Raven Rock - Internal Counterintelligence Program (ICIP)

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1.~ CANARYEFFORT: (OACSI Approval - 16 Feb 72)

Location: Fort Ritchie, MD

b. Confidential Source Utilization: Three sources were used during

the reporting period.

c. Information Obtained Off-Post and/or Reported on Non-Affiliated

Ci vilians : None.

d. Useful Infor!llstion Obtained: Information surfaced pertaining

, to the use of drugs and moral improprieties on the part of a civilian
, ;.

employee assigned to the Office of the Comptroller prompted a suitability
investigation of the employee. The employee's access to classified in-
f'oxmation ha.s been suspended. Adverse suitability infoI"Jnation consi st-
ing of drug abuse, indebtedness, moral misconduct and mental instability
on the part of six military policemen assigned at the Alternate Joint
.,-, Command Center and Fort Ri tcbie was provided the Provost Marshal and the
r: . Director
of Security,
of the allegations
US Ar.my Communications Command (USACC).
are being made. Informationreported on an

Army NCO assigned to the Engineering & Installation Office, USACC,

alleging excessive gambling and unexplained affluence is being checked
prior to requesting that a limited investigation be conducted.

e. Operational Status: On 18 Mar 75, the PID briefed COL Donald E.

Clark, interim Director, Telecommunications, on the ICIP. COL Clark is
scheduled to become Commander, USACe Operations Command, after the re-
organization of' USACe on 1 Jul 75. On 20 March 1975, the PLO presented
the Quarterly Briefing to COL Harold G. deMoya, CamIIla.nder, Fort Ritchie,
and eOL John J. Plosay, Jr., Deputy Commander, Fort Ritchie. COL deMoya
expressed his appreciation for the support provided by the ICIP at Fort



OF Ti!Z Am.rY
ON SEP -s .__i'. Fort :htcrce Field Office
BY COR USAij'\SCOn F01/?O l09th Hili tary Intellie;ence Group,
AUTHParc.1-SG3 Dr'".':':'_:~o:;n Fort Ritchie, Haryland 21719

ICGP-B-FR 15 December 1973


Period IS October 1973 to IS December 1973

Operation CA1~ARY EFFDRT (U)


a. Although a formal briefing per se has not been presentBd dlirL~g

reporting period, continual liaison has been effected and maintained with
individuals briefed on the Count=rintelligence ScrG2ning Program (CISP),
Operation CANARYEFFORT, at Fort :litchie. Continual/constant liaison
has been effected and maintained with the follmd.ng briefed individuals:

eOL James A. Manning, I b6 IA~or, Cmmnander, Fort Ritchie.

eOL Daniel T. Larkin, b6 II MPC, Deputy Commander, Fort
Ritchie and Deputy Chie1. of Staff, Intelligence and Security, US Army .
CO!lJlTaUnications Corn.mand CONUSand Fort Ritchie.

LTC Arl)'TI R. !~adsen, I b6

SC, Director, Teleco~unic~tions,
Fort Ritchie. /

cw4 Ear 1. K. Osborne, I b6 I USA, COI-iSEC Officer, US Army

Communications Command .. cmms and Fort Ritchie.

_ Chie!" of Staff,
Mr. Joseph J. Garroll, DAC,GS-l), I
b6 I Deputy Assistant'
Intelligence and Secu.ri ty, US Arm-.fCOJP.n.unications
Corronand Cmil.!S and Fort Ritchie. Carroll is presently the CANARY EFF'2RT
CISP Coordinator, Fort Ritchie.

Mr. Charles H. Koontz, DAC, 08-12, I b6 I

Chief, Security

Communications COJ.lJ11and -
Division, Deputy Chief of Staff, Intelligence
COlriJS and Fort Ritchie.
and Security, US Army

Mr. :5.11iam A. Kent, DAC, GS-ll,1 b6 Chief, Intelligence I

Division, Deput;y Chief of Staff, Intelligence and Security, US Army

Communications COi.:::"and -
corms and Fort Ritchie.

b. On 19 November 1973, GOL Charles E. Thomann, COIT~ander, l09t~

Hili tary Intelligence Group and LTC Leland J. Holland, Deputy CO:TJnancier,
l09th ~lilitary Intelligence Group, visited Fort ]itchie and effected
personal cO:1tact Hi th EG Albert Redman, Jr., b6 Cor:!r::ander,
Com..rnand - Cor-iUS,Fort Ritchie. BU H.ednan acknowledGed
Army Communications
that he as aware of the existence of a CISP at Fort :1i t:chie. Be; Redr::iD

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By CDWP ,,-5 __ LASS'fFlfO
IGGP-B-FR Ai)J:" t f!.;",!'1W
SUBJECT: Operation CA!':ARYEFFORT (V) 15 Deccmber I';I73Parcll_"i/:..COI1.fF01!p
v \J
~ 5200 .If::?
further indicated a general knm;rledge of the aforer,:-entioned proGr2..-':1
a.s sponsored/directed by the us Army IntelliBence Cow;;.and (USAIN'l'C).
'Undersigned Project Liaison Officer (PLO) was tasked with presenting
an ~ximate ten minute informal briefing of the CISP in general.

r a.
on 10 October

GYlh Gary L.

was assigned
and became operational on 15.0ctober 1973D Introduct-

as the

PLO for Fort Ritchie

".1,"-... ion--to essential personnel was effected without difficulty and no

apparant operational difficulties are fcreseeno Four key personnel at
Fort ,Ritchie were briefed on the CISP and executed required Security
Oaths. Forrr,erly briefed individuals rd. th no placement and access de.e to
assignment changes 'Were debriefed and executed reqcired Debriefing
Statements. Overt liaison contacts were initiated and maintaiDed
with both rnilitarJ and appropriate civilian abencies m1d individuals
during the reporting period. COL Kanning, Commander, Fort Ritchie,
expressed a keen interest in the CISP at Fort Ritchie and projected
a sense of gratitude for acco~plishments rendered during the
reporting period. tOL Xanning further stated that he had ever.! intention
of continuing the CISP at Fort Ritchie as he believed it IS contribution
to enha."lcing the security posture of' Fort Ritchie and the Al terna te
Joint COInl'Eu.rUcations Center (AJCC), Site HR"J was invaluabl,;; <

b. During reporting period a total of 22 A~entRepofts(DA Form

341) were submitted by PLO pertaining to incidents and adverse sui tabilit;y
info~ation concerr.ing US A~r personnel assigned to the US Army
CO!TUlJUl1ic.:ations Corror.and - cOlms and Fort Ritchie. The majority of the
aforementioned Agent Reports cited US Ar~r personnel havinG access to
the AJCC, Site 'IR", Fort Ritchie.

c. During reporting period Conventional Sources '\-rere vetted and

provided reportable
info~Ation concerning adverse suitability iDfor~ation
regarding US Army personnel assigned to sensitive duties at Fort Ritchie.
One Conventional Source was assigned a Key Sheet Identification Code
and provided reportable information.

d. Spotting and Assessment for Confidential Sources with placement and

ac~continues. .

~a. As


stated, a total

of 22 Agent

Reports (DA Form

.341) were submitted by PLO pertaining to incidents and adverse 3d tabili ty
information concerning US AT'Ii'0' personnel assigned to the US Army Con:..'1!I.micatior:s
Command - COh~S and Fort Ritchie. The majority of the aforeRentioned
reports concerned US Army personnel, assigned to sensitive positions at
Fort Ritchie, allegedly involved in drug abuse or drug abuse incicicnts.
v:hilc drug abuse pe;r 5e is not \-Ii thin the investig"tive purview of t!S..\2j;'fC

. .
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SUBJBCT: Operation CANAllY EFFCRT (U) 15 Decer..ber 1973

the issue dees involve suita.bIiity of the individuals concerned to

hold security clearances and occupy sensitive positions. Upon
receipt of the aforementioned adverse information, im.'n~diate
action was taken to notify the CANARYEFFORT CIS? Coordinator, the
Commander, Fort Ritchie, and the Director, Teleco~~nications, if
. applicilble. In addition to the aforementioned, action 'Hasini tiated
to disseminate information criminal in nature to the appropriate
military and civilian authorities. In one case, liaison with
a Conventional Source, disclosed that a mew~er of the US A~ assigned
','-.. to Fort Hitchie, was experiencing adverse financial d:Lfficul ties 0
Afore~entioned information was brought to the attention of the
CANARY EFFORT CISP Coordinator and resulted in serviced COIT~nd
having requested a Sui taoili ty Investigation from USAIlfTC conceming
the individual involved.

b. SSG I b6 Operations Comp~my, I

US Army Communications Command - CONUS and it'ortRitchie, with duty

8.$ a Teletype RepairJT'.an, Telecopmunications DiI'€ctorate, was reported
as having questionable financial habits, i. e., indebtedness. Info~ation
contained in submitted Agent Report was reported to CA}IARY E?FORT CISP
Coordinator, the Commander, Fort Ritchie, and the Director, 1ele-.
cOmITJunicationsc The Project Control Officer (FCD) and PLQ will continue'
to monitor the aforementioned situation closely and report significant
findings via appropriate Agent Report and to CA..~ARY EFFeRT CIS? Coor:..:.;.~tor'.
c. Covert Sources wi thin CANARY EFFORT target area continw;! to
report information concerning drug and alcoholabuseby meITiliers ~)f the
US ATrr;y at Fort Ritchie and t.he AJCCc Covert Sources have also :reportc-d
a.d'Verse su.i tabili ty information, i.. e., financial and moral incii,scrttior.,
involving both US Arrrry ,.nd Department of the Army personnel at Fort

Ritchie and the AJCC. Monitoring will contioueo

h. CO}~.1El<TS, RE~JffiKS, AND REC0!1'1E!JDATIO!!S:

a. It is e.nvisionedthat a formal Quarterly Briefing will be pre~ented

to BG Redman, eDL J.:anning, LTC Hadsen, ?!r. Carroll, and r~. Kent iD early
Jan~ary 19740 The aforementioned is deemed appropriate as this ?LO diG
not become operational lU1til 15 October 1973 and there is no record of
a formal Quarterly Briefing having been presented cancernj.ng Operation
ClU~ARY EFFORT since 8 January 1973. The aforementioned proposea briefing
~~11 be held in abeyance until such time it is deemed apprcpriate, ~~t~
USAIi{TC approval, to present BG Redman with the approved US!...IinC CISP
briefing, if applicable. The reader should also consider current
instructions issued by Headq~arters, l09th }~litary IntelliGence Group,
to the effect that ACIP coverage be expanded to include US A~'
Communications Conunand -
COi1USelements not thus far included in the
current operations pla."'l coverning CAIIJ..RYEFFDRT.

ON SEP -5 1991
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A UTI-tPara 1-603 DOD 5200.1 R ~ '.
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,,'--~ ,- ..' . - .. .. . .-

ICGP-B-FR 15 December 197.3


b. PLO and PCO enjoy an excellent working relationship as does

PLO 'With his counterparts, liaison contacts, and Conventional Sources.
It is invisioned that the CISP, Operation CA~~ARYEFFORT, at Fort
Ritchie will become increasingly productive and will ultimately
afford the Commander, Fort Ritchie, with coverage desired, i. e.,
enhancement of the security pas ture of Fort Ritchie and the AJCC by means
not local:!}' "vail able the co",rnafidern .
.' i:..~. '\. .

cwh, USA
Project Liaison Officer

y '

,_PfH~T:\r.;jT OF THE ,fj,P,;W

.. ,.
Fort Ritchie Field Office
109th '1i 1itary Inte 11i (Jcnce Group
Fort r<itchie, i!aryland 21719

It:GP-B-FR 29 t1arch 19'74


Period January 1974 thru I~arch 1974


sr?3JECT: Operation CANARY EFFORT {U)

{¥ a.

Qn 25 February 1974, the US Army Intelliaence Command (tISAINTC)

Internal Counterinte11iqence Proaram (ICIP) Briefinq was presented to
SG Albert Redman, Jr., Cormander, US .i\rmy COmr:1unications Conmand - CONUS
and ~r. Kenneth L. Alexanrler, OAC, GS-14, Chief of Staff, US ArTIY
COf11l'1unications Command - COIWS, Fort D.itchie. The aforerlentioned brief-
;nQ, presented by the Project Liaison "fficer (PLO), Operation CANARY
EFFORT, was enthusiastically received by BG RedMan and Mr. Alexander.
Both 3G ~edman and Mr. Alexander were knowledqeab1e that an ICIP was
in effect at Fort ~itchie and indicated
that the ICIP had received
Plany lalJ(loble COliments. BG Red:nan indicated a desire to have the
IeIP pro~ra~ expanded to include sensitive installations within his
command. The follovling personnel were in attendance at the afore~entioned

BG Albert Redman) Jr., Commander, US Army Cor:~unications

Co~~and CONUS, Fort Ritchie.
Mr. Kenneth L~ Alexander, OAC, GS-14, Chief of Staff, US A~y
Ccmunications Cocr'land -
CO:lUS, Fort Ritchie.

1.lr. Joseph J. Carroll, DAC, 8S-14, -'\ssist11nt Chief of Staff,

Intellioence and Security, US Army Communications Command - conus and
Headquarters, Fort Ritchie.
MAJ Robert L. Brooks, MI, Co~ander, Fort Ritchie Fielrl Office,
l09th ~~ilitary Intelligence GrouD, Fort P.itchie.

b. A formal briefinq~ per se, was not presenterl durino the

reoortinq oeriod of 15 October 1973 to 15 Decenber 1973. The Ouarterly
Proaress Briefin~ presented on 29 March 1974, included the aforementioned
veriod as well as the period of January 1974 thru "larch 197~. The
Quarterly Proqress Briefing was presented on 29 1.larch 1974 at the
reque5t of COl Jar.1es A. ~\:!,nninn, Ccm:rJand~r, Fort Ritchie, CISCfJl.:1(\nllinn
felt the briefinq should he pI'esented at the end of tile reportinC1 period

BY CD R 5200.1R
A\JTH Para 1 -
60 3 DOD

'SI13JECT: Operation C/1JIARYEFFORT (U) 29 r'1arch 1974

as ooposed to 15 !.1arch 1974, as stipulated by existinq USAINTC

reoulations. Althouah the formal briefinq was presented on 29 March
1974, continual/consiant liaison was maintained with apcropriate
individuals briefed on the ICIP prior to the formal briefing. The
follo\oJino briefed personnel Here present on 29 ~'1arch 1974, at."hich time
the Quarterly Progress Briefino was presented:
eOl James A. rianni ng ,I b6 I
Ar~or, Commander~ Fort
. eOL Harold G. de ~1oya,I b6 I
Infantry, Deputy Commander,
fort Ritchie.

LTC Arlyn R. 11adsen.1 b6 ISiqnal Corps, flirector,

Telecor.~unications Directorate, Fort Ritchie.

Mr. Joseph J. Carroll, DAC, GS-14, Assistant Chief of Staff,

I nte 11 i gence and Securi ty, US ArP1Y COrlT:1un
i ca t ions COrJ1!TJi.1I1r:f
- cm~us and
l~eadQLJarters, Fort Ritchie. t1r. Carroll is the ICIP Coordinator,
Operation CA~ARY EFFORT. .


a. DurinQ reporting period, Spottina ano ~ssessment for

Confidential Sources with placement and access continued.
b. Daily liaison was maintained with the Assistant Chief of
Staff, Intelligence and Security, US ArP.1YCorrrnunications Command -
CONUS and Headquarters, Fort Ritchie and/or a briefed member of
the aforementioned office.
c. Periodic, if not daily, liaison was maintained with
16 individuals assigned key positions \~ithii1 .the Fort Ritchie
military co~munity. Aforementioned inoividuals, considered
Casua1jOfficial Sources.inc1ude the Oirector, Teleco~nunications
Directorate, the Provost Marshal, Military Police Investiqations.
Company Conmanders. and other appropriate personnel.
d. Periodic/continual liaison was ~aintained with appropriate
federal, state and local agencies.

e. Ouring reportinq period a total of 31 I\qent Reports \'I~re

submitted concerning 19 individuals assigned to Fort Ritchie occupying
either sensitive positions and/or h~vina security clearances. The
afore~entioned lI.gent Reports fOr\'larded advel"se suitability

.. - 2-
ON - 5 1997" HPO
BY COR U (;)
3000 5200.1R
AUl1-\Para 1--u0

SU3JECT: Operation CANARY EFFORT (U) 29 '.larch 1974

f. On 4 January 1974 ~ a draft 1etter \'ias prepared for thE~

Assisti1nt Chief of Staff, lntellioence and Security, tiS Army
Communications Command CO:!USand Headquarters, Fort P.itchie, to
be used by the aforementioned individual/office in requestinq
exoonsion of the lClP \'1ithin the US ./'I.rrw Communications Cormand -
CONUS. The aforementioned letter (dra{t) was \'Ie11 received and
approoriate staffing was initiated. On 26 March 1974, COL Antonio
Veaa, GS, Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence and Security,
US Amy Communications COT!T:land,Fort HlJachuca, Arizona, discussed
oronoseJ lClP expansion with Mr. Carroll and indicated strona
interest in the proposal. C()LVega reportedly inforned r.1r. Carroll
that the letter fro~ Fort Ritchie would be enthusiastically
received at Fort Huachuca and that COL Veqa \'loul d recorl8end that
the request for ICIP expansion be improved and fan'/arded, in the
form of a formal request, to the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff
for Intelligence, I)epartment of the Army. ~~r. Carroll indicated to
undersianed PLf) that the aforementioned letter \'Jould leave Fort
Ritchie by 8 April 1974.
g. Upon ter~inat1on of the Quarterly Proqress 8riefin~) 29
f.!arch 1974. COL!'1annin0 and :lr. Carroll exoressed their ap~reC"iiition
and enthusiasrl for the ICIP at Fort Ritchie. Comments for accor:];)lishments
rendered durinq th~ reportinq period were laudatory. to say thE:least.
eOL ;~i1;1ninqindicat9d his desire to continue the ICIP at Fort
Ritchie as he believed it's contribution toward enhancinq the
security posture of Fort Ritchie and the P.lternate ,)0; nt r:olT1T"1un;
cati ons
Center (:\JCC) ~Ias invaluahle. Both COL r.lanninl1 and 11r. Carro,.1 desired
thr1: the existing ICIP at Fort Ritchie continue "uninterrupted" despite
any r~orqanizational changes anticipatetj by l'SAI'!TC. !1r. Carroll
stated that he did not desire to see any personnel channes in as far as
the PL() \'Ias concerned as he Has "iJ'11.TJensily satisfied" t'/ith the
present PLO both professionillly and personally. ~:r.Carroll added,
that for the first tir.e since his assirmDent to Fort Ritchie in
1971. he was totally satisfiea with the ICIP in it's entirety.
h. COLMannina ~nd Mr. Carroll further exoressed their appreciation
of SAEOA briefin~s presented to a total of 583 personnel, both n1i1itary
and civilian, on 28 March 1974, by the PlO.


a. As previously stated, a total of 31 Agent ?eports (OA Form 341)

were sub~itted concerninq 19 individualsi US Army personnel, assiqncd to
the US Army Corrrnunications CO;'lmand- C0~!USand For.t f1itchie. f\fore-
menti oned fI.n,ent Reports. SUbf111
tted by the PLO, for\'larded ad'/ers.e
suitahi1ity infomation. Of the aforel11t:ntioned 31 /I.gcnt !;eports. a total
of 15 !\gent Reports \'Jere submitted concerning 13 US Army personnel
involved in druq abuse re10ted incidents. A total of 17 AQent ~eports
concerninq five US Army personnel
. were submitted in re~ard to a.dverse
suHabili~y infsmnation. 262
ON s£p.S 1~... - 3-
AUTH Para 1-603 DOD 5200.1R
. r

b. On 4 Februnry 19741 PL0 was notified of an alleqed thY'eat

on the life of the COi11:':1ander, 572d J'lilitary Police r:o!1pany (Security),
Fort Ritchie. The threat, in fOrr1 of an allcaed $10,000 "contr'act",
was allea~dly sponsored by either ne Mau ~au or the Ulack Liberation
Army. Contact \>Ias effected '.'lith 2.ppropriate ~ilitary and civilian
aae-nci es and reported in fOrr.lnti on was fon-Jardd in fOTm of a Spot
Report as wen as a follol"'-up fI.aent Reoort. Both Cf)L r~3nninq and
~1r. (ar1"011 expressed apprccii3.tion for the timely and effectivE! manner
in which the afore;nentioned incident was handler! by the PLO.

c. In yet nnother case, adverse suitabil i t.v information \>Ias

surfaced concerninq a farner j'li1itary Police Investir1ator assiqned
to Fort Ritchie. The afore~entioned individual was relieved of MPI
~uties and assiqned less sensitive duties. Adverse suitnoilitv
information was' Qleaned froM official records and 07ficial Sour.ces
and brouoht to thE attention of ~1r. Carroll. rlr. Carroll, in turn,
requested an investigation of the individual froM USAINTC. -
d. In still another instance, adverse suitahillty infonnation
vtas surfaced concerninq a US JI..rJ'WCaptain \"Iho\-I.,1Sbe~n/"]considered
for a sensitive position both at Fort Ritchie and the AJCC. Adverse
suitability information was qleanerl from official records and
Official Sources an;! brounht to the attention of both COL t1i1nniinq
and t'lr. Carroll. -Prior to an "investiaation lJeinq requested by
Mr. Carroll, the individual concerned aQain became involved with
1.:.\.}en70rcment aC]encics and, after counsell ine by COL '~anning ,.
offered to resian fro:n th~ US Arrr;y. The afore!Tlentioned incident
was particularly delicate as the individual concerned was a graduate
of the US !',il i tary .I\cademv and possessed a di 5 ti nl1ui shed COlilbat
recorrl in the Republic of Vietnam. eOl ~anninn and Mr. Carro11 both
expressed co~plete satisfaction in the manner in which the PLO
bro~0ht the adverse suitability information to their attention and
concurred \'lith PLO in recomMendations offered.

e. Hhile drua abuse, per se, is not \-lithin the investi(Jative

purviel'/ of IISAWTC, the issue does involve suitability of the
individuals concernerJ to hold security clearances and occupy
sensitive [)ositions. tlOOI1recieDt of ildverse inform~tion, irrmt!diate
actibnwas taken to notify the ICIP Coordinator, "oeration CANARY
EFFORT, nr. Joseph J. Carro1l; the Conmander, Fort Ritchie; an~j the
r"Jirector, Telecomunications Directoratel if applicable. In addition
to the aforementioned, action was taken to disseminate infon~ation,
criminal in nature, to the appropri'lte military and civilian
authorities. COL Manninq and Mr. ~arrol' both expressed satisfaction
in the decrease of druQ abuse relaterl incidents durina reDortin~ period and
voiced belief that the marked decrease was lar0ely ~ue to. the enh~nced
1i a i son b2t\o/een the PLO and the Offi ce of the Provos t narsha 1.

- 4-
ON SEP - 5 j991
AUTH Para 1-603 DOD 5200,1R
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rCGP-3-FR l
SlJ2,JEr:T: Operation Cl\:lr\RY EFFORT (U) 29 t~arch 1974

f. Inform(jtiol1 concerninq both military and civilian nersonnel

oss;oned to !IS .lI,rmyCOr:ir:Junications Cornand . CO'/USand Fort Ritchie,
and on \'!nor.1Anent Rerorts have been submitted. by both the PLO and \
Pro.iect Ci1se Officer (peO). are duly reflected in !~onth1y Status \t
D.eports {r.1sr-)for the nonths of February and ';arch 1974. Parar:jraphs
2.e. and 3.a. of this reoort cont~in statistics concerninG Aqents
P.eDorts submitted ~ by the PLO. .

q. r.overt Sources within the CA~ARY EFFORT taraet area continue

to report adverse suitability in~o~ation concerninn both US Army and
repart~~_ nt of the A~y personnel assigned to Fort Ritchie and the
J\JCC~) .
4. $2f CO','~.!mTS, Re~AR~S, AND RECO~~'~Et!I')I\TI()NS:

a. It;s stronaly reconmenr-ed that, in the ev~nt personnel

chanqes are anticipated in the forthcoming reorganization, apnropriate
and resoons;ble USi\HiTC personnel effect contact ~lit, C0L ~tanninq and/or
Mr. Car~oll prior to initiatinq such channes. If nochinn else, the
aforf'r.1entioned recomended action should b2 aecampl ished as a IIrlatter
of courtesy".

b. PLO and peo continue to enjoy an excellent professional and

perso:tal ':Jor-kinfj ril2.tiorIship. PLO and FCO ir.deed work and function as
a team. PLO continues to enjoy an excellent rrofessional and personal
warkinq relationship with his counterparts, liaison contacts, and Casual/
Official Sources.

c. It is envisioned that,once the Fort Ritchie Field Office increases

it's personnel strenqth, and once the ad~inistrative requirenents levied on
the PLO either diminisl1 or stabilize, the PLO will beco~e increasinqly
effective/productive 3nd be oermitted to support the supoorted co~~~nder
in the r.l~nner intented' by the ICIP. i. e. in the "true spirit" of the
proara~. The ultimate coal of the ICIP and, hence. the PLOt ;s to afford
the f.om:!landert Fort Ritchi e J \'Ii th coveraQe des ired. i. e.. enhcmcement of
the security posture of Fort Ritchie and the ~Jr.C by ~eans not locally
avanab1e the Commander.
n ill"

Project Liaison Qfficer



Location: Fort
(GACS! Revalidation

Ritchie, MD
- 4 Feb 75)

b. Confidential Source Utilization: Three confidential sources

c. Information Obtained or Reported on Non-Affiliated Civilians:


d. Useful Information Obtained:

<, (1) At an undetermined time ~ithin the past year, the Pentagon
, Telecommunications Center (PTC) requested that the Joint Chiefs of Staff
(JCS) Communications Center provide the PTC with a magnetic tape con-
taining test messages recorded by the Burroughs DB25 Automated Message
tf,: Processing System, a system used by the JCS, in order for the PIC to

~i devise a coding system which would provide compatibility between the
I :- PTC's IBM 360/50 System and the Burroughs System used by the JCS. The
I, ~
- JCS Communications
of technical factors.
Center could not provide the test message tape because
This led to the Telecommunications Directorate,
I . Site R, Ft Ritchie, receiving the tasking for the test tape preparation.
A number of innocuous, unclassified messages were prepared by the commu-
nications personnel at Site R on a 2,500 foot reel of magnetic tape, which
~as sent to the PTC, where, because the messages were unclassified, it lay
in open storage, unsecured, for about six weeks. During the processing
which followed to make the two systems compatible, it was discovered that
the tape also contained fragments of highly sensitive, classified messages
which had been picked up from residual magnetism on the drums or reels of
the Burroughs equipment when the test messages were recorded. A source
of this ICIP reported this information believing that a compromise could
have occurred when the test tape was not secured. The information was
reported to the Commander, US Army Communications Center Operations Co~
mand, who initiated an investigation of the incident which resulted in a
change of security procedures for the handling/storage of computer tapes,
reels, and discs. Since the FTC is a secure area .in itself, it is believed
that the information in question had not been compromised.

(2) During the reporting period, SOurces surfaced adverse suitability

information on 47 individuals assigned to Fort Ritchie and the Alternate
Joint Communications Center (AJCC) , Site R. In the majority of instances,
the adverse suitability information dealt with drug abuse. Information
was brought to the attention of tbe ICIP Coordinator of the supported
command. Individuals concerned are being monitored, and an investigation
wag requested on one individual.


~. --~~- ..---.-.------._.


e. Operational Status:

(1) The revised CANARY EFFORT Operations Plan which reflected target
realignment resulting from reorganization of the USACe into the 7th Signal
Command was approved by the ACSI on 15 September 1975. A request has been
submitted for assignment of an additional Great Skills PCO to provide more
adequate coverage of the increased target areas which have resulted from
this reorganIzation.

(2) On 1 July 1975. CPT Richard E. Graff, Project Liaison Officer

(PLO). CENSUS TDIE, was introduced to COL Donald E. C lar k, Coanander, USACe
.- Operations Command. at the AJCC, Site R. COL Clark had been previously
briefed on the ICIP on 18 March 1915, but the purpose of this meeting was
to acquaint COL Clark with tbe IClP CENSUS TIME which is conducted at the
Pentagon Telecommunications Center (PTC) , prior to his assumption of com-
mand at the PTC. On 1 August 1975, the CENSUS TIME and CANARY EFFORT
Project Liaison Officers briefed COL Clark at the USAeC PTC on both of
these ICIPs since both of thero involve USACC Operations Command and its
subordinate ~lements.

(3) On 18 August 1975) tbe CANARY EFFORT PLO and COL Stubblebine,
Commander, 90Ld HI Group, visited the USACC East Coast Telecommunications
Center (ECTC), Ft Detrick, MD, fora facility briefing, since the facility
,.. is now being covered in the revised CANARY EFFORT OPLAN. The introductory
briefing on the ICIP was presented to LrC Jackie L. Manbeck, Commander,
USACC ECTC, and CW2 George S. Trivett, OIC, Security Division) USACCECTC.
The CDR, 902d MI Group, and the PLO also made a courtesy visit to ooL J. A.
Pastore, CDR, Fort Detrick.

(4)On 27 August 1975, eOL John s. Eberle, CDR, USACC Site R Tele-
communications Center, was provided an introductorybriefing on the ICIP

(5) On 18 September 1975, the Quarterly Progress Briefing was pre-

sented to the CDR, USACC Operations Command, COL Clark, at the USACC
Operations Command, USACC PTC, Wash, DC, in conjunction with the CENSUS
TIME Quarterly Progress Briefing because of the inter-relationships of
both ICIPs.
(6) On 25 September 1975, the PLO presented the Quarterly Progress
Briefing to tbe supported command with the following in attendance:
eOL Harold G. deKoya, CDR, Ft Ritchie; eOL John S. Eberle, CDR, USACC
Site R Telecommunications Center; COL John J. Plossy, Jr., Deputy CDR,
Fort Ritchie, and ACSl&S, 7th Signal Command. All of the above offi-
cials expressed their appreciation and continued enthusiasm for the IClP
and made laudatory comments concerning the counterintelligence support
rendered during the reporting period.

II. ..

L r.:j: CANARY 1!FFORT: (OACS! Revalidation -4 Feb 75)

a. Location: Fort Ritchie. MD.

b. Confidential Source Utilization: Three confidential sources.

c. Information obtained Off-Post and/or Reported on Non-Affiliated

Ci vi Hans : NonE~.

d. Useful Information Obtained:

(1) Information was surfaced pertaining to the alleged abuse of drugs

on the part of seven (7) individuals assigned sensitive/critical duties.

. Additionally, adverse suitability information concerning nine (9) individuals
: I' :~ was reported. This information involved indebtedness. alcohol abuse, moral
, improprieties and mental instability. As a result of the information
furnished, four individuals had their access to classified information
suspended; investigations were requested on three individuals; and the
: r,~ activities of the other individuals are being monitored.
(2) Information was reported concerning an individual who resembled a
suspected KGB member. The individual has paid an inordinate degree of
attention to the activities of a US civilian firm and a sensitive ship-
ment destined for Fort Ritchie. Another individual reported conversations
tbat occurred in August 1974 in a bar in Waynesboro, PA where he learned
that a.n individual believed to be a contract employee claimed to have
ha.d contacts with Soviets who worked in Hagerstown, MD. Both incidents
were reported to the FBI with a request for investigation.

e. Operational Status:

(1) On 25 June 1975. the PLO briefed COL Harold G. deMoya, Cdr,
Fort Ritchie, and COL John J. Plosay, Jr., Deputy CdT, Fort Ritchie.

(2) COL Donald E. Clark assumed command of the 7th Signal Command
(which includes the Pentagon Telecommunications Center) on 18 July 1975
and was briefed on CANARY EFFORT. The 902d HI Group which is conducting
the IClP at Fort Ritchie prepared a revised operations plan reflecting
changes in mission and target areaS which resulted from the reorganization
of the US Army Communications Command (USACC) into the 7th Signal Command.
Prior to the reorganization. the Telecommunications Directorate, located at
Site "Rn and thle primary target for the ICIP, was under the operational
control of the Cdr, Fort Ritchie. Under the neworgani~ation, the
Telecommunications Directorate, as well as the telecommunications centers
throughout CONUS, are under the operational control of a new established
activity, the USACC Operations Command.
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5. ~ CENSUS TW: (OACS1 Revalidation -4 Feb 75)

8. Location: Pentagon Telecommunications Center (PTC») US Army

Communications Command (USACC). The Pentagon) Washington, DC

b. Confidel1:tial Source Utilization: One.

c. Information Obtained Off-Post and/or Reported on Non-Affiliated

Civilians: None.

d. Useful Information Obtained: An lCIP source reported that a PTC
civilian emp1oyeE:'s effeminate gestures and high pitched voice were respon-
sible for office gossip that the employee was a homosexual. The employee,
who is currently employed as a relay operator, was transferred from the
coding and decoding section because he allegedly coded an obscene message
that was to be sent to an overseas user. The ICIP source provided other
information concerning possible security violations involving the employee.
The employee's d()ssier was examined and it was noted that during a back-
ground imrestigat:ion conducted approximately ten months ago, there were
recon:tnendationsthat the employee not be considered for positions of trust
and responsibility. "Investigative.efforts are continuing to verify or
refute allegations concerning the employee.

e. Operational Status: The reorganization of the US Army Communica-

tions Command at Ft Ritchie into the 7th Signal Command has had an effect
on the operational status at the FTC. COL Clark, who has a positive atti-
tude toward the lCIP assumed command of PTC in July, and was given a full
progress report t:>f this operation. All personalities in the operation
have changed. 1]0 addition to the new commander who is amiable to the
program, there is a new security manager, CPT Richard Pederson, who gave
the program support previously when he was assigned to the Defense Language
Institute, East Coast. Washington) DC. A new PID has also been assigned to
the operation. With the above personnel changes and COL Clark's encouraging
attitude. this ~CIP is now afforded an excellent opportunity to expand and
be more productive.

1. EFFORT; (OACSI Revalidation - 4 Feb 75)

8. Location: Fort Ritchie. MD

b. Confidential Source Utilization: Three

c. InfOrMation Obtained or Reported on Non-Affiliated Civilians:


d. Useful Information Obtained:

(1) On 15 January 1976, the Project Liaison Officer (PLOh as a result

of a liaison visit with the Baltimore Division of the Federal Bureau of
Investigation obtained data on the presence of Sino.Soviet Bloc; personnel
travelling within the environs of the target areas <md information on
those Sino-Soviet Bloc personnel residing temporarily in the environs of
the target area.

(2) On 28 January1976 a member of the 572d Military Police Co,

Ft Ritchie, was approached by an unidentified individual at Hagersto n
Junior College, Hagerstown, 'MD, who claim~d to be employed at Site R.
The individual described Site R in general terms, but made no ;lttempt
to elicit information from the soldier. Investigative efforts failed
to identify the individual. All available information was provided the
Hagerstown Resident Office of the FBI. A USAINIA investigation of the
incident is continuing.

(3) On 28 January 1976, an unidentified individual apprcal:hed a

soldier assigned to the US Army Communications Command East Coast Tele-
communicationsCenter (aSACCECTC) and requested a tour of that facility.
The individual appeared interested in the antenna configuratioCl of
Satellite Communications/Direct Communication Links (SATCOM/DSL). The
request for the tour was denied. All available information was provided
the Hagerstown Resident Office of the FBI. USAINTA investigation of the
incident is continuing.

(4) During the reporting period information was developed on a

Non-Appropriated Fund (NAP) employee who is a bartender employed at the
Ft Ritchie NCO Club. The bartender allegedly told the patrons that she
was in the employ of both "Military Intelligence" and the'tlA." An
investigation is being conducted by USAINTA.

(5) On 18 March 1976, a US Army NCO assigned sensitive duties in

the Alternate National Military Command Center (ANMCC) volunteered
information concerninghis entering into correspondence with an agency
of the East German Government. The NCO, who has been researching his
family history for the last six years. was attempting to obtain a record
of the military service of his great-great grandfather in the period
circa 1810. In the course of an inquiry to the Federal Republic of
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Germany (FRG) Ambassador in Washington and the FRG Government, he ~as

advised.to contact the German Historical Central Archives in East
Germany. The NeD volunteered the information to make it a matter of
official record. He was given a SAEDA briefing under the prov:lsions of
Ai 381-12 with special emphasis on reporting procedu.res. The NCO ...i11
infonn Army Intelligence should he be contacted by any East Ge'rmany Agency
and ...i11provide copies of any correspondence he receives. At present the
exploitation opportunities are unknown, pending any East German Intelli-
gence Service overture. The Chief, ANMCC ...asbriefed on the incident.

e. Operational Status:

(1) Ih February 1976, the 902d MI Group selected Operation CANARY

EFFORT for termination. Supported commanders were briefed on the termination
in conjunction with the scheduled quarterly briefin5s. All confidential
sources used in this ICIP have been terminated. The effective termination
date for CANARY EFFORT is 31 March 1976.

(2) During the quarter, the PLO presented 21 SAEDA!Threat/Security

Awareness briefings to personnel assigned_to support~d activities at
Fort Detrick and Fort Ritchie.

(3) The PLO presented the Quarterly Progress Briefing to LTC Dale
S. Cockle, CDR, USACC ECTC, on 30 March 1976.

(4) The PW, On 1 April 1976, presented the Quarterly Pr.)gress

Briefing to COL John S. Eberle, CDR, US Army Commun:lcat ions C')mmand
(USACe) Site R.

(5) On 5 April 1976, the PDQ gave the Quarterly Progress Briefing
to the supported command, HQ, 7th Signal Command and Fort Ritchie, ~ith the
following officials present: COL Harold G. deMoya, CDR, Ft Ritchie; COL
John J. Plosay, Jr., Deputy CDR, Ft Ritchie and Mr. Joseph J. Carroll,
Acting Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence and Security, 7th Signal
C~and and Ft Ritchie.

..' ..-"

ON SEP - 5 199boM fOllPO
BYCOR US A.:N~03 DoD i200.1..R



1 April 1975 to 31 March 1976

CANARY EFFORT: (OACSI Revalidation - 4 Feb 75)

a. Location: Fort Ritchie, MD

b. Information Obtained Off-Post and/or Reported on Non-Affiliated

Civilians: None

c. Significant Information Obtained During Period 1 April 75 -

31 March 76:

(1) Confidential and conventional sources employed in the operation

surfaced information or. adverse suitability pertaining to 86 employees
at Fort Ritchie, all of whom had security clearances and access to one
of the sensitive activities supported. The suitability inform~tion
included the entire spectrum in this category - alco.bol and drug abuse,
moral improprieties and mental instability. In these instances investi-
gative action was taken to refute or substantiate t1:LeallegatiDns or the
individuals were removed from access to classified information. About
50% of the cases reported involved some degree of drug abuse; these ~ere
referred to the Criminal Investigation Command (CrD) for action.

(2) Two separate reports were received concerning suspected Soviet

Intelligence presence and interest in the activities of .the supported
installation. Details of these reports were provided the FBI in May 19i5.
In one instance an individual resembling a kn~ KGR agent paid an unusual
amount of attention to shipment of sensitive cargo t~ Fort Ritchie; in the
second instance an individual assigned to Fort Ritchie reported that a
second person whom e Sovip~c
in Ha erstown, MD.
(3) An ICIP source reported a possible compromise occurred when
the Telecommunications Directorate, Site R, was tasked to prepare a
special test tape containing test messages which could be used for coding
and to devise compatibility between two computer syst:ems. The test tape,
though it consisted only of innocuous, unclassified eessages, also con-
tained fragments of sensitive, highly classified messages which had been
picked_up from residual magnetism on the reels of the equipment when the
messages were recorded. This latter condition was not discovered until
processing to make the systems compatible took place" after the tape had
lain unsecured, in open storage, for about six ~eeks. A comm8.nd investi-
gation of the incident followed and a determination was made that apparently
a compromise had not occurred, but as a result of the incident, changed
securit~procedures were put into effect for the handling and storage of
computer tapes, reels, and discs.


(4) Two possible SAEDA approaches to soldiers stattioned at Fort

Ritchie in January 1976 are currently under investigation by USAINTA
and the FBI. Reports of a Fort Ritchie NCD Club bartender professing
to be employed by the "CIA" and "m! litary inte lligenae" are currently
being investigated by USAINTA.

(5) In March 1976, an Army NCO cssigned sensitiv~ duties at Fort

Ritchie volunteered that he had contacted by letter am agency of the
East German Government. The NCO desired to make the matter of the
contact part of official records in the event he shoU!.1.dbe later COn-
tacted by any agency or person from East Germany. T1nough the NCO's
action was part of his research of his family history and osten'sibly
1s an overt", sincere effort on his part, the East Ger:nnan IntelHgence
Services (EGIS) often take such opportunities to lO.;ike:inte lligence
approaches.. especially if the US soldier-target has Sjpecial clearances
and access to sensitive information. The NCO is unde:-r instrucUons to
report any responses to his letter.

d. Operational Status:

(1) CANARY EFFORT was first approved

. by OACSI.
for iroplemen:.tation
DA, on 11 June 1965.

(2) Operation CANARY EFFORT to be terminated eff~tive 31 March 76.

Supported commanders were briefed on the termination iBction durj.ng the
quarter ending 31 Mar 76. All confidential sources used in the ICIP have
been terminated.

I \
(4) The Operation yielded 69 information reports and 116 other
reports which were chiefly verbal reports provided to the supported

e. Comments: The lCIP at Fort Ritchie clearly ha$ been a productive

operation at a critically sensitive installation. In~ormation obtained
as a result of the ICIP and acted upon by the c c:mm.ancLers concerned has
served to strengthen the security of the installation. The 902c1MI
Gruop will continue to provide counterintelligence support to the installa-
tion under an overt comprehensive counterintelligence support program.


1 April 1975 to 31 March 1976


,a. Location:
(OACSI Revalidation

Fort Ritchie. MD
- 4 Feb 75)

b. Information Obtained Off-Post and/or Reported on Non-Affiliated

Civilians: None

c. Significant Information Obtained During Period 1 Apr 75 -

31 Mar 76:

(1) Confidential and conventional sources employed in the operation

surfaced information on adverse suitability pertaining to 86 employees
at Fort Ritchie, all of whom had security clearances and access to one
of the sensitive activities supported. The suitability inforTI2tion
included the entire spectrum in this category - alcohol and drug abuse,
moral improprieties and mental instability. In these instances investi-
gative action was taken to refute or substantiate the allegations or the
individuals were removed from access to classified informatioE. About
50% of the cases reported involved some degree of drug abuse; these were
referred to the Criminal Investigation Division for action.

(2) Two separate reports were received concerning suspected Soviet

Intelligence presence and interest in the activities of the supported
installation. Details of these reports were provided the FBI in May 1975
In one instance an individual resembling a known KGB agent paid an unusual
amount of attention to shipment of sensitive cargo to Fort Ritchie; in the
second instance an individual assigned to Fort Ritchie reported that a
second person whom he had met claimed to be in contact with the Soviets
in Hagerstown, MD. As of 31 Mar 76, the FBI investigations of the reports
were inconclusive.

(3) An ICIP source reported a possible compromise occurred when

the Telecommunications Directorate, Site R. was tasked to prepare a
special test tape containing test messages which could be used for coding
and to devise compatibility between two computer systems. The test tape,
though it consisted only of innocuous, unclassified messages, also con-
tained fragments of sensitive, highly classified messages which had been
picked up from residual magnetism on the reels of the equipment when the
messages were recorded. This latter condition was not discovt~red until
processing to make the systems compatible took place~ after t11e tape had
lain unsecured. in open storage, for about six weeks. A comm~nd investi-
gation of the incident followed and a determination was made that
apparently a compromise had not occurred. but as a result of the incident,
changed security procedures were put into effect for the handling and
storage of computer tapes, reels, and discs.

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REGRADED UNCLASSIfiED 63 f 1:';::;-::';: r:.::-: ~ ~"':"-:-:7"- - r' . -'--::,::ON

ON SEP -51~97 FO\JPO

BY COR USAiNSGOM ~:.~' ;.::. ',ri~5iE:~~:, =;I:~~;:~~;':~~ ~
1...603DoD §20t).1-R
(4{WTWO possible SAEDA approaches to soldiers stationed .;ot Fort
Ritchi~in January 1976 are currently under investigation by USAINTA
and the FBI. Reports of a Fort Ritchie NCO Club bartender professing
to be employed by the "CIAI1 and "military intelligence" are currently
being investigated by USAINTA.

(5~In March 1976, an Army NCe assigned sensitive duties at Fort

Ritchie volunteered that he had contacted by letter an agency of the
East German Government. The NCe desired to make the matter 0:: the
contact part of official records in the event he should be la-:er con-
tacted by any agency or person from East Germany. Though the NCO's
action was part of his research of his family history and ost~nsibly
1s an overt, sincere effort on his part~ the East German InteLligence
Services (EGIS) often take such opportunities to make intelligence
approaches, especially if the US soldier-target has special clearances
and access to sensitive information. The NCO is under instructions to
report any responses to his letter.

~Qperational Status:

(lCOCANARY EFFORT was first approved for implementation by OACSI,

DA~ on~l June 1965.

(2[uY1n Feb 76, the 902d MI Group selected Operation CANARY EFFORT
to be terminated and replaced by an overt, direct support co~nterintelli-
gence program. Supported commanders were briefed on the termination
action during the quarter ending 31 Mar 76. All confidential sources
used in the ICIP have been terminated. The CDR, USAINTA, ane, the ACSI
verbally approved the termination on 20 and 23 Feb 76, respectively.

(3f(.JDuring the reporting period,1 b1

b1 1$80.00 in TDY and travel, and 3,LJ)
manhours Were expended.

(4 ii)The Operation yielded 69 informa tion reports and 116 other

reportrwhich were chiefly verbal reports provided to the supported

eAl)comments: The IGIP

at Fort Ritchie clearly has been a productive
opera~on at a critically
sensitive installation. Information obtained
as a result of the ICIP and acted upon by the commanders con:erned has
served to strengthen the security of the installation. The ~02d HI
Group believes that effective counterintelligence support to the installa-
tion can be continued under an overt comprehensive counterintelligence
support program, which replaced the present TCIP effective 31 Mar 76.

f~U)Recommendation: None.
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& a.

Location: Fort Ritchie,

(~CSI Revalidation

-4 Fcb 75)

b. Confidential Source Utilization: Three confidential SOurces.

c. Information Obtained or Reported on Non-Affiliated Civilians: None.

d. Useful Information Obtained:

(1) During the reporting period, adverse suitability infort1B.tion

(indebtedness, drug or alcohol abuse, moral improprieties and mental insta-
bility) was reported concerning 17 individuals assigned sensitive duties.
Monitoring continues; a limited investigation has been requested on one of
the individuals.

(2) This ICIP had previously identified alleged users of narcotics.

As a result of an investigation
conducted by USACIDC, 13 of these individuals
were apprehended and charged with drug violations. Eleven of these 13 had
security clearances and had access to the Alternate Joint Cormnand Center.

e. Operational Status:

(1) On 18 December, the Project Liaison Officer (PLO) presented a

Quarterly Progress Report to the Commander, US Army Communica tions Command
(USA.CC). On 30 December 1975, the PLO presented the Quarterly Progress
Report to the Commander, Fort Ritchie; Commander, USACC Site R Telecommuni-
cations Center; and the Deputy ACSI&S, 7th Signal Command. All expressed
appreciation and continued support for the ICIP.

(2) At the request of the Director> Administrative ServiceEi, JCS, the

portion of this operation in support of the Alternate National Nilitary
Command Center was terminated.

r- - -


a. Location: Fort Ritchie,

(OACSI. Revalidation

- 4 Feb 75)

Confidential Source Utilization: Three confidential sources.

c. Information Obtained or Reported on Non-Affiliated Civilians:


d. Useful Information Obtained;

{l) During the reporting period adverse suitability informa.tion

concerning 17 individuals assigned sensitive duties within the target
areas was reported. The adverse information which involved indebted-
ness, alcohol abuse, drug abuse,"moral improprieties, and mental insta-
billty, was brought to the attention of the ICIP Coordinator for CANARY
EFFORT. Activities of all the individuals are being monitored, and the
7th Signal Command has requested a limited investigation of one of the

Of the 13 individuals apprehended, 11 possessed
security clearances and bad access to the P~ternate Joint Commaad Center
(AJCC) .
Six of those apprehended were members of the 572d Military
Police Company (Security) and performed sensitive duties at the AJCC.
The Project Liaison Officer (PLO), CANARY EFFORT, had previously identi-
fied those individuals apprehended as alleged users of narcotics.

(3) The supported Command took action to suspend access to classi-

fied information of eight individuals based OD information originally
surfaced by the ICIP. These were all involved in suitability si tua-
tioDs as outlined in del), above.

e. Operational Status:

(1) On 17 November 1975, a newly assigned Project Case Oft'icer (FCO),

a member of the GREAT SKILLS Program, began his duties in conjlmction

(2) On 9 December 1975, MI Group Liaison

the PID established a 902d
Office at Fort Detrick, MD. This office will provide greater flexibility
for the PLO in carrying out his duties in connection with the East Coast
Telecom:rnunications Directorate (ECTC), which is at Fort Detrick and is one
of the activities supported by the ICIP.


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(3) On 18 December 1975, the PLO of CP~ARY EFFORT presented the
Quarterly Progress Report to COL Donald E. Clark, Commander, US Army
CommlIDications Command (USACC) Operations Command at the USACe Pentagon
Telecommunications Center. The .PID for ICIP CENSUS TIME was 81so
present at the briefing.

(4) On 19 December 1975, the PW presented a SAEDA/Threat!Security

Awareness briefing to personnel assigned to the Alternate Joint Coro..rnuni-
cations Center (AJCC), Site R.

(5) On 30 December 1975, the PLO presented the Quarterly Progress

Report to the supported commands with the following in attenda.nce: eOL
Harold G. deMoya, CDR, Ft Ritchie; COL John S. Eberle, CDR, U;ACC Site R
Telecommunications Center; and Mr. Joseph J. Carroll, Deputy ACSI&S,
7th Signal Command and Ft Ritchie. Colonels Clark, deMoya, Eberle and
Mr. Carroll expressed their appreciation and continued support for the

4-:,' ..- ~.. ;>... ......
- -


~llliJ};cr : Internal Counterintelligence Program (ICIP) Operation



WASH IX: 20310

~. 1. ~Ihe 1 July 1975 reorGanization and redesignation of the US
Anny~mm~iCatiOnG Cornmanil (USACC) CONUS as the 7th Signal Command -
~t resultC'd in a realignment. of tarr;et areas of the ICIF CANARYEf'FOlU (U)
at Fort Ritchie, Maryland. f\ttached as inclosure 1 is a revised opera-
.. tions plan for CANARY EFFOHT (U) \.ihich providc:"; for continuntion of the
0.xi::;tinc; ICIP and reflect.s the chanGes broUL,;ht about by this reore;ani-

2. ~
chan7;:' in
ne\ol 7th
of the
TCIP to proviue
has neces:::itated a
coverace for
th,c Alternate Joint Commmd Center (A,TCC) and those activities desig-
nB.ted by the Commandc.r, 7th SiGnal Command, as Ii s ted in paragra.ph 4,
below, and Annex 11. There is no siGnificant change in the objectives.
'!'he activities listed in Annex 11 will be considered Priority I for
purposes of cow1terintellir.once support. The Execution !base of the
revised OPLAN remains e~sentia~v unchanged except that an additional
:FCO will have a base of operations at Fort Detrick, MD, to assist in
providing coverage for the Ea::;i
Coast 'felecoffiJntmications Center (EC1'C),
.ihich is located at Fort Detrick. The revised OPIJ\N provides that each
source and individual involved in the conduct or control of the opera-
tion will be thoroUGhly briefed on the provisions and constraints of
AR 380-13 and additionally ~ill be r~quired to sign a certificate stst-
ine; that they have been briefed and lU1dcrstand the limits imposed by
JIB 380-13.

3. (U) Four oreanizational charts which shovr the former and present
command and staff organi::a.tion by line charts of the 7th Signal Command
are attached as inclosure 2. ~)esc charts illustrate the principal
internal changes occurring a::; a result 0;i the 1 July 1975 reorGanization.
OCII!Uif'd by . c.JJ'R...J/$t.J/JTA . .. .
ft '.fT(':Al';. ......
DtMPT nOM CC'n:RAt D!C~ '\
SCHEPUIZ or ExrcutIVt O!:1JU: 11£~2
EXtMP110N CATEG01lY . -2.. . .
DtCLs.!iS!f'Y ..])Fe .;JO~..s. ,H_. p' ..........

. ,.

SUBJECT: Internal Counterintelli~encc Pro{jrarn (JCIP) Operation

4. ~. The TelecomrnW1ications Directorate, primary tarGet for the

.pre~ lCIP, ;.;a~ formerly under the: operational control of the
ComrnrlHder, Fort Ritchie. \rJith the reorganiza.tion, t11e 'l'elccorTUnW1ica-
"lions Directorate, a:> well as USACe Site R T0.lecommunicationG Center
anu all other USACe Telecommunic~;1Jion0 Centers in COIruS, arc unuer t.hr.
operational control of the newly established USACC Operations Con~and.
In addition to the USACC Operationr. Commartd elements indicated, the
follo~nG- additional activities will be supported by the rcvi"ed opera-
tions plan:

. a. Alternate N:1tlonal Military Command Center (ANMCC).

b. /\1 terna te National fv1ili tary Comm~UldCent.er Support Di reC tora te

(AN1<1CCSD) .
-rf- c. East C()l;L~:;tTelecommunications Center (EC~).

5. (u) Recommend approval of revised plan at inclosure 1.


2 lncl I~ ~fON
as J'l:'
. r~ctor of Operations




1. 6 JU:; ~::75



SUBJECT: Inte~nal Counterintelligence Program (ICIP) (U) --


1>Uring the 3d Quarter,
n-go:lng ICIP operations,
and CANAR'{ EFFORT at For1: Ritchie,
31 March 1976. Although these
CANTER RIDE at Redstone
1976, t'Wo of
were terminated
were terminated,
the United
States Intelligence Agency will continue to provide overt counter-
intelligen.ce support to the sensitive elements at Redstone Arsenal and
Fort Ritchie. -

2.~ 'rhe total number of active ICIP operations at the close of the
3d ~ter 'Was seven. Summaries for each of these operations, plus the
two which were terminated, are attached as Inclosu~e 1.

3. ~ The Under Secretary of the Army commented on our 1 April 1976,

2d Quarter ICIP Information Memorandum that an analysis of each ICIP
operation for the past year, to include statis1:ics, be provided 'With
this quarterly review. In compliance with this requirement, an analysis
of each ICIP operation has been made for the past year and is attached
as Inclosure 2.
Also, attached as Inclosure 3, are the statistics for
the ICIP operations referred to in Inclosure 2. These statistics provide
a recapitulation of pertinent production, costs and manhours for these

4. ~ After'revietJing tbe 2d Quarter ICIP Report, I have directed that

three more operations be terminated: CANINE PLATE (U) at Seneca Army
Depot, Rc)mulus, New York; CENSUS TIME (U) at Pentagon Teleco~munications

Ct~!IIi£i~d 1::"
EXEMPT F~vn GE~:E?-AL ~~CL '...Ij~.::ICATJGN
EXEr.1PTlO;'J CATEGORY ~________
DECLASSIFY mL_J.L~-=s._~Q2§___________

-- .--
~ -. - _& ,. .

SUBJECT: Internal Counterintelligence Program (ICIP) (U) --

Center; and CENTAVO KID (U) at the Harry Diamond Laboratories) Adelphi,
Maryland. Overt counterintelligence support will continue to be provided
these installations by elements of the appropriate Military Intelligence
units. Before the end of June 76) the four remaining cases will be reviewed
again for retention.

5. ~Our goal is to assist the Army commander in improving 'the

oper1:i~ns -security (OPSEC) posture. of his installation through the use
of the complete spectrum of counterintelligence services. I am expanding
the use of overt counted.ntelligence servic.es and want to use the ICIP
very selectively to ferret out espionage activities of hostile intelli-
gence services.

HAROLD R. A=':--::N
3 Inc1 Major Gen"raJ. ~::;
as (C) ACofs for Jn~e.;;;~j",ce


Miss Brannan/S3501
Typed by: G. Rivera

IGIP 0 eration CANARY EFFORT 1976

AGSI a roval for Termination of sub'ect ICIP.

.~'" _

dN"""""'" 6M'~ ...J.d... w ",. ""r4 M..HicM.tJ:,.,aiI.J.. iMMill'

. 1(~ a. Subject ICIF ~as established several years ago to support An~ organizations at
Fort Ritchie, MD.

b. In Sep 75, the reorganization and redesignation of the US Arl~ Communications

Command (USACe) -
CONUS as the 7th Signal Command resulted, in a realignment of target
areas of ICIP CANARY EFFORT (U), and increased coverage to the Telecommunications
Directorate, the Alternate Joint Command Center (AJCC) the Alternate National Military
Command Center (ANMCC), the Alternate National Command Center Support Directorate
(ANMCCSD) and the East Coast Telecommunications Center (ECTC). Three sources and
a Project Case Officer were used in this ICIP.

c. By 1st lnd, 8 Apr 76, subject as above, CDR USAINTA advised that on 23 Feb 76,
the ACSI gave verbal approval for termination of subject IGIF and recommended that
SUbject~IP be given formal termination approval.

a.. ICIP CANARY EFFORT (U) was chosen by the CDR, 902d M1 Group to be replace'd by
an overt comprehensive a1l-source~ multi-discipline security support:concept as defined
in 902d MI Group Pamphlet 381-3) subject: Direct Support Comprehensive Counterintelli-
gence Program, to be published.

b. The ICIP sources previously supporting the operation were tE!rminated without
prejudice dur~ng Feb 76. The Great Skills Project Case Officer was released from
duties on 1 Mar 76.

were briefed on CANARY EFFORT termination during Mar 76)

c. Supported c ornrnanders
and assured that this action in no way relieved the 902d MI Group o:E the responsi-
bility fo~ continued overt. all-source, multi-discipline support subsequent to 31 Mar76
. (Co..u-. ph'D bon~
'I'll. 0 NO 0 _..~"" nsO 8UOGI:T n:.O
-.. It

--- :-
SUBJECT: Request for Termination of ICIP Operation CANARY EFFORT (U)

d. This action provides formal approval to CDR) USAINTA to terminate ICIP


3. (U) Recommendation: That the 2d Ind, (TAB A) be approved and signed by the ACSl,

DIMl-DOH (2 Apr 76) 24 lad
svancr: bque.tt fOT TendMtlou of 1CIP ~re.tlOD CAIiAB."fUFO!lT (V)

\ -- ..


12&: Coloael, GS
Chief, SUKINT Division

',Y:w:; SCP;:;GtcC\ from
Classified Inclosures
--- --

rlIV.-GPB-AC (SF) 2 ADril 197G

Request for Te:rmination of ICIP Ooeration CNiI\K! EFFORr (U)

u. s. A1:r!:ryIntelligence Agency
Fort t<ffide, Haryland 20755

(u) Refere.'1.ces:

2. VSAIJ.I'TA lktter, lUI1~--So-S!i, subject: Clla,,'l~je:i.:l ICI"') CR.:'1'.l"?Y

Li:YORl.' S-.IP?0rt (U) f ,Jate2 27 Jan 7(" \-!it!"" [~O:!d.EI. (.;roW' Jst I~1(~,
:.:IL\-~['-AC (SP) , d2.t.eJ 29 Jan 7G.

v. SOlL!;:I ('.roup i£:~tel", 1.:.IL"\-I':p:;-';\C (SP) , S\lt.jG.::t: 'l'er~~:12ti0:; 0';:

ICIT' Operation CA;I;-u\Y iFF'O~.r (U), d.:l.teC 3 ;larcl! 1976.

~ J..s outliJk."d in th8 al..a"Jl:: references, (X)'..iGS of ,",'h.ic;~ have Let?:....
pr~~ ~1.Jer scparatG ry:::Ner
I I have w~sen ICIP Operation C~,t1\J{YITn::.'K.'
to Lo(; relJlacetl by 2.;-"2overt ca,,:=,rehensive all-source, r:t'Jlti-d.i5ci~lir.e
8ec~i t:y s'u.pix:>rt cor-1cept as defined i.'! 902.5 I-IT Group Pi'1I:Dhlet 331- 3,
s:iliject: Direct SU[.)rort C~:m~l1e.JSivc Counterintellil}ell09 ?r~u:-::, to Lc'
pulJlisL.ec.l. 'iv...;ard this eJ!U, confidential ICII' sources previously
su.p::-orti..."'Y;:ithe operatioa \lere te!J;.1in?.too ,dtlx>ut prejudice c;urir!'} t.I-Y.:
I:Dnb\ of February 1976. 'rhe Great S}:ills Project c..~ Officc:~ ,,"as
j,.-elcc:.sed £rct~\ dJties in support of t.he operat.ion all 1 ."1.::"1.'ch1~76.

3.lo/'l'he ten:u.nation of the lCD? Operation

was QX)rcl.DlO,tE:C.by l:ty
s~~th LTC Grir:-esr Carrn:mder, Special ~ati.ons DetachD::~lt,
on 19 February 1976. 'fue oral approval of the termination was gained frcr,
Brigadier General T'naupsan, Camanderr USAlliTA, and r-:ajor ('-,€Jleral Acran,
ACSI, DA, on 20 and 23 February 1976 respectively. Supported cc:tmanders
were briefed on the tennination of the ~atian during VJarch 1976 in
conjunction with the re<]llli:lrly schec.1uled q1.:Iarterly ICIP briefiJJgs, and
assured that this action ir~ no way relieved the 902d MI GroU!) of the
responsibility for c::or.tinui.ng avert, all-source, multi-c.liscin1ihe ~rt
subsequent to 31 Farch 1976.

". . ~..~ \ r _' : 't'

REGRADED U . " .. ... ..- yo
C;U~~l~~COM fO\lP01_R 7]tr
"\ - 603 Do
D i200. .. ','; !
,-' ~.: , ,
: H_

2 April 1976
SUB.JEX:T: ~t for TenIlination of ICIP ~ation CANARY EFFORI' (U)

i 4. (U) In view of the al:ove, reqoost facnal approval of the te.rroination
of ICIP cp:ration C1\NARY'

Colonel, MI
l' CamendiD:J





7 ',-l

" ,If\L
. /Ii'..

MIIA-5O-SA (2 Apr 16) let Iud

StI'f,UECT: Request for Terminat on of ICI?Operadon

Heade. HaryJ.aad
1'Ch BQnA (D,AKI-DOH/LTC &ADDLE). WASIl DC ., 20310

1. (U) Weace. 1& 8bd Ib of ba8te let.ter are attached .. 1:z.uoeurea

1 ad 2. n.,.ct1~,.. .

2.l~'.. 8tH ta parqaph 2 ad 3 of butc l.uer. &lt~~ lCIP

~t1CIID ~ gp()iR'f ... ten1ut8cl effMt.tft 31 Mareh 197611eounter-
1Dtall1.l8DC8 8UppOrt w111 ccmt1c1l8 ~ be provided under d1a eoneapt. of
tbe 902d K1l1t:ary IntelliBenc8 Group 'Direct SuppoTt ComprehenllJlve
Oounteri:ntel11aence Progrmat to M publi.8hed. Verbal approval of this
tendDationV&8 livenby the <::DR.,USAINTAt on 20 February 197611 and the
ACSt on 23 February 1976.

3.l ~ Confidential eourees utilized in this ICIP have been terminated.

4 . .
1tecO'llD8nd fonD&l approval of the termination of ICIP I::ANARY


as Spee1a1 Aaa18tant (OPS)


SUBJECT : R8p0rt of Internal Counterintelligence Program (tCI]))

Operaticm8 (U)


WASH DC 20310

1. ~ During the 3d Quarter, FY 1976, two of the on-going ICIP

operations vere terminated effective 31 March 1976. CANTER RIDE at
Redstone Arsenal, AL, and CANARYmORT at Fort Ritchie, MD. The
CoDIIIander, USAINTA. and the ACSI verbally approved termination actions
on 20 and 23 February 1976. and separate correspondence reque,sting
formal termination was submitted to ACSI, DA. on 8 April 1976. The
total number of active ICIP operationsat the close of the 3d Quarter
vas S8'\'eD.Summaries for each of tbese seven operations, plus the two
which vere terminated. are attached as TAB A, which ia the q\~rterly

re t for the period ending 31 Mar 76.

2. The for=er Project Liaison (PLQ) of the two terminated

lCIP , CANARYEFFORT and CANTER RIDE, are continuing to prov:lde counter-
intelligence support to the Ben8itive elements at Redstone Arsenal and
Fort Ritchie. Theae activities now receive comprehensive as:,iatsnce
through an overt, all-source, multi-d1acipline effort named the Direct
Support Comprehensive Counterintelligence Program (DSCCP). A rev1~ of
being conducted to detendne whicb of tbetie operations .hould be con-
the DSCCP concept.
3. ~ Through.
COIID8nt on tbe DAKI-OOHInformation Memorandum to the
Under Saeratqy of the ArrIr1. subject: ICIP Program, dated. 1 April 1976.
the Un4er Secretary ind1eated that an analy.is of each ICIP operatiOtl for
the put year va1J to be provided with the naxt quarterly r811.ew. In
compl1aac8 with thos. in8truct1ons, AD ADalys1a of each ICUt operation
_d. for tbe pariod 1 April 1975 to 31 Karch 1976. As I!~result of
these 4I1&1Y8U. five lCIPS (TAB B) an r8C08D8nded for tenrl.nat1on; four
ICnS (TAB C) are recorEClDded for retention. At TAB Dare !Itatistics

. CDR USAINTA ..' ......-

C1:-"'-<'-"'~ ! ~. ... -.. .....-..
r ."

. ." .' . ...
- -
. . ~ :"_~ ?~__.P~C .06... .................-
'- - -


SUBJECT: Report of Inurnal Counterintelligence Program {ICIP)
Operations (U)

for eaeh of the lCIP operations vtdch are refened to in individual

rwrl 'I1aue .Ut.i8t1c:8 ~cnti.4. a recapitulat.t.on of ~t1n8!lt
eo.t., 88DJao.r8, and productf..011 for the DiM ICn opeTatiou e.CJTered
1Ia th.t.a -.lyd8.
s. (U) IK _.!IDd approval of tera1Juation and ret8l1tion actiOll" in
TA!S B and C.


Sped.al Assi8tant (OPS)

/ 2
.. ",

1. ~CAAARY EFFORT' (OACSI Revalidation - 4 Feb 75)

a. Location: Fort Ritchie. MD

b. Confidential Source Utilization: Three

c. Information Obtained or Reported on Non-Affiliated Civilians:


d. Useful Information Obtained:

(1) On 15 January 1976, the PLO, as a result of a liaison visit

with the Baltimore Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
obtained data on the presence of Sino-Soviet Bloc personnel travelling
within the environs of the target areas and information on tbose Sino-
Soviet bloc personnel residing temporarily in the environs of the
target area.

(2) On 28 January 1976 a member of the 572d Military Police Co,

Ft Ritchie, was approached by an unidentified individual at Hagerstown
Junior College, Hagerstown, MD, who claimed to be employed at Site R.
The individual described Site R in general terms, but made no attempt
to elicit information from the soldier. Investigative efforts failed
to identify the individual. All available information was provided the
Hagerstown Resident Office of the FBI. A USAINTA investigat:~on of the
incident is continuing.

(3) On 28 January 1976, an unidentified individual appn)ached a

soldier assigned to the US Army Communications Command East Coast Tele-
communications Center (USACCECTC) and requested a tour of that facility.
The individual appeared interested in the antenna configuration of
Satellite Communications/Direct Communication Links (SATCOM/OSL). The
request for the tour was refused; the soldier reported the incident.
All available information was provided the Hagerstown Resident Office of
the FBI. USAINTA investigation of the incident is continuing.

(4) During the reporting period information was developed on a

Non-Appropriated Fund (NAF) employee who is a bartender. employed at the
Ft RitchYNCO Club. The bartender allegedly claimed to patrons that
she was in the employ of both "Military Intelligence" and the "CIA."
An investigat:Lon is being conducted by USAINTA.

(5) On 18 March 1976, a US Army NCO assigned sensitive duties in

the Alternate National Military Command Center (ANMCC) volm.teered
information concerning his entering into correspondenc.e with an agency
of the East German Government. The NCO, who has been researching his
family history for the last six years, was attempting to obtain a record
of the military service of his great-great grandfather in the period
circa 1810. In the course of an inquiry to the Federal Republic of

(' 1
- .
. }
'. )'/ L
',. I
--., .. .
. 'r' ......-...-
. -".~-:ON
~:;.l-d-. roo . Il-C~: .-- - -
ON SEP .5-1997_ . .,
~:: ~:_';"'::O~ ..: a....._
AUTH PA~A 1-663,00D i200.1-R
Germany (FRG) Ambassador in Washington and the FRG Government. he was
advised to contact the German Historical Central Archives in East
Germany. The NCO volunteered the information so it could be n~de a
matter of official record in the event he should be contacted in anv
fashion by East Germany in the future. The Chief, ANMCC, was provided
information on the above. The NCO was given a SAEDA briefing under
the provisions of AR 381-12 with special emphasis on reporting proce-
dures. The NCO ~ll provide Army Intelligence with copies of any
correspondence he receives in this regard. At present the opportunity
for further exploitation appears minimal.

e. Operational Status:

(1) In February 1976, the 902d MI Group selected Operati:m CA."'iARY

EFFORT to be terminated and replaced by a Direct Support Comprehensive
Counterintelligence Program (DSCCP) which is being developed by the
902d MI Group. Supported commanders were briefed on the termination in
conjunction with the scheduled quarterly briefings as described below.
All confidential sources used in this ICIP have been terminated. The
CDR, USAINTA, and the ACSI indicated verbal approval of the termination
on 20 and 23 February 1976, respectively. The effective termination date
for CANARY EFFORT is 31 March 1976.

(2) During the quarter, the PLO presented 21 SAEDA!Threct!Security

Awareness briefings to personnel assigned to supported activities at
Fort Detrick and Fort Ritchie.

(3) The PLO presented the Quarterly Progress Briefing tel LTC Dale
S. Cockle, CDR, USACC ECrC, on 30 March 1976.

(4) The PLO, on 1 April 1976, presented the Quarterly Progress

Briefing to COL John S. Eberle. CDR, US Army Communications Command
(USACC) Site R.

(5) On 5 April 1976, the PLO gave the Quarterly Progress Briefing
to the supported command, HQ, 7th Signal Command and Ft Ritcrlie.With the
following officials present: COL Harold G. deMoya, CDR, Ft Ritchie; COL
John J. Plosay, Jr., Deputy CDR, Ft Ritchie and Mr. Joseph J. Carroll.
Acting Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence and Security, 7th Signal
Command and Ft Ritchie.


ON SEP - 5 'C~M FO\lPO

BY COR USA\N:03 000 i200.1-R


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