Anopheles Gambiae Exploits The Treehole Ecosystem
Anopheles Gambiae Exploits The Treehole Ecosystem
Anopheles Gambiae Exploits The Treehole Ecosystem
Copyright © 2007 by The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Anopheles gambiae Exploits the Treehole Ecosystem in Western Kenya: A New Urban
Malaria Risk?
Francois X. Omlin,* John C. Carlson, C. Brandon Ogbunugafor, and Ahmed Hassanali
International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE), Nairobi, Kenya; Tulane University, Department of Pediatrics,
New Orleans, Louisiana; Yale University, School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut
Abstract. At six sites in western Kenya, we explored the presence of Anopheles immature stages in treeholes. An.
gambiae larvae were found in 19 species, 13 of which are exotic. The most common exotic species were Delonix regia,
Jacaranda mimosipholia, and Eucalyptus citrodora. In Kisumu city, longitudinal assessments of 10 flamboyant trees
showed repeated presence of An. gambiae s.s. in treeholes with water. Production of Anopheles larvae did not correlate
with habitat volume but with habitat height, showing a strong but statistically insignificant negative correlation. During
a dry season, eggs recovered by rinsing dry treeholes hatched into 2.5 ± 3.06 An. gambiae and 7.9 ± 8.2 Aedes larvae. In
cage experiments, An. gambiae s.s. laid more eggs in water originating from treeholes than in distilled or lake water,
implying preference for ovipositing in this habitat. Our findings indicate that treeholes represent a hitherto unrecognized
habitat for malaria vectors, which needs further studies.
FIGURE 1. Study area in Nyanza Province of western Kenya. A, Provinces of Kenya: a, Nyanza; b, Western; c, Rift Valley; d, Nairobi; e,
Central; f, Eastern; g, Coast; h, North Eastern. B, Enlarged from box in Figure 1A, study locations: 1, Kisumu City; 2, Kisii Town and Mosocho;
3, Homabay Town; 4, Mbita Town; 5, Rusinga Island.
single treehole with the exception of one, which contained ume of each habitat and height of treehole above the ground
three. The treeholes were evaluated during 21 visits (6 De- were determined for purposes of correlating mosquito pro-
cember 2003 to 20 March 2004) no more than 1 week apart. ductivity with these habitat characteristics.
Collections of larvae and pupae were made with as little dis- Dry habitat assessments. These 12 treeholes were also
turbance to the habitats as possible using plastic pipettes. evaluated five times over the course of 1 month during a dry
Subsequent to these assessments, the maximum potential vol- season (19 February to 16 March 2003) when all treeholes
FIGURE 2. Flamboyant trees on the grounds of the Lamumba Health Clinic in Kisumu, Kenya (left). A close-up of a treehole shows standing
water in a large treehole pan, formed outside bark (right). Anopheles larvae were collected from this group of trees on 18 of 21 collections over
a 3-month period.
were dry to see if desiccation-resistant mosquito eggs were regia), Jacaranda (Jacaranda mimosifolia), and the Java fig
present. During each of the evaluations, treeholes were rinsed tree (Ficus benjamina) as trees used for ornamental shade in
with tap water, which was re-collected (leaving no standing parks, public grounds, or forming an alee along the road side.
water) and brought back to the laboratory. Hatched larvae All habitats were pans (without penetration through the tree
were reared to adult or late-instar larvae, identified, and enu- bark) except for one rot hole in a fig tree. The rot hole was
merated. formed after pruning of the tree.
Oviposition choice experiments. Cage bioassays were used Of the 116 Anopheles mosquitoes collected in treeholes and
to determine water source preferences for gravid An. gam- reared to adult in the insectary, all were morphologically
biae. Experiments were conducted at the Mbita Point Field identified as An. gambiae s.l. PCR identification of the
Station, from 1 January to 15 April 2003, using human-fed samples revealed 109 (94%) An. gambiae s.s. and 7 (6%)
An. gambiae s.s. from a colony maintained at the ICIPE Re- unknown.
search Station at Mbita Point. Water samples were collected Longitudinal assessments. In a series of 21 assessments
from Flamboyant and Leucaena treeholes located in (December 2003 to March 2004) from Flamboyant trees on
Mosocho and Mbita. Alternate substrates consisted of water the grounds of Lumumba Health Clinic in Kisumu, Anopheles
obtained from Lake Victoria and distilled water. Experiments larvae were consistently found at lower densities than Culex
took place in a screen house insectary, where temperature, or Aedes larvae. Maximum potential habitat volume ranged
humidity, and diurnal variation were the same as that of the from 1.0 to 27.3 L (mean ⳱ 7.2 L, SD ⳱ 7.4 L). Three of the
ambient conditions in Mbita. Thirty × 30 × 30-cm mesh-netted treeholes contained water during every assessment. Seven
cages were used for the experiments. Thirty-milliliter cups treeholes were dry for one or two assessments. One treehole
were used to hold 20 mL of the different water substrates, was dry six times, and another was dry seven times. With
which were placed at opposite corners of the mesh cages. A exclusion of these last two treeholes from analysis, there is a
single blood-fed gravid female An. gambiae mosquito was strong negative correlation between the log of habitat volume
placed into each cage at 1700 hours, and the mosquitoes were and the number of times it was found to be dry (R ⳱ −0.642,
allowed to oviposit for 24 hours. The following day, cups were P ⳱ 0.045). (All correlations reported are Pearson’s R, SPSS
removed and checked for presence/absence of eggs under a 11.0; SPSS, Chicago, IL.) Maximum potential volume data
dissecting microscope. Concurrent with all choice experi- were log-transformed to reduce the skewing effects of a single
ments, cages were prepared containing one of the two control outlier. Partial correlation coefficients (controlling for drying
substrates with single gravid blood-fed females to establish if of habitats) were calculated for comparing larval production
the mosquito would oviposit on the competing substrate when with habitat volume. This showed that habitat size was
given no alternative. strongly correlated with production of Culex (R ⳱ 0.612, P ⳱
0.045) and Aedes (R ⳱ 0.515, P ⳱ 0.105) larvae but not with
RESULTS that of Anopheles larvae (R ⳱ 0.176, P ⳱ 0.606). Height
of treehole above the ground ranged from 42 to 212 cm
Survey of trees. A total of 19 species of trees were found to (mean ⳱ 122.6 cm, SD ⳱ 60.0 cm) and showed a strong, but
harbor Anopheles larvae (Table 1). According to local inhab- statistically insignificant, negative correlation with Anopheles
itants, 18 of these were important for economic, medical, or production (R ⳱ −0.554, P ⳱ 0.061). Height of the habitat
ornamental purposes and were deliberately cultivated by in- did not correlate with Aedes (R ⳱ −0.043, P ⳱ 0.895) or
habitants. Thirteen of these cultivated tree species were not Culex (R ⳱ −0.097, P ⳱ 0.764) larval production (Figure 3).
native to Kenya. Of the species likely to be cultivated in large Dry habitat assessments. A mean of 2.5 (SD ⳱ 3.06,
numbers, inhabitants identified the Flamboyant tree (Delonix range ⳱ 0–13) An. gambiae larvae and 7.9 (SD ⳱ 8.2,
Tree species with phytotelemata containing Anopheles larvae assessed at five locations in western Kenya
Scientific name Common name Origin: indigenous (I), exotic (E) Local use: economic (E) ornamental (O) Locations*
Mangifera indica Mango E: India and Burma E: fruit tree, fuel, fodder KI, KU
Jacaranda mimosifolia Jacaranda E: Brazil E: fuel, timber; O: shade tree KI, KU, MB
Ceiba pentandra Kapok E: Central and South America E: fiber, fuel, timber, fodder MB
Adansonia digitata Baobab I E: fiber, edible leaves; O: shade MB, RU
Opuntia vulgaris Prickly pear E: Bolivia O: hedge plant MB
Delonix regia Flamboyant E: Madagascar E: fuel, bee forage; O: shade tree KI, KU, MB, RU
Terminalia catappa Indian almond E: India, Madagascar E: wood for boat making MB
Aleurites moluccana Candlenut tree E: Malaysia E: oil for candles and soap KI
Euphorbia tirucalli Finger euphorbia I O: hedge plant KI, MB, RU
Euphorbia candelabrum Tree euphorbia I E: medical KI, MB, RU
Persea americana Avocado E: Central and South America E: fruit KI
Acacia seyal Whistling thorn I E: gum fuel, timber, medical MB, RU
Acacia hockii White thorn acacia I E: timber (Maasai), medical MB
Leucaena leucocephala Leucaena E: Central America E: fodder KI, KU, MB, HB
Ficus benjamina Java fig E: India, Malaysia, Indonesia O: indoor-outdoor plant MB
Ficus natalensis Bark cloth fig I E: bark cloth MB
Eucalyptus citriodora Spotted gum E: Australia E: hard timber, firewood KI
Grevillea robusta Silky oak E: Australia E: timber, fuel; fodder KI
* HB, Homabay; KI, Kisii; KU, Kisumu; MB, Mbita; RU, Rusinga Island.
Oviposition choice experiments comparing preference of gravid An. gambiae for water from trees vs. control sources
are similar to the temporary ground pools traditionally used programs, and larval habitat treatments. Modeling of the po-
by An. gambiae larvae in their size and temporality. As in tential impact of interventions in larval habitats suggests that
previous treehole studies, size of Flamboyant treeholes was this is an important component of malaria vector and malaria
found to be linked with longevity of the habitat.10 The small- control programs.24 To be effective, treatment of larval habi-
est habitat in our longitudinal assessments was 1 L and ranged tats with insecticides requires comprehensive knowledge of
up to 27.3 L. Over 3 months of observation, 3 of the 12 tree- habitat distributions. In light of the number of Anopheles
holes did not dry up. We found that Anopheles do not dis- produced in the treeholes of exotic tree species, it will be
criminate between size of habitats over the range of sizes in important to establish the distribution of these trees.
this study; however, they may avoid highly temporary, small Studies over a greater geographical scale and comparing
treeholes. Affinity of An. gambiae to habitats lower to the the current distribution of exotic and indigenous trees with
ground further suggests a link between use of traditional the patterns 20 years ago could provide insight into the evolv-
ground pool habitats and the large treehole habitats of this ing use of these habitats by malaria vectors. Changes in tree
study. Although oviposition experiments in this study show patterns over Africa (in particular, in sub-Saharan Africa)
that eggs are laid in lakes or distilled water, water from tree- may have also altered the patterns of malaria transmission.
holes is clearly preferred. The scope of the malaria public health threat caused by tree-
Previous research has evaluated the ability of immature holes in Africa needs to be addressed.
Anopheles to resist desiccation for short periods of time. A
study by Beier and others20 revealed the ability of both An. Received October 25, 2006. Accepted for publication January 8,
gambiae s.s. and An. arabiensis eggs to survive desiccation at 2007.
the periphery of drying ground pools in the coastal region of Acknowledgments: The authors dedicate this study to both the
Kenya. However, the reported densities were far below those former Director General of ICIPE, H. R. Herren and his successor,
in the treeholes in this study. The ability of both eggs and C. Borgemeister, for consistent interest, support, and encouragement.
The authors thank Pamela Seda of ICIPE Malaria Research Labo-
larvae of An. gambiae s.s. to survive desiccation on soil has ratory for the PCR analyses. Figure 1 was prepared by Ronald Osano.
also been documented in laboratory experiments, but survival The biology teacher, Father Macarios, of Cardinal Otunga High-
was measured only in days on damp soil.21 In our study, the School (Mosocho, Kisii District) helped in species identification of
hatching of larvae from dry treeholes rinsed over the course the treehole-bearing trees. Morphologic mosquito species identifica-
tion was carried out at Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI),
of a month during the dry season suggests the presence of
Kisumu. ICIPE’s field project staff made valuable contributions to
eggs adapted for resistance to desiccation. Anopheles larvae this study.
were found on each of five total washes, suggesting either that
Financial support: This study was supported by the Government of
Anopheles adults continue to oviposit on the treeholes in a Finland trough Grant 24811201 and BioVision, Switzerland to ICIPE
manner similar to Aedes (Stegomyia) treehole mosquitoes or (Francois X. Omlin). Travel expenses for John C. Carlson were pro-
that multiple washes are needed to recover all eggs as also vided through NIH ICIDR Grant U19 A145511 and personal finan-
seen with Aedes (Stegomyia) species.10 cial support provided through CDC fellowship Training Grant CCT
The non-recovery of Culex species and the correlation of 622308-02.
Aedes and Anopheline numbers in dry habitat assessments Disclaimer: The opinions or assertions contained in this manuscript
further support the assumption that eggs (rather than persis- are the private ones of the authors and are not to be construed as
official or reflecting the views of the US Public Health Service or
tence of larvae) were the source of Anopheles produced in
Department of Health and Human Services. Use of trade names is for
these treeholes. The development of eggs with desiccation- identification only and does not imply endorsement by the US Public
resistant traits probably occurred on the ground in drying Health Service or Department of Health and Human Services.
pools before exploitation of treeholes as oviposition habitats. Authors’ addresses: Francois X. Omlin, International Centre of In-
This would be in contrast to Culex quinquefasciatus, which sect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE), PO Box 35 Kisii, Kenya, Tele-
oviposits in a wide variety of habitats and likely uses treeholes phone: 254-727-801284, Fax: 254-20-8632001/2, E-mail:
opportunistically.12 Although some species of Anopheles and John C. Carlson,
have adapted to treeholes in other parts of the world22 and Tulane University, Department of Pediatrics, New Orleans, LA
70112, E-mail: C. Brandon Ogbunugafor, Yale
have been found in low densities in leave axils23 in Kenya, our University, School of Medicine, New Haven, CT 06510, E-mail:
finding of high densities of An. gambiae is cause for alarm. Ahmed Hassanali, International Centre of
The results of this study may be pertinent to urban plan- Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE), PO Box 30772 Nairobi,
ners. Although the choices made by individuals with specific Kenya, E-mail:
socio-economic motivations may be hard to alter, many of the
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