Apollo Space Suit (En)
Apollo Space Suit (En)
Apollo Space Suit (En)
Frederica, Delaware
DelMarVa Subsection
History of the
Apollo Space Suit This model would be used on Apollo 7 through Apollo 14
including the first lunar mission of Neil Armstrong and Buzz
International Latex Corporation (ILC) was founded in
Aldrin on Apollo 11. Further design improvements were made to
Dover, Delaware in 1937 by Abram Nathanial Spanel. Mr. Spanel
improve mobility for astronauts on Apollo 15 through 17 who
was an inventor who became proficient at dipping latex material
needed to sit in the lunar rovers and perform more advanced
to form bathing caps and other commercial products. He became
mobility exercises on the lunar surface. This suit was known as
famous for ladies apparel made under the brand name of Playtex
the model A7LB. A slightly modified ILC Apollo suit would also go
that today is known worldwide. Throughout WWII, Spanel drove
on to support the Skylab program and finally the American-Soyuz
the development and manufacture of military rubberized products
Test Program (ASTP) which concluded in 1975. During the entire
to help our troops. In 1947, Spanel used the small group known
time the Apollo suit was produced, manufacturing was performed
as the Metals Division to develop military products including
at both the ILC plant on Pear Street in Dover, Delaware, as well as
several popular pressure helmets for the U.S. Air Force.
the ILC facility in Frederica, Delaware. In 1975, the Dover facility
Based upon the success of the pressure helmets, the Metals was closed and all operations were moved to the Frederica plant.
Division, which became known as the Specialty Products Division
The Apollo suits were used on eleven missions from 1968 until
in 1955, began designing and manufacturing pressure suits when
1972 (see History Log) resulting in 158 combined hours on the
they were awarded a contract to supply a prototype suit for the
lunar surface. There was never a mission that had to be cut short
X-15 program. This suit was identified as the model XMC-2-ILC
or cancelled due to a problem with the Apollo space suits. They
suit. That suit was not selected to support the X-15 program but it
would go on to be the basis of iconic image of man on the moon
did possess excellent mobility when pressurized. This mobility was
in photos of Buzz Aldrin and the eleven others who traversed the
possible because of the advanced latex-dipped joints. Seeing how
lunar surface.
good the mobility was, the Air Force continued to award small
development contracts to ILC to further evolve this suit for other The displayed landmark Apollo suit at the ILC Dover company
possible uses. At the same time, there was a general agreement museum is the Model A7L, serial number 036, delivered to NASA
within ILC that a manned space program was on the horizon and in September, 1968. It was manufactured as a primary flight suit
that the ILC suit stood a good chance of beating any competition. for Astronaut Edwin (Buzz) Aldrin as a member of the Apollo 8
As fortune would have it, NASA requested that bids for the Apollo backup crew. Aldrin then used it as his primary training suit for
Lunar suits be submitted by December 1, 1961. This was for the the Apollo 11 mission where it played a critical role in helping
engineering design, development and construction of the pressure him develop skills for lunar exploration. The same model suit
suits to support the lunar missions. These would be the first was used on Apollo 11, the first successful lunar mission, during
autonomous extra-vehicular activity (or EVA) space suits used on which both Aldrin and Neil Armstrong were the first humans to set
an extra-terrestrial surface. Eight companies including ILC foot on the moon. This suit was later returned to ILC Dover by
submitted proposals. In March, 1962, ILC was selected as the NASA so that it could be modified as a training suit to support
winner of the competition with the model AX1L suit that was a Astronaut William Pogue for the Skylab Mission he flew in
direct outgrowth of the XMC-2-ILC suit. November 1973.
The Apollo space suit consisted of three major components as • Radio communications back to Earth as well as signal
outlined in the Apollo Space Suit U.S. patent number 3,751,727, telemetry containing heart rates and suit conditions
filed in August 1968. They include: In addition to the time these suits spent on the lunar surface, they
1. The inner comfort liner were also used by several astronauts who stepped outside of the
Command Module into deep space as they ventured between the
2. An intermediate pressure garment assembly providing a earth and the moon so that they could retrieve science packages
controlled atmosphere within the garment without and film cartridges that were placed outside the vehicle.
excessively inhibiting astronaut mobility
Every part of the Apollo space suits served an important purpose.
3. The outer insulating and protective layer referred to as the The following sections highlight the most significant components.
thermal micrometeoroid garment (TMG) that contained
several layers of aluminized Mylar® and spacer fabrics to
reflect radiation as well as reduce thermal conductivity. This
was encapsulated by the outer-most Beta Cloth cover-layer
that provided fire protection
When setting up the suits in preparation for the extravehicular walk on the lunar
surface, the astronauts attached oxygen hoses from the Lunar Module (both inlet and
outlet) while at the same time attaching to the inlet and outlet hoses of the portable
backpack. Once the pressure in the Lunar Module was reduced to the hard vacuum of
the moon and the suits were pressurized at 3.8 lb/in² (26 kPa), the backpack would
become the sole source for the suit pressure and the astronauts would disconnect from
the Lunar Module and descend the ladder to the surface. The suit inlet and outlet
fitting for the Lunar Module interface both sealed closed once the hoses were removed.
They would reverse the process upon reentry to the Lunar Module.
A pressure relief valve ensured protection in the event that the internal pressure
exceeded approximately 4.2 lb/in² (29 kPa), at which point the extra pressure would
be harmlessly vented.
Each Apollo crewmember had one pair of neoprene natural
rubber dipped gloves that were structurally supported by
layers of Dacron® tricot cloth between dipping cycles.
The gloves also had wire cables integrated into them that would
maintain structural support while affording good flexibility in all
directions. The two crewmembers who performed the extra-vehicular
activities also had another similar pair of gloves that had a protective
cover of a multi-layer thermal barrier and an outer layer of the
Chromel-R chromium steel fiber cloth across the palm area and in the
fingers to prevent cutting should they come into contact with sharp
rocks, tools, etc. They also included silicone finger-tips tips to aid in
picking up objects.
Worn over the pressure helmet was the extravehicular visor assembly
or EVVA.
The EVVA had a latch device that would open around the lower front
section and allow it to pass over the pressure helmet and attach in place
for activities on the lunar surface. This unit had a protective visor made of
polycarbonate and another gold-coated polysulfone visor that could be
pulled down to shade the eyes from intense solar energy. It also included
a center eye shade that could be pulled down halfway as well as two full-
retracting side shades, all of which were opaque and could shield the
sun completely.
The backpack, the lunar boots, lunar gloves and the EVVA were all thrown out on the lunar surface
just prior to liftoff to offset the weight of the rocks collected for return to Earth.
At its peak in 1969, ILC employed almost 900 individuals, many of whom worked on the
Apollo program. It is impossible to list everyone here who played a significant role in the
success of the suits’ performance over the years. Those who did recalled years later how
magnificent it felt watching Neil Armstrong and the others step onto the lunar surface
wearing a garment they had a direct part in making.
Dave Scott NASA had originally intended to have an additional
Alfred Worden nine Saturn rockets and lunar landers beyond the first
James Irwin manned landing (Apollo 11) mission (up to Apollo
PURPOSE: Apollo 15 was the first crew to use the new A7LB version 20). However, due to budget concerns and a lack of
suit that provided improved mobility and permitted the crew to sit interest on the part of the Nixon administration, those
comfortably in the lunar rover that was used to expand the travel final missions were cancelled. The Apollo hardware
distance from the LM. A total of three EVAs were performed on that remained was used to support the Skylab and
the lunar surface for a total of 18 hours and 7 minutes. The rover Apollo-Soyuz Test Program (ASTP). Both of these
allowed the astronauts to travel a total of about 28 miles (45 km)
missions utilized a modified ILC manufactured Apollo
on the moon’s surface in order to collect some of the best rock
model suit.
samples including the Genesis Rock, believed to be from the
original lunar crust and more than four billion years old.
Only two years after the last ASTP mission that
utilized the Apollo-style suits, ILC secured the
APOLLO 16 APRIL 16–27, 1972 MODEL A7LB SUIT contract for the Space Shuttle EVA space suits. These
John Young suits went on to provide 248 EVAs totaling 1002
Thomas “Ken” Mattingly hours of safe operation. Routine Shuttle activities
Charles Duke included numerous satellite missions as well as four
PURPOSE: Young and Duke spent a total of 19 hours and 14 visits to the Hubble Space Telescope and the
minutes exploring the lunar surface during three separate EVAs. interaction with a countless number of external
This mission explored some of the most rugged terrain and the science experiments. Another notable accomplishment
suits performed flawlessly. Duke admitted after the mission that was the record setting accumulation of EVA time spent
he had trouble donning his suit for the EVAs because he did not
on building the International Space Station, where ILC
take into account during his suit fittings here on Earth the fact
suits are still in use today.
that his total body length would grow about 1.5 inches (38.1 mm)
due to the lack of gravity. As a result, he had to squeeze himself
into the suit more than expected. While building on the knowledge gained from Apollo
and the Space Shuttle EVA suits, ILC continues
to develop new space suits perhaps to be used some
day on the surface of Mars.
Lantry, Douglas N., “Archives and Collections, Dress for Egress: The Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum’s Apollo
Spacesuit Collection”, The Design History Society, Journal of Design History Vol. 14 No. 4, 2001.
Lantry, Douglas N., “Man in Machine, Apollo-Era Space Suits as Artifacts of Technology and Culture”, The Henry Francis
du Pont Winterthur Museum, Inc., 1995.
Portree, David S., Trevino, Robert C., “Walking to Olympus: An EVA Chronology”, Monographs in Aerospace History
Series #7, 1997.
Shepard, Leonard F., et. al., “Space Suit”, US Patent 3,751,727; August 14, 1973.
Durney, George P., “Spacesuit Thigh Restraint Assembly”, US Patent 3,699,589; October 24, 1972.
Durney, George P., “Ventilation System for Inflatable Pressure Garments”, US Patent 3,667,459; June 6, 1972.
The nomination of the Apollo Space Suit as a mechanical engineering landmark was suggested by Raymond L. Jackson, then
chair of the DelMarVa ASME Subsection and was submitted by ASME member Scott L. Davidson, P.E. Special thanks to
William K. Ayrey, Quality Manager and Company Historian of ILC Dover for his dedicated efforts in providing and organizing
the historical information for the nomination and this brochure. Also thanks to ILC Dover for the financial support to make
this designation possible. The DelMarVa Subsection also thanks Wil Haywood of ASME Public Information and ASME History
& Heritage Committee members Richard Pawliger, chair, and Robert Woods for their encouragement and support.
landmarks, heritage collections or heritage sites. Each represents a Lisa E. Drinnan, Vice Chair
progressive step in the evolution of mechanical engineering and its Michael Beron, P.E., Treasurer
significance to society in general. James L. Glancey, P.E., History & Heritage Chair
Eugene M. Catipay, P.E., Program Chair
The Landmarks Program illuminates our technological heritage and
encourages the preservation of historically important works. It
provides an annotated roster for engineers, students, educators,
Raymond L. Jackson, Chair
historians and travelers. It also provides reminders of where
Scott L. Davidson, P.E., History & Heritage Chair
we have been and where we are going along the divergent paths
of discovery.
ASME helps the global engineering community develop solutions Roger Torda, Manager, Communications Projects
to real world challenges. ASME, founded in 1880, is a not-for- & Initiatives
profit professional organization that enables collaboration, Wil Haywood, Communications Coordinator
knowledge sharing and skill development across all engineering
disciplines, while promoting the vital role of the engineer in ILC DOVER
society. ASME codes and standards, publications, conferences, William Wallach, Chief Executive Officer
continuing education and professional development programs Patrick Owens, President
provide a foundation for advancing technical knowledge and a Daniel Herring, Vice President, Finance
safer world. Bradford Walters, Vice President, Operations
Scott Patterson, Vice President, Sales and