Indian History Congress: Prof. Mahalakshmi Ramakrishnan

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(Established, 1935)

Prof. Mahalakshmi Ramakrishnan Room No. 306, 3rd Floor,

Secretary Centre for Historical Studies, SSS-III,
Jawaharlal Nehru University,
New Delhi – 110067


Madras Christian College, Chennai
27-29 DECEMBER 2022
30 July 2022
Dear Colleagues,

I am happy to inform you that the 81st session of the Indian History Congress is scheduled to be held
from 27th to 29th December, 2022, at the Madras Christian College, Chennai (Tamil Nadu). I trust all our members
(and those who are now applying for membership) will be able to make their travel arrangements well in time
upon receipt of this circular, which has also been put up on our website:

Dr. R. Venkataramanujam, the Local Secretary of the 81st Session, will be sending the circular regarding
the arrangements at Chennai and the Delegate fee by end September. He may be contacted by email on:

The following will be the General President, Sectional Presidents, Office-bearers and Members of the
Executive Committee at the 81st Session

General President : Professor Kesavan Veluthat (Kerala),who will take over from
Professor Amiya Kumar Bagchi, General President of 80th session

Sectional Presidents

I. Ancient India : Dr. Malini Adiga (Karnataka)

II. Medieval India : Professor Ishrat Alam (Aligarh)
III. Modern India : Professor Salil Misra (Delhi)
IV. Countries Other than India : Professor Margit Koves (Delhi)
V. Archaeology : Professor Bishnupriya Basak (Kolkata)
VI. Contemporary India : Professor Sudha Pai (Delhi)


Vice-Presidents : Professor Irfan Habib (Aligarh)

Professor K.M. Shrimali (Delhi)
Secretary : Professor Mahalakshmi Ramakrishnan (Delhi)
Treasurer : Dr. Burton Cleetus (Delhi)
Joint Secretaries : Professor Dayanand Roy (Bhagalpur)
Professor Bodh Prakash (Delhi) [In-charge, Permanent Office]

Members of the Executive Committee

1. Professor Aditya Mukherjee (Delhi) 2. Professor Shireen Moosvi (Aligarh)

3. Professor C.P.N. Sinha (Muzaffarpur) 4. Professor O.P. Srivastava (Allahabad)
5. Professor Arun Bandopadhyaya (Kolkata) 6. Professor Dharmendra Kumar (Darbhanga)
7. Professor Shyam Narayan Lal (Jammu) 8. Professor Chandi Prasad Nanda (Cuttack)
9. Professor Ajay Kumar Ghosh (Bhopal) 10. Professor S.Z.H. Jafri (Delhi)
11. Dr. K.K. Mandal (Bhagalpur) 12. Professor Hitendra Patel (Kolkata)
13. Professor Tejimala Gurung Nag (Shillong) 14. Professor Ravindran Gopinath (Kannur)
15. Professor Susnata Das (Kolkata) 16. Professor Sanjay Subodh (Hyderabad)
17. Professor Sudhir Kumar Singh (Itanagar) 18. Professor Farhat Hasan (Delhi)
19. Professor G.J. Sudhakar (Chennai) 20. Professor S.A.N. Rezavi (Aligarh)

Please find below the requisite information for members and applicants for membership who wish to
attend the 81st Session.

Only those who are members of the Indian History Congress can become delegates at the session. If you
have already enrolled yourself as a member for any previous session of the Indian History Congress, your
Membership Number should be in the receipt given to you; in case of any difficulties, you may contact us
( It is essential that while sending us your renewal remittance you should
mention this membership number along with your name. For membership renewal, please remit Rs. 250/- by
the Online Payment Link ( provided on the IHC official website
or by aDemand Draft, drawn in favour of ‘Indian History Congress’ (Draft payable at Delhi). The draft should
be sent to Dr Burton Cleetus, Treasurer, Indian History Congress, Room No. 306, 3rd Floor, SSS-III, Centre
for Historical Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi - 110067. We regret that money orders and
cheques cannot be accepted. The last date for receipt of renewal fee for entitlement to voting rights at the 81st
session is 30th November 2022.
In case of delay in submission of membership fee, the member can avail of spot registration, and be a
delegate and participate in the academic proceedings of the 81stsession.
If you know of any member who has not received this circular because his or her email address has
changed, or for any other reason, please ask the member concerned to provide the correct present address by
registering online (link above) or by sending an email to so that we can update our
We urge upon you to invite your colleagues to become members of the Indian History Congress
and for this purpose to pass on to them the enclosed Enrolment Application Form, which can also be
photocopied or downloaded from our website, to fill in their particulars and apply for initial membership.
The requirements for initial membership are given below.

Anyone wishing to enroll as an ordinary member for the first time has to fill the Enrolment Application
Form. Kindly provide all the information and documentary requirements, including provision of photograph and
documentary evidence of degree, etc. The initial membership fee is Rs. 300/-, which should be remitted exactly
in the manner indicated in the application form.
The Demand Draft for the fee (Rs. 300/-) should be drawn in favour of “Indian History Congress”,
(Draft payable at Delhi) and sent to Prof. Mahalakshmi Ramakrishnan, Secretary, Indian History Congress,
Room No. 306, 3rd Floor, SSS-III, Centre for Historical Studies, J.N.U., New Delhi – 110067. The last date
for receipt of Enrolment Application Form and membership fee remittance for initial members for the 81st session
is 31st October 2022.

An ordinary member who has renewed membership for three consecutive years may apply for Life
Membership using the same Enrolment Application Form.
The Life Membership fee is Rs. 5,000/- payable in one sum for the entire lifetime, made in favour of the “Indian
History Congress” (Draft payable at Delhi). The Application Form with the Demand Draft may be sent to Prof.
Mahalakshmi Ramakrishnan, Secretary, Indian History Congress, Room No. 306, 3rd Floor, SSS-III,
Centre for Historical Studies, J.N.U., New Delhi - 110067. The present ordinary membership number should
be clearly mentioned, and copies of membership fee receipts attached.

Academic institutions can become members, or renew their membership on payment of Rs. 1200/- for the annual
session. They may depute a representative to participate in the session and receive the Proceedings volume. Such
institutions that are not yet members and desire membership are invited to write to the Treasurer for details by
using the enclosed form, and dispatching the membership fee by Demand Draft drawn in favour of “Indian
History Congress” (Draft payable at Delhi) to Dr Burton Cleetus, Treasurer, Indian History Congress, Room
No. 306, 3rd Floor, SSS-III, Centre for Historical Studies, J.N.U., New Delhi - 110067.


There are six sections in the annual session of the Indian History Congress, where papers will be presented
simultaneously: I. Ancient India, II. Medieval India, III. Modern India, IV. History of Countries other than India,
V. Archaeology, VI. Contemporary India*.
Note: *Contemporary India covers the period since 1947

Every copy of the paper submitted for presentation at the 81stsession, should bear the full names of the
author/ authors, membership number and e-mail ID, and place of work/ residence at the top of the first
page, along with the Section at which the member wishes to present the paper. Members are requested to
only submit their papers ONLINE to the Secretary <> as well as to Professor
Shireen Moosvi, In-charge (Publications, IHC), at <>. Papers received later cannot be
included in the List of Papers of the session. Papers received till 30th November, 2022 will get precedence and
be accommodated on the first two days of the session. Papers received after the last date fixed will be listed
separately in the Supplementary List and will only be accommodated, time permitting, on the last day.
More than one paper by a member would not be admissible in the same Section.

The following additional points should be borne in mind, while submitting papers:
1. Papers must be written in English, must be word-processed and double-spaced. The paper should be sent only
in WORD file. Please do not send the soft copy of the paper in PDF format.
2. Word limit: 3500 words (including endnotes). Any paper exceeding this limit will not be eligible for
inclusion in the Proceedings.
3. References should be double-spaced and put at the end of the paper, and numbered continuously through the
whole paper (not per page).
4. In references to printed books, the conventional system should be used: Name of the author, Title of the book,
Publisher, and the Place and Year of publication, in that order. Well-known abbreviations for journals, e.g., JIH,
JASB, JRAS, EI, IHR, IESHR, JESHO, should be used without further explanation of the abbreviation. Use of
forms like 'ibid.', 'op. cit.', is recommended for saving space.
5. Transliteration should be uniform and according to any one of the standard systems. Diacritical marks are
essentialfor papers submitted to Sections I and II.
6. If maps, diagrams, and photographs are furnished, these should be limited in number, and be in such form as to
be ready for printing.
7. A HARD COPY of the paper must be submitted by the member at the time of the presentation to the President
of the section.
Note: A List of Papers will be available online on the IHC website by 15th December, 2022 for the delegates of
the 81st session to check the inclusion of their names. The Supplementary List of Papers will be available on 26th
December, 2022, at the venue. Every attempt will be made to include in the printed volume of the Proceedings all
papers recommended for publication by the Sectional Presidents and referees. Due to problems of space the
selection may be limited, andindividual papers may be edited and reduced in length. Members are requested to
kindly bear with this.

Our members would be happy to know that the Proceedings of the Indian History Congress is included in the
University Grants Commission-Care List.
Members are reminded that past PIHC volumes are available in the JSTOR archive, and can be consulted
online at


There are a number of prizes for the best papers submitted at the Indian History Congress session in particular
sections or fields of history by members who are not above the age of 45 years. To be considered, papers should
be submitted before the last date notified (30th November 2022). Proof of age (copy of Aadhaar Card or PAN Card
or Passport page or High School Certificate) is required to be attached to the papers submitted. Please note,
however, that there is no age-bar for Prize No. 8.
1. Professor Vijay Kumar Thakur Memorial Prize, Rs. 10,000/- for the best paper submitted for Section I
(Ancient India).
2. Professor J.S. Grewal Prize, Rs. 10,000/- for the best paper submitted for Section II (Medieval India).
3. Professor Partha Sarathi Gupta Memorial Prize, Rs. 10,000/- for the best paper submitted for Section III
(Modern India) and Section IV (Countries other than India).
4. Professor J. C. Jha Memorial Prize, Rs. 10,000/- for the best paper submitted for Section III (Modern India)
and SectionIV (Countries other than India).
5. Professor Sudhir Ranjan Das Memorial Prize, Rs. 10,000/- for the best paper submitted for Section V
6. Professor Papiya Ghosh Memorial Prize, Rs. 15,000/- for the best paper submitted for Section VI
(Contemporary India).
7. Professor B. B. Chaudhuri Prize, Rs. 10,000/- for the best paper submitted on Economic and Social History
ofIndia (Ancient, Medieval and Modern).
8. Dr. I.G. Khan Memorial Prize, Rs. 15,000/- for the best paper submitted on History of Science and
Technology (No age bar).
9. Dr. Nasreen Ahmad Memorial Prize, Rs. 7,500/- for the best paper on Gender History.
10. Professor O.P. Jaiswal Prize, Rs. 7,500/- for the best paper submitted on the Indian National Movement.
11. Dr. Gyaneshwari Devi Memorial Prize, Rs. 7,500/- for the best paper based on Archival / Epigraphic data.

For consideration for any of the prizes above, a member must indicate on the submitted paper, next to the title,
the award/s for which it is to be considered and attach with it an age proof document (not required for No. 8).
The announcement and conferment of prizes on papers submitted at the 80th session will be made at the 81stsession.
Professor M. Athar Ali Memorial Prize, Rs. 20,000/- will be awarded at the forthcoming session for the best
paper submitted at the 80th session. There is no age-bar, and no application should be made.
It is expected that the printed volume of the Proceedings of the 80th session (Kannur University) will be ready (in
the form of a limited printed copy for free distribution among members such as were on rolls at the 80th session)
at the forthcoming (81st) session at the Madras Christian College, Chennai. Any member who did not attend the
80th session but had renewed the membership for the year, and who are unable to attend the 81st session can obtain
a copy of the Proceedings by sending Rs. 250/- for postal and handling charges. Any query about volumes of the
Proceedings of any of the past sessions, which a member has not been able to obtain, may be sent to Dr. Bodh
Prakash, Joint Secretary Indian History Congress, Room No. 306, 3rd Floor, Centre for Historical Studies, SSS-
III, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi – 110067. You may alternately send an email to:

The Indian History Congress is the major professional organization of Indian historians which has for
the last eighty-seven years consistently stood for the furtherance of rational and scientific enquiry, and promoted
the professional interests of historians as teachers and researchers. Its success in pursuit of these objectives
depends entirely on your support for this organization and its cause.

Looking forward to meet you at Chennai.

With warm regards and good wishes,
Yours sincerely,

(Prof. Mahalakshmi Ramakrishnan)


Please visit our website at

Indian History Congress
One self-attested copy
of the applicant’s
photograph to be pasted
(for office use only) here.
Application for
Initial/ Institutional /
Life Membership* Membership No. ………………………
(See the Eligibility Conditions and Procedure overleaf before filling up this Form)

All applicants may please sign the declaration overleaf.

Initial Membership Fee : Rs. 300/-

Renewal Membership Fee : Rs. 250/-
Institutional Membership Fee : Rs. 1200/-
Life Membership Fee : Rs. 5000/-

Payment for membership will be accepted only through DD

1. Name in full (Capital letters)…………………………………………………………………………

2. Academic qualifications (**)………………………………………………………………….……..
3. List of publications, if any (Attach separate sheet, if necessary)…………………………………….
4. Occupation/ Academic Designation, and Institutional Name and Address, if employed……………
5. Date of birth / /
Note: Members applying for Life membership need not fill column nos. 2, 3, 4 & 5 but should give their
Ordinary membership No. ......................................... Initial Date of Membership / /

6. Address for correspondence (Capital letters only) ……………………………………………………......

……………………………………………………… PIN…………… State………….……………
7. Email ID: ………………………………………………………………………………….
8. Contact No: …………………………Mobile:…………………………………………….

9. MO/ DD Amount Rs.: ……………….. MO/ DD No. ……………………………..……..

DD Drawn on (Bank Name & Address)…..…………..………………………………………….….

Note: Demand Draft is to be enclosed with the form, and to be drawn in favour of “Indian History Congress”,
payable at Delhi.

10. For Initial Membership

Proposed by (Name with Address)…………………………………………....………………………..…..
Years of Membership…………………….… Membership No…………………………………………….
Seconded by (Name with Address)……………..……………………………...………...…………………
Years of membership …………….....….. Membership No …………………………...…………………..

Applicant’s Signature ..................................................................................... Date / /

* Strike out whichever is not applicable. Ordinary membership has to be renewed annually. Non members
cannot apply for Life Membership. Only those who have taken Annual Membership for 3 consecutive years
are eligible for Life Membership.
** See Eligibility Conditions overleaf.

 Institutions applying for membership should fill columns Nos. 1 & 6 only.
 Last Date for Initial Membership Enrolment is 31st October, 2022.
 Last Date for Renewal & Life Membership Enrolment is 30th November,
Eligibility Conditions For Initial Membership
An application for initial membership will be accepted if the applicant (a) holds at least a post-graduate degree in History or is
undertaking research leading to M.Phil./Ph.D. degree in an allied field; or (b) has published a book or an academic paper on a
historical theme (full reference to be provided).
The Secretary is authorized to reject an application if none of the above criteria is met, or for any other reason, provided that an appeal for review of
the decision may be made by the applicant to the Executive Committee, which may consider it either at its next meeting or by correspondence.

I, ...................................................................................., hereby declare that the particulars given in this application are correct to the
best of my knowledge.

Date / / (Signature of the Applicant)

Documents For Initial Enrolment

Self-attested copies of documents in support of the eligibility conditions specified above; two self-attested photographs (passport-size).
Membership is to be proposed and seconded by existing Annual or Life Members on this form. Only such members of the Congress as are
eligible for holding office and participating in its Business Meetings under Clause 5 (b) of the Constitution can propose or second an
application for initial membership.

Incomplete applications are liable to be rejected.

For any queries, send an email to:
Please post this form with requisite enclosures to:

Prof. Mahalakshmi Ramakrishnan

Indian History Congress
Room No. 306, Centre for Historical Studies,
SSS – III, Jawaharlal Nehru University,
New Delhi - 110067

Any dispute regarding membership will be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts at Delhi.

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