſt a fearethe Low a Areuerent d
h He fpeaketh bors wife, uetther fhalt thou delire thy thy God, and keepe all his ordinances, and feare and loue of
not onely of that neighbours boule, his feld, noz big man fer- His commandements which J commaund God is the fr |
refolute will, but uant, no: bis maide, his oxe, no? bis alle, 92 thee, thou, and thy fonne, and chy ſonnes beginning to |
thatthere be no ought that thy neighbour bach. fonne all the Dayes of thy life, euen that thy Keep Godscome ~
_ motion orafa 22, Thelle words the Lom ſpake vnto Dapes may Be prolonged. mandements,
feGion.. allyour multitude th themount out of the 3 Heare therefore, D Iſrael, and take
mids of thefire, the cloud and the darkneſſe heedeto Docit, that tt map goe well with
With a great hotce, and iadded no noze ther. thee, and that vee may tncreale mightilp
i Teaching vs to;anD Wote their vpon tiwo tables of Kone, binthe land chat floweth with milke ano
by his example b Which hath
to becontent
and delinered them vntome. Donie, as the Loꝛd Gad of thy fathers hath abundance of alf
23 And when pee heard the voyce out of pꝛomiſed thee. j
with his word,
the mids ofthe darkeneſſe, (foz the Moun- 4 Heare,O Iſcael, the Loꝛd our Godis things appertai-
and adde no-
taine did burne with fire) then pee came to Loꝛd onely, ning to mans life,
thing thereto,
mee, all the chiete of paur tribes, and your 5. And thou Halt loue the Lod thy Hon Matth 22.37.
Elders: with all thine heart, and with all thy foulz,
ar .4 2.29430,
24 And pee ſaid, Behold, the Lord our and with all thp might,
Hod Hath Wewn vs Hts glozie and his 6 * And thele words which I command luke 10 27.
Chap.t 1.18.
Exod. 19,19. greatnefle, and * wee Daue heard Dis voice thee this day, halbein thine beart.
out of the mids of the Rte:we haue feene this 7 And thou ſhalt? rehearſe them conti-
sh at God doth kalke with man, and hee nually onto thy children, and halt talke of c Some reade,
43 3 ineth. pi them when thou taric in thine boule, and * fhalt whet
them vpon thy
25 (20w therefore , why Mould weenie? as. thou walkeſt by the way, and when thou children: to wit,
for this great fire will conſume vs: if wee lieſt downe, and when chou rifet bp:
beare the voice of the Lod out Gov any 8 Gnd thou halt binde them fo. a figne that they may
print them morg-
moz we ſhall die ppon thine hand, and they Halbe hastront· deepely inme-
Orman, 26 JFoz what ifle was there euer, that lets betweene thine eyes. af
Heard the voice ofthe lining God, (peaking 9 Ailo thou halt mite them bpon the LOr, (ones ofres

i putofthe mids ofthe fire ag wee haue, ano 4 pottes of thinehoufe, and vpon thy gates.
wen? hi 10 And when the Load thy Gov hath membrance,' —
` 27 Goethou neere, and heare all that the biota meeintea e lann, pipicoae sanee dthouThatwhèn
Lod our God faith: and declare thou vnto nto thy fathers, abaya, Izhak, and Jan-
vs al thattheLord our Gov ſaith onto thee, kob, tagiueto thee, mith great and goodly Shoumayett re-
xand we will heareitand nse it. cities which thou bailventenot, 8009P member them,
| Exodo, 9s ! 28 ee the Lown, beard the noice of IL Ana houles fullofallmaner of goons, -
pOur WORDAwhen yee Dake onto me: and, which thou ADR not, and wets biggen,
i 4

| "keepe the Commandements. Chap.vii- Godsbleffings.. 74. Y

which thou diggedſt not, binepardes and compaflion on then, ,
oliue trees which thou planted not, and 3 Neither Hale thou make marriages
when thou haſt eaten and art full, with them, neither giue thp Daughter vñto
e Letaot wealth 12 © Beware lef chou forget the Lod, = lonne, nog take bis Sanghter vnto thy
and eale caufe which brought thee out of the lad of Egypt, nne.
| thee forget Gods from the boule of bandage, 4 Foꝛſthey wil caule thy fonneto turne [Orany ofthem,
mercies, whereby 13 Thou halt feare the Lord thy God, Œ alway from me,and to terue other gods:then
| lerũe him and halt fweare by his Mame.
thou waft deliue- wil the wrath of the Lord ware hore again’
redoutot mi- 14 Dee fhall not walke after other gons, pou,anddektroy thee ſuddenly.
ery. after any of the gods of the people which are S But thus pce ſhall deale with them,
f We mutt feare round about pot, h b Mee hall oũerthꝛow their altars, tbueake b God would
God, ferue him Iş (Foz the Loꝛd thp Gow is a ielous God Downe their pillars aud yer hall cut Downe baue his (eruice
onely, and con- among you: ) lett the wrath of the Lord thp their aroucs, and burne their grauen ima: pure without alt
fefe his Name, God be indied againſt thee, edeſtroy thee ges with fire. idolatrouscere-
which is done by from the face of the earth. 6 * forthouartanGolp people vnto the monies & fuper-
fwearing law- 16 (Pee Hall nots tempt the Lord your Lozd thy God, * the Loyd thp God hath Kirions, Chap,
fully, God,as pe dtd tempt him inPBallab : choltn thee, to bee a prectous people vito 12.3.
| g By doubting 17 But pee ihali keepe diligently the cont: —— about ail people that are vpon the Chap.1 4.2 and
E;hispower, re- mandements ofthe Lord pour God, and his tarti). 26.18, 19.
fufing lawful teſtimonies, and bis ordinances whteh hee 7 The Low did not ft biz loue vpon Exod. i9.5.
pneanes,and abu- bath commanded thee, — you, 102 chule you , becaule pce were moe in E pet.2.9.
fing his graces, 18 And thou Wait doe that which ts right number then any people; fo: pee were tie
h Here becon- ênd good in the » fightof the Lod: that kewelt of all people : i
demneth al mans thou mayeſt profper, and that thonu mayeſt 8 But becaule the Leꝛde loued yen, ahd c Freely, finding
good intentions. go tn, and poſſeſſe that good land which the becauie bee would keepe the othe which bee no caufe in you
Lez (ware vnto thy fathers, had fwozne vnto pour fathers ,the Lon more then ino
19 To tat out all thine enemies before hath brought pou out by a mightp band, thers foto doe,
thee,as the Lod bath faid, : and Beliucred you out of the honie ef bon⸗
i God. requireth 20 Aben i thy fonne thall afke thee in Dage from the band of Pharaoh King of
not onely that time to come, faying, Cigat meane theletes Egypt=>) 2

wee feruc him all ſtimonies, and oinances, and Lawes, 9 That thou mapet know, dthatthe d And fopurdif.
our life,but alfo which the L020 our God hath commanded Lod thy God, be ts God, the faithfull God, ferencebetweeng
that we take pou r which Keepeth coucnant and mercy vnto him & idoles,
paine that our 21. Then then fhalt fap unto thy fonne, them that loue bimand keepe hts commans
poftericy may fet Cee were Pharaohs bondmen in Egypt: Dements, cuen to a thouland generations,
forth his glory. tut the Lo:0 brought vsoutof Egypt with 10 And j rewardeth them to ther face tae e Meaning,ma-
a mighty bang. that bate bim, to bzing them to deſtruction: feftly, or in this
22 AnD the Lord ſhewed ſignes €won- he will not Deterre to reward him, that has life.
Derz great and enill vpon appt, vpon teth hint to bis face. ò
Pharaoh, and npon all his houtholD, before IL Keepe thou therefore thecommande»
Dut eves, ments, and theozdinances, and the lawes,
k Nothing ought 23 And brought vs out from thence, to which J| comaund thee this Day to Do them.
to mouc vs more bung vs in, and to gine vs the land which 12 froztf
@ pou bearken vnto thele laws.
to true obedience he fware puto our fathers. and. obſerue and doe them, then the Loa
then the great 24 Cherefore the Lord hath commanded thy God wili keepe with thee the couenant,
benefites which bs, fo Docall theſe oꝛdinances, and ta feare a the t mercie which bee fware vnto thp f This couenant
we hatiereceiued the Lozd our God, that it might go euer wel athers. is grounded vpon
of God, With vs and that hee may pzeſerue vs aliue 13 Aud hee will loue thee and bleſſe thee, his free grace:
1 But becaufe as at tbis pꝛeſent. : and multiply theese wilalin bleſſe the fruit thereforein re-
nonecould fully 25 Moꝛeouer, this Hailbee our! tighte- of thy mombe, and the fruitofthy lang, thp compenfing theke
obey thetaw, we ouſneſſe before the Loyd aur God, tfwe take connec and thy wine gann thine aple, and the obedience hee
mufthaueourre- heede to keepe all chele commandements,as increaſe oftiy kine, and the flockes of thy hath reſpect to
courfeto Chrift be vath commanded vs, fheepe in the land which hee ſware unto thy his mercie & not
-tobejuftified by CHAP. VII, fathers to giue thee. to their meritss
faith, 1 The Ffraeltes may make no cogenant with. 14 Thou falt oebleſſed aboue al peapte:
the Gentiles. 5 They muft deftray the idoles,- 8 * there ſhall be neither imale no: female bar- Ex0de2
302 6s
The election dependeth onthe free lue of God, ren among yoti, noꝛ among pour cattell.
19. The experience ofthe power of God ought to _ 15 Mozeouer, the Lod will take away
confirme vs. 25 To anoide all occafion oftdolatry, from thee allinfirmities, and will put none
Vy oer we Lord thy God hall bing ofthe euill diſeaſes of * Egypt (which thou Exod.9.34,and
y theeinto the land whither thou mo- knoweſt) vpon thee but wil ſend them pyon 15.36, j
‘Chaps 1,8, eK to poſſeſſe it, *and hall rooie out many all that hate thee.
nations befoze thee: the Hittites, and the 16 Thon Hait therefore conſume al peo-
Girgahites,and the Amoezttes.and the Cas ple which the Loꝛd thy Gon Hall gine thee:
naanttes , and the Perizzites, and the Wi- g thine eye fhalti not {pare chem,netther halt g Weoughtnot
hites,and the Jebuistesfeucunations grea thou ferue their gods, fo? that Hall bee thy to be mercifuli
ter and mightier then thon, *Deilruction, where God come
a Into thy 2 And the Lord thy God wall giue them 17 Jfthou layin thine heart, hele nae mandeth feuerity, —
power, abefoze thee, then thou thalt {mite them: tions are moe then 3, how can J rat them Exod. 23. 33>
Exod.23.32. thon fhalt vtterlpdeftroy them: thou malt out?
and 34,42, make no *couenant with than, nor haue 18 Thou ſhalt not feare them, bur
K 2 remember

To auoide all occafion of idolatrie. Detiteronomie. God threatnethingratitude.

remember what the Lord thy God did vnto napet walke in bis wayes, and feare him,
Wharaoh,and vnto all Egypt: í _ 7. For the Lod thy Gor bringeth chee
fOr, plagues, or, Ig The great | tentations which thine tuntoa good land, a land in the which are rt
trials as chap.29. eyes faw, and the agnes t wonders, and the uers of water and teuntaines, and! Depths fOr, meres.
3 exod. 15.250 mighty hand and ſtretched out arite, wher⸗ that (ping out of valleys and mountaines?
and 16. 4. . bythe Low thy God bought thee out: fo 8 Aland of wheat g bariey, and of vine-
yal the Loz thp God ao vuto al the people, pards, and figtrees, and Pomegranates: a
whole face thou keareſt. ;
land of oyle oliue andoftony:
Exod.23.28. 20 Woꝛeouer, the Low thy God will 9 A land wherein thon fhalt cate bread
ꝛoſb. 24.12. fend hornets among them, vntill they that without (cariitie, neither halt thou lacke a⸗
h There is not are left, and bide themlelues from thee, bee nie thing therein: alana £ whole ftones are £ Where there
fo fmalla crea- Deltroped. pon, and out of whole mountaines thou are mines of
ture, which I will 21 Thou hale not feare them: foz the walt digge braſſe. mettall.
not arme to fight Lom thy Godis amongtt youa Gos mighty - IO Sud when thou hak eaten and filleu
on thy fide a- and dreadful. Í thpfelfe , thou Walt e bleſſe the Lod thy g For toreceine
gainft them. 22 Aud the Lord thy God will roote out * fo? the good tand whith he hath ginen Godsbenefits, `
thele nations befoze thee by little and litte: and not to bee
thou mayett not confumie themat once, leſt Il Beware that theu forget not the Lod thankefull,isto
È Sotharitis thei beatts sf the ficld increafe vpon thee. thy God,not keeping hts commandements, cortemne God
your commodity 23 But the Lod thy God ſhail giue them aud bis lawes and his ordinances which F in thera,
that God accom- befoze thee, and hall Deftroy them with a commaund thee this Day: KEY
plith not bis mighty Deftruction, vntill they bee brought 12 Leit when thou haſt eaten and Rien
romife fo foone to nought. ee A thy (elfe, and haft built goodly houfes ana
S you would 24 And be hall deliner their kinges into Dwelt therein,
vih, thine band, and thou alt Dettroy thetr 13 Ana thy beats, and thy Herpe are ite
name from vnder beanen: there thal no man created, and thy filuer and gold is multipli-
* bte able to and before thee, vntil thou batt £0, and all that thou halt is mcrealed,
Deftropedthem. : 14 Chen thine hearth be lifted vp, and h By attributing”
-25 The grauen images of their gods that thou forget b Lead thy God, which brought Gods benefits ta
Chap.t2.3,exod, ye *burne with fire , and *conet nor thè tiluer thee out ef the land of Caypt, from the houle thine owne wife-
23.24. and gold , thatis on them, no: take tt puto of bondage, : dome and labor,
Tofh.7.15 21: thee, tet thouk be fnared therewith: toz tt is Ig bo was thy guide tn the great and ar to good for-
2. MAC. 12,40: an abomination before the Loꝛd thy God. terribic wilderneſſe (wherein were ferie fers tune.
k Andbeentifed 26 Bring not therfeze abomination into pents, and ſcoꝛpions, and Drought, where
to idolatry. thine houle, left thou be accurfed like tt,buc wasno water, * whe pte feozth water Num.20.1 1,
vtterly abhorre tt, and count it moft abomt- fo: thee ont of the rocke of fiint:
Chap.13.17. nable: fo2 tris * accurſed. 16 Abo fed thee in the wilderneſſe with
*MAN, which thy kathers knew nor) to “Exod, 16:1 $>
CHAP VHI Humble thee, Ete moue thee, that he might
2 God humbleth the Ifraclites, to trie what they Doe thee good at tyy latter end.
hauewstheir heart. 5 God clraftrfeth them as bis 17 Beware left thou fay in thine heart,My
children. 14 The heart ought notto be prowd for power,and the ſtrength of mine owne hand
Gods benefits, 19 The forgetfulneffe of Gods be- bath prepared me this abundance.
nefits cau (eth deſtruction· 18 But remember the Lod thy God:
i Ifthings con⸗
for itis hee which: gineth thee power to get cerning this life
Ye MHatl keeve all the commaundements ſubſtance to etabli his couenant which procecdonly of
a: Shewing that which J command thee this Day,fo2 2 to befware vnto thy fathers 5a appeareth thts Gods mercie: ~
it isnot enough “` Boe thems that pe may ue, and bee muiti- ap,
to heare the plied, and goeinand poflefic the land which Ig And if thou forget the Lord thy God, much more fpiri«
word, except Wag the Lom ſware vnto your fathers. and walke after other gods, and erue them tual}cuerlafting,
gifts andon
expreffe it by ex- 2 Gnd thou fhalt remember ail the way and worhip them , 3i © cettifie vnto you thts life k Or,taketo.
ample of life. which the Lord thy God ted thee thts fortie Day, that ye (hall fureip perih. witnefle the hea-
b Which is de- peere in the wilderneſſe foz ta humble thee, 20 &s the nations which the Lord de⸗ uen & the earth, .
claredin affli&i- and tob pꝛooue thee, to know what was itt ſtroyeth before pou, loye hall perih, becauſe
ons, either by pa- thine beart whether thou wouldeſt keep his pe woul? not bee obedient vnto the voyce of as Chap.4.265
tiencejor by commandements eno, the Lord pour Gov.
grudging againft 3 .Therefore he humbled thee,and made CHA Be Tk
Gods vifitation. thee hungry, € fed thee with MAN, whic 4 God docth them nat good for their own righ-
thou knewett not, neither did thy fathers teou(ncs, but for his owne fake. 7 Mofes putteth
€ Man liuethnot know tt,that he might teach thee, that man them in remembrance oftheir finnes. 17 The two
by meate onely, liueth not bp ¢ bead only,but by euery word tables are broken. 26 Moſes prayeth for the
but by the power that proceedetl outot p mouth of the Loꝛd people.
of God, which Both a man liue. H Eare, D Iſrael, Thou halt pafe oner
giveth it firength 4 Thy rayment wared not olde vpon Fozdena this Day, to goe in and to pof a Meaning,
to nourifh vs, thee, neither Did thy Foote 4 fivell thole foz- fefe nations greater and mightier then thy fhortly,
d Astheythat tle yeeres. biem: {elfe, and cities great and walled bp to Yeas
go barefooted. § Know therefore inthine beart that as ven,
e Soy his afäi- aman nourtureth hts fonne, fothe Lord thy 2 Apeople great and tall, euen the chile
ions are figues, Gade nourtureth thee. Deen of theAnakims, whom thou knowelk, b By the report:
of his fatherly 6 Therefore halt thoukeepe
the coin and of whom thon halt? heard fy, cabo can of the fpies,
loue toward vs, mandements ofthe Lom thy Gav, tharthou and before the childzen ofAnak? Num 13-29%.
3 3 Gndere `

Gods giftsare without mans defert.

» .

Chap.x. -- The Tables arc broken. 7 ec

3 Underſtand therefore that this day the had made pou a molten calfe,and had turned
e Toguideehee Lod thp Hodis hee which € goeth ouer bee gucklo out of the t way which the LoD had k Thatis,from
and goucinethee foze thee as a conſũming fire: he fail deſtroy commanded pou. the Law: where-
them, and bee thall baing them Downe before 17 Therefor J tooke the two Tables, inhe declareth.
thp face: ſo thou fhait cat them out and Bee ano cait them out of my two hands, t bzake what isthe caule
ftrop them ſuddenly, as the Lozd hath far them before pour eyes., ofour perdition.
bnto thee, Hei: 18 And J fell Downe bekore the Lon foz-
4 Speake not thonin thine heart (after tle Dapestfortie nights,as befoꝛe:J neither
that the Lord thy God hath caſt them out ate bread, no: Manke water, becaule ofall
d Man of him- befoze thee) laying, Fo: my righteouſneſſe ga linnes, which ye bad committed, in Do
felfe candeferue the LoD hath bought mee in, to polene ng wickedly in the light of the Lord,inthat
nothing but thistand; but foz the wickedneffe of thele pe prouoked bim bnto wath.
Gods anger,and nations the Lo: hath catt them out betoze 19 (F03 was atraide of the wath and
if God {pare any, ce. indignation, wherewith the Led was moo-
it commeth of 5 Forthou entereft not to inberite their ued again you, euen to deſtroy pou) pet the
bis great mercie. land fo: thy righteouſneſſe, oz foz thy bp» Lord heard me at that time alio.
tight beart ibut fo2 the wickedneſſe of thole 20 Likewile the Lod was very angrie
nations the Lozd thy God Doeth cat them with Aaron,cuen to! Deltroy him:but at that. 1 Whereby he
out befoze thee, and that he might performe time Jpꝛayed allo foz Aaron. theweth what
the word which the LoD thy God fware 21 -And J| tooke pour finne, Imeanethe dangerthey are
ack thp fathers, Abzabam, Jizhak and calfe which pee had made, € burnt him with in that haue au-
fire,anditamped him, and ground him (mal, thoritie,and re-
6 Cnderftand therefore, that the Loꝛd euen bute very Dutt: and J cat the duſt fih not wicked-
thy God giueth chee not this good land, to thereofintathe river, thatdelcended out of
poſſeſſe it foz thy righteoutnefe; foz thou art the™ Mount. m Horeb, or
e Like ſtubhurne ae ttifnecked people. 22 Giforin Taberah, and in* Maſſah, Sinai.
oxenwhichwill 7 @Remeniber,and forget not, how thon *and in Kibpoth-hattaauah pe prouocked the Naws.11.2,3.
notenduretheir pzouokedit the Loꝛd thy God to anger in the Lod toanger. Exod.i7.7.
maftersyoke. wilderneſſe: ‘fince the Bay that thou aint 23 Likewile when the Lord fent youfrom 34.
f Heeprooucth Depart outoftheland of Egypt, vntill pee Kadelh-barnea, laying, Gee vp, and poſieſſe
bythelengthof came vnto this place, yee baue rebelled a> the land which J haue ginuen pou, then pee
time, thattheix gainſt the Loꝛd. a rebelled againt the Commaundement of n Arthereturac
rebellion was 8 Alfo in hoꝛeb pe prouoked the Lord to the Lozd pour God, and beleeued him not, ofthe picsa
moftgreatand angerlothatthe Lozd was woth with you, noz hearkned vnto his voice. |
intolerable. euen patie pon, — 24. Dee haue beene rebellious vnto the
9 en J was gone vp into themount, Lozd,lince the Day that J] knew pou.
torecetue the Cables of fone,the Tables, i 25 Then J fell Downe before the Low
fay , of the Couenant which the Lod made o foztie dayes ¢ foztte nights,as JfelDowne © Whereby is
Exod.24.18 with pou: and J*abede tn the mount fourtie before, becauſe the Loꝛd had faid, that bee fignifiedrhar
and 34.38. Dayes and fourtte nights, and J neither ate would deſtroy pou. God requireth
bread, noz pet Danke waters 26 And J prayed vnto the LoD and laid, earneft continu-
Exod, 31,08. Io * Chen the Lom delinered mee two D LoD God, dettrop not thy people, thine ance in prayer,
2 Thatismira- Tables otKone, witten with thee finger of inberitance, which thon batt redeemed
culoufly, aad not God, and in them was conteined acceding to tizough thp greatnefle, whom thon batt
bythehandof ali the wozds which the Lozd had faid vnto bought out of Egypt bp a mightie hand,
men, pouin the mount out of the mids of the fire, 27 P Remember thy feruants Abzabam, p Thegedlyin
in the dapofthe affembly. i Ishak, and Jaakob: looke notte the tub- their prayers
II Gna when the kortie dayes and fortie burnnefic of thts peeple,noztothetr wicked: ground on Gods
nights were ended, the Lod gaue mee the nefie,ne2 to their fime, promife,and con-
two Gables of Tone, the Cables, May,ofthe 28Leit the countrep whence thou breugh=. feſſe their finnes.
Conenant. ; j teft them, fay , * Becaule the Lod mas not Nami4.16.
Exod.32-7. 12 And the Lord aid puto mee , * Arife, able te being them into the land which hee
get thee Downe quickly frombence: fozthy p romiled them, orbecanfe be haten them, be
$ € people which thou bat bought out of E· purigothem out, to flay them tn the wiler-
h So fooneas avy» haue b cozrupe their vayes: they are ne .

man declineth one turned out of the way, which Jcom⸗ 29 Det they arethy people, and thine ine
fromthe obedi- manded them ; they haue made them amol- beritance, which thou broughteſt out bp thy
ence of God,his ten image. mightie power, bp thy ſtretched out arme-
wayes are cos- 13 Furthermore,
the Loꝛd ſpake vnto me,
rupt. faving, Jhaue ſeene this people, and behold, CH A PB, xX,
it is a ftifnecked people. 5 The fecond Tables put inthe Arke. 8 The
i Signifying that Igy’Let ince alone, that J may deſtroy tribe of Leui is dedicate to the feruice ofthe Ta-
the prayersof them, and put out theter name from vnder bernacle, 12 What the Lord requireh ofha. 16
the faithfull are heauen, and JF will make of thee a mightie The circumcifion of the heart. 17 God regardeth
a barre to {tay nation,and greater then they be. wot the perfon, 21 The Lord wthe praife of Ifrael,
‘Gods anger, that Ig Ho J returned and came Downe from f

he confume not the mount (and the mount burnt with fire, E fame time the Lom faid vnto mee,
all, and the two abies ofthe Coucnant were * Hew thee two Tables of tone like vnto Exod,3 3.5,
tn my tiwo bands.) the firt come vp vnto me into the Mount,
16 Chen J looked, and behold, pee han and make thee an Arke of wood,
finned again the Lord pour God ; for pee 2 AndAno J wil
wil waite
w vponthe Cables
oe eaethe

* a

To circumciſe the heart. Deuteronomie. To meditate Gods iudgements. .

worded that were dpon the rÆ Cables, thou balt ferue him, and thou Malt ceang
which thou brakeſt,
and thou Malt put them Brito pin and i hale ſweareby bis Mame. i Reade Chap,
in the Arke. as: 21 Dets thy prate, Ehets thy Ged, that tj."
a Which wood 5 And J made an Arke of Shittim Hath Cone fo: chee thele great and terrible
is of long contt- wood , and hewed two Cables of fone like things.which thine eyes jane feene.
nuance. unto the fir, and wentyp inte the moun: 22 Thy fathers went Down vnto Egypt
taine,and the two Gables in mine hand. with *fenentie perfons, and now the Lod Gene ab. 27.
4 Then hee wrote vpon the Cabies ac: thy God hath made thee as che *ſtatres of exod.s.s.
coding to the firit witing (the ten Com: the heaven in multitude. Gene. 15. .
mandements , which the Lod ſpake vnto
pou in the Mount out of the mids sf the fire, CHAP. XI. :
b Wher you ta the Dap of the >affembly) and the Lod 1 An exhortation toloue God, and keepe hu
were aflembled gaue them vnto me. law. 10 The praifes of Canaan. 18 To meditate
to receiue the § And J Departed and came down from continually the word of God. 19 To teach it vse
Law, the Mount,and put the Cables tn the Arke tothe children. 26 Bleffing and curfing.
which F had made; and there they be,as the
EoD commanded me. T Terefore thou falt loue the Lod thy
6 And the children of Iſrael tooke ©od,and fjalt keepe that, which he conte
their tourney from Beeroth of the childzen manded to be kept: that te, his ordinances,
e Thismoun- of Jaakan to: Molera, where Aaron died, ceehis lawes,and pis commandements als
taine was alfo and was buried, and Eleazar his tonne bee Ye
callcd Hor, came otet tn hts ead. 2 And confiner this day(ſor I fpeake not a Ye which haue
Num.20.28, 7 @ From thence they departed vnto to pour childzen, which baue neither knowen feene Gods gra»
Gudgodah, and from Gudgodah to Jotbath nor ſeene) the chattilement ofthe Lorꝛd pour cés with your
aland of running waters. God, his greatneſſe, hts mightte han’, and eyes,ought ra-
8 C The lame time the Lord ſeparated his ſtretched out arme, ther to be moo⸗
| the tribe of Leui to beare the Arke of therta- 3 And bis Rgnes and his acte, which he ued, then your
uenant of the Lord, and to ſtand befoze the DID in the mids of Egypt tuto Pharaoh the children, which
g That isto of- LozD,to4 minifter vnto him, and to bleſſe in King of Egvpt, and onto all pis land: haue onely heard
fer factifices and his flame vnto thts Dap, Y 4 And what he did vnte tye hofte of the of them.
te declarethe o CAberefor Leui hath no part no: in- Egyptians , vnto cheir boles, and to thetr
Law to the peo- heritance with his brethren: for the Lozd ts eharets, when hee cauled the waters ofthe
ple. bís e inberttance, as the Lo: thy God hath red Dra to ouerflow them, as they purſued
e So God tur- zomiled hun. 5 —— the Lozd deſtroyed them vnto
ned the curfe of 10 And] taried in the Mount,as at the y:
Jaakob,Gen.49- firit time,foztte dayes and kortie nights, and § And what he did vnto yon in the wil b Afwell concer-
g.vnto bleffing. the Lo20 beard meat that tine alio,and the Derneife, vntill pe came vnto this place: ning his benefites
2020 would not deſtroy thee. i 6 And what be did vnto Dathan and qe as his coriecti·
H But the Lom faid vnto me, Arile, yoe biram the fonnes of Eliab, the lonne of Rit- Onsa
koorth tn the tourney before the people, that ben, when the earth opened ber mouth, and
they may goe in and polſeſſe the tand, which fwallowed them with their houtholdes, and
J. ware vnto their fathers to gtue vnto thet tents,and all their ſubſtance thatéthey Ebr was attheir
them. gad in the mids of all Frael. Fete.
I2 C And now , Iſrael, what Boeth the 7 Foz pour epes haue ſeene all the great
f Forall our Lo: thy onf require of thee, but to feare acts ot the Lo: which be did.
imnes and tranf- the L020 thy God,to walke in all bis wayes, 3 Therefore thal pe keepe call the Tome c Becauſe yee
greſtions, God and to loug hun, and to ſerue the Loz thy mandements, which J command pou this haue felt both
requireth no- ee with alt thine beart, and with all thy Day, that ye may be ftrong,and goe tn pof his chaftifements
thing buttoturne cule? fefie the land whither pe goe te poſſeſſe ir: and his benefits.
to him,and obey 13 That thou keepe the commandements 9 Allo that yee may polong your dayes
bine of the Lod, and bis ordinances, which J in theland, which the Lom ſware vnto your
command thee this Day,foz thy wealth? fathers, to gine vnto them and to their lecd,
14 Behold, heauen, and the heauen of hea⸗ cuen a land that floweth with milke ¢ honie.
Pfal r41. uens isthe Lores thy God, and the* earth 10 @ Foz theland whither thou goeſt ta
with all that therein is. i poffefie it, ts not as the land of Egypt, from
Although he If sMotwithitanding , the Lord {et bis whence pee came, where thor ſowedſt thy
— 5 hea · Delight in thy fathers to lowe them, and dip (ced, and watcredit it with thp ||*feete,as a Or, labour.
uenand earth, chute their {eed after them, euen pou aboue al garden of herbes: d Asiy making
yet would he people,as appeareth thts Day. _ 11 Buttheland whitherpegoe to poſſeſſe gutters forthe
chufe none but 16 > Circumcife therefore the forꝛeſkinof it, is aland of mauntatnes and valleys, and water to come
Ou, pour heart, and barden pour neckes tio moze drinketh water of the raine of heauen, out of the riuer
Cut offall 17 Foz the Lozd your God is God of 12 This land Doeth the Lord thy Gov Nilus co wares
your euill affecti- gods, and Loz of lords, a great God, migh- cave foz: the epes ofthe Lord thy God areal- the land,
ons, Iere. 45. ty and terrible, which accepteth no*perions, wayes pon it, from the beginning of the
2. Chron.i 9,7. no? taketh reward; yeere euen vnto the end of the yeere.
30D 3451 9 18 Aho doeth right puto the fatherleffe 13 C3 fye Halhearken therefore vnto my
TOMA, 2. ie and widow, and loucth rhe ſtranger, giuing Commandements,whtch J command pou
him food and raiment. this Day, that pee loue the Lord your Gov
19 Louce pe tierefoze the ftranger ; kor ye and ferue bim with all pour heart, and with
Chap.6.13. twere ſtrangers tn the land of Egypt. all pour foule,
matth.4.10. 20 *Thou Walt fears the Lezd thy God: 14 J allo will giue raine puto pour ~
Their conmodities that ferue God. Chap.xij. To deftroy idolatrie. 76
e Inthe ſeede indue time, ethe fir raine and the later, God giue yon
th And pee hall poſſeſſe it, and
time, and to- that thou mapet gather in thy wheate, and Dweli therein.
ward harueft. thy wine, and thine ople. 32 Take heede therefore that pe * Doe all Chap.5.32.
I5 Allo J will tend graſſeinthy fields fog the commandements and the lawes, which
thy — mayelt cate, and haue J let betoze pou this day,
enough, ‘ C HAP. XII
_ f By deuifing to 16 Bat betware left pour beart deceiue 2 To deſtroy the idolatrous places, 5.8. Te ſerus
your felues foo- pou, and left een alide, and ferue other God where be commandeth, éx as he commandeth,
lith deuotions ods, and wo2lhip them, fand not as men fantafie, 19 Tbe Leuites muft bee
according to è 17 And ſo theanger of the Lord be kint- woursfhed, 31 Fdolaters burnt their childyento
your ownc fane led againit you, and hee hut vp the heaven, their gods, 32 To adde nothing to Gods word,
taſics. that there bee noraine, and that your land T Wele ave the odinances and the Tawes,
peednot herfrutt, and pee perth quickelp which pe Hali obſerue and doin the land
tom the good land, which the Lozd giueth which the Lod Gob? of thy fathers giucth a Whereby they
ou. ceto poſſeſſe it) as long as peeline spon are admonifhed
18 (Therefore Hall pee tay vp theſemp the earth. tofeckenonec.
words th your heart andin your ſoule, and 2 *De Hall vtterly deſtroy all the places ther God.
Chap. 6,6; 8, * binde them foz a figne vpon your band, tobereinthenations which pe fhall poene, Chap.7.5.
that they may be aga frontlet between pour lerued their gods vyen the bic mountaines
Ep es and bpon the hilles, and vnder euery greene
Chap.4.t0, 19 And pee Wall * teach them pour thil- tree
and 6. 6,7
Ben, (peaking of them when thou litte in 3 *Alfo pee Wallonerthzot their altars, Judges 2.2,
thine boule, and when thou walkelt by the and beeake Downe their pillars, anv burne
way, and when thou liet Downe, and when theire groves with fire: and yee Mall bewe b Wherein they
thou riſeſt vp. : Down the grauen images oftheir gods, anv facrificed to their
20 And thon balt mite them spon the aboliſh their names out of that place. idoles,
poſts of chine houfe,and upon thp gates, 4 Dewal: not ſo do vnto the Lord pour c Ve ſhall not
21 That pour dapes may bee multiplico, Gor0d, letue the Lord
and the Dayes ofpour childzen, intheland §_ But pee Hall fecke the place which the with ſuperſtiti⸗
which the Low {ware bnto your fathers to LoD pour God wall * chule ont ofall pour ons.
Aslong as the gine thein, aslongas & the heauens are a> tribes, to put bis Rame there, and there to 1.King.8.29.
eauensindure, boue the earth, A Diwell,and thither thou Wait come, 2.chrox.6.5.
22 @ Forte peekeepe diligently all theſe 6 And pee thal baing thither yonr burnt and 7.12,16,
commandements, whichJ commaund you offerings, tyour facrifices, and pour tithes,
to dog; tharis, to loue the Loin pour God,to andthe dofering of your hands, and pour d Meaning, the
walke in all hts wares, and to cleaue vnto vowes, and pour tree offerings, and the firtt firft fruits.
bin, è . borne of your kine,and of pour theepe.
23 Then will the Lord ca ont all thele 7 And thereye thaleate before the Lod e Where his
nations befor pou,and pe fhall poſſeſſe great pour God, and pe Hall reioyce in all that pee Arke fhall be,
nattong and mightier ther pou. put your band vnto, both pe, and pour Houle:
Folh. T‘$e 24. * All the places whercon the foles of Bee the Lozd thy God hath bleſſed
h This wasac- h your fecte ſhall tread, Wall be pours: pour
complithed in coatt hall be from the wilderneſſe and from
8 We thall not doc after all thefe things f Not that they
Dauids and Salo- Lebanon, and krom the riuer euen the riuer that we dof vere this Day; thacis, enerp man facrificed after
mons time, Perath.vnto the vttermoſt· Dea. whatlocuer ſeemeth hun good tn hts owne their fantafies,
i Called Medi- 25 No man ſhall tand agaiuſt pou: for epes, butthat God
tefrancum, the Lord your Gov Mall ca the feare and 9 Foꝛ ve are notyet come ta ref, and to would be ferued
Dead of pou vpon all the land that yce hall the inheritance which the Lozd thy God gi- more purelyin
tread byon,as he hath faw vnto you. ueth thee. the land of Cae
26 ¶Behold, Flechefore vou this daya Io But when pee goe ouer Jorden, and naan.
blelling and curier Dwellinthe land, which the Lord your Gon g khad not bin
Chap.28:2, 27 *Fhcblefling, ifveobey the comman» hath giuen pou to inherite, and when he bath cnoughto cons
and 30.16 denients of the Low pour God, which J ginen pou s reft fromal pour enemies round quere, except
command pou this Dap: $ about, and pe Dwell in fafety. ‘ God had maine
Chap. 28.15. 28 And the * curle, ifye willnot obey the II AWhen there thalbe a place which the tained them in
tommandements of the Lord pour God, but Lod pour God hal chule to caute his name reſt vnder his
turneout ofthe way which 3 command pou todwellthere, thither Wall ye bring ali that proteGion,
this Day, to goe after other gods, which pee J Command pou: pour burnt offerings, and lOr that which
K He reproueth haue not * knowen, pour facriñces, pour tithes, and the offering ye chu/e ou: for
the malice of 29 E When the Lod thy God therefore ofyour hands, and atu ſpeciall vowes your vowes,
men which leaue hath bought thee into the land, whither which pe vow vnto the Lod: Chap.10,9.
that which is cer- thon goek to poſſeſſe it, then thou alt put 12 And pee hall retopce before the Lord h As was declared
taineto follow the* biefling sponmount Gerizim, and the pour God, pee, and your fonnes and your euer bythe pla- ,
that which is vn- curie vpon mount Ebal. Daughters, and your fernants, and your cing ofthe Arke,
— 30 Arethep not beyond Jorden on that matmens and the Lentte that ts within pour asin Shiloh 243.
Chap 27. 12, 13. art, where the funne goeth Downe in the — *foꝛ he hath uo part noz inheritance yeres, oras fome
ioſb 8, 3 3 E and of the Canaanites, which Dwell in the ith por, write,more then
1 Meaning, in plaine oner againſt Gilgal,beſide the groue 13 Wake Deede that thou offer not thy 300 yeeres,and
Samaria, of Moreh? burnt offrings in enerp place that thou ſeeſt; in other places till
A HOr plaine s _ 31 JFor yee fall paſſe ouer Joden, to yoe I4 Butin Nk dyewhich the Lord ſhall the Temp!e was
in to ꝓoſſeſſe the land, which the Lord pour hchule in ong of thy tribes, there thou built,
R4 Halt
“The Leuite muk not be forfaken. Deureronomiec. Their punifhment that entife
Male offer thy burnt offerings, €there thou goeſt to poſſeſſe them, and thou Halt poſſeſſe
halt doc all that command ther, themand dwell tn their lana, 3
15 Motwithtanding thou maye kill and 30Beware, leat thou beetakenin pa p By following
after them,after that they be deſtroied their {uperftiti-
eate tiet in all thy gates, whatioener thine {nare
As God hath heart Oefireth, accopding tothe i bleding of before thee, andleatt thou afke after their ons and idola-
giuen thee pow- the Lod thy 0d which he hath giuen thee; gobs, faving, Yow Did thele nations lerue tries,and think-
er and abilitie. both the pneleane andthe cleane may eate their gods,that J may Do io likewiſe? ing te ſerue me
k Euery one ee k as of the roe bucke, and of the 31 Chou Walt not Da fobato the Lord thy thereby.
might eate at art. GoD: forall abomtnation, which the Lod q They thought
home,as wel the 10 Dnelyye hall not eate the blood, bur bateth , haue they Done vnto their gonszfoz nothing too
beaft appointed pompe it ppon the earth as water. © they baue a burned both their onnes and deare to offer to
for facrifice as 17 Q Chou mayek not eate within thy their daughters with fire te their gos, their idoles,
the orher. gates the! tithe of chy cozne,no2of thy wine, 32 Therfore whatlocuer Jcommand you, Chap.4.2, ioſh. be
} Meaning, what- no; of thine ople , no? the tirft bozne of thy take heed pou Dott: "theu halt put nothing F. prou. 30.6.
foeuer was offe- kine , nozof thy theepe, neither any of thy thereto, woz take ought therefrom. rete A 22.1 8.
red to the Lord, powes which thou voweſt, noz thy free offes
might not be ea⸗ tings no the offering of thine hands: CHAP. XIIL
ten, but where he 18 But thou Halt cate tt before the Lord § The wnticers toidolatrie muft be laine, feeme
had appointed, thy God in the place which the Lod thy they newer fo holy, 6 So neere ofkinred or frsend=
God hall chule thou and thy fonne, and thy Ship, 12 Or great in multitude or power.
Daughter, and thy leruant, and thy matde, if there arife among you a prophet 0? a
and the Leute that ts within thy gates:and dreamer of *Dacames, Cand gtue thee a a Which faith
thou ſhalt reiotce before the Loꝛd thy Gov, fine o: wonder, s that hee hath
in all that thou putteſt thy hand to. 2 And the ligne and the wonder which things reuealed
Ecclus,7.32. 19 *Beware, that thou forſake not the be hath tolde thee, come to pafle )faytng, vnto him in
po » a8 long as thou liuelt vpon the b Let bs gor after other gods, which thou dreames,
earth. batt not knowen,and letusferuethem, bb_ He theweth
20 Q hen the Lod thy God Wallen: E Thou Hait not hearke ynto the woꝛds vhereunto the
Gex.28.14. large thy border, * az he bath promiſed thee, ofthat Prophet, 02 vnto that D™eamer of falfe prophets
chap.398, and thou halt fay, J will eate fle, ( be- Dzeeames ;forthe Lod pour God< prooneth tend. ; i
caute thine heart longeth to eate flety)thou you, to know whether pee loue the Lod c God ordaineth
alg eate fleth,whatlocuer thine heart de⸗ pour God with all pour heart, and with all allthefe things,
eth. your foule. that hismaybe
21 JE the place which the Lord thy Gon 4 Pe bal walke after the Lord pour God knowen,
bath cholen to put bis fame there, be farre and feare him, and fhall keepe his comman-
froin thee, then thon Halt kil of thy bullocks, Dements, and hearken vnto bis vopce, and
and of thy theepe which the Low bath iuen pe hall ferue him, and cleane vᷣnts him.
ee, as J baue commanded thee, and thou § Butthat prophet, 03 that Dzeamer of :
me hiein thy gates, whatlocuce thine heart Deeames,heWalla be Naine, becante hehath d Being conui®
{poken to turne you away from the L0: byteftimonies,
22 Euen asthe roe bucke and the bart pe God (which bought pou out of the and condemned
ig eaten, fo halt thon eate them: both the and of Egypt and deltuered you out ofthe by the Iudge.
— and the cleane tall cate of them boule of bondage) to are thee out ofthe
way wherein the Lod thy God commaune
4Ebr.beſtrong,or 23 Dnely be tfure that thou eate not the Ded thee to walke: foHalt thoutake the euil
conſtant. blood : foz the blood {is the life, and thon away foozth of the mindes of thee,
m Becaufethe Mapelt not eate theltfe with thefich. 6 CFE‘ thy brother,the onne ofthy mos
life of beafts is 24 Therefore thou Walt not eate Ét, but ther,o2 thine owne ſonne or thy Daughter, 0? e All naturallaf⸗
powe it vpon the earth as water. the wife, thar lyeth in thy bofome ,02 thp fe&ions muft sive
it may go friend, which ts as thine owne! foule, intitle placeto Gods
in their blood,
25 Thou halt not eate it, that
well with thee, and with thy childzen after thee {ecretly,faying, Let vs goe and lerue o> honour.
thee, wher thou halt soe that which ts right ther gods ( which thou batt not knowen, f Whomthou
inthefightofthe Lod: i thou,ĩſay,northy Fathers) loueſt
n That which
26 But thine » holp things which thou 7 Any of the gods of the people which are
thou wilt offer
batt, and thy vowes thou falt take bp, and round about you,neere vnto thee,o2 farre off 1
in facrifice. comevnto the place which the Lod Wall from thee, krom the one end of the earth vne Í
thule. to the other: $ |i
27 And thou falt make thy burnt offe- 3 Thou Halt wot confent vnto him, noz
tings ofthe fle, and of the blood vpon the heare bint, neither ſhall thine epe pitie him,
altar of the Lod thy God, and the blood of no: Hew mercie nozkeepe him ſecret:
thine offrings Wal be pows2ed vpon the altar g But thouwMalt euen kill him: s thine g Asrhewitneffe
=theLoꝛd thp God, and thou (halt cate the hand ſhall bee firt vpon bimto put himto js charged, i
(4 ç
Death, andthenthe hands ofaltthe people. Chap.17,7.
28 Wake heed, and heare all theſe words 10 And thou Walt Tone him with Tones
which J commaund thee, that tt may goe that be die(becaufe hee bath gone about to |
© God by pzo- © weli with thee, and with thy chilazen after thzutt thee away from the Lord thy God,
mife bindeth thee fo2 ever, when thou doeſft that which is which bought thee out of the land of E⸗
himfelfe to doe goon and right in the lightof the Lord thy gypt, from the boule of bondage)
goodtothem oo, It Chat all* Iſrael may heare andfeare, Chap.17.13.
that obey his 29 ¶ benthe Low thy Ged Wall de- and Dee no moze any fuch wickedneſſe as Eora
word. ` roy the nations before thee, whither theu this among you.
12 (IF ll
toidolatrie. Ofmeates cleane, Chap. xiiij. and vicleane. Oftithes. 77
12 Itthou
¶ ſhalt heare lay, (concerning vnto pou.
any of the cities which toe Lord thy God It (Dail cleane birds ye Hall eate:
hath giuen thee to Dwell in) Iz But chele are they, whereof ye thal not
tébr.children of 13 Ticked men are gone out fed among ae the eagle, nozthe goſhauke, noz the è
Belial, pou, and bane Dawen away the inbabitants pep,
of thcir citie, laying, Let vs goe and ſerue o· 13 Noꝛthe gleade, no: the kite, noz the
ther gods which pe haue not knawen, bultureafter their kinte,
h Whichare ap- 14 Chen thou Malt lecke,z make fearch 14 Hoꝛ all kinde of rauens,
pointed to fee and maguire diligently: and ific be true, and Ig Noꝛ the oſtrich, no: the night crowe,
faults punithed, the thing certaine that fuck abominationts no:the figameaw , noz the pauke after ber lOrcuc kow.
weught among you, i } nde,
Ig Thou alt euen flay the inhabitants 16 Neither the little owle, nor the great
of that citie with the edacofthe ſword: Dea owle,noz the redfhanke,
troy it btterly tali that is therein , and the 17 fAoz thepelicane, no? the fwanne, no?
; Cattell thereof with the edge ofthe fwod, the cozmozant; ——
i Signifying, chae 16 AnD ithon fhalt gather all the ſpoile 18 The ſtorke alſo and the heron in bis
no idolatrie is fo OF it into the middes of the ſtreete thereof, kinde, nor the iapwing,noz the * backe. - Leuintai⸗
execrable, nor and burne with fire the city and ai the ſpoile I9 And euery creeping thing that flieth,
more grieuoufly thercofeuerp whit, onto the Low thy od; = bee vneleane vnto pou; tt hall not bee
tobepunithed, and it ſhalbe an heape fozener; it Hall not en.
then of them be built agatne. 5 20 But ofall cleane foules pe map eate.
which oncepro- I7 Ano there fhallcleaue nothing of the 21 De alleate of nothing that Bteth a» ¢ Becaufe their
feſſed God. k damned thing to thine hand,that theLoꝛd lone, but thou falt giue it vnto the diran: blood was rot
k Ofthefpoyle mapturne from the ſierceneſſe of bts wath, ger that is within thy gates that he may tat fhed tut remay-
of that idolarrous and fhew thee mercie, and haue compaflion it ; 02 thou mayeſt fellit vnto a ranger; foz nethinthem,
and curfed citie, onthee,and multiply thee,as he hathſwoꝛne thou art an boly people vnto the Loꝛd thy d Which is not
readeChap.7,26, vnto thy fathers: i God. Thou thalt not * feethe a kiddein his of thy religion,
and Iofh.7.13, 18 Ahen theu Halt obey the voice of the mothers milke. i À Exod.23.19.
£020 thy Sed, and keepe all his commande- _ 22 Thouhalt egiune the titheofall the axd 34.26,
ments which J command thee this day, that increale of thy leede, that canuneth foozth of The tithes were
thou Dee that which isright in the eyes of the field peere by peere, ordeined fer the
the Loa thy God. 23 And thou fhalt eate before the Loꝛd maincenanceof
CHAP. XIIII. thy God (in the place which be thallchule to the Leuites,whick
1 The maners ofthe Gentiles in marking them- cauſe his fame to Dwell there ) the ttthe of had none inheri-
Selues forthe dead may not be followed, 4 What thy cozne,of thy wine, and of thine oyle, and tance,
meates are cleane to be eaten, what nst. 29 The the frt bozne of thy kine and of thp fheepe,
tithes for the Leuite,franger, fatherles & widow, —— —— learneto feare the LoD
Y @e are the chtlozen of the Lord your yp Go ay.
Lenit.19.28. God. * Pe hall not cut pour (elues, noz 24 And ifthe way be too long foz thee, fo
fateyonsorbalonefle betweene pour epes that thou art not able ta carie it, becaule the
place ts farre from thee, where the Lo: thy
Chep.7.6. 2 *Sozthon art an holy people vnto the God fhall chule to (et his Fame, whenthe F whenhe fhalt:
Lod thy Gov hall bleffe thee, giue thee ability,
a Thetfore thou thee tebea + precions people vuto himielfe, 25 Then falt thou make it in money, ¢
hteſt not to aboue allthepeople that arenpon the earth. ||take the moneytnthine hand,¢ go vnto the |Or,dind
follow thefuper- 3 @@hou Walt eate nomanerofabomt- place which the Loz thy Goa wall chule.
| Mtitions of the nation. 26 And thou falt beſtow the money fog
| Gentiles, > ele are the beats which ye hall whatloeuer thine beart defireth : whetherit
b Thisceremo- eate; the beefe,the heepe,and the qoate,
be ore,o2 foeepeo? wine, oz ſtrong Minke, or
¢§ The hart andtherocbucke, andthe whatloeuer thine heart Delireth +2 and fhalt g After thepric
Gedthe Iewesto bigle,
and thewild goate, and the wnicomne, eate it there before the Lod thy God, and hathreceined the
fecke aſpirituall and the wild ore,and the chamois, relopce,both thou and thine hauſhold. Lords part,
Purenefie,cuenin 6 And euerpbeatt thatparteth the boote, 27 And the Lenite that ts within thy
theirmeateand and cleaueth the cũtt intotwo clawes,and is gates Halt thou not forſake: foz be bath nei»
drinke, of the beats that chemeth the cud, that hall ther part no? inberttance with thee.
e cate. 28 At the end of three peere thou Malt
: 7 ‘Wut thelepehallnoteat,ofthem that b bring foogth allthe tithes ofthine tncreale h Befidesthe
cw the cud, and of them that diuide and ofthe tame peere, and lapit vp within thy yeerely tithes
aue the hoofe onely, the camel, no: the ga tes, ~ that were giuen
hare, noꝛ the conte:fo2they chew the cud.but 29 Then the Lenite hal come,becaule he to che Leuites,
hath no part noz inheritance with thee, ana
Dinide not the heofe ; therefore they hall bee thefe were layd
vncleane nuto pou: the ſtranger, and the fatherlefle, and thewi. vp in ftore for
8 Allo thelwine, becaule be Diutdeth the Dow which are within thy gates, and all thepeore,
hoofe ana cheweth not the cud, Hall be vn- eate and be filled, that the Lord thy Gon
cleane vnto you: pe fhal net eat of their fieh,
may biefle thecin althe wozke of thine panu
noz touch their Dead carkeifes. i
which thou doeſt.
Lew.11,9. 9 €* Abele pe ſhal eate ofall that arein CHA 5 XV >
the waters: all that haue finnes and ſcales t Theyere ofrelea(ing ofdebts. 5 God bleſceth
fhall ye eate. them that keepe his Commandements, 7 To helpe
Io And whatloeuer hath no finnes noz the poore., 13 The freedom offerwants, 19 The
fecalespeſhall not eate: tt hallbevncleane fir[t borne ofthe caste muft be ofred tothe aT
Of the poore and feruants. Deuteronomie. The three folemne
AS the terme of ſeuen peeves thou ſhalt maid ſeruant thou fhalt doe likewiſe.
make a freedome, 18 Letituot grieue thee, when thou Tet»
2 And this is the maner of the freedome:teſt bim goe out tree from thee: fo2 bee hath
@ He fhail onely euerp 2 creditour hall quite the lone of his ſerued thee fire peeves, which is the Double
releafe his deb- hand which he hath lentto bis neighbour: worth ofan s hired leruant: Ethe Lord thp g For the hired
tors, which ate be Hall not alke it againe of his neighbour, God fall bleſſe thee tn all that thou dock. feruant ferued
not able to pay noz ef his bꝛother: for the yecre ofthe Loꝛds 19 €*All the firt bome males that come but three yeres,
for that yere. freedome ts pꝛoclaimed. ah ofthy cattell, and of thy Heepe, thou halt and he fixe,
3 Dla ftranger thou mapeſt require it: fanctifie vntõ the Lod thy Gov. 5 Thou Exod.3 4.19.
but that which thou halt with thp beother, fhalt Doe no wozke with thy fick borne bul- h Forthey are
thine hand (hall remit ; locke,no2 heare thy Arit borne theepe. the Lords,
b Forifthy deb- 4 b Daue when there hall bee no poore 20 Thou thalt cate it befaze the Low thy
tor berich,hee with thee : fox the Lo20 ſhal bleffe thee in the God pecreby yeere, inthe place which the
may be conſtrai⸗ land, which the Lord thy God giucth thee polehall chute, both thou, and thine poule
nen to pay. foz an inheritance to poſſeſſe tts
Hoa that thouhearken vnto the voyce 21 * But iftherebee any blemiſh therein, Lewit.23.20,33,
of the Lord thy Goo tooblerue and doe all asifit belame, oz blinde, o2 baue any enill chap.tJ.x.
thele commandements which J contmaund a apog fhatt not offer it vnto the Lod ecclus.3 5.53,
thee this Day. p Ooo,
6 jor the Lord thy God hath blefled 22 But fhalt eate it within thy sates: the
Chap. as.i 26 thee, as he hath peomiled thee: and * thou bncleane and the cleane thal! eate it alike,i as i Thou fhalt as
halt lend “uta many nations, but thou thp the roe bucke : andas the bare. well eate them,
felfe fhalt not borrow,and thou halt reigue 23 Duely thou tyalt not cate the blood asthe roe bucke
ouer — nations, and they ſhal not reigne thereof, but powꝛe it vpon the ground as and other wild
ouer thee. water. beafts.
7 ¶ Ikone of chy brethren with thee bee CH: APs) VA.
Orany ofthy pooze |within any of chy gates in thy and, 1 OfEafer, 10 Whitfontide,13 Andthe
Cities, which the Lord thy God giueth thee, thou Seaft of Tabernacles. 18 What officers ought to
Halt net harden thine heart, noz Wut thine be ordained. 31 Idlatrie forbidden, :
Hand front thy poore brother: Bes fhalt keepe the moneth of 2 Abib, a Reade Hai
Matth.s.42, 8 * But thou Walt open thine hand vnto and thou hate celelate the Paſſeouer 13-4.
luke 6.34. hint, and falt lend him ſucficztut foz his vntothe Lord thy God: foz in the moneth
neede which he hath. of bib the Lod thy God boughs chee our
9 Beware that therebee not a wicked of Egypt by night.
thought in thine heart, to fay, The leuenth 2 Thou hale cherefore® offer the alles b Thou fhalt
ere, the pere of freedome is at hand + theres ouer vnto the Lord thy God, of heepeand eatethe Eafter
LEbr.thine eye que +itarieucth thee tolookeon thy poore bullockes* tn the place where the Lozd thail Lambe.
Ès euih. brother, and thou giueſt him nought, and be chule to cauſe hts Mame to dwell. ; (bap.12.5.
trie vnto the Lon againt thee, fo that inne 3 Thou*thalt cat no leanened bread with Ex⸗d.2.14, 15.
bein thee: Bt aie i if; bur ſeuen dayes ſhalt thou cat vuleauened c Which fignifi=
TED. lee not thine 10 Thou Halt gine him, and ¢let it not bread therewith, cucn the bzead of e tribula- ed that affliction,
heart be ewik. grieue thine heart te gtue vnto him: fo2 bee tion: foz thou cameit outof the land of E⸗ which thou hadik
canle ofthis the Lo2d thy God fall bleffe gypt in hatte : that thou mayeſt remember in Egypt.
thee in all thy workes, and inallthacthou the Day when thou cameſt ont of the land of
puttelt thine band to. E€gypt.all the Dayes of thy life. -
€ To try your _ II © Becaule there thal be euer ome poore 4 And there thalbe no leauen ſeene with
charitie, Matth, intheland, therefore J command thee, fap- thee in all thy coat ſeuen dayes long, nei»
26. 11. ing, Chou halt ‘open thine hand vnto thy ther ſhall there remaine the night any ofthe
à Thou fhalt be othe, to thy needy, and to thy poore in thy fieh untili the morning, which thou ofred
liberall. an . the firt Day at euen,
Exod.a 1.2. 12 @* FEthp brother an Ebrew fell him: § Thou mayeſt 4 not offer the Paſſeouer d This was chief-
iere,34.14. felfe to thee, o2 an Ebꝛewelſe, and ſerue thee within any of thy gates, which the Lod thp ly accompliſhed,
fire peereeventn the ſeuenth yere thou Malt God giueth thee : ? when the Temple
tet bim goe free from thee ; 6 Butin the place which the Lord thy was built,
13 And when thou fendet hint out free God Hall chule to place his Mame , there
aoe thee, thou alt not let hint goe away thou ſhalt offer the © Paſſeouer at euen, A. e Which wasin-
emptie, bout the going Downe of the Dunne, in the fticuted to put
e In token'thae I4 But halt ¢ giue him a liberall reward feafon that thou camett outof Egypt. them in remem-
thou doeftac- ofthy eepe, andof thy cone, and of thy 7 And thou halt ratte and eate it inthe branceof their
knowledge the wine: thou halt giue him of that wherewith place whtch the Lod tby God Mall chule, deliuerance out
benefit which the Lord thy God hath bleſſed thee. and fhalt returne on the mozrow,and go tn- of Bgypt: andto
God hath giuen 15 And remember that thou walt a fers to thy tents. continue them in
thee by his la- uant in the lann of Egypt, and the Lord thy 8 Hire dayes Hale thou eat vnleauened the hope of Iefus
bourse God Deliuered thee: thereforeJ command bread, and the ſeuenth Day thall be afolemne Chrift,of whom
thee this thing to day. affembly tothe Lozd thy God; thou halt do this Lambe wasa
16 And ik he fay vnto thee,3will not yoe no worketherein. figure,
away from thee, becaule hee loucth thee and 9 QHeuen weekes Hhaltthou ‘number f Beginning at
Exod, at 6, thine houle,and becauſe he is well with thee, vnto thee, and ſhalt begin to number the fe- the next morning
f Tothe yeere 17° * Then halt thou take an ale, and uen Weekes, when thou beginnel to put the after the Paffeo-
of Iubile,Leuit. pierce his eare thoꝛow agaiuſt the doore, and fickle to thecozne: i uer, Leuit, 23.15.
25 +40 be ſhalbe chy feruant : fo2 euer: and vnto thp JO And thon halt keepe ý ſeaſt of a exod.s 314
“fealts. Tudges and officers. Chap. xvij. Idolatry punifhed. Controuerfies. 78
{|Or,as thou art bute the Lod thy God, fleuen a free gift of of the cities, which the Lord thy God gineth
able walling Ye thine hand, which thau alt giur vnto the thee, man 02b woman that hath wrought b Shewing that
Lod thy God, as the Lord thy God path wickednes in the fight ofthe Lord thy God, the crime cannot
bleffed thee. ; in tranſgreſſing bis coucnant, be excufed by
II Gud thou Malt reioyce befoze the Lod 3 And bath gone and ſerued other gods, the frailtie
of the
thy God, thou and thy fonne,and thy daugh⸗ AND worhipped them: asthe funne, a2 the perfon,
ter, and thy feruaunt , and thy maide, and mogne, 92 any of the hoſte of heauen, which
the Leite that is within thy gates, and the Jhaue note commanded, c Whereby he
and the farherleife,and the widow, 4 Anditbeetolve vnto thee, and thou condemaeih all
that ave among pou, in the place which the Hatt heard it, then Malt thou enquire Dii- religion and fere
ip thy God hall chufe to place his Mame gcutiy: and ificbee true, and the thing cer» uing of God,
ere. * sim that (uch abomination is wꝛoughtin which God hath
12 And thou ſhalt remember that thou rael, not commanded,
watt aleruantin Egypt: therfore thou ſhalt § Chen thalt thou being korth that man,
obferue and doe thele ogdinances, 02 that woman (which hauecommitted that
g Thatis,the 13 @Thou halt s obferue the feaſt of the wicked thing) vnto thy gates, whether it bee
- of the Tabernacles ienen dapes, when thou hak mano: woman, and hait Tone them with
| feuenth moncth, gathered tn thy cone and thy wine. fones till they die.
Leuit.2 3.34. 14 And thou halt reiovce in thy feat, 6 *at the mouthto€ two oz thzee wit: Num. 35.30 cha
thou, and thy tonne, and thy Daughter, and nefes fhallhee that ts worthy of Death, Die: 19.3 5.mat.18.
thy ruant, and thy maide, and rhe Leuite, bur at the mouth of one witneſſe be hall not 16. 2.cor.13. 1.
and the ſtranger, and the katherleſſe,
andthe D ie. +Ebr.of two wite
WiDow,that are within thy gates, 7 The hands of the 4 witnefles hall bee nefesorthree
I5 euen Dayes alt thou keepe a fealk Arit spon him to kil him:and afterward the witne fes.
bnto the Lord thy God, inthe place which
bands of all the < people, fo thou fhalt take d Whereby they
the Lord pali chufe:whenthe Lord thy God the wicked away from among you. declare that they
ſhall bleſſe thee in alithtne increafe, and in 8 €Ffthere rife a matter too hard foz teftified the truths
all the wozkes of thine hands, thou Waltin thecin tudgement betweene blood ¢ blood, e To Signifie a
any cale be glad. ‘ betweene plea and plea, betweene plague common confent
Exod.a 3.15, and 16 @* The times in the eer ſhall all and plague, inthe matters of controuerfte to maintaine |
34°33- the males appeare befoze the 10:0 thy Gov within thy gates, then thalt thou arte, and Gods honour and
in the place which he fall chute: tn the feat goe vp onto the place which the LoD thy true religion.
of the vnleauened Dread , and tn the feat of Goa ſhall chute, ;
the weekes, and in the feat ofthe Tabernas 9 Andthon halt come vnto the Piets
cles: andthey fall not appeare before the ofthe Leuites, andvnto the f indge that hal f Who hall giue
Exclus. 35.4. Lo * emptie. i be in thole dayes, x alke, and they hall Hew fentence, as the
17 Euery man fhall giue accogding ta the thee thefentenceofiudgement, — Priefts counfell
h According to gift of bis bhana, and accosding to the biel 10 Axdthou halt Doe according to that him by the Law
the abilitie that — the Lozd thy Ged, which he hath gi- thing which they of that place (which the of God.:
God h-thgiuen uen thee, Lod bath chofen) thew thee, and thou halt
him. 18 Ci Judges c officers Walt thou make obferue ta Dog accozding to all that they ine-
i Hee gaue au- thee inal thp cities which the Lod thy Gon forme thee. · —
thoritieto that giueth thee thozowout thy tribes: and they Il According tothe law which they ſhall
people for atime Hall iudge the people with righteous iudge⸗ teach thee, and according to the tudgement
to chufe them- ment, which they hall tell thee, walt s thou doe: g Thou fhalt o-~
felues magi- 19 Eeft not thou the Law, nozrelpect thou halt not decline from the thing which bey their fen-
trates. any perfon, neither take reward :foz the re» they hal Weto thee,neither to the right band, tence, that the
ward blindeth the eyes of the wile, and per- noz to the left. l controuerfie may
uerteth the wo2ds of the iut. I2 And that man that will doe preſimp· hauc an end,
k The magi- 20 That which k is ink and right halt tuoullp, not bearkening vnto the Prick
ftrate muft con- thou follow , that thou mapet live and pol- (that ttandeth before the Lo2d thy God, to
tantly follow feffe the land which the Lord thy God giueth h minifterthere>o2 vnto the iudge, that man h Solongashe
the renor of the ee. — thou fait take away enil from isthe true mini-
Law, andin no- 21 € Thou halt plant thee no groue of rael. fier of God,and
thing decline any trees neere nto the altar ofthe Loyd 13 Goall the people hall heare and fears, pronounceth ace
from iuftice, thy Gov, which thou halt make thee. and Doe 20 moze paelumptuoutly, cording to his
lOr ymage, 22 € Thon halt (et thee vp no lipillar, 14 (When thou Halt come vnto the word,
which thing the Lod thy Sod hateth. land which the Lod thy God atuerh thee,
and ſhalt poſſeſſe it.and dwel therein ikthou
CHAP, XVII. fay, jl will {et a king ouer me, like as all the Or mayxeſt nor.
2 The puniſhment ofthe idalater. 9 Hard cone nations that are aboutme, - - i Who is not of
trouerfies are broughtte the prieft and the iudge. Iş Then thou fhalt make him kingoner thy nation,
12 Thecontemner muft die. 15 The election of thee, whome the Luo thy GDD Mall he change true
the king. 16.17 What things he ought to auoide, chue: from among thy bzethzen halt thou religion into ido⸗
18 and what he ought to embrace. make a king ouer thee: thou ||Galt not fet lacry, and bring
aı ftrangersuer ther, which is not thy bo- thee to fliuericts
ToN fatt offer vnto the Lod thyen tper. : k To revenge

ap.I +21.
ink: not no bullocke nez ſheepe wherein ts * ble- 16 Juany wile hee hall not prepare him theiriniurie ang
mary holes, no: bring the people againe to to take them of
ferue God for fa- mif or any enill faucured thing : foz that is k Egypt, forto increaſe the number of haz- their beft horſet,
fhionsfake,as an abomination vnto the 1020 thy Gov.
bypoctites doc, 2 CH there be foundamong youtn any feg, (ecing the Lod hath larde vnto rR 5 .King.3 0.282.
The kings charge. The Leuites portions. Deuteronomie. The good Prophet and bad. Cities
2e Hall henceforth goe no moze againe that nation vnto the Lo2d,¢ becaule of thele abos
a y- : J minations the Lod thp God Doth cat them
17 Neither Hal he take him many wiues, out before thee. N i
1 Fromthelaw leſt his beart! turne away, neither hall hee 3 Chou thalt be f vpꝛight therefore with f Withone hy-
ef God. gather him much filver and gola. the Lord thy God. pocrifie,or mix-
18 And when he hall ft upon the theone 14 Foz thele nations which thou halt ture offalk re-
ofbiskingdome,then ſhall be wite hunthis poffefic, hearken vnto thofe that regard the ligion,
m Meaning,the ™ Law repeated ina booke, by the = Prieſts times, and vnto fogcerers: tasg for thee, the +ébr.dut thou
Deuteronomie. Of the Leuites. T9133 Lod thy God hath not ⁊ (ufferedtheefo. — ot fo.
wHefhallcae 19 And it hall be with hin, and be Hall I5 @* Che Loyd thy God will raile vp Eo. giuen or ape
ittobe written Feade theretn al Bates of bis lite, that he may onto thee a s ophet like vnto me, from a> pointed,
bythem,orhe learne tofeare the Lozd bis God, & to keepe mong vou, euen of thy bzethzen: vnto him pe Acs 7.37.
fhallwriteitby all the wozdsof thts Law, and theſe ordi⸗ hall hearken, g Meaning a
their example. nances foz to Boe them: f 16 According toall that thou deſiredſt of continuall fuc-
o Whereby is 20 Thathisbearthe not lifted bp abour the Lord thy God in Wozeb, intheday ofthe ceffionof Pro-
meant, that kings His° bzethzen, and that bee turne not from affembly, when thou ſaydeſt,* Let me beare phets,cill Chrift
oughtfotoloue the commandement to the right band o: to the voice of my Loꝛd God no moze, woz lee the ende ofall
theirfubieds,as the left,but that he may polong bis dapes in this great fire any moze,that J] die not. Prophets come.
mature bindech His kingdom, he,and his lonnes in the ming I7 And the Lord fata vnto mec, Chey Exod.20,19,
onebrothertco BF Fftael, paue well (poker, ,
loue another. CHAP, XVIII. 18 *J will raile them bp a Pꝛophet from Fofh.1.45 ags
3 The portion of the Lewites. 6 Of the Leite among their brethren like vntõ thee,and wil 3.21. `
comming from another place. 9 To auoide the a- put my words tt his t month , and hee thall h Which pro-
bomination of the Gentiles. 15 God will not leane {peake vnto them all that J hall commana mife isnot onely
them withont a true Prophet.2@ The falfe prophet him.
madeto Chrift,
[halbe flaine, 22 How he may be knowen. 19 And wholdeuer will not hearken unto but to all that
T We Pꝛieſts of the Leuites,& all the tribe my words , which hee hall ſpeake in mp teachin his name
Numb,18.20, of Leut* Mall haue no part noz inheri; Mame,J will i require it of him. Tfa.59.2 06
Chap.t0,9.1.cor. tance with Jiraci, * but Hall eat the offrings 20 But the prophee that hall preſume to i By executing
9.13. ofthe Low made by fire, and hts 2 invert {peake a wozd in mp frame, whichJ baue — vpon
a Thatis,the tance. t i J not commanded him to ſpeake, o? that ſpea⸗
Lords part ofhis 2 herefore Hall they baue no inberi- keth in the namie of other gods, euen the
inheritance, tance among their brethren: for the Lord fame prophet wall die. — i
z their inheritance, as hee bath ſaid vnto 2I nd if thou thinke in thine beart, how
ent. fhal we knot the woro which the Lozd bath
3. €And this hall bee the Pieſts duetie not{poken? ay
of the people, that thep which offer facrifice, 22 CQhen a Prophet fpeaketh in the
i whether it bee bullocke og heepe , Hall grue Mame of the Loz, if the thing follow not, k Vnder this fure
b Therighe > ` snto the Pet the > Houlder, and the two no: come to patie, that ts the thing which rote he compri-
fhoulder,Num. checkes,and the maw, the Lod hath not (poker, but the prophet feth all che other
58.88, 4 Whe firt fruits alfo ofthy come,oFthp bath ſpoken tt prelumptuonflp: thou thalt tokens,
‘ twine, andof thine ople, and the firſt of the not therefore be afraide of him.
~ fleece of thy ſheepe thalt thou giue him. CHAP. XIX,
§ Fo the Loꝛd thy God hath cholen him 2 The franchifed townes. 14 Not to remcoue
out ofall thy tribes, to ſtand and minifterin thy neighbours bounds. 16 The punifhment of
a fame of the Lom, him and his ſonnes him that beareth falfe witneſſe.
0} euet. VW en the Lod thy God * hail roote Chap.r 2.39,
6 € Afe when a Leuite Hall come out out the nations, whole land the Loz -

of any of thy cittes of al Ilrael where Ye res thy Sed giveth thee, and thou Walt poſſeſſe
© Meaning,to mained, and come with < all the Defire of his —— and dwell in their cities, and in their
ferue God vn- heart yntoathe place, which the Lord hall ouſes,
fainedly,and not chute, —— 2 * Chou falt ſeparate thzee cities foz xod.a i.13. aum
to fecke cafe. 7 He hall ) then miniſter | in the Mame of thee in the mids of thy land, which the Lord 35.9,11,i0fb.
_ the Lo2d hts God, asall his bacthren the Les thy God giucth thee to poſſeſſe tt. 20, 2e

uites, which remaine there befoze the LoD 3 Thou Hhale-peepare thee the way,and a Make an open
8 Thep hall haue like portions to eate Divide the coatts of the land, which theLow and ready way.
d Not conftrais ébelides that which commeth of his fale of thy Hod giueth thee to inherite, into three
ned to liue of his patrimonie. : pare > that eucry © manflaper may fice thi- b Which killeth
himlelfe. 9 Ahen thou Halt come into the land ther. againtt his will,
which the Lord thy God giueth thee, thou 4 ¶This alſo is the cauſe wherefore the and bare no ha-
fhalt not learn to do after the abominations manflayer {hall flee thither,andliue: who fo tred in bis heart,
i of thole nations. ; killeth his neighbour ignozantly, and hated
J— Io Let none bee found among you that Him not intime paled:
e Signifyingthey maketh his ſonne og his Daughter to °” goe § Ashee that goeth vnto the wood with
wereputgedby thoꝛow the fire,or that vſeth witchcraft, or a bis neighbour to hew wood, his hand tri-
theceremonie regarder of times, ora markerof the flying keth with the are to cut downe the trer, tf
ofpaflingbe- — of fowles,oz a fozcerer, the head flip from the helue, ehit his neigh⸗· c Thaemurther
tweenetwo fires, IL D? * a charmer, og that countelleth bout that heedieth,the fame © Mall flee vnto be not commit-
Leuit. 18.21. 'with {ptrits, oz a foothlaper, oz that * alketh one of the cities, and line, ted vpon mur-
Leuit.20,27. counlell at the dead. j 6 Lett * the auenger of the blood fol- ther.
u Fam. 28.7. 12 Fo altthat doe {uch things are abami. low after the manflaper, while bis — Numb.35: 13. z


ofrefuge. Thelfalfe witnetfe. Chap. xx. Of going to warres 79

chafeo and oucetake Hint, becaule the way pores and charets 5 and people moe then
is long, and flay him, although hee be not thou,be not afraid of them fp: the Loyd thy
Or, cannot be fwoutitc of Beaty, becanle he hated him not GoD is with thee, which brought thee sut of
zudgedto death, arime patt, ! the landof Egypt.
7 Wiberefore Jcommaund thee,faying, 2 And when pe ate come necre vnto the
Chou hale appotut out thee cities fo: chee. battell, then the riet fjali come Forth to
d When thou 8 Andwhewthe Lord thy God 4 enlar- ſpeake vnto the people,
goelt oner Tor. ` geth thy coats (as Hee hathſworn vnto thy 3 And hall lay vnto them, Heare, D Ji
den to poffeffe fathers ) and gtueth thee all che tand which vacl; pee arecome thts Dap vnto bartell a»
the whole land He pronitd to giue puto thy fathers, gaint pour enemies; *let not pour heartes Chap, 28, J.
of Canaan, 9 CHlthou keepe alithele commiaunde- fatnt, neither feare, noz bee amaſed; nor ae
ments to do them, which 4 commaund thee Dead of them,
this Dap; to wit, that thouloue the Lord thy 4 Fo the Lod your God ! goeth with b Isprefentto
Icfh.20.7s God, and walke tn his wayes fog eucr)*then you, tofight fo: you againſt your enemies, defend you with
fhalt thouadde thace cities moe foz thee be- and to feug pou, é his grace and
fines thoſe thee, a 5 And let the officers ſpeake vnto the power,
TO Chat innocent blood he not Hed with: people, laying, What man is there that hath
inthe land which the Lord thy God giueth _buiita new bouie, and hath not «Dedicated c For when they
e Left thon be thee to tnberite, <let blood be vpou thee. it let him goe and returne to bis honle, lett entred firlt to
punifhed for in- Il Q Butte amangate bis neighbour, wae inthe battell, and another man Dedi dwel inan houfe,
nocent blood, and lay waite fo2 him, and rile aganit hun, ate tt, they gaue thanks
and finite any man that he Dic, aud flee vnto 6 And what man isthere that hath plan- to God,acknow-
any ofthelecittes) ii IE w AEn o ted a vineparde, and ath not 4 caten of the ledging that they
f The Magi- 12 Chenthe £ Evers of his citie Hall fruit? let him goe and returne agatne vnto bad that benefit
firates, fend and fet him thence,and deliuer him in- hts boute telithe Die inthe battell, and ana- by his grace,
tothe hannes of the auenger ot the blood, ther cate the fruit. ` d The Ebrew
that hee may Die. E X 7 Aud what man is there that hath betro- word fignifieth-
_ g Then whofo. 3 Chtne sepe Hal not Pare him, but thou thed a wife, and bath not taken her?lethim to make coms
cuer pardoncth {ait put away the cry of innocent blood goe and returneagaine vnto his boule, leſt men or pro~
murther,offen- from Ilrael that it may goe well withthe. he die tnbatrel, and another man take ber. phane,
deth againit the 14 (Thou Malt noc remoouc thy neigh» 8 And let the officers ſpeake further vn⸗ Leuit, 19.2 5a.
word of God. bours marke, which they ofolde tinie Hane to thepeopie,and tap, CAholſoeuer is aktraid 74dg-7-3-
fet in thine inheritance
that thou balt inpe- ana faint hearted, let him goe and returne
tite in the land, which the Lozd thy God gi- vnto Hig boule, leit his bꝛethꝛens heart faint
ueth thee to poſſeſſe tt. 4 r itke His Heart, >
Chap.17.6. matt. 15 @*Dne wrenelie Halt not rile againſt g Anvatter that the officers hane made
38.16., i0h. 8.17. a mat foz any treipatle , 02 for any time, 02 an end of {peaking vnto the people, thep
2.0r. 13. 1 heb. foz any fault that hee oftendeth th, *but at thal make captaines at tye armie to gouerne
1028. the mouth oftwo witueſſes, o2 at the mouth the people. 7 j
of thee witueſſes Mall the matter be eſtabli Io cAhen thou comme nere vnto a city
Hed. to fight agatnft it, *rhou halt offer tt peace. Nw21-235 >
16 € Fa falle witneſſe rifebp again a Ir And if it an were theeagaine peace: chap.2.26.
man toaccute him of trelpaite, ; ably,aiid open vnto thee,then tetallthe peos e Ifivaccepe
17 Vien both the men whith ſtriue tos ple that is found therein, be tributarics vne peace.
h Gods prefence gether, hal tand before the * Lord euen bes to thẽe and ferue thee,
is where his trué foze the Dicks and the Judges, which ſhall 12 But iktt wil make no peace with thee,
miniliers are bg in thofeDapes , Ms ie make war againſt thee, then thou ſhalt
aflembled, . 18 And the Judges yall make Dtligent eſiege it, wapin
inqutlitton:and tf the witnes be found falle, 1 AnD the Low thy God Halk Deliner fe
a hath ginen falle witnes agatuſt bis bo tito thine hands, and thou thatt fintte al the
her, A maies thercof with theedge of the ſword·
Prou.i 9.5 dat, 19 *Then Hallpedo unto himas He had 14 Duely the women and the childze,
13.62. thought tano vnto bis breather;ſotjou att and the cattell, andallthatts in thecitie, Tofh:8iz;.
take cuill away foosth of the middes of thee, euen all the pofle therof hale thou take vn-
20 And theret thal heave this,and feare, to thy felfe, and (halt eate the ſpople of chine
and Hall hencefoorth commit no mo any enemies, Which the Lod thy God hath gt
fuch wickedneſſe among you. wen thee. i ; í
21 Therefore thine eye Hal haue no toms Is Thus halt thou doe Dato all the ct
Exg.21.23 lenit. paRton,buc *lite foz life, eye foz eye, tooth fog ties, which area great way off from thee,
2:4.20,7044,5.38 tooth pand foz hand, foot foz foot: which are not of the cities ofthele! nations £ For God had:
bere. ; _ appointed that
CHAP, XX. 16 But of the citics of this people,which rhe Canaanites
‘3. Theexhortation of the Prieft when the If- the Lod thy. God Hall giue thee to tuberite, thould bee de>-
ralites goe to battell. 5 I'he exhortation of the thou halt iaue no perfon altue,. ftroyed;& made:
officers ſhewing whofhould goto ba'tel. 10 Peace 17 But halt vtterly deſtroy them; towit, rhe l{raclites exes
muft firft be proclaimed, 19 The trees that beare- the Hittites and the Amogttes, the Canaa⸗ curcrs.of his will, ~
fruit , muſt not be deftroyed. nites, and the Pertzzites, the Wiuites,and Chap,7.1.-
a Meaning vpon VV en thon Walt goe foorth to warte the Jcbulites, as tye Lord thy. Gen bath
juftoccafion: for againit thine enemies, and watt {ee commanded thee, l
God permitteth 18 That they teach you not to doe after-
not his people to fight whenit feemeth good vnto them, all. their abominations , which they pane ‘
Vaknowen murther. Deuteronomie. Theheire. A difobedient fonne.
Bone unto their gods, and fo pe ſhould finne then thou mapett let ber goe whither thee
agaiuſt theLod yaut God. — Will but thou thait
not tel her foz monep,noz
Ig Mhen thon hak belie ged a citie tong make marchandilſe of her, becaule thou pak
time , and made warre agawitit te take tr, humbled der. i
Dekroy not the trees thereof by finiting an Is (if a man haue two wines, one to-
are vnto them : foz thou mayeit eat of tiem: ued, and another s hated, Ethey haue borne g This decla _/
therefore thou Malt not cut them Downe to bim childzen, boty the loned and allo the reth thatthe pti-
2 Someread, further thecinthe ſiege (kor thes tree of the med 3 tf the irk bognebe the lonne of the rality of wiues
ficto ts mans life.) , came ofa cor-
For man fhalbe 20 Dnely thole trees, which thou know- 16 Then when the time commeth, that rupt aticGion,
in fead of the eft are not foz imeat, thole halt thou deſtroy hee appointeth bis fons to be beires of that
ttee of the fielde,
tocome out in
and cut Downe, and make forts againſt the which be hath,bemay net make the fonne of
clite that maketh warre mith thee, until fie beioued firitbozite befoze the fonneof Or, while the
the fiege againit thoutubduc te. the bated, which ts the fir bong: [onne of the hae
thee. CHAP XXR 17 Buthe hhalacknowleage the fonise of ted Leth,
2. Jaquifiton for murther. a1 Ofthe woman thebatedtez che firt bozne, and give him
takes za war. i5 The birthright cannot be chane peuble postion ot all that be hath; fo: bets h As much asto
ged for affection, 18 The difabedient childe. the frit ofits frength, and to‘ bun belon⸗ two of the
23 The body may not hang al might. geth therightofthe tirſt baane.. others,
JSF one be found 2 Haine tn che land, which 18 Jf aay man paue a ſonne that is tub- 1 Excepthe be
-a This law de- the Lord thy God giüeth thee to poſſeſſe it, borne and dilobedient wbich will not bears Vianworthy, as was
clareth how bor- lying inthe field, and it is net knowen wha ken vnto the voice of hrs father, noz p botce Reuben Iaakobs
rible a thing mur- baty Raine bint, of bis * mother, and they Daue chaſtened ſonne.
ther is,feeing that 2. Then thine Ciders g thy Judges Hal Him, and De would notobey them, k Foritis the
forone man a conte forthand meaſure unto the cities that 19 Then Hall his father and hismother mothers duety
whole countrey are round about him that ts Aune. take bim, & bring him out vito the Eiberg alſo to infttu&
fhalbe punithed _ 3 Awd let the Civers ofthat citie which of bis citie, and vñto the gate of the place her children.
except a remedie is nett vnto the Haine man, take out of the where be dwelleth, : :
be Found. Doue an Heifer chat hath not beene put to 20 Gnd pall fap onto the Elders of his
labour, no: bath dꝛawen in the poke, - citie, This our ſoune is Rubbozne and Dils
4 Ani let the Elders ofthat citie bring obedtent,and He will not obey our admoniti⸗
the heifer nite a ||onie valley, which ts on: bets a royoter, and a dꝛunkard.
hOr,rough. neither cared noz lowen, and ftrike off the 21 Then al the men of his citie hal | tone I Whichdeath
b That the heifers necke therein the valley. z bim with Hones vnto death: ſo thou Walt was alfo appoin-
bloodthed of che § Alo the Piets the fonnes of Leni, take away cuill from among pou, that ail ted for blafphe-
innocent beak in (whome the Tord thy Gob hath choten to Iſrael may beare trand feare. mers and idola⸗
afolitarie place minter, anv te blete in the name of the , 22 Jfa wian allo haue committed a tref ters : fo that to
might make them L023) Hali ceme feosrh , and by their wo, pafe wozthy of Death, and is put to Death, difobey the pa-
abhorre the ait all rete and plague be eryed. and thou hangeſt him an a tree, å rents is moft hor-
fat. 6 4nd all the Claers of that citie that 3- pis body Hall not remaine malnight rible.
came neete to the flaine man, Wali wai vpon the tree, but thou fhalt burte him the mby his For Gods law
death is fa-
their bands ouer the heifer that is beheaded ſame day: forthe * cure of Ged is on him
tir the valley: that is panged. Defile not therefore thy tisfied,and nature
7 And hall tettife,and fay, Dur hands —— the Lord thy God grueth thee te abhorreth cru-
baue not thed this blosd , neither haue our inherite.
eyes ſeene tt. Galat. 3. 13.
c This wasthe 8 © D Loan be mercifull vnto thy people CHAP. XXIT
prayer, whichthe Iſrael whome thou hat redeemed, and lap 1 He commandeth to have care of our neigh-
Prices madein no innocent blood to the chargeof thy peo; bours goods. 5 The woman may not weare mans
the audience of HeIſrael; andthe blood hall bee korgiuen apparell, ner man the womans. 6 Of the damme
the peopk, ein. j and hor young birdes. 8 Wiythey fhould haue
9 Ho thalt thou take away the cry of in- battlements. 9 Not tomixe dimers kindes toge-
nocent blood from thee, when thou halt doe ther. 13 Of the wife not being founda virgin.
that which ts righttn the light of the Lom, 23. The punifhment of adultery, Exod.23.4,
lo @ Ahen thou thalt goe to warre a: Wou * halt not fee thy bothers ove nor a As though
d Signifying, gaint thine cwenits, and the Lod thy God bis ſheepe goe atray, aim a withdraw thou fawelt it
that her former thai Deltucr them into thine bandes , Ethou thy elfe from them, bur fyalt bheing them not,
life muft bechan- fhalt take them captiues, againe unto thy bother. b Shewisg tbat
ged, before fhee Il Ana fhalt fee among the captives a 2 AnD if thy bother bee not tneere bn- brotherly affe&i-
could be ioyned beauttfullwoman , ¢ halt a veire vnia ver, te thee, 02 if thou knowe him not, thenthou on muft bee
tothe people of and wouldeft take her to thy wife, ait ining it into fhine boule, and it wall ſhewed, not only
God, 12 en thou hate bring her home to remaine with thee , vntill thy brother feeke to them that
e Ashauing re- thine houle, dand thee Wall Hane ber head, after tt: then Walt thon deliuer it tobin a: dwell neere vnto
nounced parents and pare ber naties, gaine. * í : vs,bat alfoto
and countrey. 13 And fhe Halt putoffthe garment that 3 Jnlike maner Malt thou Doe with vis them which are
f This oncly was fhe was taken in, and hee Hall remaire in calle, and fo palt Mau doe with pis ray. farre off.
permitted in the thine boule, cand bewaile her father and ment, aud ſhalt ſo doe with all lott things c Much more
warres:otbet ber mother a moneth long; and after that of thy biatbher, which hee hath loft; ifthou art thou bound
wilethe Ifrae- falt chou goe in vnto her, and marie ber, Hak found them, thou halt not withdraw to doe forthy -
lites could not and fhe Wali be thy E wrfe. thypfetfe from them. neighbours
per !
marry ftrangers, 14 And ik thon haue nofaucuy vnto ber, 4 € ThouKart not leethy brothers 7 Aone oo:
eT a

Diuersordinances. The punifhment Chap. xxiij. | ofadulterie. Baftards. 80

noꝛ his oxe fall downe by the wap and with⸗ 23 If amayde bee betrothed vnto an
draw chy felfe from them, bur Malt lift them hulband, and aman finde her in the towne,
yy with him. ; ; and le with Fer, i
d For that were ¶ The d woman Hall not weare that 24 Then ihal pe heing them both out vn⸗
to alter the or- which pertaineth vnto the manneither thal tothe gates ofthe ſame citie, and Hall Tone
derof nature, aman puron womans ratincnt: for allthat them with Cones to death:the maid becaule
and to deſpite Dor fo, are Abomination vnto the Lord thy Hee cried not, being in the ciiy, and the man,
God, on, A becauſe hee hath |)humbled hts netghbours lOr deſled.
6 C*Iihon And a birds nekt in the way, wife ; fo thou Walt put away euill from as
ini any tree, 0? on the ground, whether they be mong you,
vongoregges, and the Damme fitting vpon 25 @ But if a man finde a betrothed
e IfGod deteft the yong; 02 vpon the exges, «chou Walt not mayd in the field, and fogce ber,and lee with
cruelrie doneto take the damme with the yong, — the man that lay with her, ſhall die
little birds,how 7 Bur hale in anp wile let the damme one:
much more to gor, and take the yong te thee, that thou 26 And vnto the mayd thou Waltdo no⸗
man, made ac- niaveſt proſper and prolong thy Dayes. thing, becaufe there is in the mayd no ſcauſe ||Or, 20 finne
cording to his 8 d Mhen thou buildeſt a new boule, of Death ; foz as when a man rileth againit worthy death.
image? thou Halt makea battlement on thy rocfe, bis neighbour and woundeth him to Death,
that thou lay not blood vpon thine boule, if fo kig this matter. f k Meaning, thar
any man fall thence. 27 Foꝛ be found herin the fields: thebe- the innocent can⸗
f The cenour of 9 © Thon thait nott owe thy vineyard trorheD mayd cried, and there was no man not be punifhed.
this Law is, to with Dincrs kinds of (eedes, leak thou defile tofuccour ber. i
walke in finopli- the intreaſe ofthe feed which thou ban iow- 28 ¶ It aman Gnde a mayde that is not Exod.a 3.16,
Citie, and notto en, and the feutt of the vineyard, betrothed and take her, and lic with her, and
be curious of 10 @ Thou halt not plough with an ore they be found, )
new inuentions, and an aie together. 29 Chew the man that lay with her, hall
Ir d Chou thalt not weare a garment of gine vnts the maydes father ittie thekels of 1 He thal not fie
Diners forts, as of woollen eltnen together. üluer : and fhe thall be bts wrte, becauſe hee with his flepmo-
Namb,15.38, 12 @* Thot halt make thee fringes pp> hath humbled her; be caunot put her away ther ; meaning
onthe foure quarters of thy veture; where- all bis life. | Hates 3 bereby all other
with thou concrett thy feite. 30 @ sao man thal itake bis fathers wife degrees forbid-
13 ¶ Jfa man take a wife, and when hee no: hall vncouer his fathers hire. den, Leuit.: $,
hath lien with ber-hate her,
| g Thatis,bean 14 And lays llanderous things vntoher CHAP. XXIII,
eccafion that fhe charge anD bing bp ancuil name pon ber, £ What men might not bee admitted to office.
isdandered, . and fay.9 tooke this wife,and when J came 9 What they ought to anoyde' when they goe to
tober, Jfound her not a mayd, warre, 15 Of the fugitene feruant. 17 To fle all
Is Theu Hall the father of the mayd and Runde ofwharedome. 19 Of vfwrie. 21 Ofvores,
her mother take and oping the lignes of the 24 Ofthe neighbours vine and corne.
maydes virginitie vnto the Elders of the ci⸗ Nee thatis hurt by buriting, 0z that
tie fo the gate. Hath his petute member cut ofta Walen: a Eitherto beare
16 And the maydes father thall fay vnto ter into the Congregation efthe Roz. office, or to mare
the Elders, J yauc my Daughter vnto this 2. b baltard Halb not enter into the ty a wife,
man to wife, and he hatech her: Congregation of the Lozd:enen to his tenth b: This was to
17 And loe, hee layeth landerous things generation fhaii hee not enter into the Con- caufe them'to
vnto her charge, laying, Ifound net top gregation of the Lor. j linechaftly,that
Daughteramaypde : loc,thele are the rokens of 3 * The Ammonttes and the Moabites their pofteritie
my Daughters virginitie: they ſhall ean fail nor enter into the Congregation of the hight not be
h Meanie, the the ^ veture before the Elders of the citp. Lozd seuen to their tenth generation hall reieted,
fheet, wherin the 18 ‘Chen the Clders of the city thail take ‘thep not enter into the Congregation of the Nehem.i 3.4.
fignes of her yir- thatmanandchattiiebin, VLoꝛd fozeuer,
ginitie were. 19 And Hall condemne himin an hun⸗ 4 Becanie they < met pou not with bead c Hereby he
Ded thekels of filuer, and gine them unto gud Mater in the way, when pee came out of condemneth aW,
i Forthe faule ~ the father i ofthe maypde, becaule bee hath Egypt, and *becanle they hired againk thee that further not
of the child re- Brought bp an euill name vpon a mayde of Bataan the fonne of Beo, of Pethoꝛ tn A- the children of
Iſrael: and the ſhallbehis wife,and hemap: ram·naharaim, to curfe thee. Godin their vo⸗
not put —— atthis life = ; § Neuertheleſſe, the Lorde thp Gov cation. x
20 @ But if this thing bee true, that the would not bearken donto Balaam, but the Numb, 23.5360
mavyd bee nat found a virgine Lord thy Sod turned the curſe to a blefling
21 Chen they hall ming forth the maya mitothee becaulethe Lord thy God lowed
‘te tie Dooeof ber fathers boule, and the bee,
men of her city Wali tone der with tones: 6 Thou 4halt not ſeeke their peace noz: d 'Thowthale
_, te Death : foz (hee hath weought folly in Iſ⸗ their peotpevitic ali thp dapes foz ener. : haue nothing to
rael, by playing fhe whore in her fathers 7 ¶ Thou ſhalt not abhorre an Coomite, do with them,
boule : fo thou fjal:putemil away trom a- fo: hee is tip baother, neither halt thou ab⸗
mong yo u. bore an Cayppiian, becaute thou watt a’
22 @ * Jf aman bee found lying witha) itranger tn bis land, e Ifthe fathers
waman married to a man, then thep Mall 8 Whe chilon that are begotten ¢ of haue renounced
Dig euen both twatne sto wit, the man that, them in their third generation ibaki Iter theiridolatrie,
lap with the wife, and the wife; to thou halt into the Congregation of the Lop. and receiue cig-
Lo, Bababoay entifromJast. pie o Echen thon goth aut with thehatte cumcifion,
Vy 997 8 againg
| To auoyd all filthineffe. Deuteronomie. Diuorcement. |Wages. A
againt thine enemies, keepe Chee then from good must not bee punifbed for the bad. 19 The
all wickedneſſe. care ofthe ftranger, fatherleffe and widow,
10 € Ikthere bee among you any that is VV Ven a man taketh a wife, and mars
vncleane by that which commeth to him by V rieth bers iffa bee hee find no fauour
night, be ſhall goe out of the poke, and hall inbiseyes, becaule be hath eſpied fome fil»
not enter into the boke, thinefle inber, + then let him weite ber a bill a Hereby God
12 But ateucn he thal wath bimfelfe with ofDinogcement, and put itin her hand, and approueth not
Water, and when the Quine isdowne, hee fend her out of his houle. f that light di...
Wall enter into the hoſte. 2 And when thee ts Beparted out of his uorcement,but
12 ¶ Chou Walt haue a place allo with: Houle and gone ber way, and marry with an- permitteth it to
f For the necef- out the hoite whither thou Walt £ relit, other man, auoyd further
fitie of nature, 13 And thou fhalt baue a paddle among 3 And ifthe latter huſband hateher,and inconuenience,
thy Weapons, and when thou wonnen fic wwatte ber a letter of dinorcement/ and put it Matthis 9,7.
Downe without, thou hale digge theremiths in ber hand, and fend Her out of his houle,
g Meaning here- and setueniNg thou galt e couer thine excre· prifthe latter man Die which tooke perta
by,that bispeo- ments. - ife :
ple thould be 14 Foz the Lord thy God walketh inthe ` 4 Then her lirſt puloand, which lent ber
pure both in middes of chy campe to Deliuer thee, and to away, mip not take ber agatne to bee bis
foule and body. wine thee thine enemies before thee : there- wite after that thee is efiet rfo that isa= b Seeing that by
fore thine hoſte Mall be holy, that he fee no bointnation iu the fight of rhe LoD, ana dimitting her,he _
tico thing in thee, and turne away fron thou ſhalt not caule the land to finne, vohich iudged her to be
ee, the Lod thy God Doth giue chee toinberit. vncleaneand © J
h Thisis meant AS Thon halt not * deliner the ſeruant ‘§ @ CUbena man taketh a new wife, he defiled. iy
of the heathen onto his matter, which is eſcaped from bis’ fall net goe a warfare, < neither ſhall bee c Thatthey> >
who fled for matter vnto thee, charged with any buſineſſe, but tall be free might learne to:
their matters 16 We thall dwel with thee, euen among at home one peere, and retopce with bis wife know one ano⸗
cruelty, andim. vou,in what place bee hall choofe, in oneot which be hath taken. thers conditionsy<
braced the true thpt cities where itt liketh hun bet ; thou 6 ¶ No man hal take the nether noz the and fo afterward
Religion. halt not vexeiUm. vpper $milifone to pledge: foz this gageis liue in.godly
f Ebr.gates. 17 @ There hall bee no whore of the his lining. j peace,
Daughters of Iſrael, neither hati there bee a 7 (Hany man be found ftealing any of d Nor any thing, -
whoꝛe keeper sf the fonnes of Iſrael. bis bꝛethren of the chtidzen of Iſrael, and whereby aman
i Forbidding 18 Chou fhalt neither bing the ihwe of maketh merchandile of bim, orſelleth bim, getteth his lis
hereby that any whore, nor the price of a Dogge into the that thiefe hall die: fo hale thou put eull a- ving.
gaine gotten of Doule of the Loza thy Gon for any vowe: foz wap from among you.
euill things euen both thele.are abomination vnto the 8. C Cake heed of the* plague oflepzos Leuit. 13,2. J
fhould be applied Lod thy God, ; ` fiethat thou obferue diligently, and Doe ac⸗
to the feruice of 19 @* Chou Halt not gine to vfury te cording to ali that the Prieſtsofthe Leuites
_ God, Micah.1.7. thy brother: as vlüry ofmoneys vfurte of Mall teach yous take heed pee Doe as g coms
Exod.22.25. meate, vlury of any thing that is put to manded them.
lewit.2 5.36. vlurie. 9 Remember what the Lord thy Ger
K This was per- 20 Untoak franger thou mapet tend did unto * Mirxiam by the way atterithat pee Numb.i2.,10.
mitted foratime vpon vſury, but thou ſhalt not lend vpon werecome out of Egypt 7
vſury vnto thy brother, that the Lo: thy
for the hardneſſe Io € Chen thou thalt alke againe of thy
oftheir heart. God may! bleſſe theeinall chat thou fettet neighbour any thing lent, thou halt not goe
1 Ifthou (thew thine hand to,tn the land whither thou goet einto bis houle to fet his pledge, e Asthough
thy charitie to’ to poſſeſſe it. | IL Butthou halt tand without, and the thou wouldeſt
thy brother,Ged 21 C Uhen thou Hált vowe a howe vn⸗ man that borrowed it of thee, hail bing the appoint what to
will declare his to the Loz thy God, thou halt not be lacke pledac out of the doores vnto thee. bug hale a
louetoward to papit: fozthe Lod thy God will ſurely 12 furthermoze, if it bee a pooze body, receive what he
thee, require ttof thee, and fo it hould bee tinne thou halt not eepe with his pledge, ` may ſpare. a
Dito thee, { I3 Bur thalt reſtoꝛe him the pledge wher Re
Th. |

22 But when thou abſtaineſt from vow⸗ the Sunne goeth Downe, thathe may tleepe
tng,tthall be no firme vnto thee. y in his rayment, and bleſſe theet anditwall f Though he
23 Chat which ts gone out of thylips, be righteouſneſſe vnto thee (before theLoyd would be vn = o
m Ifthe vow be thou Halt = keepe and pertorme as thou batt thankefull yer ®
lawfull and god- wowed it willingly vnto the Lod thy God; 14 E Thou Hale not oppꝛeſſe an Hir: God will not ?© pan=
ly. for thou hatt (poken tt with thy mouth. feruattt that ts needy and pood, ‘neither of forger ity» we

n Being hired 24 @ Uhen thou comme vunta z thy thy brethren, nor of the ranger thatisin Leuit. i. 3. an
ſor to labour, neighbours vineyard, then thou mayeſt cate thy land within thy gates. tob a.i4
grapes at thy pleaſure, asmuch as thon Is * hon halt gine him his Hire forhig 2. Kiaat
o Tobring wilt ;but thou ſhalt put nonein thy? vefen, Day, neither Hal the Hunne go Downe vpon 2.chron. 25.4. 2*4 —
hometo thine 25 Cen thou commet into thy neigh⸗ it: for hee ts pooꝛe and there dith ſuſteinethrer⸗ 31.29,30.
houfe, ‘bours.cozne ,.* thou mayeſt plucke the cares his life: let hee cty again thee vnto the exek.: 8.20.
Matth x3, Le with thine hand, but thou hate not mooue a Lom and itbe finne vntothee. i > + 26°39 Becaufe the
fickle to. thy neighbours comme, 16 €* Tbe fathers ſhal not be put to Death world
forthe chilen, no: the world did
childzen put to death eftceme did leaſt a
CHAP. XXIAII. fo? the fathers,but etery man Mall
beput to forts of people,
1 Disorcement is permitted, 5 He that is new-
Death fo: his owne inne:
therefore God
Gusdy married , isexempted from warre. 6 Of the 17 @ Thou halenot pervert the right oF hath mok care
pledges te Wages must not be retained, 16 The ranger the katherleſſe hos tate? ouer them,
Ee SN ee a widowed
To raiſe vp ſeede to the kinſeman. Chap. xxv. xxv}. Oftting ofthe firftfuits. $r
a widowes raiment to pledge. The houle of him whole poore is put off,
18 But remember that chou walt a fers 1 Ce Ahen men ſtriue together, one e This lawim-
uant in Egypt, and how the Lozd thyGod with another, if the wife of the one come portech,that
Deltuered thee thence. Therelore 3 come neere fo to rid her hulband outofthe hands godly thame-
maund thee to Doe thisthing. ? of him that (miteth him, and put foozth her faltnenie be pree
Leuit. 19.9. 19 C Mhen thou cuttet downe thine pand, and take bim by hts paturttes, ferued: forit is
and.23. 22. harueſt in thy felde, ana batt forgotten a 12 Chen thou halt cutoxber hand; thine an horrible thing
fheafein thefeld, thou thaltuot goe againe eye fall not (pare ber. to fee a woman
to fet it,but it pall be foz the ranger,forthe 13 ¶ Thou ſhalt not haue in thy bag two paſt thame.
fatherleſſe, and for the widow: that the Loa maner of + weights, agteat anda ãſmail. xREor.ſtone and
thy Gon may bleie thee tn all the wozkes of 14 either halt thou haue in thine houle fone,
thine bands, Diners + mealures, a great and a fmall: $Ebr.Ephah and
Or, gathereſt 20 Chen thou ||beatet thine oliue tree, Iş Burthou Walt haue artght and tw Ephah: reade
thine oliues. thou fhalt not goe ouer the boughes againe, weight : aperfite aud atu mealure Halt Exed 3-36:
but ít fhall be foz the ranger,fo2 the fathers thou haue,that thy Dapes map be lengthened
HOr, the grapes of Velle,and fo: the widow. A the land which the Lord thy God giucth
thy vineyard. 2I Uhen thon gatherett thy ||binepard, ee.
h Godiudged thou halt not gather the grapes cleane after 16 Fozall that do ſuch things, andal that
them not mind- thee, but thep thall be fo: the ttranger, foz the Doz bnrighteoully, are abomination vnto the
full of his bene- fatherlefe,and fo: the widow. Loud thy Gov. ;
fite,except they 22 And remember that thou waſt +a fer- 17 * Remember what Amalek Did bits
were beneficial! uantin the land of Egypt: thereforeJ com- -oe wethe way, when pee were come out
Vato others. maunt theeto Doe this thing.
i CH ot irks 18 How hemet theeby the way, ¢ {note
To rsif
3 e beating of the the hindmoſt of you, all that were feeble bes
offenders, 5 o ratte v
ſeede to the — it In what cafe a E Hind thee, when thou watt fainted and wess
mans hand muft becut off. 13 Of aft weights rie, and be feared not God.
and meafures, 19 To deftroy
the Amalekites, 19 Therefore, when the Lord thy God
we there Halbe itrife between men, hath giuen thee ret from all chine enemies
and they fhall come onto tudgement, round about inthe land, which the Lop thy F This was parta
sa Whether there * and [entence tallbegiuen pon them,and Gov giueth thee for an inheritance to pol> lyaccomplithed |
be a plaintiſe or the righteous hall betuttified, and the wic- ſeſſe it, then fhalt thou put out thef remem by Saul,aboue
none,the Magi- ked condemned, beance of Amalek from vnder heauen foz» 4soyceresafe
ſtrates ought to 2 Then iklo be the wicked be worthy to pet not, tervard.
try out faults,and bee beaten, the Judge Hall caule him to tte
punith according Downe, > and to bee beaten before His face, CHAP, XXVI
toché crime, according to his treſpaſſe, vnto acertaine 3 The ofring of the firft Frits. 5 What they
b Whenthe number. s muft proteſt when they offer them. 12 The tithe
crime deferueth 3 © Foatie Rripes thall bee caufe him ta ofthe third yeere, 13 Thesr prote/tation in ofe-
not death, baue and not paft, left thee ſhould erceede ring tt. 19 Te what honour God preferreth thems
€ The lewesof and beat him aboue that with many tripes, which acknowledge himto be their Lord.
fuperftition af- thy brother ould appeare deſpiſed tn thy
terward tooke gbt. Lio when thou Halt come into the land
On¢eaway, 2.Cor. 4 C* Thon halt not moulel the ore that A which the Lord thy God giucth thee foz
II. 24. treadeth out the come, — and fhalt poſſeſſe it and Dwell
1. Cor. ↄ 9. § C * Ikbꝛethꝛen dwel together, and one herein,
v.tim. 5. 18. of them die and haue nofonne, the wife of 2 Then halt thou take of the fitt of all a By thiseere-
Ruth 4.3 matth, the dead (hall not marry without, thar is, vn⸗ the fruite ofthe earth, and bring it out of monie they aca
22,24.mar.12. to a ſtranger, but his ¢ kinfeman thal goe in the land that the Lod thy Gon giueth thee, knowledged —
39 luke 20. 28. bntober, and take ber to wife, and Doe the and puttt inabalket,and go vnto the place, thacthey recei-
d Becauſe the E- kinfemans office to her. which the Lord thy od thal chule tob place ued the land of -
_ brew word figni- 6 Andthefirt bome which he beareth, bis Rame there. Canaan asa free
fieth nor the na- hall ſucceede in the name of bis bother 3 Andthou halt come vnto the Piet gift of God.
turall brocher, & which is Dead, that his name bee not put that halbe in thole Dates, and fap onto htm, b Tobe called
the word that outofIſrael. i Jacknowledge this day vnto the Lod thy vpon,ferued,and —
fignifieth abro- 7 Aud ik the man wil not take his kinie- God, that J am come vnto the countrep worlhipped fpi»
ther,is taken alfo woman, then tet his kinſwoman gog baf ae 74Lord fware vnto our fathers fot ritually Chap,
for a kinfman : it the gate puto the Elders,
and fay, My kinke- o gtue + X 12.56
ſeemeth that itis man vefuleth to raile bp vnto bis bother a 4 Then the Piet ſhall take the baſket
not meant that name in Iſrãel: he wilinot doe the office of put of thine hand, and fet tt Downe before c Meaning, Iaa⸗
the natural] bro- a kinfeman onto me. acs the Altar ofthe £020 thy God. kob who ferued
ther fhould mar- ‘8 Thenthe Eiders ofhis citie ſhall call §_ And thou halt anfwere and fay before 20.yere in Syria. i

sie his brothers bim, and commune with him: if be tano anv the Lord thp God, A<Sap2tan was my father, d Only by Gods
wife, but fome Tay, J will not take ber, who being ready to perti for hunger, went mercie, and not
other of the kin- O Then Hal hiskinfewoman come vnto Downe into Egypt, and ſotsurned there with by their fathers
red,that was in him inthe pretence of the Ciders, and loole a imali company, and grew there bntoa na: deferuings.
that degree his ſhooe from his foote, and {pit tn his face, tion great, mightie tand fullof people, e Alledging the
Which might aid anfwere,and fay, Ho thal itbeDone vn⸗ 6 And the Egpptians bered bs, and promifes made
matric, tothatiman, that will not buila vp his bzo- — pg, and laded vs with cruell bon: to our fathers,
thers poule. age, Abraham, Izhak
10 And his name ſhalbe called in Iſrael, 7 Wut when we⸗ctyed puto (he Lowe and laakob,
L God
- Theoffering of thetithes. Deuteronomie. The law written in ſtones. Curfings.
God of our fatherg, the Loꝛd beard our pa Woles with the Elders af Iſrael
Waice, and looked on ouradueriitic, and on commanded the people, laping, Weep a As Gods minis
our labour, anv o our oppzeſſion. al the Commantcments, which J con fer, and charged
8 And the Lod bzought vs sutofE- Mand you this Gap, ‘with the fame,
gppt in a mightie hand, and a ſtretched ont 2 And when ye hal*pafle over Joden, Iofh 4.15
arme, with creat terriblenes, bath tu figues pnto the land whichthe Lod thy Gad gi-
and wanders. ; 5 ucth thee, thou ſhalt tet thee vp great ſtones,
9 And he hath brought hs intothis place, and platter chem with platter,
ans bath giuen vs this land cuen a land thas 3 >And Wait weite upon chem all the b God would
flowerh with milke and honie. words of this Lame, when thou Halt come that his Lave
f Intoken ofa 10 Gnd new, toe, 3l haue brought the puer that thot matett go into the land which fhould be fer
thankfull heart, firit frints ofthe lant, which thon, D Loa, the Lord thy Go giucth thee : aland that in thebordcrs of
and mind full of Hak giuen mee, and thon Halttet tt before floweth with milke and honte, as the Lord the land of Caz
this benefite, the Lod thy Gav, and worhip before the Gow of thy fathers hath promtied thee. naan, that
Lod thy God. A. 4 Wherefore when per. hall paffe cuer looked thereon,
It And thou Halt retoyce in all the goon Ioen, vee hail ſecvp thel Tones which J might know
things which the Lord thy God hath ginen command you this Day in mennt Chal, and thae the land, was
g Signifying, vnto thee and to thine bouljold, thou anv thou ibait platter chim with platter, dedicate to his
that God giueth the Leuite, and the ſtranger chat is among § * An there tate thou build vnto the feruice, =
¥s not goods for pou. j L020 tiy Gov an altar, euen an Alear of Exod 20,255
our felues only, 12 Chen thou hak made an ende ofti- fones : thou thalelifenone © poninftrument 20fh.&.31.
but for their vfes thing ai the ttthes of thine incveate,the third vpon them. c The Altar
alfo, which are peere. which is the yeere of tithing, and batt 6 Thou halt make the Altar ofthe Lod fhould not he cu.
committed to gtuen tt vntothe Leuite, to theitranger, to thy Gon of whole ttones, and offer burnt of: rioudy wrought,
ourcharge, the fatherlefle, and tothe widow, that they ftings thereon vnto the Lord thy God: becaufe it ſhoula
Map eate within thy gates.and be fatiltied, 7 And thon fhalt offer peace offerings, continue bur for
h Ve hout hy- 13 Then thou Walt» faybefoze the Lord and ſhalt cate there, and retopce before the atime: for God
pocriis thy God, J baue brought the hallowen thing Lod thy God: ; would haue but
out of mine houle,and alfo baue giuenitvit 8 AnD thou ſhalt write bpon the tones one Altar Im lue
ta the Leuttes, and tothe ſtrangers, tothe a ae mods of this awe 4 well and dah, M
fatherleffe, and to the widow, according ta plainely. d That every.
Chap.t4 27. allthy * Commandements witch thou hat > And Motes and the Prickes of the one may well.
i Of malice and commanded me: J Hane itvanigreiled none Leuites Make vnto all Tirael, faying, Take readeãt, and vne
contempt. — id thy Commanundements, no? forgotten heed, and heave,D Frael: this day thow art derſtand it.
them, become the people of the Logo thy Goo.
k Or forany 14 J hane nat cater thereof in my bmour⸗ Io Theu e walt Hearken therefore vnto e This conditi-
mecflitie ning, no: ſuffered ought to pert! chrough the voice ofthe Lod thy God, and doe his on Ged hath
I By putting vncleanneſſe, nor giuen ought (hereofto the commandements and hts ordinances, which bound thee vo⸗
them to any pfo- Dead, bur haue hearkened vnto the voice of Icommand thee this day: toʒthat if thou
phane vfe, the Lod my Gad: Jhaue done "atterak — IL € And Woles charged the people the wilt be his peo⸗
m. Asfarreas my that thou halt conunanded me, fame Bay, faying, ple,thou mu
finfull nature _I5 Looke downe from tiine holy habita- 12 Whele hail and vpon mount Gr- keepe hislawes.
would fuffer:for tion, euen from heauen, and bleiie thy peoe tizim, to biele the people when pee Hak
els, as Dauid and ple Iſrael, and the land which thou bat atte ouer Joꝛden: Simeon, and Leui, and
Paul fay, there is ginen vs (as thou ſwareſt vnto our fas udah, and Iſſachar, and fJoleph, anv f Meaning,E-
not one iuſt, Phal, thers) the land that floweth with milke ana Beniamin. phraimand Ma-
14.3. 10m.310. nie 13 And thele ſhall ſtand vyon mennt © naſſeh.
16 This Dap the Lord thy God doeth batto s-curle; Reuben, Gad, and Ayer and g, Signifying,
command thee to Doc thele ogdinances , and Zebulun Dan and Mapdtali. | thatafthey would
tatoes : keepe them cheretoze, and doe then 14 And the Leuites Hall antwere and notobey God
n Witha good. with » all thine heart, and with all thy fonte. fap onto all the men of Jiraci with alowde for loue, they
and fimple con- 17 Chau haŭ fet vp the Lord thts day to voice, fhould be made
fcience, 7 be thy God, ans to walke tt his waves, and 15 q Curſed bee the man that Gail make to obcy for feare,
o Signifying, ta keepe bis owinances, and his Comman⸗ anp carued op moltei! image, whichis an a⸗ h Vnder this. he
aha y - Dements,and jistawes, aud to hearken vn: bomination vnto the Lord, the worke ofthe conteincth al the
mutuall bond to bis voice. i hands of the crafteſman, and putteth itina corruptionof
betweene God: I8 o And the Lod hath let thee vp this kopratplace: Zud all the people thal anſwere Gods feruice and
and his people, Dap, tobe a* peciaus people puto Dim Cas and fay : Bobe it. À à the tranfereffion
Chap 7.6. hee hath pꝛomiſed thee)and that thou Youl- 16 Curled he he that i curlerh bis father of the firft rable.
AILL. 2o Del keepe all his Commandemems. and his mother: and all the propie alliays i Or,contem-
Chap.4 7 19 And tomake thee *high aboue all na- 0 beit. neth: and this ap-
and 28.1. tlons( which be hath made)inpraile, and in 17 Curſed be hethat remoueth his neigh: perteinethto the.
Chap. Jabs. name and in glorie, tand that thou houldest bours kmarke; And allthe people Mail fay: ſecond Table.
“278 iA,ae be an bolp people vnto the Lod thy Hav, as Ho beit. : k He condeme
be bath fata, 18 Curie be bee that maketh the! biina neth all iniuries
goe out of the way; And ali the people iali and extortions,
CHAP, XAVI fay: Dobe tt. ; 1 Meaning, that
19. Qurled be he that hindereth the right helpcrh nor, and
2 They are commanded to write the Law vpo⸗ of the ftranger, tyg fatherleſſe, and thew counfelieth nor.
fones for a remerabrance. 5 Alfoto build an Al- Dow ; and all the people Malt fay ; Goa be tt. his neighbour,
tar. 63.The curſings are ginen on mount Ebal, 29 Curſed heehee that lyeth wich vie
: A
jCurfings. Bileffings. Chap.xxvii. Curfingsandplacues. 82
thers totfer foz bee bath vntouered bts fa- end not the |tatle, and thou Malt be aboue fOr,the lowe.
m Incommit- thers™(kict; And alt the people ſhali tap: onely, and halt notbe beneath , tf thow obey
ting villanya> · Dobe it. she commandements of the Lord thy Gon,
gaint him, Leuit. 21 Curled bebe that lieth with any beat, which J commaund thee this day , to keepe
20.11,chap.22. And allthe people Wall lay: Ho beit, and to Doe them,
jocack22,10, 22 Curled be he that lieth with vis liter, 14 But thou Halt not decline from any of
the Daughter of hts father, oz the Daughter the wezds, which 3 command pou this day,
rsbts— And all che people Walay; citber to the * right hand o: to thelett,to gog Zo/hes. 6,
obe tt. after other gods to ferue chert. 1
n Meaning,his 23 Curled be he that iteth with bis > mo- Is @* But it thou wilt not obeythe toite Leuit 26. 12,
pviues mother, viein law: anu atl tye people hall fay: So ofthe Lord thy God, tokeepe and tode all m⸗ut. ⁊.17.
it. bis commandements and bis ordinances. malac.2.2,
24 Curled be hee that ſmiteth his neigh with J command thee this day, then all barack. rao.
o For God that Douro ſecretly: And all the people mall fap: thele curies (hall come vpon thee, and ouer
fecthin cera Hobe it, take thee. i
willreuenge it, 25 *Curfed be hee Mat taketh a reward 16, Curied Halt thou be in the towne ane
Ezek.23. 12. to puttedeathinnacent dlood: And all the curfed allointie field,
people Hall Sp: Dobe tt. Pad Guria hall thy balket bee, and thy
Galst, 3.10. 26 *Curled be he that confirnieth not all ough. [lOr fore,
the wordes of this Law te dee them: Ana 18 Curled hall bce the kruit of thp bady,
ail the people pali fap: Do bett. anv the fruit of thy iand, theincreate ot thy
CHAP. XXVIII Kine, and the fiockes of thp Herpe.
E The promifes to them that obzy the comman- 19 Curſed Hait thou be when thou i-
demeats. 15 The threatnings tothe contrary. > mei in, E cured allo when thou goek ont. ;
Leux.a6.3. JE tbou alt obep
Duligentiythevoice of 20 The Lom Mali (end vpen thee curs
the Lord thy God, and obſerue and doc ail fing, trouble and) hamein all that which LOr,rebakes .
bis commaundentents which F command thou fettet thine hand to doe, vntill thou be
thee this Dap, then the Lord thy God wiil deſtroyed, and peri quickip, becaule of the
athee‘Heethewill make ktet
TA ex-
thee on high aboue al the nattons of the wickednes of thp wakes whereby thou batt
foslaken me. PA
callvar.of ail 2 And ail thek bleſlings hall come on 21 The Lod Mal make p peſtilence cleane
Peo — thee, and> ouertake thee 5 cthou Malt obey vnto thee,wntil be hath contumed thee from
chinkeft thyfelfe the vorce ofthe Lom thp Gov. thz land whither thou goeſt to poſſeſſe tt. :
oo ha 2 "lenen fhalt thou beinthe <citic, and 22 * Whe Lom thall mite thee witha Lewit.s6.16,
c Thou thay blelſed allo in the field, conſumption, and with the feuer, and with
liue wealthily.
4 Bleſſed thal be the frutt+ofthy body, a burning ague, and with feruent heat, and
and the fruit of thy gromm, and the fruttor with the fwo, t with ||blatting, and with LOr,droughe,
d Thy children thy cattell, theincreale of thy kine, and the the miſdew, aud they all puriue thee bns
and fucceffion,
e Allthine en. flackes of thy iheepe. ' tilithou perth. ; >
S Blefles thatve thy batket, thy dough. 23 Anes thine heauen that isouer thine f
terprifes hall © Blefled hate rhou be wen thou e came bead, fhall be * bzaffe , and the earth thatis k Ie ſhall giue
hoc good fuc- meit ing bieficd aito when thou goctt out. vnder thee,yzon. _ theeno more
= 7 Che Low fhall caule thine enemies 24 The Lom hal giue thee forthe raine moyfture, then if
that rile againt thee, to tall before thy faces of thy land, duſt and alhes: euen from Beas it were of biafle,
F Meaning, mae they hall come cut againg thee one way, nen fhailitcome Downe vpon thee, vntill fOr; eae ofthe i
and Rati flee before thee f leuen wayes. thou bedeftroped. aire, as duft rai-
ny wayes. 8 The Lod hall commaund the blef- 25 And the Logs Mall chle thee to Fall d web winde,
Ting to be with thee in thy ſtore boules, and Before thine enemies : thou walt come out 1 Some read,
God wil bleſe Mall that chou fettet thine s hand to, and one way againk them, and alt flee ſeuen thou Malt bea
efwedoe our DUbieitogiueththeeinthee,tye lana wbich tbe Low wapes befoze them, and ſhalt be f{cattered
through all the kingdoms ofthecarth.
when they fhalt
na gandnorbe “o The Loga hal make thee an holy peo· 26 Andthy™ carkeis al be meate vnto hearehow God |
? ple vnto hbimieife, as bee bath fwozne vnto all fonles of the aiteann vite the beaſtes of hath plagued
thee, tf thou alt keepe the commaundee the earth, and none Kail fray them away, thee,
ments of the Lod thyGod, and walke in 27 The Lord will ſmite thee with the m Thou fhalt be
bis wayes. betch of Egypt, andwith the emerodes, and curfedtoth in
-10 Chen allpcople of the earth Wall ſee with thefcabbe,and with the itch, that thou thy life and in
binthatheis thatthe Mameof the Loz is » called vpon canit net be healed. SAAN _. thy death: for
thy God, &thou SHer thee, and they ihallbeafraid of thee. 28 Gud the Lod Mail {mite thee with the burialis ares
art hispeople, IL And tie Lod hall make thee plente- madneſie, and with blinduckz, and with a-fimony of there-
i Fornothine in SUSI goods, inthe fruitofthy booty, and ſtonying of heart. furreGion, which
theearth is profi- inthe fruit of tho cattell, and in the fruit of 29 Gihoulhatt alle grope at noone dayes,fiene forthy
table, but when thy ground, in the land which the Lorde as tie” blinde gropeth ir Darkenefle, andwiakcdnefle -
Godifendethhis {wate vnto thy fathers,to gine thee, j ſhalt not pꝛoſper tm thy wayes:thou Walt nes
thou thal: lacke,
bleffings from I2 The Lozd thali open ento thee bis uer but bee oppe Ted with wong, and bee n Inthings moft
beaten. goon trealiire,cuen the heaucn to giue raine pouled euermoꝛe, and naman iali ſuccourt euident & cleare -
Chap.15.6. vnto thy land in due ſeaſon, and to bleſſe all thes, : thou (ha't lacke
the wozke of thine bands, ant *thou fhalt 30 Thou halt betroth å wife, another difcreion and
lend vnto many nations, but halt not bo- man (Hailliewith her: thou Walt duilde aniudgement,
row thy ife. boui aun Yalt not dwell therein:thou ſhalt ¢Ebr.mcke se
13 Andthe Lord Hal make thee the head, plant a buiepasd,ta not $ eat che fruit. comm:in.
: . 2 31 Shing
ii |

Plagues and threatnings Deuteronomie. againſt the diſobedient.

31 Ehime ore hall be fatne before thine no? haue compaſſion ofthe pona.
S1 The fame Hall cate the fnitof thy
eyes, ethou fhalt not eate thereof: thine afie /
fhalbe violently taken away befoze thy face, cattell, and the fruit of thy land vnti thou
and (hall not be reitozed unto theesthy Weep and hee Hali teane thee neither
be deſtroyed,
Wall be giuen vnto thine enemies,€no manwheate, wine, noz ople, neither the ||increale hOr, fixftborne of
Mall reſcue them fog thee. of thy kine, nog the flocks of thy theepe vn- thy bullocks, . f
32 Thy onnes and thy Daughters ſhalbe till be baue brought thee to nought.
o When they giuen vnto another peopic, and thine eyes 52 And hee tall beltege thee in all thy ct
fhall returne o hall till looke fo? thei, euen till they fall ttes, untill thy bic & trong wals fal Downe,
from their. capti-. ont ann there ſhalbe no power in thine hand wherein thou truſtedſt inall che land: and
witie, 23 Whe fruit of thy land and all thy la- be Hat beliege thee tn ali thy cities thorow· || Or, gates.
bours (hal a people which thou knoweit not, out allthyland, which the Loin thy Gov
tate, and thou Walt neuer but (utter mong, bath giuen thee.
and vtolence alway? 53 * And thou Malt eate the fruit of thy Leuit.26.29,
34 Ho that thou halt be mad fo: the light bodie; euen the ee thy onnes and thy 2.hing.6.29.
which thine eyes Wall (ee. ‘ daughters, which eLo thy Gor hath
35 The Losd hall finite thee in the knees, ginen thee, During the ficge ana tkrattnetle garwh.23,
and inthe thighes with a toze botch., that wheretn chine enemies all enclofe thee: i
thou cantt not be healed: cuen from the tole pii4 So ae abe i— and ex⸗
of thy foot vnto thetopof thinehead. ing Dainty among you)* ſhalbe grieued c, ae
p Ashedid Ma- 6 The Lord thal baing thee g thy pking at his bzother, and at bis wife, * lieth in Cheaper 59s
naffeh, Ioachim (which thou Walt (et ouer thee) vnto a nati; bis bofome, and at the remnantot gis chil-
Zedekias and on, which neither thou noꝛ thy kathers haue Been, which he hath pet left,
others, knowen, and there thou Malt ſerue other 55 Foz teave vf gining buto any of them
gods, cuen Wood, and ſtone: of the fleth of his childzen,whorn be thal eat,
Terec24. 9. 37 And thou halt *be awonder, a po- becauſe hee bath nothing left bim in that
and 25. 9s uerbe and a common talke among all peo- fiege and ſtraitneſſe, wherewith thine eng-
1. king.9.7. plewhtther the Loꝛd Hallcariethee. mies Hall befiege thecin all thy cities,
Mich.G.i 5. 38 * Chou halt carte out much feed inte 56 The tender and daintte f woman a- f Ascame to
hagg. tba. the ficld, and halt gather but little in: toz Mong pou, which neuer would venture to paffe in the dayes
the grathoppers Mall deſtroy it. fet the tole of her foote vpon the ground ¢fo2 of Ioram king of
. 39 Thou halt plant a vineyard, € Delle Her foftnefie and tendernefie)ihalbe grieued Ifrael,2.king.6..
it, but halt neither dzinke of the wine, noz
at er hulband that iieth tn her bofome , and 29.and when the
at ber fonne and at her Daughter,
Sather the grapes: fog the wozmes Hall eat it. Romanes befie-
40 Chou Malt baue oliue trees in allthy 57. And at: her afterbireh that hal come ged Ierufalem,
Or,beJhaken bee coatkes , but halt not anoint thy felfe with out from betweene her feet) and at her chil t Hunger fhall
fore they be ripe. the oyle: foz thine oliues Walli! fall. Deen, which thee hallbeare ; foz whenall fo bite hers that
4I Thou thait beget fonnes, and daugh⸗ things lacke, thehall eat them fecretly , Du- fhe thall be ready
ters, but Walt not haue them: foz they hall ting the liege and fraitnefle, wherewith to catë her child
goe into captinitic. thine enemie hall beſiege thee in thy cities. before it be de-
42 Allthy trees fruit of thy land Hall 58 ¶ Jf chon wilt not keepe and doesall liuered
q Vnderone the igrafjopper conſume. the words of this Law (that are witten tn u For he that of-
kind he contei- 43 The Granger thatis among you, hall thisbooke) and feare this glozious tfeare> fendeth in one is
nerth all the ver- clime aboue thee vp on hie: anu thou Malt full Mame, THE LORD pheY GOD, guiltie ofall,
mine which de- come downe beneath alow. 59 Chen the Lord wil make thy plagues lames a, 10.
ſtroy the fruits of 44 He hall lend thec,and thou Halt not wonderfull and the plagues of thy (eed euen
the land: and aysbin ;be ſhalbe the head and thou ihalt reatplagues,and oflong continuance, and
this isan euident ¢ the tayle. ore Difeates and of long Durance. ;
token of Gods 45 PMPozeouer all thele curies Hall come 60 Mozeoner,he wil bꝛing vpon thee all
cule. ppor thee,and hal purlue thee and oucrtake the diſeaſes of Egypt, whereof thou wat a=
thee,till thou bee deſtroyed, becaule thou oa fraid, and they Mati cleane puto thee.
beyedſt not the vopce of the Lozd thy God, 61 Andeuery ficknefle,and euery plague, i
-to keepe his commandements, and jis ordi⸗ which isnot x witten fn the booke of thig x Declaring that
nances which he commanded thee: Law, will the Lozd heape vpon thee, vntill God bath infinite
£ Gods plagues 46 And they Halbe vyon thee fo: lignes thou be deſtroyed. j meanes to plague
thallbe cuident and wonders, and vpon thy feed foz encr, 62 And pee hall beeleft few in number, the wicked, bes
fignesthat beeis 47 Becaule thou ſexuedſt not the Lod twherepee twere as the*ftarres of heauen in fides themehat
offended with thy God with ioyfulneſſe, and with a goga multitude, becaule thou wouldeſt not obep are ordinarie or
thee. heart foz the abundance of all things. the voice of the Loꝛd thy Gon. written,
48 Cherefore thou Walt ſerue thine ene» 63 And as the Len hath reioyced ouer Chap, 10,23
mies which the Log Hall fend vpon theein pou, todor you goad, and to multiply pou,fo
hunger and in thirft,and in nakedneſſe,and be twill retopce guer pou ta deltroy pane -n tEn i
in necd of all things: and he hall put a poke bring you toa nought ,and yee pall be rooted y Signifying,
ofyzon npon thpnecke, vntill bee haue de- out of theland, whither thou goelſt to poſ· tbatitisafiogu-e ·
ſtroyed thee. ‘ fefie it. lar giftof God to
49 The Lod hall bring a nation bpon 64 And the Lod Haly (catter theeamong beina place
thee from farre , euen from the end of the all people, from the one end ofthe world vn⸗ whereaswe may
wold, flying (wif as an: Cagle, anation tothe other, and there thou Walt erue other worhip God
Or, barbarous, whole tongue thou halt not vnderſtand: ods, which thou bhatt not knowen nog thy purely, & deelare
cruel, or impis so A nation of a |! fierce countenance, athers,euen tugo and ſtone. our faith and sele
dente which will not regard the perſon oF she old, $5 Alſo among thele nations thou oe gion,
j Exhortations to obferue the Law. : P Chap. xxix. The punifhment ofthe obftinate. $3
finde no ret neither mall the (ole of thy foot 13 Forto eſtabliſh thee this dapa people
paue reit: foz che Loud fhaill gtue thee there vnto himſelfe, and that be may be vnio thee
a trembling heart, and looking to returne fill a God, as be hath fat vnto thee, and as he
thine eyes tail out, and a ſoꝛrodtull mind. hath fwo2ne ynte thy fathers, Abzabam,33-
fOr,thou fhalt be 66 Aud thy life Hall | bang befoze thee, bak, and Jaakob. :
3 deubt of thy and thou thalt feare both night and day, and 14 Heither make J this coucnant , anv
hale baue none aſſurance ot thy life. this oath wtth pouoncly, -
67 Inthe moning chon alt fap, cAould Ig But afwell with hint that fanveth
God tt were cuening, and at euening thou bere with vs this Day before the Loyd our
fali fay , (ould God it were moming, foz — as with hun} that ts not here with vs h Meaning, thei
the feare of shine Heart, which thou (hate bis Day. pofteriti¢,
feare, and fo? the fight ofthine eyes, which 16 o yee Know how twee hane Dinelt in
thou fhalt fee. ; A the land of Egypt,
audhow wee paſſed tho-
= Becauflethey 63 And the Lord Wall bring thee into E⸗ caethe middes of the nations which pe pafe
were vnmindfull gpt agatn with ⸗ſhips bythe may, whereof fi
of that miracle, 3 faid vnto thee, Chou walt feeit no meze 17 And pee haue ſeene their abominatt-
when the Sea againe; and there pe hall (el your felues vn- ons, anB their oles (wood, and fong, fil-
gaue place for to pour enemies for bondmen and bexdwo- uer and gold) Which were among them,
chemtopafle men,and there thalbe no Buyer, 18 Chat there ſhould not bee among you
through, man noz woman, 102 family, no? tribe,
CHAP, XXIX. which would turne his heart away this dap
2 The people are exhorted to obferuc the Cem- from the LoD out Sod, to goe and ferue the
mandements, 10 The whole people fromthe hieft gods of theie nations , and that there hould
tothe lowefl are comprehended vad:r Gods coue- not bee among pou! any roote tharbzingeth i Such finne,as
want, 19 The punifbment of him that fattereth forth*gall and woꝛmewood, the bitter fruie
hum Lf in his wichednes. 24 The caufe of Gods 19 So that when hee heareth the words thereof mighe
wrath againgt lus people. of this curle,be ljbleſſe hunfelfe m bis heart, choke and de-
a That is, thear- 1 Weicare tye 2 wordes of the Couenant. faving, J hall haue peace, although J ftoy you.
ticles,or conditi- which the Lom commaunded Moſes to walke according to the ſtubbarnnes of mine oes 8.23,
ons, make with rye childeen of Iſrael in the land owne heart, thus adding t Dzunkenneflle to |Or, flatter,
of (Boab. belie theCouenant which hehad thirir k ree he that
b Arche firft g- made with them ín > ozreb. 20 The Lom will not be mercifull onto is thitftie, defi
uing of the Law, 2 ¶ And Woles called all Jlrael, and bim, but then the wrath ofthe Loyd and hte reth to drinke
vbich was fortic faid vnto them, Pee haue ſeene all that the icloufie tall (moke agaiuſt that man,ane e- much,fohethae
yeeres before, L020 DID befoze pour eyes in the land of €- tierp curie that ts witten In this booke,fhall followeth his ap-
gypt vnto Pharaoh tunto all bis feruants, light vpon him, and the Loꝛd thal pur out bis petites, fecketh
and vnto all his land, name from vnder heaven. - i ; by all meanes,
e The proofes of 3 Che < great tentations which thine 21 Andthe Loyd fhall ſeparate him tnte and yet cannot
my power, eyes baue fecne, thole great miracles and euil out of all the tribes of Iſrael accoꝛding be fatisfied,
wonders; i vnto allthe curfesof the Coucnant, that ts
_ d He theweth 4 Det the Low hath not å giuen pou an witten in the booke ofthis Law.
that itisnot in Heart to percetuc, and eyes tolee,anvd cares 22 Ho thatthe! generation to come,euen 1 Godspla
mans power to to heare,ontothis dap. : pour childzen, that fall rile pp after you, vpon fe tae
wnderftandthe § And J hance led youfourtie peere inthe and the ftranger that tal come from a farre rebell againft
myftcries of wilderneffe : pour clothes are not wared old land, fhal fap, when cep hall {ee the plagues him, fhall be fo
Godsif it be not bpon you: neither ts thy ſhooe wared olde ofthis land,and the dileales thercof, where- firange,that all
ginuen him from bpon thy foote. É with the Lozd Wall finite tt: ages fhalbe alto-
aboue, 6 Pe haue eaten no bread, nettherdDiunk 23 (For al that land thal burne with prims mied,
e Made by mans wine,no2 rong drinke, that ye might know, ftone and falt;it (al not be fowen,no2 bring
arte,but Manna, how that J am the Lo2d pour Gon. foosth , noz any graffe fhall growe therein,
which is called 7 After,pe came vnto this place andi Dt- like as in the oucrthzowing of * Sodome, Gen, 19,24,35,
zhe bread of An- how king of Heſhbon, and Dg king of Ba⸗ and SGomozah, Admah, andZeboim, which
gels, fyan came out againſt vs bute batteil, and the Loud oucrthzew in bis wrath and in bis
weflewthem, anger)
8 And tooke their land, and gane tt foz an 44 Then Hallall nations fay, * Chere⸗ 1.King.9.8.
Dr inberitance nto the Reubenites, and to the foze hath the Loud Donethus vnto this land? ierem 32.8.
1.4inz.2.3. Gavdites,and to the halfe tribe of Manalleh. how fierce ts this great wath?
f Who knoweth o *Keepe therefore the woes of thts 25 Ana they hhallanfwere, Becaule they
yourhearts,and Couenant, and doe them, that pee may pzas haue fopfaken the Couenant of the Loo
therefore yemay fperin ali that ve ſhall doe. God ok their fathers, which hee has made
not thinke to dif- 10 Dee and this Day euery one of you with them, when be brought them out ofthe
femble withhim, befoze the Loꝛd your! God: your heads of land of Egypt,
g Alludingto pour tribes, pour Elders and pouroficers, 26 And went and ferued other gods, and
them, thar when cuen all the men ot Iſrael: wozfhipped them : euen gods which thep
they made a fure II Dour childꝛen, peur wiues, and thy knew not, and ||which had giuen them no- Or, which had
coucnant, diui- ftranger that is in thy campe, frothebewer thi ng, not ginen thema
ded a beaft in of thy wood,vuto the Drawerofthy water, 27Therefore the wath ofthe Loza war- land10pofjeffe,
twaine,and paft 12 Ghat thou ſhouldeſt e paſſe into the ed hote againſt this land,to being vpon tt e⸗
betweene the couenant of fhe L020 thy God, and tnto his uety curte thattswritten tn this booke.
parts divided, path which the Lord thy God maketh with 28 And the Lord hath rooted them outof
Gene.15.10, thee this Day, their land in anger, andin wath, and in
L 3 great
Mercie promifedto therepentant. Deuteronomic. ,* Deftructionto the obftinate.”
m Mofes hereby great indignation, and hath taft them tite 14 But thek word ts very weere vnto k Euen the Law
reproueth their another lantas appearcth this Day. thee; euen in thy month andin chine heart, and the Gofpel,
curioſitie, vhich 29 Them tecret things belong to the Lord to: fo | Doeit. i 1 By faithia
ſeek thoſe chings our Hod, but the things reuealed belong vn⸗ Ig Behold,3baue {et before thee this Day Chriſt.
that are onely to vs, and to our chilon for ener, that wee life anù good. Death and ewlt,
knowen to God: may Doe allthe words of this Law. 16 Jn tyat J commaund thee this day,
and their negli- CHAP. XXX. ™ to lone the Lord thy God, to walke in hts m Sothatto
gence that re- t Mercy [bowed whe they repent. 6 The Lord Wayes, andtokeepe his commaundements, loue and obey
gard not that doeth circumes[e the heart. at Allexcufe of ig- AND bis ordinances ann his lawes,that thot Godjisonely life
which God hath norance stakenaway. 15.19 Life and death is mayer lue and bee multiplice, andthat and felicitie,
reuealed vnto fet before them, 20 The Lerd es their Efè which the Lord thy God may blefle thee in the n Headdeth
them,asthe Law. obey him. ; land, whither thou goef to poſſeſſe it. thefe promifes to
we wien ali thefe things Hall come 17 Buttichine heartturne away, ſo that fgnifethatitis
npon thee, eicher the biefiing o? the curſe thou wilt not obey, but halt bee ſedůced,
and for ourprofite
which J hae fet before thee, and thou fale worlhip other gods and ferne then, that we loue
a By callingto aturne into thine heart ameng all the nati- 13 J pronounce vitto pou this Bay, that him,and not for
remembrance, as whither the Lord thy God Hath driuen yee ſhall ſurely perth , pee Wali not pelong his,
both bis mercies, t pee, F pout dayes ín the land, whither thou pallet
and his plagues. 2 And halt returne vnto the Lozd thy ouer Foden to poſſeſie it.
God, and obey his voyce in all that Jcom- Ig * J call heauen and earth to record (hap.4.26.
maund thee this Day: thou,and thy chtlazen this day againſt you, that J haue fet before
b Intruerepen- with all chine> heart and with all thy foule, you life and Death, bleſſing and curing.
tance is no by- 3 Then the Lord thy Gon will caule thy Therefor ochule life, that both thowand o Tharis, loue&
pocrific, captines to returne, and haue compatlion thy ſeede may liur, obey Ged: wbich
vpon thee, and wtilreturne, te gather thee _ 20 Bylouing the Lord thy God, byobeys thing isnot in
out of all the people, where the Lord thy ing bis voice, and by cleautng vnto Dim; foꝛ mans power,bue
God had ſcattered thee. beis thy life, the length of thy Bayes: that Gods Spirit onely
4 Though thou werek cal onto the vt- thou maict dwelinthe land which the L020 worketh it in his
c Euentothe mot part of: heauen, from thence will the {ware vnto thy fathers, Abrahani, Ishak, lea,
worlds end, Lob thy God gather thee, and from thence and Jaakeb,te gine them. 3 j
d Andbring willbe 4 take thee. —
thee into thy s" Aim the Lord thy Go will bring thee 7 CHAP. XXX a
counttey. into the land which thy fathers poſſeſſed, 2.7 Mofes preparing himſelſe to die, apporntethe
and thou halt poene tt , and hee will them Fofhuatorule the peoples fHee giue —* Law
thee fauour, and will muitipiy thee abour to the Leuites,that they ſpould reade it to the pea-
thy fathers. * ple. 19 God giueth thema fong as a witnefebe-
e God will purge 6 And the Load thy Gos wille circum⸗ tweene him andthem. 23 God confirmeth Fofbua,
alltky wicked ciſe thine beart, and the heart of thy (cede, 29 Mofes fheweth them that they willzebell after
affeGion- which that thou maye loue the Lod thy Goo hiasdeath. ti ;
thing is notin with allthine heart, and with all thy fonte, TR Dots went and ſpake thefe words
thineowne pow- that thou mayelt line. vnto ali Iſrael,
er to doe. 7_And the Lord thy God will lay all thefe 2 And faw vnto them, am an hundzed pick
“a curies bpon thine enemies, and on then and twentie yeert olde this day: J acanna a Ican
no lon ·
that hate thee,andyperlecute thee. - moze goe out and in: alfo the Loyd Dath ger execute mine
f Ifwe will haue 8 f Returne thou therefore, and obey the laid vñto me, * Chou Halt not goe auer this office,
God to worke in voice atthe Loꝛd and Deall his commande- J orden. Nami.20.
yswith his holy ments which J command thee this day. 3 The Lazo thy God he will go ouerbe⸗ chap.3.26.
Spirit,we muft 9) Andthe Lod thy God will make thee foze thee: hee mill deſtroy thefe nations bes
turne againe to plenteous in euerp wozke of thine hand, in fore thee, and thou hale poffelle them, * Jos Nwa.27.18.
him by repen- the fruit oF chy body, and in the fruite of thy pus% * fail goe befoze thee, as the Lod
tance, ell, and in thefrutteofthelandfozthy p aid.
wealth: for the Lod will turne againe and 4 And the Lod Hall Dee vnto them, as
g He meaneth g r¢iopce ouer thee to Hoc thee good, as hee Gee DID to * Sihon andto Da kings ofthe Num.a 1.24.
noctthat God is reioyced ouer thy Fathers, ; Amoꝛites, and vnto their land, whom hee
fubie& co thefe - IO Becaule thou ſhalt obeythe voice of the deſtroyed.
pafsions, tore- L020 thy Gad, in keeping hts commaunde⸗ § Gnd the Lod hall gine them b before b Intoyour
loyce, or to be ments, and his ordinances, which are wit: you, that pee map Doe vntothem accozding hands,
fad: but he vfeth ten inthe booke of this Lawe, when thou bnto * eticry conumandentent,which J haue Chap 7.2.
this maner of foalt returne vnto the Lord thy God with conunandeD you, f —
fpeech,to declare ail thine beart and with all thy foute. 6 | Plucke vpyour hearts therefore,and lor,beofgood
the lous that he H Fo thts commaundement which J be rong Dread notno? bee aftaid of them: courages
beareth vnto vs. commana thee this Dap, is nothid from fo: the Lozd thy God himtelte Doeth goe
h- The Law is fo thee, neither is itkarre off. ay thee; be will not faile thee, noz korſake
euident, that 12 Ft is not inheauen that thou Houldek hee.
none can pretend fay, Aho Mall gae vp foz vs te heauen, and 7 Aud Moles called Joſhua, and tam c For he that
ignorance, bing it bs, and cauſe vs to heare it, thatwe vnto him in thelightofall Hracky Bee· of mult gouerne the
Rom, 10.66 may doe = a good courage and rong: forthoufhalt people hath need
i By heauen and E3 either isit beyond the: Gea, that goe with this people vnto the land which trobe valiantto .
the fea, hee mea- thon wouldeſt fay, Cho (hall goe ouer the the Lod Hath ſwoaue vnto their fathers, to repreſſe vice,and
neth places moft fea o} bs, and bꝛing it vs, and caulens ta gine them, and thou Malt ging it them toin- confantto maine
faste diltant, beargit.toat
we may Doe tt? ; herite. taine vertue.
8 And
Piai s

Ofreadin gthe Law. a Chap.xxxij. Tofhuas charge. 84 i

d . Signifying that 8 And the Lord himlelke doeth agoe be⸗ 21 And then wher many aduerſities and RE

man can neuer be fore thee; hee will be with thee; he will not tribulations (all come bpon them, this
of good courage, fatle thee, neither fozlake thee: fearg not fong wali 1anfwere them to their faces aga I That thefe e-
except he be pers therefore to? be BiltomforteD. - witneſſe: fox it Hali not bee fozgotten out of uilsare come vp-
fwaded of Gods 9 ¶ Aud Wols wrote this Law, and the mouthes of their potteritic: fo: 3) know on them, becawe
fauour ard afli- Delinercd it vnto the Prieſts the fonnes of their tinagtiation which they soe about e- they forfooke
ftance, Leut,(wbtch bare the arke of the Coucnant uen now, beio Jbane bought them into me,
of a Lod) and onto ali the Cloces of HC the laud which Iſware. ;
rael, 22 @ Moles therefore weote this ong
. 1O And Moles commanded thein, Tap- theawe Day, and taught tt rhe chũdren of
Nehem. 8.2. ing, *@uery teuenth yeere * when the peere ratl.
(hap. 5.12 of freevome thall bee in the feat ofthe Ta⸗ 23 And God gane Joihua the fonne of
bernacles: Nun a charge,and (ayd,* Bee trong and of Folh,t.6,
If Yen all Iſrael Hall come to ap- a good courage : for thou alt bing the
e Before the peare ebefore the Lo thy Gow in the childen of Iſrael into the land, which J
Arke oftheca- place which bee hall chule, thou balt reade (ware vnto them,and J will be with thes.
uenant which ee Lawi befoze all Iſrael that they map 24 (Aud when Moſes had mabe an end
was the figne of tare ft. of witing the words of this Law ina booke
Gods prefence, 12 Gather the people together: men,and vntill be bad finithes them,
and the figure of women, and children, and thp ranger that 25 Chen Woles commanunded the Lee
Chrift, is within thy gates, that they may heare, ites, which bare the Arke of the Couenant
and that they may learne, and fearg the of the LoD laying, i
Load pour God, and keepe, and obferue all 26 Take the bookes? this Law, and put
the words of this Law, , Y ye it in the fine of the Arke ofthe Couenant
F Which were 13 And that their children which £ haue of the Lord your God, that tt map bee there
not borne when not knowen it, may beare it, anvlearne to foz a = witneſſe againit thee. j m Of thineinfie
_ the Law was feare the Loꝛd your God, as long as pe liue 27 F03 know thy rebelion & thp tife delitie, when `
`~ given, in the land, whither pee goe euer Jorden to necke: bebold, J being yet aline with pou thou (halt turne
poRefie it. this Day,peare rebellious againſt the Lod; away from the
TA @ Chen the LoD fapd into Woles, how mich moze then after ny death? doctrine contei<
Behold, thy Dapes are come, that thou mutt 28 Gather vita me all the elders of pour ned therein,
Dies Call Joſhua and and pee in the Ta- tribes, and pour »oficcrs,that Ji may ſpeake n As gouernors,’
» bernacte.of the Congregatien that J map thele mods in their audience, and call hca⸗ Iudges and Mas
Or commande gine him a charge. Go Moſes and Fotua uen and earch to record againit them. giftrates,
met, went, and ſtood tn the Tabernacle of the 29 Sor Jam fore that atter my Death ye
Congregation. s will vtterly be cozriipt, and turne from the
Is And the Loyd appeared in the Taber- way, which J baue commanded you: theres
g Ina eloud nacle inthe pillarofa sg cloude: and the pil lore enill will come vpon youat thelength, .
that was fafhi- lat of the tlonde Good duer the Dooze of the becaule M wil commit enil inthe fight af the.
oned like a Tabernacle — 2020 , by proucking bun to anger (hough
pillar. 16 (And the Lord ſayd unto Woks, the °wozke of your hands, $ o By idolatrie, .’
Behold, thou ſhalt fleepe with thy fathers, O Thus Poles ipake in the audience of and worthipping.
and this peaple will rife bp, and goe a who- all the Congregation of Iſrael the words of ofimages,whi
ting afterthe gous ofa ttrange land ( wii this fong vntili he had ended them, arethe worke of
ther they goe to dwell therein) and will tors your hands,
fake me, and beeake my conenant which J CHAP, XXXII.
haue made with tiem. The fong of Mofes concerning 7 Gods benefits
17 WMherefore my wath will ware bote toward the people, 1§ and their ingratitude toe
againſt them at that dap, and F will korſake ward him, 20 God menaceththem, 2% and ſpe a-
h That is,Jwill them, and will “hie my face from thea: kethof the vocation of the Gentiles. 46 MGs
take my fauour then they thallbeconfumed , and many ad= commandeth toteach the Law to the children, 49
fromthem : as ueriities anv tribulations fali come vᷣpon God firewarneth Mofes ofhis death.
toturnehis face them: ſo then thepiwill fay, Are not thele
toward y5,i8 to troubles come vpon mee, becaule God fs not Earken yea heaucns,and J will ſpeake: a As witnefies
flhew ys his fa- withme? ` ‘ : ae let the earth beare the words of my of this peoples
uour, 18 GutJ will ſurely bide my face tn that mouth, : ingratitude,
' Daysbecaute of all the eutll, which they Mall 2 Byr doctrine ſhall droy ås the raine, bHe defireth that
pommit, in that they ave tuürned pute other and my {peach wall ſtill as the deaw, as the he may fpeake to
gods. f — Howe vpon the herbes, tas the great raine Gods glory,and
i To preferne 19 Mow therefore wite yee this ifong bpon the graffe. A thatthe peoples
youand your fozyou, andteach tt the childzen of Iſraeſ 3 FoI will publi) the Manie of the as the greene
children from put itin their mouthes, that this ong ma Lord: giue ye glozy unts our Gon. gralle may re-
idolatrie,by re- bee poy witneſſe againſt the chilon of jl 4 perfect tothe wozke ofthe emighty ceiue the deaw
membring Gods rael. God, fo all his wapes are iudgement :Goo of his doctrine.
benefits. 20 Foꝛ J will bing them into the land ts true, and without wickedneſſe: iut, and ¢ The Ebrew
pubic q3 tware vnto their fathers) that righteous is he, word is Rocke:
k For this is the weth mith milke and honie, and they hal They baue corrupted themſelues to- noting that God
nature of ficth, eate, and Gl themfelies, and ware fattes tward him by their uice, not beting his chil- oncly is mighty,
no longer to o-, k then (hall they turne vnto other gods, and — — but a froward and crooked gencra⸗ faithfull, and
bey God, thenit ferue them, and contemne mee, AND breake ion. conlant in his
isveder therod, mycouenant· 6 Doe pee reward the Lord,O fooi promile,
L 4 people
— *

Mofes fong. Ofmansingratitude, Deuteronomie. and Gods louing corrections.

people and vnwiſe? is not Qee thy father, conſumed with beate, and with bitter de»
d Notaccording that path bought thee dhe hath 4 made thee, ftructtor + Jwil allo fend che teeth of beats
tothe common and proportioned thee. vpon them, with the venime of ferpents cree-
creation, but ke 7 Remember the dayes of olde: confi- ping in the duſt.
hath made thee Dee the peeres oflo many generations : aike 25 The ſword Hall chill them witheut, o They thall be
a new creature thy father, and he will thew thee: thine Ei- and inthe chambers feare: both the poung Maine bothin che
by his Spirit, Ders,andthey willteilthee. . man € the yong woman , the tickling with feldandathome,
8 Ahen the moit hte God diuided to the the man of gray baire,
nations their inheritance, when hee ſepara⸗ 26 3J bane fad, 3 would (catter them as
ted the fonnes of Adam, hee appointes the broad: 3] would make their remembgance
e When God by borders of the people, according te the nune to ceafe from among men,
his providence berofchechilozenofsitacl. 27 Daue that J feared the fury of the e-
diuided the 9 For the Lozds portion ishis people: nemie, lett their aduerſaries Mould r ware p Reioyeing te.
world, he lent Jaakob is the lot of hts inheritance. : proud,and left they Gould fay, Dut hie hand, fee the godly af-
for atimethae - 10 He found bim in the land of the wil- and not the Lord hath Done allthis. flicted,and attrie
portion tothe dernelſe,in watte and roaring witdernes t 28 jfoz they ave a nation voide of conn- buting that to
Canaanites,, beled him about, Hee taught him, and kept oe neither ts there any ynderttandingin themfe!ues, which
which (heuld af- him as the apple of bis eye. em. is wrought by
cer bean inheri- Il Asan Egle ttirreth vp her net, floot- 29 Dh that they were wife, then thep Gods hand.
tance for all his teveth ouer her birdes, ſtretcheth out her would vnderſtand this ; they would x contt- q They would
people Ifrael. wings , taketh thent, and beareth them on Der their latter end, confider the felis
f Toteachthem her wings, 30 Yow oma * one chafea thonſand, citie that was
to flie. 12 Sothe Lorde aloneledhim, and there and two put tenthoufandto flight, except prepared for
llOr, god of twas nol trange gon with hun. their trong God had told them, and tye them,ifthcey had
frrange nation. 13 Wecariedhtm vpto the hie places of Lod had ||hut cthein vp? Obeved God,
g Meaning,of thes earth, thathemight eate the fruits of 31 Foꝛ thetr godisnot as our Gor, enen Fohh.23.10.
theland of Ca- the clos, and he cauſed him to {ucke k hony our enemies being tudges. Or, deliuered
naan, which was out y the Rone, and oyle out of the bard 32 Fo their vincis of pvine of ovome, themts their
hie in reſpect of rocke; and ofthe vines of Gomoꝛha: thet grapes enemie.
E: t. 14 Butter of kine, and milke of theepe are grapes ofgall,thetr clutters be bitter. r The fruits of
eal is,abun® with fat of the lambes, and rammes fed in 33 Their: wine is che poyfon ofDzagons, the wicked are as
dance of all Bahan, and goates, with the fatte of the and the cruell gall of Alpes. poy fon,deteftz.
things ewen in the graines of wheate,and the red ¢liquoz of the 34 Js notchts layd in ſtoꝛe with me, and ble to God,and
very rockes. grape halt thou munke. fealed vp among my trealures? dangerous for
Ebr.blood, 15 ¶ Butke that (houldhaue beeni vpꝛight, 35 * Gengeance trecompente are mine: man,
i Hee fheweth when be waren fat, fpurned with his heele: their foote (hall Nite in Due time: for the Ecclus.a8.4,
what is the prin- thou art fatte,thou art grofe thou art laden Day of their Deftruction is at band, and the YOA.L2ID.
cipall end of our with fatnefle : therefore hee forfooke God things that hali come vpon them make heb. 10.30.
vocation. that made him, and regarded not the ſtrong batt
God of bis laluation. 3 ^ 36 Foz the Load (hall iudge his people,
k By changing 16 They prouoked him with * range and | tepent towards bts feruants , when Or, change hss
his feruice for gods -they pꝛouoked him to anger with abo- he ſeeth that their power is gone, and none minde,
therr fuperftiti- minations. - : f Hut pp in bold no? left abroad. f When neither
ons. 17 Chey offered vnto deutls, not toGod, 37 bhen men Hali fay, Ahere are their ftrong nor weake
` 1 Scripture cal- but to gong whom thep knew nots ! newe gods, their mighty God in whome they in a maner re-
Jeth new, what- gods that came newly bp, whom their fa- trutter,
foeuer man in- thers feared not. à 38 Chich did cate the fat of their facri —
wenteth,be the | 18 Thou halk korgotten the mighty God, fices, and did deinke the wine of their minke
error neuer fo that begate thee, and batt forgotten Gon offering ? let them rife vp,and helpe pou; let
olde, that fozmncd thee. , hun be pour refuge. i l
Ig Che Lo2d then faw it,and was angry 39 Behold now, fo: Ji, I ambe,and there
m He calleth foz the pronocation of bis ™fonnes and of is no gods with mee: * 3 kill and giue life:
them Gods chil- bis Daughters. } 3 wound, and J make whole ; * neither tob.13.2.
dren,not to ho- 20 And be fayn,3|will Hide my face from ‘a— any that can deliuer out of mine Wifh 16.13.
nour them,bat them: 3] will fee what their end Wall be; foz a e

to thew them they areafroward generation, children in 40 FoF tlift vp mine band to Hean t Thatis,Ifweare,
from what dig- whom ts no faith. i and fap,
Jliue foz euer, — reade Gen, 14.23
nitie they are 21 Thephaue moued me to ielouſie with 41 JEJ whet my glittering ſword, and
fallen, thar which is not God ; they bane prouoked mine band take bold on tudgement, J twill
Kom,10 19. mee to anger with thefr vanities 2 * and Jl execute vengeance on mine enemies, and
will mooue them toteloufie with chofe which will reward them that hate me,
n Which Ihaue are no” people; J will pꝛouoke them toan 42 J will make mine arrowes Munke
not fauoured,nor ger with a foolith nition. with blood, (and my ſwoꝛd Mall cate enj) Rom.15.10,
giuen my lawes 22 Fortire is kindled in my wath, and fo: the bloon of the laine, andofthe cap- u Whetherthe
yato them, ſhall burne vnto ‘he bottome of hell,and hal tied, whenJbegin totake vengeance of bloed of Gods
confume the earth with ber increafe, and the enemie. a people be fhed
fet on fire the foundations of the moune 43 — pꝛayſe his people: Foz for their finnes,
taines. hee will anenge the » blood of his {eruants, of tiall of their
23 J will (pend plagues vpon them: J and will erecute vengeance vpon His anuer- faith, he promi-
will beltow mine acrowes spon them. fartes, and wilt bee merciful vnto his land, ferh to renenge
24 They thall bc burnt with hunger, and and to his people, it,
44 Thin
Mofes exhortation. He Chap. xxxiij. bleffeththetribes of Iſrael. 85
44 € Then Moles tame and ſpake ail and BIDE cauſe himto ſtriue at the waters
the wo2ds of this long tn the audience of the of Meribah. ;
lOr lofhua, people,beand l! Poea the fonne of Run. 9 Cho ſayd onto his father and to his
45 Ahen Moles had made an endeof mother, b J haue not feene Hin, neither h He preferred
{peaking all thele words to all Iſrael, knew hee his brethren, nop knew bts owne Goes glory to all
(hap.6.6.and 46 Then be ſayd vnto them, * Set pour children: for they obſerued thp worde, and natural aff Aion,
11.18, hearts vnto all the words whichJ telitfie kept thy conenant. / Exod, 33.29,
aganit pou this Dap, that pee map com- 10 Thep Wall teach Jaakob thy iudge⸗
mand them vnto pour chtidren, that thep ments, and Ilrael thy Law: they Hail put
Ppaobferue and Docall the wozds of this tncenfe before thpface, andthe burnt ofe
aw. bing bpon thine altar.
x ForI will per- 47 Foꝛit is na * saine woꝛd concerning If Bieile,D Lord, his fubftance, and ac⸗
forme my pro- xou but it is your life, and bp thts word pee cept the woke of bis hands: i fmite thozow i Hedeclereth
mife vnto you, yali prolong pour dayes in theland, whi the lopnes of them that riſe againit him,and thatthe mini-
Ia.55.1 0. ther ve qoe ouer Jorden te poſſeſſe it, of themthat hate him , that they riie not a- fters of God haue
Num.27. 12. 48 And the Lord ſpake vnto Moles the gaine. I Many enemies,
felte fame day ſaying, 12 (Df Beniamin he fard, The beloued and therefore
49 or vp tito iis mountaine of Aba- ofthe Tord fhali «dwell in fafety by him: haue ne: d to be
rim, vnto the mount ebo, whtchts inthe the Lord Hall coner him all the Day long, and prayed for,
land of Moab, that is ouer againſt Jeri- Dwell betweene his houlders. k Becauſe the
cho: and behold the land of Canaan, which 13 Au of Jofeph hee fayt, Bleed of Temple thould
Jgiue vnto the children of Iſrael fo: a pot the Lod is his land, foz the fweetnefle of be built in Zion,
feifion, i : heaucn , fo: the new, and fo: the ||Depth lya which was inthe
50 And diein the mount which thou go- tng beneath, tribe of Benia⸗
Gen 25.8. eft pp vito, and thou fhalt bee* gathered 14 And fo: the fweet increale of the finne, min,he ſheweth
Aum, 22,25,28 onto thy people, * as Aaron thy beother di- and foz the fweet increaſe of the moone, that God fhould
and 33.38. eD in mount oz, and was gathered vnto 15 And fo the fweecnefle of the top ofthe dwell with bim
bis people, { ancient mountaines, and for the ſweetneſſe there.
Nam.20.12, 13. SI Becaulſe pe treſpaſſed againt mea- of the old billes, Or, Runt aines,
and 27.14, mong the children of Iſrael, atthe waters 16 And fo: the ſweetneſſe ofthe earth,and
lOrofftrsft. lof Meribah, at Radeth tn the wildernefle abundance therof: and the good will ofhint
y Yewerenot . Zin: fozye y fanctified me not among the that dwelt in the! buſh, Hall come npon the 1 Which was
eameft and con- piidzen of Ilrael. head of Jofeph, and vpon the toppe of the God appearing
ftant tomain- §2 Thou halt therefore fee the land be- — him that was * ſeparated from his voto Mofes,
taine mine ho- fore thee, but halt not goe thither, | meane, 2ethzen. Exod, 3.2.
Rour, oe ng land whichJgwe the chitdzeen of 17 his beauty hall bee like his firt bone Gen,49.26.
rael. builocke , and Dts |hoznes as the hoznes of ferength,
an Anicorne: with them he ball ſmite the
CHAP. XXXIII people together, euen the ends of the woꝛld:
a Mofes before hu death blefeth all thetribes thele are alfa the ten thoufands of Cphrae
of Ffiael. 26 There i no god like tothe God of = > and thele are the thowfands of Manaſ·
Ifrael 29 Nor any people like wnto has. -

a This bleffing N2” this is the > biciling wherewith 18 C And of Zebulun he fayt, Retoyce,
conteineth not Motes the man of Ged blefled the chule Zebulun, tn thy = going out, and thou, Jia» m In thy profpe
onely a fimple Den of Iſrael before his Death,and ſaid, charin thy tents. rous Voyages vp»
prayer, butan 2 Che Lod came froin Hinai, and role 19 Thep Wall call the people vnto the on the fea, Gen.
affurance of the bp from Deir onto them,& appeared cleare= mountaine;: there they {hall offer the facri- 49.13.
effe& thereof. ly from mount Paran, and jee came with fices of righteouftiefie : for ° they thall fucke llOr, mount Zions
b Meaning, infi- tenb thonfands of Saints , and at his right ofthe abundance of thefea, andof the trea n Thetribeof
nice Angels, hand afiery Law foz them. lures hid in theiand. Zebulun,
-c Ebr hisTaints, 3 Though hee lone che people, yet < all 20 ¶Allo otf Gad ke faid, Bleſſed be hee © Sothat the -
that isthe chil- thy Saints are m thine hands: anv they that enlargeth Gad : heeDwellethas ation, portion ofthe
dren of Irae], aeApa at åthp feete, to receine thy * catcheth kor his praythe armie with the Gaditesand o-
d Asthy difciples. 0208. ead. thers on this fide
e Tovs and our 4 Boles commanded bs a Lat for an 21 And bee looked to himſelfe at thebe- Iorden, was
ſucceſſors. e rg ace of the Congregation of Jaa⸗ ginning, becauſe rhere was a portion of the Gods,though it
fOr, Moſes. õ Lawgiuer hidde: pet yee Wail come with was not ſo
HOr, F/rael. 5 i Then ||he was among the ||righteous the heads of the people, tocrecute the tu- knowen.
f Reuben(hallbe people , as King, when the headsof rhe pros Bicenthe Loza , aud bis iudgementswith p Meaning,neere
oneof the tribes ple. and the tribes of Iſrael were afem- ſrael. the ſea.
of Gods people, £ + 22 (Andof Dan he ſayd. Dan is a lions q Thou fhaltbe
though for his 6 Glet! Reubenliueg noc die, though twhelpe ? he fhali leape from Bahan. firong, or thy
finne bis honour bis men be aſmall number. 23 CAlbofM wotalt hee ſaid,OMaph- countcy full of
be diminifhed 7 An thus he bleed Judah,and fain, talt,fatifred wiry fanont,and filed with the mettall, Irfee-
and his family Weare, D Lod, the voyce of Judah, ant blefiing of the Lord: poſſeſſe the CAeſt and meth that Sime: -
but ſwall. bung him vnto brs people: his bands hail the South. onisleft out be-
f Signifying that bee s fufficient for him, if thou helpe him a- 24 € Ann of Amer he lavd, Aher thallbee caufe he was vne
e ſhould hardly gainſt bis enennes. blefled with childzen : hee thallbe acceptable der Iudab,and
obtejne Iaakobs 8 ¶ And of Lenthelaid, Let thy* Thum- vnto its bgetheen, and fjall dip bis footein his portion of
promife,Ge,49,8 mimand thine run bee with thine Holp oyle. hisinheritance; -
Exod 28.30, one whom thou diddeſt prooue m Maſſah, a5 Thy ſhooes thallbec a pron and loth, 19.9. `
TET - biad

Mofes feeth the land of Canaan : Iofhua. He diethand isburied.

and thy ſtrength thall continue as long ag 4 Gud the Low ain bute him,* This is Gen.t2.7.
thon liueſt. ; : the laud which J| dware vnto Sbzabam , to and 13.15,
26. @ Thercis none like God,D righte- Jbak tto Jaakob, laying, J wil give it vnto
pus people, which rideth vpon the beanens tùy ſeede: Jhaue cauled thee to ſee itwith
foz thine helpe,t on the cloudes in his glory. thine eyes but thou thalt not go ouer thither,
27 Theeternall God isthy refuge, and § Ho Woirs the ſeruant of the Lod di-
vnder bis armes thou art foz euer: bee ſhall ed there th the land of ASoab, according ta
cat out the enemie before thee, and will fay, the wad ofthe Lod, j
Deſtroy them, : 6 And ‘he buried himin a valicy inthe ¢ Towit, the
r Whowasplen- 28 Then Iſtael : the fountame of Jaa⸗ iand of Moab ouct again Weth-peoz , but Angel of the
tifulliniffueasa kob (halidwell alone tn fafetie in a iande of n man knoweth of his fepulchze vnto ¢ this Lord, lude 9,
fountaine. wheate, andwine è allo His heauens hall ay. d That the lewes
DOP the deaw. k 7 Moles wae now an hundzeth æ twen⸗ might not haue
29 Bleſſed art thou, D Iſrael: who ig tp peere olde when he Died, his eye was not occafion thereby
like vnto thee, D people ſaued by the Lord, dimme, nor his naturall fezce abated. to commit idola-
; the biela ofthine Hclpe, and which ts the 8 And the children of Flracl wept for tric.
f Thine enemies ſworde of thy glozy?cherefoze “thine ene= Soles in the plaine ofMoab thirty dayes:
for feare thalllie mies fhallbe in ſubiection to thee, and thou forthe dayes of weeping and mourning foz
and faine to bein ſhalt tread vpon their hie places. Moles wereended.
fubie@ion, CHAP- XXXIIIIL 9 And <FJothua the orse of Mun was e Hereby appen-
xı Mofes feeth all th: land of Canaan. 5 Hee full of the fpirtt of wiledom: for Moles han reth the fauour of.
dieth. 8 Ifrazlweepeth. 9 Folhua fucceedeth put bis hands vpon him. And the children God,that leaueth
in Mofesroume. 10 The praiſe ofMofes. of Fitael were obedient vnto Him, and did not his Church
ae en Moles went fret the plaine of as the Loꝛd had commanded Woles. defiitute ofa
a Whith was a oab pinto mount 2Mebo vnto the Io But there arole not a Pꝛophet {ince gouernour,
partofmount fop of Piſgah that is ouer againſt Jericho: in Iſrael like vnto Moſes ( whom the Lod f Vnto whom
Abatim,Num. aud the Lord Wewe -him *all the land of knew | face to face ) the Lord did ret
27.12. Gilad onto Dam, IL Jnalithe miracles ¢ wonders which ueale himfelfe fo
Chap.3.27.' 2 And ail Napthali and the landofE- the Lozd (ent him te Doe in the lana of Œ- plainely,as Exod,
LAC. 2,4. pheaimand Manãlſſeh, and all the land of gypt before Pharaoh and befoze all vis fer- 33.146
b Called Medi- Judab,vntothevtmolkk’Seas uants,and befoze all bts land, g Meaning, the
terraneum. 3 Andthe South, and the plaine of the 12 And in all that mighty s hant and all power of God
valley of Jericho, the citie of palme trees, that great feare, which Beles weoughtit working by Mos
unta zoar, the fight ofali Iſrael. fesin che wilder-
neie. :
&@ The booke of Ioſhua.
Nthis bookethe holy Ghoft fetteth moftliuely before our eyes the accomplifhment of Gods pro-
lmife , who as hee promifed by the mouth of Mofes , that a Prophet fhould bee railed vp vnto the
-people like ynto him,whom he willeth to obey, Deut.18.15 :-fo hee fheweth himſelfe here true in-bis
promi(e,as at all other times,and after the death of Mofes his faithfull feruant , hee raifeth vp Tofhua
to be ruler & gouernour ower his people | that neither they (hould be difcouraged for lacke of a cap-
taine , nor haue occafionto diftruft Gods promifes hereafter, And becaufe that Jofhua might bee
confirmed in his vocation, and the people alfo might have none occafion to grudge , as though hee
were not appraoued of God : hee is adorned with moft excellentgifts and graces of God, both tc go-
uerne the people with counfell, and to defend them with ftrength, that hee lacked nozhing which ei-
ther belonged to a valiant captaine, ora faithfulll miniftcr. Sohe oucrcommeth all difficulties,and
bringeth them into the landof Canaan: the which according to Gods ordinance bee diuideth among
the people, and appointeth their borders: hee eftablifhetltthe lawes and ordinances,and puttet
them in remembrance of Gods manifold benefites, afluring them of his grace and faucur, ifthey o-
bey God, and contrariwife of hisplagues and vengeance if they dſobey him. This hiftorie doetb re-
prefent Iefus Chrift thetrue lefhua, who leadeth vs into eternal felicitie, which is fignified ynto ys
by thisland of Canaan, From thebeginning of the Genefisto the endeof this booke are contained
: 2576 yeeres, For from Adam vnto theflood are 1656: fromthe flood vnto the departure of Abra-
ham out of Caldea, 423 : and from thence to the death of Iofeph 290. Sothat the Genefis contei-
neth 2369. Exodus 140, the otherthree bookes of Mofes 40, Iofhua 27. So the whole make
2576 yeercs,

CHAP, L 2 Wakes my feruantis Dead: noto therte-

è 2 The Lord incourageth Fofhurto inuade the fore artle,goc ouer this Jorden,thou,and all Chap.r4.9.
land. 4 The borders & limits of the land of the If- this people pnto the land which Jgine them, Deut. 11.24.
a Thebeginning raclites. 5 The Lord promifeth to aſſiſtFolhuayif that isto the chilazen of Ilxael. b Of Zin,called
of this boekede- he obey bis word. 11 Tofhua comandeth the people *Guery place that the fole of pour Kadeh& Paran,
pendethon f laſt to prepare themſelues ta paffe oner orden, 12and foote Wali tread vpon, haue J]giuent pou,as ip abate
Chapter of Deut, ‘exhorteth the Reubenites to execute their charge. J fayd bunto Moles. c Meaning,the
which was writ- Ow after the death of oles the 4 * From the > wildernefie, and this ghole land of
ten by Iofhaa as ſeruant ofthe Lod, the Lord fpake Lebanon even puto the great rier, theri- Canaan.
apreparation to vnto Johue b fonne ofMun, e uct || Perath t all the land of the -Witz d Called Medi-
hishiftory. fesminifer,faping, tites, euen vnto the great 4Dea aa terraneum.

The Lord encourageth Iofhua. Chap.ij. Rahab receineth the fpies. Ov

the going Downe of the funne, Hall bee your- mp [pies returne to lofhua with cemfertable ti-
coaſt. ings .
§ There ſhal not aman be able to with⸗ T Yeu Joſhua the fonne of Nun fent out
and thee ali the Dayes ot thy life: as 3 was ofa Shittun two men to (pte fecretly, a Which place
Feb 313.5» with Soks o will Ibe with thee + * FZwill faving, Gor view the land, anv alfo Jericho: wasin the plaine
not leauc thee no? foztake thee. and they went, asd came into at? harlots of Moab neere
Deut, 35-236 * Be krong and ofa goon cenuragt:foꝛ houſe,named Kahab, and lodged there. vnto Iord@,
bute this people Walt thou dinide theland 2 Then repoꝛt was made tothe king of Heb.11.31.
for an inheritance witch 3 foare vnto their Jericho laying, Behold there came men bis sarz.2.25.
fathers ta gine then. ther to night,of the chilen of Jitacl,to (pie lOr, taderners
Or. grow ſtrong- 7 Dueiy he thou Grong, cofamok pa- out the countrey. — houſe or hofteffe.
ger and fironzer. lant courage, that thoumaveſt obierue ann 3 And the king of Jericho fent vnto Ra- :
Deut.5.33. Doe accoding to all the Law which Moles hab, faying, > Bing tozth the mentbat are b Thoueh the
and 2314, my feruant hath commanded thee: * thou come to thee,and which areentreDintatkine wicked ſee the
e He flieweth fhait not turne away from it ta the right houſe: fo? they bee come to ſearch out all the hand of God vp- -
wherein confi- hand, nozto the left, that thou wayelt s pro land. on thew, yetthey
ficth true pro- {per sahitherlocner thou goc, 4 (But the woman had taken the two repent not, but
fperitie, euen to 8 Let not this booke of rhe Law Depart men, and Hid them) therefore fain fhe thus, feeke how they
obey the word out cf thy mouth, but meditate theretn Day Chere came men vnto mee, but 3 wik not may bycheir
of God. and fntgbt,that thou maveſt oblerue and Bo whence they were. powerand poli-
f Shewing that accozding to all that is written therein: foz § And when they Mut the gate in the cierefift his
it was not poffi « then Wait thou make thy wap proipersus, Darke, the men went ont, whither the men working.
ble togoucrne and then Halt thou ||baue good tuccefie. went J wote not : fellow pee after them
well without o WMauenotZ commanded thee, iaying, Quickly, fo:ye ſhall ouertake them.
Continual! ſtudie Be rong, anv of a good courage, feare not, 6 (But ee had brought them bp to the
of Gods word, noz be dilcouraged ? for J the Lod thy Sod c roofe of the boule, and hid them withthe c Meaning, vpon
HOr,gouerne f will bewith thee,whttheriocucr thou goek. fialkes ot flare which the had (peead abroad thc houfe: for
wifely. lo C Chen Joſhua commanded the ofi bpan the roofe) then their honfts
cers ofthe people laying, 7 And certaine men purined after them, were fiacaboue,
Il {Safle thorow the hate,and dommand the wayto Foden, vnto the foords, and as fothatthey
the people, faying, Pꝛepare pou vitatles: fog foone as they which puriucd after them, might doe their’
g Meaning, from safter three Bayes pee Wall paie ouer this Were gone out,they fout the gate. bufineffe there
the day that this Joꝛden, to goe in to poflette the land, which 8. @ And before they were afleepe, ſhee vpon.
was proclaimed, the Lod pour Ged giucth you to poſſeſſe it. caine bp vnto them bpon the roote,
Chap. 3.3, 12 (And vntothe Reubenites,and ta the 9 And laid vntothemen, J know that
Gadites, and to halfe the tribe sfManalleh the Lord bath giuenyou the land. and that
ſpake Joſhua, faving, . the 4 feare ofyou is fallen bpon vs, and that d Forfo God
Num, 324206 13 * Remember the word, which Woles ali the inhabitants of che land faint becauſe
of peu.
promifed, Deut,
the feruaunt of the Loꝛd commaunded
you, 28.7, chap.5, I.
faving, The LoD pour God hath giuen pou 10 Foꝛ wee bane heard, how the Lod
h Which belon- reſt, and bath giuen pou this bland. * DCD vp the water of the red Dea * before Exod,1 4.21,223
ged to Sihon the 14. (Pour wines your children, andyour pon when pee came outol Egypt, and what (hap4.23.
ingof the Amo- cattell Wall rematne in the land which you DID bato the two Rings of the Ame-
rites, and Og Moles — on iithis fide Jorden: but rites, that were on the other lide Joden,
king of Balhan. yee hall goe ouer befoze pour beethzen ar: unto’ Oihon and to Deg, whom pee vtterip Nwm.21,24,
\|Ors beyond Jor- med,allthat be men of warte, and Hal helpe deſtroyed:
den. from Lericho them, I1 And when we heard it,our hearts Dia fOrynclteds
Ig Untill the Lod bane giuen your bze» faint, and there remained no 1102€ | courage HOr firit.
tizen rett, as well asto you, and vntillthey in any becaufe of pou: foz ethe Lozd pour e Herein appea-
alfa ſhall poſſeſſe the land, which the Lord 663, he is the Godin heaucu aboue, and in rechthe great
pour God giveth them: then thallye returne earth beneath. y mercie of God,
bnto the tand of pour poſſeſſion and ſhall I2 Now therefore, J pray pou, iweare that inthis com-
poete it, which land oles the Los fer vnto me bythe Lord, that as J haue ſhewed mon deſtruction
iBy your re- uant i gaue pouonthis ide Jorden, toward you mercie, yee will allo ew mercievnto he would drawa
gueft,but yet by the lunne riling, my fathers Houle, and giue mee a true to⸗ moft miferable
Gods feeret ap- 16 Then they anlwered Joſhua, laying, ken, r , finner to repent
pointment,Deut. All that thou bait convmanded vs, wee will 13 And that pee will ſaue altue my father and confeffehis
3 3 <2t. oe and whitherfocucr thou ſendeſt vs, wee and my mother, and my Viethen, and my Name.
til goe, ; fiftcrs, and ail that they haue: and that peg
k They doenot ae wee obeyed Moles inall things, Will Deliuer our i foules from beath. lOr liues.
onely promife to k fo will wee obey thee: onelpthe Lo: thy 14 4nd b men animeren berf Dur life foz F We warrant
obey him fo God be with thee,as he was with Moles, you to die, if pee vtter not this our bufinefic: you on paine of
long as God is 18 Ahodeuer hall rebell agatnf thy anu when the £020 hath giuen vs rhe land, our liuss,
with him: but conunandement,and wilnot obey thy wots me will deale mercifully etruclp with thee.
tohelpe to pus inall that chou commandeft dim, let him be Is Then thee let thes Downe by a corde
with all that re- put to Death : onelp bee Grong, and of good thorow the window: foz her boule was vpon
|} Dellagainft bim courage. ; Fe tona wall, and ee dwelt vpon the
C H-A P.-I. wall.
1 Tofhua fendeth men to (pie I ericho, whom Ra- 16 And ſhefaid vnto them, Goe you into g Which was
hab hideth. 11 Shee confèffeth the God of Ifrael, the ¢ mountaine leſt the purfucts merte neere ynto thé
12 Shee requireth a figne for her deliuerance. 2% with yon, and hide pour ſelues ee aye citie,
The conditions of Rahabs deliverance. Tofhua. The Arke, Fordi ië! !
Dayes, vntill the purſuers be returned: then in the light sf all Iſrael, which hall know
afterward map pe goe pour way. that*as 3| was with Poles, (o willJbee Chap.t.§.
h We mhall be I7 And the men faid vnto per, He will w ith thee.
difcharged of be blameleſſe of thts chine oath, which thou 8 Chou Walt therefore commaund the
our oath, ifthou hat madenstweare. j Picks that beare the Arke ofthe couenant,
doelt performe 18 Behold, when we come into the land, taping, Cdiben pee are come to the bzinke of
this condition thou halt binde this codofred threede in a wanes of Jozden, ye hall tand Kili < in c Euenin the
that followeth: the window, whereby thou lettett vs Down, den. : chanell, where
for fo fhaltthou and thou (hale bring thy father and thy mas 9 € Then Joſhua laid vnto the children the ftreame had
andchine be de- ther, andthy brethren, and ail thp fathers of Iſrael Come hither,and heare the wo2ds runas verle 17,
livered, houſhold home tothee. of the Lod your God.
19 And wholocuer then dacth goe out at Io Gud Joihua laid, 4 Hereby pee Hall d By this mira-
i He thalbe guil- the Doozes af thine houſe into the treet,’ big knowe that the living God ts among pou, cle in dividing
tie ef his owne blood ſhalbe vpon bis head, and we will bee and that hee will certatnely catt out before the water.
death. guiitleffe: but wholoeuer hall bee with thee you the Canaanttes, and the Hittites, anv
tn the Houle, bis blood fhalbe on our head,tf the Hiuites,and the Perizzites,
and the Girs
anp band touch him: galhites,tthe Amozttes, and the Jebutites.
k So that others 20 And if thou ytter this our* matter, Il Behold, the Arke of the Conenant of
fhould thinke to wee will bee quit of thine oath , which thou the Lord ofall the world paſſeth before you
efcape by the hat made vs weare. í inte Jorden.
famemeanes. 21 And fee anfwered, Accowing vnto 12 Now therefore take from among you
pour words fe bee ft: then thee lent them a- e twelue men out of the tribes of Jiraci, out e Which fhould
Way, and they Departed, and hee bound the of euery tribe aman. fet vp twelue
(Or, fearlet coe cord in the window, j 13 And asfooncas the felesofthe feete ftones in remem-
loured. 22 ¶And they departed, and came inta af the Pictes (that beare the Arke ofthe brance of the be-
the mountaine,and there abode three Dayes, Lo20 God the Loz of al the world) ial tap nefite,
vntill the purfuers were returned : and the inthe waters of Joꝛden, the waters of Jog:
purſuers fought them throughout ali the Den halbe cut off: foz the waters that come
wap, but found them not. from aboue,” {hall tand til vp on an heape. Pfal.1i 4.3.
23 Bothe twe men returned,
and deſcen⸗ 14 € Then when the people were Depar-
I To wit,ehe Ded from the mountaine, and paſſed toner, ted from their tents ta goe suer Jazven, the
Muer Jorden. and came to Jothua the fonneot Mun, and Pieks bearing the * Arke of the couenant, AGEs 7.450
told bim all things that came vnto them. went befoze the people. i
24 Allo thep faid vnto Joſhua, Surely Ig And as they that bare the Arke came
the Lozd hath deliuered into our hands all buto Jorden, ¢ the teete of the Prieſts that
the land : fo2 euen all the inhabitants of the bare the Arke were Dipped in thebzinke of
cauntrep faint becaule of bs. ; the water, (* foz Joꝛden vſeth to fill all bis 1. Chrow.t2.1§.
i bankes all the time of harueſt) Í ecclas, 24.30.
CHAP, HI 16 Then the waters that came dDotane f Becaufe thé ri-
3 Iofhua commandeth themto depart when the from aboue, ſtayed and rofe vp on an heape, uer was accuito-
Arke remoueth. 7 The Lord promi ſeth to exalt and Departed ferre from the citie of Adam, med at thistime _
Tofhua before the people. 9 Ioſhuas exhortation to that was befide Zaretan: but the waters that to be full,the mi-
the people. 16 The waters part afunder whiles came Downe toward the Hea of the wilder⸗ racleisfo much
she people paffe. neffe, cuen the falt Bea, failed, and were cut the greater,
j eee Joſhua rofe very earely, and they off: fo the people went right ouer againt g Either tarying
remooned from Dbittim, and came to Jericho. j till the people
a Which aecor- a Joden, hee, and all the chilen of Iſrael, 17 But the Hꝛieſts that bare the Arke of were paft,or as
dring to the E- and iodged there, before they went ouer. the Conenant of the Lord, food Dzie within fome reade, fure,
brewes was in 2 Aud after > threc Dayes the officers Joden esreadpprevared, and ali the Iſrae⸗ as though they
march,and about went thorowout the bofte, lites went ouer Dzie vntil all the people were had bene vpon
40.dayesafter, 3 Andcommaunded the people, faytng, gone cleane ouer thoꝛow Jorden. the dsie land,
Mofes deat Mhen pe fee the Arke ofthe couenant ofthe
b Which gime Loꝛd your God, and the Peieſts of the Le- CHAP, III,
was piven for to ites bearing it , pee hall Depart from pour 2 God commaundeth Iefhua to ſetvptwelue
prepare them vi- place,and goe after tt. Jonesin Jorden 18 The waters returne to their
taile,Chap, 1.11. 4 Det there fhatbe alpace betweene you old courfe, 20 Other twelue ftones are fet-up in
hOr niles and it,about ||two thoufand cubites by mea- Gilgal, 21 The miracle muft bee declaredto the
fure: ye Hall not come neere vnto tt, that pee pofteritse.
may know the way, by the which pee hall Az when all the people twere wholly
goe : foz ye haue not gone thts way in times gone * ouer Jorden (after the Lord had Dest.27.1.
patt. ſpoken vnto Joſhua faving,
§ (Mow Joſhua had fain vnto the ped- 2 Take pou twelue men out oF the peas
Lexit.10.7. ple, * Aancttfie your felues: foz to mozrowe ple out of eucry tribe aman,
sumb.1t.i8. the L020 will doe wonders among vou) 3 And command pou them, laying, Cake
chap.7. 13. 6 Allo Joſhua fpake vnto the Tietes, you hence out ofthe mids of Jorden , out of
iNm.16.5. faying, Cake up the Arke of the Coucnant, the place, where the Peieſts ſtood tn a? rea- a As Chap.3.
- and go ouer befoze the people: (6 they tooke dineſſe,twelue ones, which pe thalltake a⸗
bp tie Arke of the Coucnant, and went be- way with you, and leaur them in the b lon- b Meaning,the
fore the people. sing, where pou ſhalllodge this night.) place where they
7 € Chen the Lom (aid vnto Joſhua, 4 Then Pakua called che twelue men, fhould campe.
This Dap will J beginne to magnifie chee whome bee had prepared of the —
Twelue Rones fet vp foramonument. Chap.v. Circumciſionrenued. 87
of Iſrael out of euery tribe aman, 20 Allo, the twelne tones, which tiep
5 And Johua ſaid vnto them, Goer ouer one of Jorden, did Joſhua pitch in
bekore the Arke of the Lord pour God, euen ilgal.
thaough the middes of Jorden ,and take vp 21 And he fpake onto the chimen of Iſ⸗
euerp man of pou a fone ppon his houlder, rael, faping, Ahen pour childzen wail afke
according vnto the number of the tribes ot their fathers tn time to come,and fap, tahat
the children ofFfracl, meane thele flones?
6 That this maybe a figne among you, 22 Then pe Hall Hew pour chimen, ann
e Godeomman- that whenu pour < chilozen chal aſke their fa- an Iſrael came ouer this Howden on Date
déh,that not on⸗ thers in time to come, taping, Chat meane and;
ly we our ſelues pou by thele tones? 23 Foꝛ the Lord pour God dried vp the Exod. 14. 21, 25.
ptofite by his 7 Chen ye may anſwere them, That the waters of Jorden befoze pou . vntill pe were i Gods benefits
wonderfull waters of Jorden were cut off before the gone ouer,asthe Lozd pour Sed did the red ferne for a fur-
works, but thae Arke of the couenant of the Lod: for when tea, * which hee Dzied vp belge vs, till mec ther condemna-
eur poſt eritie it paled though Jorden, the waters of Were gone over, ; tion to the wic-
may know the Jowen were cut ofl: therefore hele tones 24 That ai the people of thei world may ked,and ftirre vp-
caule thereof,’ avea memoziall vnto the chilon of Iſrael know that the hand of the Lod is mighty, his toreuerence
and glorifie his 2 euler. pit remight keare the Lod pour Gon cons him, and obey.
name. 8 Chenthechildzen of Iſrael did euen tnuaily. him,
fo as Jlothua had commanded, and tooke vp
twelue Tones ont ef the middes of Jorden, CHAP, V. |
asthe Lozd had ſayd vnto Joſhua, accor- 1 The (anaanites are afraid of the Ifraelites. |
Ding to the number of the tribes of the chil- 2 Circumcifion is commaunded the [econdtime,
Den of Iſrael, and carted them away with 10 The Paffeower iskept. 12 Manna ceafeth,
am vnto the lodging , ¢ laid them Downe 13 The Angelappeareth unto Foſhua.
d Befides the
twelue {tones
9 And Joſhua ſetvp d twelue tones in Dw when all the kingesof the 2 Amo- a Thè Amarites ~
the middes of Jorden, in the place where the L Nrites, which were beyond Jorden Welk: wereon both
which were ca- fideslorden, . |
feete of the JPatetts, which barethe Arke of ward, and all the kings of the Canaanites,
ried by the tribes the Couenant, ftood, and there haue thep which were bp the Hea, heard that theLow whereof two
and fet vp in continued vnto this Dap. ] had Dzied vp the waters ot Jorden before kings were flaing :
Gilgal, Io € So the Pꝛieſts, which bare the the childzen of Iſrael vntill they were gone already on the.
Arke, ftood tn the middes of Jorden, vntill ouer therr beart fainted, and there was no fide toward > |
enery thing was finthen that the Lozd had courage in them anp moze becaule of the Moab.
commaunded Joſhua to fay vnto the peos childꝛen of Iſrael.
ple , accdg toall that Wales charged 2 That tame time the Lod ſayd vnto
Joſhua: then thepeople halted and went Jowhua, Make thee harpe kniues,> and ree Exod.4. 234 |
ouer. turne, and circumerle the onnes of Iſrael b For now they~
IL Athen all the people were cleane pals the fecond time, t ; had left it off a-
{ed oucr,the Aike of the Lord went ouer als 3 Then Joſhua made hin Harpe knives, bout 40, yeeres,
e Meaning, in fo, and the Pꝛieſts © befoze thelpeople. and ciccumciled the fonnes of Iſrael in ethe c Gilgal was fe
the prefence or 12 *Qnd the fonnes of Reuben, and the hill okthe koreſkins. called, becaufe
fight of the peo- fonnes of Gad, and halfe the tribe of Wa- 4 Andthisis the cauſe why Joſhua cir· they were there ~
ple.. nafleh went ouer befeze the childꝛen of FE cumcifedall the people, cuenthe males that circumeifeds,
Num.32:27,2%. rael armed,as Moſes had charged them. came out of Cappt ,becaule all the men of
13 Euen fourtie thoufand- prepared foz warre were Dead tn the wildernefle by the-
f Thatis, before warre, went befuze the f Lom vnto battell, way after they came out of Egypt.
the Arke, into theplaine of Jericho, 5 Fozatithe people that came out, were
14 Ghat dap the Lo: magnified Fo. circumciſed: but all the people that were.
WOr,renerenced ſhua inthe fight of Iſrael, and they ||feaz bone in the wildernefie by the wap after
him. ss as they feared Moles all dayes of thercame outof Egypt, were not 4 circume d For they loos: -
is life. ciſed. ked dayly tores-
_ 1g And the Loꝛd [pake onto Joſhua, fay- 6 Forthechilnzen of Iſrael walked foz» ‘mooue at the
ing tie peeres in the wilaernefiz, till all the peo- Lords commane:..
g. Becaufe the
16 Command the Prieks that beare the ple of the men of warre that. camz out of dement: which ~~
i— of the teſtimony, to come vp ott of Egypt were confumed, becaule thep obeped thing they that
Arke teltified orden.· not the vopce of the Lod: vnto whome were new cit-
_ Gods sere i
and thetables
17 Joſhua therefore commaunded the- the Lord fware, that bee would not thew cumcifed,could `
* concot- 4
Pucks i
» faving, Come pee vp ont of Joz- them the land,* which the Lozd had ſworne not doe without
vnto therr fathers, that bee would gine ds, great dangers.
nedthercin,fg- 13 Andwhenthe Pꝛieſts that bare the euena land that floweth with milke and hos NUMIA23o .
nified Gods will
toward hispeo⸗
Arke ofthecouenant ct the Loz, were come nie.
yy aut of the mids
of Joꝛden, and afloone as 7 Ho their fonnes whome hee rayſed vp
ple. the (oles of the Prieſtes feet were {et onthe in their ſtead. Joſhua circumciſed: foz they-
Day land, the waters of
Jorden returned vn- were vncircum ciled, becauſe thep circumti⸗
their place,and flowed ouer all thebanks {ed them not by the way. *
h. Called Abib thercof, ag they Did befeze. 8 Ana when they had made an ende of e-Forshéi ſore
orNifan,contei- I9 ¶ So the people came bp ont of Flo?» circumciſing all the pgople, they abode in was fo grievous.
ning part of Denthe tenth day of the » fict moneth, and the places in the campe till they © were chat they were:
March, and part pitched tn Gilgal, in the Calt fide of Aeris whole, _ not ableta rg-
ofApril, h- 9 Attersthe Low law ini
: Mannaceafeth. Iericho. Yofhua. enuitoned
and deftroyed.
£ By bringing Day Thane taken swap ý f hanieok Egypt the people the ſeuen Peieſtes bare the ſeuen
you inte this- frost pou: wherefore yee calles the name of trumpets of ammes hornes, and went fost
promufed land, that piace Otigal,wnto this day. ji before tye Arke of the Lord, and blew wi
contrary to the 10 EHorhe childzenef Iſcael above in the trumpets, anb the Arke of the conenant
wicked opinion Giigal, and kept che feait ot che Paſſcouer otthe Lo: followed theim. -
ofthe Egyptians 3 the fourteenth Bay of the monecy at euen inr 9 ¶ And the men of armes ment before
or the forekin, tee platne of Jericho, the Fauteitsthat blew p trumpets: then che
whereby you II Gud thep did cate of the connect the sgathering hofte came after the Arke, ag g Meaning the
were like co the tandon the mozow after the Paſſcouer. Vi: they went and blew the trumpets. rerewatd, where<
Egy ptiaus. leauened bread, and parched cene tu the 10 ( Mow Joſhua had commaunded the in was the ftan-
fame Day. people, laying, Wee hall nat ſhoute, neither ` dard of the tribe
12 Gud the MAN ceafed onthe morrow nake any nople with pour voyce; neither of Dan, Num. 10.
after they bad eaten of the cozne of the land, Halla word paaceed out of pour mouth, vie 25.
neither had che chiidrenof Iſraei MAN as tiil the Day that3|fap unto pou, Shout, then
ny more, but DW eat of the truit of the land ſhall pe hout.)
Gt Canaan that peeve. ne Il Ha the Arke of the Lod compaſſed the
13 C and when Joſhna was by Jericho, City,Ewent about itè once then thep retur h Por that day.
Exod.23.23. be lft bp its epes and looked :and beboide, ned inio the hoſte, and lodged in the campe.
g Inthat that there ſtoode * man againit bin bauing a 12 Gnd Joſhua rok carly in the moaning,
Jothua worfhip- fwo2d Dawen in bis hand: And Joſhua and the Prieits bare the Arke of the Loz:
pee him,beeace Went vnto him,and (aid puto him, Art thou 13 Alf ſeuen Preieſts bare euen trumpets
1owledgeth on our fideo: on our aduerlaries: oframmes Bornes , twent before the Arke
him to be God: 14 And hee ſaid, fray, butas acaptatne of the Lord, and going, biew mith the trum
and in that that of the hoſte of the Loꝛd am Fi now ceme: pets: ana the men of armes went befoege
hecalieth bim- then Joſhua fell on bis face to the earth, and them, but the‘ gathering hofte came after i The tribe of
ſclſe the Lords s did worſhip, anv fayd vnto him, Ahat the Arke of the Tord, as they went t blew Dan was fo cal-
@aptaine,he de- fapth my Lord unto bis ruant? thetrumpets. , : led, becaufeit
~ clareth himfelfe Is And the capcaine of the Lezdes hofie 14 And the tecond day they companied marched laft and
tobe Chrift, layd vnto Joſhua, * Loole the hove of thy the citie once -anu returned inte the hoſte: gathered vp
Exod, 3 Se foote; fo: the place whereon thou ſtandeſt,is thus they did lire dapes. whatloeuer was
Ftth 4.7. bolp; and Joſhua Bid lo, 15 And when the ſeuenth Day came, they left of others,
AES 7. 33. roiceariy, euen with the Dawning of the
CHAP. VI. Day, and compatied the citie after the fame
3 The Lord infirnGeth Iofhua what he fhould maner * fenen timez: oncip that Dap thep k Befides euery
doe,as touching Jericho, 6 Lofhua commandeth compaſſed the citie feucn tines. day once for the
the Prieftes and warriours whattodoe. 20 The 16 And when the Piets had blowen the {pace of Gx daies,
walles fall, 22 Rahab is faued. 24 All ts burat trumpets the feuenth tune, Joſhua fai vata
faue goldand mettall, 26 The ctrfe of him that the people, Shout: fez the Lom hath giuen
buldeth the citée. pouthecitie,
17 And the titie Hall bee tan execrable 1 That isap-
-a Thatnone
N23 Jericho was 2Hut vp,and® clofed, thing, both tt, aud allthat ace therein, ynta pointed wholy te
could goc oute
Nc becaule of the childzen of Iſrael: none the Lord : onely Rabab the harlot Hatt liue, be deflroyed,
might an out nez enter tn. : fhe,and all that are with ber in the boutesfoz (hapag '
b That none 2 And the Lod fayd vnto Joſhua, Be- * fhe bia the meflengers that we lent.
could come in. I8 Motwithtanding, be pee wareof the
Hold, J) bane giuen inte thine hand Jericho
© For feare of
supthe king thereof, and rhe trong men of erecrable thing,lett pe make pour felues eres
the Ifraeltics. acre. crable, and fn taking of che execrable thing
3 Gil vee therefore tha be men of warre, make all the hoſte of Siracl* execrable, and Lensit 27,21.
Hall compaſſe the citie, in going round a- trouble it. : BUNLA, Ze
"d Buery day pone the citie d once: thus hail pou Boe lize 19 But all filusrand gold, and veſſels deut. 3,15, 17.
once, apes? of bae and pon, fyall bem conlecrate vn⸗ m And therfore
4 Andfleuen Pꝛieſtes Mall beare ſeuen tothe Load, and hall come into the Lowes cannot be put to
è That the con- trumpets of © rammes hoꝛnes before the trealucrte. any priuate vſe.
queft might not Grke: and the fuenth Day ve Wall compaſſe 20 Ho the people Hhouted, when they bad but muft be firft
be afligned to the citie ſeuen tines , and the Pꝛieſtes hall blowen trumpets: fo: when che people bad molten, and then
mans power,but blow with the trumpets. i heard the found ofthe trumpet, they theuted ferucfor the Ta-
to the-mercy of § And when they make a long blalt with with a great Wout: and the *wall fel Downe bernacle.
God, which with the rammes pozne, and pee beare the ſound Lat: fo the people went vp tuto the cttte, Hebr. 11.300
moft weake of the trumpet, all the peopic hall Gont cuccy man ſtreight Before him + * and they Mac.i2. $y
things can ouert- with a great (out: thew ſhall the wall of tooke the citie. i 6.

come that which the citic fall Downe flat, and the peovie Hail ~ 24 And they veterly deſtroyed all that
feemeth moft aſcend vp, cucry mar — before biru was in the citie, both man € woman, youn
ſttong. 6 Chen Jafoua the tonne ofan cal- and oid, and ore, and Meepe, and ane, wit
Led the Prieſts and ſayd vnts thear, Cake tye edge oftheſword.·
np the Arkeof the Couenant, and let ſeuen 22 But Joſhua bad fayd onto the two
f This is chiefly Pꝛieſtes beare ſeuen trumpets of rammes men that had {pied out the countrep,@oe ine
meant hy the homies before the Arke of the Lod. ta the harlots boule, and being out thence
Reabenites, 7 ‘Buthe fain vnto the people, E Go and the woman, and all that thee path,” as pee Chapa. 14.
Gadires,and compalſſe the citie: Gict him thatisarmod, ſware to ber. x hebr: sigh
halfe the tribe gót tooth before the Grke of the Lad: 23 Bo theyong men that were (pics, went
of Manafich. 3 QC And when Joſhug had ſpoken vite in, and beugt out Raab, and beetae
Ai. Chap.vij. Achans conetoufneffe
found out. 88
ther, and her mother, and her brethꝛen, an’ Io ¶ And the Lod (ad bata Jahua, Get
ali wat he had: alle thep bꝛought out ali jer parebp ; toberefoze ipek thon thus vpon thy
n For itwas not — pany put theni v voit hout the hoſte cf face 2
lawful for firan- ati. 11 Iſracl hath Enne and they haue tran’
pers to cwela- 24 After, they burnt the city with Gre, greed my Couenant. whith Jcommanded
mong the Ifrae- and all that was therein ; onelp the ukter then: fo2 thep Hane even takes ofthe crcente
lices , rill they and the goͤlde, and che veũcls ofbratie, and municate thrig, and haue alie ſtollen, and
were purged. p2on,they put vnto the trealure ot thee boule diſſenbled allo,and dane put it enen with
o Meaning, the of the Loge. thei owne ure. : 5
Tabernacle. 25 Bo Joſhua ued Rahab the harios, 12 Gijereiore the childꝛen of Iſrael rans
p Forthe was and ber fathers houtjoide , and ali chat See not Rand before thete enemies, bu hane turs
married to Sal- Had, and ihe r Dwele in Jiraci enen vñto this ued their backes befoze their enemies, bre
mon prince of Day , becauſe hee had hidoeche melitngers, caule they bee execrable: neither will Ibee
the tribe of Iu- which Joſhua ſent to ſpy out Jericho. with pouany more, except pee deitroy the f Then to luffer
dab, Matt. 1.§- 26 And Jobus ſware at that tines fays eecommunicate rom among you. wickednefle vr-
q He hall build ing, Curled be the man betoze tye Lord, that I3 Cipthercisre, tanctife the people, and punifhed,isto re=
itto the deftru- rileth bp, and bulldeth this citie Jericha; fay, Danctifie pour (clues againſttomoꝛow: fule God wil-
ction of all his abee yall lay the foundation thereof in his fp thus faith the Load Gad of Flracl , There lingly.
ſtocke, which eldek nne and in bis vongeſt bune tal ye isan cxecrable thing among you, D Jiraci
thing was fulfil. fet np the gates of it. $ thereforeyee cannot tand againſt your ene-
led in Hiel of 27 So the Lom was with Joſhua, and nies, vntil ye haue puc the serecrabie thing g Meaning,the-
Beth, 1. Kings be was famous thozow ail the wora, fromamong you. _ manthattooke =
16.34: CHAP. VII 14 In the morning thetefoze pe Hal come of thethingfore ~
r The Lord i angry with Achan. 4 They of according to pour tribes, Œ the tribe which bidden,
Ai put the Iſtaelites to fligit. 6 Isſhua prayeth the Loin taketh, hall come according te the
tothe Lord. 16 Ioſhua inguireth ost him that ſin- farmtites ; and the family which the Lord
ned, and ftoneth him and all bis. i ibatitake, Gal come by the houcolds: and
p“ the childꝛen of Iſrael committed a the houſhold witch the L023 fhall take, Hall
2 Intaking that treſpaſſe in the aercommiunicare thing: tome man by mat. :
which was com- fo2* Achan thelenneof Carmi, the tone of Is And be that is taken with the excome h That iefound
manded to be des Ʒabdi, thefonne of zerah of the tribe of Ju⸗ municatetbing , Halbe burnt with fire, bee, guiltie either by.
firoyed, Day toske of the ercomimuntcate thing: and allihat bee hath, becanie hee path trani lotsor by the
Chap. 22,20. wherefose the wrath of the Lod was kind⸗ greſſed the Couenant ofthe Lo20, and bes judgement of V⸗
a.chren. 2.7. lea againſt the children ofPiracl. cafe he bath wꝛought foliy in Iſael. rin, Nom, 27:219-
2 And Jofina fent men from Jericho to 16 Hn Jowuaroie vp early in the mors
b This wasaci- Ai, which is beade Bethauen, on. the Cait ning , and brought Jfract by. theirt tribes,
tie of che Amo- fide of erh-cl,and ſpake tuto the, laying. and the tribe of Luda was taken.
rites; for there Go bp, and vicw the counttey. And the mein 17 Gnd he bzeught the faniiies of Judah,
was another_fo. went vp. andviewed Ai, oud tocke the fantlpot the Farhites, and be
called among the And returned to Joſhua, and ſaid vn⸗ bought the fanily af the Zarbites, man bp
Ammonites. lers. tohin, Let not all the people gee wp, but itt man and Fa bdi was taken.
‘49-3. Thefirk asit were fae thee thouſand mein go vp, 18 And he bought his houſhold,man by
Ai is called A- and ſmite At,ant make not all the people ta man, ant Achan the onne of Carmi, the
-jath, Ifsy 10, 28, labour thither.toz thepare few. fonne of Zant, the ſonne of Zerah of the-
4 Sathere went bprhither of the pea- tribe of Jutiah twas takem, i
te, about thee thouſand sien, andthep hed . 19 Then Joſhua farte vnto geban, My
tfozethemnenofSt.. : . fonne, 3 beicech thee gise glorie to the Lord i By declaring
c God weld by 5 Snbthecmen of At {mote oftheni tp, Gon of Pract, ant mage i confefion vnto the trueth : for:
this overthrow on athirtp and fire men: for they chaied dim, and Mew mee now what thou balk Godis clorified +
sake them more them from beto: the gate vnto Svebarim, Done, hide it not from me. when the trueth:
earneftto fearch and ſmote them in the going Totwne: where- 20 Gnd Athan anſwered Fohua, anv isconſeſed.
out & punith the fore the Hearts of tye people melted away id, Jndecd J pane finned agatutt the Low k Suchartich
fianc committed, liks togter, - i pn ot Iſraet, and thus ana thus paue Ji garment as the.
6 4 Chen Joſhna rent his clothes, and one. ry States of Baby⸗
felto tic carth upon bis face before the Arke 21 J fae among the Morie a geodly Jon did weare.
ef the isan, vncul the enentide, bre, and the kBabrlontt) garment, and tton headed VOr, nephew.
eae ok Iſtrael, and put duſt vpon their Rexcls of Rlucr, anda wedge of golde of Gf 1 Some reade2:
jeans, tie Bekels weight, and F| coveted them, and plate : others,a
7 And Joua ſaid, Aas, P Lord Gop, tooke them sand behold, theplic hid in the rod,and fomea.:
d This infirmitie wherefore haſt chou bzought this people o- earth, in thenuds of mp tent, aud the finer tongues. '
of his faith thew- uer Jorden, to deliuer vs into the handef vnder it. m this iudge-
eth how we are the Amozttzs,and to deſtroy vor woud Esd 22 Chen Jochua ſent meſſengers which ment on¢ly ap=-
iaclined ofni- wee had bene content to dwell on thed orber ran vnto tie tent, and bebola, it was hid in perteineth to-
ture co diſtruſt. tide Jorden. pis tent, and the iluer vnder te. God, and to
e When thince- 8 Db L973, what maig fay » when Ie 23 Wherefore they tooke them out of the whom he wil res-
nemies Mall blaf- rael turne their backs befor thetr enemies? tent and bought thein vnto Joſhua, and pis neile it:to mani
pheme thee and o- -Fo the Canaanties, and all the inha- toall the chilnzen of Iſrael, and lawe thea hee hath com-
fay that thou-walt bitants ofthe land Hall beare otit and Malt before the Los. manded not to
not ale to de- compaſſe bs, anu deiſttoy our same out oF 24 Uhen Joſqua tooke Achan the! une punim the childée
fend vs from the earth; and what wir than doe vnto thp efSerah, and the filuer, and the garment for the fathers
them. mighty: mame? and che! wedge of gold,Ehis” (onies aie fault Deut 24,
ts 16, .
Atis befieged,and | Ioſhua. deftroyed by Iofhua.
his daughters, and his ogen, ant big alles, mmen, ©and fetthem toliein waite betweene e He fent theſs
and his eepe, and bis tent,and all that 24 Beth-el and St, on the Wick fide of the city. fer, that theo.
ad: and all Iſrael with him brought the 13 Gud the people fet all the bote that ther which lay
vnto the valley of Achoz. was on the Noꝛthſide againſt the cttte, and inambuth mi
n He deciareth 25 And Joſhua fayde n In as much as the liers in waitonthe Aeſt againk the ct not be difcoue-
that this is Gods thou batt troubled vs, the Lod halitrouble tte: and Joſhua went the Came night into the red.
iudgement,be- thee this Day: and all Jitael threw tones at f mids of the valley. k } f To theintent
cauſe he had of= Hint, and burned them with fire,and ſtoned 14 ¶ And when the King of Aifatne it, that they inthe
fended and cau- * them with kones, then themen ofthe city batten , and rofe bp - citie might the
fed others to be? 26 Anad they cat vpon him a great heape earelpy and wentout again Iſrael tobat» better difcouer
flaine, of ſtones unto this Dap: and fo the Lod tut- tell, he and al bis people at the time appoi» his armie.
ned from bis fierce wath: therefore be cals ted, betoze the plaine : foz bee knew not that
led the name of that place, Che vallep of A⸗ ore idwate agatok him on the backfide
choz vnto this day. ofthe city.
CHAP. VIII, Ig Chen Joſhua and all Iſrael s ashea- g_As they which
3 Thefiege, 19 and winning of Ai. 29 The ten before them, fled by the way of thewil · ained to fice for
king thereof ú hanged, 30 Fofhua ſetteth vpan derneſſe. feare,
altar, 32 Hee writeth the Law upon ftones, 35 16 And all che people of the city were cal-
and readeth it to all the people. led together, topurucatter them ; and thep
Deut.i.ↄ21,29. At ter,the Lozd fatd vnto Jothua,*Feare purtued atter Johua, and were drawen a-
ana 7.18. not, neither be thou faint hearted : take wap sut of the citp, Í
all the men of warre with thee and arife, go 17 Po that there wag not aman left ix
opto Ai: beholde. J haue giuen into thine St, nozin Beth-el, that went not out after
bana the king of Gi,and hts people, and hig Iſrael: and they left the citie open, and purs
citp. and his ſand. {ued after Iſrael.
2 And thou Malt Doe to At Eto the king 18 Then the Lord ſayde onto Johua,
Chap.6.21. thereof, as thou didſt vnto * Jericho and to bStretch out the ſpeare that isin thine hand h Or,lifevp the
the King thereof : neuertheleſſe the ſpoyle toward Ai: foz J wil gine it into thine hand; banner to figni- 4. thereof and * the cattell thereof hali pe take and Joſhua tretchedout the ſpeare that hee ‘fie when they
unto pou fozapray: thou halt lie in waite a- bad tn bis hand,toward the city. (hall inuade the
a Meaning,on gaink the city on the backline thereof. 19 And they that lay in watt, arole quick citie,
: the Welt ſide,as 3 ¶ Then Folhua arofe, and alt the men ly outof their place, and ranne afloone as he
vele 9, ofmatre, to goe pp againſt At: and Joſhua hab Tretched out his hand, and thep entred
chole out thirtie thoutand frong men, and inte the citie, and tooke it, and batted , and
valiant, and tent them away by night. fet the cttyonfire. -
4 Andhe commaunded them, faying, 20 And the men of At looked behinde
bh God would Beholde, pe è Wall lie in wait againt the ci- thent,and fato tt : foz log, the fmoke of the cie
not deftrowAi tieon the backline of the cttp: goe not verp ty alcended vpi to heauen: and they had no
-by miracle, as SEA from the city, but bee pe allin a reani- | power to flee this way o? that may: fo: the hOr, toward the
-Lericho,to the eſſe. people that fled to che wilderneſſe, turned heauen,
‘intent that other § And Jand all che people that are with backe bpon the purfuers. Or, place.
‘Mations might mee, will approch vnto the city: and when 21 Aben Joſhna and all Iſrael faw that
feare the power they hallcomeout agains, as they div thep that lapin waite, had taken the citie,
and policie of r the fitt time, then wul wee flee befo and that the {moke of the city mounted vp,
‘his people. em. Reo turned againe, and flew the men
6 Fa they wil come out after vs till we ofgi.
baue brought them out ofthe city: foz thep 22 Allo the isther iſſued outofthe citie i Which came
will lay, Thep flee before vs as at the lirſt again them ; fo were they in the mindeg out of the am-
` time ; fo we will flee before them. of Iſxael. thefe being an the one fide, and the bulh,

7 Then pou Hall rife vp from lying in reton the other fine sana they Mewe them:
f\Or,drime out iothat they let none of them * rematne noz Dent, 9:3.
watte, and ||Deltroy the citie : for the Lod
(theishabitants) pout Hod wil deliuer tt into your hand. efcape. n
of the citie, 8 And when pe haue taken the citie, pee 22 And the King of Ai they tookealiue,
and bzoughe him to Joſhua.
ſhall fet it on fire: accopding to the comman⸗
Bement of the Lord Hall pee doc; beholde,g F, And when Jirael bad made an ende
haue charged pou. of flaping all the inhabitants of At in the
9 CZolhna then fent them foorth, and tietue, that is, in the wilderneffe where thep
they went to licin watt,and abode betweene chafed them, and when thep were all falters
Beth-eland Ai, on the Wet tine of Ai: but on the edge of the lwow , butill thep were
e Withtherelt tng longed that night e among the confined, all the Iſraelites returned vne k For the fire
of the armie. people. fa = > aud « (mote tt with the edge of the
10 And Joſhua rofe vp carly in the moz word. which they had
d Thatis,view- ning, and numbed the people: and be and a Andall that fell that Day, both of men before fet in the
city,was not to
edor muftered the Cloers ofIſrael wentvp befoze the peg- and women, were twelue thouland, cuen all confume it,but
them,and fet ple againſt At. the men of At. x
them in araye IX Aifo alt the men of warre that were 26 Fo Joſhua drew not his hand backe Tofhua to fignifie ynto
with bini, wentyp and Drew neere, ¢ came againe, which he had ſtretched outwith the that they
again che citie, and pitched on the forth {pcare,vuttll he had vtterly deſtroyed all the were entred,
fide of Gi: and there was avalicp betweene inhabitants of At. J i
them and At. 27 * Dnely the cattell athe (poile of this Num, 31.2226)
12 And bee tooke about fiue thouſand citic, Iſrael toake for a pray vnto tle. as ver[e 2e
‘TheLawis read. The -Chap.ix. Gibeonites deceiue Iofhua. 89
felues according vnto the ward of the L020, feetes allo the rayment pon them was old,
which be commanded Joſhua. i and all their ppouttion of becad was Dated,
23 And Joſhua burntAi, and made it an and mouled.
1 Thatit could beapefoz! euer, anda wildernefie vnto this 6 Ho they came vnto Joſhua into the
neuer be built a- Day. : bot to Gilgal,and faid vnto him, and ynta
gaine. 29 And the king of Ai he hanged on a themen of Jirael, Wie be come from a farte
tree, vnto theeucning, And as ione as the ienrFad: now therefore make a league
Hunne was Downe, FJofhua commanded thys.
m According as m that they ould take bts carkets Downe 7 Then themen of Iſrael ſaid vnto the
it was comman- from the tree, and calf it at theentring of Miuites, Jt may be that thon dwelleſt a: d For the Gibe-
ded, Deut.31.23,. the gateof tie citie,and *lap thercona great mang vs, how then can J makea league onites and the
Chap.7.25 526. heape of ſtones,that remaineth puto this Day. with thee? Hiuites were all
30 C Chen Fowua built an Altar vnto 8 And they fata vnto Johua, Mee are one people.
the L020 God of Iſraelinmount Ebal, thy ſeruants. Chen Towna ſaid vnto then,
31 As Moles the leruant of the Lox had tho are yee? and whence come yee?
commaunded the children oẽ Iſcael, as itis 9 And they anhwered him, From avery
written inthe *booke of the Law of Mofes, farre country thy ſeruants are come fo: e the e Buentheido-
an altar of whole tone , ouer which no man fame ofthe Lod thy God: foz wee haue laters for feare
had likt an pron: and they offered thereon heard his fame and all that he ath done in of death wil pree
burnt offerings vnto the Lord, andlacrifie Eg ppt, tendto honour
ted peaceofterings. Io And all that he hath donc to the two the true God,
32 Allo hee wote there vpon the tones, Kings of the Amorites that were beyond ‘and receive his.
n Meaning,the a> schearlall ofthe Lawe of Moſes, which Jorden, to Sibon bing of Helhbon, eta Dg religion,
ten commande- ae re in the peelence of the chilozenof king of Bathan,witch were at Ahtarsth,
Ilſrael. II bereto. our Elders, Eall the inha»
33 Andall Iſrael (and their Elders, and bitantsof our conntrey pake to vs, laying,
officers and their Judges ſtood on this ſide Take victuals + with pou for theiourney, your
of the arke, and on that fide, before the and gorto meste them, and fap vnto theng, hand,
Hꝛieſts of the Leuites. which bare the Arke eare pour feruants ;now therefore make
of the Couenant of the Lozd) as well the peca league with vs, ;
ranger, as He that is borneinthe country: 12 This our fbean we tooke tt hot with f The wicked
halfe ofthem wereouer againſt mount Ge: bs foz victuals our of our houſes the Day we lacke no art nor
riszun,and halfe of them ouer againſt mount Departed to come vnto yourbut now behold, fpare no liesto
Dew. 11.29. Ebal; *as Moles the (eruant of the Loz itis dried, and ít is mouled. fet forth their
27. 12, 13- had commaunded before, that they Mould 13 Ailo thele bottles of twine which wee policieswhen `
bleffe the childzen of Iſrael. filled, were neto, and loe, they be rent, ann they will deceiue
34. Ghen afterward he read althe words thelt our garments and our ooes are. ole, the feruantsof ~
ofthe Lawe, thebleflings and curtings, ac- by reaſon ofthe exxeeding great tourney. i God,
cording to all that ts witten in the booke of 14 ¶ And thes meñ ãccepted their tale g Somethinke
the Lawe. concerning their victuals, and counſelled thatthe Ifraelites
35 There was not a wod of all that Io- not with the mouth ofthe Lop. ate oftheir vie
fes had commanded, which Jolhua read not I5 0 Joſhua mave peace with them,and tailes,and fo
befoze all theCongregation of Ifrael, *aftvel made aleague with them,that he would (uf madealeague <
before fhe o women and the childzen, as the fer them toltuc:atlo the Bꝛinces of the Con- with them,
ftranger that mas conuerſant among them, gregationfware tnta them. ;
16 @ But at the end of theee dayes, after
CHAIR 2X. f they had made a league with them, they
1 Divers Kings affemblethem/elues againft Io- heard that they were their neighbours, and
fhua. 3 The craft of the Gibeonites. 15 Iofhua that they dwelt among them. ;
maketh a league with them, 23 For their craft 17 And thechildreñ of Iſrael tooke their
they are condemnedto perpetual! flauerte. biournep;tcame vnto their cities the third h From Gilgal
Day, and their cities were Gibeon, and Che-
Ad when allthe Ringes that? were be- pPhirab and Beeroth, and Kiriath-iearim.
pond Jorden, inthe mountaines and in 18 And the chilozen of Ifrael flew them
the valleyes, and by all the coattes of the not, becauſe the Pꝛinces of the Congregati⸗
b great Dea ouer againſt Lebanon (as the on had ſworne pute them bythe Lox Gon
Mittites,and the Amozites theCanaanites, ofIſrael: wherefore all the Congregation
the [Pertszites, the hiuites, and the Jebue imurmured agatntt the inces, i Fearing left for
fites) heard thereof, 19 Thenall the Pꝛinces fain puto all the their fault the
2 Thep gathered themſelues together Congregation, Mie haue ſworne vnto theni plague of God
to fight agatiit Fohua, and agant Iſrael by the Lord God of Iſrael: nowe therefore fhould haue
withonefaccord. A : we may not touch them. light vpon them
¶ * But the inhabitants of Gibeon 20 Buc this twee will Dotto them, and let all,
- beard what Joſhua had Done vnto Jericho them line, lett the wrath be vpon vs becaule k This doth not
and to At. i of the k oath whichwefware puto them. eftablith rath
4 Gud therefore they wought craftily: 21 And the (Pinces. ſaid vnto then as othes, but hew-
fo: they went, and fained themfelues embat> gaine, Let them line, but they Wall heme eth Gods mercie
fadours, and tooke olde fackes vpon their Wood, and Draw water vntoalthe Congre: toward his, |
afes ann old botti es fog wine,bothrent and gationas the Pꝛinces appoint them. which would not
c Becaufe they © bound vp, r 22 Fofhuathen called them, and talked punilh them for
were ail worne. § And old ſhooes and clouted bpon their With them, and fayd, Mherefore bane pee thisfaule,
99 beguilea
Gibeonbefieged.. FiueKings ' lofhua. difcomfited. TheSunne ftandeth fil, oa
bequiled bs, faving TUe are betp Fatre from to thine hand: none of them Mall ſtand a>
yom when pee Dwell among bs? gaint thee.
23 sow therefore pe are curled and there 9 Jona therefore came vnto them fud
fhall none ofyoube freed from being bond: pene for bee went vp from Gilgal all tke
men, and brewers of wood, and drawers of night. 7
1 For the v fes of water fo2! che houle ofmyp God, è 10 And the Lord difcomfited them befoze
the Tabernacle 24 And they anfwered Jochua, and faid, Ilrael, and flew them with a great ſlaugh·
and of the Tem- Becaule tt was tolde thy feruants, that the tet at Gibeon, and chaled them along the
ple when it fhall Lod chp God had * commanded hts (eruant way that goeth vp to Beth-hozon,and Grote
be built. -Woles to giue pou all the land, andtode- them to Asekah and to Makkedah.
Dewt.7.%0 froy all the inhabitants of the land out of It And as they fled trom befoze Iſrael,
pour light, therefore we were evcecding fore and ere in the going Downe to Beth-bozen,
aftan foz our lines at the prelence of you, the Loꝛd cat Dewne great ones from heas
and baue Done this things — - uen vpon them, vntill Asekah, and thep Dy-
25 Aud bebold now,we are in chine hand; ed ; they were moe that Dicd with the ¢ hatle> d So wefee that
Dog as it ſeemeth good and right in thing toneg, then thep whom the chtldzen of Ilra⸗ all things ferue
eyes to Doe vnto vs. s el flew with the fwod. r to execute Gods
26 Cuen (o dtd He vnto them,and deliue⸗ 12 C Then ſpake Joſhua to the Lom, in vengeance a-
m Who.were red them out of the™ band of the childsenof the Day when the Lod gaue the Amoites eaintt the wice
minded toput Iſraelthat they lew them not. befoze the children of Iſrael, and hee fain ked.
them to death 27 And Johuaappointed themthat fame in the fight of [fracl,* Sunne, fay thou tu Jfa.28.21.
for feareofGods Day to be hemers of woud, and drawers of oie » and thou Moone, in the valley of ECCLHS. 490455
wrath, water foz the Congregation, and toz the ialen.
n Thatis,fer aAltar of the Loud vnto this day,inthe place 13 And the Dunneabode,and the Moone
the facrifices of which be Hoult cont food Hill, vntill the people auenged thems
the Temple,as = e. b flues bpon their enemies:(Isnot this wait:
verle 23, 1 Fine kings make warre again[? Gibeon, whom tenin the booke of Father?) O the Sunne e Some reade,
Ioſhua difcomfiteth, 11 The Lord rained haile» abode inthe mids of the heauen, and batten the booke of che
flones and flew many. 12 The Sunne ftandeth at not to goe Downe foz a whole Day. righteous:mea= `
Iofhuas prayer. 26 The fiue Kings are hanged. _ 14 And there was no Day like that before ning Mofes:the
29 Many moe cities and Kings are deftroyed. itno: after tt, that tie Loꝛd beard the voice Chalde text regs
N22 when Adoni zedek King of Jerus ofa man: forthe Lord £ fought foz Iſcael. deth in the book
N falem bad heard how Johua had taken I5 (After, Joſhua returned and all Iſra· ofthe Law:but
Chap.6,1§,2%. Atand had Deltroped tt, (* foras hee bad el with bim vnto the campe to Gilgal, itis like that ir
doneto Jericho, andto the King thereof, _ 16 But theflue Rings fled and were hid wasa booke thus
Chap. g 3 528529. fo hee had Done to* Atand to the king thers in a caue at Makkeoah. ; named, vhich is
of) and how the inhabitants of Gibcon had 17 Andit was told Jona, laying, The now loft.
* peace with Iſrael, and were among H Bing ate found bid ina caueat Wak f By taking away
em, edah. the enemies
2 Then they feared erceedinaly: kor Gi· 18 Then Joſhua ſaid, Roule great ſtones hearts, and des
beon was a great citie, asone of the ropall vpon the mouth ofthe caue, and ſet men by ftroyingthem —
cities: fo? tt was greater then Si, and all the it foz to keepe them. , with haileftones.
men thereofwere mightie. 5 Ig But itand yee not ill: follow after
a Fhatis Lord 3 CURherefo a Doni⸗ zedek King of gie your enemies, and + finite alithe hindmoſt,. $Sbr.cut ofall
of iuftice: fo ty- ruſalem fent vnto Hoham king of Hebron, ſuffeer them not to enter into their cities; foz their traine,or
rants take to and vnto Piram king of Jarmuth, and yn the Lord pour God hath gtuen them into taile . à !

themfelues glo- to Japia Ring of Lachith, and unto Debir pour hand: t
rious names, King of Calon, faying, 20 And when Joſhua and the children of
when indeede 4° Come vp vnto me, and helpeme, that Iſrael had mave an ende of faving thim
they be very we map finite Gibcon: foz they haue made with anerceeding great ſlaughter til they
enemies againft . ae aes Joſhua and with the childzen of twere conſumed, and the cele that remained
Godand ali rael. i of chem were entred into the walled cities,
niftice, S, Therefoze the fiue Rings ofthe Amo- 21 Then all the people returned to the
rites, the Big of Jerufalem, the Ring of campe, to Joſhua atMakkedah ins peace: g Or,infaferie,
Hebzon, the King of Jarmuth, the King of no man moued his tongue againlſt the chil fe that none
b So enuious the Lachith, and the King of Eglon gathered Deen of Iſrael. gaue themas
wicked are, when theniſelues togetber,and went yy, they witi 22 After, Joſhna faid, Open the mouth much as an euill
any.depart from all their botes, and befiegedD Gibeon, and of the caue, and bring out theſe fue Kings word,
their band. made b warre againitit. vnto me forth of thecaue.
c Leftlothua 6 And the men of Gibeon {ent vnto Fo- 23. And they Did ſo, and bꝛoughtout thole
fhoutd haue ſhua, euen to the hoſte to Gilgal, faying, fiue Rings unto hint fsozth ofthe cate, cuen
thought that CHithdzaw not thine hand from thy fer- the Wing of Jerulaicm, the King of Hebaon,
God had fent nauts: conte vp tos quickly, and fauevs, the Kina ofFJarmuth, the King of Lahit,
this great power and helpe vs: forallthe Kings ofthe Amo- and the Ring of Eglan
againft him for vites which Dwell in the mountatnes, are 24. And Shen ther had brought out thoſe h Signifying
his valawſull gathered together agatnit us, Kings wito Joſhua. Joſhua cated foz all the what ſhould be-
Teague with the 7 So Zoijuaaended from Gilgal, be. men of Fivacl,anv ſaid onto the chiete of the come ofthe reft
Gideonites, the and all the peonte of watte with him, and al men ok warre, which went with him, Come of Gods enemies,
asd heere ‘the men of might. neere, (etpour feete npon thet necks of thele feeing that Kings
ftrengtheneth S @ And the Lod fayd, vnto Joſhua, ings: and they came ngere and fee their themfelues were.
him, © Fearg them mot; for 3 bane giuen thein ine feete bpon their neskes, notfpar¢d. `
25 And
Diuers cities and countreyes Chap. xj. conqueredbylofhua., go
25 And Joſhua faid vnto them, Feare to the king thereof. A
notno:befaint hearted, but bee trong, and 40 € So Joſhua finote all the hill coun:
of arood courage: fo: thus wit the Loꝛd doe trepes, and the Houth countreys, and the
to all pour enemtes , againft whom pe igbt. valleys, and the ‘htithdes, and all chetr i Some read
26 Ho then Joſhua ünote chem,and tiew kings,and let none remaing, but vtterly ug» Athedoth, which
them, and banged them on flue trees, and {troped euery foule , as the Lozd God of Iſ⸗ fignifieththe de-
they banged Rill vpon the trees vntill the raci bad commanded. {cents of the hiis.
euening. 4I And Joſhua (mote them from Kadeſh·
27 And at the going Downe of the funne, barnea euen vnto Azzah, and all the coun⸗
Joſhua gaue commaundement , that they trey of Goyen, euen vnto Gibron, k In one battell,
Deut.2 1.23. tould take*them Downe off the trees, and 42 Andal thele kings and theit land Did 1 Where the
chap b.29. calt thein into the caue (wherein thep han Joſhuã take at k one time, becauſe che Lod Arke was, there
Beene hid) and they lait great Hones bpon God of Iſrael fought fo: Jirael. Š to giue thankes
wecauces mouth, which remaine vntill thts 43 Afterward Jotyua € all Iſrael with for their viĝo»
ay. Hin returned puto the campe th ! Gilgal, ries.
28 C And that fame day Joſhua tooke CHAP, XI
f Tofhua taketh t Wakkedah and ſmote tt with the edge of 2 Diners kings and cities, and countreys ouere
Makkedab. the fwozd,and the king thereof deſtroyed he come by Iofhua. 15 Iofhua did all that Mofe:
with them,ef all the feules that were there had commanded him. 20 God hardeneth the eng-
be let none remaine:foꝛ he Dit tothe king mits hearts that they might be deftroyed.
a The more that
of (Bakkedah * as bee bad Done vnto the MD when Jabin king of Hazor Had
king of Jericho. A heard thts, then be? fentto Jobab king Gods

power ap-
29 Then Joſhua went from Wakkedah, of Paden, tothe king of Syiunrom,and the wicked rage
andall Flrael with him vnto Libnah, and to the king of Achapb, againft it.
fought again Libnah. . 2 And vnto the kinges that were by the b- Which the
30 And the LoD gaue tit alo and the Noꝛth in the mountaines and platucs to- Euangelifts call
king thercofinte the hand of Iſrael: and be ward the Houthhde of Cinneroth, and m the lake of Gen-
{mote it with theedge of the ſword, and all u valleyes,
and the bozders of Doz Weft- nezaretb,or Tie
the ||foules that were therein: bee tet none ard,
remaine in it: foz he DID vnto the king thers 3 And vnto the Canaanites, both byCaf, berias.
of, a3 bee had Done vnto the King of Neri- and bp Aet, and vnto the Amozites , and
Q Hittites and Pertssites , and Jebulites in
31 (And Joſhua departed from Libnad, tie mountatnes, ynta the Hiuites vnder c Which was
and all Jiraci with him vnto Lachith, and c Permon ın the land of Wizpeh. mount Sihon,as
befieged tt,and affautted it. i 4 AnD thep came out and all their hoſts
32 And the Lo: gaue t Lachif® into the with then, many peopleas the fand that is Deut,4.48,
band of Jifraeltubich took it the ſecond day, onthe fea Moze for multitude, with horſes
and (mote it with the edge of the ſword, and and charets erceeDing many.
au the foules that were therein: accosding § Boalltvhele Kings met together, anu
to all as be bad Done to Libnah. came and pitched together at the waters of
The king of 33 CA hen Yoram king oft Gezer came Werom,toz to fight againſt Iſcael.
Gezer is (laine. bp to helpe Lachifh: but Joſhua (mote bint not
6 CThen the Lo fain vnto Joſhua, Be
afratd fo: them: foz to mozrow about
= his people, vntill nongof bis remai⸗
ed. this time will J deliver them all Maine be- d That neither
34 Cand from Lachih Joſhua Depart- fore Ifrael: thou Malt «hough their horſes they fhould ferue
Eglon js taken. ted vnto t Eglon, and all Iſrael with pinn and burne thett charets with fire. to the vfeof wat
and they belleged tt, and aſſaulted it, 7 Abhencame Jona and all themen of nor the Iftaelites
35 And they tooke it the fame Dap, and watre with him againk them by the waters thould put theiz
{mote tt with the edge of the fwo: , andali of erom (uddenty,and fell bpon them. troft ia them.
the foules that were therin bee btterly de- $ And the Lozd gane them into the hand
Rroyed the fame day, accozding to all that ofS {tact : and they {mote them, and chafen e Which fignifi-
he had done to Lachiſh. them vnto great 3iDon, and ynto Wilte» eth hot waters,or
36 Then Joſhua went vp from Eglon, phothmaim, and vnto the valley of iſpeh according to
aud all Ilrael mith him vnto Vekon, and Caftward, and note cher vntili they had fome, brine pitt.
they foughtagatntt it. none remaining ofthem.
37 And when they had taken tit, thep 9 And Joſhua dtd vnto them as the Lod
finote te with the edge of the ſword, and the bade him: bee houghed their boles, ana
king thereof, andall the cities thereof, and burnt their charets with fre.
all the ſoules that were therein: be left none 10 C And that time alfo Jowua turned
remaining, according to all as bee had Done backe, and tooke 1)a302, and {mote the king
to Eglon: fozbeDeltrovedttvtterly, and all thereof with the ſword; foz Hazor before»
the foules that were therein. time was the bead ef all thafe kingdomes.
33 (Hs Joſhua returned, and altIſrael Ir Mopzcouner, they mote al the f perfons f Both men, woe
with him to Debir,and fought axaint it. that were therin with the edge of the ſword. men and chil-
39 And when he hadtakent tt ,and the vtterly Deftroping all, leauing none aliue, dren.
~ Ring thereof, and all che cities thereof, thep and be burnt Wazo: with fire.
{mote them with the edge of the fivo2d, and -I2 Hoalt the cities ofthotekkinges, and `
bitterly deſtroyed all the foules that were all thekings of them Did Johuatake, and
therein, hee let none remaine : ag be Did to finote them with the edge of the ſwoꝛd, and
- Hebson,lo hee Did to Debir, and to the king vtterly Deitroved them , * as Woles the (ere Numb.3 3.530
thereot, ashee badalle Done
te Libnah, and vant ofthe Lom M a £s dette].2a
-Cities,countreyes,and Tofhua. Kings conqueredbyIofhua,
13 But Iſrael Burnt none of the cities vnder the ſpzings of * Piſgah.
* ſtrength,
a intheirs bit fides.
g Whichwere that ſtood ſtill ſaue Ha 4 ¶ They conquered alfothecoattofDg Deut.z4
firong by ftua- 302 onely, that Joſhua burnt. king of athan of the* nhani of the Os —
tionandnot hurt 14 And all the lpoile of theſe cities, and ants,which dweltatAthtaroth, and at E> Deut.3.11
by warre, thecattell, the thudren of Ilrael tooke for Dei, : chap.i ʒ *
b Allmankiad. their pray, but they ſmote eucry *man with § And reigned in mount hermon, and in nas
the edge of the Twade, vntill they han pe» PDalcah,and iu ali Bahan, vnto the border
ftroped them,not leautng one aliue. of the Seihucites , and the MBaachathites,
Exod.34 11. 15. (As the Lod * had commaunded and balie Gilead, euen the border of Sihon
Deut7. % GPoles his feruat, to Did ¢Boles* command king of Debon.
Joiwua and fo Did Joſhua: hee teft nothing 6 oles the leruant of the Low, and the
D ofalthat the Loꝛd had commanded childzen of Jfrael ſmote them : oles allo. Numb. 32.29...
$Boles. theleruantof the Loꝛd gaue their land fo2a deut. 3.12, .
16 Ho Johuateoke all thistand of the poſſellion vnto the Reubenites, and vuta chap.13.8,
mountaines, and all the South, and all the — ona » and tobhalfe the tribe of 9a-
land of Goen, and the low countrep , anv
i That is, Sama- the plaine, tthe i mountaine of Iſrael, ana 7 CThbele allo are the kings of the coun-
ria. the low countrep of the tame, trep, which Jowua aud the childacn of Ff-
k So called, be- 17 From the mount *ijalak , that goeth tacllinore on this Gide Joden, CUeſtward,
caufe it was bare vp to Seir, euen vnto Baal gad tn the yal- from Baal-gad in the valley of Lebanon, e-
and without lep of Lebanon, vndermount Wermon: and uen vnto the mount > Palak that goeth pp b Read Chap,
trees. 4
all their kings de tooke,and finote them, ant to Deir, and Joſhna gaue tt vnto the tribes 11.verle 17.
flew them
he valley o e > 2 otIras foza poſſeſſion, accozding to their
ak ie aay 18 Jelhua made warrelong time with al
thole kings, : 3 In the mountaines and in the valleys,
19 HNeither was there any city that made and in the plaines,andinthe|| hil ides,and lOr, in Aſhdoth.
peace with the childzen of irael,*taue thole in the wilderneſſe, and inthe South, where
Hiuites that inbabited Gibeonsal other they were the 1jittites,the Amoꝛites, and the Cas
tooke by battell. naanites, the Perissites, the Hiuites, and
1 Thatis,to giue 20. Foꝛ it cameof the Loyd, to! harden the Jebulites, ;
them ouer to their hearts that thep Mould come againit 9 ¶The king of Jericho was one; * th © Chap.6.2.
themielues: and Girael in battell,to the intet that they would king of Stwhich ts beüde Beth-cl,one: Chap.8.29¢
therefore they Deltroy them vtterly, and Hew theno mercy, 10. The * kug of Jerufalem, ones the Chap,10.2 3.
could nor but re- but that they Hoult being them. to nought : king of i)ebz0n, one :
bel againft God, as the Loza.had commanded Moles. Ir The king of Jarmuth, one ; the king |
and {ceke their ~ 21 Ç And that fame tealon came Joſhua. ef Lachith, ong.:
own deftruction. and Deftroped the Anakims out of b moune. 12 Che king of Eglon, one: the* king Chap.10,33.
taines : as out of ebon, out of Debir, out
of Anab, and.out of allthe monntaines of otter
Judah, ane out ofall the mountaines of Jf-
Oe Ebes hing of Deb
IR te:Ge* king+i of Debir, sone:one: the
the king Ringofof Chap. 10.39
vacl: Joſhua deſtroyed them vtterly with oft 14.hamasChe king of D: j by
Hoꝛmah, one: theking
theis cities.
22 There was no Anakim left in the land Is The *King of Libuab, ones the king
of the chitdzen of Iſrael: only in Azzah, = tu of Adullam ane t
m Outofthe ~ Gath, and in Aihdod were they lett. 16 Che* king of Makkedah,
one: the ciep.10.29,30.
which cane Gos 23 So Jofhua tooke the whole land, ac- nine ene el neis p j
liath; 1.$am.17. cording to all that the Lord had ſayd unto 7 Thekingof Tappuah, one: theking 28
4e Moles: and. Joſhua gaue tt fozan inbert- ot Hepher, one: ——
Nam, 26.5 3555+ tance vnto Iſrael *accozving to their poztt- 18 The kingok Apheksone; the king of
ons though thew tribes > then the iand was Laiharon, one;
at reſt without warre. 19 The kingofMadon, one; the* king chap. 11,10
CHA. AET, of 2)a502,0ne:
1.7 What kings Folbuaand the children ofIf- 20 She king of Shimron- meron, ones
rael killed on both fides of Lorden, 24 Which. the king of Achibaph,one :
were in number thirty and one, 21 The king of Caanach one: the king
A AD theleare the Binges of the land, of Megiddo, one:
which the children of Hltacl (mote and 22 Che kingofRenem ones the king of F

polſeſſed theit land, ontheother fide Flors Jokuean | of Carmel one: H ci BOr, neere vane!
a From Gilgal
where Ioſhua Den toward
4 therting of the Gunne ftonii 23. The kingofDoz, tn the countreyoF Carmel.
the riuer Arnon,vuto molut Hermon , and —— the king of the *nattonsof Gil- Gen. 141.
— all the platne Sauward galones À
Namb. an.24. 2* Sihon king of the Amovites that 24 The king. of Tirzah, one: all the
— Dweltin hHeſhbon hautng dominion from kings were thirtte and one ¢
8* -Aroer „wbich is belide the riuer of Arnon,
pres and fromthe middle oftýrriter, and from, 3, The.borders & coafts ofthe dand of Canaan. —
halfe Gilead , vnto the rier Pabbok, in the 8 The poffeffion of the Reubenites, Gadites, > of) 5 t i

borderof the chilozen of Ammon. KA halfethe tribe of Manaffeb. 14 The Lord wthe a Being almoft
3. And from the plaine vuto the Sea of. inheritance of Leui. 22; Balaamwas flame, an hundreth and
Cinneroth ECatward ann vnto the Bea of } N22 when Joſhua was olde , and. ftris ten yeere old.
1Or, milderno fer, the i platne,euen the faltea, Eaſtward, the ken in peeres, The Lord faine: vate +£or.commenim-
wap toBerh-tehimorh, and fromthe Ouf, dim, Thouart oldes i+ GKOHIENARABS sto eres
Countries vnconquered. The portions Chap. xiiij. of Reuben,Gad,andhalfe Manaſſeh. 91
and there rentaineth exceeding much land gah,and Beth iechimoth:
b After thatthe to bet poſſeſſed: i 21 Andall the cities of the plaine: and
enemies are o- 2 This is theland that rematneth,atl the all the kingdome of Sihon King of he g-
uercome. regtons ofthe Philiſtims, and alGethurt, moꝛrites, WHich reigned in Heſhbon, whom
\|Or, borders. 3 from tiinus whichis $in Egypt, e- Moles {iste*with the princes of Hidian, Num 31 8.
$Ebr. Shihor. ueivunto the bozders ef Ekron Qorthward: Cut, and Rekem , and Zur, and Yur, anv
4Ebr. Vpon the this ts counted efthe Canaanites, cuen fine Reba, the Dukes of Sihon, Dwelling inthe
face of Egypt. Lodihips of the Philiitims, the Asstthites, countrey.
aun the Aijdosites, the Cijketlouttes, the 22 Aud f Balaam the fonne of Beor the f So that both
Gittites and theEkronttes, and the Auites: Heothlayer , did the children of Ifrael flap they which obeye
4 From the South, allthe land ofthe —— ſword, among them that were ed wicked coun-
$Ebr.Mearah, Canaanites,and the¢caue that ts belide the fell andthe wic-
Hidontans, vnto Aphek, and to the bozders 23 And the border of the children of Rer ked counfeller
ofthe Amozites: fet ben was Foden with the coats. Chis was perifhed by the
§ Andthelandof the Giblites, and all the inverttance of the chilen of Reuben, tuft judgement
WOr.the plaine of Lebanon, toward the fun riling from | Ba- according to theitfamiltes, with the cities of God.
Ga d,
hai-gad vader mount Yermon, vntillone and thetr villages.
come te amath. j 24 CA Mors gaue inheritance vnto
6 Alltheinbabitants ofthe mountaines the tribe of Gad, even ynto the chilazenof
€ Reade Chap. from Lebanon sites Miſrephothmaim, and Gad, according to their families.
11,8, all the wontans,J wil cate them out from 25 And thetr coatts were Jazer, and all
befoe the children of Iſrael: onelp diuide the cities of Gtleab,and balie the land of the
thou tt by lot vnto the Iſraelites, to inherit, children of Ammon vnto Aroer which is bee
as J haue commanded thee. ; fore Rabbah:
7 How therefore Dintde this land to iu⸗ 26 Gud from Heſhbon vnto Ramoth,
berite vnto the nine tribes , and to the halle Mizpeh, and Betonim: and from Malja-
tribe of Manaſſch. } natun tuto the borders ot Debir:
8 Forwith halfe thereof the Renbenites, 27 And in the valley Beth aram, and
and the Gadjtes haue receiued their inheri· Beth nimrah, and Succoth,
and Zaphon,
N um.3 2.33. tance, *which Moles gaue them beyond therck of the kingdome of Sihon King of
deut.3. 13. Jorden Cat ward, enen as Woles the ler⸗ Heſhbon, vnto Jorden and the borders enen
chap. 22.4. vantofthe Lod had giuen them. vnto the Sea coaſt of Cinnereth, s beyond g Thatis,in the
9 From Aroer that ts on the brꝛinke of Jonen Gatward. land of Moab,
the riuer Arnon,and from the cittethat ts in 28 This isthe inheritance of the children
fOr,valley, the mids of thell riuer, and allthe plaine of of Gad, after their families, with the cities”
Medeba vnto Dibon, and ther villages.
Io Andall the cities of Bihon king of the 29 Q Alo Woles gane inheritance bite
Amozites, which reigned in Heſhboñ, vnto the halfe tribe of MPanafleh: and this belone
the borders ofthe childzen of Ammon, ged ta the halfe tribe of the childzen of Ma⸗
Ii And Gilead, and the berders of the nafich,according to their families.
and of the Maachathites anv _ 30 And their bozder was from Mahana.
all mount Permon, wih all Bapan vnto im, euen all Baian,towit, all the kingdome
Baicah: 1 } of Dg Ring of Bahan , and all the townes
I2 Gllthekingdome of Dg in Bahan, of Jair which are in Baan, theeelcoze ct
which reigned in Ahtaroth andin Edrei; tie S.>
Deut.3.11. Cwho remainedok theret of the giants) fez- 31 And halke Gilead, and AHtaroth,
Chap.v2.4. thele did Moſes ſmite, and taft themeout. and Emei, cities of the kingdome of Dg in
d Becaufe they 13 But the chtlozen of Ilrael d expelled Bahan, * were given ynto the h childzen Num. 32.39.
deftroyed not all not the Gelhurites, no: the Maachathites: of Pachter the fonneof Manatleh , to halke h Meaning,his
as God had com- but the Gelhurites and the Maachathites E~H childzen of Machir after their fami- nephewesand
manded, they be among the Iſraelites euen vnto this pofteritie,
that remained, ay. 32 Theleare the heritages , which Mo⸗
were fhares and 14 Dnely vnto the tribeof Lent hee gaue fes Did diſtribute inthe plaine of ghoab be-
prickes te hurt none inberttance, but the facvitices of the yond Jo2den,toward Jericho Eaſtward.
them,Num. 33. Lod Gor of Iſrael are hisinheritance, as 33 * Butynto the tribe of Leut Moſes Chap, 18.7,
-§5.chap,2 3.13. he faid vnto hin, , gauc none inheritance: for the Lod God of
Gude 2 3. Is ¶Moſes then gaue vnto the tribe of Iſrael is their inheritance, *as he faid vnto Num 18,20.
e Leui (hall liue the chtldzen of Reuberinheritance,accosging them,
“by the facrifices, to their families.
Numb, 18.25. 16 And their coat was from Aroer, that CHAP. XIIII.
és on the brink of the riuer Arnon,and from
the citie that isin the mids of the riuer, and 2 The land of(anaan was dinided amoug the
all the platne that is by Medeba: : nine tribes andthe halfe. 6 Caleb requireth
17 Velbon with all the cities therof,that heritage that was promifed him. 13 Hebron was
Or.hieplaces ate in the ptaine : Dibonand ||Bamoth-ba- giuen him,
ofBaal, al,and Beth baal-meon:
18 Gud Jahaszah, and Kedemoth, t Bee T Defe allo are the places which the chil-
phaath: men of Iſrael inherited in the land of
I9 Kiriathaim alin and Sibmah,and 3e⸗ Canaan , * which Cleazar the Pet, and Nur, 34.17.
WOr,the valley. rethſhahar iu the mount of |Cmek: E Joſhua the fonne of Mun, andthe chicke taz
Deutz ag * 20 And Beth-peoz , and * Aſhdoth pif thers of the tribes of the chilozen of Iſrael
99 3 diſtribu⸗
© Caleb requireth hisinheritance. Tofhua. The portion ofthe children
4 4 oe e Fz

Diltributedtothem, — ieg then was the lot of the tribe of the

⁊6.55. 2 * By thelot of their inheritanceas the childzen of Judah by their families :
and 33.54. Lod bad conunaunded by che band of Mo⸗ euen *to the bozder of som and the wil- Nam. 34.3.
ror togtue tothe nine tribes, and the balie pene of * Zin, Southward on the South Num. 33.366
tribe A } coatt.
3 Fo Woles had ginen inheritance vne 2 And their Houth bower was the falt
2 AsReubenand toa two tribes and an halfe tribe beyond Sra coal, fegn the point that looketh a The Ebrewe
Gad and halfe Joer: but vnto tye Leuites bee gaue none Houthward. word fignifich
the tribe of Mae inheritante among them. 3 Andit went ont on the South hoe to⸗ tongue, whereby ©
naffeh, Numb. 4 Fothe coildzenof Jofeph were btwo ward YPaaleth-akrabdtin, and went along is meant either
32.33» tribes, Manalleh and Ephraim: therefore to Fin, talcended vp on the Southlide vnto the arme of the
b So though they gaue no part vnto the Lenites tn the Kadelh-barnea, and went along to Lyesron, Sea that com-
land, faue cities to Dwell tn, with the fiib- and went vp to Adar, and fetãcompaſſe to meth into‘the
Leui lacked, yet
were there {till urbes of the Came foz their beattes and their Karkaa. land,or a rocke
rwelue tribes by fubfance. - 4 Fromthence went tt along to Azmon, or cape that go-
this meanes, 5 "asthe Lord hat commanded (Boles, and reached vnto the riuer of Egypt, and ethinto the Sea,
ACumb.3 5.2 fo the chitdzen of Iſrael Did when thep Dui- theend ofthat coalt wason the Meſtũde:
chap 21.233. Ded she land. ‘ this fall be pour South coat.
6 & Then the chlun of Judah came § Allothe Gait border Hall bee the falt
vnto Joſhna tn Origal: and Caleb tye tonne Bea, vnto the > end of Joꝛden: and the boz: b Meaning, the
of Fephunneh the Kenesite ſaid vnto him, der on the Horth quarter from the point of mouth of the ri-
Chou kuowelk what the Lord fd vnto the Dea,and from the end of Jorden. uer where itrun-
e Which wass Doles the man of God, concerningsme and 6 And this border gorth vp to Beth- neth into the
tbat they two thee in Kadeſh· barnea. Hogla, and goeth along by the s2ozthtide of falt fea.
onely ſhould en. 7 Fourtie yeere oD was T,when GE oles Weth-aravath: fo the border from thence go⸗
ter into the land, the ſernaunt of thee Low fent mee from Ba- eth vp to thes tone of Boban the ſonne of c Whichwasa
Num. 1434 deſh· barnea to efpte the land,and Ibrought R euben. marke to part
n word againe, as l thoughe in ming 7 Againe this boꝛder goeth vp to Debir their countries,
eart. from the valley of Acho2r, and Mozthward,
d Which were 8 Buty 4 brethren that went vp with turning toward Gilgal, that lieth betoze the
the ten orker mice, diſcouraged the heart afthe people: pet going vp to Adumnum, which is on the
fpics, 3i followed Mill the Lod nip Gos. Hourhlide of the riuer: allo this border go»
9 CUherefore Moles (ware the fame Day, eth vp to the waters of Enſhemeſh, and en lOr the funtaine
faying, Certainly the land whercen thy feet Deth at * Cn-rogel. ofthe Sunne,
baue tronen, (hall bee thine inheritance, and 8 Chen this border goeth vp to the pal- 1 Kingin De
thy childzens foz cuer, becaule thou patt fol- ley of the fonne of Vinnom, on the South⸗
lowed contantly the Lo20 my God. fide of the Jebulites: the fame ts Jernfas
10 Therefore behold now,the Lord hath lem: alfo this border goeth vp to the toppe
kept mecaline, as hee promilcd : thts ts the of the mountaine that lpeth before the vals
fourtie and fifth yeere fince the Lozd ipake icy of Hinnom Mickward , which is by the
this thing vnto (Boles, while the chilazen * of the valley of thet Gpants Morth: *Ebr. Rephaim
f Jiraci wandered in the wilderneſſe: and ard.
nowloc, Jam this Day fourefto and fue 9 Ha this border compaffetl from the
yeere old: ie topafthe mountatne vnto the fountaine of
Fyecla.469. ii And yet amas* ſtrong at this timeas the water of Aephtoah,and goeth out to the
Jwas when Moles ent me: as ſtrong as J cities ofmeunt Ephron: this boder Draws
was then, ſa trong an J now, either fog cth to Baalah, which is Kiriath tearim. ||Or,the citie of
Ebreo goe ont, Warre,o2 + foz gouernment. f 10 Then this bomer compafſeth from 100450 -
and come th 12 Row therefore gire mee this moune Baalah Meſtward vnto mount Heir, and
taine whereof the Lo: fpake in that Day goeth along ynta the Gdeofmount Jearim,
llOr giants (fa: thou heardeit in that day, how thel A- whichis Cheſalon on the Mothite > tor
nakima were theve, and the cities great and commeth Downe to Beth⸗Memeſh, and go
e This he fpake walled) e if fo bee the Lod will bee with eth to Timnah. -
of modeftic and —— FJ may Battie them out, ag the Loa Ir Gli this boer geth out vnto the
porof doubting, aw. lide of Chron Northward: and this border
13 When JoHua bleed him, and gane DMaweth to Shicron, and gorth along ta.
nto Caled tye fonne of Icphunneh, Hebron mount Baalah, and ſtretebeth vnto Pab-
foran inheritance. aye * and the endes of this coaſt are to rhe
{hap.21,12. 14 *wWebzon therefore became theinhert- Dea. d Meaning,to-
1, Macc. 2.56. tance of Caleb the une of Jrphuuneh the _12 Gnd the {ek border is tothe great ward Syria.
Kenezite vnto thts Day: becaufe he kollowed Hear lo this bower all bee the bounds of
contantly the Lord Sod of Firacl. the childacn of Judah round about, accoz-
CGap.t 5. 13. 15 And the name of * Hebron was before Dingtathetrfamilies.
f Either for his time, Kiriath⸗arba: which Arba was.a'great 13 @ And vnto Caleb the anne of Fee
power or perfor. man among the Anakims: thus the land phunnch did Joſhua giue a part among the
coated remi warre. children of Indah, asthe Loꝛd commanded
bun, ceuen" Kirtarth-arba ofthe father of A⸗ Chap.1 4.18.
C HUA PB. XY: nak, which is in Debon. e This was done
1 The lot of the children of ludahx the names 14 And Caleb *moue thence three ſonnes after the death
ofthe cities and villages of the fame. 13 Calebs of Anak, Sheſhai and Ahiman, and Tal- of loſhua, Tuig,
portion, 18 The requcf ofAchjab, mahthe lounesof Anak, 1:10,20,
Is And
of Iudah with their citics, and Chap. xvj. villages. Ephraims portion. 92
15 And he went vp thence to the inhabt⸗ mir, and Jattir,andSocop,
tants of Debir: anv the name of Debis be- 49 2nd Dannah snd * Kiriath
· ſannach k Which is alfè
fozetime was Rirtacy-lepder. 7 oh (which ts Dzbir) called Kiriath-
16 Then Gaich (aid,He that ſmiteth Ri- 50 And Anab,gAſhtemoh, and Anim, fepher verf 15.
rtath-fepher, and taketh if, cuen to bun will 5 1 And Golhen, and Holon, aud Hiiop;
J gine Achlah mp Daughter to wife, eleuen cities wih their villages,
17 And Dthntel the ionne of Kenaz, the §2 Arab, and Dumab ant Epean,
LOr coufin, bother of Taisb toore its and he gaue yun 53 And Janum and eth-tappuah, and
Achlah his Daughter to wife. Aphekah, Ky f
18 Aup as {he went in to hin, Gee mooued 54 And Pumtah,t* Riciath-arbaCwhich Chep.t 4.13.
f Becanfe her pim to alke of her father a field: £ and hee ts Pebꝛon) and Zio? ; nine cities wiiy their
hufbard tatied tighten off per aſſe, and Caled fayd vnto villages. 1
too long, hẽt, Mhat wilt then? Pye — 55 aon, Tarmel ant siph,t Futtab,
llOr, grant me 19 Then ſhe aniwered, |} Cine me a blei 56 And Izreel, ana Pokoean, ¢3anoab,
tha petitirn. fiig: foz thou balk giuen mee the South 57 tain,oibbeah.¢ Timnabh ; ten cities
g Pecaufe her countrep ¢ e ging meẽ allo pings of water, Witt their villages.
countrey was And he gaue her the ſprings absue, and the 58 Halhul Beth · zur, andGeno,
barren, (he defi- ſprings beneath. h 59 And Maarag, anv Beth-anoth, and
red ofher father 20 This thalibec the inheritanceof the Cliekon:Gre cities with their villages.
a field that had tribe ofthe childzenof Judah arsodig te 60 Kirtiath baal, which is Rirtath-tea-
fprings,Iude.1, their famultes, * i Fae Rabbah; rws cities wrth their bil-
i 4, 15.
21 And the vtmoſt cities of the tribe of ages.
techilazen of Judah , toward the coaſts of 61 CJuche wilderneke were Beth-ara- 1 Of thiscitie
Dom Southward, were Kabzeel, and E⸗ bab, Edin, ane Becacaij, — the fak Sea hath
Der,and Jagur, f 62 And Mibiban,ethe | cttic of ſalt, and his name.
22 And Kinah,and Dimonay,t Daah, En-ged1; lire tities with their villages, m Thatis,veterc
23 And Kedeſh, and Hazor, and Ithnan, 63 Neuertheleſſe,the Iebulites that were ly,though they
24 3iph,and Telem, aud Bealoth, the inhabitants of Jerulalem, coulð not the flew the moſt
25 And Hazoz, Hadattah, and Kerioth, childzen of Judah cat ™ out, but the gebu- part, and burnt
Pelton (which ts aso) lites Dwel with the childzenof Judah at Je⸗ their citie,
26 Amamand penia, and Wotadah, ruſalem vito this Day. Iudg.1;8,
27 And Mazar, Gaddah, and Heſhmon, CHAP. XVI.
and Beth palet, 1 The lot or part of Ephraim, 10 The Cana-
28 And iasat-Hual,t Beer ·ſheba, and anite dwelled among them,
Bistothtah, Biia fea the lot fell to the a chrldgen of Jo- a That is, to E-
20 Baala and Jim,and Azem, ieph from Jorden by Jericho vnto the phraim and his
h Which before 30 And Citolad, eCyciil , > eiyozmab, water of Jericho Eaſtward, and to the wil- children:for Ma-
was called Ze- - fanny Ane3iklag,and Madmanna,t Dan- DerneHle that goeth vp from Jericho by the naffehs portion
phath, Iudg.i.17. nuah, mount Beth-el: followeth,
32 And Lebaoth
aud Shilhim, and Ain, 2 And goeth out from Beth-el to Luz⸗ Tudg. 1.265 >
anv Runmon: ati chefe cities arc twenty ana and runneth along vnto the bogdersof Ara
nine with their villages. x chiatarotlh,
33 Cn the low countrey were Eſhtaol 3 Andgoeth Downe Meſtward to the
and zoreah, andAnab, é coaltof Japblett, vnto the coaſt of Beth-
34 And Zanoah, and Cngannim, Tap- holon the nether,anbd to Gezer:and the ends
pua),and Enam, b thereofare at the fea. b OF their inhee
35 Jarmuth, and Adullam, Soroh, and 4 So the children of Poleph Manaſſeh, ritance,
* Pe and Ephzatm < tooke their tnberttance, c Scuerally,firft
36 And Dharaim, and Adithain, and 5. @ Allo the bomers af che childzen of Ephraim, and
Gederah, and Gederothatin; fourteen cities Ephraim according to theit families, euen then Manafich.
with their villages. — the bozders of their inheritance on the Eat
37 Zenam qHadaſhah x Migdal· gad. lide, were Atroth-adDar, unto Beth· horon
38 And Dile ain, ant Mizoeh tToktheel, the ee i
29 Lachiſh, and Bozkath, andEglon, 6 And this border goeth otit tothe Drea
40 And Cabbon, t Lahmam, t Kithliſh, tato Michmethahon the fosthfive, ¢ this
41 And Gcderoth, eth-Dagon, t Maa · border returnety Eaſtward vnto Tanaath-
mah, and Makkedah: ſixteenẽ clits with ihtloh, and paſſeth iton the Taf tine vnto
thetr villages. Janohah,
42 Lebnab,and ther,and Aban, 7 And gorth Downe from Janohah to
43 And Jiphtah and Amua tMest, Ataroth, and Maarath, and commeth to Fe-
44 And Beilab, t Aczib aud Mare hah: richo, and goeth out at Jozben. d For fo farre
nine cities with their villages, 8 And this bomer goeth rom Tappuah the coafts reach.
Eb daughters, 45 Ekron with ber eiownes and her CHickward onto the river Ranah, and the
villages, ends thereof are at the Gea ; this ts the in⸗
46 From Ckroneuen vnto the fea, all heritance of the tribe of the childzenof Œ-
that lieth about AMD wich their villages. phzatm by their families.
47 AWD with her tones and her vil 9 Andthe ⸗ſeparate cities foz the chil- e Becaufe Ephra-
Tages : A33ah with ber townes and her vil⸗ DenofEphraim were among b inheritance ims tribe was far
i Meaning,Nilus, lages, vnto the iriner of Egypt, tthe great ofthe chilozen of Manalſeh: all che ctttes greater thé Ma-
as Chap, 13.36 ſcã was their coatt. with their villages. nafich, therefore
48 Andin the mountaines were Sba- 19 And they sak not out the Canaanite he had mo cities.
l M 4 that
The portion ofhalfe Manaffeh. Ioſhua. The Tabernacle in Shiloh.
that dwelt in Gezer, but the Canaanite not Delroy thoſe cities, but the Canaanites
Dwelt among toe Ephzatmites vnto thig Dwelled till in that land.
Day, and ſerued vnder tribute, 13 Neuertheles, when the childzen of Iſ⸗
CHAP. XvIL rael were trong, they put the Canaanites
1 The portion of the halfe tribe ofManafeh, puder tribute,
but cait them not out wholly.
3 The daughters of Zelophehad. 13 The Canaa- 14. Then the children of Joſeph pake vn»
nites are become tributaries, 14 Manaffeb and to Joſhua, faving, Cibp balt chou ginen me
Ephraim reguire a greater portion ofheritage. but one let, and one portion to tnbertte, iee»
T Wis was alia the lot of the tribe ot Ma⸗ ingJ]am a great people, fozatmuch as the
Gen.41:5 rand naſſeh: faz he was the * firt bone of Jo⸗ Lozd hath > bleed me hitherto? h According to
46.20. 50.23. feph,to wit, of Machir the firt borne of Ma⸗ Ig Joſhua then anfwered them, JF thou my father laa-
NBM, 32.39. nafich,and the father of Gilead: now becaule be much people,get thee vp to the wood, and kobs prophefie,
be was a man of warre, he had Gilead and cut trees fo? thy {elfe there inthe land of the Gen, 48.19,
Bahan. Pertszites,and of the Giants, i ifmount E⸗ i If this mount
26. 29. 2 Aud allo * of the? rett of the fonnes of phain be too narrew fo: thee. : be not large e-
a For the other Manalſeh by their families, euen of the fons 16 Then the chtlozen of Joleph ſaid, The nough, why `
halfe tribe had of Abiezer , and ofthe fonnes of Melek, and Mountaine wil net be enough for vs: and all doelt not thou
their portion be- ofthe fonnes of Azriel, and of the fonens of the Canaanites that Dwell tthe low coun- -get more by de-
yond Lorden, Dhechem, and ot the fonnes of Hepher, and trey haue charetsof pon, as well they in {troying Gods
of the fonnes of Shemida: hele were the Beth ſhean, and in the townes of the fame, enemies,as hee
mates of Manaſſeh, tye ſonne of Joſeph at- as they in the valley of Izreel. hath comman=
cording to their families. 17 And Joſhua pake vnto the houle of ded?
Num.26.33. and 2 @€* But Selophehad the fonneof Pe- Joleph, to Ephzatin, and to Manalſeh, fap-
27. 1.& 36.2, 11. pher, the fonne of Gilead, the fonne of Wa- tng, Thou art a great people,and halk great
chir, the fonne of Manalſeh, had no ſonnes poWer,and Walt not haue one lot, f
but daughters: andthele are the names of I8 Thertoze the mountaine Halbe thine:
His Daughters, Mahlah, and oah Yoglab, forit is a wood,and thou Mait cut it Downe:
MWilcah,and Tirzah ; ‘ and theends of it hallbe thine,* and thou k So that thou
4 CQbich caine before Eleazarthe Jiet, ihait cat out the Canaanites, though they Malt enlargethy
and before Joſhua thelonne of (un, and hauc poncharetsyand though they be trong. portion thereby.
befoze the Paintes, faying, Che Lom com:
manded (Poles to gine vs an inheritance a> CHAP. XVIII
b Among: them mong our obeethzen t therefore according ta 1 The Tabernacle fetin Shiloh. 4 Certaine are
of our tribe, the commandement of the Lod, hee gane [ent to diuide the land to the other finen tribes.
them an inheritance among the buthren of 11 The lot of the children of Beniamin.
their father. noe,
e In the land of 5 And there fell ten portions to eMa⸗ A No the whole congregation af the chil
Canaan: fue to naſſeh, belide the land of Gilead e Baſhan, Den of Iſtael came together at Sbtloh:
the males, and o- whichison the other fide of Jozden, foz theyfet vp thea Tabernacle of the Ton- a For they had
ther fiue to the 6 Becaule thedaughters of Manatleh gregation there, after the land was ſubiect now remoued it
daughters of Ze- Did inherite, amoug his ſonnes:and Manaf- pnto then. rom Gilgal,and
lophehad. ſehs other onnes had the land of Gilead. 2 Now there remained among the chil- fet ic vp in Shi-
¶ So the borders of Manaſſeh were Deen of Iſrael euen tribes, to whom b they loh,
from Awer to Michmethah that lieth be- Had not diuided their inheritance, b AsEleazar,
fore Shechem, and this boder gorth on the 3 Therekore Joſhua ſaid vnto the chil- lolhua,and the
righi hand, euen buto the inhabitants of Den of Ilrael, Yow long are pee fo flacke to heads of the
En-tappuah. enter and poſſelſe the land which the Loz tribes had done
8 Whe land of Cappuah belonged to God of your fathers hath giuen pon? to Iudah,Ephra-
d Meaningthe QBanalich, but 4Tappuah beliae the bor⸗ -4 Giur from among you for cuery tribe im,and halfe of
eitie it felfe. Dev of Manalleh belongechto the fonnes of theeemen, thatJmay fend them, and that Manafleh,
Ephraim: they may rife, and walke theough chetann, .
o Alo this border goeth Down onto the and Diiiribute tt according to < their inheri⸗ c That is, into
YOr,the brooke of j'riner Ranah Sontbward to the riner:thele tance and returneto me. ſeuen portions,to
reedes. cities of Ephzaim are among the cities of 5 And that they may diuide tt puto them euery tribe one,
Manaſſeh: and the boxoer of Manalſeh is intofenenparts, (Judah Hall abide tn his
onthe Moth fide ofthertuer, andthe ends coattat the South, andthe boule of Jaleph
e Tharis,toward” of tt are at the* Bea. alld tand in their coatts at the Roth) d Forthefehad
the maine Sea, 10 The South pertaineth to Ephraim, 6 VPelhail deſcribe the land theretore in their inheritance
; and the Rorty te Manaſſeh, and the Hea is to ſeuen parts, and Mali bring them hither already appoin-
F In thetribeof his border: and they met together in Aier tome, and J wil cai lots Foz pou bere betore ted,
Ather,anderibe forth ward.andtu Iſſachar Calward. - thet Lam our Gov. e Before the ark
of Ifachar. It And Manaſſeh had in Iſſachar and tn 7 But the Lenttes hall have no parta ofthe Lord,
Aer, Beth ·hean, anv her townes, and J- mone pou: forthe f Pꝛieſthood ofthe Low f Thatis,the f2-
g Foratthe firt bleain,and her townes, and the inhabitants is their inheritance: alo Gad and Reuben crificesand offe-
theylacked con- - of Doz with the townes thereof, and che itte anv haife the tribe of Manaſſeh haue recet- rings,Chap.1 3.
rapeand aftera- habitants of En.doꝛ with the townes ther: ucdthetr inheritance beyond Josten Catt Ig:
greedwiththem of, andthe tnbabitants of Caanach with ward, which Moles tie ſeruant obthe Lop
on conditions Her townes, and the inhabitants ofMegid⸗ gaue ther. ;
contrary to Dowith the townes of the fame, cuen theee 8 €Abhenthe menarale, and went their
Gods comman» countreys, way: and Jochua charged them that went
dement, 12 Det the chitdien of Manaſſah s could to Belcribe the land, faving, Depart, and
The portion of Beniamin. Chap.xix. The portion ofSimeon & Zebulun: 93°
g By writing the goe through theland, and e delcribe ft, and
24 And Chephar,aAmmonat,and Dphni,
names of eutry returne to mee,that Jmay here catt lots foz and25Gaba;twelue cities with their villages:
Gibeon and Ramah, and Beeroth,
countrey and pon befoze the Lozd in Shiloh.
citie, g Bothe men Departed,tpalled through 26 And Wizpeh, tGhephirah,t Wosah,
theland,and delcribed tt by cities nto feucit 27 Gud Rekem, and Irpeel, and Tara-
partsin abooke, and returned to Joſhua lab ab,
28 AudZela, Cleph, and Jebuſi (which n Which was
into the campe at Shiloh. not wholly in the
h That euery 10 @ Chen Jouas craft tots for them in is» Jerulalem)Gibeath,and Kiriath: foure. tribe of Benia
one fhould be @hiloh before the Lom, and there Jochua teene cities with their pillages: thts is the min,but part of
content with Diutded the land vnto the childzen of Iſrael, inheritance of the chtlozen ot Beniamin ac- it wasalfo in the
accowing totkett portions: S cording to their families,
Gods appoint- CHAP, XIX. - tribe of ludah,
ment, II C AnBtyetot of the tribe of the chil- 1 The portion of Simeon, 10 Of Zebulun, 17
Den of Beniamin came foorth according to Of Ffachar, 24 Of Afker, 32 Of Naphtaly
cheir families, and the coatt of their tot lay
i Their inheri- ibetweene the chilon of Judah, and the 40 Of Dan. 49 The poffeffion of Fofhua.
childzen of Zaleyh. Ae the fecond lorcame out ta Simeon,
tance bordered euen fo? the tribe of the childzen of Si-
vpon Iudah and 12 And their coaton the Horthſide was a According to
Jofeph, from Jozben, and the border wentvp to the meon according to their kamilies: and their Iaakobs prophe-
ide of Jericho on the Mozth part, and went inheritance was tn the muds of the inheri⸗
vp through the mountaines CCeltward,and tance ofthe childzenofjupay.
fie, that hee
the endes thereof are inthe wilderneite of 2 ow they bad in their inheritance, fhould be fcatte-
Berr- Heba and Aheba,and Moladah, red among the
Weth-auen; —
13 And this bomer goeth along from 3 And Hazar Hud, Balah and Azem, other tribes,
thence to Luz euen to the South fide of Luz 4 nd Eltolad, and Bethul, and Wor Gen.49 7.
k Which was in (thefamets*® Beth-el) and this
bogder Del-
cendeth to Atroth-avdar, neere the mount, 5 And Pegi Beth-marcaboth,and
the tribe of E-
phraim : another
·horon Pazar- ab,
that lieth on the South tide of Beth
the nether. 6 and Beth-lebaoth, and Shatuhen:
Beth-el was in
the tribe of Ben- 14 Sothe bower turneth, and compat thirteene cities with ther villages.
feth the comer of the fea Donthward, from7 Ain, Rennon and Ether,and Ahan:
the mount that lyeth betore Beth hozon foure cities with their villages.
Southward; and the endes thereot are at ‘abont 8 And all the villages that were round
Kirtath- baal (which is Btriath-iearim )a thefe cities, buto Baalathbeer, and
llOr, Ramath-
titteot the childzen of Judah: this ts the |Ramath Southward ;thts ts rhetnbert-
Weſt quarter. i tance of the tribe of the chitdzen af Simeon negeb,
15 And the Houthquarterisfrom the end accozding to their families. I
of Kiriathicarim, and this border goeth 9 Dut sf the postion of the children ot
fOr,to the Sea, put ſcCeſtward, ana commethtothe koun· Judah came the inheritance ot the childzen
taine ofwaters of Nephtoah. of Simeon : foz the part of the chilon of
b Butthislarge
16 And this bomer Delcendeth at the end Judah was too b much for them: therefore portion was gi-
of the monntaine, that lieth before the vat the chilozéofSumcon had their inberttance uen them by
ley of Ben-hinnom, which ts in the valley of within their inheritance. i
the jGtants Mozthward,and Belcendeth in- Deen 10 C Alfo the third tot arole for the chil- Godsprouidence
lOr, Rephaim, the de of |Je- of Zebulun according to their families: to declare their
Or, leruſalem. tothe valley of Hinnom by Downe to En⸗ and the coatts of theit inheritance came to increafe in time
buf POND and goeth to come,
rogel, i Barid, 7
I7 And compatteth from the Mozth, anv It And their border gocth bp edef- c Meaning,to~
ward the great
goeth forth to! u- Hemet}, and fretcheth ward,euen to Maralah, ¢ reacheth to Dab- Sea,
1 Whichis in the to Geliloth, which ts toward the going vp vafheth, and meeteth with the riuce that {p>
tribe of Ephraim,
vnto Annmim, and goeth Bowne to the eth before Jokneam, 3
* tone of Boyan the fone of Reuben. 12 And turneth fran Hariu Eaſtward
18 oit goeth along to the lide ouet a= toward the funne rifling vnto the beer of
gaint the plaine Northward, and goeth Chilloth tabo: , and goeth out to Daberah,
Downe into the platne. and alcendeth to Japhia,
Ig After, thisborder goeth along to the 13 And from thence goeth along Caf»
fineof Beth-hoglah Northward: anv the ward toward the Dunne riling to Gtttah-
endes thereof, tharis, ofthe border, reach to bepher, to Jttah-kazin, and goeth foozth te
the point uf the falt Hea Noꝛthward, and to Rimmon,
and turnethto Mea =
Jorden Southward,
the = end of this isthe 14 Qnd this bomer compaſſeth it on the
m Tothe very Porth lide to annathon,e the endes there-
ſtrait, vh re the Douth coat.
riuer runneth in» 20 Aif Jorden is the bomer of tt on the of ate in the valley of Jiphtah⸗·
Eat fide: this is the inheritance of the rhil- I5 And Kattah, and Nahallal, ¢ Shin-
to the ſalt Sea.
Den of Beniamin by the coatts therefround ron and Idalah, and ¢ Beth-lehems twelue d There was ane
about accozbingto their fanitlies, cities with their villages, À other Beth-Je-
21 sow the cittes of the tribe ofthe chit 16 This is theinheritance ofthe children hem inthe tribs.
men of Beniamin accosding to their famt- of Sebulunaccordingtotheir famultes ; that of Iudah,
iies,are Jericho, and Beth-hoglah, and the is, thefe cities and thetr villages.
valley of Kezi, 17 (The fourth lot came ont to Iſſachat,
22 Aiud eth-arabal,¢ Femaraim, and euen fo? the childzen of Iſſachar according te
Beth- their families.
23 Aad Auim, and Parah
and Dphzah, 18 Aud their coat was Izreelah, t *

The portions of A fher,Naphtali,and Tofhua. ‘Dan. Thecities of

fullothend Sburent, 44 And Oltekeh, and Gibbcthou, ant
Ig And Mapharaun, and Sihon, aud A- Baalah, 4
nabharati, ; : 45 And Jehud, and Bene-berak,z Gathe
20 And Varabbith g Hihion,and Abes, thumen, rs

e There was an 21 And Keinety, and e En-gaunim, and 46 And Me⸗iarkon, and Rakkon, with
other citie ofthis Cu-handah,and Beth passes. the boder that lieth before * Japho. k Called Toppa
name inthetribe 22 And this coaſt reachethto Taboz,and 47 Wutihe coatts ofthe chian of Dan
of ludah : for vn- Hhahazsunach, t Beth · wemeſh, tthe endes feli out too liteie fp? them : therefoze the chil-
der diuers tribes oftheir coaſt reach to Joꝛden: ſixteene cities Men of Dan went vp to! ight againſt ie- { According as
certaing cities with tbeir villages. ; tbem, and tooke tr, ¢ fmote tt whi the edas Iaakob had pro-
hadal one name, 23 This is the inheritance of the tribe of of the ſwoꝛde, and policed it, and dwelt phefied,Gen,49,
and were diftin- the chilozen of Iſſachar, actoming to their therein, and called Lejen, * Dan, atter the 17.
Ged by the tribe familhes : tharissthe cities and their villages. name of Dan their father, Tudg.1$.29.
onely, 24 @Aito the fiftlor came out foz the tribe 48 Chis ts the inheritance of the tribe of
ofthe chilozen of Aſher, accogding to their the chtidzen of Dan accozding to their fami-
families, lies : that is, thele cities and their villages.
2 And their coak was Helcath, 49 Cidiben they had made an end of Di-
and Da-
tiana Beten,and Ach ihap), 3 uidtug the land by the toatts thereof, then
26 And Alammelech, and Aman; ¢ Mi- the childzen of Iſrael gaue an inheritance
fheal,and came to Carmel Ceftward,and vnto Joſhua the Lonne ot fan among them.
to hibo: Libnay, ; so According tothe wore ofthe Lon
27 And turneth toward the ſunne rifing they gauebun the citie which he alked, cuen
f Toynethto the to Weth-Dagon, and ‘commech to Zebulun, * Cimnath-ferah in mount Ephzatm : ana Chap.24.30.
tribe of Zebulun, and to the vallepof Jiphtahel,toward the be built the citie and dwelt therein.
which lay more Moth lide of Weth-emek, and Neiel, and 5I *Thele are the heritages which Etea- Nunm. 34.17.
Eaftward, goeth out on the lett fide of Cabul, zat the Pret, and Joſhua the lone of un
28 And to Ebzon,and Rehob,and Ham- and the chicte fathers of the tribes of the
mon, and Kanab, vnto great 3Zidon. childzen of Jitael diuided by lot in Shiloh
29 Then the coak turneth to Kamah and befoze the LoD at the Dooze of the Tabernas
g Which was tothe rong citie of e 302, and this border
cleof the Congregation: fo they made an
Tyrus,aftrong are end of diuiding the countrey.
turneth to Dolah , and the endesthereof
- citie in the fea. at the Dea from Webel to Achsib,
30 Ammah allo and Aphek,and Rehob; CH AP. aX,
tiwo and twenty cities with their villages. 2 The Lord commaundcth Fofhuate appoins
31 Thists the tnheritanceofthe tribe of cities of refuge. 3 The ufethercof, 7 Andtheir
the childzen of Aber , according to their fa- HAMES. j
-milies + thatis,thefe cittes and their villages. Te Loꝛd allo ſpake vnto Joſhua, fay-
32 (The frt lor came out to the children ng,
of Maphtalt, cuen to the childzen of faph- 2 Speake to the childzen of Iſrael, and
taliaccopding to their families. fay, * Appoint you cittesof refuge, whereof Exod,21.13.
h Theſe cities 33 And their coat was from b eleph, J tpake vnto you by the hand of Doles, AU. 356,114
were in the coun- and from Silon in Zaanannim, and Adami- 3 That the Naper that killeth any perfon deut.19,2.
-trey of Zaanan- nekeb,and Jabneel,cuen to Lakum,and the ‘bp ignozance,and vnwittingly, may flee thi» a At vnawares,
nim. ends chereofare at Jorden. ther, and they ſhall be pour refuge from the and bearing him
4 Ho this coat curneth Ueſtward to auenger of blood. no grudge,
Asnoth-tabe2, and goeth out from thence te 4 And he that Doth flee vnto one ofthofe
pukkok, and reacheth ta Sebulun on the cities, Mall tand at the entring ef the gate
euih fide, and goeth to Ather on the Melt ofthe citte, and hall Hew bis caule t to the * Ebe inthe eaves
flOr enen unto fide, andto Judah iby Jorden toward the Elders of the cttie:and they thai recetue him of the Elders,
Iorden, Dunne riling. } epee into the city yntothem,and gtue hima place
25 And the rong cities are Zinni, Fer, that be may Dwell with them.
ï Ofthewhich per Yammath, Rakkath, and Cinne⸗ § And tf the >auengerof blood purſue b That is, the
tbelake of Gen- reth, after him, they hall not deliuer the flaper in- neereft kinfman
nezareth had bis 36 And Adamah,¢ Ramah,and Hazo. to Dis hand becaule be {mote bis neighbour ofhim that is
name, 37 And Reb, and Cdzet, and Cn- ignozantly, neither bated hee bim befoze- flaine.
hazo 2 > ; tune:
38 Aud Jron,and Migdal el Vorm, and 6 But he hall wel in that citte vntil he
Beth-anah, and Beth-themelh; ninetecne and before the Congregation in· iudge· c Till his caufe
cities with their villages. ment, *or vntill the death of the bie ziet were proned,
39 This tothe inberitanceof the tribe of that ſhall bee tu thole dayes: then Mall the Nam 3 5.25.
the childzen of Haphtali accosding to their Aayer returne, and come vnto his owne ci»
families ; tharis the cities and their villages. tie, and vnto bis owne boule , euen vnto the
4.0 ¶ The fenenth lot came out foz the citie from whence he fed.
tribe of the childzen of Dan according to ELbhen they appointed Kedeſh in
thete familtes. 9 i@alilin mount jraphtali, and Shechem Or, Galile.
Al And the coatt oftheir inheritance was in mount Ephraim,ẽKirtath-arba, (which
So2ab, and Cijtaol,and Ir· ſhemeſh is Wyebzon) in the mountaine of Judah.
4 p ao Ppaalabbin, aud Attalon, and 8 And on the other five Jorden toward
thlah, Jericho Eaſtward, theyappointed* Beser Deut.4.43.
k 43 Gnd Tion, and Temnathah, ana C+ inthe wilderneffe bpon the plaing, out 1.chron.õ.78.
of the tribe of Reuben, and Ramoth tn
refuge. Cities giuen Chap. xxj. to the Leuites. 94
Gilead, out of the tribe ofGad, and Golan Elhtemoa and her ſihurbs,
in Baianout ofthe 4 tribe of Manaſſeh. 15 And Volon with ber ſnburbes, and
9 Chele were the cities appointed foz all Debir with her fuburbs,
the childzen of Jitacl, and fo? the ſtranger, 16 And Ain with her fuburbs, and Jut-
that ſoiourned among them,that wholocucr tah with ber iuburbes, Beth-hemeh with
killed any perfon ignorantly, might fiee tht: hia{uburbes: nine cittes out of thoie twa
ther, and not Dre by the hand of the anenger ribes.
è Before the of blbod vmil be ſtosd before the: Congres 17 And ont of the tribe of Beniamin they
Tudges. gatioy. gaue Gibeon with yer ‘tuburbs, Grba with f The fuburbs
CHAP. XXL ber fuburbs, ; wete a thouſand⸗
The cities ginen tothe Lewtes, q1 in number 18 Anathoth with her fuburbes, and gl- cubits from the
eight and fertie.s4 The Lord according to hu pro- mon with her (nburbs: tourecities. _- wallof the cities
mife gaue the children of Ifrael ref. Ig Ailthe cities of the chtlozen of Aaron round about,
flOr,the chief of 1 Len came the ||pancipall fathers ofthe Bates were thirteene cities wit their fube Num. 35.4,
the farhers. Leuites unto Eleazar the Peieſt, and iE Se

vite Ioſhua the ſonne of Mun, and vnto the 20 Qut tothe families of the chilon
a aa cf the tribes of the chitazen of of Kohath ofthe Leuttes, s which were the g That wereng f

rel of the chilazenof Kohath (toz the cities Priefis,

2 Gnd ſpake vnto them at Shiloh in the of their lot were ut of ytribe of Ephzatm)
Num.3 5.2. land of Canaan, faving , * Ce Lod com 21 Chey gaue them the citie of refuge foz
a By Mofes,by manden 2 by the hand of Moles, ta gine vs the layer, Shecyem with her ſuburbes in h Hebron and
whofe minifterie cities to dwell in, with the diburbs thereof moune Ephraim, and Gezer with her fub- Shechem were
God (hewed his fozourcattel ji s therwo cities of
power, 3 So the children of Iſrael gaue unto 22 And Kibzaim with her ſuhurbs, and refuge vnder the
the Leuites, out of their inheritance at the Bech·horon with ber Mburbs : fonre ctttes.- Kohathites.
commaundement of the L023 thei cities 23 And outofthe tribeof Dan, Cltekeh
with their (aburbs. = bo ber ſuburbs, Gibbethon with ber fib-
4 Ana the lot came out for the families 3>
b He meaneth of the b Kobatiites; and the children of Aa- 24 Gitalon with Her burbs, Gach ·rim⸗
them that were ron the Hꝛieſt, vhich were of the Lenites, bad mon with Her ſuburbs: foure cities.
Priefts: for fome by lot, out of the tribe of Judah, and ont of 25 Gnd ontok the ihaife tribeof Wanaf i Which dwelt
were but Leuites. thetribe of Simeon, and out ofthe tribe of feb, Tanach with ber fuburbs , and Gath: in Canaan,
c Euery tribe Beniamin © chirtecne cities. rimmon with her ſuburbs: two cities.
gaue mogor 5 Aud the reft of the children of Bobath, 26 All che cities foz the other families of
fewer cities,ac- had by tot out of the families of the tribe ot the children of Kohath were tenne with their
cording as their Epizatin, and cut of the tribe of Dan, and fuburhs.
inheritance was out ofthe halfe tribe of Manalleh, tenne cis 27 (Alownto the childrenofGerſhon
reat and little, ties. of the families of the Leuites, they gaucout
Num.35.8, 6 Allo the chilozen of Gerſhon had by lot of the palf tribe of Manalſeh, the citie ofre-
outof the families of the tribe of Iſſachar, fuge foz the taper, * Golan m Bahan with k Golan-and Kee:
and out ofthe tribe of Afher, and out ofthe berfuburbs, and Beelhterah with her ſub⸗ deth were the ci-
tribeofaphealt, and outot the halfe tribe uͤrbs: two cities. i : ties of refuge vne
of Manalſſeh in Walhan,thirteene cities. 28 And out ofthe tribe of Iſſachar, Ri- dertheGertho.
7 The childzen of erari according to aoe pity her fuburbs, Dabereh with her nites,
their famtlies had out of the tribe of Reuben, uburbs,
and out of the tribe ef Gad, and out of the 29. Jarmuth with ber ſuburbs. En gan·
tribe okzebulun twelue cities, nim with her fuburbs: foure cities,
8 Boa the children of Iſrael gateby lot 30 And out ofthe tribe of Aiher, Miſhal
vnto the Lenites thele cities with their fub- With ber burbs, Abreu with her ſuburbs,
urbs, asthe Lom had commaunded by the 31 Helcah with her ſuburbs, and Rehob
band of Moles. n with ber fuburbs: foure cities. :
9 Cand they gaue out ofthe tribe okthe 32 And out ofthe tribe of aphtalt, tye-
chilon of Judah,and out of the tribe of the citie ofrefuge fo: the ayer, Kedeſh in ga lOr, Gælide.
chilezen of Stineon, theire cities which are iit with ber fuburbs, Hammoth
dore with
Here named. Š her ſuburbs, and Bartan with her ſuburbs:
d For Aaron Io Gud they werethe Peake of 4 Aas tee cities. j
came of Kohath, ron being of the families ofthe Kobarhites, 33 Ali the cities of the Gerſhonites, attor
and therefore the and of the ſonnes of Leui, Cio theirs was the Ding to their families, were thirteene ctites 1 They ase here
Prieks o flicé re- firfilot.) ple with their tibarbs. ee RE called the reft,
maincd inthat Ir Go they gane them Ririath-arba of 34. Aln vnto the fainities of ý children becaufe they are
family, the father of Anok (which is Hebron)inthe of Werart the! rent ofthe Leuttes, they cane Jaf numbred,and
mountaine of Judas, with the ſuburbes of outefihe tribe of Zeuulim, Jokneam with Merari was the
the farmcroundaboutit. her fuburbs,and Rartah with her fuburbe, yongefi brother,
Chap.r4.t4. 12 (ut theland ot the citie, and the hil- 25 Dimuah with her Mubarbs , Nahalal Gene, 46.04.
B.chron.€.56, lages thereof gaue they to * Caleb the fonne with her burbs: onre cities. m Bezer and Ra⸗
e That isthe of Jephunneh to be bis poſſeſſion) 26 And outof the tribe of Reuben.» Be⸗ moth were the
Prick ofthe fa- 13 Thus they gaue to the < chilosen of J ber ſubutbs, and Jahazah with ber cities of refuge
mily ofthe Ko- Garon the iict, -a citie of refuge forthe uburbs, vnder the Meras
hathites, of fiayer, euen rbn with her ſuburbes, and 37 Kedemoth with her ſuburbs, andMe⸗ rites and beyond
whom Aaron ibuab with berfuberds, phaath with her burbs: foure cities, Torden,Chap,.
was.chiefe. 14 Aud Zattiy with their Gburbes, and 38 Aud out of che tribe of Gad they gaue 20.80.
682 .
fo: a citie of refuge foz the Aayer Ramoth in and with great abundance of capment : Dfe
Gilead wtth her ſuburbes. and Mahanaim uide the ſpoyle of pour enemies with your
with her burbs, c brethren. ; e Which remai- —
39 Heſhbon with ber ſuburbs, and Fazer 9 ¶ Ha the children of Reuben,and the ned athome, and
with her ſuburbs: fourecitiesinall. childzen of Gad, and halfe the tribe of Ma⸗ went mot to the
40 Ho ailthe cities of the chilazen
of naleh returned, and Departed from the warre, Numb.3 Ii.
CVerart,according to their families (which children of Ilxael from Shiloh (which ts 27:1 fam. 30,24,
were the reit of the families of the Leuttes) in che land of Canaan) to goe vnto the
were by their lot twelue cities. — R countrey of Gilead to the land of their pole
n Thus accor: _ 4I Andalthe cities of the Leuites" with feflion, which they had obteined , accozding
ding to laakobs in the pofieffion of the childꝛen of Iſrael,fethe word of the Lord by the hand of Mo⸗
prophefie,they were cight and kortie with their burbs. ts.
were (cattered 42 Thele cities lap cuery one (eucrally Io ¶ And when they came vnto the thor- +Ebr.Geliloth,
thorowout the with their fuburbes round about them: fo Ders of Joen (which are in che land of which countrey
countrey, which were all thele cittes. Canaan) then the chiidzen of Reuben, and alfo was called
God vied to this 43 € Do the Loyd gaue vnto Iſtael all the chtlazei of Gad, and the halfe tribe of Canaan,becaufe `
ende, that his tbe land, which bee had ſworne to gine vnto Manatled, bult £ there an altar by Jorden, tke Amorites
eople might be veal ae they poffefied tt,and dwelt a great altar to fee to. dwelling there
inftru@ed in the therein. IL (even the childzen of Iſrael heard were called Ca-
true religion by 44 Alla the Loꝛd gaue them ret round fay, Behold, the chien of Reuben, and naanites,
them. about, accogding to all that bee had ſworne the children of Gad, andthe halfe tribe of f That is,beyond
vnto theit fathers: and there ſtoode not a Wanalleh, baue built an altar tn the kore⸗ lorden: for fome-
man of all their enemies before them: forthe frontof the land of Canaan vpon the bo2- timethewhole `
receDelivered all their enemies into their pal pas at the paflage of the chtidzen countrey on both
band. of Iſrael: fides of Iorden is
Chap.23-14,35 45 * Their failed nothing of all the goo 12 CUihen the childzen of Iſrael heard it, meant by Canaan
things witch the Lod had fain vuto the then the whole Congregation of the chile
boule of Iſtael,but ali came to patie, Dzen of Iſrael gathered them together at
Dhtloh,to goe vp tos warre againit them. g Such now was
CHAP, XXII. 13 Then the childzen of Iſrael fent ynta their zeale,that
x Reuben,Gad,and the halfe tribe ofManaffeh the childzen of Reuben , and to the chilozen they would ra-
are fent againe to their poſſeſſtons. 10 They build ofGad, and tothe halfe tribe ofManafich, ther lofe their
an altar for a memorial, 15 The I[raelites reproue into the land of Gilead, Phinehas the ienne liues,then fuffer
them, 21 Their anfwere for defence of thefame. of Eleazar the Pict, . the true religion
a Afterthat the en 2 Jochua called the Reubenites,and 14 And with him tenne princes, ofenery to be changed or
Ifraelites enioy- ae Gadites, and the halfe tribe of Ma⸗ chieke Houle a prince, accozding te all tye corrupted,
ed the land of naſſeh, tribes of Bltacl: foz euery one was chtefe of
Canaan. ' 2 And ſaid vnto them, Pee hane kept all their fathers houſhold among theſthouſands lOr,multitude.
b Which was to that Woles the {cruaunt of the Loz > com: of Iſrael.
goe armed before manden pou, and haue obeyed my voice in Is ¶ Bo they went vnto the chilozen of
their brethren, all thatJ|commanded pou: Reuben, andto the children of Gad, and te
Numb.32.39. 3- Wee haue not forlaken pour becthzen the balfe tribe of Manalſeh, vnto the land of
this long ealon vnto this Bay, but baue Dili- Gilead and ſpake with them, faving,
gently kept the commandement of the Lown 16 Thus faith "the whole Congregation h Not onely of
your God. ofthe Lord, that tranſgreſſion is thts that the princes, but
4 And now the Lord bath ginen ret vn⸗ pee haue tranſgreſſed agatnit the God of JE alfo of the come
to pour bzethzen as He pꝛomiſed them: theres racl, to turne away thts Day frem the Lod, mon people,
fore now returne pe and goe to pour tents,to in that pee baue built pou an altar foz to re- Numb,25.4.
the land of your pofleflion, which (Poles the bell this Day againſt the Lod? i Meaning,God
Namb. 32.33. feruant of the Lord * bath giuen you beyond 17 Haueẽe we toolittle fo: the wickedneſſe is not fully paci-
chap.t 3.8. Jozden. *of{Peoz ,. whereof twe are not iclenſed vn fied, forafmuch as
5 But take diligent heed,toto the com⸗ to this Day, though a plague came vpon the no punifhment
mandement and Law, which Woles the fere Congregation ofthe Logd? can be fufficient
vant of the Loꝛd commaunded you: that is, 18 Ve allo are turned away this nay from For {uch wicked-
Deut.t0,12. *that ye cione the Lod pour God,and walke the Lod; and ſeeing ye rebell toDay againſt nefle and idola-
-e He fheweth in all bis wayes, and keepe bis commande- the Lord, enen tomorow he will bee woth try.
wherein confilt- menis, and cleaue vnto him, and ferue bin With all the Congregationof Iſrael. k In your iudge-
eth the fulfilling with all pour heart.and with all pour foule. I9 Motwithitanding, ifthe landofyour ment.
ofthe Law. Ho Joſhua 4 bleſſed them, lent them poffefiton be «yncleane, come pee over vᷣnto 1 To vfe any o-
d He commen- away.and they went vito their tents. the land of the poſſeſſion of the Lord, where: ther feruice then
ded them toGod, 7 € sow vnto one halfe of the trike of in the Lous Tabernacle Dwelleth,and take God hath appoine
and prayed for Manaſſeh Moles had giuena poſſeſſion tn poffefiton among vs: but! rebell not againtt ted,is to rebel}
them. Bahan: aad vnto the other halfe thereof the Lod, no: rebell not againſtys in buil⸗ again{t God,
gaue Joſhua among their brethzen on this Ding you an altar, belive the altar of the 1,$am.15 23.
lide Tomen CGeltward: therefore when Fo: 1020 our God. Chap.7-4356
fiefr theim away to their tents, and blef 20 Did not Achan the ſonne of Zerah trei m Signifying,
cD them, pafe grieuonflp tn the evecrable thing, and that if many fuf-
3 Tius he ſpake vnto them, faying, Re- wrath fell on *all the Congregation of Ji fred for onemans
turne with much riches vnto pour tents,ana rael? and this man alone periſhed notin fault, for the faule
with a great multitude of cattell with fituer biswickednefte. of many, all ~~
and With golde, with brale and with pem, 21 C Then the chilozenofReuben s the fhould fuifer,
Their anfwere is allowed. Chap. xxiij. Nofhuahs exhortation. 95
chilozen of Gad and halfe the tribe of Ma⸗ Prac: andthe chilozen of Jiraci h bleſſed lOr, pray (ed.
naſſeh anfwered, and faya vnto the yeades God, and + minded not to gore againſt them Ebr. faid,
ouer the thoufands of Iſrael, inbattel,foz to deſtroy the land, whercin the
22, Che Loyd God of gods, the Lord God childzen of Reuben and Gad dwelt.
of gods, hee knoweth, ¢ Iſrael himiette tail 34 Chen the childzen of Reuben,and the
know: ifby rebellion, o2 by tranſgreſſion a: children ofGad called the altar || Ed: fog it Or, witne ſſe.
gainit the Lozd we haue done it, faut thou Vg pet a witnes betweene vs, that tue Lod
not this Day. 5 1s QDU,
23 Jf wee haue built vs analtarto re-
turne away from the Lod, either to offer CHAP. XXU
thercon burnt offering, og meat offering,o2 2 Fofhua cxhortetl the people, that they inpre
to offer peace offerings thereon, let the Lod not themſe lues to the Gentiles, 7 That they name
n Let him pu- apimielte require it: x not ther zdoles, 14 The promife, if they feare
nilh vs. 24 And ik wee have not rather Done tt foz God, 15 And threatnings ifthey forſahe hin,
feart of this thing , taping , Jn time to come
our chilazen might fay vnto our chilzzen AS a long (ealon after that the Lod
Sapar bane pe to Doe with the Lod Good of bad gtuen reft vnto Ilrael from altheir
\fvael? enemies round about, and Joſhua was olde
25 Foz the Lord hath made Jorden a and + ſtriken tn age, 4 Ebr, commen
bozder betweenc vs and pou, ve chilozen of 2 Chen Joſhua called all Iſraeb& their toyeeres.
Reuben, and of Gad: therefore pee haue no Giders,and their heads, and their Judges,
part tn the Lov ; fo hall your chtlozen and their officers,and {ata unto thein, ams
e Or,to turne make ouc childzene ceale from fearing the old, and ſtriken in age.
backe from the 020. 3 Allo pe hane ſeene al thatthe Lord your >
true God. 26 Thereforewe fayd,CGe will now goe God hath done vnto allthele nations abe- a Your eyes beas
aboiit to make vs an altar, net foz burnt ofe foze you, how the Lozd pour God himlelle ring witneffe,
fring, nozforfaccitice, hath fought for von.
Gen.31.48. 27 Butit hall bea * wituefle between: 4 Behold, Jhane | diniwed vnto you by \|Or,ouerthrewen
chap.24, 27, bs and pou, and berweene our generations lot, theſe nations that remaine, to bee anme thefe nations.
after vs, to execute the fernice of the Lod beritauce according to pour tribes, from
verſe 34. befaze him inout burnt offtings,and tn our oden, with all the nations that J baug
facrifices, and in our peace offringes, and ——— vnto the great Sea +Cie 1Eb. atthe [unne
that pour childzen ould not fayta out chil· w ar et,
Deenin time to come, Ve haue no part in the § Ano the Low your Gon ſhall expell f
020, ' © them befoze pou, and catt them ont of pour b Which yet re»
28. Therefore fayd we, JE lo be that they light, and pee Wall poſſeſſe their land as the maine and are
p They fignifie a tune to come, ther will we antwere, Behold Lozd pour God hath faid vnto pou.
fhould fo fay to vs op to out P generations in not outrcome,
0O: Be peetherefoze of avattant courage,
wonderfull care the fathion of thealtar sf the Lod, which to obſerue and Doc all that is weitten in the as Chap,t3.2,
that they bare our fathers made, not foe burnt offring noz heokeof the Law of Moles, *that ye turne
toward their po- Deut.5. 32a
fo lactaficesbut it is a witneſſe betweene vs me therefrom tothe righthand nor tothe
fteritie, that they and and 28.14,
might live inthe
pou. ert,
true feruice of 29 God forbid. that wee Mould rebella· 7. either company with thefe nations:
gaint the Lod, and turne this Day away thatis, with them which are ¢ left with you, c And not yet
- fromthe Lord to build an altar fogburnt of- netiher* make mention of the name of their fubdued,
fering,or Fo? meate offering, o2 for facritice, Sens, d nog cauſe tolweare bythem, neither Pfal r64
ſaue the altar ofthe Tord our God, that is lerne them nol bow vnto them 3: d Letnot the
before bis Tabernacle. 8 But ficke fat vnto the Lom pour: Judges admit an: ,
30 {And when Pinehas the Wiet, Goas pe yane Donevutothis dap! i ethe,whichany ~
and the Princes of the Congregation, and 9 For the Loꝛd hath cat out before pou thall fweare by
heades ouer thethoufands of Fitael, which great nations and mighty, anono man bath theit idoles.
Were with hint. heard the wordes that the tood before your face hitherto, Leuit.26.8,
children otReuben, Ethe chilozenof Gad, Io *Dne man of pou Wall chafea.thou- dext.3 % 30.
{Ebr twas good andthe chitdren of Manalſeh (pake, + they fand : fo the Lord pour God hee ſighteth for Ebr foules
im their eyes. were wellcontent, pouas de harh pꝛomiſed pou. lOr, be oftheir
, 31 Gun Phinehas the fonne of Gleasar Il Take good heede therefore puto pour affinitie.
the ruck laiduuteche childzen of Reuben t {elues, that pe lone the Lord pour God. Or, haue cone
and tothe chilazen of Gad, and to the chil⸗ 12 Els, ifpee goe backe, and cleaue pnto uer [ation with.
Den ofManaſſeh,; Chis Day we perceine the rett of thele nations: chat is, of them that them.
@ By preferuing that the Loz fs aamong us,becaule ye paue remaine with pou,and thal |makemariages Exod.23. 330
‘vs and gouer- not Done this trelpatle againſt the Lord; with them, and |)gee yuto them, and'thep to. nub .33.5 56
ning Vs. now peer haue deliuered the chilogensf We you, dent 7.16.
r Whomif yee rael out of the hand of the Lod. 13) Know pee forcertaine , thatthe Lod: e Meaning, they.
had offended, hee. ; 32 C Then Phinehas the fonne of Ele. your God will caft out no moze of thele na thall be.a,conti» .--
would haue pu- azar the Brielt with the inces returned ‘tions frombefoze vou: * but they Mati beea nuall griefe vnto
nithed with you. From the childzen ef Reuben, and from fnare and deſtruction vnto pou , and a whip you, and ſo the
the childzc of Gad of the land of ou vout fdes,and thoꝛnes in youre eyes Yn: caufeof your des
@ilead, vnto the lant Canaan to the till pee perth out of this goodland, which ſtruction.
childzen of Iſrael, and brought them ans. the Lo2d pour Hod hath ginen pou. _ f Idieaccording
ere. $ F HING? Ju AHA 14 Ano behold this day DoeF enterin to the courk of.
33, And the laying pleatn the childeen of tothe wap of all the woꝛld, and pegknow kerature,
| Godsbenefits on the Ifraelites. Tofhua. Tofhuas exhortation.
g Molt certainly. all pour g hearts and in all pote foules, that IL Aua pee went auer Jorden, and came
Chaprr 1045. “nothing bath fatled of al the good things vnto Jericho, æ the «menof Jericho fought € Becaufe it was
which the Lord your God promtfed pou, but againſt pou, the Amozites, and the [Periz the chief citie,
all are come ta paffe vnto pou: nothing bath sites,and the Canaanttes, and the Hittites, vnder it he con-
failed thereof, j and the Girgalhites, and the Hiuites, anv teineth all the
(lOr; remifese is Therefore as all | good thinges are the — ano J deltuered them into countrey: elfe
come vpon pou which the Lod pour God pout hand. i they of the citie
promeled you, fo fall the Lord bring vpon 12 And J ent “hornets before pou, which fought not,
[|Or, threatwings. you euerygeuill ching, vntil he baue deitroy · ca them out before-poit, cuen the two kings Excd,23.2%.
as (hape24 20, £D pou out of this good land, which the Lom of the Amozites, and not mith thp ſword, no? deut.7 ·20,
pour od hath giuen pau. with thp baw. i chap.1II.20.
b He fheweth 16 Then yee Wall h tranſgreſſe the couce _ 13 And J baue giuen yon
aland , wheree
that no euill can nantofthe Lod pour Gon, which hee con tn pee did not Labour , and cities, which yee
come vnto man manden pon , and Hall goe and feruc other built notanu pee Dwell in them, and eate of
except he offend gods, and bawe pour ictues ta them, then the binepardesand Dline trees, which pee
| God
by difebe- thallthe tath of p Lorn ware hote againſt planted uot.
pou, and pee Hali perth quicklp eut of the I4 (ow thereforeffeare the Lon, and f That is the true
good land which be hath given pou, {crue bin in wpeightneffe and in trueth, and vſe
ofGods bee
put atvay the gods, which pour Fathers fer- nefits,to learne
C\H A BoxxX i ued beyond the flood and in Egypt, and thereby to feare
2 Fofhuarehearfeth Gods benefites, 14 and ferue pe the Lov, and ferue him
exhorteth the people to feare God, 25 The league 15 And + ifitfeeme enil unto pou to ſerue with an vpright
venned betweene God and the people. 29 Fofhua the Lord, chute pee this vay whom yee will con{cience.
dieth. 32 The bones ofFofeph are buried, 33 Ele- ferue, whether the gods which pour Fa: Ebr.ifit be euil
azar dseth. thers ſerued (that were bepond the flood) o2 inyour fight,
the gods of the Amozites, in whole land pee
A® D Joſhua aſſembled againe all the Dwn : 8 but J and my houle will rue the g Thisteacheth
a That is,che a tribes of Iſrael ta Shechẽem, and cal- 02D. vs, that if all the
mine tribes and led the Elders of Iſrael, and their heades, 16 Then the people anfwered and fayd, world would goe
the halfe, God korbid, that we poula forlake the Lod,
and their Judges, and their officers , € thep from God, yet
b Before the preſented themfeluesbefore > Gov. toferue other gods, euery one of v6
Arke , which was 2 When Jolyna fain vnto all thepeople,
17 Foꝛ the Lo:d our God, be brought bs particularly is
|! brougheto She- Thus faith the Lord God of Firat, *Pour and our Fathers out of the land of Cgypt, bound to cleaue
ehem, when they Fathers Diwelt beyond the ¢ flood in olde from the boule of bondage, and bee DID vato Lim.
went to bury Loe time, cuen Terah the father of Abzabam, thole great miracles in our fight, and pes
fephs bones, — thefather of fQachoz, and ſerued other ſerued vsinall the wap that wee went, and
Gen.11,31. — all che people thzough whome wee
sudeth 5.6.7. 3 And J tooke your father Abrabam came.
€ Bupbratesin
from bepond the flood, E broughthim thos 18 And he Lorde did cak out before vg
re all the land of Canaan and multiplied all the people, ceuen the Amozites ,which
f| Gen.1 f. 25. his ſeed, and * gaue hun Ishak. Dwelt in che land: therefore will wee allo
4 And J gaue puto Ishak “Jaakob and ferue the Lord, t foz he is ont God. h How much
Glau: and J gaue vnto Elau mount Geir, 19 And Youna fata vnto the people, Pe more are wee
to poſſeſſe it; but * Jaakob and bis chilozen cannot ſerue the Lorn: foz he is an bolp God bound to ferue
tuent Downeinte Egypt. beis atelous God: he will not parden pour God in Chrift, by
§ “J lent Moles allo and Aaron , and J iniquity no: pour finnes, whom we haue
plagued Egypt: and when J hadio Bone a= 20 Jfpe torlake the Lode ſerue trange receiued the re-
mong them,J|brought pou out. gods," chen hee will returne and being enill demption of oug
Ho J *brought pour Fathers out of bponpou, and conlume pou, after that bee foules.
appt: and pee came vnto the ſea, andthe hath Done pou goon. . Chap.23.
Egyptians puruen after pour fathers with 21 And the people {aid vnto Joſhua, Map,
Chatets and horſemen vnto* the rea Sea. but we will ferue the Lord.
. 7 Chen they cried vnto the Lord, and be 22 And Joſhua faid vnto the people, Pee
put ha darkeneſſe betweeneyou and the Œ- are witnefles i againt pour (clues, that yee i If youdoe the
Sppttans, and brought the ea vpon them, baue cholen pou the Loz to ſerue him: and contrary, your
And couered them to your eyes haue feene they faid, We are witneſſes. owne mouthes
whatJhaue done in Egypt : allo pee dwelt 23 Then put away now, fayd hee, the ſhall condemne
fn the wilderneſſe 4 a long ealon. range * gods which are among you, and you.
8 After, Jbrought yoututothelandof bowe; pour hearts onto the Lozd od of Iſ⸗ k Out of your
the Amorites, which Dwele bepand Jorden, rael. hearts,and othere '
* and they fought with you: but J] gane 24. And the people faid vnto Joſhua. The wife,
them into pour band, and pee poſſeſſed their Loid our Gon will we ſerue, and bis voice
countrey, and Jdeſtroyed them out of pour will we obey, J
gbt. j 25 HSoZofhuamade ! a coucnant with 1 By ioyning God
9 *Allo Balak the fonne of Zippo: kin the people che ſame Day, and gaue them an and the people
of Moab arole and warred againtt Ffrael, ordinance and law in Shechem. 3 together; alſo he
and fent to call Balaam the fonne of Beez, 26 And Joſhua wote chele words in the repeateth the
foz to curfe pou, booke of the law of God, and tookeagreat promifes and
10 But I would not heare Balaam: fone, tpitched it there vnder an |Dke that threatnings out
. therefore be bleſſed POU, AND J Delivered yar was inthe Sanctuary of the Lord. oftheLaw? —~
outot hig hand, 27 And Joſhua lad vnto att the are Or,ecte,
He dieth. Judah made captaine. Chap.j. Three fonnes of Anak fhine. 96
Chap.23.29: Behold, this fone ſhallbe a* witnefle puto dayes of Joſhua, and all theDayes of the El⸗
m Ratherthen bs: foztt ™ bath heard all the wordes of the Ders that ouerliued Johua, and which bay
mansdiflimula- £920 which hee fpake with vs: it fhall bee knowen all thewozkes of the Lod that hee
tionfhouldnot therefore a witneſſe againſt pou, leit pe Beny bad Done foz Iſrael.
be punithed,the pour GoD, 32 And the*bones of Joſeph, which the,
dumte creatures 28 Then Jofhua let the people Depart e- chudzen ofIſrael brought out of Egypt, bris exod, 13.19
fhall cry for vene uery man vnto bis inberitance, ried they in Shechem wn a parceil of ground
Beance. 29 And after thele things, Jowua the which Jaakob bought of * thefonnesofHas Seae.33. 19
. fonneof sain, the feruant of the Loꝛd, died, mo? the father of Shechem,foz an hundzeth
Chap.19.50. being an hundreth and ten peeres old. pieces of iiluer , and the chidzen of Joſeph
judges 2,9. 30 And they buried him in the bower of had them tn their inheritance,
n Sucharethe his tuberitancein* Timnath. ferah, which 33 Allo Eleazar the ſonneofMaron died,
people eom- is in mount Ephꝛaim, on the Noꝛthlide of whom
w they
j buried in the thillof[Obinehas $ Ebr.Gikeath
monlyastheir mount Gaai, bis fonne, which was given himin MUNE Phinehas
rulers are, 31 And Ilrael = ferued the Lord all the Epbhzatin »

y q The booke of ludges,

— there is nothing that more proucketh Gods wrath, then mans ingratitude, yet there is no-
thing fo difpleafant and hainous that can turne backe Gods loue from his Church. Fornow when
the Ifraclites were entred into the land of Canaan, and faw the tructh of Gods promife performed, in
Read ofacknowledging his great benefits,and giuing thankes for the fame, they fell to moft horrible
obliuion of Gods graces,contrary totheir folemne promife made vnto Ioſhua, & fo prouoked his ven-
geance ( as much as inthem ftood ) to their vtter deſtruction. Whereofas they had moft evident
fignes by the mutabilitie of their tate: (for hee fuffered them to be moſt cruelly vexed and tormented
by tyrants: heepulled them from libertie, and caft them into flauerie, to the intent they might feele
their owne miferies ,and {o call vnto him and bee delivered ) fo to thew that his mercies endure for-
euer, hee raifed vp fromtimeto time fuch as fhould deliuerthem, and afiure them of his fauour and
grace,ifthey would turneto him by true repentance. And theſe delitierers the Scripture calleth Iudges,
becanfe they were executers of Gods iudgements , not chofen of the people,nor by ſucceſſion, butrai-
fed vp as it (cemed beft to God for the gouernance of his people. They were fourteenc in number be-
fides Io!hua, and gouerned from Lofhua vnto Saul the firft King of ifrael. Iofhua and thefe vnto the
time of Saul, ruled 377, yeeres, Inthisbooke are many notable points declared, bur two efpecially:
firft,the battell that the Church of God bath for the maintenance of true Religion againft idolatrie
and fuperftition: next , what great danger that common wealth is in, when as Ged giueth not a Mas
giltrate torctaine his people in pureneſe of Religion and his trueferuice.
CHAP. È bauning the thumbes of their handes and of
1 After lefhuawas dead , Indah was consti- their feete cut off, gathered bread vnder my
tutedcaptaine. 6 Adout-berek w taken. +4 The table: as 3 hauedone, fo God hath reware
requist ofAchfah. 16 The children of Kens. 28 Ded mee: fo they brought him to Ferulalem,
and there he Died.
The Canaanites are made tributaries but not de-
( Row the chilozen of Judah had-
Eter that Joihua was dead, fonght againſt Jeruſalem, and bad taken it
a By the iudge. S the childzen of Hlraci2afked and finitten it with the edge of the fwod,
— of Vrim : WYA72 tie Lom, laying, cc)iho
: ial anv bad fet the ecitpyonfire.) e Which was
peic BxOd.29. 2. goe np fords againitthe Tas o C Afterward allo the children of
Ju⸗ afterward buile
sim seat NN / naanttes,to fight firlkagaint Dah went Downe to fight againſt the Ca- againe and pof-
b— b SF C3 them? naanites, that dweltiñthe mountaine, and feffed by the Tee
b Whothallbe 2.And the Lo: fayd, Judah Hall-goe toward theHouth, andin the lowe coun bufires,2.Sam.
Ourcaptaine: py behold, Jhaue giuen the land into His trey. 5.5.
hand. t _ IO And Judah went agatné the Ea-
3 And Judah ide vnto Himeon his naanites, that Dweltin Hebzon, which He⸗
c Fortherribe «brother, Come vp with mee into my lot, bꝛon before time was called *Kiriath-arba; Fofh.s 3:143
ofSimeonhad that we mav fight againit the Canaanites: and theyilew! Shehat, and Abiman, and f Thefe three
their inheritance and J likewile will goe with thee intothy Calmat. . were piants,and
withinthetribe lot: ſo Simeon went with him, Al And from thence he went to the inha⸗ the childrenof
ef ludab, Ioſh. 4 Then Judah went vp, and the Lor bitants ofDebdir, andthe name ofDedir in Anak,
19.1. Deltuered the Canaanites € the Perizsites old time was Kiriath· ſebher. i ‘
YOr,tbe lordof into their handes, andthep Rewofthemin 12 And Caleb fain „Wee that ſmiteth Ri»
Bezek. Bezek ten thouland men. , tiath-fepher, and taketh tt, cuen to him will
d ThiswasGods § Qndthey kound Adoni bezek in Bes Igiue Achlah my Daughter to wife,
_ iuftiudgement,as zek: and thep fought againit bim, ann Aew 13 Gna Dthniel the lonne of Renaz, Cas-
thetyranthim- the Qanaanttes and the Perizzites. ichg ponger brother tooke it, te whom peg-
felfe confefleth, 6. And Adoni⸗ bezek fied, and they pur⸗ gauc Achlah his Daughter to wife.
thatashehad fuen after him, and caught bim, and scut 14 And when he cametohim, He moued ;
done,fo didhe -off the thuindes of pis handes and of bis bimtoatke of her father a felne,sand thee g Reade Toff.
receiue,Lewit.24, feete, ; Tgi lighted offherafie, and Caleb faid vnto her, 151%
39.300 7 And Adoni · bezek GD, Seuentie kings CGhat wilt thou?
Is And
- Caitaanites dwell withthe Iffaellites,and Tudges. pay tributes The people arereproued. i
15 Gnd thee anſweren him, Giue meea 32 But the Ahherites dwelt among the
fo? thou haſt qiuen mee a South Canaamtes the inhabitants of the land; foz
counttey, giue me alſo ſprings of water: and they did vot Datuethemnout, n But made
Taleb gaue her the ſprings abone, andthe _ 33. CMeither Dio Naphtali driue ont the them pay tribute
ſprings beneath, : inhabitants of Beth-themeh, no: the inha⸗ asthe other did.
h This was oneE 16 @ Andthe childzen of * Kent Moks bitants of Beth-anath , but Oweit among
ofthe namesof father in lato went vp out of the citie of the the Canaanites the inhabitants of the land:
Mofesfatherin > palme trees with the chilazen ef Judah into neuertheleſſe the inbabitants of Gerh-the-
law,reade Num. ghe wildernefic of ludan, that iyeth in the melb, anu of Beth-anath became tributa-
10.290 ite xArad, and went ẽ dwelt among vies vnto them. t .
z people. 34. And the Amovites | mouz the chil HOr afflicted
17 Wut Judah went with Simeon his deen of Dan into the mountatne ; fo chat them,
brocher, and they {lew the Canaanites that theyTeren them notte come downe to the
inhabited Sephath, and vtterly deſtroyed it,
Nawib.21, 3. and called the name ofthe city * Yogmah. 35 And the Amopzites ſowelt Hil in mount ||Or,wvould dwel,
i Thefecities 18 Qifa Juvah tooke i Azzah with the Peres in Attalon, and tu Shaalbim, anv o Meaning,
andotherswere coaſtes thereat , and Alkelon with the when the ° hand of Jofevhs family preuat= when he was
afterward po- coaits thereof, ana kron with the coattes led, they became tributaries: : ftrosger then
feffed of the Phi- thereof. 36 And the coat of the Aimozites was they.
Wtins,1.Sam.6. 19 And the Lord was with Judah, and from Maaleh · akrabbim, cuen from r Selah p Which wasa
17. he poſſeſſed the mountatnes: foz be could not and vpward. city in Arabia, |
Delus out the inhabitants of the valleys, be- CHAP. IL- oras fome reade,!
caulethey had charetsofpzon. 1 The Angel rebuketh the people becauſe they from the rocke.
20 And they gane webron vnto Caleb, had made peace with the Canaanites. 11 The If
Numb.14.24, ~88* Moles had taid, and he expelled thence raelites Gil tordolatrieafter Fofhuas death. 14
i0fh.0 4.0 30 thetheelonnesofQnak. b They are delsuered into the enemies handes. 16
and 15.14. 21 But the children of Beniamin did notGod deliuereth them by Iudges. 22 WhyGod
k Forafterthar “Call out the Jebufites, thatk inhabited Je-ſuffered idolaters to vemaine among them.
thetribeof Iu- xulalem: therefore the Febutites Dwell with Nd an⸗ Angelok the Lod came vp from a That is,mef-
dahhadbuntit, che children of Bentamin in Jerufalem vn- A Gilgalts Bechim,and (aid, J made pou fenger or pro- |
they builtica- <40 thig Dap. to goe bp out ok Egypt, and haue brought phet,asfome —|

gainc, -22 q Thepalio that were of the houle of you vnto the land which J bad ſworne vnto thinke, —
ene öp to Bethel,and the Lod was your fathers, and ſaid, F will neuer becake
ent, miy couenant with pou. X
23 And the houle of Joſeph caufed to vieta 2 *Deallo mali make no couenant with Dest.7.2,
Beth-el (and the name of the tity befoze= the inhabitants of this land, *but hal bꝛeak Deut. 12. 3. |
Gene.28.19. time was* Ruz) Downe their altars : but yee haue not obeyed \tul
24. And the (pies ſaw a man come out of mp voyce. (Ahy haue ye Bone this?
the citp,and they faine vnto bim, Shew vs, 3 Wherefore, J (aid allo, I will not ca
Ioſu. 2. Iĝ
we pray thee, the way into the city,“ and we them out before pou, but they fhallbee *as Fofh.2 3.13.
wil Hew chee mercy. thornes vnto pour fides, and their gods Hail ,
25 And when hee had Hewed them the be pour |Deitruction. Or,{nares
tway into the city, thep fmote the city with 4 And wher the Aneel ofthe Lod ſpake
the edacofthe fwod , but they let the man thefe wordes vnto all che childzen of Iſrael,
‘and Midis houſhold Depart. the people lift bp their voyce,andwept.
26 Aben the man went into the land of 5 Therefore they called the name of that
the Dittites, and builtacitie, and called the place, || Bochim, and offered lacrifices there ||Or weeping.
name thereof Luz, which ts the name there- vnto the Lord.
pf önto this day. 6 CRow when Jouahad>fent the peo- b Afterthathe
Jofo.a7.8 a. 27 @ *Meither did Manalſeh deſtroy ple away, the childzen of Iſrael went euery had diuided to
Beth-Hhean with her omnes, noz Caanach man into his inberttace to poſſeſſe the land. euery man his
with her tones, noz the inbabitants of 7 And the people had (erued the Lo: all portion by lot,
Do: with her townes , no? the inhabitants the Dayesof Jothua, and ail the dayes of the Toth.24 .28,
of Ibleain, with her townes , neither the Elders that outliued Johua, which had
inhabitants of Megiddo with her townes : {eene all the great < wozkes of the Loud that c Meaning,the
1 Wherefore 1 but the Canaanites dwelled till in that he did fo2 Iſtael. wondersand |
Godpermitted land. 8 But Jowua the fonne of Aun the fer- miracles,
the Canaanites 28 Meuerthelefle when Iſrael was uant of the Lord Died, when he was an hun·
todwellftillin ſtrong, thep put the Canaanites to tribute, Deth and ten peeres old.
the land,reade anD expelled them norwholty. o And they burted himin the coaſtes of
Chap.3 4. 29 @ *Ltkewife Ephraim expelled not pis inheritance , in 4 Cunnath-heres in d Heres by tur-
Fo 16.10 the Canaahites that dwelt ingezer, but the mount Epbhzatin,on the foseh ide of mount ning the letters
i Canaanites dwelt tn Gezer among then. aal. 3 backward,is Se -
m Thatis,the 30 ¶ Neither aid wzebulun erpel the in- 10 And fo all that generation was ga- rehas Ioſh.24-
tribe ofZebu- Habitants of Bitron , no? the inhabitants of thered vnto their fathers, and another ge» 30.
lunas isalfoto Nahaloi, but the Canaanites dweit among neration arole after them, which neither
bevnderftood them, anD became tributaries. ; knew the Lom, 102 pet the workes witch be
of the reft, 21 ¶ Neicther did Aer cat out the inba- had Done for ittacl. š
hitants of Accho, no: the inhabitants of 3i- IL @ Chen the children of PaelBid wie-
don nor of Ahlab, noz of Achsib.noz of Wel- kedly in the fight of the Lod, and ſerued e Thatis.allma-
bahno: of Aphik,noz of Rehob, ¢ Baalim, ner of idoles,
12 Ana
eeet os
The peoples rebellions. Chap.ilj. - Othniel. Ehud. 97
12 And forloske the Lod God of their to Hamath,
; $ fathers, which brought then out of the land 4 Ana thele remained to prooue Iſrael
l of Egypt, aud followed other gods,euen the by them, to wit, whether they wonld obey
gods of the people that were round about the conmnandements of the Lo2d, which bee
them, and bowed snto them, and prousked — their fathers by the hand of
the Lo: to anget. oles.
13 Sothey forlooke the Lord, and ſerued § And the chilozen of Iſrael dwelt ae
Chap.10 & * Baal,and f Aihtaroth. mong the Canaanites, the Hittites, and the
f Thefe were 14 And the mrathofthe Low was hote Amopzites, and the Heriszites, andthe Wie
idols,which had againſt Iſrael, and hee deliuered them into uttes, andthe Jebulttes,
the forme ofan the hands of (poylers,that (potled them, and 6 And they tooke < theit Daughters to ¢ Contrary te
ewe or ſheepe a- bee* (old them into the bands oftheir enea be their wives, and gaue their Daughters te Gods comman-
song the Side- mies round about them, fo that thep could their fonnes, and ferued their gods. dementgDeut.y.
nians, no longer tand befoze their enemies. 7 ¶ So the chilen of Firael vin wie 3.
Pfal.44. 12» Is RMhitherloeuer they went out, the kedly tn the fightofthe Lord, and forgate
50.1. bhand of the Lod was fore again them, the Lord theit Ood, and ferned Baalim,
g Inallcheir asthe Lod had faid, and as the Lob bad and aAcheroth. d Treesor
enterprefes. fwozne vnto them; fo be puntthed them fore. 8 Therefore the wrath ofthe Lord wag woods ere&ed
h The venge- 16 € Motwithtanding , the Lod rayled kindled agatuit Iſraei, andbee foldethem for idolatrie,
ance, bp | Judges, which + Beliuered them out of into the band of Chufhan-rifvathaim King
HOr, Magistrates, the handes of their oppzeflours. : ofh Aram-nabaratm, and the chilozen of § Or, Mefæs-
$4 Ebr . ſau⸗ 4e. 17 But yet they would not obey their San ſerued Chuhan-rihathaim eight some
Judges: for thep went a whogtng after o» s.
ther gods,and wozthipped them, and turned 9 And when the childzen of Ilrael cri
i Meaning, from quickly out ofthe iway, whereis their fa» £3 vnto the Lozd, the Lozd ftirredD vp a fae
the true Reli- thers walked, obeying the commandements niour to the childzen of Iſrael, and he (anes
ofthe Lord; they DiD not fo. t them, euen Dthniel the onne of Kenaz, Cae
18 And when the Lord had ratfed them lebs yonger bother.
bp Judges, the Lord was with the Judge, Io And thee lpirit
of theLod came bps e He was ftirred
and Deltuered them outof the hand of their on bint, and he tudged Ffrael, and went out vp by the Spirit
enemies all the dayes okthe Judge, C fo: the to warre; and the Lord deliuered Chuan of the Lord,
Loꝛd + had compaſſion of their gronings, tifhathaim Ring off Aram into bis hand, H Or, Syria.
kbecaule of them that oppꝛeſſed them and and bis hand prenailed again huhan»
tozmented them) riſhathaim.
19 Det* whenthe Judge was Dead, they II Ho the land had reſtfortie peeres, f That is,32.
and tDid wozie then their fathers, and Othniel the ſonne of Renaz dred.
returned ynder Iofhua,
in following other gobs, tolerue them and 12 (Chen the childzen of Plrael againe and eight ynder
worſhip them : they ceafed not from their committed wickednefle in the fight of the Othniel.
owne inuentions, no? from their rebellious Lod; and the Lod e ftrengthencd Eg: g So thatthe”
ap. ion King of Moab again Iſrael, becaule enemies of Gods
20 Aherekore thewath of the Lord was thep had committed wickedneſſe before the peoplehaueno `
kindled again Iſtael, and he faid, Becauſe LoD. power ouer thema
this people hath tranſgreſſed
my conenant, 13 And hee gathered pnto him the chil- but by Gods ap-
which Jcommanded their fathers, and hath Den of Ammon.and Amalek,and went and pointment,
not obeyed my voice, ſmote Iſrael, and they poſſeſſed the citie of
i As che Hiuites, 21 Cherefore will J nemoze ca out be- palme trees.
Tebufites, Amo- fore them any of the nations, which Joſhua 14 So the childzen of Iſrael (erued Ege
Fites,&c. left wher be Died, lon RingofWoabeighteenevecres,
m Sothat both 22 That through them J may = pzooue Is ut when the children of Iſrael cried
‘outward enemies Iſrael, whether they will keepe the way of tnte the Lod, the Lord ſtirred them vp a
and falfe Be ad—— to — therein, as theit kathers fauiour, Ehud the fonne of Gera, the onne
phets, are but a oꝛ Not. of ||Jemini, aman ||lame of bis right hand: lOr,Beniamito
triallto proue 23 Go the Lom left thole nations, and and the childzen of Iſrael fent a prefent by Hn lefthane
our faith, Deut. Moue them not out immediatly, neither Dee him vnto Eglon King of Moab. ea,
13.3. and cbap. linered them into the hand of Joſhua. 16 And Chud ||made hima Danger with ||Or,canfede
I. CHAP, III two cdges,of a cubtt length,and he dtd gird dagger tobe
1 The (anaanites were lefttotrie Ifrael. 9 Oth- it vnder bis raiment vpon his right thigh, made
wieldeluereth Ifrael, 21 Ehud killeth king Ege 17 And he prefented the gift ynto Calon
_ lon, 31 Shamgar killeth the Philftums. King of Moab (and Eglon was a very fat
dae now ate the nations which the man) -
Lod left, thathee might pzoone Iſrael 18 And when hee had now prefented the
by them (euen ag many of lirael as had not prefent, hee lent away the people that bare
a Whichwere knowen all the - warresof Canaan, — - the peetent, :
stchieued by the 2 Dnely to make the generations of the Ig But he turned agatne fremthetquars h Or,asforme
hand of God, childzen of Iſrael to knowe, and to teath ries, that were by Gilgal, and ſaid, J baue reade,fromthe
them warre, which doubtleſſe their prede⸗ a fecret errand vnto thee, D King. Aho places ofidoles,
ceffours knew > not) ede fatd,Reepe i fence: and all that oon about i Tillall be dee
3 Fiue princes ofthe Philiſtims, and al him went out from him. parted,
the Ganaanites, and the Sidonians, anv 20 Then Ehud came nto him, C and he
the Hiuites that dwelt inmount Lebaran, fate alone in aSummer parlar , wych bee
from mount Baal· hermou vntill one come gad) and Ehud faye, 3 bane a meflage
Ehud killeth Eglon, Shamgar. Tudges. DeborahandBarak. - Yaciflayeth ©
vnto thee fromGos. Chen bee atole out of tali and faid vnto him , Hath not the Led
bis throne, i God of Iſrael * commanded, fying Goeand d Andreuciled
21 And Chud put koorth bis left hand, Daw tomar mount Tabor and take with ynto me by the
and tooke the Dagger from bis right thigh, thee ten thoufand men of the chitdzen of (pirit of prophe.
and thzult it into his belly, Hapthalt,
and of che childzenofSebulun? fie.
22 So that the baft went in after the 7 AndJ will daw vnto thee tothe tris P/2483. 9,10.
blade,and the fat cloſed about the blade, fo uer Kiſhon Hilera, the captaine of Jabins \Or,waley,
that be could not Draw the Dagger out of his armie with his charers, and his multitudes
bellp.butthe Dirt came out. ’ and will Deltuer him into thine hand. l
23 Then Ehud gate him out inte the 8 And Barak (aid vnto her, e Ikthou e Fearing his
Ppozch, and tut the doores of the parlour wut goc with mee, J wil goe: but ikthou owne weakeneffe |
H Or, hak.
bpon him, and locked them. wilt not goe with me,JFwill not goeg. and his enemies
24 And when he was gone out, bis {ere 9 Theu ſhee anſwered, J will ſurely goe power, hedefi-
wants came: who leeing that the Doozes of with thee, but this tourney that thou taket, reth the ‘Prophee f
theparlour were locked, they fain, ures fall not bee foz thine honour ; foz the Lord teffe to goe with
Ebr.he cones lp + hee Doeth bis eaſement in bis Summer ſhall fell Hilera into the hand of a woman, him to aflure hin |
chamber. ae. ekg And Debozah arole and went with Barak of Gods will
reth hu feete.
25 And they taried till they were aſha⸗ to Kedeth. from time to
med: and ſeeing be opened not the Doors of lo { And Barak called Fcbulun and time.
the parlour, they tooke the kep, and opencd Napht ali to Redel, and hee went vp on Or.heled after
Shemn,and behold, thetr lord was fallen Dead bis keete with ten thouſand men, andDeba» him 10000, mer |
on the earth, ; rah went vp with him.
26 So Ehud eſcaped, while they tarted, II (Mow Heber the Kenite, which was
and was pale’ the quarries, and cicaped of thel) childzen of * ob ib the father mlaw Or, poſteritie.

vnto Seirach. of Poles, was departed trom the $ Kenites, Numb, 10.29, J ©
§Or,caufed the 27 And when he tame home, Hee blew a and pitched bis tentfvntill the plaine of t Ebr fom Kaine
` trumpet to be trumpet in mount Ephraim, and the chil- Zaanaim, witch is by Keneit) F Mcaning,that
blowen, Numb, Den of Iſrael went Downe with him from 12 Cienthey hewed Hiera, that Ba. hepofletieda
LLT TE D the mountaine,and be went before them. rak the fonne of Abinoam was gone vp to Sreat part of thas
28 Then laid he vnto them, Follow me: mount Cabo. i counireys
fu: the Lo: bath deliuered pour enemies, 13 And Gilera called for all his charets,
cuen Moab into your hand. Ao -they went eu-n nine hundreth charetsof pon, tall the
Downe after him, and tooke the paflages of people that were with bim from Haroſheth
Jorden toward Moab, aud futfered nota ef tie Gentiles, vnto the river Kiſhon.
man to paffe ouer. ‘ 14 hen Deborah fatd vnto Barak,
29 And they flew of the Moabites the e Ap: foz thts ts the Day that the Lozd hath g She fiillen-
LOr ,firong and fame time about ten thoufand men, all) fea deliuered Difera into thine hand, Js not the courageth him
bigge bodied. men, andali were warriers, and there eſca⸗ LoD gone out before thee: ſo Barak went to this enterpriſe
tbr. bumbled. ped nota man. Downe front mount Caboz,and tenne thot by affuring him
k Meaning, the 30 Ho Moab was t ſubdued that vay fand men after him. : of Gods fauote
Tfraclites. vnder the band of Iſrael: and the * land bad Ig And the Lod deſtroyed Difera anv and ayh
i So that it is not relt koureſcore yeeres. all bis charets, and all bis bofte with the
the mumber,nor 31 And after hin was Shamgar the edge of the (word before Barak,fothat Ste
the meanesthae foune of Anath, which ewe of the Phili⸗ fera lighted downe of hts charet, and fica
God regardeth, Rims fire hundzeth men with an oxe ! goad, away on bis feete.
when he wil get and be allo deliuered Iſrael. 16 But * Barak purfued after the cha» P/al 83,10
the victory. CHAP, illl. rets, and after che hotte vnto Haroſheth of
t Ifraelfinne, and are giuen intethe hands of the Gentiles: and all the hoſteofDilera fell
Jabin: 4 Deborah wsdgeth Ifrael, and exhorteth vpon che edge of the fwozd; there was nota
Barak to delser the people. 15 Sifera fleeth, manteft.
17 and is killed by Iael. 17 Wowbeit Difera tied away on bis feete
* Ebr. added, ov JAD thechildzen of Iſrael tbeganne as to the tent of Jacl the wife oft Heber rhe h Whofe ance.
Continued to doe gaine to Doe wickedly in the fight of the Kenitte :( for peace was betweene Jabin the flers were firane
euill. Lord when Ehud was dead. — king of Hazor, and betweene the boule of gers, but wor-
2 And the Low fold them into the hand Weber the Benite) fhipped the true
a There wasan pfa Jabin King of Canaan,that reigned in 18 And Jacl went outtomeete Sifera, God,and there-
other Iabin, a302, whole chiefe captatne was called 6i- and fatd vnto bini Turne in,my lord. turne fore were ioyned
whom Iofħua cra, which Dwelt in è Haroſheth of the in to me: feare sot. And when hee bad tur- with Iſcael.
killed and burnt Gentiles. nedin vnto ber into ber tent, ee coueredD
his citie Hazor, 3 Theu the children of Iſrael cried vn⸗ bim with a mantle. fOr,blanket,
Toth 11.53. to the Lod: ( for he bad nine hundzeth cha» 19 And he ſaid vnto her, Giue me,Jpray
b Thatis,ina rets of pron, and twentte peeres be had ber- thee,alittic water to minke; far Jem thirs
wood or ftrong ed the chilozen of Iſrael very ioe) y ſtie. And the opened * abottleofmilke,and Chep.5.250
place. ¶ And at that time Deborah a prophe· gane hin drinke, andcoucred him.
c B the fpirit of teffesthewife of Laptaoth « iudged Iſrael. 20 Againe, hee ſaid vnto her, Stand in
prophefie,refo = And this Deborah Dwelt vnder a the Dooze ofthe tent, and when any man i Towie, Siferag
wing of contro- palme tree. betweene Ramah ant Beth-el Doeth come and enquire of chee, faping, Jg k That isthe
Werfics,andde- . tn mount Ephratm, and che childzen of Jif i any man here? thou fhalt fay, ay. pinne or fake, |
elaring the will raei came vp to ber fo: tudgement. 21 Then Jacl Mebers wife tookeaknaile whereby it was `
ef God, 6 Chen hee fent and called Barak the of the tent, andtooke an hammer in per faftcned tothe |
fonne of Abinoam our of Kedeſh of Naph · hand, and went lofty vnto bun, — ground,
Siferas iThe fong of r d
DeborahandBarak. 68
the naile inta bis temples, and fattened it tak: Bee was teton bis keeteinthe valley:
into the ground, (foz hee was fak allecpe, foz the Dtutfions of Reuben were great m They maruel-
and weatte) and to he Died. ™ thoughts of heart, led that they
22 And behold, as Barak purfued after 16 AßAahy abodelt theu among the theepes came not one
Bilera, Jacl caine out to meete him, and foldes, to heare the bleatings of the flocks? orden to helpe
{fayd vate him, Come, ana J wall thew thee foz the dimong of Reuben were great them,
theinan whom thou ſeekePſt: and when hee thoughts ofheart,
ISoheGwehat came into her cent,beholo,dilera lap Dead, I7 »@ilcad abode beyond Jorden: and n She reproucth
awomanhadthe anD the naile in vis temples. f toby Doth Dan rematne tn hips? Aer fate all them thar
honour,asDebo- 23 So God wought Downe Jabin the sesthe fea ſhore, and tarted in bis ° Decayed came not to help
fah prophefied, — tijat Day before chechudzen places. their brethren ia
j of Jlrael. I3 But the people of Zebulun and Raph- their neceſſitie.
TEbr.went and 24 And the hand of the children of Tl talt haue ieoparded their lines vnto the © Either by bese
was firong. rael+ prolpered , and preuatled againt Ja- Death tu the hie places of the Geld. ting of the fea, of
bin che kingofCanaan, vntillthey han De- 19 The kinges came and fought: then by mining.
ſtroyed Jabin king of Canaan. fought the kinges of Canaan in Gaanach
by the water ot Megiddo: thepreceiued no
u The
The f:
[sng ———
and thankefoiuing off Debora
Deborah an and gaine of r money. cy wan no-
Barak, afterthe —— 20 Thep fought from heaven, cuen the thing,but loft all,
Tee fang Deborah and Bacak, thein ars in theit courſes fought aganit Silera.
ü ‘To wit, the of Abinoain
the laine Bay, laying, 21 The riuer Kihon ãſwept them away, q As a befeme
@wo tribes of Ze- 2 {zaile pe the Loza foz the anenging of that anctent riuer the riuer Rion. D mp doeth the filth of
bulun and Napth- Iſrael and foz the a people that offered thenie foule, thou bat marched valiantip. the houfe,
tali. ietues willingly. 22 Then were the hozle bootes broker
3 Heare pe kings, hearken ye pinces:Iy “ the oft beating together oftheir migh=
Deut.4. 11. eucnJ wiltling vnto the Loꝛd: J will ling pmen —
Deut. 2. l
paile onto the Loꝛd God of Iſtael. , 23 Curſe
ye Meroʒ: (fayd the Angelof r It wasa citie
4 Lo2d,*when thou wenrelt out of ete, the Lozd) curſe the inhabitants thercot, bee neere Tabor
Wien thou departedſt out ofthe Retd of*E> caule thep came not to help the Lord, to heip where they
Pfal. 97.5. Dom, the earth trembled, and the beauens the oe againg the mighty. fought.
Exed.i19.18. rained, che cloudes alio Dzopped water. 24. Jacl the wife of Heber the Benite halt
S: * &be mountaines melted befoze the be bleed abouc otherwomen: bleed falf
Chap.ʒ 3%. Loyd, *as did that Sinat before the Led the be aboue women dwelling intents,
God of Iſrael. 25 eatked water,& the gaue him milke:
| Chap.4.18. Ó Jntbe dayes of * Hhamegar the ſonne the bought forth ‘butter tn alozdly oth, f Some reade,
b For feareef of Anath, tn the dayes of * Jacl the bigh 26 She put ber hana to thenatleandher churned milke
she enemies, wapes were >vnoccupied, and the trauel> right hand to the wozkmans hamnier:with ina great cup.
lers walked through bp wapes, the hammer ſmott the Stlera ;the ſmote off
7 The townes were not inhabited: they bis head, after He had Wounded and pierced
> ara Decaped, 1 fay, in Pitael, vntili J Debora bis temples,
irred vp of cane bp, which role opa: mother in Ji 27 We bowed him Downe at her feete,hee
God to pitie fell Downe, and lay fill: at ber feet be bow-
them and deli- 3 They chofe new gods: then was warre ed him Downe , and fell: and when hee had
ucr them., in the gates. (Clas there aa field oz ſpeare funke Downe, be lay theretDead, 4Ebradefiroytde
d They had no fene among fortie thouland of Jirael ? 28 The mother of Hilera looked outat
heart to refik g Mine heart isteron the gouernours of a window and cryed through the latteffe,
their enemies, Iſrael; and on themthat are willing among TUby ts his charet folong a comming ? why
€ Ye gouernors. the people: pzaile pethe Lod. tarie tye|lwbeeleeofbischartsn a tOr feet,
f Asindanger IO Speake pee that ride on © whitealles, 29 herwile Ladies anſwered her: Wea, ; l
of yout encmies. y * — f bp Middin, and that walke tihee anfwered her felfe with ber owne t Thatis, thee
p the way. wordes comforted her
g For now you It Foꝛ the nople of the archers appaifed a+ 30 Wane they not gotten,
andthey dining ‘lfc.
may draw water, mong the eDrawers of water: there Mall the {potle ? every man bach a maide pz two.
without feare of they har the righteoutnelie ofthe Led, Dilera batha pray of diuers coloured gar-
your enemics, bis righteouſneſſe of bis tomnesin Jirael : ments, & prap of lundsy colours made of
then did the peeple of the Loꝛd goc Downe needle worke ; of Divers colours
of needle
tothe gates. is worke onboth fides, » foz the chicfe of the u Becauſe he was
h Towit, thm 12 ApDeboꝛah,
vp, ariſe, and fing afong: ſpoyle. ; ¢ chiefe of the
thar kept thy arile Barak, andlead »tbp captimitiecap> ¶31 So let all thine enemies perih, D armie.
peoplein cap- tine thou ſonne of Abinoam. Loꝛrd: but they that loue him, thallbeasthe x Shall grows-
tiuitie, 13 Foz thep that rematne, haue Domi- x funne when ierifechinbis might, And the dayly more and
i Lothua fir nion ouer the mighty. of the people ; the land had ref forty veeres. more in Gods
foughtagaint Lorde hath giuen mice Dominion suer the C HA Pioo iVI, fauour,
Amaiek,& Saul : trong. | i 5 t Ifraelisoppreſſed of the Midsanites for their
deftroyedhim. « 14 DEEphraimi their root roſe againſt mickednelfe 24 Gideowss fent tobe thes deli:
k Euen the iear- Amalek; and after thee, Ben tamtn h:l fight werer. 39 He asketh a ligne,
ned did nelpeto again thppeople, O Amalek of Machir —— the children ef Iſrael coms
- fight, ài tame rulers, ¢of Zebulun they chat handle mitted wickedneſſe in the tight of the
J Euen the whole the pen of the * wꝛiter. Lord, ¢ rhe Lord gaue them inio the handes
Ig And the Princes of Iſſachar were of Midlan leuen yeeres
` With Debozah, and’ Iſſachar,
andato Ba 2 And the han? of Midian prrvarled
j 2 againſt
“‘Iftaeloppreffed. Iudges. Gideon deftroyeth Baalsalear. -
a Forfeareof againſt $iraci, «and betauſe of the Midia· ready abide, and vnleauened beadof an -
the Midianites, nites the ebildzenof Alrael mabe them Deng » Ephah of floure, and put the fieh inabale h Of Ephah
they fled intothe in the mountatries , and caucs, and ſtrong ket, and put the broth ina pot, andDtuougkt read Exod. ié
dennes of the olds. $ 8oneynte him vnder the oke, and pen- 35, ;
mountaines. 3 When Plrael had owen , then came
bp the Mpidianites, the Amatekites , Ethey 20 And the Angel of Gon ſaid vnto him,
kOrf Kedem of the ||Calt,and came pon them, Take the fieh ¢ the vnleauened brꝛead, ana
4 Andcamped by them, and deftroped lay them vpon the tone, and powꝛe out the J
the fruitofthe earth, euen till thou come bns b2oth: and be dia fo.
b Euenalmeft to®433ah , and left no food foz Iſrael, nei- 21 C Chen the Angel of the Lord put z
the whole coun- ther fheepe,ttoz ore,nozafle. foorth the end of the tafe that hee he in j
greys § JForthepwent vp, and theircattel,and bts hand, and touched the fleſh and the nns |
tame with their tentes as grafhoppers in leauened bread: and there arole vp fire: out i Bythepower |
multitude: fe that they and their camels of the tone, and confiuned the fieh and the of God onely as
were without number; and thep came into vnleauened bread: fo the Angelof the Lod in the facrifice of
the land to deſtroy it. £ Departed out of hts fight. Helias, 1.King,
6 Do was Ilrael erceedingly impone- 22 And when Oiweon perceiued thatit 13,38,
e This is the end riſhed by the Mrdtanites:therfeze the «chils was an Angel of the Lod, Gideon then
of Gods: punifh- Deen of Iſrael cryed vnto the Lov. ; fayd, Alas, my Lord God: * foz becanle J Exod. 33.20,
ments,to call his 7 CAnd when the children of Iſrael cri- batefeng an Angel ofthe Lox face to fate, Chap.t 3.220
tance, ed vnto the LoD becauſe of p Midianites⸗
} a E

— na S Che Lord lent vnto the children of Jf 23 And the Lord ſayd vnto him, Peace
feekeforhelpe racia Pꝛophet.who ſayd vnto them, Thus be puto thee: feare not, thou halt not Die,
ofhim. faith p Loꝛd God of Iſrael, J baue brought 24 Then Gideon made an altar there
you bp from Egypt, and haue brought pou vnto the Lod, and calledit, Iehonah thas Or, the Lord of
out of the haule of bondage, lom: vnto this day ttis tn Dphzah,of the fas peace.
9 And J baue delinered pou out of the ther of the Szrites.
band ofthe Egyptians, and outof the hand 25 CAndthe fame night the Lo ſayd
ef all that oppꝛeſſed pou, and paue catt vnto him, Take thy fathers pong bullocke,
hem out before pou, and ginuen pou there and another bullocke * of ſeuen peeres old, k That is,as the
no. and deſtroy the altar of Waal that thy father Chalde text wrie
Ilo And J fain vnto yon, J am the Loo hath, and cut Downe the groue that ts by tt, teth, fed feuen
3. King.t7.355 pour God ;* feare not the gous of the Ama: 26 And build an altar vnto the Lo: thy ycercs,
38 serer8,10. 2. rites in whole land pee Dwell: but pou haue God bpon the top of this rocke, in aplaine
not obeyed my voice. place: and take the ſecond bullocke, and of»
IL CA the Angel of the Loyd came, g fer aburnt offering with the wood of the
fate vnder the oke which wasin Dphzah, groue, which thou fhalt cut Downe. : 1 Which growed
that pertained vnto Joal the father of the 27 Then Gideontooke tenne men of his about Baals akar,
Esrites, and bis foune Gideon threſhed feruants,and did as the Lord bade hina: but
fOr, to prepare wheateby the wineprꝛeſſe, Ito hive tt from becauſe be feared to Boc tt by Day foz his fa-
bes flight, the Widianites. thers houſhold, andthe men of the citte, hee
12 Then the Angel of the Lod appeared DiD it by night.
vnto Hun, and fayd puto him, Whe Lod is 23 Ano when the men of the citie aroſe
| with thee thou valiant man. eatlpinthemorning, bebolde , the altar of
d Thiscamenot To whom Gideon anfiwered, Ah my ‘Baal was boeken, and the groune cut Downe
ofdiftrutt, but of Lea:D,if the Loꝛd be with bs, why thenis all that was by tt, and them fecond bullocke of- m Meaning,th
weakenefle.of thigcome vpon vs? and where be all bis mi» fered vpon the altar that was made. fat bull which
faith,whichisin racles which our fathers tolde vs of, and 29 Therekore they fayd ane to another, was Kept to bee
the moft perfe&: fain, Did not the Hod bring ys out of TUNo hath Done this thing ¢ and when thep offered vwe
forno manian . Egypt? butnew the Lord hath forlaken vs, inquired andalked, theplayd, Gideon the Baal.
vhis lifecan haue and Deltuered vs into the hand of the Mi⸗ {onne of Joath hath Done this thing.
aperfeG faih: Dianites. ; 30 Then the men of the citie fayd vnto
yetthe children .14 AnD the ° Log looked bpon him, and Joah, Wring out thy lone, that hee may
ef Godhauca faid, Goein this thy f might, and thou Malt Die; foz he hath deſtroyed the altar of Baal,
true faith where- faune Ilxaelout ofthe bandes of the Midia· a bath allo cut Downe thegroue that was
bytheybeiufti- nites: hauenot J {ent chee? : i pit. *

fed, Is And hecanfwered him , Ah my Lows . 31_ And Joam (apd vnto all that fosd by
s Thatis,Chrift ‘whereby hall J Cane Iſrael? behol, my fa Hint, Will pe plead Waals cante? o2 will pee
4ppearingin vifi- ther ts pooze tn Manaſſeh, and Zam the {aue Dim? * he that will contend fo him, let -
ble forme. leaſt in my Fathers houſe. bim Die per the moming. JE he beHod, let n: Thus we o :
f Which Thaue 16 Chen the Low fayd vnto him, J wii dim pleade foz himlſeſte againſt bim that to inftifie ieee
giuen thee. therefore be with thee, and thou hale ſmite bath cat Downe bis altar. that are zealous.
Or, family. the Widianites,as one man. PA <32 Gnd in that Dap was Gideon tailed for Gods caufe,
17 And he anſwered him, Ipray thee pif Jerubbaal, that is, Let Baal pleavde for
8 Sothatwe fee Fhaue found fauour in thy tight, then thew pe man a hec hath boken Downe his
howthe fichhis mesa figne,thatthontatketttwith nte, - altar.
enemie ynto 18 Depart not hence, J pzap thee, vntill 33 Then ali the Mivtanites aud che Aa
Godsvocation, Icome vnto thee, and bang mineoffertng, maickites,and they ofthe Eat; were gathe·
whichcannotbee and lay ft befoze thee. And hee fapd, 3) wll red together, and went and pitched in the
per(waded with- tarie yntilithou come agatue. vallepofSsreel. > c $Eby.clad Gie:
out fignes, 19 ¶ Chen Gideon went in, and made 34 Butthelpiritos the Lod frame vpon deot
~ Gideon,
‘| Gideons fleece. The number of his army. Chap. vij. TheMidianites dreame, 99
Num io.3. Gideon, *and he blew a trumpet,anBe Abi⸗ 7 € Then the Low faia vnto Gideon,
chap.3-27- ezer was foyned with hint. By theft three hundred men that lapped, wil
o teefamily of 35 And he fent mefiengers thozowout all J (auc you.and deliuer the Midiamtes intg
Abiezer, whereof Manafleh, which aliw was toyned with Him, thine Dand: and let ali the other ¢ people gog d That is, the
he was. and bee {ent mefiengers puto Aer, and ta eucty man vnto bis place. i oneand thirtie
Zebulun any te fRapytalt,and they caine vp 8 € Zotie propletooke bitaites t with thoufand, and fe-
to megt them. * them, and their trumpets; and beefent all uen hundred,
i| p This requeft 36 Then Gideon Tain vnto God, r JE the rettof Iſrael, euery man banto bis tent, looke verfe 3,
i| proceeded not thou wilt ſaue Iſrael by mine hand, as thou and retained the thee hundred men: and and 6,
of infidelitie,but Hatt fais, z : a — of Midian was beneath pim ina Ebr sn their
that he might be 37 Webholv,T will put a ficece of iwooll in atey. hands.
confirmed in his the theething place : ifthe Deaw come onthe 9 CAm the lame night the Lom fain vn⸗ lOr, encouraged,
vocation, ficece onely, and tt be Dzie bpon all the earth, to him, Arile, «get thee Down unto the pofre: e Thusthe Lord
then all J bee fure that chou wiit faue Ji fo? Jhaue Delivered tt inte thine hand. by diuers meanes
raelbp mine bandas thou baf fain. Io But ik thou feare to goe Downe, then doeth ftrengthen
38 And lott was: fo: he aroſe pp early on go thou and Phurah thy ſeruant, Downe to him that he faint
the mozrow , and thruſt the ficece together, the hofte, not in fo great
and winged the Deaw out of the Reece, and Ii And thou halt hearken what they fay, an enterprife.
Gled abouleof water. and fo ſhall thine bands bee rong to goe
39 Againe Gideon faid vnto God,Be not Downe vnto the bette. Chen went he Down
Gene. 18.32, angry with mee, that”3 may peake once and Phurah his ſeruant vnto the outhde of
moze: let mie pone Once agatne,z pray thee, the iguldiers that were in the hotte,
with the fleece: letit now be drie enely vpon Be Ano the Mwianites, and the Ama-
the fleece tlet Draw be vpon all the ground. ieBtes, and all they * ofthe Eat, lay inthe Chap 6.33.
q Whereby he 40 Ant God did ſo that fame night: fog valley like gvatoppers in multitude, anv
was affured that it twas 9 Date vpon the fleece onely, and there their camels were without number, as the
it wasa miracle, Was Deaw anall the ground. (and which ts by the fea fide foz multitude.
of God, B Andwhen Gideon was come, behold,
CHAP, VIF, a man told a dzeame vnto his neighbour,
2 The Lord commandeth Gideon to fend away and faid, Behold, J dreamed a Dzeame, and
a great part of h companie, 22 The Midianites loc, af cake of barley bꝛead tumbled from a> f Some reade,a
are difcomfited by a wonderou ſort. 25 Oreb and boue into the belt of Wivian and came vnto trembling noyfe
Zecb are flaine. a tent, and ſmote tt that it fell, and. ouertur⸗ of barley bread,
hed tt,that the tent fell Downe. meaning that
- Chap 8.35. Es * Jerubbaal (who is Gideon) rofe 14 And bis fellow anhwered , and fain, onc of no rept-
vp early, and all the people that were This is nothing els ſaue the ſwoꝛd of Gide- tation fheuld
}2br.€n-harod, with pun, and pitched belide + the well of on the fonne of Joaſh a man of Ixael:fot in- maketheir great
Harod, lo that the bofte of the Midianites to bis hand hath Gon deltucredgPidian and armieto tremble.
was on the Nozthlide of thein in the valley all the pofte. E
tEbr.Hammorel. by the billofs Moreh. ‘ Is € Ahen Gideon heard the dreame
2 And the Lord {aid vnto Gideon, The tolde, and the tnterpzetation of the fame, he
people thatare with thee , are toa many foz s Wo2hipped , and returned vnto the bofte g Or,gaue God
me to gine the Midiauites into their hands, of Flracl, and fad, Up: for the Lozd hath thankes,asit is in
a Godwillnot left Iſtael make their a vauntagaint mee, meee into pout band the holte of Mi⸗ the Chalde text,
that any creature and lay, Mine hand hath faucd ine, c ian.
depriue him of 3 How therefore proclaime in the audi- _ 16 And he diutded the thee hundzed men
his glory. ence at the people and fay, * CAho lo ts times into three bands, Œ gaue euery man a trum:
` Deut.20 8. rous o2 fearefull.tethun returne and Depart petin bts hand with emptie pitchers, and
| IMAC, 365 6. early from mount Gilead. And there retur- | lampes + within the pitchers. llOr frebrands.
ned ofthe people which were at mount Gi- 17 And helatd vnto them, Looke on me, h Thefe weake
lead, two and twentic thoutand; {0 ten thou- and Doe likewiſe, when 3 come fo the fide of meants God v-
fand remained. ; the bofte cuen as Jdoe.ſo Dee you. fed to fignifie that
4 Ana the Low faid vnto Gideon, The 18 Ciben J blow with a trumpet and all- che whole viGory
people are pet toomany : bang them Downe that are with nie,blow pe with trumpets al’ cameofhim.
: b I will gine thee into the water,and Jwilbtrie them foz thee ſo on euery fide of the hoit,and fap, i Foz the i That is,the vi-
a proofe to know there: andofwhom J lay vnto thee, Chis Loyd, and for Gideon. ctorie ſhalbe the
them,that {hall man fall goe with thee, thefame wall goe 19 ESo Gideon Ethehund2ed men that Lords, and Gide-
goe with thee, with thee: and of whomfoeuer F fay vñto were with him, came buto the outfide ofthe ons his ſetuant.
thee, This man Hall not goe with thee, the Doke, in the beginning of the middle watch,
fame fhall not goe. and thepratled vp the watchmen, and they
s Hohe brought Downethe people vnto blew with their trumpets,and brake the pits
the water. And the Lord faid vnto Gideon, thers that werein their hands. d
` Gsmanyastap the water w their tongues, 20 And the three companies blewe with
asa Bogaelapperh, them put by themelues, trumpets and brake the pitchers, and held
and cucry one that Hali bowe Downe pis the lamps in their left bands, and the trum-
c Letthem de- Knees to < drzinke, put apart. pets in their right bands to blow withall:
patt,as ynmeet 6 Andthe number of them thatlapped and they cried, Lhe * {word of the Lor and k Shall deRroy
for this enterptile by putting their hands to their mouthes, were of Gideon. — the enemies,
thaee hundzethimen: but allthe remnantef 21 And they ood,cyery man in hts place =

the peovle kneeled Downe bpon their knees round about thebok; and allthe holk||ran hôr brokether
todzinke water. : and Cried,
and figd. Araya N

N 3 22 And
nee ee
Ephraims pride: Gedeonshumilitie. Tudges. Zebah and Zalinunna flaine.
22 And the three buned blewe with Kaine an hundꝛed and twentie troufand
trumpets, and the * Lod fet cuery mans nici, that Drew fords.
Flaig Ruaa vpon his lneighbour, and vpon all the Ii ¶ And Gideon went thorow them that
era ofte; fo the holte fea to Beth-bafbittab ii Dwele in Tabernacles on the Cakitde of h He went by
ecthe wida- Zererah, and to the boder of Abel-mebolah, Nobah and Jogbehah, and mete the hofte; the wilderneffe
nites to kill one pute Tabbath
fo: the hofte was careleffe. where the Arae |
another, 23 Then they men of Iſrael being gathe⸗ 12 4nd when 3ebah and Zalmunna led, bians dwelt in
red together out of Mapitalt, and cut of A- hee tollowed after them, and tooke the two tents, $i
fher, and out of all Manalſſeh, purſued after Kings of Midtan, Sebah andZalinumna,
the Midianites. and diſcomlited all the bote. }
24 And Gideon fent meflengers pute all 13 GDo Hideon the une of Joaſh retur-
mount Ephraim, faying , Come Downe a- ned frem battel, ithe Hunne being yet high, i Some reade,
gaini theMpidtanites,and take before them 14 And tooke aferuant ofthe men ef Buce before the Sunne
m Meaning. the tie ™ waters vnto Beth-barah,and
é Jorden. coth,and enquired of htm : and He ||wrote to rofe vp.
paflages or the hen all the men of pham gathered to» bim the princes of Succoth,and the Elders Or,deftribed.
foords, that gether,and tooke the waters unto eth bas thereof,euen feuentte and feren men.
they thould wot rab and Jorden. sj I5 And hee came vnto the men of Duct-
efcape. 25 And thep tooke* two princes of the toth, and ſaid, Behold zebah and Zalmun⸗
P/al,83s1 1. MWidianites,Dicb and Secb,and flem Dzcb na, bp whom pee vpbraided me, ſaying, Are
ifa 10 26, vpon the rocke Deeb, and Hew 3eeb at" the tbe bands of Zebah and Zalmunna aiready
n Theſe places winepzefleof deck, and purſued the Midia⸗ in thine hands, that wee ſhould giue bread
hadtheir names nites anra brought the heads of Deeb g 3eeb vnto thy wearte men? F
ofthea@sthat ta Gideon bepoud Jorden. 16 Chen he tooke the Elders of the citie,
were done there. and thanes of the wilderncfle , and bierg,
CHAP YII. and t DID teare the men of Succoth with Ebr. brabe ix
1 Ephraim murmureth againft Gideon. 3 Who them, preces,as one
appeafeth them. 4 He paffeth the Forden, 16 He 17 Alfo hee brake Downe the tower of threfheth corae.
reuengeth himfelfe on them of Succoth & Penuel * Penuel and flew the men of the citie. i. XNing. i2. 25.
27 Hee maketh an Ephod,which was the caufe of 18 ¶ Then fain hee vnto Zebah and 3al-
idolatry. 30 Of Gideons fonnes and of histeath. munna, Ahat manner of men were they,
Foa the men of Ephraim {ato vnto binn whom pee flew at Tabor? and they anſwe⸗
& ‘They began 4 2 CGby hat thou ferued vs thus, that red, (Asthou art, fo were they: every one |Or,they were
ro cauill, becaufe thou calledſt vs not, when thou wenteſt to wasltke the chilazen of a King. like vato thee,
he had the glory fight with the Midianites? and they chode Ig And be laid, Chey were my beethzen,
of the victorie. with bim fharply. euen my * mothers children: as the Loz li- k We cameall
2 Towhom he laid, What haue I now foes pe had ſaued their liues, Jwould not out of one belly:
b Whichhaue ‘Done in compartion of Spon? ts not< the 6 u. therefore I will
flainctwo prin- gleaning of grapes of Epheatm better then 20 Chen bee {aid onto Jether his firt be reuenged,
ces,Oreband = the vintage of Abiezer? bo:ne onne, Ap, and flay them; but the boy
Zeeb. God Hath deliuered into your hands Drew not his fiwon: foz he feared, becaulehe —--
c This lat a@of the princes of idian. Deb and Zech; and was pet yang.
the wholetribe, what was F able to Doz in comparifon of 21 Chen Febah and Falmunna aid, Rie i
is more famous, you? and when bee had thus ſpoken, then thou, and fall vpon vs: foz! as the manis, | Meaning,that
thentbewhole their (pfrits abated toward bim. fo is his ſtrength. And Gidcon arole, and they would bee
enterprifeofone 4 @ And Gideon caine to Joen to paffe Hew zebah and Falmunna, and tooke away Yid out of their
manofonefa- oner,hec.t the thece hundzed men that were the | oanaments, that were on their cameis paine at once,or
mily, with him, wearie,pet purfuing them. neckes. els to haue a va-
5 `And be fad vnto the menof Guccoth, 22 (Then the men of Jitael fain vnto liant man ro pur
d Or, ome ſmall Gine, gpray pou, moztels of bꝛead wnto the idcon, Retgue thou ouer vs, both thou, them to death,
portion. people t that follow mee (for they bee wearic) and thy fonne, and thy ™ {ennes fonne: foz llOr, collers.
4Ebr.thatareat that J may follow after ebay and Falmun- thou baft deliuered vs out of the pand of m Thatis,thy
my feete, na, tings of Midian. Midian. pofterities
6 And the minces of Succoth (aid, Are 23 And Gideon fain vnto them, J will
e Becauſe thou the hands of Seba and Zalmunna now in not reigne ouer pou, neither Hall my childe
haft overcome thine hands, thaͤtwe ould giue bead vnto — ouer pou, but rhe Lord Mall reigne g» .
an handfull,thin- thine armie? pou. PAAS
kefithoutobauc 7 Gldeon then laid, Therefore when the 24 Againe Gideon ſaid vnto them, »g % Bisintent was
oueicomethe Loꝛd hath deltuered Zebah and zZalmunna would Defirea requet ofyou,that youwouly t9 hew bimfelfe
whole? tito mine hand,gwilltteare your fleſh with gincme euery man the earerings of his pray thankful for this
fEbr.beate in thoanes ofthe wilderneſſe and with briers. (fo: they had golden carcrings,becaule they ViGorie by reto-
pieces. S Aud bee went vp thence to Penuel, were Whmaeltres) Ting of Religion,
and pake vnto them likewiſe, and themen 25 Ana they anfwered, Tetee wilt gine Which,becaute it
of Penuel anfwered him as themen of Huc them. And they (peead agarment, and did Was not accor-
toth anſwered. call therein eucry man the earcrings of hig 419g as God had
9 And hee laid allo vnto the men of Pe⸗ pray. commanded,
f Having gotten nel cien J come againe f in peace,Jwill 26 And the weight of the golden eare: turnedto their
the viGory. becake Downe this tower. j rings that he requiredwas
, athoufand ang dellruction,
g A citie Eaft- 10 (Mow Febah and zZalmunna were gin feuzn bunden thekelsof gold,befive collars, Or fiveete balles
ward beyond Kiarko2, and their hoftes with them about land tewels, and purplerapment that was
Torden. fiftecne thoufand,al! that were icft
ofail the on the Kings of Midian, and belive the
kotes of them of the Cat; fornthere was chaines that were about their camels necks,
27 And
; Gideon dieth. Abimelech. Chap.ix. Tothams parab le, 1060
o That is, fuch 27 And Gideon made ane Cphod there- went and Kood inthe toppe of mount Gee
things as pertei- ofand put itin Ophꝛah Fis citic: anv all Ji rizim, anv littvphis voyce, and cried, an
ned to the vfe of rael wenta whoring there afterit, which ſaid yntothem, Wearken vate me, you men
she Tabernacle, was tye Deftruction of Gideon, hts heute. of Shecijem, that Sod may hearken vnto
Of Ephod, looke 28 Thus was Midian bronghe low be- rou.
» more,Exod,28, fore the children of Iſraeliothat thep lift vp 8 e The trees went foorth to anoint a e By this para-
46.and 1.Sam.2. their beans ng moze: and the countrcp was King pner them, and fayd wate the oltue blehe declareth,
18.and 2.Sam.6, tn quietneſſe fourtie yeeres in the Dayes of tree, Keigne thou ortt Ds. that thofe thae
14 and cha.17,6, Gideon. 9 But the olive tree ſapd vnto then, arenot ambiti
29 Then Jerubbaal the lonne of Joaſh Should F leane my fatnetle, wherewith by ous, aremoft
went, and dwelt in his owne youle. me they honour God and manana go to ave wortby of ho~
4Eb.which came 30 And Gideon had ſeuentie ſonnestbe- uance ine aboue tie trecs ? nourg & that the
out ofhisthszh, gotten et his body ; fo: he had many wiues. Io Chen the trees layd tothe figge tree, ambitious abufe
31 And his concubtne that was in Ahe- Coie thou,and be king duer ve. their honor both
chem, bare him afonnealio, whol name be II But the ficge tree anſwered them, totheirown dee
calicd Abimelech, TRT Shonid F forlake my ſweetneſſe, and my ſtruction ando⸗
p Which citie 32 Bo Gideon the fonne of Joam died in goon kruit, and go to aduance me aboue the’ thers,
belonged tothe a good age, and hee Was buricd in the fepul- rees? ;
family of the Ez- chee of Joa bis fatper in Dpheab, otche I2 Then fayd the trees vnto the vine,
rites. P father of the Ezrites. Conte thon,and beking ouer vs.
q That is,Baal, 33 But when Sideon was dead, the chil- 13 Butrye vine (id wate them, Hhould
to whom they Deenok Jiracl turned away, anv went a Ileaue mp wine, whereby A cheare Gov
had bound them- whozing after Baalim, and made q Baal- anA Man, and go to aduaice me aboue the
felues by couc- berith their god, — ters Z
nant. 34. And the childzen of Iſrael remem- 14 Then fatd al the trees vnto the} pane Or, thiſtle, o
r They were vn- bred not the Lozd their God, which had de> ble, Tome thau,asd reigneouce us. ryer,
mindfull of God, liuered them out ofthe hands ot ait their -= 15 Andthe bramble ſayd vnto the trees,
and vnkind to- neinies on euery fide. f Tipe will in deed anoint me king over pou,
ward him,by 35, Metther ẽhewed they mercie on the come, and put pour trut vnder my Wa.
whom they had DonteofJerubbaal, or Gidcon, accoBig co Dew : and if not, the! fire Wail come cut of f Abimelech thaf
received fo great ail i am ak he bad ſhewed mita the bramble, and conſume the cedars of Le- deſtroy the no»
a benefit, Jir ae , ‘banon. blesof Shechem,
16 Powe therefore, if pe Doe truely and
CHAP. IX. vncortuptlyto make Abimelech King , ano
T Abimelech vfurpeth the kingdome,and put- ik yee bauz dealt well with Jerubbaal and
teth his brethren to death, 7 Fotham propofèth a with his houle, and jane Done vata him ace
parable. 23 Hatred between Absmelech and the coding to the deſeruing of his hands,
Shechemmtes. 26 Gaal confpireth againft kim, 17 (sFormy father fought for you, ant
and & ouercome. 53 Abimelech 6woundedto Faduentured histife, and deliuered pou out tEbr.he eaf? his
-death by a woman. of the hands of Midian. lft farre fiom
TE Abimelech the ſonneofJerubbaat 18 And pee arerilen bp. again my fas him.
a To practiſe went te Shechem vnto his mothers thers boule this Day,and haue Uain bis chil
with his kinfe- brethren, and communed with them, and deen about ſeuenty perone vpon one tone,
folkes for the at- and haue made Abimelech the ſonne of vis
with all the familie and Houle of his mothers
taining of the + fatver,faying, ‘ maid-feruant, Bing over the men of Ghee
kingdome, 2 Hapy prav pou,in the audience of all chem, becaufe he ts pour bother)
the men ofHhechem, Aibether is better fog 19 Ikye then hane dealt truely and puree
yeu,thatall rhe fonnes ofJerubbaal, which Ip with Jernbbaal, aud with bis houie this
are feuentpperfons, reigñe ouer you, either nap then svetopce pe with Abimelech, and é ‘That heeis
% that one retane oner pou? Remember ati, let him refopce with pou. yourking,and
b Ofyourkin- thatJ am pour > bongana your Beth. 20 Put iknot, teea fire come out from you his ſabieck
red.bymy mo- 3 Then bis mothers brethren ſpake of Abimelech, and confume the men of Shee
thers fide. bie in the audience of ail the meno Shee chen andthe boule of (Pula sal leta ire
Chen, atithele works: aud their hearts were come fogh fron the men af Ghechem, ang
nicaued to follow Abimelech; for fara hep, fran the boule ofMilla, andcanluine Abis
We is our brother. å melech
TO», idle llowes nv they gane him ſeuentie pieces of 2U Aud Jotham ran away, anv tied,and
and vagabonds, Muer ont of the hole of Baal ·berith; wher mentia Beet, and dwelt there fa) feave of
c Thus tyrans with Abimeiceh hired | vaine and light Fels Abunctech hie Motier '
to eftabli(h their lowes, which followed bim, 22 So Sbuneleeh reigned thee peevees
viurped power, s Ane be wert onta bis kathers Houle at uer Firari f
fpare nat the in- Dubhag, ands feto his hretheen the tonnes 23 Bir Hon » Cet an eull irii bense h Beeaufrhe
nocent blood, Of Jerubbaal, about feuenty perfong vpon Hlinclech. aut the inci af Shechem : ana people confented
2.king,10 7. one fons t pet Jotham the yon eft fome oF th l——— biako ches paomtiy co with the king in
s.chro,3 I he Aexubbaal was lets: for he bin himiette, ry bels ihedding innos
d Which was as 6 AnD ail the men of Abechem garhe» 24 That thecruelep toward tbe uenty cent blood, there
thetowne houfe teGtoaeiber with all the boui of d Miil ſomes of Seenbbaal and Hels Doon wigii fore Gad de
or common hal and came and made Abimelech bingt che comme and bee apd open IAimelech there firoyeth both the
which he calleih plaine where the Tone was erected in Shee Wether, Which had Matne than, ane bpon one and the Oa
the tower © chen. eye cn OF Rechem, which Gav apiri jün ther,
Shechem,ver.49. 7 And wei they told it to Forbam, hee to Rall bis beethren.
25 G0.
Gaal confpireth,and is ouercome, Judges; Abimelech is flaine,
25 So the men of Shechem Cet men in and 3cbul thut ont Gaal and bis bzethzen,
‘waite for him in the tops ofthe mountaines: that they Hould not dwell in Shechem.
who robbed al that pailed that way by them: 42 (And on the mozow,the people went
and it was told Abimelech. out inte the feld: which was told Abtme-
26 Then Gaal the tonne of Ebed came lech
ec Je |

with bis betien , and they went to She⸗ 43 Andhetooke then people, and diuit n Which werea
chem: and themen of Shechem put their Ded them into thece bands,ana layd waitin his company,
confidence in hin. the felos, and looked,
and behold, the people
Before they 27 Therefore they i went out into the werecome outof the citie, and hee role vp
eons — of fiet, and gathered in their grapes, € troade agatntt them and (mote them.
imelechs them, and made merry, and went into the 44 And Abimelech , andthe bands that
power, andduiſt houſe of their gous and Did eate and minke, Were with him, rued foxward,and ſtood tir
notgocoutof =and curled Abunelech. the entring ofthe gate of the citie: andthe `
the citie. 28 Then Gaal thefonne of Cher fayt, two other bands ran vpon àl the people that
Aho is Abimelech? and whois Shechem, were in the fletd,and flew them,
that wee ſhould ſerue him? Fs hee not the 45 Gnd when Abvunelech had fought a-
fonne of Jerubbaal? and 3ebul is bis ofti- gatnt the citie all that day,hetooke
the city,
cer? Derne rather themen of Damo: the and flew thepeople that was therein, ano
father of Shechem ¢ foz why Mould wee Belroped the citte,and o lowed falt in it, o That it fhould
ſerue bint? i 46 (And when all the men ofthe towne be vnfruitfulland
29 Nowe would God this people were of Shechem heard it, they entredinta an neuer ſerue to
¢ under mine hand: then would J put away hold of the houle ofthe god eBerith. any vie.
k Braggingly, as Abimelech. And he fata tok Abimelech, iin. 47 And it was told Abimelech, that all p That is, of
thoughhe had creaſe thinearmy, and come out. ‘ the men of the tomacol Dbechem were ga Barl-berithas
beenprefentor 30 @ And when Fcbul the ruler ok the ct thered together. Chap.8.33.
tohiscaptaine tie heard the words of Gaal the tonne of E- 48 And Abimelech gate him vp to mount “P33.
Zebul, bed, his wrath was kindled. Zalmon, Hee and all the people that were
31 “Thereforehefent meflengers vnto A- with him: and Abimelech tooke ares with
{Eb crafty. bimelech + painily, faying, Behold, Gaal the him, and cut Downe boughs of trees, and
fone ot Ebed and his brethren be come to tooke them and bare them on dis thoulder,
Dhechem, and behold, they togtifie the citte and ſayd onto the folke that were with him,
againſt thee. : Chat pe haue ſeene me Doe, make Halte, and
32 Mew therefore arifeby mght, thou Doe like me.
and the people that ts with thee, and lie in 49 Then allthe people allo cut downe
waitetn the feld. i euery man his bough, and followed Abime-
33 And eile early in the moming aſſoone lech, and put them tothe holoe, and let the
- as the ſunne ts vp,and alfaule the citie: and Hold on fire with them: Mall the menof the
when bee and the peaple that ts with him, towe of Shecherm 1 Died allo,about a thous q Meaning, that
“REbrwhat thine hall come out againſt to him twhat fand men and women. all were deftroy=
band can finde. thoucant. 50 @ Chen went Abimelech to Tebez, ed, afwell they in
34 € Ds Abimelech rofevp, and all the and beliegedD Tebez, and tooke it, _ thetower,as the
people that were with him by night: and. 51 But there waga rong towze within other.
— in waite againſt Dbecheni tn foure the citie, and thither fled all the men and
ands. Women, andallthechtefeofthecitte, and g
35 Then Gaal the fonneof Ched went an it to them, and went vp to the top of the
out, and food tn the entring of tie gate of 0 28. T }
the citie: And Abimelech rote vp, and the 52 And Abimelech came vnto the towe
oie that were with bun, from lying in ano fought againit it, and went bard vnto
aite, the pore otipe voee t fetiton ge Bie $
36 And when Gaal faw the people, hee 53 Dut a certaine waman *cata piece ofySamre.
fayd to groui Behold, there come people a milſtone bpon Abimelechs head, thake
_. Downe from the tops of the mountaines: bis bzaine pan.
1 Thou artafraid and Zebulſayd puto bin, The |hadow of 54 Then Abimelech called hattilp his
of a thadow, the mountaines ſeeme men vnto thee. page that bare bisharnefle, and fayd vnto
37 And Gaal {pake againe, and taid, Dee bim, Dzaw thy ſword and flap me,that men
tEbr,by the na- there come folke Downe + by the muddle of fay not of me, A woman flew him, And bis
wil, the land, and another band commieti by the page thut him thozow,and he died. £ Thus God by
¥Or,charmers. way of the plaine of | Meonenim. $ §§ AnD when the menok Iſrael {aw that fuch milerable
33 Then laid sebulvnto him, there is Abimelech was Dead, they Departedeuery death taketh
nowe thy mouth, that a » Che ts Abi- man vnto his owne place. l vengeance on
melech , thatwe Mould ſerue him ? Js not 56 Thus God rendred the wickednes of tyrants, euenin
this the people that thou hatt deſpiſed? Goer Abimelech, which be dtd puto his father, in this life.
out nowe, J] pay thee, and fight with flaying bts ſeuentybrethren.
em 57 Alloallthe wickedneſſe of the men of
m. As theircap- 39 AndGaal™ went out before the men Shechem did God being vpon their heads. ¢ Por making a
taine. of Sbechem,and fought with Abimelech. Ho bpon them came the í curle of Jotham tyranttheir king..
40 But Abimelech purlued him, and hee the loune of Jerubbaal,
fled before bim, ¢ many were ouerthrꝛowen
and wounded , cucn onto the entering of the 2 Toladscth. 5 Tair aljo ditth, 7 The Lfraen
gate. lites are punifhed for their fing to They crie
AL And Abimelech dwelt at Arumah: unto Gad, 16 andhe hath ptie onthem.
Tola. Jair. Iftaelis punifhedforfinne. Chap.x.xj. Tphtah is made captaine. 101
Adit Abimelech there aroleto defen the fame chall bee* head ouer all the inheri· Chap,
Iſrael, Tola, the fonne of uah , the tance of Gilead.
Or,hisuncle. fonne of ||Dodo, amanofPfachar, which CHAP. XE
Dwelt in Shamir tn mount Ephraim. 2 Iphtah being chafed away by his brethren,
lOr gæuerned. 2 And bel tudged Ffrae! three and twen⸗ was after made captaine oner Ifracl, 30 He ma-
ty pere,¢ Died and was buried tn Shamir. ketharafh vow. 32 Hee vanquiſheth the Am-
3 © And after bim arok Jaira Gilead- nites, 39 and facrificeth hw daughter accor-
Dite, and iudged Iſrael two and twentic ding to his vow.
peeres. Ton Gilead begate Iphtah, anv Jph-
a Signifying they 4 And hee had thirty fonnes that? rode tah the Gileadite was + a paliant man, Eby, a man of
were men of au- on thirtie alle colts, and they had thirty ci- but thefonneof anll barlote mighty force.
thoritie. ties, which are called Hauoth· iair vnto this 2 And Gileads wite bare him fonnes, hOr vitasler.. -
Or.thetownes Day, and ate in the land of Gilead, and when the womans childzen were come
of Iair,as Dert, § And Jair dicd and was buried in Ka⸗ to age, they thant ont Jphtab, and fayd vn⸗
3.14. mon. to him, Thou ſhalt not tnyerite in our fa⸗
Chap.2.1t.and 6 Q AnD the children of Iſrael wꝛought thers boule : foz thou art the fonne of a
3.7.4nd 4.1,and wicked neſſe ag aine tn the fight of the Lod, a range woman. i a That is,ofan
6,1.and 13,1. and ferued Baalimand * Sivtaret),and the 3 Then Jpheah fled from his brethzen, harlot, as verfe r.
Chap.2.13. gods of |Aram, and the gods of Zidon, and and dwelt inthe landof b Cob: and there b Where the go-
||Or Syrias, the gods of Moab, and tye gods of the chil- gathered idle fellowes to Iphtah, es went uernour of the
Deen of Ammon, and the gods ofthc Phi· put with him. $ ; countrey was
pom and fozlooke the Lod, and ſerued J q And in pꝛoceſſe of time the chilen called Tob.
not dim. of Ammon made warre with Iſrael. ¢ loyned with
7 Therefore the wath of the Lod was And when the childzen of Ammon him, as fome
Or,deliuered. kindled againit Iſrael, and he fold them in- fought with Flrael, tthe Eiders of Gilead thinke,avainft
to the hands of the Bhiliſtims, and into the tuent to fet Jphtah out of the land of Tob. his brethren,
hands of the childꝛen ot ammon: 6 And they lavd vnto Iphtah e Come d Or,ambeffa-
& Caio from that peere bereu and op- and be otir captaine,that we may Bght with douts, fent for
preſſed the childzen of Iſrael eighteen veres, thechilDenot Ammon. that purpofe.
b Asthe Reube- b even ail the children of Iſrael that were be- 7 Iphtah then antwered the Elders of e Men ofttimes
nites, Gacires, & pond Jozven tn th? land of the Amozttes, Gilead, Did not ye hate me, and f expel mee are conftrained
halfe the tribe of which is in Gilead. outof my fathers houſe? how then come you to defire helpe of
Manafieh. 9 Moꝛeouer, the children of Ammon vnto me now in time of your tribulation? them,whom be-
went ouer Jorden to fight againit Judah, 8 Chen the Elvers of Gilead (aid vnto fore they haue
and again Beniamin; and againtt the Iphtah, Therefore wee turne againe to refufed,
houleof Ephraim: fo that Ilrael was ſore thee now, that thou mayeſt goe with vs, f Oft times thofe
tozmented. i and fight agatni the chtidzen of Ammon, things , which
e They prayed 10 Chen the childzen of Ilrael «cried pn- and be our bead ouer all the inhabitants of men reie, God
chufeth to doe
oD9 nD yh fayd vnto bethe Gl Elders of Sreatencerprifes
tothe Lord, and tothe Loꝛd, faving, de hane finned againſt
confefled their thee, euen becaule twee baue korſaken our And Jphtah
finnes, owne God, andhauelerued Baalim, Gilead,Ffye bring mehome againe to fight by,
d By ftirring I Audthe Lod *fayd vnto the chilen againſt the chtldzenof Ammen, ifthe Lord
them vp fome of Iſrael, Did not-I deliver you from the Œ- Glue them before me,fhall J be pour heat?
~ . Prophet, as Gyptians , and from the Amozites, from the Io Anè the Elders of Gilead ſayd ta
Chap,6,8, childzen of Ammon, and from the hiii- Iphtah, The Lord thee witneſſe betweene Ebr, be the
img? vs,tfwe Doe not accozBing to thy words. hearer,
12 The FDonians allo, and the Amale- IT Chen Iphtah went with the Elders
kites, and the Waonites dtd oppreſſe pou, of Gilead, and the people made him heaa
and pe cried to mee, and J faued you outof and captatne ouer them: and Jhtah re⸗
their hands. hearſed all his wordes before the Lod in
Deut.32.1 $, 13 Det ye * hane forlaken mee,and ferued Mizpe
ierem 213. other gods; wherefore F will deliuer you na 12 Then Iphtah ſent meſſengers vnto
moze, the Ring of the chimen of Ammon, ſaying,
14 Goe, and crie vnto the gods which pe That hat thou to doe with mee, that thou .
baue cholen: let them faue pou in the time of art come againſt me,to fight tn myland?
your tribulation. 13 And the King ofthe childzenof Am-
Ig And the chitazen of Iſtael fayd vnto Mon antwered onto the meflencers of Iph⸗
the Lord, Cite paue finned : Doe thoubnto vg tab, * Becaule Jiraci tooke my land, when NCH, 21513,
wwhatfoener pleaſe thee: onely wee pray thee they came vp from Eavpt, from Arnon vᷣn⸗
e Thatis,from to Deltuer bs ¢ this Day. to Jabbok and vnto Jorden; now therefore
this prefent dan- 16 Then they put away the range gods teiteze thole lands t qutetly. t&br.ia peace,
ger. from among them, and £ {erned the Lorde: I4 Det Iphtah tent meflengers againe
f Thisis true re- anaipisfoule was grieued foz the miſery of bnto the king of the childzen of Ammon,
_ pentance,to put ael. Is Gna fayd bnto bim, Thus favth Iph-
away the euill, & 17 Thenthe chilozen of Ammon gathes tal),* Iſrael teoke not the laud of Moab, no? Deut, 2.9;
to ſerue God red themſelues together, ane pitched tn gi- theland of the childzen of Ammon.
aright, lead: and the chilozen of Iſcael aſſembled 16 But whew Iſrael came vp from E-
|Or,he pitied, themfelucs.and pitchedin Wispeb. gypt, and walked through the wilderneſſe
18 Aud the people and princes of Ailean buto the redde Hea, then they came to Kaz -
fayn oneto another, Ahoſoeuer will begin deh, l '
the battell againſt the chidren of Ammon, 17 Ea een nee
ing Num 20.14,20.
Tphtahs rafh vow. Judges. His daughter. Heouercommeth the
Ring of Enom. faving, Let me, F pray thee, tül thou come to Winnith, twenty cities,
goe thorow thy land ; but tye king of Edomand ſo foorth to ||Abel of the vineyards,
with \Or,the plains,
wonin not content: and allo they fent vntoan exceeding great laughter. Thus p chil-
ticking of Moab, but he would not; there» Den of Ammon were Humbled before the
fore Aſxael abode tn Banel. “4 chilazen of Alrael.
18 Then they went chozow the wilder- 34 ¶ Mow when Iphtah came to Miz
nelle, and contpailed theland of Gouin, and peh vnto His boule, behold, bis Daughter
the tanu of Moab, and came bp the Cak five came out co mecte bim with = timbsels and n According to
ofthe lanu otf 9Dozb, and pitched on theo» vances, which was his onelp childe ; He had the maner after
Naæm.ꝛ 1.13. ther fiteof Arnon, *andcame not within None other onne, nor daughter. the victory,
and 22.24, the coalt of Moab: foz Arnon was the boder 35 And wher hee faw Her, hee orent his o Being ouer-
ot Moab. : clothes, and fayd, Alas mp Daughter, thou come with blind
Deut. 2.a6. 19 Alto Jlrael *{ent meffengers vnto Di- bat brought me lowe , and art of chem that zeale,& not cone
hon, king of the Amopites, che King of trouble mee ; for J] hate opened my mouth fidering whether
Mehbon, and Iſrael fayd vuto Him, Let vito the Lozd,and cannot goe backe, the vowe was
uapni we pray thee, by thyiand vnto our 36 And the tapd vnto him, Ady father, if lawfull or no.
]Or,conntrey. place. thou batt opened tip mouth puto the LoD,
g Hee trufted 20 But Sihon s conſented not te Iſcael Doe with mecas thou hat promiſed, ſceing
them not to goe that be Hould gog thozow bis coatt: but Hi- that the Lord bath auenged thee af thine ex
thorow his coun. bon gathered all bis people together, and nemies the childzen of Ammon.,
trey. pitched in Jahaz, and fought with Iſrael. 37 Allo He fatd vnto her father, Do thus
21 And the Lord God of Flracl gaue Di- much for me: ſuffer metiwa moneths,that I
hon € ali bis folke into the bands of Iſrael. mapga to the mountains, and r bewaile my p For it was
and they ſmote them: fo Iſrael poelen all virginitie, aud my fellowes, counted as a
the land of the Amoxzites, the inhabitants ot 38 And he ain, Goe : and he ſent her a- fhame in Ifrael,
that countrey: way two moneths: fo thee went with Yer to die without
Deut.2. 36. 22 And thep poemen * ail the coaſt of che companions, and lamented ber virginitte children, and
Amogttes, trom Arnon vnto Jabbok , and bpon the mountaines. therefore they
from the wilderneſſe cuen vnto Joden. 39 And after the ende oktwo moneths, reioyced to be
23 sow therefore the Lod God oflra- fhe turned againe vnto her father, who dia married,
el hath cait out the Amozites before his pro- with ber according to his vowe which hee
ple Iſrael, and ſhouldeſt thou poſſeſſe it? had vowed, and (hee had knowen no man.
24. CGouldeft not thou poſſeſſe that which And it was acuſtomeinIſrael:
Chemoſh thy gad giueth thee to poſſeſſe? 40 The daughters of Iſrael went peeve
. h For we ought Do whomfocuer the Lord our» Gov Diueth by yeere to lament the daughter of Iphtaty
more tobeleeue out bekore us, them will we poſſelſſe. the Oileadite, foure Dayes ina pecte
.and obey God, 25 *Andare thon now farre better then
then thou thine Balak the fonne of Zippo: king of Moab: CHAP. XIL
idoles. DiD hee not ſtriue with Iſrael, and fighta-
Na4m.2 2,2. gaint them, ; 6 Iphtah killethtwo and forty thoufand Epbra-
Deut, 23.40 _ 26 Ahen Iſrael dDweltia Heſhbon and imaites. 8 After Fphtah fucceedeth Foran, 18
ioſp. 24.3. in ber townes, and in Arsi and in ber Elon, 13 and Abdon.
townes, and in all the cities that are by the
coaſtes ofArnon, theee hundzeth peeres ? A Nd themen ofEphraim gathered them⸗
i Meaning, their meeDID peenot then recouer é them in that (elues together,and went? Horthward, a Afterthey had
townes, {pace? and ſayd to Jphtah, Aber fore wenteſt thou pafled lorden.
27 ThereforeF haue not ofended thee: to fight againt the chtldzen of Ammon, and
but thou daeſt mee wong to warre againſt DidDDeit not callus > to goe with thee? wee b Thus ambition
k To punifh the me. The Loyd the Judge be tudge thisday will therefore burne thine houle vpon thee enuieth Gods
offender, betweene the chilozenot Iſracl, and the chil with fire. t worke in others,
I That is,the fpi- men of Ammon. f : 2 And Iphtah aid puto them,Fand my as they didalfa
rit of ftrength 28 Howbeit the king of the chilozen of people were at great rife with the childern againtt Gideon,
and zeale, Ammon hearkened not vnto the wozdes of of Ammon, and wherJ called pon, pee delt⸗ Chap.8:1. |
m Asthe Apo. Iphtah which pe had lent him. nered me not out of their hands.
itle commendeth 29 ¶ Then the! Hpwwit of the Lod came 3 So when F (aw that yee deliuered me
Iphtah for his bpon Jphtal, and hee paſſed ouer ta Gilead not, J put nip life in mme hands, and went e That is,Iven-
worthy enterprife and to Manaſſeh, and came to Mizpeh in bpon the childꝛen of Ammon: fo the Lod tured my lile, and
in deliuering the Gilada from Mizpeh im Gilead hee went Deliuered them into mine hands. Uher when mans helpe
people, Heb.1 r. ynte the chiten of Ammon, fore then are pee come vpon me now to fight faifed, 1 put my
_..-32.f0 by his rath 20 And Iphtah "vowed a how vnto the againne? truli onely in
vow and wicked £ - cane fisyt SE thou Halt ocliner the chil- 4 Then Iphtah gathered all the men of God,
performance of pen vf Ammon into mine bands, Hilead, and fought with Ephraim: and the
’ the fame,his vie 31 Then that thing that commeth out of inet of Gulead mote Ephraim, becaule they
Qory was defa- the doores of mtnehoule to meeteme, when fayd, Dee Gileaditesare runnagates ofE⸗
ccd: and here J come bome in peace from the children of phꝛaim d among the Ephaaimites, and as d Ye ranne from
we feethat the Ammon hall be the Lords, and J willofter mong the {Danaflites. vs, and chofe Gis
finnes ofthe god- tt fo abuent offering j § Allothe Gileadites tooke the paflages lead, and now in
ly do not vtterly 32 Ind fo Iphtah went vnto the children of Jorden before the Cphzatmites, and reſpect of vs,ye
extingui(h their of Ammon to fight againt them, andthe when the Cpheatinttes that were cica: are nothing,
š faith. Load deliuered them into bis hands, ped, fapt, Letinecpatle, then the men of
33 And he fmote them from Aroer, euen Gilead fayd vnto hun, Are thou an G-
bad foe
Ibzan. Elon. Abdon., The Chap.xiij, AngelforetellethofSamfon. 102
heſaid.Nap of Gov, whom thou ſenteſt,come again now
6 Then laid they vito him, Day now vnto vs, and teach vs what we Hall do vnto
e Which figni- eDhibboleth: and he fata, Sibboleth: for he the childe wien He iz bone. |
fieth the fall of could not fo pronouncesthen they tooke hrm, 9 And God heard the voice of Panoah,
waters,or an and lew hin at the paflages of Jorden:and and the Angel of God came againe bnto the
care of corne. there fell at that time of the Ephraimites wife,as the late in the ficld:but Manoah her
tiwo and fortie thoufand, huſband was not with her.
7 And Iphtah iudged Iſrael fire peres: 10 (And the wife made hatte, and ran,
then died Iphtah the Gtleadite, and was and ewed ber bulband,and {aid vute bim,
buried tn one of the cities of Gilead. Bebold, the man hath appeared vnto mee,
f Some thinke 8 After hin Ibzan of Geth-lehem, that came vnto me € te Day, e Itfeemeth that -
that this was Bo= iudged Iſrael, Lots ies II Gnd Manoah arole, and went after the angel appea-
az the husband o Ubo had thivtie ſonnes and thirtic His wife,and came to the fman,and ſaid bn- -red vnto her
of Ruth. Daughters,which he fent out,¢ tooke in thir· to him, Art thou the manthat paket punto twiſe in one day.’
tie Daughters from abzoad for bis fonnes, the woman? and he faid, Vea. f He calleth him
and hetudged Jiraci ſeuen yeeres. _ 12 Then Manoah id, Mow let thy fay- man, becaufe he
Io Then Ibzan died, and was buried at tug come to patie: but how (hall we ozer the fo feemed, buthe
Beth-lehem. TWS chude, and Dee vnto him? was Chrift the
Il (And after him indged Iſrael Elon, 13 And the Angel of the Low laid vnto eternal word,
aZebulonite,and he iudged Iſrael ten veere. Manoay, Che woman muſt beware of all which at his time
I2 When Eion the 3ebulonite Died, and that Jlato vnto her. appointed
7 buried in Stialon in the cauntrey of 3g- 14 She may cat of nothing that commeth became man.
ulun, bf the vine tree: thee fhallnot minke wine
13 (And after him Abdon the ſonne of no? ſtrong Dainke , noz cate any 2 vncleane g Any thing for-
Hillel the Hirathonite tudged Iſrael, thing: let ber obſerue allthat Jhaue com biddedby the
14 And he had fortie fonnes t thirttesne- manded her. Law.
$Ebr.fonnes phewes that rove on fenenty lafe coltsiand I5. Manoah then fayde vnto the Angel
» fonnes. he iudged Iſrael eight peeres. of the Lom, F pray thee, ict vs retene
horfecalee I5 Chen died Abdon the fonne of Hillel ne vntill wee hape made readic a kid foz
the Dirathonite,e was buried in Pirathon,
inthe landof Ephraim, in the mount of the 16 And the Angel of the Lord faid vnto
Amalekites, Manoah, Though thou make mee abide,F)
CHAP. XIII. will not eat ofthy bzead,¢ if thou wilt make
1 Ffrael for their wickednes woppreffed of the a burnt offering offer tt vnto the b LoD: for h Shewing that
Phikftims. 3 The Angel appearcth to Manoahs ft knew not that it was an Angele? he fought not his
hisown honour,
wife. 16 The Angel commaundeth himto facri- 20. but Gods, whofe ;
fice untothe Lord. 24 The birth ofSamfon. 17 Againe Manoah {aid vnto the Angel
meffenger he
B Ut the childzen of Iſrael continued to of the Lod, Uhat ts thy name , that when
Chap.2.11.c 3.
commit * wickeDnefle in the fight of the thylaying is Come to pate, wee may honour was.~

Lo2d; and the £020 Deliucred them into the e

7.0 4.1. 6.1.
hands of the Philiſtims foztie peere. 18 And the Angel of the Lom ſaid vnto
and 10.64 2 Then there was amantn Fozah of bim, (Aby afset thou thus after my name,
the family ofthe Dantes, named Manoah, which ts \Ilecret? [|Or,terzezlous® `
a Signifying,that whole wife was * barren,and bare not. 19 Chen Manoah tooke a kidde with a
their deliverance 3 Andthe Angel of the Loyd appeared meat offering,an® offren it upon a ftone pn- i God fent fire -
came onely of vnto the woman, and {aid vnto her, Behoid tothe Loꝛd: andthe Angel Dio i wondzoully, fo m heauento
God, and not by now, thouart barren, auBbeareit nor; but whiles Manoah and hts wife looked on.
mans power, thou thalt conceiue,and beare a fonne. 20 Foꝛ when the flame came vp toward confume their
Num 6.2, 3. 4 And now therefore beware * that thou Heauen from the altar,the Angel of the Lor facrifice, to con-
firme their faith
Duinke no wine noz ſtrong dinke, nether altended bp tn the flame ofthe altar, tWa- in.his promiſe.
tat any vncleane thing. ; noah and bis wife beheld tt,and fellon their
Fez loe, thou thalt conceiue and beare faces vnto the ground.
ISAM: iE a tonne, and no ralour Wall * comeonbis 21 (Ho the Angel of the Lord aid no
b Meaning,he head: fo: the childe thalbe a® Nazarite vn⸗ mo: appeare buts Manoah and hts wife.)
fhouldbe fepa- to God from bis birth : and he Hall beginne Chen Manoah knew that itwas an Angel
rated from the — Iſraei out of the hands of the Phili- ofthe Lod. ý
world,and dedi- ims. 22 And Manogh fayde vnto his wife, Exod. 33.20;
cated to God, 6 C Thenthe wife came,gtold her huf + a od el bie, becauſe wee baue eene chap,6,22.
band, faving, A man of God came vnto me, Gg K Thefe graces
c If fleth be not and the faton of him was like the faſhion 23 But bis wife fain onto him, Ff the that we haaere--
able to abide the of the Angel of Gov, exceeding < fearefull, Lob would kill vs , hee would not haue te- ceiued of God,&
fight of an angel, but 3 atked bim notwhence be was, neither cetued a" burnt offering and a meat offring his acceptingof
how much leſſe told He me bts name; ofour hands, neither would he hane ſhewed our obedience,
the prefence of 7 But heelaia vnto mee, Behold, thou ‘vs allthele things,noz would now pane told are iure tokens
God? Malt concetue g beare a onne, and now thon vs any fuch. : of hisloue to-
d He fheweth ſhalt Brinks no wine no: trong Binke, nei- 24 C And the wife bare a fonne, and cal- ward ys, fo thag
himfelfe ready to ther eate any vncleane thing : forthe childe led his name Samlon; and the child grew, nothing can...
obey Gods will, albe aNazarite to God trom bis birth to and the Loz bieffed him. hurt vs.
and therefore ds- the Day of bts Death. 25 And the Spiritof the Lord began to |Or,to come vpeg «
firethto know S Then Manoah 4 prayed to the Lov, ||rengthen him in the bofte of Dan, be- him at dineys -
fasther. and (Ard, J pray thee, my Lod, let the man tweenẽ 3024h and Eſhtaol. times, F

Samfon marrieth/His riddle. Tudges. He ticth firebrands to foxes tailes.
CHAP, XIIII. igit not ©? ?
2 Samfon defireth to haue a wife ofthe Phili- 16 And Hamons wife wept before bin,
fans. 6 Hee lslleth a kon, 12 He propeundeth and faid, Surely thou hatek nice, anv ioncit
a riddle. 19 He killeth thirties 20 He wife for- me not; foz thon halt put forth a ridole vnto
ſakethhim, and taketh another. the chilozen of my peopie,and baf not told h Vnto them
it me. Aud be fai vite her, Behold.g haue which are of my
Dw Santon went down to Timnath, not told it my father, nor my mother, and nation,
and ſawe a woman in Cunnath of the fallJ tellitthees . r
Daughters of the Philiſtims, 17 Then Hamons wife wept befaze pim
2 And he came pp and cold his father and i feuen dayes While their fea laten: anv i Or,to the fe-
when the ſeuenth Day came, he told her, be- uenth day, be-
bis mother, and (aid, J haueleene a woman
in Timnath of the Daughters of the Phili· caule hee was impoztunate vpon him: fo ginning at the *
| Ebr. take her for tims: now theretoze t gine me Her to wife. thee on the riddle to the childrenofher fourth.
whe to wife. 3 Then his father and his mother aid people. at 1
a Though his vnto him,Js there a never a wife amang the 18 Aud the men of the citie ſaid vnto him
= parents did iuft- Daughters of thy baethzen,and among almy theleuenth Bay before the fun went Downe,
ly reproue him, people, chat thon mutt goe to take a wite of Mhat is (weeter then hony? andwhatis
yet it appeareth the vncircumciſed Philiſtims? And Ham- fironger then a lion? Chen fain hee vnto
that this was the fon fata vnto his father, Giue me her,korhe them, "Ff pe bad not plowed with my etter, k Ifyehad not
ſecret worke of pleateth me well. - ; ye had not found out
my riddle. vfed the helpe of
theLord,verfe 4. 4 uthis father and his mother krew Ig And the ſpiritof the Lod came Spon my wife.
not that tt came of the Lozd, that hee ſhould bim, and he Went Downe! to Aſchkelon, and 1 Which was one
b Tofighta- flew thirtie men ofthent, and ipopled them, of the fue chiefe
feeke an occalion agatnit the > Philiſtims:
gainft them for a at ap tine the Philiſtims reigned ouer and gaue change of garments wate them cities of the Phi-
tee deliverance tael. ; which erpounded the riddle : and his wath liſtims.
of Ifrael. 5 ¶Then went Samon and bis father boutkindled, and he went vy to his fathers
and bis mother Downe to Timnath, tcame oule,
to the binepards of Timnath: and bevold,a 20 Then Samions wife was given ta
yong lion roared pon him, — whom bee bad vied as his
€ Whereby hee 6 Aud the {pirit of the Lod < came vp⸗ rend,
had ftrength and on hint, and be tare him, as one Hould haug
boldneffe, rent a kid, and had nothing in bis hand,net- CHA 2. XV.
ther told hee his father no: his mother what
be had vone. : - 4 Samfontieth frrebrands tothe foxe tailes. 6
7 And he went downe, and talked with The Philsftims burnt his father in law cha wifes
the wman, whtch was beautiful in the eyes 15 Waith the iawbone of an afe he kelleth athos-
of Damon. {and men, 19 Out ofa great tooth in the iaw,God
8 CAnd within a few payes when he re- gate him water.
[\Or,totake her turned | to recetueher, hee went alive to fee
te his wife the carkets of the lion:and bebold,there was B Cit withina while after, in the timeoF
A ea of bees, and honie in the body of > wheate haruck,Damion vilited his wife
elyan. with a kid, ſaying, J will- goe in to my wife a Thatis,T wil
9 And he tooke thereoftu hts hands,and into the chamber ; but her father would not vfe her asmy
Went cating , and cane to bis father and to luffer bim tó goe in. wife, '
his mother, and gaue vnto them, and they 2 And her kather laid, Jthought that
D cate: but he told not them, that bee ban thou hadſt hated her: therefoze gaue J her
taken the bony out of the body of the lton. to thy companion. Js not her ponger fiter
Io Bo bts father went downe vnto the fatrerthen the? take her,3|praytheein ead
d Meaning, when woman, and Samſon made there a4 feat: ofthe other. “an
he was married, foz fo bled the pong men to Doe, 3_ Chen Damon (aid vnto them, Now
e That is, her pa- Ir And wher theyelaw dim, they brought am J moze > blameles then the Philiſtims: b For througls
rents or friends, thittte companions to be with him. therefore wilt 3| voe them difpleature. his father in
12 Chen Hamfon latd nto them,J will 4 @ Aad Damion went out, and tooke lawes occafion,
now put foozth a riddle vnto you sand tfpou threchundzed fores,qtooke firebzands,and he wasmooued
cat Declare tt mee within feuen dayes of
the turned them tatletotaile, put a firebrand againe to take
fea, and finde tt out,Jwill giue pou thirty in the mids betweene two tatles. vengeance ofthe
f To weare at Aeetes,and thirtie £ change of garments. 5 And when hee bad fet thebsandson Philiftims,
fealts, or folemne 13 But ik pee cannot declare tt mee, then fire,be fent themout into the ſtanding cone c Or,that which
dayes. fhalipee gine mee thirtie hectes and thirtie vf the Philiſtims, and burnt vp both the was reaped and
change of garments, Aud they anſwered cricks and the tanding cone with the pine- gathered,
ae Dut tooth thy riddle, that twee may yards and oltues. d Or,the citizen
eare tt. ; 6 Then the Philiſtims fain, Cho hath of Timnath,
14 And he laid vnto them, Dut ofthe ea- Done this? And thep anſwered, Samlon the e So thewicked
ter came meate, and outofthe rong came fonne in law ofthe¢Zimnite,becaule he hav punifh not vice,
Tweetnes: and they could not inthgee Daves taken bis wife, and giuen her to hts come for loue of Iu-
erpound the riddle. J panion. Then the biltitims came vp, and fiice,but for
g Or,drewncere: I5 And when the leuenth Daye was come, © burnt her and her father with fire. feare of danger,
for it was the they laid vnto Samſons wife, Entile thine 7. And Damion faid vnto them, Though which els might
fourth day. Hutband,that hee may declare ns the rivdle, pee haue Done this, punts bee auenged of come to'them,
[\Or,t0 impone- teat wee burne thee ana thy fathers boufe pou,and then J will ceaſe. ny Or, horſmen and —
rvifh us. with Aye. Daune ye called vs, to|)poſſeſſe vs? 3 So he lmote them |hip and thigh with footemen,”
Samfons iawbone. Chap. xvi. Delilahsfalfhood. 103
a mighty plague + then bee wentand dwelt arofe at midnight, and tooke the doores of
ui the top af the rocke Etam. the gates of the citis, and the two poftes,
9. CAben the Philiſtims came vp, and and likt chem away with the barres,and put
HOr camped, pitched in Judah, and ||were pead abzoad them vpon bis ſhoulders, and carted them
in Lebt. j 7 up to the top of the mountaine that ts betog
Io 4nd the men of Judah (aid, CMAhy are Webzon,
ee come bp onto vs? and they anfwered, 4 C Anvdafterthisheeloueda woman 7 :
f And fobeing To bind ⸗amſon are wee come vp, andto by the flriver of Gozek, whole name was lOr, plaine.
ourprifoner,to Doe te him,ashe bath Done to vs. Delilah :.
punifh him, IL Chen thace thouſand men of Judah s ~GAntowhomcame the Princes of the
went to che top ofthe rocke Cram, and fain Philiſtuns, and fata vnts her, Entile bint,
to Damion , Knoweſt thou not that p Phi- and (ee wherein bis great ſtrength letb and
liſtims are rulers ouer vs? ¢ CCiberefoze by what meane we map onercome him, that
e Such was their then bat thou done thus vnto vs? And hee we may bind hin, and puniſh him, and cues
coffeionorance, anſwered them, Qs they did ynte melo bane rpone of vs Wall giue thee eleuen hundzeth
Bethe, indeed J ote BNto.cbem, ¢ thekels of filuer, c Of the value
ode eieadae 12 Agatne they aid vnto him, CUee are 6 And Delilah ſayd to Samon, Cell pa fhekel, read
fitcobe aplague COMEtg binde thee, and todeliuer thee tnto me,Jpraythee, wherein thp great ſtrength €t33, 35»
nto them. the hand of the bilttims. And Samon heth,and wherwith thou mighteſt bebound
{ayd vuto them, Stveare vnto mec, that yee todathee burt.
will not fall vpon me your felucs. 7 MHamlon then anfwered vnto her, TF ;
13 Andthepantwered him,faying , Mo, they bind me with Luen j greene cogds,that |lOr.ney with,
h Thus they had butwe will bind thee,and > deltucr thee vn⸗ Were Neuer Dyed, then HalJ be weake, and
rather betray to their hand, but we will not kill thee, And be as another man, i
their brother they bound him with two new cordes, and 8 Anu the Pꝛinces of the Philiſtims
phen vie.the brought him from the rocke. brought her ſeuen greene codes that were
meanes that God 14 When he came to Lebi,the Philiſtims not Dte ann He bound him therewith.
had giuen for houtedagaink him, andthe Spirit of the 9 (And fhe had ‘men lping in watt with d Certaine Phi-
liftims ina fe-
their delincrance, Load came vpon bim, and the codes that herinchechamber,) Chen thee faid vnto
twere vpon his armes, became as ilare that him, Che Philitims be vps thee, Hamon, cret shamber,
was burnt with fire; fozthe bandes looſed And he bake the codes , as a thzeed of tow
from bis bands. is broken, when eit feeleth fire > ſo his e When fire
3 That is, ofan 15 And bee founda i new iawbone of an frength was not knowen. commeth nete its-
ale lately Maine, afte, and put foozth hts hand, and caught it, 10 @ Sfter Delilah fayd sntoSamion,
and flew athouland mentherewith. — Hee,thou hak mocked meand told me Ipes.
16 Then Hanrion ſayd, Uith the iaw of J pray theenom, £ tell mee wherewith thou f Though her
an affe are heaps bponbeaps ; with the iaw mightelt be bound. falfhood tended:
of an affe hane J Raine a thonſand men, IL Then he anſwered her, Ff they binde to make him
17 And when he had left fpeaking,be caſt mee with new ropes that Heuer Were occu⸗ loofe his life, yet
away the iawbone out of his band, and cal» pied, then fall J be weake , and bee as ano his affection fo
fOr.thelifting led that place,| Ramath- Lebt. ther man. blinded himrhaè
up of the iaw. 18 And be was toze athirit ,and* called 12. Delilah therefore tooke new ropes, he conld not bee
k Whereby ap- on the Loꝛð ans laid, Thon hak gtuen and bound bim therewith, and ſayd vno ware
peareth that hee this great Deliverance tntothe hand of thy him, The PBhiliſtims bee npon thee, Sam⸗
didthefethings fetuant: and now hall J dicfozthirit , and fous (and men layin waite in the chamber)
infaith,andfo fallintothe hands of the wncircumncifeo? andhee baake them front pis armes, asa.
witha tue zeale 19 Then God bzake the checketeoth,that tiy2ccnd.
to glorifie Ged Was in the tawe, and water came theresut: 13 @ Afterward Delilah faid teHame
anddeliuerhis anD when hee bad drzunke, hisSpirit came fan, hitherto thon battbeguiled mee ,& told
countrey. againe, and hee was reuiued: wherefozs the meeipes: tell mee bow thou mightett beg Se:
NOr,the founraing Name thereof is called ||Cn-hakkoze, which bound. And he fayd vnto her, AFthou plate g Itis impoflibie:
ef him thas isin —— — Lather e tedſt feuen lockes of mine. head with the if wegine place.
rayeds 20 And hee tudged Iſrael inthe dayesg thaeeds of the woofe. i to our wicked
ae the Philiſtims twenty peeres. 14 Qnd he kaltened it with a pinne,and affeCions,butac:
ſayd vnto bin, The Philiſtims bee vpon length we thal. be:
CHAP, XVI. thee, Damon. And hee awokeout of hfs deftroyed,
fiecpeand wentaway with the jpin of the |Orbeames
3 Semfon cavieth away the gates ef Argah, webbe and the woofe. h For this Sam-
38 He was deceiued by Delilah. 30 He pallet 15 &gatne ſhe ſaid onto him, Wow sanft. fon vied to fays.
dowxe the honfe upon the PhailsStims , and dyeth thou fap, » 3 toue thee,when thine heart ig I lone thee,
with then. not with me? Chou hait mocked meethele i Thushisim-
three times, and baft not told mee wherein. moderate affec. ·
i One of the fiue Den went Hamin to? Azzah, and faw thy great ftrength lieth, tions towarda:
chieſecities of there an harlot, and d went in vnto ber, 16 And becauſe Hee was importunate wicked woman:
the Philiftims, 2 AnD it was told tothe Assabites,aam- bpon him with her wozdes continually, and canfed bimto-
JOr,vitaser. fonis come hither. And they went absut vexed him, bis fule was pained vnto the lole Gods excel⸗
b Thats,hee and laid wait fo: him all nightinthe gate of
lodged with her, the citie, ana were quict all the night, fay- 17 Therefore
hee told
her allhis i heart, come ſſaue ynro
— hight ig, Abide ſtill the morning carly, and wee and ſayd nto her, There neuer came ra⸗ them whom he-
ing, Wall Billbint fo? bpon mine bead: foz J am a Mazarite Mhould hays: ,
3 And Damion
teptsit midnight, and wie OGD D from my. moshers meet ruled...
gamlon take u: His deathe > Tudges. Michahsidoles: A Leuises ~
therefore if F be banenmy ſtrength will go of bis father came downe and tooke him,
from meand J Halbe weake,anb be tke all and bought him vp and buried Him bee
other Men. tweene Foral and Cihtaol, in the ſepulchre
13 And when Delilah ſaw that hee had of PBanoah his father: now he had iudged
cold ber all bts heart, thee fent and called foz Iſrael twenty peeves.
the inces of the Phuliſtims.ſaying. Come
vponce againe: for hee hath Herwen mee all CHAP XVIL
Dis heart. Chen the Princes of the Phili- 3 Michahs mother according to ber vow made
itims came bp vnto ber, and bought the her ſonne two idols. 5 He made his fonne a Prieſt
ionepintheit hands, | fer hi idoles, 10 And after he hired a Leuite.
19 And hee made him ſleepe bpon ber T Here awas aman ef mount Ephꝛaim, a Some thinke
kunees, and We called aman , and made him whole name was WDichab, this hiftorie was
to Hauz off the lenen locks ef his bead, and 2 Aud be taia vnto bis mother, The ele in thetime of
foe began to bere him, and bis ſtrength was uen hundreth thekels of filuer that were ta- Othniel, eras Io-
k Not for the k gone from him. — ken trom thee , foz the which thou cure, fephus writetb,
loffe of his haire, 20 Shen Khe laid, Che Hhiliſtims benp- and paketit, euen in mine bearing, be⸗ immediatly aite
but for rhe con- on thee Hamon. And he awokeout of his hold, the tilueris with me, 3 tooke tt. Chen Tofhua,
tempt of tlre or- fizepe, and thought, 3 will goc out now as be — layd, Dicen beny onne of the b Contrary to
dinance of God, atother tunes, ans hake my (elfe, but hee 02D. : the commande. .
which was the ae not that the Lod was Beparted from 3 Andrwhen hee had reton the eleuen ment of God, &
caufe that God in. hundzed hhekels of luer to bis mother, bis tiuereligion pras
departed from 21 Therefore the Philiſtims tooke him, mother laid, 3) had dedicate the Rluer tothe Giled vnder 1o-
bim. and put out bis epes,and bꝛought bun Bown Loꝛd of mine hand fozmplonne, tomake fhua, they for-
te Aah, and bound him with fetters: and b a grauen ana molten image. Now there- fooke the Lord
he Did grind in the pifon boule. foze J will giue tt thee agame. and felltoidolae
22 And the baire of hts head began te 4 And when hee had rekod the money trie.
f Yethadhe not ‘gromagatneatterit was auen, vnto bis mother, bismother tooke two hun- Chap.8.27.
his{trenetha:- 23 Then the Pinces of the Philiſtims Deth thekels of filuer , and gaue them te the c He would ferue
gaine,till he had gatheres them together for to offera great founder, which made thercaf a grauen and both God and
called vpon Gad, factttice wnto Dagon thett god, andto res goin a and it was in the boule of idoles
and reconciled fopce: fo: they ſaid Dur God hath deliucred tchah. - Gen.3 1. 19,
himfelfe. Damlon our enemte tinto our hands. § And this man Michah bad anhoule hofe. z3.4
24. Allo when the people faw pim, thep of gods,andmade an “c Ephod,and*< Te- d By Feraphimi
pzatled theit god: foz thep (aid, Dur goa raßhim, and + conlecrated one ofhis onnes, [ome vnderftand +
dath deliuered intoour bandes our enemie who was bts Piet. Cettaineidoles, ”
and deſtroyer of our countrey, which bath 6 *Juchole dapes there was noe King hauing the like-
Mainemanyofos, _ i tu Iſrael, buceuerp man did that, which nefie of a man,
25 And when their hearts were merrie Was good tn bis owne eves. but others vnder⸗
they fayd, Call Damion, that be map make 7 C There was all a peung man out ftand therevy all
us pattime. Ho they called Samon out of of Beth-lehent Judah , fof the familie of maner of thingeg
m ‘Thus by Gods the pilon boule, and hee m was alaughing — who wasa Leuite, and ſoiourned and inftruments «
fult iudgements eet pute them,and they (et himbetweene ete. belonging ynro
shey are made e pillars. 8 And themandeparted out of thecitie, thofe who foughe
flaues to infidels 26 Then Damlon fayd onto the feruant cuen gut of Betl-lehem Judah, to Dwell for any aniwere
which negle& that led bun by the band, Lead mee, that J where be could find a place and as hee iour- atGodshands, .
their vocation , in may teuch the pillars that the boule fans — to mount Ephꝛaun te the orp. 18.
defending the Deth vpon.and thatJ may leane to them. ou to ay. 2 Se
Faithfull, 27 (Row the houle was fulluf mien and 9 And Michah (aia onto him, hence tEbr. fled she
momen, and there were althe Pꝛinces of the comment thou? And the Leutte anſwered band fone.
Pbiliftuns: alfo vpon the roofe were about bim, s J come from Beth-tehem Judah, and (hap.21.25.
three thoufand men and women that beheld goe to Dwell where J may find a place. © € For where
Or, was mocked. while Damion |iplayed.) 10 Then Michah (aid vnto him , Dwell there is no Magis
28 Then Samlon called vnto the Lo23, with mee, and be vnto meca father, anda frate fearing
anb faid , D Lod God, J prap thee, thinke zieſt, and J well gtue theetenne thekels af God, there can
bpon mee: D God, I beleech thee , treng: uer by peere , and a fuite of apparell, and benotruereli-
TEbr.take one then me at this time anelp. that J map bee thy meate and minke, So the Teuite went wee 2MOrore
vengeance. = oncer auenged ef the Philiſtims to: mp tH. r. P
n According te wo epes. IL And the Leuite was" content to dwel f Which Beth-
my vocation, 29 And Damon layd holde on the two with the man, and the pong man was vnto lehem wasin
which is -to exe= middle pillars whereupon the boule toon,
him as one otisowne tonnes. _ > thetribe of fue
cute Gods iudge- andon which it was bone bp, on the one 12 And Michah conlecracedthe Leuite, dab, —
ments vpon the mee Metight band, and onthe other with and the pong man was hts Pꝛieſt, and twas g Forintho&
wicked, ts (4 Gs in the boule of Michah. dayes the fere
o He fpeaketh 20 Then fayd Damon, o Let melole my 13 Thenlatd Michah, Mow J kuow that uice of God
not this of de life with the Philiſtims: and he bowed hint the 1023 will
bee good vnto mee, ſeeing3] wascorruptĩn
[paire,but hum- with all bis might, and the bonte fell vpon baue a Leuite to my Pict. all eftates , and
bling nimfelfe the Princes, and vpon all the people that the Leuites were
for neglectiag were therein. Ho the dead which hee lew not looked vnto, h Not confidering that hee forfooke the true
his office and the at bis Death were moe then thep which bee worthipping of God for to maintaine his ownebellic. i Thusthe —
offenceshereby had {laine in dis life. iJolaters perfwade them(elues of Gods fauour, when indeed he dow
Buta 31 Then his brethren, and all the boule deteft them. ;
The ſpies ſent from Dan Chap. xviij. takeaway Michahsidoles, 104
CHAP. XVIII Teraphim, anda grauen and amolten és |
2 The children of Dan fend mento fearch the mantai therefoze confides what pe haue
land. 11 Then come the fixe bundreth and take 0 Doe.
the gods and the Proest of Michah away. 27 They Ig And thep turned thitherward and
destroy Laifh. 28 They build st agane; 30 and came tothe houſe of the pong man the Les
fet vp idolatrie. ait nite, cuen vntothe boule of Michah, and He
a Meaning,no ]2 thole Dapes there was no * Ring in JC luted him peaceably.
‘ordinary magi- rael.and at the fame time the tribe of Dan 16 And the tire hundred men appointed
rate to punith fought them an inheritance to Dwell tn; foz with their weapons of warre, which were of
vice according to vnto that timeall their inberitance bad not . A of Dan , ttood bp the entring of
Gods word. falien pnto them amog the tribes of Iſrael. e gate. -
2 Therefore the chilozen of Dan fent of 17 Then the fine men that went to (py
their family, Aue men out of their coattes, out the land, went in thither, andtooke the
even men expert in warre, out of Zoꝛah and 8 grauen image tthe Ephod, andthe Te- g So furerftition
Efftaol, to vrewe the land, and (earch tt raphim, and the molten image ; and the blinded them,
b For the porti- out, and ſayd vnto them, b Gor, andfearch Patek ſtood in the entring of the gate with that hey choushe
on which loſhua out the land Chen they came to mount Œ- the fire hundzeth men that were appornted Gods power was
gaue them,was phpatm, to the boule of Michah, and lodged with weapons of warre, = in thefeidoles,
not fufficient for there. e 18 And the other went into Michahs and tharthey
all then tribe, 3 WMibenthep were in the boule of Mi⸗ Houte,and fet the grauen tmage, the Cphod Mould hanegood
c Theyknew chah, they knew the: voyce of the pong man andthe Ceraphim, and the molten image. fuccese by them,
him by hisfpeech the Leutte: and being turned in thither,thep— layd the prieſt vnto them, Chat doe thovgh by vio-
that he was a fayd onto him, (bo brought thee hither? o? p e? lence and robbe⸗
ſtranger there. ‘what makelt thou ın thts place? and what 19 Aud they anſwered bin, Volde thy ry they did take
halt thouro doe here? peace: lay thine hand vpon thy mouth, and them away.
4 Ano hee anlwered them, Thus and come withbs to bee our father and paicit.
thus Dealeth Michah with me, and hath hi- Ahether is tt better that thou fhouldett bee
Sed meand J am his pick. a pꝛieſt vnto the boule of one man, o2 that
§ Agane they {aid vnto him, Alke coun: thou iveutdeft be apiet vnto a tribe and to
{eli now ot God, that wee niay know whe- a family in Iſrael?
ther the wap which we goe, Hall-bee prolpe- 20 And the Pꝛieſts heart was glad, and
rous. bee tooke the Ephod and the Cerapbim,
d ThusGod 6 And the Hꝛieſt fayd vnto them, 4 Goe and ersgrauen image, and went among che
granteth the ido- in peace; fog the Lord guideth pour way people. i h With the fixe
laters ometime which pe goz. 21 And thep turned and Departed , and hundred men.
their requefts to 7 Then the fue men departed and came put the childzen,and the cattell, and the ſub⸗
their deftru@ion fo Laity, and fawe the people that were tance i Before them, i Sufpeding
that delight in therein, which Dwelt careleſſe, after the ma» 22, @ MWhen they were farre of from the them that did
errouls. ner of the Zidonians, quiet and fure,becante houfeof MWichah, the men that were tathe pustue them,
t Ebr made them naman 4 mabe any trouble in the land, o2 boules neere to Michahs houle gathered tos
afvaried, bfurped any Dominion : allo they were farce gether, purltied after the childzen of Dan,
from the zidonians, and bad ne buſineſſe 23 And cried vnto the chimen of Dang
With other men. ; who turned their faces, and faid vnte Mis
3 C2 they came againe vnto their hze» chab, cAhat alleth thee that thou maktit an.
theen, to 3o02ah and Ehtaol : and their outcry:
— fayd vnto them, Chat haue yee 24 And he fad,Pe haue taken away mp
one * goðds, which J made, and the priet, and go k This declaretb: <
9 Andthepanlwered, Arife that we map your wayes tand what haue F moze ? how what opinion |
goe bp againſt them: foz weebaucleene the then apre vnto me, Uhat atleth thee? the idolaters Fate:
@ Lofeyethis land, and furely it is very good, and € Doc pe 25 And the childeen of Dan fayn vnto of theiridoles.
good occafion fit Mill ? be not Aouthfulltogoe and enter to bim, Let not thp vopce be heard among vs, $Ebr. Whe haue
through vour poſſeſſe the land: ; letz angry fellowes runne dpon thee, ana shejr hears bitisna.
flouthfulnefie? 10 (Ff pe will goe, yee hall come vntoa topytofe thy life with the liues of thine houf
careleſſe people, and the countrey islarge) LU
fe, God hath giuen it into pour hand. Iisa 26 Ho the chilozen of Dan went their
ag whieh Docth lacke nothing that isin wapes: and when Michah faw that thep
e world. mere too (trong for bun,heturned and went
Il @ Zhen there Departed thence afthe backe vnto his boule. I f
family of the Danites, from 302b and-from 27 And they tooke the ? things which 1 Meaning. she
Eſhtaol. lire hundzeth men appotnted with Michah had made, and the patet which hee idols, asvesfe
intruments of marre. bad, and came vnto Lath, vnto a quiet peor 18,
JOr,the tems of 12 And thep went vp, and pitched in Ri» ple and without mfttruit, and ſmote them
an. rfath-icarim in Judah: wherefoze they cat- with the edge of the fwod, and burnt the cis
f Becaufethey ted that place, | Mahaneh · Dan vnto this tie with fire:
before had had Day 3 and ttisbebinde Kiriath tearim. 28 AnD there was-nonetollhelpe,becaule por. deliey
good fucceffe. 13 And they went thence vnto mount E⸗ m Lait was farre from 3100n, and thep had thems.
they would that phzaim,and came to the boule of Michah. no buſineſſe with other wen: alſo it wasin m whichaftee
their brethren 14 Chen anfwered the fine men, that the valley that tyith by Beth rehob. After, wascabied Celas
fhouldbe encou. went tofpy out thecountrey of Lats, and thep built the city and dwelt thercin, rea “hilippis.
saged by he ri g ſayd vnto their brethzen, ‘Know pee nor, 29 *And called the name of the city Dan, Lofh, 19:47-
the fame tidings, that there tstnthele houſes an Cphod, ana after
thenameofDan their father, yua
`y ag.
The Leuite andhis wife : Tudges. Sheeisforced,anddieth. —
n Thusinftead ‘was borne vnto Flracl: howbeit the name unto bis maſter. Come, F pray thee, and let
ofgiuingelory ofthectty was Lary at the —— vs turne tuto this citic of tye Jebulites, and
toGodxheyat- 30 Then the children of Dan fet them lodge ali night there.
tributed the vi- bp the "grauen image: and Jonathan the 12 And hts matter anfwered him, · Dee d ‘Though in
Gorytotheir {onne ofGerihonr, the onne of Manaich, wil not turne into the city of rangers that theſe dayeschere
idoles, and ho· and bis ſonnes were the Pꝛieſts in the tribe ate not af the chilen of Iſrael, but we will weremofthor- |
noured them ofthe Danites vntill the Day of the ° captis goe koorth ta Gibeah. rible corruptions,
therefore, uitie of the land. 12 And hee ſaid vnto bis ſeruant, Come, yet very neceffiry
o Tharistillthe 310 thep fet them vp the grauentmage, and let ys Draw neere toone ef theſe places, couldnot compel |
_ Arkewastaken, Which Michah had made ,all the while che that we may lodge in Gibeah ozin Ramah. them to haue tõ
£,SAM.5. Ee bouk of God was in Shiloh. 14 o thep went forward vpon their doe with them
CHAP, XIx. way, t the Dunne went Downe vpon them that profeffed
1 A Leuites wife being an harlot, forfooke her neereto Gibeah, which is in Beniamin, notthesrue
husband, and he tooke her againe. 25 At Gtbeah 15 (Chen thep turned thither to goe in, God,
fhe was most villanoufly abufed tothe death. 29 and lodge in Gibeah: and when he came,he
The Leuste cutteth her sn pieces , and ſendeth her fate him Downe in a ſtreete of the citre: foz
to ya— * there was ne man that ||tooke them into bis hOrgathereg
Pree. — in thole dayes,* when there was ne boule to lodging. theme
brs oe A King in Jiraci, a certaine Leuite dwelt 16 And beholde, there came an olde man
On the fide of mount Ephraim, and tooke from bis worke out of the fielde at euen, and
Gene.25.6> n A a * concubine out of Bethlehem the man was ofmount Ephꝛaim, butdwelt
udah, f in Gibeah: and the men of the place were :
' 2 And bis concubine played the whore the chilazen of e Jemini. : e That is,ofthe
Ebr befides *ethere, and went away-from him onto ber 17 And when he had liftbp hisepes , hee tribe of Benia-
bim:towitwith fathers boule ta Beth-tehem Judah, ana faw all wapfaring man m the ſtreets ofthe min.
others. therecontinued the {pace of foure moneths. city: then this old man fain, CAbtthergoct |Or.< man wat-
3 And her hulband arole and went after thou, and whence camet thou? king.
4 Sbr.toher þer, to ſpeake t friendlp vnto ber, ¢ te bzing 18 And be anlwered him, de came from ©
heart. ‘Her agatne; he had alfo his fernant with him, Beth-lehem Judah, wnto the Ade of mount
anv a couple ofafies: and thee bꝛought hint Epinaun : from thence am J: and J went
vnto her fathers boufe : and when the pong to Beth-lebem Judah, and goe now to the :
[|Or,at his mee- womans father ſaw him,be reiopced lof his € houle of the Lod ;ann no man receiuech £ To Shiloh,or
comming. — ó merto boule, Mizpeh,where
4 Anubis father in lawe, the yong wo⸗ Ig Although we haue fraw and prouen· tke Aske was.
mans father retained hun : and bee abode Der foz our alles, and alfo beead and wine
with him thzee Daves: fo thep DiD eate and foz mee and thine handmapve, and fo: the
' Minke ann lodged there. boy that is with thy feruant ; wer lacke noe
<. CAm when the fourth Dap came, they th tng. = r M

LEbrvofe vp. arole earelp in the moming, and + be pepa» 20 And the old man faid Peace be with NOr,beofgood
ted to Depart: then thepong womans father with thee:as foz all that thoulackef ,fhalt comfort.
llOrſtrengthen. fafu vnto bis onne in lawe, |Comfort chine thou finde with mee : onelp abide not in the
heart with a mozlell of bread, and then gee ſtreet all night,
pour way. : ; 21 C Ho hee bꝛought
him into his boule,
6 So — “ne, and did eate and and gaue fodder vnco the afles : and they
a Thatis,his Minke both of them sogether. And the pong wathed their feet, and did eat and Minke.
concubines fa- womans father lato vñto the man , Be con- 22 And as thep were making their hearts
ther, tent J pray thee, and tary all night, and iet merry, behold, the meno€ the cĩty, wicked t Ebr. mew ofBea
thine heart be merry. men,belet the boule round about,and slmote 4al: that &, gines
7. And when the man rofe bp to depart, at the Dooze,and (pake to this olde man, the to al wickednes,
fOr, compelled bis father in lato |was earnest ; therefore be matter ofthe houlc,laping, Bing foorth the g Totheintene
hum. returned, and lodged there. man that came into thy houle, that wee may they might- |
8 And hee arole bp earely the Gift day te know bim. reakeig, |
Depart, and the pong womans father ſayd, 23 And*this man the matter of the honle Gene,29.6. |
b Meaning,that > Comfort thine heart,J|pay thee: and the went out vnto them, and faide vnto them,
he ſhould refteth — ntill after midday, and they bot Nap, mp brethzen, Doe not fo wickedly, J
himfelfe with D eate. pray you; (eetng that thts man ts come into
meatasverles. 9 Afterward when the man arole tode- mine houle,do not this villenie. ?
—— bis concubine and bis ſernant. bis = Behold, here is my Daughterabirgin,
ther in law, the pong womans father fain and bis concubine: them will J bring out
{Ebro weake. vnto him, Beboldenow, the Day t dꝛaweth now, * and humble them,and Doe with them b That is,abufe
toward euen ; J pray yom tary all night: be- what ſeemeth pou good; but to this man Doe them,as Gene.
fOr,the day hold, fithe Sunne goeth toret: lodge here, not this villente. 19,8. `
lodgeth, that thine heart may be metry, and tomoz- 25 But the men would not hearken to
; tow get pou earely vpon pour wap, and roe bim; therefore the man tooke hts concubine,
c Towit,tothe tothp ‘tent. and brought ber out vnto them: and they
towne or citie 10 But the man would not tarp, buta. knew ber, and abuled ber all the night vnto
wherchedwelt, roftand Departed, and came ouer againſt the — and when the day beganne to
Jebus, (which is Jerufalem) and bis two {pring they letber goe.
aſſes laden, this concubine were with him, 26 Ho the woman came tn the Dawning
II When they were neere to Jebus, the ofthe Day, andifell Downe at the doore of i She fell down
| QOr,iwent downe, Day Iwas ſoꝛe (pent, aud the ſeruant fayde the mang boule where her lod was, > dead,
27, z
The Leuites complaint. Chap.xx. WarrewithBeniamin. 105
thelight day. y 12 And the tribes of Iſrael (ent
men tho
Or, husband, 27 And het | 100 arole in the moming, row all the > tribe of Beniamin, faying, b That is,euery
and opened the Doozes of the boule, Ewent CGbat wickedneſſe is thts that is commit: family of the
out to goe his way, and behold, the woman ted among pou 7 ; tribe,
fOrfallen. his concubine was|| Dead at the Dooze of the 13 How therefore deliver vs thole wic
boule, and her pupe lay bpon the threſhold. ked men which are in Gibeah, that wee may
28 And bee iain vnto her, Up and iet vs put them to Death, and put atvay enill from
goe: but the anſwered not. Then hee tooke Iſrael:but the chilen of Bentamtn iwoula i Becaufethey
ber vp vpon the afe, and the man role vp, not obey the boyce of their bzethzen the chil would not fuffer
and went vnts Dis “place. j dren ofIſtraell. á the wicked tobe
k Meaning, 29 And when he was come te bis houle, 14 But the children of Beniamin athe- punithed, they
home vnto be tookea knife, and layd band on pis con- ved chemfelues together ont of the cities vn⸗ declared them-
mount Ephraim. cubine, and diuided ber in pieces with ber to Gibeah, to come out and fightagaintt the felues to main-
- bones into twelue parts, and fent ber tho. children of Iſrael. $ taine them in
1 For this was row allquarters of Iſraei. Ig @ Andthe childzenof Beniamin were their euil, and
Jike the finne of 30 Andall thattaw it,fain, There was numbzed at that time out of the cities fire therefore were al
Sodome, forthe no'fuch thing Done o? ſeene fince the time and twenty thoufand men that Brew ſword imftly punifhed,
which God rai- thatthe childzen of Iſrael came vp from the belide the inhabitants of Gibeah, which
ned downe fire and of Egypt ynto this day; confider the Were numbed ſeuen Hundzeth chofen men,
and brimftone matter, contuit and gine ſentence. 16 DEall this people were feuen hundzeth
from heaven. chofen men , being *left handed; all thele Chap.3.15:
CHAP, XxX. could fling tones at an baire breadth, and
1 The Ffraeltes affemblein Mixpeb,to whom not faile.
the Leuite declareth his wrong. 13 They fent for _ 17 CAllothemen of Iſrael, belie Ben
? them that did the villenie. 25 The Lfraelites are tamin, were numb2ed foure hundzeth thou-
twiſe overcome, 46 And at length get the vi- — men that drew ſword, enen allmen gf
Bory. rre.
| Hofea 10. 9 Hen *all the childzeh of Iſrael went ont, 18 And the childzen of Iſrael aroſe, and
and the Congregation was gathered to- went bp ‘tothe houte of God, and alken k Thatis, tothe
a That is,all gether as 2one nan from Dan to Beer: We- of Gov, faytng, hich of vs Hall goe vp Arke which was
with one con- —— theland of Gilead, vnto the > Lod frttofight againtt the childzen of Ben- in Shiloh : fome
fent, in Wispeb. x taunts
a ? And
' the Lord fayd, Judah hall bee thinke,in Mize
b To aske coun- .2 Ana the +chiefeofallthe people,and all peh,as verſe z
-fell. the tribes of Iſrael affembled in the Con- Ig Then the childzenof Iſrael aroſe vp
$ Ebr.corners. gregation of the people of Ged foure bun- carelp,and camped againit Gibeah.
Meaning, men Deth thouſand footmen that < Dew wod. 20 And the menof Iſrael went out to
able to handle 3 (Mow the children ofBentamin heard battell againit Beniamin, and the meno
their weapon, that the chilozen of Fltacl were gone vp to Iſrael put themfelues in atap to fight a-
d To the Leuite. Mizpeh) Chen the children of Piract 4 laid, gainkthembelineGibeah.
iow is this wickeDne#e committed? 21. And the childzen of Beniamin came
4. And the fame Leute, the womans hut out of Gibeab,and flew Down to the ground
band that was flatne, anfwered, and fain,J ofthe Iſraelites that Day! two and twentte 1 This God per-
came vnto Gibeay thatis in Beniamin with thoufand men. mitted, becanfe
my concubine tolodge, — ? 22 And the people, tye men of Flrael the Ifraelites
NOr,chie&,or § Andthe ||men ofGibeah aroleagaink plucked vp their hearts ann fet their battell partly trufted too
lords. P mee, and belet theboule roundabout vpon againeinaray tn the place where they put much in their
me by night,thinking to haue flaine meand them in aray the firt day. ftrength , and
baue fozcedimy concubine that fhe ts Dead. 23 ( Foz the children of Iſrael had gone partly God
6 Then tooke my concubine, and cut bp and iwept before the Lozd wnto the eue⸗ would by this
e That isher beri pieces, and lent < her thorowout all nig, and hav alken of the Lord, faving, meanes punifh
“pieces to euety the countrey of the inheritance ofIſrael: foz Dhall J goe againe to battell againk the theit finnes,
tribe a piece, they Dane committed abomination and bil- childzen ofBentamin my beethzen? And the
Chap. 19.29. leny in Iſrael. Loꝛd faid, Gor vp againit them.)
7 Behold, ye are all childzen of Ilrael: 24. C Chen the childzen of Jlracl came
gine your adutle,and counſell herein. neere againtt the childzen of Beniamin the
8 hen allthe people arole as one man, fecond Day. ‘
faying , There hall not aman of vs goe ta 25 Alfo the fecond Bay Bentamin came
f Before we haue bis tent,neither anp turne into bis‘ boufe. fozth to meete them out of Gibeah, and flew
seuenged this 9 Butnow this ts that thing which we Downe to the ground of the childzen of Iſra⸗
wickednefle. - —— to Gibeah: weewill goe vp by lot ae. elagaine eighteene thouſand men: tall thep $Ebr, All thep
gaint it, i ; could handle the fwod. drawing the
Io And we will take ten men ofthe huns 26 Thenall the chudren of Iſrael went ford.
Dreth thorowout alithe tribes ofIſrael, and bp, andali the people came allo unto the
an hundreth of the thouland ,ta thouſand houfeof God,and wept and fate there before
“g Thefe onely often thouſand to being s vitaile foz the peo» the Lord, and fatted that Day vnto the euen-
fhould hauethe ple, thar they may Doe ( when thep come to ing, and offered burnt offrings and peace
“charge to pro- Gibeah of Beniamin )accowding to all the oftrings befoze the Low.
“tide for vitaile willente,that it bath Bone in Ifrael. 27 And the children of Iſrael alken the
ſor the reſt. 11 ¶ Soati the men of Iſrael were ga- Lozd (fo2r™ there was the Arke ofthe Coue⸗ m Towit,in
thered again the citie, knit together ag nant of God inthole dayes. Shiloh.
É one man. 28 Anz Phinehas — of S
The Beniamites put to flight, and Tudges. deſtroyed, onely fixehundred ſaued.
n Or, ſerued in the fonne of Aaron » {toot before tt at that ran them, euen ouer againſt Gibeah on the
the Priefts office time) faying, ball J pet goe any moe to Caitline: oc oe
at thoſe dayes: battel agatnit the children of Beniamin my 44 And there were Raine of Beniamin
for the Iewes bzethzen,o? Hall J ceafe? And the Lord far, elghteene thouland men, which were al men
vrite, that heli· oe bp: for to moꝛrow J wiil deliner them of warre.
wed threehun- into pour band. } 45 And they turned and fled to the wile
dreth yceres. 29 And Iſrael fet men to lie in waite Dernefie vnto the rocke of Rimmon: and
round about Gibeah. tie Ifraelites xqlained of them by the way x They flew
30 And the children of Iſrael went bp a- fiue thoufand men, and purſued after thent them by one and
gaint the chulozen of Beniamin the third vnto Gidom, and flew two thoufand men of one, as they were
Day,and puttheméelucs in arap againit Gis them. {cattered abroad,
beah,as at other times. pies 46 Hothat all that were faine that day
ZI Then the children okBeniamin cont of Beniamin,
were yfiue and twentte thou: y Befides elenen
o Bythepolicie ming outagatnit thepeople, were drawen fand men that dꝛew ſword, which were all hundreth that
of the children, from the city: and they began to finite of the men ofwarre: had beneflaine
of Ifrael, people and kill as at other tumes,cuen by the 47 * But fire hundꝛeth men turned and inthe former
wapes in the field ( whercotone goeth vp to fled to the wildernefie vnto the rocke of bartels.
the houſe of God, andthe other to Gibeah) Rimmon, and abode in the rocke of Rim- Chap.
vpon a thirtie men of Iſrael. $ mon foure moneths.
22 ( Fo: the chilazen of Bentamin fayd, 48 Then the men of Iſrael returned vn⸗
Whey are fallen vefore bs, asat the ürt. ta thechtidzen of Benlamun. ¢ finote them
But the childeenof Iſrael fayd, Let vs flee with the edge ofthe ſword from the men of z Tfthey belone-
ae pure ts away froni the citie vnto the city vnto the bealts,and all that caine to
hand : alfo they (et on fire all the z cittes that ged to the Ben-
eaning the high P wWapes lamites.
Pa wayes or 33 And all the menof Jiraci role vp out they could come by.
` pathes to diuers oftheir places, and put themleluesin aray CiA Py Xe
` placesa at Baal-tamar ; ¢ the men that lay in waite a The Ffraelites fweare that they will not mare
ofthe Iſraelites, came foozthoftheir place, vie their daughters to the Beniamites, 10 They
ceuen out of the medowes of Gibeah, flay them of Iabefh Gilead, and giue their virgins `
34. And they came oner againſt Gibeah, tothe Beniamites. 24 The Bensamites takethe
ten thouſand chofen men ofall Iſrael, and Shilch.
the battell was toze : foz they knew not that Maron the men of Iſrael⸗ſwareitt a This oath
q ‘Theyknew. the 4 euil was neere them. oe Mizpeh. laying, Mone of vs pall giue came ofrath-
not that Gods 35 CAndthe Low Mote Beniamin be- big Daughter vnto the Wemtamites to wife. nefe,and not of
judgementwas fore Ilrael, and the childzen of Iſrael De- 2 And the people came buto the houle of judgement: for
athandtedee ftropeD of fhe Bemamites the fame Day flue God, and abode there till euen before God, after they brake
firoy them, and twentie thouſand tan hundreth men; and aad oPee voyces, AND wept with it in fhewing fe-
all they could handle the ſword. great lamentation, cretly the meanes
36 Go the chilazen of Beniamin faw that : 3. And aid, D Load God of Iſrael, why ro maky with
thep were ttriken Downe; foz the men of Sf is this come to paſſe in Iſrael, that this Day certaineof their
r Retired to rael : gaue place tothe Bentamites, becaule one tribe of Iſrael Hould want ? daughters,
draw them after. they truten to the men that lay tn waite, 4 € Andon the morrow the people aroſe
which they had layed beline Gibeah. bp and made there anb Altar, and offered b Accordingto
37 And they that lay in wait halted, and burnt offerings and peace offerings. their cufteme,
bake footy toward Gibeah, and the em⸗ § Then the childrenotIſrael fain, Aho when they would
Or,made a lang buiment | Dew themſelues along,œſmote is hee among all the tribes of Iſrael, that conſult withthe
found witha all the city with the edge of the fwo. came not bp with the Congregation vnto Lord,
rumpet. 38 Allo the men of Jiraci had appointed the Lo207for they han made a great oth cons
a certaine time with the embuihments, that cerning bim that came not vp to the Low.
they ſhould make a great flame, and ſmoke to Mizpeh faving, Let him die the death.
rife bp ont of the citie. 6 And the children of Jirael< were foxy c Or,repented
39 And when the men of Iſrael retired for Beniamin their brother, and ſaid, There that they had dee
f For they were in the bartel, Beniamin began toſſmite and is one tribe cut off from Ilrael this day. ftroyed their bree
waxen hardy by kiltofthe men of Iſrael about thirtie per» 7 Yow halt wee doe for totes to them thren,as appea-
the cwo former fons : fo: they fapd,Durely they are ſtricken thatremaine, (ectng wee haue ſworneby the reth verie x15.
vidories, Downe before vs,asin the ſirſt battell. Lord, that wee will not giue them ofour
40 But when the flame began to arife Daughters to wiues?
out of the city, asa pillar of (moke, the Bens 8 Allo they layde, Is there any of the
tamites looked backe, and behold, the flame tribes of Iſrael that d caine not bp to Miz» d Condemning
of the city began to afcend bp to heauen. peth tothe Logd ? and beholde there came them to be fau-
e Andwithftood :41 Then the men of Iſrael turned ta» none ofJabeſh Gilead onto the hote, and to tors of vice,which
their enemics, gaine, and the men of Beniamin were atta» the Conaregatton. i would not put
Ne : foz thep atw that euil was neere unto 9 Fsoꝛ when the peoyle were niewen, be- their hand to pus
them, hold, none of the tnbabitants of Jabeſh Gi. nifh it.
42 Wherefore they fled before the mien oF lead were there,
Afrael onto the way ofthe wilderneſſe, but Io Wherefore the Congregation fent this
w Forthey were the battell onertooke thent: atfo they which ther twelue thoufand men of the ¢niolt valis + Ebr.children of
compafiedinon cameourofthe cities , ewe them aamong antano commanded them,faving, Goe, and /rength,
euer} fide, them. a) ky, finite the tnbabitants of Jabeth Gilead
Or,drowethem 43 Thusthey tompaſſed the Beniamites with the edge of the Gwo both women and
from sheirreS, about, andl CHARD chem at cate, and ouer⸗ children.
iL And
Wiues forthe Beniamites,
8 ° =
Chap. i. which remained, 106
Wamb.3 1.17. II *And this ig it thatpeHall Do: ye hal afeaof the Lod euery peere in Shilohin h Hedefcribeth
gem vtterly Deroy all the males and all the woe a place, which is on the Moꝛth fide of Beth- che place where
men that haur lten by men. i eand on the Cat fine of p way that goeth the maics vied
I2 And thep found among the inhabi vp from Beth-el to Shechem, and onthe yeerely to dance,
tants of Jabeſh Gilead foure Hundzech Houth of Lebonah. as the manner
mates, virgins that had knowen no man 22 Therefore they commanded the thil- chen was, and to
by lying wity any male: and they brought Dren ofBentamin ,faying, Goe and lie in fing Pfalmesand
then vnto the hofte to Shiloh, which isin Waite in the vineyards, fongs of Geds
the land of Canaan. : 21 Gnd when pee fee that the Daughters workes among
e To wit,about 13 CThen the whale Congregation e lent of Shiloh come outtoDance inDances,then them,
foure moneths and fpake with the childzen ef Beniamin come pe out of the vineyards, and catch pou
after the difcom- that were inthe rocke of Rimmon, and cale euery man a wife of the Daughters of Shi⸗
fiture,Cha.20.47 led |peaceably vnto them; S loh, and go inte the land of Benianun. i Though they
fOr, friendly. 14 Gnd Beniamin came againeat that 22 Gudiwgen their fathers 02 their bze. thought hereby
time, and they gaue them wiues which they thzen come vnto vs to complaine,we wil fay te perfwade men
£ Forthere lac- had faued altue of the women of Jabeſh Gt unto them, Daue pity on them foz our fakes, that they kepe
-ked two hun- lead; but they han net 'fo pnow toz them. becaule wee relerucd not to each man bis their othe , yet
dreth, Is And the people were ſory fo2 Benia- wife in the warre, andbecaule pee haue not before God it
min, becanfe the Lozd had madeabreach in giuen vnto them hitherto pe haue finned. was broken.
the tribes of Iſrael. 23 And the children of Beniamin did fo,
16 Therefore the elders of the Congre- and tooke wines of them that Dances accozs k Meanise two
gation fayd. How fhall we Doe for wines to Ding to their k number: which they tooke —
the remnant? foz the women ef Bemamin and went away,and returned to theit inpe-
ate deſtroped. gone aud repaired the cities, and dwelt
g Beniamin muft 17 Gnd they (aid, There muft be an £ inbe- in them.
- bee reſerued to ritance fo: the chat be efcaped ofBeniamin, 24 Go the chilen of Iſrael Departen
haue the twelfth that a tribe be not Deftroyed out of Iſrael. thence at that time, euery man to bis tribe,
_ portion in the 18 Howeit we may not giue them wines and to bis familie ,€ went out from thence
inheritance of Of our Daughters; foz the chilozen of Iſrael euery man to bis tnherttance. P
Iaakob, had ſwornẽ, laying, Curted be be that giucth 25 n thole Dayes there was no king in Chap.17.6.
a wife te Bentamin. Iſrãel, but enerp man did that whick was and 18.1.
19 Cherefoze they ſaid, Behold, there ts good ÍR Dis eyes. 440 19. Io

@§ The Booke of Ruth.

His bookeis intituled after the name of Ruth: which is the principal perfon ſpoken of in this
treatiſe. Wherein alfo figuratiuely ĩs ſetfoorth the ftate of the Church whichis ſubiect to mani-
fold affliGions, and yet at length God giueth good and ioyfull ifue: teaching vs to abide with pati-
ence till Goddelmer vs our of
troubles. Herein alfo is deferibed how Iefius Chrift, who according to
the flefh ought to come of Dauid , proceeded of Ruth, of whom the Lord leſus did vouchfafe to
come, notwithftanding the wasa Moabite of bafe condition, and a ftranger from the people of God:
declaring vnto vs thereby that the Gentiles fhould be ſanctibed by him , and ioyned with his people,
and that there ſhould be bur one fheepefold, and one ſhecpherd. And it feemeth that this hiftoricap-
pestaincth to the time ofthe Iudges.
CRAP Ei of her two fonnes, and of her hulband.
Elimelech goeth with bis wife & children into 6C¶Then hearoke with her daughters
the land of Moab, 3 He and his fonnes de. 19 in lat , and returned from the countrey of
Naomi and Ruth come to Bethlehem. Moab: foz the had heard fayin the countrep
t€br.iudzed. P A ie the tine ý the Judges trus of Moab, that the Lord had “hifited hts d By fending
- a Intheland of % = ay led, there was adsarth inthe people,and giuen them bead. them plentie
‘Canaan, e.\ ap ye land,ta man of Beth-lehem 7 (Aberetoze the Departed outof theplace againe,
b Inthetribe of ©) %q PLG bJuna) went foz ro ſoiourne where hee was , and ber two daughters in
Iudah,which was SAGA “ai join the countrey of Boab bee, law With her,and they wentonthetr way ta
alfo called Bah- Cora Aa and his wife, this two fons. returne vñto theland of Judah.
lehem Ephra- 2 Andthenameof the man was Eline- 8 Then Naomi ſaid vnto Her two Dangh=
thah, decaufe {ech and the name of his wift,Aaomt: and ters inlaw, Goe, returne cach ef you vnte B
therewasano- the naines of bis two onnes, Wabhlon and her owne mothers Houle: the Loꝛd hew fa- e Hereby itap-
thercitiefo cal- Chilton, Cpheathites of Beth tebem Ju- uour unto you, as yeg baug Done withthe peareththat Nas
Iedinthetribe of Dal) : and when they came into the land of dead, and with me. omi by dwelling
` Zebulun. $Hoab,thep continued there. 9. Che Loyd graunt you that you may among idolarers
€ Bythiswon- 3 Then Climelech p hufband of Maomt find e reit either
ot you in the Houle of ber wes waxen cold |
derfull proui- ¶Died, and fhe remained taith her two tonnes, huſband. Andwien hee killed then, thep inthe true zeale
dence af God, 4 hich tooke them wiues of the « Wo- liftbp their voice and wept. of God, which
Ruth became abites: the ones name was Dipah, and the 10 And they faid vate her, Durelp wee rather hath re-
one of Gods = nameof theother Ruth: and they dwelled will returne with thee vnto thy people. fpe&to the eafe
- houfholdof thereabout tenyeeres. Il But Naomi ſaid, Curneagatic, my ofthe body,thea
whom Chrift § And Mahlon and Chilton died alfo Daughters : foz what caule will pee goe tothe comfort
came, ‘both twai woman was iefet defticure with mee? arg es any mog ſonnes in ofche foule,
2 mp
ar ~ b ‘ P

Ruth continueth with Naomi. Ruth. Boaz courtefie toward Ruth.

my wombe, that they may bee pour puf § Then faid Boas onto dis leruant chat
bands? : Was appointed ouer the reapers , Cikole
I2 Turne gaine, my Daughters: goe maid is this ?
your way: for J am too olde to have an hul 6 And the ſeruant that was appointen
hand. Jf J would fay, J haue hope,and if 3l ouer the ccapers anfwered and fayd, Ft tg
had an hulband this night: yea, if J haa the Moabitich maide, that came with Raga
borne onnes, Pass mitout of the countrey of goat
3 Mould ye tary foz them, till they were 7 And efai vnto vs,3pray you,let me
of age? would pee be Deferred fo? them from gleane and gather after the reapers tamong lOr certaine
taking of hufgands? nay my daughters: foz the Weaues; to the came,and hath continuco handfuls. 7
Or, more thes y guicneth mee ||much foz pour takes that from that time in the moning pnto nowe,
Jou, the hand of p Lord is gone out agatnit me. fane ee tarten alittic tn the boute,
14 Chen they lift vp their vorce ewept hen fain Boas pute Ruth, Deas ~
f When fhee againe, and Dapah f killed her mother in tel thou nip Daughter? goe to none other
tooke leaue and law, but Ruth above Mill with ber. $ field to gather, neither goe from hence; but
departed, Ig AnD Naomi fain, Behold, thy ſiſter in abide here by my mayeng,
law is gone backe vnto her peopie and yuto 9 © Letthine tyes be on the field that they c Thatis, take
g No perfwafi- E eona : g returne thou after thy litter Doe reape, and goethou atier rhe maydens, heed in what
on can preuaile n law. ane J not charged the {eruants, that thep ficld thay doe
to turne them 16 And Ruth anſwered, Intreat me not touch thee not? Moreouer, when thou art reape,
backe from God, taleane thee, nozto depart from thee: foz athiri , goe vnto the effets, and minke
whom he hath of
whither thou goeſt, 3 will goe : anv where that which the feruants baue Dawen.
chofen to be his, thou dwellett, J will dwell: thy people (hall 10 Chen the fell on her face, and bowen
bemp people,and thy God my God. ber felfe to the ground, and fayo onto bim,
17 Chere thou dieſt, will 3 vie there V ow baue Jj found fauoz in thine eyes, that
will J be buried: the Lord Doe fo to mee and thon ſhouldeſt kuvw mec, teeing J| ama d Eucnofthe
moze allo, (fought but Death Depart thee and ranger? Moabites, which
mee. It And Boaz anſwered, and fain vnto her, are enemies to
18 C Aben Hee faw that Mee was ted- Allis told and bewen mee that thou batt Gods people,
faſtly minded to gor with ber, We left pea- Done buto thy mother tnlaw,fince the Death
King unto her. d of thine hulband, and how thon batt left thy
Ig Go they went both vntill they came father and thy mother , and the land where
to Beth-lehem: and when thep were come thou watt bozne,and art come vnto a people
h Whereby ap- to Beth-lebem, tt was» noylen of then which thou knewett norin time patt.
peareth that {hee though all the citit , and thep fayd, Is not 12 Che Lora recompence thy wozke,and
was ofa great fa- this aomi? i a full reward be ginen thee ofthe Lord Gov
milie, & of good 20 And fhe anfwered them, Call me not of Jiraci, vnder whole e winges thon art e Signifying,
reputation, Naomi, burcall mee ||Mara: for the Al- come totruſt. that fhe fhall ne-
Or, beautifull. mighty hath giuen me much bitterneſſe. 13 Chen e ſayd, Let mee find fauour in uer wantany
llOr,bitter, 21 J went ont full, and the Lod hath thy fight, my lord: fo2 thou batt comforted thing if fhe put
tanlen mecto returne empty; why call pee meand fpoken comfortably vnto thy mayD, her truft in God, ,
me Naomt, feing the Lod hath humbled though 3| be not like to one of thy maing. and liue vnder
meand the Almighty bath brought me vn⸗ _14 And Boas fain vnto berAt the meale his protection.
i Which was in toaduerlitic? time come thoubither,and eate of the bꝛcad,
the moneth Ni- 22 So Naomi returned, and Ruth the and Dip thy morſell inthe bineger. And thee
fan,that contaie Moabiteſſe her Daughter inlaw with her, fate belide the reapers, and hee reached ber
neth part of when fie came out of the country of Moab: parched cone: and Hee Did gate , and was
March, and part and they came to Beth-lehem in the begin- tuificed, and f left thereof, f Which thee
of April, ning of ibarley harueſt. Is (And when ſhee role ta gleane, Boaz brought home to
commaunded dis (eruants, taping, Let her her mother in
CHAP, II, gaber among the ſheaues, and doe notre- law,
a Rath gathereth corne inthe fields of Boaz, D uke ber.
3 The gentlenes of Boaxtoward her. 16 Alfo tetfal fome of the ſheaues for her,
and let tt lie that thee may gather it vp, and
‘a Both for ver- T Ren Naomis hulband had a kinſman, rebuke her not.
+ one of great
tue,authority and limelech, and his power of the family of Œ- 17 So ſhe gleaned in the field vntilleuee 1

name was Boa3. ning, E thee threſhed that the bad gathered,
2 And Ruth the Moabiteſſe ayd vnto and tt was about an* Ephah ofbarlep. Exod, 16.36»
Maomt, J peay thee let mee goe to the fiel, 18 (And thee tooke tt vp, and went into
b This her hu-
militie declaxeth and © gather cares of cane after hun, in the citie, and ber mother in law ſaw what
whole tight J find fauour. And the fain bn hee had gathered: Allo thee s tooke fonzth, g Towit,of her
her great affeai- to
on toward her
her, Goe my Daughter. and gaue tober that whtch he had referues bagge, asis inthe
mother in law, 3 (And the went and came arid gleaned when the was iced.. Challe text,
forafmuch as fhe
inthe held after the reapers , and itcame ta 19 Then her mother in law ſayd vnto
ſpareth no paine-
pe » that thee met with the postion of the her, there halt thou gleaned today? and
full diligence to wn 3Boaz, who wasofthe family of Cli- where weoughtelt thou z bleſſed be hee, that
get both their Knew thee. And hee Hewed her mother in,
uings. 4 And behold, Boas came from Beth- law, with whom he had wꝛought, and fayd,
ishem,and ſayd nto the reapers, Theon. The mans name with whom Jwrought to
' be with pou: and they antwerea. bun, The DapigBoas. i
| Row biee thee, o a Ne "20 An Fovomt fataonto hey Datigbterta
Shee fleepeth at Boaz feete. Chap. iij. iiij. Boaz and Ruths kinſeman. 107
law. Bleſſed bee he ofthe Loyd: for bee ceae mans patt, then will J] deethe duetie ofa
teti not ta Doe good to the lining and to the kinfeinan, as the Lord lineth : üUeepe vntill
h Tomyhuf- h Dead. Agatne Naomi (aid vntõ her, Coe the mong. t
bandandchil- man is neere vnto bs, and ofour affinitie. 14 Cano fee lay at hie keete vntill the
drenwhenthey 21 And Ruth the Moabitelſe aid , ee moning t € ſhe aroſe befoze one could knota
wercaliueyand ſaid allo certatnely vnto me, Gbon ſhalt bee another: fo he ain, Let ne man know, that
ROW £0 VS, with my ſeruants, vntill they haue ended all à woman came inte the flooze.
mine harueſt. Ig Aliohee fain , Bing che ilHeete that HOr mantie,
22 And Maomtanhwered vnto Ruth her thon hak vpon thee, and hold it. And when
Daughter tn law, Jets beft, my daughter, fhe Held tt, yee mealured fire meafures of bars
that thou goe out with bis maives,that they ley and laide chem on ber, and fhe went inte
Or, ſall vpon |imeetetheenotinanotherficld, the citte.
thee, 23 Then thee kept her by the maines of 16 Gud when {hee came to her mother in
Boaz, to gather vnto theend of barley har- law, the (aid, t Abo art chou, my Daughter? f Perceiving by
Or,returnedto ueſt, and ef wheate harueſt,and dwelt with Ana thee told her all that the man bad Done her comming
er mother its ber mother inlaw, to her, ; home, that he
law. 17 And (aid, Theſe fire meafures olbarley bad not taken
i CHAP. Ilr. gaue beme: fozbe faid to me, Chou Malt not herto hiswife,
1 Naomi zineth Ruth counfell. 8 She fleepeth come emptie bute thy mother tn law. the was aftonied,
at Boar fecte. 12 He acknowledzeth hiviſeſſeto 18 Then fatt the, Wy Daughter, fit till,
be her kin ſeman. vntil thou know how the thing will fall: foz
A Litman Naomi her mother in lawe the man will not be tn reſt, vntill he haue fi-
tai vnto ber, Wy daughter, Wall net q niſhed the matter thts fame Dap,
a Meaningsthat i that thou matet t proſper?
ſeeke⸗ reſt for thee
thee would pro- 2 Now alfois not Boaz our kinleman, CHAP. IIL
wideherofan with whefe maides thon wat ¢ behold, bee 1 Boar fpeaketh to Ruths next hinſa man tou-
husband, with = winnoweth barley to night in the ||ftooze. ching her marriage. 7 The ancient cufiumein Ff-
whomthe might 3 Uam thy felfe therefore, aud anoynt rael. 10 Boazmarrieth Ruth, of whom he beget.
Tue quietly, thee, and put thy rayment vpon thee, and teth Obed. 18 The generation of Pharer,
fOr, sn the barne. get thee Downe to the flooze: let not the — Fi went Boas vp tote? gate,and late a Which was
b Boaznoryet bman know of thee,wntil he bane left eating there,and behold,the kinſeman ofwhom the place of
any other, and Minking. Boaz had (poken,came by; and be fain, 10, iudgement,
- 4 And whenbhee hallileepe, marke the fuch one, come, fit Downe here. And hee tuts b The Ebrewer
place where hee layeth him Downe, and gee ned,and fate Downe. here vfe two
and bucouer the place of bis feete, and lap 2 Then hetooke ten men ofthe Elders words which
—— and be Wall tell thee what thou of the city and (aid, Dit ye Downe here. And haue no proper
oe, they fate Downe, fignification,
§ And hee anfwered her, All that thou 3 And hefaid onto the kinfeman, ao- ſeruetonote a
3 biddeit me, Jwill doe. mi thatis come agatue outofthe countrey of certaine perfon,
CHo the went downe bnto the flooze, Goad, will (ell a parcell of land, which was as we fay, Ho,
and Did accoWing to all that bermother in our brother Climelechs. ; fyrra,or,ho,fuck
ty bad ber. 4And J thought to aduertife thee, fap- aone
: 7 Aud when Boaz had eaten and Dun- ing, Buy tt befoze the allitants, and befoze HOr, inhabitants
eThatishad eit, and < cheared His heart, hee went to lie the Ciders of my people . JFthau wilt re-
aefrethedhim- Downe at the endeof the heapeofcome, and Deeme it, redecme tt: bur ik thou wilt nat re-
felfeamonghis Wee came ſoftlv, and vncouered the place of Deeme it, tell mee: fozJ]know that there ts
fans, bis feete,and lap Downe. none belides theetoredeeme it, and Jam c For thou art
And at midnight the man was afrain after thee. Then hee anhwered, J will re- the next of the
lOr, turned hin ||anD caught hold: and loz, a woman lay at Deeme it. h kinne.
fle fromone vis teste. i 5. Then fid Boaz, Uhat vay thou buy.
fidetoanother, 9 Then he laid.Mho art thou? And thee eft the field of the hand of Naomi thou muit
antwered , J am Ruth chine handmaide: alfo buy tt of Ruth the Moabiteſſe the wife
ſpread therefore the wing of thp garment o: of the Dead,te itirre pp the name of the Dead eee
ner thine handmaide: fo: thou art the kinſe· vpon his “inheritance. d That his inke-
man. 6 And thekinfeman anfwered,Jcannot ritance might
l 10 Then {aid hee, Bleſſed bee thou of the redeeme it, left J deſtroy mine stone inheri⸗ beare hisname
d Thou theweft Lozd my Daughter: thou hatt è hemmed moze tance: redeeme my right to thee, foz J can= tharis dead.
thyfelfefrom goodnefe inthe latter ende, that at the be- not redeeme it. í ;
te time ginning, inas much as thou follomedit not 6 Mow this was the manerbefozetime
vertuous: pong men, were they pooze oz rich. in Iſrael, concerning redeeming and than-
II Agd now, my Daughter, feare not: J ging, foz to tabi all things: aman din
wil Doe to thee all that thou requireſt:for all plucke ofthis Hose, gaue tt bis neighbour,
and this was a fare < wituetle in Iſrael. e That he had
the citie of my people doeth know, that thou
art abertuous woman. 8 Wherefore the kinizman faid to Boas, refigned his
12 And now, it is true, that J am thy Buy it for thee: and he drew ofhis Hoor, right, Deu.3 5.9.
Ifhee willtake kinſman howbeit there is a kinſman neerer 9 And Boas fait onto the Elders, and
theetobeebis theng.. - * g unto all the people, Dee are witneſſes tits
ife by the title 13 Carie te night and when moning is day, that J bane boughtallthat was Eline-
faffinitie,ac- toie , ifhee e will Doe the duetie of a kinſe⸗ techs, and all that was Chilions and Wah-
ding to Gods man vntothee, well, let him Doe the kinie- ions,
of theband ofNaomi. ©
wDeuti25.5. mang ductic: but if he will not doe thekluſe · ID Aud mortouer D2 the —
Elkanah and his wiues. I. Samuel. Hannah prayethfor a fonne.
the wife ofMahlon haue J bought to be mp malve continued in Iſrael.
ttie, to titre vp the nanie of the Dead uyon Is And this wall being thy lite againe,
his inheritance, and that the nanie of te and cherich chine olde age: foz thy Daughter
Dead bee not put out from among his bre⸗ inlaw which toucth thee, bath bozne vnto l
f Os,of the citie theen, and from the gateof its E place : pee bim, and thee is beiterto thee then ĩſeuen i Meaningyma- ·
where be rcmai- are witneſſes this Bay. tonnes. ? } ny fonnes, |
ned, It And all the people that were m the I6 And Naomi tooke the childe,and layd
gate,and the Elders faid, Weare witnelles: it tn Her lap and became nurle unto it. |
the Lord make the wife that commeth inta _ 17 Awad the women her neighbours gaue i
thine houlſe,like Rabel and itke Leah, wbich it a name,ſaying. Chere ts a chide borne to j
twaine DD build the houſe of Ftracl: and Naomi, anù called the name thereot Obed: l
g Ephrathah and that thou mayeft doe worthily in s Ephra⸗ the fame was the father of Iſhai, the father |
Betb-lehem are thab,and be famous tn Beth lehem, of Darid,
both one, 12 And that thine hoale he like the houte 13 EThele now are the generations of |
Gene, 38.29. of bares (* whom Thamar bare pute jiu- *kPhareʒi JObares begate Weiron, 1 Chron. 2.4.
Bay) of the (eeve which the Lord Hall giue Ig And Helton begate Ram, and Ram Latth. 2.3. |
thee of this pong woman. f begate Amnunadab, k Thisgenealo-
13 €Ho Boaz tooke Ruth, t he was hig 20 And Amminadab begate Nahſhon, gie is brought in, |
wife: ¢ when bee went ta vnto her,the Loo and Nahſhon begate Halmah, to prooue that
gaue that the conceined,and bare a fone, 21 Gud Salmon begate Boaz,
and Boaz Daid by fuccef-
14 And the women fais vate Mami, begate Ded, fioncameofthe |
h He (hall leaue ‘Bleiled be the Loyd which hath not lett thee 22 Aud Obed begate Iſhai, and Iſhai boufe of lutah.
acentinuall poa this Day without a kinGnan, and * his name begate Danid.

` Sp The firft booke of Samuel.

- @ Ccording as God had ordeined, Deut, 17.14. that when the Iftaelites ſhould be in the land of Ca-
naan,hee would appoint them a King : fo herein this firt booke of Samuel is declared the Nate of
this people vnder their firk king Saul,who not content with that order, which God had for a time ap-
pointed forthe gouernement of his Church, demanded a King, to the intentthey might bee as other
nations, and in a greater aflurance as they thought :not becaufe they might the better thereby ferue
God, asbeing vader the fafegard of him, which did reprefent lefus Chrif the true deliuerer:therefore
: he gaue them a tyrant andan hypoeriteto rule ouer them, that they might learne that the perfon ofa
King is not (ufficient to defendthem., except God by his power preferue and kcepe them, And there“
fore he punifheththe ingratitude of his people, and fendeth them continuall warres both at home and
abroad, And becaufe Saul, whom of nothing God had preferred to the honour of a King, did not ac-
Knowledge Gods mercy toward him, bur rather difobeyed the word of God , and was not zealous of
his glory, he was by the voiceaf God put downe from his ftate, and Dauid tke true figure of Mefliah
placed in his ftead, whofe patience, modefie,conftancie,perfecution by open enemies, fained friends,
and diffembling flatterers , areleft to the Chutcb and to.eucty member of the fame, as 2 paterne and
exımple to behold their Rate and vocation.
CHAPS Load had made her barren, i
1 The gencalogie of Elkanah father ofSamu- Ó GAD her aduerſarie vered her (ore,
el. 3 Hü tw wines. § Hannah was barren and forafinuch as the vpbraided her, becaule the
prayed tothe Lord, 15 Her anfivere te Eli, 20 Lord bad mane ber barven.
Samuel i borne. 24 Shee doeth dedicate him to 7 (And fo did Hee peere by peere) and ag y
the Lord, oft as tbee went tp to the boufe of the Lom,
—— p Here teasa man of one ofthe thus thee vexed her, that thee wept and did aes, of Sl
a There were two⸗Ramathaim zophim,of not cate. f v
two Ramaths,fo mount Ephꝛaim. who name 8 Then faite Elkanad her huſband to
thatin thiscitie , PL G K w a s Elkanah,
the (anne of Jie- her, Manna, why weepelt thou? and whp:
in mount Ephra- SC A. robam, the tonneof Elihu, tatelt thon not? and why is thine heart
im were Zophim: Rote

the fonne of Tohu, the mune troubled? am notJ better to chee then tenne
that istne lear- of zuph,an Epherathite: digunes 2 d Let this faffice
ned menand 2 And hee had two wiues: the naineof. 9 Ho Hannah role np after that they had thee,that lloue
Prophets. one was Hannah, aud the name ofthe other eaten and Baunke in hilo) Cand lithe theeno leffe.ther
Pzuinnays and Hentanah had childarn, but Hꝛieſt fate vpon a ſtoole by onc ofthe poites if thou hadſi ma
Hannah had no children. ot thee Temple ofthe Lara.) ` ac. nychildrep,
Dent,1 6,16. zand this man Wontvp outokhts city 10 And Hee was troubled in Yer minde, e Tharis,ofthe,
curry peere, to worttpand co facrtfice vnto and prared vnto the Lord, and wept fe, houfe, where the
b For rhe Arke the Loavof boksin > Shiloh, where were Ir Alto hice vowed avow, and ayd, D Arkewas.
was there at that the tiwofonnesofGFtt, ophni and Phine⸗ Lod of hoiteg, tf thou wilt iooke on che
time, Has Peꝛieſts of the 2020. trouble of thine handimapde, and remember 30 Í
4 Andonadvay, when Clkanah ſacriſi⸗ niee, and not forget thine handmayde, but
ecu,brgaue to Peninnah hts wicana to all give nuto ting handmayd a manchilde then
c Somercade,a her ſonnes and vaughters portions, J ttl giut Hiri vnto the Lord all the dapes, -
portion with an s But vnto Yanna bee gaue aworthy. of btsite, "and there Mall so ralo come bp» Num,6,s..
heauie cheere, e pagtiost; faa des lonca Hannab, and the ondis bead, dudg 135»
I2 And
Sainuel borne,and dedicatedtotheLord. Chap.ij. Elies fonnes wicked. 108
12 And as ee continued praying before A MRD Pannah sprayed, and fapd, Mine a After chat the
the Lord,Elimarket her month. beart reiopceth in the Loꝛd, mineb horne had obteined a
13 Fa Hannay fpake inher heart: ber is exalted in the L020 : mp mouth ts tenlar: fonne by prayer,
lips did moure onelp, but hex voyce Was not ged ower mine enemies, becaule Jreioyce in Mhegaue thanks,
Heard: theretoze Cit thought ibe had beens thy faluation. i b Ihaue recotie-
DMnnken. 2 Gheretsnoneholpasthe Lod: pea, red ftrenethand
14. Gnd Eit (ald unto her, How long wiit theretsnone betides thee, and there is no Blory by the be-
tEdr. thy wine. thou be daunken 2 [Dut away thy drrinken · god {tke our Gov. nefit of the Lord,
netie from thee. 3 Dpeake tno moze preſumptuoſiy tlet c I can anfwere
Is Then Hannah anfwered ¢fayd. May, not arrogancte come out of your mouti; foz thé that teproue
re ofan hard my low, but Jam a woman t troubled in the Lord is a God ef knowledge, and bp hiin my barrenncfle.
Spirit. fptrit: J baue Drunk neither wine noz trog enterpatles are eitablifhes. d In that ye con-
Pfal 42.5, Duinke, but haue * powzed out my ſoule bg- The bow and che mighty men are bzo» demne my tar-
foze the Loru. ; ken, and the weake paue girded themflelnes renneffe, ye wew
4Eb for adaugh. 16 Count not thine handmaide + fo:a with ſtrength. 3 your pride a-
ter of Belal Wicked woman: foz of the abundance of my § hep that were full,are hired forth fog gainf: God.
— and my grieke bane Jſpoken pis e bead, and the hungry are no moze hired,ſo e They fell thcir
erto. that the barren bath borne | feuen : and the labours for ne-
17 Then Eli anfwered, and lad, Goe in that had many chilazen,ts feeble, ceflary foode,
peace, and the God of Iſrael graunt thp pe: 6 * Ghz Load killeth and maketh aline: Or, many.
tition that thou haſt aſked of him. bringeth Downe to the grans and ratlech vp. Deut.32.39.
18 She laid againe, Let thine handmaid 7 CieLowd maketh poore and maketh <i 16:13;
f That is, pray finde £ grace in chy fight: fo the woman rich : bzingeth low, and eralteth, tob. I3. 2.
vnto the Lord ment her wap, and did eate, and looked ne 8 “Me ratleth vp che poze outofthe Dud, Pfalz g
for me, moze lad. andlifteth bp thebegger from the dunghili fJlepreferreth
19 € Then they arole vp carly and toor- te fet themamong f Yozinces, and to make to honour,and
fhipped before the Lord, and returned , anv them inherite the ſeate of glory: for rhe pit- putteth downe
came to therr houle to Ramah. ow Elka» lars of the earth are thes Loꝛds, and be bath according to his
nah knew Hannah bis wife, and the Lord {ct the worid vpon them. ee. owne wil,though
g According to e remembaed ber. ! 9 ape wiilkeepe the keete of his Saints, mansiudgment
her petition, 20 Foz in pꝛoceſſe of time hannah cons and the wicked Hall keepe filencein Darke: be contrary.
ceiued and bare a fonnt, and thee called bis ps : foz in bis owne might Mall no mau be g Thereforehe
name Samuri, Becaulk faid thee, Jhaue al · rong. may difpofeall
ken Gim of the Lord. ; 10 Che Loms aducrſaries Wall bee ve- things according
h This Elkanah 21 @ Sothe man + Elkanahand all his froped, and out of heauen Wall he * thunder to his will,
was a Leuite, r.
boule went vp te offer vnto the Lode the bpon them: the Lod ſhall iudge the endes Chap.9.10.
Chro.6.27.and yerelylactifice and hts vowe: i ofthe world, and Wall giue power vnto bis h Sheegrounded
asfome write, 22 But Hannah went nos vp : for the ſaid h King, and evalt the home of bis anointed. her prayer on Ies
onceayeercthey vnto her huſbend will rary vntill the childe IL And Elkanah went ta Ramah robis fus Chrift which
accuffomedto, be waned, then J wil Laing him that he may bonte, andthe childe did miniter vnts the was to come,
appearebeforo ppeare betore the Losd, and there abide fo: LoD before Elithe Piet: i In al ſthat Eli
the Lord with tuet. ; . 12, (Mow the ſonnes of Cli were wicked commanded hinte
their families, 23 And Elkanah ber husband fayd vnto Menand k knew nott De Lord. k That is,they
ber, Do what ſeemeth chee bet : tarte vntill 3 Foz the Peꝛieſts cuitome toward the neglected his
thon pat wained him: onelythe Lode ac- people wasthis ; when anp man offered facrt- ordinance,
i Beeaufeher compltty hts? word. Go the woman above, fice, the Peieſts boy came, while thefic Or, fonne.
prayertooke ef- and gaue ber ſonne fucke vntill hheewained
was teething, anda tiewhooke with theee
fe, therefore it im. teeth in his hand.
was called the 24 (And when he had weinen him, hee 14 And thank it into the kettle,oꝛinto the
Lords promife. tooke bint withher with theee bullockes and taldzan,o2 into the pat, 02 into the pet: 1ail 1 Tranfgreffing
Exod, 16, 36,
an* Ephah ok fioure, and a battel! ofwine, that the fletijibooke brought vp, tye Peieſt the order appoin-
and brought hun vnto the houſe of the Lod tooke for himſelfe: thus they did vate ali the tedin the Law,
tEby achild, in Dhiioh,and the child wasi youg. AIlraelites, that came thither ta Shiloh. - Leuit.7 31. for
25 Andthey flew abuliocks,and bought 15 Dea, before they burnt the ~ fatte, the their belliesfake.
the choto Gti. = Pꝛielts boy cane and ſayd to theman that m Whichwas |
26 Gnd fheelays, Dy my lord, as thy oered, Giue mee tieſn to rolt foz the foriecommanded firit
k ‘Thar is moft Noule ltneth.nwtozo,3 am the woman chat farbewill not hane ſodden Nei of thee, tut to haue been of⸗
certainly, food with thee here praving Yura the Low, awe. * feredto God, »
27 F prayed foz this child,tthe Loyd bath 16 Am ik anx man ſayd vnto him, Wee
ginen me my Delve which Jalked of him. them burne the fatte actording to the|lcus lOr, Lawe.
4Ebr.lent, 28 Gherforealfo J hauctaiuen Hit vn⸗ ttome, then take as much as thine heart
tothe Lod: as long as he liueth he chali bee Delireth t then he would anfwere, fo, but n Not palling
1 Meaning,
Eli gimen vnto the Legd ; and bre! Wworſhipped thou halt give it now ; and ikthou wit nor, for their owne
gaue thankesto the Lod there. ira J will cake it by force. profit, fo that
God for her. CERAN Pai Ibi * 17 @ijerefoze thefinne of the yoong men God might be
t: The fona ofHannah, 12 The ſonnes of El Was very great before the Lozd+ for men ferued aright,
wicked, 13 The new cuftome of the Preefis. 18 oabhorred the offering ofthe Lod. o: Seeing the hor-
Saninel mniſtreth before the Lord. 20 Eli bleSeth 18 @ mot Hanwel being apong chitde ribleabufe therof-
Elkanah and bu wife. 23 Clireprooucah ba fons. minilired before the Lord, girded witha
27 (God fendeth aProphet to Ele. 31. Elias race linned ·ESphod. Exod,28 4,
naced for mor chaſtuſing hi children IQ And his mother made hii alitle coat,
D 4 ana
Godthreatneth Eli. è I. Samuel. God calleth Samuel.
and brought itta him from peereto veere, ni ag hinchas: inone Day they Hall vie
when hee came bp with ber bulbandtoof- borti
0 ie i
cr the peerely facrilice. 35 And J will Rirre meesp a z Faithfull z Meaning, Zas
20 And Gli bleilea Clkanah and his JOricit, that hal Do according tamine heart, dok, who (uccece
wile, and ſayd, The Lo20 gtue thee teed oF and according tomy mind: and J wilbuiiy ded Abiatbar,
\jOr, for the thing this woman, fozi rhe petition chat te alked him aſfure boule, and Hee ſhall walke befog and was the fi-
that [he bath lent of the Lozi; and they departed vnto their mine anointed fo: ener. ‘ gure of Chrif.
tothe Lord: to : place. 36 And all that are teft in thine boule Hal
wit, Samisel, 21 And the Logd vilited Hannah, fo that come and abowe Downe to htm foz apiece a That is, thall
ſhee concetued, andbarethzeefounes, and of filucr, anda mozlell of bread, and Hall be inferiour vn⸗
tive Daughters. And the chloe Samuel fay, Appoint mec, J pray thee, toone of the tohim,
grew before the L020. Pꝛieſts offices , that J may eate a mozlell of
22 € Do Elt was verpolde, andheard bread.
ail that his ſonnes did vnto all Iſrael, and CHAP, ITI.
p Which was How they lay with the women that r alſem⸗ 1 There wasno manifeſt vifion in the time of
(as the Ebrewes bied at the Dooze of the Tabernacle of the Eli. 4 The Lorde calleth Samuel three times,
write)after their Congregation. 11 And fheweth what [hall come vpon Eh aud
trauel, vhẽ they 23 And he fayd buto them, Ahy Doe pee Eli his houfe. 18 The fame declareth Samuel to
came to be puri- fuch things? foz of all thts peopleJ]Heare e- li,
i fied, reade Exod. utilrepozts of pou. ig N22 the childe Samuel miniftred vnto
38.8, Icuit 12.6. 24, Doe nomore my fonnes: foz itis no the Load * before Eli: and the word of a The Chalde
goon report thatJ heare , whichis that pee the Loꝛd was >prectous in thoſe Bayes: fog text readeth,
q- Becaufe they make the Los people toa trefpafle. there waz no manifelt pifon, whiles Eli liued,
contemne their 25 Jf one man finne againt another,the 2 Andatthat time, as Eli lay in bis b Becaufe there
duetie to God, Judge Wall tudge tt; but if a man finne a- place, bis eyes began to ware Dunme that were very few
verle 17. gainlt the Lord, who will pleade foz bim? he couid not ſee. Prophets to de-
Notwithſtanding they obeped not the voice 3 And perthe dligbtofGod went out, clare it,
r Sothattao- tbeir father, becaule the Lor would fay Damuel tlept tn tw Cemple of the Lorde, c IntheCoure
bey good admo- them. where the Arke of God was. next to the Ta-
nitions 1s Gods 26 E (Mow the child Samuel profited 4 Then the Lord -called Samuel; and bernacle,
mercie, and to and grewe, and was in fauour both with he fayd, ere J am. t d Thatys,the
difobey them is the Lord, and alfo with men) 5_ Andhe ranne vnto Cit,and ſayd, Were lampes which
his iuft iudge- 27 And there came aman of God vnto am J, fo? thou calledſt mee. Wuthefayd, F burnt in the
ment forfinne, Eli, and fayd vnto him, Thus faith the called thee not : goe againe and fleepe, And night,
Loꝛd, Did aot J plainely appeare wnto the be went and flepr. e Lofephus wri-
{fTo wit, Aaron. Houleofthy! father, when they were inE⸗ 6 Andthe Lord called once againe,@ae teth that Samuel
gypt in Pharaohs houle? muel. And Samuel arole, and went to Eli, wastwelue yeere
28 Aud J chofe him out of all the tribes and fain,Jam Here: foz thou didſt callme. olde, whenthe
of Iſrael to be my Pꝛieſt, to offer ppon mine And hee anſwered, J called thee not, my Lord appeared
altar, andtoburnetncenle,andtowearean ftonne 2 gor againe and ſſeepe. tohim.
Lent. 10, 14, Ephod befoze mee, * and J gaue tnte the Thus did Hamuel , before hee knew
boule of thy tather all the offerings made by f the Lord, and before the word of the Lozd f By vifion,
fire of the childzenofFiracl. : was reuealed vnto him.
e Why haue you 29 CGheretore haue you t kicked againſt 8 And the Lod called Sanwel againe
contemned my my factifice and mine effring, which J com: the third time: and be arofe, went te Eli,
facrifices,and as manded in my Tabernacle, and honoureſt and fayd, Jam Here: foz thou haſt called me.
it were, trode thy childzen aboue mec, to make your feines Then Cit sperceiued thatthe Lord had cal ·g Suchwas the
them vnder fat of the firft fruits of all the offerings of Led the childe. corruption of
foore? Iſrael my people ? 9. Therefore Ct fata vnto Samuel, Go thofecimes,that
30 Citheretore the Lode God of Iſrael and fleepe: andif bee call thee, then fay, the chicfe Prieft
fayth, 3 {aid that chine boufe and the boule
Speake £020, for thy feruant heareth. So was become dul '
-of thy father ſhould walke before mee foz Hamucel went,and flept m dis place. and negligent to
u. Gods promi- euer: but now the Lozd faith, » It halinot 10 C Andthe Loyd came and ftood, and vnderfiandthe
fesare onely ef- beio: fo: them that honour mee, J will ho- called as at other times, Samuel, Samuel. Lords appearing.
Fe@uall to fuch poiana they that deſpiſe me Wall bee de- Then Samuel anfwered, Dpeake, fo? thy
as he giueth con- piſed. ſernant heareth.
ftancie vnto,to 31 Behold, the dayes come, that J will Ir ¶ Chen the Loz fayd to Samuel,
feare and obey cut oſf thine arme, and the arme of thy fa- Behold,F wilidoe a thing inIlrael,where-
him, thers houſe, that there ſhall not be an olde n—— ſhall heare, bis two * cares ſhal 2.Kinz.21,13.
x Thy power man in thine boufe. 3 } ingle
and authoritie. 32 And thon? fhalt fee chine enemie in the 12 Jn that Dap J will raphe vp againk h Godfudden
y Thy pofterity habitation of theLord in all things where- Eli all things which J baue fpoken con- what
feare hall come
thall fee the gio- with God Hall bleffe Iſrael, and there hall cerning bis houſe: when Ibegin, FZ will
rie of the chiefe not be an old man in thine joule fo: eucr. alfo makeanend, — Ypon men,when.
Prieft tranflated 33 Heuerthelelle,Jwii not Deroy euery 13 And F haue told him that J wil iudge they (hall heare
ro another who oneofrhine fram mine altar, to make thine that the Arke is
bis boufe faz ence, fo? the iniquitie whtch de
they fhallenioy, eves to fatle,and to make thine heart ſorow⸗ taken, and alfo
knoweth, vecaule bis fornesraninte afian-
2.King.2.27, fuil: and all the multitude of thine boule der, and He ſtayed them not. fee Elies houfe
fOr, whew they fyall Die |!when they be men. 14 Mowe therefore J paue ſworne vnto deſtroyed.
|| come tomans age, 34 Aud this hall beea ſigne vnto thee, the houte oẽSir, that the wickedneſſe of E»
that hall come vpon thy two onnes Hoph· lies Houle ſhall not bee purged with facrifice
Ifraelisouercome. - Chap. iiij. The Arketaken. Eli dieth· 109
i Meaning,that no: offering i fo? euer, theſe are the Gons that ſmote the Egypti ·
his pofteritie 15 Afterward Samnel llept vntill the - with all the plagues in the 4 wilder. d Forinthered
fhould ncuzr en- morning, and opened the Doozes of the bouie nefie, Seainthe wilder-
joy the chic fe of the Lord, andSamuel feared to ſhew Cit 9 Be ſtrong and play the men , D Phi⸗ neffe the Bypti-
Priefts office. the vion, : liſtuns, that pe be net feruants vnto the E⸗ ans were deltroy-
16 Then Eli called Samuel,and faid, biewes , *asthephaueferucd yous be vali ed which was the
Samuelmy onne. Aud je anlwered, ere ant therefoze,and fight. lift of all bis
Jam, A 10 And tie Philituns fought, and Il⸗ plagues,
17 When he faim hat is it,that the Lord ratl was ſmitten Downe,and fled everyman Jeda. r3.:
k God puriſh fait unto thee ? 3| prap thee, hide it not from into bis tent: and therewas an erceeding c Dauidalluding
thee after this ine, Gov Doe lotothee, and moze alio, tf great laughter: for there fel of Ilraele thir- to this place,
and that fort,ex- thou hide any thing from me, of all that hee tle thoufand footer, Plal.78.63.
ceptthou tell faid vnto thee. j : Il Andthe Arke of God was taken, and fayth chey were
mee tructh, 18 So Haniel told him euery whit, and the two fonnes of Eli, Hophni and Phine⸗ confumed with
Ruth,1.17, hid nothing from him. Chen hee tatd, Jets Has Died. ; fire: meaning,
1 The Lord ac- p Lod; let him De what ſeemeth him good. 12 And there ranne a manof Beniamin they were fud-
complifhed 19 € And Gamuel grew , andthe Loo outof the armie, and came ta Shiloh the denly defiroyed.
whatfoeuer he was with him, and let nane ofhis wozdes fame Day with his clothes £ rent, and earth f In tokenoffo-
had faid. 1 fall to the ground. vpon bis head. row and meur-
Or, that Samuel 20 And all Iſrael from Dan to Berr- 13 Aud when hee came, loe, Ett fate bpon ning.
was the faithfull fheba knew ||that faithfull Samuel was the a feate by the way fide, waiting: for bis v Left it fhould
Prophet of the Lords Pꝛophet. — Heart e feared for the Arke of God: aud be taken of the
Lord. 21 And the Lord appeared again in Dpi- when the man came into the citie totelttt, cnemies, the word lob: foz the Loyd revealed himielfe to Da- all the citie cried out. omy
ofthe Lord, muel in Shiloh by + hts w0. 14 And when Eli heard the noile of the
CHAP. IIII. crying, be ayn, bat meaneth this noiſe of
1 Ffrael i ouercome by the Philfiims 4 They the tumult? And the man came in haltily,
doe fet the Arke, wherefore the Philiftims doe and told Eli.
feare. 10 The Arke of the Lord i taken. it E- Is (Row Eli was koureſcoꝛe and eigh⸗
di and lus children die. 16 The death ofthe wife teene yeere olde, and * hiseyes were Dinime Chep3.2,-
of Phinehas the fonne of Eli. thathecould not fee) )
+ From the de- A jad Hamuel pake vnto al Iſrael: {And 16 Aud the man fayd vnto Eli, Ycame
parture of the Iſrael went ont againt the Philiſtims from thearmie, and J fled this Day out of
iftaelites out of tobattell, and pitched belive || Eben⸗ ezer: the hoſte: and be fayd, Chat thing ts Done,
Egypt vnto the and the Philiſtims pitched in Apheke my onne?
time of Samuel 2 And the Philrtims put themfelues in 17 Then the melſenger anfwered, and
are about 397. aray againſt Irael: and when they topned faid, Ifrael is fled before thePhiliſtims,
ere, the battell, Ifrael was fmitten Downe before there bath been alſo a great laughter a⸗
'Orfione ofhelp, the Philiſtims: who Hew of the armie in the mong the people: and mooner thp.tiwo h According as
(hap.7.13, field abont foure thoufand men. fonnes , Hophni and hinchas!» are dead,
3 So when the people were come into and the Arke of God is taken. s God had afore-
the tampe, the Givers of Iſrael fayd, 18 (And when he had made mentionof “y4.
a Forit may *(Gherefore hath the Lod ſmitten vs this the Arke of Gov,Elifell from his tate back:
. feeme that thisDay before the Philiſtims? let ys bang the ward by the fide of the gate, and hisnecke
warre was Yn- Arke of the Couenant of the 10:8 out of mas boken, and be Died; for be wasan old
dertaken by Sa- Shiloh nto vs, that when it commeth as man and beany ; and He had a tndged Iſrael Or, geuerned,
muels comman- mong ys, tt may faue bs out of the band of foztp peeres.
dement, our enemies, 2 19 Ana his daughter inlaw Phinehas
Then the people fent to Shiloh and wife was with child neere ||her tranells and Orto cry ove.
bought from thence the Arke of the Cout: when fhe heard the report that the Arke of
b For he vfedto nant of the Lozd of holtes, who >dwelleth od was taken, and that her father inlaw
appeare to the betweene the Chcrubims: and there were and her hut baud were dead, fhe ‘bowed her i And fecled her -
thetwo fonsesof Eli, Hovhut, and Phi⸗ — trauelled: foz her paines came vp⸗ body toward her
Ifraclites , be- trauell.
tweene the Che. noas with the Arke of the ant of on her.
rubims ouer the oD, 20 And about the time of her death, the
Arke of the co- 5. And when the Arke of the Couenant tuomen that ſtood about her, fapd vnto ber,
nenant, Exod, ofthe Lod came into the bofte, all Iſtael Feare nots Fo: thou halt bone a fonne; but
25.17, ſhouted a mighty Houte, fo that the earth ihe anfweredD not nor regarded it.
rang againe. 21 And the namen the chiide iFehaber, lOr ao glory,o⸗
6 And when the Philiſtims heard the . faying, Che glory ts Departed from Ifeacl, wheres the
noyle of the Houte , they fayd, Chat mea- becaule the Arke of God was taken, and gory è
neth the found ofthis mighty ſhoute in the — of ber tather in lawe and ber pub
bofte of the Hebrewes? and thep wnderftood, and, k Sheevttered
a the S@rke ofthe Lo: was come into the 22 She layd againe ,* Che gloryisde- her great forow
ote, ` parted froma frael ; foz the Arke of God iz by repeating hee <
i 7 Ano the Philiſtims were afraid, and taken. words, -
e Before wee ſayd, Godis come into the hofte: therefore CHAP. V.
fought againſt {aid thep,: lo vnto vs: foz it bath not been 2 The Philsftims bring the Arke into the honfe
men, and now fa heretofore. of Dagox,which rdole fell downe beforeit. 6 The
God is come to 8 Caor vnto vs, who Wali Deltucr bs wien of Afhdod are plagued. 8 The Arke is ca-
fight againft-vs, out of the hande of thele mighty Gons? ried into Gath,and after to Ekron.
Dagon. ThePhiliftims plagued. L.Samuel. The Arke fent backeagaine.
Henthe Philiſtims cooke the Arke of with we ſhall fend it home againe.
God, and carted it from Eben ·eʒer vnto 3 Anvthep fayd, FF you lend away the
-a Which was 3 Ayvon, — Arkeof che Gov of Iſrael, fend tt not away
one of the fue ` 2. Cuen the Philiſtims tooke the Arke emptie, but gine puto ita > finne offering : b The idolaters
-principall cities of 30, and brought it into the houle of then Hall pe be healed, and it Habe knowen confeffe there is
ofthe Philiftims. b Dagon,and fet tt bp Dagon, to you, Why bts hand Departeth noc from a truc God, who
b Which was 3 And when they ot hdodroſe the nert pou. i punithechfinne
their chiefe idel, Day in the moming behold, agon mas fal- 4 Then aid they, Mhat Halbe the inne iuſtly.
& asfome write, len vpon bts face on the ground before the offering, whichwe wall giue vnto it ? And
‘fromthe nauill Arke of the Loꝛd, and they tooke vp Dagon, they anfwered, Fiue golden emerods and
downeward was and fet him inbts placeagatne. A fue golden mice, according to the number of
like afifh,and 4 Allo they roi up early in the mantng the pinces of the Philiſtims: fo: one plague
vpward like a the nert dap and behold, Dagon was fallen wason you all,and on psit princes.
man, npon his face onthe ground before the Arke § MAherkore pe that make the Emilitudes
of the Lod, and the head of Dagon, and the of pout emerods, and the ſuntlitudes of your
two palimesof pis hands were cut off vpon mice that Dettrop the land: foye hall gine
the theethott: onelp the fumpe of Dagon glory unto the God of Iſrael, that bee map
was lekt to him. ; take Gis hande from you, and frem pour
s Gherefore the prteits of Dagon, and € gods, and from pour land, c This is Gods
c Thusin tead ali that come inte Dagons houſe· tread not 6 WAberioze then boult pou harden your iudgement vpon
ofacknowledg- — threſhold of Dagon in Aſhdod, vnto hearts,as theCopptians and Pharaoh pars theidolaters.that
ing the true God this Day. f Dened their hearts? when he wrought won: Knowing the true
by this miracle, 6 Wut the hand of the Lord was heaute Derfullp among them,* did they not letthem God, they wor-
they fall co a vpon themof Achdod, and deſtroyed them, goc, and they Departed z hip bim not a-
further fuper Ri- and finore them with * emerods, both Af. 7 grow therefore make anew cart, and right.
tion, Bod, and the coatts thereof. take two milch kine, on whom there hath
:Pfal,73-66. Exo4.12.31.
7 And when the men of AHo0d fawe come no poke: and tle the kineto the cart,
this,theplaydD, Let mot the Arke ot the God aud bing the calues home from them.
of Iſrael abide with yg: foz bis hand is e 8 Chen take the Arke of the Low, and
vpon vs, and bpon Dagon our god. ſet it bpon the cart, andput the siewelsof d Meaning, the
8 Thep lent therefore e gathered all che golde which pe gine it foz a finne offering,
in golden emerods
princesof the Philiſtims vato them, and a coffer by the fide thereof, and {end it away, and the golden
d Thoughthey fayb, d Uthat thall we Dee with the Arke of that tt may goe. ‘ mice,
had felt Gods the God of Iſcael? And they aniwered, Let 9 And take heed, lit gee bp bythe way
power, and were the Arke of the God of Ilrael be carteda- of bis owne coal to Beth-themeth,tt is < hee e The God of
afraid thereof, bout snto Gath: and they cavied the Arke that did bs this great entil: but iknot, wee Ifrael,
yetthey would ofthe God of Iſrael about. fhallknow then, that ttis not his hand that f The wicked ate
farther trie him, 9 Anu when they had caried it about, eth Dp» but Ît was a f chatice that happe» tribute almoftall
which thing God the hand of the Lord was againt the citte ned vs. things to fortune
tumed to their with avery great Deltruction, and he linote 10 And the men did fo: fo2they tooke andchance,wher-
deftruGtion,and the men of the citie both final and great.and two kine that gaue milke, and tied them to as in deede there
his glory, they had emerodes tu their lecret parts. the cart,and ut thecalues at home. isnoth ng dene
10 @Wherfoze they lent the drke of Hod 11 Ho theplet the Arke of the Lord hp- without Gods
to Ekron: and aſſoone as the Arke of Gov on thecart, and the coffer with the mice of prouidence and
camera Ekron, the Ckronites cried out, got, and with the luntlitudes oftheir eme» decree,
faving , Chey baue brought the Arke of the re S.

God of Iſrael to vs, to tay vs and our peg» 12 And the kine went the ſtraight way to
ple, Beth-Hemnelh,and kept one path,and lowed
Il Thereforethey ent, aud gathered tos as thep went, turnen neither tothe right
gether ali the patnces of the Philiſtims, and Hand noz to the left : allo the Princes of the
e The wicked, {ayd, Dende sway the Arkeof the Gov of Philiſtims went afters them, vnto the bor⸗ g For thetriall
when they feele Jiraci, and let it returne to jis owne place, Ders of Beth⸗ Memeſh.
the hand of God, ofthe matter,
that it flay vanat and our people; for there 13 Now they of Beth-ſhemeſh were rea-
grudge and reiect was aDelrruction andBeath throughout all ping their wheate haruelt in the valley, and
him,where the he citée, and the hand of God was very ſore theyliktvptheir eyes, and ſpied the Arke
godly bumble there. ; ; and reioyced when they faw it. .
themfelues and 12 Ant the men that died not,were Anit: 14 ¶ And the cart came inta the field of m)
crie for mercie. ten with the emerods: and the crie of the ci Jochua a Beth emite, and itood itl there.
tie went vp to heauen. here was allo a great tone, and b thep h To wir, the
CHAP. VL claue the wood ofthe cart, and offered tie men of Beth.
a The tint: that the Arke was with the Phili- kine fo a burnt offering vnto the Lod.
(hemefh, which
flemswhich they fent arane with a gift 12 Jt Ig Ano the Leuites tooke Downe the were Ifraclites,
commethtoBeth fhemefh. 19 The PhilPims of- Arke otthe Lod, andthe coffer that was
fer golden erasvodss 39 The monof Beth-fLemefh withit,whercin che tewels of gold were aud
are firsken for lookingunto the Arke. put them on the great fione, and the men
a They thought ope the Arke ot the Lode was in the of Beth· hemeſh otcred burnt offering, and
by continuanceof > countrey of the Philiſtims @ ſeuen mo: Rese faccifices that fame,
Day vnto the
time the plague neths. oid,
would hane cea- 2 ano the Philiſtims called the Prieſts _16 Aud when the fine princes of the Phi·
fed, and fo would and the foothfavers. laying, Chat halt wee liſtinus had ſeene it, they retiuned ts Ekron
haue kept y Arke da with the Arke ofthe Lord? tell vswhere the fame Dap,
tiidle 17 €@o
Bethſhemites flaine. Ifraelrepenteth. Chap. vij. viij. The Philiftims vanquifhed. 110
God forvs, that hee may faue vg ont of the
17 Ho thefe are the golden emerodes
which the Philiſtims gaue foz afinne offe- band ofthe Philiſtims. i
. i Thefe werethe ring to the Lozd : fo2 i Achdod ane, fo: Gaza 9 Chen Samuel tooke a fucking lambe,
Gus principall ci~ one, fo: Zfkeion one, (02 Gath one, and f0? and offercd tt altogetiver foz a burnt offring
ties of rhe Phili- Ekton one, vnto the Lo20 , and Gamuel cried pntothe
Rims, which 13 Aud golden mile, according fo p num- Loz0 fo: Firacl,and the Lod heard him.
were not alicon- ber of all the cities of thefDHuUtituns, belong- 10 And as Samuel offered the burnt of»
quered vnto the ing to tke fine patnces, both of walied towns, fering, the Philiſtims came to fight againſt
time ef Dauid. and of towns vnwalled, vnto the qreatitone Flract:but che Lod frhundz2d with a great f According to
\|Or,the plaint, or of ||Absl, whereon they fet the Arke of the thunder that Day vpon the Philiſtims and the prophecie of
lamentation, Lod; which ftone remaineth vnto this Day in — them: fo they were llaine befoze Hannah Samuels
the held of Jochua the Beth· hemite. ſrael. mother,chap.2.
19 Gnd ye ſmote ofthe men of eth-hee II And the men of Frael went from 10.
k Foritwas not meih, becaüſe they k had looked in the Arke WBispeh, and purfued the Philiſtims, and
lawfull to any of the Loyd: hee ew euen among the people Gnote them vnttl they came ynder Weth-car.
either ta touch fiftte rhoufand men, andthzeeltoze and ten I2 Then Damuel tooke a ttone, and pit-
orto fee it hue met: and the peopielamenced , becaule the ched it betweene Mizpeh ands Sen, and g Which was a-
oncly to Aaron £020 Yad faine tie people with ſo greata cailed the name thereof Eben ezer, and pee great rocke oeg:
and his fonnes, laughter, - fatd, Ditherto bath the LoD bolpen us. againft Mizpeh,
Num 4.25,20. 20 Aherefore the men of Beth· ſhemeſh 13 {De the Phtliſtims were brought urn-
fato . Mho is atie ta ſtand before this haly Der, and they came no moze againe into the
Lob Godrand to whow thal be go from vs? coatts of Iſrael, and the fandofthe Low
21. And they fent meMengers to the inga Was againit the Philiſtims ail the dayes of
bitants of Rirtath-fearim,faring, The Phi· Damuel.
liftims haue brought againe the Arke of the 14 Ale the cities which the Philiſtims
ord come pe dovne, and take tt vp to you. had taken fram Iſrael, were retozed to JE
rael, from Ekron enen onto Gath: and Fe
CHAP. VII, raei Deliueredthe coattes of the ſame out of
i The Arke is brought to Kirsath.searim, 3 the bands of the Philiſtims: and there was
Samuel exhorteth the people to forfake their finnes peace betweene Iſrael and the h Amogites: h Meaning,the-
and turne to the Lord. 10 The Phslsftims fight I5 And Samuel iudged Iſrael all the Philiftims,
againft Ifrael, and are, ouercome. 16 Samuel Daves of his life,
sudgeth Jfiael. 16 And went about yere by yeere to Beth-
el, aud Gilgal and Mr5peh,andindged Jf i Which was not
a A citie inthe T Hen the menof>Mirtath-iearim came, raefin all thole places. contrary to the
tribe of ludah, and tooke vp the Arke ofthe Lozd, and 17 Afterward bee returned to Ramah: Law: foras yet
called alfo Kiri- bought it into the houſe of Abinadab tn the foz there was his honle, and there he iudged a certaine place
ath-baal, lolh, bul: and thep (ancetticd Cleasar his fonnte, — alſo he built anialtar there vate the: was not appoins -
to kecpe the Arke of the Lozd. BB ted.
15,60, Q . ?

2 (for while the Arke abode tn Riri-

ath-icarim, the time was tong ,foꝛ it was CHAP, VHT
twentie peres) and all the houſt of Iſtraella⸗
b Lamented for mented arter the Lod. + Samuel maketh his funnes Iudges ower Iſa-
their ſinnes and 3 Chen Samael Make onto all the el, who followe not his ficps. 5 The Ufrachtes
followed the boule of Iſrael, laying , Hf yee bee come a- aske a King, 11- Samuel dzclareth in what ſtae
Lord. gaine vuto the Lod with ail pour beart, they ſpould be underthe King. 19 Notwithftan-
Iofh.24.15,23: *put away the trange gods from among ding they aske one ſtull, and the Lord wulleth Sax
Iudz.2.13. you, and* Aijcaroth, and direct pourhearts muzlto zraunt voto then.
Deut.6,4.mAte tito the Lod, and ſerue him onelp, and he
4 10,
Tudg.2.0 2,03.
fhail deliuer pouout of the hand of the Phi⸗
liſtims. VV
Den Samucl was now berome olde,
hee amade bts fomes Judgesoucr a Becaule he-was -
c For Shiloh was 4 Then the childrꝛen of Iſrael did put: not able tobeare:
now defolate, away * Baalim and Atarot) , and ſerucd 2 Andthe name of bis eddeſt ſanne was the charge,
becaule the Phy- the Lob onety. Foei, and the name of the fecond biah) b Who wasalfo:
liftims had ta- And Samud fain, Gather ali Iſrael cuen Judges in Beer Heba. called Vafhni,
ken thence the to: Bispeh, and F will pay fez peu vnto 3 And his fonnes walked not in his 1.Chron 6.28;
Arke. the LoD. ` twapes but turned alive alter incre, t* tooke Deut, 1619.
d The Chalde 6 And they gathered togethertoMiz⸗ rewards,and pernettcd the iidaement-
text hath,that pehand inzet water and powzen itonthbe- A @ CObercfore all the Eiders of Pitaei. e For there his
they drew wa- : fore the Lod , and falten the fame Day, and gatherepthem together, and came te Ba: heufe was, Chap, .
ter out of their faid there Ge haue imed againd the Lord muclente+ Ramah, 7:17.
heart: thatis, And Samuel tudged the chidsen of Iſraet 4 Ju laid vato him, Behold, thou art Hofe 13.10.
wept abundane- in Wizpeh. ; old,.and thpfonnes walke not hithy wares: - ACES 13.2 De
ly for their . 7 hen the Phluiſtims heard that the aimake bs NOW a king to iudgeVs likeall d Becaufethey i
finnes, 5 chudzen of Iſrael were gathered together to nations. EN i were net content
e Signifying, ABizvebh, the pinces of the Philiſt ims went 6 Bet the thing +difpleatd Samuel, with the order »
— the pray- pp agani Pirael : and when the children of when they fad, Guit bs a king to iudge vs: that God had
ers ofthe godly FHraet heard that, they were afraid ofthe and Samuel prayed ynte the Lor. ; appointed, cur:
there oughtto aliting. ra And the Be2d laraz: vnto Gamiiel, wouldhe gouer- -
he a vehement 8 Aunthe childsen ofIſrael iaid to Sa⸗ Hẽare the veyce of the people in aii that they ned as were the.
⁊cale. muel, Ceale not tae cric vnto the Lov our wali fay ute thees foe they baie not oe Gentiles,-
‘Anyniutt king deferibed. I. Samuel. Saul feeketh the aſſes.
thee away, but they bane caſt mee away, that were loft: therefore Kiſh ſaid to Saul his
3| onld not reigne ouer them. fonne, Take now one of the ſeruants with
8 Gs thep haue euer done ince J brought theg and arife goe and < feeke the aſſes. c Allthefe cir-
them ont of Egypt euen vnto this Day,(and 4 Dober paled thorow mount Ephra⸗ cumftances were
baue forſaken mec, and ferucd other gods) iin,and went thozow the land of Shalihah, meanes to ferue
euen lodoe they vito thee. but they found them not. Chen thep went ynto Gods pro-
9 Mow therefore hearken vnto their thozow the land of Sbaltin, and therethey uidence whereby
e To prooue if voyce: howhett pees teſtitie vnto them, and were not? bee went aliothorow the land of Saul (though nor
they will forfake - ſhew them the maner of the king chat Hall Jemini but they tound chem not. approued of
their wicked reigne ouer them. § hen they came to the lanoefd zuph, God )was made
purpofe, lo CDr Hamel tolde all the wo2d3of Haullatd vnto his ſeruant that was with King,
plsLod vnto the people that alken a king bim, Come andletvs returne , iet my fa- d Where was
ef hin. Sej leaug the care of aſſes, and take thaught Ramath Zophim
f Not that kings It And he fain, This hallbethe f mance 02 03. the citie of $1-
baue this autho- ofthe king that Wall reigne ouer pou: bee 6 And heelate vnto hin, Behold now, muel.
ritie by their of- will take pour formes, and appotnt them to in this citie is a man of God, and hee ts ant
fice, but that fuch hts charets,and to Be his hoꝛſeinen,
and fome Honourable man; all that hee ſayeth, cont
as reigne in Gods hallrunne before his charet. i meth to paſſe: let vs now goe thither, iffo
wrath, fhould ve 12 Allo he will make them his captaines bec that Dee can thew bs what way we map
fuspe this ouer ouer thoulands , and captatnesouer fifties, gor. i 9
their brethren, and to care his ground,
and toreape bis bars 7 Then laid Haul to his ſeruant, Cell
contrary to the ueſt, andto make intruments of warre,and then,let vs goe: but what Mall we being vn⸗
lav,Deut.17,20, the things that ferue foz his charets. to the man? Foꝛ the ||bꝛead is ſpent in our (Oryvittuals.
13 We wiil cake alfo your Daughters, and veffels, andthere is no peent to bing to
make them Apethecarics, and Cookes, and the man of God: what haue we?
Bakers. S And the ſeruaunt anfwered Saul a-
14 Gnd be will take pour fields, and pour gaine and (ard, Bebold, J bane found about
binepardes, and pour bet Oliue trees, and mee the fourth part of a < bekel of filuer, e Whichis ae
gine them to bis ſeruants. that will Jgine the man of God, to tell vg, bout fue pence,
15 And he will take the tenth ofpour feed, our way. reade Gene.ꝛʒ.
And of your vineyardes, and giue tt to bis 9 (Befozetime in Iſrael, when aman 15.
||Or,chsefe ofi- heunuches, and to hisferuants. tent to leeke an anſwere of God, thus hee
CTS. 16 And hee will take pour men ſeruants, ſpake, Come, and let vs goe tothe! eer: £ Socalled,be-
was tn the caufehe forefaw
and pour mative ſeruants, and the chicte of foz he that is called now a Pꝛophet,
- your pong men, and peur afes and put them olde tíme called a Deer) _ things to come,
to his wozke. Io Then faid Saul to bis ſeruant, eel
17 ee will take the tenth of pour ſheepe, fata, come, letvs goe: ſo they went inte the
and pee ſhalbe hisleruants. - citte where the man of God was. s
18 And ye thal crie out at that day, becauſe IL Gandas they were going bp the high
‘of your king whom pee haue choflenpou,and way to the city,thepfound maines that came
‘g Becanfe ye re- the Lord will not e beare pou at that dap.out to Draw water, and (aid vnto them, Js
pent not for your Ig But the people would not heare the thereberea Seer?
finnes, but be- voice of Samuel, but Did fay, May, but there 12 And they antwered them, and ſayde,
caufe yee ſmart ſhalbe a king ouer vs. s Dea : loc, hee isbefore pou; make hate now,
| for your affi@i- 29 And weallo willbelike all other nati» toz he came this Day to the citte foz there is
ons, whereinto ye ons, and our king Hall tudge vs, and goout an soffering of the people thts Day inthe g That isa ſeaſt
caſt your {clues befoze vs and fight our battels. i high place. after the offering,
willingly, 21 Therefore when Samnel heard all the 13 Ahen yee ſhall come into the citie, pee which fhould be
woꝛds of the people, hee rebearled themin ſhall finde bim fraightway per hee come a keptin an high
the cares ofthe Lod. to the high place to eate : foz the people wiil place of the citie
|Or.erant thei⸗ 22 Ana the Lowa fatd to Samuel, ||Years not eat vutill he come, becaule he wil t bleie appoiated for
requeſt. ken vito their voice,andmake them a king. the facrifice: and then eate they that be biù- that vie,
And Samuel fai vnto the men of Iſraei, Den tothe feat: now therefore goe vp; fog P That is,giue
Hoe cuery man vnto his citie. gucn now fhall ye finde him. í thankes,& diftri-
CHAP, IX. 14 Then they wentvp into the citie, and bute the mgate
3 Saul Peking hisfathers affes, by the connfell when they were come into the middes of the according to
of hws feruant goeth to Samuel. 9 The Prophets citte, Samuel cune out againt them to gog their cultome,
called Seers, 15 The Lord rewesleth to Samuel bp to the bigh place.
Sauls comming, commanding him to anoynt him 15 (*But ý Lod had reueiled toHamu (427-1 5.1 .acs
king. 23 Samuel bringeth Saul to the ſeaſt. el tlecretiy(a day before Saul came)iaying, 1 3° 243e
g hae was nowe a man of Bentamin, 16 To morrow about this time F will Ebr. in his eare:
å Thatis, both amightiein power, named* Kith , the fend thee a man out of the land of Benia:
valiant and rich. foune of Abiel, the fonne of Zeror, the fonne min : hint halt thou anoint to be gouernour
Chap.14.5%. of Bechorah, the fonne sf Aphiah, the fonne ouer my people Ilrael,chat be may: faue my i Notwithftan-
x.chron 8.33. ofamanof emini, people out of the hands of the Philiſtims: ding their wic-
b So thatit might 2 Gnd hee hada fonne called Haul, a fo: J] baue looked vpon my people, and their kednes, yetGod
feeme that God > goodly pong man and a faire: fo that a- crie is come vnto me. was euer mind- ~
approued their mong the chtidzen of Ilrael there was none 17 AMhen Hamuel therefore fam Ham, fullofhisinhe- _
requeft in ap- goodlier then he: from the ſhoulders vpward the Loꝛd anſwered bim, Sec, this isthe rirance,
pointing out he was hier then anp of the people. man whom J (pake te theg of, bee Hall rule
tuch a perſon. 3 And the alles of Kib Sauls father my people,
18 Then
* E à a *
Hecommeth toSamuelandis anointed. Chap.x. Saul propefieth. 111
18 Then went Gaul to Samuelin the eebread, and another carping a bottell of
middes ofthe gate,and tad, Cel me,F pap ine:
thee, where the Deers houſe is. 4 Gnd they willalke thee +ifall bewell, +Ebr.0f peace.
19 And Samuel anfwered Gaul, and and will giue thee the tivo loavesof bꝛead.
fayd.Jam the cer: goe vp befsze me wta Which thou halt receine of their hands.
the high place ; toz pee fhallcate with me to § Atterthat Walt thou come to the: Gill c Which was
Day: and to mozot 3 will et chee goe, and of God, whereis the gartlons of the Phili⸗ an high place in
all wiii teti thee all chat ts in thine * heart. ſtims: and when thou art come thither to thecitie Kiriath-
k Meaning, 20 And as fo: thine alles that were loft the citte,thou Halt meet a company of Pꝛo⸗ iearim,where the
pees dcfirelt thiee Davesagoe, care not forthem: fo? they phets comming Downe from the high place Arke was,Chap.
TWhomdorh 4¢¢ found :and on whom islerall the detire with a stole, and a timbzel, anda pipe, and 74.
of Iſrael? is tt not vpon thee and on all thy — before themi, and they Wall pro⸗
Iiacldefireto fathers honfe? pbefie.
—— 21 Cut Saul anlwered, and (ain, Am 6 Then the {pirit of the Lom will come
ee not 3 the forme of Jemini , of the {mallet bpon thee, and thou fhalt prophelie with
tribe of Iſrael? and my family is the leatof them, and Walt bee turned into anothers
alithe families of the tribe of Beniamin. man.
CGiherefoze then ſpeakeſt thou lo to me? 7 Therefore when thele fines hal come
22 And Samuel tooke Haul and his (ers vnto thee, Doe as occafion Hall ſerue: foz

_ m Where the
uant,and bought them into the = chamber, God is with thee.
and made them fit in the chtefeit place as 8 Andthou ſhalt goe downe befoze mee
fealt was.
mong them that werebioden : which were to Gilgal; and allo J will come Downe vnto
about thirty perfons, theeto offerburnt offrings,and to facri-
23 Gnd Samuel fam vnto the cooke, tice (acvifices of peace, *@arie for me ſeuen Chap.r 3.b.
n That is, the Bung forth the portion which 3| gane chee, Dayes, till J come ts thee, and hewe thee
fhoulder withthe and whertofJ (aw vnto thee ,Keepe it with what thou fhalt Bac. i
breft,which the A 9 And when hee had turned his *æbacke +Ebr.fhoulder,
Prieft had for his 24 And thecooke tooke bpthe ſhoulder, to go from Samuel, God gaue him another
familicin all and that which was” bpon it, and fetitbe- “ Heart : and all thole tokens came to paſſe d He gauehim
peace offzings, foze Daul, And Samuel faid, Behold, that that fame Day. fuch vertues, as
Leuit.10.14. whtch isteft, fet it before thee and eate : foz 10 C And when they came thither to the were meet fora
o That both by hitherto hath it beene kept fo: thee , laying, Hill, beholde, the company of Pꝛophets King,
the aflembling of Alife Jo haue called the people. So Gaui mettebim, and the Spirit of God came
the people, and DiD eate with Samuel that Day. - — bim, and Hee | propheſied among Or, fang praifes
by the meat pre- 25 And when they were come Downe em,
pared for thee, from the high place into the citie, bee come AL Therefore all the people that knewe
thou mighreft muned with Maul vpõo the top of the houle. bim befoze, when they faw that hee propheſi⸗
vnderfiand that 26 Gnd when they arofe early about the eDamong the Prꝛophets, fayd each to other,
Iknew of thy {pring of the Day, Samuel called Baul to that is come vnto the fonne of Kiſh? *is (h2p,19.14,
comming. ther tappe of the boufe, faving, Cp, thatJ Haul alfo among the Pꝛophets?
p To {peak with way lend thee way. And Daul arole, anv 12 And oneof the fameplace anfwered,
im fecretly; for they went out, both he,and Samuel. and fayd, But who is their: father? there> e Meaning, thas
27 And when they were come Downe to fore it was a prouerbe, Is Daul alfoamong prophefie com-
+ Pire were theendof the citte, Samuel fatd to Saul, the fProphets? meth not by fue=
Gods c oommä- Bid theleruant go befoze vs, (and be went) 13 And when he had made an end of pro ·ceſſion, butisgi«
dementascon. OYE Hand thon ftillnow , that J may thew phecying, be came to the hie place. vento whom it
ecrning thee. thee athe word ofGon, 14 And Sauls oncle layd vnto him, and pleafeth God.
to his ſeruant, Cbither wentyee? And hee f Noting there-
CHAP. X, fayd , To ſeeke the afics; and when we faw by him that from
a Saulis anointed king by Samuel. 9 God that they were ngawhere, wee came to Da- lowdegree com-
changeth Sauls heart and he propefieth. 17 Sa- muel, meth ſuddenly to:
muel afsembleth the people, & fheweth them their Is And Sauls vntle fain, Cell me,Jpray honour,
finnes, 21 Saulischofen king by lot. 25 Sa- thee, whatSamnel fayd vnto pon.
mael writeth the Kings office. 16 Then Gaul laid to his vuele, He told
a Inthe LLaw T Hamuel tooke a viole of +oyle,and vs plainelp that the aſſes were found: but
this anointing potwred it vpõ his head, and kifled him, concerning the kingdome whereof Damuel
fignified the gifts and fayd , Hath not the Lo: anointed thee peke, told he him not.
of the boly to be goucrnour oner his inheritance 2 17 (Aud Samuel e affembled the peo· e Both to de-
Ghoft, which 2 Aben thou fait Depart from me this ple pntothe Loz in Mizpeh izpeh· clare vnto theny
werencceflary Day, thou fhalt finde twomenby* Rahels 18 And hefatd vnto the childeen of JE their fault in af
ferthem that — fepulchzein the border of Beniamin, euen rael, Thus laith the Lod God of Iſrael F kinga king, and.
fhould rule, ai 3elzab and they will fay vnto thee, The baue brought Iſrael out of Egypt; and Deli- alforo thew -
Gen. 35. 20. b afes which thou wenteſt to ſeeke, are uered pou out ofthe hand of the Egyptians Gods fenrence
b Samuel con- fount: and loc , thy father hath left the care and out of the hands of allkingdomes that therein,
firmeth him by of the affes, and ſorroweth for you, faying, troubled pou. r
thefe fignesthac CUbat fhall J Dee foz: my fonne? 19 But yee bane this Day rat away
God hath ap- 3 Then Halt thou goe forth trom thence, pour God, who onely Delinereth pou out of
poimedhim and Malt come snte the plaine of Tabo, all your aduerſities and tribulations: and
King. and there fhall meete thee thieemen goin pee fapd vnto him, No, but appoint a King
WOr,oke, > bpto God to Beth-el: one£ carving tee ouer DS, Now therefore tand yee befog
RODES, and another carping these loauts the Lord accosding to your tribes , and
acco &ing
Saulis chofen King. Nahath I.Samuel. difcomfited. Samielsvprightneffer
according to pour thoufands. fe hall bisorenbe ferned. And the feare of
20 Ana when Samuel had gathered to- the Lozd fellon the people, and they came
gether all the tribes of Jiraci, the tribe of out + with one content. one man,
h Thatis,by ca- Beniamin was * taken. 8 And when he numbeed them in Bezek,
fling of lot, 21 Afterward dec allembled the tribe of the chtldzen of Iſrael were thpec hundzeth
Beniamin according to there families, ana thouland men; and che men of Judah thirtp
the family of Watri wastaken. Go Baul thouſand.
the fonne of Ki was taken,and wyen thep 9 Chen e they ſaid vnto the meſſengers e Meaning, Saul
fought him, be could not be found. : that came, Ho fay vnto the men of Jabem and Samuel.
22 Cherfore they alked che Low againe,Gulead, Co mozrow by then the Sunne bee
tf that man Mould pet come thither. ana
otc,yeWall haue helpe. And the mefiengers
i Asthough hee the Lord anſwered, Bebold, beei hath bia caine and thewed it tothe men of Jabeſh,
were vnworthy bimlelte among the tuffe. ’ which were glad. i
and vawilling, 23 And thep ranne and bought him Io Therefore the men ofJabeſh faid, To
thence: and when be toon among the peo» mozow we will come outynto f you,and ye € Thatis, tothe
ple, hee was higher then any of the people fhall Doz with vs all that pleateth pou. Ammonites,dif.
trom the Howlers upward. II An when the morrow was come, fembling that
24 And Samuel fayd to all the people, Haul put the people in thace bandes, and they had hope,
Dee yenot hint, whom the Lod hath cho- they came in bpon the bolte in the moning of aide,
fen, that there is none like bim, among all watch, and flew the Ammonites vntill the
the peopie? And ail the people ſhouted and beate of cheDay : and they that remained,
&Lbr.Let she hing fayd.+ God laue the King. } were ſcattered,fothat two of them were not
liye. 25 Then Samuel cold the people * the lett together, :
k Asitis writ- Duette of the kingdome, and wete tt tn a 12 Then the people laid vnto Samuel, g By this viĝo-
ten in Deut.chap. booke, and laid it vp before the LoD, ana s MAho ts hee that lard, ball Gaul reigne riethe Lord won
a7. ES: &c, Samuel (ent all the people atway euerp man ouer vs? bing thoſe men that we may Hap the hearts of the
to bis boufe, them. people to Saul.
26 Sautlalto went home to Gibeab, and 13 But Saul layd, There hall no man h By thewing
there followed htm aband of men, whole a oethis Day:fo2 to Day the Loꝛd hath ſaued mercie hee
Heart God had touched. ; Iſrael. thought to ouer-⸗
1 Both to auoide 27 But the wicked men faid , Low Hall 14 @ Then fatd Samuel vnto the peo- come their ma-
fedition, and alfo be (auc vs? Do they deſpiled him, brought ple, Come, that wee may goe to Gilgal, and lice.
to winne them by bim no peefents but be |held big tongue, renew the kingdome there.
patience, Is Bo ail the peopie went to Gilgal, and
CHAP, XI. made Darl king there befoze the 102D in
€ Nabafhthe Ammonite warreth againft Ia- Gilgal : and there they offered i peace offe- i Infigne of
belh Gilead , who asketh helpe af the Ffiaektes. rings before the LoD; and there Maul and thankigiuing for
6 Saul promifeth help.-11 The Ammonites are all themen of Iſrael reioyced exceedingly. the viorie,
i I Pat kengen is renewed,
After that Saul en f2abath the Ammonite a came vp, CHAP, XIL
a — king : Tam belieged Jabe Gilead ; and all the 1 Samuel declaring tothe people bis integrity,
for feareof who men of Jabel fayd Onto Mabalh , Make a reproueth their ingratitude. 19 God by miracle
theyaskeda couenant with vs, and wee willbe thy fer- caufeth the people to confeſſe their finne. 20 Sae
king aschap,r2, HANTS. —* f muel exhorteth the people to follow the Lord,
— 2 And Mahah the Ammonite anſwered ` Amuel then ſaid buto all Jirael, Behold,
then, Dn this condition J will makea co- Si baue *hearkenedD vuto pour votce in all a I haue granted
uenant with pou , that I map thꝛuſt out all that pe fayd vnto me and haue appointed a your petition,
b Thisdeclareth your > righteyes, and bzing that thame vp⸗ king ouer you. :
that the more on all Ilrael. 2 Mow therefoze behold, your king wals
meere that ty- 3 To whom the Elders of Labem apd, keth > bekore pou, and F am olde, and grap b To gouerne
fants are to their Giue vs ſeuen dayes relpite , that wee may headed, and behold, my fonnes are with pou: youin peace and
deſtruction,the fend meflengers vnto all the coafts of Iſra⸗ and J bane walked befoze pou from my varre.
el: and then itno man Deltuer vs, wee will childhood vnto this Day.
ore ctuell they ‘come out to thee. 3 Behold, kere J am: *beare record of Ecclus 46,19,
Bac 4 -€ Chencame the meflengers to Gi⸗ mee befoze the Lord and before His Anoin⸗
beah of Haul, and told thele tidingsin the ted. Ahoſe ore hate J taken? oz whole c God would
eares of the people: and all the people lift afe baue J raken? o: whome haue J] Done thar this confef-
hp their voices and wept. j wng to? o2 whome Yane F hurt? o2 of fion ſhould bea
5 And behold, Haul came following the whole hand haue J recetued any bzibe, to paterne forall
| i cattell out of the field, and Haut fayd, blind mine eyes therewith, and J will re- them that haue
; Ahat atleth this people, that they weepe? floze it you? f any charge or
E € God gauehim and they tolo pim che ridings of the men of 4 Then they laid, Thou haſt done vs no ofice,
the fpirie of Jabeth. wong, nozbalt hurt vs, neither hat thou |
ftrength &cous 6 hen the pirit of God «came spon taken ought ofany mans hand.
rage to goe Haul, when he heard thele tidings, and hee § Andhe fait vnto them, Che Lord ís
againft this Was exceeding angry, witneſſe againſt pou, and bis 4 Anopntedis d Vour
0 king:
tyrant. 7 And tooke a poke oforen, and hewed witnes this Day, thatpeDaue found nought who is annointed
d Headdeth Sa- theminpicces, ano fent them thozowout in mine hands, And thep anhwered,Hee is. by the comman-
mucl,becaufe All the coaftes of Alrael by the Dandes of witneffe, 433 dement of the »
Saul wasnoryet mellengers, faying , Ahoſoeuer commeth 6 Then Samuel faid vnto the people,It Lord. '
approucd ofall. not fogzth after Paul, andafter 4Samuel, isthe Lozd that. I made Moles and Maton, or, exalted.
` Samuels exhortation. Chap. xiij. Sauls prefumption. 112
and that brought pour Fathers out of the ple for his great names Cake; becaufe it hath
land of Egypt. } 4 pleated the Logd to make pou" bis people, n Ofhis free
7_ ow therefore ſtand fill, thatJmap 23 Mozeouer
God forbw, that JIould mercie, and noe
realon with pou before the Lord, according finne againt the Load, and ceale praying of yourmerits,
fOr,benefites, to ali theſ righteouſneſſe of the Lod, which for pou, but Jwill thew pauthe good and and therefore he
he ſhewed to you and to pout fathers. tight way. will not forſake
Gene.46.5,6, 8 *After that Jaakob was come into 24 Gierefore feare pou the Loyd, and you,
Egypt, and pout fathers cryed vnto the ferne him in the truth with allyour °hearts, o Vnfainedly,
Exod 4l 6 e Lo20,then the Lordtſent Moles and Aaron, and confiner how great things be baty Done and without hy-
which brought pour fathers out of Caypt, fozyou, 4 pocrifie.
and made them Dwell in this place. 25 But ifpec Doe wickedly, pee Hall pg-
Fudg.4.2 9 *And when they forgate the Lod rif} both pee and your king.
their God,helola them into the hand of Di CHAP, XIII.
e Captaineof fera captaine of the hofte of Hazoꝛ,
and in- 3 The Philiffims are (mitten of Saul and Toa
Tabins hoft king te the band of the Philiſtims, and tite the nathan, 13 Saul being difobedient to Gods com-
j of Hazor. hand ofthe King of Moab, and they kought mandements,ic [hemed ofSamuel that hee [ball not
againiithem. rezigne, 19 The great ſlauerie wherein the Philse
IO Gnd they cried vnto the Lord, and flims kept the Ifraclites.
fat, (die haue finned, becauſe we hane forſa⸗ gan now hadbeene kinga one yeere, and a Whilethefe
ken the Lord, and hane ferucd Baalim and he reiguen> two peres ouer Iſrael. things were |
Ahtaroth. flow therefore deliver vs out of 2. Chen Haul chole him three thoufand dene,
oy hands of our enemies, and we will (erue of Fltaet ; and two thouſand were with b Beforehee
ee. Haul in Michmaſh, and in mount Beth-el, tooke vpon hire
f That is, Sam- It Therefor the Lord fent Jerubbaal, and a thoufand were with JonathaninGt che ſtate ofa
fon, ludg.13.25. and /Bedan,and* Iphtah, and* Samuel, beah of Beniamin: andthe reſt ofthe pro- king,
Judges 1 1.T and Delivered you out of the hands of pour ple he ſent euery one to bis tent, j
Chaos, 1. 3_ And Jonathan (mote the garriſon of
enemies on every fide, and pe dwelled fate.
when pou law that the Philiſtims,that
12 sdotwithitanding, was in the < pills
and it c Of Kiriath-ie.
Paba the king of the children of Ammon caine to the Philiſtims cares; and Gaul arim where the
g Leasing God c ame againt poi,pe (aid vato me, g No, but blew thed trumpet thozowout all the land, Arke was,Chap,
to fecke helpe of a king thall reigne ouer vs: when yet the faping,Weare,D pe Ebrewes. 10, 5.
man.Chap.8.5. Lod pour God was your King. 4 And ail Iſrael heard fay, Saul hath d Thar euery
13 Row therefore behold the king whom deſtroyed a garriſon of the Philiſtims: one fhouldpree
pe haue cholen, and whom pee haue deſtred: wherefore Iſraelwas had in abomination pare chemfelues:
loe therefore, the Lod bath fet a king ouer with the Philiſtims: and the people gathe> to warre ’
pou, ren together after Saulto Gilgal,
14 Ikyee will feare the Lod, and ſerue C The Philiſtims allo gathered them»
him and beare bis voice, and not diſobey the felues together to fight with Iſrael, thirtie
word of the Lord,both pe, and the king that thouland chavets, and fire thouland horſe⸗
reigneth ouer you, Wall » fellow the Lod men: forthe people was like the land which
h Ye hall bee your God. isby the ſea fiwe in multitude, and came vp
preferued as they 15 But tfypewill not obey the noice of the a atea in Michmaſh Cattward from
that follow the Lord, but dtlobey the Lozds mouth, then eBethauen. e Which was al-
Lords wil, fhall the hand of the Lod be vpon pou, and 6 And when the men of Iſrael faw that fo called —
on pour! fathers. i : they were in a ſtrait (tor the people were indi- inthe tribe of
i Meaning, the 16 Now alfo tand q fee this great thing, Arefe) the people hid themfelues in caues Beniamin:
gouernours. which the Lord will doe before your epes. and in holds,andin sockes, andintowers, - i
17 Fsitnot now wheat harueſt? 3 will and in pits.
call onto the Lod, and de hal (end thunver 7 And ſome of the Chrewes went oner |
and raine, that pemay perceiue and ſee, how Jorden onto the land off Gad and Gilead, ¢yyhereche
k Inthat yee: that your wickedneſſe is great, which pee and Haul was pet in Gilgal,and al the peo- two tribesamd:
haue fo: faken baue Done in the fight ofthe Lozd, tn alking ple foz teare followed him. a “Whehalferemnta
him, who hath pou a king. : 8 And be tarried ſeuen dayes, according ned,
a'l power in his 18 Chen Samuel called vnto the Loz, vnto the time that Samuel Yad appointed:
_hand, for a mor- and the Lod fent thunder and. raine the but Hamuel came notto Gilgal, therefore
tall man, fame Day: and all the people feared the Loo the people weree (tattered from him. g Thinking thae:
and Hamuelerceedinaly. — j 9 AndDaullaw, Binga burnt ofe- the abfence of
Ig Andall the people ſaid vnto Damue., ring to meand peace oſterings:and be ofe: the Prophet was: —
Pray fez thp ſeruants unto the Lod thp red a burnt offering, a figne,that they +
Eod, that wee die not: fo: we paue finned in Io Andailoone as hee had made an ende fhould lofe the ~
3 Not onely at afking ns a king,befine | allourother finnes. of offering the burnt offering, bebold, Da» vidorie,
other times, but 20 @ And Samuel faid vnto the people, muel came: and Daul went foorth to meete tEbr.bleffe hiss-
now chiefly. Feare not: (yee haue in deede Done all this him, to +falute bim h Though thefe :
| m Hetheweth wickedneſſe, ™ pet depart not from foliow- Ir. And Samuel ſaid, CAhat hak thou caules feeme fufa-
that there is no ing the Lod, but ferne the Lod with all Done? then Haullard, Wecauleg faw that ficient in mans
finne fo great, yout heart, the people was h icattred fromme, and that iudgement „yet =
but it (hall bee 21 either turne yee Dacke: foz that thou cameſt not within thedayes appointed, becanfe they had ¢
forgiven,ifthe fhouldbe after vaine things , which cannot and that- the Philiſtims gathered them: not the word of-
finner turne a- poke perhno? Deltucr pou, foz they are but felues together ro Michmaſ, _ God, they tura-
panitie. f SEN 12 Therefore fain J, Che Philifttims nedto his dea-
gaineto God, 22. Fo the Loꝛd will nos forlake pis peo· will come Bowne now vpon meg aie ftrugion, .
Saulis refufed. “Ifrael isoppreffed. fSamiiel. Tonathanandhisinan. -
and Jhaue not made {upplication vnto the knew not that Jonathan was gone.
Lod, J was bold therefore, and offered a 4 @ ow in the way wherby Jonathan
burnt offering. fought to goe ouer to the Philiſtims garri-
13 And Samuel fain to Saul, Chou hak fon, there was al] ſharpe rocke on the one HOr like atooth.
— Done fooliſhly: thou bat not kept the com- fide,and a Harpe rocke on the other fide: the
i Whowilled mandement of the Lord thp i@on, which name ofthe one was called Bozez, and the
theetoobeyhim hecommanded thee: foz the Lord had now name of the other Dench.
andrefivpon the ffablihen thp kingdome vpan Blracl foz ¢= 5 he one rocke ſtretched from the
words {poken by er, Moth toward Michmaſh, and the other
his Prophet. 134 But now thy kingdome Mall not com was from the South toward Gibeah. -—
k ThatisDauid, tinue: the Lord hathfought bima * man at⸗ 6 And Jonathan laid tothe pong man
ter hisowne heart, ana the Lord hath com: that beare bts armour, Come, and let vs goe
manded him tobee gouernour ouer Hts pro- puer ynta the garrilon of theſe yneircum:- b Towit,the `
ple, becaule thou bat net kept that which cifeD: it may bee that the Lord wil wozke -Phiffims,
the Lozd had commanded thee. A with bs : foz (tis || nat hard to theo: * to llOr, none can let
Ig (And Samuzl arok,and gate him bp faue with many.o2 with few. i the Lord,
1 And went to from Gilgal in! Gibeah of Bentamin: and 7 And he that bare bis armour, faid vn⸗ 2. (hron, 14.
Bis city Ramah, Haul numbed the people that were found tobim, Doe all that tsin thine Heart: goe 1 I.
mith him, about tirepundzeth men, where it plealeth thee : behold, «J am with c Iwill follow
16 And Baul and Jonathan his fonne, theeas thine beart deſireth. thee whitherfoe<
and the people that were found with them, 8 Then laid Jonathan, Behold, we goe uer theu goeft,
had theirabtaing in Grbeah of Beniamin: ouet vnto Chole men, and wi ſhew our (elues
but the Phieliſtims pitched in Michmaſh. vnto chem.
17 And there came out of the botte oF the 9 Akthey lay on this wiletovs, Tarie d This hefpake
f] Or, the detroy. Ghiliſtims || theee bandes to deſtroy, one vntill we come to you then we wil Cand {til by the fpiritof
er:towst, the Band turned vitothe way of Ophꝛah vnto in our place,and not goe pp to them. prophefie, foraf-
Captaine came the land of Spuat, Io But tf they fay, Come vp ynto vs, much as hereby
out with three 18 And another band turned toward the then we will goebp : for * the LoD hath De- God gauc him
bands, way to Beth-horon, and the = third band liuered them into our hand : and this ſhalbe affurance of the
m Sothatto turned tomard the wap ofthe coalt thatioo- a ligne vnto vs, victory.
mansiudgement Keth toward the valley of Sebotm, toward II Do they both ſhewed themlelues vn- 1, Adaces4 30:
thefethree ar- the wildernefie. ; ; tothe garrilon of the Philiſtims: and the
mies would baue 19 Chenwasthere no ſmith found tho- Pbtlittims fain, Hee, the Ebꝛewes come
auertunnethe towoutali the land of Iſrael: for the Phi- He ofthe < holes wherin they bad hin them e Thusthey
whole countrey, liltims fain, Lett the Cbrewes make them elues. {pake contemp-
fwo2ds02 ſpeares ; 12 And the men of the garrtfon anſwe⸗ tuoufly and by
20 Wiherefore all the Iſraelites went red Jonathan and his armour bearer, and derifion,
Downe to the Philiſtims, to Harpen euery faid, Come vp tots: for wee will Hew you
man bis hare, his mattocke,and his are,and athing. Then Jonathan (aid vnto his ar»
Dis weeding Hooke, mour bearer, Come vp after mee: fo2 the
21 Det they had afle forthe Hares and ToD bath Delivered them into the hand of
foz the mattocks,and fo: the pitchforzks,and rael.
foz the aves ann foz to Harpen the goads. 13 So Jonathan went Hp spon f his f That is,hee
22 Bo when the day of battel was come, hands and bpon his feete, and hts armour crept vp,or went
n Todeclare there was netther= {word noz fpeare found bearer after him: and fome fell befoze Jona- vp with all hafte,
that the victory inthe bands ofanyof the people that were an and bis armour bearer flew others af»
onelycameof with Saul and with Jonathan: but onely er him. g The fecond
God,andnotby with aul and Jonathan his tonne was 14 Sothe s firkMaughter which Jona- was when they
their force, there found. 3 i than and bis armour bearer made, was a-
flew one ano-
: 23 And the garrifon of the Philiſtims bout twentie men, as tt were wirhin halfe ther, and the
caine out to thepaflage af ichma. an acre of land which two oxen plowe.
CHAP. XIIIL _ I5 And there was a feave in the hoff, and third when the
14 Ionathan and his armeur bearer put the in the fein, and among all the people: the Iftaelites cha-
Philiftims to flight. 24 Saul bindeth the people by garriſon alfe, and thep that went out to fedthem,
an oath,not to eat tilleuening. 32 The people eate tpoyle, were afratde themelues: and the
with the blood. 38 Saul would put Ionathan to earth i trembled; fo? tt was ftriken with fearg hfenfible
In that the ins
death. 45 The people deliver him. y ov, :
tremble for feare
To ota Day Jonathan the fonne of 16 (Then the watchmen of Haulin Gi- ofGodsiudge- _
a Haullatd onto the pong man that bare beah of Beniamin fato: and behold, the mul-
a Bythisexam- ment,it declareth
His armonr, Come, and letbs goe ouer ta- titude was Dilcomfted, and finitten as they how terrible his
pleGod would ward the Philiſtims garrifon, that is yon- went.
declare to IfraelDer onthe other fide, but hee told not his fa- 17 Cherefore faid Daul vnto the people vengeance halk
thatthe vidory ther: i z mony that were with him, Search now and tee,
be againft his
did notconfiftin 2 And Haul tarted in the border of Gi- who is wone fram vs. And when thep had enemies.
multitudeor ar- beah vnder a pomegranate tree, which was numbed, behold, Jonathan and bis armour
‘mour,butone- in igron, andthe people that were with bearer were not there. A
fycameofhis him, were about fire hundzeth men. 18 4nd Haul faid vnto Ahtah, Bing
grace. 3 And Ahiah thelonne of Ahitub, * Ji- bither the Arke ef God (foz the Arkeof
Chap, 4.24, chabous brother, the fonne of Phinehãs, the Hod was at that time with the childzenof
ſonne of Git, wasthe Loꝛds niet in Shi- Iſttrael.) EN
Job, and ware an Cphod: and the people 19 CAnd while Haul talked vntopnet,
Chap.xiijj. The people ſauethhim. xT
the noile that was in the hol of the Phi⸗ people brought euery man bis ore in bis
liſtims, (pean further aboan rann increa· hand that night,and flew them there.
fed; therefore Gaul iain vnto the Peick, 35 Shen Gaul made an Altar vnto the
i Letthe Ephod i (Aithdraw thine band. f 1L020,and that ||was the Grit Altar that hee orfthat ſtone
alone:for I baue 20 And Gail was aſſembled with al the mane Dnto the Loyd. : began he to build
no leafure now people that were with him, and thep came 36 ¶ And Baul (aide, Letvs got Downe an altars
to askecounfell to the battelli; and bebold, * every mans after the Philiſtims by night, and ſyoyle
of God,Numb. ſwoid was agatnit dis fellow, and there was them vntill themezning hine,and let vs not
27.21. a berpareat ot{cemfiture. leaue a man ofthem, And they fain, Doe
Tadz.7.21,22. 21 Moꝛeouer, the Chrewes that were whatloeuer thou thinkelt belt. Chen fais
2, chro#.20,23- with the Philiſtims befo time, and were or— DS adraw neere hither vnto q ToasKe couns
come with them tntoall parts of tie hatte, fellof him.
k Though be- cuen they allo turned to bee with the «IG 37 So Daul alked of God, faying, Shall
fote for feare of oe that were with Haul and Jona- J goe Downe after the Philiſtinis? wilt thou
the Philifiims an, X Deliner them into the hangs of girarci? Wut
they declared 22 Alo the men of Flracl which had be antwered himnot at that time,
themfelues as 2- hid themſelues in mount Ephraim, when 38 ¶ And Saulſaid, * Ali pee t chiefe of Tadg.20.2.
nemiesto their they heard that the Philitims were fled, the people, come pee hither, and know, and, cbrcorners.
brethren, they followed after them in the batteli. fee by whome this finne is Done this Day.
23 And fo the Lon faued Iſrael that Day: 39 Foꝛ as the Loz lineth, which faueth
and the battell continued to Beth auen. Iſrael, though it bee done by Jonathan my
24 C And at that time the men of Ilrael fonne,be yall Die the Death. But none ofall
were peſſed with hunger : fox Baul char- the people anlwered htm.
1 Such was his ged thepeople with anothe , taping, ! Cur- 40 Chen he fam vnto ail Iſrael, Be pee
hypocrifie and {ed bee the man that eateth + foode till on one lide, and J and Jonathan ay ſoune
parrogancie,that night, thatJmay be auenged of mine eite- wiil be ou the other fide. Aud the people fain
he thought to at- mies; ſo none ofthe people talted any ſuſte⸗ bate Haul, Doe what thou thinkelt vet.
tribute to his po- nance. 4I Then Saul fait vnto theLod Gov
lieic that which 25 And all they of the Tande came to a of Iſrael, Giue" a perfect lot. And Jona- r Caufe the lot
God had giuen wood, where hony lay bpon the ground. thanane Haul were taken, but the people to falon bim
bythehand of 26 AnD the people came tnto the wood, elcaped. that hath bro-
Ionathan. and behold, the bony mopped, tno man mo- 42 And Saul faid Caf lor betweene me kenthecath: —
IEbr. bread. ued his hande topig mouth ; foz the propie ana Jonathan my ſonne And Jonathan buthedothnot
m Thatis,the feared them othe. : was taken, : confider his pré= ` ~
punifhment, if 27 But Jonathan heard not when his fa- 43 Then Saul ſaid to Jonathan, Tell fumption in
they brake their ther charged the people with the oth: where- mee what thou batt Done. And Jonathan commanding
oath, foze he put fozth the end ofthe rod, that was tolde him and ſaid, Itaſted a little honie the fame oath.
in His hande, and dipt tt in an hony combe, with the ende of the rod, that wasin mine
n Which were and put bts hand to his mouth,and bis "gies hand, and loe,J mutt die.
dimmnc before recetued fight. 44 Againe Saul anfwered, God doe fa
for wearineffe 28 Then anlweredone ofthe people, and and pane alfo vnleſſe
thou dic the Death, Jo⸗
and hunger, faid, Thy father made the people to ſweare· nathan. f
faying,, Curd bee the man that eateth 45 And the people faid vnto Saul *Shal f Thepeople
—— this day: and the people were Jonathan die, who hath (o mightily deliue- thoughtit their
Or, wearie. aint. red Iſrael? God forbid. As the Loz liueth, duerieto refcue
29 Then laid Jonathan, My father hath there hail notene haire of his head fail ta him, who ofig-
o By making otroubled the land: (te now bow mine epes theground: for behato wrought with Gon norance had but
this cruell law. are mane cleate, becaule J paue talked a this Day. Do the people Deltucrea Jonathan brokena rath
litle of this hony: ; that he died not. law, and by
30 ow much moze, ifthe people had 46 Then Daul camevp from the Phili⸗ whom they had
eaten to Day ofthe tpoyle of their enemies tims : and the Hhiliſtims went to their recciucd fo great
which they tound? foz had there not bene owne place. - a benefite,
now a greater Laughter among the Phi⸗ 47 CHo Daul Held the kingdome ouer
liſtims? fed oe Jitael, and fought againt all His enemies
31 € And they moite the Philiſtims that on chery ſide, againſt Moab, and againtt the
Day, from Michmaſh to tialon, © the pro- childzen of Anmon. and againſt Edom and
pie were crcecding taint: 3 againſt the Rings of 30bab, and againſt the\|Or, overcame
32 Hothe peapie turned te the ſpoile, and Philiſtims: and whitherloeuer he went, he them,
fooke ſheepe, and eren.and calues, and few i handled themas wicked men. t Asthe Lord.
them on the ground, and the people Did eate 48 He gathered alſo an bofte, and finote had conimanded ©
l Lenit.7.2 6. them*with the bloon, = tQAinalek, and deliuered Iſrael out of the Deut.25.17.
and 19.26. 33 Then men told Saul, faying, Behold, hands of them that ſpoyled them. u Calledalfo A<
Geut.12.16. the peopie finne againt the Lome, in that 49 sow the onnes of Mani were Jonas binadab Chap.
they eate with the blood. Ande ſayd. Pe than, sand Iſhui,andMalchiſhua: andthe 3 1,2.
p That the blood baue trefpafted: r ronie agreat fone vñto names ofhis two daughters, the elder was x Which was
of the beafisthat me this Day. i E and the younger was named the wife of Da-
fhalbe flaine, 34 Againe Haul fain, Go abzoad among xMichal. uid, Chap.18.29,
may be:prefied the people,and bid them being me euery man <0 And the name of Sauls wife was q- y Whom Ieab -
Out vpon its His oren,and euery man his ſheepe, and flay hinoam the Daughter ofAhimaaz: and the the captaine of
them here, and eate, and ſinne not againſt name of bis chiefecaptaine was y Abner the Danid flew,
the Loud in eating with the blood. And the fonne
of fer Sauls vncle. 2. dam. 3:276
P sl And

dhe Amalekites {mitten. Agag fpared. I. Samuel. Saul rebuked for his difobedience.
51 And Rih was Hauls father: and Mer 14 But Hamuel ſaid, hat meaneth
the father of Abner was the tonne of Abiel, then che bleating of the tyrepe in mine cares,
§2 And there was loze warre agaiuſt the and thetowing sftye eren which IJ beare?
z As Samuelhad yutitiing all the Dayes of Haul: z whom- Ig And Gaul antweredD, Chey baue
forwarned, gucr Baul fawe to bee a ſtrong man, ant brought them tram th: Amalekites ; fog
Chap.8, 11, meete for the warre, he tooke him vnto hun, the people {pared the beit of the fheepe,
and ofthe Dren, to tacrifice them into the
CHAP XV. Lom thy God, and tie remnant haue wee
3 Saulis commanded to flay Amalek. 9 Hee Dettroped. j
Baret lAgag and the bef things. 19 Samuel re- 16 Againe Samuel aid to Saul, Let me
proweth him, 28 Saulis reiected ofthe Lord, and tell thee what the Lord bath {rid to me this
his kingdome giuento another. 33 Samuel hew- night. And be laid vnto him, Day on.
eth Agag in pieces. 17 Chen Samuel fain, Then thou watt
glitter thine owne fight, wat thou not g Meaning of
Aree Hammel fayde buts Haut made the head ofthe tribes of Iſxael? foz bafe condition,
Chap.9.18 Mt Che Lod fent mee co annoyut thee, the Lord anoynted thee Ring oucr Iſrael. as Chap,9.25
King ouer his people, ouer Iſrael: now 18 And the Logo lent thecon a tourney,
a Becaufe hee P u the voice of the words of the and lain, Soe, and deſtroy thole ſinners the
hath preferred 020, Ainatekites, and ight again them, vntill
thee to this hoe 2 Thus faith the Lord of holes, Ji re- thou deſtroy them.
nour,thou art member what Amalek did to Iſrael,* how Ig Now wherefore halk thou not obeped
bound to obey they lain waite foz them in the may, as they the voice of the Lod, bur hatt turned to the
bim, came vp from Egypt. ; pray, and halt Done wickedlp in the tight of
— Exod. 17. 14. 3 f2ow theretore goe, and finite Amalek, the Loo?
#umb,24.20. AUD deſtroy pee all that perteineth vnto 20 And Haul faia to Samuel, Vea, J
b That this them, and hane no compaſſion on then, but bhane obeped the voice of the Loo, ana h He ftandeth
- might be an ex- > flay both man and woman, both fant and baue corte the way which the Lord fent me, moft impudently
ample of Gods fuckling, both ove, and ſheebe, both camell and haue brought Agag the KineofAma- in his owne de-
vengeance a- ann afe. lek,and haue Deitroped the Amalekites. fencebotha= `
Zainſt chem that ¶ And Gant aſſembled the prople,and 21 But the people tooke of the ſpoyle, gainft God and
deale cruelly ‘| nimb2ed them in Celatin, tiwo bunden fyeepe toren, and che chiekelt ofthe things his ownecon-
with his people. thaufand footmen, and ten thoufand men of which Moula hane beene deſtroyed, to offer ſcience.
(lOr, kzew their Judah. ee vnto the Lod thy God in Gilgal.
aumberby the § AndSaulcame te acitte of Amalek, 22 And Samuel taiv, Wath the Lord as
lambes which and ||fet watch at the riuer. ; great pleaſure tn burnt offerings and facris
- they brought, And Daul fata vnto the *Kenites, fices, as when the voice of the 1020 ts o⸗
UOr.fought inthe Goe,Depart,and get yeu Downe from among beyed ? behold, * to obey ts better then fa- Eccles.4.47.
walleye the Amalckites, leak J Beltrop you with crifice , and to hearken is beter then the fat hofe 6.6,7.
c Which were them : foz yee ſhewed 4 mercie to all the chil- of rammes. YN matth. 9.136
the pofteritie of Dzen of Iſracl, when thep came vp from Cs 23 Fo irebellion is as the finne of witch: and 12.7.
Tethro Mofes gypt:and the Kenites Departed from among craft, and tranſgreſſion ts wicded neſſe and i God hateth no.
father in law. the Amalekttes, ; idolatrie. Becauſe thou hak cat away the thing more then
d For Iethro 7 #HoSaulfinote the Amalekites from word ot the Lord, therefore hee hath cata- the difobedience
came to viſite Hauilah as thoucommciktse hur, that ts way thee froni being King. _ of hiscomman-
them,and gaue before Cayppt, : 24. Then Saul (aid vnto Samuel,FTHane dement,thouch
them good coun- 8 And tooke Agag the King of the A⸗ finned: for J pane tranſgreſſed the comman- the intent ſeeme
fell, Exod, 18.19, malekites alive, and Deltroped all the people Dement ofthe Lord, and thy words, becaule neuer fo good
with the edge of the fwod. 3| feared the people, and obeyed their voice, to man,
9 But Saul andthe people {pared A> 25 Now therefore, J pray thee, take a-
gag and the better Heepe, and the oren, and way myk finne,and turne again with mee, k This wasnot
the fat beattes, and the lambes. and all that that Jmay worhty the Lod. truc repentance
Was good, aud they would not Delroy them: 26 But Samuel laidynte Haul, F will bur diffimulati-
@ God inhise- but cuery thing that was vile and nought not returne with thee: forthou hat cat as on, fearing the
ternal] counfell worth, that thep deſtroyed. way the word of the Lod, and the Lord hath loffe of his king.
neuer changeth 10 @ Then came the wow of the Loz caſt away thee, that thou Halt not bee Ging dome.
nor repenteth as pnta Samuel laying, ouer Jirael, À
verfe 29. though Il It erepenteth mee that Jbaue made 27 And as Samuel turned himſelle to
| hefeemethto vs Haiilkiure: forheetsturned from me, and goc away, he caught the lap of hts coat, anu
| torepenct, when hath uot performed my Commandements. it rent.
any thing goeth ant Samuel was moued, and cried vnto 28 Then Damnel fain vnto him, The *
contrarie to his the Low all night. Lod bath rent the kmgdome of Iſrael from
temporall cle- 12 And when Samuel arole early to thee this Bay, Ehath giuen itta thy neigh That
is, to 4`

ction. meete Maul in the moning, one tolde Da- bour that ts better thenthou. Dauid.
f This is thena- muel, faying, Paul ts gonetoCarmel ; and 29 Foꝛ in deede the rength of Iſrael m Meaning)
ture of hypo- beholde, dee hath made him there a place, will not lie nor repent : foz beets notaiman God,who mains
crites,to beim- from whence hee returned, and Departed, that he ſhould repent. tainethand pre,
pulent againft and is gone Downe io Gilgal. 30 Thenbe fato, J hane finned: but ho- ferceth his,
{~ thetrueth, to 13 € Cher Hamuelcame to Haul, and nour mee, J paythee, before the elders of
condemne o- Saul {aid vnto him, Bleſſed bee thouof the my people, and before Iſrael, and turaga: ~
thers,andinitific Low, J baue Efer the £ Commawnde- wain: with mee, that J mapy wozſhip the
themfelugs. meniof the Lord. LndthpGoo,
31 Co
Agag flaineby Samuel. Chap. xvj-xvijs Dauidisanointed. 114 —
31 Ho Samuel turned againe,and fols binde that keepeth the heepe. Thin Ha
Towed Saul; ¢ Haul woziepped the Lov. muci RD onto Jat, * Hend and fet him: 2.5am.7.8.pfal,
32 Then lays Darmuel, Bring yee hither w we mill not fit dovne all he be come hi⸗ 78.71 ,and 89.28
tomee Agag the king of the Amalekites; ber,
— and Agag came vnto him |ipleafantly,and 12 And he ſent and brought him in: anv
fOr,ixbonds. Agag latu, Truely the = bitternefie of neath hee was ruddie, and ofa good countenance,
n Hee ſeſpected ig patied. and comely vilage.And the Lord ſaid, Aril
nothing leffethE 33 Qud Hamuel fain, As thy fwo: hath and anotnt pim, fo? this ts bee. i
death ,orasfome made women chlidlelic , fo pail thy mother 13 Then Samuel tooke the horne ofoile,
write, hepaffed he childleſſe among other women. And Has and anointed him inthe middes of Hts, bres
notfordeah. muel hewed Agag in pieces before the Lod then. And the *(pirit of the Le: || Came AGF.
46 and
Exod. 17.18. tn Gilgal. ppan Dauit, from that Day forward + then 13.22.
num. 14.45. 34. (Ho Samuel departed to o Ramah, Damuel rofe vp,and went to Ramah. lOr profpered.
o Wherehis and Saul went vp to bis boule to Gibeah of 14 @ But the lpirit of the Lord Tepat:
houfe was. Haul. ted trom Haul, andan «enill {pirit fent of ¢ The wicked
p ThoughSaul 35 Gnd Samuel came no moze to r ſee thye Loz perea bim, ~- fpitits are at Gods
came where Sa- Qaulbnttilthe Dapof his death: but Da- Iş And Sauls ſeruants ſaid vnto bin, commandement
muel was, Chap, muel mourned foz Gaul, and the Lod are- webolnow, the euill {piritof God vereth to execute his
359.22, peted that he made Gaul king ouer Iſrael, ee. will againft the
g As verle rs. CHAP. XVI. “16 Let our [020 therefore commaund thy wicked.
i Samuelis reprooucd of God& is fent to an- feruants,that are befoze thee, to fecke a man,
yt Dauid, 7 God regardeth the heart, 13 The that is a cunning player vpon the Harpe:
[hirit of the Lord commeth upon Dawid : 14 The that when the eutllipirit of God commeth
wicked fpirst is fent vpon Saul, 19 Saul fen- vpon thee, bee may play with his hand, and
deth for Danid. thou mayett be eaſed. ;
pe T ide Loyd then fain vnto Samuel, Wow 17 Baul then faid vnto hts feruants,
a Signifying long wilt thou mourne for Daul, * fee» Ozoutde mee aman, J pray you, that can
thatwecought ing J] baue catt him away fromrcigning o- play well,and bꝛing bim tome.
not to hew our ter Jftael? fill thine horne with ople, come, 18 Then antwered one of his (eruants,
felues more piti- J| will fend thee to Iihai the Berhlehemiter and ſayd, Behold, J haue (ene a‘ fonse of f Though Dauid
fullthen God, faz Jhaue pzoutded mee a Bing among dis Phat, a Bethlehemute, that can play, and ts was now anoin=
forto lament lonnes. itrong, valiant, ana amanof warre , and ted king by the
themwhomhe 2 And Samuel fatd, ow cat F go? foz wilein matters, andacomelp peron, and Prophet,yet Ged
cafteth out, ifSaul ſhall heare it,bewill killme. Chen the L020 ts with him. would exercife
XEbr. in thine the Lom anfwered, Cake an heifer t with 19 @ CUherefore Haul (ent meffengers him in fundry
nd. — fay, J] am come è to Doe facrificcto brio Fihat, and fapt, Send mec Dauid thp forts before he
b Thatis,to e Loz. fonne, which is with the Heepe. ae had the vie of his
makea peace of- 3 And call Iſhai to the facrifice, and J 20 And Jhai tooke an afie. laden with kingdome.
fering, which will fhew thee what theu Malt doe aud thou Drean, anda flagon of wine, and akid, and
_mighcbe done halt anoint vnto mee him whome 3 name fent them bythe yand of Danin bts fonne
though the Arke vnto thee, vnto Saul
wasnot there, A So Samuel did that the Lo: bave 21 Zud Daui came to Saul, and l food 07, ferued hint,
him,and came to Bethlehem, Ethe Elders befoze him: and he loued htm very well, and g God would
e Fearing, left of the towne were? aflonted at his comtug, pe was his armour bearer. that Saul fhould
fomegrieucus and fad, Commeſt thou peaceabip? 22 And Haul ſent ro Iſhai, laying, Let receiue this bene
Crimchadbeene — § AnD je anfwered, Dea; F am come ta Dauid now remaine with mer: foz hee hath fit as at Dauids
commited, be- Doe lacrifice vnto the Lord: fanctilie pour foundtaiourininpfight, -— hand,thathis cons
caule the Pro felues , and come with mee te the lacritice. 23 And © when cheeuill ſpirit of God demnatiorn might
phetwasnor AnD he fanctificd Phat and his (onnes, and tame upon Gaul, Dad tooke an harpe be the more eui-
wontto come called tiem to the faccifice. and viaped with his hand, and Daul was dent for bis cruell
thither, Aud when they were come,jee looked s refreſhed, and was ealed: foz the cutll fpi- bate toward bim,
d Thinking that on Eliab, and fayd, Surely the Lods 4 an- vit Beparted from him,
Eliabhadbeene pintet is before bun. CHAP. XVII.
appointed of 7 But the Low ſayd vnto Samuel, 1 The Phikftims make warre againft I(rael,
Godto be made Looke not on his countenance, nozon thg 10 Golizth defieth Ifrael. 17 Dausdis [ent to his
King. height of bts Tature, becaute J bane refu- brethren. 34 The ftrength and boldnes of Danid.
fed him : foz God fecth not ag man ſceth: foz 47 The Lord faueth no: by {word nor ſpeare. 50
man looketh on the outward appearance, Dawid killeth Goliath, andthe PhilsStims flee.
‘y.Chron.28, 9. but the Lord beholdeth the * heart. Dw the HPhiliſtims gathered their ars and 8 Then hat cailed Abinadab ,¢ made mies tobatteil, and came together to
17. 10. avd 20, bim come before SZamuel. And yee layr, Ahschoh, which isin Judah, aud pitched
12. pfal 7.10. Neithet hath the Lord chofen this, bettweene Dbhochoh and Azekah, |i the fOrinEpheſ- ;
9 Then Jhai made Shammah come, coati of Dammim. dammim.
ticshe fain, Neithet pet hath the Lod cho- 2 And Daul, and the men of Jfrael al-
en hin. feinbled,and pitched inthe valley lof Elah, Or, ofthe okes
10 Againe Phat made bis ſeuen fonnes and put chemfelues tn battell atay ro meete
to coe before Hamuel, ¢Samuel faid vnto the Philtſtims.
-ebai The Loz hath choſen none of thele. 3 And the Philiſtims tood ona moun
“ir Finally, Samuel (td vnto ibai taine on theone lide, and Iſrael toot ona
YEbr avethe +Are there no moze childzen butthele? And mountaine onthe other ſide: ſo a valley was
shildvenended’ he ſaid, Chere vemaineth peta litte one bg- betweene them,
A CThen
Goliath defieth Ifrael. I. Samuel. . ThefaithofDauid. ©
4, ECAhencameaman betweene then 23 And ashe talken with them, beholde.
a Betweencthe bath out ot the tentsot the Philituus,na» the man chat was betweene the two *
two campes, med Goliath of Gath:his height was lire cus came vp, ( whole name was Goliath p ane i
bites and an Hand beeadth, liltim of Gath out of the armie of the lobi- |Or,v2Heys,
And had an helmet of brake vpon his liſtims, aun (pake fuch words , and Danid f As cre aboue
lOr coat of plate. Head anda |brigandine bpon dini: andthe Heard theni. rehearfed, verfe
weightofhis bagandine was flue thoutand 24 And all the menof Iſrael, when they 8.9.
b Thatis 156, > {hekels of batie. 3 fato the man,ranaway froni bun, and were
lib.g.ounces af- © And he had! booterofbraflepponbis lore atrain.
ter halfe an legg, anda miedu ofhale vpon pis Woule 25 Foꝛ euery manof Iſrael fayd, Saw
ouncethethe- Derg. ; ; pee not this man that commety bp? euen ta
kel: and 600. 7 Gnd the thaftof his ſpeare wastikea reuile Iſrael is he come vp: and to him that
fhekels weight Weauers beame; and his ſpeare bead weyed killeth him will the king gtue great riches,
amountcth to fie hundeeth ſhekels ot yon; antone beas andwilgtuehin bis * Daughter, vea, and Fofh. 15.16,
18 lib.3.quat- ringa ſhield went before bim. make bis fathers Houle s free in Iſrael. g From taxes
ters, 8 And he ſtood and cryed againſt hehe 26 AChen Danin fpaketo the menthat and paiments,
[Or,greaues. of Flracl,and layd vuto them, (iby are yee Mood with bim, and fayd. bat fhaibe done
come to fet your battell in aray? am not J tothe man that killeth this Phuuiſtim, and
a Philiſtim, you ſeruants to Saul? chnie taketh away the h pame from Flrael? foz h This difhonor —
pou aman tug pou, andlethintcometewne Who is this yncircumciled Philuntim,; that chache doeth co |
to me. i he lhould reuile che hote of tye lining Goo? Irach
; 9 3f he beable to fight with meand+kil 27 And the people antwered him after
Ebr. ſmiteme. me then wulwe be pour ſeruants: butif J -this manner, laying , Thus hail tebe Done
; ouertome him, and ktllhim,then ali yee be tothe man that kilſeth Him,
our feruants, and ſerue vs, 28 And Eliab his elvet bother heard
10 Allo the Philiſtims ſayd, J deficthe when he ſpake vnto the men,and Cliad was
hotte of Mlraclthisday: giue me amanthat very angry with Danin, and fayo, aby cas
Or bend we may fight ||together. mett thou Downe hither?and with whome
[lOr hand to Il When Baul and all Ilrael heard thoſe Halt thou left thoſe few theepe inthe wildere
hand, words of the hill, they were Difcoura> nelle? J know chy prive and the malice of
Sev, and greatly afram. thine heart, that thou art come Downe to teg
12 (ow this Danidwasthe*fonne of the battell.
Chap.16.1. an Eppzathice of Weth-lehemJuvah, naz _29 Chen Danin fai, that haue J now
med Nhat, which bad eight fonnes : and Donevistherenotaicaulee: iFor his fathers
llOr he was coun- |!this man twas taken foz an olde maninthe 30 And hee departed from him into the fendina wasa inf
tedammong them DAVES of Daul, zelence ofanother, and {pake of the fame occafion.andalfo
that bare office, , 13, ANU the theee elet fonnes of What maner, andthe people antweren him accor he felt himfelfe
went aud followed Gaul tothebattel: and Ding to the former words. inwardly moued
tye namesok his thaectonnes that wentta 31 A And they chat Heard the wozdes by Godsfpirit
battell, were Eliab the Eldeſt, ano the nert which Dauid ſpake, rehearſed thembefoze pr
Abinadab and the third Qhammah. Haul which cauled him tobe brought.
14 Go Dauid was theleatt; andthethece 32 Go Danid faid to Saul Let womans
eldcit went after Saul. heart faile him, becaule of him: thy leruant
Is Danidallocwent, but Hee returned will goe, and fight with this Philiſtim.
@ Toferue Saul, from Gaul to keede his fathers eepe in 33 And Saullal to Dauta, Chou art » s
aschap.16,19, ‘Weth-lebem. ;
4646. drew neere inthe not * abieto goe againtt this Philttinto < eresaan -,
16 Ana the Phililtim fight wich him: fo2thouarta boy, and dee is —— — s
moning and evening, and continuen fortie aman of warre from his youth. deli > Je e infie
Dayes. hire 34 And Dauid anfwered vnto Saul, Thy Seo Saul.»
_ 17 And Ihaifain vnto Dau his tonne, ſeruant Kept histathers heepe , and there aA bie!
d Though hai a @akenow fo thy brethren an Ephah of camealyon,andlikewile
abeare,andtooke + Daud bythe
meantonething, this parched cone, anv thel ten cakes,and atheepeoutofthe flocke. | —
yetGodsprout- runnetothe potte tothy brethren. 35 And J went out after him and ſmote 2S aat ie =
dence directed 18 Allo carie thefetentrety checles onto bim, €tookettour of bis mouth: and when — of Gods
Dauidto ano- the captaine, and looke Dow thybrethren be arofeagainit mee, J caught him bythe doAe nothing
ther end, fare, and receine their e pleage. beard, and ſmote hint,and flew bim, oubteth fo-
e Ifrheyhaue ` 10 (Then Daulandthey,andalthemen 36 Sao thy lernante flew both the lyon,and PERE, chis h
laid any thingto of Iſxael were tn the valley of Elab fighting thebeare:therfozethisuncircumet(ea Phi · 1055 fecing he
gage fortheirne- with the Philiſtims.) liim Hall be as oneolthem, ſeeinghe hath wS zealous for
ceflitic ,redceeme 29 (Ho Danin role vp earlyin the moz- raned on the botte of the lining Gon. Gods honour,
it Out, ning, andleftthetheepe withakeeper,and 37 CWorouer Dauidlayd, Che Rod,
tooke and went as Jihathad commanded that deliuered me out of the paw of the lion,
bim, andcame within the compafie of the and out of the paw of the berare, hee wiltde⸗
hoſte: and che bot went out in aray, and liner mee out ofthe hand of this Philiſtim.
by thek
fhouted in the battell. a Then Haul (aid vnto Dawid, = Goe, and
™ — ia
21 Fo Iſtael and the Philiſtims had put the Lord be with chee. rt —— p
i themſeluesin arap army againſt armp. 38 And Haul put his raiment t — vpon Da-
se’ 22 And Dautd lefethe things which hee ula, andputandelmet of baffe npon his
God was with
3 3 bate, vnder the bandsof the keeper of the head,andputabzigandinenponbin, bim, -:
“- $Ebyweffel, 3eariage art ranne into thehotte,andcame 39 Chengirded Dauid his ſword vpon d
\ Ehrofpeace andalked his heetheen+ how they did. ~ Dis raiment annd began ta gog,
fozrrien l|Or.alfayed.
He goeth againft Goliah,& flayethhim. Chap. xviij. Dauid preferredbefore Saul. xr 5X
poued itiand Dauid fata onto Sanl,g can the captain of his hot Abner (Uhoſe fone r Thati of =
not go with theſe: fo J am not accuſtomed. ts this yong man? And Abner anuſwered,As what family and
CAberetoze Danin put them of him. thy loutelinerh,D king,3 cannot tell. tribe is he? or elfe
n Tothe intent 40 Then tooke he his tafe in hishand, §6 Chen the Ming fio, Enquire thou be had forgorten
that by thefe and choke him fue finoothe ftones out ofa whole fonne this pong manis, Dauid, albeit he
weakemeanes brooke, and put them in hts hepheards bag §7 And when Danit was returned from had receiued fo
God might onely o2 {crip,and his Hing was tn bts hand, and ye the daughter ofthe Philiſtim, then Abner grearabenekite
be knowen tobe Drew neere to the Philiſtim. tooke hin, Ebpougit him before Baul with by him.
the authour of 41 (Aud the Philiſtim came and Dewe the bean of the Philiſtim in his hand.
this viGory, neere onto Danid, and the man that bare 58 And Sauilatdto him, Chole ſonne
the field went before him. — art thou, thou yang man? And Dauid git-
42 Mow when the Philiſtim looked a- fwered, J am the fonne ot thy leruant Jhai
bout and faw Dauid, hee diſdained him: foz the Bethlehemite.
he was but yong, ruddy,and ofa comely face.
43. And the Philitin ſaid vnto Dauid C H-A P,- XVIII.
Amn J adog,that thon commeſt to mee with 1 The amitie of Ionathan and Dauid, 8 Sant
o _Hefware by ftaues ? And the Philiſtim o curled Dania entieth Dauid for the praife that the women gaue
his gods, that he by bis gods. laos 3 3 hum, 11 Saul would haue flaine Dauid, 17 Hee
would deftroy 44 And the Philiſtim faid to Daui, promifeth him Merab to wife, but giueth him Mi-
him. Come to mee, and J will give thy fle vnto chal. 29 Dauid deliuereth to Sawl two hundreth
w —59 of the heauen, and to the beaſts of foreskins of the Phikftims. 29 Saul feareth Da-
be felu, — uid, (eeing that the Lord ù with hm,
45 (Then ſaid Danin to the Philiſtim,
Thou comme to mee with alwozd, and A FAD when hee Had made an end of ſpea⸗
with a ſpeare, and witha ſhield, but.J come king vnto Daul,the 2 ſoule ofJonathan a Hisaffeaion *
tothee in the Rame of the Lad of holtes, was knit with the fouleof Dauit, and Jo⸗ was fully bene -
the God of the holte of Iſrael, whom thou nathan loued him,as his owne foule. toward him,
pat rattedD vpon. 2 And Saul tooke him that day,t would
p Dauid being 46 This r Dap Hall the Lord clole thee not let hint returne to his fathers honle.
aflured both of in mine hand, and Y hal Gnite thee,and rake 3 Then Jonathan t Dauid made a coue»
his caule and of thine head fromthee,and J wil gine the cars nant: fo: be loued him as hisowne ſoule.
his calling,pro- keilesokthe hoſt of the Philiſtims this day 4 And Jonathan put off the robe that
phefieth ofthe tuto the foules af the heaucn, Œ tothe beats Was vpon him, and gane tt Dauid, and his
deftruétion of ofthe earth, that alt the wozld may knowe garments euen to hts ſword, and to bis bow |
the Philiftims, that Iſxael hath a God, and to bis girdle. : |
47 And that all this aſſembly may know, § And Danid went out whitherfocuer |
that the Lod faueth not with fwo2d no? Haul fent him,and behaued himlelfwilelp: > Thacis, Be:
` with (peare(for the battel is the Lozds) and fo that Saul fet him ouer the men of warre, paparo in all
‘De will gtuepoutnte our hands, and hee wasaccepted in che fight of all rhe: hisdoing,|
g Being moued 48 And when the Phililtim arofe to come people, and alfe inthe fight of Sauls ſer⸗
witha feruent and Draw neere vnto Dantd.Dauid maſted nts. r
zeale tobe re- and ran te fight againſt the Philiſtim. 6 ¶ AMhen they came again,and Danin $ ;
wenged vpon this ` 49 And Daud put dis hand in bis bag, returned from the Uaughter of the Philt· c Towir; Gos
blafphemer of and tooke out a ftone, ¢ Mung tt, and {mote flim, the women came ont of all cities of Il⸗ liatb.
Gods Name, the Philiſtim in his fozehead, that the ene raci finging ¢ Dancing to meet King Daul,
ſticked ihis forehead, and be fell groucting ts fied > With inflruments of top, and
to the earth. ith tebecks.
Ecclws.47 4+ o Ho Dauid* overcame the Philiſtim, 7 And the women tfang by courle in +Ebranfwered
1, MACC.4.30, with a fling and withaftone,and finote the their play, and taid, * Haul hath flaine his P/2vg-
Philiſtim, and Hew him, when Dauid baa thonland,and Dania biz tow thoufand, hapan EE
no ſword in bis hand, S Therefore Haul was ereeding wath, 244 29.5. ra)
SI Then Daui ran, and Koon vpon the and the aying diſpleaſed him, and hee fain, ¢6/.47-6,70
HPhiliſtim and tooke his ſword, and dzew tt Ther bhang aleribed vnto Dauid ten thoy sF
out of bis heath, and flew him, and cut off fand, and to mee they baue afcribed bura
his head therwith. So when the Philiſtims thoufand,and what can he haue moge faye the.
aor > that thete champion was Dead, they kingdome? F
e 9 Wherefore Saut d hay an eye on Da- ¶Lecauſe he
2 And the men of Iſrael and Judah a- uid from that Day forward. bare him enuie
role and fhouted,¢ followed after the Phili- 19 CAndon the morrow the euill pirit and hatred. $
Or,Gaithe citie, ftims,bntilthey came ta thellvalley, and bn- of God came vpon Haut, andbepropyetien © Thatis pake
tothe gates of Ekron: and the Philiſtims inthe mids of the bouk : and Dania playpen. *4 man befte
with bts band tike as atotber times, ana hmiel: forfo
fell Downe wounded: by the way of Dhaa-
raim, euen to Gath and to Ekron, there wasa{peatz in Sauls hand. athe people kiy
§3 And the chtldzenof Iſrael returned IL And Gant tooke the tpeace and fain, {4 this word,
ioepome the Philitims , and ſpopled J will (mite Dauit through to the wall Sut when they —
eit tents. : Dauid auopacd twile out ofbis prefence. not ¥aderitand,
4 And Dauid tooke the head of the Whi- 12 Ana Daul mas afraid of Dautd, bee
ans put caule the Loꝛd was with him, and was de>
liſtim, anB brought it to Jerufalem,
lOr,honfe at -pis armour tn bts tent. parted from Saul. J
Bethlehem. n 9 Ahen Saul faw. Danin goe koorth 13 Therelore Dani put ham from bim,-
againi the Philiſtim, hee fain vñto Abney and made hima Captains ouer a thouland,
bo .3- anD .
Dauid marrieth Michal. | Wemuel. Michal faueth Dauid.
£ Meaning, hee ana hee went £ out and in before the people. SH AP, XIX, i
“was captaine o- 14 Ana Dautd behaued hinrlelfe wiley 2 Ionathan declarethto Dauid the wicked pur-
wer the people, in all bis wayes: fo: the Loꝛd was with him. pofe of Saul. 11 Michal bis wife faueth him.
Is Aherekore when Baul faw that hee 18 Danid commeth to Samuel. 23 The firit of
was very wile, be was afrafde of him. prophecie commeth on Saul.
16 Fez all Iſrael and Judah loued Dae Te Haul pake to Jonathan bis fonne,
uid, becaule be went out and in befoze them, and to all bis ſeruants, that they Would
17 (Chen Baul fan to Dauid, Bebhold akil DautD: but Jonathan Pauls fonnie had, 2 Before Saul ;
mirc eldek Daughter Merab, her Jwil giue a great fanour to Dauid. _. foughtDanids life.
thee to wife : onely bee a valiant fonne bito 2 And Jonathan tolde Dania, laying, ecretly, but now
g Fight apainft me, and slight the Loos battels ; fo: Saul Haul my father goeth about to flaythee: his bypocriſie
them that warre thought, ine band fhall net be vpon bin, now therefore, J pray thie, take beede unta burſteth forthto
again{t Gods J the band of the Philiſtims fall be vpon thy felfe bute the morning,and abideina ige: open crucitic.
people. int. cret place, and hive thy felfe.
18 And Danid anfwered Baul, CAbhat am 3 And J will goe dout, ano ſtand by my
{and whatts my life, or the family of mp fatherinthe felo where > thon art, and will > That Imay
atherin Iſrael, chatJfoul bee fonne in commune with my father ofthee,and J wili sivethee war-
law to the King? fee what he aith and wil teli thee. ning what to doe.
19 Mowbeit when Merab Sauls daugh· 4 ¶And Jonathan pake goodofDa:
h By whom he ter hould haue beene ginen to Daui, +thee uid vutoDaul bis father,and law puto hun,
had fiue fonnes, was ginen to Adriel aMeholathite to wife, Let not the King finne agami his ferwant,
which Dauid put 20 CThen Michal Sauls Daughter to- again Dautd: foz hee hath not finned a-
to death atthe ued Dauit: and they ihewed Saul,and the gainkthee, buthis works haue bene to thee
requeft of the thing pleated him. —
_ Gibeonites, 2, 21 Therefore Haul (aid, J will giue him § ty en beedDIM pat bis life ind
Foꝛ beet did *put his lifein danger, tbr,he
inf putSe hi
Sam.21.8. her,that fhe may be ai {nare to him,and that and dewe the Wbiliftim, and the Lorn Nze in ba band.
i Se his hypocti- the haud of the Philiſtims may dee againſt tought a great faluation foz all Iſract: 2#4g-12.3.
fie appeareth : for hint. MAheretore Saul ſaid to Dauid, Chou thou lawet it, and thou retopcentt :wheres cha 28.21.
vnder pretence fhalt this Day bee my fonne in law in the one fore then wilt thou finne againit innocent 2/44119,103-
of fauour he of the twaine. r blood,and lay Dauid without a cauſe⸗
fought his de» 22 And Haul commanded bis (eruants, 6 Then Saul hearkened vnto the voice
ftruQion, Dpeake with Daut ſecretly, and fap, Be: ofJonathan
and Haul«fware,As the Loz € Whatfoeuer he
Hold, the Hing Hath a fauour to thee, anv all liucth,be fall not Die. . pretended out- -·
dis feruants lone thee : be now therefore the 7. 2o Jonathan called Dauid, and To- wardly,yer his
Bings fonve inlaw, nathas thewed bim all rhole wozds,and Joz Peart was full of
23 And Sauls ſeruants (pake thele words nathan bꝛought Dauid to Sauland he was malice. i
in the cares of Dauid. And Dauid fain, in his prelenceasin times paſt. i
| k Måning,that Seemeth it to pou a light thing tobee a 8 ¶Againe the warrebegan, ane Danis
he was not able Kings fonne inlaw, (eeing that3 am a pooꝛe Wentout, and fought with the Philiſtims,
to endowhis man and ot ſmall reputation? aud flew them with agreatilaughter, and
wife with riches, 24 And then. Sauls ſeruaunts bꝛought they fled from him. ?
uin— againe,faping,
Such words pake 9 And the euill piritof the Loꝛd was
u KJ vpon Saul, as bee fate in bis bouk hauing |. r
25 Gnd Haul fain, Chis wile hall ye fap bis {(peare in his band, and Daud i played a He playedon
fo Daum, The King oefireth no Dowie but with bish is harpe tomi-
10 Aud Haulintended to ſinite Dauid to tigacetherage of
is and. fe .

an hundzedforelkins of the Philitims , to

be avenged of the Kings enemies: fox Daul the wall with the (peare : but bee turned as. theeuill fpiric,as
thought to make Daui fallinto the hands fise out of Hauis pretence, and he lmote the Chap.16.23.
ofthe eae. : ; fpeare againt the wall: but Dautd fled,and xJ
26 Aupdiwhen his ſetuants
tolde Dauid eſcaped the faime night. i
theſe words, it pieateo Danuta weil to be the II Daul alio fent meflengers vnto Da-
i Beeaufe he 1 Rings fonne m law: and the Daves were nids bouletowatch bim, and to flay himin
- thought himfelfe not expired. the morniug:aud Michal Dauids wife tola
able to compaffe 27 Afterward Dauid arole with bis men, it him, Caying, Itthon fauc not thy kite this
- the Kingsrequeft. and went and ilewe of the Philiſtims twa night,to mozrow thou ſhalt be flame.
Hundreth men? and Dauid broughe their 12 Ho Wichal¢ let Dauid Downe thoaw e Thus God mo-
m Meaning, Da-. forefkins, and m they gaue them wholly to a window: and hee went, and cd, and ef ued both the
vid and his foul- the King, that hee might be the Rings fone caped. RENE ? fonne and daugh-
diers. inlaw: therefore Saul gaue bim Michal 13 Then Michal tookeattimage lapen cer ofthis tyrant
bis Daughter to wife. it in the bend, and put a pillow (usted with to fauour Dauid.,
28 Then Saul faw,and vnderſtood that goats haire vnder the head oftt, andcouereð aging their fa-
the Lom was with Daud, and that Michal it with actoth, : ther,
the Daughter of aul loued hin. 14 And when Gaul fent meſſengers to
n To be depsi- 29. Chen Saul was moze and moze * a take Dauid, the ſaid,
Ve is Grke.
ued of his king- fraide of Dautd, and Baul became alway 1s And Saullent the meflengers againe -f Behold,how
dome. Dautds enemte. ii y to fee Dauid,faying, Being hini tome tn the thetyrants to acs
o Thatis,Dauid 30 And when the princes of the Phili- t hed, that J may Hap dim. complith their
fad better fuc- fims went forth, at their going fozth ° Da- _ 16 And when the meflengers were come sage,neicher res
cefe againſt the uid behauen himſelle more wiſely then all in, behold, an image wasin the bod, witha sard oathsaor
Philiftims,then the feruants of Maul, to that his name was pillow of goats haire pner the head of it. friendMip,God
|) Gauls men. much fet by. 17 And Saul fai vnto Pichal, e normañ, `
Saul prophefiethe Ionathans Chap.xx. greatloue to Dauid. 116
hak thou mocked me fo,and {ent away mine nant thall haue peace : but ithe be angrybe
ennemie, that hee ts efcaped? And Michal fre that wickedneſſe is concluded othim.
antwered Baul, ie ſaid vnto me, Let mee 8 Ba fait thou thew mercie vnto thy
goe, 02 cis J will kill thee. feruant : * foz thou balt foyned rhpfernant Chap 18.3.4"
18 ¶ So Danid fien, andefcaped , and into a couenant of the Lod with thee, and 23.48,
came to Samuel to Ramah, and told him al if there bee ttt mee iniquitte , flay than mee:
tyat Haul had Tone to him: auu hee ans = wyp houldeſt thou bung meg to thy fa>
g Naioth wasa Damuel went ad dwelt in ⸗Naioth. er?
fchoole where 19 But one told Haul, faving, Behold, 9 EAn Jonathan auſwered, Gen keep
- the word of God Dauid is at Patothin Ramah. that from thee: fozit J knew thatwicked-
was ftudied, 20 Gnd Saul Cent meflengers to take nefe were econchided of my father tacome e That he were
necreto Ramah, Dauid; and when they Caw a company of bpon thee, would notJ tell it thee 2 fully determined.
Pzopherspophecying, and Samuel kan- IO Then laid Danid to Jonathan, Cibo
h Being their bing basappointedoucethemt, the Spirit f (hati tell me? bow hall 1 knomifthy father F Ifthy father do
chiefe inftruGer, bf God fell bpon the meflengers of Dau, anſwere thee cruelly? ; auour me.
i Changed their and thev allo i prophelted. II And Jonathan faid to Danid, Come
minds, and prays 21 Aad when it was told Saul. hee lent ana let vs goe out into the ficin; and they
ed God, other meſſengers, aud they propheſied likt- twaine went out into the field.
mile z again Saul (ent the third meſſengers 12 Then Jonathan faydeto Danit, D
and they pꝛopheſied alto. Lod God ef Ifracl, when J hane groped
22 Chen went hee himſelke to Ramah, my fathers minde to mozrow at this time,
and came toa great (Gell that isin Archu, or within this thzee Bayes, and if tt bee well
andheatked , and fayd, CUhere are Samu with Dauid, and J then (end net yntothee,
el and Dautd zand onc ſayd, Behold, they te and et tt thee,
at iateth in Ramah, — 13 The Lode doe fo much moze and vn- g The Lord pas |
k Witha minde _ 23 And hek went thither, enen to Natoth to Jonathan ; but if my father haue minde nithmee mok `
to perfecute in Ramah and the Spirit of God came bp- to doe thee euill, I will Hew tice ailo, and grieuoufly,
them, on him alloand Dee went proppecying vucil fend thee away, that thou mapet goe in
1 His kingly ap- he came to Naioth in Ramah. peace z and che Loza be with thee ashe hath
parell, 24. And he itript off | his clothes, and bee been with my father. ;
m Hehumbled pꝛopheſied allo befog Samuri, ana fell 14 Likewife [require not whilesJlines
himfelfe as other Downe naked ali that Day and ali that for 1 doubt not but thon wilt hem mee the
did, night: thersfoze they fay, * Fs Saul allo mercie oF the 1020, that | die nor. h I know thatë
Chap, 10-11. among the Prophets? Ts Gut lrequire that thou cut not off thy thou wereft no -
mercie from mine joule kor euer: no; not preferred tothe
CHAP, XX. when the Lod hath Deltroped the enemtes kingdome,thou
2 Ionathan comforteth Dauid, 3 They renne of Dauid, cuery cne from theearth, wouldef not dg
their league 33 Saul would hane killed Iona- 16 Ho Jonathan mave abond with the firey me, but
than, 38 Ionathan aduerisfetl) Dauid bythree boule of Dantd,faying, Let the LoD require thew thy felfe
arrewes,of his fathers faries ig “ste atthe handsofDantas enemies. friendly to mg
_ a For Saul was A Damn -fien from Matoth in Ra- 17 Aud agatne Jonathan ſware vnto pofteritie.
ftayed,and pro- mal, and came and fayd before Jona- Dautd,becaule hee ioued him Cfo bee louca
phefied a day and than,(Gbat hane J Done? what is mine int pim as dis owue foule.) x
anight by Gods guitie ? and what finne haue Jcommitted 18: Thenfaid Jonathan to hin, Tomo-
prouidence,that betozethy father, that be feeketh my life? row is y firit day of the moneti ; thon alt
Dauid mighthaue 2 Ano hee fayd onto him, Gon fo2bid, be ||looken foz: fox thy place fhalte empty. fOr,mmentéoued.
time to efcape. thou Walt not die : behold, my father will de{9 Thertore hou {halt Hite thy felfe chree
1br. reueale it nothing great no: nall, butbewil tiewe Dayes,then thon Gali go Downe quickly and
in mine eare. itme: and why houla mp father hide this comets the place where thou diddeſt Hise
thing from me? He will not Dott. thy fife, when this matter was in hand, and
3 And Dania fware againe,¢(aid, Eby fhalt rematne by the tone + Ezel, +Ebr.of the way,
father knoweth thatJbaue found grace in 20 GndJ wil thant three arrowes on the becaufe it ferued i
thine eyes: therefore he thinketh, Jonathan fide thercot,as though Jot at a marke. as a figne to fhery |
Kall not know it, ical bee be ſorie: but in- 21 Ano afterJ will lend a bop laying, Go the way tothem
Deed, as the Loz lineth, and as thy foule It- fecke the arrowes. It J lap puto the boy, that pafd by,
b Iam in great Beh, there is but a > fep berweene mee and Hee, the arrowes are on this kite thee. bring
danger of death, eath. then, and come thou : fozitis + well wirp }Str.peacee
4 Then layd Jonathan vnto David, thee and no burtas the Loꝛd liuct).
j Ebr. faitbe CGbatlocuer thy foule t requireth, that 3| 22 But ik J fap thus vnro the boys Be
» ‘will Doe vnto thee. hold, the arrowes are beyond thee, woe thy
i And Danin fayd vnto Jonathan, Be· taap: fa the ‘Zod hath fent thee away. i The Lord isthe
c Atwhat time. hola, ta morotyis the < firt Day of the mo- 23 Gstouchitig the thing whith thou and author of thy ©
there (hould be: neth, EF Mould fit with tbe king at niate : FT baucipoken of, behold, the Lozd bce bes departure,
afolemne facti- But let mez goe, that J may Cine my felfe in tweenethee end me forener.
fice, Num. 28.14, the ficlts vñto the third day at euen 24 So Dawid hid himſelfe inthe ſield:
tothe which they 6 ZF thy father make mention of mee, and when the firii Day of the moneth came,
added peace of+ then (ay, Dauid alken icane ofmee, that he the king fate tocate meate, F
feringsand feafts, Might goto Weti-iwhem to hts owne cities 25 Gna tye king Gate, ag at other times
d Reade Chap. fo: pie is a Specrely facrifics fozali that fa- byon bis Cate, cici vpon bis Teatebythe
\ Ste milie. walls and Jonathan arole, Abter fate by
7 Auvifhe It is well, thy Kr- Hauls Ie bitiDauds place was.emptte:
: R4 26 Ana
Saul reuileth Ionathan. I. Samuel. Dauid eateth of the fhewbread.
26 And Daul ſayd nothing that Day: foz till Dauid exceeded. ;
he thought, Some thing hath betallen him, 42 Cherefore Jonathan fayd to Dawud,
k Yethe might though be were*cleanc,or els becauſe he was Goein peace: that which we paue t ſwoꝛne t Which othe
haue fome bufi- not purified, : both of vz in the Rame of the Lozd, laying, he calleth Inthe
peffe to let him, 27 Buton the mozow which was the fe- The Lord be betweene me andthee,and be- eight verfe,the
cond Day of the moneth, Dauids place was tweene my ſeede andbetweene thp leede, lee couenant of the
emptie againe: and Saul fayd vnto Jona- it tand fo? euer. Lord.
than bis tonne, Ciljerefoze commeth not the 43 And he aroſe and Departed , and Jo-
1 Thus he fpes. fonne of ! Jaita meate, neither veſterdãy nathan went into the citie.
keth contemptu- 102 to day?
eufiy of Dauid. 28 And Jonathananlwered vnto Haut, CAHVAYP! )X21.
Dauid required ef me, that hee might goe to t Dauid flecth to Nob to Abimelech the Prieft.
Beth ·lehein. 6 He gerteth of him the fhewhread to fatufie his
29 Foꝛ heſaid, Let me goe, Jpꝓꝛay thee: hunger. 7 Doeg Sauls feruant was prefent. 10
m Thatis, a fo? our family offcreth™ a (acrifice in the ci- Daurd fleeth to King Achifh, 13 and there fai-
peace offering. tte, and my brother hath fent foz mee:theres seth bimfelfe mad,
fore now tf J haue founde fauour in thine Tn came Danin to a fob, to Ahiinee a Wherethe
epes, let mee goe,
Ipap thee, and fee mp A lech thePrick ano Ahimelech was ato- Arke then was,
n Meaning, all "hrethzen: thists the caulethat he commeth nied at the mecting of Danin, and fan pnto to aske counfeil
bis kinsfolke. notynte the kings table. hrm tbyart thou alone, and no man with ofthe Lord,
30 When was Baul angry with Jona- t ee?
o Thou art cuer than, and fain vnto him, Thoueſonne of the 2 And Daui ſayde to Abimelech the
contrary vnto me wicked rebellious woman, Do not J know, ute, Che > King hath commanded mea b Thefe infirmi-
as thy mother, thatthou batt chofen the fonne of Iſhai to certaine thing, ¢ hath (aid vnto me, Let no ties that we fee
thy confufion, and tothe confulion & ſhame man know whereabout 3 (end thee, twat inthe Saints of
of thp mother? A 3| baue commanded thee: and J bate ap- God,teach vs
31 Faras longas thefonne of Iſhai li- pointed my ſeruants to fuch and fuch places. that none hath
weth vpon the earth, thou fhalt not be fta- 3 Mow therefore if thou hat ought yu: hisiuftice in
blied, noz thy kingdome : wherefore nowe Der thine hand, gtue me flue cakes of bread,0? himfelfe : but
Ebr. foune of tap and fet bim bnto me, fo: he + hal lurely what commeth to hand., > l receiueth it of
death. ie. 4 And the Piet anſwered Danid, and Gods mercie.
32 And Jonathan anfwered vnto Saul fayd, There ts no common bread vnder
bis father, and layde vnto him, Cdiberefoze mine band , but here íis * hallowed bzead, if Exed.25.30.
p For it were too fhall her die ?what bath he Done? the pong men haue kept themlelues,at leatt leuit.24..5.
great tyranny to 33 And Gaul calta ſpeare at himto hit from < women. : matth.1 3.3 40
put him to death him , whereby Jonathan knewe that tt 5 Dauid then anfwered the Pzielk, and c If they *
and not to fhew mag Determined of his father ta ay Da- fayd vnto htm, Certainelp women Haug not companied
the caufe why, uid. beene feparate from vs thete two o2 thee with their wiues,
34. € So Jonathan arole from the table Dayes fince J came out: andthe veſſels of d Thatis,cheir
inagreatanger, and did eatenomeate the the pong men were holy, though the way bodies.
feconn Day of the moneth : forhe was lop Were prophane, and how much moze then
fo? Dawtd,and becaule his father had reuiled fhall cuery oncebefanctified this Day inthe e Shallbemore
Him. z veſſell? — to ke
35 Du the nert moning therefore Jona- 6 Do the Pꝛieſt gaue him halowed bread: his veſſel holy,
q For this was than went out into the ficld, qat the time for there was no bread there, taue the Mew whenhe thall
the third dayas a with Dauid,and a little boy with bread that was taken from before the Lom, bauc eaten of
it was agreed vp- tm, to put pore bacad there, the Day that it was this holy foode?
on, verſe 5. 26 And hee fayd vnto Dis bop , Runne taken away.
now, ſeeke the arrowes which Jſhoote: and 7 (And there was the fame Day one of
s the boy ranne, hee hot an arrowe beyond the feruants of Haul £ abiding befoze the f Taryine to
im. Lo2d,named Doeg the Edomite, the} chig- worthip before
37 And when the bop was come tothe fet of Hauls heardmen) ; the Arke,
place where the arrowe was that Jona- 8 And Danidlayd vᷣnto Ahimelech, Js Or, maſter of
than bad fotte, Fonathan cried afterthe there not here vnder thine hand alpeare o? thm that kept
vr , and faide, Is not the arrowe beyond afwed? Foz J baue neither bought my Sauls cartel,
thee? ſword no? my harneſſe with me, becaule the
38 And Jonathan crped after the boy, Bings bulinefle required hatte.
£ By theſe words r: Wake (peed, hatte, and tand not till: and 9 And the Pꝛieſt fain,
Che ſword of Go-
he admonifhed Jonathans boy gathered bp the arrowes, liath the Philiſtim, whome thou Hewett tn
Dauid what he and came to his matter, the* valley of lah, behold, itis wraptina Chap.17.2.
“ought to doe, 39 But the boy knew nothing :oniy Jo- cloth behind thes Cphon: tfthou witttake g Behinde that
— and Dauid knew the matter. that to thee, takeit: for therets none other place, wherethe
*Ebr infira- 40 Then Jonathan gane his +bow and faue that here: and Daui fayd, Chere ts hie Prieftsgar-
ments. atrowes vnto the bop that was with him, none to that, giue itme. ment lay.
£ It feemeth that and (apd vnto him, Boe, carie them into the 10 And Dauid arole, qfled the fame dap
hehad fhor on citie. from GE pretence of Haul, and went to A- h Thatis, outof
the Northfide of 4I € Affoone as the boy was gone, Da- chifh the king of Gath. Sauls dominion,
the ftone, left uid arofeoutofa place that was toward the II And the ſernants ofAchih fayd vnto Chap.17:9e
_ the boy thould 1 Mouth, and fellon his faceto the ground, him, Js notthis Dauid the * King ofthe Chaps8.7.
hauc eſpied Da- and bowed himſelte thee times: and they lande ? DiD they not fing bute Him in daun⸗ asd29.5. `
uid, kiſſed one another , and wept both twame tes, faping, * Baul bath Naine his a ecclus, 47.6.
and, ,
Dauid faineth madneffe. Chap.xxij. Doegsvilleny. Sauls cruelty. 1177
land and Dauid his ten thouſand him, and gave him victuals, and be gaue
| Ebr, put thefe 12 AnD Dautd + conlidered thele words, ai alio the ſworde of Goliath the Phili-
words in bis bapea fore afraid of Achiſh the Ring of — =
heart, ` ati. IL Then the King fent to call Abimelech
13 And he changed his bebautour before the Picit, thefonneofAbitub, and all bis
them, and fatned ginielfe madde wn their fathers honfe, to wir, h the Pꝛieſts that were h Which were
i By making bands, ant ‘{crabled on the doozes ofthe in fob; and they came ali to the king. the remnant of
marks & toyes, — let his ſpettle tall Downe vpon dis 12 And Saul aid, Weare now thou fonne the houfe of Eli,
eard. =Abib. And be anlwered,ipere J am, my whofehoufe God
14 Then fayd Achiſh vnto his feruants, threatned to pu-
Loeyefee the man ts belide bimlelieswhere- 13 Then Haul Laid onto bim, Abhy haue nifh,
foze haue pe broughthim to meg? pyeconipired againſt me, thou and the fonne
15 Daue J needeofmadde men, that vee of Shatin that thou halt giuen him witaite,
haue brought this fellow to play the madde and a ſword, and haſt aſked counteil of Gon
k Ishe mecte man in my pzelence? * Hall bee come inte foz bim, that be ſhould rife againſt me, and
to be ina kings mine houle? lie in wait asappeareth this Bap? i
hoafle? 14 €And Abimelech anſwered the king,
CHAP. XXII, i and fepd, CGbo is (o faithfult among all
t Dauidhideth himfelfe ina caue. 2 Many thy feruants as Dauid, beeing allo the
that were in trouble came vats him, 9 Doeg ac- Bings fonne inlawe, and goeth at thy come
cufeth Ahimelech. 18 Saul caufeth the Preefts — > and ts honourable in thine
to be flaine, 29 Abdiatharefcapeth. oule?
I5 i Paue F this day firk begun to afke i HaueI notat
par therefoze Departed thence, and fa- countellofGod for him? be it farrefromme, other times alfo
a Which wasin ued him̃lelfe inthe cane of + Adullam: iet not the king impute any thing vnto bis when hee had
the tribe of Iu- and when bis bzethzen and ail hts fathers feruant,nop te all the boufe of * father tfo?great affaires,
dah,and neere to poatebeard it, thep ment downe thither to thy feruant knew nothing of all this, ieffe, confulted with
Beth-lehem. tm, no: moze, i the Lord for
2 Andthere gathered vnto him all men 16 Chenthe King fain, Thou fjalt fure- him?
that were in trouble, and all men that were ne Abimelech, theu antail chy fathers
in Debt, all thole that were vered tn mind, ouk, :
| Or capeaine and hee was their ||prince, and there were 17 And the Ring fayd onto the ferge- lOr, footemen.
with htm abont foure hundred men. ants that ſtood about him, Turne, and {lap
3 (AndDanid went thence to Mizpeh the Picts ofthe LoD, becaule their hand
b For there was in Moab, and fato unto the king of Moab, alfo.ts with Dauid , and becaule they knew
another fo called J pray thee, let my father and my mother when be fled, and ſhewed ít notte me. But
in Judah, tome andabide with pou, tilJ know what soefemmes of the King * would net mooue k Forthey knew
God will Doe foz me. i = Ds to fallbpon the Pꝛieſts of the that they ought
„e Forhe feared 4 And he «brought them before the king 2D, not to obey the
the rage of Saul of Moab, and they dweit with him all che 18 Then the King fayd to Doegs Turne wicked com-
again{t his houfe, while that Dauid was in the d hold. thou and fall pon the Pꝛieſts. And Doeg mandement of
That is, in § Andthe Prophet Gad faid vnto Da- the Edomite turned, and ranne bpon the theking in flay-
Mizpeh, which uid , Abide notin the holde, bur Depart and Pꝛieſts, and flew that fame Day fourefcoze ing the imo-
was aftrong gocintothe land of Judah. Chen Danin — perſons that did weare a linnen Œ= cents,
hold, Departed and came into the foreſt of Da: p fe .

19 Allo Mob the titie of the Pꝛieſtes

6 (And Saul heard that Danid was fmote hee with the edge of the fwod, both
e That agreat e piffouered , and the men that were with man and woman, both child and fuckling,
bruit went on him, and Saul remained in Sibeah vnder both ore andane, and theepe with the cdge
him, å tree in Ramah, haning bis ſpeare in his of the fwod.
hand, and all bts ſeruants ſtood about him. 20 Butone of the fonnes of Abimelech -
7 And Saul laid vnto hts feruants that the fonneof Ahitub (whole name was Abia⸗
f Yethat areof foodabout him , Heare now pe fonnes * of thar)! Sine and after Dauid. I This was Gods
my tribe and Jemini, will the fonneof Iſhai giue euery 21 Auu Abiathar ſhewed Dauid, that prouidence,who
linage, oneof you fields and vineyaros? will Hee Haul had flaine the Lods Pꝛieſts. accordingto his
make pou all captatnes ouer thoufands, and 22 And Dauid fayd onto Abiathar, J promife prefer.
captaines ouer hund2d3 + s knet tt the fame Day, when Doeg the Edo⸗ ued fome of the
8 That all pee hane conlpired agatnit mite was there, that he would teli Saul. J houfe of Eli,
me, and there ts none that telleth mee that am thecaufe ofthe death of all the perfons of Chap.2.33- 4
my nne bath made a couenant with the thy kathers houſe,
fonne of Jhar? and there ts none of yon 23 Abide thou with me,and keare not: foz
g Hereby hee thatisfow foz mee, o: Heweth mee, that \|he that fecketh my life, thall feeke thyitte Or,hethatta-
would per(wade mp @fonne hath ſtirred bp my ſeruant to allo ; foz with me thou palt be in fafegars, keth thy life [bal
them that this liein waite agatn mee ag appeareth this take mneal[o.
Confpiracic was tyD p. CHAP. XXIII,
moft horrible, 9 CThen anfwered Dorg the Edo⸗
where the fonne mite (mha Was appointed ouer the ſeruants 5 Dauid chafeththe Philftims from Keilab. |
confpired againit of Haul) and fatd, J faw the ſonne of Iſhai 13, Dauid departeth from Keslah, and remaincth
thefather, and * when hee came to fob, to Ahimelech rhe in the wilderneffe of Ziph, 16 Ionathan comfer~
feruant d=. ſonne of Abitub.
ib eet i teth Dauid: 28 Sauls emterprife is broken im pur-
gainft bis matter, 10 Who alken countell of the Low foz [iing Dauid, EMME a )
Dauid isin Keilah. Y.Samuel. His wonderfull deliuerance :
a Which was a Tee they toldeDanin, fying, Behold, theenert bute thee: andalfa Saul my
citie in the tribe the Philiſtius fight agaiut a Keilah, her knsweth it.
of ludah, loth, and fpeile the barnes. ~ 18 $o they twaine made a couenant bes
1544: 2 Therefore Danid alken countel of the forethe Lod: and Dauid did remaine in
L020, ſaying, Ohalt J gor and ſmite theie the wood:but Jonathan went to his boule.
javuttiuns? Aud the Lod anſwered Da⸗ 19 Thee came vp the Ziphims to Saul
uid, Oa anwhutee the Philiſtuns, and laue to Gibead, faying , Doeth not Dauid hide
Keilah. í brufciceby ve tn holdes, in the wood, in the
3 Gna Daulds mew layd buto him, Ser, pilot Nachllah whic) is on the right fide
b That is,inthe twee bee afraid pere in ·Judah, how much oF gehuimon? ROr,ef the wile
rsidsofludah, moze iftwe come to Keilah againſt thehoite 20 How therefore,D King,come Downe derne {Se
much more,when of the Philiſtims? ; According te all that ene beart can delire,
we come to the _ ‘Chen Danid afked counlel of p Lo: and our part fhallbe toDdeltuce him inte the
borders againit againe. And the Lod anfwered him, and kings bands.
our enemies, fain, Arile, goe Downe to Keilah: fozJwul 21 Chen Haul ſayd,s Be eblemten ofthe g The Lord ree
Deliver the Philiſtims inte chine hand, Loza ; fo? pe haue had compaitton on ine. ; compenfe this
S €Ho Damn and His mew. went ta 22 Gor,3 pray pot, and prepare yet bet- frie ndihp.
Ketlah, and fought with the Philiſtims. ter: know and (ee his place where he t han- 4Ebr. where his
and bꝛought away theit cattell, and finote teth, and who hath teene him there: foz te ts feote hath been.
them with a great laughter: Thus Dauit . fayd to me, Weiz {ubtile and crafty.
laued the inhabitants of Keilah. 23 Dee therefore,and know all the fecret
6 (Aad when Abiathar the onne of Abi- places where hee hideth himlelfe , and come
Chap.22.20, melech * fled to Danin to Keilah,he brought pee againe to me with the certainetic, and J
c By Gods pro= an: Cphods with him.) wili goz with yous and ifbe be in tbet lana h- In your cotn- `
uidence the E- 7 GAndit wastod Daul that Dauid J wiil fearch pim ont throughout all rhe trey of Ziph,
phod was pre- was come to Keilah, and Gaul ſayd, God thoufands of Judah. f which isin lu-
. ferued ana kept Hath deltuered him into mine hand: hee 24 Thentheparofe and went to Ziph be- dah,
with Dauid the is ſhut in, ſeeing he is come into a citie that fore Saul, butDanid and hrs men were ia
true King. bath gates and barres, the wilderneſſe of Paon, in the plaine on
Ebria hes hand, ~ 8 Cher Gaul talled all the people toge- the right band of Jeimon.
25 Daulalioanahis men went to feeks
ther ta warre, foz to goe Towne ta Keilah,
and to befiege Dauid and bis men. bim, and hep told Dauid ; wherefore hee
9 Cand Dauid haning knowledge that came Downe vnto a rocke, and abodein the
Haul tmagined miichiefe again hun, fayd wilderucfie of i aon. And when Haul i Which was
å To confile 3 ee the tel, ¢ Baing the C- heard that, bee followed after Danid in the allo in the tribe
with the Lord by phod. waldernefie of Gaon. | of Iudah,lofh,
Vrimand Thum- 10 Then faya Dauid, D Loꝛd God of 26 Qua Baul and bis men went on the
MID. Iſrael,thy ternant hath heard, that Saul ts one fide of the mountaine , and Dauid ana 15:55.
— come ta Keilah ta deſtroy thecitte bis menon the other fide of the mountaine : k Thusthe Lord
pinplake. o | i and Dauid made hatte to get from the pze- can pull backe
IL Will the lords of Keilah deliuer mee fence of Baul ; for Saul and his mencom- the bridle of the
bp inte bis bande? and wilt aul come paſſed Dauid and his men round about, to tyrants,and deli-
downe as thy ſeruant hath heard? D Lord take them. tuer his outofthe
God of Pact, Fbelecch thee, tell thy fer- 27 But there came a * meflenger to Saul, lions mouth,
—— And the Lord fayde, Hee will come laying, atte thee,and come.: foz the Phili» 1 Thatis,the
owne. Rims haue tnuaded the land. ftone of diuifion,
JOr,.gouernones, I? Then layd Dauid, Mill the lords of 28 <Chercfose Gaul returned from pur- becaufethere
Keilah deliuer mee vp, and che men that fuing Darin, and went again the Phili⸗ they divided
are with mec, into the band of Baul? uns, Cheretoze they called that place,'De- themfelues one
a the Loud fayd, They will Deliuer thee la hammahlekoth. from another.
P. : s
WOr,ta and fro, as 13. @ Then Danid and his men, which CHAP. AX IILL
hauing no certainwere about fire hundzeth, arole, and Devar> t Dauidhidina caue fpareth Saul. 10 He
place to zoe to. ted outol Ketlah, and went whither they Sheweth to Saul Ins annscencie. 18 Saul ac-
{Orſtrong places could, And itwas tolde Dani, that Daiud knowledgeth his fault. 22 He caufeth Dawid ta
e No power nor. was fict from Keilah, and bee lelt off his ſweare vato him to be fauourable vᷣnto his.
pollicie can pre- tourney. *
uaile againtt 14 Anu Dauid abode in the wilderneſſe AS Dauid went thence, and dveclt in
“Gods childrea in holdes, and remained in amountatne in a holds at En· gedi. a That is;in
but- when heap- the wilderneſſe of Ziph. And Haul fought 2 Chen Sail wag returned from the firong places,
pointeth the him euery Day, but God * deltuered hini not Phlliſtims. they toide him, faying ,Be⸗ which were de⸗
time, into his hand. ypa > Dauid is inthe wilerneile af> En- fenced by na-
Ebrpa band. I; gm Danid ſaw that ⸗aul was come g edi. ture, ies
f Jonathan affu- out fo: to ſeeke hts life; and Dauid was in 3, Chen Saul tooke three thoufand cho: b Acititof fu.
reth Dauid, that the wilderneſſe of Ziph in the wood. fenmenout ofall Iſrael, and went to leeke dab, tof 5.62.
God willaccom- 16 € Aud Jonathan Sauls fonne arole Danm and his men vpon the rockesamong
plith hispromife, and went to Daud inta the wood, and cont the wilde goates,
and that his fae fosted shim in Gov, . 4 And bee caine to the Heepet coates by
ther ſtriueth a⸗ 17: And layd vanta hin, Feare not ; foz the the wap wherethere was a cue, and Daut tEbr, to toner
gainſt his owne handof@aul my father hall not find thee, Went in tto Doe his eafement: and Dax A ete. T E

sonfcience; agd thou paltar f Wing ener Weagland ZF uid and bis men fate in. the t uiwaite tebrinthefid
Hefi pareth Saulinthe caue. Chap. XXV. Tne death of Samuel. 118
parts of the caue. i; 22 Hweare now therefore vnto me by the
§ And the men of Dautd fafa vnto hini, Loꝛrd, that thou wilt not deſtroy my {ced ab
c Here we fee Dee, the Dayts «come, whereof the Lod ter mee, anD that thou wilt not aboliſh my
how ready we {aid onto thee, Behold, J will deliver thine name aut of my fathers heute.
are to haften enemie into thine hand,and thou fhalt Doe to 23 Go Dau ſware vᷣnto Saul, t Haut
Gods promife, Himas tt ſhal leeme good to thee. Chen Da went home: but Dant and hes men went
if the occafion utd arsle, and cut off the fap of Sauls gar: bp vnto the hold. fay?
ferue neuer fo ment prtuily. ;
Jittte. 6. And afterward aid 4 was touched CHAP, XXV.
d Fot feeing it in bts heart, becaulebe
bad cut off the lappe 1 Samuel dieth. 3 Nabaland Abigail. 38 The
was his owne iwhich was on Gauls garment, Lord killeth Nabal, 43 Abigail and Ahinoam
private cꝛuſe he 7 And bee laid vnto his men, Che Lod Dauids wines. 44 Michal is ginen to Phalts,
repented thathe keepe mee from doing that thing vnto my
badtouched bis matter the Loids anoynted, to lay mine TL ens Samuel Died, and all IſraelaſeCh-p.28.3.
| enemie, and bpon bim: fo2 bets the anoynted of the fembled, and mourned fo: him, and bu⸗ ecclws 46.13 ,20.
And a 2 That ts,among
ried him urhis ewne boule at Ramah.
Oy’ 8 Bo Dania ouertame bis Ceruaunts Dauid arole and went Downe to the twil- his oune kinred,
With thele words, and lufiered them not ta Dernefle of Paran,
arte again® Saul: So Haul role vp out of 2 How n> Waon was a man, who had b Maonand Car-
the caue,and went away. bis poſſeſſion in Carmel , anu theman was mel were cities
9 @Danidalh arole afterward, e went erceeding migbtie, asd hav thicethonfand in the tribe of
out of the cauc,and cried after Saul faping, fheepe, and.a thouſand goates: aud he was Iudah,Carmel
D my lod the Ging . And when Saul loo- Wearing his heepein Carmel. the mountaing
Red behind him, Danin euclined His face te 3 Shenae alle ofthe man was Nabal, wasin Galile-
the cath, and bowed binitelte. and the name ot his wife Abigail, and fee
e Contrarieto 10 And Danid {aid te Haui.CAherefore was a an of fingulat wilezome tbeaue
the falfe report giueſt thou an care to mens woꝛds, that fap, tifull,but the man was churltfh and entl cena
-of them that faid, Behald, Danin ſeeketh cutll againſt thee? Dittoned, and was of the family of Caleb,
Dauid was Sauls Il Bebold,tijts day thine eves haue ſeene, 4 And Danin heard inthe wilderneffe,
enemie, he proo- that theLoꝛd had Dclinered thee this Dap ine that Nabal aid Meare his Teepe.
ucthhimfelfeto to mine Hand tn tie cane, and Come bade me § Therefore Dawn fent ten pong men,
be his friend, Rill thee, but J had compaffion an thee, and and Dauid ſaid vnto the yong men, Goe vp ae
3]wilnet lap mine hand on my matter: to Carmil ana goetoNabal, andalkebims a, o
for be isthe Loꝛos Anointed. in mp namet how he doeth. tEbr.ofpeece,
12 Moꝛeouer my father, behold : bebola, 6 And thus thal you fay < t fo? falutation, € Somereade,
J fay, thelap of thy garmentin mine hand: Both thou and chine honle,and al! that thou © mayek thou-
to: when Itut offthe lappe of thy garment, hat bern peace, wealth and prelperitie. liue in proſperitie
J killed thee not. uderitand ano fee,that 7. Behold, 3 haue heard, that thou pam thenext yeere,
there is neither cuilt nor wickedneſſe time, Khearersinowrthy hepheatde were with ns, both thou,
neither paue J innia again thee, pet thou and wee Did then no hurt, neither did they tEfirAf.

puntet after my foule tatake te. miffe any thing all the while thep were in
I3 The Loꝛd be iudge betweenc thee and Carmel. i
Me, and the Lod auengeme of thee, and iet 8 Alke thyſeruants, and they will mew
not mine hans be vpon thee. thee. hereloreletthele yong inen find fa-
llOr; the prouerbe _ Ad According as the old || prouerbe faith, nourin thine eves: (fo2 wee come in agood :
‘ofan ancient Mitkedneſſe prsceedech fram the wicked, feafon) gine, J pray thee, whatſocuer dcom- d Whatfoeuer
man. but mine band be not vponthee.. _ meth to thine hand vnto chp ſeruauts, and thou haft ready
Iş After whom ts the king of Ilrael come tothyfonne Danid. for vs,
out? after whom doeſt thou purſue? after a 9 CAD when Danis yong men came,
Dead Dog,andafterafica? ⸗ f they told Nabal all thole words in the name
3 16 Ciel ow therefore be tidge, tinage of Dattd,and held their peace.
Bs betweene fheeandine,and (ce,aid piran mp 10: Then Mabal anſwered Dauids fers
Ebr iadee. Chrifeand deliuer me out of thine hand, +. uante, end fato, ChetsDauid? Aud who
17 Cpe Danis had made an endeof is tye {onne of Phat? there bee manypler- e Thusthe coue-
f Thoughhewas Weaking thefe wos to Gaul, Haullatd, uante nowadapes, that heake atwayeuerp touswretchesin
a moft cruell ene- £ Is this thy bopce, my ſonne Dauid? And mat from his matter. ; ftead of relieving
mie to Dauid,yetHaullift vp Fis votce,and wept, Ir ShallJthen takemy bread, and my the neceflitie
: of
byhiscreatgen- -IS And faid to Dauid, Chou art more water, and my tich that J bane killenfoz Godschildren, _
tlenefichiscon= 2 righteous 9 i Fo? shou Halk rendred mee my thearcrs, and gupit tato met, wWhomg) Veto reuile their
feiencecompel- \ §O0D, AND Ai Ge tehad thee euil. =. know notwhencethepbe? L D-perfons;and cone
Iedhimtoyeeld, “Iq Am chon Mewen this day, that I2 €So Dauids Kruants tueneathetr demne their
$Ebr.agood way. thou haſt Dealt well withine: oraſich as Way, and went agatne, and came, and tolde. aul.
g.Though his - WhelttheLord had cloled me in thincyands, pim all tholethings. . 7, *
tyrant awang; :thowkilleaiinenot. -o o e 13 And Daud faid vnto his men, Gita
confeffed the fa- . 20 Foꝛ who ſhall finde his enemie, and euery man bis wom about him, AnD they
uour of God to- let bint Depart + free 2Dherefore the Lem girded euers man bts fwo: : Dauid alla
ward Dauidsyeto render ther goodfo at Houhatt Done vn- girded htsſword And about
koute hundzeth
heceafeth not to to methisSPAY:
d E hy, ONE i men went vp after Dauid, and two hun⸗
perfecutehima- +. 21. F0} notaKebap depim. that thou Det) abovebythet carriage. - .. US” $Ebrive fill.
gaintbisowne of Iſ⸗ . 14 sow one of the ſeruants tolde Ani..
king, aud that rot kingdome .
alcro, fol tbe fabtithea aban gall Nabals wife, VNT, eel, ete
fia bie
The wifedome
ofAbigail. I. Samuel. Dauid taketh herto wife.
fent meflengers ontof the wilderneffe to fa- thine enemies fhal God caf ont,as out of the
+Eby, droue them lute pur matter,and he t ratled on them. middle of a fling.
away. : 15 Notwithſtanding the men were very 30 And when the Lord halhane doneta
f Whenwe kept goon ynta ns, and wee had no Difpleature, my lord all the good that hee bath promiſed
our fheepe inthe theet Hal baue made thee ruler ouer Iſrael,
neither miffed tue any thing as long as wee
wilderneffe of were Conuerlant with them, when we were 31 Chen thal it be no grieke vnto thee,noz
Paran, tithe teins. . oſtence of minde vnto my Lod, that he bath
16 Chey were. asa wall vnto bs both by not then blood cauteleffe, noz that my lod
night and by Dayal the while we were with hath »notpeelerned himſelfe: and when the n That he hath
them keeping heepe. Loo hall haue Dealt well with my lord, ree not auenged
17 Row therefore take heed, and (ee what member thinebandmatae, himfelfe,which
Ebris accom- thou Halt doc: foz cuil ¢ wil ſurely come vp⸗ 32 Chen Dauid {aid to Abigail, Bleſſed things would
plifhed. ou our maſter, and vpon all his family: fog be the Lord Gon of Jlrael, which lent thee haue tormented
be tsfo wicked that a man cannot ſpeake ta this dayto merete me. his conſcience.
him. 33 And blefied be thy countell,and bleſſed
18 (Chen Abigail made hake, ¢ tooke bee thon , which baft kept me this Day from
$Ebr.bread. two hundred t cakes, and two bottels of comming to thed blood, eand that minehand o Reade verf,26
wine, and fiue ſheepe ready dreſſed, and fiue Hath not faned me,
mealures of parched cone, and an hundred 34. For tndecd,asthe Lord God of Ilxael
HOr,clafterse i}ftatles of raifins, and two hundzed of figs, liueth, P who bath kept mee backe from hur: p He attriburetf:
and laded themi on alles, ting thee, ercepe thou hadſt halted and met ittothe Lords
19 Chen the fain vnto her ſeruants, Gor me, furely there hav not beene left vnto Mas metcie,and not
ye before mes behold, J will come after pou: bal, by the dawning of the Day, any that piſ⸗ to himfelfe that
g. Becaufe fhe vet fhe told snot her huſband Nabal. (eth againt the wall. he was ftayed,
knew his croo- 20 Andas the rone on her alle, Mee came 35 Chen Danit receiued of her hand that
ked nature,that Downe by a fecret place of the mountaine, which he had bought him, and faid to her,
he would rather and behold, Dauta and his men came Down Got vp in peace to thine boule: bebola, J
haueperi(hed, agatnit berana he met them, onurbeard thy voice,and hauex Cranted thy +Ebr receiued
then confented 21 And David lain, Indeed Jhaue kept etitton. thy faces
to her enterprife. all in paine that this fellow Had in the wit: 36 CHo Abigail came to abatand be-
Dernefle, fo that nothing was miffed ofall Hold, hee made a teaſt in his bouke, tke the
that perteined vnto him: fo: hee hath requt- feal of a king and s2abals beart was merp
& ted me entll foz good. within him,fo? he was very Drunken: wher⸗
22 Ho and mozeallo Doe Gad onto the e⸗ fore Me told bimanothing, neither leſſe noz q For hehad no
nemtes of Danid: for (urelpJ will not teaue moe vntill the morning arole. reaſon, either to
of al that be Bath,by the Dawning of theday, 37 Chenin the morning, when the wine confider,or to
h Meaning by any that b piſſeth againſt the wal, was gone out of Rabal, his Wife tolve hon giue thankes for
thisprouerbe, 23 And when Abigatllaw Dania,the ha- thole words, and his heart died within hun, this great benefit
thathe would fed, and lighted offher afte, and fell before and he was likeat tone. | ofdelinerance,
‘Aeftroy both Dand on her face, and bowed her {ele to 38 Andabout ten dayes after, the Loo r For feare of
{mall and great, the ground, (mote Nabal,that he died, the great danger.
24 And fell at his keete, andfaiv, Db my 39 CMow when Dauid heard, that Pas
lord, J| baue committed the iniquitte, andJ bal was Dead,hefait , Bleſſed bee the Lod
£ thine pray thee, let thine handmatoelpeake tto that hath | tudged the caufeof myrebuke of Opremenced.
eares, thee, and beare thou the wozdes of thine the hand of Rabal, and hath kept his ſer⸗
handmade, uant front enill: foz the Lord path recon:
25 Let not my lord, F pray thee, regard penſed the wickedneſſe of Nabal vpon his
this wicked man srabal;foz as hisnanie ts, owne head. Allo Dauid fent to commune ;
fOr feole. fo is he: Nabal is his name,and folly is with with Abigail taf take ber to his wife, f Forhe had ex-
him: but thine handmaid late not the pang 40 And when the feruaunts of Danin perience of her
men of my lon whom thon ſenteſt. were come tó Abigail to Carmel,they ſpake great godlineffes
26 fow therefore my loꝛd, as the Loꝛd vnto her, faying, Daut fent vs to thee, to wiledome,and
liueth, and as thy foulelmeth (the Loz, I take thee to hiswife. umilitie,
i Thatis,thae fy,that bath withholoen thee from coni: Ar And the aroſe, and bowed her (elfe on
thou fhouldeft ming to theddeblood, and that ithine band her face to the earth, and faid, Behold, tet
not be reuenged fyould not faue thee) fo now thine enemies thine bed! n bee a feruant ta wath the
of thine enemie, hall be as Mabal,and they that tntend todo feete ofthe feruants of my lord.
Or, prefent. my lod enill. 42 And Abigail halted, and arofe,
¢ rode 4
Ebr. walke ät 2 And now this l blefling which thine vpon an alle, and ber fiuemaines t follomen, #247.entas
the feetes handmatd hath brought vnto my lord, letit her, and thee went after the meflengersof 2r Pere.
k Confirme his gtuen onto the yang men,thartfollow my Dautd,andwashiswifr. 7 a
kingdome to bis od. . * 43 Dautd alfo tooke Ahineam of * Izreth Tofhits. 56.
pofteritie, 28 J map thee, foratue the treſpaſſe of and they were both his wineg, fy ORM TAT Se
3Ebr from thy thine handmaid: foz the Lem will make my 44. Mow Haul had ginen* Michalhis ' ee
dayes. 1020 ak fire houle, becauſe niy lom fighteth uaughter Dauid Wife,fp haltt theſonne gee—
1 To wit,Saol. the battels of the Loyd, and none eniil hath t
m God fhall pre- Beene found in thee *in all chp life. - etLaich obti ee yee! prt hs l of the Moabitess
ferue thee long 29 Wet! aman hath rifen yp to perſecute 1 Dauid wasdiſtouered toSaul by the Ziphims. ;
in his feruice, and thee, andtofeckethy foule, but the foute of 12 Dawid taketh amay Sauls feart, ieee eee
deftroy thine mip lord halt be bound inthe »bundle of life water thatſtoode athu head, 2%Sauls confe =
enemics with the Lord thy Gods and the ſoule of bis finne.
anid fpareth Saul,and Chap.xxvj.xxvij. declarethhisinnocencie. 119
Gaine the Ziphims came into Saulto Load lincth , peeare + worthy fo die becake Ebr fonnesof
Chap.2 3-19. RGlibeah, laying , Doth not Dauid pide ye haue not kept pour matter the Loms at- death,
Orin Gibeah. himlelte iiut the pull of Hachilah verfo | Fe- oynteD : and now fee. where the Kinges
\|Or the wilder- {himon? ipearets, and the por ofiwater that was at
ne (fen 2 Then Haul arole, and went Downe bis head.
T i te the wildernes of ziph, hauing thace tjet- 17 And ODgul knew Davids voice, and
a Thatisofthe fanda chofen men ot Iſtael with bin, tor te fayd, Js this thy voice, z my lonne Dautd? g Hereby itap-
molt skilfull aad ſeeke Dauid in the wilderneſſe of Ziph. he Dauid (aio, It is mp voyce, my iow,D peareth,that the
valiant ſouldiers. 3 And Gaul pitched inthe pill of Macht amg. hypocrite perfes
18 And hee fayd, CCiberefore doeth my
lah, which ts before Jeimon by the way cuted Danida-
fide. How Dauid above m the wildernes,
lord thus perfecute bis termant? foz wat gaini hisowne
and be faw that Saul came after him mts haue J Cone? op what cuill is in mine conſcience, and
the wildernefie. band? : contrary to his
19 flow therefore, J beleech thee, let my ptomiſe.
i 4 (Fo: Dawid had fent sut mieg, and å
Or, to acertaine vnderttood that Sanl was come liin werp lord the King dere the wordes of bis ter-
place. Deed.) d uant. Jf the Lod baue ſtirred thee vp a-
5 nDauid arole, and came tothe gaintk mee,"lethum ſmell the ſauour ot a la- h Letbisanger
place where Haul had pitched, and when crifice: but tf the childzen ef men haue done towardsvs, be
Daut beheld p place where Saul lap , and it, curled be they before the Lod : foz they pacified by a fa-
Chap.14.5@, *Abner the fon of Mer which was kis chrete haue cak mee out this Day trom abiding crifice,
and 17.55. captaine( for Baullay in the fort, andthe inthe inheritance of the L020, laying, Goe,
people pitched round about him.) i ferne other i gods. i Asmuch aslay
6 Tyen tpake Dann and fatd to Abi» 20 Mow therefore, let not my blood fail in them, they
b Whowasa melech the > Dittite , and to Abithat the to the earth before the face of the Lod: foz compelled him
ſtranget and not lonne of Sertitaly, biother toc Joab, faying, the king of Arael is come out to feeke afica, to idolatry , be-
an Ifraelites Cho will goeDowne with mee ts Gaul to — Would bunt a partridge in p moun- caufe they forced
c Who after- thehoite? Chen Abihat fayd, J will goe aines. himto flee to the
ward was Danids Downe with thee. 21 Then fayd Saul,3 hane finned: come idolatets.
chiefe captaine. 7 Ho Daui and Abiſhai came Downe againe, mp lonne Dauid + for J wili doe
to the people bp night: and beholde, Baul toee no moze barme , becauſe my foule was
lay ileepitig within the fort, and his ſpeare x pꝛecious in thine epts this day: behold, I k Becauferhou-
LOr,bolfter. “Did ſticke iit the ground at bts || head: and ae te focitivly , atid haue erred excee⸗ faued{t my life <
Abner and the people lay round about ingly. this day.
him. 22 Then Daum anlwered,
and ſaid, Be-
3 CThen faid Abiſhai to Dauid, God hold the kings ſpeare, let one of the young
hath cloſed thine enemie into thine hand men come ouer and fet it.
this Dap: now therefore,Jpray thee, let meg 23 Aud let the Lord reward euery matt
finite him once with a {peare to the earth, Accowing to his ! righteoutnefle and faith- I Thus he proe-
a Meaning, hee and J wil 4 not (mite him againe. fulnefie: foz the Lord had deliuered thee tefteth his innos
would make him 9 And Dauid fatdteQbihat, Deſtroy into mine handes this Day, but J would cencie towards
him not: foz who can lay his hand ¢ on the not lay mine band vpon the Lodes Am Sanl,and defene
is Lows Anointed and be guiltlefte? ointed. ding bis iultice im
e Towit.inhis. ,.10 Moꝛeoner Damo taid, As the Low 24 And behold, like as thy life was the fight of Godz.
owne private liueth, either the Lord hall (mite him, o2 his much {et by this day In mine eyes + folet mp in whofe pre- _-
caufe :for lehu Day thall come to die,oxhe Hall deſcend into life be fer by in the cyes of the Lord, that hee fencenoneis - `
flew tivo kings at batteil,and perith. map Deltuer me out of all tribulation. righteous, Pal
Gods appoint- b IL The Lom keepe me from laying mine 25 Then Saullayd 0Dania , Bleed 143X 130.3.
s and bpon the Lodes Anointed : but J art ihon my ſonne Dauid; for thou Walt doe
mentakinga pay thee, take now the tpeaze that is at bis great thinges , and alfo prendile. Bo Das
Pace and the potof water, and let vs goe wid went hts way, andHaul returned to his m To Gibeab of
m place. Beniamin,
12 Bo Dauid teoke the feeare tthe vot CHAP. XXVII
of water from Sauls head, and thep gate 2 Dauid fleeth to Achifh king of Gath , who
them away, and no man faw it, no: marked giueth lim Ziklag, 8 Dauid deftroyeth certaine
tt, neither Did any awake , but they weee ail of“i PhiliStims. 10 Achifh is deceiued by Dae
Poh he heave pedi setthe Lord had ſent a Dead ficepe wid,
A® Dauid faid in bis heart, J Hall
— 13 Then Danta went into the other fine, now = perii one Day bythe hand of a Danid diftras =`
pe 2% and ſtood on the topye of the billafarre off, Haul sisit not better for me that 3, fane my fteth Godspro- —
a great pace being betweene them. felfe in the land of the Philiſtims, and that teQion,and thers
/ = ie ma to * people 3 and Haul may haue no hope of me to leeke mee fore fleeth vnto»
a Abner the fonneof ser, ſaving, + Pea- any moze tn all the coates of Iſrael, and fo theidolaters,
+ebrAnfoerh. sort shou not Abner? Chen Abner antine. elcaped out of his band? who were en€=
po ſaid, Uho art theu that criet to the
2 Dauid theretoze aroſe, and hee , and mies to Gods
ing? e iNe Hg the fire hundzetl menthat were with him, people,
: 15 Cans — — pathal A ptt tye ſonne okMaocth king
joua" man? an ots like thee in Iſra⸗ of Gath.
eet a el ? wherekore then hatte thou not kept thy 3 And Dauid dwelt with Arhi, at b Thus God be
— — lord the king?fo2 there came one of tye folke his prouidence S
in to deltroß the Ring thy lod. ehaneeth the enemies heatts, and maketh them to favour his in theis
16 This is nos weil done ofthe: as the necellitie,. i aS ;
The Philiftims warre againft T.Samuel. Ifrael. Saulis withthe witch.
Gath, hee, and his men, eueryman with his s Gnd when Saul (atv the holteok the
bouſhold, Danuta with bis two mines, Abi- Philiſtims, bee was afra , and his heart
noain the Izreelite, and Abigail Mabals was fore ationted.
wife the Carmelite. 6 Cihercfore Haul atked tounſell of the
4 And tt was told Haul that Dauid Lod, anv the Lod anſwered bimi not , neis $
pasfled to Gath : fo he fought na moze foz ther by Deeanies, nozby: Urim, not vet by¢ Meaning, the
m, Pꝛophets. t j hie Prieft, Exod.
5 And Dauid fad onto Achih, IEJ 7 Aben faid Sanl vnto his fernants, 28.30,
€ Letthine offi- Haue now tound grace in thine eves, «let Seeke meg a woman that hathafamiliar
cers appoint mee them gue mee a place in fome other citie ef {pwit, thatJ]may goe to her and afke ofber.
a place. the countrey, that J may Dwell there: foz ‘And pis leruants tatd to him, Behota,there
wip Would thy ſeruant Dwell in the head ct — a woman of Eredo? that path a familiar
tic of the king dome with thee? pirit, f
Then Achih gaue him Ziklag that 8 Then Haul4 changed himlefe anv pnt d Hee ſeckech
fame Day: therefore Ziklag pertainetl) vnto on other rayment, and hee went, and two notto God inbis _
the Kings of Judah vuta this dav. men with pim and they came to the woman mifery, buc isled
Eby. the number _7 CAND the timethat Dawid dwelt by night: and hee faid , J pzay thee; coniec· by Satan to vn-
of the dayes. in the countrey of the Phüiltims,
was foure ture vnto mee by the familiar pitit , and lawfull meanes,
moneths and certane Bayes. a ine Hum bp whome J hall name vnto whichin his cone .
Then Danid and bis men went vp, ee. r ſcience hee con<
d Thefe are the and tnuaded the d Geſhurites, and the Girs And the woman fayd vnto bint, Be- eemuneth.
wicked Canaa- zites, and the Amalekites: foz they inbabl« Hold, thou knewelk what Baul hath Done,
nites,whom God ted the land trom the beginning , from the how he bath Deltroyed che fozcerers,and the
had appointed to way, as thou goehtoDhur, euen vnto the loorhfapers outotrheland: wheretoze then
be deltroyed. land of Egypt. Eero to taks me in a nare to cauſe me
9 And Dauid finote the land, and left o Die?
Neither man no: woman aliue, and toke Io Gnd Saul ſware to her by the Lorde,
ſheepe, andoren, andaffes, and camels, faving, As the Lozdlineth, noi harme hall lOr, punifbment,
and apparell, and returned and came to A come to thee foz this thing.
chiſh. IL Zhen laide the woman, Whom hall
ECr,2gainft Io And Achiſh fapd, | Chere baus pee J bingvp vuto thee ? And hee anfiwered,
whom, Beene arouing thts Day? And Dantu an: Bing me bp « Hamuel. e He fpeaketh
fwered, Agami the South of Juday, and 12 And when the woman faw Samuel, according to bis
e Which were a agatnit the South of the ¢ Jerahmeelites, fye cried with a lond voice, and the woman grofleignorance,
family of the and againtt the South of theKenites. ſpake to Gaul, ſayving, CUhy hak thou decei- not confidering
tribe of Judah, Il And Daud faued neither man noz ued nie? for thou art Baul. the ſtate of the
1. Chton.2.9. woman aliue , to bzing them to Gath , fay- 13 And the king fayd vnto her, Bee not faints after this
ing, Left thep would teilon vs, and fay, 20 afraid; for what faweit thon ? And the wo⸗ life, and how Sae
Did David, and fo will be his manner ail the man ſayd vnts Haul, Flaw ||gods aleen: tan hath no pow-
while that hee dwelleth in the countrey of Ding bp out of the earth. er overthem,
the Philiſtims. _ 14 Then he laid vato her, (Ahat fafhion |07. an excellens
12 And Achiſh beleeued Dauid, faying, is bheeof? And fhe anfwered, Anolde man perfor.
§Or,be doth fures Hee hath made his people of Iſrael vtteriy cominet} vp lapped tra mantie: and Saul
by abhorre his to abbogre him: thercfoze be ſhall be my ſer⸗ knew that tt was Hamel , and hee incli- f To his imapi.
people. want fo? euer, oe ne bis face to the ground, and bowed hun: nation, albeit it
ę 2.
was Satan,who
CHAP, XXVIII. Ig (And Haniel favn to Baul, Mhy to blind his eyes '
2 Dawid hath the chiefe charge promifed a- Hatt thou diſquieted mee, tobsing mee vp? tocke vpon hi
bout Achifh. 8 Saul confulteth with a witch, Chen Saul anhwered, IJ am in great dic the forme of Sa-
and fhee caufeth him to [peake with Samuel, 18 ſtreſſe: foz the Philiſtims make warre a- muel,as he can
who declareth his ruine, gain met, and God ts Departed frommee, doc doc of
o an Angel
and anfwereth mee nomo, neither +by offighr,
Nan at that time the Philiſtims afem- jDrophets, neither by Dameg: therefore the band
L Nbled their bandes armie to fight with Jhaue calicd thee, that then mayeſt relime of Prophets.
& Albeit it wasa Iſrael: therefore Achith aid to Damd, Be what jj hail Doe.
great griefe to fure, thou Wait goe out with mee to the bats 16 Chen Bw Hamnel ,MAherekoze then
Dauidto fight tell, thou, and tip men. q Bock thou afke of mee, lecing the Loz is
-againftthe peo- 2 And Daut faid to Achih, Hure- gone from thee, and t3 thine ensemi?
ple of God,yet ly thou Walt know what thy ſeruant can 17 Euen the Lord hath done tos him,as g Thatis, to
fuch was his in- Doe. And Achith fad to Danin, Surely hee ſpake * bp mine | hand: for the 1020 wil Dauid.
firmity,hedurft J will make thee keeper of mine head foz rent the kingdome out of thure band, and Chap.t5. 28.
not denie him. ener, gine it thy neighbour Dauia. lOr, miniflery.
Chap.25. I, 3 CDamuel was then Dead, andal Jl 18 Becauſe thou obeyett not the voyce
rael had lamented him, and buried him in of the Loze, noz erecuted{t bis fierce
b According to Ramah his owne citie: and Haul had » put wath bpon the Amatekitzs , therefore
the commande- awap the fozcerecs , and the ſoothlayers out bath the Logde Done this vnts thee this
ment of God, ofthe land.) Sac Day. *
Exod.22,18, 4 ‘Chen the Philiſtims afembled then- Ig Mozeouer the Lod will deliuer Zl
18. fetues, and came , and pitched tn Shunem, rael with thee tuto the hands of the abili-
and Haul afſembled all Iſrael, and they ftims : h and to morrow halt thou and h Ye thallbe
pitched in Gilboa. -thp onnes be with mec, and the Rod = dead, Chap. 3 4460
anidſuſpected ofthe Philiftims. Chap. Ziklag is bu tnt. 120
give the bof of Iſrael into the hands of the ufthe Philiſtims. i
Philiſtims. > 8 @ And Danin fa onto Achih, But
20 Then Haut fell ſtraightway all along what haue J Done ? and what hak thou
i The wicked on theearth, aud was foreiafrarde becaut found in thy feruant as long as J pane bene
when they heare ofthe wos ot Danuicl, fo that there was with thee vnto this Bay, that J] may e not go e This diffimus
Gods iudgments, no ſtrength in bim: fo: he bad eaten no bzead * fight againt the enemies of my (020 the lation cannot be
* tremble and de- all the Day , nozall the night. ing ? : excufed: for it
fpaire,but can- 21 Chen the woman came vnto Haul, 9 Achih then anſwered, and faid to Da- gricued himto
not feeke for and faw that he was fe troubled, and iat uid, 3| know thon pleaſeſt mee, asan Angel goe againit the
mercie by repen- vito Hin, Dee, thine handmaide bath sbey- of God: but the Peintes of the Philiſtims people of God,
tance, ed thp voice, and xIJ haue put my foule in = are> Let bhim not gog vp with vs to
k I heme ventue mine Haid, and haue obeyed the wozdes attell.
sed my life. wich thou lawe pute me. Io Ahereforꝛe now rife bp earely in the
22 Row therefore, J pray thee, hearken mozning with thy ' matters feruants that £ With them
thou alſo vnto the voice of thine Handmaid, are come With thee: and when pe be vp ear- that fled vnto
aud let ine fet a morſellof bread befoze thee, iy,allconeaspebhanelight,depart. thee from Saul
that thou mayeſt eat, and get thee ſtrength, IT Ho Dauid and his men rofe vp eately
and goe on thyisurney. ta Depart in the maning, and to returne ina
23 But he refnſed, and ſaid,Jwill not eat: to the land of the Philiſtims: and the Ipi-
but bis feruants € the woman together coms liſtims wentvp to Izreel.
pellzo hint, and he obeyed their voice : fa hee CHA Pi XK;
drole from the earth. and fat on the bed. 1 The Amalekites burne Ziklag. 5 Dauids two
24 Now the woman hada fat calfe in the wiues are taken prefoners.6 The people wold ſtone
houiz,and ihe batted, and killed tt, and tooke him. 8 He asketh counfel of the Lord,e> purfuing
) 1 Becaule itre- floure, and kneaded it, and baked of tt Iun- his enemies, recouereth the pray, 24 He diuideth
quired halle. leauened bread. it equally, 26 And fendeth part to his friends.
25 Then Hee ought them before Haut. B Git when Dauid this men were come
and before his ſeruants: and when they had to Ziklag a the third Day,the Amalekites a- After that he
eaten, they itood bp, and went away the had inuaded bpon the South, euen vnto departed from
fame night. Ztklag,and had t {mitten Ziklag, and burnt Achith.
CHAP, XXIX. tt with fire, b: That is,de-
4 The Princes ofthe Philiftims caufe Dauid 2 And had taken the women that were ſtroyed the citys
tobe fent back fromthe battell agasnft Ifrael be- therein, pꝛiſoners, both ſmall and great, and
e2ufe they diftrufted him. flew not aman, but caried them away, and
D the Phiiiſtims were gathered toge- went thetr wayes.
ther with all their armies tu Aphek: and 3 CHo Dauid and his mencame to the
Orin Aime the Ilraelites pitched | by the tountatie, city, and behold, it was burnt with fire,and
which is in Izreel. — their· wines, and their ſonnes, and theit c For thefe only
fOr. captaines. 2 And the || pinces of the Philiſtims Daughters were taken prtloners. remainedin the
a According to weit forth by⸗ hundreds,
and thoutands, but 4 ChenDauid and the people that was city, when the
their bands, or Danid this men came behind with Acdtih. with bim,lift vp their voyces and wept, vn⸗ men were gone”
enfignes, 3 Then faid the princes of the Phili- tril they could weepe no moze. ; to warre.
tims, Ahat doe thele Ebꝛewes beere⸗· Qua § Dauids two wines. were taken pifo-
Achiry fai vnto che princes of the Johi» nevsallo, Ahinoam the Jsreclite, and Abts
tims, Jsnot this Danid the lexuauntof gatl the wife ot Nabal the Carmelite. d Thus we fee,
b Meaning, Gaul the king of Iiracl whe hath bene with 6 And Dautdwasingreat ſorrow: foz that in.troubles
longtime,that me thele dayes, > o? thele yeeres, and Jhaue the people 4 intended to fone him, becauſe and aduerfitie we’
is, foure moneths found nothing in bim, luce bet Dwelt with the hearts ofall thepcople were vexed cues doe not confider:
and certaihe me vnto this day? | a ry man fo2 bis fonnes ana fo: bis Daugh- Gods prouidécey
dayes,Chap. 27, 4 But the Pinces of the Philiſtins ters: but Dauid comfogcen hunielfe in the but like raging
were woth with him, and the princes ot the Lom bisg. beaftes forger
Zctr. fell, as Phililtims fain vnto him, * Send this fel- 7 Q Gnd Danid fayd to Abiathar the bcth ourowne
Gene.25.18. low backe, that hee may goe againe to his Peet Ahimelechs fonne, J pray thee.bzing duetie,and cone
3.Chrow, 1201 9: place which thou batt appointed pint, and me the Ephod. And Aviathar brought the temne Godsap=-
let him not gog Downe with vs to batteli, Ergon to Dauid. , poistment.ouce:
« leat that in the batti bee be an adueriarie $8- Then Danid alken countell at the < Se — —

to vs : foz wherewith (ould Hee obteine theLon faping Shall j followafter this com: e Though God-
fauour of bis maſter? ſhould tt not bee with
patty? Mali J ouettake them? And hee an- feeme to leaue vs
© Would not the heads of thefemen? ſwered im, Fellow ; foz thou ſhalt ſurely a- for atime, yctifi ©
Saul receiue him § Is not this Danin of wham they fang uertaketheinandDereconerall. we truf in him,
to fauour, ifhe in Dances faring, * Saul Uew his thousand, 9 €Ho Daud and the fire hundred men we halbe fure to-
couid betray vs? and Daniè pis ten thouland? that were with him, went, and came tothe finde comfort.
Chapt g 6 ¶Then Ach called Dautd,and faia riuer Bei where a part of them above. f God by his
and 21,11, puto bin, As the Loz lineth, thou haiſt bene Io Bur Daui and foure hundzed men providence boty
d That is,waft vpright and good in niy fight, when thou followed ( to twa Hundzed above behinde, provided forthe
conuerfant with “weittck out and in with mein the hoũ. net being toa weary to go ouer the riuer Belo) neecffitie ofthis-
_ me, ther baue J found enill with thee ſince thoir Il And they found an the poore-ftranger,
$ Ebr. thor are cameſt tome vnto this Day, but the pinces ficld, and broughryintte Danid, and gaug and made him 2
mot good inthe Doe not fauourchee. hun! bead, and hee did cate, and they gaue guide to Dauid
eyes.of the prins 7 CGberefore now returne, and. goe in him water tominke. to accomplis
Ees Peace, that thou Dilpleale not the princes 12 Allo they gaue hina few figges, en his cntesprife,
Dauids victory. His law. T.Samuel. The death ofSaulandhisfonnes,
two cluters of railing :and when be had eas 27 He lentte thena! Beth-el, g to thers
teri, bis(pirit came to him againe: foz he bad of Houth Ramoth,and to them of Jattir,
eaten nobzead,no2 Drunks anywater in three 28 And to them ot Aroer, and tothem of
Dayes, and theee nights. : Diphmoth, and to them of Eſhtemoa.
13 CAM Daud fata vnto him, To 29 AnvtothemoefRachal, ant to then
whom belongeit thou? and whence art of the cities of the Jerabmecittes , t to them
thou? And bec laid, J am a yong manof E⸗ of the cities of the Kenites,
Sypt, and feruant toan Amalekite: and my 39 And to them ok Hormah, and to them
matter lett mec theec dayes agoe, becauie I of Choz-alhan,and tothemof Atha,
Fell ficke. 31 Andto chem of Yebon, and» to all n Shewing hime
14 Clee roued bpon the Douth of Che» the places where Damn and bis men haa felfe mindtull of
their benefits
teth, and vpon the coat belonging to Ju- haunted.
Dab, and vpon the South of Caleb, and twe towards him.
burnt Ziklag tuith fire. CHAP. -XXXI
I5 Aud Damo faid vnto bim, Cant 4 Saul killeth hinfelfe. 6 His childrenare
thou batng me to this companiezand he iaid, Slasne in the battell. 22 The men of Labefh tooke
g For othes were s Sweare vnto mee by God, that thou wile downe his body which was hangedon the wall,
in all ages had in neither kill mee, noz deliuer mee into the
moht reuerence bands of mp matter, and FZwill being thee N22 the Philiſtims fought againſt Jf- 1.Chrow.10.1.
even among thé to this companie. whic aps rael, and the menof Iſrael ded away
heathen, 16 @ And when he had brought him thi- from the Philiſtims, and they Fell Downe
ther, behold. thep lay (cattered abroad vpon {wounsed in mount Gilboa. |Or, laine. »
h The wiekedin all the earth*cating and Drinking, and dan- 2 And the Philiſtims pꝛeaſſed fore vpon
their pompeand cing ,becaule.otall the great pap that they Haul and his founes, ¢{lew Jonathan, and
pleaſures confi- had taken out of.the land of the Phuiſtims Abinadab, and Malchthua, Sauls fonnes.
der not the iudge- aud out ofthe lant of Judah. 3 And when the battet went fore againſt
mentof God, 17 And Dauit finote them from the tiwi- Haul, the archers and bowmen + hit him, $ Ebr. found him.
which is then at light, euen vnto the evening iofthe nert and be was oze ||wounded ofthe archers. lOr,afrasd,
hand to {mite marow, fo that there efcaped nota man of 4 Then faia Haul vnto his armour bea:
them, them, fane foire hundzed yong men, which rer, Dawout thy fwod, and thruſt mee a So we feethat
i Some reade, rode bpon camels, and fien. thorow therewith, leat the vncircumciſed his cruel life hath
and vnto the I7 And Dauid recouered all that theg- come and thruſt me thorow and mocke mee: adefperate end, `
morow of the malekites had taken: alfa Dauid refcued but bis armeur bearer would not. foz he was as is commonly
two exenmings: .bis two wiues. lore afraid. Therefore Haul tooke aſword feenein them,
that is, three 19 And thep lacked nothing, finall o? and kell vpon it. that perfecure
dayes. great, ſonne oꝛ Daughter, oof thefpople of § And when his armour bearer ſaw that the children of
all that they had taken away : Dauid reca» Haul was dead, hee fell likewile vpon his God,
uered them all. fwod, and died with him.
20 Dauid alſo tooke allthe eepe, and 6 Ho Hauldied, and bis thzee fonnes,—
the oren,and they draue them bekore bis cat: and his armour bearer, and al his men that = -
& 5 Which the A- tell,and fait, Chis is Danids k pap. fame Day together.
smalekites had 21 ¶ Gnd Danid came tothe two hun: 7 € Ana whenthe men of Iſrael that
taken of others, Ded men that were too wearie foz to follow were on the other tide of the b valley, and b Neere to Gil-
and Dauid from Danid: whom they had mave allo to abide they on the other fine Joen {awe that the ‘boa.
chem befides thé, at the riuer Belo: : and thep came to meete men of Jiraci were putto flight, and that c The tribes of
goods of Ziklag, Daun, andto meete the people that were Daul and his ſonnes were Dead, then they Reuben and
with bim : fo when Dauid came neere to che left the cities, andran away: and the Philt- Gad,and halfe
. people, be faluted them. ſtims came and dwelt in them. f the tribe of Ma-
22 Chen anlwered all the euil and wic⸗ 8 And on the mozow, when the Phili nafleb,
ked ofthe men that went with Dania, and ſtims were come to ſpoyle them that were
faid, Becauſe they went not with vs, therc- iiaine,they found Saul and hts thee fonnes
fore will we giue them none of the pray that lying in mount Gilboa, _ f
wee haucrecouered , ſauetoeuerp man his 9 And they cut off his head, € ripped
§ Vaderthefe l wife and his childzen: therefore tet them Him out of his armour, and fent into the land
‘ate comprehen- carte them away and Depart. of the Philiſtims on euery ide, that they
ded the cattell 23 Chen Laid Danid, Peſhall not doe fo, ould 4 publi it in the Temple of their d Intokenof
and goods, which my brethzen, with that which the Low hath Wolesand among the people. vidory and tri-
appertained to giuen bs, wio hath preſerued bs, and Deli- Io And they layde vp his armour tn the umph,
cuery man, ucret the companie that came againſt vs, bouk of Aſhtaroth, but they hanged vp bis
into our bands, B58 body on the wall of Beth than.
24 for who will obey yonin this matter? 1I C Mhen the inhabitants of e Jabeſh e Whomhe had
but as His part is that goeth Downe to the Gilead heard what the Philiſtims had Done dpliusred from
m Some referre battell. fo thall his part be that tarteth by the to Baul, their enemies,”
thefe words to kufi: they ſhall part alike. 12 Chen they arole( as many as were Chap,14, iie
Dauid, that he 25 ™ Go from that Day forward he made ftrong men ) and went ail night, and tooke
alleaged an old ita thatute a latu in Iſrael, vntill this dav. the bony of Saul, & the bodiesof his ſonnes
_ cuftome and law, 26 ¶ Mhen Dauid therefore came ts front the wall of Wetih-han, and came to Teve.3 4.5.
as if it were write Ziklag, bee fent of the pap wnte the Elders Jabeſh and *burnt them there, i 2. Sam 2:4.
ten, Eris both of Judah, and to his friends, laying, Dee, 13 And tooke theit bones, and * buried F According to
_ now,and hath thereis a bleſſing foz pougt the tpoyle of the them vnder atyee at Jabeſh, and E faked te- the cuftome of
bene euct. enemies of the 2020. ) uen dapes. THE the mourners,
Dauidlamenteth for Saul and Ionathan. rat

q The fecond booke of Samuel.

His booke and che former beare the title of Samuel , becaufe they conteine the conception, natiuie
T the wholecourfe of bis life, and alfo the liues and actes of two Kings , to wit, of Saul and
Dauid,whom he anoynted and confecrated Kings by the ordinance of God. Andas the firft booke
conteineth thofe things, which God brought to paffe among this people vnder the gouernment of Sa⸗
muel and Saul ; fo thisfecond booke declareth the noble acts of Dauid after the death of Saul, when he
began to reigne,vnto the end of his kingdome : and how the fame by him was wonderfully augmen-
ted; alfo his great troubles and dangers, which hefufteined both within his houfe and without; what
horribleand dangerous infirreGions, vprores, and treafons were wrought againſt him, partly by falfe
counfellers, fained friends,and flatterers,and partlybyfome of bis owne children,
and people: and how
by Gods affiftance he ouercameall difficulties,and enioyed his kingdome in reft and peace, In the per-
fon of Dauid the Scripture fetteth foorth Chrift Ieſus, the chiefe King, who came of David according
to the fiefh,and was perfecuted on euery fide with outward and inward enemies,afwell in his owne per-
fon,asin his members,but at length he ouercommethail his enemies , and giucth his Church vi&ory a-
gainſt all power both fpirituall and cemporall : and fo reigneth with them King for euermore,
CHAP. IL his ſonne, and forthe people of the Lod ana
4 Ftwastold Dauid of Saulsdeath, 15 Hee fo: the boule of Ilrael, becaule they were
cauſeth himto bee flaine that brought the tidings. flaine withthe fwod,
39 He lamentetiathe death ofSaul and Ionathan, 13 @ ¢ Afterward Danid fayd vnto the e After thela-
pong man that tolde it him, thence art mentation he cx-
Fter the death of Saul, thou ? And he anfwered, J am the onne of a amined bhim a-
when Danin was returned (ranger an Amatekite, gaine.
184M.30.17, from the * Maughter of the ` 14 And Dauid fayde yntobim, * How Pfal, 105.7 Şa

Amalekites , and had bene wait then not afratd,to put forth thine band
XL two dayes in Fikiag, to deſtroy the anoynted of the Lord?
2 Beholdʒa man came the Is Then Danid called one of hts pong
third Day out okthe botte from Haul with men and laid, Soe neere,and fall ppon him.
a Seeming tolae bisa clothes rent, and earth vpon his head: And he fnote him that he died.
ament the ouer- and when hee came to Dauid, hee fell to the 16 Then fayd Danid vnto him, £ Thy f Thou art iuſtly
throw of the: garth,and did obeyſance. ` blood bee vpon thine owne head: fo? thine punithed fos thy
people of Ifrael, 3 Then Dautd fain unto him , ZAhence owne mouth hath teſtilied againſt thee, fap- fault, a)
comme thou 2 And bee faid vnto him, Dut ing Jhaue faine the Lords anoynted.
», of the bote of Iſxael J am efcaped. 17 @ Then Dauid: mourned with this
D 4- And Danid (aide vnto him, That is lamentattonouer Baul, and ouer Jonathan
Done? 3 pray thee, tell mee. When hee ſayd, pis fomne.
What the people is fled from the battell, and 18 (Allo he bade them teach the children
many of the people are ouerthzowen, and of Judah to s oote, as tt ts wꝛitten in the g Thatthey
Bead, and allo Maul e Jonathan his tonne booke sf* Jaſher) PIURE might be able to
are Dead. 19 D noble j{raet, hee is laine vpon match their ence
And Dauid fayd vnto the yong man thyhigh places: How are the mighty oner- mies the Phili-
that tole ithim, bow knowelt thou that thowen? ; {tims in that art,
Haul and Jonathan bis ſonne be Dead ? 20 *Tellit not in Gath, no: publi it in Iofh. 10s! 3
6 Then the pong man that told him, an⸗ the treets of Aſhkelon, leak the daughters Or,rig hteous.
b As! fiedin fwered, >As Itame to mount Gilboa, be» ofthe Philiſtims retoyce, lett the Daughters h Mezning,Saul,
Saul leaned bpon his (peare , and foe, ofthe vᷣncircumciſed triumph.
hold, Micah,1.10.
the chafe,
NOr,captainese the — aud horſemen followed hard afs 21 Deemonntatnes of Gtlboa, vpon you
ter hun. be neither Dew no: raine, no? ibe there ficlas i Lettheir fertile
7 And when he looked backe,heſaw me, of offrings: for there the fhtcld of the mighty fields be barren,
and called me. Aun J ankweren, Were am J is call Downe, the Wield of Sant, as though and bring forth
8 And he laid vntome, Apo art thou? be had not bene anoynted with ople, no fruit to offer
to. the Lord.
e He wasan A- Bnd J antwered him, Jaman: Amalekite. 22 Che bow of Jonathan neuer turned
malekire borne, 9 Then hee ſaid vnto mee, F pzay thee, backe,netther did the ſword of Sant returne
but tenounced come vpon me, and flay me: for anguiſh is empty trom the blood of the latue, and from
_ his countrey.and come vpon me,becaule mp 4 life ts pet whole the fatofthe mighty,
‘Ioyned with the in mee 23, Danland Fonathan wereloucly anv
Ifraelites, 10 SoF tramevponhim, and flew him, pleafant in thetrliues, and inthetr deathes
k They died
4Ebe. fand vpon. and becaule 3i was ture that bee could not they were not ’Dintoed : they were fitter both together im
d Iam fory, bes line, after that hee had fallen, J tooke the then eagles, they were ftronger then lyons, Gilboa.
caufe I am yet crowne that was vpon his head, and the 24 Dee Daughters of Iſrael, weepe for
bracelet that wason his arme, and beoughe Haul, which clothed you tn fcarlet, with 1 Astichgar-
aliue. ments and coftly
} Ebr. I flood vpe thent hither unto mylo. pleafiives, ¢ hanged eznaments of gala vp⸗
on hima. 3 IL Then Dauid took hold on his clothes, pn your apparell. * iewels.
(hap.3.31. * and rent them, and likewite all che men 25 Mow were the mighty Naine in. the
gnd 13.3%, that were with hint. midsofthe battel? D Jonathan, thou watt
12 And they mourned and wept, and fa- flaine in thine hte places.
* Hed vntill cucu, fo aul and fo Jonathan 26 Moeis megfo: thee , my brother Fae
D natham
Dauid King ouer Iudah. Ithbofheths II. Samuel. Afahelflaine. Warrebetweene the a
nathan: very kinde halk thou bene vnto nier 16 And every one caught bis fellowby i Meaning, his
thy ioue to me was wonderfull, pafling the the hean ann thrult his fwod in bts fellowes aduerfary,
m Bitherroward loue of m women: pow are the mighty ouer- fide. fo they fell Downe together : wherefore
their husbands, throwen, and the weapons of warre Dee the place was called Helkath hatzurim, ||Or, the field of
or their children. ftroyed ? which ts tn Giscon. j rong men,
CHAP. II. . 17 And the battel was exceeding fore that
4 Dauid is anoynted King in Hebrom 9 Ab- fame Day; foz Abnerand the men of Iſrael ;
ser maketh F{h-bofheth king ower Ifrael, 15 The k Fell betoze the ſeruants of Danid. k Afterthar
battell of the feruants of Dauid and F{hebofheth. 18 AnD there were tizer fonnes of Zer⸗ thefe foure and
32 The ounall of Afahel, uiah there, Joab, and Abithat, and Alabel. twentie were
a By the meanes Fter this, Dauid ⸗aſked countellof the And Alabel was as light on foot asa wilde Naine,
of the Prieft, as Lod, faptne, Shall 3 goe vpintoany R OC.
¥,Sam.23.2,and gf the cities of Judah? And the Lord fain _ 19 And Alabel followed after Abner.and
2. Sam.5. 19. vnto him, Goe vp. And Dauid (aid, Ahi- in going he turned neither tothe right hand
ther ball J| goe? We then anſwered, Unto noz to the left from Abner. i
b Whiehcity bebo. 20 Then Abner looked behinde him and
was alfo called 2 Ho Danid went vp thither and bis fayd, Art thou Alabel 2 And bee anſwered,
Kiriath-arba, two wines alſo, Ahinoam the Jsreclite, and We a,
Toth.6 4.15. Abigail Mabala tife the Carmelite. 21 Then Abner ſatde, Turne thee either
3 And Dani brought vp themen that to the right band, o? to the left,¢ take one of
c Inthe time of twere with «him ,cuery man with his houle⸗ the pong men, and take thee Hts ||weapons: ||Or, Poile.
hisperfecution, Holy, and they dweit
inthe cities of Hebron. but Aſahel would not depart from him.
4 © Then the menot Judah came, ana 22 Aud Abner faide to Alabel, Depart
there they anopnted Dauid Ring ouer the from mee: wherefore ſhonld 3 finite thee to 1 Why doef
houte of Juday. And they tolv Dauit, fay- the ground? How then Mould J bee able to chou prouoke
8, SA03 1030 ing, ue the men of Jabeſh Gilead buried Hola vp my faceto Joab thy brother ? me to kill thee?
aul. 23 And when hee would not depart, Ab⸗
And Danid fent meffengers vuto the ner with the hinder ende of the tpeare ſmote m Somereade,
men of Jabeſh Gilead, and fayd vnto them, Him under the ft » ribthat the fpeare came in thofe parts,
Bleſſed are pee of the Lod, that pee baue out behind him: and he fel Downe there,and whereas the liye-
Hewed fuch kindneſſe vnto pour 1020 Baul, died in bts place. And as many as came to ly parts lie: as
that pou haue buried bint. the place where Aiabel fell Downe and died, the heart, the
6 Therefore nom the Lod ſhew mercy fiood fill. wep lungs,the livery ,
andd trueth vnto you : and J will recom⸗ 24 Joab alſo and Abiſhai purſued after the miltand the
d Aceordingto denle you thts benefit,becaule yee haue Done Abner; anv the Sunne went Downe, wher gall,
his promife, thi
Lie his thing. they were cometo the bul Ainmah, that ly⸗
— 7 Therefore now let pour handes bee eth before Giah , by the way of the wilder>
— ſtrong, and bee pou valiant; albeit pour ma» nefie ofStbeon. i
a fter Saul be dead, yet nevertheles the houſe 25 And the children of Bentamin gathe⸗
j of Judah hath anointed me vine ouer them, ted themlelues together after Abner, and
€ So that you 3 @ Gut Abnertie ſonne oker, that wrr pnau beape, and fiood on the top of
fhallnot wanta Was captaine of Hauls holte , tooke Iſh
·bo⸗ an bill.
aptaine anda eth the fonne of Baul, and brought
JPahanaim hia ta 26 Then Abner called to Joab, and faid,
detender, > Shall the” fwod deuoure foz euer know n Shallwe not
9 Ano made hin king oner Gilead, and eft thou not,that it will bee bitterneſſe tn the makean end of
puer the Athucttes,and oucrJsreeland ouer latter ende? how long then Hall tt bee, 02 murthering?
— ouer Bemamim and ouer fall thou bid the people returne from following
rael. their bzetheen? : f
f Ouer the ele. Id Iſh vboſheth Hauls fonne was fortie 27 And Joab faid, As Godlineth,tfthou
menctribes. peere olde when he began to reigne ouer Ji- hadſt noteipoken, ſurely euen tithe moz: o Ifthou hadit
tael, and reigned two yere but the houle of ning the people had Departed eneryone back notproucked .
Judah followed Dauid. i from bts kether. them to battell,
Il (And the time which Dauid reignes 28 ¶ Ho Joab blew a trumpet, andall as verſe 14.
in hebron ouer the houle of Judah, was ſeuen the people ſtood ſtil, and purſued after Iſra·
g After this time yeere and fire 3 moneths.) _elno moze neither fought they any more.
was ¢xpired,he
12 C And Abuer the tonne of Mer, and 29 Aud Abner and his men walked all
reigned ouer all the leruants of J)-botheth the fon of Saul thatnight thozow thel plaine, and went o || Or, wildernege.
the countrey 33. went out of Mahanaim to Gibeon. uer Jorden, and pated thorowall Biton
yecressChap.5.5. 13 And Joab the fonne of Fcruiah, and till they came to ||Mahanaim, - JOr,t0 the tents,
the ſeruants of Dauid went out and met 30 Joab allo returned backe from Ab⸗
one another bythe poole of Gibeon : and ner: and when hee bad gathered all the peor
thepfatedowne, the one on the one fide of ple together, there lacked of Dauids feya
t pet and the other on the other line of uants nineteene men ana Aſahel.
thepoote. 31 But the ſeruauts of Dauid had finite
h Let vs feehow 14 Then Abner laive to Joab, Let che tenof Beniamin and of Abnersmen, fothat
they can handle ‘yongmen Rowarile, and "play befoze vs, thee P hundzeth and threeſtoremendied. p ThusGod
their weapons, nD Joab ſayd,
Let them arife. 32. Andtheytooke vp Afabhel,and buried would confirme
15 Chen there arole, went ouer twelue him in ebelepulchae of his tather,whtch was Danid in his
of Benramiin by number, which perteined to in Beth lehem and Joab and his nien went kingdome by the
Fh boſheth the ſoune of Haul, and twelue atl night, aud whenshey came to Hebzon, the deftruction of his
Athe(eruantsof Dania, Day aroſe. adwerfaries,
nhouſes of Saul and Dauid. Chap.iij. Toab killeth Abner. 122
e H A P. 1 TY, 18 fAow then Dorit: foz the Lod bath
1 Long warre betweeme the houfes ofSanl and —— of Dauid,faping, By the hand of mp
Daud, 2 The children ofDanid in Hebron. 12 truant Daui F volt laue — Iſrael
Abnerturnethto Dauid. 37 Joab killeth him, out of the hands of the Philiſtims, and sut
a Thatis,with- T Dere was then a +long warre betweene ofthe hands of all their enemies. :
out intermiffion the boule of Saul and the bonle of Da- 19 Allo Abner fpake tos Beniamin, and tEbriw the eares
enduring two uid: but Daun wared Kronger, € the heule afterward Abner went to peake with Da- of Beniamin,
yectes,which was of Haul waredD weaker. uid in Pebzon,concerning al that Iſrael was
the whole reigne 2 (And ynte Dauid were children borne content with and the whole e houle of Ben- & Who challen-
of Ih-bolheth, in Hebron: and his eldeſt tonne was Ani» tamin. ged the king.
non of Ahinoam the Izreelite. 20 So Abner came to Danid to hebron, dome,becauleof
b Who is alfo 3 And bis fecond was Chileab of Abi» hamng twenty men with dim, and Dauf ‘heir facher Sande
called Danicl, gatl the wife of Rabai the Carmelite: and mane afeat vnto Abner, and to the men
z,Chron, 3.6 the third, Ablalom the fonne of Maacah, the that were with hint. ;
Daughter of Calmat the king of Geſhut, 21 Then Abner fayd vnto Dauid , F ttil
4 nd the fourth Qdenitah the ſouneof ri bp, and goe gather all Iſtael vnto mp
— the htt.Ahephatiah the foune lod the king, that thep map make a cone-
0 ita ì Nant with thee, and that thou mayeſt reigne
5 And the fiet Ithream by Eglah Da- oner all that thine heart Delireth. Then
uids wife: thele were borne to anid in Dauid let Abner Depart, whe went || in Or, wet howe
= Within feuen c Mebjon. peace. harme, `

yeeres and fixe 6 @ Mow while there was warre be- 22 C And behold, the (eruantsof Dauis
moneths, 4 tweene the houleof Saul and the houle of and Joab came + from the campe , ang © Erom warre|
Dauid, Abner made all bis power foz the brought a great pray with them (but Ah» 282initche Phili-
houle ot Baul. f ner was not with Dauidin Debon: toz {em
7 Aw Haul had a concnbine named Pebanſent him away, and hee Departed in
Rispah the DaughterofAitah. And ith-bo- ce.
theth fays to Abner, therefore haſt thou 23 eben Joab and all the hott that was
gone in to my fathers concubine ? with) him , were come, men told Joab , ſay⸗
8 Then was Abuer very wath fo: the ing, Abner the onne of Mer came to the
wodes of Fh boheth, and fayd, Am Ja King,and he hath (ent him away,and hee is
d Doeft thou adogs head, which again Judah doe Hew
elleeme meno
_ 24 Theni
mercie this Day unto the boule of Gaul chy oa Then Foab came e tothe King, ¢iain,
to the King, fain .
more thena dog, father, to bis brethren and to bis nefgh< i hathat chou Done? Lehols,Abner came ! ms sopa
for all my feruice bourg, and haue not deliuered thee inte vnto thee,why haft thou lent him awap and ous mind
be is Departed?
othe maliot-
of Jo-
done to thy fa- the hand ot Dauid, that thou chargeft mee
thers houfe? this Day with a fault concerning this woe 25 Chou knowelk Abner the fonne of *swho would &

man? Mc: foz Hee cametoDecciue thee,e to know Prchad the

e Wefechow 9 *Hodo God te Abner and moꝛe alfo, thpoutgomng and ingoing, and toknow ail Kingtoflay Ab-
the wicked can- except, asthe Loꝛd hath uonetoDanid, that thou doeſt. nCETOT SPE
not abide to be tucifodorZtobin, 26 (And when Joab wasgeneont from “ate grudge,
admonifhed of 10 To temone the kingdome from the Daud, hee ent meflengers after Abner,
their faults, but houſe of Haul, that p theone of Dauid may which bꝛought hun againe from the well of
feeke their dif- bee eftabltfhed ouer Iſrael,and ouer Judah, Pirialh vnknowing to Dauid. i l
pleafure which cuen from Dan to Beer ·ſheba. 27 And when Abner was come agatneto
goeabout to IL And be Durk no moze anſwere to Ab· Hebzon, * Joab tooke him aliden the gate 1, Kizg, 2.5.
bring them from ner : foz he feared bhim, to {peake with bim | peaceably, and {mote |lOr, fecret/y.
their wickednes, 12 @ Then Abner fent meflengers to bim vnder the fiftnb, thathe died, for the
Dautd,|! on his bebalfe, ſaying. Ahoſe is the bload of * Alabel his brother, Chap, 2.23.
QOr,fecretly. land? whe ſhould alo fay, Make couenant 28 (And when afterward it came to
with me, and behold, mine hand thalbe with Danids eare, bee ſayd, F and my kingdome
thee,to ping all Jitacl vnto thee. are k guiltlefle before the #020 foz cuer, k The Lord
13 Mho (ayd, Hell, J will make a coue⸗ concerning the blood of Abner the ſonne of knoweth thatI
nant with thee: butone thing J require of N et. did not confent
thee,thatts,that thoufee negt my face,ercept 29 Letthe blood falon the head of Joab, tohisdeath. —
thou bing Michal Sauls Daughter when and on all is fathers boule, that the boufe
thou commet to fee nice, of Joab bee never without fome that haug
14 ¶ Then Dawid fent meflengers to Ih- tunning tflues.o2 leper, 02 that leanetl on a
bobpeth Gauls fonne,faping,Deltuerme mp ftaffe,o2 that Doth fallon the fwozd , oꝛ that
1,540,18,2 55272 wife Michal, which J married foz * an Hun: Jacket bread.
Deth forefkins of the Philiſtims. 30 (Ho Joab and ! Abihat his bꝛother 1 Abithai is faid
Is And Iſh botheth ent, tooke her from few Abner , becauſe he had laine their bzo- co flay him with
TSAM 25.44. her bulband * Phaltiei thefonneof Lath. ther Alabel at Gibeon tn battell) loab,becaufe hee
16 And her huſhand went with her, a 31 And Dauid faidtoJoab, and to all confenred tothe
came weeping bebinde her vnto Bahurim: the people that were with him, Rent pour muither.
F Rather for ma- then ſayd Abner vnto him, Go,and returne, clothes, and put on fackecloch, and mourne i
licetharhe bare Bo he returned. : m before Abner: and king Danid hinlelfe m Meaning, bee
toward Ifh-bo- 17 (Aud Abner had © communication followed the beere. _ fore the corps,
fheth, then for with the Elders ofIfrael, laying, De ſought 32 And when thephad buried Abner in
touc he bareto fo? Dautd in times pak, that hee mightbe Hebzon, the king lift vp his woyce, and
Dauid, pour king, wept befog the entei of Abner; wt
ifh-bofheth murdered by Baanah and - L.Samnel. Rechab,
who are therefore flaine. k:
all the people wept. Baanah hisbother theſonnes of Rimmon
32 Gnd the king lamented oner Abner, the Beerothite, and ſayd vnto them; As che
n He declareth and fayd, Died Abner asa” toole Det? Loꝛd linet) , who Hath Delivered mp foute
thatAbnerdied ~ 34 Thine hams were not bound nor thy out of allatuertitic,
notasawretch fegt tied in fetters of beafle: but as a man IQ Ahen one told mee, and fayd, that Chap.t.1§.
orvileperfon, ftalleth befoꝛe wicked men,fo didſt thou fail. Haul was Dead, (thinking to haue broughe g Forafmuch as
but asa valiant ~ nd all the people wept againe foz bint. goad tidings)7 tooke him, and flew him in neither the ex-
manmightdoe, 35 GiterwarD al tye peoplecameto cauſe Siklag , who thought that J would hãue gi ample of him
being traiteroul- Dauid cat ° meat while owas pet Day, bus uen buna reward to bis tivings: that flew Saul,
ly deceiued by Daud fware laying, Ho Bo God te me and 11 ow s much moze when wicked men nor duety to theit
the wicked, moꝛe alſo, it J talkebacad oz ought eis, tilt baue ſlaine a rtghteons perlon in fis owne midter,nor the
o According to the funne be Downe. TE houle,andypon bis bed? Mall J nor now innocency of the
their cultome, 36 Andall the people knew it,¢itr plea- therefore require bis blood at pour pand, perfon,nor reue⸗
which was to fed them: as whatlocucr the King DID plea⸗ and take pou from the earth? Í rence of the place
banguetatbu- {eD all thepeople. 2 Then Daud commanunded his young nor time did
sails 37 Joz all che people andall Iſrael vn⸗ men, andthey flew them, and cut oft thew moue them , they
p It isexpedient Deritood that Day , bow that ttwas not the bandes and their teete,and banged them up deferued moft
fometime not kings deed that Abner the fonof fer was ouert the poale in Hebron: but they tooke the gricuous punilhe
enlyto conceiue Hainñe. head of Iſh· boſheth, and buried tt in the ſe⸗ ment.
inward forrow, 38 Aun the king fain vnto his ſeruants, pulchecot* Abner ĩn Hebron. À Chap 332.
bucalfothac it Know pee noc, that thereis a princeand a
may appeareto great man fallen this day in Iſrael?: CHA Pi NV:
others,cothein- 39 And Jam this Day weakeand newly 3 Danidis made king ouer all Ifrael. 7 He
tentthatthey audinted king : and thele men the ſonnes of taketh the fort of Zion, 19 Hee asketh counfel
may be fatisiied. Zeruiah be too ||bard for mee: the Lord res ofthe Lord, 20 aad cuercommeth the Philaſtims
Or, crued, — * doerotcuilaccoꝛding to his wic; tmife,
1.Chron. 11.1.
78* *cane all the tribes of Iſrael to
CHAP. ITIL. : Dauid vnto Hebron and ſaid thus, Be-
§ Baanal and Rechab flay Iſp bofheth the hold, a Weare of thy
we ate thy bones and thy filet. Kinred „and moft
fonne of Saul, 12 Dauid commaundeth them to 2 Andintine patt when Maut was our
be flaine, King, thouleddett Iſrael in and out: and neere ioyned Yne
to thee,
the LTord hath faydto thee,* Thou halt fied
z A Po when Dauls afonne heard that Ab- mp people Firael, andthouthalt be acap- Pfal 78.71.
a- Thatis,Ifh-
bofhetb. ner was Dead in Debron , the bis hands tatune ouer Iſrael.
b Meaning that were feeble, and ail Iſrael was attraid. 3 Hoallthe Elders of Iſrael came to
he was dilcoura- 2 Gnd Sauls fonne had twomenthat the &ingtoHebron: andking Panid made
were captaines of bandes: the one called Acouenant with them in iebron b before b That is, taking
gcd, the Lord to wite
Baanah, andtheother called Rechab, the the Loz: and they anointed Dautd king o» neé: for the Arke
ſonnes of Rimmon a Beerothite of the chil uer Iſrael. Ai
c Thecitie Bee. Dien ofBentamin, (for * Weeretthwas rec. C Dauid was thirtie peere olde when wasas yet in A-
binadabs honfe»
roth wasinthe koned to Beniamin, Hiat : ;
hee began to reigne: and hee reigned foztte
tribeofBeniae 3 Becaule the Beerothites 4fed to Git- peere. f
min, Iofh.18,25. taim, and fotourned there vnto thts Day.) § Inivebson he reigned ouer Judah * fe- C(hap ꝛ. 18
d After §death | 4 And Ponathan Sals fon had a nne uen yeere, ant fire moneths sandin Icruſa⸗
of Saul,forfeare that was lame on his teet she was fue peere tembe reigned thirtie and thecepeeres oner
of the Phili. ald when the tipings came of Damgo. all Iſrael and Judah. i
Rims. nathanout of Ffrael: then bis nurle tooke 6 -C Tbe king al and his men went to
hjim, and fled away. And as the made hatte Jeruſalem vnto the Jebuſites, the inhabi-
the child fell ,and began to halt/ and tantsotthe land: who ſpake vnto Danid,
to fice,
his name was Mephiboſhech. ſaying, Except thou takeaway the “bltnde c- The children
s Andthe feunesof Rimmon the Bee- and the lame, thou Matt not come tn hitber : of God called
rothite, Rechaband Baanah went ecame — that Dauta could not come thi- idoles blind and
in the heat of the Day tothe boule of JW bo: ther. ; lame guids : ther-
MethCwho fieptona bedatnoone ) : 7 But Dauid toske the fortofFrom: this foie the Iebufites
6 And bebold,Rechab and Baanah bis is the citieof Dauid, 3 meant,that they
wiother came into the mides of the houle, 8 Row Dauid had iù the fame day, fhould prouethat
_. . , asthey «would hatte wheat,and they imote Wholoeier ſmiteth the Jebuſites, and get· their gods were
e They difguifed pim vnder the fiftrib, and fied. teth bp to the gutters, and {miterh the lame neither blind nor
themf{clues as 7 Fozrwhen they came tnto the houte, he and blinde, which Dauids ſoule bateth, 1 chime.
merchants,which {lene on hts bed in bis bed chamber, ¢ they will preferre bith:* therefore theplapd, The 1.Chron.11. 6.
came to buy finote bin, and flew him, € beheaded him, blinde and the lame Hall not 4 come tnto d Theidoles
. ‘wheate, | and tooke bis head , and gate them away thathoule. i fhould enter no
f Thereisno- ¶ thezow the | plaineall the might. 9 So Dauid dwelt in that fort,¢ called mere into that
thing ſo vile and 8 Ano theyboughe the head of Iſh ·bo· it the citie of Danid,and Dauid built round place.
dangerous which feth vnto Danid ro Hebron and faid to the about it from- Millo and inward. e He built from
Me wicked will king, Behold ý head of Hh-boheth Hauls 10 . And Dauid prolpered and grew: Toz the towne houfe
notenterprife in fonne thine enemie, who fought after thy the Lozd God of hoftes was with hin. round about to
hopcoflucre iife:and the Lord Hath auenged my loz the Ir CHiram allo king of +Cyprus fent his owne houfé,
and fauour. king this Day of Maul and of his (eed. meffengers to Dauid, and cedar trees and 1.Chro, 11. 8
lOr, wilderneſſe. g Chen Dauid anſwered Rechab and carpenters, and malong foz walles +a4 {Ebr Zore

The Philiftims ſmitten. Chap. vj. Vꝛꝛa flaine. Dauid danceth. 123
and they built Dauman houſe. God out ofthe houſe of *Abinadab,that was 1.Sam.7 a.
12 Then Daui knew, that the Lord had at Oibeah, Ahto went before the Arke.
Kablithed bim King ouer Iſrael and that he Ans Daut and all the bonte of Iſrael
bad eralted his kingdome foz bis people Je c played befoze the LoD on all inftruments c Praid God
raels lake. made offtre, and on harpes, and on Pial- and fang Pfalmes
uf hrom,3.9- 13 And Daud tooke him moe* concu» teries, and on timbzels, and on coꝛnets, and
bines and wiues out of Jerufalem, after bee on cymbals.
was come fromijebzon,and moe formes and 6 @* And when they came to Machons i.Chro.i 3.10.
Daughters were bone to Dauid. threſhing flooze, Ci3sabh put bis hand to the
3. Chron.3.5. 14 *And thele be the names of the fonnes Arkeof God, and held it: foz theoren dia
that were bone wnto him in Jerulalem:
Shammua, and Hhobab,and Rathan, and ae7 AndAnd thethe L Lord was herp woth wit
Dalomonr, 2 Gara 4 tg at d oe a in fhe ine d Here we ſee
Is And Ibhar, and Eliſhua,
andMephes, ace to? bis fanit, and there bee Diedby the what danger it is
and —— i Atke of Gov, | oe to follow good
16 And Clifhama,¢ Eliada t Cliphelet, 8 And Dauid was dilpleates,becaule the intentions,or to
x. Chron.34,8, 17 €* But when the Philiſtims heard Lozd had t ſmitten Cizsah:and He called the doe any thing ie
and 18.56. that they bad anopnted Dauid King ouer — of the place,liPeres Gssah vntill this Gods fernice
Iſrael, all the Philiſtims camevp to ſeeke p without his ex-
Dauid: and when Dautd heard, hee went 9 Therefore Danid that day feared the preffe word,
Bowne toafa, Lod, and faid, How hall the Arkeof the tEbr.made a
18 But the Philiſtims came and fpzead Lo2d come to me? breach.
themfelues tu the valleyofRephaim, Io Ho Dauid would not being the Arke llOr,the adissifeon
f By Abiathar 19 Then Daui talked countell of the of the Lozd vnto him into the city of Danid, ofPrah, ,
the Prieft. but Dautd carted it into the boule ofDbed-
Lom, laying, Shall J gor vp to the Phili»
Rims? wilt thou Deltuer them into mine edom ¢ a Gittite. i e Who was a
bands? And the Lod anliwered Dauid, Go Il And the Arke of the Lom continued Leuite,and had
bp: for J will doubtleſſe deliuer the Phili- in the boule of Dbed-edom the Gittite three dwelt in Gittaim,
Rims into thtne hands. moneths, and the Lord bleſſed Obed-edom 1,Chros. 15,21,
12.28.21, 20 ¶ Then came Dauid to Baal-pera- andallbtsbhoutola., | 2
sim, and finote them there, and fatt, The 12 CAnd one told king Dauid, taping,
Lod hath diurded mne enemies afunder * The Lod bath bleſſed the heute ofDbed-
1. Chron. 15. 25.
_. before mee, as waters bee diuided afunder: edom,tali that be hath, becaule of the Arke
f Meaning, he
therefoze bee called the nameof that place, of Sod; therefore Daum went andfbzoughe
caused the Le-
fOr,the plaine Baal perazim. ey the Arke of God from the boule of Dhed- uites to beareit,
of diuifions. 21 And there they left theit images, and edom into the citieof Dauid with gladneffe. according to the
1.Chromi4.s2. Dauid and hts men* burnt then. 13 And when they that bare the Arke of Law,
22 Againe the Philiſtims came bp, and the Lozd, had gone fire paces, be offeredan
g Meaningthe ſpred themſelues in the valley ofs Rephaim. Ore,and atat braſt.
valley ofgiants, 23 And when Danid afked connilel ofthe it And Dauia daunced before the Lord
which Dauid Lod, he anſwered, Chou Malt not goe vp, With allhis might , and was girded with a
calledBaal-pe- but turne about behinde them, and come vp⸗ tinnen s €phod. g With agar-
razim, becaufeof onthemouer againt the mulberie trees. Ig So Dauid and allthe houſe ofIſratl, ment liketo the
his viGorie. 24 And when thou hearelt the noyſe of brought the Arke of the Lozd with yow: Prieks garment,
one going inthe tops of the mulberte trees, ting and found of trumpet, `
then remoue; foz then hall the Lord goe out 16 And as the Arke of the Lord came in«
h Which wasin before thee, to {mite the volte of thePhili; to the citie of Dania, Dichal Hauls daugh
thetribe of Ben- ſtims. IBUS ter looked thozow a window, and faw king
iamin, but the 25 Then Danid did fo as the Lod had - Danin teape,and dance before the Lod, and
Philiftimsdid commanded him, and (mote the Philiſtims fe + deſpiled him in her heart. é | The world-
poſſelſe it, from Geba —— come to t Gazer, 17 Ann when they had bronght in the lingsarenoe able
AP, VI. Arke of the Lo2d, they (et tt in bts place in to comprehend
3 The Arke is brought forth of the houfe of A- the mids of the Tabernacle that Dauit had themotions that
binadab. 7 Vaza s firicken and dieth. 14 Da- pitched fo2 tt; then Danid offred burnt ofe» mooue the chil-
uid danceth before it, 16 And w therefore de fpi- rings and peace offeringsbefoze the Loꝛd. dren ofGodto
fed ofhi wife Michal. 18 And affoone as Danid had madean praile God by all
l — Dauid gathered together all the end of — 2 offtings and peace of: manerofmeanes.
fOr, chiefe. Felcholen men of Iſrael, euen thirtte thou- frings,be *bieficn the people ithe ame of 1.(hren.16.2,
the Lozd ofhoftes,
¥.Chrow.33.5,6 2 And Dantd arole and went with all 19 And gaucamong all the people, euen
a Thiswasacitie the people that were with hint > from Baale among the whole multitude of Iſrael, ag
inTudahcalled of Judah to bring vp from thence the Arke well to the women as mien, to cuery onea
alloKiriathiearim of God, whole name is called by the Mame cake of bread, and aptece of fet, and abot.
Tofhua 15.9. ofthe Lord of hoites, that dwelleth vpon it tellofwine: {0 all the people Departed euery
between the Cherubims. one tobis houte. i : l
3 And chey put the Arke of God bpon a 20 Then Danid returned to i blefle i That is, to
3 his houſe, and Michal the Daughter of forhis houfe,as
new cart, and brought ttout ofthe boufeof
b Whichwasan Qbinadeb, that was in Gibeah. And Uz- Haul came out to mecte Dauid, and faid, hehad done for
hieplaceofthe - 3ah and Ahto the fonnes of Abinadab din D how glorious was the King of Pract the people,
citie of Baale, daiue the new cart. this Day , which was vnconered to Day in
' 4 And when they brought the Arke of the eyes of the maydens g = —
Nathan is fenttoDauid. | II. Samuel. Dauids thankefi giuig and prayer. —
llOr vaine man, asa foole vncouereth bintelfet o0 o a * J willbe bis father, andbheethaiide Hebr.t.5.
k It was for no 21 Then Daud laid vnto Wichal, kk my lonne: and" he inne, Iwil chalten bim P/</.89.32, 93.
worldly affecti· wa before the Lod, which chaf mee rather with thef rod of nen, and mith the plagues f Thatis,gencly
ox, bat oncly for then thp father, and all pts boufe, and come of the childzen of men. as fathers vf to
chat zealethat manded me fo be ruler duerthe people ofthe Ig WButimy mercy (hall not Depart away chaſtiſe their
I bare to Gods Led, cucnouce Iſrael: and cherefoze will J from him, asJ teoke itfrom Daui,whont J children,
glory, play betoze the Lod, i 8 bane put away before thee. j
22 And will pet bee moze vile then thus, 16 And thine houle thalbe ſtabliſhed and
and will bee low in mine owne fight, and of thy kingbdomie fo euer before thee, even thp
? Which wasa the very fame maine ſeruants. which thou throne ſhalbe g ſtabliſhed for euer. g This was be-
punithment,be- jak ſpoken of, WailJ be had in honour. 17 Accoꝛding to all theſe words, and art- gun in Salomon, |
caufe fhe moc- 23 Therefore Michal the Daughter of tozding to al this bilion. Mathan ſpake thus as a fignre,but
ked the fernant Saul had ! no childe buto the Day of Her vnto Dauid., accomplifhed in
of God. Death. 18 ¶ Then king Danin went in, and ſate Chrift,
CHAP, VII, bekore the Lod, and ſaid, Catho am J, D
2- Dauid would busld God an houfe but i fèr- Loꝛd God, ¢ what is mine heule, that thou
bidden by the Prophet Nathan. 8 God putteth hak brought me hitherto? ‘
Dauidin minde of bis benefits. 12 He promifeth 19 And this was yeta ſmall thing fa thy
continuance ofhis kingdome and pofterstiz, fight,D Lord God, therefore hak thou ſpo⸗
ALAVES Frerward wheu the King fate in bis ken allo of thy feruants boule for agreat
A boufe, and the Lod had giuen him reſt while : but Doeth this appertaineto + man Ebr.Zsthu the
round about from all hts enemies, £020 God? l law ofman?
2 The King fai onto Rathan the 1920- 20 and what can Dauid fap moze vnto h Commeth not
phet, Behold, now FJ Dwellinan boule of thee? foz thou, Loꝛd God, knowelt thy fer- this rather of thy ⸗
cedar trecs,and the Arke of God remaineth uant free mercie,then
a-Withinthe within? the curtatnes. 21 Foz thy words fake, and accozding to ofany worthines}
Tabernacle co- 3 Then Rathan laid onto the King,Go, thine owne heart halk. thou Done ait chele tharcanbein .
uered with skins, and Doe allthat is in thine beart: fog the great things, te: make them kuoweu vnto man?
Exod.26.7- Loꝛd is with thee. é thy fernant.
4 (And the fame night the wod of the 22 Wherefore thon art great, D Lod
Loud came vnto Rathan, faping, , Ged: fortheretsnoneltke thee, neitheris
§ Goandtell my feruant Dauit, Thus there anp God beſides thee, accoding to alk
b Meaning, he faith the Lod, © Shalt thou buila mee ars thatwe bane heard with our cares.
fhould not: yet boule foz my Dwelling? | 23 *And what one people in theearth fs Deut.47.
Nathan (peaking |6 ForF baue dwelt in no boule fince the like thy people, like Iſtael? whole Gon
accerdingto time that J brought the chilozenof Iſrael went andredeemed them to himlelfe, that
mang iudgement, outef Egypt ynto this Day, but haue wale they mightbe bis people, and that he might
and not by the ked in a tent and tabernacle. — ; make buna name, and Doe fozi pougreat i O Iſtael.
fpirit of prophe- 7 Jnalltbhe places wherein J haue wal- things, and terrible foz thp *land, D Loza, k And inheti⸗
fie,permitted him ked with allthe childzenofIſrael, ſpake J euen fo? thp people, whom thou redeemedſi tance,which is
e As concerning one © word with any of the tribes of Iſrael to thee out of Egypt, from the 'nattons, and Ifrael,
the building of whenJ commaunded the Judges to feede my their gods? 1 FromtheE:
an houſe:mea· people Iſrael? oꝛ fatd J, Ahy build pee not 24 Foz thou hak™ odeined ta thy felfe gyptians and
ning that withe me an honfe of cedar trees? thy people Iſrael to bee thy people foz euer: their idoles.
out Gods.ex- 8 Mow therefore fo faponto my feruant and thou Lozd art become their God. m He ſheweth
preffe word no- Daud, Thus faith the Lozd of hoites, * F ‘25 ow therefore, D Lod God, con: that Gods free
thing ought to tooke thee from the fheepecoat folowing the firme foz ener the won that thou haf fpo: election isthe
be attempred. eepe, that thou mighteſt bee ruler ouer my. ken concerning thy feruant and bis boule, onely cauſe,vhy
g Sam 16.12. peopleoucrZltacl. and Doz as thou hat (aid. the Ifraelites
pfal.98.70, 9 Gnd Zz was with thee whereſoeuer 26 Andletthy Mame bee magnified for were chofente
thou bat watked,¢ bane deſtroyed all thine ener by chem that fall fay, Whe Lazd of be his people,
enemies out of thy fight,and haue made thee bottes is the God oner Iſtael: and let the
d Thaue made adgreat Rame, like vnto the name of the s houle of thy feruant Dauid bee Kablityen n na prayeris *
thee famous great men that are tn the earth. before thee. * m ——
thorow all the Io. (Allo J will appoint a place foz my 27 Foz thou, D Loꝛdokhoſtes, God of when we chiefy
world. . people Iſrael, and will plant tt, that they Iſrãel, hatt reueaied vnto chy {eruant, fap- eke Gods glo-
may Dwell in a place of their owne, and ing,3)wil build thee an houle:therefoze hath te, and the ac-
e Hepromifeth imone € no moze, neither Hall wicked people thy feruant tbeenebold to pay this prayer Complithment of
them quietneffe, trouble them any moze as befozetime, dnto thee. his promife,
| ifchey will walke Il Andfince thetime that I {et Judges 28 Therefore now, D Lord God, (for 1£br.found his
| inhis feare and ouer my people of Iſrael) ¢ J will giue thee thou art God, andthp words be true,e thou beart difpofed.
| obedience. reft from ali thine enemies : allo the L020 halt told thts goodneſſe vnto thy (eruant)
telleth thee, that be will make thee an boule, 29 Therfore now letitpleale thee to blefie
3.King.8.20. 12 *And when thy dayes bee fulfilled, the hsuſe of thy feruant,that it may continue
thou halt fleepe with thy fathers,and J wil foz ener befoze thee : fo: thou, D Lo Gov o Thereforel
fet vp thy leede after thee , which wall pro- bat e {poken it: and let the boufe of thy fer: firmely beleeue
cecdc out of thy body, and will ſtabliſh bis uant be bleffen fo: euer with thy blefing. it thallcome te.
kingDome. CHAP, VIII. keen i!
I 2. Xing. 5.3. 13 he thal build an Houle for my Rame, 1 Dauid ouercommeth the Philistims and o=-
| and 6.12. ‘and J will tabli the thaone of bis king» ther ſtrange nations, and maketh them tributaries
|) 4.6hr0n,.23.10, Dome fo cuct. to Ifrael, ane
He is vi€torious and famous. Chap.viij.ix.x. MephibofhethIonathans fonne. 124-
1.Chrow.23.8. A Fer *this now , Dautd finote the Phi· CHAP, IX.
pfal. 60,2. ltitims, and fubducd them, and Daud 9 Daud reftoreth all the lands of Saulto Me-
Or, Metheg= toske || the bzidle of bondage out ota the phibofheth the fonne of Ionathas. 10 He appoin-
a mmah . band of the Philiſtims. teth Ziba to fee to the profit of his lands.
a So that they 2 And jee lmote Moab, and mealured
payed no more them with acozde, and caf them Downe te A AD Dauid ſayd, Is there pet any man
tribute, the ground ; hee mealured them with > twa lett ot the houte of Saul, that J may
b He flewtwo cordes to put them to death, and with one Hew bim mercie foz a Jonathans fake; a Becauſe of
parts, asit pleafed full coaDe to keepe them aliue: fo became the 2 And there was of the houſhold of Haul mine oath and
him, and referued —— Dauids feruants, and bꝛought a Ceruant whofe name was Ziba, and when promife made
the third, gikts. thep had calicd him vnto Dania, the king to Ionathan,
3Dauid ſmote allo adadeser p ſonne {aid vnto bim, Art thou ziba? Aud belapd, 1.Sam.20.15,
lOr, inlarge. of Rebot king of Zobah as hee went to |re» J thy feruant am be. ‘
#Ebr.Perath. couer bis border at the riuer t Cuphzates. 3 Then the king Hid, Remaineth there
“ 4 And Dani tooke of thenia rhouland pet noneof the boule of Saul, on whom F
and fenenbundeeth horſemen, and twenty may thew the >inercie of God? Fiba then b Such mercie,
lOr, honghe the thouſand footmen, and Dauid ||deſtroyed antwerea the King, Jonathan path pet a as thall beaccepe
horfes of the all the charets,but bee referued an bundzeth {onne * lame of his teete. tableto God,
tharets, charets of them. 4 Then the king layd vnto him, Ahere chsp.4.4.
Or the Syri H3, § ¶ Then camelithe Aramites of |Dam: ts he? and 3iba faid vnto the king, Behold,
HOrrofDarmafcnt, meſck to (uccour Hadadezer king of obah, bee is in the boule of Machir the fonne of
that č, which but Dauw flew of the Aramices two and AinnitelofLo-Debar.
dwelt neere twenty thoufand men, f S ¶Then king Dauid fent, andtooke |
Damaſcus. 6 And Dauid put a garifon in «Aram Dim outof the houſe of Machir the fonne of |
c Inthat part of of Dammelek: and the Aramites became
_ Syria where Da-
maſcus was.
feruatits to Dauid, ¿cand broughe giftes.
Ana the Lod ſaued Dauid whereloeuer
en Bpevbibotvet
Mephiboſheth thethe fofonne
n e called
cal ed Elamthe
of Jonathan, the fonne of Gaul was come father of Bath-
= d They payed de went. : bnite Dauid, bee fellon prs face, and DiD re- theba,Dauids
yerely tribute, 7 And Dauid tooke the Hields of golde terence. And Dauid fayd, Wephiboceth? wife,
that belonged to the ſeruants of adadeser, And beanlwered, Behold thy feruant.
| e Porthe vſe of and bzougt them to < Jerufalem. — 7 Shen Dauid fayd onto him, Feare
the Temple, 8 And out ot Betah, and Berothat Ceis not -foz3 wilt rely thew thee kindneffe foz
tics afHadadezer) king Dauid brought ere Jonathan — fake, and willreftoze
ceeding much bzaite. thee allthe |feldes of Saul thy father, and |}Or,damds.

[Or,Antiechia, 9 CTben Toi kingof | Pamath heard thou ſhalt cate bead at mp table continu,
how Dauid had (mitten allthe hoſte of Ha⸗ ally
dadezer: S And he bowed himielfe, fayn, ahat
Io Therekoꝛe Toi ſent Joram his ſonne ‘ts thy feruant,that
thou thouldett looke vpon
3Ebr,toaske bnteking Daud t toſalute him, to +f res fuch da Dead Dogge as J am? d Meaning ade-
peace. torce with bim, becaule hee had fought a= 9 Then the king called ziba Sauls fer- Spifed perlon,
P JEbr.bleffe him.
f For feeing Da- .
gaint Havanezer and beaten him (fo: Ya- uant, and fayd unto him J haue giuen vnto
Dadeser had warre with Cat) who brought thy matters |i fonne all that pertained to [Or,xephew.
uid victorious, he + with him veffels of filuer, and veflels of Saul and to all bis houte.
was glad to ine gold,and veftis ofbzafie. IO Thou therefore and e thy fonnesand e By theproui-
treat of peace, 11 And king Dauid did dedicate them thy feruants Hall till che land foz him, and dent ouerfers
Ebr.inbis hand, bunto the Lozd with the ſiluer and gold that bung in, that thy matters fonne may baue and gouernours
he had Dedicate of all the nations, which be food to eate. And Mephiboſheth thy matters of his lands that
had fubducd: fonne fhall eate bread alway at mp table they may be pro⸗
Or, Spria,or 12 Ok ram and of Moab, ant ofthe (now ap had fifteenefonnes, and twenty Grable.
childzen of Ammon, and of the Philiſtims, ruants
and of Amatek,and of the ſpoyle of Hadade· II Chen layd žiba bnto the king, Ae-
zer the Conne of Rebob, king of sobah. toming to alt that mp lozd the King bath
13 So Daud gate a name after that he commanded dis (eruant, fo Hall thy feruant
lOr,inGe melah returned, and bad faine of the Aramites in Doe, ‘that Mephiboſheth may cate at myta· f That Mephie
HOr,in all his en- the |alley of falt cighteenethoufand men. ble,asone of the kings ſonnes. bofheth may
terprifes. 14 And bee puta garifonin Erom : tho- I2 Mephiboſheth allo had ayong fenne baue allthingsar
g He gaueiudg- rowout all Enom put he feuldiers, tall thep named Micha, and all that dwelled inthe commandement
mentin contro» of Edom became Dauids fernants: and the boule of 3iba, were ſeruants vnto Mephibo⸗ asbecommeth a
uerſies and was Lod kept Dauit |whitherfocucr he went. weth. kings fonne,
mescifull toward Ig hus Danid reigned ouer allIſrael, 13 And Wephiboheth dwelt in Jerufa-
the people. and crecuted studgement and Juſtice vito lem : foz be did eate continually at the kings
Or, writer of all bis people. : table,and was lame on both bis feete.
chronicles. 16 And Joab the fonne of Seruiah was g=
HOr, was ouer the uer the bofte, and Joſhaphat the onne of A⸗ CHAP. X.
Chereshites. pilud was ||recorder. : 4 Themeffengersof Dauid are villenoxlyin-
h The Chere- 17 And Zadok the fonne of Ahitub, and treated of the king of Ammon, 7 Ioab fenta-
thites and Pele- Abimelech the fonne of Abiathar were the gainft the Ammonites,
thites were as Picts ani Deratah the Scribe. —
the kings gard, 18 And Benatabhu the ſonue of Jehoiada Aze this, the * Ring of thechflozen of
and had charge andthe tCherethites and the Pelethites Ammon died, ¢ Panun hts ſonne reig»
of his perfon, and Dautds nnes were chieft rulers, ned tn bis Kean.
2 Then
Dauids menillhandled ofHanun. II.Samuel. Dauidlieth with Bath-fheba.
2 Thenlaide Dauid, J will Hew kint- Dauid,and fought wrth him:
neſſe vnto Danun the fonne of Nahaſh, as 18 And the Aramites ties before Iſrael:
a Thechildren bis father *thewed kindneſſe vnto me. And and Dauit dettroped efeucn hundzeth cha- g Which were
ot God are not Dauid lent his ternants to comfoge him foz bets ofthe Aramites, and fourtp thoufana the chiefeft and
vamindfull ofa bis father. SoDautds feruants came into Hozlemen, and tinste Sbebach the captaine moft principall :
benefit receiued, the land of the childzen of Ammon, of bis hofte, who died there. for inallbe de~ |
3 And theprtnces of thechilozen of Anm 19 And when all the kings, that were fer: ftroyed 7009, as
Ebran thine eies mon layd vite Danun their lod , + Thin- uants to Hadarezer, faw that they fell be- 1,Chron.49.18,
doeth Dauid ? ket thou that Dauid Doeth honour thy fa- foze Iſrael, they made peace with Iſrael, or, the feuldiers
ther, that bee hath fent comforters to thee? anDlerucd them. And the Aramites feared which were in
hath not Dauid rather fent bis feruants vnto to helpe the childzenof Ammon any meze, 700.charets,
b Their arro- thee,” to (earch the citie, and to {pie it out,
gant malice aud to ouerthzow it? CHAP, XI,
would not ſuffer 4 Wherefore Panun tooke Dauids ferz t The citieof Rabbah ú befieged. 4 Dauid
them to feethe uants, ¢ ſhaued off the halfe of their beard, committeth adultery. 19 Vriah is flaine. 27
fimplicitie of and cut of their garments in the middle, e- Dauid marrieth Bath-fheba.
Dauids heart : nen te their buttocks,and fent them away. Az when the peeve was ? expired in the a ‘Theyere fol-
therefore thcir § ¶ Mhen it was told vnto Danid, hee -Stime when kings go korth co barrell, Da- lowing about
counfell turned fent to meete them ( foz the men were ercec= uid fent* Joab, and bts feruants with him, the fpring time,
to the deftru@ion Dingly alhamed) ano the Ring fayd, Cary at and all J{rael, who oeitroped the childzen of 1, Chrov.20.0,
of their countrey. Jericho vntill your beards be growen, then A mmon, and beſieged Rabbah : but Dauid
returne. rematned tn Jerufalem. 6
6 CAndiwhen the children of Ammon 2 CAm when tt was euentide, Das
c€ That they had faw that they ſtanke tn the fight ofDauid, nin arole out ef bis > bed, and walked vp⸗ b. Wherevpon
d ferued Dauids the childzen of Ammon fent hired thel A- onthe roofe of the kings palace: and from he vfed to reft ar
difpleafare, for ranutesof the boule of Rehob, and the A- the roofe be atw a woman wahing her felfe: afternoone, as
theiniurie done ramitesof 3oba twenty theufand footmen, ie the woman was beryheauttfull to looke was read of Ifh«
to his ambaffa- and of king Maacah a thouland men,and of apon. -bofheth,Chap,
dours. Iſh ·tob twelve thoulandmen, 3 And Dauit fent and enquired what 47:
HOr, Syrians, 7 And when Dauid heardofit, hee ſent woman it was: auDone fayd, Js not this
Joab, and all che hott of ſtrong the men. Bath-heba the Daughter of Eliam, wife to
8 And the childzen of Ammon came out, Giviah the: Dittite? c Who was not
and put their arime maray at the entring in 4 Ther Dantd fent meflengers, and an Hraelite
di- ofthe gate: and the Aramttesof d Zoba,and
d Thefewere tooke her away: and fheecame vnto pim, borne, but cone
uers parts of the ofRebob , and óf Iſh tob, and of Maãcah, and he lap with her: (now fhe was * purifi~ uerted to the
countrey of Sy- were bp themfelues in the feid. ed from her vncleanneſſe) and the returned true religion.
sia, whereby ap» 9 hen Joab faw that the front of the vnto Her boule, i Leuit, i519.
peareth that the battell was againſt him befoze and behind, 5. And the woman conceiued : therefore and 1.19,
—— Syrians (erued, hee choſe of all the choice of Iſrael, and put aeAenany a tola Danid, and fayd, Jam d Fearing left
where they them in arap agatnit the Aramites. ith child. the fhould be ftes
might haue en- IO And the reit ofthe people he deliuered 6 € Eben Dauid fent to Joab, faying, nedaccording te
tertainment, as. into the hand of Abithat bis bzother, thathe Hend me Uriah the Hittite. And Joab fent the Law.
now the Switzer might put them in aray againk the childzen Cirtah to Damo, j
doe. 4 of Ammon. h 7 And when Uriah came vnto him, Da⸗
iL And he ſaid,FEthe Aramites be fron- uid Demanded him how Joab did, and How
ger then, thou fyalt helpe me, and ifthe mepeople fared , and bom the warre pro-
children af Ammon be too trong foz thee, J pered. sph
will come anu fuccour thee. 8 Afterward Dauid fain to Uriah, Go e Dauid tho :
e- Here isdecla- 12 Be trong elet bs be valiant foz ¢ our Downe to thine honie and wath thy feete.Ho that if Vriah TA
red wherefore people, and foz the cities of our God, and iet Ciriah Departed ont ofthe kings palace,and with his wife,his —
watre ought to the Lozd do that which ts geod in his eyes. the king fent a preſent after bim. fault might be
be vndertaken ; 13 Chen Joab, and the people that was 9 But Cirtah fept at the doozeof the cloked.
for the defence With bin, topnedin battell with the Ara: kings palace with al the feruants of hts 1020,
of truc religion mites, who fled befoze him. and went not Downe to bis houle, 7
& Gods people, ` 14 And when the childzen of Ammon fav 10 Then they told Danid laying, Uriah
that the Aramites fled , they fled allo before went not Downe to bis boule: and Danin
Abifhai, and entredinto the citie: fo Joab fayd vnto Uriah, Commet thou not front
returned from the chilen of Ammon, and thy iourney ?why didſt thou not goe Downe
came to Jeruſalem. A te thine houſe?
Ig And when the Aramites ſaw that IL Then Triah anfwered Dauid, The f Hereby God
thep were (mitten before Ilrael, thep gathe= Arke of Iſrael, and Judah Dwell intents z would touch Dae
red them together. anu mp 10D Joab and the feruants of mp uids confcience,
¥Or, Hadadezer,16 And Hadarezer fent and brought out loza abide tn the open fields : Hall J then go that feeing the
the Aramites that were beyana the ſriuer:
bOr, Euphrates. into mine Houle to eate and Minke , and lie fidelitie and reli-
and they cametoHelam, and Shobach the with mp wife ? by thy life, and by the lifeof gion of his fere
Py deo of the hotte of Hadarezer went bg» thy foule,Jwill not Doe this thing. · uant,he would
oze them. f 12 Then Dauit fapd to Uriah, Cary declare himfelfe
17 When it was ſhewed Dauid, then hee pet this vap, and to moꝛrow J will fend thee fo forget full of
f Meaning,
the gathered f all Iſrael together , and pallen away. Ho Uriah abode in Jeruſalem that. God, and iniuris.
greareft part. duer Joven, and came to helam: and the Day, and the morot, k ous to his ſcruant.
Aramites ſet themfelucs m aray againt 33, Then Dani called hint, ehe divwe

Vriah is murthered. Nathan Chap.xij. reproueth Dauid. He repenteth, 125

and Minke before him, and hee made him ried dps and it grew bp with him, and
g Hemade him e Dinkes and at euen hee went out tolit on With his childzen aifo, and DiD eate of his
drinke more li- bts couch with che feruants of his lord, but owne moztels, and Danke of his owne cup,
berally then he twent not vowne to bis boule. and flept tn bts bofome, and was vnto hun
was wont to doe, 14 And on the morrow Danid waotea a3 bis Daughter.
thinking thereby ——* Joab, and ſent tt by the band of 4 Rowtherecame a |i iranger vnto the Or, way faring
he would haue Uriah. rici man, whollrefufed to takeof bis owne man.
lien by his wife. 5 Andhe wote + thus in the letter, "yout ſheepe, and of his owne oren to Dele foz fOr, (pared.
TEbr./aying. ye Citta in the forefrontof the ſtrength of the ranger that was come vnto htm, but
b eh God the battell, and recule yee backe from pim, toske the pooze mans eepe, and Defen it
continually vp- that he may be Gnitten,and Die. foz the man that was come to hint,
hold vs withhis 16 (@owhen Joab belieged the citie,he § Then Dauid was erceeding moth TEbr, the anger
mighty (pirit,the alligned Uriah vnto a place, where be knew with the man, and fapd to Pathan, As the of Danid was
moft perfec fall that trong men were, Lo: liueth, the man that path done this kindled,
headlong intoall 17 And the men of the citie came out,and thing,+ pall furely die, Ebri the child
Viceandabomi- fought with Joab : and there fell of the peo» 6 And be fhall reitoze the lambe * foure- nfdeath, i
nation, ple of the feruants of Dauid, and Uriah the fold, becaule he DID this thing, and had no Exod,22,8,
ipittite allo Died. ; pitie thereof. : -
18 Then Joab lent and told Dauid all 7 Then Mathan {aid to Dauid, Thou
the things concerning the watre. artthe man. Thus ſayth the Lor Godot
Ig C Andhe charged the meflenaer,
fay- Jiraci,*J anointed thee King oner Ffrael, 1. Sam.16.13.
ing,<Giben thou bak made an end of telling and Deliucred thee out of the hand of Saul,
all the matters of the warre vnto the king, 8 And gaue thee thylozds boule, and b For Dauid fuc-
ROr,thou fhalt 20 ||Andif the Kings anger arile,{o that thy loz0s < winesinto thy bolome, and gaue ceeded Saul in
doe thyf, be fay vnto thee , Wiberefore approched yee thee thebonte of Iſrael, and ofJudah, and his kingdome.
vnto the citteto fight? knew pee not that Would mozeouer (if that had been too ltttle ) c The lIewes vns
they would hurle fromthe wall? paue ginenthee 4 uch and fuch things. derftand this of
i Meaning,Gide- 21 Uhofmote Abimelech fonne of i Je⸗ 9 Ciherefoze halt thon deſpiſed the com- Eglah & Michal,
on, ludg.g.52, rubeſheth? did not awoman catt a piece of mandement of the Lord, to Doe euill in bis or of Rizpab and.
53. a milſtone vpon dim fromthe wall, and hee light? Thou haſt killed Uriah the Hittite Michal,
Died in Thebes ? Abp went pee nighthe with the ſword, and haft taken bis wife to be d That is,preater
wall? Then fay thon, Thy leruant Griah thy wife and hatt faine him with the fod things then thefe;
the Hittite is allo dead. of the e childgen ot Ammon, for Gods loue
22 €Sothe meflenger went, anv came IO Now therefore che ſword Mall nener and benefits in-
—* eea Dauw all that Joab had ſent Depart from thine boule, becauſe thou hat creafe toward his
im fo2. deſpiled me, and taken the wife of Uriah che if by their in.
23 Aindthe meflenger fayd vnto Danid, Hittite to be thy wife. É gratitude they
Certainlythe men preuailed againk vs, anð Il Thus ſayth the Lod, Behold, F will {tay him not,
$Pbr.were as tame out puto vs into thefield,but we fpur⸗ raii bp euill againſt thee out of thine owne e Thou haft moft
sinh them fied them vnto the entring of the gate. houle,and wili * take thy wiues before thine crucllygiuen him
24 But thefyooters that from the wall epes, and giue them vnto thy neighbour, inrothe hands of.
againſt chy feruants, and ſome octhe Rings and be halite with thy wiues in the light of. Gods enemics.
feruants bee Dead : aud thy feruant Ciriab this f tunne. i _ Deut.3$.30,
the naite — — I2 Fo: thou Didde it ſecretly: butFZwill chap.16,22,
25 Then Daui nto the meſſenger, Doz thisthing before all Iſrael, and before f Meaning,open-
k He diffembleth: x Thus fhalt thou fap vnto Joab, Let not the funne. ly,as at noone
with themeflen- 13 Then Dauid fai vnto Pathan, J dayes.
this thing trouble thee : foz the ſworde De-
ger,totheintent’ yonreth ¢oneas wellasanothers make the baue lined againt the Lod. And Pathan Eccles.47 x1.
thatneitherbis battell moze rong againtt the citie,and Be- fayd vnto Dauid, The Lozd allo hath e put g FortheLord `
cruell comman· ſtroyit and encourage thou bim, away thy linus, thou halt not dic. feeketh but that
dement ,nor 26 (Any when thewife of Uriah heard 14 Howbeit, becaule by this Deede thou the finner would
Toabs wickedo= that ber buiband Uriah was Dead, thee halt cauled the enemics of the Loz to bbiaſ⸗ curnctotim.
bediencemight mourned fo: ber hulband, ; poeme,the child thatts bone vnto thee, ſhall h Infaying that
beefpied. 27 Ho when the mourning was paft, iurely Die. the Lord hath
#Ebr. foand fo. Danid {ent and tooke her into bis houſe and Ig. € So Mathan Departed vnto his appointed a wic-
Ebr. wasevillin thee became dis wife, and bare hima tonne ; bouie, andthe Lord ftrooke the childe that ked man toreign:
mere ofthe but the thing that Dauid had done diſpiea· a wilebare vnto Dauid, and it was oucr bispeople.
ſed the Lod. icke.
CHAP. XII. 16 Dauid therekore beſought Gon forthe .
1 Dauid reprooued by Nathan eonfe(eth his chũde and fated and
iwentin, andlayall i Towit,tohis -
a Beeaufe Dauid fisne. 13 The child conceiued in adultery,dieth, night vpon the earth. priuie chamber,
laynowdrow- 24 Salomon is borne, 26 Rabbah ú taken, 31 17 Chen the Eiders of bis houle aroſe to
nedin finne,the The catixens are grieuoufly punifhed. come vnto him, and to caule bim to rife From
louing metcie of Tor the Lod *fent Rathan bnto Da- the ground: but be would not,neither did he
God,which fuf- uid, who cameta him, and ſayde vnto vate *meate with them. ie k Thinking by.
ferethnothisto him, Chere weretwomen inonecitie, the 18 Soon the fenenth day the chia died: his inftant prayer
perifh;wakeneth: one rich and the other poore. and. the feruants of Dautd feared to tell that God would
hisconfcienceby 2 The rich man had exceeding many him that the childe was Dead; fog they haue reftored bis. :
thisfimilitude,& ſheepe and oren: : fayde, Webold, while the childe was aline, childe,but God:
bringehhimto 3 But the poorehad roneatall,faue one wee ipake bnto him, and bee would not had otherwife
repentance, little heene which bee had bought, and ngu- hearken vnto our poyee > howe then pa determined!
Salomon is borne. II. Samuel. Amnonsinceft.
! tEbr. and he will wee lay vnto him, Lhe childe is dead, + to a t birgine,
and it ſeemed hard to Amnon to b And therefore
| debims(elfe enill, verehim moze? Dee any thing vnto her. à kept in her fa-
Ig But when Dau (awe that his fer-
But Amnon yad a friend callen Jo· thers houſe,as
wants whifpered, Daind porcetued that the nadab, the fonne of Hhimeab Danids b20» virgins were ac-
child was Bead: therefore Dauid layd vnto⸗ thet; and Jonadab was a very ſubtillman. cuftomed,
bis ſeruants,Js the childe Dead ? And thep 4 Ube fain vnto him, CCiby art thou the
layd, Veig pead. Kings foune fo leane from Day to Day ?wilt
1 Shewing that 20 Then Dauid 'arole from the carth, thou not tell mee? Chen Amnon anfwered
our lamentations AUO waſhed and anoynted Himfelfe, and ite > J loue Tamar mp brother Abſaloms
oughtnottobe changed his appareil, and came into the f; ;
excefliue, but Houle of the Lo20,, and woꝛſhipped, and af- § And Jonadab fapt vnto him, «Lic c Here we fee
moderate:and terwardcameto his owue houle, and bade Downe on thy bed, and make thy felfe ficke; that there is no
that we mult that thep Gould tet bread before bim, and he and when thp father wall come to fee thee, enterprife fo wic<
praifeGodinall did cate. f fay bute him, J pzap thee, tet my fitter Taz ked, that can
his doings, 21 Then faya his feruants ynto him, Mat come and giue mee meate, and let her lacke counfel]
m Asthey which Ahat thing ts this, that thou halt Done? dzeſſe meate in my fight, that J may fee it, to further ic,
confidered not thou diddeſt fat and weepe foz thechilde, and eate it of her hand.
thatGodgran- While it wasaltue,but when the childe was 6 € So Amnon tay downe, and made
eethmanythings Dead thou dinitrile pp, and eate meate. himlelke licke: ana when the King came ta
fo the fobs and 22 And he fayd, Chile the child was yet {ce him, Amnon (apd vnto the King, J pray
teares ofthe aliue, J fated and wept: fo: J fayd, ibe thee, let Tamar my fitter come, and make
taithfull, can tell whether God Will haue mercy on me, meacouple of 4cakes in my fight, thatJ d Mearing, fome
that the child may liue è may recetue meate at er hand. delicate & dain-
; 23 But nowe betng Dead, wherefore 7. Chen Daui fent home to Tamar, tie meate,
n Bythisconi- Mould J now fat? » Gan J dzing him a- faving, Gae now to thy bzother Amnong
derationheap- _ gaine anp moze? J Mall goe to him, but hee bonte and dreſſe hum meate,
peated hisforow. fall not returne tome. “8 ¶ So Tamar went to her bother Ams
24 (And Dauid comforted Bath-fheba nons houle,and be lay Downe : and he tooke
his wife, and went in ynto her, and lap. || foure and knead it,and made cakes in bis hOr, pafte,
Mare. with her, *and fhee bare a fonne, and ehee fight,and Did bake the cakes. 2
o To wit, the oe name Salomon; allo the Loz0 lo 9 And ſhee tooke a panne, and e powzed e Thatis,the fere
Lord,.Chron. ucd him. them out befoze him, but he would not cate. ued them on a
22.9. 25 Foꝛ the Lord hand (ent by + Mathan the Then Amnon ſayd, Caule ye cuery man to diſh.
Ebr. bythe band Prophet: theretore a*he called his name goe out fromfmee; ſo euery man went out f For the wicked
of. Jedidiah, becaule the Loz loned him, from bint. areafhamed to
p Tocallhim 26 C Then Joab fought again Rab- Io Then Amnon fayde puto Tamar, doethat before
' Salomon. bahokthe childzen of Ammon , and tooke Baring the meate into che chamber, thatF men, which they
q Meaning,Da- they citie ofthe kingdome. may eate of thine hand. And Camartooke are not afraid to
ud. -27 Therefore Joab fent meflengers to the cakes which ſhe had made, and brought commit inthe
1.(hron.22.9. ` Danid, laying,Jhaue fought againtt Rab- na into the chamber to Amnon her b20- fightofGod.
VOr,thechiefe babh, and baue taken the citie of "waters. Es x
cities 28 Mow therefore gather the ret of the IT And when the had fet them before him
x Thatis,the people together, and beliege the citte, that to eate.he teoke ber, ¢ fapt ynto her, Come,
. chiefecitie,and lie with me,my filter.
thou mapelt takeit, lett ⁊ the victoꝛie be at- `
where allthe tributed to me. 12 But theanlwered him , May, my bie
conduits are,isas 29 Ho Dauid gathered all the people to- ther, Doc not force mec: foz no lich thing ;
goodastaken, ‘gethet,anDd went againt Rabbah, and belic- ;Roos itedbee done in Iſrael: commit not Lesi 18.9. wamebe ged it, and tooke ir. 3 e;
called vpon it. 30 * And hee tooke their Kings crowne 13 na J, N whither Hall J cauſe mp Or, bew fhalt
1.Chron.20 2. from bis head, (which weigheda f talent of ſhame to: goe? and thou Walt be asone scf putawaymy
{Thatisthree- gold, with precious ſtones) and it was fer the fooles inIſrael: now therefore,Ipray hame?
fcore pound after On Dauids head ; and hee brought away the thee (peake tothe King, foyewill nor denie g Asalewd and
theweightofthe fpotleofthe citte in exceeding great abun- me vnto thee. a wicked pesfon,
common talent. DANCE. : 14 Wowbeit,hewould not hearken pute
31 And hee caried away the people that her voice,but being ttronger then Me,forced
_t Signifying, that was theretu, and putthem wnder *lawes her, and lap with ber. ;
asthey werema- and vnder yꝛon harrowes, 15 Then Amnon hated her exceedingly,
and vnder ares
‘liciousenemies Of pron, and caſt them into the tile kilne: fo that the hatred wherewith hee bated her,
ofGod, ſo he put euen thus DiD hee with allthe cities ot the was greater then the loue, wherewith hee
themtocrucll —chilogen of Ganon. Chen Dauid and all had loued ber : and Amnon fapa vuto her,
death. the people returned vnto Jerulatem. Gp, get thee hence. :
CHA P, XIII. 16 And heanlwered hint, ||Thereisno lOr fſorebiscauſ⸗
14 Amnon Dausds fonse defileth his ſiſter Ta- caule: this eutll ( to put me away) is greas
mar, 19 Tamar ú comforted byher brother Abfa- ter then ihe other that thou didtt vnto mee: 1Or.doy. i
lom, 29 Abfalomeherefore killeth Amnon. but he would not heare her, if Forthatwhich
a Tamar wasAb- N JDw after thts (ott was, that Abfalom 17 But called his ||Rruant that ſerued wasofdiuers co-
faloms fitter the ſonne of Dauid haningafatre fitter, him, and ſayd, Put this woman now out lours or piecesia
both by father & whole name was a Tamar, Amnon the lonng from me,and locke the doore after her. thofe dayes, was
mother, and of Dauid loued Ber. 18 (AnD Wee had a garmentofdiuers had in greateft
Amnonsoncl 2 And Amnon was fo fore vered thathe colours spon her: for with fuch gare eftimation,Gen,
by father. fell ficke foz his liter Tamar ; for Hee wag ments were the Kings Daughters eee 37.},iudg.5, 30.
Abalon flayeth Amnon, Chap. xiiij The widowes parables 126
were virgins, apparelled.) Then pig ler» hold,
thekings fonnes come : as thy ſeruant
uant brought ber ont, and locked the Dooze fain, ° fo it is. j o That onely
after ber. 36 And afloore as hee left peaking, bz- Amnon is dead,
19- Gnd Tamar put afbes on her head, hold,the kings fonnes came,and liftvp their
€reut the garment of diners colours which voices, and wept: and the king alſo and ail
was onher, and laide ber handon her head, his (cruants wept exceedingly toz.
and went her way crying. 7 7 Wut Abſalom fled away, and went to
20 And Ablalom her brother faid vnto Pr Galmai the ſonne of Annmihur king of p For Maachah
ber, hath Amnon chy brother bin with thee? Gelbur: and David mourned foz his (one e⸗ hismother was
i For though he Now pet bee: itl,[ l lider:; hee is; thy bzo- uery Day,
my the daughter of
sonceiued fud- ther: let not this thing gricue thine heart. 33 So Ablatom fled, and went to Gee this ‘Talmai,
denvengeance OO Qamar xemained Delolate in her bꝛo · ſhur, andwas there three peeves. Chap, 3,3
inhisheart, yee ther Ablalouis goufe. : 39 Andking Dauid H deredte goe forth [Or ccafed.
he diſſembled it 21 ¶ But when King Dauid heardall vnto Ablalom, becaulehewas pativied ton:
tilloccafionfer- fthelethtugs,he was nery wꝛoth. cerning Amnon, ſeeing fe was Dead.
ued,and comfor- _22 And Abfalom ſaid vnto bis bother
ted his filter; Amnon neither good no? bad: for Abſalom CHA P. XITIE .;
hated Amnon, becaule hee bad forced hisli a Abfalom-is reconciled to bis father by the
iter Tamar. I fubtihie of Joab. 24 Abfalom may not fee the
23 @And after the time of two peeres, ings face. 25. The beautie of Abfalom. 30 He
[Ors in the plaise Ablalom had theepe-Mearersin|| Baal-has caufeth Ioabs corneto be burnt, andi brought to
of Hazor. 302, which is beine Ephraim, and’ Abla hw fathers prefence,
k Towittoa lom called ali the kings ſonnes.
banket,thinking 24 Anda Ablalom came to the king, and "T Den doab the fonne-of Seruiah percei·
thereby to fulfill ſaid, Behold now, thyferuanthath eepe- ued that the kings heart was toward a That cheking
biswickedpur- hearers:
Jpray theesthat theking with his Abſalom , fauonred him,
poſe. ſeruauts would goe with chyſeruant. 2 And Joab ſenttoCekoah,and brought
25 But the king anGwered Ablalom, Ray thence al (ubtitl woman, andlata vuto her, Or,wife
my lionne,J pray thee, let vs not goe all, iet Ipray thee, fainethylelfetomourne , and
we bee chargeable bntothee. Pet Ablatom now puton mourning apparell, and ban- b In token of-
tap foze vpon him: howbeit hee would not oynt not thy felfe with ople; but beeasabo: mourning: for
tEbribefed. goe, butt thanked bun. man that bad now long time mourned foz they vied anoyn-
I Pretendingto . 26 Then latvAblalom,
But, Jpray thee, the dead, i tingtofeeme
theking,thac» fhallnot my bother! Amnon goe withvs?: 3- And cometo the king, and ſpeake on cheerefull.
Amnon was mot And the king anfwereDhum,Cibp Mould be this maner vnto bim (foz Joab ⁊taughther Ebr put words
deare vnto him. goe with thee? > > tobat hee boul fay.) inher mouth.
27 But Ablalom was intant pponbim, 4 ¶Then the woman ot Tekoah ſpake
and hee ſent Amnon with him, and allthe vnto the king, and fell Downe on her Face to
_ Rings childzen. the ground, and Did-obeplance,
and faid,- l ?
23 (Mow had Abfatom commanded bis + elpe,D king. | $Ebr.fatiex~
feruants,faping,BarkenowwhkenAmnons ¢§ Chenthe kingan bnto her» Ahat
heart is merte with wine, and when J fay aileth thee? And the anfwered,Jam inderd
vnto pant, ↄmite Amnon, kil him,feare not, at widow,and mine bulband ts Dead: $Ebr.a-widow
m Suchisthé- foz baue note 3 commaunded pou? bee bolo 6 And thinebandmatd had twosfonnes, oman.
— wice therekore, andplay the men. ; and they two ftroue together in the fietd; c Vnder this pa⸗
edmafters,that © 29 And the feruants of Ablalom did vn⸗ (and there twas none ta part them) fp the: rable the deferi-
inakcheirwic- to Aamen as Ablalom had commaunded: one ſmote the ather,and dew him. beth the death
kedcommande- and alt the kings fonnes arole, and every. 7: And bebold, the whole family is rife; of Amnon by-
mentsthey thinke man gate bp vpon his mule,and fled. - againt thine handmaid,
and theyſaid Deli» Abſalom.
to be obeyed, thep were inthe way, ti⸗ uer him that [mote bis bother, that we map.
: 30 Cand while thép
dings came to Dauid,faying, Abfalom hath kilt him foz the ſcule of hts brother whom d Becaufehee
faine all thekings fonnes,€ there is not one he flew, that wee map deſtroythe here allor hath flaine his
of them left. - ` fo they Hall quench my fparkle which is left, brother,he ought
31 Then theking arok and tare his gar⸗ and ſhall not leaue tomine huſband neither to be flaine ac -
n Lamenting,as ments, and lap onthe” ground, and all his. name noz poſteritie vpon the earth. cordingtothe: >
heethat fek che- feruants tood by with their clothes rent. 8 Andthe king {aid puto the woman, law, Gene.9.6,
wrath of God 32 And Jonadab the fonne of Sbimeah on to thine bout, and J teu! cone acharge: exod.2 1,12,
yponhishoufe, Dauids brother anſwered, and laid; Let not orthee. ——
Chap.12. 10. my loꝛd ſuppoſe that they haue flatne all the 9 Thenthe womanok Cekoad lald bn
pong men the kings ſonnes:kor Amnon one> tothe king,My lord,O king, tbis € treſpaſſe ¢ As touching
$Ebrbecaufeit ty is Dead,tbecaule Abſalom had reported fo be on mee, and on my fathers houle,and the the breach of the
wasputin Ab- fince be forced his fiter Tamar. Ti king and dis thone bell guiltleſſe. Jaw, which puni>
alos mouth, 33 How therefore let notmy1028 the king To AnD the king fatd , Bring him tomer thethblood,lee
Ortakeito ptake thethingfogrtenoully, to thinke that that (peaketh again{t.thee; and be Mhaitouch me bearethe-
E all — Hor Amnon thee no moze,
ſonnes are Dead: bl2me,
r bat. on s dead. IH Then faide; pray thee,let the king [Or,znsocext;
zi 34 ¶ Then Shlalom fied: and the young £ remember the Lod thy God, that thom f Swearethar -
mat that kept the watch lift vp bis epes : &- wouldeſtuot ſuſter many renengers of
blood: they fhall notre-
looked, —— coo * people to deſtroy, les they ſaymy ſonne. And hee, uenge che blood:
HOr oneafær by the wayofthe bil fae | behind him. anfwered,As the Lozd liueth,there hall not which are many
asether. * * And Jonadab fata vnto the king, Be· one haire oFthy ſonne fall to the earth. inpumber..
1z. Ther
;Dauid granteth the widowesrequeft. II. Samuel. Abſalom is reconciled to Dauid.
12 Then the woman ſatd, 7 pray thee, too heaute foz him, therefore he polled it)hee
let thine hanDmaive {peake a word tomy weighed the baire of bis head at two hun-
lord the King. And bedain, Dap on. Deed e fyekets by the kings weight. p Which weigh-
13 Then the woman laid, Ciherefore 27 And Abialom had thzee tonnes , and ed fixe pound
2 Why doelt then batt thousthougyt luch a thing againſt one Daughter named Tamar, which wasa foure ounces,
thou giue con- the people of Gad? oꝛ why Doeth the king, faire waman tolooke vpon. after halfe an .
trarie fentence as one which ts faultte, ſpeake this thing, 28 {Bo Aðbiaiom dweit the (pace of two ounce the ſhekel.
in thy fonne Ab- that be will not bzing againe his baniſhed⸗ eeresin Jerufalem, and law not the kings
falom? 14 foz we mut needes Digand we are as ace,
water ſpilt on the greund, which cannot 29 Therefore Ablalom fent foz Joab to
bee gathered bp againe : neither Doeth God fend him tothe king, but he would not come
hOr accepts |{pare any perfon, pet Doeth hee appoint to him: and when de lent againe, hee would
h God hath pro- hmeanes, not to caft out from bin, him that not come. f
: uided wayes (as is expelled. 30 Therefore hee faid vnto his ſeruants,
fan@uaries) to I5 Nowe therefoze that I ant come to Behold, Joab hath a| feld by myplace,and lOr pofon.
- faue them oft {peake of thisthing unto my loz the king, hath barley therein : goe, and (et it confire: q The wicked
times, whom the caule is, that the people i haue made mee and Ablaloms feruants tet the field on fire. are impatient ie
maniudgeth afratde: therefore thine handmaide ſaid, 31 Chen Joab arole, and came toAb- their afe&ions
worthy death. Mow willJ peake onto the king: it map falom, vnto bis boule, and faid vnto him and fpare no vn-
i ForIthought bethat the ktng will perfozme the requett of Pars ec ap thp feruants burnt
my fiela lawfull meanes to
they would kill bishandmaide,, $ re? compaflé them,
this mine heire, 16 Foz the king will heare,to deliuer his 32 And Ablalom anſwered Joab, Bes
bandmate ont of the hand of the man that bold, Jſent foz thee, faping, Come thon hiz
would Deroy nice, and allo my fonne from ther, and J will (end thee to the king foz to
- the inheritance of God. fay, ẽ Uherekore am Ji come from Geur?It
17 Cheretoze thine handmade (aid, The had beene better foz mee to haue beene there
woꝛd of mp lord the king Hall nowe bee till: now therefoze letme fee the kings face:
$Ebr. reff. tcomfoztable > foz myplozd the king is euen = z if there bee any treſpaſſeinme, let him r IfI haue offen-
k Isofgreat wif- asan' Angel ok God in hearing ef good and me. ded by reuenging
dometo difcerne ome : therefore the Lozd thy Godbee with 33 Then Joab came to the king,and told my fifters difho-
. sight from wrong ee. bim: and hee called foz Abtalom, who came nour: thus the
18 Then the king anfwered, and fain to oe— a —— era eet wicked iuftifie
= pnto the woman, hide not from me, J pray on bis face befoze the king, and the king kti- themfeluesin
thee, the thing that J Mall afke thee. And fied Abſalom. their euill.
the woman faid, Let mp lord the king now CHAP, XV.
— a The practifes of Abfalom to afpire tothe
1 Haft thou not Ana the king ſaid, Isnot!thehand &ingdome. 15. "Dauid and his flee:
31 Danids
done this by theof Joab with thee inatl this? Chen the wo- prayer. 34 Hufhasis (em to Abfalom to diſcouer
couuſoll of Loab? man anfwered,and fain, As thy foule liueth, his counfell.
miy lord the king,Jwil not turne to the right Af ter this, Abſalomt prepared him cha: LEbr.made hime.
hand no: tothe teft,from ought that my lord rets and horles, and fiftie men toa runne a Which were
the king bath fpoken : foz euen thy ſeruaunt befoze him, asa guard to fet
Joab bade me, and he put all thele words in 2 And Ablalom rofe bp early, and ftoon forth hiseftate,
the mouth ofthine handmaide. hard by the entring inofthe gate: and euge
20 Fo? to the intent that I Monta ry man that had any ||matter, andcameto fOr, comtrouerfece
. m By {peaking - m change the fozme of (peech, thy ſeruant the king foz tudgement, bim DD Abſalom
rather ina paras Joab hath Done this thing : butli my lod ts call nto him, and faid, Of what citie art
ble then plainely. wile accozding to the wifedome of an Angel thou? And hee anſwered, Thy leruant is oF
fOr, none can of God, to vnderſtand all things that are in oneofthe è tribes of Jfraet. ==> b Thatis, noting
bide ought from the earth. y y 3 Then Ablalom fai vnto him, Hee, thy of what citie or
the king. 21 @ And the king fain vnto Joab, Bee matters are good anDrighteous, but there place he was.
n Ihaue gran- hold now,3haue = Done this thing: go then, ig no man deputed of the king to beare thee.
ted thy tequeſt. and bring the yong man Abfalom againe. 4 Abfalomfatd mozcouer, «Dy that3 c Thus by flan-
22 And Joab fell ta the ground on bis were made tudge in the land, that enery der, flatterie and
Ebriblefeds face,and bowed himielfe, and t thanked the man which hath anp matter o2 contronertie, faire promifes,
king. Then Joab lain , Chis vay thy fer- lays come to mee, that Jmight doe him the wicked fecke
uant knoweth, that J baue found grace in iuſtice. preferment,
thy fight, mylozd the king, in that the king S And when any man came neere to him,
hath fullilled the requettofbis feruant. and Did him obevlance, hee put foorth his
23 ¶ Am Joab arole, and went to Ge- hand, and tooke him, and kiſſed hin.
hur, and bꝛought Abfalom toJeruſalem. 6 Andon this maner did Abſalomto all
o Cofering 24 And the king fait, Let hime turne Plcael,that came tothe king for indgement:
hereby his atfe~ tobis owne boule, and not fee my face. @o — 4 fale the hearts of the men of d By intifiog
Qion,and tliew- Abfalom turned to his owne boufe, and ſaw J tael. them from his
ing fome part ` not the kings face. 7 ¶And akter e fortie peeres, Abfalom father to himfelfe
of iuftice to 25 Rowin all Jirael there was none ta fatd vnto the king, Jpray thee let me woe to e Counting from
pleafe thepeople. bee fo much praiſed fo: beautie as Abfalom: Hebron, and render mp vow which J paue the time that the
front the fole of bis foote euen te the top of powed wnto the Lod. Iftaelices had af-
bis head there was no blemffh m him. 8 Foꝛ thy tuant vowed a vowe when ked aking of Sa-
26 And when he polled his head, (for at J remained tn Geſhur, in Aram, faying, muel,
euery peeres end be polled it; becanle tt was Ifthe Lord hall batng mec againe —
~ Abfalomns treafon. Dauid fleeth.. Chap. xvj. The Arke returneth, 127
fBy offering a to Jerufalem,Jwill! ferue the Lord. 25 -Thet iad the king unto zadok, Car
peace offering, 9 Amd theking Aid vnts hin, Gotin the Arke of God againetnto the citie; if
which was law- peace; So ye aroit and went ta Reien. Hall finde fanour th the epes of the Lord. he
_ full co doe in any 10 ¶ Then Ablalom fent {pies thezow- wii bring me againe, and he mee both it,
"place, out all the tribes of Ilrael, laying, tben and thel Tabernacle thereof. fOr,
_ 26 But ik he thus fap,
ee heare the found of the trumpet, pee fall Jhaueno delight sacle.
ay,Abfalom retgneth in Hebroñ. tn thee, behold,” heream Jj, let him Doeto r The faithful in
Il €Andwith Ablalom went twe Huns meas ſcemeth good in his epes. all their afflicti⸗
g And bid to bis Deth men out of Jeruſalem,that were stal-
27 Theking (aid againe vnto Zadok the ons ſhew them-
Pek, Art not thou a *Scer 7 returneinte
feaft in Hebron, led; q they went in cher limplicitie, Know- felues obedient
ing nothing. the citie in peace, and pour two ſonnes with co Gods will,
I2 Allo Ablalom fent for Ahitophel the pou; to wit, Ahimaaz thy ſonne, and Fonas 1.Sem. nos
Gilonite Dauids counteller, from hrs citie than the fonne of Sbiathar. —
Giloh, while he offered ſacrifices: and the 28 Behold, Jwilltarie in the fielaes of
YEbr. went and treafon mas great:foz the people æincteaſed the wilderneffe untill there come ſome word
increaſed. fill with Abfalom. z from youto be tola me. 7 $
13 Then came a meflenger to Dauid, 29 3adok therefore and Abiathar caricd
faying , The hearts of the men of Iſrael are the Arke of God againe to Jeruſalem, and
turned after Abſalom. ; - they taried there.
14 Then Dauid faid onto al bis feruãts 30 And Danid went vp the mount efD- -
that were with bim at Fernfalem, Gp, and Itues, and wept as be went bp, and bad his
h.Whoſe heart let us flee: foz we thal not efcape from) Qb- bead f couered,and went barefoootedD : and f Withafhesand= —
hefaw that Sa- falom: make {pecd ta Depart , {eft bee come all the people that was with him, had euery duh inthe figne-
tan had fo pof- fuddenly and take vs , and bring euill vpon mân his head coucred, and as thep went vp, ot forow,
feffeci,that hee bs, ang(uitte the citie with the edge of the thep wept, : :
would leaue no nD, 31 Then one told Daut , laying ,Ahi⸗ |
mifehiefe ynat- Is And the Rings fernants fayde vnto thophel ts one of them that baue con{pired |
tempted. Him, Behold, thp ſeruants are readie ro doe with Abfalom: And Dauid ſaid,D Loz0,39 e Thecounkllof:—
according toall that mp {0} the king ſhall pray thee, turne the *counteilot Abitophel the crafty world-
Ebr. chuſe. + appeint. : tnto fooliſhneſſe. lings doeth more
16 Go the king Departed andai his hou- 32 ¶ Then Dauid came to the top ofthe harmethenthe
hola + after him, and the king left ten con- mount where hee worſtipped God, and bes open force of the
cudines tokecpe che boule. bold ,iuthatthe Archite came againſt him enemy.
17 And the king went foosth, and ali the ee +4Coat tone, and haning garth vpon
Or.hou/fe, ald atter ptm, and tarten in a |iplace ifar is bead.
- i To wit, from ou. 33 Unto whom Danid faid, FF thou gog
Terufalem, 18 And all bis fernants went about him, with me, thon ſhalt bea burthen nto me.
k Thefe were as and all the k Cherethites, and all the Pele⸗ 34 But if thourcturnctothecitie,and
the kings garde, thites , anDail the Gittites «euen lire hune fay unto Ablalom , J willbce thy °feruant, u Though Hu
oras fome write, dreth men which were come after bim from D king, (asJhaue beene in times paft thy thai diflembled
his counfellers, Gath; went before the hing. : fathers ſeruant, f will J now beethy fer- here at the kings ~
1 Who as fome 12 Thenlatd the kingtoIttai the Hit- nant )then thou mayeſt baing me the Coun: requeft,yet may
write, was rae tite, cUheretore commet thou alfp with vs? fellofAbhitophelto nought. = we not vie this
kings fonne of. Returne and abide with the king, cor thou 35 And hat thou not there with thee 3a- example to ex-
Gath, wa ſtranger: depart thou therefoze to chy Dok and Abiathar the Pzieltes? therctoze cule our difinu-
ace. i whatfoencr thou halt heare outof p kinges lation,
20 Thon camek veſterday, andſhould J houle, thou tyalt hew to Zadok and Abla
cauſe thee to wander to Dap ¢ gor With vs? thar the Diets. :
J will goe whitherJ can: therefore returne 36 Bevold,there are with them their twa
m Meaning,them thou, aud cary againe thy = bzethren: mercy fonnes: Abimaaz 3adoks fonne, and Jona-
ef his family. and *tructh be with thee. than Abiathars fonne: by them alfo hal pee
n God requite 21 Ano Jttat anfiwered the King, and fendime euery thing that yecanheare.
thee thy friends fayd, As the Lord liueth, ana as mp logd the 37 So huſhai Dauids friend went inte -
íhip and fidelity. king liueth, in what place my lozd the king the city:and Ablalom came into Jeruſalem.
“tali be, eines inDeath o2 ltfe, euen there CHAP. XVI.
furely will thy fernant be. 1 The isfidclity ofZiba. 5 Shimei cur {eth Da-
2t Then Dania fatd to Jttai,Come,and uid. 19 Hufhai commeth to Abfalom, 21 The-
goe forward. And Ittai the Hittite went, counſell ofAbithophel for the concubines. k ý
andatl hisinen, and all the chedzen that VV Hen Dauid was alittle paſt the⸗· top a Which was:
were with him. of the bill, behold, iba the feruantof thehil of Oliues ~
23 Andailthecountrey wept with a loud Wephibotheth met him with a couple ofal- Chap.15,30.
e To wit,the fixe bopce,and oallthe people went forward, but fes fadled t vpon them two hundeth cakes
bundreth men. the king paled ouer the brooke Hinzen: and of bꝛead, and an hundreth bunches of rai-
all the people went oner toward the may of fins, and an bhundzeth of ||dzied figs, anda hOr
the wilderneffe. bottellof wine. $ f b`Commonly
p Which was the 24. (And loe, Zadok alfowasthere , and 2. Aud the king {aid vnto Ziba, TAhat thereare no viler =
charge of the all the Leuites with bim, bearing the Arke meaneitthou by hele? And Fiba faid, Thep traitours then
Cohathites, of the Coucnant of Hod, and they let Downe be > alles foz the kings houſhold to ride on, they which vodes =
Num.4. 4. the Arke of God, an’ Abiathar went > vp and bzead and Dried figs for the young men pretence of
q To ftand by pumi the people were all come out of the tocate,and wine that the faint map Minke friendthip accnfe = |
the Arke, _ in the wilderueſſe And others...
Shimeicurfeth Dauid. II. Sainuel. Ahithophels counfell. Huthais
3 And the King apd, ut where fs thy 20 ¶ Then pake Ablalom to Abitohphel, k Sufpe@ing the
matters fonne? Ehen 3iba aulwered the Give countell what we Mall doe. changeof the
Ring, Bebold, bee remaineth ia Jerulalem: 21 Ang Abithophel * fain onto Abfalom, king domse,and fo
for be (aid, This day Mall the ponte of Ira Goce in tothy fathers concubines, which hee hisowne Ouere .
cl refloze ine the kingdome of my father. Hath left takeepe the Houle: and when all throw,he giueth -
4 hen laid the king to 5iba, Behold, Iſrael thallgeare that thou art abhoeredof fuch couniell,as
thine are att that pertained buto MBephivo- tby father, the handes of all that are with might moft hin-
Ebr. F worfhip. theth. Aid ziba (at, t J beleech thee, ict me thee, halbe ſtrong. der his fathers
find grace tn thy ight, mp lero, D king. 22 Gothey pead Abſalom a tent vpon reconciliation:
c Which was a _ § (And when king Dauid came to Ba the top of the houte,and Abſalom went tn co and alfo declare
citic in the tribe gurin, Hehots, thence came out a mat of bis fathers coucubines in the light of all Iſ· to the people
of Beniamin. the famtly ofthe boule of Saul,named Shi⸗ rael that Abſalom
perthenne of Gera; and he came out and 23 And the counfell of Ahithophel which wasin higheft
urſed. bee counſelled in thole dapes, was like ag authosicie,
6 And he caſt Tones atDanid,and at all onic had alken !countel at the ozacle of God: lIt was ſo chee.
the ſeruants of king Dauid:end all the peo- fowas all the countell of Ahithophel both med ſor the ſuc⸗
pie, and all the men of warre were on bis with Daud and with Abſalom. ceſſe thei cof.
d Thatis, round á right panD, andon his left. CHAP, XVII,
about bim. 7 And thus fatd Shimer when hee cur: q Ahithophels counfelis ouerthrowen by Hu-
4 Ebr. man of fen, Come foorth , come toozth thou + mur- fhai 14 The Lerd had fo erdemed. 19 The
blood, therer and+wicked man. Priefts fonnes are bid in the well. 22 Dauid go-
*4Ebr. man of Be- 8 Thelo hath brought vpon thee all eth oner Jorden. 23 Aluthophel hangeth him»
hal. the € blood of the houſe of Gaul, in whole ſelfe. 27 They bring vitailes to Dauid.
e Reproching ſtead thou batt reigned : and the Lom hath Mzee Ahithophel aid to Abfalon,
him as though by Delivered thy kingdome into the hand of a Eet mee chule out now twelue thous a The wicked
his meanes Ih- Ablalom thy tonne: and behold , thou art ta- faud men, and J will vp and toilow after are Ío greedie to
bofheth and Ab- keniuthy wickedneſſe, becaule thou att a Daud this night, $ : execute their
ner were flaine. murtherer. —— 2 And J will come vpon hint: for hee is malice that they
5.54M,2 4:15» 9 Then fain Abithai the ſonne of Fer- weary, and weake handed: fo J wiil feare leaue noneoccax
and chap.3.8. utah bntothe king, iby doeth this* Dead him, and atl the people thatare with him, fion that may
7 —— Dogge curfemp Lord the king 2 let me got, ſhall fice, anu J wll finite the king onelp, further che fame,
TS J pray thenant take away bis head. 3 And J will bring againe al the people
Io (but tie king fain, Abat haueF to vnto thee, and when ail Hallretutne, (tthe b Meaning, Da-
Doe with pou,pec fonnes of Serutak? for hee man whom thou ſeckeſt, being flaine) all the ——
f Dauid feltthat curfeth enen becaute the Lord hath £ bidden people pall be in peace.
thiswas the tdg- him curle Dautd: Cibo Dare the fapther: 4 And the faping t plealed Ablalom wel, Ebr. was right
ment of God for foze batt thou done fo? Seg and all the Elders of Iſrael. ; sn the eyes of
his finnes
,and AIL And Dauid fain to Abithat , and toatl § Then fais Abſalom, Call now Duhai Abfalom.
bis ſeruants, Behold, my tonne, which came the Archite alſo, and let vs beare likewile
therefore bum-
bleth himfelfe co outof mine owne bowels, ſeeketh my life : t what he faith. 4Ebr what isin
hisrod, then how much moze now may this fonne of 6 Do wher Huſhat came to Abfalent, his mouth.
Jenni? Suffer hun to curle: toz the Lord Abfalom (pake bute him ,faping , Abithe-
bath bidden him. : phel hath |!poken thus: hall wee doe after llOr, giuen fuch
12 Jtimaybe that the Lod will looke on bis laying, 02 no? tell thou. coun/ell,
"Or, my teares. ||mune affliction, and eDoe mee good foz bts 7 iDuthat chen anſwered vnto Abfalom,
g Meaning , that curling this * The countelt that Abtthophel bath giuen,
the Lord will 13 And as Dauid and his men went by is not < good at this time. c. Huthaifhewe
fend comfort to the way, Shimei went by the ſide of the 3 forfai uthat,thou knoweſt thy fas eth himfel fe
his when they mountaine ouer again him, and curſed as ther and bis men, that they be trong men, faithfull to Dae
are opprefied, he went,and thew tones againi him, and and are chafed in minde , as a beare robbed uid, in that here<
cat aut. y of her whelpes in the Geld; alfo chy father is prooucth this
14 Thencame the king and all the peo- a valiant warriour,and wil not lodge with wicked counfell
ple that were with him, weary, and refres the people. and purpofe,
h To wit,at Ba- {hed themſelues > there. 9 Beholv.heishid now in ſome taue, oꝛlOr,tary alnight.
burim. Is (And Ablalom, and all the people, in fome place: and though fome of them be
tke men of Iſrael came to Jeruſaiem, and ouerthowen at the fir, pet the people Mail
Abithophel with hin. j heare and fay, The people that follow 4b-
16 Ant when inuthat the Archite Dauids {alom,t be onerthzowen. ; tébr, hanes
friend was come vp vuto Abfalom , Duhai 10 Chen hee alle that is valiant, whole breach or ruine⸗
$Ebr. let the king faid unto Sbfalont, + God faue the king, heart is as the beart of a Iyon, hall hrinke Ebr. mele.
line. Go faune theking. , \ and faint : for all Iſrael knoweth that th
17 Then Ablaiom {aid to Huhai,Fs this father ts valtant, and they which bee wi
i Meaning, Da- thy kindnelfe to thy ifriend? WMhy wentelt him tout men,
uid, thou not wtth thy friend? II Therefore my countel fs that all Jis
18 Huſhai then anfwered vnto Abſalom, raelbe gathered vnto thee, fram Dan enen
Fay, but whome tye LozB, and thts peopie, to Beer-theba as the fandof the tate
anv all the men of Iſtaei chule , his willF ttumber, and that theu go to battell
in thine
be, and with him wilt Jowell. owne perfor. ae
tEbr.the fecond 1g And+ mooner vnto whome hall J 12 Go fhall wee come vpon him in fome
tre. Docteriuice? not to his onre? As J eruen place, where wee hall Gnd hint, and wee Or,wewil camp
before thy fatherfowill Jbefozethee. ‘Will vpon him, as the — esthe a gaint him,
counſelispr eferred. Ahithophe! hanged. Chap. xviij. Abfalomhangedonanoake. r28
gtount ; and of allehe men that are with 26 So Iſrael and Ablalom pitches in the
bim,we will not leaue him one. qanu of Gilead,
13 Moꝛeouer, it he be gotten into a citte, 27 C And when Dauid was come to Ma⸗
then hall alithe men of Iſrael bing ropes hanaim, Hhobi thefonne of Mahal out oF
to that citie, and me will Dzat it into the rf- Rabbah of the childzen of Ainmon,and Dae
— there be not one (mall one found chic the ſonne of Amuntel out of Lo-debar,
here. and Barsillat the Gileadite outof Rogel
14 G Then Ablalom and all the men of 28 0 Brought beds and balins,and earthen © God ſheweth
Flract (aww, The counfell of Huhai the Ar- beflels, and wheate, and barlep, and floure, himfclfe moft lie
chitets betterchen the coumlell ef Ahitho⸗ and parched cozne,and beanes, and ieatiles, berall to his
hor, commanded. phel : for the Lode had || Determined to and parched cone. i when they
d That counfell Delroy the d good counfell of Abithopbel, 29 And they brought honie » and butter, feeme to be vt⸗
which feemed et the La: might: bzing euill upon Ab- and ibeepe,and cheele of kine fo: Danin and terly deftirute
goodat the firſt alom.
Ig Then laid Huſhai vnto Zadok andto
foz the people that mere with him to cate:
foz they (atde, The people is hungrie, ana
to Abfalom,
vere 4,
Abtathar the Pꝛielts, OEthisand chat ma- wearie, and chirkkte in che wilderneſſe.
e For bythe net dis Ahithophel and the Elders of Iſra⸗
elcountel Abſalom;: and thusand thus hate | CHAP. XVIII,
counfell of Hu-
fhai he went to
J countetled. i 2 Dawid diuideth'his armie into three partes.
thebattel where 16 How therefore fend quickly,and them 9 Abfalom isbanged. flaine, and caf into a pit.
33 Danid lamenteth the death of Abfalom.
he was defiroy ed Daud, laying, Carte not this night in the
fields of the wilderneffe, but rather get thee BB Dawud a numbscd the people that a For certaine of
f That is,ougr f ouer, leaſt the king be Deugured and all the Were with bim, and fet ongr them cp: the Reubenites, :
people that are with hin. i psm of thoulands, and captaines of bun- Gadites,and of
17 Rowe Jonathan and Ahimaaz a- lethe. the halfe tribe,
Or.thewellof bode by | En-regel: (foz they might not bee 2 And Dauid lent foorth the third part could not beare
Rogel. {eeue to come into the citie) and a maide ofthe people vnder the hand of Joab, and the in folencie of
g Meaning,the went, and folds them, and they went and the third part vuder che hand of Abityal Jo- the fonne againft
meffage from Hewed king Daud. Abs brother the ſonne of Zeruiah: andthe o- the father,and |
thcir fathers» 18 Neuertheleſſe a yong man faw them, ther third part vnder the hand of Ittai the therefere ioyned f
and toin it to Abſalom: therefore they both Gittite: and the king fat vnto the people,J with Dauid #4
Departed quickly,and came to a mans houle witl goe with pou my felfe ato,
in Baburun, who had a well in his courti 3 Butthe people anl wered, Thou halt
to the which they went Downe. not goe foozth : foz ifwe flee away, they wilt
h Thus God fen- 19 And» the wife tooke and ſpread a co- not regard vs neither will they paffe fo2 ng,
-deth fuccourto ueting suer the welles mouth, and Gead though halfe of vs were Raine : but thou
his in their grea- ground cone thereon, that the thing ſhould Part now worth ten thoufand of vs: there- b Signifying,
teft dangers: not be knowen. pepatoitisbetter that thou ſuccour bs out — gos
20 And when Abfaloms feruants came of the citie. uernour ought
to the wife into che boule, they fain, (Ahere 4 hen the king fam vnto them, Mhat to be fo deare
is Ahimaaz and Jonathan? And the wo- feemeth you bett, that will J doc. So the vnto bis peoples `
man aniivered then, hep bee gone guer king Mood by the gate fide, and all the peo- thatthey wilh
i TheChalde the ibooke of water. And when they had peTanie out by þundeethg, and by thou- rather lofe there
text readeth, fought them, and could not finde them, they ands. - liues, then that
Now they haue returned to Jeruſalem. § Andthe king commaunded Joab and eught fhould
patfed the lor- 21 And affoone as they were Departed, Abithat,and Jetat,faying, Encreate the pong come vnto him,
den, the other cante outof the welland went and man Ablalom gentip foz my fake : and al the
tolde king Dawid, and fain vnto bim, Gp, people heard when the king gaue all the
and get pou quickly ower the water ; foz captaines charge concerning Abſalom.
k To wit, to khich conntellbath Ahithophel giuen againſt 6 othe people went outintothe field
purfuethee with you. tomecte Iſrael, and the battell was in the
22 Shen Dauid arok, and all the people © wa0D ofEphraim: : c So called, bes
alt hatte.
that were with bun, and they went suer 7 Where che people of Iſrael were Haine caufe the Epkra-
1 They traueiled Zoomen! wntill tHe Dawning of the day, i befoze the ſeruants of Daut : fo there was imites, (as fome
fay) fed their cats
all night and by that there lacked not one of them, that was agreat flaughterthat Day, cuen oktwentie
morning bad all not come ouer Joꝛden. thonfand. tell beyond Ior⸗
their companie 23 (Mow when Abithophel awe that 8 @ Foz the battet was feattered ouer denin this wood
paſſed oucr, his countell was not followed, hee fadled his all the countrep: and the wood deuoured
afie, and arolethee ment home vnts Bis cr much moze people that Day. then Did the
m Gods iuſt tie and put hts houſhold tn order, and = hau⸗ {wo2d.
vengeance euen ged bintelfe, and died, and was buried in 9 ¶ Now Ablalom met the ferrants of
in thislife is his fathers graue, Dauid, and Abfalon rode bpon a mule,and
powred on them 24 @ Then Danid came to Mahanaim. the mule came onder a great thicke oke and
which are ence And Abſalom paſſed ouer Jordeit.he, and al his head caught hold ofthe oke,and he was
mies, traitours, the men of Iſrãel with him. taken bp || betweene the beauen and the jlThis isa terri-
or perfecuters of 25 Sud Ablatom mate Anala raptai earth : andthe mule chat was vnder bun, bleexample of _
his Church, ofthe hole in the Rean of Joab : which d- went away. a Gods vengeance
n Who was alfo mata was a mans fonne tamed Ithrã an Io And one that faw tttolde Joab, fay- dgainft them that
calle! [fai Dae Iſraelite, that went into Abigal thedangh- ing, Behold, J fawe Ablalom hanged tn arerebelsor eie $
_ vids father. ter ofa Nahaſh, Wher to Zeruiãh Joãbs anoke. ; obedient to their
mothers ; u Then Joab ſaid wnto the man that pIrERSe
: toide
Abfalom laine. By Ahimaazand II. Samuel. CufhiitistoldDauid.
tolde him, And hak thou indeed ſeene 2why 27 And the watchman fad,+ Mee thin · tEbr. Iſee the
then diddeſt chou not there finite himto the keth the running of the formoſt
islike the, runsing.
ground, and J would Haue giuen thee ten tunning of Abimaaz the ſonne of Zadok.
Gene.23,15. * (hekels oF filuer and a girdle? Then the king ain, Yets ai goed man, and i He hadhad exe
12 Chew the man tayde vnto Joab, commeth with good tidings. ‘ perience ofhis E
Ebr. weigh up- ThoughJ houldsreceiue athonfand thekels 28 And Abhtunaaz called and ſaid vnto fdelitie,Chap. _
on mine gand, of liluecin mine hand, pet would J not lay the king, Peace bee with thee: andheefell 1721. :
mine hand vpon the kings onne : for in our Downe to theearth ppon hts Face before the
bearing the king charged thee, and Abisi, king, and ſaid, Bleſſeð be the Load thy Hod,
and ftat, laying, Beware letanp touch the who hath ||hut vp the men that lift up their fOr, delivered up
vong nan Abſalam. hands againtt my to23 the kings
tEbr.alie againft 13 303 Dad done it, it had bene ¢ the dan⸗ 29 And che king (aid, Js the youre man
my [oule. ger ot my life:foz nothing can bee bid from Abſalom fafe 2 And Abunaas anſwered, i
the King: pea, thouthy telfe wouldeft haue Then Joab (ent che kings x iernant,and me k To wit, Cuthi, ,
cene agatnit me, ; thp ſernant, 3 fawe agreat tumult, but J who wasan E~
14 Then fain Joab, J will not thus ta- knewnot what. i thiopian,
rie luith thee. And hee tooke three Darts in o And the king ſaid gnto him, Turne
Ebr. in the heart hishand, and theni them t thorow Abla- afide,and ſtand here t le He turned afide, and
of Abfaiom. De — bee was pet aline inthe mids of ſtood ſtill.
oke, 31 And behold, Cuſhi came, and Culhi ied oy
Is And tenlernants that bare Joabs at- faid, t Lidings my loz the king p forthe tEb-tidingsie
mour, compaſſed about anv ſmote Abſalom, Lord hath Detinered thee this Day out ofthe brought,
and flew bint. handofallthacrofeagainitthee.
d Forhe hadpi- 16 Then Joab blewe the trumpet, and 32 Then the king fain vnto Cuſhi, Js
tie ofthe people the people returned from purluing after Jt the yong man Abſalom feft? And Cuſhi an-
which was {edu- rael; foz Joab held backe the people. fered, The encmics of mp lod the king, 1 Becaufe hee
ced by Abfaloms _ 17 And they tooke Ablalom, and caſt him and ail that rile againt thee to Doe thee burt. eonfideredboth
flatterie, Into a greats pit inthe wood, and lapeda be as that pong man ig. ` the iudgementof |
e Thus God tur- mighty great heape of fones vpon him and 33 And the king was! mooucd, and went Godagainft his f
ned his vaine ali Iſrael fled entry one to bis tent. — bp tothe chamber ouer the gate, and wept; finne and could
glory tofhame, 18 Row Ablalom in his life tine had ta and as hee went, thus hee fato, D my fonne not otherwile
ken and reared bim vy a pillar, which isin Abfalom, my fonne, my fonne Abfatom; hidhisfatherly
Gene.T4 17. the*ktngs dale:foz be fain, J haueno £ fonne would GodJ had died foz thee, D Abla- alfection toward
f Itfeemeth that to keepe mp name in remenibrance. And lom,my onne,my ſonne. fonne,
Godhadpuni- hee called the pillar afterhisowne name,
fhedhiminta- and ft ts called vnto this Day, Abfaloms CHAP. XIX,
Kingawayhis plate, 4
childten,Chap. 19 ¶ Then ſaid Ahimaas the onne of 3a- 7 Ioab encourageth the king. 8 Dauidi re-
54.37. Dok,J|pzay thee, let me runne, and beare the ſtored. 23 Shimes ss pardoned. 24 Mephibofheth
fEbr.indged. king tidings, thatthe Lord hath + delivered meeteth the king. 39 Barzillai departeth, 41 If-
him out of che hand of bis enemies. rael firiucth with Ludah.
20 And Joab fayd vnto hin, Thou
g For Ioab bare g fyalt notbethe meflenger to Dap, but thou AS it twas fold Joab, Webhold, the king
a good affe@ion {halt beare tidings another time, but today weepeth and mourneth fo2 Abfatom, $Ebr.faluation
to Ahimaaz, and thou (halt beare none: foz the kines fonneis 2 Therefoze the t victorie af chat Day or deliuerance
doubted how Dead. : was turned inte mourningto all the peoples
‘Dauid would 21 Then {aid Joab to Cuthi, Goe tellthe for the people heard fap that Day, Che king
take the report of king whatthou halk ſeene. And Cui vow fozroweth fo: his fonne. ;
Abfalems death, ed himſelfe vnto Joab, and ranne. 3 And the people went that Day into the
22 Thyen laid Ahimaas the fonne of 3a- citie \fecretlp, ag people confounded hide [Or,by feall -
Dek agatne to Joab, What Fpray thee, if themfclues when they flee in battelt. ;
Jallo runne after Cut? And Joab fata, 4 So theking 2 hid his face, and the a Asthey doe
> CCherefore now wilt thou rune, my fonne, king cricd with alowde voice, My onne that mourme,
feeing that thou batt no tidings to bring? Ablatom, Ablalom my fonne,my tonne. $
23 Det what ik Jrunne? Chen hee fain § CThenJoabcameintot
the houſe to b At Mabanaim
vnto him, Run. So Ahimaaʒ ranne by the the king, and fain, Chou hak ſhamed this
way of the plainc, and onerwent Culhi.Day the faces ofall thy (eruants, which thig
24 Mow Dauid fate betweene the twa Day haue Caucd thyltte, anu the linesofchy
h Hefateinthe gates, And the watchman wenttothe top fonnesand of thydaughters,and the lines of
gateofthecitie -OF the gate vpon the wall, andlife vp bis thy wines,and the liues of thy concubines,
ef Mahanaim, eyes, and ſaw, and behold, aman came rune 6 In that rhoulouct thine enemies, and
ning alone. $ hatett thy friends ; foz thou halt Declared "B

25 And the watchman cried, ann told the this Day, that thou regardeſt neither thy
LEbr.tidingsare king. And the king fain, Ithe be alone, the pinces nozleruants : therefoze this Day J lOr,captaines, ` ae
sn his mouth, bringeth tidings, And Hee came apace, and ge thatif Ablalom had liueu, and twee |
Dew neere. [had Died this day, that then it would haue
26 And the watchman faw another man + pleafed thee well. tEbr, beene right
running,and the watchman called vnto the 7 Mow therefore bp, come out, and sx thine eyes.
porter, and fain, Behold, another man rima {cake+comfoztablp unto thy ſeruants: foz Ebr, tothe heart Oh
nethalone, And the king ſaid, e alfo brin⸗ J| Cweare by the Lord, Extept thou come ofthy feruants.
geth tidings, gut, there will not tarie one man with hee
auids returne. Shimei beggeth pardon. Chap.xix, Mephibofheth. Barzillai. 129 a
thig ** that will be wozie vnto thee, net Iknow, thatJam this day King ouer
then all the emil chat fell on thee from thy Iſrael?
youth bitherte. 23 Therefore the King faid vnto Shi»
8 Then the King arole, and fate inthe met, Chou fhalt not* Dies and the King k By my hande
e Wherethe e gate: and thep told vntoall the people fay» ate vnto him, : or during
moftreforrof ing, Behold, the King Doth fit in the gate: 24 C And Mephiboſheth the fonne of life,as reade
the peoplehaun-
any all the people came befoze the ing, foz Saul camedownetomecte the King, and s.King,2.8,9.
Aſrael had fled euery man to his tent· bad neither wathed his feete, noz Deden his eke
à Euery one bla- o @ Then aũ che people were atdftrife beard ,no:waked bis clothes from che time b 2S
med anorher,and thorowoutallthe tribes of Ifrael, laying, the King Departed, vntili hee returned in >
froucwho = Che King faucd vs ont of the hand of our e+ peace, :
fhould firk bring pemies anabe Delinered vsout of the band 25 And when! hee was come to Jeruſa; 1 When Mephf.
him hoe, of the Jobiliftims, and now beis fledoutof lem, and met the King, the King fan nto bofheth being at
- $heland foz Abfalom. bin, Ciberefore wenteh thou not with mee, Terufalem had
Io 2nd Abfalom,whom wee anoynted e- Meyhiboſhethẽ met the King.
uer vs, is Dead inbattell: therefore why are 26 And hee anlwered, Wy lord the king,
pe ſo flow to bing the King agatne? my ſeruant Deceinen me:foz thyleruant (aid,
e Thatthey. II But King Daud fent to Zadok, and J Would haue mine affe fadled to ride there-
fhould reproue to Abtather the e Paets, laying, Speake on,foz to gee taith the King, becaule thy fers
the negligence of bntothe Elders ofJudah, and fay,cAby are uantislame.
the Elders, feeing vee behind to bing the Bing agatne to bts 27 And be hath * acculed thy feruant vn» Chap.16.3.
the people were houſe? (foz thefaying of ali Iſcael is come to mp lord the Ring: butmy togd the King m Able for his
fo forward. vnto the King,cuen to his honte) is as an Angel of God; Doe theretoze thy vc somec
12 De are my bretzen: my bones and mp pleature, bik
pa he
fich are pee: wherefore then are pee the latt 28 foz all myfathers Houle were = but Bese almae
that bring the King againe? Dead men before my lord the King, pet DIE Wort tò die
13 Alio fap pe to Amala, Art thou not my thou fet thpferuant among them chat DID Fs Sauls cruelti¢
bone and my fieh? God doe lo to me g moze gate at thineowne table: what right theres |wasasthee
E By this policie Älo, tEthou be not captaine ot the holt tome oe baue J pet to crie any moze vnto the y
David thouohe zeuer in the roome of Joab. ing? :
thatbywinine _14 So bee bowed the heartes of allthe 29 And the Ring (aide bnto him, Uhy
Cho we men of Judah,asef oneman: therefore the ſpeakeſt thou any moze of thy matters?
hefhoulihaue Ent tothe King, laying: Returne thou with — layde, Thou, and ziba diuide the
thehearts ofall Sl tbr feruants. o ED o Dauid did euil]
conle I5 C Ho the King returned. and came to 30 And Wephiboweth fayde buto the in taking his
EESE S Jorden, And Judah came to Gilgal, foz to King, ea, let him take all, feeing my lod lands from him
goete mecte the King, and to conduct him the Nae îs come home inpeace. ; before he Knew
INESS ouer Jorden. 310°C Then Barsillat the Gileadite came the caufe, but’ -
g Whohadbe- 16 @ Ands Shimei the fonne of Gera Downefrom Rogelim, and wentouer Joz- much worfe, that
“fore reuiled kim, thefonne of Jemint, which was of Babu: Dat mieh the King, to conduct pim ouer knowing the
Chap,16.13- rtm, halted and came Downe with the men orden. trueth he did not
2a of Judah to mecete Bing DautB, ——— 32 Row Barzillai was a nery aged man, reftorethem,
17 And a thoufand men of Beniamin euen fourcfcoze peere olde, and he had proti:
with him,and * 3iba theferuantof the houle Ded the King of ſuſtenance, while hee lay at
of Haul, and his fifteenefonnes and twen- Mahanaimfo:he was a manofvery grea
ticferuants with him: and they went ouer ſubſtance
Jorden before the King. 33` And the King fain vnto Barzillai,
18 And there went ouer a boate to carie Come ouer with mee, and J will feede thee
ouer the Kings houſhold, and to Doe him withme in Jerufalem. _
pleafure. Chen Shimei the fonne of Gera 34 And Barsillai (td vnto the King,
G —— the King, when be was come ouer Mow long haueJ toltue, that J thould goe t Ebr. bow masy `
orden, vp with the hing to Jerufalem? dayes are the
19 And faid vnto the Ring, Let not my 35 Jam this Day fouretcoze peere old: and yeeresofmy life?
Chap.16.15. _ 102D impute *wickedneflepnto mee, no? re canJ difcerne betweene good oz euill: hath
h Eor in his ad- memberthe thing that thy feruant did “wic- thy leruant any talte inthatJ cat,oztn that
uerfitichewas kedlywhen my lord the King Departed out J inke? Can J heare any moze the voice
his mofterucl, of Jeruſalem, thatthe king Yond take it to of inging men and women? wherefore then `
enemic,andnow hisheart: fhould thy ſeruant bee any moze ar burden p He thoughe it
in his profperitie 20 Foꝛ thy feruant doeth knowe, thatFI vnto my lon the King? not meete to re-
feeketh byflac- ¶haue Done amiſſe therefore beholde, J am 36 Thy lernant will goe alitle way ouer ceiue benefits of
terictocreepe che lirſt thisdapofall the boufe ofi Jofeph, Jorden with the King, and why will the bimto whom he
into fauour, that am come to go Downe to meete my lord king recompente it me with {uch a rewara? wasnotableto
iBylofephhe, the Ring, = = -. * ` 37 Jlpzay thee,let thy fernant turne back doeferuice a
meaneth Ephra- _ 21 But Abiſyhai the ſonne of Zeruiah an. againe, thatJ]may die in mine owne citie, gane,
im, Manaſſeh, ſwered, and laid, Shall not Shimei die fo, and bee buried tn the graue ofiny father ana
and Beniamin., this, becaule-hee curled the Lords anoyn⸗ of my mother: but beholde thy feruaunt
(whereof he was) ted? A Bike ¶Chimham, lee him goe with my lord the q My fonne.
becaufethefe 22 And Dauid faid, What haue J to doe King and Doe to bim what hall pleale thee.
three were ynder with pou, ye lonnes of Serutah,that thisda 38 Ano the King anfwered, Chimbam
one ftanderd, pee fhould bee aduerfartes vnto mee? Shal fhall gor with me,and F wil Doe to him that
Numb.2,18, there any man die this Day in Pivacl? foz doe thou i and Syanie

The rebellion ofSheha. ILSamuel. Ioabflayeth Amafa.Shebabeheaded.
[Or,chufe, oo Halt|require of methat Fwill Boe fo which is in Gibeon, Amala went before —
ther. i them,and Foabs e qarment,that he had put g Which was
39 He ali the people went oner Joren: On, Was girded vnto him, and bponit was hiscoat thathe
hee and the King paſſed ouer: and the king kif a ſword girded, which hanged on Hislopnes wed omenin
KOrbade him fed Barstilat. and | bleien him, and hee res in the (heath, and as bee went, tt vied to fall the ares,
farewell. turned onto bis owne place, out. SINE
9 Ant Joab (aid to Amala, Art thouin
r Wherethe 40 € hen the king went ta t Gilgal,
tribeofludah and Chimham went with him, anall the t health mp bother? And Joab tooke Ama- tEbr.peace. i
tariedtorecciue people of Judah conducted the king, and al- la by the beard with the right hand to kife
him. to haife the people off Hfracl. him.,
{Which bad 41 And beholde, all che men of Iſrael 10 But Amafa tooke no heed to thelwom
takenpart wth cameto the king, and fate vnto the king, that wasin Joabs hand: foz therewith hee
the king. Aby baue our brethzen the menof Judah finote bim in the fifth ribbe, and ſhed out bis
folen thee away, and hane brought the king bowels to the ground, and tiimore him not {Ebr doubled ner
and his houfhold, and all Dauids men with the ſecond time: fo be Died. Then Joab and his firoke,
t Toward feru- htm ouer t Joden? j Abiſhai bis brother followed after Sheba
Glem. 42 And all the men of Judah anfweren the fonne of Bichat. }
the men of Iſrael, Becauſe the king ts neere II Andone of Joabs men food by him, h He ftood by
of kinne to vs; and wherefore now be pe an- and faid, We that fauoureth Joab, thee that Amafa at Ioabs
grie foz this matter? baue wee eaten ofthe is of Dantas part, lethim goe after Joab. appointment,
kings coft,o2 haue we taker anp bribes? 12 And Amata wallowed in blood in the
43 Andthe men of Jlrael anfwered the mids ofthe way : and when the man awe
men of Judah and (aid, cde haneten parts that all the people tood fill, be remoned Aa
inthe king, and haue alſo moze rightto Das mafa out of theway into the field, and caſt
uid thet pee, TAby then dtd pee delpile vs, a cloth bpon him, becaule be faw that euery
LOr, bane not wee that our adutle ould not be frt pad inre- one that came by him, {toon fil,
Érfi fpoken to fto2tug our king? And the words of the men 3 ECAhen hee was remoned out of the
bring homethe of Judah were ercer then the words of the way, cuery man went after Joab, to follows
king? verfi Ls men of Iſrael. after Dhebathelonnecot Bich.
14 And hee went thozow all thetribes of . fe
CHAP. XX. Pract vnto Abel, andi Betymaachah ana i Vnto thecitie
ail placesof Bertm: and they gathered toges Abel,which was
z Sheba rat[eth Ifrael againft Dauid. 10 Ioab
killeth Amafa traiteroufly. 22 The head of Sheba ther,and wentallo after bum. fain neere to Berb-
æ deliuered to loab, 23 Dauids chiefe officers. Is Ho theycame,and belieged him in A- maachah,
bel, necre to Bethmaachah: and they caf vp
a Where the ten Too there was come + thither a wicked a mount againt the citie, and the people
tribes contended man, (named Sheba the fon of Bichi, thereof food on the rampier, and all the k Thatis,he
againft Iudab. a man of Jemini) and he blew the trumpet. people that was with Joab, * deftroped and wentabontro.
b Asthey of Iu- and faid, le haue no part in» DautD, nei- cal downethe wali. ouerthrow it.
dah fay. ther baue wee inheritance in the fenne of 16 Then cried a wile waman out oF the
c Hechought Iſhai: euery man tobis tents,D Iſtael. citie, eave, beare, J pray pou, fay vuto Jos
by {peaking con- 2 Ba euery man of Iſrael went from ab, Cone thou hither, that J map peake
temptuoullyof Daui, and followed Sheba the fonne of with thee.
theKingoftir Wich: but the men of Judah claue fat 17 Andiwhen he came neere vnto her, the
the Peoplerather vnto their king, from 4 Joꝛden euento Jerus woman faid, Art thou Joab? And hee an
—tofedition,or — lem. : ; fwered, Vea. And He fatd to him, Weare the
elfeby caufing 3. Aben Dauid thencame to his houte woꝛds of thine handmaide. And he anfwe=
Ifaelrodepart, fO Jerufalem,the king tooke the ten women, ren, J Do heave, :
thought that bis*concubines, that be bad left behind him 13 Then fye (pake thus, ! Thep fake in 1 She thewerh
theyofludah = to-keepe the Houle, and put themin warde, the old time, faying, They ſhould alke of that the old cu-
wouldhaue lefe and fed them, but lap no moze with them: Abel. And fo haue they continued. `
efteemed him. but they were encloſed bute the day of their Ig Jam ™ one of tein, thatare peacea⸗ ftome was notto
deftroy acitie,
d From Gilgal, Death, liuing in widowhood. ble and faithfuilin Iſrael: and thon goet a- before peace was
whichwasneere 4 QCbenlaid theking toe Amala, Af bout to deſtroy a cttte, and a mother m Iſra· offeréd,
Jorden. elswhp wilt thou deuoure the tnberitance of 10,11. Deut. 20.
ſemble mee the men of Judah within thee
Chap.t6.22 dayes, and be thou here preſent. the Low? —T
e Who was his § Do Amaſa went to aflemble Judah, 20 And Joab anfwered, and Mid, Gow Fm She fpeaketh
rhe rame of
l chiefecaptaine but he tartcd longer then the time which he forbtd, God forbid it me, that JMould de · citie
inIoabsroome, baD appointed him. — Ry uoure wine it. sw è eSa
i Chap, 59:33. 6 Chen Daud aid onto Abithai, Mow 21 The »matterts not fo, but amano kine hi
Hall Sheba the fonne of Bithi Doe vs moze mountEpheatm (Sheba the fonneof Bithi errs. bod
harme then did Abſalom: take thon there- by name) hath litt op bis hand againf the he gine place to
f Eitherthem fore
) thy f{ods feruaunts,
í and „Sfollow after King, euen againſt Daud; Deliner vs him and re-
which had beene bim, leatt hee get him walled cities, and ef oncly,and
Jwill depart from thecitte. And nicedonly him
ynderloab,or Cape us. the woman faid pnto Joab, Behelde, his iat wasauchour
Davids men, 7 And there went out after him Joabs head hall bee thowen to thee ouer the wall. oreherreafon.
Chap.8,18. men, and the * Cherethites and the Bele- 22 Chen the woman went vnto allthe
thites, andall the nightie men: and they people with her wifttome, and they.cut -
Departed out of Jeruſalem, to follow after off the headof Sheba thefonne of Bich,
Sheba the ſonne of Bichi. and cal it to Joab: then bee blewe the +Fbs.they wwe
S$ hen they were at the areas Rone trumpets and + thepretived from the citie, fatrered,
. sy eee: oF
The Gibeonites requeft. - Chap.xxj. xxij. Dauids victories. 130
euery man to his tent: and Joab returned II (ud it was told Dauid what Ri-
to Jerulalem buto the King. pal) the daughter of Atay the concubine of
(hap,8.26. -23 @* Then Joab was ouer all the bofte Paul had done.
of Iſrael, and Benaiah the fon of Fchota- 12 And Dauid went and tooke the bones
—— the Cherethites and ouer the Ipele» of Saul ¢ the bones of Jonathan bis fonne
hites. from the citizens of Jabeſh Gilead, which .
24 And Adoꝛam ouer the tribute, and hav tollen them from the ſtreete af Bethe
Joſhaphat the ſonne of Abilus che recorder, han, where the Philiſtims had * hanged 1.84,31: 10
25 And Shaa was ſcribe, andZadok and them, when the Philiſtims had Raine Gaul
Abiathar the Pꝛrieſts. tn Gilbsa.
o Either im dig- 26 Gnd allo Jira the Jairite waso chicte 13 Oo hee brought thence the bones of
nitie, or familia- about Danid. aul and the bones of Jonathan his onne,
zitie. CHAP. XXI. and they gathered the banes of them that
1 Three deareyeeres.9 Thevengeance of the tuere hanged.
ſinnes of Saul Lghteth on his [euen fonnes , which 14 And the bones of Haul and of Jona-
are hanged, 15 Foure great battels which Da- than hisonne buried they in the countrey of
nid had againft the Philftims, Beniaminin zciahin the graue of Kt his
$Ebr. yeere after qa there was a tamine in the dayes of father: and when thep haa perfourmed all
peere. A Dauid thee + peeres together: and Da» that theking bad conunaunded, God was
tEbr.foughe the -widealkedcountell ofthe Lord, Ethe Lord then k appeaten with the land. k For where the
face of the Lord. anfwered,ltisfoz Baul, and foz his bloodte Ts C Againe the Ppilitints had warre Masiftrate ſuffe
aThinkingto houlſe, becauſe be flew the Otbeonites, with Jiraci: and Dauid went Downe, and reth faults vnpus
gtatifiethe peo- 2 Thenthe king called the Hibconites, bis feruants with him, and they fought a». nithed,there the
ple becaufe thefe and faid ynto them, ( now the Gibeonites gaint the Philiſtims, and Dauid fainted. plague of God
were notofthe were notof the childzen of Iſxael, but * a 16 Then Iht-benob which wasof the lieth vpon the
feedofAbraham remnantof the Amozites, puto whom the fons of Haraphah (the head of whole (peace land.
Zofh.9.3,16,¢7, children of Fitact had ſwoꝛne: but Haul weyed theee hundreth = chekels of braſſe) l That is , of che
.b Wherewith fought to flay them foz bis zeale toward the cuen Hee being girded with a new sword, race of Giants.
mayyourwrath chiſdeenofIſrael and Judah.) _ thought to baue laine Dauid. m Which a-
be appeaſed, that 3 And Dauid fain unto the Gibeonites. {7 But Abithai the tonne of Seruiah iuc- mount to nine
youmayprayto > <dibat YaliJDoe foz you , and wherewith coured Him, aud finote the Philiſtim, and pound three
Godtoremouc {hall J make the atonement, that pee may killed bim. Then Dautds men fware vnto quarters,
this plague from bleſſe the inheritance of the Loꝛd: ‘ bim, laying, Thou fhalt go no moze out with n For the glory
his people? 4 Che Sibconites then antwered him, atn— lelt thon anench the? light ot and air arthe
c Sauconlyof Me wil haue no filuer noz gold of @aul,noz acl, countrey ftan-
Sauls tocke, of hts Houle, neither fez vs thalt thou kill 18 (And after this alfo there was a bat- dethin the pre-
d Of Sauls kinf- ¢ any manin Iſxael. And be lain, that pee tel with the Philiſtims ate Gab;then Sib- feruation ofthe
mn, | Hall fap, that will J poe for you. bechat the Huwathite lew Baph, which godly Magi-
e To pacifie the § @hentheyanlwered the King, Che was one of the fonnes of araphab. j firate,
Lord, man that conlumed vs, and that imaginen Ig And there was yet another battell in o Called Gezer,
“1.5am.18.3.and enill again vs fothat wee are Dellroped Gob with che Philiſtims, where Clhanah and Saph iscal-
~20 8,42.. — from remaining in any coatt oFIſrael, the fonne of Jaree-ozegtm, a Bethlehemite led Sippai, t.
f HereMichalis 6 ZLetleuenmenot bis ‘fonnes be deli- flew PGoliath the Gitttte,the kafe of whole Chron.20, 4.
named for Me- uered vnto vs, and we will hang them vp (peare was like aweavers beams, p Thatis, Lahmi
sab Adriels wife, e puto the Lon tn Otbeal of Gaul , the 20 Afterward there was allo a battell in the’ brother of
asappeareth 1. 10:03 cholen, And the king fai, Jwel gine Gath, where was a man of a great ature, Goliath,whom
Sam.18,19.for them, : a and had on euery hand fire fingers, and on Dauid flew,
Michal wasthe 7 Butthe king had compaflion ou Me⸗ euery foote lire toes , foure and twentie in 1,Chro, 20.55
wife of Palticl,1. phiboſheth the fonne of Jonathan the fonne number: who was alfo the fonne of Dara»
Sam. 25.44.and of Haul, becauleofthe * Lowes athe, that phab
neuer had childe, twas bettweene them, euen betwene Daud 21 And when hee rentled Iſrael, Jonas
- 2.Sam.6,23. and Jonathan the fonne of Saul. thax the fon of* Shima the brother of Da- 1.5616. 9)
FEbr fel. 3 But the king tooke the two ſonnes of wd few hina
22 Thele ure were borne to Haraphah
g Whichwasin Rizpah the daughter of Aiah ,whom fhee
themoneth Abib bare vnto Gaul, euen Armoni and sBepbe tn Gath,and diedbythe hand of Danid and
orNifan, which bofheth, and the fue fonnes of ‘Michal the by the bands of bis ſeruants.
conteinethpare Daughter of Saul, whom the bareto Adziel
of Marck,and the (onne of Barzillai coe Mebolathite. CHAP, XXII,
p: of April. 9 And hedeliuered them vnto the hands 2 Dawid after his victories prayfeth Ged.8
Tomakeher of the Gibeonites, which hanged the inthe The anger of God toward the wicked. 44 He pres
atentwherein snountatnebefore the Lozd: (o theytDied all phefieth of the reiectios of the Jewes, and voca-
fhe prayedto {euen together, and they were Maine inthe tion of the Gentiles, >
God to turne time ot harueſt; inthe sfirft dayes, and in A? Dauid [pake the wordes of this 2 Intoken ofthe
away his wrath. the beginning ofbarley harueſt. : a fang vnto the Lo2d, what time yLord wonderfull bene-

Wecaufedroughe 10 Chen Rispah the daughter of Aiah Had Delivered hiin out ofthe hands ofal bis fits that he receie
-wasthecaufeaf tooke blackecloth and bangen ttpp fer ber
and out of the band of Saul, ued of God,
thisfamine,God vpon the rocke, from the beginning of bare 2 And he laid, "Whe Loz is my > rocke Pfal.t8.20
by fending of ueſt, bnttlli water dꝛopped bpon them from and my foztreile, and hee thatdeltucretp b: By thediners
taine fhewed that the heauen,
and ſuſfered neither thebirds of me & fitie of thefe
was paced, the aire to light on them bp Day,
nor beaſts comfortable _
torrfe, ofthefielaby night, names,he fheweth how his faith was ftrengthened in all tentations,
R 2 3 Gop
The fong II.Samuel. of D auid.

Or,rocke. 3 God ismy iferength,in himwil Jtruſt: 29 Surely thott artmy light, D Low:
a my fhield,and the home of my faluation, my and the Lord will —— ——
bte tower and my refuge: my Bautour, thou 30 Foz by thee haue Jbꝛoken through an
hatt faucd me from violence. ? ae » and by mp God paue F leaped cuer a
4 Jwiülcallon the LoD, who is worthy
to be prapled ; fo thail J bee fate from mine31 Che way of Gon iso yncozrupt: the © The manner
enemies. word of the Loyd ts tried inthefire: hee isa that God vferk
c As Dauid who § Jforthe « pangesof Death haue com⸗ chield to all that trut in em. tco ſuccour his,
was the figure of patted mee: the floods of vngodlineſſe haue 32 Foꝛ whois God belides the Loann neuer failetb,
Chrift) wasby made me atraid. Who is mighty, laue our God?
Gods powerde. 6 The ſoꝛrowes of the graue compalſed 33 Ged ts my ſtrength in battel, andma-
linered fromall me about:the {nares of Death ouertooke me, keth my way vpright. bA
dangers:fo Chrift 7 But in mp tribulation DiD F cali vpon 34. We maketh my feet like r hindes feer,
P Hevfeth exe -·
and his Church the Lozd, and cry to my God, and hee did and hath fet me pom mine hie places. traordinarie |
fhali ouercome eate mp voyce out ofhis Temple, and my 35 Ve teacheth mine handsto fight,fothatMeanesto make |.
moft grieuous Cty did enter into His cares. a bow of | baafieis broken with mine arms, me winne mole |
dangers, tyranny 8 Then the earth trembled and quaked: 36 Thouhatt allo ginen me the hiciv of {rong holds.
and death. the foundations of the heauens moucd , and tby faluation,and thy toutng kindneffe bath 1Ors feeks
d Thatis,clouds fhooke,becaule he was angry. cauled me to tncreafe.
and vapours. 9_ *@moke went out at his nokrels,and 37 Thou hat enlarged my teps vnder
e Lightning and confuming *¢ fire out of bis mouth: coles meand my heeles hane not lid.
thundring, were kindled thereat. 33 Fhaue purfued mine enemies and Des
£ So itfeemeth Io Deef bowed the heauens allo came ſtroyed them , and haue not turned agate i
Downe,and Darkenelle was vnder his feet.
mitem — —
whenthe aire is vntill J bad confumed them. |
darke. IL And hee rode vpon s Cherub and did
g Toflicina lie, and he wasleene vpon the wings ofthe ough, and they hal not ariſe,
moment thorow WINDE, but fall fall vnder my keete.
the world. 12 And he made Darkenefle a tabernacle 40 Foꝛ thou bat a gitded me with power q He acknow- ij
round about him, euen the gatherings of wa- to battell, andthem that rofe againtt mee, ledgeth thar i
ters,and the cloudes of the aire. Hatt thou ſubdued vnder me. God was the aue
hBythisdekrip- 13 Atthe baightnefie of his prelence * the 4I And thou bhatt ginen methe neckes of thor ofhis vi&o-
tionof atem- Coles of fire were kindled. mine enemies , thatJ might deſtroy them ries, who gaue {

peft, be decla- 14 The Lord thund2ed from heauen,and that hate me. him ftrength.
reth the power of the moft Dte gaue bis voice. 42 Chey looked about, but there was `
Godagainthis 15 Wee Mot arrowes allo, and {cattered none to fauethem, euen ynto thet LoD , but r The wicked in’
enemies. theinttowit, lightning € Deltroped them. be anfwered them not, their neceflitie
i Healludethto 16 Gheichanelsallo of the fea appeared, 43 Chen dtd J brate them as {mall as are compelled to’
the miracle of euen the foundations of the world were dif- the Dut of the earth : Join tread them flat flee to God, but
she red fea, coucred by the rebuking of the £020, and at — of the freet, and did (pread them itis too late,
the blat of the breath of His noſtrels.
17 He fent from aboue, and tooke me: Hee 44 Thou hak alo deliuered mee from
Drew me outof many waters. the contentions of my f people: thou paft f Meaning
, of |

18 He deliuerrd me from my ſtrong ene» prelerued merto be the head ouer nations: the Iewes,who
mie, and from them that hated me: foz thep the people which J knew not, doe ferne me., cenfpired againſt
were tod trong fome. 45. DAtrangers hall bee in (ubiection to mee,
k Twas fo befer, 19 They: preriented me in the Day of mp ine,affeone as they heare,they ſhall obey me. t Not willingly
that all meanes calamitie, but the Loꝛd was my fay, 46 Strangers Mall Minke away, and obeying me,but
feemed to faile. 20 And brought mee: foozth into a large feare in their printe chambers. diffembl ingly.
place: hee deliuered me, becaule he fauoured 47 Letthe Lod tine, “and blenen be mp u Let him hew“
mee. ſtrength: and God, cuen the force of my fal- his power,that
21 hha Lod pad iae senema to uationbeexalted. he isthe gouer⸗
my ‘vighteoutneffe : according tothe pure- 48 It is God that giueth mee power to res ‘nour of allthe
1Toward Sauls Steffe ofmine hands hee recompenten me. uenge me, and {ubdue the people vnder me, world.
miek 22 Fo: J kept thewayes of the Lord, and 49 And reftucth me from mine enemies ?
m I attempted Did not ™ wickedly againſt my God. (thou alfohatt litt mee vp front them that
nothing without’ 23 For altbts lawes were befeze mee, and role againſt mee, thou batt deliuered mee
his commande. Dis Hatutes : 1 DID not Depart therefrom. fromthe cruell man. y%
— 24 J was vpꝛight allo toward bim, and 50 Therefoze F wil praife thee,D Loꝛd,
haue kept me from mywickedneſſe. | amongthe *nations,and will fing wnto thy Rom.15.9,
25 Cherefore the Lord did reward mee game.) r ,
according tomy righteouties, according te SI Hee is the tower of faluation foz bis
my pureneſſe before bis eyes. king , and ſheweth mercy to his anointed,
26 Uith the godly thou wilt ſhew thy even to Dautd,and te his feed * fo2 ener, Chapr7.13
felfe godly : with thevprightman thon wiit CHAP. X :
ſhew thy elfe vpright. - 1 The lafl words of Dauid . 6The wicked fhall
scheic wicked 27 ith the pae thou wilt ſhew thy be pluckt up asthornes. 8 The names and factes
a Theww - felte pure,and with the” frowara thon tutit of his mghtie men. 15 Hee defired water and
> neffeis caule that fhe thy felfe frowarn. would not drinke it. ,
shou feemeftto 283 Thus thou wilt faue the poore peoples TR alfo bee the a laft wordes of Da» a Whick he ſpake
a won- hut tthineepes are boon
bn P the hautiei to humble uid, Dauid the fonne of Jai fayeth, after that he had:
guen the man who was iet tp on ot made the Plait.
auids worthies, Chap. xxiiij. aud valiant men. 131
the Auoxnted ofthe Sad of Iaakob, and the foe onne okzerniah, was ebick anang the
(uwecte linger of Jira fatto, thee, and hee lifted by bis tpeare againit
2 The Hpirit ofthe Lard HPakedy mee, thee hundetth, ¢ and fete them, and he has *Ebr NMaine.
b Meaning, ke and His tuod was in my © congue. the name among the thace.
fpake nothing The God of Iſtael (pake te mee, the 19 Foz he was mok etcetlent of the thee,
but by the me- ſtrength of Jitael (ard, Thou fhalt beare rate and was their captaine, but he attained not
‘non of Geds ribsmen, being inf, and ruling in the feare vnto the firt three.
‘Spirit, 20 And Benaiah the fonne of Feboiana
Euen asthe moming. tight wheu the the fanne of fa valiant mam which had done (Or, Jib hai.
Sune rileth, the morning, J ley. without Maly actes , andwasot Rabsecl. Uew twe
tloudes, fo fhal! mine houfe bee, and not as the firoitg men of Moab: hee went Downe alfa,
| ¢ Whichgrow- © grafie of the earth is by the bꝛight reine. and iew a lyon in themidgofa pit in the
eth quickly,and s Fo: fo hall not mine houle bee with tine of iow.
fadeth foone. Ged: for hee hath made with me an cuerla· 21 And dee ewan Egyptian a ||mart oF [0ra comely
fting couenant, perfect in all paints, ¢ fires greaf ſtature, ¢ the Egyptian kad a! ſpeare man, «+
therefoge al mine health ann whole deſire is, tit his hand:buthe went Downe to pim with 1 Which was
d But thatmy that he will not make it 4 grow fo, a Gafe, and plucked the ſpeare out ofthe big asa weaters
“kingdome may But the wicked hal: bee cuery one as Cgyvpttans band, and fewe him with his beame, 1 Chron,
1| continue for ever thomnes tipult amway, becaufe they cannet be otne (peare. 11,23,
according to his taken with bands. > 22 Cele things did Benaiah the fonne
promife, 7. But the man that Hall touch then, of Feioiada, and had the name among the
mut be dekendedwith yrono2 with che Mate three worthies.
of a fpeare: ant they Hali be burnt with are 23 Dee was honourable among™ thirtte, m Hee was more
tu the fame place. —— but hee attained not vnto the Arlt three: and valiant then the
8 ¶Theſe bee the namesof the mightie Dauid mane him of gis conntell. 30.that follow,
men whom Dauid had. ce that fate tn the 24 A Aabel the brother of Joab was one and notfo vali-
æ Asone ofthe feate of « wiſe dome, being chicfe of the prin- ofthe thirtie: Cibanan the ſonne o Dodo ant as the fixe
Kings coun(ell, ces, was Adine of Ezni, he Hew eight jun: of Beth lehem: before,
dred at one time. 25 Shammah the Harodite: Glika the Chap. 233 8.
1. Chron. 11.12. 9 And after him was Eleazar the onne
lOryaffailed with
of Dodo,the ſonne ofAhohi, one ofthe three 936elesthe *PPaltite: Hea the fonneok
26 Delez the* f Paltite: Jra the ſonneo
wozthies with Dautd, When they jacked rhe Ikxkeſh the Tekoite:
1.Chrow, 11.27.
Or, Pedenite,
danger of their Hhiliſtims gathered thereto battell, when 27 Abiezer the Anethothite: »Mebun⸗ n Diners of theig
lites. the men of Iſrael were gone vp. naithe Huſathite. hadtwonames,
f Mearing,fied To He atole and ſmote the Philiſtims vn- 28 3almon an Ahehite: Maharat the e- as appeareth, 1,
from the batteI. till his hand was wearte, ¢ bts hand s claue topbhathite: Chro, 12, and aif
By acrampe vuto the wod: and the Lod gaue great 29 Heleb the nne of Baanah a Reto- many more are
Shich — victorie the fame Day, and the people retur· phatbite: Jttai the fonne of Ribat of Gi- there mentioned,
and ned after him onely to porit. teab ofthe chilozen ofBeniamin;
ſttaining Il After him was * Shammah the foune 30 Benaiah the Ptrathonite : Hiddai of
| 3.Chren.11.27. of Age the Hararite: for the Philiſtims al- the riuer ofGaaſh: i a towne, where was a piece of a 31 Abt-albon the Arbathite: Azmaueth
field full oflentiles,and the people fict from the Barbumite: ji
the Philiſtims. 32 Clihaba the Shaalbonite:ofthe fonnes
12 But hee ſtood in the mids of the field, of Jathen, Jonathan; l i
and Defended it,and flew the Philiſtims: ſo 33 Shammah the Hararite: Ahiam the
the Low gauch great victorie. — fonne of Sharar the Yararite:
13 (Afterward three of che thirtie cap- 34 Euphelet the fonne of Ahalbat the
mMany,nor few, taines went Downe, and came to Dauid ur fonne of SBaachatht: Eliam the tonne of A-
when he will tie haruett time vnto the caue of Aduliam, hithepbel the Gilonite:
| thew his power, and the bolte of thePhiliſtims pitched in 35 Wesrat the Carmelite: Paarai the —
fOr, Grants. the balley ot Rephaim. _ Arbite:
14 And Dand wasthen in anhold, and 36 Igal the ſonne of Rathan of Fobah:
the garrifon of the Philiſtims was then in Bant the Gadite: ; 1
Bethlehem, — ) 37 delek the Ammonite: Naharai the
i Being ouer- 15 Ana Danidi longed, andiain, Oh Beerothite, the armour bearer of Joab the o Thefe came to’
i |come with wege that one would giue me to drinke of the wa» fonne of Zerutah: d David andheiped
rineſſe and thirft. ter ofthe well ot Weth-lehem, which ts by 33 Frathe Ithsite: Gareb the Ithzite: to reftorchim to
the gate. Fi | IC 39 Ctitah the Hittite thirty eleven in al, his kingdonie.
16 Then the three mightie baake inte the CHAP. XXIIII.°
hofte af the Philiſtims,and drew water out 1 Dauid 5 the people to be numbred. 10
of the wellof Weth-lebem, that masby the He repenteth, &c huſeth to fall into Gods hands.
gate, and tooke and brought it to Dauid, 15 Sewentie thoufand perifb withthe peftilence,
who would not Drinke thereof, but k powzen A 20 the wath of the Loꝛd was? againe a Before they
it for an offering vnto the Lo2d, kindled againſt Iſrael, and he’ moouc’ were plagued
17 Gnd faid, D Low, bee it farre from Dauid agatnit them, in that hee ſaid, Gor,with famine,
mee, that F fhouls doe this. Isnot chis the number Iſrael and Judab. :
bioodof the men that went intcopardie of 2 forthe king fatd to Joab the captaine b The Lord per-
their lines? therefore be would not Danke it, cf the bofte, which was with dim, Gor mitted Satan,as
Thele things did thele thacemighttenen, {peedily now thozow all the tribes of Ff- 1.Cbro.21,3.
Chron, 51:20, 18 d" And Abubat the brother of Joab, rael, from Dan puen to Beer-fheba, and
R 3 number
The people numbred. II. Samuel. The plague. Dauids repentance. "R VJ

number ye the people. that J] may know the great) and let mee not fall into the hand of
c Becaufe he did ‘number of the people. i mat,
this to tric his 3 And Foad faid vnto the Ring, Che Is So the Lo fent a peſtuenct in Jta-
power.and ſo to Lod thy Sod increale the people an hun- el, fromthe moning, euen to the time ape
truft therein, it Den fold moe then they be, and chat the cyes painted: and there died of the propie from
offended Gad, of ity lord the Ring may (ee it: but why Bory h Dan inen to Beer-iheba ſcuenty thouſand h From the one
afe it was lawful! my lord the King Deiive this thing? men. fide of the coun-
tonumbcr the 4 pee cae rhe Kings word pre⸗ 16 And when the Angel ſtretched out his trey to the other,
people Exod, 30, uated again& Joab and aganit the cap- band bpon Jerufalem ta deſtroy it, the Lord
taines ok the hoſte: therefore Joab and the repented otthe euill, and fain to the Angel 1. Fam.
i3. 11.
12. Num. 1.2,
captatnes of che hoſte went out frem the pre- that deſtroycd the people, Fe ts lufſicient,
fenceat the Ming, to number the peopie of hold now thine hand. And the Augelot ive i TheLord fpa-
gral n F Lord was by the threhhing place of Axaunah red this place,
5. CAND they pafen ouer Jorden, and tbe Jebule. becaufe he had
pitches in Qrace at the right ide or iye citie 17 And Dauid fpake pnto the Low, chofen it to build.
fOr riuer. that is inthe middes of the H valley of Gad (when fe aw the Angel that inete the peo- his temple there,
and toward Jazer. ple) and iato, Behold, 3 haue nnet, pea,J
6 Then they came to Gilead, and to baur done wickedlp: but thele Heepe, what
Or, tothe nether ||Lahtim-hosiht, fo they came to Dan Ja baue they k Done ? Let thine hand, J pray k Dauid faw not
land newly inha anand {o about te 31000, * be againſt mee and againſt mip fathers the iuft caufe why
bited. 7 Anocame ce the fortrek of] Tyzus, RIEA God plagued the
\|9r,Zor, and to all the cities of the Hiuites and of the 18 So Gad came the fame Day to Da- people and there-
Ganaanites , aud went toward the South uld, and laid uate him, Gorup, reare an al- fore he offereth
of Judah, euen to Weer-Heba. tar vnto thz Lod in the threſhing floore ot himfelfe to Gods
3 EH when thep had gone about all rumah the Jebuſite. : correéctions,as the >
theland , thep returned to Jeruſalemat the I9 AndHautd (according to the faving of onely cauſe of
end ofnine maneths and twentie Bayes. Gad) went vp,as the Loꝛd had commanded. this enill,
9 € And Joab deltuercd the number and 22 And Araunah looked, aw the Hing
fume of the people puto the King: and and bis ſeruants comming toward bim, and
a Accordingto there were in Jirael i eight Hundred thou- Araunah went out, and bowed dimlelke bee
Toabs count:for fand ſtrong men that Drew ſwordes, and the foze the King on hts face tothe ground,
ĩn all rhere were men ot Judah were «flue kundzed thouſand 21 Gnd! Araunah fatd, cdiberefoze ts my 1 Ealledalfo Ore
eleuen hundred men. lox the Hing come tobis ſeruaunt? Chen nan,1,Cbron.2 1.
thoufand, se ` - 10 Then Daning heart nete him, after Dauid antwered, Co bup the theething 20.
Chron.2t. 5%: that bee had numbꝛed the people: and Da- fiogze ofthee, for to build an Altar vate the
e Concluding nid {aid vᷣnto the LoD,J hane finned excee- en that the plague map ceale from the
ynder them the dingly in that J baue Bone : therefore now people,
Beniamites: for Low, F beleech thee, take avay the trei 22 Then Araunah (aid vnto Dauid, Let
elfe they had but Deane thy feruaunt: foz Jhaue Dane veryinp lord the Ring take and offer what fee-
foure hundred fooltfbly. 3 5 meth him good tn his epes: behold the oren
and feuentie II € And when Dauid was vp in the foz the burnt offering, and charets, andthe
thoufand, 1. - moming, the woof the Led came tute intruments of the oren fo: wood.
Chron.21.5. the Prophet Gad Dauitds f Seer, faying, 23 (All thele things did Arannah m asa m Thatis, abun⸗
f Whom God 12 Go72,anz fay vuto Dautd, Thus taith Ring gtue vnto toe King,andAraunah aio dantly for as
_ had appointed for the Loud,3 offer thee thꝛee chings chule thee nto the Ring, Che Lom thy God be fanou- fome write,hee
Dauid and his which of thein I hall Doe vnto thee. rablebntotijce.) s was king of le-
tine. 12 So Gad came to Dauid, and Hewed 24 Thenthe Ring fai onto Araunah, rufalem before
g For three yeres bim, and faid vnto him, Milt thou that e fe- Not 0, but 3 will bup it of thee at apice, Dauid wan the
of famine were ugin pecres famine come vpon thee tn thy and wil not offer burnt offering vnto the tower. dd
paf for the Gide- land, 02 wilt thou flee thece moneths before Lord myg, ofthat which Doth colt meng: n Some write,
anites matter:this thine enemies, they following thee, o2 that thing. So Dauit bought y thzebing flooze, that every tribe,
was the fourch there bee theee Dayes peitilencein thy land? and the oren for° fftie Hekels of filner. gaue so.wbich <
yere to the which nowadnilethee, andlec, what antwere I 25 Aud Danid built there an Aitar vnto make 600. or that
fbould haue bene hail giue ts him that entime., the Laid, and offered burnt offerings and afterward hee
added other three I4 And Dauid laid vnto Gad, Jam peace ofterings,and the Lom was appeaſed boughtas much
yeeres more, ina wonderlull Graite tetvs fail now into toward the land, and the plague ceafed from as cameto 550,
x,Chron,25 .£2> the hand of the Load, (foz hts mercies are Iſrael. thekels,1.Chro.,
sæ The firſt booke of the Kings,
Ecaufe the children of God ſhould looke for no continuall reft and quietneffe in this world, the
B holy Ghoft letteth before our eyesin thisbooke , the verictie and change of things, which came
to the peaple of Iſtael from the death of Dauid , Salomon, and the reft of the Kings, vnto the death
of Ahab, declaring bow that flourifhing kingdomes , exceptthey bee preferued by Gods proteGion,
{ho then fauoureth thém when his Word is truely fet foorth , vertuc efteemed , vice punifhed, and
concord maintained) fallto decay and come to nought: as 2ppeareth by the diuiding of the king-
dome vnder Koboamand leroboam, which before were but all onepeople, and now by the iuft pu-
midament of God were made two, whereof ludah aud Beniamin claue ta Roboam: and this wasealled
the 4
Adonijah vſurpeth the kingdome. © ‘Chap.j. His treafonis vtteredto Dauid, 132 -
the kingdom of Tudah, and the other ten tribes held with Ieroboam, and this was called the kingdome
ofiftael, The king of ludsh bad hg throne in lerafaleny, andthe King of Irae) in Samaria, after it
was built by Amri Ahabs father. And becanfe our Sauiour Chrift according to the feih (hould come
ofthe Rocke of Dauid,the genealcgieofthekings cf Iudah is here deferibed, from Salomon to !o>
ram the fonne of Tolapbar, who rergned ver ludah in lerufalem, as Ahab did oucr Iſrael in Samaria.

C HA PLT king into the chambre, and the king was

3 Abifhag heepeth Dauid in his extreme age. very olde. And Abiſhag the Shunammite
5 Adonyal vſurpeih the kingdom, 30 Salmos miniſtred bite the king. 3
w anointed king. 50° Adonijah fleethto the altar, 16 And Bath-Heba bowed and mave o:
a He was abent- a Dy when king Dauid was betfancevnte the king. And the king fayt,
70. yere olde, Py = oid, & friken n peeres, they Cdiat ts thy matter?
2. Sam 5.4. p courted biin with clothes, but 17 And ihe aniwered him My to2d, thor
b For hisnatu- ge? nob heat came puto him. fwareft by the Lowe thy God vnto thine
rall heate was D 2 cGhberefo his (cruants handmaid, laying, Sfluredly Balomon thy
worne away vith was AA (ayn vnto him, Letthere bee fone ſhall reigne after mee, and hee Wall fit
trauels. fought for my loD the king a yong virgine, bpon my throne. } :
LOr ſerue him, and let hee j itand before the king, anv che 18 And behold, now is Adoniiah king,
tihim: and let herliein thy votome, that a now niy lord, D king thou knowele it i`The king be-
mp lord the Kang may get Hrate. k not, ing wornewith
3 Bothep ſought for a faire yong maid 19 And hee hath offered many ore, and age, could not
throughout all the coaſtes of Jizel, e found Fat cartell, and Meepe, and hath called ail attend to the af-
c Whichcitie one Aiſhag a Hhunanimite, and brought the (ounces of the king, and Abtathar che faires of the
vas in the tribe her tothe king, k à Pꝛielt, and Isab the captaine of the boft: realme,and alfo
of lſachar,as And the maine was erceeding faire, mi Halomion thy (eruant hath hee ust pid: Adonijah had
loth,19,18, and cherifhed the king, and minitired to en. many flatterers, ~
Dim, but the king knew fer not. 20 And thou, my lord, D king, knoweſt which kept
5 E Chen Avontiad the tonne of Vag- that the eyes of all Jitaclare onthee, that it from the king,
gith exalted himſelte, laving, F wil be king. thou fhonidett tellthem, who ſhould ifon
And he gate him charets anv hoꝛſemen, and the throne of my lord the king after htm.
d Reade 2.Sam. d fiftie men to tunne befedi. 21 For cile when my lod the king Mall
15.1. 6 Ana bis father would not difpleate Ticepe with bis tachers, J and my lamig Baz
*Ebr. daxes. him from bis + child hood, to ſay, Ahy halt lomon halt be k reputed ¢ vile, k And fo put to
thou Done ſo? and hee was a very goodly 22 And loe, while the pet talked with the death as wicked
fale and his mother bare him nert after Ab- king Mathan allo the Prophet came u. tranfgreflots,
alom. 23 And they told the king, laying, Be: $Ebr (inners.
*Ebr.hiswords And * hee tooke counfellof Joab the bolde, Mathan the ophet. And when He
avere with Joab, fonne of Serutah, € of Abiarharthe Wiet, was come in to the king, He made obey-
e They toske and they *helpedfoxwardQodontiah, fance before the king vpon his face 'to the 1 Acknowlede
his part and fol- 8 But Zadok the [Pzicit, and Benaiah ground. ginghim tobe
lowed bim, the lanne of Jehoiada, and Mathan the pro: 24 And Rathan fayd, Wy lod,D King, the true & wore
phet, and Shimer, and Ret, and the men of batt thou faya, Adonttal hail reigne after thy king appoine
might which were with Darwd, were not me, and be ball fit vpon mp thzone? ted of Godas
With Adonttah. ne 25 Forhee isgone Downe this Day, and the figure of his
9 Chen Adonitah Cacrificed heepe,and Hath laine many oren, and fat cattell, ano Chrift,
eren, anv fat cattell by the ſtone of Zoheleth {Hecpe,and bath called all che kings tonnes,
hOr, the fun- whichis by \|n-regel, and called all hts and the captaines ofthe hoſte, and Abtathar
tains brethren the kings ſonnes, and al the men of the Diet; and Behold, they cate and Minke
Sudah the kings ſeruants. 7 him, and fay, 4 God ſaue king Ado⸗ +2br. let the king
IO But arhan the Prophet, and Be- nitah. Adonijah hue,
f As the Chere- nafah and the? mighty men, and @alomon 20 Butine thy ſeruant; and Favok the
rethites and Pe- his brotherhe calicd nor. Pete, and Genatah the fonneof Jehoia:
lethites. It CCiberefoze Mathan pake
vnto Bath: ae ann thy (eruant Salomon bath hee not
Meda the mother of Salomon, faving, Vak called.
2Sam 3.4. thou not heard, that Avonitah the fonne * of 27 Js this thing Done by my lozde the
Haggith Dorth reigue, and Danid our lod Ring, and thou halk not ſhewed it vnto thy
kusweth it not? m (eruant, who Moult fit on the thzone omp m Meaning,that
12 Mow therefore come, ane J will nowe lod the king after him? he ought in fuch
g For Adonijah gine thee connfell, how te faue thine owne 28 ¶ Then king Danid anfwered, and affaires to enter-
will deftroy thee g life,and the life of thy onne Salomon, -~ fa, Catlmee Bath-heba. And hee came piife nothing
and thy fonne 13 Hoe, and get thee in vnto king Da- * the Rings prefence,and ood befaze the except he had
ifhercigne, © Wid, and fap vnto him, Diddelt not thou ine, conſulted with
my lord, D King, Cweare unto chinehand- 29 And the king fware, laying, As the the Lord,
mayo, faying, Afluredly Salomon thy Lod liucth, who hath redeemed my fonie
ſonne Wall reigne after mee, and he ſhallfit out ofall aduerfitic, n Moued bythe
Dpon my throne? Cby is chen Adenia 30 That as J} ſware vnto thee by the [pirit of God fo
kina? 1020 God of Ifrzel, laying, Atluredly Ha- to doe, becaufe
h®By declaring 14 Beholde, while thou pet talket there lomon thy fonne Wall retgite after mee, and he forefaw that
fuch things,as with che king,3|alio will come in after thee, hee Fall fit vpon my thzone in my place, fo Salomon fhould
may further the and 5 confirme
thywords. i will g certainelp doc this day. bethe figure of
Ce I5 € Ho Bath-heba went in vnto the 31 Then Beth-Heba bowen herfaceto Carift.
t R4 the
Salomon is annointed King. Adonijah yeeldeth. Dauid giueth
the carth , and did retierence vnto the King God make the name of Salomon moze fa-
an fayd, God laug my Lod King Danity moug then thpname, and eralt his thane
O2 etter. ; ; aboue thy thone: therefoze the king wor-
32 (And King Danid fayd, Call me 3a- ippen vpon the bed. f He gaue God
Dok the Wiet, ¢ Nathan the Prophet, and 48 And thus layd the king alio, Bleſſed thanks for the
Wenatah the nue of Jeljoiada. And they be the Lord Gon of Jirael, who hath made good fucecfir,
caine before the Hing. onet iitommy tione this Day, euen in my
o Meaning,the 32 Chen the king layd bunta them, Cake ght. i
kings feruants,
with pou the eferuants of your led, and49 Thenali the gheits that were with
caule Dalomon my fonne to ride vpon Avonttah, were afraid, androleyp, anv
and fuch as were
mine owne mule, and caryhim Downe to went euctymanhis way, _
ofhis gard, ihon. ; 50 (And Adonital fearing the peelence
34 And let Zadok the Piet and Rathan of Salomon arole and went, and tooke hold
the ophet anoint him there king ouer on the bornes of the taltar. i t Which Dauid
Jiraci, and blow pee the trumpet, and fay, 5I Andone tol’ Salomon, laying, Be- his father had
God laue Bing Salomon. hold, Adonitah doth feare king Salomon ? built in the
35 Chencome vp after him, that he may fozlor, Fe hath caught hold on the bones of floore of Araus
come and it bpon my throne: and hee fall the altar laying, Let king Salomon fweare nab,as 2; Sam.
}Eor comman- be king in my ſtead: torg bane 4 appotn- Unite ime this Day, that he will not flay bis 24:25.
ded. aeih tobee prince oner Iſroel, and ouer feruant with the fwo. -
udah. 52. Then Salomon fayd, JEhe will Hew
36 Then Benaiahithe ſonne of Jehoiada biimlelfe a worthy man, there Wall notan
anfwercd the king, and fapt, Dobe it, and baite of him fall to the earth, but ifmicken-
tEor. {ay fo. the Lod God of my ta:d the king +ratifie it. nefe be found in him,be hall die.
37 Asthe Low hath been with my lod §3 Then king Salomon fent , and thep
the king,ſobe be with Salomon, and erale bought him from thz altar, and bee came
his theoneaboue the thaone of my logd king and Did obeilance puto king Salomon. And
Danid. t Halomon (aid vnto hin, Go to chine Houle,
38 Ho Zadok the Priel, and Mathan
the Prophet, and Benaiah the fomne of Je· CHAP, II.
borana, and the Cyerethites and the Pele⸗ t Dauid exhorteth Salomon and giucth charge
thites went Downe, and cauſed Salomon to asconcerning Joab , Barlar and Shimei, 10
ride vpon king Dautds mule, and brought The death of Dauid.. 17 Adonijah asketh Abi-
bim to Gihon. f ſbag to wiſe. 25 Hee w faine, 35 Zadok was
‘ 39 And Zadok the Wiet tooke an horne placed in Abiathars roume.
p Wherewith ofp ovleoutof the Tabernacle, and anein=
P they accultomed ted Halamon: and they blew the trumpet, ypu the dayesofDauid Dewe neere
go annoint the ane all the people ayn, God faue king Ha- that he ſhould die,and he charged Halo-
Prieſts and the omon. ; mon bis lonne,faping, a Tamreadyto. —
- holy inftruments, 40 And all the people came bp after him, 2 Igo the? way otall the earth:be ſtrong die,as all men
Exod.j0.23. and the people piped with pipes, and retoy= therefoze,and ſhew thy felte a man, mult.
IEbr. brake. ced with great toy, fo that the earths rang 3 Andtake heede ta the > charge of the b Hee theweth
with the found of them, Lod thy God, to walke it his wayes, and how hard a
41 @ And Adontiah andal the gheſts keep hts ſtatutes and bis commandements, thingitis to go-
that were with him, heard it: Cand tiep haa and bis tudgements, and his teſtimonies, verne, and that
made att ende of eating) and when Joab as it ts witten in the Lawe of Moſes, that none can doe it
Heard the ſound of the trumpet, dee layde, thou mayeſt * hpzoſper inall that thou Doet, wel except he o-
— this nophp and vproare in in euery thing whereunto thou turneit bey God,
the citie? hee, Dent, 29.9.
42 And as he yet ſpake, behold, Jona- 4 That the Lord may confirme hts won iofh.t.7.
than the ſonne of Abiathar the Prielt came: which hee pake unto mee, laying, JIEthy lOrdowifely.
and Adonttah ſayd, Come in: for thou art founes take hecde to their wap, that they c And without
Xbr. aman of $d Worthy man, and bringeſt agood tidings. walke before meetin ‘trncth with all their hypoctifie,
power. 43 Aud Jonathan anfwered, and fain to Hearts, aud with all theter fonles, *+ thon 2SAM] 126
q He praifed fo. Avountiah, Gereiy ourlo king Danto bath fhalt not (fayd be) tant ene of thy polteritie tEbr. a man [hall
i nathan,thinking mad: Balomen king, 5 vpon the chroncot Iſrael. not be cut offto
to haue heard 44 And the king bath (ent with him 3a- Chou knowelſt ata what Joab the thee from of the
comfortable Dok rhe Prieſt, and Mathan the Peophet, lonne of Seruiah Did to me, and what pe did throne.
newes,but God a Benaiah the fonneof Jebhotada, and tothe twa captaines of the botes of Iſrael, 2. Fam 3.27.
| wrought things the Cherethites, and the Pelcthites, and pnto * Abner the onne of fer, and vnto 2. Fæm 20. 10.
contrary to his theyhaue canted bini to rive vpon the kings * Amala the ſoune of Jether whom he lew, d Hethed his
i| expe@ation,and mule. and d (hed blood of battelin peace, and e put bloodin timeof;
J {o did beate 45 AndZadok the iet, and Nathan the blood of warre vpon bis girdle that was peace,as if there
downe hispride. the Prophet hane anointed him king in Gi · about his loines,and in big haces that were had been warre.
Hon: and they are gone vp from thence with) on bis feete. ' y e Heeputthe
ioy, and the citie is moued: this ig the noiſe 6 Doe theretore accmding to thy wif bloady fword
that pe haue heard. Dome, and lct thou not his Hoare head goe into his fheath.
2 Tofilatehim 46 And Salomon allo fitteth on the Bowne to the graue tn peace, : 2. SAN 19. 31.
and to pray, and theoneofthekingdome, 7 But ſhewe kindnelſe vnto the onnes f Thatis, they.
He God for 47 And mozcoucr the kings Ceruants of * Barzllat the Gtleadite, and fet them dealt mercifully
| dina. same to: biefie our loꝛd Ging Dautd, laying, bee among them that cate at thy table: with me,
Tee 9
charge to Salomon, anddicth. Chap. Ye Adonijah and Toabareflaine. 1 33
fo they came to me when 3 fled from Ablas who hath eſtabliſhed me, and fet mec on the
lom thy brother. ; i ; thaoncof Dautd my father, who allo bath
2 Sam.1$.5, 8. d dno behold, with thee *is Shimet made me an houſe,ashe* promtlea, Avoni- 2 Sam,7, 13513.
the fomne of Gera, the fonne of Jemini, of tab fhall furelp die this day.
Bahurim, which cutſed me with an bori- 25 And king Salomon fent bp the band
ble curſe in the dap when F went to Maha⸗ of Benatah the ſonne of Jehoiada , and hee
natin: but bee came Downe to meete mee i inore him that be died. fOr, fed upon
at Jorden, and J [ware to him by the 26. ¶ Then the king ſard vnto Abiathar h Abe

2. Fam. 19. 23. Lod, faying, *J wiilnot flay thee with the Diet, Gee to Anathoth vnto chine
the ſword Bie owe} fields: fo: thon art twozthy of Death: [Or pof: fions,
9 But chou Halt not count him innocent: but J wll not this Day kill thee, becaufe +Ebr.aman of
fo: then arta wile man, aud knowelt what thou m barett the Arke ofthe tor God be- death,
thou oughteſt to Doe vnto him ; therefore fere Dautd my father, and becaule thon bat m When he fled
thou Walt cauſe his hoare bea to go Downe fuffered in all, wherein my father hath been before Abfalom, ,
g Lethimbe to the grane with sblood. — afflicted, j 2 Sam.15,24.
punifhed with Io So * Dai {lept with bis fathers, 27 SoSalomon cait ont Abiathar from
death : looke and was buried in the citie of Dauid, being Piet vato the Lom, that be might
verfe 46. Il And the dates which Danid * reigned “fulGi the woꝛds ofthe LoD, which he fpake d S223135
Aces 2.290 vpon Iſrael were forty peeres: ſeuen peeves againtt the boule of Eii in Shiloh.
and 13.36. reigned hein Hebron, and chirtpany three 28 @ Then tidings came toJoab: (foz
2 Sam.5.4.and peeves reigned he in Jeruſalem. Joab had = turned after Avonitah, but bee n Hee tooke As
1.chro.29.26,27. 12 @* Chen fate Salomon vpon the turned not after Abſalom) and Joab fled donijahs parr
i. Chron. 29.23. throneofDanin his fatyer, and pisking- Unto the Cabernacie of the Lord, €caught when he weuld
Dome was Kablithed mightily. i hold onthe hornes ofthe altar. haue vfurped the
13 And Avontiah the tonne of Haggith 29 Audit was told king Salomon, that Kingdom,Chap.
came to Bath-heba the mother of Salo» Joab was fled vnto the Cavernacte of the I Jo
h For the feared mon, and fhe fayn,» Commelt thou peace- Lod, aud beijold,beisby the o altar. Then o Thinkirgto
left hee would ably ? And he fapd, Dea. } Dalomonient Benaiah the ſoune of Jebo: be faued by the ~

worketreafon a- 14. He ſayd mozcoucr, Jhaue a fuite vnto tada,ſaying Gor, fallspon hui. holinefie of the =
gainft the king. thee. And the apd Dapon. ` 30 And Benaiah came to the Taberna» place,
15 Chen be fad, Chou knowelt that the cle of the Load,¢ fayd vnto him. Thus ſayth
kingdome was mine, and that all Iſrael fet the king, Come out. And he fayd, Aap, but
i In figne of ithetrfaceson mee , that Jl thould reigne: J will diehere. Then Benatak brꝛought tye
their fauour howbeit the kingdome ts turned away, and King wozd againe, laying, Thus ſayd Jo
and confent, is m brothers; foz it came ta him by the âb and thus heantwered me,
02 . tf ie 31 And the King fapd vnto him, Doe as
16 snow lide alke thee one re be hath fayd,and r finite him, and bury him, p For it was lave
Ebr. cauſe not guik refule me not- And ihe fard vnto hin, that thou mayett take away the blaop, which fullto take the
my facetotnrae — ay on. Joab (hen caufelefie, from me and from the wilfull murthereg +
J away. 17 And he fapn,Sypeake,F pray thee, vn: houſe of my father. from thealtar,
ta Salomon the Ring,Cfor bee will not fay 32 And the Lord Mall bring his blood Exod.21.14.
thee nay) that he giue me Abithag the Dhu- vpon bisowne head; for he Gnotetwo men
nammite to wife, i moze righteous and better thew he, and lew
18 And Bath-Hheba Caps, CCicll, J will them with the lword, and mp father Dauit
{peake fo thee vnto the king. knew netto wit, * Abner the ſonne of Wer, 2. Sam 3. 27.
Ig d Bath-theba therefore went vnto captaine ofthe hoſte of Iſrael, and Amara 2.84,20. Gs
— king Salomon, ta peake vnto him far A- — of Jether, captaine of the bot of
J uda ; Í
Donal; andtheking roſe to mecete herando
k In tokenof *bowed himielte unto her, and fate Downe 33 Theit blood Gall therefore returne
reuerence,and on bis thzone: and dee cauſeda ſeate to be vpon the a head oĩ Joab, and on rhe head of q- Toabfhall be -
that others by his fet fo the Rings mother, and the late at his bta ſeede foz ener: but vpon Dauid, and ty» iultly punifhed
example might tight band. on his ſeede, and vpon his houſe, and spon forthe blood
haue her in grea- 20 Chen the ſald,Jdefire a final requelk his throne ſhall there be peace fox euer from thathe hath
ter honour, of thee,laymenot nay.. Chen the king fain the Lom. cruelly thed,
buto ber, Aſke on,mymother ;for F wtil noe 34 Ao Benaiah the fonne of Jehoiada
fay thee nay. went vp, and (mote him, and flew him, and
-21 Dhela then, Let Abihag the Dhu- he was buried in His owne houſe ür the wil
naaa be ginen to Adoniiah thy brother Derneffe. j ;
to wrie. 35 Ano the king put Benaiah the ſonns
22 Bunt King Salomon anfwered and- of Jehoiada in his roune ouer the hoſt: and:
fayz vnto his mother, And why Bock thor tie king fet 3arokthe" Prieſt in the roume r Andifotooke
e Sbithag the Shunammite for Adoni⸗ of Ablathar. the office 6f the
1 Meaning, that fah 7 S(ke forben the kingdom allo: fo2 he 36 Afterward the king ſent, and called hie Prieft from
if he fhou!d haue ia mine elder brother, and Hath foz him both
Dhunei. aud ſayd vnto hun, Buin thee an thehoufeof Eli,
granted Abifhag, Mpa the Picit, and Joab che ſonne of houſe in Jerufalenn, and dwell there, anv and reftored it
which was fo erutab. depart not thence any whither: tothe houfeof <
deare to his fa- 23° Then Ring Salomon fmare by the 37 For that Day that thou goeſt ont, and Phinehas,
ther, be would Lozd, aping, God Qo le tome andenoze alfa. pafieft ouer the riuer of Rimon knew aii
afterward hzue if Adonuah hath not Poken thig word as realy, that thou thaltate the death; thy blood
alpired to the gaint his owne lite. i ſhalbe vpon thine owne head.
kingdome.. 24 sow therefore ag the Lord liueth, 38 And Shimei ſaid vnto the king, The
thing -
“Shimei flaine. Pharaohs daughter. IKin gs. Salomons wifedome. The two
thing is geod: as my 103 the Ging hath rightneſſe ofheart with thee rand thou hat
fain, ſo will thy ſeruant Doe. Qo Shimeit e kent fo: him this great mercy, and patt giz e Thou haf pers
Dwell in Icrucalem many saves. uen yin a toime toton dis thon’, asap- formed thy pro-
f Thus God ap. 39 And after theee peres two of the f fer peareth this Day. mite,
pointeth the uants of Shimer tled away vnto Achy 7 And vow, D Lord mp Gos, thon hak
wayes & meanes ſonneotMaãchah king of Gath: and they made thy teruant king in fean of Danin
to bring his iit told Shimei, laying, Behold, thy ſeruants my father: and J am buta pong childe, and
judgements vpon bein Gath. know tet how togee f out antin. f That is,to be-
the wicked, 40 And Shimei aroſe, ¢ ladled his ale, 8 And thy feruant is tithe mids of thy have my felfe in
and went fa Gary to Achiſh, to ſeeke his fer» people, which thon bati choles, euen a great exccuting this
t His couctous nants i and tShimei went and brought hts people, whitch cannot bee toite, no numbred cherge of rulings
minde mocued feruante trom Oath, è for miutitude. —
himrather ro 41 And it was told Halomon that Hbi- 9 *Glue therefore vnto thy ſeruant an 2 Chron. 1.10.
venture bis hife, niet Had gone from Jeruſalem to Gath, and vnderſtanding heart to dge thy people, lOr, chedieut.
thencolofe his - twas come againe. that J may diſcerne between good and bad:
worldly profite, 42 Ano the king {ent and called Shimei, kor who ts able to iunge thts thy smighty g Which areſo
© which he had by and {apd vnto hin, Did J not make thee to people ? , ‘ many in number.
his feruants, Qweare by the Lod, and pꝛoteſted unta thee, Io And this plealed the Lod well, that
faping, That Day that thou goek our, anv Salomon had Delired this thing.: _
walke any whither, know aifuredly, that II And God lala vnto hun, Becauſe thor
thou halt Dre the Death? And thou taydeit bat atked this thing, and bait not alked foz
me me, The thing ts good, that J haue thy felfe long life, neither bait afked riches
eard, fo2thy felfe, no: halt alked the lite of chine
43 ibr then haf thon not kept the othe b enemies, but hait aiken to: thy felfe vnder⸗ h That is,that
of the Lord, and the commandement where⸗ tanding to heare indgement, thine enemics
with J charged thee? J 12 Behold, J hate Done according to thy thould die.
u For though 44 The king fain allo ta Shimei Chou words ; loe,Jbaue ginen thera wiſe and an
thou woulde(t Rnovseit ali the wickednes whereunto chine vnderſtanding Heart lothat there hath Beern
denie, yet thine D to Daum my none like thee bekore thee, neither atter thee
Heart ts patute, that thou
ovne conſcience father: the Lord theretoze mall being thy (hall arife the like vnto thee.
would accuſe wickednes Spon thine owne bead. I3 And J baue alto* ginen thee that, AH atth.6.3 35
thee for reuiling 45 And let king Salomon be blefled,and whtch thou balt not atked, both riches and wifd.7 01.
& doing wrong the throne of Danin itabliſhed before the honour, fo that among the kings there ithal HOr hath been.
to my father, Lod fozeuer. } be none like vnto thee all thy dãpes. 0e.
2,S2m,1 6.5. 46 Sothe king commande Benaiah 14 And if thou wile walke in ny wayes,
Y. 2, Chroni., ‘the donne of Jehoiada: who went ont and ta Keepe mine ordin and miy comman⸗
x Becaufe all his finofe him that he Died. And the *kingdome Dements, * asthy f auid BID wake, Chap.t 5.5.
enemies were de~ twas * ſtabliihed in the band ef Salomon. J will prolong thy d
ftroyed. -15 And when Saloman awoke, beholde,
C H AP. ITE it was a idꝛeame, andhe came to Jeruſa⸗ i He knew that
1 Salomon taketh Pharaohs daughter to wife. lem, and ſtoode befoze the Arke ofthe coue⸗ God had appea-
§ The Lord appeareth to him and geucth him wif-naut ofthe Lord, and offred burnt ofttags, redyntohimin j
dome. 17 The pleading of the two harlots, and and made peace offerings, end made a feat a dreame.
Salomons ſentence therein, to all Gis feruants.
16 C Thencame two | harlotsynte the lOr,witaclers.
. Chap.7.8. aoon * then made affinitie with Pha⸗ King, and * ood before him. k By this exam-
Oraoh king of Egypt, and tooke Phara⸗ 17 Audthe one woman fayd, D my loz, ple it appeareth
a Which was obs Daughter and brought her into the acitp Jand this woman dwell in one Houle, and that God kept
Beth-lehem. of Dauw , vntill hee bad made an ende ot ena deliuered ofa child with herin the promife with: Sae
building his owne honfe, and the houſe of boule, iomonin gran-
tpeLod, and the waliot Jerufalem round 18 And the third day afier that was ting him wife-
about. Delivered, this woman was deliuered alfa: dome,
ab Where altars 2 Duely the people facrificed in b the bie and wee were in the boule together ;no
-= were appointed places, becaute there was no boule built ſtranger was with vs in the boule, fue wee
L| before the Tem- vita the Name of the Lowe, vntull thoſe twainc. A
ple wasbuilt,to Daves. Ig And this womans fonne died in the
offer vato the 3 And Salomon loued the Lod, wal- hight: foz he oucrlay bim.
Lord. King in the opdinances of Dautd bis ¢ fa- 20 And the avole at midnight,and | tooke 1 Shee fale the
c For his father ther: oneiy he lacriticed and offered incenſe mylonne krom my fide, while thine hand- quicke childe a-
had commanded in the bie places. j maid lepi,and layd him tn her bame, and way, becavfe (he
him to obey the 4 And the king wentto 4 Gibeon to fa- lapu her Dead fonne in my bofome. might both a-
Losd,and waike critice there, for that was the chicke high 21 Gud when J rofe in the moning to uoid the fhame
in his wayes, place: a thoufand burnt offerings DID Ha- gine my fone ſucke, behold, heewas Dead: and punilhment.
Chap,3.3- - lomon offcr vpon that altar. and when J had well conlidered him inthe
d Fortkere the § InGibeourhe Lorm appeared to Da moming behold it was uot mp onne, wkn
Tabernacle was, lamon in a Deeame by night rand Gad fayd, J bad bane.
2.Chron, t.3.» Gike what J hall giue thee. 22 Chen the other woman fayd, May,
And Hatomon aid, Chou hat ſhew⸗ but my ſonne liueth, and thy fonne ts dead:
TD vntothy feruant Dautd mp father great againe he ſayd, f2o, but thy fonne ts dead,
Or,æs he walked mercie, | when hee walked before thee in 0 mine aline: thus they ſpake before the
truth, and in righteoulneſſe, and in vp⸗ mg.
-23 Then
fharlots. Salomons princes. Chap. iiij. Salomons prouifion, 134 |
23 Then fain the king, bee faith, Chis 14 Abinadab the fonne of Iddo had to
that itueth is my fonne, and the Dead ts thy Mahanaim:
fenne: and the other ich, Nay, but the dead 15 Ahimaaz in Naphtali,s he tooke Bah
is thy onne, and the lining is nip fonne. math (he Daughter of Salomon to wife:
m Except God 24 Ehen the king ſaid, "bing meea 16 Baanah the ionne of HYuſhai in Sher
giue Iudges vn- fwod : and they bzomght out a ſword before and in loth:
derftanding,the the king. aK Aa i 17 Fehowhaghat the ſonne of Paruad in
‘impudencic of 25 Andthe yee the li» eFitachars
king Gia, Divide : e Salomon ob-
the treſpaſſer uing chiin in twatne, and gine
the one haiie 18 Shimei the ſonne of Elah in Benia ferued not the
fhall.ouerthrow ta tt one, and the other halle io ihe other. min: diuifion that Io»
the iuft caufe of 26 Then pake the woman, whole helt. 19 Geber the fonne of Ari in the coun funa made,but
the innocent. uing child teas, vnto the bingyfo2 her com⸗ trep of Gilead, the land olSihon king of the dinidedit, as
r patiton was kindled toward her (onne, and Amorites, and of Dg king of Baſhãn, and might beſt ferue
We air,D my lord, giue der the lining chilv, Was officer alone in the land. for his purpofe,
n Her motherly and» flay him not: but the other fata, Eet it 20 Judah and Iſrael were many, as the f They lined in
affeGion herein be neither mine nor thine, but dinide it. fand of the (ca in mumber, cating, danking, all peace and fe~ |
appeareth,thae 27 Then the king anſwered, and faid, and making merie. curitie.
fhee had rather Giur hee the lining childe, and ſlay him not; 21*Aud Haiomon reigned over all king: Ecc lus.47.4§.
endure the rigour tbis is bis mother. j Domes, from thee ixtuer vnio the land of the g Whichis Eu-
| ofthe law, then 23 And all Vracel heard the iudgement JObilittiins, anv puto the border of Egypt, phrates,
fee her child cru. which the king bad indged, and they feared and ther brought preſents, and ſerued Salo:
_ cliy flaine. the king: for they fam that the wiſedome of mon all the Dayes of hts itte.
Hod wasin him te Vor tuilice, 22 And Saiomaus victuals foz one Day,
Were thirtic+ mealures of fine toure, anv +Eby.Corins,
CHIA B OLE LT. thaceicoze meaſures of meale:
2 The princes & rulers vader Salomon, 22 The 23 Ten fat oxen, and twentie oven of the
purusyance for his victuals. 26 The xumber.of his paiiurcs, tan hundeeth eepe, bende parts
horfes. 32 His bookes and writings, and bucks, and bugles, and fat fowle.
24 Foꝛ hee ruled ti allche region on the o⸗
AÑ D king Salamon was king oner atl ther kde of the riner,from Eiphyiah euen vn
ſrael. to) A3330, oucy all tye t kings on the other llOr; Gaza.
2. And thele werea bis pinces, Azariah fide the riversand he pad peace round about h For they were
a That is, bis alltributaties -|
chiefe officers, the fonne ot Zadow the Preſt, Pim on cuery fide. 2 :
3. E€libereph aud Ahlah the fonnes of 25 And Judah and Iſrael dwelt without vnto him,
b He wasthe.
fonne of Achi- Sbpitha(cribes, Icho haphat the ſonne of a= fare, cuerpinan under bis nine, aud vñnder
pilud, recordet, 4 hts fig trec froni Dan eucit ta Bect· Meba, i Thorowoutal
mais, and Za«
doks nephew, And Benaiah the onne of Jehoiada all the dayes of Salomon. i i Ifrael,
2 Chron.9.25a.
c Not Abiathar, was ouer the pot, aua Zadok and* Abiathar 26 And Halomon had*foztic thoufand
whom Salomon Pꝛieſts. ſtalles of hoꝛſes foz bis charets, and twelve
had put. from his 5 And Zzariah the ſonne of Mathan was EEN hozlemen, .
office,Chap.2. Duer the officers, EFaAvuDd the ſonne of Mar. 27 And thele officers proutded victtial for
27 hut another that W iei was the kings friend, king Salomon, and fo, ai hat came to king
of that name, 6 Bund Ahilſhar was ouer the houſhold: Dalomons tabire tiero man His moneth, anã
Chap.5 14. and* Aooniram the fonne of Avda was ouer they tufferes to lacke accheng
the tribute. 28 Barley allo and ſtrawe forthe forks
7 ånd Salomon had twelue officers mules brought they vnto the place where
ouer all Jiraci, which pꝛouided victuals fo2 the officers weit, cucip man according to
the king and pis hanſhold: cach man jad a bis charge.
moneth in che peere to prouide victuals. 29 @*Snd God gane Salomon wie- Lcclus 47.145
8 And thele are their nanies ¢ the onne Dome and Liuderlanding exceeding much, 15,16.
of Hur in mount Ephraim. aDkalarge heart, euch asthe fad hat is. k Meaning, great.”
' o The lonne ofDrkarin Makaz, and. on the {ea thoze. ; vnderhanding, ~
NOr,Elonsin in Shaelbim any Beth Memech, and Elon 30 And Haloinons wiſdome excelled the and able to com-
Beth-auan. and Beth· hanan: wiidome ofall the chittaen of the! Gat and prehend all
10 Ehe ſonne of Dedin Aruboth; to all the witedume of Egypt. things.
wham perteined Sochoy , and ail the tann 31 Jope was wifts then any man: yea, l To wit,the phi-
of Hepher. ? é E
then were Erhan the Csrabtic, then De- lofophers and !
IL Chelonne of Abinadab in all the regi
man then Chateal, then Darta the fonnes aftrondmers
‘profDe2, witch had Caphath the dangh⸗ of Wabol; and hee was famous thorowent which were iud-
ter of Zalomon towife. Gik ; ' alinations round about. ged moft wife, .
12 Bama the ſonne of Ahilud in Taa⸗ - 32 Gnd Gatomon (pake theee thouſand
nach ant Megiddo andtn all Beth-Hean, m Pꝛouerbs: and his ongs vacre a chouſand m Whichfor . _
which ts by Fwrtanah beneath Izreel, trom and fiue, ; the moft part are
Or,tothe plaine, Beth-hean | toAbel-neholahy, cuen till bee -35 Aud he lpake of trees, from the cedar - thought to haue
_powloucragainlt Jokes: ‘ tree that ts in Lebaron, eien vnto the 2h pl: perifhed in the
d Which townes E3 Throne Geber in Ramoth Gile· foye thet ſpeingeth outotche watt: bee fpake Captiuitie of Bä-
bare Lairs name ad, AND dis were the Townes ofa ater, the’ allo ofbeatts and ef fomles, and of crecping - bylon.
becaufehetooke fonse of ganat, $ hich ry areiGileer, tings ano offices, i ionn : n From the hieſt
themofthe Ca. aud vnder hin was the regton of Arab, ‘Zh An there came of All propletoheare tothe loweft -
naanites;Num, | * which ts in Baman, thacelcore ereqtcttles - the wifoomeof Satomon, from all kings of
32.48, ; with walle and barres ofbane. the garth which bad beard ofbtstwifevomt., +
- Hiram and Salomon. E Kings. The formeand building
CHAP. Vi malons in themountaines i
t Hram ſendethto Salomon , and Saloraon to
bim, purpofing to build the houfe ofGod. 6 He
16 Behdes theiprinces whan Salamon Or ysaffers of
appointed ouer the wazke, cuen three thor: the worke.
prepareth fluffe for the busldinz. 13 The number fand and three hundred, whic) ruled the
of the workemen. ; peopic that wrought in the worke.
\\Or, Zor - sD Piram king of Trug fent bis fer- 17° Aad the king commanded them, anu
wants bonta Daioman, (fo: he had heard they brought great tones aud coſtly oneg
that they bad anoynted bim. Ring in the to make the foundation of the hou, enen
roomie of his father) becanle Hiram bad ence hewed ſtones. * f The Ebrewes
loued Daut. 18 And Salomons workemen and the word i, Giblim,
3, brom.3. 2 *Alio Salemon ſent te Diran fying, woꝛrkemen of Hiram, € tye f maons hewed which fome fay
Thou Knowe that Dauid my father AND prepared timber and ſtones fo: the bai were excellent
could not build an houſe vnto the Mame of Ding af the boule. mafon:,
the Lord bis Gov, foz the warres which CHAP, VI.
f were about bim on euery fide, vntill rhe 1 The bu:lding of the Temple , andthe ſorme
lOr hisenemis, — had put ſthem ynter the ſolesof hts thereof 12 The promiſe ofthe Lord to Salomon.
eete. A f2d*in the foure huwd2ed and foureicoze 24Chv92.3 645
4 But now the Lod my God hath gi- L Apeere (after the chtidzen of Iſtael were
a Hedeclareth uci meca rele on euery de, fo thae there ts come outof the land.of Egypt) anvin the
that he was borid neither aduerſarie woz euillto reſiſt. fourth prere of the reigne of Salomon mier
to fer forth Gods § Gnd behold, J purpoſe to build an Ilrael, in the moneth⸗ if (which is the fe- a Which monet;
glory,forafmuch boule vnto the same ef the Loꝛd my God, cond moneth) he built the>boute of the Lora Conteineth part
as the Lord kad * asthe Lord (pake vnts Dauid my father, 2 And the houi which king Salomon of April, and paze
- {ent him reftand faving, Thy tonne, whom J wilifec vpon built foz the Lod , was thꝛeeſcore cubites of May.
peace. thy thꝛone fo: thee,be thal build an houſe vn» long, aud twenty broad,¢ thirtte cubites bie. b Whereby is
2. Sam.7.13. to my Name. 3 And the< porch before the Temple of meant the temple
1 .Chron.22.10, -6 flow therefore commaund/ that they the Houle was twentte cubits long according and the oracle.
Hew me cedar trees out of Lebanon,and my tothe bꝛeadth of the houle, and ten cubites c Or the court
{cruants Halbe with thy feruants, and vnto broad befoze the heule, f where the people
-b This was his thee will Jgine the > hive foz thy (eruants, 4 And inthe boule he made windowes, prayed, which
cquitie, that he according vnto all that thou halt appotne: bꝛoad without and narrow within. was before the
would not re- fo: thou knowelt that there are none among 5 And by the watl ofthe houle hee made place where the
ceiue a benefit vs, that can bew timber like vnto the Swop- i galleries round about, euen by the wals of altar of burnt of-
without fome nians. the boule round about the Temple and the ferings ftood,
* recompenfe, ` 7. TAn when Miram heard the words pacte and made chambers round about, hOr,to open and
- c In Biramis of Halomon, hee retopced greatly, and (aid, 6 Che nethermoſt gallerie was fue cue to [hut
_ prefigurate the Blefled be the Low thts day, which hath at bites baoad, and the middlemott fire cubites lOr lofts.
vocation of the uen vnto Dautd a wile fonne oner this broad, and the third ſeuen cubites broad, foz d Whence God
Gentiles, who mightie people, . bee made € rets round about without the fpake betweene
fhoutd helpe to 8 And Hiram fent to Salomon, laying, boufe, that the beames ſhould notbe faſtened the Cherubims,
build the ipiri- J haue contidered the things, forthe whith inthe wallesoftheboufe. =. called alfo the
tuall Temple. thanfentett yntomee ,and will accompltth 7 Quo when the boute was butte,it was moft holy place.
all thy uefire concerning the cedar trees and built of ſtone, perfect before it was bought, e Which were
firre Fae Gait bikie Harms Dose fo that there was neither hammer, no: are, certaine {tones
9 y feruants Wall bring them Domne no2 any toole of tron heard in thehoulewhite comming out of
from Lebanon to the fea: aud Jwill conuey it was in building. the wall as ftayes
them by feall in caftes vnto the place that 8 The dooꝛe of the middlelchamber was for the beames
thou fhalt Hew meg, and willeaute them ta in theright fideofthe boule, and men went to reft vpon.
bee Dtlcharged there, and thon halt receiue bp with winding aires into the middle⸗ lOr gallerie.
them now thou balt roe meea pleature to mot tout OF he middlemoſt into the third.
mintier foode foz d mp Family. i 9 So he built the f houle and nihe it, f In Exodus itis
lo @o iran gaue Solomon cedar and fieled the joule, being vaunted, with fie- calledthe Taber-
trees and firre trees, cuen his full delire. ling of cedar trees. ; nacle: and the
Ir Aud Salomon gaue Piram twentie 10 And he butit the galleries bpon all the Templejs there
thouſand ¢meafures of wheat fo: food fo bts wall of the boute of fue cuites height, and called the San-
honſhold, and twentie mealures of |!beaten they were ioyned to the houſe with beames @uaric,and the
syle. Thus much gaue Salomon to Hiram of cedar, i i ; oraclethe moft
yeere by peere. f II Aud the word of the Loyd came to Da: holy places
Iz @ And the Low gane Salomon wile: lomoi.faying,
Donte as hee * promifen bini. And there was 12 Concerning this houle which thou
peace betweene Hiram and Halomon, and buildeſt, if thou wile walke in mine oris
thep.stiwomadracoucnant. ances, and execute my wdgements, and
13 @ And king Galomon railed a ſumme keepe all inp commandements, to walke in
out ofall irazi, and the fumme was thirtic them, then will Jperkorme puto thee my
thoutand men; pomile, * which, J proniifed toDauid thy 2.Fam.7. 13.
14 Uhomhe ſent to Lebanon, tenthou> fath
fana a monethby courſe:they were moneth , 13 And J will s dwel among the childzen g According as
in Lebanon,and twa months at home, And rae » and will not foglake mp people he promifed vn-
*Adoniram vas over the ſamme. rael.
Is guo Salomon had ſeuentie thoufand 14 Ho Salomon built the houle, and fini» 25.22.
that bare burdens, and koureſcore thouſand ed it.
sii Is And
fthe Temple. Cherubims. Chap.vij. Salomons houfe. 135
Ig And built the walles of the Houle with» Temple poſtes of oline tree foure {quare.
in, with bods of cedar tree from the paur- 34 Wut the two Doozes were of Rere tree,
h Meaning, ap mentof the houfevnto * the walles of the the two hides of the one Donze were ||round, bOr folding.
the roofe, whic feling , and within hee couered them with oa — tiwo fides of the other dodre were
was alfo ficled. woed, and coucred the flooze of the boule ound.
mith plankes of firre, J 35 And hee graued Cherubims, palme o Where the
16 AnD bee built twenty cubits in the trees, and carued Aoures, and couered the Prieſts were, and
fides of the hout with boozdes of Cedar, catued wozke with gold finely wꝛought. was thus called
from the floozete the walles, and hee prepa- 36 (And he buite the ° court within within reſpect of the
reDaplace within it fo: the macle , cuen the theee roms of hewed tone, and one row of great court
moft holy place, beames of cedar. which is called,
i For when he 17 But thei houle,that fs,the temple be- 37 In the fourth peere was the founda- A@s 3.11. the
fpake of the foze tt, was fourtic cubits long. ia tion of the house of the Loꝛd laid in thema» porchof Salo-
houfe in the firft 18 And the Cedar of the Houle within neth of zif. $ mon where the
verfe,he meant was catued with knops , and granen with 38 And in the eleuenth peerein the mos people vied to.
boththeoracle floures: all was Cedar, fo that no Rone was neth afe Bul, (which is the eight moneth) pray. 3
andthe Temple. ſeene. hee finithed the boule with all the furniture p Which contei-
WOrwildcucu- 19 EAlOoheepzepared the place of the o» thereof,and tn euery point: fo was he ſeuen neth part of
merse racle in the mids of the * ponle within,to fet veere in building it, Ofober,& pare
k Thatis,inthe - the Arkeofthe Coucnantofthe Loꝛd there, of Nouembex⸗
moft inward 20 And the place of the macie within was CHAP, VII.
lace of the twenty cubites long , and twenty cubites 1 The building of the boufes of Salomon. 15
ufe, broad, and twenty cubits hie , and hee coue⸗ The excellent workeman{hip of Hiram in the pie-
red tt with pure gold, and couered the altar ces which he made for the Temple,
with Cedar. .
21 Do Salomon coucred the houle with B& DHalomon was building bis owne
Sbr. hedrew in with pure gold: and he + Wut the place of DI houle * thirteene peeres, and a finithed al Chap. 9.10:
thorow chaines the ozacle with chaines of gold, and coucred bis boule. a After he had
of goldbefore. it with gold, 2 Dee built alfo an houſe > called the foz- built the Temple,
22 And hee ouerlayed all the houle with rett ot Lebanon, an hundzeth cubites tong, b For the beauty
and fiftie cubites bzoade, and thirtie cus of the place and
gold, vntill all the houle was made perfect.
J Meaning, the Alle hee couered the 1 whole altar that was bites hic vpon foure rows of Cedar pillars, great abundance
altar of incenfe, befoze the ozacle, with geld. aud Cedar beames were layde vpon the pile of cedartrees
Exod, 3 Os t e 23 And within the ozaclehee made twe lars. that went to the
Or, pine tree. Cherubims of | oltue tree, ten cubits hie. 3 Andit was conered aboue with Cedar building thereof
24. The wing allo of the one Cherub was vpon the beames , thatlay on the kortie and it was compared
fue cubits , and the wing ofthe other Che- fue henge teak in a row. to mount Leba⸗
rub was flue cubites: from the vttermoſt 4 And the windowes were in thee rowes, non in Syria: tbis
patt of oneof his wings vnto the vttermoſt and window was ‘again window inthyce boufehee vied in
pp of the other of His wings, were tenne rakes. fummer for plea-
cubits. § Anvdallthe doozes, and the fide poſtes fure and recrea-
25 Alfo the other Cherub was of tenne with the windowes were foure quare, and tion.
cubites: both the Cherubims were of one window was ouer againi window in thace © Therewere
meafure and one file. rankes. as many, and like
26 For the Height of theone Cherub was 6 And hee madea porch of pillars fiftie proportion on
ten cubits,and fo was the other Cherub. cubtts long, and thirtie cubits bꝛoad, and the one fide as
27 And hee put the Cherubims within the porch was before dthem, euen befoze onthe other, and
Exod.35,20. the inner houſe,* andthe Cherubims ſtret · them were thirty pillars, at euery end
ched out their winges, fo that the wing of 7 Then hee made a porch efor the euen three ina
the one touched the one wall, ethe wing of tone, where hee indged, euena porch of rowone aboue
theother Cherub touched the other wall: indgement, antait was fielen with Cedar another. x
and their other wings touched one another from pauement to pauement. d Before the pil⸗
inthe middeſt ofthe houle, S Andin his honle, where hee Diwelt, was lars of the houſe.
m For the other 28 And hee wouerlayed the Cherubims another ball moze inward then the pozche, c Forhis honfe
= which Mofes with gold. which was ofthe fame woke. Silo Dalo- which was at lee
madeofbeaten 29 And hee carued all the walles of the mon made an boufe foz Pharaohs Daughter ruſalem.
gold, were taken Houleround about with grauen figures of (whom he had taken to wike Aike vnto this Chap. af
away with the Cherubims andofpalmetrecs.andgrauen p orch. llOr preclous.
otheriewelsby floures within and without. 9 All theſe were lof coſtly tones, hetven f Which were
_ their enemies, 30 Aud the floure nf the boule he conered bp meafiwe, asd ſawed with ſawes within refts and ſtayes
. whom God per- With gold withinand without. and withont,from the koundation wnto ‘the forthe beames
mitted diuers 31 And in the entringof the oracle hee ftones of an ||hand bzcaBth , anBon the aut: to lic vpon.
times to ouer- made two doores of oline tree: and the ypper fidetotiegreatcourt. JOrfpanne.
_ come them for poft and fide poſtes were fiue (quare. 10 Gnd the foundation was of coſtly g From the founs
- their great fins, 32 The two doozes allo were of oltue tree, ‘ftones,and great ones, cuen offe6nes often dation vpward..
andhegraued them with grauing of Che- cubits, and fones of eight cubits. h As the Lords
rubims ¢ palme trees, and grauen floures, 11 ẽAboue allo were coftlp ftones, fagua- houfe was built,
n So thatthe fa- andcouered them with gold,and laid = thin red by rule, and boords of Cedar. fo wasthis:only —
fhion of the care gold bpon the Cherubims and vpon the 12 @ AnD the great court raund about the great courtof
ued worke might palme trees. was with thece rowes of bewen tones, and Salomons howfe
gillappeatc. 33 Ana ſo made hee fozthe dooreofthe. arom of Cedar brames: = fo wasit pioe was vnconered.
í Two pillars forthe Temple. I. Kings. The ten caldrons viththeir baſes.
i inner court ofthe boule of the Lod, and to this manner, thep has bonera, and the boz
the pozch of the boule. Ders were betweene the ledges +
13 @ Chen King Salomon fent , and fet 29 AnD ou the bozders that were be-
Or, Zor. one Hiram out of Tpꝛus. tiwernethe ledges, were lions, bulles and
14 He was a widowes fonne of the tribe Cherubims: and bpon the ledges there
of Maphtali, his father being aman of Ty- twas a bale aboue: and beneath the lyons
i Thus whé God rus aad wrought in izafe: | hee was full of —— > Were additions made of thinne
will haue his glo-wiſedome, and vnderftanding ,and know ake,
ry fet foorth,he ledge to worke all maner of wozke in braſſe: 30 And euery bale had foure beaten
raifeth vp men,& who cane to king Halomon, and wronght wheeles, and plates of bꝛaſſe: and the foure
giueth them ex- all Dis wozke. corners had * vnderſetters: vnder thecal- fbr. houlders.
cellent gifts for 15 Foꝛ hecai two pillars of bꝛaſſe: the Don were vnderletters molten at the fine
the accomplifh- height of a pillar was eighteene cubtts, and of eticty addition. vi Sabet Sect
ment of thefame, athzecd of twelue cubits did compafle ¢ eis 31 And athe mouth of it was within the q The mouth of
Exod,3 E. 2, 3. ther ofthe pillars. chapiter andaboue to meafure by the cubite: the great bafe or
SEbr.the fecond 16 And he mane two |!chaptters of mol- fo:the mouth thereof wasround made like a frame entred into
lOr, pummels. ten braſſe to fet on the tops ef the pillars:the
bale and it was a cubite and halfe a cubites the chapiter or
Height of one of the chapiters was fiue cue
and aila bpon the mouth thereef were gras pillar that bare
bits,anu the height of the other chapiter was uen works, whoſe boners were foure {quare, vp the caldron.
fue cubites. and not round.
17 Hee made grates like networke , and 32 Gud bader the borders were foure
lOr, cords ke wꝛeathen woꝛke like chatnes foz the chapi- wheeles, and the arcitrees of the wheeles
chaines ters that were on the top of the pillars, enen ioyned to the baſe:and the betght of awheele
ſeuen fo? theone chapiter, and tenen foz the was a cubite and halfe a cubite. |
other chapiter, ; 33 gny the fathion of the wheeles was
18 Ho hee made the pillars g two rowes like the fafhton ofa charet wheele , their ars
of pomegranates round about tn the one eltrees, and their naues and their Hfelloes, lOr,riugs,
grate to couer the chaptters that were vpon and their (pokes were all moulten.
-the toppe, And thus DiD hee foz the other 34 And foure vnd erletters were bpon the
chapiter, x foure corners of one bale: and the vnderlet·
19 Aid the chaptters that were on the ters thereof were of the bate ic felfe,
E Aswasfeene toppe of the pa were atter k lilie woꝛke 35 And tn the toppe of the baie was a
commonly tu the poch toure cubits. round compaffe of halfe acubite bieronnd r Which was
vtoughtin cot. 20 Anathe chapiters vpon the two pil- about sand bpon the top of the bate the led· called‘ the pillar,
ly porches, lars had alfo abone, | ouer againtt the bellie ges thereof ana the bozders thereof were of chapiter,or {mall
llOr, round about ||within the netwerke pomegranates : foz two the fame. bafe wherein the
the middes. Hundzeth pomegranates were in the two 36 Aud vpon the tables of the lenges caldron ſtood.
lOr.beyond. rankes about vpon teither of the chaptters. thereof, and on the borders thereef bee did
$Ebr.he fecond. 21 And he ſet vp the pillars in the! porch graue Cherubims, lyons, and palme trees
AWhichwasin ofthe Tempie. Aun when he had let vp the o * lide of euery one, t additions round
theinnercourt right pillar, bee caliedD the name thereof a oN: .

betweene the u Jachin: aud when hee had (et vp the left 37 Thus made he the ten bales,they had
Templeand the pillar, be called the name thereof * Boaz, all one cafting,one meatute,and one file.
oracle, 22 And vpon the toppe of the pillars was 38 CThenmadebee tenne caldzons of Í To keepe wa-
m Thatis,he will twoke of lilies: fo was the wozkemanthip of bafle, one caldꝛon contetned fortte baths: ters for the vſe of
ftablifh,to wit, the pillars finiſhed. and euery caldzon was foure cubites,one cal- the facrifices.
his promife to- 23 € And he madea molten ° fea ten cu- mon was vpon one bale thaoughout the ten
ward this houfe. bites wide from brimme tobzimme, round bali ales.
n Thatis, in in compaſſe, and tine cubites bie, anda 39 And be fet the bales, Rue on the right
ſtrength: mea- — thirtie cubites DID compalſt tt a» fide of the boule, and fiue on the lett fine of
ming the power out. the houſe. And bee let the feaon the right t To wit, of the
_ thereof thai con- 24 And vnder the brimme of it were u E thet houle Catkward toward the Templeor San-
tinue. Rnoppes like wilde cucumers compafiing it outh. Quary,
o Socalled for round about, tenne in one cubite, compal O € And Hiram made caldzons, and
the hugenefle of fing the [ea * round about ; and the two befoms, and baſins: and Hiram Gnithed all
the veſiell. rowes of knoppes were cat, when it was the wozke that bee made to king Salomon
2, Gbr0ts4e30 molten. foz the bouleofthe Loz :
o 25 Jt ſtood on twelue bulles, three loo: 41 To wit, two pillars and two bowles
king toward the Morth, and thzee toward of the chapiters that were on the top of the
tye Wen, and thee toward the Douth,and two pillars, & tive grates to couer the two
thaee toward the alk: and the {ea ſtoode bowles of the chapiters which were vpon
aboue vpon them, and all theit hinder parts the toppe of the pillars,
were inward. 42 And foure hundzeth pomegranates
fOr, a anne. 26 Jt was || an hand breadth thicke, and fo? the tivo grates, euei two rows of pomes
p Bath and fhe batmme thereof was like the worke of granates for euerp grate to couer the two
Ephah feemeto the buimme of a cuppe with floures of lilies: —— of the chaptters that were vpon the
beboth one mea- tt contained two thoufand r Baths. pillars 27 @ And bee made ten bales of bzafle, 43 Anatheten bales, andtenne caldzons
euery Bathcon- one bafe was foure cubites long, and foure vpon the bales, s
_ teined about ten cubites bꝛoad, and Hasrcubites hie. — the fea, and twelue bulles vnder
pottels. 28 ¶ And the woz cof thebaleswason th a,
45 anv
TheAcke is placed in the Temple. Chap.vitj. Salomons bleffing and prayer. 136
45 And pots, and befoms, andbafons: were not (eene without ;and there they are
ju By this neme and all theſe veflels, which» tran made to “nnto this Dap,
jalfo Hiram the King Salomon foz the boule of the Led, 9 Mothing wasin the Arke efane
the two e For it is like
King of Tyrus were of Yining bralſe. ; Tables of tone which Moles had put there that the enemies,
was called. 46 Jun the plaine of Jorden did the Ring at Wozeb where the Loa made a couenant when they had
Or, thicke earth. tat them ia ſclay betweene Succoth anv with the childpen of Fach when he baought the Arke in their
Jarthan. j them out of the land of Egypt. hands, tookea-=
47 And Halomon left to weigh all the 10 Am when the Wiets were come ont way the rod of
veſſels becaule of the exceeding abundance, of the Hanctuatp,the *cloud filicd the boule Aaron, andthe
netther could the weight of the bzaſſe bee ofthe Lod, A pot with Man,
counted. II Ho that the Pꝛieſts cout not and to Exod.q4o.34.
48 So Halomon made all the veſſels. mintier, becaute of the cloud: fo: the gloxy
that pertefned vnto the boule of the Loꝛd, ofthe Lord pan filled the poule of the Lord.
This was done the * golden altar , and the golden table, 12 Then pake Salomon, The Low
whereon the Hbhewbzead was, À * oe that hee would Dwell in the Darke 2,Chron:6:Te
49 And the candleſticks, fiue at the right cloud.
fide,and fiue at the left, befoze the ozacle of 13 3 haue built thee an boufe to dwell in,
pure gold, and the flowers, and toe laimpes, an Habitation foz thee to abidein f foz euer. f He fpake aca
_ and the finffers of goln, 14 (And the King turned bis face, and cording to the
§0 Am the bowles,yand the hookes,and bienen all the Congregation of Iſrael: foz tenor of Gods
the balong, and the ſpoones, and the athe all the Congregation of Ilrael ftood there. promife,which
ment of muficke, annes ofpure golde, and the hinges of gola Is And he ſãid, Bleſſed be the Loz Gor was conditio-
02 the Doozes of the boule within, cuen foz of teaci > whofpake with dis mouth vnto nally,that they
the moft poly — and foz the doores of the Dauid my father, and hath with his hand fhould ferne bhim
houſe,to wit,of the Eemple. fulfilled it,faying, aright,
51 Ho was finifhed all the worke that 16 Since the day that3brought my peo-
King Dalomon made foz the doule of the ple Iſrael out of Egypt , 3)chofe no cirie of
Lod, and Halomon brought tn the things all the tribesofZfracl,to build an boule that
‘\a.Chron.5.5. which Danid bis father had dedicated: the my Mame might be there: butF)baue chos
filuer and the gold, and the veflels, and layde fen* Dauid to be ouer mp people Ifrael. 2.Sam. 7.8.
ape among tie trealures of the boule of the I7 And itwas tn the heart of Dauid my
DD, father to buila an boule tothe Mame of the
Lod God of Jlracl.
CHAP, VIII 18 And the Lord faid vnto Daui my fa-
4 The Arke is borne into the Temple. 10 A ther,ddihereas it was in thine heart to buna
chadfilleth the Temple. 14 The Kinz blefeth the an boule vnto mp Mame, thou diddeſt well,
people. that thou watt fo minded: t
|2.Chron,5,2. Hen * king Halomon affembled the Cl- Ig Neuertheleſſe,thou Halt not Build the
Bers of Jiraci, euen all the heads of the boule, but thy fonne, that fhall come out of
Tribes, the chtefe fathers of the childzen of thylopnes, be Halt build the boule vnto my
Ebr Salomoy. Iſrael onto +him in Jerulalem,fo2 to? bring a me.
a For Dauid bp the Arke of the Couenant of the Loo 20 And the Lord hath + made good his * Ebr.ccmfirmed.
brought it from from the city of Dauid, which is zZion. mod that hee pake : and J amrifenyp in
Obed-edom, and 2 And all the men of Ilrael aſſembled the reome of Dautd my father and fit on the
ced itin the ` vnto Ring Salomon at the fea in the mo- tioncof Iſrael, as the Lod promiled, and
nae Cthanim, which ts the ſeuenth mo- paue built the boule foz the flame of the
ne we Lot God of Iſxael.
3 Andal the Elders of Iſrael came,and 21 Andy haue prepared therein a place
the Pꝛieſts toske the Arke. forthe Arke, wherein is the Covenant ef g Thetwo Ta-
b Conteining 4 hey bare the Arke of the Lod, and the Lod which hee made with our fathers, bles wherein the
of Seprem- they bare the Tabernacle of the Congrega⸗ when be brought them out of the land of Œ- articles of the
iber,and part of tion, and alithe holy veſſels that were inthe gypt 4 Couenant were
Odober, inthe Tabernacle sthote Did the Piets and Les 22 ¶ Then Halomon ſtood before *the writen,
which moneth uites bing vp, i altar of the Lord tw che fight of all the Con⸗ 2.Chrom 6.13,-
hey held three § And king Salomon and âli the Con- gregation of Iſrael, and ſtretched out his
lemne feafts, gregationof Jiracl,that were aſſembled vm hands toward heauen,
Numb.29,1, to him, were with him befoze the Arke, offes 23 And (aid, *D Lord Gov of Iſrael. 2,Mac.2,3,.
ting eepe and beeues, which could not bee there is no Godlike thee tn heauen abouc,ez
tole, no? numbed £o? multitude. in the earth beneath thou that keepett coue⸗
6 Dathe: Pꝛieſts brought the Arke of nant tinercy with thy (eruants that walke
. the Coucnantof the Lod vnto dis place, before thee with è all their heart, h Vnfainedly,
tito the oracle of the houfe , inte the mak ho» 24. Thou that hak kept with thy feruant and without ail ;
Wwplace, cuen vnder the wings of the Che⸗ Daui my father, that thou baft promiſed hyposrifie,
rubims, $ i him; for thou paket with thy mouth, ana
7 Forthe Cherubims ſtretched out their halt fulfitten itwith thine hand, as appear
wings ouer the place ofthe Arke, andthe reth this Day.
Cherubtins coucred the Arke, & the barreg 25 Therefore now , Loyd God of JE
thereofaboue. rael, keepe with thy feruant Dautd mp fae
fnot pull them 8 And they Deew out the barres ,that ther that thou baft promiſed him, ſay⸗
ltogether out, the ends ofthe barres might appeare out of ing, * Thou halt not wanta man in m Chip,2a
AN d,35 al 5 the Danctuary before the oracie, but thep fight to ut vpon the thone of Ifrael —
Salomons prayer i. Kings. for the people. , q
chat thy chilnzen take heed to their way,that wayes, as thou knoweſt
his heart (for thou
they walke befoze mee, as thou bat walked onelp kuowelt the hearts of all the chilozen - k
in nip fight. of mien> i
26 And now, D God of Praet, F el 40 Ghat they may feare thee as longas p
thee,let thy word be verted, which thou ipa» they line in the land, which thou gauek yue b
ket unto thy ſeruant Dauit my father. to our fathers. s afi
i Heis rauifhed 27 i Jsit true indeed that God wil dwel 4I Moꝛeouer, as touching the P ranger p Hemeaneth
with the admi⸗ on the carth 7 behold, the heauens, and the that isnot of thy people Iſrael, who fall hichas fhouldbe
Tation of Gods heauens of heauens are not able to contetue come out of a farre countreyp foz thy Rames — from thei
mercies,who be- thee: how much moze vnable is this poule ake, idolatrie to f
ing incompre-
henfible & Lord
that Jhaue built ? Š 42 (Ahen they (hall heare of thy great thetrue God.
28 But haue thou relpect unto the pray- Mame and of thy mighty band, aud of thy
ouer all,will bee erofthy ſeruant, and to bis fuppitcation, D ſtretched out arme) and ſhall come and pap
come familiar Lod mp God, to heare the cryand prayer inthishoule, — i x
with men, mayd thp ruant prayeth before thee this 43 Weare thon tn heauen thy Dwelling r
ay +
place, and do accozding to all that the trans 3
29 That thine eyes map be open toward gercalleth foz vnto thee : that all the people $
thts houſe, night and Bay, eucn toward the ofthe earth may know thy Name, and feare ?
Dettt.22,12. place whereof thou hat fava, * My ame thee,as Boe thy people Jirael: and that they J
thallbethere: that thou mapet bearken nne may know that thy 3 Rame is called vpon q That thisis the
to the prayer which thp (eruant peapeth in in thts boule which 3 haue built. ‘true Religion — |
this place. RF 44 Ahen thy people hall goe out to wherewith chow |
30 Weare thou therefore the fupplication battell againſt their enemy by the way that wilt be werthip-
of thp teruant , and of thy people Iſraei, thou thatt fend thes, and hail pray unto the ped, k
lor, from. which pap in this place, and beare thou fin Loꝛd, *toward the way of the city which chou Dan.6.10.
the place of thine babitatton,euea in beaucn, bat chofen,and toward the houle thatJhaue
and when thou beare, paue mercy. built foz thp Rame, à
k To — 31 Chen a man hall treſpaſie agatnt 45 Weare thou rhen in heauen their prays
iudge or neigh- bis neighbour, and * pe lap vpon bum anorh er * their tupplication , and |iiudge their lOr maimaine el
bour. 3 to caule bim to fweare, ethe t fwearer Hall caule. therr right,
~t Ebr.the othe. come befoze thine Gltarin this oul, 46 Ji they finne agatnt thee C * for there 2,Chron.6.36.
i Thatis,make 32 Chen beare thou in heauen, and inae ts no man that ſinneth not)and thou bean» eccle, 7.22.
itknowen. ` and tudge thy (eruants,that thou condemne Sty with them, and Deliuer them bato the 1.00% 1,8,100
the wicked to bring bis way vpon bis head, enemies, fo that they cary them away pat.
and tuttifie the righteous,to gine hint acco: foners vnto the land of the enemies, either
Ding to bis righteouſnes.
33 CCAben thy people Iſrael Hall bee o= o47 *Dethiethey
Pethifthey tutne
turne agiagaine nto thei t fOr, ifthey re-
uerthzowen befoze the enemic, becauſe thep Heart intheland (to the which thep bee ca- bent: *
baue ſinned againſt thee, and turne againe ried away captiues) and recurne and pray
m Acknowledge tothee, andam confefle thy Mame, and pray vntothee t in the land ofthem that caried r Though the
thy iuft iudge- eh make fupplication vnto thee in this them away captives, faping, Cee haue fin- Temple Te i was thez
ment, and praife ou g; i ; : ned, wee Hane tranlgrelled and Done wic- chicfeplaceof
thee. 34 Chen heare thoninheauen, avd bee Kenly, j i prayer, yet he fes
mercifull vnto the Anne of thp people Jira- JEthey turne againe vnto thee with cugethaor —
el, and bing them againe vñto the land ailtheirHeart, and with all their foule inthe them,thar being
n -So that there
which thou gaueſt ynto their fathers. land of theirenemics, which lcd them awap pate. ness
35 ¶ When heanen ſhalbe fhut bp, and captiues,and pray bnito thee toward! the way call vponhimin |
bea drought to there hall be no raine, becaule thep haue-fin- of their land, whichthou gaueſt vnto their other places.
deftroy the fruits ned againk thee, and thal pray in this place, fathers, and toward thecity which thon batt f AsDanield
ofthe land, and confefle thp f2ame,and turne from their chofen, and the boule which I haue built fo: Danese <
finne,when thou doeſt afflict them, thy Mame, $ À q
36 Then beare thou tn heauen, and pars 49 Thenbheare theu their praver ethetr $
Bon the finne of thy teruants,and of thy peo- ſupplication in beauen thy Dwelling place, A hein
ple Iſrael (when thon pait taught them the and ||tudge their caufe, i Or,auenge the
good way Wherein they map walke ) and 50 And be mercifullonto thy people that ”79"g- |
giue raine vpon the land that thou bak gi- haue finned agatntt thee, and vnto all their t
uen to thy people to inherit. } iniquities (wherein they baue tranſgreſſed ; ‘
37 Chen there hall bee famine inthe againt thee) and caule that thep, which led
t He vnderftood
land, when there hall bee peftilence, when them atwap captiues, may t haue pitieand by faith,thar
there hallbe blaſting, mildew, grafbopper, compatlion on them: i
orcatetpiller, when their enemy thal beliege 51 Foꝛ they be thy people,and thine inhe- God,of enemics. —
would make -
& fbr.inthe land them tn the +ctttes of their dand, or any ritance, which thou bꝛoughteſt out of Egypt Kenk S
oftheir gates. plague,orany fickneffe, 6 from the mias of the pzon fornace Aea
38 Then what prayer and fupplication ſo⸗ 52 Let thine eyes beopen vntothepzays <P eT a
guer halt bee made of any man or of all thy erofthyferuant, and onto the pzaperofthy Conuerty :
people Iſrael. when euery one Hal know the people Ritael, to bearken vnto them in all bim·
© For fuch are plague in his owne o beart,and retch forth that they call fo: vnto thee. |
moft meete to bis hands in this houte, 53 Foz thou Diddeft ſeparate them tothee 4
receiue Gods 39 Meare thou then in Heauen, in thy from among all people of the earth foz an
mercies. Dwelling place, and bemercifull, and doe, inheritance, as thou ſaydeſt by the band of
and ging euery man according to all bis Moles thy feruant, when chou —
lisofftings. The Temple dedicated. Chap.ix. Gods promifes and threatnings.1 37
od, 19.6, mon deſited and minded to Doe,
our fathers *ontot Egypt, D Lod God.
§4 And when Salomon had made att 2 Then the Lorn appeared vnto Halos
Salomonisa endof paying allthis » pzaper and fuppli- mon the fecond time, as be * appeared onto Chap.3-5.
ure of Chrift, cation vnto the Lod, hee arole from betore bim at Gibeon, i :
ho continually the altar ofthe Lod, from kneeling on dts 3 And the Lord fatd ynto him, J paue
the Mediator knees,t fretching of hishands to heauen, heard chp prayer and thy fisppitcation, that
tweene God s5 And ſtood and blefled all theCongre·; thou halt made before me : Jhaue hallowed
gation of Jiraci with aloud wotee faving, this houſe( which thou batt butlt)to * put my Chap 8.29.
56 Blelſed be the Lod that hath giuen name there foz euer, and mine epes, mine desti2. 1I.
reit vnto bis people Iſrael, actozding to all heart wall be there perpetually.
that bee promuled : there hath not failed one 4 Gnd ti thou wiltwalke before mecas a Ifthou walke
word of albbis good promile which bee pro- Dautd thy farther walked tn pureneffle of in my feare,and
miled yd band of (oles his ſeruant. heart, andin righteouſneſſe) to Boe accoz withdraw thy
57 The Loz our God be with vs, ashe Ding to all that J baue commaunded thee, felfe from the
was with our fathers, that hee korſake vs and keepe mp ſtatutes, and mp iunge- common maneg
not, neither leaue vs, ments, í : of men,which
x He coneludeth $8 That bemay * bowe our hearts vnto S Then will J Kablih the thaone of thy
follow their fens
that man ofhim bun, that wee may walke in all bis waypes, kingdome vpon Jitaclifo2 euer, as J p20-fualitie.
and keepe his commaundements, and hts miid to Daud thy father, laying, * Chou 2 Fam7.126
ftatutes, and hts lawes, which be comman» par nor want aman vpon the thzone of 1 chron.2 2.10,
Ded our fathers. k tact.
ence to his law 59 And thele mp words, which J haue 6 But ik ye and pour children turne away
proceedeth of his prayed before the Lord, bee neere vntothe from me, and will” not keepe my comman- b God declareth
meere mercie. 102d onr God Day and night, that hee de⸗ Dements, and my flatutes, (which J haue fet that difobedi-
fend the caule of hts feruant, and the caule befoze pou) but go and ferne other gods,and ence againft him
tEbr. the thing of ofhis people Iſrael + alway as the matter wozlhipthem, is the cauſe of
aday ın hu day, reguireth, 7 Then will J cut of Iſrael from the his difpleafure,
6o That all the people of the earth map land, which J haue ginen them, and the and{o of all mie
know, that the Lord ts Sod, and none other. boufe which3 haue hallowed * foz my name, ferie.
61 Let your heart thereforebeperfit with will J cat out of my fight, and Iſraͤel tail Iere7.14.
the L020 our God to walke in hts ſtatutes. * c —— and a common talke among c Theworld
and to keepe bis commaundements, as this all people. thall make of
ay. S Enen this high boule hall bef : euery -you a mocking
2. ſbron
7.4. 62 €* Then the king and all Iſrael with one that pallet by tt. pall bee aſtonted, and ftocke tor the
him offered facrifice betore the Lord. fall hile, and they Hall fay, * Aby hath the vile contempt
63 And Dalomon offered alacrifice of er Dene thus vnto this land and to this and abufing of
peace offerings, which bee offered vntothe oule? - Gods moft libe=
Lov, to wit, tuo and twentie thoufand 9 Andthep hallanfwer, Becaute they rall benefits,
becues, and an hundzeth and tiwentte thous forfooke the Loza their God, which bought Deut.⁊29. 24.
y Beforethe o- fand eepe : fo theking and all the childzen thet fathers out ofthe landof Egypt, and iere.22.8.
tacle, where the of Iſraei dedicated they houle oftie Loz. baue taken bold vpon other gods, and haue
Arke was. 64 The fame Day DiD the King hallowe worſhipped them, and ferued them, theres
the middle of the court, that was before the oy the Lod brought vpon them all a
boule ofthe Lozd + foz there hee made burnt euii.
2. Crom. J.7. Offerings, and the meate offerings, and the 10 * And at the endeof twentie peeres, 2.Chron, d.i.
fatofthe peace offerings, becauſe the * bra: when Salomon had builded the two hou⸗
fen altar that was before the Lod, was too = > theboule ofthe Lon, andthe Kings
little to vecetue the burnt offerings, and the palace,
neat offerings, and the fat of the peace offe- II (For the which Hiramthe king of ||Ty- llOr; Zora
rings. rus bad brought to Salomon timber ofce=
65 And Salomon made at that time a Dat, and firre trees, and golde and what>
featt, and all Iſrael with him, a verp great focuer bee dekred) then King Salomon
Congregation, cuen from the entring tn of pote Viram twentie cities tu the land of
z Thatis,from = Mamath bntothe riuer of Egypt, before alil. Or, Galile,
North co South: the Lozd our God, * (euen Dapes and ſeuen 12 And Hiram came out from Tpzus to
meaning,all the Dayes, euen fourteene dayes. ſee the cities which Salomon had giuen
country. 66 And the eight day hee fent the people him, and they pleaſed pim not.
a Seuen dayes awap: and thep + thanked the king, and 13 Therekore heclatd, Ahat cities are lOr dirtie or
for the dedica» went unto their tents topous and with glad thele which thou batt giuen me my brother? barren.
tion,and feuen Heart, becaute ofailthe goodneſſe thatthe ke called them the land of||Cabui vnto d For histribute
for the feaft, Lord haddone for Dauid bis ſeruant, and is day toward the buil-
FEbr. bleed, foz Iſrael his peopir. 14 And Hirtam had fent the King 4 fire ding,
{core «talents of gold. 7 c Thecommon
CHAP, IX. Ig € And thists the caule of the tribute talent was about
2 The Lord appeareth the fecond time to Salo- why King Salomon railed tribute, to wir, threefcore pound
mon, 1I Salomon giveth cstsesto Hiram, 20 The to builde the boule of the Lod, and his weight.
Canaanites become tributaries. 28 Hee fendeth ownehonle, and f illo, and the wall of f millo was as
foorth a nauie for golde, x
—— and i)az02, and Megiddo, and therowne houfe
2. ron7. 11. VVE: * Salomon had fintthed the exer. ; | orplace of af
building of the houle of the £020, 16 Pharaoh Bing of Egypt bad come fembly, which ©
and the Kings palace, and all that Salo⸗ bp, and taken Gezer, and burne it with fire, was openaboue.
v 2) and
“Salomonsbuildings. The Queene I. Kings. ofSaba. Salomonsreuenues,
and flew the Canaanites that dwelt in the s Audthe>meate of his table. and the
Citic, anu gaue it for a pꝛeſent vnto bis fitting of his &ruaunts, and the order of hts
Daughter Halomons wife. minilices and therr apparel, and bis Dinka
17 (Therefore Salomon built Gezer and tng velſels, and jis burnt offtings, that hee
Beth-horon the nether, ’ offered in the boule of the Loyd, and t thee {Ebr there was na h
18 And Baalath and Tamo: in the wil: was greatly aitontev. : f more [Perit sm her.
Derneffe of the land, 6 And thee fain vnto the king, Tt was a
g Cities for his 19 And all the cities s of Core, that Ba- true word that Jheard in mine owne lanu
munitions of lomon bad, euen cities forcharets, and ci- ofthy faytngs,and of thy wiledome.
Sartre. ties foz hoꝛſmen, and all that SalomonDes 7 Hovwbeit J belecucd not thts report,
fired and would build in Jeruſalem, anu til 3| came, and had (eene tt with mine epes:
in see and inall the land of his domi⸗ but toe, the one halfe was nottelde me; for
nion, thou bat moze wiſedome and prolperttiz,
h Thefe were as 20 AU the people that were + left ofthe then J baue beard by repote ·
bondmen, and Amoites, Hittites, Perizzites, Winites, 3 Pappie arethymen, happie are theſe
paied what was and Jebuſites, which were not ofthe chil- thyferuants, which tand euer before thee,
required cither Deenofjirael: and heare thy < wiledome. ; c But much
labour or money 21 To wit, theit childzen that were left af 9 Bleſſed bee the Lord thy God, which more happie are
ter them in the land, whom the chitdzen af ‘{oued thee, to fetthecon the thꝛoneofIG they which heare
Iſrael were not able to Delroy, thole did rael, becaule the Loz0 loued Ilrael foz cust: the wifedomeof
Salomon make tributaries vnto this Day. and made thee king, to Doe equitie and God reueiled in
22 Wut of the chilozen of P{rael via Ha- righteouſneſſe. his word.
Lewite25 .39¢ lomon* make no bondmen : but they were Io And ſhee gane the king fire {cove tas d Itisachiefe
men of warre and bis ſcruaunts, and his lents of golde, and offiveete odours ercee= figne of Gods fae
pinces and his captatites, and rulers of his Ding much, and precious tones. Chere uour, when god-
chatets,and his bozlemen, caine na moze ſuch abundance offweete o= ly and wife ru-
23 hele were the princes of the officers, Dours ag the Ducencof Sheba gaur to king lers fit in the-
1The ouerfeers that were ouer Dalomons wozke : euen ifiue Malomon. 3 throne of iuftice,
of Salomons Hundzeth and fiftie, and they ruled the peo: Il Fhe nauie alfo of Hiram (that carted e This isthe
workes were di- ple chat wrought in the worke. gold from Dphir) brought likewile great caufe why kings
uided into three 24 (And Pharaohs Daughter came bp plentic of * Glmuggun trees ftom Ophir are appointed,
parts: the firft front the city of Dauid vnto the boufe which and pzectous tones. 2.Chrox.9 10,
contained 3300 Salomon Had built fog her:then Did hee buila 12 And the king made of the Aimuggim
the fecond 300, Billo. trees, pillars fo: the boule of the Lord, and
and the thirde 25 And theꝛile a yeere did Salomon offer foz the kings palace, and made Harpes anv
250, which were burnt ofertngs and peace offerings vpon plalteries for lingers. There came no moze
Ifraclites : fo here the altar which be built vnto tie Lord: and fuch Almuggim trees, noz were any moze
are conteincd bee burnt incenſe vpon the altar, that was leene vnto this Day.
the two lalt Soni the Lord, when bec had finiſhed the 13 Gnd king Salomon gaue vnto the
pars, which ouſe. Mueene of Sheba, whatloeuer hee would
make 550 looke 26 (Alb king Saloinon made an nauie afke, belides that, which Salomon gaue her
more,2,. Chro. 8. of ſhips in C3eon-geber, which ts belive ©- + of bis kingly liberalitie : fo hee returned Ebr, bythe hand
30. ™ loth, and the bzinkeef the red Bea, inthe and went to her owne countrey, both thee, ofthe king.
tant of Enom. " and her ſeruants.
k In the 2.Chro, 27 And Hiram ſent with the Manie his 14 ( Alfo the weight of golde, that came
$ made feruaunts, that were mariners, and had to Salomon in one peere,was lire hundz2eth, Exod.25. 39.
mention of 30, knowledge of the fa, with the ſeruaunts of thaecfcoze and fire* talents ofgoid,
more, which Salomon. 1s WBelides thathee had of merchant men
feeme to haue 28 And they came to Dphir,and fet front and of the merchanbifes of them that folde
beeneemployed thence * foure hundzeth and twentie talents {pices,andof all the kings of Arabia, and of
for their charges of gold, and brought tt ta king Salomon. the princes ofthe f countrey. f To wit, of As
16 And king Salomon made two hun⸗ tabia, which for
3 The Queene of Saba commeth to heare the Deth targets ofbeaten golde, fire hundzeth the great abun-
wifdome of Salomon, 18 His royallthrone. 23 thekels of gold wentto a target: dance of all
His power and magnificence. 17 And thee hundreth thiclds ofbeaten things was cal-
2.Chrow.9.¥. AZ the *Diuecne of * Sheba hearing gold, three pound of oid went to one ſhield: led happie.
math 12.420 the fame of Halomen (concerning the andthe king put them inthe * boule of the Chap.7.2.
Jake.t8, 31. Namie of the Loꝛd) came to pꝛooue him with wood of Lebanon.
a Lofephus faithbard queftions, ; 18 ¶ Thenthe kingmade a great throne
that fhee was 2 And thee came to Jeruſalem with a of Jus ie, and couered it with che beſt gold.
Queene of Ethi- berp great traine , and Camels that bare 19 And the theone had fire eps,e thetop
opia, and that fweeteodours, and golde creceDing much, of the thzone was round behind, & there were g Asthechaire
Sheba wasthe and precious ftones:and fhee caine ta Halo- s ayes on cither fide on the place of the bowes,orplaces
naméofthe Mon, and communed with pim ofall that theone, € twoltons tanding by the ayes.
chiefe citie of mas in ber heart. 20 And there ftoon twelue lions on the to leane vpon.
Meroe,which is 3 And Salomon declared vnto her ail fire epson either fide : there was not the
an Hand of Nilus her queftions : nothing was hid from the Tike made in any kingdome.
b Thatis, the king, which he erpounded not vnto ber. 21 And all King Salomons Minking
whole order, and * 4. Then the Queene of Sheba ſawe all veſſels wereof gold, andall the veffcis of
trade of bis Salomons wilhome andthe houlethat he the boule of the mood of Lebanon were of
houfe, dad built, pure gold, none were of fluer ; for it was
5 nothing
and power. His wiues,
hisidolatries: Chap,xj. hisaduerfaries, Hadad and Rezon. 138
nothing eiteemed in the Dayes ofSalomon. 9 Therefore the Lom wasangey with
22 jroz the Ring had on the fea the nauie Dalomion,becaule hee had turned his heart
of Tarſhiſh with the nauie of iram: once fromthe Lod God of Jiraci, = which had Chap.3.5.
ath By Tharthith in Chace peere caine the nauie ote Tarſhiſh, appeared vnto bhim twile, and 9.3.
is meant Cilicia, and brought gold ¢ fluer , puogie, and apes, Io And bad given bimacharge*concers Chap. 6.12,
which wasabun- and peacockes. ning this thing, that he Mould not follow a»
dant in varietie 23 So King Salomon exceeded all the ther gods: but bee kept not chat which the
of precious hab the earth both in riches and in wiſ⸗ Lord Had commanded him.
things, ome. It Giberefoze the Lozd fayd vnto Salo.
24 Audail the world foughttofee Halo- mon, Foratmuch as ' thisis done of thee, f That thou haft
mon,to beare hts wiledome, which God had and thou batt not kept my couenant, and forfaken me and
put in his heart, ! my Ratutes (which Icommaunded thee) worfhipped
25 Aud they brought euery man bis pze» * J will furely rent the kingdome From thee, idoles.
fent,veffels of filuer,and veſſels of golv, anu and will gine tt to thy ſeruant. Chap, 13.15
raiment and armioz, and {weet odours, Yoz: 12 Hotwithſtanding in thy Dapes F
fes and mules, from peere to peere. will not Doe it,becauſe et Dauid thy father,
26 Ther Salomon gathered together but J wili rene tt out of the hand of thp
2 Chron.i. 14. * charets and horſemen: and he had a thou- tonne: $ ‘ 5
fand and foure hundzeth chavets , œ twelve 13 HowbeitJ will not rent all the king-
thouland hezfinen, whome hee placed in the Dome, but will gtucone z tribe to thy fonne, g Becaufe the
charet cities , œ with the king at Jeruſalem. becauſe of Daud my feruant , andbecaule tribesof Iudah
ſor,heemade fil- 27 Ana the king ||gaue liluertu Jerula- of Jeruſalem which 3 baue cholen, and Beniamin
wer as plenteous lem as ſtones, and gaue cedars as the wild n @ Chen the Lod ſtirred vp aad: had their poſſeſ-
One Se
fissetrees that grow abourdantly tn the uerlary buto Salomon, euen Hadad the Ce fions mixed, they
platne. Domite , of the kings * (eed, which wasin are here taken as
28 Ale Salomon had heres brought out Evom. one tribe,
of Egypt, and fine linnen; (the kings mers I5 Foꝛ when Dauid was in Coom,and h Ofthe king of
— recciued thelinnen fo2 apice,
9) Joab the captaine of the boite had ſmitten Edoms ftocke.
There came vp and went outofC- all the malesinCpom,and was gone vp to 2.Sam.8, 14. `
. BYpt fomecharet wor fire hundzeth thekels bury thei laine, : i Of the Edo
of tiluee: thatis,one hozle,an hundꝛeth and 16 (Foꝛ fire moneths Did Joab remaine mites,
Gitte, and thus thep brought horfes to ali the there,and all Jfrael,till he had deſtroyed all
Kings of the ittites, and tothe kings of the males in oom.)
Ebr hands, Aram by their + meanes, 17 Then this Davan k flen and certaine K Thus God re-
CHAP. XL other Edomites of bis fathers feruants red this idola-
1 Salomon hath athoufand wiues and concu- with bim,to goe into Egypt, Hadad being tet tobea
bines, which bring himte idolatry. 14 His God pet a little chun. fcourge topu-
— up aduerfaries againſt im. 43 Hee di- 18 And they arole out of Miian, tcame rih his peoples
eth. to Paran, and tooke men with them out of Annes.
Deut. 7.17, B Ut Ring Salomon loued * matty aout- Paran, and came to Egypt bunto Pharaoh
ecclus 47. 19, 20. landių women: both the Daughter of king of Egypt, which gaue biman poules
ia Which were Pharaoh, and the womenof Moab, Am- eno appo fD bim vitatles, and gane din .
lidolaters, mon, Edem, ʒidon and Deth, _— ano. ge
2 Okthe nations, whereof the Lord had 19 SoWMadad | found great fauour in the 1 God broughe
Exod. 34.16, faya vnto the childzen of Jlracl,*Goe not ye fight of Pharaoh, and hee gaue him to wife him to honour,
in to them, no: let them comein to you: for the fitter of his owne wife, cuen the filter of that his power
lurely they will turne your hearts after their Tahpenes the Queene. wigkt be more
eye Tothem,! fy, vid Salomon ioyne in 20 And the fitter of Tahpenes bare him able to compaſſe
Genubath his fen, whom Tahpenes wei- his enterprifes
3 And he bad lenen hundzed wiues, thar nedin Pharaohs boule: € Genubath was againft Salomons
HOr, Quæenes. were ||princeffes , andthzee hundzeth > con- f— houſe among the ſonnes of houſe.
b To whom ap- cubines,€ bis wines turned away his heart. araoh.
pertained no 4 Fo when Salomon was olve, bis 21_ And when Hadad heard in Egypt,
dowtie. wiues turned his heart after other gods, fo that Dauid llept with his fathers, and that
c He ferued not that bis beart was not «perfert with the Joab the captaine of the hoſte mas Dead,
God with apure —— God,aswas the heart of Dauid bis Hadad (aid to Pharaoh, Let mee Depart,
rt. e . (3 thatJmay goe ro mine owne countrey.
602.2130 § Fo Salomon followed * Athtareth 22 But Pharaoh fayd vnto him, Chat ,
$ Who was alfo the god of the Sivontans, and Milcom the halk thoulacked with mee, that thon weuls
called Molech, abomination of the Ammonites. Delt thus goe to thine owne countrey? And
verfe 7. read 6 Ho Dalomon wrought wickednes in he anſwered, Nothing, but in any wilk let
2.King,2 3,10. the fight ofthe Lord, but continued not to me gee. i
follow the Lo2d, as did Dauta his father. 23 And God Kirred him pp another 2. Sa. 8,3,
7 Then did Salomon butld an hte place aduerfary, Rezon the fonne of Eliadah, m When Dauid ©
e Thus the {crip- for Chemoſh the « abomination of Moab,in which ™ fied from his loꝛd Hadadezer king had difcomfited
ture termeth the mountaine that ts ouer againſt Jeruſa⸗ of Zobah. : Hadadezer and
whatfoeuer man lem, and vnto Molech the abomination of 24 And hee gathered men vnto him, and his armie.
doeth reverence the chitdzenef Ammon. l had beene captaine ouer thecompany, when n To wit the
& ſerue as God, 8 And (o did hee foz all His outlandiſh Danio cw them. And thep went te Da- men, whomhe
wiues, which burnt incenſt and offered piis malcus, and dwelt there, = and they made had gathered
totheir gona, « yim king in Damaſcus. vnto him,
22 25 Theres
Ahijah. TIeroboam appointed King. I. Kings. Rehoboam followeth yong mens
25 Therefore was he an aduerlary to Iſ⸗ and!wasin Egypt vntillthe death of Salo:
taclall the Dayes of Salomon : belives the m
euil that Hadad didhe alfo abhorted Iſrael,
4I And the ret of the wordes of Halos
and reigned ouer Aram. mon, and ali that be Bid, and bis wiſedome,
2.Cbrom,33.6. 26 @* Aud Jeroboam the fonne of Ne· are thep not witten in the t booke of the t Which booke
bat an Ephrathite of Sereda Dalomons fers acts of Salomon ? as is thought, was
uant (whole mother was called zeruah a 42- The tune that Salomon reigned in lofi in thes
Widow )litt vp his hand againit the king. eale oner all Iſrael, was * fourtig captiwitie,
_27 Aud this was the caule that helikt vp eS. 2,Chrom9, 20.
his pand agamit the king, Whee Dalomoit 43 And Salomon Hept with his fathers
built gillo, hee repaired the moken places and was buried tn the city of Dauid hts fa-
of the citie of Danid bts father, ther: and Rehoboam his ſonne reignedin
28 And this man Jeroboam was & man bis ſtead.
of trengti and courage , ana Salomon lee- ; CHAP. Xil,
ing that the poung man was meete fo2 the t Rehoboam fucceedeth Salomon. 8 He refuse
o He was ouer- mozke , he made htm e ouerlecr of all the la [eth the counfell of the Ancient. 20 leroboam
feer of Salomons bour of the houle of Joleph. reigneth ouer Ifrael. 21 God commandeth Reho-
works forthe 29 And at that time, when Jeroboam boam not to Aht. 28 Ferovoam maketh golden
tribe of Ephraim went out of Jerufalem, the Prophet Abita calues,
and Manaffeb, the Dbilonite found bim tn the way,hautng A 2D * Rehoboam went to Hhyechem: foz 2,Lhron.t9, 1.
a New garment on him, and they two were all Iſrael mere come to Sbhechem, to
alone in the field. niake hun king.
30 Then Abhitah caught the new gare - 2 And when Jeroboam the fonne of Mes
By thefe vifi- ment that was on him, ¢ P vent tin twelue bat beard of it (who was pet in Eaypyt,
le fignes the pieces. * whither Jeroboam bad fea from Bing Chap 11:40.
Prophets would 31 And fayd to Jeroboam, Cake vnto DHalomon,and ſdwelt in Egypt.) lOr, retu: nea”
more deepely thee ten pieces: foz thus faith the L020 God 3 Then they lent andcalled him? anv from Egypt,
print their mef- of sitael, Behold, Jwiil rent the kingdome Jeroboam and all the Congregationof Jite
fage into their -butofthe hands of Salomon, and wil gtue rael came,¢ (pake vnto Rehoboam,faytng,
hearts,to whome ten tribes to thee. 4 Thy tather made our * poke gricuous: Cheap 4.72
they were lent. 32 But he hall haue one tribe foz my fers now thertoze make thou the gricuons lerni-
uant Dauids fake,and foz Jeruſalem the ct tudeofthy father, and bisioze poke which
tte, wich Jhaue cholen out of all the tribes he put upon vs lighter. we wil erue thee. a Oppreffe vs
of Iſrael, § Ano be faid vñnto them, Depart pet foz not with fo great
23 Becaule they haue foxlaken mee, and thaee Dayes , then come agatne tome, And charges,which
haue worshipped Aihtaroth the god of the the people Departed. weare notable
3tdontans , and Chemo the god of the 6 Gnd King Rehoboam tooke counſell to fuftaine.
Moabites, and Milcom the god of the gm- with He ola men that Ibad ſtood before Or, bad beene of
nionites , and Haue not walked in my Halomondis father, while he pet lined, and his auncient
wayes (|! to Doe right in mine epes.and my fayd, (bat countell gtuc yee , that J map counſellers.
Or,todoe that — and my lawes) as did Dauid bis make an anſwere to this people?
shat pleafeth me. ather. 7 And they fpake vnte hun laying, Jf b They ſhewed
34 But J will not take the whole king- thou be a>feruant vnto thts people this day, him that there
Dome outofhts hand: foz J will make him and ſerue them,¢ anfiwere them, and fpeake was no way to
Pꝛince all bis life long foz Dauid my fers kind words to tyent, they will bee thy ler⸗ win the peoples
uants fake, whom J hauecholen, and who uants fo euer. hearts , but to
kept my conmandements and my {tatutes, 8 But hee forfooke the counſell thatthe grant them their
35 *But J will take the kingdome outof old men had ainen him, andalked counfelt iuft petition,
Chap. 12.15. bis lonnes hand , and will giue it vnto thee, ofthe yong mein, that had beene broughtvp c Thereisno-
euen the ten tribes. With bim and waited on him, thing harder for
36 Aud vnto bis forme willJgiue one 9 And helatd pntathem, Ahat coun- them that are in
tribe , that Dauid mp icruant map hane a fell gine yee, that fhemap anfwere this peo- authoritie, then
q He hath ree alight alway betore ine in Jerufalem the ct- ple, which bane ſpoken to me, faving, Wake to bridle their
ſpect vnto the tie which 3| baue choſen mec, to put mp — » Which thy father DiD put vpon Ys, affeGions, and
Mefliah,which Name there. ighter? follow good,
fhou'd be the 37 And J will take thee, and thon balt 10 Thenthe yong men that were brought counfell.
bright ftarre that reignc, *Keuen asthine heart Delireth, anv vp with hin, ipake vnto him, laying, Thus Or, litleſinger.
fhould fhine tho- fyalt be king ouer Iſrael. alt thou fay vnto this people, that haue d Lam much
rowalthe werld, 33 And tf thou hearken vnto all that J [poken vnto thee,and fayn, Thy father bath more ableto
Ebr. in all that commaund thee, and wilt walke in my made our poke heauie, but make thou it keepe youin fube,
thy fule, wapes, and Doe rightin my fight co keepe lighter vnto Vs; euen thus Walt thon fap vn- ieCtion then my
my Tatutes and my commaundements, as totyent, Dy illeam part fhatbe 4 bigger then father was.
Dauid my feruant dtd, chen will J be witi my fathers loines. i HOr, (corpions. —
T For this ido- tiec, and builde thee a fure boule, as g IL Now whereas my father did burden e The people de-
tatrie that Salo- built unto Dautd,and will giue Iſrael vnto you with a gricuous yoke, J] wilt pet make clare their obedi-+
mon hath com- thee. pour poke heauter: ny father bath chattifed encein this,that
mitted, 39 And J will for "thís; afflict the feed. of you with reds, but 3 will cogrect you with they would ate
_ £ Faithe whole Danid , í but not foz euer. l ilcourges. tempt nothing
fpirituall king- 49 -T Halomon fought therefore to kill 12 © Zhen Jeroboam and all the people before the Kings
dome was refto- Jeroboam, and Jerobsamarole, and fied cameto Rehoboam the third Day, asthe had giuen them.
zed in Mefliah. into Egypt onto Sbilhak king of Egypt, Ming pad © appointed, taping, Come aro iuft occafion,
counfell. Iſtael rebelleth. Chap. xiij. Teroboams calues. His driedhand. 139 i
nie agatne the third Day. 28 thereupon the Ring tooke council,
ate the King aniwered the people and nade tuo calves of coin, and fad vn⸗
fharpely, and lett che old mens counteli that to them, » It ĩs too much toz yea to goe vp
they gaue Dim, to Jeruſalen: bebo, D F{raei, thp gons, m So cra ſtie are
I4 And ipake to them after the counlell
which baught thee vy out of the land of E- the car nall per-
ofthe young men, laying, My father made gyp it, ſwaſions of prins
pout yoke gricuous, ann3witii make your 29 And he let tke onein Geth el,and the ces, when they
poke moze grieuvus: my father hath chaki- other ferbe tn Dan, will makea rele
ied pon with roddoes, but J weft corect pou 30 Aud this thing turned to finne: foz gion to ſerue to
with (courges. the people went (becãuſe of the one) cuen to their appetite,
Is Andthe king hearkened not vnto the at.
fOr,the Lordmas peoplestopijit was the oꝛdinance ei the Led, 31 Silo hee made an Houle of bie places,
the caufe. thathee might pertorme bis tiying, mbich and made patetis of the lowelt of tie people, n Thatis atem» the Lorꝛd had (poken bp * Abitah ihe Spro- which were not of the ſonnes of Lent, ple where altars
nite bute Jeroboamthe :onne st f2ebat. 2 And Jeroboam made a featt theo ff- were builtfor +
16 So whenall girarci aw that the king teenth Day of the eight moneth, ike vato idolatrie.
regarded them not, the peopic auiwered the the featt that ts in Jadab, and ofered on the o Becaufe hee
RKing thus, faving, Khat portion haue wee altar. Go DD be in Lerh- eland ofired vnto would the more
f Thoughtheir | inf Dauid?we paue none inheritance in the the calucs that hee had made: and bee pla- binde the peoples
caule were ʒood, fonne of Jat. To pour tents, D Iſrael: cedin Betheelthe picts of the hte places, deuotion to his
E itis mott now fee to thine owne heute, Dau. Bo Il⸗ which be bad made. _ idolatry, he made
rd for the peo- raci departed vito their tents. 33 And hee oered bpon the altar, which anew holy day,
pleto bridle 17 Yowhbeit ouer the chtidzen of Iſrael, hee han madein Beth-el, the fifteenth Dap befides thofe that
their atfe&ions, which Dweltinthe cities of Judah, DD Re- of the eight moneth (euen in the monet). the Lord had aps
as theſe vile hoboam reigne ttil. which be had forged of his owne heart) and pointedinthe .
words declare. 18 €Mow the Kine Rehoboam tent A- made a ſolemne featt buto the chilozen of Law,
Dora the recetuer of the tribute endali Ji- Jicacl: and he went vp to the altar,toburne
racl Raned him to Beath: then King Rebo- incente.
LEby.firengthe- boam $ made {peed to get him vp to his cha- CHAP. XIII,
sed hmaſelſſe. ret,toflee to Jeruſalem. 1 Ieroboam č reprehended ofthe Prophet, 4
19 And Jirael rebelled againſt the houſe Hi hand dricth up. 15 The Prophet ú feduced,
g Bytheiut gofDanid vnto this day, 24 Andis killed of a lyon, 33 The obftinacie of
judgement of 20 ¶ And when all Iſrael had heard that Jeroboam,
God for Salo- Jeroboam was come againe, they (ent and A FAD behold , there came2 a man ofGod a Thar is,aPro- 4 |
mons finnes. called him vnto the atleniblpy, and made out of Judah (by the commandement of pher,
S dim King ouer all Iſrach: none fellowen the Logd) vnto b Beth-el, and Jeroboam b Notrthat thae
the any of Daud, but the tribe at Judah food by the altar to offer incenie. was called Luz,
(hap.1 1.13. onely 2 And hes cried again thealtarby the in Beniamin,but |
21 And when Rehoboam was come to commandement of the Lozd,and aw, D al- another of thas
hForasyethe Jerufalem,be t gathered all the houle of Ju- tat, altar , thus faith the Loyd, Bebsid, a name,
perceiuednoe Dah With rhe tribe of Beniamin, an huns child ſhall bee bone vnto the boufeofDa-
thatthe Lord had Dzeth and fouretcore rhoufand of choſen men uid, * Joliah by name, and vpon thee hall 2.King.2 3.17.
foappointedit, (which were good Warrieurs) to fight a=- be facrtfice the prictts of the bigh places that
gaint the boule of Iſrael, and to bing the burnt incenſe vpon thee, and they thal burne
kiugdome againe toR choboam the lonne of mens bones bpon thee.
ý Salomon. _ 3 And he gauza ligne the fame time, ſay⸗ c By thisfigne
2.Chro. 11.2. 22 *But the word of God came vnto ing, Chis ts the «figne, that the Lord bath yee hall know
i Thatis,the Hiematal the i maun of God, faying, {poken, Behold, the altar wall rent, and the that the Lord
Prophet, 23 Dpeake ynto Rehoboam the fonne of afbes that are bpon tt,foalliratl our. hath fest me.
Salomon King of Judah, and vnto all the _ 4 Andwhen the king had heard the faye Or,bepowred
i houſe of Judah and Beniamin,and the rem: ing of the man of God, which bee had cried out.
nant ofthe people, ſaping. againt the altar tn Beth-el, Jeroboam ad The wicked
k Who ofhis 24 Thus larch the k Loz,We Hall not go fretched out his hand frontthe altar, fay- rage againfithe
iuftiudgement bp, no Aa bragatnt pour beethren the chile tng, Lay hold on bim : but his band which Prophets of God
willpunith the pen of Flrael ? returne eucrp man to bis he put foorth again hun, mied vp, and hee when they de-
trefpafler,and of joule : fo this thing is Done by niee. Thep could not pull it in agatne te him. clare them Gods
his wercie {pare obeyed therfore the wozd of the Loꝛd, ans § Whealtar allo clane afunder, andthe judgements,
the innocent returned, and Departed, accowing tothe afhes fell out from the altar,accozding to the +Ebr. mouth,
people word of the Lozd. figne which the man of God had giuenby e Though the
| 25 Chen Jeroboam built Dhechem in the + commandement ofthe Lod. wicked humble ` _
mount Ephraim, and dwelt therein, and 6 Thenthe king anlwered,
and ſaid vn⸗ themfelues fora
í went from thence,and built Penuel, tothe man of God, J < beleech thee,pray vn- time when they
26 And Jeroboam thought in his heart, to the Lod thy Ged, and make interceffion feeleGods indgee
FRow hal the kingdom returne to the houle kor miee,that mine hand may be retiozed vite ments, yer after,
of Dauid. i ta mee. And the man of God brenght the theyreturneto `
1 Me feared left `- 27 Jfthis people go vp, and doe ſacrifice Loꝛd, and the Kings hand was retard,
and cheiroldemalice,
his people fhould in the houſe of the Loyd! at Jerufalem,then became as it was afore. — and declare that
haue by this fatl the heart of this people turne againe 7 Then the King fait vnto the man of they arebut vile -
meanesbeene vnto thefr 1020, euen teRehoboam Ring of Gov, Come home with me,that thou mayeſt hypocrites,
entifedtoredell Judah: fo Hall they kill mee and gos agaiue joine and J wili give thee a reward. lOr take ſuſte-
agsinthim, > to Rehoboam Ring of Judab. 3. But the man of God layde vntathe nance. .
D 3 King,
The mat ofGod flaine byalyon.
" I.Kin gs. Teroboams fonne is feke, .
King, Ifhou wouldeit gine mee halfe thine phet dwelt.
houle, J would not goe in with thee, neither 26 Aud when the Prophet, that bꝛought
; mould J eate bread no? drinke Water in this him backe againe trom the way,beard ther-
place. of, hee lard, It is (he man of God, who hath
\\Or,be charged 9 Foꝛ ſo wasit charged me by the word beene diſobedient vnto the commandement
me:to wit,az of tie Loyd, faying , £ Cate no bread noz ofthe Lord: therefore the Lom path deliue·
Anzel, drinke water, no turne againe by the ſame red him vato the Lyon, which hath rent him
fSeeingbehad wap that thou camet. and taine bim, according to the word of the
the exprefle 10 Ho he weit anether way, and retur> Lord, which be pake puto him.
word of God, he ned not by the way that be came to Beth-el, 27 Au he pake te bts fonnes, fayine,
oughtnottohaue Il CAnd an old Prophet dwelt tn Beth- Saddle me tie atle,and thep ſadled him.
declinedthere- gl, and bis fonnes came, and tolde him all _ 28 And be went and found his body cat
from, neither for the wozkes that the man of God had Bone lithe way, and the Aſſe and the Lion ſtood
theperfwafionof that Day in Weth-el, and the wos which by the corps, and the Lyon hat! not caten 1 Fo déclarethat
man sor Angel. aehad {poker vnto the Ring, told they their the body, no; forne the aſſe. this was onely
atier. 29 And the Prophet tooke bp the bory the tudgement of
I2 And their father fayre onto them, ofthe man of God, and layed tt vpon the God; for ifthe
a looked. Mhat way went he? and bis fonnes t hew- afie, and brought it againe, ant the olve Lyon had done
ed him what way. the man of God went, Popis came to the citte,tolament and bu- it for hunger,he `|
which came from Judah. rie him. . would alfo haue
13 Andhe čun vnto his founes, Handle 30 And bee kaped bis body in his motne Geuouredthe .
me the alle. (Aho fadled jim the aſſe, and bee graue, äna they lamented ouer him, faying, body,
rode thereon, Qlas,my brother. J m Whichhe bad |
14 And went after the manof God, ana 31 And wien be had buried pim,hemake prepared for hime
found him fitting vnder an oke: and he (aid to bis onnes ſaying, (Aven J am dead, bu- felfe,
puto him, Art thou the man of God that cas rie pee mec alſo in the ſepulchre, wherein the
{Ebr. Iam mek from Judah? And be fai, tea. man of God is buried: lay my bones belide
g This he did of Ig Chen hela onto him, eCameheme p is bones, i ?
a imple minde, with meand eat bread, 32 Sor that thing which bee cried by the
thinking it his 16 But He anlwered, J may not returne word of the Loyd againgt tig altar that ts
duetie to declare with thee, no: goe in with thee, neither wit in Beth-cl, and againt all the houſes of the
friendthip to a toni > Nog drinke water With thee in bie places, which are in the cities of Dama
Prophet. this place. ria, Hall ſurely come to pafle.
17 Foꝛ it was charged me by the word of 33 Howbeir, after this Jeroboam » con- n So the wicked-
the Lod, faying, Thou Halt eate no bread uerted not from bis wicked way, but turned profit not by
no: Minke waterthere, no: turne agate to againe, and made of the lotet of the people Godsthreat-
goe by the way thatthou wentelt. Wiets ofthe hie placis tbo would, might nings,but goe
18 Aud hee fard vñnto him, F am a Pro⸗ t confecrate himſelke, and bee ofthe [Dactts backward and.
h His fault is here poet allo as thonart, and anh Angel ſpake ofthe bie places. — become worfe
double: firft in pnto mee by the woz of the Lod, faying, 34 And thes thing turned to finne vnto and worfe, 30. =
that that he fuffe- Brig him againe with thee tuto chine the boule of Jeroboam,cuen to reote tt out, Tim.3.13, |
reth not the Pro- bouie, that hee may cate bead and minke - UID Deltroy it from the face of the earth. 4Ebr.fil hi hand
phet to obey water: bu: Helped vnto hin.
Gods expreſſe Ig So he went agatue with him,and did CHAP, XIIIL
commardement: eat heao in his Houle, and Danke water. 2 Teroboam fendeth his wife diſguiſed to Abi-
ard next,tbat he 20 Gnd as they (ate at the table,the word iah the Prophet , who declareth unto him the de-
fainethtohaue'a of the Lord came puto the BProphet, that Struchon of his houfe. 23 Iudah ws punsfhedby
renelaticn to the bought hun againz. Shifbak.
contrary. 21 And hee cried vnto the man
of God T that tine Abiiah the ſonne of Jero·
that came from Judah, faying, Thus fatty boam fell ficke. ,
` i God would re- the Lord , iWecaulethou halt diſobeyed the _2 Gnd Jeroboun {aid into bis wife, a His owne con-
prooue his folly mouth of the Lot, and halt not kept the Cp,Fpray thee, and > diſguiſe thy felfe that ſcience bare him
by him who was commaundement which the Lod thy Gov theyknow not chat thon art the wife of Je⸗ witneffe that the
the occaficato commanded thee. roboam, and goe to Shiloh: for there is g- Prophetof God
bring him into 22 But camel backe againe, and batt hitah the Pꝛophet, which told mee* thata would not fatif-
ésrour. eaten bead, and drunke water in the place ſhould be Ring ouer this people, fiz his affections
(whereof hee Din fay vito ther, Thou halt . 3 Andtake tiwith t theeten loaues and which wasa
gate no bꝛead 1102 danke any water thy car- cracknels, ann a bottell of honie, and goto wicked man,
Kets (hail not come into the ſepulchee ofthy bims hee Hail telithee what hall become of Chap. 11.3.
fathers. the pong man, . *Ebr in thine
k By this feare- 23 E And wherhehad eaten bzead, and 4 And Jeroboams wife did fo, and å- hand.
ful exampie God dzunke he dled hin the Afe, to wit, tothe rofe, and went to Shiloh, and came to the b According to
ferteth foorth, Wrophet whom he had bought againe. Doule of Avitay :but Apitah coula noice, the cuftome
how dangerous 24 Snd when he was gone, a* lyon met fo: his t fight was decaved foz his age. when they went
a thing itis for him by the way, and flew him, and bis bony Chen the Lord feid vnto Ahitah, Be- to aske counfell
mento behaue was caft in the way, and the Aſſe ſtoode hoid,the wife of Jerobgam commeth to afke of Prophcts,1,
themfelues cold- thereby: the lyon ſtood by the caps allo. a thing ofthce for her onne, foz hee ts ficke: Sam.9-7. *
ly,or deceitfully 25 And behold, men that palſed by, fawe thus and thus falt thou fay nto hers for ||Or, wafers.
intheircharge thecarkeiscaitinto the way, and the lyon when He commeth tn,hehall faine her felfe —— ood.
whereunto God ftanding by the cops: and they came aud to be another. c Then the wife ,
hathcalizdthem, tolde tt tn the tole’ where the olde Ioro. 6 Therfo2re when Abitah heard the ome ofleroboam.
prophefiethIeroboains deftruGtion. Chap.xv. Rehohoam. Abijam. 140
d For God oft of ber feete as thee camein atthe doore, bee and reigned ſeuenteene r yerein Jerufalem p And died bes
timesdifclofech fapd, Come tn, thou 4 wife of-Jeroboam:; the citie, which the Lord did chute out ofall fore leroboam,
ynto his, the why faineit thoi thus thy felfe to bee ang- the tribes of Jivael, to put hts fame there: about foure
craft and fubriley tper? Jam (ent te thee with heauytdings. and bis mothers name was Maamsh an yeer eS.
of the wicked, 7 ©2,tel Jeroboam, Chus ſaith the Low Ammonite. 3
Oud of Hiracl, Foralinnci) as Jhaue cxalted 22 And Judah mougit wickedneſſe in
e Which waft e thee trom among tie people, t haue made the ũght of the Lord: and they preuoked
but a feruarit, thee pꝛince ouce my peopie Siracl, dim moje with their finnes, which tey had
8 And haue rent the kingdome alway committed, |ithen ali that which their fa- lOr, belides alt
from the houſe of Dauid, and bane giuenit thers bad dene. that their fathers
thee , and thou fait not been as my ieruant 23 Foꝛ they alfomade them bie places and had done by their
Damn, whichkept mp conmmanvements, images, and groues oneucry hte hil, and vn⸗ finnes.
and followed me with all his heart, and DiD Dee eiteryareche ieee, $
phely that which was right in mine eves, . 24 There were allo Sodomites a tn the q_Whereidofa-
9 But halt done entt aboue all chat were land, thep did accoding to all the abomina- tric reigneth,
befoze thee, (fo2 thou batt gone ¢ mabe thee tions of the nations which the Lord had cait horrible vices
f To wit, two. other gods, anv f molten images,toprouoke butbefore the chimen of Iſtael. are committed,
Calues, meand hak caſt mẽ behind thy backe) 25 @ Andin the htt peere of Ring Reho⸗ till at length
Io Therefoze bejold, J will being euill boami, Shijak king of Egypt came vy a- Gods tuft iudge⸗
vpon the houle of Jeroboam, and wili cut oft gaint Jerufalem, ment deſtroy
Chap 21.21. from Jeroboam him that * s pilleth againit 26 And topke the trealures of the houſe them vtterly.
2.king.g 3. the wali, aswell hin that 5 is ſhut vp, as ofthe Lod, and the trealuresof the Kings
g Buerymalee- him that is lettin Jitael, and wiſl ſweepe houſe, and teoke away all: allo he cavied a-
uentothe dogs, away the remnant ofthe boule sf Jerabo- way all the ſhields of gold which *Dalemon Chap, 10.16,
¥.Sam,2 5.22, pagas a man ſweepeth away tung tillit bee pan made.
h As well him ail gong, i 27 And King Rehoboam made for them
that is inthe Il Che dogs thal eate him of Ferobsams bralen Welds, and committed them vnto the
- ftrong hold,as flocke that dieth in the city, and the foules of bands of the chiete of the gard, which wats
him that isa- . the apze tall cate bim that dieth in the ficld:
ted at the Dooze of the Rings honte,
broad. i for the Loꝛd hath ſayd it. 28 Gnd when the king went inte the
i They thal lacke 12 Up therefoz, and get thee to thine bouit of the Lan, the gard bare them, and
the honour of houſe: foz when thy teete enter mito the city, brought them againe tito the gard chamber. r Which bookes
buriail in token the child Mall die. : 29 And the rekt of the acts of Rehoboam, werẽ called the
of Gods male- 13 And all Iſrael Hall mourne foz bin, and allthat he DID, are thep noe witten in bookes of She-
“diction. anv burie bim + foz he only of Jeroboam fhal r the booke of the Chzonicies of the kings of naiah and Iddo
come to the graue, becauſe in him there is Judab ? the Frephets, +
k Inthe mids of found * fome goodneſſe toward the Lovo 30 And there was warre betweene Re- 2.Chro,12, 19.
the wicked, God God of Jfraelinthe houleofJeroboam. hoboam and Jeroboam t continually. f That is, allthe —
hath ſome on 14 Moꝛeouer, the Loyd ibali Rirre Him 31 And Rehoboam fiept with bes fathers, dayes of Reho-
horm he doth vpa King ouer Jael, which thal dettroy the and was buried with bis fathersty the cirie boamslife.
beftowhis mer- houſe of Jeroboam in that Day ; | what? pea, of Dauid; his mothers name was f2aamah t Wholeidolgs,
cies, cuen now. : wih an tAmmonite. And Abitam bis ſonne reig- trie Rehoboam
1 The Lord will 15 Jo: the Lod Hall finite Iſrael, as Hed tn bis trad, her fonne fol.
begin to deftroy when arecte is Haken inthe water,and hee lowed,
it out of hand. hall weede Iſrael ont ef thts good land, CHAP. XV,
which be gaue to their fathers,and thal itat-1 Abiyam reigneth ouer Judah. 9 Afa ſuc-
Ru- ter them beyond the a Kiner, becauſe thep
m Merining, ceedeth in his roume. 16 The battelbetwees Afa
phrates. paue masẽe them groucs, prouoking tye and Baafha. 24 Fahofhaphat fucceedeth Afà.
Lod to anger. 25 Nadab fucceedeth Jeroboam, 28 Baafka
16 Gund ve hail gine Iſtael vp, becauſe of, keeth Nadab,
the finnes of Jeroboam who Did finne, and
n The people a made Jirael to finne. A M in the eighteenth peere of king *Fe- 2.Chron.a 1, 230
fhall not be ex. 17 Tänd Jeroboams wife aroſe, and de- Aà roboam theſonne ofebat, reigned A-
cuſed, when they parted, and caine to Tirzah, and when iee biiam ouer Judah.
doe enill at the came tothe threſhold of the heute, the pong 2 Thaee veere reigned he in Jeruſalem,
commandement mai Died. it a! : and his mothers name was Maachah the
of their gouer- 18 And they buried him, and all Tract Daughter ofa Abiſhalom. a Some thinke
nours, lamented bim, according to the word of the 3 Snobe walked in all the finnesofhis that this was
LoD which be pake by the hand of ister: father, which he had Done befoze him: and Alfalom Salos
uant Ahitah the Prophet. bis Heart was not perfit with the Lord hts mons ſonne.
-~ 19 Gnd the rit of Terobeams acts, how G asthe heart of Danio his father.
he warren, and how be reigned, behold, they 4 But fox Danids (ake Did the Lord his
are wꝛitten inthe booke of the Cheonicles God giue him a> light in Derutatem,ann tet b Meaning, a
- pf the Rings of Jirael. bis ſonne after hun, and eiſtabliſhed Je⸗ fonne to reign
20 Aan the dayes which Jeroboam reig- alem, ouerIudah,
_ @ The Lord NED, were tws and twenty pere! Eheo flepe § Becaule Dauid did that, which was _
finote him that with bis fathers and Nadab his fonne reig- right in the fight ofthe Lord, and turned
he died,2.Chiro, ned in his fread. from nothing that be commanded him, all
"13.20, 21 € Gifo Rehoboam the fonne of Halo- the dayes of bis life,* fauconly in the matter 2, SAMA by
mon reigned it Judah. Rehoboam was one of Uriah the Hittite. and 12.9»
and forty perc old,when he began to reigne, 6 Aud there was warre between Reho·
@®4 boam
are His league with Benhadad, I.Kisgs. Iehoſhaphat. Nadab. Balha A
boam and Jeroboam as long a3 he liner, in bis bkeete. h-Hehad the
7 herek alio of theactes of Abitam, 24 And Afa flepe with bis fathers, and gour,and put his
and all that he did, are they not witten in was burted with Dis fathers in tie cutie of
2. Chron. 13. 3. the * booke of the Chronicles of the Kings Dauid hisitather. And Ichochaphat his
Phyficians then
pi Judah? there was alſo warve betweene fonne reigned in his ſtead. in the Lord,
Ahtiamand jeroboam. 25 And Nadab che onne et Jeroboam 2. Chron. 16.1 2.
8 Gud Abiiam flept with his fathers , began to reigne ouer Iſrael the (econd pecre i His great
and thepburted bim in the citypol Danid ; of dla king of Judah, and reigned ouer Ff grandfather.
and Aia bis lonne reigned in bts ttead. rael two yrere
MALAT HT ¶ Andin the twenty yeere of Jero⸗ 26 And hee D euill in the fight of the
pam kingof Alracl, reigned Ala oner Ju- Lod, walking m the way of bis father,
Dal). and in his Anne wherewith be made Iſcael
fo Per reigned in Icruſalem one anv to liane.
e Thatis, his fozty peere, and bis smothers name was 27 And Baala the onne of Ahitah of
grandmother,as Waachah, the Daughter of Abiſhalom. the boule of Iſſachar conſpired agatat un,
auid is oft IL And Ala did right inthe eves of the and Baatha tiew him at Gtbbethon, which
times called fa- Loꝛ did Dauid bts father. belonged to the Philiſtims: foa Nadab and
ther of them, 12 And hee tooke away the Sovoinites all Iſtael layd liege to Gibbethon.
whofe grandfa- out ofthe land, and put alway all the idoles 28 Euen in thethird peereof Aia Ring
ther he was. that bis fathers had made. bt Judah
DD Baaſha tlay him, andreigned
d Neither kinred 13 And hee d put Downe * Waachah bis in bts ſtead.
nor authoritie morher allo from er etate, becaule fhee hav 29 And when hee was King, Hee * imate k SoGod fir-
ougbtto be re- marean idole ina grone: and Ala deſtroy⸗ all the boule of Jeroboam, delete nane altue red vp onetyrant
ardéd,whe they ed ber oles, and burnt them bp the brooketo Jeroboam, vntill hee had deſtroyed him, to punilh the
blafpheme God Kidron. according to the * word ofthe Lord which wickednefle of
and become ido- 14 But they put not Downe the hie pla- bee lpake bp bis ſeruant Ahliah the pile another.
laters but muft ces, Qeuertheleſſe, Afas heart was e yp- nite,
be punifhed, right with the Lord all his dayes. 30 Berane of the finnes of Jeroboam
2.Chron, 15. 16. ‘As, Gifo hee bronght in the holy veffels of which hee committed, and wherewith bee.
~ e For inthat His fatherjaud the chings that bee hav Beni- mate Iſrael tonne, by hts -prouocation,
cated bute the houſe of the Lod, ſiluer, and aia he prouoked the Lo2d God of JE 1 By caufing the
that he futfered peopleto com-
-them to wor(hip gold¢e,and veffels, rael, mit idolatry -
God in other 16 ¶ Anv there was warre betweene A- 31 And the relidue of the Acts of Mavab, with his calues,
* places then hee fa and Baaſha king of Iſrael aleheir dayes. and all that hee DiD, are they not wettten in and (o prouoking
had appointed, 17 Then Baatha king of Iſrael went vp a —* ofthe Chronicles of the Kings of God to anger,
it came of igno- againt Judah, and built £ Ramah, fothat 3 rae * j

rance, and not o bee would let none gog out o in to Ala king 32 And there was warre betweene Afa
malice. of Judah. and Baalha king of Jraelall their dayes. -
f Of the fame 18 Chen Afa toske all the ſiluer and the 33 Inthe third peere of Ala King ofJu-
purpoſe that Ie- golde that wag left in the trealures of the Dal), began Baala the fonne of Apuah to
oboam did,be- houſe ofthe Lod, andthe treafures ofthe reigne ouer all Iltrael mm Tirzah, and reig- m Which was
caulſe the people Kings houle, and delivered them mto the ned foure and twenty pereg, the place where
fhould nor goe hands of his ſeruants, and King Aia fent 34. And hee did euillin the fight of the the kings of If-
vppto lerufalem, them to * Ben-hadad the fonne of Dabgi= Lord, walking in the way of Jeroboam, rael remained,
left they fhould mon the Conne of hezion king of Aram that and in bis finne, wherewith he made Iſraei
follow Af, Dweltat Damaſcus ſaying, to inne..
2C0hron. iö.2. I9 There is acouenant betweene meeand CHAP, XVL
{Or ,Spria. thee, andbetweene my father and thy father: 1 OfBaafha, 6 Elah, 9 Zimri, 16 Omri, 31
behslde, Jhaue lent vnto theea preſent of Ahab mariethIerebel. 34 Tericho és built agave.
filuerand gold: come, breake thy couenant Den the word of tie Lord came to Heh
with Baatha king of Iſtael, that bee map : the foune of anant again Waaha,
‘= And vexe me s depart from me, ` i aping,
| mo longer, 20 Bo Ben hadad hearkened onto king 2 a Fopatinuch as Fevalted thee out of

Ata, and (cut the captatuesof the boftes, the duit, and made thee captaine ouer my aTebuThus fpake
to Baafha
which beehad, againt the cities of Iſrael, people D(cgel,cand thon batt walked in the inthe Name of
g and imote Dion, and Dan, aud Abel-beth: way of —— > ND halk made my peo- the Lord,
maackah, and all Cinneroth with all the m Atal to finnetoprouske me with their
land of fRaphtait.- ies,3
21 And wher Baaha heard thereof, hee 3 Behold, F will take away thepofteri-
ar building of Ramah, and dwelt in Tir- ty of Baatha, and the poſterity of his baule,
gah. í and weil make b thine houle like the * Houle b Meaning the
fOr made a pro- 22 Then king Aia ſaſſembled al Judah, of Jeroboam the fonne of ebat, houfe of Baatha.
slamatinn. + none excepted, and they reake the Tones of 4 “ideethat dicth of Baaſhas Rocke in Chap.1 5.29.
Eby, nonc inna Ramah, and the timber thereof, wherewi the cttir, him wall the Dogs cate: and that Chap.ig 11.
Tanh Waatha had built, and king Afa bitte wr man of him which Diethin the fielas, wali
them@ebao: Bentanin aud izpah. the foules of the aire eare,
23 And theren ofall the acts of Ala, ann § And the volt ofthe acts of Baaſha anv
all bis might, and all that he did, and the ct- whathe did and his i power , are they not fOr, walianty (fe.
tres which hee built, arethey not wattten in twitter in the bookeo€ the * Chrentcles of
2. Chroni 6.
the booke of the Cizonictes of thekings of the kings ofIſrace —
Judah ? but in Ws old age hee was vikao 6 Bo Baaſha Rept with his ——
Elah. Zimri. Omri. Tibni. Chap. xvij. Ahab. Jericho built. Elijah. 141
was buried in Tirzah, and Clah bisfonne Tibni the fonne of Ginath: fe Cibni diced,
reignedin bts tead. and Dict reigned,
e That is,the 7 And c alfo by the hand of Ichu the 23 In the one and thirtie perre of Afa
Prophet did his foune of hanani the Piophet, came the King of Judah began Dinette reigue ouer
meſſege. word of the Loz to Waaha, Eo his bouit, Iſrãel, and reigned twelue peere, Bie yeere
that he thould bee like the houle of Jerobo- reigned be in Tirzah. i
am, cuen foralithe wickednelle tharheow 24 Andhebought the mountaine | Ha- |Ov,Shomerow,
in the fight of the Lod, in prouoking him maria of one Hiemer fo: two talents of il-
ity the worke of his hands, and becaule he ucr, and builtin the mountatne, and called
d Meaning, Na- Killed “dim. : the name of the citie which he built,after the
dab, leroboams 3 CIy thefice ant twenty peere ofAfa name of Mheimer {020 of the mountain, Da-
fonne. hing of Judah began Ciad the tonne of Da- maria. ;
alta to reigne ouer Iſrael in Tirzah, & reig- 25 But Omri did cutil inthe epes of th
_ ned two peere. L020, and dio © wehe then all that were be- k For fuch is the
nature of idola-
9 And dis ſeruant Simet,-captaine of foze him. trie,that the fu-
halfe bis charets, conſpired againit pim, as 26 Foꝛ he walked in all the way of Fiero:
perftition theres
@ The Chalde bee wasin Tirzah, edunking all he was boam the fonne ot Rebat, and in his Ennes
text hath chus, Daunken tn the boule of Arza Reward of his wherewith hee made Dlrael to fiure; tn pro- ofdoth dayly in-
uoking the Lord God of Iſrael with their creafe,and thecl« —
Drinking till he ponte in Tirzah. i
was drunken in 10 4nd 3unet came and mote bun, and vanities. der itis, the more
thetemple of kilicd Him inthe euen and twenty peeve of 27 And the reſt of the acts okOmri that abominable itis
Arzathe idole Gia king of Judah. reigned in bis ſtead be Did and the ſtrength that hee thewed,are before God and
by his houfe in Il ¶ And whenhe was king, and late on they not witten in the booke of the Chront⸗ his Church,
Tirzzh, Histhzone, he flew all the houſe of Baaſha, ties ofthe Kings of Iſrael?
not leaning thereof one to piſſe agant a 28 And Duct ſlept with his kathers, and
wall, neitherof his kinſetolkes, nozof jis twas buried in ! Hamaria; and Ahab bis | He wasthe fir
triends. fonne reigned in hts tead. x King that.was
12 Ho diaZimri deſtroy all the houſe of 29 Rew Ahab the foune of Dmribegan buried in Sama-
Baalha, accowing to the word of the Lod, toretgne ouer Iſrael, in theeight and thirty ria, aſter that the
which he ſpake again Baaſha by the hand peeve of Gla King of Judah: and Ahab the kingshoufewas
| F Both Hanani of Jeu the f Peophet, tonne of Omri reigned ouer Iſrael tn Bas burntin Tirzah, _?
his father and he 13 Foal the finnes of Baana and umes Maria two and twenty peere.
were Prophets, of Elab his fonne, which they tinned , and 30 And Ahab the fonne of To DD -
made Iſtael to finne,and pꝛ ouoked the Loyd worle in the fight of the Lord then all that
Good of Iſrael with their vanttics. were before him, ¢
14 And the relit of the acts of Elab , and 31 Fo: was it a light thing for him to
alithathee DID, ave thep not witten in the walkein the finnesof Jeroboam the fonne -
Peake ofthe Chonicles of the kings of Je of (Achat, except hee tooke Jezebel allo the
rael? Daughter of Eth-baal king of the Fidontans
15 © Jn the ſeuen anv twenty peere of to™ wife, and went and ſerned Waal, and m By whofe =
Ala king of Judah did Simei reigne feuen worſhipped him? j meaneshe fellta. =
dayes in Tirzah, and the people was then 32 Allo berearen vpanaltar to Baalin all wicked and ~
The fiege had in tampe e againtt Gibbethon, which belon- the ponteof Waal which he had built in Då- ftrange idolatry
ntinued from ged tothe Philiſtims. maria, and cruel perfes. -
etime of Nae 16 AnD the people of the bote heard fay, 33 And Ahab made a grouc, and Ahab cution,
Zimribath confpired, anv bath alſo faine proceeded, and Did prouoke thr Lord God
the King. cAherckorze all Iſrael made Darri of Iſrael morethen all the kings of Iſrael
the captaine of the bote, king ouei Jiraci that twere before him. é
that fame day euen in the bofte. 34. Inhis dapes did Wiel the Bethelite
17 Chen Dmri went vp from Gibbe- build a Jertcho : hee layt the foundation n Readelo‘k:
thon . and allIlrael with bim, and thep be⸗ thereofin Abiram pis eldeſt tonne, and {et 6.26,
h Where Zimri teged b Tirzah. . bp the gates thereot in bis pounged fonne
kept himfelfe in 18 And when Zimri faw that the city was Segub, according tothe wod of the Low
hold. taken, be went inte the palace of the Rings which bee ſpake t by Joſhua che fomne of té the hand —
e E. the Houle, and+burnt bimicife, and the kings un. of Fofoum
ings houfe vp- houſe with fire, and fo Died, ——— CHAP, XVII.
| on him, 19 Foꝛ bts ſinnes which he ſinned,indo⸗ i Elyab foremaracth of the famine to come. 4 .
* ing that whichis euill in the fight of the He is fed of raucns. g Hers fint to Zarephath,
Loyd, in walking in the way of Jeroboam where he refloreth his hofte[fe fonneto life. ©
and in his fines which be DID, canting Ji- A QD Elita the Tibbite one of thein»
raelto linne. — habitants of Gilead ſayd vnto Ahab,-
20 And the reſt okthe acts of Zimri, and * As the Low God of Iſrael lineth, before Zeclac ab .
his treaſon that bee wrought, are they not bom a J| tann, there Mall be neither draw zim 5.16,17.
writtentn the booke of the Chronicles of the noraine thele peeres,but> accozding tamp ; Thatis,whom
ĩ Thatis, the Kings of Piracl? w 020. erue,
people which 21 Then were che propte of Iſrael diniden 2 GAND the wow of the Loꝛd came vnta b Bur asIthal
were not atrhe into two parts: fori balte the people follow- bin, laying, declare it by
fiege of Gibbe⸗ ed Sibnithe onne ef Oinati to make him -3 Gor hence, and turne thee Eaſtward, Godsrenelation,
thon: for there king, and the other hatte followed Druri and bide thy Elfe in the} viner Qherith, that lor,dreoke.
they had chofen 22 But the people that fellowen Divi, ie ouer agant Joꝛden.
Omri, preuatied againſt the people that followen 4 Ana thon halt drinke of che riner: and: xem


Ps EASTA? e $ ~
Elijahandthe widow. Heraifeth LKings. her ſonne tolife. Elijah, Obadiah %
€ To firenpthen aDaue commanded the erauens ta feed thee 22 Then the Loꝛd heard the voice of E>
is faith agatoft g. — {tah and the touteofthe child came inca btm
Perfecution, God 5So he went and d according vnto againe,and be reutued.
Promifeth to feed the word ofthe Lord: for be went, and re 23 And Eliiah tooke the chile,ebzoughe
Aim mirculoutly, mained by theories Cherith that is ouer ae Hin down dut ofthe chamber tito rye heute,
gainit Joden. and deliuered Hin bute his mother, and E⸗
E Ga the rauens brought bim bread lita tapo, Behold, chy fone lineth,
and Met in the morning, and bread and flety 24 Ano the womanlayde vnto Glüah, 1 So hard a thing
in foe enening, and he Danke of the riuer. jaw | J know that thou arta man of Man, it is to depend on
And after awhile the riuer Mied vy, ca that the word ofthe Lo: in thy mouth God, cxcept we
becaule there fell norane spon the earth. tue, be confirmed by
`d As the troubles 8 Gand the cwez of the Lod came bn- miracles,
ofthe Saints of fo bim laying, ; CHAP. XVIIL :
God are manys 9 *Upandyetthee to Zarephath, which s Eljzh isfenttaAhab, 13 Obadiah hideth -
fo his mercie 15 tein Zidsn, ana remaine there: behold,J anhundreth Prophets, 40 Elijah killeth all Baals
euerathand to — commanded a widow there to ſuſtaine prophets. 45 He cbtaineth rame.
‘deliver them, yee, 1
-Luke 4.25326, Io Bo hearole, and went to Zarephath: A fiee man dayes, the word cf the Lord
and when hee came tothe gate of the citte, i came to Clitah, in the + thicd peere, lay: a After that he
-e Alithis wasto behald, the witow was there € gathering ing, Gor, thew chy fife vate Ahad, andJ departed from
ftrengthen the Wickes: and hee called her, and fayn, Baig wil (end ratne vpon the earth. the rier Che-
faith of Eliah, me,J]pray theca little water ut a veſſel, that 2 Aud Eluah weire to mew hümſelle vn⸗ rith
tothe intent that J may Danke. : a to Ahab, and there was a great famine tn
he fhould looke It Andas he was going to fet it, he cal Hamaria. ;
vpon nothing ied ta her, and (awd, Wing me,J pay thee, 3 And Ahab called Obadiah the gouer⸗
- worldly, buton- amozlell ot bꝛead in thine band. ; bout ofhis poule ( Obadiah ticaret Oo b God had be-
Jy truft on Gods 12 And the faid, As the Lor thy God li- greatly: gun to worke his
prouidence. neti
J haue nota cake, but euen an haud⸗ 4 Foꝛ when Jezebel deſtroyed the Pro⸗ feare in his heart,
tuli cf meale in a barrell, and alittle oyle in phetsofthe Lod, Obadiah tooke an hun⸗ but had not yet
*Ebr. two. acun: and bebon, J am gathering ta Deth Prophets, and Hid chem by Atty ina brought him to
fen ſtickes foz to goe In, and Deeflett foz calle, and bee lev them with beean and wae that Knowledge
yk mp lone, that we may eate it, and ter which is alfo res
f For thereis no ie. § And Ahab faid puto Obadiah, Goin- quifite for the
hope ofany more 13 And Citiah layd vnto her, Feare not, totheland, vnto all the fountatacs ofwa- godly :that is,
fienance. tome, doe as thou haſt ſayd, but make mee ter, and vito all the riuers.if fo bee that wee to profeffe his
theveofa title cake firt of alle bring tt yn- mapy finde graffe to (auc the horſes and the Name openly,
tome, and afterwardmake fo: thee and thy one aliue, lett wee depriue the lande of tig
fonne. eatts.
14 Fo: thus ſayth the Lord God of Je 6 Andfo they diuided the land between
$ God reeciueth ratl, e Coe meale in the barrell pall not be them to walke thozoww tt. Ahab went one
nobenefit for the waited, neither hall the oplein the cruſe be way by bimfelfe, Obadiah went another
vfeof his but hee diminiſhed, vnto the time that the Loa way by hunteife. ; 7
, promifeth.a moft fend raine ppon the garth- ; 7 @ Andaz Dhadiah was inthe way,
ample recdpenfe 15 Go Khe went, and did as Eltiah fayd, behold, Citiah «met bim; and heknew him, c God pitieth oft
for the fame. ANd Me Did eate ; la did he and her poule "Foz and fellon bis face, and fayd, Art not chow ‘times the wicked
‘h Thatis till he a certaine time. my loza Eliah? ; : forthe godlies
‘had raine & food 16 The barrellok themeale waked not, 8 And he anfwered him, Dea, go tell thy fake,and caufeth —
on the earth. nez the oyle was pent out of the cruſe accor⸗ lod, Behold Eltiah ishere. Eliiahtomeete
Ding to the word of the Lord, which he ſpake 9 Andbhetatd,cahat haue ZFfinned, that with Obadiah,
bythehantot Gitta). thou wouldeſt deliuer thy feruant inte the that the benefit
17 Cand after chele things, the (cine of HandokAyabtotiapme? $ might be knowen
ſOr that he died. the wife of the ponte fell icke, and his ficke- 10 Asthe LoD thy God lineth, there is to bee granted for
/ i God would try neie twas ſo ſore, chat there was noi bzeath no natton o2 kingdome, whither my lozd Gods childrens
yhether he had left in yim, i hath not fent to teeke thee: and when thep fake,
learned by his 18 And ſhe ſaid vnto Clitah, Abat haue fayt, Hee ts not here, bee toske an othe of the
mercifull proui- J to Boe with thee,D thou mati of Gab? Art —— and nation, if they had not kound
dence to make thou come vnto me ta call my tin to remem- thee.
him her only {tay brance, and to flay my lomme? —_ L Aud now thou ſayeſt, Dor tel thy lord,
and comfort, Ig Audheelayd vnto her, Giue mee thy Behola, Eliiah is here.
kk Hewasafraid foune: and he tooke him out of her boſome, 12 Anawhen Fam gone from thee, the
left Gods Name and carted himbp inta achamber, where Spirit of the Lord Hall carte thee tnto fome
fhonld haue been e abode, and laped him bpon bis owne place that Jvocust knew: fo when J conte
blafphemed and 20. j and teil Abad, ifhec cannot And thee, then
his minifters con- 20 Then hee calles puto the Lod, and willbe kill me: but Jthyſcruantd feare che dTamnoneof |
temned,except faya,D Loꝛd my God, haſt thou *puniſhed Loza from my pouth. the wicked perle- i
he fhould haue allo thts widow, with whom Jſoiourne, by 13 Gas tt not told my lord, what J zid cuters,that thou
continued his killing her lonne? Wd when Jezebel Lowe the Prophets ot the thouldeft procure
mercies,as he had 21 And bee tiretched himſelke vpon the Lod, bow J bioan hundzeth men ofthe vnto mefuch dif-
beounthem, pe- chide tiee times, and called vnto the Lod, Lozds Pꝛophets by lifites in a caue, and fed pieafure,but ſerue
cially while he and iapa, D £029 mp God, J pray thee, let them with bead and water? ny God, and fauour
there remained, this chilaes fonie cone tute him againe. 14 And now thou lapeſt, Go, tellthy lord, his children.
| aad Ahab. Baals prophetsand Elias © Chap. xviij. facrifice. Baals prophets flaine. 142
Bebsld, Eliiah is here, that he may ilap me. cording to the number of the tribes of the
15 And liiz fad, As the Lowofbelts onues of Jaakob, (omto whom the word o&
liveth, before whom 3) and, 3 will ſurely the cane, faying, * Iſrael Mall bee thy Gene. 32.28.
T e By my prefence hers e my fife puto him this day. name. AhiEAI 34
HI wil declare that 16 € So Dbadiah went to merte Ahab, _ 32 Gud withthe Rones hee builtan altar
| thou haft toide and told pim:zAhab went to merte Citta, Inthe Mame of the Lord: and hee manea
him the trueth. 17 And when Shab fam Citab, Shab Bitch round about tye altar, as great as
co ani gun, Art chen hee that tronbiety would centeine two + meahires offcede. + Ebr. Satsywhich.
Ilrael? 33 Zud hee put the wood in order, and [ome tlunke cona
18 And he anſwered, Jbaue not troubled hewed the bullocke in pieces, and laide hun terre aboue three
| fThe true mini: Iſrael, but! thou, and thy fathers honfe, onthewesd, j pottlesdr a third
| fers of God, in that pee baue ſorſaken the commaunde⸗ 34 And laid, Fiil foure barrels with wae jarta piece.
ought not onely ments of the 2020, and thou bait follomed ter, and powe it on the burnt ofzring anu
notto fuller the Baalim. onthe wood, Againe he fatt, Doe foagaine.
tructh to be vn- 19 Now therefore (end, and gather tome And they did (o the fecond tune.Aardhe aid,
iufily flandered, all Iſtael vnto mount Carmel, and the pos Doe tt the third time. And chey did te the
but to reprocue phets of Baal foure pundacth and tiftie, and third timg,
| boldly the wic- the. prophets of the groucs tourc hundreth, 35 And the water ran round about the al
which eat at Iczebels table. ‘ tat; &°De hited the ditch with water ath, m Hereby he de«
without reſpect 20 @ Ho Ahab ient vnto allthe chilozen 36 Aud when thep onid offer the euc- clared the ex-
of perfon. of Flrael, and gathered the prophets toge· ning factifice, Tliiah the Prophet came, and cellent power of
ther onto mount Carmel, (aid; Lord God ot Abꝛalam, Izhak and of God, who con-
21 Gav Chiah came unto all the people, Sfracl, tet it bee kno wen this Day, that chou trary to nature
g Be conflant in and (aid, ous long s halt pec betweene twa art the God of Zfrael , anv that Xam thy could make the
religion, and opinions? Itthe Lod bee God, follow him: feruant, that J bane tone all tiefe things
fire burnecuen
make it notas a DutitWaaibse he, then goe after hun. And at thy commandement. inthe water,to
thing indifferent the people anſwered him not a wo23, 37 Heare mee,D Lord, beare me, andlet the intent they
whether yee fol- 22 When Hid Eliiah vnto the people,J this people know that tho art the Log fhould haue none
Jow God or Baal, ouely remaine a Pꝛophet ofthe Lad: but Gd, and that rou ak turned their heart occafionto
Waals prophets are foure hundzeth ans itty agatueatthetat. doutt,that he is
men. 33 Chen the ire ofthe Low kell, and con: the onely God.
23 Let them therefore giue vs two bil- ſumed the burnt offering, and the wood,and n. Though God
Isckes, and let them chulethe one, andcut tye Tones, andthe pul, and licked vp the fuffer histo suone .
bim tn pieces, and lay bim on the wood, but Water that was in the Ditch. 3 in blindneffe and -
put no fire vnder, and J will prepare the o- 39 And when âli the people Taw it, they error for atime,
ther bullocke, and lay him on the wood,and fell on their faces, and ſaid, Ehe Low is yetatthelength .
will put no fire vnder, . G30, the Lord is God, he calleth them . .
24 Their call ye on the name of pour god, 40 And Clitah fatd vnto them, Cake the hometo himby —,
and J wil call onthe name of the Lorm ; anv prophets of Saal, ictnetoa manof tien ef- fome notorious.
then the God that anfwereth >bpfire, let cape. And they tooke them,¢ Gliiah bionght figneand woske, - 1
him be God. And all the people anfwered, torin tothe brooke Litfjon, and flew thein o Hecomman- —
and fain, Jit is wellſpoken ‘bere. ded them thatas ~
heauen to burne
pe facrifice. 25 And Eliiah faid vnto the pꝛophets of 41 € And Eliah fain vnto Ahab, Get they were trucly —,
Baat, Chui you a bullocke, and pepate thee vp eat an’ drinke, foz there is 3 found’ of perfwadedto
hint frit (for yee are many) and callon the much rane, J : confeffe the cne-
name of pout gods,but put no fire vnder. 42 So Ahab tuent wp ta cate,tto Drinke, ly God; fo they
26 Ho they tooketiye one buliocke, that. and Clitah went pp te the top of Carmel: would ferue bim -
was giuen them, and they prepared it, and and he crowchcd bute the earth,and put bis with all their
calles on the name ofiSaal, From moning Face betweene his knecs, power, and de-
to noone , ſaping, O Waal, beare vs: but 43 And iait te hisferuant, Goe vp now ftroy the idola- -
` there was no voice, no any to anfwere: and and loske foward the way atthe Bea. And ters his enc mies.
they ‘leapt bpon the altar that iwas mate. hee went vp, and looked, and (aid, Chere is p As Gods ſpirit
27. And at noone Eliiah mocked them, nothing, Againe belaia, Gor againe r usn mooned himto
‘Htrange ſpirit. and fatd, Crie loud; for beis a k gon :etther times, pray, fo was he
{k You clteeme he talketh,oꝛpurfucth his enemies, 02 ts tn his 44 Aud atthe ſeueuth time he Aid, Be- ftrengchened by +;
him asa god, iourncy, o2{f may bee that hee lleepeth and hold, there avifeth alittle cloud outofthe fea the ſame that he
{l He mocketh muft be! awakes. like a mans and. Then he fad, Up, and fap did not faint,bur
28 Aub they cried lowde, and cut them: vito Ahab , Make ready thycharet, and ger continued Aill rif 3
ſelues as their maner was, with kniues and thee downe thatthe raine Kay thee not. he had obteined, ..
lancers till the blood guſhed out spon 45 Andiinthe meanewhtle the heauen HOr here and
them, was black with Clouds and wind,and there theres
e, thedead and 720 And when midday was pated ,and Was a great roine. Chen Shab weit vp and q Heewasfo -
ile idoles can they had propheficd vntiſt the offering of caine to Izreel. ftrengthened
helpe their wor- the evening facrifice, there was neither 46 Gud the hand of the Lom was on E⸗ with Geds fpitic, -
fhippers in their hover, noz one to anfwere, naz auy that re Utah, and he girded vp bis loynes.and ranne that he ran falter. :
garden. — s Defoze Ahad thi be caine to Izrcel. then the charet .
30 Gnd Cittah faid vnto etl the people, wasable to run, .:.
Eome to meg. Sud all the people came ta. CH AD ORIS,
bim, and hee repaired the altarat thc Lod 5 Eliah fleeing froma Jezebel, is uourifhed by
that was bokin towne. the Argel of God. 15 Hee iscommanded to an-
31 And Elilah tooke twelue ſtones; at⸗ oynt Hazact Tcl maga Eliſha.
from =

"N EWES i —
Elijah fed. Godtalketh with him. J. Kings. Eliſha. Ben-hadads crueltie.
Ni Ahab taine Jezebel all that Eliiah tha the fonne of Shaphat of Abel-Wehe-
jad Done, and gow he pad Maine ali the lah halt thou anotnt to bee Prophet in thp
a To wit,of 2 plaphets with theſword. rooms.
Baal, 2 hen Fesebel fence a meſſenger vnto 17 And * him that efcapeth from the 2.King.9.¥3§.
b Though the Elitah faving, > Che gods doc lo tame and fwod of Pazari, hall Zebu fay: and bim ecclus.48.8.
wicked rage a- moze allo, iff make not thy ife like onc of that efcapeth from the uon of Jehu, ſhall
gaint Gods their iiucs by to morow this tune. Eliſha fay.
children,yet he 3 cAhen hee law that, hee aroſe, and 18 Pet will* J leane fenen thouſand in Rav. tide
holdeth them wenti foz his life, and came to Beer-heba, Jitacl, cuen “all the Sees that haut not h Hedeciareth
backe that they which is in Judah, ¢ left his ſeruant there. bowed vuto Baal, and euery mouth that that wicked dif-
cannot execute 4 But hewent a Dayes iourney ints the hath not kien him. femblersand ido-
their malice. wildernes, ana came and fate Downe vnder 19 ¶ So hee Departed thence, and found laters are not his,
Or, whether his a juniper tree, and Delived that hee might Eliſha the tonne of Shaphat wha was
Die, and ſaid, It isnow pnuough, D LoD, plowing with twelue poke of open befoze
mind led bım.
c So hard athing «take imy foule , to? J ain no better then mp biim,and was with the twelfth: and iiai
itis co bridle our fathers. pie towards hun, and cad his mantel vp- i Though this
impatiericie in § Anwo ashe lap and liept vnder the Jus on jim. natural) afeeGion
_ affli@ion, that niper tree, behold nom, an Angel tonched 20 And he left the oxen, and ranne after is not to be con-
the Saints could him and ſaid vnto him, Gp and eate, Eliiah, and fain, i Let me, J pray chee, kife temned, yetit
not overcome 6 And whenbeclooked about, behold, my father and my mother, and then J will ought not to
the fame. there was a cake baken on the coales, and a follow thee. (ivsantwered him, Gaz, te- mooue vs when
pot of water at his head: fohe did eate and turne; for what haue J done to chee? God calleth vs
drinke and returned and ſſept. 21 And when he went backe againe from to ferue him,
7 And the Angel of the Loꝛd came ae bim, be tooke a couple of oren, few them, k He would not
gaine the fecond tune,and touched him,and and ſod their flem with the « initrumentsof {tay til wood was
d He declareth fatin, Up and eates foz thou 4 halt agreat the oren, aud gaue bute the people anad thep brought,ſogreat
that except God iourney. Di eatithenhearoſe and went after Cittay, was his deſire to
had nourithed 8 d Then bee arole, and did eate and and miniſtred ynta hin, follow his voca⸗
him miracu- Danke, and walked in the ſtrength ofthat tion.

loufly,it had not meat fourtie Dayes and fourtie nights, vnto CHUA’ Pk:
bene poßible for Vorb the mount of. 1 Samaria is befieged, 13 The Lord promifeth
him to haue gone 9 And there hee entren into a cang, and the victory to Ahab by a Prophet, 31 The King
this iourney. Lodged there: and behold, the Lozd (pake to of I (rael made peace with Ben hadad, andis re-
hun, and faib bunto bhim, Mhat usek thou prooued therefore by the Prophet.
ere, Eliiab?
e He complai- 10 And heanfweren, I haneebeene very To Ben-hadad the King of |Aram al Or, Syria
-peth that the ielous fo: the Loꝛd God of hotes: fo the A fembled all bis armie, and tise and thir⸗
more zealous children of Iſrael haue foxfaken thy coue- tic? Rings with him, wich horſes and cha- a Thatis, gouer⸗
that he fhewed nant bzoken Downe thine altars, and faine rets, AnD Wentvpand beticged ||Samaria, noursand rulers
--himfelfe to main- thy Prꝛophets with the fwod , * and J one- ard fought againt it. of prouinces, .
aine Gods elo- ly am left, and thep teeke my life to take tt 2 And he tent meſſengers to Ahab king Or, Shomseren,
ry, the more away. of Iſrael tuto the citie,
cruelly was he Il And hefain, Come out, and tand yy- 3 And laid vnto bim, Thus ith Ben-
pesfecuted, on the mount befoze the Lod. And behold, hadad, Thy fluer and thy gold is minc:alſo
Rom.i 1.3. the Lom went by., and a mtahtie trong thy women and thy faire chudzen are mine.
wind rent the mountaines, and bake the 4 And the king of Iſrael anſwered, and
rockeg before the Lord: bur the Lod was fain, Sey lord king accozding to thy laying,
f For the nature f not inthe wind : and after the wind, came b J am thine ant allthat 3 bane. b Lam contene
of manis not a- an earthquake ; bur the Lod was not inthe § And when the meflengers came a- to obey and pay
ble to come necre earthquake: aine, they fad, Thus commanvdeth Ben- tribute, £
vato God,if he 12 And after the earthquake came fire: hadad, and faith, Chen J hati tend vnto
fhould appeare bur the Lord was not in the fire: anv after thee,and commaund, thou Walt deltuer mec c He would not
in ftrength & full the fire,came a {till and foft voyce. toy fuer and thy gold,and thy wonien, and accept his an-
maieftie, and 13 And when Cittah heard it,hecouered thy childzen. ; [were except he
therefore of bis his face with hts mantel, and wentont, and 6 cDzelsJ will fend my (eruants vnto did out of hand
mercy he fub- ſtoode in theentring in of the cane: and be- thee by to mozow this time: and thep Hail deliuer whatfo-
mitteth himfelfe Hold, there came a voice vnto bim, ans fain, ſearch thine houſe, and the bouis of tiy fer- ever he Mould
to our capacitie, Udijat Dock thon here, Elitah? nants : and whatiocuertspleafant tn thine afke:forhee
g We ought not 14 And hee anſwered, J hang bene very epes, thep ſhall take itin their bands, and fought an occa-
: todepend on the ielous to: the Lod God of hoſts, s becatiſe bungitaway. fion howto
mulritudein the children of Iſrael hawe forſaken thy co- 7 Chen the king of Iſrael Ent for all the make warre a-
maintaining uenant, cat Downe thine altars, and flaine Elders of the land, and am, Take heeve,g gainſt him,
Gods glory,but thy JPzophets with the ſword, andJone- pray you, and fee how hee fecketh mifchrete: d They thought
beeaule our due- Iv am left, and they tecke my like to take it foz he fent vnto me foz my wiues,and foz my it their cueties
tie fo requireth, away. childzen,and fo2 my Huer, and foz mp gold, rather to venture
we ought to Ig Anathe Lord laid onto him, Gaz, te- and J denied him not. their liues, then
doe its ` turne by the wilderneſſe vnto Damaſcus, 3 And all the Elders, and all the people to grant to that
and wyen thou commeſt there, anopnt Das laid to him, Hearken d not vnto him, nog thing which was
hOr, Syria. zael Ring ouer
y Aram. conſent. not lawfull,onee
16 And Jehu the ſonne of Rimbi ſhalt 9 Mherekore he ſaid vnto the meſſengers ly to fatisfie the
thon anoput hing ouer Iſrael: and Cits of Ben-hadad, Tell mp lord the tit luft ofa tyrant,
The Aramites putto flight. Chap.xx. Ben-hadads overthrow. 143 -
All that thou Dink (end for'to thy feruant at 25 And number th felfe an armie , like
the firt time, that F will vog, but this thing the armie that thouda if {oft , with fuch hors
3J may not doc. And the meflengers Depar- iesit fuch charcts,and we will fight agant. `
ted, and brought bin ananfwere. | then in the platue,.and doubtleſſe wee hall
lo And Ben-hadad lent vato him, and ouercome them: and hee hearkened vnto
fayo, The gods Doc lo to me,and moze allo, their voice, and did ſo.
e Muchleffe thal ifthe © duit of Hamaria be enougy to al the 26 And after the peere was gone about,
there be found people that follow mee, foz cucry mana Ben-hadad numbzed the Aramites,t went
any pray that is handkull. bp to Aphek to fight againſt Iſrael.
worthany thing, IL And the king of Iſrael anſwered, and 27 And the child2en of Iſrael mere num⸗
when they fhall fayd, Tell bim, Let not him that girdeth bis bred, and were all laſſembled and went as 1-Allthey which
befo many, re aa himlelte, as bee that £ puttech gaint them, and the chuon of Iſrael were in the bat-
f Boaftnot be- itai. pitched before them, like twoltttle flockes telofthe former:
fore the victorie 12 And when hee heard that tidings,as ef kids: but the Aramites Hilen the coun- yeere, verle 15,
be gotten. Hee was with the kings minking in the pa- trey.
|'Or,put your uiltons,bee fayd vnto hts fernants, ||Bang 28 Anodtherecameaman of God, and
flues in order, forth your engines, and they (ct them agatik {pake vnto the king of Htraci,faymg, Thug
the citie. 5 lapth che Lozd, Becauſe the Aramites haue
13 (And behold, there came a Pꝛophet aid, Che Lozd ts the God of the meuns
vnto Ahab king of Jlracl, laying, Thus taines, and not God of the valleys, therefore
faith the Lo2d, atk thou feene allthis great will J Deliver allthis great multitude mto m Whoam of
multitude? beholde, J will Deltner tt into thine hand, and pee hall know that = J am like power inthe”
thine hand thts Day, that thou mayeſt know, the Lop. ; valley,as I am on
g Before,God sthat J am the Lord. 29 ZnB they pitched one ouer againk the
went about with 14 Gnd Ahab fay,By wham? And hee other leuen Dates and in the ſeuenth Day the the hils and can
| Genes and mira- fain, Thus ſayth the Lord, By the ſcruants battell was ioyned: and the childzen of Ft afwell deftroy a
| cles to pull Ahab ofthe prices of the pꝛouinces. He layda- raei ilewm of p Aramites an Hundzeth thous multitude with
from hisimpie- gaine, CCiho hall order the battell? And be fand footemen tn one Day. i ; few,as with mae
| tie,and now anfwered, Chou, 30 But the reſt fled to Aphek into the ci- Nye 3
againe with won- 15 @ Chen hee numbzed the ſeruants of tie: and there fell a wall vpon feuen ¢ twen⸗
desfull victories, the pinces ef the prouinces, and they werg tp thouland menthat were left: and Ben⸗
tiwo hundreth two and thirtie: and after Hadad fled into the citic, and came +intoa {Ebr from chemss
thent he numbed the whole people of alithe tecret chamber. | 1 berto chamber.
chlen of Iſrael, euen ſeuen thouſand. 31 (And his feruants ſaid onto him, Be-
16 And they went out at noone: but Ben⸗ hold now, we Haur heard fay, thar the kings
Hadad DID drinke till he was Munken in the of the boule of Iſrael are merciful kings:we
tents, both hee, and the Kings: for two and pay thee , lets put fackeclot) about our
thirtie kings helped him, $ ® iornes and ropes about our heads and gog n Infigne of
h That is,yong 17 Bothe feruancs of the prtuces of the out to the king of Iſrael; it maybe chat hee fubmiflion, and `
men trained in pꝛouinces went out firt: and Wen-hadad will ſaue thy ſile. that we hauede-:
the feruice of ent out,and they Mewen him, laying, Chere 32 Chen they girded ſackecloth about ferued death if :
Princes, ate men come out of Samaria. thetrloines, tput ropes about their heades, he will punith Ys“
18 Ande ſayd, Cihether they bee come and came tothe king of Ifrael, and faide, with rigour,
out fo peace, take them altue: og whether by feruant Ben-hadad faith, F pray thee,
ae be come out ts fight, take them yeta- let mee line; aud he (ard, Is he vet aline? t
ine, ts my brother, $
19 Ha they came out
of the citie, to wir, 33 Row the men tooke Diligent heede lif Orand caught”
tye leruants of the princes of the prouinces,they couid catch any thingof bim, and made itofhim.
and the holt which followed them. Halte, and laid, Thy brother. Ben ·hadad. © He is aliue.
20 And they lew euery one bis + enemy: Aud he fayd, Ho being him. Ho Ben-hadad
Ebr. man. and the ||Arantites fled,and 3fraci purfued cameout ynto hint, and hee cauled him te
Or. Syrians. them: but Ben hadad the king of Aram elſ⸗ coine vp bnto the charet.
i With them caped on a horſe with bisi bozfemen.
which were ap- 34 And Ben-hadad fayd vnto him, The
pointed for the
21 And tie king of Iſrael went out, and tittes which my father tooke from thy fae
preferuation of
{mote the horſes and charets,¢ with a great ther, J wiil rettoze , and thou thale make p Thow ſhalt ap⸗
~ his perfon.
{laughter flew he the Aramites. oftveetes foz thee in Damaſcus, as my point inmy
22 (Foz there had comea Prophet to the father DID in Samaria, Chen fyd. Ahab, chiefe city whao
king of Iſrael, and had faid wate him, Gor, J will let thee gae with this conenant. Go thou wilt, and E
be of good courage, and confiner and take He mane aconenant with pim, and let him will obey thee.
heed what thou doeſt: foz when the yeere goe. NOr, of the difei--
ís gone about, the king of Aram will come 35. € When a certaine man of the ||chil- ples.
bp agatnit thee.) Deen ofthe Prꝛophets fava vutohis neigh- q By this exter⸗
23 @ Chen the ſeruants of the king of bour bp the conumuandement of the L020, nall figne, hee.
Arcam fata vnto him, Cheir kgods are gous 1Pmite me,J pray thee. ut the man refi- would more
k Thus the wic- of the mountatnes ,and therefoze they ouer- fed to ſmite pim. linely touch the
ked blafpheme cane vs: but let vs fight again then in 36 Then fayd hee vnto him, Becaule Kings heart,
Godintheir ķi- h plaine, and doubtleſſe we hal ouercome thou haſt not obeyed the voyee of the Lod, r-Becaute thou
rie, whom not- hem. bebola, aficone as thouart Departed trom: haft tranfgrefied®
wichftanding hee 24 And this doe, Take the kings away, me,aLion Hall tay ther. Bo when hee the command¢s
fufferech nor vn- euery one our of his place, and place cap⸗ was Departed from yim, a Lion found pim, ment of the -
taines for then, and Auehim,. c) Lords-
* 37 Then:
Ahabs foolith pitie reproued. LKings. Nabothflaine. Ahab reproued. E
37 When he fourd another man, œ ſayd, were in his citie dwelling with Maboth.
Smite meJ pray thee. And the man finote 9 And fee wrote in the letters , laying,
Hin, and tn che miting wounded him. Wroclatme ad falt, andiet Maboth among d For then they |
38 So the Prophet departed, and waited the chiete of the people, i vied to enquire
for the king bp the way, and diiguilen hime Io And fet two wicked men before him, of mens faults :
felfe with albes vpon bis face. and let them witnefle againſt him, taying, fornone could
39 And when Che King came by,hecried Chou ade blaſpheme God and the King : faft truely that
f By this parable vnto tye king, and fayi, { Coy Ceruant went then — him out, and fone him that hee were notorious
he maketh Abab into the midsofthe battell: Ebebold, there map Dic. finnets,
condemne him- went away a man, whome another maty IC And the e men of bis citie even the El e Thus the
felfe ,who made brought onto me and (ard, Keepe this man: ders and Gouernours, which dwelt in hig worldlings cone
acouenant with ifhe be loſt, andwant,thy life fal go foz: bis citie, did as Jezebel had ſent vnto them : as trary to Gods
Gods enemic, & life.oz els thou ſhalt pay atalentof ſiluer. tt was witten tu the letters which Mechan commandement,
let bim efcape, 40 Gnd as thy (eruant had bere æ there to fent vnto them. who willeth not
whom God had Doe hee was gone : and the King of Jiraci 12 Thep proclaimed a fat, and fet MRa- to coufent to che
appointed to be ſaydvnto him, So hall chy tudgement be: doch among thechiefe of the people, thedding of in»
flaine. thou halk gtuenfentence.. $ 13 And there came two wicked men, and nocent blood,
4I And hee haſted, and tooke the ames as fate before him: and the wicked men twit- obey rather the
way from bts face: andthe king of Iſrael neſſed againtt Naboth in the peelence ofthe wicked com-
knew bim that he was of the Prophets: people, faving, Naboth did ¢ blalpheme God mandements of *
42 And he fatd vnto him, Thus taith the andthe King. Chen they caried him away Princes, then the .|
Chap.22.38e Loz, Becauſe thou bakt tet go out of thine out of the citie,and Toned him with tones, iuſt lawes of ri —J7
hands a man whom F appoiũted to die, thy that he Died. > God,
aelhogor fez bis life, and thy people fog 14. Then they fent to Jezebel, laying, Ma: Ebr. bleſſe.
opie. both is toned and is Dead. ;
43 Ann the Bingof Irae! went tobis Ig (And when Jezebel heardthat Mas
bouie beany and in Difpleature, and came to both was toned and was dead, Jezebel fata
(Or, Skomeron. | Samaria, to Ahab, £ Up,& take poſſeſſion of the vine⸗ f This example
ard of Naboth the Izreelite, which bee re: of monftrous
CHAP. XXI. uled ta gtue thee fozmoncp : foz Naboth is cruelty the holy
8 Texebelcommandeth to kil Naboth, for the not aline, but ts Bead. Ghoft leauethto
vineyard that he refuſed to fel to Ahab, 19 Eli- 16 And when Ahab heard that Maboth vs, totheintent |
iah reproweth Ahab,and he repenteth. was Dead,beavole to go Downe to the vine: that wee fhould
path of Naboth the Jsreclite, to take pole abhorre all ty-
| [lOr satthis time. Aft Nthele things Naboth the Izree· fellion otit, rannic,and peci-
lite had a vineyard m Jizreel, hard by -17 (And the word of the Loyd came bn- aliy in them
the palace of Ahab king of Samaria. — to Ctitah the Tiſhbite, laying, i whome
| nature &
| 2 And Ahab tpake vnto Naboth, ſaying, 18 Arile, gae Bowne to meete Ahab king kind fhould
a Though Ahabs a @iuemce thy vinepard, that J map make of Iſrael, which ts in Samaria: loe, kee istig moue to bepitti- |
tyrtanybecon- me a garden of herbes thereof, becaule it ts the vineyard of Naboth, whither he ts gone full and inclined |
demned bythe neere by mine boule: and J will giue thee Downe te take poleon oF tt. to mercie,
boly Spirityet = for itabetter vineyard then ít is: or tf it 19 Wherefore Walt thou fay vnto him,
he was not fori- pleafe thee, J] will gine chee the wozth of tt Thus faith the Lord, sak thou killedD,and g g Doek thou
gorousthathee in money. allo gotten poſſeſſion?
And thou ſhaltſpeake thinke to haue
would takefrom 3 And Naboth {aid to Ahab, The Low unto bim,faying,
Thus faith the Lord, In any aduantage
anothermanhis keepe me from gining the inberttance of mp the place where Dogges licked the blood of by murthering of
sight without ful Fathers unto thee. i Naboth, Hall Dogges licke guen thy blood an innocent ?
` sccompente, & Then Ahab came inte his houle hea» alo. h This wasful-
uie and in diſpleaſure, becaule of the word 20 And Ahab fayd to Eliiah, Walk thon filled in Toram `
which Naboth the Izreclite had ſpoken vn- found mee,Dmine enemie? And be anſwe· hisfonne, as
to him, fæ be bad fayd , J]will not gine thee red, 3) bane found thee: fo: thou hait ſold thy 2,king.9.25,16.
| b Thus the wic- the inheritance of mp fathers, and hee > lap {elfe to worke wickedneſſe in the fight ofthe
ked confidernot Spon bis bead g turned his face, and would L 020. ;
what isiuft and gatenobiead. © 21 *Behold,F will bzing enill upon thee, Chap.1 4.10.
Vawfull, but free - ẹ Then Jezebel his wife cane to him, and will take away thy potteritic, and will 2.king.9.8.
inwardly when and fayd vnto him, tby is thy ſpiritfofaa, cut of from Ahab him that* piſſeth againſt 1. Sam 25. 22.
they cannot haue that thou eateſt no bꝛead? the wall.atwell him that ts * hut vp,ashim Chap.i 4.1 0.
their inordinate 6 And he layd vnto her, Becanie Jſpake that is left in Iſxael, i :
appetites ſatiſ-· vnto Naboth the Izreelite, and fayd vnto 22 AnD J will make thine honfe like the
ed, him, Giur me toy winepard foz: moncp, oz if houſe of * Jeroboam the fonne of ebat, Chzp. 15.29.
it pleate thee, J will give thee another pine» and like the boule of * Baatha the fonneof Chap.16.3.
yard fozit: but be anſwered,J will net give Ihliah, foz the prouocation wherewith
thee my vineyard, thon batt pꝛonoked, and made Ilſrael to
c Asthough fhe 7 Then Jezebel his wife ſaid vnto hin, finne.
faid, Thou know- < Deelé thou now gouerne the kingdame of 23 And allo of Jezebel fpake the Lov,
eftnot what it is Iſrael? vp, cate bꝛead, and + bee of good faving , *Che dogs ſhall cate Jezebel by the 2.King.9.33.160
toreigne. Com- ciecre,Jwill giue thee the vineyard of Na⸗ l mallof Jizreel. Or fortreſſe, or
mand, andin- both the Jsveelite. $ 24. The Dog ges Hall eate him of Ahabs poffeffion, ‘
treat not, @ Do the wote letters in Ahabs name, Rocke, that Dieth tn thecitie: and him that
Ebr. letthine and ſealed them with his feale , ano fent the dieth in che fields, hallehefoules of theatre
heart be meric. lettera Buto the Cinere,ttothe nobles that cate.
25 (but
Tehofhaphat goeth with Ahabto battel. Chap.xxij. Zidkiiah. Michaiahs prophecie. 144
25 (But there was none like Ahab, who on bis thzone in their k apparell in the voyn k In their king
i By the wicked Did: (cil himſelte,toworke wickednes tn the place at the entring in ot the gatcot Sama ly apparel.
counſell of his fight of the Lod, whom Jezebel his wile ie and all the prophets prephelied before
|wife, he became prouoked. em.
‘avile idolater 26 Foꝛ hee did exceeding abominably in II And Zidkiiah the ſonne akChenaanah
following idoles, according to all that the made him ſhornes of iron,x lain, Thus faith I The true Proa
therer, as one Ammekites Did, whom the Lod caf outbe- the Loru, with theſe Halt thou pu the Aras phets of God
that gaue hime foze the children of Iſrael.) ramites, vntil thou batt conſuined them, were acculto-
27 Row when Ahab heard thele words, 12 Andall the Prophets propheſied fo, med to vic fignes
be rent his clothes, and put fackcloth vpon faying, Gee vp to Ramoth Gilead ,and pro» forthe confirma-
Thun, and fated, and lap in ſackcloth, and (per: forthe Lozd Hall deliuer it into the tion of their do⸗
went k loftiy. kings band. ctrine, Iſa.20. 2.
jmourning, oras 28 And the word of the Lod came to E⸗ 13 Q Ano the meflenger that was gone Tere.7.2,where-
\fome read, bare- lita) the Cifhbite,faying, to cali Michaiah, fpake vnto him, laying, inthe falfe pro⸗
footed. 29 Deet thou how Ahab is humbled bee Bevoldenow, the woꝛdes of the Pꝛophets phets did imitate
foze me? becaute hee ſubmitteth himſelle be declare good vnto the king with » one tace them, thinking
1 Meaning,in fore mee, Jwill not being that enill in his cord ;let thy word therefore, J pray thee, bee thercby to make
Toramstime, 2. Dayes, but in his fonnes Dapes will J ding Itke the word of one of them, ans {prake theirdoGrine
King.ↄ.2 6. eutl vpon bis houſe. thou good. = j more commen⸗
CHAP, XXII 14 And Wichaiah faid, Asthe Loyd li» dable,
2 Iebofbaphat and Ahab fight againft the king ueth, whatiocuer the Lod faith vnto mee, m This is the
of Syriz.u5 Michaiah [beweth the king what fhal that will J peake. $ } common argu- —
be the ſucceſſe oftheir enterprife.24 Zidkziah the z 15 € Sobeecameto the king, ard the ment ofthe wies
falfe prophet fmiteth htm, 34 Ahab is flaine. 40 hing fain onto bim, IBichatah, Sbalwewoe ked,who thinke
Ahaxiah his fonne (uccecdeth. 41 The reigue of againſt Ramoth Gilead to battel,oz hal we that none fhould
Fehofhaphat, 5o And Ioram bis fonse, _ leaue off 2 and hee anſwered him,» Goe vy, fpeake againft a
2,Chron.18, 1, Az *they continued 2 three peeres with- and profper: and the Lo: hai Deliver it ins thing,if the grca-
es put warre betweene Aram and Iſrael. tothe band of the king. 3 ter part approus
a Ben-hadad the 2 Andinthe thirde peere vid Jehoſha⸗ 16 And the king fain vnte him, Doto oft it, berhey neuer
king of Syria phat the king of Judah b come Downe to the fhall J charge thee that thou tell me nothing fo vngodly.
nd Ahab made king of Iſrael. ; i w — is true in the Name of the $ Ebr. mouth.
a peace, which 3 (Then the king of Iſrael laid vnto his ord? n He fpeaketh
indured three feruants, Know pe not that : Ramoth Gi- 17 Then he aid,Jaw all Iſrael ſcatte· this inderifion,
lead Was ours ? and we ay, and take tt not red vpon the mountatnes, as theep that hav becauferhe king»
out of the hand of the king of Aram? ) no fhepheard. And the Lod fayd, ° hele attributed fo
4 Andhelatd vnto Jehoſhaphat, Milt baue no matter, let euery man returne unto much to the falfe:
thou goe with me to battell againit Ramoth bis Houle in peace. j prophetsymea-
Gilead ? And Jebothaphat fayd vnto the 18 (And the king of Iſrael fatd puto Je» ning that by exe
king of Jiraci, d J amas thou att , my peo- hoſhaphat
Did J not tel thee, that be would perience hee
a pee people, and mine horſes as thine prophelie no good bnto me but eutil 2) fhouldtry chat.
orles. à 3 19 Agatuchelaid, Heare thou therefore they were but
§ Then Fehohaphat ſaid vnto the king the word ofthe LoD. 3 fato the Lom fit on flatterers,
he thought not - oF Hfracl, < Afke counfsll, 3 pray thee,ofthe his throne, and all the r hott of heauen ſtood o Iis better
himfelfe bound 1020 to Bay. à appn;bim on his right band, and on his left they returne
6 Chen the king of Iſrael gathexed the hand. . home,thento.
f mophets vpon afoure hundzeth men, and 20 And the Lod fain, Mho Mall hentiſe bepunifhedand_
fata yntarhem, Shall Y go again Ramoth Ahab that bee map goe and fall at Ramoth {cattered, becaule:
Gilead tobattel.oz hall J letitalone? And Gilan? Andone ſayd on this mance, and they take warre
they ſaid, Goevp t forthe Lad Hall deliuer another tayd on that maner. By in hand without.
it into the bands of the king. 21 Then there came koorth alpirit, and Gods counſell
7 And Jehoſhaphat ſayd, Js there here 9 itoon before the Lozd,and fain,Jwit entile and approba-
neuer aophetofthee Lod moze, that we a Ano the Load fayd vnto him, cAhere⸗ tion,
might inquire ofhim 7 ith? p M«aning,his.
8 And the kingofIſrael fayd tato Je- 22 And bee (aid, 3) will goe out, and be a Angels,
hothaphat, Chere is pet one man (Micha⸗ rfalle pirit in the mouth of ali bis prophets. ||Or.perfwade
tab the fonneof Imlah ) by whom wee map Then belaya, Thou Walt intiſe him, and and deceiue.
alkecountellofthe Lod, but J > hate him: Shalt allo preuatle : goe foozth and do fo. g Herewe fce
foz he Doth nor propheſie good vnts imee, but 23 How therefore behold, the Lozd hath that though the-
enill, And Jehowapbhat fayd, Let not the put a lying tpirit tn the month of all thele deuil be euer
king fap fo. thy prophets, end tholo bath appointed ready to bring vss
i obey. Then the King of Iſcael called an enillagaing thee, to deftruGion,
f Meaning, the iCunuch, and fain, Call quickly Michaiah 24. Then siokitah the fonne of Chenaa- yet he hath no-
falle prophets, the onne of Imlah. nal came neere , and {mote Michaiah on further power
bich were flat- Io And the king of Iſratl and Jehoſha· tije cheeke, and fayt, *! CUiben went the. then God giueth
terers,and fer- phat the king of Judah fate either ofthem Syirit of the Lox trom mee, to ſpeake vnto him,
_jaed for lucre, thee? r I willcaufe all:
om Iezebel had affembled and kept afterthe death of thofe whom 25 And Wichatah faid,Behold,
thou halt. his prophetsto
liasflew, g Ichothaphat did not acknowledge the falfe prophets tell lies.
10 be Gods minifters,butdidcontemnethem.
h Wheteby wee fee 2. Chron, 18.23. f Thusthe wicked would feeme that none were:
in the fauourof God , but they, and that God hat h ginen his graces»
that the wicked cannot abide to heare the trueth, but hate the Pro-
hets of God andmoleftthem, i Reade Gene.37: 36. to none fo much asto them, .
Michaiahimprifoned. Ahab flaine, LKings. Ahaziahe Ichofhaphat. Ichoram.
ſee in that day, when thou ſhalt goe from Houle which hee built, and all
the cities that
chamber to chamber to bine thee, be built,arethey not witten in the booke of
_ 26 And the King of Ilrael aime, Take the Cheonicles of the kings ofJlrael ?
Wichatah,and cary him vnts Amon the go» 40 So Ahab flepr with bis tathers, and
— ofthe city, and vnto Joaſh the kings Ahastah bis lonne reigned tn His ead.
onne, 41 d “And Jehoſhaphat the lonne of A⸗ 2. Chron,2o.300 J.
27 Amd fap, Thus faith the king. ut fabeganto reigne bpon Judah in the fuurth
this man in the pulion Doule, and fede him yeercof Ahab king of Iſrael.
€ Lethim be pi- with ‘breadof affliction, and with water of 42 Ichoſhaphat was fiue € thirtie peere
ned away with affliction vntill Jreturne tn peace. old, when hee began to reigue, and reigned
hunger,and be 28 And Michaiah fayd, Jf thou returne fue and cwentte peere in Jerufalem, And
fed with a fmall inpeace, the Lord hath net ſpoken by mee bis mothers name was Azubah the daugh⸗
pottion of bread Ana he (ato, earkenall pe people. ter of Shilhi. ‘
aud water. 29 Sothe king of Iſrael, and Jehoſha· 43 And hee walked tn all the wavesof
u That when ye ee — king of Judah went vp to Ramoth Ala bis father, and Declined not therefrom, —
fhall fee thefe ead. but via that which was right in che epes
things come to 30 And the king of Iſrael faine to Jeho- of the Lord. Neuertheleſſe + the hte places a Meaning,that
paſſe,yemay Hhaphat, F will change mine appareil and were not taken away: for the people offe- e was led with
gine God the wili enter into the battetl, but put thon on red fill and burnt incenle tn the die pla» an errour,tbin-
glory,and know thine apparell. And the king of Iſrael chan- ces. king thatthey
that Iam his true ged huntelfe,andwentiniothebattell. 44 And Jehohapyat made peace wit might (till facri-
Prophet, 31 And the king of Aram commanded his the king of Iſrael. x fice tothe Lord
tuo and thirtie capiaines ouer his charets@ 45 Concerning the reſt of the acts of Je- in thoſe places,
faying, Fight neither with finali, nozgreat, hoſhaphat this worthy deeds that hee DD, as well as they
faucenelpagaintt the king ofIſrael. and bts battels which hee fught, are they did before the
32, Aud when the captaines of the tha» not writtenin the booke of rhe Chzonicles Temple was
rets ſaw Jeho haphat, they ſapd, Hurclpit ofthe kings of Judah? i À built, ——
isthe king of Jiracl, they turned to fight 46 And the Hovomites, which remat-
x That is,tothe againſt hint : and Jehoſhaphat ~ cried. ned inthe Dayesof his father Aia, bee put
Lord for helpe, 33. And when the captatnes of the cha- tleaneout of the land. TA
rets faw that he was not the king of Iſcael, 47 There was then no king inEdom:
they turned backe from him. the >Deputte was king. b In the time of"
34 Then a certaine man Mewe a bowe 48 Jehoſhaphat made thips of « Thar- this king, Idu-
Orinbisfimpli- mightily, and finote the king of Iſrael be- ſhiſh tofatleto ¢Dpbhre foz golde, but chey mea was fubie& f"‘
| citie,and gno⸗ tween the toyntss of bis brigandine,d@iher> went not , foz the ſhips were broken at Ezi» to ludah,nd
~rantly. fore hee fayde vnto bis charet mar, Turne on Gaber, : was gouerned byf"
tEb.and between thine hand and carp me out of the hoſte: foz 49 Then lain Ahasiah the fonne of Ahab whom they ofTu
shedrigandine. Jam t hurt. ; vnto Jehoſhaphat,
Let my ſeruants go with dah appointed, ©
$ Ebrficke.
y To wit, Ahab
35 And the battel increaſed that day, and thy fernantsinthe Mips. But Jehoſhaphat c By tharthith fp
they king food til in bis charet againil the would net. K : the Scripture
Bingof Iſrael. Aramites, and died at euen; andthe bloon so And Jehoſhaphat did ſſeepe with his meaneth Ciliciag
ree of the mound into the mids of the Fathers, and was buried with bts fathers in and all the fea
charet. the citigo! Dautd his father, and Jehozam called Mediter-
36 And there went a Pꝛoclamation tho» hts fonne reigned in his tread. raneum.
D Ofthe Ifrae- rowout the z hote about the going Downe 5I CAbastal the fone of Ahabbegan to d lofephus wri-
lites. — of the funne laying, Euerp man to bis citie, teigne ouer Iſrael in Samaria , the feuen- teth that Ophir
aud euery man to hts owne countrey. teenth yeere of Jehoſhaphat king of Judah, is in India,where
37 Do the king died, and was brought to and reigned two peeres ouer Firal. the Egyptians
Hamaria, and they buricdthe king in Da- §2 Wut hee did euillin the fight of the and Arabians
matia. : Loꝛd, and walken tn the way of his father, trafike for gold
38 And one wathed the charet in the andin the way of biz mother, and tn the
poole of Hamaria , and the dogs licked up way of Jeroboam the fonne of Rebat, which
§Or.the harlots his blood ( and | thep wathed bis armour) made Iſrael to inne. :
wafhed st. ail *ynto the word of the Lozd which 53 Foz bee terued Baal and worhipped
Chæp.a21.19. e {pake. Him, and provokes the Lord God of Braet
9 Concerning the tet of the actes of vnto wath, ||accozding vnto all that bis fa- [Orin all points bin
aba and all that hee Did, and the Juozie ther han Done. as his father did. kt

q Thefecond booke of the Kings,

His fecond booke eonteineth the actes of the Kings of Iudahand Ifrael : to wit, of Iffael, from the
death of Ahab vnto the laft king Hofhea,who was imprifoned by the king of Affyria,& his city Sa-
matia taken,& the ten tribes by the iuft plague of God for their idolatry and difobedience to God, led
into captinity. And alfo of ludah, from the reigne of lehoram fon of Iehofhaphat vnto Zedechia,who
for contemning the Lords comandement by his Prophets,& neglecting his fundry admonitions by fa-
mine and other meanes,was taken by bis enemies, faw his fonnes molt cruclly flaine before his face and
his owne eyes put out,as the Lord had declared to him before by his Prophet Leremy: & alfo by the ĩuſt
vengeance of God for contempt ofhis Word Ietuſalem was deftroyed,the Temple burnt, & he and alt
Abaziah ficke? Fire from heauen. Chap.i.jj. Ichoram. Eliiah and Elitha. 145
bis people were led away captiues into Babylon.
In this booke are notable examples of Gods fauour
toward thofe rulers and people which obey his Prophets,and embrace his word:and conttariwite,of his
plagues toward thofe common wealeswhichneglect his minifters, and doe notobey his commande-
CHAP L themi FEF be:a man of God, let fire come i Meaning, thae
2 Ahariah by a fall falleth ſiche, and con ſul- Downe from the heauen , and Deuoure theege God would thew
teth with Baal-xebub.3 He is reprooued by Elsah. thy fire came Downe from the hras by etfe@ whether
10 The captaines ouer fiftie were fent to Elsah, uen, and deuoured him and bis hftie, he was a true
whereof two were burnt with fire from heauen by 13 Q Det again he ſent the third captaine Prophet or not.
his prater. 17 Ahaziah dieth, and Iehoram his ouer fittte with his fiftie. And the third cap- k Which hum-
brother (ucceedeth him, k taine oucefittic went dp, and came , and fell ble my. felfe bee
—— en Moab rebelled again onbis knees before Chiah, and beſought fore God and
Iſraei after bdeath of Ahab. bin, and faid vnto him,D man of God, FZ bis feruant.
a Sothathe was © ere 2 And ⸗Ahaziah fell tho- pray thee, let mp *itfe and the life of thele I That is,{pase
nifhed for his 2A row the lattefle window tn thy liktie feruants be! prectons in thy fight. my life,and let
idolatrie after Fey bis vpper chamber which I4 Behold, there came fire Downe front me not die asthe
two forts: forthe 5s W A wasin Damaria, ſo hee was the heauen and Deuoured the two former othertwo.
\Moabites,which ficke: then he fent meflengers , to whom hee captaines ouer fiftie with their fifttes:there- m Thus the Lord
were wont to faid, Goe and inquire of > Baalzebub the foze letmylifenowbe prectous in thy light. giuech boldneſſe
pay himtribute, gop— > tf J alt reconer ofthis mp Is And the Angel ofthe Low fain wnto to his, that they
webelled,and he t a g. Clitah,Goe Downe with hin,benotatraio feare not the
fell downe ata 2 Then the Angel ofthe Lom faid to €- ofbis pzelence. Ho he arole,and went Down threatnings of
grate which was titah the Tiſhbite, Ariſe and goe vp to meete with bim vnto the Ring, tyrants,whicho⸗
vpon bis houfe the meffengers of the king of Damaria, and.· 16 And he laid vnto bim, Thus faith the therwile of theme
to giue light be- fay onto them, Is tt not becaule there is no Loz, Becãuſe thou hat fent meflengers to feluesare afraide
neath, Godin Jfracl,that pego fo inquire of Baal⸗ enquire of Baal-zebu b the god of Ekron todoeGods .
b The Philiftims. zeuu rhe gon of G ron? ? ] (was itnot becaule there mas no Gon in FI meflage. i
which dwelt at 4 CGberefoze thuslaith the Lom, Thou raettoinguireof yis wozd?) therefore thou n Iehofhaphat
Ekron,worthip- fhalt not come Dewn fromthe bed on which chalt notcome Downe of the bed , on which going to batrell
i ped this idole, thou art gonebp,but alt die the Death. Da thou art gone vp but halt die the Death. ‘againft the Syrtis
which fignifieth Clital departed. i 17 Ss hee Died according to the word of ans,made his
the God of flies, 5 And the meffengers returned puto him, the Lod, which Clitah kad ſpoken. And fonne Ichoram
thinking,that he to whom he faid,CUby arepe now returned? n Jehoram beganne to reigue in bis ead,in King inthe 17.
| could preferue 6 And they anlwered him, Cherecame a the fecond yeere of Jehoram the fonne of Je- yeere of his. d
them from the man and met ys, and faid vnto vs, Go and potbaphat king of Judah, becaule he had xo reigne; andinthe —
biting offlies:or returne vnto the King which (ent pou,and. r8.yeerewhich
elshe was fo cal- fay unto him; Thus lath the Lord, 4 Is it 13 Concerning the reſt of the actesof g. was the fecond
led, becaule flies not becaulethere isne God in Jirael, that haziah, that be DID, are they not weittenin yereofhis ſonne,
were ingendred thou ſendeſt to inquive of Baalzebub the — the Chronicles of the Kings of Iehoram the
in great abun - gov of Ekron? Wherefore thou ſhalt not Zl rael; fonne of Ahab
dance of the come Downftrom the bed on which thou are reigned in Ifrael+-
blood of the fa- gone vp,but Halt die the Death. and inthe fift yere of this lehoram, Iehofhaphat died , and the king-
-crifices that were 7 Andhe fain vnto them, (Ahat manner domeof Iudah was confirmed to his fonne,
offeredto that: cof man was hee which caine and meryou, C HAP. “11.
“idole. í and told you theit wo2des ? 8 Ekish diuideth the waters with his clohe.
c Hetheweth 8 Aud they aid vnto him, Hee wasan 11 Hes taken up into heauen. ¥3 Elifhataketh
that idolaters: : ehairie man, and girded with a girdle ofle- his cloake and diusdeth Lorden, 20 The bitter and
haue nor the ther about hts lopnes. Chen fatt hee, It is venemous waters are healed, 23 The children
true God, for Clitah the Tiſhbite. ? that mocke Elifha, are rent in pieces with Beavese
elfe they would 9 Theret the king fent vnto hint a J2 when the Lod would take vp Eli⸗
| feckero none captaine ouer fiftte with hts fiftie men, wha A tah into heauen by a whirie winte, Cli- ‘a Which wasthe
but to hima- went vp vnto him, for behold, he late ou the fab went with Clima from >Gilgal, place wherethe
lone. tep f ofa mountaine, and belai vnto him,’ 2 Then Chiahlaid to Clitha, Cary here, children of Ifraef
d Ignoranceis D man of Gov, the King hath commanded J pray thee: foz the Lord hati fent mee to were circumcifed '
the motherof that thon come Downe. Beth-el But Eliſha faid, As the Low li- after they came
errour and ido- Io But Cliiah anfwered, and laid tothe
neth,and as thy foulelineth,3will not leaue ouer Iotden, and
latric. captaincouet the fiftte, Ff that thee. Do they came Downe to Beth-el,
Jbee a man had hene fouttie
e Somethinke of God, iet fire come Down from the hea- 3 And the > children of the Prophets yéeres in the
“that this is meang Uchand Denoure thee and chy fiftic.s Soire that tuere at Beth-el, cameout to Elipa, -wilderneffe,ag
of his garments came Down from tye heauen, and deuoured and fd unto hint, Rrowell thou that the loſh. 5.9.
which were him and bts fiftie. Lod will take thy matter from < thine bead b So called be·
rough and made ‘IL Againe alo heelent vnto him another this Day? Aud he fait Vea, 4 Know
ttshold caufe they are
of haire. pee pont peace,
captatne cuer fiftic, with bis fiftie. Cabo ; f begotten asit
To wit,Cars {pake, and ſaid vnto him, t:D man of God. 4 Agaãine Eliiah faid onto him, Clita, were anew by
mel, thus = King commandeth, Come Downe tarie here Jpray thee: foz the Loed hath tent
the heauenly
g He deelareth guickip. l 3 me to Jericho But hee faid, As the Lord li- doGrine.
what power 12 But Cliiah anhwered, and Gid vnto nethand as thy ſoule liueth, will noticaue c Thatis, from
-Gods word hath thee. Do they came to Jericho. being any more
“in the mouth of bis feruants , when they threaten Gods judgements’ thine head:for
againit the wicked. h Hee fpake this in mockerie, and therefore to he as the head,isto be the maſter, as to bee att he feete, is to bee
prouoked Gods wrath fo much the more. afcholler, d Forthe — had reuealedit vato him. :
5 And

Eliiahis taken
vp: -ILKings. Waterhealed. Ichoramand —
§ Andthe children okthe Prophets that 20 Ther he aid, Bring me a new ceu,
e Not onely at were ate Jericho, came to EltHa, and {apn oe put fale therein. Aud they brought it to
Beth- el, but at bite hint, Knowelſt thou thatthe Lord weil im.
Tericho,and o- take thy matter fram thine head this Bay? 21 And hee went onto the ſpring ofths
ther places were and Ye fapd, Vea, Iknow it: Hold pe your waters, and cat there =the fait, and feyt, m Thus God -
there prophets peace. i : 2 Thus lath the Low, J bane healed this gaue him power
which had {cho- 6 Morouer,Eliiah ſaid onto hin, Tat- water: Death Hall no moze come thereof, euen contrary to
leis, whom they ry,3 play thee, bere; forthe Lod hath ſent neither barrenneſſe co the greund, i nature, to make-
inſtructed, and me to Jorden. But he lato, As the Lord ii» 22 Ho the waters were healed vntil this that water pro~-
brought vp in ucth ana as thy fonie lineth, Jwill not leaue Bay, accozding tothe wozd of Eliſha which fitable for mans
thetrue feareof thee. Ha they went both together. bz bad poken. j vie which before
God, _7 And fifite men of the fonnes ef the 23 @ And hee went vp krom thence vnto was burtfull.
Prophets went, and ood on the other fide Beth-el. And ashee was goiug wpthe way,
afarre off,and they two feod by Joaden. little childzef came out ofthe city, and moc-
@ dhen Ciitah toske his claake, and ked Hin, and ſayd vnto bim, Come vp, thou
£ To wit,of lor. Wwrapt tt tagether, and ſmote the ‘waters bald head, conte vp thou bald head.
alen. and they were diutded Hither and thither, 24. Gnd hee turned backe, axdlooked on n Perceiuine
and they twaine mentoner on the dreyland. thent, and n curſed them intye name ofthe their malicious !
Q Row when they were palſed ouer, E- Loyd. And two bearescame out ofthe foz heart againft the
liiãh fain vnto Glipa, Aſke what J (hall do reit, and tare in pieces two and fourtit chil: Lord and* his
fa thee before F be taken from thee. And drzen of them. ja word, he defireth
& Let thy fpirit Gliha Law, 3 pray thee, Letty Spirits be 25 Dohee went from thence fo mount God totake
haue double Gouble vpon me, Carmel, and from thence hee returnen to vengeance of |
force inme, be- 10 Ano he fatd, Thon halk aſked an hard- Damaria. that iniury done M
caufe of thefe thing: yet ik thou fee mee when J am taker vnto him. a |
dangerous times: from thee thou ſhalt haug it ſo: and if netit CiH A-P. IIE,
or lec me haue hall not be. het i Thereigne of lehoram 6) Heand Iehofbae -· i
twifefo much as IL And as they went walking and tai- phat goe to wᷣarre azgaimft Moab, winch! rebelled. ` Ww
therelt ofthe > king, beheld, thereappeared acharet of fire, 33 Elifhareprooueth iim; 47 And giueth their * ig
Prophets: or thy and boies of tire, and did feparate them boste water. 24. The Moabites are oxercome, 29 mep”
Spirit being di- twatne, *So Elliah ment vp by a whirle⸗ Their King [acrificeth hs foone,
utded into three windetnto heaaen. at J we Jehoram the ſonne of Ahab began
parts,let me haue 12 Gud Eiiſha law it, and bee cried, My toreigne puer Iſrael in Samaria, the
two. father, my father, the charet of Iſrael, anv a eighteenth peere of Fehoihaphat Ming of a Readethe-ma
` Ecclus.48.9, the boziemen thereof: anv bee {awe him no Jusah, and reigned twelue veeres. , notationin rhe”
1,.912¢.2,58, moe : and hee tooke his owaeclothes, aud 2 And he bnought euil inche fight ofthe t.chap.and 17,
h Thus God rent thenrin two pieces. š Lom, but not like his father uoz tike bismo.» verfe, 7 i
hath aleft a teti- _ 13 Hee tooke vy alfo the cloake of Eli- ther: fo? hee tooke away the image ofBaal
mony in all ages
tal that felt from bim, and returned, and that bts father had made. “ANY
€ both beforethe
000 by the banke sf Jorden. s 3 HMeuerthetefle, hee cleaned vutodthe b He facrificed
: Law, inthe Law; 14 After he tooke the cloke of Eliiah, that finnes of Jeroboam , the fonne of Nebat. tothe golden’ *
and in the time felt from him, and finote the waters, and which made Ilrael to finne,and Departed not calues that leroe
of the Gofpel) (aid, Ahere isthe Lord God of Eltiah?: And thereiront boam had» made
of our refur- fo be allo, after be had friken the waters, fo @ Then: Meſha King of Moab had c- This was done
reGion, that they. were Dimides this way and that fore of fhecpe, and rendered vnto the dking afterthat Dania
Way, went ouer, euenEliſha. ic iz of Iſrael au hundzeth thouſand lambes and had made the >
15 Gnd when the children of the Peo· an — thouſand rammes with the Moabites tribu ·
phets, which were at Jericho, faw biinon woo taries to bis ſuc·
§ The fpiric of the other fide, thep fayd, i Che ſpirit of But when Ahab was dead, theking of cesfours,
prophefie is gi- Eillah doeth reten Eliſha: and they came Boab rebelled againg the Kiig cf Iſrael.
uento him as it tomeete him, and feli tothe ground befoze 6 Gherefor king Jehoꝛam went out of
was to Eliiah. im, Samaria the fame Caton, and numbzed all
16 And faid onto him, Behold now, there Airael, :
bee with thy feruants fitie trong men tiet 7 Gnd went, and a fent to Jehoſha
: bat:
k Meaning E- them goe, we pray thee, and feeke thy tma» King of Judah, laying, Che kingsf Moab
htiah ; for they iter, iffo bee the Dpirit of the Lord hath ta- hath rebelled againſt me: wilt thon go with
thought his bo- ken him bp, and caf bint bpon fome moun⸗ me to battell again (Boab? and he anfwee
dy had bene caf taine,oz tnto feme valley. ut he aid, | Peg red, 3 will goe bp: for? J ant, as thon art, d Reade s,King
in fome moun- Hall noc fend. my people, ag thy people, and mine horſes ag 22.4
taine.. 17 Det they were infant vpon him,til he thine horſes.
- l Becaufethe was aamen: wherefoze he fata, Send. So 3 Chen ſayd be, Ahat way Halt we gor
fa& was extraor- they fent fiftie men, which longt three bp? Andheantwered, Che way oFthe wite:
dinavy, they dayes, but found Him not., : derneſſe oOf Edom .
doubted where 18 Thereforethey returnedto.him , foz 9 E Do went the king of Iſrael and the e Meanings the
he was become, he taried at Jericho) and be faid vito them, king of Judah,
and thes king of Edom, and viceroy or lieu.
but Elitha was DidnotF lay-vntoyou,Goe notz when they bad compaffed the wap ſeuen tenantofthe |
affured that he 19. Q And the men of the citie fayd vnto Dayes,thep had no water fo: the hoſt,norzfoz King of tudah,
was taken vp to Elifha, Behold, wee pray thee: the lituation the cattell that + folloiwed them. reade r:King, 22
God, - ofthis city ts pleafant, as thou, my 1o22, 10 Thereloze the King of Iſrael fayd, 47:
LOrkillethehe feet, but the water is naught, Ethe ground Alas, that the Lord hath calied theſe three Edy. thar weve
ihabitanti. barrens, sa li ti at thoir ftre. |
Se te A N ENE ee
Tehothaphat ouercome Moab. Chap.tiij. The oyleinereafeth. 146 `
I Gut Jehoſhaphat Hid. Be therenot of Edom: but they conta not,
f Thazis,who here a Pꝛophet of rhe Lom, that twe mayen· 27_ Then he tooke his clack onne , that
was his feruant. quireotthe LoD bp him? aud one of the fhonld Yane reigned in bis Read , and © oife- r Some reſerreie
8g Hecis able to king of Ilſraeis ſeruants anſwered, and red him foz a burnt offering vpon the wall: to the king of He
inftru& vs what faid, Were is Elitha the fonne of Shaphat, {o that Flrael was foze griened and they de= doms fon whome
is Gods will in me £ powe water onthe handes of Ge parted from Him, and ceturned to thew they fay he had
this poynt, ap. countrey. takenin that
h He knew that 12 Chen Jehoſhaphat tapu, s The word skirwiſh: bait ra⸗
this wicked king ofthe Loza is with bint. Therlore the king thet it ſeemed to be his ownefonne , whom he offered to his gods to
would haue but of Iſraet, andJeboihaphat, and the king ef pacifiechem, which barbarous cruelty mooucd the Iſcaelites heatts of
wied bis counfell dom went Downe to hint. f pitic te depart,
to ferue his turne 13 And Clipa fayt vnto the king of IP
and therefore he rael, Uhat bauer J to Doe with thee? get CHAP. IIII.
| difdained to an- theeto the prophets of thy father, and to the 4 God increafeth the oyle tothe posre widow bp
ſwere him. prophets of thy mother. And the king of Iſ⸗ Elifha. 13 He obtaineth forthe Shunammite a fox
i The wicked rael layd vnto him, ‘sap: foz the Lod hath at Gods hand, 18 Who dying, 32 Heeray/e:b
efteeme not the called theie thace hinges, te give them inte hemp againe. 40 Hee maketh fiveet the pot-
feruants of God, the band of Moab. tage, 42 Andmultiplieth the loaues.
but when they ; 14 Then Clivha fayd , As the Lord. of Azar of the wiues 2 of the onnes of a Read Chap,
are driuen by ve⸗ hoſtes ltueth , in whole fight J tand , ifit the Prꝛophets cried vnto Cliiha,faping, 2 3.
ry neceflitic and were not thatJ regard. the pretence of Je⸗ Thy leruant mine huſband is dead, e thou b And therefore
“feare of che pres hoſhaphat the king of Judah,J|would £ not knowell that thp ſeruant Did > feare the fell not into debe
Tent danger. bauc looked toward thee,noz teene thee. Lod: and the creditoz is cometo take my by vnthriftineffe
k God futfereth I5 But now being mee a minſtrell. And two fonnes tobe bis < bondmen, or prodigaliti¢,
shis.word to. be ben the minltrel played, the band of the 2 Chen Cltha {aid vnto her, chat Hal Z but by the hand
declared to the Xod tame vpon him. DS fo thee? tel ine, what halt thouat home? ofthe Lord.
wicked becaule 10 And hee fayd , Thus fayth the Lord, Aud Wee fayd, Chine handimayd hath no- c Becaufel am
of the godly that Wake this valley full of itches. b thing at home, fauz a 4 pitcher of opie. poore and not
| afeamong chem, 17 Foꝛ thus ſayth the Lozd, Ve Hall net:3 And helayd; Go and bozrow thee rel ableto pay.
A Helang Ongs ther fee winde noz fee ratne, pet the valley (els abzoad of all thy neighbours empty vel d Thus God fuf-
“to Gods glory.& halbe fillen with water, that pe map Minke, lels, and {pare not. ferethhis, many
fo ftireed vp the both ye and pour cattell , and pourbeatts, 4 And when thou art come fn, thon halt timesto bee
Prophets beart 18 But thts isa {malthing inthe fight fhut the Dooze vpon thee ¢ vpon thy fonnes, brought to ex-
to prophefic. ra Load: for be wil gine (Boab tuto pour and powꝛe out into al thoie veſſels, and ſet treme neceflitie,
| m He willnot, aldetholethatare full. before he fuccor
anly miraculouf- 19 And ye fhal finite euery trong towne § So hedeparted front him, and hut the them, that afters
| ly gine you wa- and cueryp chiete citic, and mall fell every Doo vpon her, and vpon herfonnes, Ano ward they may
fers, but your fatre tree, and hall kop all the fountaines they brought to her, and he powzed out. the more prayſe
| enemies alfo in- ofwater, and mare euery good field with 6 And when the velſels were ful, fhefatD his mercy.
to your hand, ones. vnto her onne, Bing ine pet a veſſell. And e The Prophet
„n Though God 20 And in the mening when the meate he fain ute her, Where are no moe veſſels. declareth hereby i
beftow his bene- offering was offered, beholde, there came And the oyle fceatev. vnto her,that
fits fora time,yp- water bythe wayofEdom: and the coun 7 Then he came Etold the man ofGon. | God neuer faya
on his enemies, trey was filled with water. i Gnd he ſavd; Gov, and (eit the ople, and pap Icth to provide
| yethe hath his 21 QnB wher all the Moabites heard tiem that thouart in Debt vnto, and line for bis {cruants,
feafons, when ke that the kinges were come vp ta fight a⸗ thou and thy chilozen of the reft. their wiues and
- will take them gainſt them,chep gathered all chat was able 8 Candon atime Eliſha came to Dhue children, if they
away,to the in- to put on barnctic,and vpward, and Food nem, and there a woman of great eflimacion truft inbim, )
tent they might in cheir border, í conſtrained bim to cate bread: andas hee f To augment
fee bis vengeace, 22 And they arofe earlpin the moaning patted by, he turned in thither to cate bread. and increafe ia
whichis prepa- wher the Sunne arole vpon the water, and 9 Ann thee lain unto her hulband, Bee the veflels.
ted again(t them.the Moabites fatu the water puer againit Hold,J]know now, that this is an bolp man g God here did
` PED. to gird hima them,asredasblosd. > of Gor that paticth by us continually. not only pro-
Selfe with a gw- 23 AnD they fapa, o This is blood: the fo Letusmake "hima litle chamber,F uide for his {ere
dle kings are ſurely laine, tone hath mitten pray thee, with walles, andlet vs fet him uant, that his
o The fudden another: now therefore Moab tothe ſpoile. there a bed, and atable, and a ſtoole, anda debt fhould bee
joy of the wic- 24 And when they came tothe boite of candlettickhe , thathee may turnetn thither payd,and fo kept
| kedis but apre- Frael, the Iſraelites arole bp and ſmote the when he commety fo vs, ; his doctrine and
L paration to their Moabites,ſo that they fied before thern, but Il {Andon aday he came thither, and profeffion withs
| defiruGion, thep Pinuaded them, and {mote Moab. turnedinte the chainber,and lay therein, out flander,buc —
-which is at hand. 25 Aud they Dekroped the cities; and on 12 And faya to Gehast his ruant, Call alfo forhis wife
p Meaning, they all the good fein euery man calt bis fone, this Shunamunites and when he called her, and children,
followed them and filed them, and they Rape all the founa fye ſtood before Hint. » h Which fhould
‘Intesthe townts. taines of water, & felled all the good trees: 13 Then bee layd vnto him, Day vnto befeparate from
~@ Which was onelpin a Kir· haraſeth left they the Gones ber naw, Beholde, thou haſt bad all this the reft of the
one of the prin: thereof ;howbeit they went aboutit with great care forvs i what Mall wee. Doe foz houfe, that hee
Cipall cities of flings,analinote ft, thee 7. As there any thing to bee ſpoken might more
the Moabites, 26 Anu when the king of Moab faw that foz thee to the King, 02 te the Captaine commodioufly
wherein.they Jefe the battell was too fore for bim, hee taske giue himſelfe to
vothing but the with Hun feren hundeth men that brew fiudie and prayers. i Thus the feruantsof God arc not ynthanke-
walles, the ſword to bꝛeake through unte the Ring fuil for the benefits they receine.
G2 of
— — - — — — —— — — —— — duen

The Shunammites ſonne dieth. II. Kings. -Elitharaifeth him to life.

k Iamcontent of the hote? And ſhe anſwered,J* Dwellae <32 Then came Clihainto the honeand 7
with that that mong mine owne peopie. —— the childwas dead, and laydbpo < nora
God hath fent 14 Againe hee tayo,
y CAhat
I is then tobee Y
mend can want Done forher? Chen Gehazt anſwered, Jn 33 Dee went in therefore, and hutthe
nothing that one Deed ye Vath no fomne, and her bulband ts Dooze vpon them twaine, and pzaped onto
can doe forano- old. ; i the Lon. i
ther. : ls Then laid he, Cali her. And he callen 34 After hewent yp, and alap byon the q Thelike did
1 Which then þer ann ihe Rood in the doore⸗· child, andput his mouti on his month, and > wi⸗
Ehiah tothe
wasa reproch, 16 Gnd he (ai,At thts time appointed, his eyes bpon his eyes, and his handes hy- dowes ſonne at
and thereforehee accozding to-the time of life, thou fale em> on his haudes, and ftretched himlelfe py Sareptha,
would that his bzace a fon, And He laid, Dh my logd,thow ou bim, and the kleſh of the childe wared 17.21. and Sain!
mafter fhould man ef God, doe not lig vnto thine hand w arme. Paul Acts 26.10,"
pray to Godfor maid. j Ei 35 Andhe went fromhim and walked yp fignrfying the
her that hee 17 othe woman conceiued, and barea and Downe in the houle, ¢ went vp EfpzeD care thar oughe
mightbefruite fonneat that fameteafor, according to the himlelke vpon him: then the childe neeled to bein them,
full, time of life that Clia had faid vnto her. r (enen times and opened his epez, that bearethe
Gen.18,10. IS (and when the child was grower,
| l tt 36 Then he calied Gebast,and fain, Call- word of God , &
felt on à Day that he went ont to his fatyer, this Shunammite. Go he called her,whtch’ are diftriburers
- and to the reapers. ‘ came in vnto him. And hee fayd vnto Her, of the fpitieuall
m His beadaked 19 And hee laid to his Father, m Mine Take thy foune. ifer ds i
fore, and there- Head, mine head, Aho ſayd ta his fernant, 37 AnD the came and fell at hisfeet, and r Meaning of- +
fóre he cryed Weare him to hts mother. ; bowed herleife to the ground, and tooke vp tentimes.
5, 20 Gnd hee tooke him, and brought him ber Conne,and went out.
to his mother, and hee fate on her knees till 38 Afterward Elita returned to Gilgal, *
noone, and Died. > and a famine was tn the (land, and the chil· f Thatis,in the
21 Then pee went vp, and tayi him on Deen ot the Prophets Dwele with hin. And landof Mrael,
the bevof the man of God, Eflutthe doore He e layd unto his feruant, Get on the great
vpon him and wert out, pna terry pottage fo: tye childzen of
22 ¢ Chen foe callen te her huloand, and nophets.
ſayd, Send with mee, Jprap thee,one of the 39 And one went out into the field to ga»
young men, and one ot the aſſes: fo:J will. ther herbs, and found,asit were,a wild vine,
haſte to the man of God, and come agatne. and gathered theroft wild gourds his gare t Which the
23 Andhe fayd , Cherekore wilt thou ge ment full,and came and ſheed them into the Apothecaries cal
to hint to Dap? itis neither = new Moone no? pot of pottage: for thep knew it not. colloquintida, &
n For at fuch Sabbath Day, And fhee anlweredD, + At 40 Do they powzed out forthe men to is molt yehe-
times the people
were wont to re- walbe well. cate: and when they Did eat uf the pottage, ment and dange» `
Then Mee ſadled anane, and fayd to they cried out, efatd, D thou man of God,
fortto the Pro- her24(ernant,
rousin pur-
Deiue, and goe forward: Rap e Death isin the pot, and they could not eate ging.
phets for do- thereof. u They feared
Grine and con- nor foz me re get by except Jbid thee.
folation, 25 CSothee went, and came vnto the q Chen he faid, Bring meale. And hee that they were
Ebr. peace.
man of God to mount Carmel, And when cat it into the pot, and fatt, Powꝛe out foz poyfoned, be-
the man of God law her ||ouer agatnit him, the people, that they map cate: and there caufe of the bit-
HOr , farre off, de lapa to Gehazi his ſeruant, Beholde the was none eutilin the pot. terneiſe.
Shunammite. 42 ¶ Then came aman from Baal-ha-
26 Runne now, Jſay, to meete her, and lifja,and brought the man of God bread of
fay vnto her, Art thou tnbealth 2 is thine the fri fruits, cuen twenty loaues of bara
hulband in healthzand ts the child in health? lep,and fult earesof come inthe uke. And
And the anlinered, tUe are in Health. —— vnto the people,that they map
27 And when he came to the man of God gate.
o Intoken of vnto the mountatne, {he ° caught him by his 43 And bis feruant anfwered, ew
humilitie and ioy feet sand Gehazi went tober, to chautt her fond J (et this before an Hundzeth men? x Itisnot the
that fhe bad mec away: but the man of Gon fayd , Let her a- ide ſaid againe, Giue it vnto the people.that quantity
of. oe
withhim, Tone: for her foule ís ¢ vexed within her,and they may eate: foz thus faith the Loz, Thep —_ that fait
Ebr. her fouleis the Lord hath hid it from me, and hath not Mall cate,and there x Sail remaine. a9 the
in bitterneffe. eg iD it me. 44 Dobe let it bekore rhem,and they did dieing that
28 Then He fain, Did J defireafonne of eiis g left ouer accoed ingto the word of God giueth,
my 1020 ? Did J not fap, Deceive me not? e Loz,
29 Then hee fayd to Gebast, Gird thy
lopiies,t take mp Caffe in thine hand, © goe
p Make fuch thy wap: pif thonmeet anp falute him not: 1 Naamanthe Syrian is healed ofhis leproſie.
fpeedthatno- and ifany [lute thee,anfwere bin not: and kAElifha refufeth his gifts. 27 Gehazi is ſtrihen
thing may let lay my ftaffe vpon the face ofthe chila. h leprofie,becaufe he tooke money , & raiment
thee mn the way, 30 And the mother of the chila fapt, As of Naaman.
Luke 10, 4. the Lord liveth, and as thy foute liveth, J a Here appea-
will not leaue thee. Therekoꝛe he aroſe, and N?» was there one Naaman captaine reth that among
followed her. of thehotte ofthe king of Arama great the infidels God
31 But Gehazi was gone before them,and nian and honozable inthe fight of his iem, bath bis, andalfo
hadlatd the atte vpon the faceok the child, becaule thatby bim the Lod had DelinereD thatthe Infidels
but hee neither ſpake nozheard: wherefore the Aramites. tee alfo was a mighty man kaue them in e~
be returned fo meete Him and told him, faya and paltant,but a leper. Rimation , which
ing, The child ts not wake, 2 And the Aramites had gone out by do good to their
bands, countrey.
i eM I el
Naaman the Syrian healed ofleprofie. Chap.vj. Gehazis co uetoufnes plagued. 147
bands, and had taken alittle maide ofthe And hee would haue conſtrained him tore.
TEbr. thee was a of Ilxael, and tees lerued Maamans ceiue it, " but he refuſed. h So the Lord
before. tre. 17 Moꝛeouer,
Naaman (aid, Spall there commandeth
3 And He laid onto her mitren, Moun not bee gtuen to thy ſeruant two mules load that they that
b Meaning, E- G00 inp (020 were with the Pꝛophet chat ts ofthis earch? foz coy ſeruant will bencefozth receiue freely,
liſha. ti Samaria, he would (cone Deliner him of offer neither burnt lacrifice,noz offering bn- thould giucalfo
dis leproſie. } to anp other ged,faue vnto the LoD. freely.
c That is,Noa· 4 And: hee went in, and tolve his lord, 18 Derein the Lo2d be merciful vnto thy i He feeleth his
man tolde it to faying, Thus and thus faith the maide that feruant,chat when my maſter goeth into the confcience woun"
the king of ts of che land of Iſrael. i honit of Rimmon, to woꝛſhip there,and lea- ded in being pre⸗
Syria. § And the King efAramiaid, Goe thy neth on mine hand, and F bowe mp felfe in fent at idoles fer-
way thither, and q wiil fend a letter vnto the honfe of Rimmon: when J Doe bowe uice, and there-
the king of Iſrael. And hee Departed, and Downe, | fay, in the houle of Rimmon , the fore defireth
d Togiue this as 4tooke ¢ witi him ten talents effiluer, and k mercifull vnto thy feruant in this God to forgiue
aprefent to the lire thoufand pieces oF gold, and ten change nt. him, left others
Prophet. of ratinents, 19 Unto whom hee faid , *Soe in peace. by his example
Ebr,inhis hand, 6 And bought the letterte the King of So hee Departed from him about balfe a might fall to
Iſrael to this effect, Mow when this letter Dayes tourney Of ground. idelatry: for as
iscome vnto thee, bnderftand, that J haue 20 Gnd Gehazi the feruant of Eliſha the” forhis owne pare.
fent thee Maaman my eruaunt, that thou man of God fain, Behold, my matter hath he confeffeth
mapet heale bhim of bts lepzotie. {pared this Aramite Maaman,receiuing not that he will never
7 And when the Ring of Frael had thole things
at bis band that hee brought: ferueany bur the
read the letter, herent bis clothes, and fara, asthe Lozdlineth , 3 will runne after him, true God,
Am J God, to kulland te giue life, that hee and take ſomewhat of him. r k The Prophet
Doeth (end to me, that3Mould healea man 21 So Gehazı followed ſpeedily after did not approwe-
from bts lepzofic? CGberefere confiner, J Maaman. And when Maaman fawe him his a@e,bur after
pray you, and (ee how hee ſecketh a quarell running after bim,'belight downe from the the common ma-
againſt me, charet to meet him, and fain,
Js all well? ner of fpeechhe
8 But when Eliha the man of God 22 And he anfwered, Allis well; my ma» biddeth him
bad heard that the Ring of Iſrael had rent fter bath fent me, faying, Behold, there bee farewell,
bis clothes, bee (ent vnto the Ring , faying, come te me enen now from mount Ephꝛaim l Declaring
e The Prophet c Therefore halt thou rent thy clothes? Let two young men of the childzenof the Prꝛo⸗ thereby what
rebuketh Ý king, him come now to mee, and bee Hall know, — 3 giue them, J pray thee, a talent of honour and affe-
becaufe he did that theretsa Pꝛophet in Iſrael. luer and two change of garments. Gion he bare to
not confider that 9 EThen Maaman came with his hoz: 23 And Naaman fayde, Dea, take two the ProphetY his
God was truein fes, and with bre charets, and ood at the talents; and bee compelled btm, and boung
his promiſe, and Dooze of the boule of Eliſha. two talents of filucr intwobagges, w
therefore would 10 Gnd Elia ſent a meſſenger onto two change of garments, and gaue t
not leaue his bim, faping, Goe, and wah thee in Jorden vntotwo of bis feruants, that they might “9
Church deftitute feuen times, and thp fle} tall come agatne beare them befoze him.
ofa-Propher, to thee,and thou Walt be cleanſed. 24 And when became fo ||the towꝛe bee lOr
whofe prayers he II But Rasman was ‘woth, and went tooke them out of their bands, and laide Secret place.
would heare, and away, and faide, Bebolde, J thought with them in the boufe, and fent away the mien: m Naamans fere
to whom other my felfe. ie will furelp come out, and Rand, and m they departed. uants, .
fhould haue re- and call on the lame of the Lozd his God, 25 ¶ Then hee went in, and Toodbefore n Wasnot I pre= °
courfe for com- a putbis hand on the place, and heale the bis matter. And Eliſha ſayde vnto him, fent with theein
fort. eprꝛolie. CAhence commeft thou, Gehazi? And He (aid, Pirit?
f Mans reafon 12 Are not Abanah and Pharpat, riuers Thy feruant went no whither. o Thati money
murmureth, when of Damaſtus/ better then all
thewaters of 26 But hee laid vnto Him, "ent not to buy poffeffi-
it confidereth Iſrael may J not wath me in them, and bee mine heart wich thee when the man turned ons with: mea-
onely the fignes —— Hee turned, and Departed in pif againe from bis charet to merte thee? Js ning, thar it is
and outward pleaſure. this @ time to take money, and to receiue deteftablein the
things,and hath 13 But his ſeruants came, and ſpake vn⸗ garments, oand oliues, and vineyards, and feruants of God
not regard tothe tobim, and faid, s Father, ifthe Prophet iheepe, andoren, and men feruaunts, and to haut Couet Ong -
word of God, had commaunded thee a great thing, woule maide fernants? mindes,
which isthere Det thou not hane Done tt? hom much rather 27 The leppolic therfore of Maamtan Hall p Tobeanex-
contained, —FJ when hee faith to thee, Cah, and bee cleaue vnto thee, and Ptothyptecte to: euer, ample to all fuck =
g This declareth cleane? Gnd hee went out from his paclkice a leper as by whofe co-
that fernants 14 Then wenthee Downe and * waed white as ſnow. uctoulneffe Gods: «
| ought to reue- himlelfe ſeuen times in Joden, accoꝛding to word might be -
rence and loue the faving ofthe man of Gov, and his fief COANE. OV te flandered,
their maftersas came againe, like vnto the flethof alittle 6 Elifha maketh yron to frimme aboue the was
children their fa- child, and be was cleane. ter. 8 Hee difclofeth the king of Syrias counfell
and likenife Is €Andbe turned againe to the man of tothe king ofFfrael 1 3 Who fending certaine to
maft#rs toward God, he,and all his compante,
and came and tak: hon, were kept fat in Samaria. 24 Sama-
their feruaunts {tood befoze him, and fain , Beholo, nowF riz wb fiegedandendaretlh extreme famine.
muft be affeGio- Kioto that there is no Good it ail thewo d,
ned as toward butin Iſrael: now therefore, J rap chee, AP? the children of theProphets ſaid
their children, takeatremardefthefernant. Avnto Elika, Behold, wee pray thee,
Luke 4 27 16 Butheelaid, Asche Lor liueth (bes the place where wee dwell with thee,tstes
Ebr blefing, fore whome J tand) J will not receiue it. little fo2 03, —
2 Lex
Yron fwimmeth. Elifhas prayer. I: Kings. A famine in Samaria.
a Or,a piece of 2 Let vs now goe to Foden, that wee marta, Clitha aid, Lord, open their eves,
wood fit te build may take thence euery mana a beans, and that they may (ee. And the Lord opened their
with, mahevs a placeto dwell in. And he anfines epes, and they faw, and behold , they were in $
fOr,the axe head, red, Hae. f the mids of Samaria.
b God wrought 3 Andone faid, Uouchlafe, F prap thee, 21 And the bing of Iſrael faid vnto E» I The wicked vfe
this miraculouily A gorwith thy (eruants : and be anſwered, liſha when he law them, My father, hall J reuereat & graue
to confirme che wiil gog. finite thei, hail JIſmite them? words towards
authoritie of Eli- 4 Ho he went with them, and when they 22 And ee antwered, Thou falt not the ſeruants of
fha,to whom he cume to Jorden, they cur Downe weed. {mite them: doeſt thou not ſmite them that God,when they
had giuen fuch a- And as one was fellingok a tree, the thou batt taken with thy fwod, and with thinke to haue 3.
bundance of bis {|pron tell tute the water: then be crted, and thy bowe? bre fet bread and water before ny commoditie ~
ſpirit. (ad, Alas,matter,itwas but borrowed, them, that they map eat and drink, and go to by them, though
c Meaning,that _ 6 And the man ofGod taid, here feli their matter. i m their heare
he would lie ia it? And he Hewed bim the place. Chen hee 23 And hee made great preparation foz they cannot a-
ambuſh and take Cut down a piece Of Wood, and caft in thither, them: and when they jad eaten, and Dun- bide them,
the Ifraclites at and be cauled the prow tot ſwimme. ken, hee lſent them away: and thep went to m For this gentle
vnwares. 7 Shen he laid, Take it vp to thee. And their matter . So the bands of Aram caine entreatie and the
d The wicked he ſtretched out his hand,and tooke it. | no moꝛe into the land of Iſrael. miracle wroughe
confpire nothing 3 QChenthe king of Aram warred a⸗ 24 But afterward Ben-hadad King of by the Prophet,
fo craftily, but gaint j{rael, and tooke counleil with dts Aram gathered all hisholte, and went vp, did more preuaile
God can reueale Ceruants,and (aid, Ine fuch and lucha place and belieged Samaria. t forcommon
it to his feruants, thalbe my cainipe. 25 Ho there was a great famine in Da- quietneſſe, then if
and caufe their 9 Therelsre the man of Gon fent vnto Warta: foz log, they beſtegeo it, vntillan they had bene o⸗
counfellto bee the KingofIſrael, faying, Beware thou gog afleshead was at fourelcoze picces of lilucr, uercome in bat.
difclofed. andthe fourth part of acab of Bones "Dung tel: for they re-
net ouer to luch a place; foz there the Ara
e Thereisno- mites are come downe. at flue pieces of filuer. i turned no more
thing fo fecret 10 Ho the king of Ilrael (ent to the place 26 Andas the king of Iſrael was going at that time to
that chou canft which the man of Go told him, and ware bpon the wall, there cried a woman ynta fight againft Iſ-
goe about, but ned bimof, g v ſaued himlelte from thence, bim, laying, Velpe, mp lord,O king. racl, or in that
he knowech it, & not once, noꝛ twile. ? 27 And he fain, seeing the Lord Doth not kings dayes,
-difcouerethit IL And the beart of the king of Aram fuccour thee, how ſhouid J) helpe thee with n The Ebre wes
vnto his king. twas troubled foz this thing: therefore bee the ° barne,o2 with the winepzelie? k write, thar they
£ Thoughit had called his ſeruants, and (aid vnto them cail 28 Allo the king laid vnto ber,cGibhat at- burned icin the
bene nothing inpee not Hew mee, whith of ps bewrayeth our leth thee? And the anfwered , This woman fiege for lacke
mans iudgement counfell to the king of Iſrael? í {aid vnto mee, Giue thy fonne, that we may of wood,
tohaue taken B- 12 Thenoneof his (eruants faid, Mone, eate him today, and wee will eate my fonne o Meaning,any
litha,yet the wic- my lord, D Bing, but Elita the Duopbhet to morot. t Kinde of vitaile,
ked cuer doubt that isin Flracl, telleth tye king of Iſrael, 29 * Dg wee fod my onne, and did eate as corne and
andthinke they euen the words that thou ſpeakeſt in thycpri· bim: and J faid co her the Bay after, Gtue wine, &c,
areneuer able to uie chamber. thy fonine, that we map cat him, but the bath Deut. 28. 53,57
repare power 13 And he laid, Gee, and ſpie where hee hid her fonne. ; \|\Or,under hi- .
——— is, that ¥ may endan? fetch him. And one 30 And when the Ring had heard the clothes, i
itbe but againft told him, faying, Behold, he isin Dothan. words ofthe woman, hee rent bis clothes, p Thus hypo-
one, o7 a few. 14 C Go bee lent thither horles and chas (and a3 hee went bpon the wall, the people critesswhen they
g Forhee was af- rets, anda nightie hoſte: and they came looked, aud behold,bebad lackcloth ||with- feeleGods judge-
fured of Gods by night and companied the citic. ine npon bis flem) ments, thinke to
helpe, and that 15 And when the feruaunt ofthe man of I And he laid, Sod Doe fo to me and moze pleafe him with-
millions of An- ov arole earely to goc out, behold, an hotte allo, tf the head of Clitha the fonne of Sha- outward ceremos
gels camped a- compaſſed the citie with holes and charets, phat Hall tand on him this day. nics, whomin +
bout the godly Then bis ſeruant aid vnto pim, Alas, ma 32 (Mow Flia fate in his boule, and profperitic they ;
to Fk them, ſter how hail we doc? the Elders fate with bim) Aid the king fent will not know.
2.(r.32.7- 16 And hee anfwered, e Feare not: * foz a man before him: but betoze the meflenger q Meaning,le-
h Thaehe may they thar bee tity vs, are me then they that came tobim, be ſaid tothe Cloers, See yee horam Ahabs
behold how _ be with them. not how this a murtherers onne hath ient fonne, who killed
thou haft prepa- 17 Then Clif}a prayed and (aid, LoD, to take aay mine bead? take heede when the Prophets and
red an armie to beleech thec,epen his epez, b that hee map the meffenger.commeth , and. (hut the Booze, caufed Naboth
fefcue vs, fee. And the Lorn opened the eyes of the ler- and handle him roughly at the Booze: isnot tobe ſtoned.
i Msaningthe uant, and bee looked, and behold,the moun⸗ the Cound of his matters fecte bebinde bin? r: Sothe wicked
Syrians his ene· _taine was full of hopes and charetsof tire 33 Abile hee pet talked with them, be- fallintoa rage
mies, which came round about Eliſha. i beld, the meſſenger came downe vnto him, and de(peration
downe thinking 18 Sai they came downetohim : butE- and fayde, Behold, this euill commeth of 1f they finde not
themfelues fure liſha prayed vnto the LoD, and faid, Smite tbeae : poul F attend on the Lod any fudden remedie
of him. this people, pzap thee, with blindneſſe. And nger? j againf their af-
k Thus he did he moie them with blinducie, according to flictions.
being led by the the wordof Elita. i CHAP, VII.
‘Spirit of God,and 19 And Elitha ſaid onto them, Chis
. mot becaute he is not the way, neither is thts the cette: fol- 1 Ekfha prophefieth plentie ofvitaile add other
fought his owne low mee, and J will leade youto thesnan things to Samaria. 6 The Syrians run away,and
seuengeance, but whom pee lecke. But hee * led themto Bae haue no man following them. 17 The prince that
onely to fer forth marta ` would xot beleeae the word of Elifha y in troden
the glory of God. 20 And when they were come to Bac to death.
Foure lepers. The Aramites fled. Chap.vij.viij. Incredulitie rewatded. 148
—— Githa ſayd, Heare pee the word of they are enen asall thei multitude of Iſrael i There are no
a The godly are the Lozd ; thus ſayth the 10:0, To moa that are left therein; bekeld, I fy, they are more left but
cuer aflured of row this time aimeature of fine floure thal be asthe multitude of the Blraclites thatare they,or the reft
Gods he'pein fold fo? a ſhekel, and two meaſures of barley conſumed) and we weil fend to fee. are confumed
their neceilities, fo2 a ſhekel in the gate of Samaria. 14 De they tooke|| two charets of holes, with the famine
but the times and 2 Chena prince on whole hand the king and the king tencafter the bette of the Ara- asthereft of
houresate onely bicaned, antwered the man of God, and mites, faying, Gor and fee. the people,
reuciled by Gods fayd, Though the Lod would make « win- Is AnD they went atter them vntg Jor⸗ fOr.two horfes of
irit, Dowels in the heauen, could this thing coine Den andlor, all the wap was full ofcistbes the charet, which
b To whom the to paffe zand He ſayd, Behold, thou fait tee and veilels witch the Aramites had caft were accuftemed
King gaue the ifwith thine eyes, but thou (halt noc teate from tyem in their hatte: andthe mefien- to draw ix the-
charge and ouer- thereof: gers returned and told the king. charet,
fight of things, 3 Rowe there were foure lemons men 16 Thenthe people went out and poy-
as verle 17. at the e entring in of the gate:and they ſayd led the campe of the Qramites ; fo a mealute
c He mocketh pubae another, Chy fit wee here vntill wee offine floure was at a Wekel, and tipo meas
atthe Prophets ie? fures ofbarlepat a thekel x accozding to the k Whichhe -
words, faying, 4- Ff we fay, we will enter into the citie, wozd ofthe Lord. es fpake by the
that ifGod rate fhe famine isin the citie, aun wee Mall die 17. And the King gaue.the Prince (on mouth of Elika -
ned downe core there: and ikwe fit here, we Dic alfo. Mowe whole hand hee leaned) the charge of the verle r,
| from heauen, yet therefore come,and let ys fall into the campe gate, and the people 'trode vpon hunin the 1 Asthe people -
this could not ofthe Aramites; ifthey fane our lines, wee Sate, and hee Dicd,as the man of God had preaffed ont of
come to paſſe. Senne and ik they kiil bs, weeare but fava , which ſpake tt when the Hing came the gate to run.
d Thy inſidelitie eau, Downe to hun, to the Syrians
fhalbe punifhed 5 So they roſe op inthe twilight, to goe 18 Anditcameto pafle, as the man of tents wherethey-
herein, when tothe campe of the Aramites: and when God had (poken tothe king, faying, Two had heard was
thou halt fee they were come te the vtmolt part of the meaſures of barley at a ſhekel, and a meas meate,and great o
this miracle, andcampest the Aranutes , loc, there was no fure of fine toure Hall be at a hekel, to mo- {poyle left.
man there.
et not be parta⸗ rowe abont this time tn the gate of Das
erthereof.. 6 frorthe Lor hadcanled the campe of mariz, $
e For it wascom= the Aramiteg to beare a f nopleof charets, 19 But the prince had anſwered the man
manded inthe and a noyſe of bales, and a noyſe of a great of God, and fayd, Though the Lod would
Law that they armie,fathat they fayd one to another, Be- make windowes inthe heauen,couldic come
fhould dwella- hold, the king af Ilrael hath hired againitſo to paſſe? And he fayd, Behold, thou halt
part,and not a- ` bs the kings of the Hittites, and the kings ieit ie thine eves, but thou hale not eate
mong theirbre- of the Egyptians to come bpon vs. ereof.
thren,Leuit. 7. Wiberefoze they arofe and fled inthe 20 And foit came vnto bim: forthe peas
|! 13.46. twilight, and left their tents, and their hoz ple trode vpon btm in the gate,and he died.
f Thus God nec- fes ann their alics, cuenthe campe as it was
deth no great and s fled fo? their lines. A CHA) Bs: Wilde
preparation to 8° And whenthefelepers came to the vt- 1 Ebjfbaprophecseth vato the Shunammite the
deftroy the wic- mot part of the campe, they entred mto one dearth of[zuen peere, 12 He prophecseth to Has
ked, though they tent, and did eate and Minke, and caried zael that he [halbe king of Syria. 35 He reignueth
be neuer fo ma- thence filuer and golde, and rapment and after Ben-hadad: 16 Ichoram reigneth ouer Iu-
ny,for he can went and hid it; after thep returned, and ens dah. 20 Edom falleth from Judah, 25 Ahazi»
featter them with tred into another tent,and carted thenceallo, ah fucccedeth fehoram.
a fmallnoife or and went and hid tt,
fhaking ofa 9 Then fain one to another, tde Doe not de fpake Flipa vnto the woman, Chab. 4.35.
leafe.. well: this day is a Day of goon tidings, and £ *whole fonne be had reftozed to lite fay- a Wherethou
g The wicked. we hald our peace. JE we tary till Day ſight, ing, Gyp,and gor, thou and thine boule, and canft finde a
neede no greater: ſome miſchiefe will come bpon bs. Mowe forourne where thau > cantt Cotourne: foz the commodious
enemy then their eo come, let vs goe, and tell the kings Loꝛd hath called foz a famine, and it com- place to dwell,
owne conſcience ouſhold. meth allo vpon the land ſeuen peeres. whereas is plenty, .
to purlue them. 10 So they came, and called vnto the 2 And the waman arole,and did after the b That is,to
llOr, wefhalbe porters of the citie, and tolde them, faping, faying of the man of Ged, and went both _complaine on
_panifbed for our Ce came tothe campe of the Qramites,ana fee and her houſhold, and foiourned in the them which had —
fault. ; loe,thevewas no man there, neither votce of land of the Philiſtims leuen peeres. taken her poſſeſ⸗
man, but poies tyed. and aſſes tyed: aud che 3. And at the feuen yeeres end, the wos fions while fhe
tents are as they were. man returned outoftheland of the Phili⸗ was abſent.
IL And the porters cried and Declared to ſtims, and went out > tocallypon the king ¢ Gods wonder-
the kings houſe within. 6 foz ber houle and fo? þer land. - l full prouidence
12 Chen the king arole in the night, and 4 Ana the king talked with — the appeareth in this,
h Henitftrufted fayd vnto his feruants, kI will ewe you ſeruant ofthe man of God,faying,Tell me, that hê caufed
the Prophets. : now what the Aramites haue Dene vite ug. J praythee, all the great actes that Clipa the king tobe
| words,and there. Chepknow that we Ate a ght bath tone: i iws defirous to heare
fore could bē- fore thep are gone out ofthe camipe to pide 5 And as be told <theking, howhe han oft him, whom
_leeue notbing,as themlelues in the fielne, taping, Ahen thep reffozed one Dead to life, bebot; the woman beforehecon-
they which are come out of the citic, we ſhalltatch them a= whole donnehehadratird tolife, called py- temned,andalfo
more politike liue, and get into the citie. K : onthe king for Ser boule and foz her land. hereby prepared’
~ then godly, euet -13 And one ot his ſerunants anſwered, and Then Gehast 2d, My toD kena, this is an entranceé,to. ~
caſt more perils , fayde, Let men take noto fine ofthe horſes the woman, and this is her fonne, whom €- the poore wis
n needeth. that remaine and are ieftin the civic (behold, liſha reſtored to life. dowes fura,-
Ta 6 And
Whabiahs I
HazaelandElifha. Iehoram. - II. Kings. chi is anointed
6 And when the Ring atked the woman, night , and {note the Coomites which were
fhe telde him: fo the King appsinted ber an about him with the Captatnes of the cha⸗
Cunuch, faving, Reftoze thou all that are rets and the people fled into their tents.
d The king cau- berg, and allthe ¢ fruits of her lands fince 22 Go Codom rebelled from vnder the
fedthat to be the Dap thee left the land, euen vntill this hand of Judah vnto this day. Then » Like n This wasaci-
iuftly reftored time. nab rebelled at that fame time. tic in ludah gi-
which was 7 ¶ Then Clia came toDamateus,and 23 Concerning the ret of the actes of ucntotheLe-
wrongfullyhol- · Ben dadad the King of Aram was ficke, Joram, and all that hee did, are thep not uites, loſh.21. 13. J
den from her. andone told jim, faping, Che man of God written in the booke of the Chroniclesof and aſter turnedã
iscomebither, the kings of Judah? j from king Ieho- |
8 And the king faid vnto hazael, Cake 24 And Joram ſlept with his Fathers, ram,becauleof
a prelentin thine hand, and goe meete the and was burted with his Fathers tn the ci· hisidolatry.
matt of God, that thou = uiquire of the tie ofDauid. Aud * Ahaʒiah his ſonne reig⸗· 2.Chre.aa.s.
Loꝛd by him, faping, Shal J reconer of this ned in bis ſtead.
diſeaſe? 25 ¶ In the twelfth yeere of Fozam the p
9 € Go Hazael went to meete him, and fone of Ahab king of Iſrael, B Ahaziah A

tooke the pretentin bis hand, andof every —— of Jehoram king of Judah begin
e Ofall chechic- © good thing of Damatcus, euen the burden e.
feftand precious of foztie camels, and came and ſtoode before 26 ° Two and twentie veere olde wag o Whichis tobe J
thingsof the him, and faid, Eby onne Wen-hadad kin @ Ahaʒiah when be began to reigne, andhe vnderRoode,that
countrey. of dram hath fent me to thee,faping, Dhall reigned one peere in Jerufalem,and his mo- be was made
FZ recouer of this diſeaſe? thers name was Athaliah the Daughter of king, when his
Io Aud Eliya (aid to him, Gae, and fap Omri king ok Iſrael. father reigned,
£ Meaning,that vnto him, Thou Wait f recouer: howbeit 27 And hee watked in the wap of the but after
- he fhould reco- the Lozd hath themed me, that be ſhall furcip boule of Ahab, and Did enilltn the fight of thers death he
werofthisdif- Die, ] ‘ the Lozd,ltke the Houle of Ahab: foz ye wag wasconfirmed
eaſe: but hee 11 And helooked vpon him ſtedkalſtly till the fonne in law of the boule af Abab. king,wken hee
` knewthatthis Hazaci was aſhamed, andthe manof God 28 And he went with Jozam the ſonne of wasforty two
ameffengerHa- wept. Abab to warre againt iazael king of Axam yeere olde,as
«zacel (hould flay I2 And Hazael lain, Ahy weepeth my in e Ramoth Gilead, and the Aramites 2.Chron.22.2.
him to obteine 19:07 and heanfwered, Becauſe J knowe ſmote Joram. Which wasa
cheKingdome, fhe cuillthat thou alt Do unto the childzen 29 Andking Joram returned tobe hea⸗ citieinthe tribe - |
of Iſrael:fot their trong cities halt thou fet led tn a Fsreel of the woundes which the of Gadbeyond
on fire, and their pong men chalt thou flay Aramites had ginen him at Ramah, when Torden,
with the ſworde, and Walt daſh thetr ins be fought againtt Hazael King of Aram; q This isacitie
fants again{t the ftones, and rent in pieces and Abastal the fonne of Jehoram King of belonging to the
their women with childe. : Judah went downe tolce Joram the fonne tribe of liſachat.
13 Shen Hazael lain, Ahat? is thp fers ot Abab in Izreel,becaule he was ficke.
S That Ifhould want sa Dogge, that J Houl doe this great
be without all . thing? Gnd Glipa anfwered, Che Lord CHAP. Ix,
humanitie and pa ſhewed me, that thou thaltbe king of 6 Iehu is made king ofIfrael, 24 And kila
itic, rain. leth Teboram the King thereof, 27 and Ahariah,
j 14 € So be departed from Eliſha. and etherwife called Ochorias, the Kingof Judah,
came to bis matter, who fain to him, Ahat 33 andeaufeth Ferebelto be cafi downe ont of
{aid Eliſha to thee? And he antwered, He awindow,and the dogs did eate her,
toide me that thou ſhouldeſt recover. TES Elia the Prophet catled one of
15 And on the moꝛowe be tookea thicke the childzen of the Prophets, and fain
h Vaderpre- — cloth, and Dipt it inwater, and © peade it onto bun, * Giru thylopnes, and take thts 1.Kis.19 16,17.
tencetorefrelh on bis face,and be Died; and Hazaei reigned bore of oplein thine Hand, and get theeto a Prepare thy
ot eaſe him, he tn bis ead. Ramoth Gilead. i felfe to go dili»
Rtifedhimwith 16 @* Rowin the fifth peere of Joram 2 And when thon commelt chither,looke gently about thy
this cloth, the fonne of Ahab king ofIſrael, and of Je» where is Jehu thefonne of Jehothaphat, the bufineffe: for im
2.Chron,21.4. holſhaphat kmg of Judah, i Jehoram the fone of Rumot, and goe and make hima: thofe countreys
1 ReadeChap. fonne of Jehoſhaphat king of Judah began rife vp from among bis bzethzen, andleade they vied long
1.17. k toreigne. bim+ toa fecret chamber. gatmentswhich
k He wascon- I7 Hee was two and thirtte peere olde, 3 hen take the bore of opie,and powꝛe they cucked vp,
firmed in his when be began to reigne: and be reigned it on bis head, and fay, Thus faith the LoD, when they went
kinedomeafter eight yeeres in Jeruſaſem. J baue anoynted thee for king ouer Iſrael: about earneft bw-
his fathers death, 18 And bee walked in the wayes of the then open the Dooze, and fice without any ſineſſe.
kings of Iſrael, as did the boule of Ahab: — *Eb. from chañ-
i Theholy Ghoft foz the |Daughter of Ahab was bis wife, 4 the ſeruant of the Prophet wate dertochamber.
fheweth hereby and he did euttl in the fight of the Low. hun to Ramoth Gileav-
whatdangeritis 10 Wet the Lord would not deſtroy Flu- § Andwhenhecame in,behold,the cap ·b This anointing
toioynewith dah, foꝛDautd his ſeruants fake,” as he had taines of the armie were fitting. And he was for kings,
infidels. promiten him to giue him alight and to his fain, J panea meſſage to thee, D captaine. Priefts,and Pro-
2.Sam.7-13. chilozen fo2 euer. And Jehu a, Unto which ofall vs? And phers,which
m Whichhad 20 @ In thole dayes Enom “rebelled be antwered,@o thee,D captaine. all figures of
beenfubic& fró frombnder!the hand of Judah, and madeg 6 Andhe arofeand wentintothe houle, Mefiiah, in
‘Dauidstime vn- king ouer themfelues. and he powsed the oyle on his head, and whomchefethree
cillthis time of 21 Therefoz Joram went toZair, and fayde vnto him, Thus fapeth the LoD offices wereac-
Ichoram, ali bis charets with bim, and he arole by Gon of Iſrael, J haug > anoynted thec complifhed,
flayethIoramandIezebel. ebel:
TAa A |
King: Ne goeth to Izreel and Chap.ix.
Then Jehoram fayd, Make ready3
for King oner the people of the Lode, cuen and21 his¶ charet was made ready. AnD Jee
ouer Iſtael. of Iraei, and Ahasiah king of
And thou fhalt finite the houfeo f A- Hoamkin g
matter , that J map auenge the Tunah wencout etther of chem in his charet
da top againit Jehu, and met bim in the held of
tood af my feruants the Prophets, and the Kaboth the Jsreclite.
blood ofall the {eruantgot the Lozo* ofthe
band of Jezebel, 22 Aud when Jehoram faw Rebus bee
3552 5+
3 Forthe whole houleof Ahab Wall bee (aid, Js it peace Jebu? and hee anlwered,
DeftroyedD: and " Zwill cut off from Abab, What speace, whiles the whoredomes of g Meaning, that
bim that maketh water againt the wail, as thy mother Jezebel, and her witchcratts are forafmuch as
and 25,21. — ———— bis hand God istheit enc-
well bimthatisfhutwp, as bim thatis teft mie
an D mie,becaufe
Dis of
in Jirael. 23 Chen Fedoram turned
fiep, anD (ayd to Abaziah,D Ahaztah,thercis their finnes,that
9 Gnd JIvill make the boule of Ahab : he will euer ftirre
like the houle * ot Jeroboam the fonne of treafon.
and 24,23, AMrbat, and like the Houle *of Baatha the 24 ButIebutooke a bowe th bis hand, vp fome torte-
tKing.i 6.311. tonne of Ahitah. and finote Jehoram betweene the ſhoulders, uenge his cauſe.
s and
IO And the dogges Wall eate Jezebel in that the atrow went thoꝛow bis beart j
be fell Downe tn bis charet.
the field of Fsrcel, and there (all benoneto i
bury ber. And he opened theDooze, and fied. 2 Then (aid Ichu to Gidkar a captatne,
came out to tbe fers Take andcatt himin fome place of thefiel HOr, pake thi
e ThatisthereR IL ¶ Then Jehu
ofthearmie, wantgof higlozd. Andone fayd unto bim, Sf Haboth the Bsreeltte ; foz J remember prophefie againſt
rode together after bim.
whomhecalled Jsall well? wherefore came thisdmad fel- that when J and thou 1-King.21.29.
beferchisbre- loto to chee And be laid vntothem,Peknow Ahab bis father, the Loyd ||laid this burden h By thisplace
thren, verle 2. the man and what bis talke was. vpon him.
I2 And thep Cayd, Ftig kalle, tell bo it 26 *Surelpy I haus feene petterday the itis evident that
d Inthis eſtima⸗ Tezebel caufed
tion,the world now. Then helapd, T hus and thus fpake blood of Maboth, ¢ the blood of bis *onnes,
render tt thee tn both Naboth and
hath the mini- be to mee, faping, Thus ſayth the Lord, J apd the Lod, and J twill his ſonnes to be
this field, faith the Lord: now theretoze take
fters of God: paue anginted thee fo? King ouer Iſrael. put to death, that
notwithftanding 13 Then they made hatte, and tooke cue and caft him in the flelde, accozding tothe
Ahab might en-
forafmuch asthe ty man bis garment , and put it vnder him wom ofthe Lod, i
Judah ioy his vineyard
sn the top of the ſtaires, andblew the trune 27. But when Ahaziah the king of
world hath euer faw this, bee fled bythe way of the garden more quietly : for
flandered the pet.laping, Jehu ts King. els his children
children of God, 14 So Febu the fonneof Tehohaphat — Amite and Jehu purſued after hin, and
eof pimbi confpired againt Jos app,
thetonn him alfo in the charet: and they might haue claie
Geathey called med poficflion,
founeof God ram, (ow Jozam kept Ramoth Gilead, {mote him in the going vp to Our, whichis
by Ibleam. And he fied toi Megiddo, and i Afcerthathee
adeceiuer, and y and all Jirael, becaule of hazael Ring of was wounded in
faydhehad the ram. there Died. j
28 And his feruants carted him ina cha- Samaria he fied
deuil!) cherefore Is And*king Joram returnedtobe hea· to Megiddo,
“they ought not ledin Jizreel of the wounds, which the A- tet to Jerufalem, ¢ buried bim in bis fepul>
chze with bis fathers tn the citie ofDauid. which wasa citi¢
to be difcoura- ramites had giuen him, when dee fought 29 E And inthe eleucnthycere of Jos of Iudah,
ged. with Hazael king of Aram) and Jehu lapd,
| Chap.3.29. It it bee your mindes, tet noman Depart ram the fonne of Ahab, began Abaztah to k That is, elenen
reigne oner Judah. whole yeeres: for
an — outof the citie, to goe and tellin
30 And when Jehu was come to Izre· chap.8,25. be-
16 80 Jehu gate vp into acharet, and el,Jezebel heard of it, and painted her face, fore, when hee
went to Fsreel: for Ioram lap there, anv and typed her head, and ‘looked outata faid that he be-
window. gan to reigne the
e God hadthus © Qhasiah king of Judah was come Downe 31 AndasDehuentred at the gate, thee twelfth yeere of
ordained,asis tOfee Jorꝛam. i ſayd, Wan = Simei peace, which ſlewe his Ioram,hetaketh
read2.Chto.22, 17 Anathe watchman that tooneinthe mater? i ; ; partofthe yeere
‘thacthiswic- towre in Jizreel, (pied the company of Jes for the whole,
huashecame, and ſayde, J {ee a company, Dow, 32 And bee lift vp his eyes te the win»
edandidelae and fayd, ibe ts on my fide, who? 1 Being efan
trouskingwho And Jehoram fayd, Cakea hozleman, and Then two or thee of her |Gunuches looken hauty and cruel
wasmoreready fend tomecte them, thathee may fay, Is it nature, fhee
togratifiewic- peace? unto pim.
KedJoram,then 18 So there went one on hoꝛlebacke to 33 And be (aid, Caſt her Down: and they would ftil retcine
her princely Rate
to obeythewill meete him, and fayd, Thus faith the King, cait her Downe, r and bee ſprinkled of der and dignitie.
ofGod,hould Is it peace? And Jehu fayd, Ahat hatt blaon vpon the wall, and bpon the hoꝛſes,
? me. and he trode her vnder koote. t m Asthough fhe
erith with him, thou to doe with peace would fay,Can
bywhofe meanes AnD the watchman tolde, faving, The mel- and 4Minke
And when he was come in,heDid eate
and ſaid, Ailitenow yonder curs any traitour,or
the thought to fenger came to them, but bee commeth not any that rifeth
haue been Rron- agatne. fed woman and bury ber:fo We is ° kings
i againft his fupe-
cr. 19 Then hee fent out an otheron boe- Daughter. they went to burp her, but they riour,hauegood
for,fllewme dacke, which came to them, and fayt, Thus 35 And
ſucceſſeꝰ reade
fayth the —— Js it peace? And Jehu an- found no moze offer thenthelcull, andthe 1.King.16.10,
,TAYathalk thou io Doe with peace? feete,and the palmes of her hands.
turne behind me, $ 36 Wherefore they cameagaine and told or. chieſefer-
20 Qndthewatchman told, faying, Wee the Spirit of God, that her blood
f Asonethat tame to them alfo, but commeth noragaine, n This hedid by the motiontheofblood of innocents , to bea fpe Ga-
went eatneftly and the We Ero like the marching of Jle- fhould be fhed, that had fhed the
abouthisentere bu the ſonne of Frimiht; for hee marcheth cleand example of Gods iudgementstoalltyrants, o To wit,of
king of Zidon, t,King,16,31, bi
prife, F furtoutly. ~ un.
Ahabs fonre sareflaine. Iehu II.Kings. and Ichonatlab:Baals prieſts ſlaine.
Ebr.bythe bin. And bee fayd, Chis is the word of 12 ¶ And bee arole, and departed, anv
hand of. theLod, which hee paket by bis ſeruant came to @amarta. And as Jehu was inthe
1.K2#7.21.23. Eltiah the Cihbite, laying,” Ju the fielde oa by an boule where the hepheards did
p ee Gods Eer ſhall the dogges cate che few of ere,
judgements ap- exebel, > 13 Hee met with the brethren of Ahaziah
peare euen in this 37 Aud the carkeis of Jezebel Hall bee King of Judah, and fayd, Abo are yee?
world againſt a3 Dung bpon the ground inthe fielde of Aud they anlwered, Wee are toe bzetheer
them that fup- Izreel, ſo that none Wall fap, r Chis ts Je- of Ahaziah, and go Downe to falute the chil:
preffe his werd zebel. Brenofthe Ling, aud the children of the
and perfecute his CHAP, X. Queene.
feruants., 6 Iehu caufeth the ſeuenty ſonnes of Ahab ta 14 And be ſayd, Take them aliue. Gnd
be flaine, 14 and after that fortie and two of A- they tooke thein aliue, and ew them at the
haxiahs brethren. 25 He killeth alſo all the Priefts wellbelide the houe where the heepe are
of Baah 35 After his death his [onne reigneth Horne, euentwo and fourty men, and hee
a0 his lead. ‘ f left not one of then. f Thus Gods
a The Scripture Aab ban now ſeuentie a ſonnes in Da- Is (And when he was departed thence, vengeance is
vfeth to call them maria. And Jehu wote letters and fent hee met with Jehonadab the onne of Re- vponthem that
fonnes,which are to Damaria vnto the rulers ofaizreel, and chab commitg to mecte bim, and be e ||bleſ⸗ haueany partor -|
either children, tothe Civers, and tothe bzingers vp of A⸗ ſed him, aud fayd to hun, Is there heart vp- familiatitie with
ar nephewes, habs childzen,to this effect, tight yas mine beartis toward thine? And the wicked.
2 Mow when this letter commeth to Tehonadab anſwered, Vea, doubtleſſe. Then g For he feared |),
you, Cfo: pee baue with pou pour matters giue me thine hand. And when he had giuen Godand lamen- |
ſonnes, pee haue with pou both charets bim his hand, hee tooke him yp to hin into ted the wicked⸗
ana bo:les, and a dekenced citie, and are the charet. f neffe of thofe
ONT 16 And hefays, Come with mee, ana ke times: therefore 11
3 Conflider therefore which of your ma⸗ the zeale that Ji baue fog the Lod: fo they Iehu was glad to. |
b He wrote this ſters ſonnes is bet and molt meete,and> fet made him rive in pis charet. ( A ioynewihhim: |
to proouethem bint on Hts fathers thꝛone, and ight for pour 17 And when hee came to Samaria, hee of Rechab,reade
whether they matters houle, t $ flew all that remained unto Ahab tn Da- lerem.3 5.2 ?
would take his 4 But they wereerceedingly afratd,and maria, ttilhe pad deſtroyed him, accozding ||Or,pray[ed God
partor no, fayd, Bebold,two kings could not ſtand bes e the word of the Lord, which hee ſpake to for dim.
fore bim, hoto Wall we then tand ? lita.
5 And heethat was goucrnour of Ababs 18 Chen Jebu allembied all the people,
houſe, and hee that ruled the citie, andthe and (apd vnto them, Ahab ſerued k Baal a
h Here Baal is
Eiders, andthe bangers vp of the chilon littde, but Jehu thattierue him much moze.
taken for Afhtae
ienttoJehu, taping, Clee are thy feruants, Ig Nowe therefore call vnto mee all the
roth the idole of
and willdoe all that thou fhalt bin vs: wee prophets of Baal, all his leruants, andall
the Zidonians, l
— naking: doz what ſeemeth goon bis patelts, and let not aman hee lacking :
which Iezebel
o thee: for Jhaue a great facrifice for Baal; who-
caufed to bee
-6 CThen bee wote another letter to focner ts lacking, he (hall not liue Bute worthipped,asit. |
them, taping, Jf pee be mine, and wiil obey hu did it by a trbttity ro deltroy the ſcruants
isalfo {o vſed,
e-Gad asa iuſt myvoyce, Stakethe heads of the men chat of Baal. r Wie 1. King. 16.3 2.
imdge punifherh are pour matters fonnes, and cometo me to 20 And Jebu fayd, + Pꝛoclaime a {o= and 23.53. i
the wicked chil- Jizreel by to morrow thts tinie. (Mow the — aſſembly fo: Baal. And they proctat> + Ebr, Sanciiße.
dren of wicked Kings founes, cuenfenentte perlons, were
parents vnto the — a men of the citic, which brought 21 SoTehulent onto all Iſrael, and all
chird and fourth emip the feruants of Baal came, and there was
generations 7 And when the letter came to them, not a man left that came not. Ant thep came,
they tooke the Rings fonnes, and llew the into che boule of Baal, and the houlesf Ba-
ſeuentie perlons,and laid their heads in baſ⸗ al wag full from end to end.
kets, ann ſent them vnto hint to Jzreel. 22 Chen hee fayd vnto him that had the.
3 E Chenthere came a melſenger, and thargeof the veſtry, Bing forth veſtments
tolde him, faving, Chey haue brought the foz ail the feruants of Baal.
And he brought
heads of the kings ſonnes. And he (atv, Let them out veſtments.
a Ye cannot iuft- them lay them on two heapes at the entring 23, And when Jehu went, and Jehona»
— Jpcondemne me in ok the gate vntill the moning: Dab the onne of Rechab into the Houle of
for the kings 9 And when it was Dap, he went out, Baal, heefaydvnto the feruantsof Daal,
death, fecing ye and ſtoode and ſayd to all the people, Webe Dearch diligently, and looke, leit there be
haue donethe trightcous Bepon.Jiconlpired agatnit my bere with pou any of cheiferuats of the Loz,” i Thus God
like to his pofte- — and flew bun; but whe ewe alt but the leruants of Baal onely, ' would haue bis
ritie:for the Lord thele? 24 Ano when they went into makefa feruants prefer-
commanded me, Io Know now that there Hall fall vnto crifice and burntottcring sgen appointed ued,andidola- |
andgmooued you the carth nothing of the wozde ot the Loyd, fourelcoze men without; and ſayd, Pany ters deftroyed: ©
to ¢xecute this which the Lord Make concerning the boule? ofthe men whom Jhaue brougheinteyour: as in his law he
his iudgement, of Ahab: forthe Lord hath brought to paſſe beun> etapes ||bis ſoule halt bee foꝛhig giueth expreffe
4 Zor.bythe ees that bee pake +bp bis feruant Olle. Jie commandement,
| hand of, tia, 25 And when4 hee had mave an envde4 of Deut.13.
x1,Kizg.21. 20. Ir @o Jebu flew all chat remained of the the burnt offerings Jehu fayd to the gard, -4Ore fhall die
e Meaning which houſe of Ahab in Izrect, anvall that were and to the captaines, Goe in, flap them, or his,
were theidola- great with bim, and his familiars, and his let not a man come out. And they ſimote
wous prisils. c pichks that be let noneoc hia remante them with the edge of theſword. Gnd thei
ehoahaz. Athaliahs crueltie. Icholada. Chap. xj. Toafh made king. Athaliah flaine. 1 50
garde,and the Laptaines caſt them out,and with them, and tooke an oath of them in the
k Which &ie sentantethe * Citte where was the Tempie boutsofthe Lod, €Mhemed them tye kings
was ncere to of Baal. onne.
Samaria. th26 Audthey bronght out the images of _ S And he commanded them,faying, This :
e Temple of Baal,and burnt them. is tt that pemut do, The third part of «you e Of the Lenites
27 And they Deltroped the image of Ba- that commeth onthe Sabbath, Yall f ward which had charge
aland thew Downe the boule of Baal, and toward tie kings boule. ; of the keeping of
mabe a takes of it vnto this Day. 6 Aun another third part tn the gate of the Temple,and
* Ho Jehu Dettroyed Waal out of Zl 8 Sursand another third part inthegate be: kept watch by
traci. hinde themof the gard: aud pee thailkeepe courfe.
29 But from the frnes of Jeroboam the watch ||in the boufe of Maſſah. f That none
fonne of Rebat which made Jiraci ic finne, 7 Aadtwo parts of pou, thatis all that thould come vp-
Jehu departed not fromthem , neither from hgoe out onthe Sabbath Day, shall keepe onthem,while
Aegolden calues that were in Beth·eland the watch of the honit ofthe Loz about the they were crow.
at werzin Dan, f king. ning the king.
30 Cand the Lord (aid unto Febi s Be- 8 And ype Hall compaſſe the king round g Called the Eaſt
caute thou hat diligently executed that abour euety man wkh bis weapon mis gate of the Tem-
which was rightin mineepesand haſt Done band, and wholoctice commeth within the, ple, a.Chro,23.5.
buto the bonte of Abab according to ail ranges, tet him bee faine: bee pon with the [lOr that none
things that werein mine heart,therfore Hall king,as be goeth out avd in. breake his order.
| 1 Thus God ap. thy! tonnes vnto the fourti generation fiton 9 Gand the captaines of the bundzeths h Whofe charge
fprooueth and tye tione of Iſrael. É DID according to al that Jehoiada the Peieſt 1s ended,
rewardeth his 31 But Jehu regarded not to walke in commanded; and they tooke euery man bis
| Zeale,in execu- the lawof the Lod Gon of Firaelweh ail men p entred in co thew charge ou thei Sab- i Reade verfes.
| ting Gods iudge- bis beart: for hee Departed vor from the bath, with them that went out of1 on the and 7,
ment,albeit bis pants Gf Jeroboam, which mabe Iſcaeld to Dabbath,and came to Ichoiada the Prieſt.
wickedrefie was une. 4 19 And the * Hiet gaue to the captaues k To wi, Iehee
afterward puni- 32 In thok dayes the LoT beganne ||to ofhundzctlsthelpeares and he ſhields that iada,
fhed. lothe Sirael, and Hazael ſinote them in all were kingDauids, and were in the houk of
dlOr;to cut them the coatts of Zirael,
“of. 33 From orden Calkward, euenall the Al Aud the garde ſtoode euery man with
land of Gilead, the Gadttes, and the Reus bis weapon in bis band, from the right Gide 1 Thatis,loath,
benites, aud them that were ofPHanalleh, of the boute to the left fine, about the altar which had bene
from Aroer (wbich is by the riuer Arnon) and about the houſe, round about the king. Kept fecret fixe
and Gilead anv Baan. 12 Then he brought out the ! Kings fon, yeeres. =
34. Cancerning the ret ofthe acts ofJe⸗ and put the crowne vpon pim, and gaue him m Meaning,t
bu, and all that hee Did, and all bis valiant ™ the tefitmonte, and they made him king + Law of Gort
Deeds, are they not witten in the booke of allo they anoynted bim, € clapt ther hands, which is his
the Chꝛonicies of the kings ofFitacl? and laid, God lane the Ging. chiefe charge, ’
35 And Fehu Acpt with hisfathers, and 13 And when Athaliah heard the noyſe and whereby
they buried bim in Gamarta,and Jehsahaz ofthe running of the people, thee came into onely his Throne
bisionnereignedinbisttcad. _ the people in the houſe of the Loyd. is eftablifhed.
36. And the time that Jehu reigned ouer 14 Aud when he looked, behold, the king n Where the
Iſrael in Damaris is eightE twenty peres, food bya * pillar, as the maner was, and Kings place was
AP. XI the JDzinces and the Crumpetters bythe in the Temple.
t Athaliah putteth to death allthe kings fans, King , anv all the people of theland reiop- !Or,ont ofthe
except Loafh the fonef Ahazah. 4loafh ú apposn- ced, aud blew with trumpets. Then Atha- Temple.
ted king.w 5 Iebovadacaufeth Athalah to be flain posFeat Her clothes, and cried, Creaion, © Totakeher
197 Hee maketh acomenant betweene God and the t I . part.
> people. 18 Baal and hu Praefts are deftrey-d. _ 15 But Jehoiada the Piet commanded p That both the
2.Chron.22,10. T Ven” Athaliah the mother ef Ahaziah the capraines of the hundzeths that had the king and the peo-
a Meaning,al the toben Mee aw that her ſonne was Dead, rule ot the bofte, and (aid bntothem, Paue ple fhould main-
pofteritie of Ie- fhee aroſe and deſtroyed all thea kings (cen. ber ||foxth of the ranges, and hee that ° fol- taine the true
boſhaphat,ro 2 But Fehotheba the daughter of king loweth her, let hun die bp the ſword: foz the worthip ef God,
whom the king- Joram, and filker to Ahaziay> tooxe Loalh Pꝛieſt had fain, Let her not bee Raine in the and deftroy all
dome appertei- the fonne of Abastab, and Tole him froma· joule ofthe LoD, idolatrie.
ned: thus God as the kiugsfonmnzethat Mouldbefain, 16 Then they laide hands on her,and he q That hefliould
f vied the crueltie both him and his nurſe; keeping them tu the tsent by the way, by the which the hr fes gag gouerne,and they
of this woman bed chamber,and they hid pun from Atha» z the joule of the Ring, and there was fiee obeyin the feare
to deftroy the liah,fo that he was not faing, aine. of God,
whole family of -3 Qnd bee was with her pia inthe houſe 17 And Jehoiada made a covenant be⸗ r Euen in the
Abab of the Lord fire pecres q Athaliay Dd retgne tweene the Lord, and ther Ring and the place where he
ouer the land. people, that they fhould bee the Lods pea- had blafphemed
4 €* Gnd the ſeuenth peere + Jehoiada ple alikewife betweene the 1 King and the God and thought
ſent and tooke the captaines ouer hundreths neople. tee ro Laue bin hol-
of Dauid, aud with ocher captaines and them ofthe gavd, 18. Then all the people of the landwent pen by his idole,
Not to quench and cauled them to come vnto him into the into the boule of Baal,and deſtroyed itwith there God pow-
the light thereof : boufe of the Lod, and made a coucnant hisaltars,and pis images brake they Downe red his vengeance
fore he mo- —— and flew Mattan the priett of vpon him.
wed the heart of Ichofheba to preſerue him. c Where the Prieftes Baai belor ther altars: and the Pielt fet f To wit,Icho-
Adid lie. 3,Chye.23-%3, d Thechicfe Prich,lehofhebas husband, a gard ouer the Houle of the Lozv. 19 Then iadae
- S

Prouifion for repairingofthe Temple. II. Kings. Iehoaſh flaine. Iehoahaz·

I9 Then hetooke thecaptaines of hun: fone,and to buy timber and hewen fone, to
trepaire that was decayed in the boule ofthe
drtðdsand the other captaines,and the gard,
and all the pook of the land: and they Lod, and for all that which was laine out
foz the reparation ofthe Temple.
brought the king from the honte of the Lord,
and came by the way of the gate of the gard I3 owbeit there was t not made for the h For thefe men
tothe kings boule: and hee late him Downe Houle of the Lord bowles of fluer, tnitru- had onely the
ou the thaone of the kings. i iments of muficke, baling, trumpets, noz any charge of the ree
20 AnD all the people of the land reioy⸗ velſels of gold, o2 veſſels of fluer, of the mo» paration of the
t Which by ber ced, and the citie was in quiet + fot they nepthat was bought into the houle ofthe Temple,and the
crueltieand per- had flaine Athaltah with the ſword bene L 20. rekt ofthe mo
fecution had the kings houte. 14 But they gaue it to the workemen, was brought to
vexed the whole 21 Heuen peereolve was Jehoah when H repairen therewith the boule ofthe the king, who
land before, he began to reigne. cauled thefe afe
CHAP. XII, Is Moxreouer,they reckoned not with the terwardto be
6 Iehoafh maketh prouifion for the repairing of men, into whofe hands thep delivered that made, 3.Chrom,
the Temple, 16 He flayeth the king of Syria by money to be beſtowed on workmen : for they 24 I + |
aprefent from comming againft Ieru[alem.20 He Bealt —
is killed by two ofbis feruants. 16 The money of the treſpalſe offering,
a Çhrot.3 41. 12 * the ſeuenth peere of Jehu, Jehoaſh bes and the money ofthe finne offtings was not
gantoreigne, and reigned fourtte peeres — the houſe ofthe Loꝛd:lot it was
in Jerufalem, and bis mothers name was
Zibiah of Beer-fyeba. E 17@ Then came vp Hasael king of Aram, i After the de
_ 2 And Jehoakh did that which was goon and fought again Gath and tooke it: and of Iehoiada, le-
in the fight ofthe Lozd all his time that ⸗Je⸗ Wazael fet hts face ta goeBp to Jerulalem. afh felito idola- -
aSolongasru. “Hotada the Piet taught him. 13 And Jehoaſh king of Judah tooke all tric: therefore
lers giue eareto 3 Bue’ the high'places were not taken a= the: hallowed things that Jehoſhaphat, and God reiecteth
the true minifters way: forthe people offered pet and burnt Jehozan, and Abaziab bis fathers kings of him, and ftirreth
of God, they incenleinthe high places, oath Judah had dedicated, and that hee himileife vp his enemiea⸗
profper, 4 C And Zeboalh (aid to the Wiets, had Dedicated , and all the gold that was gainit him,wh
b So harda thing All the filuer of Dedicate things that bee found in the trealures of the boule of the he pacified with
it isforthem that brought tothe houſe of the Loꝛde, that is;the Lord, and inthe kings houle, and ſent it to thetreafuresof
are in authoritie, money of them that are onder the count, Hazael king of Aram,and he Departed from the tenple: for
to be brought to the money that euery than is ſet at, and allJerufalem God would nog
the perfit obedi- the money that one offereth willingly, and . I9 Concerning the ret of the actes of be ferued with
ence of God. bringeth into the houle of the Loza , Joam, and all that he Did, ave they not weit: thofe pifts,fecin
c Thatis,the 5 Let the Bꝛieſts take it to them, euery ten tn the booke of the Chronicles of the the kings heart
snoney of re- man of hts acquaintance: and they hall re- Rings of Judab? was wicked,
demption, Exod, patre the broken placesofthe boule, wher- 20 (And bis feruants arofe and wrought K Breaufe he
30.12 ,alfo the foeuer any Decay is found. treafon, and * flewe Joaſh tn the boule of put Zacharie the
money which the 6 € A inthe thzee and twentieth peers Millo when he came Downe to Silla: fonne of Ichoj-
prieſts valued the of king Jehoath , the Pꝛieſts had not mens 21 Euen hJosachar the ſonne of Shime- ada to death,
vowesat, Lenit. Ded that which was Decated in the temple. ath, and Jebosabad the fonneof Shomer 2. Chro. 24. 25.
27.2.and their 7 Chen king Jeboah called foz Peho- bis ſeruants (mote him, and hee Died: and l Reade 2.Sam,
free liberalitie, iada the Pꝛieſt, and the other Ppietts,¢ laid they buried him with bis fathers inthe citie 5-9.
d Por the Tem- vnto them
, Ahy Mtg eenot the rnines of Dauit. And Amaztah his onne reigned lOr, Texaber,
ple which was ofthe Temple? Mowe therefore e receine tn bis Head.
built an hundred no moze money of pour acquaintance ,ers CHAP. XIII.
&ittie and fiue cept pee deliuer it to repaire the ruines ofthe 3 Tehoahaxthe fonne of lebu is delimered into
yeeres before, Sample, j the hands ofthe Syrians. 4 He prayeth vxto God
bad many things 8 Ho the Hꝛieſts conſented to recetue no andu deliuered. 9 Toalh be foune reignethin hu
decayed init, moze money of the people, netther te repatre fead. 20 Elifha ditb. 24 Hazael dreth.
both by the neg- the decayed placesof the Temple. 12 the thzce and twentieth yeere of Joa
ligence ofthe 9 Chen Jehoiada the Puch teoke g the onne of Abastab king of Judah, Fee
kings his prede- cheft,t bored an hole inthe lin of tt, and fet hoahaz the ſonneofJebu began to reigne o-
eeflors,and alfo it belide the altar,on the ‘right fide,as enerp uer Iſtael in Samaria, and hercigned ſeuen⸗
by the wickednes man comsneth inte the temple ofthe Lozde. teene yeere.
ofthe idolaters. And the Peteſts that kept the |Booze , put 2 And bee Bid euill in the fight ofthe
e Hetaketh fro thereinallthe money that was brought into Loid, and followed the finnes of Jeroboam
thera the ordes the boule of the Loꝛd. the onne of Rebat, which made Firari to
ring of the mo- IO And whenthey faw there was much a {inne,and Departed not therefrom. a By worfhip-
ney becaufe of Money in the cheit , the Rings {ecretaric 3 And the Loyd was angry with Ifrael, ping the calues
their negligence. came bp, and the hie Pꝛieſt, and putit pp and Delfuered them tite the dand of Haza⸗ which leroboa
f Thatis, onthe after that they had tola the money that was el king of Aram, and into the band of Dern
Sout! fide. found in the houſe of the Lord. Hadad the fonne of Pazacl aii > bts dayes.
H Or,v-/fel?. IL And they gaue the moncp made ready 4 And Jehoahaz beſought the Lord, and haz Jiuede:..-j-»
2 For the king into the hands of them , s that pndertooke fhe Low heard him: for he ſaw the trouble
had appointed o= the wozke,and that haa the ouerfight ofthe of Ficael, wherewith the king of Aram trow-
sher which were ponte of the Lod: and they pated tt out to bled them. :
meete for that thecarpenters, and builders that wrought5 (Annthe Low gaue Ilrael a < deli: c Towit,loath
purpofe, pron the houſe of the Loyd, uerer, fo that thep came out from vnder the fonne of lea
Chap,22. 5. 12. And to the malons and hewers of the fubisction of the Aramites. And the hoahas,
Iehoafh.’ Eliſha dieth. Chap. xiiij. Amaziah. 1533
dSafely & with- children of Iſrael 4 dwelt in their tents as 21 Andag thep were burping amar, be-
jout danger. before time. at hold, they law che touldterss therefore they
\4ab.asyefierday,. 6. Qeuertheleſſe they Departed not from. cait the man into theleputehze vf Glia.
aud beforeye~ =the finnes of che ponie of Jeroboam which And when the man was Downe, and tou-
d Made JIſrael ſnane,butwalkedin then euen ched the bones of Cua, * he reuiued and cclus 48.14.
the ¢ groue allo remained Hilin Bamarta.) ſtood vpon his feet. By this miracle
)didcommit their 7. Foꝛ hee hav left afthe people to Jeho⸗ 22 @ But Wasael king of Aram vexed God confirmed
tidolatrie,and ahaz but ftp hoslemenjand ten charets,and ſrael all the Dayes of Jehoahaz. the authoritte of
ten thoufand foormen, becaute the king f of 23 Eherforethe Lord had mercy on thein, Elifha,whofedo-
Aram had deſtroped them, and made them AND pitied them, and had reſpect vnts them ctrinein his liſe
like Dutt beatente powder, becauſe of his couenant with Abraham, dza they contemned,
8 Conceening the reſt okthe acts of Jes Jak, and Jaakob.¢ would not deſtroy them, that at this fight
hoahaz, and all that he did, and his valiant Neither catt he them from him as ™ peo. they might re-.
deedes, are they not weitten in the booke of 24 Soipasacithe king of Aram died: and turne & imbrace
the Chionicles of the kings of Jirael? Ben-hadad bis fonne reignedin bis Read. $ fame doatine.
9 And Jehoahaz flept with bis tathers, 25 Cherefore Jehoath the ſonne of Jeho m That is, varil
and they buried pint in Mamaria, e joah ahaz returned, and tooke out of the hand of their finnes were
12, bis fonne reignedinbistteads BWen-havad, the ſonne of Masaet the cities: come co afull,
ig His chiefepur- Io Audin the ſeuen and thirtieth vere of which bee bad taken away by warre out of meafure, & there
pole isto de- Joaſh king enf Judah began Ichoaſh the the hand of Feboahas bis father: for thzee wasno more
fcribe the king- ſonne of Jehoahaz ta reigne ouer Iſrael tu times DID Ioaſh beat hun, and veloped the hope of amendes
Damatia,and reigned ſixteene yeere, cities pute Iſrãel. ment,
ti And DiD euillin the fight of the Lod:
for bee Departed not from all the Annes of CHAP, XIIII.
Jeroboam: the ſon of ebat that made Fl T Amaxiah the king ofIndah putteth to death
rael to ſinne,
butbe walked therein. them that flew: his father, 7 And after (miteth
12 Concerning the reſtofthe actsof Ja- Edom, 15 lcafh dieth, and Feroboam his fonne
amand all that he did,¢ his valiant deedes fucceedeth him, 39 And after hun reigneth Za-
and how he fotight againſt Amaziah king of chariah.
Judah, are they not witten in the booke of 1 We ſecond yeere of Joaſh fonne of Jeha-
the Chionicles ofthe kings of Jitael? abaz king of Iſrael reigned ·Amaziah 2. Cbron.25..
great idolatrie, 13 And Joal ſſept with hts fathers,ana the lonne otJoa king of Judab. a Inthe begin:
who though they Jeroboam tate vpon bis feates and Joaſh 2 Mee was Aue and twenty peere olde ning ofhisreigne
thad now degene- was buried in Hamariaamoug the kings when be began to reigne, and reigned nine he feemed to
rate, yet God olglrael. r tet and twenty peere in Jeruſalem,
ann his mo· haue an outward
14 ¶ cAlhen Ciifha fell ficke of dis ficke- thers name was Jehoadan of Jerufalem, | thew of godli-
nefe whereof he Dies, Joaſh the king of Dt 3 And hee did yprightly in the fight of neſſe, burafter-
)Prophetsand di- rael canie Downe vuto him, and wept vpon the Lod, yet not like Daut his father, but ward he became
uers punifhments bts face, and fapd, > Dh my father, my fas DW according to allthat Joaſh bis father an idolarerand
‘did call them ther, thecharecot Iſrael, andthe horſeinen had Done. f ; worthipped the
J vnto him a- ofthefame. 4 Motwithkanding the hie places were idoles of the
gaine. Is Then Elilha faid vnto hin, Cake a not taken away: for as pet the people DiD {a+ Idumeans,
Thus they vſed Bowe and arrowes, Ano he tooke vnto hint crifice and burnt incenfein the hie places. Chap. 12.20.
[i to call the Pro» |bowe and arrowes, C And wien the kingdome was con⸗ b Becauſe they
: 16 And he laid to the king of Iſrael, Put firmed in bis hand, hee ew his ſeruants neither confen-
thine hand vpon the bow. And hee put his which had * killed the king bis father. ted nor were par-
whom God blef- hand vpon tt. And Eliſha put pis hands yp: 6 But che chilazenofthole that Did flay takers with their
fed bis people, as on the kings bands, : him,be > flew not, accogding vnto that that fachers in that
\chop.212, mea- 17 And layo, Open the window i Caf- is writteninthe booke of the Law of Mo⸗ aa,
ning that by theirward. And when hee had opened it, Tiia (es wherein the Lom comimaunded, laying, Dest.24.14,
prayers they idid (aid, Dbheote. Sud be hot. And he Ai, Be- * The fathers ſhall not bee put to Death for ezsk.18.20.
| more profpersvo! hold the arrow of the Loes Deliverance, thechildzen,no2 thechildzen put toDeath foz c Forthe Idu-
‘their countrcy, and the arrow of Delinerace againit Aram: the fathers: but enerp man ſhall beeput to means,whom
then by force of for thou fhalt ſmite the AranuiesinGphek, Death fo: hts owne finne, Danid had
armes. til thou batt confined them. 7 Wee flewalloof «Cpominthe valley
brought to fub-
| iTharis,toward 18 Againe hee ſayd, Cake thearrowes. offalt ten theufand, and topke ||thecitie of jeQion, did rebel
Syria, ſo thatheeQndhetookethem, And hee ſayd vnto che D ela by warre,and called the name thereof inthe rime of Ie-
didnotonely. » king of Iſrael Sinitethe ground. And he Joktheel unto this day. ; horam the fonne
}prophefiewith ~ {mote thrice, and ceafen. C Then Amaziah fent mefengers to ofIehofhaphat.
words, but alfo 19 Then the man of Gad was k angrie Jeboa thetonne of Jehoabazlonne of Je- |07, the tower o
jeonfirmedhim `with him, and fayd ,Chou ſhouldeſt Hane hu king of Iſrael, laying, Come, 4 tet ws ite rocke, 2,Chrom,
|bythefefignes ſmitten Rue o: Rre times , fo thou fhouidett one anotherin the face 25.13,
Pthache fhould haue ſmitten Aram, till thou badit confi 9 Then Jevoath the king of Iſrael ſent d Lec vs fight
Í haue the vidory. medit, where now thou halt finite Aram to Amaziah king of Judah, laying , The hand to hand &
/k Becanfe he butthaice. i thittle that ts in Lebanon, fent to thee Gee. tieit by barrell,
f feemed content :20 ( Ho Cliha died, and they buried Dat that ts in Lebanon, laying, Give thy and nordeftroy
I tohme victory Him, And certaine bandes of the PPoabites one anothers cie .
Jagainittheene- caime into the land that peeve. ties- e By this parable Iehoath compareth himfelfe ro acedar trees’
| mies of God ` $ becaufe of his great kingdomeouer tèn tribes, and Amaziah to a thie’
} for ewile or thriſe, and had nota zeale to ouercome them continu- ſtle, becauſe he ruled but ouer two tribes, and the wild beaftes aré Hes
| ally and to deftroy them vtteslys + hoath his touldiersthat fpoyled the cities of Indah, ;
Amaziah and Iehoath fight: Te Kings Azariahbecommeth alepers
daughtertomyſonne to wife : and the witu 26 For theLond ſaw the erceeding bitter
beat that wastu Lebanon, ment ant trode affliction of Jiraci, fo that there was none
Bowne the thiſtle. . = Hut pp, nez any left , neither pet anp that m Read r,King
IO Becaufe thou hat mitten Edom, thine cenid help Iſvael. 34.10.
Bragge of thy Heart hath mane thee proude: f baagge of 27 Det the Lords had not decreed to put $Ebr,had not
victory,{o that glozy,and tary at home: why doeſt thou ken, *
pro: out the naine of Iſtael from pnder the hea⸗ Pok
thou tarie ag uoke ta thine hurt, that thou ſhouldeſt fall uen: therfore he prelerued them by the hand
homeand annoy and Judah with thee? - of Jeroboam the tonne of Joaſh.
me not. IU But Amaziah would not heare: there» 28 Concerning the rekot the acts ofJee
fore Jehoach king of Iſrael wentwp ? and roboatn,and all that he DID, and his valiant
beet Amaziah king of Judah (aw one ano- Deeds, and Howhe fought.and how hee reto. DOS

a y the tace at Beth· ſhemeſh which is in red Damaſcus and 9 Mamathto Judah in n Which was af-
Jirael, ave thep not witten in the booke sf fo called Antio- `
12 And Judah was put to the worſe Be» the Chroniclesat the kings of Iſrael: chia of Syria az
we Iſrael. and they tien euery man to their 29 Do Jeroboam ſſept taith his fathers, Riblah,
its. euen with the kings of Ffrael, and ZSachart
13 But Jehoaſy king of Iſrael teoke A⸗ ab bislonne reigned in bis tread.
Masztah king of Judah, the ſonne of Zehoe- CHAP. XY.
ay the ſonne of Ahasiah, at Bech· emeſh i Azariah the king ofIndah becommeth 2 lea
E Or,brought him. and ſcame to Jexruſalem; and brake Dotone per. § Oflotham. 10 Shallum, 14 Menahem,
the wallof Jerulalem , from the gate of E⸗ 2 , Pekaitah, 30 Vagaah, 32 Totham, 38 and
pipaim to the corner gate, foure hundecch Ahar.
ibites. 12% thet ſeuen and twentieth peere of Je⸗ Eb.inthe twes-
I4 And hetooke alithe gold and filuer, roboam kingofIſrael, began Azariah, ?etb peere, and
and all the veflels that mere koum in tie fonne of Amaztah king ef Judah to reiane. ecaentlyeere.
houle of the Lord, and in the treaſutes okthe 2 Dirtecnepecce old was hee when hee -
Kings houle, and the chilozen chat were in was made king, and be reigned two and ifs
g Thatis,which e hoitage.and recurned to Samaria: > tie yerres in Jeruſalem: and bis mothers
a Tolongas he!
the Iffaelites had Iş Concerning the rei of che actgofJe> name was Jecholiah ofFernfatem,
giuento them of hsaſh which he dD, and bis valiant Deedes, 3. Andhee did vprightly tu the fight of gauc eareto Za⸗
Iudah for an al- and hom bee fought with Amaziah king of the Lozd, according Co all that bts father A- _chariab the Pro⸗
Curance of peace. Judah, are they not witten tn tie booke of maziah did.
the Chronicles of the kings of Iſtael? 4. But the bie places were not putaway: b Hisfather and
16 Gnd Jeboaty lept with bts fathers, ¢ for the people pet ofted,and burned incente grandfather were
was buried at Samaria among the kinges: in the hie places. att ilaineby theix
of Iſrael: and Jeroboam his fenne reigũed § Andthe Lord > finote the king: and he fubieéts and ſer⸗
in bis ltead. 4 was a leper vnto the Dap of bis Death, and uants,and he, bee
17 € And Amasiah the tonne of Joah Diveltin an boufe apart, and Jotham the caufe he would %
king of Judah, ttued after the Deaty of Je- kings foune governed the boule, &c iudged viurpethe Prie(ts
hoaſh tonne of Jehoahaz king of Iſrael Af the people of the land. office contrary
rene peere. 6 Concerning the refi of the acts of A⸗ to Gods ordi-
18. Goncetning the reſt of the acts of A- zariah, and all that benim are they not weit· nance,was{mit- -·
maziah are they not written tn the booke of tenin the booke of the Chronicles of the ten immediatly +
2 Chrena% 27. the Chonicles of chekingsof Juday? kings of Judah: , by the hand of |
h Which citie Ig But they * wrought treafon againſt 7 So Azariah ſſept with bis kathers, and God with the les
Roboam buil: in him in Jerufalem, and dee led to! Lachtih, they buried hun with bis fathers inthe citte profie, 2. Ghron.
Jadah for a for- but they Cent after bint to Lachiſh, and dew of Dauid,and Jotham hts ſonne reigned in 26.21.
treffe, 2.Chron, him there. ; his ead. ‘ T c As viceroy , or
OET 20 Ana they brought himon hoꝛles. he 8 ¶ In the eight and thirtieth peere of Geputie todis
i Whoisal@ was buried at Jerufalem with pis fathers, Azariah king of Judah, dia Zachariah the father,
called Vzziah, inthe citieaf Dauid. fonne af Jeroboam reigne ouer Iſrael m d He was the
2.Chron. 26,1. ` 20 Then all che people of Judah teoke Hamaria lire 4 monetis, fourth in deſcent
k Whois alfo i Azariah which was ſixteene yeere old, and 9 And did euill in the fight ofthe Lord, from lehu, who's
called Elanon or made him king fo? bis father Amaziah. ag did His fathers:for he Departed not from reigned accor-
Eloth, 22 Pebuilt k Elath, ereftoredit to Ju- the ſinnes of Jeroboam the tonne of fabat, ding to Gods
t Becaufethis = after that the King Tepe with bis fa- witch made Iſrael toinne, promife,but in
idolatrie was fo thers. i Io And Shallum the fonne of Jabeh him God began
vile and almoft 23 Q Inthe fifteenth peere of Amaziah conſpired againt him, and (mote him in the to execute his
incredible,thae tie fon of Joa king of Judah,was Jersbe- fightof the people, and «killed him, and wrath againft the
men fhould for. ant the on of Foal made king ouer Iſrael reigned in his teat. houfe of Iehu,
fake the liuing in Samaria and reigned one @toztie peere. rı Concerning the reſt of the acts of 5a- e Zachariah was
God to worſhip 24 And hee DÉ enill in the fight of the chaviah, behold, they are wꝛitten in ÿbooke the laft in Iſrael
calues,the worke Lorn: for he Departed not from all the } fins of the Chronicles of the kings of Iſtael. that had the
of mans hards, of Jeroboam the fon of ebat, which made 12 This was the * word of the Lord, kingdom by fuce
thereforethe Jiraci to finne. which bee ſpake vnto Jehu, faving, Chy ceflion,faue only
Scripture docth 25 He reſtored the coat of Iſrael, from ounces thal fit on the throne of Iſcael vnto Pekahialithe fon
oſt times repeate the entring of Hamath, vnto the Hea at ce tie fourth generation after thee. Aud tt came of Mcnahem,
itin the reproch wildernefle, accogding to the word of the fa ta pafe. who reigned but
of allidolaters. Lod Hod ot Iſrael, which he ake + by his 13 (Hhailum the foune of Jabeſh began two yeeres, the hand feruant Jonah thefonne of Amittai the peo: ta teigne in the nine and thirtieth yere Chap, 10:30:
band⸗ pher, which was ofOath Pepher oF Cizstag king of Judah ? and hee —
Menahem. Pekahiah, Pekah) Chap.xvj. Yotham. Ahaz. 152
thefpaceofia moneth in Samaria. _ 30. And Hoſhea the fon vf Elah wrought
14 Fo Wenahem the ſonne of Gadi went trealon againſt Pekah teinne of Rina
by from Wirzab and came to Damarta,and ltaj, and (mote bunsand dem him, and trig.
finote Shalini the tonneofJabeſh tt Ha- ned in his tead ai thotwenticth yeere ot Ide
maria and lew him, Eretgned in his ead. tham the ſonne of Gz;tah
Is Concerning the reft of the acts of 31 Concerningthereſt ofthe acts of [ee
Hhallum, tthe trealon which hee wzought, Kab, and all that hee did, behold, thepare
Lepaild, theyare witten in the booke of the uitten in the booke of the Chronitles of the
Chꝛonicles ofthe Bings of Iſrael. kings of Silzael.
16 ¶ Then Menahem deſtroped £ Tiph- 22 ¶ Innities
che ſecond , yere of Pekah the
the ſon 2, Chrer,az.1,
ſah and ali that were therein, andthe coats of Remaliah Kingof Iſrael began Jotham
thereof from Tirzah, becaule they opened ſonne of Cissiah king
ok Judah toreigue. Or, Azariahe-
Nottahun, aud heliaeceit, and ript vp all 33 Fiue añd twentie peere olde was hee, -
their women with child, when be began toreigne,and he reigned lipa
17 Che nine and thirtieth peeresf Aza- -teene yeerein Jerulatem sand his moibers
riab king of Judah, began Menahem the name was Jeruſha the daughter of Zadok.
ſonue of Gadito reigne oner Ilrael, and reig- 34 And hee did vprightip in the tight of
nedtenveeres in Daiatia. 5 ythedLozds bee Did accopding 'toall thashis 1 He heweh
18 And-he Did euill in the ſightofthe Lord, father Gsstah had Done. see) Shavhis vprights- |
— notallhis Daves fro m the ni 35 But the high places were
not put a· nefe wasnot , |
of Jeroyoan the tonne of facbat, which wap:forthe propie pet ctrereuandburntin= (ch, but that he
made Iſrael to ſinne. cenit in the high places: be built thebighzit had many ard
19 @ Then ulthe king of Aſſhur came gate of thehoule ofthe Lod. great faults,
g ThatisofIf agatnit the slandsana enahem gaue foul 36. Concerning the rett of theacts of Jo⸗
Tacl, athoufand) talents ofüiner, that bis band tham aind ail that Hee did, are theprot wart m Afterthe-
Th Inftead offee- nilehtbee with hin, and eſtabliſh the king- ten in the booke of the Cheonicics of che death of Iotham.
f king helpeof i“ . Dome inbis hana. kings of jJudah?:... » ire sI n Which flew of:
| Godhe wenta- | 20 Gud SPenabem tracted {J themonepin ; 37 In athoſe dayes the Lord beganne to Iudahin one day
bout by money’ Iſrael that all men offubitance ſhould gite Tenn again Jutah Resin the king, of 4- fixefcore thou=
} to purchafe the the king of Alipur fiftte wekles of ſiluer a tamano » eka the fone of Remaliah. fand fighting
| favour of this © picce: fothe king of AlhurretyracBand tae · ¶38 And Jotham ſlept with his fathers, nien, 2 Chio,28, .
King being anin-: ried not therein tye land. cS) and was buried with bis fathers tn the citie 6. becaufe they
fidel and there. 21 Concerning the reft oftheactsof Me⸗ of David his kather, and Ahaz. bis fonne had forfaken thé-
| foré'God for- ; nahem and all hatbe Di, are they not waits reigned bts ſtead. true God.
ſooke bin; and ten. in thebooke of the Chronicies of. the’ ; ]
Pulfooneafiers ~ kings oF Ilxael? zo p Zahar hing of Indah confecrateth his [onse in
ward brake pro· 22And Menahem lept with bis fathers,ifre. 5 lerufalem is befieged. 9 Damafcusastaken | Pie
mife,deftroyed gud Pekabial his (onne, DIO rtigne itbis and Rexin flane. 11 Fdolatrie. 19 The death of © h
| hiscountrey, and: ead. 426b4 20 Hezekiah facceedeth him. , best TAA
Hed hispeople | 23. Cin che fitit) peeve of Azariah Ring Te leuenteenth peere of Pekah the ſonne —
away captive, of Judah, began Pekahiah the ſonne ofge L of Remaliah, Ahaz the ſonne of Jotham a This wasa wies-
nahem to reigue ouer Iſtael in Samaria, kingok Judah began to reigne. ked fonneofa ~
and reigned tina yeere. 2. Twentie peere olde was Ahaz, when godly father,as~
i , -24 And bee did cuill In the fight of che hebegan to reigne, aud jee reighedligtecne of bimageine ©
Loz ;for he Departed not from the tunesof ` peere mt Jerulalem, and Did not bprightlyin came godly Ezé-
Jeroboam the fone. of Mebat, which made the fight of the Lod bis Gop, Ike Dauid Kish, and of bia:
Iſrael to fine. - f _ his father. =- ; wicked Manat-
25 And Pekah the ſonne of Remaliah, 3 But walkedintheway of the kingsof (ch,fave that
his captatne confpired againk him, and Picael, vea, andmave his ſonne to» goe tho· God intheend’
finote bim in Samaria in the place of the row the fire, after the abominations ofthe thewed him mers-
kings palace with i Argob and Arich, and heathen, whom the Lod had caſt out before cy. Thus we (ee
I Which were of With him fiftte men ofthe Gileadites: fo hee the childzen of Iſrael. i ; “how vntertaing
the fame confpi- kilid bin and reigned in his ead. 4 Allobeoffred and burnt incente inthe
racie. e Í
26 Concerning the ret of the getes of bie places, and onthe hils, and vnder euery
on thedignicie ©
Pexkahiah, and all that je oid, behold, they greene tree.. of out fathers, |”
are witten in the booke of the Chronicles 5 _*Chen Resin king of Aram, and IDes b Tharis offered:
of the kings of Iſxael. N kab Onne of Rematiah king of Iſtael came him toMolec,
27 C Inthe two and fiftieth peere ofA- bp to Jerufalem to fight: and.thep beſſeged or made him co’.
paria king of Judah beganne Pekah the Abaz but could not ourrceme ¢ him. paffe betweene *
onne ofRemattay to reigne ouer Iſrael in 6 Atthe fame time Resinking ofArant two fires,asthe -
@Pamiaria,and reigned twentie peeres. reftozed $ Clath to Aram, and droue the maner ofthe ¢
28 And hee did chill in the fight of the Jewes from. Clath.: fothe Aramites came Gentiles was,”
Rod: tor he depatted not fromthe finnes of to Clath, and orielt there vnto this dap. Leuit 21. .
Jeroboam the ſonne of Nebat, that made 7 Ehen Abaz lent e mellengers to deut.:S10.-’
Iſraelto ſinne. Tiglach Pieler king of Afihur, faying, 72.7.1.
k For God fiir, 29 Inthe dayes of Pehah king of Iſrael J. ain thy feruant and thy fonne: come c For the Lord”
| zed vp Paland. x came Ciglath Pileſer king of Aithur, and vp, and Deltuer mee putet the hand ofthe preferned the ci- - -
Viglath Pilefer. tooke Jton, and Abel, Geth-maachab, and. wi Een È : i tie and his peo-
inft lſiael for Janoah,and Kedeſh, and — Gilead, pifor his promifé fake m:made to Dauid,’d d- Which citie Azanis
ahsir finnes and Galilah, and ail the {and ofMaphtali, ad taken from the Aramites, and fortified it, Cha. 14.22. c Con⸗
aeGhron. 5.28 AND caried tuem away to.AGhur, czatietoshe admonitionof theProphet,
Ia,7.4. 07 7
Ahaz and his idolatrie. > Hezekiah. TL.Kingse Hoſhea. Iffaels captiuitic for their fi.
f Thus he {pared king of Aram, and out ofthe hand of the God of lus nation, 35 contrary
not to fpoyle the King of Iſrael which rife vp againſt me. ment of God,
Temple of God 8 And Ahaz tooke the liluer and the gold Je the a g Agri of Ahas king of Ju⸗
to haue fuccour that was found in thefhoute of the Loꝛd and Dah beganne Hoſhea the ſonne of Clab to
fmen, & would in the trealures of the kings Honte, and lent reigneinSamaria ouer Ilrael, and reigned
not ence lift his a pꝛeſent vnto the king of Albur. nine ꝛeeree ways
heart toward 9 Andtheking of Anhur confentes ott 2 And hee did enill inthe fight of the
God, te defire his to bini: and the king of Alhut went vp a Zod. > but not as the kings of Iſxael, that a Though he in-
helpe,nor yet gaint Damaſcus, and when hee had taken were before him. 3 uentednonew F
heare his Pro- tt, hee carted the people away to Kir, ana And Shalmaneler king of Aſſhur idolatry or im-
phetscounfell. flow Resta. came vpagainſt bin, and õſhea became pictieas others:
g Weefeetat 10 And king Abaz went onto Damaleus bis ſexuant,andgaue him pꝛeſents. did,yet be fought f
thereis no prince to meet Tiglach Bileſer king of Aſhur:and 4 And the king of Albur found treaſon forhelpeatthe’ $
fo wicked, but he when king Shas fatu the altar that was at in Doea: fo2 he had lent meflengers te So Egyptains, wbich
fhall finde flatte- Damalcus, Helent to Criiah the ziek the king oe and brought no prefent unto God had forbid
rers, and falfe mi- paterne of fhe altar,and the fathion of tt,an the king of Alihur, > az hee had done peerely : en.
nifters to feruc all the wozkinanthtp thereof. therefore the king of Afihur ſhut him vp, b For he had
his turne. and puchiminperlor
Il And Gitiah the Beieſt made au altar boa payed tribute for
E Either offtings 8 tall points like to that which king Ahaz 5 Then the king ofAſchur came vp tho- the fpace of
For peace or pro- had fent from Daimatcus, fo din Criial the rowoutall the tann, and wentagainit Ga- eight yeeres,
ſperitie, or of Pꝛieſt agant king Abaz came from Da- Martasand belieged it three yeeres. :
thank{giuing, as maius. 6 Qn the ninth peere of Hoſhea, the Chap.18.106
Leuit 3.t.or els I2 So when the King twas come from kingofAſhur tooke Samaria, and carted
meaning the Damaſlcus, the king fawe the altar: and the Iſrãel away vnto Aſchur, and put themin -
morning & cuge king Deewe neers to the altar, and offered alah, and tn haboꝛ by the riner of Gosan,
ning offerings L thereon. - andin the cittesofthee Medes. - - c` Porat thistims
Exod,29.38. bee burnt bis burnt effering,and |
13 Andheet 7 Fozwhen thechilorzen of Iſraelaſin· the Medes and
num, 28,3.and his meate offering, and pomzed bts Dzinke ned againſt che Lord their God, which had Perfians weren
thus he contem- oring, and ſprinkled the blood of hts peace brought chentout ofthe land of Egypt from fubie&ro the .:
ned the meanes offerings belie the altar, vnder the handokPharaoh king of Cayppt, Aſſyrians.
‘andthe altar, 14 And kt it by the braſen altar which ‘and feared other gods, d Hee ſetteth
which God had wasbefore the Lod, and brought itin far- 8. And walken according to the fathions forth at length
commanded by arent * ER the altar and of the heathen, whome the Lod had caſt the cauſe of his
Salomon to ferue e LoD and let tt an tie'fRozt ont befoze the chilazer of Iſrael, and after great plague au
God after bis fide of the altar. j , 4 bisa ; re—— kings ot Jiraci, which they perpetuall.cap=;
owne fantafie. Ig Gin king Ahaz commaunded Ariiah DeD, tiuitie,to admo⸗
; nilh allpeople,
i Thatis,at the the Piet, and {atd, Apon thegreat altar: 9 And the children of Iſrael had done
right hand, as fet on fire ih the mozning th? burnt offering fecretip-things that were not vpright be- aud nations to
meu went into and in the euen the meate oſtering and the.. favethe Lozd their Gad, and thozewout cleaue to the
-the Temple... kings burnt offting and his meate offering, : alithetr cittcs had built highplaces, both Lord God,and;
k Hete he efta- with the burnt offering of all the people of from the tower e of the watch, te the defen- onely worthip..
blitheth. by com- the land, and their meate offering,anp their ced citie, - dake ' him for feate of
matidement his Minke offerings + and powee thereby all the Lo, And had, made then images ann
_owne wicked blood ef the burnt offeri ngall the blood groues bpon euerp hte hill, and
anv vnder euery rowout allcheit
proceedings,and of thelactifice,and the byalen altar albe. grecne tree, —
` doth abolith the fo2 me to tnquire of God; II And there buent incenſe in all the high borders,
commandement 16 And Gritah the Heieſt did according places, as DiD the beathen, whom the Lod
and ordinance to all that king Abas bad commanded, had taken away before them, and wrought
of God. . {7 And king Abaz bake the borers of wicked things to angerthe Lod, ,
L Or,tent,wher- the baſes, and tooke che caldzons from off 12 And lerued idoles : whereofthe Low
in they lay onthe them; andtooke dotwne the fea from the bza- 9 fain vnto them, * Dee ſhall doe no ſuch —— T
Sabbath,which fenoren that were vnderitand put it vpon t Ing. > “

bad ferued their - a panenterttof tones. 13. Motwithanding the Lord feites
weekeinthe , 18 And the! ‘baile fo? the Sabbath (that to faet, ann to. Judab + by alt the izo: hand of.
Ebr byche âl

Templeand fo they Had made inthe boule) andthe kings phets, and by all the Scers, faying,* Carne Ieren 8 randi A
departed home. entrie without turned beto the boule of the from pour entllwayes, and keepe my com 25.5.and.35.15
m Either to flat- LoD, ~becantle of the king of Aſhur. maundements and my ſtatutes, accoding
eer the king of Ig Concerning the ret of the acts of A· to allthe law, which F commanded pour fas
Affyria when he haz, which hee D, are they not witten tir thers, and which J {ent to youbp my ier
fhould thus {ee e poong of the Chronicles of che kings of uante the Pꝛophets. — ä——— Deut.3 1.27.
him change the i} Jha 14 Heuertheleſſe, they wenld not obty, f So that toal-
ordinance of 20 And Ahaz lept with his fathers,and «but hardned their necks, itke to thetrecks ledge the autho-
God, orelfe that was buried with bis fathers in the cttic of of theirt fathers, that did not beleene inthe ritie of our fa-
the temple might Daud , and Hezeklah his foune reigned in Loio their God. one ; thers or great an
be a refuge for bis tean, I5 Audthey refuled his ſtatutes and his tiquitie, except
him, ifthe king concnant, that hee mabe with their fa- we can prooue
fhouldfuddenly CHAP. XVII. there, and bis tekimentes (wherewith hee that they were
aflaile his houfe 3 Hofbea king of [raclistaken, 4 and he and witneſted vnto them) and. they followed godly,is butto
al his realme brought tothe Affyrians 18 for thew panitte, and became vaine, and followed declare that we
tdolatree. 25 Lions defroy the Affvrians that the heathen that were round about them: arethe children
dwelt imSamaria. 29 Euery one wor{hippeth the concerning whore, the Lord bad een of the wicked’
Tdolatrie. Lion$inSamatia. The Chap. xviij. Samaritansreligion. Hezekiah. 153
them,that they ſhould not Doe like them, Tartak: and the Sepharims burnt their
Exod. 33.8. 16 finally, they leftall the commaunde- chtldzen in the fire to Adꝛammelech, and Ae
a ding. 12.28. ments of the Lod their God, and made nanunelech the gods of Sepharuaim,
ig Thatis,the them molten tinages,* cuen two calues, and 32 hus they feared the — > anda
Sun,the Moone Made agroue, and worſhipped ail the s holt ported out prtetts ont of themictues foz the
oF heauen,and ferucd Waal. i bie places, who peepared foz them facrifices
17 Gnd they made their fonnes, and their m the boutesof the bie places.
Daughters" pafe thorow the fire, and vſed 33 * They" feared the Lod, but ferned Exek.20.33.
16.3. witchcraft and tnchantments, yea, i folde their gods after the maner of the nations Keph. 15,
i Readeofthis themelues to Do euil in the Ggit of the Lod whom they caried thence, r That is,they
phrafe, 1.King. to anger him. ; 34 Unto this vay they doe after the olde had acertaine
18 Therekore the Lod was erceeding maner: they neither feare God, neither Doe Knowledgeof
woth with Firael, and put them out of his after their £ ozdinances, no: after their cu: God,and feare
fight, and none waslett but the tribe of Ju⸗ ftomes, no2 after the Lata, nor after the com him becauſeof
Daly * onelp. mantement, which the Koro commanded the punifhment,
they of Benia- 19 Pet Judah kept not the commande·ae— of Jaakob, whom bce named bue they conti-
‘mia and Leui, ments ofthe Lord their God, but walked ract, mied fill idola-
which remained, pd to the fatten of Riracl which thep35 And with whom the Lad had mave ters asdoethe
were counted v g . à coucnant, ¢ charged them, faving, * Feare Papifts,which
with Judah. £ 20 Hherefore the Lord cat off al the ſeed none other gods, 1192 bowe pour felues to worlhip both
| 1 Our oftheland of Iſrael, and afflicted them, and deliuered theni,noz ferue them, nor facettice to them: Goi and idoles:
where he (hewed them tnta the bandsof yoylers, vnttllhee 36 But feare the Lom which bought pon but this isnot to
the greatelt to- hadcaltthenvoutofhis tight. - out oftheland st Egypt with great power, feare God, as ap-
kens of his pre- 21 ™ for hee cut offIſrael from the boule and a ftretched out arme: bim teare pe, and peareth, verfe 34.
fence and faucur, OfFDantd, and they made Jeroboam the fon worſhip him andfactificetohim. f Hemeaneth
im That is,God of Rebat, Ring: and Jeroboam Drew Brae! 37 Allo keepe pee diligently the ſtatutes this by the Ifrae-
out offthe tense away from following the Lod, and made, and the edinances, and the Late, and the lites,to whom
tribes, 1. King. them finne a great ſinne 1 cominaundement, which bee wrote Foz pou, God had giuen
12. 16,20. 22 Soz the chilozen of Iſrael walken in that pee Boe them conttmially, and feare not his commande-
*Ebr. by the all the finnesof Jeroboam, which he did, and other gods. ments,
\hand of. Departed not therefrom, 38 And forget not the couenant thatJ Gexe.3 2.28.
Lere.25 9% 23 Antill the Lo2d put Iſrael away out Hane made with peu, neither feare pee other I king, 18,3 1a
in Of thef¢ peo- ofbisfight, ashee bad faidby ali pister- god ods. Tudg, 6, 10.
yplescamethe Sa- uants the Prophets and caried Iſrael away 39 But keare the Lord pour God, andhe sere, 10. 2s
imaricans, where- out of their land te Albur vnto this day. will deliuer pou out of the hands of all pour
)of mention is ſo 24. And the king of Aſſhur brought folke enemies. Utd:
(much made in from Babel, andtrom " Cuthah, and from 40 Howbeit, they obeyed not, but did af-
ithe Gofpel,and Aua, and front hamath, and from Dephar> ter their old cuftome. | t Thatis,thefe
i wich whom the uain, audplaced them in the cities ot Da 41 So thele t Mations feared the Loyd; ftrangers,which
Tewes would Martain tead of the childzenof Iſraet: fo and Cerued therr images alfo : fo did their were fent into
ue nothing to they poflefien Samaria, and dwelt inthe cis children, and their childzens childzen:as din Samaria by the -
doe, Iohn 4 9. ties thereof. — their Doe thep unto this day. Affyrians,
ho That is they 25 @ And at the beginning of their CHAP. XVIII,
ſeruel him not: Dwelling there, they- feared not the Lord: 4 Hezekiah king ofJudah putteth downe the
itherefore, left therefore the Lor fent lyons among thent, brafen ferpent, and deftroyeth the idoles, gând
ithey Should :blaf+ which flew them. ACESS profpercth. 11 Ifraelis caried away captiue, 39
pheme him,as 26 Wherefore thep ſpake to the King of The blafphemie ofSaneherib,
‘}though there Alipur laying, Che nattons which thou batt N2» in the *ehird yeere of Hoſhea ſonne 2,Chron. 28. 37
were no God, remooued, and placedin the cities of Sa- of Elah the king of Iſrael Yescktah the and 29.1.
maria, knowe not the maner of the God of fonne of Abas King of Judab beganne ta
the land: therefore he hath ent tons among reigne.
liteshemeweth thei, and beholde, they tay them, becaute
2 Pee was fie and twentie yeere olde |
his mighty power thepknow not the maner ofthe Gov of the then hee began to reigne, and reigned nins
among them and. and twentiẽe yeere in Fevulatem. Dis mo⸗ a Although they
| Pby this ftrange. = -27 Then the Ring of Aſſchur coumaun · thers name allo was Abi the Daughter of of ludah were
punifhment, Ded, ſaying, Cary thither one obthe Prieſts, Zachattay, ; giuen to idola-
whom pe brought thence,and let him goann. 3 And heedtd a pyzightly in tHe fightof trie and impicti¢,
Diwelthere, and teach themtbe mater ofthe the Lod accozding to ail that Danid hrs fa: as they ofIfrael
- Gon P ofthe countrey. therban Gore. i À were,yet God for
23 Ho one of the Pꝛieſts, which they has 4. Wee tooke away the bie places, and his promife fake,
carted from Samaria, came and dwelt in bake the images, and cut down che groneg, was mercifull
Weth-el, and taughe them how they ſhould and brake in pieces the *beafen ferpent chat ynto the throne
feare the Low. ; 120 $f Moſes had mate : for vntco thole dayes the of Dauid ; and
- 29 owheit, euery Ration made their childpen of Iſrael did burne incenſe to it, yer by hisiudge-
gods, ðput them in the houlesiof che hie pla and he called tt > Nehuſhtan. ment toward
euery countrey ces, which the Samaritans had made cueryp the other prouo ·
fered thatidole,’ Ration in their cities, wherein they dwelt. ked themto repentance, Num 21.8,9, b Thavis, apieceofbrafle:
which was moft 30 For the menof Babelinade a Suez thus hee called the ferpent by contempt , which notwithftanding,
efteemedin that coth-Benoth;ethemenof Cuth mane Mer- was fet vp by the word of God , and miracles were wrought by it:
gal, aud themen ofHamath mane Shima, yet when it was abuſedto idolatry, this good king deflroyed it, not
31 And the Auims made jathhay, awd thinking it worthy to-becalled alerpent,butapiece of braſſe.
5 De
Hezekiahs feare. - IT. Kings. Rabfhakehs outrage and y
5. He truſted tx the Low God ofIſrael: quence,fbut counfell and ſtrength are for the f Thou thinkeft
fo that after bim was none like him among warre. Dn whom then Boek thou trutt, that that words will `
all the Rings ofJudah, neither were there thou rebelle agati me? O i feruc to perfwade
any (uch before hun. 21 Loe, thau truket now in this broken thy people, orco
Foꝛ Hee claue tothe Lord, and depar· ftaffe of reed,to wit, ons Cappt, on which if
ted not from him, butkept his commandes amaticane, tt wii goe into pis hand, and g Egypt thai net
mene? which the Lozd had commaunded pearce it ; {ois Pharaoh Ling of Egypt vn⸗ only not be able
eles. to all that cruft on him. i to fixccour thee,
7. Bothe Lod was with him, and hee 22 But if vee fap vnto me, Hee trut in but fhall bean +
pareve inal] things, which bee tooke in the Loꝛd our God, is not that hee whole hie burt vnto thee.
jana $ allo hee rebelied againit the Ring of places.and whole altars Hezekiah hath» ta h Thus theidoe
Alſhur, and ſerued him not. ken away.and bath ſaid to Judah and Jeru- Jaters thinke that
8 Hee ſmote the Philiſtims vnto Zzzah, falm, Dee hall worſhip veioze this Altar tn Gods religion is
© Reade Chap. and the coaſtes thereof, c fromthe watch J erufatem? bint defircyed when
17.9. tower vnto the Defenced citte, 23 Now therefore gine ihoftages tomy fuperftition and
Chap, I 7 30 € * And inthe fourth peere of Ring lozd the King of Aſſhut, and T will gtuc thee idolatrie arere- 7
DHesekiah, (which was the leuenth yeere of two thoufand hozles, if thou be able to ſet ri⸗ formed. %
Hoſhea lonne of Elab king of Praci) pal- Ders vpon them. j i Meaning, that
manefer Ring of Aſſhur came vp againſt 24 Foꝛ bow canit thou defpile any cap- itwasbelt for -
Hamaria, and beſieged tt. taitne ofthe leaſt of my matters teruants,and oe to yeeldto
Io And akter thzee peeres theptocke tt, put thptrut on Egypt for charets and hoꝛſ⸗ the king of Affy.
euen in the firt peere of Hezekiah: thatis, nien? : ria, becaufe *
* the ninth peere of Yolhea Ming of Iſrael 25 Am J nowe come vp without the po wer was ſo
was Samaria taken, | k L02 to this place, to Deltroyp tt ? the Loꝛd finall that he had
Ir Chen the King of Albur sid tarie a: fain to me, Gor vp againit thisland,and De- not men to fur
way Jael vnto Almut, and put them in f roy it. oh nifh two thous
Halab, and in Mabon, by the riuer of Goxan, 26 Then Eliakim the fonne of Hiikiah, fand horfes,
and tu the cities of the eves. andSbebnabh, and Joah fain vnto Rabha- k The wicked
12 Becaule they would not obey the vayce keh, Speake,J pzay thee, to thy feruantsin alwayesintheir.
ofthe Lord their God. but tranigrefied his the Aramites language, fo:we vnderſtand profperitie flatter
Couenant ; thacis,all that Woles the leruant it, æ talke not with vsin the Jemes tongue, themfelucs that
of the Lod had commanded, and would nei⸗ in a auBience ofthe people that are on the God doth fauour
9.Chro#.3 tte ther obey ne? Doe them. a
wail. them. Thushe `
ifa 36. 1.ecclus. 13 C* Wozeourr, tn the fourteenth yeere 27 But Rabihakeh fain vnto them, wath {peaketh to feare
46. 18, 19. of King Hezekiah, Saneherib King of AG my mater lent me to thy mater and to thee Hezekiah that
fhur came vp againſt all the ſtrong ctties of tofpeake thele words, and netto themen by refitting bim,
Judah, and tooke them. which it onthe wal, that they may cat their he fhould refit
14 Éhen Hezekiah Ring of Judah fent owne Doung, and drink + their owne pile God.
vnto the King okAſchur to Lachih, faving, with peu? ; i. llOr, Syrians.
d Ashiszeale 4J haue offended: depart from me.and what 28 Go Rabſhakeh Kood and cried with
was before pray- thou layeſt gyon me,giwill beare it. And the a lowDde voice inthe Jewes language, and tEbr:the water
fed, fo his weak- Ring of Aſhur appointed vnto Hezekiah (pake, faving, Weare the woes ofthe great oftheir festes
nefle is here fet King of Judah hree hundreth talents of fii- Ring, of the King of Afihur.
forth that none uer, and thirtie talents of gold. 29 Thus fateh the King, Let not Hese-
Should glosy in Is Ghereforeipesckiah gaucall the ſiluer Rial deceiue pou : foz hee Wall not be able to
hinselfe, that was found in the boule ofthe Lozd, and Deliver pou | out of mine band. lor,bybis hand.
in the treaſures ofthe Rings Houle. » 30 Neither let Hezektah make pou ta
16 Qt the fame ſeaſon Did Pezekiah pull trut inthe Lord, laying, The Lord wu furce
off the places of the dooꝛes of the Temple of ly Deltuer vs, and this citie hal not be ginen
the Lod, and the pillars (which the faid oner inte the hand of the king ofAfihur.
Hezekiah Ring of Judah had covered ouer) 31 Hearken not vnto — foꝛ thus
aud gaue then to the Ring of Aimur. faith the King of Aſhhur, Dake t appoint· TEbr,bleffings
e After cettame 17 € And the Ring of Aſſhut (ent e Zar- ment with mee, and come out to mee, that meaning the
yeereswhen. He- tan and Rabfaria, and Rabihakeh from euervman map eate of bis owne wine, and condstronsof
eckiah ceafedto Laii to king Hezekiah with a great hoſte euery man of his owne Rigge tree, and peace.
fend the tribute againſt Jerufatem. AnD they went vp, and Dainke cuery man of the water of his owne
appointed by the came to Jerufalem, and when they were well ell,
ine of the Affy- tome by, they ſtood by the conduit of the vp⸗ 32 Tül Icome, and bring pou ta alana 1 Hemaketh
zians, he fent his per poole, which te by the path of the fullers like pour owne land, euen aland
of wheate himfelfe fo fure,
Captaines and ar- and wine, aland of bead and vinepardes, that he willnot
sic againft him, IS And called to the Bing. Then came aland of oltues opiz, and honie, that pe may grant them truce,
out to them Eliakim the fonne of Hilkiah, iine and not die : and obev net bescktah, fo: except they ren-
which was fteward of the Houle, and Sheb- be pipia, poufaying, Che Lom wil weli der themfelues
nab the chancelier, and Joah the ſonne of A· Herds. to him to be led
Or, writer of faph thel Recoder. 6) 33 Hath anyof the gots of the nations away captaiues.
Chronicles, or 19 And Rabhakeh faid onto then, Tell Deltuered his land out of the hand of the
Secretarie. pee Hezekiad, Jpꝛay pou, Thus faith the Ring of Aſhur:
great Ring, cuenthe great Ring of Albur, 34. Where tothe god of Hamath, and of
Ahat confidence is this wherein thou try- Arpad ? where tsthe govaf Hepharuatm,
tEbr.talke o ick? Wena and Juah? how Haue they Deltuered
we —* 4clos Damaria ont ofmune hand 2
20 Thou thinks, SurelyJhaue
35 WAho
a E Ta EY E VVVV——

plafphemie, Deliuerance pronuſed. _ Chap. xixe Hezekiahs prayer. 154

CGbo are thep among all the gods of ed?a:Gozan, and Haran, and Resepb, and
Ne bee nies — he lana Pechimen of Eden, Which were in Thela·
m Thisisan ex- outofinine
band, that them Lod fonlu Dee fi
cerable blaſphe-· liuer Jerufalem outofmine hand? 13 Mhere is theking of Hamath, and
mic againſt the 36 ut the people held their peace, and the king of Arpad, and the king of the citte h Bef
trueGod,to anſwered him nota on : fo2 the kinges ot Sepharuaim, Vena and quad? —
f Arke
make bin equall commaunDement was, tf C So iegebiah cecetued the letterof9 ne penint
faving, Anſwere pee
with theidoles him not. Ean J che and of the meflengers, and read its iS eweth
of othernations: 37 Then Eliakim the ſonne of Hilkiah, ano Hezekiah wentbp intotoebouleof the —— —*
therefore God which was ſteward ofthe houſe, andSheb- pe and Hezekiah (prea it before the uri all dan,
didmoft tharpely Nah the Chancello: , and Joah the onneof
punithit, Afaph the Recorderscame
to Hezektab with Ig Gnd Hesckiah iprated before the Los, E510 wit, to
their clothes rent, and told hun the wordes and fayn, D Loz God of Fitrael, which fecto the Lord
of Rabhakey. Dwellett bettweene the Cyerubins,thou art PYcarneft praicr.
CHAP, XIX, bery God alone oner all the kingdomes of ay by effea
6 God promifeth by Ifarah victorie to Hexee theearth:chou bat made the beauenand thst chouwilt not
kiah. 35 The Angel ofthe Lord kileth an han- the earth. . fuffer thy name
dreth and fourefcore and fiuethoufand men of the 16 Lod, * bow Downe thine egre, any to be blalphe-
isffyrians, 37 Sanehersb is killed of his owne heare; Tord open thincepes and behold,andMd
OnGES. heare the wordes of Haneberib, who hath | By this ticle he
Ifa37 1 AS * when king Pezrkiah beardit hee lent te blalpheme the ! lining Goo, » dilcerneth God
rent bis clothes, and puton fackecioth, 17 Cructh itis, bod, that the kingsof fromall idoles
and came tito the boule of the Lod, Albur haue Dettroped the nations and theit and falle gads.
2 Gnd fent Eliakim which was the Ke- lands, m He fheweth
ward of the boufe Shebnah the Chancel: 18 And haue fet fireon their gods; fog for what end the
102, and the Ciders of the Pꝛieſtes clothed they were ns gods, but the weke of mans. tHitbfull defireof
a To heare fome infackecloty , ata Iſatah the Paopher, the hauds, euenwood and ſtone: therefoze thep Godtobe deli-
new prophelicy tonne of Ainio5. y Deltroped them. ucred; to wit,
and to haue 3 And thep layd bunto bim, Thus faith Ig ACW therefore,D Lom our Gon, J thacbe maybe
Í comfort of him. Dezckiah, Chis day ts a day of tributation belech thee, fane thon vs outof bts hand, glorified by their
and of rebuke and biaſphemie: for the chil> that all che m kingDomesof the earth may deliverance,
b Thedaungers Deen are cometo rhe bitty, and there is no know, that thou,D £02d,art onely Gop, Becauſe as yet
arefo great, that ſtrength to bring forth. 20 @ Then Jlaiah the fonne of Amos fent Ferufalem had
we can neither 4 Felobethe Lod thy God hath beard to Hezekiah, laying, Thus ſayth the Tord not beenetaken
anenge this bla- all the wordes of Rablhakel , whome the Ged of Jirael, I haue heard that whieh by the cnemie,
phemie, not help Kingof aſchut his mater bath (ent to ratle thou hat prayed nic,concerning Sanebesth thereforehe cals
our felues no on theliuing God, and to reproch biim with king of Attbur. eth her virgin,
more then a wo- words Which the Lozd thy God hath heard, 21 This is the word that the Lo hath o Godcounteth
manin hertsa- then lift thou pp chy pater foz thesremnant {pokenagaint him. Ov virgin,Daughrer of that iniury done
vaile. that are lekt. j fl Zionbhehath delpi(ed thee, and laughed thee to bim, and will
c Meaning, for § Co the ſeruants of king hezekiah to ícone:D daughter of Jeruſalemhehath revenge it, which
Jerufalem, which came to JIſaiah. Maken bis head at thee. isdone to any of
oncly remained 6 And Ilaiah ſayd vnto them, So hall 22 Ahom halk thoi railed on? andwhom his Saints,
ofall che cities yefay to pour matter, Thus faith the Lord bat thoublatphemicd? andagatntt whome p Meaning, le-
of Iudah. e not afraid of the words which thou hak valk thou exalted thy voyce, and lifted pp rufalem,which
heard, wherewith the feruants of the king thine epes on high? cuen ° agatnit the Holy Maiah calleth the
of Althur haue blaſphemed me. oncot Iſrael. : height of his bore
d TheLord can 7 Bebhols,j wil lend ablak4 ypon him, 23 By thy meflengers thou haſt railed on ders,to wit,ofue
with one blat and be hall heare a noyle, and returne te bis the Lod, and ſaid, By the multitude ofmy dab, Ia. 37.24,
blow away all obne land: and J will caule bim to fail by charetsJam come vp tothetop of p moun: lOr, pleaſant
the ftrengthof the ſword in bis owne land. taines,by the fides of Lebanon, and willcut countrey,
manandtume «= 8 @Ho Kabſoakeh returned,and found Downe the hte Cedars thereof, and the faire lOr, the waters
it into duft. ticking of Aſhur fighting againit Libnah: fitre trees thereof, and J will goe into the ofcsties befieged.
e Thatis,Sane fe? he had beard that he was Departed from P lodging of his boners and into the foreſt q He declareth
_herib. Lachiſh. of bis) Carmel, that forafmuch
lOr, blacke 9 eHe heard allo men lay of Tirahkah -24 J haue digged, anu munke the wa- ashe isthe au-
oores. king of ||Cchtopia, £ Wehold,he ts come out ters of others,and with the plantofnip feet chor and begin-
f Forthe kings tafightagainit thee: be therefoze Departed haueJ Dyed ali the||floods cleſed in. ning of his _
of Ethiopia and and fent other meſſengers vnto Hezekiah, 25 Hat thou not heard yew F haue of Church, hee will
Egyptioyned lſaying, , j old tine made tt, aud hauz formed it long neuer fufferic ve-
tegetheragaint 10 Thus ſhal ye peake to hezekiah king agoe? qand ſhould 3 now ding it, that it terly cobede-
thekingof Afy- of Judah, and ſay, Tet not thy eGod Decewe fjould bee deſtroyed, and layd on riunous Rroyed as other
tia becauſe of his thee ta whom thoitruſteſt, ſaving, Jeruſa⸗ Heapesyas cities Detencen? cities and king-
oppreſſion of o- lent Mall not bee deliuered into the hand of 36 Chok: inhabitants haue ſmal pow. domes, ‘
thercounireys, the kinget Aſchur. er,and are afratd,and confounded ; thep are r Thus hedefcris
g The more Al Bgholde, thou halt heard what the like the graſſe of the ſield, and greene herbe, bern the wicked,
meere thatthe kingsefAiihur haue done to ali tands, how or grãſſe on the houle tops, pzas cozne bla⸗ which foratime
. Wwickedareto they haue deſtroyed them; and Wali thoube ited before tt begrowen, _ flourithand af.-
cheit deſtruction, deliuered? 37 Aknow thy Dwelling, yea, thy going cerward fade and
the more they 12 Haue the gods of the heathen deliue⸗ out, and thp comming in, ant thy kury a⸗ cecay like fow-
blafpheme, rep them which my fathers Yane deitrop- gainſt ine. ers
iS oe 28 And
Saneheribs hofte deftroyed. Ik Kings. ` Hezekiah reftored to health. i
28 Anobecaule thou raged againk mec, 4 pravet,and ſeene thy teares: bebold Jhaue d Becauſe of his
and chp twunitis come vp to ming cares, J healed thee, and the thied Day thou Malt goe vnfamed repen⸗
f Twill bridle wiil put my l booke in chp noittels, and my vp tothe « boule of the Low. ii [ tanceand priicty
thy raze,& turne bridie in thy lips, and weil being thee backe And 3 weil adde unto thy dapes fif- God turned away
thee toand fro, againe the tame way thou canet. teene yeere, and wili Delmer thee and this hisavrath, 1
as pleafeth me, 29 And this mallbera tigne ruto thee, titie outof the hand of the king of Aibur, cTo giue thanks
t God did not O Hezekiah, Thou halt cat this perre, eh and wti Defend this citie foz mine owu fake, for thy deliue-
only promife things as grow of themſelues, andthe neve ana toz Daun my ſeruants fake, rance, Ay
him the viGorie, pere luch as crow without wwitg , and the 7 _Chen Jlaray fain , Take a! lumpe of f Hedeclareth >
but gtueth hima third pere fou pe and reap? and plant vine⸗ dap figs. And they tookett, and layd it on that albeit God *
Signe co confirme pards,and eate the fruits thereot. the boyle, and be recouered can heale with- >
his faith. 30 And the remnant that ts efcaped of ¶ Fo2 Hezekiah had ſaid vnto Iſatah, cut other medi⸗
u The Lord wil) the houſe of Judah, Hallagaine take” root Ahat (hall bee the figne thatthe Lod will cines, yet hee
multiply in great downeward, and beare fruit vxpward. heale mee, and that J hall goe bp into the fheweth that hee
number that fmal 31 Foꝛ out of Jerulalem hall go: a reme boule of the 1o20 the thira dap? will not haue
remnat of Iudah nant, and ſome that ſhal eſcape out of mount 9 And Flaiah antwered, Chis igne halt thefeinferious
that is efcaped. Sion: the*zeale ofthe LoD of bekes fall thou haue ot the Lod, that the Lo2d wil Boe meanes contem-
x Theloue that Doe this. i? that hee hath poken , Wilechou that the thas ned.
God. beareth to- 32 CUiberefore, thus faith the Loꝛd con: dow gee torward tenne Degrees »oe * gor Ecclus.48 24.
ward his Church cerning the king of Atthur , He wall neten: backe ten degrees? a g Letthe Sunne
fhall overcome ter tito this citie no? ſhootean arrow there, 10 And HHezekiah anfwered,Ht ig alight goc fo many de- `
thecounfels ani nor come before It with ſhield, no? catt a thing foz the avow to pafle forward tenne grees backe tbat
enterprifes of mount agatntt it: Degrees: not lothen, but letthe adow sgoe the houres may
33 But hee tyalireturne the way be came, backe tenne Degrees. be fo many the
and fhall not come into this citic, ſayth the It And Fatah the Prophet called nto fewerin the
020. : the Lozd,and ge bꝛought againe the Hadow kings dial),
M. 37.36. tob.1» 24 for J will Defend this citietoſaueit tenne Degrees backe by the Degrees wherby b Which diall
21.ecclus.48,24 foz mine owne lake, and io Dauid my fer it had gone Downe in the »diallof Abaz. wasfetinthe top
1, mac. 7.41. uants fake. pat 12. @* The fame feafon Werodach Ba of the ftaires thar
2.mac.8.39. 35 EAnd the fame night the Angel of lanan the fonne of Baladan king of Babel, Ahaz had made,
y This was the the Lord went out and fnote in the campe fent letters and a i pacfent to Wesekiah : foz Ffa.396.
iuft iudzement of of Alijur an hundzeth kourelcore and fue be had heard how that Hezekiah was ficke. 1 Mooued with
God for his blaf- thouland: fo when they arole early inthe 13 And Wesekiah heard them,and chewed the fauour that
phemie, that hee —— beholde, they were all dead colp- them all his trealure houle; to wit, the filuer God thewed to
fhould be flaine es, ‘ and the gold, and the {pices, and the peti- Hezekiah,and
before thatidole, 36 So Saneherib king of Aſſhur Depar- cusopntinent, and all the boufe of bts ar- alfo becauſe hee
whom be prefers ted ,and went his way, and returned, and mour, and all that was found tn his trea- had declared him
red to the living Dwelrin sineneh. {ures there was nothing in bis boule , and felfe enemie to
God,end by 37 And as hee was in the Temple wo- tu allbis k realme, that Hezekiah ſhewed Sancherib his
them, by whom fhipping Niſroch jis god, Adramelech, and them not. 3 enemie, which
hee ought by Abharesce his fonnes y few him with the 14 Chen Iſaiahthe Prophet came vnto was now defroy-
nature to haue fwod ; and they elcaped mto the land sf A- king — „and ſayd vnto him, Cihat ed.
) _ Beene defended. rarat, and Elarhaddon his nne reig- layd thele menzand trom whence came they k Being mooucd
ned in bis Head. to thee? And Hezekiah fain, Chey bee come with ambition
from a farre countrey,euenfrom Babel, and vaine glorie,
CHAP XX, , 15 Then lard hee, Ahat baue they ſeene and alfo becaufe
q Hezekiah i ficke s and reciueth the figme of in thine boule? Qua Hezekiah anfwered, Ail hefeemed tores
his health, 12 He receineth rewards ofBerodach, that ts in mine boule hane they (ene: there ioyce inthe
13 Sheweth his trea fures, and is reprehended of is nothing among my treailires,that Jhaue friendfhip of him
Ifaiah. 22 He dieth, and Manaffeh his [onne not Hewed them. N that was Gods
reigneth in bis ſtead. j 16 And Iſaiah faid onto Hesekiah, Meare enemie and an
the wo2d of the Lod. infidell,
3° [brom 32.34, P kenni that time * was Hezekiah ficke 17 Behold , the dayes come, that allthat Chap.24. 83
{33,1 nto Death: and the Prophet Dlatah is in thine honit, ¢ whatloeuer thy fathers and 25.13.
the fonne of Ainoz came te pim, and lapde haue layd vp in fore vnto this Day, *fhall be 1erem.27. 19s
vnto hint, Thus faith the Low, Pout thine catieDinto abel: Mothing Hall bee left, 1 He acknow-
a Thathis mind — in an order: fo: thou chalt die, and not fayth the Lod. ledgeth Ifiah to
might not bee iue. 18 Ando thy nues that Mal proceed out bethe true Pro-
troubled. 2 Then he turned his face tothe atwall, of thee andiwhtch thou Malt beget , hal they phetofGod, and’
b Meaning, with- and prayed to the Lom taping, takeaway, and they halbe cunuches tn the therefore hum-
out all hypocri- 3 dbelecch thee D &ord,remember now, palace of the king of Babel. bleth himfelfe to
fie. pow J haue walked before thee in trueth, 19 Then Hezekiah laid vnto Jatah,T his word,
c Not ſo much and with a>perfectbeart, and bane Bone woꝛd of the Lord which thou baft ! fpo m Seeing that
forhis owne that which ts good M thy fight: aud ezea is goed: foz, fad he, Shall it notbegood od hath ſhew⸗
+ death as for feare kiah « wept foze. I f d mee this fauor

m peace and trueth bein my Dapesè
that idolatrfe 4 @And afore Iſaiah was gone sut into 20 Concerning the reft ofthe ac o grant me quis
Mould bee reto- the miaule of the court,che word of the Lod zekiah, and all pts valiant Deedes, etnes during my `
|. red,which hebad caine to him, faving, . he made a poole and a conduit, and bought life: forhe was *
deftroyed,and fo Turne againe , and tell Mesektah the afraide left the
Gods name be captaine of mp people, Thus faith the Loꝛd enemic ſhould have had occafion to reioyce , if the Church had dee
dithoneurcd, Gon of Dawid shy father, J paue heard thy cayed in his time,becanfe he had reftored retigion,
anaffch : Hisidolatrie, T Chap.xxj.xxij. and cruéltie. Amon. Ioſiah. 155
water into the citie, are they not written in mine inheritance, and deliuer them inte the
thebooke ot the Chronicles of the Bings of hand of their enemes, and they thall be rob-
x Judab? SIRPA bed and ſpoyled of all their aduerlarics,
21 And fab ficpt Rept with bis
ezekiah bis Fathers:
f Ig Becaule they bane Done euill in my |
anv Manailey Hts ton reigned in dis Head. fight, and haue p ouoked me to anger, titice |
the time their fathers came out of Egypt, |
CHAP, XXL vrtilt this Day. ;
3 King Manaſſeh reftoreth sdolatrie, 16 And 16 Moꝛeouer Manaſſeh hed tinnocent f The Bbrewes
vfethgreat cruelte. 18 Hee dieth,and Amen his blood exceeding much, ttl he repleniſhed Je⸗ write rhat he flew
Jonne fucceedeth, 23 Wo is killed of hs owne ruſalem from cogner to coner, beline hig aiahthe Pro ·
(evuan:s. 26 After lim reigneth foſiali. finne wherewith hee made Judah to finne, Phet, whowashie
and to Doe enillinthe fight of the Lord. ther inlaw,
2. Chron. 33. 1. Mantes *was twelue pere old when he 17 Concerning the reit of the actes of
S LVibegau to reigne, and reigned üfrie ann Manalſeh, and ail that he Bi, and bis finne
Bue peere tnZerulalem: bis mothers name that hee finned, are they nor witten tn the
alio was Hephst-ba). booke of the Chronicles of the Kings of
2 And hedidenilin the fight ofthe Lod SuBab?
after the abomination of the heathen, whom 18 And Manalſeh Aept with his fathers,
Dent.13.9, We* i had cafout befoze the chudzen of and was buried in the garden of hts owne
- itaet: > boule, euen in the garden of Ezza: and Ae
i - 3 SForhee went backe and built the high mon his fonne reigned in his ſtead.
| Chap.18.4,. plates, * which Descktah his father had Dz- Ig €* Amon was two and twenty peere 2 Chron, 33:
itroped: and hee erected vp altars fo: Waal, old, when hee began to reigne, and hee reiga 70,2
and made a grone, as DID Ahab King of JE ned two yeere in Jeruſalen: bis mothers
raclandD worihipped all the hoſte of heauen name allo was Mechullemeth the Daughter
and icrued them. of DaruofJotbah.
4 Allo herbnilt altars in the boule of the 20 Gnd bee Bid emllin the fightofthe
2,Sam.7.13. Low, ofthe whieh the Lom fata, * Fn Jerus Lod,ashis father Manalſeh did.
falem witli Ji put mp Mame. 21 Foꝛ he walked trail tye way, that his
§ And hee built aitars fo. ail the hoſte of father walked in, and ſerued the Boles that
the heauen in the two courts of the yout gt bis father ſerued, and woeſtipped them.
the Lod. 22 And bee forfooke the Lom God of his
a Reade Chap. 6 And hee cauſed his ſonnes > te paffe aac > and Walked not in thee way of the g Thatisaceors ·
16.3. * thozow the fire, and gaue himſelfe ta witch. od. ding tohiscom- $

cratt aud dorcerte,and be vin them thar had 23. And the feruants of Amon tonſpired mandements,
familiar pirita , and were (oothfayers, and pgaint him, and lew the King tn his owne
Did oy enillin the fightofthe Lord to an» ule,
ger him. Š 24 And the people of the land fewe all
7 And he letthe image of the groune that them that had coniptred again King g-
he had made tn the boule, whereot the Loyd mon, aud the people nade Joſtah his ſonne
had faid to Dauld to Salomon his onne, Hing tn bis tead.
r.King.8.29, *Suthis boul, andin Jerufalem, which J 25 Concerning theret of the actes of ge
‘and 9.3. haue cholen out of all the tribes of Iſrael, wil mon, witch hee Did, are thep not witte in
chap. 3.27 Z put mp Mamie to: euer, the booke of the Chronicles ofthe Ringsof
8 Picher will J make the feete ofFfra-
anp moze out of the land, whithJ _ 26
b Therefore fee- el mooue 376
Gad|they burtepbimin bte pitch
And || they buried bim in hrs ſepulchꝛe pe suri |
ingtheyobeyed gane their fathers: {o that they wil t obicrne in the garden of Uzza:and Jolai his tonne lorh —
not thecomman- ãnd Do ail chat J bane commanded them,and reigned in his trad. “fiah bis finne.
‘dementofGod, actozding te all the Law chat my ſeruaunt
they were july Moſes commanded them. CHAP. XXII.
caftforthofthar 9 Det theyobeyed not, but Manaſſeh led 4 Iofiah repaireth the Temple. 8 Hilkiah jin
land,which they fthemoutof tye way, to toe moze wickedly deth the booke ofthe Law,and cau[eth it tobe pre- 2. (hron.3 4t.
hadbutoneon- then did the heathen people, whom the Lod [ented to Lofiah, v2 Who fendeth to Huldah the a His zeale was
dition, deſtroyed before the chlen of Iſrael. Propheteffeto enquire the Lords will, prophefied of,&
Terem.15 4. IO Cherefore the Low ſpake by bis ſer⸗ [Dead was* eight yere old when he brgan his name mentio-7
1.Sam. 3.01. uantstheProphetsfaving, = toreigne, and bee reigned one and thirtie ned by Iaddo the
© Meaning.thar II *Becaule that Manalſeh king of Ju· yeeretn Jerufalem. His mothers name at· Prophet,more
whofocuerthall Dab hath done ſuch abominations, and hath ſo was Jedidah, the Daughter of Adaiah af then zoo yeeres
heare ofthis wrought moze wickedly then all that the A- B ozcath. before.king.13
cael te mozites (which werebefoze him) did, and 2 And hee did Dprightly in the finhtef 2.and being but
eaftonithed. ath made Judah finne atid with hts eles, the Lod, anda walked in allthe wayes ot eight yereoldhe -
d AsI banede- 12 Ehercforc thus faith the Lod God oF Dauid his father, and bowed neither tothe ſoughttheGod
RMroyed Samaria, Iſrael, Behold. J wil bring an euil vpon Je⸗ tight hand,no2 to the icft. _ of his fatter Da-
andtbehoufeof ruſalein and Judah, that who fo heareth of 3 EAnDin the eighteenth peereof Ring uid,2.Chro.34.3.
“Ahab.fowiliI ` it,borh hts *eares ſhall· tingle. Joſtah, the Ring fent Shaphan the tonne of |!0r,coyne,as E
déftroy ludah. 13 And J will ttretch oner Jeruſalem the Azalia, the onne of Meſhullamthe chan- verfo-
€ Meaning, Iu- lineofd Samaria, and the plummet of the teller,to the houſe of tie Lo:0,feying; 0r vegl .
dah& Benjamin houſeof Ahab: and J wil wipe Jerufalem, 4 Go vp to ipilkiad the high Peleſt, that b Certaineofthe ,
which wereonely a3 a inan wipeth a sith. which hee wiperh, be map| fumme the fluer which ts brought Priefts were ap-
deft of thereftof and turnet) it vplide Downe. tuto the boule ofthe Lod, which the keepers pointeiro rhis
thetribes, 14 And J will forlake thes remnant ef of the lt Doze Hane gathered ofthe peopte. ofice,as Chap,
: G 3 S AND 12,9.

The Lawis found. II. Kings. The Lawisread. Iofiahs |

¢ From the time § Andlet theme delinerit into the hand thisplace, and again the inhabitants of
of loath, for the of theim that Doz the woke, and Daue the the fame, to wit, that it Gould bee Defiropen
fpace cf 224, ouer ũght of the houſe of the Lard: leechent and accurled, and halk rent chy clothes, ana k Whereupon
yeresthe Temple gine tt to them that worke inthe houſe ofthe wept befoze mee, J haue allo Heard it, faith we may gather
remained wiih- Lom, to repaire the decayed places ofthe the Lod. i thatthe anger
out reparation joules 20 Behold therefore, F will gather thee of Godisready
through che neg- 5 6 To wvwit vnto the artificers and carpen: to thy fathers, and thou halt bee put in chy againft the wic-
ligence of the terg and malons, and to buy timber, and graue in k peace, and thine epes Mall not ite ked, when God
Prieks. This de- hewed tone to repaire the boule. all the euil, which J will bring vpon this taketh bis fer-
clareth that they Howbett let no reckoning bre made place. Thus they brought the Ring word as uarts out ofthis
that hauea with them of the money, that ts deliuered yatne, world,
charge and exe- - into their Hand: foz they Deale 4 fatchfullp. CHAP- XKITE
aute itnot,ought 8 Aud ipiikiah the high Prielt laid vnto 2 Iofiah readeth the Law before the people. 3 He
to haue it taken Dhaphan the chanceiler , 3 paue found the maketh a couenant with the Lord. 4 Hee putteth
fromthem. e booke of the Law in the boule of the ozm: downe the idoles after he had killed their Priests,
d So God pro- and Hilkiah gane the beoke te Shaphan, 22 He keepeth Pa feouer.24He deftroceth the co-
nided him of enb he rean te. turers, 29 He was killed in Megiddo, 39. And his
faithfoll feruants, 9 BoShaphan the chanceiler came to [onne Iehoahazreigneth in be ftead. 33 After be
feeinghe went a- the king, and bought bim word againe,and was taken, his fonne lehoiakim was made King.
bout fo zealoufly fain, Thy ſeruants baset gathered theme- T Hen the King 2 ſentand there gathered 2- Chron. 34,30.
to fecforththe ney, that was found in the poui, and haue unto him ali the Eiders of Judah and of Becaufehe fa
worke of God, - deliuercd it into the bands of them that doe ZJerulatem, i thegreat placue
e This wasthe the worke, & haue the ouerſightofthe boule 2 And the Ring went bp into the houſe of God * wer
copie thar Mofes of the Louw, ofthe Lord , with all the men of Judah and threatned, he
left them,asap- 10 QtioDbaphan the chanceller hewed all the injabitants of Zerulalem with him, knew no more
peareth,2.Chro, the king, faying, Hilkiah the Prieſt barh de. andthe Prꝛieſts and Pꝛophets, and alithe fpeedy wayto
34.14, which ei- liuered meea booke. And Shaphan read it people both {mall and great : and be read in auoide them,
sner by the negii- bekore the King. thetr cares all the words of the beoke of the then to turne
gence of¥Prichs IL And when p king had heard the words Couenant, which was found in the houte of to God by re-
bad deene loft,or of the booke of the Law,he rent his clothes. the Low, j pentance,which
els by the wicked 12 Gierefore the Hing commanded iil: 3 And the Ring ood by the > pillar and cannot come
nesof idolatrous kia) the Wielt, and Aytkam thefonne of made a ¢ couenant before the Lord, that thry bur offaith,and
kings had becne Shaphan, and Achboz rie nne of Micha · ouid walke after the Lord, and keepe his faith by hearing
avolithed. iab and Shaphan the chanceller, and Aiae Cammaundements, and his teſtimonies, ofthewerdof .
Eby melted. biah the Rings feruant,faying, aud bis ſtatutes with all cheirheart, ¢ with God.
f Meaning to 13 Go yandi enquire of the Lod fo: me, all their fonle, that they might accompli b Where the
< forme Prophet and fo: the people ant Fo: all Fudah,concers the wozds of this Couenant witten inthis King had his
whom God reue- ning the words of this booke that is found: rag And all the people Roon to the Coue- place, Chap,
leth the know- foz great is the wrath of the eke thatis 11.14,
ledge of things kindled againit bs,becaule our fathers haue 4 Then the King commanded Hilkiah c As loſhua did,
Vato, a5 let.ꝛ 1.1. not obeyed the wordes of this booke, to Doe the high Pꝛieſt, and the 4 Pꝛieſtes of the fe Toth,24,22,25,.
though et other according vnto all that which ts witten cond o2der, and the keepers of the Dooe, to d Meaning the
timesthey en- therein {o bs. i bzing ont of the Temple of the Lozd all the which were nex
guired the Lord 14 @ So Hilkiah the Peieſt,andAhikam, veficis that were made foz Baal,and foz the in dignitie to the
by Vrim and and Qchbo, and Shaphan, and Alahiah grouc.and foz all the hoſte of heauen, and be hie Prieft,
Thurmim, went onto Huldah the Pꝛophetelſe the wife burnt them without Jerufalem in the delds e Incontempt
g Or,the houfe of Hhalinm.the ſonne of Crkuad, thefonne of Kedon, and carted < the powder of them of tharalrar,
of dodtrine, of Harhas keeper of the wardrobe: (and the into Beth-el. which Ieroboam
which was neere Dweltin Jeruſalem ui the e Colledge) and 5 And he put Downe the f Chemarims, “had there built
to thetemple,& thep couununed with her. whom the Kings of Judah had founded to to facrifice to
where the lear- Is Gud ee anfwered them, Thus faith burne incenſe ta the bie places, and in the ct- his calues.
ned affembled to the Lord Gad of Iſrael, Gell che man that ties of Gudad,and about Jerulatem, and ai- f Meaning,the £
the (crip- tent you tame, fo theu that burnt incenſe vnto Baalto the Pricites of Baal,.
tures, and the 16 Thus ſapeth the Lord, Bebon, J Simite and to the Moone, and to the pla- which werecal -
doarine of the wiil iing eutll pan this place, and onthe nets, and fo all the hoite okhtauen. led Chemarims,
Prophets. hibauitants thereof, euen ali the wozdes of 6 And hee brought out thes groue from either becaufe
h The workes the booke which the Ming of Judah bath the Temple of the Lord without Jerufalem they ware blacke
ef mans hand trad, d zvnto the valley Kedron, and burnt itinthe garments,or cife
here fignsfic all 17 Becaule they hate korſaken mer, and valley Medion and ſtampe tt fo powder, and were (moked
thot man inune baic burnt iuccnicuntoorhergads,ta anger cait rhe Bulk therof tyon the bgraues ofthe wich burning in-
teth beide tLe int With ali the t wozkesofrhetr hands: my cbildzen of he people. - cenleto idoles.
word of God, wath atio walbe kindled agatnk this place, 7 Am ye brake downe the houſes of the g He remoued
which a e abo- and Hall uot be quenched. * Hodomites, that were in the honie of the the groue which.
winable in Gods 18 Butto the King of Judah, who tnt k oud, where the women waite hangings foz idclaters for de-
. fece, i vouto enauire of the £029, lo Mall pe fay vue the groug., uotion bad plan-
i Meaning,tbat to pint, Ehus ih the Lod God of Firael, 8 Alia hee bꝛought all the eiris ont of ted neere vnto
he did repent,as the wordes that thou haſt heard, (hail come the Temple,
they chat doc not to pafe, contrarieto the commaundemcest of the Lord, Deutes.: 6,21. oF as
repent, are faid 19 Bu-beesufe thine heart Didi melt, and fome rcade, the ſimili ude of a grouse which was hanged in the Tem.
to hardentheir - thou Hatt bunibled thy felfe before the Loz, pic. h Both in contemprofthe idoles, and reproch of them which
heart Pial 95.8. when chou heardeſt what 3 pake agama had warfhipped them inthei: lines.
zealeand teformation. Chap.xxiij. The Paſſeouer. Iehoahaz. 156
the citiesaf Judah, defiled the hie places end burnt mens bones bpon thein, and ree
where the Pieſts had burntincenfe, euen turned to Jeruſalem.
from Gerba to Beer theba,and deltroyed the 20 € Shenthe king commanded all che
hic piaces of the gates that were tn the et- people, faytng, * Kecpe the Paſſeouer onto 2. [bron gSAte
tring in ok rhe gate of Joſtua che gouernout the Lod pour God,* as itis watttentn the r.eſar. i. 1.
ofthe citie which was at the lett hand ofthe booke of thts conenart. Excd. 12.3.
F Becaufe chat gate of the cttte. j j 22 Any there was no Paſſcouer holden deut, 16.2.
thofe which bad 9 Neuertheleſſe the Pietes of the hte < itke that from the dayes of the Judges q For the multis
forfaken ý Lord places came not bp to the altar of the Lod that tubged Iſratl, noꝛ in all the Daycsof tude and zeale
fta ferue idoles in Jeruſalem, tauc onely they did eate ofthe feRings of Iſrael aud of the Kings of Jui of the people
were not meere Bitleakened bread awong their brethren, bab. j with the great
to minifter in the 10 He deliled allo * Copheth,which was 23 Gnd in the eighteenth ycere of king preparation,
tn the valley af the childzen of Dinnom, that Jotiah was this Paũcouer celebrated to the
Lord for thein- ho nan Would make bistonne o bis daugh⸗ Losin Jerufalem,
ftruGien ofo- ter pafie thorow the fire to Molech. 24 Folia ali tooke away them that bad
‘thers. -IL He put downe alfo the! boies that the familiar ſpitits, and the foorbfayers, anu
k Which was a kings of Judah had gtuen tothe ſunne at the images andthe Welcs, and all the abo»
valley neere to the centring in of the boule of the Lord,bythe minations that were elpiediu the lande of
Terufalem, & fig- chamber of p2ethan-netech the eunuch, Indah and in Jeruſalem, toperfourme the
which wasrulero? the fuburbs , and burnt worbes ofthe * Lawe, which were weitten Leuit, 20.27.
the charcts of the funne with fire. inte booke that Hilkiah the Prick founde deut. 18.14,
12 And the altars that were on the top of tithe houſe of the Loz. i
Bret while their the chamber of Abaz, which the kings of jiu- 25 Like vnto hin: was there no Ring be-
Day had made, and the altars vehich Manaſ⸗ feze him that turned fo the Lozd with all
fel) bad made in the two courts of the boufe bis heart,aud with all pis ſoule, and with att
ofthe Lod, did the ting brake Domne, and bis might, according to ail the Law of go:
beheard, Leuit. bated thence , and caf the duſt of themin tees nether after him aroſe there any like
18.21. where af- thell brooke Remon. 3 jim.
ter Ioſiah com- 3 Morcoucr the king defiled the bic pla- 26 Notwicthſtanding the Lode turney
manded carions tes that were before Jerufalem and on the not from the * fercencfle of bis great wath r Becaufe of the
to be caft incon- right bande of the m mount of cozruption taberewith
ice was angry agatuſt Ludah, — heart of
tempt thereof, (which *Saiomon the king of Zitacl bad becaufe ofall the pronocations wherewith t cople
1 The idolatrous butlt for Achtoreth the ele of the 3iDont- Manalſeh had prouoked hin. } which —*
Kings had dedi- aus, and fo: Chemo the tdole af the Moa⸗ 27 Therefore the Lod fayd, J will put not turne vnto
cate horfes and bites, and for Milchom the abontination of Judah allo out of mp fight, as J baue put him by repens
charets to the the childzen of Ammon ) ME: away Iſrael, and will cak offthis citie Je- tance,
fanne, either to I4 And bee brake the images -in preces,& rufalem, which J haue choicn, and the
‘Carie theimage cut Downe the groues, and filled thete places — whereof 3 fayd, My Rame palide 3.King.8.29¢
thereof about as with the bones of men. there, and 9.3,chape
the heathen did, 15 furthermore, » thealtar that was at 28 Concerning theret ef theacts ofFo- 2 ty
or els tofacrifice Beth-el, and the high place madeby Jeroba- fab ana ali thatbe did, ate thep wot twitter
|them, as a facri- am thetonne of fAcbat, which mage Iſrael in thebooke of the Chzonictes of the Kings
fice moft agree- to ſinne, bet) thisaltar, and allo rhe bigh offupah?
able, place brake hee Bowne , and burnt the high 29 ¶ In his dayes Pharaoh Nechoh 2.Chro. 35. 20.
)lOr „valley, place, and ſtampt it te powder and burnt tye
ktug ok Esypt, went bp ãgainſt the kiug of
im That was the groue. Alchur to the rtuer Perath. And king Fes
mount ofoliues, 16 Andas Joſiah turned himſelfe, hee Rah l wentagainit fim, whom when Phara- f Beeaufe he paf .
To called becanfe {pied the graues, that were in the mount, oh fa, he flew bun at Megiddo. fed thorow his
it was fullof and [ent and teoke the bones out of the 30 Then his ſeruants carted him dead countrey he fea-
idoles. granes, and burnt them bpon the altar, and from Megiddo, and brought bim to Je- red leſt hewould
I, King.11.9. polluted tt, according tothe wode of the tufalem, and buried him in bis owne fe- haue done him
n Whit lerobo⸗ Laie that the e man of God proclaimed ulchre. And the people of the lande tooke harme,and theres
amhad built in which cricd the fame woms. choahas the fonne of Joliah. and anoin fore would haue
Ifrael, r. King. 17 Then be (aid, Wihat title is that which ah — nade hun king wi bis fathers ftayed bim, yet
-42.28,29. Flee? And che meno thecitie faide vnto 22 —
he confulted net
© According ta him, Icis the ſeyulchre of the manofGod, 31 * Feboahas was three and twenty pere with the Lord,
the propbefie of which caine from Judah, and toldre thefe old when hee began to retgne, and retenen and therefore
Taddo,1 King. things that thou bait Done tothe altar of thzee moneths in Jeruſalem. Mis metyers was flaine,
Bs.. i. Beth-el. ; F name alfo was hamutal the Daughter of 2,Chron.3 6.1526
P Meaning, the 18 Then {aid he, Let him alone ;let none Jeremiah ofLibnah.
ophet which remoue bis bonzs. Ho bts bones were fared 32 Aud he Did enil tn the fight
of theLo, t Meaning, the
‘came afrerhim, with the bones of the Pꝛophet that came according to aii that bis fathers had Sone. wicked Kings
and canfed him from Samaria. 33 And JOharaoh Mechoh put him in before,
eate con 19° Folia alo tooke away ali the houſes bonds tat Kiblah in the land of ipanath, u Which wag ,
x the —— ofthe bieplaces, which were in the cities while bee reigned in Jeruſalem, anv pnt Artiochia in
dement of the of —— which the kings
of Ncaei haa theland to atribute of an hundedth talents Syria, called
Lord,which made toanger theLord, and did to them ac- ofiiluer.and a talent
oI gold. alſo Hamath,
were both two £023 ingbe,all the factes that be bad done in 34 € And Pharaoh Nechoh made Œ- \\Or,that he fheuil
ied in one Bethe ` $ liakim the fonneof Joſſah Ring in ead of not reigne,
graue, K ing 20 Andhe facreficed all the Pꝛieſts of the Jictiad bis father, and turned htsname to
33.21. hic places, that were there vpon the altars, Achoiakun, Tooke Teooahas away , which
G4 when
a |
Ehialdow Yehdlachin I1.Kings. Thecaptiuitie. Zedekiah. ~,

whet he came to appt, dicd there, Babel tooke himin the eight yeere ofbis e In the reigne
35 And Jehoiaktin gaue che tiluer and reigne. of the king of
the golde to Pharaoh, and tared thelande 13 *Aud he carted ont thence all the trea ·Babylon,
to giue the money, accordutg to the com⸗ {ures of the houſe of the Loꝛd, and thetreas Chap.10.47.
mandement of Pharaoh: hee leuted of cues fures of the kiugs boule, and brake all the ifa39.6.
tp man ot che people of the land , according vellels of golde, whic) Salomon king ef
tobis value, nluer and golde to giue vnto Ilrael had made in the Temple of the Load,
Pharaoh Mechoh. as the Lodhan fayd.
36 Jehoiakin was fine and twenty peere 14 And hee carted away all Jerufalem,
sine, when he began to reigue, and hee reig· and all the patnces, andall the ttrong men
ned elenen peeres in Jjerulatem, iis mo⸗ ofwarre, cuen ten thouland inte captinitic,
thersname allo was zZebndah the Daughter anvdailthe workemen, and cunning men:
of Pedaiah of Rumah. {a none remained lauing the poore people of
37 And hee did cuill in the fight ofthe. the land. ; j
Lord, according to all chat bis fathers had Is *Andhecaried away Jehoiachin into 2ron
36 12.
DONE > Babel,and the kings mother, and the kings efler 2.6.
CHAP. XXIII = wiues, and His eunuches, and the mighty of
1 Iehoiakim made ſubiect ta Nebuchad-nexzar, the land carted he away inte captiuitie from
rebeHeth. 3 The cauſe of his tune and all Iu- Jeruſalem to Babel.
dahs. 6 Feboiachin reigneth. 15 He and his 16 And ail the men of warre, euen ſeuen
people are caried väta Babylon, 17 Ledekiahis thouland, and carpenters, and lockſmiths a
made King, thoufand: all that were ttrong and apt foz
a In theend of je bis a Dayes came Mebuchad-nezsar, warre, DID the king of Babel izing to Ba-
thethird yere of king of abel vp, and Jehoiakim became bel captiues. i 3 |
his reigne, and in his ſeruant thace pere + afterwara hee tur⸗ 17 @*And the king of Babel made Dat: Ferera 37. 1.and
the beginning of ned, and rebelleDagaine hin. tantah his vncle king in bis ſtead, and chan · 52.1.
the fourth,Dan, 2 And the Lord lent agatak him bands ged his name to Fedektay. :
L ofthe Caldees, and bands of the Aramites, 18 3edekiah was one and twenty peere
and bandes ofthe Moabites, and bands of olde when hee began to reigne,and bee reig⸗
the Ammonites, and hee (ent them againtt ned eleuen peeves in Jerufalem. Wis mo-
Chap.20.19- Judah, to deſtroy it,* gccording to che wo2d thers name alfo was Damutal the Daughter
and 23:27.» of the Lord, which he ſpake by his leruants of Jeremiah of Libnah.
the Prophets. 19 And hee did euill tn the fight ofthe
b Though God 3 Surely by the b commaundement of i according toall chat Jehoiakim haa
vied thefe wic- the Lord came this vpon Judah, that hee one.
ked tyrants to might put them out of his fight foz the 20 Therefore certainelp the wrath ofthe
execute his iuft — ot Manalſſeh, according to allthat he Low was again Jerulalem and Judah vñ⸗ !
judgments, yet ta, till he cat them our ot bis tight. And zede⸗ £ Out of lerufa-
they are not to 4 Ano fo: the innocent blood that hee kiah rebelled againtt the king of Babel, lemandLudah,
CHAP XV. into Babylon.
be excufed, bes fhed, ( foz he filled Jeruſalem with innocent
caufe they pro- —— therefore the LoD would not pars t Teruſalem iùbefieged of Nebuchad-nezxar,
ceeded of ambi- on it. i andtaken. 7 The [onnes of Zedekiah are flaine
tion and malice. § Concerning the reft of the actes of bifore his eyes and after are his owne eyes put out,
Jehoiakim, anv all that he did, are thep not 21 Indah u brought to Babyloz. 25 Gedaliah
wyittenin the booke of the Chronicles of the is flaine. 29 Fchesachinis exalted. —
kings of Judah? i AZ * in the 2ninth peereof his reigne, Ierem.31,2.
c Notthat he 6 Do Jehoiakim «flept with bis fathers, the > tenth moneth, and tenth day of the azd52.4.
was buried with pad edge bis fonne reigned in dis moneth, Nebuchad· nezzar king of Babel a Tharis,of
his fathers,
but he cad. caine, hee,and all bis hotte agatnit Jerufas Zedekiah, -|
died in the way, 7 € And the king of Gaypt came no leit, and pitchedagainttit, andthey built b Whiehthe E+
as.they led him oze out of hts land; fo: the king ot Babel {|fota againſt tt round about it. breves cal} Te=
prifoner toward had taken from the riuer of Egypt, vito the 2 Hothe citie was beiicged vutothe ele» bet, and itcon |
Babylon,reade allthat pertained tothe king uenth ee of King Sedektab.
xiuer Perath, teineth part of
lren. 22.19. ot Egypt. 3 And the ninth day of the moneththe Decemberand
lOrEuphrates. 8 Jehoiachin was eighteene peere olde famine was foe in the citie, io that there part of Ianuary.
twhen be began to reigne, and reigned in ge- was no bread forthe people ofthe lande lOr @ mount,
rufalent three moneths. is mothers name 4 Then the citie was broken vpand allie Info much?”
atio was ehulbta, the Daughter of Elna⸗ the menofwarre fled by night, by the way ‘thar che mothe
. tyanof terufalem. ofthe gate, whichis betweene tivo walles did eate their <
9 And heri evilin the fiche ofthe Low, that was by the kings garden: nowe the children,Lam,4.
according to all that His father had Done. Caldees wereby the citie round aboutsand ro.: i
Dasti. Is Io *In that time came the ſernants of Mes the king went Dp the wap of the wilder · d Which wasa
Huchad nezzar king ot Sabel vp againſt nele ; “poftemedoare:
Jerufalem; tothe citie twas beiieged. 5 But the army of the Caldees purſued or ſome ſecret
II And Rebuchad-nezzar king of Bai after the king, and tooke him in the deſerts gateto iſſue out
bel came againit the citie, and his ſeruants of Jericho, and all his hoſte was ſcattered t.
F d Thatis,yeel- DiD beſieged it. from Him. J e Orcondeme!
dedhimJfe vn- y2 Chen Jehoiachin the kingof Judah 6 Then they Cooke the King, and caried nedhim for his
fsto him bythe @ caine outagainit the Ring of Wabel; Hee, him wp to the ing of Babel ro KRiblah, periurie and trea-
counteil of Ie- andiis mother, and his feruants , and-Hts- where thep gane iudgement vpon him. fon Chron.
zemie, pences, and his eunuches: and. the king of. F Arid they dew the lonues ot — 36.13.
ERRE T EEN ee ag A ERR TT ee ee

X deſtroyed. Chap. xxv. Gedaliah flaine. 157

before bis eyes and put out the eyes of Zede⸗ who mueren the peopte of theland,¢ threes
kiah, and bound him in chaines, and caried {coze men of the people of the land, that were
pim to Babel. — found in the cite. i bs
f Ieremie wri- 8 And in the Gift moneth, and fſeuenth 20 And AQebusar-adan the chiefe ſtew·
tethchap. 52.12, day of the moneth, which was the nineteentiy ard tooke them, and brought them to the
thetentb day, yeere of king F2ebuchad-neszar Ling of king of Babel to Riblah.
becau(e the fire Babel, came srebiizar-adan |ichtefe tew 21 Andthe King of Wabel (mote them,
continued from ard and ſeruantof the king of Babel, to He and flewthem at Riblah in the land of Mae
the feucnth day, ruſalem, Math. Go Rudah was caried away captiue
tothe tenth. 9 Andburntthe houſe ol the Lord, and out of his owne land. :
llOr captaine of the kings boule, and all the boules of Jeru⸗ 22 *Howbeit there remained people in Jerem 40.5,9
the guard, taiem, ana all the great houſes burnt he with thelanddt Judah, whom Nebuchad· nezzar
ve. King of Babei lett, and made Gedaliah the
Io And all the armie of the Caldees that ſonne of Ahlkam the ſonne of Dhaphan rue
were with rhe chiefe Reward, brake Downe ler ouer them. f
- the wallesof Jerufalem round about. 23 Then when all the captaines of the
11 And the ret of the people that were bofte, and their men heard that the Ringof
g Whilethe left in the citi, and tholetbat were fled and Babel had made Gedaliah gouernour, they
fiege endured, e failen to the Hing of Babel, with the ren caine to Gedaliah to SOrzpah , to wit, Iſh
Nant ofthe multitude, did Nebuzar adan mael the fonneat Methaniah, and Joba:
chiefe ſteward carie away captine. © nan the onne of Kareah, and @eratah the
12 But the chrefe ſteward left of the pooze fonne of Tanhumeth the Aerephathite,and
of the land to Defe the wines, and to tilithe Jaazaniah the fonne of Maãachathi, they
| Chap.20.17, land. and their men. 3 ;
bere.27.22. 13 * Allo the pillars of baffle that were 24 And Gedaliah ware to thent, and 1 Thatis, he did
in the houſe ofthe Lord , andthe bales, and to their men, and fayt vnto them, Feare not exhort them in
the braſen Sea that wasin the honte of the tobee theferuants ofthe Caldees: Dwell in the name of the
Lod, Did the Caldees breake, and caried the the land, and ſerue the king of Babel, and pe Lord,according
h Ofthefereade baile of them to Babel. fhall be well. to Lercmies cot-
Bxod,27.3. 14 The pots + atlo,and the belomes,and 25 * Butin the ſeuenth moneth Iſhmael (cll, to abwit
the intruments of muticke, and the incenfe the tonne of Methantah the fonne sf Elipa: themfelucsto
diſhes, andall the veſſels ofbzalle that they maof the kings {cede came, and ten men Nebuchad-nez -
miniltred tn,tooke thep away. with him, and linote Gedaitah, and he Died, Zar, ſecidg it was
15 And theae pannes, andthe bafins, and fo DID Hee the Jewesand the Caidees thereuciled will
and all that was of gold, and thet twas of fil» that were with him at Dispab. ofthe Lord, .
uer,tooke the chicfe ſteward away, 26 Then allthe prople both fall and Lerem 41.1.
16 Git) the two pillars, one Dea, and great, and the captaines of the armtearofe, m Contrary to
the bales which Salomon had made fo: the and came to ™ Egypt :for they were atrain Teremiescounfel,
houteof the Lod: the bꝛalle of all thefe vef- of the Caldees. eee erem. 40 41 429
fels was without weight. , 27, Motwithtanding in the ſeuen and and 43. chapters.
4.King.7.15, 17 * The height of the one pillar was thirtieth peere after 2 Jehoiachin Ring of r- Thus long was
| Feve.52,2). eighteene cubttes, and the chapiter thereon Judah was carted away in the twelfe mo» be, his wife, and
-2.¢hr0,3.15. wes bꝛaſſe, and the height of the chapiter was neth and the feuenand twentieth day of the bis children in
With netwozke thee cubites, and pomegra · moneth, Euil merodach kingofBabelin Babylon, whom
A Thatis,one ap: nates bpon the chapiter round abour, altof the peere that bebegan to reigne, nid lift pp Nebuchad nez~-
“pointed to fuc- braille: and ttkewile was the fecond pillar the head of Jebotachin king of Judah eut of zarsfonne after
ceede in the high with the networke. the pation, 3 his fathers death
Prieſts roome,if _ 18 Aud the chicfe teward tooke Brera- 28 Gad ſpake kindly to him, and iet bis preferred toho-
he were ficke,or iab the chiefe ziet, and Sephantah che throne aboue the throne of the kings that nowt: thusby
els otherwife an: (Oziri, and the thzeg keepers of the were with himin Babel, Gods prouidence
Tetted, oore. 29 And changed his pilon garments: the ſeede of Da-
k lerenie ma- Ig And out of the citte her tooke an Eu⸗ and he Did continually cat bead before him, vid was referued
eth mention of nuch that had the ewrägit of the men of ali the Daves ofSis life. euen vnto > Chrift, -
feuen, buthere warre, and k fue men of them that were fin 30 And his opoꝛtion was a continual poꝛ⸗o Meaning, that
he fpeaketh of the Rings pretence, which were found tn tion ginen him by the king, cucrp Daya tera Behad an ordinas
them that were the citie and Gopher captaine of the hotte, taine,all the dapes of his ſite. rie inthe court,
the chiefeft,
Ebr. words of
HOr, ofthings o-
Pittedto wit siz
e The firft booke of the * Chronicles,
the bvokes ofthe or |Paralipomenon..


He lewes comprehend both rhefe bookes ĩn one, which the Grecians. beceuſe ofthe length, di-
Ẹ uide into two ; and they are called Chronicles, becaufe they nete briefly the hiſtories from Adam
to the returne from their capriuitie in Babylon, But thefe are not thofe bookes of Chronicles, which
are fo often mentioned in the bookes of the Kings of Iudah andLfiael, which did at large fer toorth
the Rory ofboth the kingdomes, andafterward perifhed inthe captiuitie : buran abridgment of the
Sarmes and were gathered by Exxa,astheTewes write, aftertheir returns from Babylon; This frf >
Adains genealogie, I. Chron. and Efaus. TheKings of
booke conteineth a briefe rchearfall of the children of Adam vnto Abraham, Izhak ,Iaakob and
the tweluePatriarkes , chiefly of Iudahand of the reigne of Dauid, becaufe Chriſt came of him accor-
dingtothe ficth, And therefare it fetteth foorth more amply his ates, both concerning ciuill go-
uersementand allo the adiiniitration,and care ofthings concerning religion, forthe good fuccefie
whercof he celoyceth, and giueth thankesto the Lord,
CH A.Bs iI. 30 Miſyhma, andDumah, Walla, ||Das fOr, Hadar.
€ The genealogre of Adamand Noah vatill Bad, andTema,
Abraham, 27 And from Abrahamto Efan. 35 31 Fetur, Naphilh, and Kedema: theſe
His children, 43 Kings and Dukes came of are the ſonnes of Ihmael.
him. 32 (Aud Keturah Abrahams 4 concu- h Reade Gen-
a Meaning,that Dam, Sheth, EnH, bine bare onnes Simran. and Jokſhan, and 25.2.
Sheth was Adams 2 genan Mahalasleel, Medan, and Midian, and Iſt bak E Shu⸗
fonne, and Enoth Jered, abwil the founes of Jokhan, Sheba, anv
Sheths fonne, 3 Henoch, Methulhe⸗ edan.
la, Lamech, 33 And p ſonnes of Midian were Ephah,
b Ithadbeene Y 4 Noah, t Shem, aud phar, and Penoch, ¢ Abiva, and Ei-
fufficie nt to haue P Pam, and Japheth. Daah ¢* allthele are the fonnes of eturad. Gene.25.4.
. Named Shem,of @* he fonnes af 4 *aud Abaham begate Ishak: the Gene 21.2.
whom came A. Japheth were Gonter, and Wages, ¢ Ma⸗ fannes of Isak, Clan and Iſraei.
brahamandDa- pai,andJaugn, and Tutal, and Meſhech, 35 © Ghelonnesof Elan were i * Cli i Thefe were
-uid,butbecaufe and Tiras. pas uel, and Jeu, and Jaalam, anv borne of three
the world was 6 And the fonnesof Gomer, Ahehenas, ozah. , diuers mothers, .
reltored bytheſe and Iphath,
andCogarmay. 36 The fonnesof Cliphas, Teman, and reade Gen, 36.4.
three, mention is 7 Qlfothe fonnes of Janan, Eliſbah, and Dmar, [sepht, and Gatam, Kenaz, and Gene.36 9.
alſo made of Tarſhiſhah, Kittim, and Dodanim. k Gunna, and Amalek. llOr, Zepho.
Ham & Tapheth. 8 CTbefonnes of am were Cuſh, and 37 Thelonnes ofRenel, Mahath, Serah, k Which was Mizraun
Hut, andCanaan. Hpyammah,and Wizz. Eliphas concu-
Or, Rephath. 9 And the ſonnts of Cul, Diba, and 38 And the fonnes of ! Heir, Lotan, and bine: reade Gen,
[|Or,Rodanim, Haãuilah, and Sabta, and Raamah,t Sab- Shobval,and zibeon, and Anab,and Dithon, 36,12.
techa. Allo the ſonnes of Raamal were She- and Gser,and Diſhan. 1 Heisalfo cate
ba and Dedan. 39 And the fonnes of Lotan, Woi, and led Seir the Ho-
c Whofirtdid Io Aud Cum begate < Nimrod, who be- Homam,and Timna Lotans lifter. rite, which inha-
‘Viftvphimfelfe gantebemighty intheearty. _ 40 The nues of Sbhobal were Alian, bited mount Seir,
: aboue others, IL And Wizraim begate Lubim, and A+ and Manahath,andChal, Sbephi ana D- Gene.3 6,20.
- Gene.1o.8. namin, Lebabini,and Naphtuhim: nam. And the ſonnes of 3ibeon, Aiah, ana
12 Pathulimaito , Chatlubimef who A nah.
tame the Philiſtims and Gaphtozim. 4I The ſonne of Anah was Dibon. And
13 Allo Canaan begate siden bis firi the fonnes ofDithon, Amran, and Eſhban,
bone and Heth, and Ithran,andCheran, i
j 14 And the Jebuiite, and the Amozite, 42 The onnes of Ezer were Bilban,
‘Gene,10 22s ondthe OSirgahite, y and 3aauan,and Jagakan. The ſonnesot Di-
and 15 And the iptuutte, and the Arkite, and Won, were Uz and Aran. i
-d Ofwhomcame the Dimite, - i 43 CAND thele were the = Kings that m He maketh
the Syriassand 16 And the Aruadite, and thezemarite, reigned in theland of tom, before a King mention ofthe
therfore theyare and the iamathite. reigned ouer the childzenof Iſrael, to wit, Kings that came
called Aramites I7 @* The founesef Shem were Clam Bela the fonne of Broz, and the name of his of Efau,accor-
thorowoutall and Afibur,an’ Arpachihad, and Lud, and citie was Dinhabah. ding to Gods
the Scripture. 4 Aram, and G3, and ul, and Gether, and 44. Then Bela diedgJobab the ſonne of promife madeto
-e Ofhimcame Meſlſhech. 52taQ, » of B3320 rat Le in bis fiean. Abraham con-
the Hebrewes, 18 Alo Arpach%Fad begate Shela, and 45 Ant when Jabat was Bead, huſcham cerning him, that
which wereat- helah begatee Eber. pe* land of the Temanites reigned in his Kings fhould
terwardealledI® 19 Cinco Eber allo were borne two fons: ean. come ofbim.
raelites,ofIſrael, the name of the one was Peleg: fo: in his 46 And when Huſſham was Dead, Hae Thefe eight kings
which was Iaa- =Hayes waz the earth diuided; and bts bro- Dad the foune of Bevan, which ſmote SBi- tei2ned oneafter
kob: and iewes thers name was Joktan. Dianinche ficlde of Moab, reigned in his anotherin Idue
of Iudah,becaufe - 20 Uhen Joktan begate Almodad and ſtead, and the name of his city was Auith. mea wnto the
ofthe excellency Qcieph.and Hazermaueth,and Ferah, 47 Ho ipadad bred, and Samlah of timeof Dauid,
ofthat tribe. 21 And adouam,t Gal, and Dikiab, Maſhꝛecah reigned in his ead. who conquered
£ Herepeateth 22 And Cbal,and Abtmael, and Sheba, 48 Gnd Samlab died, and Shaul of Re- their countrey.
Shemagain-,be- 23 And Dpdir,and ipauilab, and Jobab: hoboth by the river reigned tn bis tean. n Which was
-eaufeliewould all thefe were the fonnes of Joktan. 49 And when Shaul was dead, Baal- the principall
cometothe 24 £ Shen: Arpachhad, Dyelab, tanan the fonne of Achboz reigned in jis citic of the Edo-
ftocke of Abra- 2
Cher. Weleg Reon, ead, mites,
ham. 26
Serug, Mahor, Cera, 50 And Baal-Danan died, andipadad
ito came of 27
*Abrzam whichis Abꝛaham. reigned in his ſtead, and the name of his ci-
i Shem,and of him @ The ſonnes of Abzaham were J3- tie was ||Pat, and his wines name Meheta⸗ Or, Pay,
Shelab. hakand Imal. ; hel theDaughter of atred the Daughter of
«Gene. 1t.26.and 28 Whele are their gencrations.* The els Desahad.
17. 5. and 21.2, Det. founcof Hihmacl was Nebaioth, and _ SI Madan died alfo:and there were Dukes
Gene 25. 13. Kedar, aud Avsecl,and Mibſam, in Crom, Duke Timna, Duke Data, (Or, Aluah.
3 ¢
| ‘The getiealo gie Chap.ij. of Iudah. 1 5 8.

Dike Jetheth, Ail thele were the ſonnes of Machir, the fa, -
§2 Duke Aholibamah,
duke Elah, duke ther of Gilead,
Pinon, 24 And after that Hesron was vead at :
out Duke Kenaz, Duke Teman, Duke b Galeb Ephzatay, then Abiah Wesrons h Which wasa
ibzar, wife bare dim allo Qithur thei father ot Lee towne named of
54 Duke Wagdiel, Duke Jram: thele Koa, the husband and
terre the Dukes of Edom. 25 And the omies cf Jerahmeel the el: wife called alfo
CHAP. II. Deft fonne of Hezton were Ramthecloci, beth-lehem E-
t Thagexzalogie of Iudah unto F{haithe fa- then Bunah, and Deen, and Ozen andAe pbratah.
ther of Dauzd, hiliah. 1 Meaning,the
Gene.29. 32. and T ete arc the founes ofJlrael,* Reuben, 26 Alo Jerahmeel had another wife chiefe & prince,
30.5. and 35,18, SHinicon, Leut,and Judah, Iſſachar, and named Atarah, which was the mother of
Zebulun, SEAN Duam. Í
2 Dan, Jofeph and Beniamin, Maphtas 27 Ano the fonnes of Ram the eldeſt
Ui,@ad,and Aher. fonne of Jerahmeel
were Maaz, andJamin
38. 3.& 46. * Ciefounes of Judah, Er t Onan, and Ekar,
12 chap 4.1. and Dbelah: hele thzee were borne to him 28 And the onnes of Dnam wereShams
a Though Indah ofthe Daughter ofShua the Canaantte:but mal, and Jara. And the ſonnes of Shame
was not Iaakobs Er the eldeit nue of Judah was euill in mat, Padab,and Abiſhuit ·
eldelt fon,yet hee the fight of the Lom, and be ew him, 29 And the nameof the wife of biſhur
firft beginneth 4 "And Thamar his Daughter inlaw, was Called Abtabil, and the bare him Ahban
at him,becaufe bare him Pharez, anv Scrap; fo-all the and Molid.
he would cone {onnes of Jidah were flue. 30 The ſonnes alfo of Mavab were Hee
tothe genealoe s * Thelonnes of hares, Heston and led and Appaim: but Seied died without
gie of Dauid,of Pamul. i i chilien.
whom came 6 Thelennesalivof Fcrah were |}5imrt, 31 And the fonne of Appaim was JHi, and
"Chrift. and > Ethan, and Heman, and Calcol, and the fonne of Wht, Shethan, and thelonne of -
Genef 38,29. Dara, which were Aue in ail. Dbehan, * Ablar. k Who died
matth, t.3» 7 And the lonne of Garm, | *Achar that 32 And the ſonnes of Jada the brotherof whiles his father <
Rath 4-t 8. troubied Iſrael, tranſgreſſing inthe thing Shammai were Jether,and Jonathan; but wasaline,and =.
_ Or, Zebdi. ' excommunicate. Tether Died without child2en. therefore it is id
b Of thefereade 8. Thelonue alſo ok Ethan, Azartiah. 33 And the fonnes of Jonathan were JAg- verle 34. that
1.King.4.31, 9 And the ſonnes of Hesron that were lety and Sasa. Chele were the fonnes of Jee Shethan had no
Or, Achan. bozne bute him, Rerabmeel,and e Ramand
rabmeel. fonnes,
Jpg: Chelubat. 34 And Shefhan bad no fonnes but
c Whom Saint 10 And Kam begate Aminadab, and A- Daughters. And Shethan hada leruant that .
Matthew calleth minadab begat Mahihon pince of the chii- was an oie nunc Jarha.
Aram, Matt. 1.3, Deen of Juda, 35 And hewan gaue his Daughter ta
d That is;chiefe 11 And Mahon begat Halma and Hal- Da bis teruant to wife, and the bare him
of the family. ma begat 18083, at 3 Fi .

12 And Boazbegate Obed, and Obed 36 And Attai begate Mathan, and Mae
Feffes begate ||hai, than begateZabad,
1, FSam. 1 6. 19. 13 * And JIthai begate his ede onneC- 37 And Zabad begate Ephlal, e Ephlal
and 17,12 {iab and Abinadab the ſecond, and) Dhim- berate Dben,
‘Or, Shamnah- ma the third, : 38 And Died begate Jehu,and Jehu be- i Thatis, the
14 Mathanecl the fourth, Raddi the fft, Sate Azariah, chiefe couernour
15 Dzem the frt, and Daud theleucath. 39 And Azariah begate Helez, and Peles ot prince of the
16 Chole liters were zeruiah, and Abi- begate Eleafab. Ziphims, becaufe
gail. And the ſonnes of Serutah, Abiihat, 40 And Clealah begate Siſamai, and the Prince ought
and Joab,and Alabel. Silamai begate Shailum, to havea fathere
17. Gnd Abigail bare Amala: and the fae 41 And Shallum begateTekamtay,and ly care and affe-
ther of Amala was ether an Iſhme elite. Itkamiah begate Cii fama. Gion toward his
e Who was eal- 18 -@ And ¢ Caleb the ſonne of Hezron 42 Glfothetonnes of Latch, the brother peaple,
led Chelubai, the begate Jerioth of Azubah bis wife, and her of Jerahmeel were Meſha bis eiet fonne, m This difference `
' fenne of Hezron, Fanos arethcle, Jetber, and Byobab, and which mas the | father of Ftp sand the fons was betweene the
verfe 9. rdon. of Mareſhah the father okhebron. wife and the con-
Ig And when Azubeh was dead, Caleb 43 Gnd the fonnes of Hebron were cubine, that the
* vnto bin Ephzath, which bare pini Boah, and Gappuah, and Rekent, and wife was taken
ur. ema. with certaine foe
BExod.31.3.."| * * Ant hur begate Chri, and Uri be⸗ 44 And Shema begate Raham the fas lemnitics of ma-
gate Bezoleeb ther of Jorkcam: and Rekem begate risge, and her
21 AnD afterward came Hezron to the Shammat. children‘did in-.
Ff Who was Daughter of Machir the father of! Gileay, ás The fonne allo of Shammai was Ma⸗ herit: the con.
prince of mount and tovke her when he was thzceicoze yrere On: and Maon wasthe fatherafLeth-snr. eubine had no
- Gilead, reade olde, ann fhe bare bim Segub. i 46 Qnd€phaba = concubine of Caleb folemnities in—
Num: 32.40. 22 Aud Sequb begate Jair, which bad Bare Paran aud Moza, and Gases : aran mariage ncisher
g Thatis, the fhe and twentte cities in the land of Gi- alicbemate Gazcz. did her children
Gefhuritcs and ean, 47 The ſounes of Jahoat were Regem, inherit,bue had
Syrians tooke 2? And Geſſhur with Aram tooke the and Jotham, and Gean, and Jelet, and a portion of
the townes from townes of Jair strom them, andRenath and Cphahand|baaph. goods or money »
Lits childrens the tones thereof, eucn threeſcore cities. 43 Calebs concubine Maachah bare giuenthems.
Bhe `,
ý S
The genealogie of Dauids I. Chron. pofteritie. Iudahs genealogie. —
Seber and Tirhanah. Haluun.
49 Die bare alio Shaayh, the father of 16 Gnd the founes of Jehoiakim were Fee
Madmannah, and Sheua the father of conial bis ſonnc,and Zedekiah his fonne.
Tofh,15,87. Machbenah and the facher of Sibea,* And 17 And the fonmes of Jeconiah, Aifirjand
Achlah was Gaichs Daughter. Shealtiel his ſonnt:
so Ebek were the onnes of Caleb 18 Malchiram allo and Pedatah, and
pe ſonne of tour the eldeſt tonne of Ephra· Shenazar: Jecamiah, Hoſhama, and Ne⸗
thah Abovdal the father of Kiriath iearim. dabiah
51 Daima the father of Beth lehem, and 19 And the ſonnes of Pedaiahnere ʒe⸗ f Saint Matthew
Or, he shat fawe Dareph the father of Beth-gader. rubbabel, and Sbimmiet: ant the ſonnes of Sith that Zoro-
the halſe, becau ſe §2 4nd Sbobal the father of Kiriath·
ie⸗ Zerubbabel were Meſhullam, anv Hanani- babel was (onne
the prince ought arim had ſonnes, and he ||was tye ouerleer ah, andSbhelomith ther iter, of Zalathicl,
to owerfee his of halfe Hammenoth. rae 20 And Wathubab , and Dhel, and Bee meaning that he
ſubiects. 53 And the families of Kiriath· tearim rechtal), ana iazadiah, and Juſhabheſed, was his nephew
n Meaning,the were the Fehutes, and the Huthites, and fiue in number. i according to the
chiefe and prin- the Shumathites; and the Miſhraites: of 21 And the fonnes of Hananiah were e= Ebrew {peech:
cipall. themcame the Zarreathites, and the Eſh⸗ latiah, and Jelatah: the ſonnes of Rephatay, for he was Pe-
{|Or,the Zorites, taulites. the ſonues of Arnan, the ſonnes of Obadi⸗ daiahs fonne,
the half ofthe 54 The onnes ofDalma of Beth-lchent, ah, thelonnes of hechaniah.
Manahthites. ann the Netophathite, the”cromnes of the 22 And the une of Shechaniah was
o Which were boule of Joab, and ſhalfe the Manahthites DShemaiah: and tye onnes of Shemaiah
men Icarned and and the Zorites. re i were Dattu, and Igeal, and Barta, and
expert inthe 55 And tie families of the ° Scribes Neariah, andDbaphat, slice. i g So that She-
Law, Bweiling at Jabez, the Cirathites, the © 23 And the lonnes ot Neariah were Eli- maiah was She-
p Reade Numb, Ahtuuneathites, the Dhuchathites, which penai ant Hezekiiah,and Azrikam, thee. chaniahs natura
¥9.29.and iudg, are ther Remtes, that cameof Hammath 24 And the ſonnes ot Clracnat were ho⸗ fonne, and the
5.16. the kather of the houle of Rechab, daiah, and Eliaſhib, and Pciatay, and Ak- other flue his ne-
CHAP. IIL kub, and Johanan, and Delaiah, and Ana: phewes,and in all
1 The genealogie of Dauid, and ofhis pofteritie ni, ſeuen. were fixe.
vnto the fonnes of loftah. ; CHA; By LIT
a He returneth T Wele alfo were the fonnes of 2 Dauit, 1 The genealogie ofthe [onnes of Indah, 5 of
to the genealogie which were bone vnto him inipebron: Alhur, 9 of Faber aad his prayer, 11 of Chelub,
of Dauid,to thew the edet Amnon of Ahtnaant the Izreeli· 24 oo Simeon: their habitations, 34 and con-
that Chrift came tefle:the fecond Daniel of Abigail the Care quefise
of his Rocke. melitefe: Ta a fonnes of Judah were * Phares, a Meaning,they
b Which 2. Sam. 2 The third Abfalom the fonne of Mase Wezron t Garmi and Yur, andvHijobal, came of ludah,
3.3.1 called achah Daughter of Calmat King of Ge⸗ 2 And Reatah the fonne of Spobal be. as nephewes and
Cheleab,borne Lak the fourth Adonital the ſonne of Wag- gate Jabath, and Jahath begate Ahumai, Kinfemen: for
ofher that was gith : : x ana Laban: thele are the families of the oncly Pharez
Nabals wife the 3 Thefiith Dhephatial of Abital: the 3zoreathites. was his naturall
Carmelite. fircJthzeam by Eglah bis wife. — 3 And thele were okthe father of Etam, fonne,
e Called alfo 4 Thefe fire were bone vnto himin De Izreel,
andJoma Idbaſh: and the name Gene.38.29. and
Baththeba the Bron: and there hee reigned leuen peere and of thetr fitter was Hazelelponi. 46,1 2.chæap.
daughter of Eli- fire moneths: and in Jerulalem he reigned 4 And Penuel was the father of Gedo,
zn: fo they gaue three and thirtte peere, : and Ezer the father of Huſhahẽ theleare the
them diuers 5 And theſe foure were borne bite him fonnes of Wur the? elveit (onne of Ephrã⸗ b The firſt borne
names, in Jerufalem, Shimea, and Shebab, and tab, the father of Beth lehem. of hismother,&
d Elithama,or atban, and Dalomon of e Bathihua the § Wut Abur the father of Tekoa bad not the eldeft
Elifhua,z.Sam. 5. vaughterof Ammieli: ’ two wines, Yeleah,and Naarah. i fon of his father,
16. and Eliphelect K2 Johar alto, and i Clihama, aud Elis 6 And Haarah bare him Abusam, and
died and Dauid phatet, x 5 Hepher,and Cement,and ipaathtart:thee
namedthofe fons, 7 AW Mogah, and Mepheg, tJaphia, were the fonnes of faarah.-
which were next 8 And €lithama, and Citada, and Eli- 7 And the lonnes of Heleah were Sereth,
boin bythe fame phalet, nine in number, Jezohar, and Ethnan.
names: in the Thefe are all the (onnes ofDanin , bes 8 Allo Cos begate Anub, and Fobebah,
booke of kings fives the formes of the concubines, ¢ Tha- a the famtites of Aharhel the foune of
his children are mär their fitter. arum.
mentioned which 10 @ And Salomons fonne was Reha- 9 But Jabez was moze honourable then
were aliue, and boant, whole fonne was Abiah, and Afa his bis hrethzen : and hts mother called his
here both they fonne,andJehothaphathisfonne, name © Jabs, faying , Becauſe J bare him © Orherwife
that were aliue II And Joam his ſonne, and Ahastah his in ſorrow. “ called Othniel,
and dead. fonne,and Joaſh hts fonne, 10 And Jabez called on the Gon of Iſ⸗ Iudg. 1,130
e So called, be- 12 And Qina3tah his nne , and Azariah racl, faving, Ifthou wilt bleſſe me tn deede,
cauſe he was pr his fonne,andJothambhisfonne, — and enlarge my coattes, and ° if thine d Itisto be vn-
betferred tothe ie 3 And Ahaz his fonne, and Pesekiah his hand bee with mee, and thou wilt caule derftood,that
nitic royal before fonne,and Manaſſeh his tonne, me to bee deliuered from euill, that J bee not thes he would
his brother Ie- 6 14. And Amon bts fone, and Joliah his me And God graunted the thing that hee accomplith his
hojakim,which onne. alked. vow which he
was the elder, Ig (And of the ſonnes of Fofiah, the Il (And Chelub the brorher ofZhuah made.
#Or,Teloahaz, ecldett was || Johanan, the fecond Jeba: berate Webir , which was the father of
2.hiNZ,2 3.30. taki, the third Sedekiah, andthefourrh Ch
12 Gud
Genealogies, Simeons and Chap * Reubens genealogies. 159
I2 And Eſhton begate Beth-rapha, and babitatione ana the declaration of their gt-
}ateah,an® Cehinnah, the father of the ct uealogte. \
tie of f2abad): thele arethe men of Rechay.34 And Melſhobab and Famicch,and Jo⸗
13 (And the ſonnes of Kenaz were Oth⸗ fay the fonne of Amaſyiah,
niet and Zeratah , and the onne of Othnui· 35 And Fori and Jehu the fonne of Jo-
el, iathath. a — » toelonneofSeratah, the ſonne of
14 Am Meonothai begat Ophꝛah. And iiei,
e TheLord of Deraiah begate Joab the < father of the 36 And Clionat,and Jaakobah, and Tee
that valley where valley of cratifimen : fo? thep were crattel- ſbohaiah, and Alaiah, and Aniel, and Feit
the Artificers did melt miel, andBenatah, — ~ Gie
worKe, 15. ¶And the ſonnes of Caleb the fonne 37 And 3iza the fonne of Shiphei, the
f Called alfo of! Jephunineh were Jiru. Elah, and Raam. foune of Bilon, the foune of Zevatah, the
Efon Aud the tonne of Elah was Renaz. t foune of Shunt, the fonne of Shematah. -
I6 And the ſonnes of Ichaleel were iph, 38 Cheie were famous Pꝛinces in theit
and Ziphah, Tiria,and Alarest. families ànd tncrealed greatly their fathers
17 And the founes of zrah were Jether, houſes. —
and Mered, andEpher.and Jalou,and hee 39 Aud they went to the entring in of | Forthewibs
begat iriam and Shammat,and Iſhbah Gedor euen vnto che Cait fide of the valley, Of Simeon was
the father of Cibtemoa. tofecke paliure foz their weepe. fo great in num-
fhe bare, 18 Allo his ||wife Jehudtiah bare Jered 40 Gna they found fat patture and goon, VEN thatin ve
meaning the (2 -the father of Orao, and heber the father of and a wide laud, both quiet aud fruttfull:; "ms of Ezekia
cond wife of Hocho, aud Jekuthiel the father of Zano- for they of am jad Dweltthercbefoze. _ they fought new
Exa. ab: and thele are the fonnes of Bithiah 41I And theledeleribed by name, came in dwellings ynto
hOr, of whom hee the Daughter of Pharaoh , (which Mered the Daves ofipesekial kingofJudah, and peer aah:
had Mered, tooke. {mate their tents, and the inhabitants chat ip the tibe o
19 Anu the fonnes of the wife of Podi- were found rhere,and deſtroyed them vtter⸗ PBan.
al che fitter of Mabam the father of Beilah ly vnto this Dap, and dwelt in their coome,
were the Garmites, Ee ihtenioa the Maa becaule there was paſture there for theis
charbite, ſheepe.
20 And the fonnes of bison were Aut- 42 And belides theſe, fue hundreth men
Hon and Rumah, Wen hanam aud Tilon. ofthe ſonnes of uncon went to mount
And the ſonnes of Jhi, were Zoheth, and Heit, and Pelatiah, and Meariah, and Ros
Ben zoheth. phaiah, and Uziel the ſonnesof Jit were
Gen. 38. 15355. 21 €* The lonnes of Shelah, the ſonue their captaines,
of Judah were Er the father of Lecah, anv 43 And they (mote the ret of Amalek m And were noe
Laadah the father of Mareſhah,
and the fa- that bab mekap, and they dwelt there flaine by Saul
Dato this Dap.
nitlies of the houſholds of them p wꝛought and Dauid.
fine lumen in the houle of Aipbea.
22 And Jokim and the men of Chozeba CHAP. YV,
and Joaſh, and Harapi, which had the do- a The birthright taken from Reuben and gi-
Or, of the inha- minion in Moab, and f Jathubi Legem. xes to thefownes of lofeph. 3 The genealogie
bitants ofLehem. Theſe allo ate auncient things. of Reuben, 11 and Gad, 33 And ofthe balfe
23 Tiele were potters, + dwelt among tribe of Manaffeh. 3
g They were plants and hedges: ethere thep dweit with
king Dauids gar- the king fo: bis wake. T? & onnes alfo of Renben the clvek Gen.35. 236
-diners and ferned 24 @*Ge fonnesof Siimeon were Mee fonne of Iſtrael (foz bee was the sivet, and 49.4,
him in his works. muchand gamin,Jarib, ʒerah, and Shaul, *but bad oehled hts fathers bed , therefore a Becaufe they
Gen.46:10. 25 (Ghote ſonne was Dbhatium, and pis his birthright was giuen vnto the *fonnes weremade two
fenne Mibſan,
and his fonne Piuma. Of Joſeph the nne of Iſrael, fo that the tribes,they had a
h Hisfonne O- 26 nd the lonnesof $Difjina, Hamuel — ig not reckoned after bis birth- double portion.
bad is here orait- was his ſanne, Sacchur bis ſonne, and gpi right. b That ishe was
ted. methistonne. 2 Foz Judah prenailed aboue his b2e- the chiefeft of all
27 And Shimei had firteene ſonnes, and thꝛen. and of him camet the Prince, but the the tribes accor-
fire daughters, but his beethzen had not ma- birthright was Joſephs.) ding to Taakobs
ny chilen, neither mas all their familie 3 *Gbhelounes of Renben the eldeſt fon prophefie,Gen.
tikeco the chuldzen of Judah in multitude. of H(tacl , were hanoch and Pallu, Hezron 49.8.and becaufe
i Thefe cxies 28 Gnd they dwelt at i Beer-fyeba, and and Carmi, Chtiſt fhould
belonged to the at Moladah, andat Hazar hual, 4 The fonnesof Joel, Shemaiah his come of him.
_ tribe of ludah, 29 And at Bihah,and at Ezem, and at fonne, Geg dts ſonne, and Shunct his ſonne. Gen 46,9.
lofh.19, 1, and
Eolad, § Michah his nne , Reatah his une, exed.6. 14>
_ were giuen to ` 30 Angat Bethuel, and at Hoꝛmah, and and Baal ts tonne, nUum.26 Şe
the tribe of Si- at 3iklag. 6 Beerah his tonne, whome Tilgath c Towir inthe
meon, 31 AnD at Beth-marcaboth , and at Das Pilneeſer king of Athur < caricDaway hee timeof Vzziabh .
zar Gulim, at Beth-birei, eat Hhaaraun: was a Prince ofthe Renbenites. — King of Ifrael,.
thele were their cities ynta the retgne of 7 Andwhen hts bꝛethrenintheir fami- 2. King. 1$. 293.
T k Then Danid k Dauid, lies reckoned the genealogie of their pe- d Thefe places’
refiored them to- 32 And their townes were tam, and nerations ,Jeiel awd Zechariah were the erc beyond lore
the tribe of Iu- * Rimmon,
and Tochen, and Aſhan, fine chiefe, en toward the-
dab, cities. 8 And Bela the fonne of A3437, the ſonne Eakin the land:
33 And altheir towns that were rounda> of Shema the fonue of Joel, which dwelt in giuen to the
bout thelecitics vnto Baal, Thele ave their a Arocr,cuen
bute Mebo and paar gt Reubenites,.
9 ;

Fhe gencalogie of Gad, and halfe I. Chron. | Manaffeh. Thegenealogie —
9 Alle Gaſtward he inhabited onto the Tilgath Pilneeler king of Afthur, and bee
entring in of the wildernefie from the river caried them away: even theReubenites, and
(Or, Euphrates, Perath: foz they had much cattel in the the @adites, and the baite tribe of Manaſ⸗
land of Gilead, feh, and broughe then puto * Walah , and 2.Riug.18.88;
10 And in the dayes of Gaul they war- Palo, and Hara, and te the riuer Goran,
e The Ithmae- ten with the: Hagarims which fell by their vnto this Dap.
lites that came bands? and they dwelt in their tents in all
of Hagar Abra- the Caf partsof Gilean. a we A se Vi.
hams concubine. I (Gnd the chudzen of Gad dwelt ouer E The genealogie of the fonnes of Lewi. 31
againit theni tn the land of Wahan, vnto Their order in che,ee the Sila
cSalchah. 49 Aaron and his fonnes Prieſts. 54.57 Ther
12 Joel was the chtefeſt, and Shapham habitations.
— — but Jaani ann Shaphat were tn We fonnes of Leui were Gerſhon, Kae
an. bath,and Merari.
13 And their bꝛethꝛen of the houſe of theit 2 *And thefonnesofkebath, Amram, Sen-46.11.
fathers were (Pichacl,and Meſhullam, and Fshar,and Debon and Gstel, exod.6. 16.
HAheba,and Hopat,and Jacan, and dia, and 3 Andthechtlozen of Amram, Aaron, cbap. 23. 12.
Cer, feuen. i Age and Holes, and Miriam. Andthetonunes
14, Thek are the childzen of Ahihail,the of Aaron, * Madab, and Abibu, and Eiea⸗
ſonue of Luri,the ſonne at aroan, the ſonne zat, and Ithamar. ; Num. 2o.25.
of Gilead, the ſonneofMrchacl, che fonne 4. Cleasar begate Phinehas, Phinehas
a Aeibiat, the ſonne of Jayne, the ſonne begate Abithua,
8 uş. 5 And Abilhua begate Bukki, aud Buk⸗
Ig Ahi the ſonne of Abdiel, the ſonne of ki begate 33i, }
pda was Chiefeof the houſhold of their fas 6 And Uzzi begate Serabiab, and Fera-
ers. Diab begate PBeratoth,
~ 16 And thep dwelt in Gilead inf Baman 7 Weraioth begate Amariah, and Amas
£ Boh$whole ang in the coumes thereofand inal the ibe riab begate Abicub, i
countfey andone rhs of Sharon, bp their bowers, Aud Ahitud begateaFadok, and Faz a Which
was hic
pear a _17 Ai thele were reckoned by genealogies, bok begate Abimaas, 3 Prieft after that
— ledby in tig papes of Jotham king of Zunah, and And Abimaaz begate Asatiah, and Abiathar wasde-
AR nameBa- în the Bayes of Jeroboam king of Itcacl. Azariah begate Johanan, pofed according
IS ¶ The lonnes of Reuben and of Gad, Io And Johanan begate Asariah(it was tothe prophefie
anv of balfe the tribe of Manalleh of thoſe bee that was > Piet in the houle that Gas of Blithe Pricft,
that were paliant men, able to beare ſhield tomon built in Jerufalem.) J 1,SaM.2.3 1, 35:4
and ſword, and to Daw a bow, erercifed in Iy And Azariah begate Amariah, and b And did vali- +
warre, were foure and foztp thouland ſeuen Amariah begate Ahitub, antly refift king
Hundzeth and theeelcore, that went out to 12 And Ahitub begate Fadok, aud Zadok Vzziah,who
the warre. : begate Shallum, would haue vfure
19 Gud they made warre with the Da- 13 And Gyallum begat Hilkiah, and Dil ped che Priefts x
g Thefetwaine sarie, wit e Jetur, and fraphiy, ana kiah begate Azariah, r office,2 Chron, ;. `
were the fonnes fi) 14 And Azariah begat Seraiah and Dee 26,17,18,
of Ifhmael, Gen, 20 And they were + holpen againſt them, alah begat Jebosadak, y
25-156 and y Dagarinis were Delinered inta their Is And: Ichozadak Departed, when the c That ishe was
h To wit, bythe hand, and all that were with them: fo: thep Lod caried away into captimtie Judah E led into captini-
Lord, that gauc tryed to Godin the battell, and hee heard Jeruſalem by ý hand of Nebuchad·nezzar. tie with his fa-
them the victory. thembecaule they truded tx him. 16 ¶ The Cannes of Leut were Gerſhom, ther Seraiah the
21 And they led away their cattell, euen Bobath and Merari. hie Prieft,
their camels tittie choufand ,and two hun- 17 And thele be the nameso€ the ſonnes 2.King.25.18.
Dreth and fiftie thoufand eepe, and two of Gerſhom, Libni,and Shimei,
Ebr foules of cthouland alls, and oft perfons a hundrech 18 And the fonnes of Kohath were Ame
MEB: thoufano. > ' ram, and J3bar,and Debon, and C33tel.
3 22 Foz many feildowne wounded , bes 19 Che lonues of Merari, Malt, and
i Meaning, the gaule fhe warre was of God. And hep dwelt Muhi: and thele are the families of Leui
Captiuiticof the in their ſteads vntillthe icaptiuitte. — concerning their fathers.
ten tribesvnder 23 And the chilozcuof the bafe tribe of 20 DF Serlſhom.Libni his ſonne, Jahath
Tilgath Pilnee- - Mãnaſleh dwelt in the land , from Bahan bis ſonne, zimmah bis onne,
fer. onto * Baal Hermon, and Sentr, and bute 21 Joah bis fonne, Iddo his bonne, Ferah
k Otherwife cal- mount hermon: for they incrcalen. his ſonne, Icaterai his tonne. vi
led Baal-gad, 24 And thele were the heads of the pont: 22 Che onnes of Rohath, ¢Aminadab d Who feemeth
I Thus God Rir- Holds of their fathers, euen Cpher and iibi, bis foune, Korah bis ſonne, glir bts ſonnc, to be called Iz-
sedvpthe wice and Eliel and Azriel, and Jeremtah, and 23 Elkanah his funne, md Abialaph his bas,Bxcd,6.21. }
Led and vſed Hodauiah,aud Jahdiel, trong men, valiant ſonne. and A Air his fonnus, — Nami 5. 1.
them asinfiru- and famous, heads of the houcholds of their 24 Tahath his ſonne, Uriel his onne,
mentsta executefathers. i Cis3tah his fonne,and Shaul hts fonne,
his iuft iudge- 25 But they tranſgrelſed against the Gon 25_Anvd the fonnes of Elkanah, Amalai,
ment againitfin-
of their fathers , and went a whoꝛing after and Ahimoth.
ners,althougch thz gous of thepeopte of the land whome 26 Elkanah, the onnes of Elkanah, 3o0·
tbey were led Hon had deſtroyed before them. phat is ſonne, and Nahath his fonne,
with malice and 26 And the Govok Ilrael! Kirred up the 27 Eliab his ane , Jero ham his nne,
ambition, ſpirit of Pul king of Alburand the fpiritoF Elkanah his ſonne,
28 And

of the Leuites. Chap.vj. The Leuites cities: 160
28 And thefonnes of Hhemucl,
theetek fenne,Abttnd his forne, ,
-e Whoisaifo e Taini, then Abiah. f §3 Zadok bis fonne, and Ahimaaz bis
called Ioel, r. 20 © The lonnes of Merari were Mah⸗ onne.
Sam.8.2,and the — his onns, Shine his mme, Uzb 54 (And thele are the Dwelling places 1 Or,cities which
23.verle of this pis fenne, HTHS ot them thoꝛowout their tewnes and coalts, were ginen to
chapter, 30 Shimea his ſonne, Haggiah his onne, cuen of the ſonnes of Aaron fo: the farnily of the Leuites.
Alaiah his ſonne. the Robathites, foz the m lot was theirs, m They were
31 And thele be they whom Dauid fet foz s5 So theygaue them Hebron in the fn appointed
to ſing tn the houle of the Loyd, after that land of Judah, ¢ the fubusds thereof round and prepared
_F After it was the Arke had freit. about it: for.
brought to thar 32 And they miniftred before che Taber- §6 But the field of the city and the villas n Which was
place where the nacle, euen the tabernacte ofthe Congrega» ges thereof thep gaug to Caleb the ſonne of alfo called Ki-
Temple ſhould tion with stinging, vntill Salomon bas Jephunnch. riath·arba, Geni
| be built,and was built the honie of the Lozd in Jerufalem ; 57 And to the ſonnes of Aaron they 23.2. loth.21.
no more caried then they continued in their Office, accoz- gaue the cities of Iudah foz o refuge, cuen 11.
to and fro. Ding to their cuſtome. i j Vebron and Libna with their fubuebs, o Thache that
g Reade Exod, 33 And thee miniftred with their chil- and Jattir, and Eſhtemoa with their tub: had killed aman
27.316 Den sof the onnes of Kobath, Heman a urbs, Y might flee there-
inget,thefonne of Joel, the fonse of She» 58 Ann? Hilen with ber ſuburbs, and unto for fuccour
nue ; Debit with ber luburds, til his caufe were
34. The fonne of Elkanah, the fonne of §9 And Athan and her burbs, and tried Deur19.2.
Jeroham, the ſonne of Clicl, the ſonne of Beth
hemelh and her ſuburbs. p Which Iethua
Goad, 60 Q And ofthe tribe otf Beniamin, Ge- called Holon,
35 The fonne of Fuph , the fonne of El⸗ ha and ber ſuburbs, and 9 Alemeth with Iofh,15.51,and
kanab, the fonne of Mahach, the ſonne of Ger burbs, and Anathoth with her mb- 21.15.
Amatat, urbs: all thetr cities were thirteene citiesby q Or, Almon,
36 The onne of Elkanah , the fonne of their families. Ioth,23.13.
Joel, the ſonne of Azartay, the ſonne ofze- 61 And vnte the fonnes of "Rohath
the r Tharis, they
pyantab, remnant of the family of the tribe, euen Of gaueaportion
hOr,nephew. 37 The ſonne of Tahath, the ſonne of the halfe tribe of the halfe of Manalleh, bp co the Koha-
Atir, the ſonne of Ebiaſaph, rhe ſonne of lot,ten ctties. thites, which
Korah, 62 And to the fonnes of Gerſhom at- were the rem-
38 The lonne of Izhar, the ſonne of Ko⸗ cording to their families out of the tribe oF nant of the tribe
hath,theonne of Leut,the ſonne of Icrael. Iſſachar, and out ofthe tribe of Aiher, and of Levi, out of
| Or, confi. 39 And his bꝛother bAlaph ood on his out ofthe tribe of Naphtali, and out of the chehalferribe of
h Meaning, the right hand: and Alaph was the ſonne of Be⸗ tribe of Manaiſeh in Balkan, thteteenect Manafichandoue
couſin of Heman rechtal,the ſonne of Sbunca, ties. j of Ephraim; verie
yale 33. 40 Ghefonne st Michael, the ſonne of 63 Gato the ſonnes of Berartaccogding 66,
Baalciah,the une of Walchiah, to their families ontof the tribe of Reu-
41 The lonne sf Ethni, tye tonne ofze ben, and out ofthe tribe of Gad, and out
rab, the fonne of Adaiah, of the tribe of Zebulun, bp lot twelue cis
42 The fonne of Ethan, the fonne of ties.
thefonne of buries, 64. Thus the thildꝛen of Iſtael gane to
43 The onne of Jabath, the fome of the Leuttes cities with their burbs,
Grom.the ſonne of Leui, s And they gaue by lot out of the tribe
44 And their bzethzen the fonnes of Me⸗ of the chien of Judah,and out cf the tribe
rart nere on the left band, cuen Ethanthe of thechildzen of Simeon, and out of the
fonne of Rihi the ſonne of Abbi the ſonne of tribe of the chiiden of Beniamin, tele ci⸗
Wailuch, i ties, which thep called bp their nameg.
45 The fonne of Haſhabiah, the ſonne of 66 And they of the families of the fonnes
Amastah,the fonne of Hilkiah, of Kohath had cities, and thew coaſts out of
46 The fonne of Angi, the fonne of Ba- the tribe of Cpheaun, i!
nithe fonne of Shamer, — 67 * Ann they gaue vnto them citiesof Tofb.2%, 21>
47 The lonneo’ Mabit the fonne oF fHu- refuge, Shechem in mount Cppaim ,and
chi the ſonne of Merari
theſonne of Leut. ber ſuburbs, and Gezer and ber fuburbs,
i TheLenitesare 48 @ And cheiribpethen tie Leuttes 68 Fokmeamati and herfuburbs, and
called the fingers unto all the feruice of the Beth-horon with her ſuburbs
werek appointed
brethren, beeaufe Cabernacie of the houſe ofGon, f 69 And Atalon ano her fiburbs, and
they came of the 49 Bri Garon and his ſonnes burnt in· Gath. rimmon and her ſaburbs, HOr, Tanach,
* fame flocke, tenfe vpon the altar of burnt offering, and 70 Anvout ofthe halfetribe of Manal Toh. 21.25.
k Reade Numb, on the altar of incenſe, foz all that was to fh, ||Aner and ber fuburbs , and h Wileam hOr, Gathe riz»
44> Doe in the mot Holy place, and to make an and ber fuburbs fo: the families of the tente mon.
atonement for Iſrael, accozding to all that nant of the fonnes of Kohath. f Whointhe
doos the fernant of God had commaun⸗ 71 Ginto the fonnes! ofGerſhom out of firn verfe is cate
ed. the family of the halfe tribe of Manaſſth led alfoGerfhon,
50 Thei are alſo the fonnes of Aaron, Golan tn Bahan, and her ſubutbs, anB jor, Beefhterab,
Eleazar his fonne, Phinehas his loime, A- pAKtaroth with her fuburbs, Fofh.27.216
bifhua his tonne, Éi 72 And sut of the tribe of Nachan
hBes 07, Kihon,
H Bukki his Pane, Uzzi hts ſonne, 3e- Demand her ſuburbs, Daberath € ber fib: 70/h.21.28.
rabiah bis ſonne, f urbs, fOr, larmui
§2 Weratorh bts fonne, Amartah pig 73 RKamath alſo and her wean Fofh.23.3%
ot ag al

-Tffachars,Beniamins; E.Chion. Naphtalies, and Ephraimsgehealogiced

lOr, Cagannim, l Anem, with her ſubhnrbs lo Aia the ſonne of jediael was Bithan,
Folb.21,29. "74 Gndeut ofthe tribe of Aber, Wa- and the fonnes ef Buhan, Jeuſh, and Ben⸗
fal and bee ſuburbs, and Abdon and jer iamin and Chud, andChenaanah , and ze-
fuburbs, than, and Tarſhiſh,andAhihahar.
Or, Helkah, 7§ And ||Dukok and her ſuburbs, ana iL All theſe were the fonnes of Jediael,
Tofh.2%.316 Rebab and ber fuburbs, chiefe of the fathers, valiant men of watre,
76 And out ofthe tribe ofMaphtali, Re- fcnenteene thouland € twa hundzeth, mare
Deh tn Galilea and her ſuburos, aud Ham⸗ ching tnbatteil aray to the warre.
[|Or,.Amamethdor, mon and her ſuburbs, and Rirtathaun and 12 Aud Sbhupptm,ann Huppim were the
Fofh.21.32. her ſuburbs. fonnes of Jr, but Huſhim was the tonne! of | Or, Fri.
Or, Kartan, 77 nta the ret of the chilen of Me⸗ another· f Meaning. thar
Tofh, 21.32. rari wire giuen out of tie tribe of Zebulun, 13 @ The ſonnes of Naphtali, Jahziel, he was not the
fOr, Iokneam. Rimmon and ber ſubürbs, Tabo and her and uniana Jezer, and Shallum s of the fonne of Benia-
flOr, Kartah, fuburbs, fonnes cf Bhab. : min,butof Dan,
Fofh.23.34, 78 Andon the other ſide of Jorden by Jeri- I4 The lonucof Manaſſeh, was Afhriel, Gene.46.23.
cho,cuen onthe Calkfive ofJoꝛden, out ot the whom he bare vnto hint, but his concubine ||Or,0f Aher.
Tofh 20.8. tribe of Renben, * Wezer inthe wildernelie — bare Machir the * father of Gi- (Or, Shiller,
and 25.36. with Det tuburbs , and Jabsal with her ead. Gene. 46.24.
fuburbs, 1 Is And Machir tooke to wife rhe fitter of g Thefecame of
79 And Kedemoth with her fuburbs,and Huppim and Shuppim, and the name of Dan and Naph-
MWephaath with her tuburhs, their iter was Maachah. And the name of tali,which were
_ 80 Andout of the tribe of Gad Ramoth the fecond [onne was Zelophehad, and Zelo- the fonnes of
in Gilead with jer ſuburbs, and Dahura- phebad had Daughters. ) Bilhah,Gen.46.
in with ber fuburbs, | 16 And Maãachah the wife of Machir 2 3524525.
SL And heſhbon with her fuburbs, and bate a fonne, and called his name ||Peret: Numb.26.29,
Jaazer with her ſuburbs. and the zame of bis brother was Shereſh: 31.i0ſb.
: CHAP. VIL and hts fonnes were Aani and Rakes. Or, Fexer,
a The genealogie of Fifzchar, 6 Beniamin, 17 And the fonne of Glam was Bevan, Namb. ⁊6 30.
13 Napital, 14 Manage, 20 Ephraim, 30 Thei were thefonnes of Gilead the fone
and Afher. of Machir
the fonne of Manaſſeh.
Az the onnes of Iſſachar were Cola 18 And t his fitter Molecheth bare J⸗ h Meaning,the
Cr, Phuuab. — oe Muah, Jahub, and Sbimron, fod, and Abiezer and Mahalah. p filter of Gilead,
a Who alfo is oure, Ig And the fonnes sf Gpemtda were Fe
called lob,Gene.
2 And the fonnes of Cola, 3zi, and hian,and Abechem,and Likhi and Aniam.
46.13. Rephatal and Jectel,and Jaymat,and Jib- 20 @ Che fonnes alfo of Ephꝛaum were
fain, and Sbemuel, heads inthe houſholds Hhuthetah, aud Bered bis onne, and Ta-
b ‘Thatis, their
of tictr fathers. DF Cola were paliant men hath bis onne, and his fenne Cladah, aud
rumber was
of warre in theirt generations, whole num- Cahath dis onne,
ber wasinthe Dapes of Daut two etwentie 21 And Zaban his fonne.and Shuthelah
found thus great thoufand,ana fire hundreth. i
bis fonne,and Ezer and Clead:and the men
when Dauid
numbred the
3 Ana the fonnes of Gz3t was Jzrahaiah,
ofi Gath that were bome in the land , Mew i Which was
them, becaufe they came Dowae to take a: one of the fiue
and the fonnes ot Izrahaiah, Michael, and
Dbaditah, and Joel, and Iipiah, < Aue men
way their catteil,. ; : : principal cities
c Meaning,the
all pinces. : 22 Therekore Ephraim their father of the Philiftims,
4 Andwith them in their generations mourned many Dayes , and his Jbzetheen flew the Ephrai-
foure fonnes, and after
the father,
the houſolde of their fathers were came to comtoꝛt him. MONS pE mites.
bands of men ofwarre foz battell, fire ana 23 And when he went in to his wife, Hee j Or ,kemsfolkes.
thirtie thouſand: foz they had manp wiues concciued,and bare him a fonne,and hee cale
and chilozen. led His name Beriah, becaule affliction was
§ And their ſbꝛethren among all the fa- in his houſe.
milies of Iſſachar were valiant men of war. 24. Gud his f Daughter was Sherah, Or, neece.
reckoned tn all by their genealogies foure» which built Beth-hozon the nether , and the
{coreand ſeuen thouſand. vpper,and Gzzen Sbheerad.
6¶ The ſonnes of Beniamin were Bela, 25 Aud Kephah was his t fonne, and Re- k To wit, of
d Calledalfo and Becher, and d Jediael, three. — Telah his ſonne, and Tayan his Ephraim.
Afhbel, Gen, 46. 7 And the fontes of Bela, Ebon, and ome, ; 7
21.Num,26.38. Uzzi, and Uziel and Jertnoth, and Jlri, 26 Laadan bis nne, Ammihud his
e Which were fiue heads of the houtholds of theis fathers, fonne,lithama bis foune, 3
the chiefe: for els valiant metof warre, and were reckoned 27 Mon bisſonne gJehoſhua his ſonne.
there were feuen bychete genealogies, two and twentp thous 23 And their poſſeſſians and their habi
in all,2s appea~ fand and thirtie and foure. tations were Beth-el ant the villages there·
reth, Gen 46.21% 8 And the fonnes of Becher, semivah, of, and Eaſtward Qaaran, and eſtward
and Joa, and Eliezer, and Elioenai, and Gezer with the villages thereof, Shechem
\ > Daw, and Jerimoth, and Aviah, aud Ana: alfo and the villages thereof, vnto |!Azzah, || Or Adaiah,
thoth, ¢ dlameth: all cycle were thelonnes and the villages thereof. i
of Becher. { 29 Ana by the places of the children of
9 And they wete numbzsed by their ge- Manafleh, Beth-hean and her villages,
nealegies according to thete generations, Taanach and her villages, Megiddo ana
and theichiefesf. the houſes of their fathers, her villages, Doz and her villages. Jn thole
f n paliant men of warre, twenty thouland and nA
a chtlazen of Foleph
, the fonue of
> ~~ two hundreth.
30 ¶ * Tie
+ oh ey | i
rsand Beniamins genealogies. Ohap. viijix. Sauls genealogies 161
Gee8s,17, -030 C The lonnes ot Aer were Imnah 20 And Clienafand zillethai and Eliz,
ArI a, ano Fluah,and Jhuai,and Beriah, and He- 21 Andi Adatah and Weratah, eDhim: (Or, Araiah
rah thetr ſiſter. ; rath the fonnes of hime,
31 Ana the lonnes of Beriah, Heber and 22 And Jhpan,and Ebet, and Eliel,
Malchiel, whichis the father of Birzattth. 23 And Abvon,and Zich2t, and Hanan,
' 32 And Peber begate Japhlet and Sho⸗ — Hananiah, and Clam, and Ans
mer, and Dotham, ana Shuah their lifter. 3

33 And the fonnes of Japhlet were Pa⸗ en iphenetal and

25 Jphentiay aud PenuelPenuel the
to of
fach and Gimbal, and Aibnath:thele were afbak,
the children of Japhlet. : 26 Ano Shamſherai, €Shehariah, and
i Anbd the tonnes of Shamer; Abt, and Athaliab, 88 —
Rojgah, Fehubbah,and Aram, 27 And Jaareſhiah, and Cliah.e sich,
35 And che fonnes of hts brother elem the fonnes of Jeroham.
ae ?ophah, and Jlimna an Shelem, and 28 Thele were the chicke ¢ fathers accor⸗ e Thechiefe of
a .
Ding te their generations, cuen [pices thecribe of Ben-
36 Thetonnes of Fophah, Suah,¢ Mar- which Dweit tn Jerulalem. i iamin that dwele
nepher.and Shual, and Bert, andJimray, 29 And at “Gibe welt the father oii- in Ierufalem,
37 Bezer, and Hod, and Shamma, and beon, € the name of bis wife was Maacheh. Chap.9.25s
Shilſhah, and Ithran. and Beera, 30 And bis eldek fonne was Aboon , then
38 Aud the founes of Jether, Jephunneh, Zur, and Kimp and Baal,and adab,
and Pipa and Gra. q 31 And aS Ahio and zacher,
39 And the fonnes of Gila, Parah, and 32 And Mikloth begate Shimeah: thele
VYantel aid Rista. x allo dwelt with here bzetpzenin Jerutalen
40 All thele were the chilmen of Ather, cuen by theit bꝛethzen.
the heads of their fathers boules, Hoble⸗ 33 And ERer begate Rih , g Kib degate f Whoin the
men. baliant men of warre and chtefe BPein· Haul,and Saul begate Jonathan, € Mal a, Sam. 9, iS
Ces, and they were reckoned bp their genea⸗ chifhua,and Abinadab,and s Eihbaal. called Abiel.
logtes fo? warre ann foz battell tothe name 4 Aud the lonne of Jonathan was bMe· g Heisalfona-
baerfice and twenty thouſand men. rtb-baal, and Wertb-baal begate Wicah. med Ifhbofhets,
CHAP. VIII, 35 And the fonnes of (ical were Pithon 2. Sam 2.8.
r Foka[onnes of Beniamin, 33 And race of and Welech,and Tarca and Abaz. b He islikewiſe
Saúl. 36 And Ahaz begate Jeboadah, and Je- called Mephibo-
a He continueth Eniaminallo begat Bela bis elden fon, hoadah begat Alemeth, and Azmaueth, and (heth, 25am,
in the defcription Athbel the feconn, and Aharah the third, Zimri, and Zimri begate Masa, 9.6.
2 Noah the fourth atn Rapha the fifth, 37 And Woza begate Bineah , whole
3 GAndthe Onnes of Bela were Addar, (orinewas Raphah, and his lonne Clealab,
‘caule his purpofe and Gera,and Abibua, and hts fonne Azel.
isto fer foorth 4 And Abiſhua, and Maaman,t Aboah, 38 And Azel had fir onnes, whole nantes
‘the genealogie of s And Gera, € Shephuphan, ¢ Hiram, are thel Azrikam, Bocheru, and Jfhmael,
Saul. . 6 And thele are thefonnesof Ehud: and Hheariah, and Dbadiab, and Panan;
thefe were the chefe fathers of thole that in⸗ all thefe were the fonnes of Azel.
ib Meaning,the habited Geba: and > they were carted away 32 Andthe fonnesof Chek his brother
inhabitants of captiues to Monahath. were Clam bis eldeſt fonne, Jehuſh thetee
the citie Geba. 7 And Haaman, and Ahiah, and Gera, cond,and Eliphaletthe third, re
c Towit,Ebud. be caried them awas captiues: and: hebes 49 And the fonnes of Clam were valiant
gate Uzza and Ahihud. men of warre which hot with the bow, and
8 And Shabharaim begat certaine in the had many onnes and nephewes, an buns
d After he had countrey of Moab, after he had lent 4 away Dreth and Hiftie; all hele were of the fonnes
put away his two Yuin and Gaara his wives. Sta of Bentamin.
wiles, 9 Dee begate, J fay, of Hodeſh his wife, CHA... LX
Jobab 4 3ibis and Meſha, and Walcham, 1 Al Ffraeland Iudah numbred, 10 Ofthe
E LO And Jeuz and Shachia and Mirma: Priests and Lewites, 11. 18 And oftheir offices.
them tuere bis fannes,and chtefe fathers. TON all Iſrael were numbzed by their
II QudofMubim hebegate Shitub and genealogies: an beheld, they are weit⸗
Cipaal. ten in the booke oftheKings of Iſrael ans
I2_ And thefonnes of Elpaal were Cher, of Judah, & they were» carted away to Bge
and Miſham and Shamed (which built D- bel foz there tranfgreftion, ; ;
no, and Lod,and the villages thereof. ) 2 @ Gud the chiefe inhabitants that a Hitherto he
i 13 And Berta) and Shema (which were dwelt in thetrowne poſſeſſions, and in their hath deferibed
i the chieke fathers among the inhabitants of owne Cittes,euen Iſrãel. the Patelts,the Le: their genealogies
Ste —— thep drzaue away the inhabitants of uites,and the> Nethinims. » before they went
t X r

3 Andin Jeruſalem dwelt of the chil: into captinitie,

14 And AbiasDbhathak,and Jerimoth. Deemof Judah; and Bl the childzenof Ben- and nowhe de- .
Ig. And Sebadiah,and Arad, and Avar, iamin and of the childzen of Ephzaim, and (criberh their
“16 And Wichael, and glipa, and Jopa, SBanaiteh. i hiftory after their
the fonnes of Beriah, 4 Gthat the ſonne of Amihud, thefonne returne,
17 And Zebadial , and Meſhullam, ans of Dmris the fonne ofAmri; the fenneof b Mcaning,the
Hizki, and Veber, Bant,of the childꝛen of Phares, the fonneok Gibeonizes,
18 And Iſhmerai, and Izliah; and Jo- Judah. pe ` whichferuedin |
bab the ſonnes ofElpaal, S Andofl Hhiloni,Atatah the elemana che Temple,
- Ag Aauim allo, ann zʒichriand abdi, Dis ſonnes. reade lofh,g.
E 6 Qnd 23.
PrieftsandLeuites.. Porters, I.Chron. and other Officers of the Temples +
6 Aud of the fonnes of zerah,Jeuel, and townes, caine at £ ſeuen dayes from time to- g They ferued ©
their brethrzen fice hundreth and ninetic. time mith ther. 1 weekely, as Exe,
7 Andofthe fonnes of Beniamin, Dal- 26 for thele foure chiefe posters were in 4. I Oe.

tu, the fonne of Meſhullam, the fonne of o0- perpetuall office, and. were of the Leuttes,
Dautah, the forme of Haſenuah, and had charac of thelchambers,and of the |)Or,opening of
$ Ani Ibneiah the (ounce of Jeroham, ¢ trealiresinthehouleofGed. — the doores.
Elah the ſonne of Azzi, the onne of Michat, 27 Aud they lap round about the boule of
and Weſhullam che tonne of Sbephatiah, God,becaule the charge was theirs, aud they
the onne of Reucl,the ſonne of Jonah. _ taufed it tobe opened every maning.
9 And their drethzen according to their 28 And certaine of them had the rule of
generations nine hundzeth, fittte and fire,al the mintitring veflels;fo2 they brought chem
{|Or,chiefe ofthe thele men were I chiete fathers in the houle⸗ in by tale,and- brought them out by tale.
Anulies. holds of their fathers. — -29 Home of them allo were appointed
1o € Aud ofthe Pꝛieſtes, Jedaiah, and ouct the inftrumcnts,and ouer al the veffels
Jehoiarib, and Jachtn, Ye of the Sanctuary, and ofthe + floure, and h Whereof the
Il And Asartah the fonne of hilkiah, the the wine, and the ople, and the incenie, and meate offering
ſonne of $Bergullam, the ſonne of Zadok, the the ſweet odours. was made, Lenit,
fonne of Weratorh, the onne of Ahitub,the 30 And certaine of the ſonnes of the 2.L.
e Thatis, hewas © chiefe of the houſe of God, Pꝛieſtes made opntments of (weet odours.
the hie Pref, 12 And Adatah the tonne of Feroham,the 31 And Matithiah one of the Leuites
fonne of Paſhhut, the onne of Malchiiah, which was the clock fonne of hallum the
and MDaalat the omie of Adiel, the ſonneof Rozbite had che charge of the things that
Jabhserah,the ſonne of Welhullam, theſonne twere made in the frying pan.
of Melhillemith, the nne of Jimer. 32 Andother of their bzethren the onnes
13 Aud their brethren the chiefe of the of Kohath had the oucrlight ofthe * Shew· Exod.25.30.
houſholos of their fathersathoufaud ſeuen bead to prepare tt euery Mabbath. i
hundreth and thaeetcoze valiant men,o: the 33 And theke are the fingers, the chiefe
d Tofemein 4 woke of the ſernice af the houle of God. fathers of the Leuites, which dwelt in the
the Temple, cue- 14 Q And ofthe Leuttes, Shematah the chambers, i and had none other charge sfo i But werecon-
gy one according fonne of Haſſhub, the fonne of Azrikam, the — to Doe iu that bunch Day tinually occupies
to his office. ſonne of Yahabiab,of the onnes ofBerar, night. ed in finging
Is And Bakbakkar, Hereſh, and Galal, 34. Thele were the chiefe fathers of the praifes to God,
and Wattantah the onne of Micha, the Leuttes according to their generations, an
foune of Zichi the fonne of Alaph, the pꝛincipall which dwelt at Jeruſalem.
_ 16 And Obadiah the fonne of Shema- 35 *Audin Gibeon dwelt | the father of Ahap. 3.29.
iah, thefonne ofGatal, the fonne of Jedu⸗ oath ‘tig and the name of Dis wife was. Org Abigibeote
thun, and Berechiah the fonne of Ala, the $B aachah.
fonne of Elkanah, that dwelt in the villages 36 Ann bis eldelt ſonne was Abdon, their :
of the Netophathites. 3 Riu KiM and Baal, and fzer, and Mas
I7 q And the porters were Shallum, and B ab, :
Qkkub,and Talmon, and Abiman , g their 37 Aud Gedoz, and Ahio and Zechariah,
betien: Shallum was the chicfe. and Mikloth. *
18 Foꝛ they were porters to this time by 8 And Mikloth begat Shimeam: they
comipantes of the chiidzen of Lent vnto the alio dwelt with their bethzen at Jerula⸗
e So called, be- e Rings gate Eaſtward. lem, euen by their beethren.
cauſe the King 19 Ana Shallum the fonne of Kore the 39 And * Ner begate kth, and Rih be» 1.Fam 14.5 1.
came into the fonne of Chialaph the foune of Koah, anv gate Aaul,and Saul begate Jonathan. and chap.8.33.
Temple thereby, his bretizen the Korathites ( ofthe boule of Malchiſhua, andAbinadab and Eſhbaal.
and not the com- thetr father) were ouer the werke, and office 40 And the fonne of Jonathan was Me⸗
mon people, tokecpe the gates of the f Tabernacle: fo rib baal : and Merib baal begate Micah.
f Their charge therr families were outy the hott ofthe Lod, 41 And the ſonnes of Mitah were Pis
was,that none Keeping theentry. thon,and Melech,andCabzea,
fhould enter into 20 Aud Phinehas the onne of Eleazar, 42 And Ahaz begate * Farah,and Jarah
thofe places Was their guide and the £o was with bim, begate Alemeth, and Azmaucth, and Simti,
which were one- 21 Zechariah the fonne of Methelemiah and Finetbegate Aoza,
ly appointed for was the poster of the dooꝛe of the Taverna. 43. And Moꝛa begat Binea, whole onne
the Priefts to sy of the Congregation. was Rephatah, and his ſonne was Cicalah,
minifter in. 22 Al thele were chalen foz porters of and his fonne Azel.
the gates, ttoo hundreth and twelue, which 44 And ae had fire fonnes , whofe
were numbed according te their genealo names are thele,Asrikam, Bochern, and Be
gies by their townes. Dawid eflablimed mael,and Shearih andObadiah andHas
hOr, for their fi- thek and Hamuel the Deer llin their perpe: nan: thele ave the lonnes of Azel,
Belitics tuall office. :
23 Ho theyand their children had the o» CH Ae. Rees >
¥ The battell of Saul against the Philiftims,
ueriight ofthegates of the boule ofthe Lord,
euen cf the boule of the Tabernacle by 4 Fawhichhe dieth, 6 And his fonnes alſo.
wards. 33 The caufe of Sauls death, `
z The porters were in foure quarters,
Cattward, Meſtward, Mosthmard, anv a * the Philiſtims fought arain 1, Sam.
Southward. . , ' Jack: and the men of Iſxael flende,
25 AnD their beechzeuwhich were in their before the Wbiltitins. and fell Meee
WSauls death. Dauidis - Chap. xi. è ’
anointed. Dauids worthies. 162
*¢ 7 en

flaine in mount Gilboa, : hand ofSamuel,

2 And thePhiliſtims purſued after Sarl 4 E And Dauld and all Iſrael went to
and after bis Onnes, and the Philiſtims —— which is Jebus , where were the
finote Jonathan, and Abinadab, and Mal⸗ ebulites,the inhabitants of the land. —
chiſhuã thelonnes of Gaul, § Aud the inhabitants of Jebus {aid ta
3 And the battel was (ore again Haul, Dauid, Chau vale not come in hither.Ne·
Ebr found. and the archers +hit him, thee was woun⸗ uertheleſſe Dauid tooke the tower of zion,
DeD ofthe archers. which ts the citie of Dautp,
.4 Then fain Dani to his armour beds O And Daud laid, *Citholocuer Mmi- 2.52.5. È.
$ ret, Dzaw out thp ſword, and thank nice teth the Jebuittes firſt, balbe the chicfe and
thozow therewith , left theſe vncircumciſed captaine. So Joab the ſon ot Ferutah went
come a mocke at mee: but his armour bea- firt — was captaine.
ret would not,foz be was ſoꝛe afraid: there» 7 And Dauid owelt in the towers thers
fore Daul tooke the ſword and fell vpon te. foze they calicd tt thecitie of Dauid. 2.5 am, 5'9;
§ And when bisarmourbearee law that 8 *Anv hee built the citieom euery fide,
Daul was Dead , hee fell likewile vpon the from Millo euew round about; and Jeau
ſword, and Died. repaired therett of thecitie.
6 So Saul died and his thꝛee fonnes, 9 And Dautd prolpered, and grew ;fog
and ali bis houle, they Died together. tye Lord of boites was with pun.
7 Aud when alithe men of Jiraei that 10 ¶ * Thele alo are the chiefe of the pa- 2.Sam 23.8.
twere inthe valiey, faw how they fitt, and liant men that were with Dauid, and iop=
that Daul and bis ſonnes were Dead, they ned their force with him in bis kingdonie
forsleoke theit cicies, and fled away, and the with ail Ilrael, tomake him king ouer Il⸗
Philiſtims came and dwelt inthem. — rael accoꝛding to the word of the Loyd.
8 Anaon che mezrow when the hili- Il Gnd thists the number ofthe valiant
fims came to (pole them that were Hamne, men whom Dauid had, Jaſhobeam the fon
Eb. fallen. they Sound Saul and bis tonnes + lying in ofigachmoni,the® chiefe among thirtie ; hee b Meaning,
mount Gilboa. Foi lift vp his ſpeare againſt theee hundzeth, moft excellent
=9 Gnd when they han fript him, thep whom þe flew at one time. & beft elteemed
tocke bis head and bts armenr, and fent 12 And after ptm was Eleazar the fonne for his valiant-
them inte theland of the Philiſtims round of Dodo the Abohtte which was one ofthe neffe: fome read,
about, tupablity it vnto theit idoles, and to three valiant men. the chiefe of the
tie people, 3 13 Hee was with Dautd at (Palram: Princes,
Io And they layd —— in the mim and there the Philiſtius were gathe· Or, his viele.
houleof their God, and fet vp bis headin red together to battel: and there wasa pare
a Whichwas = the Joule of a Dagon. cellof ground full of barley, and the people
theidoleofthe ;IN- ¶ And when all hey ofJabeſh Gilead fled betoze the Philiſtims. i
Philiftims, and. Heard all thar the Philiſtinis bad Done to 14 And they itood in the middesof the
fromthe belly aul, field, ana <faucd it, and flew the Philiſtims: c This 2G is ree
downewardhad = 12 Then they arofe(allthe valfant men) fo the Loꝛd gaue a great victozic. ferred to Sham-
theformeofa and tooke the body of Saul, and the bodie⸗ Ig And three of the ¢ thirty captaines mah, 2, Sam. 33.
fth,and vpward otbis ſonnes, and brought them to Jabeſh, went to a rocke to Dauid, into the caue of 41. which fee-
ofa man, and buried the bones of them vnder an oke Adullam. And the armie of the Philiſtims meth was the
inJabeth,and faten ſeuen dayes. camped in the valley of Rephaim. chie feft of thefe,
13 So Daul died foz his tranſgreſſion 16 And when Danin was tn the hold, the d That is,Elea-
1, Sam.t5. 23. that he committed againſt the Lom, * cuen Philiſtims garifon was at Beth-lehem. zar apdhis two
againt the word of the Lozd, which he kept 17 Gnd Dau longed, and fain, * Db, companions.
not,and in that be fought and aſked countel that one would * me to drinke of the wa- 2. Sam 23. 15.
JOr,witch,and + ofal” familiar (pirtt, — the well of Beth ehem that ts at the
forcereff2ns 14 Andatléed notof the Loyd: therefore g ate.
s,Sam,28.8.. -Qe few bim, and turned the kingdome vnto If Then thele three brake thorow the
Dauid the fonne of Jhai, hoſte of the Philiſtinis,and Drew water out
ofthe well of Beth lehem that was by the
CHAP. Xf, gate,and tooke tt, and brought it to Danid:
3 After the death of Saulis Dauid anointed in but Dauid would not drinke of it, but powe
Hebron: 5 The lebufstes rebell againft Daud, red ít foran oblation to the Loud,
from whom he takeththetower of Zion. 6 Feab 19 And (ard, Let not my God luffer mee
; ss made captaine, 10 His valent men. to Doc thts: ould J drinke the «blood of e Thais, this
2.Sam.5. 1. nyay * all Jifrael a gathered themſelues thele mens lines? for they baue brought it water for the
2 This wasafter to Dauid pnto ipcbzon, laying, Behold, with the teopardy of their liues: therefore he which they vene
the death of ih- Wwe are thy bones and thy fef. would not drinke it: thele things did theſe tured their ;
bofheth Sauls 2 And in times pat, even when Baul thace mighty men. - blood.
fonne,whenDa- was king,thou ledſt Iſraeloutandin; and 20 @ nd Abifvat the brother of Joab,
_widhadreigned the oꝛd thy Gon (ard vnto thee, Thou Walt be was chicte of the thzee, and be lift vp pis
ouer [udahfeuen feed my people Iſrael, and chou (halt be cap- fpeare againſt thee hundzed,ane flew them,
yecresand fixe taine ouer my people Ilrael. aud had the name among the thzee.
monethsinHe- 3 Do came al the Eiders of Iſrael to the21 Among the theee hee was moze hos
bron, 2,Sam.5.5. king to Hebron , and Dauid made a coug- nozabte then the tiwo, and be was their caps
nant with chemin ebzon, befoze the Lord, — ; * but bee attained not vnto rhe tirit 2.Sam. 33,390
Ano they anointed Dauid king ouer Iſra⸗ ee.
1.$47.16,13. @l,*accogding tothe word of the Lord bp the ‘ 22 Benaiah the ſonne of Jchoiada (the
A k2 fone
Dauids valiantmenofwatre. = $ I.Chron. Thofethat aided Dauid,
| fonne ofa paliant
man) which had Done mar ehat eame vero him vnto Hebron out,of ewer
ny acts, and wasOf Kabzeei, bee fewe two tribe to make hint keCe? ORNER ' l A $ d
fOr, Liens. jitrong men of Moab : he went Downeallo J alfo are they that came to Dania
3 |

— flew a Lion inthe mids of a pit in tune to *Fiklag, while be was yet kept cioſe, a Totakc his
ofinew, becaule of Saul the ſonne of Kiſh: and thep part againft Sauk
23. And beflewan Capptian, a manof perepmong the valtant and helpers of the who perfecured
great ature, even flue cubits long, and in 1M. \ à 129
the Cayptians hand wasa (pearelike
awea- 2 Chey were weaponed with bowes,
uerg beame: and hee went Bowne to him and comia bfe the right and the left han
with a ttaffe, and plucked the ſpeare out of with ſtones and with arremes and twi
the Egyptians hand, and iewe him with bowes, and were of Mauls > bzethzen, cuen of b Thatis , of the
His owne {peare. i f Beniamin, — tribe of Benia-
24. Thele things did Benaiah tye fonne 3 Che chieke were Abiezer, and Joa min, whereof
of Jehotada, and had the name among the the fonnes of Shemaah aGrbeathite , and Saul was, and
three worthies. Jeziel ano Pelet the tonnes of Afinaucth, wherein were
25 Behold, hee was honourable anion Berochah and Jebu the Autothite, excellent throw=
f Meaning thofe thirtic, but hee attained not vnto the f firit. 4 And Iſhmaiah the Gibeonite, a vali⸗ ers with flings, `
rentia tize. * Anð Dauid made him ot his coun⸗ ant man among thirtie, and aboue the thir- ludges 20.16,
brought the wa- ell. f tie, and Jeremiah, and Jehaziel, and Joha⸗
terto Dauid. 26 ¶ Theſe alfowere valiant menofwar, nan and Joſhabað the Gederathite
2,541.23. 230 Afabel the brother of Joab, Clhanan the § Cluszat, and Jerimoth, and Bealtah,
fonneof Dodo of Beth-lebem. ao cobemactal, and Hhephattal the Yas
g Called alfo peo e Hhantnoth the Warovite, eles the
Shemmoah, elonite, i 6 Elkanah, and Iſhiah, and Asariel,
28 Jrathe ſonne of Ikkeſh the Tekoite, and Joeser, Jathobeam of akozehin,
Abiezer the Antothite, f 4 7 And Joclah,and sebadtah, thefonnes
h Heisalfo cal- h at h Sibbecai the ulachtte, Flat the A⸗ of Jeroham off Gedor. Or, Gedua,
led Mebunnai, obite, i And of the Gadites there ſeparated
2.5aM, 23527,
Weld themſelues fome yuto Danid into the holde
30 Maharai the Metophathite,
the fonne of Baanah the Metophatiite, of the wilderneſſe, valiant men of warre,and
31. Jthat the fome ofRibat ofGtbeah,oF men of armes,and apt fo2 battet, which could
the chtlozen of Beniamin, Benatah the Pi- handle ||(peare and ſhield, and their faces [lOr bck ler.
ratboutte, _ were like the faces ofc Liens, anDwere {ike ¢ Meaning,
32 uraiof the riuers of Gaah, Abiel the Roesin the mountainessnfwiftnele, fierce and ter-
the Arbathite, 9 Ezer the chiefs, Obadiah the fecond, rible.
33 Azmaneth: the Baharumite, Eliaba Eliab the thira,
the Shaalbonite, ; To ||Mihmanah the fourth Jeremiah lOr; Mafbintan
34. The lonnes of Haſhem the Gesonite, the fife, : : nah > 200 a
Jonathan the fonne of Hhageth the iparite, Il Attat the firt,Cliet
the feuenth,
35 Abiam the fonne of Bacar the Vara- 12 Johanan the eiayt , Chaban the
vite Eliphal the oime of Ur, l ninth, f
36 Hepher the PPecherathite,Abiiah the 13 Jeremiah the tenth, Macbannai the
Pelontte, enth.
eleventh í ; ~
37 Hezro the Carmelite, Marat thefon 14 Chele were the onnes of Gad, Tap-
of Ezb
sbat, ; taines of the bote: one of theleatt could re-
33 Joel the brother of Rathan, Mibhar e a hundzeth, and the greateſt a thous
the ſonne of haggeri. anv.
39 Zelek the Ammonite , Mahat the Be- I5: Thele ave thep that went oner Joze
vathite , the armour-bearerof Joab the on Den in the < Rri monety when hee had filled: d Which the
of Serutah, } i j ouerall bis bankes, and put to flight-all Ebrewes called
40 Jra the Jthzite Garib the Jthzite, — ofthe valley towardtie Cal and the Nifaror Abib,’
an. Geta the Hittite , Zabad the fonne of e containing halfe
ai, 16 And there came of the childzen of March & halfe
42 Adina the fonneof Shisathe Reubee Apuana and Judab tothe hold buto April,when Ior-
—* fess of the Reubenttes, and thira anid, den was wont to
p wrth him, 17 And Danid went out to meetethem, ouerflow his
43 Panan the fon of Maachah, and Jo- andanlwered and ſayd vnto them; Tf peg bankes,read
Haphat the Mithnite. bee come peaceably vntomee to helpe mee, Ioſh.3.15.
44. Uzia the Athterathite, Shama and mine heart hall be knit vnto pou, but if you
Jeiel the tonnesotDtham the Arcerite, come fo betray me to mine aducrlaries, fee-
45 Jedtael the onne of Shimet,ans Yo- ing there ig nowickedneflein mine handes,
a bis brother the Cisite, the ee of our fathers behold it, and rg-
46 Eliel the Mahauite, and Jeribai and buk
uke it,
FJothautah the fonnes of Elnaam, and Ith⸗ 13 And the ¢ pirit came vpon J e The fpirit of
mah the Woabite, which was the chtefe ofthivtic , and hee faid, boldnes and cou-
47 Eliel and Ded, and Jaahel the Wee Thine ace wee, Damn, and with theeD rage moued him
fobaite. fonne of Ihat. Peace, peace be vnto ther, to fpeake thus,
and peace bee vnto thine helpers: for thy
CHAP, XII. ‘God helpeth thee. Chen Danin receiued
x Who they were that went with Dauid: when , ana made them captaines of the Oa-
he fled from Saul, 14 Their vakanines. 23 Thep
: 19 Gana
and went to inake him King.
Chap. xiij. TheArke. Vzzallame, 167m
19 (Aud of Manaſſeh fome. fell to Da⸗ Debon to make Dauid King ouer all Iſra⸗
nin, whendee came with the Philiſtins as el: and all the ret ofIſrael was ofone acco
f They came on- gaint Gaul to battel but they helped them to make Dautd King: i
ly to helpe Da- nots fog the princes of rhe TObititimis"by ád- 39 And therethey were with Dauid three
uid,and net to utlement (ent him away, laying, ie wül fall Dapes, cating and drinking: fo? their” bze n The ret ofthe
fuccour the Phi- to bis maker Baul ||fo: our heads. :tizen bad prepared to them. Ifraelites.
liftims, which 20 38 he went to Fiklag there fell to him 40 $Bozeouer,they that were neere them
were enemies to of Panalleh, onah, aud Jozabad, and Jee vntill Iſſachar, and Zebulun, and Naphtali
their councreye Diael, ane Pichacl, and Jozabad, and Cit brought bread vpon aſſes, andon camels,
1. Sam 29 4. bm and Filtat, heads of the thoulands that AAD On Mules on oxen, cuen meate fone,
Or,on the see~ were of Banafieh. $ ; Bgges, and ratings, and wine and oyle, and
pardie of osr 21 And they helped David againſt e that beeues ana theepe aboundantly * foz there
| heads. band: foz tyep were all valiant men, werg was toy in Iſrael.
g To wit,of the captaines in the boie. CHAP. XIIL
Amalckites, 22 fer at tyat time Day Sy Day there came 7 The Arke i brought againe from Kiriath-
which had bur- to Danid tobelpebim, vntull itwas a great tearim to Terufalem. 9 Vx3a dieth becauſe hee
ned the citie hotte,like the holte of God. . touched it,
Ziklag, 1.Sam. 23 And ihele are the numbers of the cap- AZ D Dauid counlelied with the cap-
9.1,9- taimes that were armed tebattell, and came taines ofthaufands and. of hundzeths,
h Meaning, to Dautd to iebzon to turne the kingoome and with all the gouernours.
mighty orttsong: of aul to bim,accozding to the worn ofthe 2 And Danid lard to all the Congrega-
forthe Ebrewes 020. } tion of Iſrael, Ffit ſeeme goodto pou, and
fayathingisof 24 The chilen of Juvah that bare that tt proceedeth of the Lord sur God, wee
God,whenitis (iein and 4 {peare, were lice thouland and will fend to snd fro vnto our brethren, that
excellent. eight hundꝛed armed to the warre, ave left in ail the land of Iſrael (for with
buc kler.
or, 25 Okthe children of Dimeon paliant them are the Peieſts and the Leuites in the
men of warre,tenen thouſand g an hundreth cities and their (uburbes) that thepmay al⸗
26 Okthe children of Leui, forre thon- femble themſelues vnto vs. |
fand and fire hundreth. i 3 And we wil dying againe the? Areke of a His firkt care
27 AnD Jehoiada was the chiefe of them our God toys ; for we fought not vnto itin was to reftore
ofiaron: and with him thece thouland ana the Dayes of Saul. Religion, which
i Ofthe Leuites
which came by ſeuen hundzeth. 4 And ail the Congregation antwered, hadin Sauls
_ defcent of Aaron 28 Aut Zadok a pong man very paliant, Letvsdoclo: for the thing ſeemed good in dayes bene cor-
the eyes ofall the people. rupted and neg-
and. of bis fathers houſhold came tivo and lected.
twentic captaines. i ' s €* SoDani2 gathered all Iſraelto⸗
2. Sam.6.2.
29 And ofthe chilen of Beniamin the gether from Sahiha in Egypt, euen unto HOr,
N ilusa
brethren of Haul thzee thouland: foz a great the entring of Hamath, to bꝛing the Arke of b Thar is,from
k That is,the part of them puto that time * kept the ward God from > Kirtath. tearim. Gibea, where the
greateft number of the houſe of Haul, i 6 And Dania went vp and all Ilrael to
inhabitants of
tooke Sauls part, 30 And of the children of Ephraim twen· Baalath, tn Krriath-icarim, that twas in
tic thouland, & eight pundzed valtant men Judah, to bꝛing vp fromthence the Arke of
had placed it in
9 famous men in the houſhold of their fa- Godthe Lom thar Dwelleth betweene the
Cherubims, where his Mame ts cailed on. the houfe of A-
31 And of the palie trite of Manaſſeh And thev caricd the Arke of Godina binadab,2,Sam,
eig hteene thouſand, which were cppsinten new cart out ofthe houle of Abinadab; and 6 3.
by name to come and make Dauid King, Tizza and Abio c guided the cart. Or, Baale, reade
32 And ofthe chtlozen of Iſſachar, which 8 And Danidand all Ilrael played bee 2.Sam.6.2.
were men that had vnvBeritanding of the fore ꝰGod with all their might, both with c_The fonnes of
1 Menof good 1 times, to know what Pirael ought to doe: fongs ant with harps, and with vtoles,and Abinadab.
_ experience, d Thatis,befere
the beads of them were two hundred, and all with timbzels and with cymbals, and with the
trumpets, Arke,where `
which knew at their bꝛethren were at their comandement.
all times what 33 DFSebuluis that went out to batcel, 9 CAndwhen they came vnto the thee God fhewed
erpert in warte; and in ail inſtrumcnts of (Hing flooze of * Chinon, 14334 put koorth dis himfelfe:fo that ¥
was to be doné.
figne is taken for
lOrfetthem = warre, fiftte thenfand|| which couid fet the hand to hold the Arke, foz the oren did the thing figni-
Selucsinaray. battell in aray: thepwere not of at Double ſhake tt. S
æEbr. heartand heart. Io But the wath of the Lord was kind- fied, which is
heart. 24 And of Maphtali athoufand captaines, lcd againit Uzza and he (mote dina, becaute commonto all
and with them with Hield and ipeare ſeuen he layed his hand vpon the Arke: ( hee died facraments both
anothirtiethoufand. . i there ! before God. x in theolde and
II And Dauit was angric, becaule the new Teſtament.
35 And of Dan expert in battel eight and
Lod had made à breach inAzza, and he cals e Called alioNa-
m Sothat his twentie thoufand and fire hundreth.
whole hofte were 26 And of Ather that wentout tothe bat» led the name of that place Derez- Azza vnto chon, 2-Sam.6.6,
tell and were trained in the warres, fourtic this Dap. f Beforethe
three hundreth
twentie and two’ thoufand. 12 And Danit feared God that day, fap- Arke for vfur-
thoufand, two 27 Aud ofthe other fine of Jorden of the - ing.ow Hall J bang in teme the Arke of ping that which -
` i did not apper-
_ bundred,twentie Reibenites, and ofthe Gadites, andofthe GS
and two, halk: tribe of Manaſſeh with al inſtruments 1% Ther ore Dautd brought not the Arke tainero bis vo-
lOr, fight iatheir OF warre to fight with, an hundreth and to him into the cittc of Dautd, but cauſed cation: forthis
twentie thouland.. i charge was given
Or withagood 33 “All thele men of warre that could the Pricfis, Numb.4.35. fo that here all good intentions are condem-
courage, leade an armic came with ||opeiehtheart ta ned, except they — by the word of *
* 3 í
“ThePhiliftims deftroyed. I.Chron. The order ofthe Leuites, ©
g Whowasa it ta turne into the boule of s Obed Evom fingers are choſen out among them 25 They bring
Leuite,and cal- the Sittite. i againe the Arke with icy. 29 Dauid dauncing a
led Gittite,be- 14 Go the Arke of God rematned in the before it, defhifed of bis wife Michal.
caufe hee had honie of Obed Edom, cuen in hts houle thee A f20 Danid made him houles in the citie a Thatwasin
dwelt ât Gath, meanetbs t and the Lo: bleed the houte of pf Dauid, and prepared a place forthe the place of the ©
Died Edom, and all that he had. Arke of Sod,and pitched for tt a tent. citie called Zion
CHAP, XIIIL 2 Then Dauid (aid, Mone ought toca: 2.Sam.g 7,9.
1 Hiram fendcth wood and workemen to Da- rie the Arke of God but the Leuites : For the Numb.4.2,20, ww

uid. 4 The names of his children. 8.14. By the Lov bath cholen them to beare the Arke of
counfell of God hee gocth ag aint the Philifiims, the Lod, and to miniſter vnto bim fo: euet, :
and ouercommeth thera. 15 God fighteth for him. Cand Danid gathered all Jira!
2.Sam 5. 11. T Den *ient Piram the king of Tpus
1Ebr. Zer.
gether to Jerufalem to tying vp the > Arke b From the houfe
meflengers to Dauid, and cedar trees, of the Lord vnto bis place, which he hav oz- of Obed Edom,
oinar and carpenters to build himan deined forit. 2.5aM.6.105 12. E-

houſe. 4 And Dauid aflembled the ſonnes of
2 Therefore Dauid knew that the Lod Aaron and the Leuites.
Had confirmed him Ring ouer Iſrael, and § Okthe fonnes of Kohath, Crtel the
that bis kingdeme was ltt vp on bigh, be⸗ ~ chiefe,and bis ||bzethzen fire ſcore. {Or,kin/emen.
a Becaufe of
Gods promife
cauſe of bts apeople Jlracl, 3 6 MDéthelonnes of Merari, Afaiah the
Allo Daui tooke moe wines at Je- chick, and dis beethaen two hundzesh and
made to the peo- rulatem, and Dauid begate moe fonnes and twentte.
ple of Ilracl, < Daughters. - 7 Di the fonnes of Gerſhom, Joel the
4 And thel are the names of the chil- spite> and bis beethzen an hundzeth anv
Den which hee had at Jerulalem, Sham- irtie.
mua, and Sbobab, Mathan, and Salomen, 8 Dé the lonnes of · Elizaphan, Shema- c Who wasthe
b Elpaletand 5 And Ibhar, ¢ Eliſhua, and e Elpalet, ial the chiefe, his bꝛethꝛen two bundzeth. fonne of Vzziel, EO
Nogah arenot
mentioned, 2,
6 And fzogay and Mepheg,t Japhta, 9 Okthe tonnes of d Yebson, Eliel the the fourth onne
7 And Sithama, and] Beeltada, and chieke, andhis brethzen fouretcoze. of Kohath,Exod,
Sam.§.54, Eliphalet. ie 19 Df the fonnes of Cizstel, Amminadab 6.18,22.and
fo there are-but 8 Butwhen the Philiſtims heard that the pa and his bꝛethren an hundrzeth and num. 3.30,
eleuen,and here Dauid was anoynted Ring ouer Lfracl, all tw clue.
d The thicd
thirreene. thePhiliftims came vp to ſeeke Danid. Ana Ir (And Dauid called Fadok and Abi- fon of Kohath,
Or, Eliada. poe Dauid heard, hee went ont againk atbar the Pielts,and of the Leuites, Uriel, Exod.6.18,
EIH. Afatab,and Joel, Shematah,and Eltet,and
9 And the Philiſtims came and {pread Amminadab; -
themelues in the valiey of Rephaim, 12 And hee {aid vnto them, Mee are the
fo Then Dauid alked countell at God, chiefe fathers of the Leuites:« fanctifie pour e Prepare your
laying, Shall J goe vp againt the Phili flues, and your bzetizen , and bring vp the — bee
Rims, and wile thou Deltuer chem intomine Arke of the Lod God of Ilracl vnto the pure, abſteine
hand? And the Lozd laid vnto hum, Goe vp? place thatJbaue peepared foz it. from all things.
foz J| will Deltuer theminto thine hand. 13 Foꝛ * becaule pee were not there at the wherby ye might
Il Do they came vp to Baal-perasim, firi, the Load out Ged made a breach amag be polluted,and
and Dauid finote them there: and Daud bs: fozwe fought him not after due f oder. fo notable ro
faid , God hath Dinided mine enemies with fi—5 de— and the—— fanet{< cometo the Ta-
mine hand,as waters are diuided: therefore cD themielues te bing vp the Arkeofthe bernacle,
© Thatis, the they called the name of thatplace, < Baal- Lod Goof Iſrael. : Chap.r3.10
valleyofdiuifi- perazim. Ig @And thefonnes of the Lenites bare t According as
ons,becaufe the 12 And there they had left their gods: the Arke of God bpon their houtders with he hath appoin-
enemies were and Dauid (ald, Let them euen bee kurnt theharres,as Moſes ad commanded, * ace ted inthe Law,
difperfed there with fire. Die cording tothe wod ofthe Low. — Exed.25.84,5,
like waters, 13 Agatne the Philiſtims came and (pred I6 Gud Danid {pake to the chicke of the
theinictues ut the valley, 3 cuites, that thep ſſould appoint certaine of
14 And when Daui alken againe coun· their brethren to fing wiih s mitruments of 2. Thefeinftru-
fell at God, Gon ſaid to him, Thou Malc not muficke, with bioles and harpes, and cym⸗ mentsand o:her
gobp afterthem,bor turne away from them, bals, that they might make a found, and lift ceremonies, .
that thou mapet come vpon them ouer a= bp thetrboice wirh toy. which they ob⸗
gatnft the mutberte trees. 17 So the Lenites appointed Peman the ferued, were iae
Is And when thou heave the nopfeof ſonne of Joel, and of his beethzen Alapk the ftrudionsof
one going in the tops of the mulberie trees, ‘fonneofBerechiah,+ of the fonnesof Bera theirinfarcie,
then gor oat to battcl : for Sod is gone forth ri their brethren, Ethan p fonne of Kuſhaiah which continu:
Beit tbee, to imite the hoſte of the Phili- 13 And with them ther beethren inthe edrothecome .
ints, - ‘fecond degree, Zechariah, len, + Faasicl, ming af Chrif
16 So David did as God had tomman- and Shemiramorp, and Febicl, and Anniz h Which were
Ded himt aud theyſwote the hot ofthe Phi⸗ Eliab and Benaiah, tMaaleiah,
andMat? jnferiour in dige
liſtims from GibconenentoGexer. tithial, and Eliphsleh, and IMikneah, an® nitie,
17 And tie fame of Daud went out into Obed Edom, and Ferel the peters,
ali(anns, andthe Lod boughtthe feare of 19 So Heman, Alaph ano Cian were
bim upon ail nations, ~ Buge te make a ſound with cpinbaics of
CH APS XV dalle,
x “Dauid prepareth au boufe for the Arke, 20 And Zechariah, and Asiel and She
4 The sumber and order of the Lenitese 16 The. miramoth, and Jehiel, and Unni, and
bringing againe the Arke. Chap. xyj. The fongofAfaph. 164
Cliab, and Maaleiah, and Benaiah with oftheconenantofGov.
“FThis was an ine violea on! Alamoth. f 7 Then at that time Dautd did cappoint c Dauid gane
flrument of mu- 21 And Mattithiah, and Elipheleh, and at the ——— guue thanks tothe Lord thers this pfalme
ficke, or a certain Mixkneah, and Obed Coon, and Perei, and by the hand of Aiaph and bis baethacn. to praiſe ¥ Lord,
tE tune, whereunto — pti harpes vpon * Sheminith 8 Pꝛaiſe p Lozd,& cali vpon bis Ramer fignifying thee 1!”
4) they accultomed }enaszeal). 3 Declare bis d works among the people. all our encerpri-
to fing pfalines. 22 Wut Chenanial the chicke of the Lee 9 Sing vnto bun, ting paile vnto him, festhe Name of
k Which was the uites! had the charge, bearing the burden and tale of all bis © wonderfull woskes. God ought to be
eight tune, ouer in the charge,foz he was able to inſtruct. IO Keioyce m his Dely Mame : let the praifed and çal-
E the which he 23 And Berechiay and Elkanah were Hearts of them that leeke the Tord reioyce led vpon,
that was moft porters fo: the Arke. AL Secke the Lord Ghis ſtrength; leeke Pfal.tos.z,
i), excellent had 24 And Sbecaniah, €Tebothaphat, and bis Face continually. ILAE Y
charge, Pethanceland Amafatand Sechartab, anv 12 Remember bis marueilous workes d Whereofthis
] To wit,to ap- Benaiah, and Eliezer the Biets oid blow that he hath Done, bis wonders, and the
is the chiefeft,
* pſalmes & wit) trumpets before the Arke of Gon, and f indgements of his mouth, that he hath cho-
ngs to them ease nom and Fettal) were pozterg m fog B D feepe of Iſrael big ſernant, D the fenhimfelfe a
that fung, be Arke. chilozen of Jaakob his e cholen. Church tocall
m With Bere- 25 "Ho Dauid and the Clders of Iſrael 14 Hee isthe Lo our Gov: bis tudge- vpon his Name,
chiah and Elka- €the captaines of thoulands went to bring ments are thoughout all the earth, e Who of his
nah, verfe 23, bp the Arke of the Conenant of the Lod Ig Remember pis coucnant fo: cuer, and wonderfull pro=
2. Sam.G. 12. feon the boule of Obed Edom with toy. the wowe, which he commanded to a thoi uidence hath
n That is, gaue 26 And becaule that Gad helped the Le» fand generations ; ; chofena few of
them ftrengthto uites that dare the Arke of the Coucnant of 16 X¶hich he made with Absaham, and the ftocke ofA-
execute their the Lozv, theyotfered o (euen bullockes and his othe to Ishak: f braham to be his
office. ſcuen rammes, Wie 17 And hath confirmed tt to Jaakob foz children,
© Befides the 27 And Dauid had on him a linen gar⸗ a rs » and to Iſrael foz an eueriaſting co» fIn onercom-
bullecke and the ment, as all the Leuttes that bare the Arke wenant, ming Pharaoh,
fat beat, which andthe lingers, and Chenantah chat had 18 Saying, Eo thee will J giue the land which iudgments
Dauid offered at the chicfe charge of the fingers: and vpon of Canaan the + lot of yourinheritance, were declared by
every fixt pafe, Dauid was a lumen e Ephod. 19 Chenye were ! few in number, yeaa Gods mouth te
2.Sam.6.1 3. 28 Thus all Iſrael bꝛought vp the Arke Vèrp few,and irangers therein, Mofes, sat
p Reade 3,Sam. of the Lous Conenant with ſhouting, and 20 And walked about from nation to 8 Meaning here-
6.14. found of ee > anD With trumpets , and Nation, and from one kingdonie to another by, that the pro-
with cymbals, makingafound with violes people, mife ofadoptiog
q Itwas(o cal- and with harpes. 21 ee MED no man to Doe them onelyappertei·
led becaufe it put 29 And when the Arkeof the a Couc- gong + but rebukedi kings fo: their fakes, neth to the
the Ifraelites in nantotthe Lozd camie tnto the citie of Daa ig, Church.
Sememtance of UID, Michal che Daughter of Gaul looked 22 Touch not mine x anointed, and doe Gen.22.16,175
‘the Lords coue- out at awindow, and law king Dauid dan⸗ my! Prophets noharme. 18.luke 1.73.
nant made with cing and playing, and * hee deſpiſed him in 23 * Ding vnto the Lozd all the earth: bebr.6.17.
them. ber heart. Declare his faluatton from Day to Day. 56b coard wher«
2, Sa m. 6.36, CHAP. XVI, 24 Declare bis gloy among the nati by parcels of
- 1 The Arke being placed,they offer facrifices, aan and bis wonderfull workes among all lands were mea=
4 Dauid ordeineth Afaph and his brethren to mi- Opie. ured,
sifer before the Lord. 8 Heappointcth a notable 25 For the Lord is great and much tobe Meaning,
Pape: to be fang inpraife ofthe Lord. papin and hee isto bee feared aboue all from the time
2. Sam 6.17. CB "they ought in the Arke of God, and gods, that Abraham
{et itin the mws of the Tabernacle that 26 Foz al the gods of b peopleare m izole, entred, vnto the
Dautd had pitched fortt , and they offered but the £020 made the heauens time, that laakob
a ofterings and peace oXcrings before 27 Bꝛaiſe qglozvare before him: power went into Egypt.,
00, And beatity are in his place. for famine.
2 Aud when Dauid had made anend of 28 Giue vnto the Load, ye families of the i As Pharaoh &
oitting the burnt offering and the peace of- Peoplezgiue vnto the Loyd glory and power. Abimelech,
a Hecalled vp- ferings, be + bleed the pcoplein che Rame 29 Glue vnto the Lord the glory of bis k Mineele&
‘on the name of ofthe Lov. Fame: bung an offering and come befoze people,& them
God, défiring 3. Andee dealt to euery one of Iſrael bint, and worlhip the Loed in the glozions whom I baue
him to profper both man and woman, to cuerp onga cake Sanctuary. fan@ified,
the people, and oibrean, and a piece of Hef, and a bottell of 30 ="Gremble pe before him, all the earth: I To whom God
gine good fuc- wine, furety the woglde Wall bee Rable and not declared his
ceffe to their be- 4 And he appointed certcineokthe Les mooue. word, and they
uites to minifter before the Arke of p Lod, 31 Let the eheauens reioyte, and let the
—* wit, Gods and to >rebearle and to thanke and prayſe earth be glad, and let them fay among the declared it to

their pofteritie,
benefits toward the Lord God of Iiracl, nations, Che Lord reigneth. Pfal.gs5.1.
his people, § Alaph the chiete, and nert tobim Ze⸗ 32 Lethe (ea roare, and ali that therein m His ftrong
chatiah, Fetel, and Shemiramoth, and Je⸗ is: let the field be tovful and alichat is in it. faith appeareth
hfcland Mattithiah, and Eliab, and Be⸗ 33 Let the trees ofthe wood then reioyce herein, that
naiag,and Obed Edom, even Jeiel with tn» theugh allthe
ruments, violes and harpes, and Alaph to world would follow idoles, yet he would cleauet o theliving God.
makea found witheymbals, ; n Humble your {clues vnder the mightiehand of God. o Hee ex.
6 And Benatah and Jahaziel Pꝛieltes, horteth the dumbe creatures toreioyce with him in confidering the
with trumpets continually betoze the Arke greatnefie of the grace of God,
i 4 a
aeee aaa

Nathans meſſage to Dauid: I Chiton. Dauids chankefginiing, |

at the pecfence of the Loz: fo he commech toate cand from following the mepe, that
p To reftoreall top iunge the earth,
things to their
thou forume beca pince pue
my people
r of ficépe | nade i
34. aile the Lod. fog he is Keov,foehts Fh tael, . thee'afhepheard M
eſtate. mercie endureth fo euer. 8 AndJ Hane deen with thee whitherte- of men, fo thart
35 Ana lap ye, Daue ve, D God, our ſal⸗ enet thon att walked, and hauedeltroped thou cameft not
uation, and gather vs, and deltuer vs from all thine enemies ont otthy light, and daue to this disnitie
the heathen, that wee may paii thine holp ſmade thee a name, tke the name of the ‘throughthine `
q He efteemeth Name, and 1 glory in thy praple. great men that are tu the earth: owne meritës,
this to bethe 36 Bleſſed be the Lord God of Iſrael foz 9 CA 3] will appoint a place for inp but by my pure
chiefeft felicitie euer and euer: and let all people fap, So be people Fitacl, and t will plantit, that they grace, `
of man, it, andpravle the LoD. may dwell in their place, € mooue no moze? Or gotten thee
r Hewillethall 37 Cen be lett chere before the Arke neither tail they wicked people | bere them fame,
the people both of the Loms Couenant Alaph and his bze: any moas at the beginning, h Make them
in heartand then to miniſter cõtinually before the Arke, IO Qnv fincethe tune thatJ commann- fure that they
mouth tocon- that which was to be Done enery day: Ded Judges ouer my people Jirael) And F fhall norremoue,
feat to thefe 38 And Dbed Edom and his betinen, will mbane ail thine enemies: thereforeF tEbr.founes of `
praifes, theeelcoze and eight: and Dbed Edom the fay vnto thee, that the Lod will: bunld thee iniquitis.
fonne of Peduthun and hoſah were posters, an boufe. Oncon fume.
39 And Zadok the ict and bis brethren It And when thy Dayes Mall be filfilted 1 Will give thee
the JPzicits were before the Tabernacle of fo goe with thp fathers, then will F rare ty great poftericie.
weLoud, in the high place that was at Gi⸗ thy feede after thee, which Wall bre of thy
con. > nnes and twill (tablity his kingdeme.
40 Co offer burnt offrings yntop Lod, 12 ie hall burla me anhoutle, and J will
tyon the burnt offering altar continnatly,tn Tablif bis tone fo « ener. k Thatis, vnto
f With Zadok the mozning and tn the euening, even acco- 13 J willbe hts father,and he Hall be mp thé comming of
and the reft of Ding vnto ali thatis voritten in the lawe of fonne, ana J will not take mp mercie away Chrift : for then
the Prieſts. the Lord, which be commanded Firacl. from hin, as J tooke tt from pim that was theft figures
t Declaring that 41 NB with them! were Peman, EHe- b efozel thee, ' r thould ceafe.
after our duety duthun, and the reſt that were cholen(whtch 14 Dut Jwil eſtabliſh himin mine bone, 1 Which was
to God,weare iwere appointed by nantes) to prayple the aud in my kingdom fo: euer, and his thong Saul,
chiefly bound to Lod, becanle his mercie endureth for eier. Mall Ge eitablryed foz euer, .
our owne howie, 42 Euen with them were Heman and Je⸗ 15 Accopwing to ail thefe words, and at»
for the which as Durbin, to make a ſound wrth the cornets cornea toali thts vition, Do Mathan tpake
for all other and with tye cymbals, with ercellent iit 9 Danid.
things,we ought ſtruments of muficke: and the ſonnes of Je⸗ 16 (And Dauid the king ™ went ir, m He went into
to pray vnto duthun were at the gate. and ilatebeiore the Lord, and ſayd, Aho the tent wecre
God and inſtruct 43 And all the people Departed, enerp am J, D Led God, anv what is mine the Arke was,
our families to man to bis boule; and Dauid returned to Houle, that thon bat bꝛought mee api: fhewing what we
prayle bis Name. tbleſſe
hts boule, therto 2 ought to doe
17 Det choneiteeming this a ſmal thing, when we réctiue
CHAP. XVII. D Hoo, halk ail ſpoken córermng the Boute any benefitesoF
3 Dauidis forbidden to build an houſe vnto the of thy feruant for a great while, and halt res the Lord.
Lord, 13 (hrift *promifed under the fizure of garded mee according to the (tate ofa man Or, remained,
Salomon, 18 Dauid giueth thankes,. 23 and ote hie degree,D Lord God, n Meaning, to
prayeth unto God. 18 Ahat can Dautd defire mozeofthee this kingly eftate,
2,84.7.2. foz the honour of typ ſeruant?foꝛthou know: o Thou haft pros
a Well built and N22 * afterward when Dauid dwelt in elt thy ſeruant. mifed a kingdde
faire. bis Soule, hee fayd to Qathan the Pro⸗ 19 D LoD, fo2 thy feruants fake, ever that fhal] conti
b Thatis,incents phet, Behold, J Dwell in an houle of a cedar according to thine r heart halt thou Done nuéto me and
coucred with trees, barthe Arke of the Lords Coucnant all this great thing to Declare all magnifi my polteritieand
skins, remaineth onder >cnrtaines. cence. that Chrift thall
c As yet God had 2 Chen Mathan fad to Dauit, Deo < all 20 Loyd, there is none like thee, neither is
proceede of me.
not reutiled to that isin thine heart : fo: God ts with thee. there anp God belies thee, according to all
p Freely and ac-
thé Prophet what 3 Andthelame4 night eucn the word of thatwe bauc heard with our cares. cording to the
he putpofed con- God came to Rathan faving, 21 GHozcouer, what one nation in the purpofe of thy
cerning David : 4. o,and tell Danto my ſeruant, Thus earth is like thy people Wirael, whole Gov will, without any
therefore freeing fayth the Lod, Chou (hate nor build mee an went toredeeme them to bee his people, and deferuing,
God fauoured houſe to Dwell in: ; to make thy felfe a ame, and to doe great
Danid,he fpake Fo J hane dwelt inno boufe, fince anv terrible things by catting out nattons
what he'thought. the Day that J brought out che childzen of from befoze thy people whom thou halt de»
d After thar Na» Iſrael vuto this vay, but J bane been from liuered out of Egypt? l
thanhad fpoken e tent totent, and krom habttationto habi- 22 Foꝛ thon bhatt oꝛdained thy peaple IE
to Dauid. tation,
rael to bee thine owne people fozeugr, and
e Thatis, ina 6 Whereſoeuer J haug £ walked with thou Loza art become thetr Son. r
rent which remo- all Jitaet, fpakeJ one word to any of the 23 Wherefore nowe Low, tet the thiug
ued to and fro, JudgesofHitacl (whom J commanunyed to that thou batt tpoken täcernity thy feruant
| f Meaning wher- feebe my people) laying, Ahy haue pee not and concerning bis houſe, be confirmed fog
foeuer his Aike built me angoul? of cedar trees? euer, and Doe as thon bat fayd,
| went which was 7 saowthercfore thus (alt thou fap wi- 24 And let thy Mame bee able and
| afione ofhis . to my feruant Davis, Cus lath the Loy magnifen for ener, thatit may bee fapa,
prefence, of hoͤſtes, J] tooks thee from the erpe The Loyd ofhoſtes, God of Ifrael, pa
Dauids victories. Chap:xviij.xix. Hanutis villenie. 165
That is, hee Godok a Iſrael, andlet the houſe ofDania the Edomites became Dauids fernants:
weth himfelfe thy fernantUeeftibitijeb before tyee. ee — prꝛeſerued Danin whereſoeuer
indeede to be 25 Sozrthou, D my God, halt revealed e went.
their God, by de- brits the care or tiyy ruant, that thou wilt 14 So Danid reigned oner all Frac,
t ||tiueriag them build himan Horie; therefore thy ruant and executed nagement and tultice to ail
| ftom dangers, bath + been bold to pray foz thee. his people.
and preferuing 26 Therefore now Loa (for thou art 15 And Joab the fonne of zZerniah was o-
T the m. { Hod, and ban Spoken this geodueſſe vnto uer the hoſte, and Jehoſhaphat the fonne of
‘f Thou haft de- thpfertiant) h mS Ahilud Recorder.
clared vntome 27 Now therefore it hath pleated thee 16 And Zadok the fonne of Ahitub, and
by Nathan the to bleſſe the boule of thy feruant, that tt map Abimelech the fonne of Abiathar were the
Prophet. be before thee faz ever: for thou, Lord, hak Pꝛielſts, and | Dhana the Scribe, lor, Seraiah,
Ebr hath found bleſſed tt, and it wall be dlefied for cucr, I7 * Gud Benatah the ſonne of Jehoiada 2.$am.3.49,18.
f Andcanft not was ouer the £ Cherethites and the Pele- — 2, Sam,
|) breake promile, CHAP. (XY TT. thites; and the fonnes of Danid were chtefe ol .

-1 The battet cf Danid againſi the Philiftins, about the Hing.

2 andagainft Moab, 3 Zobah, 5 Aram, 12 CHAP, XIX.
and Edom, 4 Hanun king of the childrenof Ammon doth
great imuries tothe feruantsof Dauid. 6 Hee
Aw after thic, Dauid finote the Phili⸗ preparetb an armie againſt Dauid, 15 and is otiera
Mims, and fubducd them, and tooke come,
a Which2.Sam, a Õath, andthe villages thereof outotthe A Fter this alfo * Paha the king of the 2,54%,.10.2, called the hand of the Philiſtim⸗ Ls chien of Ammon Died, and hrs fonne
bridle of bon- 2 And be fmote eab, andthe Moa⸗ reigned tn hts ean.
dage, becaufeic — Dauids ſeruants, ¢ llbrought 2 Gud Dawid faid.F wil Hew kindneſſe
was a {trong gifts, ; vnto Manin the forne of Rabaty, betaute
tov ne,and kept 3 Gand Dania ſmote Hadarezer king bis 2 father thyewed kindneſſe vatome. And a Becaufe Nap-
the countrey of ʒobãh vnto hamath, as hee wenttota- Danid font wieflengers tocomforr him Foz hath had recei-
round about in bitih his border by the riner MPerath. bis father. othe ſcruants of Danit came ued Dauid & his
fabie@'on, 4 And Dauid tockefrom him a thou⸗ into the tant of the childzen of Ammon to company,when
lOr, paid tribute, fand charets, and ſeuen thouland horſemen, Danun to comfort him. : Saul perfecuted
Or, Hadadezer, and twenty thouland footmen anddeſtroy⸗ 3 Aud the Princes of the childzen of Am⸗ him,he would
HOr, Euphrates, ed all the charets, but he relerued of them an mon layd to Vanim, EChinkelt thon that now fhew plea-
2 54.3.4, hundreth charets. Danid doeth honour thy tather that hehath fure to his fonne
5. ¶ Chen came the Aramites of Das tent comforters vnto thee? Are not is ſer forthe fame, ©
mafcus to ſuccour Hadarezer king of zobah. uants come to thee to >learch, to ſceke, and b Thus the ma-
but Dauid ewe of the Aramites two and to fpte put theland? $ licious euer ine
twenty thouſaud. ; 4 Aherefore hanun tooke Danids fer- ‘terpret the puf-
And Danin put a garifon in Aram of uantz,and ¢ Haued them, and cut off ¢ theft pole ofthe godly
lOr, Darme/eh, i Damaitus, anv the Aramites became garments by the haife vnto the butteckes,
Danis ſernauts, and brought gifts: and and fent them away.
in the worft fence
c They thaued
b That is in all w — bprꝛelerued Danta whereſoeuerhe §, Andthere went certaine and tolde Da: off the halfe of
things that he en . uid concerning the ment anv hee ſent to their beards,
enterpriled. 7 And Daud tooke the Hhiclds of golve meete them (fo: the mien were erceedingly 2,52M.10.4.
that were ofthe (ruants of Hadareser, and aſhamed) and the Ring fapd, Carte ac Ic⸗ d To put them
brought then to Jeruiaiem, ae until pour beats be growen: chen re- to fhameand
e Which 2.Sam, & Andtron<« Cibhath, and from Chun urne. villenie,whereas
8.8.are called (cities of Hadatezer) brought Dautd ercee- 6 @ Tiben the children of Ammon w the ambafadours
Betah and Beros bing much baffe, wherewith Salomon that thepQ Ranke tn the light of Dauid then ought to have
ais made the * balen Sea, andthe pillars ana font Hanun ana tye chilenofAmnion a been honoured:
1,King.7.23, the velſels of bafe. thoufand talents of ſuuertobire theri thas and becaufe the
ierem 52. 20. 9 ¶ Then Tou king of Wamath hears rets and horſemen out of * Aram mapara: Tewes vfed to
bow Daui had finticen all the hoſte ofa- Coane ont sf Aram Maachah; and vut of weare fide gare
d Called alſo Io- Dareser king of JIobah: ‘ ¢30vab. ments & beards, _
ram, 2.Sam.8 10, Io Therefore hee fent Hadoram His 7 Aud they hired them two and thirtie they chus diffigu-
e. Becaufe the E- fonne taking Dauid to falutchim, and to thoufand charets,
and the king of Maachah red themto
domites and the refopce with him, becauſe jee ban fought and bis people which came and pitched ör make them odig
‘Syrians ioyned again& hadarezer, and beaten him, (foz foe f Medeba: and the chinn of Ammon ons to others. *
thcir power to- ou had warre with Wadareser ) who gathered themſelues tonether from their et: bOr had made
gether, itis faid ae all veſſels of golde, and lilticr, and thes, and camteto the battell. then felhes to be
3.Sam.8,12, that aafe. Cand when Dauid heard,he fent Jo⸗ abhorved of Da-
the Aramites Ii And Ring Dauid did Dedicate ther ab and all the boit of the paltant men. nid,
were ſpoiled. pnto the Los, with the filuer and gain that 9 And the childzen of Ammon came out, 2.54.10 65%
f Which is vn⸗ he bꝛought from all thz nations, from e€- ann (et thet: battel in aray at the gate of the e Whichwere
derftood that Dot. and from Poad., and from thecht- titie. And the Kinss that were come, were flue in all.
Ioab flew twelue Denolf Ammen, and from the Philiſtims, by themlelues inthe ficta. t Which wasa
thoufaad,as is in andfroni Amalek· 19 en Joab ſawe that the ront of
citie of thettibe-
thetitleof the 12 @ Gad Abibat the onne of Zerniah the battell Was arant Diii before and bee of Reuben bès
threefcore pſalm, ſmote of Edom in che falt valley f cightecne Hinde, then See hole out of all the choice of yond Lotden.
and Abifhai the thouſand. ete tf Firal, and fst hilife in avay to meere the
reh, -13 And ve puta cariion in Trom ani all Aramttes.
TI And
The Ammonites ouercome. ean - The people numbred.
IL And the ref of the people he delinered ſubdued.
vnto tye handof Abifjat bis brother, and §_ Andthere was yet another battel with
thep put coemizines in aray agatnit che chil the Philiſtuns: and Elhanan the fonne of ¢ Reade s.sam,.
Deen of Ammon. Jair Mews Labmt, the bzother of Goliath 21,19. 1
12 Andhe pd, FF Azam be too rong the Gittite, whole {peare Kaffe was likea
for me, then chon Walt iuccour me; and tithe weauers beame.
chien of Ammon pꝛeuaile againk thee, 6 And pet againe there wasa battell at
then J will ſuccour thee. Gath, where was aman of a great ature, d Meaning, that
13 Be trong, and let vs ſgew ont (elues and Hts fingers were bp fires, cuen foure he had ſixe a.
g He declareth paltant foz our g people, and fo: the cities ef apn oe » and wasal the fonne of Has piece.onhands
that where the our Hod, andletthe 1023 Doe that which is pay. and feete, l
cauſe is euill,the good tt his owne fight. 7 And whens hee rewiled Iſrael, Jehona»
courage cannot 14 Bo Joab and the people that was thanthe fonneof Shimea Dautds bother
be valiant, and with him, came neere befoge the AFamites did lay Him.
that in good. vnto the battell,and they fled before him, 8 ele were borne onto Haraphah at
caufes men ought I5 Ana when the childꝛen of Ammon ſaw Gath, and fellby the hand of Danis, ands
to be couragious, that the Avamites fled , they fled allo befoze the bands ofpis ſexuants. a j
and commit the Abiſhai his brother , and entred into the ci-
ſucceſſe to God. tie: ſo Joab came to Jeruſalem. CHAP. XXI,
16 @ And when the Aramices faw that 1 Dauidcaufeth the people to bee numbred,
they were dilcomfited before Iſrael, thep 14 and there die feuenty thoufand men of the
fent meſſengers and cauied the Aramites to peftslence.
: h Thatis,Eu- come forth that were beyond the h riuer:
. phrates. and Shophach the captaine of the hoſte of #23? Datan tood bp again Plrael,and a He tempted
Hadarezer wentbefore theni. ; prouoked Dauid to number Iſrael. Dauid in fetting
I7 And whenit was Hewed Danid, hee 2 Gherefore Dauid ſayd to Joab, and before his eyes
gathered all Iſrael, and went ouer Jaden, to the rulers of the peaple, Goe, and number his cxcellencie
and came vnto them, and put himlelke in a= Iſrael From > Beer-theba euen to Dan, and and glory,his
ray agatnit them; and when Dauid bad — to methat J may know the number power and vi-
put huntelte in battell aray to meste the A- pent. Gories : seade
ramites,they fought with him. 3 And Joab anſwered, The Low en- 2.$am.24.1,
18 But che Aramites fled before Iſrael, treafe bts people an bundzeth times fo many b That isfrom
for this place and Dauid deltroped of the Arainites i fe- as they be,D my lord the king: are they not South to North,
seade uentbouland charcts, andtcurtie thouſand all my logos feruants? wherefore doeth mp
footmen, and killed Shophach the captaine loud require this thing ? why Mould he be a
of the bote, cauſe of tre{paffe to Iſcael ¢ c Itwasathing
19 And when the ſeruants of Madareser 4 Neuerttheleſſe the kings wad prenais indifferent and
fat that they fell before Iſrael, they made led again Joab. And Joab departed and vſuall tonumber
peace With Dauid,and (erucd hin. And the went thoow all Iſrael, and returned to Jes the people,but
Aramites would no moze fuccour the chil- rufalem. becaufe he did ie |
Deen of Ammon. § And Joab gaue the number & fumme of an ambitious
of the people vonto Dautd: œ all Iſrael were misde,asthoush
CHAP, XX. 4 eleven bundzeth thoufand men that drewe * fleength
fiwon. : and Judah was e foure hundzeth ood in his
a Rabbah deftroyed. 3 The Ammonitestor- rae — thoulande men that Dewe ple, Godpuni-
mented, 4 The Philsflims are thrice ouercome 020. $ — fhedbim. -
swath their giants. 6 But the Leuites and Beniamin coun- d loab partly for
ted be not among them: fo? the Rings wod gricfe and partly
3.54. LEEs A F245 * when the peere was expired, in the was abominable to Joab. through negli-
time that Kings goe out awarfare, Joab @ And God was dilplealed with this gence, gathered
cavied out the ftrength of the armic,and De» thing : therefore he ſmote Iſrael. not the whole
roped the countrey of the chitdzen of Am- 8 Chen Danid fayo vnto God, J baue fumme as it is
a Which was the inon,and came andbeliegcds Rabbah (but finned greatly, becaule J haue Done this here declared,
chiefe citie of the Dauid tarted at Jeruſalem) andJoab Anote thing:but now J belcech thee, remooue the e In Samuelis
Ammonrites, Rabbah and deſtroyed it. tniquitte of thy Ceruant ; foz Jhaue Done ve- mention of thir-
2. SamI 2.29,30 2 Then Dauid tooke the crown oftheir rp foolthhly. tis thoufand
Ring from off his head, and found it the 9 And the Lops pake bnto Gad Dautds more which
b Which moun- weight of a> talent of golde, with precious Beer, ſaying. A - was cither by
ꝛeth about the ſtonesinit: and it was fet on Dautds head, Io Goe and tell Danin, faving, Thus ioyning to them
value of feucn and be brought away the ſpoyle of the citie fayth the Lode, J offer thee thzee things: fome of the
thoufand and fe- exceeding much. — ee thee one of them, that J may doc it yn- Beniamites,
uenty crownes, 3 Andbee caried away the people that to thee. which were mix-
which is about wereinit, and cut them with fawes, and II So Gad came to David and fapd vn⸗ ed with ludah,or
threefcore pound with harrowes of pron, and with ares: es tobim. Thus faith the Lozd, Take to thee as the Ebrewes
weight. uen thus Did Dauid with all the cities of the 12 @ither theee pecres famine, o2 thzee write,here the
2, Fam. 21. 18. childien of Ammon. Then Danin and all moneths tobee deſtroyed before thine ad- chiefe and prin·
)Or,Gob,2. Sam, the people came againe to Icxuſalem. ucrfaries, and the ſworde of thine ene- ccs are left out.
22.18. 4 @* And after thts allo, there arok mies || to take thee, o2 elle the ſworde of
llOr, Prophet.
Or, Saph, warre at (Geser with the Phililtims: then the Lode and peltilence in the tande llOr, finite thee.
|!Or, Rhaim,or Dibbechat the iouthathite Rewe || Stppat, thzee Dayes, that the Angel of the Lod
the giants. of the chitozen of haraphad, and thep were May deſtroy thozowaut ali the coats 4
. Eee a
The plague. O mansthrefhing floore, Chap. xxij. Dauids preparation for theTemple. 160—
Firael: Now therefore aduilethee, what »anfwered him by fire from heauen vpon n Goddeclared
word F hall beng againe to bim chat (ene the altar of nent offering, that hee heard his
. meg, 27 And when the Lozd had (poken to the requcft in that he
13 And Danid {aid vnto Gad, J am ina — hee put vp bts fwo agãine into bis fent downe fire
wonderfull ſtrait: tet mee now fall into the beath. from heauen: for
band of the Loz : foz bis mercies are excee⸗ 28 Gt that time when Dauid fare that elfe they might
Bing great, and ict me not fall into the band the Lom jad Heard him in the threſhing vfeno fire ia ſa⸗
oefinan. i j flooze af Oꝛnan the Febulite, then dec facet: crifice,but of that
14 Ho the Lo: fenta peſtilence in Iſra⸗ ficed there. which was refer-
el, and there fell of Iſrael ſeuentie thoutand 29 (But the tabernacle of the Lord which ued fill vpon the
min, Woles had made in the wilderncfle,and the altar, Leuit.6, 1 3
Is €And God fent the Angel into Feru- altarofburnt offering were at that (eaton in and came downe
f Reade 2.Sam. falem to deſtroy tt. And as he was deſtroy⸗ the bteplace at Gibeon. from heauen, Le-
24. ing, the Lo: beheld, ands repented of the 30 Ant Dauid could not goe before it ta vit 9,24 asap-
g When God euti, and fai to the Snael that deſtroyed, afke countell at God : foz hee was aframe of peared by the pu-
draweth backe It is now enough, let thine hand ceale. the ſword of the Angel ofthe Low.) nifhment of Na-
his plagues,hee Then the Angel of the Lord ood by the dab and Abihu,
feemeth to re- theething fleoze of ||Danan the Jebuũte. CHAP. XYI Lecuit, 16.15
pent,reade Gene. 16 And Dauid lift vp bis eyes, and faw 2 Dauid prepareththines neceſſary for the buil-
6.6, the Angel of the Lozd ttand betweene the ding of the Temple, € Hee commandeth bu fonne
Or,4raunah. earth and the peanen with his lword Draw: Salomon to build the Temple ef the Lord , which
en in his hand,and ftrecched out toward Jes thing he himfelfe was forbiddento doe, 9 Fnder
rufalem. Then Daud and theElders of JE the figure of Salomon Chrift i promiſed,
rael, which were clorecd tn lacke, fell vpon
theirfaces. i n : A fad Dauid (aid, Thisis thea boule of a Thatis, thé
17 And Dauid faid vnto God, Is it not the Lod God, and this is the aitar for place wherein he
F that commaunded to number the people? the burnt offering of Iſrael. will be worfhip-
St is enen J that have ſinned and baue 2 And Deuid commanded te rather to: ped.
committed cutll, but thele Heepe, what haue gether the ttrangers that were tn the land b Meanisg cnn-
they Done? D Lod my God, J| beleech chee, ofIſrael. and hec tet malons to bew and po- ning men ofothcr
h Thathe both let thine hand bee on me, and on mp fathers liſh ones to build the houle of Gav. nations which
fhewed a true boufe, and not on» thy people foz their De« 3 Danio allo prepared much pron for dwelt among the
repentance and a ſtruction. the natles of the Deozes andofthe gates, and Tewes,
fatherly careto» 18 CThen the Angel of the Lom com: for the topnings, and abundance of bate c To wit,which
ward his people, manded Gad to fay to Dauit, that Dauid palling weight, i weighed &ftie
ould goe vp, and fet vp an altar vnto the 4. nD cedar trees withont mimber sor thekels of gold, :
which defireth
God to {pare zap inthethaelbing floaze of Danan the the 3Bontans and they of Cyprus brought 2,Chron.3.9,-
them,and to pu- ebufite. much cedarwood to Danid, -
nith himand his, 19 Ho Danid went bp accowding to the § And Danid fad, Salomon my onne
faying of Gad, whieh hee had poken in the is young and tender, and wemut build an
Fame ot the Lozd. boule foz the Loꝛd, magnificall, ercellent,
29 And Oꝛnan turned about, aud fawe And oF great faine and Dignitic thozowout
the Angel, and bis foure ſonnes that were ali countreps . T will therefore now prepare:
Creature, how with him, hid themlelues, andDonan thee» fo: him. So David prepared berp much bee
much leficis a fhed wheate. ; fore bis Death.
finner ableto 21 And as Danid came toD2nan, Donan 6 Then hee catled Salomon his onne,
eare before looked and ſaw Danid , and went out ofthe and charged him to build an houle foz the
theming flooze, and bowed htmlelfe to Da- £028 God of Iſrael oY WAZ.
utd with bis face to tbe ground. 7 And Dauid id toe Salomon, * By hap.28.3.
‘by the comman- 22 And Dantd faid to Denan, Giue mee foune, Jpurpoſed withmy felre to bnin ax d This declareth
dementofGod, the place of thy thawing flooze, that J may boule to the fAame of the L020 my Sov, how greatly God
as verfe 18, for build ank altar therein vato the £020: giue 8 Butthe word ofthe Lod came to me, detefterhthe flied
elſe it had beene it ince fo: fufticient monep, that the plague faying , * 4 Thou batt fhed much blood, ding of blood,
abominatle ex- may be ftaped from the people. and halt made great battels: thou halt not fecing Dauid for
ecpt he had ci- 23 Then Dinan fain vnto Danid, Take build an houſe vnto mp Mame: for thon. this caufe is ftay-
‘ther Gods word, it to thee, and let my lord the king Doc that bat Ginmuch blood vpon the earth in my ed to build the
or reuelaticn, which feemcth him goed: log, Igiue thee ght. Temple of the
l That is,as bullockes fo: burnt offcrings, andthe Ming 9 Behold, a ſonne is borne vnto ther, Lord, albeit he
ch asit is inſtruments for woad, and wheat foz meate which hallbe aman of reſt: foꝛ J wti giue enterprifed no
worth: for * offering, Jgiue it al.. bim ret from all his enemies round about: warre, bur py
uing eno 24. And king Dauid (aid toDznan, Mot therefore bis name ts Salomon: and J wilt Gods comman-
ofi$ SERRAR fo: but J willtuy it for fifiictent | money: — prace and quittniile vpon Flrael tu his dement anda-
yet to haue taken foz: J will not take chat which is thine fog apes. geinſt his ene-
of another mans e Lod, nozo Ter burnt offerings without 10 He Hall bullo an heuſe for my Pame, mics.
gyod; to offer Coit. and hee ſhall bemyſonne, and F will he bis: SOAN VF.
vneto the Lord,it 25 So Dauid gatie to Divan for that Father, and J wil eſtabliſh the throne of his
place ™ fire hundged ſhekels of golde by kingdome vpon J .vael fe ence.
keke 55-
e Hetheweth .
had beene theft,
and riot <¢csp - weight. H -RoW therctore my forne,the Lod that that there ean be
table to God. 26 And Daui built there an altar onio bec with thee, anv thor talt pzoſper, and no profperizic,
m Read 2,Sam, the Lord, and offered burnt oſfrings t prace then Malt butld an boufe to the Lob thy but when the
offerings, and called vpon the Loꝛd, and be ov, a5 be bath ſpoken of thee, Lord is with ys»
32 Duely
The Leuites numbred. I. Chron. Thechefe
f Thefe are one- Iz Duely the Lord giue thee kwiſedome and Haziel, and Haram, threes theſe were
ly the meanes and vnderſtanding, and gine thee charge thechistefathersofLaadan.
wherebykings ouer Iſrael, enen to keepe the Laweofthe Io Giis the tonnes of Sbhimet were Jae
gouenetheir 020 thy Hod, Spr: hath, sina, Jeni, and Beriah: thele foure
fubie@s aright, 13 Then thou walt prolper , ifthou take tuere the ſannes o himeil. ì
andwherebythe heede to obſerue the ſtatutes and the iudge- Il And Jahath was che chiefe, andi 3i- Or, Zina.
realmes doe pro-Ments which the Loꝛd commanded Moies 32b the feconB, but Jeulh and’ Beriah han
fpes and flourith,
foz F{rael: bee ftrong and of good courage: not inany ſonnes: therefore they were in the
feare not, neither Ge atraide. families oftheirtather, counted but as one.
g For Dauid was 14 Forbehold, accoꝛding tamy s poner· 12 @ The fennes of Kohath were Am⸗
pᷣoore in reſpect tie haue J prepared forthe houleot
the Loꝛd rain, Izhar, Hebꝛon, and Gssiel,feure.
of Salomon. an bundzeth choufan’ talents of gold, and 13 * Chelonnesot Amram, Aaron, and Exod, 2.2 andá,
a thouland thoufane talents ofliluer, and Woks: and Aaron was feparated to fane 20.heb.§:4,5. |
of baffe and of pron palling weight: foz cttfle the mot holy place, he and his ſonnes a Thatis,to
there was abundance: Jhaue alio prepared foz cuer to burne incente before the Lozd, to feruein the moft
timber and fone, and thoumapelt prouide — te him, and co bleſſe in his Mame holy place, and —
moze thereto. ; or euet. J to confecrate rhe
Is Moꝛeouer,; thou hat workemen with 14 ¶ Moles alio the man of God,and his holy things,
hor, maſons and thee enow, | bewers of tone, and worke⸗ children were named with the © tribe of b They were
carpenters. men foz timber, and allmen expert in euery 2 eui. butof theorder
woke. I5 The ſonnes of Moſes were Gerhom, ofthe Leuites,
16 Dfgold,of filuer, and of bꝛaſſe, and of and Eliezer. and notofthe
h That is,goe pon there is nonunber: ® Tip therefore and 16 Dé the fonnes of *Gerſhom was He- Priefts, as Aa-
about it quickly. be Doing, and the Lod willbe with thee. buel the chiele. rons ſonnes.
17 Dauid allo commaunded all the pin- 17 Gnd the ſoane of Eliezar was Reba- Exod.⁊.2 2.and
* of Iſrael to helpe Salomon his fonne, bial the < chtefe: for Clieser had none other 18.3.
aying fonnes; but the fonses of Rebabiah were c The Scripture
i The nations 13 Fs not the Low pour God with you, bery many, . vfeth to call
roundabout, and hath gtuen pou reft on euery fide? for be — fonne of Tshar was Shclomith chiefe or the fitſt
k Forelfchee hath giuenthe i tnbabitants of the land into £ chtefe. borne,although
knewthatGod mine hand, and thelandis ſubdued before 19 The fonnes of Hebron were Jeriah hebe alone and
would plague the Lozo,and before hts people. the fir, Amariah the fecond, Fabhastel the there be none
them,anc not 19 Now fet * your hearts and yonr foutes thicd,and Jekaintam the fourth. borne after,
tofpertheirla- —to.feeke the Lod pour God, andarile, and 20 Whe tonnes of Uziel were Michah Math, 1.256

ours,except huild the Danctuacte of the. Loꝛd God, ta the firft,and Iſchiah the ſecond.
21 € Che ionnes of Merari were Mahli
theyfoughtwith btng tiheArke of t uenant of the Lon,
all cheit hearts -and the bolp veſſels of God into the houle amn — tonnes of ahlt, Eleaza
* fetfoorthhis huilt foꝛthe Mameofthe Lov. and Kiſh.
gloty. 22 And Eleazar died, andhadno ſonnes,
CHAP, XXIII but daughters, Erherr abꝛethren the ſonnes d Meaning, their
E Dauid being olde, ordeineth Salomon king. of Kiſh tooke them. t s coufins,
3 He caufeth the Leuitesto be numbred, and af- 23 The onnes of Muſhi were Mahli, and
Signeth them to their offices. 13. Aaron and he Goer and Jerimoth, three. ;
fonnes are far the high Prieſt. 14 The fonnes of 24 Theie were the lonnes of Lent actor
Mofes. Dingto the houſe of their fathers, even the
s? when Danid was oldeg fullofdapes, chiete fathers accoꝛding ta their offices, ac-
1.KinZ. 1.30. "i A made Salomon hts nne king ouet cording tothe number of names, and their
rag . fumme chat Didthe worke fo; the ferutce of
2 Andhe gathered together all the pin: tie houle of the Lord from the age otetwen⸗
Areof Iſrael with the Prictes and the Lee tie peeves and aboue.
uites. 25 Fo: Damo faid, The Lo Gor of
3 Andthe Leuttes were numbzed fron Jiraci hath ginen reſt vnto his people, that chirtie, as verfe 3.8
the age of thirtie peere and aboue, and their they may Dweil tn Jeruſalem foz euer, and againe after·
number according to their fumme was eight 26 And allo the Lenites Wall no moze ward attwentie,
and thirtie thoufand mern. beare the Tabernacle and all the veſſels foz as the neceffine
4 Of thele foure and twentie thouſand thelcrutcethereof, of the office did
\|Or, to hane care were fet ||to aduance the woꝛke of the boule 27 Cherefore according to the lak wows require: at the
ouir, of the Lord, € fire thoufand were ouerſeers of Dantd , the Leuttes were numbzed from beginning they
and Judges. twentic peere and about, had no charge in
§ Andfoure thonfand were porters, and 23 And their office was ynder the hand of the Temple,be-
foure thoufand prayled the Lod with in- the tonuies of Aaron , fo the ſeruice ofthe forethey were `
4Eb Imademea- ſtruments which + hee made to prayſe the boule of the Lord in the courts, and cham: fiue and twentie
ning Dauid, ord. RIES bers and in the {purifping of al holy things, yere old, and had
Chap 6.1. 6 *HoDanid diuided offices vnto them, — the worke of the ſeruice ofthe youle none after filtie,
Exod,6.17 towit, to the fonnes of Lent, to* Serihon, ot God, Numb. 4.3.
fOr, Libni, chap, Bohath, andMerari. 29 Both forthe thew bread, and forthe f In wafhing anch
6.27, 7 DE the Gerihonites were|Laadan and fine floure, foz the meate offering.and for the cleanfing allthé J
Shtmei. vnleauened cakes, and fo: the fricd things, holy veſſels.
8 Ahelonnes of Laadan, the chicfewas and foz that which was rotten, and loz alt
Jehiel and zetham, and Jor, three. mealures ann cile, i
9 The lonnes of Shimet, Shelomith 30 And fo to and euery moming *
The Priefts offices. ; Chap. xxiii. xxv- Of the Leuites,
and their offices. 167 À
gine thankes and to prayle the Lord, and 19 Ther were their orders accoꝛding to
likewileateuet, — ona l their omices , when they entred into rhe
31 And to offer all burnt offtings vnto Houle of the Lord according to therr cutome
the Lordinthe Sabbaths tn the moneths, vnder the 4 band of Garon their father, as d Bythe dignity
and at the appointed times, according to SyLod God of Iſrael had commaunded that God gaue ta
the number and accozding to their cuſtome m. r f Aaron.
continually before the Lord, 20 ¶ Andofthefonnes of Leui that rei
that they ſhould keepe the charge mained of the fonnes of Amram, was Shu-
yash oftbe abernacleofthe congregation, and bael,of the fonnesof Sbubacl, Jedaiah,
the charge of the boly place , andthe charge 21 DERebhabiah,euen of the fons of Re»
of thefonnesof Aaron their brethren tthe habiah the firt Jmuab,
ferutce ot the houſe of the Lod, 22 DlJshart, Ohelometh,of the ſonnes
CHAP, XXIIII. of Shelemoth,Jabath.
Dawid alfigneth offices untothe founes ofAa- 23 And bis ſonnes Jertah the firſt, Amas
YIB. riab the fecond, Jahaziel the third, and Fes
Tk are alfo the *Dinilions ofthe fonnes tamaan —7—— ‘cl wasMiechahth
Leuit. 10 4,6. ot Garon. The onnes of Aaron were 24 Che lonneof Gssiel was Wirhah the
mumb. 3.4. Nadab, and Abiju;Cleasar, and Ithamar. fonne of Michah was Syamte,
and 26. 60. 2 But Nadab and Abihtrdiede before 25 Che brother of Michal was Iſhiiah,
a Whiles their their father, and had no childzen: therefore the ienne of Iſhiiah, Zechariah, ‘
father yet lived, — and Ithamar erecuted the Prielts 26 The ſounes of MWerart, were Mali
office, i gai l and Wut, the lon of Jaaszttah , was Beno,
<3 And Danin diftributed them, euen 3a 27 Theſonnes of erari, of Jahaziah.
llOr, Cousins. bok of the | fennes of Cleasac, and Abime- were Beno, and Dhobam,and saccur, ant
lech of the fonnes of Ithamar accogdingto JV Re..
their o fites in their mintitration. 28: DE Mahlicame Cieazar, which had
4 And there mere found mo of the fons no ſonnes. gaa
2Eb. heads, of Eleazar by thes number of nen, then of cig9 DERM, the ſonne of Kiſh was Jerah⸗
+) the fonnes of Ithamar, and thep diuided
them, to wit among the ſonnes of Cleazar,, 30 And the fonnes of « Muſhi wereMah⸗ e Which was the
firtecne heads, according to the houſhold of li, and Eder, and Jerimoth: theſe were fecond fonne of
thetc fathers , and among the fonnes of J- ſonnes of the Leuites after the houſhold of Merari,
thamar,accozding tothe houſhold of their their fathers. i
f That iseuery
fathers,etaht. 31 And thel allo caſt £ lots with their
5 Thus they ditributed them by lot the brethzen the ſonnes ef Aaron before Bing one bad that dige
one from the other, and ſo the rulers of the Dauid , and Zavok and Ahimetech aud the nitie, which fell
Sanctuatie, and the rulers ef the houſe of chicte fathers ofthe Pzieſts, and of the Le» vnto him by lor.
Caterers ofthe fonnes of Eleazar , and of uites, euen the chiefe of the families againſt
thefonnes of Ithamar. theit younger brethren.
6, And Dhemaiah the fonne of Retha-
neei the Qceibeok the Leintes, wrote them CHAP. XXV.
. befezethe Ring æ the princes, and zadok 2. The fingers are appointed with their places
' the PBꝛieſt, and Abimelech thefonne of Abi- and lots,
; apar and fore theí chiefe fathers of the s2 Dauid and the captaines ef the armie
i nicttes ofthe Lenites , onefasmilp being aleparaten for the miniſterie che ſonnes of a The fingers-
r̃eſerued forEleasar, and another telerucd Alaph, and Heman, and Jeduthun, wha were diuided in-
for IthMAGE. ons- Ga agii fyould fing prophelies mith harpes, with to 24,courfes,fo
b This lot was 7 And the firit lot fel toJebhotarib,and violes, and With cymbals, and their nim- that euery courie
ordained o rake! the fecond to Jedaiah,
8 The third toParim, the fourth to Oe⸗
ber was euen of the men foz the office of
their miniſtery, to wit,
or order contei-
away all occafion ned twelue and
of enug or grud- OUN i) caf DER, ISE AEEY 2 Dfthefonnesof Alaph.saccur, and in all there were
ging of onc å —— ft to Malchiiah,
the lirt to Mi⸗ Jolephsand Methamah ,and Aiharetah the verle 7s
again{t another, tonnes of Aſaph were vnder the hand of A-
igogn leuenth to pakkes, the rightto fap), which fang prophefies bp the + commil: Ebr. hands.
€ Zachatie the fionef the king.
; Sher of Tobn IL The ninth to Jethua , the tenth te 3 DF Feduthun the onnes of Jeouthun,
. Baptift was of — Pbecaniah, it 39. Gedaliad,and3ert,and Jewhaiay,Awadbiad,
this courſe or lor PE The eleuenth ta Citahib,the twelfth and Mattithiah, > tire, onder the hands of b Whereof one
of Abia, a > their father; Jenuthun fang c prophefies isnothere num⸗
R The thirteenthto the foure- withan harpe, fog togtue thankes and to ed,
Luke 1.5,
teenth to Jemhebeab, Huppa, th peaile the Loyd. c^ Meaning ,
14 Che fifteenth to Bilgah,
the firteenth 4 DE Peman, thefons of Heman, Buk Pfalmes & {ones -
toJumet, kiad, Dattaniah, Uziel, Shebuel, and Je- to praife God.

215 The Ruenteenth to Hezer the eigh- rimoth, hananiah. Danani,Ciathah, Gin»
Dalti, and Romamti-eser, Joſhbekaſhah,
16 The nine o Det st Mallothi, hothir and Mahazioth.
thuenticth to Jehezekei, a eA s All theſe were the fns ofWeman the
17 Cie one and twenty to Jachin, the Lings||Deer in the words of God talift vp 'Or,Prophees.
Ome be DA ale en toDeliah
t sth
the |!bozne: and God gaue to Peman foure> \|Or, power, meas
teene fonnesand three Daughters. ning of the king.
foure and.thenty toMaaziah. ane 6 Alltheſe
were vnder the hand ft heir |lOr,gowermrmesses
ChB, father,
The Leuites offices. I. Chron. The portersandouerfeers ofthe
father. finging in the houſe of the Lord with Clam the Hite,Jebohanan the et,ant
cymbals, vioſes ana barpes, for the ſeruicẽ Glichenat suefelt RANGE
of the Houle of Gon, and Alaph, and Jeou- 4 And of the ſonnes af Obed Edom.
4£, chun, and Peman were at the kings come Dhemaiah the eldek , Jehosabad ý fecond,
mandement. f ; s Joab the third, and Dacar the tourth, anv
7 So was their number with their bze- Nethaneel the ft.
theen that were inſtructes inthe longs of § Anuntel che firt, Iſſachar che feuenth,
the Lord, euen of all that were cunning, two Pama p eight:foz Hod had t biekie hin. b Ingiuing him
hundzeth fourelcore and eight, ‘ And to Shematab his fonne, were’ ! many children,
d Who fhould And theycat iets, d charge agatntt fonnes bozne that <ruled in the boule oftheir c Or, liketheir |
be in euery com- charge, awell e finallas great, the cuñnning father: for thep were men of might, G fathers houle,
pany & courfe, man asthe tcholler. 7m 7 The tonnes of Shematah were D th- Meaning, worthy |}
e Witheut fe- O And the firt lot fell ta € Joſeph, which niand Rephael, and Obed, Ehabad & pts men and valiant, |
{pe to age or was of Fiaph, the ſecond to Gedaltah who brethren rong men: Clijualls,and'ae-
cunning. with bis bꝛethren € his ſonnes were twelue. machtah.
f So that hee fer- lo Che chied to Faccur, hee, hislonnes, S Allthele were ofthe lfoes of Obed lOr, Nephewer. i |
ued in the firlt ant his bzethzen were twelue. Coom, thep and their ſonnes and theit bze-
turne, and the IL The fourth tol Hzrt, bee, his Connes, thren mighty €4 ſtrong to ferue , euen three. d And meet to i
seht euery one as and bis bꝛethren twelue. {coze and two of Dbed Edom. ferue jn the office |
histurne follawe I2 heift to Methantab,he, his ſonnes, 9 And of Meſhelemiah nnes and bre- ofthe porte ©
ed orderly. and bis bzethzen twelue. : theen eighteene mighty men. thip,
BOr the Lerstese 3 Che lixttoBukkiab , bee, his ſonnes, IO Andof Holſah of the nnes of Mera⸗
and dis brethzen twelue. 5 ti, the ſonnes were hurt the chiefe, anv.
14. The leuenth to Jeſharclah, hee, his (though he was not the eldeſt,
yethts father
fonnes,and bis bꝛethꝛen twelue. made hun the chiefe)
15 Che eight to Jetyatah,hee,his ſonnes, IL elktah che cond, Cebaliah ý third,
and his beethzen twelue. 4 i and zethariah the fourth : all the fons and flOr,coufiss.
16 Whe ninth to Wattantah, hee, his the beethzen of olay were thirteene.
fonnes ann his bzethzen twelue. 12 DE thele were the ||Dtutlions of the ]Or,courfer.
17 The tenth to Shimei, hee hig fonnes, posters of the chiefe men, hauing the charge
and bts bzethzen twelve. i © Againt their brethren,to(rue ur the boule e According to
18 The eleuenth to Azareel, he, his fong, of rhe Lord. their turnes,as
and hts bzethzen twelue. 13 Ano they. ca lottes both ſmall and well the one as
19 Che twelft to Athabiab, hee, hts fons, —— toz the boule of therr fathers,
fogeuery the other,
and bis beethzen twelue. ; gate. En
20 Che thirteenth to Shubael, hee, his 14 And the lot on the Catt five fell to
naes and bis bzethzen twelue. Shelemiahẽ chen they cattlots for zecha⸗ lOr, Mefhele=
2L The kourteenth to Mattithtah, hee, ria) bis fonne, fa wile counteller y € bis Tot sahs :
bis fonnes,and his bzethzen twelue. came out Northward: ; mSOne expett
22 Whe fifteenth to Jerimoth , hee , His I5 To Obed Edom Southward, andto and meet to
ſonnes and bis brethzen twelue. bis ſonnes the boule of e Afuppun: keepe that gate,
23 The lirteenth to hananiah, bee, his 16 To HShuppim, and to Holah Wet: g This wasan
fonites and bis beethzen twelue ward with the gate! of Sbhallecheth bythe houfe where they
24 The leuenteenth to Joſhbekaſhah,ke, paucd treet that goeth bpward,
ward ouer vſed to refort to
His tonnes and hts bꝛethren twelue. againii ward: o o n 13) 83 confult of things
25 The eighteenth to Wanani, hee, his 17 Eaſtward were fire Leuites, and concerning the
{onnes and bis beethzen twelve. Noꝛthward foure a Day, and Houthward Temple, as a
26 The ninteenth to Maliorht, he , his Foure a Bay,and toward Aluppim, i twoand Conuocation
fonnes and his bꝛethꝛen twelve. two. x houfe. , ait
27 Che twentieth to Cuathath,
hee, his 18 Jn *Parbar toward the He were h Whereat they
ſonnes and bis brethren twelue. foure by the paued ſtreete, and two in par vied to caft out. ~
28 The one and twentieth to Wothir,he, b at. i ! the'filth of the
bis ſonnes, and his bꝛethren twelue. 19 Thek ave the Diuifions of the Poters citie, 3
29 Thetwoandtwentteth to Giodalti, of the tonnes of Boze, and of the fonnes of i Meaning,two°”
hee, his ſonnes, and his bzethzen twelue. Mexrari. i" one day,and two
30 Whe thzee and twentieth to Wabhast- 20 (And ofthe Leuites Ahiiah was ouer anotherr.
oth, hee, his fonnes,and bis beethzen twelve, the trealures of the boule of God, and ouer k Which wasan. |
31 The foure € twentieth ta Romamti» the treafures ofthe Dedicate things. - honfe wherein. |
zer he,bis fonnes, and bis brethzen twelue. 21 Dfthe fonnes of Laadan the lennes of they kept the in-
CHAP, XXVL the Gerfhunnttesde(cending of X aadan, the ftruments of the
1 The porters ofthe Temple ave ordained,ewery chiefe fathers of Laadan were Gerſhunni Temples * -*" *
man tothe gate which be fhouldkeepe, 20 And and Jehieli —
oner thetreafure. 22 The ſons of Jehieli were zZethan and
HOr , Cour
fesand (oneru the ||Dtuifions of the poz- Joel his brother appointed ouer the treaſures
eurnes. ters of the Rozbites, Meſhelemiah the of the boule of the Load, AA
a This Afaph fonne of Roze of the fonnes of ° Afaph. 23 DF the! Amramnites,of the Jzharites, 1 Thefe alfohad
was not the noa 2 Andthelonnesof Aehelemtah, 3e: of the Hebronites,and of the Dsielites. - charge ouer the
table mufitian, chartal the elnek, Jediael the fecond, Zeba⸗ 24 Aud Dbebuel thellon of Ger hom the treafutes.
but anether of Diab the third, Jathniel the fourth, foune of Woles, a ruler ouer the treaſures.
that name, called 25 And of his brethren, which came of lor, couſins.
allo Bbiafab,Chap.6.2 3, 37. and 9. 19. and alfo Iaſaph. Tezer, was Rebablay bis nuc, ana
‘aresofthe Temple. Officers Chap.xxvij. appointedtoferuc the King. 168
Jeſhaiah bis fonne, and Joꝛam bis ſonne was Zinizabad bis fonne.
an zZichri his fenne, and Shelomith bis Z The fourth foz the fourth moneth was
une. Alahel the bzotherof Joab, ¢ Febadiad his
26 Mhich Shelomith and his bzethzeu foune after him: and tn bis courte were feure
were puer all the treaſutes of the Dedicate and twentp thoufand. ;
things, which Dauid the king, tthe chicte 8 Che tite foz the tft moneth was prince
. fathers, the captaines ouer thoufandes and Hhambuch the Izrahite: and in his courſe
hundreds, and the captatnes of the armie foure and twentic thouſand.
m According as ad = dedicated. 9. The firt for the firt moneth was Jra
the Lord com- 27 (Forof the battels anv of the ſpoyles, the fonne of Ikkelh the Tekoite: andinhis
manded,Numb. they DID Dedicate to maintaine the haul of courte foure and twentic thouſand.
31. 28, the Lod.) 10 The feuenth foz the ſeuenth monety
28 nd all that Samuel the Seer han was Helez the Pelonite, of the ſonnes of Ce
Dedicate, and Haul the fonneofKiih, and phzaun; and in bis courſe foure and twenty
Abner the fonne of Mer,and Foab the tonne thouſand.
ofSerutah, and wholoeucr Had Dedicate any II, The eight for the eight moneth was
thing, it was vnder the hand of Shelomith, Dibbecat the uathite of the sarbites:
and bis brethren. and in bis courle foure and twenty thone
2 DF the Isharites was Chenantah and fana nd.
| a Meaning,of hetones,fasthe baGuetle — ouer 12 The ninth for the ninth moneth was
| shingsthat were racl, Fo: o f ſ t i c e r s and fo: iudges. Abiezer the Anethothite of the fonnes ot
~out of the citie. 30 Dé the hebeonites, Ahabtah and his Jemini: and in bts court foure and twen· |Or, Benian.
brethren, men of actiuttic, a thouſand and ty thouſand.
feuen hundzeth were officers for Zfrael be- 13 The tenth foz the tenth moneth was
yond Joꝛden CHeftward, in all the bufineffe Waharat the Metophathite of the Fars
© Thatis,for ofthe Lord, and fozthe ferniceo of the King. hites: and inbis courte foure and twenty
the kings houſe. 31 Among the Hebronites was Fedttah tyoufand.
the chicfelt, enen the ipebonites, by his ge- 14 The eleuenth foz the eleucnth snoneth
nerationsaccozding to the families. Qnd was Benatah the Pitathonite of the fonnes
inthe foztteth yeere of the reigne ofDanin of Ephꝛaim:and tn bis courte foure ¢ twen⸗
they were fought foz: and there were found ty theufand,
—— them men of actiuitie at Jazer in I5 The twelft for the twelft moneth was
ilean, Heldaithe Hetophathite, of Othniel: and
To wit, the 32 And his r brethzen men of actiuitie, tn bis courte foure and twenty thouland.
coufins of Ledi- two thouſand and feuen bundzeth chtefe fa 16. (ABo2couer «the rulers guer the tribes c Mčaning,bes
iah, thers, whem Bing Dauit made rulers ouer of Iſtatl were thefe: ouer the Reubenites was fides thefe twelue
£ q Bothinfpiri- the Reubenites,and the Gadites, ethe hatte ruler, Eliczer the onne of Fiche: ouer the Captalntse
tuall and tempo- tribe of Manaſſeh, for euerp matter pertei- ents» Dhephatiah the onne of
galithings. ning to 4 God, and fog che kings buſinefſe. Maachah:
17 Duer the Leuitts, haſhabtah the
fonne of Remuel: ouer them of haror, and
CHA P. XX VII, Zadok: d
18 Duer Judah, Elihu of thebzethzen of
Ofthe Princes and Rulers that misifired wato rt —5 Bachar, Omri the ſonne oF
the Xiag. x ichach:
Tee childzen of Iſrael alfo after theirt 19 Duét 3ebulun. Ihmaiah the ſonne of
number, euen the chiele fathers and cap- Dhadiah: over Naphtali, Jerimoth the
taines of thouſands and of bundzeths, and fonne of Asriet:.
their officers that ferued the king bydiuers 20 Duer the fonnes of Cphzatm, Hoſhea
r * Ebr.diuiſio s, teourfes,* which came in and went out, the fonne of Azazziah: oner the datfe tribe d Whichis be-
or bands, moneth by moneth, thozowout alt the mos of Manaflel, Roel the fonne ofPedaiah: yond Iorden, in
a Which execu- neths ofthe veere:tn enerp courte were foure 21 Duer the other halfe of Banah in refpe& of fudahz:
ted their charge and tmentie thouſand. Gilead, Povo the fenne of Zechariah: ower alfo one captaine-
and office, which 2 Duer the frt courſe foz the irimo: Beniamin, Jaaliel the fonne of Abner: was ouer tke
is meant brcom- neti was Jaſhobeam the fonne of Zabdiel: 22° Duer Dan, Azarielthe (onne of Jero⸗ Reubenites and
ming jnand go- and in bis courfe were- foure and twentie bam ithele are the princes of ihe tribes of the Gadites.
ing out, a ' thoulans. rael Chap.2%.9.
3 Dfthe fonnes of Peres was the chtefe 22 @ But Danid tooke not the number e And the come-
ouer al the princes ofthe armies foz the frit ofthem from twenty yeere olde and bnder, mandement of-
moneth. becaule the Lod han ſayd that he would in- the king was abo=-
4 Andouer the courſe ofthe frond mo- estal Iſtael like pate the arres of the minable to loab,,
neth was Dodat, an Abobite, and this was eauens. chap.21.6.
b Thatis,Doe hts courfe, and Mikloth was > a captainc, 24 And* Joab the ſonne ofSeruiah began f The Eorewes:
_ dais lieutenant. and in bis courfe were foure and twentic tonuniber ; but hee tĩniſhed it not; < becaute make both thefé :
~ thoufand. therecame wath for it againtt Iſrael, neis bookes of Chras
5 Che captaine of the third hofte fo: the ther was the number put into the f Chꝛoni⸗ nicles bur one, .
third moneth was Benaiah the fonne of Fe- tlesofking Dauid. and at this verfé:
hotada the chiefe Piel: and tn his courte 25 And ouer the Kings treaſutes was make the mids -
werefoure anv twentie thouland. Azmaucth the fonne of Adiel: and oner. of the booke, as
2.5274.23,38,. 6 This Benaiah was mightie among the treaftires in the fieldes, inthe cities touching the
323230 and in his courte and is the villages and in the towers “a numberof yeris.
hirtie abong the thirtie
Salomon chofen. ~TeChrou. FEP Dauids exhortation. |
Tevouathan the ſonne of Assia: 7 J will CabliGh therefore
26 And ouer the werkemen in the ficld foz ener, thee endeuour hinilelfe to doe my
that tiilen the ground, was Ezri the ſonne of eat dh and my iudgements, as
Chetub: k, c f ; ts ay. c Ifhe continu
27 And ouer them that menen the vines, 8 Mow therefore in the ſight of alt Iſrael to keepe my Law
was Dhimei the Ramathite: and ouer that the Congregation of the Lod, and tn the and depart not
which appertained to the pines, ouer the audience afour God, keepe and ſeeke fo:at therefrom,as he
ſtore of the mine was Sabdi the hiphmites the commandements nf the Lord pour Gon, doeth hitherto,
28 And ouer the oltuc trees and mulberie that pee map poſſeſſe this d good land, and
frees that weretn the valleys, was Baal Wa-Teauete foran tuberttance foz pour children
nan the Gederite: and ouer the ſtore ofthe after yon efoz euer.
eyle was Joaſh: 9. And thou, Salomon my onne; know that nothing ¢an
29 And pier the oren that ked inSharon, thon the God ef thy facher, atio ſerue hun feparate them
was Dbhetrat the Hharonite: and duer the with a perfect heart, ¢ with a willing mind; from the com-
oxen in the valleys was Dhyaphat the fonne * For the Lorn fearcheth all hearts,¢ vnder; moditie of this
of Adlai: tandeth all the imaginations of theughts: land both for
39 And puer the camels was Obil the Iſh⸗ if thou lecke htm, hee will be found of thee: themfelues and
tnaclite:and ouer the afes was Jehdeiah the busit rhon foke him,be will cat thee of their pofleritic,
Meronothite: 02 euler. S but their finnes
31 And ouer the heepe was Jaziz, the Was
g Thatis,aman garite: ail thele were the rulers IO Take beende now. fo: theLozd hath cho» and iniquitie, *
learhed in the of the fub: fen thee tobuilaf the houlent the Sanctua= Samj I
itance that was king Damos, — tte: be ſtrong thereforeand g Doe tt. P{2l.7.9,88 19
word of God,
h To betheir
32 And Gchonathan Dauids vncle « IL @ hen Danid gane to Dalomon his rere.tI.zo.
man of countell and ot vnderſtanding (foz fonne the paterne of the perche and of the and 17.10.
and teachers.
bee was as fcribe) and Jehiel the onne of boutes thereof and of thecloletstheresfand 22d 20.12,
i Afterthat A-
Hachmont were mith thekingsh (ones, ofthe galleries thereof, anvofthe chambers f Meaning, for
hitophel had 33 And Abitophel was the kings counſel⸗ thereotthatare within, and ofthe boule of hisArke, ~~’
hanged him-
ler, € Dubai the Architethe kings friend. the mercie (gate, $ ` g Putitin exce
34 And i after Abttophel was Jehoiada I2 And thèpaterneofall thatthe had in cution,
23. Ichoiada was
the tonne of Benaiah t Abtathars and cap- bis minde fo: the courts of the boule ofthe +Ebr.that were
made counfeller,
taine ofthe king sarmte was Isab. L020, and fos all the chambers roundabout, 2 his ſpirit with
foz the treatures of the houſe of God, and fo him.
C HAP, XXVIII ‘the trealures ofthe Dedicatethings,
3 Becaufe Danid was forbidden to builde the 13 And fo: the courles of the iets, and
Temple, he willeth Salomon and the people to pere ofthe Leuttes, and forall the worke foz the
forme it, 9 exhorting him to fearethe Lord. feruice ofthe boule of the Lod, and fozall
l N Dw Danis aſſemblẽed all the princes of the veſſels of the miniſterie of the houſe of
Iſrael:the princes of the tribes, and the the Lord. f
captaines ofthe bande that ſerued the king, I4 Hee gaue of gold by weight,
for the ver-
and the captainesotthoufands,and the can- felsof golde, foz all the veffels of all maner of
taines of hundzeths, and che rulers of all the feruice,and al the veifels of filuer bp weight,
{ubfance and poſſeſſion oftheking, and of foz al manér of veſſels ofal maner of ferutce,
hOr,chief fer- bis fonnes, with the || Cunuches, and the I5 The weight alloof goln foz the bhcan
HAt mightte, and ali the men of power vito Je- Dletticks,and gold fo: their lamps, with the
Gene.37.3 6. tuaim. ; weight foz euerp candleſticke, and fog the
2 And king Dauid Toone vp vpon his lamps thereof, and for the caudlefickes of
feete, and fayd, Weare pee mee, my beethaen filuer by the weight ofthe canbleRicke, ang
and mp people: J purpoted to baue built an the lamps thereof, according to the vſe ofe-
a Where the boufe of 2 ret foz the Arke of the couenant of very candletticke,
. Arke fhould re- the Lord, and fo: a* footettoole of our Ged, - 16 And the weight of the gold fo the ta-
maine and re- and haue made ready fo: the building, bles of fhembzead, foreuery table, and filucr
` mouc no more 3. Bur God lato vnto mee, * Chou Hatt fo: the tables of fluer,
to and fro, not butia an boule fo: mp Mame, becaule I7 And pure gold kor the flehhhookes, and chouHatt bene a man ofwarte,and batt hen the bowiles,and ||plates,and foz baſins, gold ]Or,comerings.
2.542.975 503. lood. in weight foz euery batin, and foz Glues ba-
chap.22.8. etas the Lord God of Iſrael chofe fins by weight Foz cnery batin, EN i —
ine bekore ail the boule of my father, tobee 18 Gnd fo2 the altar of incenſe pure gold the Mercy feat ©
king ouer Iſrael foz ener ( foz in Judah by weight, and golde foz the paterne ofi the which couered
would hee chule a prince, and of the houle af charet of the Cherubs, that pead theme the Arke,which
b According to b Judah is the boule of my father, € among ſelues, and couered the Arke of the conenant was called the
the prophefie of thefonnes of my father he delighted in meg ofthe Lon: un charet, becaufe
Taakob, Gene. tomakeme king ouer all Jfrael.) I9 Gil,faid he, by witing fent to mee by theLerdderlered
49.8. § *@o of ail my fonnes (foz the Lod the hand of the 1020. which made mee pie himfelfetheres.
Wifa.9.9- Hath gfuen me many fonnes) hee batheuen —— all the wozkemanthippe of thepa - k For allthis
chofen Salomon my fonne to fit vpon the erne. was left in wri-
ew ofthe kingdome of the Loud ouer Jf 20 And Danid fayo to Salomon his ting inthe baoke
rael. À foune,Be trong, and ofa valiant courage of the Law, Exo,
6 Andbheelaid vnto me, Salomon thy and Dott: feare not nog be afraid:for the od 25,40. which
foune, he Hal butla mine houle emp courts: God, euen my Gon is with thee: he will not booke the King
FS .
for J baue cholen him tebe my Gunes and J leane thee nog forfake thee, till thou bat was bound
will be is father. finithed allthe woꝛke foz the ſeruite ofthe putin —2
Houle Deut, 17.59.
sfor the Temple. Dauids Chap. xxix. prayer. Salomon King, 169 $
= s
} That is,euery henleof the Lod. é T leſt as head ouer all, spy
one will be ready 21 Beholde allo, the companies of the -I2 Both riches and honour come of thee,
to helpe thee Pziets ann the Leuits foz ali the ſeruice of and thou reignett ouer al,and in thine hand
) with thofe gifts the houle of God, cuen they (hall be with thee is power and frength, and in thine bandit
fo: the wholeworke , ! with euery free heart ts to make great, to gtue ſtrength vnto all.
giuenhim. that is(kilfull in any maneroffernice. Che 13 Now therefore our God wee thanke
| $ allthy princes allo and al the people mil be + wholy thee, and praile thy glozious mame.
words. at thy commandement. : P 14 But whoam J, and what is mp peg-
ple, that wee hould be able to offer twilling-
CHAP. XXIX, ipatterthis lo:t 2 foz all things + come of h Wegaue thee
2 The ofring of Dauid and of the princes for the — of thine owne hand we haue giuen nothing of our
building of the Temple. 10 Dauid giueth thanks ee. owne, but that>
tothe Lord. 20 He exhorteth the people to do the which we haue
1g Foꝛ we ave iſtrangers before thee and receiued
fame. 2% Salomon ù created King. 28 Dauid di- ſoiourners. ike all our fathers our dayes of thee:
eth, and Salomon his ſonne reigneth in his ſtead arelike the hanow upon the earth, and there for whether the
gifts be corpo-
Wine Dauid the Hing fayd unto all is none+ abiding. ;
the Congregation, God hath cholen 16 D Loꝛd our God, all this abundauce rallor fpiritualf,
that we haue prepared to butld thee an boule we receive them
Halomon mine dnely fonne yong and ten-
Der, and the worke is great; foz this houle is fo? thine boly Mame, isofibinedand, and all of God, and
allisthine. . therefore mult
a And there- not fo} mat, but Toz thea Lod God. ,
} fore it ought to 2 Mow F baue prepared with all my 17 J know allo, mp God, that chau * tri- giue him the
be excellent in power foz the houle of my God, golde foz ef the heart and halt pleature in righteouſ⸗ glorie.
all points, veflelsof golde, and liluet foz chem of filuer, nes:3]baucoftered willingly in the vpright· i And therefore
and ball foz things of bzaffe, pron fo? things neile of mine heart al thele things: nowallo haue this land
of pron, aud wood foz things Of wood, and baue F feene thy people which are founde but lent to vs
for atime.
Dupre tones, and ſtones to beſet, and car⸗ bere, to offer unto thee willingly with toy.
buncie ſtones, and ot diuers colours, and all 18 D Lod Gm of Abꝛaham̃, Ishak and tEbr.waiting for
pꝛecious ones, and marble ſtones,inabun⸗ Jael our fathers, keepe this foz euer in them to returne,
Dance. the kpurpoſe, and the thoughts of the beart 1.Sam. 16.7,
b His great zeale 3 Moꝛeouer, becaule J hane > delight in of thy people, and prepare their hearts bute kchap.28,9-
toward the furs the houte of mp God, J baue of mincowne thee.
theranceofthe pe and filuer, which J baue givuentothe - 19 Aud gine unto Salomonmy fonne a them in this
Temple made fi)ule of my God, belide all that Jhaue pre- perlite heart to keepe thy commandements , good minde,
bhim to fpare no pared for the houleof theDanctuarie, thy telttinonies and thy ſtatutes, and to Doe that they may
expenſes, but to 4 Ewn © three thouland talents of gold all things, and to build the ponie which J ferue thee vil⸗
* beftowe his owne of rhe golde of Dphit, and feuen thoulande haucpeepared. lingly,
| peculiar treafure, talents offined filuer to oucrlay the walles 20 € And Danin faid to all the Congre-
_¢ Hetheweth of the houſes. 4 gation, Row blefle the Lom your Gon.
l what he had of 5 The golde kor thethingsefgolde, and Andallthe Congregation bleed the Lod
hisowne ftore the fluer foz things of ſiluer, and foz all the God of their fathers, and bowed Downe 4
for the Lords worke by the hands efartificcrs ; and who their heads, and wo2hipped the Lord, and
houfe, isd puing ſto ft bis band to day vnto the the! King. —
He was not Low? 1 Thatis, did |
Q a 21 And they offered ſacrifices vnto the reucrence to the —
ely liberall 6 Do the princes ofthe families, and the Lode, and on the morrow after that day, King. |
himfelfe, but princes ofthe tribes of Ifrael, aud the cap- they offered burnt offerings vnto the Lov,
-prouoked others taines ofthoufands and of hundzeths, with euena thoutande yong bullockes,athoufans
- to fetfoerth the the Rulers ofthe Kings worke, offered wil- rammes, andathouland theepe, with their
worke of God, tingly, ; m Minke offerings, “and facrilices in abune
BOrtooffer. 7 And they gaue for the feruice of the Dance fo: all Iſcael. m Meaning all
boule of God, fue thouſand talents of gold, kinde of licour
22 And they dideate, and Minke before whichthey
and ten thouſand pieces, and ten thoulande the Lord the fame day with greatioy, aud mingled with —
talents of filuer, and cighteene thouſand ta- they made Dalomon the fonne ef Dauin
lents ofbzafie, and one hundzeth thouſand King the fecond time, and anoynted him their facsifices, _
talents of pon 1 eae the LoD, and Zadok fo2 the as wine,oyle,X¢~
8 Ana they with whom precious ones eft. s
were e fount, gauethemto the trealure of 23 So Salomon fate on the tipone of n Thisdeclareth
e Meaning, them the boufe of the Lord, by the hand of Jehiel
that had any. the LoD, as King tn ftead of Danid bis faz that the Kings of
the Serthunnite. her » and prolpered : and all Iſrael ebeyen ludahwerefi-
9 And the people reioyced when they p in,
offered willingly : for they offered willing- 24 Aud all the princes ehren of powér, E uresof Chrift
iy vnto the Lozd, with af perfect heart. ano and all the fonnes of King Dauw t fabric: whowasthetrue |
f Thatis, with a anoynted,and to
' gocdcourage, Daun the Ring alfo * retoyced with great ted them (clues vender King Olomon.
‘and without op. 25 And tye Lom magnittcos Salomon in whom God gaue
the chiefe go-
* Wherefore Dauid bleſſed the Lord De- Dignitie, tn the ight ofatiIſrael, and gaue uernement of
| Pfal. 122.. ~> fore all the Congregation, and Dauid ſayd, Dim io glorious a kingdome,asno King Han all things.
g Which didft Bieſſed be thou, D Lord Gon ors Iſraelour befoze himin Frael. .
reueale thy (fe father, foz euer and euer, 26 €* Thus Dauid the ſonne of Jhai tEbr,gaue hand.
to our father IL Thine, D Lom, is greatneſſe, xpower, reigned ouer all Fitacl.
and glory, and victozie, and pzaife ; foz all 27 And the {pace that be reigned otter Kingz, ie
aakob, Chat ts in heauen and in earth istbine : thine Iſrãel, was fortie yeere; {euen peere reigned
isthe kingdome, D Low, and thou excels heeinHebzon, and thee and shirtie peere
D reigned
Salomons offering at Gibeon. His II.Chron. petition. God giueth him wifdome, J
reigned be in Jeruſalem: inthe booke of Samuel the Seer, andin
28 And hee Died in a geod age, full af the booke of ° Pathan the Prophet, andin o Thebockes
Dayes,viches,and hondur, andSalomon hig the booke
of Gad the Seer, : of Nathan and
fenne reigned in bis tead. 30 With all his reigue and his power, Gad, are thought
29 Concerning the actes of Danin the and p times that went ouer him, & over Fe to haue bene loft
King, fir and lat, behold, they are witten rachando ouer ail the kingdoms ofthe earth. inthe captiuitie,
p Meaning,the
troncles and

¢ The fecond booke of the Chronicles. griefes,


His fecond booke conteineth briefly in effeé& that , which is comprehended in the two bookes of
the Kings: that is from the reigne of Salomon to the deftru ĉion of ferulalem,and the catying a-
way of the people captive into Babylon. Fn this (tory are certaine things declared and fet forth more
copioufly then in the bookes of the Kings , and therefore ferue greatly to the vnderftanding of the
Prophets. But three things are here chic fy to be confidered. Firh that the godly Kings, when they
faw the plaguesofGod prepared againft their countrey for finne,had recour/e to the I ord,arfd by car-
neft prayer were heard, and the plagues remooued. The fecond , how it isa thing that greatly offen»
deth God, that fuch as feare him and profeffe his Religion, fhould ioyne in amitie with the wicked.
And thirdly how the good Rulers euer loued the Prophets of God, and were very zealous to fet forth
his Religion throughout all their dominions, and contrarywife the wicked hated his Minifters, depo-
fed them,and for the true Religion and word of God,fetvp idolatry, and ferued God according to the
fantaficofmen. Thus haue we hitherto the chiefe acts from the beginning of the world to the buile
ding againe of Ierufalem, which was the two and thirtieth yeere of Darius ,and conteine in the whole,
threethoufand fiue hundreth,threeft ore and cighte ene yeeres,and fixe moneths.
C Hk Penk fo: thou bak made mee Ming ouer agreat
6 The offering of Salomon at Gibeon, 8 Hee people like to rhe Dutt of the earth.
prayeth unto God to giue himWifedome: 11 IO Giue mee new wifedome ana know: -
hich he giueth him and more, 14 The number ledge, that J may goe out and goe in befoze f TherT may go-
of his charets and horfts. 153 And of his riches this people: foz who canindge this thy great verne chis pcople,
people? — reader,Chron, |
b caze Den Silomon the onne of Ir And God (aid toDalomon, Becauſe 27.1.and 1,King,
hOrefablifhed LEG Bev Dautd was || confirmed. in this was in thine heart, and thou batt ust 3,7.
and ſtrong, reade E “yp disktigdome: and the Lora alked riches, treaſures, nozhonour, north?
1 King. 2.40. BG WER bis Gobwas with bim, and £itues of thine enemies, neither pet hattal g Thais, tobe

Wot POY, magnifed bim yighip. ked long life, but batt alken foz thee wiſe⸗ revenged on
a Thatis,ke e Le 2 Gnd Halomon *thake Dome and knowledge, that thou mighte chine enemies,
proclaimed a unto all Iſrael, to the captatnes of thou thse my people. ouer whom Jhaue made
tolemne facri- ſands, and of hundzeths,and to the Judges, thee king,
fice, andcom- and to all the gouernoursin all Ifrael, cucn 12 ikome and knowledge is grane
manded that all the chtefe fathers. ted vnto thee, andJ twill give thee riches, :
thould beat the 3 So Dalomon and all the Congrega- and treafures ¢honour, fo that there bath me
fame. tion with him went ta the high wlace that not bene the like among the kings which '
b Reade :.King. was at bGibeon: far there was the Taber- were before thee, neither after thee thalt
34 nacie < of the Congregation of Gad which ~. there be the itke.
€ Socalled,be- Moles the ſeruant of the Xo: bad made wt 13 Then Halomon came from the hie
cauſe that God the wilderneſſe. f -Place that wag at Gibeon , to Jeruſalem
thereby fhewed 4 But the Arke of God Had Dauid from before the Tabernacle of the Congre-
certaine fignes brought npfrom Kirtath-tearim, when Da- gation, and reigned ouer Iſrael.
to the Congre- utd had made preparation for tt: for he bad 14. * dnd alomon gathered the charets 1.Ki#g.1 0.26.
gation of his Ditched a tent fozttin Jexuſalem. and horſemen: and bee bad a thoufand and
prefence. 5 MBoreouer the bꝛaſen Gitar *that Be- foure hundreth charets, and twelue thou-
d Which was fand hozlemen , whom hee placed in the
zatcel the onne of Gri, the fonne of Hur had à
for the burnr made.didhe(et before the Cabernacte of the h charet cities, and with the king at Jeru- h Which were
offerings, Exod. Lod; and Balowmon and the Congregation falem. ; cities appointed
fought it. Ig And the king gane filuer and gold at to keepe and
6 And Halamon offered there before the Jeruſalem as i tones, and gaue cedar trees maintainc the
27. 1.

Exod. 38.1, 2.
Lord vpon the beaten Altar that was in the as the wilde figge trees, thatare abundant: chasers.
¥ King .3-45 Tabernacle of the Congregation:* enema iv inthe plaine. i He cauſed ſo
thouſand burnt offerings offred he vponit. 16 glio Dalonien had horſes brenght great plentie that
7 The fame night did God appeare out of Egypt and * fine linnen: * the kings it wasno more
vnto Salomon, and faide vnto him, Alke merthants recetued the fine linnen foz a eftcemedthen.
what F hall giue thee. s : price. ftones,
8 And Halomon fayd vnto God, Thou 17 Thep came bp al and brought ont Ffa 19.9.
@ Performe thy Hak ſhewed great metey vnto Dauis my of Egypt fomecharet, worth five hundreth erek 27.7.
promife made to Pag and hak made mice to reignean bis thekels pof finery that ts, an bote fonan puns k Reade r King,
my fathet con- tad. "> Meth and ſiftie: andthus they bꝛought horſes 10.23.
cerning me, 9 Mow therefore,D Lord Gon, let thy toall the kings ofthe Hittites, and tothe
peomile ynta Dania my father beg trig: Kings of Aram by thety + micanes, ee sEbrhandn
freparation for the Temple. Hirams Chap. ij. ij. workeman.Building of the Temple.17¢6
14 Thefonof a woman of the’ daugh; f Itis alfowrit=
CHA Rans ters of Dan: andbts father was aman of ten thar thee was
Tyꝛus, and he can ſkilltowozke in gold, tn of the ttibe of
2 The number of Salomons workements build filuer,in braſſe, intron, in fone, and in tim- Naphtali,s.Kinz.
the Temple, 3 Salomon fendeth to Hiram the ber, in purple, inblue Gilke , and in finelin- 7.14, which may
king of Tyrus for wood and workemen. nen andincrmmofiit, and can grauctn all be vnderſtood
grauen workes , and brꝛoyder in all broyde· that by reafon of
Te Salomon determined to butide an red woke that (hail bze giuen bin, with thy theconfifion of
boute foz the flame of the Lozd, and an tunning men, and with the cunning ment tribes, which
| Doufe foz his kingdome. my lou Dawa thy father. then began to
HOr palate.
2 Gud Salomon cold out feuentic thous < Iş slow therfore the wheat andthe bar- be,they maried
a Which is to be fand that bare burdens, ¢ foure(coze thous ley, the oyle, and the wine , which my lord in divers tribes,
vnderſtood ofail fand men ta bewe Rones in the mountatne, bath ſpoken of, let hun (end vnto bis ſer⸗ fo that by her fa-
fort of officers, and three theuſand and +lire hundred to o= uants. ther fhe might be
and owerfeers: uerlee them. 10 And wee will cut woesinLebanon of Dan,and by
for cls the chiefe 3 Ana Halenion (ent to | Duram the a3 much as thou ſhalt neede, and will being her mother of
officers were hut
king of Epus laying, Ae thon batt Doneta ittotheein| rafts by the (a to |!Japhe, i Naphtali.
3300. as 1, King, Dauidiay father, and DIDDL * fend hint thou mayelt cary them to Jerufalem. \Or.fbeps.
$.16. Cedar trees to build him an houle to dweil 17 € And Salomon numbed all the bOr, Loppe.
fin,© doe te me, rangers that were in the tand of ital,
fOr, Hiram.
2.5445, Eis 4 Beholde, J build anhon vnto the after the numbing that bis father Dauid
Name of the Loꝛd my Gad, to fanctifie it Had numbed them: and thep were found an
tite him, and to burns ſweet mcente be- Jundzeth and three and fiitie thouſand, anu
foze hun, and forthe continual thew bzeav, live hundreth.
and fez che burnt offerings of the moming, 18 And hee fet ſeuentie thouſand of them
AND euening, on the Sabbath dayes, and in tosheburden, and fourefcoze thouſand te
the new monetys, and in the folemne feats Hew fionesin the mountaine and thee thou-
of the Lord our God; this isa perpetuall fand and üre bundzeth ouerfeers to caule
thing for Jiraci, ; the people to wozke.
§ And the boule which J build, is great: CHAP. IH,
b That is, to doe fo: great isour God abone ali gods.
t The Temple of the Lerd and the porch are
J fenice which 6 Cho ts heethen that can bee able to builded with other things thereto belemging.
he bath comma- build him an heule, when the beauen, the D * Salomon began to build the hour? 1.Kings 6,1,
ded fignifying heauen of heauens can not conteine bim ? Dof the Loyd in Zerulalem , in Mount
whoam 3 then that F Mou build him an Moꝛiah whieh had beene Declared vnto a Which isthe
-that none is able
_tohonour and pone but idoeit ta burne > incek befoze Dauid bis father, tn the place that Danin raountaine where
ſerue Godin im. prepared in the thrꝛeſhing floore of * Denan Abraba thought
7 Send me row therfore a cunning man toe Sebutlite. iat to haue facrificed
that perfection
as his maieftie that can woke in gold,tn filuer, œ in braſſe, 2 Andee began to build in the ſecond his fonne,
_ deferueth, anain pen, andin purple, and |jcrimfin, moneth and the fecond day,inthe fourth pere Gen,22.2,
and blue filke and that can graue in grauen of bis retane. 2. Sam. 24.16,2
Or, ſtarlet.
c Sometakejt wezke with the cunning men that are wrth 2 And thele ave the meafures,whereon Has
» for brafill, or the ine in Judah aud in Jerufalem, whom Da- lomon groundedtobuild the houſe of Goat
tvood called uid my father bath prepared. thelength of cubitcsafter the firt? meaſure b Accordingto
- Ebenum,others 8 Send me allo Cedar trees, firre trees was theeeltoze cubites,t the bꝛeadth twentie the whole length
and: || Algummim trees from Lebanon: foz cubites: efthe Temple,
“for corall.
Or, Almuggim. 3 know that thy feruants can (hill to hewe 4 And the porch, that mas before the comprehending
“$ Ebr. Coria, timberinLebanon;and behold,
my ſeruants lengtyin the front cof che bredth was twen⸗ the moft holy
d OfBathreade thalbe with thine, n tie cubits, and the height wasan dhundzeth place with the
a King 7.26, it is 9 That thep may prepare mee timber in anv twentic, and he ouerlaid tt within with reſt.
called alfo Epba; abundance: foz the boule which J vo build, pure gold.
c Irconteined
but Ephaisto is great and wonderfull. — _§ Gnd thegreater Boule be fieied with as much as did
meafure drie 10 AInd beholde, 7 will giue to thy fer» titre tree which bee ouerlayde with good the breadth
ofthe Temple,
things , as Bath i$ uants the cutters and the bewers of timber, gold, and graued thereon paline trees and i .King.6. 3:
a meaſure for twenty thouſandtmealures of beaten wheat chaines. it. s
Lcours. anv twenty thoufand meafures of barley, 6 And hee ouerlayd the houle tuith pze: d Fro the foun-
¢ The very hea- and wentte chouſand bathes or wine, and tions ſtone for beautie: aud the golde was gation to the
then confeſed twentte 4 theufand baths of oyle, gala sE c Paruaim. top: for in the
that it was a fin- IL Then Huram king of Tyus anlwe- 7. The bonte,FZfay, the beames, potes, booke of kings
gular giftof red in writing which hee lent to Balonion, and walles thereef, and the Doszes thereof mention is madep
God whenhee Becaute the Loyd hath loucd his people, he ouerlayd bee with gold, and grand Cheru⸗ from the foun-
gauc toany na- hath made thee king ouet them. A bims vponthewailes. atte dation to the firſt
tion a king that I2 furan laid moreouer, Wiellea be the 8 igeemabeatlo the boule of the moſt ſtage.
was wife and of
Lord Ga of Fitacl which made the heauen help place :.the length thereof was in the e Some thinke
vnderſtanding, and the earth, and coat hath giuen vita front of the bꝛe adth of the boule, twenty cu- itis that place
albeit iz appea- Dauis the kinga ¢ wif: tonne that hath de- bites, and the breadth thereof twentte cu: whichis called
reth that this
(cretion, prudence aud vuderftanding to bites sand de ouerlaidiewith the belt gold, Perm,

Hiram had the

d buin an houle forthe Lord, anna palace fog of frehundrethtalets.
bis kingdome. —8 ò And the weight ofthe nailes was ſiftie
grue knowledge 13 mow sent Jhane (ent
a wiſeman, ſyckelsofgold, and hee ouerlayd the cham⸗
of Jo. (p and
ofiny father Purane, berswith gold, = i
—— ee 10 (ana
aa A BE pia a RA 5

The ornainents,and other ‘ J I. è hion veflels for the Temple.

10 @f And in the houſe of the not holp and fluc
on the left : and bee man 3
lace hee made two Cherubims woughe Dzed balens of golDd.. b ——
the children, and ouerlaid them mith colo. 9 And bemant the court of the Prieſta,
wKings 6.24, ` It * And the winges of the Cherubims and the great’ Court, an’ toges far the f Called alfo the
werc twenty cublies long: the one wing was — ouerlated the doores therof with porch ofSale.
fie cubites, reaching to the wali ot the brat mon, Ads 3. 11.
Houle, and the other ming fluc cubites, rea- 10 And hee let the Hea on the right fine itisalfotaken
ching to the wing of the other Cherub, Cattward toward the South. periph forthe Temple -
12 Likewile the wing of the other Chee II And huram made | pots and beſoms, where Chrift
rub was fue cubltes, reaching ta the wall and baleng and Huram finithed the woke preached, Mat.
of the houſe, and the other wing tiur cu: that he ould make fo king Salomon foz 21 33,
bits ioyning to the ming ofthe other Che the boufe ofGod, \\Or, caldrous.
ruby - 12 Towit, two pillars, ani the bowles
f Which fepara- 3 The wings of hele Cherubims were and the chaptters onthe top of the tivo pil-
ted the Temple fpacad atzoz twenty cubites s they ſtoode lars , œ two grates to coner the two bewles
from the moſt On theirfeete, and their faces were toward ofthe chapiters, which were vpon the top
holy place. the houſe. af the pillars r
g Everyone was 14 Cie mane allo the vaile ofblue ſilke, 13. And foure hundseth pomegranates
eighteen cubites and purple, and crimolin, and fine itunen foz the two grates, twa rowes of ponies
long , but y halfe and wrought Cherubtins thereon. granates foz euery grate to couer the two
cubite could not Ig @ Andee mave before the ponie two Dowles of the chaptters, that were vpon
be feene : forit pillars sof flue and thirty cubites hie: and the pillars.
was hid in the the chapiter that was vpon the tap of ech of 14 Hee made alfo bales, and made cal⸗ g Whom Salo-
roundnes ofthe them,wasfine cubits, Dzons byon the bales : ee mon reuerenced
chapiter, and 16 He made allo chaines foz the Dace, Ij And a Dea, and twelve bulles vnder it: for the gifts chat
therefore hee gi- and put them on che heades of the pillars, ¢ 16 Pots alfo and betoms,and flehooks, God bad giuen
ueth to every made an > hundeth pomegranates
and put and all chele veels made Puram ghis fa- him,as a father:
one but 17. and them among the chatnes. ther to king Salomon foz the houle of the hee had the fame
an halfe, 17 And hee let pp the pillars before the Lord,ofbining beaffe. name alfo that -
h For euery pil- Cemple one ontheright hand, € the other 17 Jn the platne of Jorden did the king Huram theking |
lar an hundred, on the lekt and called that on he vight hand caſt thein in clap between Guccoth and 3g: of Tyrus had : bis
read 5, Kings 7. Jachin, and that on the lett hand Boaz. redathah. mother was a
20. _ 18 And Salomon made all thele velſſels Jeweffe,and his
C HA Pi IUT; tn great abundance: Fo: the weight of bale father a Tyrian,
t The akar ofbraffe.2 The molten fea. 6The could not be reckoned. Someread, for |
caldrons. 7 The candleftickes, Oc. Ig And Halonion made all the veſſels his father , the
that were kor the boule of God; the golden author of this
A AD he made analtar of bralſe twentie altar allo œ the tables whercon the) thew worke. {|
a Agreat veffell cubites Long, and twenty cubites beoad, b2ead ſtood. ; : ‘ h In Ebrew the
of braffe,fo cal - and ten cubites pigh. 20 Moꝛeouer the candlefticks with their bread of the fa-
led becaufé of 2 Ana he made a molten a Hea of tett cus lamps to burne them after the maner, betore ces, becaufe they
great quantitie bites from brim to bztin, round in compaſſe. the Dzarle, of pure gold. were fet before
Of water which and fiue cubttes high: and atine of tyirtig 2U And the lowes, and the lamps, and the Arke, where *
it.conteined, cubites din tompatiettabout. the (nutters of cold, which was fine gold; the Lord fhewed
ALKings 7.23. 3 And onder t it was the kalhion of oret, 22 And the ||bookes, and the balens and his prefence.
b Meaning, vn- which afd compaſſe it round about, < tenne the (poones , andthe alypans of pure gold: hOr infiruments
der the brim of in à cubice compafling the ea about: two the entry allo of the houle and dooꝛes thereof ofmuficke.
the veffeil, as rowes of oren mere call whenitwas mol- within, eden of the mof holy place: andthe i That is,couered
a. King 7.24. ten, Doozes of the Houle, co wit, ofthe Cemple with plates of
© Inthe length 4 Jt ftoode vpon tivelue oren: thee were ipf gold, gold,
of cuery cubice looked toward the 20th, and thee looked
were ten heads foward the Clet, and thaee looked toward CHAP. V.,
orknops which the South’, and thee looked toward the 1 The thinges dedicated by Dauid , and put in
in all are 300, Gat, and the Deattoode aboue upon them, the Temple, 2 The Arke is brought into the
WOr, floure de- and all their binder parts were inward. Temple. 10 What was within it. 12 They
lices. § And che thickenes thereof was an hand fing praifes to the Lord.
d Inthefirlt . breadth , and the bzim chercof was like the S2 * was all the woꝛke finifhen that Da- i King7. 531. and
booke of Kings wokeof the brim of a cuppe, with floures lamon mane tor the boufeof the LoD: g
chap.7.26. men» ra| Riles ¢ it conteined 4 three thoufand and Salomon brought inthe thinges that
tion is onely aths. Danid his father had dedicated, with the
made of two 6 ive mane allo ten caldꝛons, and put filuer and the gald, and all the neflels ,and
thouſand: but the fineon the right hand, and Rue on the left, p uechen among the treafures of the, houle
leſſe number was to wath in them, and toclente in them that ofod. :
taken there,and which appertained tothe burnt offeringes + 2 The Salomon alſembled the Civers
here according but the Dea was for the zieka to wath in, of Iſrael and all the heads of thetrtbes , the
asthe meafures vA@Anb he made tenne candlettickes of chtete fathers ofthe chudeen of Iſrael ynte a Read 2, Sam,
6.12, |
prooued after- gold, (according ta < their forme) and put Jerufalem to bring pp the Arke of the coue:
ward is decla- themin the, Temy, flue onthe righthand, en — rom thecitieof Dauid, b Whenthe -||
red, and fitie on the te s tk DECIS AIOR,Aiaeoa ei aa Atataa ta An. things were de⸗
8 d oi And bee mavee ten tables,> and put 3 Ahn all the men of dratt affeinblen
e Buen as they dicate& brought
fhould be made, them in the Temple fug onthe right hand, onto the Ring at the featsitwe out into the Temple.
; oe
| The Arke ofthe Couenant placed. Chap. vj. Salomon praifeth God. 171
c CalledinE- feuenth < moneth. Dauid my father, and hath with bisi band lOr power.
brew Echanim, 4 Andall the elders of Iſrael came, and kullilled it faving,
contcining part the Leuttestaoke vp the Arke. § Dice the day that F brought ny ped-
of Seprember,& 5 Gud they carted vp the Arke, and the ple out of the land of Egypt,3 chole no cttie
Tabernacle of the Congregation : tall the of all the tribes of Iſraeirobuild andphoulz, Or, Temple.
boly veſſels that were tn the Tabernacle, that my frame might be there neither choſe
thole did the Pꝛieſts and Leuites wing vp. Ri y man to beea rulerouer mp peopie Iſ⸗
| the lewes called 6 And king Salemon and all the Con- rael:
che Girt moneth, ° gtegation of Iſrael that were allembied vn⸗ 6 ButJ haue chofen Jerufalem, that my
| becaufe they fay tobini, were before the Arke offering Heepe Rame might be there,and have choſen Da-
that the world andbullockes, which conid not bee told nog uid to be ouer my people Iſtael.
was Created in numbꝛed for multitude. 7 *Andit was tn the beari of Danid my 2.Sam.7.3.
that moneth, and 7 Ho che Bꝛieſts brought the Arkeof father to build an boule pute the Rame ef
after they came the Couenant of the Lozd vnto bis place, in· the Lord God of Pitacl, A
from Egypt, they to the Deacle of the boule, into the molt Io- 8 But the Lois faid to Dauid my father,
beganat March: lp place, cuen vnder the wings ofthe Ciee MAhereas it was in thine heart to buila an
| bur becaufe this tubtms. f À boule vnto my Mame, thou didſt well that
Opinion is vncers 8 Foꝛ the Cherubims Kretched out their ł then watt fo minded. {tEbr.that it wae
taine, we make wings ouer the place of the Arke, andthe 9 Notwithſtanding thou Halt not buila in thine heart.
March ever the Cherubims concred the Arke, and the bars the boufe but thy ſonne which Wall come out
firft,as beft wri- thereof abouc. of thy loynes, bee hall build an houſe ynta
ters doe, 9 And they drewe out the barres, that mp Mame,
the endes of the barres might bee ſeene cut 10 And the Lord hath perfourmed his
ofthe Arke before the Dzacle, but they were word thar he ſpake:anð F am riſen vp in che
fOr, without the roome of Dautd my father,and am fet on the
not feenci without : and there they are vnto
Oracle. thisday. : thrꝛone of Iſrael, as the Loꝛd promiled,and
d For Arons rod Io otking was inthe Arke, faue dthe baue burit an poule to the zame of the Low
and Manna were two Cables, which (Boles gaue at Horeb, God of Frael.
takenthence be- where the Lozd made a Couenant with the _Il AndF haue fet the Arke there, where-
foreit was childzen of Iſrael, when they came ont of in is the>Cenenant of the Lod, that hee b Meaning the
brought to this gypt. made with rhe childzen of P(rael. two Table
place, IL Aud when the Piets were come out 12 @Andthe King: kood before the al- wherein ts con-
of tie Sanctuarte (for all the Pꝛieſtes that tar of the £o20,1n the preſence of all the cons teined the effe@
e Were prepa: were prefent, were <fancrihed and did not — of Iſrael, and ſtretched out bis ofthecouenant,
red to ferue the waiteby courte. ands, that God made
Lord. 12 And the Lenites the fingers of al forts, 13 (Fo Salomon Bad made a beaten with our fathers,
asof Alaph, of Deman,ofJeduthun, and of fcaffold,and fet it in the mids of the court, of c Onafcaffold
their lonnes and of their bzethzen,betng clad fiue cubttes long, and fue cubites bꝛoad, and that was made
in fine linnen, teod with cymbals, and with thacecubites of height, and vpon it be ftood, for that purpofe,
viols and harpes at the Eaſt ende of the al- and kneeled Downe npon his knees before that be praying
tar, and with them an hundzed and twentie all the Congregation of Iſrael, and ¢fret- for the whole
Purteks blowing with trumpets: — ched out bis hands toward heauen) people,might be
13 And they were fasone blowing trum: 14 And fayde, D LoD God of Iſrael, heard of all,as
pets, and finging and made one found to be * thereisno GoD like thee tn heauen nozin 1.King. 8,32,
beard tn prayling and thanking the Lozd, earth, which keepeft comenant , and mercie d Bothto giue
and when they litt vp their voice with trum: vnto thp fernaunts, that walke befoze thee thankes for the
pets, and with cymbais, and with intru- with all their heart. great benefitsof
ments of mulicke,and when they pratled the I5 Chou that haſt kept with thy ſeruant God beftowed
g This wasthe Loꝛd, finging, s Foz hee is good, vecaule his Dauid my father, that thou haſt pꝛomiſed vpon him, and al-
effe& of their mercy laftech for euer)then the houfe,euen the him: for thou (paket with thy mouth, and foro pray forthe
fongs,asPal, houſe of the Loꝛd was filled with a cloud, oatane it with thineyhand,as appeareth perfewerance and
118. 1. and 14 So that the Pꝛieſt cowld net and to is Day. ptoſperitie of his
Pfal.s 36,1. miniſter, becaule of the cloud: fo: the glozte 16 Cherefore now Lord God of Jira- people,
of the Loꝛd bad filled the houſe ofGon. el, keepe with thy fernaunt Danid my fa- 2.Mac, 2.8.
ther , that thou bhatt pꝛomiſed him, faying, llOrin effector
CHAP, VI. Thout halt not want a manin my tight, by thy power,
3 Salomon bleffith the people. 4 Hee praifeth that hall fit bpon the theoneofZirael: fe tEbr.aman [hall
the Lord, 14 He prayeth wnto Ged for thofethat that thy fonnes take heede totheir wayes, to not be cut off,
foal pray inthe Temple. —— in mp Law, asthou batt walked bee
ore me.
1.Xing.8.12, TË” * Halomon a fats PT He Loꝛd hath 17 And now, D Lord Gos ofIſrael, let
a Kong,that he faid, that bee would dwell in the Darke thy woud be veritied, which thou ſpakeſt vn⸗
had feene the cloud; to thy feruant Dautd.
glory of the Lord 2 And F bane built thee an boufe te 18 (Js ít truc in deed that God wil dwel
)in thecloud. Dwell in , an habitation foz thee te Dwell in with man on earth? Behold, the * heauens, 1.King.8.27.
foz euer. and the heanens of heaucns are notable to
3 And the king turned his face and bief conteine thee: how much moze vnablets this
fed all the Congregation of Iſrael, (fo. all boufe which Jhaue built?)
the Congregation of Pfracl {food there. ) 19 Buthaue thou relpect to the prayer of
4 Andhzfatd, Blefledbe the Lord Gov thy feruaunt, and to bis ſupplication, D
of Iſrael, who pake with bis month vnto L020 my God, to — erie and praver

Salomons prayer II. Chron. forthe people. og

wich thyſetuant prayeth before thee, ger calleth fos vnto thee, thatatl the people
e That thou Ro What chine eves may be open foward of the earth niay know thy same, and feare
mayeft declare in tbis houle nay and night, cuen toward the thee like thy people Iſratl and that they may
efft&, that thou place, whereofthon hate ſaid that thou woul- know, that thy fame ts called bpon in this
haft a continual Beit put thy Mame there, that thou mayeſt boule which I baue built.
care ouer this hearken vnto thy prayer which thy ſeruaunt 34. Eben thy people Hall go out to bat:
place. prapeth in this place. ; tellagainit their enemies, by the way that
21 Heare thou cherefoze the ſupplication k thou ibalt fend them,and they pray to thee, k Meaning,thae
of thy ſeruaunt, and of thy people Jlrael, Jin the wap toward this citie, which thou none ought to
which they pzay in this place:and heare thou halt cholen, enen toward the poule which J enterprifé any
inthe place of thine habitation, ceuen in hea⸗ bauc built to thy Rame, warre,but atthe |
uen, and when thou hearelt,bemerciful. 35 Then heare thon in heauen their pray⸗ Lords comman-
31. 22 ¶ bhen a man ball linne againſt zeam their ſupplication, and iudge their dement,that is,
f By retaining bis'ncighbour, and be lap vpon biman oath aule. which is lawfull
any thing from to caule hint toſweare, and theilwearer that _ 36 JE they finne againk thee (* for there by his word,
him,or els by de- tome before thine altar in thts boule, ts no man that ſianeth not) and thou bean: |!Or, according to
nying that which 23 Chen hearethou tn heaven, and doe, grie with them, and Deliner them vnto the e- the maner of this
he hath left him AND iudge thy (cruants,in recompenting the nemies, and they take them and carie them Citie.
to kcepe,or doe wicked to bring his wayevpon hts head, and away topda vnto aland farre oz neere, 1.King.8.46,
him any wrong, in tutifping the righteous, to gine him ac- _ 37 JE they turne againe to thetr beart eccles.7 22.
tEbrothe. cording to his righteouſneſſe. iu the land whither they bee caried in cap- 1.30hn 1.8,
g Meaning,to 24 (And when thy people Iſrael ſhall ttues, and turne and pray vnto thee in the Or, repent.
giue him that bee onerthzowen before theenemte, becante land of their capriuitie,faying,
die hau fine
which he hath they bane finned again thee,and turned a- ned, wee haue tran(greiled and baue Done
deferued. gaine and|| confelie thy frame, and pap, wickedly, j
HOr,prasfe. ann MaR fupplication before thee in thts 38 Jfthey turne againe to thee with all
onie, tbeir beart, and with all their foule in the
25 Then heare thonin heauen, and bee tandDoftheir caytinity, whither they haue cae
mercifull onto che finne of thy people,Hl rteD them capttucg, and pap toward their
rael, ane bring them againe vnto the land land, which thou gaueſt ynta their fathers,
ee thou gaueſt to them and to their ta: and toward the citie which thou hat chofer,
thers. and tewardthe bouie which Jhaue built foz
26 WAhen heauen ſhall bee ſhut vp, and thy mame,
there ſhall beno ratne becauſe they haue fin- 39 Then heare thou in heauen, in the
ned againſt thee, and ſyal pray in this place, place of thine habitation their peaper and
{Or toward this and conkeſſe thy Mame, and turne from their pplication, and || iudge their cante, lOr maintaine
places their finne,when thou doeſt afflict them, and be merctfull onto thy peaple,whtch haue right.
27 Then heare thou in beauen and par- finned againt thee. Pfal.r32.8.°
Bon the finne of thy ſeruants, and of thy peo- 40 How my Gov, J belech thee, let 1 Thatis, into
ple Iſrael (when thon halt taught them the thine eyes bee open, and thineeares attent thy Temple.
good wap wherin they map walkejand gine vnto the paper that is made in thig place. m Let them be
raine vpon thy land, which thou haſtgiuen 4I *Now therefore arilo, D L020 God, preferued by thy
vnto thy people foz an inheritances _to come into thy! reft, thou, and the Arke of power, and made
Chap20.9. 28 ¶ * Aben there Wall be famine in the thy rength: D LoD God, let thy Prieſts vertuous & holy.
land, when there Hall be peſtilence, blaſting, be clothed with mfaluation
Elet thy Saints n Hearemy i
or milDeaw, when there hall be gratboppet, relopce in goodneſſe. ptayer, whicham |
0? caterpiller , when their enemtes hall be- 42 D Lod Gov, refule not thefaceof thineanointed |
Ebr. inthe land ſiege them t in the cities of thetrland, or anp a thine anotnted:remember the mercies pro- ino,
oftheir gates. plague oz any fickneffe, { miled to Danin thy {eruant. 4
29 Then what payer and ſupplication ſo⸗
ener Hall bee mane of any man, 02 ofall thy The fi ark Rii He
people Firari, when euerp one hall know 3 The fireconfumeth thefacrifice. 2 The glor
h Hedeclareth bis owne plague, and dis ownedifeate, and ofthe Lord plleth the Temple. 12 He havin A
that the praiers pan ftretch koorth his. hands toward this prayer, 17 And promifeth to exalt him and his
of hypocrites can onle, $ torone,
not be heard, nor 30 Heare thou then in heauen, thy dwel- A Nd * hen Salomon had made an end 2.Mac. a2. 10.
of any but of ling place,and bee mercifull, and gine euery of praying, * tire came Downe from hea. a Hereby God
them, which pray man according vnto all his wayes, as thou uen, and conſumed the burnt offering and declared that he
vnto God with doet know his *heart(fo2 thou cnely know- thelactitices ; and the glory of the Lo: fils was pleaſed with
an vafained faith eft the hearts of the chimen ofinen) ted the boufe, f Salomons prayers. |
and in trae re- 31 That they may feare thee, and walke _ 2 Bo that the Hꝛieſtes conta not enter
pentance. in thy wayes as long as they liue in theland into the boule ofthe Lod, becaule the glorie
1 Hefheweth which thou gauet puto our fathers. ofthe Lozd had filled the Lords houle. |
that before God 32 CMorzcouer,as touching the ranger 3 And when all the chilozen of Ilrael |
there is no accep- which ts not of thy people Iſrãel, whe Hall fat the fire, andthe glozp of the Led come
gion of perfon, come out of a farre countrep for thy great Downe bpon the honie, they bowed theme
bur al people that ames fake,and thy mightie hand, and thy ſelues with their faces to the earth vpon the |
| feareth him,and ftretched out arnieswhen they Hal come and auement, and wosthipped, and praiſed the |
worketh righte- i pey inthis boule, f 020, faying, Foꝛ he ts good, becaule his mer:
oufnes,isaccep- 33 Werre thou in heauen thy dwelling cie lafteth fo? eutr, |
wd 35. place,and do accoꝛding to all chat the rans 4 *Then the kingeallthe espleoffren. 1. King, 3.62,63
trifices o
His factifice. Gods promife. Chap. viij. Salomons buildings. 172
fagifices before the Low. } fatutes and mp commandements which J
§ And king Salomon offercd a facrifice baue fet before pou, and thall goe and ſerue
of iwo and twenty thoufand bullockes, and other gods,and worſhip them,
an bundzed and twenty thouſand fheepe. Bo 20 Shen will J piucke them vp out of
the king and al! the people Dedicated the my land which 3 haue ginen them, and this
boufeotGod. y TAR heute which J baue ſanciities for my f Whichthing
6 And the Piets waited on their ofi- Name, will J cat ont oftmy fight, and will declareth char
tes, and the Leuttes with the inftruments make itto bee a ppouerbe ¢acommon talke God had more
of mulicke of the Lod, which king Dauid among allpeople, Boy reſpect to their
ban maneto maple the Lo2d, Becaule bis 21 And this boufe which ts mok bie, Hall ſaluation, then to
mercie laftech foz euer : when Dauid prailea bean aftonifjment to cucry one that pafleth the aduancement their God ¢ by them, the Bꝛieſts alio blew trum: by tt, fo that bee thall fay, Chy bath the ofhisowneglo-
bands, pets ouer againg then: and all they of Ff- L028 Done thus to this lande, and to this ry sand whereas
rael ſtood by. $ houſe? men abuſe thofe
7 Moꝛeouer Halomon halowed the mid- 22 And thep hall anfwere, Becaule they things,which
dle ofthe court that was befoze the boule ef foxfeoke the £o20 God of their fathers, God hath ap-
the Lod; forthere bee had prepared burnt which bought them outof thelandeof Gs pointedco fet
offerings, and the fat of the peace offerings, gypt, and baue taken holde on other gods, forthhis prayle,
becaule the beaten altar which Salomon and haue wozhipped them, ¢ ferued them, he doeth with-
bad made, was not able to receiue the therefore bath he bꝛought allthiseutll upon draw his graces
— offering, and the meate offering, and them, thence,
e katte. CHAP. VIII, ;
b The feaft of 3 And Salomon made >a keaſt at that 2 The cities that Salomos built, 9 Pesplethat
the Tabernacles time of leuen dapes, all Iſracl with him, a were made tributaries unto him, 12 His facrifi-
which was kept bery great congregation, from the entring es. 17 He fendeth te Ophir,
in the feuenth in of Hamath, vjnto the ruuer of Cappe.
moneth, 9 And in the eight Day they < made a lo- A *after twenty peere when Salo: 1. King.g.10.
-C They affem- temne affembly ; foz they had made the vedi- > mon bad built the houle ofthe Lozd, aud a Signifying, chat
| bled to heare the cation of thealtar ienen Dayes, and the feat bis owue houle, À ; he was twentje
word of God af- feuen dayes. y 2 Then alomon built the cities that yeere inbuilding
ter that they had 10 And the ithzee and twentieth Day of Duram > gaue to Salomon, and cauſed the them,
remained feuen the feuenth moneth, be fent the people away childzenotIſtrael to Dwell there. b Thatis, which
dayes in the {nto their tents, toyous and with glad heart 3 Anu Salomon went to Hamath 30> Hiram gauea-
boothes or Ta- becauie of the goodneffe thatthe Loyd had bab,and ouercameit. gain to Salomor
bernacles, Done fo: Dauid and fo: Salomon, and foz 4 And hee built Tadmoz in the wilders becaufe they
d They had Iſrael bis people. i nefie, and repaired all the < cities of ſtoꝛe pleaſed him not:
Jeaue to depart Il *Go Dalomon finithed the bonfeofthe which be built in Hamath. & thereforecale
the two and 1020,and the kings houle,and all that came S, And be butt 4 Beth-hozon the vpper, tedchemCabul,
twentieth day, into Salomons heart , to make tn the houle and Beth-hozon the nether, cities BetenleD tharis,dire or
1.King.8.66. of the Loꝛd: and he prolpered in bis houſe. with walles, gatesand bartes: filth,1.King.9.1g
bur they wert I2 @Andthe Lord * appeared to Galo: 6 Allo Baalath.and al the cities of fore, c Meaning, of
not away tillthe mon by night, and fad to bim, Jhaue beard that Salomen hadan allthe charet cities, munitionsand
next day. thy payer,and haue cholen this piace foz mp and the cities of the poemen, and eucry trealures for the
1. Kang 9.1. felfe to be an boule of facrifice. pleafant place that Salomon had a mindeg warre,
Num.i 2.6. 13 JET Hut the heauen that there bee no to bnil in Jerufalem, andin ¢Lebanon, d Tharis,herce
ratne, o2tf J] command the grathopper te and throughout all the lande of his Domi- paired and fortis
deuoure the land, ot J {end peſtilence a= nion, fied them: for
mong my people, _7_ Andall the people that tuere left of the they were built
14 If my people, among whom my fame Hittites, and the lites and Peerizzites, jong before by
is called vpon, doc humble themfelues and and the Hiuites, and the Jebuſites, which sheraha noble
Pay, anv lecke my prefence , and turne from were not of Iſrael, i woman ofthe
fheir wicked wayes, then will J beare in 8 Butoftheir childzen which were left ab tribe of Ephraimy
heaven, andbe merciful to therr finne,and tertheminthelande, whom the chilozenof r.Chro.6.68.
e I willcaufe the twill e heale their land; 4 Iſrael had not confumed,cuen themdtoDae and 7.24,
peftilence to 15 Zhen mine eyes Hall be open, ¢ mine lomon maketributaries vntill this Day. e Reade 1,King.
ceafe and deftroy cores attent pute the pzayer mace in this 9 Butotthe childrenof Ilxael DD Ha- z.z,
the beafts that place. tomon makena feruants foz bis woke: for +Ebr. to come up
burt the fruits of I6 Foꝛ Jhaue now tholen and fanctified they were men of warre, and his chicte prin- +o rrsbute,
the earth, and this houle,that mp flame may bee there for ces,and the captatnes of bis charets and of
fend rainein euer: and mine eyes and mine heart Hall be bis horſemen. à i
due ſeaſon. there perpetually, — Io @otheie were the chiefe of the officers
17 Gndifthou wilt walke before me, ag which Salomon had, cuen f two hundzeth f Forinall there
Dauid thy father walked, to Doc accozding and fiftte that bare rule ouer the people. were 3300, bur
vnto all that Jhaue commanded thee, and Ir € Then DHalomon bzought vp the here hie meanerh
a obferue mp Latutes and my indge- Daughter of Pharaoh out of the citie of them that had
ments, Daud, inte the houle that he had built foz the principal
18 Chen will tablih the throne of thy her : foz he fayd, My wife Hall not dwell in charge,reade re
kingdome, accosding as J made the coug: the houſe of Damd King of Ilraet: fozit ts King.g.23.
Ch4p.6,16, nant with Dauid thy father, laying, * Thou boly,becaute thatthe Arke okthe Loza camg =?
fhalt not want a man to be ruler in Iſrael. vnto it.
19 Butifve turne awap and fozlake mp 12 CThenDalomd offred burnt offt ings
D 4 vnto
The Queene of Sheba. II. Chron. Salomons riches,
Chap.g.t. vnto the Lord, on the* altar ofthe Love 8 Blefledbee the Lord thy Gon, which
which be bad built before the porch, cued thee, to let thee on bis © throne as c Meaning, that
Exed.29.39. 13 To “offer accoꝛding to the comman- King , inthe Kead of the Lowe thy Goo: the Ifraclices
fOr, after thema- Dement of Moles |)euery day, inthe Hab- becautethy God leucth Iſrael, to eſtabliſh were Gods pecu-
ner ofeuciy day. baths, and in thenewe moones, and in the tt foz euer, therefore bath hee made thee liar people,and i
g ReadeLcuit, ſolemne fealts, s three times in the pecre, king oucrthem, toerecute tudgement and thackingsare the
2.3. thatis, inthe feat ofthe vnleauened bread, iuſtice. f lieutenants of
and in the kealt of the weekes, inthefeat g9 Thenſhee gaue the Bing ſixeſtoreta· God which ough:
of the Tabernacles. 3 lentsof gold, of fweete odours exceeding to graunt vnto
14 And helet the courles of the lPieftsto much, and precious ones: neither was him the fuperio-
theirofiices , according tothe order of Da⸗ there {uch Lweet odoursfince, as the Ducene ritie, and minifter
utd bts father, and the Leuttesin their wat- of Sheba gaue vnto king Salomon. iuſtice to all,
ches, foz ta prapie and mintiter befoxethe Lo And theferuants alfo
of Duram, aud
t.Chroma4t. PBiieſts euery Day, and thepostersby*thete the ſeruants of Salomon which brought
courſes at eucrp gate: fozfo was the come gold from Dpbhir, brought 4 Algummim d Reade Chap.
maudement of Dauid the man of Good. wood and precious ſtones. 2.8. and 1. King.
Is And they declined not fromthe cont It And the king made of the AIgummim 10. 11.
maundement of the king, concerning the wood aires tn the bouie of the Lorde,and e Or,pillars :
h Both forthe Picts €the Leuites, touching all things, intheRings houle, and barpes and violes meaning, the
roatter,andalfo and touching the treafures. fo lingers: and there was no luch ſeene be» gatnifhing and
for theworke- , I6 @ Row Salomon had made pꝛouiſi⸗ foze in the landofJudah. trimming of the
manthip, on fozall the bwoꝛke, from the day of che 12 Anm King Halomon gaue te the ftaires or pillars,
i Meaning,the foundation of the boule of the Loz, vntill it Queene of Seba, euery pleafant thing that
red fea, was finthed: fo the houle of the Lord was iheealked, | belides for that which thee hav f ‘That is,which
k Whichfomme perft. i brought puto the king : fo thee returned and the king gaue
is thought to 17 Then went Halomon to zion ge- Went ta ber owne countrep, both fhe, and her her for recom-
mountto three ber and to Eloth by the fea fide intheland fieruants. penfe of that
millionsandfixe of Edom. 13 @ Allo the weight of golde that came treafure which
hundreth thoue 18 And Huram fent him bp the bands of to Salomon inone yeere, was fire hundreth the brought,
fand crownes:for bis feruants,{bippes, and ſeruants that bad threeſcore and fire talents of gold,
hereismention knowledge of thefea: and they went with 14 Befides that which chapmen € mers
madeofthisty the fernants of Salomon to Ophir, ana chants brought: andalithe Ringsof Ara»
moe,thenare > bought thence * foure hundzeth and fiftte bta, and the princes of the countrep brought
fpokenof,1,. —‘talentsofgolde, and brought them to king gold and fluer ta Salomon,
King,9,28 @alomon, 15 And King Salomon made two hun:
dreth targets of beaten gold, and e tire hun» g Which fumme
CHAP, IX. dreth thekels of beaten golde went to one mounteth to |
1, 9 The Queene ofSheba cometh to fee Salo- target, ‘ 2 409, crownes of
mon and bringetl gifts. 13 His yerely reuenues. 16 And three hundzeth hields of beaten che finne.
30 The time ofhi resgne. 31 Ha death. golde ; thee hundzeth » thekelsofgold went Budeus de affe
1. Xing.
10. 1. Ae when the Queene of Sheba heard to one fhteld, and the King put them inthe h Or, poundsy
matth.12.4¥6 of the fame of Salomon, thee came ta boule of the wood of Lebanon. called mina,
luke 1.3%, a pooue Halomon with bard quetttons at 17, And the King made a great throne of whereof euery
a Toknowwhe- Jerulalem, with a very great traine, and puozrie,and ouerlaped it with pure gold. — one ſcemed to i
ther his wifedome Camels that bare ſweete odours, and much 18 And the thzone had fire ſteppes, with make an hune
wasfocreatas GOD anD pzecious tones: Ewhen he cane a footeltoole of goln i faſtned tothe thꝛone, dreth thekels.
the report was, t9 Salomon, the communed with him of all and ftayes on either fide on the place of i Thatis, the
that was inber heart. the ſeate, and two lyons ſtanding bp the fteps and the
2 And Salomon declared her all her k ſtayes. footlieole were
b Therewasno queſtions, and there was > nothing
hidfrom Ig Andtwelue lions food there om the faftenedte the
guefion fobard Salomon, which heDeclared not vnto her. fire teps onetther fide: there was not the throne.
that he did not 3 Abenthe Dueene of Hheba law the kke made inany kingdome. „k Vponthe |
foluta wiledomeofSalomon, andthe houle that 20 Qnd all King Salomons Minking pummelsor
he had built, 4 veſſels were of gold,and all the veffels ofthe knops. i
4 And the meat ofhis table, and the fit- Hoult of the woon of Lebanon wereof pure
ting of hts feruants, and the oder of his gold; for filuer was nothing efteemed in the
waiters and their apparell, and bis butlers, Dayes of Salomon.
4Or, galeries and their apparell, and bis ||burnt offrings, 21 forthe kings hips went to Tarſhiſh
whereby he went Which hee offered tn the houleof the Lore, with che feruants of ijuram, eueryp three l
up. and fhe was ꝝᷣgreatly aſtonied. yeere once came the bips of ! Carihith, any 1 Which coun
4Ebr,there was And ſhe apd to the King, Te wasa true brought geld, and filuer, puozie and apes, treyofthe beft
nomore frie woöoꝛde Which J] heard in mine owne land of and peacockes. writers, 1S
in her. thy ||Gapings,and efthy wiſedome: 22 Ho king Balomon excelled all the thoughtrobe
Or, amts. 6 HowbeitJ belecued not thetr report, kings of the earth inriches and wifedome. Cilicta,reade se
pntillFcame, and mine eyes had ſeene it: 23 Anvallthe kings of the earth ſought King.10.22.
and behold, the one halfe of thy great wiles the peclenceof Halamon, to heare his wifes
Dom wasnot told nie: for thou exceedeſt the dome that God had putin his heart.
fame that J heard. 24 And they brought every man bis pze-
7 Happie are thy men, ebapppare thele fent, veſſels of filucr,and veſſels ot gold, and
thy feruants, which tand before thee alway ratinent,armour, and ſweete odours, hogles,
and heare chp wiſe dome. and niles krom veere to peers, ,
25 ARD |
| dnddeath. Rehoboam: Chap.x.x}. His rigor. Ifrael rebelleth. 173
m Thatis,tenne 25 And Salomon had = fonre thonfand be bigger then my fathers loynes.
| herfes in euery ftalies of hozlés and charet3, and twelue Il flow whereas my father did burden
ftable,whichin theufand hozfemen, whom bce beſtowed in pou witha grieuous poke, J will pet ine
allmountcofor- the chavet citie and with the king at Jeru» create pour poke: my father bath chattifed
tiethoufand,as falem. j ; you with roddes, but J will corre@
you with
1.King.4.26. 26 And hee reigned ouer allthe Bings j fcourges. (Or, fcorpions,
hOr Euphrates, from the ||Rtwer euen vnto the land ofthe 12 € Chen Jeroboam and all the propte
and to the boder of Egypt. came to Rehoboam the third day, as che
n Theatun- 27 And the Ring gaue fluer im Ferula- King had appointed, laying, Come againe
danceofthefe lem," as itoncs,and gane cedar trees as the to me the third day.
| temporailereae wilde figge trees that are aboundant in the 13 And the king anfwered them fharply:
furesin Salo- platne. and king Rehoboam left the countell ot the
monskingdome, _ 28 Andthey brought vnto Salomon hoz- ancient men,
isafigureofthe {es out of gypt,and out ofall lants. 14 And lpake to them after the counlell
fpirituall trea- 29 Cocerning the rett ot the actsofDas of the yong men, faying, Wy father made
fures,which the lomon firii and tat, are they not witten in pour poke gricuous, but J will increaſe tts
eleAthallenioy the booke of Mathan the Prophet, and tn my father chattifed pou with rods, butJwil
inthe heauens fhe pꝛopheſie of Ahiiah the Shilonite.and in correé you with (courges.
vndertherrue the vilions of |Jeedo the Heer -againt Je- Ig Dothe King hearkened not onto the —
Salomon Chrift. robsantthe ſanne of Nebat?: peaple: foz tt was the e oꝛdinante of Gov, € Godswill ime
lOr, Fdde. 30 And Salomon reigned in Jerufalem that the Lops might pertozme bis faping, Pofeth fuch ane.
© Thatis, which ouer allGfracttoztp peeres. which he had poken tby Abtiah the Shils ceMtieto the fe-
prophefied a- 31 And Salamon” fryt with his fathers, nitetoJerovoamthelonneofMebat, cond caufes,thae
gainft bim. and they burica him tn the city of Danid his 16 So when all Ilrael aw thatthe king nothing canbe
1.King.11,42, father: and Rehoboam his ſonne reigned in would not heave them, thepeople anſwered done butaccor=
43. bis teat. the king, faving,” (that poztion pane wem dingtothe fame,
Dauid ?fo2 we haue none inheritance tn the and yet mans will
CHNP £ fonneofHthat. D Pract, euery manto pour workethas ofit
4. 34Therigorof Rehoboam. 13 He followeth tents : now fee to thine owne boule, Dauid. felfe, fo that ĩt
lewd counſell. 16 The people rebel So all Iſrael Departed totheit tents, cannot be excue
1.King.i2.. Fenr *Reboboam a went to Shechem: 17 Howbeit Rehoboam reigned omer the fed in doingenill,
aAfterthedeath 4 fozto@bechem came all Iſraelto make chilon of Iſraei, that awelt in the cities of by alleaging that
of Salemon, dim king. u a . it is Gods ordi-
2 And when Jeroboam the fonne of e- 18 Chen king Rehoboam fent Hadozam nance.
bat beard it (which was in Egypt, whither that was ||ouer the tribute, and the chil: Ebr. by the hand
be hath fied from the prelence ot Salomon De%OFIſrael tonen bim with tones, that of
the king) be returned dut of Egypt. he Died : then king Rehoboam tmade {peed 1. Ming. i2.16:
3 And rthey ſent and called him : focame to get Him vp to bis charet, te flee
to Jeru⸗ lOr,recesser.
Jeroboam and all Iſrael, and communed falem. Ebr firengthe-
with Rehoboam, laying, i 19 And Iſrael rebelled againkthe houle sed himfelfe.
b Thatis hand- 4 Thykather made onr poke t grieuous:9 of Danis vnto this day.
led vs rudely. now therefore make thou the grieudus ferui
Icfeemeth,thar tude of thy father, and hrs ſore poke. that he CHAP: ER i
Godhardened put vpon va,lighter,and we will ſerue thee. 4 Rehoboamu forbidden to fight azainft Iers-
their hearts, fo § And he layd to them, Depart pet thzee boam. 5 Cities which he built, 21 He bath etgh-
thattheythus Dapes,thencomeagaine vnto me. And the teene wines , and threeftore couctsbines , and by
murmured with. peopleBeparted, them eight and twenty ſonnes, and threefcore
outcaufe: which 6 Gnd king Rehoboam tooke counteil daughters,
declarethalfothe With the old men that had ood before Ha-
inconftancieof lomon his father, while bee petlined, faving, A f2d* when Rehoboam was come to Fie» 1. Kixg.12,20,
_ the people, crt 3 glue yee that J may anfwere rufalem,be gatheredof the boule of Ju- 23.
ispeople ? Dah and > Beniamin. ninefcore thouſande a Thais, the
7 And they ſpake yntobim, faying, JF cholen menofwarretofight again’ Fira: halfecribe of
thou be kind to this people,and pleaſe them, el, and to bing the kingdome againe to Re- Beniamin: for the:
and {peake loutng words to them, thep will hoboam. other halfe was
be thy ſeruants for ener. 2 But the wowe of the Lowe cameto gone after Iero-
8 Buthe left the counteil of the ancient Dhemaiah the man of God, laying, am.
men that thep had giucn him, and tooke 3 Dpeake vnto Rehoboam, the ſonne of b Meaning, the:
counſell of thepong men that were brought Salomen king of Judah, and to all Iſrael, ten tribes which.
€ Or,that ood vp with him and: wayted on him. that are in Judah,and Beniamin, faping, rebelled,
by bim,thatis, 9 And he laid onto them, bat counſel 4 Thus faith the Lod, We Hall not goe
which wereof giueyee, that we niay anfwere this people, bp, no: fight againſt pour bꝛethꝛen: returne
hiscounfelland which ane poken tome,faying, Wake the euery manto bis boule: foz this thing is
fecrets, p which thy father Did put vpon veg, Done ofme. Chey obeyed therefore the wo
ighter? of the Loud, € returned from going againt
I0 And the pong men that were bought Jeroboam.
d Or,litle finger, bp with him, fpake vnto hun, faying, Thus § And Rehoboam dwelt in Jerufalem, c Or,repayred
meaning,tharhe {halt thou anfwere the people that fpake to and "built trong cities in Judah. them,and made-
was of tarregrea- thee,faying, Why father made our poke hea- 6 We built allo Beth· lehem, and Etam, them ftrong,to
terpowerthen tle, büt make thon tt lighter foz vst thus and Tekoa, be more able ro-
washis father, alt thou fay puto them.My “leat part Hal 7 And Berh-sur,
€ Dhocho,e pig refilt leraboamy.
, Ani
~ Rehoboams munitions for warre. i I. Chron. The Temple ſpoyled.
8 And Gath,and Mareſha,
and siph, thiec(core thoufand hoglemen,and the people
9 And Aomain,t Lachthh, and Azekah. were without number, that came with hint
10 And Fozah, and Aialon, and edzon, front Egypteuen the Lubims, > Sukktime, b Which weres
meh were in Judah t Beniamin, rong and thei Ethioptans. h people of Afris
cities, 4 Aa Hee toske the rong cities which called the Tra-
JOrnfirengthened IL Andbe repaired the trong holds anv were of Juday, and cawe vnto Jeruſa; glodites,becaute |
put captaines in them, and foze of bitaile, lem. they dweltia
and oyleand wine. — i — ¶ Then came Shemaiah the Prophet holes.
12 Audin all cities hee put ſhieldes and ts Rehoboam, and to rhe princesofJudah, Or, blacke
fpeares, and made them erceeding krong: that were gathered together in Jeruſalem, Meres, l
fo Judah and Beniamin were his. — becaufeof Shiſhak, and fayd unto them,
13 @ And the Pꝛielſts x the Leuites that Thus lapth the Lod, De haue fopfaken me,
Ebr. flood. were in all3jirael, ¢ reiten vnto him out c therefore baue Jalſo left youtu the bands c. Signifying that!
ofall theircoatts. 8 of Shihak. no calamitiecan |,
14 Foꝛ the Leuites left their ſuburbes, 6 Thenthe princes of Jlrael, andthe come vnto VS eK-
and their poſſeſſion, and came to Judah and King humbled themſelues, and fayd, The cept we forfake | |
Chap.r3-9¢ to Jerufalem: * io Jeroboam g his fonnes Lo: is “tut. God,and thathe | |
had catt them out from nuniftring in the 7 And when the Lord ſawe that they neuer leaweth vs,
Piets office vnto the Loꝛd. Humbled theinfelues, the word of the Lod tillwe haue caſt
a. Xing. 12 3%. Is *And he ordatned him pꝛieſts fo: the came to Sbematah, laying, Chey baue him off,
d Meaning, bie plates, and foz the <deutls , and forthe Humbled themlelues, therefore J will not d Andtherefore |
idoles reade Ifas Calucs whtch be had made. Deltroy them, but FZ will ſend them delite- doeth iufily pu- | |
44-15. 16 Ano after the Leuites there came to rance hotly, and imp wath fhalt-not + bee nilh you for your ||
Jerufalem of all the tribes of Iſrael, fuch as powzed out vpon Jeruſalemby the hand of finnes, i
e Whichwere fettheir e heats to feeke the Lo: God of Dhiſhak. fEbr.drop downe |
yealousoftrue Iſcael, tooffer vnto the Lod Gov of their S Neuertheleſſe they Halbe his ſeruants:
eligion,and fea- fathers. ; fo hall they know my « feruice, and the fer- e Hee fhewerh |
ted God. 17 Do thep renathened the kingdome uiceofthe kingdomes of the earth. tbat Gods pu- ||
of Judah,and made Rehoboam the fonne ot 9 ¶ Then Shithak king of Egypt came nilbments are f
Palomon mighty, thzee peere — foz three bp againt Jeruſalem, and tooke the trea- nòt to deſtroy ]
f So long as they pere they f walked in the way of Daud and {ures ofthe boute of the Lozd, and the treas his vtterly,
but t
feared God, and Salomon. 3 fures of the kings houle: Hee tooke cuen all, chaftifethem,to |
fet foorth bis 18 € And Rehoboam tooke him Maha⸗ and bee carted away the ſhields of golde bring them tothe |
word,they profs tath the daughter of Jerimoth the fonne of * which Salomon had made. Knowledge of 1
pered, Danin to wife, and Abihatl the Daughter of 10 Jn tead whereof King Reboboam themfelues,and
Eliab the fonne of Jhai, made Hields ofbraſſe, and committed them to know how
19 Cibich bare bim fonnes, Jenuh, and tothe hands of the chtefe of the garde, that much better itis
@Phemariah,and Zaham. watted at the Dooze of the kings honfe, to ferueGod
‘20 Andatter hberheetorke Maakah the Il And when the king entre into the then tyrants,
Daughter of Abfalon which baye him Abi- boule of the Lod, the gard came and bare Chap.9.15,16-
iah, and Atthat,and ziza and Shelomith. a {t brought them againe vnto the gard
21 And Rehoboam loued Maakah the chamber.
daughter of Abſalom aboue all his wiues I2 Andbecaulehe f humbled himlelke,
the f Which declae
and bts concnbines : for he tooke eighteene wath ofthe Lod turned from pim, that be reth that God
wines and threeſcore concubines,and begat would not Deroy all together. And aloin feeketh not the
eight and twenty fonnes, and thzeelcoze Judah the things prolpered. death ofafinner,
Daughters. bk 13 “So king Rehoboam was rong in but hisconuerfie —
22 And Rehoboam made £ Abiiah the Jeruſalem and reigned; fo: Rehoboam was on,Ezek,18.32.
g Calledalfo fonne of Maakah the chtefe ruler among one and fortie peere olde, when he began to and 33.12.
Abiiam,who be brethren: for bee thought ta make him reigne, and reigned g ſeuenteene peeres in 1.Kzag.14.3%.
seigned three ing. ; $ Jerufalem, thecttie which che Lord had cho- g Tharis,twelue
yeere,t, King. 23 And he taught him: anddiſperlſed allfen out of alt the tribes of Iſrael to put his yeeres after that
15,2, bis (onnes thoughout all the couutreys of Name there. And his mothers name was hehadbeeno- `
‘h He gauehim Judah aud Bemamin wnto euery trong ci- Naamah an Ammoniteſſe. wercome by Shi
felfe to haue ma- tie sand he gaue them abundance of vitatle, I4 And he did cenili: for he prepared not fhak,verfiz.
ny wiues. and t Delred many wines. hts heart to feeke the Low.
CHAP, XII. Is The acts alfo of Rehoboam firt anv
1 Rehoboam forfaketh the Lord and & punifhed laft, are they not written in the thooke of +br, fayings.
by Shifbak. 5 Shemaiah reproueth him. 6 Hee Hhematah the Prophet, t Iddo the Heer,
humbleth himfelf, 7 God fendeth him ſuccour. in rebearfing the gencalogte ? and there was
9 Shifbak taketh his treafures. 13 Ha reigne warre alway betweene Reboboam and Fes
|.Or, whew the and death, 16 Abijah hu fonne fucceedeth him. roboam. ;
- Lord had eftabli- M when |}Rehoboam had elſtabliſhed 16 And Rehoboam Mept with bis fa-
hed Rehoboams A the kingdome and made tt trong, bee thers, and was buried tn the citte of Da-
| kangdome, foxfooke the Lawof the Loud, anda all Jl utd, and ||Abiia) his fonne reignedin his Or Abjan,
a For fuchisthe raei wtth him. f ſtead.
incdftancieofthe 2 Therefore inthe fiftyeercofking
Re- CHA P.. (Matt:
people,j forthe hoboam, Hbithak the king of Egypt came 1 Abych maketh warre againft Icroboam. 4
moft partthey fo- vp agaiuſt Jerufalem ( becaule they hav He fheweth the occafion. 12 Hee trufteth inthe
lowthevicesof tranſgreſſed agatntt the Lo) Lord ,and onercorameth Ieroboam, 25 Of his
theirgoucrnours, 3 CClichtwelug hundzeth charets, and wines and children,
i In
| Abiiah. He difcomfiteth Chap. xiij. xiiij, Jeroboam. Afa. 174
a Hemeaneth 12 the eighteenth peere of king Jetoboam. Is And themen of Judah gane a Hout:
Judah and Ben- began Abliah to reigne oier èJudah. and euen asthe men of Judah houttd. God
I| iamin, 2 Hee reigned thzee peere tn Jeruſalem: Afinote Jeroboam and allo Track before A> lOr gaue him the
| b Or,Maacha, (bis mothers nanie alfo was
Michaiah the bitah and Judah. ouerthrow,
1.King.15.2. Daughter of: Uriel of Gibea) and there was
16 Aid p childzen of Iſrael fied before Jue-
c Called alfo warre betweene Abita and Jeroboam. Dah,
EGod Beltucred them into their pand.
Abshalom,for 3 And Abitah ict the batrel inaray wet} 17 And Abitah this peaple Aew agreat
Abthalom was the army of valiant men of warre,euen foure Raugbter ef them, fo that there kell
do wne
her grandfather, hundreth chouland choten men. Jeroboan wounded of Iſrael fiue hundped thonland
3 King.15.2. alto fet the battellinaray againſt hun with chofen men,
d Which was one cight hundzed thoufand choſen men, witch 18 Ho the children of Iſraelwere bought
of the teps of were ſtrong and yaliant, vnder at that time: andthe chilazenof Du
f mount Bphrain, 4 And Abiiah food bp spon mount se: Dah prenatted, "becaule thep Raped vponthe n-He fhewethy’-
e And therefore meratin, which is in mount Ephzatin,t (std, L020 God oftheir fathers. that the flay of
| whofoeuer doth. D Jeroboam,and all Jiraci, heare pou me, 19 And Abitah purſued after Feroboam, all kingdomes -
vfurp it, or take it § DMught you not to know thatthe Lord and tooke tities from him, eues Beth el, and and-affurance of
from that ftocke, God of Ifrael hath giuen the kingdom ouer thetvillaces thercof, and Jeſhanah with vidories depend“
tranfereffith the Jttael to e Dauid fo. cuer, cuen to bim and ber billages,and Ephron with her villages. vpon our truft
ordinance of the to his fonnes by a coucnant fof falt? 22 And Jeroboam recouered no ſtrength and confidence
Lord: thus like 6 And Jeroboam the onne of Rebat the againe inthe dayes ofAbiiah, buttheLord inthe Lord,
an hypocrite he feruant of Salomon the fonneofDaut ts plagued him,and be died. Ebr. dauchtersy-
alleageth the rifen vp, and hath*rebelled againt hts lod; 21 So Abuah wared mightie,and mari»
word of God for 7 And there are gathered to hun svatne eB fourteene wines, and begate two and
his aduantage, men & t wicked, Emade themflelnes trong twentie onnes and lirteene Daughters.
f That is, perpe- again Rehoboam the onne of Salomon: 22 The retofthe acts of Abitah,and his-
tual, becaufe the to? Rehoboam was 4 but a child, and | * ters matters and his ſayings are waittentn the
thing which is Der hearted, and could not refit them. {tozie of the Prophet Jods.
falted,is prefer- 8 Mow therefore pe thinke thatye bea- G: HoAyP).X kth
ued from corrup- ble torefitt againit the kingdom of theio20, 3 Afa deflroyeth idolatrie and commandeth his
tion: he meaneth whichis inthe hands of the tonnes of Dautd, people to feruetnetrue God, y1 He prayeth vne
alfo that it was and pee be agreat multitude,and the golden to God wher he [hould goe to frzht. 12 Hee obteie
madefolemne- calucsare with pou which Jeroboam made neth the victorie .
ly,andconfir- _ pou fo? gods. i ee * Abiiah lept with his fathers, they 1.King.25.8.
med byoffringof g *Daune yenot Minen alway the Pꝛieſts buried him in the citie of Daud, and Afa
facrifices,where- of the Loꝛd, thefonnes ofaaron and the Le- bis fonne reigned in his Meade tn whole
asthey viedfalt, uites, and haue made pou miekes like the Dayesthelandwasquicttenpeere,
according as people of other countreys? whoſoeuer coms _ 2 And Ala dia that was good and right
wasordeined, meth to¢confecrate with ai yong bullocke inthe epes af the Lod his Gov.
Num,i8.19. and enen rammes, the fame may be a prick 3 Foꝛ hee tooke away the altars of the
1.Kiug.11.26, of them that are no gods. ſtrange gods the hte places, ¢ bꝛake Downe
-g This wordin Io But wee belong vnto the Lod our the images
and cut Downe the a groues, a Which were
the Chaldee God, and haue not forlaken him, andthe 4 And commaunded Judah to ſeeke the planted tontrae
tongue, is Racha, Pꝛieſts the fonnes of Aaron miniſter vnto Lod God of their fathers, and ta Doe accor- ` rie to the Law,
which ourSaui- the Lord, and the Leuites in their office. ding to the Law and the commandement. Deut,16,25.
our vfetb, Matth, II And they burne vate the Lord euery J And he tooke away out of all the citics
$.22. Kmozning and every euening burnt offttings of Judah the bie places,e the images: there-
$Ebr, children of and ſweete incenle and the bread ts fet ino fore the kingDome twas ®quiet before hin. b Hetheweth
Belial, Der vpon the pure table,and the candleſticke
6 Hee built alfo rong cities in Judah, that the reft and
h Meaningin of golde with thelampes thereof, toburne becaule the land taas in reft, and hee had no quietnes of kinge-
heart & courage. euerpeuening : for wee keepe the watch of warre in thole peeres; foz the Loꝛd han gi- domes ftandeth
HO-,faint hear- the Lord our God: but yee baue fezlaken ven him reft. in abolifhin
tea. im. 7. hevefoze hee laid toJudah, Letvs — ad-
Leuit. 26. 36. 12 And bebold, this God! is with bs asa build thele cities and make walies about uancing true Ree -
4.King.42.31. captatne,and bis Pꝛieſts with the founding and towers, gates, and barreg, whiles the ligion,
¢hap.1 1.14, trumpets, to crie an alarme againt youn, D landts < befoze vs: becaute wee haue feught c Whileswee
Eby.flbis hand. yee chilen of Iſrael, fight not againſt the the LoD our God, we haue fought him, and haue the full
iHefheweah the 102d God of pour fathers ; for pee Hall not hee bath giuen vs reſt on euerp live: ſo they gouernement:.
nature ofidola-~ pꝛoſper. built and profpered. : thereof,
ters which take 13 But Jeroboam cauſed an ambuſh⸗ 8 And Ala had an armie of Judah that
notriallofthe ment™tocompafle, and come behindthem, bare ſhields ſpeares, three hundred thous
vocation, life,and when thep were before Judah, andthe am- fand,and of Beniamin that bare ſhields and
doGsine of their buſhment behind them. Deew botweg, two hundred ¢ fourelcoze thous
minifters,but 14 Then Judah looked, and behold, the fand: all thele were valant men,-
thinkethe moft battel wasbefoze and behind them, and they 9 ¶ And there came out again them d Theking of Es
vilet and greate cried vnto the Lod, and the Peieſts blewe Zerah 4 of Ethiopia with an hott often hun⸗ chiopia or Egype, .
beaftsfufficient’ with the trumpets, dred thouland , and thzee hundzeD charets, e Which wasa
to ferue their: and came nto? Mareſhah. 4 citicin Iudab, .
turne, k Asit wasappointed in the law,Exod,39.39. | Becaufe 10 Then Ala wentout before him, and Joſh. 1544.
their caufe was good and approued by the Lord, they doubted not of thep fet the battell in arap inthe vallepof where Michaiah’
the fuccefleand viGorie. m Contemning the good counfell which Zephathab befide Mareſhah. } the Prophet was -
came of the Spirit of God,hethought to haue ouercome by deceit, 11 And Ala cried vnto the Lod hig _ borne.
4 i

The Ethiopians deftroyed. II.Chron. Ifraels couenant with God.

2.Sam.1 4.6. aud (aid, Lord, * it ig nothing with theeto II Aud they offered vnto the Lord the
lOr, againf many helpe ||with many, or with na power : helpe ſame time of the t (pople, which they bad F Which they
without power. ys, D Word our God: foz wee ret on ther, bought, cuen ſeuen hundzed bullockes, and had taken ofthe
f Thus the chil- and in thy Mame are mee come agains this fenen thouſand theepe. Ethiopians.
dren of God nei multitude: D Lord, thou art our Hod, fiet 12 And they made a couenant to ſeeke the g Thefe were the
ther trutt in their not man preuatle agatik thee. — Lou Gad of their fathers, with allthetr words of their
owne power or 12 (Ho the to ſinote the Echiopians heart and with alithetr ſoule. couenant, which
“policie; neither before Ala and before Judah, and the Ethi⸗ 13 Gnd s wholoeuer will not ſeeke the commanded all
feare the firength optans fled. ; Loud God of Iſrael, hall bee ame whether idolaters to be
and fubtiitic of 13 And Afa and the people that was he were ſmall o great, man o? waman. — put to death ace
their enemies, with bun, purlued them vite Gerar. And 14 And they ware vito the Lam with a cording to the
bur confider the the Ethiopians bofte was ouerthzowen, fo lowde boyce, and With ſhouting and with Law of God,
cauſe, & fee whe- that there wasno life in them: foz they were trumpets,and with comets. Deut. 13 §,9515.
ther their enter- deſtroptd befoze the Lord, aud befoze bis 15 And ali Judah retoyced at the oath:for h So long as.
priſes tende to hoae anu they carted away a mightte great they bad ſworne vnto the Lord with all their they ferued him
Godsglory,and PAYL, : heart, and ſought him with a whole delire, aright,folong
thereupon aflure 14 And they finote all the cities rouna and bee was t found of them. And the Lod did he preferue
themfelues of the about Gerar ; foz the s feare of the Loa gaue them ref round about. and proper them -
victory by him, came vpon them, and thep (poled all the cre 16 Q And king Ala depolea * Maachah 1. King.t§.1 3.
which is onely al- Hy> £o} there was exceeding much pople in his i mother from per regencie , becaule hee i Or,grandmo<
mightie,and can them, ‘Had made an idole ina groucsand Ala brake ther: and herein
turne al fleſh into 15 Vea, and they lmote the tents of cattel, Downe her Wole and ſtamped it, and burnt he thewed that
duf wthe breath and caried away plentie of theepe and cas ít at the bzooke Kidron. he lacked zeale:
ofbis mouth. mels, and returned to Jeruſalem. 17 But the bie places were notktaken for fhe ought to
g The Lord had away out of Iſrael: pet the heart of Ala haue died both
ftricken them CHAP. XV. was ™ perfect ail bis Bayes, by the Couenant,
with feare. t The exhortation of Azariah, 8 Afa purgeth 18 Alto he brought into the boule of Gan as verfe 1 3. and
his country of idolatry. 1 1 He facrificeth wath the the things that hts father bad Dedicate, and by the Law of
people. 1 4T hey ſweare together to ferme the Lord. that hee bad Dedicate, fluer, and gold, and God : but he gaue
16 He depofeth his mother fer her adolatrie. place to foolith
19 And there was no warre vnto the fine pitic,and would
a Who wascal- Den the Spirit of God came vpon 2 A⸗ and thirtieth peere of the reigne ot Ala, alfo feeme after a
led Obed as his zariah the onne of Dbed. i fort to fatisfie the
father was, ver.8, 2 And he went out to meete Afa,and (aid Law, k Whichpartlycamethrough lacke of zealeinhim, partly
b For the {pace vnto him, D Ala, and all Judah and Ben- through the negligence of his officers, and partly by the fuperitition $
of twelue yeeres tamin, heave pee me. Cie Loz is with you, of the people , that all were noc taken away. | BecaufethatGod $
wnder Rehobo- while ye bee with him: and tf pee leeke him, was called the God of \frael by reafon ofhis promife to Iaakob: ther- $
em, and three he willbe found of pou,but if pe fozfake him, fore is Iftael fometime taken for Iudah, hecauſe Iudah was his chicfe
yeeres vnder Å» he will fozfake pou, people. m Inrefpect of hispredeceffouts,
biiah, religion 3. Now foz along ſeaſon Iſrael bath bene
was negleQed, without the > true God, and without Pict CHAP, XVI.
and idolatrie to teach and without Law. We. 2 Afa for feare ofBaafha king ofFfrael, ma~
planted. 4 But wholocuer returned fn his afflice keth a couenant with Benhadad king ofAram. 7
c He theweth tion to the Lord Gonof Iſrael, and ſought He is reproucd by the Prophet, 10 Wows he put-
that notwith- bim,be < was found of then. teth in prifon. 12 Hee putteth hi truſt inthe.
ftanding the wic- 5 Andinthat tune there was no peace to Phyficians, 03 Hudeath,
kednes of tyrants him, that did goe out and gor int: but great |JR the fice and thirtieth peere ofthe reigne
and their rage, — were to all the iñhabitants of the of Ala came+* Baaba king of Hfraelbp a Who reigned
yet God hath earth. againſt Judah, and built e Ramah to let after Nadabthe
his,whom he 6 Fo: nation was dDeltroyed of nation, none pafe out o2 gor into Aia king
ofgu- * ofIero-
heareth in their and citie of citie: for God troubled them dah è am,
tribulation,as hee with all aduerlſitie. 2 Then Ala brought out Auer and gold, 1.King.1 5.17.
deliuered his fro 7 Weve ttrong therefore,and let not yourout of the treaſures of the boule of the Lord, b lie dortiſiedit
Zerah king of hands bee weake: fo your 4 woꝛke hall bane and of the kings houi, and lent to Ben-hae with wallesand
the Ethiopians, a reward. Ban. king of Aram chat dwelt at ||Damal ditches:it wasa
Chap.14.9,12- 8 and when Ala heard thele words, cus layme, citie in Beniamin
and out ofall o- and the prophecte ef Dbed the Prophet, hee 3 Ahereisacouenant betweene me and neercto Gibeon,
ther dangers, twas encouraged, and teske away the abo» thee, and betweene my father, and thy fas \Or,Darme/ek.
when they called minattons our of all the land of Judah, and ther: behold, 3) baue fent thee liver and
vpon the Lord. Beniamin, toucofrhe cities which hee had gold: come. © breake thy league with Baa- c Hethonghtto
d Yourconfe taken of mount Cphratniand he renucd the iba king of Iſrael, that he may Depart front repulfe hisaduer-
dence and truft altar ofthe Lod, that was before the porch mee. i ‘farie by an vn-
in God fhall not of the Loyd. 4 Gnd Ben-hadvad hearkned onto king lawfull meanes,
be frufirate, 9 And heegathered all Judah e Benia- Ala, and fent the captames of the armies thavis,by fecking
min, Ethe rangers Ù themoutofEphra- which bee had, againt the cittesof Iſrael. helpe ofinfidels,
im, andManaſſeh, and out of Simeon : foz And they {mote Jion, and Dan, and Abel- as they that feeke
there fell many to him out ef Piraci, when maim, and allthe toze citiesof Maphtali. the Turkesami-
¢ Called Shi- they faw that the Lord bis God was w him. s And when Baaba heard ít, heeleft tie, thinking
uan,contcining —— they — htAp e we building of Ramah, and let hts worke ceaſe. thereby to makr
part of May,and e° third moneth, in the ſifteenth yeere o 6 Then Afa the king tookeall Judah, themfelucs mort
part of Iune. the reigne of Ata, and caryed away the Rones of —— ftrong;
Ata dieth. Iehofhaphat. Chap.xvij.xviij. The Lawistaught. 175
and the timber thereof, wherewith Baaſha mozeoucr the bie places and the groues out
Oe sand he built therewith Grba and of Judah.
izpah. ; 7 Candin the third peere of his reigne
7 @ And at that fame time Panani the He fent bis princes, ]Seu-hatl,and Dbadtab,
§Or,Propher. iDeer came to Aia king of Judah, and iad and Zechariah, and Nethaneel, and Mi⸗
Chap. 4.9 onto him, Becaule thou batt reſted vpon chatah,that hep fhould ¢ teach in tie cities d Heknew it
2.Macca. 9.5. the king of Aram, and not reftedin yLod of Juoab, i : was in vaine to
and13. 22, thy Gon, thereforets the hoſte of the king of 8 And with them Leuites, Qhemaiah, pto feſſe religios
Ebr. prifon Gvam elcaped out ofthine hand. : and Nethaniah, and 3ebadiah, and fabel, except ſueh were
houfe. 8 * Cie Erbiopians and the Lubims, and Shemiramoth, and Jevonathan, and appointed, which
d Thus in ftead were they not a great boite with charets Adontiah , ¢Cobitay , and Cob-adonitay, could inſtruct
of turning to and hoztemex,erceedDing many? yet becauſe Leuites , and with them Cltivama and Je⸗ the people inthe
God by repen- thou diddeit reit vpon the Lozd, yee deliue⸗ boam Pꝛieſts. f fame,and had au-
tance,he difdai- Fed them tuto thine band. 9 Ana they taught in Judah, and had thoritie to put
ned theadmoni- 9 *Foꝛ the eyes of the Lod bebold all the booke of the law of the Loꝛd with them, away allidolatry.
tion of the Pro- the earth to thew binlelfe rong with them and went about thoughout all tye cities of
phet,and puni- that ave of perfect bearttoward him; thon. Juday,and taught the people.
fhed him asthe halt then Done fooliſhly in this: therefore Io And theteareo€ the Lord fel vpon ail
wicked dowhen from bencefozth thou walt baue warres. tie king dons of the lands that were round
they bee told of Io Then Gia was woth with the Deer, about Judah, anD they © fought not agatnit e Thus God pros
their Faults, and put bim into a t pifon: foz bee was Jehoſhaphat. Le {pereth all fach
fOr, gowtie, 4 Difplealed with him, becauſe of ois thing. II Qndfomeof the Philiſtims bought that with a pure
o7 [wollen, And Ala oppreiied cercaine of tg people at Jehoſhaphat gitts, and tribute filucr, tthe heart fecke his
| 1.Kiag.15.23. the fame time. Arabians brought bhu flockes , ſeuen thou: glory, and kee-
\JOr,tothetopof IL Andbehold, the acts of Aia ſirſt and fand and ſeuen hundred rammes, and ſeuen peth their ene-
| his head. tatt loe,they ave waittenin the booke of tye thouland and ſeuen hundred bee goates. miesin feare that
i God plagued Kings of-Judah and Iſcael. 12 Ho Iehoſhaphat pꝛoſpered and grew they cannot be
his rebellion,and 12 (And Ala in the ntne and thirtieth vpon hie: and hee built th Judah patates able to execute
| hereby declareth peeve of bis reigue was || * Dileafedin bis and cities of toze. i Bt their rage againſt
that it is nothing teet, and his Dileait was ||€ extreme: pet jee 13 Gnd he had great workes in the cities them,
to begin well ex- fsught not the Loza tn bis diſcaſe, but to the of Judah, and menot warre, and valiant
cept we fo conti- Pyylitians. men tn Jernlalem.
nucto the end, 13 o Ala llept with his fathers, and 14 And thele are the numbers of them
that is, zealous Dyed in the one and fortieth yeere of his after the honfe of their fathers. Ju Judah
| of Gods glory, & reigne. es ; were Captatis of thouſands, Adnah the cap-
“put our whole 14 And they buried him in one of Hise: taine, and t with him of valiant men. thace 4 Eban his hand,
truſt in him. pulchres,which he yan made foz himſelfe in hundrzed thoutand.
£ Hee theweth the citit ofDauid, and layd bim tn the bed, ig And fat dis bande Jehshanan a
< that itis in vaine witch they had Alicd with ſweete odours captatne, and with pini two hundreeth and {Or next to hins
to ſeeke to the and Diners kindes of fpices, madeby the arte foure(toze thoufand.
Phiſitians, ex· ofthe Apochecary: and they burnt odours fog 16 Ana athis band Amaflah the fon of
cept firit wee bim with an exceeding great fire, Zichi wbich f willingly olfred hinikelfe vn- f Meaning,
feeketo God to to the Lo20, and with him two hundzed which was a Nae
purge our finnes, whichare the chiefe caule of all our difeafes, and thoutand valiant men, } zarite, Num, Ge
_ after vie the helpe of the Phifician , as a meane by whome God wor- 17 And of Bemamin, Cliada a valiant
“keth. man, and with Him armed men with bow
CHAP. XVIL and field two hundred thoufand.
5 Lehofhapbattrafting ia the Lord,profpereth 18 Gud at bis hand Jehosabad, and with
in iches ‘and honour. 6 He atolifheth idolatrie, Him an Hundzed and toureſcore thouſano are
7 and caufeth the pecple tobe taught. Hee re- med to the warre. i
cerueth trebure offtraungers. 13 His munitions, 19 Ciel ewaited onthe King, belides g Thatis, they
and men of ware. thole which the king putin the trong cities were as his- grdi=
throughout all Juvay. nary guard,
A= Jeboſhaphat his fonne retgned in CHAP, XVIII
is ſtead.and prevailed againſt Iſrael. s Fehofhaphat maketh affinitie with Ahab,
aD .2 And hee put garilons in all the trong 10 Foure hundred Prophets counfell Ahab toge
iresn eS and fet —— ~ the — to warre 16 Michaiah is againſt them. 23 Zid-
udah, and in the cities of Ephraim, whic kiah ſmiteth bim, 25 The king putteth him ia
a That
is, hisver- Gla hts father had taken. : prifon. 29 The effei ofhis prophefie,
“tues: meaning, 3 Audthe Lod was with Jehoſhaphat, A® *Jehothaphat had riches and hoe 1. RZ 22.35
before hee had ber auſebe walked in the firk wayes of bis nour in abundance , but hes Was ioyned
committed with father Danin, ann fought nott Baalim, © Ins affinitic with Ahab. a For Ioram Ies
Bath-fheba and 4 Wut fought the Lomad God of his fa- 2 Andafter certaine > peeres hee went hofhaphats fon
»againfi Vriah, ther, and walked in his commandements, Downe to Ahab to Samaria: ¢ Ahab fetu mariéd ‘Ahabs
b Sought not and not after the + trade of Iſrael. fheepe toren for him in great number, and daughter.
helpe at ftraunge 5 Therkore the Low ſtabiiſhed the king- foz the people that he bad with him, and en⸗ b Thatis, the
gods, Dome in bis hand, and all Judab brought tiled hun to go vp vnto : Ramoth Gilead. third yeere,
| F$Ebr.worke. prelents to Jehochaphat, fo that hee had of 3 And Ahab king of Ilrael faid vnto Je- 1, King. 23.2,
_ c He gaue him- riches and honour in abundance, bothaphat Kine offudah, Chile thon goe c To recouerit
‘felfewholy to 6 Ano hee e life vp dis Heart vnto the with mee to Ramoth Gilead? And pee an- out of the hand
ayes oF the Low , and bee tooke away fwered pim, J anas thou art, * my of the Syrians.
Pihiabs Prophets. Michaiahs II. Chron. prophefic. sald ·
people as thy people, and we will ioyne with goe vp and fallat Rameth Gilead 2 Anu
thee tn the warre. one fpakeand {aid thus, and another ſayd
4 And Tehohaphat faid vnto theking t at.
of Hirael, Ake countell,3pray thee, at the 20 Then there came foorth a ſpirit, and
d Hearethe ad- d wart ef the Lod this dap. ftood befoze the Loz , and ſaxd, J will pers
tice of fome J _Cherefore the king of Iſrael gathered {wade bim. And the Lord fayd vnto pim,
prophet,toknow of ©Pꝛophets foure hundzcd men, and fayd Mherein?
whether it be unto then, Shali wee goe ta Ramoth Gile- 21 Andhe ſaid, Jwill goe ont, and bee a
Gods will. ad to battello: Mail J ceale? And they fait, falle ſpirit in the mouth of all bis prophets.
e Which were Goe vp: foz God (hall veliuer it into the And. vee aid, Chou halepertwade, and o That is, the
the Prophets of kings band. fhalt alio prenatie: gaz foorch and da fo, Lord,
Baal, fignifying 6 But IJehothaphat lain, Fs there here 22 Now therefore behold, the Loza hath
that the wicked neuer a JIzophec moze of the Lord that wee puta r falie ſpirit in the mouth of theſe thy p To them that
efteeme of none might Inquire of him? prophets, andthe Lod hath determined e= will not beleeue
Dut flatterers and 7Awd the kingof Iſrael fayd vnto Fes uill againt thee. the trueth, God
fuch as wil beare hoſhaphat, Chere ts yet one man,byvhem 23 Then 3idkiah the fonne of Chenaa· fendeth trong
with their inor- wee may afie counſell of the Lord, but 3i nab came necee, and finote Michaiah upon delufion, that
dinate atteGions. ‘Hate bim: for hee doeth not prophetic good thea checke, and fayt, By what way went they fhould be. *
f Yerthetrue vnto me,but almay eutll itis Wichatah the the pirit of the Roza from mee, to ſpeake lecue lies,3. Thef i
minilters of God ſonne of Imla. Then Ichoſhaphat aio, Lee withthees e 2,10.
ought not to tet the king fapsfo. 24 Aud Michaiah fapa, Behold, thou q By this cruefcie
- ceafto doe their And the king of Iſrael called an Cus ſhalt feethat dap, when thou Walt gee from his ambition and
ductie, though nuch,and fayd, Call quickly Wichatah the chamber to chamber to hide thee. hypocrifie was
the wicked Ma- {onne of Jimia, 25 Andthe king of Firari lain, Cake ye difcouered: thus
giltrates cannot 9 ¶ And the king of Iſrael, and Jeho- Wichatah, and cary him to Amen the ga- the hypocrites
abide them to hapbat king of Judah fate either of them — of the citie, and to Ioaih the kings boaft of the fpirit
fpeake che truth. On hts throne clorhed in their h apparel : thep onne, 7 which they haue
g Meaning, that fate euen inthe theething flooze at the en- 26 And fay, Thus faith the king, Put not,and declare
heought not to tring ti of the gate of Samaria: and altthe thie man in the priſon poule, and feede Hint thir malice
refufe to beare prophets prophelicd before them. with bread of: affliction, and with water of againft them,in
any that was of lo And Fidkiah the fonne of Chenaanah affliction, vntill Jreturne in peace. whom the trac
od, Made hin ‘hones of pron,and {apa , Thus 27 And Michatah fait, TE thou returne ſpirit is.
hy That is,in fapth the Lord, Uith chele Hatt thou puh in peace, the Lozd hath not ſpoken bp mee. r Keepe him
their maicttie the Aramites, vatll thou bak conſumed Aub ||be fayn, Weare, all ye people. ſtreitly in prifon,
and royall ap⸗ onosem. 28 So the King of Iſrael, and Jehoſha· and lethim feele:
yerell. IL And all the prophets prophefied fo, pe the king of Judal went vp to Ramoth hunger & thit,
i .Read r. King, faving, Goe vp to Ramoth Gilead, and uead. (Or, Michaiali.
proſper: fo the Loꝛd Mall Deltuer tt into the 29 And the king of Ilrael (ala vnto Jles { Thus the wic-
hand ofthe king. — - hoſhaphat. I wilt ( change my felfe, anden- ked thinke by
12 (And che meſſenger that went to call ter into the batteil: but put thou on thine theirowne fuba >
Wichatah,(paketo bim, laying, Bebald.the apparell, @o the king of Ilrael changed tilty to-efcape
wozdesof the Prophets declare geod to the punfelé,and they went inte the battell. Gods iudge~
& Thinking, that king with one*accod? let thy mod tiere- 30 And the king of Gram had cominan- ments,which hee
whereas foure foe,Jpray thee, be like one of theirs, and Ded the captatnes of the charets that were threatneth by his
fhundred pro- fpeake thou good. | 3 with bum, faving, Fight pou not with ſmall word.
phets had agreed 13 And Michaiah ſaid, As the Low li- — ae butagatnit the king of Iſtael t Hecryed to. -
an one thing, that uct, whatlocucy my God ſayth, chat will J] onelp. the Lord by ac-
he being but one peake. ; 3 T Au when the captaines of the charets knowledging his
man,and in leaft 14 @Soheecame tothe King, and the faw Tebowaphat, thep fapd, It isthe king fault in going
eſtimation durlt King (aid vnto hun, MWichatah, Wall wee of Ifraet : ana they compaiico about him to with this wicked
not gainefay it, goe to Ramoth Gilead to battell, o2 Hall I fight. But Feboihaphat tcrped, and the king to warre
I He ſpake this leaue of 2 And hee latd, ! Goe yee vp, and Loud Helped him, andmooued them to depart againft the word
by derifion of the pioigsiand they albe Deltucred inte your from pim. i ofthe Lord by
falle prophets , as hand. ; 32 sFor when the captained ofthe charets his Propher,and
the king weil 15 Andthe king ſaid vnto hint, How oft fale that be was not the king of Iſcael, they alfo by defiring |
perceiued, Thal J charge thee,that thou teli nie nothing turned backe from bun. mercy forthe
but cruch in the ame of the Lord? 33 Then a cereane man Drewes a bowe fime,

Io Then he fad,I (aw all Ilrael ſcatte⸗ +intabettp, and {mote the king of Iſrael be- Ebris his fim-
redin the mountaines, as ſheepe that haue tweene the foynts lof his batgandines there= plicitieorigno ·
m He prohefi- no ſhepheard: and the Lod ſapo, = Theſe fore he fayd to bis charctman, Turne thine rantly,
eth how the peo- paue no matter; ict chem returne euery man þann, and carry mee out of the hoſte: for J llOr betweene the
ple ‘hould be to bis boule in peace. ain burt. : š habergine. ,
cifperfed , and 17 And the tng of Iſrael {ayy to Jeho 34 Ana the battell incveated that nay: u He diftersbled
Ahab flaine. Yapha Dro 3 nat teil thee, that hee would ana theking of Ilrael » ood itil tnbts chê» his hurt thathis + f
noc pꝛopheſie good vnto me,buc entit? vetagaintt che Aramites vntill euen , and fouldiers might-
18 Againe he laid, Cherfore heare pe the Died at the tiannicr Hunne going Downe. fight more cou-
word ofthe Loꝛd: 3) faw the Lord ttt vpon H J regioully ,
nı Meaning, his bis thzone,and all the " pofte of heauen ſtan⸗ 4 Afterl ehofhaphat was rebuked by the Pvo=
Aogels, Ding at his right hand, and at bis teft. | phet,hee called agamme the people to the honouring
LO/, deceiue. 19 Andthe Lod fayd, Aho Walli pers ofthe Lord. § He appoiteth Judges and mini-
ſwade Ahab King of Ifrael, thar hee may fers, 9 And exherteth them to feare —
ehofhapha appointeth Iudges. Chap. xix.xx. Tehofhaphats prayer. 1.76
4 brin pesce, A eo scuotapbat the RingofJudah re- tude again thee fram Beyond the’ Sea,out b Called the
a Hedeciareth turned + fate to bis Houle in Jerufalem. of Aram: and beholde. they bein hazzon dead fea, where
that the wrath 2 Gnd Jebu the fonne of Hanani the Tamar, whichis En⸗gedi. ? God dettreyed
and judgement Heer weit aut to meete him, tlaidto king 3 Aud Sehohaphat feared, and fet him the five cities for
of God is cuct al Feholaphat, 2 Mouldeſt thon helpe the wic- feife<to feke tiie Load, and proclaimed a fat finne,
fich that ſupport ed and ioue tiem that hate the Lord? ther· theougheut aitJudah. c This deelareth
the wicked, and foze fo: this thing the math tof rhe Lorn is 4. And Fuvah gathered themlelues to- what the feare
rather hew not vpon theg. ) gether to aike countel ofthe Lod: they came ofthe godly isy
‘indeed that they 3 #reuerthelefic, good things are fonnd cuen out of al the cities of Judah to euquire which isas a
are enemi¢sto inthee, becanfe thou halt taken away toe of the Lon. ‘ pricke to ftirre
all ſuch as hate groues out ofthe land, and pak prepared s and Jehoſpaphat ſtoode in the congre- them to prayer
the Lord. thine beart toſeeke Gov. gation of Judah and Jeruſalem in che boule andtodepend
$Ebr.wrath fom C So Jehohaphat Dwelt at Jeruſa; ofthe Lord before the new court, on the Lorde,
the Lord. lem, and returned and went > thorowethe 6 Andim,D Lod God of aur fathers,
whereas itmoo-
-b Hee vifited all people from Beer Heba to mount Ephra⸗ art not thon God in heauen? and reigneſt ueth the wicked
his countrey, and either to feeke
im, ant brought them againe vnto the Lod not thou on all the Ringdonics of the hea:
Brought his peo- Godot threis fathers. then? and in thine band ts power and might,
after werldly
ple from idolatry 5 And he let Judges ta the land thorow- and none ig able to withſtand thee. meanes and po-
to the knowledge outailtge trong cities of Judah, citie by 7 Diddeſt not trau, our God, caſt out
licies, or elsto
of the true God. citie, theinvyabitants of this land before thy peo⸗
fal into defpaire,. -
€ Bothto pre- 6 Andfaydeto the Judges, Take heed ple Iſrael, andégaucit it to the lerd of Abꝛa
d He groundeth
rueyou,if you what pee Doc : for pee evecute net the iroge⸗ ham thy friend for euer? his prayer vpon
doe iuſtly,orto ments of man, but of the L020, and be will be 8 And they dwelt therin, and haue built
Gods power,
punih you,ifyou c with pou in the cauſe and iudgement. thee a Danctuarp therin foz thy ame, fap- whereby he is
do thecontrary. 7 CGherefore now let the feare of the tig, able to helpe,&
d He wil declare Loꝛd be vpon pou : take heed, and doe it : foz 9 *JEeuill come vpon be, asthe ſwoꝛd alfo on bis mer-
by the (harpneffe therets no 4 iniquitte mith the Lode onr ofiudgement, o2 peitilence, og famine, twee cy, which he wil
of the punifh- God, neither * velpect ofperfons, nog recey> will and befoze this boule, and in thy pre- continue toward
ment, that he hae uing of reward, — : tence, (for thy Mame Fis in thishoule) and his, forafmuch
teth all iniquitie, 8 Domien in Jeruſalem didJehoſha⸗ will crie vnto thee in our tribulation, and as he hath once
Deut.t0.17.i0b. phat ferotthe Reittes, andofthe Pꝛieſts, thou wilt heare and helpe. chofen them, anc
i 3419.465, 10, andofthe chiefe of the families of Iſtael, foz I0 And now behold, the chimen of* Am- begunveto heva
34, the iudgement and caule ofthe Lod ; and monand Moab and mount Oeir, by whom his graces to-
2.6-cphef-6.9. thepe returned to Jeruſalem.· thou wouldettnotlet Iſrael goe, when they ward them.
Col, 3.35.1 .pete 9. And hee charged them, laying, Thus came out of the Land of Egypt : bur thep 1.King. 8.37%
3.17. Malt pe do in the feare of the Loꝛd faithtully, turned alide from thet, and Deltroped them chap.6,28.
e the Priefsand and with a perfit beart. f ngt. e- Meaning, wars,
Leuites which IO And in euery caule that Hall come ta IL Behold,Jlap, they retard
bs, income which commetiy
fhould iudge youof pour brethren that Dwell in their ci- ming to cat ys ont of thine tmbabitance by -Gods iuft
} matters 2ccor- tics, betweene {blood and blood, between which thou hat cauled vs to inherit. iudgements for
ding tothe word lawe and precept, itatutes and iusgements, 12 D our God, wilt than not tudge them? our finnes.
| ofthe Lord, yethallindgethem, and admiontil chem that foz there is no ſtrength invs to Rand before f Thatis,itis
f Taatis,to try they treſpaſſe not againſt the Zod, that this great multitude that commeth againt here called vpon
whether the mur. s wath came not vpon von ann vpon your be neither De we know what to Do: but our and thou decla-
ther was done at brethren. Thus hall pee doe and treſpaſſe eyes e ate toward thee. reft thy prefence
f ynwares,orels not. I3 And all Juda} Hood » before the Low and fauour.
on ſet purpoſe. Il And behelte, Amariah the Pꝛieſt hali with therr yong ones, their wines, and their Deut.z 9.nehe,
Numb. 35.53. bee the chiefe ouer ponin all matrersof the chiidzen, f : ] 13.1.
Deut.4-41. LoD, and Zebadiah the fonne of Iſhmael, a 14 And Jabhasiel the fonne of Zechariah g We onely put?
g Meaning,that ruler of the houſe of Judab, thal be top ail the the ſonneofBenaiah, the toune of Jetel, the our truft in thee,
God would pu- h kings affaires, and the Leuttes halbe off fonne of Mattaniah, a Leuite ofthe fonnes and-wait for our.
nith them moft cers before pou. Beot courage, and doe tt, of Aiaph was there, bpon whome came ithe deliuerance from
fharply, iftbey and the Lost Halve with the * goon. Dpirit ofthe Loz, in che mios of the Cone heauen,
‘would not exe. gregation. h Thatis, before=
cutciuftice aright. h Shalbe chiefe ouerfcer of the publike affaires 15 Qud delays, Hearken ye, all Judah, the Arke of the.
ofthe Reaime, i They Mhali have the handling of inferiour caufes, and ye inhabitants of Jeruſalem, and thou, covenant,
K God will aGift them that do iultice. Ring Feboaphas ; tyus leith the Lezd vit- i- Which was
CHAP. XX, to pou, feare pou not, neither be afraid fog mooued by the
3 Tehofhaphat and the people pray vntothe this great multitude: faz che battell isnot Spirit of God
Lord. 22 The marueilous victory that the Lorde pours, but Gods, x to prophefie.
gaue him againſt his enemies. 30 His reigne agd 16. To marow goe pee Doone agains k They fightas-
aches, them: bebotde, they come pp bp the cleft gaint God ard
A Fter this alio came the children ofPo- ot 313, and yee ball Ande them at the end not againgt youz
abandthe childꝛen of Ammon, t with of a brooke Defoe the wilderneſſe of Je⸗ therefore he wilt-
fa That is,which them ofthe Ammonites again Jeboha- ruel, fight for you.
counterfeited the phat to battell. ý . 17 Pefbalneot need to fight inthis batre): Exod 14.1 3,145-
|} Ammonites in 2 Then there came that tele Jehoſha⸗ * tann ttill,moue notand bepold the ſcalua· Or; dediwerances
Janguase and ap- phat, laying, Chere commeth a great multi⸗ tion ofthe Lozo toward you ; D Judah and
el, The He- Jerufalem, feare ye not, neither bee afrapa ;
resthinke that they werethe Amalekites, butas may appeare by to moꝛow go out againſt them, and the Loa.
tensh vesfe,they weretbe Adumeans of mount deit. willbe With pour,
13 CT har
B i

God fighteth for Iudah. Ti.Chron. Tehoram: higcrueltie. —

1 Declaring his 18 ¶ Then Jehoſhaphatl bowed downe 32 Aud he walked in the f way of Ala bis f Meaning, in
faith and obedi- with his kace to the earth, andal Judah and father, and Departed not therefrom, omg his vertues and
ence to the word the inhabitants of Jeruſalem fell Downe be- that which was right in the fight of the thofe wayes
ofthe Lord,and faze the Lord, worshipping the Lom. LoD. wherein he fol-
iuing thankes Ig And the Leuites of the children of the 23 Howbeit the high places were not tta- lowed God.
tor the deliue- Robathites, and of the children
of the dor- ken away: fo2 the people had not pet pze- t Ifthe great
rance promiled. bites toed np to pratle the Lord God of Jl path their hearts unto the Ged of their fa- care and dili-
taclwith alowd voiccon high... | tiers, gence of this
20 And when they arole carly inthe mo- 34 Concerning the rete of the acts ofge: good King was
Hing, they went foortl tothe wilderneffeof hothaphat Ari andilat, behoide, they are not able viterly
Tekoa: and as they Departed, Jehoſhaphat witten in the booke of Jehu the fonne of to aboliſh all fu-
ſtood and fayo, Weare yee mee, D Judah, Hanani, which * is mentioned tn the bonke perſtition and
Ind pee inhabitants of Jeruſalem: put pour of the Kings of Iſrael. idolatry out of
truſt in the Lord pour God, and pee thatl be 35 E Vet after this vid Jehoſhaphat king this people, but
m Giuecredie — and ye hall of Judah topne timlelfe with Abastah king
beleeue bis · Pꝛophets, that they would
to their words zolper. of Iſrael who was giuen todo euili. Rill reteine their
and doGrine. 21 And when hee had confulten with the 36 And hee ioyned with him to * make filth and idola-
people, and appointed fingers vuta the fhtps to goetoTarſhiſh: and thep made the try how much
Lozd, and them that thoulo praile him thar fhipsin ston Gaber. leſſe are they ae
is tn the beautifull Sanctuary , in going 37 Then Eliezer the fon of Dodanah of ble to reforme
fooztl befoze the men of ares, and faptng, Warehah prophected agatnit Jebothaphat, euill,which ei- >
n This wasa àPꝛaiſe pe the Lozd, foz his mercy laltech fog faying, Becaule thou hatt « toyned chy felfe ther haue little
Pfalm of thankf- uet, with Ahaziah, the Lord hath broken thp zeale, or not
giuing which 22 Aud when thep began to Mout and to works sand the hips were broken, that they ſuch as he bad:
they vfed com- praile the Loꝛd layed ambuſhments again were not able to gog to Tarſhiſh. though herein +
monly to fing the chien of Ammon, Moab, and o mount he was not to be
when they prai- Deir, which were come againſt Judah, and excufed? 1. King. 16.1. 1.King.12-48,49. U Thus God would
fed the Lord for they fic one another, not haue bis to ioyne in focietie with idolaters and wicked men,
his benefits, and 23 forthe childzenofAmmen, © Moab
was made by Da. rofe againſt the inbabitants of mount Seir, CHAP, XXL
wid, Pfal.1 36. to flay and to Deftroy them : and when they x Iehofhaphat dieth. 3 Fehoram fucceedeth
© Meaning,the had made an end of the inhabitants ofDeir, him, 4 which killeth his brethren. 6 Hee was
Idumeans, which euerponcbhelpedrtodeitropanother. brought ta idolatry. 11 and feduceth the people.
dweltia mount 24 And wher Judah came toward Miz- 16 He & oppreffed ofthe Philiſtims. 18 His mie
Seir, : pab it the wildernefle, they looked vnto the [erable end,
p ThustheLord multitude: and behold, the carkailes were | a bt thentlept with Dis fathers,
according to Ie- faliento theearth,andnoncefcaped. > and was buried with his fathers in the ci»
hofhaphats pray- 25 And when Jehothaphat and bis peo- ticof Dawid : and Jehoram Hts lonne reig»
er declared his ple came to take away the tvoyle of them, ned in bis tean.
power, when he they found among them in abundance both 2 And he had brethzeen the fonnes of Jes
~ deliuered his,by of iubftance , and alfo of bodies laden with hoſhaphat, Asartah, and Jehiel, and Secha>
cauſing their —— iewels, which they tooke fo: them- ria),and Asariah, and Michael, and Shee
enemies to kill elues,tilthey could cary no moze: thep were phatiah, Ait theic were the fonnes oF Jeho- a Reade chap.
one another, three Bayes in gathering of the ſpoyle: fo2 it thaphat king of · Ilrael. 15.17. how by
q To giue thaks was much. 3 Audtheir father gane them great gifts Iftael is meant
to the Lord for 26 And in the fourth day they aaflem= of filucr and of gold,and of precious things, ludah.
the victory, and bied themlelues in the valley of Berachah: with krong cittes tnJudah , but the king- 2.King.8.16.°
. therfore the val- foz there they biced the Lo20 : therfore they — gaue hee to Jehoram: foz hee was the b Becaufe the
Jey wascalled called the name ofthat place, The valley of g e b wicked liue euer
Berachab,that Berachah vnto this day. 4 “And Jebozam rofe vp npon the king- in feare,andalfo
is,bleffing,or 27 Then euery man of Judah and Fe- dome of his father , ¢made himlelfe trong, are ambitious,
thankefgiuing, rufalem returned with Jebothaphat their andè flew ali his beethzen with the ford, they become
which was alfo bead, to goe againe to Jerufalem with toy; and allo of the princes of: Iſrael. cruel,and {pare
called the valley forthe Lod had made them to retopce ouer § FJeboram was two and thirty yeere not to murther
of Ieho{haphat, their enemies. old, then he began ta reigne, and hee reig: them, whom by
Ioel 3.2, 12. be- 28 Andtheycame to Jeruſalem with pi- ned eight peere in Jerufalem. naturetheyought
caule the Lord ols,and with harpes, and with trumpets, e- 6 And bee walken tn the way of the moft to cherith
judged the ene- ven vnto the houſe of the Lord. kings of Iſrael, as the boule of Ahab had and defend,
mies according 29 And thes feare of God was vpon all Done: for hee had the Daughter of Ahab to c- Meaning, of
to Iehofhaphats the kingdomes of theearth, when they han ae and hee wroughe eutil in the eyes of ludah and Ben-
prayer. Heard thatthe Lord had fought agatutt the the LoD. jamin.
t Hedeclareth enemies of Iſrael. À 7 Worwbeit the Lom would not deſtroy d So that we ſe
hereby,that the 30 So the kingdome of Jehothaphat tye boule of Dauid,becaufe of the *couenart how it cannot
“workes of God was quiet , and his God gaue him re sn e- that he had made with Daud , and becaute that we (hould
bring euer com- uery fide, i He had promeled to giuz a light topim, and ioyne withthe
fort or deljue- 31 A And * Fehohaphat reigned ouer to bis ſonnes fo2 ence. wicked & ſerue
rance to his,and Judah, and was fiue andthirtte peere olve 8 CFn his dayes Edom rebelled from God,
feare or deftru- when be began to reigne: and reigned Rue vnder the hand of Judah , and made aking 2,Sam.7. 12,1
ction to his ene- and twentte peere in Jerufatem , and his ouer then. > à E e i. hin.2.4 9 Si
mies. pa name was Azubah the daughter of 9 And Jehoranr went foorth with his 2.king.8.19,

1Ming. 22.42. L princes,

andal bis chavets with bun: anne chap,6.16.
“and hortible death. Ahaziah. Chap.xxij.xxtij. Iehu flayeth Ahaziah, x 77
role bp by night, and ſmote Edom, which 4 cAherekoꝛe hee did euill inthe fightof e He ſhe weth
Had compatleabimin, and thecaptatnes of the Lon, lke the houſe ofAhab : forthep thar ie mutt
the chatets. were bis e countellers after the Death ofhis necdes follow
e Reade 2.King. 10 But Evom rebelled from puder the father, to bts deſtruction. that the ralers
8.22. hand of Judah vnto this Day. Then DiD § And be walked after their counlet, arefuch as their
f Mcaneing ido- e Libnah rebell at the fame tinie from vnder went with Jehoram the fonne of Ahab King counfellersbe, &
latrie,becaufe bis hand, becaule bee ban fozfaken tye Lord of Iſrael to Aight agatutt Wazael Ring of A= that there cannot
that the idolater God of bis fathers. É $ ram at Ramoth Gilead ; andthe Aramites be agoodKing,
breaketh promife II ¶ Moꝛeouer,hemade hie places in the {mote Jozam. _ thar finffereth wic-
with God,as > mountaines of Judah, and cauicd the inha⸗ 6 CAndbe returned tobe healed in Iʒ· ked counfellers,
doeth theadul- bitants of Jerufalem to commit £ foꝛnicati reel, becaule of the wounds wherewith they £ Hereby welee
tereffe to her on, and compelled Judah thereto, had wounded him at Ramah , when hee hownothing caa
husband. 12 And there came a waiting to him from fought with Hazael king of Aram, How A= come to any, but
g Some thinke e Eltiah the Prophet laying, Thus faith che zariah the ſonne of Jehoꝛam king of Judah by Gods proui-
that this was E= Lom Gon of Dauid thy tather, Wecaule went Downe to fee Jehoram the ſonne of A- dence and ashe
Titha,fo called, thou hat not walken in the wayes of Jeho- hab at Izreel, becaute he was diſeaſed. hath appointed,
becaufe be had waphat thy father, nozin the wayes of Ala 7 And the deſtruction of Ahaziah f came and thereforehee
the Spirit in a- King of Judah, 4 ef Gon in thathee went to Fozam : foz when cauſethalmeanes
bundance,as had 13 But- hak walked in the way of the he was come, hee went — Jehoꝛam to ſerue to his
Eliiah, Kings of Iſrael, and halt mane Judah and again Jebu the ſonne of Mimijt,* whome will.
h Wee feethis the inhabitants of Jerufalem to goe a who» the Lod had anepnted to Deltrop the boule 2-King.9.7-
examplc dayly ring, as the boule of Ahab went a whoing, of Ahab, fOr, tooke ven-
practiſed vpon and hat alſo Maine thy brethren of thy fae 8 Therefore when Jehuſexecuted iutges geance.
them that fall thers boule which were better then thou, ment bpon the boule of Ahab, and found she g This was the
away from God, 14 Behold, witha great plague will the prices of Judah and the ſonnes of the bze= sult plague of
and becomeido- Lo: finite thy people, and thy childzen, anv tizen of Ahaztab that waited on Abastay, God,becaulehe
laters aud mur- thy wiues,andalithytubitance, i be flewthemalfo, . ioyned hin felfe
therers of their I5 And thou halt bein great diſeales in 9 And be fought Abasiah, and they with Godsene-
brerhren, the diſeale of thy bowels, vutilt" thy bowels caught him where he was hinin Samaria, mies: yet God to
i There were fall ont foz the dileale,Day by Day, and brought him to Jehu, and fewe him, declare che wor-
other Arabians 16 @ So the Low ſtirred bp againſt Je- and buried htm, becaule, fayd they, beets thincile of Ieho-
in Africa South- horam the ſpirit of the Philiſtims, and the the ſonne of Jebofhaphat, which fought thaphachis
ward toward Arabians that were beline the i Ethiopie the Loud with all bts heart. <0 the houle grandfather, mo-
Egypt. ans. of Abaziah was not able to reteine the kings ued them to giue
E Calledalo A- 17 And thepcamebpinte Judah, and Dome. him the honour
baziah,as Chap. bake intoit, and carted away all the fib- lo @* Therefore when Athaltah the mo- ofburiall.
23.1,0r Azanah ance that was found in the Kings boule, ther of Abasiah fame that her fonne mas 1
verfe.6 following and bis fonnesallo, and bis wiues, fo that Dead , He aroleand* deſtroyed all the kings h Totheinrent
1 That is,as ſome there was not afonne left him, laue t Jehoa· ſeede of the boule of Judah. that there fhould
write jhe wasnot haz,the yongeſt of his fomes. It But Jebowhabeah theDaughter of the be none tomake ae
tegarded,but de- 18 And after allthis, the Loyd ſmote him Ring, tooke Joath the fonne of Ahastal, and titlerothe
‘poled lor bis wic- in bis bowels with an incureable diſeaſe. Hale bim from among the Kings fonnes, crowne, and fo
ednesandido- - Ig And in proceile of time, euen after the that ſhould bee faine, and put him and bts the might vſurpe
latrie: fo that his ende of two veeres, bis gutts fell out with nurle in the bed chamber: ſo Jehoſhabeah the gonernment.
fonne reigned bis diſeale:ſo he died of fore Difeates;and his the Daughter of King. Jehoram the wife of
i Meaning inthe
22.yeere (his fa· people made no burngig foz dim tke the Jehoiada the ient Cfo: the was the fitter of chamber where
ther yetdiuing ) burning ofhis fathers. + Abastah) hid him from Athaliah:(o ſhe New the Priefts & Le-
without honour, 20 hen he began to reigne,hewas two him not. A uites flept, which
and after his fa- and thirtte peercolde, and reigned ingeru- 12 And hee was with them hidde inthe kepr their courles
thers deathhe falem eight peere, land lined without being ipouleof God fire yeeres, whiles Athaliah weekely inthe
was confirmed - Deſired pct they bured Him in the citie of reigned ouer the «land, Temple.
‘to reigne ftill,as Danid, but notamong the (epulchzes of the k Towit,ofIu-
Chap. 22.2, Kings. CIFA Dp. ee TAT dah.
CHAP. XXII 1 Ioafhthe fonne of Abaxzal ismade King.
1 Ahaxiah reigneth after Fehoram. 9 Fehs 15 Athaliah is put to death. 19 The Temple of
hing of Ifrael killeth ahaziah, 10 Athaliah Baalis deſtroyed. 19 Tehoiada appointeth mins-
—— death allthe Kings linage. 11 Ioafh fiers snthe Temple. 4
efcapeth, Az * a in the feuenth veere Jehoiada 2 King.11.4.
A Neethe inhabitants of Jerufalem made wared bolde, and tooke the captaines a Ofthe rcigne
AAhasiah His yongett fonne Kingu hts of hundzeths, to wit, Azariah the foune of of Athalwh, or
ead : for the armie that came with the A⸗ Jeroham, and Jhmacl thefonne of Jeho» after the death
rabiansta the campe, had flatneall the el- banan, and Azariah the fonne of Dbed, and of Abazial.
Dek: therefore Ahaziah the ſonne of Icho⸗ Maaliah the tonne of Adaiah, and Elita-
ram Bing of Judah reign. phat the fonne of zichri in couenant with
2 Two and b fourtie peere old wasAhae h
ziah when he began to reigne, Œ he reigned 2 And they went about in Judah, any b Meaning,of
c onzyeerein Jerufalem ; and his mothers Gathered ths Lenttes outof all the ctticsof Ludah and Bene *
fd She was Ahabs name was Athaltah the Daughter 4 9fDmri. Judah, and the chicks fathers» of Hfracl: iamin:readewhy
daughrer, who 3 ee walked allo in the wayes of the and they caine to Jerufalem. they are called
wasthefonne boule of Abab:foz his mother countellea Gan 3 Andall theCongregationmadeaco Ural Chaprs, _ *

of Omri. : to DoE wickedly. wenant withthe Ring tn the houſe of God: 17,
5 Sua
Toath anoynted King. II.Chron. ‘Taxes proclaimed. The» 4
and hee [att vnto them, Behold, the Kings the Pꝛieſt of Daal before the altars.
3.S44.7.1 2516. ſonne mut reigne, *as the Lod hath ſaid of IS Gud Jeboiada appointed officers fog
Pking, 2-4. the fonnes of Danin. the boule af che LoD, under thelibandsot the llOr charge.
Chap,33.7 This is it that ye hall Doe, She thira ueltes,and Lentes, whom Dauid had dt
tofpouthat come othe Sabbath ofthe ributed for the houſe ofthe Lor, to offer
Heieſts, and tie Leuttes, hall be poztersof burnt offerings puto theLozb, *as tt iswatts Numb. 28.3.
the doores, ten in the Law of Dales, with reioyciag and
§ And mother third part toward the fiinging by the appointment ef Danit. n-Which was `
a. King. 11.6. Kings houle , and another third part at * the 19 And helet porters bp tye gates of the the principali
c Wes was gate ofthe ¢ foundation, and all the pcople houteofthe Lad, that none that was vit- gate, tbatthe |
the chiete gate fhalbe iit the courts of the boule cfthe 2020. cleaneinany thng, ſhould enter ta. King might be ©
ofthe Temple 6 Wut let none come into the boule of the 20 Gnd he tooge the capraines of hun- feeneofall the `
toward the Eaft. Lod laue the Piets and the Leuites that Dreths. and the noble men, and the gouer- people, i
miniſter: they hall goe tn, for they are hoiy: noursofthepeople, and all tbe people of the o Forwherea.
Cp all the people hai keepe the watch of the land, and be canſed rhe Ring to come Downe tyrantandan =
020 out of the bouleofthe Lozd, and they went idolater reig. `
d Meaning,to 7 And the Lenites Hall compafle the through "thebte gate of the Rings houle; nethstherecan ©
make any tu- King round about, and euery man with bis a tet the king vpon the theone ofthe king: be no quietneſſe
mult,orto hin- weapon in bis hand, and be that entrethsin= ome. forthe plagues
der theirentere tothe houſe Hall be Haine, and be pou with 21 Then allthe people ofthe tand reioy⸗ of God are eweg
prife. the King, when hee commech in, and when ced, and the citie was quiet, ° after that they among fuch
e Which had he goeth out. i had flaine Athaliah with the ſword. people.
finifhed their 8 @ Do the Lenttes and ail Judah div
courfe on the according to ail things that Jehoiada the CHAP, XXIII, ,
Sabbith,and fo Pꝛieſt had cominaunded, and tooke encryp 4 Toafh repaireth the houfe of the Lord. 17 Agai
the other part man his men that came on the @abbath, After the death of Iehoiada he falleth toidolatry,
eutred to keepe with then that
*went out on the Sabbath: 21 Hee fonethtodeath Zecharsah the Prophet.
their turne. fo: Jehoiada the JPzieit DID not diſcharge 25 Isafhu killed of his owne feruantse 27 Af-
£ Meaning the thecourles. : i ter hira reigned Amaæiah.
moft holy place 9 Aud Jehoiada
the Prick deliuered to ]Dail * was ſeuen peere old, when he began 1. Kinga,
where the Arke the captaincs of hundzeths, tpeares, anu to reigne, and jee reigned fourtie peerein
ftood, Wielas, and bucklers which had beene Ring FJerafalem, and his mothers name was zis
e That is, the Dautds,and were inthe houle of God. btaiy of Beer- ſheba. j j
ooke ofthe Io And hee caule allthe people to ſtand 2 And Joay oid vpzightlyin the ſight
Law,or as fome is man with bis weapon in bis hand) ofthe Lord, allthe Dayes of- Jehoiada the a Who wasa f
reade,they put Dzi
romthe right fide of the boule, tothelett Tielt ' faithfull counſel..
vpon him his five of the boufe bp the Altar and by the 3. Anu Jehoiada) tooke him two wines, les, and gouere
royallapparell, f Boule round about the Ging. and bebe atefonnesanDBaughters. ned him by the
lOr,/aw the 11 Then they brought out the Kings fon, 4é € d afterward it came into Joaſh word of God,
King ſtanding· and put bpon hun the craiwne, and gauehim minde to renew the houlecfthe Lord. lOr gaue him
b Declaring aer thes teſtimonie, and made dun King. And § And he afleinbled the Piets andthe two wines,
vile impudencie, Jehoiada and his founes ancpnted hun,and Leuites, and (aid to them,@oe out vnto the ~
which having ſaid, God fane the Ring. tities ofJudah, and gather ofall Iſrael b He meanetk
voiuftly,and by 12 E But when Athaliah heard the noyſe mony to repaire the boule of your God, from not the tenne
murther vſurped of the people running and pratfing the king, yeere to peere, and hatte the chung s butthe tribes, but onely
thecrowne, as — to the people into the boule of tie Lentteshalted not. the twotribes
would ŝili baue 020. 6 Therefore the Ring called Jehoiada of ludaband
defeated the true 13 And when He | looked, behold, the king thes chicfe, and lato vᷣnto him, (iby halk Benaimin, ;
poffefour,and {toad by bis pillar atthe entring in, and the thou not required of the Lenices to bꝛing in c Forhewas the)
therefore called princes and the trumpets by the Ring, ann out of Judah and Jerufalem * the tare of hie Prick.
true obedience allthe people ofthe land reioyced , and blew Woles the ſeruant of theLod, andof the Exod.30.13.
treafon. the trumpets , and the fingers were with in» Congregation of Iſraci, for the Taberna»
i Toioyne with ſtruments ofmulickẽ, and they that could cleofthe teſtimonie? : i
her partie, and fing praile : then Athaliad rent per clothes, 7 Foꝛdwicked Athaliah, and her chil d The Seriprure
to maintaine her and iatt, Ceealon,treatorr. Deen bzeake vp the boufe of God: anBaltthe doeth terme her
authoritie. 14 Then Fehstada the Piet brought things that were Dedicate fog the houleof thus, becauſe the
k That they Dut the captatnes of hundzeths that were the Loz, did they beſtow vpon Baalim. was acruel mire
would enly {rue gonernours ofthe holt, and aid bute them, 3 WhereforetheRing commanded,*and derer, and ablak.
him & renounce Haucher foorth ofthe ranges, and hee that they made achelt,aundlec itarthegateof the phemous idolas:
all idolatrie. i followeth her, let him Di? by the ſword: foz houſeofthe Load without, treffe,
1 According to the Piieſt had (ata, Slap her not in the 9 And they made proclamation thzongh 2-Kings 12.9»
théircoucnant boule ofthe Lorn. Judah and Jerufalem, to bring vñnto the
made tothe 15 @othey laide hands on her:and when toude*the tare ofMoſes the cruantofGon Exed. 30.13.
Lord. the was come to che entring ofthe horſcgate laide bpon Jiraci wi the wilternefie.
m Asthe Lord bythe Kings houle, they flew ber there. 10 And all the zꝛinces and all the people
commaundedin 16 @And Jehoiada made akcouenant be- teforced, and brought in, and cal into che
bis Law both tweene him, ana all the people, and the king, cheſt, vntillthey had finite. e Such
as were,
for the perfon that they woulo be the Loros people. IX Ane whemit was tine,ethepbrought faithſullmen.
and alfo the cis I7 And all the people went ta the boufe the chet vnto the Rings officer by the whomthe King
tr, Deut.33 9. ef Baal andi deſtroyed it, and brake his al. hana of tht Leuites : and when they awe hacappointed
and ag. gars and hia images, and flew > Mattan shat there was much filuer, ba the ſor chat maiter.
Temple repaired. Zechariah Boned. Chapixxy. Toafhflaine. Amaziah. 178
kings Scribe Cand one appointed by the 24 Though the armie of Aram came
high ziet ) came and emptied the chef, with afmali company of men, pet the Loro
and tooke it, Ecarted tt to bis place againe; Deltuered a verygreat army into thew hand,
thus they din Dap by Bay, and gathered fil- becaule thep bad forlaken the £020 Hod of
uer in abundance. feai i their fathers: and tepo gaue ſentence a» © Yhatis, repres
fSignifying that 12 Andeheking and £ Jehoiada gaueit gaint Joa. ued & checked
this thing was tofuch as did thelabour and wozke in the 25 And when they were departed from him,and handled
done by aduife & bounie ofthe Lod, and hired Maſons and bin, (Foz they left bun in great diſeaſes) bis kim rigoroufiy,
counfell, and not catpenters to repatte the boule ofthe Loꝛd: Own leruants conipired againk him foz the
they gone it alia to the workers of pron and blood of b rcbildzen of Jehoiada the Piet, p Meaning , Za-
braſſe,torepaire the boule of the Loꝛd. and ew him on is bad, and he Died,¢they charie, which was
TEbr, a medicine 13 So the workemen wrought, and the buried him in p city of Daui : but they bus once of [etioia-
was upon the worke + amended through their hands:and tied him not in the fepulchzes of the kings. dabs nnes , and
‘worke, meaning, they reftored the boule of God to his ate, 26 And thele are thepthat con{pired a- a Prophet of the
st was repaired. and ſtreugthened tt. f $ Sain him, Fabad the ſonne of Ohimrath Lord,
& For the wicked 14 And when they bad finihed it, they an Ammoniteſſe, and Jehoʒabad the foune
of Sbhimrith a Woabiteſſe.
brought the retof the filuerbetoze the king
- and Jehatada, 27 But his afonnes, andthe fumme of q That is, cone
and he made thereofs vellels
liab had deftroy- the tagegathered by him, and the * foundae cerning his
fo: the boule of the Lozd, euen veſſels to mis
ed the veffels of tion of the boule of God , beholde ,thep are fonnes &c,
niter ,both mozters and incerfe cups , and
the Temple,or witten tn the ſtorie of the booke of the £ Thatis, che te⸗
veſſels of gold and of fluer: and they offccd
turned them te burntofferings in the houfeofche Loz con» Kings. And Amaxꝛiah bis loune reigned in paration.
the vie of their tinually all the dayes of Jehoiada. bis Read,
idoles, Is (But Jehoiada wared old, and was
ih Signifying, full of Dapes,and died. An hundzeth and CHAP, XXV.
that they could thirty peere old was he when dec Died. 3 Amariah putteth themto death which flew
not honour him 16 And they buried him in the rity of Das bis father, 10 He fendeth backe them ofFfrael,
too much, who uD With the "kings, becaule hee bad done 11 He emercovmeth the Edomites. 14 He falleth
had fo excellent- good tt Iſrael, and toward God and bis to idolatrse. 17 And Foafh king of Ifrael ouer-
ly ferued in the ouie. commth Amaxiah, 27 Hess flaine by a conſpi-
worke oſthe 17 And after the Death of Jehoiada, race.
tame thei pincesof Judah , and Did reue·
Lord, and in the A Maziah was fue and tiventy peere old,
affaires of therenceto the king » aud the king bearkencd when be began to reigne, and hee reig- 3.King. 14.2.
common weslth, bnto then, ned nine and twentic peere in * Jerufalem? a Meaning, in
i which were 13 Ind thep left the honle of the Lod and his mothers name was Jeboaddan , of refpc@ of tus pre.
flatterers , and Serufaien,
God of their fathers and (erued groucs and ) eceffors, albeit
Knew now that idoles: aud wrath came vpon Judah and 2 And hee Did *bprightlp tn the eyes of he had his impcre
‘the king was de- Jerufalem, becaule of this their trcſpaſſe. the Lord, but not with a pertit heart. feQions. 5
ſtitute of bhim 19 And Godfent prophets among them, 3 And whenthe-kingdome was eftablt- Deut.24,16.
who did watch tobzing them againe to the Lord: and they foed vnto him,beMew bis ſeruants that had 2, keng.1 4.6,
ouer him as a fae k made protetation among thein, but thep faine the king dis father. ier 35 30,
ther, and there- would not heare, 4 But he icy not their child2en,but did ezek 18.20,
fare brought him 20 And thefpirit of God came bpon 3e- as ít ts witten in the Law, and in the booke b That is,forthae
zo moft vile ido- chartah the tonne of Jehoiada the Patek of Poles, where the Lom commanded, fays fault wherefore
latrie, which toode | abone the people. and fayd ing Che fathers hall not ote foz the tè chib, the child is puni-
k They tooke vnto them, Thus ſayth God, Aby tranl> Deen, neither hall the chilozen die foz the fa- thed,excepthe
heauen and earth grele pee the commandements ofthe Lov: —— but euctyman Mall die foz bis pwne be culpable of
and all creatures {urely pe fhall not polper: becaule pee haue inne, the fame,
to witnefie , that lorſaken the Lozd,be hath allo forſaken pou. ¶ And Amasziah aſſembled Judah, c So many as
except they re- 21 Chen they conſpired againſt him anad and made them captaines ouer thoulands, were able mento
turnedtothe ~ ſtoned him with ſtones at the ™ commande» and captatnes ouce hundreds, according to beare weapons,
Lord, he would ment of the king, inthe court of the houſe the boules of their fathers,thozowout al Fu» & to goe to the
moft grievoutly of the Lozd. Dahand Beniamin: and be rumbzed them warre,
punith their infi- 22 Thus Joalh the king remembzcd not fram ¢ twentie peere old ¢ abone, and found d Thatis, out of
delitie andrebel- the kindeneſſe which Jehoiada his father amoug them three bundz¢d thoufand cholen the tenne tribes,
lion, Nehe. 9 26, had Done ta him, but Hew hisfonne. And men to go forth to the warre, and to handle whichhad fepata-
L Ina place a- when he died, he laid, The Log * looke vp- {peave and iela. ted themfelues
boue the people, Git it, and require it. 6 Hee hired allo an Hundzcd thouſand before, both
to the intent that 3 Cand whew the peere was out, the paliant men 4 out of Iſrael foz a hundzeth from God and
he might be hoite of Aram came vp again hint, € thep talents of filuer. ee their true king.
heard. came againt Judah ano Jerulalem, and 7 But aman of God came to him, fay- e ‘And therefore
m There isno Dettroped all the patuces of the people frou ing, D king, let not the armic of Iſrael goe to'thinke to haue
race fo cruell and among the people, aud fent all the ſpoyle of with thee : forthe Lox is not © with Iſrãel, help ofthem, ©
beafily, as. of than vito the king of Damaſcus. neither with allthe houle of Cphzain. whom the Lord
them whofe 8 FeCl not, goe thon on, Doe tt, make thy fauoureth not, is
hearts God hath hardened , & which delight more in fuperfition felfe rong to the battell,out God thal make tocaft off the
and idolatrie then in the true feruice of God , and pure fimplicitie thee fall befeze the enemie? foz Gov hath help of the
ofhis word. n Reuenge my death, and require my blood at your power to helpe, and to cat Downe. Lord,
hands: or hee ſpeaketh this by propbefie, becanfe hee knew that 9 And Ainasiah layd to the man of God, f if thon wile
God would doe it. This Zacharie is alſo called the fonne of Bara- Chat tail wee Doe then for the hundeeth not gine credit
thie, Mat. 23.35. becaule his progenitors were Iddo, Baiachiah,Ie- talents , which Ji Ma giuen tothe bent to my wordes,
‘ &c. 2
Aumaziahouercommech the Edomites, II. Chron. and is ouercomeof Ioath. Vzziah.
oF Iſrael? Then the man of God anſwered, me — ee gust > fave
g He fheweth ae LoD is able to g gine thee moze chen another in the face at Wethivemes
that if we depend is. whichistn Judah. vo 4
oncly vpon God, 10 Ho Amasiah (eparated them, to wit, 22 And Judah was putto the worſe be
we fhall not need the armie that was come to bun ont of ©- * — and they Aed euery man te bis
to be troubled ` phzaim,ta retuene to their pla ce e
sith thefe werld- thetr wath was kindled greatly agatnit 23 But Joah the king of Iſrael tooke
ly reſpecte: for he Judah, and they ceturneDio their places Amasiah king ofJudah, the forne of Jis-
will giue at all With great anger. aty,the fonne of gehoahaz in Bethſhemeſh.
times that which > IF Chen Amasiah was evicouraged, and and brought him to Ferufalem, and bake
fhalve neceffary, ten forty his peopl ande,
went tothe ialt vat- Downe the wall of Jeruſalem, from the gare
if wee obey his lep , and (mote vite chiloren of » Sete, ten of Ephrsim vnto the coner gate, foure hun⸗
word. thouſand. f i deeth cubits.
h For che Idus 12 An other tenne thoufand did the chil- 24 And heetooke allthe gold and the fit-
meanes whom Deen of Judah take altuc, and caried them ucr, andallthe veltis that were found in
Dauid had to the top ofa i rocke, and tat thembowne the boule of God with *Oben Edom, and t Meaning, the.
brought to fus- from the cop of the rocke, and they all burt in the treaſures of the kings boule, and the fuceeflours of
i¢Gion,rebelled to pieces, at : childzen that were tn hokage, and returned Obed Edom: for
vnder Iehoram 13 But the men ok the karmy, which A= ta @amiarta. the houſe bare.
Iehofhaphats maziah fent away, that they woul not gee 25 €And Amasztah the fonne of Joab the nameofthe
fonne. witl his people to battell , fell vpon the cis king of Judah ited after the Death of Jlo- chiefe father,
i In the 2, King. ties of Judah from Samaria vnto Beth⸗ ali fonne of Jehoahaz king of Iſrael, tif-
24.7.this rocke bozon, and finote thace thouland of them, teene peere. -
is calledthe citie and toake much {poyle. i 26 Concerning the ret of the actes of
Sela. I4 Row after that Amasiah was come Amasztah Brit anv ialt, ave they nor witten
k Thatis, the From the flaughter of the Goomites, hee thebooke of the kings of Judah and Je
hundred thou- brought che gods ofthe childen of Geir, & et?
fand of Ifracl. fet themvp to be his gods, and ! woerlhtppea 27 Mow after the time that Amaziah did . _. ,
1 Thus where he them,and burnt mcente vnto them. turneaway from tie Lord, *thep wought 2X14 1% .
fkould haue gi- Is CUijercfore che Lod was wzoth with trealon againft him in Jerulalem: ¢ when
uen the praife to Amaziay , and fent vnto him a Pzepbet, he was fied to Lachith, they (ent to Lachiſh
God for his be- which laid unto bim, Cathy Hatt thou fought after him, and flew pim there. í
nefits and great the gods of the people, which were not able 28 And they brought him vpon horſes,
vi&orie,be fell ` tom Deliner theit owne people out of thine and buried hun with bis fathers wi the citte
from God,and hand? 7 of Judah.
did mott vilely 16 Audas he talked with him,” hee fara C HAPEE >
dithonour him. vnto him, Haue they made thee the Kings 1.5 Vaxiah obeying the Lord ,profpereth in
m Hee prooucth countelter2 ceafe thou: why Would they his enterprifes. 16 He waxeth proud andvfur-
that whatfoeuer o finite thee? And the Pꝛophet ceaicd , but Peth the Prieftes office. 19 The Lord plagueth
cannot faue him- fam, J know that God hath Determinedto him, 20 The Prieftes driue him out of the Tem
felfe nor bis wor- Deftroy thee, becanfe chou halt Bone this, ple, and exclude him out of the Lords houfe. 23
thippers, isno and hatt not obeyed my countell. His buriall,and his ſucce ſpur. í ,
God but an 17 Then Amasiay king of Judah tooke [Renal the people of Judah tookeaizs 2 King:I4 ay.
idole, tountell,and fent te Joaſh the fonne of Je» zlab which was firteene peereow, and 4 Called alfo :
n Meaning , the hoahas, the onne ot Iehu king of Diracl, made kiaking in the tead of his father Q- Azariab.
king. a ak P letvs ſee one another th the mastab. dit
o So hard itis ace. 2 Weebullt > Cloth, and reltoꝛed itto b Heforrifiedic,
for the carnall 18 But Joaſh king ofIſrael fent to Ama- Fudabh,after thatthe king flept with his fae &&madeit
mace rong:
man to be ad- ziah king of Judah,taying, Che thiktle that thers, this citie was alfo
monifhed of his isin Lebanon , fent to the Cedar that is iit 3 *Dirteene pere old was Cisziah, when called Eiath and
fault,that hee Lebanon, laying , *Giue thy Banghter to be began to reigne, and heretgned two and Elanon, neereto
contemneth, my onne ta wife: and the wilde beat that fiftie peerein Ferulalem , and bis mothers the red fea,
mocketh,and wasit Lebanon, went and trode Downe name was Jecoliah of Jerufalem. 2: Kingi 5:2,
threatneth him the thiftle å 4 And he did vpꝛightlyin the fight ofthe € This wasnor
that warneth 19 Thou thinken: toe,thou hat ſinitten Lord, according toall that bis father Ama» that Zechariah -
him: yea impri- Edom, and thine heart tifteth thee 9p to stat Did. ; whichwas the
foneth him and bragge: abide now at home: why Doet thon § And hee fought Go in the dayes of nne of Ichos
putteth him ro prouoke to thine hurt,that chou thouldct fal, e3echartah (which ynderfteod the viftons 1ada;but fome
death, as chap. and Judah with thee? ofSod) and when as + he fought the Lord, other Prophet
16. 10. and 18. 20 But Amaʒiah would not heare:for God made him to prolper. —
aband 24. 2i. dit was of God, that he might deliuer them 6 Forbewent forth and foughtagaintt 4 For God neuer
p Tharis,lec vs into his hand, becaule they had fought the the JDbilitims , and beake Downe the wall forfakerhany
tric the matter gods of Edom. of Gath , and the wall of Jabneh, andthe thatfecke vmo
bim, and theres
hand to hand:for 21 Ho Joa the king of Iſrael went vp: wallof Qthdod , and built cities in AWD,
he was offended, andamong the Philiſtims. fore manis the
that the armie of the Iftaelites , whom hee had in wages, and difmif- 7 And God helped him again the Phi⸗ cauſe of bisown
fed by the counfell of the Prophet, had deflroyed certaine of the littims , ¢ againt the Arabians that dwelt deftruGion.
sities of ludah. 2.Kimgs 14.9. q. Thus God oft times plagaeth in Gur-baal and Pammeunim. e Thatis ,they
by thofe meque wherein men mof truf, to teach them to haue their 8 And the Ammonites gauc egiftes to payed tribute in
recourfe on y to him: and to thew his iudotments , mooueth their Uzib, and his name fpzed to the entring e of fub=

hearts to follow that which hall be their deftrudion, tof Egypt; foz he did moſt valianthy iection.
9 SBozes
Gortouer Ussiah butle towers inJe ·and they buried bim with his fathers in the m And therefore
š . rhialein at the corner gate, and atthe valley field of rye burtall, which perteined to the was butied apart
Nehe.3:19524. Gate, and at toc *f turning, and made them kings: fo: they law, pee is a leper. And inthe fame field,
fWheressthe rong. k Jotham bis onne retgned in his ead. bur not in 7 fame
wall or tower IO And hee built towers it the wilaer- fepulchre with; ,
tusneth. neie and digged manylicikernes: for he had CHAP, XXVII. his predeceflours,
fOr. pits. much cattci both in the valleys and piaines, t Iothamreigneth and ouerccmmeth the Am.
gedi cet piowmemand Meiers of vines In the monn- monites. 8 He reigze and death. 9 Ahar, hi
g That is, in. taines, and ins Carmel: for hee toued puf Sonne rergneth ıs his fread.
mount Carmel,
oras the word
bandzie. i
. Uu Gssiah had allo an bofe offighting
j2tbam *was fue and twentie peere olde
when be begar to retgne, ans reigned fig-
2.King.t 563}.
fignitieth in tne men thar Went our to war by bands, accez- teene peere in Jevufaieni, and hismoipers
frurctall fields it Ding te the count oftheir number vnder the nae was Feruibah the Daughter ef Zadok.
isalo taken for © Hand of Fetet the ſcribe, and Maaſciah the 2 And he did yprishtipin the fight of the
mereenccare of fuler, end pnder the hand of sanantab, one Lord according to al that his father Cizsiabh
canewhenitis: of the Kings captaines. 7 DiD, fane rhat he eutred not into thes Genie a To wit,to offer
fuil,as Leuit.2:14 © 12 The wlhole bnumber of che chicfe of ble sf the Low, and the people Did pet > coz- incenfe againft
h Ofthe chicfe’ fhe families of the valiant men were tiva rupt their wayes. the werd ofGod,
officets oftne thouſend and tire hundzeth. 3 He built the highe gateof the houſe of which thingis
xings houfe,or 13 And vnder their hand was the armie the Loz, and pe butit verp much on the wal Poken inthe
ofthe captaines’ fO: Warre, thee hizudeeth e ſeuen thouland, Of the caſtle. commendation
andfergeants for ‘anid fine Htimdzeth that fought valtantipto 4 APoxconer,he built citiesinthe moun ·ofIòrham.
ware, helpe tiie Ring aqainit the enencte. of Judah, and intht torets he built b They were nor
14 And Gzzh prepared themthozow- palaces andtowers, cleane purged
out all the boite, Hteldes, and {peatcs,and 5. AnD hee fought with the Kingofthe from idolacric,
helmets, and bꝛigandines, and bowes and chuldenof Amunon, and pzeuailed agani c Which was
ttenes toting. aa them. And the childzenof Aimmongaue him fixe fore cubits
HEbrenginsby I5 üe made allo very tartifictallengins the ſame peere ar hundzeth talents of fluer, bie,and was for
thermuentionof ith Jeruſalem to be vpon the towers and yp- and ten thouiandtimealiresofwheate,and theheight called
an inuentine dn the comers, to fyootcarrowes, and great tenthoulandofbarley: this Did the chitazen Ophel: it was at
man, itones; and hts name {pred farveabzoad,be- of Ammon give him |bothin the ſecond pere the Eaftgate, and
cauſe God Bid helpe bim maruciloutip,tilbe and rhe thud. — mention ismide
was mightte. : 6 DoFotham became mightic,becanle of it,Chap,3.4,
16 (But when hee was ftrong,bisheart hee directed His way befeze the Lord his tEbr.Corm.
i Thus profperi- i was ttit pp'tohis Deftruction: for be trani- od, , YOryeerely.
tic caulethimen : gteficD againſt the Lom his God, andwent 7 Concerning the reftof the acts of Jo⸗·d He theweth
totruttinthem-» nto the Temple of the Logdto burne in · tham, and all his warres aud hts wapes lor, thatall profperi-
feluesjand byfor- cenfe bpon the Altar ofincente. r they are written inthe bookeoftheKingsot tiecommeth of
getting him, 17 And Azariah the Diet wentinafter Ilxael and Judah. - God, who neuer
whichistheau- Him, endwich him fourelcoze Petits ofthe — 8 Mewashue and twenty yere old when faileth,whenwe
thourthereof, Lozd,valtaticnien. 4 tS, be begantoteigue,and reigned lirteeng pere putour truftin
ptocure their >18 Aud they withſtood Csstah the King, in Jerufalem, i oo him,o
owneperdition. and ſaid vato pi, It pertaineth notto bis fathers,
` 9 And Jotham Mept with
Numb. i8.7. thee;G3stah,toburneinten(e yntoryeLhod,
and they buried him in the citie of Dauid⸗
theonnes of Aaron, that and Ahaz his ſonne reigned tn bis ead.
` butto the Prielts,
k ‘Though his are coniecrarcdfo2 tooffer intente:go foh
zealefeemedto oftheHanctuary:fo2 thou jaft tranigrefled, CHAP. XXVIII
begoodand:alfo ane thou Galt hance none jondur of the Logo 1 Abazan idolater i giuen intothe hands af
his intention,yet © goa ‘the Syrsans,and the King ofF[rael.. 9 The Pro-
becaufe they 199! Sher Gz
( ʒi
was mroth,a
‘j nd Had in- phet reproucth the Ifraelstes crueltse. 18 Tudah
wétenot góuer- cenlein bts hand to burnt it: and while bee ý molefted with enemies. 23 Ahaz increaſeth
ned bythe word was drach wih, the Prieſtes, the leprofie his idolatrie. 26 Hs death and ſucce four.
ofGoijhedid ` rolesp in brs forehead before the petes A Daz *was twentie peere olde when bee 2.King.16.2,
wickedly,and © urtiye Houle of the Lod belide theincente beganne tortigne, and reigned ſixteene (Or,Predeceffor.
was therefore © Altar: H Bay eH ae eo Sa peere in Jeruſalem, and did not vprightiy a He was an ido-
bothiuftivres © © 20 ee Qsartah the chiete Oita in the ſight obthe Lord, like Dauid his | fa- later like them,
filted and'alfo °° ‘twirl alf the Peieſtes looked vpon hun, be: th er. b Asthe idola-
punithed, Hold, hee was lepzousinhts forehead, and 2 But shee walked inthe wayes ofthe ters haue certaine
they caned btm hattily to depart thence: kings. of Iſrael, and made euen molten una: chiefe idoles,
and hee was euen compelicd to goe out,be- ges fo: t Baalim. ; who are as pa=
caute theLozdhad mitten him. 3 Mozrcoucr,he burnt tucente in the val⸗ trons:(aswere —
2King. 15.5. 28 * And Gzʒiah the king was aleper vn⸗ ley of Ben-Dinnom, and || burnt his fonnes thefe Baalim)fo
` tothe Day of bis Beath, and dwelt as a leper with fire, after the abomination ot the hea⸗ haue they otherg
1 Actordingto tran! houſe apart, becaufe bee was cut of then, whem the Lord had caſt out betore the which are infe-
thecommande- fromthe boute ofthe Lord: and Jotham bis chtlazen of Iſrael. riour, and dog
mentofthe Loid ſonne ruled oner the kings houſe, and iudged 4 Welacrificed alo andburntincente in reprefent the ©
Leuit.13.46. the people of the land. the bigh places, and on hils, and vnder eutry great idoles.
$ À 22 Concerning theret ofthe acts of Uz- Greene tree. Or, made them
stab. frit and laſt, Did Iſaiah the Prophet. § MWherefore the Lord his God deliue ·pafe thorow the
thefonnestAmoswytte, — red bim into the band of the King ofthe A: freas chap 33.6,
23 Ho Gsstah Kept with bis fathers, ramites, and they a him, aud “ee OF ewit.18.21,
3 is
> | Many pationers, and beought them to becaule of Abas King of" Iſrael: for be had n He meaneth
capticastec, Damatcus; and hee was allo eliucred into brought vengeance vpsn Judah), and had Judah,beceufe
the hand ofthe King of Iſrael, which ſmote gticuoully tranfareficd againtt the £023.) Ahaz forfooke
him with a great laughter. 20 And Cilgath PBilneeſer King of AG the Lord, and
c Whowasking 6 Sor: Dekah the onne of Remaliah fhur came vato hin, who troubled him, and fought helpe of
of Iftael. flew tit Judah fire core thouſand in one Day, did not ſtrengthen him. y she mfidels: reade
Ebr. finnesof alle valiant men, becaule they had korſaken 21 Fo: Abaz +tooke a portion*outofthe of Ifrael taken
firength. the Lord God oftheir fathers. À Houle of the Lozd,and ont of the kings boule for Iudah,chap.
lOrtyrasto 7 And Fichi almighty man of Ephꝛaim and of the Pꝛinces, and gaue vnto the King 15-17. i
flew Maaleiah the Kings fonnt, and Awt- of Afihurs yetit helped htm not. tEbr.dizided,
kam the gouernour ofthe boule, and Cika- 22 Andin the tine ef bis tribulation did 2.King.16.8,
nab the ſecond atter the Ring. ; he yet trelpalle moze againſt the Lod, (this o Ashe falfly
8 And the childsenof Ifrael toske prilo- is Bing Abas) fuppofed,
d Thusbythe ners oktheir bethem, d twohundaeth thous 2 ; Foz be tacrificed bute the gods of Da- p Thus the wic-
iuttindgemene fand of women, fonnes,and Daughters, and mattis, which > plagued him, and bee faid, ked meatureGods
of God liraclde- carted away much ſpoyle ofthem, thought Becaule the gods of the kings of Axam hel⸗ favour by profpe.
ftroyed ludah, the (payle to Hamaria. ped them, J will {acrilice puto them, and ritie and aduerſi⸗
9 @ But there was a Prophet of the they will r belpe me ; pec they were hts ruine tie:for if idolaters
Lods, (whol name wasDded)and he went and of all ||Jtrael. profper,they
sut before the boite that came to Samaria, 24 And Ahaz gathered the veficls of the make their idoles
e For they and faid ynto them, Webola, e becanle the houle of Gov, ann bzake the vellels of the £ods,norconfi-
thoughtthey had Loꝛd God of pour fathers ts woth with Ju- Doule of God, and ſhut vp the doores ef the dering that God
oucrcomethem Dab,be hath DeltueredD therm tito pour hand, houleof the Lod, ano made him altars in punifheth them
bytheirowne anðd yee have Naine themi ina rage, that rea» euerp corner of Jerufalem, oft times whom
valiantnefle,and cheth vp to hearer. 25 And in euerp citie of Judah hee made he louech,and gi-
didnotconfider I0 AnD now yee purpoſe to keepe vnder bie places,to burne incenſe puto other gods, ucth his enemies
that Godhad de- the childzen of Judah and Jerufalem, as fer» and peouoked ta anger the Lod God of his good fueceffe for
liuered them into uants, andhandmaids vnto yon:but are not fathers. ¢ atime, whom af-
their hands,be- pou fuch, that f finnes are with you befo: the 26 Concerning the rett of his actes, and terward he will
caufeludahhad 020 pour god? : all bts wayes Arit and lat , behold, thep are defroy.
oftendedhim. If sow therefore beare mee,and Deliuer wittenin thebooke of the Rings of Judah lOr, Iudahansd
f MaynotGod thecaptines againe , which pee haue taken and Iſrael. i Beniamin,
afwell punifh you paifoners of your bꝛethren: foz the fierce 27 And Ahaz lept with hts fathers, anv hOrinIeruſalem.
for your finnes, wꝛath of the Lozdistoward you. — they buried him in the citte | ofJerufalem, q They buried
ashehathdone 12 Ctherefoze certaine of the chiefe of the but brought bun not ynto the afepulchzes of hinrnotin the cie ·
thefemen fer childsenofs Ephraim, Azariah rhe lonne of the Kings ofIſrael: and Hezekiah bis ſonne tic of Dauid,wher
theiss,fecing — Jehohanan,Berechtal the foune of Mewhil- reigned in bis Mean. were the fepul-
yoursare greater? Lemoth, and Jehtzkiah the fonne of Spal» chres of}Kings.
g Whicheribe lum, and Amala the fonne of hadlai, ſtoode CHAP. XXIX.
wasnow preateft, Yp againſt themthat came from the warre, 3.5 Hezekiah repaireth the Temple
andhad moftau- 13 And (aid bnto them, Being not in the tifeth the Lewstes of the corruption of Religion. 13
thoritie. captines hither: foz this hall be bg finne vpon The Lewites prepare the Temple. 20 The King
h Godwitlnot vs againft the Lod : pee intend to adde more and hu princes (acrsfice sa the Temple.a5The Le- ¢
4 fufferthisfinne, toour finnes and toone treſpaſſe,though our uites fing praifes. 31 The oblation ef the people.
which wecom- tre{paffe bee great, and the fierce wath of HEE * began toretgne, when he was 3.Ksngs 18.100
mitagainfthim, God is againſt Iſrael. Afiue and twentic yeere olde,and reigned
sobevnpunithed. 14 So the army left the captiues and the nine anDtwentie yeere in Jerufalem: and
fpople before the Pinces and all the Con- bis mothers name was |Abita the daugh⸗ (Or, Abi.
gregation. ter of Zechariah. ;
iWholenames I5. AnD the men that were inamed by 2. And hee Did vprightly in the fightof
wererchearfed tame, rolebp and tooke the prtfoners, and
the Lord, according to all that Dania his fas a Which Ahaz .
before, ver.e2, ther had Done.
withthe tpople clothed all that were naked had ſhut vp,
among them, and araped them, and ſhodde 3. Hee opened thea doozes of the houle of chap, 28.24,
them, and gaue them meate and gaue them the Lod in the firit yeere, and inthe >firt b This isa nota-
k Either for their Dzinke, and « anepnted them and carted all motteth of bis reigne,and repatred them. > ble example for
wounds or wea- that were feeble vf them vpon Afles, and 4 And be broughtin the Pꝛielitsand the all princes, firit
rineffe. brought them te Jericho the citte of Palme Lenites, and gathered them into the Galt to eftablifh the
} Tothem of the trees to their! bzethzen ; fothep returned te itreete, pure Religionof `
tribe of Iudah. Samaria, 5 And latd vnto them, Meare mee, pee God,andto pro-
L6 ¶ At that time did king Ahaz fend vn· Lenttes:fanctitie now your (elues,and fanc: curethat the
m ToTilgath to them kings of Aſchur to helpe him. tifie the boule
of the Loꝛd God of your fa- Lord may be hos
Pilneefer, and 17 (Fo: the Coomites came moꝛeouer, thers, and carte foosth the: filthineſſe out of nourcd and fete
thofeKings that and flew of Judah,¢caried away captiues. the Sanctuarie. ued aright.
were vnder his 18 The Philiſtims allo inuaded the ci» 6 for our fathers hane treſpaſſed, and c Meaning all
dominion, ticsin the lowe countrep, and toward the Done euill in the eyesof the Loꝛd our God, the idoles,alrars,
aKing6.7. Bouth of Judah, and tooke Bethſhemeſh, and haue forſaken him, and turned away groues,and whate
and Atalon, and Gederoth and Dhocho, their faces fromthe Tabernacle ef the LoD,foeucr was occu~
with the villages therof, and Cimnah, with and turned their backes. pied in their fers
her villages, and Gimzo, with her villages: 7 Shey hauc allo hut the doores of the uice,and where-
and they dwelt there. pothe, and quenched the lampes, and withthe Temple
19 Foz the LoD had Humbled Wah, baug neither burnt incente, nor — was polluted.
The Temple clenfed. Sacrifices, Chap. xxix. prayfe and thankeſgiuing. 186
burnt offerings in the Sanctuary vnto the it vpon the altars they ſſewe alo the rame,
God of Flraet. and ſprinkled the blond vpou the altar, and
d He fheweth 8 “‘itherefore the wath of the Lode they tew the lambes, and they ſprinkled rhe
that the con- bath been on Judah and Jerufalem ; and he blood vpon the altar.
temptof religie hath made them a | (cattering, a defolation, 23 Then they brought the Hee goates for
on isthe caule oſ and an billing,as pou (ce with pour epes, the tinne offering befoze the King and the
all Geds plagues 9 JFozloe, our Fathers are failen bp the Congregation, * and they layd their bands k That isthe
|!Or,a nodding of Fwod, and our tonnes, and our Daughters, bpon them. ; King andthe Bi.
the head and —— wiues are tn captiuitie fo2 the fame 24 And the Piets {lew them, ard with ders,as Lcuit,g,
mockerte. cauſe. the blood of them they cleanttd the altar to 1 5. for they thee
t is 38 Io Mow +F purpoſe to makea couenant reconcile alt Iſrach: fo: the king had come otitreda finne
mine heart. with the Lod God ef Plrael, that he map manded foz ali Iſrael the burnt oſtring and offting, muft lay
e He prooneth e turne away bis fierce wath trom vs. the finne offering. their hands vpon
| by the iudges II Now my fonnes, be not Decciued : foz 25 ice appointed allo the Leuites in the it,to fignike that
ments of God the Lord hath choſen you to ttand before Houle ot the Lom with cymbales, with vi» they haddefer-
nthofe that bun, tò ferue bin, andto be hismtnifters, oles, and with harpes, * according to the ued that death,
* contemned and to burne incente, commandement of Dauld, and Gad the and alfo that
his word,that I2 €Ehen the Leuites aroſe, Mahath Kings Geer, and Mathan the ophet ; they did confe-
thers is no way the ionne ot Amathai, and Joel the tonne of F the commaundement was by the hande crate itto God
to auoyde his Azariah of the fonnes of the Kohathites; — Lode, and by the hande of his Pzo⸗ to be thereby
bur by and of the fonnes of erari, Lid the lon of ets. fan@ified,
conta; ming bot, and Azariah the tonne of Febatelel ; 26 Andthe Lenites ſtoodt with the ine Exod. 29.50.
themfelucs to and ot the Gerſhonites, Joah the tonne of ſtruments of Dand, and the Pptetts with 1.Chr on, 16.4.
bis will, Ztmmah,and Eden the tonne of Joah: the trumpets. I This thing was
Næerb. 18.6. 13 And of rhe fons of Eltzaphan, Shim: 27 Aud Hezekiah commaunded to offer not appointed of
ri,and Jehiel: and of the ſonnes of Alaph, the burnt offering vpon the Altar: ana man,bucit wae
Sechartab,and Mattaniah;: A when the burnt offering began, the fong of the commande=
14 Andof the fonnes of Deman, Jehiel, the m Lome beganne with the trumpets, ment of God.
and Shimet:and of the onnes ofJeduthun, ag intruments * of Dauid King of Ft- m The Prime
Dhemãiah, and Uziel. tac which Dauid
Is And they gathered their brꝛethren, and 28 And all the Congregation twozhip- had appointed
fanctified themſelues, and came according ped, finging a fong,and they blew the trim» to be ſung for
` fOrconcerning tothe commandement of the king, and |b pets; allthts continued vntill the burnt offes thankefgjuing, —
the things ofthe the words ofthe Lord, foz to clente the boule ting was finithed. * a Which Dauid
ord. of the Lod. ‘ 29 Gnd when they had made an ende of badappcinted
16 And the Pꝛieſts went into the {nner offering, the King and all that were peſent to prayfethe
£ From the pol- parts of the honle of the Lozd, tof ciente it, ae bun, bowed themelues , and viorſhip· Lord with,
lutions and filth and bought out all the vncleanneſſe that ped
that Ahaz had they found inthe Temple of the Lod, into 30 Q Then Hesekiah the King and the
brought in, the court of the houſe ot the Loꝛde: andthe punces commaunded the Lenites to prayſe
Lenitestooke it, to carte it out vnto the the Lod with the o wozds of Dauld, and of o With that
brooke Ridon. Alaph the Seer: fo thep prapled with ioy, Pfalme whereof
g Which con- 17 Thep began the firt day of the s firt — they bowed themielues and woꝛſhip⸗ mention is made
: teined part of moneth to (anctificit, andthecight day of p eD. 3,Chron.36.8,
March and part the moneth came they to the porch of the 31 And Hezekiah ſpake, and fayd, Mowe
of April. Lord: fo they Canctified the boule of the yee have $ conlccrate pour ſelues to the £h.
Loꝛd in cight daies, and in the lirteenth Dap Lod: come netere and baing the facrifices — —— sig
of the ſirſt moneth they made an end. and offerings of praple into the houſe of the
18 C Then thcy went in to hezekiah the Led. And the Congregation brought ſa⸗
King, and fayd, Cec haue cleantend all the Crifices, and offerings of pᷣayſes, and euery
houte of the Loyd, and the altar of burnt of- man that was willing in heart offered burnt
fering, with all the veſſels thereof, and the offerings,
|Or,table where h Hd pea table, with all the veflelsthere- 32 And the number of the burnt offrings,
the bread was fet Qo *
which the Congregation brought, was tes
ws order. 19 And all the veſſels which Ring Aba uenty bullockes, an hundzeth rams,and ting
had caſt afide when bee reigned, and trant> hundzeth lambes : all thele were fox aburne
greed, haue we prepared and fanctifiea: offering tothe Lord:
h By thismaner F behold, they are before the altar ofthe 33 And foz ? fanctification fire hundzeth P Thatis, for the
of fpeech the E- 02D. builockcs,and thꝛee thouland ſheepe. holy offerings,
brewesmeance a 20 Q And Hezexkiah the king » rofe carly, 34 But the Jorieftes were too fewe, ana
certain diligence and gathered the princes of thecitte, and were not able te flay all the burnt offerings,
and fpeed to do went by tothe houſe of the Lod. therefoze their bꝛethren the Lenites did help
athing& when 21 Gnd they brought ſeuen bullocks, and them till they had ended the woke, and dn-
there is no delay, fenen rammes, and ſcuen lambes, and fuen till other Pꝛieſts were fanctificd: foz the Lee
Leu. 4.1 4. hee goares, for a* finne offting for the king- nites were q moze vpꝛight in heart tolancti- q Meanirg,were
Dome, and fo: the @anctuary, and for Jiu- fie themfelues, then the Prieſts more zeajous to
i For without
fprinkling of Dab. And hee commanded the iets the 35 And allo the burnt offerings were mae fer forwardthe
blood noth'ng fonnes of Aaron,to offer them on the altar of ny with the * tatofthe peace offerings, and "elision.
could be fan&i- the Low. rhe dreinke offerings of the burnt offering ;4<¥st-3-2,3-
fied,Hch.9,25, 22 Ho they flew the bulleckes, and the fo the feruice of the houſe of the Lodewas
exod. 24,8. Pricks cecetucd the bloos, and + ſprinkled ſet in oꝛder.
34 36 Then
Hezekiahs exhortation. II. Chron. > Hekeep
the Paſſeou
eth er. 7 |
_ £ Hee fheweth 36 Then Hezekiah retoyced, and all the 13 And there affenbled to Jeruſalem
~ thet religion can people, that God bad made the people to much people, to keepe the featk of the valea:
not proceede,ex- ‘ready; fo the thing was doue (uddenly. uened bread in the ſecond moneth, avery
cept God touch great aſſembly.
the heart of the CHAP XxXx. 14 And they arole, and tooke away the logra
people. 1. 13 The keeping of the Paffeouer by the Kaltars that toere in Jerufalem sand ail k Which decla-
kings command-ment. 6 He exherteth Ffiaelto thole foz incenſe toone they away, and cait reth that wee
turne tothe Lord. «8 He prayeth for the peoples them into the brooke Kidron. muft put away
24 Hs oblation and the princes. 27 The Leuites Is Afterward thep flew the Paſſeoner thole things
bleffz the people. the fourteenth day of the fecond moneth wherewith God
a Meaning,all Nd Hezekiah fent to all Jlrael, and Ju- and the risks andthe Leuites were 'atha- iscffendedbe- -
Ifrael whom Adab, and allo wrote letters to * Ephꝛa⸗ med, and fancrtficd themfelues and brought fore we can ferue
Tigath Pilnee- int, and Manalſeh, that they hould come to the burnt offerings into the houle of the himarignr.
fat had not ta- the houſe of the Loꝛd at Jerufalem, tokeepe L 020. 3 r l Sceing their
ken away into the Paſſeouer unto the £023 God of Iſcael. 16 And they oone in their place after ownnegligence
the capuuitie, 2 Andthe king and bis princes, and all tbeir maner accozding to the Law ef Moles (who thould
a, King. 15.29. the Congregation had taken counfellia Je⸗ the man of God: and the Peieſts ſprinkled havebeen moh
b Though they ruſalem to keepe the Palſeouer inthe > fe the = blood, recemedof the handes of the Lee
promot) and the
eught to haue conu moneth, ; ) uites. : Teadinefie of the
don it inthe firk 3 Foz they conin not keepe it at this 17 Becaule there were many in the con · people,Chap.29,
moneth,as Exod, time, becaule there were not Pꝛieſts enowe Sregation that were uot fanctifed therefor 36.
12.18, Num.9.3. Canctificd, neither was the people gathered the Leuites had the charge of the tilling of m Towit, ofthe
= yeænfanywere to Jeruſalem. the Paſſcouer foz all that were not cleane,to Lambe ofthe
= notckaneyrels 4 And thething pleated the King, and Canctitte tt to the Log. Paficoucr,
bad alongiour- all the Congregation. 5 I$ Foꝛ a multitude of the people, euena
ney, theymight §¢ Andthep decreed to make proclama- multitude of Epizatm, and Manalleh, J
deferreitvnto tion thozowout all Iſraelfrom * Beer⸗· heba fachar and Zebulun bad not clenfed them
thefecondmo- euen to Dan, that they ſhould come to keepe felues , yet DiD cate the Paſſeouer,
bur not
reth,asNum.9. the Palſeouer vnto the Lord God of Jlrael as it was Written: Wherefore hezekiahprai⸗
10, 11. at Jeruſalem: foz they had net done itota eDforthem, faying, Che = good Lod bee n Heknewthar
c Fromoneende greattime,d ag it was witten.. mercifulltowardhim faith and finceri-
ofthe lanctothe 6 Q So the Polts went with letters by 19 Chat prepareth his whole heart to tie of heart was
other, North and thecommiflion ot the Bing and Yis pinces, fecke the Loza God , theGadot his fathers, more agreeable;
South, thozowout all Figact and Judah, and with though be be not cleafed,accozding te the pus to God, then the
d Infuch for & fhe commandement of the King, faping, Ve rifcatton of the Manctuary. obferuation of
erfeGionas God childzen of Jlracl, turne agatne pnto the 20 And the Lozd beard Hezekiah, and thele ceremo-
_ hadappointed. Loꝛd Godot Abꝛaham, Izhãk, and Flracl, ° healed the people, nies,& therefore
se Hewillbaue ©and ehe wil returne tothe remnant that are 21 And the childzen of Iſrael that were he prayed vnto
compaflionon eſcaped of you out of the hands of the kings prelent at Jerulalem, kept che feaft ofthe Godtopardon
them,andpree otAfihur. vnleauened bicad ſeuen dapes with great this fault vnto the
ferue them, 7 And be not yelike pour fathers, like top,and the Leurtes and the Piets pꝛayſed people,which did
f Su mit your pour bacthzen, which treſpaſſed agatnit the the Lozd Day by Day, linging with loude in· not offend of
felues to the L023 God of their fathers: and thereforebe ſtruments pnta the Low. malice, but of
Lord,and rebell nade them Defolate as pe fee. $ 22 And Hezekiah + ſpake comfortably ignorance,
no more, 8 Benot pce now ſtiffenecked like pour vnto all the Leuites that had good know- o Thatis, did
g God will not fathers, bur fgine the hand to the Lord, and ledge to fing vnto the Lord: and they Div eat accept themas ©
onely preferus come intobis Ganctuary, which beebath in that feat leuen dayes, and offered peace purified, -
yow bat through fanctificd foz ener, and lerue theLezd your offerings and pꝛayſed the Lord Gov oftheir
+Ebr ake 10
your repentance God, and the flercenci of his wrath hall fiathers, l ! the heart.
reftore your bte- turne away from pou. 23 AnD the whole aſſembly tooke connſel
thren, which for 9. Foꝛ it ye returne vnto the Loyd, pour to keepe it other ſeuenDaves, Ho they kept
their finnes hee baethren and your childzen thal finde mercie it leuen dayes with toy.
gaue into the befoze them that led them captiues, and they 24 Foꝛ ipesektah king of Judah bad gi-
hands ofthe {hall s returne vnto this lan’: forthe Lod uento the Congregationa pthoufand bul- P ‘This great li.
enemies, pour God is gracious and mercifull,and wil locks, and ſeuen thoufand ſheepe. And the beralitie decla-
h Though the not turne away hts Face from pou,tf pee con princes had giuen to the —— reth how Kings,
wicked mocked tert vnto him, thouſand buſſocks, and ten thouſand theepe: Princes,and all
the feruants of Io @ Sothe pofts went from city to ci and many Pꝛieſts were ſanctified. they to vhom
God,by. whem thozow the land of Ephzatin and Dahal 25 Anrall the Congregation of Jurah God hath giuen
he called them feb, euen vnto Zebulun: but thep > laughed reloyced with rhe Pꝛieſts and the Leuites, wherewith,oughe
to repentance,as them to (cozne,and mocked them. and allthe Congregation that came outof tobe moft ready
Gen.19.14 yet If Neuertheleſſe, Diners of Aher, and Iſrael, andthe ttrangers that came out of to beftow it in
the word ceafeth Manaſſeh, and of Zebulun ſubmitted them tbe land of Jiracl,and that Dweltin Judah.
fetting foorth of
not to fruaifie felues,and came to Jerufalem. 26 Po rhere was great toyin Jerufalem; Godsglory,
in the hearts of 12 And the hand of God was in Judab, foz fince the time of Salomon the tonne of
Gods ele&. fothathee gaue them one i heart to doe the Danid ktug of Ilracl, there wasnoc chelike q According to .
j He theweehbthe conunanDdement of the King, andoftheru: thing in Jerufalem. i that which js
caufewhyfome ` lers,accozding to the wad of the ipd, 27 Chen the Wicks and the Leuitesa· written, Nurr.6,
obey and fome tna role, and Wleſſed the people, and their voice 23. when they
mocke at Godscalling , to wit, becaufe his pirit is with the one fort, Was heard, and their paper came vp vnto fhould ——
and moougrh their heart, andthe other are lelt to ihemſelues. deaucnsto pis boly habitation, the pe
Cir ky het
If Idolatry deftroyed. Tithesandoffrings. Chap.xxxj.xxxij. Prouifion forthe Priefts. 18
CHAP. XXXI. bath, and Alabel, and Jerimoth, and Joza»
1 The people defiroy idolatry. 2 Hexekiah ap- bad, and Cliel, and Iſmachtah, and Was
pointeth Prieſts and Leuites, 4 and prousdethfor Hath, and Benaiah were onericers + bythe +Ebr.bythe hand
their uing. 13 He ordesneth ouerfeers to diſtri- appointment of Conaniah, and Shimei bts
bute to euery one his portion. ) brother, and bp the commandement of eze»
A RD when ali thelechings were liniſhed, Rlabthe king, and of Azariah the chtete of
ali Jiraci that were foundin the cities the boule of God.
a According to of Judah, went out and * brake the images, 14 And Roe the fonne_of Imnah the
the commande- and cut Downe the groues, and brake Downe Lette, porter toward the Call, was ouer the
ment of f Lord, the hie places, and the altars thorowout ail things that were willingly offered vnto
Dew.7.2 5. Ioſh. Judah and BeniamininEphraum al and God, to diftribute the oblations of the
7.1 .2.M2C, f2. [Panafleh , vntill they had made an enne: Lod, and the holy things that were con>
Chabal aiterward all the > cinidzen of Iſraei recurs fecrate. f
b That is, all ned euery man to his poſſeſſion, into their Ag: And at his hand were Eden,andWin-
they which came owne cities, iamin, aud Jethua, and Sbematal, Ama
to the Pafleauer, 2 And Pezektahappointed the courſes riab, and Sbhechantah, inthe cities of the
ofthe Pꝛieſts and Leuites, by their turnes, ieks , to dittribute with tidelitie to their
every man accowing to bis office, both peethen by courles both to the great and
Dicts and Lenites , for the burnt offering
and peace offerings, to mintier and to giue 16 Their dayly portion: belide their ge-
thankes, and to maple in the gates ot the neration being males * from thace peere ald k Who had alfo
€c Thatis , inthe < tents of the Lord. à ; and aboue, cuen to all that entred tuto the a portien and ale
Temple where 3 (And the Kings portion was of bis ‘boule of the Loud to their office in their lowance in this
they affembled owne ſubſtance fo: the burntofferings, cuen charge,accogving to their courtes: : diftribution,
asinatcnt, the burnt offerings of the niozning and 17 oth to the generation of the Piets
- of theeuentng , and theburntoferings foz after the boufe of their fathers, and tothe
the Sabbaths, anv fo: the new moones ant Leuttes, tron tiventy peere olde and aboue,
Nam,.13 3,9. for the ſolemne feats, * as it is wittenin according te therr chargetn their courfes ;
À Thetithesand the Law cf the Lo) 13 And to the geticration ot all thetr chil
firk fruits for the 4 ee commannded allo the people that Dien, their wiues and their fonnes and their
maintenance of Dweitin Jeruſalem, to giue a tpart tothe Daughters thoꝛowout all the Congregatt-
_ the Priefts and Pieſts, and Leuttes, that they might bee on; forby their: idelitie are thep partakers 1 Meaning,that
_ Leuites. eencouraged inthe Law ofthe Lod. ofthe bolptbiugs. either Ste
-e Thatitheir s €And when the commandement was 9, * Allo to the fonnes of Aaron, the faithfull diſtribu.
minds might not +f(pred, the childgenof Iſrael brought abun⸗ Hieſts, which were in the fields and ſuburbs tions of the ofi-
bee entangled Dance of firit frnitsofcogne, wine, and ople, of their cities, ineuery citie the men that cers, euery one
with provifion of ann bonic,and ofall the mcreale of the field, Were appointed by names, fhould give poz- had their part in
worldly things, andthe tithe of all things bꝛought thepa⸗ tions toall the males of the jOziefts, and to thethings that _ A

but that they,» bundantly. all the generation of the Leuttes. were oftered or
mightwholly,and’s 6 Qndthechilden ofFfracland Fudah |, 20 And thus did hezekiah thozowont all elfe that their
cheerefully ferue thatdwelt inthe citieof Judah, they allo Judahand did wel and vprightly, and true: wiues and chil-
_ the Lord. bꝛought the tithes of bullockes and theepe, lp befoze the Lod bis Gov. dren were relie⸗
[Or,pubiifhed, and the holy tithes f which were conlecrate 21 Andinall the we:kes that hee began ued, becauſe the
f Whichthey vnto the Lord their God, and layDthemon fot the ſeruice of the houle ofGod. both in Leuires were
had dedicateto b manp heaps. the Law and inthe commaundemrents . to faithfull in their
the Lord bya 7. Su the third moneth they began tolay leeke his God, hee did it with all his heart, office, and fo de- .
vewe, thefoundation of the heapes, and finiihed and polpered, pended on then :.
g Forthereliefe them in the fenenth moneth. j
ofthe Priefts,Le- - 8 @ And when hezcekiah and the in» CHAP. XXXII,
uites widowes, ces camie and faw the heapes, thep > biciled 1 Saneherib inaadeth Judab., 3 Hezekiah
pupils.fatherleffe, the 102d and bis people Firacl. i prepareth for the warre, 7 He exborteth the peo-
firangers;& fuch 0 And Hezekiah queſtioned with the pleto put their truft in the Lord. 9 Sanehersb
aswereinnecef- Dieſts and the Leuttes concerning the blafphemeth God, zo Hezektah prayeth. 21 The
fitie. heapes. 4 ; Angel deftroyeththe Afiyrians : and the king u
h Theyprayfed 10 And Azartah the chicfe Pꝛieſt of the faine, 25 Hexckiah isnot thaukefull toward the
theLord,and = Houfeof Zadok anfwered him, and fayde, Lord, 33 His death,
prayed forall- ince the people began to bring the offe⸗
profperitieto > rings unto the houſe of the Lod, wee bane Asm thefe things faithfully deferibed,
his people, i eaten and baue been fatiified, and there ts *Paneverib Bing of Albur came and 2 King.18.13,
i Heetheweth teftin abundance: foz the Lord hath bief- entred into Juhah, and beiteged the trong ifa.30.8.¢0¢ lus.
that this plente· fco his people, and this abundance that is — thoight to + winne chem koꝛ hime 43.18.
ousliberalitieis left. elfe, lEbr. breake
expedient forthe IL @ And hezekiah commanded to pre- 2 Uhen Hesektah fam that Haneberib them vp.
Maintenance of pare chambers in the boule of the Loyd: and was come and that} his purpoſe wasto fight Ebrfases
theminifters, and thep prepared them, agant Jerufalem, TAGRA
thatGodthere- -12 And caried m Pent fruits, and the 3 Then he tooke counſell with his pins
fore profpercth tithes, andthe dedieate things faithfully: cesand his nobles, to top the water of the
his people, ard .and ouer thet was Conauiah the Leuite, fountatnes without the cite; and chey did
increafethbybis the chicfe, and Shimei bis bother the {ee helpe kim,
bleffing that cond. . 4 Ho meny of the propie affembled theme
whichis giucn. 13 And Jehiel, and Zzariah, and Mas ſclues, and Ropt ale the fountaines, any
G Ge.

Saneheribs blaſphemie TJ. Chron. The Affyrians hoge deftroyed: |

SEbr. hee was the tiner that ranne though the middes inthe Jewes (peach vnto the people of Fe-
Strengthened. of the countrey, faping, Abp fhauld the rufalent that were on the wall, te teare them |
a Hee madea Rings ot Alibue come, and finde much ana to altoniſh them, that they might take 4]

double wall. Water? the ctrte. ;
b Reade 2.Sam, § And; hee tooke courage, and built all 19 Thus thep Spake agant the God of
5-9. the broken wall, aud made vy the rowers, Jeruſalem, as agatnit tye gods of the peo⸗
c Some reade, and ansther wail without, and cepaysed pieofthe earth, cuen the = wozkes of mans m Which were |
[words or dag- a Pillein the > citteof Dauid, aud made hands. inuented made,
pers. many € Batts and fhtelds. 20 But Hezekiah the king, and the Pꝛo· and authorized
he ſpahe ts 6 And bee fer captaines of warre ouer phet Fiatal the fonne of Amoʒ » prayed a: by man.
their heart. thepeople, and affembled them to himin gainſt this,and cried to beauen. 3 n This fheweth
2.King.6.16. tye broad place of the gate of the citie, and 21 And che Loz tent an Angel which de- what is the beit
d Thatis, the t{pake comfortably vnto thems, faping, roped all the valiant men, and the princes refuge in all trou-
wer of man, 7 Oe ttrang and couragtons ; teare not, aud ° captatues of the bolte of the king of bles and dangers.
—— dechareth neither bee afraid for rhe Ring of Atibur, Albur: fo bee returned t with Hame to hts o Tothe number
that Hezekiah neither foz ail the multitude that is with owne land. And when hee was come into ofan hundreth |`
did euer put his Him :* for therebemoe with vs, then is with the houſe of hts god, they that came foorth of foercicore and
truk in God,and tM. bts r — bowels, flew pim therewith the fiue thoufand,as
yet made him. 8 cAith him isan darnie of fle, but -iwo2d. 2 King.12, 35,36
felfe ſttong and with vs isthe e Lord our God foz to helpe vs, _ 22 Bothe Lord faued Hezekiah and the 18br. with foame
yfed Jawfull
meanes left he
and tofight our battels. Chen the people inhabitants of Ferulalem tram the band of
were confirmed by the wordes of Hezekiah @anebherib king of Atihur, and from the p Meaning,A-
fhould feemete kingofZudap. : Hand of allother, anv ||maintained them on dramelech,and
tempt God, 9 “Atter this did Sancherib king of AG euery tide. Sharezer his
2.Ksng.18.17. fur fend his ſernants to Jerulalem (while 23 And many brought offerings vnto fonnes,
f£ While he bee he was fagain& Lachis, and all hts domi⸗ the £023 to Jerulalem, and prelents to He· lOr gouerued.
| fieged Lachith. nion with pim ) vnto Hezekiah king of Ju⸗ zekiah king of Judah,ſothat he was a mag- q thus after
g Thus the wic- Dah, and vnto all Judah that were at Jern —— in the light of al nations from thence» trouble Gôd fen-
ked put no diffee pees I : 002th. deth comfort te
_ rence betweene 10 Thus fapeth Haneherib the king of 24 * Jn thole dapes Hezekiah was ficke all them that pa-
trus religion and Alur, berein doe pe trut, that ye will vnto the Death, and pzaped vnto the Lod, tiently waiteon
falfe, God and remaine ttt Ferutalem,during the lege? ~~ fpake nto hint, and gaue him +a him,& conftant-
idoles: for He- II Doth not Hezekiah entile you te gine gne. SIE ly put their truft
zekiah onely de- over pour felues vnto Death by famine and 25 But Hezekiah did not render attore in his mercies,
ftroyed idolatry, by thirtt,faving, The Lo2d our God ſhall Ding to the reward beftowed vpon bun; 2.Ks8Z.20, 1.
Deliner vs out of the band of the king ef AG foz bis heart f was lift vp, ana wathtame 5f2.38.1.
ur sponhim, and vpon Juday and Ferula r Toconfirme
I2 Wath not the Came Wesckiah taken a> |em his faith in Gods !
way hts brah places and bts s altars, and 26 Notwithſtanding Hesckiah humbled promife who ide-
commanded Judah and Jerulatem, faping, bimbelte(after that bis heart was lifted vp) clared to him by
Pe hali worſhip before onc altar, and bucne bee and rhe inbabitants ef Jerufalem, anv his Prophet that
incenſe ypon it? the wrath of the Lord came not upon them his life (hould be
B Know pee not what F and my fathers in the Dayes of wezekiah. } prolonged fif-
haue Done vnto all the people ef other coun 27 Hezekiah alio had exceeding much ri» teene ycere.
treys? Wiere the gods sf the nations of other ches and jonour,and be gate bim treaſutes f He was lifted
— able to Deluser their land out of mine of ſiluet and of goly, and ot peectous Rones, vp with the pride
and ? and of ſweete odours, aud of igelds, and of of his vi@ory and
14 Cibo fs hee of all the £ gous of thole all pleafant veffele: treafures, and
nations ( that mp fathers paue deftroped) 28 And of ſtoꝛehoules fo: the increale of fhewed them for
that could Deltuer bis people out of mine wheat and wine, and oyle, and italles foz all an oltentation to
hand, that pour Goa ould be able to Deli- beafts,and || rowes for the tables. the ambafladours
uer pou out of mine hand? i 29 And be made bim tities; and had pol of Babylon.
Is flow therefore let not Hezekiah de⸗ {eflian of Heepe and oren in abundance: lOrsranges
teiue pou, no? ſeduce pou after this (ort, nei» foz on had ginen him iubitance erceeding partitions,
ther belceue pe him: for none ofall the gous much. Or,rackes.
ofany mation o2 kingdome was able to de· 30 This fame Hezekiah allo topped the t Whichalfo
liuer bts people ont of imine bande, and bpper water ings of © Grhon, and led was called Siloe,
out ef the han’ of mp Fathers: bow much them ftraight pnderneath toward the citte whereof mention
— pour gods deliuer pou out of mine of Dauid ietward. So esckiah prolpe- is made, Ifa,8
and? rev in all bis workes. iobn 9.7.
16 And his feruants fpake pet moze a- 31 Wut becaule of the anvbafladors of the u Here we fee
gatnit the Loma God, and againlt his *fer= princes of Babel, which fent vnto hun to et the cavie, why
uant Hezekiah. : quire of the wonder that was Done tn the the fairhfull are
17 Hee wrote allo letters, blafpheming land, God (eft him to" trie him,and to know tempted, which
the tod Gon of Iſtrael, and (peaking a- all that wasin bis beart. is to trie whether
hey feared God, gaint hin, ſaying, As the gods of the nati» 32 Concerning the re of the actes of they have faith
ey would loue ons of other countreis could not Ocltuer their Hezekiah. and his goodneſſe, beholve, tbey or no.and that
is ferucnts. people out of mine hand, fo Wat not the Gad are written tn the vifion of Iſaiah the they mav feele
1 Their words of Hesckiah deliuer bis people out of mine the prefence of
rewritten, ang. God, who faff-reth them not tobee ouercome by tentations , but in
King. 18,19. 13. Then thep | crped with alouve voyce theis weakencilc miniftrech ftrength.

ophet, the fonne sf Amos, inthe booke of 13 Gnd prayed vnto him: and God was
Ao kings of Indah and Iltael. d entreated of him,
and heard his prayer,and d Thusaffidion
33 Bo Hezeckiah tept with his fathers, bought hint againe to Jerufalem tuto his giueth vnderftan.
and they buried bun in the bigheit ſcpulchre kingdome: then Manaſſch knew thatthe ding: for he i that
of the onnes of Dauid: and aii Judah and 102d was Gov. _ ; hated God in his
the inhabitants of Jeruſalem
did him ho: 14 How after this hee built a wall with- profperitie,now
nour at his Death : and Manaſſeh his ſonne out the citie of
Dauid, on the cAeſt fide of ia bis milery fee-
reigned tn bis ſtead· e Giboninehe valley, even atthe entrteof keth vntohim,
the Rfgate, and compafied about! Dpbhel, ¢ Reade Chap,
CHAP, XXXIII. and raiicd tt Vep once put captaines of 32.30.
warre in all the trong cities of Zudah. f Reade Chap,
i Manafeh an idolater, 9 He caufeth Jadah Ig And hee tooke away the trange gods 27-3.
toerre. 18 Hew led away prifoner inte Babylon, and the image out of the boule of the LoD,
13 Hee prayeth tothe Lord,and s delucred. 14 and all the altars that bee had built in the
Hee abelijheth sdolatrie, 16 and fetteth vp true mount of the houle of the Loz0,and in Jeru-
=r religion. 30 Hee dieth,andAmon lu [onne ſuc- falem,and taſt them out of the citie.
i ceedeth, 34 wham hiis owne feruants flay, 16 Allo bee prepared the s altar of the g Which Salo-
Loyd, and (acciticed thereon peace offrings, mon had caufed:
2.Xing.2 1. 1. Meee was twelue peere old, * when he and of thankcs,anB commaunded Judah to to be made,
LY began to reigne,and he reignedtiue and terue the Lozd God of Iſrael. :
tiftie peere in Jerufalem: 417 s2cuerthelcfe, the people did facrifice
2 And hee did eutll in the fight of the fillin the high places, but vᷣnto thet Lod h Thus by igno»
Lod, like the abominations of the heathen, their Gon. rance they were
Dewt.18.9. *mboimn the £020 had caſt out before tie chil⸗ 18 (Concerning the reit of the actes of deceined,think~
Den of Firael. : MWanatleh, and hts ipzayer wnto his God, ing it nothing to
3 Forhee went backe and built the high and the words of the cers, that ſpake to keepe the altars,
places, "which Hezckiah bis father had bzo. him in the Mame of the Lod God of Jira- fothat they wore
2.King.18 4. Rendowne; * and he fet vp altars foz Baa- el,bebold, they are written in the booke of the fhipped God;
Tere.32.3 40 lim, and made groues, and worſhipped all kings of Iſrael. but itis idolatry
rking.t7.10, the bole of the heauen, and ferned them. 19 And dis praper,and hoto God twas in- to worlhip God
4 Allo he built alcarsin the boule of the treated of bun, and all bis finne , and bis any otherwife
20, 4s Lod, whercof the Lozd bad faid, * Zn Jerus tre(pafic , and the places wherein Hee built themhe hath ap-
| falem hall mp (ame be foz cuer, bigh places,and fet groucs and images (bes pointed,
; Ana be built altars fo; all the bofte of fore he was humbled) behold, they are wit» i Which albeit
the heauen, in the two courts ofthe houle of ten in thebooke ofthe ||Beers, — thatitis not cone
the Lod: . f i 20 Be Manalſeh flept with bis fathers, teined in the E-
a Reade 2,King. 6 Anu bee caned his fonnes to pafe and they burted bint in his own * houle, and brew,yer becaufe
16.3. thorow the fire in the valley of Ben hin⸗ Amon bis [onne reigned in bis ead, it ishere menti-
non: bee gaue himſelfe to witchcraft,and to 21 (Amon was two and twentte peere oned, and is write
—— and ro fozcerie, andhe bfen them olde When hee began to reigne, and reigned teninthe Greek, /
that had familiar (pirits, and ſoothſayers: twopeere in Jerulaltim. we haue placed)”
he Did berp much eiulin che fightot the Lord 22 But hee vid enillin the fightofthe icinthe end of
to anger him. ’ Lod,as Did Manaſſeh his father:fo2 Amon this hoake,
7 Hee putallo the catued image, which facrificed to althe images, which Manaſſeh jor, Horai.
be had made, in the boule of God: whereof bis father jad made,and ſetued them, k Becaufe hee
God had faid to Dauid, and toDalomon his 23 And hee humbled not himſelke befoze had fo borribly
and fonne, * Fn this boule and in Jerufalem, the Lord, as Manaſſeh his father bad hume offended againit
9.3. 2:king.21.7 which J paue choten before all the tribes of bled hintelfe:but this Amon treated moze che Lord, To
and 23.27. Picael, wilt] putmyfame zeuer. and moze. ; _ _ didnotbury him
2.Sam J. 10. S. Meither will *F make the footeof Tl 24 And bis ſeruants * conlpired againſt in the fepulehres
rael to remooue any moze out of theland him,and few yim inbisowne houle. of the kings, but
which J haue appotnted foz pour fathers, 25 But the people of the land fleweall in the garden of
t {o that they take heed, and Do all that Ji haue them that bad conſpired agatnit king- the kingshoufe.
k commaunded them, accusing tethe Lawe men: and the people of the land made Fol 2. Kinza 3}.
b By the charge —— ea and iudgements bythe > hand ab bis fonne king in his tead.
juen ꝛo Moſes. É es. :
e” `- 0-60 HPanalich made Judah and the ins CHAP, XXXIIII.
habitants of Jerufalem to erre , and to doe 1 Fofish deflroyeth the idoles, 8 and refloreth
wozle then the heathen, whom the Lo20 had the Temple. 14 The koske of the Law 3s found.
: Deftroyen before the childzen ofIſrael. 21 Hee fendeth to Huldah the Propheteffe for
€ Meaning,by Io EAndthe Lord (pake< to Manalſeh counfell. 27. God heareth hu prayer. 31 Hema-
hisProphets,bue and to his people, but they would not re- keth a covenant with God,
their heartswere gard.
Rottouchedto II CUherefore the £020 brought bpon ]Diah * was cight peere olde when hee bes s.Xing.23.36
beleeueandre- them the captaines of the hofte ot the king gan toreigue, and hee reigned in geruf
ent, without the of Albur, which tooke Manafich , and put lem one and thirtie yeere.
ich theprea- him in fetters ,and bound hin in chaines, 2 _And he Did vprightly in the fight ofthe a Hefollowed
ingofthe and caried him to Babel. ; Lod, and walked in the wayes of 2Dauid Danid inall
dtakethno 12 And when he was in tribulation,
bee bis father, and bowed neither tothe right points that he
prayed to the L028 his God, humbled hime hand neztothe left. followed the:
felfe greatly before the Gon of his fathers, 3 And in the cight peere
of His reigne Lord,
sili ; Cpe.
'. Iohah deltroyeth idoles. - ron. OUF ro. Madis vp UES

b Whenhewas (whenhewaspetat chile) hee beganne to Lord: and Hilkiah gate the booke to hac l
but fixteene yere fecke after the God of Dauid bis fathtr, and phe
han. e i :
olde,hethewed inthe twelftpeere bevegante purge Juvan < I6 ARD Shaphan caricd the boske to Í
himfelfe zealous and Perulalem fromthe high placcs and the - ithe king, and brought the king word a- i For the king n
of Geds glory, groues, and the carued images, and molten gaine, laping, Qil that iscommitted to the was commanded
and at twentie hinages: i Í Hands of chp eruants, that Dec chey. to haue cont-
yeere old, he a · 4 And they brake Downe ‘ti bis tight 17 Jo: they haue gathered the money nually a copie of
boliſhed idola- the altars ofBaalim, and pee canl ta cut that was found in tie bonite of the Lom, ant this booke,and
trie and reftored Bowne the mages that were on high vpon haue deliuered it inta the ands of rye ouer⸗ to read therein “|
the true religion. them: he brake allo tie groues, and tie car- feers and te the hands of the wo2knien. day and nighe,
c Which fliew- ued images, andthe mrolten images, and 13 dilo Shaphau the chancellour necla- Deut.17. 18.
eththathee < ſtampt them to powder, and ſtrawed ttvp- red to the kirg, ſaying, Hilkiah the Prieſt
would fee the re- on the graues of them that pad ſacrificed hath giuen me a booke: ane Dhaphait rean
formation with vnto tent. J it befoze the king. i
his owne eyes. 5 Allo he burnt the “bones of the prieſts Ij Q when the king had Heard the
d Reade 2, King, bpon their altars, and purged Judah and woods of the Law, he* tare his clothes. K For forow that
23.16, Jexuſalem. 4 20 Qud the King commaunded Hilkiah the word of Gok
6 Aud in the cittesof MWanafleh, and and Ahikam the tonne of Shaphan, and had bene ſo long
Ephzaim, and Bimeon , euch vnto Raph: Abdon the ſonne of Micah, and Shaphan fuppreifedjand $
aie with thety miaules they brake all round the chancellour, and Afatal the kings lere the people Kept
about. uant taping, ; in ignorance,
e- This great 7 Andwhen Hee had edeſtroyed the al- 12 Go and enquire of the Lod for me, ånd conſidering alſo
zeale of this gad- tarsand the groucs, and jad broken and for the reſt in Jicael and Judah, concerning the curfes con-
ly King the holy amped to powder the images, aud had cut the wos of this booke thatts found : foz teined therein"
Ghoft fetteth Downe allthe Doles thozowout all the land great is the wath of the Lom thatis falten againit the tranf-
forth as an ex- of Iſraelbereturned to Jerufalem. f vpon ps, becaule our fathers haue not kept greffours,
ampleand pat- 8 €* Then in the eighteenth yeere of his the word ofthe Lord to doe after all that is 1 Thus the godly
terne to other teigne, when hee had purged the land and witten in this booke. oe not onely la-
kings and rulers, the Temple, hee (ent Shaphan the ſonne of 22 Then Vilkiah and they that the king menttheir owng
to teach them Azaltah , and Maaſciah the Goucrnour of had appointed , went to Huldah che Pꝛophe⸗ innes, but alſo
what Ged requi- the citic , and Joab the ſonne of Joahas the teffe the wife of Dhallum; che fonne of that their fathers
reth of them. — > to repaire the boule of the Lord | Zokbath, the fonneof|| Haſrah keeper of and predeceflors
a ing.
22. 3. is God· them wardzobe (and He dwelt in Jerulalem haue offended
O And when thep came to Hilkiah the within the” colledge) and thep communed God,
bigh ek , they deliuered the money that hereof with her. ra i HOr,Tikuah. *
was bought inte the boule of God, which 23 Aw wee anhwered then, Thus faith Or, Harhas,
the Leuttes that kept the Doore had gathe⸗ the Lod God of Jiracl, Tell pee the oman m Meaning, ¢i-"
red at the handof Wanalleh,and Ephꝛaim, that lent yon tome, ther of the priefts
andofail the reſidue of Ifrael,
and ofall Iu⸗ 14 Thus faith the Lord, Behold,J wilt apparell,or of the
flOr.they returned Bal and Bentamin,and lof the tnbabitants Being euill vpor this place,and vpon theim kings.
` to leruſalem, of Jerufalem, sek habitants therof,cuen all the cures, that are n Reade hereof |
imeaning Sha- ID And they put itinthe hands of them written tn the booke which they haue read 2.King 22,15,
phan, &c, that would Doc the worke, and hav the oner: before the king of Judah: ESTONO Va © Thatis,to the
light in the houſe okthe Wozo: and they gaue 25 Becautethep jane forfaken mee, and king.
it to the workemen that wrought in the burnt tnceule vnto other gods,to anger mee
ae Othe Lord, torepaire and amend the with allthe workes et there bands , theres P This the fpea- P
oufe. foze fhall my wath fall upon this-place, and Keth in contempt
II uento the workinen and to the buil- Mall not be quenched. Hae j of the idolatets,:
Ders gaue they it, to bup hewed tone and 26 Butta the king of Jusah, who contfarie'ta
timber foz couples anu for beames of the pou toenquire ofthe Lord, fo hall yefay vn- reafoh and nature
f For there were f boult; which the kings of Judah had Des tohim. Thus faith the Lord God ofPirael, make that a god,
many portions roped, The oprys which thou halt heard,fhal come which they haue
and pieces an- 12 And the men did the worke g faithful- to paffe. A keds hte made and framed
nexed to the ly, and the ouerlcers of them were Jahath 27 But becanle thine heart Did ameland with the owge7
Temple. and Obadiah the Lenites, ofthe children of thou didſt humble thy felfe before GD ith bands ;
g Meaning,that erari, and Zechariah,and Meſhullam, of thou heardeſt pis words again t hispane weer |f
they were in [uch the childzen of the Kohathites to ſetit for and agami the inhabitants thereof hiin: whatis the end | k
credit for their ward : and otthe Leuttes all that could (kill bledit thy felfe befere mee, and taret thy of Gods threat- t
fidelitie, they ofinitruments okmuſicke. clothes ant wepteſt betore mee,F haue atio nings, to call his a
made none ac- 13 And they were ouer the bearers of bur: Heard it,faith the Lord. j i to repentance, | (
counts of that Dens, and them that fer forward all the 28 Behoid, J will gather theeto thy fa- and to aſſure thé
‘Which they re- workmen in euery workesand of the Leuites ets, and thou ſhalt beeput inthy graue th vnrepentant of à
ceiued, 2.Kings were (cribes,and officers and porters. peace,and thine epes Mall not lee all che euill theirde fraction |
14 (and when they brought out the mo- which F will bring vpon thisrplace,and vp· r It may appeat 4
4 ney that was bꝛought into the houſe ofthe onthe inhabitants of the tame, Thus they that very few '
_. d
BReade 2 King. Lord, iilktah the Peieſt found rhe t booke brought the king word againe. were touched t
“ne. oe Law of the Lord giuen by the band of 29 € Then the king (ent and gathered all witherue repen⸗ !
ales. the Eldersof Judah and Jerufalem. tance, feeing thi
God {pared thef}.
15 Therefore Hilkiah anſwered,and latd 20 And the King went bp inta the houle t
ta Dpaphan the chancetlour, J haue found ofthe Lod, and all the men of Jinnah, and for a time,onely)}
the beoke of che Law in the poule of the the invabitants ef Jerulalem, and the for the kings fake | }t
Pꝛieſts t

Iofiahs couenant. Hekeepeth - Chap. XXXY. thePaffeouer. 183
Piets and the Leuites,and all the. people Methanecl hts bicthien, ¢Haſhabiah and
trom the greateit ta the í mallet, the read Jeiel, and Jozabad, chiete of the Lenites,
in thetr eaves ali the wordes of the booke of gant vnto the Leuites for the Waficouer,
empted from the nysouma that was found in the houle of * tiouland theepe, and fue hundꝛeth vul-
cucſes conteined the Lord. OCKES. 3 ri
therin,if they did 31. And the king food by dis pillar . and 10 Thus the ſeruice was prepared , and
tranſgreiſe, he made a coucnaut before the Lozd , to walke the Pꝛieſtes Rood in their places, allo the
after the Lozd,and to keepe hts coinmande· Leuttes in their orders, accogving to the
ned toall, & was ments, € his teſtimonies, and his Latutes, Binganotheytlewthe(9
i th
his duety to feeit with all his heart,and with all bis ſoult,
aad L- And they ſſewthe Paſſeouer; and the
read co all forts, thathe would accompli} the wordes of tye Pꝛieſtes £ {painckied che blood with cheir f Meaning,of
the lambe, which
that euery onc coucnant witten in the fame booke. ; bands, and the Leuites flayed them.
mightlearne ro 32 And pe cauledallthat were found in 12 And they tooke away from thesburnt was called the
auoide thofe pu- Jerulaiem ¢ Bentamin to and toit; and ofring to gue it according to the diuilions Paileouer: for
nilhments by fer- theniabitants of Jeruialem Did accoꝛding
of the familiesofthe chilozen.of the people onely the Priefts
uing Godaright, to pcouenant of Gad cuen the God of thew te omer vnto the Lomas it is wiitten in the might fptinckles,
t Becauſe he had fiathers, j voske of Doles and feof the bullockes. and in neceffitie
charge puer al,& 33 Bo Joliah tooke away all the abomi· 13 And thep* roten the Paſſeouer with the Leuites
might kill the
muft anſwere for nations our ofailthe countreys that pertat- fire, accoDing to the cufteme , but the fanc»
auery one that faciifice,
ned tothe chiidpenof Iſrael, and compeiled tified things they ſod in pots,pans, and cal-
perithed, hee all chat were found in Iſrael, to ferue tie Dons, and diſtributed chem quickly g They referued:
to all
though‘tit hisdu- Loyd their God; fo all his dayes they turned the people. forthe people
i ty to fee that ail not backe from the Lod God of theit tas 14 Afterward allo they prepared foz that which was
fhould make thers. themiclues efo: the Prieus: fo: the Piets not expedient to:
| profeflion to re- ' — — f j the lonnes of Garon were occupied ut offe- be offered, thar
ceius the word 1 Fofiah keepeth the Paffeouer.2 He fetteth fort riag ot burnt offerings, andthe fatte vntill cuery man might:
of God, ——— 20 He fighteth againſt the king of night; therefoze the Leuites prepared foz offer peace offe-
Egypt,and dreth. 24 The people bewaile tam. thenifeluss, and fo? the Puekesthe fonnes [PS& ©bawe
2.King.23.2%, prow * olal kept a Paſſeouer yne ofdaton. * —
æ The Scripture tothe £028 in Jerufalem and they tlew Is And the fingers of the fons of Afaph
vfeth in fundry thea Paſſeouer inthe fourteenth Day of the Rood in their ttanding · according to pcome 1 (bros,25,%,
places to call the ficit moncth. ? f ; mandement of Dauid, and Alaph, and We h Meaning here>
' lambe the Pafie- 2 Auoheappointed the Piets. to their man, and Jeduthun theRings* Heer ; and by his Prophet,
ouer, which was charges,anv encouraged them to the ſeruict the pozters at eucry gate, who might not
becaufe heaps
bur the figne of of the boule of the L020, f Depart from their feruice: therefore their
the Paffeouer,be- 3 And bee fayd vnto the Lenites that bzethzen the Leuites prepared foz them. pointed the
caufe in all facra- > taught ail Afrael and were fanctified vnto 16 So al theferuice ofthe Lod was pze- Pfalmes & Pre-
ments the fignes the Lod, Put the holy Arke tn the honig pared the fame Day tokeepe the Paſſeouer, phefies which =
| bauethe names which Salamon the onne of Danto King and to offer burnt offrings vpoñ the altar were to. be. lungs
_ ofthe things of Ziracl did build: it thalbe
no moze a? bur» of the Loꝛd, acceding tathe coamaunde⸗
vhich are figni- Den bpon your Moulders: ſexue now che ment of King Joſiah.
fied Lod pour God and his people Iſrael, AZ And the childzen of Iſrael that were
bSethatthe Le- 4 And prepare pour lues by the houſes prelent, kept the Paſſeouer the fame time,
suites charge was of your fathers accoꝛding to pour couries, = the feat of the vnleauened bread ſeuen
not onely tomi- as *Dantd the King of Iſcael hath wits apes.
nifter in the ten, and according to the writing of Salgs 18 And there was no Paſſeouer kept like
Temple, but alſo mon bts onne, - j thatin Iſrael, from the Dayes of Samne! +Ebr.found,
to inſtruct ey § Gnd tand in the Sanctuary accoꝛding the JO0phet? neither Didall the Bings of i Which wasin
le inthe tothe Diutiion ef the families of pour bze- Iſrael keep fucha Paſſeouer asFolia Kept the Gxe & twen.
— of God. ` tizen [the childzenof the people, and after and the Prieſtes and the Lenites, annali ticthyeere of his.
c Asit wasbe- the diuiſionofthe family of the Leuites: Judah Iſrael that were + prelent,andthe Ake
fore the Temple 6 Hokill the Paſſeouer, efanctitie pour Inhabitants of Jerufalem. 2uxg.
was built: there- ſelues, and d prepare your brethren that they 19 This Paſſeouer
was kept in ithe eigh· xWhich wasa:
fore your office map Doe accozding tothe word af the Lord teenth peere of the reigne of Joſiah. citie ofthe Aflya
oneiyisnow to by the band of Bolts. 20 C *After ali this, when Jokat Yad tians,and lofiah
teach the people, 7_ Jofiahallo gaue to the tpeople fheepe, prepared » Tempie, Mecho king of Egypt feasinglelthe
andto praife lambes,and kids,all fo2 the Paſſeouer, ceuen came bp tofight again k Carchemtly by pallingthorow |
God, to all that were prefent, te the number of Herati, and Joſiah went out again hint. Judah,would -
1.Chr. 23.24.25, thirty thoufand,¢ three thoufand bullockes: 21 But hee lent meflengers tohin, fay- havetaken his
(26. chapters &c. tiele were ofthe kings ſübſtance. ing ,Whathaue J to doe with thee, thon kingdome,made-
§Or,the people, 8 And bis Princes offered willingly vn- king of Judah?) come not again thee this wateagan(t ·
‘d Exhort every tothe people, tothe Heieſtes andto the Le- Dap but againt the houſe of mine enemte, him, and conſul⸗
one to examine Mites: Hiſkiah, and Zechariah, and Jediel, and God commanded mee to make iate: ted notwiththe
themfelues that tulers of the boule of God, gaue vnto the leane offtocome again God, whichis with lagLord
` they be not vn- Pꝛieſtesofthe Paſſeouer, euen two thot- me,left he deſtroy thee. Or, Euphratess
meere to eate of fand and fire hundzed theepe,and thee hun- 22 But Joſiah wonid notturne bisface IEtofmyrbattels.
` the Paffcouer. dred bullockes. from bim , but ‘changed bis apparel ta | Thatis, armed:
Ebr. thefonnes 9 *¢Conaniah alſo and Shemaiah and fight with him; and hearkenes not tothe bimlelfe or dif.
ofthe people. modes of Mecho, which wereofthe month guifed himielfe
‘e So that cuery one,and of all forts aue of that they had,a liberal of Gon, but came ta fight in the valley of becavfe he mighs:
pottionto the feruice of God. Wegideo not be
23 Aun
‘Yofiahsdeath. Ichoahar. II.Chron. The captiuicie. Cyrus proclamatiéh.
23 Aud the Hooters HatatKing Joſtab: ofthe Loz, aun he made Zedekigh hishbre- Or,UAC le°
thet the King fayd to his lernants , Carre ther king over Judah and Jerufalem. 2.King. 24.175
me away, fo: 3| ant very ficke, IL Fedekiah was one and twenty peere of 19.
24 So his leruantgteoke hin out of that when be began to reigne, and reigned eleuen £evem.§2,2.
m The people fo charet, and put him in the fecond charet peercin Jeruſalem. $ the hand
much Jamenred which bechad , and when they had brought 12 *And bee did enfilin the fight ofthe Ofoff NIS,
the loffe of this Dün to Jeruſalem, he died, and was burted Loꝛd bis God, and humbled not himlelfe bee f Bythis phrafe}
geod king that in the ſepulthres of bis fathers: ane all Ju⸗ fore Jeremiah the Pꝛophet at the comman. the Scripture
after when there Dab and Jerufalem m mourned for Jotiay, Dement of the Lora: meaneth,oftens
wasany great la- 25 And Jeremiah lamented Lokah , and 13 But he rebelled moreouer aganit e- times,and dili-
this all flinging nen and tinging women mouri buchad-nezzar, which bad caufed bim to gently, as Iere.
was (poken of as ned for Fottal in their iamentattons to this Cweareby God: and he hardened his necke 10.7.8 25.3. &
a prouerbe,read Day, and made the fame foz ant ordinance and made his heart obftinate that be might 26.5, and 32.33.
Zech. 12.88. bunto Ilrael: and behold, they are writen in not returne tothe Loa God of Iſrael. g Til God could
n Which fome the "Lamentations. 14 Ali the chiefe of the Pꝛieſtes allo, and no longer luffer
thinke Ieremie 26 Concerning the eef of the actes of of the people tretpafled wouncrfully, accoz- their finnes, but
made, wherein Joab and his goodueke, doing as it was Ding to all the abominations of the heathen, muft needes pu-
he lamenteth the weiten in the Law of theLord, aud polluted the houleof the Lon which be nif them,
ftare of che 27 And his Deedes, firt and laft, behold, had fanctified tn Yerufalent. : h Whither they
Church after this thepare wꝛitten in the bocke of the Kings Ig Therefore the Loꝛd Gor of their fas fled thinking to
kings deathe of Alrael ana Judah. thers fent to them thp pis meflengers, £ ri» haue teene faued
CHAP. XXXVI, fing early and fending : foz he bad compalſi· for che holineiſe
x After Fofiah reigneth leboahar, 4 After Ie- on on bis people.and on bis habitation. thereof,
hoahax, Febouckim. 8 After hım Iehoiacihun. 16 But they mocked the meflengers ef i Which is not
aK After him Zedekiah. 14.074" whofe tome all God, aud delpiled his words, Emilyled his becaule God ape
the people were caried away to Babel, forcontem. Prophets, vutillthe wrath ot the Lorde a- prooucth bias
wing the admonitions of the Prophets, 2% and tole againit his people, and till there was no which yet is the
were reflored againe the fewemteeth yeere after by g — ED i a S minifter of his
King Cyrus. 7 Fo2hee bro on thent ing iuftice,but be.
2.Rixg.23 30. “pom * the people of the land toske Jehs· ofthe Caldeans, who lew their —— caufe God would
L abas the fonne of Jotiah, and made bun with the ſword * tar the houſe oftheir ganc» by bis tuft iudge-
king in bis fathers ttead tu Jeruſalem. tuarp, and {pared neither pong man, n02 mene punih this
2 Jehoahaz was three and twenty peere birginc,ancient,nor aged : God tgaue allin- people : for this
a For three mo- old when he began toreigne,and he reigned to bis bans, King was led
. neths after the theee amoneths in Jerulatenr. ; 18 And ali the veſſels of the houk of Goa, with ambition
death of lofiah, 3_And the king of Egypt tooke him away great andfimall, and the trealures of the and vaineglory,
came Necho to at Jerufalem , ¢ condemned theland inan houſe ofthe Lord, and the treaſures ofthe whercunto were
_Lerufalem,and fo bhundred talents of —— talent of gold. m ofhis princes t alithete caried in ioyned fury and
e plagues be- 4 ¶And the king of Egypt made iias 9 cruclty: there~
gatywhich Hule kim bis Mother hing ouer Judal and Fies 19 And they burnt the boule of Gos, and fore his worke
dab andthe Pro- tufalent, and turned his name to Jehoia · brake Downe the wall of Jerufalem, and was condemnae
phets forewar- kin: and Necho teoke Jehoabaz his bzo- burnt all the palaces therot with fire,and all ble, notwithflane
ned ſhould come ther,and caricd him to Egypt. the precious veſſels thereof to deſtropall. ding it was iuit &
vpon Jerufalem. S- Jebotakun was fue aud twenty peere 20 Quothey that wereleftbp the ſword, holy on Gods
b To pay this as old when hee began to reigne, and hee reig. caried he away to Babel, and they tere fers part, who vſed
a yeerly mi- ned eleven pere inJerufalem,
and DW « euill uants to him and te bis fonnes, vntill the this wicked in-
te in the tight of the LoD his God. kingdome of the « Perſians had rule, firument to de-
© Becaufe he and 6 Again him came vp Mebuchad-ne3- 21 Co fultill the wordofthe Lod by the clare his iuſtice.
thepeople turned zar king of Babel, and bound him with 1 monthof Jeremiah, vutilithe land had ber k When Cyrus
not to God by chaines tocarie him to Babel. _ fill of her Sabbaths :for all the Bayes that king of Perfia
his firit plague, 7. Mebuchad-nezzar alla* carted of the fic lay Defolate , fhe kept Sabbath, to fulfill had madethe
hec brought a bellels of the boule ot the Loꝛd to Babel, ſeuentie yeeres. Babylonians fub-
new vpon bim, and put themin his Temple at Babel. 22 ¶ But inthe miri peereof pus iect.
and at length 8 Conceening the ret ofthe actsofJe⸗ king of Pertia (when the wo ofthe Lod Who threatned
rooted them out, ,was fini- the vengeance of
hotakin, and bis abominations whichiee fooken by the mouth of Jeremiah
2.King. 34.13, DID, and 4 thatwich was found vpon him, ibed) the Lozd ſtirred vp che {pirtt of Cyrus God, & ſcuentie
d He meanech behold, Puyace mitten in the bookeofthe king of Peria and he manea Pꝛoclamati· ceres captiuitie,
fuperftitious Kings of Jiracl e Judah : and Jehotachin on thozow al his kingdome, aud allo by wie xhich ——
markes, which his fanne reigned in bis ead. ting, ſaying. ; Á the Sabbaths, or
were found vpon 9 ¶ Jehoiachin was ¢ eight pere old when 23 Thus fapth Cyrus king of Peria, reft of the Jand,
his body when Hee began to rcigne, and hee reigned thee Ai the kingdoms of the earth bath the Lod Tere25. 00.
he was dead: moneths and ten Dapes in FJerulalem, and Hon of heaven giuen meand he hath® com- Tere:2§.3.& 29
which thing BID cuillin the light of the Lozd. f manded me to build himan joute tn Jerte potefdr.2.te s
declared how Io Gund when the peere was out, Wing falem,that isin Judah, Wibo is among you m In the firlt
deepely idola- Nebuchad nezzar fent and brought himto ofall bis people , with whome the Loud bis yere that he reige
trie was roored in Babel with the precious veſſels ofthe boule God is? lec him goe vp. ned ouer $ Cal-
his heart,feeing deans; Ezra i. ts
hee bare the markesin bis fleſh. e, That is, hee began his reigne at n God hadſo forewarned by his Prophet above an hundred yeeres
eight yeere old,and reigned ten, yeeres when his father wasaliue, and before Cyrus was borne, La, 44. 28. that Ierufalem andthe Temphe
after his fathers death, which was.the eighteenth ycers of bisage hee ſhould be built againe by Cyrus his annointtd:fecalled Lecaule Gad
reigned alone threc moncths and tenne dave. vied bis ſexuice for atime to deliner his Church,
* ¢ The Prayer ofManaſſeh King
Å ofthe Iewes.
Lom Almighty,
God ot our fathers, Abraham, Jaar and Jacob and of their tiah>
teous (eed, which halk made heauen and earth with all theit oꝛunament, which haté
This prayer is no bound the fea by the word of thy Commandement, which bait hut vp the Deepe,
in the Hebrew, and leaten tt by chp terrible and gimious Mame, whom all Boe feare, and tremble before
but is tranflared thy power : foz the Maieltie of thy glozp cannot be borne, andthine angry thzeatning to-
oot of the ward finners ts impogtable, but thy merciful pꝛomiſe is vnmeaſureable and vnſearch⸗
Greeke, able. Foꝛ thou art the moſt high Lod, of great compaffion, long firffering, and mofi mers
tiful ann repentett foz mans mifertes. Thor D Lord, accodingto thy great goodnefie
balt promiled - repentance and forgiue neſſeto them that nne againit thee, and fo: thine a Thou haf
infinite mercies haft appointed Repentance onto ſinners that thep may bee ſaued. Thou promifed thar
thereforeD Low, that art the God ofthe tuft , halt not appotnted repentance to the iutt,as repentance Malf
to Abꝛaham, and Flaacjand Jacob, which hae nor > finned again thee,but thou patap- bethe way for
pointed Repentance vuto ine,that am a Gunner; foz J baue finned aboue the number ofthe them to returne
fand ofthe tea. My tranfgreffions, D Loꝛd, are multiplied : mp tranſgreſſions are excee· to thee.
Ding many: and J am not worthy to behold and fee the height of the heauens, for the smul» b Hefpeaketh t
titnde of mine vntightesuſneſſe. Jam bowed Bowne with many pponbands that J cans this in Comparie:!
not life vp mine bead neither haue any releate. Fo: J baue proucked thy wath, and Done fonofhimielfe,
enill befoze thee. J Did nor thy will, neither kept J thpcommandements , J hare (ee yp and thofe holy
abominations , and haue multiplied offences. Mow therefore J bowe the knee okmine fathers which
heart,belecching thee of grace. J bane finned, D Lod, Jhaue ſinned, and3 acknowledge haue their com-
my tranigreffions :but I humbly befeech thee, torgiueme, D Lord fogue me,and deſtroy mendmion in the
me not with my tranfgreflions. Be not angrt2 with me for ener bp releruing enill fo: me, Scripture,fo that
neither condemme me into the lower parts of the earth. Foz than art the God,cuen the God in se(pe& of him=
of thentthat repent: andinme thon wilt ſhew all thy goodneſſe: foz thou wilt ſaue mer felfe he calleth
that am vnwoꝛthy.accoꝛding tothp agreat mercie : therefore J will paile thee for euer all theirs finnes nos
the daies of my life. Foz allthepower ofthe heauens pzaile thee, and thine is rhe glop for thing, but attrie ·
suge and ener. Amen. buteth vato
them righteouk
ee Ezra. atſſe.

$ the Lordis euer mercifull vnto his Chutch, and doth not punifh them, bnt to the intene they
A Mould fee their owme miferies,and be exercifed ynder the croffe , that they might contemnethe
world, and afpixe vnto the heauens : fo after that he had vificed the ewes, and kept them now in bone
-dagt fenentie yeeres in a ftrange countrey among infidels and idolaters,he remembred his render mer-
cies and cheir infirmities,and therefore for his owne fake railed them vp a delinerer, and mooued
boththeheart of the chiefe ruler to pitie them), and alfo by him puni(hed fuch, which had kept them in
feruitude, Notwithftanding, left they fhould grow into a contempt of Gods great benefit, he keepeth
them fill in exerciſe, and raifeth domefticall enemies, which indeaour as much as they can to hinder
theirmoft worthy enterprifes : yet by the exhortation of the Prophets they went forward by little and
little till their worke was finifhed. -The authour ofthis booke was Ezra, who was Prieft and Scribe
ofthe Law,as Chapter 7.6. Heretutned to Ieruſalem the fixt yeere of Daritis, who fucceeded Cyrus,
thatis,about fiftie yeeres after the returne of the firit vnder Zerubbabel, when the Temple was buile,
Hee broughe with him a great company, and much treaſures, with letters to the Kings officers for all
fuch things as {hould bee neceffary for the Temple: and at his comming he sedrefled that which was
amifle,and fet the thingsin sood order, y ;
CHARI the kingdomes of the earth, and hee hath
a Cyrus fendeth againe the peoplethatwas tonnnanded méto tuid him an houſe in Je ·
iacaptinitie, 8 And reStoreth thera their holy ruſalem. which ig in Judab, y
vefls, 3 Ahoishe among pou ofall his people
2, (hrn, 36.22. a3 ee Dine *in the a firft vecreof with whom bis, Gomis? let him goe vp to
3 cfdras2.te An sont) Cyrene Ring of Perſia (that Jeruſalem, which tsin Iudah
and tuin the
iere. 25. 12. Bie the word ofthe Lom, poken houſe ofthe Loꝛd God of Ilrael:heeisthe e Ifany through ©
614 29.10. SM bythe >imouth of Jeremiah, God which isin Fernfalem. pouerty were not
a After thathe - {Oke D) mightbecaccomplityes the 4 Andeuctp one that rematnerh inany able to returne,
an} Darius had ” eB ated Ve ltirreddy thee fpiertof place (where
he(oiourneth ) tlet the men of the Kings com-
wonne Babylon, Cyꝛus king of Peria ano he made aproclas his place reliefe re with filuer and with wiſſion was that
b Who promifed mation thozow allbis kingdome, and alfo gold,and with fi he fhould be fire
themdeliuerance bp weiting, laying, ‘* ee ‘andand talth
with a wailing iteris koathe
willingoffering, OLOboudeot
houſe o nifhed with ne=
after that ſeuenty2 @hus layeth Cyzus king of Derſia, God thatis in Jerufalem, ceſſaries.
yeereswere pat, The Low Gon of heauen hath ginen me dall 5 Chen the chick fathersof Judah and f Which they
Jere.25 11. Beniamin
and the Prielſts and Leuttes roie thernfeiues
c Thatissmoouedhim,and ganehimheart, d Forhewaschiefe by, with ailthem whole {pirit God hav rai thould fend to-
mon: sch, and had many nations ynder his dominion, which thishea- {eD to goe bp to butlde the houle of the Lord ward the repata⸗
thenking cogfesfeth to baug seccined of the lining God. whichtsin Jerufalem, tion of the Teme
6 And ple,
Cyrus reftoreththe holy veffels. The Ezra. number ofthem that returned.
g The Babyloni- 6 And alls theythat were about them, aud three and twentie.
ans andCaideans ſtrengthened their hands with veſſels of fil :a The tonnes of Jorah an hundꝛed and
gaue them thefe uer with wolu, with ſubſtance, and with cat elue. >
prefents : thus ra- tel.and with precious things, befines al that Ig Che fonnes of Malhum, two huna.
ther then the was wiliingly offered, and three and twentic:
children of God 7 Alfo the king Cyrus bꝛought forth the 20. The fonnes of Gibbarninetytines —
fhould want for vellels of the houle ofthe LoD,” which Pe» 21 § Che lonnes of Beth lehem, att hue fThatis,inha-
their neceflities, buchad· nezzat bad taken outofJeruſalem, Deed and three and twentie. bitants: for ſo
he would ftir vp and had put them inthe poule of bis gov. 22 Che menof Netophah, ſixe and fifty: chis word (fonney
the heart of the 8 Cuenthem did Cyus king of Perla 23 The men of Anathoth, an hundsed fignifieth, when
very infidels to bring foosth by the hand of Mithredãth the and eight and twentie. it ıs ioyned with
helpe chem. trealtiter , and counted them unto * Spelh> 24. The fonnes of Azmaueth, two and a namesof .
a Ring. 25.13, bazzar the pzinceof Judah. fogty. p ces,
2.chron.36.7, 9 And this ts the number of them, thirty 25 The ſonnes of Kiriath-arim, of Ches
iere 27. 19, 20. batis of golde, athoufand baling of luer, phirah, and Beeroth, feuen hundzed and
dan. 1.2. nine and twenttei knives, thzee and forty.
h Sothe Calde- Io Thirticbowles of olde, and of filuer 26 The ſonnes of varamah,and Gala,
ans called Ze- bowles of the fecond fort, foure hundred and fite hundzed and one and twentte:
rubbabel, who temand of other veflels,a thoufand. 27 Ehemenol Michmas, an hundzed
was the chiefe II All the veflels of golde and filuer were and tivo and twentie: :
Zouernout,ſo five thoufand and foure hundzeth. Sbewh- 28 The lonnes of Beth-el, and Ai, twa
that the preemi- bazzar brought bp all * with them of the hundzed and thzee and twenty.
nence ftill remai- —— that came wp frem Gabel to Fes 29 The fonnes of Acbs,two and fifty:
nedinthehonf ruſal 30 The lones of Masbiſh, an hunden
of Danid. and fire and fiftte: ‘
ĩ Which ferued to kill the beafts that were offered in the facrifice, 31 Che ſonnes of the other Clam, a
& With the lewes,thathad bene kept captiues in Babylon, — and two hundred, and foure an’
CHAP, II, ty. ;
The number ofthem that returned from the cap- 32 The lonnes of Marim, three hunda
tiuitie. ann twentie y
Nehem 7.6. ue *alfo ave the fonnes * of the pros 33 The fonnesofLod-hadid , and Dus,
1.eſdrig.7. uince that went vp out of the captiuitie -feuen hundzed and fiue and twe ia ꝛ
a Meaning Iu- (whom NKebuchad nezzar king of Babel 34. Che ſonnes of Jericho, thece hundred
dea, which wasa had carted away vnto Babel) and returned. and fueand forty:
prouince,thatis, to Jexuſalem, and to Judah, euery one vnto 35 Whe fonnes of Senaabh,thzee thouland |
acountrey which pis titie, fire hundzed and thirtie.
was in ſubiection. 2 Mhich came witht Zerubbabel,towit, 36 EThee Hrieſts: ef the fonnes of Je- g Before he hath

> Zerubbabel Jeſhua, Nehemiah, Seraiah, Reelaiah, Datah of thehoute of Jeſhua, nine hundzed declared
— the two
was chiefecap- c Mordecat, Biliban, Miſpat, Biguat,Re- feuenty and thzee. tribes ofudah
taine,and Iefhua hinn, Baanah. The number of the men dof 37 Che fonnesof Immer, a thouſland Beniamin,
fifty: and
and Beniamin, :
the high Prieft: the people of Iſtael was, - and two and
but Nehemiah a 3 Che lonnes ofParoſh, two thoufand, 38 The onnes of Palhur , a thouſand methto thetribe
man of great au- an Hundzed, ſeuentie and two: two hundzed and feuen and fezty. _ of Leui,and be- |
thoritie went not 4 he lonnes of Shephatiah,thzeehun- 39 Che lonnes of artin,athouland and sinneth at the - |
now, but came Died feuentte and two:
after 64.yeeres, 5. The fonnes of Arab, ſeuen hundreth ſeuente
40 ete Lenites:
Lenites: the
the fonnes
í ofBes
+The Leui |
c This was not and ſeuentie
and fiue fhua,and Kadmiel,of the fonnes of Hodaui · Tahera
that Mordecai 6. The lonnes of |Pahath Moab, okthe AA — fannes ofalaph |
which was Efters ſonnes of Jeſhua and Joab, tive theufand, 4I e fingers: the ſonneso Sing,
kin{man. eight bundzethand twelne: an hunded and eight and twentie. —
d Meaning,of 7 Che lonnes of Clam, athoufand,two 2 € +tChe fonneso€ the Porters
:the terse
thecommon Hundzech and foure and fiftie: — of Sballum, the ſonnes of Ater, the tree Baran
people. 8 The fonnes of Fattu, nine hundzed fonnes of Talmon, the founes of Akkub, the
WOr.of the duke and fine and foztie: fonnes of atita , the fonnes of Dhobat ,all
of Moab. 9. The ſonnes otf Zaccai, ſeuen Hund20d were TR tie a est
and thzeefcore: . ‘ 43 e 'Methinims: the formes of Ff h socalled be-
10 Che fonnes of Bani, fire hundꝛed and ba,thesind of Halupha, the ſonnes of caute they mere
two and fortie: & * t + iuen to
Il Che fonnes of Bebai firehundzed
and 44 Thelonnes of Keros, the fonnesof‘Temple, ——
three and twenty: Siaha the lonnes
of avom, ` wood and beare
12 Che ſonnes ofAzgad a thouſand, two 45, The Guney of Lebanab,thefonnes oF water for the vie
hundꝛed and two and twentie agabah, the ſonnes ofAkkub, of thefacrifices,
13 Chelonnes
of Adonicam, fice hunden 46 The lonnes of agad ,the ſonnesOF and cameofthe
thꝛeeſcore and fire: ecules! $ Hhamlan the fonnes of Hanan, Gibeonites,
14 Che formes of Bigual, two thoufand 47 Eie fonnes of Gddel, the fonnesof which were.aps -
and fire and fifties - Gahar.the onnes of Reaiah, pointedto this
I5_ The fonnes of Anin, foute hundzed 48 The fonnes of Resin, the ſonnes oF yfe by lofhua,
and foure and fiftie: 5434133 Pckoda,thefonnes ofGaʒzam. Nothgaze
e Wh'ch were 16 The fonnes of Atet ofe Hiskiah, nines 49 The Hones of C353, the onnes of © Sm
ofthe ; o teritie tie and eight: Paleah,the fonnes of Be r i
of Hez. kidi. 17 The lonnes of Bezii, three hundred so ThelounesofAiah, the formes of `
‘fromcaptiuitie. The peoples zeale. Chap.iii The reedifying ofthe Temple. 18 5
Meunim, thefonnes of Nephuſim tothe Lorde. 7 They prepare forthe Temple, s1
- pE Toclonnes ot Bakbuk,
the ennes of And fng vntothe Lord.
wWakupa - the nnes of Darbur, Az * when the a fenenth moneth was r.E/dr 5.47.
-52 The lonnes of Bazluth, the ſonnes of £ ome, and the chilazen of Iſrael were in a Cald Tifhiî,
Webida, the onnes of Varma their cities, the people alſembled themſelues which anfweretls
m §3 The Connes of Barcos , chefonnes of ās one man onto Jerufalem. to partof Sep.
Hilara, the lonnes of Chamab, 2 Chen koode vp Jepua the ſonne of rember, and pare
§4 The ſonnes of Pesta, the fonnes of Jozadak, and hts barthzen the Pzteltes,and of O&ober.
i Which came Hatipha, Fernbbabel the > ſoune of Hhealticl, and hts b Meaning,ne-
of them that Sa- 55 Che lonnes of Salomons i ſexuants: bretizen, and builded the Aitar ofthe Ged phew: forhee
lomon had ap- the tonnes of Dotai , the fonnes of Mophee of Iſtael, to offer burnt offerings thereon, was the fonne of ~
pointed for the eth, the fonnes of eruta, aS tt ts witten inthe Lawe of Moles, the Pedaiah,reade
worke of the s6 The ſonnes of Jaalah, the fonnes of man of Gad, 1,Chron, 349.
Temple, Darkon, the onnes of Giddel, 3 And they letthe Altar bpon «hes bales c Inthe place
§7 The lonnes of Shephartah.the onnes (foz feare was among them, becaule of the where Salomon
of atttl, the fonnes ef Pochereth Pazze- people ofthote countreys) therefore they of: had placed it,
baim, the ſonnesofAmi. fered burnt oftrings thereon vnto the Loon,
k Ofhim is 58 AU the Methinims, and the fonnes ef cuen burnt offerings in the moning, and at
made mention, Dalomons feruants were thꝛee hundzeth enen. l
2. Sam. 17.27. ninette and two. 4 They kept allo the feat ofthe Taber»
and 19 31.& be- 59 ¶ And thele went vp from Telmelah. nacles, as iris witten, and the burnt offe
caule the Prieſts and froin Cethariha, Cherub, ATdan, and ring * Daply, by number according to the cn- Exod.23.16.
office was had in Immer, but they could not delcerne their fav ttome Day by Day,
contempr, thete thers boule, and their ſeede, whether thep § And afterward d thecontinuall burnt d Thar is after
‘would haue were of Iſrael. f offering, doth in the new moneths and in all the fealt of Ta-
hanged their 60 The fonnes of Delaiah, thelonnes of the feait Daves that were conſecrate vnto the bernacles,
eftate by their Tobiah, the fonnes of Mekoda,liehundzeth LoD, and tr alt the oblations witingly of
name, and fo by and two and fittie. fered vnto the Lord
Gods iult iudge- 61 And of the onnes of the Ppietes, the 6 fromthe firtt day of the feuenth nos
ment loft both fonnes of Yabatah, thefounes of Cos, the neth began they to offer burnt offerings vne
the eftimation of fonnesof k Barztllat : which tookeof the tothe Lozd ; but the foundation of the Cent
the world,and Daughters of Barsillat the Gileadite te ple of the Loza was notlaya.
the dignitie of wife, and was called after their name. 7 Thep gaue moncy allo vnto the mas
their office, 62 Theieloughe their wiring of the ge- fons, and to the wozkemen , and meate and
1 ThisisaChal- nealogies, but they were not found : theres Duinke and oyle vnto them of Sidon and of
de name,and fig- foze were thep put trom the Pꝛieſthood. Cyrus,to bring them Cedar wood trom Lee
“nifieth him that 63 Andi Cirhatha fad vnto them, that banon to the fea vito} Japho, accozding ta lOr, Zoppe,
hath authoritie they ſhould not eate ofthe mot holy thing, the avora that they bad of Cyrus Wing of
Ouer others, till there rofe vp a Pꝛieſt with = Urim and erha.
m Read Exod, Thummim 8 Candin the fecond pere of their conts
28,30. 64 The whole Congregation together “ming onto the boule of God in Jerulatemin e Whichmo-
‘kn Which mount was two and fourty thouland,thzeehundzeth the -fecond moneth, began Serubbabel the neth conteined >
to of our moncy, and thzeefcoze, = ~ fonne of Sbealttel, and Jethua the fonne of part of A pril,and
24826. li. 13, 65 WBelives their ſeruants € their mayds: Jozodak, and the remnant of their brethren part of May : for
thil,4.d, eftee- of whom were feuen thouland,thzec hundred the Prielles and the Leuites, and all they in the meane
ming the French and ſeuen and thirtie : and among them that were come out ofthe captinity vnto ge feafon they had
crowne at 6thil. -were two hundzeth ſinging men and linging tulalem , and appointed the Leuttes fron prouided for
4d. for the dram women. — twentie peere olde and abeue, to fet foward things neceflary
isthe eight part 66 Their herkes were feuen hunszeth ana the worke ofthe houte ofthe Lod. for the worke,
fireand thirtte : their mules two hundzerh
ofan ounce, and 9 And Jepua f tod with his onnes, F They gaue
the ounce the and fiue and fonrtie : and bis brethzen, and Kadmiel with his them exhortatte
eight partofa 97 Theit camels foure hundreth and fiue fonnes, and the formes of Judah together to ons,andencon-
marke. and thirtie: thetr afles, fire thoufand euen fet fozward the workemen tn the boule of ragedeuery man *
© Whichare hundreth and twenty, God, avd the ſonnes of Henadad with their forward inthe
Called minæ, and 68 And certaine of the chiefe fathers, fonnes, and thelr beethzen the Leuites,
conteine a piece when they came to the houfe of she LozD, Io And when the builders layd the foune worke,
two markes: fo wich was in Jerufalem , they offered wil- Datien ofthe Temple of the Lorde, they ap-
lingly fo2 the boule of Ged, telerit yp vpon pointed the Prieſtes in their apparell with
make 550000; bis foundation. ; i trumpets, and the Lenttes the fonnes of
franKes, which 69 Thep gaue after their abilitie vnto Afaph with Cymbals, to maile the Loze, 1.C0h70,06.7,80 :
the treafureofrhe worke, even one and three: a ae ihe ordinance of Daͤuid King of Te
{core thoufand ° drammes of golde. and fue rael.
thoutand o pieces of luer, and an bundzcth 11 Thns they fang when they gaue pate,
Dicts garments. _ y and when they gaue thankes vuta the Logo,
70 Bothe Pꝛieſtes and the Lenites,and Foꝛ He t3 geod, foz hts mercie endureth for g=
hih a certaine ofthe people, and the ſingers and uer toward Iſtael. And alt the people ſhou⸗
zo the porters, and che Methintuisdwelt in ted With agreat Monte, whenthcy praylen
their cities, and all Pfracl in tieit cities, the Lod, becunle the foundation of the houſe
ofthe Loꝛd was laya.
CHAP TIF 12 Many alo of the Ppielts and rhe Le»
a: They build the Akar of God, 6 They offer uites and che cyicte of the fathers, ancient
aa MY
` The building hindred. Ezra. Rehums accufation. a
meh which had fene the firit houte, (when 12 Be itknowen bnto the King, that the
the foundation ofthis houle was lato betore Jewes which cane vp from thee toys, are
g Becaufethey thelrepes) s wept with a loude vepce, and come vite Jeruſalem (a citie rebellious ana
fawthaticwas many ſhouted aloud foz top, ; wicked) anv bud, anv lap the foundations
nothing foglori- 13 @othat che people could not dilcerne Di the walles, and hang ioyned the founda ⸗
ousasthe Tem- the ſound of the thout foz toy, fram the nople tions. - E a

ple, which Salos of the baceping ofthe peeple : forthe people __13 De it knowen now vnto the King, that
mon had buil, ſhouted witha loud crie, and the nople was if tbis citie be bulit, and the foundartens of
notwithitanding heard farre off. the waltes layt, they tti not giue toll, tris
Aggeus comfor- bute, no2*cuitome; to batt toon binder the k. Meaning,the |
reth them, and prophefieth thar it fhall bee more beautifull rhen the Wigs tribute. gifts that are
firft ; meaning the fpirituall Temple, which are the memhers of 14. How therefore becauſewe paue bene wont to be ginen
Chrittes body, brought vp in che Kings palace , it was not to kings when
CHAP, IIIT, meete foz vs tolee the Kings Dihor our: fog they pafle by any’
2 The building of the Temple is hindred , and ees caule Daue wee fent and certified the countrey.
how. 11 Letters to Artaxerxes, the anfiveres Ebr. in the
a Meming, the pe a the aduerſaries of Judab and Wem Is Chat ove may (earch in the bookeof Chalde,We haus
inhabitants of iainin beard, that the childztn ofthe cap⸗ the Chronicles of thy fathers, and thou falt eaten the fale
Samatia,who the tiuitie builded the Tempie vnto the Lode fiudein the bocke of the Chzonicies, and of the Palaces
King of Aflyria God of Iſrael. pecceructjat this citie is rebellious and nois
had placed inthe 2 Andthey caineto scrubbabel. tothe fome vnto Kings and prontnces, and that
ſtead of the ten chicfe fatherg,and laid vnto them, Aee will they baue mooued (edition of old time, forthe
tribes,2. kin, 17. build with pou; for wee leeke the Lord your which caule this city was Deltroped. !
24. and 19,37. God, as pedoc,and wee haur faccificed vute 16 dee certifiethe Ring therefore, that iE |
thefe proteſſed bim, fince the tune ot Elar Pannon King of this citte bebuilded, and the foundation of
God biit wor- Althur, which brought vsvp dither. the walles layd, bp this meanes the portion
‘hipped idols al- 2 When Ferubbabel.and Jechua, and che beyond the River wall not be thine.
„and therefore telt of the chicfe fathers of Hlracl, ſayd vunta 17 @ Che King ent an anfivere vnto
re the greateft them, It is not foꝛ you. but forvs to builde Rebumthe Ghancellour,and Shimmai the
mies to y-true the boute vnto cur Gon :> for wee our (clues Scribe, and cia the rett of their compant> |
rants of Ged, together will build it vnto the Lor Gad of ons chat dwelt in Samaria, and vnio the | some reade,for
or they per- Iſrtael, as thing Cyrus the iing of Perſia other beyondethe Riner, ! Shelam; and shelam,aluratio,,
t what their Had commanded vs. ; m Cheech. f or greeting, Í
ce was, to 4 AWherekoꝛe the peopte of the land+ dif. 18 @ The letter which pee ſent vnto vs,m Called alfo
wit, to erect ido. couraged the prople of Judah, and troubled Hath bene openly cean before me, Cheeneth, as
latryin flead of them tn building, Ig Gnd J haue commatindDed and tity verfio.
true Religion § Andthep < hired connfellers agatnit hauelearched, and found, that this citie of
$Ebr.madetheir them, to hinder their Deuice, allthe tapes of olde time hath made tnlurrectton ag ainſt
hands weake. Cynis king of Perſia, cuen vntill the reigue Rings and hath rebelled and rebellion pati.
c Theybrived ot Darius Ming of Perla. ; bene committed therein,
the gouternours 6 Anvinthe reigne off Ahaſhueroſh(in 20 There haue bene mighty Kings alfa
vndertheking the beginning of bts reigue) wore they an ouer Jeruſalem, which haue ruien oner all
tohindertheir acculatton againſt the inhabitants of Jusay beyond the River, and toll, tribute, and cis
work, Thus they and Jeruſalem. Rome was giuen vntothem.
thathalt,caenot 7 And tiu the dayes oke Artahſhaſhte,
Di 21 {Dake pe now a decree, that thole men
abide that Goᷣ thiedath, Tabeel, the reſt of their compas may ceale, and that thecitrebe xot built till
Mak bepurely prons wote when it was prace, vnto Ar⸗ Ji baue guten another comimanvement.
erud. tahikaibte Kingof Perla, and the wetting 22 Take hecd now that pe Faile not to do
d Hewasalfo ofthe letter was the Arcenites witing, and mis $twbp ould Domage growe to hurt the
called Astaxers the thing declared was in che language of ing?
xes,which 13.4 the Aramites, 23 CUhexthe copy of King Artahſhaſh⸗
Perfian name. 8 Rebun the chanceller,and Shimſhat tes letter was read before Rehum ¢ Shim⸗
Somethinkeit the Scribe wrote a letter again Jerutas hat the Dcribe,and their compamons, they n Notaltoge- :
wasCambyfes lem to Artahſhaſhte the Ring, in thts ſort. went dp in all the batte ta Jerufalem vuto ther:for the Pros
Cyrusfonne, or ~ 9 Then wroce Rehum the chanceller,and the Jewes, and cauled chem to ceaie by force phets exhorted |
Darius,as verf.5. Shimihat the Bcribe, and their compani« and power. 5 them to conti⸗
e Called Artaxe ong, Dinate, and Apharlathcate, Carpes 24 Then cealed the worke of the houle nue, but they
erxes,which fig. late, Arphafate, Archcnate, Bablaie, bu: of Sad which was in Jerufalem, and din vied leffe dili-
nificthin ý Pere thauchate, Debauc, Clinate, flay unto the feconn pere ef Dartus King of gence becaufe of
fia tongue,an ex- Io And the rett of the people whome the Perlia. the troubles.
cellent warrieur, great ann noble z Afnappar broughe once CHAP, V.
HOr, counfellour. ann (erin the cities of Samaria, and othce 1 Haggai and Zechariah do prophefie. 3 The
f Thefe were cer- thas are beyond the t Riner andi Cheenti. worke oftie Temple goeth forward contrary tothe,
taine people, IL ¶ And thisis copte of the letter that minde of Tatnat. 6 His Letters to Darius,
which the Afly- they fent puto King Artahſhaſhte, THY Be gy Haggata Prophet, and zechart· yor,Haggew.
tians placed in SERVANTS the men beyond the River | 3b the (onne ofAddo a Prophet prophe⸗ Hagia.
Samariain ftead and Cheeneth, falute thee. fied vnto the Jewes that toere in Dydal, 1 ¢/dr.6,s.
ofthe ten tribes, and in Jerufalem, inthe Mame ofthe Goa
g Sometiinke it was Sancherid, but rather Salmanafar. h To of Fitacl.euco vnto them.
wit, Euphrates , and he meancth inre(peG of Babel, that they dwelt 2 Chen Fcrubbabel the fonne of She
beyendit, i Which were a certaine people thar enuied the jewes. alticl, and Jechua the onne of Tormak
- avole,
The enemies letters. Chap.vj. The decreeof Darius. 186
arole,and began to build the boule of God at 17 Now therefore if it pleale the king,
Jeruiaiem, Evwith them were the Prophets let there bee learch made tn the boule of the
‘a Which encou. of God, which + helped them. kings $ treafures , whichis there in Badel, g Meaning,in
raged tbem to 3 EArt that fame time came te them Tat- whether a Decree Hath beene made by king the ibrary,or
oc forward and nat, which was captaine beyond the riuer, Cpns,tobuild this houle of God in Jetula⸗ places where lay
acculedthem that and Shether boznai & thete compantons, lem, and let the King (end bis minde concer: the regifters,or
they were more and fayd thus vnto them, Cibo hath ginen ning this. recordsof tumes
caretull to build you commandement te build thts houſe,and
their owne hou- to lay the foundation of thele walies? s CHAP. VIL
fes,then zealous 4 > Chen fayd weevnto them after this
to build che maner, hatare the names of che men that At the commandement of Darius king of Pera
Temple of God. build this building ? ; fia, after the Temple was burlded and dedicate,
b Thetis, the § But thes epcof their God was bpon the children of Fſrael keepe the feaft of valeaue-
enemies asked the Ciders of the Jewes, that they could net ted breads
this,as verie ro, caule them to ceale, cell the matter came to
fhHis — Darius; and then they anlwered by letters — Darius gaue commaunde⸗ I -Efdr,6.2%6
cheſpitit o thereunto. t ment, and theymade {earch in the tii *Ebr. houfe of
ſtrength. 6 Thecopicof theletter, that Tatnai brary ofthe trealures, which were there lata boskes,
captainebevond the Riner, and Dbhether- bp in Babel.
bosnat and his companions, Apbarlechaie, 2 And there was found ina a coffer (in a Wherein were
(which were beyund the Riuer) tent vnto the palace that was tn the province of the the aGesof rhe
kug Darius. ; Medes) a volume, and therein was it thus kings of Medes
7 Cheylent aletter onto him wherein tt witten,asa memoꝛiall. and- Perfians.
was witten thus, VNTO DARIYVS the N THE FIRST yereof King
- king, all peace. Cys, King Cyzus made a Decree foz the
3 Be itknowen vnto theking, thatwe bouie of God tn Jcrufaiem, Let tye boule be
went inte the Prouince of Judea, to the butlt, euen che place where thep offered lacri
boule ef the great God, which is builded tices, and let the walles thereot bee iopnen
with ||great ttones, and beames are layd in together : tet the beight thereof be threeicoze
the wals, and this worke ts wrought (peedt- — the bꝛeadth therot threeſcore cue
lp, and prolpereth in their bands. eS,
o Thenalked we thole Elders,
and fayt 4 Three | orders of i great ones, and HOr rowes, or
bute them thus, Aho hath giuen pou com- One oder of timber, and ict the expenſes bee coures·
; mandementtobuild thts houle, and to lap giuen of the Kings houſe. bOr, marble.
‘ the foundation of thele watles? § Ao tec chemtenDer the beflels of the
i 10 CGee alked their names alfo, that wee bouit of God (of golvand filucr , which Ae-
i might certifie thee,and that wee might write buchadnezzar tõoke out ot the Temple
= names ef the men that were their rue which was in Jeruſalem, and brought vñto
3. Babel )and let t him gee vnto the Temple
Il Butthey anfwered bs thus, ant fain, that isin Jerulalem to bis place, ¢put them rubbabel , to
Clee are tye leruants sf the God of heauen inthe boule ofGoD. i whom hee giuetk
and earth, and builde the boule that was . © Therfoze Catnat captaine beyond the charge,
built of ols and many veeres agog, which a riuer and Dbetbar Boznat and their come
d To wit, Salo- great king of j{tacl builded, and foun» panions Apharſecaie, which are beyoud the
mon. edit. riuer) be pee farre e from thence. — c Meddlenet
a. King 6.2. 12 But after that our fathers bad proun» 7 Buter yee the worke of thishoulesF wich chem,nei-
2.chro. 3.2. ken the God of heauen vnto weath, *he gaue Gov, that che captatne of the Jewes € the cher bioder them.
2.King. 24.12, thera ouer into the hand of fAcbuchadneszar Elders of the Tewes may build this houle of
44d 25-9» king of Babel the Caldean, ane he deſtroyed God in bis place.
this houle, and caried the people away cap: 8 Fo J baue giuen a commandement
tie into Babel. what yee fhall Doeto the Civers of thei
e Read Ch ips 1. 13 Gutin the ¢ fir peere of Cyrus king Jewes foz the building ofthts boule of God,
4,2. of babel, king of Cyrus made a decree to that ofthe reuenues otp king, which is of the
build this boufe ofGon. tribute beyond the river, there bee inconti
14 Aud tie velſſels of golde and Muer of nently expenies giuen vnto thele mien chat
the houle of Gon, which Nebuchadnczzar they 4 cealenot, d For lackeof
tooke ontofthe Temple that was in Jeru- 9 Aud that which they hallbane neede money.
falem, and brought them into the Templeof, let it bee giuen vnto them Bay by Day,
of Gabel, thole via Cyrus the king take out whetheritbe young bullockes, oz rammes,
ef the tempie of Babel, and they gaue ther oz lambes fo: the burntofferings of the Gea
f Read Chap. 1. vnts one Shebazzar by his name, whome of heauen, wheate,falt, wine and oyle, ac»
R, he bad made captatne. coding tothe appointment of the Prtettes
Ig And de (ard vnto bin, Cake thele vel: —— are in Jerulalem, that there bee no
feis and goe thy map, and put them in che au t, ‘
Tenipicthactsin Zerufaleni, and let che 10 Ghat they may haue to offer fwecte
boule of Sod bebuilt iwebhisplace, odours vito the God of beaucn, and pzap fog
16 Then came the fame Dhelhbaszar, the kings life, and fo? bis ſounes.
and lato tke foundation sf the boule of God, IL And J haue made a decree, that whas
which is in Jeruſalem, and fince that time ſoeuer fyal alter this fentence,the wood hall
sun vntill now, bath tt beens inbuilding, be pniied Downe from bis houle , and fhalt
eet is it not ſiniſhed. bee tet vp, and pee fhall bee hanged thereon,
. - Qaz ana
The Temple dedicated, Paffeoucr. Ezra. Artahfhafhtesletrer.
and bis boule Hall bee made a dunghill foz Pbinehas, the ſonne of Eleazar, the ſonne
this ofe garon the chtete Piet.
I2 And the God chat hath canka his 6 Chis Ezra came vp from Babel,a
e Whohath ap- Rame eto Dwell there, deſtroy all kinges wasa: Scribe promptin rye law of Ma
pointedthat and people that put to thetr hann to-alter, fes, which the Lo2b God of Jirael had gi- ton,to proue that
place to haue his and to Deitroy this boule ot God, whichis in uen, aud the king gaue him all his requeit he came of him.
namecalled vp- Jerufalem. J Darius haue made a decree, according tothe hand of the Lozd bis Gon
on there. let tt be Done with (peed. : which was ppon him. r c He theweth »
1,Efdr.7. 1 13 C * Chen Catnat the captaine be- 7 And there went pp certaine of the chil- here what a
youd the riucr, and Dhethar Boznai and Den of Iſrael, and ofthe Purteiles, andive foribe is;whe
tbeir companions, according to that which Leuttes, andthe angers, ann the porters, had charge to
Darius had lent, lo they dtd eedily. and the echimims vnto Jerulalem, in the write the Law,
I4 Sothe Elders of tye Jewes builded, ſeuenth yeere of king Artahtiathyte. and to expound
f Whom God and they profpered by the paophelping of 8 Aud he came to Jerulalem tn the 4 Aft it: whom Marke
ftirred vp to aſ⸗ f Maggalthe Prophet, and zechariah the moneti, which was in theſtuenth peere: of calletha ſeribe,
fure them that {onne oë Jodo. and they builded t finished the King. ; Marke 12 28.
he would giue tt: by che appotntment of the Had ot Jiracl, o Foꝛ vpon the firit day of the fir! mo- Matthex and
their work: and by the commaunBement of Cyrus and neth brgan neto go vp from Babet, andon Luke eallhima-
good ſucceſſe. Darius,and Artahtalbte king ot Perlia. the Grit day of the fife moneri came bee te Lawyer,or Do-
j 15 And this houle was tinted che third Jeruſalem, acceding to the good hand of Aorot the Law,
g Thatis,the Dapofthemoneth s Adar, which was» the His God that was vpon him 3 Marth. 22.35,
twelfth moneth, lixt yeere of the reigne of king Darius. Io jor Ezra had prepared his heart to Luke 10.25.
and containeth 16 @ Ano the chlen of Jirael, the fecke the law of the Lod, and to Dor tt, and d Thatcontai-
part of February, patelts andthe Leuites ,aud the relidue of toteach the precepts andtudgements in JG ned part of luly
and part of chitdzenof the captiuitie, kept the dedica⸗ rael. ee A andpartof Aus
March. tton of he houſe of Gos with top: Il @ And this is the copie of the letter sut. `
h Andthe two — 17 And offered at the Dedication of this that king Artahſhaſhte gauc vnto Ezra the e Ofking Da-
and fourtieth af- Houleot God an hundzeth builockes, twa Pꝛielt and icribe, cuen a writer of the woꝛds rius.
ter their firlt hundzeth rammes, foure hundzeth lambes, of the commandements ofthe Lod, and of
retucne. and twelue goates, fo: the finne of ali Iſra⸗ Hts itatutesouce Pirael.
Aeoong ta the number ot the tribes of I2 ARTAHSHASHTE King ofkings
raei. to Ezra the Dict and pert Scribe of the
18 And thep let the prieſts in their omer, Lawofthe God of beauen, and to f Ohe: f Some take this
and tie Leuites in therr couries, ouer the encth. for the name ofa
ſeruice of Gon in Jeruſalem,as tt is witter 13 J baue giuen commaundement, that people ,fome for
Num 3.6, in the * booke of Moſes. Dig euery one that is willing in my kingDome of time or continu.
and 8.9. Ig And ihe children of the captinitie kept the people of Iſrael and of the Pꝛieſtes, and ance, meaning
the Paſſeouner on che fourteenth day of the Lenitess to go to Jeruſalem wiih theesthall tharthe king wie
ürt nioneth. f j gor. __« fhed him long
20 (Foꝛ the Pꝛieſtes and the Lenites 14 Wherefore art thou fent of the king tife.
—— were purtited all together) ana they killed and bis feuen countelicrs,to binquire in Jus g Which remaie
i Which were of the jDaflvouer fo2 ali rhe childꝛen of the cap- Bal and Jeruſalem, accozding to the law of ned as yetin Bae
theheathcn,and tiuitte, and foz their bactyzen che Prieutes, tby God, which is in thine hand, bylon,and had
forlakedtheir and fo: themfeines. i 15 Gud to carte the luer andthe golde, not returned
idolatric to wor- 21 othe chilmenof Jlracl which were which the king and hts countellers willing⸗ with Zerubba ·
fhip the true come againe out ofcaprtuttic,and al fuch as lp offer nnto the God of Iſrael (whole babi- bel.
God. — had i feparated themkelues vnto them from tation tsin Jeruſalem.) h To examine
k Meaning,Da- the filthineſſe of the beathen of theland, to 16 AnD all the fluer and golde that thon who liued accor⸗
rius,who was ſeeke the LoD Gon of Pirarl,did eate, canſt finde tn all the Pounce of Wabel, dingto the Law.
kingof the 22 And they kept the feat ofunleauened with the tree offering of the people, and i Whereof thou
Medes, Perfians, bread (euen Dapes with toy: foz the Lord bad that which the Pꝛieſtes offer willingly tO are expert.
and Afivrians. made them glad,and turned che beart of the abeboufe of their God which isin Ferula- flrength- king ofk Al hur vnto them, to +encourage em,
esther hands. them̃ in the woke of the houle of God, cuen 17 That thou mapet buy (peedilp with
the God of Iſrael. this fluer bullocks, rammes, lambes, with
their meat offerings , and their drinke offes
C Hy AMP iIVALL. rings + and thou halt offer them vpon the
x By the commandement of the king, Erra and altarofrhe boule of your Oo , which is in
a The Bbrewes his companions come to lerufalem. 27 He giucth Jeruſalem
write that diuers thankesto God. 18 And whatloeuer it plealeth thee and
Of the kings of Ni after thefe things in the reigne of thy beethzen todo with the ret of the fitues
Perfia were cal- aArrabhathte king of peria, was Ezra and gold, Doe vett according ta the will of
led by this tiie Mune of Derah the ſoune of Azariah your * God. k Asye know
name,asPharaoh the forte of Yeiktal, 19 And the veſſels that are giuen thee for beft may ferue
wasacommon 2 Ge onneafSballum, the fonne of the lerntce of the * of thy Suv, thole de · to Gods glory o.
name to the Zadok, the onne of Myicub, luer thon betore tn Jeruſalem.
kingsofEgypt, 3 The fonneor Amarta,the fonne of a+ 20 Sup therrur f that thallbe need nil
and Cefar to the za iah, the loune of Meraioth, for the houſe of thy Ged, whic) walls imeet
Emperowrsof 4 Whe fonne of 3-vatah, the fonne of Cz. for thee io beſtow thou Malt betiow tt out oF *
Rome, zi,chefonneofBukk, the kinga treaiive houſe.
§ The ſonue of Abiſhua, the ſonne of 21 Awd Jking Arraiayee haue ginen
X A -
|The Kings eommiffion. Chap. viij. A faftproclaimed. 187
commandement to all the trealurers which bablab the foune of Michael, and with him
i| 1 Which was the ate beyonde the ! Riuer, that whatloeuce fouteſcoꝛe males.
t} sjuer Euphrates, Esra the Pꝛieit and Scribe of the Law of 9 Dfthelonnesof Joab, Obadiah the
‘| and they were theGod of heauen ſhall requite of pou, that fonneofJebtel,and with him two pundet
i| beyond it inre- it be Done incoutinentlp, and eighteene males.
fpe& of Baby- 22 Gnto an hundzeth talents of Gluer, Io And ofthe ſonnes of Shelomith the
lon. bnto an bundzeth + meafures of wheate, and {onne of Joſiphiah and with bin an bune
I| 4Ebr.Corim. vnto an hundeth baths of wine, and bunto deth and threelcezemates.
m Reade 1.King. an hundzeth = baths of oyle, and falt with- II And of the fonnes of Bebai, Fechari-
|7.26,& 2.chros out witing. ! ab. the ſonne of Bebai, and with him right
2.10, 23 Gibhatioener is bp the commandement and twentie males.
ofthe Hod of heauen, let it be Done ſpeedily 12 And of the fonnes of Azgad, Foba-
fo: the houle of the God of heauen: fo: why nan the tonne of Hakkatan, and with bun
| n This declareth mouin he bee woth » againk the Realme of an bundzeth and ten males.
that the feare of the King, and bis children? 13 And ofthe lonnesof Adomkam, that
Godsiudge- 24. And we certtfie pou, that ppon any of were the t laft whole names were thete: Cli- b That eame te
| ments caufed the Pꝛteſts, Leuites, lingers, porters, Ne· phelet, Jehiel and Shematab, and with goe with Ezra,
him to vie this thintins ,oz mintfters in this poule of God, them threeſcore males. #93):
liberalitie, and there fhal no gouernour lay vpon them tolle, 14 And ofthe fonnes of Biguat, Uthai
f not the louethat tribute no? cuitome. and Zabbud, and with them ſeuentie males.
he bare to Gods 25 And thou Esra(after the wiſedome of Ig And J gathered them to thes River c To that place
glory,or affeai- thy God, that isin thine band) o fet indges that goeth toward Abana , and there above of Euphrates,
on to his people, and arbiters , which may indge all the peo» twee three dayes: then Jviewed the people, where Ahaua the
o He gaue Ezra ple that ts beyond the Riner, euen allthat and the [Oztets,and found there none af the Riuer entreth ins
full awhoritie to know the Lawe of thp God, and teach pee fonnes of Leni. j to it,looke ;
reftore all things them thatknowitnet. — 16 Gbherefoze fent Ito Eliezer, to Ariel, i.Eſd.8.a1.
according tothe 26 And wholoeuer will not doe the Law to Dbemetah, andto Elnathan,and toJae
word of God,and of thy God, and the Kings law, let him haue rib, and to €lnathan, and to Pathan, ana
to punith them tudgement without delay, whether it be vn- to Zechariah, and to Meſhullam the chicfe,
that refifted and to Death, oz to baniſhment, o2 to confifcation andto Jocharib, and to Clnathan, men of
would not obey, of goods,o2 10 impzifonment. vnderſtanding,
Thus Ezra 27 P Bleſſed bee the L028 God of our fa- 17 And J gane them commandement, te
preGod thanks thers, which to hath put in the Kings heart, Jodo the + chicfett at the place of Cattpha, d He was the
or that he gaue to beautifie the boule of the Lo: thatisin and J tftolde them the wordes that they chiefeft that
bim fo good fuc- Jerufalem, i fhould fpeake to Jodo, and to brs bzethzen taught there the
ceffe in his af- 23 And bath enclined mercie towary thefethinims at the place of Caſiphia, that Lawe of God
faires by reafon mee, before the Ging and bis countellours, they ſhould cauſe the minifters of the houſe vnto the Leuites,
of theKing, and befo all the Rings mightie Pintes, ofour Godte come vntobs. ` +Ebr.Put words
and J was comfozted by the band of the 18 So by the good hand ofonr God,which in thei mouth.
£020 my God, which was bpon mee, and F) was bpen vs, thep brought bs aman of vn⸗ ¢ Reade Chap,
gathered the chicfe of Jfracito got vp with Derftanding of the fonnes of Mahali the 2.430
mee. fonne of Lent the tonne of Jlrael, ana She-
CHAP. VIII, ee with bis onnes and his brethien,euen
1 The number ofthem that returned to Ieruſa- ighteene.
lem with Ezra, 21 Hee caufeth them to faft, 24 _ 19 Site Hathabiab, and with him Fema-
Hee admomfbeth the Priests of thew ductie. 31 iah of the fonnes of Merari, with bis bze-
What they did when they came to Ferufalem, thren and their ſonnes twentie,
1,€/2 3.29, —JHeſe are now the chiele fathers ofthem, 20 And ofthee Methinims, whom Da-
and the genealogie of them that came utd had fet, and the Peinces fo: the ſeruice
bp with mee from Babel, inthe reigne of ofthe Lenites, two hundzeth and twentie of f He fheweth
a Reade Chap. king * Artaijhathree, ‘ the s2cthinims, which all were named by thar the end of
7.1. 2 DFthefonnes of Dhinehas, Gerſhom: name, fating isto
of the tonnes of Prbamar , Danici : of the 21 Aud thereat the Riuer, by Abana, F humble the bo-
fonnes of Dauid, Hattuſh: proclarmed a fait, that wee might bumble dy to thefpirir,
3 Df the ſonnes of yechania, of the t our {clues before out Ged, andlecke of him which mufi pros
` fonnes of Pharo, Zechartay, and with attaht war torus, and foz our chilen ang ceed of the heare
— the count of the males,anbundzetl and foz ati our fubftance. liuely touched,
le. 22 Fo: J was e aſhamed to require of the or elfe it isbue
fOr,captaine 4 Ofthe fonnes of]! Pahath Moab, €- king an armie and horſemen, to helpe vs a- hypocrifie,
_of Moab, ligochat, theinne of Zerahiah, and with gaint the enemy inthe way. becanfe we had g Hethoughrie
him two hundrech males. poken to the king, faving. Che hand of our better to commit
© § DF thefounesof Sbechantah,the ſonne God is bpon all them that ſeeke btm in good- himielferotbe *
2 pFZabasicl, and withhim, tiee hundzerh nefe but his power and his weath is againſt ‘proteGion of
males. all them that fosfake him. jen God, then by:
6 Andof the ſennes okAdin, Ebed the 23 Ao wee kaſted, and belought our God feeking theleog.
e of Jonathan, Mha with pimi fftiz foz this: and be was tntreated of bs. dinarie meanes
males. ; 24 Then F feparated twelue of the chiefe to giuean occas
7 Andvofthe fonnes ot Clam, Jehaiah, of the Pꝛieſtes, Dbercbiah, and Haſhabiah fonto othersto
thefonne st Arhaliah, and with ham leuen⸗ andten oftheir bretipenwiththem, thioke thattiee
tie males. i a: BES 25 And weighed them the ſlluer andthe diddoubc of
“8 And ofthe lonnesofShéphatiah, ze· golog, and the vellels Ere fbe — Gods power.
a 3 ¢
The Leuites charge. l Ezra. Ezras confeffion and prayer.
the joule of our God, which the king ana his people of the landes, and the band of the
counfellers, and his minces, and all Iſrael b — and rulers bad bene chiefe in this b That is,the
that were pzelent had oered. treſpaſte. gouernours are
26 And F weighed vnto their hand fire 3 But when F beard this ſaying, Jrent the chiefe begin-
h Reader.king. Qundzeth and fiftre “talents of iluer, and in my clothes and my garment, and pluckt of ners hereof,
9.34. ſiluer veffet, an bundeth talents,andin gala the baire of mine head, and of my beard, and
an hundreth talents: fate Downe < aftonied. c Asone doubt.
27 Gnd twentic baling of gold,of a thoit» 4 Gnd thereallembled vnto meali that ing whethet
iReade Chap, fandidzammes, and two veſſels of Hining feared the wordes of the Gad of Iſrael, be- God would con-
2.69. biaffe verp good, aud precious as gold. caule of the tranſgreſſion of them of thecap= tinue his bene.
2 28 ¶ And J laid vnto them. We are conſe⸗ tinitie. And J fate Downe afonia vntillthe fits towards vs,
crate vnto the Lod, and the veſſels are ton- *euening facrifice. i or elfe deftroy
fecrate, and the gold and the filuer are freely § And at the euening facrificeJarsſe vp this which he
offered vnto the Lord God of your fathers. from mine heauineſſe, and when J had rent had begun, `
29 ¶ Match pe,and keepe them vntill pee my clothes and my garment, J feil ppon my Exed.29.39-
weigh them before the chiete Pzteftes and knees , and{pzead out mine hands vnto the 1214142843544
the Lenites, and the chiete fathers of Iſrael Lo20 my Sod,
in Jerufalem in the chambers of the houle 6 Andfatd, D mp God,J am confouns
ofthe Lov. PAI ia Ded and aſhamed to lift vp mine eyes vnto
. 30 Go the Pꝛieſtes and the Leuites re- thee, my God; toz one tniquities are increas
ceined the weight of the tiluer, andofthe ſed ouer our head, tour treſpaſſe ts growen d Thatis, we are
gold, and of the beflels to bring them to Jle- bp vntoe the beauen. drowned in finne,
rufalem.untothe houfeofourG@op. 7 From the dayes of our fathers haue e They fo exceed,
31 (Chen wee departed from the Riuer we beene ina great treſpaſſe vnto this Day, that they cannot
of Ahaua on the twelfth day of che frit mo- and forourinignittes haue wee, onr kings, grow greater,
neth, togoe vnto Jeruſatem, and the band and pur JOzietts bene deliuered inte the hand
ofour Goo was vpon vs, and deliucred vs of the kings of the lands, unto the ſword,
frointhe hand of the enemie, and of fuch as inta captiuttte, intoa ſpoyle, and into confu-
k This declared latde*wattbythemay: © : ~ fion of face,asappeareth this Dap, |
thattheiriourney 32 And wee came to Jeruſalem, and a- 8 And now foz alittlefpace, grace bath
wasfullofdan- bode there thee dayes. beene ſhewed from the Lod our God, in
ger,andyetGod 33 And on the fourth day was the filuer cauling a remnant te elcape, and ingiuing
deliueredthem. weighed, and the goloe and the veilell in the vsa nayle in his boly place, thatour God f In giving vsa
according to boule of our God by the band of Meremoth may light our epes and gine vsa little reui · refting place, Ie .
their prayers the fonne of Axiah the Pieſt,andwith him uing in our leruttude. i is.a fimilitude ta- as

- was Eleazar, the fonne of Phinehas, and 9 Foꝛ though we were bondmen, pet our ken of them that
with them was Jozabad,, the fonue of Je» God hath not fozfaken v3 in our bondage, remaine ftill in
ſhua, and Moadtah, the fonne of Binnui the but hath inclinedmerty vnto vs tn the fight a place which
1 Thiswas atoe Leuites, of the kings of Perſia, to giue bs life, and te {mite nailesto
ken of agood 4 By nuniber and by weight ofeueryp erect the boule of ourGod, and to redzefle the hang things vpe
confcience and one, and all the weight was witten atthe delolate places thereof,and to giue vs wall on, lfa,23.33.
of his integritie, fame tinie. in Judah and in Jerulalem.
that he would 3s Allo the childzen of the captiuitic, 13 And now, our Ged, what Hall we fay
haue witnefles which were come out of captinitic ,oferen after this? foz wee baue foslaken thy coms
ofhis fidelitie. burnt offerings vnto the God of Iſrael. mandements,
-fwelue bullockes foz all Iſrael, ninctie and 14 CGibich thou bait commanded bythy
fire rammes, ſeuentie and (even lambes,and feruants the Piophets, laying, * Chelan Exod.23.32.
-twelue bee goates foz ſinne: all wasa burnt whereunto pee goe to pofiefieit, isan vn⸗ 3412, 15, 16.
offering ofthe LoD, } cleaneland, becauleof the filthinefie of the deut.7.23.
26 And they Deliuered the Kings come people of thelands, which by their abort.
miſſion vnto the kings officers, and tothe nations and by their vncieannelſe haue filen
captatnes beyond the Riuer: and they pre. it fromcozner to coner. s
sored the people,and the boule of Goo. 12, Row cherefore Hall pee not gine pour
Daughters vnto their ſonnes, neither tail
CHAP, Ix. pee take their Daughters vnto your fonnes,
1 Egra complaineth on the people that had tur- no? feeke their * peace noz wealth for ener, Dewt.33.60
ned themfelues from God , and married with the that pe map be ftrong and eate the goodnes
Gentiless § Heprayeth unto Goda ofthe land, and leaue tt foz an inberitance to
pour onnes fozener,
¥.E/d,8.67. 7X 7Wen*as thele things were done, the 13 And akter ail that is come vponvs for
a Fromthe time WV vatres cameto me, laying, Che peo our euill Deeds, and for our great treſpaſſes,
they came home ꝓle of Iſrael, and the Pꝛieſtes and the Le- (eeing that thon our Ged hãſt ſtaied vs from
— Zerubbabel ites are not ·ſepatated fromthe peopleof being beneath s foz ouriniquities, and hat g Haft notveter-
vntillthesom-> the lands (as touching their abomtnations) giuen fieh vs Deltnerance) ly caft vs down &
ming ofEzra,they towit, ofthe @anaanites, the ipittites, the 14 Should we returne to breake thy com · deſtroyed vs ſox
had degenerate YPerizsites, the Jebulites,theAmmonites, mandenients, and ioyne in affinitie withthe ourfinnes, — :,
contrarytothe the Woabites, the Egyptians, and the A⸗ people of fuch abominations? wouldeſt not Deut.28, 13o
LawofGod, and mozites, thou bee angrie toward vs till thou haddeſt
married whereit: 2 Fok they haue taken their daughters confumed vs, fo that there thould be no rems
was norlawfull, to themfelues, and to their fonnes, and nant no? anyefcapin J s

Dew,7.3» they bane mixed the boly ſeede with she 35 D Load Godot irachthonart *

Order taken for Chap. x. ftrangemarriages. 188

b He fhewethy we haue been > referuecB tocltape, as appe- ortwo: foz we are many that haue offended
Gedis iuft in pu- rethtbis pap: beholde, we are before thee in tbis thing.
nilhing bis peo- in our treſpaſſe: therefor we cannot ſtand 14 Letourrulers tand therefore i before i Letthem bee
ple, & yet merci befoze thee becaute of it. allthe Congregation, ¢let all them which appointed to ex⸗
haue taken trange wiues inour cities come amine this mat-
fullin referuing 2
CHAP. X. atthetime appointed, and with them the rer,
relidue to whom
‘befheweth ſauot. t The people repent andturne, and put away Eiders ot enerp cttic,and the Judges there»
their ſtrange wiues. of, till the fierce wrath of eur Gon fo? this
| 3.€/4.8,9°. Wee * Ezra prayed thus, and? con- matter turne away from ys.
a He conteffed felled himlclfe weeping, and fallin 15 Then were appointed, Jonathan the
bis finnes, and Downe before the honie of God, there al- fonneofAfay-el, and Jahaziah the Lonneof
the finnes ofthe fembled vnto him of racl a verp gteat Tikuah over this matter, and Meſhullam
people, Congregation ofmenand women, & chils and Dabbethat the Leuites helped them.
Deen: foz the people wept with agreat la⸗ 16 And they ofthe captinicte did (0, and
mentation. : k Departed euen Ezra the Pict, & the men k They wentte
2 Then Shechantah thefonne of Jehtel that were chiefe fathers to the familie of the chiefe cities
oneofthefonnes of Elam, anfwered, aud their fathers by name, and fate Downe in to fiton this
fayd to Esra, Tce haue trelpaficd againſt the firtt Day of the tenth moneth tocramine matter,which
our God, and haue taken ſtrange wiues of thematter. was three mo-
b Meaning,that the people of the land,yet now there ts “hope 17 And ontil the fri Day of the firſt mo- nethsin finifk-
fn Iſrael concerning thts. neth they were fnithing the bufineffe with ing.
God would re-
ceiue them to 2 faw thereforeletpsmakea couenant all the men thathad taken itrange wines.
mercie. with our God, toputawap <all the wiues, 18 And of the lenneg of the pricits there
c Whichare (and {uch as are boone of them)atcording te were men found , that bad taken trange
the ceuntellof the Lod, and of thote that wiues, to wit, of the ſonnes of Jefhua, the
ftrangers & ma-
ried contrary to feare the commandements of our God, and fonne of Josavak, and of bts betien,
thelaw ofGod. let ite Done according to the La. — Aclicser,and Jarib, and Geda⸗
4 Arife: fozthematter 4 beiongeth vnto ia
d Becaufe God 19 And they gane! their handes, that 1 Asa token
hath giuen thee thee : we alio will be with thee; be of com:
authoritie,aud fozt,and Doc it. they would put away their wiues, and they that they would
learning to per- S € Thenarale Esra, and cauled the thatbaptreſpaſſed, gauea ramme foz their keepe promife
{wade the peo- chiefe Dieks,the Leuttes, and allIſrael to teſpaſſe. and. doc it,
20 And of the fonnes of Immet, Yona
ple herein,and to fweare, thatthey would Doe accozding to ni,and 3ebadtah. t -s
= command them. this word. So they ſware. 21. And of the fonnes of parim, Paak.
-6 “And Ezra role up fro bekoꝛe the boule
) 1.E [4.9.16
of God, and went into the chamber of Jlo- iah and Eliiah, andSbematab, and Jehiel
banan the fonneof Gliaſhib: hee went euen and G33iah. J
thither, butkee did eate neither bread, 102 22 AnD ofthe fonnes of Pathur, Elio-
Munke water: for bee mourned , becaule of enai Baaletah, Iſhmael, Methancel,Joza-
the tranſgreſſion of them of the captiuitte. baa, and Clafab. _ p
7 Andtheycauled apzoclamatton to goe 23 And of the Leuites, Jozabad,
t Hpi»
thoughout Juda and Jerufalem, vnto metand Kelaiah (whichis Kelttah) Petha⸗
{Ebr fonnes of + all toem of the captiuitie, that thep ſhould hiah, Judah,and Eliezer.
‘the captiustie, affemble themelues vnto Jeruſalem. 24 Amd ofthe lingers, Eliaſhib. And of
$ And wholoeuer would not come withe mepoters, Bballum, and Telem, and
inthzee Bayes, according to the counfellef itt
the Pinces and Elders, all his ſubſtance 25 Andafo Iſrael: of the fennesofpas m Meaning,of
lOr, condemned, Mhonld becl fozfeit, ane yee ould be iepa» roh, Ramiah, and Jeliah, and Malchiah, the common
rate fromthe Congregation of them of the and Wiamin,and Cleasar,andgValehitah, people: for be-
captiuitie. and Benaiah. fore he fpake of
9. CTherall the menof Judah ¢ Ben- 26 And of the onnes of Elam, Watta- the Priefts and
iamin affemblen themſelues vnto Ferula: niab, Zechariah, and Jehiel,and Abdi, and 7 evices,
dem within thee Dapes, which was the Jeremoth,and Eliah. —
e Which con- twentieth day of thee ninth moneth, and all 27_Andof the ſonnes of zattu. Elioenai
teined part of the people fate in the Greete ofthe honie of Eltaſhib, Mattaniah, aud Jerimoth, and
Nowember and God, trembling fo? this matter, and fo? Zabad, and Aziza.
“part of Deceme the fraine. ‘ 28 Gnd of the onnes of Bebai, Jehoha⸗
ber Io. And Esra
the Pꝛieſt ſtood vp fayt
q nan,ananiah,sabbatSthlat. _
_£ For the feafon Lute them, We haue tranſgreſſed, and haue 29 Andof tyefonnes of Bani Meſhul ·
_ Was giuen to taken trange wlucs, tos tnereafe the treb lam, Malluch gyAdaiah, Jaſhub, and Dhe-
raine.and fo the pafe ofIſrãel. al Jexamoth.
weather was II. Mow therefoge > gine praile vnto the 30 Aunvdof the fonnesof ||Pahath Po- Or, the captaine
more fharpe and-Loꝛd God of pour fathers, aud doe bis will, abAdna, anð Chelal, Benaiah, Waalerah, ofMoab,
colde,and alfo and (eparate your felues from the people of Mattaniah, Besaleel, and Binnui, ana
_ their conicience theland,and from the ſtrange wiues. Manaſſeh. +f
= touched them, 12 Anvall the Congregation anfwered, 31. Qua of the onnes of Patin, Cltcser,
g Ye haue Jayd and fayd with aloud boyce, Ho willwe Doe Jhitah, CBaichtab,ohemaias,Dbtincon,
_ one finne vpon according ta thy wordes vnto vs. 32 Bentamin,Walluch,pamariah.
_ another.’ 13 But the people are miany,and it isa 33. Of rhe lonnes of Vabim, Wattenat,
h, ReadelIofh. _rainie weather £and we arenotablet i
i oftani Masttattah, Fabad, Eliphelet, Jercmai
*7.19.' without, neither isitthe wozke ot ong Dap PP ⸗vune :
34 DE
Neketniah mourneth. His prayer. Nehemiah. His requeft of the King. n

34 Okthe ſonnes of Bari, Maadai, An 41 Asavect, and Shelemiah, Dbema-

tamani Gel, £ riab,
35 Banatah, Bediah, Thel, 42 Dhallum, Amariah, Joleph.
36 Janiah Meremoch, Eliaſhib, 43 Df thefonnes ofRebo, Jeiel, Mat-
37 Mattaniah, Mattenai and Jaalan, — praan Zebina, Jadau, and focl, n Whick alſo
38 And Bannt,and Bennnt,Dpimet, enaiah.
39 And Shelemiah, and fathan, and 44. All thefe had taken trange wiues: were made ille-
gitimate, becanfe
2 Daiad, ano ee them wee women that bad the mariage was
40 Machnadebai, Dhaai, barat, a chilozen. vnlawfull,

4 Nehemiah.
Go doeth inall ages and at ailtimes fet vp worthy perfons for the commoditie
and profit of
his Church,as now within the compaffe of feuentie yeeres heraifed vp diucrs excellent men for
the preferuation ofhis people,after their returne from Babylon: as Zerubbabel , Ezra , and Nehemi-
ah; Whereofthe firftwas their captaineto bring them home , and-prouided that the Temple was
builded: the fecond reformed their manners , and planted religion: and the third builded vp the wais,
deliueredthepeople from oppreffion, and ptouided that the Lawe of God was putin execution as
mong them. Hee was a godly man and in great authoritie with the King, fo that the King fauou-

red him greatly,and gaue him moft ample letters for the accomplithment of all things which he could
delire. Thisbooke is alfo called of the Latines the fecond of Bzta,becaufehe was the writer thereof,
CHAP. I, ofthe beaucn, yet will J gather you from
4 Nehemiah bewaileth the calamity of leruſu- thence,t wil bring pou bate the place that3
lem. § He confe (Seth the finnes efthe people, and haue choien to place mp Mame there,
prayeth to'God for them. Io faow thele are thy lernants ano thp
people, whom thou haſt retecmed by thy
great power and by thy mightphand.
a Which con- fag ED ) fonneof Wachaltah. Inthe Il D L020,5 beicech thee.let chine eare
teineth part of SES 2 moneth + Chifien , in the now hearken to p prayer of thy (eruant,and
Nouember and od twentyeth yere, as Jwas in tothe prayer of thy ſeruants, who delirete d Thatis,to
partof Decem- AS, VB, the palace of Shuthan, d feare thy Mamic,and J pray thee,caule thy worlhip thee.
bet,and was their ws 2 Came Hanani one of my feruant to pꝛoſper this Day,and gine him fa- € Towit,the
ninth moneth. b bhrethzen,he and the menof Judah: and J uour in the pretence of: thts man; fo,Iwas King Artah-
b AleweasI alked them concerning the Jewes p were the kings butler. thathte,
was, Delinered, which were of the refinue of the CHAP, II,
taptiuity and concerning Jeruſalem. t After Nehemiah had obtained letters ofAr-
3 And they ſayd ynta me, The reſidue taxerxes, 11 He came to Hierufalem, 17 And
that are left of the captiuity there in the builded the walles.
ce Meaning in € prouince, are in great affliction and in ree N22 inthe moneth* Nilan in the twen- a Which was
Iudea. prech, andthe wall of Jerulalem is broken Itieth peere of Ringt Artabthathte, the the firft moneth
tonne, € the gates thereof are burnt with wine Rood before him, and J tooke vp the of the yeere, and
te. wine,€gane it vnto theKing. Mow J was contameth part
4 And whenJ beard there wordes, J Not beforctime
fan in big pzelentes of Marchand
fate Downe and wept, and mourned certaine 2 And the king faid vnto me, Abp is thp part of April,
Dayes, and J fakedand prayed before the countenance fad, feeing thou art not ficke ? b Whoisalfo
God of heauen, this is nothing but fozow of heart. Chen called Darius:
Dai.9.4, § And latd,*D L020 God of eauen,the was J fore afraid, : 3 read Ezra 7,1.
great and terrible God, that keepeth coug» 3 And IZ layd to the King, God fane the and wasthe
nant and mercy fo? them that loue him, and Ring fozener: twbp ould not mp counte- fonne of Hy-
obſerue bis commandements, x nance defan, when the city and honie of the ftafpis,
6 Boveayp thee, let thineeares be attent, fepulchees of my fathers lyeth waſte, and
and thine eyes open, to beare the prayer of the gates thereof are Deuoured with fire?
thy leruant, which 3 pray before thee Dais 4 And the Ring layd vnto me, Fo: what
ly, Day and night fo: the chilen of Iſrael thing Doct thourequire? Chen F pated
thy (eruants. and conteffe the finnes of the © tothe God of heanen, c I defired God
childzen of Fltael, which we hane finned a> 5. And fayt vnto the Ring, Ifit pleale in mine heart to
iant thee, both 3) g my fathers houſe haue the King, andif thy ſeruant haue found fa- profper mine
med : udur in thy fight , I cefire rhat thou wouldeſt enterprife,
4 Zb7, corrupted, 7 ehane tertetionfly finned againſt fend me to Judah vnto the citie of the fepul>
thee, thane not kept the commandements, chresof my fathers,that3)may buila tt.
no: the itatutes, noz the {udgements which 6 And thcking fata vnto me(the Queen
thou commandentt thy Ceruant Mots. allo fitting by bim ) Mowe long fhall thy
8 Jheleech thee,remember the wom that tourncy bee? and when wilt thou come a-
thou contnandentt thy ſeruant Soles, fay- game? Doit pleated the Ring, and hee fens
Dewt,29.21, 28. ing, De wil tranſgreſſe,andJ witil*icatter meand 3 fethim atine
you abzoad among the people. 7 AfterIfayd vnto the King, Heit pleaſe
9 Wutif ye turne ynto meand keepe my the king,
lec them gine me letterstothe caps
Deut, 30.4. commandements, and Do thet, * though taines beyond the Kiuer, that they may fOr P Euphratis
pour (cattering were tothe vᷣttermoſt part conueyme oner till 3 come into —
The people encouraged. Chap. iij. The building of the walles. 189
8 Gndletters bute Alaph the keeper of the Heepegate: they repaired tt, and fet a In Ebrewe,
§Or,paradife. the Rings! parke,that he may giue me tine typ the doores thereof: euen vnto the towe they fanGified it,
that is,they fini-
d AsGodmo- berto buid the gates of the palace (which of Acah repaired they tt,and vnto the towe [hed it, andfo de-
ued retoaske,” appertained tothe boufe) and fo: thë walles of Mananeel,
andashegaue of the citie, and forthe houlethatZ Mall en- 2 And nert snto him builded the men of dicated it to the
mee goodfuc- ter into. Andthe King gaue mee atcording Jericho, and belive him zaccur che ſonne of Lord by prayer
ceſſe therein. te 3 the good hand of mp God vpon me. mri in defiring him
e Thefe were 9 € Then cameJ to the captaines be- 3 But the fiH post Bid the fonnes of De- te maintamne it.
greatenemicsto yondtije river, and gaue them the Kings naab build, which allo tayo the beames
the Iewes,and la- {etters, And the King bad fent captaines of thereof, andiet onthe Dooges thereof, the
boured alwayes the armie and hoꝛſemen with me. ; lockes thereof,anbd the barres thereof f
both by ferce 10 But Sanballat the Moꝛonite, and 4 And nert vnto them fortified Meri⸗
andfubtikiero Tobiah a ſeruant an Ammonite heard tt, moth, the fonne of Gritah, the fonne of
ouercomethem, and it grietied them fore, that there was Dakkoz: anv nert onto them fortified We⸗
and Tobiah,bee comeaman which fought the wealth ofthe fhullam.the fonne of Berechiah, the fonne of
caufehiswife chtldzenofjfracl. Meſhe zabeel: and nert vnto them foztifies
was a lewefle, Ir Go 3 came to Jerufalem, and was Zavok,thefonneofBaana:
had aduestife- there thee Dayes. ’ 5 And nert yntothem fortified the Te»
menteveroftheir 12 And J arok in the night.J,and a few kottes: but the great men of them > put not b Therichand
mighty would
affaires,andfo men with mee: foz J tolde no man what their neckes tothe worke of their toas.
wroughtthem God had put tn mine Heart to doe at Jeru⸗ 6 and thegateof the * olde ffhpoole foz not obey them,
falem, and there was not a beaſt with mice, tified Jehotada the fonne of Paleah, and pointed officers
which were ap⸗
Or, conduit. laue the beat wherton Frode. Meſhullam the fonne of Beſodaiah: they
in this worke,
That is, con- i AndJ went out by night bythe gate lapde the beames thereof, and fet on the neither would
temned of other Ofthe valley, and came betore the Dragon Doozes thereof, and the lockes thereof, and they helpe theres
nations, as well, and tothe Dung port, and viewed the the barreg thereof, i
though God bad walles of Jerufalem, bow they were bros 7 ert vuto them allo fortified Melati· unto.
forfaken vs. ken Downe, aud the pozts thereof deuoured ab the Gibeonite, and Javon the erone- Iſa.a2. 11.
g They werein- With the fire. thite,men of Gibeon, and of Milpak, vnto
beyond c Vato the place
couraged, and 14. ThenJ went koorth vnto the gate ok bi—— of the Duke, whichwas where the Duke
gauethem(clues the||fountaine, and tothe Kings fifppeole, e Riuer.
todocwell,and and there was no roome foz thebeatt that S Mert vnto him fortified Cssiel the was wont to fit
fonne of Harhohiah § ofthe goldeſmithes: in iudgement,
totrauaile inthis was vnder meto paſſe. who geucrned
worthy enter- Is Then wentJ vp inthe night by the nert onto him allo fortified dananial , the thecountrey in
priſe. brooke , and viewed the wall, and turned fonte lof harakkaim, and. they repapzed their abfence,
h Thefe were backe, andcomming backe, Jentred by the Jeruſalem wntothe broad wall.
threechiefego- gate of the valley and returned. 3 9g Alfonert vnto themfoztifies Repha- fOr of Zore phita
uernouts vnder 16 Qndthe rulers knew not whither J iab, the fonne of Vur, the ruler ofthe halle lOr,ofthe Apae
—theking of Per- twas gone, no? whatJdtd, neither Did J as part of Jeruſalen . thecaries,
fiabeyondEu- pet tel it vito the Jewes, noz to the Pꝛielts, 1o And nert vnto bim foptified Jedaiatz
phrates, noz to the noble men, nog to the rtilers,no2 to the fonuesf harumaph, cucn_oucragainit
i Tbusthewic- the rett that laboured in the wozke- his houſe: and nert onto him fortified Hat·
_ ked whenthey 17° Afterward J aya vnto them, Vee fee tuh, the nne of Haſhabniah. h
vill burden the the miferie that weare in, how Jeruſalem II QPalcbitah thefoune of Harim, and
children of God, lieth watte, and the iy thereofare burnt Hhaſhub the fonne of Pahath Moab fortis | Drymenfares.
ever lay tteafon with fire: come anu let vs build the wall of fied the fecondi poztton, and the towe of
ynto their Jerufalem, that we be no moze a f repzoch. thefornaces. ;
charge,botbbe- ¶ 18 hen J tol¥ethem of the hand of my 12 Mert vnto him alfo fortif Shallum.
caufe itmaketh GoD ( which was good ouer me )and alfo of the ſonne of alloc, the ruler of the balfe
them moftodi- fhe Kings woes, that hee bad poken vn⸗ part of Jerufalem, he, and his Daughters.
ous tothe world, to mee, Andtheplayde, Let vs eile, and 13 The valley gate foztified Vanum, and
andalfo firrech build. Sotheys Krengthened thew panad the inhabitants of Zanuab: they builtthereof, tana
the hatredof . to good. (ct ou the doores thereof, the lecks
Princes mota- 19 But when Ganbatlat the Hoꝛonite. and the barres thereof,euema thouſand cu⸗
ainft them. and Tobtah the feruant an Anĩmonite, and biteson the wall vnto the Dung poze.
Neither ye are Geſhem the Arabian heard tt, theymoc> 14 But the Duna port fortikeco Salhi-
ofthe number of ked vs, and Delprled v3, and fayd, CCthata ah, the onne of Rechab, the ruler of the
thechildrenof thing tsthis that ye Doe? TAUI ye: rebrilas fourth part of ety-haccarem: be built it.
God(towhem gainit the Ring? and fet on the Doozes thereof, the leckes
behathappoine . 20 When anlweredy them, and fayd to thereefandthebarresthereot. ·
ted thiscitie one- them, Che Govofheanen, he willpzolper Iş But the gate of thefountaine fortified
ly) neither did 3, AnD wee bisteruant s rife vp and hailun, the tonne of Col-hoseh , the ruler
any ofyourpre. bnin: but as foz pou, yehave no portion nag of the fourth partof Mizpah: he buiden ít,
— eur . tight, noz*memozrallin Jeruſalen. and concred it and ſet on the doores thereof,
the lockes thereot, and the barres thereof,
‘care God.
CHAP. IIL and the wali vnto the fifbpoolect ||Shelal pop, Sies
bythe Rings gatden, and unto the tleps
The number of them that builded the walles, thatgoe Downe from the citie of Dauid.
16 After hint fortified Mebemtah, y ſonne
> mp Denarale Etiahi thebhie Patel with of Asbuk, the ruler ot the halfe part of
3 Ts bpeth Weteits, and they built
thezen Beth sur, vntill the other ſide gues peda
The building ofthe walles. Nehemiah, Confpiracie ofthe wicked. ` The
the fepulchzes of Danid, and to the tiſhpooleBe when Sanballat heard that we buil-
that was repayzed
and vnto the boule of the Ded the wali,then was be woth and fore
ie a j gticucd,and mocked rye Jewes, a Ofhis compa-
17 After him fortified the Lenites, Re- 2 And layd befoze his + brerbzen and the nions that dwelt ,
hum the tonne sf Bani, and nert vnto pim armie of Samaria, thus bee fayt, dhat Doe in Samaria.
fortified Haſhabiah the ruler of the halfe thete > weake Jemes? will they fozttfie b Thus the wice
part of Keilah in bis quarter. themfelues ? mili they facrifice 2will they G+ ked,that confider
18 Sfter him fortihed their beetheen: Ba- nih itina Day? will they make the ttenes not that Gods
nat, the lonne of Henadad the ruler ofthe whole againe out of the beapesof out, fee- power is euer ina
halfe part of Keilah: ; ing they are burnt? l readinefie for the
19 And nevi vnto hin fortified Ezer, the 3 And Tobiah the Ammonite was belive defence of his,
fonne of Jeijua the ruler of SWupay, the bim, and fayd, Although they build, yer ika mocke them as
Other portion ouer againt the going vp te fore goe bp,heMall cuen baeake Downe their though they were
d Where the the? cozner of the armour. ftonte wali, i ‘weake & feeble,
weapons and 20 After bint was earnet Baruch the 4 Pearce,D our God,(foz we ate delpt- c Thisistheree
armour ofthe fonne of Sacchat, and fozttfied another poz- fed) and turne their hame vpon their owie medie that the
Citic lay. tion fromthe corner vnto the Dooze of the head, and giue them vntoa pay “tn the land childrenof God
boule of Eliaſhib the hie Patek. of their captiuity, haue againft the
21 After bim kortilied Merimoth, the § AnD couer not their < iniquity, neither derifid & threat-
fonne of Giriiah, the fonne of Hakko3, ano» let their finne be put outinthyprelence; fog ningsoftheire-
ther poztton from the Booze of the houſeof they bane prouoked vs befoze the builders. nemies: :to flee to
Eliaſhib, euen as tong az the boule of Clia» 6 Howe builtthe wail, andallthe wall God by prayer.
fib extended. £ Was ioyned onto the ||balie thereof, andthe d Letthem be
22 Afterhim allo Toztifien the Pictes, beart of the people waste worker. _ fpoyled and led
e Which dwele the men of e the plaine. j 7 ¶ But when Sanbaltat, and Tobiah, away captive.
inthe plaine 23 After them fortified Beniamin, and and the Arabians, andthe Ammonites,and e Let thy plagues
countrey by Tore Dalthub ouer againtt thetr boui : after him the Aſhdodims heard that the walles of declare tothe
denand Tericho, fotified Azariah the onne of MPaaletah,che Jeruſaſem were repaired, (fo: the bꝛeaches world,that they
fonne of Ananiah,by bisboule. beganto bee topped) then thep were verp fer themfelues as
24 Atter him fortified Binnui, the fonne woth, gainft thee, and
of eens another postion, from the boule 8 And conſpired alltogetherto come and ãgainſt thy
rf zariah vnto the turning and vnto the to fight agatnit Jerulalem, and to+ binder Church: thus he
orner. them, prayeth,only has
25 Palal,the ſonne of Uzat, from ouer ae 9 Then wee prayed vnto our God, and uing reſpect to
—— cozner, and the bigh towe that fet watchinen by them, Day and night, be> Gods gtory,and
yeth out from the Kings houle,which ts be- caule of hem. not for any pri«
fide the courtof the pation. After him IDe: Io And Judah ſayd, Che Krength ofthe uate affection or
Datah the ſonne of Darah. i bearers is weakened, and there is much erudge.
f ReadeEzra 26 And the KHethinims they dwelt in earth, fo that wee arenot able ta build the || Or, balfe height.
Chap,2,43. the kortreſſe vnto the place ouer againit the wall. . TEbr, make to ooe

— gate, Gatward, and tothe towe that If Allo our aduerlaries

þad layu, Chey fray, Meaning,
peth out. í Mali not know , neither (ee, till we come t= the people,
27 After him koꝛtilied the Tekoites ano- to the middes of them, and Hay theni , aud f Thacis,often-
ther portion ouer agatnit the great towe, caule the woꝛke to ceale. . times. a,
ve ipeth out, enen vnto the wall ot the fogs 12 But when the Newes (which Dwelt g They,which
refie. belive them ) came, they told vs £ ten times, brought thety-
28 sFromaboue the hoslegate foozth foz» e Fromail places whence pee Mallreturne, dings,faid thus, -
ere the Priettes, cuerp one ouer againtt they willbe vpon bs. ~ When you leaue N"

s houſe. 13 Therefore fet Jin the lower places your worke,and

29 After them fortified Zadok the ſonne bebind the wall vpon the tops of the ſtones, goce either to cate
of Immer oueragaint his boufe sand atter and placed the people by their families or toreft,your
him fortified Ahemaiah , the ſonne of he · with their ſwordes, their (peares and thete enemies will af-
chantab the keeper of the Eaſt gate. bowes. «fille you,
30 After bim fortified anantah, the 14, Then J beheld, and rofevp,and layd h Who iseuer
fonne of Shelemiay, and Panun, the fonne vnto the Peiuces, and to the rulers, anuta at hand todeliute
Abpea of Zalaph, the 8 fict, another poztion; atter the reft of the people, Bee net aftatd. of his out ofdan-
t of his (onnes. bim fortified Methuliam, the ſonne of Be· them; ‘remember the gteat Lozd,and feats pet and ee a

rechtab ouer againſt bis chamber. r fuil and fight foz pour bzethzen, vour ſonnes, forefeeing they
31 After him fortified Malchiah the gold- and pour Daughters , pour wiues, and pout Mould fight for-
ſmiths ſonne, vnutili the boule ofthe Methi» houſes. Er ; the maintenance
nims and ofthe merchants ouer againſt the Ig And when our enemies heard thatit of Gods glory&
gatek Miphkad, and to the chamber tn tye was Knowen vnto vs, then God brought forthe preſerua⸗
b Which was their counteil to nought, and wee turned tion oftheir own
the place of toner. l
iudgement,or 32 And betweene the chamber of the toz all againe to the wall, euery one vuto
his lives&of theirs,
executions ner vnto the ſheepegate, fortified the goln- twozke. . ne encourageth
ſmiths and the merchants. 16 And from that day, halle of the yong themto play the
CHA P, IIIT men did the labour, and che other halfe part valiant mene
7 The bulding of Ferufalem ishindered, 15 of them held the ſpeares, and ſhields, and i To ouerfee
But God breaketh thcsr enterprife. 17 The Tewes bowes, and habergins: audthettilets food them andtocn-
a Id with one hand, and hold their weaponsinthe ibehinde all the houfeof Judah, .....,. , couragethemto
HEFa i i 17 Thepthat builaen on the wathTiia
g Hiertheir worke,
builders with weapons. Chap. v. yj. Viurie reformed, 190
that bare burdens , and they thatlaned, div 9 iZfaidalle, That which
yee doe, is i Meaning, Ne-
the woke withone band, and with the o⸗ not good. Dught ye not fo walkein the feare hemiah.
ther held the ſword. of our God , for tie* rcproch of the Heathen k Who by this
18 Fozeuerp one of the buildershad his Dut enemies? occafion will
fwo2d girded on bis loynes, and fo builded: Io fozeucn J, my biethzen, and my fers blafpheme the
and be that blew the trumpet was beſide nie. uants Boe lend them moncy and cong: J name of God,
I9 Chen faid F vnto the Princes, and pray pou,let bs leaue of thts) burden. feeing that our
to tie rulers, and to the rett ofthe people, 11 Reko, J pray you, vnto them this atts are no bete
The woke ts great andlarge, and wee are Day their landes , their vineyardes, their ter then theirs,
— bpon the wail, one farre from an⸗ olives, and their houſes, and remie the hun- lOr,pfurie.
other, Deth part of the tituer and of the come, of | Which ye cake
20 Inwhat place therefore pee heare the ae wine anù of the ople! that pee exact of ofthem forthe
x Meaning,to found of the trumpet, trefot pee thither vñ⸗ em. lone,
reliſt their enc- to bs: our God thall fight fo ns. 12 Then {aid they, Ae wil reſtoze it, and
mics,ifneede 21 Bo wee laboured in the worke, and will not require it of them: wee will Doe as
required. halfe of them held the ſpeares from the aps thou batt fain. Then J called the Prieſtes,
— of the moning, til the ſtarres came and cauſed them to fweare that they ſhoulð
peth. Doe according to this pomii.
22 And at the fainetime faid Jvnto the 13 Foz fhooke my lap, and laid, Dolet
people, Let euery one with bis ſeruant lodge God bake out cuery man that will not pere
within Jerufalem,that they may be a watch forme thts pꝛomiſe, from bis bouſe, and from
1 That is,when foz vs in the night, and labour in the Day. bis labours cuen thus let him bee ſhaken out
they purified 23, So neither J , no? my bzethzen, no? and emptied. And all the congregation laid,
themfelues,or my teruaunts, no? the men of the warde, Amen, and praiſed the Loꝛd and the people
elfe when they (which followed nie) none of vs did put off did according ta this promile.
wathed their our clothcs, fue guery one put them off fo? 14 And from the time thatthe King gaue
clothes, waſhing. meg charge to bee gouernour in the land of
AB. Ve Judab from the twintieth peere, euen vn⸗
1 The peopie are oppreffed and in neceſſitie. 6 ta the twoand thirtieth peere of King Ar-
Nehemiah rensedieth it. 14 He tooke not the por- tahſhaſhte, tharis, twelue pecre,
J,and my
tion of others that had ruled before, left hee (hould bzethzen Daue not eaten the m bead ofthe m. Ireceiuednoc
grieue the people, È goucrnour. that portion and ©
N22 there was a great crie of the people I5 Foꝛ the foꝛmer gouernours that were diet,which the
a Againft the and of their winessagaintt their bzg- befoze mee, bad beene chargeable vnto the gouernours,thas
rich,which ope tizen the Jewes. eat people and bad taken of them bead and were before me,
refled them, 2 Foz there were that fain, Ace, our wine, belides fourtie Hekels of fitter: pea, exacted: wherein
This isthe fonnes and our Daughters are many, theres and their feruants bare rule ouer the peo: he declareth that
complaint of the foze wee take vp >cozne, that wee may cate pke:but {odin not J, becaule ofthe feare of he rather fought
people, fhewing and liue. 0D. the wealth ofthe
to what extremi- 3. Andthere were that fain , Wee muft 16 But ratherJ foztified a portion in the people, then his-
tie they were gage our lands, an’ our vinepards,and our Wwozke of this wall, and we baught no land, owne commo-
brought vnto. honles,and take vp come forthe famine. and all my feruants came thither together ditie.
c To pay our. 4 There were allo that laid, ce haue vnto the woke.
tribure to the bozrowed money foz the kings etribute vpon 17 Mozeouer there were at my table an:
King of the our lands and our vineyards. hundreth and fiftic ofthe Jewes, and Ru-
Perfians,which 5. And now our flem isas ithe fieh of ters which came vnto bs from among the
was exacted out bethzen,and our ſonnes as theit ſonnes: heathen thatare about ys.
yeercly of vs, and loc, websing into ſubiection our lennes, 18 And there was prepared dayly an ore,
d By naturethe and our Danghters, asleruants, and there _oodfire cholen theepe, and birdes were pee Or, once in tes .
rich is no bettet bee of our Daughters nowin {ubtection, and pared foz mee, and ||within ten dayes wine dayes.
then the poore, | there is na power e in our hands: foz other forall" trabundance . Det forall this Jres n Whereas at
e Weare not a- men haue our lands and our vineyards. quired not the bread of the goucrnonr: foz other timesthey
bleto redeeme 6 Then was J very angrie when J the bondage mas gricuous vnto this people, had by meafure,
them, but for . heard their crie and thele words. 19 Remember mee, Dmy God, in goods arthistime they:
cae are-con- 7 And J thought in mp minde, and J nelle, according to all that
Jbaue Done fo? had mof libe--
ained to rebuked the Piinces, and the rulers, anu this people. rally.
birethem to faid unto them, Pou lay £ burdens euery one
others. npon bis bꝛethien: and J (eta great saiem- : C-H A Py Vi
f You preffe bivagaintt them, —* 8 Nehemiah anfivereth with great wifedome,
them with vig- 8- AndJ fain onto them,Me(according and zeale tohi aduzrfarie, 11 Hew not difceme.
tie, and feeke to our abilitie) haue redeened our bꝛethrenñ raged by the falfe prophets.
howto bring the Jewes, which were ſold vnto the hea⸗
all things into then: and will pou fel your bꝛethren againe? Az when Sanballat.and Tobiah, and
` your hands, 02 fhall they bee 4 (eld vnto vs? Chen hela Geſhem the Arabian, and the ret ofour
g Both becaufe they their peace,and coula not anſwere. enemies heard that. J had built the walt,
they fhould be and that there were nortoe ·bꝛeaches ther- a Thatis,chae
mooued with pitie, feeing how many were by them oppreft, andalfo in (though at that time J had not {et vp the they were ioyned
heare the judgement of others. which ſhould beeas it were witneffes D003 vpon tye gates.) _ to topether,as Chap, i
of their dealing toward their brethren. h Seeing Godhach ance 2 Then Ent Hanballat and Gelhem 4.6, j
deliueredthem from the bondage of the Heathen , fhall wee make bnto nie, faping, Come thou that wee map l

them our flaues? ~ meete togethers in the villages in the Bae

_ Sanballats letters. Nehemiah. The booke of genealogies,
of Dne: and they thought ta doe me enill. 17 Andin thele Dayes were there many of
3 TherforeF ent mellengers vnto them. the Punces of Judah, whole k letters went k Thusche
faping, J haue agreat worke to Doe, and tuta Tobiah, and thole of Tobiah came Church of God
b Meaning,that cannot come Downe:>mmbp Houls the worke vnto them. kath enermore
if he fhould ceale,whiles J leave tt, and come Downe te 13 foz there were many in Judah , that enemies within
obey their re- you? were (wene vnto him: foz hee was the ic felfe,which
queft,the worke, 4 Det they Cent vnto mee foure times af- ſonne iniawe of Sbechantah , the fonneof are moredan-
which Godhad ter this fort. And J anfwered them after tye Ara): and bis nne Jehonathan bad the gerous,then the
appointed, faime maner., Daughter of MPefhullam, the onne of Bg- outward and pros.
thould ceafes § Then lent Sanballat his ſeruant af» rechiah. feſfled enemic.
fhewinghereby ter this fort vnto me the fifth time, with an 19 Dea, they ſpake in his praile before
that we ſhould open letter in his hang, Mee, and tola hin mp words, and Cobia
not commit our 6 C&berein was witten, It is reported fentletters to put me tn feare.
felues to the among the heathen and §Gaſhmu hath law CH > VIE
hands of the it, that thou and the Jewes thinke to rebell, t After the wallonce buildedithe watch ap-
wicked, foz the which caule thou butidett the wall, pointed, 6 They that returned fromthe captiuitie
llOr,Gefhem. and thou wut be theirking accogding to thele are numbred.
€ Asthe fame c weds, N?2 “when the wail was builded, AND Eccles,49.13.
goeth, 7 Thou hak allo ordeinedéthe Pꝛophets J bad fet bp the doores, and the porters
d Thou haft to preach ofthee at Jerufalem, faping, There and the fingers and the Leuttes were ape
bribed,and ſee ie a Ring in Judah: and now accezding to pointed,
vp falfe prophets thefe words it hall come to the Kings cares: 2 Then J commanded mybrother Hae
to make thy felfe , cainepP therefore and let vs take countell nani and Hananiah the pince of the palace
King,and foto ogether. in Jerufalem (foz be was doubtleſſe a faith·
defraud the 8 ChenFZ lent onto hint, faying , Jt is full man, and feared God aboue many)
King of Perfia not Done according to thele words that thou And J fai vnto them, Lee not the
of chat fubie@i- — fez thou fainett them of thine owne gates of Jerulalem bee opened, bntili the
on, which you eart. beate of the ſunne: and while they tand a To wit, they
owe vnto bim. o Foꝛ all they akrayed vs, laying, Their by,let them hut the Doazes,andsmake them that are mentio-
$Ebr flrengehen hands thall bee weakened fron the worke, faſt: and J appointed wardes ofthe inhabi- ned, verſe ·
thou mine hand, and tt ſhall not be done: now thereforet in- tants of Jerufalem, eueryone in his ward, +Ebr.holdthem,
e As though he courage thou me. and euery one oner agatnit his houſe. meaning,till
would be fecret, Io And J came to the houſe ofShema. 4 sow thecitie waslargeandareat,but barres were put
to the intent fab, the nne of Delatah the foune of IBe» the people were few therein, and the houles in.
that he might Hetabecl, and hee was < thut bp, and he ſaid, were not builded. ; :
pray vnto God Let vs come together into the Houle of God And my God put inte mine heart,and
with greater li- inthe middes of the Temple, and ſhut the Zi gathered the princes, andthe rulers, and
bertic,andre- Dooꝛes ofthe Temple: faz thep well come to the people toconnt their genealogies: and -
ceiucfomere- {lay thee: pea, in the night will they come to J found a booke of the pencaloaie ofthem,
uelation,which kill thee. j are caine bp at the firit, and found wit- Eara.
in him was but Il Then laid J, Should fuch aman as enthercin,
hypocrifie. J; flee ? beis hee. being as Fam, that 6 CThete are the 'fonnzsofthepzouince b Tharis, the
f Hedoubred would goe intathe Temple toline?J will that came vp from the captinitie that was inhabitantsof
not but God not goe in. caried away (whem Mebuchadneszar king Judah
was abletopre · 12 And log, J| perceiued, that God had of Babel had carted away) and they retur- s
feruchim,and = not lent him, but that hee pronounced this ned to Jerufalem and to Fudah euery one
Knewrthatifhe pzophecte againſt me;fo2 Tobiah and Dan-
had obeyedthis ballat had hired him. mae
7 Eh ey
oy Wbtwhichi)cane with Zerubbabel
t el, i
counfell, hee 13 Therefore was he hired, thatJmight Jechua, Mebhemtah, <Azariah, Raamiah, c'Azariah in Ez-
fhould haue dif- be afraide, and Doe thus, and finne,and that Nahamant, Moꝛdecai, Bilhan, MBifpes rais called Sera-
couragedallthe they might bane an enill repose that thep teth, Biguai, ehum, Waanah. Thisis the iah:and Raami-'
people: thas God might repoch me. number of the men of the people of Iſ⸗ ——
giuech power to 14 Wy Ged, remember thou Tobiah rael. hap.2.2.
histo refit and @anballat according vnto thele their 8 Thbe lonnes of Daroſh, two thonſaud,
falfeprophefics, wozkes, and Qoadiah thes Pꝛopheteſſe al· an hundzcth ſeuentie and two.
though they fo , and thereof the Prophets that would 9 The lonnes of Shephatiah,thzee hun·
feemetohaue haue put me tn feare. Drethfeuentte and twe.
neuer ſo great 15 C Notwithſtanding the wall was fi- 10 The fonnes of Arab, firehundzeth fe
probabilizie. niſhed on the fue and twentieth day of bŒ- tie and two. -
g Very griefe Tul in two and i fiftie dapes. i Il Ehefonnes of i Pahath Moab ofthe yOr,che captague
cauſed himto 16 Gnd when all our enemies beard ſonnes ot Jena, and Joab, two thonſand, of Moab. .
pray againftfuch thereof,cuenall the heathen that were about eight hundzeth and eighteene. ; N
which vnder us, thep were aftaide, and their courage 12 The tonnes of Elam, a thonfand, two
the pretence failed them: for they knew that this worke Hundzethfifrte and foure.
ofbeingthemi- was wrought by our Good. 13 The fonnes of Zattu, cight hundreth
niftersof God, and flue and fortie. }
were, aduerfarics to his glotie, and went about to ouerthrowe his 14. The fonnes of Sacchat, ſeuen huie
Church, declaring alfo hereby that where there isone true minifter of Deth and theteſcore. å
God, the dewill hath a great fortofhirelings. fh Which was the Is The fonnes of Binnui, fire hundzeth
fixt moneth, andcontained part of Auguft , and part of September,
—_——_— and eight and fortie.
i After chat I badfent Sanbailat
hisanfwere, 16 The ſonnes of Bebai fire hundzeth ae
They that returnedfrom — Chap. vij. captiuitie, arenumbred. E91
tight and twenty. agaba,the onnes of Shalmali,
: I7 Tbe lounes of Azgad, two thouland 49 Ghefonnesofipanan, tie ſonnes of
thece hundzeth and tiwo and —* Grodel,theſonnes of Gabar,
18 The ſonnes of Adonikam, lire him. 50 The nnes of Realah, the fonnes oF
Dzeth theeeicozeand ſeuen. Resin,the fonnes of Rekova,
19: The ſonnes of Biguai, two thouſand 51 The ſonnes of Gazzam, the ſonnes of
threeſcore and ſeuen. Ci33a,the fonnes of Paſcah,
20 The ſonnes of Adin, fire hundzeth §2 The ſonnes of Berat, the fonnes of
and fiue and ftie. Meunim,thefonnesof Mephivhelim, —
21 Che ſonnes of Ater of Hizkiah, nintie 53 The lonnes of Bakbuk, the fonnesof
aud eight. Pacupha rhe tonnes of arhur,
22 The ſonnes of hHaſhum, theee huns 54 Che lonnes of Basttth, the onnes of
deeth and eight and twenty. Mebida,thelonnes of Martha,
23 The ſonnes of Bezai, theee hundzeth 55 The fonnes of Barkos, the fonnes of
and koute and twenty. Siilera, the fonnes of Tamah,
24 The lonnes of Hariph, an hundzeth Y 55 fonnes of Mestah , the fonnes of
and twelue. attpha,
d That is,the in- 25 Che a ſonnes of Gibeon, nintie and 57 The fonnes of Salomons ſeruants,
-habitants of Gi- e
tie. the tonnes of Sotat, thefonnesol Sopher
beon, 26 Themenof Beth lehem and Meto» reth,the fonnes of JPeriva,
phab,an hundzeth fourelcoze and eight. 58 The onnes of Jaala, the ſonnes of
27 Themen of Anathorh, an hundzeth Darkon,the onnes of Giddel,
and eight and tmenty. $9 Chelonnes of Shephatiad, the ſonnes
Ps* The men of Beth· aſmaueth,two and of ipattil, the fennes of PocherethofSebas
atte. im,the fonnes of Amon.
29 Themen of Kiriath tearim,Chepbt- 60 Gilthe Methinims,and the fonnes of
rab and Beeroth, ſeuenhundzeth, and there Salomon letuants were thace hundzeth,
and foztie. nineticand two.
30 Che men of Ramah and Gaba, fire 61 C And thele came bp from Tel-mee
Hundzeth and one and twenty. lah, Tel harefha. Cherub, Addon, and Im⸗
31 The men ot Michinas, an hundzeth mer: bur thepconld not thew their fathers:
anD two and twenty, — therr leede, orif they were ok Ji
32 The menof Beth-el and Bi, an hun⸗ ra
Deth and three and twenty. 62 The fonnes of Delatab: the fonnes of
e Forthere were = EZ The men cof the sther Mebo, two and Aobiah,the fonnes of Nekoda, lirhundzeth
two cities of this and tws and fortie. i
mame. 34 The fonnes of the other Clam,athous 63 And of the Pꝛteſts: the fonnes of Ha·
fand two hundzeth and foure and fifty. baiah, the fonnes of Makko3, the founes of
35 Thelonnesofiparim,thzee hundzeth Barsillai which tooke one of the daughters
and twenty. of Barsiliat the Gileadite to wife, and was
36 The lonnes of Jericho, thzee bundzeth named after theit name. :
and fue and footie. ; 64 Thele fought their writing of the ge--
37 Che lonnesof Lod-hadid and Dno, nealegtes , butitwas not found ; therefore
fetuen hundreth and one and twentp. they were put from the Pate ſthood.
38 The ſonnes of Senaah, thece thous 65 And « the Cithatha laid vnto them, g Meaning, Ne-
fand nine hantzeth and thirty. that they Mould not cate ofthe moft holy rill hemiah : for Tr-
39 The Priels; the fonnes of Jedaiah there rofe vp a Piek with * Urim and (hatha in the
of the boufe of Jeſhua, nine hundzeth ſeuen⸗· Chununtin, Chalde tongue
tte and three, 66 All the Congregation together was fignificth a bute
40 Whe tonnes of Immer, a thouland two and foatie thouland thee hundzeth and ler, .
and two and Giftie. threcfcore, | Ex0d.28.302. |
41 The onnes of Pahur, a thouſand two 67 Belivesthetrfernants etheir matds,
hundzeth and ſeuen and fortie. which were ſcuen thouland, three hundreth
42 Che lonnes of arim,a thoufand and and ſeuen tthirtie and they had two hans
feuenteene. : Deth and flue ana fortie inging men and
43 € The Lenites: the onnes of Jeſhua finging women.
tOr, Hedaiah, of Kadintel,and of the onnes of Hodinah, 68 Cheiehorles were ſeuen hundzeth and
ſeuentie and foure. fire and rhirtte,& their mules twohundreth
44 € Che fingers: the chitdren of Alaph, and fine and fortie.
an bundzech and eight and fortie. 69 The tamels foure hundzeth and fue
45 The posters: ihe fonnes ef Shallum, and thirty,and fire chouland (euen hundreth
the lonnesof Ater , the fonnes of Talmon, and twenty affes : j
the onnes of Akkub. the fonnes of Watita, 70 Audtertaineot the chiefe fathers yate
the fonnesof Dhaba, an hundreth t eight vntothe woike- Cbi Tirſhatha gane to the
and thirtte. treaſure athouſand borom aes of golt.fifty h Reade Bzrax
46 © (he Nethinims :-the onnes of baſns, flue hundeeth and thirty Peieites 269s
{Reade Ezra 3iha, the tonnes of Halhupha. the lonnes of garments.
35 — Tatzerh,. J FL Ani ome of the chiefe fathers aue
47 The fannesstikerog, thefonnes of Muto roe irealite
of He woke. rwerrytyaus
Ors. fhe nnesof Pini. nin ſand Drakes esol gaide, and two thouland
— Het
as Ca
dy yd tener SL Bi RLU ANA tue ines of ANT iW YuUdeery pieces ol titver, [Or minasso.
The Law read. Nehemiah. The feaſt of Tabernacles.
72 And the te of the people yate twenty Ir And the Leuttes made filence though-
thouland dramines of golac, and two thain» out ali the peaple.faying, olde pour peace:
fand pieces of filuer , and theeeſcore and ſe· foz the Day ts holy,benor fad therefore.
uen Diets garments. 12) Chen ail the people went te cate and
73 And the Pꝛieſts and Leuites,and the to Minke, and to {end away part, € to make
porters and thelingers and tie rett of the great toy, becaule they bad vnderſtood the
people, and the i2ethinims , and all Iſrael weds that they had taught them.
i Which contei- dweit in their cities: and when the ‘ feuenth 13 And on the ſecond day , the chieke fae
neth part of Sep- moneth came,the chilazenof Iſtael were tit thers of ali the people, the Pꝛieſts the Le⸗
tember, andpart their cities. uites Were gathered bute Ezra the Scribe,
of Odober. CHAP. VIIL that be allo might tnitruct toe inthe words
2 Exragathereth together the people , and rea- bi the Law. Ba
deth to them tne Law. 12 They reicyce in Jfrael 14 And they found witten in theLaw,
forthe knowledge of the wordof Ged. 15 They (that toe Lo20 had commanded bp Moſes)
keepe the feat of Tabernacles or bocthes. that the childzen of Ilxael would dwell us
A #20 all the people aſſembled themieiues *boothesin the feat of the feuenth moneth, Lesit.23.34.
$ osemae, *together,in the ſtreete that was befoze 15 And that thep Gould caule it to be Des
the water gate, andthey ake unto Ezra clared and poclatined in al their cities, and
a Reade Ezra > the Scribe, that be would buing the booke in Jeruſalem, aping, Goe koorth vnto the
7.6, ofthe Law of [Boles,witch the Lorde pad mount and bring cline branches, and pine
commander to Jitact. branches and branches of myrtus, pale fOr, godly braz-
2 And C5ra the Peieſt brought the Law biancbes,t branches of rhicke trees,to make chesyas Leuit,23
before the Congregation boty of men and booties, as tt ts witten. 40.
b Which had Women, and ofal that? could heare and uns 16 Ho the people went forth and bꝛought
age and difcreti- — it, in the firk dap ok the ſeuenth them and made them bosthes, euery one upe
on; to ynder- moneth, ou the’ roote ot his boule e tn theit courts, h For their hou-
Rand, 3 Gnd he read therein inthe ſtreete that and in the courts of thebouleot God, and ſes were made
was before the watergate (tro tye moming inthe freee by the watergate,¢ inthe treet flat aboue, read
c This declareth vntill the midday) before menand women, efthe gate of Ephꝛaim. Deut.22.3.
the great zeale and them that vnderſtood it, and the eares © 17 Aud al rhe Congregation ofthem that
that the people of allthepeople bearkened unto the booke of Were conte againe out cf capttuitte , made
had to heare the the Law. bosthes,and tate vnder the bootbhes:-foz ince
word of God. 4 Gnd Esra the Scribe ſtoode ppon a the itimeof Jeſhua thefenne ot fun vnto i Which was al-
pulpit ofmood , which hee ha’ made toz the this Day, baa not the chitdgenof Iſrael done mofta thoufand
preaching, and beũde him ſtood Mattithi· {o and there was very great top. yeeres.
ah, and Shema, and Ananiah, and Uriiah, UL And bee read in the booke of the Law
and Vilktah, and Maalſeiah on his right of God enery Day, from the firt Day vuto
band , and on bis lett hand Pedaiah. and the latt day. And they kept the feat leuen
Milſhal, and Malchiah, and Haſhum, and daies, and on the eight Day a lolemnge afem.
Walhbadana,dechartah, and Meſhullam. bly, accozding vnto the manner,
§ Gnd Ezra opened the boske before all
d Totheintene the people: for he was 4 aboue all the peapie: CHAP, IX,
that hisvoyce anUwyenheopened ít, all the people ſtood
might be the p. 1 The people repent and forfake their ſtrange
beter beard 6 Gnd Esra prayled the Lord the great wines, § The Leustes exhort themte praife God,
God, and all the people anfwered , Amen, 6 Declaring his wonders, 26 And their in-
Amen, with lifting wp therr hands: and they gratitude, 30 And Gods great mercies toward
bowed themlelues, t worſhipped the Led them,
with their faces toward che ground.
7 And Jeſhua, andBani, t Sbherebiah, I#2 the foure t twentieth Day of this *mo- a Meaning the
Jamin, Akkub, Shabbethal, Hodiiah, Goa» neth,the chilozen ofJitaet were aſſembled feuenth.
aſciah, Kelita, Azariah, Jozabad , Yanan, with *falting,and with fackcloth,and earth 1.€/ar.9.4.
Pelatah, and the Leuites cauſed the people vpon them. .
to vnderſtand rhe Law, € the people Roode 2 (And-they that were of the leed of H- t&br.frange
e Io eonſidering in their place, raclwerefeparated from al the t rangers) children.
their offences 2- 8 And they read in the booke of the Law and chev toone and confellen their nunes
gaink 3 the Law, of Gov Biftinctly, and gaue the fente , ano and the tniquities oftheir fathers.
Therfore the Le- çaufen them to ynderftand the reading. 3 And they ſtoode vpintheirplace and
uitesao notre- o Then Achemtah(which is Cirhatha) readin thebooke of the Law of the Lore
proouc them for any Esra the Dut ana Hcribe, and the their God foure times an the dap, and they
mourning, buꝛ Leuites thacuritructed the peopie ſaidpnte dconkeſſed æ wozthipped the Lod their Gov b They made
aflurethemof All the people, This Day is baly wnto rhe foure times. } confeffion of
Gods mercies 4 Then Koode vpon che ftaires of the their finnes and
Loꝛd ponr God: mourne not neither weepe:
forsí fg2 ali the people
©wept, when thep beard Lenites Jeihua.and Bani, Kadintel. Sbe- vied prayers.
"g are repen- · the twos ofthe Law. bantab, Bunt, <berebtah, Bani & Chena:
f 10 Ve laid allo vnto them, Goe and eat of ni, € cryed with aloud voice vnto the Low
f That isremem- the fat and drinke the (weet » AND fend pert their God. KGRS:
berthepoore. ynte then fo: wham none isf prepared : foz § And the Leuttesfaid,cuen Jeſhua and
g Reioyce ia the thts Day ts baly vnto our Lozd: be ye not foe Kadmiel ,Bani, pathabutah , berebi»
Lord,and he will rie therfoze ; foz thes toy of the Loz is pour ah, Hodiiah, Shebaniah asd Pethahtah,
Zue yon Kregth. ſtrength PDtaud yp, and prayſe the Lorð pour San
The Leuites confeffion of Gods benefits, Chap.ix. and the peoples ingratitude. 192
foz cuer œ euer and let them pꝛaiſe thy glori- ſookeſt them notin the wildernes: *the pil» Exod.13.22.
ous frame, D God, which excelleth aboue larof the claud Departed not front them bp 0b.14.14.
all thankigtuing and paile. Day to lead chem the way, neither the pillat 1.¢or.10,1.
6 Chou art Lod alone: thou halk made ef Err by mewe them light, aud the
heauen, and the heauen
of ailheauens, with Way whereby they ſhould go.
all theit hoſte,thecarth, and all things that _ 20 Thou gauch allo thy good Spirit to
ave therin, the ſeas, and all that are tn them, inſtruct chem, č withheldeſt not thy MAN
and then preſcrueſt chem aland the bote of from thetr mouth, and gauelt them water
the heauen wor hippeth thee. fez their thirſt.
7. Shon art,W Lord, the God that baft _ 21 Thou BDE alfo feed them forty peres
choſen Abam, and bioughteit him our of in the wilderneſſe: they lacked nothing: * Gr tn Chaldea,ꝰ and madet his name A> *thetr clothes wared not olde, aud their feet Deut. 8.4.
Gene. 37.5. braham, © fwelled not, c Though the
8 And foundelt his heart faithful befoze 22 Andthouganek them kingdoms and way was tedious
Gen.15,18- thee,* and madeſt a couenant wit) him, to people,and d ſcattexedſt theni mio comers; and long,
gtue vnto bis ſeede the lande of the Canaa- to they poitin
*the land of Siton andthe d Meaning,the
nites, Hittites, Amozttes, and Herizzites, dand of the king of Hechbon.and thelana of heathen whom
aud Jebuiites, and Girgaihites, and hak Dg King of Bahan. he droue out.
— thy wordes, becauſe thou art 23 And thou diddeſt multiply their chil- Numb. 21.26."
u . Den like the ttarres ofthe beguen, tbrough -
Exed 3.7, and 9 * Thouhat alfoconfinered the alflit· tel them into the land, whereof tieu hatt
24,108 tion ofour fathers inEgypt, and beard their ſpoken buta their fathers, that they Monta
trie by the red fea, ` go and poſſeſſett. .
lo And Hewed tokens and wonders vp- 24 So the childzen went im and polſeſſed
on Pharaoh,and on ail his (eruants,and on theland, anè thou (ubbucdit before theng `
all che people of his land : foz thou knewelt the inhabitants of theland,enen the Tanaa⸗
that they dealt proudly againit them: there- nites, and gaueſt them into ther handes, .
fortthoumadeit thee a Rame, AS appeareth with their kings and the people of the land,
s Day. gas theymight Doe with them wharthep
Exod.14.22. Il ` Forthon didſt bzeake vp the fea be- auld.
fore them, and they went thorow the mids 25 End they tooke their trong cities and —
of the (ea on Dzy land, and thole that purſu⸗ the tat landann poſſeſſed houſes, full of all :
ed them, batt thou caſt tto the bottomes as Goods, cilerites digged out, vinepardsand `
a ftone tx the mighty waters : oitues,and trees fo2 food tnabundance, and -
Exod.i3.21. I2 And leddeſt themin the day witha they Did cate, and were filled,and became
pillar of a cloud, antin the night with apil- fat, anditued in plealure though thy great
lat of fice,to gine them light tn the way that goodneſſe. [is est
Exod, 19.18,30, they went. 26 Wet they were difobedient, rebele `
and 20,80 .
13, *Thou camel down alſo vpon mount againit thee, and catt thy law behinde their
Binai,and (pakeit vnto them from Heaucn, backes, aud ſiew thy Prophets(which epro· ¢ Taking heauen
and gaueit then right udgements and true tetted among them toturne them birto tige) and earth to wits
lawes, o2dinances, and good commaunde> and commicred great blafphemies. | nefie,thar God
ments, ; 27 Wherefore thou deliueredſt themins would deftroy
I4. And declared onto them thine holy to the bande of their enenues that vexed them, except
Pabbath,and commanded them precepts, them: yet inthe time cf their affliction, they returned,
and owinances, and lawes, by the band of when they cryed vnto thee, thowheardett as 2. Chron,24,
Moles thy leruant : them fromthe heauen, and theaugh thp 19.
Exed.16.1§. I5 *And gaei them bread from heanen great mercies thou gaueſt them fautours, £ He declareth
Exod.17.6. fo: their hunger, * and bꝛoughteſt forth wa- wo faued them out ofthe hand of thetr aD: how Gods mer-
ter fos them out ot therocke fog their third : uerſaries. cies euer conten-
Dest. 1.8. and” promiledt them chat they Gould gog 28 But when they had iret, thepretur: ded withthenic-
in, and take poſſelſion of thelande, for che nedtodoe cuill before thee: therefore lefteit kednefie of
which thon haddef lift wp thine hand fota thou them in the hande ef their enemies, (0 the peoplewho
gine then... ¢ that tbey baw the Dorunton ouer them, pet euevintheir pro⸗
16 But they and our fathers behaued when they contierted, and cried yntothee, fericy forgate
themfelues protfaely, and hardened their thou heardeſt tyem from heauen, ang Delt. God. ;
necke, fotbat they bearkened not vnto thy ucredit them according to thy great mercies
commandements. * many tines, ;
17 But refuied to obep.and would not 29 And proteſtedſt among then that thou
remember i At Seng marks that then mighteſt bing them againe puto thy Lato: Leait.r8s.exehe.
haddeſt tone foz them, but hardened their but they bebaucd themfclucs pꝛoudly, and 20, 1i.r0m.10.
necks, and had in their Heats ro returneto hearkened not vnts thycommandements, 5, e2/.3.12.
their bondage by their rebellion: but theu, but Ennen againſt thyindgements (which: g Which is afi-
D Gor ofmerties, gracious € full of come aman moula do and itueinthem)and ¢ pul» militude taken
paſſion,oflong cing,
and of great mera led away the Houlder, and were ſtitnecked, ofoxen, that
tyxet forfoaks ft jema nSt. and weuls nota peace. fhrinke atthe
18. Moꝛecuec, when chee made thema 30 Pet thon $Diddeſt foabeare
them ma⸗ yoke orbur-
molten calf (2 fayn, Whis is thy God that Hy xceres, aud proceed among them by then,as Zech. -
brought thee vp out of fhe lanne sf Cgypc) «If,
anp omnutted greathlaipycmics, , h When thor cidft admonifh themby thy sane $ Ebrethozs: *

19. Det thou foz thy great mercies faza didſt prolong vpon twemmany yeeress ` :*

|The couenant fealed. Nehemiah. Eich fruies and tithes.
| thy Dpirite, euen by the hande ok thy Wr0- 13 Podiab, aſhum, Besat,
i per a oa —— — — 19 iariph,Anathoth,Mebat, —
gau emintothe handof the people . 20 §Bagptath, Meſhüliam Hezit
of the lands. l te Eror 2I Mechezabeel, zadok, Jaddua,
31 Det fo: thy great mercies thou hat not 22 Pelatiah, Danan Anaiah,
confumed them, neither forſaken them ; foz 23 Hoſhea, Hananiah, Hachub,
thouarta gracious and mercifull Gad. 24 Hallohech. Pileha, ⸗hobek,
Exod.3 4:6:7: 32 Now therefore ourGod, * thou great 25 Rehum, Vaabnah, Waaletab,
P/2l.t4 3.8526
God mighty and terrible, that keepelt cones 26 And Aitah, Danan, Anan,
nant and*mercie, let not all the affitction 27 Malluch, Harim Baanah.
that hath come vnto ve,leeme a little before 23 And the relt ofthe people, the Picts,
thee, that is, toour ings, to our Pinces, the Leuites, the Porters, the ingers,the
- i By whom we and to our Pꝛieſtes, and to our zopbhets, b fAethintins, and all that were e feparated b Reade Ezra,
were led away from the people of the lands vnto the Lawe 24300
into captiuity,
and to ourtathers, and to all thy people, Ei
— time of the kings of iAſhuͤr unto of God , thetr wiues, their ſonnes, and their c Which being
and haue bene is Dap. Daughters, all chat could vnderitand. | idolaters, for-
-appointed te be 33 Durely thou art iuſt in all that is 29 The chieke of them receiued tt foz {looke their wice
flaine,as Efter come vpon vs: fo2 thou * bhat dealt truely, their brethrenethey caime te the « curſe and Kednefle,and
3:13. but we haue Done wickedly. to the othe to walke in Gods Lawe, which gaue themfelues
k He confeffeth 34 And our Kings and our Pꝛinces, our was gtuen by Doles the teruant of God,to toferue God,
that all chefe HPꝛieſts and our fathers haue not Done thp obicrue and dee all the commaundements d They madethe
things came to Lawe, no: regarded chp commaundements of the Lode our Sed, and his wagements, othe in the name
them iuftly for no: thy proteltations, wherewith thon batt aud his ſtatutes: ofthe wi ole
their finnes but 1 protetted among them.
he appealeth from
30 And that wee woulde not gtue sur multitude,
35 And they have not ſerued theeintheir Daughters to the peopie of the land, neither e Whereunto
Gods iuftice to kingdome, and tn thy great goodnefle that take their Daughters foz our fonnes. they gauc theme
his mercies, thou bewei vnto them, andinthelarge 31 Andit the peopleofthe land brought (elues,if they
1 That thou and fatte land which thou did deit fet before ware on p Sabbath, o2 any victuals to Celi, brake the Law,
wouldeft deltroy them,and haue not conuerted from their g- f that wee would not take it on themon the as Deut. 28.15. `
them, except they uill works Habbath,and on the holp dayes:* and that f Which not-
= would returneto 36 Beholde, wee are ſeruants this day» we would let the ſeuenth yeere bee free, and withitanding
theesas verle 26. and the lande that thau gaueſt ynte our fa: the Debts of enerp + perſon. they brake (vone
m Thatis,to bee thers, to eate the ™ fruite thereof, and the 32 And we made Latutes foz our (elves after, as Chap.
the lordsthereof, goodneſſe thereat, bebelde, wee are feruants to giue by the pere,the third pact of a thekel 33.15.
therein, ; fo: che ferutce of the boufe of our Gov, Leuit.25.4.dent.
n Thusby affi- 37 Andit peeldeth much fruite vnto the 3 Foz the s hewhzead, and forthe Batly 15.4.
étion they pro- kings whom thou hat fet ouer vs, becaule 0 ering , and foz the Datly burntoffring,the t Ebr.hand,
mifeto keepe ofour finnes : and they haue Dominton ouer Dabbarhs,the new mosnes,foz the folemne g This declareth
Gods comman- our bodies, and ouer onr cattel at thelr plea> featts,and fo the things that were fanctifi- wheretore they
dements, where- ſure, and we arein great affliction. ed. and fo the finne offerings te make an a> gauethis third
unto they could 38 sow becaulcof allthis wee makes a tonement fo Iſrael,and fuz ali the woꝛke of parc ofthe he-
not be brought fure couenant, andwite t,and eur princes, the boule of our God. kel, which was
by Gods great our Leuites and our Pieſts feale vnto it. 34 Aee cak ali lots foz the offerittg oF befides the halfe
benefits, the wood,euen the Peieſtes,theLeuttesanD fhekel,that they
CHAP, x. the people, to bing tt into rhe boule ofout were bound to
a. The names ofthem that fealed the cousnant od, 4 by the haute of our kathers, yeerely at pay, Exod.30,
betweene God and the people. ; the timtesappotnted,toburne tt ppon the ale 13.
N2 thep that lealed werefQehemiah the tar ofthe Lord our Ged,as itis witten in ||Or,zstothe
lâr butler. zs lo lhe thefonneof Wachaliay,anv the Law, i houfeof,
idkitah, 35. And to bring the firft fruites of our
2 Seratah,Asariah, Jeremiah, land,and the firitofal the fruits ofalltrees,
3 Pathur,Amartah,gHalchtah, peere by yeere, into the boufe of the Loꝛd,
4 iWattulb,Sbebantah,Walluch, 36 Andthe firt borne of our fonnes and h By this rchear-
§ Warim,Werimoti,Dbadiah, of our cattell,asit is” wꝛitten in the Lawe, fallismeant tbat
6 Danil Ginnethon, Baruch, and the firit bozne of our bullockes and of there was no part
7 Meſhullam Abuah Miamin, our ſheepe,tobringit into the honle of our nor ceremony in
3 Magaziah, Bugat, Shematah : thele God, vnto the Pictes that mintier in the the Law,wherun e
a Which fub- are ache Diets., houle of our Gov, * pi to they did not
fcribed to keepe 9 Q Anothe Lenites : Jeſhna the fonne 37. And that wee Moulde izing the firk binde themfclues
the premite, of Azaniah, Binnut,of the lonnesof Pena frute of nur Dough, and our ofertngs, and by couenant.
Dad, Kadmitel. > the fruit ofeuery treeofwine, andof ople, i Whierefocuer
0 And thetr brethaen, Dhebaniah, Hodi · bnto the Peieſtes, tothe chambers of the we laboured,or
ia), Kelita, Pelaiah. Yanan, boufe of our God: and the tithes ofour land trauailed,there
Ir Micha, Rehob, haſhabiah, vnto the Lenites, thet the Lenttes might the tithes were
12 3accur,Dherebiah Sbebaniah, bat the tithes in allthe cities of our itra- due vnto the
13 Yodiah, Bani Beninu, uatie, i Lord both by the
14 € The chiete of the people were Da · 38 And the Piet, the fonne of Maron, Law,and accor-
lOr, Capraineof rof, ||Pahath Moab,Elam,Fattu, Bani, fhall bee with the Lewites,when the Leuttes ding tothe othe
sab, ⸗
Ig Bunnt, Azgad, Bebai, take tithes, and the Leuttes wall*bmg and couenant
16 Avomtah, Bigaan gin, bp thetenth part of the tithes vnto the that we made.
17 Ater,Wisktiab, Assur, boule of our God, vnte the — 7 Nam18,26
F They that dwelein Ierufalem, , Chap. xj. xij. andin the eitiesofludah, 193
the treafure boufe, fonne of Daub, the fonne of Azrikam, the
39 Foz the children of Jirael, and the fonne ofMahablah, the fonneof Bunn.
childgen of Lent wall bring vp the offerings 16 And Shabbethat, and Jozabad of the
ofthecozne, ofthe wine, and of the ople, chiefe of the Leuites were ouer the workes
vnto thechambers; and there thalbe the bef- of the bouie of Godwithout. j
k Wee will not fels ofthe Sanctuary, and the Pꝛieſts that 17 And MWattaniah the fonne of Micha,
Jeane it defticute mintier, and the posters, and thetingers, the (onneotZabpdi, ý fonne of Alaph was the
- ofthat, that thal and * wee willnot fozfake the boule ot our chicfe tas begin the thankeſgiuing and pap»
bee neceflary 60B. er ; and Bakbukiah the ſecond of bts bres e Thatis, hebe-
forit, CHAP. XI, thren and Abda the onne of Shammua, ganthe Pfalme,
> 1 Whodwelled in lerufalem after it was bui» the lonne of Galal, the ſonne ofJeduthun. and wasthe
ded, 21 And who inthe csties of Iudah. 13 il the Leuites inthe help citie were Chaunter,
A fad the rulers of the people dwelt in Tee twe hundzeth foureſcore and toure.
rufalem : the other people alſo caſt lots, 19 And the porters Akkub, Talmon and -
a Becaufe their 2 tobing one out ottenne, to dwell in Jeru. their bzethzen that kept the f gates, werean f£ Meaning,of
enemies dwelt falem the poly citie, and nine partsto be in hundzed twenty and two, the Temple.
round about the cities. 20 And the g reftdue of Peael of the g Ofthem
them they pro. 2 AnD the people thanked all the men Detelts,and ef the Lemttesawele in all the ci· which dwelt net
uided that it that were willing to Dweilin Jeruſalem. tics of Judab, every onein histnberttance. in lerufa'em,
mighthe reple- 3 Thef nowe are the chieteofthepzo- 21 And the Nethinims dweltinthe | foz- Or, Opel.
nifhed with men,- but in the ci» trelſeand
uince, that dwelt in Jerulalem, , ziha, and Supa wasouer the Re:
and vfed this po- ties of Judah, euery one dwelt in bis owne thinins,
licie, becaufe poſceſſion in their cities of Firael, p Pꝛieſts 22 And the onerleer of the Lentesin Jes
there were few and the Leuttes Erbe Methinims , and the rulalem was Ciz3i the fonne of Bani, the for
that offeredthem- fonnes of Salomons ſeruants. of Afhabtab, the fonneaf Wattaniah, the
felucs willingly, And tu Jerulalem dwelt certaine of the fon of Michã:otf thefonnes of Afaph fingers
chilozen of Judah, and of the children of were ouer the wozke of the houle ef Gon.
Beniamin. Df tbefonnes ofJudab, Atha» 23 Foꝛ it was the Rings commandement
tab, the onne of Gistiah, the onne of Fecha» concerning them, that Faithfull prouifion
riab, the fonne of Amariah, b fonneat Sher thould be fo? the fingers euery Day.
— ſonne of Mahaleel of she ſonnes 24 And Pethahiah the onne of Mehe-
b Which came of Peres, zabcel, of the fonneset Serab, the fonne of
of Perez the s And Maaleiah the onne of Baruch, Jubal) © wasat the Kings hand in all mat
fonne of Iudah, thẽ ſonne ot Col Vozeh, the ſonne of Waza ters concerning the people.
tab, the ſonne of Adaiah , the ſonne of Jotas 25 And in the villages in their landes,
i Or, of Shilo-
rib, the fonne of Zechariah, the ſonne of fome of the childzen ofJudah dwelt in Kirt
I Sbilont. ath-arba,and tn the villages thereof, and in
6 GAllthelonnesof Peres that dweltat Dibon, and in the villages thereof, and in
Jerulalem, were foure hundsed-thze¢ (core Jekabzeel, and tn the villages thereof,
and eight valiant men. J 26 Andin Jeſhua, and tn Moladah
7 Thele alfo are the ſonnes of Beniamin, in Beth-palet, $
Sallu the fonne of Meſhullamthe fonne of 27 And in Hazer· chual, and in Beer- hee
Joed, the fonne of Pedaiah, the ſonne of Kos ba, and in the villages thereof,
laia}, the ſonne of $Paaleiah,the fonne of J 28 And in Ziklag and in Mechonah. and
thicl the fonneof Jeſhaiah, inthe viliages thereof,
8 And akter him Gabai, Sallai, nine 29 And in En ·rimmon, and inZareay
hundzed and twentie and eight. and ta Jarmuth, : $
9 And Joel the ſonne af Zichri was go- 30 Zanoab, Adullam, ein their villages,
uernour ouer them : and Judah the fonne of in Lachtth,andin the fielaes thereof, at Azee
— =— et — kab and tn che villages thereot:and they
10 the Picks, Jedaiah, the ſonneo dwelt from Beer-heba vnto the valley of
Joiarib, Jachin. inno,
11 @eratah, thefonneof Hilkiah, the 31 And the fonnes of Beniamin fron
fonne of Meulan. the ſonne of Zadok, the Geba,in Michmaſh, and Atia,and Beth el,
€ Thatis, was fonne of Meraioch, the ſonneof Ahitube was and in the villages thereof, +
_ the hie Prieft. chiefeof the boufe sf God. 32 Anathoth. Mob, Ananiah,
$ Thatferued _ 12 Audthetrbrechsen*that did the twoke 33 Vazo, Ramah, irtam,
_and miniftred ia in the Temple, were eight hundzeth twentie 34 Vadid, Zcboim, ebalat,
‘she Temple, andtwo : ẽ Adaiah rhe fonne af Jeroham, 35 L0d,¢ Dno, in the carpenters balley,
thefonne of Pelaliah, thefonne of Amst, the 36 And of the Leuites were Diuifions in
fonne of Sechartah, the fonne of Patur, the Judah, and tn Beniamin,
fonne of Walchtab : CHAP, XII :
13 And his brethren, chiefe of the fathers 1 The Prieftes and Lemtes which came with
to hundred and two and fourtie : and Gs Zerubbabel usto Ieruſalem, are numbred, 27
mafhfat, the fonne of Asarect,the lonne of ã⸗ And the wallis dedicated.
— the ſonne of 48Veke alio are the Príeftes and the Le-
ſonne ef Meſhilemoth,
mmer: uites that »went pp with Zerubbabel,
14 And their brethreen valiant men, an the fonne of healtiel, and Jeſhua; to wit,
Hundzeth x eight and twentyrand theirouers Peratah, Jeremiah. Cra,
lOr, of one ofthe icer was Zabdtelthe fonne of) Yagedolun. 2 — pai SL
great MER Is Auvolfthe Leuites, Sbematay che 3 ecaniah, Rebum, Merimoth,
wh 4 JDD
iThewall dedicated. Nehemiah. Thankefgiuing.
4 Iddo, Ginnetho Abita, 29 And from the houfe sfGileatand out”
§ tain, Paadiah, Bilgah Of the counticyes of Gcba, ¢ Azmaueth: for
6 Byematah, and Jorarib, Jedaiah, tie fingers had built them vtilages rounde
7 Dalm Amok Vilkitah, Fedarah: thefe about Jeruſalem.
were the > chiefe of the Prieſts,
and ofrhew 30 Aud the Pꝛrieſtes and Leuites were
brethren in the Dayesof Jeſhua. Sat purificd,¢cleanted the peopie,and the gates,
$ And the Lenites, Felhua, Binnui, and the wail.
Kadmucl, Mbercbtab, Audah. Mattaniah. 31 Andi FZ brought bp the princes of Jus i Meaning, Ne-
c were ouer the thankciguungs, bee, and bis Dab vpon the wall,and appoinced two great hemiah,

brethren. companies ta gine thanks,and rhe one went

9 And Bakbukiah and Unni, and theit onthe right bande of the wali cowarde the
bꝛethren were abont chem in thed watches. Doung gate.
10 Gud Jeſhua begate Jorakim: Joia» 32 And after them went Hoſhatah, and
kim alfa begat: Cliatyib, and Eliaſhib bt· alfe the paces of Iudah,
gate Joiada. 33 And Azariah, Ezra an’ Meſhullam,
11 Aud Joiada begat Jonathan,and Jo- 34 Judah, Bentamin, ant Hhcmatah
nathan begat Jaddua. — and Jeremiab, hd
12 Gnd in the Dayes of Joiakim were 35 And of the Pꝛieſts fonnes with trum⸗
thefe che chtete fathers of the Pꝛieltes: An pets,3echarial the ſonne of Jonathan, the
Der © Heratah was Weratad,
vnder Jere: tonne of Hhematah, the ſonne of Mattani⸗
ab, iganantab, ah, thenne of SSichaiah, the lonne of 3at-
13 Under Esra, Meſhullam, vnder A- cur,the ionne of Alaph.
wiariab, Jehohanan, 36 And «bis brethꝛen, Shematah, and k Thatis,the —
14 Under Meltcu, Jonathan, vaver zaree Wilali ilala Baar, Qethaneel, brethren.of Zac⸗
Shebaniah Joſeph, and Judah, Yanant, with the mulical inſtru⸗ cur.
I5 Gander harun, Adna, vnder Meras ments ofDauta the man of God; and Ezra
ioth, Helkai. the Scribe wencbefore tient. 3
16 Under Jano, Zechariah, vnder Gins 37 And tothe sateof the fountatne, cuen 1 Which was the
nithon, MWeſhullam. oner againt the went they vp by'the itatres going vp tethe
17 Nnderẽ Abita}, Zichi, bonner in- of the city of Dautd,at the going vp of the mount Zion,
iamin and vnder Moadiah.Piltat, wall beyond the boult of Daud, cuen vnto whichis catied
18 Under Bilgah, Shammua, vnder the water gate Caltward. the citie ofDae
Hhematah,Jehonachan, 33 And che fecond company of them that uid,
Ig Under Joiarib, Mattenat, vnder Fie- gaue thankes, went on the other fide, ¢ J afe
Datah, Asst, i ter them,ann the halke of the people was bpe
20 Guder Hallat Kalai, vnder Amok, oR the wail,end vpon the tower of the furnae
Toer, ceseucn vnto the bꝛoad wail.
21 Gader hilkiah, Haſhabiah, vnder Jes 39 Andvponthe gate of Ephraim, anv
Baiah, Methaneel. ipa oa vpou the olde gate, t vpon the tich gate,and
22 Inthe dayesof Cliahib,Joiada,and the tower of Hananeel, and the tower of
Johanan, & Jaddua were che chiefe fathers Meah, euen vnto the Heepe gate: and thep
Bf the Leuttes written, andthe Pꝛieſtes in food in the gate of the ward.
ther ree of Darius the Pertian.. 40 Go ttood the two companies of hers
23 The lounesof Lcut,cbe chicke fathers that gaue thanks in the boule of God,and J
were witten in the booke of the Chronicies and the balfcof therulers with me.
euen vnto the Dayesot Johanan the lonue of 41 She icts alle, Eliakim, Maaſciah,
Eliathib. i Miniamin,
Pichatah, Clrocnat,3echartah,
24 And the chicfe of the Leuites were Danantah, with trumpets, i
Haſhabiah, Sherebiah, t Jeſhua the tonne 42 And Maaſeiah and Sbemaiah, ans
ot Kadinicl, their brethren about them to Cleazar, and 33i, and Ichohanan, anv
gine parle and thanks, acceding to the oz- Matchitah,and Clam,and Ezer: and the
Dinance of Dauid the man of God, ward p= tingers fang loud, hauing Izrahiah which Ebr. cauſed eo
uer eagaing ward. i was the ouerleer. beare..
25 $Pattantah and Bakbukiah. Obadi⸗ 43 And the fame Day they offered great
ah, Meſhullam, Talmon, and Akkub were facrifices and retovced : foz God bad giuen
porters keeping the ward at the chreſholds them great toy, fo that both the women and
of the gatts. P, the chilazen were ioyfull: an’ the top of Je»
26 Theſe were in the dayesokJoiakim rufaleim was heard farre off.
the onne of Jeſhua, the ſonne of Jozadak, 44 Ailo atthelame tine were men ape
and inthe Dapes of sAcheimiah the captatne, pointed m ouer the chambers efthe ttore for m Which were
and of Ezra the Pict and Scribe. theofferings, fo? the firt fruits, and fo: the ehambersap- ·
27 AnD inthe Dedicationof the wall at tithes, to gather into them out of the fields poynted by He-
Jeruſalem they foughe the Leuites out ofall of the cities the poꝛtions ofthe Law, foz rhe zckiah to put im
their places to bzing them to Jerufalem to Petes and the Leuttes ; fez Judah reiop- the tithes, and
Abr fonnesof keepethe Dedication ¢gladuneſſe, boty with ced for the Pꝛieſts and forthe Leuites, that fuch things, 2.
the fingers, thank(ginings and with fongs,cpmbals,vt> ferued. - Chron,3 4.15.
h Which werea oles, and with barpes. 45 And both —— and the Leuites & now repaired
certaine family, - 28 Then thetlingers gathered them» kept the ward oftheit Hed, & the ward of againe for the
had their poflef- ftlues together both fromthe playne coun- thepurificationaccozDing to thecommaune fme vie.
and from the villages Dement of Danid, and Salomon bis fonne.
Sons inthe fields, trey about Jexuſalein,
a,Chron,a.s4, of" Metophathl, 46 "Fo miten— — a Chren, 15.a
-Areformation. Chap.ziij: TheSabbathreformed. 194
Of old were chiefe fingers,and longs of paile offices thereof,
aud thankelgiuing punto God. 15 Jn thole Dayes faw F in Judah, them
47 Andin the Dapes of Zerubbabel, and that trode wine preffeson the Sabbath, ana
in the Daves of Nehemiah did all Iſrael giuethat bought in thgaues, and which laded
portions vnto the Angers and porters, euery alles allo with wine, grapes and figges, and
í Day bis portion, €thep gaue the boly things allburthens, and brought them into Jerus
s Thatis, the vnto the Leuites, and the Leuttes” gaue the falem npon the Sabbath Day: and eF po» g Ideclared vac
tenthpartofthe bolp things vnts the fonnesot aren, a ts themin the Dap that they fold vic⸗ to them, that
exhes. tuals. God would not
CHAP. XIIL 16 There dwelt men of Tyrus alfo ther- fuffer fuch tranf
8 The Law is read. 3 They feparate from them all in, which brought fiM and all wares, ¢ fold erefiors ef his
Strangers. 15 Nehemiah reproueth thé that breake on the Sabbath vnto the chudzen ef Jusah law to be vmu-
she Sabbath.30 An ordinance to ferue God. cuen tn Jerufalem, niſhed o
A® on that Day DiD thep read in p booke 17 Then reproened F therulers of Jus
pf Woles, in the audience of the people, Dab, and ſayd vnto theni, Uhat entll thing
and tt was found witten therein, that the is thts that pe Doe, and brꝛeake the Oabbath
Dent.2 3.3. Ammontiz, and the Woabite chould not B ay?2
enter into the Congregation of God, 18 Did not pour fathers* thus, and out h Was not this 2
2 Becauie they met not the childzen of God brought al this plague vpon vs, € spon great caufe why
Nam, 22.5,6. Ilrael with bread and with water, * but hi» thiscitte? pet pee tncreale the wath vpon God plagued vs
red Balaam agatuit them, that hee ſhould Frael in breaking the Mabbath. in times paft?
turle them: and our Gow turned the cucle Ig And when the gates of Jerufalem bes m¢aning,that if
À into a blefling. gan to be i Dark before the Sabbath, Jcome they tranigreffed
aThatis,allfuch 3 Mow when theyhad beard the Lawe, manded to fyut the gates, and charged, that now in the fame
which hadioy- thepfeparated from Jirael all thole that they ſhould not be opened cillafter the Sab- againe, their
ned in vniawfull were mired, bath, and feme of my (eruants fet J at the plague ſhould be
mariage, Kalle 4 EAnd before this hab the Piet Elia- gates that there Hould no burde be bzoughe greater.
chof with whom ſhib the ouerfight of the chamber of the boule inon she Sabbath day. 1 Abert thetime
God bad forbid- ofour God,betug ¢kinfinan to Tobiah: 20 Ho the chapmen and merchants ofall that the Sunne
denthemtohawe § And hee had made hima great cham> MerchanDize remained once o} twile al went downe: for
fociety, ber and there bad they afozetime lard the of- night without Jerufalem, : the Sabbath la-
b That the ſepa⸗ ferings, the incenſe and the seflels ,and the 21 And F pꝛoteſted among them and faid {ted from the fam
sation was made. tithes ofcoꝛne, of wine tofoyle (appointed
vnto them, Ciibyp tarp pee all night about the going downe of
wall? Ik pee doe it onceagaine, J will lap the one day, to
© He was ioyned foz the Leuites,and thefingers, and the pez
inafiaty with ters) and the offtings of the J9zieſts.
bands vpon vou. From that time came chep the funne fetring
Tobiah the Am- 6 ‘ut mallthisume was not J in Fee no moze on the Sabbath. l of the other
monite and enc- tufalem: foz in tye two and thirtieth peere 22 @ And J lapd vnto the Leuites that
my of the lewes. 4 of Artabihathte king of Babel,caine J vn» they Would clenſe themfelucs, and chat thep
d Called alfo tothe king, and ||after certame Dapes Jj obs Mould come and keepe the * gates tofancti- k Meaning, of
Darius, Ezra 7.1. tained of the king. fie the Sabbath Day. Remember mee,D my the Temple, thae
Or, atthe yeeres 7 Aud when twas come to Jerulalent, Ood, concerning this, and pardon me accoz= none that was
end, J vuderitood e the euill that Eiiaſhib had Ding to thy great mercy. vncleane , fhould
e Thns we feeto Bone foz Tobiah, in that be had made him a 3. Fn thole dapes allo F faw Jewes that enter.
what inconueni- chamber in the court ofthe boule of God, — pure of A2hood, of Ammon, and 1 Which wasa
ences the people 8 Andit avicued me loze: thereforeJcatt of Moab. ; citie ofthe Phi-
fall into, when foorth ali the veſſels of the houle of Tobiah 24 Aud their chilen ſpake halfe in the liftims,and they
they are defticute out of the chamber. fpeech ef Ahdod, and could not (peake in had maried wiues
ofone that hath 9 And J commanded them to clenle the the Jewes language, and according tothe thereof,and ſo
the feare of God, chambers:and thither broughe J againe the langnage of the one people, and ot the otcher had corrupted
feeing that their vellels ofthe boule of Goo with the meat of- peopie. their fpeech and
chiefe gouernour fring and the incenle. 25 Then J repꝛooued them.and™ curles religion.
was buta while Io And FZ percetucd that the portions of thermt.and finotecertatne of them and pulled m That is,! did
abfent, and yet the Leuites bad not beene giuen, ¢ that eue- off their haire , and tooke an othe of them by excommunicate
they felinto fuch ty one was fied to his land, euen the Lenttes God, Ve Hall net giur pour Daughters vnto them, and driue
great abfurdities: and lingers that erecuteB the worke. thetrlonnes , neither Mall peetake of their them out of the
as appeareth allo II Chen repzooued J theruters, ¢€ fayd. baugptets vnto pour fennes , neg foz pour Congregation,
Exod,32. 1. Cbypts the houle of Gedfoxlaken? And Melues. 7
È Hee protefteth afembled them , and fet them in their place. 26 *Dis not Salomon the king of Iſtael 1.King. 3.7, 130
that he did his 12 Then brought all Janah the tithes of finne by thelethings ? pet ameng many na-
dnetie witha poaa of wine, and of opte unto the trea» tions was there no king like pim: for he was
good con(cience, utes. *beloucd of his God, €God had mave him 2 S278,12,24,25
yet he doeth not 13 And J made trealurers ouer the trea- king ouer Ifrael: *ce trange women cau: a.King ILE 7
isftifie himfelfe fures Dhelemiah the Priel, and Zadok the fed him to finne. ecclas 47. 19, 20.
herein, but defi- Accibe,and of the Leuites , Pedaiah, and 27 Dhall we then obcy vnto poun,togoall n Punifh them
-seth God to fa- binder their hand Danan the lonne of Saccur thts great cenili, and to tranſgreſſe againtt according to
uourhim,and to the fonne of Mattaniah: foz thep were coun: our God,cucn to marrie trange wiues? their fault, & ewf
be mercitull vyno ted faithfull, and their office was to Dittri-
28 And one of the fonnes of Joiada the example, which
him for his owne bute vnto their bꝛethꝛen. fonne of Eliaſhib the high Pꝛieit was rie they hauc gucn
goodneffe fake, 14 Remember nce, D my Gon, berein, fanne inlaw of Sanballat the igogonite; but tothe seit of thy
as verfe32. and and wipe not out my fkindueſſe that Jhaue J chated hun from me. z people contrary
3i Hewed onthe youlvofmp God, and onthe 26 Remember them.D my God, p » defile to them vocatiõ⸗
Bb2 the
Ahafhuerofheroyall feat. -Efter. Vafhtis difobedience. : - l
the Wrielthoode, and the conenaunt of the and ofthe Leuites, euery one in his ofiter,
Peieſthood and of the Lenites. 31 And foz the offering of tie wosd at
30 Then cleanled F them from all fran» times appoincred,and fo? the firn fruits. Ree o Thatis,to thew
: aers, appointed the wards of the Petes member me, D my God, ° in goodneſſe. mercy vato Me.

B Ecaufe of the diuerfitie of names, whereby they vicdto name their kinges, and the fapputationof
yeeres whercin the Ebrewes & the Grecians do vary, diuers authors write diuerfly as touching this
Aha(hucrofh,but it feemeth, Dan. 6.1. & 9.8. that he was Darius king of the Medes, & funné of Aſty-
‘ ages, called alfo Ahafhuetoth,whick was a name of honour,and fignifed great & chiefe,as chiefe head.
Herein is declared the great meteies of God teward his Church, who neuer faileth them in their greateft
dangers, but when all hope of worldly helpe faileth,he cuer ſtirreth vp fome by whom he fendeth coms ,
fort and delinerance. Herein alfo is de(cribed the ambition, pride,and cruelty of the wicked when they
come to honour, and their fudderr fall whenthey are at higheſt: and how God preferucth and prefera
reth them which are zealous of his glory, and haue a care and loue toward their bre.bren, s
CRTA PINK IL To bring Ducene Cafhtt before the
3 King Ahafhuerofh maketh a royall feaft, 12 king with the crowne royall,that bee might
Whereunte the yeene Vafhti will not come’, T9- few the people and the panees her beauties
“for which caufe fhe is diuorced. 20 The kings de- foz the was faire to looke upon.
cree touching the preeminence of man. 12 But the Queene Uafoti refuled to
a Called alfo A $2 the Dayes oia Ahafbuerch come at the kings word, + which he had gt- Ebr. which was
_ Darius, who was eH ( this te Ahalhueroſh that uen in charge to the eunuches: therefore the 1 the hand
- now the foue- ¥ reigned from India euen vn⸗ RingWas pery angry, ¢ bis wrath kindled ewanches,
raighe Monarch, d Po to €thiopta. ouer an? pun- in him.
and had the go- g VS DicBand feuen and twentie I} Then the king fayd to the wile men, ‘
uernment of the ZS aX proninces) : h that Brew the times (fo: fo wasthe kings hThathad expe.
Medes, Perfians 2 Jucholei apes wien the king Ahaſhue· maner towards alithat kuewthe Law and rience of things
end Caldeans, tofo: fate on hts throne, which was in thepa- the tudaement. as they had leare
Some thinke bee. [aceof* Qbufhan, stich 14 And the vert »nte him was Carfhena, ned by diligent
was Darius Hy- Tit the third yeere oF his teigne he made Shetar, Admatha, Tarſtiſt, Meres, gar- marking in con-
fena & Memucan the euen princes of Per- tinuanceof times
ftalpis (onne, cal- a feall vnto ãll his princes and his ſeruants,
Jed alfo Artax and to fia and edia, which faw the ikings face, 1 Which were
euen the power of Perlia and Media,
erxes. the captaines and gouernours of the protina and fate the Arf inthe kingvome.) his chiefe coun. ©
b Daniel chap. 6, ces which were Defoe htm, 1§ What Hall wee dee vnto tie Ducene fellers,chat might
y.maketh men- 4 That he might thew the riches and glo» Clathtiaccesding tothe law, becanle fhe DID baue alwayes ace
tion but of fixe rp of bis king dome, and the honour of dts not according to the word of the Ring Aha- ceſſe to bim,
fcore,leauwng out great maieſtie many Dayes, cuen an hundred fuerof by the commniffion of the eunnches?
thenumber that anD fourelcoze Dayes. , 16 Chen Memucananlwered befoze the
isvaperfit,asthe ç And when theſe Daves wereerpired, the King and the princes, Che Queene Uamti
Scriptureiadi- king made a fealt to allthe people chat were hati not onelp Bone * eutil againtt the king, K By herdifobe- )
uers places vfeth, found inthe palace of buwan, both vnto but again all the princes, tagaint ali the dience fhe hath
cThatis,hadreft great and (mall, (eten Daves, in the court of people that are in all the pzouinces of king giuenanexample
and quietneſſe. fhe garden of the kings palace, Ahathuerofh. toall women to
Nehem.i.i. 6 Vnder an banging of white, greene, and 17 Foz the act of the Dueene hall come doe the like to
i blet clothes, faltened with cozDs of fine lins abzoan puto all women: fo that they Wali de- their husbands,
nenand purple, tn ſiluer rings, pillars of {pile their huſvands in their owne eves, and l That isher
d Whichthey marble: thed beds were of gold, and offiluer bali fay, Che king Ahafhuerah commaun· difobedience, ©
viedinthofe vpon apꝓauement of porphyre, and marble, Ded Clafhtirhe Queene to be bought in bee
countreyesin ANO alabafier.and blew colour. — foze him,but fhe came not,
Read of tables 7 Aud they gaue them drinke in beflels of 18 Ho hall the m prtuceles of Perfia and m Meaning, that
gold, and changed vellell after vefſell, and evia this day fap vnto allthe kings pin. they would take
ropall wine in abundance accozding tothe ces, when they heare ok the act of the queene: firt occafion `
e Aswas befee- ¢ yotwer of the king. ae ee there be much Defpitefulneile and hercoftodoethe
ming forlo mag- 8 And the drinking wasby an oder. nove jeath. like, and that the
nificəlla kinge might f compel: foz fo the king had appoin- 19 Ikit pleafe the king,tet a royall Decree reftof women |
f Nore might be ted vnto all the officers of his honle, that procren from him, tletit be witten among would by conti-
compelledto theyſhould do accoꝛding to cuety mans pleas the ſtatutes of Perſia,andMedia(and letit nua: ce doe the
drinke morethen ftre. net be tranſgreſſed) that Clafhticomesnoe fame.
it pleafed bim, 9 € The queene Catt made a feaſt moze before Fing Ahathneroth:e let the king n Let her be di-
alfo foz the women in the ropal boule of king give ber ropall etate vnto ber companion uorced, andan
Abathueroth. thatts better then fhe. other made
ene wasthe 10 Upon the e (tuenth Dap, when the 29 And when p Becreeof the king which Queene,
aftdayofthe king was mery with wine, be commaunded fhallbe made , thallbce publiſhed thozowont
ſealt rhat the Mehuman, Biztha, Warbona, Bigtha, and all bis kingdome(though tt be egreat)al the o For he hadvn-
bing wade ſor Abagtha, Sethar,and Carcas,the leuen Cu- women thal gine their hulbands hono: both der him an bhin-
thepeopleas nuches, (that ſexued in the prꝛeſence of king greatandimall, ; _ dreth twenty andi
yerk 5. Ahaſhueroſh.) ‘24 And this laying plead the king * {cuen countreys,,
` g.
The Kings commiffion. Chap. ij. iij. Efter Queene. 195 *
the princes, and the Ring did accozding to that the had bene twelue moneths accoꝛding
the word of Memucan. ta the maner of the women (fo? fo were the
22 Foꝛ he tent letters into all the pouin» Dapes of their purifications accomplifhed,
ces of the Bing, into euery pꝛouince acco- fire monetis with eple of myarhe, and fire
3 Ding to the witing thereof, and to euerp moneth with ſweete odours, and in the pus
p Thatisthae © people, after their language,that eucry man tifping of the women.
the wifefhould hana r beare rule in hisowne houle, anv 13 And thus went the mames puto the
he ſubiect to the that hee Mould publiſh itin the language of King) whatlocuer the required, was giuen F What appareli
husband,andat that fame people. her,togoe with ber out ot the womens boule the asked of the
his commande- CHAP, II, vnto the Kings houſe. Eunuch, that
mnt, 2 After the Queene i put away,certaine yong 14 Inthe cuening ſhee went, and on the was he bound
maides are brought to the Ksng. 17 Efter plea- mow fhe returned into the ſecond houſe of to giue ber.
Seth the King,and ú made Queene, 22:Mordecas the women, vnder the hand of haahhgaz
—— vato the King thofe that would betray the Kings eunuch, which kept the concue
im, bines; ſhee came in to the King no moze, ers
Fter thele things, wher the wath of cept fhe pleafen the King, and that he were
a Thatis, hee King Ahathueroth was appealed, he re» called by name.
called the mat-· membꝛed amti, and what thee Gan Done, 15 Howe when the courle ef Eſter the
tet againe into and what was decreed againt per, Daughter of Abihail the vncle of Moꝛdecai
communication, 2 AnD the Kings Ceruants that miniſtred (which bad taken her as bis owne daugh·
b Bythefeuen vnto btm, faid, Let them lecke foz the Bing ter) came, that the could gee into the King,
wifemenofkis beautifull yong virgins, fhee defired nothing, but what | ege the 10rHegai,
counfell, 3 Andlet pking appoint officers theough kings eunuch the keeper ofthe womenetatd: 8 Wherein hee
all the prouinces of his bingdome, and let and Efter found fanour in the fight of all modefieappea-
them gather all the beautituilpong virgins them that looked vpon ber. ; red,becaule (hee
vnto the palace sf Shuan , into the houle 16 ¶ So Efter was taken vnto King A · fought norappa-
ofthe women, vnder the hand of Vege the haſhueroſh inte bis poule ropallin the tenth reli to commend
€ Theabufeof kings eunuch<keeper of the women,togine moneth, which ts thetmoneth Tebeth; in her beauric, bug
thefecountreys them thetr things 4 to: purification. the leuenth peeve of bis reigne.. vod to the
wasfogreat, that 4 And the maide that halt pleale the 17 And the King loucd Efter aboue all Eunuches ape
theyinuented king, let Herteigne inthe ſtead of Catt. the women, and the found grace and fauour pointmenc.
< many meanes to AnD this plealed the King,and he did fo. in Hts fight moze then-all the virgins ? {o h Which contele
ſerue the lufts § CJnthecitie of Shuhan,there wasa that be fer the crowne of the kingdome bpon Ned part of De-
ofPrinces,ard certaine Jewe, whole name was Moꝛdetai, ber head, and made her Queene in fread of cember and part
therefore,as the fonneef Jatr, the fonne ofShimei, the Gatti. of Ianuarie, ;
theyordeined fonneof Kiſh aman of Jemini, 18 Then the Ring made a great feat vn⸗
vicked lawes, 6 Mhich bad beene caried away from to all bts princes, and bis feruants,which was ;
thatthe King Jerulſalenr with the captinitie that was cae ithe feat of Eſter, and gaue reft! pnte the i Thatis,made
might haue ried away with Jeconiah King of Judah prowitces, and gaue gifts, accoꝛding to) the for her fake,
whofe daughters (whome s2ebuchad-nezsar King of Babet power of a King. : k Hereleafed
“hewould,fo they pad carieDawayp) — 19 And when the virgins were gathered theirtribure.
had diuershoufes 7 And hee nouriſhed adalah, that is the fecond time,then Moꝛdecai (ate inthe | Thar ispreat
appointed, as one @Œhter his vntles Daughter: fo thec had nei- Kings gate, and mognificall.
for them whiles ther father noz mother, and the matde was 20 Cher had not yet ſhewed her kinred, m Thacis,at the
they were vir faire, and beautifull tolooke on: ana after no ber people, as Moꝛdecai had charged marriegeofE- .
gins, another —-the Death of her father her mother, Moz her: for Efter Did after the woz] of oze» ſter, ich was.
-whenthey were decai tooke her for his owne Daughter. cai as when the was nouxiſſed with him. -the fecond marie
concubincsand 8 And when the Kings commandement _ 21 (3n thole payes when Moꝛdecai fate age of the king.
fortheQueencs and His Decree was publiihed, and many inthe kings gate, two of the Kings ennu»
another. maines were brought together tethe palace thes, Bigthan and Tereſh, which kept the
d Reaqde vhat of Shuſhan, vnder the hand ofYege, Efter Dooze, Were woth, and ſought to lay"pand n Meaning, to
thispurification was brought alio pute the Rings boule vn: on the King Ahaſhueroſh. illhim,
was,verler2, der the hand of Dege the keeper of the twos 22 Anu the thing was knowen te Joz-
2.Ksng.24.5 T men, F a Decat, and Hee told tt vnto Queene Eier,
7 9 And themaide plealed him, and ſhee and Efter certified the king thereok in Mor⸗ © IntheChroe
found fauour in bis fight: therefore bee cau⸗ Decais name : and when tnquifition was nicles of the
{ed ber things foz purification tobee giuen made, tt was found fo: theretoze chey were Medes and Pere
$Ebr portions, hee ſpeedily,and her $ ftate, and feuen come⸗ both hangeDon a tree:and tt was witten in fians,as Chape
lymatdes to bee giuen ber ont of the Kings the booke of pareGiwonicles etre the king. 10.20
houſe, and hee gaue change to her and to
ber maides of the belt in the houfe of the wo 1 Haman after hee reas exalted, obteined of
men, the king that all the Iewes fhould be put to death,
eForthovghthe IO But Efter Mewen not ber people and becaufe Mordecai had net done lim worfbip as
wastakenaway ker kinred : fo: Moꝛdetai bad charged her, ether had, :
byacruclllaw, that thee Mould nor tell it. A Fter thele things vid King Abathuee
yetheceafednor IL Aud Moꝛdecai walked tenery dap bes roli promote Daman the fonne vf Want
to haue a father- foze the court of the womens houle, to know medatha the Agagite.and exalted him, and
Jy careouerher, tf Etter did well, and what ſhould bee tone E ia[eate aboue all the Pinces that were
and therfore did with her. r ith him.
refortofttimes 12 And toben the courle of euery maide 2 And all the Rings (crnants that were
o hearc of her, came, to gor inte Ring Ahaſhueroſh, after at the Bings gate, bowed their knees, and
Bb 3 reueren⸗
Hamans wicked fuite: Eſter. Gods prouidence.
renerenced Haman:kor the king had ſo conr Ig And the paks compelled by the kings
)a The Pesfians
maunded concerning hens But Mordecai commaundement went koorth, and the cont:
a bowed not the knee, netther Dt reuerence. maundement was giuen in the palace of *
manet was to
3 Then the Kings ſernants which were Shuſdan: andthe King andcamanfate Z To wit, the
kneele downe at the Rings gate, fayde vnto Moꝛdecai, Dinking, but the
scitie of Shuſhan
was tn at |
| and reuercnce
their kings and
Tahy tranſgreſſeſt thou the kings coaunans
Dement? s i ;
f HA Pe — ——
ſuch as hee ap- 4 Andalbeittheylpake Daily vnto him, § Mordecai ciucth the Queexe knowledge o
pointed in chicfe pet he would not heare them : therefore they the cruel decree oftheking againft the jan 16
authority, which, btol Maman,that they might (ee how Sor She willeth thatthey pray for ber. = |
Mosdecai would decais matters would tann : for he bad tolo Dw when MWordecat perceiued all that sae
not doctethis themthat he was a pew. was Done, Moꝛdecai rent His clothes,
ambitious ands Ano when Daman fawe that Worde⸗ and put on ſackecloth aud abest went out
proud man, cat bowed not the knee vnto him, noi did re> into the middes of tye city, and cried with a
| b Thus wee fee uerence vnto bim, then aman was full of Kreatcrp anda bitter. Koi
that there isnone path. 2 Aud hee came euen before the Rings
fowicked, but "6 “ome hee t thought it too little to lay agate, but hee might notenter within the a Beeaufe hee
they kaue theit Dannes onely on Mo decai: and becaule kiugs gate,being clothed with lackcloth. would aduertife |
flattercistoac- thephan ſhewed him the people of Jode: 3 AnD in euery proaince.ð place,whither Elterof this crue)
cufethe godly. — cat Yaman fought to deltroy all the Hewes, the kings charge and bis commiffron came, —
4 Ebr.dePfedin that were thoughout the whole kingveme there was great (wow amõg the Jewes, and |
his eyes. : s Abathuerol , cuen the people of Moꝛ⸗ fafling,and weepingsand monrning inia: t Ebr. fackedoth,
ecat. ny lay in lackcloth and in aſhes. and afhes were `|
e Which anfwe-
7 In che fick moneth(that is the moneth 4 @ Then Eiers maids g her cunuches fread for many, |
rethto part of
c g2ilan) in the twelfth pereof King Ababa came and told it hee: therefore the Queene
March and patt
neroſh,they calt Pur (that isa tet ) 4 before was very Heany, & ihe Cent raiment co clothe
aman, from Day to Day, and from monety Moꝛdecai,
and to takeaway his fackecloth
ofApril. voto the twelfth moneth, that ts, from bim, but he receined it not, T
d To know what to moneth,
sonethand day
the moneth of daar. i < Chen called Efter Hatach one ofthe . +> i}
8 Then aman faid vnto King Ahathue- me Eunuches, whom bes had appopnted {Ebr had cauſid
fhould be good roy, Chere iga people (Cattered
and difper- fo lertie her,andgaue him a commandement toftandbefire
to entérprile this fed among the people in all the peoutices of vnts Moꝛdecat, to know what ttwas,
thing, that ie and ber,
thy kingDome, and their lames are Divers why it was.
might bave good front all people,and thep Doe not obferne the
facceffe: but God
6 Do Patach went foozth to Mordecai
f Rings lawes: therefore ttisnottheki ~ vnto the freet ot the city which was belore
profit ta ſuffer them. : thekings gates — —A —C
their lots and €x-
9 Ikit pleate the king, let tt bee witten 7 Aud Moꝛdecai tolde bim of althbat —— oe
e Conteining
that they maybe deſtroyed, and J will + pay which bad come vnto him, € of thet ſumme Ebr. declarati
pattof February
ten thoͤuſand talents of fluer by the bandes of the ner chatipaman had pꝛomiſed to pay
andpart of ofthent that paue the charge of this bufines vnto the kings treafures, becaule of pJewes
to bꝛing it into the kingstreafurte. fo: to Ocftrop them. y
March. Io Chenthe Rig cooke his ring fron 8 Alle be gaue him thel copy of the w2i- | Or, cementn
f Thefe be the
two arguments,
his hand,and gaue tt vnto Haman the fonne ting & cominiflion that was gwen at Sbu-
which commonly
of —aikaan i Agagite,the Jewes ads than,todeſtroy them,that bee might het it
the worldlings &
etlary. ; : vnto Cer and declare tt vnto her, and to
the wicked vie
IL And the King laine vnto Daman, Let charge ber that he thould goe into the king,
toward princes a-
the fluer be thine, and the people to Do with and make petition and fupplication befoze
themas it plealech thee. ‘ Dim fo: ber people.
gainftthe godly,
that is,the con-
12 Then werethe kings Scribes called 9 €SowhenHatach came,hetola Eier
onthe thirteenth Day of the lirſt moneth,and the words of Modecat. |
temptoftheir — there was wattten(accozding to al that Daa Io Then Elter ſayde bntoatachand - j
⸗ and dimisi- man commanded)vntothe Kings eficers, commanded bim to fay vnts PPozdecat, r |
fhing oftheir ana ta the captapnes that were vuer eueri⸗ 11 All the kings ſeruants and the people
profit without re- sponince, anv to the rulers of cucty people, of the kings prouinces Doe knows, that whos
fpe& how Godis and to euery prowince, accorBing to tie wate focuet,man oꝛ woman, that commeth to rhe
either pleafed or ting thereof, and to euery peopie acco ding king into the inner court, which is not cale
difpleafed. tatheirlanguage: in thename of king d- lcd,there isa law of bis, that be hall dye, ex·
tEbrwergh, Haueroth wasit mitten, and lealed witi cept bim te whome the king holdeth out the
Or, fecretary. the kings ring. geoiden rov, that hee may liue. Mow Jhaue i
$ Ebrthe hands -<17 Ano theletters were {ent tby potes not beene called to come vnto the king theſe tEbr breathing.
of pofkes, into all the kings pꝛoninces, to roote out,to thirty dayes. . ate. b Thus Morde-
kill and to deſttoy all the Jewes, both yong 12 And they certified Mordecai of Eſters caifpakeinthe
and old. childzen and wonien,inone Dap vp: wots. : confidenceof
onthe thirteenth day of the twelfth monerth, 13 And Moꝛdecai ſayd, that they ſhould chat fairb,which
Cwhich is the moneth Adarand tofpople antwere Efter thus, Thinke not with thy all Gods children
them as ap2ay. ah felfe., that thon ſhalt efcape in the Kings ought to haue:
14 The contents ofthe witing was,that Houle, meze then all the Hewes. whichis,that ,
there fould bee giuen commandement in 14 Foz tf chou bolbek thp peace at this God will deliver
ail prouinces, and publiſhed vnto all people, time, }comfozt and Delinerance 6 thall ap- them, chough all
thatthey hould beg reade againſt the fame peate to the Icwes out of another place, worldly meancs.
av. but chou and thy fathers houſe Hall perth i fayle.

The faftofEfter and the Teves. Chapiv.vj. Mordecai promoted. 0% F

and who knoweth whether theu art come to king tothe banquet that thee had peepared,
e Forto deliver the kingdome foz « (uch atime? fauc me ; and to mozrow am J bidden vnto
Gods Church Is Then Elter commanded to anſwere ber allo with the king. :
out of thefe pre- Moꝛdecai, 13 But allthis doeth nothing anatle me,
fent dangers, 16 Goe, and alſemble all the Jewes that as tong as J lee Mopdecat
the Jewe fitting
ate found tn Shulhan,¢ fait pe tomer, aus at the kings gate. :
d I will put my gate not, 102 Dinke in thce dayes, Dap NOL 14 Then ſayd Zere his wife and all his
lifein danger & night. J alio and mp maydes wili fatt itke- friends bntodim, Let chem make a tree of
| feterre the fuc- wile, and fo will goe in totheking, which titie ecubits hie, and te mozrow peake thon g Meaning, the
eeſſe to God, fee- is not accordingtothe tas and it FZ pert, bito the king, that Mordecai may bee hau⸗ higheft that/
mgitisforhis 4 J pertth. t ; Sep theron : then falt thou go foptultp with could be fourd,
glory,and the 17 So Moꝛdetai went his way, and did theking vnto the banquet. And che thing
deliueranceof accoꝛding toali that Efter had commanded piceae Vaman, and bee canled to make the
his Church. pim, tree. °
E Efler entreth ix to the King,and biddeth Lim
t The king turneth ozer the Chronicles, and
and Haman to a feaft. 14 Haman prepareth a fradeth the fidelitie of Mordecai, 10 And com-
gallowes forMordecai. mandeth Hawan to cauſe Mordecai te bee had is
a To wit,after _ onthe third Day Eiter put on her honour.
that the lewes ropallapparell, and ſtood in the court of T He fame night + the king feyt not, and tEbr.the kings
-had begunto the kings palace within, ouer againtt rhe be commanded to bring thebooke ofthe fleepe departed.
falt, kings honie: and the Ring fate vpon pis Records and the Chronicles : and they were
ropal throne in the kings palace ouer againſt read before the King. .
thegate ofthe houuſe 2 Then it was tound weittenthat Ao:
2 Gnd when the king atw Efer the Decat*had told ef Bigtana,andTere rwo Chep.2.2%.
Queene Landing in the court, he found fa» of thekingscunuches, keepers of the Booze,
b Which was a uour in bis fight: andthe king > pelde out wyo fought to lay handes onthe king Ahas
figne thather the golden {cepter that was in bis hand: fo fuero. 3 :
comming was Eſter Drew neere,and couched the top of the 3 Ahentheking (aia, Uhat honour and
agrecablevnto {cepter. h Dignttie hath been giuen to Gordecai· foz a Forhethoughe
him,as Chap, 3 Then fayd the king vnto her, hat this: And the kings teruants that miniftren it vaworthy his
4.1 1. wilt thou Queene Eher? and what is thy pei bim, ſayd, Chere ts nothing done foz eflate to receiue
c Mening here. requeit? it ſhallbe euen ginen· thee to the 1 »
abenefite, and
bysthatwharfo- halfe of the kingdome. (4 Ane the king ſaid MAho isin tke court? not reward ite
cuer fhe asked, 4 Then (apd Etter, Pit pleaſe the king, (Howe Haman was come into tye tuner
Mould begran. let the king and Daman conic this Dap vnto court of the kings boule, that bee might
bed,as M2r.6.23. the banket.that J haue prepared for him. {peake bite the king to è bang Mordecaton b Thus whilethe
§ And the king apd, CTauſe Vaman to the tree that be had prepared to: him.) wicked imagine
make hatte that hee may doe as Eſter bath § And the kings (ernants faid puto him, the deſttuctſon
: fayd. Ho the king and Paman came to the Behold, Haman ttandeth inthe court. And of others, they
banket that Eſter had prepared. the king fad, Let him come in, themfelues fall
6 And the bing fapa vnto Elter, at the 6 And when Vaman cane in, the king into the fame
d Becanferhey banket of 4 wine, Mhat is thy petition that fayd vnto him, CCibat Mall be Done vnto the pit.
vfedtodrinke - ttmapbee given thee 2 and what is thy ree man, whom the king will Gonour? Chen
excefliuelyin = guent 2 it Mall cuen be perlourined vnto the Maman thought in bis heart, Co whome
theirbankets, halke of the kingdome. would the king Da honour moze then tome?
theycalledthe | ©7 =@bhenaniwered Etter, and fayd, Mp 7 And Maman antwercd the king, Che
bankerbythe — petitionand my requeitis, ` man whom the king would honour,
name of that 8 JEJ baue found fouour inthe fightof 8 Let them beng for him ropall apparel,
whichwas moft the king, and ifit pleale the King to gine witch the king vieth to weare,and che boze. c Meaning here.
in vſeoreſtee mice my petition, and to perfourme my re» that
the king tideth ypon,t that che crowne by, that the king
med. queitletthe king and Paman come to the royall may De fet vpon bis head. fhould makebim |—
banquet that Jl pall prepare foz them, and 9 Andletrhe raiment and che hole bee next ynto hime
J will Do to moxrow accepding to the kings Delivered by the hanse of one of the kings. felfe,asIofeph
© I willdeclare efaping. molt noble princes and let them apparel the hereby was
what thing Ide- 9. & Theniwent Haman forth the ſame manCubom the king will honour)and caule. knowen to be
mand, Day fopful anv witha glad heart. But wien iit te tide vpon the bole through the ſtreet next to Pharaoh,
Maman fawe Moꝛrdecai tn the kings gate, of the citte,and pꝛoclaime befoze bin, Thus Gen, 41.42.
thatpee tosd not vp, nog mooued fo, him, Halil be Done tuto the man whom the king
then was Paman full of indignation at will Honour. ;
Moꝛdecai. 10 Then the king (ait to Damar, Dake
f Thusthe wic- IO Neuertheleſſe Paman refrained him⸗ halte, take the ratment and the boe as thon
ked when they ſelfe: and when hee cante home, he ſent ant baft fainn:4/30 lo ynte Mordecai the Few,
‘are promoted, called foz Dis frtcnds.and zereſh bis vrife. that fitteth et the Rings gate: tet nothing
in Read of ac- Il Gnd Paman told them of the glory of faile of allthat thou batt ſpoken.
knowledging his riches,and the multitude of his chitdeca, Il SoiPainan toske theratmentand the
their charge and and al the things mberin the king ban f vzo» Horie, anv arayed Mordecat, anv brought
humbling them- motcd him, and how that hee had fethin pint on Horlebacke through the ſtreete ofthe
felues,waxeam- abone the minces and ſeruats ofthe king. citie aan proclatined before hurt, Thus Hall
bitious, difdaine- 12 Daman fayd mopeourt, Dea, Eter the it bee done to the man whom the king will
fullandcrusl Dwegue did tet noman cometh wiry the honour,
Gb 4 2 Sua
Mesa a ee PP; "

Haman hanged. Eker. Ejters requeft for theIewes.

12 And Moꝛdecat came axaine to the CHAP. VLLL
kings gate , but Yanan bated home mour- 1 After the death of Haman was Mordecai
ning, and hisHeadcowereD. -——— miat 14 (omfortable letters are ſent unto the
I 3And Yaman told Jered his wife, and ewes,
all bis friends all that had befallen him. T He (ame Bay Did king Ahahueroh gine
d Thus God Then apd his wile men,and Zere his wife the boufe of aman the aduerlary of the
fometime put- tuto him, Jf Moꝛdecai be of tive feed of the Tewes unto the Ducene Eker. And Dor-
teth in the mouth Jewes, before whom chou balk begun ty fail, decai? came Defoze the Ring; for Eiter told a Thatis, was
of the very wic- thou Walt not preuaile againſt pun, dbut what pe was vnto her ; | feceiued intothe
ked, to fpeake ſhalt ſurely fall before ytin. ; 2 And the king tooke off his ring, which kings feuour and
that thing which I4 And while they were pet talking with He had taken from Daman, and gaue te vnto preience.
he hath decreed bim, caine che Rings eunuches and hated PHodecatrand Citer fet Moꝛdecai ouer the b That he was
fhall cometo to biting aman vutothe vauket that Cher bouie of Maman. her vnele.and
pafe. had prepaged. 2 And Etter pake petmoze before the had brought
king , and fell Downe at bis feete weeping, her vp.
CHAP, Vif, and beſought him that bee would put awap
3 The Queene biddeth the king and Haman a- the © wickedneffe of aman the. Agagtte, c Meaning,that
gaine, and prayeth far her felfe and her people. 6 and hts Denice that be had imagined agatni— he thould abo-
She accufeth Haman, and he u hanged onthe gala the Jewes. j lifh the wicked ~
lowes winch he had prepared for Mordecai. 4 And the Ring belde out the golven decrees,whichhe
Seu King and Vaman camz to banket a (cepter toward Citer. Then avoleEfter, had made for the
with the Ducene Eter. ana itood before the ans eſtruction of
2 And the king ſayd againe vnto Citer § Ano (ard,Ht itpleaſe the king, and it J the lewes.
a Reade Chap. onthe (econd Day at che banket of - wine, baue found fauour th bis ſight, andthething d Reade Chap.
506. MAhat is thy peticion. Queene Eiter, that be acceptable before the king, and Jpleale 5.2.
it may bee giuen thee? and whatis thy re⸗ bun, letit be witten, thatthe letters of the
queit? Jr mallbe euen perfourmed vnto the Deutce of Maman the fonne of Ammedatha
halfe of the kingdome. the Agagite may be called agatne, which he
3 And Eker the Ducene anlwered,and wote to deſtroy the Jewes, that are in all
fayo, IEJ baue found fauour in thy fight, D the kings prouinces.
King , and ffit pleale the Ring , let my life Forhow can J ſuffer and fee the culi,
be giucn mee at mypetition, and my people that hall come vuto mp people? Dz howe
at mpy requeſt. can J luffer and fee the Deltruction of mp
4 For wee are folne, W and mp people to kinred? Í :
be Deltroped, to be Maine and to peri : but 7 And pking Ahahueroh fain onto the
b Haman could if wee were fold fez feruants , and foz hand⸗ Queene Eter, and to Mordecat the Jewe,
not fo much pro- imapdes, J would bane held my tongue: Beholde, J bauc ginen Eker che bouk at
fite the king by although the aducrlary could not > recom: aman, whom they bane banged bpon the
thishis malice, as
pence the kings loffe. tree becauſe yell layd hand vponthe ewes. lOr went abome
he fhould hinder § Then King Ahahueroh anſwered 8 CUritepealto foz che Jewes, as itliketh to flay the Iewer.
him by the loffe and fayd unto the Queene Eiter , Apo is pou in the kings name, and feale tt with the
of the Iewes,and bee? and whereis Hee that tprclameth to kings ring (te? the writings wartrenin the
the tribute which doethus? kings name, and ſealed with the kings ring, :
he hath ofthem 6 Anu Elter layd, The aduerlary and may Noe man teuoke.) ¢ This was the
fEbr filteth his enemie isthis wicked aman. Chen Pa- 9 Then were the kings (cribes called at law of che Medes
beart. man Was akraide before the King and che the fame time,eucn in the third moneth, that and Perfians,as
| c His conſcience Queene. ts the moneth Siuan, on the theee and Dan.6.15. not-
did aceite him 7 And the king arole from the banket of twentieth day thereof: and it was mitten, withftanding the
| that as he had wine in his wath , and went into rhe palace according toall as Goꝛdecai commaunded king reuoked the
confpired the garden: But aman tood vp, to make ree vntothe J2wes,and to the princes, andcap: former decree
death ofinno- guelt fo: his lifeto the Queene Eiter: foz tates, and rulers ofthe proutnces, which granted to Ha-
ceats,fo the ven- be law that there waga: milchieke preparen were from India cucn vnto Ethiopia, an man for Eſters
~geance of God forbimoftheking, i Hundzech and ſeuen and twenty poutyces, fake.
| might fall vypon 2nd when the Ring came againe out vnto euery prouince,according to thes wats f Whichconrai-
bim for the ame. ofthe palace garden, into the boule where ting thereof, and co euery people after therm nech part of May
|d Hefell downe they manke wine, Maman was 4 fallen pp» {peach,and coche Jewes, according to their and parc of lune.
f atthe beds feere on the beo whereon Efter face : therefore the Wuting and according to therr langnage. R That
or couch where- king apd, Mill he force the Queene allo bee Io And be wrote in the king Abathucrolh letters
and lan·
upon (he fare,& fore me in the boule? asthe wed went out name, and ſealed it with the at — — guageaswas
OF kings month, they e couered Damang hee ſent letters by poſtez on horſebacke viuall in euery
ace. that rode on beaſts of price , asdꝛomedaries, prouince,
9 And Harbonah one of the eunuches and colts of mares. d Orymulise
maner of the fayd in the prelence of the Ring. Behold. I Ahe rein the king granted the Jewes
Perfians, when there ſtandeth
pct the tree in H ans boule
(in what eities ſoruer they were ) to gather
e@nc was out of Afefe cubites hie, which Daman had prepa» themfelues together, and to ftand fog their h That isto dew
| thekings fauour, red for Moꝛdecai, that pake ‘good for the like, and to roote out,to ay,and to deſtroy all fend themſelue⸗
[f Which difco- king. Then the king (aid, Wang him there- the pawer of the people and of the pꝛouince againft all thas
- OU. that vercd them, both chilazen and wemen, would aflaile
10 So they hanged Manian onthe tree and to ſpoyle their goods : them.
that hee hab peepaccd for Mpoznecai; then 12 Gyonone day inalithe pzouinces of
was the kings wath pacified. king Abahucroly, cen in the thirteenth
They are delivered. Hainans fonnes Chap. ix. are hanged. Anewfeaft, 197
day of the twelft moneth, which fs the mo Il Onthe fame Day came the number af
jWhichhath mneth Adar. on thole that were faine, vnto the palace of
part of Februa- 13 Che copy of the writing was, how there Dhulhan befoze the King.
ry,andpartof ſhould bea commandement gtuentn aliant I2 Gnd the King fayd vnto the Dueene
March, elterp proninee,publeved among ail the peo: Eker, Che Jewes haue ſlaine tu Shuthan
; ple, and that the Jewes ſhould be ready a- the palace and Dettroped fine humdreth men,
k Theking gaue gainftthat Day tokauenge themfelues on and theten ſonnes of aman: what haue
themliberryta their enemies. ‘ they Dore in the reft of the Kings po»
“kill ali that did 14 So the poltes rode vpon beaks of pice, ultices? and what ts thy petition, that
oppreffethem, ~“and DromeDarics, & went foozth with ſpeed, it may bee ginuen thee? oz what is thp
to execute the kings commaundenent, and crane mozgouer, that it map bee perio»
tbeDecree Was giuen at Suwa the pas med?
ace. 13 Then layde Titer, Jf it plealſe the
Is dna Mordecat went out from the king, letit be granted alio to mozrow to the
King tn royall apparel of blue and white, Jewes that are in bhutan, to Doe acto: f ‘This the regui-
and witha great crowne of gold, anb witha Bing vnto this dapes Decree, that they reth, not for de-
gatinent of une linnen and purpic, and tye may bang npon the tree Hamans tenne fire of végeance,
Citic of Shuhan reioyced and was glad. tonnes, i
1 He thewethby I6 J Andynto the Jewes was come light 14 And the king charged-to doeſo, and hut with zealeto
ghefe words that 8nd fey and gladneſſe, andhonour, the Decree was ginen atbhuihan, and thep fte Gods iudge
folow,whatthis 17 Alloinall and euery proutnce, andın hanged Hamans tenne onnes. ments executed
` light was, all teucryp citie and place, where the kings Is € So the Jewes that were in Shu inh hisene-
commaundement and bis Decree caine, there fan afllembled themſelues vpon thefoures Mes
was top and gladneſſe to the Jewes, a keaſt teenth Bap of the nioncth Adar, ¢Hew thꝛee
mi Conformed and good Day, and many of the people at the dundzed men in Sbuthan, but on the ſpoyle
shemfeluesto the land ™becamie Jewes: for the fearg of thes they lapd not their band,
Iewes religion, Jewes tell vpon them. in 16 And the reit of the Jewes that were
in the kings pꝛouinces aſſembled themſelnes
CHAP. IX, and itood foz 3 their liues, and bad ret from
2 At the commandement ofthe king the Lewes theirenemtes,and flow of them that b haten: 8 Reade Chap,
put their aduer faries to death. 14 The ten ſonnes them, feuentp and fue thouſand: but they San.
of Haman are hanged. 17 The Fewes keepea, lapD not thetr hanb on the {pople. h Meaning, that
feat in remembrance ofthesr deliuerance. ~ 17 Thisthey did on the i thirteenth
= dayof they laydhands
oe inthe tweltth moneth, which ts the the moneth Adar, and refted the fourteenth 2P nons, thar
moneth Adar, vpon the thirteenth day of dapthereot, and kept it aday of fealting and WeTe Bot the enes
a mies of God,
thefame, when the kings commandement ty.
andbis decree Drew necre to bee put in ere 13 But the Jewes that were in Shuthan $ Meaning, inall
tution, in toe Day that the enemies ot che aſſembled rhemfelues on the thirteenth day places(auing
Jewes hoped to baue power over chem (but and onthe fourteenth thereof, and theyre»
a Thiswasby tf turned contrary: fo: che Jewes had rule ited onthe tifreenth of the fame, and kept it
Godsgreat pro. over themthat hated them.) - aDayof feaſting and ioy.
idence, who 2 The Jewes gathered themlelues tage- 19 Gherefore the Jewes of the villages
turneththeioy ther into their cities, thoꝛowout all the pro- that dweit in the vuwalled cownes, * kept K Asthe Tewes
of the wicked in- utnces ofthe king Abaltjuerofy , to lap band the fourteenth Day of the moneth Adar doceuento this
to forow, andthe onfuch as fought their burt, ¢ naman could with top and feafting, cuen a ioptull Day, 4y, calling itin
tearesofthe god- withſtand them: foz the feare of chem fell and euery one fent pretents vnto jis neigh· the berſian lan-
ly into gladneſſe. vpon all people. i bour. guage Purim,
b Did themho- 3 AnD ali the rulers ofthe prouinces,and 20 (And Moꝛdecail wore thele words, thatis,che day
nour,andthewed the princes andthe captatnes, and the ofi- ano fent letters vnto all the Jewes that oflots,
tbem friendthip. Cers ofthe king > exalted the Jetes: foz the were thzongh all theprouincesof the Ring | The lewes gae
< Whichhad feareof Mordecai fell vpon then- Abafhuerolh,borh neere and tarre, ther hereof that
conſpired theie 4 For Moꝛdecai was great inthe Rings 21 Dntopaing chem that thep Mould Mordecai wrore.
death by the per- Houle, andthe repoztof him went through kecpethe tourtcenth day ot the monethA- this ſtory, butit
miffionofthe all the. proutnees : foz this manu Moꝛdecai Dar,and the fifteeneth Day of thefame,cucry. feemech that he
wicked Haman, waxed greater and greater. pecte, . wrote Lut onely -
d Befidesthofe § Giusthe Jewes (moteall their ene» 22 Accoꝛding to the Dayes wherein the. thefeletters,and
three hundreth, mues with ftrokes of the ſword and fiaugh- Jewes vetted from their enemies, and the decrees that
thittheyflew ter, and Deitruction, EDIB whatthep toould moneth, whtch was turned bute them follow.
thefecondday, vnio thole that hated them, from forom to fop, and from mourning
asverg 15. And at Hengan the palace flew the into atoyfullday, ta kecpe them the Dayes m He ſetteth be-
e Whereby they Jewes and deltroyed “Ane Hundred men. of feating and ioy, anD ™fo fend preſents fore cur eyes the.
euery man to bis neighbour,
and gifts te the vie of this feaft,
declared that this 7 And Parhandatha, and Dalphon,
wasGodsiut and Afpatha, i i $0072. which was for >
judgement vpon $ id Poꝛatha,
and Avalia ani Ariva- 23. 2nd the Jewes pꝛomiſed to do as they the remembrance
theenemiesof thas - can hadbeguu, andas Moꝛdecai had waitten of Gods deline-
hisChurch,for. 9 And Parmathta,and Ariſai, and Ari- vnto them, rance,the maine-
afmuchasthey dai, and Glatczatha, — 24 Becaufe Daman the fonne of Pant- tenance of mutue
foughtnottheis ID heten fonnes of Haman, the fonne medatha the Agagite alithe Jewes aduer⸗ al frienthip, and
ownegaine,bur of AmmeDatha, the aduerlary ofthe Jewes farie had imagined againit the Jewes, to relicfeofy poore.
toexecutebis flew —— but hep laid not hele bands < on deſtroy them, aud had cak Pur Cthatisa n ReadeChap..
vengeance, the Moyle. lot) tocontu andnie
deſtroy them. EA .
25 Aand :
Iobsyprightneffe. His children,and riches,
o Thatis,Efter. 25 And then * He came before the king, wordsofpeace and trneth, r Which were —
he commanded by letters, Let bis wicked 31 To confirme thele Bayes of Purim, letters declating
p Thefeare the PDewile (which pee imagined again the according to their feafons, as Moꝛdecai the vnto them quict~
wordesofthe Jewes ) turne vpon his owne bead, andlet Jew and Eter the Queene had appointed nes,& affurance,
kingscomman. thembang him and bts founesonthetree. them, andasthep had promien for + them- and putting them
dementtodifa 26 Therefore they called thele dates Pu- (clues, and for their feed with í faiting and out of doubt and
null Hamans rint,by the name of Jur, and becauleotall payer. feare,
wicked entere the wordes of this letter, andofthat which 32 And the decree of Eter confirmen Ebr. foules,
prile. they had teen belides this, and of that which thele words of Purim, andwas written in f That they
had come vnto them. i : the booke. would obferue
T The Jewes alo ordeined and promis this feaft with `
fed for them and foz their (cede, and foz all fafting and carne prayer, which in Ebrew is fignificd by this worde
that topned vnto theni, that they would not (cheir cries)
NOr,traxfereffe. |\€atle to obferue thole 4 two Rapes euery CHAP. X,
Meaning,the yeere, according tatheis weiting. avd accor The eftimation and authoritie of Mordecai.
ourteenthand Ding tothcir katon, jaimnathe king Abaihueroth tapo a tribute
fifteenth day 28 And that thele dapes ſhould bee re» vponthe land, and vpon the ples of the
ofthemoneth membꝛed and kept throughout euerygene⸗ fea. j ME
Adar, ration and euery tamitp, añũ eucrppaunce, 2 Andalltheactes of his power, anvof a Thefethree
and euery citie; cuen theſe dayes of Purim dis might, and the Declaration ofthe Digit» pointsarehere -
Mould not faile among the Jewes, and the tie otsHoꝛdecat, wherewith the king mags fet foorth as
memoꝛiall of them Maula not peril from ited him, are they not wittenin che booke commendable, -
their ſeede. of the Chꝛonicles of the Kings of Media and neceſſary for
29 And the Queene Eker the Daughter and Perita? ; him tbatisin au ·
of Abihail g Mardecat the Jew wote with 3 For Moꝛdecai the Jewe was the fes choricie:to houe
all jauthozitp(co contieme thisletterof Pus cond vnto king Abahucrokh, and great a⸗ the fauour ofthe
fOr frengthor vim the ſecond time) mong the Jewes, and = accepted among the people,to pro»
efficacies 30 And he ſentlẽtters vnto all the Jewes multitude of bts brethzen, who procured the cure their welth,
tothe hundreth and feucnand twenty pro: wealth of bis people, and (pake peaceably to and to be gen:le
winces ofthe kinzgdom of Ahachueroſh with all gis ſeede. : and lowing to<
ward them,

e lob. =
jh this hiftory ĩsſetbefore our eyesthe example of afingular patience. For this holy man Iob was
not onely extremely afflicted in outward things and in his body, butalfo in his minde and conſci-·
ence, by che fharpe tentations ofhis wife, and caiefe friends: which by their vehement wordes, and
fabrill difputations brought him almoft to defpsire: forthey fet footth God as a fenere Iudge, and
smortall enemie vnto him which had cafthim off, therefore in vaine hee fhauld feeke vnto him for..
faccour, Thefeftiendscame voto him vnder pretence of confolation , and yet they tormented him
more thendid all his affli@ion, Notwithſtanding hee did conftantly refiltthem, and at length had
goedfucceffe, Inthis {tory we baue to marke that lob maintaineth a good caule , but handieth it
euill: againe,his aduerfarieshaue an euill matter, but they defend it craſtily. For Iob held that God
did not alway punith men according to theic finnes, but that he had fecret udgements, whereof man ~ +
knewno: the caule, and therefore man could not realon againft God therein , but he (hould be con-
vided, Morcouer,he was affured that God had no: reieGted him , yetthrough his great torments and
affli@ion, he brafteth foorth into many inconueniences both of wordes and fentences , ‘and fheweth
himfelfe as a defperate man in many things, and as onethat would refit God: and this is his good
caufe which he doeth not handle well. Againe, the aduerfaries maintaine with many goodly argu-
ments, that God puniſheth continually according to the trefpafle , grounding vpon Gods prouidence,
bis iut ce,and mans fines, yettheir intention is cuill: for they labour to bring Iob into de(psirey and `
fo they maintaine aneuill cauſe. Ezekiel commendeth lob asa iuft man, Back.14.44. and lames fét-
teth out his patience
foran example lames 5.11,
3 I

CEA Pot that Feared Gov.and eſchewed euill. d Hischildren

¥ The holinefe, riches, and cave of (ab for hu 2 And bee had ſeuen fonnes, and theee and riches are de-
children. 10 Satan hath permiffionto tempt hin. Daughters, claredto cõmend
13 Ae tempteth bim by taking amay his ſubſtaace 3 is dſubſtance allo was feuen thou» his vertuein his
and his children. 20 His faith and patience. fand eepe and thzce thoufand camels, and profperity,& h
a That is,of the = Vere was a man in the tanve of fuc hundeeth yoke of oven , and fiue bun- patience & con.
-countrey of Idu- a Uz callcd Job, æ this man è was Deth he alles,Ehis familie was very gitat, ftancie, when
mica,as Lament.4 an vpꝛight and iuſt man, © one fo that this man was the greate of all tye Gad had taken
21. er bordering f prigh imen ofthe e Eat. cthem from him,
thereupon: forthe land was called by thenameof Vz thefonneof 4 AnD bis nnes went and banquetet ¢Ebr.children.
Dihin the fonne of Seir, Gen. 36,28. b Forafmuch as hee wasa in their ponies, euery one his Day, ano lent, e Meaning the
entile andnota Lew, aad yetis pronounced voright , and without and called chetr three ſiſters to eate and ta Arabians; Chal-
ypecrifie , irdeclareth that among the heathen God hath his, Daliike with then, i AA, deans, Idumeans,
a Kereby is declared, what ismeant by an vpright and iuft man, 5 And when the Dates of thet banqueting. &c.
Satins permiffions Iobs Chap. ij. plagues:his patience. 198
f That is,com- were gone about, Fob (eat, and f fanctified 17 And twhileshe was pet (peaking, ane
manded them to them,and role vp earcly in the morning. and other came,and fayd, The Caldeans let ont
befan@ified: g offced burnt offrings according to the num: thees bands, and fell vpon the camels, and
meaning, that ber of them all. JFo2 job thought,Itmay be haue taken them, ¢ baue Raine the feruants
with the edge of the fword: but Jonely ans
they fhould con-- that my tonnes haue dinned, and » blafpbe-
fider the faults, eſcaped aloneto teil thee.
ned Gow in their hearts: cpus Did Job | ex —
that they had 18 Gnd whiles he was pet ſpeaking, came
committed,and 6 ¶ Nowon aday, when the«chitdzen another , and fayde, Why = lonnes, and thp z The laft plague .
reconcilethem- of God came and Roode | betoze the Lom, Daughters wereeating, and dainking wine declareth, that
felues for the Patan m canie alle among them. in theirelvett bzotpers heute, when one plague
& 19 Aud beheld, there came a great wind is paft,which {ees
7 Chen the Low (aid vnto Satan, meth hard to b€.
g That is, he of- CGibence commet thou? And Satan an⸗ from beyond the wildernefle, and finetethe
“fered for cuery (weren the Lom, faping ,° From coinpat fourecogners of the houle, which fellppon borne, God can.
one of his chil- tingthe carthto and fro, andfrom walking tbe childzen, and they are Dead, and J onely {end vs another
| dren an offering m 1f, 33 s gir am cicaped alone to tell thee. farre more grie·
ofreconciliation, 8 And the Loyd fain bnto Satan, Hak 20 Chen Jobaroic, and arent his gat» uous,to tric hiss .
which declared thou not confizered my feruant Job, how ment, and ſhaued bis head, and fell Downe and teach them
bis religion to- none is like him tathe carth; an vpright and bpon the ground, and worſhipped, obedience,
ward God,and ue mai one that feareth God, and eleherw- 21 And laid, * Naked came J out of my a Which came
the care that he emil? > w Mothers wembe; and naked Mall J returne not of impatien·
had toward his- 9 Then Satan anſwered
the Lod, and b thither: the Lozd hath gtuen,and the Lord cie, but declareth
children, d faid Doth Job feare Gon for r nought? bath taken it + <bleilea bee the Frame vl the that thechildren.
h In Ebrew itis, IO Wat thounotimadeanahedgeabout L 20, ; of God are not
and bleſſed God, him and about bts boule, and about all that 22 Juallthis dio not Job fin, noz charge infenfible like
which is fome- Hee hath on euery lide? thon batt bleſſed the God 4 toolilhly. blockes,but thae
time taken for wozke of his hands, and his ſubſtanct is ine. in their patience
blafpheming, creafed in the land. they feeleaffiionand griefe of mind: yet they ke pea meane here-
and cui fing, as AL But fretch out now thine hand, and in, and rebell not agzinit God , asthe wicked doe, Eccles.§.14. 1e
heere , and t touch all that hee hath, to fee it hee weil not tim.6.7. b Tha is,intethe belly of theearth, which is the mo⸗
1.King 25.40 - Diafpheme theeto thy {face ther ofall, c Hereby hee confeficth that God 1s ĩuſt and good,
andiz &c. 12 Then the Lod lard puto Satan, Lo, though bishand bee fore vponhim, -d But declareth that God did -
i While the feat all chat hee hath is in t thine hand: oncly bp- all things according to iuftice and equitie, ;
shafted. oubhimfeife walt thon noc ttretch out thine
k Meaning,the hand. So Hatandeparted fromthe "parc - CHARI
Angels which : tence of the Lod. 6 Saian hath permffon to affudl Fab. 9 Ha-
are called the. 13-@ And on avay when bis ſonnes and wife temptoth
him to forfake God, 14 Hus three
fonnes of God, bis daughters were tating, and minking Frands vifit him,
becauſe they are) wine in their eldeſt brothers houle, =:
willing to ¢xe- 14. There came a meilenger vuto Fob, A® on a Day the achtldzen of Hod came a Thatis,the Ane
cute his will, and aid, The oren were plowing, and che and ſtood before the Loꝛd, and> Hutan gelsasChap,1.60
} Becanfe our in- aſſes feeding in their places, ; gamealfa among them, and ſlood betoz the. b Reue Chap.
firmitie cannot Is And the: Shabeans came violently, 02 r) 6.25

eomprehend God and tooke fhem; pea,thep haut llaine the ler- 2 Then the Lode faye snio Hatan, Exck.c4.t4s
in his maieftie, he uants mith the edge of thefwozd;:butF ones MAhence commeſt thouzanv Satan anſwe⸗ chap.i.1.
isfetforth ynto . ip am eſcaped alone to teilthee. | red the Lord,
aud fad, rongpmpa tug the c He prooueth
vsasaKing, |. 16 And whiles he was pet (peaking, an- farthtoand tro,and fiom wetiing init. lobs integritie,
that our capacitie other came, and laid, hey fire of Gonis 3 Andthe Lord fayd vnte Baten, atk by this, that he
may beeableto Fallen from the heaven, and hath burntvp thou not conlidexed my ſeruant Job, how cealſeth not to-
ynderfiand that the Hheepeand the feruants, and deuoured none isitke btm in the earth, “an vpꝛight feare God when
which is ſpoken them: bat F onelp am eltaped atone to and iut man; one that feaxeth Gov, andel- hisplagues were
ofhim, ~ o, tellthee, cheweth eutl for pet he continuech tn his bpe grieuouſly vpen
em Thisdeclareth | - TA G ] l rightueſſe,e although thou moouedſt nieea- him,
“that although Satan bee aduerfarieto God, yet he is compelled to o- gaini him, toDelroy himd without caufe, d Thatis,wher
bey him, and to doe him ali homage, without whofe permiflion and 4 Sut Hatan anfwered the Low, and thouhadeeh
appointment hee can doe nothing, n Thisquellion is asked for fayd, < Skinne foz fkinne, and all that euer nought again
ur infirmitie: for God knewe whence hee came. a Herein is de- aman hath, wilt he giue fo: ts life. him,orwhen
“Feribed the nature of Satan, which is euersanging for his pray, 1. bet. 5 ut ſtretch now ont thine hand, and thou wait nec
5.8. p Hee feareththee not for thine ownelake, but for the com, touch his baues, and dts tielh,co fe if he wil able to bring
mo liue that he receiueth by thee. q Meaning, the grace of God, nocblaippeme theets cop face, ‘ thy purpofe to-
whichferued lob,as.a rampart, againitalltemprations, r- This fig- 6 Ahenthe Lord (aid vnto Satan, Loe, patie.
nifieth,that Satan is not able to touch vs,but it is God that muft doe beis in thine hand, bit s ſaue bis life c Hereby he
it. ( Satan noteththe vice,;whereuato men are commonly ſubiect: 7 EDI Stan Departed from the prelewce meantthata
that is, to hide their rebellion, and ta bee:content with God iashe sithe Lord, aud ſmote Job wth ſore boiles, mans owreskin.
time ofprofperitie, which viceis difclofedin the time of their aduer. ¢ is deater vnto
firie. t God giueth not Satan power ouer man to gratifie him, but himrhen anothermans, f Meaning his owneperfom g Thus.
to declare thar hee hath nopower ouer man, but ihat which God gi- Satan ear goe no further in puniſliment, then God bath limited him,
vetbhin, u That is, went to execute chat which God had permit- h Thisicre was moit vehement, wherewith aifo Ged plagued the
ted him to do:for els he camneuer go outof Gods prefince, x That Egyptians, xod, 9.9 and threatneth to gunith the rebellious peoples
is,the Arabians. y Which thing wasaifo donc by the cralt of Satan, Dent.38.29. So cha; thistentation was moft gricuous ;for if lob had
to tempt lobthe more grieuoufly, forafmuch as he mightiee,that not meafured Gods faucur by the vehemencic of his difeafe, hee might
f oncly men were bis enemics,but that God made warre againĝ him, hane thongs thac God had cat him off.

Jobs wife tempteth him. He curfeth Jobe hisbirth'day;defiring death: 3
from the (ole of hts foote vnto bis crowne.
3 Let them that cure the day (being
i As deftituteof ; $8 fyeady to renew their mourning) curte it. f Which eurſe
ne bee tooke a‘ potſheard tolcrape
all other helpe him, and be late Downe among the ates. 9 Let the ttarves of that twilight bee the day of the
and meanes,and 9 Then latd his * wife vnto him, Dock dimme though Darknefle of it: let it looke birth let them
wonderfully af- thou! continue pet in thine vpꝛightneſſe? forlight, but haue none: neither let ite lee lay that curſe
fi&ed withthe | ~ Blawbeme God,and die. + the — ofthe dap, vpon this night,
forrow of his To But hee (aid vnto ber, Chou ſpeakeſt lo Becau e it hut not bp the doores of g Lec it beal-
dileafe. like a foolith woman: what? Hall wee res my mothers wonibe ; no? Hidde ſorrowfrom wayesnight,and
k Satan vſeth the ceine good atthe hand of God, and not "ree mine eyes, i neuer fee day,
fameinftrument ceine eutl?In all this did not Job finne with II ) Cithp Died not J is the birth? oz why * Ebr. the eye-lids
againttlob,as hiso lips. i Died not J when 3 came out of the wombe? of the morning.
he did againft II Rowe when Robs three r friendes - 12 Wbp did the knees preuent meer and h This and that
Adam. heard of all this eutll that was come vpon why Did F ſucke the breatts? f which followeth,
] Meaning, what bim, they came euerp one front bis owne I3 Fo: ould J now haue i lien and declareth that
aineft thou to place, to wit, Cliphas the Cemantte, and ae gnien ſhould baue Mlept then, andbene when man giueth
crue God, feeing Bildad the Hhubite, and Zophar the Maa- tet, plice tohis palie
he thus plagucth mathite: for thep were agreed togetherto 14, dith the kings and connfellers ofthe ons,
he is not able)
` thee, as tbough ae to lament with bin, and to comfort earth which paue builacd themfelues * deſo· to ftay nor keepe
- hee were thine im. late places: e ; meafure, but rune
enemie ? 12 Ds when they life pp their epes ae Is D2 with the princes that had gold,and neth headlong
This isthemoft farre off, thep knew him nor: therefore thep haue filled their houſes with filuer. into all euill,
grieuoustenta- lift bp their vopces and wept, and euery one 16 Dz why was J not hid, as an vutimes except God call
tion of the faith- of them rent bis garment, and (prinkled Ipbirth , either as infants, which aue not him backe.
full,whentheir <q Dutt pon their heades towarde the hea⸗ eene the light? i The vehemene
faith isaflailed, uen. 17 The wicked! haue there ceafed from cie of bis alfli@i-
and when Satan 13 Ho they fate by him bpon the ground their tyzannie, ans there they that laboured ons madc him “
gocthabourto ſeuen dayes, and feuen nights, and none valiantly,are at ret. to veter thele
perfwadethem, fpake a word buto him: foz they faw that the 18 The = prifoners ref together, and words,as though
that they truſt in griefe wasvery* great. Heare not the bopceofthe oppreſſour. death were the
God in vaine. 19 Chercarelinal and great and the (ere endofall miſe⸗
m For death was appointed to the blafphemer, and fo fhee meant uant is free from his matter. ries,and as ifehere
that he fhould be foone rid outof his paine. n _That is, to be pati- 20 WAbercfore is the light ginen to him were no life after
entin aduerficie, as we reioyce when hee fendeth profperitie, and fo that is inmilerte ? and "life vnto them that this,whichhe |
-to acknowledge him to be both merciful andiuft, o Hee fobri- Dawe beaute hearts? ; ſpeaketh not as
dled his affe@ions, that his tongue through impatiencie,did not mur- 21- Mhich long foz Death, andifit come though it were
mure againft Ged. p Which were men of authoritie, wile and not, thep would euch (earch it moze then fo,but the infire"
learned, and as the Septuagint write,kings,and came to comfort him, treafures: k muities of his
but when they faw how hee was vifited , they conceited an euill opi- 22 thich tey foz gladneffe , and reioyce fleth cauled him
nionofhim, asthough he had beene but an hypocrite, aud fo iuftly then they can finde the graue. to braft out into
plagued of God forhisfianes, q This was alfo a ceremonie,which 23 Whyis thelight given to the man whale thiserrour of the
they vfed in thoſe countreys,as the renting of their clothes in figne of roe is opidde, and whom Gad path hed⸗ wicked,
_ forrow, &c. r And therefore thought that hee would not hanc gedin? k Heenoteth
hearkenedto their counfell. 24 Fo my Rghing commeth before J the ambition of
CHAP. IIL gate, and mp roarings are poned out like them, which for
1 Tob compiainetb, and curfeththe day of ha the water. ' their pleafure,as
birth, 11 He defirethto die,asthough death were 25 Foꝛ the thingg e feared,is come vpon it were change
the end ofallmans miferie. me, and the thing that J was afraide of, is the order of na» ~
a The feuen daies A Fterwarde Job opened his mouth, and come unta me. ; } ture and build
ended, chap.3 .5-3 > curled his Day. 26 J had no peace, neither
had F quiet» in moft barren§
b Here lob be- 2 Gnd Tob cried out and (aia, nes neither bad Jreſt, apet trouble ts come. places, becaufe
inneth to feele 3 Lee the Day © perilh whercin J was they would heree
is great imper- bone, and the night when it wag faid, by make their names immortall, 1 Thatis, by death the crueltie
fe&ion inthis There is a man chila concetued. of the tyrants hath ceafed. m All theythat fultaine any kindeof
batteliberweene 4 Let that Day be Darknefle,let not Gov calamitie and miferie in this world: which he {peaketh after the indge-
thefpiritandthe ‘regard it from aboue , neither let the light mentoftheficth. n He (heweththatthe-benefites of God are noe.
fich, Rom,7.18. Wine vponit. comfortable, except the heart be ioyfull,and the confcience quieted,
and after ama -§ Butlet darkeneffe, and the « hadowof o That feeth nothow to come out ofhis miferies, becauſe hee dee
neryeeldeth,yet Death ſtaine tt: tec the cloud remain vpon ít, pendeth not on Gods prouidence. p Inmy profperitie Ilooked
intheendhce and let them makett feaveful as a bitter Dap eucr fora fall, as is nowcometopafle, q The feare of troubles
-gettethvidoric, 6 Let darkueffle pollefle that night, let it that fhould enfue, caufed my profpcritieto feeme to mee asnothing,
“though he was in notbe ioyned vnto the Bayes of the veere, noz and yet Lam not cxempted from trouble,
themeane time Tetit conte into the count of the moneths. OH 4 Py PET.
greatly woun- 7 Dea,delolate be that night, and letna 5 Iob wreprebended of impatiencic, 7 and
ded. top be init vxuſtice, 17 and ofthe prefumption of his owne
c Men ought iai righteou
fre fe.
mot to bee wearie oftheir life, and curfe ir hecauſe of the infirmities Wen Eliphaz the Cemanite anfwered,
thatit is fubiect vato, but hecaufe they are giuento finne and rebel- and fayr,
lion againt God. d Let it bee put out of the number of dayes, 2 JE wee alay to commune with thee,
and let ic not haue the light of the ſunne to feparateit from the witt thon be grieued? butawhecan with: a Seeing this
night. e Thatis, moftob{Curedarkeneffe, which maketh them a- hold himfelée froin fpeaking ? thine impatie
. fraide of death that arein it. 3 Behold, thou pak taught many, bait enci¢,
Eliphaz condemneth Iob, Chap.v. The wicked punifhed. 199
b Thou bak cõ· Shalt frengthened the mea hands. Cutting ikany wila anſwere thee, and a Hee willeth |
forced others in ‘A Eby wordes baue confirmed hin that to which of the faints wilt thouturne? ob toconfider
their affliQions, was falling,and thou batt ſtrengthened the 2 Dounbtieſſe tanger killeth the fooltth, the exampleof
and canft not weakekneecs. and enny iiapeth the wrote. allthem that
now comfort thy § Butuswit iscome spon thee, ethou 3_ I haueteene the«foolth well rooted, baue liuedordoe
felfe. art grieued: it toucherh thee, and thou art ſud denly J d curied his habitation, ying, lue godly,whe.
c Thushe con- troubled, 4 Wise childzen thallbec farre from fal» ther any of them
eludeth that Iob © Jsuot this thp: feare, thy confivence, vation,¢ they thailbe Dettroped in the fgate, belike vnto him
was but an hype- thy patience, and the vperightneſſe of thy and nene halldeliner them. Inraging againſt
crite, and had no wayes? ; $ § Che hungry ſhall cate vp his harueſt: God as hee
true feate, nor 7 Remember,Ipray thee: who euer peri: pea, they thal take tt from among p thorns, doeth.
truk in God, Hed being and innocent!: o2 where were che and the thirſtie Hall minke vp their tube b Marmuring -
d Hee conclu- vpiabt deſtroved? BN fiance. againſt Gedin
_ deth that Tob 8 As J bane teene, they that e plough inis 6 ffor milery commeth not fooꝛth of the aficions, in
wasreprovued, quitte, andfow wickeanefie,reape the fame. Duft, h neither Dath affliction (pang owt oF c:eafeth the
feeing that God 9 Mith the f blatt of God they periſh, and the earth. paine and vtte⸗
handled him fo a ae breath of bis noſtrels are they cons 7 But man ig boꝛne vntoi trauatle, as rech mans fol-
extremely, which umed. the ſparkes tlic vpward lie,
isthe argument 10 The roaring of the e Lion, and the 8 But J would enquire * at God, and c Thatis, the
that the carnall voice of the Ltoreile anv the teeth ofthe Li- turne my talke vnto God: finner that hath
men make a- ons whelpes are broken, 9 bich noeth great thinges and pn- not the feare of
gainft the chil- tI The Lion periſheth foꝛ lacke sf pray, fearchable, and marnetlous things without God.
dren of God. and the Lions whelps are (Cattered abzoad, number. ; d 1 was not mos
e They that doc 12 ‘Bue athing was brought tomee’ ie- TO dem gineth raine vpon the carth, and ved with his
euill,cannot bet cretlp, and imine gare bath receiued a
little powscrh water vpon the ttreetes, rofperitic,but
feceiue cuill. thercof. : Ii And fetteth vp on high themthat bee knewthat God
f He fheweth 3 Ju thethonahts of the vifions of the lowe, and the fozowfull may bee exalted to had curled him
that God nee- - Night, when ſlerpe faileth on men, faluation. and his,
dethnogreat 14 JFeave came vpon me, and Dzead, which 12 He lcattereth the deuiſes of the crafty: e ThoughGod-
prcparation to made ail my bones toi tremble. ſothat their andes cannotaccompitty that fometime ſuffer
deftroy his ene- 15 And the winde paſſed before nite, and Which they Decenterprile. the fathers to
mies : for be can made the haires of my flem to ſtand vp. 13 *De taketh the wife in their craftines, paffe inthis |
doe it with the _16 Then ſtood one, and J knew not dis € the counlell of the wicked is made faolit world, yethis.-
blaſt of his tate: an image was befoze mine eyes andin 14 Chey mecte with = darkenefile tn the judgements will
mouth. X filence beard J] avopce,faying, Dap time, and° qrope at noone day,asin the light vpon their `
g Though men 17 Shall man be moze | init then Gov? night. u : wicked chile
according to 0? {halla man be moze pure then bis maker? 15 But bee fancth the p pooge frost the dren, f
their office doe 18 Behold, he found no tedfaltnes tn bts fwo2d, from their a mouth, efrom the hana f By publique
not puniih ty- feruants , and layd foliy vpon bis ™ Angels. ofthe yiolent man, tot iadgement they —
‘yants (whom for 19 Hom much moze in chem that Dwell 16 So that the poore hath bishope, but hall be condeme |
their cruelty he in houſes of»clay, whole foundation ts in iniquitie halls toppe ber mouth. ned and none
compareth to wenn {pall bee deſtroyed betoze the 17 Behold, bleed isthe man whom Gov fhall pitie. _
lions,and their mo correcteth : therefore refule not thou the cha⸗ CERI iy ts
children to their 20 They bee defrayed from the ° mo: Kiting of the Almightie. i IY Sa g Though there
whelpes) yet ning bntotheeuening :they perii loreuer 18 Foz hee maketh the wound, and bind- bebattwoor ~
God both 1sa- P without regart. = a <vp 3 bee ſmiteth, and bis handes make three cares leftin
ble, and bis iu- 21 Doth not their dignitie go away with hole. the hedges, yer
fice will punifh them? Boe thep not die, andchat without 19 We halt deliver thee! tn fire troubles, thefe fhallbetae
them, awiledomer pi in the ſeuenth the enil Hall not touch Ken frombim. |
h Aching that - hee. h Thatis,the
T knew not before, was declared vnto meeby avifion: that is, that 20 Jn famine hee Mall Deliner
thee from eaithisnot the
whofoeucr thinketh himfelfe iutt, hall bee found a finner, when hee — and in battell from the power of the caule of bdarren⸗
commeth before God. i Inthefe vifions which God theweth co his word. ; nefie, and mans”
creatures,there is euer a cértaine feare ioyned,that Ÿ authority there- 21 Thou halt be hid fromthe (courge of mifery, buthis
of might be had in greater reuerence, k Whenall things were quiet, owne finne,
ar when thefeare was formwhat aflwaged , as God appeared to Eli- i Which declarcth that finne is euer in our corrupt narure: for be~”
ah, 1. king. 19. 12, 1 Hee proueth that if Ged did punith the inno- fore finne it was notfubie@ topaineand affli&tion, k IFI fuffered:
cent, the creature fhould be more inft then the Creator, which were asthoudoeft, I would feke vnto God, | Hee counſelleth Job to
a blafphemie, m If God find imperfe ction in bis Anyels,when they humble himfelfe toGod, towhom al creatures are'{ubiect,and whole :
are not maintained by his power, how much more fhall hee lay folly workes declare that man is inexcufable, exeept he glorifie God ina
zo mans charge,wheén he would iuftifie himfelfeagainft God? n That his works m He {heweth by particular examples what rhe works
is,inthis mostall body fubie& to corruption, a, Cor. g. 1- o They’ fGodare, 1.Cor.3,19. n Inthingsplaine and evident they fhew
fee death continually before their eyes , and daily approching to- themfelues fooiles in fteade of wife men. o This declareth that
ward them.. p Noman forall thiedoethconfider it. q That is}. God punifheth the worldly wile, as hee threatned , Dente. 28 29.
before rhat any of them were fo wile as to thinke on death, p- Thatis,hechathumbleth himfelfe before God, q Hee compa-
seth the flander of the wickedto (harpe ſwords. r Ifthe wrckedbe
CHAP, V compelled at Gods works co ftop their mouthes, much more they
1 2 Elphaxfheweththe difference berweene: thar profefle God, |f Hee will {end trouble after trouble, that his»
the children of God andthe wicked. 3 The fall. children may not for one time, hut continually trutt in him: but they
af the wicked. 9 Gods power, who deffroyeth the fhal hauea comfortable iffue,eucn in the greateft andthe laft,whisih
wicked, and deliuereth hie isherecaliedthe feuenth, . ae Lis

FThe godly rewarded. Tob Tob. ` eomplainethofhisfriends.

t -Whereas the the tongue, and tho ſhalt notte afraide of ot ig my fie% of brane?
wicked lament in deſtruction when it commeth, 13 Jett notio, that there ts in mee no i Hawe I not
their troubles, 22 But thon alt tlangh at deſtruction ibetpe ? g that ſtrength ts taken from mez fought to helpe
thou fhalt haue and Dearth, and Walt noc bee aftaid of the 14 Wee thacts in miery ought to be com⸗ my feife as much-
occafion to re- beat of the earth. fozted of bis — but men haue fog- as was poſſi ble?
ioyce. 23 Forthe Rones of the ficla Hall bee in faken the feare of che Almighty. lOrwiſedoms,a
u When wee are league taith thee, and che bealtes af the feln I s Wp brethren baue deceined meeasa L aw,
in Gods fausur, ſhall be at peace with thec. k — and as the rifting of the tiuers they k Hecompareth
all creatures (hall 24 And thou palt know that peace Mall palſe away. ha tbo le friends
ferue vs. be in thy tabernacte, ¢ thou Walt vitite thine 16 Ahich are blackiſh with ice, & where- which comfort
x God hall fo habitation, and Male not= finne. in the fnow ts bid. ; vs not in miferiey
bleffe chee, that 25 Chou halt perceiue alfo that thy eed I7 But inthe time they ave deyed vp with to a brooke
thou ſhalt have fhall be great,and thy poſteritie as the gratie beat, and are conſumed: and when tt ts hote, which in ſummer
occafion tore- of the earth. they faile out of their places, when we neede
ioyce in all 26 Thou halt go tothy graue in va fall I8 Or they Depart from therr way € courte, waters, isdry,in
things,and not age, ag a ricke of corne commeth in Due leas yea, thep vant and perth. winter is hard
to be offended. {oi inte the barne, 19 Chey that aoc to Tema, ! conlidered frofen, and inthe
y Though the 27 Lo, * thus haue tue enquired of ff, and — they that go? to Sheba, waited fog time of raine,
children of God fortis: heave thig, aud know tt fos chy feite. hem when we haue
haue not alwayes 20 But they were confounded : when they no neede ,oucra
this promife performed, yet God doeth recompente it otherwife to pane > thep came thicker and were alba- floweth with
their aduantage. z We hauc learned thefe points by experience,that med. water.
God punifheth not the innocent,that man cannot compare in iuſtice 21 Surely now are yee tike™ pnto tt : pee 1 They that paffe
with him,that the hypocrites {hall not long profper, and that the af- Ta feeng my fearctull plague, and are a- thereby to goe
fliGion which man fufteineth, commeth forhis owne finne. raid. into thehote
22 las it becaule Jſaid, Bring vnto countries of A=
CHAP, VI. mice? o} giue a reward to mee of pour > fub- rabiá thinke to
1 Fob anfwereth, that his paine is more grieuous Rance? ¥ Í find water there,
then his fault. 8 He wifheth death, 14 He coms- 23 And Deliner me frs the enemies hano, to quench their
plaineth of his frrendes. 0? ranfome me out ofthe bantot tyrants? thirit, but they
B Ut Job anfwered,
and fayd, 5 24 Geachme, ¢F will ° hold mp tongue: are deceiued.
2 Df that my grieke were wel weigh: and Saulsmeto vnderitand wherein J haue m That ts, like to
ed, and my mulerics were lapu together in eeren. this brooke,
a ‘To Know whe- tye 2 balance! ges - 25. Pow r tedfat are the wordsof righ» which deceiueth
ther Icomplaine 3 Foꝛit wouldhee now heanier then the teoulnelie? and what cauanp of you initlp them that thinke
without iult fana of the (ea: therfore my wozds are > [was reprooues? i oo to Baue water
caule, toned bp. 20 Dae pe imagine to repꝛooue 4 words, there in their
_ b My grieſe ĩsſo4 For thearrowesof the Almightic are ‘that the talke of che afflicted ſhould be as the necde,as I looked
great,that I lackein mee, tye venime whereof dseth Danke bp mind? : for confolation
wordes to cx- myfpirit, and the terrors of God < fightas 27 Pee make pour wath to fali vpon the at your hands,
preffe it. aint me, fatberlefle,and Dig a pit foz pour friend. n He toucherh
= € Which decla- s 59. Docth the 4 wilde alle bray when hee 23 Row therctoze bee content to rlooke the worldlings,
reth that hee was battgraffe: oe lotueth the ore when be bath tpon mee: foz Jveiil not tie befoze pour face. which for no née
notonely affi- er rf i _ 29 Turne, J pray you , let there bee none ceffitie will giue
ed in body, but 6 That which ts evnſauoꝛie. pallit bee iniquitte: returne, Jfap , and yee thall fee pet part of their
wounded in con- eaten without falt?og ts there anp-tatt in the my righteoulſneſſe in that bebalfe. Js there goods, and much
ſcience, whichis white of an egge? intquutte in my tongue? Doth not my meuth more thefe men,
the greateft bat- 7 Duch thinges as my foule refulen to feele ſoꝛowes? which would not
tell chat the were ſoꝛowes, are my meate. giue him comfor-
faithfull can 8 DObthatJ might hane mp focfire,ana table words. o Shew me wherein I haue erred, and I will confeffe
pat on would grauncme the thing that J my fault, p He that hath a good confcience , doeth not fhrinke at.
a. Thinke you g Fox! the fharpe words or reafoning of others, except they bee able to per⸗
thar I ery with 9 That is, that God would deſtroy me: {wade him by realon. q Do you cauil at my words, becanfe 1 fhould
ont caufe, {ecing Sat be would tet bis hand goc, and cut mee be thought to fpeake foolithly which am now in miferie? r Confi-
the bruit bealts der whether I Speake as one that is driuen to thisimpatiencic through
doenot com- > Io. Then ſhould F yet bane comfort, very forow,oras. an you condemne me,
plaine when they though J burne with low, let hun not
aue what they pare) sbecaule Ji haue not Denied the words =! Cc H A P. V.

would ? ofthe Doly one. 1 Fob fheweth the fhortmes cx mi [eryofmans lifes
e Can a mans IL Abat power haue F thatJHoul en» |H there not an appoinced timeto man vp»
taſte delite in Dure? 02 What is mineh end , tf Jl ſhould proe on earth? and are noc his Dales as the Dates
thar that hath no [ong my life? ; of ams bireling? a Hath notan
fauour? mea- 12 Is my frength the ſtrength of ones? 2 As a feruant longeth fo: the Madow, hired ſeruant
ning that none and asa hireling looketl fog the end of his fome ref & eafe?
take pleafure in affli&ion , feeing they cannot away with things thae work
oke, i then in thismy
are vnſauorie to themouth, f Herein hee ſinneth double, both in 3 So haue Y bad as aninheritance the continuall tor-
withing through impatience to die, and alfo in defiring of Goda bmonethsof vanitie, and painefull nights ment I am worle
thing which was not agreeable to his will, g That is, Tet mee die bane beene appointed tunto wie. then an hireling,
at once before I come to diftruft in Gods promife through minc im. 4 It JIlayd mee downe, J foyd, (Chen b My forow
paticacie. h Hefeareth left hce fhould be brought to inconucnicn- bath continued
ees, f the forowes ſhould continue, from moneth to moneth, and I hauc looked Ps in vainc,
Mans mifery, Bildads Chap.vilj.ix, anfwere,
Gods righteoufnefle. 200 `
hall Jariſe? and meaſuring theenening,J andhebath fent them inte the place oftheir
am euen ful with toffing to and fro vnto tye b tkiguity, b 'Thatis, hath
F zoi dawning of the Day. 5 Yer tttheus wiit carip feeke vnto God, rewarded them
c This fignificth IDy tiei ts «clothed with wormes and and pray to rheGimighty, _ according to
shathis ditcafe filthinefleof the duit, myſkinne is rent, and 6 jt chou be purcand vᷣpright, ther fure- their in:quities
wasrareand moft become hoꝛrible. ip be totilawake pp vnto thee, and hee will mezning, tbat
bonible, 6 IDy dapes are lwilter then
a aweauers make tie habitauon of thy rightcoulncie Idb ought tobe
Thus hee ſpea· fhittlr,and they are ſpent without hope pꝛoſperous. warnedby the
kecthinrelpeQof 7 Remember that mylife ts buta wind, 7 Ano though thy beginning “be fail, example of his
thebrenitie of and that mine epe ſhal not returne to (ee plea- pet chp latter end thall greatly increale. children,thar bee
manslife,which f{ure. : 8 © Inquire therefore, Jpray thee, ofthe offer dnot God,
paſſeth without: 8 The eye that hath ſeene me mall fee me kormer age,anb papare thy telfe to {earch of c That isif chow
hopeof retur- nomo: thineepes ac vpon me, ad J hall their fathers. turne betime,
ning: in confide- be no longer. 9 (Forwearebut? ef yeſterday, andare whiles Ged cala
rationwhereof,he Q © As the cloud panifeeth and gorth a- ignozant: foz our Dayes vpon eart} arcbuta lerh thee tore-
_defirethGodto wap, be that geeth Down to the grane al fyadow.) pentance,
haue compaffion ‘come vp no moꝛre. Lo Spall not thep teach thee and tel thee, d Though the
onhim. 10 Ve Wall returne no moꝛe to his houl, and vtter the woros of their heart? beginnings be
elfthoubehold neither hall bts place know him any moe. Il Gana s ruth grow withaut mire? 02 vor foplesfant,
_ mein thine an- Il Cherfoze 3 wil net spare mp mouth, can the grafie grow witheut water? as thou wouldeſt
gcr,! fhallnotbe but wil (peake in the trouble of my (pirtc,and 12 Ghough tt weretngreene and not cut defire,yet in the
ablerofiandin mulſe in the bitterneile ot mp mind. Downe, pet iball ic wither befoze anyother end thou fale
thy prefence. 12 Antj a fea’ 02 a whale Gh, that thon perbe. hane fufficient
f Shall no more keepef me tn ward? £ 13 Spare the paths ofal that forget Gov, occaſionto con=
inioy thismortall 13 Cdiben J| fay, My couch Mall relieue and the hypocrites hope all perim tent.chy felfe,
life. me,and iy bed ial baing comfort in wip me· 14 ts confidence allo halbe cut off and e He willeth lob
g Secing Icanby Ditatton, ai: Dis truſt halbe asthe houle of a è piner, to examincall
once other means 14 hen fearelk thou me iwith areames, 15 hee fhallicane vpon bis boule. but it antiquity, and he
comfort my felfe, aud aſtoniſheit me witi vifions. 3 ſhall nocitand : bee hall hold him fall by it, Mall findic true
Iwilideclare my 15 @hercfore my foule *chaleth rather pet fallit not indure. which here he
gticfeby words, tobee ſtrangled and to Dye, then to be in my 16 Gbe' tree is greene before the funne, fayth,
asd thus he fpea- bones. ‘ i and the braunchesipzead suer the garden f Meaning thar
Kethasoncoucr- 16 Jabho:eit, ¥ thal not liue alway: thereof, it isnot enough
“come with griefe {pare me then,foz mp Dayes are but vanity, 17 The roots thereof are wrapped abant to haue §experi-
of mind. 17 Ahat 1s man that thou Doelt mag- the fountatuc,and are foilden abou the boule ence of ourfelues,
h Am notIa__ nific him, and that thou ſetteſt thine beart of fones, d : but to be confite
poore wretch? bpon bim? f 18 Ff any plucke it from his place, and it med by che exa-
what needelt 18 And Dok vifit him euery mozning,anB kDeny, faying, Jhaue not (eene thee, plesof rbem that
thouthentolay trieſt bim euery moment? _I9 Beholditwil retopce! by thismeanes, went before vs.
fo much payne 19 Yow long will it bee yer thou Depart tharitmay grow in another mola, g Asarufh cane
on me? from me? thou wilt not let me alone whiles 20 Beholde, God wiil net cal away an: not grow with-
jSothatI can J mapfwallow ny ſpittle. vpeight man,neither wil be rake the wicked our moyftneffe,
hauenorefinight 20 Jhaue =linned,what hall3De vnto by the band, fo cannot the hy-
nor day. thee:Dchonpreleruce of men, why batt thou 21 TiN bee Bane filed thy mouth with pocrite becauſe
k He(peakethas (et measa marke againſt thee, © that J am ™laughter,and thplips with toy. he hath not faith
oneouercome aburben veto my tele? 22 Thepthat hate thee Hall bee clothed whichis moyfe-
with forow&not 21 And why boch thou not pardon my with kame and che dwelling ofthe wicked ned wich Gods
ofiudgemént,or tre{paffe? and rake away mine iniquity? foz fali net remaine, Spirit.
ofthe examinati- now thal J ſleepe inthe duſt, aud tf thou ſee· b Which isto
onofhis faith. keme in the moning, Jfal onat be found. dayand to morrow {wept away, i Hecomparethrhe iuſt to atree,
J Secing my ‘ which althongh it hee remooued out of one place toanother, yet
terme of life isfo fhort,letme haue fome reft & eafe. m. Seeing that flourifhech: ſo the afflicton of the godly varneth to their profite,
-man of bimfelfe is fo vile,why doeh thou giue him yhonour tocon- k Thatis, fo that there remaine nothing there to proove whether
i tend againft him? Iob vfeth all kind of perfwafion with God,th2t he the tree hathgrowen there orno, | To be plantedin another places,
might fay hisband. n After allremprations faith burfteth foortb, where it may groweat pleafure. m If thou be godly, hee will gine
and leadeth Lob to repentance: yet it was not in fuch perfeGion,
that thee occafionto reioyce, and ifnor, thine affiGien (hall increales.
-he could bridle himfelfe ftom reafoning with God, becaule that hee
-Rill cried his fatb. o That is,I fhalbedead, CHA PTX.
1 Iob declareththe mghty power of God ana:
CHAP. VIiIT. _that mans raghteouſueſſe is nothing.
I Bildad fheweth that, Fob is a finner.becaufe
God punifheththe wickedcmpreferuetlthe good, pen Fob anfwered, and (is, _
2 J knowe verely that it is lo: foz
a He declareth yes anſwered Bildad the Hhubite,and how (ould man compared unta God be ine a Tob here ⸗n⸗
that their wordes avd, ? ifed? y fwereth to that
vbich would di- ` 2 ow long wilt thou talk of the things? 3 It he wontd diſpute with himhecould poynt of Eliphas
minthanything and how long thall the words of thy mouth not anhwere him one thing ofa? thouland,. and Bildads ora-
-fromtheinftice a beas a mighty wind? f tiontouching ý
. of God,ıs butas 3 Doth Godperucrtiudgement 702 Both infticeofGod & his inmocency,conféffing God tobeeinfinite iniu-
_ apuffe ofwindy the Aimigity {ubucrt iuſtice: ; ftice,& man to be nothing in teſpect. b Ofarhoufand things, which,
aaniherhawa 4 Jf thy onnes baug ſinned agami him God could lay to his charge,man cannot antwere him one.. .
A, ig.
The power andiuftice of God. Tob. Mans righteoufneffeisnothing, `
4 Heeis wile in heart, andmightic in 24 The earth te ginen inte the hand of
. Krength : whe hath bene fierce againt him the wicked: hee €conereth the faces of the f That they can
and hath protpered? Judges thereof: if not, wheretis hee?oz notfeeto doe
§ Wee remooucth the mountapres, and who ts he? iuftice. z
— —— when hee duerthzoweth them 25 p Daves haue bene moze ſwift then t That can fhew |
zath. apotte: they haue fied, and bane ſeene no the contrary?
cHe declateiꝛ 6 eec remooueth the earth ont ef ber good thing. J é u Ithinkenotto
whacistheinfir- place,thas the pillars thereof de Make. 26 Chey ave paffen as with the moft ſwift fall isto thefe af-
micieoEmanby 7 De commaundeth che funne, andit ri» ot asthe Cagle that fltech ta the fe&ions, butmp
the mightyand > ſeth nos: he cloſeth vp che ſtarres as vnder a 2AP. — orrowes bring
incomprehenfi-_ lignet, 27 IfaIſay, J will forget my com> meto thelema-
ble powerthacis <8. Wee Himfelfe alone {preadeth out the Kaman twil ceale from my weath,and com> nifold infirmi»
inGod,hewing heauens, and watketh byon the hetghtet me, ties, and my con=
whatheecould the feg. 28 Then J amafrayd of all my fozowee, {ciencecondem- _
doe ifhe would 9 We maketh the ftarres d Arcturus,
Dzi- knowing that thou wilt not iudge me inno:
fet foorth his gn, and]Pletades , andthe climates of the cent,
power. South. Hwy í 39 fy be wicked, why abour 3 thus in God deftroyme
d Thefe are the 10 He doeth great things and vnſearch⸗ v ine? at once? thus he
namesofcertaine able 3 pea, marutilous things without num 30 FET vwakh my felfe with moto water, 4peaketh accor-
ftarres,whereby þer, AND purge mine hands moſt cleane, ding to the infir-
hemeanech,that 11 Loe,when be goeth «by me,Jfee him 31 Det Halt thou plunge mee in the pit, mitie of the fiela
all ſtatres both —not: andwhen he palleth by, J perceiue him ry mute owe = Clothes Mall make mee fl- y Though I
Knowen and yn- not. p: feeme neuer fo
knowen,areathis. 12 Bebolve,twhen he taketh apzey,f who 32 Fo: hee is not a manas Jam, that J pure in mine
appointment. can make intro reftore tt? who Hallap vn · mould anlwere him,ifwe come together to: owne eyes, yet '
e [amnotable fa him Uhat doeſt thou? iudgemenit. Se f all is but core
‘to comprehend 13 God s will not withdrawe his anger, 33 Nepther fe there any vmpire *that ruption b, fore `
his workes,which andthe mot mighty helpes4 dee koupe vu- night tay his hand vpon vs beth. God.
arécommon,and Dee hun. ‘ 34 Let himtake his rod away front me, z Whatfoener I
dailybeforemine 14. Wow much lefe Hall Janfwere bin? and let not bis feare aſtoniſh ine: would vſe to co⸗
eyes, much Jefe. 0 bow ould J find duti my wordes with 35 Then wil Jſpeake, and feare him not: uer my fikhineſſe
inthofe things intr. b but becaule J am nat lo, Jhold me Rill, with, (ħall dii-
whicharchidand Ig Foꝛ though J were iut, pet could y clofe me fo much
Feeret. knofanthatee, but 3) would make fupplica- more, a -Which might make an accord betweene God and me,
f-Heefheweth tion to my iudge. {peaking ofimpatience and yet confefsing God to be iuft in puniti- fi
that when God’ 16 Jif 3! cry, and bee anſwere me, yer ing him, b Signifying that Gods iudgements ke epe himin awe,
doeth execurehis Wå ¥ not belecue p he heard my voyce.
power,he doeth: 17 jFor he Deltrapeth me with a tempeft, CHAP, X.
it iuftly, foraf= AND wounDdDeth me ™ without cane. x Iob i weary of his life and ſetteth ont his fra-
much as none 18 Wee will not ffer mee to take my gility beforeGod. 20 He defireth him to fay he
can controle brcath, but Alleth me with bitterneſſe. ‘hand, 22 A defcription of death,
him. 19 -Jfwefpeake of trength,bebola,be is
-g God willnot aſtrong:if we (peake ofiudgement, who (hall Me. nte is cut offa though F tine: J wil a lam merelike
de appealed for hing meiit to pleade 2 Aleaue my complaint pon my felfe,and to a dead man,
oughtthat man 20 If J woula tuitifie my ſelfe, mine own will peake in the bitternefle of my ule. then to one that
can fay forbim- mouth Hail condemne me: oifJwould bee 2 Jwill fay vnto God,‘ Condemne me liueth.
felfe for his iufti- perfit,be ſhall iudge me wicked. mo:hewe mee wherefore thou contendent b Iwill makean
fication, 2I Though Jj were perfect,yer J know net ith me, ample declara-
E Thacis,allthe my foule ; thereforeablozreJ my life, 3 Thinkeſt thor it 4 good to oppꝛeſſe me, tion of my tor-
reafonsthatmes 22 @hisis one poynt; therefore J fayd, and to caft off the «labour of thine bandes, ments, acculing
canlay to ap- We deſtroyeth ther perfect and the wicked. andtofanour the f countell of che wicked ? my felfe, and not J
prone their caule, 23 Jf rhe ſcourge fhould tudventy 9flay, 4 Walt thou es carnall eyes 202 doeſt thou God,
i How fhould fHould Godt laugh at the punithment of the fee as man ſeeth? . c Hewould not
Ibe ableto an- intiacent? 5 Arethy dayes as mans) dayes? o? thy that God fhould |
{were him by elo- peres as the time of man, PES ies proceed againft
quence? wherby he neteth his friends, that albeit they were eloquent 6 Chat thou inquireſt oF mine iniquity, bim by his fecree
in talke,yet they felt not in heart that which they fpake. k Meaning and fearchett out mp finne? “i juftice,but by the
in his owne opinion: fignifying ý man will fometimes flatter himfelte 7 Thou knoweit that J cannot dai wits Ordinary meanes
to berighteous,which before God is abomination. 1 Whifes 1am kedly ; foz none can Deliner me out of thine that be puni(heth
in my pangs,I cannot but burft foorth into many inconnemtences ai- nd. dein: others.
though I know fill chat God isiuft, m Iam notable to feele my 8 Thine * hands haue made me,andfa- d Isit agreeable
finnes fo great,as I feele the waighe of hisplagues : and this hee {pea- fhioned mee wholly round about, and wilt to thy iuftice to
keth to cond: mne his dulneffe,and to iuftifie God. n After he hath do me wrong ?
accufed his owne weakeneffe,he continueth to iuftifie God & his po- e Wilt thou be without compaffion? f Wiltthou gratifie the wie»
_ wer, o If1would {tad in mine own defences,yet God hath iuft caufe ked,and condemne mee? g Doeftthouthis ofignorance? h Art
to condemne me,if he examine mine heart & contcience. ‘p If God thou inconftant & changeable,asthetimes,to day a friend,te morow
punith according to his inftice, hee will deftrov afwelthem that dte anenemy? i By affliGion thou keepeft meas in a prifon,and reftrai-.
counted perfit,asthem that are wicked. q To wit.the wicked. r This neft me from doing evil,neither can any fet meat liberty. k Inthefe
is poken according to our apprehenfion,as though he would fiy, IF eight verfes following hee defcribeth the mercy of God inthe woi-
God deftroy but the wicked,as Chap. 5. 3. why fhould hee luffer the derful creation of man :and thereon groundeth that God (hould net f
innocentsto befo long tormented by them ? thew himfelfe rigorous againft him,
ams creation. Chap.xj.xii. The perfeétion ofGod. —
è thou deſtroyme? of wiledome,
how thou halt deſerued Double,
2 9 Remember,I pray thee, that thou hat According to right:know therefore that Gov
DAsbrittleasa made mee, as the! clap, and wilt thou being hath fozgotten thee fo: thine iniquitie.
pot of clay. meintodufagaine? =. 7 Cant thou by learching find out God?
m Thatis,reafon 10 Hatt thounot powꝛed me out ag milke? cant thou find out the Almighty to his pers
f andvnderitan- and turned me to cruds like cheele? fection? ; ;
| ding,and many Il Shoubhat clothes me withſkinne and 8 The heauens are hie, what cankk thon d That is,chisper-
other giftswher- fle(h, and topned mee together with bones Doe z 4 it is Deeper then the hell, how canſt fection
by man excelleth and finewes. j thou know tt ¢ and ifman be
all earthly crea- 12 Thou hak ginen me tife, and ™ grace: 9 Themealure thereofis longer then the notable to com-
tures, € thp = vilitation hath pzeferned my fpirit, earth, and it ts broader then the fea. prchend $ height
| m That is,thy 13 Though thou batt hidde thele things 10 It he cut off, and e hut vp, o2 gather of theheauen,the
fatherly careand in thine peart,yee J know? that it ts lo with together, whocan turne bun backe? depth of heli,the
prouidence, thee. II Foꝛ heknoweth vaine men, and ſeeth length of earth,
whereby thou 14 JE J baune finned, then thou wilt iniquitie, and hon that vnderſtandeth no= the bredth of the
preſerueſt mee,& ſtraitly looke vnto mee, and wilt not polne thing. fea, whichare ~
without ywhich me guiltleſſe of mine iniquitie. I2 Det paine man would be wiſe, though bur creatures:
‘I should perith 15 Jt J haue done wickedly, woe vnto Man new bone ts like a wild afe £ colt. how can he attain
ftraightway. Mee : if J bane done righteoutly,Jwill not 13 Ikthou g prepare thine heart, and totke perfcGion
o ThoughIbe Pliftypmine bead, being full of confulion, fretch ont thine hands toward bun; of the Creator ?
not fully ableto becaule J iee mine affliction. 14 Jf iniquitte bein thine + hand, putit
e 1fGod thould
coprebendthefe 16 But let itincreale: hunt thou me aga farre away, and let na wickeDnefle Dwellintutne the Rate of
things, yet Imuft lion: returne and ſhewe the felte a maruct> thy tabernacle. things, and eftae
necdesconfefle lousbpon me. I5 Then truly halt thou liftvpthy i face blih anew or-
that it is fo. 17 Thou renuck thy plagues againſt me, without ſpot, and Halt Bee Mable, and (halt der in nature,
p I willalway thy wrath agatnit niee : notfeare,
and thouincrealett who could cone
walke infeare& t changes and armies offorewes are againt 16 But thou Walt forgetthymilery, and trollbim?
humilitie, know- mec. rememberitas waters that are paft, f That is, withe
fingthatnoneis 18 AMherekoze then baft thou bought me I7 Thine age allo thall appeare moze our vnderftand-
iuftbeforethee, out ofthe wombe ?Db thatZ had periſhed, cleare then the noone Dap ; thou fhalt fine & ing:o that what
q lobbeing fore and that none epe had feene mee, bee as the moming. focuer giftshee
affaulced in this 19 And that J wereas J had not beene, 18 And thou thalt be bolde, becanfe there
bath afterward,
battellbetweene bur brought from the wombe to the graue! ts hope ; and thou alt Dig pitg,and ſhalt lig
come of God, &
feh &thefpi- 20 Arenotmy Dayes few zlet him ceall, Downe fafely, not of nature.
rit,brafteth our and leaue of from me that J map take a litle 19 * Fo: when thou takeſt thy reſt, none g Ifchou repeat
into thefe affe@i- comfort, ſhall make thee afraid:yea, many Mall make pray vato him,
ons, wifhing ra- 21 Before J goe and fhall nott returne, ſute vnto thee. - bh Renounce
ither(hortdayes euen to the land of Darknelle, and ſhadow 20 But the cies of the * wicked (al faile, thine owne cuill
‘thenlongpaine, of Death; and their refuge Wall peri}, and their hope works, and fee
tThat is,diuere 22 Jntoaland,I fay, Darke as darkneſſe it thalbe ſoꝛow of mind. that they offend
ſitie of difeafes, ſelte, andinto the thadow of death, where ts not God, ouer
@ingreatabun- noneorder,but thelightisthere as Darknes. whom thou haft charges i Hee declareth what quictneffe ofcon-
dance, ſhe wing {cience and fucceffe in all things fuch fhall baue, which turne to
that God hath infinite meanes to punifh man, f Hee wifheththat God by true repentance, Leuit, 26,5,6 k Heefheweth thatcons
God would leaue off his affiGions, confidering his great miferie& trary things hal eome vato them that doe not repent.
the breuitie of his life. ¢ Hefpeaketh thus inthe perfon of afin-
ner, that is ouercome with paflions and with the feeling of Gods CHAP, XIIL
judgements, and therefore cannot apprehend in that {tate che mer- 2 Iob aceufeth his friends of ignorance. 7 Hee
ciesof God and comfort oftherefurre@ion. u Nodiltin@ion be- declareth the might and power of God, 17 and
tween light and darkneffe , but where all is very darkneffe it felfe, how he changeth the ccurfe of things,
CHAP, XI, T Hen Job anhwered and faid,
1 Tobis vniufily veprehended of Zophar,7God 2 In deede becanle that pee arethe
i 33 incomprehenfible. x4 He is mercsfullto the re- people onely, a wilenome mutt nie with yon, a Becaufe you
2 pentant. 18 Their affarance that iue godly. 3 Buti haue vnderſtanding as well as teele not chat
a Should he per- T Hen anlwered zophar the Maamathite, you, and ani not inferio: vnto pou ; yeaswho which you {peake
fwade by his and (aide, ME knoweth not {uch things? oe you thinke the `
SE talke,that 2 Hhouldnot the multitude of woꝛdes 4 *J am > as one mocked of bis neigh» whole fandeth
e1siutt 4 be anſwered? oꝛ ſhould a great a talker bee bour, who calleth vpon God, andhe ¢ Yea- in words, and fo
b Heechargech iuftificd ? rt h him: the iuſt and the vpright ts laughed fatter yourfelues
Tob with this, 3 Shonldmen hold their peace at thy to ſcorne as though none
thacheefhould tieg? and when thou mockeſt others , hall a He that is ready to Fall, isasalampe knew any thing,
fay,thar the thing none make thee afhamend 7 i De(pited in the opinton of the rtch, or could know
whichhee (pake, 4 Foꝛ thouhaſt fayd, My Doctrine ig but you.
wastrue,& that pure, and J am cleane in thine epes. Pro. 14.2, b He reprooueth theſe his friends of two faulzes:the one,
he was without 5 But oh, that God would lpeake and that they thoughe they had better knowledge then indeed they had,
finne in the fight open bis lips againtt thee! andthe other, thatinftead of true confolation, they did deride and
of God. 6 That hee might Hew theetheelecrets defpifetheir fiiend in his aduerfitie. c The which neighbour being
© Whichis, not a mocker, anda wicked man, thinketh that no man is in Gods f.uour
to ftand in iufifying of thy felfe : hee fignifieth thar man will never buthe, becauf-he hathall things that hee defireth. d As the tich
be ouercame, whiles he reafoneth with another, and therefure God eftceme not a light or torch, that goethout, fo ishe defpifed that fale
mutt breake off the controuerfic , and ftop mans mouth, lech fiom prolperitic to aduerſitie.
Cc 6 The
"The yaledome of God. Tob. Tobs confidence. P Th

6 Shetabernacles af robbers Dae pai» andy deſire a to difpute with Gov. a Foraltbougts
per, and they arein fafette, that prouoke 4 S02 indeede vee forge lies, and all you heeknew that
{ Ebr. to whome on >t Whom God hath enriched with bis ave? pbhylictans of no value. Goa had a iuſtice
God hath brought ang. § Ob, that you would holt pour tongue, which was mani- $
in with be hana. 7 Alke nowe the beaſtes,e and they hall chekitmight bee imputed to you foz wiie- feft in his ordi- i
e He declareth teach thee, and the foules of the heauen, and nary working 8
to them rhat did thep Mall tell thee: ‘ O f2ow heave my dilputation, and gtue
difpuce againſt 8 D: (peake to theearth,and it Gal Gew cate to the argiunents of my lips. cret counfell, yet
him, that their thee : œ ihe tithes of the ſca, and they fall 7 ill yee (peake © wickedly fe: Gons wouldhe vtter |
wifedomeis cotn- Declare vnto thee. defence, and talke Decettfullp fo2 bis canle ? his affe&ion to
mon to ali, and 9 M ho is ignozant of all thefe,but that 8 WTlill pee accept his perlon? oz will pec God, becaufe he M
fuch as the very the hand ol the Lord bath mavethele? contend io Gad? was not able to
bruit beafts doe 10 In whole hand ts the foule of euery li» 9 Is it wellthat hee ſhould ſeeke of pou? vnderfiandthe .
dayly — uing thing, and the breath of all Lprankind. will you make alie for him, as one licth foz caufe why he
LOr, ejh y II Darl not the caves diſcernẽ p words? a man? did thus punih
£f nfexhorterb and the mouth taſte meat foit telfe? 10 He will ſurely repꝛooue pou, if yee Doc him. ;
themto be wife 12 Among the sanctentrs wrledome, and ſecretly accept anp peron, b You doe not
in —— and inthe length of dayes is vnderſtanding. I @haltnot his excellency make youas wellapply your
aswell co know 13 Witty him is wiſedome and Arength: frain 7 ana hts feare fall vpon pon? medicineto the.
the right vfe He bath couniell and ynderitanding. 12 Pour d memoztes map bee compared difeafe.
why God hath I4 Behold, he wiil beeake Downe, and eeeaihes, and your bodies to bedies of c Heecondeme.
giué them cares, it cannotbe built: bee thuttet) a man vp, neth their zeale
as he hath done and he cannot belooſed. 13_ olde your tongues in my pzefence, whichhadnot ;
a mouth. Is Behold, hee withholdeth the waters, aai J map (peak, and let come bpon what knowledge, neie
g Thoughmen anv they Dzie pp: but when be ſendeth chem wilt ther regarded
by age, and cən- out, they Dettroy the earth. ; 14 Wherekore
doeJ etake my fleſh in my they to comfort,
tinuance of time 16 ith him is itrength and wiſedome: teeth,and put my ulein mp hand ? him, but alway
attaine to wiſe⸗ hee that isdeceiued, and that » Deceiueth, _ 15 Loe, though be flay meyer will J trut grated on Gods
dome, yet it is are bts. Š in him, and J will repzooue my wayes in iuftice, as though
notcomparable 17 Ye cauleth the counſellers tago 2s{pot- bis fight. it was not euie. ·
to Gods wife- led, and maketh the tudes fooles. 16 He hallbe mp Caluation alfo: foz the dently feenein .
dome: nor able 18 i Hee loolech the collar of kings,and £ hypocrite fhall not come befoze him. Teb,except they
to comprehend girdeth their lopnes with a girdle. 17 Weare diligently my wozdes , and bad vadertaken
his iudgements, 19 Üe leadech away the prtuces,as a pray, marke my taltke. the probation
wherein he an- and ouerthroweth rhe mightie, 18 Behold now : if J prepare mee to thereof,
fwereth to that, 20 Hee taketh away thelpeech from the a J knowe that J that bee s iuti- d Your fme .
which was alled- 1faithfull couafellers, and taketh away the thallcometo
Siefeos ee iudgement oftheanctent. 19 Cho ishe that will plead* with me? nothing,
He fheweth 21 Me powreth contempt ppan princes. € for if Fj now holde my tongue,F itie, e Is not this .
that there is no- maketh the ſtrength of the mighty weake. 20 But Do not thele twothings yntome; manifeft figne of fh
thing doncia 22 Wedilcouereth the deepe places from then will J] not hide my felfe from thee : mise affiiGion,
this world with- their Darkneffe, and bzingeth feozth the ha» 21 KiChithnzaw thine band frem me, and and that Idoe
out Gods will & Dew of Death to light. let not thp feare make meafratde. pot complaine
ordinance ; for 23 Heem increaieth the people, and nes 22 Thencall thou, and J willantwere: without caule,
elfehee ſhould ſtroyeth them; beinlargeth ths nations, and oz let me (peake,and anfwere thou ime. feeing that I am.
not be almighty. bringeth them in againe. 23 Yow many are | mine iniquities and thustormented .
i He taketh wife 24 Hee taketh away the hearts ok them aces 2 ewe mee my rebellion, and mp as though I
dome from them. -that are- the chiefe euer the people of the Ne. thould teare
k Heabaterh rhe catty, andmakerh them to wander tn the 24 CGhercfore hideſt thou thy face, and mine owne fieth,
honour of Prin- wiloernefle ont of the way. š taket me fo? thine enemie? and put my life
ees, and bringeth 25 Thep grope in the Darke without 25 Cit thou breake a leafe Diuen to and in danger?
them into the light: and he maketh them to tagger itike fro? and wilt thou purſue thedz1e Rubble ? f Whereby bee fi
- fubie&ion of a munke man 26 Foꝛ thou wꝛiteſt bitter things again declareth that
others, mee, and makeit mee to pollsle=the iniqui heis not anhy-
} Hecauferh that their words haue no eredite, which is, when hee ties of mp ponth. , pocrite,a.they
Bill punih finne. m Ln chisdifcouf: of Gods wonderfull workes, 27 Thou puttet my feete alfo in the chareedhim.
Job fheweth that whatfoeuer is done inthis world , both in the or- 2 ftockes, andlookel narrowly vuto allmp g-'rhatis cleas
der, and change
of things is by Gods will and appointment, wherein pathes, and makeſt the print thereof inthe red, and nor cat
he declareth that hee thinketh well of God and is as able to fet forth Theeles of my feete. off for my finnesy
his power in words, as they that reafoned againſt, were, 28 Buch one confumeth like. a rotten as you reafon.
thing,and as a garment that is moth eaten. h Toproue that
CHAP. XIII. God doth thus
x Iob copareth his knowledge with the experi- puniſh mee formy finnes, i IfI defendnot my caufe, every man
ence of bu friends, 16 The penitent [hal be ſaued, willcondemne mee. k Hee fheweth what thefe two things are,
andthe hypecrite condemned, 20 He prayeth vn- 1 Hispangs thus moue him to reafon with God , not denying but
so Godthat he would not handle hira rigoroufly. that he hath finned : but he defired to vnderftand what were his great
De mine eye hath feene all tbis: mine finnes, that had deferued fuch rigour, wherein hee offsnded, that
Leare hath heard and vnderſtood it. would knowe acaule of Ged why hee did punih him. m Thow
2Jknow alſo as much as you know: I puniſheſt mee nowe forthe faultes that Icommitted mmy youth,
ami not inferiour ynto you. n Thou makeftmee thy prifoner, and doeft fo preſſe me that Leane
3 But J will ſpeake to the Almighty, not ſtirre hand orfoote. +Ebr.roctes, —
The breuitie of irians life. Chap.xilij.xy. Whylobisreprehended. ad⸗
r CHAP, XIII, 22 But while bis) flehisbponhinr, hee | Yee whileshe
1 Iobdefcrsbeth the fhoreneffe and miferie of fhall bes ſoꝛowfuli, and while His touteisin livethhe balbe
the life ofman. 14 Hope fuftasneth the godly. 22 bun,ttHall mourne. in paing aud mi-
5 The condstson ofmans life. CHA : XV, ferie,
R Taking occa- Qn @thatts borne of woman, ts of Hot 1 Elphaxreprehendeth Fob,becaufe hee aferi-
on of his aduer- continuance,ana full of trouble. beth wifedome, and pureneffeto hiafelfe. 16 He
farieswords,he 2 ie fhooteth foozth as a flower, and is defcribeth the curfe that falleth ow the wicked,
deferibeththe ¢CutDowne: be vantiveth alioas* a Hadow, reckonsug Iob to be ome of the number.
ftateof manslife and continueth net. i T Ven anſwered Eliphas the Temanite,
fromhisbirthto _3 And pet thou openeſt thine eyes bpon and lapd, _
hisdeath, _ luchbone,and cauleſtme to enter into ud ge- 2 Bhalla wile man peake wads of the :
Chap.8 9. ment with thee. : awinde, and All pis beliy > with the Cale a That is,vaine
Pfalrg4.4o, ciho can bꝛing acleane thing out of winde? words, and with-
b Hismeaning filthinefle
2there ts not one. } 3 Shalhe dilpute with words net conics out confolation?
is,j(ecingthat § re not bis Dayes Determined? the ly? 0? with talke that ts not profitable? b Meaning, wite
manisi frailea. number of his moneths are with thee: thou 4 Surely toeu halk catt off: feare, and mattersthat are
creature, God. halt appoynted bis bounds, whtch he cannot reſtrainelt payer beloꝛe Gov. =. —_ of none impgf-
fhouldnothan- palie, S SForthy mouth declareth thine iniqui⸗ tance,which are
dichimfocx- 6 Turne from him that he may ceale bne tie, leetng thon batt cholen d the tongue of i afloor
tremely: wherein till his Delired Day, as an hireling. the craftie. as they are vtte-
Tobtheweththe 7 Sffozthereishope of a tree, tt itbecut 6 Thine owne mouth condemneth thee, red,as the Eaft
wickednesof the Downe, thatttwill pec ſpꝛout, and the bean- and netJ, and thy lips teltifie againſt thee. wind driethyp
fieth,whenitis ches thereof will not ceale. i 7 Artthon the «fri man that was boꝛu? the moifiure al
8 Cough the rootofit ware olde inthe and walk thou made befoze the dilles ? foone asit fat-
earth, aud the Rocke thereot be Dead in the 8 Hatt thou Heard the lecret conniell of leth.
Pfals 1.5,7- 2 ground, God? and dock thou reſtraine wiſe dome te c He chargers
c VYntillthe ame 9 xetbythe ſent oftwaterit will bud, and f thee? ; lob as though
chat thou haſt Wing fozth boughes like a plant. 9 CUbatknowet thou that mee knowe histalkecaufed
appoynted for IO dut man ts licke,and Dicth,and man not? and vnderſtandect
that is not inss? mento calt of
him to dic,which pertiheth,and where is he? Io Aith vs are both ancient and very ae che feare ofGod
hedefireth,asthe II As the waters paſſe fromthe fea, and ged men, karre older then thp father. and pare
hiscling waite as the flood decayeth and deieth vp, IL Seeme the conilations of Gon s {mall d. Thou ſpeakeſt
fortheendofhis 12 So man fleepeth and rilerh not; for vnto theeris this thing trange vnto thee? as doe the moc-
fabourtoreceiue be fall not wake againe, noz be ratfed froin 12 Ahy doeth thine heart * take thegas kers& contem-
his wages. his Heepe till the heauen be no moze, way, and what Do thine eyes meane, ners of God.
d He fpeakeh 13 Db that thou wouldeſt hide me in the 13, Ghat thouanlwerelt to God +at thy e That isthe
not here,as graue , and keepe mee fecret, vntill thy pleaſure, and bꝛingeſt fuch words out of thp moft ancient,8
thoughhehad *¢ Wrath were pall, and wouldelt gine mee mouth? fo by reafon the
Bothopeofthe fernie,and' remember me ! 14 hat is man that be would be cleane? moft wife?
immortalitic,but 14 Jf aman Die, yall be line againe ? All and bethat is boznof woman that he (ould F Art thou onely
asamaninex- the Dayes of mine appoynted time will J bzi int ? _ wile?
‘tremepaine, waite, till my schanging hall come. Ig Behold, bee found ne ſtedfaſtneſſe ing He aecuſeth
when reafon is Is Thou ait calimee, and J hall * an- bis faints: pea, the heauens are not cleane obs pride,and
ofiercomebyaf- ſwere thee: thou louel the woke of thine in bts fight. ingratirude,that
fe&ions andter- one ape * j 16 Wow much mois man abominable, will not become
ments, / ut new andfiltbie, which * Dzinketh iniquitie like forted by God,
thou *numbeet mp eps.
e Hereby he de- and doeſt not delay my dena finaeE A
iter ae =: nor by their
clareth thatthe 17 Mine iniquitie istealed bp, asina 17 J wzill tell thee: heare me, and J will counfell,
feareofGods ibagge, and thou addelt puto my wicked» Declare that which Jhaue {eene: h Why doeft
judgement was nefie. 18 Mhich wife men haue tolde, as they chou ftand in
thecaufe whyhe 18 Qndfurelpas the monntaine that fal- hauc heard of their fathers,anD baue not kept chineowne
defiredto die. leth, commeth to nought,and the*rocke that tt fecret: conceite?
F Thatis,releafe is remoued from bis place: 19 Tho whem alone the land waslgiuen, tEbin thy ſpirit.
my paines and I9 As the water breaketh the tones, when and no ſtranger patted thozow them. i Hispurpofets
take meto thou euerflowweit the things which growein 20 The wicked manis continually a3 roprouethat «
mercie, the duit of the earth; forbeu deſtroyeſt the one that trauaueth of childe, andthe num. Iob asan vniuſt
' Meaning,vnto bopeofman. ber of yeeres ts bid from the tyrant. man and an by-
ledayofthere- 20 Thou ꝑꝛeuaileſt alway againtt him, 21 Aiound of fearcis in hiseares, andin pocrite ispunithe
furreGion when fo that hee pafleth away: bee changeth its bis pzoſperitie the Deftroyer Mall come vpon ed for his finnes,
hefhouldbe . face when thou catet him away. m. like as hedid
changed and re- 21 And be knoweth notifhts fonnes hal 22 Dee beleeucth not to returne out of beforc,Chap,4.
pea — be—— <a Pan bee — sDarkenes:foz be feeth the ſword before him, 18.
Thou ncerning them ether t ail be. 21 ee wandzcth ° toand fro fozbzcad k Which hath +
affiGed inthis low Degree: D “ad a defire to finneg
life,yet in there- ashe that is thirftie to driske. 1 Who by their wifedome fo gouer=
furteGion I thal feele thy mercies, and anfwere when thou calleft me, ned,that no ftranger invaded them, and fo the land feemed to begi-
Prowerbs 5.24. i Thou layeft themall together, and ſuffereſt none uentothem alone, m The cruell’man is euerin danger of death,
ofmy finnes vppunifhed. -K ‘Hee murmureth through the impaci- and isneuer quict inconfeience, n Out ofthat mifcrie whereinto
encic of the fle(h again{t God, as though he vied as creat feucritie a- he once falieth.. v God doeth not onely impouerith the wicked
ink him as againft the hard rocks,or waters that ouerflowe, fo that oft times: but cuen intheir profperitie he punifheth them with a grece
reby all the occafion of his hope is taken away. dineſſe cucrmore to pa which is asa beggerie, ua
c2 wherg
jGod punifheth the wicked. Tob. obs affliction.
where hee may $ hee knoweth that the Dayof 3 And hak made me fullofiiminckieg, i In token of fog
Darkenefie ts prepared at hand. which iga witnetle thereof and my leannes row and griefe, ©
p Hetheweth 24 Affliction and P angui Wall make riſeth vp in mee, teſtifying the fame in my k That is,God
what weapons Hint afraid: they Hall preuatle againſt him fac g. J 7 by his wrath: and
God vieth a- as a king teadptockebattell. 9 bis wath hath tozne me, and beha- in this diuerficie *
£aink the wic- 25 Foꝛ hee bath ſtretched out his handa- teth mec, and gnathetlh vpon mee wirh bis of words and hie
ked which lift gatnt God, and made himlelke trong a- teeth ; mine enemie hath ſharpened bis epes flile,he expref=
vp themelues gaint the Almightie. agatnit me. f fethhow grie-
againft him,to 26 Therefore God hall runne bpon him, 1o Thep hane opened their monthes vp⸗ uous the hand of
wit, terrour of cuen bpon bis necke, and againt the mot on me, and (mitten mee on the! checke tn God was vpon
conſcience and thicke partofbis field, Saga” y repzoch : they gather themielues together a- him,
outward affli&i- 27 Wecaule he hath couered his tace with gaint me. j 1 That is,hath
ons. q hts katneſſe,and ath collops in his flanke. Il GoD hath delinered mee to the vniuſt, handled me moſt
q That is,he was 28 Though be owell rin defalate cities, and hath mabe mee to turne out of the wap conte mptuoufly:
fo puft vp with and in houſes which no man inbabiterh, but by the™ hands of the wicked. for fo {miting on
great profperitie atebecomebeapes, . 12 J was tn wealth, but he bath brought the checke fignis
and abundance 29 He lhall not be rich, neither hall his mee to nought: hee bath taken mee by the ficd,1.King.22,
of all things, that ſubſtance continue, neither hall bee prolong necke,and beaten me, and fet meas amarke 24.war. 4.65.
he forgate God: the f perfection thereof tn the earth. fo: himtelfe. m They haue
noting that Iob 30 idee Wall neuer Depart out of Darke- 13 iis "archers compafle mee round a led me whither
in his felicitie nes, the flame Wall Dzievp hts bꝛanches, and bout ; ġe cutteth my reines, and Doeth not they would,
had notthe true hee a gog away with the breath of bis {pare * powzeth mp gall ° vpon the n Hismanifold
feare of God. mouth. . ground. affliGions,
r Thoughhe 31 et beleeueth not that he erreth in va⸗ 14 He hath broken me with one breaking o lam wounded
build and repaire nitie: therefore vanitie Wall be his change. pipe another, and runneth vpon mee like a to the heart,
ruinous places to 32 His bꝛanch ſhall not be greene, but thal glant. p Méaning,his -
get him fame,yet be cut off before bis Day. — å Is J baue fowed a fackcloth vpon my glory was
God fhal! bring 33 God fhall Deftrop him as the vine ber amie and haue abaled mine r bazue vnto brought lowe.
all to nought,& fow? “arape, and hall cat bunoff, as the the Duit. Signifying,
turne his great pline doeth her flower. t 16 Mykace is withered with weeping, dharhe is not a=
profperitie into 34 Fo: the congregation ofthe hypocrite and the banow of Death is bpon mine epes, ble tocompre-
extreme milery. Wali be Defolate, and fre Wall Deuoure the 17 Though Bere bee no wickednefle in hend the caufe of
f Meaning that houſes of*bzibes, : qintne hands, and my payer tbe pure. this his grieuous
his {umptuous 35 For they Yconceine mifchtefe, and bring 18 Dearth, coner not thou mip blood, punifhment.
buildings fhould foozth vanitie, and their belly hath prepa: and lec my crying find no place. r Tharis,vnfai-
nener come to red Deceit. Ig oz loc, nowe my t witnel&#e is in the ned, and without
perfecion. heauen,and my recozdis on bie. hypocrifie,
t He ftandeth fo in his owne conceit, that hee will giue no placeto 20 My friendes » (peake eloquently a f Let my finne
good counfel, therefore his owne pride Mall bring him to deftru@i- gaint mee ; but mine eye poweri out teares beKnowen,if 1-
on, u- Asonetbatgathereth grapes before they beripe. x Which vnto Gov. : befuch a finner
were built or maintained by powling and briberie. y And therfore 21 Dh that aman might = pleade with as mine aduerfae
all their vaine deuifes hall turne to therr owne deftru@ion, od, as man with bis neighbour! ries accufe me,
CHAP. XVL_ 22 Foꝛ the peeres accounted come, and J and let me find
x Fob moued by the importunitie ofhis friends, hall gothe way, whence J tall not returne. no f2uour.
7 Counteth in what extremite hes, 39 And ta- t Though man
keth God to witueffe ofbu innoencie. condemne me,yet God is witneffe of my caufe, u Vſe painted
B Ut Job anſwered, and fayd, words in ftead of trueconfolation. x Thusby his great torments
2 J haue oft times heard ſuch things: he is caried away, and brafteth out into paflions, and fpeaketh vnad-
miſerable comforters are ye all. uifedly, asthough God fhouldintreat man more gently, {eeing heel},
3. Shall there ve none ende of wordes of hath but a fhort time here to liue,
a Which ſerue *winde ? oz what maketh thee bolde foto CHAP XVII.
for vain oſtenta⸗ bantwere? 1 Fob faith that he coufumeth away,e yet doth
tion, and for no 4 Jcouldatlo fpeake as poudoe: (but patiently abide it. 10 He exhorteth his friends
truecomfort, would God your loule were in my ſoules to — 1 3 fhewing that he leoketh but for
b ForBliphaz ſtead) J could keepe pou company in ſpea⸗ deat .
didreply again king, and could 4 fhake mine head at pou. | Me breath is coztupt: my dapes are cut
Tobs anfwere, § But J would Krengthen pou e with off, and the graucisreadie fo} me.
c Iwouldyou my mouth, and the comfort of my lips ſhould 2 Where are none but + mockers with a In ftead of
feltthat which aflwageyourferow, mee, AND mine epe continueth int their bite comfort,being
I do. 6 Though peake, my ſorow fcannot terneffe. now at deaths
d.,mocke be affwagen ; though F ceale, what releale 3 Lay Dolwngnelwand put mein ſurety doore,hebad
at your miferie, haue 3 “4 for thee: whois Hem that will atouch mine but them that
asyou do at 7 But nows hee maketh me weary t o band? mocked at bim,
mine. God, thou halt made all mp » congregation eit heart fromebne and difcouraged.
elfthiswere defolate, Deritanding: there alt thou not fet him.
in my power, yet them vpon pte. TE š b I fee ftill that
would I comfort you,andnotdoeasyedotome. f Ifthey would — they feeke butto
fay, Why doeft thou not then comfort thy felfe ? hee anfwereth, that vexe me. c Hereafoneth with God as a man befide himfelfe,to the
the iudgements of God are more heauy, then hee is able to affwage intent that hiscaufe might bee ba@ught to light. d And anfwer
either by words or filence, g Meaning,God, h Thatis,deftroi- forthee? . e. Thatthefe mine afiliGions are thy ĩuſt iudgementa f
¢dmoft of my familie, though man know nor the caufe,
s- ‘fog
No hopeinproſperitie. The Chap. xyiij. xix. fallof the wicked. 203
f Hethat flatte· 5 f Fo2 the eves of his chilon hal faile, 12 Pis frength hal bee famine: and De- g That which
reth a man,and that ſpeaketh flatrertete his friends. fruction yallbe readie at his fide. fhould nouriſh
enely :udgeth 6 Hee hath allo made mee as byword of 13 Jt hall Deusure the inner parts of his him thalibecon-
bim happic in people, and J am as a tabzet tefo fkinne, and the h fir borne sf Death Hall de fumed by famines
his profperitie, t um. | uoure bis firength. h. That is,fome
“thali.not himfelfe 7 Wine eve therfore ts dimme fo? griefe, 14 His hope all bee rooted out of his Rrongand vio. -
onely,butinhis andail my ſtrength is ike a avow: Dweiltng , and hail cauſe him ts goeto tye lent death thall.
poſtetitie bepu ·8 8. ‘he righteous Wall Vee aſtonted at iKing of feare. ; confume his
pihe, A ithts,and the nocent ſhalbe moued againſt _ Iş Feare thalldwel in bis houſe(becauſe it frength:or asthe
God hath made thebppocrite. = i i ts not k hts) ‘and batinttone halbe ſcattered Ebrew word fig-
Biche world to 9 Butche righteous wil hold his * way, vpon bis habttation. nifieth bis mem-
fpeake of me,be- and be whole hands are pure, Wallincreale 16 His rantes ball bee Dzied bp beneath, bers or parts.
cauſe of mine af- his ftrength. jj and aboue (hall his banchBrecut Downe. i Thatis, with
fli@ions. - 60 githyoutberefor turne pou,and come 17 Dis vemembzgance Wall pest from moft great feare,
b Thar is,as 22 now, and J fhall not findesne wiſeamong the carth, and bee Mall hauenoname th the k Meaning nora-
costinuall found pou, ! ſtreete. trucly.come bys
intheireares. - “VIE My Daves are pak, mine enterpziles 18 Chey hall due him out ofthe ight | Thoughall the
i To wit,when ate broken, and the thoughts of mine beart vnto Darkenetle, and chale him ontoftye world woulat-
they (ee the 12 Haue changed the -ntabt foz the Day, world. uourhim, yet *
‘godly puniſhed: andthe tight toac approched fordarkeneſſe. 19 ee Wall neither Sane forme nozne- God would de-
butin the ende - 13 Though Jhope, 2 yer the graue wall phew among his people, noz any poltertty in froy him and bis,
they all come bee mine houie, and J fyatl make my brain bis dwellings. m Hefhall fall ~
to vnderftan- | the Darke. 20 The poſteritie ſhallbeaſtonied at his from profperitie
-dingjand know 14 F fhatl fay to coꝛruption, Thon art mp = pap and feare ſhall come vpon the ancient. to adcuerfitie,
what fhalbe the © father,and te the wone, Chou art ny mo- 21 Hurelphuch are the habitations of tke n Whenthey
reward ofthe : ther and my litter. wicked, and this is the place of him thãt Mall feewhat
hypocrite, I5 TUbere is then now my hope? 02 who knoweth not God. - came ynto him,
k That is,will Hall contider the thing that J hoped fo? CHAP. XIX,
not be diſcoura -< 16 Pp They hall goe downe into the bot 2) Fobreproueth his friends, 15 andreciteth $
ged,confidering tome of the pit: furelpit Hall ite togerherin hismifcries and gricuow panes. 25 Heafureth g
that the godly) then, e Lge ess himfelfe ofthe general refurreGtion. ——
are punithed as B Ut Job anſwered, and faid, j
well as the wicked. 1 Tob fpeaketh tothem three, that cameto .2 How long will yee veremy foule, a That isman
‘comforthim, m That is,hath brought me forrow in fiead of com- and torment me with wozds? times,as Nehe,
fort. n: Though I fhould hope to come fromaduerfitie to prope- 3 Dee have now atfen times reprochedD 4.12.
@itie;as your difceurfeipretendeth. o: T houe no morë hope in-fa- miee, aud are not ahamed : pe ateimpudent b Thatis,.Imy =
ther, mother, fifter9of any worldly thing: for the duft abd watmes toward me. felfe ſhalbe pu⸗
Brall beeromce in ftead of them. <p’ ‘Ali worldly hope, and ptoſpe· 4 And though J had in Deed ereto ming nifed foritor |
_fitiè faile, whicti you fay, ate onely figres of Gods fauours turfee- > errour remaineth with me. ; you haue not yet.
ing that thefe things perilh, I (et mine hope in God, and inthe § Butindeedeifyou will adnance pour’ confuced it.
hfecuerlafting, » ſelues again are, and rebuke me fo2 my re: c He brafterh
CHAP. XVIII. | proch, out againe into
in 'Bildad rehearfeth the paines ofthe vefathe 6 iKnewe now, that God hath couer- his paflions,and -
sbin falawdwioked) 1i throwen mees and hath compatlea mee with déclareth fill,
a Which contie:s —P.eters at Bilvad the Shuhite ånd bis net. J that his afflicion
your felues infty? 7 Behold, F cricout ofviolence, buty commeth of
as Chap, 12.4: 2 ben will yee make an ende of your baue none anſwere; Icrie, but thereis noGod,though he
b Whomyow pore ? > cauledstovnderftand, and then iudgement. X , be not able to
take to be but we will (peake. 8 idee hath hedged bp my way thatJ feele che caule Chaps; - 3: CAberefoze are wee counted as beaſts, cannot dpaſſe, and hee path ſet darkneſſein in bimfelfe.
B273 s.tabitids g are vilein yout Gabi? inp paths. d Meaning,out
cThat WH VThowi
like wi artt asóne that teareth pistule . o Pechat ſpoyled mee of mine honour, of hisaffiGions;
Madman ise) oci fn hisianger.’Shall the èearth bee forxfaken and taken the e crowne away from mine e Meahing,his
d ShalbGod t1c< Fez thy fakePozthe rocke remoued sutofhis HCasi 2 ih l children, and
ca ‘theori place? i ; 10 Heehath deſtroyed mee on cuery lide, wharfoeuer was
der oſnature § Dea, theliaht ofthe wicked ſhall bee and J an gone ? and He path remoned ming deare vnto him
forthy fake,by equenched,and the ſparke of bis fire tal not pope like af tree. 7 . in this world,
mer retain &Hine. seth ae Il Aud he hath kindled
bis weath againſt fwhich is plucke —
© iferken ` me, and connteth me as one ofits enemies. vp,andbath no
6 The light Hall bee darke nits Vinee
dortrwith 0 Jing.and bts candleMalbvc put out with him. 12 His sarmies came together aud made morehopeto *
103 mye 7? The Reps of hts ſtrength hall bee re- theiriway bpon mee; and camped about wip grows’) 72 Oo!
e Whenthe wic- ley bis owne counlſel hall caſt Him tabernacle. g His manifold
Ked is in hisprof owne,” a 13 Hee hath remooucd my brethren farre affiGions.
it e, then God*- -S$ Fo:
heisE taken in the net by his keete, From mee, and alfomine acquaintance were h Minehoufe- ·
fwatkety vponth: mares,
shangetbshis =! sandhe firangers dute me. hold feruants:by
jaret and thisis | Thegrenne waltake him bytt tiede, _ 14 Wy neighbours haue foxaken meand allthefelomtes ~
Dre inary tvor- ano the tiete talPcome Spo Bin: aD myfemuintsheneforgortenine. |. Tob freweth,that |
ind fortheirfins’ ro Anart istai for binttn theground, 415 epey that dwell in mine houle, an’ rouchinechefleh —
E⸗ning, that and atrap
foshimtnpewa. o Cas ny maſdes toobe mice foz a ſtranger: foꝛ hee tradattat ote
lewitkedare in is It pi DUMal make him afrafde tas a ſtrangertnthei tight. © caffon'to bee“?
Continual danger, on euery lineand Matt Deinehim to his ferr, 16 Fcallen my ſeruant bnt hewould not mosued, `
Gc 3 annuere
Hope oftherefurrection. The Iob. plagues ofthe wicked. —
Which were anfwere, though J prayed him with my avillonofthentaht, i
hersandmine. mouth. i 9 Bothat the epe which had feene bins
k Befidesthefe 17 Mr breath was trange vnto mp wife, fhall doe fo na moze, and dts place fhatl feg
great loffes and though J prayed her foz the childzens fake of him no moze.
moſt cruell vn⸗· mine owne i body. : 10 iis children Halle flatter the pooze, c Whereas the
Kindneffeyhe was 18 @Wbhe wicked alfo deſpiſed me,& when and his hands ſhall d reitoze his ſubſtance. fatherthreugh
touchedinhis J roſe,theyſpake againit me, Ir Pis bones are fnll of the finne of bis. ambition and ty-
owneperfonas 19 All my fecret friends abboired mee, on $and ett hall lie Downe with him in ranni¢ oppreffed
followeth. and they whom 3 loued, are turned againit he duſt. the poore,the
1 Allmy feh mee. ) 12 Ahen wickednefle f was ſweet in bis children through
wasconfumed, 20 Ip x bone cleancth tomy ſkinne, and mouth, and he hid it vnder his tongue, pouertie and mi:
fa SecingIhaue fo my tich, and I hauc cicaped with the _ 13 And fauoured it, andwould not forſake ferie hall feeke
thefeiuftcaufes '{kinne of my teeth. 2 itbut kept it clofe in his mouth, fauour at the
to complaing, 21Haut pitie vpon me: haue m pitie vpon 14 Then hts meate in bis bowels was poore,
condemne me me, (D pee my friends) foz che hand of God turned? the gall of Alpes was in the mids ot d So thatthe
notasanbypo- ath touched me. imn. 1c thieg,which he”
crite,ePecially * 22 Ahy doe yee perlecute meeas® God? I5 Uechath deuoured fubftance, and hee hath taken away
yecwhich fhould and are not (atiffied with my o flefh? hall vomite te; for God Malinaw tt out af by violence,thall
_-€omfort me, 23 Dy that mp words were now iwit- his telly. be reftored a-
n Is it not e- ten! Dh chat thep were written euen ina 16 Her Hall ſucke the s gall ofAſpes, and gaine by force.
noughthatGod booke! i i the vipers pode Hall lay him, e Meaning, that
doth punith me, 24. And graued with ran pron pen tn lead, 17 Hee ſhall not fee the’ viners, nor the hethall carte no- if)
except you by re- 92 fit tone fo: euer! floods and itreames of honte and butter. thing away with |
prochesincreafé 25 Foꝛ J am {ure that mp a Redeemer 18 Pee MHallreftoze the labour, and Hall bim,buthisfinne M
my forrow4 fineth,and be thal tand the lait on the carth. Deugure no moze ; euen accordingto the tub- f As poyſon thae M
o Tofeemybo- 26 And though after my fkinne wormes Hance halbe hts exchange, i and he wall em isfweete inthe
die punifhed, ex — this body, pet ſhallJ fee Gode in mp fey it no moze. mouth, bringeth
cept yee trouble fleſh. Ig Foꝛ he hath vndone many: he hath foz- deRrucion,when
my minde? 27 Ahom N mylelfe ſhall lee, and mine faken the poore, and bath ſpoyled houles ic commeth into
p Heproteftech. epes Wall behold, and none other formee, wbich be builded not. , the body: fo all
that nerwithftan- though my reines are conſumed within me. 20 Surely hee Hail feele no quietneſſein vice ar the firftis’ f
ding his forepaf- 28 But yee faid, Abys hee perlecuced? his body, neither al be celerue ot that which pleafant, but
fions, his religion And there was ſa deepe matter innie. be deliren. j afterward God
isperfir, andthat 29 Be pe afratd of the ſword: foz the ſworo 21 Chere Hall none of his * meat beleft: turneth ic to de-
heisnotablaf- will ice t auenged of wickednefle, that pee therefore none ſhall hope foz jis goods. ſtruction.
— they mapknotw that there ts a iudgement. 22 Ahen be hall be fied with his abun: g Hecompareth
ged him. Dance, he Hall bee in patne, and the hand 'o€ ill gotten goods’
q doe not fo iuftifie my felfe before the world, but I know that l all the wicked hall affatle him. to the venime of
fhall come before the great ludge, who fhalbe my deliuerer and Sa- 23 Hee ſhall bee about to fill his belly, but Afpes,whichfer- f
.uiour, r Herein fob declareth plainely that he hada full hope,that God fall fend vpon bim bis fierce wrath, pent is moft dane f
bork the foule and body fhould enioy the prefence of God in the lak = and Hall caule to raine Spon him, cuen Yp» gerous: noting
reſurrection. f Though his friends thought that he was but perle- on bis meate. that obs great
cuted of God for his finnes, yet hee declareth that there wasa deeper 24 Wee thall flee from the pon weapons, riches were not
confideration: to wit, the triall of bis faith and patience, and fo to bee and the bow of ſteele thal ſtrike him through, truely come by,
an example forothers. t God will be reuenged of this haftie iudg- 25 The arrow ts dzawen out, and commeth andtherefore
ment, whereby yee conde mne me. forth of the = body, and ſhineth of bis gall,fo Goddidplague
feare commeth vpon bint. himiuftly for
CHAP. XX. 26 ° ll darknefle halbe bid in his fecret the fame.
t Zophar fheweth that the wicked and the co- places: the fire that is not Pblowen, fall De» h ThoughGod
serous fhall haue afhort ende, 22 Though fora uoure him, and that which remainethinbis giue to all other
time they flvurifh. ( taberiacte,fhallbeDettroyed, _ abundance of ©» f
a Hedeclareth Tem anſwered Zophar the Maamathite, 27 Che heaucn hall declare bis wicked. his bleſſings,yet
that tno things and (aid, nefle,and the earth thal rife vp againit hint. he thallhaue no
moued himto 2 Doubrlefle my thoughts caule mee to 23 The sincreate of hts houle Hall got parc ithereof:
to ſpeakerto wit, anfwere,and therefore3]make hatte. away: it Hall flowe away in the Bay of his i Thavis,thefe
becauſe Iob fee- 3 Thaneliheard theaJe: cozrectcionofmyres
l w gath. ; raueners and
methtotouch peoch: therfoze the pirit of mine vnderſtan⸗ 29 This is the portion ofthe wicked man {poylersofthe f
-him,and becaufe Ding cauſeth me to anſwere. from * God, and the heritage tbat he fhal haue poore fhalleniog f
he thought he 4 iKnowelt not thou this of olde? and of God foz his! words. their theft but
had knowledge fince God placed man vpon the earth, foratime: =i
fufficient to con= hat the retoyctng of the wicked is for after, God will take it from them, and caufe them to make reftie i
fute him, tution, fo that it is but an exchange, k Hee fhaljleauenothing to
ſhort, ane that the toy of hypocrites isbuta
b His purpofe is moment? hispofteritie. 1 ThewicKed thallneuerbe in reft: for one wicked
toproue [ob to 6 Though > hisercellencie mounttyp to man {hallfeeke todeftroy another. m Some reade,vpon his flethy f
bea wicked man, ereshad > and ifs head reach vnto the alluding to Iob, whofe fleth was fmitten with a ſcab. n Some f
&an hypocrite, clouds, ; TEN reade; ofthe quiuer, o All feare and forrow fhall light vpon himy
becaufe God pu- 7 Yet ſhall bee perifh foz euer, like his whenheethinkethto efcape, p Thatis, fire fromheauen, orthe
nifhed him, Dung, and they which baue eene him hall fire of Godswrath. q Meaning, the children ofthe wicked fhalt |
and changed his fay, cAhere is he? flow away like riuets, and bee difperfed in diuers places. r- Thus)
profperitic into 8 ie thal flee away asa dreame, and they God will plague the wicked, f Again{tGod, thinking te excu f
aduerfitie. Hall not inde him, and ſhall pally himfelfeyand io eſcape Godshand,
J ae
| The profperitie
ofthe wicked. Chap.xx}.xxij. EliphazreproouethIob. 204
CHAP. XXI 24 bis beats are fullof milke, and his
g Febdeclareth how the profperitie ofthe wic- bones runne fullofmarrow,
kedmakeththemproud, 15 Infomuch that they 25 AnD another» dieth tnthe bitterneſſe n To wit, the
blaspheme God. 16 Their deftrudtson is at hand. of bis foule, and neuer eateth with pleafure. godly.
33 None ought to be indged wicked for affisthi- 26 Thep thal ficepe both inthe oput, o As concerning
on,neithergood for property. anh the wozmes thall couer them, their bodies:and
Base antwered, and fayd, 27 Behold, J know your thoughts, and this he (peaketh
2 Meare diligently mp wozdes, and the enterp2iits,wherewith pe Dome Wrong. according ta the -
| a Yourdiligent this a halbe in tead of pour confolations. 28 Foꝛ pee fap, Ctijcre is the Princes common iudge-
markingofmy 3 Huffer meethat J map tpsake, and P houle? and where ts tye Cabernacle of the ment,
words, fhalbeto when J haue poken, mocke on, wickeds Dwelling? P Thusthey cal-
mea great con- 4 Doe IaoireA my talke toman? Jf it 29 Map yee nat aaſke them that goe by led lobs houfein
| folation. sat fo, how ſhould not my ſpirit be trou⸗ the wap? and pe cannot deny theit lignes. derifion, conclus
b As thoughhe ca; 30 But the wicked ts kept vnto the Day ding chat ic was
would fay, Idoe s Marke me, and be abaſhed, andlay of Deltruction, and they hall beg brought detireied becaufe
| mot talke with your band vpon yours mouth. loorth to the Day of wath. _ _ hewaswicked,
man, but with 6 Ewen when J remember,Jam afraid, 31 Cibo thal Declare his way f to his face? qWwhich through
God, who will and feare taketh hold on my fietje and who hail ceward him foz that bee bath long travelling
‘Mot anfwere me, 7 herekoꝛe Boe the wicked “line, and Bore? haue experience
and therefore my ware olde,and grow in wealth? 32 Det ſhallhebee broughttethe graue, and tokens here-
mind muft needs 8 Thet (eed ts eſtabliſhed tn their fight and tematic iu tye beape, of, to wit, that —
be troubled. with them,and their generation before their 33 Whe ' Hlimte valley Hall be fweet vnto the wicked doe
c He chargeth eyes. is bim,anid euery man Wall draw after him, ag prolpenandthe
them as though 9 Their honles are peaceable without before hun there were innumerable, godly liuç inaf-
they were not feare,and the rod of God is not vpon them, 34 ow then comfozt “pce mie in paine, fii&ion,
able to compre- 10 Their bullocke gendreth and farleth fecing in pour anſweres there remaine but r Though the
end this his fee- — sthettcow calucch, and caſteth not ber lies ? wicked fiouri(h
ling of Gods calfe. roA here,yet God wil
iudgement,and IL Shey lend foozth their childzenelike punifh him in the laft days f Though men doe flatter him, and none
exhorteth them fheepe,and their ſonnes Dance. darereproouc him in this world, yet death isa token, that God will
therefore to fi~ 12 They take the tabzet and harpe, and bring bim to an account, t Hefhalbe glad to lie ina flimie pit.whick
lence, reioyceinthe (ound ofthe Digans. before could not be content with a royall palace, u Say ing, thatthe
d@ Iob proueth 13 They (pend their Daies ta wealth,and iuft in this world haue profperitie,and the wicked aducrfitie,
-againft his aduer. {uddenly f they goe Downe to the graue, CHAP. XXIL
faries that God 14 They fay alfo vnto God, Depart from 2 Ekpharaffirmeth that Iob is punifhed for his
anes not pe+ foz we Dellve not the s knowledge of thy finnes, 6 Hee accufeth himof vnmercifulne fe,
ightwayes the ayes. ; 13 And that he denied Gods prowidence. 21 He
wicked, but oft Is Cibsis the Almighty, thatwe ould exhoyteth him to repentance.
times giuech ſerue him 2 and what poft fhould we haue, Ven Citphaz the Cemanite anlwered,
sem long life & ifiwe ſhould pray virto him? ‘ and fapd,
proſperitie, fo 16 Lo their wealth ts not in theirt hand; 2 {Bava man bee? profitable vnto God, a Though man
inewe muft not therefore let the countetlof the wicked ibee as bethat ts wiſe, maybe protitable to bum: were iuit, yer
Judge God iuft farre from me, 3 ſelfe? God could haug
or vniuit by che 17 How okt hallthe candle of the wicked 3 738 it any thing to the Almighty, no profit of this
things thatap- bee put out? andthelr Deitriuction come that thou art rightcous? 02 isit pefitabie his iuſſice: and
peateto our eye. nna— 2 de will diulde their liues in his to him, that thou makth thy wayes pp- therefore when
e They haue ath. right? hee punifheth
ftore of children, 18. Chey hall bee as ſtubble before the 4 Js it fo fearet of thee thathetwill ace him,he hath ne
lofty, and health- — as chafe that the ſtorme carieth culethee? or goe with thee into iudgement? regardto hisius
full: and is thefe away. 5 Is not chy wickednes great,and thing Rice,bucto his
pointsheanfwee ` 19. God willlay vp the ſorꝛow of the farker iniquities innumerable? finne,
teth to that foz bis chilozens when be rewardeth hun,be 6 Foꝛ thou haſt taken the ¢ pledge from Chap.35.7-
which Zophar thy brother io: nought, t{poyled the clothes b Lek thou
alledged before. 20 * iis eyes Hall fee bis deliruction, ofthe naked. fhouldeft re
£ Not beingtor- on hee Halldzinke of the wrath efthe Si 7 CToluch as were weary, thou balk not proue or hurt
mented with mighty. giuen water to dꝛinke,
and hatt withdzawen bim?
Jong fickeneffe, ' 21 Fo: what plealure hath bein his houle bacan from the hungry. c Thou haft been
‘g; They delire after him, when the number of His monechs 8 Gut the mightyman had the earth, cruell and with-
mothing more ts cut off? and be that was trauthozity dweit in it, our charitieand
then to be ex- 22 Shall any teach | Gov kinowlenge, Theu hail cat out widowes empty, = wouldeft do no-
empt fromall who iudgeth the higheſt things? ; the armes ofthe «fatherlefic werebzoken, thing for the
fabic@ion that 23. Due m dieth in his full trength, being IO Theretoꝛe {nares are round about poore,tut for
they thould in all eaſe and prꝛoſperitie. thee,and feace Hall ſuodenly trouble thee: . thineownead-
beare to God: Il dD2darkvesthat thou ſhouloeſt not (ce, uantage.
‘this Lob thewethbis aduerfaries , that if chev reafon onely by rhat aud ‘abundance of waters Hall couer thee, d Men thou
which is feene by common experience, the wicked that bate God are 12 Js i19 Got on hte inthe heaucnZandD walt in power&
betrer dele withal, thenthey that louehim. h Itis nec their owns, auchoritie thou
but God only lendeth it vnto them i God keepe me from their pro. didft notiuftice but wrorg. e Thouha? nor ozly not thewed pity,
Speritie k When God.recompenteth his wickednes yhe thall Know butopprefiedchem. f£ Chatis,manifoldaffiGions, g Hexccuferh
that his prafperitie was but vanitic.. 1 Who fendethro the wicked lob ot impiety and contempt of God, sthough he would fay, lob, If
profperitie,and punitheth the godly, m Meaning the wicked. thou pafic not for men, vet confider the height of Godsmaiciti¢, _.
Ce 4 bejola
Tob exhorted to repentance. Tob. His confidence, The oppreffion || |
h That femuch beholde the heightof the 4 tarres how bie grong, DMN j s sa
the more by that thep arc. —— T SON E AANS na Monta Gov yet J knew howo finde
excellant worke I3: Büt thou faye, Hewe ſhould Goo pin Iwoud enter vnto hts place.) ==
thou mayeft iknowe? can dee iuBee through che Darke a J would pleade the cante before hum,
feare God,and cloud } ciel he i and Alimp mouth with arqumentse ~ |
reverence hian 14 The clouds hide him that he cannot § 3 would know the words, that hee b Vfinghisab- f
i He reprooucth fee,and he walketh in the circle ofheanen. would aniwere mee, and would vñderſtand folute power, and
Tob as though he I5 Halt thou marked the wayot p wozld, what he would fay unto me. i faying, Becaufe H
denied Gods k ypheveta wicked men jane walked2 6 (Uont he? plead again me with his am Gods Imag |
prouidence,and 16 (Ubtch were ‘cut Downe before the great poweri Ro but he would'¢ put firength doe what with? f
shat he could not time, whole foundation was as a riuer that in me. c Of hismercie’ I
fee the things ouerflowed: 7. “There the righteous might realon he would giue
that were dene 17 Ahich fayd vnto God, Depart fro with hint, fo J thould be deliuered for eurr me powerto ana
in this world. Ae ol asked what che almighty could doe from mp indge. {were him,
k HowGod oz ther. i 8 * Behold, it Poo tothe Tat, he isnot d When he of
hath punifhed 18 Pethe ™ filled their hones with goon there : ifto rhe Cott, yet Jcannot perceiue his mercie hath“ į
them from the things: but let the counkli of the wicked be tary. ; ; iven'ftrength © |
beginning. farre from me. ihe 9 Iftethe moth where he worketh pet tomaintaine + f
L Heprooucth 19 Che righteous Mall fee them,and Hat Icannot ice him: he wil hide himlelfe inthe their caufe, |
Gods prouidence refayce, "and the innocent hall laugh tjem Douth, and J cannot behold hini: e Meaning,thae
by the punih- to icone, j Io uthe knoweth my way, and trieth if he confider
ment of the wic- 20 Surely o our ſnoſtanctishid:but the meand J Hall come foorth ithe the goin. i Gods iuft:ce, hee
ked,whom hee fice hath deusured the remnantofe them, II {yp Foste hath followed bis teps bis is natable to
taketh away 21 Wherefore acquaint chy lelie, I pray wap paue J kept, and haue not declined. _ comprehend his” |
before they can thee, with bin, ang make peace: thereby -I2 either Hane J departed froin the iudgements,on *
bring their wic- thou balt haue proſperitie. : commandement of his lips& J haue s eter- what fidé or part
ked purpofesto ’ 22 Recetue J pray thee, the Lawe of his ined the words oF his mouth moze then mine fo euer he ture $
> pafie. < mouth, and lay vp brs words tn thine heart. appointed foove. neth himfelfe. |
m He anfwereth 23 Ikthou returne to che Almighty, thou 3 Det beris iti one minde ,and who can f God hath this‘
to that which Malt ber built vp,and thou thalt put iniquity h turne him? pea,heedoeth what his minde preeminence a-
Tob had fayd, farre from thy Tabernacle. deſtreth * 4 9 A a boueme, that’ `
Chap. 21.7, that 24 Thou walt lay vp gold for! dui, and 14, For he wil perkorme that which is de- he knoweth my"
the wicked haue thegoloof Ophir, as che flints of the rt: creed of me, and ‘many fuch things are with way ito witsthat ||
proſperitie in this uers. — dim. S Tam innocent, `
world : defiring 25 Wea the Almighty hal be thy defence, 15 Therefore J am troubled at his pze- and I am not a-
that hee might and thou palt haue plenty of fituer. a and in conlidertng it, JJ am afraid of ble to iudge of
not be partaker 26 And thou hate chen delight tn the Al int. - his workes: hee
of the like. mighty and likt vp thy face vnto God. 16 For God hath foftencd mine heart, (heweth alfo his’
n Theiuft re- 27 Thou halt make thy prayer vnto him, and the Almighty hath troubled me. confidence,that i
ioyceat the de» and he Hal heave thee,and thou Halt render 17 Jfoz Jam not cut oft ialdarkenelle,
but God doth viſite
firuGionof the thy vowes. IA be Hath hid the darkeneſſe from my face. him for his profit.
wick2d for two 28 Thou halt allo Decree a thing, andhe g His word is
caules : firft be- Mal eſtabliſh tt vnto thee, and the tight hal more precious vnto me,then the meate wherewith the body is fultai~
caufe God fhew- fine vpon thy wayes. \ ned. h lobconfeffechthatatthisprefenthe felt not Gods fauour,
eth himfclfe 29 "Ahen others are caſt downe, ther and yet was aſſured that he had appointedhim to a goodend. i Inf
iudge of the Wält thou fap, am lifted vp: and God Hall many points man isnot able to attaine to Godsiudgements, ‘kK Thae
world,and by faue the humble peron, I fhould not be withourfeare, 1 He fheweth the caufe of his feare,
this meanes con- 30 The innocent fal deliner the! Fland, which is, that he being in trouble, feeth none end, neither yet know
tinueth his ho- andit Malt bee prefered by the pureneſſe of eththecaule,
nourand glory: thine hands, CHAP. XXIIII.
fecondly hecauſe 2 Job defcribeth the wickednefe ofmen , and
God (heweth that hee bath care ouer his, in thaz he punifheththeire- fhe weth what curfe belougethtothe wicked, 12 ;
nemies, © That is,the (tate and preferuation of the godly ishid vn- How all things are gouerned by Gods prouidence,
der Gods wings. p Meaning,of the wicked. q Heexhorteth lob 19 And the deftruction ofthe wicked. S h 2 è
to repentance,and to returne to God, r God wilreftore vito thee all He ould not the tinics bee * hid from a Thus Tob{pea-
thy fubfance. [ Which (halbe in abundance like dufte t Thatis, the Almighty, Ceeing that they which kethin hispaflis
the fauourof God. u God wiil deliuerhis, whenthe wicked are know him, ſee noe bis Dayes? ons and after the
deftroyed round about them,as in the ood,andin Sodome. x God 2 Some remone the land marks,that rob indzement of the
will deliver awhole countrey from perill, euen for the juft mans fake, the flockes,and feene thereof. flefh,that is, that
2 They leat away rhe Ale ofthe father- kefeeth not the
CHAP: XXII lefic,and take the widowes ove to pledae. things thatare `
2 Tob affirmeth that he both knuweth and fea- 4 Chey make the pane to turheoutof donear times,
reth the power & fentence of the Iudge. 10 And the way, fo that the pooseof the carth pide neitheryer hath’
that he is not punifhed onely for his finnes, themelues © together. 3 . a peculiar care”
pus anftwweredandfayd, j § Behold, others as wilde Ales in the overall becauſe
2 Thangh my taike bee this day in wilderneſſe, goe foorth to their buſineſſe, hepunitheth noe
a Hetheweth abitternelſe, and my plague greater then my and drift early fora prays the wilderneſſe the wicked,nor
the iultcaufe of > reucageth theo
‘his complaining, and as touching that Eliphaz had exhorted him to godly. b When hepunitheth the wicked, and'rewardeththe good.
returne to God,Chap.22.21. hee declareth that he defireth nothin c- And for cruelty and oppreflion dare not thew their faces, d That!
moro but it ſecmed that God would not be found of bim. 3 is,fpare no diligence, s ? w aadar
e giugth
3 a

ofthe wicked:
j * TAN | }
Chap,xxv.xxvj. deſtruction. Gods power. 205
e He andhisliue e giveth him and bis children foste. 25 But ik it benet zio, where is hee? or z .Thatis that
robbing and 6 Shey reape his proutlion in the itin, who wil prooue me a "ial;en ae me W003 Contrary to your
murthering but chey gather the tate syintage of the wic ofns value?= realoning no
"Meaning, the Rede b man can gine a

pore mans. 7 Thep caule the raked’to lodge with: perfect reafon heGods i— ler wee bee reptooued.
Signifying, — ott arment ,and without cornering inthe CHAP. XV.
tone wicked. tolde. Bildad proueth that no mazs cleane mor with-
r 8 They are wet with the howz2cs of the out finne before God, ~
poiteahorher, mMoytitatnes, and they imbzace the rocke ARYen a anlwered Bildad the Shubite,and
but for neceffity, fox want ofa covering:
h The pooreare Q They plucke the fatherle fie i from the Za r Bower ana feat isi mith Jint that a, His purpofeis,
@riuen by the, breaſt, and take the pledge * of tye pooze. maketh peaccin bis hie places. ` to prooue that,
kicked into Io They cauſe ‘bum te coe naked without 3 Is there any number in his armies 7 albeit God try &.
rocks and holes, clothing ,and take the gleaning from the and dpon whom è hall net Yis light artle? affli& the iuft, |
wherethey can: Hungary. 4 And hew may aman bes iufielicd with yerfooneafter —
iedricfor ` M Thep that make ople | bettweene their God? 02 how can bebe cleane, that te bozne he fendeth pro
the raine.- > ~ walles ant tread thiir wine prefles, Mfr of woman ? {perity—* be-
i Thatis, theyffo thirtt. § Behold, bee wtl giue no light tothe caufe hedidnot
Powle andpill > ~-12 Sden™ crie out of the city € the omes Seea and thethartes are vncleane inhis fo to lob,he cons
he poate wi- okthe {lative » trie out: pet God doeth e not s cludeth thathe
dow,that fhee - charge them with foity. 6 Howimuch moꝛe man, a wore, even is wicked,
ca biot have to, 13 Thelſe are they thatabboore the Plight: the onne of mam whichiis but awoꝛme? b Wha canhide
. Bifsine her y ' they kuow not the wayes thereof, noꝛ conti» him fro bis pre⸗
feite,"tHar hee* nuein the paths thereof. fence? c Thatis,beiuft inrefpe@ of God? d. If God thew his
baybeableto -14 She murderer celery eariy, & killeth power, the: moone and {tarres cannot. hauethat light ,which is given
gi cherchilde > the doore and the needy; and in the night be them, much leffe can man haue any excellenciebut arGod,
l fuc e. ESEN y ESI
ts as a thtetes C HeaPak IV 63 8
Thatis his15 Che eye alia ofthe a adulterer waiteth Ich ſpeweth that max cannot pom Ged, and
átment, where- fo? rbe Hittsht, anu fapth, Mone eye hat{ee proueth it by bis miracles,
With he houla me and diſginſeth bis face. pe Jou anfwerrd,andfayd, ~
jecouered or, 16 Ciey dig thꝛough houſes in the Darke, a Ahom helpeſt thou? him that a Thon conclu-
Jad. ;
which they marked for themftlues tn the Day; hath no power? fanet thou tie. arme that deft nothing:for
n fuch places, they Brow: not tke light. hath no ſtreugth ⸗ neicher.thou hele
ich are aps, ‘37 But the moming is euen to them as > Bhom connielletithour him that hath peftn.e, which
Minted for that the Hadoweof death: if ene know then, no wiledome ? thow > chewelt tight wellas am deftitute ofall
urpofe:meaning, tbey arer in the terrours of the hadowe of the tiing is. helpe, neither yee -
| th:ist thole that death 4: To whome Dorf thoy declare chefe (peakelt fuffici-
hour for th AS ie ts fwift vpon the * waters: their words wiol⸗ ſpiritecommeth ont ofthee?ently on Gods
eked are pined fportion fyallbe curſed in the earth:he will § The 4 dead things are torined vnder behalfe, who
unger. t npt bebold the way of rye vineyards. the waters,and meere vuto chem. hath noneede
eee thegeeae 1g Asthe Die ground and heate conſume 6 The graue is «naked befor him,’AnD of thy defence,
Dppreffion and. the fnow waters, fo thal the grate the ‘fins thereis nocoucring fox fDettruction:. b But thou doef
extortion. * ners, - 7 ‘Wettretcherh out thes Morty ouer the not apply itto
a Cry out & call 20 & The pitiful man fhall forget him: emptie place, ant hangeth a earth vpon thepurpofe,
| forvengeance. the worme thal feele his fweetenefte :He Walinothing. -' i1 © That is,ymoo-=
God dorh not be no moze remembzen,and the wicked Wail 8° Hebindeth the watersinbis dounes, ueth thee to
mne-the be broken like atree and the cloud isnot bꝛoken undercem. fpeakethis? 3
dabut fees 21He Doth enil intreate thebarrensthat 9 ADE holdeth backe the faccofbistiaone; d Job beginneth
ents paffe o- Darth not beare neither doeth he 500D to the h and ſpreadeth his cloud vpon it. »,. to.declare "force
ÈritAM hislong Widow. 16 He hath {et bounds about the waters, of Gods pos er&
22 Vee Draweth allo the’ mighty byhis vntillthei Day and night come to an end.) pronidence inthe
Phatis, Gods — when be rileth vp, none is ture of Il The k pillars oFheauen tremble and mines& mettals
he Bagbccatle fe. quake at his reproofe. in ithe decpe pias-
y.are reptoo- 23 Though men gine him aſſurancetobe 12 Wheleais calme by dis power; and ces ofthe earth, .
ued— soni Pet Hts epes are pon their mayes, , by —— hee fmiterh the paide ¢.Thercisno- -
q By thele parti- 4 Shep are exalted for alittle, out thep theres thing hidin they
Gular vices,and ae 8* and are bzꝛought low as all others : 13 ipis Spirit hath: garnia the hea⸗ Lotomeofrthes
Clicencethere- they are Deftroped, and cut oftas thetopof uen⸗ and his hand hath tomes the croored earth, but hee
nto,he would an eare of corne. ‘fevpent. i brs feeth it,
Plooucthar God 14 Loe} chele are part ofhis waves! ‘but f Meaning,the:
nifheth not the wicked, and rewardeth the iuſt. r Hee fleethto m bow littlea portion beare recob int?and graue wherein
fetch fucceur, f Theythinke that al the world ĩs bent ; things putrifies-
painft them, and dare not goe the hie way, It Asthe dry ground g Hee'caukththelvhote heaven to tuthe abour the North poles-
X ever full with waters, fo wilit never cealeſẽnmng, uf they RUTHR Be hidech the heauens which ae called his:chrone· s1 So -
eto thegraue. u Though d fuffer the wicked fora times long as this world endureth, k Not that heauen batt: pillsrs to
4 end: thal bee moft vile defination, and in this point Teb vphold irjuthee fpesketh by afimilirude, as though hec would fay,
eth to-himfelfe, and fhewethhis confitence, x Hethewerh The heauen itfelfe isnot ableito abide bis. seprech. 1 Whichis a:
hy theswicked (hall not bee lamented ,becaule hee did not pity o- figure offtartes fathionedlike a ferpent, becaufe of the crookedness:
jth y Hee declareth thatafter thatthe wicked haue deRroyed m ‘Tfthefe few things which weg fee dayly with
ourcyes ,declare,
Ith d srbey will do like to the lironget,
ardtherefore ate init" his grectpawerané prouideriae, howvmueh more would ay apr
lypreuentedbyGods judgements. x peare, if we were able to iaaii ae T a sj roa.
— — S
~~ a ee

The reward ofthe wicked. © ~ Iob. Wifedotne,

who can vnderlſtand his fearefull power ? CHAP, XXVIII.
Fob fheweth thatthe wifedsme of God is vn-
CHAP, XXVIL Searchable. t
T We fluer ſurely hath his beine, and the a His purpofeis |
3 The conftancie and perfectneſſe of lob, 33 gold hig place,where they take tt. todeclarethat |
The reward ofthe witked and of the tyrants, 2 Jrontstaken out of the duſt, and baile man may attainé
is moiten out of the tong. inthis world to
Maoir Job proceeded and continued 3 God putteth an end to darkneffe, > and diuers{ecrets of
bis parable, faping, — be trieth the perfection of all things he fet- nature, but matt
2 The luing Sod hath taken away my — a — of darkeneſſe, and ofthe ſhadow is neuer able to
a Hehath fo fore ꝛ iudgement: foz the almighty bath put mp of Death.
affli@ed me, chat ſoule in bitterneffe. 4 The flood breaketh out againtt the
men cannot 3 Vetlolong as my bꝛeath isin nie, and c inhabitant, and the wacers4 forgotten of the b There isno-
_ iudge of mine the Spirit of Godin my noftrels, foot, being higher then man,are gone away. thing butitis |
vprightnefle: for 4 Wy lippes furety Yall peake no twice § Dut ofthe fame earth commeth:bzead, compaffed with.)
they iudge onely kedneſſe, “and my tongue hall vtter ne Deo and onder it,asit were fire is turned vp. in certaine limits)
by outward. Cee, i J 6 The ſtones thereof are a place £ of fa» and hathanend,
ignes. § Øo koꝛbid,that Jſhoulde inftifie you: phirs,and the duſt of itis gold. but Gods wife
b Howfoence DNJ die, J will neuer take away nune 7 There tsa path which no foule hath dome,
meniudgeofme, 4 intacencie from my felfe, knowen , neither bath mekites eye ſeene it. c Meaning, him
yet will I not 6 Jwillkeepe my righteoulhes, and wil 8 Che lyons whelps haug net walked it, that dwellcth
fpeake contrary notfoꝛſake it? mine heart Hall notrepiooue no: the lyon pafled thereby. thereby,
tothatwhichI meof my e Dayes. 9 ie puttech his hand vpon the stocks, d Which a maa
haue fayd,andfo 7 $Dineencmie hall beeas the wicked, € oucrthz0weth the mountains by the roots. cannot made
doewickedlyin and hee that rifeth again mec, as the vn⸗ To He byeaketh rivers in the rockes, and through.
‘betraying the righteous. bis eye ſeeth cucry precious thing. e ‘hatis, corne
trueth, 8 Foꝛ what hope hath the hypocrite IL He bindeth tye foods that they donot and vnderneath
-c Which con- when be Hath heaped vp riches, tf Goo take —— the thing that ts hid, bringeth is brimftone or
demnemeasa away bis foule? i etalight. t cole, which cafily
wicked man,be- 9 CdltllGodbheare his cry, when trouble 12 Wut whereis wiledome found?4 and conceiueth fre,
caufethehandof commeth Vponu bin? —: x where is the place of vnderſtanding? f Healludethto
. Godisvpoame, .10 CGill he fet bis delite on the Almigh⸗ 13 Man knoweth not i the price thereok:, the mines and ſe
d I willnotcon- tie ? will he call vpon Gon at all tunes ? foz it is not found in the land of the lining. crets of nature
felfe that God II 3 will teach pou what isin the band of 14 The depth laith, Ft is not w me sche which are vnder
docththus pu- €@0d, and J will nor canceale that which fea alfo faith, It is not with me. theearth, wheres i
nithmeformy {swith the Alintghtp. 7 I5 * Gold wali not be ginen fo? it,neither into neither”
finnes, — I2 Behold, all ye pour ſelues + hane mene fali ſilner be weighed foz the patce thereof. foules nor beats |)
e Of my lifepaft, it: whythen Doe pou thus vanth iin vant: 16 Jt ſhall not be valued with the wedge can enter,
f What aduan- tie? of gold of Dpbir,nor with the peecious onir, gAfcerthathe f
tage hath, the 13 Chisisthe* portion ofawicked man no? the fapbir. i th declared the
diffemblerte With God, and the heritage of tyrants, which 17 he gotdnoz the chriſtal Halbe equal wildonie of God,
gainencuerfo they ball receiue of the Alunghty. bite tt, nor the exchange thall be foz plate of inthefecrets of f
much, feeinghe IA Pihis childzen bee tn great number, fine gold. ~- nature,hedeſcri.
fhal lofe his own the ſwoord hall deftsoy them, and ig poteri- 18 Mo mention hall bee meade of cozall, beth hispower,-
foule? „tie hall not be fatified with bead. noz of the Labri ; foz wiſedom is moze pees h Though God:
g That is, whae 1§ Hiscemnant fhall be burica in death, tiousthenpearies. j power and wiles
God reſciueih ‘and hiswidowes hall not weepe. Ig The topaz of Ethiopia Hall not bee; domemay bë
tohimlelfe, and 16. Though he would heape vp ſiluer as quail vnto it, neither fallit be valucd with vnderRood in
whereof hegi- the duſt, andpreparerayrient as the clay, the wege of puregold., i earttily things,
ueth notthe 17 Wr map preparete, but the wt Matt 20 jente then commeth wildom? and yerhisheauenly f
knowledge to al. pu iton, andthe innocent all divide the where is the place of vnderſtandiug. wifdome cannot
h. Thatis, thefe uer. ; ; 21 Seeing itis Hid from the epes sF all. be ateained vnto
fecret iudge- 18 Hebulldeth hishouteas the m meth; the liuing, and is hid From the =foules of the i Iristoohiea
mentsof God, and as a lonke that the watchman makety. heauen? i thiag formanto |
and yet doe not I9 When the rich man fleepeth,* he wall 22 Deſtruction and death fay, Ele haue attainevnto in”
vnderftand not bee gathered tokis fathers: they opened heard che fame thereof with our cares t this world,”
them. their eyes, andhe was gone. 23 But Gsd vnderſtandeth the” way thers K itcan neither
i Why main- 20 Terrours Wall take him as waters, of,and be knoweth the place thereof. bebought for
taine you then and a tempe't (hall carp him away by night. Yi Fo: he beboldeth the ends of pwozlD, gold nor preci- f
this erroui? 21. The Eaſt wind hail take him away, and leeth all that is under beauen, ~ ~ ons ftones, but
k Thus wil God and be thal Depart: andit ſhal hurie hin out 25 Tomake the weight of the windes, isonely the gift
ofder the wic- of his place. at and to weigh the waters by mealure. of God.
ked, and punik 6022 Ano God fhall cal vpon bim and not 26 Ahenbe madea Decree ſor the ratte, 1 Which is
him cven vnto: pay though hec would fatne fice out of bis and a wap fo: the lightning of the tiun- thoughtto bea $,
his pofteritie, ONG A Aha l : pers, i ns kind of precious f
I. None fhall la- 23 Euery man Hal clap their hands at him, 27 Then did he fee it, and counted it: he Lone. |
ment him; and bitte at him ont of their place. pꝛepared it andallo condered it, ` m Meaning, that
m Which bree- # there is no natu-
deth in anothermans pofleffionor garment , “butis foone ſhaken out. rall meanes, whereby man mightattaine to the heavenly wiſcdom
n He meaneth that the wicked tyrants shall not hanca quiet death, which he aiganeth by the foulesthat fiehie, n Hee makethGo
nor be buried honourably; —* encly the authour of this viſedome, and the giuer thereof,
4 28 Ana
‘obs former life, Chap. xxix. xxx. What meninockedIob. 206
23. And bite manbe fain, Behold, *the
rot. 1T, 25 Jappointed ont’ their way, and div ff bad them at
Hedeclareth *pfeare of the Loz ts wiſedome, and to de· fitas chicte, and dwelt asa king in the ars commandements
at man hath part from euill is ynderitanding. mie, and like him that comfozterh the mour⸗
"fo much of this ners. i
“heauenly wifedome , as bee fheweth by fearing God, and departing CoH ASP XXX,
from cuill, 1 Iob complaineththat hee contemned ofthe
2 CHAP. XXIX. mofi contemptible, 11,21 becaufe ofhis aduerfitie
TR "3 Fob complarneth of the profperstie of the time and affuction. 23 Death w the houfe ofall flefh.
bi . paft: 7.21 Hs authoritie, 12 Iufice andequitie, B Cit now they that are younger then J, a Thatis,mine
_$Ebr.moneths = Jeb proceeded and continued bis pa? amocke mee: yea, they whole fathers J eftate is changed,
before. rable, laying, RES Daue refuled to (et with thet dogges of my and whereas be-
a When
1felt 2 Ob that J were astin times pak, tlockes. : fore the ancient
"his favour, tuben dob preferued me! Tes 2 Foꝛ wherto Hould the ſtrength oftheir men were glad
biwasfreefrom 3 Aben bis -light Mined vpon mine Hands haue ſerued mee, fecing age eperiſhed to doe me reue⸗
-affiiGion. )zad sand when by pis tight J walked thorow in then? rence,the yong
s“ That is,feemed the d darkneſſe, 3 Foz pouertie and famine they were ſo⸗ men now cone
_by euident tokens 4 As J wasin the dayes of my youth, Titarie, fleeing into the wilderneffe, whichis temne me.
‘to be more pre- wid «Gods proutdence was pou my taber- Darke, Delolate and walte, b Meaning, tobe -
ſent with me, nacle: 4 They cut vp netties by the buthes; my thepheards,
d By the(e fimi- Mhen the Almightie wag pet with me, and theiuniper rootes was thet: meate, or to keepe my
Titudes he decla- and mp children round abouinie: § They were tehaled forth from among dogs,
reththe great 6 beng waked my paths “with bnt- mo they ſhouted at themas at a thiefe. c That is,their
profperitie that ter, and whenthe rocke pomzed meg out pis Therefore thep Dwele in the clifts of fathersdied for
be was in,fothat uers of opie: riuersinthe Doles of the earth and rockeg. famine before
had noneoc- 7 hen ]Jwent cnt ta the gate, euen to 7 Chey roared among the buſhes, and they came to age,
the iundgenient teat, snd when J canted them vnder the thiſtles they gathered themfelues. Or, aallowes.
to paopare my (care fn the ſtreete. They were the chtlazen of fooles, and d Tob ſheweth
acculed him, S Gye yong men faw meand hid them» the childzen of villaines , which were meze that thefe that
e Being afhamed ſelues ans cha aged aroſe, andſtood pp. vile then the earth. , mocked himin
of their lightnes, 9 The srtiuces ſtaied talke, and laid their 9 And now am F theire feng, and J am his affliction,
ndafraidofmy Jand en ther fmouth. their talke. were like to their
srauitie. . IO Che voice of princes was bid, € their 10 They abhozre me, and flee farre from fathers, wicked &
f Acknowlede . tongue cleaned te the roofe of their month. me, and (pare net tofptt in my face. lewde fellowes,
ging my wife- Il And when thes care heard me, it blef II Becaule that God hath loofes my! con fuch as he here
| dome. nied mee: AND when the epe faw mesitgang and humbled me, s they haue looled the bzi- defcribeth,
g Allthat heard witneffe to bine, $ Dic betoze me. ; e They make
| me,praifed me. 12 Fo, deliuercathe i poore that criet, 12. Coe youth rife bp at my tight hand: fongsofme,and
Teftifying,that and the fatherleſſe, and him that bad none they haue puſht my fecte , and bane troden mocke at my mis
did good iultice tobelpe bin. i ; On meas onthe b pathsof their deſtruction. feries
ia Becaule hisad- 13 *he bleſſing of him that was readie 13 They haue deſtroyed my paths: they £ God hath taken
to perih, came bpon mee , and 3| canlen the tonnepleaſure at my calamity, they bad none from me the
much charge him widowes heart to reioyce. ‘ ihelpe. fo: ce,credit,and
[with wickednes, I4 J put! ontuftice, andit covered meer 14. Thep came as a great breach of wa- authoritie, wheres
he is compelled my iudgement was as a robe,and a crowne. ters,and k vnder this calamitie they come on with I keptthem
itorender acount 5 3was theepesto the blind, andJ was heapes. in fitbicGion,
Ofhis life. - the keete to the lame. 15 Feare ts turned vponme: and they put- g He faid that the
K Thatis,! did. 16 J was a father vnto thepoore, and fue my nle as the winde, andmine health yong men when
ſuccour him that when 3| knew not the canfe, 3 fought tt out pafleth away as a cloud. they fawhim, bid
wasin diftreffe,& diligently. 16 Cherefore my foule fs now! pow2en themfelugs,as
fo he had cawfe 17 3 brake allo the chawes of the vnrigh⸗ out vpon mee, and the Dayesofaffliction Chap.29.8.and
to praife me, teous man, and pluckt the pap out of pts haue taken bold an me. ; now in his mife»
{EI delited to doe teeth. : 17 = Jt pierceth mp Lanes inthe night, tie they were’ ime
18 Then Ifat, J hall die in my = nek, and mp ſinewes take no reft.
B'in e
ip pudent and licen-
gi g and J hall multiply my dayes as the fand. 13 for the great vehemencie ts mp gare cious.
ftly apparell, — 19 For myrogte is» ipzcad out by the wa: ment changed, which compallet mee about h That is,they
isat. —— ter, AND the Dew Mall lie vpan my bzanch. as the collar of my coat, . i fought by all `
omeinmybed 20 My glory Mall renne toward meant 19 He hath cat me into the mire and F meanes how
outall trouble my bot hall be reftozed inmine hand, | am become like aſhes ant dytt,- they might des
vnquietneſſe. 21 Unto me men gaue eare, and waited, 29 CAben 3 cry wntathee.thou doeſt not firoy me,
My felicitie and ig hie tongue at my counſell. pan mep > nether regardet mee, when 3 iThey need uone
oth increafe. 22 er mp words they replied not, any and by. i j to helpe them.
hatis was mp talke ° mopped vpon them. 21 Thou turneſt thy ielfe ecrueliyagaint k By my calami«
Jpleafntvnto — 23 And they waited foz mee, as for the Mee, and art enemic vnto mee with the tie they tooke am
hem. raine, and they opened their mouth r as foz ftrength of thine band: occafion againit
Jp Asthe drie. thelatterraine. | 22 Thou taket meevp and canfett me ta me,
round thirketh - 24 If Ja laughed on them, they beleeued tide vpon the r winde, and makelt my 1 My life foileth
or the raine. it not: neither did they caule the light of my me,and I amas
“Thatis,they _ countenance ' to fall. halfe deads. m Meaning forow, n That is,God hath brought me-
into contempt. o He fpeaKerh not thus to accufe God, but to de-
: beeaieft, or they thoughtnot that I would condefeend vnto them, clare rhe vehemencic of his affliction, whereby hee was caried befide: -
A They wereaftaid to offend me, and caule meto be angris. bimfelfe, p He compareth His affi@ions to a tempeft or whirlewinds .
WGrength. o
3 a

- Tobs yprightnefle seir dPSere tei REX » Tob. — 1—

“WOrwifedom?, Nxrength to Fatle: GIIS ? lone fathioned
bo inthe wombe? © —
or ay. 4 23 Surely Fkuow that thon wilt being 16 Jf J retrained. the pooze of their Des phia

q None can de- -me to death, and tothe houſe appointed for fire 3 02DADE cauſed the epes of the widowe
liuer methence, all the lining- č` $ i mto fatle, Goes m By long wai
though they la- , 24 Doubtleſſe
none tan ſtretch
his hand 17 Oꝛ haue eaten my moꝛſels alonesand ting for herre=
ment at my death “1 batothe granes though they crie in bis de⸗ the katherleſſe baue not eaten thereof, queſt. Hot gi
r In ſtead of “pontine o S\ssr3t ie. Loria 18 (frorfrominy.pouth Bee hath grawen n Henourifhed
comforting, they - 25 Did not J weepe with him that was bp with mee © as with akather, and fronrmyp the fatherles,an
mockéd atme, in trouble? was not my Ounle tr heauineſſe mothers wombe 3) haue beene agqnide vnto maintained the
f Not delighting fo: che poore? per) ; widowes caufe,
in any worldly 26 Det wien J looked fo: godds euil came 19 JEJ haue ſeene any periſh for want o To opprefie ,
thing,no not fo vnto me: and When F waited fez light,there of clothing, oz any pooze without cone- himand doe,
muchas inthe: caine Darknefle. ‘Ting, im iniurie. od
vie ofthefunne, 27 My bowels Dd boyle without reſt: ſor 29 Ik his loynes haue not bleſſed me, be» p Letmerot! :
t Lamenting the dayes ef affliction are come bpon me. e bee was warmed with the fleece of my In pieces: A 4
them that were 28 J went mourntitg without hinne: J peepe, q Lrefrained ne
in affliGion,and flood bp in the congtegation, tand cried. ‘21 JET hauelift ° vp mine hand againt fiom finning te
mouing others 29 Jam a bother te the ·dragons, anda the farberiefle, when J tawe that J might {eare of men,
to pitie them, companion fo the ofttiches. helpe bim inthe gate,
u Iamlikethe 30 My fkinne ts hlacke vpon meandmy 22 Let miner acme fall from my ſhoul⸗
wilde beafs that bones areburnt with prate. > è Der,and mine arme be broken from the bone
defire molt foli- 31 Therefor mine Harpeis turned te 23 Foꝛ Gods puniment was. fearetull of my worldly»
tarié places, mourning, ahd mine organes into the voyce bute me, and J) could not bee delinered from profperiticand’
x With the heate oF them that weepe. his Highnelſſe. ; — elicitie which $
-ofaffhGion, CHA P, XXXIS 24. JEI made golde mine hope, or bane ismeant by the
i Fob reciteth the innocence ofhu lining, and g to the wedge of gold, Thou art my con- fhining ofthe
number of ha vertues, which declareth what ence, Sunne and
ought to be the life of the faithfull. 25 JE J veiopced becaule mp ſubſtance brishtnefleof
a Tkept mine Made a coucnant with mine eyes: why was AEN becaute mine hand had gotten the Moore,
eyes from all ]then ſhould Ithinke on > a matte? much, < pce f Ifmise owne
wanton lookes, 2 Foꝛ what portion thouldT hane pf God 26 JEJ did behold the *Sunne, when it doings deligh
b Would nor from aboue? ana what inheritance of che Al COD, 0? the moone Walking in her bright a me,
God then haue mightie from on high? j neffe,. t By putting ^
punifhed me? 3Is not deſtruttion to the wicked, and 27 Ikmine heart Did flatter me in ſecret, confidence 2a
c lobdeclareth frange punihhment to © the wozkers ofint: 0? tE my mouth vid kiſſe mine “Hand,
tharthe feare of guitig? 3 28 (This alfo ba beene an miquitic to
God was abri- 4 Doth nothebeheld my wayes and tel s Bee 02 J had denied the Ged
dle to {tay him allmy ſteps: à aboue Ahne aiia aay?
from all wicked. § JET bauc watked tn vanitie, orikmy 29 If Jreioyced at his deſtruction that
nefe. ; foote haue mate haſte to Deceit, hated mee, o Was mooued toioy when emil
d He fheweth Let Hod weigh me tu the tut balance, came vpon bin,
wherein bis-vp- and be Hall know mine? npzightnefle. 30 Neither bane F {uffered my mouth to
rightnefle ftan- 7 Dfuw tep bath turned out of the way, finne by wiſhing a curſe vato his oule: x Andnot conf!
deth,that is,in -®2 mine heart hath e watken afier mine 31 Did not rye men ok my" Cabernacte fefled it freely:
as muchas hez.‘ eye, oꝛ if any blot bath cleaucd te mine fay, Eho Wall gine vs of hts flelh + wee can whereby itis I
was blamelefle hands, e7 notbe ſatiſtied whe cuidentthar he W
before men,and ~ 8° Letmer ſowe, and let another eate: 32 The ranger did not lodge in the iuftified himſelfe
finned not a⸗ pea,let my plants be rooted out. firecte, but J] opened my Doozes vnto hun before men and $
gainft the fecond 9 Ifmine heart hath beene deceiued by that wentby the wap. bernie not before Godi
Table. a woman, o2 iE 3) bang laide waite at the 33 JE Thane hip my finne, as Adam, y That is, 1 reug
e That is,hath poore of. uny neighbout, hgh concealing mine intquitte tn my bolonte, renced the monti
accomplifhed `, Io Let my wilyE grinne vnto another 34 Though J could haue madeafraive a ————
the luft of mine man, Zzlet other ster ow Downe vpon jer: gteat multitude; pet the moftcontemptible tened, and wail
eye. Il fox this is avickedneſſe and iniquity of the families did y feare nie: fo J Kept z it aftaidtooffend A.
f According to to becondemned: lence aud went not outofthenooze. thems t Sie
the curfe of the 12 Dea, this ts ahve that Hall deuoure 35 Ob, that 3 hav lome to heare meetbe- z Tfoffered P
Law,Deut.28, h to deſtruction,
mine increaſe.
anv which tall root suc all
hold my - figue chat tye Almntadtte wiltapit-
Motto cuill ofme,and f
nellekorme: though mine aducrlarie
topeske fi
ETH her bee 13 JE I did contemmne the iudgement of Wite abookeagainfime, T rA arre went Hotolit of
made a flaue, my feruvant, and’ of thy matte; when chep - 326. Could not q take it vpon mywaht my houfe to ré- $
h He theweth i DiD contend with me, ; Der, andbinde it as” a crone unto Mme., ues cite eee ii

that albcit maa 14 Ahat then Mall J Doe when God 37 ¥ will tell hum the number ot my go- a Thisisa Ufl
neglea the pu- ſtandeth vp? and when hee Halt vilite mee, ings and goe vnto him asto a pince.. cient token of
nifhment of ad- what Hali J anlwere? 38 Ik my land aAcrie agauiſt mer, OL the my rightcoul= “
ulterie, yet the
wrath of God
15 Wethat hath nade mein the mwombe, furrowes thereof complaine togett ob *
Hath hee tiot made! him? haty not hee a- 39, SES baile eattis the fruttes theteof
ismy witeite. P
neathona I
will neuer ceafe and U iam
till fuch bee deftroyed, i When they thought themfelues euill in- my caule. b Should nòt this book e fationsacufrion Bea pia
treated byme, k IfL had oppreffed others, bow fhould I haue ef- andcommendation to mse? , ¢ 1 will make him account
caped Godsiudgement? 1 He was mooued to thew pitie vntofer-
of al
life without feare, d. As though I badwithbolden their wag
tants, becaufe they were Gods creatures ashe was, that labour in it,
; without
Wifedomecommeth of God. Chap.£xxij.xxxiij, Gods chaftifements. 207
e Meaning, that without Muer : oif J hane grieued e the CHA P. XXXIII.
he wasno briber foules of the maſters thereof, $ Elihu accufeth Iob ofignorance. 14 He fhew-
| nor cxtortioners 40 Let thiitlesgrowiniteadof wheate, etl that God kath diuerfe meanestoinftruéi man
f Thatis,the anD cockletn the ttead of barley and to draw him from finne. 19. 29 He afficctetly
talke which he THE fWORDS OF IOB man,and faddeny deliuereth him, 26 Man being
Í had with his ARE ENDED. deliuered,gtueth thanks to Ged.
three friends, : \ Y 2itetore, Sob, 3 pray thee. bearemy
CHAP, XXXII. talke, and hearken vnto ail mp
2 Elihu reprooueth them sffolly. 8 Age maketh wordes.
not a man wiſe, but the Spirit of God. 2 Behold now F haue opened my mouth:
D thele three men ceaied co anfwere Fob, my tongue Hath ſpoken in mp mouth.
| 4 Ebrowasiuf in Obecaule be + eſteemed himſelfe iut, 3 Dy wordes are in the vprightneffe of
f bis owne eyes. 2 Then the wath of Clehu the ſoune of mine heart, and my lips Hal Peake pure
Í a Which came Barachel theaBuzite of the family of “Ram, knowledge.
Í of Buzthefonne Was kindled; his wath, L fay, was kindled 4 Thea Spirit
ofGod hath made mee, 2 1 confefle the
ofNahor Abra- agatnit Job, becaule yee iuſtitied himſelfe and the bzeath of the Almightte hath ginen Power of God,
bams brother.. © mozethen God. me life. ; odam * of
b Or,as the 3 All bis auger was kindled againtt his 5. Ifthon canſt gine me anſwere, pꝛepare bis,ctherefore
Chalde para- thzee friends becauſe they could not Ande an thy felfe,and ſtand before me. 5 thou oughteft to
phraftreadecb, anſwere,
and yet condemned Jod. 6 Bebholde, Jamaccoding to thy with heareme,
Abram. 4 (Mow Elihu had waited till Job had in d Gods Read; Jam allo foxmedof the- b Becaule lob
cBymakinghim ſpoken: foz othey were moze ancient in yeres clap. had withed to
| felfe innocent, then De) 7 Beholde, my terrour fall not feare difpute his cauſe
andby charging § Dowhen Clthulawe that there was thee,netther pall mine band < be heauie vp⸗ vith God, Chap.
God of rigour. none anfwere in the mouth of the theee men, on thec 16.21. fo that he
d That isthe bis wath was kindled. 8. Doubtleffe thou batt ſpoken itt ming might doit
three mentioned 6 Therefore Elihu the onne of Bara- cares, and J) haue heard the voyce of thy without feare,
before. chel the Buzite, anſwered and fayde, J am wos; Elihu faith he
e Meaning the pong in peeres and pe are ancient: therefore 9 Jamécleane, without finge: Jam will reafonin
ancient which Sdoubted, and was afraide to Hewe pou innocent and there is none tniquitie in me. Gods ftead,
haue experience. mine opinion. 10 Loe,hehath) found occattons againſt whom hence- *
f Tris a fpeciall 7 For fapde, Chee dayes fall perake, meand counted me for bis enemie. dethnot to feere
gift of God that — the multitude of peeres (hall teach wile: It Yehath put my feste in the tocks,and becauſe heisa
man hath vnder- ome. leoketh narrowly puto all my paths. man made of the
| fianding,and 3 DHurelpthereisa (piritin man, f but 12 Beholde, inthis pat thou not Done fame matter that
tom meth nei- theinfpiration of the Almighty giucth un- tight : 3 will anfwere thee, that God ig heis.,
ther of nature Derftanding. E greater then man. vill not ban-
nor by age. 9 Great menare not alway wile, neither 13 Chy doeſt thon ſtriue againſt him? dletheeſo
g To proue that Bo the aged alway vnderſtand wdgement. foz hee Doeth not e gine account-of ail his reughlyasthefe
Tobs affliction lo Therefore J ſay, Heare me,andZ will matters. others haue done
came for his ſhew alfo mine spinion. I4. Foꝛ Godſpeaketh tonce oꝛ twiſe, and d He repeateth
finnes. Il Behold,Z did wait vpon pour wa2des, one ſeeth it not. i Jobs words,
h And flatter and hearkened vnto pour kuowledge, whiles Ig In Deames and svifions ofthe night, whereby he proe
your (elues,as pou [ought ont sreatons. when Ueepe falleth spon men, they lleepe teftcd his inno-
though you had 12 Dea, whenF had confinered you, loe, vpon their beds, cencie indiuers
ouercome him, there Was none sf you that repꝛooued Job, 16 Then hee openeth the eares of men, places, bu: fpeci-
i Towit,lob. no2 anlwered his words: euen by their corrections, which hee > bad ally inthe 13.16,
k He vfeth al- 13 Lett pee bouid fap, Aeehaue* found fealed, and 30, chapters.
moftthe likear- wiledome forGod hath call himBowne,and 17 That hee mtght cauſe man to turneas c The caule of
" guments,
but no man. . : ; way from bis enterpatle, and that hee might hisiudgements
withouttanting 14 Dethath ihe uot directed his wordes bide the i pide of man, _ is not alwaies de-
andreproches, tome, neither will Janſwere *gim by pour 18 And keepe backe bis foule from the clared to man.
| 1 I haueconcei- woros. $ it, and that bis life ould notpaflebp the f Though God
ucdinmymind Iş Thenthepfearing,anfwered no moze, 020. by fundry ezam-
greatftoreof but ielt off theit talke. 19 Vecis alo friken with fozrowe vpon plesof bis iudg-
reaſons. 16 ben J hban waited (foꝛthey (pake bis bed, andthe griefe of his bones islor, ments {peake vn-
m I will neither not,but food fill, and anfwered no maze) 20 So that bis k life caufeth him toab> to man,yet the
hauerepardto L7 Then anfiwered J in my turne, andj $ozre bread, and hie foule Batntte meate. reafon thereof is
tiches,credire, ſhewed mine opinion. 21 Wis fiey faileth that it-cannet bee not knowen:
nor authoricie, I3 ffozFamfullof ‘matter, and the (pi- feene, and bis bones which were not ſeene, yea,and though
but willfpeake rit withinme compelleth me. clatter. God fhould
| the very trueth, 19 Behold my belly isas the wine, which 22 So bis foule dꝛaweth to the graue, and {peake.yet he
nTheEbrew bath uo vent, and like thenew bottlesthat hts life! to the burters. Sori is not ¥ndere
word fignifieth, baft, i 3 Jf therebea = mefenger with him or tood.
tochangethe 20 Therefore will Iſpeake, that Jmay g God faith he,
name, astocalla take bꝛeath: J will open mplippes,and will {peaketh commonly, either by vifions toteach vs the cauſe ofhis
foole a wifema: anfwere. jadgements,or els by afflictions, or by his mefiengers, h Thatis,de- _
meanngthat he 21 Iwill notnowe accept the perfon of termined to fend vpon them, i Hee fheweth for what end God fen-
would not cloke man, ™ neither willF gine tities to man. deth affliGicns : to beate downe mans pride, andto turne from euill.-
the trueth to 22 Fo2F may not giue “titles, left my k- Thatis,bis paincfull and miferablelife. 1 To them chat fhal bury
Atter men. -Maker gould take me away ſuddenly. him. m Aman fent of Godto declare his will, i
Theimerey of God. Tob. Godisiuftin his iudgments.
n A ſingular an interpseter,one of a thouſand "to declare 10 Therefore bearken vnto mee, yemen
man,and as one vnto man bis righteouſneſſe of wiledome, God fogbid that wickedneſſe
chofen ont ofa 24 Chen wilt he paue > mercy upon him, (hould bec in God, and iniquttie inthe gl»
thoufand, which and will fap, ? Deliner hima, chat hee go not mightie. i 3
is able to. declare Downe into the pit; foz J bane receiued a re» IL Foz he willrender vnto man according
the great mercies conciliation. ; to bis wozke and caule cuery one to finde ace Chap. 36.23.
of God vnto fin- 25 Then hall bis fich bee 1as freſh as a coding to his way. -~ k To deltroy
ners: and where- childes, and hall returne asin the dayes of Id Andcertainely Hod twill net Doe wic: him.
in mansrighte- bis pouth. kedly, neither will the Almightie perucce | The breathof
ouſnes ftandeth, 26 e hall pray vnto God, and he will be tuDgement, life which he
whichis through fanourable vnto him,and be Wall fee his face 13 Chom* hath hee pale pas ouer the gaue man,
the Iuſtice of le- with toy: foz bee will render vnto man bts earth belive himlelfe? o2 who bath placed m If Godwere
fus Chritand trig hteanfneffe. gifts the whole world > not iuft,bow
faith therein. 27 Pe lookech vpon men, and if one fay, I4. HE x hee fet His heart vpon man, and could he gouerne.
o He ſhe weth J baue Unned, and! peruerted righteouſnes gather vnto himſelle bis pirit | and hig the world?
that it is a ſure and it did not profit *nie, 2eath, n If man ofna»
tokenof Gods 28 * Wee will Deliver His foule From goe 15 All fet halt periſh together,and man ture feareto
mercietoward ing inte the pit, and bts life ſhall {ee che Hail returne unto dut. fpeake cuill of
finners,whenhe light. 16 And tf thou hat vnderſtanding, heare fuch as bane pow-
caufethhis word 29 Loe, all there things will Gon worke this, and hearken to the voyce of mp wos. er,then much
tobepreached *txwiſe oz cheice with aman, 17 hall be that hateth iudgment,=gee more ought they
vntothem. 30 Ghat hee may turne backe his foule uerne? and wilt thou indge him wicked that to be afraid to
p Thatis,the mi- From the pit, tobe illuminate inthe lightaf is molt tu; fpeake cuillof 4
nifter hall by the the liuiug. 18 6Ailt thou fay brite a King, Thou art God. a
preaching of the 31 Marke well, D Jab, and heare mee: "wicked ? o2 to princes, Ye are vngodlp? o When they
word pronounce keeve filesce,and F will tpeake. Ig Howe much leſſetohim that accepteth looke not for it.,
vnto bim the 32 HEchevebey matter, anſwere mee, and notthe perons of pꝛinces, andregardeth not p The meſſengers
forgineneffe of ſpeake: foz J delire to z tufkific thee. the rich, moze then the poore? for they be all or vifitation that.
his finnes, 33 Jf thon haſt not, heave mee: hold thy the wozke of bis hands. God thall fend. ,
q He fall feele tongue,and J will ceach thee wiſedome. 20 Thep thall Die ſuddenly, ° and the q God doeth not _
Gods fauout and people Hallbe troubled at midnight, r and affli& man aboug |
reioyce ; declaring hereby wherein ftandeth the true ioy of the faith- thep Mall pafle foozth and take away the meafure,fo that |
full }and that God will reftore himto health of body, whichis a to- mighty without hand, he fhouldhaue
ken of his bleſſing. r God will forgiuc his finnes,and accept him 21 Foz bis eyes are bpon the wayes of accafionto cones,
asiuft, f That is,done wickedly, t Butmy finne hath bene the man, and He (eeth allbis gotngs. tend withhim, |
caule of Gods wrathtoward me. u God will forgive the penitent 22. There is ne darkencs no? Hadowe ofr For all his crea- `
finner. x Meaning oft times,euen as oft as a finner doth repent. y Beath , that the wozkers of thiquitte might turesareat hand ,
If thou doubt of any thing ‚tor fee occafion ro {peake againit it. z be bid therein. to feruchim,fo ~
"That isto (hew thee wherein.mans inftication confiftech, 23 Joz bee will not lay on man fo much, thatheneedeth .
* he ould aenter inio iudgement with not to feeke for |
CHAP. XXXIIIL ov. ; any otherarmys ,
3 Elihu chargeth Iob, that hee called himfelfe 24. ee Wall bake the mightie without í Make them
righteous, 12 He fheweth that Gud isinfin his "(ecking,and (hal (et vp other in their Read. manifetthat
iudgements. 24. God deflroyeth the mightie. 30 25 SCherfore walhedeclare their’works; they are wicked ,
By himthe hypocrite reigneth, hee thall turne the dnight,
andthey fhallbee t Declare the
Mrena Elihu anlwered, and lavd, Deltroped. f things that were .
e Which are 2 Pearce mp words, yee * wil: men, 26 Wee ttriketh them as wicked menin hid. '
efteemed wife and hearken vuta me, pee that bane know the placesof theu leers, l -u Meaning,o- ·
ofthe world, — ledge. 27 Becaule thep baue turned backe front penly in thefight .
bLetvsexamine 3 SFortheeare trieth the woes, as the Hin, and would not confier all his wayes: ofall men.
themattervp- mouth taftcth meate. 28 Sothat they haue cauled che voyce of x By theircrucl-
rightly. 4 Let vs ſeeke > iudgement among vs,x the poozeto* come buto bint, and hee Hath ty and extortion,
c Tharis,hath let vs know among onrlelues what ts good. heard the cry of the afflicted. y When tyrants
affiedmewithe § Fo: Job hath fayde, J am righteous, 29 And when hee giueth quietneſſe, who firinthethrone ,
out meaſure. and Gon hath taken ¢ away my iudgement. can make trouble 2 and when bee hideth bis of luſtice, which
d Should fay, 6 Phould licin my 4 xight:mywound face, who can behold Diim, whetheritbe pp vnder pretence
Tam wicked, abe arrowe is © grieuous without my on nations,o vpon a man onely ? ; of executing iu-
being an inno- 30 Becaule the y hypocrite Doeth retgne, ftice, are but hys
cent? 7 What manis like Job, t i and becaule the people are maren. pocrites and ope
e Tam forer pu- Cfeognetutnetie Uke wares chy eg rtte 31 Surelyitapperteineth vnto God zto fay, preſſe the people,
nithed,thenmy 8 Which goeth inthe s company of chem J baue pardoned, Jwill not derop. it is a figne that
finne deferucth, that woꝛke iniquity, and walketh with wic- 32 2 But ik fee not, teach thoume :if J] God hath drawn
f Whichis ked men? haue Done wickedly,Jwilldo no moze, back his counte-
compelled to 9 Sor he hath fapd, Fe pꝛofiteth a man 33 Aull hee performe the thing theough nance ard fauour
receiuethere- nothing, that he Gould i walke with Gon. bthee? foz than halt repzoued «it, becaule fromthat place. ,
proch & fcornes z Only it belon-
of many for his foolifh words. œ Meaning, that Iob was like to geth to God to moderate his correGtions,and not Vnto man, a Thus
the wicked, becaufe he feemed not to glorifie God and fubmit him- Elihu ſpeaketh in the perfon of God,as it were mockingIob, hecauſe
felfe to hisiuigements, -h He wrefteth lobs words, who (aid that he would be wiferthen God. b Will God vfe thy counfel indoing,
Gods children are ofttimes punithed in this world andthe wicked go his works? c Tbus he (peakethin theperfon of God, asthough,
free. i 'Thatis liue godly,as Gene.g 22, lob ſhould chufe and teſuſe affliGion at his ne å
Man cannot hurt God, Chap. xxxv. xxxvi, Why God punifheth. 203
i that thon bat chofen,and not I:now peake aud bethat ist peritin knowledge, speaketh b Thou fhalt
d Thathemay what thouknoweſt. : with thee. perceive thatl
§peake as much 34 Let men ofunderanding tel me,and § Beholde, the mightie Gon caſteth a. am a faithfull jn-
ashecan,that ieta wife man hearken vnto me. tsay None Chat ts ightye and valiant of fimer, and that
wemayaniwere 35 Job hath not ſpoken of knowledge, cottage. 3 i l fpeaketo thce
himandallthe neither were bis wozbes according to wile © à i)e maintayneth not the wicked, but inthe name of -
wicked that (hall gome. i : be giueth iudgement to the afflicted. God.
vic fuch argu- 36 J delire that Tob maybe ‘tried vnto 7 Ve withdzawety not hts eyes from the ¢ Strong & con-
ments, the cnde touching
the anſweres fo: wicked rigbtcous , butthey are with e Bings in the ftant,& of vnder=
e Heeflandeth pea, throne, where he placeth them fez cuer: thus fading: for iheſe
ftybburnly in the 37 Foꝛ he eaddeth rebellion vnto bis fin: thep are eraiten. i atethe gifts of
maintenanceof heclappeth his hands among vs, and mulii- 8 And ikthey be bound th Fetters and tien God,& he loueth
his caule. plieth his wozds againſt God. with the cozds of affliction, f them in man: but
CHA P. -XXXV. 9 Then will he Heto them their f woke forafmuch as God
6 Neither dath godlinefèprofit nor vngodli- am * linnes, becauſe thep bane besne punifhed nowe
nefe burt God,but man. 13 The wickedery unte Tob, itisa figne
alob neuer fpake God,and are not heard. 10 Heopeneth alfo their eare te diltipline, tharthefe arenot
thefe wordes: but pi pake mseouer, and fayd, and commaundeth them that thepreturne inhim,
becaufe he main: 2 Thinket thou this right, that thou trom iniquity. : d Therefore he
tained his inno hatt fayde , J am + moze righteous then IL *Zt they obey and ſerue him, thep hall will not preferue
cencie,itſeened Gon? ; end their dapes in prolperitie, their peres the wicked: but
as though hee 3 For thou haſt ſayde. Ahat profiteth it in pleafures. ‘ to the bumble &
wouldfay, yGod thee,and what anaileth itmee,to purge mee I2 Butik hey wilnot obey, they thal paſſe affli@ed heart he
tormentedhim ftom my finne ? iathe ſworde, and perii s without knowe will (hew grace.
withoutiuficaufe 4 Thereforewill¥ anfwere thee, and thy edge. e Fic pretetreth
b Snchasarein > companions with thee. 13 Gut the hypocrites t of heart increafe the godly to ho=
the like erreur. § Looke vnto the heauen, and ſee, and be- the wath: for theyi call not when bee bine nour,
c [fthoucant hold the < clouds Mich are higher then thou. Deth them, tire t £ He will moue
not controle the 6 Jfthou linneſt, what doſtthoudagainſt 14 Their foule diethink pouth,and their their heartsto
cloud⸗s, vilt thou him, yea when thy tinnes bee many, what life among the whozemongers. i feele their finnes,
preſume toin- doeſt thou vnto him? Ig ie deliuereth
the pooze in his afflictis that they may
‘tru God? 7 Je thou bz righteous, what giueſt thou nand openeth their eare in trouble. come to him by
d Neither doeth bntobim? o2 what recetueth hee at chine 16 Guen fo would he haue taken thee out repentance as he
thy fin hurt God, Band? of the ſtrait place into a bzoaw place and not did Manaffeb, `
“por chy iuftice 8 hy wickedneffe may hurt aman as fhut vp beneath: and! that which reftery Ffast- 190
-profithim: forbe thouart: and thy righteoutnetie may profite bpon thy table,had bene full of far. g Tharis,in their
willbeglorified thelonne ofman, 17 Butthou art full of the ™indgement folly or obftina-
without thee, 9 Thep caule many shat are oppzeſſed to of the wickeD,though indgement and equity tion,and fo fhall
€ The wicked errie, which crie out for the violence of the maintaine all things, be caufe
of their
[may hurt man& mighty. : 18 » Foꝛ Gods wath istet he Honto take own deftru@ton.
‘eaufe himtoerys 10 But none layth, athere isGod that thee atway in thine abundance: foz no multi» h Which are ma=
whoifhefought mademe,which giueth fongs tn the night? tude of gifts can Deliver thee, Jicioufly bent ae
to God, which Il Mhich teacheth vs moze then p bealts 19 CGill bee regard thy riches?he regar- gainft God, and
fendeth comfort, OF the earth, and giueth vs moze wiledome “tesoogolde, no? all them thaterceliin flatter themfelues
Thouldbe deli- then the foules of rhe beanen. rength. : in their vices.
wered, 12 Then they cry becaule ofthe violence 20 °Benotcarefull in the night, bow be i When they are
$ Becaufethey ofthe wicked, but fheanlwereth not. deſtroyeth the people out of their place. in affli ction they
pray not infaith 13 Surety God wil not heare vantty,net- 21 Gake thou heene: looke notte P int: feeke not to God
asfeelingGods ther wilthe Almighty regard tt. ae : foz then paft cholen itrather then af for ſ
mercies. 14 Although thou fayett to God, Thou ction, Ala,2.Chro, 16.
God isin®, wilt not regard ít, epet iudgement is before 22 Beholde, God eralteth by hts power: 12 Rew 16 14.
ewfocuerthou pint: trut thou inpim. what teacher is like him? k They dye of
iudgefiofhim. Iç Butnowbecaulebisanget bath not 23 Aho hath appoynted to him bis fome vile death,
h Forifbedid bifiteD,no? called to count
the evilwith great ae A oꝛ whe can lap; Chon bak nong wie- and that before
pusifh thee as ertreimity, > edly? they cometo ege.
thou deſerueſt. 16 Therefor Job ropeneth his mouth 24 Remember that thou magnific bis 1 Ifthou hadft
shou fhouldeft in vayne, and muitiplyeth wozds without worke, which men begold. 1 bene obedientto
not beeableroo- Knowledge. Ail men fee tt,and men beholnit aa. God,he would
pen thy mouth, farre off. haue brought
i CHAP. XXXVI. 26 Beholde, God is excellent, and twee thee to liberty
1 Elihs fheweth the power of God, 6 and Ins knowe him not, neither can the number of and wealth,
iuftice: 9 Ard wherefore he uniſpeth. 13 The bis peevesbeſearched out, m Thouartal-
E property of the wicked. together after the
3 He fheweth | alfopzoceededand fai, manerofthe wicked: ferthowdoeft murmure again{t+he iuftice of
that when wee 2 Suter mega little, and Twill in-
God, n God doth punith thee,ltſtthou fhouldeft forget God in thy
fpecke ofGod, ſtruct thee ; fo? Ihaue wealth,andfoperifh, © Be sor thon curicus in feeking the caufe of
yet to (peake on Gods
‘W- muftliftour behalke. Gods judgements,when heedeftroyeth any. p And fo murmure a-
ſpirits more hie 3 J wil fetch » my knowledge afarre off, gainft God through impatiencie, q The workes of God are fo ma-
“then our naturall and will attribute righteouſneſſe bute my nifeft chat aman may fee them afarre off,and know God by the fame,
‘Keofeisablero Maker. r Our infirmity hindrethysfo,tbas we sannot attayne to theperfites
i 4. Foz truely
my woꝛds hall
not be falſe, knowledge of Ged,
27 MAhen
The power of God. Iob. ‘Mans weakeneffes
. 27 When he eettraineth the drops ofwa- Is Didſt thou knowe when God dilpofed 1 Tharis,the
f Thatis, the ter,the raine poweeth Domne by the vapour them? and caulen the light of bisclondte lightening to
fainecommech thereof, Fine? breake ſoorth in
of thofe drops 28 CUbichraine the clouds Do drop and let 16 Pat thou knowen the wvariety ofthe theclouds?
of water,which fall abundantly vpon man, cleud,and the wondzous workes of him, thatm Whichis fome
hekeepethinthe 29 hocan knowe the divifions of the is perfit in knowledge? time changed ine
clouds, Gloudes , and the thunders of bist taber- 17 Or how thy clothes are warme, when toraine or (hows, ©
t Meaning,of . nacle? Bemay the earth quiet though p South = haile, orfuch
the clouds, 30 Beholde, he ſpreadeth bis light bpon t10 ? IKE, X

which be calleth sit and couereth thexBotome ofthe lea, 18 Hafkthou Kretched out the heauens, n Why thy
the Tabernacle 3r sFoz therby he tubgeth ythe people,and which are ttrong,and as a molteno glaffe? clothes thould
of God. giucth meat abundantly, 19 Tellus what we fhallfay vñto him: keepe thee
u Vpon the 32 Mecouereth the light with the clouds, for wee cannet Dilpole our matter becaule of warme, when the
cloud, and commandeth them to go zagaint it. PDarknefle. South winde
x Thatmencan 33 aig companion ſheweth him therof, 20 Shalit be a tolo him when J (peake? Dreth, tather —*

not come to the and theretsangerin rifling vp. 0? fall man ſpeake when pee hall bee : de ·thenwhenany.
knowledge ofthe ftroped ? other winde `
fpringsthereof, y Hefheweth thatthe raine hath double vfe: the 21 And now men fee not the light, which bloweth? —
onéchat it declarcth Gods iudgements,whenit doeth ouerflowe any ſhineth in the cloudes,
butthe winde paſſeth o For their
and cleanfeth chem. cleerenelſe.
places,& the other chat it maketh the land fruitfull. -z Thatis,one
cloud to dafhagainftgnocher. a The colde vapour {heweth him: 22 Che bꝛightneſſe commeth ontofthe p That is, our oe

that is,the cloud of the hote exhalation, which beingtaken in the cold Noꝛth : the pzati¢ thereof isto God, which ts ignorance, figni-
cloude,mounteth vp toward the place where the fireis,and fo anger terrible, f _ fying that lob |
isingendred; that is, noyſe and thunder claps, ` * 23 Iris the Almighty:we cannot find him was{o prefumpe —
CHAP, XXXVIL ont; hee is ercellent tt power anDiudge> tuous that hee
2 El:huproueth that the unfearchable wifdome ment, and abundant in tulice: he 8 affltc. would controll
of God w manifef? by his works, 4 as by the thun- teth not, the workes of
ders, 6the (now, 9 the whirlewind, 11 andthe 24 Letmentherefoze feare him: for hee God.
Taine, will not regard any that are wifin their q Hath God »
a At the maruci- A T this alfo my heart ts a aftonied, and owne concerte. need that any
ling of the thun- tsmouedoutothtsplace. _ fhould tell him
der and light- 2_ Weare the» found of his voice, and the when man murmureth againſt him? r If God would deftroy a man,
nings: whereby noile that goeth out of his mouth. fhould hee repine? f The cloud ftoppeth the thining of the funne,
he declareth that 3 He Ditecteth tt vnder the whole heauen, that man cannot fee it till che winde haue chafed away the cloude z
thefaichfullare and bislightunte the ends ofthe world. and ifman bee not able to attaineto the knowledge of thefe things,
liu¢ly touched 4. After tt a noile ſoundeth: he thundzeth how much leffe of Godsiudgements? t In Hebrew,gold:meaning:
- withthemaicfy with the voice of his matettp, and be wil not faire wether and clecreas gold, u Meaning,without cauſe.
ofGod,when tap «them when his voice is heard.
they behold bis § Gsdthundzeth marueiloufly with his CHAP. XXXVIII,
works, voyce: he wozkerh great things, which wee God fheaketh to Iob, and declareth the weakmes
b Thatis, the know net. of man in the confideration of his creatares, by
thunder,whereby 6 Jfoz hefaith tothe mow,Be thou vpon whofe excellency the power, Suſtice, &prousdence
he fpeaketh co the earth: 4 likewile to the finall rayne and of the (reator % knowen. f pE
mentowaken tothe great raine of bis power. T Wen anfwered the Lord vnto Jeb out of a That his words t
their dutneffe,& 7 Cdlith the fozcethereofhece fhutteth hp tbe awhirlewmd, and faid, might haue grea-
to bring them to Me Sie that all men map knowe bis 2 Mibats this that odDarkeneth the Coun- ter maiefty, and
the confideration fell by words without knowledge? that Iob might
of his works, 8 Chen the beaks goe into the den, and 3 Gird vp nowe thy lopnesitke aman: know wich
c Meaning the remaine in their places. J © will Demiaund of thee, and Declare thou whom he had
raines and thuns 9 The whirlewinde commeth out of the bute me. to doe. 2
dets. Houth,and the cold from the £ Mozthwind. 4 here wat thou when J layde the b Which by {eee
d So that neither 10 At the breath sf Ged the frokt is gi- 4founDdations ofthe carth ? Declare,tfthou King out the fe-
fmall raine nor uen, and the bseadth of the waters sismane hatt wnderttanding, cret couvfell of
great,fnow nor narrow. s Aho hath layde the mealures thereof, Godbymans _
any thing els IL He maketh alfo the clouds to» labour, if thou knowelt? o2 who bath ttretched the reaſon, maketh it
commeth with- to water the earth,and (Cattereth the cloud of line oner it; more obfcure,
outGodsap- i bis light. - 6 TAbercupon are the foundations theres and theweth his
pointment, 12 AnD it is turned about by bis gouern⸗ of (et: 02 who laid the cozner (tone thereof; owne folly.
e Byraines and Ment, that they may do whatlocuer he come 7 Uhen the tars ofthe mozning ¢ prays c Becaufehe had
thundersGod manDeth them vpon the whole world; {ed me together,and at the chuldzen of God withed to difpure
caufethmento — 13 ithetherit be for * puniment, o2 foz reioyced: with God, Chap.
keepethemfclues his land,o2 of metcy,be caulerh tt to come. 8 D2 who hath thutte vp the fea with 13.3. Godrealo-
within their hou- 14 Hearken vonto this;D Job: tand and Dores, When tt iſſued and came foorth as out neth withhim to,
fes. conlider the wondrous works of Gov. of the wombe ? it _ declare his ralhs,
f In Ebrewitis 9 yen F made the cloud as a couering nefie. ,
called the (cattering wind,becaufe it driueth away the clouds, & pur- d Seeing he could}.
geththeaire. g Thatis,isfrozen vp anddried, h Gather theva- not iulge ofthofe things, which were done fo long before hee washi
pours,and moueto and fro to water the earths i Thatis,the cloud borne,be wasnot ableto comprehend all Gods workes : much lelſſe
that hath lightning init, k Raine,cold,heat,tempefts and fuch like the fecret caules of hisiudgements. e Theftarresand dumbe crea: hi
are fent of God, either to punifh man,or to proficthe earth,or to de~ tures are faid to praife God, becauſe his po wer, Wifedome,aad goods},
clare his fauour toward man,as chap 36,31, neleis manifeftand knowentherein, £ Meaning,the Angels,
t, thereof,
The fecret workes of God. Chap. xxxix. Gods mercie and powér. 209- |
g Asthonghthe thercof, arid darkeneſſe as fhe e fwadling . 0? who hath giuen the beart vnderſtanding? y That is,the
great fea were bands thereat: ; 37 W ho can number clondes by wilic: Clouds whercin
butas alittle 10 Ahen J eabliihed my commander Domeso2 who can caule to ceale the y bsttels the water is cone.
ba>e in § hands ment vpon it, and let barres and Doezes, ofbeaucn, n teined as in bor-
of Ged to turne 11 And fain, Yitherto halt thou come,but 38 Cheun the earth groweth into hari: tels.
to and fro. further, and pere "(hall it Ray thy poude nefe, = and the clots are faft together? £ For vhen
h That is, Gods aues. God doth not
decree andcom- 12 Hak thou commanded the i moning open thefe bottels. the earth commeth to this inconuenience.
mandement, as fince thy Dayes? halt chou cauſed the me: CHAP. XXXIX.
verle, 10. ning to Know bis place? 1 The beantie and prouidence of God, which
i Towit, to rife, 13 That te might take hold af the corners extendeth evento the yong rauens, giueth wan full
fince thou waft ofthe earth, and chat the wicked might bee occafionte puths confidence in God. 37 Iob con-
borne, £ Haken out oftt ? feffeth and humbleth hamſelſe.
k Who hauisg I4 It is turned as clax tofathton, ! and Fit * thou hunt che pzape fo: the Ly- a Afterhehad
in the night bene all fand vp as a garment. Sits on:? o fill the appetice ofthe lyons declared Gods
giuento wicked- Is And fromthe wicked their light Hall whelpes, works in the
nefle, cannot a- be taken away, tie bie arme halbe broken. 2 When they conch in their places, and heavens, hee
bide thelight, but 16 Wak thon entred into the bottomes of remaine in the couert to tte inwaite? fheweth his mags
hide themfelues. thefea? o2 bait thou walked to leckeout the 3 Aho preparcth fe? the rauen bis meat, ucilous proui-
1 The earth which m Depth ? when his birds > crie puto God, mandering dence in earth,
feemed inthe 17 Haue the gates of Death bene opened fo: lacke of micate? ; cuen toward the
nicht to haue no vnto chee, orhatt thou ſeene the gates of the 4 Knowelt thou the time when the wilde -bruite beaftes,
forme, by the ri- Hadew of Death? _ goates bring fozth poung ? or Dock thou b Reade Pfalme
| fing of the funne I$ Hatt thou perceiued the beeadthof the marke whenthe ¢ hindes doe talue? 147-9.
isas it werecrea- earth? tellif thou knowelt all thts. S- Gantt thou number the moneths that c He chicfy ma»
tedanew, andall Ig here is the way where ———— thepfulfiil? oꝛ knoweſt thou the tune when eth mention of
things therein leth? and where ts the place of darkneſſe,
they bring forth? ; wilde goates and
clad wiih new 20 Ghat then eſhonldeſt recetue itin the 6 Theyhow themlclues : they © buile hindes, becaule
beauty. beunds therofand that thou fhouldelt know their pong, and caſt out thete ſorrowes. they bring forth
m- Ifthouartnot the pathes to the Houle thereot 2 7 Yectheir peng ware fat, and grow bp their yong with
able to feekeout 21 iKnewelt thouit, becaule thon wat with corne ; they gor koorth aud returne not mof difficultic.
the depth of che then borne, and becaule the number of thy buto them, : a Yao d That is, how
fea, how much Daves is great. p S (be hath fet the wild alle at libertie? o? Jong they goe
leffe art thou 22 Dat thoucntved into the treaſures of who bath looled the bands of the wit affe? with yong?
ableto compre- eeay 2 02 balk thou ſeene the trealures of Q Itis I which haue made the wildernefle ¢ They bring
hend the counfel £ patte, ł . bis Houle, rhe ffatt places bis Dwellings. orth with great
of God? 23 cAhich J baue hidagaink the time IO We derideth the multituBe of the city; difficultie.
“Rh That thou of trouble,agatnt p Day ofwar and battelli he heareth not the cry of the Datuer. s f Thatis, the
mighteft appoint 24 By what wap is plight sated. which II He feekethout the mountaine foz his barren ground
it his way and (catcercth the Cak wind bron the earth? patture, audfearcheth after cuery greene whereno good
limits. 25 (Ube bath Dinidvo the (powtes foz the badbey ing.
inits grow,
© Topunith mine raine 7 oꝛ the way for the lightning of the 12 Gill the Cnicozneslerue thee?o will g Isit poflible
enemies with thunders, f ; i be tariebythpcrib? : to makethe Vnie
them, as Exod.g. 26 To caule itto raine on Anh where 13 Cant thonbind the Unicome with corne tame ? fig-
18.lofh.10.1 te no man is, & inthewildernelle where there his band to labour in the furrow ? oꝛ wii bee nifying, that if
p Theyce coue- isno man? i plow the valleisafterthee? ` 4 man cannot rule
reth it, asthough 27 To fulfilithe wild and watte place, 14. Uilt thou trut in him, becaule his a creature, chat it
itwere paued ma tocaule the bud of the berbe to tpaing —A— is great, and caſt off thy labour vn· is much more im-
with ftene, oorzth? poffible that he
to un L t Š J
q Which ftarres 28 (Ubo is the father of theraine?o2 who 15 Gilt thou beleeue him, Y he wil being thould appoint
arife when the hath begocten the Daopsof the pew? home thy (eed, and gather it nto thy barn? the wifedome of
funneis in Tau- 29 Dut of whole wombe came the pce? 16 Haft thou giucn the pleafant wings vn- God, whereby
fus, whichis the who hath engend2ed the frot ot the beauen? to the peacockes7o2 wings and feathers vn- he gouerneth all
fpring time, and 30 Che waters are bid r aswith a tone s tothe oftrich 2 ; p the world.
bring flowers. and the faceofthenepthts frozen < 17 GAhichleaucth his egges in thecarth, b They write
£ Which farre 31 Cant thou reſtraine the ſweete influ- and maketh thembotin the Dut, . thatthe oftrich
bringeth in win- ences of 4 the Pleiades,oꝛ loole thebands of 18 Gnd fozgetteth thatthe foote might couereth her
ter. Dion? ; {catter them, p that the wilde beak might eggesin the fand
f Certaine ftarres _ 32 Cant thoubzing foorth !WDaszzaroth breake them. i } and becaufe the
fo called : fome intheirtime 2 cantt thou alioguide cArctu⸗ Ig Dee theweth himfelfe cruell vnto his countrey is hot,
thinke they were rus with bis fonnes? pong ones, asthep were not his, and is with⸗ and the funne
the rwelue fignes 33. Knowe thou the courfe of heauen, 02 out feare, ag ifhetrauatleDsinvatne. Rill keepeth
© The North canit thou fet u the rulethereofin the earth? 20 Foꝛ Ged hath Depzined him of * wike- thé warme, they
flarre, with thofe 34 Canſt thou lift pp thy popece to the Dome, and hath giuen him ne part of vnder · are hatched,”
cloudes, thatthe abundance of water map ſtanding. phy i i If hefliould
couer thee? Hiruki 21 Uhen! timeis, hee mounteth on hie: take care for
35 Canttthou fend the lightnings they be mocketh the bozi and bis rider. them,
canfetheheauen- may walke, € lap vnto thee,Lo,here Weare? 22 Haf thou giuen the horle ſtrengthror k Thatis, to
ly bodiesto haue 36 Cibo hath put wiſdome in thesreines? hauea care and
iy powercuer: naturall affeQion towarc his yong, 1 Whenthe yong oftsichis
earthly bodies 2.x Iarhefecretpartsof man, _ growen vp, hee outruancth
che hotſe.
DD conered
Gods wonderfull power Tob. fet feorth in Behemoth, and
m Thatis,given touered his necke with=neying? as an see. Phi
him courage ? 23 Wale thou made him atraide as the Il Beholde now, his trength is in bis
which is menr grathopper ? bis trong neying is fearful. lopnes, this fozceis in the nanilofhrs beliy.
beneving & fha- -24 2» Diggeth inthe valley and retop= _12 When betaketh plealure, pis tayle is
kKinghismane: ceth tithis Trength; ye goeth foosth to mecte like a Cenar : the linewes of his ſtones are
for with his the harneſſed man, : 3 wrapt together.
-breathhecout- 25 iJemockethat feare, cis not afraid, 13 His bones are like ſtaues of bꝛaſſe, and
reth hisnecke, andturneth not backe froin the fuo, bis finall bones like anes of yon,
n Hebeaceth 26 Though the qutuerrattle agatalt him, _ I4 h ie ts the chiete ofthe wayes of God: h Heisone of
withhishoofy the glittering (peare and the yie, i pee that made htm, will make hts ſword to the chief
o Heloriddeth 27 He twalloweth the ground fo? fierce appzoch vnto him. Beh workes of God
the ground, that nefie andrage, and hee beleeucth not that it 15 Surely the mountains brine him forth among the
itfeemethno- ts thensple of the trumpet. gralle where ali the beaſtes of the tield play. beafts,
thing vnderhim. 28 ee fayeth among the trumpets, Da, 16 Lieth be vnder the trees in the covert i Thovghman
Ha:he ſmelleth the battell afarre off, and the of tie reede anù fenues ? : dare not come
nople of the capratnes, and the outing- 17 Gan the trees couer him with their neere him, yet
F 29 Dhall the hauke fite by thy wifenome, fhadow ? ogcanthe wiliowes of tye riner God can kill
p Thatis, when ſtretching ouc Hts winges toward pr South ? compaffe him about? Ss him.
cold comneth, 30 Doeth theeagie mount vp at thy com? 18 Behold, hee ſpopleth the riucr, * anv k He drinketh
‘tofliciatothe mandement, o} make his neſt on bie? halteth not:he truſteth that he can Daw vp at léafure and
warmecoun- 31 She abideth remaineth tn the cocke, Jorden into his mouths | fearethno body,
treys, eucn vpon the top of the rocke tthe tower. Ig ie taketh it with bis eyes, g thꝛuſteth
32 From thence — foz meat, and his tole thzough whatiocuer mecteth him,
þer epes behold afarre off. 20 Cant thou daw out! Liutathan 1 Meaning, the
33 i218 pong ones allo fucke bp blood:and with an hooke, and with a line which thou whale,
where the {laine are, there is fer. halt cak Downe unto bis tongue? —
34 Wozeouce the Lod ſpake vnto Fob, 21 Gant thou catan booke inta his noie?
4 Isthistheway and fad, Ayer. canſt thou pierce hisiawes with an angle? m Becaufé hee
tor a man that 35. As this toa learne, to Krine with the 22 Gili bee make many = prayers vnto feareth left thos
wililearae,to Almightie? be that reproueth God, let him thee, oz fpeake thee faire ? ; fhouldefttake `
ftriue with God? anſwere toit, x 23 CUilhe make acoucnant with theez& him, i
whichthinghee 36 @ Chen Job anſwered b Lord, faving, wilt thou take "hunas a ſernant for cuer? n Todoethy
reproucthinIob. _37 Bebeld, Jam' vile: what hall J aus 24 Wilt chou play with him, as witha bufineffe, and be |
z Wherebyhee fiuere thee? J will lay mine bande vpon my bird7o2 wilt thou binde him foz thy matdes? at chy commas-
fheweth thathee mouth, 3 25 Bball thecompantons banquet with dement 2
repented,and de- _38. Duce haue Jſpoken, but 3 will an- bim ? Hall they Dinidehimamong tye mers
fired pardonfor ſwere no moze, pea twile, butJwiil proceed chants? o Ifthouonce
his faults. no further. 26 Gantt thou fill the balket with pig confider the dam
: CHAP, XL. inne? o? the
fi panier with bis head? ger, thou wile
2 How weake mans power is, being compared 27 Lay thine gand vpon him: remember not medle with _
to the workes ofGod : toWhofe power appeareth o the battell, and Do no moze fa. bim.
in the creation , and gouerning ofthe great beafts. 28 Behold, rhis hope isin vaine, forHall p To wir, thar »
Agm the Lord anfwered Job out of not one periſh euen at the lightot bin? trufteth to take
Chap. 38.1. the * whirlewind, and faid, CHAP XLI. i
a Signifying, 2 Gird vp now thy lopnes likea man: J a By the greatneffe of this monfter Liwiath
tharcheythat twill demaund ofthec, and Declare thou vn- God [heweth his greatneffe, and his power, apres
iuftifiethemfel- to mee, 3 ES nothing can refik
hes, condemne 3 ilt thou diſanull a my iudgement? er Nar is (o fierce that dave ſtirre him bp. a Ifnonedare
Godasinidt. wilt thou condemne me, that thou mayſt be TAho is he then $ can kana a before me? ftand againft a -
b Meaning, chat tuftified? 2 Mho hath preucnted me that J Mould whale, whichis
thefewereproper 4 Dbam thou an arme likte God ? o? b make anend ? All vnder heauen is mine. but acrearure,
vnto God, and doeſt thouthunderwith a vopceltke him? 3 J wil not keepe lence concerning c his whois ableto
belongedtono § Decke thy felfe now with > matettie parts, nog his power, no? his comely propers comparew God
man, andercellencte, Œ aray thy lelfe with beau: tion. theCreator?
£ Caufethemto tie and glozy. : 4 Who candifconer the face 4of his gars b Who hath
dieitthoncant. 6 at abzoad the indignation of thy ment for who (hall come to him with a Bøn- taught me toaca
d Proving he:eby wrath, and behold cuery one that ts proud, ble € bridle? complifh my
chat vhoſoeuer and abale him. 2 5 Aho fal fopen the Boezes of his face? worke?
atributcth to 7 Looke oneucry one that is arrogant, his teeth are fearefull round about. c The parts and
him@lfepower and baring him low: and deltroy the wicked be mateftic_ofhis(cales is like rong members of the
andabiliticto in their place. fhields.and are firre ſealed. whale,
faue himfelfe, 8 Hide them inthe duſt together, and 7 Due is ſet toauother, that no winde d Thatis, who:
makethbim- binde « their faces ina ſecret place can come betweene them. dare pull off his
felfe God. 9 Then will J confelle vnto thee atio, 8 Diets ae to another : they fticke skinne 2- i
e Thisbeatis that tby right hand can4 fane thee. together, that they cannotbelundzed. e Who dare put
thoughtto be lo @ Behold now « Behemoth, (whom 9 _tis neefingse make the light to bine, abridleinhis f
theelephant,er J made f with thee) which eareth s grafie and his epesareltke the eye lids OF themoz, mouth 4
fome other, ning. f Who dare look
whichis vnknowen, f£ Whom I madeas well asthee, g Thiscom- 10 Dutof his mouth gog lampes, and: in his mouth?
mendeth the prouidence of God toward man : for if he were givento fparkes of fire leape out, g Thatis, cafet
gcyoure as a lyon, nothing were able to reſiſt him or content bime 11 Dut of hig NTTEERA ERNE ou mont ont flamesof fire
Liuiathan. Jobs: Chap
.xlij. repentance aitd{felicitic. 220 —
as out of aboyling pot oz taldꝛen. of che eave, but now mine epe ſeeth thee.
12 iis breath maketh the coales burne: Therefore Jabhorre my feite , and cee
foz a flame goeth out of bis mouth. pent in duſt and aſhes.
13 Jn bis necke remaineth itrength, and 7 @ Mow after that the Lorde bad fia:
_b Nothing is h labour ts reiected before bis face. _ ken theſe wordes puto Job, the Lo: alia
painefullor hard 14 The members of his body are ioyned: fayde vnto Eliphaz the Temanite, Qy
dnco him, they ng ſtrong in themielues,and cannot be Wweathis kindled againit thee, and agant
moued. thy cwo friends : foz pee have tiot ſpoken of
Ig His heartis as trong ag a one, and mee the thing that is f rigptlike mp ſeruaut F Youtookein
à Hisskin is as hard asthe nether militenc. z 3b, hand an euill
hardthacheliech 16 The mightie are afraid of his mates 8 Therefore take vnto pou nowe ſeuen caule in that you
with asgreateale ſty, and fo? feare they faint in chemſelues. bullocks,and ſeuen rammes, and goe to my condemned him
ontheltones,as 17 Uhen the fwod doth couch bim, bee feruant Job, and offer bp foz your ſelues a by his outward
inthe mire. will not rile bp, nor for the (peare, Dart noz burnt offering, and mp ſeruant Job Mall affidions, & rot
k Bither he ma- habergion. b pzap foz pou: foz J will accept bim, leat F.
kKeththefeato 18 ie efteemeth pron as ſtraw, aud bealle ſhouſd put pou to ame, becaule ye haue not with my mercies.
feeme asitboiled ag ratten wood. ; ſpoken of mee the thing which ts right,like g Whobada
by his wallow- 19 Whe archer cannot make him flees the Riy (eruant Job. à _ good caufe,but
ing,orclfehe ftonesof the Ling are turned into ſtubble 9 So lipha; the Cemanite, and Bil- handled it evil.
fpourethwaterin vnto pim. bad the Shyubite,and Zophar the aama- h When you
fuch abundance, 20 The darts are counted as ſtraw:and thite went, and DiD accezdiNg as the Loꝛd haue reconciled
asitwouldfeeme he laugheth at the Waking of the ſpeare. had ſayde vnto them, andthe Lozd accepted your feluesto hins
that ¥feaboiled, 21 Sharpe tones iare vnder him, and ob, } y for ý faults that,
l That is,a white be ſpreadeth ſharpe things spon the mire. I0 -€ Then the Lom turned the i captint= youhauecommite
froth & fhining 22 He maketh the Depth ro * boyle likea ty of Job, when bee prayed foz bis frienBes: ted againft him,
ſtreame before pot, maketh the fealike apot of oyñtment. allo the Lozd gaue Job twile (o much as hee be fhall pray for
“hin. $ 23 He maketh a path to 'Mhine after him: had before. : you, and I will
m He defpifeth one would thinke p Depth as an hoare Dean. 11 Then came vnto bim all bis *bzethzen, hearebim.
all other beafts 24. Jn the earth the is none like bin: and all bis fitters,and all they that had bene i He delivered
and monfters,& beis mane without feare. of his acquatntaince befoze, œ did eate bꝛead him out of the
isthe prowdett 25 Webeholocth mall bie things shee fs with him in bis boule, and had compatlion affiaion where-
ef allothers. aking ouer all the chitdzen of pride. of him, and comtoꝛted him foz allthe euil, in he was,
that the Lozd had brought pon bim, ande k That is,all his
CHAP, XLII, uery man gaue bim a lipiece of money, and Kinred,reade
6 The repentance of Fob, 9 He prayeth for his euery one an earering of gola. Chap. 19.13.
friends. 12 His goods are veftored double unto 12 So the Lorde dleſſed the lalt dayes of Or, lambe or ma-
him. 13 Hii children ageand death, Job moze then the Girt: forxhehadtoure> ney marked.
teene thouland fheepe,and lire thoufand ta- 1 God made hima
§ Job anlwered the Lord, and fayde, mels,and athouland poke of open, Œa thoit⸗ twiſe lo rich in.
. 2 3 knowe that thon cant doe all fann Shee afles. . cattellashe was |

2 No thought fo things, andthat there isno » thought bia 13 Hee had allo ſeuen ſonnes,
and thee afore, &gaue him
fecret,butthon from thee. Daughters. asmany children
doeft feeit, nor 3 Abo is be that hideth counſel without14 And hee called the name of one ™ gje- as he had taken
anythingthac knowledge? therefore haue J ſpoken that miniah, and the name ofthe fecond 9 Kezi⸗ from him.
‘thouthinke, JJ underltood not, euen things too wonder- ab, and the name of the third e Kerenhap- m That is, of
butthou canft full foz me, © and which J knew not. puch. long life,or beate
bring it to paſſe.. 4 Weare, Ibeleechthee,eJwill peake: 15 Ju all the land were no women found tifull as the daye
b Isthereany J willdemand of thee, 4 and declare thou fo faire as the Daughters ofjob, and their n Aspleafant as
butI?forthis vnto me. father gaug them mheritance among their Caffia,or {weete
Godlaydtohis Ihaue heard of thee by the hearing beetheen. ` ' fpice.
‘charge,cha, 38.2, 16 And after this liued Job an hundzeth o Tharis, the
€ Iconfeffe herein mine ignorance,& that I {pake T wilt not what. and fozty peeres,and law hisfonnes,and bis horne of beauty.
‘d He fheweththat he will be Gods{chollerto fearneof him. e I fonnes lonues, euen foure generations,
‘Knew thee only before by hearefay : but now thou haft caufed me to 17 Ho Job died, being old E fulof dayes.
feele whatthauart tome, yImay refigne my felfe ouer vnto thee,

a @ ThexP falmes of Dauid, * Or,prayfes, ac-

cording tothe
THE ARGVMENT. Hebrewes : and
were chicfly in-
“pe booke of Pfalmes is fet foorth vnto vs by the holy Ghoft, to be efteemed as a moft precious fituted to prayfe
treafare,wherein all things are contained that appertaine to true. felicitie, afwell in this life prefent and giue thanks
_ asinthe lifetocome. For the riches of true knowledge,and heauenly wifdome are here fet open for to Ged for his
vs to take thercof moft abundantly, If wee would know the great and hie maieftie of God, here we benefits. They
may fee the brightneffe thereof fhine moft clearely.If we would (eck his incomprehenfible wifdome, are called the
here is the ichooleof thefameprofeflion. 1f we would comprehend his ineflimable bountie, and ap- Palmes or fongs
proch neere thereunto, and fill our hands with that treafure, here wee may hauea moft lively and of Dauid,bec ule
comfortable tafte thereof, If we would know wherein {tandeth our faluation, and bow to attaine to the niolt part
life euerlafting, heere isChrift our oncly Redeemer and Mediatour molt evidently deferi ed. The were made by
rich man may learne thettuc yfe of hissiches,- Ts poore man may finde ful! contentation, He that him;
willrctoyce, fhall knows thetrugioy, and howe to Keeps meafure — They that are aſſſicted
ARO z "4 D
2 ang
— —

Thebleffed ftate of the godly. Pines. Deliverance is of the Lord.
and opprefted, hail fee wherein ftandeth their comfort, and how they ought to prayfe God when hee
— fendeththem deliucrance, The wicked and the perfecuters of the children of God hall fee howe the
hand of God is cuer againft them : and though he fuffer them to profper fora while, yet hee brideleth
them, infomuch as they cannot touchan haire of ones head, except he permit them, and how inthe
end their deftruGion is moft miferable, Briefly, hecre wee may haue moft prefent remedies againft all
temptations and troubles of mind and confcience, fo that being well practifed herein, we thay bec'af-
{fured againtt all dangers in thislife, liuein the true feareand loueof God, andat length attaine to that
incorruptible crowne of glory, which is laid vp for all them that loue the comming of our Lord Ie-
fus Chrift,
PES ALL. a. mine boly monntatne.
Whether it was Efdras, or any other that gathe- 7 Jwill Declare the 4 Decrees that is,the d To thew that
red the Pſalmes inta a booke, st feemeth he dedfet Lom hath layne vnto niee, * Chou art my my Vocation to
this Pſaim frf in maner ofaPreface,toexhort al Homne: this «Dap haue Y begotten thee. the kingdome
Godly men to ftudy and meditate the heaucniy wif- Alke of me, anu J Mall gine chee the isof God.
dome For the effect hereofis, 1 That they be blef= heathen foz chine inberitance,and thefends AZ,13.23,33-
fed, which giue themfelues wholly all thei life to ofthe earth for thy poſſefſion. hebr.1.5.
the holy Scriptures: 4 Andthat the wicked cons 9 *Thau talt crush them withaſcepter e That is to fay
temners of God though they feen for a while hap- of yron and bzeake them tn pieces like a pot: astouching mans |
Pyyet at length fhali come to mferable deſtru-ters veſſell. knowledge,be- ~
a Whenaman Chon, 10 6Bee wiſe new therefore, pe Rings: caufe it wasthe ,
hath giuen once =f Leffedis the man that north be learned pe Judges of the earth. firft time that
place to cuill H not walke ithe + counfellot Il Serue the Lozd th keare, and retoice in Dauid appeared
counfel, ortohis g æ the wicked , -noz tand in the trembling. to he elected of
owne concupi- Y wapof inners, no: inthe _ 12 Biſie the fonne, lelt he be angry, ¢ pe God. So is it ap-
fcence,he begin- feate otthefcognctull. i periſh tn the way, when Dis wath thal ud- plied to Chrift in
neth ro forget frame 2 Buthis delightisin the denly burne; bleien are ali that trut tn him. his firt comming —
himfelfe in bis * Law ofthe Lord, and in bis >Lawe Docth and manifeſtati⸗
finne, and fo fal- he meditate Day aud night, ontothe world. f Not onely the Iewes, but the Gentiles allos
leth into contépt 3 Forhehallbclikea “tree planted by Rewcl.2.27. D Hee exhortethallrulersto repentintime. h Im

of God,which the riucrs of waters, that will bring koorth figneofhomage, i When the wicked fhall fay,Peace and reh fees
contempt is cal- her fruit inducfealon : whole leafe ſhall not ming yet to be but in the midway oftheir purpofes, then hall deftras
led thie feate of fanelo< whatloener he Waluo, matl proſper. Gion fuddenly come,t. Thef 5. 3-
the fcorners. 5 4 She wicked are not fa. butas the P-S ALLY ik
Deut.6.6.iofh.x. chaffe, which the winde driueth away. 1 Dauid driuen forth ofhis kingdom was greata
3.070u.6.20. . Therefore the wicked Mall not ſtand Ly tormented wn minde for his finnes againſi God z
b Inthe holy inthe: tudgement, ns? Gunners in the aſſem· 4 And therefore calleth vpon God, and waxeth
Scriptures. bly of the rightesus. : bolde through his promifes againft the great raye
Iere.17.8. 6 Foerthe Low F knoweth the way of the dings and terrors of his enemies yea,against death
c Gods children risbitons, and the way of the wicked Hall it fel, whicn hee faw prefent before his eyes. 7
are fo moiftened pect}. Finally, hee reieyceth for the good [ucceffe that
euer with his grace, that whatfoeuer commeth vnto them, tendeth God gaue him, and allthe Church,
to theirfaluation. d Though the wicked feemeto beate the fwinge Ca Plalme of Dauid, when he fed fron
in this worlde, yetthe Lord driueth them downe thatthey fhal) not bisfonneAbfaiom,
rife not ftand inthe company of‘the righteous, e Buttremble Lace ate inineaduerfartes *increa> a This wasatee
when they feele Gods wrath, f Doethapproue and proper, like (ed 7How many rile again me? ken of his fable
asnotto Know,is to reprouc and reie, 2 Matty fay to my faule, There is no help faith, that for alt
foz bim tu Gov, > Selah. : Fis troubles, he
PSAL. FIL 3 But thon Lom arta buckler fo: mee: had his recourfe
1 The Prophet Dauid resoyceth that notwitſtan- my glory, and thelifter pp of my head. to God,
ding his enemies rage,yet God wall continue his 4 J dtd call unto the Lozd with mp voice, b Selabhere fige
hingdome for eucr, and aduance it enento the end and he beard me out of his holy mountame. nifieth a lifting
ofthe world, 10 and therefore exhorteth kings & elab.
Delabh vp of the voyce,
vulers,that they would humbly fubmit themfelues 5 J lain me downe and flcpt,androle yp to caufe vs to cow.
wniler Gods yoke, becaufe it is in vaine to refift agatne; foz the Lozd ſuſtained me. fider the fentence
God, Hereinis figured Chrifts kingdome, 6 J wil not be afrai forten thoufand of as athingoſ great
a The confpitacy y V Wy Doe tie 2 Meathen*rage,and the : the people, that Would belet me round about importance, SS
-of the Gentiles, people murmurte tn vaine? 7 DLow, arife : belpeme,myp God ; foz c When he cone.
the murmuring 2 The kings of the earth band them: thou hat ſmitten al mine enemies vpon the fidered thetrueth
ofthe lewes, and ſelues, Œ the pꝛinces are affembled together cheeke bone ; thou batt baoken the teeth of of Gods promſe,
power of Kings againſt the Tord, and againtt his f Cit. the wicked. ` and tryed the
cannot preuaile 3. $Letnsbreake their bands , and cak 8 4 @atuation belongeth vnto the L020, fame,his faith
againft Chrift, their cords from vs. and thy bleffing is bpon thy people, Selay, aS

Acts 4:25. 4. *Burhe that dwelleth in the heane,hal —
* BOrsanoynted. laugh: the Lord hall haue them in Derifion., d Bethe dangersneuer fo great or many,yet God
b Thus the wic- § Then hal he ſpeake puto them in his to delitter his,
ked fay, that they — vere them in bis ſore diſpleaſure, PiS A Litt,
swill caft off the ying, d j 1 When Saul perfecuted himhecalled upon
yoke of God, & 6 Euen J haue ſetmy King bpon Zion God,trufting mofi affaredlyin his promife, and
ofhis Chriſt. therfore boldly repr ometh his enemies,
who wilfule
Proa 1.26, © Gods plagues will declare thatinrefifting bis Chrift, ly refiied hws dominion, 9 and finally preferreth
_ they fought again him, . the fanour ofGod before al worldlytrea/ures. '
¶ 2 Go
Patience in affliction. Pfalmes. A prayer forthe afflicted. 211
a Amongthem C: To him that ercelleth on Meginoth. tay platnedefoze mp face. :
that were ap- @ Palme ef Dauid. 9, Foz no conftancte is in their mouth: Rom. 3.13. |
pointedtofing He mee when T call, e D Gov ofmyp within they are ery cogruption : their ||\Or,caufetkem —
the Pfalmes,and £ Lrightconfnefic: thou batt fee me at libers * throatisans open ſepulchae, and they flatter to erre, |
toplayonthe tie, when I was< tn diſtreſſe: haue mercie vp» With their tongue. g Let their de-
inftruments,one on meand hearken vnto my prayer. Io Dektrop them,D Gon: lilet them s fall uices cometo
was appointed 2 Dye“ tonnes of men, how tong will ye from their countelg; cafit them out foztye nought.
chiefeto fetthe turne my glozp inte hame, elouing vanttte, multitude of their iniquitics, becauſe they h Thy fauour to-
tune,andtobe- and fecking lies? Meiah. baue rebelled agant thee. : ward me hall
gin: whohad the 3 Foꝛ be pee fure that the Lod hath chos Il AnD let all them, that truſt inthee, confirme § faith
charge becaufe fer to bunfelte! a godly man ; the Lozd weit reioyce and triumph foz euer, and couer thou of all others,
hewasmoftex- heare wheng call puto him. them: and let them that lone thy Mame, res fOr.gine good
cellent, and he 4 *remble, and tinne not: eraming ioyce inthee. fuccefe.
beganne this your owne heart vpon peur bed and be tl, 12 Foꝛ thau Lozd wilt l bleffe the righte i so what he fhall
Pfalmeonthe Selah. ’ ous,and with fauour wilt compatie him, as be fafe from all
inftrument called § i Dffer the facrifices ofrighteouſneſſe. with a hick, dangers,
Neginoth,orin and trutt inthe Lord. s PSAL. VIL
a tune ſo called. 6 Many fap, Aho will ewe vs any 1 When Dauid by bas finnes had prouoked Gods
b Thouthatare "good? but Lozd, liftbp the light of thy coun: wrath, and now fels not only his hand againft him,
thedefenderof ftenancebpon bs. but alfoconcesued the horrours ef death euerla-
my iuft caufe. 7 Thou hak giuen me moze toy of heart, Sting, hee defireth ſorgiuene ſſe,6 Bewailing that
c Bothofminde then they haue had, when theit wheate anv sfGod tooke him away in his indignatiohejhould
and body. their wine Did abound. lacke occafionto praife himas hee was wont to
d Yethat thinke 8 J wilttaymeedowne, and ako lleepe doe, while he was among mex. o Then fuddenly
your feluesnoble în peace ? foz thou Lor, ' onely makelt mee feling Gods mercie,he fharpely rebuketh his ene-
inthisworld, Dwwellin fafette. mies which reioyced in his affuction.
e Though your 4 C To him that excelleth on Neginoth upon
enterpriles pleafe you neuer fo much, yet God will bring themto the eight tune, A Pſalme of Danin.
nought, f A King that walketh inhis vocation, g For feate of Ot *+ rebuke me notin thineanger, 7ere.10,24.
Godsiudgements, h Ceafeyourrage. i Serue God purely and neither chattife me in thp wath. a Thongh I de-
net with outward ceremonies. k The multitude feeke worldly 2 Wane merce vpon mee,D Load, fo2J feruedeltruGion,
wealth, bur Dauid ſetteth his felicitie in Gods fauour. 1 This word am weake: D Logd beale me, forb miy bones yet let thy mercie
in Ebrew may bee teferred to God , as it 1s here tranflated, orto Da- are vered. pitie my frailtie,
uid, fignifying, that be fhould dwells ioyfully alone , as ifhee had 3 My fouleis allo ſoꝛe troubled: but b Formy whole —
many abeut him, becaufe the Lord is with him. £020, how long wilt thou Delap? rength is aba·
PS AL Ve 4 Returne, D Lod: dDeltuer my fortes ted. J
1 Dauid eppreffed with the cruelie of his enee faue me fo? thy mercies fake. c His confcience
mies, and fearing greater dangers, calleth to God § Foꝛ in 4 Death thereisnoremembsance isallotouched
Sor fuccour, fhewing bow requifite it is that God of thee: inthe graue, who ſhall praile thee? withthe featcof
fhould pumfh the malceofhis adier faries. 7 Af- 3| fainted in mp mourning: J cawle Gods iudgement,
ter, being afJured ofprofperous fucce ſe,heconcei- my bed euery night to ſwimme, and water d He lamenteth
uweth comfort, 13 Concluding that when God fhal mp couch with mp teares. f that oecafion
deliuer him, others alfa fhal bee partakers ofthe 7. | Mine eye tsdimmed foz velpite,and fhould be taken
fanke tn becanle ofall mineenemies, from him to
hOr emuficaline“ qo
muſicall ina
Erument or tune. €
umathat ercel eth pon Mebiloth
o himthatexcelleth
Prhalme of Danid
pon Nehiloth. 8 © Away from me all pe workers of ini ·praife God inthe
quitie: foz the Lozd hath heard the voyce of congregation.
a That isymy ve- Hex my wordes,D Lod; ouderKand mp weeping. =i Or mine eye č
_ hement prayer & my 2 meditation. c 9 Abe Low hath heard my petitionsthe eaten as it were
fecret complaint 2 Hearken vnto the boyce of my trie, Lo: will recetue my pꝛayer. with wormes.
and fighings. my King andmy God: foz vnte thee Doc J To Gil mine enemies tball be confounded ¢ God fendeth
b With parience pap, y and (022 vexed: they chall bee turned backe, comfortand
andtrufttiliI bee 3 heare my vopcein the moning, D and put to ſhame fabvenly. boldneſſe inaf-
heard, Lord: for in the — — FZ direct mee fliGion,that we
c Secing that ©yntorhee,and J wille waite. may triumph ouer our enemies. f Whenthe wicked thinkethat
God of nature 4 Foꝛ thou art not a God that loueth the godly thall peri, God deliuereth them fuddenly , and deftroy-
‘hateth wicked- e ickeDuefie; neither Hall euilldwell with cth their enemies.
neſſe,hemoſt thee. PSA J Ab:L h
needes puniſh § d The foli ſhall not ſtande in thy i Being falflyaccufed by Chufh one of Sauls
thewicked,and fight: far thou hatelt all them that worke — Si fe to God to be hus — To
fauethegedly. iniquitie. N whome hee commendeth hu innocencie, 9 First
d Which runne 6 Thou halt deftrop them that ſpeake fhewing that his conference did not acctfe himof
moft ragingly af- lies: the Loꝛd will abbezre the bloody man any euill towards Saul: 10 Next that it touched
tertheircarnall and deceitful. : i Gods glory to awarde fentence againff the ice
affe&ions, 7 But Je will come into thine houle in hed, 12 And fo entrang into the confiderationof
e Inthedeepet the multitude of thy mercie : and in thp Gods mercies and promife, hee waxeth bold, and
ofhistentations feare will J woꝛrſhippe toward thine Yoly derideth the vaine enterprifes of hù enemies, 16
he putteth his @emple. j f Threatning thatit{hall fall on their owne necke
fullcoufidence 3 Leanemec,D Lod, in thy righteoul: which they haue purpefed fir ethers, Z
in God, nee, ‘becaufe of mine enemies: make thy € ||Shigaion of Dauid, which hee ſang pOr,hived
f Becaufe thou ; i vnto the Lod, concerning the{| woꝛds ||Or,aceu/ation,
art iuft, therefore leade mee out of the dangers of mine enemies, of * Chuh the fonne of Jemini. BSAG,
DI 3 DLow
Dauids righteoufnefic. Pfalmes. Mans dignitie.
Lod my God, in (hee
F put my trut: 2 Chen FT behold thine heauens euen the
? fane me from all that periecute me, and workes of thy fingers, the moone and the b It had been ſuf⸗
Deliner me. ſtarres which thou bat odeined, ficient for him ro »
a Hee defireth 2 Leta he deuoure my foulc like alyou, 4 atis > man, fayl, that thou art haue ſet forth bis
Godtodeliuer and teare it in preces, while there ts none ta mindkull of him? and thelonne of man,that glory by the hea-
himfromjrage helpe. i i thou vilited hun? i uens though he
ofcruellSaul. -3 D LoD my Gad, ifJ haue Done >this § Foꝛ thon yak made him alittle lower had not come fo
b Wherewith . thing, if there bee any wicksduelle in mine then: God, and crowned hin with gloz and low asto man
Chufhchargeth Hands, ; ’ worſhip. -cx which is but duft,
mee, 4 JEJ baue rewarded euill vnto him 6 Chou hak made him to haue Domini- c Touching his
elf Treuerenced that had peace with mee, (yea, Ji Gave deli⸗ on in the workes of thine bands t thou bhatt firkcreation,
not Saulforaffi- yered him that vered me without caule) put ali things unter bis feete: d By thetempo-
nities fake,& pre- § Thenict the enemie perfecute my toule 7. Gil Aheepe and oxen : pea, and the rall gifts of mans
ferucdhislife, and take it: pea, let bun tread my life Downe
beats ofthe field; ; creation, he isted
1,5am,26.8,9. vponthe earth, ann lay mine ¢ honourin the 8 Thetouies of the ayre. and the RM oF co confider the
d Let mee not Bult, Helah. j i the fea, and that which pallety thozow the bencScs which
onely die, but 6 Arile,D Lom, inthy wath, and lift paths of the lras. . he hath by his
_ be difhonoured bp thy felfe again the rage ot mine ene· 9 D Lewdour Lord, how ercelleutis thy regeneration *

for cuer. mies,¢ awake foz me according to thestudge> Name inall the walu! througb Chriſt.
¢ Inpromifing ment thar thou haſt appointed.
me the kingdom. 7 Holhalthe congregation of the people PSAL. IX. ——
f Not onely for compaffe thee aboutstoz thetr Cakes thcrctoze 1 After be had guen thanks to. God. for the fun-
mine, but fer thy Freturneon high. · Pa gr dry victories that he had fast him againſt his ens-
Church fake de- 8 The Low hatindge the people:iudge mies andalfa proued by manifold experience hove
clare thy power, thou me, D Lard, accordingtomys rightes ready God was at hand sn all his troubles: 14 He
g As touching ouſneſſe, andaccording to mine mnocencie, being now likewife in danger of new enemies des
my behauiour that is tit me. y ; fireth God to helpe him according to bss woont, 17
towards Sauland Q D let themalice ofthe wicked come ta And to deftroy the mslicteus arrogancie of bis.
mine enemies. an end: but guide thou the iutt: for rhe righ: ge Le s eR es = :
h Thoughthey teous Gon trieth the hearts and reines ohim thatercelleth opon Wuth fOr, kinde of in-
pretenda iuſt 10 My dDefenceis in Gad, who preſerueth Labben. A Pſalme ofDanid. firumenst or tunes
caule againftme, the vpzightin heart. CAN praple the Lord with mp » whole or, for the death
yet God (hall IL Gos tudgeth the righteous, and him beart;3]wil ſpeake of all thy marneilous ofLabsen or Go-
wdgetheirhy- that contemuetl God,‘ euccp day. : works. i liath. ‘tj
pocrifie, 12 €rcept *hee turne, hee hath whet his 2 Ywill be glad, and reioyce tuthee : H-a Godisnot
i Hedoethcon- ſword: hee hath bent his bowe and madeit will fing praile to thy Mame, D mot High, praifed,except
tinuallycallthe ready. 3. Fo. that mine enemies are turned the whole glory
Wicked torepen- 13 Hee hath alfo prepared him Deadly backe: they thal fallt peri at thy prefence, be giuento him
tancebyfome ‘weapons: hee will osdatne his arrowes foz 4 For > thowhalk matutatued my right alone,
-fienesofhis = ` them that perfecute me. : and my caule; thou art {et in the theotteand b Howfoeuer the
_indgements, 14. * Behold, hee Wall trauatle with wic- iudgelt tight. enemie ſeeme for
k Except Saul kenene: for Hee hath concetucd mifchicke, 5Thou haſt rebuked the heathen: thoy a time to pre-
-turnehis minde; but be bail bring fothatie. balt deſtroyed the wicked: thou haſt put our vaile,yetGod
T dies forhee I5 Ve hath made a pit and digged if,and their name fo2 ever and euer. prelerueth the
hath both men is fallen into the pit,that he madẽ. G ¢@Denemte, Delkructions are come to iuh.
and weapons 16 His mifchiete Hall returne vpon his aperpetualiende, and thou halt deltropen c Aderifionof 3
to deſtroywe. obne head, and his crucitte Hall fall vpon the cities: their memoziallis periſhed with the enemiethge `-
Thos confidering Hts owne pate. : d then, mindeth nothiag
hispreatdenger, I7 J Wil pzaile the Lord according tobis 7 But the Lord) fhal ft for ence:
hebath bu: dettruGion:
hemacnificth ` 'righteouinefie,; and wili fing praiſe to the prepared hts throne foriudgement. but the Lord will-
Gods grace, zame oF the Lord mot Wig. 8 Foꝛ he ſhall tunge the mod i righte⸗ deliver bis,and:
Ifaiah 59:4. ouſneſſe, and ſhall iudge the people wrth bring bim ingo..
ië 15.35. 1 In keeping faithfully his promife with me, equttie. : judgement, -<
PSAs uyVk 9 The Loꝛd alſo will bea refuge forthe Or reigne as~
1 The Prophet confidering the excellent kbera- a poaze,aretuge
indue time, euentnatflice iudge ison
htie and fatherly prouidence of God towards man, tow d Our miſeries
whom be made as jt were a god ouer all his works, 10 And they that kuowe thy Mame, will are meanes to
doth not onely ciue creat thanhos, but is aſtoniſhed truſt in thee: toz thou, Load, Halt not faled caufe vsta feele
with the admiration of the fame, as cne nithinga» them that teeke thee. ; Gods prefent
ble to compaffe fisch great mercies. Il Sing patiestothe Lord..whtch dwel care ouer vs.
09, kinde of in- E To Hin that eccelicth ot Gittith. eth indion, thew thy peaple his mors.
rument, or & Plalme of Daurd. I2 fore when the makech inquttition foz: e- ThoughGed .
tune, Lord ove Lod, howe iercetleut ts thy blood, he remembeerh it, and forgectety not reuengeth nor y-
Or, noble, or Pame mall the world: wyich hat iet the coiwpiatnt of rhe poore. fuddenly the
arneilaus. thy glozy aboue the heauens. 13 Haue mercy Bponine,D Lod, conic wrong doneta
a Though the 2 Dut ofthe 2 mouth of babes ant fuck: Dermy trouble. which Ifuter of them that: his,yerhe ſuffe⸗
wvickedwould lings haſt thon |osdcined ſtrength, betauſe bateme, thouthat Wied mee vp fromthe reck not the wice
hide Godspraie of thine enemies, that thou mighteſt stil gates of death. . ked vnpunifhedy, j
fes,yetthevery theencmypand iheancnger: 4 Chat J may thewe all thy. prayſes fF In che open
Babesarefufin ° 3 Á within the f gates of the Daughter of Sten, aflembly ofthe.
cient witnefles ofthe fame, ||Or,efablifhed. Or, conſound. „avd reloycdinthy ſaluation. Church. <
15 The

The nature of the wicked. Pfalines. The iudgement ofthe wicked. ara
‘g For God ouet- . 1g The heather are s (unken Downe in 14 Yet thou hak ſeene it: fo2 thon behol- h To iudgebes
throweth the the ptt, chat hep made: in che net that thep Dek miſchiete and wong, that thou mayett tweene the rigt
wicked in their Hrd, ts tbeir foote taken. » take te inte thine hands: the pooze com⸗ and the wrong,
enterprifes, 16 t The Lome is knowen by erecu- mitteth biniieite vnto thee ; fox thois art the i For thou haft
b The mercy of ting iudgement + the wicked ts fared in Yelper of the fatherleiſe. vererly deftrover
+ God toward his the wozke oi bis owne ands, | Mragaton. I; Beake thou the arme ofthe wicked him, >
. Saints muf be PHelah. | ; and malicious : itarth bis wickeoneue, and K The hypocrite
declared,and the 17 The wicked thall tuene into hell, and thon fhailt find‘ nons. i or ſuch as line
fail of the wicked ali nations that forget God. 16 The Lowis Ring foz ever and erer: not after Godz
muft always be 18 JFozthe pooze halt not be alway foz- tbeiHeathen are deſtroyed foozth of his lawe,fhalbe de⸗
confidered, gottensthebepe: ofthe atitcred fall not anv, ftroyed,
ll Or, thes is wor- perii fo2 ener. 4 17 Loyd, thon haſt heard the delire of the 1 God helpeth
thy to be noted, 19 Gp Lod: let not man prenaile: let paoe: thou preparei their heart; thee ben⸗ when mans help
i God promifeth the peathen be tudged itt thy light. Def thine care co them, ceafeth.
notto helpe vs 20 Purt them iñ keare,D Lozd, that the 18 1 Qo iudge the fatherlefle and pooze, ||Or, defroy no
before we haue heathen may know that they are but men. that earthly = tcant toeate ng moꝛe. Wore man vpe

felt the croffe, Belay. the earth.

k Which they 1 This Pfalme comtawmeth two parts. Inthe fit
cannot learne without the feare ofthy iudgement, Dauid fkeweth how hard afaults of tentations he
P SAL. X fiftained, andin bow great anguifh ofminde hee
2 Hecomplameth ofthe frand,rapine,tyranny, was when Saul did perfecute him. 4 Then next
and all kinds of wrong, which worldly men vſe, he reioyceth that God fent him [uceour in his ne-
affigning the cavfetherof,:hat wicked men, berag cefsitie , declaring hu infice as well in gouer-
as it were drunken with worldly profperity, and sug the good , andthe wicked men, as the whole
therefore ſetting apart all feare and reuérence to- world,
svard God, thinke they may doe all things with- ¶ Tobim that ercelleth, A Palme
eut controwling. 15 Therefore he calleth vpon of Dauid.
God,to fend fome remedy againft thefé defperate {2 the Lord put 3 my trut: howe fap yee
enils,16 and at length comforteth himſelfe with then to mp foule, Flee fo pour mountaine a This isthe
hope ofdeliuerance. asa bird? , wicked counfell
a So foore aswe VV Vyp tandet thou farre off, D Lom, 2 Fezloe, the wicked bend their bow, & of his enemiesta
enterinto affi@i- V and bined thee tu? due time, cuen in make ready their arrowes vpon the itring, him and bis com
on, wethinke alilictton? - ; j that they may tecretip (hoot at thent, which panions, to drit
God thould 2 The wicked with pride doth perlecute are vpright in heart. him from the
helpe vs, bur that the pooze: tet them bee taken inthe. crafts 3 forthe foundations are caſt Bowne: hepe of Gods
“is not alway¢shis that they hane imagined, what hath thee righteous Done 2 promife,
due time, 3 Fo the wicked hath t made boat of bis The Loe is in pis holp palate ; the b Allhope of
b The wicked own hearts Delire,and the couetous bleſſeth Lodz theoneisinthe heauensbis eves ¢ will fuccour is taken
man re:oyceth in himfeife : he contemneth rhe Lod. confiner :bis eye lids will trig the childzen
hisowneluft:he > 4 Tbe wicked ts fo proud that he ſeeketh of men,
boafteth when nor for God; He thinker) alwapes, Chere ts § Che Low will trie the rightesus: but cert and my
he hath thathe no Gad. j the wicked and him that toueth tniquitic, caue good. |
would ; he brag- § His wayes alway profper: thy iudge· Doth his toute bate. à d Though all |
geth of his wit ments ave bigh aboue pis aght: theretoze 6 Upon che wicked he Mall raine ſnares, things in earth `
` and _wealth,and i defieth be alibisencanics. e fireann bain itone , and Remie tempel, be out of order, |
bleſſeth himlelfe, De ſaith in bis heart, J Mally neuer thisis fthe poztian of fheir cup. i yet God wil exe=)
and thus blafphe- be mouen, nor be in danger. J 7 Forthe righteous Lod toneth righte⸗ cute iudgement —
meth the Lord, 7 Wis mouth ís full of curling and Des — bis countenance doeth behold the from he uen.
{ Or,fuujffeth at. ceif, and fraude: buber his tongue is mil Lilt. e As in the de·
HOr.not be moucd chiefe and iniquitie. firutionofSes |
becan[e he was 8 4 He lieth in waitin the villages:in the dome and Gomortha, f Which they fhall drinke ceuen to the)
nogerin enill, fecret places Doeth he murder the innocent; dregges,Ezck/2 3.34,
© The enill thall bis eyes ave bent againg the poore. aS

not toueb me, 9 He lieth in watt ſecretly, eu emag a lion sat i PS AL, XII
1.28 15.oreife inbisden be eth in waite to fpoyle the 8 The Prophet lamenting the miferable efate
he speaketh thus, ` poore : he dorth ſpoyle the poore, when hee ofthe people, andthe decay of allzood order, dea
becaufe he neuer Drawer) pim into his neta — Greth God fpeedily to fend ſuccor to his children,
felt cuill. 10 ie croucheth and boweth: therefore 7 Then comforting himfelfe and others with the
d He ſheweth beapes of tiee pomene fali by hismight. · affarance of Gods helpe, he commendeth the come
that the wicked IL Pe hath ſayd in his heart, God Hath fiant verise that God obferucth in keeping bis
forgotten, be hideth away bes face; and wiil as ie i

haue many x ; a Which dare
mezanesto hide neuer lee, i l o him that excelleth bponthe efght defend ¥ trueth, |
theircrucltie, and 12 Ariſe, D Lode God : lift bp thine tune, 4 Plalne of Dauid. eigen and {hew mercy
therefore ought Hand: forget not the poore. N Her Lord, fo: there is not a 2 godly to the oppteffed. }
more tobe feared 13 Mbherkore doech toc wicked contemne man left : for the faithfull. are fatten. b He meaneth y, |
.6,By the hypo- . Gos? be laith in his heart, Chou wile nor fromamong thecbupienofinen, ~ flatrerersofthe.. |
crilie of them. +- 8 regard, | 2 Obey Herke dectitkuliy euery one with court, which :
that have autho- His neigibour, >Hatteting with their lips, hurt him more:
ritie, the poore are devoured. f Heecalleth to God for helpe, be- and peak witha doudie beart, — i wW their tongues:
caule wickednesis fo farre ouergrowen, that God mufi now helpe or 3 The Lod cut off all attering lips, and then with their
neues g Therefore thou multneeds punith this their blafphemic. the tengue that ſpeaketh pond ching: Weapons,
_ Oda 4 bic)

ods word is pure. Pfalines. Whois bleffed,
e They thinke 4 Ahich Harte aid, e Mith our tongue 6 prowbane mabe e a mocke at the coun: e You mocke thé
themfelues able will wee pecuatte sour lips are our owie: fell oFthe pooze,becaufe the Leoz is his trut. that put cheir
to perfwade whoisLowdoucrys? ?: 7 Db giue faluation ynto f Iſtael out of truft inGod,
-whatfocuer they $ 4 fow foz tie oppe Tion ofthe needy, Zion: when the Loza turneth the captiuitie f He prayeth for
take in hand. and foz the fighs of the pooze,3will vp, faith of bis people,then Jaakob hall retopce , and ý whole Church
d The Lord is the Lord, andwill e fet at liberty him, whom Firael halbe glad. who heis aflured
moued with the the wicked bath {nared. J Note that of this Pfalme,the 9. 6.& 7. verſes, God will deliuer:
- complaintsof 6 The wards of the Lord are pure words, which arc put into the common tranflation, & for nonebuthe -
“his,& deliuereth as the filuer,tried n a foznace of earth, ined may ſeeme unto fome to be left out in this, are onely can docit,
inthe end ftom. ſeuen fold. not in the fame Pſalme in the Hebrew text but
all dangers, 7 Chou wilt keepẽ the,D Loꝛd:thou wilt are rather put in,more fully to expreffethe mae
e Beeawle the pieſerue him from this generation foz euer, ners ofthe wicked : and are gathered out ofthe
- Lords word and 8 The wicked walke on enery ſide:when §-140,4nd 10. Pfalmes,the 59. of the Prophet
promife istrue & thep are exalted,8itis a Mame fog the fonnes Ifasah,ch the 36,Pfalme, and ave alleaged by
wnchangeable, of men. air S. Paul, and placed togesher inthe 3. te the Roe
he will performe it,and preferuc the posre from this wicked genera» manes,
tien. £ Thatisthine, though he were but one man, g Forthey PSAL. XV.
ſippreſſe the godly, and maintaine the wicked, 1 This Pſalme teacheth on what condition God
PSAL XIIL did chuſe the Lewes far his peculiar people , and
2 Dauid as it were ouercome with fundry and wherfore he placed hisTemple among them, whic h
sew afflictions, fizeth to God as his onely refuge, was tothe intent that they by buing uprightly c
3 and fo at the length being encouraged through godly might witneffe shat they were his [peciall
Gods promifes, he concesmeth moft fure confidence and holy people, — *
againft the extreme horrors ofdeath, € å Plalme of Danid.
To him that ercelleth. A Pſalme Easy: hall dwell in thy Taberna- a Fir God re- :
of Danid, cle? who Hall reft in thine polp monne uireth vpright-
LE Tong wilt thou forget me, D Lord, taine ? {hut nele —
a He declareth: doing well to o-
| ehathis afflicti- a foz cuer? bow long wilt thou bide thy 2 Wethatawalketh bprightlpand two-
Í enslafieda long face from me? f keth righteouſneſſe, and(peakerh the trucch thers,and thirdly
2 How loag Hall J taket counfell with- in bis beart. ; trueth & fimpli+
| time, and that his
| faith fainted not. in my felfe , having wearineffe Daily in mine 3 Wee that llaundereth not with pis City in our words,
b Changing my beart ? how long hall mine enemy be egal: tongue, no? doeth enill to his neighbour, rethnot the yn-
b He that fattes
putpofe asthe ted aboue me? noz receiueth a falle report againit bis
ficke man doeth 3 Behold, and heare mee, D Lore my netabbour. ay — godly ia their
his places gion: usate mine epes, that J eepe not 4 Jn whole epes a bile perlon is cons anickednefie.
‘c Which might in Death : temned but he honoureth them that feare the € Tothe binde-
turne to Gods 4 Lek mine enemy fay, J haue: penais Lob 3 he thãt ſweareth to his owne hindes- rance of his*
diſhonor,ifhe did led againt him:and they that afflict me, res rance and changeth not. :
d That is, fhalt
not defend his. fopce when J Nide. : § Hethate gtueth not bis money vnto
§ But Itrult in thy d mercy: mine heart bfurie, 10? taketh reward againſt the innos not becalt forth
| d Themercie of ofthe Church
$ Godis the cauſe hailreioyce in thy faluation : Jwili fing to cent: be that doeth theſe chings, 4ihall ne: as by pocrites.,
of our faluation. the Lozd, becaule bee Hath <Dealt louingly uer be mooued.
| e Both by thebes withme.
| nefits paſt,deby 1 Dayid prayethto God forſuccour, not fer his
PSAL. XIIII. workes, but for his faiths fake, 4 Prote/timg that
| ethers to come, 1 He defcribeth the peruerſe nature of men hehateth all idolary, taking Ged esely for bis
which were fogrowento licencioufnes, that God —* and felicitis, who fisffereth bis to lacke
was brought tc utter contempt. 7 For the which nothing.
thing although he was greatly grieued , yet being C Michtam of Danid. fOr, certaine
perfwaded that God would [end fome prefent re⸗ paatu mee, D Gov: foz in thee doe J tune, `
medie, he comforteth himfelfe and othurs. strui, a He thewerh
C Tobin vet ercelleth, A Pfalme 2 Omyfoule,thau
batt fain vnto the 1020, that we canoe
of Dauid, f hou artmy Loꝛd smyp> wel Doing exten- call vpon God,
Te * foole hath ſaid in hisheart, » There deth net to thee, | : ! except weuult
isne.@od: thep haue’? cozrupted, ans 3 Buc tothe Saints that are in the earth, in him. i
Done an abominable worke ;there is none — to the excellent; all mp Delight is in b Thoughwe
is that Doeth good. them. cannot entich
2 he Lowlooked Downe from heauen 4 The ſorrowes of them, that offer te God, yetwe muft|
vpon the chilozen of men,to {ee tf there were another God hall be multiplient : d their of» beftoweGods _~
any that would vnderſtand and eke God. ferings of blood will} not offer, neither giftsto the vſe
3 © Qilare gone out of the way : thep are er mention of their names with mp of his children,
allcorrupt: theretsnone that Doth good,no í c Asoriefe of
mot one. § TheLordisthe portion of mine inhe: confcience and
4 Doe not all the workers of iniquity —— of mip cup: chou Walt maintaine miferable de-
knowe that thep eate bp mp peopie,as they my lot. 2 : ſtruction. À
gate bread ? they call not vpon the Lod. 6 Thee lines are fatien pute me in plea d He would. neie
efaithful & the 5 4 There they Hallbetaken with feare fani places yea, Jhauea faire heritage. ther by outward
reprobate; but betauſe Hodis in the generation of cheiulk, 7 3 will peatle the Lom, who hath given profeffion, nor
S Paul fpeaketh in heart, nor in
the fameofall men naturally, Rom.3.10, d Where they thinke mouth confent to their idolatsie:,Exod,2 3.13. € Wherewith my
themfelues moft jure. portion is meaſured.
Gods word bridleth him. Palmes. Dauids confidence. 21 3
f Godreacheth smecountfell: my f reines ato teach me inthe 15 BurZ will behold = thy face in tightee n This isthe
mecostinually nights. ; 3 ouſñeſſe.andwhenF ° awake, Jſhalbe tf full d felicity,com- |
by fecret infpira- 3 Jhaue ſet the Loyd alwayes before me: fied with thine image. forting againit
tion. foz bets at mp tight handirbercfore J s Hall ali afaults ,to
g The faithfull not Aie. haue the face of God and fauourable countenance opened vnto vs
are fure to perle- 9 (Gherefozetmine beart is glad, and o And am deliueted out of my great troubles,
| hereto theend, my tongue retoyceth:my kleſh allo Boeth rek
bThatis,ire- inbope. : i PSAL XVIII
| ioy
ioycebothinbo- 10 Foꝛ thoui wilt not leaue my foulein 1 This Pfalme is the firft beginning of his gra-
dyandinfoule. the graue:neither wilt thou ufer thine holp tulation and thanhe ſgiuing in the entring snte hss
i Thisischiefly Dne to (ee coruption. e kingdome,wheveinbe extolleth and pray[eth mof
| meantof Chit, 11 Thou wile Hew me the path of life: in highly the marueslous mercies and grace of God,
| bywhoferchr- thy * pzelence is the kulnelle of top:and at thy who hath thus preferued and defended him. 32
| reGionalihis right band thereare plealures foz eucrmeze, Alfa he fetteth forth the image of Chriſts king-
members haue ; F dome thatthe faithfull may be affured that Chrift
immortalitie, kK Where God fauoureth, there is perſect felicity, Shalt alwayes conquere and oucrcome by the va-
peakeable power of his Father ,though all the
PSAL, XVII. whole world fhould firine thereagainft.
s Here he complaineth to God ofthe crue: pride € Tobim that excelleth.A Plalme ofDauld
and arrogancy of Saulyand the reft of his enemies, the ſeruant ofthe Loz. mbich ſpake vnto
who thus raged without any caufe giuen on hus tye Lod the words of this fong (inthe
part. 6 Therefore he defireth God to rewenge his Dap that the Lord Delivered him trom the
snnocencie, and deliuer him. hand of all bis enemies , €from the band
of Saul) and fay,
s ¶ The prayer of Danid. J— — thee dearely, D Lone my
a My righteous Eare the right, D Lord, confiner mp rength.
caufe. cry: hearken vito mp paper of lips vne 2The Lord ismy rocke, and my foz» 3,56%.22.2»
| fained, treſſe, and hee that deliuereth me, mp God a He vſeth this
ance that thou 2 Let my fentence come forth from thy and mp. ſtrength: in him will J trut, my diwerlitie of
wea- prelence,and let thine eyes behold equitic. — bezne allo of my faluation, and mp names to fhew
| gaint mine cne- 3 Thou balk < proouedD and vilited mine efuge. | that as the wic-
mics. - beartinthenight: thou batt tryed me, and 3 J will call spou the Lorde, which is
| c Wheneby fpi-- foundet nothing:for J was purpoted that Worthy to be> pratten: ſo fhal Jl be fate from
sitexamined my mp4month Hoyt not offend. mine enemies.
confcience. > 4 Concerning the works of men, by the 4 The <forrowes of Death compaſſed me,
d I was innotent “e woꝛds ofthplips3keptmefromthe paths ee floods of wickedneſie made mee a= be
towatdminee- gfthecrueliman, _ raw.
nemie both in s Dtay my fepsin thy patbess that my § The ſorrowes of thegrane haue com> obtaine their re-
deed & thought. feete Doe not Uide. patted meabout: the ſnareẽ of Death ouer- quelts of God,
€ Though the 6 J baue called vpon thee : ſurely thou tooke ine. lat loyne not
wicked prouo- wilt heare me,D God: incline thine care to 6 But in mp trouble did T cat! vpon the his glory with
ked metodoe me andheaxken vnto mywoꝛds. L020, and cried vnto my Hed : Ye yearD my their petition,
euill foreuill,yet 7 Shew thp marueilous mercies, thou voice outokbis Tempie, € my cry did come c Hefpeaketh
thywordkept that art the auiourof them that truf in befoze him, cuen inte hts eares. of the dangers &
me backe. thee from furch as e refi thy right hand. 7 à Then the carth trembled, and qua- malice of bise-
f He wasaffured 8 Keepe measthe apple of the epe: hide ked: the foundations alſo ofthe mountaines nemies, from the
thatGodwould me vnder the hadow of thy wings, mooued and ſhooke, becaule bewas angry. which God had
notrefufchiste- — g From the wicked that oppreffe mee, 8 Smoke went out of his noltrels, ana deliveredbim,
eft. from mine enemies, which compalle me as conſuming fire out of fis mouth: coales lOr cordes, or
ZForall rebell round about foz b my foule. } were kindled thereat. cables,
Io Whey are incioled in thetr ownei fat, 9 Hecbowed the heauens alfoandcame 4 A defeription
and a haue (poken proudely with their Downe, and £ Darkencile was under his of the wrath of
mouth. feete. Ged againft his
Il Chey haut compaſſed bs new in our Io And he rode bpon sCherub and DiD enemiesafterhee }
ſteps:they bane fet their eyes to boing Bown fiie, and he came flying open the mings sf had heard his
tothe ground s } the winde. ; praiers.
12 Like asa Lion that is greeny of pray: Il He made Darkeneffe bish {ecret place, c Hethewerth
and asit werea Lions whelpe lurking in & bis panilion round about him, cuen Dark: how horrible
fecret places. Fi nelle of waters, and cloudes oftie ayze. Gods iudge-
13 Gp Loud,* vifappotat him : tat bim 12 Atthebrightneſſe of his pꝛeſence his ments ſhailbe
Downe: deliuer mp ſoule from the wicked clouds paffed,baileftones and coales office. tothe wicked,
with thy (wod, 13 Whe Lord alfo thundred in the hea- f Darkeneflefig. |
14 From men by thine! hand, D Lom, ten, and the Highelt caue: his popece baile- nifieth che wrath
from menil of the weld, who haus their {tenes anu coales of fire. of God, as the
Or,which és thy m portion tn this life, whale bellics thou fil-
14 Gien he fent out k bis arrowes anB clearelight fig-
wor,d, let with thine hin teeafure: therte childeen ſcattered them ant je increaſed lightnings nificth Gods fae
1 By thine hea- haue enough, and leaue the reſt of their (ub: and deſtroyed thun. uour.
uenly power. ſtance foz their cyildzen. g This isdefcri-
fOr,whofe ty- bed at large, Plal.ro4. h As aking angry with the people will” aa

ramiehathtoo Long endyred, m- And feele not the ſmart that not thew himflfeynrothem, i Thundred,lightred, and hailed. jf
Gods children oft times doe, k Hislightnings,
15 And

- Power commeth of God. Phalmes. Gods excellen tworkes,

Is Ant the chanels
sf waters tert fence, 39 Foꝛ thou hak girded me with ſtrength ¢, Thou haft gi-
Thatis, the andthe! foundations of the wo2ld were Dil tobatteil; them, that rofe again me, thou uen them into
deepe botròms couered at thy rebuking,D Lozd,atthe bla: Hatt ſuhdued vnder nie. mine hands to |
| were feene, when litng of the breath of chy noſtrels.
40. Zad theu hak eginen me the neckes be ſſaine.
- athe red fea was 16°10¢ bath fent Downe fram abore
and oF nitie enemies, that 3 might Beitrop them f They that ree
divided. i taken ine the hath Deamencme out ofmany that hate me. isc che cry-of..,
m Cur of fun- ™ Waters. 3 4CThepſcried, but there was none to the afili@ted, God
dry and preat 17 He hath deliueredme from my = rong laue them, cuen vnto the Lod, but he antes willalfo reic |
dangers. enemy; and from them which bare mee: for red them not. them, when they
n To wit Saul. ther Were? tootvong fozsne. 42 EhenFZdid beate them ſmall as the cry for helpe:
o Therefore i8 Thep preuented me inthe Day simy Duf before the wind; 3] DD tread then fiat for citber paing
God lent me calamities but the Loꝛd was my tap. as the clay in the frectes. ot fearecaule ..,
fuccour. Ig Websoughtmetesth alo into a large 43 Thou hait deliuered me from the tons thofe hypocrites;
p Tne caufe of place: ede deliuered wie becauſe be fauoured tenttonsof the peoples thon batt inade mee to Gye. ; i
Gods deline- MERS k ni è 3) S} AE ES LISS the bead of the s heathen :a people, whom J] g Whichdwell,,
rance is bis only: 20: SheLowrewardedine accordingto hane not bkuowen, fall ferue me, round about me.
fauour and loue my arightcsulneTes accoꝛding tothe pures 44 Aslooneas they heare, they Hallobey h The kingdome
CO VS. neſſe of mine bands he recomipenteD me; me: the ranger Hall be ur ſubiection te of Chrift isin
g Dauid was 21 Wecaule Jkept the wates of the Low, nie. š Dauids kingdom
` {ure of bis righ- and Did not wickedly againit my Mod. 45 Stranaers Hall: Minke away, and prefgured: who
teous caufe and 122) Fozalibts laweswere before me, and feave tnthete priuie chambers. by the preaching
good behauiour ‘FT DMD not caſt away hiss commanvements 46 Lettie Lod liue, and bleed bee my ot his worde
coward Saul and ftrength, andthe God of my faluation bee bringeth allto
his encmies,and 23 J was vpright allo with him, € haue eraited. is fubiection.
therefore was kept mefrom my! wickedneſſe. 47 It is God that giucth me power te a> i Or, lie: fignify=
aflured of Gods 24 Therekoze the Lord rewarded me åt- henge me,q ſubdueththe people vnder me. ing a fubicion,
fauour and deli- cording tomy righteouſnes, & according ta 438 D my deliuerce froni mine enemies, conftrained and,
UWerance. 7 t the pnreneffe of mine hands in his tight. euen thon balt fet mee vp from themythat not voluntary.
25 lith chet godly thon wilt Mewe thy roſe againſt mesthou bat Delinered mee k Fearefhal caule
gershe exercifed felfe godly: with the vpꝛight man theu wilt from the i crnell man. J7 l them to be afraid
himfelfe inthe thew thy telfe vpright. : 49 Therefor m F will paite thee, D andcome-forth -
LawofGed, | 26 CHith the pure thou wilt thew thy felfe LoD among the nations, and wu ling vnto of their fecret
f Ineither gant pure, and with che froward thon wilt Hew thy ame. 3 holesand boids
place to their ° thy felfe froward, ; 50 Greatdelinerances giueth he vnto bis tofeeke pardon, .
wicked tentati“ 27 Thus thou wilt fane the pooze people, Ring, aud Weweh mercie to his anoynted, 1 Tharis, Saul...
ons, nor to mine and wilt = cat downe the proud lookes. euen to Dauid, and to bis” (eed for cuer. who of malice |.
ownesficGions, 28 Surely thon wilt light mp candle: the perfecuted him.
- © Here be fpea’ Lod my God will ighten my darkeneſſe. m This prophecie appertaincth tothe kingdom c of Chif, and
keth of Godac- 29 Sorby thee J pwie * broken through vocation ofthe Gentiles, asRom,15.9, n This did not properly
_ cording to our a ana by mip God Jhaue leaped ouer appettaine to Salomon, but to leſus Chrift, =
capacitic, who a wati P.S.A LL. XIX,
- fhewethmercy 30 The wap of Godis vncorrupt: the 1 To the intent he might mooue the faithfullte
tohis, and puni- y Woad of the Lord ts tricd inthe fires heisa a deeper Confideration of Gods glory sheſetteth be-
{heth the wic- Wicd to all that truſt in him Sore thesr eyes the moft exquifite workemanfhipof
_ ked, asis fayd 31 Foz whois Gad belines the Lord? and the heanens with their proportion and ornaments:
> calo, Leuit, z6, whe ts mighty fauc our God? 3 And afterward calleth them tothe Law,wher-
2524. 32 God girdeth me with Krength, and ix God Lath reuszled himfelfe more familiarly ta
u Wher their maketh mpz way vpright. his chofer people The which peculiar grace,by coa
finnciscometo 33, He maketh my feere like Pindesfecte, mending the Law,he fetteth forth more at large,
the full meaſure. and fertetl me vpon minea bighpiaces. € Co him that ercelicth. APlalme
x Hevattribu. 34. dee reachety mine hands to fight: ſo of Danid:
tethirro God, that abowe of |ibraſſe is broken with mine T De**hcauens Declare the glory of Hod, Rem.1,30,
that bee both armies, i €the firmament ſheweth the woke of a He reprocheth
tethevidory 35 Thou Hak alſo ginen me the > miela his hands. vnto man
in the fieldjand of thy faluations and thy right band bach 2 >Daywnto day vttereth the fame; and ingra ĩtude ſee »
allo deftroyed flayed me, and thy cloning kindneile bath night unto night teacheth kuowlenge. ing the beautrs,
cthecities ofhi⸗ cauled me totsicreate. 3. There isne {peech noz < language, where which are dumbe
enemies. 36 Thou haſt enlarecd my Reps vnder their voyce ts not heard. creatures, fet
y Bethe dan· meand mine jeeles Have not (td. & Their ilincis gone forth though all foorth Gods
gers neuer fe 37 43, haue purited mine enemies, and the earth and their words inte the ends.of olory,
Many or great, taken chenand paue not turned againe till the wozld 3 in them bath heſet a tabernacle b The continual:
yet Gods pro- . 3 bad confumed then, fo: the (unne. fuccefle of the
imie muſt take 28 Jhaue wounded them, that they were s bich commeth foosth as a bꝛide· day & the night 7
effes not abie to rile; they avetalie vnder my feet. gromeoutof his © chamber,dereioyteth like is fufficient to
me Ficegiteth 2 mi) i i declare Gods
. goed facceffeto'all
mine enterprits, a: Astowersand fotts,vhich power andgoodnefle, c Theheauensare a Sch oolemaifterte all
herooke ourofrhe hands of Gods enemies, || Or fleele. b To nations,be they neuer fo barbarous. d The he auensare as a line
defend me fromd angers, c He attributeth chebeginning, conti- of great capitali lettersta (hew voto vs Gods glor y. e Or, vaile.
“nuande and increafein well doingonely taGo. ds finder., ~-d.! Dauid The mancr was, that the bride and bridesroome fhould Rand vader

declareththat hedid noshing belides his yocation,but was ftisred vp availecogether, and after come forth wich great folèninity,and res
by Gods Spirit to exccucchisgudgem¢nts, ioycing of the affembly.
S\ Pe amighti
Lf. rer Kuss —
Ep or We ew
To truſt inGod onely. Pfalmes. The Kings fiire defence. 214
aimightiznian te titii his race. PSALDXXL FS
6 iis going autis fremche ende of the 1 Danidizethe perfon afthe people praifieh God
Heatien , and his compalic is puto the endes for the victory attributing it to God, and not tothe
ofthe lame, and none is hid from the beate firength of man, Wherein the holy Ghoft directeth
thereof. the fasthfullta hriſt, vho ss the pi sferon of| imi
f Though the 7 The Lavrokthe Lord ts perfeiscon ing dome.
creaturcs cannot pertingtheionle: the tetunonte ofthe Low ce
To him that ercelicth. | Wialine
‘an yetthis is fure,and giueth wilteme vnto the fimpic. ef Dauid.
wghttobe fifi. 8 Che Ratutes of the Lord are right,and TR: Bing Wail a ccispce inthy rength, a When ke thal
cient to lead vs. retoyce the heart: the comunanBement of rhe D Load: peas bow greatly chall
heẽre⸗ ouercome
vnto him, Load is pute, and gtucth light ynta the eyes. ioyce in thy faluatton! nemies, and fo be
gSothat almans g The teare ot the Loza is cleane, anv 2 Thou hat guen him his hearts dee affured of his vor
inuentions & in· endureth foz ener: the iudgements of rhe fires and bait not denyed him the teuet of ——
tentions are lies. Lod ares tructh; they are righteous balta: a lips. Selah, b.-Thon.declae
h Everyone — gether, Foꝛ thou b tindet prenent bin mith redftthy liberalf
without excep. - -1O And moe to bee ‘defired then golut, liberali blefitnigs, and diddeũ fet a crowue of favourtoward
tion. pea, then muci fine golar: ſweeter atio then pure gold npon bis bean, him before he
i Except Gods honie and the onic combe. 4 ‘Mec alkend life of chee,end thon ganeft prayed.
wordbeeltee- . IL Goꝛeouer by themis thy ſernant made bint aloug life for euer and euer. auid didnot:
med aboue all . civctimlpects andin keeping of chamthereis S: is gloꝛpis great in thy faluatiom Dig: cen obtain life-
worldly things,, great k reward. nitie and honour baft thon lath pyon him but alſo aflurance
it iscontemned, jo 12, Cbs. can vnderſtand his |,faultes.? 6 Fgoꝛ thou haſt fet him az 4 biefings foz that hispolterity
K For God ac- Cleante me front fecret faults. cuer: thonbatemave bim glad with the top fhould ieigac ~
cepteth our inde- 13 Keepe thy ſeruaunt alſo from ™ prea stip countenance: = ever.
uour, though it {umptuous finnes :let them not reigne oer 7- Wecaufe the king trulteth in the Low d Thou ba,
be farre vnper· me: "fo Hall F bee vpꝛight, andmade cleane and in the mercy of themot High, bee fail made him thy: —
Fe. from much wickedneſſe. not dide bleffings to o
1 Then thereis 14 Let the wozds.of my mouth, and. the 8 Thine hand foal finde,ouiii thers, &a pepee
no reward of >mevitation of mine heart bee acceptabletn enemies, and thy right haleHall finde out tu cxaapieofthy
_ duety, but of thyfight, D. Lom my ftrength, and my ree them that bate thee. fauour for cuer.
_ grace:for where demer. * 9 Thou. Galt make, them like a ferie e Here hedeferi-
finneis,there ouenintime of thine anger: the LordGatbeth the power-
death issthe reward., m- Which are done purpefely and of malice, deſtroy them in his xmraihand si nw— of Chris Kinga..
n` If thou ftgpretfe my icked affe@ions by thine ‘holy Spirit. deueure them. on demagani the.:
o That Imiy obey ihee inthought, wordand deed, _. g 10 Their kruite i ttthoudelty om enenpiest
Sop e wey Leas sf oe catty, and their [eene from fet f This teacheth 3
z A prayerH);the people unto God , that it ofmen. vs patiently to-
` would pleafe him to bearetheir king, and recewe. IL fFo2 theyEintended euill agant thee, endure the crofle
' his facrifice which he ofred before he went to bat- and —— milchiete, burcher pall not till Ged deltray .
_ tellagah the Ammonites, ꝛeuaile the aduerfarie, d:
¶ To hin thac cecelleth. dex 12 Therefore Malt; ou put them bapait g They laid asit
Pſalme of Danid, bond the firings ofaiioa‘thatt thou make were their nets to,
a—— Kings E TR2102 heare thee in the day of trou⸗ ready againũ thetr faces. make God⸗ POWs
|miaare alfo admoni-
bie: the b-fdaine of the Sod of Jaakob 13 Wte thew erated, D Lon, in tip er togiue place...
_ fhed to calito’ trengt fo wil we. ing tpaiic thp power. to their wicked
God in their af- 2 Hend thee help: from the Sanctuary, enterpriſe
| faires >, and ſtrengthen chee out of stot. h_ Asamarkcto Poote at. n Maintaine thy Chureb at iin
|b Thevertue, 2 Let bimremember all chine offerings, adlucrlaris,:hat we may hane ample occafionto praife|thy!Namg., |
fpower, and grace ae etuene thy burnt offerings into aſhes. PI SUNAS Sh
ofGod. elah: 1 Danid complained becaufe beewas brought
|¢ Intoken that 4 And graunt thee according to thine into ſuch extremities that he was paft alhope: but
_ they are decepit- Aeayhaant māla tip purpote; after bee had rehearfed the fori owes and griefes
"ble vntohim. That we may retoyce inthys faluation, wherewith he was vexed, io, He recou⸗reth bima
d’Granted tothe ano letvp the banner in the ame of our ftf:from the Gort ouil:s pat oftentations O grow. · z
_ king;inwhofe © God, when tye Loy atl bettorme all thy eth in hope. And heré vader bis owna per [ow hee
wealth our felici- “pe titiang. fetteth forth the fixure of Chrift,whom he dil fre
tie ftandeth, 6 Mow- knowe F that the Lord wiil Ge by the [pirit ofproplecie, that hee fhould mar-
€ TheChurch helpe bis anopnted,and witl beare bim from uztloufly and firanzely be deie bed Cs abafed, be-
feeleth that God His fAanctuarie by the mighty Helpe ofhis fore his father feou! d rafe and exale himagaine,
hathheardtheir right hand. CTo hint thatercollerh pái Aiteieth Or the hide sa
p<tition, 7 Some tunt in chariots ara ſome in Yaſchaher geotDANA themorgig, an
f Asby the vifi- horſes: bt we will rants e wa OF. cP a Goad, inp sd, by hati thou faz: the was ‘the,name
ble Sanétuaric the Lom ont Hav. Yit iken meg, andact to Saree from mune of fome common
Gods familiarixie * 8g They are houg bowne and tater, heatthand from the woids ot nyo roaring? ag.. *
appeared coward but we are tifen,ana Rann’ opzight. 2..D my God, J crie by pay, bus thou a Heteappea- ©
is people, fo 6g >Save Lowe ler the ‘Sing hearsvain beare not, aud UpASbt. bii i panga aw —
y!the heauen- the daythat we call: , ATOR dfence. R econtia”
lyismeant his as “Wut fou attholhs ay de Ein abito:which
“power and maic— gs othe ———— iitnotNipelonl erat betieene`
in Gad. GH Delthe
king be ablérs deits vé'by hy— ‘when thant défperation, Y “Being ces wih citsimt —
we fecke
vat himforfccoun,” apap yer, F ctafe Not TOF te eg tow 3?


` *
i ale

~~ — —— ~ TEn] SSee S
A prophecie of Chrift. Pfalmes. The Lord comforteth in troubles.
e He meaneth thespratfesof Firad. congregations my v bowes will J perforsme p Which were fae —
the place of prai- 4 Due fathers truſted in thee: thep tru- before theim that feare bint. ctifices of thank{-
fing,euenthe ſted, and chou didſt Deliner them, 26 Ye poore Hall cate and be ſatiſtied: giuing, which
‘Tabernacle: or § Thep called vpon theg, and were delt- they that teeke after the Lozde, Wall prayle they offered by
elsitisfo called, tered: thep trufted in thee, and were not bint: pour heart hall itue foz ewer. Gods comman-
becaufe he gaue confounded. 27 Gil the endes of the world Mallre- dement, when
the people can- 6 But Hama d twome, and not aman; member themelues, and turne tothe Lord: they were deliue-
tinually occafi- a Hame of men, andthe contempt of the and ali the kinreds of the nations ſhall woz: red out of any
onto praife people. j j fhip befoze thee. 5 great danger.
him. ; 7 All they that fee me, haue me in deri⸗ 28 Foꝛ the kingdome isthe Lozds,andhe q He dothal-
d Andfeeming fian: thep make a mowe and nod the bead, ruleth among the nations. lude Rill to the
moftmiferable faying, 29 AU they that be fat tin the earth, ſhall facrifiee.
of all creatures, 8 £* We truked inthe Loyd, let him deli- eate and worhip: allthep that goe downe r Though the
which was meant wer him: let him ſaue bim, ſeeing hee loueth into the duſt, Mall bow before him, í enen poorebe firt na-
of Chrift, And” jim, be that cannot quicken bis owne foule. med, as verie 26,
herein appeareh 9 ‘But thon diddeſt draw meoutof the 30 © Their (eed fall erue him it hallbe yet the wealthy
the vnfpeakeable e wombe; thou gaueſt me hope, cuen at mp counted vito the Loz fora generation. are not feparated
loueof Godto- mothers batts. 31 They hall come and thall declare his fromthe graceof
ward man, that IO J was tatt bpon thec, cuen from f the righteouſneſſe unto a people that Hall bee Chriftskincdom.
hewouldrhus ° Wwonrbe: thou art my God from mp mothers bozne, becaule he hath “dene it. f In whom there
abafehisSonne belly. isnohopethat
for our fakes.. It Be not farre from me, becauſe trouble he thall recouer life: fo neither pocrenor rich, quicke nor dead hali
# Ebr. rolled vp- is necte: fog there is none to helpe me. bee reiected fromhis kingdome. t Meaningthe pofteritie, which ~
an God, =. I2 Many yong buls haue compaſſed me: the Lord keepeth asa feede to. the Church to continue his praile ae
Hat.27.43. mighttes bulles of Bahan haue clofed me mong men. u Thatis, God hath fulfilled his promife, ë
c Euenfrom my about. — PSAL., XXIII
birththowhat > , 13 Chey gape bpd me with their mourhes, 2 Becaufe the Prophet had prooued the great
given meocca- ' as g Lamping and roaring lion. merciesof God at ditsers times and in fiendry mas
fontok ~ 14 J am {tke h water powred out, and nersshe gathereth a certaine affavance, fully per-
$ all mp bones are out of ioynt: mine heart ts [wading himſe ſe that God will continue the very
f Forexcept ` Ithe ware: itis molten inthe imiddes of mp fame goodneſſe toward him for ener,
Gouls providence bowels: , @ a Palme of Dani, ;
preſetue the in- 15 Wp ſtrength is dryed vp like a pot» TR Lot is my * pepheard , 43 hall not 7/4. 40.1rsere.
fants, theyfhould Heard, my tongue cleaucth to my iawes, want. 23.5. e3xck. 34
perifha thon. © and thou ‘hak brought me inta the duſt of 2 Wee maketh mee to reſt in greene pas 23.s0bn 10.0%
{and times in Death, ſture, aad leadeth ine by the till waters.
the mothers 16 Foz dogges haue compaſſed mee, and 5, e>reftozcth mp foule,and leadeth me a He hath care
wombe, the affembly of the wicked. baue incioſed in the «paths of rightcoutnes fo: bts flames euer me, and mi-
g Herreaneth, mee : thep K pierced mine bands and mp fake SEA niftreth ynto mee
thathiseneinies Feete. 4 Pea, though J Monl walke through all things.
wete fo fatte, 17 J may tell all my bones: yet thep bee the valleyofthe 4 hadowof Death, J witli b Hecomforteth
proud and craell, Hold, and looke pon me. feare no enill: foz thon att with mes thy rod or refrefheth me,
that they were 18 They part mp garments among them, and thy ſtaffe,they comtozt me, c Plainé, or
rather bealtes and calt lots ypon my velture. 5. Shou doeſt preparea ¢ table before me ftraighe wayes,
- thenmen, 19 But be not thou farre off,D Lod, my in the fightof mine aduerlaries: thou doeſt d Though hee
h Beforehee ſtreugth: baten to helpe me. fanopnt mine head with ople, and my cup were indanger 4
- fpake of thetru- 20 Deltuershy onle from thefword : my runneth ouer. i of death,as the
elticofhisene- 'Defolate oule fromthe potwer of the dow. 6 DWonbtiefie,kindnes ¢ mercy Hall fol-theepe that. wane
_ mies, and now 21 ™@aueine from the lions mouth.and low mee all the Bayes ofmpiife, EJ fballres drethinthe dark |;
hedeclareththe anfwere me in ſauing me from the hornes of maira long (cafonin the shouleofp Lozn, vals — his
inwardgriefes the pnicornes. ephear
of the minde,fo 22 * F will declare thy Mame vnto my e Albeit his enemiesfoughtto deftroy him, yet Goddelinereth him,
that Chrift was bꝛeethren; tu the mids of che Congregation and dealeth moft liberally with him indefpite ofthem. f Aswas
tormented, both Will Jpꝛaile thee, fying, the maner ofgreat feafts.. g He ſetteth not his felicitie in che pleas
in foule and 23 Pꝛayſe the Lorde, peé that feare’ fures of this world, but in the feare and feruiceof God, —Aa
body. him : magnifie pe bim. all the ſeede of Jaa⸗
i Thou haft fùf- kob, andfeare pee him, all thelecde of PE PSAL, XXIIII.
feredmetobe tatl. y A x Albeit the Lord God bath made, and gouer-
withourallhope ` 24 Foꝛ be hath nót defpited no: abhorred neth all the world,yet toward his chofen people bis
oflife, the affliction of the °poze: neither hath hee gracious goodnes doth moft abundantly appeare,
k ThusDawid hid hts face from him, but when hee callen 2% that among thé be will hawe his dwelling place,
complainethas vnto bin, he heard, ; ’ Which though it was appointed among the chil-
thoughhewere 25 My patie hall be of thee in the great dren ofAbraham, yet oncly they doe enter aright,
nailed by bis into this Sanctuary, which are the true worfhip=
enemies both handsand feete: but this was accomplithed'in,Chrift. pers of God , purged from the finfull filth of this
1 My life that is folitar-,
left alone, and forfaken of all, Pial. 35,17,
world, 7 Finally he raagnifieth Gods grace forthe
and25.16. m building of the Temple, totheend he might firre
Chriftis deliuered with a more mighty deliuerance
by ouercomming death, then ifhee had not tafted death at all. Hed, up all the fasthfull to the true feruice of God,
2,12, n., Heepromifeth to exhort the Church, that they by his ex. ¶ A Plalme of Dauid. Deut 10,14
ample might praifethe Lord. o The pooreaffli@ed are comfor- Te earth *isthe Lords, tall chat therein ob 28.24.
ted by this example of Dauid,or Chrift, ig: the world E thep that dwell — 1.667.10,26,
2 No
Whom God accepteth. -Pfalmes. True feare rewarded. 21 5
a Henotcthtwo 2 Foz hebath founded it vpon the leas: LE Foz thy» amesfake, D Lord be mer ·h And for none
things: the one ána eſtabliſhed it vpon the floods. à cifull vnto mine iniquitte,(p2 it is great. other refpeQ,
that the earthto 2 Ayo Wall afcend into the monntaine 12 What i man ts hee that feareth the i Meaning, the
mans iudgement arthe Loyd Zand who hall and in his help Lod? him will pee teach tie way chat hee number is very
feemeth aboue ace? fhail* chute. fmall,
the waters: and £ Euen he that hath innocent handes, and 13 Wis foule Hallawell at cafe, and his k Hee will dire&
next, that God a pure heart; which hath not lift vp bis mind feed Wall inberite the land. fuch with his fpi-
miraculoufly pre- bite vanityp,
noꝛſwoꝛne deceitfullp. 14 Che ſecretof tive Loyd is reuciled to rit to follow the
ferueth the earthy 5 Pe ſhal recetue a bleſſing from p Lord, them that fearedim: €hiscouenant to gine night way.
chat itis not and righteouſneſſe from the Gad of hts fal- them buderitanding. ' Í He (hall prof-
drowned withthe uation. 15 Mine eyes areener toward the Lod; per both in fpiri-
waters which na- 6 This ts the >generation of them that fo2 he wili bang my feet ent of the net. tuall and corpo-
turally are aboue fecke him,of them that lecke thy face, this is I6 Turne thy tace vnto nie, have nier rali things,
it. Jaakob. Aclah. ty bpon mies foz Jl am delolate and pooze. m Hiscounfell
b Though cir- 7 © Lift vp yourheads,yee gates and bee 17 The owes of mine heart are ene contained in his-
cumcifion fepa- ye liftvppe euerlaſting doores, and the king larged: Draw meout of mp troubles. word, whereby
rate the carnall Of glozy Mall come tn. 18 Looke vpon mine affliction and my he declareth that:
feed of Iaakob 8 Chigotsthrs Ring of glozy? the Lord, trauctl,and fozgine all my finnes. heis the pro-
from the Gen- Erona and mighty, cuen the Lord mighty in 19 Beholde mine. enemies, for they are teGoar of the
tiles,yet he that atteil. many, and they hate me with crucil hatred, faithfull,
feeketh God,is o Lift bp pour heads,ve gates,and liftpp 20 iKeepe my foule, and Deliner mee: let n My grtefeis
the true Iaakob yourfelues,ye euerlaſting doꝛes, and the Ring me not bee confounded, fo?J] tru tn thee. increafed becaufe
and the very 1f- of glozy fall comein. 21 Letp mine bpzightnes and equity pre- ofmine enemies
raelite. 10 Cho is this Ring of gloꝛyethe Loꝛde ferue me: foz my hope ts in thee. cruelty.
c Dauid defireth of hottes,be ts the king of giny. Seiah. 22 Deliuer Jacl, D God, out of all bis o The greater
the building vp troubles. that his affiGi-
ofthe Temple, wherein the glory of God (hould appeare, and vndet ' ons were , and
the figure of this Temple,hee alfo prayeth for the fpirituall Temple, the more that his enemies increafed , the more necre felt hee Gods-
which is eternal, becaule of the promife which was madeto the Tem: helpe, p Foraſmuch as I haue behaued my felfe vprightly toward
ple,asit is written, Pſal.i 32.14. mine enemies , let them know that thou art the defender of my ĩuſt
1 The Prophet touched with the confideration of PSAL XXVI.
his fimes, andalfo grieutd with the cruellmakce 1 David oppreffed with many miuries, finding
of his enemies, 6 Prayeth to God mof? feruently to no helpe inthe world, calleth for ayde from Gods
haue his fimes forgiuen, 7 Efpecially [uch as hee and affured ofhis integritie teward Saul defireth
had commutted intus youth, Hee beginneth every God to be histudze, and to defend bis innocencze.
verfe accerdingtothe Ebrew letters,twe or three 6 Fenallyhemaketh mentio ofhis facrificeswhich
except. * he will offer for his delwserance,and defireth to be
€ A Platme of Danin, inthe company of the fathfullin the Congrega-
a Tputnot my V Utothte, D Loꝛd lift 3 vp my foule. tion ef God , whence hee was banifhed by Saul,
truft in any 2 yod, I’ truſt in thee: let mee promifing integritie oflefe , and open praifes and
worldly thing. , not be confounded; let not mine enemies ree thankefeiuimg.
b That thou wilt foyce ouer me, ; CA Plalme of Danid. :
take away mine 3 *Doallthat hopetnthee, hall not be Udge me, a D Loyd, fo: J haue walked in a He ficeth to
nemies, which afhamed: butlet them be confounded, that Inua innocencte: my truft hath deene alfo Godtobethe —
Be:thy rods. tranſgreſſe withont caule. in the Lod; therefore {hall Inot fide. Iudge of his iut
Ifa 28. 26 rom. 4 * Shewe mee thywayes, D Lod, and 2 P2rooueme,D Lod, and trie me; eras cauie, feeing d
; FOIE. teach me thy paths. mine my è reines, andminebeatt. — there is noequi-
; c Retaine me Lead me forth in thytrueth, and teach 2 For thy © louing kindneſſe is before tie among
inthe faith of thy me: foz thou art the God of myſaluation: in sesoc 3 therefore haus F walkcdan thy men.
promife , that I thee Boe Itruſt a allthe Day. tructh. f b My very af⸗
{warue sot on 6 Remember, D Lozd, thy tender mer- 4 Jhaue nots haunted with paine yers fections and in⸗
any fide. cies and thylouing kindneſſe: foz thep haue —— with rhe diſſem⸗ ward motions “
-à Conftantly, beene fore BD ers. ofthe heart.
and againft all 7 Re not the ‘finnes of my pouth, J baune hated the affembly of theeuill, c Hetheweth. >
" tentations. normy rebellions, but accozding to thy kind⸗ and haue not companied with the wicked, what ſtayed
_ e He confeffeth nefie remember thou mee; cuen fo thy good⸗ 6 FJwill < wah minehands in innocen· him, tharhee
that his manifold neſſe ſake, D LoD. tie,D Lod, and compatic thine altar, didnot recom»:
finnes were the 8 Gracious and righteous is the Lde: 7 That J may declave with the voyce of penſe euill for
.caufe that his therekore will bee f teach finners tit the thankefatuing,and fet foszth all thp wonde> cuill,
mies did thus way, roug works. Pee d He declareth
rfecure him, 9 Them that beesmecke, will he s gu S$ Dipa, Fhaue toucd the habitation
defuing thatthe iniudgement, and teach the bimble bis of thine houle,and the place where thine ho» walke in ſimpli⸗
` caufe of the cuill Way. : nour dwelleth. ; citie before God,
may be taken 10 Ail the pathes of the Lorde aremercy 9 £ Gathernot my foule with the linners, thar delight in
away,to the in- and trueth pute fuch as keepe bis couenant no? my life with the bloody wei; the company of
rent that the ef- and his teſtimonies. the vngodly.
fe may ceafe. e ‘Iswill ferue thee witha pureaffection, and with the godly tha
$ Thatis, eill them to repentance. g Heewill goucmeandcom- facrifice vnto tace, £ ‘Deftroy mee not in the ouerthrow of the:
fort them that are trucly humbled for their ſinnes. wicked,. —
lo Tm
Dauids requeſt. Pfalines. Gods power.
g Whoſe cruel!
10 In whole hanves is s wickedneſſe, and PSA Le XXVILE
haads do execute theip right band ts fuil ofbribes. 1 Being ingreat feare and beaumes of heart
pte maliciousde- 11 But J wi walk in mine innacency: re. te fee God difhonowred by the wicked, be defireth
ifes of their Beenie me therefore, be merctfull vnto me. to be rid ofthem, 4 And cryeth for vengeance a-
phearts. 12 Jy koote Kander tnh vprrghenefle: tint them: And at length affiereth himfè
fh fam prefer- J well prayle chee,D Lode,intoe Congres God hath heard lusprayer. 9 Vate whofe tuition
jjucd from mine gatong. he commendeth all the faithfull,
fencmies by the
@a Plaime of Dauid.
H power of God, and therefore will praile him openly, ye» theeD Lome, Dee J cry: D mp
Y ttrength, be not deake toward mee leak, 4 He counteth
PSA L, XXVITI. ; ifthou antwere me not,J be a like chem tbat hinfelfe asa dead
1 Danid maketh this Pfalme being deliuered goe Downe inte the pic. s man, till God >
from great persls, as appeareth by the prayfes and 2 Weave the voice of my petitions, when hew his fauour
thankefziuing annexed: 6 Wherein we may [ee F cep vito thee, whe F hold vp mine hande toward him, and
the conflant faith of Danid againft the affaults of toward thine» holy Dracie. grant him his pe~
all his enemies, g Andalfothe end wherefore he 3 ‘Draw me not away with the wicked, tition, ;
only towor/bip and withthe wezkers of tniquitie: which b He vied this
defireth to liue and te be deliuered
God ın his Congregation. {peake tetendlp to theit neighbours, when outward meance
q A Pialme of Dauid. i malice is in their hearts. i to helpethe
a Becaufe he was De Lod is my lightand my faluation, 4 i Reward the according to their Deeds, weakeneffe of
| aflured of good whome Hail J teare? the Lorde is the and according to the wickednes of their in⸗ bis faith: forin
|fuccefle in all his ftrength etatylife, of whom ali J beea- uentions ¢ recompente them after the worke that place was
} dangers, and tbat. frayd? of theit hands: render them their reward. the Arke,& there
Whisfaluationwas 2 then the wicked, euen mine enemies 5 JSFoz thep regard not the woekes of the God promifedto
jfurely laydypin and my foes came vpon mee to cate vp mp Lod, no? the operation of his hands ; there- fhew che tokens
i} God, he feared fich they ſtumbled ann feil. i fore ebreake them Downe, and builde them ofhisfauour.
I| notchetyran-= 3 Though an hoke pitched againſt mee, hot yp. -© Deftroy not
ny of hisene mine heart ould not bee afrayde: though 6 f [Pratlen be the Loza, be hath heard the good with
mics. warre bee rapled again me, J will truſt ur the voice of mp petitions. _. the bad.
i) b That Godwill > this, 7 The Low is my Krength,e mp lhield: d Hee thus pray.
| detiver me, and 4 Dne thing haue J deliredof the Lozd, mine heart treutedin him, and Jwas hele eth in teipect of
jj giuc my faiththe thatJwill require , cuen- that J may dweli ped: therefoge mine heart ſhallreioyce, and Gods glory,and
victory. in tie boule sf the Lozde all the Dayes of my with my fong will J paile him. not for his owne
c The loffeof Ufe,to beholde the beauty of the Lod, and to 3 The Lox iss their trength,t be tsthe caule, being aflu-
qcountrey,wife, vilite his Temple, í firength of the deliuerãces of his anointed. red that God
Jand all worldly < ş_ JFoz tu the timeoftrouble he Hall Hive 9 Saue thy people , ¢ bleſſe thine inheri· would puniíh theI `
H commodicis wein is Tabernacle: inthe fecret place of tance: feed thun allo, & exalt then kor ener. — of his
Hsticucme nor his pauillion hall be pide mie, and fet mee bp uren.
I| inrefpet ofthis vpon a rocke. e Let thembe vtterly deftroyed, as Malac, 1.4. F Becauſe he felt
foneching,tbark 6 4Andnew hall hee likt bp mine bead the aſſurance of Gods helpe in his heart, his mouth was opened to
fi may not praife - aboue mine enemies round about me; there» fing his praifes, g Meaning, his fouldiets,who were as meanes by
I thy name inthe foze wil J offer in bis Tabernacle ſacriuces whom God declared his power.
Wmidsofthecon- oftoy: J wil fing anv pzatle the Loꝛd. PSAL. XXIX,
fl gregation. 7 Hearken puto my vopce, D 1020, when 1 The Prophet exhorteth the princes & rulers
d Dauidaffured Jery: haue mercy allo vpon me and heare of the world (which for the moft part thinke there
Hhiméelfebythe me. isno God.) 3 Attheleaftto feare him forthe
j Spirit of pro- 8 When thou ſaideſt, eSeeke vee my face, thunders and tempeSts, for feare whereof allcrea-
PPheliethachee mine heart anfwered vato thee, D Loa,J tures tremble, 11 And though therby God threat-
|f fhould ouercome twill leeke thy face. neth finners yetis be alwayes mercifulte his,and
{| hisenemies,and 9 hide not therefore thy Face from me, nog mooneth thew thereby to praife his Name.
| ferue God in his cat thy feruant away in diſpleaſure: thou € A jplalme of Dauid.
Ml Tabernacle. balt beene my tuccour: leaue me noc, neither Ca vnto the Lord,vefons of the migh- aHe exhorteth
|e He groundeth fozlaie me, God of my faluation, ty :qtue unto the Lord glory æ ſtrength. the proud tyrants
vpon Gods pro- IO t Though my father and my mother 2 Glue vnto the Lod glory due vnto hts to humble theme
mile, and hew- fhould forlake me, pet the Lod will gather Mame: wozrhip the Lorde in the glorious felues vnder
| ethrhac he is meup. Banctuary. — i Gods hand, and .
}moftwillingto IL Teach me thy way, D Loyd, and lean 3 The v voice of the Lord is bpon the was notto be inferie
jobeyhiscom- wie in aright path becauſe of mine enemtes. ters: the God of glory maketh it to thunder; or to bruit beafts
mandement. 12 Giue mee not vnto the glut of mine the Lez is vpon the great waters. and dumbe crea- e

f He magnifieth aduerlaries: fozthere are falle witnefles ris 4 Whevopce of the Lord is mightic: the tures,
b The thunder
Il Golsloueto- ſen vpagainſt me, ¢ fuch as ſpeake cruelly. voyce of the Loz is qlozious.
ard his, which I3 1Mould haue fainted, ercept J bad bes 5 hecvoyce of the Lord breaketh the claps that are
farre paiſeth the leeued to fee the goodnes of the Loz in the tears: pea,the Lord bgcaketh the cedars of heard out of the
[mok tender loue b landof the liuing. Lebanon. clouds ought to
[of parents to- I4. i Hopein the Lozd: be rong, and bee 6 Dee maketh them alfo to leape like a make the wicked
{|ward their chil- fall comfort thine heart, and trut tn the calfe: Lebanon alfo gE 4 Sbirion likea pong totremble for
f dren, Lod. Unicome. ir feareof Gods
|g But either pa- 7 The voice of the Lord diuideth the canger. —
f cifie their wrath, or bridle their rage. h In this prefent life before Thatis, the
f| I die, as Ufa, 38.11. i Heeexhorterhhiméelfe to depead onthe thunderbolt breaketh the moft flrong trees , and fhall men thinke
| Lord, feeing he neuet failed in bis promiles. their power to beabletoreGlt God? d el alfo Hermon,
Mans fecurity. z Pfalines. A prayes of the faithfull. 216
e Itcauferh the © flames offre, Auth, whew death was before his eves, his exemp
lightnings to & Che voice of the Lod maketh the wil: besing redy to take him 15 Thes he aftr meth thar
fhoote, and glide. Dernefle tu treinbie: the Lopde maketh the the p of God is alwayes ready 10 thofe that
f In placesmof. yudernes oft Badel to tremble. Jèare him. 20 Finallyheexhorteth all the fathfal
defolate, whereas 9 The voyce of the Loꝛde maketh the to trufi in God, and to lowe him because bee prem
feemeth there is Hindestescalue, antt diſtouereth che foz- Seructh & ftrengtheneth them, as they may fee by
no prefence of refts; therfore in bis’ Cemple Barth euery his example,
God, mantpeake of his glory, @ Coa himthat ercellecy. A Platine of
2 For fearema- 10 Thelo litterh vpon the k ficod aad autre.
keih themto caft the Lozd doeth remaine Bing fo2encr. J? * thee,D Lor, baue Jput my trut: let P/2i.q1,3.
their calues, II Che Lod thal give ſtrength vato bis me neuer be confounded Deltuce mein thp a For thenGod
h Maketh the prople ; the Lod ſhall bicie bispeople with a rightcon{nefie. declareth himiel ®
trees bare, or peace. 2 Bow Downe thine care to mee: make luft,when he pres
pierceth the moft hattetoDeliucr mee: bee vnto mee a ſtrong ferneth his,accor=
lecretplaces. i Thoughthe wicked arenothing meued with thefe rocke.and an houſe ef Defence tofaue me. ding ‘as he hath
figbts,yet the faithfull praile God. -k To moderate the rage of the 3 SFertbou art my rocke and my fortrefle: promifed,
tempelſt and waters that they deftroy notall. therefore foz thy names fake Direct mee and b Preferue me
PSAL XXX, guide me. from the crafty
3 When Dauid was deluered fro great danger, 4 Dawe mecout of theo net, that they counfels & fubtild:
he rendred thanks to God, exhorting otherstodoe baue layde patutlp foz mice; for thouartmy praGifes of mine
the lihe,& to learne by his example,that Gods ra- ſtrength· enemies,
ther mercifall then feucre & rigorous towards hus 5Into thine: hand Jcommend my ſpirit: c Heedefirerh
children, 7 And alfothat the fall from profperity ioschoyibak redecmed me, D Lord God of God not only to
toaducrfityiſudden. 8 Thi done,he returneth to rueth. take care for him
prayer,promifingto praife God far emer, 6 J baue hated them that gine them- in this life,but ý
42. € * A Plaũnt or long of the dedicati⸗ flues to deceittull vanities: fo2 J)a trutt in his foule may bee
Deut.20 $. on ef theayoute of Dauid. the Lord. faued after this
a After that Ab- je magnitic thee,D LoD: tfo: thou haft 7 J will be glad and reioyce in thy mer- Jite,
. falam bad pollu- eraltcd ince, and Halt not made my toes to cit: fo? thou bak iene my trouble; chou halt d This afieGion
ted ir with moft relopceoner me, knowen niy foule in aduertitics, ovght tobe inall
filthy fornicatid. 2 D Lowemy God, F cryed vnto thee, 8 And thou gait not ut me vp it p hand Gods childten,to
b He condem- and thou batt < reflored me. of the enemy, but paft fet my feetat e large. hate whatloeuer
neth them of 3 D Lorde, thou halt brenght bp mp 9 Wane mercy vpon mee,P Lord; foz 7 thing is not groũ⸗
great ingratitude afoute out of the gramesthou batt reuiued me am in trouble: mine f epe,my foule ¢ my bel- ded vpona ture
which doe not from them that goe Doume into thepit. ly are confumed with gricte. trult in Ged,as
praife God for his 4 Sing papies vnto the Lorm, pee his 10 jroz my life ts waſted with heauineſſe, deceitiull and
_ benefits, Hants egiuethankes f before the remen and my peeres with mourning: my ſtrength vaine. *
c Reltored from bancesf his holineſſe. raiet foz my papite, and my bones are cons e Latgeneſſe fige
the rebellion of § Foꝛ he endureth but a while in hisanger: fiumed. nifisth comfort,
Abfalom. but in bis fauour is life : weeping map abide 11 3 was a ereproch among all mine ene: as {lraitne
fle fora-
d Meaning,that at cuentng, but top commeth tn the morning. mics,but cipeciallpamong my neighbours: row and pesiil.
he efcaped death 6 Audin mys prolperity J iayd,9 (hall and a feare tomine acquatutance,» who ice £ Mcaning,that.
moft narrowly, neuer be mooued. ing me tn the reet fled from me, is forow & tore
e The word fig- 7 Forthou Lod of thy goodneſſe haddeſt 12 Jam forgotten, as a Dead man out of ment had cõtinu⸗
nifieth them that made my t mointaine to fanne rong; bur minds Jamlikeahoken veſſell. cd agreat while.
haue receiued te diddeſt hide thp face, and i was trou 13 F0 Jhaue heard the railing ofi great g Mine enemies.
mercy,and (hew ed. men: feare wason euery iinet, while they con- had drawen all
mercie liberally 8 Thencryed J vnto thee, D Lode, and (pited together aganit me, and coniulted ta men ro their parè:
ynto others, praped to ny Lod. i rake mip life. i againft me cuen
f Before his tae 9 Uhat profiteis there in my blood, when I4 But 3 truten in theeD Loyd: 3 faid, my chiefe
bernacle. J gor downe to the pit? Hall the Dud * gine k Thou art nip Goo. friends.
Pfal 145.8, thankes vnto thee ? o} Mall it Declare thy Is 9y! times are inthine hand : deliner h They were a>
3(4.54.8. trueth ? me fromtheband of mine enemies and from. fraid tolhew me:
2.607.417. Io Heare,D Logo, and haue mercy vpon them that pertecutemee. _ any token of
Ipmtoomuch me; Lod,be thou mine belper. 16 WPakethy face to ine vpon thy ter: frrendthip.
snfidence in my It hou hak turned my mourning into uant, and {ane me theough top mercy. i They that were-
quiet ftate,as Ter, foy:thou baft looſed my lacke and girded me 17 Let me not be confounded,D Lord:foꝛ inauthority,con--
31.18. 2. chton. with gladnelſe. Jhane called vpon thee : let the wicked bee demned me asa.
32.24525. 12 Wherefore Halmy | tongue paile thee putto confufion, & ™ to lence in the graue. wicked doer,
hi thoughtthou and Kat ceaſe: D Lod my. God, F will give 18. Let the iping lippes bee made Dumbre, k Thad this te-
hadfehablifhed thanks vnto thee foz euer. which crucilp,prondly, and (pitefuilp(peake. ftimony of cons.,
mein Zion moft y again the righteous, fcience, that thou:
ſurely. i After tbat rhouhadk withdrawenthine helpe, felt my Io, Powe great is thy. goodneſſe, which wouldeft defend.
milery· k Dauid meaneth that the dead are not ·proſitable to the thoss halt iayde vp fo: them that feare chee, mine innocency, .
Congregation of tHe Lord heere in earth: therefore he would liueto and Deneta them that trut in thee, cuen be» 1. Whatfoener-
` praife his name,which is the end ofmams creation, 1 Becaufe thou fore the Tonnes of men ! changescome
haft preferued me, that my congue fhould praife thee, Iwill not be vn- thou gouerneft:
mindfullof my duew. i them by thy prouidence. m Let death deftroy them to the intent|
— P:S AL. XXXTI, that they may hurt no more, n The treafuies of Gods merere aren)
1 Dauid deliuered from [ome great danger, firft alwaies laid vp in ftore fos his children,aibeir at all timestheydomoss
rebearfed what meditation he hadby the powerof enjoy them.
20 Thon:

Mans bleſſe dneſſe. Plſalmes. Gods prouidences
|ert.£ the ſecret 20> Thou doeſt hide them topriuily in dence gouerncth the fame,
but alfois faithful in his
y face.faces
ofthy thy prelonce fram the pride of menithou kee· promufes, 10 Heé vnderfandeth mans heart,and
o Thatis,ina pelt them lecretly in tyy tabernacle from tye feattereth the counfel of the wicked, 6 ſo that no
place where they ſtrite of tongues, man can bee preferned by any creature or mans
{hail haue thy 21 Bletied be the Lord: for he hath themed firength: but they that put their confidence in his
comforc,and be -pis maructions kindnefle toward mee ina mercy,{halbe preferued from all aduerfities,
hid fafely fom P rong citie, : . — in the Lorꝛd,O pe rightesus:forit
Yenemiespride, 22) Though- I aya in mine hake, Jam abecommeth vpꝛight men tobe thãklull. a Itisthe duety
p Meoning,there talt outof thy ight, yet thou bearde the | 2 Praile the Lo: w harpesiing vutohim ofthe godly to
was no citiefo voyce of my prayer, whew J crped vrte thee. With biole,and °inteumentoften fteings. fet forth $ praifes
Rtrong to preferue 23 Louc pethe Lord alt his ||Saints : for 3 Ding vnto him anew fong: fing cheer⸗ of God for bis
him, as the de- the Lod preſerueth the faithful, ana rewat- fully with a loud voyce. mercy & power
fence of Gods deth abundantly the proud deer. 4 Foz the «word of the Lod is righteous, ewed toward
fanour, 24. Alpe chattrult in the Led, berſtrong, and all bis d wozks are faithfuil. them, j
q And fobymy and he thail eſtabliſh pour Heart. 5 ee lduethrighteouines ¢ Magement; b Tofingonin-
safhnefle and in- : the earth is full of che goo dnes ofthe Lord, ſtruments wasa
fidelity deferned to haue bene forfaken, (Oryethat feele his mercies. 6 By the worde of the Lom were the hea⸗ Patt of thecere~
r ‘Bee’ conftaat in your vocation,and God will confirme you with uens made, and ail the bofte of them by the Moniall feruice
heavenly firength, breath of his mouth. ofthe Temple,
* IIRS AE SX RKI. ; 7 ide 'gathereth the waters ofthe ſea to- which doeth no
t Dauid puniſhed with griensus fickneffe ‘for gether as vpon an heape, and layeth pp the more appertayne
his finnes,counteth them whomGod doth Depths inhis trealures. vyntovs then the
wotimpute thew trangreffiens. 5 And after that “ 8 Lerall the earth fearethe Lod: let all {actifices, cen-
hee had confe(fed his finnes and obtained pardon, them that Dwell inthe world, feare bint, © ings and lights.
6 Hee exhorteth the wicked men to liue godly, 9 Foz he (pake,and it was Dene; peront- c Thatis,counfel
; BL And the good to reioyce. manded, and tt ||toon., or commande-"
aConcerningthe Q A Pfalme of Dayid to give 2 inſtruttion. Io he Losdebreaketh thes counfell of mene in gouer-
free remiffion of pado ishe whole witkednefie is b forgt the heathen,end bzingeth te nought the deui ·ning the world.
fines, whichis nenaad whofe finne ts couered. es ofthe people. d That is, the ef-
the chiefelt point 2 Bleſſed isthe man vnto whom the Lord IL The counlell of the Lome Hall tand fect&execution.
ofour faibh — imputeth not iniquity, and in whole lpirite kor euer, &the thoughtsot his heart through- € Howſoeuet the
b Tobeiuftified thereisno gnile, out all ages. world iudgeth of
by faith, isto -3 hen F belve my «tongue, my bones 12 Blefled is that nation, whole *Gadis Gods workes,yer
have ourfinnes tonſumed, orvchen Jd roared ali the Day, the Lord:euen the people, that he hath chofen he doch all things
freelyremitted © 4 ( Foz thine hand is heany vpon me,Day fo: bis inheritance. according to iu-
&tobeteputed and night: arid my mopiture ts turned Into 13 The Lod ilooketh downe from hea ·Rice and mercit.
iuft,Rom, 4.6, ° the drought
ofSummer. Selah.) uen and beholdeth alithechilazenofinen. f By thecreation
Betweenehope i § Then Jj cacknowledged my linne vnto 14 From the habitation of his dwelling of the heauens &
and defpaire. thee, neither hidde F mine tniquitie + for J he beholdeth al them that Dweltn the earth. beaurifullorna-
d Neitherbyfi- thought. Jwill conkelle againit mp (eife mp 15 Hekfathioneththete hearts euery one, ment,withthe `
lencenorcrying wickednesvnto the Lord, and thou forgaueſt and pnderftandeth alltheir works. _ gathering alfo of |
— found leale: Ng- the puntſhment ofmy tinne. Siah. 16 The King ts not fancd by the multi- the waters he ſet·

i nifying,that be-
‘fore the finner
6 Therefore Hal enerp one that is godly, tude of an bofte, neither ts themightie man
make his prayer vnto thee in a time when Deltuered by great ftrength.
be reconciled to thou mayeſt bee found: furcly inthe flood of
God he feeletha great waters sthey thal not come neere him,
17 Abozlvisa vaine helpe,and hall not
Deltuer any by his great ttrength. carehim,
tethforththe po·
werofGod, yall
creatures might
perpetual tormẽt. 7 Thaou art my fecret place:thou preler- 18 Webholde,™ theepe ofthe Loꝛdis vpon ||Or,was created.
“e He ſheweth $ ‘welt mee feom trouble: thou compaſieſt me them that feare him, and bpon them, that g No counfeli
as Gods mercy is about with topfull Deltuerance.Betah. truitinbismercy, — can preuaile a-
the only cauſe of § F will binſtruct thee, and teach thee in 19 To Deltuer their ſoules from death, gaint God, but
forgivencfleof the way that thou (halt gorand J will guide and to pꝛeſerue them tn famine. -+ hedefeateth it,
finnes,fof means thee with mine eve. 20 » Dur feule wayteth forthe Loꝛd: for and it (hall baue
therofarerepen- O Be ye not itke an bofe or like a mule, he is our helpe and our field. euifl facceffe,
tance andconfef. which vnderſtand not: whole imouthes thou 21 Surely our heart fyall reioyce in him, h Hetheweth ~
fion,which pro- ` Doeſt binde with bit ¢ bztdle,leatt they come becaule we trufted in bis holy mame. that all our feli
céed offaith, neere thee. 22 Letthy mercy; D Lord,bevpon vs,as city Randeth im
f : When neceffi- 10 Many ſoꝛrowes thall come to the mica we trutn thee. this, the Lord is
tie cauſeth bim to Red: but he that trutteth in the Lozd, mercie our God,
fecke to theefor yall compaffe him. — i Heeproueththatall things are gouerned by Gods prouidence, and
helpe, Ia. 55.6. II Beglad pe righteous, and *reioyce in not by foftune. K Therefore he knoweth theis wicked enterprifes. |
g To wit the wa- the Lozd,and bee ioytull allpee, that are np- 1 Ifkingsand themighty ofthe werld cannot bee faued by worldly
"ters dnd great rightinbeart, | means,but only byGods prouidence,what haue others to truft in,that |
dangers, h Dawid promifeth ro make the reft of Gods children haue not like meansi’ m God (heweth that toward his of his‘mercy,
partakersofthe benefites, which he felt,& that he will diligently look which man by ro meanes is able tocOpafie. n Thushefpeakethin
and take care to direct themin the way of fluation. i .Jfmencan the name of ¥ whole church, which only depend on Gods prouidéce,
) rule bruite beafts,thinkerhey that God will not bridle and tame their oS A Re eee
rage? k He fheweth,thatpeace and ioy of confcience inthe holy 1 After Dauid had efcaped Achifh,according
* Ghoft is the fruite of faith. as it is writtenin
the 1.S4m.21,11, whom in this
PSAL, XXXIII. c title he calleth Abimelcch, (which was a genera
“4 Hee exherteth good men te pratfe God, Arthat vame to all thekings ofthe Philiftims)he prarfeth
he hath not onely created al things eby his prose God fer his delimcrance,z Proucking all others Y
:The fafetic of the godly. Pfalmes. Dauids complaint. 217
his example to truſtinGod, to feave and ferue pleade and to anengelis caufe, 8 that they may
him : 14 Whe defendeth the godly with his An- be taken in their nets asd [nares , which they led
gts, 15 And utterly deftroyeth the wicked in Sor him , that his innecencie may be declared , 29
their ſimes. . and that the isnoceat, which taketh part with e—
(A viameof Danid, when he changed his him , may reioyce and praifethe Name of the
bebautour before Abimelech, whe Doue Lord , that thus dehuered his feruant. 28 And
bimaway, and he Departeu, [o bee prom:feth to [peake faorsth the naſtice ofthe
a He promifeth pa aalway giue thankes vnto the Lod: Lord , and tò magmifie his N ame all the dayes of
neuer to become bis pꝛaiſe halbe th mp mouth) continually. his life.
vamindfull of 2 Myploule hall gloziein the Lozd + the @ A Phlme of Dauid.
Gods great bene- b humble Hall beare tt, and be glad. pre thoump a caule, D LoD, with a Hee defireth
fit for his deliue- 3 Pearle ye the Lord with meand let bs them that ſtriue with mee : fight thoy a- God to vnder-
rance, maguifie his ame together. gaint them that fight againt me. take his caule ae
b They that are 4 Jlougt the Loz, and he heard mee: 2 bLaphandypon the hicld and buck. gainft them that
beaten downe yea, be Deliucted me out of all my © feare. ler, and ftand yp for mine helpe. did perfecutebim
with the experi- _ They 4 hall looke vnto him, and run 3. Bring out allo the ſpeare, and op the and flander him,
ence of their — him : and their faces Hall not be ahhamed, way againſt them that perfecute me; fay vn b Albeit God .
owne cuils, aying, to my <foule, J am thy faluation. can with his
c Which Icon- 6 This poore man cried, and the Lowe 4 Letthem bee confounded and put te breath deftroy
ceiued for the i— him, and ſaued him out of all his trou⸗ ſhame, that ſeeke after my Mule: let thembe all his cue mies,
dangers wherein es, X turned backe and brought to confufion,that yet the holy
Iwas. 7 Thee Angell oh the Low pitcheth imagine mine burt. 4 Ghoft attribue
d They thallbe round about them, that feare pins and deli⸗ § Letthem be as chafe before the wind, teth vnto him
bold to fleeto uereth them. ; and let the Angelofthe Lord 4 (catter them, thefe outward
thee for fuccour, _ 8 Tate pes lee, how gracious the Low Let their way bee Darke and fltpperfe; weapons, to aſ⸗
-when they fhail îs ; bleffed is the man that truſteth in him. let the Angel of the Lozd perfecute them. fure vs of his pres
ſeethy mercies 9 Fearethe Lord, pe hts Satnts:fo2 ner 7 So2¢ without caule thep hane bid the fent power,
toward mee, thing wanteth to thein that feare bim. ` pitand their net foz me: without cauſe haue c Affure mea-
e Though Gods 10 Thef lyons doe lacke, and ſuffer Yun they digged a pit foz my foule. : gainftthefe ten-
“power be fuffici- ger, butthey which feeke the Loyd, Mall 8 Let oeftruction come bpon f bhim at tatious that thou
ent to gouerne 5 want nothing that ts good. vnwares, and let his net that bee hath late art the authour
W5, yet for mans It Come chilen, hearken bnto mer? J patuily, take him: let him fall into e the fame of my faluation,
“infitmitie he ap- will teach pou the h feare of the Lord. Deftruction. d Smite chem
pointeth his An⸗ I2 * Uhat mants hee that delireth life, 9 Chen my foule Hall bee toykull in the with the {pirit of
| gelsto watch o And loneth long dayes foꝛ to ilee good? = Loz :tt wall retoyce tn bis faluatton. giddinefle that
“Wer vs, _ 13 Keepe thy tongue Erom eutll, and thy IO All my* bones Mall fay, Lord, whois their enterprifes
ÉE The godly by lips, that they {peake no guile. itke vnto thee, which deltuerett the pooze may be foolifh,
14 Clchewe eutll, and Boe good : fecke from him that ts too trong foz him! pea,the and they receiue
peace, and follow after it. : pooze, and him that ts in milerte, from pim iuſt reward,
1s The eyes of the Lord are vpon the righ- that fpovleth bim! : e Shewing, that
| Which rauine & teous, and bis cares are open vñto their crie. I Crueil witneffes did rife vp : they al we may not call
Moyle. x I6 Burthe k face of the Lord is againit ked of me things that J] knew not. God to be arc-
g Ifthey abide them that Deceuill, tocut off their remem: 12 Cheyrewarded me eutll foz good, to uenger, but only
the laf triall, drance from the earth. k Haue ſpoyled my foule. for his glory, and
fh That is, the 17 Therighteons crie ano the Lod heareth 13 Pet J, when they were ficke, J was when our caufe
true religion and them, and deliuereth them out of all their clothed with a facke , J] hunibied my foule 1s 1uft,
worthip of God. troubles. 3 with fatting : and my ! prayer was turned f When he
a.Pet. 3.10. ~ 18 The Lo: is neere vnto them that are vpon my bolome. mifeth to him-
i Secing all men ef a! contrite beart,and will faue (uch as be 14 J behaued my felfe as to my friend,or felfe peace,
naturally defire afflicted in ſpirit. ? as to my bꝛother: J]humbled myſelfe, mour · & Which he pres
felicitie, he won- Ig Oreatare the troubles of the righteous: ning as onethat bewatlerh bis mother. pared againii the
dereth why they but the Lo: deliuereth him ont of them all. 15 Butinmine=aduerlitte they retsyeed, children of God,
atthemfelues — 20 ™ ie keepeth all his bones; not one of and gathered themſelues together : theab- _He attributeth
illingly into them is broken. tects affembled themletucs againit me,and is deliuerance
miferie. 21 But malice fall May the wicked:and J knew not: they tare” me and ceaſed not, onély to God,
The anger of thep that hate the righteous, pall peri. 16 dith the falie (coffers ato bankets, Praifing him
Jü doth net 22 Thelo: © redeemeth the foules of gnathing their teeth againt me. therefore bothin
nely deftroy the His feruants ; and none that trut in him, 17 L820, how long wilt thou behold this? foule and body.
ked, but alfo Wali perth. deliuer my foule from their tumult, eues mp t That would
abolifheth their Delolate oule from the tons. Not fuffer me to
fame for euer, 1 Whenthey feemeto bee fwallowedvp with afa 18 So will J giue thee thankes ina great purge my felfe, «
itions , then Godis at hand to deliuer them, m And as Chrift congregation : J will peayle thee among k To hauc taken
ith, all the haires of hishead. n Their wicked enterprifes fhall much people. ; from mee all
ürne to theirowne deſtruction. o For when they feeme to béo- 19 Letnot chem that are mine enemies, comfort, and
dercome with great dangers and death it felfe, then God theweth’ rought mee
i thimielfe their redeemer, into defpaire, 1 Iprayed forthem with inward affeGion as Iwould
P3 AL, XXXV, baue done tor my felfe : or, I declared mine affeGion, with bowing
1 So long as Saul was enemie to Dauid, all that downe minehead. m When they faw me readie to flip,andas one
had any authoritie under himto flatter ther king that halted for infirmitie. n With their railing words. o` The
(as ù the courfe ofthe world)did alfo moft cruelly word fignifieth cakes : meaning that the proud courtiers at theit
per fecute Dauidagainſt whom he prayeth God to daintic feafts, Coffe, raile, andconfpirehis death, -`
Te vniuſtly
G i

The nature of the wicked. ` Pali. Thewickeds-profperitien) sai 7

p Intokenof r thein therefoze.the childꝛen af inets trult vnder the g Onely Gods
vniuſtly refopee ouer meey neithelet
contempt ard P ve with the epe, that hace mice without Hadow of thy wings.: T : children hiue
mocking. a canes ——
§ They halbes (atilfien with thefatnes. enough ofail
Or, clefis ofthe 20. JFoz they {cake not as friends : but of thine bouiz, and thou Walt giue them things toth cana
earth: meaning they imagine Deceittall words again the patnike-out of theviner ofthppleatires. - o cerning this life
bim/elfe ande- quietof che dann. » y AS anh gE q Qi Sor vetth yee is the weliot life, and in and the life co
ibers in their 21 Aad they gapen upone with tbeir thy tight ali wee ſeelighsht 49. come.
viſerie monthes, laying, Aba; al pas Oli ope pati A0 Extend tipining kiudnes vnto m hi Hee theweth
q Theyreioyced feene that >knewshceand thy righteouthed ie, who are Gods»
as thouch they 22 Thon hatk (eeneit,D Lord:keepe not tothem thatare vpright th heart. *F children, to wit,
had now ferne¢ filence rbe not farre from me,D 4028, | II Let not theifoot of pride come againſt they that know 7
Dautd oust- 23 geile and wake to my HlBgemenc,cucn me, and let nat the hand of the wicked men him and leade
thrown. to my caule, my God, and my Lea. l moug me. : -o t their hues vps ·
TIe ithe iuftice 24 Judgemec, D Lony God, accer> 12 *Chere theyart fallen that wozke fnis rightly.) =
ofGod to giue to Dung to thycrighteoumeſſe, and let thet not Quittes tgcp are cai Downe, and ſhall nei be, i Let not the
the oppreſſours reioyce guer me. — tt able fotiige po ) : proud aduance
affliction and 25 Letthemnot fay intheir hearts, tD himfelfe againſt me, neither the power of the wicked drine meds:
torment, and to ° oir toute reioyce: neither.lec them tap, ce way. k Thatis, inthetr pride, wherein they flatter thenaíclucse
the opprefied pane deuoured puat: PS AL, XXXVII. i =

aide andreliefey® -326 Let them be confounded, and putta 1 This Pfalme comeinth exhortation and cone y
2. Thefiip.6. ° fhamet together, that retopce at amine hurts filationofthe weake , that are grieued at the pro- Loy

{ Beeaifewee ~ let chem be clothed" with contulion ¢ Hame; Spiritie of the wieed Pani rae affrétiow of the zu &
have that which ` rhatliftupthemietucsagamitme o Koly-:g For how proper onflyſocuer che wicked, “di Nuary &
wee [ough for 27 Buclet chem be foptuliand glad that doe time for the time, he doth afi: me therr felucitre i
feeing hee isde- toue my righteoumeſſe: pea, let them ſay al⸗ tobe vaim: e-tranfitoriestbecauf> they are notin i
ftroyed, way, Let the Lord bee magnified, which lo- the fausur of God butin the end they are defroy- $
t Thatis,atonce, ucth they prolpertticefhisieruant.. ed as hu cnemes. wx and how miferadly that the de v }
wetethey neuer 28 Ano my tongue Hall vtter thy rishte righteous feemeth to liue inthe world, yet his end $
fo many or | outneiie, and thy paatic eticup Day. T wpeace, ang hers inthe tanour of Ged, he i de- 3
mightie. Limered fom the wicked and preferned,
u This prayer fhal alwayes be verified again{t them that perfecute ý @ A Plalme of Dauid. - a He admonilhal
faithfull. x That at leaf fauourmy right,thoueb they be notable Pie not a thy lelte becauſe of the wicked ethvs neither to,
to helpeme, y’ He exhorteth the Church to praife God for the de- men cneither becnuious forthe ceuli deers. vexe our ſclues
liweranceof his feruants, and for the deitruGion of bis aduerſarics. 2, Fro chy (hail foone be ecut Downe tthe forthe profpe=
ara po SAL XXRVE es graffe,and hall wither as the greene herbe. rousefiate of thei
ae Fhe Prophes grisuouflyvexcd by the wicked, 3*Truſt thou tn the L020 € Da good: dwel wicked, neither <
doth complane of their malicious wapkedne/fe. 6 in che land, and thou halt be ted. Turcaly. to.defire to be,
Then he turneth to cofider thewn[peakeabl: good= Ind delight chyſette in cheLoad, and likethemto 3
nes of God toward allcreatures e 9 But [vecially be hall giue thee thine hearts Defire. make our effate.
towardhys children , that bythe faith thereof hee 5 Commit thp way vnto the Lod, and the better.
may be\compirted & affieredof be delinerange ty thule in hun, and bee Kail bang it to paſſe. b For Godsiudg.
this ordinarie courfe afGods workey yi, g: mhoin < @ AnD he tail bing forth thp righteoule ment cutteth ,
the end defbroyetsheowscked apd faune the waft uelle asthe light, and thptndgementasthe downe their ftat
$ Br E To him that ercellorh..A Palme ef sae noone da. J inamoment. ;
a Ifee enidently ~ mb thefernantot the Lom. 7, Hatt patiently vpon the Lom, e hope c Totruftin
by his deedes, VV Ickedneſſe faith ta the wicked matty, in bim > fret not thy felfe for dim € which God, and to dee
that finne puſh⸗ euen in mine heard, that there is RO profpereth in bis way : nor forthe manthat according to his
eth forward the feare of Good beſore his eyes. ont bringeth his cnterpatiestopafle, - will,are fure toe
reprobatefrom ` , 2 hoz hedHatteverh bimlelfe in his owne 8 Teale from anger and leaue oſtwath kensý his prom
wickedneflero < epes, while his iniquitie is lound woigay to: fret not thy eite s allo to Do enillai hy, uidence willnge, be pated, daa it 9 Forcutl doers fyalbe cut —55 —that uerfailevs, .
beithegoabout’ . 3> The words of hig month are iniquitie tuait ypo p LoD they (hal inberit rhe larn.: d Benot ledby’
tocousrhisim- ande Deceit, bee hathictroft te vnderſtand > JO -h Ghereioze pet a little while, and the thine owne wi
picie. andto doe good. tricked Mail not appeare,and chou walt looke,
b Though oll 4 Weed imagineth milchicke vpon bis giter his place, and be Mall noc be found,
otherdetefthis: `bed: heefetteth himſelfe npen a ways that is 1r Wut * mecke men; Mall. pollee: the
vile finnes yethe not good, and doeth not abborye eutl, . carth,and hal haue their delighi inthe mul> i he
himfelfe fecthit 5 ‘Gbhytimercy,D Lod reach pntothe tube stpeace, e As thehopea
not. heauens and chy taichiulues vnto the clouds. 12 i The wicked peactifeth againſt the the day light caus}
c The reprobate 6 Thyrighteoulnelle is like the t mightie, feth vs notto beg!
mocke at whole- mountaines:thy wDgementsare like agreat offended with the darkenes of the niche : fooughr we patiently tap
fome doGrine, ` L Deeper : thon, Lod, doeſt lane man beaſt. truty God wil! cleareourcaule, & t¢ftore vs to ournghr.. fF Wheay’
and put not ditfe. 7 Howercellenrtis thp metcis, D Gad! God fufferecia, the wicked to profper , itfeenjerkto the Aeth that hee
rence betweene
+ t ETE ii | +s 4 —224 X
fiuoureth,their doings, lob.2a.7.&c.,.g Meaning, except he mash
oodand enill: d By deferibing at ſarge the natureof the repro⸗ derate his aff. Gions, he fhall beled turdoeastiny doe, h, Hecor
ace, he admonifheth the godly to be wareof thejr vices. e Fhough: reGteth the impatience of our nature, which cannot abide tillt
wiekedneffe leemeth to oucsAowall che world,yet by thing heauenly fulneffe of Gods ume be come, Mats.5. 1 The godly are affured!
providence thou xouernelt heaven and eorth, $ Ebr.the mountaines thatthe power and. craft ef the wicked fhall not preuaile againgf
of God: for whatfoeuer is thus called. £ The depthof them, bur fallontheirowneneckes,, and therefore ought panentlj
thy provideucegouerncth all things, aad difpaferh them, albeit che to abide Godztime, and in the meane while bewasile ther finnes ancy
wicked fceme to oucrwiclme the world. joi) Offer vp sheis.teares asa facriace oltheit ovedicnce,

SS ro,

The iuſt not forfaken. Pfalmes.. Dauids fore affliction. 218
- int, and gnatheth bis teeth againthim. 37 2Marke thefpright man and behold y He exhorter
I2 Bur the Lozi fyall laugh bim to ſcorne: the iuſt: fox the endocthat manispeace, .) ; thefaithfull to
k Forthey are foz be feeth that his day ts comming. 38 But the trantgrefiours Halbe deftrat- markediligent.
daily fed as with 14 Che wicked haue Drawen tharfword, eD together and the end of the wicked chalbe ly the examples
Manna from and haue bent their bow, to tat Downe the CHE Oe © e Yi i both of Gods
hé2uen,and haue pooꝛe and needy, and to flay (uch as be of Dp 39 Butthe zfaluation of the righteous mercies,and al-
fufficienc,when} tight conucrfatton. j men thall be of -the LoD ; hee shall bee their ſo of his iudge⸗
the wicked have 16 Buc their ſword thall enter into their itrength inthe time of trouble.: * ments,
neuer enough, owne beart, and their bowes ſhalbe broken. 40 Fozrthe Lord haibhelpethem,ant de z He theweth
16. k ſinall thing vnto the iut man ts liver them: hee Hall deliuer thein from the char chepatienc
but ever hunget,
1 God knoweth — them great riches to the wicked and wicked, and hall fue them, becaute they hope ofthe gode
what dahgers mightie. truſt in him. ly is neuer in
: hang ouer nis, i7 Foꝛ the armes of the wicked fyall bee vaine , butin the ende hath good ſucceſſe, thougi for atime Gog
and by what bicken ; but p Led vpholdeth the iuſt men. prooue them by {undry tentations, ;
meanes to deli- 18 The Low! knoweththedavyesof bp» .ont P SAL. XXXVII
ver them. rahe — and their inheritance (hal be pers 1 Dawid being ficke of [ome grieucas diſtaſe,
m For God will petuall. : acknowledgeth himſelfe to bee chaftifed of the
giue them con- 19 Thep ſhall not be confounded in the Lord for hu finnes, andtherfire prayeth Godte
tented minds, perilous time, and in thepayes of faming turne away his wrath, 5 He vttereththe greate
and that which they Hall baue= enough = => nefe of his griefe by many words and circumſtan-
fhalbe neceffary, 20 But the wicked Mall girih, andthe cesaswounded witlythe arxowesof Gods tre for-
n They (bal va- enemies of the Lo20 ſhalbe confumes asthe fakenof bisfriendseuil untreated of bis encriits.
nifhawayfud- © = fatof Lambes: even wtih the ſmoke hall 22 But isthe end with firme confidence he com
denly: for they they conſume away. mzndeth his cauſe to God, and bop*th for ſpeedie
are fed for the 21 Che wicked boroweth and payeth helpe at bis hand, : i
day of flaughter. Notagaine:butthe righteous ts mercifuil, € A Piaime of Dams fo, a remembrance. a To put him-
o Godfo furni- and° giucth. QO Loud, rebuke mee not in thine © anger, felfe and others
fheth him with 22 Foꝛ ſuch asbe bleſſed of God, Hail in- neither chaſtiſe me in thy wath, in wind of Gods
his blefingthat herit theland, € they chat be curſed of hint, 2. Fo2rthuw *arrowes baue light bpon chaftifement for
he is able to fall be cut off. Sag A Me, and thine hand lieth bpon me. + finne,
helpe others. 23 P Che paths ef man are Direttcd by 3 Chere is nothing found in my fleſh, be⸗ b He defireth
-p God proſpe- the Lo:— : foz he loucth bts wap. j : tauteofthtne anger: neither isthererettinnot to beexcmp-
reth the faithfull, 24 Ghough be afat,beMall not be sak mpbones,Becaulc of myd inne. > tedfrom Gods a
becauſe they Of: to? the Lozd putteth vnder bis hand. 4 Fomine iniquittes are gone ouer rod, but that he
walke in his 25 J haue beene yong and am old: vetJ minehead, and as a weightie burBen, thep would{o mode-,
wayeswithan faweneucr the righteous fozlaken, nozbis are too heauy fez me. 4 Yate his hand that
vpright conſci · * feed begging bzead. i 3 § Wy wosndsareputrified,andcozrupt be mightbe able
ence. 26 Buthee ts ever metcifull and iendeth, becanie of my! fooliſhneſſe. (| to beare it.
‘g When God and his {ced enioyeth the biefing. J am bowed, and crooked very ſore: c Thy fickeneffe
doeth exerciſe 27 Slee from cuil and do goor, and Dwel J goe imourning ali the Dap. ' wherewiththow’
bis faith with di- fozeusr. 7 Foꝛ my reines are full ofburning, and halt viſited me,»
mers tentetions, -28 Foꝛ the Loꝛd loucth indgement, and thereisnothing foundininy fief = $ dDeuidac- -·
ir Though the foziaketh not bie faints: thep hallbeprefers 08. Jam weakened, and fore byokem:FJ knowledgeth
int man dies yet ued for cuermoze ;but theleed ofthe wicked s roare foz the verp griefe of minedeart.§ » Godto be auſtĩn
Godsbleffings ſhall be cut oſf j ; 9 Lod, I powrenune whole deſire before his punifaments,
arzextended to:` 29 The righteons men Hali inherite the thee.and my aghins is not hid from thee. beeavfe his fins
his poſteritie& land and Diwei thereta! foz euer. 10 Mine heart $panteth: my ſtrength had deferued
though God ſuf. 30 The tmouth of the righteous will failerh ine, and the lightotmine eyes, cuen much mere;
ferfome ivf man ſpeakeofwifoome, and his tougue wil talke h they arenot mineowne. oc on cre ¢,He confefleds
to lacke tempo. ot iuogement. bio: : 13 > IL My louers anv my friends ftand efide his fins, Gods. -
tall benefitsyyer. © 31 For thelawofhis God isin bis heart, from mp plague and wy ‘kinfemenitand a> iuſtice,
he recompeénieth and his teps Wal uot ilide. ET karte off. > „kethprayerhis
-himwith fpiri- 32 Cie wicked watcheth the righteous, 12 They alfo,that feeke after my life, lay :refuge.
-tualltrca‘ures, and feeketh to flay him. 53 ſnares and thep that go about tetosmecutl, f That rather
{.Theythalcon- 33 Butthe Lod wili not leane bim in his talbe wicked things, and imagin Deceit cone giue place rto
tinually be pre- bose, nezcondemne him, when bets iut- timaliy. o; j “(> © mineowne lufts,
ferued vnder REAL 53533604 GEE 32 Py 13 But J asta dcafemanheardnot,anB then to the will,
Gods wingsand 34 Mait thou on the Loꝛd, and keepe his am as a dumbe mati, which opeweth not his of God.
haueat leaſt in ‘way, and be halieraitthee, that thou chalt monty. ue HOr lack as one
ward reft. inberit theland : when the wicked men hal 14 Thus èm Jas aman, that heareth shat is d:[fgured
t Thefe three perilh. thou walt fee. not andin whole month arenoreprsofes. and covfumed
oynts ate regui- 35 Jhaue lcene the wicked firong, and : 11g) Foron thee,D Lord, DoF warty thou wei fickseffe.
tedof the faith- {preadtig buntelfeltke a greene bay tree. wilt heare me,my LoD my Gov. ns example
full, chat their’: 36 Det he*patled away, and loe he was 16 FoꝛJ ſaid, Heare me, leaſt they reioyte warncth ys neuer
Ikebe godly, -geite,and J fought hun, bathe coule norbe i thie (apo tocefpaire,be the
that Gods Law tound. torment neuer fo great: but alwayesto cry vnto Gad with fure truft
be in their heart,- ; | fordelinerance. + Ebrrunneth aboutjorsstoffed to &frat meaning,
dthat their lifebevpright. u Forthoughitbefometime fo ex- that he mas deſtu uteof allhelpe and cownfell. b My fight failech me
edient beth for Gods glory and their faluation,yet he wiilappcoouefor-very forow. i Partly for feare,and paiily for pride they denied
eir czule, andreucnge their wrong. x Sothattheprofperitie of all due tieand friend(hip..,. k For can baue no audience before -
¢ wicked is but as a cloud, whichwanilheth away:ina moment, -| men,
and therefore patiently — the helpe of Ged, —
ç 2
—" t

The vanitie of man. Pfalmes. Sacrifice refufed,

1 ‘Thatis,ifthey ouer me: for! when my Foote fippeth, tiep bis ibeautie toconſume: furely euery man i The word fg.
fee thar thou ſuc· extoll chemlelues agatnit me. isvanitic. Aclay. nifieth al} thae
cour m= not in 17 SurelyJ am ready to = Halt, and my 12 Heare mp prayer,D Lord, and hears he defireth,s `
time,they will {020 is zuer befoze me. | kenvnco my cep ; keepe not tilence at mp health, force,
moeke and tri- 18 hen § Declare my paine, and am fas teares, foa Jama ſtranger with thee, anda firength,beau-
. umph,asthcugh —gp foz my finne, j ; folourner as all my fathers. tiesand in what
thouhadtfor- 19 Then minenenemies are aliue.andare 13 @taprhine anger from me, that J may focucr he bath ©
faken me. Mightte, and thep chat pate me wrongtuliy tecoucr my ſtreugth,k betoze J goe bence, delight,forhac
m Tamwithout are many. : and be noe, the rod of God
hope to recouer 29 Chey allo that reward euill fo: goov, taketh away all that is defired in this world, k For bis forow cau-
my ſtrength. ate mine aduerlaries , becaule J fellowe fed him to thinke that God would defiroy him vtterly : whereby we
ninmygreatelt goodneſſe. fee how hardit is forthe very Saintes to keepea meafure
mifery they mot 21 Jroslakemenot, D Loz, be not thou words,when death and defpare aflaile them.
Seiayce, farre froni me, my God, PIs Aube: XLi
o Hehad rather 22 Halte thee to helpe mee,D my Loyd, t Dawid delivered from great dancer, doeth
hauethe hatred Mpe faluatien. magmfieand prayfe the crace of God for hu deliz
of ailthe world, f werance,and (ommendeth hes pr.uidence towards
then to faile in any part of his duety to Godward, Which art all mankinde. 5 Then doeth he promife to gine
the authour of my faluation and this declareth that he prayed with bimfelfe wholly to Gods feruice, andfodeclareth
fure hope of deliuerance. how God is truely worfhipped, 14 Afterward hee
PSAL XXXIX. Siueth thanks and prayfeth God,and hauing com-
1 Dauid vitereth with what great griefe dr bit- plained of his enemies, with gozd courage he cal-
ternes of minde he was druen tothefeoutrægious leth for ayde and ſuccour- a Though God
complaints oAus infirmities. 2 For he confeffeth Co biin Y excelleth. A Pſalme of Danid. deferred his help
that when hee had determined (ilence, hee braft ponus a patientip foz the Lord, and bee yet he patiently
forth yet inta words that he would not,th ough the inclined vnto me,and heard my cry, abode,till be
greatnffe of his griefe. 4 Then he rebear [eth cera 2 He brought me alio sut of the > hozti- was heard,
taine requefts which tafte of the infirmity of man, ble pit,out of the mirie clap, and fet my feete b Hehath dee
and mixerh them with many prayers : but all doe vpon the rocke,and o2dered my goings. liuered mee
ſbewe aminde wonderfully troubled, thatit may 3 And he hath put in my mouth <a new from moft
plainely appeare how hee did ftriue mightily a= fong of praple vnto our God; many Wali {ee great dangers,
gainſt death and defperatson. it and feare,and ſhall truſt inthe Lo2d. c Thatis,a fpecie
aThiswasone (C Cotheerceitent muftians Jeduthun. 4 Blelſſed is the man that maketh the all occafion to
ofthe chiefe fin- Plſalme of Danuta. Loꝛd bis trutt,cregardeth “noe che proud, praife him : for
gers,1 Chron, [Enns è J will take heed tomy wayes no? luch as turne alive toltes. Gods benefits
r64 that J finne not with mp tongue : FZwill S: eD Lowmy God, thou hak made thy are fo many oc-
b Albeit behad kerpemy mouth brideled, while the wicked wonderful workes fo many, that none can cafions for vsto
appoynted with tg in my fight. i COURTin order fo thee thythoughts toward ptaife his name,
himfelfe patient- 2. J was Dumbe and fpake nothing: F vs +3] would declare,and tpeake of them,but dTo follow their
ly to hauc taried ` kept filence cuen from good, ‘and mylozowe they ate moe then J] am able to erpzeffe. example,which `
Godsleifure, yet Was moze ttirred. bat 6 Dacrifice t offring thou didi not Defire: he moft needs do |
thevehemencie 3 QOine heartiwas bote within mee, and (for mine cares batt thou prepared) burnt that trufteth not —
of his painecau- wtle Jwas muting, the fire kindled , and offring tfn ofring bak thou net required. onely inthe Lord
fed himto break 4 Jſpake with my tongue, laying, 7 8 Chen laid J,Loe,J come ; for inthe e Dauid goeth;
_ hispurpofe, 4 Lod, let me know mine end, and the rollof the booke tt is witten of me, from one kinde `
c Though when meafure of mp Dayes, what itis: let mee 8 Jodeflired to doe thy good will, D my of Gods ſauor,to
} wicked ruled, know bow long J haue to line. God; yea, thy Law is within mine beart. the contemplati- —
he thought to § Bebolde, thou halt made my dayes as 9 Jhaue declared thy righteoutnefie in on of his proui-
haue kept filence an hand bzeadth, andmine age as nothing the great t Congregation: ioe, J will not dence ouer all,8
yethis zeale in reſpect of thee:ſurely eucty manin his belt rekraine my lips; D Loud, thou knowett. confzffeththat
cufedhimto fatets altogether: vanitie. Helah. IO J haue not hidde thy righteonf{neffe his counfelsto- ‘
changehis mind, 6 Doubtleſſe man walketh in a Hadow, within mine heart, burJhaue Declared thy wards vs are ſar
d Heconfeflech and dilquictech himſelfe in vatn:he beaperh itruethand thy faluation : J| haue notcon- aboue our capa⸗
thathegrudged Wyp riches, and cannot tell who Wall gather cealed thy mercie and thp trueth froni the cities: we canno
againſt God con- them. : great Congregation, fo much as tell
fidering ý greate 7 Andnow Lom, what wait 3 foz mine II Aithdraw not thou thy tender mercy them in order.
nesofhisio- hope is euen inthee. frommee, D Lord; let thy mercie and thy f Thou hito- ©
rowes and the 8 Deliuer me krõ all my tranſgrefſions, trueth alway pzeferue me. : pened mine cates
hortneſſe ofhis and make me not a rebuke vnto the ftoolity. I2 Foꝛ innumerable troubles haue com> tovnderftand |
life. 9 J Mould haue bin Dumb,and not haue paſſed mee: my finneg haue taken luch § (pirituall meas
e Yet Dauidof- opened niy mouth, becaule thou diddeſt tt, bolde bpon mee, that J am not able to ning of the fa-
fendeth in that Io Take thy plague away from mee; foz looke vp : yea, they ate moe ta number crifices;
and her
that he reafoned Jam conſumed by the ſtroke of thine hand. Dauid efteemeth
with God,as IL Ahen thou with rebukes Dok chaſtiſe the ceremonies of the Law nothing in refpe& of the fpirituall fere.
thoughthathe mau foriniquitie, thou asa moth ® maket uice. .g When thouhadft opened mine caresand heart,I was reae
were too feucre dy to obey thee, being affured that I was written in the book ofthine”
toward his weake creature. f Make mee nota mocking Rocke to ele& fortbisend. h Inthe Church affembled in the SanQuary«
the wicked, nor wrap menot vp with the wicked, when they are put i Dauid here numbreth three degrees of our faluation : Gods Pha
to ſhame. g Seeing my troubles came of thy prowidence,! ought to cie,whereby he pitieth vs : his righteoufnefle, which fignifietb his
haue endured thé patiently. b Though thine open plagues light not continuall prote@ion: and his trueth, whereby appeareth bis com
evermore vpon them, yet thy fecret carfe contipually frettetkythem, ftant fauour, ſo that hereof proceedeth our faluation,
The nature of fatterers. Pfalmes. Dauidsconflant hope. 219
then the haires of mine head: therfore mine thy‘ face forener, i Shewing me
k Astouchme heart path k failed me. 13 ietlea bee the Lord God of Iſrael cuiden: fens
the iudgement 13 Lecit pleate thee, D Loyd, to deltuer World without end. k Hobe iteuen ſo be it. of thy tatherly
of the fiefh, I me: make hafe,D Lezd,to helpe me. prouidence,
was vtterly delſti· 14 Let them bee! confounded and put to k By this repetition hee {tirreth vp the faithfull to praife God,
ture of all coun- fhame together, that leeke my ule to De» PSAL, XLII,
fell: yet faith in- ſtroy tt; ict them bec Diuen backward and 1 The Prophet criewoufly complasseth, tht bes
wardly mooued put to rebuke that delire mine gure. ing letted by hu per fecutours, he could not be pre-
maine heart to Ig Letthembe ™ dDetivopen forza reward ſent in the congregation cfGeds pesple,protefiing
. Pray. their ame, which fay vite mer Aha, that although he was feparate in body from them,
1 He defiretb aba. yet hs heart was thitherward aff: ioned.7 And
that Gods mer- 16 Letall them that ſeeke thee,retoyce, ¢ laft of al be fheweth that he was not fo far re cucre
cie may contend bee gladin thee: and let them thatloue thp come with thefe ſtrrowes and thoughts, 8 But
- for him againft faiuation,tay alway, a The Lozd be praiſed· that he continually put hu confidenceinthe Lerd,
therage of his 17 Though J be pooze Encedie,the Lora € To him tyat excelleth. A Pialse
encmics. thinkety on mee : thou art mine helper and to giue inltruction,;2 committed a Asa treafure
m Lec the fame my deliuerer: my God, wake no tarying. to the ſounes of Kozh. to bee kept of
fhame and con- A B the bart bzapeth foz the riuersoftwas them,which
fufion light vpon them , which they intended to haue brought vpon ter, (o> panteth my louleatter thes, D wereofthe numa
me. n Asthe faithfull alwayespraife God for his bencfites: fo the Gen. berofthe Lee
wicked mocke Gods children in their affictions. 2 Dp loule thirſteth foz God,euen foz the uites,
PSAL XLI, ltuing Sed: when Mall J come andappeare b By theſe fimi-
t Dauid being griewoufly aſſuicted, bleſſeth before the pꝛeſence of Gon? litudes of chirft
them , that pitie hu cafè, 9 And complaineth of 3 My teares haue beene my meate Dap and panting,he
the treafon of hú owne friends and familiars , as and night, while they dayly fap vnto mee, fheweth his fers
came to paffe sn Iudas, Lohn i 3. 18.After he fees Cilbere ts thy God? - í uent defire to
lng the great mercies of God gently chaftifing 4 Miben J dremembzed thele things, ferue God is his
him, and not fuffzring hu enemies to triumph a- J powzed out mp very heart, becaule F had Temple,
gainft bim,1 3 Giueth mofi heartie thanks te God. gone with the multitude, and ledde them in ·c As other cake
€ Tobim chat ercelieth. APlalme to the boule of God with the vovce of finge pleafure in eating
3 of Dauid. f ing, and pzatle,as a multitude that Reepetiy a and drinking,fo
a Notcondem- B Leſſed is hee that- iudgeth witely of the ealt. he was altoge-
ening him as ac- pooze: the Lord Wall deliuer him in the § iby art thou caſt Downe my foule, ther givento
curledwhom _ time of trouble. and vnquiet within mez ¢ waite on God; tog weeping.
God doth vi- 2 She Lord wil keepe him and preſerue J wiit pet giue hini thankes toz the helpe of d That is,how
fite,knowing bimaliue: be thall be bleſſed vpon the earth, bis pretence. 1 led the people
thatthereare and chou wilt not Deliver htm vnto the will 6 Jp Sod, my foule is caſt Downe with- to ſerue thee ia
diuers caufes ofbisenemics. — in mee, £ becaule J remember thee from the thy Tabernacle,
why God layeth 3 Che Lord wil Irengthen him vpon the laud of Jorden, and Hermonim, and from and now fecing
bishandvpon ebed of ſorow: thou halt curnedall pis ben the Mount War. my contrarie
vs:yeaandaf- tnbisticknefle. 7 One g Decpe calleth another Deepe by the eſtate, die for
terwardhe re- 4 Therefore J faid, Loꝛd haue mercy vp- nopie of thy water ſpoutes: all typ wanes forrow.
ftoreth vs. on mee: heale mp foule, foz3 bauciinned and thy floods are gone ouer me, e Thoughhe
b When for for- aganti thee. — 8 The Lord © wiil graunt bes loutng futtained grie-
sowandgricfe | § QDineenemtes d ſpeake enill of me,fay- Rinductie in the Bay, and in rhe night fall uous affaultsof 4
ofmindeheca- ing, (ibat Wali he dte, and hts name periſh? J fing of him, cuen a praper vito the Govot thefleth to caft
Reth him(elfe And ikbe come to fee mec, be fpeaketh mpife ; him in to def-
vponhisbed, © Lies, but his heart heapeth thiquitte within 9 Zwillay pute Gov, which ismy rocke, paire,yethisfaich
c Tacuhaftre- ·him, and when he cometh forth, be telleth it, Ahy bakt thou forgotten mee? Chp gee grounded on
floredhimin 7 Altthey that hate mee, whiſper toge⸗ J mourning, when the enemie oppeeſſteth Godsaccuftomed
his ficke bed ther againit mec s euen again mee Doe chey mec? 5 mercies, getteth
and fent bim imagine mine burt. . i 10 My ibones are cut alunder, while the viGorie,
comfort, 8 £A mifchicfe ts tight vpon him, and he mine enemies reproch me,faping dayly nto f Thatis,when
d Thatts,curfe that ifet).thail no moze rite. me, There is thy God? I remember thee
me, and cannot 9 Pea, mys familiar friend, whome F II © CQibp art thou caft Domne, my foule? in this land of
haue theircruell trulted, which Bid eate of mp bread, s hath and why art chou Difquieted within mee? mybanifhmene -
hatequenched, lifted pp the berie agunſt me. waite on God: foz J will pet gtue him amongthe
but with my Io Therefore,D Lord, hane mercy vpon thankes : hee is mp pzelent belpe, and my mountaines,
thamefull death, me, and raife me bp:fo F hall reward them. God. g AffiiGions
It By this J know chat thou fauoureſt came(othicke
me, becaule mine enemie Doeth not triumph vpon me, that I fele my felfeas ouerwhelmed: whereby he fheweth
agami me. there isno end of our miferie, till God bee pacified, and fend reme-
I2 And as forzmee, thou vpholdeſt mee die. h He affureth bimfelfeof Gods helpe intime tocome. i That
$ btn mine integritic, and doeſt fer mee befoze is, | am moft gricueuflyrormented, k This repetition doeth de=
et Ad Clare that Dauid did not ouercome at once? to teach ysto bee cone
reot F The enemies thought by his harpe punifhments that ftant, forafinuch as God will cercainely deiner his,
God was become his mortal] enemie, t£57. The man ofmy peace.
As Dauid felt this falfhood, and as it was chiefiy accompitined in PSAL. XLIII. 4
hrilt, toha s 3.18. fo (ball his members continually proue the fame. 3 Heprayeth tobe delizered from them which *

Meaning, either in profperitie of life, or inthe true feare of God confpire againfi him that he might soyfuhy pray
inft all tentations. God su fw holy congregation, f
€e 3 Judge
God onely giueth victorie. Pfalmes, The Church afflicted prayeth.
. 4 — e

a Hedefirech ~ ~@ogesmee, D God, and defend my caule {poyle ||for themfelues. Orsat their
Godtovnder- > Aagain&the vnmercitull o people: deliuer IL * Thou giueſtvskas ſheepe to beceas pleafure.
takehiscaufe “me front tbe Decettfull and wicked man. ten, and Doet (catter vs among the nations. Rem.8.36
againfttheene- · 2 fFoz thou art the God of mp trength: 12 Shou lelleſt thy peaple ‘without gain, k Knowing God
mies, but chiefe- then put mee away ? why goe J ano doeſt not increale their price. to beauthour of
Jythathe would fomotening, when the enemie oppeitech 13 Thou maket vs a repzoch to our -thiscalamitie,
scftorchimto mee neighbours, aiet and a laughing ſtocke to they murmure
the Tabernacle. Send thye light and thytrueth: tet them that are round about bs. not but feeke res
b Thatisthe —themleade me:let them bring mente thine 14 Chou makeſt vs a prouerbeamong medie athis
crucllcompanie Holy Mountaine and to thy Cabernacles. the nations, anu a nodding of the head a> hands, wno
of mine ene- 4 Chen swell J goe vate the altar of moug the peoples wounded them,
mies. God, euen vnto the God of my toy and glad- Ig Wyp” confulion is Daily before me, and t As ſlaues
€ Towit, thy fa- nefe: and vpon the harpe wil ZF gtue thanks the hame of my face hath coucred ine, which are fold
wour,which ap- unto thee,D God my God, 16 Foꝛ the vopceofrhe ſlanderer and rea for alowprice,
peareth by the § -CQby arc thou cait downe,my foule? buker,foz the enentie and > auenger. neither lookeft
performance of and why art thou cifquicted within mee? 17 All this tscome vpon vs, pet Boe ee thou for him
thy promiles, ‘waite on Hod: for 3 will pet give hun note forget thee, neither Deale wee falſcly ctharoffereth =
d Heepromi- thankes,be is mip preſent helpe,andmy Gad. concerning thy couenant. moſt, but takeft
fethto offer a fo- 18 Dur Heart is not turned backe: neie the frit chap-
Jemne facrifice of thanke(giuing in token of his great deliuerance. ther our iteps gone outofthy pathes, man,
e Whereby he admonifheth the faithful not to relent, but conftant- 19 Albeit thon halt ſmitten vs downein⸗ m Idarenot
ly to wait on the Lord,though their troubles be long and greate to the place ofi Dzageus , and couered vs lift vp mine head
PSAL. XLIIII. with the thadow of Death. for fhame,
1 The faithful remember the great mercy of God 20 Jf wee haue forgotten the Mamie of n Meaning,the
toward his people. 9 After they complaime, bes our God, and holden vp our handes to a proud and cruell
caufe shey feele ıt nomore.17 Alfa theyalledge » trange God, tyrant,
the couenant made with Abraham, for the keeping 21 Shall not God alearchthisout? for o They boaſt
whereof they [hew what grieuous things they fuf- he knoweth the ſecrets of the heart. not of their vez-
22 Hurely foz thy lake are we laine com> taes, but declare
fered. 23 Finally they pray unto God not to con-
terane their affi:ctien,fecing the fame redoundeth tinually, and ave counted as ſyeepe for tye that they reft vpe `
to the contempt ofhis hononr. flaughter. onGodinthe `
¶ To him that ercelleth. A Plalme to giue 23 Cp, why lleepeſt thou,D Loꝛd?awake, middes of their
inttruction, committed to the faunes be not farre off foz euer. afHliGions: who
of Koah. 24. CGberctoze binet? thou thy face? and punifhedact
a This Pfalme VV Ee paue heard with our 2eares , D fozgetteit our miſerie and ouraftliction? now their finnes,
feemeth to haue God: our fathers haue tolde vs the 25 Jor our foule isf beaten Downe vit bur by hardaf-
beene made by wozkes, that thou haſt Done tn their dayes,in to the Du : our bellie cleaucth vnto the AiGionscalled
fomeexcellent the old time: ground, | them to the cone
Prophet for the 2 Howthou hak Dinen ont thebheathen 26 Rik vp foꝛ our fuccour, and redeeme fideration of the
vfe ofthe people, with thine hand, and planted «them; how ts foz thpt mercies fake. heauenly joyes..
when the Church thou bait deſtroyed the < people, and canted j —— lOr ywhales?
wasinextreme e them to grow. i meaning the bottomleſſe feas of tentations, Here mee fee the power of
miferie, cicher at 3 For they inherited not the land by their Jaith which can be ouercome by noperils, p They fhewghat they |
their returne pwne fwo2d, neither did their owne arme honoured God aright, becaufe they truſted in him alone. They
from Babylon, fane them: but thp righthand, and thine take God to witneffe, that they were vpright to him ward, £ The.
orvnderAntio- arme, and thelight of thy countenance, bes faithfulimake this their comfort, that the wicked punith them not for |
chus,orinfuch caufe thou DiDDelt f Fanour them. thcir finnes,but for Gods canfe,Mat.5.10 1.Pet.414, f Thereis
like affii@ion, 4. Gheuart my King,D Gonslend help no hope of recoucrie, except thou put to thine hand, and raife vs vp, |
b Thatisxhe vntos Jaakob. t: Whichisthe onely and {ufficient ranfometo deliuer both bodie
Canaanites, 5 h Through thee haue wee thruſt backe aad foule from all Kind of{lauerie and miferie.
c Towitour — our aduerfaries ? by thp Mame haue we tros PSAL, XLV.
fathers. Den Downe them that role vp agatnitys. 1 The maieſtie ofSalomon,his honcwr,fircugth,-
d Of Canaan, 6 Fog Doe not trult in my bow, neither beautie,viches,and power are pratfed,and alfo his
e Thatis,our tan my ſword faueme. mariage with the Egyptian being an heathen wa- 4
fathers, 7. But thou halt faued vs from our ad- manis bleffed, 10 If that fhee can rexonnce her $
§ Gods freemer- uerſaries, and halt put them to contulion people, and the lowe ofher countrey and gine her .
cic and. loue is thathatess. Gif wholly to her husband. Vander the which f-
the oncly foune 8 Therefore will wee payre God tonti- gurethe wonderfitll maieftie and increafe ofthe
taine and begin- nuallp, and will confelle thy Rame for eucr. kingdome of Chrifi and the Charch bis ſpouſe now
ning of the Hela. taken of the Gentiles,isdeſcribed Í

Church, Deut. 9 But vow thou art farre ofand puttet € Tohim that ercellety ons Shoſhannim a This wasa ‘cere
4:37: vs to itonfufion , and goek not foozth with a fong of tone to giue inſtruction com- tainetuneor ann |.

g Becauferhou, gurarmtes. mitted to the founes of Rozab. intrument


ast our King, Io Thsumakek vs to turne backe from Mite heart will vtter foorth a good mate b OF fperfit loue
thereforedcli- the aducrlarie, and they, which bate vs, ter ; Jjwill intreate in my wozkes ofthe thacought to bees)
ner thy people ; King:mytongue is as b pen ofa fiwıft writer. betweenethebuk
from their miferie. h Beeaufethey and their forefathersmade both 2 Thouart fairer then the chilazen of band & the wifes)
one Gburch , they apply that to themfelyes , which before they did men: grace ig yoten in thy lippes, becauſe cSalomons beau-
attribute to their fathers, i As theyconfeiled before, that their God hath bleſſed thee foz ener. tie and eloquence
Strength came of God, fo now they acknowledge that this affi@ion 7 ; to win fanor with
came by bis iult judgement, his people and his power to ouercome his enemies, isherede(cribed,
€hriltandhis Church figured. Pfalmes. Godis afure refuge. 220 >

3 Gird thyſword npon thy thigh, D molt C To him that excelleth vpon a AIlamoth A a Which was’
mightie,towic,thywozrthip and thy glozp, {ong committed tothe onnes of Roꝛah. eithera muſicall
d Healludethto 4 Qnd prolper with thy glozp:4 ride vp⸗ Co isoul |hapeand trength, and helpe intrumentora

them thatride in ou the word of trueth and of meckeneſſe and int troubles, ready tobefound. folemne tune,
chariotsintneir ot righteouſneſſe: to thp right hand Mall 2 Therefore wili not wes feare though vno the which
triumphs, ihew- teach thee terrible things. | the carth be moncd,and though the Moun this Plalme was
ingthat the qui- § Whine arrowes ate (harpe to pierce the taines fall into the mins of the lea. fung.
er Rate ofaking- heart ofthe kings enemies; therfore the pro» 3 Thongh the waters thercofd rage&be | Or, protection.
dome ftandethin pie thalitalivuder thee. troubled, and the mountaines (ake at the b Inal maner of
truethymecke- 6 Thypethrone, D God, is foz ener and urges of che fame, Selah : troubles God |
nefie andiuitice, ener? the ſcepter of thy kingdome
isa ſcepter 4 Yetthercis a € River, whole ſtreames theweth his {pce
notinwarldly ofvighreoufnelic. fall make glad the citte cf Godieuenthe dy mercieand
pompe and va- 7 Chou loueſt righteoutnefie, and hatet Danctuary of the Tabernacles okthe molt power in defen.
nitie. i wickednes.becaule God, cuen thp Hod hath igh. i ding his.
e Vnderthis fi- f anointed tice with the ople of gladneſſe as § God isin the mids ofitscherefore Hall ft c Toatis,we will
gureofthis king- bone thy fellowes. not be moned: God thal helpe tt ſvery eariy. not be oucrceme
dom ofjuftice is 8 Ailthy garments fmell of miparhe and 6 When the nations raged, and the kings with feare,
fet forth theeuers aloes, and alia, when thou cemmeft out of Domes were moued, God thundred, and the d Though the
lafting kingcome the pnoy palaces,s where they haue made garth melted. afflifions rage
of Chirift. thee glan. 7 The Low of holes iss with vs: the neuer fo much,
f Hath eftabli. 9 Kings Daughters were among thine Gon of Jaakobis onr refuge. Helah. yet the riuers of
fhed thy king- honourable wives; bpon thy right band Din 8 Tome, and beholde the workes of the Gods mercies,
domeasthef. {tand thes Ducene ma veiture of golve of Lozd, » what Delolattons be hath made in bring fufticient
gure of Chriſt, Ophir. the earth. comfort to his, »
which isthe IO ‘dearken,D daughter, and confider, 9 Hee maketh warres to ceale vnto the c Theriuer of
peace and ioy of anDinglinc thine eare: forget alle thine own ends of the world : he bꝛeaketh the bow and Shiloah, which
the Church. people and thy fathers houle. ; cutteth the ſpeare, and burneth the chariots paſſed through
g In the which 1 Ho hall the king baue plealure in thy with tre. Terufalem : meaa
palacethe people beautie: foz be is thp Lod, and reuerence Io Bei ſtill and knowe thatJam God: ning, though the
madethecioyfull theu bint, y FZ will be evalted among the heathen, and J] -defence feeme
to feethem giue 12 And the k daughter off Tyrus with the wiil be exalted tn the earth: neuer fo (mall,
thanks & reioyce tich of the people fhall Do homage betoze thy IL The Loyd of holts is with vs:the Gon yetif God baue
forthee. ~ Face with preſents. of Jaakob is que refuge, Helah. appointed it, it is
h Though hee 13 Che Kings daughter ts all glorious fufficient.
gold. f Alwayes when neede requireth. tEbr.gane his voyce. g They
-bad many kings 1 tetthin ; her clothing ts of bzoidered goir
. daughtersamong 14 She fhal be ought vnts the King in are aſſured that God can and wil defend his Church from all dangers
his wiues,yethee raiment of necdle wozke ithe virgius that and enemies, h To wit,how oft he hath deftroyed his enemies,8¢
louedPharzohs follow after her and her compantons hall be detiueted his people. i He warneth them that perfecutethe Church,
daughter heſt. bꝛought nite thee. toceafe their cruelty : for els they thall fecle that God istooftrong
i Vnderý figure 15 Cdithtopand gladneſſe Hall they bee for them, againſt whom they fight.
‘of Pharaohs brought, and hallenter into the Kings pas
daughtcr, he ate. PSAL. XLVII.
Sheweth that the 16 Jn feat of thy fathers hall thym thils 1 The prophet exhorteth all:people tothe wor-
Churchmuk cat Den bee ; thon walt make them princes fhip of the true and euerlining God, commending
ofall carnal} af- © through ailthe earth. y the mercieof Godtoward the pofterity oflaakob:
feGionstoobey 17 J willinake thy o Mame to be remem- 9 And after prophefieth of the hingdeme of Chrift
Chrif onely. hꝛed through ail generations: therefore Hall in the time of the Gofpel,
k, Hefigniicth Y people giue thankes vnto thee world with @ To hun chat ercelleth. A Pſalme com-
thatrdiuerfeof outend. mitted to the fonnes of Koza),
themthatbe rich A L people? clap pour bands, fing loude a Hereis figured
thal! be benefaGors to the Church, albeit they giue not perfe& obe- Avnto God with atopfullvoyce. _ > Chif, veco whd
. dience tothe Gofpel, ||Or,Zer. 1 There is nothing fained nor hy- 2 Foꝛ the Lordis high,& terrtblesa great all his (hould
pocriticall,tut fhe is glorious both within and without: and howbeit king ouer ali the earth, > giue willing obe-
-the Church hath not at all times this outward glory, the fault is to be 3 Hehath > lubsucd the people vnder vs, dience,and who
imputed only totheir owne ingratitude, m They fhali haue grea- and the nations vnder our fete. would (hew him-
tergracesthentheir fathers, n He fignifieth the great compaffeof 4 He hath cholencome inheritance forts; felfeterribleto `
Chrifts kingdome,which fhall be fafficient to enrich al his members, euenthe glory of Jaakob whom bee lencd, the wicked,

© This mu onely be referred to Chrift,and not to Salomon, Sea). V EET b Hehath made
Gov is gone bp with triumph euenthe thelewesjwho.
hi PSAL XLVI wtth thed found ofthe trumpet, were the keépers
1 A fong oftrigmph oF thanksgiuing for the de- Ding praites to God, fing prailes: of the lawand.
Lwerance af Leriufalem, after Senacherib with his fing pzaties vnto our king, fing praiſes. Prophets {choles
army was ariucn away,or fume other lihe [udden 7 Sor Hovis the king of ali pearth:fing mafterstothe ”
È marucclous deluerance by the mig htie hand of prayles euery one that hath © vnderſtanding. Gentiles, they
Ged, SUWherebythe Prophet commending this fhould with
great benefit doeth exhort the fastnfulto give thee gladneffeobey them. c Godhath chofen vsaboueall other natis
felues wholly into the kand of God , dowsting no- ons to enioy a moft gloriousinheritance. d He doethalludevato
thing but that under his protection they [hall bee the trumpets that were blowen at ſolemne feafts:but he doeth further
Safe againft allthe afaults of thesr enemies, he- fignifie the triumph of Chrift and his glorious afcenfion into the bea-
. waufe this is his delight to affwage the vage.of the uens, e Herequireth that vnderftanding be ĩoyned with finging,
wicked when they are moft buſie againſt she iust, left the Name of God be prophaned with vaine crying, —*
Te 4 8
— ess
ee er ——

God preferueth his Zion, Pſalmes. The vaine truſt ofthe wicked.
f He prayfeth 8 Godreigneth once the heathen: Gon ¶ To him that excelleth· A Palme com-
Godshigones, ſitteth vpon pts holy thzone. mitted to the fonnes of Rezal.
for y he ioyneth 9 Che princes ot the people are gathered — athis aliye people : gine eare, all a Hewillintres
the great Princes puto tye people of the Gad of Abzavam ; foz ye that dwell inthe world, how God goucte
of ywerld(whd the ihtclosacthe wold belong ta God; hee 2 Gs wel low as hie, both rich and pooꝛe. neth the world
he calleth (hields) t ts greatly tobe exalted. 3 Wp mouth thal (peake of wim, and by his prouidéce,
to the fellowfhip PSAL, XLVIIL the medication of my heart is af knowledge. which cannot be
of his Church, a A notable deliuerance of Ieruſalem fromthe 4. J will incline mine eare to a paradle, perceived by the
band of many Kings es mentioned, for the which and beter my graut matter vpon the barpe. ludgement of the
thanks are gimento God, & the ftate of that city is § Mherefore hould oF feare tn the enill fle (it.
praiſed,that hath God fo prefently at al times rea- Dayes, when tittquttte Mall compaſſe mee a= D Though wic-
dy to defend them. ThisP falme (eemeth to be made bout as ac mine heeles? kednefie reigne
an the time ofAharylofhaphat, Afa or Exeksah : 6 Chey cruein their © goods, and boat & enemies rage,
for in their tunes cluefly was the city by forren themlelucg in tye multicude of their riches. fecing God will
‘Princes affzuleed, 7 Petamancan by no meanes redeeme execute his
a Some put this @ 4A long or Pſalme committed his brother: hee cannst gine his ranſome to judgements å-
difference be- to the fonnes of Koza. oo, gait the wic-
tweene a fong & ‘hoon isthe Lo2d,and greatly ta be pate 8 (Ho dprecious isthe redemption of Kedin time con-
Pfalme,faying, (ed tn the Litte of our God, cuca vpon their foules, and the continuance fog euer ) uement.
chat it is called Hts boly mountaine. $ 9 That he map line uli foz ewcr,and nor c Yo truft in rĩ⸗
fong,whenthere 2 Monnt 5ton, lying forth ward, is faire fee the grane. ’ $ ches is mecre
isno inſtrument, in fituation :itisthe <top of the whole carth, 10 Foꝛ hee feeth that wifemen fdie, and Macnesiccing
bút che voice:& and the citpefthe great Ring. alfe that the ignorant and fooliſh pertib,and they can neither
the Pfalme, the 3 Jnthepalaces thereof God ts knowen leaue their riches for s ocbers. roftor. ufc nor
contrary.The foꝛ ad refuge. It Yecthey thinke therr Houles, and their prolong it.
fongotytfaime 4 Foꝛ loe,the kings were e gathered and Habitatians thail conrinue fo? euer, euen from d Thais ſo rare
iswhenthein- went together. generation to generation, H calfcheir lands or notto be
Rrumentsbegin, ç Aben they faw ftt,thep marueiled:thep hy their names. found asprophe-
and the voice fo- were altonted,and ſuddenly driuen backe. 12 But man fhalnot continue in honour: fiz was precious
loweth: $ PhIme 6 Feare came tuyere upon them, and ſor⸗ be tg itke the b beats th Die. : inthe dayesof .
ofthefong,the row,as vpon a woman tn trauell. 13 This their wap vecercth there foolith- Eli,a.Sam 3.0.
contrary. 7 Aswith an Taft wind thou bꝛeakeſt the nefe: yet their potteritte i Delight tx thetr e Mcaning,t is
b Albeit God tect Tarſhiſh.ſo were they deltroyed, talke. Delah. hpi impobibletoliue |
[hew his won: s we haue" heard, fe haue we ſeene 14 *Like ſheepe thep like in graue:Death for ewersalfS thae |
detsthrougnall tna the cityof the Lozd ofholtes, tn the citie Beuoureth then and therightedus thal Hane life and death are
the world, yeche of our God: Gad will ſtabliſh it for ewer. Domination oner them in che “moning: foz onely in Gods
willbechiefy elah. HF their beautte thal conime, when they thall go hands.
praifed inthis o GU: waite fo: thy louing kindneſſe, D from their boule to grane. f In that thar
Church, God in the mids of thy Cemple. 15 But God fhall deliuer mp loule krom de:th maketh no
e Recauſe the 1d OSod according bute thy Mame, fe the power of the graue +| foz be will receiue difference -be-
word offalua- is thy patie onto the: molds endethy right me. Belay, tweenc the pete
tioncamethence Hand ts full of righteouſneſſe 16 Be not thou afrai when one ts made fons.
toallthem that II Leth mount Zion retopce,& the daugh· rich, and when the glozy of bis boui is in- g That isnot te
fhouldbcleeue. ters of Judah be glad, becaule of chp noge: created. j their children,
d ExceptGod ments. 17 * Fo be Hatl take nothing away when bur to firangers.
werethe defence I2 Compaſſe about Zion, and go round he meth, neither hall bis pompe deſcend af» Yer the wicked
thereof, neither About
it, and tell the towers thereof. ter bim. profitenorby ~
fitnauion, nor 13 Marke well che wall thereof: behold 18 fFo2 while helined, + he retoyced brm- thefe examples,
munitioncould er towers, that pe maptell pour pofterttp. felfe :and " men will prayſe thee, when thou bur fill dreame
preuaile, 14 Foꝛ thts Godis our Gov foz ener and maket much of thy felfe. ; an immortalitie
e They con(pired ener; be thalt be our guide vnto the death. I9 He Wall enter into the generation of sn earth,
and went againft ; + his fathers, P and they (hall not {tue foz euer, Or, labour thar
Gols people. f The enemies were afraide atthe fight of the citie, 20 Man isin honor and avnderſtandeth their name may
Tharis, Cilicia,orthe (ca called Mediterancum, h To wit, not; bets like ro beaſts that perify. be famous is
of our fathers, fo haue we proued: or,God hath perfoimed his pro- earth, |
wiſe. i Inall places wherethy Name shall be beardof, men thall h Astouching the death of the bodie, i They peake and do the I
_ praile thee, when they heare of thy marueilous workes, K Let lee fame thing thar their fathers did, k As theepe are gathered into
nſalem & the citicsof ludea reioyce for thy tuft iudgements ag iintt the fold,fo fhal they be brought to the graue. 1 Becaufe they haue
= thincencmies, } For inthis.outward detence and ftrength, Gods nopartof lifeenerlafting.. m Chrilts comming is as the morning,
- blefGings did alfo appease : but the chie feis to bereferred to Gods fa- when the ele@ (hall reigne with Chrift their bead ouer the wicked, fi
wour and fecret actence, who neuer leaueth his, |Or,becaufe he hath reeciucd me.lob.27.79.1.tim.6.7. tEb.he blef-
(ee P S-A L.. XLIX, fed his foule, n The flatterers praife them that liue in delights and f
1 The holy Gh ft callech all men tothe coxfide- pleafures. Or,his pule, 0 And not paffe the terme zppoynted
yation ofmans life, 7 Shewing th m not tobe moft for life, p Both they and their fathers fhall iue here bur a while, Ii
bleed that ere moft wealthydr therfore not to be andatlength die for euer, q Hecondemneth mans ingratitude,
feared: But com rariwiſe he l freth vp our minds who having received excellent giftsof God, abuleth them Likes
se confider h ow allthingsare ruled by Gods pro- beak to his owne condemnation.
sidence: 14 Whoa he migeth thefe worldly mi-
fers to euerlaſting tormen:s, 15 So doeth be pre- PSAL. L. ‘
ferne histand will rewardthem in the day of tne ¥ Becaufe the Church is alway full of hypoerites,
reſurrection,⁊. Thef. o. 8 Which do maging shat God wall be TIPE
' it

The true facrifice. Pfalmes. The corrupt nature ofman, 221

with outward ceremonie! only withaut the beart: 20 Chour ſitteſtdeſpeakeſt againt thy p Henoteth the
and: (pectally the Lewes were of thts opinion, be- brorber,and flanBereft thy mothers tonne. cruelty of hypo⸗
caufe ofthesr figures and ceremonies of the Law, 21 Chelethings hak chou done, ¢ J held crites, which
mp congue: therefore thon thougheſt that J fpare wot in theis
thinking that therr facrsfices were fuffcient, 24
was like thee $ bur J will reproue thee, and talke or iudge
Therfore the Pr-phet doeth reproue this groffe er-
ror,and pronounceth the Name of God to be blaf- qletthem tn order befoze thee. ment, their owne
phemed,wheie holines is fet in ceremonges. 23 For 22 D confiner this, pee that forget God, mothersfonne.
he declareth the woifhip of God to be fpirstuall, left J teare you m pieces, and there be none q I will writeall
whereof are two principall parts , muscatson and that can Deliver you. thy wicked deeds
thax keſgiuiug. 23 ic that offreth* pratle,fhal glozifie me: in a rell, & make
a Who was ei- @ A Plalme of 2 Alaph. andto him that (otlpoleth bis way aright, theeto reade and
_ ther rhe author, God of govs,cucn the Loꝛd hath fpo- will Ic Hew the faluation of Goo. acknowledge
or achiefe finger, Ken and calico the > earth from the ri- them whether
to whom it was fing vp of the Hunne vnto the gomg Downe thou wilr no. r Wnderthe whichis conteined faith and inue-
committed. thereof. sho cation, f AsGodhathappointed, e That is,declare my felfere
b Topleadea- 2 Dut of FZton, which is the e perfection of be bis Saviour,
aink his diſſem· beautte, hath 60d ſhined.
ling people, be- 2 Dur Gor hal come and Hal not keepe PSAL, LI,
fore heauen and filsnce: ¢a ttre Hail deusoure betoze him, and 1 When Dauid was rebuked by theProphet Nas
earth. a mightie tempelt ſhallbemooued round a- than for his grea’ offencesbedsd not only acknow=
c B:icaufe God bout yim: ledge the fame to God with proteſtation ofhis sa-
had chofen it to | “Aue thal call the heauen aboue,ande the turall corruption and imiqusty, but alfo left mee
haus his Name eatth, to iudge bis people. moriall thereof to his poſteitie. 7 Therefore firft
called vp· § Gather my f Saints tegether bnto me, he de(ireth God to fergiue bis finnes, 10 And to
Oñ and⸗lſo his , thofetyat make acouenant with mee with renew in him his holy (purity 31sth promfe that
image ſhined g ſacrifice. oop he will not be unmsndful
ofthofe great graces. 18
therein the do- 6 And the heauens (hal Declare his righ⸗ Finally fearing icft Ged weuld pumifh the whole
- @rincofthe teoutnes: foz God ts wdge hunieife. Selah. Church for his fault, bee requireth that be would
Law, 7 Weare, D my people, ¢ 3 terilipeake: rather sncreafe his graces toward the fame.
d As when God hearc,D Iſraeband J wil tettifie vnto thee;
gave his Law in for J} am Gud, euen thy Hod. € Fo himthat excelleth. A Palme of |
mourt Sinaj,he S F wut not reproue thee for thy facri Dauta, when the Prophet Mathana came a To reproote
appeared terrible fices,o2 thy burnt offcings, that have nox bene rae ptm , after hee yaa gone in to Bath- im becanfe he
svith thunder and conttnually before me. | fhe had committed
_ tempeli,fo wil he 9 F will take no bullocke out of thine H Aue merep tpon me,D God,raccording fo horrible
appeare terrible Houle, nor goates ont of thp tolts. te thy douing kindnes: according to the finnes,and lien
E take — 10 i Fozall the beaftes of rhe forret are multitude of thy compaffions put amap inthe fame
or the Keepi Mine, and the beattes on a thouſand mourn mine tniguitics. without repen-
thereof, * taines. 2 Taib me: throughly from imine int tance more them
T e As witn⸗ſſes STI 3 knowall the fontes on the moun- quity, and clenſe me from mytinne: | > > a whole yeere,
| againft che hy- ines: and the wild bealtes of the field are 3 FoF 4 know mine iaiquitics, andmy b As his finns
mine. finne is ener befoze me. were manifold
12 FE Ibe Hungry, J wiil not tell thee: 4 Againlt thee,againg thee onely hane g and great, fohe
foythe woriBis mine, and allthat therein is, finned, and done cuill in thy fight, that chou requireth that
eate the fet of buls? o minke mayett be iult when thou © ſpeãkeſt, andpure God would giue
Ply, faints, otgoates? when thou tudgelt. SEAT. him the feeling
and his people, _ 14 Dier vnto God prayle and! pay thy ; 5 Behold, Jwas bone ininiquity, and of his exceliene
È Which (hould vowes vnto the melt High. in tinne bath mp smother concetued me. and abundant
now that facri - Ig Anodcall bpon mein the Day of trots 6 Behold, thou f lonek trueth in the mercies,
ficesare feales of ble ſo wil J deliver thee,and chon alt glo⸗ inward affections : therefore halt thou c My finges
the couenant be- rifie me. - taught me wiledomt in the fecret of mine fticke fo taft in.
tweene Godand 16 But vnto p wicked fain God, CAhat eart, me,that] haue
his people, and Hatt thou to Do to declare mine opBinances, 7 Purge me with" hyſſope, andJ Wall need of forme
J not fee religion ` that ire fhouldeft take my couenant in thp be cleane: wal mee, and 3 hall be whiter fingular kind of
therein. mouth, then ſuow. walhing.
h For I paffe noe ‘17 Seeing thon bate» tobe reformed, 8 Pake metoheare g top and glannefie, d My confcience
for facrifices ex- and bait cat mp words behind thee? that the ® bones,which thou haſt broken may aceufeth me, fo
cept the true vie ~ 18:JFoz when thou feet a theefe o thou run- relopce. that icanhaue
be there which neit with him, and thouart partaker with 9 Hide thy face from my finneg, and put no reſt, ull Ll be
is to confirme the adulterers. j away ail mine iniquitics. reconciled,
your faith in my © 19 Thon ginek thy mouth to enil,twith 10: Create in me a cleane bheart,D God, e When thou
promifes, thy tougue thou forgeſt deceit. t Ed giueſt {entence
— hee sgainft finners, they muft needes confeſſe thee ro be mft, an“ them-
id delight in facrifice, yet had heno need of mans helpe thereunto, feluesfinners, f He confi iſeth chat God, who fourth porepefe of —
Though mans life fur the infirmity thereot hath need of foode, heart, may iuftly defroy man, who of nature isa Asner, much more
het God whofe life quickeneth all the werld, bath ro neede of fuch him whom hehad inſtructed in his heauenly wifdom,.Le. 14.6. g He
canes, 1 _Shew thy felfe mindfull of Gods benefits by thankef- meancth Gods comfortable mercies toward repentant finnets.
iuing, m Why doeft thou faine to be of my people, and calkeft h Bythe bones he vndertlanderhall ftrength of feule and body,
of my couenant, feeing thou are but an hypocrite? n And to liue which by cares and mourning arecen(umed. i Heconfefleth that -
ccording to my word. "o He fheweth what ase the fruits of therr when GodsSpis itiscold in vs, tohaueitagaine reuiued, is as a new
tcontemne Gods word. i treation.
‘ihe euill congue. Pfalmes. The godly oppreſſed.
k Whichmay andrencina tight ſpirit within me, . 8 Butz Halbe ttke as greene cliuetree g Hercioyceth
allure me tbar l: 11 Caſt me not away from thy prelence; in the bouie of Gods tor 3) teuiked tn the mer· to haue a place
amdrawen out > 89D take net thy help Spirit from me. |: cy of God Fo? cuer and eutr. among thefere ·
oftheflaucryof 12 Rettoze came thetop of thy faluation, 9 Jwillalway pratle thee, foz that thou uantsofGed,
finne, and ſtabliſh me with thy “free Spirit. bait Done» this J will) Dope m thy Mame, thathe may
1 He promifeth 13 Then {halZ teach thy |wapes unto the becaule tt is good befor thy Saints. growein the
toendevour that twicked,and finners (yall Ge conuerted unto knowledge of
othersby bisex thee, . i godlineffe. .h Executed his vengeance, {|Or, waste upon thy grace
ample may turne I4 Deltuer mee from dload,D GoD, and promiſe.
te God. which art the Mod of my faitiation ; and mp PSAL, LIIL
m From the») tongue (all fing topiully of thy rigbtcont> i He defcrsbeth the crooked nature, 4 The crus
murderof Vriah, nefe. elty, 5 And puniſhment of the wicked when they
and the others Ig "Dpenthou my lips,D Lozd,and my looke not for it, 6 And defiretl the deliuerance of
that were flane mouth tall thew forth tyy patie. 4 the godly, that they may resoyce together.
withhim,2 Sam. 16 Foꝛ thou delircit no facrifice, though & Co him that crcetleth on a Mahalath. a Which wasan
ray. J would gtug it:thou Delighte not in vurnt A Plime of Dauid to giue inſtructioñ. intrument or
n Bygivingme offering. me foolebath fayd in his heart, here is kinde of note,
occafionto ptaife 17 @helacrifices of Hod area ° contrite > 10 GOD, thep haug corrupted and done b. Whereas no *
thee,whenthou ſpirit: aboken and coutritebeart, D Gov, abominable wickeDnelle; thereis neng that regard is had of
fhaltforgiue my thou wilt not Depite. Doeth good. honefty,or dif-
finnes. 18 Be fauourable vnto r Zion foz thy good 2 God looked Downe from heauen vpon honeitie, of ver-
o Whichisa plealure : bulo the wals ot Scrutalem. the childzen of men, tofer ifthere were any tue nor of vice,
wounding ofthe 19 Ghenfhalt thou accept the ſacrifices that would vnderſtand aud * ſeeke Gan. therethe Proe `,
heart,proceeding ofa rightcoulnefic,cucn the burntoitering € 3 * Gueryp one is gone backe : chepareal- phet pronoun. `
offaith, which oblation: then thall they offer calues vpon together corupt: there tg none that Boeth ceth yche people
feeketh vnto thine altar. good, NO notang. ——— bauc no God,
God for mercy. 4 Da not the d workers of iniquity know c Whereby he
p Heprayeth forthe whole Charch » becaufe through his finne it that they cat vp my peopleas thep eat bacan? condemnethall _
was in danger of Godsiudgement. q That is, iuſt and lawfull,ap- they cal! not vyon Gad. knowledge and
plied to their right end, which is the exercife of faith & repentance, § Where they were afraid fo feare,where vnderltanding
no = feare wastoꝛGoD yash (cattered the that cendeth not
PSAL, LIL ‘bones of him that beiieged thee: thou alt to fecke God,
x Deuid defcribeth the arrogant tyrannyof his put chem tocontulionvecanleSad hath caſt Rom.
aducrfary Doeg,who by falfe ſurmiſes caufed A- them off. d Dauid pro-
bimelech with the reſt of the Priefis to be flaine. 6 Dy giue laluation buto Ilſrael outof nounceth Gods
5 Dauid propheficth his deftruétion, 6 Anden- Sion: when Gad turnech the captiuttte of vengeanceas
courageththe faithfull to put their confidence in bts peopic.then Jaakob Wall reiopceand Jie gainit cruel go-
God, whofe indgements are moft ſharpe againft racl all be glad, u¢rnours,who
bu aduerfaries.9 And finally he rendreth thanks hauing chargeto.
to God for his deliuerance. In tha Pſalme w liue- defend and preferue Gods people, doe moft cruelly deuoure them.
lyfet forth the kingdome of Antichrift. e When they thought there was none occaſion to feare,the fadden
C To him that excelleth. A Plalme of Da- vengeance of God lighted vponthem. f Bee t emies power
nid to gine initruction.cCiban Doeg the ©- neuer fo great, nor the danger fo fearefull, yet God delimereth his in
Bomite came ans Wewe Gant, and iyn ta due time, . a)
bim, eu fs come to the boule ef Aht⸗ PSAL LIIII j
mech. E 1 Danid brought into great dangerby the reaſon “er
EKURE) wr boafted thou thy ſelfe in thy wic- ofthe Ziphems, § Callethvpon the Name ofGod
a ODoeg which kedneſſe,D aman of power? the lo» to defircy his enemies, 6 Promifing facrifice and
haft credit with. ying kindnefle of God endureth Dayly. free offrings for fo great delimerance. a
the tyrant Saul, 2: Thy tangue tmagineth > miichiefe and @ Wo bim that exrcelleth on eqinoth, A -
andhaft power: is like a tharpe rafo: that cutieth deceitfully. PfalmeofDauid to gine inſtruction. Mhen —
to murder the 2 Shou doeſt loue cutil moze then good, the Ziphims came and fayd unto DanitIs 1. FSam 23. 19.
SaintsofGod, and lies, moze then to (peake the + trueth. not Dauid Hid among vs? ij eer |
b Thy malice Delah. gaw me, D 60d, by thy Rame and by a Hedeclarech ,
moueth thee by 4 Thou loueſt all wordes that may Te- Ppr ngi me. . _ that whenall
crafty flatteries. froy; D Decettfull tongue! 2 D God, heare my prayer; hearken
vn meanesdo faile,
and liesto accule § Go thal God ¢deltrey thee for euer: be to the words of mp mouth. | _ . God willdeliuer,
anddeftroyche fhall take thee and plucke thee out of thy ta- 3 For rangers are rien wp againſt euenasic wereby.
innocents, bernacic, ‘and roote thee out ofthe tand of meand ¢tyrants leeke miy ſoule: they haue miracle, them f
+ Ebrvighteouf- the lining. Selah. i not fet God before them, Selah, that call ypon
nefe. 6 Ther righteous allo Mall ieeit kand 4 Behold, God is my helper; the Lode him wich anvpe;
c ThoughGod feare, and Wali laugh at him,faying, is with ¢ chem that vphold my ſoule. right con{cience, f
forbeare fora ¶7 Beholde the man that tooke not God § Pe Wall reward entil vnto mine tHe: b Towit, the
time, yetat for bis frength, but truſted vunta the multis mies: Dcut theniok in thy < trueth· Ziphims.
length hee will `tudcofbhisriches,& put dis ttrengthiinbts 6 Then 3)wil ſacriſice freely vnto thee: c Saulandhis |
recompenfethy malice, i J will praile thy Mame, D Low, becauſe it armie which ei

falfehood. is good. were like cruell. j

d Albeitthoufeemeto be neuerfofure ſetled. e For the eyes of ’ , beaftsyand could A
. ‘the reprobate are (hut vp at Gods indgements, f : With ioyfull re- not be fatisficd,
but by his death, d, Bethey neuer fofew,ashe
werence, fecing that he taketh their part againft the wicked. Orya with Ionathan, e. According,to thy faithfull promife for my des
his fabjtence, * fence, f For hypocritesferue God or fearc,or ypon conditions,
7 Sox
Falfe friendfhip. . Palmes. The teares oftheSaints. 222
g We maylaw- 7 Foz hee hath delivered mee ontofall 20 ive plaid his hand vpon ſuch,asbe at p 1 did notpro-
wily reioycefor trouble, and mine eye bath £ feene my defire peace with him, and he bꝛake bis couetiant. uoke him, bur
Gods iudgments vpon mine enemies, 21 The wordes of His mouth were lofter was at peace with
againft the wic- B SALE, SEW then butter, pet warre wasin his heart: his him, yet he made
ked,if ouraffe- 3 Dauid being in great heauineſſe aud difire fe words were moze gentle then opie, petthep warre againſt me.
Gipnsbe pure, complaincth of the crueltse of Saul, 13 And of were ſwords. = fOr,gift:to wit,
the falfhood of hs familiar acquaintance, 17 Ut- 22 Cak thpi burden vpon the Lod, and which thuuweule
tering mofi ardent affections to mooue the Lerdto hee Hall nourth thee: hee will not ſuffer the deff hat God
patie him, 22 After being affured ofdeliucrance, righteous to fail fo24 cuer. : Should gue thee,
he fetteth forth the grace of God as though he bad 23 Ana thon, D God, halt bing them q Though for
already obteined bis requeſt Downe into the pit ot corruption: the bloo» their bettering
¶ Co hien that ercelleth on Meginoth. A Dic and Deceitfull men Hall not liue z halfe andtryall hee
Pfalme ef Danid to qiue initruction. their dayes: but F will trutt in chee. fufter them to
a The earneft- Her amy player, D Gon, and Hide not flip for a time.
nefie of his pray- thp (cife from nip tupplication. r Though they fometime live longer,yes their life is curfedof God,
erdeciareththe 2 Hearken vnto me, andDanfwere meg vnquict,and worfe then any death.
vehemencieof + mourne in my pꝛayer, and makea nopi,
his griefe,info- 3 Ferthe> vopce of the enemte, and fog PSAL, LVI,
much as heis the beration of the wicked, becaule «they 1 Dauid being brenght to Achifh the King of
compelled to dane brought tutquitie vpon inte, and firt- Gath, 1.Sam.21.12, complaineth of bis enemiesy
burt outinto oullp hate me. demandeth ſuccour, 3 Putteth his traſt sa God ér
cries. 4 WMine heart treimbleth within meand in his promifes. 12. And promifeth to per forme his
b Forthethreat- the terrozs of Death are fallen vpon me. wowes,which be had taken upen him,whereof this
ningsofSauland 5 Feart and trembling are come spon was the effectopraife God ra his Church.
hĩs adherents. meann an hoꝛrible feare hath 4 couered me. Tobim that erccileth. A bᷣſalme of Das
c They hauede- 6 Gnd Jſato, Oh tjat 3 had wings like uid on CPichtam, concerning the -dumbe a Being chafed
famed measa: adout: then would < 3 fiieaway and reft. Deuce ina farre countrey, when the Phili⸗ by the furie of his
wicked perfon, 7 Bcehold,. 3 woul] take my flight farte ſtims tooke him in Gath. enemies into a
-or they haue off, and lodge in tee Wildernefie.Deiah. BE: mercifult unto me; D God, foz dman firange countrey,
imagined my 3 Weewouid make katte for my Deliue- would fwallow me vp: he fighteth conti- hee wasasa
defiruction. >. rancef from the ttoxmie wind and tempelſt. nually and vereth me. dumbe doug,
d There wasno 9 Delroy, D Low, «nds diuide there 2 Wine encwies wonld daylyſwallow not fecking re-
partofhimthat tongues : foz 3 bane feene cructiic and ſtrife uengeance.
me bp : for many fight againſt mee, D thou
was not aftonied in the citie. moſt High. b He fheweth
with extreme IO Day and night they gee about tt vpon 3 Ghen J was afraid, Itruſted in thee. thar it is either
feare. the walles thercot: beth * mniqnitie and mife J will reioyce in God, becauſe of his now time,or nee
e Feare had dri- chiefe arein the middes of it. ·woꝛd, J trut in God, and wiil not feare uct, that God
uer him to fo Il Micked nes is tn the mids thercof; de: what fief can Doe vnto me. helpe him, for
greatdifireffe, ceit and guile Depart uot from per rectis. Mine owne á wows grizne me Dayly: all the world is
that hewifhed I2 Surely mine i enemie did not Defame all thetr thoughts are agatnit me to Doe mee againſt him,and
TNobechidin «me; foz Icould haue bozne it: neither did ute. ready to deuour€
fome wildernefie, minge adnerſarie cxalt himſelte againit me: 6 ‘They gather together t keepe them⸗ him.
andtobebani- 02 3] would haue hid me from him. feluzs clofe: they marks my Meppes, becaule c He ſtayeth his
fhed from that 13 But it was thon,D man, enen my *ᷣom⸗ thep watt foz my foule. f con{cience ypon
Kingdome,which panionanyp guide and my familiar: 7 They thinke they thall efcapeby ini» Gods promife,
odhadpromi- 14 CGbhicy delighted in confulttng toge- quitte: D God, cait thele peopie downe in though he fee
fed chathe fhould. tijer,and went inte the boule of God as com> thine anger. not prefent
enioy, pantons. 3 Chou hak counted my wandzings:put helpe,
f Fromthetruell., is Let Death Cease spon them: let them mpe teares into thy bottell: are they notin d All my coun.
rage and tyrannie | gog Downe quicke into the grane : fozwic» thy regifter? A fels have cuill
of Saul. kedneſſe is tn their Dwellings, euen in the 9 Aben F crie, then mine enemies Hall fucceffe, and
g Asinthe con- mits of them: turne back; thisJ know, foz Godis with me, turne tomine
fufionofBa- =: 16 Bur Z wil call onto Hod,and the Lod Io J will reteyce in God, becanleofhis owne forrow,
bylon,whenthe will ſaue me. word:in
the£o20 wi J reiopce,becaule ofhis ¢ Asali the
I7 Euening and moming, andatnoons word
02D.. worldagainft
will Z pray, = and make anopin and he whl IL Jn God doe F trut: F will not bee a> one man, asd
h All lawesand beareiny voyce. í frain what man can Doe vnto me. cannot be fati-
sod orders are 18 ice hath Delivered mp louieinpeace I2 * hy vowes are pon me, D God; ate except they
oken, andonly From the battell, that was againſt mee: foz will render praiſes vnto thee. haue my life,
iceanddiffolu- »? many were with me. 13, Foꝛ thou hat deliuered my ſoule from f They thinke
i 19 Ged Mall heare and afflict them, euen Death, and allo my feete from failtng,that J not onelyto.
: he that veigneth of olde, Selah, becaule they map walke befeze God in the kligt ofthe eſcape punith-
i f mineopene- ° haue no changes, therefore they frare not liuing.. ment, bur the
ie hadfought God. } more wicked
ine hurt, I could thebetter haue auoyded him. k Which was they are, themore impudent they waxe, g IfGodkeepethe teares
tonely ioyned tome in friendfbip and counſel in worldly matters, of his Saints in ftore, much more will he remember their blood to a»
alfoinseligion, | As Korab, Dathan,& Abiram. m Which uenge it: and though tyrants burne the bones, yet cam they not blot
ignifieth a feruent minde and fure truſt to obtaine his petition, which the teares and blood out of Godsregifter. b Hauing recciued that
ing mace him all timesin prayer, n, Euen the Angels which I require, Lam boundto pay my vowes of thankefeiuing,as I
f God fought on my fide againft mine enemies, 2,Kings 6,16,. ptomifed. i Asmindfull of his great mercies,and gining bim thanks
> Butthsir profperous eſtate ſtill continue:h. forthefame., k Thatis,in this Sead light of the funpe,
Aan kano
a —0—

God pr eterneth his. a Pfalmes. The wicked deſcribed.

PSAL LVII. ` womber even krom the belly haue they erred,
z Danid being inthedefert of of Ziph, where aud ipeake lies.
she inhabitants ded betray him, and at length in 4 Ther popfon is ence like the povfon
the fame caue with Saul, z Calleth moft earneftly of a lerpent: like tye Beate adder tha op- d They paffein
1 wate God, with full confidence that hee well per- peth bis care. malice and iub-
forme tas promifeve take bis caufes hand: Al- § CLivich heareth not the voice of the in⸗ tilticrhecrattie
fo that hee will fhew his glory inthe heanens and chanter, though bee ve mott expert in chare ſerpent which
the earth againjt bis cruch enemies, 9 Therefore wing. could preferue
: _ doth he render laud and praiſe. 6 Beake their: teeth, D God, in their bimfelfe by tiop-
a This was ei- € Co him that excelleth.· Deſtroy not. wmouthes: becake the tawes ofthe pong Lie ping hiseare
therche begin- A Pfalme of Dauid on Michtam, ons,D Loo. ; from the inchar-
ning ofa cer- *when de fied from Haul 7 Letthem fmetcitke the waters, let ter.
taine fong, or in the cane, them palleawap, when hee hooteth his ar⸗· e Take away all
the words which Ha mercie bpon mee, D God, haue rowes,lerchembeasbheoken occafions and
Dauid vecered, mercie vpon mee: for mp foule truticth 8 Let him conſume like a {natle that mel- meanes whereby
when he ftayed in thee, andin the Wavowe of thy wings teth, and like tye vntimelpfrutt ofa woman, they hurt,
bis atfection. will Itrulſt, tull cheie > afflictions ouer· that hath not ſeene the ſunne. f Confidering-
1.Sam. 24.4. palſe. 9 BAs raw fiel befoze pour pots feele the Gods diuine
Or, dweli mof 2 J willcall vnto the moſt bigh God. fire of thoꝛnes: (olethim Carp them away as power,he ihew ·
fee. even to the Gov, thate ꝓerformeth his promile with a whirlewind in his wath. eth that Godin
b Hecompareth toward me. 10 The righteous Hall retopce when he amomentcan ~
the affiGions, 3 Hee will ſend from
heauen, andfaue ſeeth the vengeance:
jee hal wath his feete deftroy their
which God tay- mee from the repzoofe of bim that would in thei bicod ofthe wicked. force whereof
eth vponhischil- fallow me. Delay. God wili fend his mere _ 11 And men Walt fay, k Gerelp thereis they brag.
dren,toaftorme ie and bis trueth. Frutt foz the righteous : doubtleſſe thete is ag Asfethista-
that commeth 4 My louleisamong lions: Fite among God that iudgeth in the earth. ken raw out of
and goeth, thechilozenof men that are fetonfirestabote the pot before
e Wholeaueth © teetharefpcates and atrowes, and their the water feethe: fo hee defireth God to deftroy their enterprifes be-
mot hisworkes tongue a ſharpe fwod. fore they bring themtopafle. b WithapureaficQion. i Their
begun vnpertect. Exait thy elfe,D God, aboue the hea⸗ puni(iment and flaughter (hallbe fo great, k Seeing Gcd gouere
d Hewouldra- yettand let thy glozp bevpon allthe earth. neth all by his providence, hee mult needes put difietence between
ther deliuer me 6 They haue laive a net fox my eppes; the godly and the wicked,
bya miracleythen g mploulets pꝛeſſed Downe: they haue Dig:
that I thouldbe geda pit befoze mee, and are fallen tuto the PoS ASL
ouercome, middes of it. pelah: 1 Dauid being in creat danger of Saul, whe
e Hemeaneth 7 Wine beart is t prepared,D God, mine fent to flay him in hu bed , prayeth unte God, 3
theircalummes Heartispeepared : J will fing ¢ gtue praiſe. Declarech his innocencie,
and thesr farie, 5 Defi-
and falfe re- 8 Awake mpi tongue, awake viole and ring Godto defroy all thoſe that finne ofmalici~
ports. harpe: J willawake earely.- . ous wickedueffe. ss Whom though hz keepe aline
f Suffer me not o 3 will paile thee, D Loz, among the Fra timeto cxerciſe ha people, yet sa the end hee 1
tobedeftroyed people, and J will fing vnto thee among the wel conſume them in his wrath, 13 That he may |
tothe contempt nations. bee knowen to bee the Ged of laakob to the end of
of thy Name. Io Foꝛ thy mercie is great vnto the bea> the world. 16 For this ke fingeth praifestc God, ||
g Fer very feare, yeits,and thy trueth vnts the * clouds. affured ofhis mercies. 3
fecing the great It Grate chy felfe,D God, aboue the hea d To hun that excelleth. Deſtroy not. A $
dangersonall uens,and let thy glory be vpon alt the earths Piaime of Dawid on 2 APichtam. * Uhen a Reade Palag
fides. Haul (ent and thep did watch the houle to Samit.
h Thatis,wholly benr togiue thee praife for my deliuerance. i He Rill bir.
fheweth chat both his heart (hall praile Ged,and bis tongue fhal con- QO? God, > deltter me from mine ene ·b Though bis `
fefle him , and alfo that hee will vfe other meanes to prouoke him- mies: Defend me from them that rile bp enemies were
felfe forward to the fame, k. Thy mercies do not onely appx rtaine agatnit me. cuen at hand to ~
zo the Lewes, butalio ro the Gentiles, 2 Deliuer mee from the wicked doers, —— him yet
PSAL LVITI, © and fauc me from the bloody men. e aflured him-
1 Hee deferibeth the malice of his enemies, the 3 SFozloe, they baue layed waite for my
(elfe thar God
fratterers of Saul, who both fecretly and openly foule: the mightic men are gathered againitbad wayes enow
fought his deſtruction
from whom he appealeth to me, not for mine «offence, no? foz my linne, in bis band to
Gods judgement, 10 Shewing that the iuft fhalt D L020. huerbim, h
reinyce, when they fee the punifhment of the wice 4 They runne and prepare themlelues c Forlam in- fa
ked to the glory of God. withoutafault on my past; arife ihereſore tonocent to the t
a Ye counfellers € To him that ercelleth. Deſtroy not. aflift me and behold. wards,and haue |)
of Saul,who vn- APfalme of Daui on Michtam. § Cuenthou.D Cord God of holes,D not offended
der pretence of Hittrue? D> congregation, ſpeake vee GodofIfrael, awake to vifte ali the hea» tbem. < l
confulting for tly? D fonnes of men, iudge pee Yp- then, and bee not4mercifull vnto altthat d Seeing ixappete| b:
the common rightly? A, CANA N | tranſgreſſe malicioully. Selah. tainethto G %
wealth,confpire -2 Dea, rather yee imagine mifchiefe in They goe toand fro in the enening: iudgemensto; Tfh
my death being your heart: t pour hands erecute cruelty vp- they barke like © Dogges, and goe about the punith che wie} p
an innocent, on the carth. citi. ked.he defirerh ft
b Yearenota- 3 The wickede are rangers from the God to execute |
Mhamed to exe- f his vengeance ot the reprobate , who malicioufly perfecute Biffr
cute thar crueltie publikely, whi ch yee haue imagined in your hearts, Church, e Hecompareth their erueltie tobungrie dogs, fhewil
e Thatis, enemiesto the people of God,euen fromeheir birth, that they are neuer wearie in doing cuill.
7 Beho
Themifery ofthe wicked. Pfalines. ; Mans helpeis vaine. 223
f Theyboat o> _7 Bebold,theyfbragge
intheir talke,and 4 But now thou haſt giuenaf banner to f In making me
penly of their ſwoꝛds aretn their itppes ; foz who, fay they, them thar feate thee,chatttmay be diſpiaied kirg, thonhalt |
wicked deuiſes, Doth heare? becaule of thy truth. Eclah. ~- performed thy
andeucry word 8 But thou,D Lord, alt haue them in j That thy beloucd may bee deliuered, promife, which
isasafword:tor deriſion, and thou ſhalt laugh at ail the pea. belpe with thy right handandbeareme. — feemedto haue
they neither then. 6 Gov hath Poken inyts e holines; therc- loft the force, |
feare God,nor 9 eeisflrong: but J will waite bpon foreJjwill reiopce: F (yall diuite Shechem, g Icisfocertain, —
areafhamed of thee :fo2 God is my defence. and mea(ure the valley of Succoth, as if it were ſpo⸗ >
men, 10 My merciful! God will! preucnt me: 7 Gilead thalbe mine, Wanafſeh thalbe ken by an orele
g Though Saul God will letme fee my delire bpon mine enes mine: Ephzaim alio balbe rhe » Grengtih of that I thal)
pof- x
haue neucr fo mies. mine bean; i Judah is my laweiuer. fefle thefe places
greatpower,yet IL Slay themi not, let my people forget 8 Moab thalbe my k wathpor: ouer EDam which Saul had
I know that it:but fcatter them abzoad by thy power, aud will I caſt out mp Hor: 'Walekina thew thy lefttobis chil-
thoudoeft bridle put them Bowne,D Lod our hteld, felte topfull foz me. dren.
him : therefore I2 For the finne of their mouth, and the 9 Cibo willead me inta themftrong tity? h Forit was
will I patiently words ot their lps: and let them be * taken wha wil bing me vnto Edom? firong and well:
hope on thee. in their pride, euen foz their periurie € lies, 10 Cilt not thon,D God, which haddeſt peopled,
h He will not that they (peake. í cat vs off,and didit not goe tooth, D God, i Dauid meaneth
faile to fuccour 13 i Confume them intgy wꝛath:conſume With our armies? : that inthistribe
me, when neede them that they bee nomo ; and let them _ I Give vs helpagainſt trouble:foz paine bis kingdom fhal
requireth. know that God ruleth in Jaakob, cuen vnto ts the belye of man. be eftatlithed
i Alcogether,but the endsefihe wold. Delab. 12 Thꝛough God we Mall Doe valiantly: Gen.49.10;
by litle and litle, 14 And inthe euening they ™ Hali goe to foz e fali tread Downe our enemies, k Inmoft vile
that the people, and fro,and barke like dogges, and go about fubie@i
feeing oftentime the citie. 1 For thou wilt diffemble , and faine as though — — glad.
thy iudgements, 15 They Hallrunne Heere and there foz m Hee was aſſured that God would giue him the ftrong cities of his
may be mind full meate ; and ſurely tbey Mall not bee fatilfied, enemies, wherein they thought thenifelues fure,
of thee. though tiep tary all night. P'S. A, L, ob X I,
k That intheir 16 But J willing of thy *pomer, and 3 Whether that he were in danger ofthe Am-
mifery & fhame wii prayle thy mercie tn the moming : foz monstes,or being pur {ued of Ab ſolom here he cri-
they may beas thou batt bene my defence and refuge in the ethto be heard & deliuered, 7 And confirmed in
glaſſes & exam- Dayof my trouble. his kingdome, 8 He promifeth perpetuall praifes,
ples of Gods 17 Unto thes,D mye Strength, wilg ¶ Co him that erceileth on Neginoth.
vengeance. fing : foz Godis my Defence, and my merci» A Palme of Dauid.
1 Whenthy time full God. H Caremycry,D Gov: gine care vnto
fall come,and Hip prayer. e
when they haue fufficiently ferued for an example of thy vengeance 2 From the: endesof theearth will J a From ý place
vnto other. m He mocketh at their vaine enterprifes,being aflured cry vnto thee: when mine heart is opprett, where I was ba⸗
that they fhallnot bring their purpofeto pafle. n Which didft vfe baing mee vpon the rocke that tse higher nithed,being drie
the policie of a weake woman to confound the enemies ftrength,as f engl. uen oute fthe cis
1. Sam. 19. 12. O Confefling himfelfe to be voide ofall vertue and 3 Foꝛ thou hoſt bene my hope, & a rong ty & Temple by
ftrength,heattributeth the whole to God, tower againſt mine enemy. my fon Ablolom,
J wil dwel in thy Tabernacle for ener, b Vato¥ which
P SCAsL Ley and my trut balbe under the coucring of i gyre thy helpe
1 Dauid being now king ower Indah,er hauing wings. Selah. I cannot attaine, —
5 Foꝛ thouD God, «hak heard my Dee ¢ There isno-
had many victories ſheweth by eurdent fignes,that
fires: thou batt giuen anberttage vntothole
God elected him king,a uring the people that God thing that docth
that fear thy fame.
will profper theif they approue the fame, 11 Af- _-,, more Rrengthen
6 Thou fhalt giuc the king a4 long life:
ter hee prayeth vmo God to finifh that, that hee our faith,then
hath begunne. bis peeres(lalbe as manpages. the remembrance
a Thefe were ¶ To him chat excelleth bpon 2 Shuwhan 7 Hee hall Dwell before God foz ener: of Gods fuccour
certaine fongs Eduth, or Michtam. A Plalme of Dauid to prepare emercte and fatthfulneffe, that thep
in timespaft.
after the note teach. "Aben he fought againtt Aram Må- may pꝛeſerue him. d This chiefly is
whereof this haraim, and agatnit || Aram > Sobab, whei 8 Sowill J alwapfing paile vnto thy referred to Chrift
Pfalme was Joab returned and fewe twelue thoufand Name in performing Daily nip vowes, = liveth aer
fang. Edomites in che falt valley. nally, not only in-
2.52m 8.0. God, thou hat cat vs out, thou batt himfelfe,but alfo in hismembers. e For the Rabilityof my king:-
andio.t, ` eſcattered bs, thou haſt beene anary, dome ftandeth in thy mercy and trueth,
s.chron. 18.3 turne againe vuto vs. PS AL. LSet,
Or, Sria, called 2 Thou halt made theland to tremble, This Pfalme partly cotaineth meditations. wherby
Mefopstamias and haſt madeitto⸗gape:heale the breaches Dawid incourazeth himfelfe to truſt inGod againf?
b Calledalfo thereot,foꝛ it is haken. the aſaults of tentations, And becaufe our minds
Sophenewhich 3 Thou haſt « fhewed thy people heauy are eafily drawen from God by the allurements of
ftandeth by Eu- things ; thou þat made vs to Drinke the the worldheefharply reproneth this vansty,to the-
wine of giddinefie. intent he might cleane fast tothe Lord, sLhron:16.:41;
c Forwhen Saul € To theercellent mufitian® Jeduthun. a Though Saran:
was notable to refit the enemics; the people fled hither and thither: A ine of Dauid: . tempted him to
f for they could not be fateintheirowne houles. d As cleft withan yg ;my tonle —— vnto God: ——
earthquake. e Thou haft handled thy people tharply in taking from acommet uation. od,yet he bris-
them fenfe and iudgement, in thattheyayded Saul the wicked king, oF bin i deled his-affeQhie: —
and purfued him,to whom God had giyen the iuft title of the realm, ons,and refting vpon Gods promife, eaer ipeo patiently, .
: 2- gt

The vanity of man. Pfalmes. The cuill tongue.

D Itappeareth 2 Pet hets my rength and my ſaluati· 8 My onle ecleaueth inte thee: for thy e He affureth
by the oft repeti- Oli,and my Defence; therefore J (hal not much. right hand vpholdeth me. himfelfe bythe -
tid of this word, be moued. ; ; o Wheretoze they that leeke my foule to {pirit of Godte
that the Prophet 3 Pow long will ye imagine miichtefea Detfroy tt.they fal goe tuto the loweit parts haue the gift of
abode manifold of rhe earth.
gaint ac man ? pe thalbe all Haine: ye halbe : J conflancie.
tentations, but as à bowed wall,orasa 4 wall Haken. 10 They Hall ca him downe with the f He prophefieth
by reftiag on 4 Pet they confultto cat him Downe edge otf the ſword, and thép Hall bee a poztion ofthe deſtructiõ
God,and by pa- fo: tores.
front bis Dignttte: their delight is in lyes, : Hind : of Saul and them
tience he ouer- they bleie with their mouthes, but curſẽ Ir But the king Hall rcioyce in God,and that take his part,
came them all. with their hearts Helah. ali that e ſweare by him Hall retovee in him: whofe bodies
c He meaneth 5 “Petmy foule keepe thou filence vnto fo: the mouth of them that peake lies, ſhalbe fhallnot be buri⸗
himfelfe,being God; foz mine hope is in hint, i lopped. ed, but be deuce
the man whom 6 Pet is hee my ſtrength, and my faluatt> red with wilde
God had appoin- on,and my Defence; theretore J] Hail nut bee beaſtes. g All chat fweare by God aright,orprofeile him, ſhallre-
tedto the king- meoned. ; ioyce in this worthy King.
dome, 7 Ju Godis my faluatton and my f glory. PSAL. LXIIII.
d Though yee the rocke of my frength; n Godis my trutt. 1 Dayid prayeth againft the fury & falfe reports
feemeto bee in 8 Trult tn him alway,ye people: s powe of hu enemies, 7 Hee declareth their pumfhment
honour, yec God out pour hearts before Hint, for God isour and deſtruction, 1o Tothe comfort ofthe iuſt and
will fuddenly de- bope: Delay. the glory ofGod.
ſtroy you. g Pet the chilozenof mer are vanity, the ¶ Coin that ercelleth. A Plalme
e Dawid was chicte men are les : to lap them vpon abal- of Danid.
greatly moued raneetheyare altogether lighter then vani- Hai my? voce, D God, itt my prayers a Inthathe eal.
with thefe trou= ie. i Apzeicrue mp lite from feare of the enc: led to God with
bles: therefore he IO Truk not in oppꝛeſſion nozin robbe- mie. his voyee,itis a
ftirreh vp him- rie: be not paine: tfriches tucreale, fet not 2 hide mee from the’ conſpiracie ofthe figne
yhis prayer
felfeto truk in yout beart thereon. ' twickeB,and from the: rage of the wozkersaf was vehement,&
God, _ 11 Go (pake ‘once o? twiceJhaue beara iniquity. f ; tharbis life was `
f Thefe vehe- it, that power belongeth unto Gon, 3 Thich baue whet their tongue like a indanger. ;
ment and often Iz And tothze,D Lord, mercy : fo: thou ſworde, and fot for their arrowes d bitter b Thatis, from
repetitions were — euery ene according to bts wordes: ae their fecret ma=
neceflary to tke. 4 To ſhoot atthe vpright in fecret : they lice.
ftrengthen his Woot at him ſnddenly,
andfeare · not. c Towit,their
faith againft the horrible affaults of Satan. g Hee admonifheth vs 5 They encourage themſelues in a wic⸗ outward violéceg
of our wicked nature, which rather hide out (orrow, and bite onthe ked purpoſe: thep commune together talay d Falfereports '
bridle, then vtter our griefe to God to obtaine remedie. h Give fuares patuily,and ſay, Aho Wall feethem? and flanders.
your {elues wholly to God by putting away all things that are contra- 6 Tiephauelought out taiquittes, and e To bewithour
ryto his Law. i Hehath plainly borne witnes of his power,fo that haue accomplithed rhat which they ſought feare of God, and
none needeth to doubt thereof. k So that the wicked hall feele out euen euery one s his fecret thoughts, and reverence of
thy power,and the godly thy mercy. the depth of his heart. man,is a figne of
PAS AEE XTIT: 7 But God will thoote an arrow at then reprobation,
1 Dauid after hee had beene in great danger by {uadenly: theter itrokes thalbe at once, f The more that
Saulin the defert of Ziph, made this Pfalme, 3 8 Chev hail caule chew owne tongueto thewicked fee
Whertn-he giueth thanks to God for his wonderful fail upan thom: & whoſoeuer all ſee them, Gods chiliren
deliueranceinwhofe mercies he trufted ewe in the Malls fice awav. ) in mifery, ýmore
mids of his miferies, 9 prophcfying the deftrulti- 9 Am all men all fee it and Declare the bold & impudent
on of Gods enemies: 11 And contrariwiſe happi- werke of Hod, and they Hall vnderſtande, are they in op-
wes te allthem that tru? in she Lord, what he hath wꝛought. i prefling then,
CA Palme of Dauid. Ahen he was ~ 1o Bur the righteous i hall be glad inthe g There isno
a To wit,of Ziph tn the a wtldernes of JuBah. ” Loub,and trutinhint: and all that are vp: way fefecretand ©
€.82M.23.1 4 Coes art my God, carly wil J feeke tight of heart, Hall retoyce. fubtill to doe
b Though he thee: mp foule> thirſteth fo: thee: my hurt, which they
was both hungry ficfh longeth greatly after thee in ã barren inuented not forhisdefiruGion. h To fee Gods heauy iudgements
andin great di- and Dzy land without water, againftthem , and howe hee hath caught them in their owne fnares,
fireffe,yet hee 2 Thus: F behold thee asin the fanctuas i When they ball confider that he will be fauourable to them,as he
made God his ry, wher J] behold thy power.and thy glory. wasto hisferuant Dauid,
fufficiencie,and 3 for thyloning Kindneffe is better then
aboueall meate life; therefore my lips (hall pratfe thee. PSAL. LXV.
and drinke, 4 Thus will J magnifie thee all my life, 1 A praife and thanke[ciuing unto God bythe
c Inthis mifery and lift yp imine bands tu thy Mame. faithfal,wlro are fignified by Zion, 4 For the chu-
Texercife my 5 Wp fonte halbe fatiffied, as with 4 ma: fing,pre(eruation and gousrnance of them, 9 And l
felfe in the con- row and fatneffe,and my mouth hall prayſe for the pleutiful ble(ings powred forth upon althe i
templation of thy thee with ioylull lips. earth but fpecrally toward his Church. do
power & glory, 6 When J remember thee on my bed, ¶ To him that excelleth. A Palmeor ©»
as ifIwere in thy and when J thinke vpon thee in the nighe fong of Dawid. HIIS J
Sanctuaty. watches, O God, * praple wayreth fo: thee mFion,€ a Thou giuek
d Theremem- 7 Becaule thou bat beene my helper, vnto thee (hall the vow be perfozmed. daily new occafi-
brance of thy therefore vader the hadowe of thy wings 2 Becaufethou Heare the praier, vnto onto rhy Church
fauour is more willJ retoyce. thee Wall e all fle come. to praife thee. —

fwectevnto niece b Not onelythe Se
chon all the pleafures and dainties of the world, Tewes,but alfo the Gentiles in the kingdome ofChrift, TO
3 Micken
The benefits of God toward man. Pfalmes. God tryethhis. 224
-€ He imputeth 2 Micked Deeds < bane preuailed againit 6 De hath turned the ſea into drie lande:
it to his finnes,& syesbur thou wilt be merciful vate our tranſ⸗ they paſſed thorow the riuct on foote; there
tothefinnesof . greſſtons DID We reisyce th Hina. :
thepeople, that 4. VBleſſed ishee, whom thou chuſeſt, and 7 «De ruleth tie wolde with his porser:
God who was taulek to come cothee: hee ſhall dwell in thy bis eyes beholde the nations: the rebellious
accuſtomedto aſ- courtes, and wee hall bee latiſtied with the ait not < egalt themſelues. Selah. ¢ He proueth
fiitthem,with- . pieaiures of thine Douie, cuen of thine holy 8 Paꝛaile our God, pe people, and make that God wi! ex-
draweth his fuc- Temple. the voyce of his praple to be peard. tend his grace
‘courfromthem, § D Govofour faluatton,thou wilt ian- 9 CApvich holdeth our loules in life, and alfoto the Gen-
d Thou wilt de- ſwere vs with feareti:ll fignes in thy righte- luffereth not our feete te flip, tiles, becaufe hee
clare thy felfe to -oumes,D thou tie hope ofall the ends of the 10 fo thon,D Ged,bait proved v3,thou punilherh among
bechepreferuer earth, and of them that are farre off tn the batt tried vs as ſiluer ts tried. them fuch aswill
of thy Church, in € feg, ; IL Chou halt ought vsinto theeſnare, not obey hiscale
deltroyingthine: 6 Pe eftablifieth the mountaines by his and layd a trait chaine ppon eur loÿynes. ling.
encmics,asthou powers and ts girded about with ftrength. 12 Chou hat cauſed mento rive ouer our f Re fignifeth
didftin fred fea. 7 Weappeateth the ‘ noyle of the leas, and heads: wee went into kre and tuto water, (ome fpeciall be-
e- Asofallbar- the noyſe of the wanes thereof, and the tus but thou bꝛoughteſt ys out into a wealthy nefit,that God
barous nations mults ofthe people. f place, ; ; bad (hewed to
and farre off, 8 They aiio, that dwellinthe vttermoſt 3 J wil go into thine bhouſe with burnt bis Church cfthe
f Heefheweth offcings,and will pay thee my vowes,
parts of che earth, {halbe afraid of thp fiqnes: Tewes,in deliue-
that there is no tyouthale maket the Galt and the Meſt ta 14 Cdihich my tips haue promtled,and my ring themfrom
partnor creature łtloyte. : mouth hath poken in mine affitction. fome great dane
inthe world, O Thou eviliteſt theearth,and watereſt 1g 3 will offer vnto thee the burnt offe- ger:whereof,or
whichisnotgo- it: thou makeit it terp rich: the h River of rings of fat rammes with incenſe: J will ofthe like bee
uernedby Gods God ig full of water: thou prepareſt them peepare builocks and goats. Helah. promileth that
` power and pro- cone; fo? o thowappoynteit iit. 16 1 Coie and Hearken all pe that feare che Gentiles thal
widence, 10 Ghouk waterett abundantly the fur» God, and F will tell pouwhat he hath Done bepartakers.
qEbr.the going rows thecof: thou cauſeſt the raine to deſcend to my foule. The condition
forth ofthe mors ntethe vallepes thereof: thou makeit it toft 17 3 called vnto him with my mouth,andD of the Church is
ning and ofthe —with Howes, and bleffett the bud thereof. he was exalted with my tongue. here defcribed,
enening. Il Thoaucrowneſt the yere with-thy goods 18 *x If J regarde wickeoneffe in mine which is to be
g Towit,with nes, and thy lieps Crop fatueſſe. htart,theLord will not heare me. led by Gods pros
raine, 12 Thep Dep vpon the paſtures ot the 19 Wut Hod hath beard me, and confides uidence into
h Toatis,Shi- .wildernefic: and che billes ſhalbecompatted red the voyce of my prayer. troubles,to be
loah,or the with gladneſſe. ‘ 20, Pꝛaiſed bee God, whichhath not put ſubiect vnto tye
raine. 12 The paltures are clad with ſheepe:the backe my prayer, noz his mercie from me. rants, and to en-e
i Thou haſt ap- valltys alio ſhalbe coucred with corne: ther- a ter into manifold
pointedthe earth, fore they ſhout foz toy, aud ling. dangers. f'The dueti¢ of the faithfull is here deferibed,which are
to bring foorth mas neutr ynmindfullto render God prayf for bis benefites. i Itisnot
foodeto mans vie. k Bythis d.feription hee fheweth that all the enough to hauc receiued Gods benefits, and to bee mindfull thereof,
order of nature is atellimonieof Gods loue toward vs, who caufeth but alfo wee are bound to make others to profite thereby, and prayfe
all creatures to{éruc our neceffitie. 1 Thatis,thedumbe creatures God, k Jf Idelightin wickednefle, God will not heare me: but.
fhall nct onely reioyce for a time for Gods benefits, but fhall conti- if lconfeffe it,he will receiue me, i
y if fin 3 CHEAP LANDI,
sally Ong Py Si ArsLj ERVE, 1, Aprayer ofthe Church to obtaine the fauonr
1 He pronoketh all mento praife the Lord,& to of God, and to be lightned with his countenance,
cofider his works, 6 Heſattethforth the power of 2 to the end that his wayand iudgements may bee
God toaffiay the rebels, 10 andfhewe:h howGod knowen throughout the earth. 7 And finally is
hath deliuere Ifrael from creat bondage andaf- declared the kingdome of Gad, which fhould bee
fucitens, 13 He promſethto gine facrifice, 16 & uniter [ally erected at the comming of Chrif.
prowoketh all mcn to heave what God hath done @ Go him that ercelleth on Meginoth.
for lum,and to praife his Name. ajOlalme or fong.- ~
@ Tobim that ercelleth. Aſong Gz berTA unto ah and bleffe bs, a That is, moue =-
or Plalme. and a tanie
Selah, Bis face ta 9 {ine among 895,
vs. our hearts with
‘a Pe prophefieth bra ingon, a ail pe inhabitants of the his holy Spirit, .
that all nations earth. 2 That» theynray know thy way vron that we may » i
fhall cometo the 2 Ding forth the glory of his name,make artha and typ-laumg health among atina» feelehisfauour: .
knowledge of his praile gloꝛious. 15+ i toward vs,
God,who then 3 Gaypvnra God, owe terrible art thou 3 Let the people praple thee, D God: let b Thatboth °
was only knowen in thy workes! through the greatuefle of thp allthe peopte prayſe thee. Tewes and Gene.
in Iudea, powcr fail thine enemies bee > in ſubiection 4 © Let the people bee glad and reioyce: tiles may know
b Asthe faith- vᷣnto thee. fo: thou ſhalt iunge the pesple rtabtceufly, Gods couenant
full fhallobey 4 All the world hall worship thee, & fing and gouerne the nations vpon the. carth, made with thems
God willingly, vnto thee,cuen ling of thy Mame Dclah. Delah. Tact dh .¢ Bythefeoft .
Htbeinfidels for -ç «Come and behold the workes of Sov: 5 Let the pcopte praple thee,DGod; let. seperitions,he
fearefhall dif- he is terrible ta hisDoing towardache ſonnes
all thepcopleprapie thee. fheweth thatthe-
femble them- otmen. 6 then hall the earth bing foorth ber. people can neuer -
felues to be fub- ; ; i rcioyce fufhici-
ie@, c He toucheth the flothfall dulaeTe of man who iscolde in éntly.and give thanks for the great benefits that they hal recejue vne:
econfiderationof Gods works. d .kis prouidenceiswonderful derthe kmgdome of Chrift, d He,heweth that where God fanowes
è maintaining their fate. seth, there Shalbe abundance of all other things,

4 6
The reioycing
of the iuf. Pfalmes. | Gods power in his Church, AT
eWhenthey increaſe,&God,euen our God fhal bleffe ts, mountaine of Bahan: icisan high moun⸗
fecle his great 7 God thaitbleffe vs, and all the endes of talne,as mount Bahan.
benefits both the carth ball « feare btm. 16 x»CCbp leape pe, pe high mountaines? n Why boaft ye
fpiricuall & cor- PES A LY LXVIII as foz this Mountatne, God delighteth to of your ftrengrh
poraltowardthé. 4 Iz this Pſalme Danid ſetteth foerth as in a pda in it: pea, the Lord will Dwell in it foz & beauty againft
glajfe the wonderfull mercies of God toward his ay this mountaine
people: § Who by all meanes and mofi range 17. Thecharets of GDD are twentie of God?
fortes declared himfelfe to them. 15 Andthere- thoufand thouſand Angels, and the Lorde o As God ouer-
fore Gods Church by reafen of ha promfengraces — them, as in the Sanctuary of Dt- came the enemies
and victories doeth excell without cemparifon al of bis Church, -”
worldly things. 34 Heeexborteth therefore ab 18 Thou art gone bp on high: then hatt tooke them
mento praife Godfir euer, © led captiuitie captine, & recetued gifts for prifoners,and
C To him that ercelleth. APlalme or men: pea, cuen the rebeiltous haft thou led, made them tribu-
fong of Dan, thatthe Lez God might dwell there. taries: fo Chrift,
a The Prophet — = oa a bis enemtes fyall i 19 jDzatleD be the Lord, cuen the Gon of which is God
fbeweth thatal- attered: thep allo that bate him, fha out falnation,which {aneth vs Daily with bene- manifefted in
beit God fuffreth flee befoze him. ? — fits, Selah. aE ficth,fubdued Sa-
the wicked ty- 2 as the ſmoke vaniſheth, fo ſhalt thou 20 This isour God, euen the God that tan and finne vn-
-tants to oppreffe driue them away: and as ware melteth before faueth vs: and to the Lorde God belong the der vs,and gaue
his Church for a the fire,fowall the wicked peri) atthe pees Piffuesofdeath, - vnto his Church
time,yet atlength lence of God. 21 Surely Ged will wounde the head of moft liberal gifts
he will be reuen- _ 3 > But the righteous Halbe glad, andres bts enemies,and the hairy pate of him that of his {pirit, B~
ged of them. ioyce before God: pea, they thal leape foz toy. walkethin bis finnes, he.4 8.
b Hee fheweth y 4 Ding vuto God, anding mailes vnto 22 The Lord hath apd, J willbzing my p Inmoft ex-
when God decla- bis ramet eralt bim, that rideth vpon the peopleagatne from 3 Bathan: J will bring treme dangers
reth kis power beauens in bis name € Jah, andreioyce be» them agatne from theaepthsofthe (ca: God bath infi-
againft the wic- foz him. · 23 Chat thy foot may be Dipped in blood, nite wayes to dee |
ked,that is is for § Heeisa Father of the fatherlefie,and a and the tongue of thy Dogs in the blood of the ler his.
the comodityand Judge of the widewes,cuen God inbis holy enemies, euen fite bts q Ashedeliue-
faiuation ofhis habitation, 24 Thep haneleene,D Gor,thy goings, ted his Church
Church, which 6 God4 maketh the folitary to dwell in the goings of my God,and mp King, whichart once from Og of
praife him there- families, and Deliuereth them that were pats in the Sanctuary. Bafhan,& other
fore, fonersin ftockes: but the rebellious hall 25 The lingers went before, theplaiers tyrants, and from
c Iahand Ieho- Dwell in a e Date land. ofinfrnmentsattcr: in the middes were the the dangersofthe
naharethe names 7 £ D God, when thou wentekk forth vee maids playing with timbzeis. red fea, fo will
of God, which fore thy people: when thou wentelt chorow 26 Pꝛaiſe pe God tu the aficmblies & the he ftill doe as
doe fignifie his the wildernefic, (Helah) Lozd,yethar are of the fountaines of [(rael. oftas necefiity
effence and maie- 8 Che carth Hooke, Œthe heauens Dop: 27 There was * litle Beniamin with their requireth,
fty incomprehen- pedat the beth ofae — sae Dinat ytuler,and the princes of Judah wich therr af- r Thatis,inthe
fible,fo that here- was mooued at te pretence of God, cuen ti fembly,the princes of sebulun, & the princes blood of that
by is. declared, ` Gover acer s * great ſſaughter,
-that all idoles are 9 Thou,D GD, ſenteſt a gracious raine
but vanity,&that vpon thine inheritance,
0°28Cbron bath appolnten thy trength
28 ThyGod hath appointed thy frength: where dogs fhalt
thoũ dideſt refre fablit}, D God, that, which thou bait lap blood. i
the God of Ifra- it when tt was weary. wrought in vs, f Thatis,how |
elis the only true IO Chycongregation dwelled therein: 29 =Dut of thy Temple vpon Jerufalem; thou,which art
God, for thou,D God, baft of thy geodnefle pze- and kings (hall bring pelents vnto thee, chiefe king, go-
d He giueth chil- pared it fo: the poore. 30 Deltropthe company of the fpearmen, eft out with thy
dren to them that II Che Lord gaue matter to thch women and multitude of the mightybulles withthe eople to warre,
be childleffe, and, to telofthe great atmy. calues ofthe people, that 2 tread vnder fecte andsid them
increafeth their I2 Kings of thearmies did flee: they did ee of filuer; (latter the people that De- the victory.
families, flee,and i the that remained in the heute, Di- gbt in warre. ; t Hedefcribeth
e Which is bar- ninen thefpople. ; 31 Then fhall the princes come out è of Œ- theorder of the .
ren of Gods blef- 13 Though ye haue lien ameng *pots,yec gppt: Ethiopia Hall hate to ſttetch her people, when
fings, which be- fhal ye beas the wings of a Done that ts coue· bands vnto Gov. i they went to the
fore they hada- red with fluer, and whole feathers are like 32 Ding unto God, D pee kingdomes of Templeto giue `
buſed. yellow gold. j the earth:fing patie vnto the £0, (Selah) thankes for the
fNHe teachetk 14 Aben the Almighty fcattered kings 33 To bim that rideth vpon the mot hie victory.
that Gods fauour lin it, itwas white as the ſnow in Zalmon. heauens, which were from the beginning:bes u Which come
particularly be- 1g = Che mountaine of Ged islike the poll will fend out by his < voyce a mighty ofthe Patriatke
longeth to his oun. Taakob.
Church,as appeareth by theit wonderfull deliverance out of Egypt. 34 Alcribe the power to Ged: for his ma- x Beniamin is
g Godbleffed the land of Canaan becaufe he had chofen that place called little, be-
for his Church, h The fafhionthen was, that women fang fongs caufe he wasthe yongeft fonne of laakob, y Who was fome chiefe
after the viGory,as Miriam, Debotah, Iudith and others. i The ruler inthe tribe. z Declare out of thine holy palace thy power
pray was fo great that not only the fouldiers, butwomen alfo had part for the defence of thy Church Icrufalem. a Hee defireththat the
therof, k -Though God fufferhis Church for atime to lyein black pride of themightie may beedeftroyed, which accuftomed to gate
darkeneffe, yet he will reſtore it and make it moft fhining and white, nilh their ſhooes with filuer: and therfore for their glittering pom pe,
4 Inthe land of Canaan where his church was. m Zion the church thoughtthemfelues aboue all men. b He prophefied that the Gen-
of God doeth excell all worldly things , not in pompe and outward tiles (hall come to the true knowledge and worfhip of God. c By
fhew,but by thë inward grace of God, which there remaineth, becaule his terrible thunders he will make himfelfe to be knowen the God of
of bis dwelling there. all the world, ; ;
The number of Dauids enemies. Pfalmess What facrificeGodaccepteth. 235. gi
feRicisvpon Iſrael, and his krength isin that hate me, and outof thea Deepe waters, n Re theweth a
d Inthewing the clouds. } Ig Letnot the water flood drovone niee, lively faith in
fearcfulliudge- 35 D God, thou artdterrible out of thine neither let the Deepe (wallow me bp: andict that that he affe»
ments againit holp < places : the Gon of Iſrael is hee that not the pit tout her mouth bpon me. reth himfelfe thae
thine enemies, giueth Rrength and power vnto copie: I6 wWearemee, D Lord, foz thy lowing Godis fauoura-
forthefaluation Bzaifed be — a kindneſſe ts good sturne vnto me accoding ble to him, wher
ef thy people. to the multitude of chp tender mercies. he {emethto be
€ Healludethto the Tabernacle which was divided into three parte 17 Ann ° hide not thy face from thy fer- angrie sand ac
uant, foz Jamin trouble ; make hatte and band, when he
PSAL, LXIX, beare me, feemeth tobe
t Theconplaints , prayers, feruent zeal and 18 Draw neere vnto my ule, & redeeme farre off,
great anguslh of Dauid ws fet foorth as a figure of it : delttier me, becaule of mine enemies. © Nor that hee
(Prif and all hg members : 21 The malicious 19 Theu hat knowen myrepzoofe, and feared thai God
crueltie of the enemies, 22 and their punishment my Hame, and my diſhonour: all mine ran» would not heare
alfo, 26 where Iudas and fuch traiteurs are ace uerlartes are befoze thee. him, but fcare
curſed. 30 He gathereth courage in hu afflicti- 20 Rebuke bath broken mine heart, and made him to
on, and off reth praifes unto Ged, 32 which are 3 am full of heauinetle, anda J looked for thinkethat God
more acceptable then all facrifices:whereef allthe fome to haue pity on me,butthere was none: deferred long,
affiscted may take comfort. 35 Finally be doeth and for comfozters, but 3 found none. p- Thou feeft thae
4 prouoke all creatures to pratfes, prephecying of 21 Foz they ganeme gall in my meate,and. lambeferasa
the kingdome of Chrift, andthe preferuation of tnmy thirlt thep gate me vineger to minke. fheepeamong
the Church, where athe fathfill, 37 and their 22 Let their : table be a lnare before then many wolues.
feed [hall dwell for ener. A ; and their profpertty their ruine. q Hefheweth
a OfShofhan- ¶ To him that ercelleth opon · Shoſhan⸗ 23 Let their eyes be blinded, that thep thatit isin vaine
Rim, reade Pial. nim. A Plalme of Dauid. fee not : and make their! lepnes alwap to to put our truf in
Cue me D Gon: foz the © waters are en tremble. í menin our great
b Dauid fignifi- Otred euen to my ſoule. 24 Powꝛe ont thine anger bpon them, neceflities,bus
45. a

eth by the waters 2 I ſticke falt inthe deepe myze, where And let thy weathfulldifpleatire take them, thatour comfort
in what great no< fay is: Jam come into deepe waters, 25 * Let their * habitation be votde,and let onely dependerk
-dangers be was, and the ſtreames runne ouer me. none Dwellintheirtents. = on God, tor man
out of the which 3 Jam wearie of crying : mp thote is 26 Fozrthey perfecute him, whome thou rather increaſech
God did deliuer Date : mine4epes faile, whiles J waite for bat (mitten: and they adde vito the ſoaärow our forowes, thé
him, mp Gon of them, whom thou baft wounded. diminitheth thé,
c No firmitieor 4 Whey thathate mee without acanfe, 27 Lap © tniquitte ppon their iniquity, € Iob.10,29.
ftablencfero Ate moe then the haires of minehead: they let them not come into thy righteouſneſſe. r Hedefireth
fettlemy feere, that would Deftrey mee, and are mine ene: 28 Let them be putoutot the» booke of God to execute
|d Thoughhis Mies ¢ fallly, are mightie, fo that J reſtored life, neither let them bee witten with the hisiudgemeries
fences faileh'm, that which J f tooke not. righteous. è again(t the re-
‘yetbisfaith was § D God,thouknowelt my e kooliſhnes, 29 Ahen J am poore, andin heauineſſe, probate,which
‘conftantandine and my faultes are not hid from thee. thine belpe, D God, ſhall exalt necannot by any
‘couraged him 6 Letnot them that truinthee,D Lord 30 J will prayſe the name of God with a meanesbeture `
Rilltopray, Oovofholtes, bee aſhamed toremee tet not fong,and magnifie him with chankeſgiuing. ned, Rom. 11:9.
e Condemning thole that ſeeke ther, be confounded though 31 This alle Wall pleat the Loꝛd better f Take both
meguillefle, me, D Gov of Iſrael. then ay yong bullocke, that hathhornes and iudgement and
f Theyiudeéd 7 Fo: thplakebaue F littered repzoofe: hoofes. : power fró them,
mepoore inno- fame hath coucred my face. 32 The humble Mall {ee this, andthey that Ages 1.20»
eentasathiefe, 8 Fambecome a franger vnto my bre- [eeke God, hall be glad, and pour heart Hall t Punith not
theen, even an aliant nto my mothers fine. 4 onely them, but
fonnes. i 3. Foz the Lom Heareth thepooze, and their pofteritie,
9 ife:thezealeof thine houſe hath ea Delpifeth nor hts + petfoners. which fhalbe
ten me, and the rebukes of them that rebus 34. Let heauen and earth prayſe him: the likevntothem.
g Though Ibe ked thee, are fallen vpon me. feasandalithatmouethinthem. u By their con-
guiltie to thee- 10 3 k wept.and my foule fated, but that 35 Foꝛ Gon will fane Sian, and build the tinvance and in-
ward, yetam I was tomp repzoofe, - titied of Judah, that men may Owell there, creafing in their
innocent toward it Ji putonalackallo : and J became a and haueit in poſſeſſion. ſmnes, Jetit be
them, pronerbe vnto them. 36 The⸗ſeede alfo of his fernants hall knowen that
b Let not mine 12 They that! fatein the gate, pake of inberititand they that lone his Mame, hall they be oftheree
me, and the dꝛunkards fangofme. — - Dwell herein. probate,
ecnemiesbe _ 13 But Lozd,! make my prayer onto thee : _ & They which
in occafion, that it an=acceptabletime,euentn the multitude feemed by their profeflionto haue bene written in thy booke, yee
e faithfull fall of thy mercy: D God, heare me in the tructh by their fruits proue the contrarie, let them be knowen as reprobate.
tom thee, of thy faluation. : y Thereisnofacrifice , which God more efteemeth then thankef-
i When Taw 14 Deltuer me out of the myre, that J piuing forhisbenefits, z For ashe deliuered his feruant Dauid, fo
hineenemies _ finke not ; let mee bee Deliucred from them will hee doe
all that areindiftrefle, and cell vponhim. a Vnder
retend thy e A : a the temporal! promife of the land of Canaan , hee comprehendeth
ame only in mouth,and in their life denie the fame,thine holy (pirit the promiſe oflife euerlaſting to thefaichfull and their poſterity.
hruft me forward, to reproue them,and defend thy glorie. k My
reale moucd me to lament anil pray for my Galuation, | The more PSAL. LXX.
č fought to winne them te God, the more they were againft him, x He prayeth to be right ſpeediy delinercd. 2
poth poore &rich, m Knowing thatalbeit |fuffernowcrouble, He defireth the fhame of his sein 4 * the
et thou ha atime, wherein thou haft appointed my deliuerance. joyfull comfort ofallshofethat feeke the Lord.
Ft € Ta

‘Thehopeofthe faithfull. Pfalmes. Godsbenefits towards his.

¶ To him that excelleth. A palme of Da that ate again my foule let chem bee couce
a Which might ~ utd, co putina remembzance. red With reproofe and confufien, that ſecke
put himin re- O * Gov, » halterhee to Deliner me; make mingburt. i ; .
membrance of pate ta helye me,D Loꝛd. 14 But J will wait continually,and will
his deliuerance. 2 Letthembee contouuded and put to praliethec moze and moze.
Pfal.40.1 3. ſhame, that leeke my ſoule: tet them be tur⸗ 15 Wy mouth Wall dayly rebearfe thy
b He teacheth ned backward put to rebuke, that delire tighteoulnefie, and thy faluatton ; £ foz 4 k Beeaufe thy
vsto be earnelt imine hurt. know noc the number. benefitstow2rd
in prayer,though 3 Letthem be turned backefo2 a reward 16 J will goe! forward inthe firength of meareinnume- —
Godieemeto oftheir 4 ame, which fai, Aba, aba, _ the L020 God, and wil make mention of thy rable, I cannot |
ftay : for at his 4 Buclecali thole chat leeke thee,bee ioy· righteduſneſſe, euen of thine onely, but continually
time hee wiil fall and glad in thee,and let ail thatlone thy 17 D God, thou ait taught me from my medicare and re-
heare vs, faluation, fay alwapes, God be pzaifen. youth, eucn vntill now: thereiore will 3] teil hearfechem,
c Hewasafieed § fow J amie pone and necdp:D God, of thy Wondzous workes, | I willremaine
thatthe more make gait to me: thou art mine helper, and 13 "Dea, cuen vnto mine olde age and fledfat , being
they raged,the my Deliuerce; D Lozd, make no tarplig. gray hean,D Goo; foslake mee not, vnttll J vpholden wich
neerer they were baue Declared thincarme vnto this gencra= the power of
to deſtruclion, and he the necrerto hisdeliuerance. d. Hereby we tton, and thy power te all them p hhalicome. God,
are taught not to mocke at othersin their miferies, left yAme fal on Ig Aud thy righteouſneſſe,DGo, Lwil m He defireth
our owne neckes. e Becaufe hee had felt Gods helpe before, hee exalt on hie:foꝛ thou balk Done great things: thatas he hath
groundeth on experience, and boldly fecketh voto him for fucceur, e D God, who ts like vnto thee ! begun,hewould
20 Chich hak hewedme great troubles fo continuc bis
PSAL: LXXI, and P aducrlitics , bur thon wilt returne and benefits, chat his
1 He prayethin faith, eftablfhed by the word reuiue me, and wilt come againe, and take liberalitiemay |
of promſe, 5 and confirmed by the werke of me bp from the Depth of the earth. haveperfeQ
od from his youth. 10 Hee complacneth of the 21 Chou wilt increale mine honour,and praife.
crueltie of his enemies, 17 and defireth God to returne and comfort me, n Thy iuſt per⸗
continue hw graces toward him, 22 promfing 22 Cheretoze will J prayle thee for thy formance of thy
tobe mindfull and thankefull forthe fame. qfatthintuelie, VGod vpon tikrumentand promife.
Pfal.3 1.1. 12 *atheeD Load, 3) trutt lec mee neuer viole; urto thee willIfing vponthe harpe, o His faith brea-
a He prayeth to deaſhamed. D holy one of Iſrael. keth thorow all
God wich fullaf- 2 Relcue me and deliuer me in thybrigh⸗ 23 (By lips will reioyce when J fing vn⸗ tentations, and
forance of faith, teouſneſſe: encline thine care vnto me, and to thee, and my‘ loule which thou pat deli· by chis exclamae
that he will de- fauz me. 7 uered. tion hee praiſeth
liuet him from 3 Bethou my rong rockt, whereunto 24 My tongue allo ſhal talkt of thy righ⸗ thepowerof —
his aduerfaries, J may alway refet; thous halt giuen com⸗ teoulnes dayly: fo: they are confounded and God,
b By declaring maundement to Cane mee: for theu art mp brought vnto Mame, that ieke mine hurt. p As heconfef=
thy felfe trueoſ rocke, aud my foztrefle. feth that God is
promife, 4 Deliuer mec, D my God, out af the the only authour of his deliverance : fo he acknowlecgeth that theſe
c Thou haft inf- hand 4 ofthe wicked ; out ofthe hand of toe euils were fent vnto him by Gods prowidence. q Hee confeffeth
nite meanes, and euill and cruell matt. that hislong tariance waswel recompenfed , when God performed
all creatures are § Foꝛ thou art myhope, D Lod God, hispromife. r Forthere is no true pra ſing of God, except it come
at thy cOmande+ even my ¢ truſt from my pouth. from the heart : and therefore be promifed to delight in nothing
ment; therefore 6 Upoutheehaue J beene ſtayed from but wherein God may be glorified,
fhew fome figne the wombe : thou art hee that tooke mec out B.S AE. LXU
whereby I (hail ef my mothers bowels:my praile hail be al- x He praieth for the profperaus eſtate of the kinga
be deliuered, waypes of thee. } dome ofSalomon, who was the fgure of Chrift, 4
d.Thatis,fiom 7 Jam beceme as it were fa monter under who fhalbe righteou/nes,peace, Cr felicitie,
‘Abfalom, Ahi- pnto many: but thou artmyiure trut. 10: unto whom allkings and nations [hall doe ho~
thophel andthe 8 Letmymouth be flied with thy praile, mage, 17 whofe name and power fhall endure for
conſpiracie. and with thy glory euery Day. exer, andin whom all nations [hall be bleffed.
e. Heftrengthe- g Calt me not oſt in the time ofeage:foze @ A Palme a of Salamon. a Compofed by |
nethhisfathby ſake me not when my ſtrength kaileth. G Jue toy t iudgements vato the king, Danid as touch-
theexperienceof 10 Foꝛ mine enemies ſpeake of mec, and Gov, and thy righteouſnes to the kings ing the reigne of
Godsbenefits, they that lay watte foz my loule, take their c foime. : his fonne Salo-
who didnot only counlvli together, 2 Then Hail he iudge thy people in righ ·mon.
porters himin H Haying, k God hath forsfaken Him: tesuſneſſe, and thy pooze with equitte. b Endue the kin
vismothersbel- purtlie and take him, fog there is none to Dee 3 The d mauntaines and the pilles (hall with the fpirito
ly. but tooke him linerhim, - buing peace to the people by tuftice. wifedomeand |}
thence, and eucr 12 Goe not farce from me, D God: imp 4 ide thaileindgethe psozeofthe people: iuſtice that hee
fincehathpre- 0D, Dake thee to belye me. be Wali flaue the chilazenef the needte, and reigne not asdog}
ferued him. 13 Letthembe confounded and conſumed fhall (ubdue the opprcflour. the worldly ty- } |
f All the world 5 They ball ' feare thee as long as the rants,
wondereth at me becauſe of my miferies , afwell they inauthoritie, lunne and moone endureth, trom geucration c To wit, to his}
asthecommon people: yct being aſſured of thy fauour I remained to generation. pofteritic.
ftedfaft. g Thou ý dideft helpe me inmy youth when Ihad more d When iuflice ft
Rrength, helpe me now fo much the more in mineold age & weak- reigneth, euen the places moft barren (hall bee inriched with thyfi
nefe. h Thusthe wicked both blafpheme God,& triumph againſt bleffings. e He fheweth wherefore the fword iscommitted to kings:
his Saints, asthough he had forfaken them, if bee fuffer them to to wit, co defend theinnocent, and fuppreffe the wicked, f The
fall into tbeir hands, i Incalling him his God, he putteth backe people fhall imbrace thy true religion, when thou giueſt aking, that
she falfe reports of the aduerfaries,
shat faid, God had forfaken hima tuleth according tothy word, |
; 6 He.
Chrifts kingdome figured. Pfalmes. The wickeddefcribed, 226
Asthis is true 6 Hee chall come e downe like the rame 3 for FT Fretted at the foolifh,when 3 aw
in all godly vpon the mowen graffe, andas the bowers the protperitic ofthe wicked.
Kings,{o is it that water the earth. 4 4 Foꝛ there are dno bands in thelr Death, b Thewicked
chiefly verified 7 In his dapes Hall the righteous flou» but they ave luftieand trong. in thislife Jine at-
in Chrift, who rib, and abundance of peace hall be fo long § Theyare not introuble as other men, pleafure, and are
with his heauen- as the moone cndurerh. neither are they plagued with ocher men, not drawen to
ly dew maketh 8 ipts Dominion fhall bee alio From * fea 6 © Cheretere patde isas achaine vnto death like priſo⸗
his Church ever to fea, and fron the rtuer vnto the endes ot theni, and crueltie couereth themas a gare ners : that is, by
to flourith. the land. { j ment. fickeneffe, which
b That is,from 9 They that dwel inthe wildernes, ſhall 7 Their epes ſtand out fo: fatness tthey is deaths meficne
the red fea, to the — — him, and bis enemies ſhal licke haue moze chen beart can wii, per.
fea called Syria- the duit, 8 Chey are licenctous, and {peake wic: c They glory in
cum, and from ID The Kings of i Carhihh and of the — of theit oppreſſion: they talk pꝛeſump· their pride, as
Euphrates for- yles fual bring pieſents: the kings «of Dype» uoufly. fome do in their
ward : meanings ba and Seba Wall baing gifts. 9 Thep set their mouth againk heauen, chaines: andin
) that Chriftes II Dea, all kings Wall wozthtp him ; all and therr tongue walketh thozow the earth, crue}tie,as fome
kingdom (hould nations fal! ferue pim. Io Therkoꝛe hisepeople turne hither sfo doe in appareil.
be large and vni- I2 Foz be ſhall Deituer the posze when be waters ofa fullcup are wrung out te them. fEbr.they paffe
werfall. ee : the needpalla and him that bach na _ II Gnd they! fay, Yow Doeth Gad know the defires of the
i Of Cilicia elper. it? 02 is there knowledge in the moft Hie? heart,
13 Ve Halbe mercifull ta the pooꝛe and I2 Loe, theleave the wicked, pet proſper d They blaf-
needie, aud fall preleruc the foules af the they alway,and increaſe tu riches. preme God and
yond the fea, ooze. _ 13 Certainelp Jhaue cleanfed my heart feare not his,
whichhe mza- 14 He ſhall redeeme their ſoules from de · in vaine, and walhed mine bands tn inno⸗ power, and raile
neth by the yles. ceit and violence, and ‘Beare ſhal their blood cencie. vpon men, be-
Kk. Thatis,of A- bein bis fight. i 14 Foꝛ dayly haue J bene puniſhed, and caufe they e-
rabia that rich is Yee, be hallliue, and vnto him hall chattencd euery moning. fteeme theme
countrey, where» they atue of the m gota of Sheba; they Hali Is JEJ fap, e J will wdge thus, beboite, felues aboue
of Sheba was a ae pay Foz bim conttiwally,and Bayly bleſſe theg — of thochildren: J haue tref all others.
part bordering | pim. paled. ; e Not onely the,
vpon Ethiopia. * 16 An handfull ok corne Wall bee owen in 16 Then thought J to know thig, but tt reprobatz,but
1 Thongh ty- the earth, euen in the top of the mountaines, was too painfull foz me,: y alfo the pcople
rants paffe not and the ® fruit thereof Wal fhake like the trees 17 Until J went into the *Ganctuarie of God often-
to {lied blood, ofLebanon ; and the children ſhall flouriſch ofk God: then vnderſtood Jtheir end. times fall backe,
yet this godly out of the citie like the graſſe of the earth. 18 Surely thou hat fet them in ſlipperie feeing the proi-
King (hall pres 17 Wig name fhall be foz euer ; his name places,& catet them down into defolation. perouseftate of
ferue his Subiects hall endure as long as the Dunne: all natt- Ig iow luddenly are they deſtroped. pe: the wicked,and
ftom all kind of ons hall bleffe ° hĩ, and be bleed in him. riſhed and i horribly contumed, are ouerwhel-
18 Blefled be the Lord God, euen the God . 20 Asa Dreame when oneawaketh! D med with for-
—— which onely Doeth r wondersus LoD, when k thou raiet ws vp, thou Halt sowes, thinking
things. i ù make tbeir image deſpiſed. that God confi<
19 And bleſſed be bis glorious ame foz 21 Certainely mine heart was veyed and dereth not aright -
the people moft euer zand let all the earth be Alles with pig 3 was picked mimp reines: the tate of the <-
‘willing to obey glory. Hobe it, euen ſo be it. 22 Bo foolt) was J and ignosant: J godly. t
him, wasal beat before thee. f Thusthe fich
HERE END THE 4 papersof 23 Pet was alway m with thee: thou mouth euen
Dauid the foune of Jar Hatt holden me by my right band. the godly to diſ⸗
moft great plen- 24 Chou wilt guide mec by thy countel!, pute with God *
tie both of fruit, & alfo of theincreafeof mankind, o They hall and afterward recetue me toglogy, touching their
pray to God for his continuance, and know that God doeth profper 25 MAhome bane Jin” heauei but thee > pooreeftate, and
them for his fake, p He confeffeth that except God miraculoufly an Jhaue Dered none in the carth with the profpetitie
preferue his peop |e, that neither the King nor the Kingdome can ee. ofthe wicked.
continue, g Concerning his fomne Salomon. ~ 26 Wy eM Eatieth, and mine heart alo : g If! giue place
PESTA Beyt DAK but Hodis the firength of mine heart, and to this wicked
1 The Prophet teacheth by his example that nei- ny ° portion foz euer. thought, I of-
ther the worldly proSperitie of the ungodly, 14 27 Foꝛ lo they chat withdꝛaw themfelues fend againft thy
Nor yet the affliction of the good, ought to diſt ou- from thee, ſhall perth: thou deſtroyeſt all prouidence,fee~ —
vage Gods children : but rather ought to moue vs them that P go a whozing from thee. ing thou difpo-
e confider our Fathers proujdence, and to caufe felt all things
s to veuerence Gods sudgments,t 9 Forafmuch as moft wifely,and preferueft thy children in their greate dangers, fi
the wicked vanifh away, 24 Andthe godly enter Vntill I entered into thy {choole, and learned by thy word and ho-
into life enerlafting, 18 Fu hope whereof he reſig- ly fpirit, that chou ordereſt ail things moft wifely and iuſtyy. i By
seth himfelfe into Gods bands, thy fearefull iudgement, k When thou openeſt our eyesto con-
€ A Plalme committed to Afaph. fiderthy heauenly felici:ie , wee condemne all their vaine pompe,
Et GoD is geod to Iſrael: cuen te the l Forthe moreghat man goeth about by his ewne reaſon to fecke [E
pure in heart. out Gods iudgements, the more doeth he declare himfelfe a beaft.
defpaire he bra- 2 _As forme, my keete were almolſt gone: m Byfaith! was affuredthat thy prouidence did watch alwaveso-
Reth foorth into my teps had welneere flipt. uer me to preferuemc, n He fought neither helpe nor comfort of
this affection. any faueofGodonely. o He teacheth vs to denje ourfelues, to
eing aflured that God would continue bis fauour toward fuch as haue God our whole fufficiencie,and onely contentment, o That
Pere godly indeed,and not hypocrites. is, forfake thee to fecke others,
FE 2 23 Ag
~The Church afflidted prayeth. Palmes. ‘The cup of Gods iath; 3
q Though all 28 As fo: me, itis good formtertodraw 17 Thor haſt ſet all the bowers of the
the world neere to Goo : therefore J haue put my truſt earth: thou balt made mmer and winter. |
fhrinke from iu che Lod God, that J may Declare alliyy 18 Remember this, thar the enemie hath n He meaneth
Ged,yet he wozkes. repzoched the Lord, and the fooltth people the Church of
prowiſeth co truft in him,and to magnifie his works. hath blaſphemed thy flame. God, whichis
PSAL, LXXIIIL 19 Giue not the toute of chy u turtle Doue expofed as a pray |
© The futhfull complaine of the deſtruction of unto the beat, and forget not the Congres to the witked,
the Church and true religion, 2 Vnderthename gation ofthe poore foz ence. © That is,all plas
of Zion,e» the Temple deferayed: 11 Andtrusty 20 Conlider thy conenantsfo2 othe Varke ces where thy
ing inthe might and free mercies of God, 20 By places of the earth are ful of the habitations word fhineth
his couenant, 21 They require hetpe and fuccour OF the cruel. n Cr,there reige
for the glory of Gods holy Name, for the faluatiog 21 Dh iet not theoppeefled returne aſha⸗ neth tyranny &
of his poore afflicted feruants, 23 And thecen- med, but let the poore and needy prayle thy ambition,
fusion of his proud enemies, ame. — Let p He fheweth
q A Piaime to gine inſtruction, com- 22 Arik,D God:maintaine thine rowne that God cannot
mitted to Alaph. canle: remember thy dayly repzoch by the fuffer his Church |
a The Church God, * why halk thou put vs away for fooltih man. : f f to be oppreffed,
of God being euer ? why ts thy wath kindled againit 23 Foꝛget not the voice ofthine enemies; except hee lofe
Opprefied by the the theepe of thy paſture? for the tuniult of them, that rile agaiuſt thee, his owne right.
tyrannie either 2 Think vpon thy Congregation, which ||alcendeth continualiy. | Or,zncre aſe th
ofthe Babyloni- thou halt poſſeſſed of old, and on the > rod of PSAL, LX XV more and mere.
ans, or of Antio- thine inbevttance which thou batt redeemed, 1 The faith full de prayfe the name ofthe Lerd,
chus prayethto and on this mount Zion, wherein thoubalk 2 which [hall come to rudge at the tme appointed,
God,by whofe Dwelt. 8 When the wicked fhalbe put to confufion, and
hand this yoke 3 Lift yp thyſſtrokes, that thou mapet drake ofthe cuppe of his wrath, 10 Their poids
was layd vpon fo? euer Delroy euery enemie that Doety euil halbe abatedyand the righteous ſhalbe exaltedte
them for their to the Danctuary. honour,
finnes, 4 Shine aduerlaries roare in the mits ¶ To him that ercelleth.* Dettroy not, a Reade Pfaline |
b Which inheri- of thy Congregation, and Ą fet vp their bans A Plſalme or fong commit- 574.
tance thou haft ners fo: lignes. ted to Alaph.
meafured out for § Hethar è lifted the ares vpon the thicke —— peayle thee,D Gov, wee will
thy felfe as with trees, was renowmed,as one thatbronght a pzapfe thee, for thy Mame is neere:
aline orrod, thing to perfection: therefore *thep will Declare thy wonderous b He declareth
fOr, feete. 6 But now thepbreake Downe the car⸗ works. shat how the faithful
c They haue de- ued worke thereof with ares and hammers, 2 -Ahen F hal take aconnenient time, fhall cuer haue
Rroyed the true 7 Chey haue catchy Sanctuarte into J willwdege righteonily. iuſt occafion to
religió, & fpread the five, and rafed it to the ground, and haue 3 The earth ¢ all rhe inhabitants thereof praile God fore |
their banners in Dehled the dwelling place of thy flame. are Diffolued: but Jwill eſtabliſih the pillars afmuch asin
Gene of defiance 8 Chey laid in theire bearta, Let vsDee 4 of ft. Selah. their neede
d He commen- froy them all together: they baue burnt all 4 Jfayd vnto the koolich,
Be not fo foo» thall feele his
deth the Temple the Spnagogues of Gad in the land. 1th, and to the wicked, Lift notty the homme. powerat hand
for the coftly 9 Wieltenotourtignes:thercisnotone § Lift not vp your ‘borne an hie, neither tohelpethem,
matter,the ex- · Pꝛophet moze, nozany with vs that know- f{peake with a ſtiffe necke. i c When I fee -
cellent workes et) fhow long. 6 Foꝛ te come to preferment isneither my time (faith
manfhip,and 10 D God, howlong hallthe aduerfary fromthe Eaſt, no, from the Wek, noz from God) to helpe
beauty thereof, reproch thee? hall theenemte blatppenie thy theBouth. your miferies,
which notwith- Name foz euer? 7 But God is the Judge:hemaketh lowe J will come and
theene I1 CQbp withdrawelt thou thy bande, es andhemaketh hie. , fer all things in
mies did deftroy. uen thy right bande? drawe it out of thy ba- 8 Forinthehanvofthe Lorde isa feup, good order,
e They encoura- fome, ande confiume them. andthe twine is red: itis full mirt, and hee d Though all
ged oneanother I2 uen Godis my king of old, working poweth out ofthefame: Curely all the wte- things be brogis
to crueltie, that faluation + in the middes of the earth. evof theearth Wall wring out and drinke toruine,yet 1
not onely Gods 13 Cou didſt diutde the lea by chypow- the Dregs thereof. canreftore and
people might be et: thou bake thebeadsof theidgagons o But]]J will declare fo: cuer, and fing preferne them,
deftroyed, but in the waters. patties pute the God of Jaakob. e The Prophet
alfo his religion 14 Thou bꝛakeſt the headof Lintathan 10 Allthe hoanes of the wicked alfo will warneththe wi
vtterly in all pla- in pieces and gaueſt him to be meate forthe Ibreake: but the hornes of the s righteous ked that they
ecs ſuppreſſed. people in wildernefie. ; fhalbe eralted. would not fet
f They lament I5 Thou brake vp the fountaine, and théfelues againſt
that they haue tiner: thou mied bp mightie riuers. Gods people, feeing that God at histime deftroyeth them that rule
no Prophet a- 16 he Dayisthine: andthe night is wickedly. f Gods wrath is compared toa cup of {trong and dee
mong them to thine: thou batt pecpared the light € tie fun. licate wine,wherewith the wicked are made fo drunke, that by drink-
fhew them how ing till they come to the very dregges, they are vtterly deftroyed,
long their miferies fhould endure. g They ioyned their deliverance g The godly (hall better profper by their innocent fimplicity, thew
with Gods glory and power, knowing thatthe punifhment of the the wicked hall by alltheir craft and ſubtiltie.
tnemie fhould betheir deliverance. h Meaning, inthe fight ofall P S-A..L. OLEX VI:
theworld. i To wit,Pharaohsarmie. k Whicbwasagreat a This Pfalme fitteth foorth the power of God
monfter of thefea, or whale, meaning Pharaoh, | HisdeftruGion and care for the defence of bis people in Ferufa-
did reioice them as meat refrefheth the body, m Seeing that God Zem, in the deſtruction efthe armie ofSan: herh a
by bis prouidence gonerneth and difpofeth all things, heegathereth si Andexhorteth the faithfullte be thankefull
shat he will take care chicfly for his children, Sor the fames ets
Gods mightie power, _ Pfalmes. The godlies meditation. 227
E Go kim that excelicth on Meginoth. A e diligently. e Boththe cau⸗
Plalme or Sue committed to Afaph. 7 Wilthe Lord abfent himlelle kor euer? fes why Iwas
a He declareth Coen ts? knowen in Judah ; his same is and will bee ewe no moze favour ? chaftened, and
that Gods power great inIſrael. Js bis £ mercie cleane gone for euey? whenmy fo-
is euidentiy ſeene 2 fin? Shalem is his Tabernacle, docth his promtle faile foz cucrmoze? rowes thould
in pre(eruing his and bis Dwelling in zion. „9, Wath Gon forgotten to be mercttuli? bancan end,
people, and de- 3 There brake hee rhe arrewes of the Yaty jee ijt bp his tender mercy in Dil f As ithe thould
ftroying his cne-bow, the ſhield, and the fwozd, and the bate plealtire? Delay. fay, It is impofli-
mies. tell, @elah. } J Io And J faw, sji is mp Death : yetI ble: whereby he
b Which after- 4 Theu art moze bright and puiſſant remembred the peeres ol the righthand ofthe ¢xbosteth him-
ward was called tien ¢ the mountaines of pape. mot High, felfe to patience,
Icruſalem. § The itorit hearted are ſpoyled: they 11 3 vemembed the workesofthe Lod; g Though 1 fick
c Hecompareth haue flept their ſieepe, and ail the men of certatuelp J remembed thy wondersof doubted of my
thekingdomes —itrength bane not 4 tonnd therr pands. olde. : life, yet confide-
fullotextortion 6 At thy rebuke,D God of Jaakob, both 12 J didallo meditate all thy works:and ring that Ged
andrapine,tothe the chariot and hoꝛſe are catt aflecpe. Did deuiſe of thine acts, faying, had his yeeres,
mountaines that 7 Thou, cuen thou art to be feared: and 13 Thy way,D God, is* in the Banctuy- that is, change
are full of raue- who hall tann tn thye Ag ht, when thon art rie: who ts fo great a i God as our God! oftimes, and was
ning bealtes. angry? 14 Ghouart the Ged that doeſt weon- accultomed alfo
d Godhachta- § Thou diddeſt cauſe thy tudqement to Ders : thou bhatt declared thy power among to lift vprhem,
kencheisfpirits beeheard from heauen: therefore the earth the people. whonrhee hath
&firesgthfrom feareB and was ftill, Is Chou hak redeemed thy people with beaten, I rooke
them,asthough 9 Ahen theu, D God, arofe to iudge⸗ thine atime, cuen the ſonnes of Jaakob and heart againe.
theirbandswere ment, tof belpeall the mecke of the earth. Joſeph. Helah. h Thatis, in
cutoff, Selah. 16 The k watersfaw thee, D God ithe heauen, where-
€ God witha 10 Surely the z rageof man hall turne Waters law thee, anc were afraid; pea, the anto we maſt
Jookeisableto tothy pꝛayſe: the remnant of the rage halt Depths trembled. afcend by faith,
deftroyallthe thoũ reltraine. 17 Whe cloudes potwzed out water : the ifwewillknow
“poweranda@i- II Gowand performe vnto the Lod your heauens gaue a! found ; pea, thinearrowes the wayesof
uitie of the ene- God, all yee that bee + round about him: let Wentabzoad. God.
‘mies, were they them bring preſents puto bim that ought to 18 Ghevoice of thy thunder was round i He condeme
“meuer fo many be fearen. À ! abaut : the lightnings lightned the world: neth all chat
or mightie. 12 Hee hall i cut off the (pirit of pzinces; the carth trembled and fhooke. worthip any
f Torcuenge be ig terrible tothe kingsefthe earth. _ 19 Thy wapis tn the Dea, and thy paths thing faucthe
the wrongs dore in the great waters, andthe footelteps are onely trueGod,
to thy Chnrch. g For the end fhall fhew that the enemie wasable Roto knowen, _ whofe glory aps
to bring nothing to paffe: alfo thou fhalt bridle their rage, that they 20 Thou diddeſt leade thp people like peareththrouge
fhall not conspaffe their purpofé, h To wit, the Leuitesthat dwell fheepe by the band of Moſes and Aaxon. = the world.
about the Tabernacle, or the people,among whom he doeth dwell, k Hedeclareth
i The Ebrew word fignifieth to vintage, oò gather grapes:meaning, wherein the power of God was declared, when hee deliuered the If
that hee {hall make the counfels and enterpriles of wicked tyrants raeliresthorow thered fea. 1 Thatis, thundered and lightened.
foolifh and vaine, m For when thou had& brought ouer thy people, the waterreture
PSA LO LXXVIIL ned to her courfe , and the enemies that thought to haue followgd
1 The Prophet in the name of the Church re- them, could not paffe thorow, Exod. 14.28329.
bearfeth the greatneſſe of his affixtion, and bis PSAL, LXXVIII.
griewous tentations, 6 whereby he was driuento i Hee fheweth how God of his mercie chofe his
this end to confider his former couerfation, 11 and Church of the pofteritie of Abraham, 8 reproch=
the continuall courfe of Gods works in the prefer- ing the Rubburne rebellion.of their fathers , that
uation of his feruaats , and fo hee confirmeth his the children might not onely underfiand, 11 that
Jaith againftthefe tentations, God ofhis free mercy made his couenant with their
| P/2l.39.c%.62. @ Foz the excellent muſician* Jeduthun. A anceftours, 17 but alfo [teing them fo malicions
chron.16.41, Pſalme committed to Alapy. and peruerfe,might be alhamed,and fo turne whos
a The Prophet M2 4 hayce came to God , when Icryed: ly to God. Fnthis Pfalme the boly Ghoft hath com-
eacheth vs by my voyce came to God, and heeheara prehendedas it were the fumme ofall Gods bene-
is exampleto mee. fits, tothe intent the ignorant and groffe people
ce ynto God 2 Jnthe day ofmy trouble F fought the might fee in few words the effect ofthe whole hia
r helpe in our Lod: ||my fore ranne and cealed notin the ſtories of the Bible.
ueceffities. night : my foule refuſed comfozt. GAPfalmetogine*intruction,com- a ReadePfal 32.
Orminchand — 3 J D thinke vpon God, and wasbtrou⸗ mitted to Alaph. b The Prophet
was firetched out DIED : 3) prayed, and my ſpirit was fullofan= Gare mpt doctrine, D my people: itt- ynder the name
Hetheweth guiſh.Selah. ; : cline pour cares vnto the woꝛdes of my ofa teacher cal-
twemuttpa- 4 Thou keepeſt mine eyes⸗ waking: J mouth. leth the people
Was aftonted,and could not {peake. 2 Jwillopenmy mouthin a parable; J bis,and
the do-
Then J confidered the dayes of old, and will Declare high fentences of old, &rine his, as Raut
the peeres of anctent time. ccihich wee hare heard and knowen, callethyGofpel -
6 J cailed to remembzance my d fong and our <fathers baue told vs. à his, whereofhe
thefirftcrie, , in the night : J communed with mine 4 Weil not hidethem from their chil. was bur the prea-
Meaning, that awne heart , and mp f{pirite ſearched Den, but to the generation tocome we will cher, asRom,2,
forowes were fhet the praplesof the Lod, hispower ale 16.and.16.25.
s watchmen that kept his eyes from fleeping. d Of thank(giuing fo, and bis wonderfull wozks that bee bath c Which were} j
hich Iwas accuftomed to fing in my profperitie, . Bone; people of God,
FEB 5 Dow
Tempting of— Pfalmes. Gods plagues inEgypt. +
d By thetefti- 5 Wow be elablihed a ¢ teſtimonie in 26 Hee cauled the r Catt winde ts paſſe p God vled the
monieandlav, Jaakob d ordeined
a Law in Iſrael, which inthebeauen, and though ols power bee meancsof the
he meaneth the: becommanded oir fathers thatthep Gould bronght in the South wino., j winde to teach
law written, teachtheir children: 27 He rained iH alſo vponthem as Dulk, them, that all e- ·
which they were 6 Ehat the e polkeritiemight knowit, and feathered foule as thelandot thefea. lements were at
commanded to &the children wbich ſhould be bone, ſhould 28 And hee made tt fall tn the middes of his commande-
teach their chil and vp,and declareittotheirt chiideen; their campe, euen round about their habita» ment, and that
dren, Deut 6.7 That they mtgit t fet their hope on tions. no diſtance of
e Heetheweth Gov, awa not forget the wozkes of God, but 29 Ho they did eate,and were wel lled; place couldlet
wherein the chil- keepe his commandements: i forbe gaue chem thir delice. _ his working.
dren thouldve 8 And not tobe as their s fathers, a dtl 30 They were not turned from their q Suchis the na-
liketheir fathers, obedtent and rebellious generation:a genee a luff,bur the meate was pet in their mouthes, ture of concupi-
thatis, inmain- ration that fet not their beart aright, and 31 Ahen the waty of God came euen scence, chat che
teiningGods whofe irit was not faithfull unta God. bpon thent.and flew ‘the ſtrongeſt ofthem, moreithath, the
purereligion, Qg @hechilozenof » Ephraim being are and Anote Downe the cholen menin Iſrael. more ic luſteth.
f Heefheweth mired, and (hooting with the bowe, turned 32 Foz allthis they! finned
, till, andbe» r Though other
whereinthe vſe backe in the Day of battell. lecued not bis wondzous works. ; were not (pared,
of thisdoctrine 10 Whey kept not the couenant
ot God, 33 Therefore their dayes DiD he conſume yet chiefly they
Gandethyn faith, butrefuledtowalkeinbislaw, in vanttieand their peeres haltily. fuffered which
inthe meditation II And forgate bis acts, and bis wone 34 And when hee : Mewe them, they crufted intheir
of Gods benefits, Derfullworkesthat he had ſhewed thent. foughtbim, and they returned, anBlought ftrength againft
andn obedience, 12 Wedin matueilous things in the Hight God earely. God.
g Though thele of their fathers in the land ot Cappt : cuen 35 And they remembred that God was f Thus finneby
fatherswerethe inthe field of Zoan. thetr ftrength, andthe moft high God thetr continuance, ma-
feede of Abra- 13 * He diuided the fea and led then tho. redeemer. keth men inſen⸗
~ bamandthe roty ; pe made allo the waters to tand as 36 But they flattered him with their fible, fo that by
chofen people, an heape. - mouth, and diſſembled with him with their no plaguesthey
yet he fhewerh 14 * Jn the day time allo hee ledde then tongue. : canbe amended,
bytheirrebelli- with a cloude, anv allthe night with alight 37 Foꝛ their » heart was not bpright t Such was their
on, provocation, offire. : with him: neither were they faithfull tn his hypocrifie, that
falfhoodand hy- Iş * Declaue therocksin the wildernes, couenant, i : they fought vito
pocrifie, thatthe &gaue them dzinke as of the great Depths. 38 Pet he being merctfull * forgaue their God for teare
children ought 16 * He brought floods allo out of the tos iniquitic, and Deitropea chem not, but oft of punthment,
notto follow mterocke, fothathe mabe the waterstode- times cailed backe bisanger, and did not though in their
their examples. {tend like the riuers: ſtirrevp all his wath. heart they leued
h By Ephraim 17 Det they * tinned Kil again him,and 39 For be remembred that they were bim not.
hemeancthalfo pouoked the hhigheſtinthe wilderueſſe, fleih: yea,a winde that pallet) and commety u Whar deuer
the reft ofthe 18 And tempted God in their heartsin not agatie. 3 . commeth not
tribes,becaule krequirtng meate fo: thetriuit. 40 How oft did they proucke him inthe from thepure
theyweremoftin Ig * @beplpake againt God allo, fay- wilderneffezandaricuchuninthedelert ? fountaine of the
number: whofe ing, Can God = prepare atablein the wile 4I Vea, they 7 returned and tempted heart, ishypo-. —
punithmenrde- Dernefle? God, and=lwiited the boiyoneof Iſrael. criſe. |
clareththarthey 20 * Behold, heefmotetherocke, that 42 Theparemembzed not hishand, nor x Becaufehee
were vafaithfull the water guihed out, and the ſtreames o- the Day wher hee deliuered theim from the would euer haue:
toGodandby uerfloweD s can hee gine bread allo? 0? pꝛe⸗ enemie, ; i fome remnant .
themultiude pare fem fo: bis people? 43 Nor bint that ſet his fignes in Egypt, ofa Church to
and authoritie 21 Therefor the Lod beard and was and bis wonvers in the field of zoan, praife his Name
hadcorruptall angty,and the*fire was kindled in Jaakob, 44 And turned their riuters tate blood, in earth, hefuf-
others. and allo wrath came vpon Iſrael, and thete floods, thatthey could not drinke. ferednot their
i He prooueth 22 Becaule they beleeucd notin God, and 45 Hee ſent b afwarme of flies among finnes te ouer-
thatnctonely atruſted notin his hetpe. them, whichdevourcathem, and frogges come his mercy.
the polteritie, 23 Met heehad commanded the o cloudes which deltropedthent. ; y Thar is, they,
but alfotheir abate, and had opened the doores of yeas 46 Wee: gaue allo their fruites vnto the rempred him
forefathers were uen, : caterpillar, and their labour vnto the graſ oft times, |
wicked &rebel- 24 AnD had rained Downe MAN bpon hopper. Lek j z As theyalldoef
lous to God. them foz to eate, and had giuen them ot the 47 Hee deſtroycd their vines with haile, rhat meafurethe f
Exed.igax. whedateotheauen. and thete wide tigtrees with the hatlftonc, powerof God byf;
Exods14.2 4, 25 * Wan Did eate the beead of Angels; 48 ije gaue therr catteil alfo tothe baile, theircapacitie.
Exod.17.6. be leut them meate enough. and therr flockes to the thunderbelts. a Theforgets. f
046,20 11. ; 49. Hee caſt vpon them the fiercenefic of tuinefleof Gods}
pfalme.ro5 4%, 1.Cor. 10 4. wifd.18.4. k Their wicked malice his anger, tndignation and wath, and Yeg» bencfitsisthe f
could be ouercome by no benefits, which were great and many. ation by she ending owt of4 euill angels. root of rebelli-
1 Then to require more then is neceflary,and to feparate Gods pow- 50 He made
a Way to his anger:
he lpared on and all vice.
er from his will, is to tempt God, Numb, 11.1. m Thus when b This word figs}
we'gine place vnto finne,we are mooued to doubt of Godspowcr,ex- nifieth a confufed misture of flies and venemous worms. Some také
eepche will alwayes beready to ferue our tuft, Exod. 17 6. numb. it for al} fortes of Serpents:fome forall wilde beafes, c. Hee re
20,11. pfal 105.41. I. cor. 10. Aa.Num. 11.1. n Thatis,in his peateth not here all rhe miracles that God didin Egypt, butcertainth
Fatherly prouidence, whereby he cateth for his, and prouideth uffi- which might be efifficient to conuince the people of malice andin:
ciently, o- So that they had that, which was.neceflarie and uffi- gratitude, d So called, eitherof the effe@, that is,of punilhing the},
tient : but their luft made them to couet that which. they knew God wicked,or elfe because they wers wicked fpirits, whom God permit hy
had. denicd theme, Iohn.ſ.ʒ 1, £.60F10s30 ted to vexe men. r
4 .

Mans ingratitude. Pfalmes, TheChurch perfecuted. 228

but gauetheir life PSAL. LXXIX.
no—— Death, burg b 1 The Ifraelues complaine to God for the great
51 And mote all the firit borne in Egypt, calamitie & oppre(fion that they fuffered by Gods
eThe firftborne euenthe e beginning of ther ſtrength in the excaues, ðand confeſſing therr ſinnes, flee to Gods
are ſo called,as tabernacles off Vam. mercies with full hope of delimerance,10 becauſe
Gen.49.3- §2 But he made His people to goe out like their calamities were synced wiih the contempt of
fThatis,Egypt: ſheepe
·and led them inthe wilderueſſe likke #4 Name, 13 for the winch they promiſe to be
foritwascaiicd —figcke, thankefull.
Mizraim or E- §3 Dea, heecaried them out Cafely, and € A Pſalme committed to Alaph.
pyptofMizra- they s teared not, and the Bea couered their Gon,» the Deathen ave come into thine a The people cry
im,that wasthe enemies, inheritance: thine boly Cemple hae vnto God againit
fonne of Ham, §4 And he brought them vnto the boz- tbep Deiled, and made Jeruſalem heapes of the barbarous ty.
g Thatis, they Bers of bis" Sanctuary:cuen to thie Moun⸗ ones, ranny of the Ba-
had none octa- tatne,which Dis righthand purchaled. 2 Thet dead hodies of thy feruants haue byloniaus, who
ſion to feare, for S5 * Pecak out the heathen alis befoze they giuen to be meate vnto foules of the {potied Gods in-
aſmuch as God them,and cauſed them to fall ta the lot of his heauen: and the fleth of thy Saints vnto the heritance,poliu-
- deftroyed their Inheritance, and made the tribes of Iſrael beatts of the earth. Í ted his Temple,
_ enemies, and de- to dwellin there tabernacies. 3 Their blood hauc they bed like waters deftroyed his ree
liuered them 56 Pet they tempted, and prouoked the round about Jerulalem,and there was none ligion,and mur-
fately. mok high Hov.¢ kept not hts tettimontes, to: burp them. thered hispcos
h Meaning,Ca- _§7 ‘But turned backe and Dealt‘ fallely 4 We area repzoch to our d neighbours, ple.
naan,which God like therr fathers ; they turned like a deceit⸗ euena ſcoꝛne and deriſion vnto them that b The Prophet
had confecrate to full bow. are round about ys, fheweth to what
him(clfe,andap- §8 Gud they * proneked im to anger Lod, how long wilt thon be angry,fo2, extremities God
pointed to bis witch their high places and mooued him to euer? Wall thy teloulic*burne like fire ? {uffereth fome-
people. bath
with their grauen images. 6 * Powe ont thy wath vpon the bea- timehis Church
Lofh,t 1. 6. §9 God heard this and was woth, and then that haue not knowen thee ana vpon to fall,to exercife
and 13.6. gteatlpabbezred Ffrae it the — that bane not called vpon thy their faith before
i Nothing more 60 So that be! faxooke the habitation Na 18. hefetto bis hand
difpteafeth God of Shilo, euen the Tabernacle where hee 7 Foꝛ they bane deuoured Jaakob, and to deliuer them,
in the children, Dweit among men, made his Dwelling place Delolate. c Their friends
then when they 61 Anddeltucred his™ power into tapti» _ 8 Remember nor againt vs the‘ former and kinsfolkes
continue in that ttty,and bis beauty into the enemics hand. iniquitics, buts make hatte, andlet thy ten- durft not bury
wickednefle, 2 And bee gaue vp his people to the Det mercies preucnt vs ; fox we arein great them for feare of
which thcir fa- fwo20,and was angry with bis inberitance. milſerie. the enemies:
thershad begun, 63 Che lire deuoured thetr chalen men, 9 Welpe bs, D God of our h faluation, fo? d Whereoffome
k By feruing and their maids were not ° parlen. the glozy of thy Rame, and Deliner bs, and came of Abra-
God othe wife 64 There Pꝛieſts fell by the ſword, and rs ahaa vuto our finnes fo? thp ames ham, but were
then he had ap- their r widowes lamented not. degenerate: and
| pointed, 65 Butthe Lod awaked as one out of Io Aherekore ſhould the heathen fay, others were open
lFor their ingra- fleepe,and asa {trong man that after his Ahere ts their Sod? let them bee knowen enemiesto thy
titude he fuffered a wine crieth out, — : among the heathenin our light bp the ven- religion, but they
the Philiftims to 66 And {note his enemies inthe hinder geanse ofthe blood of thy ſeruants thatis both laughed at
take the Arke, parts, and put them to a perpetuall bame. bed. our miferies.
which was the 67 Dethe refuledthe tabernacle of: Fos IL Let the ſighing of thei pifoners come e Wiltthou yt-
figne of his pre- feph,and cholanot the tribe of Ephraim: betoze thee: according to thy mightie arme terly confume vs
fence, from a- 68 But chole the tribe of Judah,and prelerue t the childzen ofdeath, for our fins, be-
mongthem, mqunt an whichbe loued. 12 And render to our neighbours (even fore thourakelt
m The Arke is y nDdbhefbuilthis Sanctuary ag an foldintothcir boſome their reproch, wheres vsto mercy?
calledhispower hie place like the earth, which be eſtablihhed with they haue reproched thee,D Lod. Tere.10.25.
and beautie,be- fozeuer, 13 Sowe thy people, and fheepe of thy fwhichweand
caule thereby - 70 Hethole Danid allo bis truant, and patture Hall pratle thee foz ener: and from our fathers haue
he defended his tooke him from the ſheepetoids. generation to generation! we will (et fooztl) committed.
f people,& beau- 71 Cuen from behinde the Ewes with thy parle. g And fay not
tifully appeared ong brought be bim to feede bis people in till we haue re-
Hvncothem. aakob,ano his inheritance in Iſrãel. compenfed for our finnes. b Seeing we haue none other Saviour,
n They were fud- 72 Ho thee fed them according to the ncithercan we helpe our felues, and alfo by our faluationthy Name
denly deftroyed, fimplicitie ofbisheart, and guided them by thalbe praifed,therfore,O Lord helpevs. i Whothough in reſpect
1,S$am.4.10 the diſcretion of bis bands, of God they were iuftly punifhed for their fins, yet in confideration
© They hadno of their caule, were vniufily murthered, k Whichwere captives
mariage fongs: that is, they were not maried. p Either they were among theirenemies,and could looke for nothing but death, | We
flaine before,or taken prifoners oftheir enemies, and fo were forbid- oughtto defire no benefite of God, but on this condition to praile his
den, q Becaufethey were drunken intheir finnes, they iudged Name, Iſa.43.2 1.
Gods patience to bea flumbring,as though he were drunken : theres PSAL. LXXX.
forehe anfwering their beafily iudgement, faith, he wi!l awake and 3 A lamentable prayerto God to helpe the mi-
Witake fudden vengeance, r Shewing thar he {pared not altogether ſeries ofhis Church, 8 defiring him to confidey
ithe Ifraetices,though he punifhed their enemies. f By building the their ſſt efate, when his fauour fhined towards
i Temple and eftablithing the kingdome, he declareth thatthe fignes them,to the intent that he might finifh that worke
f his fauourwereamong them, t He fheweth wherein a Kings which he had begun.
ij charge Randeth: to wit, to prouide faithfully for his people, to guide ¶ Tobim that ercelleth on Shohannim
them by counfell,and defend them by power, Couth, appum committed to Afaph.
f4 Meare,
>a” —

Ti e Church affli&ted prayeth. ‘Pfalmes. | Ifraels obftinacie. —

a This Pfalme Hex: D thou Shepheard of Jlcael, Sz b fopfullp vnto Ged aur ſtrength: b Irfeemerh
was made as a thou that leudeſt Jofeph like eepe: tng ond vuta the God of Jaakob. this Plalme was
prayer forto de- Hew chy brightneſſe, thon chat fitte be⸗ 2 Srke the long and bring forth the tim· appointed for fos —
fire God to be tweene the > Cherubims. f beel,tyz pleaſant harpe withthe viole- lemne feafis and —
mercifull to che 2 Before Ephraim and Beniamin and 3 Blow che trumpet in thes new moone, aff.nablies of the
ten tribes, Minalſeh ſtirre vp toy ſtrength,
andcome cuen in the time appointed, at our feat Day, people to whom
b Mone their to helpe us. i 4 Forthis ts a ſtatute for Iſrael, anda fora time thefe
hearts that they 3 Turne vs againne,DGad, and canle Law of the God of Jaakob. i ceremonies were
may returne to thy face to Mine, that we may be ſaued. 5 We fet this in d Joleph for a tetimony, ordained, but
worthip God a- 4 D Lord God of hotes, bow long wilt when hee came out ofthe land of Egypt, now vnder the
right : chat is, in —— angry againſt the payer of thp whereJ heard a language, thats J| waders Gofpel are abo:
the place where people? h ftood not. : lithed,
thou halt ap- § Chou hak fed them with thebzeadof 6 Phaucwithdawen his ſhoulder from c Vnder this feat
pointed, teares, ginen them teares to drinke with the burden,and hts hands haue lett chef pots. he comprehen-
c Ioyne thy great mealure. 7 Thou calledſtinatfliction,and J deli- deth all other
whole people & 6 Thou haſt made vs ae ſtrife vnto our uered thee.andz anſwered theetn the fecret folemne dayes,
all thy tribes to- neighbours,and our enemies laugh atvs a> of the thunder: J proued thee at the waters d That is,in If-
gether againe. mong themielues. off Wertbah. Selah. 3 rael; for Lofephs
c Thefaithfull 7 £ Turne vs againe, D God of hoftes: 8 b Meare,D my people, and F will pzo- family was coun-
feare Gods anger, caule thy face to ſhine, and we hall be faned. tet vnto thee:D Jlraeltftyou wilt hearken ted the chiefe be-
when they per- 8 Thou-hak brought as vine out of E- vnto me, . fore that Iudah
ceiue that their gypt: thou halt cae out the heathen, and 9 And wilt haue no ſtrauge Godin thee, was preferred.
praycrs are not planted it. neither worſhip any trange Sod, Í e God fpeaketh
forthwith heard. 9 Thou madel roome foz itand dindek Io (ForJ am the Lo: thy Gon, which in the perfon ef —
e Our neighbors caule it to take reote,aud it Aled the land. bzougbt thee ont ofthe land of Cappt)iopen the people, be- -1
haue continual l Io The mountaines were couered with thy mouth wide, ana J will fillic. eaufe hee was* ~ as
ftrife and warre the ſhadow of it:and the boughes thereat IL But my people would not heare my their leader,
againft vs, werc like the ¢ goodly cedars. voyce, and Iſrael would none of me. fif they were nee
f Becanfe that Il She ftretched out her branches pnto 12 oJ gane them vp vita the baranes uer able to giue
repentance oncly the Sea, and Her doughs vnto the» River. of their heart, end thep haue walked in their fuffcient thankes
comethof God, 12 gy halt thou then broken Downe her owne counfels. to God for this
they moft in- hedges,fo that all they , which pale by the 13 k Dh that my people had hearkened vn- deliueranee from
ftantly and oft way, haue plucked ber? to meand Iſrael Had walked tn my wayes! corporall bon-
times call to God 13 Che wild i bare ont of the woed hath 14 J wonld foone baue humbled theire: dage, how muck:
for it,as a meane deſtroyed itana the mild beatts of the fiela nemies, € turned mine hand! againtt their more are we in-
whereby they baue eaten it vp. aduerlartes. debted to him
fhall be laued. 14 Returne mee beleech thee,DGod of Is The hatersof the Lord ſhould hane for our fpirituall
g Seeing that of bolts? laoke Downe * from heauen and be- bene fubiect puto him, ethetr tine = Manly deliuerance frone
thy mercy thou boin and vilite this nine, É haue endured foz ener. i ——
be tyras F
- haft made vs a Ig And thevineyard, that thy right hand 16 And God would hane fed them with Satanand finn
moft deare pol- bath planted, and the pong vine, which thou the" fat of wheate, and with hony out of the g By a ftrange
ſeſſion to thee, & madelt! ftrong foz thy felte. rocke would Jhaue (ufficed thee. and wonderfull |
we through our 16 Jtis burnt with fire, and cut Downe: faſhion.
finnes are made a they perih atthe» rebuke of thp counte- ||Or,comtention,Ex0.17,7. h Hecondemnethall affemblies, where.
open for wilde nce. the people are not attentive to heare Gods voyce, & to gine ohedi-
bealts to deuoure 17 Let thine hand bevpon the man of encetothe fame. i Godacculeth cheir incredulitie, becauſe they
cvs,deciare againe thy right band, and vpon the fonne ofman, opened not their mouths to receive Gods benefits in fuch abundance
thy Joue, & finila who thou madeſt ftrong forthine owne felfe, ashe pewreth them out. k God by his word callethall but his fe
the worke that 18 So wil not we gobacke fro thee: o re: cret ele&ion appointeth who fhail heare with fruit. I If their fins.
thou halt begun, niue thou v3.¢ we Hallcal vpon thy Mame. had notletted, m Ifthe Ifraelites hadnot broken couenant with
3 Ebr. Cedars 19 Turne bs again,D 102d God of hofs: God, hee would haue giuen them viGory againft their enemies,
of God, caufe thy face to hinc and we Halbe ſaued. n Thatis, with moft fine wheat and abundance of hony,
h To wit, Eu- PS AL. LXXXIL
phrates. i Thatis,afwell they that bate oar Religion, asthey that 1 The Prophet declaring God to be prefent among
hateonrperfons, k They gaue not place totemptation, knowing the Iudges & Magiftrates,2 reproueth their par-
that albeicthere were no helpe in earth,yet God was able to fuccour tiality,3 And exhorteth them to do iuftice,s But
them fromheatien, 1 So thatno powercan preuaileagainftitjand freing none amendment, 8 he defireth God to vn-
which asa yong bud thon raifeft vp againe as out of the burnt athes, dertake the matter and execute iuſtice himſalfe.
m Only when thou art angry,and not with the fivord of the enemy, C A Pſalme committed to Aſaph. a The Propher
n Thatis,vpon this vine, or people, whom thou haft planted with pe ftandeth ittthe affembly ok· gods : fheweth thar if '
thy righthand,that they fhould beasone manor onebody, o For he tudgeth among gots. i Princes & Judges-
none can call vpon God, but {uch as are raifed vp, as it were, from 2 Howe long will ye iudge vninkly, and do not their duty,
death to lite,and regenerate by the holy Spirit. accent the perons ofthe> wicked ? Selah. God, whofe au- —
BS NLL ERK, 2 Doe right tothe poore and fatherleſſe: thority is aboue
t An exbortation to praife God hoth in heart Do iuſtice to the poore and nerdy. thé,veill rake vera
and voyce for his benefits, 8 and to worfhip him 4 Deltuer the poore and < needy: fane geance on them, |
only. 11 God condemneth their ingratitude,12 & them front the hand of the wicked. i b For theeues de
fheweth what great benefits theyhaue lof? threugh § Thep know not eunveritand nothing: murderers finde
a An inſtrumẽt of their owne malice. fauor in iudemét,,
muficke brought ¶ To him that excelleth vpon a Gittith. when thecanfe of the godiy cannot beheard, c Notoncly when},
from Gerh, A Pfalme conemitted to Afar, they cry for helpe,but when their caufe ee ayde and ſippor⸗

- A prayer againftGods enemies. Pfalmes. The defire of the godly. 229
d Thatis,all _ they walke in Darkenes,albeic all thed foun» may = fecke thy Mame,D Lod. m That is,bee
things are out of Dattons of the earth be moued. 17 Let thembe confounded and troubled compelied by thy
order either by 6 J baue fain, Ve are gods, and ye all are foz euer: yea, let them be put to pame and plagues to con: |
theirtyrannyor children ofthe mot Vigh. periſh. feflethy power,
careleffe negli- 7 © But peefhalldyeasa man, and yee 18 That they map.” knowe that thou, n Though they
ence. princes thall fail like others. — which art called Jehouah, art alone, cuen belcewe not, yet
eNottleofho- § God, arile, therefore indge thou the the meit igh euer all the earth. they may proue
nour fhall excufe earth; foz thou palt ‘ tnberite all nations. SrH ' by expetience,
you,but you fhall that it isin vaine to refift againft thy counfell in eftablifhing thy
bee ſubiect to Gods iudgement, and render acconnt as well as other Church. a e
men. f Therefore no tyrantfhall plucke thy right and authoritie PSAL, LXXXIIII.
from thee, 1 Danid drinen forth ef his countrey, 2 Defi-
PSAL, CXXXIII reth moft ardently to come again to the Tabernacle
£ The people of [frael pray unto the Lord to de- of the Lord & the affembly of the Sasnts to praiſe
luer them from their enemies both at home and God, 4 Pronouncing them bleffed that may fo do,
Jarre off; which imagined nothing but their deſtru- 6 Then ke praifeth the courage efthe people, that
ivon.9 And thcy defire that all fuch wicked peo- paffe thorow the wildernesto affemble themfelues
ple may, according as God was accufiomed , bee 14 Zian, 10 Finally with praife of this matter and
firicken with the ſtormy tempest of Gods wrath, confidence ef Gods goodnes,he endeth the P falme,
18 that they may knome that the Lord s moft high C Tobim that ercelleth vpon Gitttth.
upon the earth, Plalme committed to the
€ A ong or Plaline committed fonnes of Korah. 2
to Alaph. O 2 Lord of hoftes, how amtable are thy a Dauid com-
a This Pfalme Kere a not thou fence, D Gov: beenot Tabernacles ! plaineth that he-
feemethto haue titl and ceaſe not,D Gon. 2 y loule longeth, pea,and fainteth foz cannot haue
bene compofed, 2 Foz loe,thine > encmies make a tumult: the > courts of the Lod; forsmine Heart and acceſſe tothe
as a forme of anoche that bate thee, baue lifted vp the my fief retopce inthe living Gov. Church of God-
praier againft the ead. 3 Pea, the fparrow hath found her an to make profef=
dangers that the 3 They hauetaken crafty countel againſt
é Houle, and the fwatlow a nett fo2 her, where fion of his faich
Chirchwasin, thypeople,and haue conſulted agatuit thy {he may lap her pourg :euen by thine al- 2nd toprofitin
inthe dayesof ‘lecret oneg. ; — Loa of hoſtes, mp King and mp religion,
Tehofhaphat. 4 They baue fain, Come, and let vs 4 cut 0 $ \ b For none but
b He calleth them off from being a nation, ¢ let the name 4 Bleſſed are they that dwell in thine the Pricfts could
them Godsi ene- of Iſrael be ne moze in remembzance. boule : they will euer paile thee. Selah, enter into the
mies,whichare _ § Joz they haueconfulted together ein _ § Blefledistheman, whole 4 ftrength is SanQuary ,and
enemies tohis heart, and bane made a league fagainſt thee, in thee,and in whole heart are thy wayes. the reft of the-
Church, 6 Che tabernacies of Edom, and the Ith: 6 They going through the vale df. Wa- people into th:
c Theele@of maelites, goab and the Agarims: ta,make weiles therein; theratne alſo coue ·courts.
God are his fe- 7 Gebal and Ammon, and Amalech, reth the pooles. c So thatthe
eretones:forhee the DPhiliſtims with the inhabitants of 7 They gae from ſtrength to firength, poore birdshaue
hideth thé inthe |]Tyrus, rte i till euery one appeare befeze Hod ti3ion. more libertie
fecretof hista- 8 Afihur allo is ioyned with them: they8 DiLow God of hatts, hearemy prays then T.
bernacle,& pre- haue heene an arme to the childzen e of Lor. er: hearken,DGod of Jaakob, Helah, d Whorrufteth-
ferueth them fro Aelab. ; Usin 9 Behold, D Hod, our Wield, and looke nothinginhim-
all dangers. 9 Der thou ta them as vnto the gi. spon the face of thine s Anointed. felfe,bue in thee
d Theywerenot anites: as to Siſera,andas ta Jabin at the TO fFo2 h aDday in thy courtes fs better onely,and lear-
content totake xritier of Kiſhon. then a thouland otherwhere; 3| Had rather nethoftbeeto
the Churchas 10 Thepyperiſhed at En-dor, and were bec a doore keeper in the houſe of my God, rule his life,
-prifoner, but ipung forthe earth. } then to dwelin the Cabernacles of wicked: e Thar is, of
fought vtterly It Make theni, euen their princes like nefe. : mulburie tres
todeftroy it. *Drebandlike zZeeb: pea, all their princes IL Fo the Loꝛd God is the Sunne and which was a bar-
e By all fecret like Seba and like Zalmunna. ſhield vnto vs: the Lod will eiue grace and senplace,forhar .
“meanes, I2 Which baue faya, Let vs take fo: our Glozy, and no i good thing will he withhold they which paf-
f £ They thought policilion the * habitations of Goo. from them that walke vpeightly. fed through,muft.
f to have fubuer- 13 D my God, make them like vnto 12 D Lod of haites, blefled is the man. digge pits for
ted thy counfell, a'iwbhecle, and as the ftubble before the that trufteth in thee. water : fignify-
-wherein the per- winde. ing that no lets
petuitie of the 14 As the fire burneth the foret. and as canhinderthem that are fully bent to come to Chrifts Church, neie-
Church was efta- the flame ſetteth the mountaines on fre $ ther yet that God will euer failethem, f ‘They are neuer weary,
blithed, Is. Ho perſecute them with thy tempeft, but increafein ftrength and courzge till they come to Gods houſe.
{|Or,Zor. anu make them afraid with thy tome, g Thatis,forChrilis(ake,whole figureIreprefent, b- He would —
Ig Thewickednes 16 full theit faces with Haine, that they with to liue but one day rather in Gods Church, thenathoufand a-
of § Ammonites mong theworldlings, i But will fromtime to time increale bis
and Moabites isdefcribed, in that they prouoked thefe other nations bleffings toward his.more ansi more.
to fight againftthe Ufraelitestheir brethren, h By thefe examples,
they were confirmed that God would not fufter his people to bee vt⸗ P'S AL. LXXXV.
rerly deftrayed, Tudg. 7 21.and 4,15. 1 Troden vnder feete as 1 Becanfe God withdrew not bu rods.from bis
E mire. Iudg.7 25. & 8.24. k Thatis,ludea: for where his Church Church after their returnas from Babylon, firft they
is, there dwelleth hee among them, 1 Becaufe the reprobate put hmin mind of theorr delinerance, to the intent
could by no meanes be amended, he prayeth tharthey may be vtterly that he fhculd not leane the worke of his grace une
deftroyed, be vaftable, and led with all winds, perfite. 5 Next they complaine of therr long af”
f fuion
A praycr.of tne Church. Dauids Pfalmes. prayer in affliction. —
fiction. 8 And thirdly they reicyce in hope offè- andol gteat kindnefle unta all them, that
Lcity promifed. 9 For their dekucrauce wasa f- call ppon thee.
gare of (rifts kingdome,under the which fhould 6 Giue care, Lod, pnto mp prayer, and ¢ By crying and
be perfect feiscety. e hearken to the voice of my fupplicacton. calling continu-
Ta bim chat ercelleth. A Palme com- 7~Huthe Day of my trouble J wiil call ally, he hewa
mitted to the tonnes of Roꝛah. bpon thee : foz thou heareſt me. , eth how wee
a They cenfeffe eee halt bene ⸗ fauourable vnto thy 8 Among the gobs there is none like may not bee
that Gods free —land: thou bal brought agatne the capti· thee,D Lozd.and theret is none thatc.n doe weary, though
mercy was the uity of Jaakob. like thy workes. God grant not
caule of their 2 Tieu hak forginen the tniquitp of thy 9 All nations, whom thou hak maze, forthwith our
deliucrance, be. people,and> couercd all chet iinnes. Selah. hail come, and : worihip before thee, D regueft, but that
caufe he loued 3 Chou hak withdzawen alithine anger, Loꝛd, and fhallglozthe thy Mame. we mult earneltly
the land which and bait turned backe from thes fercenefle IO Foꝛ thou art great, ana doeſt wonde· and often cali vp-
he had chofen, of tiy wath, rous things: thou art God atone. on him,
b Thou halt bu- 4 Turne vs, D God of our faluatton, It k Teach me thy wap, D Loyd, and J f He condem-
ried them that ann releafe thine anger towards vs. will walke in thy trueth: kmt mine heart neth allidoles,'
they fhall not § Hilt thou be angry withvs 4 toz euer? vnto thee that J may feare thp frame. forafinuch as
come into iudge- and wilt thou polong thy wath from ene 12 J wili patie thee, D Loꝛd my God, they can done
ment, generation to another? ; with all mine yeart: pea, J wul giozifte thy workesto de-
c Nor 6 Wilt thou not turne againe and quic» Frame foz euer. clare that they
withdrawing thy ken bs, that thp people map retopce tn thee? 13 Foꝛ great is thy mercy toward mee, are gods,
rod,but in forgi- 7 Shew vs thy mercy,D Lozwd,and grant and thou batt deliuered my lotile from: the g This prooucth
uing our finnes, bs thy e faiuation. loweſt graue. 2 that Dauid pray
andin touching 8 J wili hearken what the Lord God will I4 D God, the poude are rilen againtt ed in the Name
our hearts to fap: for he wil (peake ‘peace vnto bis people, me, and the aſſeinblies of violent men haug of Chrift the
confefle them. tehis faints that they turne net againe k (ought my foule, and haug not (et thee be· Meflias,of whofe
d Asin times to Q y. foze them. ry kingdome hee
paft they had fele o Surely his ſaluation is neere ta them : Is But thou, D Lod, art a pitifull God doeth here pros
Gods mercies : fo na feare him, that glory map Dwellin our and mercifull, low to anger, and great in phefie. *
now being op- and. kindnefle and tructh. h He confeſſeth
preffed by the Io Percy and trueth hal meete: righte> 16 Turne vito me, and haue mercy tpa himfelfe igno-
long continuance ouſneſſe and peace thali kifle one another, on me; gtue thy rengti onto thy eruant, rant til God hath
of cuils, they pray Il ¢ Trueth hall budde out ofthe earth, and (que the ſonne of chy handmaid. taught him, and
vnto Ged,that * riggteoulneiic thalllooke Downe front 17 hew a token of thy goodnefle to- his heart varia-
according to his cauen. ward ine, that they which bate me, may lee bleand feparate
mature hee would 12 Prea the Lom hali giue good things, tt, and be ahamed ,becaule thou, D Lod, from God, till
be merciful! ynto and owr land all giue ber increaſe. hak holpen me and comfozted me. God ioyneit
them, 13 »Righteoulnetie Hall goe before htm, to him,and con-
e Hee confeffeth and hall tet ber Reps inthe way. firmeitinhis obedience, i That is, from moft great danger of
that our faluati- death: out of the which none, but onely the mighty hand of God,
oncommeth onely of Gods mercie. f£ He will fendall prefperity could deliver him, k He fheweth that there can be no moderati-
to his Church, when he hathfufficiently corre@ed them, Alfo by his on nor equity, where preude tyrants reigne, and that the lacke of
punifbments the faithfull fall learne tobewarethat they returnenot Gods feare is asa priviledge to all viceand cruelty. 1 Heboafteth
zo lıke offences. g Though for atime God thus exercifethem with not of his owne vertues, but confeffeth chat God of his free goodnes
hisrods,yet vnder the kingdom of Chrift they fhould haue peace and hath euer bene mercifull vnto him, and giuen him power againft his
ioy, hb [uftice fhall then fourth and haue free courfe and paflage enemies, as to one of his owne houfhold,
m eucsy place,
PSAL, LXXXVI, r Theholy Ghoft promifeth that the condition
3 Dawid fore affiscted and for ſahenofall, pray- of the Cburch,whtch was sn mifery after the cap-
eth feruently for delinerace : fomtime rehearfing tewity of Babylon, ſhould be reftored to great ex
bs vasfertes, § Sametimes the mercies receinedy cellency, 4 fothat there [hould be nothing more
41 Defiring alfo to be inſtructed of the Lord, that comfortable, thes to be numbred among the meme
he may feare himand glorifie ha Name. 14 He bers thereof,
complaiceth alfo of hu aduer faries, and requsreth CA Wlalme or fong committed ta the
ta be deliuered from them. _ . fonnes of Razah.
© & Prayer of Danid. Ce bis2foundations among the ho: a God did chafe
a Dauid perfecu- eie a thine care,D Logd,and heare me: ly mountatnes. that place a-
ted of Saul thus © Afo? I am pooze and needie. 2
Che Lozdloucth the gates of Sion a» mong the hils
prayed, leaning _ 2 Pꝛeſerue thou my foule, for 3] am> mer- boue al the babitattons of Jaakob. to ftablifh Ieru⸗
the fame to the cifull: my God, ſaue thou thy feruant, that 3 >Slortous things are poken of thee, falem and his
Church asa mo- trufteth tn thee. D citieofGov. Helah. Temple.
nument, how to 3 Bemercifull puto me, D Lord: for J 4 J will make mention of: Rahab and b Though thy
feeke redreffe a- cry bpon thee een. Babel among them that knew mee: behold glorious eftate
gainft their mi- 4 Retoyce the fonle of thy feruant: fog Palettina tTyus with Crhiopta,4 Chere doe not yet aps
feries. onto thee,D Lod, dec F lift pp my fonte. ts he bozne. peare,yet waite
b Iamnotene- § Foꝛ thou Lor, art good & 4 mercifull, with patience,
my to them,but and God will accomplith his promife. e That is,Egypt, and thefe
pitiethem, though they be cruell toward me. e Which wasa fure other countreys fhall come to the knowledge of God, d It hall
token that he beleened that God would deliuer bin. d He doeth he faid of him,that is regenerate and come to the Church, that heis
confeffe that Godis. goodto all butonly mercifullto poore finners, as one that was borne in the Church,
§ Ano
The faithfull afflicted. Pfalmes. The power ofGod. 230. |
€ Out ofall § Gud ofZion it Halbe fayd, « Dany are doubting of my lifes
quartersthey thal boꝛne in her; and be,cuen the mot igh hal 16 Chine indignations soe oer me,and
come into the ſtabliſh ber. i thy feare hath cut me off. EEEN E
Church,and be 6 Tie Lord hal count, when he kwaiteth 17 Chey came round aboutme daily like
countedascitie the peopic,
ie mas borne there. Belap. water and compatled me together.
zens. 7 3 wellthe lingers as the players on 18 Mylouers andfricndes haft thou put
f Whéhe calleth fnttruments hall praile thee: all mye (pings away front me,and mine acquaintance + hta Ebr. were in
by hiswordthem are in thee. A themiciues, darkeneffe,
into the Church, j
whom hee had elected and written inhisbooke. g TheProphet PS A-L. LXXXIX,
ſetteth his whole affeions and comfort in the Church, 1 With many words doth the Prophet praife the
PSAL. LXXXVIII goodneſſe of God, 23 for hs teſtament aud coue-
1Agricwons complaint of the faithfull fore af pant that he had made betweene himand bis eleét
fitted by fickneBe,perfecutsons, and aduer/itie, 7
by lefts Chrift the fonne of Dawid: 38 Then doeth
‘Being as x were left of God without any confola-
hee cuaplasneof the great ruine and defolatios of
tzon: 13 Yet-he calleth on God by fiuth,& ſtraueth
the kingdome of Dawid.fothat to the outward ap-
pearance the promfe was broken. 46 Finally hee
azainft defperation, 18 complaining himfelfc to
beforfakes of allcartnly helpe. praseth to be deliuered from his affiaclions,making -
R.King.4 30 € A fong or Plalmẽ of * Weman the Ezra» mention ofthe ſportneſſe ofmans life, and confir-
53. bite,togine inſtruction, committed to the mng lnmfelfe by Gods promifes.
fonnes of Koray for him that excelleth vp⸗ € A Pialme to giue tuftruction,of
a Thatis,
to- on (Palath 2 Leannoth. Ethan the Ezrahite.
humble, It was Lord God ot mplaluatiaJ]
cryDap and CQilafing the mercies ofthe Lord for euer? a Though the -

thebeginning of Onight > before thee. with my mouth will J Declare chy tructh horrible confufi-
a fong,by the 2 Let my praperenter intothy preſence: front Mead li to-generation. on of things
tune whereof this enclinethineeare nto my cry. 2 $02 I> fapde, Mercy hall bee fet bp fo2 might caufe them
Plalrewas fung. 3 Foꝛ my feule is tilled with enils,and my euer: thy truty hale thou eſtabliſh in the ve⸗
to defpayre of
b Though many like dꝛaweth neere to the graue. i
ry Deauens. Gods fauour: yet
cry in their for- 4 J am counted among them that goe 3. 13. baue made a coucnant with my the manifolde .
Towes,yetthey downe vntoche pit,&am asa man without hae n: J baue ſworne to Danid mp fer- examplexofhis .
crie not earneſtly ſtrength: > mercies caufe
toGodforreme- ç ẽ Free among the dead, like the laine 4 Thy leede will JLablih for euer,and ihem to troft m-
dyashedid: — {pingin the graue, whome thou remembzeſt fet up thy chzone from generation togeneras. God,thoughto
whomhecon- nᷣo moꝛe, and thep are cut off from thine tion, Belay. mans iudgement |
felledtobethe d hand, i À 5 D Lom, enen thee heanens Mall mayk they faw none |
authourof his. 6 hou hat layd me in the lowelk pitin tby wonderous worker pea thy trueth in the occafion,.
faluation, Darknefle,and in the deepe. ‘Congregation of the Saints. b Ashee thar.
€ Forhethatis 7 Qhineindignation lieth bpon meand 6 for who ts equal! ta the Lorde in the furely beleeued
_ dead,isfreefrom thon batt vercd mee with all thp © waues. heatien?and who is itke the Lord among the in heart. .
all caresand bufi- @elah, 8 ſonnes of the gods? c Asthine inui-
neffeofthislife: 8 Thou haſt put away mine fatquain⸗ 7 Bod is verpterriblein the afleinbly of fible heauen is _
and thus he fayth, tance farte from mee,and made me to be ab- the '@atnts, and to be reuerenced abong all not furie& teg-i
becaufehe was hoꝛred okthem: s3 am ſhut vp, and cannot that are about him. ny alteration and {i
vnproficable for get korth. t 3 D Lom Gonofhoftes, who is like vnto change ; ſo ſhall
al matterscon- © o ) pine eve is lorrowkull thꝛough mine thee,which art a mighty Lord, and thy trueth thetrueth of thy `
cetningmans — affliction: Loꝛde,Jcall daylyvpon thee ; F is about thee! promife be yn-
life,and asit fretch out mine hands nto thee. 9 ‘Chou ruleſt the raging of the fea: whe - changeable...
werecutofffrom. 10 Uilt thou Mewe! a miracle to-the the wanes thereofarile thou ſtilleſt them, d The Prophet j
this world, Bead? o2 ſhallthe Dead rife and praple thee?10 Thou hak beaten downe Rahab as a theweth what.
d Thatis,from: &elab. man laine: thou hal {cattered thine cnes was the promife
thy prouidence 11 Shall thy louing kindnefle bee decla· niles with thy mighty arme. of God, whereon
and care, which . venin the graue? or thy faithfulneffe inde» Il The heauens avethine, the earthalto be grounded his |
ismeantaccote ſtruction⸗ is thine: thou baft laid the foundation of the: faith.,
dingtofiudge- ¶ 12-Hhal thy wondzous works be knowen wold, and all that therein isg. e The Angels. -f
mentoftheflehh, in the darke ?and thy righteoulneſſe tn the 12 Thou haft created the Mort) and the fhall praife thy -i
e The ſtormes and ofk obliuion? South: * Tabo and Perman Hall reioyce powerand faithe
ofthy wrath 13 Butyntotheehaue J cryed,D Lorde, in thp fame. i fulneffe in deli,
haucouerwhel- and early Wall my prayer come befoze thee, 13 Thon halt a mightie arme: trong is uering thy
med me, 14 Loud, why dect thou retect my foile, thine hand,and bigh ts thy right hand. Church.
f He attributeth and hideſt thy face from me ? 14 Righteouſnes and equity are the ſta⸗ f Thatis.inthe
theloffeanddi I 3 amafflicted,and at the popnt of heauens,
pleafureof his dtath: ‘frommy pouth J luffer thy terrors, g Meaning,the Angels, h- Ifthe Angelstrembl= before Gods ma-
ftiendsto Gads ; i iefty & infinit iuſtice, what earthly creatureby opprefling the church,|
prouidence, wherby he partly punifheth & partly trieth his. g Lſee date fet himfelfe againft God? i Forasheedelinered the Church
none ende ofmy forrowes, b Mine evesand faee declare my for- by the red fea and by deftroying Rahab,that is,the Egyptians: fo wil
rewes, i He fheweth that the time is moreconuenient for Gad to hee eftfoonedeliucrit, when the,dangers beepreat. k Taborisa
helpe, when men call vnto him imtbeir dangers, then to tary till they- mountaine Weltward from Icrufalem,and Hermon Eaftward :-fot
be dead,& then raife them vp againe. k That is,in the graue,where Prophet fignifieth that all partes and places of the worlde fhall obe
only the body lieth without all ſence and remembrance. 1 Jame- Godspower forthe delinerance of bisChurch, 1 .Forheereby he
uer in great dangers and farowes,as though my life fhould veterly be iudgeththe world,and fheweth bimfe)fea merciful Father, and faith
cut offeuerymoment, full proteGtour ynto bis, ——

1e truetho ods promife. Pfalmes. The ruine of Dauids kingdome.
m Feeling in bliſhment of thy thong: mercy and truth go thy fertiant, and prophaned bis ¢ crotane, ca- e By this bee
their confcience before thy face. fting it on the ground, meaneth the hor⸗
thacGod ts their _ 15 Bieffen is the people thatcan™ reioyce 40 Thou halt bꝛoken Down all his wals: tible diffipation
Father. inthec : they Gall walke in the light of thy thou batt lam bis foztrefies in rrdue. and renting of
n They halte countenance. Lod. : j 41 Allthat goeby the wap lpoilebim ; he thekingdome,
prefirued by thy 16 Thep ſhall reteyce continually in thy isa rebuke vnto bis neighbours. s which was vnder
fatherly proui- Hame, and in thy rightroulneſſe they Hail 42 Chon batt ietvp the right hand of his feroboam: or cls
dence, crait themfelues. — tienes, and made all bis aduerlartes to re by the fpiritof
o Inthat they 17 Foz thou art theoglory oftheir ſtrẽgth, ioyce. prophefie, Bihan
are preferuedand and bythy kauour our hornes ſhalbe exalted. 43 Chou hat alſo turned the edge ofhis {peaketh ofthoſe
continue, they 18 Foꝛ ouryſhield appercaineth to the Lop, ſworde, and halt not made himto ttanve in great miferies,
ought to giue the and our king ta the oly one of Jirael. the battell. ENEN I which came
praife and glory Ig Chou pakett then in a vilion vnto 44 Thou hak cauled his dignitie tode- foone afterward
Oxely tothe. q thine Yelp one,t fatdcit, J hauelayd helpe cap, and calt bis throne to the ground, to palle atthe
p Inchac that vpon one that is mighty: J haue exalted 45 Che dayes of bis! youth halt then captiuity of Bas
our king hath one Choler out of the people, aula and coueredD Him with ſhame. bylon.
Powerto defend 20 J baue found Dauid my ſeruant:with ah. f He theweth
vs,itis the gift of mine holy opile bane J anopnted him. 46 e Loꝛde, how long wilt thou bive thy that the Kingdom
Ged, 21 Therfo mine hand thalbe eſtablſhed felfe,fez ener? Wal thy wath burneltke fire? fel before it came
q To Samuel & oe bim, and mine arme Hall ſtrengihen Remember © of what time J am: to perfection,de
to others,te af- him. wherefore ſhouldeſt thou create tn vayne all was ripe.
ſure that Dauid 22 The enemie Hall net oppzefle bim, the childzen of men ? The Prophet
was thy chofen neither ſhallthe wicked hurt him. f 48 TAbat manlineth, and Mall nat fee in ioyning pray- `
one. 23 But wil! oeltroy his foes befoze his Death? Wall hee deliver his ſoule from tye cr with his come
r whom I haue face,and plague them that bate him. hand of the grane? Selah. plaint, ſheweth
beth ckofen and 24 My tructh allo and my t mercy thalbe 49 Lode, where are thy foxmer mers that bis fayth nee
giuenhimftrégth with bim, and in my NMame ſhall his hone gens nitesthouſwarelt vnto Dania tn thy uer failed,
to execute his be exalted. À $ trueth? h Seeing mans
office,asverfi21. 25. 3 twill fethis hand allo in the ſea, and şo Remember,D Lowd,the rebuke of thy lifeis fhort, and
f Though there bis right band in the = floods. feruants, which I beare in my i bofome of thou haft created
| thal be euermore 26 He ſhall crie vnto mee, Thou art my all the mighty people. man to beftow
enemies againtt Lathes ay Hod, anv the rocke of my falSt fFork thine enemies haue reproched thy benefits vp-
Gods kingdome, uation. - thee, D Lode, becaule they haue reproched onhim, except
| yet he promifeth 27 AlloJ willmake him my firk borne, the !footttepsof thine Anointed. thou hafteto
| 60 oucrcome higher then thekingsoftheearth. §2 Pꝛaiſed bethe Lord fez euermoze. Do helpe,death will
them, 28 Wyp mercie will J keepe tor him foz beit euen (0 be it, preuent thee,
e I wil merciful- —— > and my concnant Mall tand fat i He meaneth,
ly performe my thhim. that Gods enemies did not only flander bim behind his backe,butalé
promifesto him, 29 wis ſeede alo will J maketo endure fo mocked him to his face,and as it were caft their iniuriesin his bo-
notwithftanding 2fo2 euer this throne as the Dates of heauen. fome. k So he calleth them that perfecute the Church, 1 They
his infirmities 30 But if bis childzen korſake my Lawe, laugh at vs which patiently waite fer the comming of thy Chrift.
and walke not in my indgements:
31 *Jf they becake my (tatutes, and keepe X P S/A Bee XC:
xot my commandements: N 1 Mofes in his prayer ſetteth before vs the eter-
32 Then will J vifit their tranſgreſſion nall fauour of God toward his, 3 who are neither
with the rod, their iniquity with ſtrokes. acimonifhed by the brensty of thesr lifesg nor by his
33 Wet my loning kiadnes wil J not take plagues to be thamkeful. 12 therefore Mofes pray-
from him, neither wil Jfallitic my truety. eth Gud to turne their hearts é~ continise his meye
34 Wy couenant will J not breake, noz cies toward them and their poftevity for ewer.
b alter the thing that is gone out of my lips. C A prayer of Moles the 2 man of Gon. a Thus the Scrip-
§ DhaueCwornc once by mine holineſſe, J Detstbeu halt bene our>babitation from tare vfeth to call
he’ fonne of + Hat J will not faile Danin, fying, $ generation to generation. the Prophets,
od, and the firft 36 His ſeede Malenduve foz euer and his 2 Before thes mountaines were made, b Thou hait bin °
orne, wherin he thzone (halbe ag the funne befaze me. and before thou hadſt foꝛmed thecarth, and asan houfe and
37 Ue Mall be ettablithed fo2 enermoreag the worlde, chen from euerlaſting to cuerta- defence vnto vs
the moone,andas a faith full ewitneſſe in the ſting thou art our Gov. inall our trous
heanen. Selah. vi 3. Thou 4turnei man to deftruction: bles andtrauels >
38 But thou hat veiected and abbozred, againe than ſayeſt, Returne, pee ſonnes of now thisfoure.
| cople the ftace thou bait bene angzy with thine anopnted. Avan. hundred yeeres,
of thiskingcome 39 Chou halt “boken the coucnant of 4 © For athouland peres in thy fight are c Thou halt
Hecayed:yetGo as pelterDay whenit ispat, and as a watch chofenvstobe `
| refertied fili a roote, til] he hadaccomplifhed this promiſe in Chrifte in the night. thy people be-
2.Sam.7.14. a Though the faithfull an{were not in all poynts to § Chou halt f ouerflowed them: they are
fore the founda-
heirprofeffion , yet God will not breake bis couenant with them, as A ſleepe: tu the nioaning hee groweth itke
tions of theworld
| b For Godin promifing hath refpe& to his mercy, and not to mans the grafie: were laid. A
ower inperforming, tEdr.1fIlievnto Dawid: which is a maner of d Mofes by la-
ath. c Aslongasthe funne andthe moone endure,they fhall bee menting the frailtie and fhortneffe of mans liſe, moueth God to pity.
itneffesta me of this promie. d Becaufe of chehorribleconfufien e Though man thinke his life long,which is in deed moft fhort, yea,
f things the Prophet complaineth to God as though he faw not the though it were a thouſasd yeeres: yet in Gods fight itisas nothing,
erformance of hispromife. And thus difcharging hiscares on God, and as the watch that lafteth butthrechonres. f ‘Thowtakeft them
| herefifteth doubt and impatiencie. away fuddenly as witha flood,
6 In

Thefhortneffe of mans life. Pfalmes. The prouidence of God. 23r

6 In the moning itflouriheth ¢ grow: the Barkenes: norofthe plague that deſtroy⸗
eth, burin the cucntag it is cut Downe and eth at noane day.
withereth. £ 7 Athouland hal fal at thp fine and ten f The godly thal
g Thoucalieft 7 For we are s conſumed by thine anger, thoufand at thyright hand, but it fail not haue fome expe-
vs by thy rods and by thy wrath are we troubled· comencerethee. — <— rience of Gods
to confider the 8 Thou bat fet our iniquities before 3 Doubtieſſe with thine ‘eyes fhalt thou judgementsa -
fhortnefie of amr thee, and our fecret Annes in the light of thp behold and fee the reward of the wicked. gainit ý wicked -
life,and for out countenance. TeK 9 Foꝛ thou haſt fayde, Che Loꝛd is mine euen inthis life,
finnes thou ab- 9 Fo all our Dayes ave pat in thine bope: theu batt ſet the moſt High to: thy re- but fully chey
bridgeft our anger; wee paue ſpent our pecresas a uge. fhal feeit at that
daics. thought. at | 10 Chere fhall none cuil come bato thee, day,» ben ail
h Our dayesare 10 Che timeof our life is thzeefcore peres neither tall any plague come nesre thy ta- things hall be
not onely fhorr, and tenne.and tf they be of rength,i foure- bernacle. reuciled,
bat miferable,for {coze peeres: pet their firengthis but labour IL g For bee halt giue Sig Angels charge g God hath noe
afmach as our and ſorꝛrow: fo? it iscut off quicklp,and wee ouer thee, to keepe thee in allthy wayes. appoynted cuery
finnes daily pro» flee away. 12 Thep hall beare thee in their hands, manone Angel,
uoke thy wrath, Il * CGho knowerh the power of thp that thou hurt not typ foote againſt a ſtone but many to be
i Meaning,ac- wrath? foz accozding tə thy feareis thine an: 13 Thou ſhalt walke vpon the tyon and minifters of bis
cording to the ger. alpe: the 4 pengipon and toe Dragon fhalt —— to
common ftate of 12 Teach vs fo to number our Dayes, thou tread vnder teete, ecpe his and de-
life. —— wee map applic our hearts vntol Wiſe⸗ 14 i Becaule he hath loned me, therefore fendthem in
k If mans life ome. will J deliver him: F willerale him becaule their vocation,
forthe breuity 13 Returne,(D Loyd,” how long?) and be bath knowen mp Flame, Í which is the way-
be miferable, be |ipacttied toward thy feruants. 15 Mee fhall cali vpon mee, and J will to walke in
much moreif thy 14 Fill vs with thy mercy in the moz> beare him: 3 will be with him tn trouble; J without temps
wrath lye vpen —— fo ſhal we retopce and bee glad all our will deltuer hun, andgtozite bim. ting God.
it,as they which ayes. 16 Uith klong life will J fatiffie him, h Thou fhalt not
feare thee,on<ly Is Comfortvs accosding to the Dapes and Hew pim my ſaluation. onlybe preterued
know. that thou hatt afflicted bs,& according to the from all cuill,
} Which is by peeres that we baue ſeene entit, but euercome it whether it bee fecret or open. i Toaflure the
confidering the 16 "Let thy woke bee feene toward thy faithfull of Gods protection, hee bringethin God to confirme the
fhortneffe of our ſexuants, and thy glory vpon thefro children. fame, k Forheiscontented with that life,that God giveth:for by:
life,& by medita- 17 Andletther beauty of the Lozd our death the fhortneffe of this life isrecompenfed with immortalitie,
ting the heauenly God be bpon vs, and Direct thou the wake
Borgen oer? 2 of our hands vpon baeuen direct the worke PSAL, XCXII,
m Meaning.wile of onc hauds. 1 Thi Pfalme was made to be fang on the Sab-
thou be angry? bath, to ſtirre up the people to acknowledge God,
HOr take comfort inthy ferwauts. n Even thy mercy, which is thy and to prayfehim in bis rporks: the Prophet reior-
chicfeſt worke. o As Gods promifesappertained afwel to their po- cethtberein. 6 But the wicked is not able to con~
fterity,as to them,foMofes praieth for the pofierity. p Meaning, fider that the ungodly, when he is mof flourifling,
whé he ceafed to do good ro hisChurch. q For Shall moſt [peedsly perilh: 12 Fnthe endis defers
that it was obfcured,
except thou guide vs with thine bolg Spirit, our enterprifes can baue bed the felcitie of the iuft,planted ip the honfe of
mo good fuccefie, y God to prayfethe Lord.
PSAL XCI € A Palme or fong Fo2 the ·Sabbath day. a Which tea=
t Heereis defcribed in what affurance hee li- jTs a good thing to prayle the £010, and cheth that the
neth that putteth his whole truſt in God and com- tofing bute thy Manie-D moft High, vie of the Sab-
mitteth himſelfe wholly to bis protections: alten- 2 Go declare thy loning kindneſſe tn the bath flandeth in-
tations. 14 A promifeef God to thofe that lone b mozning,aud thy trueth in the night, prayfing God,
him, hnow him, andtraft in himy to deluer them 3 Gponane inirument of ten rings, and not onety
and giue them mmortall glory. on upon the viole, with the fong bpon the in ceafing from
‘a He that ma- V yr foDwelleth the + fecret of the arpe. worke,
keth God his moſt High, hall abide in the ſhadow 4 forthou,
Lon, hak made me glad by b For Gods
defence and of the Almightie. thy d wozkes,and 3) weil retopce in the works mercy & fidelitie-
truit, thal pet- 2 eJ willay vnto the Lode, D mine of thine hands $ in bis promi-
ceiut his pro- hope,and my fortreſſe: he is my God, in him 5 D Loꝛd, how gloptous are thy works! fes toward his,
reGion to bea will g trut. ? and thy thoughts are verp Deepe. | bindethem to
moft fure fafe- 3 Surely he will deliner thee from the 6 Ane vnwileman knoweth it not, and praife him contis
gard. < {nave of the hunter, and from the noplome a foole Death not vnderſtand thts, nually both day
b Being affured pettilence. : 7 (Uhen the wicked grow as the graffe, and night.
of this prote@i- 4 Wewillcouer thee onder his wings, and all the wo2kers of wickedneſſe doc fou- c Theinftru-
on,he prayeth and than Walt be fure vnder his feathers: rih)that they Wall be deſtroyed for ener, ments were then:
vnto the Lord. bis á trueth Hall be thy hield and buckler. 8 Butthou,D Lopd,are! moft High fez permitted, bur at-
c Tharis, Gods § * Chou alt not be afraid oftke feare euermoze. : Chrifis com-
helpe is moft ofthe night, nor of the arrowe that flictl bp 9 Foz loe,thine enemtes,D Lon; foz to, ming abolithed,.
ready for vs Day: thine enemtes thal perify: all the wozskersof d He theweth
whether Satan 6 Nor of the peftilence that walketh in iniquitte Hall be deſtroyed. what is the vſe
affaile vs fecret- ofthe Sabbath
ly, which he calletha fnare : or openly, which is here meant by the day : to wit,to. meditate Gods works, e That is, the wicked cone
peftilence, d Thacis, bis faithful keeping of promife to helpe fider not Gods works, nor hisiudgements againit them, and theres
thec in thy neceſſitie. e Thecarethat God hath ower his, ismoft fore moft iufily periſh. f Thyiudgements are moft conftant a>
ſufũcient to defend them from ali dangers. gainfi che wicked,and paffe cur reach.
The righteous flourith. Pfalines. Gods louing correction.
g Thou wilt lo But thou hattcealt mine homelike o Wethatf planted the eare, Hallbe not f He theweth
itresgthen them the Anicornes,
and J ſhallbeanointed wich beare
202 hethat formed the epe, fal be net thar ic isimpof-
withall power, fref ople. ce? fible,but God
andblefiz them II Sine eye allo (hal ſee my defire againſt 10 Dz bee that chatifeth the nations, thouldheare, fee
wich all felicity. fhall he not cozrect? hee that teacgety man
mineenemics: and mine cares Wall heare andvnderftand
h Thoughthe my wilhagatnt the wicked, that rile ypa
know/ledge,(hall he not know? their wickednes,
faithfull (ceme gaint me. _ ; Il Che Lowe knoweth the thaugbtsof g 1fGod punila | |
towitherand be < 12 The righteous Hall fourth like a man, that they are vanitie. whole nations |
cut downeby the palme tree, aud hail grow like a Cedar in 12 Bielled isthe man whom thou *chatkt+ for their fines, ic
wicked: yetthey Lebanon. leſt,OLogd, andteachetthiminthy Law, ismeere folly for
fhall growagaine 13 Buch as bee plantedin the houle of 13 That thou mapet gine him rest from any one man,or
andflourifh in © the Lozdz,thall tlourith in the courts of our the apes of cuill, whiles the pit is digged ellea fewe to
the Church of God. fo: the wicked. ; thinke that God
God,astheCe- 14 Thep thal Mil bring forth fruit in their 14 Hurely the Loyd will not faile bis peas wil ipare them.
darsdo in mount. i age: they halve fat and fourtining., pie, netther wiil be tozfake bisinbetitance. h God hach care
Lebanon, ls Ge declare that the Loꝛd my rocke is Ig Foi tudgement Wall returne toin- ouer bis, and
i Thechildren righttous, ſticẽ, and all the vpꝛight in heart hall follow
and that none iniquity is tn bun. chaftifech them
of God thal haue afterit. i for their wealth,
apoweraboucnatute, and Heir age (hall bring foorth mof freh 15 Mho will rife vp with me againthe that they Mould
fruits, wicked? or who wil take mp part againſt sor perilh for e-
Po SyAIEE XC LIL the workers of iniquitie? uer with the
Ee praifeth the power of God in the creation 17 Ifthe Lord had not k holpen mee, mp wicked.
of the worlde, and beateth downe all people which faule bad almoit dwelt in filence. i God will re-
Liftthemup againſt his Maicfly, 5 And prous- 18 tben Jſayd, My foote Lideth, thy ftoreche fate &
keth to confider his promiſes. mercy,D Lod, taped me. _ governement of
a As God by his Be Lorde a reigneth, and is clothed with Ig Juthe multitude ot mynthoughts in things to their
power and wife- maieſty: the Lord is clothed, and girded mine Beart, thy comfezts haue retopced my right vfe,and
dome bath made with power: thz wold alia ball bee cltabiie fo ule. g _ thenthegodiy
and goueracth (hed, that it caunot be mooued. 20 Hath the throne of iniquities felowſhip thall follow him
the world: fo 2 Thyothroneis eſtabliched of olde: thon with chee, which forgeth wong foz alaw? cheerefùlly.
muĝ the fame bee art from eueriaking. 21 They gather them together againſt k He complai-
our defeece a- 3 The foods bane lifted bp,D Loꝛd:the the foule of the righteous,
and condemne the neth ofthem,
gaint al enemies floods haue lifted vp their voyce: the floods innocent blood. which would nog
and dangers, lift vp their waues. 22 Butthe Lordis mp refuge, and my helpe him to re-
b Wherein thou Chewaueso€ the fea are marucilons God is the rocke of mine hope. _ fift the enemies:
fiteeftand gouer- though che nopie of many waters, yer the 23 And hee wili recompenle them their yet was affured
nek the world, Lord on high ismoze mighty. wickednes, ann. deſtroy them in thetr owne chat Gods helpe
c Gods power 5 Thy Itekimonies are very ſure:holines malice; yea, the Lozd our God hall deſtrop would not failes
appeareth in ru- becommeth thine houle,D Logd,foz euer. them. 1 WhenT
ling the furious thought there
waters, d Befides Gods power and wifedeme in creating, and £o- was no way but death, m In my trouble and diftreffe 1 euer found
uerning,his great mercy alfo appearethin that he hath giuen his peo- thy prefenthelpe n Though the wicked ludgespretend ĩuſtice in
ple bis word and coucnant. : l . opprefling the Church, yet they hauc not tha: authoritis of God,
P-CA +L: «XCF, o Itisagreattokenof Godsiudgement, when the purpofe of the
1 He praieth vnto God again? the violence and wicked is broken, but moft, when they are deftroyedin their owne
arrogancy of tyrants, 10 Warning them of Gods malice. ;
zudgements, 13 Then doth he comfort the afflicted PSAL. XCV.
ty the good iſſue of their afflictions, as hee felt ix a An earneſt exhortation to prayfe Gods 4 for
himfelfe,and did fèe in others, and by the rune of the cowernment of the world ér the election ofhis
the wicked, 23 Wham the Lord will destroy, Church 8 An admonition not to follaw the re-
- a Whoke office Oe God * the auenger,D God, the as bellion of the old fathers, that tempted God in the
‘itis to rake ven- uenger, hew thy felfe > cleacely. wildernef[2: 10 For she which they might not en-
geance on the 2 C€valechy felfe,Otudge of the world, ter into the land ofpromife.
wicked. and rendera reward tothe pound, oe letvsretopce vnto the Lord: {et
b Shew by ef- 3 Loꝛd, bow iong hall the wicked, How vs fing aaloude vnto the rocke of our a Hefheweth
fe& rhac thou long Hall the wicked: triumph? faluatton. I _ that Gods fer-
att judge of the 4 They pzateand [peake fiercely: allthe 2 Let bs come before his face with pꝛaiſe: uiceftandethnot f
worldtopanih workers of iniquitie vaunt themelues. {et us fing loud vnto him with Plalaics. in dead cereno·
the wicked, They dimite Downe thp people, D 3 Jo the Lozde isa great God, anda nies, butchiefly
c Thatis,bragge Loꝛd, and trouble thine heritage. great king aboue all> gods. in the facrifice
of their crueltie 6 Thep May the widowe and the ſtran⸗ A Jnwhole handare che deepe places of of prayfe and
andoppreflions get,and murther the fatherlefe. the carth,and thebeights of the mountains chanke/giuing,
or, efteeme c Det they fay, Che Lozd hall nat fee; are his: b Euenthe Ane
themfelues aboue neither willtie God of Jaakob regard it, 5 Totwhom the Gea belongeth :føz hee gels (who inre-
all others. 8 Underſtand ye vnwile among the peo» made it, and bis bands formed the drieland. ſpect of men
d Seeingthe ~—ple; and pe fooles, when wili pe be wile ? 6 Come,letvs d woꝛſhip and fall Down, are thoughtas
Church was then gods) are no-
fo fare opprefizd,it ought not to feemeftrange to ys, if wefee it fo thing in his fight : much leffe the idoles, which mansbraine inuen= f
now, and therefore we muft call to God co take our caufe in hande, teth, c Allthingsare gouerned by hisprouidence. d By thefe
e Hetheweththatthey are defperatein malice, forafmuch as they three words he fignifietia one thing, meaning, that they muft wholly
feared not God,but gaue themelues wholly to. doe wickedly. giucthemfelucs toferue God, ads
_ The praifeofGod, Pfalines. Idolaters confounded. 232
and kneele before the Lord out maker. - Lye? Lord reigneth: let the earth reioices a He beweth
7 Foꝛ he is our God, we are rhe people iet the b multitude et the ples be giad, tbat where God
> of bis paure and tie tyeepe of bis ehand: 2 ¢ Cisudes and Darkenefle zre ronnd a⸗ reigneth, there is
„e Thatisthe — toDap,ifpe will heare bis royce, : bout bini righteouſneſſe and iudgement are all felicity and
flocke whom hee - 8 Harden not pour yeart, ag || in Mert⸗ the tounvationot his throne. fpirituall ioy-
gouermeth with bab,and agin the Day of ſMallah in the wile 3 There mall goca tirebefore bim, and b kor the Goſpel
hisowne hand. derneſſe. burne sp bis encmies round about. fha!mor be oncly
Hee fheweth 9 CUbere your fathers *tempted me, pra. 4 Vis lightuings carte light unto the preached in Iu-
whereinthey are ued ite, thougy they bad itene mp woke. wold: toecarth{awitandwasdafrayd. dea, hut thorow «
Gods focke: that 10. Foꝛtie peeres baue J contended with § Tbe monntaines melted like ware at all ylesand coun-
is,iftheyheare this generation, and ſaid, They are a people the pꝛelence ofthe Lorde, at the prense of treys.
his voyce. shat serrein heart,korthey haue not kuewen the Lad of tie whole earth. c Hee is thus de-
_ {By the contem- mp wayes, 6 The keanens declare his righteouſnes, feritedto keepe
ning of Gods Il Giberfore y
Jſware in my wath, ying, and all the people fee his glop. _ _ hisenemics in
word, Surely they Hail not eñter into my rekt, 7 Contounded bee all they that ſerue feareswhich con-
horin firfes grauen tmages,& that gloꝛy in Weles; woz» monly conremne
whereof theplace was fo called, |] Or ,tentatien,read Exo.17.7,Ex0, ibip Dun f all ye gods. Gods power.
19.2.UM.14,22. g They were without iudgement and teaſon. 8 Zion heard of tt,and was glad: andthe d Thistesre brin-
h Thatis,into the land of Canaan,whcre he promifed them reft, sdaughters of Judah retoiced, beccan of thy geth not the wic-
’ PESHA 1... CGV, tudgements,D Lov. > kedtonucobe=
3 An exhortation both tothe Levees and Gentiles 9 Foꝛ thou Lod art mot high aboue al! dience, but ma-
to praife God fer his mercie. And this efpecially the earth thou art much exalted aboue all ketbthem torun
ought to be referredtothe kincdome of Chrift, gods, away from God,
a The Prophet S388 2 pnto the Lord anew tong: fing bi: Io Pethat lene the Lom, hate euill: he e He fignificth
fheweth that che to the Lozd,alithecarth, r pꝛeſerũeth the ſoules of bis Saints: hee will that Gods iudge-
time hall come, 2 ,ing wnto the Lod, and mayi bis deliuer them from the hand ofthe wicked. |métsareina ca-
that all nauons ame ; Declare bis faluation from dayto _ AL {Light ts (owen foz the righteous, and dinefit todefroy.
fhall haue oceafi- Day. } I toy for the upright in heart. the idolaters, -
ontopraife the 3 Declarehis glory ameng all nations, 12 Reioyce perigitcous inthe Low, and f Leal ý which
Lordtorthere- and his wanders among all people.- gine thanks fo: dts polpkremembzance, is eftecmedin the
uciling of his 4. Foz the Lozdis great ans much to be : world,fall downe
Gofpel. patted; bets tobe feared aboucall gods. beforehim. g The Tewes fhal bané occafion to reioyce the Gene
b Seinghe will § Foralthe gods ofthe people arelidols: tilesare made partakers with them of Gods fatiour, bh Here quireth
seutilehimtlfe buttheLoacmadetheheaucns. two things of hischildren: the one, that they deteft-vice, the other,
toalnationscon: 6 4 Strength andglozyare before him; that they put theirtruft in God for theirdelitctance. i Though
trarytotheir. power and beautie are in hisQanctuaty. Gods deliuerance appeare not fuddenly,yer it is owen and layd vp in
owneexpe&iti- 7. Gine vnta the Low, yee familtcs of ftore forthem, `k` Be mindful of his ben: fits,and only trult in bis
‘en,they ought all the people: giue vnto the Lod glozy and defence,
toworlhiphim £ power, : P'S ALL. SXCY EIT.
contrary tother 8 Giue vnto the Lore the glory of bis L An earneft exhortation te all creatures te
owneinaginati- Name: bing fau offering, and entry inta praiſe the Lard for his power,mercy, co fidelity in
ens, andonely as his coutts. —9 3 his provasfe byChriff, 10 by whom he hath comms
-Pehathappoyn- 9 Célozivip the Lod in the glorious fant nicatedhe (aluationto all nations.
ted, tuary: tremble before him áll the carth. Sek oni @€ Aypiatme. - E
HOr, vanities. 10 Bap amoung the e nations, The Lord Sins: vnto the Lozd a newe iong: for he a That is fome
c Then theidols, reigneth: ſurely the wold Wail be ftable,and Ohacth Done matuciions things: * hisright fong newly made
or wharfoeuer not mooue, and he Hall iudge the people rin panve and his holyb arme paue gatten hun in token of their
.made not the righteouſneſſe. the btctezp.- , wOderfull deliuce-
heauens, are not Ii Let the heauens retopce, and letthe 2 CheLozdneclared his faluation: his rance by Chriſt.
God, earth begian ;let the learoare, and all that righteouthes bath pe rewetles tithe ight of F/<-s9.16.
dGodeannotbe thettin ts, F the natiens. ©; b He preferveth :
knowen,butby 12 Let the Belo be ioykul, and al that ts in 3 ee Hath dremembzed hte mercie ang bis Church mirae
hisfirenethand ft: let allthei trees of the wood then reioice bis truth toward the boule of Fitaels aliche culcufly,
glory: the fignes 13 Betozethe Lords Eo? be cometh, fog ends of the earth paue ſeene tye (aluationof c Forthe deli-
whereof appeare he commeth totudge the earth:bewil indge Dit Goose rl ae uerance ofhis -
inhisfan@uary. the world with rightcoulues, andthe people 4 lithe earth, fing yee lawd vnto the Church.
e As by seen in dis trueth. Loidscry out and reiapce.and fing praiſes. d God was mo--
nce ye fee that 5 Ding patie tothe Lòd bpon tye barpe, ucd by none o-
epee duevnto him, f By offeringvp your felues wholly vato euen bpon the Harpe with afinging opce. ther meanesto
| God, declare that you worfhip him onely, g Hee prophefieth that Mithe Halmes and found oftrumpets gather bischusch -
the Gentiles fhalbe partakers withthe lewes of Gods promife, h He fing lowd before the Lod the King. of the Tewes<nd '
fhallregencrate them anew with his (pirit,and reftore them to yimage 7. Let the tea roare, and allthat therein Gentiles, bur be-
ofGod, i- 1f the infenfible creatures [hall haue caufe to reioy ee, is,the woꝛld and they that Dwell therein, ~ canfe he would
‘| when God appeareth,much more we,from whom hee hath taken ma- 8 Let the foons clap their hands, and tet performe his
lediction a finne.
diction and Sips LETE the mountaines reioyce together promiſe.
_ 9 Before the Lorde: foz heeis cometo e Bythis repeti--
1 The Prophet exhorteth all to reioyce forthe iudge the earth: with righteouſueſſe Hail Be tion and earnelt
comming of the kincdome of Chrift,7 dreadfull to iudge the world, and che people with equity. exhortation ro
the rebels and idolaters, 8 and ioyfullto the iuſt, ; give prais with i
_ whomhe exhorteth to innoc encie, 12 to reioycing inftruments,and alfo of the dumbe creatures,he fienifigth j the world :

and thanke[ciming, is neuer ableto praife God [ufficiently For their deliuerance, -
ii P'S AL.
God heareth his. P falmes é The duety of Magiftratess |
t PSAL. XCIX. 2 FT twill Doe wilely in the perfit way > till
t He commendeth the power,equity and excel- thou commeſt to me : Jwil walke tn the vp- b Though as yee
lencyof the kingdome of God by (hrsft ouer the aaa of mine beart tn the mids of mine thou deferreft te
Temes.& Gentiles, 5 and prouoketh them to mag- oufe. place mein the
nifie the fame, and to ferue the Lord, 6 falloaing 3 J willt no wicked thing before mine kingly dignity,
the example of the ancient fathers, Mofes,Aaron, eyes:a hare sthe work ofthem that falaway; yet wil I giue my
Samuel,who calling vpo God, wereheard in their it Halinot cleaue vnto me. felfe ro wifdome
pracers. 4 Afroward heart Hall depart from me; & vprightnes be-
a When God T He Lo2d reigneth,let thea people trem- J will know none enill. ing a ptiuat mam,
deliuereth bis ble: be litter betweene the Cherubims, S Vim thatåpztuily ſlandereth his neigh- c Hetheweth
Church,all the let the earth be moued. ; bour will J deftroy : bim that bath a proude that magiftrates
enemies [hall 2. The Loz is great in Zion and he ts hye — bieheart,F cannot ufer. do not their dues
haue cauſe to abone all the people. ine eyes fhalbe unto the ¢ faithfullo€ ties,<xceprthey
tremble. 3 Thep hal sees thy great and fearefut theland,ý they may Dwell with me: be that be enermesto alt
Exod.25.22. same for itis help.) watketh ina perfect way,beWall ferue me. vice,
b Though the 4 And the kings power that loueth indg- 7 There ail no deceittall perfon dwell d In promifing
wicked rage a- met! for thou bal prepared equttp:thon patt within mine boule: be that telleth tics, hall to punith thefe
gaint God, yet erecuted tudgement and tuftice inJaakob. not rematne in my fight. vices, which are
the godly hall § Eralt the Loꝛd our God, and fall dows 8 Betimes willJdeſtroy all the wicked moft pernitious
prale his Name betoze bis € footſtoole: forheis holy. ofthe land, that J map cut off all the woz in them that are
& mighty power, » Moles and Aaron were among bis kerg of iniquity from the citie of the Lord. about kings, hee
e Thatis before Peieſtes, 4 and Samuel among fuch as call declareth that be
his Temple or vpon his Mame:thele called vpan the Lod, willpunifh all. e He fheweth what isthe true vſe of the fwerd : to
Arke, where he and be beard them. 2 punith the wicked, and to maintaine the good. £ Magiftrates muft
promifed to 7 Hee pake onte them in the cloudy pil- immediatly punith vice, left it growto further inconveniences and if
heare when they lars they Rept his teſtimontes, and the Law heathen Magiftrates are bound to dee this,how much more they that
worthipped him, that he gaue them, haue the charge of the Church of God?
as now he promi- S hou heardeſt them,D Loyd our God:
feth his ſpirituall thon watt a fauourable Goo vuto chem, PSAL. -CII
preféence, where- though thon dioſt take vengeance foz their 1 Ft feemeth that this prayer was apprintedto
foeuer his church inuentions. the faithfulto pray inthe captiuity of Babylon. 16
is aflembled. 9 Exalt the Lord our God, and falldown A confolation for the building oftheChurch: 18
d Vader thefe betoze bis holy miauntaine ;foz the Lod our Wherof falloweth the praiſe ofGod te be publifhed
three hee cdpre- God ts holy, te al pofterity. 22 The conuerfion of she Gentiles,
hendeth ý ‘whele 28 andthe flability ofthe Charch.
people of Ifrael, wich whd God made hispromife. é For the mote CA paier of the afflictes,waben be Hall be a Wherbyis fig-
liberally that God dealeth with bis people,the more docth he punith in diſtreſſe, and powe forth his meditati= nified, that albeit
them that abule
pis benefits, ; on before the Lod. i we bein neuer ſo
PS Acie. O Lom, heare my prayer, and let my’ cerie great miferies,
s He exhorteth alto [’rue the Lord, 3 whe hath comic unto thee. : i yetthereiscuer
chofen us, aud preferued us: 4 andto enter into 2 Hide not thp face from merin the time place left for
his afemb tes to praife his name. of my trouble ; incline thine eares unto me: prayer.
@ & Platine of maie. when J call make hatte to heare me. b He deelareth $
a He prophefiech Sis ape loud vnto the Le: all the earth. 3 Foz my Daies are cconſumed like finoke, in our prayer wee
that Gods bene- 2 Herne the Lord with gladnes: come and my bones are burnt like an hearth, muft huely fecle
fit in galling the befoze hun with toyfulneffe. 4 Wine heart is ſmitten, and withereth that which we
Genijles,(halbe 3 Know pe that euen the Lord is God: he aar gralle, becaule J forgate 4 to cate mp defire,and ſted-
fo great,that they ‘hath > mane vs and not we our ſelnes: we are ead. fafily beleeue to
fhal haue won- pis people and the ſheepe of hts paſture. § Foꝛ the voyce of my groning mp bones obtaine.
derfull occafion 4 «Enter into hts gates with praife, and Doe cleaue to mp fkinne. c Thefe exceffiue
to praife his mere into bis courts with retopcing ; pꝛayſe him, 6 Jam like acpelicanof the wildernes: Kindes of {peech
cie and reioyce, and bleffe his flame. : J am like an owle of the Belerts. fhewe how much
b Hee chiefly §, For the Lorde ts good: his mercy is d e» 7 J watch and amas a ſparrow alone vp⸗ ý affliGion of rhe
. meaneth, tou- uerlaſting and bis truth isfrom generation onthe boufetop. , Church ought to
ching the fpiritu- to generation, 8 Mine enemies renile mee Daily, and wound the hearts
all regeneration, they that rage againſt mee, bance f ſworne a> ofthe godly.
_ wherby we are his fheepe and people. e He fheweththat God wil gaint me, d My forrowes
not bee worfhipped, but by that meanes which hee hath appoynted. 9 Durely Jhauee eaten ahes as bead, were fo great
d Hedeclareth, that we ought neuer to bee weary ĩn pray fing him, and mingled my danke with weeping, that I paffed not
_ fecing his mercies toward vs laft for cuet. Io Becaule of thine *tndignation and for mine ordinae
PLAU ICT thy wrath: foz thou batt heaued me bp, and ty foode.
1 Dauid defiribeth what government he wilob⸗ cait me downe. ; e Euer mour-
ferue in his houfè and kingdome, 5 He wil punifh IX My daves arclike a ſhadow that fa- ning and folitary
and correct by rooting foorth the wicked, 6 and Deth, and Fam withered like grafie. calting out feare.
chers{hing the godly perfons, 12 But thou,D Logv,doelt iremaine foz full cries,
© A Wialine of Dauid. f Haue confpired
a David confi. peau fing mercie and tudgement: vnto my death. g Thaue not tifen outofmy mourning to take my re-
dereth what ma- theeD Lord, will J ting. fection. h He theweththat the affliGions did not onely thus moue f
_ ner of king hee him, but chiefly the fecling of Gods difpleafure. i Howfoeuer wee iy
would be whenGod fhould place him in the throne, promifing epen- be fraile : yet thy promife is fure, and the remembrance thereof halt
lythat he would be merciful and int, confirme vs for eter.
4 Gods care ouer his. Pfalmes. The mercies of God. 233
euer, andthy remembrance front generation 4 Ahich redeenieth thy life from the
to generation, c graue, and crowneth thee with mercie aud c For before that
13 Chou wilt arife, and hane mercy vpon tompaitions. _ : we have renuſiõ
Zion: foz the tine ta haue merciethereon, 5 chich fatifficth thy mouth with geod ofour ſinnes, we
k Thatis.the toz the k appointed time ts come. things; aud thy d youth is renued like the are asdead men
feucntie yecres, 14 Foꝛ thy (eruants delight inthe ! Tones eagles. in thé graue.
which by f Pro- thercofand baue pitie on the Dutt thereof. 6 The Loyd executeth righteculnes and d Astheeag'e,
phet leremie 15 Then the heathen thal fearethe Mame iudgement to all that are oppreſſed. when her beake
_ thou diddeft ap- AaaLow, and allthe Kingsoft the carth 7 He mave bis wayes knowen vnto WPa: oucrgrowerh,
| ‘point, ler.29.12. P gi02y, fes,& his wozkes vnto the chilbze ef Iſrael. fuckeh blood,
4 Themore that 16 Ahen the Lom ſhall builde bp Sion, 8 She Low is full of compaffion ¢ mer- and is fo renued
cthe Church isin and all appeare = in his glory, tie, flow to anger and of great kinduefie. ip firergth, cuen
)mifery and defo~ 17 And bail turne vnto the prayer of the 9 we will notalwap! chide, neither keepe fo God miracu.
lation, the more Delolate, and not deſpiſe their paver. his anger f0? euer. louſſy giveth
ought the faith- 18 This hallbe wattten forthe generas IO ee hath nots deal with bs after our fireng*h to his
full to loue and tion te come ; and the people which thall bee finnes, no? rewarded vs accozding te our Church aboue
pitieit, a Created, Mall praiſe the Lord. iniquities. all mans expe-
m — is, when 19 Foꝛ hee bath looked Downe from the II Foꝛ as high as the heauen ts aboue the Gation,
he fhalhaue dra- Height of bis Sanctuary: out of theheauen earth. fo great is his mercie toward them e. Asto his
wen bis Church DID the Lod behold the earth, 5 that feare him. chieft miniftery
out of the darke- 20 That benught beare the mourning -I2 As farre as b the Cat is from the and next to his
nesof death, xaNpꝛiſoner, and Deliner the chinn. of Meſt: io farre bath he remooued our finnes people.
n Thedeliue. eati; from bs. ; f£ He theweth
rance of the 21 That they may declaretheMame of 13 As a father hath compafiton on bis firft his feuere
Church ia a moft the Lord in zZion, € bis peatiein Jeruſalem, children, fo bath the Lord compafiion on judgement,
excellent bene- 22 Cdiben the people fhalbe gathered r to» them that feare him. fo fooneas the
_ fit, and therefore gether, t the kingdomes toferuc the Lod. 14 F0: he kuoweth whereofwebedhor: s
finner is hum⸗
he comparcth it 23 Hee a abated my Rrength tn the way, he remembzeth that we are but duſt. bled ,hereccineth
to anew creati- and ſhortened my Dayes. 15 The dayes ofimanare as grafie: ag him to mercy.
' on: forin their 24. And J fayde, D my God, take me not a owe of the feln,ſoflouriſheth ye- : g Wehbguepro-
banifhment the awap in the mids of my Bayes ; thy peeres 16 forthe winde goeth ouer it, and it is by continu
body ofthe endure from generation to generation. gone, and the place thercof hall know it no all experience
Church feemed 25 Chau pak afoetime layd the founda» moze. that bis mercie
to haue bene tion of the earth, and the heauens are. the 17 But theloning kindnefle of the Lord hath euer pre-
dead, which by workesof thine bands, endureth fo} euer and ener vpon theni that uailed againft
deliuerance was 26 © Thep Hallperth, but thou halten- feare bun, and bis * righteoulnefe vpon our offences,
as it were created Dure: euen they all hall ware olde as doeth chilazens chtldzen, : h Asgreat asthe
anew, agatment : as avefiure Halt thou change 18 Unta them that keepe his |! couenant, world is, fo full
o Whonowin them, and they thalbe changed. and thinke bpon His commaundenients to is it of
fignes of,
their banithment 27 But thon art the lame, and thy peeres Doe them. A Gods mercies toa
could looke for fhall not faile, } 19 The Lord hath prepared bis thzone in -ward his faith-
nothing but 28 The childzen of thy feruants fall heauen , and bis kingdome ruleth ouer all. ful, when he hath
death, continue, aud theirleede hall tand! fait in 20 Pꝛaiſe pe p Lord,ye his Angels,that remooued their
p Hee thereth thy ght. ercellin ſtrength, that Boe bis commaunde- finnes.
that Gods Name ment inebeying the voice ofhis wod. r He declareth
is neuer more praifed then when religion flourifheth, and the Church 21 {zaile the Lozd,all ye his hoſtsvebis that man hath
increafeth : which thing is chiefly accomplthed vnder the king- feruants that doe hts pleafure. nothing inbim-
dome of Chrift, q The Churehlament that they fec notthe time 22 Pꝛaiſe the Loz, all pe his workes, in felfe to mooue
of Chrift, whichwaspromifed, buthauebut fewe yecresand fhort all places of his Dominion: my foule, pꝛaiſe God to mercie,
es. r Ifheauenand earth perifh, much more man (hall perith: thouthe Loz, but onely the
but ýChurch by reafon of Gods promifecndureth foreuer, -f See- confeflion of his
4ng thou haft chofen the Church ont of the world, and ioyned itto infirmitie & miferie. k Hisiuftand faithfull keeping of his pro-
shee, it cannot but continue forener : for thou art eueriafting, mife. 1 To whom he giueth grace to feare him, and to obey bis
PSAL. CIII word, m Inthatthatwe, which naturally are fow to praile God.
a He proucketh alto praifethe Lord,which hath exhort the Angels which willingly do it, we fitre vp our felues to
pardoned hu finnes, deluered him fr deftruttion, confider our duety, and awake out of our flugi(hnefie,
& ginen hin ſuſſicient ofal good things. 10 Tlen PSA TL CIIIL Bei wk z Go
hee addeth the tender mercies of God, which he É An excelent Palme to praife God ferthe
Phewith ke a moſt tẽder father toward hu chil- creation of the warld, andthe gouernance of the
dren, 14 The fraslie of manslife. 20 Anex- fame by his marueilous prousdence, 35 wheriz the
hortation to men and Angelstopraifethe Lord, Provhet prayeth again{t the wicked,who are occa-
q A Phlme gf Danid. fions that Ged dimunifheth bes bleffings.
D foule, + prayle thou the Lord, and all M2 foule, parle chouthe Lot : D Low
that ts within me, praife his holy Maine. my Gov, thouart exceeding great thou
2 Myo ſoule, paile thou the Loz, foz arta clothed with glozy and honour — a TheProphet
{ing that boch get not all bis benefits. BUA 2 nich couereth hicaſelfe with light Mieweth that we:
midetitanding Thich > forgiueth all chine iniguitie aswith a garment, and ſprcadeth the hea· Need not enter
ind affeions, and healech all chine infirmities. uens likea curtaine. into chabesuens
inde and heart te {eeke Gnd, for-
fre too little to (et forth hispraife. bi This isthe beginning aud afiuch as all the orderof nature, with the propriccy and placing
chi felt of ailbenites; rem flion of finne, of the elements, are moft lively mirrours të fee his maic¢hly in.
Og 2 CAbicy

Gods.power andprouidence. Pſalmes. The loueof God.

D Asthe Prophet 3 Cibjicy laperh the beames ofbis cham- _ 28 Thor ineft it to them,and they gather
herefheweth ` bergin the waters, aud maketh the cloudes it : Chou openeit chine yand, andtheyp are ttt
tharallviffole his charet, and walketh vpen the wings of led with good things.
powers are ready the winde. aes 29 Bu: if thou r hide thp face, they are p As by thy pree
to ferue God fo CUbich > maketh the irits his mel troubled : if thou take away their breath, fence alithings
the Apoftlero ſengers, ad a flaming ttre bts miniſters. they dic, and returne to their Dutt. haue life: fo, if
theHed.i.g-be- § He ſet the catth vpon ber foundations, 30 Againe,if thous ien’ foogth thy Mirit, thou withdraw
koldsthisthis fo thatit ſhall neuermoue. they are created, and thourenuett the face thy bleffings,
glaſſe, how the 6 Chouconeredtt it with the « deepe, as ofthe earth. they all perilh.
very Angels alo with a garment: che? waters would tano 31 Olorte bee to the Loge for eucr siet the q Asthedeathof |
areobedientro aboue the mountaines. i 020 retoyte in bis works. creatures ſhew⸗
his commande- Bur at thy rebuke they fleesat the botce 32 Hee lookerh onthe earth and it treme eth that we are
- ment. of thy thunder thep hatte away. bleth : he toucheth tke mountaints, anv ‘nothing of our
c Thoumakelt And the mountaines afcend,and the they « fmoke. felues:fo their ge-
thefeatobean valleyes — ta b place which thou batt 33 Iwill fing onto the Lod al! my life: neration decla-
ornament vnto gabitz forthe. : J wili paile mp God, while Fliue. reth that we re«
the earth. Bur thou att (et them abound, which 34 Let my wozdes bee acceptable vnto ceius all things
d Ifbythypow- they thallnor pane ; they all not returne te hint; J will reioyce in the Lom. of our Creator,
erthoudidd: couer the earth. j ; 35 Let the inners bee! confumed out of r Gods merci-
not bridle the Io ee lendeth the ſprings intothe val- theearth, and the wicked till there bee no fuil face giueth
rageofy waterss Leys, which rum betweene the mountatues. moze ; D mylouie, paik thouthe Love. ftrengtk to the
it were not pofi- If They pal giue dinke to at thebeats Pꝛaiſe pee the Lozd. earth, but his fe=
blebut whole ofthe field, andthe wilde afles hal quench uere coũtenance
world(houldbe their thirtt. i burneth the mountainess f Who infeéthe wor Id, and fo canfe
deſtroyed. 12 Bptheleflprings Hal the loules ofthe God thathe cannot reioyce in hisworks, —”
e IfGodprouide heauen dwel, and fing among thebsanches. PSAL. CV. es
for very beats, 13 Eee watereth the mountaines from xı Hee praifechthe fingular grace ofGod who
‘much more will hiss chambers, and the earth te fiica with hath of all the people of the world chofen a pecu-
heeextendhis thefruitof thy works. har people to himſelſe,c hauing chofénthem, ne-
3 topronident
care 14 He cauſeth grafe to grow forthe cat»
teli, and berbe forthe vle ot man, that hee
wer ceafèth to do thé good
exe forhu prome(e fake
pe the Led, and call vpon bis fame:
f Thereisnopare may bing toti bꝛead ont of the earth, a Declare his wozkes among the people. a Forafmuch
of the world fo 15 Aud wine chat maketh glad the heart 2 Ding vite him, fing patie vuto him, as the lfraelites
barren where = of mai, and oyle to make the face to thine, and taike of all his wondrzous works. were exempted
moft evident and bread that ttrengthenctl mans Heart. 3 Reioyce in bis holyname: let the heart from thecom-
fignesof Gods 16 Che high trees are latiſtied, even the of them that ſeeke the Lord, reiovee. mon condemngs
bieflings appeare cedars of Lebanon, which be hath planted. 4 Secke the Lew and bis > Rrenath: tionof the.
not. 17 That thebirds map make their netts feeke bis facecontinually, world, ana were
g From} clouds, there; the ſtoꝛke Dweileth in the firre trees. Remember His ¢ marueileus wozkes, eleGed to bee
h Hedefcribeth 18 The pigh mountaines are foz the that hee bath Bone, his wonders ana the Gods people,
Godsprouident |]goats:the recks area refuge fo: the conies. ‘tudgements ofbismouty, the Prophet
care ouer man, 19 üe appointeth the i moane tor certaine 6 Dee lcedeof Abraham hts ſeruant, ye willeth them
who doethnot feaions : k thefunne knoweth bis going cbtlozen of Jaakob, which are his elect. to fhew them.
onely provide Downe. 7 Hee is the Lom our God; his tudges felues mind full
neceflary things 20 Thou maket Darkenefle, and it is ments are thozowalltheeatth. by thankefgi-
forhim,asherbs night, wheretnall the beattes of the foit 8 Hee hath alway remembzed his coue⸗ uing,”
and othermeare: crecpe forth. nantand premtle, that hee made to a thou- b by the Rrength
but allo things 21 The lyons roare after their pray, and fand generations, r and face,he Mea-
to reioycesand ſeeke their meat! at Gov. } 9 Euenthattwhich he e made with Abra- neth the Arke
comforthim,as 22 Whentheiunnertleth, thepretire, and ham, and bis othe vnto Izhak: where God de=
wineandoyle, couch intheir dennes. 3 Io And fince hath conitrined it te Jaa clared his pow~
of ointments, 23 = Then goeth man forth to bis woke, kob fozalato : andto Ilrael foz an enerla- erand his pre-
HOr.does, roeSs,& and to bis labour till the euening. Ring coucnant, i fence.
fach hike. 24 D Lord, hows mantfolde are thy II Saying, Unto thee will J gine the c Which bee
i Astofparate workes ! in wileDome hak thou made theni land of Canaan : the lot of pour inheritance. hath wrought in
thenightirom all; theearth ts fuilofthy riches. 12 Albeit hey were kewe in number, yea, the deliuerance
the day, andto 25 Soisthis fea great and wide: for there. herp fewe,and ſtrangers in the land, of hispeaple.
notedayesymo- inarethings creeping innumerable, both 13 And watked abeut from nation to nae d Becaute bis
neths and yceres. ſinall beaſts and great. ; tion, fromone kingdome to another people, power was
k Tharis,byhis 26 There goethe hips, yeathat f Liuia⸗ 14 Yer{uffered hee no man to Doe them thereby as liue⸗
courfeeither far that, whom rhou halt made to play herein. wong, but repreued Kings fo? their fakes, ly declared, as
or nere, it noteth 27 ° Allehele watte vponthee.thatthou Laying, if he ſhould
` fommer, winter, mapeſt giue them food in Due alon. Is Touch not mine» annopnted, anddo have declared
& other feafons. k it by mouth.
1 Thais, they onely finde meat according to Gods prouidence e Thepromife which God made to Abrahsamto be his God and theft,
who careth euea for the bruit bealtes, m Towit, whentheday God of hisfcede after him., he renuedand repeated it againe to his
fpringeth : forthe lightis as it were a fhield to defend man againft ſeede after him, f- Hee fheweth that they fhould not enioy the land
theryrannie and fierceneffe of beats, n Hee confeffeth that no of Canaan by any other meanes,buc by reafon of his couenant made :
tongue is able to exprefle Gods workes, nor minde to comprehend with their fathers, g Thatis, theKing of Egypt and the King off
them, Or, whale. o Godisamoft nourifhing Father, whopro- Gerar, Gen.12,.17,and 20.3. h Thofe whom I haue fan@ifiedcoff |
pidech for all creatures their dayly food, be my people,
‘The plagues of Egypt. Pfalmes. Confeſſion ofſinnes. 234
i Meaning,the my i Pꝛophets no harme. : 7 foy,and his tholen with gladneſſe y When the Es
old fathers,to 16 Moꝛeouer he called a famine vpon the 44 Aud gaue them the lands vi the pea- gyptians lamen-
whom God land, and vtterlybrake the * ttafte of bread. then, and thep tooke the labours at the peo- ted and were des
thewed himfelfe 17 Burbetencaman before then: Joſeph pleinpefickion, 3 flroyed.
plainely,& who twas {old foz a flaue, f 4s Ghat they might z keepe bis ſtatutes z Thisis the
were letters forth 18 They held hts keete in the Kockes, and and oblerue bis lawes. Pꝛaile pethe Lod. end, why God
of his word, he was layd in pong. $ preferuetbhis
K Eithez by fen- Ig Untill his appointed time came, and Church, becaufe they fhould worfhip & call vpon him in this world.
ding {carcitie, or the counlell of the Loꝛd had tried him. PSAL, CVI.
by raking away 20 The Ring fent and looled him: cuen 1 The people diſperſedunder Antiochus doe
the ſtiength and the ruler of the people deliuered him, magnifie the gooducffe ef God among the iuſt and
nourifhmert 21 Hee made him lord of his boule, and repentant: 4 Defiring to be brought againe into
thereof, ruler of all hts ſubſtance { the land by Gods merciful vifitation, 8 And af-
1 So long he fuf- 22 That hee ould binde his = Pinces ter the manifold maruails of God wrought is
fered aduerfitic, — bis will, and teach bis Ancients wiſe⸗ their deliuerance forth ofEgypt,and the great ins
as God had ap- ome. Gratitude of the people rehearſed, 47 they do pray
pointed,and till 23 Then Ilrael came to Egypt, and Jaa· and defireto be gathered from among the heathen,
he had cried fuf- kob was a ſtranger in the land of ain. tothe intent they may praiſe the name of the God
ficiently his pa- 24 And hee wicrealed bis people excee· of Ifrael, 7
tience. Dinglp, and made them ſtronger then theirt z Œ Paifeypethe Loꝛ.
m That the very oppactiours. ~ Raife- pe the Lozd, becaule hee is good, a The Prophee
princes of the 25 = ee turned thelr beart to bate bis toz his mercy endureth foz ener. exhorteth the
countrey fhould people, and to Deale craftily with bis ſer⸗ 2. Aho can expzeſſe the noble acts of the people to praife
be at Iofephs Hants. Load, or thew forth all his pꝛayſe? God for hisbe-
commandement 26 Then fent hee Moles Fis feruant, and 3 Bleſſen are they that® keepe indgement, nefits paft, that
and learne wife- Saron whom be bad chofen. t and Do righteoutneffe at all times, thereoy their
dome at him. 27 Ther Hewed among them the mel 4 Remember me,D Lorm, with the < fa- minds may be
n Soit s in God, ape of vis lignes, and wonders in the landnone of thy people ; vifit me with thy falua- ftrengthened a-
either to mooue of iam. s tion, gaini all prefent
the hearts of the 28 Helent darkneſſe
and made it Darke : 5 That F may lee the felicity of thy cho- troublesand dee
wickedto loue and thep were not ° diſobedient vnto bts fen and retopce in the top of thy people, and {paire.
or tohate Gods commiſſion. glozp with thine inheritance. b He fheweth,
children. 29 *Hee turned their waters into blood, 6 Cie bane 4 Annen torth orm fathers:
we that it is not e-
o Meaning,Mo- and lew their ff, haue committed iniquity, & Done wickedly, nough to praife’
fes and Aaron. 30 * Their land brought forth frogs,cuen 7 Dut fathers vnderſtood not thy won- God with mouth
Exod.7.20. in their Kings chambers. ders in Egypt, neither remembzed they the except the whole
Exed.8 6. 31 Veer ipake, and there came ſwarmes multitude of thy merctes,but rebelled at the heart agree ther-
p. Sotbat this oftlies,and lice in all thetr quarters. Hea, cuen at the red Dea. unto, and all our
vermine came 32 Dee gaue them 4 haile fog raine , and 8 Neuertheleſſe,e he laned them foz his life be thereunto
not by fortune, flames of fire tn therr land. : Names fake, that he might make bis power framed,
but as God had 33 Weelinore their. vines alfo and thetr to be knowen. í c Letthe good
appointed,and üsse trecs, tbzake Downe the trees in there 9 And be rebuked the red [ea and it was will that thou
bis Prophet Mo» toaits. Dried vp, and he led them in theDeepe, asin beareft to thy
fes (pake. 34 ‘ie (pake,and the graſhoppers came, the wildernes. people, extend
q It was trange and caterpillers tunumerable, IO And he laued them from the aduerſa· vnto me, that
to fee raine in E- 35 And di care vp all the grafein their ries hand and Delivered them from the band thereby I may
ypt, much more lande > and Denoured che fruit of their of the enemy. f be receiued into
it was (carefull ground. IL * And the waters couered their oppzel: the number of
to {ce haile. 36 * Wee mote allo all the firſt bone in fours : not one of them was ieit. thine, -
r Hee (heweth nar ma > cucatie beginning of ail their I2 Then f belecucd they his words, and d By earneſt con
that all creatures rength. fang paile onto bim. $ feſſion, as vellof -
37 Ve brought them koorth allo with Til- 13 But tacontinently they korgate bis their owne , as
ucr and golde, and there was none feeble workes : thep waited not foz bis 2 counfeli of their fathers
amoung their tribes. ; 14. But infeed with concupiſcence in the finnes, they fhew
38 Egypt wast gt thetrdeparting : wilderneffe,and tempted God inthe deſert. tbat they had
Is Then he gaue themtheir vetre: but hope that God
fo: the feace of them had fallen ppon tyem.
39 He ſpred aclond to be a coucring, and be fent b leannefie into their lente. according to his
fire to gius light in the night. 16 They enuied Motes allo in the tents, promife would
40 Chey " alked, and be brought quaites, and Garon the boly one of the Lov. pitie them.
and he LlledD them with the bead of heauen. 17 Therefore the earth opened ana i oal e The ineftima-
When their 41 He opened therocke, and the waters lowed bp Dathan and coucred the company ble goodrtefle of
emics felt flowed ont, and ranne in the Dele places like of Abiram. God appeareth
a riuer. in this, that he
42 Foz he remembꝛed his = haly promiſe would change the order ofnature rather then his people fhould not
to Abraham bis ſeruant. be delivered, although they were wicked. Exod. 34.27. f The
pwere exempted, 43 And be brought forth bis people with wonderfull workes of God caufed them tobeleeue for atime, and
to praiehim. g They would preuent his wifedome and proui-
Blagues cauled them rather to depart with the Iſraelites then with dence. h Theabundance that God gaue them profited nor, but
ir liues. u Not for neceffitie , but for fatisfying of their luft, made them pine away, becaufe God curfed it. i By the greatneffe
: “Which hee confirmeth to the pofteritie,in whom afterafort the ofthe punifhment the hainous offence may be confidered : for they
d line and enioy the promiles, j that rifeagainft Gods minifiers, rebell againft him.
Og 2 18 Ana
Tiraels rebellions Pfalmes. Gods helpe prefentin trouble.
18 And the fire was kindled in their af 43. Dany
yatime din hee Beliner them, y TheProphet.
ſemblyr the Hante Burnt yp the wicked. Dut they prouoked him by therr counſels: Meweth thar net
19 They nave a calfe in oped, and wor⸗ therefore they were brought Downe bp their ther by menaces
Hippedthe moltenimage. iniquity. ` j 4 nor promifes wee
k Hefheweth 20 Thus they turned their * glory inta 44 Vet he law when they were tt atiite- can come te God
that all idolaters the fimilituoe of a bullocke, that eateth fion,and he hear’ theit cry. except we bee al-
renounce God graile i * 45 And heremembzed hts couenant to: together newly `
to be their glory, 21 Wher forgate Gad their Santour, Ware them, and z repented accozDing to the reformed, & that
when in ftecd of which had cane great things inEgypt, multitude of is mercies, his mercy ouere
him they worfhip 22 onderous workes in the land of 46 And gaur them fauour tn the fightof couer and hide
any creature, Ham and Fearefull things by the red (ea. ali them thatled them captiues. our malice,
much more, 23 Therekore he minded to deſtroy the, 47 Haur vs, D Lod our GoD, and gå z Notthat God
wood, ſtone, me- bad not Moies his choſen ſtood in p breach therus from aniong the heathen, that weg ischangeable in
tall,or calues. Before him toturne away bis wath, icat may praite thine Holy Manie, and glozp in himfelte, but that
1 1f Mofes by his he Gould Derap them. thy paii. then he feemeth
interceffion had 24 Allo thep contemned that” plealant: 48 Wicked be the Lord Godot Jiraci foz to vsto repent,
not obtained landani belecucd not Dis wozd, euer and euer, and let allthe people fay. Go when he alterech
Gods fauour a- 25 ‘But mucmured tn their tents, and be tt. Daile ye the Lozd. his punifhment,
gainft their re- hearkened not vnto the voyceot the Lod. and forgiueth vs, :
bellions. 26 Therefore» Hee lifted wp hishanda- a Gatherthy Church whichis di(perfed,and giue vs conftancy vader.
m That ic,Cana- ame them, to Deitrop them in the wider: the crofle,that with one confent we may all praife thee.
én, which was as nefe, 4 PSAL, CVII.
it were an earnelt 27 And to Delroy their (eede among the 1 The Prophet exhorteth all thoſe that are re-
peny of the hea- nations, and to ſcatter them thꝛoughout the deemed by the Lord,črgathered vato him to gine
uenly inheri- countreys. thanks 9 for this mercifull prouidence of God ga-
tance. 28 They ioyned themſelues allo vnto ucrning allthings at hw good plea(ure, 20 fending
n Thatis,hee o —— Did eate the offrings of the good and euill, profperity and aduerfity to bring
fware, Sometime p Dead. men unto him. 42 Therefore asthe righteous ther-
alfo it meaneth, 29 Thus they apꝛouoked him vnto anger a resoyce, [0 [hall the wicked hase their mouthes
to puniſb. With their owne inuentions. and the plague opped.
‘o Which was beake in vpon them. pie a the Lod, becanle he is good: foz a This notable
theidole of the 30 Bůt Phinehas oode vp, and eres bis mercy endureth fo ever. fentence was in
Moabites. ee tubgement , and the plague was 2 Letthem> which hauebene redeemed the beginning
p Sacrifices offe- ayed. of the Lode, hewebow hee bath delinered vied as the foore.
redto the déad 31 *Anvitiwas imputed vnto him foz them from the band of the oppꝛeſſour, or tenour of the
idoles. arn EAA Gir from generation to generation 3 And gathered themout of the landes, fong, which was |
q Signifying, 2 euet. from the Catt and from the Ael, from the oftentimes ree
that whatfocuer 32 They angered himalio at the waters Noꝛth and trom the ||South. peated,
man inuenceth of* Meribah,fothat t Moles was puniſhed 4 When they wandered in the deſert and b As this was -
ofhimfelfeto ~ fo: thetr fakes, — widernelſe out of the way, and found no city true in the lewes.
ferue God by,is 33 Becaule they vered his pirit, fe that to Dweil in, ; fo is therenone
deteftable and be {pake vnaduiſedly with his lips. - § <Bothbungey and thirkte, their fome of Gods eleG,
prouoketh his 34 Neither deſtroyed they the people, as Fatnted in them. that feele not hisi
anger. the Lod bam coamanded them, 6 Tien they crved pnto the Low in their helpe in their
r When all other 35 But were mingled among the bea: trouble , and hee Delinered them from their neceſſity. |
neglected Gods then,and learned their workes, diſtreſſe. i llOr,from the feast
glory, he inhis 36 And fruca their doles, which were 7 Ind led them foorth by the right way, meaning the red
zeale killed the
their ruine. i that they might goe to a citte ot habita- fea, which ison;
adulterers, and 37 Pea, they ofered theirs fennes, and ion. the South part of
preucated Gods thetrdanghters vnto deuds, 8 Let them thereſore conkeſſe before the the laud.
wrath, 28 Aud Wed innacent blood, euẽ the blood Loud bis loning kindneſſe,andbts wonder⸗ c He theweth |
Num 25.02. oftheir onnes, toftheir Danghters, whome kull workes before the ſonnes of men. that there is
f. This acte de- they offered puto the tooles of Canaan, ana 9 Foꝛ he Catiltted the thirttp ſoule, and fil- noncaffliGion f
dared bis lively the lane was detiled with blood. : led the Hungry ſoule with good neſſe fo gricuous,out
faich,and for his 39 Thus were they ſtayned with their IO Shep that dwell in darkeneſſe and in of thewhich
faiths fake was owne woꝛkes, AnD went ax whoring wich the: “avow of death, being bound in milecp God will not des
aceepted, ` theit obene inuentious. and pron, — liuer his, and alfo
Namb, ac 3. 40 Therefore was the wath of theLod 11 Becaule they d rebelled againſt the exherteth them, f
al 95.8. kindled agatnit hts people,and be abbozred wordes ofthe Lord and deſpiſed the counſell that are deliuc-
zhfe norable a pis otne inheritance. _ of the moſt High, red, to be mindes
Prophet of God AL Aud he gaue them into the hand of the 12 When yee humbled their heart with full of fo great a
efCape not pu- heathen :€ they that bated them, were lords Heautneffe.then they fel Down, and there wag benefit,
nifhment,though oucr them, no Belper. d Thenthe true |
others provoked 42 > Their enemics allo oppreſſed them, 13 Cheri thev e crped unto the Lorde in way to obey.
him to Ginne,how and they were humbled vnder their pand, their trouble, and hee delluered them from God isto follow
much more hall their diſtreſſe·
they be ſubiect to Gods iudgemenr,which canfe Gods children te fin?
u He ſheweth how monftrous a thing idolatry is, which can win vs hereby al areexhorted to defcénd into themſelues forsimuchas none
to things ahhorring to nature, whereas Gods worde cahnot obtayne are punifhed,butfor their Ginnes. e He fheweth that the caufe why
moftfmallthings. x. Then true chaſtitie is to cleave wholy and God doeth punilh vs extremely,isbecaule wee can bee brought vntõ
ona vazo God, ¢ him by non¢ other meanes. .
14 Des
Affliftion caufeth prayer. Pfalmes. The pooreexalted. 235
f Whenthere and bronght lot by oppretiion, euil and Toron.
14 He brought then ont of darkneſſe, f
feemethtomans ourof tie avow ofdeath, and brake their 40 He powzeth econtempt vpon princes, t For their wie-
iudgementno bands alunder. and caulerh them to erre in deſeẽt places out kednes & tyranny
recouerie, but Iş Let them therefore conleſſe before the ofthe way. he caufeth ý peo-
all things ate Lozd hrs loutng kindneſſe, and bis wonder- 4I Det heeratleth bp the pooze out of mi> pleand fubic&s to
broughttode- full wozkes betoze thefonnes of men. ferte, and maketh bim families like a flocke contemne them,
fpairethenGod 16Foꝛ he harh broken thefgates ofbzalle, offheepe. f u They, whofe
chiefly fheweth and beatt the barres of pron atunder. 42 The" righteous Hall lee it, ereiopce, faith is lightened
his mightie 17 sfoolesby reafon of their tranſgrelſi· and all tniquitte Hall toy her mouth. by Gods Spirit
power. on, becaule of their iniquities are attired. 43 Wis ts wile, that Dee mayoblerue thal reivice to ſee
g Theythathaue 18 Their ſoule abhoꝛteth allmeate , and theie things ? foz they fall vnderſtand the Gods indgements
no feare of God, they are bꝛought to deaths dooꝛe. toning Kindnefle of the Xom. againit the wic⸗
byhistharpereds 19 Then they crie vnto the Lord in thett PSAL CVILE ked and yngodly,
arebroughtto trouble, and hee deliuerech them trom their ' This Pfalmeùcompofed of iwo other Pfalmes `
cal vpon him,and Diftreffe. before,the ſeuen and fiftieth and the fixtieth. The
fo Gnde mercie, 20 bibee fendeth his word and healeth matter heere conteined ú, 1 That Dauid giueth
h Byhealing them, and deliuereth them from their s/c with heart and voice to praiſe the Lord,
themhedecla- igraues. 7 And affureth himfelfe of the promiſe of Ged
rethhisgood will 21 Let them therefore confelle beforethe concerning his kingdeme ower Iſrael, andhis pow-
towardthem. Lod his louing kindneſſe, and bis wonder» er againſt other nations: 11 Who though hee ſReme
i Meaning,theis full wozkes betoze the fonnes ofmen, to for/ake us for a time,yet he alone wil inthe end
difeafes, which 22 And let them offer facrificeg of X paile, caf downe our enemies.
had almoft and veclare his woꝛkes with retovcing, 1 fone or Pime of Dauid.
brougbtilien to 23 HEY feat goz Downe to the ain g Gao, mine heart is* prepared, fois imp a Thisearneft
the graucand ſhips,and occupte by the great waters, U tongue : 3) will Ting and gine patie. affection decla=
‘corruption, 24 Thep lec the workes oftheLozd, and 2 Awake viole and harpe: J will awake seththathce is
k Praifeandcon- his wonders in the deepe. earely. free from hype-
feffionofGods 25 Foꝛ hee cammandethandratleththe 3 J willpratiethee,D Lod, among the crifie, andbbae
benefits arethe ſtoꝛinie winds, and it likteth vp the waues >people,and J wil fing vnto thee among the Muggithnes fay-
trucfacrificesof thereof. , A nations. eth him not,
the godly, 26 They mount vp to the heauen,andde 4 Foꝛ thy mercy ĩs great aboue the hea> ||Or,rmy glory, bee
1 Hetheweth ſcend tothe Decpe, ſo chat their foule
m mel · nens and the trueth vnto the clouds. caufe itchiefly
by the fea,what eth toz trouble. 5 < Eralt thp felfe, DGod, abone the /etteth forth the
care God hath 27 They are toſſed to and fro, and ſtag ·heauens, and let thy gloziebee npon allthe glory of God.
ouerman,forin ger like a Munken man, andalltheir®cune earth, b b Heprophefi-
that that hede- ning is gone. 6 That thy beloued may bee Deline- ethof the calling
liuereth them 28 Chen thepcriebntothe Lom in their red: 4 helpe with thyrighthand awd heare of the Gentilesg
fromthe great trouble, and bee bringeth themout oftheir mee. í for except they:
dangersofthe _ Diftrefie. 7 God hath ſpoken in bis: bolines;there- were called,they
fea,he deliue- | 29 He turneth the ſtorme to calmeſothat foreJwillreiopce, I hall dimtdeSbhechem, could not heare
reth them,as the wanes thereofare fill. and mealure the valley of Succoth. the goodneffe
itwere from a 30 Ahen theparecquieted,thepareglad, 8 Gilead hallbemine, & Manafleh hall of God,
thoufanddeaths, and be bringeth them vnto the hauen where bemine: Ephzaim allo thall bethe ſtrength c Let all the
m Their feare they would be. of mine head: Judah is my law-giuer. world fee thy”
and dangerisfo 31 Let them therefore confeflebefoze the © 9. Moab thallbe mp wathpot: ouer Œ- iudgements,in
great. ~- Lozd bis loning kindnefle, and his wonder · Dome wiſi Jcaſt out my Hoe: vpon Paleſti· thar that thou
n Whentheir - full wozkes before the ſonnes ofmen. na will J triumph. art God ouer all,
arte and meanes 32 And let chem erate him in thee Cons 10 Cibo will leade me into the ftrong ci and fo confeffe
faile them,they gtegation ofthe people,and praile him in the tie? who wil bring me vnto Coom? that thou art
are compelled to aflembly of the Elders. i 11 f Milt not thou,DGod,which haddef glorious.
confeffe that ones 33° Wee turneth the floods into a wilder: foxfaken bs, and didſt not goe fath,D God, d When God by
ly Gods prowi- Nes, and the (pings of waters into Dainefle, withour armies? his benefits ma-
dence doth pre- 34 Anda fruitful land into ||barrenneffe; 12 Giue vs helpe againf trouble: foz keth vs partakers
ferue them, |, . fo2 the wickednes of them that awel therin, baine ts the helpe of man. of his mercies,
© Though be- 3 Againe he 4 turneth the wilderneffe in- 13 Through God we hall Doe valtantly: he admonifheth
fore every drop to pooles of water, and the dziclandinto fo:hefall tread Dowie our enemies. vs to beearnelt
feemed to fight water mings. in prayer,to dẹ-
one againft ano- 36 And there he placeth the hungric,and firehim to continae and finifh his graces. e As he hath poken to
ther, yet athis they build a citie to Dwell in, Samuel/concerning me, fo will he fhew himfelfe conftant and holy in
commandement 37 And low the Relus xplant vineyards, hispromile, fo that thefe nations following (hall be fubie@ ynto me,
they areas fill, which being forth fruittull: increaſe. Pfal.60.8, f .Fromthe fixt verfe of this Pfalme ynrothe laft,rcade
asthough they 33 Foꝛ bee bleſſeth them, and thep mule the expofition in the 60, Pfalme,and fift verfe,
jwerefrofen, _— tiplieerceedinglp, and hee diminiſheth not PSAL, CIX, a
| i theircattell. | ae 1 Dauid being falfly accufed byflatterers unto
39 1. Againe men are diminiſhed, and Saul,prayeth God to helpe him, and to deftray his
nely tobecon- è : enemies, 8 And under them he fpeaketh ofFudas
Midered patticularly,but magnified in all places, and affemblies.. ||Or, the traitour vuto Tefus Chrift , and of allthe lke
altneffe. For the loue that he beareth to his Church, he chan- enewiies of the children of God: 27 And deftreth
eth the order of nature for their commoditie: ..r.. Continual ins fotobe deliuered, that his encmiesrsay knowe the
gcreafeandyeerely. f As God by his prouidence doeth exalt men, worke tobe of Ged. 30 Then doth hee promiſe to
o doth he alfo bumblethem by affliGions to know themfelues, gine praifes unto God.
, ös 3 ¶ To
‘Prayer againft the wicked... Pfalines, The power of Chrift,
€ To him that erectleth. APalme ner me, Cfo they wiercy ig good.) o- 3a
ef Dauid 22 Wecaule J am poore and needie, and m Meaning,
Hae nor thy tongue, D God of my mine heart is wounded within me. | thathehathoo
a Though all amait. 23 J Depart like the Hadow that declt- ftay nor aflu-
the world con- 2 forthe mouth sf the wicked, andthe neth.and am (Haken offas the grathopper. ranceimthis
demne me,yet mouth full of Deceit are opened bpon mee: 24 Wy knees are weake though falling, world,
thou wilt ap- they bane {poke to mee with a Iping and my feib » hath lot all fatnefie. n For hunger
proue mine in- tongue. 295 J became alfo a rebuke vnto thems thatcameofior.
nocencie, and 2 They compahed mee about alfo wrth they chat looked vpon mee, ſhooke their row, hee was
thatisa fufficient words ot hatred, and fought againſt mee Ipeang, _ leane, and his nas
raife to me, without acaule. 4 26 Helpe me,D Lord mp God; faneme turail moyure |
Todeclare 4. Fo: my friendſhip they were mine an- actording to thy mercie. ailed him,
thatihadnone uerſaries, > but J gane my felte to prayer. 27 Aud they hall know, that this is thine o The more
other refuge, but And they haũe rewareed mee enill foz hand, and that chou, Lord, haſtdone it.grieuous thar
intheeinwhom good, and hatred foz myftiendſhip. 28 Though they P curfe, pet thou wilt Satan affailed
my confcience 6 «Set thouthe wicked ouer pin, snd bicie: they tall arife ana bee confounded, him,themore
wasat reft. letthe aducrlaric tand at bis right band. but thy fernant hall refopce. » ¢arneft andin-
e Whether it 7 Chen he Hall bee tndged, tet him bee 29 Let mine aduerſaries bee clothed with ftant washein
were Doeg or condenined, and let hts d prayer bee turned fhame, andlet rhein couer themfelues with prayer. ,
Saul,orfomefa- into finne. ' their confulion,as with a cloke. p. They thall
miliarfriendthat 8 Let his dayes bee few, and let another 39 J will gtue thankes vnto the Lord gaine nothing by
had betrayed take bis «charge. t greatly with mp 1 mouth, and prayle bima» curfing me.
him,he prayeth o Letiischilnzenbe katherlelſe, and his mong the multitude. Not onely in
notofpriuate wife awidow. 31 Foꝛ he wili ann at the right hand of confemugitie-.
affe&ion, but 10 Lee his chtilozen bee vagabonds and fhe poore,to fane him from thers that would cretlyin my felfe:
moued by Gods: begge and {eeke bread, comming out of their rcondenine his foule, but alfoindeclae
Spiri thatGod places Deftreyed. ; , ring it before all
-- would take ven- IL Let f cheexrtozttoner catch all that bee the Congregation, © Hereby he fheweth that hee had not to doe
geance vpon Hath, and tet the ſtranger ſpople bis ta- with them that were oflittle power, but with the iudges and princes
him. bonr. 2 of the world. 3 patr
d Astothe 12 Let there benone toertend mercy Dni PS A kL. ee) .
eleGallthings. to ham, neither
letthere be any to few mer» 1 Dawid prephefieth of the power and etier-
turnetóthbeir--> cic vpon his tatherleſſe children. SPSI laftimg kingdome giuentoChrifl, 4 And ofbs
proſit:ſoto the 13 Let bis poſteritie be deſtroyed, andin Priefthood,which fhould put an end to the Prieſt-
reprobate,cuen fhe generation following let their name bee hood of Leni.
_ thofe things putont. — A Plalme of Dauid.
that are good, 14 sLet the tniquitic of his fathers bee a a Lod (aid vnto my Loa , Bit thou a Ieis Chin
tumetothcir, > pad in cemembsance with the Lod: and at my right band, bnti J make thing inthe twoand
damnation, >) {et not the tinne of bis mother bee done a· enemiesthy footitoole. Baden twenticof Mat,
© This was way: fog t 2 Che Lod Hall fend the roddeof thy verfe 44. g ueth ~
chiefly accom>.., ~ I5- Burlet them alway bebefoze the 10:0, power outof à Zian; bee thou rulerin the, the interpreta- ⸗
plithed in Iudas, that he may cutoff their memogztali from the middes of thine enemies. : Weg tion hereof, and
A@es1.20,. carth. 3 They people thall come willingly at the fheweththst =
f He declareth 16 Becanle * hee remembyed vot to Hew time of affembling € thine armiein holy beai, this cannot pro- —
| tharthecarfeof.
ynércie, but perfecutcd the afflicted anu
poo2re man, and thefozrowfull yearted, to
tic: the youth of thy woinbe thal bee as the perly beapplied
moning Dewe. 2 Se vato Dina but’
. the extortioners: tay hin. by 4: The Low Cware,and will not repent, to bimielfe, 278
whothinkingto. 17 Asheeloued curling, ilo halli¢ come Thou arta rient foz ewer after theowoerof b Andthence “
enrich their chil: vnto him, and as he loued not bielting,fo Hal 4OPeleti-sedek. | Sanna st ie Maa S
dren by their itbetarrefrombim. ; § Abe Loꝛd that is at thy righthand,
ſhal through
allche -
volawlullgot- 18 As heeclothen bimnlelfe with curing wound kings in the Day of hts wath. world:andthis ~
eengoodsare like a raiment, (o Wall tt come into his 6 We hall be tudge among theheathen: powerchiehy >
by. Gods iuft bowels like water, and like ople into his he wali Gall with dead bodies, and ſmite the fandethiathe ~
indgementde- + bones. ji. i - - eheaWourr great coimtreys. préactlingofhis
priueđofall, Ig Let it bee vnto himas a garmentto 7. He Mall £ drinkeof the brooke inthe’ word. “~ 7
¢ -Thuspunith- conerbim, and fora girdle, wheremith he way: therefore Hall beliftypbisheay, «°c Bythyword® 2
eththeLordto fhallbe alway girded. , t ‘thy people fhall
thethirdand _ 20 Let thts be thereward of mine aduer be affembled into thy Church, whofe increafe (hall bee fo abundant
fourth genera- farie k from the Lod, and of them, that and wonderfull, as the dropsofthedewe; d As M®!2hizedek the
tionthe wicked- {peake enil again my foule. figure of Chrift was both King and Friet: fotheeffe@ cannot beac-
nelle of the pas 21 Bur thou, D L023 my God, Deale complithed in any King, aue onely in Chtiſt Hebr7.25. € No’
gents in their With wee according to chy) Mantes Deli power thall beable to refit him, f Vinder this fimilitude bfa cap
wicked children, taine, thatis greedie to deftroy his enemics, that hee will nor fearce
h Hee theweththat God accuflomed to plague them after a ftrange ` drinke by the way,he [hewethhow God will deftroy bis enemies, 7
fort, that hew themfelues cruell toward other, i .Thusgineth the aa

Lord to every manthe thing wherein hee delighteth , that theres PSAL, CXL ?
probate cannot accuſe God of wiong, when they are giuen vp to a : on iste
their lukes and reprobate mindes, k For being deftituteofmans x He giueth thanksto the Lord for bis merci- ag bora bth
helpe , hee fully crufted in the Lord, that hee would deliver him. full workes towarde hw Church, 10 Anddeclae > > -W J
l Asthouart named merciful, gracious and long fuffering,fothew reth wherein true wifedome and right knowledge” > 209 293
thy felfcineftea. | Mee ARDAS oh ct 5a oct ui ys 2 yen tk 8
tonno? iniy ¶ DPiaiſe icad diab a
Therighteous man. Pfalmes. Gedis puiffant and terrible. 236
¶ Pratl the Lond. gerbe hal gnam with his teeth, and con- g The bleffings
a The Prophet ICUMI? parie che Lorde with mip whole ume away: the Delire of the wicked Mall of God.rponhis
declaréth ‘that beartin the allembly and Congregation peri{y. childién (hall
he will prayfe of the tult. . caule the wicked
God both pri- 2 Whe works of the Lod are > great, and PSAL, CXIII. to dic for enuy,
uately and open. onghr to be lought out of all them that loug 1 Aa exhortation to praiſe the Lord for his pro»
ly, and that from JER, idence, 7 Inthat tha’ contrary to the courfeof
tiie heart, ashe 3 Mis workeis beautifull and glorious, nature he workethinhe Church. Aih
that confecrateth and bts righteouſneſſe endureth for euer. E Prii pe the Lord. :
himfelfe wholly 4 He hath made his wonderfull worksto phair, D pe leruants of the Lod, pratte 2 By this often
and onely vito be had in remembrance:the Log is mercilul tije Qame of the Lod. repetition, hee
God, and kull of compaſſion. 2 Blefied ve the Mame of the Loyd, from f{titreth vp our
b Hefheweth 5 Hee hath giuen<a potion vnto them henceforth and fo cuer. culd dulneffe to
that Gods works that keare himhe wil ener be mindful ok his 3 TheLorws name ts paik from the praile God fee- ·
area fufficient couenant. riting of the funne, pnto the going do vne of Wg hisworks are
caufe wherefore 6 He hath ſhewed to his people the pow- the fame. fo wendesfull,
we fhould praife evof his. workes in gtuing puto them thebe- 4 Che Loꝛd is high aboue all nations, ad tharweare `
him, bur chiefly ° ritage of the heathen. l and his glozvaboue tie heanens, = Created forthe
his benefits to- 7 Chet workesofhis hands are trueth 5 Tuho is like vnto the Lote our Gor, fame caife,
ward his Church, and iudgement : all bis Ratutes are trie. that hath bis Dwelling on bigh ! b If Gods glory
¢ God hath giuen 8 They are eſtabliſhed foz euer and euer, 6 Wboabatcth himlelfe ta beheld things thine through ali,
to his people all and are donein tructh and equitie, in the heauen and inthe earth ! the world, and `
that was necefla- 9 Weelent redemption vñto his people: 7 idee vaileth the needy eutofthe Duft; thercfore ofall®
ry for them,and: hee hath commanded
his couenant toz euer: and liftethvy the « pooreoutof the Dung, _ oughttobe prais
will do {till cuen bolp and fearcfullis bis fame. d 8 That he may tet bim with the princes, (ed,whae great ~
for his couenants 10 e Qhebeginning of wifedome is the cuen with the painces of his people. ` condemnation ”
- fake: and inthis feare of the Lord:al thep that obleruc! them 9 He maketh thebarren woina to dwel were it to his
` fenfethe Hebrew witha family, and a ioyfull mother of chil: people among `
Hane good vnderſtanding: bis pratile endu⸗
wocrd is taken, reth forenet.: Deen. JPzaile pe the Lord. whom chiefly it
Prou,30.8. and 4 í J ſhineth, if they
31.15: Or,pray,and food. -d c'Äs God promifed to take the care thould not earneftly extol his nameꝰ © By preferring thepooreto ~
of his Church: foineffe@ doeth hee declare himfelfe inft & true in high honour, and giuing the barren children, hee fheweth that God
the gouernementof thefame. e They onely are wife char feare worker not onely in bis Church by Ordirarie meanes , butalfo by
God,and none haue vnderftanding, but they that obey his word, miracles. : : i
f Towitshiscommandements,as verle 7. PSA DA CIIL
1 How the Ifraeltes were deliuered forth ofE-
PSAL CXIL gypt, and of the wonderfull miracles that Gog
1 He praifeth the felicitie of them that feare wrought at that time. Which putts in-remem-
God, 10 And condemneth the curſed flatc ofthe brasce of Gods creat mercie toward bis (burch,
contemmers of Gods taairan who when the courfe of nature faleth preferueth
| d Daile ye the Lom. i his miracisloufly. f : DO A
a He meaneth pain is the man that = feareth the Lord VV Hen * Flrael went out of Egypt, and. xod.13,9.
that reverent and delighteth greatlpin bis comunande- the honſe of Jaakob from the *barbas a That is, from
feare whichisin nents, ' rous people, E : them that were
theChildrenof 2 dis {eed fhalbe mighty bpon earth, the 2 Judah wast his fanctification,
and Iſ⸗ ofa firangelan-
God, whicheau- generation of the righteous Halbe bleſſed. rael his Dominion. guage, C7 t0
feth themto des > 3)> Riches ttrealures thalbe tn his poule, » 3: The (ea law ft and fied-: Jorden was b The whole
lightonly inthe. and bis righteouſneſſe endureth for eucr. tired backe. k © people were wit-
word of God, 4 Gnto thee righteous artieth lighe in 4 Thee mountaines leaped like rammeg, nenies of hisholy
b The godly thal Darkenefle : heis mercifulland full of coma and the bils as lambes, maiefty, inadop-
haue abundance paliionandrightcous. ` § Chat atledthee, D Hea, that thon ting them, and of
& contentment, § good manis mertifull and 4lendeth, fleddett ?D Jorden, woy wak tyon turned his mightic pows
becaufe their & twill meafure bis affaires by iudgement. _ backe? erin delivering `
heart is fatisfied 6 Durely he chall nener bec mooucd : but 6 Pee mountaines, why leaped pee like them.
inGodonely, the righteous all be hadin euerlaſting re rammes, andyebiisaslambes? c Secing that
c Thefaitbfullin membzance....« Bibbs oa sk 7 Thed earth trembled at the peefence thefe dead creae
allthetraduerfi- 7. He will not be afraid of enill tidings of the Rod, at the preſence of the God of tures felt Gods
ties know that all for bis heart ts fired, and belecucty inthe Jaakob: power, and after
thal go well with 1023. re 8 Ahiche turneth the rocke into water» afortfawit,
them:forGod . . 8 is heartis fablithed:therefore ke wil pooles& the flint into a fountaine of water- much more his
will bemercifully net feare, vntill ge {ce his defire vpon his ene· people ought to confider itand glorifie him for the fame. “d Ought
and inft. ;, Miesen si rd ERS then his people to be infenfible, when they fee bis powerand Maie
d- -He theweth 9 Ve hath diſtributed and giuen to the, fly? re “That is,cauſed miraculoully waterto Come out of herocke:
whatisthefruit poozes bis righteoaſnes remaineth fez ence: 1n moft abundance, Exod, 17.6, a 9133
} of mercie:to lend þig thone aloe exalted with glory. f PSAL. CXV.
F freely& nor for. „ro: Hie wicked thall feeit and bee an- t-Apraier of the faithfal oppreffed by idolatrous
Ẹ gaine, and foto, soy ‘ tyrats,azainft whothey defire that Ged wold fucs
meafure his doings, that he may be ableto helpe where need requireth cour the, gTrufting malt conftantty that God wiil
Jand notto befow ail on himtelfe e The godly pinch not nigard- preferue the in thes thew ecd, fèeing that he hath
=but diftribute Jiberally,.asthe necefficic of the poore requiteth adop:ed receiued themto his fauour,i8 Proma 0500 © eisi
and as his power-bisable. Hispowerand profperous eſtate. Gng finally that they wilt not be vnmind full ofſo
Og 4 great
Idoles and their makers condemned. Pfalines. The death of Martyrs, _
great abenefite, ifit would pleafe Godto heare Lod, fying, Jbeleech thee, D Lod, deliuer
thew prayer, and deliuer them by his omnipotent my p foule ; f P i ;
a Becaule God power. § The Loyd is: mercifull and righteous, c He ſheweth
promifed to de- Dt vnto vs, D Lord, not vnto vs, but and our Godis full of compatiion. forth the fruit of
liuet them, not bute thp Mame giue the glory, foz thp 6 The Low — the ſimple:J was his louein cal-
for their ifakes, louing mercie,and fo: thy trueth fake. in milerte and He faued me, ling vpon him;
but for his name, 2 — thal the heathen ſay, Ahere 7 Returne vnto thy ret, 4 my ſoule:ſoꝛ contetling him
1@.48.11.chere- is now their God? the Lord bath bene benefictallynto thee, tobe iuſt & mer-
foretheyground 3 But out God is in heauen:
hee doeth 8 Becaule thou hat detiuered mp. loule cifull,and to help
theirpraier vpon whatloeuer be © will. from Death, mine epes from teares, andimy themthatare de-
thispromife, 4 Their Woles are “filucr and gold,euen feete From falling, t ftituce of ayde
b Whenthewie- the workeof mens bands, 9 3J Mall: walke before the Lozd tn the and counſell.
kedfeethatGod § They haue a mouth and ſpeake not: land of the lining. d Which was vn
accomplifheth —tiyep baue eyes and tee net. 10 FJ beleeucd, therefore MOJ ſpeake: quieted before,
nothis promile, 6 Thex haue eares and heare not: they for J| was loze troubled. now reſt vpon
astheyimagine, Haue noſes and finell not. - IL J fain mps teare, Allmen arelpars, theLord: for be
they thinkethere 7 They haue: hands and touch not: they 12 What HallJ render vuto che LoD, hath bene benefi-
isnoGod, ., auc feercand waike natyneither make thep foz all bis benefits toward me? cial toward thee.
c Noimpedi- afound with their throat. : 13 J will take the cup of (aluation, and ¢ The Lord will
mentscaniet his 8 Thep that make them are flike vnto call ppon the flame of the LoD. preferue me, and
worke, but he v- them $ fo are all that trut in them. 14 J will pay my vowes unto the LoD, fauc my life.
feth cuentheim- o D Jfrael trut thou in the Lod: for he euen now tit the pretence ofall his people. FI feleall chefe}
pediments to is their helpe and their Mirin. _ Is Pꝛecious in the light ofthe Lozdisthe chings,&there~
feruc hiswill. Io £D houle of Aaron , trutt vee in the i Death of his Saints. p føre wasmoucd
d Seeingthat. Loꝛd:
for þeis their helpe and thete Micld. 16 Behold, Lom:fo J ant thy fernant, J by faichto con-
neitherthemat- IP Pee that feare the Lord, trut ta the am thp ſeruant, and the ſonne of thine hand· fefferheny 2.
ser nor the ſorme 1020: for beis their helper and their Wield. mait : thou halt bꝛoken mp bonds. Cer.4,13.
eancommend ~ 12 The Lord hath bene mindfull of vs: be 17 3Jmill ofer ta thee atacrifice of paile, g In my great di-
theidoles,itfo- iwilbleffe.he will bleſſe the boule of Iſrael, and will call bpon the Mame ofthe Lov. — ttrefleI choughe
loweththat there he will bleſſe the boule of Aaron. 18 J will pay my k vowes vnto the Loz, God wouldnot j
isaothing why — 13 ie will blefle them that feare the Loyd. euen nowin the preſence of all bis people, regard man, .:
theyfhouldbe both {mall and great, ; 1 i In the courte of the Lod honie , euer whichis bur lies
efteemed, 14 Che Loo will increalehis graces to» in the ming of thee;D Jerufalem. Pꝛaile pe and vanitie, yet
¢ Hefheweth ward you,cuen toward pou and toward pour the Lod. ‘ I ouereame this
whatgreatvani- chtldzen. tentation , and
ticitistoaske Iş Deareblefledofthe Lord, which ĩmade feltthecontrary. h Inthe Law they vfedto make a banker, when,
helpeofthem, the hẽauen and the earth. they gaue folemnethanks to Godjand totake the cup and drinke in
whichnotorey 16 @bhekbeatens,cuen the heauens are fieneofthankefgiuing. i »IperceiuerhatGod hatha care ouer his,
hauc no helpe in the Loꝛds: but be bath giuen the earth to forhat he both difpofeththeirdesth,and taketh an account, k I
chem, butlacke the fonnesofmen. ' will thanke thim for his benefits: for thatis:aiuft payment , to con-
fenfeandreafon. 17 The dead pꝛaiſe not the Lozd neither felfe that we owe.alito God, ;
fAsmuch with. any that! gog Downe into the place of fie P S'AL. CXVII.
out fenfe, as lence, 1 Heexhorteth the Gentiles to praife God,be~
_ blockesand 18 But wee will prayſe the Lorn from caufehehath accompliſhed as well tothem aste > aia
Rones,- - .bencefoogth and foz euer. Pꝛaiſe pee the the Lewes the promifeof life euerlafting by Ieſus
g For they were Zo. j Chrift.
appointed by God,as inftru@ers and teachers of faith. & religion for a Ll * nations, pꝛaiſe pethe Lord: allpce Romige.
erstofollow.. h That is,he will continue his gracestoward his A people ratte burn. ah Adee 4 a That is, the
people. i And therefore doth fiil gouerne and continue all things 2Fsoꝛ his louing kindneſſe ts great tos moft certaine &
therein. k And they declare enough his fufficiencie , fo that tbe ward vs, and che trueth ef the Lom cendu- continuall tefi- `
worid ferueth him nothing, but to fhewe his fatherly care toward reth fo? ener. Pꝛaiſe pe the Lod. monies ef his fas
men» 1 Thoughthe dead fet foorth Gods glory, yet he meaneth therly grace,
herethat they praife him not in his Church and congregation, PSAL, CXVIII Ì
1: Dauid reiected of Sauland of the people, at
PSAL CXVIL the time appointed obtainedthe kingdome. 4 For
3 Dauid being in great danger of Saul in the de» the which he biddeth all themthat fearethe Lord
feri ofMaen, perceruing the great and ineftimable to bethankefull. And under his perfon in all thú
lomeof God ioward him , magnifieth fuch great was Chrift liuely fetfoorth, whe fhould bee ofbis
mercies, 13 And pretefteth that he wil be thank- people resected,
full far the fame, pee ape the Lod, becaule hee fg good; a Becaufe God
a Hegrantetb |a Loue the Lod, becaule he hath heard my fo2 his mercie endureth for ever. by creating Da.’
shat no pleafure voyce and my payers. ` 2 Let Iſrael now fay, Chat his mercie uid King, thewed |
ĩs ſo gteat, as to 2 Foꝛ he hath inclined his care vnto me, endureth fo2 euer. his mercy toward |
feele Godshelpe when J Bid call vpon him b in my dayes. 3 Let the houle of Aaron now fap, That his affiiGed
in ourneceflitic, 3 When the nares of death tompaſſed me, His mercy endureth foz ever. Church; the Pro
neitherthatany andthe griefesof the graue caught meswhen 4 Let them that feare the Loꝛd, now fap, phet doeth nor
thing moreftir- 3j found trouble aud ſoarow, That bis mercie endureth fog euer. onely himfelfe
reth vp our loue 4 Then Jcalled vpon the name of the - § J called vpon the Lod in? trouble,
and thanke God but ©
towatd him, s 4 ; exhorteth: all
b Thatis,in conutnient time to fecke helpe, which was when he thepeopleto dothefame, b Weareheretaught,that the more that)
wasin direne, troubles opprefic vs the more we ought tobe oo in prayer,
The helpe of the Lord. Pfalmes. The bleffedneffe of man. 237
the Lozd heard me, and fer meatlarge. frame their lines according to bis holy word. +23
6 The Lord is with- me t therefore J will Alfo he fheweth wherein the true farusce of Ged
cB i exalted not feare what: man can doe vnto me, Aandeth: that it,when we ferue him according te
hirens 7 Che Loꝛd is with me among them that his word,and not after our owne fantasies,
aluredhimfeife helpe mestherefoze Mall J ice my delire pon
tohaue man ener mine enemies, ALEPH.
to be his ey: 8 It is better to truſt in the Lod, then to Leffed area mo that are vpꝛight in their a Here they are
yethedoubt hane confidence tn man, way, and walke in the law of the Loza. not called blefled
not, but God 9 Jtisbettertotrut inthe Lom,then to 2 Bien are theythat keepe his teima» which thinke
would maintaine haue confidence in princes: nies,and [eeke him with their whole heart. themfelues wile
him, becaufe he Io All nations haue compafled me $ but 3 Durely they worke> none iniquity, but intheir owne
had placed him. — Name of the Lod walt J deſtroy walke in his wapes. iudgement, nor
d He theweth m. 4 Thou hak commaunded to keepe thy which imagine
that he had true Il Thep haue compaſſed mee, pea, they paeceptsDiligently. to chemfelucs a
fted in vaine,if baue compaked me: but in the Mame of the 5 ‘Di that my wapes were Directed te certain holineffe,
-bebad put his Lord F hall aeien them. keepe thp fiatutes! butthey whofe
confidence in 12 Thep came about mee like bees, but 6 Then ſhould J not bee confounded, conuerfation is
man , to haue i they wre quenched as a fire of thoznes: when J haue repect vnto all thy commans without hypo-
bene preferred to kor in the Name of the Loꝛd J hall deſtroy criſie.
the kingdome, —
7 J willill praiſe
praile theethee with
with an
an vpright
vpzig b Forthey are
and therefore he 13 ¢Thou haſt thant fore at mee, that J d heart, when J thall_learne the * wages ruled by Gods
put histruft in _ might fall: but the Loyd bath holpen me. ments of
thy righteoutnelfe. fpirit, and im-
God, and ob- 14 The Lozd is my ſtrength and fong : 8 Jwillkeepethp ſtatutes: korſake me brace nodo-
teined. foz be hath benemy deliverance. net overlong. &rine but his,
e Hee noreth Is Ghes voice of ioy and Delinerance thal c David acknow-
Saul his chiefe be inthe Cabernacles of the righteous, fay- ledgeth his imperfe&ion
,defiring God to -réforme it, that. his life
enemy. ings Cie right bandofthe Lod hath Done may be conformableto Gods word, d Fortrue religion ftandeth
f Incthathewas valianily. inferuing God witfiout hypoetifie. e Thatis, thy precepts , which
déliuered,it came 16 The right hand of the Lord is eral- conteine perfe& righteoufnefie. f He refufeth not to be tried by tene
not of him- alted:b the right band of the Lod hath Done tations, but he feareth to faint, if God fuccour not his infirmitie in
felfe, nor of the
pre of man, 17 Jj Hal not die,but line,and declarethe B Bal Mer cho a
ut oncly of Wworkes ofthe Lod. » 9 Wiberewith ſhall a · pong man reea Becaule youth
Gods fauour: 18 The Loꝛd hath chaened me fore; but - Dele his wap? in taking heed thereto accoze is moft giuento
—— hewill be Dath not BeliueredDmetoBeath. Ding to thy word. licentioufnefle,
ptayſe him, -I9 Dpen ye vncomethe gates of righs FO ttymp whole heart haue J -fought he chiefly ware
4 Hepromifech eee that J] map gointo theni and praiſe thee: letmenot wander from thp commans neth them to
oth torender e Lord. — uid org dements. Jiii frame their lives
graces himfelfe; 20 Chis is the gate of the Loꝛde: the I Jbhauz > bid chy momileinmine heart, betimeto Gods
and to cauſe o- ‘tightcous thallenter intott. that Z might not inne again ther. word,
therstodoe the 21 -3 will pꝛaiſe thee:for thou batt peara 12, Bieked art thonD Loꝛd: teach meg b 1fGedsword
fame, becaule meand batt bene mp Delinerance. thy fatutes. : be dgrauen in our
that in his per- 22 * The ftone,which the builoers * refu. 13 Mith my lippes haue J- declared all hearts,
we thall
fonthe Church (ed, ts the hea of the cozner. I thetudgementsotthy mouth. be more able to
was reftored. 23 Chis was the Lods Doing , and ftis 14 J bauz had as great < delight inthe refilt
h So that allthar marueilous in our epes.: way.ef thp in all riches, of Satan: and _
are both farre & 24 This ís the Day, which the Loꝛd hath 15 J will meditate inthy precepts, and thereforethe ,
necre,may fee his made: let bs retopce and be glad in it. confider thy wayes. Prophet defireth
25 mD Loyd, I pray thee, fauc now: D 16 Jrwili delight.tuthp ſtatutes, aad J God toinſtruct
Loud F pray toee,now giue proſperity. will not fozget thy wod., im dayly more
26 Bleſſed be hee, that commeth in the and more there-
Name of the Loꝛd: wee haue bleſſed pou in, ¢ The Prophet doeth not boaft of his vertues,
but fetreth fortla
ont of the houſe af the Loꝛd. an example for othersto follow Gods word and leaue worldly var
27 Che Lord isinighty, and hath giuen mties.
vso light: bindthe Gacrifice with codes
unto the hones of thealtar. : ie GIMEL
28 Chouart my God, and J will praiie 17 Bebereficiall unto thy (eruant,thatI) a He fheweth
0.9333: 1. pete thee, cuen my Gov: therefore J will exalt may. liue and keepe thy word. that we ought
6,7: bee,- ; 13 Dpen mine eyes, that Jmay {ee the not to defireto
ThoughSaul. 29 Praile pe the Loxd,becaule he is good: wonders ofthe Law. liue,but to ferue
the chiefe Foꝛ ts mercie endureth fo? cuer., Ig Jama ranger bponearth: bide not God,and that we
ers refufeikcd: «8. ] i ; thy commandements front ime. cannot ferue kim
to be king, yet God hath preferred me aboue themall, 1 VWher- _ 20 Pine heart bpeaketh foz the Delire fo aright, except
God hath fhewed chiefly bis mercy by appointingmee king, and thyiudgements alway. c open our eyes
iuering his Church, m The people pray forthe profpctitie of 21 Thou: halk deſtroyed the proud? cure and minds,
uids kingdome,who was the figure of Chrift. n Which are the ſed are they thatDo erre from thy comman⸗ b Seeing mans
and haue the charge thereof,as Numb,6.23. 0 Becaufe hee Dements, lifein this world
th seftoredvsfrom darkneffe to light , we will offer facrifices and teh s is but a page,
yfes vato him. ; what fhould become of him, ifthy word were not hisguide? c In
ino voy PS AL CXIX. allages thou baft plaguedallfuch, which malicioufly andcontempe ,
3 The Prophet exborteth the children ofGed te tuoufly depart irom thy trueth,
22 Remooue

Godly meditatión,
— Woe
>>>: Pfalmes. Gods promife acomforein troubles. «
i za 8? x

e contemper ſeeke thy wietepts. Enma

22 Rewmoue romme Hame Can od Cindi ad
for J bane keprehy teftimontes, = n 46 3 wili (peakeralfoofthy-tettimoni¢s d He theweth
d When the *23' “Princes dilo did tit,& (peake again betozed kings,and will not beashamed. 101 thactherebildrém
“powersofthe me: burthp teruant DID meditate in chytae 47 And mp delight yall bein thy com · of God ought
world gauc falie tutes, py i) mandements,which J have louen. | _ not co futer their
fencence againtt 24 Allo thy teſtimonies are my delight, 48 Mine hands allo will Jute vp vnto Fathers'gloryte |
me, thy word ` andmy counſellerse. | thy commandements, whithA have loued, beobicuredby
wasaguidéand = S's ATIS WEI yda MI So hr i and ji will meditate in thy karitez.’ che⸗vyaine pompe
counlellerre reachte whattouo, andto comfort me, y% ANG i i Imao E > of Pinces
owt 2 pee) ASRS HORER J HI TW IAI DALE ZA Nv IR select
vom, ee CeO E BAR oo c Sag Remembersthe pꝛomiſe made tothy a Though hee
a Thatis, itis 25 My loule cleaueth to the
· duſt quite feruant, wherein thon battcauled meg 4 feele — hand
almoſt brooght en me atcording te thy word. $ truk. hillto lie vpon
tothegraucand) 26 J hauet Declared my wapes and thon 50 It is my tomfozt in my trouble:foꝛ himsycthe re ·
withoutthy word heardeſt meiteach me thyſtatutes. thy pꝛomiſe hath qaickencd me. fteth on his pro- ^
Icannotlive. 27 Make mero vudettand the wap of = § The proud haue had meexceediugly mileandcomfors,
b Thaue confef= thy precepsand J wil meditate in thy won · trdertiion ‘yei haue J)noc decline from chy tethhimfelfe tu-
fed mine offtn- perons Worked. 9 ti KU Lawi k TGs i 2730) yoa thereinado3 neim
ces,andnowde- 283 Jp loule melteth fo: heanineſſe: raiſe 52 Tremembzed thye iudgements of old, & Meaningyrhe
- pendwholly on menpaccoding bntotbps word. D Lozd,and baue bene comtozted. | wicked, which
thee, 29 Cakefcomme rhe d wapoflptng,and §3 4 fFcarets come vpon me'foz the wit: contemne Gods »
c IfGoddidnot grant me gractontlp thy Law. ked,ʒ that forlake thy Haw: t word,and tread:
vs by 30 J paue cholen tye wapoftrueth,and ©$4 Thyſtatutes haue bene wapfongs in hisreligionva-o-
hisword,our life thy tudgements haue
3|laid before me. the houſe of mpeptigrimigges 80 disi 30:91 derfoose. boc
would dropa- ° 31 haue cleaued to thp teſtimonies, D $5 J hauercincinbzen thy Mame,D LoD, c Tharis,theex~»
way like water. Lord contfoundmenot. in the night,
and haue kept thp Laws. =€ amples, whereby:
d inftrodme in 32IJwiltrunne the way ot thycomman⸗ 56 g Chis J hadbecaulePkepe
thy pze- thou declareſt
thy wotd,where- Dements, when thous thalt inlarge mine cepts, » thyfelfe
by my mind may heart. : n | , Í iudge of }:world. |
bepurged from “ — i G31139169 90 IUG dii Thatis, avehemenezeale tothy. glory;and‘indignationtagainft |
vanitie, and taught to obey thy will. e Bythishe fheweththat we the wicked. e Ia the courfe of this life and forrowfull exiles.
cap neither chule good ,cleaue to Gods woid}norranne forward in )) Eien when cthet ſleepe. g That is,all thefe benefits.
his ‘way, except he make our’ hearts largevo receiMehis grace, and CHE TPHakadtic Rad yoke i
willingtoabey, ·. 191 SI BN Ri 57 D Loꝛd, thacart my portion,
J hate a 1am perfiva- ©
> : — cg ea 2 Determined to keepe thy words. déd that tokeepe
a He fheweth: 33 Seatha me, D Lord, the way ofthp -58 Imade my fupplication in thy pree chy law isanhe ·
thath¢cannot ſtatutes and J wiil keepeit vntotheend. — fence with my wholeheart rui merciful yns citage
and great 3
followonto the 34 Giue me vnderſtanding, and Jait tome according to thy peomiic, -<10 SiSgaineforme: “od
erid, except God keepe thp Law: yea, J will keepe itwith my 59 Jhaue coniiaered mipowayes, ttut: b Hehewerw:
teach him oft qholeb Heart, SDS srt oh EIn. neamy keete into thytettiinontes. © 102i ithatmone can!
times, and Teade“ ~ 35 Dieecrmeinthe path ofthpcomman- © Go Jmade alte, enelayed not ta keepe embrace thers!
him fotwa:dl<"” pements: foz thereinismy Delight. + thpcommandements.. oo ‘word of God,ex-!
b Notonelyin © 36 Jnclincmiuebeart vnto thy teſtimo · 61 Che bands of the wicked hanee rob· cept heconfider |
outward conuer- nies,and not to“ conetoutnes. bed nie: but Jhaue not forgotten thy Law. bis owneimpers |
_ fation, butalfo " ~ 3-7 Turne away mined cyesfromregat- -62 Amidnight wi riſe togiue thanks fectionsand : enw
with inwatdaf- ' Ding vanity, and quicken me tn thy way · ute thee, becaule of thy righteous iudge· wayes. o2 d
fection, 28 -tablil thy pꝛomile tothy feruant, mentsio- 9 oe © e-Theyhaued «i;
é Hereby mea- becaule be feareth thee. ar i 63 J am 4 companton of all them that gone about to
ningalvother © 39 Wake awayeimy rebuke that Jfeare: fearether,and keepe top precepts. °° draw meeintor |
vices, becaufe foꝛ thp iudgemeuts are good 64. Sheearth,D Lozd, is full of thp mere their company.
that couetenfnes 40 Beholde, J Delire thy commaunde· cps eteach me thy ſtatutes. ° d Noronelyin
istheroote of all “sents: fquicken me in thp righteoulneſſe, jie mutuall confenty,
Cn eer ié i i but alſo with ayde and fuccour, e For the knowledgeofGods
e Let menot falltothydifhonour,bue® words token of bis fanour,
a fingular ` gid silo
d Meaningall his ſenſes.
iu i
let mine heart Riil delightin thy gracious word, f Giue me TETH. tH) OI: Sate y
ftrengthto continue inthy word euen to the end,
J VAV. 65 D Lord, thou hat vealt a gracioufly a Haning proued
a Hefheweth AL Anolet thy? toning kindneſſe came with thy leruant according vnto thyword. | byexperience
that Gods mer- Hutome,D Low,& thpfaluatton according 66 Teach me good iudgement know that God was
ci¢and Joueis | to thy promile. i cu ledge: for Jhaue beleeued thyconmandg- true inhis pro ·
the firecueof” 42 Ho halt] iake anlwere vnto my ments, nbr ‘10 T, mifeshe defirethn
ourffuation. =’blatphemers $ fdzJltruttinthy word. 67 Before J was t afflicted,J went a · thathe would
b Bytrultingin 43 Anë take not-the word of trueth tt: fray: but now DZkeepe thy wod: inereaſe itvhime f0
Gols word, he teriy out of my mouth tfor Jwaite forthy 68. Thou art good and gracious iteach knowledge and :
affureth himfelfe iudgements. mie thy ttatutes. iudgement,
tobe ableto 44 Ho all J alway keepe thy law faa 69° The poude haue imagined aliea» b Soleremie
confutethe euer and euer. ainit mee: bue 3) twill keepe thy precepts ſayckchat befote
flanders ofhis 4s And J wille walke at liberties fog) with my whole hearts os, 1 o t352) micheLordtou-ts fh
adherlaries, , ‘ i chedhimiy hee;
c“ They that fimply walke after Gods word hauc no lets ts entan⸗ was like a calfe)'vntamed : fo that theeyvſe ofTukGods rods is to call vs
gle them, whereas ehey that do contraryjarecuer in nets and ſnates. huimetoGodin) o ot distisuss g
sel tata 70 © Their
Affliction ‘enacofflatic. a Pfalmes; Thelight,of Gods words 5.2 38+
` Theit heart is: 1 Theit heart is Fat — batmy 92 ExceptthyLawbhadbenempodelight, «)...
indurate and har- Delight isin thy Law, aKantonow haue: pertibed aninineaUige laun
dened,puffed yp: 7k Jtis* good forme that 3}pauebecne
with profpericic affltcced, that Z map tearne tip ſtatutes. 93 Fwilkneuer forget thy precepts: fo
and vaine ehi- 72 Whe Lawl thy month te better vnto ——— thouhaſt quickned ac. i
— of them- me then thouſands of gold and fluer, J am <thiue, faue mee; g baue c He ponai by
clues. Ercotthy precepts. . effe&, that he is
hewas cheft:ned,bee wastebelli i 95 The wicked haut waited for:geto Godschilde,be>
‘d Heconfeffeth thar before that
asman by — is. Deitrop. megt bur ZF will confider thy teki cauſe he —
-1.0.D. monies. - to vnderſtand
a BecauleGad, 73 Thine hands paue * made meeand ` 96 J hae teeke an end ofallperfection: his word.
leaueih not his faioned ine; gite me vnderſtanding there- bur thy commandement is exceedi ing large. d There is no⸗
worke,that hee fore, that 3] map learne thy commaundes thing fo perfect
hath begun, he ments. in earth,but it hath an end:zonely ‘Godswerd fafketh lor euer.
defirerha new: . 74; Do theythat > feare thee, ſeeing me, ME Mesin
grace, thatis, Wal reioycte, becanle J baue truften tn typ a7 Dh how lone I thy Tawa iti my meea He theweth
thathewould . Word· Ditation continually... < that we cannot —
continue ‘his 75know. D Logd,that thy indgements 08 By thy commaundements thouhat loue Gods word,
mercies. are hed > AND that thou hart atfitcced mee made me wiſer then mine enemies: fozthep except we exer-
b When God tig aifeuer with me. ciſe our ſelues
fheweth bis ere thee that thy mercie map tome 9 J baue had maze b pnderftanding therein and
grace toward a- * mee according to thy pꝛomiſe vñto thy thenall iny teachers fo? thy telbimentes.are pra@ileir.
ny., hereltifieth ruant my meditatisn. b Whofoever *
te othérs,that he 77- Legt thy tenner mercies coine onto 100 3 bnderfeod moze then theantient, dõéth fibmit >
faileth not rhem - mee that gmap: line: foz thy Lat is mpDe; becaule
3kept thpprecepts,. <a himſelfe onely
thattruftinbim. itght: IOT Fi hauerefratned miy Feet from euery to Gecs word,
$ trueth. 78 Let shane bee aamen :fo they cuill way, that 3 might keepe thp wod. fhall not onel
c Hedeclarcta haue Dealt wickedly, and 'Fatfely with me: but TO2 J bate nde Declined from thy iudge⸗ be fafe again
thatwhenhee J]meditate in thy precepts. ments: foz: thon dioſt ach me. the praGifes of
Sek not Gods 70 Let luch as feare thee, d turne Bato 1063 dom ſweete ate thp promiſes vnto bis enemies,but
mercies tee was. Me,and theythate Know thy teltimonies. * Mp mot! yeas moze ‘then Vole vntoany alfo learne morë
asdead, 30 Let miue heart bre upatght iretoy fas mouth. wifedome,then
d Thacisbe — ttes,thatTbe vor athamed, ‘104° By thy precepts J haue gotten in: they that profeffe
) ‘comforced by Deritanving 3 therefore J nets at* wapes irand aremen
ine —6 e. Hee flieweth that there can bee no true feare of effalfyoon,. - of experience,
od without the knowledge of his word. c Sothen of our
CAP H, felues we can doe nothing, Eut * God doeth inwardly infiruGevs
‘a Though my id 1., Gy foule. iTar {oz thy faluation: with his Spirit, we feele his graces ſweeter then honie.
Rtrength faile me, i ait for thy w070 NV, N.
yet my foule gro- tie eyes fatlefozthy pomik, fay: Tos. Thy werd is aa anterne vnto mya OF oct elas
nerh and fig! utaeran tiir thon comfozt me? ficte, anda light bate my path. we are but darke-
refting fll i $3. Jez Fam tre a Sbotrell wn the noke: 106 3 have’ fwoerne and will performe nefe, and cannog
word." * yerdoes not forgetthy ftatures. it, that J] wul kecpe thy righteous iudge · fee, except we be
b Likea waa — om many are the < dayes of thy fers iments. á lightedmat
bottleorblad- | 1 Chen. writ thou erecure iudgeinent 107.3 am very (ore afflicted: D Lov, Gods wor
E tharispat? C — that perfecute ine ; — ryaccoen inePOg thy
TOword. j b Soalthe faith-
ed in ike yeproud have d Dingen pits foie, 02D I Deech thee, accept the fulonght to bind
ioke, ' EEN isnot ate
vey h
thy Lam cirer offerings of my mouth, and reach Bre théfeluts to God
c ascot bit 86 Bil thy —J ena ile they thyinegements a folemne
| thou afflid thy’ perfecute me Faltly; e helpe me. 109 My lvule ts continually in mine¢ oathand promife
ffuant? ~~ 87 Thep had almoit —— me vpon hand; pet Doe 3lnot forget thy Law: to ftirre vp their
d They haue not the laeth: ont 3 foxlooke not thy pareepta; i 110 The wicked paue latde a inare fox zealeto imbrace
Joncly opp:efed > `83 Quithen me actording to thy ining meshit J Gvamo not fronrthy precepts. Godsword.
violently, but Rindaefie + DaI, EEPECORSAN of iY Eby teftimontes bane 3 takeyasan c Thitis my
jaifo’assiswat |thymouth, a,i pti retry f: e heritage foz gurr: foz they ace tye Toy of praiérs &thank&
[freda mine heart. giuing,which fa-'
ee. E Hee amiet Himfeite that'Ghd
é will deliuer * and de- 112 Ihaue applied mine Heakitefulfill crifice Hofea cal-
roy luchas vn uſtly perfecutethem, f“ Finding nö
r ke! in earth, thy ftarntes alway euen vnto the ena, — lech the calues of
e Lifteth ¥p
¥ histeyes toheaven. : the lipt,Chap. 4.
LEA M E pe verfe3. d ‘fhatis,lamin cortinual danger
of my life. ¢ I eltee-
———— 89 DEMP endureh töreuer tn med no worldiy things but made thy word mineinherieane.
ould eſteeme heauen.
25ap tty ý is front eration
tagee vw cen gy iope 22d
t a taineyefonnvarionof 13 3 bate vaine inuentions: ‘put thy a Whofoeuer wil
bizeth. i LawD3| lone. imbrace Gods
91 They ace. cuen to this Day by -11A Thou are Mprefege and chield and word aright,
— that
it postin forall aretby ſeruants. a Ji
in thy ward. muſt abhorre atl
ideth ti hea~ sa ak Abvay from me, pee wicked ; for 7,fanesfies'aud
and therefore i immi Ble bE Seeing — wil scope the commanbements ofmp Gob. imaginations |
E n that
aeh fat wherein thou haffeveatedthem , =i
m beth of ‘himfelfe
ety truigthizemmaine
suis— BandMirra x andof ethers, b Andhinder melidir keep etheLawofttieLord
de a
— 90 2
116 Atab —
The true zeale. Pfalmes. Dauids griefe at the wicked.
c He defireth > 116 Stablith mee accowsing to thy pro- 140 Thy werd is prooued*imofk pure, b Goldhath `
Gods continuall mife; that J map ltue,and silapoint mee not and thp feruantloucth it. ‘need to be fines
affiftance,left ofmine hope. T4I J am <finall and deſpiſed:
yetDoe J but thy word is -
hefhould faint . II7 © Stay thou mee, and F ſhall be fate, not forget thy precepts.’ — perfection it felfe
in this race, €F will delight continually in thy ſtatutes. 142 Ihy righteoutnes isan euerlaſting c Thisisthetrug
which he bad 118 Thou halk troden Downe all them tighteoutnetfe, and thy Law is trueth. tryallto praife
begun, - that Depart from thp ſtatutes:for their t Des _ 143 Trouble and angui are come vpon Godin adverfity,
d Thecraftie ceit is paine, é ite : yet are thy commandDements my de⸗
praGifesof them 119 hot hat taken atway all the wic- light. l ' d So thatthe life —
thatrcentemne kedof the earth likeedzoſſe: therefore J touer 144 The righteouſneſſe of thy teftimo: ofmanwithoue
thy Jaw,thall be ‘thy teltimontes. - niesiseucrlafting :graunt mice vnderſtan ·theknowledge |
brought to 120 Wp fieh£trembtech foz keare of thee, ding, andJ Hall 4 tine. ‘of God is death.
nought. and J am afratd of thy tudgements.
¢ Which infe- à KOPH,
cted thy people,as droffe doth the mettall. £ Thy iudgements doe 14§ JZ bauc? cryed with my whete heart: a Hetheweth
not onely teach më obedience, but caufe mee to feare , confidering — me, D Lord, andJ willkeepe thp fta» tharal! his affe `
mine owne weakneffe,which fearecaufeth repentance, utes. ; Qions and whole
146 Ji called bpon thee: fane mec, and J heart were bent °
AIN, will keepe thy teftimontes. to Godward for
a Putthy felfe 121 J haue executed iudgement and tus 147 —I— the moning light, and to haue helpe in
betweene mine fice: leaue menot to mine ed pate cryed: for J]waited on thy word. — his dangers,
enemi¢sand me, 122 2 Gafwere for thp ſeruaunt tn that 148 Mine eyes » preuent the night wat b He was more
as ifthou were whichts good, and let not the proud oppreſſe ches to meditate in thy word, i peba earneftinthe ~
my pledge. mee. ia 149 Heare my vovce actcording tethyis: fiudie of Gods*
b He boafteth 123 Die eves bane failedin waiting fo? ting kindneffe : D Lod, quicken me acco» word, then they
not that heis thy faluation, and fo2 thy tuft promiſe. Bing to thy ||tudgement. that kept the
Godsferuant, 124 Dealewith thy > fernant according 150 They maw neere, that follow after watch,were in
butherebyput- to thp mercy. ånd teach me thy ſtatutes. c malice , and are farre from thy Law. their charge.
teth God in 125 J am thyferuant: grant mee there· Isl Thou art neere. D Lord: fogallthy [!Or,cu/towe, —|——
mind, thatashe fore vnderſtanding, that J]may know thp commandements are true. ` c He heweth the ©
madehimhis by teſtimonies. s 152 J bane knowen long fince 4 by thy watureofthe =~
his grace,fo he 126 Jtis< time foz thee,Lo20, to worke: tefttmontes, that thou bak eſtabliſhed thems wicked to beto
wouldcontinue forthep hate Dettroped thy Law. foz euer. perfecute againit
his fayour to- 127 Therfoꝛe loue J thy commandements their conſcience.
ward him. aboue gold,yea,aboue moſt fine gold. d His faith is grounded vpon Gods word, that heewould cuerbee
c The Prophet 128 @berefoze J eteme all thy precepts at hand when his children be oppreffed,
fheweth that mot iuſt, and hate all faile d wayes, RE
when the wicked 153 Behold mine affliction, and delinue j
baue brought-all chings to confufion , and Gods word tovtter con- me: foz3bauenot forgotten thy Law. o a
tempt, thenit isGods time to helpe,and fend remedy, d Thatis, 154 Plead mp caule, and deliver mees
- 5
whatfoeuer diffenteth from the puritie of thy word. quicken me according to thy 2 word.a For without
155 Saluation is tarre from the wicked, Gods promife
a Conteining 129 Thy teſtimonies are 3 wonderfull: becaule thep fecke not thy ftatutes, thereisno hope
high and ſectet therefoze Doth mp fonle keepe them, 156 Great are thp tender mercies, D. of deliuerance.
myfteries, ſo that 130 The entrance tuto thy> words ſhew· — quicken micaccoding to thy > iudge· b According to.
Iam moued with eth lige > and gtueth vnderſtanding to the ments. thy promife
admirationand . fimp À 157 Wy perfecuters and mine oppꝛeſſors made in the law,
reuerence, 131 J opened my mouth and: panted,bee ate nanp, yet Bo J not ſwarue from thy tetti- which becaufe |
b The fimple caule J loned thy commandements. monies. the wicked Jacke,
idiots that ſub⸗ 132 Looke vpon meand be mercifull bits 158 J fata the trauſgreſſouts and was they can haue no
mitthemfelues tomee, as thou vſeſt to doe vnto thoſe that c grizued, becaule they keept noc thy wod. hope of falua-
to God, haue toue thy ante. 159 Conlider,D Lord, how Tà toue thy
their eyes ope- 132 Direct my Keps in thy word, ana let precepts} quicken mee according to thylo⸗ c My zeale cone
ned, and their none imquitie
í hate Dominton ouet me. uing kindnefle. ? ; fo fumed me when
mindes illumina: 34 Deltuer mee from the oppreſſton of 160 The © beginning of thy wowe ts I fawcheir malice
tedfofooneas . men, and J will keepe thy precepts. trueth, and all the iudgements of thy righ: and contempt ot!
. e

they beginne to 135 Shew the light of thy countenance teouſn dure fog guer. of thy glorie.,
reade Gods word. bpon thy (eruant,and teach me thy ſtatutes. bk, d lt is a fure a

c My zeale to- 136 Mins eves quth 4 out with riuersof ſigne ofout adoption, when weeloue the law of God, e Sin
ward thy.word water,becaule they keepe not thy Law. thou firft promifedit, cuen to the ende all thy fayings are true... wi
wasfo great ——
‘d He theweth what ought to bee the zeale of Godschildren, when HERON Greil Mewriuds on cit Seis! a
they feehis word contemned, ; 161 Pꝛinces have + perlecuted me with. a The chreat- _
TSADDI, onf caufe,but mine heart Hood in aweofthy nings and perfe-
aWecanrotcon 137 Rightceus art thou,D Lod, and tuk Words. cutions of princ
feffe Godto be. are thy magenients. pier 162 J tetopced at thy wod, ag one that could not caule
righteous,except r138. Thou bat commanded, iuſtice by lindeth a great ſpople. me tofhrinke t
we liue vprightly, thy teftimonics and truech elpecially. 163 J hatefalfhood and abbogee it, but confeſſe chee,
andtruclyashee. | 139 * Dy scale hath euen conlunscd Hg, thy Law doe FZloue. sibvarde aas sai Whom Lmorg.,;
bath comm; becante mine enemies haus forgotten, thy 164 > Suen times a day doe J praple, feare thenmen, ,
Pfalé9.9, i — ther, becaule ot thy righteousindgcments. —bThat is,often:
BAN 2:17. 164 They, andfundry times

The lying tongue, Pfalmes. The toy of the faithfull. 279
c Fortheit con- 165 They,¢ that loue thy Law, Hall haue € A fong of degrees,
fcience affureth
them that they
great proſperity, and they hall bane neng
hutt. Jcome.
CHilittitap mine eves
taines, from whence
ſvnts the menn: h Or,aboue the
mine heipe Wall woxatanes:
pleate chee, wher- 166 Loꝛd,J hane atruſted in thy ſaluati⸗ Meainng that
as they that loue on.and haue Bone thy commandements. 2 MWine helpe cowwech from the Lode, there t nothin
not thee, baue 167 8y loule hath kept thy teſtimonies: wbich hath made theabeaucn anv the carth Pè high in this
the contrary. for J) lote them ercecdingly. f 3. Pewli not fuir thy foot to fp; for world wherein
d Hetheweth 168. 3| baue kept thy precepts € thy teſti· he that keepeth thee, wtil not o lumber. he can truf, but
‘that we muft ſirſt mantes: fog ali my wayes are Betoze thee, 4 Beholde, he that keepety Firat, will onely in God,
haue faith, before neither lumber no? ficepe. a Heaccufeth
we can workeandpleafeGod. e I had no reſpect of men, but fet 5 Aye Log is thy keeper : the Lorde is mans ingrati⸗
thee alwaies before mine eyes,as the iudge of may doings. thy ſhadow at thp right band. tude,which cane
6 Che Dunne Hall not © {mite thee by not depend on
TURN Bayni: the Moone by night. Gods power.
169 Let my complaint come before thee, 7 The Lord mall prelerut thee fram all b He theweth
a Asthouhatt D Lozd,& gine mec vuderitanding, *accez- enil; bethall keepe thy foule. that Gods prouis
promifedtobe Ding vnto thp werd. 8 Che Love Hall peeſerue thy 4 going dence not onely
the {choolmafter I70 Let mp {upplication come before ont, and thy comming in from Dencetoozty watchethoues
vntoailthem thee, and petiner mee accozdingtothp pro⸗ and fo2 euer. í his Church in |
that depend vyp- mife. i general,butalfo.. $
on thee, 171 Py lips Hali b fpeake pzayle, when ouer euery member thereof, c Neither heate n or colde, nor an
b The word fig- thou bat < taught me thp tatutcs. i incommoditie {halbe able to deftroy Gods Church: albeit for a tim
nificth to powre 172 My tongue Wail intreate ef thy they may moleft it. d Whatfoeuer chou doef enterprife fhal haue:
foorthcontinu= word; fog all thy commandements are righ⸗ good ſucceſſe.
ally. teous. PSAL, CXXII,
c Allhis prayer 173 Let thine hand helpe me: foz J]haue 1 Dauid reioyceth ix the name of the faithful
and defireissto choſen thy precepts. ; that God hath accomplifhed hu promiſe,&placed
profite inthe 174 3 baue longed foz thy faluatton, D his Arkein Zion. 5 For the which hee gineth
wordofGod, Loꝛd and thy law is my Delight. ya 8 And prayeth for the prosperitze of the
d That is,thy 175 WLetmy foule liue,and it hall papie KTCH.
prouident care thee , and thy d indgements thall Helpe € Along of Degreesor Palme
ouer meand me. j of Dauid.
wherewith thou 176 bance gone aftray like a loft Heep: *a Reiopced, when they faide to me, (Aee 1. Chron.29.9,°
wilt iudge mine ſeeke thy ſeruant, for J Doe not fozget typ wiil go into the houle ct the Lord. a He reioyecth
enemies. commandements, 2 Durt keete hall Rand in thy gates, D that God had
e Being chafed . ; j Jeruſalem. appoynted a
to and fro by min€ enemies, and having no place to reftin, 3 Jerulalem is builded as a citit, that is place, where the
© compact together tn tt felfe: Arkefhould {till .
É PS AL CXX. 4 Cibereunto the ¢ Cribes, even the remaine.
= a The prayer of Dauid being vexed by the falfe Tribes of the Lozd goe yp, according to the b Which were
reports ofSauls flatterers. § And therefore he la- teſtimonie te Iſrael, to praple the Mame of wont to wander
menteth hu long abode among thofe infidels, 7 the Loz. toand fro asthe -
Who were giuento allkinde of wickedneffe and § Foꝛ there are thrones fet fo: fudament, Arke remoued.
contention, even the thzones of the houfeof e Dania. c By the artificie -
a That is,of lif- @ Along of * degrees. 6 Maay foz the peace of FJerulalem ; let allioyning and
tingvpthetune — ein vnto the Load tn mp > crouble,and them pzolper that loue thee. beauty of the
and rifing in he beard me. Í 7. Peacebewithin thy fwalleg,and prof: houfes,he mea
finging, 2 Deliner my foule,D Loyd, from lying peritie within thy palaces. neth the con- l
b Albeitthe lips, and from a Deceitfull tongue. ; 8 Fo my zsbꝛethren and neighbours cord& loue that <
children of God 3 ihat Doth thycdeceitful tongue bzing fakes J will wrth thee now profperttic. wasbetwecne
ought to reiovce vnto theezoz what Beth it auaile thee? 9 Becaule of the boule of the Lorde our the citizens,
whenthey fuffer 4s tisas the d Harpe arrowes of a migh⸗ God,IJwell procure thy wealth. d All the tribes
forrighteoufnes tie man, and as the coles of inniper, according to
ſake, yet it is a Cio tg to me that Jremaine in: e- Gods covenant fhalicome and pray there. e In whofehoufe God -
greargricfeto —-FHech,and dwell in the tents off Kedar. placed y throne of Iuftice,and made it a figure of Chriftskingdome. -
the fle(h to heare 6 $y foule hath too long Dwelt with f The favour of God profperthee both within and without. g =}
euill for well bim that hateth peace, Not onely for mine owne fake, but for all the faithfull,
doing. 7 3 feke gpeace, and when J {peake PSAL. CNX LHI
c He affured thereof, they are bent to warre· 1 Aprayer of the futhfull, which were afflu-
himfelfthat God ed either in Babylon, or vuder Antiochus bythe
would turne their craft to theirowne defiru@ion. d He fheweth wicked worldlings and contemners of God.
that there is nothing fo {harpe to pearceynor fo hote to fet on fire as i qA fong of degrees. j
aflenderoustongue. e Thefe were people of Arabia,which came Lift bp mine epes to thee, that dwelleſt in
of Iaphat,Gen. 10.2. f Thatis ofthe I{hmaelites. g Hedecla- the beauens.
reth what he meaneth by Meſhech,
andKedar : to wit, the Ifiaelites 2 Behold,as the eves of ſeruants looke a Hecompareth f
which had degenerate from their godly fathers, and hated and con- vnto the hand of thrir matters, and as the the condition of <
tended againit the faithfull, epes of amaiden yuto the hand of permi- the godly to ſer⸗
i PISAT: CIXI ſtreſſe: fo sur eyes waite vpon the Lozdeour vants that are j
s 1, This Pfalme teacheth thar the faithful ought God vntill he hane mercie upon vs... deſutute ofall 2
: onely to looke for helpe at God, 7 Veo only dath : _helpeaffuring- f
maintaine and prosper his Church, that whexall other helps faile, God is cuer — himſe ſfe·
3 Wau
ero O O CAE E

God onely faueth. Pfalmes. Gods bleffing onthe godly.

3 Dawe mercy vpon bs,D Lorie, bauc 2 Then was our mouth © filled with b He thewerh
l He declareth mercy vpon vs: foz wee haue’ (uttered too laughter,aud our tongue with top: then laya how the godly
|chat when the much contempt, they among the « heathen, The Lorde hath ought torcioyce,
faichiull are © — 4 Dur loule ts filled toa fullof the mock·
full,chat they . tng of the wealthy, andot the aeiprecfulnetie Done great things for then. when God gathee
3 ‘Che Lod hath Done great things fog rethhis Church
can no moreen- Of the proud. vs, whereof we reioyce. or deliuereth ic,
dure the oppreffi- f ; 4 D Lome, bring agate ourcaptinitic, c If the infidels
ons and fcornings of the wicked, thereis alway helpe aboue,if with as the d riuers in the South. confeffe Gods
hungry defires they call for it. § hey that ſowe in teares, tall reape wonderfull
PS A Lo CXXILE, in toy. worke, the faith
1 The people of God efcaping a great peril! doe 6. They went weeping and caried epze· full can
acknowl:dge them/elues to bee delswered not by cious feede zbut they hall returne with toy thew neuer
their owne force,but by the power of God, 4 They themfelucs
and bꝛing there ſheaues. fufficienly
declare the grea:neffe of the perill, 6 And praia thank full.
the Name ofGed. d Icisnomore impoffible to God to deliver his people, then to
CA long of degrees,or Pſalme caufe the riuersto runne inthe wildernes & barren places. ¢ That
> of Daui. is, feed which was fearce and deare :meaning, that they which trufted
a He theweth Jf the Loza had not·bene on onr fide (map in Gods promife to returne, had their defire.
that God was Iſrael now tay) PSAL CXXVII.
ready to helpe at 2 Itthe Lod had not beene on onr ſide⸗ i He fheweth that the whole eftate ofthe world
meede,andthat whenutenroleppagainttys, - bsth domefticall and polliticall ſtandeth by Gods
there wasnone 3 Theyhad chentwalowed vs vpbquick, meere frouidence and blefing, 3 Andtharto
otherwaytobe When their wath was kindled agatnit vs. haue child en well nurtured, is a ſpeciall grace
fqued,butbyhis 4 Then the: waters had drowned vg, and gift of God,
| onely meanes, and the ttreame had gane ouer our foule : ¶ A (ong of degrees, or Palme
b b So vnable were § Then had the ſwelling waters gone of Salomon.
we to refilt. ouer our foule. BE the Lorde⸗ builde the boule, they a Thar is, go- {
c H:rvfeth mot 6 Bꝛapled be the Lore, which hath not about tn batne that build it: except the uerne, and dif-
propetfimilitudes gluen vs asa pray ynta cheir teeth. Lod keepe the > city,tie keeper watcheth tn poleall things
to expreffe the 7 Dur iule ts elcaped,euen as a bird out baine. ; pertaining tothe
greatdanger,that Ofthe d {nareof the foulers ; the inare is bzo- 2 It is in vaine forc you to viſe early, and family,
the Church was ken, and we are deliuered. to lye Downe late, and eate the bꝛead dof ſoꝛ b The publike
in,andout ofthe 8S Durbelpeisincthe flame of the Lod, row: but hewilllurelp gine e reft to bis be⸗ eftate of the
which God mira- Which bath made heauen and earch. loued. common wealthy
culoufly deliue- f X 3 Weholde, chilen are the inheritance ¢ Which watch
redthem, d For the wicked did not onely furioufly rage againſt
ofthe Loꝛde, and che fruite of the woimbehis and ward,andare
che faithfull, but crattily imagined to deftroy them, reward. ; alfo Magiftrates,
P'S AL CXXV. 4 Asatethe arrowes in the hand of the and rulers of the
3 He defersbeth the aſſurance of the fasthfull rong man: io are the f chilen of youth. City. -
in their afflections, 4 And defireth ther wealth, § Blefled is the man, that hath his quiucr d Either thae
5 And the deftruciton of the wicked. full of them: for they s hall notbeajamed, which is gotten
A fong of degrees. when they (peak wb their enemies in the gate. by hard labour,
yee that truſt in the Lorde, thallbee as or eaten with
a Thoughthe mount Zion, which cannot be a remoued, griefe cfmind. e Notcxempting them from labour, but making
worldbeefubie& but remaineth foz euer. tbeir labours comfortable,& as it were a ret. f Thatis,indued with
to mutations,yet 2 As the mountaines areabout Jeruſa⸗ firength and yertues from God:for tsefe are fignes af Gods bleflings,
thepeopleot lem: fo.isthe Lode about bis people from andnotthesumber. g Such children (hall bee able to ftop their
God (ball Rand Denceforth,and fo: euer. i aduerfaries mouthes, when their godly life is malicioufly accufed be-
fure,and be de- 3 JFozthe >rovot the wicked Mall net fore Iudges.
fended by Gods ` reit on the lotofthe righteous, left the righ» PSAL, CXXVIII
prouidence. teous put forth their band vato wickednes. 1 He fheweth that blefedneffeappertaineth not `
b Though God 4 Dae weilD Loꝛd vnto thole that bee to all vniser fally, butto them onely that feare the
fufferhistobe good and true in their hearts. Lord,and walke in his wayes.
vnderthe croft, § But thele that turne afite bp their ¶ A long of degrees.
Iefttheythould crooked wayes, them thal the Lom lead with B Leifed is cuery one that teaveth the Lop,
imbrace wicked- the workers of iniquitie: but peace thalbe vp⸗ ana walketh tn bis? wayes. a God appro-
nefic,yetthis on Ilrael. 2 Chen thou cate the labours of thine ueth not our life,
- croffe (hall not fo reſt vponthem, thatit ſhould drine them from b hands, thou Waltbebleficd,and it (hall bee except it be re-
hope. c Heedefireth God to purge bis Church from hypocrites well with thee, or accore
and fuch as haue no zeale of the trueth, 3 Thy wife thal be as the fruitful pine on ding to his word,
PSAL CXXVIL the ſides of thine Houle, & thy<childzentike b The worlde-
1 Tha Pſalme was made after the returne of the oliue plants round about thy table. ~ fteemeth them
the people from Babylon,and fheweth that the
4 Loe, ſurely thus hal the man be bleſſed happy,which
wmeane of their deliwcrance was wonderfull afier that feareththe Lod. liuein wealth and
the ſeuentie yeeres of the captinitie forsfpoken by § The Lod out of Zion Hal 4blelle thee, idlenes: but the
Teremie,Chap.2§ .t2.and 29.10. + holy Ghoft.
C A long of Degrees,orPfilme of Dauid. approueth them beft,that liue of the meaneprofite of their labours.
V een che.Lod brought agatne the c Becaufe Gods favour appeareth in none outward thing more then
a Their deline. captinttic of Ston,we were like then in increafe of children,he promifeth to enrich the faithfull with this
Trance wasasa that * Dzeame. gift. d Becaufe of the fpirituall blefling which God bathmadeto
thing incredible,®&therefore tooke away all excuſe of ingratitude. his ¢burch,thefe temporal things halbe to
Dauids humility. Pfalmes. His care forreligion. 240
e For except and thou Malt fee the wealth ofe Jerufalem, Let Iſtael wayte on the Rore from : y
God bleffed his all tie Dayes of thy life. j j hencetoorth and foz ener. :
Church publike- 6 Pea, tbou Wait tee thy chilazens chil PAi iC MX KITS
Ty, this prinace Bren, ane peace vpon Iſtael. a The faithfall grounding on Gods promife made
blefling were no- PS\A LY CRANN unto Daurd, defere that bee wouldeftablifh the
thing, 1 He admaonifheth the Church to reioyce theuzh fame,both as touching hu pofterity & the buslding
it be afflucted, 4 For by the righteous Lord it fhal of the Temple, to pray there as was for: foke
be deliucred, 6 and the enemies for all their glorie Dewt.13.5,
ons fhew,fhall fuddenly be deftroied, A fong of Degrees. l —
A long of Degrees. Dd remember Daud with ali hiza af 2 Tharm,wic
a TheChurch on Hane oftencimes afilictes mee fram =fliction. how great diffi-
now affliGed Hip youth (may Iſrael now fay) 2 Myo ſware vnto the Lozde,and bowen culty hee came to
oughttoremem= 2 @bhephaueoften times affiictedD mee
bite the mighty God of Jaakob, laying, the Kingdome,
berhowhercon- from my pouty; but thep could not pzeuaiie
3. Jt winot enter inte the Tabernas and with how
ditionhath cuer agatnit me. —— mine boule, no: come pon my palet, er great zealeand
bene ſuch ftom 3 Che plowers plowed pon my backe, tD, care he went a⸗
the beginningto and made long furrowes. 4 Noꝛ ſuſter mine eyes to Meep,no2 mine boutto build thy
bemoleftedmoft 4 Burthe> righteous Lorde hath cut the eye (tds to tiumber, Temple,
grieuouſly bythe cos of the wicked. 5, Untill J Gnd out a place foz the «Lon, b Becaufe the
wicked:yet in 5 They that hate Zion, Hall be all aſha⸗ ———— foz the mighty God of Jaa: chie fe charge of
time ithath euer MeD And turned backward. 8 the King was to
bene deliuered. 6 © Chey thalbe as the graffe on the houſe 6 Lov, we heard of itind Ephrathah, and fet toorth Gods
b BecaufeGodis toppes, which withereth alore it commeth found it inthe fields of the fot. glory, he hew-
sighteous,becan- foorth. 7 Wee willenter into his Tabernacles, eth,that. he could
notbut plague 7 Alhereof che mower fillet not dis and Wwa fbip befoze bis footitoole. take no reft,nci-
bisaduerfaries, hand, neither the gleaner bis lap: 8 Arile, D Lode, to come into thp *refk, ther would goe a=
and deliver his 4 either they which goe by, Cay, The thou,and the arke of thy ſtrength. bout any worldly
asoxenout of blefling of the Lord bee vpon pou, or, Clee 9 Letthy Heieſts be clothed with f righ. thing,were it
the plow, bleie pou tu the name ofthe Loz. teoulnefle,and let thy Saints reioyce. neuer fo neceſſa⸗
c Theenemies ` 10 For thy s ſeruant Dauids fake refule rie, before he had
that lift themfeluesmoft hie,and asit were, approch neere to the fun, not the face of thine Annointed. executed his
are confumed with the heat of Godswrath, becaufe they are not grnit- IL Che Loz hath ſworne in trneth onto office,
ded in godly humility. d That is,che wicked ſhal perifh and none Dauid,and bee wil not Minke from it, fiy- c That is,the
fhali pafle for thems z ing, Df the fruite ofthy body will J (ee vpon Arke, which was
BS Aent OXXX thy throne. afigne of Gods
¥ The people of God from their bottomleffemi- 12 3fthp nnes keepe my conenant, and prefence,
Series doe cry unto God,&are heard, 3 They con- myteſtimonies, that J Mall teach them, d The common
Fele their fines and flee vnto Gods mercie. their fonnes allo fhall fit pon thy throne fo. hruite was that
EA (ong of degrees. eller. the Arke fhould
a Beinzinegreat o% of tbeadeepe places haueJ called 13 Fo: the Lord hath cholen Zion, and {o> remainein E- a
shftrefe& row. unto thee,D Loza. ued to Dwell in tf,faying, phrathahithat is,
-b Hee declareth 2 Lo, lare my voyte: let thine cares 14 This ts mpreh foz euer: beere wil J in Beth-lehema
y we cannot be attend to the vovce of uty papers. ye Dweil, for7]havea idelight therein. plentifull. places
luft before God, 3 Fe thouD Low, ttraitly markeſt ini» 15 J wri furclp blefi ber vitaileand
s wilt but after, we pda
but by forgiue- guittes,D L020,’ whe Hall tand? fatittie ber poore with becad, f ceiuedthat thou
ne ffe of finnes. 4 But mercy is with thee, that thon 16 And wiii clothe per pricks with tfal wouldeft place it
c- Becaufe of na- © mapett be feared. nation and her Saints Wail fhout fe toy. in Terufalem, _
turethou art § Jhaue wattedon the Lod: my foule 17 There wil J make the 'bomeof Da- which was barré
mercifuil; there- hath waited, F hae truten in bis word. uito bua: for Jhaue ordeined a lighs foz asa forreft, and
fore the faithfull My foule waiteih on the Lorde mo: mine Anopnten. campafied about
reuereneethee, then the moning watch waãtcheth foz the 18 iis enemies wil J clothe with Mame, onely with hilse
d He thew.thro mumniig. , bit on him bts cro wne Mall flourity, e. Thatis, lerufa>
whom the mercy 7 Let Iſrael watt onthe Lod: for with lem, becaufe that
of God doth ap- the Loris d mercy, and with bimis great afterward his Atke fhouldremooue to none otherplace. f Lerthe
pertaine:to lft<el, redemption. effect of thy grace both appcare inthe prief's & in the people, g As
yissto thechurch, 8. And bee Hall redeeme Iſcael fromal thou firft n-adeft promifeto Dauidſocontinue it to his pofterity,tbat
and not te rhe is iniquities. : what(oeuer they (haliaske for their people,it may bs granted, h Be-
reprobate, F PSAL, CXXXI. caufe this cannot be accomplifhed bur in Chrilt, it followeth that the —
1 Dauid charged with ambition & greedy dofire promile was fpirituall.. i Meaning,for his owne fak not forthe
to reigne,protefteth ha humility & modefly before plentifuinefe of the place: for hee promiſeth to bleſſe it,declaring be-
God and teacheth alimen what they [hauld doe, fore,that itwasbarren, k- Thatis,wirh my protection, wherby they
@ A long of degrees, or Plalme thalbe fafe...1 Though his force for atime feemed to bee broken,
_ of Dauid. sy yethe promifetktoreftoreit,
‘3 Hefetteth forth p 2: a mine beart is not hauty , neither
his great bumili- are mine epes loftie, neither baue F wale PSAL CXXXII.
tyasan example ked in greate matters and hid from me. 1 This Pfalme conteineth the commendationof
to all rulers and 2 SurelpF baue behaucd my felfe like one brotherly amity among the feruants of God.
ouernors, weaned from his mother, aud kept fitence: J @ A long of degreesyorPlalme
Which paffe§ amin my ſelke as one that ts < weaned. , of Dauid.
meafure & limits
ofhis vocation, c He was voydof ambition & wicked defircs, i Pno » howe goed and howe comes
lya thing itis, beethacn to Dwell ceuen

What God did for Ifvael. Pfalines. Idoles and their makers.
a Becau’e the a tagether. Wing tance, euen an inheritante bute Iſrael his
-greatelt pate were 2 Icistikete the precious bointinent vpon people.
againſt Dauid, the head, Y runneth Downe vpon the beard, 13 Thynamt, D Loꝛd, endureth foz euer; f Thatisgouern
though [ome fa- cuen ynta Aaronsbeard, which went Downe D Eon, thy remembzance is from generati- and defendhis
uoured him, yet on the boder of bis garments: en to generation. people,
when he was efta- And ag the dewe of: Permon, which 14 forthe Lord willfiunge bis people, g By thewing
blithed king, at falleth vpon the mountaynes of Zion: for and be pacified towards bis (eruanes. what punifhment
leagth they loys å there the Lord appepnted the bleſſing, and 15 The stdoles of the heathen are filuer God appoynteth
ned altogether life kor euer. and gold,cuen the worgkeotmens hands. forthe heathen
like brethren,& 16 Chephauca month, and ſpeake net: idolaters he war-
therforehe fheweth by thefe fimilitudes the commodity of brotherly they baue eyes and fee not. _ neth his people
-foue. b The oyntmét wasa figure of the graces,which come from 17 Chephaueecares and hearenot, wei: to beware F like
- Chriftthe head of hisChurch. c¢ By Hermon and Zionhee mea- ther ts there any breath ta their mouth. offence, feeing
neth the plentifull countrey about lerufalem, d Wherethere is 18 Chey that make them, are like pnta chacidoles haue
ſuch concord, them: fo areail tac truſt in them. neither power
PL AL. CXXXIILI. I9 JPzafle the Lo: pee houſe of Iſrael: nor life, and that
x Hee exhorteth the Leuites, watching in the pratle the Loꝛdvebouleof Garon. their deliverance
Temple to praife the Lord. 20 Praile the LoD ye houleof Leui: ye came not by i=
€ a fong of degrees. that fearethe Lord, praile the Lod. doles, but by the
a Yerhatare Lé: REND paite pe the Lord, all pe · ſeruants 20 {zailen be the Lord out ofSion, which mightie power of
uites,and chiefly of the Lord, ye that by night Kand inthe Dwelleth in Jeruſalem. Wraile pe the Lord. God. read Pfal,
appointed to this Houle ef tije Lord. 115 verſe 4.
— office, 2 Litt vp pour? handes te the Sanctnas PSAL. CXXXVL
» b For their _ty,and patie the Lord. 1 A moft earneft exhortation to gine thanks un
| charge wasnot 3 The Lom that hath emade heauen and to God for the creation and gouernance of añ
_onelytokeepe garth, bleſſe thee out of Zion. things,which ſtandeth in confe(fing that bee gi-
- the Temple,but Heth us all of his meere Liberalty.
to pray there and to giue Godthankes, c And therefore hathall pert pe the Lord, becauſe beig good: foz a By this repeti-
_ ; power, blefle ches with his fatherly Ioue declared in Zion, Thus the bis a mercie endureth fo? euer. ; tien he fheweth
- Leuites vfed to psaife che Lord, and blefle the people. 2 Paaile pee the God of gods: foz bis that the lealt of
: PSA L. CXXXV. mercie endureth foz euer, 4 Gods benefites
xı Heexhorteth all the faithfallof what eſtate 3 Paꝛailſe pe the Lozd of loes : foz bis bind vs to
focuser they bee, to praife God for his marueilous mercie endureth fo? euer. thankelgiuings
works, 12 dr efpecially fr his graces toward his 4 VWhich only doech great wonders : foz butchieflybis à
People,wh-rin he hath declared hismaiefly, v5 to his mercp endureth foz enet; mercie,whichis |
the confifion of all idolaters,and their idoles, 5 Mlbich by his wrledome made the Hea- principally de-
_ @ Pratle pe the Low. tents ¢ foꝛ his mercie endurech foz enet, ~ clated towards
paw the frame ofthe Lord: pe ſeruants 6 hich hath ſtretched out the earth his Church.
— ofthe Lord, pzaiſe him. bnon the waters; foz bis b mercy endureth b This was a
a Ye Leuites 2 Dee that tande in the a bouleofthe o2 euer. l TE common kinde“
chat are in his Loꝛde, and i% the b courts of the houfe ofour CUbich made great lights + fog his of othankfgiuing,
Sanctuary. G8 mercie endureth fo euer. which the whole
b Meaningthe 3 JOzaylh pee the Boze: fo: the Lorde is 8 Asthe funne te rule the Day: foz big people vied,
_ people; forthe good: fing yayles vnto bis Fame foz it ig mercy endureth fo? ener: * when they had
peopleandLe- _ acomety thing. 9 The moone and the arresto gouern receiued any be-
Niteshad their * 4 ffozthe Loꝛd hath «chofen Jaakeb ta the night : foz bis mercie endureth fozeugr. neſit of God,
_ courts,which bintetfe,and Iſrael foz his chtefe creature. Io (hich (mote Egypt with therr fir as2.Chron,7.6,
were places of § For FT know that the Lord is great, and bone : (for his mercie endureth for eter) and 20.21.mea~
the Temple fepas that aur Tord is aboue all gods. Il gnd ‘brought out Iſrael from among ning,thar God
fate, 6 Mhatloeuer pleaſed the Lord,thaténin them: (fo2 hts mercy endureth Foz euer.) was not onely —
¢ Thatis,kath hee in heauen and in earth,in the fea,and in 12 Cith amightie band and 4 ſtretched merciful to their
ſreely loued the all the Depths. out arme : (foz bis mercie endureth foz ener ) fathers but alfo
poſterity of A- 7 Hee bꝛingeth vp the cloudes from the I3 C&thich diuided the red Dea in two continued the
brabam. endes of the earth, ana maketh the light- parts :foz his mercte endureth fo? euer: fame to their -
d He ioyneth nings with the raine: he Dealweth forth the 14 And made Iſrael to palle thozowe the pofterity.
‘Godspower with wind out ef hts treafures, middes of it: foz bis mercie endureth foz e⸗ c¢ Gods merei-
- biswill,cothe 8 * Wee linote the firk borne of Egypt uel: ; full prouidence
intentthatwee bothof man and beat. I5 And ouerthrewe Pharaoh and His toward man ap-
Mould not fepa- 9 He hath (ent tokens and wonders into holtein the red Mca : fo2 his mercy endureth peareth inall his
ratethem:and* the mtns of thee, D Egypt, spon Pharaoh, forener. creatares, but
hereby he willech and bpon all bts feruants. 16 Thich led his people thoꝛow the ewil⸗ chiefly in that
Godspeopleto -10 He ſmote many nattens, and flewe Dernes: foz his mercy endureth fozeuers that he deliuered
depend on bis mighty kings; © 5 17 hich finote great Kings: fo bis his Church from
powerywhich he It As Atbon king of the Amozites, and mercy endurech foz ener: ; the thraldome `
confirmeth by Dgkingof Bathan,and all the kingdomes 18 Ano flew fmighty kings;
foghis mer- oftheir enemies.
examples, of Canaan: A ci¢ endureth foz cuer: d In doing fuck
Fere 10.03. 12: Ande gauge their lande for an inheri⸗ a worke as was
~ Exod.11,19. ‘neuer donebefore,nor that any other could doe, e Where furthe
Num21.24,34. € He theweth what fruite the godly conceiue of ſpace of forty yeeres hee {hewed infinite and moft ftrange wonders.
_ Gods power, wherby they fee how he deftroyeth his cnsmies and de- £ Declaring thereby thatno power nort authority wasfo deai e vat
livercth bis people. himas the loug of his Church,
Ig As
The Churchin captiuitie. Pfalines. NothingfecrettoGod. 24%
gInougreaet 19 As Bihon king of the Amopites ¢ foz
_ affiiQionand fia hig mercy endureth foz euer; ¶A Plalme of Dauid.
ucric,whenwce [= Patle thee with my whole heart teuen i
20 Ana Dg thekingof Batan ; for bts befoze thea gods willJpratle thee. a Euen inthe
looked forno- mercy endureth fo? euer: A 2 J will ———
thingleffethen toward thine holy preſence of An-
21 And gaue their land foz an heritage: > Semple, and praite thy Mame, becaule oF gels,and
tobiuchad any fo? bis mercy endureth
fogever : of then
: thy lontng
- fuccour, 22 Eucnan heritage vnto Iſrael his fers thou hat magnified and fo? thy truet : foz
thy same aboue all
chat baue autho-
h Seeiug yGod Want: for his mercy endureth fo? euer things by thy word, ritie among men,
prowideth,euen 23 CUibich reimembzed vg in our 8 bale es b Both¥ Temple
forf beafts:much fate: foz bis mercy endureth Foz euer: 3, Chen J called, then thou heardeſt me, and ceremonial
more hath hee 24 And bath relcued and batt <encrealed ftrength in mp foule, — feruice at Chrifts
vs from our oppreſ· 4. Altthe 4 kings of the earth thall praiſe coming were a-
carcourrhis. fourg: forts mercyendurethfopeuer; thee,D Lozd; foz they haue heard the words bolithed : that
iSccingthata 29 Ahich giueth food to alt ficlh;foz his of thy mouth.
ageshauchad Mercy endureth foz ever. now God willbe
moft plaine te-
: S And they Hhallfing of the wayes ofthe worlhipped only
26 i zaile ye the God of heanen ; foz bis Loz, becaute the glozp ofthe Lodisgreat. in fpirit & trueth,
Rimoniesof Mercy endureth fo? euer,
Gods benefits, Sez the Lon is hie : pethebebolveth Tohn.4.23.
the lotoly , but the proude hee knoweth <a- c Thou halt
PSAL, CXXXVII, farre off. 7 ;
1 Thepeople of God in their banifhment [cin ftrengthened më
7 Though J walke in the middes of againit mine ont-
Godstrue religion decay , ued in greatangui troubic, yec wit thou reutue mes thou wilt ward and inward
&& forow ofheart :the which griefe the Chaldeans fretch foozth thine hand bpon the wath of enemies,
did fo little pitie, 3 that they rather encreafed the mine enemies, and thy right hand chall ſaue d All the world
fame dayly with taunts, reproches & blafphemies mee.
thal confe {fe that
againft God.7 Wherfore the Ifraclites defire God, 8 The Lord wil € perfozme hisworketa: thou haft won-
firft to pumfh the Edomites, who prousked the Ba- ward mee : D Lord, thy mercy endureth
foz derfully prefer-
bylonians againft them, 8 and mooued by the Bi- euer: forlake not the wozkes of thine bands,
rit of God, propheſie ihe deſtruction of Babylon, uedme, and pcre
formed thy pro-
where they were handled fotyrannoujly. mife, e Diftanceof placecannot hinder God to thew mercteto
a Thatis,wea- Ð the riuers of Babel weelate, and there his, and toiudge the wicked though they thinke that he is farre off,
bode a longtime 4 me wept, when we remembzed zion. : f Though mine enemies rage neuer fo much, yet the Lord which
& albeit that the 2 Ae hanged ourbarpes bpon the twil hath begun this workeinme, will continue bis grace to the end, f
coitrcy wasplea- {owesinthemtos>thereof PSAL CXXXIX. ne
fant, yetcouldic 3 hen they that iedvs captiues, < res 1 Danid to cleanfe bis heart from all hypocrifie,
fot ftay our quired of vs ſongs and mirth, when we had fheweth that there is nothing fo hid, which God
teares, nor turne pengen bp our harpes, faying, Sing vg one of feeth not, 13 Which heconfirmeth bythe creas
fromthetrue the tongs of Sten, tion of man, 14 After declaring his zeale and
fetvice of our 4 Wow hall we fing, faydwee, a fong of feare of God, hee protefteth tobee enemieto ald
the Loza in a ſtrange land? thera that contemne Gods
5 $ JEJ forget thee,D Fernfalem,tet my
tight band fozget to play, € To him that ede: A Plalme
6 FEF doe not remember thee, let my of Dauid.
fpakethus in tongue cleaueto the roofe of mp mouth:yea, O Loyd, thon Hatt tried me, eknowen me,
isgvsjas il 3] pzeferre not Jerulalem to mp © chiere 2 Thouknowel my a fitting and a He conferteth
Ov gh by ourfi- toy, my tiling chou vnderſtaudeſt my thought that neither our
mcewefhould 7 Remember the childzen of Edom,D afarre off. ; 2l õs, thoughts
Lozd, inthe s Day of Jerufalem, which tatn, 3 Thon? compaſſeſt my paths, and my orany partof
. Rafe tt, vate it to rhe foundation thereof. lying Downe, and att accuftomed to all mp ourlifecan be
D vaughterof Babel, worthy to bee Wwayes. hid from God,
deſtroyed, blefied thall he be that rewardeth 4 Foꝛ there isnot awoꝛd in myctongne, choughhefeem
fitbfull aretou- thee as thon bhatt ſetued bs. but lee, thon knowett it wholly,D Lozd. to be farre off,
fedwith their — 9 Bleſſed thallheebee that taketh and § Chouholdetk me trait behind and be» b Soy they are:
itticular griefes, Dalheth thy childzenagaint the kenes, foze, and layelt thinedhand vpon mee. evidently know
tthe common Thy knowledge is toc wonderfull foz en co thee.
row of the Church is mof grieueus vnto them , & is fuch as they me: tt is ſo hte that J cannot attaine vnto tt. c Thou knowelt
Innot but rememberand lament, e The decay of Godsreligion 7 CGbither hall J goe from thye Spirit? my meaning be-
their countrey was{0grieuous, that no ioy could makethem glad, 0? whither tall J flee fram thy prelence? fore I fpeake. $
Cept it were reftored. f According as Ezekiel,2 5.13.8 Ier.49.7. 8 JEJ alcend into heauen,thou art there; d Thowto puis
rf prophefied :and Obadiah verfe 10 (heweth that the Edomuites, ifF| lte Downe in Hell,thou art there. : deft mee with
lich came of Efau , confpited with the Babylonians againft their 9 Letme take the wings of the mozning, thine hand, that:
ethren & kinsfolke. g Whenthon dideft vifit Ierufalem. h He and dwell in the pttermoit parts of the fea: Ican turne no
udeth to Elies prophefie chap, 13.and;16. verfe, promifing good 10 Pet thither Hall thine hand lead me, way but where
sceffe to Cyrusand Darius, whom ambition mouec to fight againft and thy right hand hold me. chou appointeft
Byion ; but God vied them as his rods to puni(h his enemies. - II. FEI lay, Vet the sarknefle Hall hide mee.
me, euen the night thalbeslight about me. e Fromthy
PSAL, CXXXVITL 12 Dea, the darknefle hideth not front power& know-
4 ¥ Dawid with great courage praifeth the good- thee: butthe night hineth asthe Dap: the ledge?
gj : nele of God toward him,the which is fò great, 4 Darknelle and light
areboth alike, ' £ ‘Thy power
* that itis knowen to ſorraine princes, who fall , doth fo fat hold n
Ai praife the Lord together with bim. 6 And hee is mee, that I can eſcape by no meanesfromthees g Though dark-
affured to haue like comfort of God inthe time nefle bean hinderance to mans fight , yetit ferweth thine eyesas wel.
filling, as he hath had beretoftre, as the lighr, . ;
OR) 13 Foz 7
Dauids hatred againft Gods enemies. Palmes. Prayers againft the wicked. a

b. Thou hak 13 Forthon hak © pollelicd mpreines: atnyGob sheare, D Lord, the voice of mp
made me in all thou ba coucred nice in mp mothers
parts,and there-wombe, 4 i i 7 D Lord Gon the Krength of my falua>
fore mult needs 14 J will pait thee, for J am ifearefully tion, thou € haft couered anne bead in che e Hee callethee
know mee, and wonderouſly made; marneilous are thy Day of battell, God with liucly +
i Confidering workes, and mp foule knoweth it well, 8 Lect notthe wicked haue bis Belive,D faith, being afiu~
thy wonderfull 15 By bones are not hidde from thee, Lozd,! performe not bis wicked thought, let red ofhis mercies
worke in for- though 3 was made in a fecret place, and fas they be proud. Selah. becaufe he
ming mee, I can fpioncd * beneath im the earth. 9 Asforsthechicteok them, that com- had before time
mot but praife 16 Thine epes did lee mec, when FJ was paffe mee about, let the milchtefe of thete prooued, that
thee, and feare without fome ; ! foz in thy booke were all owne lips come vpon then. God helped bim
thy mightie things witten, which in continuance were IO Let coales tall upon them: let 4 him euer in his
ogi . x r RN there wags none of them be- caltthein into the fire, and into the deepe dangers,
That ts, in my ore, pits that they rite not. f For itisin
mothers wombe: 17 How™Ddeare therfore are thy thoughts {I For the backbiter (hall not bee eftabli- Gods hand to
which he com- paro me, D Gon ! how great isthe imme Hed bponthe earth + euill Hail i bunt the: ouerthrow the
parethto the in- of them! cruell man to deſtruction. counfels and en-
“ ward parts of 18 JE J Houl count them, they are moe 12 J know thatthe Lod will auenge the terprifes of the
the earth. then the fand; whew Jawake, » Jam Mill afilicted, and tudge the pooze. wicked,
1 Seeing that with thee. 13 Hurelpthe righteous hall prayſe thp g Itfeemeth
thou diddeft 19 Db that thon woulvet flay, D God, Faure,& the tuk Hallowell in thy paclence. that healluderh
know me before the wicked and bloudte men, to whom] fay, to Saul,
I was compofed Departpe from me: h To wit, God ;for Dauid fawe that they were teprobate, and that
of eitherflefh 20 Ahich ſpeake wickedly of thee, and there was no hope of repentance in them. i Gods plague thal lighe
or bone, much being thine enemies arclitted bp in baine. vpon him in fuch fort, that he {hallnot efcape. k Thatis, (hall bee
more now mult 21 Doe not Jo hate them,D Lozd,that defended and preferued by thy fatherly prouidence and care,
thouknow me hate thee? and doe not J earneſtly contend PSAL, CXLI,
when thou haft with thole that rilevp againit thee? 1 Dauid being grieucufly perſecuted under Saal,
fathioned mee. 22 J bate them wih an vnkeined hatred, onely fleeth unto God to haue fuccour, 3 defiring
m How ought as they were mine ytter enemies. him to bridle hu affections, that hee may patienti
wero. eſteeme
the excellent
23 Trie mee, D God, and knowe mine abide till God take vengeance ofhis enemies,
Heart: proove me and know my thoughts, @ A Plalme of Danin.
declaration of 24 Aud confiner iE there be any Pe wapof Ot, Je call vpon thee haſte thee vnto a Hee fheweth
thywifdome weickednelſe in me, and led me in the a way — heare mp voyce, when Icrie vnto that there is none
ue cteation- fo2 euge. otherrefuge in
oiman: 2 Let my prayer be directed in thy fight our necefiiies, —
n I continually fe new oceafionsto meditate in thy wifedome & asincente, & the >liftingypof mine bandg but onely tofice
topraife thee. o He teacheth vs boldly to contemne al ¥ batred of as an euening factifice. vnto Godfor _
the wicked and friendthip of the world, when they would let vsto 3 Set a watch,D Lord,befoze my mouth, comfort of foule
ferus Godfincerely. p Or any heinous way or rebellious ; mea- and keepe the doore of my lips. b Hee meauerh,
ning, that though he were fubie& to finne, yet was hee not giuen to 4 Incline not mine heart to enill that J bis earneſt zeale
wicked neffc, and to prouoke God by rebellion, q That isconti- fhould cõmit wicked works with men that and gefture,
nue tby fauour towards me to the end, wozke iniquitie: and let me not cate of their which he vied in
è pelicates. : : prayer, alluding:
PSAL, CXL, § Lettherighteous finite mes for that is to the facrificess
1 Dauid complainethof the crueltie, falfhood abenche : and iet: him reproue mec, and ic which were by
and iniuries of his enemies, 8 Azainft the which thalibe a precious ople, that Wall not bꝛeake Gods.commane
he prayeth unte the Lord, & aſſureth himfelfe of mine head ¢ fo: within a while 3 hall euen dement offered.
bis helpe and ſuccour. 12 Wherefore he proua- f pay tn their miferies. in the olde law,
keth the iuſt to praiſe the Lord, & to affure theme 6 Mhen their iudges Halbe cat downe c Hee defireth
Selues ofhis tuition. my tods, God to keepe f
in tonie places thep ihalls heare
C Co him that excelleth. APalme foz they are fweete. thoughtsand —
of Dauid
auid. 7 Dur bones lie ſcattered atthe'graucs wayeseither |
pens me, D Loz, from the evillman; mouth, as hee that heweth wood oz Diggeth from thinking
à Which perfe- pꝛeſerue me from the a cruellman. inthe earth. À orexecuting —
cuteih mee of 2 Ahich imagine enill things in their 8 But mineeypes looke nto thee,D Lod vengeance,
malice and with- bheart, and make warre continually. God: in thee is my truf; leauc not mp ule d Let not thei
out caule, 3 Thep haue Hharpned their torques like deſtitute. profperitie allt
b That is,by a ſerpent : © adders poylon is vnder their 9 Keepemee fromthe ſnare, which they merobe wick
their falfe cauil= lips, Selah. haue laide for mee, and from
the grennes of asthey are. ~
lations and lies 4. Keeped me,D Loz, from the hands the wozkers of iniquitie. eat c He couldab
they kindle the of the wicked : preſerue me from the cruell IO Let the wicked fall into ihig nets*toe all correction
hatred of the man which purpalerhtosaunle my eps to gether, whiles J efcape. thatcame of a
wickedagaintt ide. ; loning heart,
mee, § The prondehauclaive a ſnare foz me, f By patience] ſhall feethe wicked fo tharply handled, thaz.I fh
e Heetheweth and{pread a net with cords in my pathway, for pitie pray for them, g.. The people which followed their
what weapons and fet arennes foz me. Selah. ked rulersin — the Prophet, hall repent and turneto Gi
the wicked vie, 6 Therefore J faid vntothe Lod, Thouwhen they fee their wicked rulers puniſhed. bh Hereappearetht
“when power and Dauid was miraculoufly deliucred out of mamy deaths, as, 3 Co
force failethem, d He declareth what isthe remedi¢ ofthe god- 9,10, i Into Godsnets, whereby he catcheth the wicked in
dy, when they are opprefied by the wosldlings, owne malice, K Sothat none ofthem efcape,
eh: |
Dauid prayeth being afflicted. Palmes. The dayes of man, 242 AS
PSATL. CXE M: Salt= Ike vnto them that coe Dawre inte
2 The Prophet neither aſtonied with feare,nor £ pit. :
sarted.away with anger, nor forced by defperatio, 8 Let mee heare thplouing kindnelſſe in E That is, pees
would kill Saul: but with a quiet minde directed the g morning, foz in thee is my trut: > hers dily, and in due
ha earne/t prayer to Gad who did preferme him, me the way that J Moula walke in, fo2 3 tite feafon,
Ç A Plalme of Dauid to gine inſtruction, and bp my loule vnto me. h Lecthine holy
a player when he was inthe cave. 9 Deliuer me,D Loyd, from méne ene- [pirit counfell me
]Cryed bnto the Lord with my voyce: with mies: fori J| hin me with thee. howto come
a Dauids pati- my vepce F * prayed vnto the Lod. 10 *@each ine to! Doe thy will: fo: thou footth of thefe
ence and inftant 2 FZ powzed out mp meditation before art mp God:let thygosd (ptrit lead me bata great caresand
prayer to God uea Declared mine affliction in bis pze» the land of rightceultieffe, troubles,
condemneth ence. II Quicken me, D Lord, fortopFrames i Ihid my felfe
cheit wicked 3 Though my lpirit t was in perplerity fake, and foz thy tightcoulnedle baing mp vnder f (hadow
rage, which in in me, pet thou kůeweſt my path:in the wap foule ont of trouble. of thy wings, that
their troubles wherein J walked, haue they priuily laide a 12 Gnd foz thy mercie m flap mine ene- I might be de< · z
either defpaire finare for me, Mies, aud Delroy all them that oppzefle mp fended by thy
and murmure a- 4 J looked bpon my right hand, and be» foule; foz J am thy» ſeruant. ower.
gainft God,or belo, but there was none that world knowe He confeffeta
cile feeketo o- me: all refuge failed me,aad none h cared fog that both the knowledge and obedience of Gods will commeth by
thersthento my forte. the fpiritof God , who teacheth vs by his word, ciueth vnderſtan-
God to haue re- § Then crped F onto thee, D Lod, and ding by his {pirit, and frameth our hearts by his grace to obey him,
drefle in their fayd, Chou art mine? bope, and my poztion l Thatis, iuftly and aright: for fo foone as wee decline from Gods
mifeties, in the land of theliuing. will, wee fall into error. m Which hall bee a figne of thy fatherly
IEbr. was folden 6 Wearken bute my cry,fo2 J am brought kindneffe toward me, a Refigning my felfe wholy vnto thes, and
or wrapped in berplow ; Deliver me frem my perlecurers, trufting in thy protection.
me, meaning, as A foz they are too trong foz me.
thing that could 7 Bring my foule out of « prifon, thatF PSA L, (CXLIIEE
haue none iſſae. may praple thy Rame t chen fhall che righte- 1 He praifeththe Lord with great «ft Aion &
) || Or, feught for
my foule.
ous 4 come about me, when chou art beng- humility for his kingdome reftored, & for his vi-
ciali onto me. hortes obtained, §denanding help & the defiru-
b Thoughall ction ofthe wicked, 9 promifing to acknowledge
meanes failed himsyet hee knewe that God would neuer forfake him, the fame with fangs of praifis, 15 and declareth
c Førhewasonall fides bekt with his enemies, as though hee had wherein the felicstie of any people confifteth.
bencina moft ftrait prifon, d Hitherto reioyce at my wonder- Ç A Plalme of Danid. y
full deliuerance,oxto fet a crowne vpon my head, Bice beethe Lord my ftrenath, which
ateacheth my bandsto fight, and my fin: a Who of4
PSAL- CXLIIIL gers to battell, poore fhepheard ae

1 An earneſt prayer for remiffion offinnes, ac- 2 Heismyp goodnes and my fortreffe, my hath made mee a
knowledging that the enemies did thus crueHy tower, and + my Beliucrcr,my ſhield, and in valiant warriour
perfecute bun by Gods iuſt iudgement. 8 He def- a J trut which ſubdueth mp > people vus and mighty cone
reth to bereftoredto grace, 10 To be gouened by er me. quetour.
3. Lod, what is man that thou «regar-
his holy pirit that he may {pend the remnant ofbis 4Ebr. ray delines
Lifeinthe true feare and feruice of God, dek him! or the fonne of man that thou thins rer unto me: for
CA [Platine of Danid. ke bpon him! : the Prophet cane
Hea my prayer, D Lorde, and hearken 4 Dan islike to vanitie: his dayes are not fatisfie hime
vnto my (upplication: anfwer me in thy like a Hanow that vanitheth. felfe with any
a Thatis,asthou * trueth,and in thy > rightcoutnefie. şs Wow thine heauens ,D Lorde, and words,
halt promifed to tbetecun ae me ie maps. come Downe: touch the mountatnes , and b He confeffeth
be faithful in thy vant: for in thp: all none that they hall make- ; that neitherby
promife to all eee pay eg — 6 eCaſt forth the lightning and (catter his owne autho-
that truft in thee, 02 the enemie bath perſecute them: oote ont thine arrowes, and con: ritie, power, nor
b Thatis,accor- loule, hee hath ſmitten my litedowne tothe fumethem. policie,his kings
ding tothy free earth: be bath lain me in the darkeneſſe, as 7 Hendthine hand from aboue: deliuer dome was quct
poadnes, where- thep that bane bene dead d long agoe : me, and take me out ofthe great fwaters, but by the fecret
y thou defen- 4 Ind my Spirit was in perpleritiein and from the hand of rangers, grace of God.
deft thine. meand mine "heart within me was amaled. 8 thole mouth talketh vanttie: t their c To giue vnto
ce Heknew that § , Yer doeF remember the time ‘pak: F tight band isa right hand ofe falſhood. God iuft praife,
his afflictions meditate in all thy workes, yea, J] Doe medi- 9 Iwill fing a* new fong vnto thee, D isto confefle out
were Gods mef- tate in the workes of thine hands. Gov,andfing vuto thee bpona viole, and an felues to be vn-
j ffengerers to call 6, Iſtretch forth mine hands vnto thee? intrument of ten ſtrings. worthy of fo ex-
bim to repen- my foule Defireth after thee, as the thirtie Io Icisheethat giueth deliuerance vnto cellent benefits,
land, Selah. and that hee be-
3 .
"O _7. Weare me ſpeedily,D Lord,for my fpi» ftoweth them vponvs of his free mercy. d Hee defiteth God to
toward his ene- tit kaileth: hide not thy face from mee, els J continue bis graces, and to fend helpe for the prefent neccflitie,
ies he wasin- e By thefe manner of {peaches hee fheweth that allthe lets in the
[nocent and that in Gods fight all men arefinners.. d Heacknow- world cannot hinder Gods power, which hee apprehendeth by faith,
geth that Godis the onely and true phyfitiorto heale him: and f Thatis, deliuer me fromthe tumult of them that fhould bee my
hat he is able to raife him co life, though he were dcad long ago, and people, but are corrupt in their indgement & enterprifes, as though
ed to afhes, e Sothat onely by faith ard by the grace of Gods they were ftrangers. g For though they fhakehands, yet they keepe
irit he was vpholden. f To wit, thy great benefits
of olde, and not promife, b Thatis,ararcand excellent fong, as thy great bee
raanifolde examples of thy fauour toward thine. nebts deferues ;
Qh 2 Rings

The endof Gods works. Pſalmes. Truſt onelyinthe Lord, <

i Though wic- Kings and re(cueth Danid hisiferuant from Ir They ſhewe the glory of thy king» f The prayfe of
ked Kings bee the burt full fwo, dome, and ſpeake
of thy power, thy glory appea-
called: Gods fer- - Il Refcue me, and Deliver mee from the 12 Cocaule bis s power tobe knowen to reth inalithy
nants,as Cyrus, handof ttrangers, whole mouth talketh va⸗ thefonnes of men, and the glogious renowne creatures : and
Tfai,45.1.foral- nitie, and their right hand is a right bande of bis kingdeme. Doge though the wice
much as he vſeth ef falhon ; 13 Eby*king dois an enerlafting kinga ked would ob-
themtoexecute 12 That ourkfonnes may be as the plants dome, and thy Dominion endureth thoꝛowout ſcure the fame by
hisiudgements: gtowing vp tn their youth, and our daugh⸗ all ages. thesr filence,yet
yet David be-~ ters as the conet ftones, grauen after the ft 14 The Loꝛd vpholdeth all that kal, and the faithfull are >
caufeofGods militude ofa palace: lifteth vp all that are ready to fall.. . ener mindful) -
promife,and 13 That our coznersmay be full, and ae Is The eyes of i all wait vpon thee, any of the fame.:
theythatrule bounding with Diners ſorts, and that our thou giuct them their meate in Due fraton. g Hefheweth -
godly,are pro- .fyecpe may batug forth thoufands and tenne 16 Chow openett thine band and Altett that all things
perly fo called, thonland in our ſtreets: all things living of thy good pleaſure. j are out of order,
becaufe they 14 Chatour = oven may be ſtrong tola- 17 Che Lozoe s k righteous tn all bis butonely whefé
feruenot their Dour; that there be none thuation,noz going waÿes, and Holy in all bis works. God reigneth,
owneaffeGions, out,toz no crying tn out treets. 18 The Loz is necre vnto all that call Dan.7.14.
but fet foorth ty Wlefled are the people,that be = fo,yea, wpon bim: yea, te allthat call vpon him in par *
Godsglory. bleiled are p people, whole God ts the Lod. Itrueth, h Who being
k Hedefireth 19 We will fulfill themDelire of hem that in miferie and
God to continue his benefits toward his people, counting the procre- feare him: be allo will heare their crie, and affidtion,would
ation of childrenand their good education among the chiefeft of will faue them. faint and fall a-
Godsbenefits, l Thatthe very corners of our houfes may be full 20 The Lowe preferueth all them that way,if Goddid
of ftore for the great abundance of thy bleſſings. m Heattribu- lone him : but he wti Delroy ail the wicked. not vphold thé,
teth not onely the great commodities, buteuen the leaft alfo to Gods 21 9y mouth thatl{peake the prayſe of and therefore
fauour. n And if God giuenotto all bis children all thefe blef- the Lorde, and all> fleth hail blefle his holp they onght to 1
fings , yet he recompenfeth them with better things. Name foz euer and euer. reuerence him, .
i ; PSAL. CXLV. that reigneth in
Thi Pſalme was compofed,when the kingdom of heauen, and fuffer themfeluesto bee gouerned byhim, i Towit,
Dauid flourifhed. 1 Wherein hee defèrsbeth the a(well of manas of bealt. k He praifeth God,not only for that
wonderful prousdence of God aſwel in gouerning he is beneficial to all his creatures, butalfo in that thathe iuftly pue
man, asin preferuing all the vrejt ofhu creatures, nifheth the wicked,and mercifully examineth his by the croffe,gining
17 Hepraifeth God for his iuſtice and mercie, 18 them 5 and deliuering them. 1 Which onlyappertainethto
But [pecially for his louing kindnes toward thafe the faithfu l :and this vertue is contrary to inſidelitle, doubting,ime
that ca v pon him, that feare him, and loue him: pacience, and murmuring. j m For they will aske or with for
21 For the which hee promifeth to prayfehim for nothing, but according to his will, 4, Iohn 5.14. B Thatis, all —
ehere men fhall be bound to prayfehim.
A Pfalme of Dauidof papie. PS. AG CXLVE
a He fheweth My God.and King, 2 F will extoll thee, 1 Dauid declareth his great xeale that he hath
what factifices and will bleſſe thy Mamie for euer and to prayſe God, 3 and teacheth not to truſt in man
are pleafant and guer. but onelyinGod almightie, 7 which deliuereth
acceptablevnto 2 J willbleile thee Daily, and prayſe thy the afflicted, 9 defendeth the ftrangers, comfor-
God: euen praiſe Mame foz euer and euer. teth the fatherleffe , and the wédewes, 10
and thankeigi- b Great is the Lord, and moſt worthy reigneth for etere
ming, and feeing tobe praifen.ane hts greatnefieis incompre· € Pzaife ye the Loꝛd.
that God fill - penfi e. perk thou the Lod, D my afoule. a He flirreth vp ©
continuethhis 4: Generation (al prayſe thy works vn· C 2 FJ will prayſe the Lorde During my i A aħd A i
benefits towards toẽ generation,and Declare thy power. life ; as long as J haue any being, wil fing bis affe&ions to
vs,weoughtne- § J wil meditate ofthe beautte of thy giles vnto my God. ; prayfeGod.
uertobe weary rious mateftie, and thy wonderfull workes, 3 Puc not your truſt in? pinces, norin b That God may
inprayfinghin 6 And they hall tpeake of the power of * ſoñne of man, foz there is none helpe in haue the whole —
for the fame, thy 4 fearefull actes, andJ will declare thy un, prayfe : wherein.
b Hereby he de- greatneffe. 4 Dis breath departeth,andhe returneth he forbiddeth all
‘careththatall 7 They Wall break out into the mention to bis earth : then bis < thoughts pertih. vaine cofidence,
powerisfubie& ofthygreat goodneſſe, and hall fing atonde § Bleflen ishe,that hath the Gon of Jaa: fhewing that of
vnto God,and = of thy righteoulnefie. F — belpe, whole hope isinche Lod nature weare
that no worldly: § *@be Lozd is gracious andemerciful, is God. more inclined to
promotionought flotu to auger,and of great mercy. 6 cAhich made 4heauen andearth, the put our truft in:
toob(cure Gods o The Loꝛd is good to aland his mer⸗ fea, andallthat therein is: which keepeth creatures, thenim
glory. cies are ouer all His workes. j his fidelttiefozener: God the Creater,
c Forafmuchas I0 Gil thy morkespzayle thee, D Lode, 7. WMibicherecuteth tultice © for the op- c As their vain
theend ef mans AND thy Saints bleſſe thee, preted: which gtueth bread to the hungry: opinions, wheres
creation,and of } the Lod loofeth the prifoners. by they flatterec
his preferuation in this life, istoprayfe God, therefore he requireth 8 The Lome gtueth fight to theblinde: them(elues, and |
that not onely we our feluesdo this, but canfe all other to doethe the Lod raiſeth pp the crooked: the Lode fo imagined wi
fame. d Of tby terrible iudgements againſt the wicked. Exod, ked enterprife
34.6. e Hedefcribeth after what fort God (heweth himfelfe to d He encourageth the godlyto truft onely in the Lord, both fi
all his creatures, though our finneshaue prouoked his vengeance a- that his powerisableto de ĩuer them from all danger,and for kisp
Painft all: to wit, mercifull, not onely in pardoning
the finnes of bis mite fake his willis moft ready to doit. e Whofefaithand p
elect, but in doing good cuento the reprobate, albeit they cannot ence for awhilehe trieth, but at length he punitheth the aduerfari¢
feele the fivect comfort of the fame. * that he may beKnowen tobe iudge ofthe world.
Gods prouidence. Pfalmes. The praife of God. 243! \
f Thoughhe vi- fleueththe righteous, 18 Hee fendeth his wad and melteth Àoh
firethem by af- Cie Loe keepeth thee rangers: he them: be cauſeth bis winde toblowe,and the m Asbefore he
flidion,hunger, relteueth the fathericiie and widow: but bec waters How, : called Gods fes
imprifomment ouerthroweth the way of che wicked. sh 19 Wee ſheweth his m wid vnto Jaa- cret workingin '
andfuchlike,yet 10 The Loza thal "reigne foz cuers D 3i- kab, Ai fatutes and pis iudgements vate all his creatures
his fatherly loue om, thy God endureth from generation te gee Horte hisword: fo he
& pitie neuer fai- neration. Pꝛaiſe pe the Lod. 20 He hath notdealt fo with euery nati- meaneth here, "h
leth them,yea ra- t on, neither haue they *knowen his tnoge- by his word,the - |
ther to his thefe are fignes of bis loue. g Meaningall them , that ments. Pꝛailſe ye the Lord. doctrine of life e⸗
are deſtitute of worldly meanes and fuccour, h Hee aflureth the uerlafting,which’ |
Church that God reigneth for cuer for the preferuation of the fame, he hath left to bis Church,as a mof precious treafure, n ‘The cauſe
PSAL, CXLVII, of this difference, is Gods free mercie , which hat h eleted hisim hie4
1 The Prophet praifeth the bountie wifedome, Sonne Chrift Iefus to faluation: and lus iuft iudgement, whereby heg
power iuftice, and prouidence of God vpon ali hus hath appointed the reprobateto eternal! damnation. © —
wy creatures, 2 But fpecsally vpon hu Charch,which PSAL CXLVIIT,
bee'gathercth together after their difperfion, 19 s He proucketh all creatures to prarfetle Loyd
Declaring bis word and usdgement fo unto them, in heauen and earth awd ali places, 14 Specially-
ashe hath done to none other people. hws Church, for the power that he hath ginen tothe
a He fheweth past pee the ord, fozit is good to fing fame after that hee had chofenthem and ioyned
wherin we ought £ vitto our God: foz it is a⸗ pleatant thing, them vato hint.
toexercife our and piatfe is comely. ° ¶ Praile pee the Lod,
feluescontinually 2 @bhe Lod doth buila tp > Jerulalem, Raple pee the Lord from the heauen:
and to take our and gather toxcther the diſperſed of Iſrael. paatte pee him in the high places,
paftime: to wit,in 3 ipec healcth thole that are < boken iii 2 Patle pee bün, all pce? his Angels: a Becaufethey
praifingGod. pears and bindeth vp their lees. paile bim all fis armie. are members of
b Becaufe the 4 He dcounteth the number ofthe tats, 3 Pꝛaile yee btm, b amne and moone: the fame body,he
Lordis the and calicththemallbptbeitnames, paii pee him all bzight ttarres, fetreth them be-
founder of the § Great ic ous Loyd, and great is his 4 (Praile pee him, heanens of heauens fore oureyes, `
~ Church,itean power: bis wiledoine is infinite. dnd è waters that be aboue the heanens. whicharemoft —
notbedeftroyed, 6 The Lozdrclicneththe mecke, anda» § Let them praiſe the Mame of the Lom? willing hereun= `
though the mem- baleth the wicked tothe. ground. fo? he commanded, and they were created. to,and by their
bers thereof be 7 Sing vnto the Lord with praile: fing 6 Andhe hath etkablihen them fo2 ener prompt obedi- “i
difperfed,and bpon the barpe punto cur Hod, k and ener: he hath made an ordinance, which enceteachysto “
ſeeme asit were TUbhich tcouerety the heauen with Hall not paffe. doe our dueties
foratimetobe clouds, and pzepareth raine foz the careh, 7 Paaile pe the Loz from the earth, yee b- Inthat Gods
cutoff, and maketh the grafie ta grow bpon the e Dragons and all depths: glory fhinethin’ ©
c Withafflidi- mountaines: k tFive and Daile, ſnowe and vapours, thefeinfenfible
on, or forrow for 9 CAbich gineth to beaſts their food,and ſtormie winde, which erecute bts word: _reatures,this = i
finne. tothe yong rauens that serie. Mountaines and all pilles, fruitfull their beauti¢is ag
d Thoughit _ To He hath not pleaſure in the | Trength trees and all cedars: a continual] prays |
feeme to man in- Jan bazie, neither delighteth be in the legs 10 Bealts and all catteil,creeping things fingof God,
credible that God [è] man. and feathered foules: -c Notthat there —
- fhould affemble IL But the Lord delighteth in them that II £ Kings of the earth and all people, are diuershea-
his Church,being feare him, and attend vpon bis mercie, princes and all iudges ofthe wold: uens: but becaufe
fo difperfed: yet 12 Hꝛaiſe the Lord, D Jeruſalem: praile 12 Dong men and maidens, alle old men of the {pheres and
nothiag can be tby God,D Zion. and children: of the fituation
too hardto him, 13 Fo hee hath mave the barres of thy 13 Let them praiſe the name of the Loyd: of the fixed ſtars
that can number gates! ftrong , and hath bleſſed thy childzen fo2 bis name onely ts to bee exalted, and big and planetshe . ı
and name all the within thee. : peat aboucthe earth and the heauens comprehendeth —
ftarres. 14 be letteth peace in thy bogdere,and fa- 14 Foꝛ bee bath cxalted the » horue of his by this word the: `
_e For the mere tifiteth thee with the + floure of wheate. peopic, which is 3 praile foz all bis Saints, whole heauen,
highthat the wic- 15 He fendeth forth his « commandement euen fo? thei childzen ofIſrael a people thar d ‘That isthe
ked climbe, the vpon earth, and bis word runneth very is Reere pnto pim. Jat yee the LoD. rainewhichisin 1
greater istheir Ifwiftly. the middleregi- `
fallin the end, 16 We giueth frow like wooll, and {catte onof theaire, which he bere comprehendethynder the. name of the
F He fheweth by rith the hoare frottlikeathes. _ heauens.. e Meaning,the great and monflrous filhes,as whales and f
the examples of 17 He cakteth fooeth his pee like morſels: fuch like, f Which comenot bychance or fortune, but by Gods J
Godsmightie who can abide the cola thereof? appointed ordinance, g Forthe greater giftes that any hathrecei- ·
power,goodneffe ued, and the mere high that one is preferred, the more bound is hee W
and wifedome, that wee can neuer want moft iuft occafion to praife to praife God forthe fame : but neither hie noy low condition or de= j
God. g Fortheircryingisas it were a confefiion of their neede, greecan bee exempted from this duetie. h Thatis, thedignitic, 1
which cannot bee relieued but by God onely : then if God thew him- power and glory of hisChurch, i By reafon ofhiscoucnant made £
felfe mindfull of the moft contemptible foules, can ne fuffer them to with Abraham.
die with famine,who he bath affured of life euerlafting? h Though P SAL. CXLIX;
to vſe lawfull meanes is both profitzble and pleafeth God, yetto put 1 An exhortation to the Churchtopraife the
our truft in them, is to defraud Ged ofhishonour. i He doth not Lord for hù viciorie and conqueft,that hee giuetly
onely furnifh his Church with all things neceflaric, but preferveth al- his Saints againft allmans power. E
fo the fame,and maketh it ſtrong againftall outward force. {Ebr.fat. | Gjpratle ye the Loyd. aFor bissare and, 4
k His fecret working in al creatures is as a commandement to keepe GCPas vec ante the Lord * anew fong: let manifoldbene- }
them in order,andto give them moouing and force, 1 Forimme. Shis praile bec beard inthe Congregation frsbeftowedon _
diatly and without refifling, allthings obey bim, ~ of Saints. hisChusch,
Db 3 2 Let
— a” Tee ae

The glory ofthe Saints. Prouerbes. The intiGugs of finners.

b Inthathat
they gere pre
2 Let Iſraelreiopcein
bim that >made
· ¶ him, aud ſet the children of Zren reioyce in
tarred beforeall gheré Ling. 1 An exhortation te praife the Lerd withoue
othernations,ic 3 Let them prai his Mame with the ceafe by all maner of wayes, for all hu mighty and
was as.anew flute:let then ting pratles vnto biu with wonuer fullworkes, i
creation,and = thetimbsellandbarpe. -|
| therefore Pial. 4 Forthe Lard bath pleafure in his peo» @ Paik veethe Lap. | oA,
95 they were : ple; be will make che mecke glozions bp Dee pate pe God in his ⸗Sanctuarie: paile a That is inthe
called the fheepe tincrance. p : pe bim tn the > fimament ofthis power, hecuen.
of Godshaniis, Let the Daints bee fopful with glozy, 2 Jpratle yee him in his mightie Actes: b For his won-
© For Godashe {et them fing lowde vpon their abeds. paile yee him accozding to pts excellent desfull power ap.
_istheCreatorof 6 Let the high actesof God bee tuthetr greatueſſe. peareth in the fir-
thefouleand month, and a two edged ſworde in their 3 PBꝛeaile pee him in the found of the mament,which
body,fowiilhe hands, c trumpet: patie pee bin vpon the viole and in brew is called
that both two 7 © Coerecute vengeance vpon the hea: the barye, a firetching out,
feruehin, and. them,and cozrections among the people: 4 Pꝛaiſe pe bim with tinbzel and flute: or fpreading a-
se that his people 8 Tobindel their kings in chatnes,and praile pee him with virginals and oꝛgans. broad,wherin
be continually their mobles with ketters ot proin, — - § Pꝛaiſe pee hun with founding cyme the mightic work
ſauhiect vntobim - O That they map execute vpon them the bais: praile pee hun with high founding of God thineth,
astocheirmoft iudgement that ts 8 weitten: this honour cymbals. c Exhortingthe
~ Jawfull King. thalbe to all his Saints. Pꝛaiſe pe the Loza. 6 Let every thing that hathd bzeath, people onely to
~ d Healludcth ` paile the LoD. Praiſe pe the Lod, reioyce in pray- `
to that continuall reft and quietneffe , which they thould haue, if fing God, he
they would ufer God to rule them, e ‘This is chicfly accompli- maketh mention of thofe inftruments, which by Gods commavnide-
` fhed in the kingdome of Chrif , when Gods people for iult cau‘es ment were appointed in the old Law, but ynder Chrif the vſe theres
execute Gods iudgements againft bis enemies : and it giueth no li- of is abolifhed in the Church, d Hee ſheweth that all the orcee
|beitie to any to rcuenge their private iniuries. f Not onely the of nature isbound to this duetie, and much more Gods children,
people, bur the kings that wetetheir cncmits, fhould bee deftroyed. who ought neuer ro ceale to prayfe him , till they bee gathered into
g Hereby God bindeth the hands and mindes of all bis to enterprife thar kingdome , which hee kath prepared for his, where they fhald
mo further then he appointeth. fing euei lating praile.

* This word Pro-

“uerbe,or parablzy
_ fignifieth agraue
— Sy The *Prouerbes of Salomon,
and notable fen- THE ARGVMENT.
tence, worthy to
be keptin memo- He wonderfull ioue of God toward hi: Church,isdeclared in this booke: forafmuch asthe famme
| Fie: and isfome- and effeG ofthe whole Scripturesis beere fet foorth in theſe bricte ſeatences, which partly cons
- time taken in the taine doGtrine,and partly maners , and alfo exhortations to toth, Whereof the nine firft Chapters
euill part for a areas a preface fullof graue fentences, and deepemyfteries , coallure the hearts of mento the diligent
mocke, or {coffe, reading of the parables thar follow: which are lef as a moft precious iewell to the Churchofthefe
three thoufand parables mentioned, 1.King 4,32. and were gathered and committed to writing by
Salomons {¢ruants, and indited by hime
CHA PT. 6 To vnderſtand a parable, and the fne
T The power and vſe of the word ofGed. 7 Of férpretatton,the words of the wileand their
the feare of God gr knowledge of his word.10 We Darke favings,
may not con fènt to thecntilings offianers 20Wif- 7 G The keare of the Lord is the begin- PALAIIMO.
dome comp laineth that fhce i contemzed, 24 The ning of knowledge : bur fooles de piſc wile CCCLUE NAG. o
punifhment ef them that contemne her. Domne and inſtruction. g He fpeaketh
aS Dy ie Parables of Galomon Jp lonke , heave thyg fathers ins this in the Name
) the fone of Danin Ring of tenictton, and forlake not thy mothers teas of God, whichis
AIſcael. ching. the vniue:fall Fae
a That ts,what $ ( > oy 2 To know wildome and 9 Fox they Hail be acomely oꝛnament therofall creas -
wee oughtto inftriction, to vnderſtand vnto thine hear, and as chatns fez thy necke. tures,or inthe
E Know and folow, re the weds > of knowledge, Io ¶ My fonne.tFi inners do iniiſe thee, nameofthepas ·
|f and what wee 3 To receiuee inſtruction to doe weiclp, content thou not. ftour of the
}oughttorefufe, by aiuſtice and indgement and eguitte, IT Jfthey fay, Come with vs, wee will Church, who is
| b Maning the 4 To giue vnto chec fimple warpenecTe lay waite fox k bison, and lig patutly foz Cee asa tathcr, ;
f wordofGod, pf iwit, and tothe thilde knowledge and dil innocent withoutacaule : h Thatis,ofrhe *
T wherinisthe only cretion. : : i2 Cle will ſwallow them vpaliue like a Church, wherein,
I tueknowledge, = § A wife man Hallbeare and increafe in Igrate cues whele, as thok that goeDowne the faithfull are
Je Tolearneto learning andaman aff vnderſtanding Gal tuto the pits, begotten by the
P fubmit our felues attatite puto wile counſels, ' 13 Wie Hal finde al! precious riches, and incorruptib'e
| to the correction A fill our houſes with ſpopie: feede of Gods
f ofthofethat are wife. d By Tuing tuftly, and rendring to every word,
man that whichappettaineth vnto him, e To fuch as haue no dif- {Ebr Fncreafeofgrace. i Towit,thewicked,which hauenotthe.
f cretionto rulethemfelues. f As hee theweththatthele purables, feare of God, k` He ſpeaketh nor onely of rhe theddirg of biood
| |conreiming the effe of religion as touching maners and do@rine,do with hand, but ofall craftie pradtifes which rendto the detriment of
|) appertaine to the fimple people: fo doth he declare, that the fame are our neighbour. Y Asthe graue is neucr fatiatefotheauariceofthe
) alfo neceflarie for them that are wile and learned. wicked and their crue ltiehauc none end.
14 Caf

= N

The foolith hate wifedome. Chap.

ij.iij. ‘The harlot defcribed. 244
14 Tatin thy lot among Y3: we wilall c and cryeſt ſorvnderſtanding: c Meaning, that
m Hefheweth Baueone™ purig; ; 4 Jl thon teekett ber as tilucr, elearchelk we mult fceke |
whereny the 15 Qp tonne, walke not thou inthe wayfoz her as foz 4 treatures, the knowledge
wicked are allu- with them: retratne thy foste from their 3 Then halt chou vnderſtand the feare of God with car
edtoioyneto- 2 pꝓath. of the Lod, ehudtics knowledge of Gob. and ciiigence.
gether, becaute I6 Foꝛ theit feete run to enil and make 6 Foertie Loꝛd giueth wiledome, out of d Shewing that
they kaue euery alte ta {hed blood. ; his mouth commecth knowledge and vnder ·no labour muft
one part ofthe I7 Gercatnely as without cani the net is tanding. be ſpared.
fpoyleofthein- {p2ed before the cyes of all thar hath wiug: 7 Wel preſerueth the ſtate ot prighteons, ¢ This (fyth ke)
nocent. 18 Do they lay watte for blood, and ite peis he is a Hield tothem that walke vprightiy, —ische true wife.
n That is,haue tly to: their tines. 8 har they may keepe the wayes of dome to know
Nothingatallto 19 uch are the wayes of euery one that iudgement; andbee preleructh the way of and feare God,
do with them. ís greedpefaaine: he would take alway the bis taints.) fOr bideth the
© He theweth P itie of the owners thereof. 9 Then halt thou vnderandrighteoul faluaion, —
that thee is ho 20 C¶Miledome crieth without: he vt· ues, and iudgement, and equitie, and enery f The word of
caule to moue terech ber voice in the" tirectes. good path. A God hall teach
thefe wicked to lo €tUhen wiferome entreth into thine
21 Soe calleth tn rhe hie ſtre ete among the thee and counfel
ſpoile the inno- pꝛeaſe ta che entriugs of the gates, and vtte⸗
heart, and knowledge Delighteth thy loule, theehow to go.
cent, bur their a- beth per words tk the ctfte,faying, © II Then ſhall fcounfeil preferuc thee, and uernethy felfe,
uarice & cruelty, 22 Dyelfooltiy, how long will pee tone vnderſtanding Mali keepe tijec, g Tharis,the °
p Whereby he fooltfiynes 2 and tye ſcornetul take thetr plea-
12 And deſiuer thee fromthe euil way, & word of God,
concludeth that 2 m ſcorning? and thetooles hare know- from the man that (peaketh froward things, which isthe only
the couctous - edge? 13 And from them tgatleane the & Wwapes lightto follow —
Mian isa murthe. 23 Turne you at mp correction: loc. J of righteoutnefic, to walke tn the wayes of theirowne fan-
rer. will poroze out mp mind vnto pou, and make Darkenefle: tafieswhichare
q This wifdome pou vnderſtand mp woros. 14 eGtbich reioyce in doing eutll, and de⸗ darkeneffe.
is the eternall 24 Becaule P hauecalled,and ye refuled: ite" inthe frowarbnefie of the wicked, — h When they fee
word o! God, J baue ſtretched out mine band, and nong Ig WAhoſe wapes are crsoked, aud they any giuento euill
T So that none would regard: i are lewd in therr paths. as they are. i
can pretend jg- 25 But pe haue deſpiſed all my countelt, 16 And te ſhal deliuer thee fro the trange i Meaning,thae
forance, 4nd would nove of my cozrectton: iwoman, euen from the Kranger, which flet- wiledom,whick
{ Wikdomere- 26 J wilallo laugh at your deſtruction, tereth with ber words, fy is the word of
_ prooucththree and mocke when pour feare commeth: 17 (bich forfakerh the * guide of her God, thallpre= ©
kinds of men: (27 (Ahen ⁊* pour feare commeth like fud- pouth,étezgetteth the! couenant of jer Gov. ferve vs fromall
thefoolifhor den Defolation, ¢ pour deſtruction yal come, 13 Surely her m boule tendeth to death, vices: naming
fimple, which {ike a whtrlewind : when affliction and an- and her paths bnto” the Dead. this vice of ~
etre ofigno- gut Hall come vpon you, 19 All they that go vnto her, returne nat whoredome
tance, and rhe 28 Then thatlthey cail vpon mee, but J agate, neither takt they hold ofthe twapes vhere untoman
mockers that will not anſwere: they wall ſeeke me earip, of tife, is molt prone.
cannot ſuffer to but they ſhall not *findme, 20 Gherfore walke thou in ÿway okgood k Thatis hero
beraught,&the 28 Becanicthey vated knowledge, did men, and keepe the wayes of the righteous. hutband,which = —
fooles which are net chuſe the feareof the Lo. 21 Foꝛ the iuſt ſhal d wel in the oland, and is her head and
drowned in 20 They would none of mp counlell, bur the vpꝛight men hati remaine in it. guide to gouerne
worldly ufts& yy Defptled ali ny correction. 22 Wůt the wicked ſhalbe cut af from the her, fromwkom
hare the knowe 21 Therefore Wall they eate of the + frntt earth, and the tranigreffozs hall be rooted theeoughr not
Iedgeofgodli- of their owne way, and bee filled with thett out oct. to depart, bug
nefe. owne deuiles. remaine in his
t This is poken 32 Foꝛ 2 cafe ſiayeth the fooliſh, and the fabicGion. 1 Whichisthe promife made in mariage,
ra Herate
according toour pꝛoſpexitie of fooies deſtroyeth them. quairtance with ber familiars and them thathanther.. n Tothem
capacitte, figsi- 33 Buc hee that obeyeth mee, Mail dwell tharate dead in body and foule, -o They fhall enioy the tempo

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