Scope and Sequence: Unit Theme Grammar Topics Avoid Common Mistakes
Scope and Sequence: Unit Theme Grammar Topics Avoid Common Mistakes
Scope and Sequence: Unit Theme Grammar Topics Avoid Common Mistakes
Avoid Common
Unit Theme Grammar Topics
PART 1 Social Cause and Effect
UNIT 1 Cause and Sentence Structure; Sentence Structure: Simple Avoiding fragments;
page 2 Effect 1: The Common Patterns and Compound Sentences avoiding cuz and coz
Environment and with Nouns That (p. 4) in written academic
You Show Cause Complex Sentences (p. 8) English; avoiding
Common Patterns with beginning sentences
Nouns That Show Cause with and in written
(p. 11) academic English
UNIT 3 Cause and Real and Unreal Present and Future Real Remembering the
page 28 Effect 3: Social Conditionals; Conditionals (p. 30) base form of the verb
Responsibility Common Phrases Present and Future Unreal following a modal;
with If and Unless Conditionals (p. 34) remembering the
Common Phrases with correct form of the
Unless and If (p. 37) modal in real and
unreal conditionals
UNIT 4 Cause and Effect -ing Participle -ing Participle Phrases That Remembering to
page 40 4: Alternative Phrases and Verbs Show Effect (p. 42) use result in and
Energy Sources That Show Cause -ing Participle Phrases That result from correctly;
and Effect Show Cause (p. 44) remembering subject-
Verbs That Show Cause verb agreement with
and Effect (p. 46) contribute to
UNIT 6 Comparison and Complex Noun Complex Noun Phrases Remembering parallel
page 62 Contrast 2: Men, Phrases; Parallel (p. 64) structure
Women, and Structure; Common Parallel Structure (p. 67)
Equality Quantifiers Common Quantifiers
(p. 70)
UNIT 15 Problem– Adverb Clauses and Adverb Clauses of Purpose Avoiding the plural
page 168 Solution 3: Infinitives of Purpose; and Infinitives of Purpose with for example;
Health and Reduced Adverb (p. 170) avoiding a comma
Technology Clauses; Vocabulary Reducing Adverb Clauses before so that
to Describe Problems to Phrases (p. 174)
and Solutions Common Vocabulary to
Describe Problems and
Solutions (p. 177)
UNIT 19 Persuasion 2: Noun Clauses with Noun Clauses with Wh- Avoiding whether to
page 214 Living in an Age Wh- Words and If / Words and If / Whether express a condition;
of Information Whether; Phrases for (p. 216) remembering to spell
Overload Argumentation Phrases for Argumentation whether correctly
(p. 219)
Index I1
Art Credits I8