How The Mastersizer 2000 Works
How The Mastersizer 2000 Works
How The Mastersizer 2000 Works
1. Microscopy
2. Sieving
3. Sedimentation techniques
One of the simplest theories used is the Fraunhofer model. This model can predict
the scattering pattern that is created when a solid, opaque disc of a known size is
passed through a laser beam.
This model is satisfactory for some particles but it does not describe the scattering
exactly. Very few particles are disc shaped and most particles are transparent.
The accepted theory which accurately predicts the light scattering behaviour of all
materials under all conditions is known as the Mie theory.
Mie theory was developed to predict the way light is scattered by spherical
particles and deals with the way light passes through, or is absorbed by, the
particle. This theory is more accurate, but it does assume the user knows some
specific information about the particle, such as its refractive index and its
The key point about these theories is that if the size of the particle and other
details about its structure are known, the way it will scatter light can be predicted
accurately. Each size of particle will have its own characteristic scattering pattern,
like a fingerprint, that is unlike any other size of particle.
So how does the Mastersizer measure the size of particles? It works backward
from the above theories by using the optical bench to capture the actual
scattering pattern from a field of particles. Then, using the theories, it calculates
the size of particles that created that pattern.
There are three distinct procedures in measuring a sample on the Mastersizer:
Each bar in the histogram represents the light scattering from one of the detector
elements (known as a channel).
The detector array takes a “snapshot” of the scattering pattern. Obviously this
snapshot only captures the scattering pattern from the particles that are passing
through the analyser beam at that particular time. Taking only one snapshot may
not give a representative reading of the scattering pattern. To overcome this, the
Mastersizer takes many snapshots (known as snaps) and averages the result.
Typically over 2000 snaps are made for each measurement, with each snap taking
3. Once the measurement is complete, the raw data from it is analysed by the
Malvern software using one of the theories mentioned above. Once the
data has been analysed the information can be displayed in various ways.
Note the following points regarding the measured data and the analysis:
*Analysing the measurement data does not permanently alter the data. The
measurement data can be re-analysed using different methods over and over
* The software makes a measurement and then analyses the data automatically.
Volume-based results
The first, and probably most important, point to remember in interpreting results
is that the fundamental size distribution derived by this technique is volume-
based. This means that when a result indicates, for example, that 11% of the
distribution is in the size category 6.97-7.75 microns, this means the total volume
of all particles with diameters in this range represents 11% of the total volume of
all particles.
Equivalent spheres
Mie theory presumes that the particles measured are perfect spheres. In practice
they are very rarely so. This causes a problem in the definition of the term
“measures the particle’s size”: if the particle is an irregular shape, which particular
dimension should be measured?
As an example, imagine that I give somebody a matchbox and a ruler and ask
them to tell me the size of it. They may reply by saying that the matchbox is
50mm x 25mm x 10mm. They cannot say that “the matchbox is 25mm” as this is
only one aspect of its size. It is not possible to describe the three dimensional
matchbox with one unique dimension. Obviously the situation is even more
complex for irregular shaped particles such as grains of sand or the pigment
particles in paint.
Most people want a single measurement to describe their sample, for example,
they wish to say that their sample is made up of 50 micron particles. What is
required is a unique number that describes the particle. There is only one shape
that can be described by one unique number and that is a sphere. If we say we
have a sphere of 50 microns, this describes it exactly. We cannot do the same
even for a cube as 50 microns can refer to its edge or to a diagonal.
One way to get a single unique number to describe an irregular shaped particle is
to compare some feature of the actual particle to an imaginary spherical particle.
There are many other methods available to do this. This technique is known as
“equivalent spheres”.
The Mastersizer uses the volume of the particle to measure its size. In the
example above, the matchbox has a volume of 50 x 25 x 10mm = 12500mm3. If
the Mastersizer was able to measure this size of “particle” it would take this
volume and calculate the diameter of an imaginary sphere that is equivalent in
volume - in this case it will be a sphere of about 30mm diameter.
Obviously the answer will be different if the surface area or maximum dimension
of the matchbox is used to calculate an equivalent sphere. All of these answers
are correct but each is measuring a different aspect of the matchbox. We can
therefore only seriously compare measurements that have been measured using
the same technique.
It is interesting to compare this with other techniques. Sieving would pass the
particles through a 20mm aperture and classify them as 20mm. Sedimentation
would give a result related to the total surface area, in this case reporting a
diameter of around 40mm.
If there’s a need to correlate laser diffraction results with values from some other
technique, consider applying a shape correction using the Result Modification
procedure built into the Malvern software.
Optical models
This section contrasts the Fraunhofer approximation used in some instruments
with the Mie theory which underpins Mastersizer 2000 operation.
Fraunhofer approximation
Older instruments and some existing instruments rely on the Fraunhofer
approximation only. This assumes that:
* The particle is much larger than the wavelength of light employed. ISO 13320
defines this as being greater than 40x wavelength (25µm when a He-Ne laser is
These assumptions are incorrect for many materials and for small particles they
can give rise to errors approaching 30%, especially when the relative refractive
index of the material and medium is close to unity, or when the particles are
When the particle size approaches the wavelength of light the scattering
efficiency becomes a complex function with maxima and minima present.
Mie theory
The Mastersizer 2000 uses the full Mie theory which completely solves the
equations for interaction of light with matter. This allows completely accurate
results over a large size range.
A standard set of particles is available for selection in the SOP (presented in the
first Analysis dialogue). More can be defined by a user, but the following
parameters must be specified accurately:
*Refractive Index (Real) – describes the amount of scattering that takes place as a
result of light interacting with the particle.
*Density – the density in g/cm3 - This is used to calculate the Specific Surface
Area (SSA). Users who want to include the SSA as a derived parameter must
complete this field.
The residual shown in the Measurement Parameters view indicates how well the
calculated data fitted the measurement data.
This value is needed by both the Fraunhofer approximation and the Mie theory.
A generally held view has been that the 3–30 mm fraction makes a major
contribution to 28-day strength.
Kuhlmann et al. (1985) obtained results with different size fractions which supported
this and noted the importance of the <3 mm range in achieving a high 1-day
While a relationship between surface and 2-day strength would hold for a simple
Portland cement, for a cement with more than a few percent of another ‘more easily
ground than clinker’ constituent, the residue is more relevant since it is ‘wasted’
clinker that predominates in the coarse fraction. This importance of residues is
displayed in 2-day strength data (Figure 5.5) from production of Portland cement.
Measuring Principle:
• In a laser diffraction measurement a laser beam passes through a dispersed
particulate sample and the angular variation in intensity of the scattered light
is measured.
• Large particles scatter light at small angles relative to the laser beam and
small particles scatter light at large angles.
• The angular scattering intensity data is then analyzed to calculate the size of
the particles that created the scattering pattern using the Mie theory of light
**-: Thanks:-**