Ecological Studies On Nepenthes at Barito Ulu, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia

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J. Tek. Ling. Vol. 9 No. 3 Hal.

271-276 Jakarta, September 2008 ISSN 1441-318X


Muhammad Mansur1 and Francis Q. Brearley2

Botany Division, Research Center for Biology.LIPI Department of Environmental and Geographical Sciences, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK Abstract

Ecological studies on the Nepenthes species at Barito Ulu, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia were conducted between August 2005 and September 2006. Surveys and two small plot inventories were used to determine the diversity and population of Nepenthes at the study site. We found eight Nepenthes species around the Barito Ulu study area: N. albomarginata, N. ampullaria, N. gracilis, N. hirsuta, N. rafflesiana, N. reinwardtiana, N. stenophylla, and N. hispida. Plot A was dominated by N. rafflesiana with one other species found; whilst in plot B we found five species but it was also dominated by N. rafflesiana. In plot A, the one year stem length growth rate of N. albomarginata was faster than N. rafflesiana (5.0 and 3.5 cm respectively). While in plot B, N. gracilis (21.7 cm) and N. reinwardtiana (13.1 cm) showed faster growth rates than N. albomarginata (5.2 cm), N. rafflesiana (7.0 cm) and N. stenophylla (8.5 cm). Generally, the habitat of Nepenthes in the study site is heath forest. Key words : Nepenthes, diversity, population, growth rates, kerangas habitat, Barito Ulu, Central Kalimantan.


INTRODUCTION Borneo is the third largest island in the world which has an area of 752 000 km2; this island is the center of Nepenthes biodiversity and has 31 species (24 species are reported to be endemic), while Sumatra has 29 species 2,3) . The diversity of Nepenthes in other islands is less well known, but from examining herbarium specimens in the Herbarium Bogoriense, Indonesia, it is known that there are at least ten species in Sulawesi, nine species in New Guinea, four species in the Moluccas and two species in Java4). The number of 271

The number of Nepenthes species discovered continues to increase, especially over the last ten years. More new Nepenthes species are expected to be found, especially in the Malesiana region (Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, The Philippines, and New Guinea). In 1996, Phillips and Lamb reported that there were 80 Nepenthes species in the world, then Charles Clarke in 2001 reported 87 species. In 2006, it was estimated that there are least 97 species, with around 64 species to be found in Indonesia1)

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Nepenthes species known is increasing as more new species are found, such as; N. rigidifolia from Sumatra5), N. platychila, N. glandulifera6,7)and N. chaniana from Sabah and Sarawak8) and N. adrianii from Central Java9). The area of forest damaged or destroyed in Kalimantan is increasing, especially in the last five to ten years. This damage leads to Nepenthes habitats being disturbed and some species of Nepenthes (especially the rarer species) may become easily lost. In Indonesia, all species of Nepenthes are protected. The ecological study of Nepenthes in Central Kalimantan is very important, especially to attempt ex-situ conservation action, so that endangered species of Nepenthes can be conserved. Barito Ulu is found in Central Borneo in Central Kalimantan. In 1995, Harris carried out a small study on the protease activity of 5 species of Nepenthes pitcher plants, but an ecological study of Nepenthes species found in the area has not yet been conducted. 2. METHODS

determine the growth rate of each species. Soil pH and moisture was measured in every sub plot. Nepenthes population data were determined, namely: frequency (F), density (D), relative frequency (RF), relative density (RD), basal area (BA), relative dominance (RD) and importance value (IV) according to the methods in Greig-Smith (1964) and Cox (1967). 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Habitat at the study site Project Barito Ulu is a research area (c. 430 ha) which is located in the upper Barito River and is within the Heart of Borneo protected area. The typical Nepenthes habitat in the research area is heath forest which is dominated by Shorea spp., Eugenia spp., Casuarina sumatrana, Cotylelobium spp., Vaccinium laurifolium and Swintonia glauca. In this area, we made two permanent plots: plot A (20 m x 50 m) at 160 m altitude with coordinates 000.05.507" S and 1140.00.973" E and plot B (20 m x 20 m) at 400 m altitude and with coordinates 000.06.357" S and 1140.01.386" E. 3.2 Inventory We found eight Nepenthes species in four locations visited. These were: N. albomarginata, N. ampullaria, N. gracilis, N. hirsuta, N. rafflesiana, N. reinwardtiana, N. stenophylla, and N. hispida (Table 1). Three species were found near the waterfall at 165 m altitude (000.02.924"S and 1140.00.548"E), five species in heath forest A at 160 m altitude (000.05.507" S and 1140.00.973" E), seven species in heath forest B at 400 m altitude (000.06.357" S and 1140.01.386" E), and six species in heath forest C at 300 m altitude. Three species (N. stenophylla, N. hirsuta and N. hispida) are new records for Central Kalimantan. Before our collections there were no specimens of N. stenophylla, N. hirsuta and N. hispida from Central Kalimantan in Herbarium Bogoriense. Clarke2) reported that N. stenophylla has a

The field study was conducted in August 2005 and September 2006 at Project Barito Ulu. Administratively, the site is found in Desa Muara Joloi, Kecamatan Sumber Barito, Murung Raya District, Central Kalimantan Province. The inventory of Nepenthes was conducted by survey in and around the study area. Herbarium collections of Nepenthes were taken in every location visited and kept in the Herbarium Bogoriense, Bogor, Indonesia (BO). Two small plots (20 x 50 m and 20 x 20 m) were established for a population study; both plots were divided into 10 m x 10 m subplots. All Nepenthes species in the plots were noted and numbered by aluminium tags. The coordinates (x, y) stem diameter, stem length and number of fresh leaves of each species was recorded. The top leaf each individual was punched with a small hole in order to 272

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wide distribution in the highlands of northwestern Borneo at 900-2600 m altitude. Also in 1981, Kato, Okamoto and Walujo (based on herbarium specimen in Herbarium Bogoriense) found this species in East Kalimantan at 1150-1700 m altitude. At the Barito Ulu study site, we found N. stenophylla can grow well at 400 m altitude in heath forest. N. hirsuta is also a new record for Central Kalimantan, before, this species was only recorded from western

Borneo, Brunei, northern Sarawak2), and East Kalimantan (based on herbarium specimens in Herbarium Bogoriense). N. rafflesiana, N. reinwardtiana, N. stenophylla, and N. gracilis were commonly founded in rather open areas, while N. hirsuta, N. albomarginata, and N. hispida commonly grew in more shaded areas. As well as growing terrestrially, N. reinwardtiana and N. albomarginata were also found as epiphytes on tree branches.

Table 1. List of Nepenthes species found in four locations, Barito Ulu.

Note: Wf = Waterfall, Hf A = Heath forest A, Hf B = Heath forest B, Hf C = Heath forest C

3.3 Population Plot A had 137 individuals per 1000 m2 in two species, i.e. N. rafflesiana (114 individuals) and N. albomarginata (23 individuals). N. rafflesiana is the dominant species in this plot with an importance value (IV) of 230.6 (Table 2). In the plot, N. rafflesiana grows terrestrially, whereas N. albomarginata, as well as growing terrestrially, is also found epiphytically on low tree branches. N. hirsuta and N. reinwardtiana were growing adjacent to the plot as small populations. Mean soil pH and moisture in this plot were 4.61 and 61 % respectively. Plot B had 186 individuals per 400 m2 from 5 species: these were N. gracilis (65), N. rafflesiana (60), N. reinwardtiana (37), N. stenophylla (23) and N. albomarginata (1). In plot B, N. rafflesiana was also the dominant species with an importance value of 99.2 (Table 3). N. gracilis, N. reinwardtiana and N. rafflesiana had importance values much the same to one another. Plot B had more Nepenthes species and a greater number of individuals compared with plot A even though it was of a smaller size. This habitat is pure heath forest which commonly has white sand soils. Mean soil pH and moisture were 4.83 and 58 % respectively. N. hirsuta and N. hispida were found growing outside of the plot. The horizontal distribution pattern of Nepenthes in the plots can be seen in Figures 1 and 2. N. rafflesiana is more widespread than other species in plots A and B. 3.4 Growth The growth rate of N. gracilis and N. reinwardtiana was more rapid than N. albomarginata, N. rafflesiana, and N. stenophylla (Tables 4 and 5). It is known that N. gracilis and N. reinwardtiana are closely related species. 273

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Table 2. Population analysis of Nepenthes spp. in plot A (1000 m2).

Note: F = Frequency, D = density, BA = basal area, RF = Relative frequency, RD = relative density, RDM = relative dominance, IV = importance value. Table 3. Population analysis of Nepenthes spp. in plot B (400 m2).

Note: F = Frequency, DS = density, BA = basal area, RF = Relative frequency, RD = relative density, RDM = relative dominance, IV = importance value.

Figure 1. Horizontal distribution of Nepenthes spp. in plot A 274

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Figure 2. Horizontal distribution of Nepenthes spp. in plot B. Table 4. Additional stem length (cm), new leaf number and stem diameter (mm) in one year of Nepenthes growth in plot A (160 m altitude), 20 m x 50 m.

Table 5. Additional stem length (cm), new leaf number and stem diameter (mm) in one year of Nepenthes growth in plot B (400 m altitude), 20 m x 20 m.

4. CONCLUSIONS At the Barito Ulu study site we found eight Nepenthes species, these were: N. albomarginata, N. ampullaria, N. gracilis, N. hirsuta, N. rafflesiana, N. reinwardtiana, N. stenophylla, and N. hispida. The Nepenthes were typically found in heath forest with white sand soils. In two plots, N. rafflesiana was noted as the dominant species. Growth rates of N. gracilis and N. reinwardtiana were higher than other species.

REFERENSI 1. Mansur, M. 2006. Nepenthes: Kantong Semar Yang Unik. Penebar Swadaya Publisher, Jakarta. 99 pp. Clarke, C. 1997. Nepenthes of Borneo. Natural History Publication, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. 207 pp. Mansur, M. 2000. Potensi Nepenthes Sebagai Tanaman Hias dan Koleksinya di Herbarium Bogoriense. Proceeding of National Seminar Flora 275



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and Fauna Day, Bogor Botanical Garden, November 5, 2000. pp:244254. 4. Clarke, C. 2001. Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia. Natural History Publications, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. 326 pp. Akhriadi, P, Hernawati and R. Tamin. 2004. A new species of Nepenthes (Nepenthaceae) from Sumatra. Reinwardtiana (12):141-144. Lee, C. 2002. Nepenthes platychila (Nepenthaceae), a new species of pitcher plant from Sarawak, Borneo. Gardens Bulletin Singapore (54):257261.


Lee, C. 2004. New record and new species of Nepenthes (Nepenthaceae) from Sarawak. Sandakania (15):931001. Clarke, C., C. Lee and S. McPherson. 2006. Nepenthes chaniana (Nepenthaceae) a new species from north-western Borneo. Sabah Parks Nature Journal (7):53-66. Batoro. 2006. personal communication






Mansur, M dan F, Q. Brearley. 2008

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