Orica Seismic Explosives: Description Safety
Orica Seismic Explosives: Description Safety
Orica Seismic Explosives: Description Safety
Description Safety
The Osx 8 series of seismic explosives are specifically The Osx 8 series of seismic explosives can be initiated by
designed as a consistently reliable high-energy source for extremes of shock, friction or mechanical impact. The molded
seismic exploration applications and consists of a plastic shell plastic shell and screw on end caps fully envelop the cast
filled with the required mass of cast molecular explosives. The explosive to minimize the effects of friction and impact
modular plastic shells provide a means of screwing the compared to conventional cast boosters. However, as with all
boosters together. The initial sizes available include 0.5 kg, 1.0 explosives, Osx 8 seismic explosive should be handled and
kg, 2.0 kg and 2.5 kg. Twin longitudinal tunnels are cast into stored with care.
the explosive to accommodate conventional Electric Seismic
detonators. Osx 8 eismic explosives are supplied in Class 1.1D
packaging and have UN Number 0042.
BST Manufacturing Inc. manufactures the Osx 8 series of
seismic boosters under license in the USA.
The main intended application is for use in drilled down-holes
in seismic exploration work.
Technical Properties
Nominal diameter 57 mm
Nominal explosive mass 0.5 kg, 1.0 kg, 2.0 kg, 2.5kg
1 of 2
Recommendations for Use Hazardous Materials Shipping Description
Insert the seismic detonator into the detonator well with the Boosters without detonators:
1.1D UN 0042
lead wires running out through the side access hole. Secure
the lead wires around the charge before loading. Secure a
lowering rope around the top cap where required for lowering Disclaimer
down the blast hole. Screw on a tapered lower end cap prior to
The information contained herein is based on experience and
lowering the primer down the hole.
is believed to be accurate and up to date as at the date of its
preparation. However, uses and conditions of use are not
As per industry safe practice for handling of any explosive,
within the manufacturer's control and users should determine
care should be taken to avoid using excessive force when
the suitability of such products and methods of use for their
handling and using the product. Excessive force should not be
purposes. Neither the manufacturer nor the seller makes any
applied to lead wires connected to detonators.
warranty of any kind, express or implied, statutory or otherwise,
except that the products described herein shall conform to the
Osx 8 seismic explosives may be used at temperatures up to
manufacturer’s or seller’s specifications. The manufacturer
70 degrees Celsius. Seek technical advice from Orica before
and the seller expressly disclaim all other warranties,
using at higher temperatures.
Unit Size Case Count Net Explosive Weight PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Under no circumstances shall the
0.5 kg 40 20 kg. manufacturer or the seller be liable for indirect, special,
1.0 kg 20 20 kg. consequential, or incidental damages including, without
2.0 kg 10 20 kg. limitation, damages for lost or anticipated profits.
2.5 kg 8 20 kg
For additional information visit our web site at
oricaminingservices.com under Seismic Exploration.
For best results, store at moderate temperatures and dry
conditions in a well ventilated, approved explosive magazine.
Orica Mining Services, LA PORTADA Plant
Camino a Mejillones Km. 18, Antofagasta - Chile
Osx 8 series seismic explosives have a minimum shelf life of
Telephone: +56 55 565 634
5 years if stored as recommended.
Fax: +56 55 565 633