RMS 9th 2018

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RMS PYQ – 2018

 Section – A (Science) 11. An object is at rest on a floor. A force is

1. The constellation that resembles a applied to move that object. Which
'question mark' in the sky. frictional force will come into an action at
(a) Ursa minor (b) Ursa major this moment?
(c) Orion (d) Scorpio (a) Sliding friction
2. The maximum number of dots present (b) Static friction
in a cell in a Braille character: (c) Rolling friction
(a) 12 (b) 9 (d) Fluid friction
(c) 3 (d) 6 12. Given below are events that lead to
3. Which of the following is a plant pregnancy and development of embryo.
hormone? i. Fertilization of egg
(a) Insulin (b) Thyroxin ii. Maturation of egg
(c) Estrogen (d) Cytokine iii. Release of egg
4: Spirogyra is: iv. Embedding of embryo in thickened
(a) Algae (b) Fungi uterine wall
(c) Protozoa (d) Bacteria Which of the following options gives the
5. The substance that does not burn with correct order of sequence in which they
flame is: occur?
(a) LPG (b) Camphor (a) i, ii, iii. iv (b) ii, i, iii, iv
(c) Dry grass (d) Charcoal (c) i, iv, ii, iii (d) ii, iii, i, iv
6. Electroscope can be charged by: 13. The decomposition of liquid compound
(a) Convection (b) Radiation on passing an electric current through it
(c) Conduction (d) both a & b is known as:
7. The first planet outside orbit of the (a) Electroplating
earth is: (b) Electrolysis
(a) Jupiter (b) Mars (c) Magnetic effect
(c) Saturn (d) Uranus (d) Electro-resistivity
8. Metamorphosis in frog is controlled by 14. The material similar to silk in
which of the following hormone? appearance is:
(a) Glucagon (b) Insulin (a) Nylon (b) Rayon
(c) Adrenaline (d) Thyroxin (c) Polyester (d) Acrylic
9. Which of the following present in the 15. The light ray, which strikes any
Chromosomes carries the unit that surface is called:
transfers characters from parents to (a) Reflected ray
offspring? (b) Normal
(a) Ribosome (b) Genes (c) Incident ray
(c) Plastid (d) Nucleolus (d) Refracted ray
10. Several small colored bodies in the 16. We can see ourselves in mirror or
cytoplasm of the cells of "Tradescantia" polished surface but not on walls
leaf is called: because the reflection from walls is:
(a) Organelle (b) Plastids (a) Regular reflection
(c) Vacuoles (b) Normal reflection
(d) Mitochondria (c) Irregular reflection
(d) Specular reflection
17. The Coke is used in the manufacturing (c) Oviduct (d) Testes
of 27. Naphthalene balls used to repel moth
(a) Lead (b) Steel and insects is derived from:
(c) Iron (d) Copper (a) Petroleum (b) Sugar
18. The pitch of sound depends on the (c) Coal tar (d) LPG
____ of the vibrating body. 28. Which hormone stress situations?
(a) amplitude (a) Adrenaline (b) Insulin
(b) frequency (c) Testosterone (d) Thyroxine
(c) noise 29. Which of the following objects can be
(d) medium of propagation charged by rubbing while being held in a
19. Vaccine for small pox was discovered hand?
by: (a) Steel spoon
(a) Louis Pasteur (b) Silver bar
(b) Alexander Fleming (c) Glass rod
(c) Edward Jenner (d) A copper wire
(d) John Mendel 30. In which of the following method of
20. When non-metals react with water the: irrigation rotating nozzles are used?
(a) Hydrogen gas is formed (a) Moat
(b) Carbon dioxide is formed (b) Drip system
(c) Non-metals do not react with water (c) Chain pump
(d) None of these (d) Sprinkler system
21. Name the planet which revolves 31. The common chemicals generally used
approximately 90° with its orbital plane. to check the growth of microorganisms in
(a) Neptune (b) Venus a food are:
(c) Uranus (d) Jupiter (a) Antibiotics (b) Preservatives
22. The nitrogenous fertilizer need not be (c) Antigens (d) Pathogens
added to soil with which crops: 32. The material which is commonly used
(a) Maize (b) Pulses for making kitchen containers is:
(c) Wheat (d) Paddy (a) PVC (b) Acrylic
23. Plasmodium is responsible for which (c) Teflon (d) PET
disease? 33. The algae commonly used as fertilizers
(a) Sleeping sickness are called:
(b) Dysentery (a) Spirogyra
(c) Typhoid (b) Chlamydomonas
(d) Malaria (c) Blue green algae
24. End products of complete combustion (d) Staphylococcus
are: 34. The animals that give birth to young
(a) Carbon dioxide, water and heat ones are known as:
(b) Carbon dioxide and water. (a) Oviparous (b) Viviparous
(c) Carbon monoxide, water and less heat (c) Both (d) None
(d) Carbon monoxide and water 35. An organism is said to be endangered
25. Rust of wheat is caused by: if:
(a) Virus (b) Rust (a) Its population is diminishing
(c) Bacteria (d) Fleas (b) It has become extinct
26. In Human zygote is formed in: (c) It is found exclusively in a particular
(a) Uterus (b) Ovary area
(d) Its poaching is strictly prohibited (d) Either a magnetic or an electrostatic
36. Which term you use when black buck, force
elephant, python and golden cat together 45. 1 Hertz is equal to:
represent in a forest? (a) 1 vibration per minute
(a) Fauna (b) Flora (b) 10 vibrations per minute
(c) Ecosystem (d) Species (c) 60 vibrations per minute
37. A toy is placed at 10 cm in front of a (d) 600 vibrations per minute
plane mirror. What is the distance of the 46. Acid rain mainly contains:
image from the toy? (a) Phosphates, nitrates
(a) 20 cm (b) 40 cm (b) Sulphur dioxide, Nitrogen dioxide
(c) 10 cm (d) 30 cm (c) Hydrochloric acid
38. For Communication satellites which (d) Carbonic Acid
type of orbit are more appropriate? 7. The stage when all the body parts can
(a) Polar be identified is known as:
(b) Geostationary (a) Zygote (b) Fetus
(c) Highly elliptical (c) Embryo (d) Infant
(d) Both (a) and (c) 48. What is the cause of change in motion
39. In LED, the longer lead (wire) is always or change in the state of motion?
connected to the terminal. (a) Pressure
(a) negative (b) neutral (b) Atmospheric pressure
(c) positive (d) any terminal (c) Friction
40. Vocal chord in men are about ____ (d) Force
long. 49. During a cell division:
(a) 20 mm (b) 20 cm (a) Nucleus divides first and then
(c) 2 mm (d) 2 cm cytoplasm
41. The earth rotates on its axis from: (b) Cytoplasm divides first and then
(a) North to south Nucleus
(b) South to north (c) Nucleus and cytoplasm divide
(c) East to west together
(d) West to east (d) No such relationship
42. Name two planets which revolve 50. What is the full form of PCRA?
around their axis from east to west (a) Petroleum Conservation Research
(a) Earth and Venus Association
(b) Mars and Earth (b) Petroleum Consumption Research
(c) Venus and Uranus Association
(d) Mars and Uranus (c) Petroleum Conservation Resource
43. Whose reactivity is highest among the Association
following metals? (d) Petrochemical Consumption Research
(a) Copper (b) Potassium Association
(c) Iron (d) Zinc Section – B (Mathematics)
44. Two objects repel each other. This 51. Measure of each exterior angle of a
repulsion could he due to: regular polygon of 12 sides is:
(a) Frictional force only (a) 20° (b) 15°
(b) Electrostatic force only (c) 30° (d) 168°
(c) Magnetic force only 52. Find the range of first five prime
(a) 2 (b) 7 noted. The number of possible outcomes
(c) 9 (d) 11 is:
53. The blood group of six students are (a) 6 (b) 11
recorded as: (c) 18 (d) 36
Group A+ B+ 0+ 62. The probability of getting a multiple of
No. of Students 1 2 3 2 when a dice is rolled is:
Find the central angle made by A+ blood (a) 1/6 (b) 1/3
group. (c) 1/2 (d) 2/3
(a) 60° (b) 120° 63. The area of a rectangular field whose
(c) 180° (d) 360° length is twice its breadth is 2450 m2.
54. Subtract 2x3 - x2 + 4x + 6 from x3 x Find the perimeter of the field?
5x2 - 4x + 6 (a) 105 m (b) 280 m
(a) x3 + 6x2 - 8x (c) 140 m (d) 210 m
(b) -8x + 6x2 – x3 64. A ladder 10 m long rests against a
(c) 12 + 4x2 + 3x3 vertical wall. If the foot of the ladder is 6
(d) 3x3 + 6x2 - 8x m away from the wall and the ladder just
55. An oil tin measures 20 cm x 30 cm x reaches the top of the wall, how high is
40 cm. If 1 square meter of tin costs Rs. the wall?
25, the cost of 10 such fins will be: (a) 10 m (b) 8 m
(a) Rs. 13 (b) Rs. 6 (c) 6 m (d) 16 m
(c) Rs. 130 (d) Rs. 60 65. If the diagonals of a quadrilateral
56. The mean of a certain group 10, 3, 8, bisect each other at right angles, it will
x, 5 is 6. Find the value of x? be a:
(a) 4 (b) 3 (a) rhombus (b) trapezium
(c) 6 (d) 5 (c) rectangle (d) kite
57. The arithmetic mean of first five 66. The ratio of exterior angle to interior
multiples of 5 is: angle of a regular polygon is 1: 4. Find
(a) 20 (b) 15 the number of sides of the polygon?
(c) 25 (d) 30 (a) 5 (b) 36
58. If √ , then the value of (c) 10 (d) 20
67. Which of the following can never be the

(a) 0.00107 (b) 0.0107 measure of exterior angle of a regular
(c) 0.107 (d) None polygon?
(a) 22° (b) 36°
59. If ( ) ( ) = ( ) , then the value of (c) 45° (d) 30°
“x” is: 68. A cube of side 4 cm is cut into 1 cm
(a) 13 (b) 19 cubes. What is the ratio of the surface
(c) 6 (d) -6 areas of the original cubes and cut-out
60. If ( ) = ( ) ÷ ( ) , what is the value cubes?
(a) 1: 2 (b) 1: 3
of ( ) ? (c) 1: 4 (d) 1: 6
69. A metal sheet 27 cm long, 8 cm broad
(a) (b)
and 1 cm thick is melted into a cube.
(c) (d) The side of the cube is:
61. A dice is thrown two times and sum of (a) 6 cm (b) 8 cm
the numbers appearing on the dice are (c) 12 cm (d) 24 cm
70. In a scout camp, there is food (a) 24 cm (b) 12 cm
provision for 300 cadets for 42 days. If (c) 10 cm (d) 6 cm
50 more persons join the camp, for how 81. Which of the following numbers must
many days will the provision last? be multiplied to 392 to get a perfect
(a) 21 (b) 40 cube?
(c) 30 (d) 36 (a) 2 (b) 3
71. How many non-square numbers lie (c) 4 (d) 7
between 112 and 122? 82. If a% is the discount percent on a
(a) 21 (b) 23 marked price 'x', then discount is:
(c) 22 (d) 20 (a) x 100 (b) x 100
72. Which smallest number should be
(c) x X (d)
added to 223 so as to make it a perfect
55. If a x (b + c) = ab + ac, this property is
called as:
(a) 2 (b) 3
(a) Commutative property
(c)1 (d) 4
(b) Distributive property
73. A cuboid has dimensions 5 cm, 2 cm,
(c) Associative property
5 cm. How many such cuboids will be
(d) Closure property
needed to form a cube?
84. The volume of a cube is 64 cm3. The
(a) 20 (b) 10
surface area of cube is:
(c) 5 (d) 2
(a) 16 cm2 (b) 64 cm2
74. The value of 3 √ is:
(c) 96 cm2 (d) 128 cm2
(a) 8 (b)7
(c) 6 (d) 3 85. The value of √ is:
75. The multiplicative inverse of -13/19 is: (a) 2.5 (b) 10.25
(a) (b) (c) 10.50 (d) 16.5
86. Which of the following is the equation
(c) (d)
of a line parallel to x-axis?
76. If 'a' and 'b' are two positive integers, (a) x = 0 (b) x = 5
then HCF (a, b) LCM (a, b) =? (c) y = 5 (d) y = x + 5
(a) a x b (b) a + b 87. The reciprocal of ( ) is:
(c) a - b (d) a/b
77. The formula for finding volume of (a) (b)
cylinder is: (c) (d)
(a) 27 r2h (b) 2 rh 88. If two adjacent angles of a
(c) rh (d) r2h parallelogram are (5x — 5)° and (10x +
78. If the diagonals of rhombus are 6 cm & 35)° then the ratio of these angles is:
8 cm, its area will be: (a) 1: 3 (b) 2: 3
(a) 48 cm2 (b) 24 cm (c) 1: 4 (d) 1: 2
(c) 48 cm (d) 24 cm2 89. A parallelogram PQRS is constructed
79. Out of 250 students, 60% like History. with sides QR = 6 cm, PQ = 4 cm and
The numbers of students who do not like angle PQR = 90°, then PQRS is a:
History are: (a) square (b) rectangle
(a) 50 (b) 150 (c) rhombus (d) trapezium
(c) 100 (d) 75 90. A coin is tossed 200 times and head
80. The height of a cuboid whose volume is appeared 120 times. Probability of
756 cm3 and base area is 63 cm2 is: getting a head in this experiment is:
(a) (b) (a) 13 (b) 14
(c) 15 (d) 16
(c) (d)
Section – C (English)
91. A geometric representation showing
I. Read the following passage and
the relationship between a whole and its
answer the questions that follow:
part is:
In this age of spiraling fuel costs and
(a) Pie chart (b) Histogram
greenhouse emissions, any new way to
(c) Bar graph (d) Pictograph
reduce the environmental and economic
92. Find the value of `m' in the expression
burden associated with the use of fossil
? fuels is welcome. But back in 1960s, it
(a) 12 (b) 11 was another story. It seems that
(c) 10 (d) 9 industrial chemist John Andrews created
93. A diagonal of a rectangle is inclined to a revolutionary additive for petrol. He
one side of the rectangle at 25°, the acute claimed that once this product was
angle between the diagonal is: added, ordinary tap water could be
(a) 55° (b) 50° mixed with petrol and used to run the
(c) 40° (d) 25° engine of a car. The mix of water, petrol
94. The sum of three odd consecutive and additive was, according to Andrews,
integers is 51. The middle number is: was no less combustible than petrol
(a) 14 (b) 15 alone. Now, if this were true, it means
(c) 16 (d) 17 that the cost of a tank of petrol could be
95. Which number must be added to each cut by more than half and pollution
term of the ratio 5: 7 to make it 11: 12 dramatically reduced.
is? Navy officials, on hearing these claims,
(a) 22 (b) 20 supposedly went to Andrew's laboratory
(c) 17 (d) 18 to see a demonstration of the secret
96. The base of a right triangle is 5 cm and additive, but on arrival found the
its hypotenuse is 13 cm, its area is: scientist missing and his laboratory
(a) 30 cm2 (b) 25 cm2 ransacked. Andrews was never seen
(c) 60 cm2 (d) None again. Stories circulated about how
97. Two cubes have volumes in the ratio 1: major oil companies were willing to go to
64. The ratio of the surface area of first any lengths to protect their products
cube to that of the other is: from the impact of alternative fuels-
(a) 1 : 4 (b) 1: 8 lengths that might have included the
(c) 1: 16 (d) 1:32 abduction of Andrew and the destruction
98. In 2 , n is known as: of his research data. That the case came
(a) base (b) constant to be dismissed in the first place has a
(c) exponent (d) variable simply added fuel, so to speak, to the
99. If x - = 16 then the value of x2 + is. conspiracy.
(a) 256 (b) 254 Choose the right option from the list of
(c) 258 (d) 252 options given in each questions:
100. The sum of heights of a certain 101. John Andrews was:
number of players is 728 cm and the (a) a chemist
mean height is 56 cm. The numbers of (b) a naval officer
players are: (c) an industrial chemist
(d) a scientist
102. According to John Andrews, the mix (d) lieutenat
of water, petrol and additive was: 110. (a) parallelogram
(a) Less combustible than petrol alone (b) paralilogram
(b) not at all combustible (c) paeallelogram
(c) not lesser combustible than petrol (d) Paralelogram
alone Direction (111 – 115): One-word
(d) None of the above substitution
103. A conspiracy theory is: 111. A person who is indifferent to pains
(a) a plan to work out theory and pleasures of life.
(b) a belief that others secretly plot (a) stoic (b) saddest
together (c) psychiatrist (d) aristocrat
(c) a way of designing something 112. One who believes in the power of fate.
(d) a method of finding the truth (a) fatalist (b) optimist
104. Which statement best sums up the (c) pessimist
main idea in the first paragraph? (d) Parsimonious
(a) John Andrews went missing and his 113. Something kept as reminder of an
laboratory was ransacked event
(b) Oil companies don't like competition (a) souvenir
(c) John Andrews might have made a (b) antique
useful discovery (c) trophy
(d) Environmental issues are important (d) prize
105. The last sentence in the second 114. A fictitious name especially one
paragraph means: assumed by an author.
(a) that fuel is required to keep the home (a) pet name (b) pseudonym
fire burning (c) sobriquet (d) nick name
(b) that fuel is the fire's food 115. One who believes everything she or
(c) to make a big hue and cry about an he hears.
existing issue (a) credulous (b) credential
(d) None of the above (c) credible (d) creditable
Direction (106 – 110): Find the Direction (116 – 120): Choose the
correctly spelt word: appropriate synonyms.
106. (a) Acquainttance 116. Urbane
(b) acqquaintance (a) civilized (b) rude
(c) accuaintance (c) uncultured (d) Stubborn
(d) acquaintance 117. Redress
107. (a) Bibliography (a) steal (b) amends
(b) bebliography (c) relief (d) illegal
(c) bebography 118. Erratic
(d) bibegraphe (a) deadly (b) cunning
108. (a) Ignouminious (c) hardened (d) Fickle
(b) ignomenious 119. defy
(c) ignominious (a) agrees (b) obey
(d) ignominiouse (c) challenge (d) Cheat
109. (a) lieutenant 120. Solitary
(b) lieutenant (a) solid (b) hard
(c) lieutenant (c) lonely (d) quietly
Direction (121 – 125): Choose the (a) we're taking
appropriate antonyms. (b) was taking
121. Adequate (c) were taken
(a) inadequate (b) inadvertent (d) have taken
(c) indifferent (d) indecisive Direction (131 – 135): Fill in the blanks
122. Affable with suitable prepositions
(a) fatal 131. He lives ____ 48, MG Road.
(b) impolite (a) in (b) at
(c) friendly (c) on (d) For
(d) compassionate 132. Stricken with grief, she banged
123. Candid herself ____ a piece of cloth.
(a) impartial (b) outspoken (a) with (b) by
(c) evasive (d) frank (c) to (d) of
124. Diligent 133. This portrait was painted ____ an
(a) hard working (b) attentive artist who lived in the eighteenth
(c) industrious (d) Indifferent century.
125. Ingenious (a) by (b) with
(a) artless (b) artful (c) in (d) for
(c) insincere (d) Truthful 134. We must start _____ reach in time.
Direction (126 – 130): Fill in the blanks (a) in (b) on
with suitable active and passive verb (c) at (d) with
forms. 135. The traveler must sunset reach his
126. The teacher the student for lying. destination _____ sunsest.
(a) has been punished (a) in (b) at
(b) punished (c) before (d) on
(c) is punished Direction (136 – 140): Fill in the blanks
(d) was punished choosing the most appropriate words
127. I to become a successful writer. from the given options.
(a) has always-wanted Martin Cooper, a Motorola researcher
(b) am always wanted and executive is widely 136 to be the
(c) was always wanted inventor 137 the first mobile phone in
(d) am always wanting 1973. There are 138 categories of mobile
128. The inmates of the juvenile home well phones 139 from basic phones to feature
by their caretakers. phones 140 as music phones, camera
(a) we're not being treated phones and smart phones. The most
(b) we're not treating commonly used data application on
(c) have not being treated mobile phones is text messaging.
(d) was not being treated 136. (a) Consider
129. As the patient could not walk he (b) considered
home in a wheel chair. (c) considering
(a) has carried (d) have considered
(b) has been carried 137. (a) for
(c) was carried (b) of
(d) was carrying (c) as
130. The injured to the hospital in an (d) off
ambulance. 138. (a) many
(b) few (c) Ashok asked Dinesh why were you
(c) much late for the class yesterday.
(d) more (d) Ashok asked Dinesh why he was late
139. (a) are ranging for the class the previous day.
(b) ranging Read the following poem and answer
(c) range the Questions that follow:
(d) ranges HAPPINESS
140. (a) some What do you mean by happiness?
(b) like It means 'love' more and 'scolding' less!
(c) such Did you ever think how?
(d) similar happiness can be bought?
Direction (141 – 145): Read the Not by money but by sharing
following conversations then choose it can be sought.
the correct answer through the o Do you know where happiness is stored?
below. Not in trunks but in the heart it is stored
141. Uma said, 'I like teaching'. Uma said How did one get it, find it or receive it?
____ By sharing, caring and
(a) that she is liking teaching loving everybody a bit.
(b) that she liked teaching Why did the beggar smile that day?
(c) that she was liking teaching The kindness of the Stranger made him
(d) that she will like teaching. gay.
142. Mother said to Murty, 'I will help you'. Why does the sun shine every day?
Mother told Murty ____ For the love of the earth.
(a) that she would help him And her beauty we say.
(b) She helps him During danger why do we call God?
(c) that she helped him Because he is the treasure of love and
(d) that she has helped him cares for all.
143. Tanvi said '1 had lost my hand bag'. As a conclusion:
Tanvi said ____ What is happiness and love?
(a) that she had lost her hand-bag That which is as sweet
(b) that she has lost her hand-bag and soft as a dove!
(c) that she lost her hand-bag On the basis of the reading of the
(d) that she have lost her hand-bag extract choose the right option to
144. My father said, 'Honesty is the best answer the following:
policy'. My father said 146. Happiness cannot be bought from
(a) Honesty is the best policy. anyone; rather it can be gained by ____
(b) that honesty is the best policy. things and thoughts.
(c) told honesty is the best policy. (a) buying (b) sharing
(d) whether honesty is the best policy. (c) stealing (d) robbing
145. Ashok said to Dinesh, "Why were you 147. Happiness can be kept safely in the
late for the class yesterday?" ____ of a person.
(a) Ashok asked Dinesh why was he late (a) trunk (b) cupboard
for the class yesterday. (c) heart (d) mind
(b) Ashok asked Dinesh why he was late 148. Sun feels happy after admiring the
for the class yesterday. ____ of the Earth.
(a) love (b) beauty
(c) grace (d) luster (a) Surat (b) Bombay
149. At the time of need, we remember (c) Ahmadabad (d) Indore
God, as he ____ 158. In which city was the first textile mill
(a) is Almighty started in 1853?
(b) is full of love (a) Madras (b) Bombay
(c) has power and strength (c) Nagpur (d) Delhi
(d) has love and affection for all 159. Balancing the need to use of
150. A word from the passage which is the resources and also conserve them for
antonym of sad. future is known as:
(a) loving (b) soft (a) Conservation
(c) gay (d) crying (b) Sustainable development
Section – D (Social Studies) (c) Preservation
151. In which year did James Mill (d) Collectivization
publish the book "A History of British 160. Minerals that lie at shallow depths
India"? and taken out by removing the surface
(a) 1918 (b) 1817 layer are known as:
(c) 1880 (d) 1921 (a) Open-cast mining
152. Who was the last Viceroy of India? (b) Shaft mining
(a) Lord Canning (c) Quarrying
(b) Lord Mountbatten (d) Drillings
(c) Lord Ripon 161. The growing of food and fodder crops
(d) Lord Wellesley and rearing livestock is called:
153. Who devised the new-system of (a) Intensive Farming
revenue called Mahalwari? (b) Subsistence Farming
(a) Queen Elizabeth (c) Extensive Farming
(b) Holt Mackenzie (d) Mixed Farming
(c) Queen Victoria 162. The process by which metals are
(d) Gandhiji extracted from their ores by heating
154. A heavy gun used by infantry soldiers beyond the melting point is known as:
by the Fast India Company was: (a) Melting (b) Smelting
(a) Enfield (b) Musket (c) Freezing (d) Blasting
(c) Matchlock 163. The industries which use sea and
(d) Machine Gun oceans as raw material is called:
155. The rebellion of the Indigo cultivators (a) Forest Based Industries
against the British planters known as: (b) Mineral Based industries
(a) White Rebellion (c) Marine Based industries
(b) Yellow Rebellion (d) Agro Based industries
(c) Blue Rebellion 164. Which one of the following counties in
(d) Red Rebellion Europe has the largest deposits of iron?
156. Cul-de-sac means: (a) Portugal (b) Russia
(a) A open prayer place (c) Germany (d) Hungary
(b) A Sufi lodge 165. Which of the following is a private
(c) A tomb of a Sufi saint sector industry?
(d) A Street with dead end (a) Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
157. In 1918, Mahatma Gandhi led a (b) Iron and Steel industry
successful mill workers strike in: (c) Steel Authority of India
(d) National Thermal Power Corporation guaranteed in the Indian Constitution
166. The movement of people in and out of under:
an area is known as: (a) Article 23 (b) Article 39A
(a) Emigration (c) Article 22 (d) Article 25 A
(b) Immigration 175. A state which does-not promote any
(c) Migration one religion as the State religion is a:
(d) Transportation (a) Theocratic State
167. Who was the first Indian Governor- (b) Secular State
General of free India? (c) Monarchial State
(a) Mahatma Gandhi (d) Federal State
(b) Jawaharlal Nehru 176. "An arrested person has the right to
(c) (C) Rajagopalachari be presented before a magistrate within
(d) Sardar Vallabhai Patel hours of arrest".
168. Which of the following is a famous (a) 48 (b) 24
bird sanctuary? (c) 36 (d) 72
(a) Kaziranga National Park 177. Which article in the constitution
(b) Tiger Park at Dudhwa states that untouchability has been
(c) Gir-Forest abolished?
(d) Bharatpur Sanctuary (a) Article 21 (b) Article 17
169. The Lahore Gate Improvement (c) Article 13 (d) Article 56
Scheme was introduced in the year: 178. In which year did the Bhopal Gas
(a) 1927 (b) 1880 Tragedy occur?
(c) 1915 (d) 1888 (a) 1984 (b) 1999
170. What is the term used for a business (c) 1992 (d) 1972
enterprise that makes profit primarily 179. What is a temporary alliance of
through trade during the British period? groups or parties known as:
(a) Corporate (a) Multi-Party System
(b) Joint Stock Company (b) Pact
(c) Industry (c) Coalition
(d) Mercantile (d) Joint Party
171. Which type of poems Kabir Wrote? 180. To increase access to justice the
(a) Bhakti tradition Supreme Court devised a mechanism
(b) Veeri Ras known as:
(c) Revolutionary (a) Public interest Litigation
(d) None of these (b) Writ
172. The term of a member of the Rajya (c) Habeas Corpus
Sabha is: (d) Certiorari
(a) 5 years (b) 3 Years Section – E (Hindi)
(c) 6 Years (d) 4 Years
181. „अजज न' का विपरीताथजक विखिए।
173. An area or locality that is populated
(अ) अचेत (ब) आगत
largely by members of a particular
(स) बटोरना (द) विसजज न
community is known as:
(a) Ghetto (b) Cantonment 182. यह मकान छोटा है । रे िाां वकत में कौन-सा विशे षण
(c) Villa (d) Apartment भे द आता है ?
174. Every person has a Fundamental (अ) गुणिाचक (ब) सांख्यािाचक
Right to be defended by a lawyer is (स) पररमाणिाचक (द) सािजनावमक
183. 'क्ाां वतकारी' शब्द में सांज्ञा का भे द बताइए: 192. भारत में वहां दी भाषा को राजभाषा का दजाज वदया
(अ) जावतिाचक सांज्ञा गया –
(ब) व्यखििाचक सांज्ञा (अ) 14 वसतम्बर 1949 को
(स) भाििाचक सांज्ञा (ब) 24 माचज 1951 को
(द) द्रव्यिाचक सांज्ञा (स) 5 वसतम्बर 1950 को
184. मैं ने एक कवि और…... को भी आमां वित वकया था (द) 14 निम्बर 1964 को
। रे िाां वकत शब्द का विां ग पररितजन करके ररि स्थान 193. वनम्नविखित विराम-वचहनोां में 'अल्प विराम' कौन
की पूवतज कीवजए। | सा है ।
(अ) किवयिी (ब) कवििी (अ) “........” (ब) .
(स) कवियिी (द) कविवयिी (स) ; (द) !
185. 'दाई से पेट वछपाना मु हािरे का सही अथज है । 194. 'साप्तावहक' शब्द में प्रत्यय है –
(अ) असांभि बात करना (अ) ऺ (ब) वहक
(ब) बेिकूफ बनाना (स) इक (द) ईक
(स) जानकार से बात वछपाना 195. वद्रगु समास' का उदाहरण है -
(द) व्यथज की कोवशश करना (अ) वदगांबर (ब) पांचरत्न
186. 'जो पढ़ते हैं, िे पास होते हैं िाक्य में सिजनाम भे द (स) माता-वपता (द) कमिनयन
बताइए: 196. „पत्ता‟ का तत्सम रूप है –
(अ) वनश्चयिाचक (अ) पता (ब) ित
(ब) प्रश्निाचक (स) पुि (द) पि
(स) सांबांधिाचक 197. भु िक्कड़' में मू ि शब्द कौन-सा है ?
(द) वनजिाचक (अ) भुि (ब) भूिा
187. 'िक्ष/िाक्ष' शब्द का तद्भि शब्द विखिए: (स) भुिाि (द) भूि
(अ) िाि (ब) राि 198. तत्पु रुष समास में कौन-सा पद प्रधान होता है ?
(स) आँ ि (द) िक्ष्य (अ) पहिा (ब) दू सरा
188. िह भाषा, वजसकी विवप दे िनागरी है : (स) दोनोां (द) चौथा
(अ) तवमि (ब) पांजाबी 199. सही ितजनी शब्द पहचावनए:
(स) ने पािी (द) उदू ज (अ) तत्काविक (ब) तत्कािीक
189. अथज के आधार पर िाक्य के भे द होते हैं – (स) तात्काविक (द) तात्कािीक
(अ) तीन (ब) आठ 200. 'िह बहुत चतुर है ।' िाक्य में विशेषण शब्द चुवनए:
(स) चार (द) दो (अ) िह (ब) चतुर
190. 'गांगा वहमािय से वनकिती है ।' रे िाां वकत पद में (स) बहुत (द) िह बहुत
कारक है ।
(अ) कताज (ब) कमज
(स) करण (द) अपादान
191. 'जो पररश्रम करते हैं, िे सफि होते हैं। िाक्य का
भे द है -
(अ) साधारण िाक्य
(ब) वमश्र िाक्य
(स) सांयुि िाक्य
(द) इनमें से कोई नहीां
RMS CET: 2018

1. b 21.c 41.d 61.d 81.d 101.c 121.a 141.b 161.d 181.d

2.d 22.d 42.c 62.c 82.c 102.c 122.d 142.a 162.b 182.c

3.d 23.d 43.b 63.d 83.c 103.b 123.a 143.a 163.c 183.c

4.a 24.b 44.d 64.b 84.d 104.c 124.d 144.b 164.b 184.a

5.d 25.c 45.c 65.a 85.c 105.a 125.a 145.d 165.b 185.c

6.c 26.a 46.b 66.c 86.b 106.d 126.b 146.b 166.b 186.a

7.b 27.c 47.b 67.a 87.a 107.a 127.a 147.c 167.c 187.d

8.d 28.a 48.d 68.d 88.a 108.c 128.a 148.a 168.d 188.c

9.b 29.c 49.a 69.c 89.b 109.a 129.b 149.d 169.d 189.b

10.b 30.d 50.a 70.d 90.b 110.c 130.c 150.c 170.d 190.c

11.a 31.b 51.c 71.a 91.b 111.a 131.b 151.b 171.d 191.d

12.b 32.d 52.c 72.a 92.a 112.a 132.a 152.b 172.c 192.a

13.b 33.c 53.a 73.b 93.d 113.a 133.a 153.b 173.a 193.b

14.b 34.b 54.b 74.b 94.d 114.b 134.c 154.b 174.b 194.c

15.c 35.b 55.d 75.d 95.a 115.a 135.c 155.c 175.b 195.b

16.c 36.a 56.a 76.a 96.a 116.a 136.b 156.d 176.b 196.d

17.c 37.c 57.b 77.d 97.c 117.b 137.b 157.c 177.b 197d

18.b 38.b 58.d 78.d 98.c 118.d 138.a 158.b 178.a 198.c

19.c 39.c 59.c 79.c 99.c 119.c 139.b 159.b 179.c 199.c

20.a 40.a 60.d 80.b 100.a 120.c 140.c 160.a 180.a 200.b

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