Mod Flow
Mod Flow
Mod Flow
With Visual MODFLOW Pro, you have all the tools necessary to:
Proven Benefits
Our goal is to develop powerful, yet easy-to-use software that meets the needs of groundwater and
environmental professionals around the world. Visual MODFLOW is an excellent example of how we have
accomplished this goal by making groundwater modeling accessible for any hydrogeologist or engineer who
is familiar with the basic concepts and limitations of groundwater modeling. With Visual MODFLOW, you
don't need to know all of the awkward codes and cryptic data formats required by MODFLOW, nor do you
need to be concerned about maintaining consistent units, keeping track of the model 'stress periods', or
figuring out what VCONT and IBOUND values are. Visual MODFLOW does what every good interface
should do; it takes care of these issues in an easy-to-understand and transparent manner, so you only need
• Comprehensive selection of calibration plots and statistics (scatter plots, residual histograms, and
time series plots)
Model Display
Some additional features and improvements requested by Visual MODFLOW users including:
One of the biggest difficulties in using Visual MODFLOW has been getting the report images into a report
document. Although you could export the image to an enhanced Windows metafile, these files were not
always so easy to manipulate and could not always be read by third party graphics software.
Visual MODFLOW 4.0 provides a full suite of common graphical image formats to
create (.GIF, .JPG, .TIF, .PNG, and .BMP) with options for increasing the image
resolution and controlling the image quality. These high-resolution images can be either
exported to a separate graphics file for additional manipulation using a popular image
editing program, or you can capture the enhanced image and paste it directly into the
report document.
Pumping Well Optimization
Visual MODFLOW v.4.0 includes an interface supporting pumping well optimization using MGO. This
program is primarily used to determine the optimal well pumping and/or injection rates at one or more wells
in order to achieve a specific objective while maintaining reasonable system responses. Some of the more
common scenarios include:
• Minimizing the pumping / treatment cost of a pumping and treat groundwater remediation system
while maintaining capture of a contaminant plume.
• Minimizing the mass removal cost of a pumping and treat groundwater remediation system while
maintaining capture of a contaminant plume.
• Maximizing the pumping rate at one or more water supply wells while maintaining a minimum
water level in the aquifer.
• Maximizing the pumping rate at one or more water supply wells while keeping the concentration of
an identified pollutant below a specified level.
The interface is setup such that the optimization problem is defined almost independent of the optimization
engine you choose to work with.
MGO (Modular Groundwater Optimizer) has been developed by Dr. Chunmiao Zheng
under a contract for the U.S. Dept. of Defense. This program has a public domain version
available with similar optimization capabilities
Enviro-Base Pro
Enviro-Base Pro is an all-in-one database, designed to provide Visual MODFLOW users a wide variety of
referenced hydrogeological property information. Enviro-Base Pro is now available through Visual
MODFLOW Pro interface.
• Soil Properties
Including Hydraulic Conductivity, Porosity, Specific Yield, and Specific Storage.
• Chemical Properties
Including Viscosity, Henry's coefficient, Vapour Pressure, Log Kow, Density, and Solubility.
• Half-Life
• Drinking Water Standards
• Adsorption
• Dispersivity
Printing Options
One of the longest running requests has been for a more customizable page layout for
printing the results generated by Visual MODFLOW. The previous versions offered few
options for customizing the layout and only provided a very limited amount of space for
describing the image being printed. Visual MODFLOW 4.0 includes a more flexible page
layout designer for adding image descriptions, project descriptions, and a company logo.
2D Color Shading
The drawing tools and algorithms used to render the color shaded contour maps of
distributed data have been upgraded to include rich RGB color schemes and to allow for
color map transparency in order to see underlying model features. The color schemes will
be the same, but the colors themselves will be much more vibrant and the transition
between colors is much smoother.
Assigning Grid Cell Elevations
One of the longest standing requested features has been to allow for graphical selection
and assigning of grid cell elevations. Visual MODFLOW 4.0 has finally delivered! Now
you can easily digitize the desired cell area using a polygon or rectangle, or by painting a
set of cells, and then assign a constant elevation to the top or bottom of the layer surface.
Built-in data validation checks prevent the layer surfaces from intersecting adjacent layer
surfaces and provides suggested remedies in situations when this does occur.
Visual MODFLOW v.4.0 provides a dramatically improved set of tools for importing, creating and modifying
layer surface elevations for the finite difference model grid. From importing USGS DEM files, to specifying a
constant slope using Strike and Dip information, no other graphical interface offers a more complete set of
features for designing the model grid layer surfaces:
The layer surface elevations may be visualized using three different view tabs:
• The 2D Preview displays a color map of the layer surface elevations for the currently selected layer
• The 3D Preview displays a 3D wire mesh of the entire model grid.
The Array Preview displays a spreadsheet array of the individual grid cell elevations for the currently
selected layer surface.
Previous versions of Visual MODFLOW supported importing an unlimited number of
site map images, but the images were required to be provided as bitmaps, and it was only
possible to view one site map at a time. Visual MODFLOW v.4.0 provides support for
importing and displaying the most common image formats including .JPG, .GIF, .TIF,
.PNG and .BMP. In addition, a transparency setting may be applied to the imported
images in order to display multiple images simultaneously, or to view other model
attributes underneath the site map image.
The main interface for Visual MODFLOW version 4.1 has much of the same user-friendly look and feel as
previous versions of Visual MODFLOW, but what’s “under the hood” has been improved to give users more
powerful tools for entering, modifying, analyzing, and presenting groundwater modeling data. You now have
the ability to effectively tackle seawater intrusion projects, with direct access to powerful solvers such as the
new GMG Solver.
In addition, Visual MODFLOW version 4.1 have streamlined the GUI to improve the overall work flow during model development and you can expand your project scopes and expect top-performance with even the most complex models!