Research Prospectus Draft
Research Prospectus Draft
Research Prospectus Draft
A Prospectus Submitted To
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In this chapter, the researcher reviewed the research's history, the research's statement of
research concerns, the study's aims, the research's importance, the scope and limitations of
the research, and the definition of key words.
Through various social networking media, people have been comfortable using social
networking media services for all their daily needs. The era of digitalization has also
impacted changing language cultures around the world. Changes in culture occur in
communication patterns, and social culture is no longer a priority. In oral communication,
face-to-face communication is no longer the main problem in successfully delivering
messages. Millennials are more likely to switch to writing variety through social media as an
effective and efficient forum. Its practical and efficient nature makes social media a network
that can accommodate all users' expressions, ideas, and creativity in this era of openness and
The effect of the freedom and openness of surfing on social media has brought about
a change in communication culture, one of which is the indoglish linguistic phenomenon.
Indoglish often appears among cyber actors, especially young people who use English and
Indonesian. The use of English as an international language affects the development of the
Indonesian language. The Indonesian language becomes more varied with the combination or
addition of English or from English which is absorbed into Indonesian. There is also an
indoglial phenomenon or better known as the use of English Indonesian (Rahardi, 2014:5).
English is critical to adapt and keep up with the increasingly advanced developments. English
dominates in all aspects of communication. It is also undeniable that English is essential
because English is the official language used universally (Wijana, 2018: 50). English is
widely used in social media, public media, and several other communication service features.
Indonesian and English have a balanced role in developing science in the modern era
because the two languages support each other in their use. Indonesian is the language that
must be used as the identity of Indonesian citizens. However, globalization and the
advancement of communication networks require a broader scope of information
dissemination for the people of Indonesia. English becomes a filler in this gap by using the
situation and needs; Indonesian and English play an essential role in technological progress
(Rantanen, 2005:34).
Amid the challenges, the global crisis, modernity, and westernized lifestyles, faced by
the young generation, an interesting question arises about political ideology's values. They
are pretty engaged in defending the dignity of their nation, as evidenced by their comments
on social media sites when other countries harass state symbols. This will be different when
seeing things that occur in the real world. Many young people are unaware of the current
situation, known as the identity crisis and Indonesian national identity. One of them is
language. Indonesian identity as a national character has begun to fade with the presence of
the keminggris phenomenon among the youth.
Indoglish is a phrase that is often used for English, which is still nuanced in the
culture and language of Indonesia. Speech events like this in sociolinguistic studies are often
called the phenomenon of code-switching and borrowing. However, if studied further and in-
depth, of course, this form of Indoglish is distinctive and unique, whereas the current
structure is a combination of English and Indonesian. Indoglish is a particular form because
although it is a combination of Indonesian and English, this Indoglish form is not included in
Indonesian or English vocabulary. After all, the speech structure is in English, but the
meaning is the Indonesian language.
When teenagers from varied backgrounds converse with one another, indoglish is a
popular language usually used. Adolescents dominate the use of this language in society
because they are searching for identity in numerous ways to express themselves, one of
which is through language to communicate their emotions and ideas. This phenomenon might
be viewed as a source of linguistic novelty or, on the other hand, as a source of language
conflict. Because young people have cultured and carried out in their daily lives, this
Indoglish phenomenon can already be considered a culture. The local culture and Indonesian
and regional languages will be eroded as a result of this behavior.
Based on the background above, this study is aimed to answer the following questions:
1. What is the form of linguistic level of Indoglish commonly used in communication in
Sanata Dharma University?
2. What are the reasons of speakers when using Indoglish on the social media platform?
3. What is the classification of indoglish languages based on Indonesian elements in
foreign languages and foreign elements in Indonesian?
4. How many and what are the factors that cause indoglish language?
5. What are the effects of its usage on the speaker's Indonesian language?
(1) Describe the forms of linguistic levels of the Indoglish phenomenon that students often
use on social media at Sanata Dharma Univeristy.
(2) Describe the meaning and reasons in the Indoglish vocabulary on social media platforms.
(3) Describe the classification of vocabulary based on Indonesian elements in foreign
languages and foreign parts in Indonesian.
(4) Describe the factors behind the emergence of Indoglish among students at the Sanata
Dharma University.
(5) Describe the impact of using Indoglish in the use of sound and correct Indonesian on
social media among Sanata Dharma university students.
The practical benefit of this research is that it provides a clear understanding of the
linguistic phenomena surrounding us. Good knowledge related to the use of the
existing language will impact better interactions. This is very important because the
language in the educational environment sometimes has a broad impact on society.
The educational environment, especially in universities, is seen by the broader
community as a realm filled with intellectuals and academics. As we know, college is
the beginning of the good and wrong use of language begins. If the use of language in
universities is good, the public's view will be good and vice versa. Therefore, the
results of this study are expected to be a self-reflection and even a reflection on the
academic community at universities, both lecturers, students, and employees. With
these efforts, it is hoped that the Indonesian language will be more dignified and
become the pride of the Indonesian people and nation.
This research analyzes how the linguistics level of Indoglish is commonly used in daily
communication at Sanata Dharma University, especially on the social media platform, and
the impact of its usage on the speaker's Indonesian language. The limitation of this research is
only focused on code-switching and borrowing.
2.1 Relevance Research
The research team has carried out studies related to the use of language in the educational
environment with a sociolinguistic approach and has been published in scientific journals.
The study is a scientific article entitled "Sociolinguistic Study of Foreign Students' Language
Use in Indonesian Language Learning for Foreign Speakers (BIPA) at Sebelas Maret
University," published in the Journal of Linguistic and Literary Studies Vol. 24 No.
December 2, 2012.
To analyze the data of this study, several theories of word borrowing were used. Holmes
stated that borrowing occurs when someone speaks in a second language and includes several
terms from his first language or vice versa. This happens because of the limitations of the
words they have in the second language or because they do not recognize the exact equivalent
of the first language. Additionally, Weinreich 1963 asserted that when a word is borrowed
into another language, the word changes the mini semantic system or space where the word
acts as a member. In other words, when a word is borrowed from another language used in a
conversation, all the meanings of the words will adjust to each other.
Social media provides the means the communicator uses as a channel to convey a
message to the communicant if the communicant is far away or there are many of them, or
both. In contrast, the opinion states that social media is a means of support for humans to
fulfill their needs for information and entertainment. Moreover, social media is a group of
online-based applications that build ideology and technology. Social media sites often used
today and use Indoglish a lot are Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook, and Twitter. Instagram is
a top-rated application that provides many advantages because it is used to send photos,
images, and words that generate comments. Then, Whatsapp is a social media network that
prioritizes private and group conversations by storing phone numbers first. Twitter is a free
social networking microblogging service that allows registered members to broadcast short
posts called tweets. Lastly, Facebook is a social media site used for joining one community to
another to make connections to get information.
This research uses descriptive qualitative research, which makes use of the methods of
interpretation by presenting them in the form of descriptive words. The observation is done
by observing the languages used when writing status or ideas on Facebook, Instagram, and
WhatsApp, containing Indoglish forms. After that, the data is recorded based on the data
classification that has been made. The method of research was done after the data was
collected and appropriately classified.
Furthermore, data interpretation is made, and the interpreted data is presented informally.
The results of the analysis are formulated in words. The data analysis technique can be done
through data reduction by summarizing, selecting the main things, and focusing on the
essential things. Finally, they were then analyzed and presented qualitatively using the
theories proposed by Weinrich and Holmes.
3.3.1. Data
Research data comes from various written languages obtained from Facebook,
Instagram, and WhatsApp. The data collection used the observation and note-taking
method. Data analysis was carried out by applying the distributional method.
The data sources of this research are multiple writings taken authentically from the
use of language on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and
3.4 Gathering Data Technique
3.4.1 Observation
At this stage, the observation is done by observing the languages used when writing
status or ideas on Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, containing Indoglish forms.
The researcher begins by observing the participant of students in Sanata Dharma
University by distributing a google form
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