Scope and Sequence: Unit Theme Grammar Topics Avoid Common Mistakes

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Scope and Sequence

Avoid Common
Unit Theme Grammar Topics
PART 1 Social Cause and Effect
UNIT 1 Cause and Sentence Structure; Sentence Structure: Simple Avoiding fragments;
page 2 Effect 1: The Common Patterns and Compound Sentences avoiding cuz and coz
Environment and with Nouns That (p. 4) in written academic
You Show Cause Complex Sentences (p. 8) English; avoiding
Common Patterns with beginning sentences
Nouns That Show Cause with and in written
(p. 11) academic English

UNIT 2 Cause and Effect Subordinators Subordinators and Remembering the

page 16 2: Consumer and Prepositions Prepositions That Show correct preposition in
Behavior That Show Cause; Cause, Reason, or Purpose expressions with cause,
Transition Words and (p. 18) result, and effect;
Common Patterns Transition Words and remembering of in
with Nouns That Phrases That Show Effect because of
Show Effect (p. 21)
Common Patterns with
Nouns That Show Effect
(p. 24)

UNIT 3 Cause and Real and Unreal Present and Future Real Remembering the
page 28 Effect 3: Social Conditionals; Conditionals (p. 30) base form of the verb
Responsibility Common Phrases Present and Future Unreal following a modal;
with If and Unless Conditionals (p. 34) remembering the
Common Phrases with correct form of the
Unless and If (p. 37) modal in real and
unreal conditionals

UNIT 4 Cause and Effect -ing Participle -ing Participle Phrases That Remembering to
page 40 4: Alternative Phrases and Verbs Show Effect (p. 42) use result in and
Energy Sources That Show Cause -ing Participle Phrases That result from correctly;
and Effect Show Cause (p. 44) remembering subject-
Verbs That Show Cause verb agreement with
and Effect (p. 46) contribute to

Scope and Sequence   iii

Avoid Common
Unit Theme Grammar Topics
PART 2 Human Behavior Comparison and
UNIT 5 Comparison Identifying Identifying Relative Clauses Avoiding omitting the
page 50 and Contrast 1: Relative Clauses; (p. 52) relative pronoun in
Family Size and Comparatives with Comparatives with As . . . subject relative clauses;
Personality As . . . As; Common As (p. 56) avoiding the same than
Patterns That Show Common Patterns That
Contrast Contrast Show Contrast (p. 59)

UNIT 6 Comparison and Complex Noun Complex Noun Phrases Remembering parallel
page 62 Contrast 2: Men, Phrases; Parallel (p. 64) structure
Women, and Structure; Common Parallel Structure (p. 67)
Equality Quantifiers Common Quantifiers
(p. 70)

UNIT 7 Comparison Comparative Comparative and Avoiding using both

page 74 and Contrast 3: and Superlative Superlative Adjectives and more and -er in
Family Values Adjectives and Adverbs (p. 76) comparisons; avoiding
in Different Adverbs; Articles; Articles (p. 81) using most before
Cultures Common Expressions Common Expressions That nouns; remembering
That Show Similarity Show Similarity (p. 85) the in the same as

UNIT 8 Comparison Adverb Clauses Adverb Clauses of Contrast Avoiding another in

page 88 and Contrast of Contrast and and Concession (p. 90) on the other hand;
4: Intercultural Concession; Transition Words and avoiding but in
Communication Transition Words Phrases That Show sentences with adverb
and Phrases That Contrast and Concession clauses of concession
Show Contrast and (p. 93)
PART 3 Society and Narrative
UNIT 9 Narrative 1: The Past Perfect; Past Past Perfect and Past Remembering to use
page 98 American Dream Modals; Common Perfect Progressive (p. 100) the past participle with
Time Clauses Past Modals and Modal- the past perfect
like Expressions (p. 103)
Common Time Clauses
(p. 107)

UNIT 10 Narrative 2: Demonstratives; Demonstratives (p. 114) Remembering to use

page 112 Immigration Common Time Common Time Signals this/that with singular
Signals (p. 117) nouns and these/those
with plural nouns

iv    Scope and Sequence

Avoid Common
Unit Theme Grammar Topics
PART 4 Business Classification and
UNIT 11 Classification The Passive; The Passive (p. 124) Remembering to
page 122 and Definition 1: Common Words Common Words put the adverb after
Job Interviews and Phrases Used to and Phrases Used in the modal in passive
Classify Classification Writing sentences
(p. 128)

UNIT 12 Classification The Language The Language of Definition Remembering to

page 134 and Definition 2: of Definition; (p. 136) use the correct
Your Ideal Job Appositives Appositives (p. 139) form in definitions;
remembering to use
who only with animate
PART 5 Nutrition and Problem–Solution
UNIT 13 Problem– Present Perfect and Present Perfect and Avoiding the plural
page 144 Solution 1: Food Present Perfect Present Perfect Progressive with noncount nouns;
and Technology Progressive; Noun (p. 146) avoiding this in the fact
Phrase Structures Common Noun Phrase that
Structures (p. 150)

UNIT 14 Problem– Reporting Verbs; Reporting Verbs (p. 158) Remembering to use

page 156 Solution 2: Adverb Clauses Adverb Clauses and the base form of be
Children and and Phrases with Phrases with As (p. 161) after modals in the
Health As; Vocabulary Common Vocabulary for passive
for Describing Describing Information in
Information in Graphics (p. 164)

UNIT 15 Problem– Adverb Clauses and Adverb Clauses of Purpose Avoiding the plural
page 168 Solution 3: Infinitives of Purpose; and Infinitives of Purpose with for example;
Health and Reduced Adverb (p. 170) avoiding a comma
Technology Clauses; Vocabulary Reducing Adverb Clauses before so that
to Describe Problems to Phrases (p. 174)
and Solutions Common Vocabulary to
Describe Problems and
Solutions (p. 177)

UNIT 16 Problem– It Constructions; It Constructions (p. 184) Remembering to or

page 182 Solution 4: Transition Words to Common Transition Words for after impossible;
Leading a Indicate Steps of a to Indicate Steps of a avoiding than to
Healthy Life Solution Solution (p. 189) introduce next steps

Scope and Sequence   v

Avoid Common
Unit Theme Grammar Topics
PART 6 Social Issues Summary–Response
and Technology and Persuasion
UNIT 17 Summary– Past Unreal Past Unreal Conditionals Remembering to use
page 194 Response: Conditionals; Phrases (p. 196) the past participle after
Privacy in the Used in Summary– Common Phrases Used modals in past unreal
Digital Age Response Writing in Summary–Response conditionals
Writing (p. 200)

UNIT 18 Persuasion 1: Nonidentifying Nonidentifying Relative Remembering the

page 204 Violence in the Relative Clauses; Clauses (p. 206) relative pronoun in
Media Phrases That Limit Phrases That Limit nonidentifying relative
Overgeneralization Overgeneralization (p. 210) clauses; avoiding
that in nonidentifying
relative clauses

UNIT 19 Persuasion 2: Noun Clauses with Noun Clauses with Wh- Avoiding whether to
page 214 Living in an Age Wh- Words and If / Words and If / Whether express a condition;
of Information Whether; Phrases for (p. 216) remembering to spell
Overload Argumentation Phrases for Argumentation whether correctly
(p. 219)

UNIT 20 Persuasion 3: Expressing Future Expressing Future Actions Remembering when

page 224 Social Media Actions; Common (p. 226) to use the noun or
Words and Phrases in Common Words and verb forms of claim
Persuasive Writing Phrases in Persuasive and argue; avoiding
Writing (p. 230) according for and
according with

Index I1
Art Credits I8

vi    Scope and Sequence

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