A Premixing: MF-2056 Feed Manufacturing
A Premixing: MF-2056 Feed Manufacturing
A Premixing: MF-2056 Feed Manufacturing
A properly mixed
Premixing migrating to dead spots
feed should contain in the mixer. Further-
consistent levels of each more, dispersion can be
ingredient throughout reduced by this limited
the batch. The success quantity.
of the mixing process Dwight Armstrong, Ph.D. Premixing of micro-
depends on many fac- President, Carl S. Akey Inc. nutrients with a suitable
tors such as: type of carrier is a common
Keith Behnke, Ph.D
mixer, mixing time, Extension Specialist, Feed Manufacturing
method used to ensure
particle size variation, proper distribution of
binding agents, these nutrients in the
carryover from the pre- final feed. This dilution
vious mix, premixing of must be done accurately
micronutrients, se- and carefully under a
quence of ingredients strict quality control
added to mixer, se- Department of Grain Science and Industry program. Vitamins,
quencing of mixes, trace minerals, antibiot-
nutritional profile of the ics, mold inhibitors, and
mix, and quality assurance program. This bulletin flavors are predomi-
will address premixing and its importance to manu- nately added to feeds in the form of premixes. Inclu-
facturing a quality feed. sion rates of one to twenty pounds per ton of complete
Consider the example of a 2,000-pound batch that feed are common and depend on the mixing equip-
contains 1 gram of a microingredient. The ment available and type of feed being produced. Fig-
microingredient is the active ingredient and is critical ure 1 is a feed type profile sheet that helps define the
to the final mix and animal performance. If you add term premix in relationship to other feed components.
the microingredient directly to the batch, the 1-gram Premixing also helps reduce animal and human
quantity can be lost before or during mixing by be- exposure to potentially harmful compounds by dilut-
coming airborne or during mixing by becoming elec- ing them to approved and safe concentrations. Provid-
trostatically charged and clinging to the mixer or ing a safe and wholesome product is another
No Mixing Required Mix with Grain Mix with Grain Mix with Grain,
and Protein Source Protein Source,
Macro Minerals and
Miscellaneous Ingredients
Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service
important goal for any feed processor. FDA provides among nutritionists. Vitamin producers have made
strict guidelines for premixing certain compounds to efforts to maintain potency and stability of their prod-
ensure safety and potency. ucts by: synthesis of stable derivatives; addition of
Premixing is also used to standardize potency of stabilizing agents; coatings; absorption of liquid vita-
several products. This is widely used with fermenta- mins on suitable carriers; use of water-soluble or
tion products such as certain antibiotics and vitamins water dispersible forms; standardization of content;
that have variable potency coming out of the ferment- including some overage (2-10%); and providing high
ers. Standardizing potency of these products allows bioavailability.
for more efficient use in the feed manufacturing process. If wise decisions are made on types of carriers,
The premix process requires careful attention to packaging and storage times, and conditions, as well
each of the following to ensure success: as using quality vitamin suppliers, combinations of
■ formulation of premix vitamins and trace minerals are no problem. Conve-
■ selection of carriers or diluents nience, cost savings, and mixing efficiency can be the
■ use of dust control and binding agents advantages to such premixes containing both vitamins
■ type of mixer used and trace minerals.
■ sequence of ingredients added to the mixer
■ sequence of mixes and mixer clean-out Carriers or Diluents
■ selection of packaging material The purpose of a carrier is to physically accom-
■ labelling modate fine-powdered microingredients and provide
■ date coding a uniform distribution in the process. Rice hulls are a
■ storage commonly used carrier in vitamin premixes because
of their uniformity, pore shape, and degree of poros-
Formulation ity, which permits fine particle stabilization. Other
This initial step is extremely critical and should be common carriers include calcium carbonate, corn cob
done by a qualified nutritionist or other technically fractions, wheat midds, and corn distillers dried grain
trained person. Whether one is given a set of specifi- with solubles.
cations or is responsible to generate a set of them, this Diluents, on the other hand, are used to extend or
is a necessary first step. Many premixes are incorrect dilute the microingredients. They effectively act as a
because of improper interpretation on the part of the flow agent, affect the density of the mix, and provide
formulator. Many people, given the task of writing a volume to the premix. One of the most common
set of specifications, fail miserably at the job. Figure diluents used in a premix is calcium carbonate. Com-
2 is an example of information needed in a set of binations of various carriers are often used to obtain
specifications for a premix. desired bulk density, for cost considerations, and to
Proper conversions involving units of measure are maximize stability. The different carriers, diluents,
many times taken for granted. The conversion chart and their combinations are varied in their use depend-
provided in Figure 3 can prove useful. The formulator ing on the purpose of the premix and its inclusion use
also has to consider source of ingredients, bulk den- in the mixed feed.
sity and particle size variations of ingredients, cost Low priced premixes often use a high proportion
comparisons, handling characteristics, and possible of calcium carbonate and call for a high use level in
interactions before final decisions are made. Nutrient the mixed feed. Nutritionally, this could have a nega-
availability and potency of vitamins and minerals will tive effect on the calcium to phosphorus ratio and
vary between sources and these factors need to be thus, performance, even though it was a lower priced
considered in formulating high quality premixes. premix. Cost should not be the driving force in mak-
Some low cost vitamin sources have entered US ing a decision on which carrier or diluent to use.
markets at below market prices, but are of question- Rather, emphasis of these components in a premix
able quality and stability - sometimes these sources should be related to their ability to carry
are used in bid situations. A thorough knowledge as microingredients and their compatibility with other
to source and potency of the vitamin sources would ingredients and mixes.
be advisable.
Formulators must consider stability and possible Dust Control/Binding Agents
interactions when putting together their specifica- Fats and oils serve a very important function in
tions. Much discussion about the combination of vita- quality premixes. They act as an adhesive on the sur-
mins and trace minerals in the same premix continues face of a carrier to improve holding capacity of that
carrier for microingredients. Binding agents also re- microingredients will be added after the precondition-
duce dustiness, improve the integrity and uniformity ing phase to minimize oil balls and dustiness. De-
of the premix, and reduce electrostatic charges and pending on the specific makeup and characteristics of
random loss of microingredients. the premix, the addition sequence may have to be
Mineral oil, vegetable oils, and fats can all be used modified.
in selected premixes. Intended purpose of the premix,
type of carrier, amount of carrier, and cost of oil or fat Sequence of Mixes and Mixer Clean-out
all influence one’s choice. Mineral oil is the most Mixers do not completely empty and, therefore,
widely used dust control agent for concentrated present a potential carryover from one mix to the
premixes while other oils and fats are used in the next. Mixers vary in clean-out efficiency and steps
more diluted products. Many times the type and must be carried out to minimize the carryover from
amount of dust control/binding agent used is compro- one mix to the next. Physical clean-out using air or
mised because of cost competitiveness, which can brushes may be needed between mixes. In specific
result in poorer quality premixes. Some fats, if not situations, it may be necessary to flush the entire sys-
stabilized, can cause destruction of vitamins. tem with rice hulls between mixes to decrease con-
Application of oils to mixes under pressure to tamination.
create an atomized oil droplet is the preferred method Proper sequencing of mixes is a practical way to
of application. This will ensure uniform application minimize the potential negative effects of such a
and a better quality mix. carryover. Drugs that require a withdrawal and com-
pounds that are toxic to some species are prime ex-
Type of Mixer amples where sequencing is key. These feeds should
Horizontal or rotary drum mixers are necessary not be followed by mixes intended for market animals
for proper premixing because they handle better a or for mixes designed for animals that the previous
wide range of bulk densities, produce less friction mix contains ingredients that are not approved for, or
and, therefore, less heat in mineral mixes, and pro- are detrimental to that animal.
vide for a greater surface area exposure when adding All drug mixes should have a sequencing sched-
liquids. Ease of loading, suitability for applying liq- ule. Premix manufacturers especially must follow
uids, mixing efficiency, ease of discharge, and clean- strict sequencing even after proper clean-out as high
out requirements must all be considered. Short cuts in potency and potentially dangerous ingredients or
these areas can result in major problems. Manufactur- compounds are involved.
ing premixes is not the same as manufacturing com- In selecting a premix supplier, this quality proce-
plete feeds. The same equipment is not always dure of minimizing carryover from one mix to the
suitable for both, especially to ensure mix uniformity next is extremely important. Site visitation before
and minimize any carryover. making one’s final decision would be advisable.
are currently in force throughout the feed industry Many purchasers of premixes feel assaying the
that have helped standardize this area, however, each final product is their assurance of quality and value.
state controls internal feed sales and therefore, label- This approach can many times lead to frustration and
ing is also state regulated. Be sure all products are confusion for all involved. Table 1 shows normal
accompanied by a label. accepted analytical variations for various vitamins.
With such wide assay variances, it is impossible to
Date Coding judge the value and/or quality of a specific premix
This should be a uniform requirement in the in- with a specific sample. In addition, assay costs can be
dustry; however, it is not. Clear and easily determined a significant consideration. This problem with assay
date coding is useful in product rotation, biopotency variation is an increasing concern with regulatory
concerns, and expiration dates. Insist on a thorough agencies as standard procedures may not always ad-
explanation of the date coding used by your premix equately account for the level of the vitamins; for
supplier. example: cross-linked vitamin A is not detected by
standard assay procedures. When assays are required,
Storage one should be aware of analytical variations and do
everything possible to minimize these variations.
Purchasing of premixed products that are easily
Proper sampling, use of a reliable laboratory consis-
obtained should be done at least monthly. Stability
tently, having a routine sampling program, and prop-
and cash flow alone should dictate this approach. Dry,
erly rotating and storing the premixes will help
cool conditions are most desirable, and an effective
reduce assay variations.
insect and rodent control program must be a concern
in storage areas. High potency premixes can be ex-
pensive products; therefore, proper storage to ensure Summary
quality and your company’s investment is extremely Quality is best assured by working with suppliers
critical. For further information, see Bagged Ingredi- who adhere to the principles outlined in this bulletin.
ent Storage, MF 2040. Reputable quality premixers have in place a rigid
Several studies with properly formulated and quality assurance program, do not blend out the
blended vitamin and trace mineral premixes have overages supplied by the basic vitamin and drug
shown good stability up to 90 days in storage using manufacturers, and employ highly qualified technical
accepted analytic assays1. However, few situations people who provide or assist with premix formulation.
offer advantages to purchasing and storing premixes Premixing is an important part of a quality feed
for more than 30 days. Any savings for quantity pur- manufacturing process. It allows small inclusion nu-
chases have to be balanced with costs associated with trients or compounds to be more uniformly or safely
storage and possible stability concerns. distributed throughout the feed. Premixing is not a
simple process. If you do your own premixing, do it
Studies conducted by Carl S. Akey, Inc., for use by their quality
correctly. If you depend on others for some premixes,
assurance personnel. insist on quality and accuracy.
Rounding Ingredient
Comments _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
(A conversion chart is listed on the back of this sheet.)
Units Given Units Wanted Convert By Units Given Units Wanted Convert By
I. Proximate Analysis
Moisture 7.003, 7.007 12 3 to 40%
Protein 7.015, 7.021 (20/x + 2) 10 to 85%
7.025, 7.033
Fat 7.060, 7.063 10 3 to 20%
Fiber 7.066, 7.071 (30/x + 6) 2 to 30%
Ash 7.009 (45/x + 3) 2 to 88%
Pepsin digest, protein 7.053 13
Total sugar as invert 7.084 12 24 to 37%
NPN protein 7.038, 7.040 (80/x + 3) 7 to 60%
II. Minerals
Calcium 7.101 (14/x + 6) .5 to 25%
7.096 10 10 to 25%
12 < 10%
Phosphorous 7.123, 7.125 (3/x + 8) .5 to 20%
Auto anal.
Salt 7.106 (7/x + 5) .5 to 14%
7.104 (15/x +9) .5 to 14%
Fluorine 7.114, 7.115 40 ppm
Cobalt 7.096 25 .01 to .16%
Iodine 7.119, 7.120 40 ppm
Copper 7.096 25 .03 to 1%
30 < .03%
Magnesium 7.096 20 .01 to 15%
Iron 7.096 25 .01 to 5%
Manganese 7.096 30 .01 to 17%
Potassium 3.013, 3.044 15 .04 to 8%
Zinc 7.096 20 .002 to 6%
Selenium 3.102 25 ppm
Sodium a.a. 20 .2 to 4%
ICP 15 .2 to 4%
III. Vitamins
Vitamin A 43.008 30 1,200 to 218,000 IU/lb
Vitamin B12 43.175 45
Riboflavin 43.039, 43.209 30 1 to 1500 mg/lb
Niacin 43.048, 43.191 25 3 to 500 mg/lb
Pantothenic Acid 43.200, 33.205 25 4 to 190 mg/lb
IV. Drugs
Amprolium 42.011 20 .01 to .014%
Arsanilic Acid 42.033 20 .01 to .05%
Carbodox 42.047 20 .005 to .5%
Ethopabate 42.069 25 .004 to .04%
Furazolidone 42.075 25 .005 to .022%
Melengestrol Acetate 42.088 30 up to .07%
Nicarbazin 42.098 25 .01 to .02%
Nitarsone 42.035 30 .01 to .02%
Phenothiazine 42.135 20 .1 to .5%
Piperzine 42.137 25 .1 to .4%
Pyrantel Tartrate 42.142 25 .01%
Roxarsone 42.035, 42.160 25 .005 to .5%
Copied by permission: 1995 Official Publication, Association of American Feed Control Officials Inc. Rodney Noel, section editor.
Method References are from 14th Edition, AOAC Official Methods of Analysis.
X = % Guarantee. Example: For a 10-percent Protein Guarantee, AV% = (20/10 + 2) = 4% of Guarantee or 4.0%. This means the low AV is 4% of 10.
Therefore, a sample below 9.6% is not acceptable.
The ± signs have been removed from the AV table. The table denotes a true analytical variation and not a tolerance. They apply both above and below
the guarantee and are equally correct.
Table 1. Analytical Variations (AV) Based on AAFCO Check Sample Program (continued)
Brand names appearing in this publication are for product identification purposes only. No endorsement is intended,
nor is criticism implied of similar products not mentioned.
Publications from Kansas State University are available on the World Wide Web at: http://www.oznet.ksu.edu
Contents of this publication may be freely reproduced for educational purposes. All other rights reserved. In each case, credit Dwight Armstrong
and Keith Behnke, Premixing, Kansas State University, January 1996.
Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service
MF-2056 January 1996
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Kansas State University, County Extension Councils, Extension Districts, and United States Department of Agriculture Cooperating, Marc A. Johnson,