ILO WTO and Indian Industrial Relation
ILO WTO and Indian Industrial Relation
ILO WTO and Indian Industrial Relation
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The Indian Journal of Industrial Relation *, 'Vol. 51, No. 3, January 2016 371
ern day complexities in the legal frame-• rising a typical and non-standard
work institutions and the governing in- forms of employment;
dustrial relations. Industrial relations are
• changes in work content and work-
primarily based on individual perceptions
ing conditions;
of what is right in respect of 'fairness'
and the exercise of 'power' and 'au-• Skills mismatch, multi-skilling and the
thority'. Initially industrial relations were need for lifelong learning.
influenced by the conditions prevalent
in the post-industrial revolution scenario.It is here that two most important
Later, changes caused by the develop- international organizations come into
ments in the IT revolution, rapid tech- focus to protect the growing threat to
nological changes and globalization pro-the way of globalization towards labor
vided new opportunities and tangible and their problems. One of them is In-
benefits for all countries and people. ternational Labor Organization (ILO)
which focuses on labor issues. ILO
Their effects in the past were different
from those occurring now. Earlier labor examines problems of the workers of
was more mobile than capital but nowthe member countries. They are dis-
cussed with international labor confer-
capital has become more mobile than la-
bor. Even now the employer's exploi- ence (a tripartite body of ILO). The
tation of workers continues but the second is the World Trade Organiza-
workers have become 'willing slaves'tion (WTO) whose primary purpose is
to open trade for the benefit of all.
while competing for career advance-
ment and they are even ready to work WTO provides a forum for negotiating
for long hours. Thus the study on indus- aimed at reducing obstacles
trial relations assumes significance for international trade and ensuring a
the following reasons: level playing field for all, thus contrib-
utes to economic growth and develop-
• Globalization of business and the
pressure on industries to have uni-
versal labor standards. Objectives of the Study
• The need to learn and apply what is• To probe the industrial relations sce-
relevant from the experiences of nario in India
other cultures, countries or continents
(Ratnam, 2010). • To examine the impact of ILO on
Indian industrial relations.
In terms of the labor market, the most
• To study the various conventions and
influential effects of globalization include
the following: recommendations of ILO which pro-
tect the working class in India.
• flexibilization of labor markets; • To analyze the various policies of
• increasing labor migration; WTO to establish best trade prac-
tices across the world.
372 The Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 51, No. 3, January 2016
The Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 51, No. 3, January 2016 373
dia obligated to implement the provisions• The tripartite pay commissions and
made by ILO by incorporating the provi- wage boards, all bear the stamp of
sions in labor laws and collective agree- the ILO's methods of consultation
ments. India being a founder and perma- and decision-making (Sen, 2010)
nent member of ILO's Governing body,
India has also availed considerable
it has been deeply involved with not only
technical assistance from the ILO in re-
ILO's labor standards but with the pro-
search and investigation in labor issues,
cesses established by ILO in employment
funding for welfare, safety and health
relations (Sen, 2010). The ILO's influ-
ence on India's labor relations, which projects, as well as elimination of child
labor. Many eminent Indians have served
was established and continues to govern
for extended periods on some of ILO's
employer and employee relations, is
expert bodies and committees.
marked. For instance,
374 The Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 51, No. 3, January 2016
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376 The Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 51, No. 3, January 2016
order. So there is a general opposition to ing remarks that this collaboration "re-
the incorporation of labor standards spects fully the respective and separate
within the WTO. Developing countries mandates of the two organizations".
also hold legitimate fears that the at- During the Geneva Ministerial Confer-
tempts to incorporate labor standards ence, the US, EU and South Africa
may be used as a thinly veiled protec- pushed again for a more substantive re-
tionist measure. Tariffs can have a dev- lationship between the two organizations
astating effect on a developing economy. which was opposed by a group of devel-
Although the threat of protectionism is oping countries, led by Brazil. But despite
valid and justified, in some cases it is just the amount of controversy and discus-
trade language being used to justify hei- sion about the issue, the Ministerial Dec-
nous human rights abuses such as slave laration failed to make a mention of it.
labor and exploitive forms of child labor.
The recognition of labor standards in the The obvious reluctance of the WTO
WTO may "alienate members who ne- to deal with labor standards and the un-
gotiated the agreement with different likelihood of recognition in this field in the
expectations" and cause further unrest near future means that the link between
(Erest, 2004). However a country is un- the WTO and ILO is crucial in regulat-
likely to leave the WTO altogether as the ing labor standards. However this rela-
disadvantages of leaving the system tionship has never been formalized within
would be too great. the WTO and so will remain ineffective
at best without proactive change. Within
WTO & ILO the Agreement establishing the WTO,
Article III 'Functions of the WTO' Par.
5 reads:
Originally however, the WTO was "With a view to achieving greater
supposed to have a strong working rela- in global economic policy-
tionship with the ILO and "consult andthe WTO shall co-operate, as
co-operate" in all labor related matters, with the International Mon-
and co-operate in such issuesetary Fund and with the International
as eco-
nomic development and reconstruction for Reconstruction and Develop-
(Final Act of the United Nations ment and its affiliated agencies." The
ILO should
ence on Trade and Employment). The be inserted into this section.
current system is but a shadow ofFurthermore,
this, in order to establish a for-
mal, more
with very limited collaboration. When themeaningful relationship, a Min-
issue of labor standards was raised Declaration should be written
at the
acknowledging the high level of co-op-
1996 Singapore Ministerial Conference,
Article 4 of the resultant Ministerial and inter-connectedness of the
laration ruled that "the WTO and ILO
organizations, similar to the Ministerial
Declarations regarding the relationship
Secretariats will continue their existing
collaboration". The Chairman of the with the IMF and World Bank. The ad-
Singapore Ministerial Conference Yeo vantage of this relationship is that the ILO
Chow Tongłater clarified in his conclud- would not be undermined by the WTO,
The Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 51, No. 3, January 2016 377
378 The Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 51, No. 3, January 2016
erwise inviolate principie of non-dis- exception (b) yet children cannot be pro-
crimination and to adopt trade restric- tected under this because it is their work
tions that would otherwise be unlawful conditions which are harmful, not the
under GATT. Such restrictions are al- products themselves.
lowed then if they are:
A Social Clause
a) necessary to protect public morals;
A solution that is widely talked
b) necessary to protect human, animal
about by some trade unionists and hu-
or plant life or health
man rights groups is the incorporation
Politically it is stated that GATT Ar-of a social clause into the WTO Agree-
ticle XX has technical and legal prob- ment ( Greenfield, 2001). Essentially,
this means that the Core Labor Stan-
lems involved with invoking the clause
in the first place. The wording in the would be inserted into an article
relevant sections of GATT Article XX within the WTO Agreements which
means that it must be proved that it iscould be a more viable option than
"necessary" to restrict a product in or-amendment of the Agreements them-
der to protect human, animal or plant life
or health. For a state to legally take uni-
lateral trade restrictive measures underCivil Society Participation
these sections, the 'necessity tesť must
first be passed. There are three com- One suggestion for the improvement
ponents. Firstly, it must be determined of the WTO system is to allow for in-
whether the interests protected are vi-creased civil society participation. This
would result in the centralization of so-
tal. Secondly, there is an assessment as
to whether or not alternative measures cial issues, and within this, the Core La-
are reasonably available and thirdly it is bor Standards. Furthermore, civil society
determined whether these alternate groups are in an ideal position to put pres-
measures are less inconsistent with sure on governments to uphold their hu-
GATT. The 'necessity tesť ensures that man rights commitments, and monitor any
only when the products themselves progress in this field. Within civil society,
present a threat can they be restricted. non-government organizations (NGOs)
Therefore protecting labor rights through would play a particularly crucial role.
GATT Article XX is impossible, even if Within the UN under Article 71 there are
the production of the product may 2,350 (2004) NGOs with consultative sta-
threaten human life. For example, the tus. There is provision for NGO partici-
worst forms of child labor are a heinous pation within the WTO already under Ar-
practice which fall within the Article XX ticle 5:2 'Relations with Other Organi-
zations of the Marrakech Agreement':
"The General Council may make appro-
Protecting labor rights through I
priate arrangements for consultation and
I GATT Article XX is impossible.
cooperation with non-governmental
The Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 51, No. 3, January 2016 379
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school. Thus, the CLPR Act is not ing countries expressed deep concern
aligned to the RTE Act as it permits em- efforts to link International
ployment of child below 14 years in oc-Trade and enforcement of labor stan-
cupations/processes not prohibited. dards through the imposition of social
clause. It has consistently opposed the
Conclusion proposals to link labor standards and
trade through 'social labeling' etc. India
also played an active role in Seattle in
The industrial member states believe
1999 to prevent linking trade with labor
the right to bargain collectively, freedom
of association and workplace abuse, (in- environmental issues. All the stake-
cluding forced labor and certain types ofin India including the trade unions,
government are in favor of upgrading la-
child labor), are matters for consideration
bor standards, but are against the linking
in the WTO. WTO rules and disciplines,
of labor standards with trade and also
they argue, would provide a powerful in-
centive for member nations to improveagainst enforcing it under the threat of
trade sanctions. They suspect that the
workplace conditions. These proposals
have been highly controversial. Many de- is aimed at putting artificial bar-
veloping and some developed nations be-against competition and in the words
lieve the issue has no place in theof the Mexican President, 'saving India
framework. These nations argue that andef-
other developing countries from de-
forts to bring labor standards into the arena Also, concern for improving
labor standards should be more holistic
of multilateral trade negotiations are little
more than a smokescreen for protection-
and should encompass the entire work-
ism. Many officials in developing ing class rather than the microscopic mi-
nority engaged in production for exports.
tries believe the campaign to bring labor
(Ratnam, 2010)
issues into the WTO is actually a bid by
industrial nations to undermine the com-
India will continue to adhere to the
parative advantage of lower wage trad-
stand that all matters related to interna-
ing partners. Since then there has been
tional labour standards are to be agitated
debate in the International Labor Organi-
only in the relevant forum of the ILO. In-
zation on the possibility of including a "so-
dia will continue to reject the use of labor
cial clause" in the WTO to enforce Core
standards for protectionist purposes and
ILO Labor Standards. The debate there
any attempt to link labor standards with
has also been marked by divergences of
trade will be vehemently opposed invari-
views between ILO member governments
ably, even if isolated by other countries.
and more generally across an ILO struc-
ture that includes representatives from References
government, labor and business.
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