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Language Assessment
/, Part of the University of Cambridge

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Student's Book Anne Robinson

Fourth edition Karen Saxby
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge English Language Assessment
Information on this title:
© Cambridge University Press 2016
This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception
and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements,
no reproduction of any part may take place without the written
permission of the publishers.
First published 2006
Second edition 2010
Third edition 2015
Fourth edition 2016
20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Printed in Malaysia by Vivar Printing
A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library
ISBN 978-1-316-61758-8 Student's Book with online activities with audio and Home Fun booklet
ISBN 978-1-316-63200-0 Student's Book with online activities with audio
ISBN 978-1-316-61760-l Teacher's Book with downloadable audio
ISBN 978-1-316-61761-8 Class Audio CDs
ISBN 978-1-316-61762-5 Presentation Plus DVD-ROM

Download the audio at

The publishers have no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs
for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and
do not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate
or appropriate. Information regarding prices, travel timetables, and other factual
information given in this work is correct at the time of first printing but the
publishers do not guarantee the accuracy of such information thereafter.
The authors and publishers would like to thank the ELT professionals who commented on the
material at different stages of its development.
The authors are grateful to: Niki Donnelly of Cambridge University Press.
Anne Robinson would like to give special thanks to Adam Evans and her parents Margaret
and Jim and to many, many teachers and students who have inspired her along the way. Special
thanks to Cristina and Victoria for their help, patience and enthusiasm. And in memory of her
brother Dave.
Karen Saxby would like to give special thanks to everyone she has worked with at Cambridge
Assessment since the birth ofYLE! She would particularly like to mention Frances, Felicity
and Ann Kelly. She would also like to acknowledge the enthusiasm of all the teachers she has
met through her work in this field. And lastly, Karen would like to say a big thank you to her
sons, Tom and William, for bringing constant FUN and creative thinking to her life and work.
Freelance editorial services by Katrina Gormley
Design and typeset by Wild Apple Design.
Cover design by Chris Saunders (Astound).
Sound recordings by dsound Recording Studios, London
The authors and publishers acknowledge the following sources of copyright material and
are grateful for the permissions granted. While every effort has been made, it has not always
been possible to identify the sources of all the material used, or to trace all copyright holders.
If any omissions are brought to our notice, we will be happy to include the appropriate
acknowledgements on reprinting and in the next update to the digital edition, as applicable.
The authors and publishers are grateful to the following illustrators:
T = Top, B = Below, L = Left, R = Right, C = Centre, BIG = Background
The authors and publishers are grateful to the following illustrators:
Akbar Ali (The Organisation) pp. 6 (B), 7 (R), 10, 11, 23 (B), 24 (B), 25, 35 (B), 39 (B), 44 (B),
52, 81, 85 (T), 104 (R), 105 (B), 114, 115; Laetitia Aynie (Sylvie Poggio Artists Agency) pp.
12, 40 (BL), 73, 97, 101 (BR); David Banks pp. 65, 79, 99; Bridget Dowty (Graham-Cameron
Illustration) pp. 33 (T), 39 (T), 67, 96; Andy Elkerton (Sylvie Poggio Artists Agency) pp. 14,
19, 34 (TL), 85 (B); Chris Embleton-Hall (Advocate Art) pp. 20, 22, 54 (B), 75 (CR); Pablo
Gallego (Beehive Illustration) pp. 13 (B), 21 (B), 27 (T), 32, 57, 66 (B), 91, 100 (BR), 101 (C),
102 (B), 126, 128 (BR); Daniela Geremia (Beehive Illustration) pp. 8 (C), 18 (B), 36 (B), 69
(B), 106 (T); John Haslam pp. 7 (BC), 8 (T), 13 (T), 14 (TL), 16, 17 (B), 46, 50 (B), 58, 59 (C),
61 (C), 68 (B), 82 (B), 90 (C), 110, 111 (T); Brett Hudson (Graham-Cameron Illustration) pp.
48 (B), 49 (TR), 106 (R), 107 (B); Nigel Kitching (Sylvie Poggio Artists Agency) pp. 26 (T), 29
(T), 94, 105 (R); Gustavo Mazali (Beehive Illustration) pp. 9, 14 (B), 17 (T), 21 (T), 44 (T), 45,
50 (T), 51, 54 (T), 59 (T), 79, 82 (T), 98, 104 (TR), 112 (CR), 122, 124, 126, 128 (T); Bethan
Matthews (Sylvie Poggio Artists Agency) p 93Nina de Polonia (Advocate Art) pp. 15,24
(TR), 35 (T), 40 (T), 48 (T), 56 (C), 61 (TR), 69 (T), 74, 90 (BL); Pulsar Studios (Beehive
Illustration) pp. 53, 64 (BR), 95 (T), 109, 119, 121; Anthony Rule pp. 5, 6 (T), 7 (BR), 17 (BL),
24 (R), 29 (B), 31 (B), 33 (B), 42, 47 (B), 49 (B), 51, 52, 56 (T), 59 (B), 61 (BR), 70 (T), 75
(BR), 76, 77 (BR), 85 (BR), 90 (T), 92 (T), 95 (R), 100 (T), 106 (TR), 111 (BR), 112 (T), 116
(T), 123 (BR) 125 (BR), 127 (TR); Pip Sampson pp. 11, 23 (T), 28, 37, 55, 62, 63, 66, 67, 68
(T), 86, 87,107 (T), 127 (C); Alberto Saichann (Beehive illustrations) p53; Will Saxby p. 73
(TR); Melanie Sharp (Sylvie Poggio Artists Agency) pp. 18 (T), 26 (B), 27 (B), 30, 31 (T), 34
(TC), 47 (T), 70 (B), 71, 72, 75 (T), 84, 92 (BR), 93, 102, 103, 113, 116 (B), 117; Emily Skinner
(Graham-Cameron Illustration) pp. 88 (T), 89 (C), 108; Lisa Smith p. 36; Jo Taylor p. 42;
Theresa Tibbetts (Beehive Illustration) p. 92 (TL); Matt Ward (Beehive illustration) pp 66 (T),
68 (B a,e,g); Tatio Viana (Advocate Art) pp. 38, 41, 47 (C), 64 (T), 76, 77 (T), 88 (B), 89 (T),
99, 106 (B), 123 (T), 125.
1 Hello again 6
2 Wearing and carrying 8
3 Spots and stripes 10
4 My friends and my pets 12
5 About animals 14
6 My things 16
7 Moving and speaking 18
8 School subjects 20
9 In my classroom 22
10 Clothes, animals and school 24
11 Visiting different places 26
12 A journey into space 28
13 What horrible weather! 30
14 Are you hungry? Thirsty? 32
15 What's for dinner? 34
16 Let's have a picnic! 36
17 A day's work 38
18 Time and work 40
19 Answer my questions 42
20 Calling and sending 44
21 The time of the year 46
22 Important numbers 48
23 World, weather, work 50
24 Leaving and arriving 52
25 What shall we do next? 54
26 Where can we go on holiday? 56
27 It's the holidays! Bye! 58
28 I want to win! 60
29 Doing sport! Having fun! 62
30 Summer and winter sports 64

31 Here and there 66
32 Where? 68
33 At the hospital 70
34 Oliver goes to hospital 72
35 What's it made of? 74
36 Silver, plastic, glass, gold 76
37 Exciting days! 78
38 Famous people 80
39 In villages and towns 82
40 What a strange planet! 84
41 Meet the pirate actors 86
42 Holiday news 88
43 Have you ever ...? 90
44 What has just happened? 92
45 Talking about the time 94
46 We're all at home today 96
47 I will or perhaps I won't 98
48 Doing different things 100
49 Busy families 102
50 On TV 104
51 Here's my news 106
52 What a lot of questions! 108
53 Finding your way 110
54 Let's have some fun! 112
55 If I feel bored 114
56 Fun and games 116
Pairwork activities 118-129
Unit wordlist 130-141
List of irregular verbs 142-143
Look at the picture. Where are these? Draw lines.
the sky the seat the skateboard the backpack the roof
the bicycle the grass the sunglasses

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