Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission: Addendum
Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission: Addendum
Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission: Addendum
BC (M) (G)
SC (G)
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*i) The distribution of Vacancies is subject to the outcome of final orders of
the Supreme Court on the Special Leave Petition [SLP] filed by the
Government of Tamil Nadu with regard to the Tamil Nadu Act 8 of 2021.
ii) The Distribution of vacancies notified as per Section 27 [Schedule V,VI and
VIII] of Tamil Nadu Government Servants (Conditions of Service) Act,
2016, G.O. Ms.No.40 P&AR (S) Department, dated 30.04.2014, Act No.30
of 2017 and G.O.(Ms).No.20, Welfare of Differently Abled Persons
(DAP.3.2) Department, dated 20.06.2018.
All other details and conditions stipulated in the Notification No.17/2021, dated
20.10.2021 will remain unchanged and will apply to the applicants.