L0 - Introduction - 2018
L0 - Introduction - 2018
L0 - Introduction - 2018
Brayden McNeill
B.A.Sc. (University of Waterloo)
M.Sc. (University of Waterloo)
Lead Trainer
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• We want you input to make this the best possible experience for you!
What is groundwater modeling?
• Groundwater modeling is a science-based process that is based on the principles
of hydrogeology
• It allows you to develop a tool (i.e. the model) to predict the behavior of the
groundwater environment
• This can include determining the components of:
• Flow – head, gradient, flow direction, pathlines, water budgets
• Transport – plume distribution, breakthrough curves, mass removal
• The model represents a “living” planning tool:
• As we obtain new information, we update the model
• This allows us to make updated prediction about system response
• This helps clients and regulators make defensible decisions about the potential
impacts that could occur as a result of any engineered system (wells, drains,
ponds/lagoons, tunnels, etc.)
What is a groundwater model?
• A groundwater model is a simplified representation of the natural groundwater
flow system
• Without them it would be impossible to evaluate all of the natural processes that
impact a hydrogeologic design because of complexities in:
• the physical processes that occur in the hydrogeologic environment
• the spatial distribution of properties and boundaries
• the temporal nature of the flow system
• A model can incorporate all of these complexities, and assess different options
and future conditions
• The better we can represent these physical features, the better we can predict
system response!
Introduction – Groundwater Modeling
• Groundwater models are an important component
of hydrogeology studies
• Groundwater modeling is used to simulate and
predict aquifer conditions:
• Estimate/confirm regional/local aquifer characteristics
• Evaluate well systems and water resources
• Predict the impacts of aquifer development
• Estimate sustainable well yields/production rates
• Simulate the transport of contamination in the
• Design/optimize groundwater remediation schemes
• Define capture zones/wellhead protection areas
• Design/optimize construction dewatering plans
• And more!
Visual MODFLOW Flex
• Visual MODFLOW Flex is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) that will help you to
develop input files for several open source groundwater modeling codes:
• MODFLOW – modeling groundwater flow conditions
• MODPATH/ZoneBudget – particle tracking and water budget analysis
• MT3DMS/RT3D/PHT3D/MT3D99 – contaminant transport modeling
• SEAWAT –density-dependent flow and/or heat transport
• PEST – parameter estimation and sensitivity analysis, to help with model calibration
• The better you know the interface, the easier to develop and calibrate your own
groundwater models
About Visual MODFLOW
• Schedule:
• Lecture 1: Groundwater Modeling Concepts
• Lecture 2: Introduction to the Visual MODFLOW Flex Interface
• Exercise: Intro1 – An Introduction to Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport