Policy and Procedure Manual: (A Unit of Hindustan Group of Institutions)
Policy and Procedure Manual: (A Unit of Hindustan Group of Institutions)
Policy and Procedure Manual: (A Unit of Hindustan Group of Institutions)
(Affiliated to Anna University, Approved by Government of Tamil Nadu & AICTE – New Delhi)
Website: www.kcgcollege.ac.in
Chapters Contents Page No
III Preliminary 14 to 16
XIV Library 73
The Hindustan Group of Institutions was founded in 1966 by Late Dr. K.C.G.Verghese. Way back in the sixties, he created the
need for an institution that offers non formal technical education and set up Hindustan Engineering Training Centre (HETC).
Today, the Hindustan Group includes several institutions unified by the founder's vision of imparting quality education in the
fields of Engineering, Aviation, Applied Sciences and Management. Each of these institutions has ideal infrastructure and is
committed to promoting quality learning, making the Hindustan Group a force to reckon with, in the field of education.
Your presence on our campus, we are sure, will add more value to our services both to the students and to the society
at large. Our core philosophy is rooted in the belief that education, beyond imparting knowledge must nurture the
holistic development of the entire personality. Together we shall strive to fulfill the expectations of the students, parents,
our management and society. We wish you a long and fruitful career as part of the Hindustan family.
KCG College of Technology, formerly known as National Institute of Technology and Science, was founded
in 1998 to fulfill the Founder-Chairman's vision of “Making Every Man a Success and no Man a Failure”. It is
a Christian minority institution, affiliated to Anna University, Chennai and approved by AICTE, New Delhi
vide Lr. No.730-52-307 (E)/ET/97 dated 19-12-1997 and Govt. of Tamil Nadu, vide Lr. No.G.O.Ms.No.109
dated 23-03-1998. The College has been certified as an ISO 9001:2008 Institution.
The College is affiliated to Anna University, Chennai as per the Government of Tamil Nadu notification for conducting
four year B E./ B Tech Degree Programs and two year M E Programs.. Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and
Electronics Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering courses of
this College have been accredited by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA) & Institute of Engineers.
The campus of KCG College of Technology is beautifully landscaped in a lush green stretch of land spread over 50
acres at Karapakkam, which is about 10 km from Adyar on the Rajiv Gandhi Salai (Old Mahabalipuram Road), the IT
corridor of Chennai. The college operates a fleet of buses connecting all parts of the city for the convenience of the
students and staff. Besides this, the college is well connected to different parts of the city by public transport buses.
Website: www.kcgcollege.ac.in
The smooth running of the college is facilitated by three committees - the Governing Council, the
Management Team and the Staff Council. The Governing Council and the Management Team function
under the able administration of the Chairperson of Hindustan Group of Institutions (HGI), Dr Elizabeth
Verghese, former Joint Chief Engineer of the Highways Department, Government of Tamil Nadu.
KCG College of Technology was founded by Late Dr K C G Verghese, eminent educationalist and philanthropist in 1998. Dr
KCG Verghese‟s noble vision, innovative mind, untiring enthusiasm, profound commitment to the cause of education, and
leadership qualities made him translate his dreams into reality and achieve wonders in the field of higher education. His Vision
statement “To Make Every Man A Success, No Man A Failure” clearly defines the mission of teachers. We seek to produce
graduates who will think innovatively, communicate effectively, act ethically and participate meaningfully in a rapidly changing
world. Today, KCG College of Technology acts as a springboard for thousands of aspirants for a worldwide career.
B E – Mechanical Engineering
B E – Electrical & Electronics Engineering AICTE Approval dated 19-Dec-97 for
1998-99 B E – Electronics & Communication Engineering commencement of courses
B E – Computer Science & Engineering
Launching of Innovation Cell and Entrepreneur Cell
2009-10 Anna University Permanent Affiliation –
B E – Computer Science & Engineering Letter dated 29-Dec-09
AICTE Approval dated 23-Aug-10 for
2010-11 M E – Computer Science
commencement of course
In addition to the above, the Institution has the following Anna University Recognized
Research Centers for Ph D Programs –
Renewable energy club was started on March 2007 at our college with the grants of MNES and TEDA,
the club was formerly inaugurated by Dr. R. Sethumathavan, Professor, Centre of Energy Studies,
Anna University. The Institute is also a member of NEN and has an active i-Cell and e-Cell.
All the students graduating from KCG College of Technology are automatically enrolled as members of
Alumni Association. The alumni members will have access to the use of college facilities such as
library, gym, tennis court, etc. The members meet periodically and share their experiences.
MoUs have been signed with the following companies (to name a few):
Invictus Technology Solutions
Ramco Systems
Hare Information Technology Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Infosys Technologies Limited
Omnex Quality Academy India Pvt.Ltd.
Kriatec Services (P) Limited
CADD Centre Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Nirmal Biogen Technology
LinuXpert Systems
Energreen Power Ltd.
Enkem Engineers Pvt. Ltd.
Barry Wehmiller International Resources
Caddam Technologies
NIIT – Prometric
Active member of National Entrepreneurship Network
Associated with Infosys for Campus Connect and Wipro for Mission 10X
Active i-cell & e-cell to enhance innovative abilities of the students.
Funding from department of Science & Technology, Govt of India to establish
Innovation Entrepreneurship Development Centre.
Central Leather Research Institute
SJMSOM (IIT Bombay) - to name a few.
The following systems are available in the campus to enable effective communication.
Intercom facility
LAN – Local Area Network
Internet Service and intranet service.
E-mail – Each staff has an official email ID
Phone calls (Only for official purpose)
Wi –Fi access
The Policy & Procedure Manual of KCG College of Technology (KCG) is based upon the belief that the
success of the Institution is primarily dependent on its staff and that the development of their potential is
beneficial both to staff as well as the Institution.
Based on the above, a comprehensive set of Polices and Procedure Instructions has been laid down in the subsequent pages
of this Manual which aims at attracting, retaining and motivating staff to achieve higher goals and attain greater opportunities
for advancement in their career with the Institution. Management and employees are required to comply with the policies and
procedures of this Manual. This Manual supersedes all previous Policies and Procedures approved and or communicated.
The Institution reserves the right to amend or update the contents of this Manual to reflect current
conditions. Employees will be notified in writing of any changes implemented.
This Manual is a private and confidential document and is the sole property of the Institution. It is not
intended for public circulation. All employees are required to sign a Code of Conduct and a
Confidentiality Agreement, to protect the confidentiality of the Institution's information.
No part of this Manual should be copied, reproduced, distributed, or printed without prior approval of the
Principal. Contents of this Manual are confidential and are intended for internal use only.
This Manual may be reviewed every three years or at shorter intervals if deemed necessary.
Human Resources Department will initiate the review of this manual and seek appropriate approvals.
Any amendments to this manual altering the benefits, perquisites or other terms of employment of the
staff will require the approval as per the Director & CEO / Chairperson.
The Governing Council (GC) shall be the final authority in interpreting the meaning of the substantive
aspects mentioned in this Manual in the event of any doubt in interpretation.
Any dispensation from the Manual will require the approval of the Director & CEO / Chairperson.
The Human Resources Department is the custodian of this Manual. All enquiries and matters related to
this Manual should be addressed to the Chief HR Officer of the Group. Each HR Manual will be
individually numbered. The HR Division will maintain a record of the distribution of the HR Manual.
All updates will reflect the revision date and will be copied to the authorized users as mentioned above.
The CHRO will maintain a record of all updates to the HR Manual and circulate all revisions and updates.
“To make every man a success and no man a failure”
KCG aspires to become a globally recognized centre of excellence for science, technology & engineering education,
committed to quality teaching, learning and research while ensuring for every student a unique educational experience
which will promote leadership, job creation, social commitment and service to nation building.
KCG College of Technology, committed to achieving excellence in technical education and producing
responsible citizens and progressive leaders, strives to achieve the institution goal by
Focusing on the overall development of the students and strengthening their capacities and leadership abilities
Creating a conducive environment for effective teaching, active learning and purposeful research
Incorporating value-added programs to the curriculum and improving the job prospects of the students
Periodically evaluating the effectiveness of the programs offered at the institute and responding
positively to the needs of the industry
Exposing the students to the challenges of the twenty-first century and providing them with opportunities to think
innovatively and to demonstrate their entrepreneurship skills to contribute effectively to the growth of the nation, and
Continuously benchmarking the institution against premier institutions to adopt the best
practices for quality improvement.
1. To provide quality human resources (both Teaching and Non-Teaching) to the Institution
based on the manpower requirement through an effective selection process.
2. To enrich all the staff members by providing need-based training in order to develop their
skills, personality and factors required for their respective profession.
3. To motivate staff members to pursue higher studies (P G / Ph D)
4. To promote Staff Welfare Programs and to create a progressive environment in the Institution.
5. To monitor the staff performance and to reward the best performers and take measures to
improve the performance level of the average / low performers.
6. To recognize the service of the staff members and to motivate them through a rewarding system.
1.1 “Governing Council” (GC) is the principal organ of the Management of KCG, and gives the
approval for all academic and administrative matters.
1.2 “Chairman” means the Chairman / Chairperson of the Governing Council who shall also be the
Chairperson of the Institution, by virtue of the office held by him / her.
1.3 “Premises” means the entire premises of the office of KCG, which includes departments, labs, classrooms, sections
and other places both inside and outside, residential quarters, guest houses, hostel buildings, canteen, play area,
Campus / Department Stores and such other areas and precincts attached to the office of KCG.
1.4 “Management” means, the members of the Management Team (MT), viz., Chairperson /
Director & CEO / Directors and any other person(s) vested with the authority to enforce the
Rules and Regulations governing the Staff Service Rules.
1.5 “Appointing Authority, Disciplinary Authority, Competent Authority”, under these rules means
Director & CEO, Directors, Principal, Vice Principal, Registrar, Deans, Heads of Departments or
any authority empowered and vested with powers by the GC to be of service to KCG.
1.6 “Appellate Authority” means authority higher than the Competent Authority (Chairperson).
1.7 “Selection Committee” means the authority nominated by the Management to select candidates
for filling up the vacancies in KCG.
1.8 “Appraisal / Promotional Committee” is the Committee nominated by the Management to recommend to
the Competent Authority, promotions or special increments, on the basis of performance reports.
1.10 “Establishment / Institution / College” means KCG, its branches and other units or institutions
run / owned / managed by KCG in India and abroad.
1.11 The words “Employer”, “Management” and “KCG” shall for all purposes mean the same (i.e.) the
Management of KCG, unless it connotes differently in a particular context in which case it will be
noted and given the due emphasis as and when required.
1.12 “Notice” means a Memo or Memorandum in writing required to be given or posted or exhibited on the
Notice Board or published in Newspapers for the purpose of the rules pertaining to Human Resources.
1.13 “Notice Board” means the notice board specially maintained in a designated and conspicuous
place within the premises of KCG for the purpose of displaying notice(s).
1.14 “Habitual” means any act of fault or misconduct or omission committed by a person or group for
a minimum of three times and within a period of 3 (three) months.
1.15 Masculine terms include the feminine gender as well with no reservation whatsoever unless otherwise mentioned.
1.17 “Salary” means all remuneration earned which comprises basic salary, Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance,
Conveyance Allowance, Special Allowance, and any other allowance per month exclusive of overtime payment.
1.19 “Absence from work” shall mean unauthorized absence from the work place, late attendance or
leaving the work place early without the explicit approval of the Management / Principal / Registrar.
(a) Permanent
(b) Probationer
(c) Temporary
(d) Adjunct
(e) Part Time
(f) Visiting
(g) On-Contract
(h) Casual
(i) Substitute
(j) Trainee
2.2 A “Permanent” employee means one who has completed the specified period of probation or the extended period
of probation, satisfactorily, and been given the confirmation in writing by the Principal / Registrar.
2.3 A “Probationer” employee means one who is appointed on probation but not given the confirmation in writing
by the Principal / Registrar.
(NOTE: A permanent employee on probation in a new or higher post will be deemed to be on probation for a limited
period of time and suitability in the new or higher post. However, for all other purposes he will be entitled to the
benefits of a confirmed employee.)
2.4 A “Temporary” employee is an employee who has been engaged for work which is of an essentially
temporary nature likely to be completed within a limited period. The person so engaged will not have any right to
either a permanent or temporary post which may arise in future.
2.5 An “Adjunct” employee is a faculty hired by the Institution to teach but is not a full member of the faculty. Adjunct
Faculty is a part-time or contingent instructor. He / she should be an eminent Professional / Scientist / Engineer
having recognition at national / international level and having outstanding published work.
2.6 A “Part Time” faculty / staff means an employee engaged for work for a certain period mentioned in his
appointment order for a specific number of days in a week / month.
2.7 A “Visiting” faculty / staff means a person engaged for work on hourly basis in a day for a certain period mentioned
in his appointment order.
2.8 An “On-Contract” employee means a person appointed on contractual employment for a specified period.
2.9 A “Casual” employee is one who is employed on a day-to-day basis for work that is occasional or c asual in nature.
2.10 A “Substitute” employee is one who is engaged in the place of a permanent employee who is temporarily absent.
2.11 A “Trainee” employee is hired by the Institution to impart training for a particular period of time.
NOTE: Employees covered in item No. 2.4 to 2.11 are not entitled to benefits provided to other classes of employees
unless specifically provided in the letter of appointment.
1.1Official Languages
1.1.1 All written communication within the Institution will be in English or Tamil language (if required by local authorities).
1.1.2 All employees shall verbally communicate either with each other or with clients in the English or Tamil language
or the language understood by him.
1.1.3 All publications for external circulation issued by the Institution shall be reviewed by the Dean Student Affairs /
Director & CEO for English content and suitability
1.1.4 All internal communication shall be printed or written in English and in Tamil language (if required by the law).
1.1.5 All telephonic conversations regarding Institution business shall be carried out in the English or Tamil, the
language understood by the caller or receiver.
1.1.6 All e-mail, Internet, Fax or other electronic transmissions shall be carried out in the English language.
1.2.1 It is the policy of the Institution to ensure that there is a procedure for proper Telephone use and coverage for
official purpose. During scheduled working hours, telephone coverage must be maintained in all Departments.
1.2.2 Official call messages will be taken for incoming telephone calls by the Department Secretaries, if not available in the
Department / if busy in taking classes. Employees may return telephone calls immediately on return to their desk.
1.2.3 If staff is unavailable to answer the telephone, in cases where all staff is involved in an activity outside the
Department, then the Department Secretary or the Front Desk Staff is to be alerted to receive the incoming calls.
1.2.4 Visitors / Business clients should not answer telephones in the Academic Block areas but may receive calls from the
other areas of the Institution.
1.3.1 Teaching / Non-teaching Staff are advised not to attend to any calls while in the Class Rooms / Laboratories / Library.
1.3.2 The concerned Department Secretary is required to be authorized to handle emergency personal calls when the staff
is away in the Class Room / Laboratories / Library.
1.3.3 In such an event, the name and number of the caller shall be recorded, and the person
concerned will revert to the caller when free to do so.
1.3.4 All other personal calls should not be encouraged during the course of the Institution timing.
1.4.1 Only staff authorized by the Director & CEO / Director is eligible to make international calls
which are charged to the Institution.
1.4.2 Such calls may only be made only for official business purpose
1.5.1 It is advised that staff of a particular department do not proceed for a meal break in a single group.
1.5.2 In case the above occurs for other business related reasons, telephone coverage should be
ensured during the period of a meal break.
1.6.1 Staff must notify their Head of the Department / HRD of any change in their home telephone
number(s) or mobile number within immediately on change.
1.7.1 The telephone must be answered in a professional manner within the second ring.
1.7.2 The telephone is a very personal method of communicating and callers are very sensitive to the
way they are handled
1.7.3 Any staff attending a telephone call holds the responsibility of courteousness, taking messages,
providing any required help to the caller and ensuring that they follow this procedure at all times
and are made aware of their individual responsibilities for managing telephone calls.
1.8.1 It is important to ensure that there exists proper guideline for posting of Written Matter, Sheet,
Letters & other matters are properly displayed after prior approval from the Principal. Posted
material should always be displayed in English and if required in Tamil.
18 No Employee is authorized to put up any information (whether Written / Poster / Sign, etc.) on the Departmental
Notice Board, Walls, Doors, in the department without the prior approval of their Head of the Department.
. All the Employee related information displayed on the notice board should be in English. Duty Roaster and Other Employee related information could be put on the Department Notice Board
with prior approval from the Head of the Department.. All Notices / Internal Memo‟s / Advertisements
/ Announcements / Training Schedules / News / Events / College Magazines / Posters and other
information area to be posted on the Employee Notice / Bulletin Boards must be related to the
Hindustan Group / subject connected with the Students, Examinations, Competitions, etc. only. All such Notices and other information posted on the Notice / Bulletin Board must be reviewed
by the Principal / Registrar / HoD before the same is displayed. The undated Notices / Other information will remain posted for a maximum of 15 days. The Principal / Registrar / HoD will ensure that Notices and other information posted / displayed
must be for official purpose only. Advertisements / Posters / Display of information, etc of any kind from the commercial
companies will not be accepted / displayed.
1.9 Communication
1.9.1 Channels of communication within the Institution are to be Clear, comprehensive and made known to all the
Employees. These agreed channels of communication must be used and Employees are to be made aware of it.
1.9.2 It is also the aim of the Institution to inform and consult with Employees as necessary on issues that concern them.
Employees should be informed about plans, intentions and proposals that give information about the achievements
and results and with the aim of assisting employees to see how they can contribute towards achieving the
Institution‟s & Departmental goals and objectives.
1.9.3 The HoDs have a duty to ensure that all their Employees are kept informed about Employee issues and that the
communication upwards of Employees‟ comments and suggestions are encouraged and facilitated.
1.9.4 Confidentiality should be maintained in all official and Employee related matters.
1.10.1 To ensure the security of Institution premises, Employees and Property, all Employees are
required to carry identification provided by the Institution.
1.10.2 All Employees will be issued with an I.D. Card. The I.D. Card will consist of the following information:
Name, Photograph, Designation, Department, Date of Joining, Address & Blood Group.
1.10.3 Employees will be required to wear their ID Cards along with the lanyard at all times while on premises.
1.10.4 When an Employee leaves the employment of the Institution, will be required to return the I.D.
Card to the HR Department.
1.11 Fire Prevention
1.11.1 Following recommendations are to be followed by all the Departments to ensure a safe fire-free environment in
the campus:-
1.12.1 Violent acts occurring in the workplace greatly affect the individual‟s feelings of safety and security while at work and
may have far reaching effects. In order to provide Employees with a safe environment in which to work, the
Institution will not tolerate Violence or Threats of Violence in the entire workplace.
1.12.2 An act of violence may be of any physical action, whether intentional, reckless, or accidental that harms or threatens
the safety of another individual in the workplace.
1.12.3 A threat of violence includes any behavior that by its very nature could be interpreted by a reasonable person as
intent to cause physical harm to another individual.
1.12.4 Workplace includes all Institution facilities, viz., Canteen / Hostel / Campus Store / Play Area, etc., and off-campus
locations where Employees are engaged in Institution business.
1.12.5 Any person experiencing or observing acts or threats of violence should notify the HoD. Employees should also
report the event to his HR Head and Registrar or the Principal.
1.13 No Smoking
1.13.1 Smoking is prohibited in all facilities of the Institution, including buildings and offices either by the staff / students or
the visitors.
1.13.1 Any Employee finding anything in the Institution premises should deposit the same with the Vigilance Officer /
Campus Manager, who will be maintaining a register for lost and found items. The person to whom the item
belongs can claim it after proper identification of the lost item. If unclaimed, the item will be in the custody of the
security for a period of three months, after which it will be disposed of as it deems fit.
1.13.2 Any item reported as being “lost” will be investigated by Security. A box will be kept for “Lost Items”. Such box will
detail as much information as possible about the item and the circumstances surrounding its disappearance. The
loss of items of value shall be reported to the police by the Vigilance Officer, only after obtaining approval from the
Principal / Registrar.
1.14 Confidentiality
1.14.1 No staff shall divulge or use, except in furtherance of the Institution‟s interests, any business or other information
which may come to his knowledge in the course of his employment with the Institution or its associates / sister
companies. This shall apply both during the period of employment and thereafter.
1.14.2 Members of the staff, except where necessary, shall not, without the prior written consent of the Director & CEO
retain in their private possession, any papers / documents / records, etc. relating to the Institution‟s business.
All such materials shall be returned to the Institution once their work is completed and on separation.
1.15 Reporting
1.15.1 Staff members are required to report any information that they may have of any possible theft or fraud including
possibilities thereof to their HoD. Concealment of such information will be construed as misconduct.
2.1 Every member of the staff shall agree to abide by all the conditions herein stated and also such conditions as
may be stipulated from time to time by the competent authority.
2.2 Every member of the staff shall employ himself honestly, efficiently and diligently under the orders
and instructions of the Principal / Registrar or other officers under whom he shall, from time to time,
be placed. He shall discharge all duties pertaining to the office and perform in such a manner which
may be required of him or which are necessary to be done in his capacity as aforesaid.
2.3 Every member of the staff shall devote his / her duty time of the said employment and shall not, either directly or
indirectly, carry on or be concerned / involved in any trade, business or canvassing / private consulting work, private
tuition or the like of a remunerative kind or of an honorary nature without the specific written permission of the
Principal / Registrar.
2.4 Notwithstanding anything contained above, whenever any consultation work for any private firm or institution is
undertaken by the college, such members of the staff as are required will be commissioned by
the College from time to time.
2.5 Any staff member, on appointment, except on contract, shall be on probation for a period of one
year. The probation period may be extended by another year based on his / her performance.
2.6 All the teaching staff recruited as per AICTE norms shall be paid AICTE scale of pay and other
allowances as per College norms. After successful completion of probation period, contribution shall
be made by the management towards the employees‟ provident fund at a rate fixed as per EPF Act.
3.1 Staff members are covered under Provident Fund. The staff covered under the Provident Fund Scheme are
eligible for Family Pension subject to the rules of the Provident Fund. Staff members who are exempted under
this Act are also covered under the P.F.
3.2 For Non-teaching Technical and Admn Staff - Employees State Insurance benefit (ESI) is covered for those
employees who are coming under the purview of the ESI Act, 1948. The ESI benefits are Medical benefit,
Sickness benefit, Maternity benefit, Disablement benefit, Dependents benefit, funeral expenses and other
3.3 Personal Accident Insurance provided to all staff members.
3.4 Staff quarters are provided at the minimum charges towards accommodation and electricity.
3.5 Air-conditioned vehicle is provided to the HoDs, Senior Faculty members from their residence to the Campus.
3.7 Emergency loans are given to employees for medical emergencies / emergencies caused due to natural
3.9 Free boarding and Lodging for certain faculties, Staff holding Warden / Assistant Warden post.
3.10 Separate quarter is provided to the Security Guards / Campus Driver in the Institution Campus free of cost.
3.11 Free / Subsidized food and free accommodation are provided to the Maintenance staff staying in the hostel.
3.14 Provision of a separate a/c Dining Hall for the benefit of staff members.
3.15 Rs. 2,500/- is given as death relief to the staff (depending upon the category) in the event of the death of their
parents, spouse or children. In case of the death of an employee, the Institution takes care of a sizeable portion of
the expenses for funeral, etc.,
3.16 In the event of the death of an employee, while in service his dependent will be considered for employment,
depending on individual merits subject to the availability of the posts.
3.17 The Drivers / select staff are given ex-gratia amount not exceeding one month Basic Pay and D.A during Deepavali
3.18 Three sets of stitched uniforms are provided to the supporting staff and the maintenance staff per academic year.
3.19 One pair of Shock Proof Shoes with two pairs of socks are provided to. Electricians. Attenders / Security Guards
and Drivers are also given one pair of shoes and two pairs of socks.
3.20 Free Tea / Coffee is provided to the Administrative staff during both the sessions.
3.21 Medical Room is available in the campus. Free consultations and free treatment and medicine are provided
by the Doctor to the staff and students.
3.22 Staff and students are permitted free travel by for Training Programs, meetings, etc.,
3.24 Special permission is granted to the staff participating in indoor or outdoor games during intercollegiate
Imprest cash is given to each HoD to meet out urgent requirements like permitting staff members to attend
/ Workshop within Chennai, conveyance for arranging guest lecture, consumable purchase of
small value, maintenance and upkeep of their departments, etc. Imprest amount should not be
used for capital purchase under any circumstances.
Selection of staff is one of the most strategic and significant determinants of whether an Institution will
succeed or fail. It is vital to ensure that the following policy is implemented throughout the Institution.
1.1 All appointments of employees will be made in writing by the Appointing Authority for different cadres and
classification of employees.
1.2 Appointment of employees shall be made by the Appointing Authority on the basis of the choice of applicants made
by the Selection Committee.
1.3 Recruitment of employees shall be made from one or more of the following sources:
(a) Direct recruitment from outside through open advertisement in the press prescribing qualifications, experience,
etc., subject to the guidelines issued from time to time.
(b) Promotion of existing employees from the lower cadres as per Promotion Policy.
(c) From any other source as determined by the Appointing Authority.
1.4 Each staff should serve for at least a minimum period of one academic year or as per the terms and conditions
mentioned in his Appointment Order.
1.5 Minimum Qualification for each Teaching Post:
Qualification Experience
First Class Degree either in Bachelors or in Master Degree in Engineering / Technology, MCA,
M Phil (S & H) 0 – 5 years
Qualification Experience
First Class Degree either in Bachelors or in Master Degree in
Engineering / Technology 5 years
Qualification Experience
4. Associate Professor:
Qualification Experience
Ph D Degree with first class Bachelor‟s or Master‟s Degree in
5 years
Engineering / Technology
First Class Master Degree in Engineering / Technology + Ph
D Registration / Completion of Course Work and Publication 15 years
of 1 International Journal
Ph D Degree with first class Bachelor‟s or Master‟s Degree in
12 years
5. Professor:
Qualification Experience
Ph D Degree with first class Bachelor‟s or Master‟s 10 years of teaching / research / industry experience out
Degree in Engineering / Technology, of which 5 years as Associate Professor.
Ph D Degree with first class Bachelor‟s or Master‟s
17 years experience
Degree in S&H / MCA,
6. Adjunct Faculty:
Qualification Experience
10 – 15 years of experience from industry / organization
satisfying the following norms –
Experience Weightage
Teaching experience in Polytechnic / Arts & Science Half of the Actual experience (50%) – however in certain
College / Private Institutes / Schools / General Industry meritorious cases, 100% weightage was given as last
For the purpose of calculation of experience, documentary evidence such as Appointment Order /
Relieving Order and Experience Certificate is mandatory. Principal / HR Department will decide on the
actual experience taking into account the proof submitted. Only completed year of service will be taken
into account for the purpose of salary fixation – if a person has 6.10 years experience, it will be construed
as 6 years experience only. However in certain cases, the 10 month experience was considered as one
full year and full weightage would be given for Industry / other teaching experience.
(i) At the end of each semester, the HoDs review the staff position in their departments and
prepare a manpower requirement list.
(ii) The manpower requirement list is presented to the Principal.
(iii) The Principal discusses the requirement in the HoD‟s meeting and finalize the decision, taking
into account the increase in in-take / new course / staff leaving, etc.
(iv) The manpower requirement list is forwarded to the Management Team for approval. After the
approval, advertisements are released in the leading newspapers.
(v) The applications received are duly scrutinized.
(vi) Letters of intimation are sent to the Staff Selection Committee members for attending the Selection process.
(vii) Shortlisted applicants are intimated to attend the interview on a specified date and time.
(viii) The choice is made by the Selection Committee after interviewing the eligible candidates for a considerable
period of time. A test may be conducted, if required.
(ix) The Selection Committee finalizes the selection of candidates,
(x) The selected candidates will be given the Offer of Appointment by the Department of HRD,
subject to the submission of the candidate‟s degree certificate in the original.
(xi) Candidates sign the duplicate copy of the Offer of Appointment and submit their degree original
certificate as a token of acceptance of the offer.
(xii) Upon joining, the selected candidates are issued with the Appointment Order and are requested
to fill in the Joining Report which is signed by their respective HoD, Department of HRD and the
Principal in the prescribed format along with the following enclosures:
Note: Evidence of Date of Birth / Proof of Age: Every employee at the time of reporting to duty
should give a certificate / declaration of the date of birth supported by any one of the following:
The age of the employee, verified with reference to any of the above shall be the sole evidence
of the age of the employee for all purposes including appointment and retirement.
(xiii) The applications of other candidates, who could not be selected due to lack of vacancies, will be filed
separately as “Wait Listed”.
As and when required and depending on emergency / exigency situations, adhoc appointments are
made on contract basis for specified periods.
2. The meetings of the Selection Committees shall be convened by the Chairman of the Selection
Committee as and when necessary.
All positions are advertised in the press / on-line portals. After of the applications received, the eligible
scrutiny candidates are shortlisted and intimated to appear for a The Selection Committee consists of the
personal interview. following:
(i) Director & CEO – Chairman
(ii) Director – Vice Chairman
(iii) Principal
(iv) Vice Principal / Registrar
(v) Head of the Department / Senior Faculty.
(vi) Dy Registrar
1. Procedure:
1.1 The selected candidate who received the Offer letter should report for duty to the Principal on the specified date, as
mentioned in the offer letter.
1.2 The Joining Report and the Letter of Undertaking (if required) have to be filled up by the staff.
1.3 PAN Card / Aadhaar Card / Proof of Residence details should be furnished by the staff member and a copy of the
same to be submitted at the time of joining.
1.4 Each staff member is required to open a Bank account with the Union Bank of India, Guindy, Industrial Estate),
for the purpose of crediting their monthly salary. The ATM Card is also issued to the staff members for collecting
their salary.
1.5 The Appointment Order will be issued by the HR Department to the newly-joined staff who has to execute the
service contract., if required.
1.6 The HoD will brief the newly joined staff about the department formalities and the workload.
1.7 Email ID will be created for the staff by the ERP Team within a week‟s time.
1.9 Library utilization form needs to be filled up by the newly joined faculty and they will be provided with a Library ID
Card for utilizing the library resources.
1.10 Induction program will be organized by the HR Department on the subsequent week to explain the rules and
regulations of the Institution. The Induction kit will also be provided with all details.
1.11 Visiting cards for the senior staff will be provided in the specified format in the subsequent week.
2.1 A Staff Personal File for keeping the record of service of staff shall be maintained by Human
Resources (HR) Department in respect of each employee of the Institution.
2.2 The Personal File will also contain the correct address, the date of appointment, consolidated pay / the scale of pay
on which he was appointed, the increments given from time to time, leave availed of, transfer, promotions,
suspensions, punishments, dismissal, etc., The file shall be open immediately when an employee reports for duty.
2.3 Any change in the address should be intimated immediately by the employee.
2.4 All activities of an employee in his official position shall be recorded in this file, which will be
maintained by the HR Department.
3 Identity Card
3.1 Every employee shall be given an identity card, appropriate to his classification and shall wear it while on duty and
on being required to do so, show it to the person authorized by the Principal. The ID card should be worn with the
lanyard by all the staff during the working hours and during the travel time in the Institution bus.
3.2 The Identity Card shall carry the Photo of the employee, Name, Employee No., Designation, Department, Date of
Birth, Blood Group, Contact No., Residential Address. The said identity card shall be issued duly signed by the
authority concerned.
3.3 If the employee loses the identity card, the Institution shall provide him with another ID card on payment of the
requisite fee.
3.4 When an employee ceases to be in employment of the Institution, he shall surrender his ID card to the HR
Department before his accounts are settled.
1.1 All employees irrespective of their cadre will be on probation for a period of six months / one
year when they are recruited for the posts or when they are promoted to higher grade / post.
1.2 During the period of probation, the employees will be assessed on their performance.
1.3 Deficiencies in the performance will be notified to the employee concerned and he will be
advised suitably by their respective HODs to correct / rectify the same.
1.4 If, in spite of the advice, to improve his performance, he continues to be deficient in his work and
if the extension of the probation period is not recommended, the services of the employee will
be terminated without notice or reverted to the post held prior to the promotion.
1.5 Recommendation for extension of probation / confirmation of an employee shall be approved by the Registrar /
Principal. The recommendation for the extension of probation should reach the authority concerned at least one
month prior to the date of completion of probation so that a decision could be taken by the appropriate authority
in time. Reasons for recommending extension of probation must be clearly spelt out in the appraisal.
1.6 The employee concerned should be advised regarding the deficiencies in the letter extending
the probationary period.
1.7 The extension of the probation period shall be to the maximum extent of twelve months. If the
employee does not reach the expectation even at the end of the extended period of probation,
his appointment will be terminated / reverted to the post held prior to the promotion.
1.8 However, the extension or reduction of the probation period is at the discretion of the Principal.
2. Confirmation
2.1 If the performance is satisfactory, the employee will be confirmed in the service of the Institution after completion
of the probationary period. Unless a probation extension letter is issued, it would be construed that the employee‟s
service is confirmed.
2.2 In case of extension of probation for reasons whatsoever, the probation period will be extended to cover the
specified period in the Appointment Order.
3. Working Hours
3.1 The College shall function from 8.30 AM to 4.30 PM for Faculty. However for Non-teaching Technical and
Administration Staff it will be and from 8.00 AM to 5 PM. On Saturday, the Non-Teaching Technical / Admin staff
alone will work between 8.30 AM and 01.00 PM. Saturday and Sunday are holidays for Teaching Staff alone.
The Lunch break will be for 50 Minutes depending upon the Time Table for Teaching / Non-
Teaching Technical staff and between 01.00 and 01.40 pm for Admin Staff.
4. Attendance
4.1 Every employee shall ordinarily be at work in the Institution or any other designated area connected with the
Institution, at the time fixed and notified. He shall register his attendance in the Finger Print Machine and sign in
the Attendance Register maintained in the Department of HRD both in the morning as well as in the evening. The
employee shall be present punctually at the specified time at his allotted place of work. If an employee is not present
at his work place punctually, “late attendance” will be marked and the employee has to sign in the “Time In Time Out
Register”. Forfeiture of half-a-day Casual Leave will be the penalty for every three days‟ late attendance. Habitual
three days‟ late attendance or early leaving the place of work without permission will entail disciplinary action. This
will also be noted in his personal file.
4.2 Employees should normally obtain permission beforehand to arrive the Institution late or leave early.
4.3 For non-teaching staff, habitual absence or late attendance will entail penal provision.
4.4 Employees are expected to be present in their respective Departments at least 10 minutes in advance before the
working hours.
5.1 Attendance of all staff members is generated by Finger Print Attendance Recorder Machine. There are four Finger
Print Attendance Recorder machines, which record the attendance of the staff. All staff members are required to
mark their attendance both in the morning and evening sessions.
5.2 Staff who report late due to the late arrival of the College Bus shall contact the Department of HRD for regularization
of attendance.
5.3 Staff who come late due to Permission or Leave or On Duty have to sign in the “Time In and Time Out Register”
maintained at the Department of HRD.
5.4 Staff should be available in the college premises during the entire period of office hours, on all working days.
5.5 If a staff member is on any kind of leave has to be out of station, he should intimate the Principal / Registrar his exact
out station address and phone numbers in his leave application.
5.6 The staff members have to punch IN / OUT during the day or if they leave the campus even on official duty.
6. Staff Dress Code
A. Academic
B. Research and Consultancy
C. Administration
D. Extension Services
A. Academic:
C. Administration:
D. Extension Services:
Interaction with industries / service institutions, promote community service and sports activities amongst
Help, devote, Vocational services in the neighborhood, contribute towards promoting / providing non-
formal education, promote entrepreneurship and job creation.
8. General Instructions to the Faculty:
1) The faculty member should always first talk to the HoD and keep the HoD in confidence
about his professional and official activities.
2) The subjects will be allotted by the HoD after taking into account the faculty member‟s aptitude.
4) Every faculty member should maintain the students‟ attendance records manually and
the absentees roll number should be noted every day in the ERP software as soon as
the classes / laboratory hours are over.
5) Whenever a faculty member intends to take leave, the faculty member should get the
leave sanctioned in advance and with the proper alternate arrangements made for class
/ lab / invigilation. In case of emergency, the HoD or the next senior faculty must be
informed with appropriate alternate arrangements suggested.
6) The faculty member should make himself presentable. The faculty member should show
no partiality to any segment / individual student.
7) The Faculty Advisor must update the student‟s personal file regularly and put up for
inspection by HoD appropriate authority as the case may be.
9) Faculty should send progress reports to the parents periodically and update the
performance of the students.
10) Faculty should compulsorily become member in Professional Body. All Professors should be a
member in International Professional Body. Professional membership can be of different associations.
Minimum 80% of membership should be National and 20% should be International in a department.
1) Once the subject is allotted, the faculty member should prepare the lesson plan for the lecture hour.
2) The faculty member should get the lesson plan and course file approved by the HoD and
the Principal The course file should consist of the preface, previous year University
question papers, notes, handouts, OHP sheets, test / exam question papers, two model
answer scripts for each test / exam, assignments (if any), etc.
3) The students‟ Log Book must be regularly updated and put up for inspection by HoD /
Principal as the case may be.
4) The faculty member should go to the class at least five minutes early.
5) The faculty member should engage the full 50 minutes class / lab and should not leave the class early.
6) The faculty member on entering the class room should ensure the dress code, the ID
card and the general discipline of the class.
8) The faculty member should practice / rehearse the lecture well before going to the class.
9) The faculty member should make use of LCD, OHP, etc., as teaching aids in addition to
using Social Media / digital on-line tools.
10) The faculty member should encourage students to ask doubts / questions.
11) The faculty member should get feedback from students and adjust his teaching appropriately.
12) The faculty member should take care of the academically weak students and pay special
attention to their needs.
13) In analytically-oriented subjects, regular tutorials have to be conducted. The tutorial questions
have to be handed over to the students at least a week in advance of the actual class.
14) The faculty member shall give two-mark questions with answers for each unit.
15) The faculty member should sign in the class log book every day after he finishes the lecture.
16) The faculty member should interact with the Class Coordinator or Counselor and inform him
about the habitual absentees, academically weak students, objectionable behavior, etc.,
17) The faculty member should always aim for 100% pass results in his subjects and work accordingly.
18) The faculty member should visit the library regularly and read the latest journals / magazines
in his specialization field and keep him/herself abreast of the latest advancements.
19) The faculty member should make himself available to students for doubt clearance.
20) The faculty member should motivate the students and bring out the creativity / originality in them.
(c) Laboratory:
1) The faculty member handling laboratory classes must perform the experiments
personally before leaving for vacation and be experienced with the procedures before
making the students perform the experiments in the ensuing Semesters.
2) Whenever possible, additional experiments to clarify or enlighten the students must be given.
3) The lab / observation records must be corrected then and there or at least by the next lab class.
4) The faculty should ensure adherence to the lab dress code of the students in the lab.
5) For each lab there should be a Faculty In-charge and Lab In-charge.
6) The staff should ensure that adequate time is given to students for all practicals.
9.1 It is mandatory on the part of the staff members to be familiar with the Anna University current regulations
with regard to academic activities, award of internal marks, maintenance of records and attendance. A
copy of the Anna University regulations is available in each department. By visiting Anna university
website (www.annauniv.edu / www.annatech.ac.in) the updated norms are to be familiarized by all.
10.1 Every class shall have a class committee consisting of teachers of the class concerned, student representatives
and a chairperson who is not teaching the class. It is like the 'Quality Circle' (more commonly used in industries) with
the overall goal of improving the teaching-learning process.
10.2 The class committee shall be constituted within the first week of each semester. At least 4 student representatives
(usually 2 boys and 2girls) shall be included in the class committee.
10.3 The chairperson of the class committee may invite the Faculty adviser(s) and the Head of the department to the
meeting of the class committee. The functions of the class committee include –
10.4 Solving problems experienced by students in the class room and in the laboratories.
10.5 Clarifying the regulations of the degree program and the details of rules therein which should be displayed on college
10.6 Informing the student representatives the academic schedule including the dates of assessments and the syllabus
coverage for each assessment.
10.7 Informing the student representatives the details of Regulations regarding weightage used for each assessment. In
the case of practical courses (laboratory / drawing / project work / seminar etc.) the breakup of marks for each
experiment / exercise / module of work, should be clearly discussed in the class committee meeting and informed to
the students.
10.8 Analyzing the performance of the students of the class after each test and finding the ways and means of solving
problems, if any.
10.9 Identifying the weak students, if any, and requesting the teachers concerned to provide some additional help or
guidance or coaching to such weak students.
10.10 The class committee for a class under a particular branch is normally constituted by the head of the department.
However, if the students of different branches are mixed in a class (like the first semester which is generally common
to all branches), the class committee is to be constituted by the Principal.
10.11 The Principal may participate in any class committee of the institution.
10.12 The chairperson is required to prepare the minutes of every meeting, submit the same to Principal within
two days of the meeting and arrange to circulate it among the students and teachers concerned.
10.13 If there are some points in the minutes requiring action by the Management, the same shall be
brought to the notice of the Management by the Principal.
10.14 The first meeting of the class committee shall be held within one week from the date of
commencement of the semester, in order to inform the students about the nature and weightage
of assessments within the framework of the Regulations.
10.15 Two or three subsequent meetings may be held in a semester at suitable intervals.
10.16 The Class Committee Chairman shall put on the Notice Board the cumulative attendance
particulars of each student at the end of every such meeting to enable the students to know
their attendance details to satisfy the clause 6 of this Regulation.
10.17 During these meetings the student members representing the entire class, shall meaningfully
interact and express the opinions and suggestions of the other students of the class in order to
improve the effectiveness of the teaching-learning process.
11.1 Each common theory course offered to more than one discipline or group shall have a “Course Committee” with one
of them nominated as Course Coordinator.
11.2 The nomination of the course Coordinator shall be made by the HoD / Principal depending upon whether all the
teachers teaching the common course belong to a single department or to several departments.
11.3 The 'Course committee' shall meet in order to arrive at a common scheme of evaluation for the test and shall ensure
a uniform evaluation of the tests.
11.4 Where ever feasible, the course committee may also prepare a common question paper for the internal assessment
11.5 The committee on common courses, after the evaluation of the end-semester examination papers of common
courses shall decide on the range of marks for awarding letter grades as per clause
12.1 Faculty members should strictly follow the rules and regulations laid down for question paper setting, invigilation,
valuation, awarding of internal marks and matters pertaining to the examinations.
12.2 During invigilation, the faculty member should be continuously moving around. He should not sit in a place for a
prolonged time. Faculty members should maintain silence in the hall. He should watch the students closely so that
they don‟t indulge in any malpractice in the exam hall.
12.3 Whenever any malpractice is noticed, the faculty member should get a written statement from the student and
inform the University Representative / Chief Superintendent. In the case of internal test / model exams, the Class
Coordinator and the HoD concerned should be informed.
12.4 The test papers must be corrected within three days from the date of examinations and the mark list should be
submitted to the HoD who forwards it to the Principal‟s office. The corrected papers are to be handed over to the
12.5 The faculty members should be very fair and impartial in awarding the internal marks to students and also during
the valuation of the answer scripts.
13.1 Invigilators are requested to report at the examination office at 9.20 a.m. for the forenoon session and 1.20 p.m. for
the afternoon session.
13.2 Invigilators are requested to ensure that the cover given to them contains exact number of answer booklets as
number of students mentioned in the seating arrangement sheet. If any mismatch or any
damaged sheet found, it should be reported to the exam cell.
13.3 Invigilators are requested to verify the seating arrangement in the examination hall with the
seating arrangements sheet.
13.4 Invigilators should instruct the students to leave their bags / cell phones / shoes, etc., outside the hall before entering.
13.5 Invigilators can allow students to enter into examination hall during the first 10 minutes.
13.6 Invigilators should not allow students to leave the exam hall during the first 2 hrs 30 minutes.
13.7 Invigilators should count the answer booklet before leaving the hall after completion of examination.
13.8 Invigilators have to verify the signatures of the candidate both in the attendance sheet and hall ticket.
13.9 Instruct the students to fill their register numbers carefully in the space provided.
13.10 Invigilators should carefully verify and ensure that the register number. In the answer booklet
and hall ticket are one and the same.
Name of the candidate / Degree & Branch / Sub code and title / No. of pages used (at the time
of submission) / date and session.
13.12 After verifying all details in the answer booklet, the invigilators should sign with date and he has
to write his name in the space provided.
13.13 Insist the students to strike out the unused pages in the answer booklet.
13.14 The register number in the attendance sheet should be verified with that in the hall ticket.
13.17 Invigilator has to ensure that all presentees have signed against their name.
13.18 After verifying all details such as serial number of the answer booklet, signature, etc., in the
attendance sheet, invigilator has to sign with date in the space provided.
13.19 Check the register number in the attendance sheet and answer book with that of the hall ticket.
13.20 Invigilators should check hall ticket / register number / answer book No. before signing on first page.
13.21 Invigilators are required to be alert and ensure strict vigil during the examination.
13.22 Invigilators are requested not to use mobile phone inside the examination hall.
13.23 Invigilators are not supposed to go out of the examination hall for any work.
13.24 Kindly do not allow / entertain any other faculty who is not part of the examination duty.
13.25 Any incident of malpractice if noted should be immediately brought to the notice of the examination office.
14. Minimum Workload per week for teaching staff (in hours):
No. of Theory No. of practical
includes Practical (in Total credits
Category subjects to be classes to be
tutorial credits) per week
handled handled
(in credits)
Dean 8 - 8 1 NIL
Professor /
8 - 8 1 NIL
Asso. Prof., 11 3 14
2 8 periods
Asst. Prof. 10 6 16
Note: All Teaching Staff may have to handle two theory subjects, as and when required.
15. The duties and responsibilities for the non-teaching staff are mentioned in their Appointment Order according to their
1. Types of Leave
The Leave Year shall be January – December and the Leave shall not matter of right
A staff member shall not normally or on any pretence absent himself from his duties
without prior permission of his superior officer authorized to give permission.
Leave of any kind will not be sanctioned when the services of the staff are work or
needed for the college when there is an unfinished job involving the employee.
Leave will be strictly monitored and will not be granted while class in session unless in emergencies
Staff members who are unable to report to work due to exceptional / unforeseen circumstances must send a
leave message or inform the Department of HRD and the respective HOD before 9.00 a.m. Leave
information will not be entertained after 9.00 a.m. and such absence will be treated as unauthorized.
1.1.1 Employees are entitled for 12 days of paid Casual Leave (CL) in a calendar year. However, in case
an employee joins duty during the course of the year, such leave will be granted in proportion to the
months of service in the said calendar year. (i.e. one day CL on completion of a month). For Non-
teaching staff, CL is eligible only on successful completion of six months during the probation period.
1.1.2 Casual Leave is not a privilege. Prior sanction is essential. Intimation in writing through third parties
may also be considered for sanction. Leave should be applied for at least three days in advance. In
case of emergency situations, the leave can be applied immediately on reporting for duty.
1.1.3 Casual Leave cannot be clubbed with any other type of leave except Special Leave or Compensatory Off.
1.1.4 In a month a maximum of 3 CLs and / or C/offs shall be granted, provided if the staff has the requisite leave on credit.
A single spell of CL / C/off shall not exceed 3 days at a time.
1.1.5 CL is based on Working Days. Therefore, in calculating the total CL, intervening holidays will not
be taken into account. In case an employee is out of station, he must state so in the leave
application and give the address of his destination.
1.1.6 CL cannot be carried over to the next year if it is not availed during the year.
1.1.7 For all foreseen and unforeseen reasons, CL must be applied for and got sanction by the authority concerned
before the employee proceeds on such leave. The employee may be deemed to be absent without leave if this
rule is transgressed and dealt with as per Rules. However, in case of illness or in case of an emergency where
it may not be possible for the employee to take prior sanction of the authority concerned, he may avail himself
of the casual leave pending formal sanction. However, he should normally either telephone or send the
message to the authority concerned (i.e. the respective HoD / Principal / Registrar).
1.1.8 It is the responsibility of the HoD / Class Teacher to make alternative arrangements for the classes missed
because of the CL of any teaching staff. The HoD would monitor and ensure that no class is left unattended.
1.1.9 The staff member taking leave without prior permission or without any information will be
considered as absent and the same will be treated as “Loss of Pay”. If the staff absents himself
from duty for seven days and more shall be treated as abandonment of service.
1.1.10 Availing CL / Coff on a Working day prior and after the declared holidays – if the declared
holidays are more than 3 continuously in a month (including weekly holidays) it is not permitted.
For example, if the college is closed on Monday and Tuesday for Diwali (say, 15th & 16th Oct),
no CL / Coff is permitted either on Friday (12th) or on Wednesday (17th) – however for regular
week-ends, they can avail either the prefix (Friday) or suffix (Monday) and not both. Similarly, no
CL / Coff is permitted, if a working day is falling in between two holidays.
1.1.11 No Leave is permitted either on the first or on the last working day of the Semester.
1.2.2 These Rules govern the availing of vacation leave for each Leave Year from 1st January to 31st December The total
number of VL days for members of faculty (teaching staff) shall not exceed 30 calendar days (Thirty), for a
continuous service of 12 months in the institution as on 30 th June of the respective Academic Year.
1.2.3 These 30 days can be availed for a maximum of 10 days in the annual vacation period in December. The balance
20 days can be availed in the summer vacation period in the months of May, June or July.
1.2.4 However, vacation leave shall be availed as per the circulars issued in this regard, indicating the slots in the period
identified for winter or summer vacation, to ensure smooth functioning of the Institution.
1.2.5 A staff member becomes eligible for VL only after rendering a continuous service of one full academic year as on 30 th
June. i.e. from 1st July to 30th June of the academic year.
1.2.7 The staff member has to apply for VL in advance – the HoD will submit the Vacation Slot to the Principal for approval
before any VL is granted. While doing so, he shall ensure that the Department is completely manned during the
Vacation Period, so that no Department work is hampered.
1.2.8 The University Invigilation work, if any, during the vacation period shall be treated as part of VL.
1.2.9 While calculating the number of days of vacation leave, all intervening declared holidays, including that of the
Institution, and Sundays will be included.
1.2.12 In case a staff member, after availing VL does not complete the full term of 6 months or one semester, the leave
availed will be treated as Leave on Loss Of Pay (LOP) and proportionate salary will be deducted from any payment
due to him / her.
1.2.13 If any staff member is prevented from availing VL in the interest of the college by the orders of the Principal /
Registrar, the same can be utilized at a later part of the year, subject to approval.
1.2.14 Any unused part of VL by faculty cannot be carried over to the next academic year.
1.3 Earned Leave (For Non-Teaching Technical / Admn Staff)
1.3.1 All Non-Teaching Technical / Admn staff, on completion of one year of confirmed (regular rolls) service, are
entitled for Earned Leave (EL) for 20 days in a year (i.e. 10 days during Summer Vacation and 10 days during Winter
Vacation). Supporting staff are entitled for 20 days EL in a year.
1.3.3 EL will be credited to the account of the staff at the end of each leave year and can be availed of
only in the succeeding year.
1.3.4 EL can be considered for reasons like medical emergencies to the staff, sudden death in the family, marriage, etc.,
1.3.5 EL can be carried forward up to a maximum period of 40 days. EL exceeding the above days in
addition to the leave earned for the particular year will automatically lapse.
1.3.7 Holidays and weekly-off days intervening the EL period will also be treated as Earned Leave.
1.4.1 Staff members are eligible for three (3) Calendar days Medical Leave in a Leave Year after
completion of one year. Staff availing ML should produce Medical Certificate (MC) from a
Registered Medical Practitioner on the day of resuming duty
1.5.2 A woman employee can avail maternity leave along with VL / EL as applicable to her credit provided she
has not availed their VL / EL in the respective year subject to the approval of the Principal / Registrar.
1.5.3 The decision of the Principal / Registrar will be final in sanctioning of such Maternity Leave.
1.6.1 Special leave to a maximum of three (3) working days can be availed and is sanctioned in the
following cases for the staff who are on regular rolls:
a. Marriage of self
b. Bereavement in the family Viz. parents, parents-in-law, spouse, children.
1.6.2 This leave can be availed only once in 3 years, after completion of probation period and can be combined with CL
only. The individual has to make alternate arrangement for his/her class during such leave.
1.7.1 Absence without prior permission and without making alternative arrangement for class or other important duty will be
treated as Loss of Pay.
1.7.2 Any leave availed in excess of the prescribed limit shall be deemed to be Leave on Loss of Pay (LOP). If such LOP is
more than 7 days at a stretch in a year, it will be considered as a Break-in-Service, unless acceptable supporting
documents in evidence of justifying such excess leave is provided. The decision of the Principal / Registrar shall be
final in such cases.
1.7.3 If any staff member is absent from duty without prior or later permission, exceeding seven days will be construed as
abandonment of service.
1.7.4 Two such break-in-services within a period of one year will make the staff member ineligible for increment in pay and
also for availing Vacation Leave / Earned Leave in the academic year.
1.7.5 If staff avails LOP for 10 or more days in a year in excess of the eligible leave, increment, if any, shall be deferred by
three months.
1.8.1 The faculty can avail C.off for genuine reason(s) for every worked day on a non working day. Such C.off day can be
availed during the Exam period only, thus not affecting his class work. C.off cannot be combined with any other leave
except CL. Unutilized C.off will lapse at the end of the Semester.
1.9 Permission:
1.9.1 Permission for short absence not exceeding one hour on any working day or two half-hours on any two working days,
either after starting working hour or before ending working hour may be granted at the discretion of the Principal /
Registrar per month.
1.9.2 If the number of permissions for short absence exceeds more than two in a month, it shall be considered as half a
day CL for 2 short absences and one day CL for 3 short absences. If CL is not in credit, it shall be treated as LOP.
1.10 On Duty:
1.10.1 On Duty (OD) will be granted when staff members are required to go out on official duties as approved by the
Principal / Registrar. When staff members go for examination Universities other than Anna University and
work for Hindustan Group of Institutions, OD will not be granted.
1.10.2 Staff shall be allowed to attend Conferences / Seminars / Meetings for which the Institution may bear the
expenses of Registration or Conference fees, travelling and daily allowances / accommodation and boarding
charges subject to the approval of the Principal / Registrar. The staff members have to submit the Faculty
Development Form (FDP form) and after obtaining prior permission are allowed to attend Conferences /
Seminars / Meetings at State / National / International Level organized by reputed Institutions only.
1.10.3 Number of days of such OD for university practical external duty, theory papers valuation, seminar / conference
/ workshop participation is limited to 12 calendar days per semester and if availed in excess, the excess days
shall be deducted from other eligible leave at credit of the staff and remaining days will be treated as LOP.
1.10.4 In addition to the above, a faculty member is eligible for 12 calendar days of OD in a year for officially
invited Anna University / Hindustan University external examination invigilation works, AUR, Examination
Squad Duty and Valuation Duty. In all above cases, an attendance certificate obtained from the
respective organization need to be submitted within two working days for regularization of such OD‟s.
1.10.5 This is apart from the eligible OD for pursuing Ph D for staff members who have executed the
bond with the Institution.
1.10.6 The Principal / Registrar shall have the right to cancel the OD sanctioned earlier, for any
emergency work in the college.
1.11.1 All faculty members who are pursuing Ph D in the Institution / Hindustan University / Government Universities / IITs
after signing a Deed of Indemnity-cum-Guarantee, are entitled to the following benefits:
Course work: One full day or two half days per week OD is permitted during the course work period.
Thesis work: One full day per month is allowed for discussion with the Ph D Supervisor.
Thesis submission & Viva: For preparation of synopsis, submission of the thesis and Viva – a maximum of 15
1,12.1 Staff willing to do ME course are allowed to avail one day study leave in a week during their project work.
1.13 Staff members are encouraged to acquire higher qualifications under QIP / other schemes of UGC / AICTE / Anna or
Hindustan University / KCG.
1.14. General
1.14.1 No leave other than CL will be granted to an employee once notice of resignation is given by him. The employee
should be on duty for the full period of notice required under the rules or as per the terms specified in the
Appointment Order. When a notice of termination of the services of an employee is given by the Institution the
employee will be permitted to avail of whatever CL he is entitled to during the period of the notice of termination of
services subject to conditions mentioned in Clause 20 of Chapter III.
1.15 Retirement
1.15.1 Every teaching and non-teaching staff of the Institution will retire from service on completing 65
years and 58 years of age respectively. However, faculty can be re -employed after retirement
period up to the age of 70 subject to the vacancy position and the meritorious service of the
faculty. Similarly, the non-teaching staff can also be re-employed on a contract basis.
1.15.2 Persons, who are physically fit and whose services are considered necessary and beneficial to
the institution, may be appointed on contract service on tenure.
1.15.3 In respect of an employee attaining the age of retirement on a particular day, he shall retire on
the afternoon of the same day.
(i) In case the date of retirement of an employee falls on a holiday, the employee may be permitted to
handover the charge on the subsequent working day and may be allowed duty pay for the holiday.
(ii) The above provision shall not apply to cases of compulsory retirement or retirement as a measure of
1.16.1 If an employee desires to resign, he must give notice of his resignation in writing to the Head of
the Institution through the proper channel. However, the member of the teaching staff shall not
ordinarily resign from his post during the course of an academic year.
(a) A „Trainee‟ employee shall give at least one month‟s notice or stipend in lieu of notice, if the
training period is more than one year.
(b) A „Probationary‟ teaching employee or a „Confirmed‟ teaching employee shall give three
months‟ notice or salary in lieu of notice.
1.16.3 A faculty can submit his resignation only in the month of February so that the resignation will be
processed and the employee will be relieved after three months subject to the completion of the
syllabus and at the discretion of the Principal / Registrar.
1.16.4 The Institution reserves the right to accept or reject the resignation with effect from the day it deemed fit,,
irrespective of the notice-period given by the employee.
1.16.5 Till the resignation is accepted (whether it is during the notice period or before the expiry of the notice period)
and the Relieving Order is issued to the employee concerned, he shall continue to be in service, unless any
other instructions are given in writing by the Management. Resignation once submitted cannot
be withdrawn, after the expiry of the notice period.
1.16.6 On receipt of the notice of resignation, the Head of the Institution or the In-Charge will advise all
concerned to stop the payments, issue of materials, etc., to the employee, unless specific approval of the
Head of the Institution or the In-charge is obtained. No service certificate, testimonials, etc., are to be
issued until the resignation is accepted and the letter of acceptance is given and his accounts are settled.
1.16.7 When the letter of acceptance of resignation is communicated by the Institution to the employee concerned, the
employee shall settle all his dues to the Institution, hand over documents, cash, equipment and other properties
held in his custody and vacate the quarters occupied by him to obtain the no-dues certificate to that effect. The
Institution reserves the right to recover all such outstanding amounts and the value of the property of the
Institution from the amounts due to the employee or in any other manner decided by the Institution.
1.16.8 After all the formalities as detailed in 1.16.7 are completed and the clearance certificate is submitted
by the employee, the relieving order and the salary-cum-experience certificate will be issued.
1.17.1 If an employee remains absent for more than 7 consecutive working days, without prior sanction
of leave he shall be deemed to have abandoned the employment voluntarily from the date on
which the absence exceeded 7 consecutive working days and he is also liable for disciplinary
action as per rules, at the discretion of the Principal / Registrar.
1.18,1 The Principal / Registrar shall have the power to terminate the services of a member of the staff
of the college, for any of the following reasons without notice period and compensation:-
1.1 HR Division is responsible for the structured induction of staff in order to ensure their smooth
and easy assimilation into the Institution.
1.2 The Dy Registrar will welcome the new staff and brief him on the Institution, its history, general
rules, facilities and human resource policies and procedures.
1.3 A memo informing the Institution staff about the new staff member joining will be circulated under the signature of the
Pro Chancellor / Director or Head of HR depending on the grade of the person. The respective Department Heads
may issue such memos in the case of staff joining their Departments in grades below Manager
1.4 For staff joining in Manager level and above an induction program will be prepared jointly by HR and their
respective department covering an orientation to various departments and sections of the Institution.
1.5 HR Division should identify staff with an extremely positive attitude and train them to assist
new staff in their initial period of service within the Institution.
1.6 The Induction program is conducted for all the new Teaching and Non-Teaching staff, who join duty. The
purpose is to get them familiarized with the Institution, its rules and regulations, Departmental Procedures, etc.,
1.8 In addition to the above, the following topics will be discussed in detail:
1.9 Recurrent Workshops and Training Programs are held to motivate and upgrade the pedagogical
skills, leadership and managerial / technical skills also.
2.1 Staff members are given training on technical areas and on soft skills periodically according to their needs.
Training feed backs are collected and effectiveness of the program is monitored through follow-up sessions.
2.2 Each faculty has to undergo a three-day Faculty Development / Orientation Program (FDP)
organized by the Institution when they join for duties, which gives necessary inputs about
teaching methodology. The key focus areas of the FDP are given below:
2.3 Trainers assess the performance of each participant after they give a presentation in the FDP.
Their presentations are video-recorded and replayed before the participants for assessing each
participant‟s strength and weakness on factors such as:
2.4 The feedback about each participant is given by the trainer for corrective action and the same will be taken into
account during the follow-up to measure the improvement in the participant‟s effectiveness.
2.5.1 The Institution provides a platform for the faculty development activities by sponsoring the faculty for:
2.6.1 External training Program: Staff member who has completed one year of service is permitted to attend external
training Program and their absence from duty in this regard will be treated as „on-duty‟. Boarding and lodging
expenses will be borne by the Institution, as per norms. The staff member has to submit a report on completion of
the training and share the information about the concepts learnt through the training Program to other staff members
and students. In case, the staff member leaves the institution before the completion of the stipulated period mentioned in the Staff
Development Form / agreement executed in this regard, the amount spent for the staff member for imparting the
training will be recovered from their eligible full and final settlement or the amount has to be remitted by the staff
concerned to the Institution.
2.6.2 Internal training Program: Training Program conducted in our Campus for the staff members (technical / soft-skills
training Program) are called as Internal training Program. Staff members including those who have not completed
one year of service are permitted for attending the Internal Training Program. The terms and conditions prescribed in
respect of the External Training Program will apply to those staff members who leave the institution before the
completion of the stipulated period.
2.6.3 Travel grant for presenting research papers in other States / abroad: Faculty will be permitted to attend
seminars, conferences, workshops, etc., in other states, abroad for presenting their research papers and a portion of
the expenses in this regard will be borne by the Institution.
2.6.4 In case, the staff member leaves the institution before the completion of the stipulated period mentioned in the
agreement executed in this regard, the amount spent for the staff member for presenting their research papers
will be recovered from their eligible full and final settlement or the amount has to be remitted by the staff
concerned to the Institution.
2.7.1 Faculty who are willing to pursue Ph D in premier institutions like IIT / IISc; / Government Universities /
Hindustan University, with the approval of the Principal has to execute a bond valuing Rs. 3,00,000/- (Rupees
Three Lakhs only) for serving the Institution for a minimum period of three (3) years after obtaining Ph D.
2.7.2 The same rule is applicable to the faculty who joins this Institution while pursuing his Ph D
in other Universities, provided he desires to utilize the benefits provided by the Institution.
2.7.3 If the faculty leaves the Institution by breaching the bond executed by him the bond value has to
be remitted by the faculty concerned.
2.7.4 Eligibility: Staff member who has completed three (3) years of service in the Group alone is eligible.
2.7.5 Staff up to a limit of 25% of the total staff strength of the Department shall be allowed to pursue higher
education. For purpose of calculation of 25%, the staff who are already pursuing higher education shall
also be taken into account. In other words, in any given date, the total no. of staff who shall pursue higher
education shall not exceed 25% of the total strength of the Department depending on seniority and merit.
2.8.1 Faculty are permitted to do their PG course (internal study) on completion of one year of service in this Institution /
Hindustan University alone.
Note: The staff member pursuing ME has to execute a bond valuing Rs. 2,00,000/- (Rupees Two Lakhs only) for
serving the Institution for a minimum period of three years after obtaining PG degree.
If the faculty leaves the Institution by breaching the bond executed by him, the bond value has to be remitted by the
faculty concerned.
2.9 Staff members are encouraged to acquire higher qualifications under QIP / other schemes of UGC / AICTE / Anna or
Hindustan University / KCG.
For career advancement, staff can contact the HRD for pursuing their Master‟s Degree and Doctoral Degree.
1. Scale of Pay
1.1 A candidate is appointed to a post at the Institution provided the post is in accordance with the existing UGC /
AICTE norms. This does not include the staff appointed on deputation / adhoc / on-Contract / temporary basis.
1.2 The pay scales of the teaching staff shall be fixed by the Selection Committee as per the scales ordained by the
UGC / AICTE from time to time. Currently the following are the scales as per the sixth pay commission:
Teaching category:
Note: Faculty who are submitting their highest degree / provisional certificate (M E / Ph.D.) during the course of the
Academic Year, will become eligible for revision in emoluments effective next Academic Year only – however, when a
person, at the time of joining, has submitted his thesis and is waiting for viva voce, his salary would be increased,
subject to approval at the time of interview, immediately on submission of the Ph D Provisional Certificate.
Non-Teaching Technical and Admn category:
However, for the first three years the staff will be provided adhoc pay only.
1.3..1 Pay for the selected candidates is fixed by the selection committee as per the pay scale
approved by the Management for the respective post based upon the qualification and
experience of the candidate in compliance with AICTE norms.
1.3.2 Higher Pay Packages for exceptional and experienced candidates are fixed by the selection
committee subject to the approval of the Chairman of the Institution / Society.
1.4.1 Annual increment according to the scale applicable to the employee shall be granted after every year of service if
the work and the conduct of the employee are reported to be satisfactory as per the Appraisal Report. Annual
Increment is granted based on their performance, qualification, experience as assessed by the
Performance appraisal system as well as fulfilling the required norms / criteria of the Institution.
1.4.2 In case an employee is on a consolidated pay and not on a scale of pay, adhoc lump sum increment may be given
after the end of every year at the discretion of the Management, while on probation / confirmation / contract, provided
his work and conduct are satisfactory.
1.4.3 The Increment amount will be awarded to the performers. Additional increment / incentives may be offered to the
deserving staff based on their performance, outstanding work, irrespective of their qualification and experience.
1.4.4 The annual increment will be withheld as a disciplinary measure if an adverse report is received against the
employee and so decided by the Principal / Registrar after necessary enquiry. The period for which the increment
should be withheld will be decided by the Principal / Registrar who are the competent authority to do so. In all
cases, the employee concerned should be informed regarding the withholding of the increment for a particular period
with or without cumulative effect. In case of cumulative effect, the employee will not be entitled to get the increment
so withheld for the specified number of years. In the case of increment withheld for a particular period without
cumulative effect, he will be entitled to get the increment immediately after the completion of the particular period.
1.4.5 When an employee working in the lower scale of pay is promoted or appointed to a higher scale of pay, his
increment will fall due after he completes one year of service in the higher post.
1.4.6 The increment date will be postponed by three months if he was on leave on loss of pay for 10 days.
1.4.7 An increment which accrues on a day other than the first date of a month shall be given on the month when the
employee completes one year of service (however it is to be noted that the date of joining is between 1 st and 15th, the
increments will accrue from that month onwards and if it is 16 th and afterward, it will be effective from the succeeding
month only) and subsequent increments will be regulated from 1 st July of every year.
1.5.1 Promotion to a higher level of service shall be made subject to availability of posts, eligibility of staff on the basis /
criteria of merit / efficiency / the commitment / dedication of the staff to the all-round development / improvement of
the corporate ambience of the Institution. Seniority and a minimum 75% score in appraisal system will be the
deciding factors for promotions.
1.5.2 Additionally, Research activities / Consultancy Value / Professional Standing / Student Club activities and the
additional revenue generated for the Department will also form part of the Promotion criteria.
1.5.3 No employee who is under suspension, or against whom disciplinary proceedings have been taken or are about to be
taken shall be promoted until he is unconditionally reinstated or exonerated.
1.6.1 Staff members may be permitted for higher studies (Ph.D. Part-Time) on seniority and merit basis. Such of those
staff members have to execute a bond agreeing that they will serve in the institution for a period of three years from
the date of submission of the thesis.
1.6.2 Every year Maximum of 2 Faculty member from each department may be permitted for Ph.D. (Part Time) program.
A maximum of 25% of total faculty members is permitted in each department to carry out Ph.D. at any one point of
1.6.3 Faculty pursuing their higher studies on part-time basis with permission may avail on-duty leave (OD) after making
suitable alternate arrangements for their duty. The on-duty leave shall be accounted as stay outside the campus.
1.6.4 Staff members are permitted to attend Seminar / Conference / Training / STTP / workshop and present a seminar
before the relevant audience after returning from the program as a part of department activity.
1.6.5 Staff members are encouraged to attend / present technical papers in the international / national conferences
conducted in India and Abroad. Each staff member is eligible to get sponsorship from the college depending upon
their involvement in the developmental activities of the institution subject to a maximum of 3 per semester. Staff
member are encouraged to publish technical papers in peer reviewed journals. The first author of the institute faculty
for each journal paper will be awarded appropriate incentive in cash or kind as per policy of institution.
1.6.6 For deputation to seminar/conference/workshop organized within Chennai, the registration fee only will be paid by the
college. No TA/DA will be paid. For out station, registration fee, Traveling allowance (TA) will be paid by college on
production of tickets/receipts as per eligibility / actual (whichever is less).
1.6.7 The Principal / Dean / Vice-Principal / Registrar / HoDs are eligible for travel by air or by car on road and will be paid
on production of tickets/receipts. Professor / Associate professor are eligible for travel by 2 nd AC sleeper by train and
Assistant Professor are eligible for travel by 3rd AC sleeper by train and will be paid on production of tickets.
1.6.8 In case of travel by road, actual bus fare will be paid on production of tickets. Lodging and Boarding
charges will be paid on actual hotel / guest house receipts. Normally reimbursement of payment will only
be entertained. However, Principal / Registrar may sanction advance payments on case by case.
1.6.9 Career Advancement System is the policy of the Institution to develop and groom employees for higher position.
Opportunities for promotion exist at every level.
1.6.10 Promotion is based on annual performance report, acquiring higher qualification, contribution to the development of
the Institution, years of service, competency and shall not be influenced by the employee‟s race, religion or gender.
Faculty need to appear before the selection committee consisting of subject experts from other Institutions / Industry /
and the respective HoD, Principal and Director & CEO for considering promotion.
1.6.11 Faculties are encouraged to do research project and apply for funding to the appropriate agencies for funding.
Faculties are also suggested to apply for FDP/MODROP/RPS etc., with AICTE. The Principal Coordinator of
sanctioned project / scheme will be rewarded appropriately in cash or kind as per policy of institution.
1.6.12 Faculties generating external revenues through training / consultancies will be paid honorarium / allowances as
per the policies of institution.
1.7 Transfers
1.7.1 All employees are liable for transfer / deputation from one unit / department to another unit / department of the
Hindustan Group of Institutions at the sole discretion of the Management in close coordination with the Principal /
1.7.2 All employees are liable to being shifted from one discipline / function, department, section, branch, etc., to another of
the Hindustan Group of Institutions, provided that such transfer does not adversely affect the nature of duties as per
the terms of appointment. The salary of the individual concerned shall remain intact except in the case of a transfer
requested by an employee for his personal reasons.
1.7.3 In the event of refusal to accept a transfer / deputation, the employee shall be considered absent from duty without
leave or permission for the period of such refusal and shall not be eligible for any salary for that period. Such an
employee shall also be liable for disciplinary action including termination of his service.
1.7.4 The Institution may grant special scale or allowance on transfer / deputation depending on the merit of the case.
1.1 Annual Appraisal of every employee is conducted in the month of February. The Appraisal Form
/ Confidential Report is a report on the performance of the employee with regard to work,
conduct, initiative, deficiencies, etc. Deficiencies should be brought to the notice of the
employee at the appraisal meetings itself. The appraisal report is the basis for deciding annual
increment, special increments, promotion or even withholding increment or disciplinary action.
1.2 Half-yearly appraisal of the teaching faculty is generally filled up at the end of the Odd Semester
and for the newly joined staff, a review at the end of the three month period is taken.
1.3.1 The Teaching faculty performance appraisal system is based on the following parameters:
The Performance Based Appraisal System (PBAS) stipulated by the Institution is followed
and each faculty member has to enter his self-appraisal score, which will be verified by the
respective HoD and the appraisal committee members.
1.3.2 The following will be the panel members for conducting the annual appraisal meetings –
Head of the Department
Senior Professor / External Expert
Vice Principal / Registrar
1.3.4 For Teaching and Non-teaching Technical and Admin Staff, a Peer Review Committee will be formed for each
Department with the following, to evaluate the staff‟s performance with the subordinates and colleagues: -
1.4 Training
1.4.1 After the Performance Appraisal Meeting, the Head of the Department shall write confidential
report for all staff and submit to the Principal for approval.
1.4.2 Based on report, deputation of faculty to higher studies / training needs / rewards will be considered.
1.5.1 All the faculty members should be a member of a Professional Society / Body.
15.2 The following criteria are to be fulfilled or partially fulfilled as one of the requirements for increments /
promotions, as per the Institution norms for the subsequent years in addition to setting up of specific
tasks for completion. However, in certain cases, publication of books is not considered mandatory.
(b) Two papers published / accepted for publication in International or National Journal with
at least one publication in an indexed journal over a period of the last three years.
(e) One externally -funded research / consultancy project (minimum Rs.10 lakhs), to be obtained over a
period of three years.
(f) Students‟ Evaluation and Result percentage of the class handled should be a minimum of 80%
(g) To arrange a minimum of one guest lecture / seminar-class for each subject handled in each semester
and to organize one Industrial visit for students (Individually / jointly) per year.
(h) Evidence of peer recognition in terms of Invited talks, key note address / prestigious committee
membership, etc.,
(i) Evidence of leadership in the academic field such as launching new programs / Industry- Institute
collaboration / others of significant nature.
(c) To organize one funded National (or) International Conference in two years.
(d) Two papers to be presented / accepted for presentation in a National (or) International Conference
with at least one of them being a refereed Conference during the course of the academic year.
(h) To arrange a minimum of one guest lecture / seminar-class for each subject handled in each
semester and to organize one Industrial visit for students (Individually / jointly) per year.
(i) Evidence of peer recognition in terms of Invited talks, key note address / prestigious
committee membership, etc.,
(d) Two papers to be presented / accepted for presentation in a National (or) International with
Conference at least one of them being a refereed Conference during the course of the assessment
(e) One Book publication over a period of three years.
(f) One funded research / consultancy project to be obtained over a period of three years.
(g) Students‟ Evaluation and Result percentage of the class handled should be a minimum of 80% and 75%
respectively. External Class Evaluation score should be 80%.
(h) To arrange a minimum of one guest lecture / seminar-class for each subject handled in each
semester and to organize one Industrial visit for students (Individually / jointly) per year.
(d) One externally-funded project to be obtained / applied over a period of three years.
(e) Students‟ Evaluation and Result percentage of the class handled should be a
minimum of 75%.External Class Evaluation score should be 75%.
(f) To arrange a minimum of one guest lecture / seminar-class for each subject handled in each
semester and to organize one Industrial visit for students (Individually / jointly) per year.
(a) One paper published / accepted for publication in National / International Journal over a period of the last
three years.
(b) Two papers presented / accepted in National / International Conferences with at least one of them being
conducted in an established University / professional society / conference / during the course of the
assessment year.
(c) Students‟ Evaluation and Result percentage of the class handled should be a minimum of 75%.External
Class Evaluation score should be 70%.
(d) To arrange a minimum of one guest lecture / seminar-class for each subject handled in each semester and to
organize one Industrial visit for students (Individually / jointly) per year.
(a) One paper published / accepted for publication in a National / International Journal over
a period of the last three years.
(b) One paper presented / accepted for presentation in a National / International Conference
during the course of the assessment year.
(c) Students‟ Evaluation and Result percentage of the class handled should be a minimum of 75% and 70%
respectively. External Class Evaluation score should be 70%.
(d) To arrange a minimum of one guest lecture / seminar-class for each subject handled in each semester
and to organize one Industrial visit for students (Individually / jointly) per year.
(e) To participate in the Student Club activities and to be a Mentor in at least one Club.
Paper presentation in
Ph D Publication Funded Evaluation
Particulars Conference Books
Supervision Projects Score
International National International National
SF – 75%
1 1 ECE – 70%
AP 1 R – 70%
To arrange a minimum of one guest lecture / seminar-class for each subject handled and to organize one
Industrial Visit (Individually / Jointly) per year
SF – 75%
1 1 / yr 1 1 / yr ECE – 70%
AP 2 R – 75%
To arrange a minimum of one guest lecture / seminar-class for each subject handled by them and to organize
one Industrial Visit (Individually / Jointly) per year
SF – 75%
1 (for Ph D
AP 3 1 / yr 2 1 2 / yr 1 ECE – 75%
holders) R – 75%
1 / yr 1 / yr SF – 80%
Associate 1 (for Ph D To organize 1 National /
1 / yr 1 / yr 1 1 ECE – 80%
Professor holders) International conference /
R – 75%
Workshop per year
1 / yr 2 / yr
Organizing National /
SF – 80%
Professor 3 2 / yr 2 / yr International conference 1 1 1
/ yr & paper presenting in R – 80%
the conference 3 / yr
Professor Organizing National /
Emeritus 5 2 / yr 2 / yr International conference 2 1 2 SF – 80%
R – 80%
(Professor + / yr
5 years exp
OR Dean)
(a) SF – Students Feed back
(b) ECE – External Class Evaluation
(c)R – Semester Results per subject handled
1.6.1 Promotion from Assistant Professor (AP) to Associative Professor cadre is considered based on vacancy and subject
to the candidate having Ph D qualification in the respective domain and put in 5 years of continuous service or 12
years of continuous service in AP with a condition that they need to register for Ph D within one years and acquire
PhD within 5 years thereafter in their respective domain. They also need to appear for self appraisal interview.
1.6.2 Promotion from Associative Professor (ASP) to Professor Cadre is considered based on vacancy and subject to the
candidate having Ph D qualification in the respective domain and put in 13 years of continuous service of which at
least 5 years as Associative Professor. Staff needs to have journal papers having good impact factor in post Ph D
period. They also need to appear for self appraisal interview.
1.6.3 Promotions will be regulated as per promotion policy rules. The Institution is under no obligation to promote any
one from one post to another even when an employee acquires the minimum qualifications required for a new or
higher post.
1.6.4 The promotion panel will consist of Management Representative, Principal, Vice Principal / Dean, domain experts,
HoD‟s of respective department and decision of the panel is final.
1.7.1 Cash incentive for publishing in refereed National / International journals is paid as a one time payment in a particular
academic year as given below:
such as IEEE, IEE, ASME, ASChE, etc.,) / Anna Univ Annexure Journals
Note: All such publications should bear the name of the Department and
the Institution to become eligible for the above incentive.
1.7.2 Patent and IPR arising out of the research conducted in the Institution will rest with the Institution. No
member of faculty / Staff shall use any course material for any purpose other than what has specifically
been provided for by the Institution and shall at all times keep in strict confidence any information /
documents / records in relation to research work that is either being done or has been completed at the
Institution or at any other place so authorized by the Institution and shall not disclose the same without
prior specific approval of the Institution. In the event of any breach of confidentially, the respective
member of the faculty / staff shall be liable to pay damages for the same as quantified by the Institution.
1.7.3 The Chief Coordinator for externally-funded projects will be eligible for an appropriate special
incentive, as a consolidated amount for projects valued up to Rs.30 lakhs. For projects above
Rs.30 lakhs, an appropriate monthly allowance will be given based on the nature of the project.
1.7.4 Similarly, patents filed / grants obtained under TBI will also qualify for special one time incentives depending on the
1.7.5 For conducting GATE / IAS Coaching after College Hours and on Holidays – 60 (for Institution) : 40 (for the faculty)
1.8.1 The services of the faculty are recognized based on the performance, dedication, involvement in R & D activities
and outstanding achievement.
a) Best Teaching
b) Producing 100% results
c) 100% attendance
d) Publishing books
e) Publishing Articles in refereed Journals.
f) Encouragement award for acquiring additional qualifications
g) Achievement awards for obtaining funded projects
h) Award for doing Innovative projects
i) Incentive for each research publication in refereed National /International journal as a Main Author / Co-Author.
j) Award for promoting research activity.
k) Incentive for conducting value-added training programs / courses / Faculty Development Programs and Summer
/ Winter Workshops.
a) Sports Award.
1.9 Consultancy:
Faculty, who are doing the consultancy activities will be paid Consultancy charges at the following rates:
With Institution support - 70:30 (i.e. 70% of the Consultancy revenue to the Institution and 30% to the faculty
Without Institution support – 30:70 (i.e. 30% of the Consultancy revenue to the Institution and 70% to the faculty
1. General
Maintain at all times absolute integrity and sincere devotion to duty and loyalty to the Institution and shall do nothing
that would or is likely to tarnish the image or reputation of the Institution, or adversely affect its interests.
1.2 Abide by and comply with the rules and regulations of the college and all orders and directions
of his superior authorities, under whose superintendence or control, he is placed.
1.3 Extend utmost courtesy and attention to all persons with whom he/she is to deal in with the course of his/her duties.
1.4 Endeavor to promote the interest of the College and shall not act in any manner prejudicial thereto.
1.5 Carry out duties and responsibilities assigned to his post and shall also carry out any other
duties assigned to him from time to time.
1.6 Maintain secrecy - Every employee shall maintain the strictest secrecy regarding the College‟s / employment
affairs and the affairs of its constituents and shall not divulge, directly or indirectly, any information of
confidential nature either to a member of the public or of the College‟s staff, unless compelled to do so by a
judicial or other authority or unless instructed to do so by a superior officer in the discharge of his duties.
1.7 An employee of the college shall strictly abide by any law relating to intoxicating drink or drug in
force in any area in which he may happen to be for the time being and not to be under the
influence of any intoxicating drink or drug during the course of his duty.
1.8 Employees shall abide by the rules and regulations of the Institution framed from time to time. Every employee shall
employ himself honestly, efficiently and diligently under the orders and instructions of their superiors under whom he
shall, from time to time, be placed. He shall discharge all duties pertaining to the office diligently and as required.
1.9 No information related to any individual / firm engaged with the Institution shall be divulged to any other
employee of the Institution / person / concern (relating to the Professional Fees / Salary / Perquisites, etc)
1.10.1 Use his position or influence directly or indirectly to secure employment for any person in any
concern with which he has or had official dealings in connection with the business of the
1.10.2 Bring or attempt to bring any outside influence to bear upon the Management to further his interest in the Institution.
1.10.3 Misuse the amenities provided by him by the Institution for the discharge of his official duties.
1.10.4 Accept any gifts, presents, gratis, payments or other favors from suppliers, contractors, dealers
or anyone who could directly or indirectly influence / damage / harm the business interests /
goodwill or reputation of the Institution and / or its associates.
1.10.5 Engage directly or indirectly in any trade or business or avocation or undertake any other employment.
1.11 No employee shall:-
1.12 No employee shall join, or continue to be a member of an association for the objectives or activities of which
are prejudicial to the interests of the sovereignty and integrity of India or public order or morality. If any question
arises whether a party is a political party or whether any organization takes part in politics or whether any
organization engages in activities prejudicial to the interests of the sovereignty and integrity of India or public
order or morality, the College shall follow the decision taken by the State Government / MHRD.
Take sufficient care of the property, materials, instruments, equipment, machines, furniture, cash, etc., of
the Institution and shall take all reasonable precautions to safeguard them against accident, damage, loss
or pilferage. Where damage or loss is attributable to the mishandling or misuse of an employee, he shall
be liable for disciplinary action as may be deemed fit by the Institution. Besides, the Institution shall be
entitled to recover the assigned / assessed value of such breakage, damage or loss from the employee.
1.13.2 Promptly report any occurrence or defect noticed which might endanger lives of persons in the
Institution and may result in any damage to the property of the Institution or that of others.
1.13.3 Take normal precautions against hazards and shall make proper use of safety devices and preventive measures as
prescribed and provided by the Institution.
1.13.4 Check whether the stock procurement and stocking of materials, get out-dated or not. Periodical review should be
conducted to identify the materials nearing expiry date, and the Supervisor / In- charge concerned should be
appraised and appropriate action taken in consultation with the Principal. Great care must be taken to avoid
unnecessary inventory holdings.
1.13.5 In the event of Natural Calamity / Flood / Cyclone – the directions of the Management shall be followed during this
period. All Teaching and Non-Teaching staff are required to ensure the safety of the equipment / Institution property
and will also report of their own safety and that of the students.
1.14.1 An employee is not supposed to be in the unauthorized possession of any goods, equipment, implements, articles,
materials, etc., which are in use in the Institution or kept in stock in the Institution. Any individual possessing such
goods by improper means will be found culpable. The Principal / Registrar may confiscate such goods and
disciplinary action will be taken as deemed fit.
1.15.1 An employee who has been suspended, laid off, discharged, dismissed or has resigned or is not working for any
reason shall leave the Institution premises forthwith unless required to stay back by the Principal
/ Registrar. Such employees shall not enter the Institution premises without permission.
1.16 Possession / Consumption of Intoxicating Drinks and Narcotics:
1.16.1 Employees shall not possess or be under the influence of intoxicating drinks / drugs while on
duty. Such cases shall be reported to the / Principal / Registrar by the Vigilance Officer.
Be a member of or otherwise associated with any political party or any organization which takes part in politics;
nor shall he take part in or subscribe in aid of or assist in any other manner any political movement or activity.
1.17.2 Contest, canvass or otherwise interfere or use his influence with or take part in any election to any
legislative or local authority, beyond exercising his franchise without prior permission of the Institution.
1.18.1 No employee shall organize or participate in any demonstration on the property of the Institution, which is prejudicial
to the interests of the Institution or public order, decency or morality or which involves defamation or contempt
of Court. He shall also not resort to or in any way instigate, incite or abet any form of strike or stoppage of work.
1.19.1 No employee shall, except with the prior permission of the Institution or in the bona fide discharge of his duties,
participate in a Radio / TV broadcast, give speech to the public, nor contribute any article or write any letter to any
newspaper or periodical or publish any pamphlet anonymously or pseudonymously or in his own name, on a subject
which may have a bearing on the affairs of the Institution or detrimental to the image / interests of the Institution.
1.20.1 No employee shall criticize the Management either in the press or over the radio or on any public platform. He will
also avoid doing so against other staff / students during discharge of his duty. However, nothing in this rule shall
apply to any statement made or views expressed by an employee in his official capacity or in the due performance
of the duties assigned to him.
1.21.1 No employee shall, except in accordance with any general or special order of the Institution, or in the bona fide
performance of the duties assigned to him, communicate directly or indirectly any official document or information to
any employee or any other person to whom he is not authorized by the Institution.
1.22.1 No employee while in service of the Institution, or after retirement, resignation, dismissal or
discharge shall make public or publish any documents, papers or information which might have
come into his possession in his official capacity, without obtaining prior permission of the Institution.
1.23 Fund Raising Program inside the Campus
1.23.1 No employee shall associate himself with the raising of any fund by any individual, firm,
association or organization without prior permission.
1.24.1 No employee of the Institution shall, without the prior consent of the Institution either during his service or
thereafter, apply for patent or exclusive privilege under any statute, in respect of any invention / discovery made by
him as a result of his service in Institution / association with Institution duties.
1.25 Others
1.25.2 Employees shall deposit with the appropriate authority any lost and found / unclaimed articles in the premises of
the Institution.
1.25.3 Employees shall observe safety / health norms notified by the Institution from time to time.
1.25.4 No member of the staff shall apply, during the period of his service in this institution for an appointment outside
or send an application for study or training, except with the prior permission of the Principal / Registrar. Any
breach of this rule will be viewed seriously and suitable disciplinary action will be taken. The Principal /
Registrar reserves the right to refuse the forwarding of such applications based on service condition.
1.25.5 The Principal / Registrar shall have the right to place any staff under suspension on charges of misconduct.
1.25.6 In a case wherein a member of the teaching or non-teaching staff commits any misconduct in discharge of his duties,
the Principal / Registrar has got discretion to award punishment such as warning, censure, withholding of increment
with or without cumulative effect, after conducting an enquiry by a committee constituted by the Principal / Registrar.
1.25.7 For the development and progress of the college / department, all members of the staff should
work as a team and they should also maintain a cordial relationship with other departments.
1.25.8 In any meeting or assembly, decorum should be maintained and difference of opinion, if expressed
any, shall be politely in diplomatic words without hurting the feelings of others.
1.25.9 Staff members should get prior permission from the Principal / Registrar to contact any outside
agency or government departments for any matter related to the college / hostels.
1.25.10 If a staff member draws advance from the college to meet financial expenses for official tour or
for arrangement of a college event, he shall settle the account within 21 days from the date of
drawl of advance or within 15 days after the completion of the event as applicable for which
advance was drawn failing which the advance shall be adjusted from his salary.
1.25.11 Staff Members, if and when relinquishing their job, shall hand over their files and documents
and get the NOC from all departments concerned in the required format.
1,25.12 All members of the staff shall be governed by general rules / norms also practiced by college from time to time.
1.26.1 Infringement of any of the Conduct Rules shall be termed “misconduct” and therefore entail disciplinary action.
1.26.2 Without prejudice to the general meaning of the term „misconduct‟, the following acts of omission and commission
shall be treated as “misconduct”, in respect of an employee.
1.26.3 Willful in-subordination or disobedience of any lawful and reasonable order of his official superiors.
1.26.4 Commission of any act subversive of discipline or good behavior, dishonesty, fraud, impersonation.
1.26.5 Participation in any strike / demonstration / gherao and or any other kinds of agitations or abetting and inciting such
agitational activities.
1.26.6 Theft, fraud, dishonesty, embezzlement, misappropriation in connection with business / the property of the Institution.
1.26.7 Willful damage to the property or loss or damage to the property owing to negligence or unethical practices causing
damage to the reputation of the Institution.
1.26.9 Habitual:
(i) Absence without leave, or absence without leave for more than seven consecutive days.
(ii) Late attendance or habitually leaving work before time or abandonment of the place of duty.
1.26.10 Accepting service for any consideration in any other company / establishment / Institution or under any person
without the approval of the Institution.
1.26.11 Drunkenness or disorderly behavior in the Institution premises and public places, affecting the reputation of the
1.26.13 Distributing or exhibiting inside the Institution premises, hand-bills, pamphlets or posters without prior written
permission of the Principal / Registrar.
1.26.14 Attending or holding any unauthorized meeting within the Institution premises.
1.26.15 Unauthorized disclosure of information about the business or affairs of the Institution.
1.26.18 Making false statements on matters related to his employment in the Institution or willful suppression of facts at the
time of employment or during the course of service in the Institution.
1.26.19 Attempting or causing bodily injury or intimidation to any employee / officer of the Institution or the contracted
employees who perform their duties in the Institution premises or in the course of his discharging official duties for the
1.26.20 Use of foul or abusive language to misbehave with any officer or employee or visitors or the contracted employees
within the Institution premises or in the course of his discharging official duties for the Institution.
1.26.21 Refusal to accept a memo or Charge sheet or any other communication issued by Disciplinary / Inquiry Authority
or Superior(s).
1.26.22 Carrying on money lending or any other private business within the premises of the Institution.
1.26.27 Using the Institution facilities, including men and material unauthorizedly for personal gain.
1.26.28 Not allowing the Institution employees / officers / superiors either to enter or come out of the premises of the
establishment or causing damage to the materials or machines of the Institution.
1.26.29 Arrest / detention in connection with an act of moral turpitude or any other offence under the law of the land.
1.26.32 Adopting slow-down in the performance of the work, or victimizing others to slow-down, or practising a work-to-rule
1.26.34 Unauthorized occupation / illegal or immoral use of the Institution quarters / premises / rooms.
1.26.38 Refusal to work beyond the stipulated period of work or work on holidays when specifically instructed to do so by the
1.26.39 Organizing or attending any meetings during the working hours, which are not official and authorized.
NOTE: The above instances of misconduct are only illustrative in nature but not exhaustive, and
any action which can be construed as indiscipline or misconduct by the Institution will come
under the purview of the term “misconduct”.
1.27.1 The Management has authorized and delegated powers to the Principal / Registrar for the
purpose of administering these Service Rules or for ordering an enquiry. The Principal /
Registrar also has the right to mete out punishment to the offenders.
1.27.2 Any employee found to commit any act of misconduct as mentioned above shall be served with a Charge
Memo stating the charges leveled against him. Such an employee shall be given an opportunity to explain and
answer the charges. If the reply is not satisfactory, a Domestic Enquiry will be conducted by an Enquiry Officer
duly appointed by the Principal / Registrar for this purpose. The employee concerned shall be given an
opportunity to lead evidence to the charges and produce witness in his defense and cross-examine the witness
on whose evidence the charge is based. The employee concerned shall, if he so desires be allowed to be
defended by another employee of the Institution The statement of the employee concerned to be defended by
and the evidence led by either side shall be recorded by the Enquiry Officer, who will record his findings, based
on the evidence so recorded. If the employee concerned fails to attend the enquiry it shall proceed ex-parte.
The Enquiry Officer shall submit the findings to the Principal / Registrar for further action.
1.27.3 Additionally, the findings of the Enquiry Officer shall be communicated to the Employee concerned asking for
an explanation within a specified period, and if not found satisfactory, action can be initiated against him.
1.27.4 An employee against whom misconduct is alleged may be suspended from duty without pay or allowance, pending
enquiry. The order of suspension shall take effect immediately on its communication to the employee. An
employee under suspension pending enquiry shall be eligible to a subsistence allowance at the rate of
50% of the wages last drawn by him which shall not be payable for the period of any adjournment or
postponements of the enquiry expressly sought for by the employee and granted by the Enquiry Officer.
1.27.5 If an employee is found guilty of misconduct as a result of the enquiry and punishments awarded to
him, the workman shall not be entitled to any salary / wages during the period of his suspension.
1.27.6 If as a result of the enquiry, an employee is found not guilty of misconduct he shall be entitled to
receive the difference of the subsistence allowance paid if any and the emoluments he would
have received had he not been suspended for the period of this suspension pending enquiry.
1.27.7 An employee found guilty of misconduct after an enquiry duly conducted may be punished by (a) suspension
from duty without salary / wages not exceeding 7 days or (b) dismissal or (c) demotion or (d) stoppage of salary
/ wage / increment or (e) fine or (f) reprimand by an order of the Institution or any one authorized by him.
1.27.8 While awarding punishment, the Principal / Registrar may take into account the gravity of the misconduct,
the previous record of the employee, if any, and any other extenuating or aggravating, circumstances that
may exist. A copy of such order passed by the Institutiont shall be served on the employee concerned.
1.27.9 In case of dismissal, the employee may if he thinks it necessary, appeal to the Appellate
Authority whose decision will be final.
1. Grievance Redressal
1.1 Any staff having any specific grievance concerned with their Academic / Administration activity
can address his problem to the Department of HRD in writing through the concerned
Department Head. Their grievances are routed through to the Principal. Genuine grievances of
the staff will be considered and remedial measures taken by the authorities.
2. Counseling Cell:
2.1 A separate Counseling Cell has been constituted for redressing the grievances of the staff and
students with the following members:
3. Suggestion System:
3.1 The staff members are encouraged to post any suggestion pertaining to improvement in institutional matters and
issues. These suggestions can be submitted in writing to the Principal in a sealed envelope. If any staff does not
want his name to be identified, he can do so in order to protect his identity.
4.1 This Cell is meant to address the grievances encountered by women staff in the work place. The
Chairperson of the Cell will be appointed by the Institution.
(a) Create awareness on equal opportunity for women, which will ultimately lead to an
improved attitude and admirable behavior.
(b) Bring about attitudinal and behavioral changes in the teenage female youth of the Institution.
(c) Provide a working / living harassment-free atmosphere by identifying the responsibility
on the persons concerned for ensuring equal treatment of women and acknowledgement
of women participation in all areas.
(d) Conduct programs for ladies to empower them financially, emotionally, mentally and physically.
(e) Deal appropriately with reported cases of sexual harassment, abuse or discrimination.
(f) Initiate action against particular grievances in respect of unfair treatment due to gender bias.
5. Appeals and Review
5.1 The staff member of the College is welcome to submit their appeals or grievances if any to the
Principal / Management for review and redress on any of the above.
5.2 The decision of Principal / Registrar will be final on all such appeal and review.
1.1 Committee formation is a tool for staff participation in the Academic as well as the Administrative activity. Each
staff member is given a responsibility in any one or more committees to participate and to contribute for the
development of the Institution, as a whole Some of the Committees are -
Discipline, Anti-Ragging, Academic, Time Table, Syllabus Coverage, Research & Development, University
Examinations, Library, Transport, Sports, Cultural, Campus Publications, Technical Association, Hospitality, Campus
Maintenance, Grievance Redressal (Staff), General Grievance Cell (Students), Grievance Redressal Cell for
Women, Grievance Cell (Exam), Hostel Placement, Alumni and Industrial Visit, Stores and Purchase, NSS, NCC,
YRC, Placement, and Training, etc.
1.2 In addition to the above, the Institution has various Clubs, like Aeromodelling Club, Fitness Club, Music Club, etc.,
in which also, the staff are expected to serve.
a. The library is the integral part of intellectual power of our Institution. Library has an area of about 7,000 sq.ft. The
college library is well equipped, with more than 43,000 books, more than 900 back volumes, about 2000 project
reports, previous year question papers and nearly 1900 multimedia packages like CD‟s and DVD‟s. Further, the
Library subscribes to a large number of Indian and Foreign technical journals and periodicals besides a good
collection of light reading materials. The library also provides online access to journals. The library is kept open
on all working days from 8.30 am to 7.00 pm and on Saturdays between 8.30 am and 1.00 pm. It is kept open
during vacation. The books can be borrowed and returned between 10 am and 3 pm on all working days.
b. The Digital Library provides the users the advanced facility like CD –ROM search and browse
through INTERNET. The online journals (such as IEEE, Elsevier) can be accessed through the
state-of-the art computers available in the Digital Library.
i. The Digital Library services unit has 20 advanced Apple computers and 10 i-pads with
high speed internet connection.
ii. The library also provides documentation reprographic services to the users.
iii. Department libraries are available in each department with a sizable collection of text
books, reference books, etc.,
iv. The Library has Institutional Membership with Anna University Library, British Council
Library, American Library, DELNET and MAWBNET.
Dept. Extn Email Id (Internet) Contact for
Joining Formalities / Orientation Program
Collecting appointment orders, office orders,
Dy etc.,
Registrar 111 / m Availing leave, Permission
HRD (HR & 115 Applying for On duty (OD)
Admn) Addressing suggestions regarding
Institutional Development
Addressing grievances
Opening a bank account
Accounts 120 accounts@kcgcollege.com Income Tax / TDS, to obtain Form 16, etc.,
Accountant Processing bills, Suspense, Imprest cash,
Procurement of Capital / consumable items
Stores & for the department / lab
Stores Purchase 126 m Placing purchase orders
Officer Getting department requirements such as
stationery, etc.,
library@kcgcollege.co Borrowing books
Library Librarian 123 m
Reference of journal, magazines, etc.,
Campus Doctor is available on Tuesdays / Thursdays between 10.00 am and 1.00 pm – however for
immediate medical requirement, the Institution has a tie up with a nearby hospital
Transport Knowing the bus routes, timing / boarding
Transport 110 transport@kcgcollege.com
In-charge point, Transport requisition, etc.,
Routes operated: (1) Avadi (2) Mogappair (3) Korattur (4) Ayanavaram, (5) Periyar Nagar (6) Thiruvotriyur, (7)
Triplicane (8) Mylapore (9) Mandaveli (10) East Coat Road (11) Tambaram I (12) Tambaram II (13) East Tambaram
(14) Chengalpet (15) Kodambakkam (16) Koyambedu (17) Porur (18) West Mambalam (19) Madipakkam I (20)
Madipakkam II (21) Adambakkam (22) Velacherry – full details available in the college web page
b. Extra Curricular activities:
c. For conducting official meetings, seminars, symposium, guest lectures, etc., there are separate halls such as
Conference Halls, A/c Seminar Theatres, Auditoriums are available.
Banking facilities including 24x7 ATM (Union Bank) are available in the campus
Canteen facilities are available for staff and students and the service timings are:
Session From To
Morning 7.30 a.m. 8.15 a.m.
Lunch * 11.45 a.m. 1.40 p.m.
Evening 3.45 p.m. 5.00 p.m.
In addition to the above, snacks / hot beverages are also available in the campus stores / Kiosks
Note: In case of lab periods extending up to 3 periods, the ten-minute break can be positioned at the end of the lab period.
Hostel facilities are provided to both staff and students. There are one gents‟ hostels and two girls‟
hostels attached with dinning halls in addition to staff Guest Houses.
Sports fields are available for both Indoor and Outdoor games.
Indoor games - Billiards, Table Tennis, Badminton, Chess, Carom, Gym, etc,
Outdoor games – Basket ball, Volley ball, Hand Ball, Tennis, Hockey, Football, Cricket, etc,
ATM, Internet Café, Air / Train / Bus / Cab booking, Fax, Courier service, are available in the campus.
Internet connection is provided to each department to access on-line academic references. Wi-Fi
facility is available in the campus.
j Do’s and
Don’ts Do’s:
For Non-Teaching Technical and Admin staff 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. (i.e. from Monday to Friday).
Sunday is a Holiday.
To do additional hours of service as may be required, depending upon the exigency of the work
without claiming extra remuneration.
To ensure safe custody and return in good condition the Management properties such as files,
materials, documents or copies of any nature whatsoever belonging to the Management; failing
which the Management shall have the right to recover the cost of the items from the staff.
To be punctual.
To follow lesson plan.
To follow the procedures laid down in the ISO Manual. (ISO Manual is available in each department).
To monitor each student performance by conducting tests, giving assignments and to take
necessary measures to improve the level of performance.
To visit Central Library / Department Library to update knowledge. To utilize free hours in the library.
To make necessary alternative arrangements of their duties for engaging the classes / practical
sessions, before the staff goes on leave.
To provide information with regard to pursuing higher studies, additional qualification, change of
address with necessary proof to the Department of HRD for updation of the staff record.
To ensure that all research content of project, either by staff or student, remains the Intellectual
Property of Hindustan Group of Institutions at all times.
To provide information with regard to additional qualification, change of address with necessary
proof, to the Department of HRD for updating the individual staff record.
Do not use mobile phones in the Campus during the working hours
Do not take frequent leave, which disrupts the functioning of the department.
Do not violate the rules and regulations of the Institution that are in force from time to time.
- Henry Ford
Let us all join hands to work
And while we enjoy the working time and space
Let us bring immense joy to ourselves
And glory and accolades to Hindustan Group