PSG 2015

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1. In a quadrilateral ABCD, the diagonals AC and 7.

The gradient or slope of the distance-time

BD are equal and perpendicular to each other. graph at any point gives,
Then ABCD is a
(a) Acceleration
(a) Square (b) Displacement
(b) Parallelogram (c) Velocity
(c) Rhombus (d) Time
(d) Trapezium
8. Every liquid exerts an upward force on the
2. The value of [ log (a2/bc) + log (b2/ac) + objects immersed in it. The upward force is
log (c2/ab) ]is equal to called,

(a) 0 (b) 1 (a) Gravitational Force

(c) 2 (d) abc (b) Buoyant Force
(c) Mechanical Force
3. A number when divided by 527 gives a (d) Magnetic Force
remainder of 40. By dividing the same number
by 19, what would be the remainder? 9. Commercial unit of electrical energy is

(a) 9 (b) 11 (a) Joule (b) Joule / second

(c) 6 (d) 5 (c) Watt (d) Kilowatt-hour

4. The area of a rhombus is 120 cm 2. If one of its 10. Select the liquid which has the specific heat
diagonals is of length 10 cm, then the length of capacity of 4180 JKg-1 K-1 from the following:
one of its sides
(a) Mercury (b) Kerosene
(a) 12 cm (b) 13 cm (d) Water (d) Coconut oil
(c) 24 cm (d) 2 √30 cm
11. The pollutant formed during photochemical
5. If13+ 23+33+…….+n3 = 36100 then the value of smog, which damages chlorophyll and the
1+2+3+……..+n is photosynthesis of plants is

(a) 190 (b) 380 (a) Peroxy acetyl nitrate

(c) 570 (d) 120 (b) Ammonia
(d) Sulphur trioxide
6. Which of the following parts of a Vernier (d) Carbon dioxide
caliper is used to measure the internal
diameter of a cylindrical pipe? 12. Which among the following is not a green
house gas?
(a) Depth probe (b) Retainer
(a) CO2 (b) CH4;
(c) Lower jaws (d) Upper Jaws
(c) CFC (d) NH3

13. A non metal which exists as liquid at room 20. The valves present near the mouth of
temperature is pulmonary artery and aorta are

(a) Chlorine (b) Sulphur (a) Tricuspid valves

(c) Bromine (d) Silicon (b) Mitral valves
(c) Auriculo-ventricular valves
14. The acidic oxide among the following is (d) Semilunar valves

(a) MgO (b) Na2O 21. The French East India company was
(c) SO2 (d) ZnO established by ------------------

15. The correct formula of ammonium carbonate (a) Louis XIV (b) Colbert
is (c) Louis XVI (d) De Brazza

(a) NH4CO3 (b) (NH4)2 CO3

(c) NH4(CO3)2 (d) (NH3)2 CO3 22. In 1941, Hitler invaded

16. Petals of flowers bear: (a) Russia (b) Poland

(c) France (d) Portugal
(a) Chloroplasts (b) Leucoplasts
(c) Chromoplasts (d) Amyloplasts 23. Mussolini left the League of Nations in

(a) 1931 (b) 1932

17. Large ponds in which the fingerlings are fed (c) 1935 (d) 1937
with artificial feed are
24. Blitzkrieg means a
(a) Breeding ponds
(a) Lightning War
(b) Nursing ponds
(b) Trench warfare
(c) Hatchery ponds
(c) Submarine warfare
(d) Stocking ponds
(d) Guerilla warfare

25. Thiru. Kamaraj served as the Chief Minister of

18. Which one of these insecticides is used to kill
Tamilnadu for
root-cutting insects

(a) Malathion (b) Metasystox (a) 9 years (b) 8 years

(c) 10 years (d) 7 years
(c) Lindane (d) Chloropyriphos

26. The local storms in the north eastern part of

19. The harmful alkaloid present in the leaves of India during hot weather season are called
tobacco plant is
(a) Norwesters (b) Loo
(a) Quinine (b) Nicotine (c) Mango showers (d) Monsoon
(c) Phynothiazine (d) Morphine

27. Paddy grows well in respectively. After what time will they meet
(a) Black soil (b) Laterite soil
(c) Alluvial soil (d) Red soil (a) 21 hrs (b) 20 hrs
(c) 19 hrs (d) 12 hrs
28. Grey Revolution in India is connected with
34. A and B can separately do a piece of work in 20
(a) Agricultural Crops
and 15 days respectively. They worked
(b) Eggs and poultry
together for 6 days, after which B was replaced
(c) Oil seeds
by C. If the work was finished in the next 4 days,
(d) Marine products
then the number of days in which C done could
29. National waterway-1 in India is do the work will be

(a) Allahabad – Haldia Stretch (a) 30 (b) 35

(b) Mangalgadi – Paradeep Stretch (c) 40 (d) 60
(c) Kollam – Kottapuram Stretch
(d) Saidiya – Dhubri Stretch 35. A train takes 18 seconds to pass completely
through a station 162 m long and 15 seconds
30. The number of Recognized official languages of through another station 120m long. The length
India is of the train is

(a) 25 (b) 23 (a) 70 m (b) 90 m

(c) 22 (d) 27 (c) 80 m (d) 100 m

36. The captain of a cricket team of 11 members is

31. A motor boat whose speed is 15 km/hr in still
26 years old and the wicket keeper is 3 years
water goes 30 km downstream in a river and
older. If the ages of these two are excluded, the
comes back in a total of 4 hours 30 minutes.
average age of the remaining players is one
Then the speed of the stream (in km/hr) is
year less than the average age of the whole
team. What is the average age of the team?
(a) 4 (b) 5
(c) 6 (d) 10
(a) 24 years (b) 23 years
(c) 25 years (d) 26 years
32. The sum of the present ages of a father and his
son is 60 years. Six years ago, father’s age was 37. In an examination, there are three papers and
five times the age of the son. After 6 years, a candidate has to get 35% of the total to pass.
son’s age will be In one paper he gets 62 out of 150 and in the
second 35 out of 150. How much must he get,
(a) 12 years (b) 14 years out of 180 in the third paper to just qualify for
(c) 18 years (d) 20 years a pass?

33. Three men A, B, C run along a circular path of (a) 60.5 (b) 68
12 km circumference. They start from same (c) 71 (d) 70
point with speeds of 3, 7, 13 km/hr

38. A, B, C started a business with their 45. Which part of the body is most affected by a
investments in the ratio 1 : 3 : 5. After 4 smoker’s lifestyle?
months, A invested the same amount as before
and B as well as C withdrew half of their (a) Heart (b) Teeth
investments. The ratio of their profits at the (c) Lungs (d) Mouth
end of the year is

(a) 4:3:5 (b) 5 : 6 : 10 46. Which part of the body does not grow at all
(c) 6 : 5 : 10 (d) 10 : 5 : 6 from birth until death?

39. A container contains 40 litres of milk. From this (a) Ear (b) Eye
container 4 litres of milk was taken out and (c) Tongue (d) Nose
replaced by water. This process was repeated
further two times. How much milk is now in the 47. What is the name of the muscle found below
container? the lungs?
(a) 26.34 litres (b) 29.16 litres (a) Duodenum
(c) 27.36 litres (d) 28 litres (b) Diaphragm
(c) Bronchus
40. How many times are the hands of a clock at (d) Endocardium
right angles in a day?
48. Which of these is often described as the
(a) 22 (b) 24 ‘garbage dump’ of the body?
(c) 44 (d) 48
(a) Large intestine
41. Which part of the human body produces (b) Small intestine
insulin which regulates glucose in the blood? (c) Kidney
(d) Stomach
(a) Thyroid (b) Pancreas
(c) Lungs (d) Kidneys 49. Too much salt in one’s diet can cause which of
42. What is the common name for angina?
(a) High blood pressure
(a) Heart attack (b) Stroke
(b) Low blood pressure
(c) Common cold (d) Headache (c) Diabetes
(d) Arthritis
43. What is the volume of blood filtered by the
human kidneys in one day?
50. The breakdown of which results in the
(a) 100 litres (b) 200 litres production of bile pigments?
(c) 300 litres (d) 150 litres
(a) Haemoglobin (b) Fibre
44. Sunlight is the best source for which vitamin? (c) Fats (d) Carbohydrates

(a) A (b) D
(c) B (d) E

51. Which among the following is not a plantation 58. Which one was the first search Engine in
crop? Internet?

(a) Rubber (b) Pepper (a) Google (b) Archie

(c) Cashew (d) Turmeric (c) Altavista (d) WAIS

52. Match the following 59. What is the number of Function keys in a
computer keyboard?
1. Rearing birds a. Apiculture
2. Rearing silkworm b. Poultry (a) 10 (b) 12
3. Rearing honeybee c. Sericulture (c) 14 (d) 8
4. Growing fruits d. Horticulture
60. IRCTC has permitted ---------------- to sell its
(a) 1-b 2-c 3-a 4-d products on the IRCTC website.
(b) 1-b 2-c 3-d 4-a
(c) 1-c 2-b 3-a 4-d (a) E-Bay (b) Flipkart
(d) 1-a 2-b 3-c 4-d (c) Amazon (d) Snapdeal

53. Nitrogen fixing bacteria are found in the ------- 61. How many centuries have been scored by
of plants. Sachin Tendulkar in one-day international
cricket matches?
(a) Roots (b) Flowers
(c) Leaves (d) Stem (a) 48 (b) 49
(c) 50 (d) 51
54. The substance which is not a weedicide is ------
62. Which team was the runner-up in the recently
(a) Dalapon concluded COPA-AMERICA 2015 football
(b) Metachlore tournament?
(c) 2-4 dichlorophenoxy acetic acid
(d) Hexachloracyclohexane (a) Argentina (b) Brazil
(c) Chile (d) Uruguay
55. During pasteurization, milk is heated to ----°C
for 30 minutes and suddenly cooled to 12°C
63. To which international game is “Thomas cup”
(a) 100 (b) 72 related?
(c) 42 (d) 90
(a) Cricket (b) Football
56. The software “Hololens” was launched by (c) Tennis (d) Badminton

(a) IBM (b) Apple

(c) Nokia (d) Microsoft 64. What is the world record time of Usain Bolt in
100 m sprint as in July 2015?
57. India’s first Wi-Fi city is
(a) 9.48 sec (b) 9.72 sec
(a) Kolkata (b) Chennai (c) 9.58 sec (d) 9.88 sec
(c) Mumbai (d) New Delhi
65. In which city was 2012 olympics held? (a) Mrs. Meera Kumar
(b) Mrs. Sumitra Mahajan
(a) Beijing (b) London (c) Mr. Thambidurai
(c) Rio de Janeiro (d) Tokyo (d) Mr. Hamid Ansari

66. Which Indian has won the maximum number 72. Who is the present Chief Minister of
of grandslam tennis tournament Telungana?
(a) Mr. Chandrasekara Rao
(a) Mr. Vijay Amritraj (b) Mr. Chandrababu Naidu
(b) Mr. Ramesh Krishnan (c) Mr. Kiran Kumar Reddy
(c) Mr. Mahesh Bhupathi (d) Mr. Rajasekara Reddy
(d) Mr. Leander Paes

67. Which Indian professional player is the first to 73. The present Lok sabha is the
be drafted into the National Basketball
Association (NBA) tournaments? (a) 5th (b) 10th
(c) 14th (d) 16th
(a) Mr. Ajmer Singh
(b) Mr. Satnam Singh 74. Which is the capital of Bangladesh?
(c) Mr. Khushi Ram
(d) Mr. S. Robinson (a) Dhaka (b) Kathmandu
(c) Rangpur (d) Chittagong
68. Who is the first Indian to enter the world
badminton championship finals?
75. Who is the youngest among the Chief Ministers
(a) Ms. Saina Nehwal of states in India?
(b) Ms. P.V. Sindhu
(c) Mr. Gopichand (a) Mr. Akhilesh Yadav
(d) Mr. Prakash Padukone (b) Mr. Omar Abdulla
(c) Mr. Hemant Shoren
69. In which Olympic Games did Abinav Bindra win (d) Mr. Arvind Kejriwal
gold medal in 10 m Air Rifle shooting event?

(a) Athens (b) Seoul 76. In which of the following colleges did
(c) London (d) Beijing Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam give his last oration?

70. In which of the following sports events of (a) IIM - Meghalaya

Olympic Games has, India won gold medals? (b) IIM - Guwahati
(c) IIT - Meghalaya
(a) Hockey and Shooting (d) IIT - Guwahati
(b) Hockey and Boxing
(c) Hockey and Tennis
(d) Boxing and Wrestling
71. Who is the current speaker of Rajyasabha? 77. Who is the present President of Srilanka?

(a) Mr. Mahinda Rajapakse (c) Karnataka (d) Andhra
(b) Mr. Gothapaya Rajapakse
(c) Mr. Ponseka 85. Sri Kunnakkudi Vaithyanathan is connected
(d) Mr. Sirisena with which musical instrument?

78. Which of the following activities are controlled (a) Flute (b) Veena
by section 144? (c) Violin (d) Miruthangam

(a) Assembly of people in General Area 86. “Parthiban Kanavu”, the famous novel was
(b) Drinking Alcohol written by
(c) Theft
(d) Smuggling (a) Balakumaran (b) Kalki
(c) Rajaji (d) Akilan
79. Recently Reserve Bank of India has decided to
withdraw all currency notes issued prior to -
87. The national award winning film “Kakka
---------- year.
Muttai” was directed by
(a) 2008 (b) 2005
(a) Manikandan
(c) 2002 (d) 2001
(b) Atlee
(c) Manirathnam
80. Who is India’s 15th Prime Minister?
(d) Karthik Subburaj
(a) Dr. Manmohan Singh
(b) Mr. P. V. Narasimha Rao 88. Among the following who is famous for folK
(c) Mr. Narendra Modi songs?
(d) Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee
(a) Hariharan
81. Which among the following is not a classical
(b) Pushpavanam Kuppusami
dance of India?
(c) Unnikrishnan
(a) Kuchipudi (b) Odissa (d) Manikka Vinayagam
(c) Manipuri (d) Ras leela
89. Among the following who won the Chevalier
82. Madan, who belongs to Tamilnadu is a popular award for excellence in cinema acting?

(a) Cartoonist (b) Music director (a) MGR

(c) Drama artist (d) Tabla player (b) Sivaji Ganesan
(c) Gemini Ganesan
83. Who composed the music for Tamilthai
(d) S.S. Rajendran
Vazhthu “Neerarum Kadaludhuta”?

(a) T.K. Ramamoorthi 90. Who composed Thiruvasagam in symphony?

(b) M.S. Viswanathan
(a) A. R. Rahman (b) Haris Jeyaraj
(c) Ilayaraja
(c) Ilayaraja (d) Bharathwaj
(d) A.R. Rahman
91. The National voter’s day is observed on which
84. “Ottam thullal” dance belongs to which state? day?
(a) Kerala (b) Tamilnadu
(a) January 24 (b) January 25 (a) Politics (b) Photography
(c) January 27 (d) January 28 (c) Science (d) Journalism

92. India was declared Polio – Free by World 99. From which date has the Service Tax been
Health Organisation in the year revised to 14%?
(a) 2013 (b) 2014 (a) 31st May 2015
(c) 2012 (d) 2011 (b) 30th May 2015
(c) 2nd June 2015
93. Among the best 25 inventions of 2014,
(d) 1st June 2015
Mangalyaan stands
100. India will be hosting the ICC – T20 cricket world
(a) First (b) Third
cup in
(c) Fourth (d) Second
(a) 2016 (b) 2018
94. Which state in INDIA has the maximum Tiger
(c) 2020 (d) 2022

(a) Tamilnadu (b) Kerala

(c) Gujarat (d) Karnataka

95. This year “International Yoga day” was

observed on

(a) March 1 (b) April 12

(c) May 16 (d) June 21

96. Recently a statue of Mahatma Gandhi was

unveiled by Arun Jaitley at

(a) California
(b) London
(c) San Francisco
(d) Singapore

97. Which place has been chosen as the capital of

the new Andhra Pradesh?

(a) Badravathi (b) Vijayawada

(c) Kakinada (d) Amaravathi

98. “Pulitzer Award” is awarded to recognize

people excelling in which field?

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