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Butterfly Camouflage

Introduction SCIENTIFIC
Introduce natural selection using this exciting, hands-on activity about camouflage. Students BIO FAX!
will explore how natural selection equips organisms for survival in their environment and why
certain traits emerge in populations.

Natural selection

Natural selection is a process in which individuals with inherited characteristics that are well-suited to their environment
are capable of leaving more offspring on average than other individuals without such characteristics. Charles Darwin
(18091882) developed this theory based on two major observations. He first recognized that more offspring are produced
than can survive or that the environment can support. The other observation was that members of the same species have
slight variations that are inherited and passed from generation to generation. When individuals that function best in their
environment leave more offspring, a higher proportion of individuals with the advantageous characteristics will emerge
over time. These inherited characteristics are called adaptations. Adaptations improve an organisms ability to survive and
reproduce in a particular environment.
An example of an adaptation that is easily understood is camouflage. Camouflage, or cryptic coloration, is basically background
matchingmaking a visible organism indiscernible from the surrounding habitat. However, this tactical deception only
works in the natural environment of the organism. Various types of cryptic coloration exist among Earths inhabitants.
Examples include concealing coloration, disruptive coloration or self-decoration. Concealing coloration is the most common,
where the organism resembles its surroundings in coloration, form or movement. An example would be the earth-tone col-
ors of a white-tailed deer or the swaying walking pattern of a walking leaf insect. Disruptive coloration allows the organism
to disguise its identity or location so that predators misidentify what they are seeing. For example, a zebra has a black and
white stripe pattern. This pattern makes it extremely difficult for a predator to stalk one zebra, as the patterns of the herd
blend together. Another example is the eye spot on some butterfly wings. The eye spot can be misinterpreted as an eye of
a larger animal like an owl or can misdirect the predator to attack a less vulnerable body part, providing the prey with an
opportunity to escape. Self-decoration is the act of hiding and concealing body features. Organisms, like the dresser crab,
decorate themselves to match the background. The dresser crab obtains pieces of coral or sponge and affixes them onto
hooked hairs that cover its body. This allows the dresser crab to blend into the seafloor and be overlooked by a predator.

Butterfly template Scissors
Colored paper or construction paper Tape
Colored pencils, crayons or markers

Safety Precautions
This classroom activity is considered nonhazardous. Follow all classroom safety guidelines. Students need to exercise caution walking
with and using scissors.

2016 Flinn Scientific, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Publication No. 11340 1

BIO-FAX. . .makes science teaching easier.

Butterfly Camouflage continued

Activity A.
1. Prepare a minimum of 100 butterflies for students to hunt by using a die cutting machine or tracing and cutting out the
provided template. Use many different colors of construction paper or wrapping paper to ensure some butterflies will be
camouflaged while others will not.
2. Using tape, affix the butterflies around your classroom. Do not hide them, but rather place them out in the open.
3. Have students meet you in another room, like the science laboratory, for the explanation of the activity. Alternately, stu-
dents could be kept in the hallway for the explanation if another room is not available.
4. Explain to students that they are predators going hunting. When they are allowed in the environment, they will have an
allotted amount of time to feastor pull down butterflies. Allow enough time for students to gather several butterflies,
about 2030 seconds. Emphasize safetystudents are not allowed to run, climb objects to reach butterflies, push each other
or steal each others butterflies.
5. Once time is called, have students tally their results (color of butterfly and number caught) in a chart.
6. Have students take a minute or two to look for remaining butterflies and give an explanation for why they were not found.
7. Discuss with students how the activity demonstrates natural selection through camouflage.
8. Have students return the butterflies back into the environment for the next class period. Express that some butterflies
should be obvious while others should blend in and that butterflies are not to be hidden.
Activity B.
1. Photocopy three butterflies from the template for each student.
2. Students are now in control of natural selection. Students should color the butterflies with markers, colored pencils or cray-
ons so they are camouflaged in the habitat of their choice. Students can be as creative as they want. Reinforce the idea
that there are multiple habitats within an environment. For example, the environment is the classroom while a habitat is a
3. After designing the butterflies, students need to label the back of the butterflies with their name and class period and then
cut them out.
4. For the hunt, have the prior class period affix their butterflies in the habitat using tape. The following class will then hunt
for the butterflies that were not created during their class period. Allow as many hunting rounds as desired. Two or three
hunting rounds should be enough for students to remove most butterflies.
5. Remove the surviving butterflies each class period to showcase the fittest butterflies from each period.
6. Discuss with students the types of camouflage utilized and trends of natural selection.

A greater amount of butterflies created for Activity A allows for extra hunting rounds or a longer hunting time ensuring
obvious butterflies are consumed while camouflaged butterflies are not or less likely to be.
In Activity A or B, several rounds may be performed to ensure that well-camouflaged butterflies tend to survive while
more noticable butterflies do not.
Prizes could be awarded for the fittest butterflies from each class period.
Extensions to this activity could include:

For Activity A, have students analyze the data by graphing the captured butterflies round by round and predict changes to
the butterfly population over time. Have students infer which adaptation (variation) will be selected for by natural selection.
 For Activity A, students could be eliminated after a hunting round if they do not eat enough butterflies. The
remaining students could be responsible for adding more butterflies to the habitat, representing reproduction of
surviving butterflies. For example, any butterflies not removed would have another butterfly of the same color added to
the population. General trends should emerge for the fittest butterfly coloration.

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Butterfly Camouflage continued

For Activity B, challenge students to utilize other forms of camouflage besides concealing coloration. They could also
practice classification by grouping butterflies according to camouflage categories. Students can determine which type of
cryptic camouflage was most successful for survival.
Butterflies for Activity A may be laminated for more durability.
Other types of camouflage include countershading, warning coloration and motion dazzle, but these types do not pertain
to this activity. Students could research animals that utilize these types of camouflage and the advantage of these
Flinn offers several kits that relate to adaptations and natural selection. Fish FitnessFlinn STEM Design Challenge

(Catalog No. FB2129) and BeaksFlinn STEM Design Challenge (Catalog No. FB2130) both incorporate STEM and
are aligned to NGSS. Natural Selection (Catalog No. FB1989) is a simulation of the classic peppered moth natural
selection study.

Discussion Questions
The discussion after completing Activity A should be basic and focus on which butterflies were easily caught and which but-
terflies survived to reproduce. This would lead into a discussion about what trends or patterns would emerge after several gen-
erations (rounds of hunting). Include in this discussion how an organisms structure enables survival and predict what might
occur if the butterflys habitat was disturbed or damaged. For example, if a meadow became a shopping center or burns due to a
For Activity B, focus the discussion on the type of camouflage employed by the most successful butterflies in the classroom envi-
ronment and challenge students to ascertain other adaptations of butterflies allowing survival.

Materials for Butterfly Camouflage are available from Flinn Scientific, Inc.
Catalog No. Description
AP5394 Scissors, Student
AP6400 Prismacolor Art Pencils, 24-Color Set
FB2129 Fish FitnessFlinn STEM Design Challenge
FB2130 BeaksFlinn STEM Design Challenge
FB1989 Natural Selection
Consult your Flinn Scientific Catalog/Reference Manual for current prices.

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Butterfly Camouflage continued

4 2016 Flinn Scientific, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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